#also angela bassett you are so fine
turtsie · 5 months
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"I sure could use sinking into the arms of my man."
Athena and Bobby. 💓 I love them.
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callmebrycelee · 6 months
This reaction is for the season 7, first episode “Ships Ahoy” which originally aired March 14, 2024. This episode was written by series creator Tim Minear and directed by John J. Gray who is also an executive producer on American Horror Story and the 9-1-1 spinoff, 9-1-1: Lone Star. So, without further ado, here’s my reaction to the episode. 
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We begin the episode with a therapy session. Our resident therapist, Frank (played by Eddie McGee, the first winner of Big Brother USA) is counseling Athena Grant. We are told this scene takes place two months prior to Athena and Bobby leaving for their soon-to-be ill-fated cruise. 
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Athena, having seen the Poseidon Adventure in her youth, is rightfully nervous about being on a boat in the middle of the ocean for several days. What I found funny about this scene is how Athena goes off on this tangent about Shelley Winters being nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for her performance in The Poseidon Adventure. When Eddie asks if she won, Athena gives a deadpan look at the camera and says 'no'. This is obviously an allusion to real-life actress Angela Bassett losing out to Jamie Lee Curtis at the 95th Academy Awards ceremony in 2023.  
Frank asks if there's any other reason for her anxiety but in true Athena fashion she deflects. He recommends she pack some extra Dramamine. We then get a scene with Athena and Bobby trapped in a room rapidly filling with water. The two of them exchange I love yous and then we get our title card.
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In our next scene, we see Maddie in the middle of a call involving a pilot (played by soap opera actor Mark Lawson) with the Air National Guard. He tells Maddie that he was on a training exercise until he lost communication and engine control with his F-16. He ejected himself from the aircraft and is now hanging on the side of a smokestack. The real emergency is that his plane is about to crash. Maddie's supervisor Sue Blevins (played by Debra Christofferson) and fellow operator Josh Russo (played by Bryan Safi) join Maddie at her desk. Sue asks if there's a way for them to track the aircraft's whereabouts and Josh explains that once a pilot ejects themselves, the plane thinks it's in enemy territory and stops transmitting. 
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We move from the dispatch center over to a small home where we see an older couple Edna and Abe (played by Rusty Schwimmer and James Eckhouse, respectively) at their home. I immediately recognized Abe's actor as the dad from the original Beverly Hills 90210. Edna passive-aggressively vacuums while Abe is watching television which leads to an argument. Their bickering, however, is cut short the moment our pilot's F-16 crashes through the couple's living room. 
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The 118 arrive at the scene with Hen acting as captain in Bobby's absence. Edna appears to be fine, but Abe is pinned to his recliner by the plane. Hen suggests cutting him out of the chair, but Abe is against the idea. He says he likes the chair more than he likes his wife. Rude! Eddie notices a dummy bomb attached to the plane so Hen gets on the phone with the pilot who tells her it could explode. Maddie tells Hen the Air National Guard will arrive within an hour, but Hen says they cannot wait because Abe has a possible spinal injury. The pilot offers to talk Hen and Eddie through defusing the bomb but due to possible head trauma he is unable to give them adequate instruction. Hen tells Eddie to cut the red wire but before he has a chance, Chimney pulls the lever on the side of the recliner which causes the seat to move back. This gives them plenty of room to remove Abe from the wreckage. Abe is loaded into the ambulance, and he hears Edna calling after him. He tells Chimney to tell her he died.
Back at the house, Chimney talks to Hen about Abe and Edna and wonders how they got to the place where they are now. He asks Hen if she thinks him and Maddie will ever get to that point and Hen assures him that he and Maddie are nothing like Abe and Edna. She then tells him that getting to where Abe and Edna are now only happens if you let it. 
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And now to my favorite scene of the episode. We see a shirtless Eddie changing into his civilian clothes very reminiscent of when we first saw him back in season two. Let me just say, I've always been more into Oliver Stark than Ryan Guzman, but I must say, the latter is looking really, really good. Anywho, Buck asks his bestie if he wants to drive go-karts in the desert, but Eddie tells him that he has other plans. Christopher, our sweet baby boy, is a teenager now and has a date and Eddie and his girlfriend Marisol (played by Edy Ganem) are going to supervise. We then learn that Buck is single again which is such a bummer because I really liked Natalia (played by Annelise Cepero) from last season. Buck mentions that it was depressing dating someone whose entire career is centered around death and since he's recovered from his own near-death experience, he wants to be surrounded by life, not death. I think this is a valid reason for why Buck and Natalia are no longer together, but I am disappointed we won't get to see Buck date a beautiful woman of color who had body-ody-ody. Oh well! I hope they find someone nice for our dear Evan Buckley, but it is nice to see him in a good place.
Later on, Chimney talks with Maddie about Abe and Edna. He tells her that the couple allowed themselves to become alienated from each other and he doesn't want that to happen to the two of them. He proposes that they start dating again. Maddie thinks he means other people, but Chimney tells her that he wants them to start dating again. Maddie flashes her ring and tells her that they're past the dating age. This right here is why I think a lot of modern-day couples don't work out. Dating is not just something you do until you settle down with a person. The best marriages I've seen involve both people dating each other even while married. A friend of mine just lost her husband of 50-plus years and up until his death, they still went out together and on vacation together. I do like Chimney's proposal to not just have a honeymoon phase but a honeymoon life but, like most things with him, I think he goes a bit too far. 
We next see Bobby and Athena dancing with each other during their first night at sea. I must say, Angela Bassett and Peter Krause look amazing, and I feel like it's my job remind everyone that Angela Bassett is 65 years old and looking like she's fresh in her 40s. Peter has some gray at his temples, but he is only getting better looking with time. When the song ends, they take a seat and Bobby goes over all the things he wants to do while they are on their cruise. Athena tells Bobby he can choose what they want to do but Bobby wants her input. 
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They are interrupted by everyone's favorite couple - Norman and Lola Peterson (played by Daniel Roebuck and Romy Rosemont). The last time we saw Norman and Lola was back in season two. Just in case viewers forgot, Bobby and Athena remind us that Lola climbed onto a billboard over the freeway in just her bathrobe to get Norman's attention. Apparently it worked because the two of them are still together. Athena is shocked to hear that Lola only spent 60 days in jail and I can't say that I blame her. I mean, this is the same woman who waved a loaded gun at the first responders on the scene and even fired off a round. That coupled with indecent exposure and disturbing the peace should've garnered her a longer sentence, but I digress. 
The couple credits Athena and Bobby with saving their marriage and tell them that they've been honeymooning for 106 weeks on different cruise ships. Norman and Lola invite Bobby and Athena to go bicycling with them in Mazatlán, but they decline. Back in their room, Athena tells Bobby she found the Petersons to be extremely exhausting. She is also annoyed that she has to put up with them for the next two weeks. Bobby tells her they can spend all their time in the room, but Athena looks hesitant. We flashback to her therapy session with Frank, and we see Athena voice her concerns about her marriage. So much of her relationship with Bobby involves earthquakes and tsunamis and blackouts and escaped rapists and solving murders. When it's just the two of them, alone and without all of the madness, she worries if there's anything left. I love this as a storyline for Bobby and Athena. They are an older couple and with May in college they are also empty nesters. It's very common for couples who are shifting into a new phase of life to reevaluate their relationship.
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Back on the ship, the Petersons stop by their room and ask if they want to join them on a moonlight stroll on the top desk. Bobby starts to decline but Athena accepts their invitation. Bobby is confused by this, but Athena tells him that even though she doesn't like or trust Lola and Norman, there's no need for her to be rude about it. Athena is clearly avoiding being alone with Bobby and he's starting to sense this. I honestly feel bad for both of them.
The following day, Chimney relays his plan to Hen at the firehouse while Maddie talks to Josh at the dispatch center. Chimney has created a spreadsheet with all of their scheduled dates. Josh isn't exactly sold on the idea of Chimney and Maddie micromanaging their love life and Hen tells Chimney that she doesn't think this plan of his is going to last that long. Like I said, I think Chimney wanting to date Maddie is a good idea but any time you introduce a spreadsheet into your relationship, nothing good can come of it.
We then get a scene where Eddie tells Buck about Christopher's date. We learn that our sweet little boy is also a two-timing player-player. Eddie says that he went through Christopher's phone and saw that he's having conversations with multiple girls. Buck is shocked by this news. Eddie says he doesn't know where Christopher would've gotten this behavior since he himself married the first person he ever dated. He suggests that Buck talk with Christopher since he has a history of being a fuck boy. 
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Back on the ship, Bobby is trying to get Athena to go on a hike with him, but she tells him he has a migraine. When the Petersons arrive, Athena suggests that Bobby go with them while she stays on the ship. Bobby declines and instead goes to an AA meeting aboard the ship. Regarding this scene, I thought it was a nice touch to show Athena looking at the two young teenagers who are being romantic with each other. The girl is Black and the guy is white – much like Athena and Bobby. 
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In our next scene, we meet Nick (played by Chris Gartin) and Sofia (played by Kathryn Boswell). The two start off drinking champagne in the jacuzzi and right before the sexytimes begin, they both throw their champagne flutes. All I kept thinking about during this scene was the broken glass next to the jacuzzi. Right as things are really heating up (pun intended), Nick experiences a cardiac emergency. The 118 arrive at the scene and find Nick unconscious and stuck inside of Sofia. I could not stop laughing when Hen starts giving the medical explanation as to why Sofia (ahem) couldn't remove herself from her boyfriend. The scene only gets funnier when Eddie suggests that Sofia visualize herself as Jell-o. He coaches her through the process, and she is able to (ahem) loosen up enough so she could untether herself from Nick's nether region. Afterwards, Sofia blames herself for the entire situation. She tells Chimney that she pushed too hard to spice things up because she was worried they were becoming too complacent in their relationship. This is yet another sign for Chimney. One last thing about this scene, I love how Buck teases Eddie by saying: "I don't think I've ever seen a man turn a woman off with such skill." Eddie responds by saying: "It's a gift." I love their friendship so much and how they can tease each other like this without either of them getting offended. 
Later on, presumably that evening, Buck broaches the topic of not being a fuck boy with Christopher. He tells Christopher that he doesn't want him to get a reputation for being a 'not so good guy'. Christopher asks if it matters or not if he's a nice guy and when Buck asks him what he means, he says that they'll only end up leaving anyway. Buck asks him why he would say something like that, and Christopher tells him that his mom left him. Buck is confused by this and tells Christopher that his mother didn't leave - she died. Christopher counters by saying his mother left him prior to her passing away. "We loved her, and she left anyway." My heart broke hearing this and so did Eddie's as he stood outside of Christopher's room listening in on the conversation. I love that the show has made Christopher a main character this season because there's so much to explore with him now that he's getting older. I thought this scene with Christopher and Buck was so good and a reminder that Buck is very much a member of this family unit. 
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Bobby wakes up the next morning and finds Athena gone from their cabin. He finds her having breakfast on the deck and asks her about her migraine. Athena, of course, has forgotten about the lie she told the day before but quickly says she is better. Bobby He accuses her of sneaking out of their room and tells her that since they got on the boat, they've been like two ships passing in the night. He asks her what's going on and why she's avoiding being alone with him. Instead of answering Bobby, Athena notices Norman and waves him over. She asks him about Mazatlán, and he says that everything went well. Athena asks him about Lola and Norman says that she is resting because she got too much sun. He adds that they might not see her any time soon. Athena then notices some scratches on the side of Norman’s neck. He tells her he got the scratches when he fell off his bike. Athena, of course, finds this very suspicious and tells Bobby as much after Norman leaves. Bobby isn't really interested in her suspicions and accuses her of using the Petersons as a buffer. He tells Athena that if she didn't want to come on the cruise, she should have told him so. Athena assures him she wants to be there with him and apologizes. Bobby apologizes for pushing her to do things and suggests they go sit by the pool. Athena is on board with this idea and excuses herself to go get changed into her bathing suit.
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Athena heads to her room but takes a detail at the Petersons' room. She sees a maid exiting the room and asks her about Lola. The maid tells her that the room is empty, and the bed hadn't been slept in. Athena notices a bloody towel and the maid tells her that bloody towels are apparently normal. Meanwhile, Bobby gets tired of waiting and heads back to his room. He finds Athena Facetiming with Hen telling her about the Petersons and her belief that Norman killed his wife. Bobby texts Chimney and tells him not to encourage Athena's suspicions. Chimney shows the text to Hen and Hen pretends that she has lost reception and ends the call. Bobby accuses Athena again of avoiding him, but Athena insists she's not and is only concerned about the dearly departed Lola Peterson. Bobby is frustrated and drags Athena out of their room to prove to her that she is wrong about Norman killing his wife.
Bobby and Athena go to the cruise director, Julian (played by Rick Cosnett), and tell him they are concerned that Lola Peterson did not get back on the ship after visiting Mazatlán. Julian checks his computer and sees that Lola scanned back in along with her husband the day before. He then tells them that she is currently in the dining hall. Thinking that everything is okay, Bobby asks Athena if she would like to address the actual death on the ship - their marriage. Yikes! Bobby then sees Norman standing at the buffet with a woman who is definitely not Lola Peterson.
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Later that evening, Eddie goes to talk to Christopher. When he enters Christopher's room, he notices the picture of Shannon lying face down on his desk. Eddie tells Christopher that he found something of his while he was going through some of his things. He gives Christopher a letter from Shannon, but Christopher doesn't read it. Eddie leaves the room and Christopher opens the letter. As he reads Shannon's letter, the ghost of Shannon (played by Devin Kelley) is standing beside him. I loved this scene. The fandom was absolutely wretched towards Shannon back in season two and I believe it's because of the fandom's treatment of the character that she was killed off. A lot of hatred towards Shannon is based on her abandoning Eddie and Christopher when the latter was young. I understand why people would have a problem with a mother leaving her kid but let's not forget that Eddie signed up for an additional tour of duty fully knowing his wife was struggling back at home. In my opinion, both Eddie and Shannon have failed Christopher, but I don't think that makes them bad parents. Apologies for my rant but I hate how the fans of this show treat the women that Buck and Eddie date simply because they are angry that Buck and Eddie are not a couple. Anywho, when Eddie comes back to Christopher's room he sees the picture of Shannon has been sat back up. What a beautiful scene.
Meanwhile, Chimney tells Maddie that to forget about the spreadsheet and instead of focusing on dating, they should focus on their upcoming wedding. Maddie asks him what led to him changing his mind and he tells her that he's decided they're already doing things right and he's no longer worried about them turning into Edna and Abe. He then takes her outside and shows her his latest purchase - a jacuzzi. 
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Our final scene of the episode takes us back to the ship where Athena and Bobby have enlisted the help of the ship's captain - Captain Ochoa (played by Mercedes Colon). Captain Ochoa tells them that she is turning the ship around to head back to Los Angeles due to an approaching storm. Athena says she will have detectives waiting to make the arrest. Bobby tells her not to jump the gun and says she needs to talk to Norman first. Speaking of Norman, he arrives, and Athena starts grilling him about Lola's whereabouts. Norman says that Lola's resting, but Bobby tells him they know he's lying. Athena accuses him of sneaking his side piece onto the ship. Norman says he loves his wife and finally comes clean about what happened. He says that while he and Lola were in Mazatlán, the two of them were accosted by a gang demanding that he hand over a dongle. Athena asks him what a dongle is and Bobby explains that it is used to store bitcoins. Norman insists he doesn't have a dongle and says when he told the men that, they took Lola. Captain Ochoa tells Bobby and Athena that there's been rumors about a retired couple using the cruise line industry as a front for international smuggling. Athena tells Norman that he and Lola fit the profile. Norman tells her that he's a retired dry cleaner. He also tells Athena and Bobby that he was told that if he didn't turn over the dongle at the next port, Lola will be killed.
The episode ends with the same woman we saw Norman earlier, entering an equipment room and using an axe to destroy all the communication devices. We then see several armed men and women in tactical gear ride up to the ship on jet skis and climb aboard. They demand that all the passengers get down on the ground. The last thing we hear is gunshots.   
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Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you do a season opener! I am thoroughly pleased with this episode and if I were to rank all the first episodes of each season, this one would definitely make it into the top three. Maybe even the top two. One thing this show excels at is it’s disaster episodes. We usually get one, sometimes two, a season and they rarely, if ever, disappoint. In regard to the shift from FOX to ABC, I could definitely tell a difference this episode. Maybe it’s just me but this episode felt wittier and snappier. Each of the main characters were on point and I loved supporting characters like Josh, Frank and Shannon featured as well. The return of Norman and Lola Peterson was both a surprise and a delight. As a fan of diehard fan of Glee, I love how actors from that show and other Ryan Murphy projects will sometimes pop up on 9-1-1.
This episode leaves me super excited about what’s to come. I’ve been told that this season opener is three parts so next week I’m sure we’ll learn more about what’s really going on aboard Athena and Bobby’s cruise ship. If I were to speculate, I think we’re going to see the two of them teaming up like they have done many times before, only I think Athena will walk away with a better appreciation of her husband. Athena and Bobby are my favorite couple on the show, and I think they are perfect for each other. It is good to see some conflict in their relationship but I’m hoping that conflict will be resolved soon. I can’t imagine these two not being together. 
As for Maddie and Chimney, I’m excited to see these two plan their upcoming wedding. Hopefully their wedding won’t be mired in tragedy like TK and Carlos’ over on Lone Star. I do think that we’ll see some conflict between these two. This will be Maddie’s second marriage and considering how her first marriage ended, I think we’re going to see her struggle with walking down that aisle again. It also makes me curious if we will see Jason again, maybe in a flashback or in a nightmare sequence. Something else to consider is how Chimney will handle things as well. Chimney’s parents split up when he was young, and his father abandoned he and his mom to go back to Korea. Perhaps Chimney has some unresolved trauma regarding this that we’ll see explored in further episodes this season.
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Lastly, we have Eddie and Buck. Seven seasons later, there’s still a portion of the 9-1-1 fandom who are demanding these two get together romantically. I don’t see Eddie and Buck as romantic. I don’t think the show has indicated there’s any romantic feelings between the two of them. What I do see is two straight male characters who are close friends who support and care about each other. It frustrates me that there are others who go out of their way to harass the actors and the writers about making their ‘ship’ happen on this show. I actually think the title of this episode is a clever allusion to the whole Buddie fandom and how bat shit insane they’ve been since Eddie was first introduced on the show. I believe the title ‘Abandon Ships’ is the creators’ way of saying: No, we will not be going down that road. What we will show you is a wholesome, non-toxic relationship between two men. Anything beyond that will remain in the plethora of fanfics found on the innerwebs. And yes, I love reading Buddie fanfics but as a viewer, as a queer viewer, I do not need or want Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz getting romantically involved. It’s okay to have ships or to want to see your two favorite characters get together but please, let’s stop asking Oliver Stark and Ryan Guzman questions about it and getting upset when they don’t say what you want them to say. It’s weird! Stop it!
The last thing I will say about this episode is that it’s so good to have 9-1-1 back. I have truly missed this show and I’m happy to have something to look forward to watching each week. I hope next episode we get to focus on Buck and Hen since we didn’t get to see much with their lives this episode. I look forward to seeing what happens with Athena and Bobby and the other passengers on the cruise ship. Until next time …
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It's hard to pick just one favorite Black character but the one I spend the most time thinking about (like everyday) is Ramona Royale from American Horror Story: Hotel.
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She's a former Blaxploitation actress who meets the Countess, a vampire woman (played by Lady Gaga) at her hotel in the late 70s and falls in love with her and lets her turn her. They have a 15-year-long relationship but things fall apart and Ramona begins to date a rapper named Prophet Moses instead, who then gets killed by the Countess and so she spends the rest of the season plotting her revenge. In between their breakup and her return to the hotel, she also cares for her parents until they eventually die and she finds herself having to adjust to a world vastly different from the one she lived in before she met the Countess.
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She's my favorite for many reasons, not least of all because she's played by my favorite actress Angela Bassett, but also because she is canonically bisexual and a vampire I mean how much better could it get? Even though I think the script did not give her enough to work with and she's kind of a side character, I think there's a lot of depth and complexity to her and Angela's acting alone conveys this so beautifully. Her inner conflict of wanting to hurt the Countess for how she hurt her but at the same time still being enamored by her because they once considered each other the loves of their lives. How she contradicts herself in an attempt to appear confident and ruthless even though she cares so much about the people she loves, like her dad and Liz, her friend, who's also a trans woman (tho unfortunately played by a man. No news that AHS has its issues 💀).
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I just love exploring the different layers of her and possible like roots of her feelings if that makes sense. E.g. the show didn't tell us why her relationship with the Countess started crumbling but there are lines that imply that loss of other loved ones and grief had a lot to do with it. I love how she has me digging into 70s culture and Blaxploitation movies. I love her humor, I love her friendships with the other characters who live in the hotel, I love her strength in fighting for her survival, I love picturing her dancing in the disco with the Countess when they were still happily in love.
I'm getting emotional thinking about how much she means to me. She is bold and fierce and vulnerable and loving and gorgeous and funny and not afraid to go after what she wants. In her own words, she's a lady and badass. She's even a little shy at the beginning of her relationship with the Countess, and Angela has said that this was her first relationship with a woman and it was beautiful.
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I've never been in the AHS fandom but from what I've seen she is very underappreciated, especially as a canon queer character, and imo she just always deserves more love.
Marie Laveau and Desiree Dupree from the other seasons are just as iconic to me but Ramona will always have a special place in my heart 💜
(Sorry this got so long, I'm terrible at keeping things brief 😭)
You just reminded me that I don't think I ever finished this season! I don't even remember Angela and that's a sin! God and she's so fine. Like whew Ms. Bassett 😍😤🤌🏾🔥😫 I definitely need to go back then, this sounds really... Wow like I missed a lot. I'm kind of sad I missed this storyline 😭 I'm glad it meant so much to you. I personally am a huge fan of Marie Laveau, myself, mainly bc I loved watching Angela working with Jessica Lange; they ate up that dynamic that season. Any fandom that doesn't appreciate Angela Bassett doesn't deserve her, even though I am not in that fandom and I don't think I'd want to be!
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cassiopeiasara · 5 months
❤️🧡🤍🩷💜A WLW ASK MEME❤️🧡🤍🩷💜 List the top 10 ladies you’ve been obsessed with Ever Of All Time! Then send this on to 5 sapphic mutuals 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
1. Jane Seymour. I watched Dr. Quinn as a young child and I’ve truly never been the same since.
2. Queen Latifah. There’s a tweet or post somewhere about thanking whoever decided to cast her in a string of romcoms in the early 2000s bc it changed their life and I could have ghost written that. Not to mention her character in Set it Off is my root.
3. Angela Bassett. I mean how could I not be?
4. Taraji P. Henson. She’s just top tier honestly.
5. Julie Andrews. Does she even need explanation?
6. Lily Tomlin. She’s funny and smart and just always a good time.
7. Jurnee Smollett. Probably the only person on here my same age but I felt such a kinship with her in Eve’s Bayou that I watched way too young and I just continue to enjoy a lot of her projects.
8. Tracie Thoms. From Rent to Cold Case and 9-1-1. She just never lets me down. Also have you heard those pipes? Like damn.
9. Amirah Vann. She’s just so good at attacking characters with a tenacity I admire. Also she’s so fine.
10. Tracy Chapman. I mean I’m a lesbian. Also she’s aged like a fine wine!
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: black panther: wakanda forever
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good lord i’m already sobbing this whole funeral scene is touching my heart
where’s nakia?
the dora are so badass
shuri trying to act like she’s okay when she’s clearly still grieving :(
what the…
“if your muscle brains were present they would still be there choking on their fuzzy adornments” “you bald headed demon” TEARS STREAMING DOWN MY FACE M’BAKU IS SO FUNNY ?!(&48*%#
“m’baku, what would you have us do?” “we should find the fish man and kill him” THE SILENCE AFTER HE SAID THAT FUCK
“so, when are we leaving so i can see my favorite colonizer?” i love shuri so much 😭😭
“you didn’t think to call?” “now why would i have your number?” pls okoye’s so funny
this isn’t at all important to the plot but shuri looks so fucking fine in that purple outfit and those shades leaning up against the car
okoye freaking out about the way she looks 😭😭
not it only taking me a fucking split second to start shipping shuri and riri fkgjvjdn their chemistry goes crazy
“aw shit, am i being recruited?” “no.” riri’s face pls she looked so embarrassed
“you got this!!!” “mm, with your heater” 😭😭
shuri, riri and okoye is a dangerous team up i’m obsessed with how badass they all are
i never wanna hear okoye scream shuri’s name like that ever again my God
oh she isn’t dead okay i almost started sobbing
i thought okoye screaming shuri’s name the first time was bad but this time was so. much. worse.
that scene broke my heart
“it’s been six years since you left us” does that mean her and t’challa didn’t stay together after the first movie? cause i assumed they had gotten married. also her not going to the funeral explains why shuri kept ignoring her phone calls
“princess leia, belle from beauty and the beast, that white shit” 😭😭
whew that backstory was intense
“or you can wear a suit :D” lmao??
aside from the fact that namor literally kidnapped shuri, he’s a grown ass man who looks old enough to be her dad why would anyone ship them…
“he suffered in silence” God, i am not your strongest soldier
i’m sorry but namor is insane like he really thinks killing everyone’s gonna solve his problem? be calm.
“you said you wanted to burn the world, let us burn it together” uh i think the fuck not you trick ass bitch
“riri williams is a child prodigy who was running circles around all of her professors” tony stark’s daughter🫂
i don’t know who namor thinks he’s talking to like that??? if he don’t back tf up from ramonda
“the spy saves wakanda once again. the queen will reward her with lifetime banishment, i’m sure” m’baku is such an asshole skdjgjvjcns
“he was king and black panther to everyone. but to me…he was everything. my t’challa.”
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“you just hung up the queen.” “i just hung up on my mom. there’s a difference.” 😭
m’baku lifting up that person and throwing them around like a rag doll shouldn’t have been so hot
if m’baku dies…🔪
wakanda’s the most powerful country in the world and they’re being taken down by fucking fish?
they’ve taken everything from shuri man what the hell
how can you kill off angela bassett…
“so now you have to hear from a child who scoffs at tradition” love this callback, hate the circumstance.
“i just buried the last person who truly knew me. my heart was buried with her” MOTHERFUCKER
seems like the writers decided that for the final part of this movie they’d just make everybody cry
shuri’s gonna put on that suit and it’s gonna break me for real
“so who taught you how to do all that you know?” “my big brother” GOD
is that motherfucking killmonger?!
not them making me laugh while simultaneously making me cry my eyes out
“can i get some of that, too?” 😭😭
shuri in the suit 🥹 t’challa would be so proud ☹️
“it is not what she would have wanted for you. it is not what i want” what if i cry????
“her dreams. her hopes for me…it doesn’t exist. it doesn’t matter.” my eyes are gonna be swollen by the end of this movie good lord
the way m’baku was looking at shuri after her outburst ☹️
“it will consume you.” “it already has.” this is not what i wanted for shuri i’m devastated.
“for the queen”
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“that’s can’t be good.” you think?
they lost so many people ☹️
shuri fixing riri’s car oh they’re girlfriends
i’ve had enough of namor
“colonizer in chains…now i have seen everything” LMFAOOO I LOVE OKOYE SO MUCH
my God this moment of silence for t’challa/chadwick with these scenes of him…i’m a wreck. he’s so so missed.
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no cause in bp 1 king t’chaka said “a man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father.” and nakia just said “your father, your baba, prepared us for his death, didn’t he?” i am a mess. t’challa was such a good man.
he’s so precious 🥹
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“my name is prince t’challa, son of king t’challa”
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this movie was such a beautiful tribute to chadwick and i absolutely love it 🫶🏻
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lavoixhumaine · 1 year
fanfic : hearts in atrophy
a bobby x athena story by lavoixhumaine
Changes are coming to the Carter-Nash household as Bobby and Athena give themselves one last chance to have a baby but fate and a figure from Bobby’s past have other plans. AU
it’s sad and people have said it’s stressful as hell to read, but readers might just get a Baby Carter-Nash Mini Carter-Nash Minithena out of this.
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this isn’t deja vu—i am posting a link to my story again.
original tumblr (phisherqueen) got shadowbanned and i’m not sure i’m getting it back, but it’s fine because i’m here again. like a cockroach, they can’t get rid of me that easily.
this also means i’m posting a shit ton of angela bassett photos again. and reblogging everything all over again.
UPDATE July 19:
I got my og tumblr back and now i don’t fuck know what to do because now i have two tumblrs so fuck me i guess
( but huuuuge thank you to the amazing tumblr staff and people who fixed it and also keeps everything running 🌸 )
gif created by: https://911verse.tumblr.com/
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scattered-winter · 1 year
wait hang on who are the hot gay boys in that gif set you reblogged
HGLHSIERGLSJDGALKSHGLK i was gonna put the [do you have any idea how little that narrows it down] meme but im pretty sure u mean this one <3 and in any case i will always be down to ramble about the Sillies(tm)
ok so those guys in particular are from the fox procedural called 9-1-1 Lone Star, which is a spinoff of the original 9-1-1 (which just got moved to abc after some Drama that went down so my tag for it is 911 (not fox) lmaoo). but both shows are about first responders (firefighters, paramedics, dispatchers, police) with a particular focus on firefighters. 9-1-1 (the og) is set in LA, and primarily focuses on the 118 firehouse and the firefighters/paramedics there with some other characters in the main cast who work as dispatchers/police officers (the police storylines are more often than not FULL of copaganda which sucks but the main focus is on the firefighters so i'm able to enjoy the rest of the show). 9-1-1 Lone Star is pretty much the same except it's set in austin texas, and is about the 126 firehouse. there are onscreen queer characters in both (in the og there's a married lesbian couple raising a kid, and in lone star there's the aforementioned hot gay boys [one of whom is unfortunately a cop but i swear to GOD i will get him out of there. one day.] and in lone star there's also a trans man and wlw woman in the main cast.) and my favorite thing about these shows is the found family !!! like these are the shows that have endeared firefighter aus to me because they live together and eat meals together and just. the familial/platonic love is So Powerful and it legiterally makes me cry to watch. like there's romance ofc but genuinely it's one of my favorite found family medias to ever exist. its So.
of the two the og is my favorite for a LOT of reasons, but they're both pretty enjoyable !! lone star definitely has more of a comedic tone than og (theyre BOTH funny but lone star doesn't have as many somber intense moments as og does, and they're much more spread out so there's a lot more room for goofy shenanigans. but og still definitely has plenty of those) and the team dynamics in them both are just...ughhh <3333
HOWEVER. lone star has ..... Him...(derogatory)...he's the fire captain and (despite lone star SUPPOSEDLY being an ensemble show with no Main Character) is in fact. the Main Character. and he's the blandest most obnoxious crustiest white man to ever LIVE. he gets most of the storylines and he's constantly propped up by the writing as The Coolest Guy Ever when he's just . not . i hate him so much it's unreal it's soo so unreal (<- biting the bars of my cage) BUT the rest of the team ??? absolutely love them. like i DO love lone star a lot its a great show with great characters and dynamics but it just has. the most annoying guy to ever live front and center when ITS SUPPOSED TO BE AN ENSEMBLE SHOW FEATURING EVERYONE EQUALLY. grr. anyway. og does a much better job of being an ensemble show, and i could not choose a favorite character of the main cast if you held me at gunpoint. angela bassett is there. i am gay. jennifer love hewitt is there. i am very gay. etcetera.
so one of them is tk strand (firefighter/paramedic, also the son of the Main Character (derogatory). i have many many many thoughts about that. i would probably get gunned down in this fandom if i ever said them aloud.) and the other one is carlos reyes (a private detective TO MEEEEEEEEEEEE but unfortunately fox is full of cowards who refuse to see the truth. they wanna have a gay cop in their show sooo bad </3) and they're kind of the main romance of the show (there Are others ofc but theyre like. The Focus. which is fine ig but i do wish there was more focus on other relationships because in general lone star isnt as good as the ensemble thing as og. but i already complained about that so i digress.)
now they're a fun pair because one of them has been shot, frozen almost to death, and otherwise put into a coma on MULTIPLE occasions. and it's not the guy whose entire job is to get shot at. (the whump in both of these shows.....................absolutely effervescent. im thriving here.) and they have a very fascinating relationship because their personalities fit together really well but they have different ways of coping with shit that kind of tear each other apart a little bit. which is of course terrible for them but incredible for me. and the writing is at times ridiculous. soap opera-esque, even. they're ridiculous. i adore them. they cannot catch a god damn break and i love that for them even more. <3
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destinyc1020 · 1 month
Are there any Black male actors you like? I don't think I've ever seen you post about one.
Hmm... really? 🤔
I thought it was pretty common knowledge in here that I have a thing for Michael B. Jordan 😅🤣
I also have a soft spot for John Boyega. 🥰❤️
If you're just talking about Black actors in general, then yes, I love a plethora of Black actors!
Viola Davis
Regina King
Aja Naomi King
Idris Elba
Michael B. Jordan (of course lol 🤭)
John Boyega
Angela Bassett
Lupita Nyong'o
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Keke Palmer
Halle Bailey
Djimon Honsou
Zoe Saldana
Halle Berry
Kiki Layne
Jamie Foxx
Chadwick Boseman 😭
I liked and had promise for Jonathan Majors before his assault allegations 😬
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bigassbowlingballhead · 6 months
ok fine. youve done it. i’ll watch the weewoo show even though i fuckin hate cops (though i always seem drawn to fictional men who have something inherently wrong with their moral compass anyway, so whatever, i guess).
what should i know/consider so that i have the best experience? characters to watch? slow burns to suffer through? foreshadowing to note?
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Hahahahahhaha it’s spreading
First of all, the 118 are firefighters and paramedics. The show only focuses majorly on one cop, Athena Grant. The incomparable Angela Bassett. While it is a little copaganda heavy in a couple storylines the characters are strong enough to look past it (I also hate cop shows)
You’ll pick out your favorite pretty quick, the first few episodes do a really good job of telling you who they are all. I gravitated to buck almost instantly, but I’m a sucker for an idiot who makes poor choices.
I think the second season really opens the show a lot more, one character leaves and they introduce two new ones and it changes the feel of the show (for the better)
The biggest word of advice, just enjoy the ride. It’s a silly little emergency procedural that’ll really punch you in the gut often.
I’m just going to say watch out for the wave in season three.
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pynkhues · 2 years
Okay, as requested by @riosnosestud, my faves off the Golden Globes Red Carpet:
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Monica Barbaro looking chic and timeless and like she's having fun invites you in.
The red carpet was a total mess, which is what the Golden Globes deserves, but there were a few winners and a few almosts among the fray. One thing's for sure, floral accents, dipped hems, satin and sparkles were back in a big way.
My faves though were:
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Jessica Chastain. Gorgeous from head to toe! Spider web dresses are hard to pull off, but this one really works. The unusual neckline elevates it too beyond the excpected, and I adore the matching mask!
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Sheryl Lee Ralph I'm not usually into super high necklines as I think they can really shorten a torso in a way that can make your silhouette top heavy if you're anything over a B-cup, but this colour and detailing is next level. She looks really, really beautiful.
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Angela Bassett The dress itself is just fine to me - like it's beautiful and fits her well, but it's a little boring, y'know? Overall though its elevated by flawless hair and make-up, and her choice of accessories. She looks full old Hollywood glamour, as she should!
Okay, they're pretty much it for my best dresseds, but there were a few almosts in there too, so I'll share them as well:
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Ayo Edebiri This is soooo close for me, but I hate the trend of dipped hems - I just think they look like you've been walking in puddles. Viola Davis' dress had the same look and just - - yeah, not for me. Th drape of the skirt isn't quite right either, and I think her hair's been done badly. It's limp and lacks volume, which is a real bummer, because the overall look is lovely. I especially love the colour combo of light blues and tan, so the opera gloves are really working for me.
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Stephanie Hsu Adoooore the skirt on this one, and I like the idea of the top, but I don't think it quite works? Also I would've preferred the look with an up-do as opposed to a ponytail.
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Lauren Miller and Seth Rogan I loveher dress and his suit actually. I love it when men take chances, and this shade of pink and the thick waistband in lieu of a belt really work for him! The black shoes are a big miss for me though - they really jar. A lighter shoe would've really pulled it together.
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Viola Davis
Stunning colour and draping, but this dipped hem is almost worse than Ayo's, and I don't like silver accessories with this shade of blue? Doesn't quite work for me.
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Rhea Seehorn She looks beautiful, but the patterning of the florals with the full coverage shape feels matronly to me in a way that I think she deserves better than.
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Barry Keoghan Love the shade of blue and the tie, but hate the fit of the blazer. It's like a square crop?? Bizarre. Also Kodi Smit-McPhee did it better at the Oscars last year. Loved his performance in The Banshees of Inisherin though!
What were your favourite looks?
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gellavonhamster · 1 year
monthly media recap: july 2023
Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater - a very sweet and kind Regency fantasy romance. One of the reviews on the cover calls it "the definition of a comfort read", and I couldn't agree more. Since this is Tumblr, I feel like I need to add preemptively that maybe don't judge the way the fairy curse in the novel is written (that is, in a way that resembles and, imo, should be read as neurodivergence) before you've learned how it ends
Angélique: The Road to Versailles, Angélique and the King, Angélique and the Sultan, Angélique in Revolt, Angélique in Love, The Countess Angélique, The Temptation of Angélique by Anne Golon - books 2-8 in the Angélique series of historical fiction novels that... didn't age quite well, in my opinion, I'd say a 20th century author could do better even with the caveat that the 17th century people are not by any means supposed to act like modern people. But the plot is so gripping that I can't put these books down, and then there's also this motif of people helping each other even in the bleakest circumstances running through the entire story that makes it worth the occasional cringe for me. However, my cringe level is built on a lot of classic novels that are very much Product of Their Time so idk if I'd recommend these books to anyone. I am having a lot of fun with them, though
I guess it doesn't really count as a book, but it made me spend some time with the French dictionary to read the comics, so - I ordered one of these Three Musketeers zines, the Cavalier Jaune one, and it's a gem (and clearly made with such love for these books) and I'm really glad I got it <3
+ currently reading the next Angélique book
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) - very cool and creative and heartfelt, loved it!
Д'Артаньян и три мушкетёра / D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers (1978), Мушкетёры двадцать лет спустя / Musketeers Twenty Years After (1992), Тайна королевы Анны, или Мушкетёры тридцать лет спустя / The Secret of Queen Anne or Musketeers Thirty Years After (1993) - finally watched all three of these adaptations of the d'Artagnan romances, I've only seen the first one before in bits and pieces. The first one is delightful and has so much funny stuff I totally forgot about, such as Constance biting her assailants and Rochefort & Milady singing to Richelieu an offensive song the people of Paris wrote about him. The second one is mostly fine, even despite the ridiculously clumsy attempts to retcon the book stuff that wasn't in the first movie (yeah, right, d'Artagnan sacrificed the ring that the queen gave him to try to save Buckingham, and Lord Winter has met the Musketeers before, this was totally included in part one). I didn't like the changed ending, though - I think it's important that it is Athos who kills Mordaunt, what with the possibility of Mordaunt being his son. The third part might be the stupidest attempt at an everybody lives!AU ever, but it gets like 2/5 points for the cast and the okay-ish first episode
Strange Days (1995) - cyberpunk noir, very cool, Angela Bassett as Mace is amazing
Vai viegli būt jaunam? / Is It Easy to Be Young? (1986) - the famous Latvian documentary about the life of Soviet youth, addressing topics from the punk subculture to the war in Afghanistan. A very interesting reflection of a generation; I think some parts are gonna haunt me
Stand by Me (1986) - summer, childhood in all its cruelty, and friendship that changes you forever. I might or might not have cried
Attack the Block (2011) - really enjoyed this one. Good social commentary? In my sci-fi comedy horror about an alien invasion? It's more likely than you think
L'Apollonide: Souvenirs de la maison close (2011) - beautiful and tragic. One of those films that feel like nothing really happens when in truth a lot happens. Also, women are my favourite guy (c)
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ghostsmp3 · 1 year
911. You know the drill. :D
favorite character: bobby. duh
funniest character: bobby "i dropped my phone in a dumpster" nash but also chimney and hen <3 they're the dream team
best-looking character: athena. it's angela fucking bassett like come on
three favorite ships: lets be real it's bathena and then henren and then who cares (but it's madney in third)
least favorite character: it's either eddie or buck and that honestly just depends on my mood and what episode/season i'm watching
least favorite ship: buddie like. they're fine in canon i have no problem there whatsoever it's the fans that make me want to gouge my eyes and ears out 24/7
reason why i watch it: there's so much heart <3 like it's cheesy and extra and cliche and FUN. yes the characters are repeatedly getting traumatized but that's just the icing on the cake
why i started watching it: ironically enough it was because the internet was losing its mind over eddie getting shot in s4 and i was like well damn sure i'll watch that
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tonyhightower · 2 years
Sarah Polley, Gen X, and the rare Not-Terrible Oscars
Okay, first off:
In the completely imaginary battle between me & my wife involving people who went to our high schools who have received Oscar nominations, I am now one up on her. She went to the same school as Sally Hawkins, who was nominated for "Blue Jasmine" and "The Shape Of Water," but I went to Earl Haig Secondary School in Toronto, just like Academy Award Winner Sarah Polley, who I can officially call my homey, even though we weren't there at the same time.
Also, "Women Talking" is fantastic. Gen X women filmmakers, man. Give me all of them. I'm also here for way more women of color, & people in the alphabet mafia -- I would very much like to see people who DON'T look like me in the movies, please -- and sure, there's younger people making great movies too, of course. Probably. Some people claim to not see color. Me, I don’t see age.
But Gen X is really known for one thing, and that's... being ignored. Boomers have taken up all the air in the room for our entire lives, and so we just don't care about anything, because why bother? Like, Kamala Harris is literally the USA's only chance at a Gen X President -- FOR EXAMPLE -- and when I mention that, I love how people are all OH NO, GOD NO, NOPE, NOPE, NOT HER, THAT'S RIDICULOUS as soon as I say it.
Okay, fine. You're showing your ass a bit, but sure, toss her out. After that, there's nobody capable who's anywhere close to the gig. We're waiting for Millennials and Zoomers and whoever else to rise up through the ranks, and I'm here for it! But that's going to take some time. 
(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will turn 35 a month before the next election. Which TECHNICALLY qualifies her, if you wanna dream.)
And yeah, Ron Desanctus was born in '78. Not sure that counts, but then again, he's not gonna be President either. 
He's not. He’s NOT. He's got all the petulance of Orange 45 with none of the charisma, and Russian Twitter bots don't have the influence they used to. Fight him at every turn, yes, but he's not gonna win.
Back to my point. Sarah Polley is awesome, I'm thrilled that she won her Oscar, and her speech was great, and when the Oscars more or less work out the way they should (with apologies to Angela Bassett), I feel like everyone just feels a little better about themselves the following week, you know?
And I'm gonna have to add my voice to the chorus of people who loved “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” The Daniels wrote that movie like it was the last movie anyone was ever going to get to make, ever. They threw everything into it. It's a mind blowing spectacle of a movie, and it holds together! I cry at movies a lot -- I'm a sucker for the cinematic heart-string-pull -- but I never cried watching a rock... act before. Not Dwayne Johnson, but y'know, an actual rock, in the dirt. Never before. Probably never again.
Will it make the Sight & Sound Poll of Greatest Movies of All Time? It might. It might not. But at first blush, the Academy seems to have gotten it right, and that's good.
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septembersghost · 1 year
Sorry I forgot to include this in my ask, but Tina Turner also referenced Elvis as an influence in an interview she gave several years ago. The article is behind a paywall but I was able to find the quote:
“I didn’t like the blues because I didn’t like what they were singing about. The blues can bring you down a little. I like to be a little bit up, and as soon as I left Ike, I never sung heavy, heavy rhythm and blues any more. I Can’t Stand the Rain was a blues song, and also the songs of Tony Joe White were blues, but an up-tempo, fine kind of blues. That was the change in my life, to enjoy singing.”
So what does she call her mature post-Ike style? Pop? “No. What’s Love Got to Do with It was a bit pop, and Private Dancer, but with my voice, it became a bit more middle of the road. What was Elvis Presley? He was rock’n’roll — the rock’n’roll style of Elvis, I think that is where my music took me. I like the style of Jagger and those guys because they used the blues, but the music took it somewhere else.”
(life hack for paywalls: https://archive.vn/)
something fateful about the symmetry of this with angela bassett having played tina turner and then her being so kind and supportive of austin playing elvis :')
love tina saying she's rock'n'roll like he was where it's that real mix/fusion of genres, and how that style impacted her approach to her music!
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wakandaiscoming · 2 years
More about credits because your moderator is weird
I realized, in my previous post, I should have simply explained the "with" credit as giving the actor flowers. It probably also reflects pay scale because it shows what the agents were able to negotiate. (But it's not a 1:1.)
I went back to check about the Chris Pratt thing because I was worried I dreamed it. (Turns out I am crazy but not that kind of crazy.)
The ENDGAME credits are very interesting for looking at the Marvel hierarchy of a stars, and how they value their talent. There are obviously separate tiers. You can tell each time it restarts alphabetically.
0. [The six "lead" actors come last but would be here at the top but they actually come last in these particular credits.] Below them:
-- Lead actors from Marvel movies. Below the six, but still "stars." Chadwick Boseman is here.
--- Below that are recurring Marvel actors but those that never had their own movie. Letitia Wright is here. Angela Bassett is here.
then it has "featuring" which is a special call out reserved for the voice actors (Cooper and Diesel). I think it's to keep them happy that they aren't down in the regular credits even though they never appear in the movie.
And then, we get the "with" credits. These are people Marvel is thanking for being in the movie basically. It is with Gwynth Paltrow (I know that's not how you spell her name but it's something weird), Robert Redford, Josh Brolin (I'm not sure he really deserves this but he is like half the movie and would otherwise be lumped in with other actors so, fine), Chris Pratt (????) and Samuel L. Jackson.
---- and waaaay below that are the regular actors and crew.
tl;dr Chris Pratt's agent is some kind of miracle worker. You're telling me he is on the same level of Redford, who in addition to being a Hollywood legend, retired while this movie was in production? Get out of here!
... And I guess that's also why he's in every movie now.
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hemlockspringsrpg · 1 month
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+3 connections have been added.
ULYSSES COSTA (CHRISTOPHER MELONI is looking for THEIR CHILD. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of ANY WHITE OR HALF WHITE FC 46-47, but you must reach out to HALFWCYTOHELL to find out more! (wc was born when ulysses was 16. he gained sole custody of them after a few years, and the two moved to hemlock springs. essentially i see them as having a very close relationship. ulysses has been mayor of hemlock springs for some time and considers hemlock springs to be their home, but wc doesn’t have to have stuck around. we can definitely plot/discuss more solid details! also i would love to see uly as a grandparent but that’s not a requirement!) 
ULYSSES COSTA (CHRISTOPHER MELONI is looking for THEIR EX. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of MICHELLE YEOH, MING-NA WEN, ANGELA BASSETT, ZAHN MCCLARNON, BILLY BURKE, HIROYUKI SANADA, ANY FC 55+, but you must reach out to HALFWCYTOHELL to find out more! (as mayor, ulysses is known to work long hours. it’s something he tries to work on, but relationships haven’t always worked out due to his long days and the relationship not always taking priority over work. their breakup either could’ve been messy or amicable, I’m fine with either/we can decide together! I’d say the relationship was at least a bit substantial (6+ months) so there were definitely real/deeper feelings involved. ulysses regrets how things ended between them, whether there’s still lingering feelings on wc’s side can be utp as well!) 
ULYSSES COSTA (CHRISTOPHER MELONI is looking for THEIR ONLINE DATE. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of KEANU REEVES, FRANK GRILLO, SOPHIE OKONEDO, HALLE BERRY, ANY FC 55+, but you must reach out to HALFWCYTOHELL to find out more! (uly doesn’t have a lot of time to date, and recently he’s joined a dating app. he and wc have been chatting online and either haven’t met up yet or have gone of a couple of dates and are still getting to know each other. either way, things are still fairly fresh between them. the wc doesn’t have to be endgame, but I’m open to seeing where things go!) 
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