#also I wouldn’t dare to not give her puffy sleeves!
playhousemassacrez · 10 months
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Look, it’s Mommy Long Legs,
The coolest toy around!
Who can stretch her legs,
And hang her upside down!
Try to twist and bend her,
In every kind of way!
And would love to have some fun,
Mommy Long Legs wants to play!
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Mommy is pissed
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Leave Me Lonely p.2 - The Darkling x Reader
Part 1 is here 😝 also there’s so many song requests and majority are Ariana Grande and I’ve never been a fan of her but omg some of the songs you guys requested are absolutely amazing so I think I kinda like her now
He wasn't waiting at the gates for you nor was he in your shared chambers when you returned, your rugged appearance only alarming to the Healers as Ivan basically carried you through the Little Palace halls. You were blind by the rage bubbling inside of you and numbed by the humiliation seeping deep into your bones.
Not only was it because of the hushed whisper fight back in the camp where he didn't hold back on his jabs or his volume, but now he left you to hang, blatantly ignoring you and prioritizing a girl over his partner in a potentially fatal attack. It was bound to let loose a million and one different rumors, rumors where you suffered the most. No Grisha would dare blame their General, and no matter how much respect they had for you, you were always going to be the scapegoat. It happened before and will happen again, but this time you had a fleeting suspicion he wouldn't defend you.
My heart has had enough, of the give and take
The urge to cry was overwhelming as you shed your clothing and slipped into the scorching bath. Your muscles and bruises ached from the fighting and horseriding but you hurt the most.
Today wasn't the first time you let tears slip out because of Aleksander, in fact, you only ever cry because of him. You loved him so much, yet all that came from your relationship lately was heartache and pain. One good day without a fight equaled days of unrest and tensions. You were exhausted and drained, nothing made you happy anymore. It was as if he was sucking the joy out of your life but simultaneously was the only thing to give you joy.
Danger, how you hold me.
The sweet nothings he whispered into your ear as you fell asleep, the talks of a better future where he spoke of marrying you, even something as small as holding your hand while walking through Palace gardens. It all made you smile and set the memories into the concrete of your mind, holding onto them when times got tough.
But now times were tough, they were at a peak and the good memories were replaced by all the bad ones. You tried to fight them, tried to fight the horrible voice in your head that screamed as loud as it could: Let him go.
The bawling started then and never ceased. The water got cold but you didn't seem to care that you were shaking from the temperature, or were you shaking from the realization you would have to end it with Aleksander? You didn't know. Only when a knock sounded on the door did you momentarily stop.
'Ms.Y/L/N, Should I send in the Healer to finish working on you?' a maid questioned.
'In a minute.' You cringed at your voice, it was raw and croaky from your fit of sobs. You got up and grabbed the black robe, securing it on your body before opening the door and letting the Healer do his job. Usually, the itching would annoy you, but this time you paid it no mind as you reflected on your situation.
He finished working on your leg in a matter of minutes and excused himself just as another maid brought in your dinner. You ate alone in the confines of your bedroom, your hair still wet and donning his robe. There was no energy in you to get dressed or to move to the bed to sleep your tiredness off. You wouldn't until he got here.
You needed to put yourself first, to set your foot down and demand his attention. You wanted to be the old Y/N, the one before Aleksander got to you. She was kind and sweet, a humble orphan, never feared by anyone, and good at her job. You hoped you could be her again, hoped that Aleksander's smooth words wouldn't wind you in again and chop a piece of you away.
The doors finally opened and his boots echoed along the hardwood floors.
'You're back.' He came up to you and kissed the top of your head where your hair was now perfectly dry. Before today you would've thought it was a sweet gesture, an endearing kiss to show his love, but now you saw it for what it was: routine.
He continued further into the room, not noticing your tear-stained face or puffy eyes.
'I brought the Sun-Summoner before the King today, I have his permission to train her, it's as if he thought I cared for his opin-' He paused, eyes finally taking you in. You stared out the window in front of you, the same place you had been looking at for hours. He took note of the scrapes on your hands and bruise on the side of your temple, but what garnered his interest was the look of pure melancholy on your face.
'You left me there, left all of us'
'What?' He was taken aback.
'There were four times as many of them as there was us and you left.' Your voice was void of any emotion.
'There was plenty of Grisha with you, Ivan was there. Besides, they would have fled knowing I was there.'
'You're not getting it, I was there.' That's all that should matter to you. 'They didn’t flee. I almost died Aleksander. You told me to give my kefta to her and it almost cost me my life.'
'She's the Sun-Summoner.'
'I don't care.' You spit with venom so strong he flinched but stayed quiet but you continued, letting the ball drop. 'I'm leaving the Little Palace. Station me somewhere around the borders. It's for the best.'
As soon as the words left your lips another wave of pain washed over you. How were you supposed to live without him? My love knows no bounds, and it yearns for a man that doesn't care for me.
'You're leaving me?'
'It's for the best.' You repeated and looked away from him, not being able to stand his poised face and calm composure. He was supposed to be upset, shout and scream for you to stay, but he looked....normal.
‘I’m sure the Second Army could do with a skilled soldier on one of the fronts. I’m no good rotting here in the palace.’
He stayed silent and as the seconds ticked by, it was visible his demeanor was falling apart.
'The best for me or you?' There it was, denial. The slight edge to his voice and the flexing of his hands, perhaps even the glisten to his eye.
'Don't do this, don't turn this around on me Aleksander. I have spent the majority of these last few months crying because of you. I have nobody to turn to, all my friends are scared me, they fear me and it's all your fault.' You wiped the tears as they rolled down your face with the sleeve of his black robe. 'I can't do this anymore.'
'You can't just up and run.' Is he upset about his best soldier leaving or me leaving?
'What else am I to do?'
'You don't have to leave the Palace' He took small steps towards you, the reality of the situation hitting him.
'I do. For if I stay I'll see you around and I'll hurt even more. Please, let me go.' You went back to staring out the window because if you had to look at his devasted face, you would crumble.
He kneeled down beside you and tried to grasp your hands but you pulled away. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see his head drop in defeat. You wanted to reach out, hug him, tell him you're staying, put a stop to his sadness but that voice screamed again: Put yourself first. You're the one who's been hurting to make sure he's okay.
'I'll stay in a spare room from now until I leave'
The chair squeaked as you stood up, but Aleksander stayed put. You went to leave, to put all this behind you and start fresh, bring the old Y/N back, but a whisper pulled you back. With your forehead resting against the cool of the door, you resisted the urge to turn around.
'I love you Y/N.'
'I know, I love you too'
I'd rather you leave me lonely, even though it hurts
You're a dangerous love
@aleksanderwh0r3 @theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @lostysworld @0-artemis @exo-1204 @staradorned @bookfrog242 @simp-for-ben-barners @keepdaydreamingbb @acciorudolphx @pansysgirlfriend @pansysgirlfriend @justmesadgirl
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nextdoor-neighbors · 4 years
It’s Always Been You
Request: @divergirl99
Hey could I get a Fred x reader where maybe the reader is ginny or Rons best friend since they were young and the weasleys are all protective of here especially the twins and maybe they find her upset cause he boyfriend cheated and Fred gets angry and ends up getting in a fight with the ex and then confesses?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, violence (punching), blood
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You walk down the corridors of school, on the search for your boyfriend, Adrian Pucey. You have a free period - your last period of the day before dinner - and you know he does, too, which usually you spend together, but today, you can’t find him.
“Ron,” you call when you see your best friend, who’s walking with Harry. He looks up at the sound of your voice and smiles, turning to say something to Harry before making his way over to you.
“Hey, Y/N. What’s going on?”
“Have you seen Adrian? I can’t find him anywhere.”
Ron frowns. He’s never been a fan of Adrian, with him being a Slytherin and all, but considering Adrian has always treated you well, Ron has kept his mouth shut over the last few months that you’ve been in your relationship.
“No, I haven’t,” Ron says, “but I’ll let him know you’re looking for him if I do.”
You smile and thank him before continuing your search. You turn down a hall of empty classrooms, not sure why he would be down here, but you decide to look anyway. You peer into the classrooms, stopping abruptly when you stop two figures in one of them, locked in what appears to be a passionate snog session. You blush at catching them, averting your eyes, but quickly do a double-take when you think that you recognize one of the figures.
You know that messy black hair and Quidditch jumper all too well.
You shove open the door to the classroom, and the two jump apart in shock at the noise. You make eye contact with Adrian, your heart dropping to your stomach, and immediately turn to leave, tears already burning at the backs of your eyes.
“No, no, Y/N, I promise, it wasn’t what it looked like, I-” he calls after you, but you keep walking away, past the few other students in the halls with your head down and tears blurring your vision. You don’t know how to feel; you’re devastated, because you didn’t think he would ever do something like this to you, but you’re also shaking from your rage, and as much as you want to scream at him, you don’t think you can do so without sobbing. So, you opt for the silent treatment.
Eventually Adrian gives up calling after you, so, you hide out in the prefects’ bathroom for the rest of the period. You don’t want to show your face at dinner, in case he tries to talk to you, but the grumble of your stomach in the silent bathroom says otherwise.
You push yourself up off the cold tile floor, wiping your tears away as you gaze at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes are red and your skin blotchy from crying your eyes out for the entire period, so you splash some water on your face until you think it’s slightly less noticeable. At least, you hope it is.
You venture out into the halls, already dreading whatever you’re about to face. Your heart aches. You really thought he was a good guy, but of course, you were wrong. Per usual. You always had dated the wrong guys, who all ended up breaking your heart in one way or another. You thought Adrian would be different, and you’re beyond mad at yourself for ever thinking he would be. 
You don’t think you’ll ever find a good guy. I mean, there is someone you’ve always wanted, someone who you think would treat you well, but he’d never want you. Why would he?
You avoid eye contact with anyone as you make your way into the Great Hall, finding your normal spot between Ron and Ginny. You had hoped they wouldn’t ask questions, or that you could play off your heartbreak well enough that they wouldn’t notice, but then again, you’ve been friends with the Weasley family since forever. They’re all very protective of you, especially the twins, who are two years older than you. Of course someone is bound to notice.
Sure enough, before you even fully sit down, George - who’s sitting across from you - says, “What’s wrong, Y/N?”
You look up at him, forcing a very weak smile and shaking your head.
“Nothing,” you say quietly.
“That’s bullshit,” Fred adds, his eyebrows furrowing in his concern, “You can tell us.”
You look at Fred, and just as you’re about to admit what happened, Adrian comes up behind him. You look up at him, and Fred must notice the change in your expression as your stomach twists, because he spins around in his seat.
“Y/N, can I talk to you?” Adrian asks. You fight the urge to start crying again as you make eye contact with him, instead, mustering up all of your courage.
“No,” you say, “Adrian, we’re done.”
You don’t even have to look at Ron, Ginny, the twins, or any of the other people listening to know how shocked they probably appear. You watch as Adrian’s face drops, but he doesn’t budge.
“Please, Y/N,” he practically begs.
“Do you not understand what no means, Pucey?” Fred replies before you can, getting up out of his seat and standing up, towering over Adrian.
Adrian’s face immediately twists into a scowl as he looks up at Fred. You can’t find the words to tell Adrian to go away or Fred that it’s okay, you can handle it, as you watch the boys with wide eyes, fearing what’s about to happen next.
“Stay out of it, Weasley,” Adrian snaps, before turning back to you, pleading again, “Y/N, you don’t understand. It was a mistake, and if you’d just let me explain-”
Fred keeps his eyes trained on Adrian, as if daring him to speak to you one more time. You find your words, as the entirety of the Great Hall is listening in on your conversation:
“I think I understand perfectly, Adrian, because there’s not much to explain about why I found you kissing another girl.”
“You did what?” Fred shouts, and you watch as he pushes Adrian with his hands flat on his chest. Adrian falls back, his face contorting in rage. At this point, the other house tables have erupted into noise, students standing up and trying to get a good look at the fight.
Adrian pushes himself up, rushing towards Fred, as Fred yells something about how he just lost the greatest thing that ever happened to him and how he’s going to pay for hurting you.
Adrian’s fist connects with Fred’s jaw, knocking Fred’s head back, but Fred reacts instantly, socking Adrian straight in the nose. The blood starts flowing from Adrian’s nose immediately, and you yell at them to stop, but neither boy listens to you as more punches are thrown.
Thankfully, a few teachers have made their way over, and with a swish of her wand, McGonagall separates the two boys. You stand there, your heart pounding like crazy in your chest, looking between Fred and Adrian, who stand a few feet apart, giving each other the death glare. Adrian wipes his sleeve across his nose, smearing his blood all over the fabric. You’re sure that he’s going to have a black eye tomorrow, as well. Fred, on the other hand, looks better off, with seemingly only a puffy, split lip.
You’re at a loss for words as you watch Fred and Adrian be escorted out of the Great Hall by Snape, McGonagall, and Dumbledore. Fred looks over as he walks away, and you make eye contact with him for a split second. In that second, he looks you up and down before turning away. Your stomach flips at that, but in a good way.
You don’t know what to say to him later. Do you thank him? You know that Adrian will never bother you again, thanks to this, but you also know that the whole school is going to be talking about this: about Adrian cheating on you, and about Fred’s reaction.
Your heart feels like it’s being squeezed inside your chest as you think about that. Why did Fred react like that? I mean, you know he’s protective of you, but so are George, Ginny, and Ron, and they didn’t jump Adrian like that...
No, you shouldn’t get your hopes up. After all, you need time to recover from today, so you shouldn’t be trying to jump into anything else quite yet, either. But then again, it’s Fred. Your longtime crush, but also your best friend’s older brother. The one guy that you’ve wanted that you always thought was unattainable. He couldn’t possibly see you as anything more, could he?
You excuse yourself from dinner quietly, whispering to Ron that you’ll talk to him later. You’re hoping to find Fred whenever he’s done getting in trouble, but also, hoping to avoid Adrian. He’s the last person you want to see right now.
You hover around the area of Dumbledore’s office, and after several minutes, you hear footsteps. You peer around the corner to see Adrian, walking away from you, thankfully, towards the hospital wing, and Fred, headed towards you.
“Hey,” he says, quietly, offering you a small smile as well as he can, considering his lip is still busted.
“Hi,” you reply, still not sure what to say. You’re really not sure how to process anything that just happened, but you’re going to at least hopefully get Fred’s thoughts on everything.
“Hopefully that asshole learned his lesson,” Fred says bitterly as the two of you walk side by side down the empty corridor, “If he ever bothers you again, you let me know, okay? I’ll take care of him for you.”
“But why?” you ask, stopping in your tracks. Fred stops too, just looking at you, as if nonverbally asking you to elaborate. “Why do you care so much?”
Fred’s eyebrows furrow slightly, but he hesitates before speaking.
“You’re Ron’s best friend. Obviously I’d stand up for you, especially against a prick like Pucey. But...” he trails off, looking over you again. You stay silent, waiting for him to continue.
He looks up to meet your eyes, and this time, angry Fred is gone, and in his place is hesitant, vulnerable Fred. Something that you don’t see often.
“I like you, Y/N. A lot,” he says, and your heart somersaults.
“I know this probably isn’t the best time to tell you,” he continues, “considering everything that just happened, but, I just... it’s always been you, and it pisses me off to see you fall for these guys who treat you like shit instead of like a princess, which is what you deserve.”
For definitely not the first time today, you can’t find the words to reply, but this time, it’s for a good reason. For a moment, you forget about Adrian, about your heartbreak and about the fight, and you cross the small gap between you and Fred, pushing yourself up on your tiptoes to kiss him.
He tastes like the blood from his lip, but when you pull away, you smile, and he smiles back, almost in relief.
“Let’s get that lip of yours fixed up,” you say, “and we can talk more.”
“Absolutely,” Fred replies, reaching for your hand as the two of you start down the hall again. “I’m never going to let any guy hurt you again, Y/N. And I definitely won’t ever hurt you. You can trust me on that.”
And you truly believe him.
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justxright · 4 years
Zeke Yeager x Reader - “Traitor”
Chapter 2 - “You are Never Leaving My Grasp”
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Warnings : Spoilers for season 3, physical violence and a bit of Stockholm syndrome. MINOR SMUT, involving stripping of clothing.
As the night began to creep in slowly, the more scared you became. Zeke kept staring at you as if you were a meal. As if any minute he would jump out at you and start tearing you apart like a predator would rip open its prey. The glow of the fire also didn’t help. He looked like a demon, despite you and your race technically being the “devils”.
You tried to break eye contact and just stared at the fire pit. It was beyond awkward and you peaked here and there to get a glimpse of him. You’d have to admit though he was oddly handsome, and not to mention this guy was ripped. Was he not cold?
He continued stirring around the substance in the pot before he spoke. “Hm? Like what you see?” You made the mistake of looking into his eyes again before he let out a cocky smile and pointed his finger at you.
“No-! I just, it’s cold... sorry. You’re not wearing a jacket or anything so...” you trailed off and turned away to face the dusky horizon, avoiding the rest of the conversation.
“Well I just came out of a titan, and I’ll have you know it gets quite warm in there. But I’d hate to be distracting, so if it helps...” he left for a moment to walk into one of the tents before coming out moments later with a jacket on.
You puffed up her cheeks and just looked away. So annoying and cocky ...
Zeke could only sit back and admire how cute and flustered you were. You’ve just been captured and now you’re flustered while trying desperately to survive. He’ll admit you’re holding up quite well.
“You know, out of everyone else you’re the only one that’s been cooperative.” He then shook his head and let out a sigh of exhaustion. “Poor guys, if only they had been as helpful as you I wouldn’t have pushed them off the wall.” Zeke then poured you a cup of what seemed to be tea. “But in order for you to tell me everything, I need you to stay alive.”
You took the cup into your hands as best as you could and nodded slowly. “Thank you. I’ll tell you as much as I know, and the theories us scouts currently have.” Then you slowly took a sip of the tea. It was delicious, perhaps black tea? You also tasted a hint of honey.
“Oh! And she’s polite!” Zeke applauded and let out the biggest smile on his face. “I guess not all Eldians on Paradis Island are devils.” He reached down into the box next to him and took out a small loaf of bread before placing it next to you. “What a shame some angels are born here in hell. Perhaps if you behave yourself I can take you back to my hometown across the sea where the Titans will never reach you again.”
Your eyes widened and you nearly dropped your cup of tea. So many questions ran through your mind at once. Wait take you? Hold on, did he just call you an Angel? There’s a world beyond the sea? If felt as if you lost all of your breath and the only thing you could mumble was “The sea?...”
Zeke poured himself another cup of tea and swished it around in the cup for a moment. “Yes the sea. Surely you’ve seen it. You’re a scout aren’t you?”
You shook your head in disagreement. “Well yes, but I’ve only ever seen the sea in history books. That’s if I can get my hands on one without getting arrested.”
Zeke took a sip of his now warmer tea. “Ah I see. What a shame that the world’s memories are not only stolen, but the physical copies that remain are hunted down to be destroyed.”
Memories? What memories? Taking a deep breath, you chose your next words carefully. “Yes I know. It’s a shame... I just want to know the truth.”
Zeke leaned his head onto his hand for support, his eyes never left your face. “Well, I am a man of my word. If you behave I’ll take you back to my hometown and from there you’ll know the whole truth. Plus, the Titans will never reach you again.”
Suddenly the air grew colder than it was before and chills began to dig up your spine. You took in a huge gulp of pride and swallowed it. “Yes, I’d like that very much, but please don’t hur-“ but before you could finish, Zeke interrupted. “What? Hurt you?” He scoffed and put his cup of tea down before walking over to you slowly.
He kneeled down in front of you, his dull grey eyes felt like they were staring daggers into yours, when suddenly he took both of his hands and began to pinch your cheeks, but not in a cute way. It was painful and you whimpered at the pain as your eyes began to tear up. “Then don’t give me a reason to...” he whispered coldly. “Don’t you think I know you’re saying all this bullshit just to sway me?” He growled and pinched harder. “And don’t you think I know that you’ll try and escape when you get the chance?”
It hurt so bad. It felt as if Zeke had taken two hot knifes and began digging into your cheeks.
“Please, please! Stop it hurts!” You mumbled and cried, squirming around to get away from his grasp. This only made Zeke pinch even harder. He knew for sure these would leave bruises and you knew it too. “Please what? What’s my name? Please what?” He brought you forehead right against his and looked you straight in the eyes, waiting for your response. “Please Zeke. Please stop, it hurts really bad...” you said a little more gently as your face began to litter itself with your tears.
Absolutely pathetic. You felt pathetic and ashamed. Humanity’s strongest soilders has a helpless pathetic little sister. The potential wasted away, all because she doesn’t have the guts to be brave.
“There we go... just like that.” Zeke smiled and let go of both of your cheeks, staring at your puffy face while he wipped away your tears. “Hush now, don’t cry.” He suddenly grabbed your chin and forced you to look at the edge of the wall that faced the wilderness. “You know, out of everyone I’ve captured, you’re the only one that’s been so polite. All these other girls just gave me a hard time, so I had no choice but to throw them over the wall. They wouldn’t be suitable anyways if I had taken them back home with me.”
Icy cold sweat ran down your back while your voice shivered. “I-I swear I won’t run off! Please don’t throw me off the wall!” But you wanted him to throw you off the wall and you wanted to die right then and there. You did not want to go back with him to his hometown as some sort of prize, no matter how far away you were from the Titans.
While you whimpered and cried, Zeke still admired your pretty face. The bruises on your cheeks almost immediately started showing up on your face while it also showed itself to be red and irritated. All you could wonder is why. Why you? And why had you made the stupid decision to go with him? The chances of getting to back Levi became very slim, and you began to lose hope. Sure, you were an Ackerman by name, but not by blood. You weren’t naturally skilled like Levi, you had to earn it through lots of training. And for crying out loud, you were with the beast titan. There was no way you would make it out alive without his help, not to mention you were stuck on top of the wall with this guy.
Zeke pulled your face back to him and had rested your head against his forehead. The intense eye contact was beyond horrific but it only got worse when he had leaned in and kissed your cheeks. “Don’t you worry now, I won’t throw you off these walls because I’ve made a decision.”
Paralyzed, you dared yourself to ask what that decision was with wide eyes. Zeke stared for a moment before caressing your face. “Darling, you are never leaving my grasp.”
And your heart nearly stopped as all the left over hope you had shattered into a million pieces. Everything after that became a blur and the next thing you knew is that you were in a tent right next to him. He had removed the rope around your wrist and forced you to change into a little brown sweater of his. You slipped off the belts and suspenders off of your waist and felt his eyes look you up and down. Especially after you had pulled off your uniform’s button down long sleeve. His eyes stared you up and down, and what he wanted so badly was to take you right there and claim you as his. Zeke had taken your scout cloak, brown jacket, and shirt before folding it into a corner of the tent. The only thing you had left was your white pants and brown boots.
Zeke then grabbed both of your hands and began to tie them up again, this time a little more gently. You could bet that this man was either bipolar or really harsh when it came to discipline and precautions. He held your hand in his for a moment before turning over and unzipped a sleeping bag. “Well now, I know today was harsh, but I promise you it will get better.” Zeke leaned into your legs and began to remove your boots.
You had to admit, it felt nice to have them removed. Your foot ached and so did your back. It felt like this day had gone on for years and all you wanted was to sleep. Zeke then gestured for you to crawl in the sleeping bag and you did as commanded. He then zipped you up and stared at you with the a soft smile. The first smile that you’d seen from him that wasn’t all at sinister, but genuinely kind. “Goodnight Y/n, get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow.”
Unknowingly, you smiled back and spoke softly with half of your face covered by the sleeping bag. “Goodnight Zeke...”
Zeke was beyond ecstatic that you seemed to finally obey him. The view of you comfortably relaxing in the sleeping bag seemed to make his heart race. Not only that, but the way you said his name made him want to curl up next to you and kiss you all over. But he knew it wouldn’t be a good idea after all the shock it had just put you through.
He brought out a sleeping bag next to you and crawled it. You laid on your side and faced away from him, your heart racing at a hundred miles per hour. You couldn’t even escape his scent. It was on you and he was right next to you. The smell of cigarettes and sweet honey tea filled your nose as you secretly took a whiff of the smell from his sweater. While sleepless for hours, you’ll have to admit that you were becoming accustomed to his scent.
Slowly but surely, he was getting there to make you his.
Meanwhile back at the inner walls, Levi panicked and furiously went through every group of soilders to find were you had gone. During the aftermath of everything the only thing he could assume was the worst. He swore to Miche that if anything were to ever happen to you, he’d rip him apart the same way he does with the Titans. Even after all of that, Levi wish he had begged you to stay instead of letting you go beyond the walls.
It wasn’t until he had snapped out of his thoughts when he had heard the man next him preaching some irrating shit he didn’t like to hear. Levi pointed a gun at the man beneath his coat and finally reminded himself of what was going on. Right, the titan in the walls Pastor Nick knew about. “There can be other ways to get information out of him...”
Hange assured him that threats and torture didn’t work on this man. Levi grew even more pissed and so badly wanted to shoot the man. Perhaps due to this inner anger that he didn’t know where you were and so badly wanted to take out his frustrations on the preacher. Eren threw a fit about how everything was backwards and so badly wanted to know how he knew about the Titans in the wall. Just like how Levi wanted to know so badly about why you hadn’t returned to him yet.
Honestly he was in no position to focus on what was going on since you had gone missing. Levi had once lost two of his closest friends and he was no where near ready to lose you. Never once had you ever came back to him late, and before Levi knew it you were gone that entire night. Until finally his worst fear came true, that the nights had suddenly become days. Days where reports of Titans were spotted within wall Rose, but there was no breach. Throughout those days of endless exploration he never found you, but he never gave you up for dead.
“Y/n... where did you go?”
Note : Thank you all so much! I’m surprised that this series had more of a demand, especially since it’s my first Attack on Titan fic. ~
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sunjaesol · 4 years
we’re dancing under the rain
canon compliant juke | fluff! | inspiration: rain // ben platt
Julie wondered if one day, she could stop loving. Because damn - it hurt. It hurt to love so much and continuously have her heart be broken. Love and heartache cycled through her life like a never ending train and the girl was in a constant battle of wanting to shut down or give it another chance. 
She always chose the latter, obviously, but that hurt too. The price she needed to pay to have such meaningful friendships. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have become a family with a trio of ghosts and an adjacent skater ghost. The problem of caring so much was when the heart got involved, when that heart beat a second too fast, too willingly, too adoringly. 
It made her vulnerable, her heart jumping out of her chest to sync with the other person and then getting crushed instead. This time, it cut her particulary deep. 
Nick broke up with her. 
A puffy-eyed Julie sat huddled in the studio under a blanket. He did it during lunch. All of a sudden, he pulled her aside into the hallway, told her they didn’t quite fit together and that it was better if they broke up. He pretended like she had a say in it, though it was clear he already made up his mind. Which was even worse, Julie found. Nick had thought about it before, probably more than once. His words made her feel like a fool. There she was, thinking their relationship was going smooth, getting squashed a minute after that: no, actually, it’s not going smoothly and you’re probably in denial so let’s end it now.
Later, she’d probably thank him for ripping the band-aid. She was now allowed to be heartbroken.    
Outside, rain was slamming against the pavement. That was the only good thing about the situation; the weather deciding to match her mood and mourn with her.
Luke poofed in with his signature grin, lips shaping to blurt out a story and then crashing into a frown when he saw the state she was in. 
Wordlessly, she covered her tear-stained cheeks with the blanket. She hated it when people - especially Luke - caught her at her lowest. The boys were dead, she couldn't really complain about minor inconveniences when the only reason they were breathing was out of habit. 
The couch dipped at her feet. A careful hand patted her calf. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she mumbled. 
“Yes, cause that’s what I do when nothing’s wrong.” His voice was light, though a keen ear like hers could sense the hint of concern. “I cry.”
Julie huffed, pulling the blanket back to scowl at him. “Nick broke up with me. But it’s whatever because it clearly wasn’t as big of a deal to him as it was to me, so-” Shrugging, she sat upright and wiped her runny nose with the sleeve of her sweater. “It is nothing.”
Her fingers combed through her hair, trying to relieve the heat bugging her skin. God, she just wanted this day to be over with. She didn’t want to rehearse and do homework and eat dinner and pretend everything was dandy. She just wanted to cry and sleep and not have Luke’s stupidly green eyes drown in pity. 
“That sucks though,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
Her lips rolled inwards, a smile forming despite her mood. “Not your fault.” Their gazes met. It felt new, somehow. “My heart is just… too open, I guess.”
Luke tapped her calf again, mirth lilting his tone. “Still not a bad thing. It was cool in the 90s and it’s cool now. He’s an idiot for not going crazy over it.”
“My open heart?”, she chuckled. 
“Yeah.” A beat. His eyes haven’t wavered. “Or you. In general.”
The smile bloomed to a full grin, a sliver of levity easing the ache in her chest. Why did he always know what to say? Granted, he used to be horrible at cheering her up, when she was fifteen and sadness lingered in her every move, but he got the hang of it after two years. A reassuring kiss on her temple before a stressful gig, a particularly uplifting speech during band circle, a new tune he came up with when he knew she didn’t feel like talking. Her teenage girl melodrama unfazed him. 
Luke met her halfway for a tight hug. It was the most comfortable place to be; her cheek on his shoulder and his arms holding her so securely and how, after all they’ve been through, his 90s cologne smelled like home. 
“Thank you,” she mumbled. “Some ghost girl is going to be so happy you’ve had practise dealing with me.”
He snorted. “Ah, yes. My harem of ghost girls. The, uh, market is really big for me.”
It wasn’t something they often discussed. It became clear that the boys weren’t going to cross over any time soon (if crossing over was even a thing, or the thing they thought it would be) and had time to settle into a long afterlife. Willie had been wandering around since the seventies and only now found Alex, so who knew how long Luke and Reggie would have to wait until they met their ghost-mate. It was a sad thought, but at least they had each other and music and the band. 
There was also the minor problem that Luke sometimes had this look on his face, usually fixed on her, that left little to the interpretation. It hasn’t happened in a while, but every so often…
It kind of made her breathless. Whatever. It was dumb. Those feelings have long been buried. The point was that he should look at ghost girls like that - not her.   
(A month after The Orpheum, they sat side by side behind the grand piano as they belted out a new song they’ve been working on, her fingers expertly gliding across the keys and slamming on those that needed that extra power. Julie was fully entranced, head thrown back and smiling through the lyrics as their voices reached a beautiful harmony no one could compete with. The last note drifted across the studio. When she turned to look at him, she expected to see the same grin. Instead, Luke gave her such a tender look, close, and let his doe eyes wander past her nose. Had Reggie not poofed in, she didn’t know if she would’ve had the restraint to not give in. To not be selfish. It was years ago, but she thought about it each time he joined her at the piano. It was the price for friendship, Julie often reminded herself. For an eternal bond.) 
Rain kept drumming into the ground. It sounded like a million ping pong balls fell onto the roof at an incredible speed. 
Luke pulled away and shot a look outside. “Damn.”
“Yeah,” Julie nodded. “I made a deal with God today. If I cry, the world does too.”
He rolled his eyes. “Dramatic.”
The smile stuck to her cheeks. Luke only needed a few minutes to lift her spirits. Tears didn’t even well up anymore. Was that bad? That one the same day, just in the afternoon, she already felt a bit better? She decided to not mull on the why.
“Wanna dance in the rain?”
She blinked. “What?”
He matched her smile, throwing his thumb at the doors. “Do you wanna dance in the rain?”
It was as if her brain wasn’t processing his words. “What? Why?”
“Why not?”, he shrugged. “You feel like shit, it never rains in LA and it’s fun.”
Quiet excitement coursed through her veins, the thrill pushing energy back in her bloodstream. Why not? The expectant twinkle in his eye brought colour to her face, jumping off the couch pulling him up with her. His whooping got her to laugh. It almost surprised her; she hasn’t properly laughed at all today. 
They each pulled one sliding door open, their ears instantly bombarded with noise. It was the hardest downpour of the year! 
“No running for cover!”, he yelled above the loud rushing of rain.     
She stuck her pinky out. “Only if you won’t!”  
And then they stepped in the rain. They were drenched straight away, a squeal erupting from her lips as the coldness crept between her clothes. He laughed, raking his hair back and leaping into a puddle. Water splashed around him. 
His voice bellowed through the sound. “C’mon!”
It spurred her into action, his laugh replaying in her head over and over again, as her head lolled back and began to twirl in circles. Faster and faster, giggles tumbling out as felt herself becoming one with the rain. This was exactly what she needed. A moment of silliness and unconditional joy! 
Luke was dancing like a maniac next to her, feet kicking and arms outstretched. She found herself staring at his profile, how bliss broke the lines in his face and caused a crescendo of glee to overcome him. It was mesmerising. Julie found herself slowing down, taken aback by the hope rising in her chest at the mere sight of him. 
What she hoped for, she didn’t know. (She did. She just couldn’t admit it just yet.) 
As if sensing her thoughts, Luke caught her eye with and yanked her into the dance without a second of hesitation. They spun around, hands intertwined and arms outstretched, daring to see how long they could keep going before one dropped from dizziness. Julie wasn’t afraid though. Luke would never let her fall. 
They let go just as they were losing balance, snickering like fools and trying to find footing again. Julie jumped onto his back, him instantly jostling her around until she got chucked off like a sack of potatoes. Each grin and laugh and crack of thunder mended her heart, slipping the pieces back together and allowing it to bloom once more. Keep on breaking, keep on loving, keep on hoping, keep on hoping for-
Luke locked his hands around the small of her back. “Ready?!”
He didn’t have to ask twice, their steps speeding up as she threw her arms beside her and then, at their fastest, pulled one leg up to swing in his hold. How she didn’t slip on the soaking wet ground was a miracle. 
Julie’s smile rivalled his, grabbing onto the lapels of his shacket to get him closer. He had something else in mind, hands slipping to her waist and launching her in the sky in one fluid motion. It took her breath away, quickly grabbing onto his shoulders and yelling her lungs out. It was just like in her dreams. Was it selfish of her to have yearned for this? 
(She felt it. The way her heart washed away all the troubles, how the numbing cold shrivelled to make place for someone else.)   
They shouted exclaims and curses into the rain. About Nick, about music, about each other, about how fucking unfair life could be, but damn - moments like these were worth the pain.  
Her drenched curls tickled his face, causing him to sputter and attract her focus. Julie looked down at him and didn’t stop the heartstopping smile growing on her face. Oh. 
Her fingers swiped against the planes of his cheeks, his grin beaming up at her and letting the dormant wildfire (snug between her ribs, among the flowers and the lyrics) come alive again. For so long, she hasn’t allowed herself to feel it. But how could she not when Luke propelled her into the storm itself, unify them like the whirlwind of passion they authentically were? 
They were the thunder and the lightning, the silver lining and the punch line - the dancers in the rain. 
He gently set her down, feet splashing. She didn’t let him pull away, instantly wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her face into his wet shirt. They smelled like wet dogs and it was better than any perfume she’s ever had. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. 
His head settled on top of hers, cool breath fanning her skin. “I can’t have you down in the gutter, Jules. Ever.”
I love you. “Ever?”
She felt him move, her eyes tilting to meet his. That expression she cherished deeply returned tenfold. His tender smile, the green hooded by shy eyes, an incredulous hitch of the breath. 
Luke nodded, flitting gaze as if he didn’t quite know what to focus on, and carefully brushed a droplet from her cheek. “Ever.” 
(Julie got a cold the next day. It didn’t matter - she had the boy of her dreams to keep her company.) 
Breathe deep, let it wash over you We're slowly becoming lovers I promise you we won't be like the others We won't go running for cover
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@blush-and-books​ @bluefirewrites​ @willexx​ @unsaid-emily​ @ourstarscollided​ @sophiphi​ @unsaidjulie​
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writer-panda · 3 years
The Hit on the Groom and What Became of It - Chapter 4/I’ll never let you down (in an open casket)
Chapter 1  -|-  Previous -|- Next
The Hit on the Groom and What Became of It - Chapter 4/I’ll never let you down (in an open casket)
As she hanged up, Marinette rushed to the doors and let her mother in. The previous night she spent mostly on working with Kwamis to prepare. Most were in agreement that she needed to act and not leave her kitty’s fate to chance. Tikki protested for a bit, but in the end, she saw that there was no changing Marinette’s mind and joined in on scheming. Except she had no way of tracking Adrien. Not… until she received the call!
Except now her mother entered. Sabine greeted her daughter by giving her a bone-crushing hug. 
“I was so worried! When the police called I couldn’t just sit there and wait!”
“Maman. It’s alright. I’m okay. See?” The girl did break away from the hug and smiled.
“I know. But I couldn’t help but worry.”
“Maman… Adrien’s been kidnapped.”
“I know.” Her mother’s expression didn’t reveal any emotions now.
“I… he’s been miserable ever since that wedding mess, and now this.”
“I know.” Again, nothing. 
“He’s my friend.”
“Not the love of your life?” Sabine questioned with a bit of amusement in her voice.
“No. He doesn’t need another fangirl. He needs a friend. Someone who can support him. I… I wasn’t a good friend before this…” She didn’t reveal that she wasn’t a great partner either. Chat hid things well, but from time to time his shell cracked. She should’ve seen the signs. She could’ve done something. Or at least do something with Lila. She had connections and Lila deserved a lawsuit or five. 
“Oh, sweety. You were a great friend. You are a great friend. I’m happy to see you’re not about to chase after some misguided love, but after friendship.”
“I know I’m only… wait, what?” Marinette.exe stopped working. If the problem keeps repeating itself, please contact customer service or the nearest Kwami. 
“When I was fifteen, I dropped out of… school to explore the world on my own. It wasn’t until a few years later that I met your father.” Sabine said in a bit dreamy voice like she was reminiscing. “We had several adventures across Europe before finally settling down in Paris.”
“But… Papa’s a baker.” Marinette protested. “I thought he was always a baker, like his father.”
In response, her mother chuckled. “No. Your father had much more in common with your Nona than with his father. I met him when he was fighting in an underground cage-fighting club.”
“Whoa…” Marinette’s eyes widened. That was a story she never heard before. “So how did you two got together?”
“I will tell you some other time. The point is, I know that even if I took you to Paris with me, you would’ve run away to look for your friend.”
“Maman!” For a moment, the girl wanted to protest. But then she decided that there was no point. “Yes… you’re right. But I can’t just let it happen! If the police find him, he will end up back with his father!”
“I know. And what’ll you do about it?” Her mother had this mysterious smirk on her face.
“I guess… I need to be the one to find him. I will get him situated somewhere safe. Maybe stay with him for a bit. He’s smart. And a quick learner.” He mastered being a superhero faster than I did.
“Good. Then you have my blessing.” 
“I can’t just abandon-” Marinette.exe stopped working again. Contacting the customer service might be in order. Technically, Sabine kept hinting about it. Practically, Marinette would miss a clue even if she was holding a gun to its head. “I have your what now?”
“You can go. Save him. Find yourself. And maybe kick some asses while you’re at it.”
“Most parents would be worried sick about their not-yet-adult children running off to an adventure.”
“You wanted to know how I met your father. The answer is I was the first to beat him in that cage.” Sabine’s smirk was replaced with a serious expression. “Of course I will worry, sweety. I’m your mother. But holding you back now will not help you. You’re a strong young woman and to be fair, I’m not sure how we could hold you down. You have steady access to the rooftop and two years of parkour training.”
“What now?”
“Did you honestly think we wouldn’t notice you sneaking off through the balcony?”
“And you didn’t even tell me?” 
“It would be hypocritical of us.” Sabine defended. “And if the worse came to happen, I had several… souvenirs from our travel around the world.”
“Thank you, Maman. I promise I will come back; And call you often. Well, maybe not too often.” Marinette already dashed to start packing. 
“Of course you will. And don’t get into too much trouble. I would hate to have to go and find you.” Sabine threatened with a bright smile on her face. 
“I’ll try, Maman.” The girl was only half-listening now. She couldn’t waste any more time. She learned how to trace the call about one-and-a-half years ago when she was still a bit ‘stalker-ish’. 
Sabine watched her daughter with amusement. So many memories returned to her now. Youth mostly well-spent if someone asked her. The ‘mostly’ part came to bite her just that moment as her phone pinged. She quickly checked the message and frowned. 
“I’m sorry, my little cupcake, but I need to go check it. An old friend turns out to be in town.” 
“I’ll call you later!” Marinette called from where she was furiously working on her laptop. 
When Sabine left, the kwamis swarmed her immediately.
“Your mom is so cool!” one of them cooed.
“And she’s one bad-”
“Roaar!” Tikki scolded the tiger kwami. 
“What’s the plan, pigtails?”
“Adrien’s call was made from within Gotham City. He’s still here for now. I also managed to track him to Burnley.”
“Didn’t that mercenary you called mention some Lawton?” Trixx offered.
“Yeah. I did try to search him up, but the only one with that name that I managed to find is Zoe Lawton. Wait. There is more!” She beamed up. “An old article in some Mexican newspaper.” She clicked on the link and read it aloud for her co-conspirators “Floyd Lawton, also known as Deadshot, was recently arrested after an assassination of a small group of smugglers. It is yet unknown if it was a hit or was it personal.” The article went on, but there was nothing more of interest.
“So the guy’s a mercenary too? That’s good. He’ll bring Adrien to you.”
“Not so fast. I remember hearing about him. Deadshot is one of the few mercenaries who try to keep some resemblance of a code. He’s also noted to be soft around children.”
“Isn’t Adrien almost an adult though?” Kaalki asked rather uncaring.
“Have you met the guy? He’s a literal ray of sunshine!” Plagg protested.
“So… he won’t deliver him and won’t return him.” Seeing that some Kwamis didn’t understand her logic, she clarified, “I don’t think that if he learns how Gabe treated his son he will be in any hurry to return him.”
“That makes sense.” The little being all nodded in agreement.
“So what’s the alternative?”
“He could adopt him,” Ziggy suggested.
“Please.” Marinette dismissed the idea. “He’s not Bruce Wayne.”
“He could smuggle him out of the country.”
“No. Everyone’s looking for him.” Roaar countered. “He would try to lay low somewhere.”
“Burley is large and full of potential safe houses.” Marinette started to think. “But there is also a large concentration of organized crime. Alone, we would have a hard time, but if we got them to help…”
“Is it wise to involve more criminals into your schemes Marinette?” Tikki asked skeptically.
“Don’t worry, sugarcube. To catch a bird you need wings. To catch a criminal you need crime.”
“I’m not sure that’s how it works.”
“What’s the worse that could happen? I will go there as Seamstress. I won’t even appear in person. Right, Trixx?”
“You can count on it.” The fox kwami grinned.
“But… but…” Tikki wanted to scream her head off. Why did the previous guardian choose a juvenile criminal for her holder. Marinette used to be such a sweet girl. Where did Tikki go wrong?
It was dark when an eerie mist filled one of the less-than-legal clubs in Burnley. From among the smoke, a figure entered. She was wearing a godet-type black dress with a side-cut that reached to her belt. The dress was overlayed with a very visible deep-blue corset that pronounced her blue eyes. It had some intricate laces on it. She also wore a puffy-sleeved blazer (also black, but with a dark blue finish) with large and very pronounced cuffs. Around her neck was a white double jabot fixed to a choker with a large black gem surrounded by diamonds. Her long deep-blue hair was let loose and hung over her shoulder. A simple black-and-white domino mask hid her features.
As she marched, one of her legs shifted the fabric to reveal she was wearing dark-blue socks reaching above her knee and black leather boots. A knife was strapped to the right one and several leather strips around her thigh and knee suggested she had more weapons on her. 
One of the men whistled.
“Looks like the entertainment arrived, boys!” Several cheered at that shout. At least until the man who dared to say it ended pinned to a wall with a rather large needle holding his jacket in place. It was also uncomfortably close to his jugular. 
“I’m not entertainment.” The Seamstress hissed. 
“Then you’re not invited.” Several men got up, many were holding now-empty bottled which they turned into impromptu weapons. 
“You will help me find what was taken from me.” She demanded.
“Yeah? Or?” One of the men laughed before charging at her. 
What followed next was perhaps the strangest carnage Gotham City has seen in years. The Seamstress danced between the attacks with almost unnatural grace and agility while stabbing the attackers in various places with large needles. None of the hits were life-threatening and most would heal within hours. The wounds were meant to incapacitate with minimal long-term damage.
By the time she reached the far end of the bar, almost every man was laid out on the ground groaning in pain or scrambling in fear.
“I am not asking. You will be rewarded for your obedience.” She then disappeared into the back alley. One brave/foolish enough who still had some fight left rushed after her, only to find the place completely empty. 
On the rooftop, Marinette let out her breath. She didn’t use any miraculous for that one, but she kept Plagg’s ring on. Chat Noir wasn’t seen in some time, so it would’ve been easier to explain that the ring was stolen by a criminal. She would really need to thank her mother for all the training she forced on her ever since the Akumas started to appear, as well as the lessons during her childhood. Those were all only the most basic grunts tonight, but she got their attention. One of them would run to their boss. There, she could actually do what she planned. 
Just like she predicted, some of the less injured guys left the bar in hurry and drove their bikes to another part of the district. They disappeared into a three-story building. The windows were boarded, but some light seeped through on the top floor, so that is where she climbed. Indeed, by hanging on the edge of the window sill, she was able to hear the panicked screams inside.
“...and then she just disappeared! It was like that damn Bat, only much more terrifying. She was so small, and yet there was this… this… aura of power.”
Thank you Chloe for being queen B. Marinette stifled a laugh. Mimicking Chloe was the right choice. 
“Probably another one of his useless brats.” The boss dismissed them. Marinette decided that it would make the best impression if she contradicted him right now.
She wondered for a moment how to enter the armored building. She could rip the boards away and enter that way, but she was aiming for ethereal, not brute. In the end, she pulled a pair of glasses and put them over her mask. 
“Kaalki. Would you please help me break into headquarters of a criminal organization to scare them into serving me?”
“How many sugar cubes is it worth?”
“Ten. No more, no less.” Marinette had a small window of opportunity. 
“You’ve got a deal.” 
“Kaalki! Full gallop!” The light enveloped Marinette. When it died down, she was still in her outfit, only now the blue accents were brown instead. The gem on her neck held the symbol of a horse miraculous. “I love magical clothes. So easy to maintain the image.” Marinette muttered before a blue portal opened before her and she entered.
Inside, the five men (two who came to report, the boss, and his two guards) watched as the blue portal opened before them. The mist started to pour through it as well as through the boarded window. A figure calmly stepped inside.
“I didn’t expect the Gotham criminal organizations to be so… cliche.” She commented. Two needles sailed through the air and pinned the guards to the wall. Her horseshoe weapon waited patiently on her back should she need to use it.
“Who… who’re you?”
“Me? Oh. I’m The Seamstress. I had business in Gotham, but a fool dared to double-cross me. I need to find him.”
“Why… W-why shou-should w-we help… help you?” One of the guys from the bar asked.
“Oh. I’m not asking. I’m telling you that you’ll help me.” She informed. “I’m about to make you an offer you shouldn’t refuse.” 
The boss was now shaking. Damn city with its damn overpowered supervillains. They think they can simply run things as they want. First Red Hood took out most of the top brass of the underworld and then this? Working on his father’s farm was sounding more and more appealing. Then there was the shouldn’t. The reference to the classic movie was not lost, but she said shouldn’t. Not can’t. Once more he remembered how Red Hood took over. Submit, or die. This was the same. She clearly wouldn’t hesitate. He liked to think he could see those things. 
“I’m waiting.” The lady growled. “I’m not used to waiting.” Channeling Chloe is actually fun here. 
“Fine. You can have my seat. I’m going back to dad’s farm. Just let me go and you can have them.” The boss stood from his seat and motioned for her.
Marinette.exe is not responding. Do you want to execute the process? Not yet. 
She managed to keep enough cool to smile and take the seat, although she didn’t even register what was that. 
She would panic later. For now, tracking Adrien. “I need to find where Floyd Lawton, also called Deadshot, is hiding with my… asset.”
“It… I will see to it, Boss… lady.” One of the guys from the bar nodded very fast before rushing out of the room.
“I… will bring you the list of current assets.” One of the guards informed and walked somewhere. They were used to aggressive takeovers. This was their third. Boss change, guards remain. This was honestly the first time the previous boss managed to escape with his life. 
Meanwhile, Marinette finally realized what just happened. She really wanted to hit her head on the desk, but she was too afraid to show any signs of weakness. Why did she end up in this mess again?
Sabine Cheng was waiting for her plane back when an airport guard approached her.
“Lady Cheng?” Sabine’s blood froze for a moment, but she refused to show any outward reaction at her past codename. “There is a man who wishes to discuss some… past debts.”
Damn it. And here she thought that bald bastard would forget about her. He had several more suitable people. He knew the risks of angering her.
Then again, she knew not to anger him either.
“Lead the way.” Her face was stone cold as she stood up. 
Inside a comfortable private lodge sat a blad man in a suit more expensive than the yearly revenue of her bakery. 
“Ah… Lady Cheng. I’m so happy you could’ve joined us.”
Sabine looked around and noticed that there was another man there, standing slightly in the shadows. A man she came to despise just as much as Luthor. Standing there was Gabriel Agreste.
“I can’t return the pleasure, Luthor.” She snarled, not letting her gaze drop from Agreste.
“Figured you’d say that.” The billionaire laughed. “But it doesn’t change that you came.”
“Be quick. I’ve got a plane to catch.”
“About that.” Lex smiled. “I’m afraid you won’t be on that plane. I need you to do something for me.”
“Sadly, my calendar is full for the foreseeable future.” She retorted coldly.
“Then you will clean it. Unless that is, you want me to tell my good friend the president about your little assignment for me twenty years ago. If I recall, your pardon didn’t cover that particular crime.” The man chuckled.
The only upside of this whole situation to Sabine was that Agreste finally realized exactly who she was. Or at least how dangerous she was. The deal she made ensured that Lady Cheng disappeared from everywhere but some people’s memory. To her dismay, Lex didn’t forget. And he still had that damning evidence.
She also knew exactly what was the job.
“I don’t do jobs involving kids, Luthor.” She seethed through gritted teeth. It wouldn’t matter, but she hoped it would at least give him a pause.
“Adrien Agreste was about to be married. I think that can calm your conscience. He was all but adult.” That despicable man dismissed her concern, as she predicted.
“I’m a little rusty. Don’t you have someone younger? Someone who would actually want to do this?” Sabine deadpanned. She kept true to the deal she made for her and her husband’s pardon and didn’t do any… extracurricular work.
“Alas, the fact you’re unwilling is why I need you. You see, the client, whoever they are, picked Agreste Jr. as a target in a… battle royale of sorts. It quickly stopped being about the ludicrous money reward. It’s now about proving who’s the best. And they won’t stop until they deliver him to that mysterious Seamstress.”
“So what do you want? I’m sure you could’ve bought some of them to drop the glory part.” She really didn’t want to do this.
“I offered to pay five times the price, but most of the competent ones want a shot at whatever that job is. A mysterious benefactor with no history, nonexistent in any database in the world, paying a small fortune for a simple job and offering further work? Doesn’t it sound familiar?” Lex reclined in his chair and smiled.
“One job only. I want everything you have on me. And ten times the bounty.” She noted his discomfort. “Don’t give me that look, Luthor. You can afford it. My daughter’s about to start a university.” Sabine turned to Gabriel. “I must thank you for the idea. Homeschooling really helps when one is gifted.”
“I’m sure we can come to an agreement,” Lex grumbled. If he didn’t know the quality of her works, he would’ve laughed at the price. Except he foolishly revealed that he was desperate.
“Oh, I’m sure we can.” Sabine smiled. She was like a cat that just caught a mouse.
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-You Broke Me First- Draco Malfoy x  Female Reader
A/N: This image is based around the song You broke me first by Tate Mcrae this image with have two endings: angst and fluff
Summary: Draco cheated on you months ago with another Slytherin and you broke it off without second thought (as you should) but Draco wants you back
Warning: cheater Draco, yelling, cursing maybe?
House: Hufflepuff
    It had been months since you last spoke to Draco Malfoy. He used to be the person you loved and thought loved you too. You were surprised that he gave you the time of day, but with some chatting and a bit of flirting you fell for him hard. The day he asked you out would forever be a cherished memory. You were sitting alone on the courtyard when he came up to you with white roses. You’d never forget the nervous look he had until you said yes.
    Being official was the best part. He would show everyone your his with sweet kisses or a arm around you. No guy dared to get close to you and you kinda liked not having guys flirt with you anymore. On one of your anniversaries he bought you a necklace. It was a simple silver chain with a beautiful emerald in the middle. It was small and shaped like a teardrop. It had you and Draco’s name on the back of it. You adored it, you still adore it.
    When seventh year rolled around Draco started to become distant, push himself away from you or shut you out, leaving you confused and hurt. He wouldn’t sit or talk to you. At one point you thought it was something you had done, but it wasn’t it was never your fault. It was a late night and Blaise invited you too a Slytherin party, Draco wouldn’t give you the time of day anymore.
    Blaise told you that it was Draco who wanted you to come, it made your heart flutter in hope that he still cared about you. When you showed up Draco was nowhere to be found. Thats until a girl came out of one of the boys dorms screaming about how she claimed the Slytherin prince. She had hickeys scattered across her neck and was fixing her shirt, your heart dropped as soon as you saw your boyfriend walking out behind her, with his black button up undone and  messy hair.
    As soon as your eyes met he looked saddened, but looked away right after. Had your meant nothing to him anymore? Tears blurred your vision as you ran off. Blaise calling your name behind you, but you didn’t look back. There was nothing to look back to. 
   A week later Blaise had apologized for Draco’s actions and said he’d always be there for you if you needed it. You told him thanks, but he rarely ever talked to you after that either. You didn’t blame him. You wanted to be alone anyway. Draco made no attempt to speak to you. One day, you had gathered his things that he had left at your dorm room in a box. It contained his quidditch jumper, the notes he wrote you during class that you had kept and one of his many silver rings. He would put one on you and say one day you would be Mrs. Malfoy. What a cruel joke.
     You walked over to the Slytherin table during breakfast one morning and tapped Blaise’s shoulder he turned to look at you and gave you a smile. He took in the bags under your eyes, that were also puffy and red due to lack of sleep and crying. You gave him a half smile and handed him the box. After that you got up and left the great hall entirely.
     Back to the present. It would have been your fifth anniversary today, why you still kept count? You didn’t know, but it was stupid. Hogwarts was destroyed after the wizard war and it took awhile for it to be put back together, but it happened. You went back to Hogwarts for your 8th year. You were in the program for students who wanted to retake &th year because of the war. You made friends with Hermione, she was pretty sweet.
     One day you were walking around the halls when you bumped into someone “Im so sorry i didn’t-” your words were cut off when you came face to face with the man who broke your heart, with the man you were still unfortunately in love with. Draco Malfoy, why did he have to be the one you ran into on your what would have been anniversary “Malfoy, i’m sorry for bumping into you” you said politely before continuing to walk.
     “I’m sorry” you heard him shout from behind you making you stop in your tracks “I’m sorry for not being there when you needed me, i’m sorry that i cheated on you, it breaks me to this day and i’d do anything to fix it” your jaw clenched. He was broken? he had no fucking right to say that. You spun on your heels and walked right up to him 
     “You broke me first, Malfoy” she seethed in anger. He looked shocked. You had never once raised your voice at him and he had never seen you anger. You were kind and sweet. Your were his little Hufflepuff girlfriend. You were his everything. You were enraged, your E/C eyes bore into him. He looked around before grabbing your hand. He pulled you both into a empty classroom.
        ‘Maybe you don't like talking too much about yourself’ 
     You didn’t care, you needed all this anger out and he was going to listen and shut up “Y/N listen. I didn’t tell you a lot of things when we were dating, but i want to now” he said and stepped closer to you, but you just backed away “But you shoulda told me that you were thinkin' 'bout someone else” your voice cracked slightly. You were going to be a bit emotional about this and you had every reason to be. Draco felt a pang in his chest as you spoke to him. THe hurt coming off of your voice was enough to make him cry.
      ‘You're drunk at a party or maybe it's just that your car broke down Your phone's been off for a couple months, so you're calling me now’
     “Y/N i’m so sorry. Just let me explain so we can fix this. I want you back in my life. You were supposed to be Mrs. Malfoy remember?” he pleaded and went to grab your hand, but you pulled it away. He couldn’t just say sorry and everything would be okay. That’s not how this works. You turned your head away from him “I know you, you're like this. When shit don't go your way you needed me to fix it. And like me, I did. But I ran out of every reason” 
     Draco listened to you speak, a lump forming in his throat. “Now suddenly you're asking for it back?!” you exclaimed and pushed him away. He stumbled back a bit “Could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve?” and pushed him again. Tears ran down your face “Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had. But I don't really care how bad it hurts. When you broke me first” you choked out and pushed him one last time. 
       ‘You broke me first’
     You were in a full mania and back away, you laughed and wiped your tears from your face with the back of your hand roughly. You sat on top of a desk “Took a while, was in denial when I first heard, That you moved on quicker than I could've ever, you know that hurt” she swung her legs as she spoke remembering two weeks after you broke up he went out with Pansy Parkinson, you heard they broke up after his dad was sent to Azkaban. 
     “Swear for a while I would stare at my phone necklace just to see your name. But now that it's there, I don't really know what to say” you shrugged half heartedly as your hand fiddles with the necklace he gave around your neck, you never took it off, you just couldn’t. Draco looked at the necklace remembering when he bought it for you. It was a happy memory for him
     (the rest of the song isn’t needed so bleh)
     Angst Ending:
     You got off the desk and looked one last time at Draco who had tear tracks down his face, you reached behind your neck and unclipped the necklace. You dropped it into your palm and sighed. You finally had closure and got to say what you had wanted to. You walked up to him and grabbed his hand. He looked hopeful for a second before you placed the necklace into his hand and closed it. 
     “Please don’t do this” he whispered, more tears falling down. You shook your head and looked away, letting go of his hand “Goodbye Draco Malfoy, i wish you the best” you spoke politely, which broke his heart. You pushed open the classroom door and walked out. You walked down the hallway a heavy feeling being lifted off your chest.
     After that you felt free and happy without Draco, he still gave you sad glances sometimes, but with Hermione by your side she helped you with it and soon Draco Malfoy was a faded memory and you were stronger than ever. 
     Happy Ending:
     Draco walked over to you and you turned your gaze away quickly. He leaned in and you tried your hardest to not to look “My father forced me to become a death eater” he said making you gasp. He rolled up his sleeve to show you his dark mark and you covered your mouth with your hand. “He told me that people around me would be my weakness and darling. You are my weakness, because your the person i love the most”
     You felt your heartbeat quicken. He still had that effect on you “I needed to get you to leave me, but i couldn’t break up with you. You would know i was lying. You always know when im lying” he laughed quietly “So i invited you to that party so you could see. Paid some girl to pretend to have slept with me. I’ll never forget the look on your face when you saw me” He looked away as you processed the information.
     “What about that hickeys?” you asked, like it was the important part in that sentence, which it wasn’t “Blaise” “Blaise knew about this to?” Draco nods “He was a death eater to, after you left i was to be engaged to Pansy” he groaned. He never really liked Pansy, she was too clingy for him. “When my father was sent away i broke it off and came back here to find you” he spoke softly as he cupped your face with one of his hands “Your the only person i would ever want to be Mrs. Malfoy” he smiles. 
     You crack a smile and lean into his hand, you missed his touch so much. “Will you be mine again Y/N?” he asked, worry behind his tone. If you’d say no he would be broken inside, but he would accept it and leave you alone for the rest of your life. You pulled his hand away and scooted up on the desk, bending your knees and launching yourself at him. You wrapped your arms and legs around the Slytherin boy. Draco stumbled back before wrapping his arms around you tightly “I’ll take that as a yes?” “Yes! You idiot! Don’t you ever do that again Draco Malfoy!”
     “I won’t Y/N Malfoy”
A/N: This one lowkey broke my heart guys, like what in the fuck. Why did i write this? Anyway, if you have a request for Draco send it my way.
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lostbbygorl · 3 years
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The dark gray clouds that hung in the sky perfectly described the mood of the young woman who ran as fast as she could, hot tears streaming down her rosy cheeks, and feet aching out of exhaustion. But no matter, she still ran with her burgundy dress so soaked she was positive it even reached her corset. The rainfall grew heavier and heavier by the second.
At last, Y/N reached the pillars in the vast garden that offered her some shelter. Her back hit the walls with an inaudible thud, and she shut her puffy eyes and felt pure misery as well as icy rain.
Her head hurt and her mind raced with depressing thought after depressing thought after depressing thought… and then anger!
Levi Ackerman was behind her dearest sister, Christa’s, unhappiness!
Christa had previously been madly in love with Ackerman’s bestest friend, Erwin. The entire family was expecting a proposal when Erwin explained his departure from Trost in a letter which broke Christa’s heart. Christa was still mourning over the man as he had left so suddenly and with barely any explanation. Seeing Christa so broken had dampened Y/N’s mood as well, and now that she found out that the man she most hated was behind this outrage, she wanted to burn all his miserable property to the ground!
Speak of the devil.
Just as the rainfall had gotten calmer, Y/N noticed a figure dressed in an expensive black suit approach her. Even in the pouring rain Y/N could make out the expressionless, solemn, infuriatingly handsome face of Levi Ackerman: one of the richest but also one of the most arrogant, rude, and unfriendly men to walk on earth.
Levi’s usually neat hair was tousled by the raindrops, and his usually spotless attire was spoiled by the mud he was trudging on to reach Y/N. Still, the young woman jumped slightly at the intrusion of a deeply vulnerable moment.
Levi didn’t notice the woman’s tears or her red eyes. His mind was too preoccupied with the heavy confession and proposal he had planned.
It was the two of them alone now, just as he had always wanted it to be. Levi took a deep breath, and with a soft gaze, he stared into Y/N’s eyes.
“ Ms. Y/N, I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer”, he started, still very much focused on the young woman’s eyes, completely oblivious to her now confused expression.
“These past few months have been a torment. I have come to Shiganshina with the single motive of seeing you, I have to see you”, he continued, surprising not only himself but Y/N as well. Levi had never confessed feelings to anyone, especially not deeply romantic ones. Y/N was different. She made him feel warm. She made him want to come out of his comfort zone, and she brightened his day whenever they met with her charming wit and honesty.
“ I’ve fought against my better judgement, my family’s expectations, the inferiority of your birth, my rank, and all these things and circumstances I’m willing to put aside. I ask you to end my agony”, he finished. He thought he made himself very clear. Apparently not.
“ I don’t understand”, asked Y/N, confused and with no hint of anger in her soft voice. Y/N always was sharp and intelligent. 9 times out of 10 her intuition and hunches were right, but god she hoped that wasn’t the case now, as this hunch seemed absolutely ridiculous!
Levi was screaming inside, but as always, maintained his perfect composure. The time had come, and for the very first time, he was about to say three words he had never ever dawdled on in his life.
“ I love you”, he breathed, his stoic expression softening further. His usually cold expression melted into one of sincere affection and hopefulness. But Y/N wasn’t impressed! Her prior anger had returned, and this time, it was more intense than ever! With her mouth agape, Y/N stared at the man in front of her with eyes as wide as saucers.
“ Most ardently”, Levi cut through the white noise that was the rain with his crisp, deep voice, gray orbs never leaving Y/N.
“ Please do me the honor of accepting my hand”, Levi requested.
“ Sir, I”, she stuttered, her mind reeling once more. She was repulsed, but she’d be maintaining her composure too. Y/N decided to gracefully reject his proposal.
“ I appreciate the struggle you’ve been through and I’m sorry to have caused you pain. Believe me, it was unconsciously done”, she said, her tone as cold as ice. Levi was taken aback. He hadn’t expected such a cold, curt response to his proposal. Now it was his turn to have his temper rise…
“ Is this your reply?”, he asked still in disbelief
“ Yes, sir”, Y/N confirmed
“ Are you laughing at me?”, Levi asked, his heartbeat quickening
“ No”
“ Are you rejecting me?”, he said, his already pale skin growing paler, making him look like a ghost.
Y/N didn’t know what part of her response wasn’t going through his skull, and decided to make her point clear once more, this time with less civility.
“ I’m sure that the things you’ve told me which hindered your regard will help you in overcoming it”, she spat, riling Levi up more.
“ Might I ask why with so little endeavour at civility I must repulse?”
“ And I might as well enquire why with such evidence of a design of insulting me you chose to tell me you like me against your better judgement”, Y/N spat back, all composure gone.
“ No, believe me, I didn’t mean-” Levi began only to get off by a fuming Y/N.
“ If I was uncivil then that’s some excuse, but I have other reasons, you know I have”, Y/N shouted back, pouring all her frustration and unheard thoughts onto the man.
“ What reasons?”Levi asked, genuinely lost.
“ Did you think that anything would tempt me to accept the hand of the man who has ruined the happiness of my dearest sister, perhaps forever?”, Y/N finally voiced, lips quivering.
Levi made a little “oh”, realizing what put a damper on their possible relationship. Still, he didn’t back down. Levi may have been in love with Y/N, but his stubborn nature and pride made him refuse to let her off. He didn’t let anyone win in a fight, not even Y/N.
“ Do you deny it, Mr. Ackerman, that you’ve separated a young couple who really loved each other, therefore exposing your friend to the censure of the world for caprice and my sister, to its derision for disappointed hope?”, she began again, this time with a slight cry in her voice.
“ I do not deny it”, Levi deadpanned.
“ How could you do it?”Y/N demanded with a soft voice.
“ Because I believe your sister is indifferent to him”, he said honestly.
“ Indifferent?”
“ I watched them most carefully and realized his attachment was deeper than hers”
“ That’s because she’s shy”, Y/N yelled!
Levi took a second to process her words. That may be true, he thought, but still, he wouldn’t give up.
“ Erwin, too, is modest and was persuaded she didn’t feel strongly for him”,
“ Because you suggested it”
“ I did it for his own good’
“ My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me”, Y/N exclaimed, shaking with a rage so pure she could hear her heartbeats in her ears!
Levi’s eyes widened, and he was unable to close his mouth. He realized the depth of his mistake, and internally cursed at himself when he realized that this mistake was nearly impossible to fix. But even now, he still had one last argument to make, and this argument was the strongest and most heartfelt of all. Infact, even Y/N didn’t have much in her mind to counter it!
However, before he could speak, Y/N started talking again.
“ I supposed you suspected his fortune had some bearing on the matter”, she accused.
“ No, I wouldn’t do Christa the dishonor”, he denied, almost offended.
“ But it was suggested”, Levi admitted.
“ What was?”, Y/N asked, loudly, her previously hung head now erect.
“ It was made perfectly clear that an advantageous marriage-”
“ Did my sister give that expression”, Y/N was outraged!
“ No, no, no”, Levi countered, trying to calm her down.
“ There was however the matter of your family”, Levi added. He knew it’d make things more heated, but he had to be honest. Honesty, brutal honesty to be specific, was something Levi was always known for.
“ Our want of connection? That Mr. Smith didn’t seem at all bothered by?”
“ No, it was more than that. It was the lack of propriety shown by your mother, your three younger sisters, and even on occasion your father”, he revealed. The look in his eyes was one of regret yet sternness. He knew that his words had deeply hurt Y/N, perhaps more than hers had hurt him. Y/N was grossly offended! How dare this snobby man insult the people she held most dear? How dare he hit her with the cold truth that she herself knew deep down…
Y/N remembered how boisterous and embarrassing her family was being at the ball where she and Mr. Ackerman had first met. Everyone was staring disapprovingly at them, and some of the wealthier attendees had whispered amongst themselves about her younger sisters. Y/N knew her family had a lot of improvements to make behaviour wise, but that didn’t stop her from feeling hurt.
" I’m sorry”, Levi apologized. He truly was sorry, but he couldn’t change the truth or take back his words.
“ You and Christa are excluded from the category I put the rest of your family in”, Levi added, hoping it’d make things better.
It had done nothing, as Y/N still had more points up her sleeve.
“ And what about Mr. Zeke Yeager?”, she questioned. Zeke Yeager had charmed Y/N months ago, and told her about how Levi had wronged him so terribly without reason. The mention of his name had hit a nerve in Levi. What was that expression on his face now? Jealousy, bitterness?
“ Mr. Yeager?”, he repeated.
“ What excuse do you have for your behaviour towards him?”
“ You take an eager interest in that gentleman’s concerns”, Levi seethed, confirming that he was indeed jealous. Levi strode up to Y/N, shortening the gap that was between them before Yeager was brought up. Levi’s eyes searched for any hint of pettiness in Y/N’s. Maybe she was just as stubborn as he was and continuing an argument that should’ve been resolved by now. But no, to his sadness, Y/N’s eyes were full of affection for Yeager, and anger at Levi.
“ He told me of his misfortune”, Y/N said.
“ Oh, yes, his misfortune is big indeed”, Levi scoffed sarcastically.
“ You ruined his chances and yet you treat him with sarcasm”, Y/N noticed with disgust.
Levi wanted to scream and tell her that her impression of Yeager was completely wrong and that she was deceived. He wanted to defend himself, but for the first time in his life, he couldn’t bring himself to do that. Levi’s stubbornness faltered, and he felt that winning Y/N’s heart would be near impossible now. There was so much she didn’t know, there were so many misconceptions she had, and there was so much she had against him rightfully. Levi hid the sorrow in his heart by letting his usual monotonous tone return to his voice…
“ So this is your opinion of me”, he asked, trying to sound calm and indifferent, but accidentally letting a sliver of sadness seep into the question. Y/N noticed everything, but she couldn’t get herself to care about his feelings right now. She was seeing red, but so was he.
Y/N’s silence agitated the man more.
“ Thanks for explaining so fully. Perhaps these offences might’ve been overlooked had your pride not been hurt by my honesty in a bit of a scruple about our relationship”, Levi let his tongue fly! He knew his words had stabbed Y/N in the same places hers had stabbed him! He couldn’t keep his calm anymore. His patience and grace was tested, and now Y/N would face its consequences.
“ Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances?”, he questioned, his voice raising with each syllable. Y/N could feel tears welling up inside her again. My god, she hated this man. He insulted her family and status, then proceeded to hurt her pride and scathingly expose it, and now he was showing his superiority complex!
“ These are the words of a gentleman?" Y/N wondered aloud, her glare burning holes in Levi’s face.
“ From the first moment I saw you your arrogance, your conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you are the last man in the world I would ever be prevailed upon to marry”, she yelled! As always, Levi was silenced by a remark made by the spunky, sharp tongued Y/N L/N. Levi’s heart was glass, and Y/N had dropped it on the floor without a care in the world. How could he have been so stupid to think he could lash out at a woman as strongheaded as Y/N, insult everything she held dear, an get away with it with no harm done? Y/N’s glare lost its intensity as she blinked a few times. Her sight didn’t leave Levi, but it faltered. Levi came even closer to her. Even though she had left scars on his heart, even though she had yelled at him and called out every single one of his biggest flaws, he loved her. He wanted her, and he warmed at the thought of being with her. He looked longingly at her lips, then her eyes, and then her lips again. There was no touching, but Y/N was disarmed.
She felt herself softening, and for the first time she noticed Levi’s attractiveness. Like a magnet, she subconsciously felt herself nearing Levi’s lips. She was attracted to him, yes, but she hadn’t forgotten the prior row, and that stopped her from closing the gap between them officially. She didn’t pull away, much to her surprise, Levi did.
“ Forgive me”, he said once again, knowing she wouldn’t forgive him so easily, but still meaning the apology. Now that his head had cleared, all the most miserable emotions hit him like a cane. There was sadness at the rejection, bitter jealousy at Y/N’s affection going to Mr. Yeager, the pain of having one’s pride being minced to shreds, and of course: heavy remorse for yelling such mean things at the woman he loved…
“ I’m sorry for taking up so much of your time, madam”, he whispered loud enough for Y/N to hear. And then he walked away without taking a single look back, leaving Y/N to drench in the rain some more.
Y/N stared at his back as he walked away, thinking of the argument and her feelings towards him. She didn’t understand how a man could infuriate her so much, but still disarm her with barely any effort and make her feel intense warmth.
Meanwhile, Levi’s heart cracked with every step he took. His love remained the same, even worse, it grew more severe. He wasn’t sure he had given up on winning Y/N over, but for now, he’d give her space, and pray to any lord up in the heavens who’d listen to him to change Y/N’s opinion on him, and to make him a better, more deserving man so that he could have her and make her happy, and of course: to make Y/N forgive him for all his grave mistakes which had caused this mess.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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The Cinderella AU is back...and with it, a proper introduction to the character who fills the “evil stepmother” role -- Carewyn’s cold, cruel grandfather, Charles Cromwell. If you’d like to learn more about Charles and his family’s canon counterparts, you can consult this post, but to summarize quickly, in Carewyn’s canon, Carewyn’s mother Lane ran away from home to elope with a Muggle, which ended up protecting Carewyn and Jacob from Charles’s emotionally abusive influence. (At least until R started going after them, because hey, what d’you know, in Carey-bear’s canon, Charles is R’s leader.) But in this AU, Carewyn has to answer to Charles for some reason...so yeah, that doesn’t bode well, does it? You’ll just have to read on to learn a little more about why that might be...
Fashion changed very dramatically during the Renaissance, thanks in large part to the cross-pollination of different cultures and influences that came from more extensive travel, the growing popularity of published works, and royal funding of the arts. Pre-Renaissance men’s fashion, at least for the nobility, was very big on oversized sleeves, which ended up creating a more “top-heavy” frame. (Just look at most portraits of King Henry VIII.) As the Renaissance went on, though, trunk hose (which creates that kind of “bubble butt” look that we’re used to seeing in William Shakespeare Halloween costumes) became the latest fad, shifting a man’s frame to be much more “bottom-heavy.” Women’s fashion briefly flirted with wide trumpet sleeves (as one can see in this portrait of a young Elizabeth Tudor, later Queen Elizabeth I), but by the time the 1550′s were over, rounded sleeves grew much more popular. Fitted sleeves also went in and out of style in a lot of Europe throughout the 16th century, though sleeves were considered a special feature on gowns, so they often had a lot of embellishments, such as paneling, embroidery, or puffs. One exception to this rule, however, was in Italy, where fitted, detachable sleeves that could be used on multiple gowns became fashionable. Fashion in Italy in the 16th century was notably understated and modest compared to a lot of Europe, which tended to favor a lot of ornate beading and embroidery -- there were even laws on the books restricting how “bedazzled” women’s fashion could be. One such law even banned stripes, as it was considered wasteful to use two different kinds of fabric just to make a pattern. That being said, there were plenty of people in Italy who said “screw the rules” and worked around them anyway. Carewyn’s dress in this picture is somewhat based on this design, but with some tweaking, most notably with a fuller skirt and more ornate and puffy sleeves.
Previous part is here -- whole tag is here -- and I hope you enjoy!
When the end of the month arrived, Andre requested that Carewyn come to his chambers bright and early in the morning. Carewyn had anticipated that the prince had some extra duties for her to attend to, but instead, he immediately led her over to a corner of his bed chamber that he’d drawn a curtain around. When he pulled the curtain back, he revealed a full tailoring station inside his walk-in closet, complete with organized rolls of fabric, various jewels and beads strewn about over a table, several unfinished hats stacked on the nearby desk, an entire separate wardrobe of unfinished pieces, and several mannequins with fine fabrics half-pinned on them.
One mannequin, however, was wearing a completely finished, luxurious dark scarlet gown. It was made of about six different fabrics, all cut and sewn together in a complex tapestry of folds and textures and trimmed with many sparkling beads and jewels. Also lying on the floor just in front of the dress was a pair of heeled shoes made of off-white cloth with red and white roses sewn into the toes.
Carewyn couldn’t help but gape. Andre was grinning from ear to ear.
“So?” he asked. “What do you think?”
Carewyn glanced out the side of her eye at the prince, over to the dress, and back.
“Did you...make this, your Highness?” she asked, amazed.
Andre laughed. “Carewyn, please, it’s ‘Andre.’ But yes! I got inspired while working on your shoes, so I stitched this up to go with it. ...Do you like it?”
Carewyn walked around the mannequin to look over the gown, not daring to touch it. She’d never seen so many fine fabrics on one dress before -- velvet, linen, silk -- and all the embellishments must’ve taken full days to finish --
“It’s -- well, it’s extraordinary, your -- Andre,” she corrected herself very quickly noticing the prince’s pointed smile. Even she was finding it difficult not to smile too. “The beading on the sleeves, the lace work -- the alternating wool and cotton paneling along the bodice...it’s worthy of an artisan!”
Andre looked clearly both incredibly pleased and impressed. “You have an eye for detail, Carewyn!”
His face burst into a bright white grin as he bent down and picked up one of the off-white cloth shoes.
“I’m pleased you like it,” he said brightly. “I thought it’d be the perfect thing for you to wear today. Lord Cromwell sent a message to the palace asking Father if you could return home for a visit -- so I worked all night to get this done in time so that you could wear it for your outing with your new shoes.”
Despite her best efforts, Carewyn couldn’t completely keep the dismay and discomfort she felt off her face.
“What? Oh -- oh, your Highness, I -- ”
“Ah, ah, ah,” chided Andre, “what have I asked you to call me?”
“Andre,” Carewyn corrected very quickly, her eyes drifting up onto the dress rather than at Andre, “this dress is...truly beautiful...but it befits a lady of status, not -- ”
“It fits you,” Andre said, undaunted. “I used the measurements from your uniform fitting. It should fit you like a glove -- or better.”
Carewyn felt like her stomach was shriveling up. She hated turning away such a lovely gift -- under any other circumstances, she would love wearing it out and about. But...
“That...that is...it’s so kind of you, to use me as your template...”
Or “dress-up doll” -- that is what the Queen said I would be, isn’t it?
“...but I simply couldn’t wear such a gift on my visit...not when I have no comparable gifts to bring my cousins. Many of them are around my age, and...and well, I know Heather, Iris, and Dahlia would be very upset, knowing I got to wear such a beautiful dress and they didn’t.”
None of her cousins had ever been very respectful of Carewyn’s personal belongings. Not long after she first arrived, her aunt Pearl’s two bullying sons, Kain and Arsen, stole her jewelry box while she was sleeping and sold both it and its contents for pocket change. Her youngest cousin, her uncle Blaise’s bratty son Tristan, had once thrown a bottle of red wine out the window that shattered mere feet away from Carewyn and soaked her dress so badly that it never washed out. Even Iris had -- after Carewyn caught the eye of one of her suitors who’d come to call -- ripped the sleeve off Carewyn’s dress so badly that she had to hide from sight for most of the day, until she’d managed to sew it up enough that her chest wasn’t exposed. Carewyn had had to hide her mother’s old dress from her cousins for years, for fear they might steal and/or ruin it.
Andre frowned deeply.
“Well, I hardly can send along anything for your cousins without knowing their measurements,” he said with a quick glance at the wardrobe full of unfinished pieces.
His face then brightened with an idea.
“How about this -- I’ll order you. I order you to wear this dress on your trip home, and to have your cousins give you their honest opinion of it. Then you must bring their opinions back to me. Goodness knows I could use some feedback -- and maybe a few new ideas, if they have them,” he added with a teasing grin.
Carewyn opened her mouth to object, but Andre cut her off.
“As your prince, I command you to showcase my work to your family,” he said through a broad grin. “Am I clear?”
Carewyn really, really didn’t love the idea -- but she had to concede that she could use this to her advantage. She needed a stable place at the palace in order to achieve her goals, and she could help maintain that stable place at the palace by justifying to Charles why she had to be there. And Charles’s whole interest in her being there was to try to endear the Cromwells further to the royal family, and maybe even secure one of her Aunt Claire’s daughters a space in that family...
So, with a heavy sigh, she put on a small smile and inclined her head respectfully.
“Very well, Andre. I’ll wear your work proudly.”
And so Carewyn set off for the Cromwell estate on horseback, dressed in the new shoes and dress Andre had made for her. The shoes were lovely and fit perfectly, but they were rather impractical for walking around outdoors. Carewyn thought to herself that she might have to continue wearing her old shoes when she returned to her palace work, if for no other reason that she hated the thought of getting them scuffed up.
As to be expected, when she arrived, her cousins reacted very hostilely to her appearance.
“Well, well,” sneered curly-black-haired Kain, “what do we have here? Playacting as a lady, little Winnie?”
“All hail Lady Cinderwyn, Duchess of Dust!” sniggered his similarly dark-haired brother Arsen.
He reached for her wide skirt, but Carewyn -- remaining on her horse -- steered herself far enough back that he couldn’t reach.
“I wouldn’t damage this, if I were you,” she said as coolly and levelly as she could. “It’s not mine.”
Arsen and Kain exchanged a mocking, wide-eyed look and an “oooooh.”
“Are you a thief now, little Winnie?” asked Kain. “How far you’ve fallen -- we might need to call the castle guard on you -- ”
“Cinderwyn’s a thief!” crowed tiny Tristan in a sing-song voice. “Cinderwyn’s a thief!”
Claire’s three daughters looked a lot less mocking.
“You have some nerve, stealing clothes from your betters,” spat dainty, brown-haired Heather. “Grandfather should lash you within an inch of your life -- ”
“I haven’t stolen anything,” Carewyn said very firmly. “Now I wish to see Grandfather. I have a message from the Prince he’ll want to hear.”
“Grandfather’s inside,” said Claire’s gangling, button-nosed son Elmer with a crooked smile. “I’m sure he’ll enjoy your new look, Lady Cinderwyn...especially with the finishing touch!”
He jumped right into a mud puddle that splashed everywhere. Carewyn just barely avoided the spray, but when she moved back, Dahlia and Iris successfully grabbed hold of her velvet brocaded skirt and yanked hard in either direction, as if trying to rip it.
“Iris -- Dahlia --  ” said Carewyn, her voice growing colder and harder as she struggled to hold in her temper and emotion as best she could, “if either of you have any ambition to marry his Highness, I would strongly suggest letting go of his dress this instant!”
All of Carewyn’s cousins stiffened.
“His dress?” repeated Dahlia, looking outraged. “You mean to say you took this from the Prince?!”
“He bid me to wear it, for my visit,” Carewyn shot back fiercely. “Or would you have me oppose his Highness’s will?”
“You...arrogant, pretentious, ungrateful little rat!” shrieked Dahlia. She tried to yank Carewyn off her horse, and there was a slight struggle as Carewyn tried to both comfort her horse and prevent Dahlia from dislodging her.
“Now, now, children,” said a very coldly serene voice, “a little less noise there.”
All of the Cromwell children looked up to see Charles Cromwell striding across the lawn. He was dressed in black, gray, and white with a dark red cape with black trim, and he supported himself on an ebony-wood cane with a dragon’s head carved out of black zircon for a handle. Behind him were Carewyn’s aunts, Pearl and Claire, with their husbands, as well as her uncle Blaise. All three of them were looking over Carewyn’s outfit disapprovingly -- Blaise looked particularly irritated, his upper lip curling as he rested a hand on top of Tristan’s shoulder that made the small boy flinch.
Iris and Dahlia were still clinging to Carewyn’s skirt, but they’d frozen up like startled cats when their grandfather appeared.
“Grandfather -- ” stammered Iris, “W-Winnie’s a no-good thief -- she stole this dress from -- !”
"I have stolen nothing,” Carewyn repeated coldly. She stroked her horse’s white mane several times to soothe it.
Pearl too had come up to rest a hand on Arsen’s shoulder and was looking at Carewyn very critically out her own almond-shaped blue eyes -- most of Carewyn’s family had them.
“Is that so?” she said, her voice a low growl in her throat. “Explain, then, what gives you the nerve to show up here dressed in such obnoxious clothes.”
“It’s positively garish,” added Claire in a higher, simpering tone from her comfortable spot in her husband’s arms, mirroring her sister’s disapproval like a child would imitate their older sibling.
Carewyn raised her eyebrows very coolly. “Prince Henri will be very disappointed to hear that. He worked very hard on this.”
This startled all of the Cromwells. Blaise looked scandalized.
“And I suppose that makes you think the Prince favors you somehow?” he spat, his eyes flashing dangerously as he released Tristan’s shoulder and approached Carewyn’s horse. “Rather than just thinking of using you as some saucy little tart and then discarding you, just like your wretch of a father did your mother -- ”
"I think nothing of the sort,” Carewyn cut him off coldly.
Don’t you dare talk about my mother.
Charles, the least visibly startled, took a few steps forward. Iris and Dahlia finally released Carewyn’s skirt so as to get out of the way, and Charles came to a stop about three feet from Carewyn’s horse, his own almond-shaped eyes locked on his ginger-haired granddaughter’s face.
“I believe you owe me a full report, child,” he said quietly. “Stand before me and give it.”
Carewyn’s red-painted lips pursed as she picked up her skirts and descended from her horse at last. She looked up at Charles with a very stoic expression.
“Prince Henri learned that I would be coming to see you, as per your request,” she explained. “He commanded that I wear this dress, for my visit. He’s heard about my cousins and desires Dahlia, Iris, and Heather’s opinions on it. Then he requested I deliver their feedback back to him this evening.”
The time limit was a flat-out lie, but one Carewyn knew she could get away with. She did not want to stay at the Cromwell estate overnight -- she’d rather sleep on a lumpy old cot in the servants’ quarters than on the floor by the kitchen fireplace. 
Claire looked at Charles, her face breaking into a rather eager expression. “His Highness wishes to hear from my daughters? He must have heard from the rest of the court of their extensive talents -- ”
“Or at least purported talents,” said Blaise under his breath with a rather cynical look. “Seems the rumor mill is working well...“
Pearl shot Blaise a glare, but Claire didn’t seem to hear him -- she had already whirled on Carewyn.
“Tell his Highness that the dress is a work of art, fit for a queen!” she said insistently. “And make sure that he knows that there are much better models for his work here, at the Cromwell estate -- Iris has a far superior build, Dahlia the most perfect shoulders -- ”
“I suppose Winnie can do far worse than inanely fawning over your daughters’ target on their behalf,” said Blaise in a rather cutting voice. “Mindlessly swooning certainly worked for you.”
“Blaise!” Pearl snapped reproachfully.
Charles’s eyes drifted over Claire and her three anxious-looking daughters thoughtfully.
“...What feedback...do you believe would most please his Highness, child?” he asked Carewyn.
“He appreciated it when I noticed the details,” said Carewyn. “I would think if anyone had any creative ideas to add onto it...or perhaps constructive criticism...he might react well to it. His Highness is very interested in fashion and tailoring...I’m sure he would appreciate knowing someone who could indulge in that passion with him.”
He must be awfully lonely, locked up in the palace all the time. It’s no wonder he tried to find things to do indoors that could bring him some joy, if he’s unable to go much of anywhere...
Charles’s eyes flitted over the silk and ornate beading on Carewyn’s sleeves.
“His Highness certainly does have an eye for finery...has the royal family come into additional wealth recently?”
“I don’t think so,” said Carewyn. “The castle staff is very limited. And although the nobility are all dressed and fed well and the castle is decadent, the staff is frequently short of common necessities like nails and coal for the fire. Not to mention the staff’s rations are sparse.”
Iris gave a loud, haughty laugh. “Ha! Probably just as well -- you could do with getting some of that meat off your thighs!”
“Iris,” said Charles very sleekly, even as the rest of Carewyn’s cousins sniggered.
His lips curled up in a smile that didn’t touch his eyes.
“...It seems that the King and Queen are indeed in need of our family’s charity. But we must indulge their pride. It’ll be far easier for them to accept help from a future daughter-in-law and princess than simply from a loyal servant of the realm. Carewyn -- you shall report back what his Highness wishes to hear. Customize three answers for Heather, Iris, and Dahlia -- one fawning, one critical, one creative. Whichever answer he likes best, we will then pursue that route with the cousin you’ve assigned to it.”
His almond-shaped blue eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly upon Carewyn’s face.
“And once we’ve secured an invitation from the Prince...I expect that you will step aside, to make room for your cousin to make her move.”
Carewyn’s expression didn’t shift.
“I’m not interested in courting princes,” she said lowly.
Heather, Iris, and Dahlia can knock themselves out. Andre will see through them sooner or later, and it’ll be all their own fault.
There was a cold, diamond-like glint in Charles’s eye. “...Yes...you truly don’t care to chase any man except for your brother...do you, Carewyn, my dear?”
Carewyn tried not to blink or look away.
“You have news of Jacob?”
Charles sighed airily. “I’m afraid not, my dear. I know he’s well, of course...but news from the War front, as you know, is simply impossible to come by...”
“You know he’s alive,” Carewyn shot back a bit more sharply than she meant to. “That doesn’t mean he’s well. No one could be doing well out there.”
“And yet I’m sure you’re happy that the first is guaranteed?” said Charles. “At least, so long as you do your duty to your family, and to me?”
It was a warning, but it was done so delicately -- it was like his voice was flirting with a threat, rather than flat-out making one.
Carewyn’s lips came together tightly as her gaze drifted to the ground.
“You know I wish no harm to come to either you or Jacob,” Charles said softly. “Losing a child was terrible enough, losing grandchildren as well...well, it would deeply upset me. And per our agreement, you are the one who must shoulder the burden of your brother’s and your debt to me...particularly since you have no dowry and no possible claim to my estate. Remember, Carewyn...you are responsible for how you are treated -- and for how Jacob is treated.” 
Carewyn’s eyebrows knit tightly together over her closed eyes.
“...Yes, sir.”
“Good. Now then -- rehearse the answers you plan to give to his Highness with your cousins. I wish them to sound convincing, so that when one or more of them is invited to the palace, they will be able to play their part appropriately.”
Carewyn hated every minute of hashing out responses with Heather, Iris, and Dahlia. Like their mother Claire, they and Elmer were all “follower” type personalities who tended to echo whatever they thought would please others -- so Dahlia, Iris, and Heather were constantly trying to steal each other’s ideas to “improve” Carewyn’s answers, despite all three of them supposedly needing to take three different approaches as part of Charles’s plan. Even the three girls’ hostile attitude toward Carewyn largely came down to her refusing to follow their direction, despite her lowered status in the family giving them authority over her -- something that, Carewyn believed, they would never do if their positions were switched.
When Carewyn was finally ready to leave (and successfully avoided Tristan’s muddy hands when the wickedly grinning little boy forcibly tried to hug her goodbye so he could leave stains on her dress), Blaise pulled Charles aside. As the male heir of the Cromwell legacy, Blaise had always followed in his father’s footsteps most, but there was one thing they didn’t agree on.
“Father,” he said, his voice very low in the back of his throat as he watched Carewyn ride away at a fast gallop, “I don’t approve of her returning to that place.”
Charles smiled coldly. “You always have disliked sharing your toys with others, Blaise.”
“It’s a bad influence!” said Blaise, whirling on his father. “We can’t monitor what she does, how she behaves -- who she speaks to -- how can we hope to keep her, if we consistently open her cage?”
Charles’s eyes, the same color and shape of all of his children and most of his grandchildren, sparkled with something crueler.
“Ah, my boy,” he said sardonically, “you have much to learn about cages. Physical cages have strong bars, but ones easy to see and constantly weathered. But a cage forged carefully in another’s mind...can become so strong that the prisoner willingly chooses to stay.”
Charles turned on his heel, his lips curling up further still even though his face remained so doll-like and emotionless.
“As weak and overemotional of a thing she is, Carewyn is far more like you and me than Lane ever was. She’s very resourceful and she’ll do whatever she has to in order to get what she wants -- and that drive fuels everything she is and does. It may make her spirited, but it also makes it so that as long as she sees Jacob’s life in the palm of my hand...so too will she be.”
Blaise’s eyes flickered with a strange skepticism. “And...if Jacob’s life were ever not under your sway?”
Charles’s expression grew even more detached and emotionless as his smile faded and his eyebrows raised.
“...Would Carewyn really want to contemplate what state he’d be in, if he weren’t?”
Carewyn couldn’t be happier to leave the Cromwell estate behind. She didn’t slow down her horse’s pace until she’d reached the outskirts of the market, well after the manor house was out of sight. Only then did she slow her horse down to a leisurely trot, so that she could enjoy some time on her own wandering down the village streets before heading back to the palace. The castle staff wasn’t expecting her back to work until the following morning, so she could take her time.
Unfortunately for Carewyn, there was another reason her cousin Tristan’s hands had been so muddy -- and that reason soon became apparent when Carewyn reached into one of the pockets on the side of her saddle, thinking to temporarily change out of the pretty shoes Andre had given her and were now pinching her feet for the ride home. When she reached into the pocket, she instead found the tiny snake that Tristan had stolen out of the reeds by the nearby pond.
With a scream of surprise, Carewyn flung the snake to the ground -- the snake arched back, hissing angrily, and that in turn spooked Carewyn’s horse. With a loud, scared whinny, it reared back, bucking wildly.
“Whoa!” cried Carewyn. “Whoa, boy -- whoa!”
Several passerby turned around at the sound of the noise. A few looked like they wanted to help, but were too warded off by the horse’s kicking feet. Carewyn tried desperately to calm her horse, stroking its mane with one hand and clinging desperately onto the reins with the other, but it was no use. She wasn’t strong enough to wrench her horse into submission. And so when the horse gave a particularly violent jerk, Carewyn was thrown right off.
Out of nowhere, someone dashed forward. Carewyn ended up slamming right into them, and the two landed roughly in a heap in the dirt.
Carewyn watched her horse gallop off the street, her face very tense and distraught. She then looked down at the person she’d landed on top of, and she gave a visible start.
Her “hero” was a man about her age dressed in modest clothes with tanned skin, slightly-too-long dark hair, and a beard. His sparkling black eyes were squinted slightly as he winced in pain, but nonetheless shone with some concern as he looked her over.
“Are you hurt, Lady Cromwell?” asked Orion.
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snapefiction · 4 years
A pinch of her Luck - Snapefiction
A/N: This one is different of my usual writing Themes but I hope you like it! Have the best day ! 😊💕
❤️ Please remember that English isn’t my native language and that my Writings will include Mistakes and maybe weird formed sentences. ❤️
Word count: 2962
TW: Mention of Abuse, Divorce, Pain and physical injuries
A pinch of her Luck
Minerva McGongall was a kind and humble person. Growing up she always showed big pride in her Actions whenever she stood up for someone else or sometimes even herself. But her Pride never took over her humbleness. Her sweet ability to cherish the small things in life that felt way greater than they were to anybody else around her. She was able to see what people could turn into. What they could grow to be. That’s what has gotten her the Position as the head of her House. Everyone could tell that she was a true Gryffindor, her actions never proved them wrong.
,,And again! Gryffindor won the House Cup! Minerva, you really did a good Job as their Mentor.“ Slughorn, the Head of Slytherin gratulated her. Smiling she just raised her Glas as his clumpy Hand patted her shoulder slightly.
,,You need to spill the Tea on what’s your trick! Tell me or I´ll get some Veritaseum.“ He joked before he laughed and turned to Albus to get another Glas of wine. Knowing that everyone was having a good time and there was no bad blood because Gryffindor had won again she felt the most secure than ever. She wasn’t surronded by colleagues she thought while watching them celebrate with her in that red decorated room. They grew to become her closest friends.
,,Let´s raise our Glas one last time before we can call it a night and Classes begin next week!“ Albus her dearest Friend of all solemnly announced as he rose his Glas towards the sky. Her Smile was glued to her lips and - she didn’t let anyone see it - small tears of joy may have slipped her eyes. Silently she watched the Scene while wishing to be able to give back all the Joy and Love she always and steady was receiving at Hogwarts. If she could even share just a pinch of her Luck it would be enough.
After a Sunday filled with Headache from the party of the night before she prepared everything for her upcoming Transfiguration classes. Slughorn had brought her a Potion to ease her Pain was she was politely declining. Minerva always preferred to just ´sit it out´. And so it came that she just fulfilled all her tasks of the day until she drank her last cup of tea of the day and went to bed early. Knowing she wasn’t able to fall asleep right away anyways. The Fact that there were new Gryffindors and Students arriving at Hogwarts tomorrow filled her guts with Excitement. Also seeing what all the Students have learned and experienced over their summer break was gladden her. Who could resent her? She was still a young witch and a even younger Professor. Caring for them as if they were her younger siblings or sometimes even her own children. She simply loved her Job.
Her Monday was as bright as she imagined it to be. All the new Students were already impressing her with their different heritages and Experiences. To be truthful, she already knew some of them. Great Wizarding Familys were part of Hogwarts and every year she got to get known to more of them. After greeting a lot of them she made her way up to her classes. As the freshly arrived Students still had a few days off to explore the great castle and getting known to each other she had enough time to catch up with everyone who was just returning to the School.
Everyone was happily reporting about their summer. Mostly filled with Fun, their family and friends and some of them even prepared themselves for some of the classes since they were so excited to come back. Her chest filled itself with Happiness again, this was the most beautiful Live she could imagine herself living.
,,And what about you Professor McGonagall?“ A young Ravenclaw asked her in response of how everyone spent their Summer. Grinning she pretended to think about a fitting answer while her pointing finger tapped her chin.
,,Hmmm.. Actually I was just eating ice cream aaaalll day long and read all of my favourite books over and over again.“ Minerva admitted and watched them chuckle as they didn’t seem to believe her. They couldn’t imagine her being just silly all summer long. But she was and no, she wasn’t regretting anything. As mentioned, she was having the best time.
After another class she had to watch Professor Slughorn storm into her class.
,,Minerva! She did it again! Miss Finnigan blew up a whole cauldron filled with ageing Potion. Can you quickly watch my Students before they have to witness me as a grandpa.“
Covering her mouth she nodded. His hair was already turning grey. ,,Of course. Take Miss Finnigan with you to the Hospital Wing.“ Almost choking on her laughter she hurried to the Dungeons where the Class was already awaiting someone to take the lead of the class.
,,As I just got informed that there was a little accident happing I suggest that we’ll make sure everyone cleans their tables, okay? After that you may be dismissed from your Potions Class for today.“ Happy chattering filled the Room quickly before everyone got up to clean. Minervas eyes tried to over see the whole room which seemed to be impossible but luckily everything went alright. After the almost everyone was gone she sat down on the Desk to have a look into the Potions Book. She never had a very skilled Potion Knowledge so it was interesting to fresh it up. A almost inaudible whisper made her look up. Severus Snape, a young Slytherin Student stood in front of her. Holding out his Hand, showing her a small vial. Confused she raised her brows while laying down the Book.
,,Dear, what is that?“ He wasn’t looking up but kept on mumbling. ,,Ageing Potion. I finished it when the Cauldron exploded. Can you pass it to Professor Slughorn?“ Taking the Potion in her Hand she was clearly surprised to say the least. It took a while to brew a potion, especially at this young age and he managed it to brew it within the first 20 Minutes of the Class?
,,I must admit-“ Clearing her throat she set the Potion aside. ,,You are very skilled, do you know that?“ Severus just slightly raised his shoulders only to let them fall down a few seconds later. Sensing that something was odd she pressed her lips together for a second.
Getting up she made her way to the classroom door after she was assured that everyone besides the both of them has left the class already. Walking back she watched him standing there. His slim figure was almost unnoticeable since he was acting like he was invisible.
,,Mister Snape, would you look at me for a second?“ Quickly he glanced up angry and hissed: ,, Don’t call me that. My Name is Severus.“ Understanding she gasped before apologising.
,,I´m Sorry Severus. But would you look at me?“ As he wasn’t answering she was just patiently sitting down on one for the students desks pulling out a second chair while silently inviting him. As she asked his class how their summer was everyone was being loud and excited but him. At first she wasn’t thinking too much about it. He was always a bit shy and kept it private, which was totally fine, don’t get her wrong, but this time it simply felt odd.
Severus took a while before following her invitation and sitting down on the old wooden chair next to her. ,,I know that I’m just an old Witch and I probably don’t know all your struggles but I may assure you that i´ll be always be there for you. I can listen to you, talk with you or if you like just be there for you because I care for you. Do you understand that?“ After a few seconds the dark haired boy dared to slightly raise his head. A big blue Mark was covering his left eye. Trying not to gasp or ask sudden questions she smiled slightly.
,,Thank you, Professor McGonagall.“ She could see his lips which were cut on one side quiver. And before she knew it the young Slytherin, who was just a Kid still, hugged her. His Tears came flooding and he wetted her shoulder quickly but she didn’t mind as she just patted his back.
,,It’s okay, I´m here for you.“ She said softly. What a pressure must lay on his heavy heart? She didn’t dare to imagine it. A small sigh escaped her lips. He must’ve been so ashamed of it that he didn’t dared to look her in the eyes.
,,If you want to I can use a spell to decrease it.“ Sniffing he let go of her only so his red puffy eyes could look at her and his dark head could nod.
,,Please, make it go away. Help me get away from there.“ Nodding again she carefully pushed a small strain of black hair behind his ear to look at it closely. She had to keep her facade tightly so he wouldn’t be able to notice how his cry for help was breaking her small heart. Casting the Spell for his eye she repeated it for his cut Lip. But as she was intending to lay her wand aside he stopped her by shoving up his sleeve. Blue Marks in form of big hands were facing the surface of his skin. At first she opened her mouth, trying to ask a question but she quickly bid her Lip. He would talk to her when he was ready, she reminded herself. Healing his Wounds she couldn’t get her mind of the Pain he must go through. He was till so young. Looking up as she was done for good now she tried to look for the right words.
,,You can always talk to me, do you know that?“ And for the first time since she was teaching him he smiled slightly towards her. His relief was visible.
,,Thank you. I always feel better while I’m back at Hogwarts.“ He admitted before grabbing his Bag and asked her with a small gesture to leave. With a nod she dismissed him and watch him leave only to turn back around after he was gone.
,,I do too, Kiddo.“
Months passed and she knew that the Moment would come. The Moment that would break her heart. Christmas Break was coming around and as Severus, who grew really close to her, wasn’t heading home for these few days she knew she had to do something. Actually she still went back Home on the Holidays as her Mother was always preparing a big feast for the whole family but this year Minerva politely declined.
,,I have so much work to do. I think I won’t be able to make it. But I promise you that i´ll be there on New Years Eve.“ She wrote in one of her Letters a few weeks ago.
Making her way down to the big table she saw Severus shortly raising his Hand before a let his quick smile fade again. She greeted him in return and sat down next to Albus who was now eyeing her.
,,You two bonded, didn’t you?“ Smiling she nodded. After what had happened on the first day of School she had talked with Albus about it for hours. Albus was a honourable man, she thought. After she told him he quickly took the Matter in his Hands and made sure that People from The Order would take care of the issue.  To be exact they helped Severus Mother, a young thin dark haired Lady, to divorce from her abusive husband.
Of course, Severus wasn’t a dumb Boy, nor was he foolish to think that it was someone else but Minerva who was responsible for his whole life changing for the better in this short time. She was being a friend when he had none.
Smiling she looked over to Albus. ,,Do you think he’ll know we got him the new Potion Book?“ Chuckling he nodded while the both of them watched Severus unwrapping his first Christmas Present that Minervas Owl just brought him.
,,Of course he will. I mean you wrapped it in Gryffindor House colours. His Mother is a Slytherin too. So why would he think it was someone else but his favourite Teacher?“ Shrugging her Shoulders she laughed too. Seeing the little Boy this happy made her heart swell.
- As the Summertime came around Minerva smiled towards the Teenager in front of her. He had already packed his Suitcase and waited for her.
,,I´m sure you will love Scotland.“ She assured him while putting on one of her cloaks. ,,Are you ready?“ Severus smiled widely before taking her arm and they both appartated from Cokeworth where she picked Severus up from his Mothers House to Scotland. The origin Home of Minerva.
It was obvious that they didn’t only bonded but became great friends. That’s why Minerva invited the now aged Slytherin to visit her Hometown and bond with well known and appreciated Potion Master Friends of hers. But that wasn’t everything. Eileen Snape, Severus Mother, was about to follow them too. She would follow them after the first week of the summertime break since she couldn’t take vacation earlier from her new job.
She hoped that she would be able to help him discover what he’d like to do after his graduation also Minerva knew that they never went on a vacation before and how excited Severus was even though he wasn’t really admitting it. So it was a win-win Situation.
,,Set your Luggage down next to the Stairs.“ She introduced him to the small House. ,,I´ll show you around in a minute.“ She wasn’t paying any more Attention as she was already kneeling down and petted a red haired cat next to her.
,,Hello, my good boy. How have you been?“ She purred and made silly faces. ,,Severus, come here. I want you to meet Frank. He was my Grandmothers Cat.“ As Severus entered the living room again he made a small gesturing bow towards Frank. ,,It’s my pleasure, Mr. Frank. My Name is Severus Snape.“ Afterwards he carefully kneeled down to let him sniff on his hand and finally pet him.
- The Weeks in Scotland were passing by so quickly Minerva almost couldn’t believe it. Severus was literally blooming. After meeting Minervas Friends he changed his vision of his own future almost daily. From Potions Master to shop owner, from Auror to Healer. He was impressed by all the ability of Magic. To be honest Minerva felt the same. She got easily excited by such things too and if live would offer her the chances she’d try almost every Job there was to try. But by heart she knew that she’d always come back to Hogwarts, it simply had become her passion. That’s what she hoped for Severus to find too. His own Passion. But it wasn’t only Severus who was growing. Eileen was turning into another woman. A independent, strong and happy woman who supported her Son in every way possible. Knowing she would miss this Summer deeply she instantly invited them over to Christmas Dinner in Scotland next Christmas so they could celebrate it together. Scotland wasn’t just Minervas Home anymore. It was a Home for her beloved friends as well.
Sorrow was laying on her Chest as she walked towards the Teachers Room. Today was the day. Her weak knees felt more shaky than ever now, who could resent her? She was being a well aged Lady by now and a even older aged Professor as well. So well aged that it had become her last year at Hogwarts by now. Entering the Teachers room she looked at the green Decorations hanging around. Her Lips were pressed into a thin line as she looked over the small crowd of people before she set next to her favourite one.
,,At least I won´t go down without a fight.“ She sniffed before looked in those endless dark eyes.
,,I wouldn’t have anticipated it otherwise, Aunty.“ Seeing her Lips quiver he quickly pulled her close. Hugging him tightly she still was overwhelmed by this Man. 
,,I always knew that you’d become the great wizard that you are today, Severus. I Knew what you were able to become. Life was tough but so are you.“ Letting go of him she saw his glossy eyes and laughed lightly. She would be forever thankful for being able to watch and help him grow up. He had become Family to her.
,,Let´s raise our Glas one last time before we can call it a night and Classes begin next week!“ She repeated Albus words while also dedicating this to him. Time has changed a lot. She has lost many good friends but she would always repeat everything in the exact same way. Not because of her own many victories but because of her favourite student who was able to change the wizarding world. And despite her temporary Despair and Worries she never lost her faith in him.
,,For Slytherin and their Head of House Professor Snape and our beloved friend Minerva McGonagall the best head of house Gryffindor has ever had!“ Slughorn proudly announced and his festive Voice cracked at the End. The Man who now looked like a exact image like the one Minerva had seen decades ago, thanks to the ageing Potion that blew up, raised his Glas and everyone copied him. Scanning the room Minerva smiled proudly, no one could ever be as lucky as she was while being surrounded by all her Friends and Family.
Taglist: @deepperplexity  , @monstreviolet , @wow-life-love4 , @lizlil , @once-upon-an-imagine , @darkthought15 , @elizabeth-baelish , @looseheartedlady , @ithinkweallsing , @simpforsnape , @meteoritewolf69
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heresyourramen · 4 years
First Date : Jungkook Imagine
A fluffy first date imagine about Y/N and Jeon Jungkook from BTS.
I hope it’s okay, and you enjoy it!
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It was a blind date. 
Another one.
In fact you had pretty much given up hope on finding love as a college graduate after the first three dates but your roommate had insisted this boy wouldn’t be half as trash as the previous ones. 
You didn’t really know if you could trust her instincts any more, they were getting shady. So far all three of the guys had been far misses. Still only dressed in your towel you flopped onto your unmade bed. 
“Ow, shit!” You look down to see that you had flopped right onto your eyelash curler of all things and let out a frustrated sigh.
What do you even wear to an Arcade? 
The last time you visited one you were 13, who decides to go there at the age of 23? If that wasn’t enough, it was Autumn and winter was closing in fast, cancelling out all those cute little summer dresses and skirts you preferred wearing on first dates.  
After giving up on your less than cold weather appropriate closet, you decide to slip on your usual pair of ripped skinny jeans and your old university sweater. You did light make up and left your hair loose. Slipping on your air forces and a big puffy jacket you leave the warmth of your small apartment and make your way to the designated date spot. 
He’d told you to meet him by the tree decorated with fairy lights outside the arcade but the guy standing there couldn’t possibly be your date. You couldn’t help but stand there in disbelief and instant regret at your half-assed outfit. You even contemplated going back to your apartment for a change but the 20 minute trip would be less than appropriate if you wanted a chance at a second date.
His long dark hair was wavy and parted in the middle, unveiling his big doe like eyes as they wandered around the crowd curiously  and slightly covering his ears where some earrings dangled. He stood with his hands in the pockets of his ripped black skinny jeans and awkwardly shuffling his black boots from side to side as he tried to adjust to the cold, his grey sweater obviously not as cold breeze resistant as it looked. Quickly fixing your hair, you made your way up to where he stood. Looking up with a shy smile you decided to make your presence known.
“Hi, are you Jeon Jungkook?” his big eyes settled on you and slightly widened as if he was surprised before he held his hand out and gave you a quick nod.
“Y/N?” he said your name as if it was a question and you nodded confirming your identity.
“Want to go inside? It’s pretty cold outside.” You suggested more for his part than your own.
“Oh thank God, it’s freezing.” He said with an awkward grin before taking long strides towards the entrance before pausing and looking back at you who struggled to keep up with your short legs, he slowed down his pace to match it with yours. 
Pushing open the arcades doors you noticed the dark interior was filled with thousands of little flickering neon lights, each game with it’s own unique colour scheme. A wave of nostalgia hit you as you noticed a group of kids competing against one another on one of those dancing games that your uncoordinated self could never even consider attempting. A poppy tune played somewhere faintly but the sounds of the loud games were making it difficult to hear which song it was exactly. 
“Uh do you want me to take your jacket? We have to get some tickets, I can give it to them to keep while we’re busy.” He explained and pointed at the booth stuck in a corner of the massive space. You slip off your jacket and hand it to him.
“Go look around and pick a game so long, I’ll be back in a second.” He gave you a friendly smile before making his way to the booth, your coat tucked under his arm. Awkwardly you made your way through the rows of different games, your two sizes to big sweaters sleeves covering your hands. You must have looked like a lost child in a store because when Jungkook made it back to you he seemed concerned. “Are you okay? You look like someone who’s walked into a physics lecture by mistake”
“Uh yeah, I just, I can’t remember the last time I was in an arcade but I blame that on me blocking all my memories of being a teenager.” He chuckled softly before making his way over to a basketball game. 
“Let’s start off simple then?” He gave you a soft smile before the loud music and announcer's voice signaled the start of the game. You were sure he had your best interest at heart and genuinely thought it might be easy but your heart stopped at the thought of any target. Not only had your small body proven itself unable to walk on flat surfaces without tripping it had also made a point that not even running was a safe sport for you to do. He handed you the ball and you made an effort to hide your reluctance as you took it. 
As you expected you had widely over estimated the target, hitting the board above the net with enough force to have the ball come flying right back towards you. Had your date not graciously tugged you out of the way, the date would probably have ended 2 minutes in with you on your way to the hospital with a bloody nose. 
You were suddenly very aware of your surroundings, especially how your back was pressed up against the body behind you. His hands gripped your arms and you noticed the faint tattoos on his right hand as you looked down at it before slowly sliding out of his grasp.
“Let’s avoid any games that require any athletic ability if possible?” You suggested as you walked over to collect the ball handing it back to him sheepishly. You saw the smile on his face and you watched as his nose scrunched as he started to laugh. You could feel your ears and cheeks go a bright red in embarrassment but you couldn’t help but think his laugh wasn’t degrading you like guys often did when you said something strange, and as the light chuckles continued to fill the air you couldn’t help but laugh along with him. Both of you standing in front of a game that’s timer had run out, giggling like 6 year old’s at each other.
“You’re a lot stronger than you look.” He said as he tried to compose himself, you wiped away some tears that had started in the corner of your eyes from all the laughing.
“I agree no more sporty games, you might break the strength measuring games.” He said with a grin and a small wink as you both made your way over to some of the older looking games, luckily they only required you pressing buttons. 
For the next hour your childish competitiveness ran free as the two of you actively tried to beat the other in whatever game you found yourself playing. He ended up persuading you to play one of the newer looking games, hesitantly you picked up the plastic gun and stood in front of the screen. As soon as the game started you were bombarded with the sounds of gunshots and your confusion didn’t even last 30 seconds before your character had died. The game loudly announced your failure and you felt your ears go red with frustration and embarrassment. 
“You haven’t played a game like this before right?” Jungkook said, putting down his own plastic gun and giving you a small smile, you shook your head ‘no’. “I was wondering why you suddenly started letting me win at something.” that was a lie, you had narrowly beaten him at maybe three of the games but you appreciated his attempt at making you feel better. 
“Here, let me help you.” He put in another ticket and selected single player mode and moved to stand behind you. For the second time that day you were very aware of how much smaller you were than him, Your back was pressed against his hard chest and you felt his arms wrap around your body as he placed his hands over your own as you both held the plastic gun. The loud boom of the game was blocked out as your senses suddenly focused on how good he smelled and how gently his hands held yours, everytime his hands moved slightly to aim you felt tingles on your finger tips. It didn’t take too long until  the character on the screen was overwhelmed and the game ended. You felt him step away, his hands no longer holding yours as he let go, he looked down at you with a small smile and you felt yourself blushing again but this time not because of the game. 
“That was our last ticket and it’s pretty late, lets get your jacket and go get some food.” He suggested and you followed after him to the front desk. He helped you slip on your jacket and you guys went outside only to be hit with a bone chilling breeze. You saw him visibly shiver at the cold. 
“Um, do you want to use this instead?” You started taking off your coat but he stopped you. 
“No! It’s okay, look there’s a food cart!” he took your hand and started making your way over to where the warm food was steaming, he ordered and paid before you could open your wallet to pay your half, not once letting go of your hand. You felt bad as he stood awkwardly shuffling because of the cold so you made a daring decision. You gently guided the hand he held into one of the big pockets of your coat, he turned his head from where he was watching the elderly lady assemble your meals and grinned as he gave your small hand a squeeze. You guys got your food and you suggested heading to your apartment to eat it there, the walk was short but he held your hand in your pocket all the way until you had to use it to unlock the door. You watched as he nearly sprinted into the warm interior and you couldn't help but smile at the little waddle he did. 
You took out bowls and cutlery for your food and put on the kettle to make you both some tea. When you walked back into your tiny living room, you saw your dates big body had somehow managed to squish himself in the space between the coffee table and the couch, you placed everything down and quickly selected a random movie before you both started to eat your food when you were both finished he helped you carry everything back to the kitchen. 
After the both of you settled on the old couch under a variety of blankets as you continued to watch the movie, it wasn't long until you felt your eyes slowly falling shut, job hunting had tired you out and the excitement of the day seems to have drained you.
Jungkook stiffened when he felt your head suddenly rest on your shoulder but relaxed when he saw your closed eyes and felt your slow breaths. The excitement of the day had worn both of you out and he couldn’t help but feel relieved that he wasn’t the only one who was tired. He gently brushed the hair out of your face before adjusting himself that you both were comfortable, your head rested on his chest as your arms automatically draped around his waist in your sleep, he rubbed soft circles on your back before finally dozing off himself. 
He woke up, his nose being tempted by the familiar smell of bacon and fried eggs, his eyes wandered to where you stood in your clothes from the day before making breakfast softly humming a tune. He looked down to see himself covered by a few million blankets before he rubbed his eyes, when he opened them again he saw you standing there with two plates and a friendly smile.
“Good morning!” you said cheerfully and put down the plate on the coffee table. “Morning Y/N, I didn’t realise date two would be so soon.” Jungkook said with a sleepy smile before happily digging into the delicious breakfast.
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
#LadynoirJuly Days 4 and 5
To avoid being too late on the prompts, I’m just going to combine some of them from now on! Hope the banter is satisfactory, I wasn’t quite sure I was doing it right... Enjoy! xxx
Read the previous entries: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
Days 4 and 5: Disguises and Banter
Ladybug waited outside the hospital, comfortably swaying in her long red and black dress. She was pretty satisfied with the design; she thought she’d nailed the elaborate XVIIIth century style, complete with small train, frills, ribbons and slightly puffy sleeves. The rich damask cloth, combined with the petticoat, kept her warm in the crisp October night air. It was going to be a cold winter.
Shrill sirens echoed from nearby streets, bringing her back to the matter at hand. She tried to ignore their meaning as she checked her Miracuphone for a sign of her partner. Out of all the days he could've chosen to be late, this one was possibly the worst. The children in the hospital weren't expecting the two Paris Heroes (they'd made sure to keep their visit under wraps to surprise them), but they were definitely waiting for their Halloween treats. And she wasn't going to disappoint them on that front.
As she was about to head inside, anxious to get to her mission, Chat Noir casually walked around the corner. In the semi-darkness of the street, she thought at first that he hadn't dressed up, but then she noticed his bandana and his large black shirt, taken in at the waist by his belt, from which his baton hung like a sword. 
"'Evening, m'lady." He bowed as he approached. "Your nickname is particularly fitting tonight, may I presume I was a source of inspiration?" He quipped as he took in the majesty of her dress. As a designer's son, he could appreciate how much work must have gone into the gown, not to mention its accompanying feathered hairdo.
"Don't worry, they're not real. Wouldn’t want you to sneeze all over a bunch of kids, would we Chaton?" She smirked as she caught him looking apprehensively at her hair accessories. "Also, I like your costume, Westley, but couldn't you have gone for something a little more… original?" She asked. Not that it wasn't a good costume; she did very much like the Princess Bride and its hero. She also appreciated how handsome her partner looked with a more rugged look.
"Sorry, Bugaboo, it's been a busy week." He shrugged apologetically. "Also, I thought we were making our own costumes, sans the help of actual designers. I would've asked Marinette too, otherwise." He said pointedly, indicating the designer's embroidered logo at the bottom of the skirt. 
Ladybug swore internally, while noting how much her partner paid attention to detail. She'd absentmindedly signed her work on her sketch, and forgotten to remove the gold stitching when she made it. She'd realised it a minute before leaving, and had counted on its discretion rather than risking being late. Oh well, as long as Chat believed she'd hired Marinette…
Chat continued his rant. "Plus you have it easy, as a woman. You can just slip on a dress to cover your costume! How am I supposed to cover all this leather, even a kilt wouldn't do." He pouted.
"What about a cape?" She winked at him as she slung her arm in his, directing him towards the hospital entrance.
"But Edna said no capes!" He gasped as they walked in, enjoying their proximity and giddy at the thought that she'd initiated it, for once. 
She rolled her eyes and shook her head in response, the small smile tugging at her lips giving her amusement away. 
She reluctantly (because it was slightly cold in the hall, of course) let go of Chat's arm as they approached the main desk and greeted the receptionist. Although the latter tried to keep a straight face, she could tell he was torn between surprise, internal fangirling (she wondered if there was a more gender neutral term for it) and a detached attitude. 
"Good evening sir," she smiled warmly. "I believe you have something for us." She looked behind him and pointed at the large hand trolley, on which were piled Tom and Sabine cake boxes. It wasn’t necessarily very traditional for Halloween, but then again, it wasn’t a very celebrated holiday in France, and she doubted the children had access to pastries very often.
It had been weird casually striding into her parents’ bakery as Ladybug and pretending to not know very much about their products, when she knew exactly what she wanted. She’d ordered enough to cover the sugar needs of all the Paris hospitals, complete with diet restrictions, so when Sabine had told her the order was on the house, she’d almost slammed all her money in the tip jar anyway. The way her Mum had looked at her then reminded her of when she talked back sometimes, and she knew better than to open that door. She had respectfully backed down on the payment front, but had been particularly zealous in the kitchen as Marinette to compensate. Marinette had also insisted on delivering the order straight to the hospital earlier in the afternoon, despite her parents’ reservations at the idea. It was the least she could do. 
“Oh yes, of course! Let me bring it out for you.” The lad almost tripped as he stood up, but thankfully didn’t crash on the trolley. That would have been awkward. As he wheeled out the bounty, Ladybug noticed how hungry Chat’s eyes looked as he followed the movement of the food. She smiled lovingly and leaned towards his ear. 
“Don’t worry, I saved you some.” She whispered, and he shuddered in delight at the thought of Tom and Sabine’s passionfruit macarons, chouquettes and croissants. 
“You sure know how to get to a man’s heart, m’lady.”
“By getting to his stomach first?” She asked cheekily.
They were interrupted by the receptionist clearing his throat, uncomfortably wringing his hands as he waited by the lift with the goods. Ladybug jumped away from her partner and made her way towards him, Chat hot on her heels.
“Thank you so much…” She trailed, waiting for the man to give his name.
“Patrick.” He completed, grinning. Ladybug knew his name, now. 
“Thank you, Patrick.” She smiled.
The heroes took their leave and ascended to the children’s ward. When the lift doors opened, they were greeted by a group of pirates, princes, princesses, witches, wizards, and even Miraculous impersonators, little treat bags at the ready as they waited with nurses in what Ladybug assumed was the ward’s lounge. The kids gasped and cheered as they walked out.
“Trick or treat!” Chat called out, earning himself a round of giddy laughter. Giving each other an understood glance, Chat and Ladybug separated into the small crowd, each going to one side of the room.
“You look like a princess!” A little Rena Rouge fan in an arm cast squeaked as Ladybug approached her.
“Thank you, Rena! But what happened to your arm? How will we fight the Akuma without your help?” Ladybug asked with her best shocked expression.
The little girl giggled in response, which made Marinette smile. She gave her some pastries “to help her recover quickly”, and went to join Chat. Her partner was having a pretend sword fight with a pirate. He was surprisingly good with children, she noticed. And he looked great laughing as he parried an attack. Did he fence, like Adrien? Maybe she could ask him to give her lessons. Not to spend more time with him, and definitely not to see him in a fencing uniform, which she had to admit would be particularly fitting on his muscled figure. It could just… prove to be handy if they ever swapped Miraculouses again.
She felt a small tug at her skirt, originating from the hand of a ten year-old boy wearing a Ladybug costume, sitting in a wheelchair.
“Hello there, Bugaboy!” She squatted down to be at eye level with him, her skirt sprawling out in a corolla at her feet. Some children bent down to touch the elaborate fabric. “What’s your name?”
“I can’t reveal my identity, or the Guardian will take my Miraculous away.” The boy grinned as she handed him a macaron.
“And you dare tell me you don’t say it that often.” Chat leaned on the back of a nearby chair, smirking. “Well done young man, you’ve done your research.” He winked at the kid.
Ladybug shook her head, refraining from saying that he was the one preventing them from knowing who was behind the mask now. She couldn’t say it out loud, there was some press around to record their visit, and even when they did sit down and talk about their identities, it would be best if the general public was kept in the dark about that knowledge for as long as possible.
“I want to be Ladybug when I grow up.” Mini Bug said proudly. 
“You’d put me out of a job?” Ladybug said with a fake pained expression.
“Not if you don’t want to!” The boy’s eyes went wide at the thought he might have offended his favourite superhero. “I just assumed you’d want to rest in the future. It must be very tiring to battle against Hawkmoth all the time.”
“He’s got a point there, Bugaboo.” Chat acquiesced. “She won’t listen to me when I tell her she also deserves some time off.” He fake whispered in the boy’s direction.
“That’s because you always want it to be time off for you too!” She scoffed. “You’re always inviting me for ice creams or movie dates at the same time, how am I to relax knowing nobody competent is watching over the city?”
Chat’s heart sung at the compliment. “If that’s the only thing keeping you from going out with me, I’m sure I can find a solution, m’lady. You know, Rena and Carapace would certainly do a grand job.” He tried to keep a detached demeanor, but knowing he was so close to her accepting to go on a date with him was making his heart go haywire. 
She pouted pensively, twirling a strand of hair that had fallen out of her hairdo, then shrugged. “As you wish, farmboy.” 
Her heart skipped a beat as she waited for his answer. It felt like time had slowed. Was this too soon? “Kelly” had only been out of the picture for about a month now. Was it enough time to get over someone?
A stolen glance at him answered her question. Looking at him, she could tell Chat was repressing a smile. His eyes twinkled as he looked at her like protagonists look at each other in romantic comedies. The way everyone should be looked at at least once in their life. He gave a nod in the direction of the room, reminding her they were not alone. She nodded back, their brief exchange imperceptible for common mortals.
If the warm hug and lingering kiss he left on her cheek as they parted after remaining a little longer with the kids were any indication, she knew she’d said the right thing. Although it could have also been credited to the bag of pastries she’d handed him a minute before.
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ineffable-bisexual · 5 years
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@concreteangel1221​ this reminds me of my own head canon, but not of them teasing one another (although yours is very fluffy and funny!). It takes place after Freddie Mercury dies.
Crowley is, of course, upset and doesn’t really want to know where Freddie ended up. On the one hand, it might be cool if he was in Hell so Crowley could talk to him but the damp and dark wouldn’t be Freddy’s scene. But he also doesn’t want Freddy in Heaven because then he would have to deal with Gabriel and Sandalphon.
But then...
Years go by and the husbands are drunk (naturally) and Crowley brings it up again.
“It would have been a treat to see Freddie really give it to old Gabe, ya know? Just smart off to him, take a shot of vodka, give him the finger while smiling and calling him ‘darling.’ Someone’s sake...”
“I remember the day he died,” Aziraphale told him, pouring them another glass of wine. “I had never seen you so depressed.”
“Then again,” Crowley continues, putting his hand on his husband’s leg after he sits next to him, “I would have loved to have seen the look on everyone’s face if Freddie came over to Hell. Walking through the fiery gates in those tight white pants and huge crown and fur-lined cape. He would declare himself Queen of the Underworld, right to Beelz’s face, too! HA!”
“You cried all night, dear, I remember,” Aziraphale continues, too, a frown forming on his brow. “You played that one song on the turntable over and over, too, what was it again?”
“Oh...yeah it was uh...Somebody to Love.”
“Yeah...It, um...reminded me of us...at that time.”
“Oh?” Aziraphale rested a hand on his. “Will you play it for me?”
He motioned to the turntable he kept on one of the bookshelves. “Put it on. I’d like to hear it.”
Crowley hesitated, but then squeezed his husband’s hand before getting up from the sofa.
He put the record on and sat next to him again. Aziraphale smiled and kissed his cheek, tears standing in his eyes as he listened. 
“Sappy, I know,” Crowley grinned, picking up his wine glass again.
“No! It’s a beautiful song! And, you know, I think I can...”
Crowley looked at him, puzzled. “You think you can what?”
Aziraphale set down his wine. “Dearest...what if I can find out for you?”
“Find out what?” He saw the slight raise of his husband’s eyebrow and it clicked. “You...y-you mean if Freddy--”
“Yes! I mean...I may not work  for them much anymore, but I can still get in and out of Heaven, and since our ‘trials,’ Gabriel and Sandalphon don’t dare to ask questions.”
Crowley grinned. “They’re scared of you.”
Aziraphale smirked. “Hmm, I wonder why.”
They giggled and the angel suddenly stood.
“You’re going now?” Crowley asked.
“Why not?”
“Well, I mean...what are you going to say?”
Aziraphale was by the turntable now, sifting through the records on the shelf below it. “What’s your favorite vinyl from him?”
“Uh...A Day at the Races. I placed it just there to play the record.”
He picked up the sleeve and carefully put the record back into it. “Ah! Very well!” He hid it in his coat and went to the door. “Be right back.”
Crowley shot off the sofa. “Angel! Wait! Are you really going back now? You think you’ll be able to get up there, I mean, the building is one thing, but you haven’t been up past the stars in eons! And you’re drunk!”
“Oh, pish posh, dear!”
“Don’t pish posh me! You can’t just--”
Aziraphale stopped his protests with a kiss. “Be back in the morning.”
“Love you!”
The next morning passed...and then the afternoon. Early evening came and Crowley paced the entirety of the bookshop. He had finally decided to go out to look for him until he heard the familiar sound of the bell above the door.
He rushed to him and saw that he was smiling from ear to ear, purple lipstick marks on both of his cheeks. A rainbow feathered boa was draped over his shoulders and he was clutching the vinyl record in one hand and an open bottle of champagne in the other.
“Darling!” he said. “I am dreadfully sorry that I kept you waiting for so long, but...well, what a time it was up there!”
“In the...headquarters?”
“Hm? Oh, Lord no! Upstairs, dear. Way upstairs! It’s definitely livened up since we left.”
Crowley stepped closer and squinted. “Is that glitter?”
“Oh! Yes,” Aziraphale said. “Just a bit; it was everywhere.”
“Well did you--”
“I met this amazing young man, dear! He reminded me so much of you! Tall, thin, long legs, gorgeous hair! And his makeup! He had a painted lightning bolt over his face and--”
“You met David-fucking-Bowie??”
“Dear! Language! Anyway, he was chatting with this other young man who had just finished setting his guitar on fire! Can you believe it? He set fire in Heaven! It was amazing!”
Crowley’s heart was pounding. “Jimi...Jimi Hendrix? You met--”
“Darling, stop interrupting me! Then I turn around and there’s this shorter bloke clad in a puffy white shirt and a purple coat! He looked regal and was very charming! He was making pancakes for everyone!”
“Was he wearing a weird symbol?”
“Why, yes! Come to think of it he was!”
“That was Prince!! Angel, you’re--look, did you find--”
“Oh! And I saw my old friend, Julia Child! Do you remember? I had dinner with her and her wonderful husband when I was in France in the 1970s. She was there with her husband and this other tall gentleman from the American South. Oh, darling, he was absolutely gorgeous! Slicked back black hair, deep blue eyes, tight white flares! Oh, my heavens, you know I don’t sweat very much but--”
The angel paused and frowned at him. “What? Oh! Right, yes. Here.”
He handed the Queen album to him and Crowley’s jaw dropped.
In glittering gold, over the black cover of the album, was the very signature of Freddie Mercury himself.
“I told him that my husband was a big fan,” Aziraphale said. He approached him and kissed him ever so gently.
“Oh...angel...” Crowley’s voice cracked. “Thank you...I can’t believe it...how was he?”
His husband smiled. “Happy. He was there with his partner, Jim. He misses his mates, but he knows they’ll be there one day. But really, he’s alright, and having the best time.”
Crowley sniffed back growing tears. “Did he meet...you know...”
“Gabriel? Oh...I don’t know...I forgot to ask. They met God, though.”
Crowley’s eyes grew wider. “They did?”
“Of course! She’s a fan of his, too, apparently.” He took off his feathered boa and placed it around Crowley’s neck. “How about I freshen up and we dine at the Ritz? I’ll tell you more about my trip.”
Crowley kissed him. “Thank you again, angel.”
“No problem, love.” He walked to the back room to go up to his flat, but suddenly turned. 
“Oh! She says hello, by the way.”
Crowley was puzzled again. “Who?”
Aziraphale laughed. “God, of course! She congratulated us on the marriage! She was a witness, you know?”
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borisbubbles · 4 years
Elisa - “Medo de sentir”
We’ve finally crossed over into the “I like this” territory :-) Let’s celebrate by booting another ballad ^_^
Song Analysis
This will be short and sweet though, since there isn’t much to say. “Medo de sentir” basically the Marie Myriam of its national final: It is a cromulent ballad that did nothing wrong and is solidly good, but not great in all the relevant areas (vocals, composition, staging). 
I mean,
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Even so, Elisa gave me a few small nuggets that warmed me to her, serving DRAMAFACE in the FdC Semi
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and LOOKS in the Finale: 
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Peach puffy sleeves that rival Leonor Andrade’s legendary shoulder pads as a fashion statement <3 (honestly, this is pretty subdued for FdC fashion even? Hold on until I get talk about Felipe in the NF Corner) 
Honestly, you may wonder why I like this more than “Répondez-moi”, but I don’t really have a reason  - unless you’re willing to accept “Medo de sentir is underrated, is performed by a Weird Indie Girl and is from a criminally overlooked Eurovision country” as valid argumentations. Oh and while I only *very* mildly like Elisa, it is a decision I made myself, completely free of the social pressure I feel whenever Gjon, or heaven forbid, Roxen or Diodato, pop up. 
Furthermore, the fact that I still like Elisa even after she won her NF also speaks greatly in her favour. I’m not sure if you were aware of how good FdC was this year? Well, sit down because you are about to witness it!
NF Corner
Remember how old Eesti Laul’s neck was snapped and its corpse was urinated on by the shit Estonians? Remember how the quirky indie weirdo entries had to find a safe haven elsewhere in Europe? The Portugese hallmark traits of “Not Giving A Fuck”, “Doing Our Own Thing No Matter What” and “What Do You Mean This Isn’t A Vimeo Showreel?” allowed for Festival da Canção to absorb Eesti Laul’s broken spirit and channel it from every (Ley-La-)Ley-Line.
and since this is the first *GREAT* 2020 NF I am covering, I will do HONORABLE MENTIONS before I actually review my four choices :o
Dubio - “Ceguiera”: Hamburglar-looking goddess <3333
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MEERA - “Copo de gin”: Pure EL-style EDM *and* it’s about drinking gin, needless to say this song is basically *my anthem*.  Jimmy P - “Abensonhado”: Rap rarely is my thing, let alone three minutes of it non-stop. Having said that, this is genuine and dramatic and Jimmy is flanked by a GOSPEL CHOIR (dressed in chasubles!!!) who support him in ENGLISH... I am not made of stone.  JJaZZ - “Agora”: Totally slept on this weird indie anthem, but then they showed up looking like this:
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and yes, it was even funnier in motion (sadly gif’ing rights are reserved to the Elite 4 soz) Elisa Rodrigues - “Não voltes mais”: a jolly tropical ballad in a genre I recognize but cannot name (some sort of pimba fado jazz? Does this work?) and was incomprehensibly hated by the Portuguese? Will I ever understand how this country operates? Probably never. Kady - “Diz so”: another pimba fado jazz sort of thing? My friend André (who is from Brazil) tells me it’s actively parodying Brazillian counterculture and leftist stereotypes which is such a random quirk to put in a Portuguese music comp <3
And before we move on, I’ll chuck in a very speclal DISHONORABLE mention for our good friends Blasted Mechanism.😈 I actually forgot to do my jury duties for ESCUnited here, so I’ll just let James (the person with the best taste on our team, including yours truly) do it for me: 
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Fucking *TRUTH*. “Rebellion’”s problem  has always been a lack of motherfucking balls. Sure, these middle-aged steampunkers attempt to implement a genre shift between indie rock and fucking ORCHESTRAL METAL/HIP HOP and make it so underwhelming and pathetic? People blame the live, and yes it was *bad* (forever cackling at “REBELGIUM” tho), but it was the studio that failed to deliver on the promises it made.  It always surprises me when people (Sean and Roy I AM coming for you) slam "Verona” for being a “fanwank” and then fall for a Rebellion which is basically a fanwank for heterosexual snobs. #ShotsFired. 
Now, as for the actual Boris faves, LET US START WITH A LIBERAL DOSE OF ASKEW CUBISM
Judas - “Cubismo Enviesado” 
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 WHAT A FUCKING SPANDEX CATASTROPHE. “Cubismo enviesado” is a horrible song, the choreography looks like it had been conjured up during a particularly drunk night of bedroom karaoke and Judas can’t hold a tune for the life of him. The lyrics don’t even make sense in Portuguese <33333 It is an art school project gone disastrously wrong. NEEDLESS TO SAY, I AM OBSESSED.😍
Filipe Sambado - “Gerbera Amarelo do Sul”
That look
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The regal panache
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Those... leather shorts?
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IT IS SO QUEER I LOVES IT. As with Cubismo, I am fucking OBSESSED. However, unlike Cubismo, “Gerbera amarela do sul” is *legitimately* great, lol. In addition to having a KICK-ASS fado rhythm and the off-the-charts visual components (the jewellery! the hats! the throne! the hand choreography!), the lyrics are highly intelligent poetry geared at dismantling upper class snobism.😍 Rare to find an entry that kicks ass on SO MANY levels. Even harder to see it lose to Elisa Myriam - but I’m not sad it lost because, you know, it would have befallen the same fate as a “Telemóveis”. At least his existence makes the memory-holing of Achille Lauro’s ICONIC Virgin Queen Cosplay so much easier to stomach. 
Throes & The Shine - “Movimiento”
I mean, entries that open like THIS: 
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are instantly iconic, ngl. The best FdC entries offer a great triple of great looks, unplugged stubborn artistry and fun quirky rhythmes. Throes + The Shine pass this with flying colours and I mean, THOSE sunglasses alone yank up the laugh-out-laugh factor to astronomical levels. add in a hilarious choreography, sound effects that seemingly imitate duck mating noises and three very attractive men (in 2020! the concept!) and it’s an instant fave right there. 
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and of course, this wouldn’t be a 2020 NF without an obvious runaway fave losing at the last minute: 
Bárbara Tinoco - “Passe-partout”
SHE IS TINY <3333:
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She’s like a human bonsai... or a personal attack chincilla.
Okay, so Portugal were *THIS close* to out-France’ing the French with this sassy Zazballad, served with a generous dollop of parisian accordion and stank reaction shots.
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Yet another entry that shamelessly uses an attractive man as a boytoy prop <333 For a brief moment, Bàrbara and Tiago establish themselves as a pair of lovestruck La La Land idiots, gearing themselves towards the EPIC moment where she will dump him... and then this happens before the first chorus:
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Barbara opens up a can of dancer carbs and it completely fucks up her no-bullshit keto diet. 
Those dancers man. They aren’t a *bad* addition in itself, but if your thing is “romance ballad but *plot twist* it’s actually an end of romance ballad get lost loser” do not burn the clou within the first minute of the performance to a group of dancers who don’t even dance *along with the beat of your song*. UGH.
(and also, more devastatingly, the reduce tiaGOD’s airtime how dare they grrr)
Fortunately though, I have learned to appreciate the wrecktitude of it all because it caused one of the funniest downfall narratives in recent ESC history. The Portuguese were, of course, foaming at the mouth with all the decisions Bárbara had made (not even for the points I raised, necessarily?) and Bárbara was having none of it. It went kinda like this
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and lo hand behold, the finale rolls on and Tinoco’s dancers are still there, and are even *MORE* present than they were in the semi (but also in sync with the beat) and Bárbara gets promptly jurydunked into third place. 😍 Even though she has the *ONLY* song in FdC that could have qualified in its semifinal. 😍  A woman who stands three apples tall trolling an entire nation and juries because she knew she had gold in her hands and then getting rigged out of the easiest nf victory out of pure SPITE 😍  WHAT AN ARC. 😍
Portugal 2020 vs Portugal 2021
Elisa probably would not have qualified. I’m not sure how popular of an opinion this is, but I prefer the semifinal performance of “Medo de sentir” and that wasn’t the staging they were going for. Not many people seemed to care either way, and that’s usually the death sentence for Portugal. 
Elisa won’t be back for 2021 or whenever Eurovision is rebooted. :sigh: Fuck you, Coronavirus. 
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Freaky! Friday! Factor!
See: NF Corner:
Score: 4 Senhits out of 5. 
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fangirlshrewt97 · 5 years
Greatest Disappointment You Know
Author(s): Fangirlshrewt97
Fandom: One Day at a Time
Pairing: None
Characters: Elena Alvarez, Penelope Alvarez, Victor Alvarez
Rating: General
Warnings: Self-hate and homophobic thoughts
Additional Tags: Whumptober2019, Abandonment issues, self-esteem issues, self-hatred, homophobic thoughts, mother-daughter relationship, hurt/comfort, angst, supportive parent, tears, crying
Whumptober 2019 Prompt: Abandoned
Summary: When Penelope hears her daughter crying at night and goes to comfort her, she is shocked to find just how much Victor abandoning her on her quinceañera hurt Elena.
Link to A03: archiveofourown.org/works/20923868
 Penelope was heading to bed hen she heard a faint sound coming from he daughter’s room. Concerned, she walked to the door and put her head against it, trying to hear better. The noise was still faint, but was that… was Elena crying?
Worry increasing, Penelope knocked softly on the door, not wanting to startle her daughter. “Elena, sweetie, are you ok?”
Abruptly, the noise choked off, and Penelope heard some scuffling on the other side of the door before Elena replied “Yeah mom, I’m fine.”
Penelope wasn’t naive enough to believe her daughter. “Can I come in real quick?”
“No! I’m fine really, just go to bed!” Elena said, voice tinged with the slightest hint of panic. The worry in Penelope’s stomach just grew larger, what could have her daughter feeling so scared.
“Please Elena, open the door for me?” she asked, keeping her voice low.
“I just want to kiss you goodnight. Please?”
Penelope stepped back when she heard some more scuffling and the deadbolt unlocking. She gasped when the door opened to show her daughter hunched over, wiping her nose on one sleeve of her sweater. Approaching her as she would a scared animal, Penelope gently placed her hand on Elena’s cheek, lifting her face up. “Ay, nena…”
Elena’s face was splotchy and red, eyelids puffy with tear-marks stark on her face even in the dim hallway light. Elena bit her lip as fresh tears welled up in her eyes, and she sniffled before tucking herself tightly into her mother’s arms. Penelope automatically wound her free hand over her waist, holding her daughter close as she moved the other hand from Elena’s cheek to the back of her head.
Neither knew how long they stood in the doorway before Penelope gently nudged Elena to move backwards until they were both sitting on her bed. Penelope grabbed tissues from the box on Elena’s desk, wiping the tears from her daughter’s face, her own showing her concern freely. Elena took one tissue and blew her nose, trying to catch her breath and blinking rapidly to make the tears stop. Penelope only pulled away when Elena seemed to get things under control again.
“Elena, what happened?” Penelope asked, anxiety barely hidden.
“I’m sorry mami.” Elena sobbed, too lost in her head, anxiety clogging her throat.
“What are you sorry for? There’s nothing to be sorry for! Why are you crying?”
“I’m-I-I’m just…” Elena started before crying again. Penelope pulled her against herself, bringing them both to lean against Elena’s bed’s headboard.
“Breathe Elena.”
“I’m sorry I disappointed you.” Elena whispered, voice so low Penelope barely caught the words. But the words sent a shock of fear and anger through her as she tightened her grip on Elena.
“Disappointed? What are you talking about Elena? You have done nothing like that!”
“I did though…” Elena said, voice so full of conviction and sorrow.
“Really what is that?”
“I’m just…I wish I was straight mami, I really do. I tried pretending so much but I couldn’t do it, and I’m so sorry.” Elena said before dissolving into tears again. Penelope meanwhile was shell-shocked. Those were not words she ever thought she would hear from her daughter. And certainly not ones she thought were the slightest bit true. What on earth had made Elena think it was?
“Elena, hija, look at me, please.” Penelope pleaded, needing her daughter to hear her next words carefully. When Elena sat up slightly, Penelope curved her hands over her daughter’s cheeks, bringing her close to kiss her forehead, then her cheeks, before resting her forehead against Elena’s. “You are the most incredible daughter I could ever ask for Elena. You are so smart, so beautiful, so stubborn, but your heart is always in the right place. You are so angry, but the world is unfair and you should be angry. You do what is right and you stand by your principles, god Elena, I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I promise you, never, not for even a second, have I ever thought you should be anything but true to yourself. Because yes, sometimes you are so stubborn you don’t hear what I’m telling you. Or so focused on the big things you miss the little things. But you never go wrong Elena, not when it matters. And you being gay, that isn’t a bad thing querida. Ay nena, eres tan perfecta, I don’t care if you like girls or guys, or anyone else. What I care is that whoever you choose to give your heart to realizes what a gift they have been given, and appreciate it. Because you are so amazing, and you inspire me to be better every single day.” By the end of her mini-speech, both mother and daughter were crying, clinging to each other.
“You’re not disappointed in me?”
“Not for a second.”
“Do you believe me?” Penelope asked, stroking her daughter’s hair. Elena shrugged.
“Elena, why would you think I would be disappointed in you? What even brought this on in the first place?”
“It’s stupid.”
“Not if it is making you cry so much.” Penelope said, resting her cheek on top of Elena’s head.
Elena continued to trace figures into her jacket before sniffling and pulling away from the embrace to get up and pick something from under her pillow. Only the desk lamp was on, but when Elena gave the paper to Penelope, it was enough to show it was actually a photo. Penelope nearly started to cry again when she realized it was a photo from Elena’s eight birthday party, back before the divorce when they had all been together, even if not entirely happy. Her mother was holding baby Alex, while her father had his arm around her waist. Penelope was not in the picture, having been the one taking the photograph. And center stage, was Victor holding Elena close in front of the birthday cake.
“He abandoned me mami. He just left me there during the quinceañera, and I don’t think he will ever accept me. If I had been straight he wouldn’t have left me. Now he hates me.” God, Victor had broken her heart so many times in so many ways, and she had been so angry but Penelope had never felt this much rage towards the man as she did now. How dare he break their little girl’s heart like this? How was Penelope supposed to protect her from the world when she couldn’t even protect her from her dad.
Tugging Elena back to her chest, Penelope just held her daughter tight, unsure of how to respond to her, but also not willing to tell her a lie that everything would work out.
“Elena, I want to tell you that you just need to give him some time, that he will come around, but you are too smart for me to insult you like that. What I can say is that I really hope your papi realizes his mistake and comes and apologizes. But you need to know Elena, you have done nothing wrong. If you had pretended to be straight to keep us happy, you would have died a little everyday from the shame and the lies. I am your mother Elena, and thinking of you doing that to make me happy makes me so sick to my stomach. You deserve the world. And you deserve to love who you want, and be loved by someone who realizes what a treasure you are. Because you are a treasure. You are so priceless to me, and it breaks my heart that I can’t protect you from the world, that the world is so ugly, and so cruel. But know that I will always, always love you. And so will your brother and grandmother.”
Elena sniffled quietly before snuggling closer, “I love you.”
Penelope chuckled softly, bringing a hand up to card her fingers through her daughter’s hair. “I love you so much Elena, I don’t have the words to tell you how much.”
The two stayed like that for a long time, both lost in their own thoughts. When Penelope started feeling Elena grow looser with sleep, she carefully extracted herself from her daughter to tuck her to bed. She had just finished and turned to leave when Elena suddenly grabbed her hand.
“Can you please with me tonight?” came the soft request from her daughter, voice still so scared as if she thought her mother would push her away.
Swallowing her heartbreak, Penelope smiled and nodded slightly. “Move over then.”
Removing her own sweater and putting it on Elena’s chair, Penelope slid into her daughter’s bed and gathered her close. She started humming an old Cuban lullaby she used to sing Elena as a child, rubbing her back gently. Within moments, Elena’s breaths lulled to the even breaths indicating her daughter was finally asleep.
It was a long time before Penelope succumbed to sleep, her thoughts racing as she felt a chain being pulled around her heart, doing it’s best to squeeze the life out of her. All she wanted was for her children to be happy. Why couldn’t the world give them that much? Why couldn’t Victor?
Her last thought before she drifted off echoed through her brain though. Come what may, she would be damned before she let the world break her children.
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venusandluc · 5 years
The face of an angel :Chapter 4-
a warning he does get to see her undergarments but back then undergarments were basically shorts and a tank top so like I think you all be fine- plus they don't do anything so like... Meh
There, he said it. And he immediately felt stupid. She saved him, of course, she was fine... But he couldn't be sure without her saying so. He feared, even if he thought it absurd, that if he left without asking,  something bad might happen. And for once he wasn't a fan of that forecasting.
She didn't turn to face him. Her body tensed. He could see that. A state of shock hitting her. Did he know? She knew it was possible, but she hoped that he didn't know.  The angel's body now completely shivering. The bitter cold entering her bones again. Her legs almost buckled under her gown, but she stood tall. " Why do you ask?" she needed to know why he asked. The angel wanted to know if they were on the same page. What did he remember!? Oh, my lord! Please don't let this man know!
" your shaking" the Phantom lifted a brow, not that she could see that. " it's none of my business, I rather not accuse another-" he stopped himself, walking towards her and away from the door making his way over to the small flower. "So. Are you going tell Erik~"  a smirk laid on his face as his velvet-like voice left his lips- towering over her.
her doll eyes didn't dare to meet his gaze.  " I don't have anything to tell Erik." she started, trying to forget about the discomfort her legs. "I'm fine." this was said in a cold tone as if she was telling him to leave. The tone was as frigid. As frozen as her legs. She was far from fine.
" Erik doesn't appreciate your lies-" hid voice hissed, "plus, I won't depart till you tell me."  with those words he leaned down so that was face to face. Blowing the hair out of her face, before laughing as she turned away from him. " giving me the cold shoulder? How rude." the demon snickered, " what's with the chilly attitude?" a big smirk on his face as he said such things, he was teasing her.
The nuns cold blue eyes suddenly looked into the sockets that Erik called his eyes.  She looked as she wasn't going turn down but there was some unease in her eyes. Sue knew this man could easily overpower her. But she didn't speak, placing her fingers on the brim of her mouth pretending to lock them, and flick the key in demons face.
The phantom could only groan and take a step away in reaction.
" you are just an arrogate little brat aren't you?" He frowned and turned from her, "well then," he headed for the door, as his tongue clicked to the top of his mouth. " we aren't alone in here, I'll just go to some other nun, tongued or
Untongued, and tell her! Then we will both be  but that seems to be what you want!"
The nun's eyes widened in fear, was he treating her?! How dare he! If he told anyone, the punishment would be harsh. They might even throw her out of the church! They punished her for even speaking, but for sneaking out. As well as bringing a man into her room. That would assume she had relations with this man!
Her hand clasped onto the others arm about to speak, when she collapsed. Falling into Erik's arms, who tried to catch her. The pain in her legs had finally become too much.
" See, Erik is always right." he sighed as he hoisted her up and placed her on the bed. Leaning on the wall next to it. " Warning, Erik has never given first aid to anyone, well, nobody but Erik. Erik absolutely has no idea what he's doing." 
that in no way helped, the sister's legs curling up more under her gown. Her face a light pink. Not being able to look in Erik's eyes. "I'm Fine... Please just leave. If you need to go, then just go."
She was stubborn, a stubborn little carnation wasn't she? "Erik, well, I don't need to go." not like he had anywhere to even go, all he ever had was gone, " I like to." However, even if it is a blessing to leave this room, this tension that you could cut with a knife, other things filled his mind. "I would like to assist you."
The nuns face held skepticism, she had always been alone, persay... It was hard for her to take help when handed to her. Plus, this help would include... Him... Beholding her undergarments.
Erik was now closer to the bed. A smug look ok his lips "oh, I would also like to know what to perhaps may have been doing, when- you know, saved me?~" Yes, that was very important as well, even if it caused her face to scrunch and become tense.
"no-" she said in a harsh manner. To both tries from the man. She refuses to talk about the lake or the water, and this help would most likely spiral into a conversation about it.
"Oh, come on, " he sat at the foot of the bed as if he was a dog. " You're very disrespectful. You can't act like this! Someone is offering you help for free! That's not very common outside, you know?" the former opera ghost placing his thin hand by the nun's feet. His spidery hand moving impatiently. " Now, let Erik help you." His hand grabbing the hem of her dress lifting it up so he could take a ponder at her legs.
But instead of seeing her leg, he got a foot abruptly colliding with his face, with such vitality that it would break a man's nose. But Erik didn't have a nose. It still hurt even so. Knocking him over. His boney fingers tracing across his disfigured face.  Him letting out a growl. Blood cramming into the bandages that laid on his face. " You insufferable little wench!!!!" he hissed out, as he stood up, swiftly pinning her to the bed.
" I OFFERED you my help and this is how you-" they're- right there in her eyes was fear- no pain. It hurt her as much as it hurt him. Pain shooting through her leg. Even if she was in pain she deserved it for knocking him in the face. He did loosen his grasp on her, he could honestly crush her at any given moment, kill her like all the others. Crack her legs off as she screamed! Or choke her! Immerse her! He could so easily do all these things. But he couldn't. Those thoughts now becoming a nightmare. It was her eyes, her face... he couldn't understand.
He tried to imagine his fingers grasping around her small delicate neck, once again, but nothing came up... Just more repulsion; and stress. It felt horrible! Maybe it was just the guilt talking, he didn't feel it often so it had to be true.
He slowly let go, looking away from her. Letting her sit up. " If you are frightened for my decency - don't worry. I'm not the type to lust over prudent children." Well, that was a lie. But he didn't lust for her. It wasn't lust, it was something entirely different, a want. A desire. Not for her body... It was so confusing.
" I'm not a child," she said swiftly, but she knew deep inside he wouldn't leave her be. She would eventually have to give in. " Fine-" left her lips. If he didn't touch her she would be fine. " But I will be taking off my own gown." the pain becoming too much for her.
Lucien's hands trailed down the dress before undoing the buttons. Dropping the black and white dress on the bed, leaving her only in her white undergarments. She wore white puffy like shorts, with a ruffle going down each 1 inch. And a white corset, like top. With small sleeves on each side. Her white, unnatural face gaining pink, even if it wasn't like the phantom could see anything.
He could see her legs now, they were so smooth and white, like glass. So skinny, so doll-like even. but containing the gray color of frostbite - no blue. No purple. As some blisters started to appear on her legs. Nasty purple little things. Ruining Erik's beautiful little doll.
His fingers traced her legs, brushing her ankle. " Can you feel anything?" he got no response just her jerking her leg away from his touch. His eyes shut as she retreated, his hands still yearning for her cold touch. When he glanced at her, he saw fear in her eyes. He hated that look. He desired... What did he desire?
"Carnation, you don't have to be frightened." the man sighed, and at that moment he knew. "You tended to my wounds, let me do you the favor and do the same."
"I - I don't fear you " those words music to his ears, almost. They could be a lie. For all he knew, they were a lie, wasn't the first time someone lied to him. " I'm just anxious "  it made sense for her to be, she was a woman in her undergarments in front of a man she pulled off the street. She wasn't scared of him, she was scared of the sin that she was doing. She has never been touched by a man. Unless you count the priest, but baptism doesn't count.
Her breath hitched a bit, the angels in her head crying out for her to stop, as she placed her leg on the other hand. "its only fair, for me to let you. As I had to get under your clothes... To get to all those dastardly wounds." she cheeks now a pinkish color but still containing her inhuman look.
He nodded and tried to ignore the newfound intimacy they shared. He applies soft pressure to her leg, again asking " can you feel that."
She bit into her lip as he did that, and nodded " yes- I can " she shuddered out, a warm but cold feeling shooting through her legs. Such a puzzling feeling. " Erik." was all she could mutter out as he stroked her legs absentmindedly, at least making them a bit warmer.
They were like ice, so cold, so pure. So different from Christine's. She wasn't as small. Of course, he could break her if he wished to, but why would he ever harm his dear Christine. But, even so, this girl, this one, he seemed to be able to apply such little pressure to her and the glass that made her would cover and the floor.
That when he noticed his wrongdoing, his usual yellow skin turning rosy under the bandages. " I heard body heat helps." he tries to excuse himself.
The angel didn't pull away but instead blessed him with her other lovely leg. "Yes- you are correct." she spoke as her legs relaxed in his hands, god would burn her in hell if he knew. Her giving into her desire, his desire. But she was no whore. Them just sharing a connection, that neither wished to let go of.
This moment lasted a bit longer, both of them not speaking a word enjoying the comforting silence. Her skin usually white, but the former Oprea Ghost could tell when it came to be natural for her. Taking his hands away from her pure skin, a sense of longing filling his fingertips. As if he made a mistake he could not fix. He sighed " feeling better?" breaking the delightful silence that consumed them.
She noticed the feeling gone and quickly nodded her head, lifting herself from the bed in order to get the feeling back, placing herself in the demon's lap. Erik's lips opened to make an argument but she ordered him to hush pressing her head to his chest. Enjoying this feeling.
Maybe she was using him for his body heat, perhaps the devil's ways that the others warned her so much about overtook her. But that didn't seem to matter now, as she pressed her ear to his chest and listened to the soft music of his heartbeat. Lulling her to sleep.
It seemed that their relationship developed quite rapidly under such circumstances... Erik could only embrace her, and rest his chin on the crown of her head. Warming her up some more. She was really tiny, fitting in his arms quite perfectly.
Has he ever braced anyone in this way? No... He didn't believe he had. It was so freeing.
Slowly, his lids begin to fall. Them to heavy, his body way too warm to keep himself awake. The fiend fell asleep, the first time in years feeling so comfortable. His dream's full of angels, music, his darling Christine, and the freezing water. Unknowing that this simple act would change his world, no, their world forever.
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