#also 3 was similar with the mind probe
arrancxr · 7 months
23 for Starrk, please?
(Also as a side note, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your xeno headcanons for the Arrancar’s genitals. As a nonbinary trans man, it just makes me happy to see. Thank you!)
((Thank you!! I'm glad you're enjoying them!! I've gotten similar comments a couple of times now, and it's always very jkshg to know people find that kind of joy and validation in my work. >3>))
23. “My baby, you did so well.”
The first touch along the edge of his mask has Starrk’s body snapping to attention— not quite out of fear (a foreign concept, when no one’s jaws would have ever got this close), but a sudden, acute awareness of sensation against a place that could very easily hurt. He trusts you, of course, but Hollow instincts tend to have other ideas about what’s safe to allow.
You’ve handled his mask before, but in the soft, sweet moments of intimacy where he’s already nearly purring with bliss. Not mere seconds after pulling back from a long, messy kiss that left him worked up enough to be all but grinding into your ass, hot all over, and anticipating more. 
“Too much?” you ask. The novelty of your worry never quite wears off; as strong as he is, there’s nothing you could do to cause real damage. 
“It’s fine. Keep going.”
Starrk’s hands go to your waist. His hips roll up in search of friction, and you shift a little in response. There’s something almost funny about tipping his head back to bare his throat, willingly submitting to a human’s touch, but while his mind is fogged with pleasure, Starrk hardly cares.
After a few moments of caressing the jagged teeth at the base of his throat, though, your touch wanders lower. Gentle, still, and moving slow enough to give him warning— not that it makes the touch any less intense.
Even the lightest brush of contact against the edge of his Hollow hole is almost unbearable. The flash of momentary, instinctive panic soon fades, though— overshadowed by pleasure when you grind down into his lap. “Good boy,” you purr, probing a little deeper past the void’s edge. “You’re so good, trusting me like this. I’ll stop as soon as you need me to, okay?”
Starrk’s only reply is a strangled whine. Through whatever screwed-up signals are firing right now, the near-violating touch against the inside of his Hollow hole is feeding into his arousal. His body thinks it’s pinned, helpless, and feeling so acutely vulnerable adds an unfamiliar thrill.
Even if he’s never needed to fear being held at the mercy of something stronger, a Hollow baring its throat and inviting attention to its weak spots is nothing short of suicidally stupid. All he’s doing is opening himself up to get hurt, and yet, the oh-so-careful brush of your fingertips across solidified darkness has him going limp and trusting, arching helplessly into the touch.
Time liquifies for a while, until your fingers finally recede. He’s trembling all over, achingly hard, too oversensitive to tell if he came at some point in that haze of sensation or not. He can hardly think, and yet—
“My baby, you did so well,” you tell him, nails scratching sweetly at the scruff on his chin. More sounds tempting, if it means you’ll keep saying that.
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micamicster · 3 months
Micaaaaaa I am in need of a good TV show. IWTV left me craving for some good writing, please help 💙 I know some of your all-time favourites are Black Sails and The Wire, I gave them a try, but I'm afraid they're a bit too bleak for me :(( Any good recs?
Bestie this is a great question and im honestly a terrible person to direct it to because the truth is I really don't watch a ton of tv! But I'm gonna do my best!
Beneath the cut find a list of shows I think are particularly well written, divided into vague and confusing categories based on how similar to iwtv they might seem?
<3 <3 <3
(Totally get Black Sails and the Wire feeling too heavy. The wire in particular is imo the single most upsetting thing thats ever been put on television so I completely get not being up for it. But if anyone else is looking for shows I think are really well written those would be good places to start! Black Sails would be my first rec for iwtv fans tbh)
Dramas with syfy/fantasy elements:
Russian Doll: for literally anyone other than you (who's already watched it!) this would be my number one rec. One of the best (and specifically best written) shows of all time, has those spec fic surrealist elements, combines comedy and drama, just love it.
Andor: I know, I was surprised too. But despite being a star wars tv show it actually has writers that do a? good? job? And Diego Luna is spectacular. (If black sails was too grim this might also feel that way given our knowledge of the main character's fate, but it might be worth checking out anyway)
I forgot what i was going to put here
Not sf:
Reservation Dogs: Taika Watiti can be hit or miss for me, but this show is the best of his particular combination of humor and pathos. Also he's just really good at writing kids? (I would be remiss if I didn't point out that he has been (rightfully!) criticized for the antiblackness of couple of minor characters who appropriate black culture pretty egregiously, iirc they don't feature after season 1? But it is a flaw to be aware of). Why didn't I put this with the sitcoms? My mind is mysterious even to me
Bad Sisters: great 1 season irish show about a group of sisters trying to murder their sister's abusive husband. Again a really strong writing combo of humor and genuine emotion!
The Get Down: still not over this cancellation it hurt me in ways I can't even begin to explain... anyway a great show about the birth of rap in 70s nyc with beautifully thought out costumes, music, writing, visual style <3
The Americans: two russian spys undercover as an american suburban couple in the 80s is actually a vehicle for a probing exploration of marriage and intimacy. Also pretty grim (the cold war. yeah.) so idk if it would be for you.
The Knick: nobody ever watches this when I rec it because it's too gorey but I don't care! I love it! Period drama about a public hospital in early 1900s new york.
Sitcoms!: (sorry I know you've watched half of these just wanted to include them in case anyone else looked at this list!)
Derry Girls: this show is just hit after hit. Best written show about teens in the world!
We Are Lady Parts: See this entire blog. Genuinely one of the best shows ever made
American Vandal: Ok technically this is more of a mockumentary than a sitcom but i wasn't sure where else to put it. Season one in particular is some of the best tv show writing I've ever watched it is perfect in every way!
MASH: 70s sitcom about a US military field hospital during the Korean War. At its best it's hysterically funny, absurdist, and bitingly furiously anti-war. (At its worst it's racist, sexist, and boring. It was the 70s) This show was a cultural phenomenon, but it has literally over 200 episodes so I would recommend just googling for a best-of list and watching a handful to see if it works for you.
Atlanta: Donald Glover's surrealist sitcom about trying to manage his cousin's rap career in Atlanta. That's such a bad explanation of what this show is about i'm sorry but I'm not sure how to do better.
Shows I've watched between 1 episode and 1 season of, thought to myself "wow! this show is amazing!" but can't in good conscience recommend because I never really watched enough of them to qualify as an expert:
The Sopranos: everyone says it's the best tv show of all time and i watched season one, said wow they're right! and still haven't managed to get back to it! The pilot itself is so fucking funny like... mobster goes to therapy for his anxiety had to have been the pitch of all time
Station eleven: LOVED the book, heard really good things about the tv show, thought the pilot was amazing, got busy and couldn't finish it.
Babylon Berlin: this has the darkly romantic, opulent qualities of iwtv so it might be for you! Unfortunately I've seen less than half of it so I can't promise it doesn't go off the rails.
Breaking Bad: people are right! it's good! It's also (at least in season one, the only season I've watched so far) like someone made a slapstick comedy about a man cooking meth. In a good way!
You might want to just watch a couple gothic romances to scratch that iwtv itch! Check out an adaptation of Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights!
WOW this is too hard. Just watch supernatural i guess
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forgottenthreads · 4 months
My white whale of Humans are Space orcs.... There's definitely a concept in here but I don't have a good finish if anyone wants to reblog and run with it I wanna see where it goes
There was something odd going on in the sol system, it wasn't the radio waves or the occasional probes that worried the galactic community this was fairly normal for emerging species. No the oddness was the star changing colour. Once a small fairly unremarkable yellow green star was missing a huge section of its spectral emissions.
They watched and listened to the extraneous data and then the system fell silent.
Rushing across the stars several species were in attendance to the presumed cataclysm wishing to render aid hoping the new species hadn't self-destructed a rare but real occurrence.
Only one of the species could be called anything close to humanoid, with trilateral symmetry the creature stood a meter tall with 6 legs and 3 arms each with 3 fingers or toes and 3 joints topped by a head with 3 eyes each pointing in a different direction. Tertia
Another alien was more cepheloid, 12 long tentacles spreading out from a central mass each one terminated by a pair of almost reptilian red eyes, the closest earth species might be starfish spider mashup. Astra
The third was suspended from the ceiling in a comfortable environment, they seemed to float and bounce off each surface like a balloon only occasionally pressing themselves against the glass to get a better sense of the environment, they were indistinguishable in some ways from a volleyball with a mind of it's own. Wiz
There were others connected by telepresence to the conference some were of shared evolutionary trees with those presents but many were not and there were species in absentia because of environmental factors like a lack of gravity or an inability to sustain the necessary pressures.
It took a few moments to share the relevant data before the computer started providing translated greetings
Astra: I've been looking at the data as we get closer to the system any star in the shadow of the system has a similar shift in colour to sol with varying intensity, I believe the effect is centred at Sol with a radius around 1 Quetta.
Wiz: So whatever it is remains in system. Have we detected any residual transmissions from the humans?
Astra: radio? No but light, yes. I've detected light consistent with artificial lighting on sol 2, sol 3 and it's primary, sol 4, many of the bodies in sol 5 and even the primary, secondary, tertiary and quandary of sol 6.
Tertia: It seems the density of sol 5 and the rings of sol 6 are significantly different from our previous observations and the transmitted data that we intercepted from the local species. I also agree with the analysis of one Quetta, the colour distortion means this may be a shell of some sort at that distance
Wiz: should we proceed with the expedition to that distance?
Tertia: I recommend slowing down a shell could pose significant risk but we should continue, the shell might not be continuous
Astra: there must be some of the shell between us and the primary or we'd detect no colour change, given that we've never detected a reversion only a gradual increase of the effect I suspect we're looking at at least one continuous layer perhaps several but not discontinuous sections.
Tertia: I will look at your data.
Wiz: slow to a stop within one exa of the boundary and then make a new determination?
Several of the extant membership of the conference provided data for Tertia and Astra and there was a short vote before the fleet of 10 ships began to decelerate.
It took another few months to close the gap and as they did the effect seemed to amplify nearest to them almost blotting out sol and all data from the system.
An aquatic alien requested the second full conference.
Marina with excitement the moment everyone was there: algae
Wiz: what?
Astra: you.... Hmmm... ?!
Marina: it's growing in response to our engine output, literally growing, there's a biofilm out there absorbing usable parts of the spectrum to sustain life. It's an algae bloom
Tertia: conjecture and supposition
Astra: that could explain the visible anomaly but the radio?
Marina: that might be down to thickness or structure, or even materials, tHN or dHO based life from would naturally block some of the most common frequency bands this species chose.
Astra: plausible
Tertia: where is your evidence?
Marina: gut instinct, I recognise this effect, we see it around volcanoes and hot methane vents as well as older technologies.
Wiz: your objection has been noted Tertia... If this is a biofilm we might be significantly out on our estimates to distance, can anyone do a hull contamination screen? We might have hit something already.... It doesn't hurt to check and it could confirm the theory.
Tertia huffs
AI: analysis complete several species of microbiota have been detected, carbon based, ribonucleosides, dihydrogen monoxide, chlorophylls.
Marina: I think that is conclusive, we should be able to swim right through the bubble without much impedance.
Wiz: so long as we don't accelerate too hard I'd agree.
Astra: the biology is fascinating, it looks like there are several species working in concert to make the biofilm, there's something analogous to algae, absorbing many frequencies of light and creating energy dense hydrocarbons, another turns the hydrocarbons into heat to maintain liquid dHO, a third species seems specialised in transporting suspended particles while a fourth provides a chitinous layer to protect from vacuum. There are several minor species too who's roles can't be easily identified. This may be the answer to why the star turned green. But how and why it got here?
Tertia: It must have come from in system the nearest recorded carbon based life is several systems away, and if it'd come here from there this wouldn't be the first infection we'd seen
Marina: I wonder where the materials are coming from, a biofilm even a few kilo to giga thick is going to require a massive source of core materials, Hydrogen might be captured from stellar wind but carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, those are limited in interplanetary medium
Tertia: at this distance there should be an accumulation of space debris, from pebbles to comets. They might have provided a transport mechanism from the inner system and materials.
Astra: and the captured dHO is likely what's blocking local radio signals, the local's preferred frequencies tend to be in the right range for that to provide significant attenuation.
Wiz: so this may be a misunderstanding rather than a problem? Do we continue?
Tertia: I think we have to, even if it's an accident the danger this poses to us is clear we don't want the film infecting other systems preventing communication and it might be causing the locals issues we cannot detect from here.
Astra: I agree, if this has infected the asteroid belt and inner system it could provide significant impairment to advancing past K1 and joining the galactic community.
*it would take a few months to pass through the layers of biofilm and a week to thoroughly decontaminate the assembled fleet before acceleration into the system and then decelerating to planetary speeds between Saturn and Jupiter.The rings of Saturn looked highly contaminated and Jupiter's 4 moons had their own traffic independent of the rocky worlds, several vehicles were recorded traveling between asteroid's in the belt and between the inner rocky worlds, there were even transmissions detected from the inner system, several directed at them. There were still locals in the system.*
Wiz: well that answers if there's any survivors. Do we have any translations yet?
AI: there are several sources, one is sending prime numbers. Another is the Messier 13 transmission. There's encoded voices in several languages. The aggregate message is "we are human who are you?" Though I should highlight these signals are largely ... unauthorized. No official transmissions have been received.
Wiz: it's not a question of if we reply but what we reply.
Tertia: there are several prepared responses to Messier 13 in the library
Astra: I think we should just communicate we're intelligent and let them take the lead
Wiz: so not "we come in peace" then!
Astra: only if you want us blasted, probably irradiated I'm picking up trace evidence of both fission and fusion on several planets in the inner system as well as several of their craft.
Tertia: looks like 3A is the primary home though 3B, 4 and 5A-F all have ongoing communication of some sort, 1 and 2 are harder to determine given our angle, while 6B-E are communicating with each other but not the rest, it's mostly local communication but we are still picking up reflected signals. Here and there
Marina: looks like there are several locations which may be sources for the biofilm we encountered, I think either one of the orbital structures in the 3 system or one of the 5 series objects are most likely.
Tertia: or any of the other vehicles or an accidental contaminant from any mission. An impact, a comet...
Wiz: Tertia!
Marina: most likely doesn't rule out other possibilities. I'll admit my data has error bars, but a comet would be a reasonable transportation method from inner system to where we encountered the stuff, unless it was deliberately put there.
AI: we are recieving an incoming transmission from joint space agencies and multiple global authorities, an observatory 37.76 degrees off axis. There are a series of bootstraped communication and then
Humanity: on behalf of the people of humanity I the leader of the united nations formally acknowledge your arrival to our solar system. We request your orbit remains beyond our 5th Planet, Jupiter
AI interjecting: according to our records they mean planet system 6 but it is not possible to reconcile the error in their counting
Humans: while we establish a diplomatic dialogue. If you wish to contact us we have reserved this frequency and have several of our recieving stations tuned in. We are preparing a series of messages to be sent periodically.
Astra: is it possible to create a similar sort of packet to bootstrap translation on their side?
Tertia: how accurate is the bootstrap compared to our historical records of their transmissions?
AI: Yes, but it is advised to pick a single language for this side of the discussion. The error rate between the historical records and their broadcast is between 10 and 30 percent, often these errors are made for simplicity but there has been time for their language to evolve during the voyage after their blackout.
Wiz: pick the language that is most similar to their own and prepare a response. Meanwhile we should decide on a course
The next few days were a flurry of messages between the crews of the assembled ships and humanity. Messages taking many minutes to broadcast, as much as an hour to be received and then hours to decide debated on both sides before replies were generated. Very few of the crew got uninterrupted rest for their desired sleep periods. Only Wiz was able to remain alert the whole time.
Aliens: we came because your system seemed to be undergoing some sort of disaster
Humanity: disaster?
Aliens: do you not see how the light from the rest of the universe is tinted?
Humanity: we thought that was an accumulation of errors within our equipment and methodology, we simply recalibrated our instrumentation
Aliens: Your star looks green to the rest of the galaxy, we were curious to why but your civilization went silent from our perspective
Humanity: silent? How so, we haven't changed anything about our transmissions if anything we're getting louder
Aliens: none of your transmissions were escaping your system
Humanity: do you know why?
Aliens: we passed through a section of bio-active material within your outer system. Details enclosed
Humanity: stand by
Humanity: stand by
Humanity: stand by
Humanity: this looks like Lichen in some ways. Lichen is an organism that's made up of fungi and algae, details enclosed, perhaps fused with another species or two or massive mutation. We had an accident with our ISS before it's decommission nearly a century ago. Loss of pressure may have lead to lichen being in orbit of earth.
Aliens: this seems to match our observations and samples well. We need to prevent the infection from leaving your system and contaminating other stars.
Humanity: we understand your concerns. We are worried about the impact this may have had within our own system on our neighbouring planets. But we do not have the ability to substantially help.
Aliens: stand by
Humanity: do you have any suggestions?
Aliens: several, are we permitted to tie into your information grid? It would help us assess what technology you can assist with.
Humanity: that troubles us.
Aliens: any method for removing the infestation would necessarily be a potential weapon on a scale you are not yet capable of. We wish to fully evaluate your species to see if we should share our tech or if your own species has speculated on something we could use.
Humanity: we understand, but it is one sided, we would like to see your available data.
Aliens: we can make our cultural archives available for you to study via the same network connection and we will also leave you with a duplicate of this data when we leave the system.
Humanity: agreed
Aliens: we suggest building a stellaser array to target locations on paths to existing stars in the short term and a collection of small craft that could collect materials in the "Oort cloud" and also autoclave any collected bio matter
Humanity: we don't necessarily have the ability to create the control systems for those things. Also the building of those satellites and craft is going to take a long time.
Aliens: we can help. We have an AI which could model and design the whole process including designing control systems, see attached
Aliens: we repeat, we can help. We have an AI which could model and design the whole process including control systems, see attached.
AI: several intercepted transmissions are concerned about our intentions and capabilities having shared such powerful technology several instances of the plans being retransmitted from seemingly unauthorised parties have been recorded.
And that's where my brain runs out of steam after working on this for like 6 weeks (this was the big one I posted about before)
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ectogeo-art · 5 months
Dying to know if Sub Rosa sloanshir is just the phrase or if it's related to the TNG ep...!
(WIP ask game)
Thanks for asking, hehe! It's def related to the TNG ep. XD It's not 1:1 but it very much involves trying to craft a scenario in which Sloan's ghost is haunting Julian Bashir and manipulating him with sex dreams, lmao. <3 It also draws on elements of other Star Trek possession plots, bc I'm unoriginal.
So! Sloan dies in Extreme Measures, we all saw it happen. But WHAT IF he had a backup plan to use similar tech as was used in The Passenger to stow himself away in Julian Bashir's mind? Surely Julian touched his skin at some point after he'd died, maybe to remove the mind probe thingy or maybe while moving the body or something, idk, this is tbd (need to rewatch the episode lol).
Anyway, the fic is set post-canon. Julian and Ezri break up immediately and Julian heads to Cardassia. He lives with Garak, and they are locked into a mutual pining stalemate. The Garashir tension is obvs insane, and so it doesn't really faze Julian when he starts having weirdly lucid sex dreams where he can't see who he's sleeping with. (Maybe whoever it is is behind him, or maybe he's blindfolded in the dream, or maybe the lights are out in the dream, or maybe whatever the reasoning is in Sub Rosa, who knows. This is also tbd.)
Eventually Sloan starts figuring out how to control Julian's body more completely and Garak starts to realize something's very wrong. And then, in some order, they gotta defeat Sloan and they gotta kiss each other on the mouth. I have some ideas, but the outline gets very iffy there in the middle/end lmao. I've written about 3k words so far, which is A LOT for me.
Here's how the fic starts, pending me rewatching the ep to see if this makes sense (I think this fic will be funniest if it's canon compliant, so that is a high priority lmao).
Sloan was lying dead on the table. Julian knew that if they hadn’t captured him and made him feel so cornered, Sloan would still be alive. But he didn’t feel any guilt. Only relief that his reckless plan hadn’t gotten anyone but Sloan killed.
He waved off the nurse who was trying to scan him, and went across the room to Sloan’s deathbed. 
Julian began peeling the electrodes away from Sloan’s temples. He didn’t intend to let the Romulan mind probe get confiscated and investigated. But as soon as the pads of his fingers alit on Sloan’s skin, he jumped back like he’d been shocked.
“What’s wrong?”
For a millisecond, the cold skin of Sloan’s corpse had felt warm, like a lightning bolt of heat had flashed through it. But when he reached out again, he didn’t notice anything strange about the temperature of the body.
“Nothing. I’m just imagining things.”
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libbee · 2 years
Projections and astrology
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This is something I have observed that who you are as a person and what people perceive you as are two very different things. For eg, in one case a native has south node/ketu in 7th house. This makes their partner emotional disinterested, both partners spend long time away from each other, don't talk to each other much and the marriage is just hollow. Despite this reality, the external world thinks that they have a normal marriage, they communicate daily, they are normal loving couple. I wondered why this is the case until I realized that people are projecting their own unconscious onto the native and their partner.
2. Have you heard a quote "don't care about your reputation but care about your character. Your reputation is who people think you are but character is who you actually are". This applies to astrology so much. Who you actually are -- see from your birth chart. How people see you -- their synastry with you, their unconscious projections on you and especially your energy you emit.
3. Earlier I thought that "synastry" is something that only happens in romantic relationships. But you have a synastry with everyone. The stranger on the bus has synastry with you. Sometimes we see a person behaving rudely to others but nicely to some people. They must have friendly synastry with these people. I am not making it up, I know with astrology we always have to be cautious as to not making superstitious and fanatical statements but this is something you can see for yourself. For eg, I am venus in 8th house and my mom is venus in scorpio in 2nd house. Yes, we are both similar water venusian and we are more like competitors than mother-daughter. Envy, jealousy, control, possession, mind reading, projection and something weirdly sexual is there in the way we perceive each other. I feel ashamed of my sexuality around my mom. It is like we are both outdoing each other in who is more desirable by men.
4. Similarly I have seen people getting bad treatment, bullying and insensitivity from others for no reason. But if probe deeper, they will admit they feel envious, insecure and inferior around this person so they belittle them to feel good about themselves. This happens to 8th house placements. They can be minding their own business and people come out of nowhere, say something insensitive or treat them badly. 8th house natives have to be so guarded, it's really sad. People project their own self loathing on these natives.
5. Similarly I have seen people being praised, held highly, treated with too much respect even if they did not earn it with a lot of hard work. Some people are highly respected by society for no reason while some are highly disrespected for no reason. I have seen people with bad traits being treated positively by others. Somehow people perceive them as good and project their own goodness on bad people.
6. Similarly not everyone is meant for same life theme. This changed my outlook towards life. I would sit sulking why xyz happened to someone else but did not happen to me? Why them not me? Until I realized that I have a unique life theme.
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7. Look up the second para in the above attached picture. "If you fulfill the pattern that is peculiar to yourself" -- see, not everyone is meant for everything in life. Not everyone is meant to become a superstar or sportsperson or millionaire or astronaut. What are you meant for? Think, observe, intuit, journal your life, know your emotional patterns, identify your emotions and see how each emotion directs your behaviour. This is how I know to "figure out what I am meant for in my life". For eg, if I always gossip about others, judge others, belittle others, why am i doing this behaviour? How do they make me feel? Do I feel inferior, insecure, little, inadequate, ashamed of myself?
8. It is also important to beware that the media and content you consume does not normalize such behaviour.
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Remember these clips? How do you see these people? How do you see their expressions, body language and behaviour? Are they toxic people...? Err, but this is called "queen, sassy, cool" behaviour. Imagine being the target of such people in real life, that's gotta hurt. Especially to water dominant individuals. I must say you have to be very cautious of what you consume in media. Although it feels like entertainment and mindless, but you subconsciously learn what you consume.
9. Similarly, I have seen that there are individuals for whom toxic behaviour is actually normal behaviour. It reminds me of the narcissistic family trees. Fire and air sign placements can be really distanced from their emotions. As a result, they tend to be insensitive, enabler of toxicity and protagonist of toxic behaviour which even becomes family traits. Somewhere down the generation, some kids are born who end up realizing how fucked up their family tree is and they become the "cycle breakers". Having water house or sign placement is very important to trigger "cycle breaker". I once saw an astro observation "Aries sign are the cycle breaker in their family. They can rise from nothing and change the family pattern". If material patterns, yes they might because they tend to be self centered, assertive, self promoter, grandiose in public eye. But in emotional ways, hell no, unless they have significant water placements to trigger self destruction.
10. "Destiny" has definitely something to do with your ancestors. What your ancestors did in their life determines the kind of life you will live too. Good fortune and misfortune are not just your own karma. It has to do with the collective karma of your bloodline, even if you dont know who your ancestors were. So be very mindful of what you do in your life unless you want your descendants to suffer because of what you did to self gratify. But sadly, the kind of audience who will read this post on tumblr is already part of demographic who are not abusive and toxic (I hope) because I have seen a lot of people being very much into spirituality and self improvement on tumblr. The actual audience is the one who dont know tumblr exists and keep abusing others for the sake of power, dominance, ego, material fulfillment.
11. Material fulfillment is not a bad thing by the way. Show me one person who wants to be dirt poor. The purpose of life is to literally create something. Art, music, books, engineering, food, gardening, literally anything and everything. Just try to spend one month doing nothing, living in streets and say goodbye to money, just see what happens to your mental health. You will become so depressed and darkened. Material security is very important part of mental health. So I do not believe in "money cannot buy you happiness" propaganda. They are either very ignorant of their own privilege or very insecure of their scarcity. Money can buy you happiness. It definitely does. Moreover, "happiness" does not even mean anything. For that we have to know what being happy means. "Happiness" is a fleeting emotion.
12. I think that career is the most important thing in a person's life. It determines everything about you. Even a monk is a "monk". That is their career. Even a priest is a "priest". That is their career. Show me one person who has no career and is still content with their life, unless they inherit money, financed by someone else, are housewife (controversial topic), or get lucky with a family business or gambling or illegal ways to make money. Even then it is their 10th house being active, triggering a career, their 11th house triggering income, their 2nd house triggering wealth and savings, their 8th house triggering other people's money come to them. All the famous people we know are known for their careers. Scientist, businessmen, artists, celebrities, kings and queens, everything is a career even if they are not "employed" by a job letter. Think about it. It is the same thing like people living together in live in, cohabit together, doing civil contract marriage call it as real as a traditional marriage with rituals and custom. Are they the similar things? Similar energy under different names?
I would love to have a thoughtful discussion on any of the points I raised in the comment section, if you guys are interested.
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artiusrattus · 7 months
Please elaborate on that deep state of love and romance w/ Otto & Mountain
Im so glad you asked 😈 can't imagine what would have inspired you to ask this
So in my mind they're both caretakers in different ways. Like Mountain is the comfort ghoul, whenever another ghoul has an issue or needs some reassurance they go to mountain, whenever someone needs a hug they go to mountain, whenever someone has a nightmare and can't sleep they're found snonked out in Mountain's bed the next morning. And Otto himself, literally taking care of people (ghouls) is his job. He's a similar way with the ghouls, his job isn't just to make sure they haven't got any pains or aches but to also make sure they're in a good mental state and so he always makes sure he knows each ghoul down to the cellular level to make them as comfortable as possible, especially during their checkups and after big events.
But if you're the caretaker, who's taking care of you?
That's where they find solace in each other. Mountain looks forward to checkups because even while he's being probed and prodded, Otto always makes sure it's a comforting experience and he feels more like a baby kitten being groomed by its mother than just a patient in a doctor's office. He feels loved and looked after.
And then Otto is always so overworked, having to be well-versed in several different sciences and studying and taking care of and recording the status of these hellspawns that run around all willy nilly and who are almost always pissy about their checkups. So most days, after Otto is done for the day, even though he usually has more paperwork to do, Mountain will stroll past his office and find him sleeping with his head on his desk, glasses all crooked and whatnot. So, just as Otto takes care of all the other ghouls, Mountain helps Otto get to bed and get comfortable and destress and all.
And then they fall in love and kiss :3 they take good care of each other. Literally came up with this last night and this morning and they've taken over my every brain cell like a prion.
Thank you hehee getting asks always makes me blush
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simsaustories · 2 years
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Aliens are a staple of the sims games - dating back to TS2. They were brought back in TS4 thanks to it’s first expansion pack: Get To Work. While I’m happy to see them back, I feel like they could use some extra love.
ASPIRATIONS Final Frontier: This Sim wants to travel to space and learn all there is to know about Aliens. From collecting strange rocks to learning a whole new language! Reward Trait: Honorary Alien Honorary Alien: This sim knows it all! They can easily see through Alien disguises and perform their secret greetings.
Hive Mind: This Alien wants to gain followers and master their powers, reaching the top of the ranks. Reward Trait: Colony Leader Colony Leader: This Alien has climbed the ranks and can now order other Aliens to perform basic tasks such as abducting sims. CAS
Skin Tones: I would love to see them split up into the Warm, Cold & Neutral Categories. I would also love a wider range of colors: Pinks, Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Greys and Blacks. We finally got some diversity with basic sims, I’d love to see our fantasy/sci-fi sims get some of that love now too Skin Details: I think adding some patterns for them would be nice, maybe even the option of colored freckles - because who says they can’t/don’t have freckles?  Eyebrows: Has anyone ever played World of Warcraft or watch Star Trek? The Draenei and Klingons have these like ridges that I think would be cool to add as an eyebrow detail. They did a similar thing for vampires making them pop out more - or at least appear to.
Eyes: More designs and colors would be much appreciated. Eye Detail: Adding an optional third eye would also be cool. Extra Add-Ons: Horns and antennas would be another awesome add, I loved getting the hats from Journey to Batuu, but the problem is that they are just hats... Make-Up: I think having more space inspired make up would be a great start Tattoos: Either of UFOs or Pink Whales - Something! Alternatively we could get more skin patterns for them in this category. Outfits: They legit have only 2 and kills me. Both are full body suits as well. I would love if they got a few more options in more than 2/3 colors. Even just adding underwear for them would be amazing. Hair: They can have hair like other sims, but I definitely would love to see some inspired by fantasy/sci-fi characters or that look like they are inspired by space. Having more colors is another want - but that also goes to my desires for the base game so I will leave it for now.
Pollination Technician: Please, let my Alien sims be part of the process lol I don’t need to go to work for this one, it can be a rabbit hole, but let them get the career title and maybe even a probe to use on other sims - not just prank them with.
Test Subject: Bringing back this little option as a part-time job again would be unique to them and could be interesting for story telling POWER TREE I like some of the abilities they already have, but giving them a power tree similar to that of Vampires/Werewolves could vastly improve them. Some abilities could make it harder for sims to see through their disguises. We could get abilities to communicate with other aliens telepathically. Telekinetic abilities. I haven’t thought this one out completely, but I still feel like they could benefit from a power tree and rankings. LOT TRAITS
UFO Sightings: Sims are more likely to be abducted on these lots Extraterrestrial Experiment: This lot has some strange spores. Pregnant sims should be careful on this lot, its unkown what effects it could have on their baby. (Chance of baby being born an Alien/Hybrid)
MISCELLANEOUS  I know I want more interactions between Aliens to maybe discuss things about Sixam or Joke About Human Sims. I would love if they added a special pet on Sixam for Aliens like the Dolphin for Mermaids. Alien Fish pets would also be great. Adding another world with Alien sims living on it would be awesome. It could add a lot more alien inspired build-buy items as well. It’s kind sad that Sixam only has one lot and you can’t live on it without using Paranormal Stuff to kind of cheat it. They could even add a human sim living their among them who wears a spacesuit 24/7 and who is in the Scientist/Astronaut Career.
This section will mainly be to post credits to others along with their suggestions. So what would you like to see them add to Aliens? 
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pipstr · 2 years
Hello i recently started following you and i consumed most of your blog and i can say i relly enjoy it, thank you ! i have the following question: what fo you think about shunsui and aizen relationship ? Like not necessary in the romantic way.( but i don't mind for
(Because i feel like i eant to see more of their dynamic , idk why, i just like it)
first of all, thank you for your kind words! I am very pleased :3 now to the question. I like their interactions, their dynamic and even how they look together kjkjkjkajdsak
I have two positions on this: one is rational, based on logical conclusions, and the second is purely horny, satisfying for my carnal needs.
1)Kyoraku wants Aizen executed as soon as possible. He is aware that Aizen is dangerous not only as the owner of one of the strongest zanpakuto in Gotei and as the best (probably) kido master, but also as a wordsmith. We have seen several times how much Aizen's words affect the thoughts and actions of other people (Kaname, Hinamori, Komamura, Hisagi and others). Aizen is a first-class provocateur and manipulator, and therefore any weak or lost people looking for support can easily become his puppets. Do not forget about those who remotely, without meeting the man in person, began to admire the strength of Aizen and even recognized him as superior and most worthy. And therefore, simply depriving him of his strength (even if we assume that it is possible) will not help much. Because if Aizen opens his mouth, he will instantly involve everyone in the whirlpool of his thoughts and plans.
However, despite this dislike, Kyoraku is still ready to interact with Aizen. It is he who frees him from muken, while saying that their plans coincide. That is, Kyoraku is ready to close his eyes to the fact that Aizen is evil, because he is interested in defeating an even greater evil. Aizen, in turn, considers Kyoraku an interesting person.
I think that they are both quite deep characters, with a lot of thoughts and certain views on the world. Perhaps they have more similarities than differences. But the main stumbling block is “the end justifies the means", part of Aizen’s worldview that causes such a strong dislike from Kyoraku. Though, at the same time, after freeing Aizen, Kyoraku himself resorted to this rule and therefore (it seems to me) once again drew Aizen's attention to himself.
In general, Kyoraku would be at peace (primarily on behalf of others) if Aizen was executed. Aizen is interested in probing deeper into the ground of Kyoraku, so he is ready to provoke him in every possible way, to uncover what may lie underneath his regular person.
This view on this relationship turns out to have no romantic subtext, because in my "logical and ingenious perception of bleach", Aizen is asexual and perhaps if he resorts to flirting (which I VERY MUCH doubt), it will be only a way to achieve his goals.
2)In the second view, everything is more basic. Pure love-hate. Kyoraku just uses Aizen when he is under too much stress, just to distract himself and let off some steam. He resorts to any methods that come to his mind. Tags like "rough sex", "dub/non-con", "suffocation (up to death because Aizen can't die. One of the reasons why Kyoraku is upset :c )", and so on. Aizen is, if I may say so, "entertained?". He takes the opportunity, prying the information on the affairs of the Society of Souls (unsuccessfully), and trying to find out how to take over the mind and goodwill of Kyoraku, luring him to his side. Everything they experience is mutual. Hate. A strange, hardly explicable attraction.
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chinascientist · 21 days
China researchers build neuron-enlarging brain device using genetic engineering
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Chinese scientists have proposed that genetic engineering could one day be used to alter the brain’s neurons as a way of improving the quality of signal transmission in brain-computer interface (BCI) technology.The researchers, with the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ National Centre for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST), implanted sensors into a mouse’s brain that carried a genetic instruction to make the neurons larger and easier to “read”.
According to the study published in peer-reviewed journal Advanced Materials, the experiments showed the implant – which suppresses the expression of genes that restrict neuron growth – improved brain cell health as well as BCI connections.The researchers said the results showed the approach could one day improve the quality of signal transmission in existing BCI technologies – such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink – in therapeutic settings and in using the mind to directly control devices.
Rapid advances in technology have made it possible for users to control mechanical arms and even computer cursors through thought alone. BCI also offers promising therapeutic benefits to paralysis patients by restoring some motor functions.But while non-invasive BCIs use wearable devices to record and interpret brain signals through the scalp, signal resolution is low and they cannot interact directly with neurons.
To overcome these limitations, researchers in the field have increasingly turned to semi-invasive and invasive BCIs, which involve surgically implanting electrodes and chips into the brain’s cortex to capture high-quality neural signals.Although this method provides clearer signals, there are safety as well as ethical concerns. Surgery can lead to complications, while conventional neural probes – made from rigid materials like silicon or metals – are a mismatch with soft brain tissues.
Neuralink responded to the latter challenge by developing a BCI chip containing 64 flexible polymer threads. Earlier this year, a patient with quadriplegia received one of the chips, in the first human trial of the technology.The device’s functionality began to decrease less than a month after surgery when some of the chip’s threads “retracted from the brain”. Neuralink said its engineers were able to refine the implant and restore functionality.
Chinese researchers claim brain-computer interface breakthrough using monkey brain signal Fang Ying, a co-author of the Chinese study, noted that most research has focused on “developing biocompatible neural electrodes by structural engineering to minimise tissue rejection and enhance the long-term stability of BCI”. “We propose using genetic engineering technologies to enhance the survival and growth of the neuronal cells/tissue surrounding the electrodes, potentially boosting BCI performance,” she said, in an interview published on the Chinese Academy of Sciences website.
Fang and her team proposed an electrode that resembles a slender comb, only 3 microns thick and made from a flexible and biocompatible polymer, in a similar approach to the one taken by Neuralink.The comb features eight teeth uniformly distributed with 120 recording and reference electrodes, each functioning like a protruding microphone to collect signals from nearby neurons.
Tian Huihui, one of the study’s corresponding authors and a research assistant at NCNST, said “years of research and testing” had shown that the polyamide electrodes “can stably transmit signals for over a year in vivo”.The team’s innovation was to coat the electrodes with a layer of a drug carrier containing a small RNA genetic sequence that is released after implantation to influence the surrounding neuronal and other cells.
“We knock down specific genes in the brain precisely. For example, we knocked down PTEN in neuronal cells around the implanted BCI device. The downregulation leads to an enlargement of neuronal cell bodies at the electrode-tissue interface, positively affecting neuronal health and potentially enhancing the interface’s performance,” Tian said.“The enhanced condition and increased number of neurons near the electrodes significantly improve the quality of the collected signals, which is highly beneficial for subsequent decoding of neural signals.”
The team implanted electrodes in both sides of the same mouse brain to exclude the many individualised factors that can affect performance, such as surgical conditions, differences in immune rejection, and neural signal strength.“With quantitative analysis, we found that the number of neurons was significantly higher and the neural activity was more frequent on the side of the brain where the gene was knocked down,” Tian said.
“Also, the soma size of neurons 12 weeks after implantation on the knockdown side was 20 per cent higher than the control side. ”Despite ethical concerns preventing its application in larger animals like macaques – let alone genetic modification of the human brain – the researchers are confident that their method expands the use of genetic engineering in enhanced BCIs.
The breakthrough shows the precise transfection of cells at the neural interface, according to the paper. “Our system holds significant promise in clinical applications, especially in the fields of highly precise genetic engineering,” Fang said. “It paves the way for the next generation of BCI.”
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 month
hiii! how are you? I was wondering if i can get a special ship with yechan from xikers!
I'm libra sun, cancer moon, leo rising, libra mercury, capricorn mars, virgo venus.
thank you so much! <3 have a nice day<3
🦋Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you'll have a lovely day and feel free to request again🦋 finally someone requested for xikers thank you so much <333
Sun Signs (Libra - Libra)
Compatibility: Very strong. Both of you value harmony, balance, and intellectual connection. You share a love for art, culture, and social activities. Since you both have Libra Suns, there’s a natural understanding and similar approach to life.
Moon Signs (Cancer - Gemini)
Compatibility: Some challenges. Your Cancer Moon is emotional, nurturing, and sensitive, while Yechan’s Gemini Moon is more intellectual, adaptable, and sometimes detached. You may find yourself needing more emotional depth and security, while Yechan might prefer light-hearted communication and variety.
Mercury Signs (Libra - Scorpio)
Compatibility: Some differences. Your Mercury in Libra indicates a diplomatic, balanced, and fair-minded communication style. Yechan’s Mercury in Scorpio is more intense, probing, and direct. This could lead to deep conversations but might also cause some friction if Yechan’s intensity clashes with your desire for harmony.
Venus Signs (Virgo - Sagittarius)
Compatibility: Potential challenges. Your Venus in Virgo is practical, detail-oriented, and values reliability in love, while Yechan’s Venus in Sagittarius is adventurous, freedom-loving, and spontaneous. You may find yourself needing more stability than Yechan might be naturally inclined to offer, leading to different approaches to relationships.
Mars Signs (Capricorn - Taurus)
Compatibility: Strong. Your Mars in Capricorn is disciplined, goal-oriented, and focused, while Yechan’s Mars in Taurus is steady, patient, and values security. Both of these earth signs complement each other well in terms of shared values around hard work and stability.
Overall Compatibility
You have strong compatibility in your Sun signs and Mars signs, which suggests shared values, goals, and a natural understanding. However, there may be challenges in the emotional (Moon) and romantic (Venus) realms due to different needs and styles of expressing love and feelings. Communication (Mercury) may also require effort to balance your desire for harmony with Yechan’s need for depth and honesty.
To enhance compatibility, mutual understanding, and respect for each other's differences will be key.
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theproductgiggler · 10 months
Alpha Grillers Instant Read Meat Thermometer Review
Overall Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 57,609 reviews)
Product Claims:
Instant Read: Measures temperature in 2-3 seconds.
Waterproof: IP66 rated, can be washed under running water.
Ultra Fast: Advanced technology for quick and accurate readings.
Backlit: Easy to read in low-light conditions.
Calibration: Pre-calibrated for convenience, with recalibration feature.
Additional Features: Includes a meat temperature chart, 4 hook and loop dots for storage, and a CR2 button battery.
Accurate readings: Users praise the accuracy of the thermometer, with many reporting readings within 1 degree of their reference thermometers.
Fast response time: The thermometer lives up to its claim of taking readings in 2-3 seconds.
Easy to use: The simple design and large display make the thermometer easy to use, even for beginners.
Durable: The thermometer is well-made and feels durable.
Waterproof: Many users appreciate the fact that the thermometer can be washed under running water.
Backlight: The backlight is a helpful feature for reading the temperature in low-light conditions.
Calibration: The pre-calibration and recalibration feature ensure accurate readings.
Affordable: The thermometer is priced competitively compared to other similar products.
Some users report issues with the battery life.
The probe can be a bit fragile.
The case is not very durable.
Overall, the Alpha Grillers Instant Read Meat Thermometer is a great option for anyone who wants an accurate, fast, and easy-to-use thermometer. It is especially well-suited for grilling and BBQ, but can also be used for other cooking tasks.
Check now Amazon price
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
The thermometer comes with a meat temperature chart, which is helpful for reference.
The thermometer can be stored in a drawer or hung on a hook using the included hook and loop dots.
The thermometer is covered by a one-year warranty.
I hope this review is helpful!
#AlphaGrillers #InstantReadMeatThermometer #GrillThermometer #CookingThermometer #FoodThermometer #PerfectlyCookedMeals #SafeFood #ImpressYourFriends #savemoneylivebetter
#Grilling #BBQ #Cooking #Foodie #FoodLover #KitchenGadgets #MustHaveKitchenGadgets #GiftsForGrilling #GiftsForCooking #GiftsForFoodies
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guildmageashleah · 1 year
On Classes
So... I've put some thought into the situation and I have decided to make this my ttrpg design blog, that is what tumblr is after all, a blogging website.
So I've recently been thinking a lot about Classes in ttrpg classes, what are they, why are they.
At first my system was classless and setting agnostic... both of those I am very slowly recanting. The first to go was setting agnostic. I have realized that how the world works is very much a part of both the worldbuilding and system design and should be respected, and from that will come a sort of reciprocal principle: worldbuilding and tone informs design, which then informs worldbuilding and tone and so on.
Because I haven't spoken about my system on this platform yet (I'll link the google doc when I'm ready) I'd like to give a brief introduction into what I feel are the sort of guiding principles.
My system is a Heroic Sci-fi Fantasy ttrpg with light tactical systems and emphasis on creative problem solving. The main engine is an action resolution roll of 2d6 + attribute + skill. There are 4 attributes which each range from -2 to +2, and a handful of skills that start at 0 and go to +5. The attributes are largely unchanging upon character creation, while the skills provide the main method of character advancement. All other math or stats are going to be some calculation from attributes, skills, and character level.
The setting is a constellation of 7 solar systems with 7+ habitable worlds attempting to strike an admittedly difficult balance of Hard Sci-fi and High Fantasy (Their are wizards manifesting tulpas to engage in secret arcane espionage, Ruins filled with radioactive ghosts and magic relics from the long lost age of the now extinct humans, and planets going to war in fusion ships that don't defy the laws of relativity but zoom past each other at a million miles an hour while they probe each other's point defense grids with torpedo volleys).
The four stats are:
Heart: Courage and Willpower
Body: Strength and Toughness
Mind: Wisdom and Intellect
Nerve: Swiftness and Accuracy
The main skills are:
+ any number of custom skills
Everyone got it? Good.
Looking back, a lot of my world view is in this system. The main way I think people improve is by investing in skills and knowledge, and I don't think people are boxed in by their profession, a meathead soldier can hit the books, learn some lore and apply it. It also shows that I think that charisma is a skill that one can learn and practice. It also shows my design sensibilities, that the theirs so few of them as to make each one feel as impactful as possible, and that the 2d6 roll implements a bell curve to reward players who've invested in a skill by a much higher likelihood of success over players who haven't invested in that skill (This cuts down on the number of instances of the barbarian succeeding a lore check after the wizard failed theirs, or similar experiences (I know a lot of people find this sort of thing endearing, but it happened way to many times in my games to the point that it ruined the verisimilitude of the game and made me and my players feel like the choices they made in character creation had no real impact on the game) (I also highly recommend that GMs, even when using 2d6, only have their players roll when failure would be interesting or dramatic (If there are no guards around to notice, just say that the person with +3 to engineering successfully hacks the door open with no roll necessary))).
Where was I? Oh yeah, Classes.
Last time I play tested, which admittedly was a while ago (life gets weird sometimes) I noticed something. Most of my players didn't know how to build a character... I mean, I had given them all the instructions, and they followed them very well and made character sheets for sure, but there were no unifying concepts at play with their characters, it was just a combination of stats on a page and a vague gesture at a personality. Of course with the exception of two players: my sister who'd been working on the system with me, and one of my friends who decided they wanted their character to be a gunslinger. This gunslinger then started asking me questions about if they could quick draw, fan their revolver, modify their gun, obtain specialized bullets, etc. things you'd expect from a gunslinger class. I suppose this player was the exact kind of person who'd I'd been designing for... someone like me... someone who reads a lot of ttrpg books for fun... someone who wants to design. And at the time I wasn't in the mood to create lists of equipment, lists of spells, big tables of character features... I had tried to do that but it always felt in vain, and I started locking away basic things behind features and that just felt wrong. (I have a problem with things like the Item Crafting Feats of 3.5 and Pathfinder 1... Like crafting is just an activity that the players should feel encouraged to do during down-time, it should just be a natural extension of skills not a feature that you need to specifically take). So I thought that all the necessary cool abilities and equipment and spells are things that I can homebrew or adapt as needed, why limit the creativity of the players? If they want to play an illusionist rogue, then I'll come up with what that means for them and they can play that... Unfortunately this not such a great thing for newer players or not as entrenched players. I mean it would work if your GMing for children whose creativity is notoriously less constrained, but adults need a significantly more mature creative seed to work with.
So Classes... I need some classes... or at least I need something that fills the same role as a class system.
What are the benefits of using classes? Well as far as I can tell, classes do 2 things: provide a menu of much needed tone setting for the players, mechanically define different roles within a party.
Mechanically defining different roles within the party is pretty important. You want players to feel like their a specialist in a team of specialists. Or at least that they've got a thing that they bring to the table. You want players to feel rewarded by specializing their builds and then combining their character's abilities through the magic of friendship. The first step to mechanically understanding your roles is to understand what your game is about. If your game is about dungeon crawling, then your roles are different ways of being a dungeon crawler; if your game is about solving murder mysteries, then your roles are different ways of being an investigator; if your game is about daring heists and devious schemes, then your roles are different ways of being a thief. My game is heroic fantasy... so my roles are different ways of being a hero... not the most useful thing...
They should provide a menu for newer players who may need some creative seed to understand what kind of character you can create that will fit into the world. Like... some characters just do not fit into any given campaign setting, and if your player's are not familiar with your campaign setting, then they're kinda lost unless you give them some direction. Telling them that you can play a hacker, a thief, an assassin, or a street samurai, sets up very distinct genre space and tone for your players versus telling them that they can play as a knight, a wizard, a troubadour, a rogue and a barbarian.
My major stopping block is the sort of hairsplitting that I feel like classes can introduce. Lets consider the idea of an Assassin Class. On first blush we might think of this as a sneaky rogue subclass... but that's only one interpretation. In the abstract an Assassin simply means someone who kills for hire... there's really no constraints on how you go about that. You could be a poison, blade, accidents, robots. Its an occupation, not a mechanical description of what your character is good at. Also then whenever you in-game refer to someone as being an assassin... Do you mean that they have the assassin class or that they are a killer for hire.
Another roadblock is the fact that I have capital "I" ideas about magic. Magic should be weird, it should feel mystical and spiritual, everything that the DM should be able to deploy (Magical creatures, big ritual magic, powerful artifacts) the players should also be able to do themselves, and it should be rare. Now that last point rare... I figured out that the way to make magic feel rare to my players is to simply withhold it and dole it out later in the campaign... make it feel hidden and special. So if we want there to be magic classes like wizard and druid and such, then we can't make them accessible at character creation. Well there's a concept out there called Prestige classes which do just this, you need to meet special requirements before you can acquire them, some of those requirements are character stats but some of them are narrative actions (In order to become the thief class you must steal something valuable). Prestige classes introduce a lot of stuff that I think is very cool and exciting... but at the cost of complexity. I need to come up with a whole class tree!
Yet another roadblock that I'm chewing on (wow mix metaphors much eh?) is the degree of overlap I see with the classes I want to put in my game wizards and druids are both things in my world but mechanically they share a lot. They should both be able see the unseen, make magical items (tho not as well as artificers), and lead magic rituals, they should both have had magic warp their bodies and minds. But they have minor differences: wizards should have access to far more arcane magic (counter spells, time magic, etch) while druids have access to wyldshape.
This is not to mention that I want "half" casters. Magic users that can cast magic but it isn't the focus of their class (they can't see the unseen, they can't craft magic items, they can't lead ritual magic, but they can cast a particular narrow band of magic (warriors who can cast elemental magic (much like benders from Avatar), rogues and ninjas who can cast illusion magic and twist shadows, bards who can weave magic into song and story (these guys might be able to lead magic rituals and see the unseen... maybe)).
Because I like design by subtraction (design a bunch, throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks, mercilessly cut everything that doesn't work), my initial thought is to find the smallest design space that will neatly package everything I want... Okay well then lets have class inheritance (like in computer science, polymorphism and the like). All the classes are children of a handful of base classes.
My initial thought of some base classes:
Sage (wizards, druids, clerics, warlocks, shamans)
Warrior (There's a lot of ways to be a warrior: knight, ninja, gunslinger, bararian)
Rogue? (Isn't this just a warrior who put points in stealth)
Charisma person?
Ace pilot?
This path isn't the way, things start to fall apart at this level and plus... having some repeated words is much easier on players when their reading their class than to have to refer to some other section for your base class abilities.
Okay, then lets switch to a different route, each class should be evocative of the setting and tie to a faction of the worldbuilding.
Well one class that's been bubbling behind mine eyes is the Void Dancer. Elven Warriors have a long history of fighting in zero G and have perfected the Martial Art of the Void Dance. This class is all about mobility and acrobatics, they wield minor magic to lower their gravity so that they can move like they do in space. They are also officers of the Elven Military so they are expected to have some understanding of spaceship combat tactics and strategy...
This class is cool and evocative of the world, and it tells players loudly that if they want to play as a jedi go here. But I'm struggling to bring other classes up to this same standard.
IDK I feel like I've been cooking my brain... maybe there's a better way to do what I want to do that isn't a class system...
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grishaverse-chaos · 1 year
2, 3, 9, & 18— for the ask game! (sorry if i asked for way too many— but if so, just take your pick)
no not at all!! I love talking about my wips 😊
I have way too many wips but for this I'm going to be using the current grishaverse fic I'm writing which is a modern AU based in the music industry
2. Give the first line of this chapter/fic.
"You stay here, yeah?" Mal says, halfway out the window.
(honestly I laugh every time I reread this line)
3. Who's your favorite character for this chapter/fic?
so far, Alina is really fun to write - I'm writing from her pov and it's really interesting to see how she thinks about things while she's being manipulated. I haven't introduced him as a character yet but I'm also looking forward to writing Nikolai because his interactions with Alina are always top-tier, and his backstory is also very interesting (and very sad) 👀
9. What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
this whole scene between genya and alina is really...... something and it's one of my favourite scenes so far
"Have you ever met the guy who owns the label?" Alina asks as the two of them walk down a corridor leading to the main staircase.
A cloud seems to pass over Genya's eyes. "Yes."
She pauses, waiting for Genya to volunteer more information, but when she doesn't, Alina decides to probe a little deeper. "What's his name? What's he like? How worried should I be?" she asks, the questions seeming to flow out of her.
"Pyotr Lantsov. And he's… very powerful, and he knows it. But you have nothing to worry about," she says, almost bitterly. "If Eryk has taken you under his wing as he seems to have done, then he won't dare to try anything with you."
"Try- try what?"
But Genya clams up again. "Never mind."
18. Share the scene you just wrote, written from another character’s POV.
the LAST scene I wrote doesn't exactly have another character to switch the pov to, so I'm doing a different scene I wrote recently (this ended up longer than I meant it to, so I'll add a readmore)
When Zoya finally meets Alina Starkov, she's back in LA in between stops on her tour, and she's just finished working out with Botkin. She's ready to move on to the next part of her usual routine - practicing sparring with Nadia, to build stamina and skill in self-defence. It's her favourite part of the day. Usually. But just as she's getting off the treadmill, Alina walks in.
She looks over at Alina. "What is she doing here?" she asks Botkin.
"Starting to learn to spar," he says bluntly. "You're the same age, and similar heights. You will be sparring partners for the foreseeable future."
Wait, what? "What about Nadia? We've always been sparring partners."
"I've rearranged the pairs. That doesn't need to concern you. As it is, I would like Alina to have a more experienced sparring partner. You are more than capable of showing her the ropes, are you not?"
She nods slowly. "Damn right."
Shit, this is a disaster. She had been avoiding Alina deliberately, not wanting to let on how hurt she'd been by what Eryk had told her... She's not going to think about that now, though. She's not going to think about it at all. Fuck him and his ideas about her talent and her looks.
She zones out as Botkin explains to Alina how the sparring sessions usually go. Then she feels Alina nudge her ribs.
"I- sorry about your old partner," she whispers.
God, this girl really doesn't get it, does she? "That's not the issue. Well, it is, but I'd be fine changing partners if I didn't have to work with you."
That was meaner than she'd meant it to be, but fuck it. Alina Starkov had taken everything from her. Eryk's attention. The focus of the label. Even her goddamn manager, Ivan. She deserves to be a little petty about this.
Botkin claps his hands. "Right! Neither of you is listening to me, so we will continue this outside in the fresh air. And we will jog up to the outside area."
Ugh. Could today get any worse? Zoya easily keeps pace with Botkin as they jog up the hill to the outside area, and she notices that Alina's quite far behind them. Part of her wants to stop and wait, but most of her cares about proving she can be better than Alina at something. No matter what Eryk thinks.
She reties her ponytail and starts warming up while she waits for Alina, who arrives a few minutes behind her and Botkin. She ties up her own hair and starts imitating Zoya's stretches. She can't help it - she lets out a small giggle, and regrets it when she sees Alina glaring.
Botkin goes over the basic movements for sparring, clearly for Alina’s benefit - Zoya tries not to roll her eyes, but okay, maybe she does. Once or twice. Then he steps back, and tells the two of them to start fighting. He gives her a stern look, and says: “And go easy on her. She will not be used to this.”
Zoya nods, not meaning it at all, then throws a punch which Alina barely manages to duck. She returns with a punch of her own, but Zoya casually sidesteps it and she nearly overbalances. The next punch Zoya throws, Alina doesn't manage to dodge, and it hits her right in the shoulder. As she's already unsteady, Zoya pushes her backwards, her hands on Alina's chest, and she falls on her back, landing on one of the crash mats.
Well, at least she's beaten Alina at something. Even if she is now the new star of the record label, at least Zoya is still better than her at this.
Then Alina scrambles to her feet and throws a wild punch, catching Zoya off guard. It hits her right in the face.
Zoya sees red. How dare this girl come into her life and fuck it up so badly. She must think she's so much better than her or anybody.
She grabs Alina's arm and tosses her into the wall. Not hard enough to do any permanent damage, but... maybe a bit harder than she'd meant to.
Botkin rushes over to Alina's side, making sure she's conscious and breathing.
Fuck, Zoya messed up. Badly. Eryk will be furious.
Well, at least she's going back on tour next week.
Finally Botkin turns to Zoya. "That was wholly unprofessional -"
She doesn't stick around to hear the end of the sentence, storming out and pushing her way through a crowd of reporters.
Wait, reporters? What?
She almost feels bad for leaving Alina to deal with them on her own.
this scene was originally in Alina's pov, but I think it works quite well from Zoya's pov!! (also it ended up way longer than I thought it would but oh well)
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mineofilms · 1 year
duos trilineum nummum
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This BLOG came from two sources: 1) Dialog with a friend about her journey to un-Christianity herself and her reasoning for leaving not just this faith-based standard but ALL-OF-THEM. 2) I have been having dialogs with ChatGBT about the inconsistencies and fallacies of the Christian faith and the Bible in general. This BLOG serves as a starting point for that discussion while continuing my probe into binary information systems and what they are and why they severely hinder spiritual/societal/social growth in the Human species as a whole.
“Young people raised to believe that God is in charge are much harder for the government to control as they grow up. They won’t worship the government. But by contrast, as a child is raised to be a narcissist; someone who thinks, ‘I could change my gender.’ he will grow up, confused, weak, and reliant on the people in charge of the state. It's a very simple principle. It's why the Mullah’s Government went after the Tibetan monks. Anyone who sincerely believes in God is a threat and that is the measure of the free country in the end. Are you allowed to believe that there is an authority higher than the people in charge of your Government? That is always been the hallmark of America. Religious liberty; it's in the first amendment.” 'Tucker Carlson Tonight. 3/2/2023'
What is a FACT:
“But the Bible's true because it says it's true, because it's been accepted as the truth for generations, because some events described match historical events in other texts, because God is perfect and therefore his word is perfect and without error.” ~ glamcat
This quote is similar to something I just said in another message to another person on a different topic, but yet closely associated with this… Breaking down what a “real” and “fact” actually are and why “anyone” saying “air quotes, ‘FACTS’” doesn’t make what they just said a “real” and “fact.” “They say” the bible is based on truth, but we know what “truth” and “facts” actually are based on and when we associate that to the bible we find out that most if not all the “facts” labeled in the bible are based on a foundation of belief, not fact. Facts are based on/from the scientific community, which is now completely independent from most religions. This now, very well-established practice, of what a fact is, directly contradicts what the bible stands for, TRUTH...
“Maybe God just works in mysterious ways.” Maybe it isn’t God or a god at all; “perhaps” something, a being of sorts, an entity, that latches onto concepts like this to either communicate or invade our minds. Perhaps for food/sustenance or other purposes. Maybe… This is just as plausible as it being a real God. We say we know stuff cause of science, but our science is incomplete, just like our understanding of religion and the bible. Reality itself is open for interpretation and since there is no other self-aware/intelligent beings around to bounce ideas off of we are stuck with our own imaginations.
The Atheist and the Agnostic:
Even though we have thoroughly defined the differences it should be stated that an atheist is someone who does not believe in the existence of a God or gods, while an agnostic is someone who is unsure or uncertain about the existence of a God or gods. Atheists typically hold the belief that there is no evidence for the existence of a God or gods, and therefore see no reason to believe in them. They may also argue that the concept of God is contradictory or incompatible with scientific evidence and rational thought. Agnostics, on the other hand, acknowledge that there may be a God or gods, but they do not claim to know for sure. They may see the question of God's existence as being inherently unknowable or beyond the scope of human understanding. Agnostics may also be skeptical of organized religion, but may not necessarily reject the idea of a higher power altogether. In these definitions, I tend to lean more as an agnostic than an atheist, but also feels atheism has grounds on the impossibility of a God or gods.
Binary Thinking and the MATRIX:
I feel the first two and the newest Matrix movies explain this so well. That whatever it/they are that control this flow of information pertaining to religion and the one God creation myth, and it is a myth; that they do not care if you love the Jesus being or the Satan being, but you must embrace one. Either side cannot exist without the other. Either side cannot agree/disagree on which is right/wrong. Either one cannot fathom one existing without the other or even fathom their own existence in their belief as false.
That is why I feel it is ok to flip/flop between Atheist and Agnostic. If we are talking specifically Christianity and/or the Christian God over a-god-like-being or beings. My reasoning behind Christianity is very close to the same as “I’m neither a democrat nor a republican.” Binary information systems are only logical if both sides of the coin keep believing one side is right/good and the other is wrong/bad. Once you eliminate that as the-be-all-end-all it is very easy to see a triangle as a pyramid, a sphere rather than a circle, and/or the puppet master pulling the strings of the coin’s favor. Is it a heads or tails? No other options exist! What do we know about that? It is never that simple nor will it ever be, but we still play the pretend game and forget that God is an imaginary friend for grownups.
People ask me all the time what side I am on. I am on the side of logic… Bad answer if ones’ believe good/bad, right/wrong exist as the only choices. That if you eliminate Human Beings then the concept of Good and/or Evil no longer even exists in the Universe, from a Human's point of view. Evil only exists in nature because humans exist. The same can go for good. Take humans out of the equation then nature exists as it is, unfiltered and everything tends to make sense in that Universe.
Hypothetically; what if we messed up the math and the Sun won’t turn into a red giant in five billion years engulfing the Earth and turning it to gas. Nothing will survive, not even our iron core. What if five billion years was five years? Now if this happened would this be an act of good or evil? It’s God’s will, right? So why is God destroying all life on Earth and the Earth itself? From human’s point of view all life on Earth and the Earth itself is all the life in the known Universe, as we actually have no evidence of life outside of Earth. Again, remove humans, now there is no one here to label this thing good/evil. Is it still an act of good or evil? It must be one of these if we follow the ideology.
This has always stumped people I have talked to about this. Just like politics; one asks a serious question and gets a very runaround answer that can be applied to just about anything or everything, doesn’t make much logical sense, and never at any time was the answer of the question actually presented. It is a simple answer. Is it an act of good or evil?
You apply man (humans) to the equation and see what we have now? Unbalanced, confusion, good, evil, love, hate, codependency, clichés, delusional, deteriorating, emergence, entropy, erratic, hubris, kugelblitz, narcissists, sociopathy, pariahs, pseudoscience, body dysmorphia, gender dysmorphia, identity dysmorphia, dysmorphia and lack of understanding. The Indians, the Vikings, had a better sense of existence than modern-day man does...
Humans wrote the bible. If those humans really believed their words, motivations for writing the words were from God, we, us, regular folk, will never know. We have to trust in non-facts and belief. I say non-facts because belief is not a measurement of making a theory or belief a fact. It is in there, sure, at the theory stage, but just because one or many believe a thing to be real and/or true doesn’t really make said thing real/true. We, us, humans, decide what is good and what is evil. Now we have never agreed on what a fact is and that is clear since this WOKE shit happened.
Cancel Culture and the Reclassification of Language:
Definitions should only change if we revisit a concept that is called ‘a fact, based on belief,’ but then we applied the scientific method to how beliefs/theories are converted from that to real facts. If we learn something new from that revisit and prove we were wrong that the belief does not in-fact equal fact then we can redefine a thing. We cannot redefine a thing because we want to redefine a thing. That is what WOKE teaches… Does not require any other effort whatsoever other than belief to make it real. Christianity also tends to share this belief across its core teachings.
You cannot question politics without questioning the belief structure it is based on. You cannot question faith without questioning the foundations it is built upon. The more we look into these things with a logical mind. A mind that is inquisitive like Mister Spock or Data from Star Trek. When one sees binary in terms of logic you can see where/when/how/why it can be acceptable in some cases, but in other cases it severely hinders spiritual/societal/social growth in Humans. We try to look at politics and religion in modern terms and they do not make any sense for the present and what is happening, now. Yet, here we are. This shit is still being projected onto us like a codependent relationship with a narcissist and we have all been there before and no one wants to be there again, but people settle. They would rather be comfortable with being miserable than making those hard choices and putting in the work. I will say this again… They would rather be comfortable with being miserable than making those hard choices and putting in the work. If one tries to grow faster than society will want us to. We may find that a lonely place, but the few we have close to us will be worth it and probably be more beneficial and enduring than being a part of this WOKE cancer…
Last year I wrote a blog about why 2D thinking can be bad and I used Star Trek II to describe it. When Khan attacks the Enterprise: “He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two-dimensional thinking.” ~ Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, 1982 – In reference, to Khan’s military strategy in ship-to-ship combat. A man of the 1990s, hyper-intelligent, but doesn’t understand that one can fight ship-to-ship combat on a plane with three and four dimensions, as Khan’s inexperience in ship-to-ship combat looks as if he is playing an RPG on a flat surface, like a board game. Spock says; “two-dimensional thinking,” which translates to; Two-dimensional thinking implies concepts that are flat or only partially representative of the whole. Three-dimensional thinking implies the first part of 2D thinking conjoined with intersecting dimensions rendering a deeper field of meaning. A triangle as a pyramid, a ball/sphere rather than a circle. Kirk proves this when the Enterprise drops below Reliant, then rises up to be behind her, as the Enterprise unloads a barrage of phaser shots and completely renders the ship powerless. Khan finally understands his mistake and his last ditch effort for revenge is to detonate the Genesis device in hopes the explosion will destroy both ships. Kirk and crew survive, but lose Spock to self-sacrifice to save the ship. alta versus brevis
Conceptual Awareness:
This whole scene demonstrates a paradigm shift in logic-practitioning from 2D conceptual awareness to 3D and 4D conceptual awareness. In this scene, it is like boom, boom, boom with these possibilities and the choices made. We gotta dump this binary, flat, 2D thinking as a normal part of the decision-making process. Binary choices have their place, but they should not be the main, normal, used all-of-the-time ways to find answers to problems. To those that hold onto faith as a be-all-end-all of decision-making, I never have the expectation my words will change their mind. I know they won’t, but not because of “my words,” but more their slavery or loyalty to the faith. Albert Einstein said; “Never stop asking questions.” Faith/Religion says, “shhhhhhhhhhhhh, its God’s will.” Well, what about my will or our will? You cannot base a fact, a real fact on faith and/or belief alone. There must be real, tangible things, associated to the concept to make it real and that is where this all comes from. What can you prove to exist and what you can only believe to exist, but cannot give any proof of said concept’s existence to begin with…
If we were more like the Vulcans and lived our lives based on logic instead of faith/belief then perhaps we would have dismissed all religions for what they are. ‘Good for some, but let’s not get too crazy here as to what is real and what isn’t.’ If religion gives a person peace, great for them. If they twist that inner peace and say, ‘all must obey to this or else,’ the message has been lost. If God is real, God would be way above human ethics, human sense, yet, we see pettiness, we see things in the book that kind of say; ‘man, this God fellow sounds like a silly little narcissist and needs a good slap in the face…’
People still feel they need to belong to something, some ideology, a group. Joe Rogan says it all the time about tribalism. One of the things the WOKE saw and ran with it. People want to belong so bad you see young minors making huge claims based on almost nothing, all so they can get attention, likes, hearts and be accepted by some group, any group. You see this in politics all the time now. This is why the Florida gov’t is working very hard to try and get all this gender identity stuff sorted in a way that protects young impressionable minds like this. No one here in Florida is saying do not be trans, do not be gay, do not be drag or whatever. The bill is to protect young minors from using things like this for these purposes. No one is saying if one is born a man and they want to be a woman they cannot go and do that. What they are saying is, be an adult about it, be of sound mind, make good judgments, seek Doctors of both gender reassignment and mental health officials to make sure one is of sound body/mind. The only way we currently make that understood is by making them adults first. To be an adult one must be 18 legal years of age. That is all I am saying with that. Probably a poor example and would need its own thread to discuss but you can see where this is all going and where it stems from. Faith/belief is terrible when trying to make really big and bold choices, which should be available to all that live in the USA. As I said during all this communication. You cannot base a fact merely on belief/faith alone. One or more must have that tangible real thing to hold up and show everyone or it won’t be considered real to the people that still hold onto what reality actually is and means.
People were more gullible in biblical times, sure, but only because they based facts on belief over proving the belief to be true/real. People are still like this today, but replace ‘belief as fact’ with ‘if it is on the INTERNET then its real/true’. When the peoples’ that created the faith/book planned this out its attributes are like that of "von Neumann architecture." It has the ability to spread itself on its own with little to no help from nature itself to help populate the concept. That isn’t the best definition here, but I am defining this based on how it can be applied to how the belief in religion spreads like a virus. Off topic; but AI is Hubris or will be; a species of mental illness that is defined by the delusion that causes people to mistake themselves for god. They imagine they have power, wisdom, foresight, insight and superpowers. They can never be wrong. They float between Sociopathy and Narcissist. A Hubris personality are unwell. They are crazy. There’s nothing more dangerous than that. Many involved in politics, and religion can be labeled as Hubris…
Being a skeptic or someone who needs more from the fact gathering process to deem a thing real in our reality within the confines of Christianity can be deadly. The creators again embedded the answer in their description. Skeptics are to be turned or burned and history shows that is exactly what Christianity has done in and around the last 5,000 years on Earth. The second humans were left to their own vices and had the power along with the faith to back it, humans ability to prosper, grow and move forward as a society has slowed down, even with the technological growth of the past 75 years. We have moved forward more in the past 75 years than we have in the last 2000 years thanks to the microprocessor.
duos trilineum nummum Latin for: two-sided coin by David-Angelo Mineo 3/25/2023 2,940 Words
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brillmindztech · 2 years
Choosing the Right NFT Marketplace Development Services in India: A Comprehensive Guide
Non-fungible tokens( NFTs) have taken the world by storm, and India is no exception. With their growing vogue, the demand for NFT trade development services in India is on the rise. still, not all NFT trade development services are created equal. Choosing the right service provider can be a daunting task, but it's essential for the success of your NFT business. In this theme, we will hand over a comprehensive attendant to help you choose the right NFT business development services in India. We'll also introduce Brill Mindz Technology, a leading mobile app development company in Bangalore, that offers trustworthy and expert NFT business development services. 
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Section 1: Understanding Your Project Requirements
Before you start looking for an NFT business development service provider, it's vital to understand your design conditions. This will help you narrow down your quest and choose a service provider that can meet your specific necessities. Some of the design requisites you should consider include the type of NFTs you want to effect, the platform you want to use, and the features you need. Brill Mindz Technology works nearly with guests to understand their strategy conditions and give accommodated results. 
Section 2: Researching Potential Service Providers
Once you have a clear understanding of your design conditions, it's time to start probing possible NFT business development service providers. There are numerous factors to consider when appraising service providers, similar as experience, proficiency, customer reviews, and pricing. Brill Mindz Technology has wide-ranging experience in NFT business development and has a proven track record of delivering high- quality results. They also have a crew of expert innovators who are upward - to- date with the ultimate NFT business development trends and technologies. 
Read also: cost to develop dating app like Tinder
Section 3: Assessing Communication and Collaboration
Good communication and collaboration are critical to the success of any project, including NFT marketplace development. Poor communication can lead to project delays, misunderstandings, and even project failure. Therefore, it is essential to choose a service provider that prioritises clear communication and collaboration with clients. Brill Mindz Technology values clear communication and collaboration with clients and works closely with them throughout the NFT marketplace development process.
Section 4: Looking for Ongoing Support and Maintenance
Launching an NFT marketplace is only the beginning. To ensure the smooth functioning of the marketplace, ongoing support and maintenance are essential. Therefore, it is essential to choose a service provider that offers post-launch support and maintenance services. Brill Mindz Technology provides ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the smooth functioning of NFT marketplaces.
Section 5: Other Considerations
When opting for an NFT business development service provider, there are other considerations to keep in mind. For this case, you should choose a service provider that has a see-through pricing model and is willing to furnish a detailed breakdown of costs. You should also choose a service provider that's committed to delivering high- quality answers within the agreed- upon timeline. Brill Mindz Technology offers transparent pricing and is committed to delivering high- quality results within the concurred- upon timeline. 
Choosing the right NFT Marketplace Development Services in India can be demanding, but it's essential for the success of your NFT business. By understanding your design conditions, researching possible service providers, exacting communication and collaboration, and looking for ongoing support and conservation, you can choose a service provider that meets your specific importunities. Brill Mindz Technology is a leading mobile app development company in Bangalore that offers expert NFT business development services. They've wide-ranging experience in NFT business development and prioritise clear communication, collaboration, and ongoing support and conservation. 
Get in touch with us at, [email protected]
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lastfrontierh · 2 years
What Is Heli-skiing? And Different Regularly Asked Questions
Inside, had been a telescoping shovel, a walkie-talkie and a three.2-metre probe. These objects had been for use in the unlikely occasion of an avalanche. These kinds of pre-heli-ski jitters are normal Heliski, Laura Hall of RK Heliski advised me the evening earlier than as we dropped off our boots to be fitted with our rented massive, fats powder skis and signal the waiver forms.
First of all, it may be easy to get misplaced if you do not know the place you're going. If you head in the mistaken direction the forest might turn into thicker and there could also be no likelihood of the helicopter accessing you in thick bushes. Here it is doubly essential to remain close to the tracks of your guide. Ski with a companion or in teams of three as directed by your guide.
It’s nearly secure to say if you’ve ever thought about snowboarding anything you'll find a way to see from Highway 99 to the Powder Mountain base lodge on your method up to Whistler, you can ski it with Powder Mountain Heliskiing. Epic bowls, lengthy glacier runs that have essentially Heliski the most perfect pitch, peaks that look so sweet you need to drop in and do a thousand turns, or just three from top to nospace. And after all mind blowing tree runs that depart your jaw on the ground. "The demand is big. These [heli-ski operations] are massive contributors to rural communities in B.C., like Nakusp and New Denver," Cloutier said.
Not solely will you've the ski of your life, it’s something that anyone with a passion for skiing should be crossing off life’s bucket record. Revelstoke Mountain Resort boasts North America’s biggest vertical at 1,713 metres together Heliski with a mean snowfall of 10.5 metres (34.four ft). The resort additionally presents three,121 acres of fall line snowboarding, high alpine bowls, renowned gladed terrain and infinite groomers.
From intermediate to advanced, this unforgettable expertise would be the highlight of any skier or boarder's Whistler trip. At Northern Escape, there are over 250 established skiing and boarding runs in 12 totally different heli-ski zones. Some common unmarked hazards embody buried rocks and tree stumps. An area of darker snow might signal a rock, boulder or tree stump slightly below the surface.
Besides selecting a carbon-neutral operator there are different considerations like lodge entry, group measurement and floor operations that have a considerable impact on carbon footprints. The Ministry of Health declined to comment on the challenges the B.C.'s heli-ski business is going through in the course of the pandemic. She stated that resorts must be doing extra to protect workers and visitors now that case quantity are rising. Cloutier stated companies have adapted to the uncertain occasions with COVID-19 safety measures similar to keeping guests masked and separated. All transport vehicles are nicely ventilated by preserving windows open or utilizing on-board ventilation systems.
As the first and largest heli-ski operator in on the planet, CMH Heli-Skiing & Summer Adventures has staked out an unique 3 million acre tenure in the snow-drenched Columbia Mountains of Western Canada. Rented their board and glad I did since I was in 1 -2 toes of contemporary powder each day, of varying floor high quality, as we dropped elevation or went in and out of woods. Quality lodge within the coronary heart of the mountains with an outside pool fed by volcanic sizzling springs.
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