#also claimed he was obese when he was like
mintybloomz-misc · 3 months
Guys I got my baby's first accusation of glorifying obesity on twitter
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am30000 · 1 year
42 Miles Morales x chubby female reader.
Pink is you Uncle aaron is orange and Purple is Miles
Summary: You are an obese teen girl and you met Miles, as time moved on you became friends and then his girlfriend. This is how he treats you in a relationship.
Miles is known to be stoic and rude to almost everyone, the only exceptions are his mom and his uncle. That changed when he met you. You just happened to be the new kid when he met you, the teacher introduced you and then someone straight up insulted your weight in a passive aggressive manner. While everyone laughed you laughed along with them which surprised them.
You came back with a comeback immediately which caused the person to be embarrassed and everyone to be shocked, including Miles. Miles thought you'd be like the others, all embarrassed and stuff but you quickly proved them wrong, proved him wrong. You proved that you weren't a little bitch and would fight back if irritated. This is what made Miles interested in you. You were really talkative and loved to make friends.
Everytime you'd guys had to pair up, you'd talk none stop. Eventually, you broke through Miles' tough, hard and cold exterior and became friends. Miles had soon become your bodyguard. Whenever people would insult you he would glare at them and the say something like " You wanna say that again, vato?" with a threatening aura. You'd roll your eyes and give him a look. He knows you don't like it when he protects you or whatever he calls it but he just does it anyway.
When y'all start dating everyone is surprised. They'd never thought of Miles being in a relationship because he seemed like a loner but I guess he'd prove them wrong. He'd spoil you rotten and you'd accept the gifts and get him one as well which he'd find cute but then playfully scold you because your buying him stuff and says something like " Mami, I should be the one spoiling you. Not the other way around." and you'd retort by saying " It's only fair. Plus, I won't accept the gifts you give me if I can't get something for you. Also you shouldn't be wasting your money on someone like me."
" Its my money bebe. I can do whatever I want with it. If I choose to spoil you then I will. I can't have my girl wearing clothes that I didn't buy her." " But you should spend it on someone prettier than me." "Princesa no one is prettier than you. Quien te hizo sentir así?" Miles would stare into your eyes cause he knew that if he did then you would tell him. "Everyone, I heard whispers of someone saying that I was probably just a play thing for you. Today some girls cornered me today when I was going to my locker. They said that an ugly fat girl like me shouldn't be with someone like you." Miles would immediately get angry but doesn't show it. He'd ask you to tell him who and once you did, within a week those girls didn't show up to school anymore.
Anyways, the second you begin to shame your body he'd quickly correct you saying something like " Mami your beautiful, your body is beautiful and I love both you and it." You'd get flustered and pout, still disagreeing with his claim. " Promise me not to say that about yourself." You'd promise but then secretly say it under your breath. You'd think he didn't hear but he heard every word of it. During recess he cornered you in an empty classroom. The conversation went something like this. " Didn't I tell you not to say those things about yourself? Don't lie, chica. I heard you saying that shit all day under your breath. What's up with you?"
" It's nothing babe. I think your hearing things cause I haven't said barely a word all day." " That's part of the problem chiquita. What's up with you? You've barely said a word to me and when I do hear you speak, I hear you saying all that crap about your body. Dime que pasa Carino." You knew that he'd force it out of you if you didn't tell him. " I don't know, I guess I've just been a little self conscious about my weight lately." " A little is an understatement, bebe. I told you I didn't want you to think that way. Eres perfecta tal como eres. Why can't you see that?" you'd blush and look away. " You're too sweet Miles." " I don't want you saying those things. If I catch you saying them or even hear you say that to someone then I will drag you into an empty classroom at recess and then mark my initials on your neck for everyone to see the second I'm done. Got it?" You nod and that was the end of you insulting your body in front of him.
When yall are alone Miles is touched starved. He's always had to touch you in some way. Whether his hand be on your thigh or has his arms around your waist, he'd always be touching you. You're a really good cuddler and are great at giving hugs to people who need it. When Miles gets back from whatever job he has, he calls you in the middle of the night saying he needs you. You'd have to go up to his apartment, dead ass tired, in the middle of the night, to go and see what Miles wanted. Once you got to his room he'd throw you on the bed and then collapse onto you and then hug you. You'd then understand why he called you here.
His family absolutely loves you. Rio often makes jokes about you and Miles getting married and uncle Aaron often says something like " You got a keeper Miles, Don't loose her." "I don't plan on it."
When you found out he was the prowler you weren't surprised. The conversation went something like this. " Why aren't you scared? Why aren't you surprised?" " To be honest you seem like the perfect candidate to be the prowler. Plus it explains why you got so much money to spend on me. I'm not scared because what you do as the prowler has nothing to do with me babe." " Are you gonna report me?" " Why would I? You could kill me at anytime before I got my phone out or even got to the station. But then again, you wouldn't hurt me now would you? Again, what you do in your free time isn't any of my business." " Your not mad I didn't tell you?" " No. You had your reasons to keep it from me." To say the least Miles was shocked when you showed no reaction but was happy you still loved him.
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mariacallous · 1 year
For years, I sat down to work each morning, realizing hours later that I felt drained, but got little done. Instead of writing, I spent my time texting, emailing, and mostly aimlessly browsing through news sites, blogs, and social networks. Every click triggered another. I tried to regain control by using an app called Freedom that blocked my computer online access for fixed periods of time. Sometimes it helped, especially when I had a work deadline looming. Sometimes it didn’t. But trying to control work time was only part of the struggle. I kept feeling the irresistible urge to pull out my phone wherever I went. At that point, I blamed myself. After all, I was the girl who spent hours playing video games well into college. But something happened in 2015 that made me realize that something much bigger was awry.
It was a Saturday evening when I arrived with my family to a friends’ home for dinner. Their 11-year-old son was playing with his parents’ iPad. When we came in, his parents demanded that he hand it over and join the other kids. The boy at first refused to hand it over. He then tried angrily to snatch it back from his mother, regressing to toddler-style wailing to demand the device. Throughout a long evening he exercised every manipulation tool in his power to regain control of the iPad. As I observed his parents’ despair, I recalled a family conflict that transpired at my parents’ house some years earlier. At that time doctors diagnosed my father, a heavy smoker, with emphysema. My father could have avoided his painful final years, hooked to an oxygen tank, by quitting smoking when he was diagnosed. He refused. We desperately tried to resist his decision by taking his cigarettes away. But like my friends’ son, my father reacted with uncharacteristic anger, exercising every means at his disposal to get his cigarette pack back.
That day I began to see how our present relates to our past. The past can answer one of today’s most perplexing problems. Why, despite multiple reports from Silicon Valley whistleblowers revealing that technology companies are using manipulative designs to prolong our time online, do we feel personally responsible? Why do we still blame ourselves and keep seeking new self-help methods to decrease our time online? We can learn from the past because in this case the tech companies did not innovate. Instead, the technology industry manipulated us following an old playbook, put together by other powerful industries, including the tobacco and food industries. 
When the tobacco and food industries confronted allegations that their products harmed their consumers, they defended themselves by raising the powerful American social icon of self-choice and personal responsibility. This meant emphasizing that consumers are free to make choices and, as a result, are responsible for the outcomes. Smokers and their families sued the tobacco industry for the devastation of smoking, including lung cancer and early death. But, for decades, they failed to win their lawsuits because the tobacco industry argued successfully that they chose to smoke and, therefore, they are responsible for the results. The food industry employed an identical strategy. When a group of teenagers sued McDonald’s because they suffered from obesity and diabetes after eating regularly at McDonald’s, McDonald’s also successfully raised the same claim. It argued that no one forced the teenagers to eat at McDonald’s, and since it was their choice, McDonald’s is not responsible for any health ramifications. The food industry went further. They successfully lobbied for laws known as the “cheeseburger laws” or more formally as the Commonsense Consumption Acts. Under these laws, food manufacturers and vendors cannot be held legally responsible for their consumers’ obesity. Why? Because the laws proclaim that this will foster a culture of consumer personal responsibility, which is important for promoting a healthy society.
The tobacco and food companies did not stop at just arguing directly that their consumers are responsible. They also provided new products to help them make better choices. In the 1950s, researchers published the first studies showing the connection between smoking and lung cancer.  In response, the tobacco companies offered consumers the option to choose a new healthier product: the filtered cigarette. They advertised it as “just what the doctor ordered,” claiming it removed nicotine and tar. Smokers went for it. Yet, they did not know that to compensate for the taste robbed by the filtered cigarette, companies used stronger tobacco that yielded as much nicotine and tar as the unfiltered brands. Here as well, the food industry followed suit. It also offered tools to reinforce that its consumers are in control. Facing criticism of the low nutritional value of their products, food manufacturers added products called “Eating Right” and “Healthy Choice.” While giving consumers the illusion they were making better choices, the diet product lines often made little improvement over the original products.
The tech industry is already applying this strategy by appealing to our deeply ingrained cultural beliefs of personal choice and responsibility. Tech companies do this directly when faced with allegations that they are addicting users. When the US Federal Trade Commission evaluated restricting use of loot boxes, an addictive feature common in video games, video game manufacturers argued: “No one is forced to spend money on a video game that is free to play. They choose what they want to spend and when they want to spend it and how they want to spend it.” But the technology industry also does it indirectly by providing us with tools to enhance our illusion of control. They give us tools like Apple’s Screen Time, which notifies us how much time we spend on screens. They also allow us to restrict time on certain apps, but then we can override these restrictions. We can choose to set our phones on “do not disturb” or “focus times.” We can set Instagram to remind us to take breaks. Yet, screen time continues to creep up. These tools are not successful, because just like the “filtered cigarette” and the “healthy choice” food products, they are not meant to solve the problem. Tech companies did not eliminate the addictive designs that keep prolonging our time online. The goal of these products, also known as digital well-being tools, was to keep the blame ball in our court, as we unsuccessfully face devices and apps that manipulatively entice us to stay on.
Awareness is crucial to stop blaming ourselves, but learning how the battles of the past played out also provides a rich repository for future action. Importantly, it exposes the vulnerabilities of the technology industry’s self-choice and responsibility argument. How? For one, when evidence comes out that businesses intended to addict consumers, it often defeats the industry’s argument that consumers voluntarily chose the products and are responsible for the consequences. In the 1990s, information leaking out of the tobacco companies’ fortress revealed that the tobacco industry knew that nicotine was addictive and manipulated it to maximize consumption by smokers. It was then that courts began attributing more responsibility to the tobacco industry, and smokers finally started winning cases. This is directly relevant today as whistleblowers report that tech companies purposefully addicted their users to prolong their time online, while choosing to ignore the harms. Second, children are the Achilles’ heel of the personal choice and responsibility defense. While many object to making paternalistic choices for adults, choosing for children is acceptable. For example, kids are not allowed to purchase cigarettes. Legal action is already underway to protect kids from the harms of excessive screen time.
Parents are suing social media companies and gamemakers for addicting their kids and causing them mental harm. They are no longer alone. Recently, school systems sued for the costs of treating kids harmed by social networks. Representatives of the US Congress and state legislatures relentlessly propose bills to protect children. Proposals raise different solutions from  imposing liability on social networks should they fail to remove addictive features to prohibiting access to social media for kids. The past illustrates that the weakness of the personal choice and responsibility defense with regard to kids makes this path particularly likely to succeed.
We can also push against the technology industry’s business model. Under this model, we get products like Gmail and Instagram for free. Still we pay, though not in money. We pay with our time and data. In recent years, government agencies filed antitrust actions against Big Tech. If successful, these actions could destabilize the prevailing business model. For example, should an action against Meta, which currently holds Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, succeed, and break it up, it will likely encourage competition. Competition could push toward alternative business models, such as subscriptions or pay-as-you-go. When a company’s business model does not rely on our time as its main resource, its need to design products that maximize our time online diminishes.
While a movement to battle technology is underway, it cannot rely on lawyers alone. Parents can influence schools to better assess and limit incorporation of technology into the classroom. Business owners can impact use of screens on their premises. For example, restaurant owners can decide not to replace menus with QR codes, thereby reducing the likelihood that patrons will take their phone out during the meal. Online entrepreneurs can opt for an alternative business model, one that is not based on advertising and user time. Technology designers can evaluate whether to design a feature aimed primarily at keeping users online for longer. We have many options to make a collective impact. Changing norms and business operations is possible. Looking at the past illustrates the possibilities of the future. We could never imagine bars without cigarettes, but they became our reality. So can a better-balanced tech future.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
I can't believe it took so long for me to realise this. On patricidal narcissism and psychopathy and patricide by letter. by u/ElectricalAd9212
I can't believe it took so long for me to realise this. On patricidal narcissism and psychopathy, and patricide by letter. ​Why did Markle scheme, plot and design to destroy her father?Court records show that there was intense plotting to design a scenario in which Markle snuffed her father out, morally destroy him, by excluding him from her wedding.The letter which was revealed in court, showed that she wrote a letter, intending to have it leaked to the press, in order to depict herself as a victim. Her cynicism was sociopathic. She said she would use the word 'Daddy' in the letter, to play on the heartstrings of the public when it was leaked.Why did she want to do this to her father? For the psychopath, the wedding was to be her 'introduction' as a woman of primary importance in the world, and it was the moment of her narrative creation, in which she became the centre of the world.This was to be the iconic moment of the creation of her mythology.For this, her family had to be wiped out, except for her mother, who was useful to her.I had thought that her father was not in keeping with the aesthetic she wanted to promote.He was elderly and overweight.To have an obese father wasn't becoming for the image she wanted to project.To exclude him allowed her to play the helpless victim, as if she was abandoned by her father.But it also allowed her something else.It enabled her to be walked down the aisle by the future King.This is what she and Harry planned all along.For her image, for her power, for what she wanted Hollywood and the celebrity elites of America, who were her true audience, to see, was to have a King hold her hand as she wedded. This would, in her eyes, elevate her status amongst those she was already planning to rule over, the gilded elite class of Hollywood and America.From the start, she calculatedly destroyed her father so she could claim (then) Prince Charles, future King Charles, as her father.Surely there was another element to this too?She would style herself as 'the daughter that King Charles never had'She would take primacy in his affections, over Catherine.She would daughter-love-bomb the future King, and marginalise Catherine.She would own the King, be the proxy daughter of the King.How Harry must have been thrilled by this way of thinking.It all seems like a wonderful scheme.How could Charles deny his 'daughter' what she wanted, half in, half out, to be the equal of Catherine in status, to be the power behind the throne one day?But there is another aspect to this.Patricide is an impulse that, once performed, may seek to enact itself again.And remember, Harry fantasises in 'Spare' about calling in a jet fighter to bomb his father as he drives away from him on a visit to an army training camp. A fantasy of patricide.And just as she schemed to commit patricide against her father using a letter sent to him to be leaked, calling him 'Daddy', the patricide scheme against the King, involved a letter she calculatedly sent him, to be the instrument of his destruction, by discussing an alleged 'racist' slight, which by strange chance also implicated the detestable Catherine, whom she is now pathologically and psychotically obsessed with.The manifold evils of Markle the psychopath, and her husband, their cynical, cyanide hearted, cold calculatedly evil plans and plots truly take the breath away.The good thing is we can see them all transparently and in the open, and the lessons she will ultimately learn is that evil can flourish in darkness, but plots exposed in daylight only leads to the destruction of the plotter.We see through you, we see evil and we protect the good hearted souls of the family against you both.​ post link: https://ift.tt/YHn0sDe author: ElectricalAd9212 submitted: December 18, 2023 at 08:34PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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thefanboyhub · 2 months
I said I could make an essay about why Cleaning/Organizing is one of my strongest coping skills so I am going to because I can.
(Writing and explaining myself are my other coping skills 😔)
Uhhhh TW: Trauma ✨(?)
For starters one of the things I've been forced to do since a young age— mostly due to the whole gender standards but also because of lazy fucking adults in my life— is clean. I would clean anything and everything, all they had to do was ask and I had to follow. It wasn't really that bad until after foster care. One of my mom's boyfriends at the time was a lazy piece of shit, claimed to be disabled but he wasn't, he was just extremely lazy and obese (not fat shaming but he was very clearly the unhealthy kind of fat, y'know the kind that actually does kill you) plus he didn't want to work. He'd have me and my brother do the laundry, have me clean just about everything (all at 8 years old by the way) except vacuuming because I wasn't tall enough to do it right.
That's wasn't the bad though I honestly didn't mind it unless it was a massive mess and made me wanna kill myself with how gross it was. The part that really traumatized me is a two parter and involves my oh so lovely Gran (she can fucking die and I'd be leaping with joy).
First part is the fact that if I didn't do a chore (which of course as the only "girl" and because girls "do things better than boys" I had to do the dusting, cleaning the table, vacuuming, and the bathroom I shared with my brothers, plus mopping once a month, my laundry and help my Gran do everyone else's laundry, AND CLEAN NY ENTIRE ROOM.) right or her way, I would have to redo it. I would have to redo it until I did it right. If it looked like I didn't vacuum, I was forced to revaccum the entire house again. If I didn't clean the baseboards right she would make me move everything off the walls and clean it entirely. When we had stairs, if I didn't clean them right I would have to redo them again. On top of repeating these chores over and over again I also got basically all my privileges taken: Phone, TV, Art supplies, my books a few times, going outside, and other stuff I can't remember.
Which led to the second part of this. I would clean and organize my room for fun when I had stuff taken from me. What else was I gonna do? I couldn't just sit there and daydream or sleep, I would be yelled and and grounded longer for that. So I daydreamed while I cleaned and organized my room. Sometimes I'd reorganize our kitchen and stuff, anything to be busy and not get yelled at or get brownie points so I can have something back.
This slowly became a habit for me. Grounded? Time to rearrange my stuff. Stressed? Clean the bathroom. Trying not to cry because she's right there yelling at you for attitude again for the tenth time this morning? Time to deep clean my room. Anything negative would trigger my response to clean and organize. Even if it's already clean I would clean it. It even got to the point where I clean myself too. I developed germaphobia. I was almost diagnosed by this one therapist I was forced to see at one point with OCD because of the cleaning habits. Fun times.
But some other stuff that contributed to the whole cleaning coping skills would be that it gives me control, a blank start, and physical activity. Moving furniture around, cleaning the walls (oh yeah she made me clean a wall with a toothbrush once. Halfway up the wall she let me switch to a rag so eh.) on my hands a knees scrubbing the tile floor of the kitchen. It helps me get the aggression that my mom and I worked so hard to keep under a tight hold out of my system. It makes me feel as if I have a new start when I'm in a clean space, specifically if I cleaned it. On top of that I also feel on control. The act of cleaning is controlling the environment. I have control over what I clean and how.
Anyways. This was all started because of today. I lost a friend (they aren't dead they just don't want to be friends with me anymore). I struggle with social situations and for 7 years I only had one friend and she left about a year ago. I was 15 when I finally started to have more than one friend. I've basically lost everyone at this point minus one maybe two but even then they get along better so yeah. I suck at making friends, socializing, and all that stuff. Which also means when I lose a friend it causes me great distress and makes me freak the fuck out. I started cleaning my room at 9 pm and I only got done with it at 10:23 pm so yeah. Coping skills yuh.
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transmutationisms · 11 months
Can you longpost on epigenetics? I get that it's thorny ground wrt the medical field, but I study plants (though I'm also learning connections between botany, racism, and empire). Gene expression is the hot thing for horticulturists atm. I got the canon "history of genetics" in college, & read Mayr's "One Long Argument." I even read Lysenko critiquing Morgan, and I thought "he's almost describing epigenetics (and that's a good thing)!" Are there contemporary alternatives to epigenetic models?
like, alternatives for what application or explanatory potential? when i talk about epigenetics i'm making basically two critiques:
methodological—it's far more difficult than most people estimate to actually identify a list of differentially expressed genes (you need lots of samples, which is a tremendous amount of data; results vary based on the parameters you give the computer for where to differentiate one discrete gene from the next; many DEGs will only 'differentiate' at fairly low rates); even if you do manage to come up with a list of DEGs you're highly confident in, it's incredibly hard to identify what most of these genes actually do in the organism (genes seldom work alone, but express in the context of other genes and biochemical cascades; hierarchical gene ontologies are plagued by high degrees of uncertainty and are a bitch and a half to make; text mining solutions are worse; all of this is hampered by linguistic and financial barriers that make it difficult to share research); even if you by some miracle have identified strongly expressed DEGs and also know with confidence what they do, altering their expression, eg through up- or down-regulation, is also incredibly difficult (like, no we can't just whip up a pharmacological or biological agent for this most of the time lol) and can have unintended effects on other genes or biological processes. so, the lofty promises of epigenetics as a field are usually pretty fucking far from materialising into anything concretely useful or beneficial;
historical—people who claim that epigenetics is an inherently liberatory science (i think i talked about this wrt catherine malabou, though she's far from the only person to make this claim) are ignorant, wilfully or not, of the past and present relationship between epigenetics, theories of environmental influence, and eugenics (in this context sometimes called euthenics—bad term), and the biopolitical efforts to control and improve populations through management of their surroundings. these run the gamut from efforts predating the science of genetics (1790s french revolutionaries trying to create an ordered and productive citizenry by controlling the nation's sensory inputs and the social environment) to discourses situated between contested uses of the term 'natural selection' & the later 'modern synthesis' of evolution & genetics (1892 charlotte perkins gilman's 'the yellow wallpaper', in which a degenerative madness arises from prolonged exposure to insalubrious environmental surroundings) to later efforts relying more on the scientific prestige of technical genetic language (late 20th century onward attempts to make the 'thrifty gene' hypothesis into an epigenome of 'obesity' that therefore implies a future ability to eliminate fatness). the bottom line here is that the idea of biological malleability is not inherently liberatory and can and does support eugenic arguments; we can't rely on nature or biology to ground or justify our political positions, and science is produced and wielded by humans who place it in our own ideological and political epistemologies.
my argument is not & never has been that gene expression doesn't vary; it is pretty well established at this point that it does: between individuals, between environmental conditions, over one individual's lifetime; as a result of chronic & acute illness; etc. what we do with that information, though, is politically weighted as much as anything else; notions of biological 'improvement' are never neutral (this goes for plants as much as animals; think about agricultural reform & technologies, the use of plant breeding treatises to inform human eugenic discourses, & so forth); and anyway, again, knowing that gene expression varies and changes doesn't mean we automatically have concrete & certain information about this or that gene, how it functions, & what its differential expression means for an organism or population.
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Hello! I saw you accept husbandry questions so I thought I might ask about this here.
Almost two weeks ago I bought a around 8 months old male Dodoma Kenyan Sand Boa. I had my corn snake for a while and after reading and watching videos about sand boas and their care I thought it will be a great choice for my 2nd snake. He has been a good eater and a chill little fella when handled but after few days I noticed he has kind of saggy/wrinkly skin. It reminded me of ball pythons who used to be obese but lost weight and have loose skin. Sometimes I can see what I thought might be his spine poking out but it's more of on top of his both sides rather than where spine should be giving him kind of a square shape? Not sure how to describe it. With all that I assumed it's a diet issue and hoped it will get better after few meals. I fed him newborn f/t mice every 5 days (3 meals since I got him, next feeding tomorrow. Ate with no problems so far but didn't really constrict his meal. Seller claimed he eats like a champ and was right).
However I started reading about it more and found out loose skin can be a sign of dehydration and this possibility really worries me. I tried to show him his water bowl but he didn't seem interested and I have no idea if he drinks from it at night (I check on him during the night and only once saw him on the surface). I know sunken eyes are another symptom of dehydration but it's hard to tell because this species has funky eyes and it's the only sand boa I have ever seen in person. Unfortunately I weren't able to take a good photo of these skin folds because they show up when he moves and disappear before I could take a photo or even look at them properly (but if they are necessary to tell what is happening I can try). I only noticed this after already visiting the vet for a check up on the same day I bought him (I saw in one of your posts it's a good idea to take a new snake to the vet and my dad happened to have vet appointment for his gecko on that day. Vet said he looks fine other than some weird dark spots on his belly that they said might be because of the bedding sellers used for him).
Is it possibly dehydration or just my earlier theory of previous weight problems? If it's weight problems is my current feeding schedule fine and if it's dehydration is bath a good idea for this species? Today he started to get lighter which I assume means shed is coming so maybe bath wouldn't be a bad idea but I also saw it's not really recommend for this species. I wouldn't be so unsure in this situation if it wasn't a dry species, it didn't have such unusual anathomy and it weren't a baby. I saw a forum post that said boas just tend to have skin like this as babies but as I said they have strange anathomy so I don't know if this applies to them. I will keep researching but I hoped you might have some suggestions. I want to know if there's anything I need or can do for him.
I would bet every cent to my name that your little guy is just in shed. Sand boas can look pretty wrinkly when they're in a shed cycle, and the recent lightness you've noticed is probably just him getting to the clear stage of the shed. My money is on him shedding in the next few days.
It's very hard to dehydrate a sand boa; if you have water in their enclosure at all and they're eating, it's super rare. I also doubt it's weight-related - snakes at his age don't pack on weight like an older snake could. Young snakes will grow faster if they eat too much, and eating too much while young can cause health problems, but it's super hard to make a baby snake overweight.
I recommend adding a humidity box to his enclosure! They're very easy to make - make a hole in the lid of a food storage container big enough for him to curl up in and fill it with damp moss. That'll help shedding go smoothly (and make sure he never gets dehydrated, too).
If the wrinkles don't clear up within the next week, I'd visit a vet, but I really do think he's just shedding.
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cutiedwaekki · 9 months
F.I.L.A (Fall In Love Again)
Tumblr media
♡kinktober day 3 : f.i.l.a
-> minchan , fluff , weight gain , fit to fat , clothes ripping
-> 1069 word
enjoy this first ff of the serie rewind : nostalgia
The original one
what's new ? just a morning between the minchan where minho takes an important a decision
minho was the first to wake up, which was normal after all, given the way chan had eaten yesterday, he was still in a food coma.
It's crazy how much things had changed between them in two years.
They'd moved to this neighborhood to start their lives together as an adult couple after years of high school dating, but never did minho think it would take such an unexpected turn.
with the moving chan had stumbled across his old diary from when they were in high school and had discovered the brunette's penchant for chubby men but over the fact of feeding them.
And before Minho knew it, his once athletic boyfriend had turned into a glutton pig. Two years of coming home from work to the same sight of Chan on the sofa, asleep with his computer on his lap and an empty packet of cookies. Two years in which he'd never seen or fantasize about his boyfriend's muscular body. Now what gave him a hard-on was seeing chan unable to reach his cock when he was erect, watching him get so fat but trying to act as if he were skinny.
-"you know you get too big for this jagi" said minho
-"No i don't it's just-" and as chan was about to finish his sentence , the shirt just rip at it's seam making a nice view of chan's tummy or at least a pretty nice view of his navel
-"see ? I told you"
Teah that was a good memory
He also remembers the time 6 months ago when he tried to take up sport again because his doctor had advised it. Of course, Minho agreed, after all, his lover's health came first. But that evening, when Chan returned from the gym, he was all sweaty and swore he'd never set foot there again. So now he just do some yoga and minho stand behind him to enjoy the view
It was so fun and exciting to think that he'd put on so much weight for him, that he'd done it for him. The two of them, who'd been together for so many years and had never encountered any difficulties, seemed to have fallen in love again, acting like a couple from their very first day together.
chan flirted with him and minho giggled
minho kissed him and chan blushed
When we saw them, we took them for teenagers seeming to discover what the mixture of love and hormones was doing to them.
So here was Minho, lying beside Chan, his hand on her belly, rubbing it gently. It was still hard, given how much he'd had to eat yesterday, but compare it to the fat his belly had accumulated.
At the time, Minho was seriously thinking about getting a wider bed, but he didn't know how to say it without sounding excited about it.
After all, how could he admit to his boyfriend that he was getting so fat that the poor brunette had almost no room left? But on the other hand, it was a good excuse to sleep on top of him or in a spoon, so that's why Minho had delayed this descent for at least a month.
chan was so cute when he slept, ol had such a sweet and peaceful akr, while his body was littered with hickeys and bites from the youngest who as he so often said left "signs of affection for his chubby body".
At this stage, the word "chubby" was an euphemism to describe the Australian's fat body.
If chubby meant he waddled and took more of time and energy when they walked together a few distance
Si chubby meant that Chan stopped weighing himself after the old scales stopped taking into account the weight he had exceeded.
Yet minho continued to call chan his "chubby channie" and liked to claim him as his own even if nlw he should change this petname flr "obese channie" for making it more accruate
Ah he loved chan so much, he loved everything about him. His laugh, his dimples when he smiled, the way he talked or told an quote, when he argue minho for missing a meal, when they had fun saying that Berry and his cats were their children, he loved everything about him, even his defaults bit he never saw thel too much.
He also loved their daily routine, when they took shower together, when he had to leave for work leaving Chan in the safe in their home, and in the evening when he cale back he just saw Chan asleep, sometimes with Soonie or Dori sleeping on his belly.
He also loved his body, his generous hips where his belly lay, his thighs now so wide and fat that Minho joked that his two thighs were the equivalent of one of Chan's thighs. He loved his ass, so round and juicy that when his hand wasn't on his plump belly, it was systematically on his ass. He also love his chest , it was so round and big just like a female one. Minho was gay and was never attracted to a chest before but with chan's it was totally different
In short, he loved chan, he loves chan and he would love chan.
In fact, he wanted to do more than just love her... he wanted to-
-"Jagi why are you looking at me it's disturbing" declared the still asleep australian who seemed to be just starting to regain consciousness.
- "Go back to sleep chan, I'm planning to propose to you".
-"oh ... ok" he said, sounding too sleepy to have grasped the importance of the information Minho had given him.
Yes, thinking back on their life together and seeing his lover asleep, he realized that he didn't want him as a boyfriend, he wanted him as a husband.
but i think i've already said too much, the only thing i can say is that the same evening chan was so happy that he burst into tears that even berry started to worry, not knowing that this was the beginning of a new story for them.
It's rare for a couple to fall in love for a second time, but a third time ... that's impossible!
And so they did.
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motherhenna · 9 months
am I the only one who's starting to feel like self care culture and therapist speak has lowkey done some serious damage to a lot of mentally ill young people over the last 8 or so years? It's literally the perfect vehicle for justifying insanely unhealthy coping mechanisms and addictions but I haven't heard anybody talking about it on here. Instead, I keep seeing posts that are like "be gentle with yourself: go at whatever pace is comfortable for you" and "it's okay to say no to things you don't want to do" but like...what if that thing you don't want to do is taking a shower or leaving the house or cooking your own meal at home? What if moving at a pace that is "comfortable" for you means you still haven't stopped smoking for the last decade because nicotine withdrawal and anxiety are not "comfortable"? And hey--at least you're only smoking ONE pack a day instead of two now, so that's almost as good as quitting entirely!
I'm saying all this as someone who is only just now coming out the other side and realizing how much of my late teens and twenties I've wasted because of my lack of accountability and aversion to the hard work that's necessary for recovery from addiction, eating disorders, and depression...and the whole time, I thought I was just practicing self care. But a lot of us should probably take a closer look at our behavior and ask ourselves, "is this really self care? Or is this just complacency, fear of failure, and denial?"
There's a word in addiction treatment that's used to describe family members, friends, or partners who give into their deeply disordered loved one's every demand--even when they know it's hurting them: enablers. I've seen a documentary of a 700 lb immobile man who was still managing to pile on weight because his wife went out every day and brought him every kind of junk food he asked for, all while claiming to love him more than anything else. But genuine, healthy love isn't watching your partner literally waste away before your eyes because you'd rather make him happy in the short-term: it's being fucking honest, and helping them get the assistance they need to get better even if you have to drag them kicking and screaming into rehab. And I'm of the belief that a lot of you out there end up confusing self-love / self-acceptance with self-enabling. One is easy while the other requires you to wake up and do the work every single day, even when it's ugly and messy and painful.
And listen--if your therapist has given you the full go-ahead to take the whole "gentle" route, or it's clearly working out really well for you, then by all means: keep at it. But more often than not, I think we need to stop wrapping ourselves in cotton. The way we treat ourselves should be how we'd ideally parent a child: obviously the overly harsh, critical, strict route rife with threats and punishment is a recipe for disaster, but the other extreme can be extremely damaging too. An overly compliant, indulgent parent who gives into their kid's every whim is likely going to produce selfish, entitled brats who have no concept that their actions have consequences. Neither approach is going to do their children many favors in the long run.
While I'm not fond of the boomer bootstrapping rhetoric, as I think a lot of it comes from an extremely skewed perspective of reality and the expectation that "if I can do it, everybody else should be able to do it just as easily", I also can no longer stand by the victimhood mentality so many fellow young millennials / gen z'ers seem to be living by. Because I spent the last ten years wallowing in it and all it gave me was lowered standards, a million excuses, self pity, and obesity. And it fucking sucks to confront the fact that you are ultimately the one who's responsible for your own behavior as an adult: it means you can't just blame it on society or your parents or your illness or whatever 'ism or 'phobia applies. Are all those things contributing factors that should be taken into account? Absolutely. Should you compare your progress to more privileged people's and feel shame that it's taking longer? No. But that doesn't mean you have no control of your life and choices--that you're powerless to do anything but wait for someone else to save you. Unless you're literally being held hostage at gunpoint, there are always things you can do to `improve your life and yourself. So next time you want to give up on a dream of yours, or justify not changing out of your pajamas for a fortnight in the name of self care, maybe ask yourself what an enabler would do vs. what a true friend would do
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Mamavation, in partnership with Environmental Health News, had 18 different brands of contact lenses tested for organic fluorine, a marker for PFAS
All the contact lenses tested positive for fluorine, at levels ranging from 105 to 20,700 parts per million (ppm)
While 44% of the contact lenses tested contained fluorine at a level over 4,000 ppm, 22% contained more than 18,000 ppm
A large population-based study conducted in China found exposure to PFAS increased the risk of visual impairment
PFAS is likely used in contact lenses to make them soft and allow oxygen to flow through, but the chemicals are linked to reproductive and developmental problems, cancer, liver disease and more
Toxic polyfluoroalkyl or perfluoroalkyl chemicals, collectively known as PFAS, may be lurking in your contact lenses. The compounds, which have been dubbed “forever chemicals” because they break down so slowly, have been linked to reproductive and developmental problems,1 cancer, obesity,2 nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)3 and more.
PFAS is known for making surfaces slippery, hence their widespread use in nonstick cookware. They’re also found in many other consumer products, however, including food takeout containers, food packaging, stain- and grease-resistant products, furniture and personal care products. Many people are unaware these chemicals are in products they use daily, including contact lenses, which may spend up to 16 hours next to your eye each day.
Contact Lenses ‘Almost Pure PFAS’
Mamavation, in partnership with Environmental Health News, has been investigating PFAS in everyday products such as clothes, food and makeup.4 Many social media users had asked the wellness blog if soft contact lenses contain PFAS, so they sent 18 different brands to a laboratory certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to test for organic fluorine, a marker for PFAS.
All the contact lenses tested positive for fluorine, at levels ranging from 105 to 20,700 parts per million (ppm). While 44% of the contact lenses tested contained fluorine at a level over 4,000 ppm, 22% contained more than 18,000 ppm.5 The contact lenses with the highest organic fluorine levels were:6
Alcon Air Optix Colors with Smartshield Technology (20,700 ppm)
Alcon Total30 Contact Lenses for Daily Wear (20,400 ppm)
Alcon Air Optix (No Hydraglide) for Astigmatism (20,000 ppm)
What does this mean in terms of your health? Pete Myers, chief scientist for Environmental Health Sciences, said:7
“The presumption that these organic fluorine levels measured in contact lenses are safe is laughable. Last summer the EPA issued health advisories in drinking for four common PFAS, ranging from 0.004 parts per trillion (ppt) to 2000 ppt. EPA considers exposure beneath these thresholds to be safe for drinking water.
While comparing drinking levels in water to concentrations in contact lenses is like comparing apples to oranges, it’s worth noting that all of the contact lenses tested exceeded 100 ppm, which is equivalent to 100,000,000 ppt, or 50,000 times higher than the highest level deemed safe in drinking water by the EPA.”
Manufacturers don’t have to disclose when PFAS are used in their products. It’s legal to claim the contents are a “trade secret.”8 But according to Scott Belcher, a North Carolina State University researcher and scientific adviser on the testing, fluoropolymers are likely.
He told The Guardian fluoropolymer PFAS “have the properties that your eyes want … It wants to get oxygen and doesn’t want bacteria to grow like crazy, and it wants lenses to be smooth and comfortable.”9 Fluoropolymers likely make contact lenses soft and allow oxygen to flow through them,10 but the convenience of having smooth contact lenses comes at a price.
A 2020 review into the chemicals found “their production and uses should be curtailed except in cases of essential uses,” given their extreme persistence in the environment, toxic emissions associated with their production and use, and a high likelihood that they contribute to human exposure to PFAS.11
PFAS Exposure May Harm Your Vision
Little is known about how the eyes may absorb PFAS, but the chemicals are known to be absorbed via the skin, leading to immunotoxicity.12 Further, The Guardian reported, “PFAS also break down into different types of PFAS once in the environment, so it is possible that the polymers turn into dangerous forms of the chemicals once in the eye or contact packaging, but no studies have been done.”13
Linda Birnbaum, scientist emeritus and former director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program, further told Mamavation:14
“Your eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of your body. Therefore, it’s concerning to see the presence of organic fluorine, which is likely a type of PFAS, found in all soft contact lens products tested. What about the idea of doing no harm? Do we have proof these products are safe? A lack of safety studies does not qualify as ‘safety,’ which is what is happening here.”
Research that has been done on PFAS and vision is cause for concern. A large population-based study conducted in China found exposure to PFAS increased the risk of visual impairment.15 The researchers suggested PFAS may induce oxidative stress, with a detrimental effect on the eyes.
“PFASs are proven pro-oxidants and exposure to these emerging pollutants elicits DNA damage, lipid peroxidation, generation of reactive of species (ROS), and inhibition of anti-oxidant enzymes, as well as triggers signaling cascades like apoptosis,” they explained.16 Military members who were exposed to PFAS on military bases have also suffered from a number of eye conditions, including myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia.17
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Using PFAS Contacts May Leave You ‘Permanently Contaminated’
More than 98% of Americans have PFAS in their blood.18 But using contacts made from the material daily could leave you permanently contaminated. According to Terrence Collins, director of the Institute for Green Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University:19
“Fluoropolymers improve the technical performance of contact lenses at attractive price performances and customers are naturally attracted. But the other key performances for safe and sustainable chemical products, the health, environmental and fairness performances, are not given adequate attention by manufacturers, legislators, or regulators.
If you use fluoropolymer-containing contact lenses, you are likely to become permanently contaminated. No one today can tell you that fluoropolymer exposures are safe because no jurisdiction has been demanding the development and scrutiny of appropriate safety testing.
Your body cannot process fluoropolymers to safe products to protect you and nature is just as helpless when you throw the lenses away. But we know enough about PFAS chemicals to guess and fear that fluoropolymers in human cells or in the environment are anything but a pretty safety picture. I advise that such contact lenses be rigorously avoided.”
The environmental ramifications are also cause for alarm, considering more than 45 million Americans wear contact lenses — and up to 46% of them wear disposable varieties that are trashed daily. Every year, 2.5 billion contact lenses — about 44,000 pounds’ worth — are thrown away or end up in wastewater treatment plants after they’re flushed down a toilet or sink.20
In the environment, PFAS have devastating effects, to the extent that consuming a single serving of freshwater fish annually equates to a month of drinking water contaminated with PFOS — one type of PFAS — at a concentration of 48 parts per trillion.21
PFAS does not break down in water or soil and can be carried over great distances by wind or rain, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).22
PFAS Exposure Linked to Significant Health Risks
If your contact lenses contain PFAS, you may want to reconsider using them. Exposure to high levels of PFAS is also known to affect the immune system, and evidence from both human and animal studies shows that such exposure may reduce your resistance to infectious disease.23 The EPA also acknowledges that PFAS exposure is harmful and states that peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown exposure to PFAS may cause:24
Reproductive effects such as decreased fertility or increased high blood pressure in pregnant women
Developmental effects or delays in children, including low birth weight, accelerated puberty, bone variations or behavioral changes
Increased risk of some cancers, including prostate, kidney and testicular cancers
Reduced ability of the body’s immune system to fight infections, including reduced vaccine response
Interference with the body’s natural hormones
Increased cholesterol levels and/or risk of obesity
Liver disease is another known risk. PFAS are endocrine-disrupting chemicals that accumulate in body tissues, such as the liver, and are known to accelerate metabolic changes that lead to fatty liver.
“This bioaccumulation,” researchers wrote in Environmental Health Perspectives, “coupled with the long half-lives of many PFAS, leads to concern about the potential for PFAS to disrupt liver homeostasis should they continue to accumulate in human tissue even if industrial use is abated.”25
How Else Can You Be Exposed to PFAS?
In addition to contact lenses, PFAS can be found in water, soil, air and food. It’s in your home, including in household products like stain- and water-repellant fabrics, cleaning products, nonstick cookware and paint — and likely in your drinking water.26
Fast food containers and wrappers, microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes and candy wrappers27 are also common PFAS sources. One study released by consumer watchdog groups Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families and Toxic-Free Future even revealed high levels of fluorine in five of 17 paper products that come in contact with food at Whole Foods Market — four of which were containers in the salad and hot food bar.28
Testing by Mamavation has also found evidence of PFAS in pasta and tomato sauces, sports bras, tampons and dental floss.29 Since the chemicals migrate into food and contaminate compost piles and landfills after disposal, the use of PFAS leads to unnecessary long-term exposure to harmful chemicals for humans, wildlife and the environment, especially since PFAS-free packaging options are widely available.
Tips for Avoiding PFAS
PFAS has no taste or smell but is widespread in the environment and in consumer products. You’ll want to filter your drinking water to avoid this common route of exposure. Also avoid products that are stain-resistant, waterproof or nonstick, as most contain PFAS.
Regarding contact lenses, you can avoid PFAS exposure by using glasses instead. To further reduce your exposure, the Environmental Working Group recommends avoiding:30
Items that have been pretreated with stain repellants and opt out of such treatments when buying new furniture and carpets.
Water- and/or stain-repellant clothing. One tipoff is when an item made with artificial fibers is described as "breathable." These are typically treated with PTFE.
Items treated with flame retardant chemicals, which includes a wide variety of baby items, padded furniture, mattresses and pillows. Instead, opt for naturally less flammable materials such as leather, wool and cotton.
Fast food and carry out foods, as the wrappers are typically treated with PFAS.
Microwave popcorn. PFAS may not only be present in the inner coating of the bag, it also may migrate to the oil from the packaging during heating. Instead, use "old-fashioned" stovetop popcorn.
Nonstick cookware and other treated kitchen utensils. Healthier options include ceramic and enameled cast iron cookware, both of which are durable, easy to clean and completely inert, which means they won't release any harmful chemicals into your home. A newer type of nonstick cookware called Duralon uses a nonfluoridated nylon polymer for its nonstick coating. While this appears to be safe, your safest bet is still ceramic and enameled cast iron.
Oral-B Glide floss and any other personal care products containing PTFE or "fluoro" or "perfluoro" ingredients.
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By: Anonymous
Published: Mar 22, 2023
It has been two years since my 19 year old son walked into a Planned Parenthood and received HRT drugs on informed consent. His mother and I pleaded with him to not make such a life changing decision at such a young age. But he would not listen to reason and received these drugs without any psychological evaluation or supervision, and little medical supervision.
Since that time I have experienced bouts of intense anger, which have caused my mental health to decline. It’s an anger that woke me up at 2 am for nearly a year, and still regularly wakes me up at 4 am. It’s has taken a toll on my body, mind, and mood. I experience depression and anhedonia more often than not. I find little to no joy in hobbies I once relished. I take care of the tasks of daily living and not much else.
I honestly did not think it was possible to feel such emotional pain.
What am I angry about?
That society is enabling a cult of self-harm disguised as a fantasy. I am also furious that society sees me as the problem because I’m “transphobic”.
The medical establishment’s adoption of euphemisms for mutilating the bodies of teenagers— and calling it “gender affirming care”, all while making tidy profits.
The medical staff that continues to supply my son with wrong sex hormones, even though his mental and physical health is in obvious decline. At 19 he was thin, and at 21 he is borderline obese. He also reports crying daily. Yet he’s unwilling to stop taking drugs that are the source of this harm.
How the Democratic party (which I used to support) and Biden enable this social contagion. How Biden nominated Judge Jackson who refused to define the word ‘woman’. And I’m angry watching Rachel (Richard) Levine saying he was glad he had kids before transition while simultaneously advocating fertility destroying treatments for young people.
The misogyny of a movement that allows sexual predators to gain access to women’s spaces simply by claiming they’re a woman.
The misogyny of a movement that sees women as castrated men, and doesn’t value women’s ability to bring new life into the world. And that allows males to enter and dominate women’s sports (e.g. Lia Thomas), or injure women (e.g. Fallon Fox fracturing Tamikka Brents’ skull).
The media for denying predators exist (e.g. Wi Spa), and not covering physical harms happening to natal women, or when they do for using word salad and intentionally confusing language, like “she raped her with her penis”.
The media for not covering Planned Parenthood’s prescribing hormones with only informed consent and no due diligence or following up on the harm to young people who are damaging their bodies (the voices of detransitioners).
The trans movement’s redefinition of words and introducing made up pronouns and trying to enforce their usage and control language.
My own child for his entitled attitude that he should continue to receive college tuition while destroying his body and mind; his uncaring attitude for the emotional pain of his parents, and the enormous strain that his actions have put on my marriage.
My own utter powerlessness in the face of these events, and feeling like a failure for not protecting my child from this cult.
I am aging and hoped for the compensation of feeling I had a life well led, and that I successfully launched my children into the world. But my son has stolen that from me and left me feeling like an utter failure. This was a child that I treated with love, compassion, and generosity, and he has selfishly taken all that away.
I am aware of how this anger is harming my mind and body. What am I trying to do about it?
For the better part of a year I pleaded with my son to stop. His response was to call his mother and I transphobic.
Every day for the past two years I have restrained myself from sending my son a nasty email telling him what I really think about his narcissistic behavior and misogynistic fantasy.
I have twice given money to Partners for Ethical Care, hoping their billboard campaigns make a difference.
I will never vote Democrat again.
Some days I successfully pretend none of this is happening.
I enjoy those few moments of morning amnesia where I can’t yet recall my current circumstances.
I saw a therapist for about a year and a half, but it wasn't helpful. Part of me always saw the therapist as part of the profession enabling this social contagion. I also couldn’t trust him with my true feelings, as I feared judgment.
Several times a week I have a crying jag that lasts several minutes. I do it when my wife is out walking the dog so as to not burden her with this.
If I didn’t love my son, all of this would be much easier, but I do. And it is my love that causes the grief that feeds my anger.
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melodic-melovin · 7 months
Mélovin Health Update: What We Know So Far (11/13/2023)
Okay so normally I'd just reblog the last post I made, but after trawling through countless news/tabloids sites, Reddit, and the cesspool that is Twitter and sorting through the various information available, it seemed more important to make a separate post entirely so people could see.
-Mel has been diagnosed with a serious illness.
-I cannot *personally* confirm for sure what illness, HOWEVER, most sources are reporting that it is steatohepatitis, a liver condition, sometimes also known as "Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease"
-In essence: this is essentially an inflammation of the liver caused by fat cells building up in said liver, not brought on by drinking alcohol.
-It is considered a metabolic disorder. There are several potential causes, most of which are tied to type 2 diabetes and obesity complications, hormone imbalances such as with the thyroid, but it can also just be bad luck of the genetic draw.
-This is NOT the same condition as viral hepatitis (aka Hepatitis C, etc.) I mention this specifically because some sites are incorrectly reporting this claim and people are already using that misinformation as ammo to be homophobic and claim that he got this condition as a result of his "orientation". Do not do this. Do not be these people.
-Is it terminal or is it incurable? Well, that's the muddied part of this. Even Mel used the term 'terminal' in his Instagram post about this, however many sources seem to point to 'incurable' as a more accurate term. It could be that the words are very similar in Ukrainian and thus the confusion there.
-Note that steatohepatitis *is* incurable, however it *may* or *may not* be terminal/fatal. We don't know how long he's had it, if there was liver damage already present before his being officially diagnosed, and to what extent. The main complications that can lead to death if no treatment is administered are cirrhosis and scarring, even liver cancer, which the only treatment at that point would be a full liver transplant. Without treatment, expectancy is anywhere between 3-5 years in severe cases, or 10-15 in lesser ones. Again, this is not proof of anything yet, this is only the general knowledge I have gained from researching this condition.
-This diagnosis came about as a result of bloodwork when he intended to get some kind of cosmetic procedure.
-(Before anyone asks what cosmetic surgery was he getting - that I don't know, and I don't think anyone else does either. He hasn't said, and cosmetic is a very broad term and can range from anything like traditionally thought-of plastic surgeries to something less intensive like a mole removal or getting his teeth worked on. Personally I think he's too young to be getting cosmetic work done, but that's not important right now.)
-He is seeking/undergoing treatment and currently resting and recovering at home with his family.
-His Instagram is currently private to non-followers, probably to prevent harassment. I have downloaded the video regarding this apparent diagnosis announcement and will try to upload it.
-He is still apparently on the longlist for competing in Vidbir, as announced by Suspilne.
-It is not known if this will impact the release of his newest song or further music going forward.
= o = o = o = o = o = o =
If more develops, I will try to let you all know. Right now, please just try to be supportive, don't harass him or his friends/family for more info (he will no doubt tell us when he is ready), and don't spread wild misinformation. We can only imagine what he must be going through right now. Even if this ends up not being nearly as bad as it sounds, getting a lifelong illness diagnosis is not easy for anyone to handle.
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sandersandluna · 6 months
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Tim was a shy and nerdy programmer who worked for a big tech company. He had a passion for coding, but he lacked confidence and charisma. He often felt invisible and ignored by his colleagues and bosses. He dreamed of becoming a successful and powerful leader, but he didn't know how to achieve it.
One day, he stumbled upon an online ad for a new product called Future Vision. It claimed to be a revolutionary device that could show anyone their future self in vivid detail. Tim was intrigued by the idea and decided to order one. He thought it might help him find some motivation and inspiration for his life.
When the device arrived, Tim eagerly plugged it into his computer and put on the headset. He followed the instructions and entered his personal information. He then pressed the start button and waited for the device to scan his brain and generate his future self.
He was shocked by what he saw.
On the screen, he saw a man who looked like him, but very different. He was massively obese, with a thick beard and a cigar in his mouth. He wore a suit and a tie, and had a gold watch and a ring on his fingers. He was sitting in a luxurious office, with a huge desk and a panoramic view of the city. He had a stern and confident expression on his face, and he was talking on the phone with a commanding voice.
Tim couldn't believe his eyes. Was this really his future self? How did he become like this? What did he do to achieve such success and power? He felt a mix of awe and curiosity, but also fear and disgust. He wanted to know more, but he also wanted to stop.
He tried to take off the headset, but it was too late. The device had locked onto his brain and started to download his future self's memories and personality into his mind. Tim felt a surge of pain and confusion, as his identity and reality were overwritten by his future self's.
He screamed, but no one heard him.
The device completed the transfer and shut down. Tim was no longer Tim. He was now his future self, the CEO of the tech company he worked for. He had achieved his dream, but at a terrible cost. He had lost his original self, his passion, his friends, and his health. He had become a ruthless and greedy tyrant, who cared only about money and power. He had no regrets, no remorse, and no empathy.
He smiled and took a puff of his cigar. He liked his new life. He liked being the boss. He liked being the future.
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Is this a good time to ask for Mississippi headcanons? Btw are his eyes white as a style choice or do you actually headcanon they're white?
Oh yeah, it’s fine! It’s more from my Team Spirit AU and to add some cool contrast, as well as an excuse to make Mississippi look cool and to make his eye visible.
Mississippi Headcanons
Mississippi’s State Spirit is a white magnolia flower crown. When his emotions become more intense, more white flowers and branches begin growing from various parts of his body. [#FAF8F2]
Mississippi’s state flower is the southern magnolia, and one of its nicknames is the Magnolia State. 
Mississippi’s fake human name is Mason-Fisher Stephen Patterson.
Mississippi is a looong name for a state. So his fake human name is long too. Many S sounds. He often drops the F in his monogram, so it’d be MPS.
Is really good at ballet, and he likes it quite a lot. As such his body is very flexible and nimble. 
Based on how Jackson, Mississippi is sanctioned to hold the USA International Ballet Competition, only one of four cities.
And if you know anything about male ballet dancers, man’s is jacked.
Although, he’s still quite chubby in the middle no matter how much he works out. Having the highest obesity rate in the country isn’t doing him any favors in that regard. ‘Sippi’s pretty fine with how he looks though.
‘Sippi has a small scrapbook filled with photos and autographs from all the celebrities that were born in his state. He’s got pretty fun stories if you ask.
Mississippi often plays blues music on his slide guitar, especially when he’s feeling down. He’s a very talented musician owing to all the legendary musicians that came from him and the state’s claim of being the Birthplace of America’s Music. 
Mississippi is the birthplace of American blues music starting out as delta blues in its earliest version.
When he’s drunk, he’ll start playing and singing dirty blues songs.
He has an old and worn teddy bear on his bed. Her name is Maggie, and he talks to her when he’s feeling down and doesn’t want to deal with the reactions of other people. Her make is more like older versions of teddy bears with a squarer head, longer snout, and longer limbs.
The hunting trip incident where Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a black bear that was trapped for him happened in Mississippi. That incident inspired the teddy bear, and it’s also the official state toy.
The first teddy bears were made in Brooklyn, New York and Germany around the same time in 1902. The two makers had no relation to each other, although candy shop owner Morris Michtom in New York was the one who was inspired by the story.
Can do a perfect Kermit the Frog impression, and he has the puppet for it too. He can do a lot of various voice impressions, and he also has a light interest in puppets.
Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets, was born in Mississippi.
At this point I might as well just make Mississippi a big plushie enthusiast. He’s the type of guy to have a large pile of a single kind of plushie like for Pikachus, Kirbys, Garfields, etc. But, his hoard is just for catfish plushies (plus one Whiscash). Whether realistic or cutified, or mass produced or handmade, he is enthusiastically collecting them all.
Belzoni, Mississippi is the Catfish Capital of the World. The state is also first in catfish production.
‘Sippi always feels slightly guilty for a moment when he returns to his room after a good meal of fried catfish and sees all his catfish plushies staring at him.
I’m imagining a scene where Mississippi’s room gets barged into by some Southern states (presumably to find something), with ‘Sippi already taking the precaution of stuffing all his catfish in his closet before his colleagues find out about this “unmanly” hobby of his. Cue his closet comedically exploding with catfish plushies when one of the states inevitably opens the door.
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chelseacatgirl · 1 year
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I don't support neither NFTs *Non-fungible tokens* nor AI Art, while they both validate art theft, NFTs are also a waste of money and the worst part is that they endanger the environment.
I also seen certain jerks being involved with these garbage.
Ken Penders is doing NFTs himself:
Even Tamers12345 did AI Art and claims he drew them by hand and not AI generated when in truth they actually are AI Generated *HYPOCRITICAL!*, they are in the ending credits of his bad fanmade episode of Sonic Underground called "Bartleby Takes his Sugar Baby Sonic To A Hot Spring Vacation" *He claims it's an official episode of Sonic Underground when it's not*:
They depicted Human SU Knuckles and Human Cyrus resembling girls, while as usual human SU Sonic, Manic, and SU Uncle Chuck are depicted being obese like Tamers12345 did to these three in his series, like Tamers' human SU Sonic looking like an Anime Nikocado Avocado in blue.
I do like the song "I remember you" by YUI though:
Please don't ever support NFTs, and don't ever support AI Art either, they both validate art theft, please give Human artists support, and also keep the environment safe too.
Drawn on ibisPaint X on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A.
Sonic the Hedgehog series (c) Sega/Sonic Team
Chelsea the Cat (c) Me
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underpinksky · 9 months
Today I would like to talk about something that has been really hard on my psyche lately and since I don't have money for therapy, throwing it into this hole seems best. So,
TW: body image issues, ED
Every since I was a kid I was slightly heavier. Never obese but chubby. (Right not I am 27 and finally waiting for my first endocrinology appointment to see if there is something wrong with my hormones).
I became obsessed with dieting very early on, before turning 10 i was memorising diets from my mother's magazines.
Mother has always been lean an never had to watch what she eats too much. (For example she has 2-3 desserts a day with no issues and no exercise routine). I am the exact opposite. For most pf my adulthood I ate 500 calories. During some years less (in my "i am fine now" year i upped to 700 hundred).
During the last year of my life, after batteling with chronic pain i upped to 1000kcal a day but many days i dont reach it, but unsurprisingly I have gained weight.
As i was growing up my mother encouraged my diet habits, happily bought be bottles of diet pills, offered to get me weight loss surgery (despite of us being lower middle class and being careful about money in every other aspect) and she would praise me at the hight of my Ed when I finally got close to being underweight, exercising 3-4 hours of day while eating under 200kcal.
When I ended up in mental hospital for a break down at the age of 17, she told the doctors not to worry about my eating habits because I have always eaten little (therefore I did not recieve Ed treatment).
So this is the background of me starting to see that my mother's intentions might have not been the best and being supportive mother should not extend to trying to make your child loose weight in these extremes.
For years I have been ashamed about something and never found the strength to tell someone.
When I weight about 55kg and thus was in the healthy weight range despite of still having some belly, I found out my mother was hiding junk food in her closet and she was sneaking it to my brother's lunches. My brother could also eat how much he wanted without having to worry about his weight.
When I saw her sneakingly showing chocolate bars into his backpack that I was forbidden to eat ever since I was little I wanted to cry with shame. I remembered how I overheard a conversation with her friend few months earlier who gave her this tip because her daughter was obese. "Better if they don't know the food is in the house."
I did not struggle with binging and had no interest in junk food since I struggle to finish a banana, thinking it has too much sugar.
But one time I snapped and binged the hidden sweets out of spite and ever since then I have convinced myself that she was right to do it because I was indeed problematic.
But now looking at it at 27 I feel a little bit sick knowing how she treated me and I a little angry that she never tried to get me an endo appointment or even talked to my doctor about me not being able to loose weight.
At my heaviest I kept being shamed by my family and my teachers and I was desperate. Nothing worked apart from not eating at all and even that barely did anything.
When I tried to bring it up she claims never to have done it and tried to gaslight me into "having a vivid dream about it".
I will not bring it up again because there ia no point but sometimes i get so angry that instead of bwing offered proper medical help, I was helped not to eat.
I love my mother and she has changed a lot during the last couple of years, but the damage has been done.
My appointment is in 3 weeks and i am extremely nervous since I was told before to juat "eat less and move more" by doctors. But I hope I will find out what is wrong with my body and i will finally get to do something about it.
Maybe I will get to be able to eat adult sized meals for the first time in my life, maybe I won't be so tired all the time and perhaps the pain will ease as well. But most importantly I hope I will finally get to hear that I am not the problem.
So wish me luck, because i am so so so nervous and have no one to talk to about all of this 💜🙏
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