#also again with the disgusting is this the same anon hate from like. last year????
violentviolette · 6 months
can't blame your cat for running away from someone as disgusting and selfish as you. wouldn't be surprised if you abused and neglected it and only care now that it's out of your control
suck my dick harder baby ur not choking on it yet <3
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joanofexys · 29 days
(yes, same anon again.) this is my last ditch effort to somehow re-explain why i don't fw thea. And apologies in advance if anything seems rude, english isn't my first language and struggle to explain myself without people thinking I am being mean or unnecessarily rude.
Few disclaimers since apparently it's okay to assume things about me based on 2 asks:
- I am poc myself. I've experienced racism, myself. Including slurs, stereotypes and death threats.
- I am an SA survivor. My point is from THAT perspective.
Now, onto Thea. AGAIN, I reiterate for the third time, I am aware and conscious that she was in the cult same as Jean and Kevin. I do not hate her, I am aware she was brainwashed. But I do not fw her and I'm unnerved by her. This is not an issue of race. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind as my ONE and ONLY complaint about her I've said this entire argument is the fact she implied Jean's trauma and abuse was something he WANTED. I'm unsure why this is such a bad thing for me to point out, as it is hurtfult statement to read and it did make me have a dislike for her. Before TSC, I simply didn't pay her much mind as my favorite character is Renee and Matt.
I will again apologize for the use of "detestable" now that I've realized the definition in english is much harsher than in spanish where it simply means someone unpleasant or rude. I hope this time my point got across and we can end this in a friendly way, as I don't appreciate strangers assuming things about me that are hurtful.
I once again thank you for your time and reading.
Okay. Cool just cause you’re a POC does not mean you’re exempt from characterizing Thea within the angry black woman trope that is so prevelant in fandom. Because it’s literally built into the fandom perception of her character. But that’s also not my point.
You can say you respect her as a survivor but that means NOTHING when the other things you say directly contradict that and show a complete lack of understanding for how being in a cult impacted her.
I am also an SA survivor. A CSA survivor. Because of my cult. I have the same trauma as Jean in that sense. Same amount of people and we’re the same age and everything. My point also comes from that perspective.
The thing with cults is they lack the same sense of morality that you may think is obvious. And Thea had already been conditioned in that cult for years. Meaning that understanding of consent had already been warped. And Jean makes explicit mention that he keeps his trauma and experiences a secret from everyone. Especially Thea. Because he looked up to her. Meaning the only understanding she had on the situation was from the people on the outside of it.
And now is where you jump in and insist it’s common sense to know that there’s no way Jean consented. And now is where I tell you that some of my closest friends and fellow cult survivors don’t know my SA was SA. Some still believe there were things that happened to me that I, on some level, consented to. This is also where I say that Thea does not have the readers perspective. And common sense does not exist in cults. There is no such thing. Any idea you have of something being “obvious” is not obvious in a cult.
Also another thing to add. Thea and Kevin’s first time having sex was in front of Riko. Does that sound normal or consensual or like Thea would have a normal grasp on consent that’s “just common sense” if Riko’s making her do that?
She also never implied Jean wanted his abuse. That’s kind of disgusting to say. Theres a difference in her not knowing it was abuse and it wasn’t consensual and her knowing he was raped and saying he wanted it. That’s completely warping what she said in a way that makes her sound predatory or like she’s a rapist.
It’s not a bad thing to not like Thea on your own. It’s not a bad thing to point out you don’t like aspects of her character. What is a bad thing is when you twist her words and make generally insensitive and harmful statements about cult victims.
But if at this point you can’t recognize that and you’re going to keep insisting you recognize she’s a cult survivor and respect that while repeatedly saying things that prove the opposite idk what else to tell you.
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comradekarin · 1 year
That last ask you got here, just reminds me of the fact that while TS fandom claims to be all about feminism and women supporting women, it surely lacks intersectionality and it SHOWS and this is in great part because that’s the kind of advocacy they get from the celeb they worship, that’s why is dangerous to just pander to one kind of feminism as if everyone had an universal experience, when it couldn’t be further from the reality, we need to have those conversations we need to learn from one another and whoever has a privilege, should make good use of it to uplift those who can’t at the moment
Yup!! That’s basically the point I’m trying to hone to be honest. Again, I absolutely believe we should support female artists in the music industry, especially when they will be held to higher standards than other male artists (even in that area we can have a conversation about the dynamic race plays between male artists, too). However, it’s imperative we discuss how Taylor and her fans only use feminism to tell other people they can’t be mean to her, or critique her. Are these group of people the minority in the fan base? Maybe, sure. But should we sweep it under the rug and let it fester just because it’s the minority? No.
Do I believe the average Taylor Swift stan is normal and doesn’t hate black women? Yes. I believe there’s a lot of them who just enjoy her music and don’t feel the need to bash other black female artists in order to prove how much better Taylor is. Nonetheless, there’s still a large group of her fans who claim to support all women but will not hesitate to degrade and shut out the voices of woc making valid criticisms against Taylor. Just look at the Matty Healy situation. A white woman’s partner is exposed for making disgusting racist comments about black women, and the responses are not “this powerful rich white woman is continuing to date this man and is being complicit through her silence, which is enabling his repulsive behavior and she needs to be held accountable” but instead “we need her to stay away from this bad man!”. Yes, because the image and reputation of this white woman is more important than the dangerous rhetoric her partner is spreading about the same women she claims to support! Yes, because this white woman can have a collab with the same woman (ice spice) her boyfriend was making racist remarks about and everything is ok! Yes, because it is the white woman who is the victim here, and if you can’t see that you’re a misogynist!
Taylor’s silence during the wave of transphobia, the criminalization and banning of drag shows, the uptick of hate against black women, and so much more just makes sense when you look at the company she keeps. Didn’t her team try to sue a journalist for stating Taylor constantly toes the line with conservatives and white supremacists a few years back? Just look at the CO2 emissions drama where everyone was like “man I hate privileged white millionaires” and then she dropped an album and everyone forgot? Any critique for Taylor is met with these responses: A) Taylor isn’t the worst apple out of the bunch so why is she getting attacked like this B) Y’all would never do this to male celebrities so just say y’all hate women C) Why is Taylor blamed for the actions of other men or D) [justifying anything Taylor has done].
So, what you’re saying is correct anon. We can not talk about feminism and supporting “all women” while also trying to lump the struggles of all women into a single category. The initial Feminist movement itself excluded other women of color, it was something only meant for white women. White women have a level of privilege over other women of color, and we can’t pretend they don’t because they’re just “women, too”. White women and their fake white tears have done so much harm to marginalized communities, especially my own black community. I want this conversation to actually mean something, for it to be a moment of self reflection, for it to actually be about supporting, advocating for, and uplifting the voices of all women. I don’t want this talk of “support all women” to only be brought up when someone attacks your white fav.
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hi. This is the anon who was talking about proship last night. I will try to be concise as possible, without skipping important things this time. You are coming from a place of moral panic and probably your own defense, given what started the conversation, and how could I blame you?
I should’ve been a bit more clear with my explanation, but it was meant to be about shipping. I had assumed that was a given since we were talking about proshipping. I want to remind you that there are a lot of problematic things in various ships across many fandoms, including cannibalism (admittedly that one seems to be pretty fandom-specific), stalking, murder, manipulation, and so on.
I will not argue with you anymore. Clearly you are convinced you’re right (and again…I can’t blame you.).
I will however point out the one flaw in your argument: all of the things I mentioned are illegal. As well as physical and verbal abuse, which are also in a lot of ships, and some people just enjoy that in their fiction. Henry/Will isn’t exactly a pure and healthy ship. You may not know them, but there are people who would tear you to shreds, thinking you support that kind of toxicity in real life.
My point has changed several times over the course of this conversation, and as I’ve had some more time to think on it. I have realized that my initial point was mostly pedantic; meaning, I thought you were wrong about the word ‘proship’ and for some reason felt the need to correct you. Which is pretty shitty of me, I’ll admit.
And once again, I absolutely understand why you’re reacting this way. If an anonymous stranger showed up in my inbox and essentially said “uhhm [word you know to mean pedophilia and incest supporter] is fine, actually.” I’d be incredulous, quite upset, and probably afraid. Of all the ways to try to start a conversation about something like this, I could’ve chosen a much better one if I wanted you to hear me out before deciding that I must be an idiot at best, and a creep at worst, and refusing to even consider anything I say.
But now it’s a point of worry.
I want you to take a moment and ask yourself why you now have two very different definitions of “proshipping”, and why the first definition you were given does not include other things that are illegal, like murder. Who gave you this explanation? Also, if you had read my definition in a vacuum, outside of the context of proshipping, would you agree with it?
If the answer is ‘yes’, ask yourself again why your source told you it was only about liking and supporting pedophilia and incest.
And before you say anything, no, I’m not saying those things aren’t bad. It’s disgusting. I maintain that I wouldn’t touch even the made-up shit with a 20 foot pole.
But do you know what kind of things (aside from actual pedophilia) are often called that?
Adults writing about kids (the same age) being in love, no more explicit than holding hands and kissing each other’s cheeks.
Adults writing to entertain children, even if there’s not even a shred of romance.
Gay people. For existing.
Trans people, like you and me, for existing.
Nevermind the accusations of sexualizing children if you say you headcanon a fictional kid as trans or gay or bi or anything under that rainbow, regardless of whether or not you yourself are gay or trans.
You have experienced this already. You’ve been sent anons accusing you of pedophilia even though you’re a teenager yourself. You and I both know it’s bullshit, but the people who say that don’t care. They don’t care what they have to say to get people like us to, at best, hide in shame and hate ourselves for wanting to be something other than the gender we were assigned at birth. Or, at worst, kill ourselves.
How many people have been accused of pedophilia in the past couple of years? People you may not have even heard of until the accusations reached your ears? I know of a few who have proven their innocence, and it was revealed that the accuser was only trying to make the accused’s life hell.
Screenshots can be faked. Conversations are taken out of context.
Prior to this conversation I had distanced myself from discussions of proship and antiship. I didn’t want to get in the middle of it. But now I have decided that I am proship.
Not because I think it’s okay to coerce children into sexual acts, or that incest is fine, but because I would rather not see the people I care about ganged up on, harassed, and threatened for alleged ‘pedophilia’. For accusations that came from one bigoted prick who decided to use the worst accusation they could think of to get these queer ‘degenerates’ off of the internet.
Because someone writing a story about pedophilia to process and cope with their traumatic childhood experiences with it shouldn’t be dragged to the gallows and hanged for it.
Because someone writing a story about incest may not know enough about it to understand why it’s bad, and they shouldn’t be screamed at and harassed and threatened.
Because my transgender friends shouldn’t be called disgusting sibling-fuckers for discussing how a child in a fantasy AU might try to help their trans sibling find a way to medically transition.
Because I shouldn’t be called a child molester for writing about two gay adult women adopting children.
Because sometimes people don’t know what love could be if it’s not being forced into something.
Because a teenager just starting to explore some of the thoughts and feelings that are coming with puberty might not understand why their 13 year old character shouldn’t romantically or sexually be with the 28 year old pop star they have a crush on, shouldn’t be verbally abused and told to kill themselves until they do too afraid to ask why it’s wrong, because no one will even tell them what their offense was, because they think it’s them.
Because between letting a creep be weird about fictional children on the internet—who gets caught and arrested by their local law enforcement for doing something just the real world (which no one else in the internet would be able to help with, unless you managed to dox them. and is also illegal)—and letting people accuse anyone they don’t like of pedophilia and incest turning all fandom spaces into sterilized hellscapes where one disagreement gets your account publicly executed, I’d much rather go with the former.
Because sometimes the accusations of pedophilia and incest are nothing more than a Trojan horse.
I will not come off anon. I will not tell you who I am. I can hear the war drums in the distance and I don’t care who’s right or wrong, I refuse to end up on a callout post. Because even if your intentions are just “hey watch out, I’m pretty sure this person’s a gross pedo, don’t interact with them”, and nothing more, there will be people who come harass me. People who may not even know either of us beyond the callout post. I have seen the aftermath of it, showing up well after the storm has passed without knowing anything about what they might’ve done, and they’re incredibly paranoid. One of them gets an incredibly high amount of hateful anons and reblogs for no apparent reason. Even on posts talking about something trivial like “if you put this spice in your ramen it’s actually really tasty”. Another sounds like they’re fighting tooth and nail with themself, just to respond to one anon calling them anything derogatory, without apologizing for daring to exist. Neither of them are pedophiles or support incest. How many times worse would it be if that was the reason someone was being harassed, even if it wasn’t true? I don’t want to find out.
I really don’t think you would intentionally start something like that. But you are not who I’m concerned about.
This is my last word on this. Do with it what you will. But stay safe. And ask questions when you’re told that something is an absolute certainty. There is very little in the human experience that is universal and solid, and things can be even more muddled on the internet.
I doubt you’ll take anything I have to say seriously now, but there is a lot of harm someone can do when they’re being guided by dishonest people under the pretense of moral purity.
anon what
what does any of this mean
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deepdeanvsweston · 4 months
Margaret Dolliswood Headcanons? (Thanks for doing the elizabeth one)
That's perfectly ok anon!!! Thankyou for sending it in!!!
Also I know this looks like just. a massive essay but I SWEAR it all relates and is relevant and the hcs are at the bottom!!!
Ok so her motive to kill Elizabeth was that she was a lesbian in love with Astrid Frith and Elizabeth knew this. Which I think is very interesting, considering the the stigma around lesbianism at the time, and also as seen explicitly in the books where Clementine says something along the lines of "something goes wrong in their brains" (I can't quite remember the line) when Margaret's secret comes out.
We of course don't know what was canonically happening between the Five and Elizabeth, if she was abusing them about their secrets, or simply holding them as leverage, but I do often wonder why in Margaret's case, Elizabeth wasn't afraid or disgusted of her, on page at least, because she was a lesbian - as again Clementine says "it's all the same to them" referencing how being hit or being affectionately touched is the same to a lesbian. Obviously they're all so close knit because if 1 secret gets out they all do, but I think a throwaway line in JFP like "none of the Five went near Margaret much" would have cemented the stigma.
BUT. There isn't a line like that!!! And I personally think it would have been fairly easy for the most of the Five to just ostracise Margaret, without fear of their secrets coming out as any credibility she might have had in revealing other people's secrets would have been lost completely because she was a lesbian AND THE fact that most of the Five's secrets don't much have real life consequences, if that makes sense? For example, if Florence's secret got out (which it did, but I'm referring to before E.H was killed) it would have been devastating for her and her family but not put perhaps their lives at risk. HOWEVER note I say most of the Five, because of course Una Dichmann was trying to get her Jewish grandparents out from nazi Germany which very much is a real life consequence that could put lives at risk. So imo Una and Margaret would have bonded out of sheer necessity because if Margaret was ostracised (as previously mentioned I think she'd be the most easy to) and revealed everyone's secrets, then Una's would be the one with actual danger of harm. So Una goes out of her way to cement a friendship or at the very least an alliance with Margaret to avoid this liklihood.
Ok so onto ACTUAL hcs now sorry anon
- I can't find a description of her on the wiki and I don't have my book on me so I think she has pin straight auburn hair with freckles that she hates (Astrid ADORES them tho)
- she used to be the prankster of her year, always pulling tricks on the teachers and during assemblies and creating mischief on exeat weekends
- she is always trying to put the attention away from her with all her tricks, but also desperately wants the attention
- she is the Eldest Daughter, with 3 sisters aged 3, 4, and 5 so there is an age gap
- her parents aren't cruel, not in any way, and do love her to bits, but with 4 other children they have grown a bit fatigued of parenting and so it lands on her a lot to be like 'oh I love your drawing!' 'i can take you to the loo! 'come here, your ribbon is all messed up'
- and of course as Eldest Daughter, she is expected to pave the way for her sisters, securing herself a decent husband etc etc.
- and she's actually happy with this!!! She's stuck in comphet but she thinks she's happy! Of course ALL girls stare at each other's legs in their gym kits!!!
- but then. She meets Astrid, a new student from Denmark who arrives in the last term of fourth form, and everything turns on its head
- Margaret honest to god genuinely thinks she's allergic to Astrid, or at least her perfume or detergent or something
- why does she keep having hot flushes? And butterflies in her stomach? And why does she lean forward every time Astrid goes to say something?
- Margaret realises she's a lesbian after several dreams about her and Astrid
- and her whole prankster thing changes. She becomes a model student, perfectly presentable, hw handed perfectly because she doesn't want the attention anymore. Attention means people look closer.
- one step out of line and she fears everything she has will fall to pieces because of Astrid
- they are friends at this point and through several tense moments during the summer hols before sixth form, they end up together
- and then the events of Jolly Foul Play happen and her secret comes out
- and that happens in like Sept - Nov so she still has a whole year of ridicule to go
- her parents are essentially embarrassed and ashamed of her but don't pull her out of school as they feel it's the one thing that could change her back to 'normal', and really push her into school work. And anyway
- Astrid's parents immediately pull her back to Denmark and ban any contact
- and that's almost that.
- 17 years later they find each other and buy a house by the sea. It's only ever been them for each other, anyway.
- as for the war, I'd imagine Margaret joins the WRNS (Woman's Royal Naval Service) and Astrid does something in communications (???)
- Margaret and Una, after everything, become actually close friends, and they'd both give their lives for each other given the need. I like to think their friendship becomes DaisyandHazel-esque in nature
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
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I came across this on Twitter once again. And I feel like crying. Jimin really is an angel. He always suffers in silence and shows us his best smile. We don't deserve him. Nobody deserves that angel.
Look at jungkook's last live, he looked like someone who just recently got exposed to hate and doesn't know how to handle it. And some of his words sounded so childish to me. I don't know if it's because he doesn't know how to put the words properly but he did sound childish. He didn't even get half of the hate jimin has been getting for years, he even gets defended by all the armies even when he does something wrong, even company is supporting him, everything is going his way, still he's scrambling because of that little hate. He's so defensive cause somewhere deep down he too knows that we're right.
He doesn't know how to handle it. This just shows that he never received that much hate ever or even if he did, he was shielded by the group or armies or whatever.
But look at jimin....
He's been getting hate for years. So much so that it has become normal for people. It doesn't even shock them to see the most disgusting, vilest things that people say about jimin. R#pe jokes are not a small thing.
Jimin now comes less on social media. But why do you think that is? You think he suddenly out of nowhere stopped liking social media? He's a celebrity for god sake, social media is an important part of his life.
So no he didn't randomly decide to stop coming online. He saw the hate, he saw what they say about him. Calling him the most, disgusting vile names, accusing him of sleeping with bangpd, even going as far as making r#pe jokes of him being in the military. Like disgusting.
He got exposed to all that for years. Imagine how he would've felt. How he would've coped with it. And his hate is not recent , all these years of him getting hate, no one except for pjms defended him. Armies didn't care about him enough to defend him, not like they defend jungkook. Jungkook is only getting called out by pjms for things that he actually did. While jimin got hate from his own fandom, solos, shippers, other kpop stans, even western artist stans, for things that he never in his entire life did.
Jungkook's hate is recent, and that too it's because he's actually doing something wrong. So pjms are calling him out. Pjms are not even being half as vile as jk stans.
Jimin didn't do anything wrong to anyone still he gets such disgusting hate. So much so that he stopped coming on social media that much. He only does weverse lives and that too is rare.
Imagine how jimin have felt all these years. Still he didn't come on live talking things like jk did. Honestly if jimin did say things that jk did in the last live then it would've made so much more sense. But jungkook's words in that live sounded childish to me. Like he was unnecessarily defensive and sounded like someone who can't take criticism. You can have different opinions but this is mine.
Did anybody defended jimin from the hate? Did his haters ever feel sorry for him after hating him? No they didn't. Still I see some anons in the the pjm blogs feeling guilty for rightfully calling jk out.
They are so quick to defend jk and pity him and come up with thousands of reasons to defend his actions.
"He was young when he started." Is the most common one.
So what? So what if he was young when he started? Was jimin thousand years older than him or what? If you compare people who have a two year age gap they will almost sound like people from the same age. Two years of age gap doesn't make much difference. You suddenly don't become mature in two years. Wtf.
And also all the kpop idols start young. Look at 4th generation groups.
Jungkook is not different. His age is not an excuse. He was given an easy way and he chose to follow it. He walked all over bts' morals, he flushed his artistry down the toilet. He got arrogant too. And now he's acting so defensive cause he can't handle a little bit of criticism.
Jimin was young too when he got hate. His hate has been going on for years. Still I don't see armies pitying him. Even jimin shippers think that's common because jimin always gets hate so they don't do shit for him.
Everyone is quick to defend jk and pity him even when he does deserve the criticism.
But nobody except for pjms defend jimin and pity him when he's been getting hate for years for absolutely no reason other than the fact that they're jealous of him.
This is so sad but so infuriating at the same time.
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i was seeing that s3 of the bee show will be probably delayed for next year and the only thing that bothers me is that we will have to wait 2 years for happy kanthony when the development of their relationship should've been done in s2!!! just like it happened in s1 where the love story was wrapped at the end... i hate how people kept saying that it didn't matter that they didn't have many minutes of happiness in their own season because they were gonna be back... BUT TWO YEARS LATER!
Uh anon sorry for the long reply but you opened a Pandora box so this is going to be a rant post.
I still laugh at those interviews where everyone and their mothers were patting themselves on the back about how different Kanthony season was, how it was all about emotional intimacy rather than actual intimacy, and the beauty of their slow burn. Isn’t slow burn supposed to have a payoff? Kanthony got none of that. I still can’t believe they made us go through a disgusting love triangle between two sisters just for them to put Kate in a coma for the majority of the last ep and for Kanthony to get together in two quick scenes in the last 8 minutes of the season.
Choices were made. And it cannot be a coincidence when you think about how promoted Kanthony was. They didn’t even have a poster with only two of them before people loudly complained. And that poster? Imagine having the romantic focal point of you romance show standing back to back like two buddies from a cop movie.
It’s funny how the “this is a show regarding a family” was dropped pretty quick after Jess announced next season was going to be Polin’s. How the tables turned with the “we’re going to have romance back, the show is going to be horny again with plenty of sex scenes and a lot of quotes from the book”. Not suspicious at all. Especially when, surprise surprise, a year later Queen Charlotte came out and Bridgeton behaved like Bridgeton again, with romance, promotion of the lead couple ALONG the promotion of the other female lead of the show ( since people like to accuse us Kanthony fans of being butthurt cause they promoted CC a lot) and lots of sex scenes. I mean even the Queen servant had a cute love story with tender moments and a proper sex scene. All Kanthony got was a badly done and edited montage of Anthony giving head to Kate in the dark. Ok. Oh and no wedding, not even a quick scene of them exchanging their wows surrounded by family, It didn’t even need to be long, just something to show the difference between that sham of a wedding the queen wanted for Anthony to what Anthony actually wanted with the love of his life.
I also laugh out loud at those gaslighters who say we can shut up about all this cause they’re going to be back. I mean there are also kanthony fans who say this. Let me reassure you they’re not going to repair what they did. They’re not going to give Kate the backstory she was due in her season. Their time was supposed to be two years ago. All we can expect from Kanthony from s3 is a couple of family scenes and Anthony being away most of the time. Maybe Kate with Francesca. The actor was away for most of the shooting and even if this wasn’t the case there’s no way in hell they would give us something cause they went out of their way to give us NOTHING in 2022.
In conclusion if it‘s true this damn show is going to come out god knows when next year I’m only unhappy cause I want Simone to get out asap and not because of Kanthony, we’re not going to get much of them anyway. I’m not even sure they’re going to give us Edmund. I bet they’re going to give us the same answer we got regarding why they couldn’t show two weddings in s2..”this is Polin’s time, we’re already going to show their kids there is no reason to show Kanthony’s as well”. Bet.
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Laena and Nettles were pure and made Daemon a better man vs. Rhaenyra was the monstrous unloved whore is such a shitty narrative to choose to have. And it's the first time I have to courage to speak on this because I've seen this take for so damn long. It's not only feeding into mysoginistic views, but it's not even accurate in canon?
Like, yes, you absolutely can tell that Daemon wanted to seduce Rhaenyra in the beginning, but she still remains the first woman he ever asked to marry and wanted to settle down and start a family with. We're talking about a man that was constantly bored by staying still, that started a war in the Stepstones, that was restless even married to Laena, flying from one city to the next.
And then you cut to the same man, married to Rhaenyra, that settles down completely with her for an entire decade on Dragonstone, without any trace of rumour or scandal, raising their children, making babies, and being so devoted to this third wife of his that he is known to be with her in childbirth.
And people look at this part of his life which is arguably the most peaceful and happiest he ever lived, and somehow (???) conclude: Yes, Rhaenyra was a horrible whore and poor Daemon for having to live with her, he was so unhappy, someone save him!
It's such a strange way of analyzing things, and it makes me question if these people truly read the book, or if they own a copy I don't.
Calm down Anon, you're making too much sense.
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Just imagine Laena and Nettles like two pens inserted into the USB entry of Daemon's computer to install a new personality.
Ugh such nuance. Ugh such complexity. Ugh such deep understanding of the human heart in conflict with itself and how an actual person would act.
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Just imagine how unhappy Daemon was with Rhaenyra. Seriosuly just imagine his misery.
First Rhaenyra was living her life and he returned to King' Landing and decided to seduce her. Because he was disgusted with her and hated her. He hated every minute, which is why he spent them all in her company.
He also hated her so much he filled her with gifts, even a Jade Tiara who once belonged to an Empress of Leng, because you know, this was clearly so easy to get. Which is why he gave it to Princess Pignyra who he hated.
Daemon: You're the most beautiful maiden of the Seven Kingdoms.
Also Daemon:
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Poor man!
Now, imagine how much he suffered and how disgusted he was when he took Rhaenyra's V card. WOW! Someone PLEASE save Daemon! PLEASE!
Daemon after he slept with Rhaenyra for the first time:
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Then they got caught. Pretty sure somehow it was that b:tch Rhaenyra's fault for being a sl_t and fat and ugly and the worst person to ever lived. And Daemon asked Viserys to marry Rhaenyra.
I am so happy Viserys said no. They wouldn't have lasted a year and-
Hum they were married for 10 years.
Hum... ah...
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Besides the point!
Rhaenyra was a s__t and fat and a terrible human being and she murdered babies and kittens!
Poor Daemon!
This was him asking Viserys to marry *barf* Rhaenyra:
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That's a lie! And rumours! Everything in Fire and Blood are lies and rumours!!!!!!!!! Rhaenyra didn't love Daemon and he hated her!!!!! HE NEVER WANTED TO MARRY HER OR HER HIM! IT WAS CRISTON SHE LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!
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And then in 120 AC, Daemon seduced her again, likely had her husband on paper killed, was happy when her lover was sent away since he was left without any competition (and might have also arranged his murder), got Rhaenyra pregnant and married her in secret, and FINALLY had the son he waited so long for!
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He was miserable! MISERABLE! Don't you dare say otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!
And those 10 years were sh:t for him as well!
This was him every day!
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AND he didn't die for Rhaenyra! He hated her! And she only married him for politics!
Didn't you read the books?!
Rhaenyra married Daemon for political reasons!
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
Hey, sorry, just adding on to the pile of stories from the Balkans. I also grew up with family groping me and being uncomfortable with it, but never being allowed to say anything against it. My mother and father often made sexual comments about me, or when I went through puberty they would occasionally grab at my breasts and butt and comment on them. It's mostly stopped now, thankfully. It always felt so invasive and in general I hated how much focus there was on if I was growing up beautiful or not. My grandparents often did so as well. Whenever I would try to make any of them stop, show discomfort, or have a negative reaction I would get treated as if there was something wrong with me and I was being rude. Looking back I can't believe just how much we have made this sort of behavior normal. Ugh. Family members should not be calling children sexy under any circumstances. There is no possible reason for there to be discussion around a kids genitals. This should not be normal and so many of us shouldn't have stories like this. I'm glad to hear other's speak of it but it has made me so disgusted. We really are taught to ignore any bounderies
heyo anon <3 no need to apologize. yea its.. jfc. this whole thing has left me disgusted too. and frankly, baffled. i just feel so baffled. i keep trying to wrap my head around all of it, try to make some damn sense of how and why, and yet all it leads me too is just.... bafflement and being grossed out. when i asked on here if anyone knew what i was talking about i was not expecting this many ppl to get it. i wasnt sure if anyone would get it
im sorry u went through this, it really is a fucked up way to grow up. and the gaslighting that goes on - bc i rly do think thats what it is - tends to rly mess with your head. its immensely messed up that somehow in all this its children who keep being blamed and made to feel bad for.. v much having normal reactions to things. its a very jarring feeling to know something is just.. wrong. and not be allowed to feel that way. im sorry again that you were put through this, tho i am glad its no longer going on; i hope eventually you'll be able to heal from it all <3
and youre right. were very much taught to not have any sort of bounderies with our bodies. weather its this shit or the beatings or generally being treated as if were property, were really raised to not have much of a say.... it sets a very bad precedent and teaches a very bad and dangerous lesson
i was thinking abt this last night actually. when i was around seven or eight i would spend a lot of time with my cousin at my uncles house. he was some years older than me, by five i think. we used to get along well because i was a tomboy and he didn't make fun of me for it, he liked it. but i remember this one time he started showing me sexual games on the computer they had, some game in which you would give virtual money to a woman to see more of her naked, and it just made me feel so gross. i never looked at him the same, i felt he thought women were just pieces of meat. other times i remember laying in bed with him and he would want me to show him what's under my clothes, though he never took it further than that i don't think. he would occasionally grope at me but basically everyone did that anyway. i remember being upset with him, and him taking me to the candy shop down the street to make up for it
i always wondered if he had been abused first because i found out later his dad had molested another family member of mine. but looking back maybe it was the things he saw on the internet or from other boys. anyway, i tried to tell my mother and grandmother about it but they never took it seriously. never even scolded him. "boys will be boys" mentality and i was told i was being dramatic and shouldn't take it to heart because it's normal for boys to do things like that sometimes. it was normal to be felt up by family in general i guess bc. idk this culture is a fucking nightmare sometimes. now when i see him we just pretend it never happened i guess. it really is fucked up how much this sort of behavior is normalized, excused, and frankly defended at the expense of the saftey and comfort of kids... like what lesson does this teach other than, its ok to let people do whatever they may please with you, regardless of how much you dont like it? it must be some form of grooming i swear to god
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I’m 99.9% certain you’re the one whose been sending me the anonymous hateful messages (including the death threat). Timing adds up (you’d usually write to me just after an interaction on the Royal-confessions blog), plus a bunch of other things, like StatCounter telling me that Anonymous is from Brazil, and you’ve liked posts referencing Brazil of all places… so yeah, you’re not nearly as sly as you think you are. You won’t be able to respond to this message (I’ve decided to block you - maybe I’ll unblock you in the future, who knows?), and if I’m wrong about all this, well… it’s really no skin of my back.
Guess we’ll know if “Anonymous” stops writing to me.
I just wanted to say that your actions are disgusting - Not you, your actions (which means that there’s hope for you yet). I’m sorry you’ve received death threats before, but using it as a justification to do it too is just harmful, ugly and doesn’t stop the cycle of hate.
I also think you really need help. Obsessing over other people’s opinions to the point that you’ll harass them within their inbox shows a lack of control over matters in your own life, and the fact that you carry so much hatred and anger within yourself (as seen by your emotional, exaggerated messages - eg.: “did you want them [BRF] to execute those journalists?”) really shows that you need to step back from BRF drama.
You preach wanting free speech for journalists, but you’re more than willing to silence others if their opinion doesn’t match your own. You say the Sussex fandom is toxic (and for sure, there are idiots out there), but your behaviour really is no better. 
Last thing - I want to like Kate, really, I do. But I can’t get over the fact that she was more than willing to stay silent over the bridesmaid dresses situation (a situation that went on for WEEKS and was more than incredibly damaging on Meghan’s reputation), just because it benefit her.
You can think that Catherine is all grace and poise, that’s your prerogative, but her doing that really makes me question her character.
As for Meghan, I’m more than willing to keep an open mind about her - maybe my opinion of her will change after I read Spare and watch the Netflix series, who knows? But I’m fully ready to take that chance - and maybe you should do the same with Kate.
(Or maybe we should both acknowledge that both women are complex and nuanced and not nearly as black-and-white as they seem, and the real villain here are the tabloids like the Daily Fail and the Sun).
So “Anonymous” - goodbye for now. 
I feel sorry for you, but I really do hope things change for the better for you.
But that can only happen if you change your behaviour (I seriously hope you never write another nasty death threat to anyone EVER again, because like I said - that’s just seriously messed up.).
Take care of yourself! xx
Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? You can block the anon who is sending you these threats and see it's not me. Literally, what the fuck??? I've never, ever, ever sent death threats to anyone in my 10 years on this website and unless you have actual proof that it's me, for you to come to my inbox and inform me that you're blocking me, is just laughable.
P.S. I love how you say that if you're wrong, it's no skin off your back but then you go ahead and accuse me of this vile act with zero proof like it's nothing.
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charlywrites · 2 years
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Requested by anon
Request; Hi love! Can you please make some angst with Lewis, like he’s super stressed and you got into a terrible fight during race weekend because he says he can defend himself, but he ending in a podium makes him realised he was wrong and apologise to you? 🙏🏼
Warnings; mention of stress and pressure, a bit of swearing, a fight but not terrible because I can’t see Lewis being mean 😭
✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
This season was tougher than the preceding ones, not only your boyfriend had his eighth championship- and absolute record, stolen from him, but this season’s car was a struggle.
She wasn’t living up to the expectations to say the least, and Lewis being himself, had suggested to the team to use his cars for the experiments instead of George’s.
It made the races even tougher as your boyfriend didn’t get a single win yet, of course, it would come at some point, after all, Lewis wasn’t the best for nothing.
But as if having a bad car wasn’t enough, added to the ending of the last season, Lewis was still receiving hate from rival team’s supporters claiming that he had never been that good, that he had only been lucky to have a fast car, or sometimes they would say that his career was over.
It disgusted you to see how even after everything he had done for this sport, every records he had broken and how many titles he had won over the years- he still wasn’t respected by a lot of people.
You knew the hate was just adding on the already present pressure, that it hurt him even if he wouldn’t speak about it too much. Ever since you started dating, Lewis had tried his best to shield you from the negativity towards you or him- and while he was doing a great job at that, you weren’t blind.
Usually, you wouldn’t intervene as you tried to avoid doing interviews and all that jazz, it felt more important to be by Lewis’ sides and tell him how he didn’t deserve any of the hate he was getting and how proud you were of him aswell as how much you loved him.
That being said, you had always felt like it wasn’t enough, even if he told you he didn’t need you to do more, that you being by his sides was all he needed- it wasn’t helping you feeling any better about the situation.
Lewis couldn’t always be the one to protect you, you wanted to do the same for him. Even if it meant that you’d be more exposed to the famous side of his life. You weren’t a celebrity, you’d never consider yourself as one- you were a random person who happened to date the best Formula One driver in the history.
It was only friday and it had been quite a rough week for Lewis, a new wave of hate had happened earlier this week and you had seen how down he had been feeling ever since- even if he had tried to hide it.
For the past two weeks, Mercedes had brought new upgrades to the cars and it was starting to improve the results- it had been enough for some idiots to start posting hate against Lewis on social medias.
Of course, you were here to try to cheer him up like you always would but this time, it didn’t seem to work out very well- you couldn’t blame him for that, it wasn’t an easy task to ignore hateful comments.
So, when you were heading to the Mercedes’ garage after you went to say hi to some of the drivers’ girlfriend who became your friends, you were stopped by a journalist, “ hello y/n, we know that you don’t like interviews but we still wanted to give it a shot- what do you have to say about the recent comments Lewis received?”
Usually, you would excuse yourself and say you had nothing to tell them, that you didn’t want your face to be shown on tv but it was also your chance to say what you had on your heart, “ we all know why it happened again- they’re scared that Mercedes is improving on their cars, they’re scared that they’ll soon have to watch their teams compete for the podiums against Mercedes.”
As soon as your little monologue was over, you excused yourself with a polite smile and left right away. Heading straight to the Mercedes’ garage, you met right away with your boyfriend who definitely looked upset.
Frowning, you wondered what was going on, maybe something was wrong with his car you thought, that’s why you questioned him, “ what’s wrong?”
“ I heard what you said to that journalist.”
“ Already? It was live?”
By now, you had followed your boyfriend to a calmer side of the garage to have some kind of privacy, “ it was- why did you say that?”
“ I just wanted to defend you?”
“ I can defend myself, I don’t need you to do it for me.”
“ I know you can defend yourself babe, I’m not saying otherwise. You’re always trying to protect me from the hate and all that, I don’t see why I can’t do the same for you?”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Lewis sighed loudly- a clear sign that he was more than annoyed with the situation and conversation, “ this season has been so bad, I don’t need people to think that I need my girlfriend to talk for me.”
“ What does that even mean?”
“ Just don’t do it again, okay? I don’t want you to defend me, I can have my own back.”
It was your turn to become annoyed at the conversation- you had done nothing wrong, you didn’t even understand why he was upset with you to begin with, “ don’t worry about that, I’ll never defend you again- oh and honestly? Fuck you.”
And with that, you left him there, you were fuming and in no way you would stay in the garage to watch the practices, instead you headed directly to the paddock where you’d be watching the two practices from.
As the weekend went by, you stayed upset at your boyfriend, avoid any form of contact or interaction with him- it was petty but you didn’t care, and it wasn’t like he was trying to make it better in any way, he was ignoring you half of the time.
You had no idea for how long this situation would keep going, you could understand he needed to cool down and during a race weekend it wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to do.
Even mad at him, you still understood that he needed time and were willing to give it to him- and you weren’t the one in the wrong here. The pressure and stress were hard to handle and maybe he needed to let everything out for once.
That’s what you were telling yourself at least. No matter what was going on, as it was now sunday, you were supporting your boyfriend at a hundred percent. You believed in him and knew he could get back at the top, where he belonged.
By the end of the Grand Prix, Lewis had done it- he was back on the podium after a couple of races without being on it. Today wasn’t a win, only a third place, but in that car, it was an achievement. It was only a matter of weeks until Lewis would win again.
Throughout the whole weekend, you kept watching the practices and races in the paddock, thinking it was for the best after the fight Lewis and you had on friday. But still, you couldn’t not attend the podium.
Usually, you would be in the front line, proudly cheering for the love of your life, but this time, you would blend in the group, hoping that Lewis wasn’t going to see you- you didn’t want to ruin his podium if he didn’t want you around for now.
You couldn’t help but smile during the whole podium celebration- you knew how much Lewis and Mercedes needed this podium after those hard weeks, how hard they had worked on the cars to be able to compete with the top two teams again.
Once the celebration was over, each driver went back to their team to enjoy the moment a little longer. You tried to make yourself as small as possible, but it seemed like Lewis had spotted you from the podium as he directly made his way to you, “ I wasn’t sure you’d come to the podium.”
You shrugged at his comment, unsure of how to react, “ I didn’t know if you wanted me to or not.”
“ Of course, I wanted you there with the team, that’ll never change.”
“ Are you sure? I was afraid that it was going to ruin your podium.”
Lewis’ face dropped at your words, becoming way more serious all of a sudden, he took a step closer as he apologized, “ when I was on the podium and saw you there, I realized how much I fucked up. It’s not an excuse, but all the pressure of not being in the title fight, to not live up to the expectations this season- it was unfair to get angry at you when all you did was trying to protect me.”
“ It hurt me to hear you didn’t want me to defend you, you know? I’m your girlfriend, it’s literally part of my job to have your back, and even if you don’t like it- I won’t stop.”
Your boyfriend cracked a smile at your answer, relieved to learn that you weren’t too mad at him anymore, “ I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you. I really didn’t want that.”
“ Just talk to me next time instead of being an ass, yeah?”
“ I will, I promise. Can I get my podium kiss and hug now?”
You laughed at his demand, he almost sounded like a child, making you his puppy eyes so you wouldn’t say no- how could you even think of say no to this face anyways.
Usually, Lewis would have gotten his hug and kiss for making it to the podium already, but due to the situation, it was way later this time- but still, it felt just as enjoyable, maybe even more now that everything had been sorted out.
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writing-wh0re · 4 years
Billy Hargrove smut where he rough fucks reader in his car 🤤🤤
All writings will be #writing-wh0re-requests  Likes are great but feedback is golden - Open to all feedback, I know there is room for improvement. 
Hope this fic is what you wanted Anon! Keep the requests coming xx
Y/N (YOUR NAME) Y/S/N (Your Siblings Name)
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x reader
Word Count: 2,111k 
Warnings: Smut 18+, Explicit Language, Daddy Kink (whoops), Slight Praise Kink, Fingering, Vaginal Intercourse, Unprotected Sex, Oral (female receiving), Angst(?), Arguments. 
Summary: After forgetting your three year anniversary, Billy attempts to make it up to you.
I was walking down the street, hearing the music pumping through the wind as I spotted it. 
Billy’s blue 1979 Camaro sitting in Carol Perkins driveway. I made my way up to the car, feeling the hood still warm, meaning Billy couldn’t have been here for that long. 
“Fucking prick.” I mumble as I start my shuffle and weave through fellow classmates to find Billy. 
“Y/N, Billy didn’t mention you’d be coming? If I had known I would have sent you a dress code sheet.” Carol Perkins states holding her red solo cup against her shoulder. I look down on my outfit quickly, black converse, leather skirt and dark green lace bodysuit. I raise an eyebrow as I look at  Carol’s outfit, sucking my teeth as I roll my eyes. 
Carol drives me insane, she hasn’t liked me from the minute Billy and I started dating and to be honest, the feeling is mutual. Between her bitchy comments and her backhanded compliments, I couldn’t care less about her. 
“Dress code sheets would have been handy because under dressing as a hostess is embarrassing.” I watch as Carol scoffs, looking at Nicole beside her who has a disgust written all over her facial expression. 
“Drink, Drink, Drink, Drink.”
I follow the chanting to the back patio, leaving Carol and Nicole to mumble between themselves. I spot Billy doing his famous keg stand, surrounded by almost all the boys from the football team cheering him on. I watch as Billy completes his keg stand, his shirt open, beer coating his chest causing it to glisten in the light. I lick my lips at the sight, feeling wetness starting to pool between my legs, I shake the thoughts from my head. 
‘Remember why you’re mad at him.’ I remind myself, disliking that my body has such a reaction to him.
I watch as a girl walks up to him, placing her hand on his chest as she whispers in his ear, causing him to bite his lip and chuckle. I lean against the support beam as I watch the scene unfold, Billy turning the girl down as she rolls her eyes and attempts a new technique, only to receive the same result. The girl struts away annoyed as I walk over to Billy, watching as he tenses slightly, knowing he’s fucked up. 
“Hi princess, what ar-” 
“Fuck you Billy Hargrove.” Billy, grabs my forearm and pulls me into him, our chests bumping into each other as he narrows his eyes at me, smirking devilishly. 
“Want to say that again princess?” 
I pull myself out of his grip as I shove him backwards, causing him to chuckle as he looks over to Tommy. 
“I think she’s mad at me, don’t you think Hagan?” Billy chuckles as I whip around to Tommy, holding my index finger up. 
“If you know what’s good for you Hagan, you’ll walk away.” I threaten as Tommy shakes his head at us, putting his hands up in defense and walking back to the house. 
“Honestly Billy, I had to find out you were here from Y/S/N and Max!” 
“That’s the last time I tell Max anything.” Billy says walking towards me as I huff. 
“Not the point, do you remember what today is? Does today have any importance to you?” 
I watch as Billy puts his head down sighing shuffling around in his pocket as he pulls out a cigarette lighting it and taking a draw before answering me. 
“Did you fail a huge test today? Is it a birthday?” Billy questions as I scoff. 
“God, you’re such a prick you know that.” I turn to walk away from Billy feeling sadness fill my chest as I see a small crowd watching our interaction. 
“So what, you’re just not going to tell me why you’re mad at me? I have to play some sort of guessing game? Why did you even come here Y/N, you hate parties.” 
“I think you’re just being a dick on purpose now, have a reputation to keep up?” I question gesturing to the small crowd. “It’s our fucking three year anniversary dickwad!” I yell watching as realisation hits Billy. “And also, I don’t hate parties, I hate parties at Carol’s or parties I'm not invited to, which makes me, us, look fucking ridicolous.” 
I hear a few oo’s and oh’s from the small crowd as Billy forms two fists, anger boiling inside him. 
“Enjoying the show? Get the fuck out of here!” Billy yells to the crowd as they quickly disperse. “Princess, Tommy invited me tonight and I forgot.” 
“That’s exactly what I want to hear, you forgot.” I cross my arms over my chest watching as Billy’s eyes trail over my chest, his eyes lingering as they track down my body, Billy closing the distance between us as he runs his fingers up and down my arm. 
“Did you wear this, all for me?” Billy asks seductively as goosebumps prick my skin, a soft sigh falling from my lips. Billy moves closer, his lips ghosting mine as I feel my eyes flutter closed. 
‘No.’ I think to myself as I pull back. 
“Enjoy your party Billy.” I hear Billy groan in annoyance as I turn to walk away, feeling him grab my hand and rush ahead of me, pulling me behind him. 
“What are you doing?” 
All my protests fall on deaf ears as Billy and I shuffle through the bodies and make it outside. 
“Get in.” I raise an eyebrow and notice Billy unlock his car as I scoff. 
“I’ll walk home.” 
“It wasn’t a fucking question Y/N, get in the car and stop being a brat.” I huff as I walk to the passenger side and slip into the leather seat, Billy falling into the drivers as he starts the car and reverses out. 
“You better be taking me home.” 
I hear him chuckle as he takes the corners fast, his car engine roaring through the streets as he continues to drive, my mind not knowing the surroundings due to the blanket of darkness. After roughly five minutes, he parks the car on the side of the deserted back road, between a small clearing of trees. Billy gets out of the car as I look around at our surroundings, nothing but trees, silence and darkness. He opens my door as I look up at him confused. 
“Get in the back.” 
I smirk, licking my lips as I sit forward in my seat slightly, giving Billy the perfect view of my cleavage. “You expect us to have sex here?” I question as Billy huffs, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up to his chest. 
“I have to make it up to you babygirl, now get in the backseat.” 
I open the door and crawl into the backseat, sitting and facing the open door as Billy grabs ahold of my ankles from my outstretched legs, swiftly pulling me closer to him. I feel my breath quicken as he takes off his button up shirt, exposing his toned torso as I bite my lip. I keep my eyes on him as he wiggles my skirt to just above my hips, chuckling to himself as I feel heat cover my cheeks. 
“And I wonder who made you drip like this baby girl.” Billy says as his index finger traces over the dark green lace of the body suit as a small whimper falls from my lips. 
“I asked you a question.” 
“You did daddy.” I whisper as he smirks, kissing my inner thighs, ghosting over my heat as I sigh. 
“Good girl.” 
I feel Billy pull the lace bodysuit to the side as his finger traces small circles around my clit, causing soft moans to fill the air. 
“You can be as loud as you want princess, no one is around to hear us.” 
Billy slides a finger into my tight, dripping pussy as I cup my boobs toying with my nipples. He picks up the pace slightly, adding another finger and curling it upwards as I arch my back. 
I hear Billy moan as his tongue slides over my throbbing clit, my back arching off the leather as I moan in pleasure, my fingers running through his hair as he continues to flick his tongue on my sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Jesus Daddy.” I moan as we lock eyes with each other, causing Billy to moan sending vibrations all over my clit, his fingers picking up their pace. I feel Billy wrap his lips around my swollen clit, sucking softly as I feel the coil inside me tighten as I get closer and closer to my release. 
“Just like that, oh fuck, I’m going to cum.” I warn as Billy stops abruptly, smirking at me as I groan in annoyance at the loss of pleasure. 
“You only get to cum on my dick baby girl.” 
I run my hand down my body to play with my clit, wanting to get back to feeling some sort of pleasure as Billy slaps my hand away. I watch as he swiftly takes off his belt, undoing his jeans and sliding them down only slightly, allowing his dick to spring free, slapping against his stomach as I lick my lips. 
“Move back.” Billy instructs as I shuffle backwards eagerily, allowing for him to get into the car. 
Billy kneels on the leather seat, pulling me closer by my hips as he lines himself up against my pussy, sliding right into place as moans fill the air of the car. 
“Fucking made for me.” Billy praises as he starts to move his hips, not giving me much time to adjust to his size. 
“God, you’re so fucking big.” I moan as Billy raises my legs up to rest against his chest, feet either side of his face, the new angle allowing for him to go deeper. 
Billy picks up his pace, throwing his head back in pleasure as I arch my back. 
“Fuck Y/N.” 
Billy lets go of my legs as he slides out, grabbing my hips as I raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Ass up.” Billy commands as I oblige, turning over, face against the leather, ass in the air as Billy slaps the supple skin. “God, you’re hot.” He praises as I moan softly, feeling him run the tip of his dick around in circles on my clit before sliding deep into my pussy. “Fuck, you’re so tight baby.” 
I moan into the leather as Billy starts to rock his hips into mine, faster and deeper in the new position. 
“Just like that.” I say as Billy grabs a fistfull of my hair, pulling me up slightly as he rubs circles on my clit causing me to cry out in pleasure.
“Are you going to cum for me princess? Cover my dick in cum?” 
I feel the coil tighten again, my eyes squeezing shut as I finally feel it snap, my body flooding with tingles as I cum all over Billy’s dick, my legs trembling as moans and profanities fall from my lips. I feel Billy’s thrusts grow sloppy as he reaches his high, cumming inside of me. 
Billy trails kisses from the top of my ass to my shoulder. 
“Happy Anniversary Princess.” Billy whispers, kissing my neck as he shuffles out of the car to adjust his clothing. 
I shuffle around in the car, wiggling my skirt back down and fixing my body suit as I step out of the car into the slight breeze of summer air. 
“I am still mad at you a little.” I mumble as Billy tuts, shaking his head. 
“Of course you are.” 
“But, that did make up for a little part of it.” I wink as Billy smirks, cupping my face and kissing me. My heart fills with love at the soft affectionate side of Billy.
“I love you Y/N.” 
“I love you too.” 
“I better get you home before your dad loses his shit at me.” Billy chuckles as I nod. 
“Sneak up through the window and spend the night?” I ask as I get into the passenger seat, Billy having made his way to the drivers side. I watch as Billy tosses up the idea as I smirk, placing my hand on his knee. 
“I haven’t been able to give you anything for our anniversary yet.” I whisper as my hand moves up his thigh, brushing against his dick as his breathing grows heavy. 
“You have me wrapped around your finger princess and you know it.” Billy smirks as he starts the car and begins the drive to my home. 
It’s going to be a sleepless night. 
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whumpwillow · 2 years
Same anon from here:
I think FW would cautiously ask, "What're you talking about?"
Whumperee doesn't know what going on. They're convinced FW is in on the situation. They're convinced this is caretaker's doing. They start spilling, telling FW everything caretaker has done to them. It humiliating and horrible. Their face burns with shame. It's horrible. This is caretaker's worst torture yet.
"Last month, caretaker smashed my hand because I smashed yours a few years ago."
It's humiliating, but it's also taking them back. They hate it. They're forced to remember everything. The pain. The screaming. Their tears. Caretaker punishing them when they cry because they're not allowed to feel pain. This isn't punishment. This is simply reimbursement.
They don't realize they're shaking and sobbing until they noticed the chains that hold them are rattling. FW hasn't moved yet. That's when whumperee notices the look on their face. It's not contempt. Or disgust. It's just... sorrow.
OH YEAHHHHHH this is my jam. please send more of this i am LIVIGN for this dynamic
i love the idea that whumperee thinks this is some new form of punishment, forced to recount all that had happened to them as a way of digging into the memories they don't want to remember and exposing all their shameful feelings as a way to humiliate themselves in front of FW
whumperee reveals everything that happened to them in sporadic bursts, slow and then fast. they can't speak, their tongue feels heavy and their mouth stuffed with cotton, the memories are swirling around after being dredged to the surface like stirring up a lake and all the silt comes up to muddy the waters. whumperee knows they have to do this though, or suffer a worse punishment, so they speed up, telling things as fast as they can just so they can get the words out before they stutter again, falling back into a breathless reverie
FW stands there motionless, watching, listening, a growing horror sinking into the pit of their stomach
whumperee recounts all of what has been to them--they were given all the same punishments they inflicted on FW, given the same scars in the same places, and then caretaker had moved on to worse things considered penance
whumperee doesn't notice the tears falling from their eyes and dripping down their cheeks, they are too lost in the memories and the flashbacks. they don't notice theyre shaking until the rattling of the chains "wakes them up" and they see FW's expression is not the smug satisfaction or bitter anger they expected
FW thins their lips into a line, unsure how to proceed, before they lower themselves onto one knee
whumperee cries for FW not to stoop down to their level, but whether the sentiment is genuine or borne out of fear of more punishment, FW doesn't know
FW inspects whumperee's wounds--their bloodstained face, the scars, the scratches, the burns and the brands and the bruises
whumperee waits, holding their breath, bracing for a hit
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silverlinedeyes · 2 years
I didn't threaten you, so calm down, I just said that some posts and theories, especially saying that gwyn is a lightsinger, can trigger and are harmful for real people. Where is the threat? I tried to explain to you why gwynriels and Gwyn stans in general don't support that theory and I tried to be as clear as possible. You put trigger warnings? Good for you because some of your fellow elriels don't and I said that because I know many follow you and are going to read that post because they do love the drama. I wasn't talking only about you. Anyways, I read your reply, we think differently but what I said it's true. You have your opinion and I have mine but I am speaking on behalf of many people and you elriels where wondering why we don't like that theory so I tried to explain it to you. Also, you have a veeeery long record of posts filled with hate towards every character that threatens your ship and for what I've read you don't like Gwyn one bit so what do you want people to think? That you are actually interested in Gwyn as a character? No. Many elriels want her to be evil so they can claim that elriel is endgame and shipping gwynriel is bad, the same way elriels are toxic towards elucien shippers and have bullied them for years now. This answer is getting long, so I am just going to say when you post something online, you are open for criticism and I decided to be respectful and explain myself the same you do. I didn't send you no hate, I did call people out for the reasons I explained before, so don't come at me saying "thanks for the threat" and playing the victim because that's so unnecesary. I don't care if you keep posting those things, it's your blog, but don't be surprise if more people call you out when the things you write are problematic and toxic (speaking in general).
I don’t need you to explain why gwynriels don’t like the lightsinger theory, thanks. I get it. I’ve had these conversations before. That’s why I put trigger warnings and disclaimers on my lightsinger posts.
I know that gwynriels don’t support the theory (at least when it comes from elriels). That was the whole point of my post that you sent your first anon about. I’ve been told time and again by gwynriels that the lightsinger theory is problematic or disgusting, yet now I see multiple gwynriels posting about it and using it. My point was, I guess it’s only ok for them to do it? And you just further confirmed that with your original anon and this one.
“You have a veeeery long record of posts filled with hate towards every character that threatens your ship and for what I’ve read you don’t like gwyn one but so what do you want people to think?”
Wowwwww. Show me all of the posts I’ve made that are filled with hate towards every character that threatens my ship. I’ll wait. Because there aren’t any. I don’t direct hate towards other characters in ACOTAR because, wait for it, I don’t hate any of them (except for the villains).
And I literally put a screenshot in my last reply to you where I say I like Gwyn. Do I like her with Azriel? No. But do I like her character? Yes. I’ve never posted hate about her. And no, theorizing that she might be morally gray or do something bad is not “hate” towards Gwyn.
Regardless, of course when I post things online I’m open to criticism. I have accepted criticism directed at me. I have apologized when I’ve made mistakes. I have also called out inappropriate or harmful posts when I’ve seen them from elriels.
But you know what’s not ok? The doxxing, bullying, and harassment I’ve faced from gwynriels and eluciens, much of which has stemmed from my posts about a theory that gwynriels now seem to think they can post about but I can’t.
Last point: I just find it hilarious that you’re calling out some elriels for wanting gwyn to be evil to keep her away from azriel (which again, I’ve only seen a handful of times), when there are scores of evil Elain theories from gwynriels out there that literally do the same thing. But ok, I guess people can only theorize that Elain is evil, but not gwyn. Got it.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
can (if you feel comfortable) you pls write a fellowship x human reader self harm comfort fic? maybe they see cuts/ scars and ask about it or question reader about blood or why they had to excuse themselves and then reader has to hide it from them more and they find out the reader has relapsed or something - whatever you feel comfortable with! I've been really struggling with this and it would comfort me lots - thank you!
Dear anon, first and foremost, let me tell you (quite seriously) that if you need someone to talk to, I am right here!
I am (unfortunately) not a stranger to the issue and I've done my best to be comforting, writing this at 2 o'clock in the morning because I didn't want to withhold what little measure of solace I might be able to give you for a second too long!
I am sorry if my own experiences (and my utter ignorance of the fellowship) might have skewed this a bit, I hope you can find some comfort in it nonetheless...
Please remember that you are loved and cherished and that I am your friend if ever you need one; I mean every word in my fic, come to me and we'll find other ways to deal with stuff than this, ok?
Lots of love and kisses...
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Words: 1,6 k
Characters: Fellowship x human reader
Warnings: TW self-harm, blood, hurt, hurt and comfort! Be advised!
As this is really sensitive, I've put the whole story under the cut!
You hated yourself. It was weak, it was stupid, it was despicable.
As the blood ran down your arms like mud, your tears finally dried up; eternally leaking, you felt as if a secret and shameful misery was festering inside your soul and only this – horrible and senseless as it was – could ease the pressure of the bubbling and churning pit of agony in you.
It felt dirty; nothing clean could ever come out of you and the sight of the oozing liquid – looking pitch black in the moonlight – filled you with deep shame.
When you returned to the company, you did your best to pretend that you had not spent the last few minutes frantically digging your dagger into your own skin and watching yourself bleed until the swelling of the indignant flesh had stemmed the trickling flow of impurity and frailty that you tried to hide.
“Are you alright?” Legolas looked up sharply; did he smell the blood? Could he hear your heart roar in your chest?
“I am quite…alright,” you used the same word, only it sounded feeble from your pale, cracked lips.
“You don’t look well,” Gimli agreed with his friend’s worries, “what is the matter?”
Automatically, you tried to turn away from their eyes; you could have dealt with anger, with suspicion, or even with outright pity, but they did not put themselves above you, no, they were worried about one of their own and their gazes expressed concern more than arrogant judgement or disgust.
“Walk with me,” Aragorn asked you gently, leading you back onto the path you had just emerged from.
“How can I help you?” he asked as if it was understood that he knew exactly what you had done.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you tried to deny what seemed so painfully obvious to the others.
Ever since that morning when you had dried your long-sleeved tunic at the edge of the water and everyone had seen the pale scars criss-crossing your arms, they knew; you trusted them with your life so you had decided that you might also entrust your deepest, darkest, dirtiest secret to them.
“Why would you hurt yourself?” Merry and Pippin had been horrified at the mere idea; to them, life was something wonderful that was to be enjoyed fully and pain was merely the price one had to pay. Never in a thousand years would they have wilfully harmed themselves if there was no fun to be had in return; moreover, they had been aghast at the thought that a dear friend of theirs was in such mental pain that they’d decide breaching the integrity of their own skin.
Sam had simply put a small vial into the palm of your hand with the whispered comment that a cut was but a cut until one got a nasty infection. He accepted that there were a million things in the world that he did not understand from the get-go, but Sam was fiercely loyal.
There was not a hurt that would go untended under his care and – no matter whether one had chosen one’s lot or not – he was not the kind of soul to deny anyone help, even if they had brought their fate upon themselves.
“You are precious,” Frodo had smiled sadly, “and it pains me to see that you’re not aware of it.” His tiny, sturdy hand – a hand that held the destiny of Middle-Earth – had closed around yours as if to stay it from inflicting further harm upon yourself.
“Battle-scars are battle-scars,” Boromir had shrugged awkwardly, “even if I cannot see the enemy, I can believe that it’s there and I am ready to fight it.”
With a small side-hug, he had pulled you closer and whispered: “Don’t let them know, but I have come to realise that these fellows might know a trick or two yet unknown to us ignorant humans; let’s pool our knowledge and resources to find a better way to fight and defeat whatever ails you.”
Just like Gimli, Boromir was a practical man, a warrior, a fighter, and a true friend; he had accepted that you were struggling and simply asked you to seek the council and solace of your friends before engaging in the same pig-headed way of dealing with things that had not led to any success this far.
“Oh,” Legolas’ eyes had been as deep as his native forest and almost as sad, “I have heard of souls flickering desperately before petering out; is that what is happening to you?”
You wished you could have said ‘no’, but you had shrugged sheepishly. How could you explain the pain raging inside your heart and soul to someone so pristinely pure and gentle as Legolas?
His was a long and blessed life, the integrity of his graceful body was a gift to be cherished and celebrated, and his people had much more experience with the rise and fall of empires, dynasties, and great hopes.
How could he ever fathom the petty, desperate, pitiful railing of a human soul against the profound unfairness of having so little time at your disposal and yet being denied a single drop of unadulterated happiness?
His life was song and prayer, yours was struggle and almost childish petulance at how much you wanted to live and how tired you were of trying to.
“I am sorry,” you sighed.
“Do not be sorry, my friend,” Aragorn gave you a gentle smile; always in-between, trying to do right by everyone and secretly afraid of failing, he might well have been the person who understood you the best.
“You do not owe us anything,” he went on softly, “the only person you might let down is yourself!”
“I am not the only person hurt though, am I?” you asked tonelessly, remembering Gandalf’s heartbroken expression when he saw scars so numerous, they would have brought great honour to many a seasoned warrior but that were so incongruous and cruel on the flawless skin of one so young and tender yet.
“We are worried about you,” Aragorn admitted, stopping under the wispy, comforting canopy of a large tree, “and it pains me to know that you’d not come to any of us for help and solace.”
“I did not want to bother you,” you whispered, ashamed of your relapse as much as of the wistful expression your weakness had brought into his gaze.
“One day,” he said, staring at the distant horizon, “they might write stories about us, and they’ll pick and choose the best attributes for their rhymes…but we, my friend, we are the chroniclers of our own story.”
He turned back to you, gripping both your shoulders in his broad, callused hands as he spoke insistently: “You are part of that story and I’d much rather you share the truth of it with us; let us keep note of your darkest nights, let us bear the brunt of your most violent storms, let us be there for you.”
“I…” you didn’t know what to say.
“You want to carve your pain into skin? Boromir can stomach pain, Legolas heals quickly, Gimli has tough skin, and I have suffered worse,” he smiled, baring his arm to you, “if you want to eternalise your struggle with blades on flesh, I offer you mine!”
“NO!” you cried, that was absurd, you’d never hurt a friend like that.
“Now you know how we might feel about this,” he said gently, careful not to press you too much, “we’ve talked about this, and you said that sometimes, the pressure gets too strong to withstand. Come to us! Do you think we are strangers to expectations and the crushing weight of the world on our shoulders? We can offer other ways of venting and you may try them all until we find one that works.”
You sighed deeply; he was right. From walks to songs, from cooking to sparring, from brooding silence to frantic babbling, they all had their way of dealing with the hell you had
fallen into and that nobody would make it out alive from if you failed in your quest.
“There are better things to do with blades – axes, knives, arrows, swords – than to hurt one of the most precious souls in this world,” Aragorn shook you lightly, “now go and let Sam look at it.”
That night, after healing salve had been spread on the new cuts, Legolas sat next to you as you drifted over into sleep.
“You might want to curse a dwarf,” he whispered with a small chuckle, “father says it helps.”
A second later, he added with another bell-like peal of laughter: “Father also likes wine. If Gimli was not a dwarf, I think their shared fondness of beverages and seeking someone to fight with, when under stress, would make for a fond friendship between those two.”
You did not truly know where he was going with this, but the sound of his voice was soothing and so, you let him talk you to sleep, smiling to yourself when his cool hand slipped into yours as if to tether you to the earthly plain.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, already half-asleep.
“You’re doing just fine,” he replied, having counted the days since the last occurrence and the one before and finding – much to his relief and satisfaction – that those breakdowns happened with decreasing frequency and lasted for a shorter period, “it will be alright. We all learn as we go, we all heal as we grow, and – as my mother used to say – it will all be well in the end, if it’s not, it only means it’s not yet the end.”
You wondered when Legolas had become so wise, but sleep pulled you under and – against all odds and your own expectations – you slept soundly and peacefully through the night
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Dear anon, I'll be keeping an eye on my inbox :D
Please do not suffer alone; this goes for all of you out there, please do not suffer alone! Reach out, make friends, talk to someone! I am right here!
It was an honour to be asked to write this and I hope I could do this immensely important subject justice.
All my love and friendship!
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jenomark · 3 years
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➔Pairing: Hendery x Reader (Female) ➔Other Members/ Characters: Kun + Lucas ➔Genre: Smut (with a plot!) ➔Warnings: Mentions of blood + Vaginal penetration (briefly), Oral (both M + F) ➔Word count: 2,769
➔Summary: Kun has a plan to get you and Hendery to work out your differences, but Kun's plan doesn't quite work out the way he thinks it will. 😉
Anon Request: enemies to lovers hendery smut?? thank you !! any scenario 🤎
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You and Hendery watched as Kun brought out two chairs into the middle of the floor to face each other. Hendery's scowl matched yours, which made you even more irritated that any part of you could relate to him.
"I don't see how this will help. It-" Hendery began, but he was cut off by Kun's terse, "-Shh!"
The scraping of the chairs stopped. Kun leaned on the back of one of them and looked at you before looking at Hendery. He said, "I'm tired of this. We are all tired of this. Both of you have more in common than you think."
"We don't." you said, a little too childishly.
Kun narrowed his eyes, which made you fall quiet. "Sit down and work it out," he said, before walking out and slamming the door shut behind him.
"I'm not sitting down." Hendery said. “He can’t make me sit down.”
You were already sitting in the chair, but since Hendery spoke, you wanted to get up and resist along with him. Hendery paced around the room, looking more annoyed than ever. So, you stayed seated because you didn't want to be like him.
"I don't know what he wants us to do." Hendery said. "I have no problem with you. I just don't want to be around you."
"Likewise." you said.
"I didn't ask what you though, did I?"
You rolled your eyes. "Here we go."
"No," Hendery said. He leaned on the back of the free chair like Kun had. "You've had a problem with me since I first met you. I want to know why. It's because I'm so handsome, right?"
"Oh, please."
There was a banging on the front door. Kun's voice rang out. He was letting out a whole series of curse words followed by a bunch of angry grunts. Hendery cursed back and sat down in the chair with a huff.
"We will never see eye-to-eye," he said. "And that is okay. If it's okay for us, it should be okay for them."
"I agree." you said, crossing your legs.
Things were silent. Hendery looked at your legs where your skirt was riding up your thigh. You uncrossed your legs and pulled your skirt down. The way you looked at him in disgust made him smirk, which made you want to strangle him. In fact, you were gearing up for another argument when Lucas burst through the door with his finger pointing at both of you.
"You and you." he said. "Just sleep with each other already."
"What?" you and Hendery both said at the same time.
Lucas dropped his finger. "Just fuck. You know, make love, or, in your case, war. The sexual tension is too thick, man, I can't live here with you both like this."
With that speech, Lucas turned on his heel and left. Though, he didn't slam the door like Kun had.
Shock rippled throughout the room. You and Hendery both stared at each other from your chairs, his eyes wide, and your eyes sizing him up. Truthfully, you had wondered what it would be like to take out the aggression you felt for Hendery on his body. You had even dreamed about what it would be like once.
"Can you believe him?" Hendery said, trying to keep his voice from breaking. "Us? Fuck? When hell freezes over, I think."
But Hendery wasn't immune to the way you were looking at him. Underneath your hot gaze, he began to feel a little warm underneath the collar. He couldn't stop staring at your legs, thinking about your thighs crushing his head while you sat on his face.
Without speaking, you withdrew yourself from the chair and got down on the floor. Your knees hurt crawling your way towards him, but nothing hurts quite like your pride. You would have never imagined crawling to Hendery like that but, somehow, it felt right.
"Not a word." you said, your eyes boring into his. "If you act smug, I will bite down on your dick so hard you'll be pissing blood for weeks."
"Ouch." Hendery winced, covering himself.
You stopped before him, your hands reaching out to touch him. Hendery moved fast, unzipping his jeans and pulling them down for you. He was hesitant for you to see his cock but, when he saw that you were trying not to laugh, he bared himself for you to see.
"Don't laugh at me," he said.
"I'm not laughing." you said, smiling.
You took his cock in your hands and watched him grow. He reacted like he hadn't been touched in years, which did make you laugh. Hendery moaned and bit down on his lips to stop the further humiliation. You stroked him and tasted him. You were trying your best not to think about how much you hated him. Having that control over him made you feel powerful, made it easier for you to suck him off.
"This is...an... unexpected.." Hendery breathed, closing his fists tight as you bobbed up and down his cock. "..event...oh god."
"You cannot be serious." you said.
Hendery came so soon, his cum gushing out of his tip. You didn't swallow him, just let him spill himself onto his pants. The noise he made was inhuman, and it ground you right to your spot on the floor. You watched him, holding his cock upward so he came on his shirt, instead, and trying not to admit to yourself that you ached for him to be inside of you.
When he finished and was through cleaning himself up, you both acted like nothing had happened. Hendery looked at you from across the room, the wet rag moving up and down his stomach. You shrugged and moved the chairs back where they were, ignoring how swollen and aroused your clit was.
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Kun thought he had done something. Whenever you and Hendery were around each other, the bickering had lessened. Kun didn’t know that behind his back, Hendery was pushing his tongue into his cheek and staring at you. Mimicking a blowjob was childish, but Hendery didn’t have to know that you went home at night and masturbated to the very thought of him doing that.
Kun also didn’t know that, whenever he and the rest of the guys went out, you would sneak to Hendery’s room and fuck with him. Or rather, you would sit on Hendery’s face like a throne and have him eat you out until he couldn’t breathe.
“When will you let me fuck you?” Hendery asked, looking up at you from between your thighs.
You let your weight fall down onto his face and rubbed yourself against his lips and nose so he would stop talking. It’s not that you didn’t want him to fuck you senseless, just that having him penetrate you felt a little too real. You felt it also brought about the realization that you liked being in his company more than you thought.
After coming all over his face and having him beg you to do it again, you laid in his bed. “This isn’t a compliment,” you said. “but you’re not half bad.”
“I know.”
You narrowed your eyes. “I said it wasn’t a compliment. You don’t have to be so smug about it.”
He held up his hands. “All I’m saying is, you scream more when you’re sitting on my face than you do when you’re not, and for that, I think, is the highest compliment.”
You pulled his covers over yourself until they were covering your naked body. “I really hate you.”
“And yet you’re still in my bed.”
Before you could respond with a not-so-clever retort, Hendery went underneath the covers and started eating you out again.
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It was getting a little too comical, you and Hendery’s situationship. You were both sure that none of the guys knew what was going on, even if Lucas occasionally shot you curious looks whenever you were together. Hiding was difficult and resulted in someone getting half dressed and running from his dorm room, as if everything were perfectly normal. To make sure everything seemed up to standard, you and Hendery would stage fights now and again. In reality, those fights got you both hot and bothered enough to slip into whatever place you could and either get fingerbanged or something else that left your legs weak.
What made it truly funny was that you began to grow feelings faster than Hendery grew his erection. Underneath all of his self-congratulatory ways, Hendery was actually fun to be around. You would often stay in his bed for hours just watching videos on his phone in between pleasing and teasing his body. He lasted much longer in bed as more time passed, and the vulnerability that you seemed so scared of in the beginning also made things more exciting.
Kun slammed down a bottle of soda to break you out of your reverie. The party around you zoomed back to life the moment he spoke. You watched Hendery talk to a girl across the room. Though he stole glances back at you, the jealousy was rearing its ugly head.
“Are you okay?” Kun asked. “You seem...off.”
“I’m good.” you said. “I’m great.”
“Can’t you see, Kun?” Lucas came up behind Kun and stole the soda from him. He drank a long, sweet gulp. “She is in love with Hendery. I knew that it was only a matter of time.”
“Yeah, right.” you said, trying your best to disguise the lie. “I would rather stay single for the rest of my life than ever touch someone like him.”
When Kun and Lucas didn’t reply, you looked at both of them. Kun looked as if he were going to say something but thought better of it. Lucas smiled. For the first time, you felt like you could pity yourself.
“I’m going outside to get fresh air.” you said, excusing yourself.
You walked through the room and felt Hendery’s eyes on you. You could feel him following behind you. When you made it outside and turned around, he was right there.
“Having fun?” you asked. “I’m sure that girl was having the best time.”
“Are you jealous of her?” he asked. “Please tell me yes. It would inflate my ego so much.”
“No.” you said flatly.
“But you’re not denying it.” he said. “Interesting.”
If you had answered him, you weren’t sure he would like what you had to say. Rather than face all of that, you decided to walk away. But Hendery pulled you back. You expected some joke, some kind of puffed up version of himself, but the man you were met with was the same man you met behind closed doors.
“Don’t leave,” he said. “Talk to me.”
“Talking never works out in our favor.” you said, pulling your wrist away from him.
“It helped once.” he said, smiling at the memory of you crawling towards him. When he saw that you didn’t smile back, his face changed. “I’m not the enemy, you know that.”
You wracked your brain for something incredible to say, but all that came out was a lame little. “Yeah, I guess.”
Hendery took a step towards you and looked at your lips. Throughout all of your bedroom excursions, you had never kissed each other on the mouth. His mouth had been all over your body, but never your lips. He touched his thumb to your bottom lip, but it was you who pushed your way into the kiss.
“Wow.” Hendery said, pulling a part. He kept his eyes closed. “That definitely tastes better than-”
You pushed him back and went to kiss him again. This time, with a little tongue that made him moan in approval. You felt that kiss in your whole body, right down to your toes.
“What if I just went upstairs and told everyone they needed to leave right now.” Hendery said.
“You don’t live alone. “ you reminded him.
He groaned. “I’ll pull the building's fire alarm if I have to. “
“I didn’t even agree that I was going to sleep with you.” you said, resisting the urge to cross your arms over your chest.
“You didn’t have to.” Hendery whispered.
Hendery took your arm and pulled you upstairs. He kicked open the door to the apartment so forcefully that everyone looked in his direction. You covered your face in embarrassment. If you met eyes with Kun or Lucas, you didn’t think you would ever fully recover.
“Alright.” Hendery called out. “Party is over. It’s time to leave. Everyone, please make your way out in an orderly fashion, thank you.”
When no one moved, you hid behind Hendery because you could feel him gearing up to say something incredibly inappropriate. But, instead, it was Lucas who spoke.
“You heard the man.” Lucas said. “Party continues at the bar down the street. Drinks on me. Let’s go!”
The crowd cheered and followed Lucas. Before he left through the front door, Lucas winked at you. Everyone filed out in a conga line, yelling raucously and completely ignoring you and Hendery standing there.
Kun stopped before he walked out. “I’m glad you both are working out your differences.”
“We’re working out something.” Hendery said, grabbing Kun’s shoulder and pushing him through the door. He shut it behind him and faced you, all of the humor gone from his face, replaced with a pallor that made him look ill.
“I hate you.” you said, but there was no hate in your voice whatsoever.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Hendery said.
You kissed him and brought color back to his cheeks. Rather than stripping him of his clothes and immediately going for his cock, you took things slow. It felt nice to be in his arms. Different, but very nice. You held each other and made out, things getting hotter and heavier as time passed.
“I’m done playing.” Hendery said.
He took you into his bedroom where he sat you down on his bed. Before you, he started dancing and taking off his clothes in a way that made you laugh so hard your stomach hurt.
“Done playing, huh?” you asked.
He took his t-shirt and brought it around your neck. You could feel the heat from his stomach being so close to you. You kissed his skin and looked up at him. You didn’t know when exactly it had happened, when Hendery had become a lover rather than an enemy. You certainly didn’t know when he had become your best friend.
“Yeah.” he said, pushing you back down onto the bed. “I think so.”
Just like that, the energy in the room changed. His kisses were deeper and more sensual. He had stopped the strip tease and had straddled you, his hands roaming up and down your body. It was difficult for you to focus on one thing. Your sexual encounters were usually full of him narrating exactly what he was going to do, but the Hendery on top of you kept you on your toes. He pulled down the top of your dress to expose your cleavage and let his tongue roam free. You let his hands move underneath your dress, pulling it up to reveal your underwear.
“Why does this feel so different?” he asked, looking down at you with his dark eyes.
For a moment, you thought he was talking about your body. You were quiet, not knowing how to answer, though you knew what he meant. When he removed your dress and slowly unhooked your bra and brought your panties down past your ankles, he realized with a shock what you had known all along.
“Oh, I like you a lot.” he said. “I’m an idiot.”
“You won’t find me disagreeing.” you said, sucking in when you felt his lips on your stomach.
“I didn’t ask you though, did I?” he asked, transporting you both back to the very first time you were intimate with each other.
“Maybe you should.” you said. “Maybe you should ask me what I want.”
Hendery stripped himself naked like his life depended on it. He was erect, his eyes full of emotion. “What do you want then?”
“I want you.” you said. “As miserable as you are. As wild as you are. As much as you annoy me, Hendery, I want you.”
Hendery pushed your legs until your knees were in the air. You breathed in deeply and looked up at him. He touched your pussy, his eyes still on you as his fingers brushed against you. “You have me.” he said, before plunging deep inside of you.
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