saudrag · 8 months
this scene has forever altered the trajectory of my life and i will never be the same person i was before
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omvimo · 1 year
so so so me and some friends talked about a nature wives wedding so heres what we came up with
pix: wedding officiant oli: wedding singer/musician sausage: planner/chef tortoise: best man to shelby gem: maid of honor to katherine lizzie: ring bearer fwip: donates the rings joel: makes the weather nice jimmy: silly guy scott: there for the funs hermes: flower boy joey: the guy who nobody knows why he was invited false was also invited but she just disappeared
other headcannons
katherine makes both her and shelby’s outfits but she won’t check to make sure shelby’s fits nor make adjustments because its bad luck to see your partner so shelby has to get scott for her but he charges her because its scott
oli sings for their first dance but its a 20 minute ballad he made called “the gay princess and the gayer witch” and its just him singing about their life over girl in red music
tortoise and sausage argue about the colour schemes but neither katherine nor shelby care. they settle on sage green and lavender
fwip makes a joke about lizzie being a ring bearer but shes a cat and for the rest of the wedding shes just staring at him but the mask shes wearing is smiling so its even creepier
katherine makes a tux tortoise with a little top hat
katherine wears a wedding dress and shelby either wears dress pants and a collared blouse and tie or a dress with a blazer (we couldn’t decide lol)
joey objects but as a joke but nobody thinks its a joke and shelby is the only one to laugh and sausage pulls him back down and yells at him
joel makes shelby and katherine a rainbow
fwip makes their rings and shelby is hovering the entire time
lizzie enchants the rings so that they can talk to each other from far away
heres the people that helped out!!
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lightningonatether · 1 year
Plushie AU: How do Punz and Dream act around Sam post reveal? Does Sam stay in his Plushie form? How do things change as time goes by and the shock of the reveal fades away?
…I have this image of Punz specifically taking revenge against Sam for the prison situation by treating him as a pet cat. Collar and pet toys and everything. 😂
oh god this is a very Thick ask... im not sure i can answer all your questions in one. im gonna focus on short term(say, next few months) consequences of the reveal. i wanted to answer this after i finished my reveal comic but its taking SO DAMN LONG. so instead im answering it now.
dream: he feels... betrayed? maybe not quite the right word. but he was ready to be done with sam. hed given sam a way out. from dreams perspective, this feels kind of like sams obsession rearing its ugly head again. he tried to leave sam behind, give them some distance, and then sam somehow violated his trust AGAIN. it feels, in some ways, more vulnerable than last time. dreams hugged him and cried into his fur for fucks sake, nobody was supposed to see that. to cope with having a guy he just cant seem to get rid of, dream avoids him. he doesnt touch him except when he thinks of something he'd like to test, and doesnt talk to him unless its a short command, he doesnt feed him, he doesnt let him out, he just. doesnt do Anything. that involves sam. he tells punz, you persuaded me we should keep him alive, you take care of him. which punz does :) gladly :)
punz: feels... anger, of course. but most importantly, he feels like he can FINALLY do something to make up for all the ways in which dreams been hurt. he can finally hurt someone back. because sam is now Entirely at his mercy. dream tells him he doesnt care, as long as he doesnt die. so youre right to single punz out. punz is Very interested in taking revenge. hes no stranger to violence and hes got an imagination and a year of pent up frustration to take out. he dedicates a bit of his time to making sure sam will stay perfectly obedient. not even Try to escape. its a thinly veiled excuse to just hurt sam and he wont deny it when sam points it out. it still technically counts as obedience training, right? you take it, you beg, you tell me just how sorry you are, and you dont fight back. because if you do, that just means i have to hurt you harder to make it stick. he thinks sams scum!!! and hes very open about it!!!
(its a funny role reversal. punz is obviously not quackity. dream has to remind himself of that sometimes. and punz is right to be angry, anyway, dream understands why he is, so dream wont stop him. a few times he has to come clean sam up afterwards. neither he nor sam really want to acknowledge how famiiliar this feels)
these also arent like... regular. theyre not planned. punz is having a bad day? sam looks at him wrong? usually he just gets a kick or a glare, but sometimes.. Yeah Hahah. remember i mentioned declawing? thats at the very least a Threat. not sure yet if punz follows through but... its a big possibility.
sams pov will Have to be another ask this is getting long
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
Villain X Hero Writing Prompt- Today is the Villain's birthday but due to a bad memory accosiated with it (and because the villain is kinda lonely) they dont celebrate. The villain has a battle with the hero with the hero merging victorious, kidnapping the villain. The villain thinks they've been kidnapped for information however the hero made made dinner and got a meaningful gift for the villain. Have fun with this prompt!
I love this concept. Villains being surprised with pleasantries is everything♡ I know I didn't quite get to the present part, but it felt like the right place to cut it off. I also just realized I kinda forgot about the "for information" part, oops. also I'm so sorry this took so long!
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As if their day couldn't suck any more than it already did, the villain had to go and top it off with losing in a fight with the city's hero.
Could this day get *any* worse?
They were handcuffed in the back of the hero's police car, driving through the city, towards the city jail, just like they had so many times before.
The villain had escaped jail multiple times, so this wasn't much more than a large inconvenience for them, at least it would have been, had it happened on *any* other day.
The criminal in question had gone out to avoid sitting at home alone with their thoughts today. Having to sit alone with their thoughts in a jail cell was an even worse option.
Letting out a deep sigh, they flopped back against the seat. Miserable. They just felt miserable. It felt like they couldn't even see colour in the world around them anymore.
"You're much quieter than usual," the hero commented as they drove, "Is something wrong?
"Excuse me‽"
"You're usually more talkative. These drives have never been this quiet before,"
"What do you care?" The villain muttered as they turned to look out the window.
That's when the villain suddenly realized something.
"Wait, we aren't going the right way," the villain blurted out, sitting up straighter suddenly.
The hero in the front seat gave a laugh under their breath, "you only just noticed?"
"This isn't the way to the station or city jail,"
"That would be because we aren't going to the station or city jail,"
The villain felt their throat tighten.
"Where are we going?" The villain asked, trying and failing to sound demanding. There were notes of slight fear. Nerves.
In the rearview mirror, the villain saw the hero glance at them, before their gaze fell back to the road ahead.
They didn't say anything.
"Hero..." the villain tried, "Where are you taking me...?"
"You'll see," was the hummed response.
A feeling of dread settled in their stomach.
Looking out the window, the car was already on the outskirts of the city.
Suddenly the radio was flicked on.
The villain swallowed nervously.
What a day to go out on, of all the 365 to choose from in a year.
After driving for close to half an hour, they were well outside the city and into the surrounding woods, pulling up to what looked like a small cabin.
It wasn't that the villain exactly *blamed* the hero for what they were about to do. Clearly, they'd pushed the other too far, or maybe the hero had finally grown tired of their game of cat and mouse.
This just wasn't how the villain imagined themselves leaving this mortal coil. It was always in a blaze of glory, last stand type of thing.
Still, they couldn't find it in themselves to fight back. Not today. Perhaps it was fate, to be taken out on the same day it all began. Poetic, if not ironic.
The hero got out of the car, straightening themselves and stretching for a moment before turning and opening the back door.
"Are you coming?" The hero asked, before surprisingly taking a step back away from the door so the villain could get out on their own. Not like it mattered, the hero probably knew there was nowhere to run out here now.
"Do I have a choice?" The villain muttered under their breath, looking at the ground.
The hero had the *audacity* to look *surprised* at that. As if they were shocked the villain wasn't jumping with excitement to get this over with.
"Well, I mean... no... I guess... I'd like to think I'm not forcing you but..."
The villain sighed, before swinging their feet out and standing up. Luckily, they'd been cuffed in the front this time, which- now that they thought about it, was also abnormal- but it made it easier to get out of the car on their own.
Still, they felt the hero put a hand under their arm to help steady them -as if polite bedside manner would change anything, only for the villain to shrug them off.
"I'm assuming there's nothing I can say to talk you *out* of doing this, is there?"
"What?" The hero asked in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
"Ya know, pull the whole 'you don't have to do this, I'll be better, I swear' kind of thing?"
"Excuse me-?"
"I mean-" the villain continued. They were rambling now. Maybe the fear was finally fully starting to kick in. The desperation, because they really *didn't* want this. There was no way they'd allow themselves to beg, but- "it would be a lie either way, I guess, despite the fact I probably shouldn't have said that I'm assuming you'd already know anyway, so-"
"Whoa, whoa, slow down," the hero said, placing a hand on the villain's shoulder gently, snapping them out of their spiralling thoughts, "What in the world do you think I brought you out here for?"
The villain rolled their eyes, "At least make it quick, will you? And stop acting oblivious or like I forced your hand. At least own up to what your about to do,"
The other's eyes widened as the final piece clicked into place, "You think-! I'm not gonna kill you-!" They cried in what could have been mistaken for horror.
The criminal furrowed their brows.
"I brought you here to *show* you something, silly!" The hero explained, before stepping forward and unclipping the handcuffs off the villain's wrists.
Said villain's eyes widened, "what‽"
The hero nodded, smiling, "I have a surprise for you,"
"What?!" They asked again.
The hero only nodded excitedly before turning the villain by the shoulders and giving them a gentle push towards the door, "Go on! Look inside!"
The villain glanced at the hero uncertainty before stepping forward toward the cabin.
When they opened the door, they froze on the spot.
It wasn't anything crazy.... the inside looked like any other cabin. Table, chairs, small kitchen and living area with a couch and tv. Warm glowing lights and-
A banner hung from the ceiling that read in large letters "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
The villain spun around so fast they nearly gave themself whiplash, turning to the hero that had sense come up behind them.
They jumped back slightly, words and air catching in their throat as they gawked at the hero like they'd grown 3 more heads.
Said hero laughed lightheartedly, "Surprise!"
It was like that had become the only word in their vocabulary.
"I know it isn't decorated much, but I didn't think you'd like the cliche ribbons and streamers and party hats," they made some jazzhand-like gesture, "I was also going to blindfold you but I didn't think you'd let me do that either,"
The villain could only stare, like their brain couldn't process the words they were hearing.
"I also made dinner, and a cake! Oh! I also have a gift for you too!"
The villain didn't move.
"Oh, and one last thing, I gave up and the fun cliche stuff just for you so I'm gonna make you suck it up and accept a birthday hug,"
"Why..." the villain managed, "why would you..."
"Why not?"
"I don't deserve this, I don't-" their voice cracked.
"Hey," the hero said softly, taking a step forward, "I heard you didn't celebrate, and I couldn't just let that happen. Everyone deserves to have a good birthday,"
The villain couldn't find any words, but the single tear that managed to quickly slip out and down their cheek did all the speaking for them.
The hero gave a small, sympathetic smile before opening their arms.
Nobody moved for a moment, before the villain caved, stepping forward and looking at the ground. They didn't reciprocate, keeping their own arms close to their chest, but allowed the hero to wrap theirs around them.
They'd never realized just how much taller the hero was until they were basically burying their face into the heros collar.
The villain couldn't even bring themselves to care at the moment, because they suddenly felt so safe, which was bizarre, considering how they felt on the way, but here they were.
"I still don't think I deserve this. Especially from you," the villain muttered from where their head was still tucked down against the hero's chest.
"I don't think your qualified for that kind of thinking, considering what you thought you deserved on the way here, which I'm almost offended by, by the way,"
The hero was rewarded with a small laugh.
"So, come on," the hero said before suddenly pulling back. They reached up, gently using their thumb to brush away the tear track on the villains face, "no tears," They reached down, grabbing the villains hand to gently tug them further inside "let's make some better birthday memories,"
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sugar-petals · 3 years
:: random things about boyfriend yoongi
↳ ♡ NOTE I saw this format floating around the fandom and thought it was cool and sweet (just like our honey boy so here it goes) 😊  includes an sfw and nsfw bit, both can be read independently.
words. 3k
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First off, Yoongi is laid-back and casually sexy the way we know him. But he also has spikes of energy where he actually gets a little clingy. Any opportunity he will use to hold hands or jump around like a madman with his gummy smile because he got excited about something that you never could predict would make him so happy. He truly is an epiphany.
He’s your most eager personal chef but funnily enough a little unsettled by onions so you end up helping him. Yoongi hates to be crying in the kitchen because of some evil little vegetable but hey, perfect time and place to spend half an hour huddled together cooking or baking. And Yoongi is secretly longing for a cheesy scene, he finds it romantic when you wipe the tears from his face.
His way of speaking to you is a mix of mumbly Korean, high-pitched pouty cat speak, and old-school English slang phrases that he learned somewhere on social media or award shows back in 2018. Most of the time he takes things seriously but is up for some joking anyway. He is sure to giggle every now and then which is really adorable of him. Yoongi is also the person who gets every nuance of your humor and reacts to it.
After being single, you really have to get used to someone waddling around the house. Like— oh, he’s there! And it’s none other than him! Since Yoongi isn’t noisy when he concentrates on his laptop, it really stands out when he morphs from his unmovable rock-like being to a slow rolling stone headed towards the kitchen from time to time. You have to blink every time. And how could you not look up, he’s walking by with his cutest oversized sweaters and striped fluffy socks.
He cannot hide things that normal people would try to keep secret — because of their own discomfort, but he is good at blocking out things that serve your comfort. I’ll explain what I mean. If you have been keeping up with Yoongi postponing the reveal of his surgery until it was successful, you know what I mean. In short, Yoongi is pretty much an automatic filter for things that disturb you. Knowing the right time and place to inform you is the key. As is disregarding things that don’t concern you as a couple, unnecessary drama and opinions. He’s really good at that without ever trying to sugar-coat the important things because he remains a frank and honest soul.
Yoongi has an easier time giving random presents for simple occasions rather than making a big deal out of traditional festivities. So, big celebrations are often kept simple — unless the rest of BTS is there advocating their ‘a little party never killed nobody’ motto — while Yoongi focuses on getting you something attentive or useful every other day pretty much. He’s still a frugal type, you know him. It’s more about inexpensive things that catch his eye because he heard you likes this or that type of snack or want this or that sofa cushion. 
There’s always something new and surprising in the fridge and it’s hardly ever empty because Yoongs takes care of the groceries, really thinking it through. Just personal chef things. Being Yoongi’s partner must be the most destressing thing. He takes responsibility for the worldly things, the ironing clothes and the trash cans. He himself thinks that’s the easiest shit ever and is ready to put time into it (he sees the merit, it drives him) while thinking your side — the sheer act of being in love with him, being there for him — must be hard. Which it isn’t. 
Yoongi thinks emotions and relationships are tough and complicated while daily life runs smoothly at the snap of a finger. You think maintenance is a drudgery while love is not the maze your boyfriend assumes it is. Deep down Yoongi thinks he’s unlovable and a bad person, that’s why he believes he doesn’t have the burden but you have. That your affection then blazes past the barriers in Yoongi’s esteem is something that he finds incredible. It catches him off guard there, you burst the bubbles of the flaws he falsely imagines he has.
You bet your ARMY bomb you’re watching cat videos together.
Guess who’s the first person to hear all of Yoongi’s upcoming hit tracks? Even Namjoon gets the first sample ten minutes later. You gotta be really advanced at keeping secrets and avoiding accidental leaks with your phone or something.
Yoongi hesitates with the analogy because it’s a little funny and you’re evidently not a steaming liquid made of beans, but he claims you really are like his daily americano. Makes his every morning better. 
Now, in all seriousness. What means the most to him is that you take him how he is and are stable company. Yoongi is afraid of betrayal and stupid games so he has to be sure to have a safe bet going. I think that’s why he fancies marriage, it’s a sign of commitment and some degree of permanence to him. And yes, he is a bit jealous in nature since he’s easily invested in someone with a purity of feeling, almost in a naive way. Yoongi easily idolizes his partner and puts a lot of energy into a bond. He wants to protect that, take the risk, and he has watched for someone who radiates genuine trust and faith. He is sure to have found it in you without any illusions and he is right. Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty.
Playing the piano for dinner or date night is a must, he practices constantly to advance to a great standard. He secretly finds a lot of satisfaction in you cooing at his skills and melodies. Those ten bony fingers gliding over the keys with such a technicality and focus, and a passion that makes you hold your breath, it’s great to watch.
Did you see that one coming? He will compose and produce a designated mixtape only for you personally. Yes, with a little self-filmed, self-cut music video for the title track. 
Now those things never see the light of day, they’re all for you. But what about your couple life once it touches the social realm? As one might expect, Yoongi is very ‘eyes turn narrow’ with people who bring disharmony to your dynamic and the relationship in general. In fact, he is grumpy and disappointed, and should someone give him a reason, distinctly brutal. If someone even attempts to test you or plays manipulative games, Yoongi is relentlessly turning them from the inside out with his words that never miss the mark. They’re efficient. As I said, he hates playing annoying games, he’ll do any shortcut and be Yoongi.
I guarantee you can lean back and will never the fazed by stupid people and time wasters again. No need to lose face. Yoongi does the dirty work and is the best possible defender to have on your side. He handles that. Invasive opinions and useless phrases he will shove right up some trashtalker’s ass and leave. Let’s squarely say he is unafraid to be a armchair critic of your and his haters and doesn’t want any of that nuisance to disturb what you have together. He cuts very quick and makes sure not to get tangled up in trouble.
Yoongi will also debunk a whole bunch of weirdos on weverse asking about your private love while he’s at it. Prepare for some very entertaining snide remarks. Oh my god, so many entitled people will be pissed off. Many will also celebrate him for stepping up. What’s actually important to Yoongi is that nobody taints what is like a treasure to him.
It won’t be hard to overlook that Yoongi is very proud of you as well. He looks confident and revering when he hangs out with the group and you’re somewhere close by, even just doing something trivial.
He’s also pretty touchy, sometimes publically to demonstrate something, but mostly in the relative calm and safety of a hotel room. When the lights are out, all barriers crash, the utter romantic takes over. His favorite types of kisses besides those onto his hands are when you kiss his lashes. And yep. Yoongs is such a cozy little spoon. A very curled up one with cute shooky pajamas on most likely.
Talk about clothes. Believe it or not, Yoongi’s fashion goes through a significant change due to the relationship. He knows that you are touchy and thinks about what kinds of flannels are the biggest cuddle magnet, after all. And oh wonder, he will also show some level of skin when he accidentally hears your praises for his arms and legs and collar bones and glowy skin while talking to a close friend of yours. So, look forward to that in summer (he still dislikes the winter cold and wraps himself into scarves twice his size, mind you) though it’s still for your eyes only, he covers up when going out. Truth be told, he enjoys when you casually touch his skin. Especially the arms. Which hold up the firmament to you, and your world, too, and guard it.
BTS will know about how excited he is about you because he often boasts about for how long you’ve been living together by now. We all know this is Yoongi’s favorite way of bragging and it further shows that loyalty, dedication and longevity is the spice to his every meal.
Yoongi is probably going to quit the bottle because you naturally make him feel at ease and upbeat. In fact, he simply forgets about his wine. I don’t have to convince you that Yoongi will be very immersed in any interaction with you whether that be watching movies or discussing his latest tracks. 
Those discussions come with extra back massages for him because he spends a lot of hours in his chair. Especially around the neck, it’s no secret that this is in every cat’s top 3 favorite massaging areas. Yoongi is gonna make some really raspy, sleepy sounds and just melt in your hands. He’s gonna sleep like a baby afterwards every time. Sometimes, he says funny and cute things while he dozes. He looks very content.
Say goodbye to the 21st century adulting annoyances in your life because Yoongi has a grip on those without a word. Those six specific chores that always plague you take him only a dozen minutes and he is eager, the forms to fill out are already sent off, the list of people to e-mail is weeded through. The taxes are paid, the bank account is full, the meals are on the table, garnished to perfection. Roof over the head, and it’s a sturdy one, Yoongi bought a sound haven house to inhabit a lot of happiness for two. 
He’s probably the only person who doesn’t see it as a loss of dignity if you want to hold on tight to him during a dentist visit as a grown ass mf. Why all of this? Yoongi cannot not strive to feel needed in his actions. He wouldn’t like himself if he couldn’t contribute something reliable and useful. That you find things worthy of your time is priority. You complement each other, what you think is a waste of energy makes him work and strive and vice versa. That way, in the end all things are taken care of.
Giving is more important than taking in Yoongi’s world. He thinks of everything because he considers it an offense to have you in a pile of duties, that is, if you don’t like ‘em. It’s his form of dedicating his efforts and showing respect. He doesn’t need much in return. The things he expects if at all don’t feel like a duty: Much like he doesn’t consider doing those acts of services for you likewise.
Work horse he is, he needs something on his daily to-do plan. Which includes making you feel unbothered by the occasions of an incoming strict world when it’s getting to you. You’re supposed to do what you feel like doing just like him and not slave away at fifty deeds. That you torture yourself with daily life hassle is the thing he dislikes seeing the most. He enjoys doing these things so he’s happy to get going.
What’s not a daily life hassle: Holly is a big fan of yours. Instant friendship. Just wanted you to know.
He always knows how to preoccupy himself and finds something to improve. Getting on your nerves, and that’s no surprise, is the last thing Yoongi will ever do. In fact, you sometimes have to search for his napping spot because he got lost somewhere in the house. 
He either sleeps or works, his philosophy is simple. If you need him, he does appear seemingly out of nowhere. And, he spends as much time with you as you enjoy, not always prioritizing his producing unless it’s urgent or he’s on an inspiration streak. Which is great anyway, you can sit next to him listening. It’s the right balance of work and play.
Yoongi is not above blatantly showing off. Actually, he goes for an act of stunning pretty often. You know how cats parade around whatever they just caught. He wants to impress you with assets and accolades and appraisals, the boy can’t help it. That you only lightly nod at most of it with a little smile will confuse him but he will get the point later on. You wanna signal Yoongi that you anchor your love for him not in shifting numbers and chunky metal pieces. 
That you don’t confuse his signs of outward worth and fame with the core of the guy you find the sweetest in the world is very important to him. He will take some time to see through that because he’s used to being loved through status and its symbols by people close and afar. 
The way you throw yourself at him to give a big smooch in random situations — especially when he doesn’t feel great about himself— rather than only when he say gets a new car is sending him a message. Again, he has to grow into that. He will retreat at the beginning because he feels worthless of your affection on days where he doesn’t feel big and bold and successful. But since he sees you jumping on him because you need only his kind and squishy presence and see him as no different than usual because he’s always Yoongi underneath, your boyfriend will change his mind about it sooner or later. He learns that your presence makes him feel like a billion dollars yourself.
You don’t wallow in the regrets of other people missing the point of Yoongi and instead focus on always understanding him rather than enabling Yoongi into wrong directions. And there are many of those, his mental health can tell you a thing or two about it. He begins to get that you really know what you’re doing and are in it for the real him which makes him feel really loved far underneath all surfaces and images. You accept his fame and admire his work with music which is what he’s truly doing it for but also don’t forget that the most vulnerable Yoongi is the one that you’re there for and not a facade.
I know you’re curious. That Yoongi’s sexual style is more than just interesting goes without saying. To give you an idea. Anything steamy with Yoongi means him taking his time. You know, for making it quality. Yoongi wants to grow into the right balance of activity and staying relaxed. He is good at keeping cool and bringing some focus to the madness. He wants to figure out how to be more casual instead of tense and overly preoccupied which he’ll be at the start of the relationship. But the fast learner he is, his nervousness fades way faster than you think. 
Yoongi is extremely afraid that he can’t please you or starts to become awkward slash clueless so he darts to the opposite of the spectrum and overperforms, even plays a character. You have enough cool yourself to tell him what to do in the pace that works best. That he stays centered in his body is important for you to teach him. When he gets grounded and juggling his confidence is out of the equation, he fucks the best.
His favorite position besides giving oral — with you on your back — will be doggy style. Man, we gotta talk about that. Slow to upper moderate pace, nothing too all over the place. Yoongi moans very slowly, too, all drawn out. Get ready for a frequent session of some anal to unwind. You heard that right. First, Yoongi will get the two of you into the right rhythm with his hands at the sides of your waist, then, ride it out in slow mo with his right hand properly stimulating you from the front. 
By habit, he will add some lube here and there but not use insanely dripping amounts so everything gets messy or he can’t touch you without sliding off anymore. Just enough to slide well. Yoongi is so good at this I swear, it’ll be your favorite thing to relax. He has the restraint and technique to pull it off rather than pulling out, huh. Yoongi is gonna stay inside you for ages. It feels like he’s massaging every spot for some extra time. It’s amazing to slack off your muscles, cool off, and get many a gentle but fulfilling orgasm. 
He’s not gonna put you through the hassle of dealing with an anal creampie cleanup so he keeps it wrapped, and mostly focuses on your movements altogether while keeping his own climax smooth and more relieving rather than something that relentlessly knocks him out in one go. Yoongi is good at observing and doesn’t feel the need to chase a violent high which is why he is so great at sex. Fucking with Yoongi leaves a wholesome feeling and you never feel ashamed or guilty, or a sense of being dirty and ruined. 
He enjoys having sex to make you feel really good and works his hands on you very respectfully. His goal is to have you wet and pulsing after a long while of getting you there, and putting you to a good night’s sleep. He’d feel terrible if he left you sore or disturbed. He is really passionate, especially with his kisses or when you ask him to slide into very deeply, but Yoongi being brash and controlling is an image out of sight.
Besides giving you the number one heavenly assfucks, Yoongi also likes to work his tongue as we know, and he’ll work it all over. Few body parts of yours have not made contact with that glorious mouth and I say that in the best of ways. You can instruct him to do whatever, Yoongi obliges with radiant joy. And here again, he takes minutes upon minutes. Kissing and kissing and licking and maybe even teasing once or twice to make you smile. You know, a little signature wink. Honoring your skin and every shape is not something that Yoongi has to talk about, he will physically show it and I swear it’ll finally get into your head with every little move, Yoongi has totally surrendered his tongue to your body and worships it.
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Planned Works/Ideas for October
Hello everyone, as I mentioned previously I’ve been working on some stuff. I also have been feeling very inspired as of late and will be writing some more. I wanted to get this October started off right so here is a list of some things that will be coming your way hopefully sooner than later. I don't feel comfortable giving exact dates because as I've mentioned before certain factors can cause my writing schedule to be sporadic (also why I will not be participating in kinktober) Since some ideas are more developed than others his list will be separated into three categories:
Full ideas
People/characters who will be getting works
Ideas/tropes that I want to write about
Let's Begin!
First up here are the fully developed ideas that are in progress.
Yoon Hyunsuk (Cix)
Nerd!Hyunsuk x Popular!reader (college au)
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The tall, shy, handsome, boy who sits behind you in every class you share has a secret. Like many other people on campus, he was hopelessly in love with you. It began three years ago, freshman year, and every day it only got stronger. Over the years this has led him to do some… questionable things he's not a bad guy by any means he's just an awkward college boy in love. At first, it was innocent just sitting behind you in classes that you shared. He hoped that this would give him some time to gain some confidence to talk to you while still remaining close to you. He really didn’t mean to begin eavesdropping on your conversations or reading your texts over your shoulder, he just wanted to learn more about you before he approached you. But as time went on the worse he got from smelling your hair to following you around campus to lurking your socials to finally finding your dorm room. He told himself that he was just trying to return a jacket you left in class so he racked his brain for all of the information he “gathered” and remembered your room number. It was just supposed to be a quick drop off of the jacket he played out the scenario in his head a thousand times. knock on the door, tell you he picked it up when you forgot it, give it to you, and leave. But, when he knocked on the door it opened slightly you weren’t there but you left it cracked indicating that you would be back soon. The change in circumstances caused him to panic and so he decided to just go in and drop it on your bed as opposed to waiting at your door for you. As soon as he fully entered the room the door closed behind him and after folding your jacket placing it on your bed he goes to leave. Turns out you left your door cracked for a reason, he twists the knob and pulls with all his might but he can’t get it opened. The door jammed and he’s stuck in your room. Before he even gets the chance to panic he hears you right outside the door.
Klaus Mikaelson (TVD/The Originals)
Klaus kills a woman. Unbeknownst to him, this woman was the soulmate of a powerful witch. In revenge the witch curses him vowing that the day Klaus finds his soulmate they will be made immortal but their soul would be removed leaving an eternal one-sided soulmate connection where Klaus is completely connected to them ( can only love and desire them, unable to hurt or kill them, able to see their thoughts and feel their emotions/pain.etc) but they have no connection to him. The witch finally takes the only reverse to the spell to the grave with him and his wife leaving nobody else to break the spell. The story will center around an interesting toxic yet slightly romantic relationship between Klaus and the reader where over years they are continuously on and off again. Klaus does everything to get the reader to love and stay with him and the reader uses this to their advantage. When they’re together its great but when they’re apart things never go well. In the end, the reader can always leave him but he can never leave them so he takes any measure to keep them by his side.
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Choi Soobin (TXT)
Sub!SoobinxDom catgirl!reader
The Cat Owns You Part 2
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After returning home from the café Soobin you’re finally able to transform. Now being human you keep up a nice façade for the evening eating dinner and watching television peacefully. Having you around for these few hours has him believing he made the right decision after a while he took you to your room before retiring to his own for the night. He drifts off to sleep happily thinking that he found a simple way to fix his loneliness issue a cute catgirl who resides in the room beside his. Nothing could have prepared him for what would happen a few hours later. Waking up to feel his hands and legs in an uncomfortable position he tries to adjust himself but he can’t, opening his eyes to look he realizes that he’s tied to the 4 sides of his bedpost. Before he can question what’s happening he sees you making your way toward him with the collar he purchased earlier in your hands. You notice that he’s awake but continue on fastening the collar around his throat before positioning yourself to sit on him, straddling his spread body “(Y/N) what’s going on” he asks trying to sound stern but it comes out as more of a whisper as the reality of his situation really begins to set in affecting his body in a way he didn’t expect. “Shhh don’t worry I’ll take care of you” you whisper in his ear sending a shiver through his body. Every second that passes he can feel his resolve fading he knows that he wants whatever is about to happen and soon he won’t be able to say no you know this too. He quickly yet unconvincingly rushes out “ no you can’t do this” causing you to chuckle “ Yes I can, I can do whatever I want you signed the papers” before he can ask what you mean you continue “I own you”
Up next here are some muses that I will be writing about once I find the perfect ideas for them:
Garou (Genshin Impact)
Nejire Kamado (My Hero Academia)
Mina Ashido (My Hero Academia)
Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
Kazutora Hanemiya (Tokyo Revengers)
Choi Beomgyu (TXT)
Choi Chanhee (The Boyz)
Jeong Jaehyun (NCT)
Park Seonghwa (Ateez)
Wonho (Soloist)
Sunmi (soloist)
Sana (twice)
Beelzebub (Obey Me)
Loki Laufeyson (MCU)
Buckey Barnes (MCU)
Hela Odinson(MCU)
Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
And finally here are some ideas for works (I’m thinking of making a proper prompt list but for now you can request any of these ideas with a muse from above and I will try to fulfill it. Just make sure to specify what type of story you want (fluff, smut, angst, general hcs, drabbles, etc):
Reader is an evil sorcerer and the muse is their loyal familiar
Reader is a succubus and muse is a charge that keeps summoning them
Reader is like Hades and muse is like Persephone
Female Knight reader saves prince muse
Criminal reader goes yandere for normal muse
Opposites attract the big, scary, cold reader and soft cute muse
Muse who is a twitch streamer by day and a camgirl/boy by night
Reader is a Sugar mommy and muse is one of their many sugar babies it starts off fine but then muse falls in love and wants to be readers only one
Dom reader x fem switch muse x sub male muse
Ruler reader x harem
Reader is mean to everyone but muse
Smart tsundere reader dating clingy affectionate himbo/bimbo muse
Fem Joker type reader x male Harley type muse
Reader is an engineer who finds robot muse and fixes them
Vampire queen reader and yandere muse servant who wants to be readers walking blood bag
Hero reader saves muse from a yandere and muse becomes yandere
Demon reader x angel muse
A muse who keeps trying to kill a reader that they don’t know is invulnerable reader knows muse is trying to kill them but doesn’t stop them because they think it’s cute.
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jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidentally call them daddy in front of the team.
Akaashi Keiji x Reader
Kozume Kenma x Reader
Anon, this might be a tad bit ooc in some parts.... Sometimes I picture the different ways these characters act when they aren’t seen and I like to write it like that LOL You know experiment and shit,,, Also I feel like I’m the only bitch who likes Nohebi HAHAH 
WC- 2,213
Akaashi Keiji
First let me say, wow Akaashi is so pretty and done.
I feel like if you accidentally call him daddy in front of the team it’ll be such a big mess 
All the third years, except Bokuto, are going to be silent, while their captain is like ‘yo toss for me’ like the whole ‘daddy’ thing would go over Bokuto’s head. Sweet Bokuto does not kink shame, okay. The managers would be squealing and gasping in shock, sending you suggestive looks before dragging you off somewhere to beg for details HAHAH
“Keiji! I’m so happy to see you!” You exclaim softly before wrapping your arms around him, you’re at the representative playoffs and you finally get to see your boyfriend once again after the few weeks of separation
Despite living relatively close to one another, you and Akaashi were both very busy preparing for these games. While he was practicing with his own team, you were managing for yours (which always proved to be a challenge, even now)
“Oh, how is your girlfriend doing by the way?” Kuroo sneers behind you and you glance to see your own captain squaring up with the pesky cat 
“Ah, excuse me Keiji,” You pout and apologize, Akaashi gently smiles and kisses the pout off your lips before unwrapping his arms to let you go control your petty team
“Daishou!” You scold and wrap your hand around said boy’s bicep, pulling him behind you to get in front of Kuroo, you give the Nekoma captain a fake smile before turning around to face your friend “I’m trying to see my boyfriend and I can’t do that if you keep starting shit!” You whisper-yell and Daishou rolls his eyes
“I didn’t start anything-“ He lies and you narrow your eyes up at him
“Daishou stay away from them and they’ll stay away from you, okay? Save your energy for the court.” You pat his chest and gently let go of the grip you have on him,
You’re about halfway back to Akaashi before you hear the damn snake speak up again
“I broke up with her!” Your eye twitches because you know damn well Yamaka broke up with him, you send Akaashi another sympathetic smile before walking back to your teammate
The grip you have on Daishou’s collar makes him choke and you practically toss him into the wall and get in-between him and Kuroo once more, glaring at anyone who looks at you
“I am trying to talk to my boyfriend who I have not seen in a few weeks so if you both could kindly stay away from each other I would appreciate it,” You smile sweetly and Daishou scrunches his nose before opening his mouth once more 
“See you in the finals” He sneers and you quite literally pick him up by his hair
“Daishou if you don’t shut the fuck up, you’re not going to see the finals. All I want is to have a peaceful day and then go home and give my boyfriend that gawk gawk 3000 and call him daddy so if you could please help me just this once and be quiet.” You growl and drag him away from Nekoma, smiling softly at Akaashi when you pass him, you bring your captain all the way to where your team is in the bleachers and sit him down on the bench “okay, now then-“
“You call him daddy?” Daishou snickers and you narrow your eyes at him
“What the hell are you talking about?” You ask and Daishou laughs so loudly it sounds like a cackle 
“You said, and I quote,” Daishou clears his throat before speaking again, purposely altering the pitch of his tone to reference yours “give my boyfriend that gawk gawk 3000 and call him daddy so if you could please-“ 
Daishou shuts up when you sit down next to him dejectedly
“I said that in front of you and the entire Nekoma team and Fukuroudani?” You whisper and the captain throws his arm around your shoulder
“Don’t worry (Y/N)! At least you didn’t say it in front of our team…. Oh wait,” He snickers and you awkwardly face the rest of your players and coach
“Ah, Daishou, I’m going to quit” You cry and he immediately tries to calm you down 
“Wait, (Y/N), no you can’t!” 
“So, you like being called daddy?” Kuroo asks after he bumps into Akaashi. Your boyfriend can only sigh in shame and shake his head, “I-is that a yes or a no?”
“That’s a shut the fuck up Kuroo” Kenma bites and defends his other friend, trying to drag the middle blocker away from the setter
Konohana, Komi, and Sarukui simply blink before walking away, dragging Bokuto along with them so their setter can face the shame in peace 
“Oh, Keiji!” You squeak and tightly grip the bed sheets on either side of you, you want to so badly grip his silky hair but, Akaashi has rules. The dark-haired boy flicks your thigh as a warning and you can’t help the pout that appears on your face. Akaashi not allowing you to touch him is a big punishment and, needless to say, you aren’t happy about it. Akaashi continues to stare up at you from in-between your thighs, his lips have captured your clit as he sucks dutifully on the swollen bud. 
“Daddy,” The pitiful whimper slips past your lips and Akaashi smirks against your soaking cunt, his tongue flicks your clit. His warm mouth is welcoming as he continues the harassment on the delicate pearl. “I-I love you.” The endearing phrase flies past your lips and Akaashi feels his resolve soften, he can never stay harsh with you for long. 
Though, he will try.
Akaashi removes his mouth and slaps your clit with four fingers, watching as you squirm and cry at the impact. He can tell how badly you want to grip his hair and he mentally reminds himself to reward you for staying so still, well as still as you can be. He continues to tap the sensitive bundle of nerves, ranging from light taps to slaps that sound throughout the room. 
“Daddy, please,” You cry and Akaashi takes pity on you, he leans forward and licks soothing strips up against your clit. He wants to kiss the sting away because he truly cares too much about his baby and wants you to feel nothing but pleasure.
“Daddy loves you too sweet girl, I love you so much.” Akaashi coos as he kisses along your thigh, he glances up and sees you staring at him with a deep pout on your face. He just wants to kiss it off. “Don’t look at me like that.” He tries to scold but his words come out weak, your pitiful eyes play numbers on him that he will never understand. “Patience, you’ll get what you want, hold out for Daddy."
Kozume Kenma
I 99.9% believe that Kenma getting called daddy in front of the team is Kuroo’s fault ,,, LOL 
Like Kuroo knows shit and it accidentally slips and everyone is like … ‘kuroo wtf’ because nobody believes him much to Kenma’s relief HAHAH
It isn’t often that you can convince Kenma to stay after at a joint practice but when you do, you nearly regret it every time
“And then she wanted to call me daddy,” Kuroo gasps loudly like the gossiper he is and you have to refrain from rolling your eyes at the way Bokuto is hanging onto his every word “shit honestly though, it was pretty hot”
The one time…. One time you convince Kenma to stay after practice to spend time with his friends and these are the conversations you get 
“Oh, I totally believe you Kuroo” You click your tongue mockingly and the tall captain gently pushes the side of your head 
“It’s true, don’t be jealous you weren’t her (Y/N)” Kuroo throws back and you flick him off, internally smiling at the way Kenma pulls you closer to his chest and tightens his arms around your shoulders 
“Kuroo you’re literally the biggest nerd on the planet, you really expect me to believe you get pussy, much less get someone to call you daddy?” At your words Bokuto gasps and Akaashi covers the ace’s gaping mouth with his own hand
“Ask Kenma he was there!” Kuroo flicks your forehead and you turn around to your boyfriend with your hand already bunched up in his dyed hair 
“I was not there,” Kenma confirms and had it not been for his arms wrapped around your waist, you would have lunged at Kuroo
“I don’t know why it’s so hard to believe, it’s not like you don’t call Kenma ‘daddy’” Kuroo spills, stating it so simply like he’s talking about the weather. You start to mentally plan his death as Akaashi shakes his head and Bokuto begins laughs loudly
You know Kenma hates being put in the spotlight but you simply could not help yourself
“You’re telling me if you had this mf fucking you every night, you wouldn’t call him daddy?” You snap at Kuroo and Kenma tenses behind you before squeezing your hips so hard you nearly yelp, Kuroo leans back on his forearms and looks around proudly like what did I say? 
“Yeah, okay,” Bokuto wheezes and falls back on the gym floor 
“What?” You and Kuroo both snap and Bokuto laughs even harder, clutching his sides and trying to cover his loud voice with Akaashi’s jacket
“Those two virgins? Yeah right-AH” Bokuto points at you and Kenma before Akaashi shuts him up by covering his mouth once again
“How would you even know that Kuroo?” Akaashi asks while placing his other hand on Boktuo’s shoulder to keep him pinned to the floor 
“Best friends don’t overshare their sex lives?” Kuroo asks and Akaashi shakes his head quietly, Kuroo does not miss a beat with his follow-up response “Oh, I forgot you two do each other so there isn’t much to share” 
Now it’s your turn to gasp and Kenma tries to hide the audible hitch in your breath with his hand. The gym is now silent and you eagerly glance between Kuroo, Akaashi, and Bokuto while waiting for someone to confirm or deny the statement
“Come on Kuroo it was one time!” Bokuto finally gets out of Akaashi’s grasp and Kuroo gives him a pointed look, “Fine. Five times” Another moment of silence passes before “Okay, it has become a regularly occurring thing” 
“Wow,” You simply nod in amazement before sending Akaashi a proud thumbs-up, one that Kenma swats down quickly 
“So we all probably have daddy kinks…” You trail off and look around the gym suspiciously, taking in the small noticeable nods you receive while trying to subtly hide the shocked look on your face
“Well, wasn't this fun, we all learned something new about each other!” Kuroo claps amusedly and Kenma buries his head into your shoulder 
“Yeah, too much,” He mutters before nudging your nose with his ear “can we leave now?”
Of course, Kuroo happened to overhear that
Kenma kneels behind you and he oozes disinterest as his eyes run all over your bent figure. The way he has you tied up has your face shoved into the mattress while your ass is high in the air. Kenma leans forward, hovering over you as he playfully snaps your blindfold between his fingers. 
“You’re so irritating,” He sighs and tugs on your hair roughly, forcing you to arch your back even more. It doesn’t matter how much shit he talks because you can still feel the hard heat digging into the back of your thighs. “you really wanted everyone to know your little secret.” 
Kenma trails one of his hands between your thighs, running his fingers along your slit and the gag in your mouth muffles your moans. 
“Kuroo acts like he knows everything we do behind closed doors but truthfully, he doesn’t even know the half of it.” Kenma softly rubs his palm against your ass, smoothing it over to the bottom of your spine. “Isn’t that right?” He asks and you can’t help the way you push your ass harder up against him. 
A harsh slap resonates around the room, the entire impact of it all makes your body lunge forward. Had it not been for the restraints, you would have bucked your head into the wooden headboard. Kenma quietly laughs before doing it again, letting his slim hand smack your ass once more. He watches with an amused expression at how your thighs have slightly spread for him so that he can see your drenched cunt perfectly.
“You’re enjoying this,” Kenma voices his thoughts and you nod your head, Kenma has to hold back from rolling his eyes and he leans over to release the gag from your mouth.
“Yes Daddy, I want more. Please,” You softly moan, your voice coming out hoarse due to the strain in your jaw and the dryness of your throat. Your boyfriend almost regrets taking the gag off your loudmouth. Regardless, he finds himself playing right into your game and the tightness in his pants increases tenfold. He does this all for you, Kenma lies to himself. It isn’t all entirely just for you.
“How many more do you want? How many more can you take from me?”
~ Taglist.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder
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soulmate-game · 4 years
“Are you paw-sitive this is alright?” Selina half-purred half-asked. The slender cat thief was dressed casually— for her, anyway— in a floor length amethyst purple gown that swept just barely above the floor, accentuating her curves and coming down in a deep V neck that was just barely within the constraints of being acceptable for public appearances. Her companion, almost half a foot shorter even in her short heels, was a stark contrast. It was as if all the two women had in common was their hair color, a rich deep black that shimmered blue in the right lighting.
Marinette, with her hair done up in two buns and wearing a sensible pink-and-white cheongsam top with apple blossom embroidery paired with an ankle-length denim skirt that had a knee-high slit in the front, nodded even as she eyed her friend’s choice of outfit with a small frown.
“Of course. Bruce is in the media’s eye all the time, and he knows I don’t have a care for the spotlight. But you do,” Marinette stopped talking for a second, snapping her fingers and reaching into her purse. She pulled out a gorgeous inch-thick collar necklace that was made entirely of thick panels of flawless silver and high-quality diamond. At the very center of the collar necklace, where it would hang right in the center of Selina’s collarbone, was a diamond-and-obsidian cat face. “I knew I was forgetting something! Bourgeois owed me a favor for doing the outfit for her last magazine cover pro bono, so I asked for this as payment. It’s exactly what your outfit is missing.”
Just because Marinette didn’t like revealing clothing didn’t mean she couldn’t appreciate someone else wearing one well, after all. And Selina wore her dress perfectly.
Selina quirked an eyebrow, eyeing the necklace with her expert gaze. Gently, she trailed her fingertips over the tops of the diamonds in the thick bands of the collar as a small smile flicked over her lips. She raised her eyes up to Marinette’s, light green eyes sparkling with mischief and knowing.
“You got this as a bribe for me, didn’t you kitten?”
Marinette smiled unashamedly. “I know you’re a proud lesbian, but would you mind playing the role of Bruce’s girlfriend, just for the media? And only while you’re single, of course. If you ever want out, you only have to say the word. Bruce already agreed, but he also doesn’t mind continuing to play the careless bachelor if you aren’t willing.”
Selina scoffed, rolling her eyes and grabbing the necklace. Effortlessly, she swung it around her neck and clasped it in place. “Please, darling. You and I both know it drives you up a wall when Brucie is hounded by gold diggers every time he steps foot out of that mansion of his. I’ll play the camera-girlfriend, but only for a maximum of a year. And you two can only call on me one a week at most, a girl’s gotta have some time to herself.”
Marinette nodded eagerly. “That’s fine! We probably won’t even call on you that much, Bruce is planning to play the ‘we want to keep our relationship pretty low-key’ card for now. Just an appearance once a month or two ought to satisfy those vampiric paparazzi.”
Selina just smiled. She had practically adopted Marinette years previous, during a trip to Paris where she had found out she apparently had a male doppelgänger. Now the two were sisters in all but official (Not-forged) legal documents. And because of that, Bruce had somehow become her brother.
Which Bruce later found out, meant that Selina would relentlessly tease him every time she needed to appear as his “girlfriend.”
But Marinette and Bruce had a Plan. She wasn’t quite ready to make a public appearance as his real girlfriend, mostly because of loose ends that still had to be tied back in France. She was making so many trips back and forth between the two countries that they couldn’t see each other in person much to begin with, so they also didn’t want their few in-person meetings tainted by greedy D-rate journalists.
But yes, they had a Plan. One year was the perfect time frame for the last stretch of said plan. Marinette would tie up the last few things she had to do in Paris, start an official branch of her fashion company in Gotham, and they would stage an entire break-up with Selina, a three-month “break” to “recover” and then a suitably dramatic, romantic “meet-cute” between the two of them to start what the media would see as a love-at-first-sight, fairytale relationship.
Nobody needed to know about Marinette and Bruce’s five-year pining session, or their one-year fumble through figuring out how to date one another before actually getting it right, or the most recent three-years of dealing with the fact that they were both highly experienced hero/vigilantes, the leaders of their own hero teams, and highly accomplished business people.
It was a hard relationship utterly riddled with drama, but they had finally reached the stable point where they were ready to commit. Sort of. They just needed Selina to fake-date Bruce in the public eye for a couple months, and then everything would be fine.
One year and three months later.
Marinette shifted her purse on her shoulder. This would be her first time in over five years actually setting foot inside the Wayne Manor. She was excited to see Alfred again, and to hash out the last details for her and Bruce’s public “meet-cute.” But Alfred didn’t open the door this time, a short green-eyed boy with an all-too-familiar frown on his face did.
And once again, Marinette knew that Selina was not the mother. Her pseudo-sister was, as she had said so long ago, a very proud lesbian. But Marinette did know of a past fling of Bruce’s who did possess the proper genes to help create a child of this age.
Marinette smiled, pushing her inner rage at the thought of Talia Al Ghul out of her mind. She was still pissed beyond all rational thought when she heard about what Talia had done to Bruce. But this child was not at fault for any of it, only an innocent by-product.
“Hello. My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Would you mind telling Alfred I’m here?”
“Tt. Why should I?” The apparently bratty boy asked, crossing his arms and glaring straight at her. Marinette felt her eye twitch.
“I am a close friend of Bruce— Would I be correct in assuming he’s your biological father?” Immediately upon her question, the boy’s eyes widened ever so slightly in shock before his glare intensified. Marinette chuckled. “He didn’t tell me that he adopted any new children, and he always tells me when he adopts. Which means he didn’t have to adopt you, suggesting you are related to him directly. You can’t be a cousin or nephew, he has no living blood family. And all his pseudo-siblings are alive and fine, so you weren’t left to his care in anybody’s will,” she deduced out loud for him. “Plus, the green eyes and tan skin— I know of exactly one of Bruce’s past… suitors… who happens to fit the timeframe and features necessary.”
The boy raised an eyebrow. “Most assume that I am that harlot Selina Kyle’s spawn,” he snapped, but it lacked the same heat this time around. He was now analyzing her face closely, and Marinette noticed. She was careful to keep her eagerness toned down. She really just wanted to see Bruce and be able to hug and cuddle him for the first time in almost a year, and this child was her only obstacle at the moment. A very stubborn one.
Marinette sighed. “Selina is like a sibling to me, don’t call her a harlot. If Selina was ever pregnant, I would have known. Hell, Selina would have given me her baby to raise because she doesn’t have any interest in being a mother. Now, the polite thing to do when someone introduces themselves is so introduce yourself back. Not interrogate or intimidate them.”
The boy huffed, straightening his emerald turtleneck and rolling his shoulders back. “I am Damian Wayne,” he replied imperiously. “And Father has never mentioned a friend by the name Marinette. Which leads me to believe you are yet another no good hopeful suitor, and Father is still recovering after he and Kyle finally split up for good.”
Marinette froze, and slowly her eyes narrowed. “He never mentioned my name? Ever?”
“Tt. I already said no.”
Finally, the shape of Alfred Pennyworth came into view behind Damian. He had obviously heard the last bit of the conversation, because he just sighed and shared a long suffering look with Marinette. It was that look that made Marinette’s eye twitch a second time.
“Alfred,” she said slowly. “Has he mentioned me at all to any of his kids?”
“He has not,” Alfred replied. “And furthermore, Miss Selina would not stop giving him a hard time whenever he had to call her out for an appearance. It seems all of the children mistook their relationship for actually being of a romantic nature.”
Damian spun to the butler, eyes wide and swimming with a multitude of emotions. “What do you mean, ‘actually’, Alfred?”
“He means,” Marinette began before Alfred had the chance. Her eyes were narrowed, matching storms of dark, furious blue. “That Selina was only pretending to be Bruce’s girlfriend so that the press and gold-diggers would leave him alone. And apparently I need to beat some sense into my stupid, idiotic boyfriend, who I should have known would do something like this,” she looked up at Alfred, jaw clenching. “That man would never be able to pass for a functioning human without either you or me keeping his head screwed on. Where is he?”
“Not at the manor currently, Mademoiselle Marinette.”
The butler gave Marinette a rather mischievous little grin. “Master Bruce has forbade me from telling you where he is currently, he wanted you to stay at the manor and sleep the jet lag off until he got back. But I can tell you that he is not currently on Earth or on a mission.”
“Alfred!” Damian hissed, shocked that the man would say something so revealing. Alfred was the perfect secret keeper, why would he tell someone Bruce had never mentioned something so telling?”
“Oh, calm yourself Master Damian,” Alfred soothed. “Marinette has known about Master Bruce’s nighttime activities since before you were born. If anything, I believe he rightfully deserves the wake up call he is about to receive.”
Marinette nodded, eyes still stormy and determined. “Alright, so he’s at the Watchtower. The Zeta tunes are still in the Batcave, right?” When Alfred nodded, Marinette wasted no time. She easily slid around Damian and stormed into the manor, finding her way to the Batcave on pure muscle memory and rage.
“Wait, Alfred! I demand an explanation!” Damian’s loud voice slowly grew quieter as Marinette stormed down into the cave, ignoring how Alfred began to calmly explain the situation to the boy. She just slid right in to the Zeta tube, and commanded the computer to send her to the Watchtower.
“P-001, codename LADYBUG, recognized.”
Batman pinched his nose from where he stood at the head of the meeting room in the watchtower. The briefing was supposed to start over an hour ago, but Hal Jordan had been twenty minutes late. No surprise there. But still, SuperMan had insisted that they wait until everyone arrived. And really, normally Batman would too. Except that his long time girlfriend was going to be landing in Gotham any minute now, and he would rather be back at the manor to greet her.
And the asinine argument that had been going on for the past forty minutes was finally going to end, even if Bruce had to hogtie every last one of his insufferable coworkers himself and force them through the rest of the meeting strapped to their chairs.
“Okay, can we PLEASE begin the meeting now, or so help me I will break out my kryptonite restraints,” he threatened darkly. He might have only mentioned Kryptonite, but everyone knew that that threat was actually aimed at all of them. Batman knew every last one of their weaknesses and was not above being petty when they strained his last nerve.
Quickly getting the hint, the entire room rushed to fill their seats and at least fake at paying attention. But of course, nothing goes quite right in the life of Bruce Wayne. Right as he turned on the slideshow he had prepared and began the meeting, the sound of an enraged woman’s voice echoed down the hallway in a deafening roar.
Batman felt as if someone had just shoved him into a cryogenic freezer, a harsh shiver of dread running down his spine. There was exactly one person who could terrify him with a single word, and it just so happened to be the woman he was hiding a wedding ring from.
For the past eight years, but that’s neither here nor there.
“Oh shit,” Bruce breathed, but found he was unable to move from his spot. Yes, he wanted to see Marinette so badly that it hurt. But he also would like to stay alive.
SuperMan leaned forward, not really concerned since Batman would have reacted much differently had the voice been coming from a real threat. Instead, the man leveled his old friend with a very teasing smirk.
“Why is your heart suddenly racing?”
Bruce could only glare daggers at Clark before the door to the meeting room swung open, a tiny French woman standing there in a long, formal white-and-pink knee-length gown with a cheongsam neckline and one of her leaf-green heels held in each hand threateningly.
“You absolute idiot! When I said I wanted to keep our relationship out of the public eye, I didn’t mean to keep me a secret from EVERYBODY!”
“But darling—“ Bruce cut himself off as he was forced to dodge one deadly-accurate piece of flying footwear. “You don’t understand. The boys cannot keep a secret to save their life.”
“They have secret identities, don’t they?” She slipped her other shoe back on. She had known that her shoe never had a chance of hitting, and with Bruce in full Batman gear, even if it had hit him the high heel would have felt like she had only thrown a pillow. Had it been otherwise, she wouldn’t have even joked about throwing her shoes at him. But as it stood, she knew none of the normal things she had on her would be able to so much as make Bruce say “ow.”
Marinette placed both of her fists on her hips, marching up to Batman and pulling him down the full foot it took for him to be able to look her in the eye. His resulting gulp was clearly audible, and visible, to everyone else in the room. “You absolute, emotionally dense moron,” her voice had dropped from a yell to a mildly fond, but still very annoyed, grumble. “Your kids are mostly adults now, you know. And you never told me about Damian either. Did you honestly think I’d be mad?” Bruce looked away from her, which was honestly all the answer she needed. Marinette sighed, letting him go and softening her voice. “You need to trust your kids more, Bruce. I never wanted you to keep me a secret from your family, or even your close friends. Just the annoying ass paparazzi. And trust me a little bit more, yeah? I know it isn’t exactly your strong suit, but I’ve known you long enough that you should know I’m not gonna run for the hills just because you have a biological kid that wasn’t with me.” Marinette risked giving him a slightly vulnerable, lopsided smile. And Bruce immediately deciphered what it meant. His shoulders slumped.
The cost of using the Ladybug Miraculous for so long was that Marinette had to give up her fertility. She could never have children of her own, and Bruce had felt guilty that he had had a biological child, even though he hadn’t exactly consented to it, without her. But now he could see where he went wrong.
Marinette was just happy to have another piece of him to take care of. She never would have resented him for what had happened with Talia. And, seeing all of those facts written on her face now, he felt more than a little blind.
“... sorry.”
Marinette just huffed out a short, soft laugh before grabbing Bruce by the bicep. She turned to look at the other heroes still in the room, half of them uncomfortable with seeing such an emotional display while the others looked like they were incredibly invested in a good soap opera. She shot them a grin.
“I’m stealing him for the next few days, okay? Don’t worry, I’m sure you can make do with making Diana read the slideshow. I know from experience that it has everything you guys need to know and more. Don’t call us, I’ll field all your contact to Agent A!!” With that, she dragged Bruce by the arm out of the room.
To be fair, he wasn’t exactly resisting. Even if the reunion was far from ideal, just having this little bit of contact was extremely relaxing for the vigilante. When they reached the Zeta Tubes, he stopped Marinette and pulled her in for a kiss.
When they inevitably pulled away for breath, he smiled at her. “As soon as we get back, I’ll call everyone in and explain the situation,” he promised. “And then, we can spend the rest of the night doing whatever you want.”
Marinette smiled back, shoving him into the Zeta Tube. “Then get ready, because I wanna sleep off this damn jet lag and I plan on cuddling you like a koala the whole time. No escape.”
“B-001, Codename BATMAN. Recognized.”
“Can’t wait,” he replied right before he was whisked off. The sound of the love of his life laughing followed him through until he reached the other end of the teleportation.
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
Are The Evans Dog or Cat People?
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-Likes both
-Loves it when either come lay on your lap while you watch TV so he can sit and stroke them
-Is completely fine leaving cats alone and having them come to him when they want
-But also loves the attention that dogs give you
-Loves when a dog gets excited when you come home
-Also feels super comforted when a dog licks his tears when he cries
-Absolutely always strokes stray cats, always
-Dogs, but he likes both
-Loses his mind over big fluffy dogs
-You go over to a friend’s house and you knock on the door, and the dog starts barking
-Kit gasps and smiles already excited to see it
-Your friend opens the door and holds the dog back by the collar, so you two quickly walk in and shut the door
- “Don’t hold him back! Let him go!” Kit says, with open arms
- “Are you sure? He’s a little heavy”
- “Gimme gimme gimme”
-Sits on the floor and cuddles and fights with the dog
-Definitely will growl at the dog and play tug of war with them
You step foot into your house after a long day of work, only to find your husband on the kitchen floor with a dog on his lap. The small black fluffy dog licks Kit’s face, and Kit looks over at you and smiles.
“Kit…”, you say walking over to him and Kit continues scratching the dog, looking at him intensely in love.
“Kit darling, we don’t have a dog”, you laugh.
Kit stands up and holds the dog in his arms, before turning towards you and answering as seriously as he can.
“Yeah, I noticed that too, I also thought it was a problem in our relationship”, he begins, nodding and talking. “But don’t worry, I fixed it”.
You giggle at how happy Kit is with his new friend, but try to stay strong and be the reasonable adult.
“Kit, I don’t know if we can afford a dog, I mean food, toys, vet bills-”
“Yeah, Billy and I talked about it, and he agreed to get a job and pay his way in the house”, Kit nods seriously, pointing to the dog. But when he sees that your face doesn’t particularly soften at the light-hearted joke, he tries another method.
“Hear me out darling”. You nod and look at Kit, who opens his mouth pretending to speak, but instead holds the dog’s face in front of yours. When the fluffy creature licks the tip of your nose, you scrunch it up and Kit laughs at how cute you look.
“It’s okay honey, we signed a contract, he promised he won’t pee on the carpet”
Franken Kyle
-Just think back to that scene with the German Shepherd
-He’d love how the fluffy dog feels and would love running his fingers down his fur
-To teach him a little responsibility, you’d give Kyle a brush and he’d brush the dog every so often
-Which would end up with him covered in fur head to toe
-He’d like walking the dog and holding the leash, but you’d have to keep an eye on the two of them because Kyle can’t say no to the dog, so if the dog wants to cross the road and go over there, then they go
-Loves sleeping and/or cuddling with the dog
-Dog on his lap and tablet rested on the dog as he does his educational apps
-Regularly barks at the dog
- Kyle: (barks)
Dog: (barks back)
Kyle: YES!
-One day you come home and Kyle got hold of the treats and is trying to teach the dog how to sit, but every time the dog does anything cute Ky gives him a treat so it doesn’t work
- Kyle: Sit
Kyle: treat
-Inseparable duo
-Dogs, but I think he’s a little weary around them
-He wouldn’t be fully comfortable around animals but he would want to pet them
-You might have to take his hand and stroke the dog with him so he gets the hang of it
-Since he never had a dog he wouldn’t know how to get them to come to him
-He would follow them around, and the dogs would start running and he’d pout
- “Jimmy! Follow him, he thinks you’re playing a game!” and then you see Jimmy running after the dog
-He’d sneak one of the guests’ dogs’ in your caravan and sit with it on his lap
- “Jimmy that’s not our dog-”
- “But he’s asleep, on my lap Y/N!”, he says excitedly but quietly to not awake the pooch, “what am I meant to do? I’m staying here forever”
-Would always love it when people tied their dogs to the lamppost and then went in for the show so that you and Jimmy can sit and pet them
-Eventually he’d get tired of everybody having a dog but him so he’d go and get a stray dog
-You sit on the bench talking to Eve, and see Jimmy walk towards you with a grey scruffy dog in his arms
-You look over at him and smile, “Where’d you get that from Jim?”
- “Found him on the side of the road, looks like nobody wanted him”, Jimmy says and puts the dog on the table, only to reveal he’s missing his front leg
- “He fits right in, don’t you think?”
-Would be almost fascinated by the aloofness of cats
-Would think they’re graceful
-His cat of choice would be fully black
-Mysterious looking and unlucky
-As much as he would want to respect that cats want their own space, if you had a cat in the house full time he would keep buying it fancy toys and treats so the cat likes him
- “I got Priscilla this luxurious cat tower, but she prefers to sit on the shelf? Why is that, darling?”
-He’d sit and wave the cat teaser around and Priscilla the cat couldn’t care less, so James would sigh and give up, put it down and get ready for work
-But the second he picks up his office keys and they jangle, she’s suddenly interested
- “Is this what you want?” (jangles keys) “Fascinating”
-Cat names include, Priscilla, Alfred, Alexandra, Franklin
- “James I assume you want a high-class name for the kitty? I was thinking Charles maybe or-”
- “What about Snuggles?”
-Dogs are too excitable for him
-Cats are the epitome of elegance
-But the second his cat rubs up against the statue stand and wobbles the clay head, he gets kicked out outside for the night
-Too impatient for animals as a whole
-Would vigorously hate cats, but Winter would love them
-He’d like dogs, especially if they were obedient
-Would never ‘stoop to the level’ of trying to get a dog to come sit with him, but if they did he would like it
-Might even stroke it or put his hands on it
-He wouldn’t show it but would totally be upset if the dog walked away
- (Googles: How to manipulate a dog into liking me)
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
How danganronpa characters act with kittens with their S/O.
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Kazuichu Souda
I think he would like hanging out with kittens
I just think you would have to remind him to tone done his volume and excitement
You also have to tell him to be gentle with them
“Their so cute! I thought cats were just jerks. Looks like I was wrong!”
“Why did you think cats are jerks?”
“Well I see people talk or post about how cats are, kinda entitled or mean.”
“Hehehe well that can be true. Cats can be like that. It might be because of the breed or the way their raised. I should know I have had plenty of cats.”
“Ooh! Babe! How about we get a cat!”
“I don’t know you know their a big responsibility.”
“Please babe!”
“Fine I guess.”
“Aw thank you babe!”
“Which one should we get?”
“How about this one!”
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“Yeah! What should his name be?”
“How about Garfield?”
“Ok ok. Stripes?”
“I kinda like that name!”
“Ok, Ginger! Your coming home with us!”
You to leave the pet store with cat food, cat bed, a small scratching post, some toys, water and food bowl, litter box, and a collar that says ginger.
You guys absolutely adore the cat. He actually very well train, he uses the litter box, the scratching post, never scratches furniture.
When you get home from your part time job you find Kazuichu playing with the kitten or him petting it while it takes a nap on him.
Your friends were surprised that the two of you got a cat. Most of them thought Kazuichu was more of a dog person. He claims that he likes cat and dogs. But for now he had just a cat.
“Hey babe, thanks for letting me get ginger.”
“No thank you for convincing me to get ginger.”
“Hehehe, I love this little guy!”
“I just hope he doesn’t steal you away from me.”
“Of course not! I have enough love for both of you.”
“Good to know.”
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Makoto Naegi
You guys decided to visit a friend who’s cat just had kittens. You guys just went to look at them but makoto got a little to attached to all the kittens.
“S/O do we have to go so soon!”
“Naegi we can’t stay here forever.”
“But their all so cute!”
“Oh come on! Just a little longer. Pleeeaassee!”
“Ok a little longer.”
25 minutes later...
“Naegi, my friend is saying we have to leave.”
“Come on cutie let’s start getting ready to leave.”
“S/O how about we adopt them.”
The cat in question had 3 kittens.
“Naegi I don’t think that’s a good idea. If you didn’t know cats can be quiet a challenge to take care of. Not mentioning 3”
Your friend came in and said you can take them, but she just had to mention whatever kittens we didn’t take she would put in an animal shelter.
You mentally screamed in your head
“S/O! We can’t let them go there! These sweet babies wouldn’t survive!”
He had a cute sad puppy dog face. It looks like you have three kittens now
So when you guys got home you put some tuna on a plate and used a bowl nobody used for water. And used a blanket for them to bundle up in
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“Ok naegi. How about you name the black and white one, I name the orange and grey one, and both think of a name for the gray one.”
He nodded his head in agreement
He named the black and white one ace
You named the grey and orange one mochi
And the gray one you both agreed on the name faith
Funny enough, you actually spent most the time with the cats.
Naegi would sometime joke and say
“I think you love those cats more than me.”
But then he would also lay down and play with them.
Faith was a very friendly cat, she got along with your friends fine, she loved affection, she often slept with you guys
Mochi was kinda territorial, she would growl at your friends at first, maybe fiercely scratch them or loudly meow at them, she was also a little adventurous, one time you guys couldn’t find her until you heard a meow from the window and saw she had a mouse in her mouth, still alive mind you. You quickly took it out her mouth and let it outside.
Ace was a very lazy cat, he only really got up if you had food or he wanted to lay in the sun, he would let you pet him. He would also lay in your lap if your not doing anything and would pet him.
You guys loved your cats and don’t regret your decision getting all three
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Hajime Hinata
Hajime was a bit skeptical when you brought a kitten home and said “come on honey, let’s just take care of it for at least a week or two. You might like it.”
While your at your job he just took care of it, feed it, gave it water. That’s it.
For the first like three days
After a while the kitten would jump on Hajime’s lap and just curl up and sleep. He found it so cute.
He would also start petting it
Using a laser pointer and playing with it
He would softly laugh when playing with it.
You were starting to think Hajime didn’t like the cat. Cause you never saw him do anything with it when you got home.
You came home on the last day to take it back cause you thought Hajime didn’t like it. But you couldn’t find him or the kitten
To your surprises you found Hajime sitting on the bed and playing with it. With one of those dangling cat toys.
“So you do like the kitten?”
He turned to you surprised and then his face went a little red with embarrassment. He slowly nodded.
“So do you want to keep her? If not I can take her back.”
“No I really like her! She cute and fun!”
“Ok let’s decide if a name for her!”
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“Hhhmm how about muffin?”
“I do like it. But what about other names?”
“Kitten, missy, misty, mocha, Roxie, muffin-“
You about to tell Hajime he already said muffin before the cat meowed and looked at both of you
The cat crawled towards Hajime after he said muffin.
“I guess our cat name is muffin.”
After playing with muffin for a while, you both got ready to sleep and mitten sat in between both of your faces
Who knew Hajime would like cats
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Kokichi oma
Kokichi was just walking around minding his own business when he saw a kitten, covered in dirt, crying and very skinny. Now Kokichi can be a jerk but he isn’t heartless. He picked up the kitten and ran straight home. He got some soap (the kind that is safe for animals.) and turned on the sink and washed it, not to hard to hurt but enough to get the dirt off. Then he got a towel and put him on the floor. Then got a plate put some tuna on it and then got then a bowl of water. He let it do it’s own thing but after it was done the kitten rub against Kokichi leg. Throughout the day the kitten would follow him wherever he went around the house.
“Kichi, babe I’m home.”
“Hey S/O look what I found in the in the alley!”
He came in and showed you pure white cat.
“Can we keep him please!”
“Kichi, I don’t know.”
He started shedding some tears. Of course they were crocodile tears. But the fact that he acted sad, must mean he really wants it.
“Ok kichi we can keep him-“
“But we have to take it to the vet to get him nurtured, and make sure it gets all his shots”
Kokichi agreed to you term and the next day you guys go get him nurtured and make sure to get his shots. Well you did. He went to go buy some toys, cat food, a bed, etc. after you guys were done you brought him home and started thinking of a name for the pure white cat
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“How about snowball?”
“No that’s too generic.”
“No, he’s not dead.”
“If it was girl maybe.”
“How about blanco?”
“What’s that even mean?”
“It means white in Spanish.”
“I think I like it!”
“Alright blanco it is.”
Kokichi loved the cat. He always feed it, gave it water, and he loved to play with it.
Funny thing about blanco he was quite the mischievous cat. He loved to push things off shelves and scratch up furniture. But he was so cute
Sometimes Kokichi takes him to DICE meetings. he has him in his laps. While talking about whatever plans he pets him like a super villain
You and Kokichi also loves it when he cuddles up with both you when you prepare to go to bed
Kokichi sometimes walks around and on his shoulders is blanco.
As we all know mui and Kokichi. Hate each other. So anytime he walking around with blanco with his shoulder and mui insults him or something. Blanco will jump off his shoulders and attack mui until she runs away. Which Kokichi praises him for(even though you tell him multiples times it’s not ok for blanco to do that).
I saved the best fact for last. Kokichi had somebody make a mini scarf like the one he has. Which when you saw, it felt like you heart almost exploded.
You both love blanco so much!
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Nagito Komeada
You were leaving for a trip in two months, and Nagito wasn’t too happy about that. He didn’t voice the fact that he was really gonna miss you. But you knew anyway. He was always kinda lonely when you go away. Sure he has…friends…or whatever he has with his classmates.
So you decided to get him a pet, you thought a dog might be to much. So why not a kitten.
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A black kitten with yellow eyes caught your eye. You thought how funny it would be to get her since black cats are bad luck. You also wanted to get her cause the owner said that kitten would go to a different shelter soon.
You poked a holes in a box and put her in with a bow on top
“My hope! What’s that in your hand?”
“It’s a gift! For you my love!”
“Oh! My hope! Getting trash like me a gift. Your too good for me!”
“Nagi, my love, your not trash. Come on open it!”
He opened it and the kitten jumped right out onto his chest. He was quite surprised
“My hope! You got me a kitten!”
“Yeah! I know how lonely you get when I go away. So I got you this kitten! Do you like her?”
He picked her up and looked at her. He titled his head sideways and the cat copied him. Then he smiled and hugged the cat.
“I love her!!”
You squealed cause it was so cute.
“What do you want to name her?”
“Mmhhh…Lucky! I want to name her lucky!”
“Hehehe I’m not to surprised.”
Nagito was really happy. He wasn’t too sad when you had to leave.
Him and lucky were always together. He loves that kitten like his own child. He always let her sleep with him, eats with her and sometimes walks around with her.
His classmates notice the kitten and they asked question about it. He told them how you got him this kitten.
Lucky was a very interesting cat, he seemed to bring Nagito such good luck, but others not so much.
Like for example, fuyuhiko said something not to nice to Nagito, lucky was just there sitting on Nagito’s shoulders. When fuyuhiko walked away he tripped on some stairs. It was a lot of steps but it he was still kinda hurt. A couple of bruises and scraps.
He sometimes likes to pick up lucky and boop their noses together.
Ibuki took a picture of the moment and sent it to you. That picture become your new phone background.
He like to call lucky his good luck charm.
When you get back from your trip he at the airport with lucky on his shoulders.
“It’s seems you two got close.”
“Yeah! My hope! Lucky is the best gift I’ve ever gotten! Thank you so much!”
“Gotten any bad luck lately?”
“Nope quite the opposite!”
“Yeah! She’s my good luck charm!”
“I’m glad you that she brings you that much happiness.”
“Yup! now that your back and with lucky here. I feel on top of the world!”
“Heheh I love you nagi!”
“I love you more.”
“We love you too lucky!”
You all got in the car and snuggled up together. Lying your head on Nagito’s shoulders and putting his head on top of yours. With lucky on top of your laps. How cute!
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os-hyoideum · 3 years
the wh*res are fighting 19 (one-shot)
Part 19: THE DATE
Previous - here - Next
(this, perhaps, can be read seperately, so if you you wanna check it out, but nit the SMAU, then go on 😉)
a/n: Ok, it took me a long time, but I had a lot of uni work and it's also almost 5k words 🙃 Like, I can pull the standard SMAU texts out of my ass in an hour sometimes, but this? Nah-ah, I like writing, but I'm mostly slow. (but I will write out the ending too) Since the format is different, I'm putting content warnings on this (outside of the ones on the matserlist). Again, it's an AU so I will write Touya as bitchy or soft as I please, and I take no criticism for it 💅 (now watch me destroy them after some nice time - if you see this no you don't)
CONTENT: hero!AU (Dabi/Touya is a hero), OOC, Y/N is awkward at feelings (cringe), lack of safety equipment (sledgehammers), romantic arson (just a bit), cursing, tatted up/pierced Touya, Touya rides motorcycle
I really hope you gonna enjoy it, cause I enjoyed writing it and I think it's alright!
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You looked up from your phone to see the place where you were to meet Touya. As a first part of his date plan, he invited you to a small café that looked almost like a bookshop from outside. On the windows hung colorful fairy lights (although turned off, due to it being bright outside) and some handmade paper decorations. It truly was a nice place, but quite an unusual choice, considering it was Touya who chose it; a bit too wholesome perhaps, but who were you to judge.
After making sure that the address you arrived at was the correct one, you stopped under a tree to get some shade from the warm sun rays. You started to look around, seeing people, some of them in a rush, some enjoying the nice weather, while leisurely walking to their mysterious destinations. Unfortunately, one face was oddly familiar. Standing on the opposite side of the road was an ordinary looking man in dark clothing. Looking straight into your eyes, he moved towards the crosswalk and, in a very relaxed manner, directed his steps towards you. 
You tensed up, ready for anything. It wasn't a good omen to see him right there, right now. He was sent there as a warning and it was apparent in his intense gaze and every little calculated move. Also, because you knew how the gods' machine works. 
After barely a few seconds, the unnamed man stopped right in front of you, leaving precisely one and a half meter of space between your bodies. Perfectly straight back, relaxed face features, hands in sight. It didn't seem as though he was there to attack or cause trouble (any bigger than his presence alone already was), but you knew better than to let your guard down. Staring him down, you waited patiently for his words.
“Hello, number Four,” he said with a slight underline of contempt in his voice.
“What do you want?” You looked around to check if any unwanted attention was on you two. It wasn’t really necessary considering both of you looked like ordinary civilians, but, at the end of the day, it’s better to be aware of one’s surroundings.
The man shifted his weight slightly, taking half a step closer.
“You know your little paradise won’t last long.” He exclaimed and smiled cynically. “Or have you, perhaps, forgotten?”
“Fuck off.” With a cold voice and a cold gaze, you ended the short exchange. The man did not move, however. He stood, still with an annoyingly straight back, in front of you and looked both harmless and ready to leap at you, had he deemed it necessary.
The stare off was short lived. A few seconds later you felt a presence coming from behind you and the man was pushed away by Touya, who came just in time to hear the end of your conversation. He looked a bit concerned, but stared at the mysterious person with a hard gaze and little bit of blue flame coming from the corners of his mouth.
“She told you to fuck off, so go and scurry away.”
Unbothered, the man didn’t pay any attention to this sudden event. He seemed even amused by it to some extent.
“I see you got yourself-” he glanced quickly towards Touya, who stood right next to you “a dog.”
Already annoyed before by the sheer presence of this man, now you felt your blood boil. WIthout thinking much, you leapt towards him and harshly grabbed the collar of his shirt. You heard someone close-by whisper with a scared voice, but you paid no mind to it.
“Fuck. Off.” You started, accentuating the words and putting as much venom into them, as you could muster. “Go and crawl at their feet like the pathetic nobody that you are.”
You saw a change in his eyes. No longer emotionless, he seemed irritated, which filled you with a bit of sadistic pride. He forcefully pulled your hands away and shoved you back. Then brushed his shirt like nothing happened and, just before turning around and going away said:
“You are the same. Everyone who touches the Olymp is.”
Finally alone with your still-just-a-friend, you turned around to face him. Having brushed off the encounter, you smiled at Touya, first a little fake, but seeing him made you happy enough to be genuine after just barely a second. On the other hand though, he still seemed rather concerned with the strange turn of events. 
“Who was that?”
“He’s a colleague... from work.” Your answer didn’t lessen Touya’s worry. His brows furrowed, while he decided to press a bit more.
“From work? He’s… a hero?”
You stood right in front of him and lifted your arm, putting the thumb between his brows, watching him relax slightly, as you caressed the crease in his skin.
“From before.” It was a diplomatic answer, both a lie and a truth. You knew Touya wasn’t stupid and would get to the truth sooner or later, but for now he seemed to let it go, so you changed the topic. “So, I must ask. Why… a cafe? I would be more inclined to think you’d take me to a boxing ring or something.”
Touya smiled at your teasing tone, but did not answer. He just turned around and started walking towards the entrance of the place. He stopped and held the door for you, still standing next to the tree, a few meters away. 
“You coming?”
You looked at him unamused by his lack of answer, but went inside. It was pretty and cozy, which didn’t match with his more edgy vibe, but you just brushed it off and sat down on a plush armchair in the corner. You put your elbows on the table and propped your head on your palms, looking as Touya took his jacket off and threw it on the back of his chair. You started to closely admire the tattoos adorning both of his arms, from the hands to his shoulders (and even further, as you already knew).
“Both your tattoo and hand kink are showing, baby.” 
He sat down and looked at you with a teasing glint in his beautiful eyes. You leaned back, crossed one of your legs over the other and put your arms up, in a gesture of surrender, but then looked at him accusingly. 
“That’s not my fault that you’re a harlot. You’re basically putting yourself on display for me, so really, it’s on you. You whore.” 
“You got me, but it’s only for you.”
Touya laughed then and stood up to buy you both a coffee. You sat still, waiting and looking around. When your eyes landed on the discarded jacked, you stood up to take it. A simple black jean jacket, quite thin to be suitable for the warm weather. Holding it by the collar, you brought it closer to your face and inhaled the smell of the perfume lingering on the fabric. You couldn’t quite tell what it was, but it wasn’t too strong and you had to admit it was one of the best smells you knew, especially with the mix of natural scent of Touya’s body.
The owner of the jacket came back with the drinks a few minutes later and saw you with the piece of clothing.
“A little thief today, are we?”
You took one last whiff of the jacket and put it down.
“It smells nice. Maybe I should buy this perfume for myself.”
Touya looked up from his coffee.
“You want my perfume?”
“As I said - it’s nice.” You shrugged and saw him smirk.
“I can give you mine if you want to smell like me so badly.”
“Hmm…” You hummed and leaned forward a bit, “Well, I wouldn’t mind smelling like you.”
You took your cup and started to slowly drink, while looking into Touya’s eyes. Something in them made you feel strange, perhaps it was the softness with which he took you in. 
When sunshine fell on him from between the window decorations, he reminded you of some kind of angel, eyes almost glowing, silver piercings glistening; the sun accentuated every little shadow on his face, but, at the same time, made him look really delicate.
Touya’s gaze went down and your thought moved to the back of your mind. He adjusted his position on the chair before speaking.
“I guess I can tell you why the cafe, which you found, oh so surprising, I don’t know why.” He paused for a second to narrow his eyes at you. “I’ve heard you wanted a “normal” date, whatever the hell that means.”
“Wha-,” your eyes widened with mock surprise, “Did Shiggy snitch on me?”
“Please, he didn’t have to. It’s not like you asked all your friends for advice. So I decided to take you somewhere… classic, if you will.”
You crossed your arms on your chest and rolled your arms, then pointed an accusatory finger at your companion.
“Now you’re just mocking me.”
“Me? Never.” Obvious sarcasm on his part. “But I have one more place that I want to take you later. Perhaps more to your standards.”
Now you felt a bit guilty that he might have thought you didn’t like it. He didn’t seem so, but you preferred to explain either way.
“I don’t want you to think that I don’t appreciate it… it’s just…” You shrugged. “I didn’t expect something so… usual? Common? Normal, heh.”
“I know you’re just awkward, but let’s relax and enjoy ourselves.”
And so you did, talking about many different things for a few hours.
You put your index finger on your lips, pondering on something for a moment.
“Isn’t it going to be, you know… the anniversary soon? Of your mom’s divorce, I mean.”
“Yeah, that’s true.” Touya nodded.
“Damn, happy birthday then.” You brought your cup to your lips like you didn’t just say… that. But Touya lifted his eyebrows and stared at you unsure.
“What?” You just shrugged and he sighed, “Nevermind then. Happy birthday to mom.”
A few seconds of a comfortable silence fell over the two of you. The hushed voices of the people around filled your ears; they mixed together, providing a nice background noise. 
“So… how’s you dad?” You quirked an eyebrow at Touya’s surprised expression.
“You want to talk about my… dad? Of all things?”
“Well… I’m just asking! And you know… since he “sucks ass” does he also eat it?” You smiled stupidly, but he just stared with a deadpan. “Okay, stupid, I admit.”
“We have family therapy, so it’s not that bad. Though, the old mad does deserve the bullying.”
You agreed and made a toast with your drink to Touya’s words.
“Excuse me!?” Touya exclaimed loudly, “You did what!?”
You put an index finger to your lips trying to shush him, while a few other people looked in your direction, some with curiosity, others with disapproval.
“It wasn’t that bad…” You looked apologetically at some of the patrons. “It’s not like I died.”
Touya stared at you in shock for a good few seconds, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. He was almost at a loss of words.
“What- not like she died! Fuckin-” He groaned and dramatically clutched his shirt on his chest. “You’re killing me! You’re killing your father!”
You snorted at his statement. Well, a flair for the dramatics was in his repertoire, after all.
“Don’t you mean ‘Daddy’?” You said with an amused smile and added with a tinge of irony: “Or do you prefer ‘father’ now?”
Touya did not find it funny (or at least, he didn’t let it show on the outside, if he did). He cupped his mouth with one hand, looking to the side, as to ponder on something.
“You know what?” He directed his gaze at you. “I might have to rethink the idea that dating you would be so nice. Like, you… fucking dumbass.”
Ah, concerned Touya, pretty sweet, you had to admit, but there really wasn’t a reason for him to worry.
“Keigo was with me then.” You stated matter of factly.
“Oh, yeah,” he nodded, “I am going to talk with that bastard too… no heroing with Keigo for you!”
You seriously didn’t think that he would be so concerned about the whole ordeal. After all, it was in the past, nothing really happened and if it would have happened, then well… you wouldn’t be here to discuss it.
You smiled softly.
“I don’t think you have any say in this.”
You chuckled, when Touya very aggressively took a sip.
“Jumping off the building… Who fucking does that!?” Oh no, the stare of disapproval.
“Because he has WINGS!”
“Yeah, and he caught me because of them!” You paused for a moment and thought for a moment about it. “Though I actually wasn’t sure he would, I mean… you know. He IS quite strong though.”
Touya actually looked like he was ready to end it all right then and there.
“You… didn’t know if he would catch you?” He articulated very slowly, slightly squinting his eyes at you. “And you still jumped?”
“Yup! You know, the adrenaline, fight or flight… I chose flight obviously.” You immediately saw that your cheerful carelessness and (an amazing) joke were nor appreciated, as he looked at you with a blank face, complete deadpan.
“I think, sooner or later, I’m gonna have a heart attack because of you.”
To that, you just cackled and reassured him that you would try not to die in a near future.
“Sooo… My sweet Touya, my favorite Todoroki.” He braced himself for whatever you wanted to throw at him, while you shot him a suggestive look. “When are you going to do a new tattoo?”
Oh, he already knew where this was going.
“I don’t know. Why are you asking?” 
“You know…” You acted as if mulling on your idea and tilted your head to the side. “If you need some company…”
Touya sighed and just decided to get to the point.
“Do you wanna go with me?”
“Oh my god, can I?” You grinned and flicked your wrist. “You don’t have to!”
“Ok, then I’ll go alone.” He checked his phone, feigning disinterest, and took a quick look at you to see the hand still in the air and a very surprised expression on your face, that turned almost offended a second later.
“You can’t take it away from me! I’ll have you know, I have my rights.”
“I’m not taking anything away, since I never before said that you could go with me. You just always do.”
“Oh.” You looked down at your knees and did a fake sniff, knowing fully well he didn’t mind your presence… anywhere, really. “You don’t want me there?”
“Well, that-” he smirked slightly, “I never said.”
“So you’re just making a fool out of me then, I see how it is.” You crossed your arms over your chest and glared at him. He just laughed
“You already do it yourself pretty well.”
You gasped loudly with a hand on your chest.
“The audacity! You… how dare you! If you’re gonna be bitchy, I’ll fuck your sister, I will. Don’t try me.”
Touya rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“Will you though?” He seemed unconvinced, you wondered why. “Honestly, I thought you did it already. You were going out with her for what? Two months? That’s long… for your standard.”
“Nooo, I didn’t… really, I did not.” Then a different thought popped up in your head. “Won’t it be weird that IF we… become a couple, potentially, and I would, hypothetically, meet your family somewhere, you know, by chance and all. That I am Fuyumi’s ex, I mean.”
He furrowed his brows to digest your question. 
“You think about that?” He smiled, seeing your awkward expression. “That’s cute of you.”
“BABY STEPS, PLEASE.” You loudly exclaimed, avoiding Touya’s eyes, to which he chuckled.
“Okay, just teasing you, baby.” His gaze softened. “But do you really care about that? What others think?”
“Uh…” you sighed, “I don’t know. Not really? But kind of.”
“It’s okay, baby steps, like you said.”
He leaned forward over the table, took your hand into his and soothingly caressed it with his thumb. Your heartbeat quickened a bit and, surprised at that, you just stared at Touya’s slowly moving finger. Feeling were never easy nor were they particularly good, but it felt so nice.
Suddenly you saw a flicker of colorful lights next to you, seeing that the decorations on the window were turned on. Looking out the window, you noticed how dark it became. The street neon lights were illuminated everywhere, people moving in all directions to unwind after hard days of work during the week. You were almost shocked at how fast the time went by.
“It’s pretty late, isn’t it?”
Touya hummed in agreement and, without saying anything, stood up to pay the bill. Earlier, you almost fought him to split it, but you came to an agreement that another time (“Oh, you already want to go out with me again?”, he teased) you would be the one paying. A moment later he came back, put his jacket on and you both exited the lovely cafe.
“So… where are we going?” You asked after following him in a completely opposite direction, to which you came from earlier that day.
“You’ll see.” 
Ah, so much for getting information out of Mr Todoroki.
With a sigh, you just decided to follow him in silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable, like it usually tends to be, for which you were grateful. He wasn’t pushy, let you do things at your own pace, so you felt… comfortable.
A moment later you felt him grab your hand and let him intertwine your fingers together. Again, the annoying feeling in your chest reappeared. You would need to get a grip on yourself, if this was to continue. The evening was getting quite chilly so Touya used his quirk to make his palm warmer, but you almost took your hand away. You knew that it was bad for him, especially without his support items, even though he was able to control it, almost to perfection. Before you were able to get away, his skin quickly went back to its natural cooler state with a light squeeze to your hand.
Going through the busy street, you were able to observe people differently than usual. On patrols, you were mostly checking out dark alleyways, some abandoned or suspicious buildings, sometimes sites on the outskirts of the city; being able to, sometimes, take in the lively energy of the crowd was enjoyable.
Touya stopped after turning into some calmer sideroad. He took his hand from yours to grab a helmet and then helped you put it on. 
“We taking your baby for a spin?”
“Of course.”
“Hmm, nice.”
After putting on his own helmet he sat down on the motorcycle, waiting for you to do the same. You noticed a new paint job on the matte black surface of the machine. On the sides were done shining blue flames, very on brand for him. You liked it. 
You sat down behind Touya taking a hold of his waist, when he revved the engine and slowly drove away from the busy part of the city. Expertly maneuvering the streets, soon enough you were driving on the outskirts, where barely anyone was out. You looked at the changing scenery over his shoulder, noting the road you were taking seemed familiar. The trees surrounding you from both sides made the night look a bit unnerving, but it wasn’t anything you weren’t used to. The city was far behind already.
You squeezed him just a tiny bit stronger and put your head on his shoulder, careful not to knock the helmets on each other. Loud howling of the wind and the noise of the engine were a surprisingly calming combination, which you have discovered long ago, the first time Touya took you for a drive.
Finally, the motorcycle slowed down. You passed the old busted metal gate and entered a site surrounded by a tall chain link fence, made from wire much thicker than usual to make it more sturdy. The place was situated on a flat field, a bit away from the trees. You could barely see the outline of the big city from where you were.
The space where he parked was relatively empty, save for an occasional piece of metal or glass laying here and there. The only building was a huge square block, bare walls outside “decorated” only by identical windows with perfectly measured spaces in between them. The inside should be relatively empty. What ought to be there are only some vacated rooms and stairs leading from the ground, through three stories, to the roof.
You got off the motorcycle and took the helmet off, hanging it on the handlebar. Taking a closer look around, you notice a pair of sledgehammers and a can of gasoline next to the gate of the building.
“An abandoned Commission site, huh?” You asked rhetorically, but Touya looked surprised at that.
“How do you know what this place is?” 
You decided to ignore him and just pointed to the items you noticed.
“You planning to kill me here or something?” You said with a smile, looking at him. He quirked an eyebrow and moved to pick up the sledgehammers and offered you one.
“Birdbrain said we can trash this place.” You took the tool weighing it in your hand with ease.
“Of course he did.” You glanced at the gasoline. “Did he also say we can play with fire?”
Touya smirked, lifted his hand towards his face and lighted his pinky finger with blue fire. He then moved the hand more towards you, letting you blow it out.
“With me, it’s always playing with fire.”
“I knew you were an arsonist at heart, Touya.” You chuckled lightly, but your voice quickly died down when you looked at him.
He looked at you with an intensity that instantly hypnotized you to focus only on his eyes, which seemed to glow slightly. The only source of light was the moon and the stars in the sky so you were surrounded by harsh shadows and an occasional speck of moonlight.
The gaze with which he stared at you almost made you uncomfortable, because it seemed like he was able to read every little dirty secret you held deep within. A quick thought, that maybe he actually could read you like that, crossed your mind. 
He moved a step towards you and brought his hand to grip your chin. Not hard enough to hurt you, but enough to feel that he could, if he wanted to. Exciting.
He pulled your face a little, so that his lips were right next to your ear. You felt his hot breath on your skin, when he asked:
“Aren’t you?” 
You felt him move his mouth across your skin, from your ear right to your lips. The grip on your chin lessened as he moved his hand to hold the back of your neck instead. It wasn’t anything new to kiss him, but it felt a lot more intimate this time. No force behind it, no rush, nothing inherently sexual; just softness, an interesting contrast to his intense eyes and touches.
He moved away, just enough to speak up, your noses still touching.
“Come on.” He let go completely and moved to grab the gasoline, before entering the building.
You stood in place a moment longer, rendered speechless and motionless by the emotions you felt. The loud hammering in your chest was almost deafening. Not good, get a fucking grip. Without a word, you followed Touya inside.
After a few moments (when the blood pump finally decided to calm down), you glanced around. As you thought, a big empty space, at least on the ground floor. Since the electricity had been shut off a long time ago, the only light was coming from the moon and your phone flashlight. You went after him towards the stairs to the first floor, where a space was filled a little bit more by the rooms dividing the place.
Touya stopped next to a wall to one of the former offices and put his things down, before taking your phone to light your blank canvas, ready for destruction.
“Swing.” And so you did.
You braced yourself against the floor for stabilization and took a wide swing, from behind your back. The hammer made an impact with the wall and with ease penetrated it to the other side. Forcefully, you teared it out, making the hole two times wider.
Oh, it was so liberating. The destruction and chaos of this place would bring you much pleasure.
With a laugh, you took a next swing, and then another, and another. Both of you went on a rampage, destroying what you could in this deserted place. All of the windows broken (some of them with your fist covered in a rug found somewhere on the ground), the inside walls full of holes, doors ripped out of its hinges. The place filled only with dust, debris, and the laughter and screams of both of you.
After you had enough, you ended up lying on the roof. Touya’s head right next to yours, although upside down, as he laid in the opposite direction.
You stared at the clear night sky, admiring millions of stars visible that night. It was always an otherworldly experience to be able to see them. It made everything seem so insignificant in the comparison to the vastness and beauty of space.
Touya, however, was not looking at the sky. His eyes were focused solely on you. He liked the peace and calm visible on your face. You felt his gaze on the side of your face and turned your head to the side, to also look at him.
You moved your hand to push his hair back. It was always really soft to the touch.
“Your roots are showing.” You said quietly, looking at the white part of his hair. He just hummed with eyes closed, marveling at the soft touch on his head.
Before he could fall asleep here, you took your hand and sat up cross-legged. You turned around to look at him, still lying down and still looking at you.
“Didn’t you want to commit arson?”
He perked up at that and got up, but stopped you, when you moved to do the same.
“Wait a second and don’t move.”
You stayed seated and just observed as Touya took the can and started to pour the gasoline on the roof, away from the stairs, in some kind of pattern. When he finished, he motioned you with his hand to come to him.
Ah, so the gasoline heart then. You weren’t really surprised by it, but still laughed, although more at the weirdly proud expression Touya had on his face.
“It’s really cheesy,” you paused for dramatic effect, “I love it.” 
You kissed him lightly on the cheek, to which he froze for a second. Oh, could it be that this time you were the one to render him speechless? After the initial shock, he beamed at you with his stupidly wide grin that sometimes appeared on his face. Though, after a moment it faltered and he grabbed your upper arm. You could pull away, if you wanted, but you just let him hold you.
“Who was that man today?” This again. He seemed worried, more than anything, which you didn’t like that much, cause he could drill it out of you, if he truly wanted. So you decided to avoid his eye, looking in the other direction.
“I told you already… it’s a colleague from work.”
“You know I don’t buy it.”
“I know, but… it’s the truth.” You looked him straight in the eyes, so he would know that it was not a lie.
“I hope you know you can tell me anything.” You wished you could.
“Give me the matches.” He knew that for that moment that would be it, so he let go of your arm with a sigh and took out a small box out of his pocket.
You took it and moved to the other side of the gasoline heart.
You wiped your teeth with your hand, to which Touya raised his eyebrows, but when you took one match out of the box and lit it directly on your teeth, he did look impressed by your trick.
Touya lit his blue flame and both of you set ablaze the gasoline. The fire traveled from both sides, to meet in the middle and create more green-like color. From behind the flames, you were able to see just his silhouette. A beautiful, although terrifying (to some) imagery. 
When the fire started spreading, you quickly moved to leave this place behind. 
Again on the motorcycle, tightly embracing Touya’s torso, you looked back to stare at the rising flames. Colors mixed with each other, creating a picture any painter would be proud of.
Playing with fire was always thrilling, you just hoped none of you would get burned.
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@the-fandoms-georgie, @fanworrior, @gingerunicorn13, @theunicornnamedearl, @dabi-sunflower, @anniebromberg, @bakugouswh0r3, @ddsweetie
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lissacmonster · 3 years
Wrong Place, Right Time
TMNT x (Gender Neutral) Reader (Non-romantic) Synopsis: Reader goes into an abandoned building to find their dog, and ends up finding a lot more than their dog. Rating: Teen Genre: Action/Thriller Pairings: None Content Warnings: The dog is in danger for some of it (but isn’t actually hurt) Other Tags: Funny, Combat, Short Story, Fanfiction, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Shredder
When you left your apartment that night, you had no way of knowing how unprepared you were for the events that would unfold. Armed with a flashlight and a roll of doggy bags you and your dog Cody had slipped out into the fresh, cool night air. You also brought a can of bear mace in case you ran into any creeps. Bear mace wouldn't have necessarily been your first choice, but it was leftover from the time you went camping and you wanted to put it to good use.
The dog was just happily sniffing around and relieving himself when he suddenly stiffened up. Following his gaze, your eyes landed on a cat. The cat was happily strutting across the street, unperturbed by the dog even as he began barking hatefully and straining against the leash. You held your grip and started pulling him back the way you had come. But he turned around, dug his heels in and managed to pull out of the collar.
The cat suddenly noticed it was in danger and darted around, looking for a place to hide. Cody followed the cat in circles around a parked car, then he chased it around the corner.
You ran after him, "Cody! Get back here!"
You were half angry, and half worried that he would run out into the street in front of a car. Instead, when you rounded the corner, he was wriggling his way into a boarded up building. His tail disappeared through the space in the boards just as you leapt forward to grab him.
"Cody! NO! Get back here, now!" You said, using your best angry parent voice.
But Cody was on a mission to find that cat. You knew that he would be single-minded until he found what he was looking for. It might have been admirable if you were coon hunting together out in the countryside, or something. Instead, it was annoying because you were on an evening walk in the middle of Manhattan.
You groaned in exasperation and looked up at the building. It was an old apartment building or something, a rough brick structure that was 5 stories high. The windows were mostly boarded up, and the ones that weren't were missing their glass. There were no lights on inside. It didn't look like anyone had been here for a long time. At least, nobody you wanted to run into...
And nobody you wanted your dog to run into either! Your protective instinct kicked in. You called through the hole to him for another 30 seconds. When he didn't reappear, you started looking around for a way in.
In the alley where you were standing, there were lots of bits of metal and you took a second to poke through them and find a good one. First you found a weird, 3-pronged dagger of some kind, which you tucked into your belt. Maybe you could use it for protection in case somebody dangerous was squatting in there. (Although, if you were being honest, you mostly kept it because you thought it looked cool.) Then you found a metal rod that seemed sturdy enough to work as a crowbar. In no time, you were squeezing through a gap you had made in the boards covering the doorway.
After clicking on your flashlight, you noticed that you were standing in an old lobby. There was a torn up spot on the floor where the front desk had obviously once been affixed. The wallpaper was peeling. The hardwood floors, which had probably been gorgeous when they were kept up, were covered in a thick layer of dust. Cobwebs were hanging in the corners and doorways, with their own gathering of dust.
You followed the sounds of Cody's feet skittering against the floors.
"Cody!" You whispered harshly, creeping towards him. If there were any questionable people around, you didn't want them hearing you guys. Luckily Cody wasn't raising hell yet, which told you that he must have lost track of the cat.
You spotted him at the end of a hallway.
"Cody, c'mere," You called, sweetly.
He looked you dead in the face and then turned and walked through a doorway into pitch black nothingness.
What. A. Brat.
Gazing down the stairway, you wanted to cry so bad. That damn dog had just run down into what must be the basement. You stood at the top, feeling sorry for yourself, trying to see down the steps. After a minute you realized that it wasn't actually pitch black. There was some kind of light that was dimly illuminating the bottom of the steps.
Gathering every last ounce of courage, you made your way down the steps. Every step creaked horribly, and with each one, you felt certain that your foot was about to sink through rotten wood. A dank smell invaded your nostrils more as you descended. How long did you have to breath black mold in before it would make you sick, anyway?
Once you reached the bottom of the stairs, you found that you were standing in a hallway. The floor here was even more dirty than the ground floor above. There was garbage piled all over the place. If anyone had ever squatted in this building, you were willing to bet that they'd done it here in this basement level.
A voice sounded from down the hallway. Your head snapped towards it in alarm, but after a few seconds it was clear it wasn't directed at you. It had come from a doorway at the very end of the hall which was slightly ajar, pale blue light spilling from it. You fought the urge to sprint back up the stairs and instead crept down the hall towards the voice. You tucked the metal rod into your belt and pulled out the strange dagger, ready to strike if someone suddenly rushed out at you. The voice was speaking again.
"...think you can defy me, turtles, but once again I've proven you wrong."
"You're not gonna get away with this, Shredder!" A second voice, female this time. She sounded scared. What were you walking into? You felt strangely numb as you continued to move forward, your heart pounding.
"I already have. Look at them! Once I have what I need, I'll dispose of you all," It was a deep, rich voice with a cold fury beneath.
"And then what? You took the mutagen out of our blood when we fought you years ago. So what could you possibly want with our blood this time?" Another male voice countered, sounding calm, but angry.
"Th-that's right! Our blood is free of mutagen, you can't use it to mutate anybody!" Another, nervous-sounding male voice agreed.
You reached the doorway and peered around the doorframe very slowly...
Within the room was some kind of makeshift laboratory. One bulb hung from the ceiling, casting the whole scene in harsh bright light. Several figures were visible in the large room. The first one that caught your attention was the huge figure in the center of the room. It looked like a man wearing a thick, heavy suit of strange armor. The armor had lots of sharp angles and spikes on it. You couldn't see anything else about him because he was silhouetted against the harshly-lit room. He was facing two figures who were lying on the floor.
One of the people on the floor was the woman. She had dark hair and eyes and was wearing a yellow jacket. Her hands were bound and she was glaring hatefully at the armored man. Next to her was another man. He wasn't talking, and he was lying very still... Was he ok? Or was he...?
You didn't finish that thought because you caught sight of four... somethings against the far wall.
They were... turtles, you guessed. But they weren't like any turtles you had ever seen. They were tall and buff with humanoid faces and bodies. Each was wearing a different colored mask, as well as various gear. They were strung up against the wall by lots and lots of chains. There was some kind of machinery connected to them, but it was hard to make out what it all was from this far away.
The spikey man- what had she called him? Shredder? He was speaking again, "I don't need to mutate anybody. All I need is your DNA, and I will have an unstoppable army."
"He's cracked, you guys," A new voice. It was gruff, and it came from the largest turtle, who was wearing a red mask.
"Oh no... I-I think I know what he's talking about!" The nervous voice was coming from the tallest one, in the purple mask, "He wants to clone us!"
"Is that true?!" The orange one finally spoke up, "Man, you can't make another Michelangelo! I'm the one and only!
"Stockman, how much longer before they're drained?" Shredder interrupted.
You nearly jumped out of your skin as an answer sounded out from very close to you.
"Another 2 hours, Mr. Shredder!"
"Why must it take so long?" Shredder asked, threateningly.
"W-well... We only had so much equipment..." Stockman defended, "I mean, there are ways of removing it faster, if you catch my drift. But if you want a clean, untainted sample, this is the best way to go!"
"Hmm... Very well." Shredder agreed after a moment.
You were now pressed against the wall just outside of the door, clutching your chest. That Stockman guy had been no more than 4 feet from you just inside the door! He was against the wall that you couldn't see, though, so you hadn't noticed him.
Stockman was talking again, more to himself, "Aw man... That cat got in again..."
A soft growling sounded from within the room. Oh god. Cody.
"What the..." Stockman started and then yelped, "HEY!"
His chair clattered to the ground as Cody's chorus of barks started up. You rushed back to the door and were frozen to the spot as you watched the scene unfold. It was utter chaos as Cody tore around the room after the cat, which was leaping around on the equipment and furniture. Cody managed to knock over 2 chairs, jump up on a table, and upset several important-looking instruments before he was caught around the neck by the monstrous man's hand. Cody's high-pitched cries snapped you out of it.
"STOP!" You hurled yourself forward. Everything in the room seemed to stop in time. All eyes settled on you and every face held surprise. Shredder's helmeted head turned towards you, observing as you sprinted toward him. You had the dagger drawn back with the intent to jam it into the metal of his stupid, shiney armor.
You didn't even feel it when he swatted you away like a fly. All you noticed was that suddenly you were flying backwards. You quickly sprung back to your feet. Your skin felt electric as adrenaline coursed through your body. There was a throbbing feeling in your face where he had struck you. The strange dagger had skittered out of your hands.
Cody was no longer in his grip, that was the good news. The bad news was that now you were getting an up close and personal look at this Shredder guy. You could see every facet of the armor from here. The most striking part was the helmet, which resembled a leering skull.
You wondered what his face looked like behind the helmet. Did he look as surprised as everyone else? His voice didn't betray any surprise, only amusement.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here... A new hero, come to save the world. Such a pity you’ll have to die."
You tried to keep your voice steady as you explained, “Look man, I don’t know what you’re talking about- I’m just here for my dog!”
"Really, turtles, is this weakling the only ally you have left?"
None of them answered. They were still staring at you and glancing at one another, like they were trying to figure out if they knew you from somewhere. This was getting awkward.
"No, really, I don't know them," You insisted.
"Is that so? Well, then, how do you explain that." He lifted one of his huge metallic arms. It took you a second to realize he was pointing at your shirt. You looked down and gasped.
Save The Turtles was emblazoned across your chest in bright green letters, complete with a cute little cartoon rendering of a turtle.
God damn it. Of course you had chosen to wear the shirt you got from that time you volunteered at the turtle sanctuary.
"Uh- that's-!"
Before you could explain it to him, Shredder cut you off, "ENOUGH! Stockman, restrain this fool."
"ME? I'm not here to be your muscle!" Stockman sounded indignant.
Shredder was just throwing out another line about how weak you looked, and that restraining you would hardly require "muscle," when you darted around him and over to the far corner where Cody was cowering. You had to climb around some equipment that seemed to be collecting blood from the turtles. You were uncomfortable being so close to them, as you had yet to discern whether they were friendly or not.
"Hey, that's my staff!"
You looked up at the turtle with the purple mask. He was peering down at you through glasses that made his eyes look 3 times bigger than they actually were.
You glared at him, "No, that's my dog!"
"No, I mean that thing on your belt!"
Was he talking about the metal rod?
"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! DUCK, KID!" The one in the red mask was shouting.
You dropped instantly to the ground. A huge BANG! sounded from above and drywall rained down on you. There was a big piece of metal embedded in the wall where your head had just been. Cody scampered away, whimpering in fear.
"He's coming up behind you!"
You whirled around to find Shredder was advancing towards you. You glanced around for an escape, but you were boxed in by equipment.
Suddenly Shredder stopped dead in his tracks and whirled around. Stuck in his back was the dagger you had dropped. The girl in the yellow jacket was standing there, having plunged it into the battery pack on the back of his suit.
You stepped carefully out of the way of the equipment and cast around desperately for a way to help her.
"Quick! Use the staff!" The purple one called.
When you looked clueless, he clarified, "The thing on your belt!"
Oh, the rod! Great idea! You grabbed the rod, jumped on Shredder's back and started pummeling his helmeted head with the thing. This drew a chorus of complaints from the turtles.
"Aw MAN! C'mon, kid!"
"Duuuude, that's not funny! Kick his butt for real!"
Purple was fighting desperately to be heard over all the commotion. He sounded completely exasperated by this point, "No, I meant-! Press the button!"
What button? There were no buttons on the-! Oh, wait. There was a button on the rod. How had you missed that? You pressed your thumb down on small, red button. Instantly, both ends of the rod shot out, extending it by about 5 feet. In the process, it struck Shredder's helmet, launching it violently from the man's head. With a startled cry you toppled off of Shredder's back. The man rounded on you. You looked for the staff, but it had launched itself far out of reach.
"Now, I'm going to put an end to this little game," He said, and you could see the full extent of his fury on his face.
The four turtles were all shouting things and you couldn't make out any of it. All you could see was the hate in the man's eyes as he approached. His long black hair hung in his face untidily. He was panting and his lips were pulled back in an angry grimace. He looked like some kind of beast, like a lion, or like a...
"Bear!" You shouted suddenly. You tugged the bear mace out of the little pouch on your belt.
Shredder was towering over you now. He raised one of his bladed arms, poised to strike. Popping the top off, you raised the bear mace, pointed it at him, and pressed the switch.
Shredder was suddenly engulfed in a cloud of orange smoke. He roared and stumbled backwards. While he was distracted with that you scrambled to your feet. The woman was busy unlocking the chains that were trapping the turtles.
"Thanks, Angelcakes!" The one in orange said gratefully as he shrugged off all of the blood-collecting equipment.
He came over and stood next to you. You eyed him warily, but he was just looking at you with interest, "Hey, that was pretty rad how you stood up to Shredder like that! You pretty much ruled, even though you kinda-sorta... suck at fighting!"
Your pride had never been particularly tied to your fighting skills, so you just said, "Thanks. What's your name?"
"Michelangelo. But the ladies like to call me Mikey."
The two of you kept an eye on Shredder while the woman continued unlocking the turtles chains. You even sprayed a few more times in his direction when he got too close. Eventually he managed to rip the metal armor off of his hands so he could rub his burning eyes. Now he rounded on you again.
He looked truly out of his mind by this point, his blood red eyes were streaming and his face looked pinker than any face you had ever seen.
"Whoa... I think he's gonna-"
Before Mikey could finish, suddenly Shredder was charging at you. Mikey yanked you aside as someone barreled past you. The one with the red mask slammed into Shredder, colliding with him with the force of a refrigerator.
"Oh, shit! Is he ok??"
"You mean, Raphael? He's fine! He gets thrown into cars and stuff all the time," Mikey waved his hand dismissively.
Raphael rolled to his feet, pulling the dagger out of Shredder's back as he did so. He walked back to where you guys were standing, "Thanks for bringing one of my Sais, kid."
Things were kind of a blur from there. The turtles restrained the Shredder. The one with the blue mask was apparently the leader, and his name was Leonardo. He was on the phone with the chief of police. Wow... So your local police department was cool with these turtle ninjas? Who would have thought... Maybe your uncle's conspiracy theory about reptiles controlling the government wasn't totally crazy.
Donatello, the one with the purple mask, was attending to the man who had been lying on the ground when you came in. The man's name was Casey, and he wasn't dead as you had previously thought. He did have a pretty nasty concussion, though, and kept repeating the same phrases over and over (A common symptom with concussions, Donatello told you).
Don also took a look at your own injuries while he was at it. Your face was beginning to swell from where Shredder had struck you, and you would be sporting a nasty-looking bruise for a while. Other than that, you would be just fine.
After everything was said and done, and you had talked to the police, and Shredder had been loaded into an armored vehicle and hauled away, you and Cody were finally leaving to go home. You were back in the cool night air, walking your dog on his leash. You wondered if Cody would think twice about chasing a cat next time, or if the whole event had gone over his head? He definitely didn't look like he cared that he had just been in life-threatening danger.
Before you could ponder it much more, the brothers suddenly appeared around you.
"Heeeyyy, let us walk you home!" Leo offered aggressively.
"No, that's ok! You don't have to!" You really just wanted to be left alone now.
"We insist." The grin on Leo's face looked mostly threatening.
Leo threw his arm around your shoulder, as if to make sure you wouldn't run away, and started practically dragging you along.
They took you on the coolest shortcut you had ever been on. You scaled buildings and leapt across rooftops. It was just like in Assassin's Creed! Of course, they had to carry both you and Cody the whole way like a couple of carry-on bags.
When they set you down finally, you were in the alley next to your apartment building.
"Thanks guys," You said, "But how the hell did you find out where I lived?" You hadn't ever given them any directions.
"I have my ways..." Donatello said. He adjusted his glasses and they glinted dramatically like in an anime.
They were all kind of staring at you in a vaguely menacing way, "Uh... Are ya'll gonna... kill me because I know too much or something?"
"What the-! Of course not!" Donnie yelled.
"Hey, relax, buddy! We're not those kind of ninjas!" Mikey laughed, "That's not how we handle people who know too much!"
"Not any more, at least..." Raph said, narrowing his eyes at you, "The chief said it was too messy to keep covering it up."
You gulped nervously.
"Raph! Don't tell people things like that!" Leo shoved him and turned back to you, "Don't worry, he's joking. YOU'RE JOKING, RIGHT RAPH?"
"I'M JOKING. JESUS CHRIST!" Raph yelled back, "Just, don't go runnin' your mouth about us, aight?"
The leader in blue leaned in uncomfortably close to stare into your eyes, "If you say anything about us, we will come back to see you..."
"Aaaand PUNISH YOU," Mikey added, "In a gentle, non life-threatening way!"
You put up your arms defensively, "Trust me, I am not telling anyone that I fought some kind of terminator samurai to save my dog and some turtles."
You thought you saw a twitch at the corner of his mouth before he straightened up and lead his brothers away. They scaled the walls of the surrounding buildings with ease, and then they had vanished just like that.
Will you ever see them again? Would you LIKE to see them again? I hope so because I have a lot of ideas for this series.
Thanks for reading, ya’ll. It’s the first story I have finished in ages and it feels good to be back.
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
When person A is trying to be mad at person B, so person B tickles person A juuuust enough to make not smiling hard, while teasing them until they eventually crack a smile
Saw this on one of your posts and loved it....so...and uh....villain as person A and hero as person B? And could the hero and villain be lovers? Though it...would be cute.
So sorry for such a long wait! I really don't want to be known for this topic so I'm trying to space them out xD anyway, hope you enjoy!
Original prompt came from this list.
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"Hey, I'm going to make some pasta for supper, is that alright?"
"Yup. Don't break the stove while you're at it," the villain in the bed monotoned, not taking their eyes off the tv as they flipped through the channels.
The hero blinked, before fully stepping into the bedroom as they tilted their head with a lopsided smile, "you're not still mad about earlier are you?"
"Nope," the villain replied sarcastically.
There was an exasperated sigh, "I already said I was sorry! I didn't mean to break your little figurine of me, it was an accident!"
"I don't know why you even need one when we live together, it's not like you don't see me enough," they tried to joke, but the villain didn't even bother to reply.
"Come onnnn," the hero groaned, "It was only a cheap little trinket anyway-"
They were cut off by the villain full-on glaring at that comment.
"Wait- no! That's not what I-" The hero sputtered, before catching themselves and taking a breath, "I can just get you another one, okay? There's like hundreds in the hero academy's gift store. Regardless, I can assure you the real deal is way better anyway,"
The villain just rolled their eyes as they glanced back at the screen and flicked to a different channel carelessly.
The hero narrowed their eyes. Something was... off. They knew the villain like the back of their hand, and the other didn't typically get like this.
Usually, if they were upset about something, the villain had no problem being blunt and upfront about what was wrong, and they were rarely petty after whatever dispute had been settled between them.
Which meant, something hadn't been settled yet. The hero was clearly still missing a piece of the puzzle.
"I cleaned it up already, you know, there's no mess," the hero tried.
The villain just hummed in agreement. Nope, it wasn't the mess.
They thought back to the incident, remembering being taken aback at how genuinely upset the villain looked.
"What was so special about it?"
Immediately, the hero saw the villain stiffen slightly, catching the ever so slight red that appeared on their cheeks.
"Nothing," the villain dismissed, "You said yourself it was only a cheap trinket,"
"Uh-huh," the hero drawled, slowly stepping closer, "to which you responded by glaring at me, meaning you clearly disagreed,"
"No, I was-... just saying it-... wasn't helping your case," they argued, "Anyway, weren't you about to go make supper?"
"An obvious lie followed by trying to distract me? Wow, apparently that thing was *very* special,"
Wait, when had the hero gotten that close‽
Before the villain could react the hero grabbed their ankles, pulling them downward on the bed so they fell backwards before jumping up and straddling their waist.
"And apparently," the hero continued, smirking mischievously as they loomed over the other, "you *really* don't want me to find out why,"
The villain paled slightly, looking up like a mouse that had been cornered by a cat before steeling their features and crossing their arms over their chest.
Alright. If that's how they were going to be, challenge accepted.
"Maybe I should talk to the hero academy about making a little figurine of you," the hero commented, while their index fingers began drawing slow circles along the villain's sides.
"Nobody would buy one," the villain grumbled under their breath as they tensed but tried not to make it obvious.
"I dunno about that," the hero replied, fingers creeping higher, causing the villain to twitch whenever the hero brushed over a particularly sensitive spot. "I could imagine kids playing with them like dolls. Maybe they would act out me finally catching you," they teased.
That... was admittedly a pretty funny mental image. But they weren't going to be giving in that easily.
Suddenly the hero's fingers fluttered along their sides, and the villain had to bite their lip to keep from smiling. They couldn't help the way they squirmed slightly, unable to sit completely still any longer.
"Are you gonna tell me yet?" the hero questioned playfully, yet tauntingly, lightening up on their soft tickling momentarily.
The only response they got was in the form of a sharp glare.
The hero shrugged, smirking, "suit yourself," they replied in a tone that was infuriatingly confident the villain would break eventually, and that they were perfectly content to wait. Some perfect balance between mischievous and innocent.
Immediately the villain could feel the sneaky fingers returning to dancing lightly along their sides, and they had to bite their lip to keep from smiling.
The hero above them laughed at this, "Gods you're adorable,"
Okay now that was just plain evil, the villain thought. The hero knew they were still terrible at taking compliments, especially direct ones, and even more so from the hero.
They also knew "adorable" was one of their worst ones. They could take being called smart, clever, even charming, but they'd never get used to being described as sweet, cute, kind, or most of all; adorable.
Unfair. It was completely unfair.
The hero only laughed again as the other lit up bright red beneath them.
They hadn't even done that intentionally, the hero just couldn't help the comment when the villain truly did look the part right now. However, if they were going down the path of flustering the other....
"I love you," the hero suddenly stated out of nowhere, voice and expression sickeningly earnest and genuine. Their eyes were shining as they tilted their head slightly.
Unfair. It was unfair. How could the hero just say things like that so easily?
They only got redder.
The slow circles were *just enough* to make not smiling difficult already. But it was so hard not to smile when the villain heard those words aloud. They were words the villain never thought they'd get to hear! Even hearing them normally caught them off guard!
Still, the villain stayed quiet.
"Last chance," the hero drawled warningly, "Don't make me do something you'll regret,"
They waited a moment, but still got no response. The hero gave an exasperated sigh, "Have it your way. What do you call a tailor that specializes in superhero costumes?"
The villain glanced up in confusion.
"Very *cape-*able,"
The punchline was accompanied by the fingers on their sides speeding up, and the villain broke, hands darting down to stop the hero's fingers as a smile broke out on their face.
"You're an idiot," the villain chuckled lightly, shaking their head.
The hero laughed, genuinely, before leaning down to kiss the villain beneath them, "I'm * your* idiot though,"
The villain hummed mid-kiss in agreement.
"So, what was so special about the figurine?" The hero asked when they broke. Their partner blushed, having momentarily forgotten the consequence of giving in.
The villain sighed, glancing away, "It was the first thing you ever gave me..." they explained quietly, "even if it was only meant as a joke at the time. It was the first thing *anyone* had given me in years, and it happened to be from you..."
There was an unbearable beat of silence, which forced the criminal to risk a glance up. Their lover was looking down at them with the most charmed smile they'd ever seen, which only caused them to blush more.
"I had no idea," they replied, "I promise I'll get you another one, okay?"
"It's alright, don't bother," the villain replied, causing shock to flash on the hero's face. The villain smirked, "You were right anyway" they explained, reaching up to grab the fabric of the hero's collar, "The real deal is so much better,"
With that, they yanked the hero back down again.
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strawberry--bride · 3 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sharon’s Route [MANIAC 07]
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Location: Outside ;; Route to School
Sharon: ( Lately I’ve bonded with a stray kitten hanging around these parts. )
( Today I brought some leftover chicken from last night’s dinner with me. )
( I’m sure the little guy will be thrilled! )
She looks around.
Kitty! Where are you?
Sharon: ...Hm?
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Sharon: Ah! There you are! I’ve got a treat for you today!
She puts down a little container with some cooked chicken breast.
Sharon: Gobble up!
The cat seems somewhat distressed, pawing at its neck.
Sharon: Huh...? What’s that...?
( There seems to be something tied around his neck? It’s not a collar, is it...? )
( ...Ah! There’s a slip of paper attached to it! )
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Sharon: A letter...?
She carefully opens the envelope, pulling a piece of paper from inside.
Sharon: ‘Dear Nozomi’...
She continues reading.
Sharon: This is...
The letter was not signed,
yet it must have been from someone who knew me quite well.
Not only were they aware of my current circumstances,
living at the Sakamaki manor.
They also seemed well informed on the brothers’ true identity.
As well as the way I was being treated as their prey.
However, the thing what shocked me the most,
was not the letter itself.
Inside the envelope was one other thing.
A picture of a woman who I immediately recognized as my mother,
holding a newborn baby in her arms.
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Sharon’s Room
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Sharon: This baby...is me, right?
( How...? )
( Who is this person and where did they get all this information? )
( I thought all of my family pictures were confiscated by the orphanage. )
( I only barely managed to sneak one with me by hiding it between the pages of mom’s recipe book. )
( So how did they...? )
( Is this someone from the orphanage? )
( Or perhaps...Someone who knew my parents? )
She grabs the letter.
Sharon: ...’If you wish to free yourself from the clutches of those monsters, meet me at the park tomorrow morning at 7 AM.’
She glances at the clock.
Sharon: There’s still a couple of hours left...
( What should I do...? )
( This person might know more about my past. )
( About me and my parents... )
( They’re even willing to help me gain back a normal life! )
( However... )
A flashback ensues.
Subaru: ...I guess you understand now why I said they don’t suit me either.
...I’m nothin’ but a monster after all.
The flashback ends.
Sharon: ...
( No... )
( They’re not moーー )
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Sharon: ...!!
Sharon: W-What’s happening...!? It’s coming from downstairs, right...!?
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Living Room
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Sharon: ...W-What happened here...!?
( It looks like a bomb exploded... )
Ayato: What do you think!? That idiot Subaru went totally apeshit again!
Kanato: Honestly...I wish he would grow up already. It is so childish to take out your anger on your surroundings. Right, Teddy?
Laito: Nfu~ I’m not sure if you’re in any position to criticize him for that, Kanato-kun~ 
Kanato: ...Shut up.
Shuu: My ears are still ringing...Haahー I was having such a nice nap as well...
Reiji: Good grief...I don’t even want to think about how much it will cost to get everything repaired.
Sharon: Um...I’m sure Subaru-kun didn’t do this without a reason though, right?
What made him so upset?
Laito: I’m sure he went to the castle again~
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Sharon: The castle...?
Kanato: In other words, our home.
Reiji: The Sakamaki castle in the Demon World is where we were all born and raised.
Ayato: It’s also where that crazy old hag is bein’ locked up.
Sharon: Eh?
Reiji: Subaru’s mother. She developed some mental issues shortly after his birth and has not been allowed outside of the castle. 
He does go to visit her every now and then. 
Shuu: ...Last time he destroyed the kitchen, right?
Reiji: Do not remind me. Whenever he returns from the castle, he is even more destructive than usual.
Sharon: ( I wonder if something happened between him and his mother...? )
( When he briefly mentioned her to me before, he looked somewhat sad as well. )
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Sharon: I...I’ll go talk to him!
Ayato: Haah!? Ichigo Pantsu, I’ve always known you were stupid, but I didn’t know you were suicidal too.
Laito: Ayato-kun’s right, Ichigo-chan~ Going to meet Subaru-kun now is basically asking for trouble. 
Reiji: I would highly advise against it as well. 
Shuu: Besides, what will you do anyway? When he’s like that, nobody or nothing can calm him down. Don’t even bother.
Sharon: But...!
( They’re absolutely right. )
( There’s nothing a human like myself could do. I barely even know his situation. )
( However, even if this is meddling with someone else’s affairs, I can’t just leave him be either. )
Sharon: ...
She dashes off.
Reiji: Haah...I suppose I will start tidying the place up. 
Ayato: Pwaah...Imma go hit the hay.
Laito: Agreed~ I need my beauty sleep after all.
Kanato: It’s time for Teddy and I to have our late-night snack. Fufu...Say, Teddy? What would you like to eat today? Cookies? Marshmallows? Oh! Some chocolate sounds nice too.
Shuu: I’m going back to sleep as well. ...See you.
Reiji: Halt! Nobody is going to bed before this mess has been taken care of. ーー In other words, you four are helping out as well!
When I see someone suffering in front of me,
I cannot help but want to help them. 
Some may call that kindness,
others hypocricy. 
Either way, my feet naturally brought me to Subaru-kun’s room.
I do not know what kind of pain or trauma he carries inside his heart,
but the sadness in his eyes back then was most definitely real.
I once had nobody to comfort me when I needed it the most,
so the least I can do right now,
is to ensure Subaru-kun does not have to suffer alone.
ーー MANIAC 07: END ーー
<- [ Maniac 06 ] [ Maniac 08 ] ->
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ashisstrange · 3 years
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My oddly specific Nathan Prescott headcanons
After doing Warren it felt wrong not to do Nathan right away, since they're both my favorite characters in lis1.
I'll probably post a grahamscott hc post soon too, which will probably tie these two posts together a bit more (hint hint)
ps. the themes are kinda all over the place, sorry for that lol
‼TW: slight mention of suicide/sh in like two of the hcs‼
• Listens to all kinds of music, but mainly classical, It's calming.
• 100% dog person, he wouldn't want to be found dead with a cat. Cats hate him just about as much as he hates cats.
• Has a tendency to wear the same clothes for long periods of time, without actually noticing that it's gross
• Man abuses the shit outta deodorant and cologne though so nobody notices. He only changes once Victoria points it out lol
• Him and Victoria are childhood friends, and their families are very close
• He has a facination for oldtimers (old cars). Which is the exact reason he has a beat chevy pick up instead of your average rich kid car
• Begged his mom to ask his dad for a chevy instead of a sports car
• Which brings me to: mommy's boy :)
• He loves his mom, even though he's ASS at showing it. He checks in with her at least once a week.
• Tends to start his day with two whales diner breakfast. If he doesn't go to the diner his day usually ends up being at least 25% shittier than usual. Maybe joyce just brings luck.
• A CHEM MAJOR ‼‼ (pls im 99% sure this is canon pls take notes)
• Has been interested in art and photography since he was a kid, but his father never praised him for his art. He wasn't allowed to attend art school in the end, so he opted on taking the chemistry course at blackwell
• He usually insults people when he doesn't actually mean it, and if you don't react to his insult angrily he'll probably apologise
• "The fuck you want u tard!?"
  "I'm..... i'm sorry i didn't mean to call you that,"
• A  s u c k e r   for old movies and music, but doesn't really have anyone to watch them with
• He also enjoys horror a lot, particularly the gory kind (Think of japanese horror movies or for example the saw series)
• He owns the entire junji ito collection
• He likes to photograph subjects that are close to death or have been in direct contact with death, just so he can forget about how much he actually wants to die himself
• He gets anxious really easily, he tends to fidget a lot and struggle with sitting still (bouncing leg and picking at his fingers)
• Freckles!!! like all over his face and collar bones
• Overthinks like, everything he does/says
• Which is why he usually tries to not talk to people outside of his circle too much
• A sucker for disney movies, but he's never admitted that to anyone, not even Victoria. His sister knows, since they used to watch them together as kids
• Quite a picky eater, which is why he tends to stick with the same order for nearly every restaurant he goes to
• Can't really handle big changes well, so he sticks to the same people to hang out with and the same routine each day
• Can't sleep unless it's completely dark and completely silent
• Knows how to play the piano
• Doesn't use social media much, because he doesn't really need more negativity in his life than he already has. He only uses it to check Victorias page or online shopping
• He does enjoy his alcohol/drugs, but he knows his own limit (and he also clearly knows when he's purposfully crossing it)
• A complete sucker for stargazing, even though he knows absolutely nothing ab astrology
• Hangs out at the lighthouse a lot to cool down after a long week, smoke a cig and listen to some music after dark
• Hates physical contact with anyone he doesn't trust (which is practically everyone except like three people)
• regarless of that, he's very touch starved, so when he does get a hug he will like melt into it
• HATES summer with a burning passion. Probably also because it's quite hard to wear long sleeves and get away with it (plus its unbearably hot)
• Doesn't realise he has a resting bitch face lol
• He has one of those pine tree air fresheners in his car, hanging from the rear view mirror. Specifically the dark green one that smells like a forest.
• listens to music all the time, like while doing the most basic tasks. Mostly because music helps to drown out his thoughts (and possibly distract from hallucinations)
• His hands and feet get cold very quickly
(Comments are very welcome, i'd love to know ur opinion on my hc's :3)
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mcofthemansion · 3 years
I'm not sure if this has been done before, someone probably has but I'd like to do a headcanon of Mc who is relieved and joyful about traveling back in time and living with vampires and wants nothing more than to forget about the time she came from and never have to deal with it again.
Not sure how interesting or relatable it will be, but here it is!
• Mc walks through the door and is confused about where she is
• She meets the mansion residents one by one and starts to calm down instead of any sort of doubt or panic (doesn't know they're vampires yet) and nobody even calls her loud or annoying because she's walking at a respectable pace and her voice is perfectly calm, doesn't even question why they have names of historical people
• She goes to her room pleasantly surprised with the living quarters
• She does get that nightmare but it's like not even scary once she thinks about while awake, and excites her even.
• She gets water in the kitchen anyways because she's awake and there's no getting back to sleep at this point
• Tells Sebastian the dream but instead of calling it a nightmare, she tells him she's finally dreaming about something interesting and thrilling for once
• Sebastian is at a loss of words at first but then says "Mc, that dream, although it may seem interesting, probably serves as a warning to not give them body, mind or soul, and it was probably meant as a nightmare, because the residents that live in this mansion are what you saw in your dream, vampires"
• Upon hearing this news Mc's eyes light up and she says "for real?"
• Sebastian nods and says "yes"
• Arthur enters the kitchen and has only heared that last bit of the conversation, "Cat's out of the bag, am I right Sebas" he said he approached Mc
• He does tease her and say all that stuff about biting her, he even showed that bloodstain on his collar from his previous snack.
• Mc isn't even bothered one bit and is actually interested so she tells him "The vampires in this mansion are too sweet anyways, if you wanted to kill me you would've done that before I knew what you were vampires, I understand you need blood as like a food source so please feel free to take some of mine"
• Arthur doesn't know what to say at this point so he just plainly says, "So you're not afraid living with vampires, luv?"
• Mc quickly replies with "Exact opposite actually, I find it fascinating and perfect, the thing I've always wanted to be real"
• Arthur still feels the need to stick close to her because her seemingly lack of self preservation bothers him a little but he happy accepts Mc being happy living in a mansion of vampires
• The next day Comte asks to see her so she complies
• Comte asks about her encounter with Arthur and why it didn't even frighten her
• Mc tells him that she finds it cool that something similar but other than humans exist! And she's thrilled about living with vampires and that she will do her utmost best working for Sebastian as a housekeeper
• Comte is also a bit startled at her way of handling this, but he is glad that she is more than willing to happily live here for what he at this point thinks is a month, and he likes her attitude towards working with Sebas and says "Ma chèrie,
I do appreciate you taking these startling arrangements very well, if there is anything you need please let me know, and I'd also like to add if you need someone to talk to, my door is always open"
• Mc thanks Comte gratefully and asks Sebas to get to work
• Sebas has Mc doing not so hard tasks and she learns about rouge and blanc and about when to feed whom and things like that
• She learns of thier hobbies and builds a friendship with each of them
• She gets close with all of the mansion pets too
• The mansion residents are glad Mc came to the mansion
• they've noticed Mc hates talking about her time and hasn't expressed any desire to return to her time
• It sort of weighs on thier minds for a while
• Napoleon and Jean try talking to her about it while she watches them do sword practice together
• Issac, Theo, and Vincent ask her over meal times when they're at the table.
• Mc doesn't even want to talk about the pancakes from her time!? wHaT.
• Leonardo tries prompting her by talking about how time changes have been in his eyes, he even bargains cleaning the desk in his room if she'd tell him how his paintings and inventions are doing in her time, anything to get an idea of why her time bothers her, and he manages to get some details about her life but only a few (that pureblood charm really is amazing isn't it! How the hell do you deny Comte or Leo?)
• Mozart asks Mc about music in her time and due to his magical senses when it comes to music he deduced her taste in music and that concerned him a bit, not that it was bad, it was just sort of heartbreaking
• Dazai could sympathize with Mc and hoped she didn't have any kind of similar life to him, he did offer to be a shoulder to cry on if she where to need it
• Vincent has also offered to be a shoulder to cry on if she would need it (And who isn't in need of sunshine boy, am I right?)
• Sebastian's years of gathering dirt on the residents has prepared him for this very task, every detail he learns about Mc's past he writes down, afterall it's hard not talking to the ONE guy that you work with daily...so Sebastian has allied himself with Arthur to solve the mystery of Mc's disdain towards her time and her lack of self preservation, while sort of hiding that other secret journal of his, a lot farther from the detective's eyes.
• Everyone eventually secretly joins the cause and Mc catches wind of it (remember that part about how it's hard to keep secrets in the mansion? Yeah...)
• Comte decided with everyone that he will be the one to handle this and calls everyone to a meeting at the dining table
• Comte explains how all the residents and himself care deeply for Mc and how her disdain of ever returning to her time puzzles them and they would like to know why, all they wanted was to help her
• "Chèrie" "luv" "nunche" "hondje" "Cara mia" "mein liebe" "mademoiselle" "Toshiko-san" "Mc" *very hard finger flick from Sebastian* "please tell us"
• Mc cries a bit but explains her family situation back in her time, she also explains her school/work/other social circle life, and how she wasn't in a good place at all back in her time and how before she found the door that led her to this mansion, she wished for an escape from that life she lived, she wanted something kind, enriching, fascinating, and she'd always loved human-like creatures like vampires, so coming here was like a dream come true
• The residents of the mansion could sympathize with her, they've also been through thier shares of hardship. No matter how big or small people's hardship was always respected in the mansion
• The residents accepted Mc with open arms and were glad to have her live with them
• Mc found a family with the residents
• Mc lives a happy life in Comte's mansion
• Mc may or may not have convinced Comte to let her be a vampire too
• Mc really feels like part of the family
I hope this wasn't too weird or anything, I've been wanting something like this for some time so I decided to post it...honestly living in the mansion with all of them would be great! :) what would you guys like like best about living in the mansion? I would love talking to the residents about thier interests! And I'd love it if Isaac could turn my hate for math and science into a love for it, I would appreciate that a lot...so what about you guys? Hugs! :)
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