#also happy 3rd of halloween
diodellet · 8 months
traipsing over toda twst tag to see the fandom in flames, right on sched if i do say so mself
also that fox dude kinda piquin my interest there hm smth abt him seems not honest at all
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brielledoesastrology · 8 months
Astrology Observation #5
by : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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finally another quite long astrology observation post that i havent made in like 1 year maybe.... Also happy halloween guys 🎃✨
- Brielle
Pisces mars really gotta be careful. I am being for real. These people have a really hard time realizing or knowing who their enemies are and who aren't. Most of them also can have anger or emotional breakdowns for things that they imagine themself or things that aren't even real. These are the type of people that suddenly hate you for no actual reason. This placement is the definition of "sometimes delulu is not always the selulu." They are also the type of people to start a whole drama or fight first because of their own delusions that aren't even real and then end up blaming other people.
Asteroid Klio (84) is such an underrated huge fame indicator/potential asteroid that people rarely talk about here in this community. This is the type of fame that is until history, the type of fame that makes someone a historical figure, or at least remembered in history.
I noticed a lot of pluto in the 7th house people enjoy admiring other people from social media. Sometimes they also enjoy following social media trends from following other people too especially stuff relating to skin care or makeup or anything else that they will think to give them that "glow up". (These types of influence will be stronger if the pluto is aspecting venus too). On the other hand if they aren't admiring they could easily be jealous or envying those people who they think that looks or are doing better than themself. Or They could easily attract jealousy or envy from other people too (beware of attracting people that drains u)
I've seen asteroid toro (1685) being prominent in the astrology natal charts of a lot of people that are bullies or being bullied or being accused of bullying. The asteroid was not named after a mythological figure but a person, but it really resonates with its Spanish meaning. "Toro" is "bull" in spanish. Usually if they aren't being bullied or a bully they usually have this intimidating look to people.
example of people who have asteroid toro (1685) prominent in their chart :
- Rihanna has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her mars (0 orb)
(accused of being a mean girl)
- Kim Garam has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her mercury (0 orb)
(accused of bullying)
- Cardi B has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her mercury (1 orb)
(accused of being a mean girl)
- Hailey Bieber has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her midheaven (1 orb)
( the public always accuses her of bullying or being a mean girl even for the pettiest reason )
- Marilyn Monroe has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her sun (2 orb)
(From early on, Monroe was reputed to be difficult: bullied by misogynistic directors, and frustrated at her lack of control, she was cited as debilitatingly late and forgetful. Zanuck suspended Monroe in 1954 when she frustratedly refused yet another pin-up role)
I noticed most people with mars in gemini use the "spread rumors" (either fake or real ones) tactics for revenge or if they feel offended by something or someone. I am not surprised since gemini is ruled by mercury and mercury represents "communications" in general. But it works differently than virgo.
Mars in virgo revenge tactics are more into gathering proofs or receipts (either fake or real ones) then making it very detailed and very specific compared to mars in gemini .
I noticed both of the top male n female rappers in the rap game got asteroid hannibal (2152) prominent in their chart. Especially strongly aspecting mercury and 3rd house placements.
- Nicki minaj have asteroid hannibal (2152) conjunct her mercury and conjunct her neptune on sagittarius all on 0 orb.
- Eminem have asteroid hannibal (2152) conjunct his moon in aquarious in 1 orb in the 3rd house.
(for a context the asteroid hannibal is named after hannibal barca which he was the no.1 most greatest and most feared enemy of the roman empire)
I see so many people with Gemini moons really don't have a problem posting their emotions in social media publicly so all people can see. I also saw most of these people are very bad at keeping things privately to themselves. They can't really "cry or suffer in private" usually most of the time because of their own behavior.
Scorpio placements are not always private or very introverted like what most people say about the sign. I have seen many scorpio placements who just say what they think bluntly n they don't care if other people think that it is too deep or dark or offensive.
Fun fact : Did you know that the name asteroid Swift (5035) exactly conjunct taylor swift's sun in her astrology natal chart! Name asteroids r really interesting!!!!
This is controversial to say, but i have to say it. Not all women or girls who have lilith (1181) or black moon lilith (h13) prominent in their charts are a "girls girl / supporting each other women" or a "feminist". It is because most people with Black moon lilith (h13) or asteroid lilith (1181) have at least ever experienced a very long phase of their life of being cast out of a social group (well obviously this can be done by both genders either males or females social groups casting them out ).
But most of the time i see that for the Women or Girls who have Black moon lilith (h13) or asteroid lilith (1181) prominent in their chart have ever been at least ever experienced a very long phase of their life of being casted out by a social group of their female friends (most of the time because their female friends did something terrible/bad to them that leads the h13 lilith/1181 lilith women or girl being or feeling casted out from their group). This could lead to internalized misogyny about their feelings of women if they grew up without fixing this issue.
This is weird but i have seen many many many men who have venus - pluto in square,opposition or even conjunctions ended up being incels.
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bucknastysbabe · 6 months
hi cal! i love your page sm. i wanted to request more chubby bucky (i’m so obsessed & haven’t seen him in a min) also make sure to take care of yourself and have a good day/night 🩷
HI!!!! Sorry I’ve been such a spazz and awful about my page and askbox I’m in my new era blah blah but YES! CHUBBY BUCKY! Thanks for the well wishes I’m trying to practice ~self care~ and ~time management~ mwah mwah much love. So let’s say this just in the same universe as Poolside Blues!
Rating: Explicit
Tags: TW: body dysmorphia, obsessive thoughts, negative body talk, Muscle chub Buck, Bucky’s shit self esteem is saved by sunshine gf, holiday weight gain, Bucky being a stubborn mf, switch!Bucky, reader has empathic projection, horny texts, body worship, WE LOVE SOFT PARTS AND STRETCH MARKS ROUND HERE, teasing, sub space, daddy kink, pnv!sex, cuddles and fluff, Bucky is just a big cuddly tiger kitty
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“Bucky if you stare at the scale any longer I’m going to break it. Holidays are over, you can get back to being in the gym twenty-five eight.”
Bucky eyed his petite girlfriend, frowning from the doorway to the bathroom. He palmed his stupid fucking gut and sighed, he actually had to suck in to see the number! This is why Bucky hated the holidays. Besides being cold. James Buchanan Barnes very much disliked the cold, one could assume why.
He could handle the residual un-moveable pudge leftover from Hydra’s ever consistent tinkering with his bodily functions. But then it all started with Halloween. Wanda and his girlfriend loved to bake. So he’s getting force fed cookies. Then they need to decorate, go to functions, give out candy. No time for gym.
Bucky grumbled and stepped off the scale, padding to his closet. He grumbled more, “Stupid turkey holiday.” Great yes, the holiday known for feasting. Pumpkin spiced everything in his vision. Bucky had a weakness for pumpkin, his ma made good spiced bread. He took a short vacation with his lovely little angel to the mountains. He tried to rationalize that hiking and marathon sex would make up for the amount of food he had ingested.
Tony Stark of course had a grandiose Thanksgiving celebration. Bucky tried to keep it light, he did, he really did. But every refusal got sad eyes or downright offense. The former winter soldier was belly up by the end of the night, all gym plans out the window.
Christmas fared no better. His best gal absolutely adored Christmas. It was the first holiday she’d experience not as an asset to Hydra, just like Bucky. So instead of RUNNING or LIFTING, the Brunette was shopping and ice skating. He’d already gone up a size in clothes December 3rd to be exact. Bucky correctly guessed he would go up another post-Christmas.
He’d whinge and rant to Steve, the blondie listening and telling Bucky to chill— it’s not like anyone thought it was bad. Bucky exasperatedly shouted, “I’m like a goddamn balloon! I don’t need to be on missions like this! I’m going to Bruce, jerk.”
Bruce didn’t help either. Just said once he got back into a routine it would come off and he’d be at his regular weight. Refused to give Bucky Ozempic either. Some kinda doctor he was, his patient was obviously distraught.
“Are you dressed yet?,” she hollered.
“Give me a second!,” Bucky pouted.
He was going to pout today. Go to gym, get anger out, and pout. So he shimmied on some catastrophically tight basketball shorts and the biggest shirt he could find. Luckily it covered him up. May or may not have been a panic buy. Bucky cursed some more sitting on his bench to lace up his shoes, stupid gut getting in the way.
Red faced and irritated he snarked, “Happy now princess? I’m going to the gym, nothing is stopping me, I will be going to work out.” She grinned and watched him grab his bag, slapping a round ass cheek on his way out. Bucky shuddered at the wobble. Her familiar rasp rang out, “Nice ass baby! Go get em!”
He was too old for this. Technically his girl was ten years his junior if you took off the cryogenic time. He loved her dearly, always bubbly, somehow remained optimistic after all she’d been through. But the little freak liked Bucky’s pudge, loved it. Always grabbing up on it.
Bucky took the stairs to the gym. He needed it. The brunette thought with a smirk that if he had a nickel for every time he had to remove her hands from his ‘handles of love’ he would’ve been a millionaire back during the Depression. He grimaced at the feeling of his chubby tummy and thick thighs.
Finally. He’d made it. Gym time.
Not a soul in sight, Bucky could just relax and get his frustrations out. With a fuck-ton of a cardio and some toning exercises— really didn’t need any muscle to bulk him out more. He felt a bit peaceful for once, a strange bravado coming over him. The soldier stretched his unused muscles and did a bit of breathing exercises.
God, he already felt lighter. Maybe. Maybe he would take a picture and see if the camera made him look different. Bucky’s therapist already hammered him about his ‘body dysmorphia and negative self-image’.
Taking a peak about and tying his hair half up, Bucky propped the camera at a flattering angle and yanked off his shirt. He refused to look in a mirror for the holidays unless he was clothed. Fiddling with the inane controls, the man finally had the thing on a timer. He pulled off his shirt and tried to pose, straighten up his back again.
The flash went off and he ran to the phone, hit send, then sat down on a nearby bench to look fully. The brunette had to keep his ‘body positive!’ thoughts at the forefront. His chest and legs looked good. Face didn’t look too puffy thanks beard.
Disgust picked the earlier bravado up and hulk smashed it. Buck’s eyes were glued to his rounded belly and fat hips, a muffin over those horrid shorts. There, oh my god, there were stretchmarks on him? Bucky never had stretchmarks! Not the red kind! But there they were— mocking him. Ragged lines on his hips and sections of stomach.
He deleted the picture, feeling horrid. He should run more. But not before the pings blowing up his phone. She was strange and texted in 5 different messages that could’ve been sent in one singular text.
“Babbbbyyyy omg you’re so hot”
“Fuck, I’m getting all flustered in this debrief.”
“Look at that pretty body. Wanna lick those pretty stripes, tiger.”
“I’m so horny lmfao get your ass back to the room in 30. I’m gonna fucking ride you so goddamn hard.”
Bucky blinked a bit, feeling himself perk up. He still was a overblown balloon, but at-least the weirdo he loved enjoyed it. “Tiger huh,” he murmured, scratching at the sensitive marks. Bucky had a time limit now, snatching his gear up and stuffing it into a bag, hustling down the stairs to his room.
“Hey Buck,” Sam’s voice was a blur as Bucky entered his room. He smirked a bit hearing a muffled, “Weird ass.” The super soldier kept his mind on the prize— getting the daylights fucked out of him by his girls. Nope he wasn’t going to pay attention to the chafe on the inside of his thighs one bit. Okay...maybe he’d powder the area after the shower.
All he had to do was wait now. Wait. Not get nerved about his very naked body. He felt like a pile of exposed lard but it’ll be okay. Yep. Bucky would be fine. Pussy would fix his problems. As long as she played nice and didn’t tease. That rendered Bucky into a teary, babbling mess. Either he was always a masochist or Hydra made him into one but God— sometimes when she got mean he saw stars.
The door busted open, Bucky feeling relief at her grinning face. She gently closed it behind her, stripping easily while throwing her panties at him. He caught the material, moaning softly as she growled, “See what you did to me in the middle of that debrief? Had to cut it short my pheromones were so bad.”
Bucky inspected the panties, eyes fluttering at the slick wetting the cloth. He gripped and inhaled, hand flying down to soothe his cock. A lithe body crawled to the end of the bed, the soldier flushing as she seated herself in between his thighs. Keeping him in fucking missionary, her manicured nails spreading him a bit. He gasped, body jolting at the exposure.
Her perky tits heaved as she groped at his thighs and slid down to get handfuls of his round ass. Bucky threw his head back and moaned, “W-What are you up to?” Earlier mentioned pheromones were making his body keyed up and sensitive, pupils likely swallowing up blue eyes. She leaned forward, taught body against his cock.
“Mmm- I don’t know really. You just looked so delicious,” she kissed his belly and cooed, “I know you’re upset with yourself right now, Buck, you’re fucking gorgeous. Holiday weight or not. But I’ll even go to the gym with you, know I’ve been a distraction.”
Bucky slurred a name, hands reaching for her waist, she was so sweet. He sighed, “I enjoyed you as my distraction, best disss-traction everrr. Fuck you’re makin’ me horny babydoll.” She crawled up his bigger body to plant a kiss on Bucky’s swollen lips before sliding back to her place. His cock leaked when she giggled, “I know, poor baby’s all achy for me. But I wanna do something first.”
She slid palms up and down Bucky’s muscled arms, soothing him a little. Then the she-devil gripped his chunky love-handles and shook, watching with poorly-disguised glee. Bucky whined, “Baaaby, stoppp, it’s awful!”
“Think of them as tiger stripes, they’ll fade out when you drop weight,” she dug under where his belly hung a bit and traced at his most sensitive stretch marks. Bucky let out an indecent noise, thrusting up into her sweet touch. The fellow avenger cooed, “S’that feel good tiger? Need some lotion. Pretty boy.”
Bucky outright whimpered when her hand wrapped around his weepy cock, already slick from copious pre. She slowly moved her hand, praising him. Pretty boy, smart, handsome, good, kind, helpful.
He was going to bust a nut before anything happened. Bucky barked, “B-babe, stop! Stop!” Her pretty brows knitted together, hand jerking away as she asked, “What’s wrong bub?” He panted, “Gimme a second, w-wanna fuck you so baaaad.” She gently stroked the outside of thick muscled thighs, padded with love in her opinion.
“Thought I was going to ride you?,” she asked, face beginning to flush.
Bucky shook his head, managing to push himself up to get face-to-face. His soft body filled the tight space between them, making her whimper now. Bucky used one hand to caress the side of her face, the other massaging her pretty tit. Long lashes fluttered, her lips falling open.
Score. He managed to somewhat fumble through the pheromone fog.
Bucky rumbled, “Nuh-uh, all this talk about my body and you don’t want me to pin you down and fill your pretty pussy up? Hm sweetheart?” He punctuated the sentence with a deep kiss, the sweet thing easily giving up to him. It was fun when she played mean but Bucky had more experience— he could play his girl like a fucking fiddle.
“C’mon,” smack, “use your,” smack, “words baby,” smack smack. She didn’t want to stop kissing, sucking on his bottom lip as he pulled away. She blushed, embarrassed on how fast the situation had flipped. His girl whined, “Yeah, c’mon fuck me, fuck me full daddy.” He grinned and laid back, strong arms pulling her atop him.
She squealed, eyes widening. Bucky purred, “You know what to do, Daddy’ll let you on top.” He bit his swollen lip again watching the tip of his clock get swallowed by molten heat, the pair of them shuddering in ecstasy. Her little hands planted on his chest, panting and whining at the fullness. He’d get to work, holding that pretty waist and fucking up into her tight cunt.
It wasn’t long before she was crying out and laying atop his body, gasping, “Y’feel so good! Ah! Soft and oh god s’fucking hard!” Bucky sucked at her neck and thrust into her with downright pornographic slaps. He grunted and gasped, legs wonderfully getting another workout.
He murmured into her ear, a hand stilling all that writhing the poor thing was doing, “Yeah doll? Daddy fucking you good? Feels good to lay on Daddy and get your pussy pounded huh?” She sobbed, clenching and spilling tears on his neck, “Yes daddy! Yes! Don’t stop, fuckfuckfuck, s’rubbing my clit! I love you Daddy!”
Bucky’s eyes crossed for a second. What?
The evil flab that curses his very existence is a free clit rubber? He moaned in delight. Bucky changed their position some to milk out that new fact. Might as well abuse it before it’s gone. His baby was clinging to him now, mewling his name, pussy spasming sporadically. Bucky tilted her head up, melting at her pretty eyes. He rasped, “Come for Daddy baby, know you’re close, let go babydoll.”
He was grinding the tip of his cock into her soft spot while cooing at her. She hiccuped on a sob, the entirety of lean frame tightening down on him. His baby was a lot stronger than she looked. He could feel her core clamp and soak his cock, sending Bucky reeling into his own orgasm with a hoarse shout. He whimpered at the feeling of his balls drawing painfully tight, emptying all he had pent up.
They laid in a pile of sweat and spend, probably love. She was still subbed out, nuzzling into Bucky, only making a soft noise when his soft cock slid out. The brunette guessed it was his turn to return her earlier favor. He felt like the man of the hour. Crazy little kitten thought her geriatric overweight cyborg assassin was hot. Even with the holiday pounds.
So he pressed little kisses, rubbed her back, waxed poetic nonsense of his love for her. Bucky was a lover boy back in the day, just a little rusty, not like his Babygirl was on planet Earth right now anyways. She murmured into his neck with a dopey smile, “Tiger.”
Once again, crazy fellow asset saving Bucky’s wavering self-esteem. How lucky was he?
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akasakurevival · 9 months
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Hello and welcome to the first cross-media AkaSaku event hosted by the AkaSaku Revival Fan Club discord server, open to all to participate!
🎃 The 12 Days of AkaSaku Halloween 🎃
Starting October 19th and on through October 30th, we'll have a ship and corresponding prompt each day! We're sharing the itinerary a month early in case anyone wants to prepare in advance, but this is also an optional Flash Event!
Prompts and Ships
On the [ ] day of Halloween, Leader-sama gave to me...
1st) ItaSaku under the cherry tree
2nd) SasoSaku in surgical gloves
3rd) PeinSaku and a summoning ritual
4th) TobiSaku (ObiSaku) at a masquerade
5th) DeiSaku committing arson
6th) ZetsuSaku lost in the woods
7th) KakuSaku grave robbing
8th) KisaSaku under a full moon
9th) KonaSaku with a deadly bouquet
10th) HidaSaku and bloody lips
11th) Honorary AkaSaku in a haunted house
12th) AkaSaku carving pumpkins
All media, genre, and rating types are welcome, but we do have a few rules that participants will need to follow.
Begins Oct. 19th, ends Oct. 30th.
Use #12DaysofAkaSaku tag when posting art/fic to tumblr, A03, etc.
Prompts don't need to be the focus, but should be incorporated in some way.
NSFW/dark content must be tagged, include appropriate content warnings, and (if posted to tumblr), placed under a read more.
Participants don't need to create something for every ship! Create for whichever days you like.
Late submissions will be accepted for a week after.
Only submit your own work.
Optional Flash Event
• Recommended (but not enforced) max word count of 500. This is to help those who wish to create for multiple days, but are working with limited time!
If you have any questions, feel free to message @akasakurevival or the admin @frostmarris! This event is open to everyone, but there will also be an invite to the discord server in a reblog. Come join is if you'd like to see more AkaSaku content, member wips, or sprint along for the Flash Event!
We're looking forward to seeing what everyone's makes!
Happy Halloween and happy creating!
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Standard Operating Procedures 1.03 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie is no stranger to disappointment, but it still stings, regardless.
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.02 (Like...it immediately precedes 1.03)
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual pining and slow burn (yes still, always). Chekhov's...Guitar(?), Sad Boy Eddie, Disappointment, Kind of an argument, Disillusioned Eddie, Hurt/Comfort, fluff at the end as per usual.
Note: I am admittedly just making some shit up in this chapter strictly because I don't know how certain things were in the 80s and have already done my fair share of research and math for this fic. I'm a tired girl. Suspend your sense of disbelief. I hope it's seamless regardless.
Also, I just want to say, thank you for all the love this little series has gotten so far. Everyone has been so kind. If you haven't gotten some already, here's some soft internet magic to help you find your own Eddie Munson or mall romance or whatever it is you're looking for. *perpetual magical forehead smooch*
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other random Eddie Headcanons.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
"M'home!" Eddie announced as he bounded into the trailer. "Isn't it time to make the donuts, old man? Didn't expect you to still be here."
"Eh, Marty's got some appointment tomorrow, so I traded him for 2nd shift," Wayne sighed, sinking further into his arm chair. "Didn't get home too long before you and I don't plan to leave this chair for a good few hours."
"Well, I'll make myself scarce so you can enjoy Johnny Carson in peace," Eddie chuckled, knowing his uncle didn't get much of a chance to indulge in his favorite programs with his work schedule.
"Did ya' have a good session tonight?"
"No session. We went out to celebrate Gareth getting his drivers license."
"S'that why you're so giddy?" Wayne teased good-naturedly.
Eddie thought about it for a second as he kicked off his sneakers, realizing that he had been in a pretty good mood tonight. It had been a fun night out with the guys. And of course, you were there.
It made him happy that you got along with his friends.
And he got to sit next to you and sneak little glances when you didn't know he was watching. And he got to hear the little hitch of your breath at the jump scares and imagine that it would do the same if he kissed your neck the way he wanted to, someday.
You had leaned in close at one point and put your head on his shoulder...only to whisper some joke about a continuity error you spotted. And then grinned when he burst out laughing, only to get confused looks from the guys and curses from the other moviegoers.
It only got better when you agreed to go out on Halloween, as much as he felt like an absolute idiot for asking you.
Who asks a girl to go Trick or Treating? What was he, in 3rd grade? On the upside, it meant you still planned to be his friend come October.
Maybe you would be more than a friend by then.
If he could just get the courage to...actually ask you out.
It wouldn't be that hard, right? He would just have to...maybe hold your hand and ask if you'd ever want...well no that wasn't right...
Fuck. He'd done it before; he'd mostly gotten no's but...
"Y-yeah," Eddie finally responded, realizing his uncle was waiting for an answer. "Zombie movie. You know I like those. Gareth was practically pissing his pants."
"Well good. And you tell that boy not to let the driving thing get to his head," Wayne coughed. "He still owes me a new mailbox after your driving lessons.
"Speaking of which, there's mail for you on the counter," Wayne waved his hand in the direction of the kitchen.
Eddie shuffled over and thumbed through the envelopes, debating whether or not to pull a Carnac the Magnificent just to get a laugh out of his uncle, only to freeze when he reached the bright blue envelope at the bottom of the stack.
He didn't even need a second to think before he sprinted across the trailer to shove his feet back into his sneakers, grabbed his keys, and shouted a quick "imgoingtojeffsdontwaitup" as he raced out the door.
If it was any other time, he would have called first. Or waited until the morning. But if he knew his friends--and he knew them well--they went and got Dairy Queen after the movies, and Gareth would be pulling into Jeff's sleepy little cul de sac off Maple any minute now. There was no time to waste.
This was big, for all of them. He couldn’t do this alone.
He drove with the radio off, he kept his hands at ten and two, made a full stop at every stop sign, and didn't even speed like he usually would. Not one mile over the limit. He couldn't risk Callahan catching his scent tonight. And he prayed to every god, goddess, demon, devil, deity—every pantheon—he knew that everything could just be in his favor tonight.
It's just the fair, but what if this is the next step on the road to something bigger.
Eddie started honking as soon as he could see the tail lights of the station wagon. He didn't care who he woke up or what neighbor would call the cops. He didn't even remember putting the van in park before he jumped out; it could have rolled off a cliff, he wouldn't have cared.
The other guys started screaming as he waved the envelope at them.
"This is it, this is it. Did you open it yet?
"A real show, guys."
"Do we need new equipment? Shit, do we need eyeliner?"
"Alright guys calm down," Eddie grinned. "We have to open the envelope first."
They huddled together in the middle of the cul de sac, hovering over the envelope and Eddie held his breath for a moment. This would be the moment...
The moment that they could tell everyone they really started on the road to making it big.
The moment they got their first real set, their first big crowd.
Maybe there would be some talent scout at the fair. They showed up at these sorts of things right?
He might not even need to go back to Hawkins High come September.
Or even if he did…to know that he might be a real rockstar some day...He could ignore all of the shit from the kids and the teachers. It wouldn't need to be another year of ridicule and humiliation.
He ripped through the thin blue paper and pulled out the folded letter within, dropping the envelope immediately in favor of clutching it with both hands as he read.
His hands started to shake as he read, and it was only getting worse by the second.
He was going to vomit. Or...or pass out. Or...
Unfortunately due to the family-oriented nature of this event, the genre of music included in your proposed set list has been deemed inappropriate and we regret to inform you that your application for this year's Roane County 4th of July Festival has been denied.
Eddie was going to die. He would lay down, right here in the middle of the street, and die. They could just re-pave the street right over his corpse.
Here lies Eddie Munson.
Wannabe Rockstar.
He didn't even make it to his 20th birthday.
He finally looked up and passed the letter around, watching--painfully--as their dreams were shattered too. He gauged Jeff's reaction most of all, since he had been the one to propose the idea in the first place. But Jeff was fine; he was just looking right back at Eddie.
"You ok, man?" he asked.
"It's just a stupid fair," Eddie sniffed, ignoring the stinging of his eyes as he fought back the tears.
"Yeah," Dave nodded. "There's always next summer."
Next summer. Next year.
Another year he probably wasn't gonna graduate again. Another year stuck in this not-even-one-horse-town.
Sure, he was probably getting ahead of himself with the ideas of fame. But outright rejection? It stung. To be denied the chance to perform, to show off all of their talent, because of the set list he chose.
The guys all trusted him, he always chose songs that highlighted their strengths. Always wanted them to look and play their best. He was so proud of them, he never wanted them to fail.
But they trusted him and it let them down.
And because of that, Eddie couldn't let everything fall apart because he failed.
"They couldn't even let us pick some new songs," Eddie swallowed his pain and laughed dryly. "They don't know what they're missing out on."
It wasn't much, but it was enough to get them going.
"Hey maybe we could write some more original songs for next year?"
"I think if we practiced, I could really nail that one drum solo, hey Ed?"
"We would have totally melted some faces!"
They always held it together for him; he definitely could do it for them too.
“Are you sure he’s gonna like this one?”
“This is the newest model,” Eddie explained with a sigh, turning the box over to show off the list of New and Improved features on the back.
The customer was a sleepy-looking older guy in glasses and a wrinkled polo, who walked in 10 minutes before closing, whose wife apparently sent him out for their son’s birthday present: a new Walkman.
And the asshole was really dragging his feet on a decision. Eddie had all of the options they offered laid out on the display case, they'd gone over the different features several times. He almost had the sale, and then the guy realized it was the red model instead of blue. Like it even fucking mattered.
It was Sunday night too. Not like Eddie had anywhere else he needed or wanted to be.
“And if I go to Sam Goody, they’re gonna say the same thing?” He asked.
“You could go down there and ask, but I’ll bet you that it’s gonna be marked up at least 15% more.”
If he left now, the gate would get closed right behind him. The sale wasn’t worth it.
“Hmmmm, fine,” the man harrumphed and began pulling out his wallet. “And throw in a couple tapes too, I guess. I don’t know what Michael likes; whatever you think is popular. You're the expert here, not me.”
As soon as the guy had paid and was walking out of the store, Eddie pulled down the gate and grumbled under his breath "what a fuckin' dickhead, can't make a decision to save his life or even be bothered to know what his son actually wants for his birthday."
Kyle's barking laughter echoed across the store from where he was doing markdowns.
"I can definitely hear you from over here kid," he chuckled. "You've gotta chill.”
"Sorry man," Eddie sighed as he approached the registers to start the closing tasks. "I'm just...I dunno, in a bad mood I guess."
"Well, you're doing a good job, people just suck sometimes."
The first time Kyle told him what a good job he was doing, Eddie nearly confessed that he was channeling Kurt Russel in Used Cars and rolled a D20 for persuasion before each shift.
Whether or not the D20 roll actually worked, Eddie still had some of the best sales numbers on the team. They’d nearly doubled their sales goal today alone. Because despite the entire town seemingly having it in for him, no one seemed to mind that he was the one helping them find whatever it was that they needed.
"Stop thinking about it so much," Kyle laughed. "You just keep making those sales, we keep beating our numbers, and your bonus check's gonna be enough for the last payment on that Warlock you've been drooling over since you started. Doesn't that cheer you up a little?"
Eddie hummed dismissively as approached the cash wrap to start closing procedures, and glared at the stack of handmade fliers for Corroded Coffin’s Tuesday night shows at the Hideout, sitting neatly on the electronics display case next to all of the special order catalogs.
Yeah that was the dream.
A stage-worthy guitar and an actual stage and crowd to go along with it.
But it was gonna be forever to get there at the pace he was going.
When he’d gotten home on Friday night and told Wayne about the rejection letter, his uncle clapped him on the shoulder and said “good things come to those who wait.” Of course, Eddie was grateful for whatever advice his uncle gave him. He was just…tired of waiting.
And he'd have to wait even longer, because tonight it didn't even feel like they were going to be able to leave the store at all, let alone on time.
Nothing was going right--or so it seemed thanks to Eddie's mood. And it just seemed to get worse as time wore on. He couldn't get the registers to balance, he kept fucking up the combination to the safe when he went to put the deposit away, the mixtape he put into the shop radio earlier in the evening had jammed, and it took both him and Kyle combined to jimmy it out of the player.
They ran into a problem with every single closing task.
And before long, you were outside of the store waiting, when he had typically made it his habit to wait for you.
It was just...one of those things that Eddie liked to do.
He could imagine he was picking you up for a real date. Watch you as you finished up your own closing tasks, enjoy the little things you probably didn't even realize you did--bob your head along to whatever residual music was playing in the mall, fiddle with your earrings with one hand as you signed deposit slips with the other.
The way you lit up when you saw him outside of the gate--gave him a bright smile and held your fingers up to say how much longer it would be--was one of the highlights of his week, after gigs at the Hideout and crushing the guys dreams during Hellfire.
He could have really used that tonight.
Instead, you were out there waiting as Eddie continued to fuck things up. You smiled and waved as you usually did when you first arrived, leaning on the little coin-operated horse right outside the store. Thanks to his frustration, he couldn't bring himself to smile back. He glanced outside every now and again, and felt his stomach lurch whenever he saw you kicking your feet or picking your nails. Bored. Annoyed. Sick of waiting for him, probably, if the lack of an expression was anything to go by.
He debated simply telling you to leave. That your night out was canceled and you could reschedule another time.
But if you agreed...you might get pissed off for wasting your time and avoid him whenever you saw him from that point forward.
How did this happen? How was it just 48 hours ago that he was coming up with a plan to ask you out? And now he might never talk to you again?
Because he was a loser, he wasn't worth the trouble, that's wh--
"Alright Ed, let's go," Kyle clapped a hand on his shoulder and Eddie jumped.
"What?" he stared at Kyle for a second.
"What do you mean what? It's time to go," Kyle explained.
"But the checklist," Eddie frowned, mentally tallying all the tasks they hadn't gotten to. "It's not done."
"You wanna stay and clean the bathroom? Mop the floors? I can just have Paulie do it in the morning," Kyle grabbed him by the shoulder and led him to the door. "Let's fucking go. There's a whole pan of lasagna waiting for me at home, and your girlfriend is out there waiting for you. Unless you want me to take her out instead?"
Eddie fumbled over his words as Kyle pushed him outside and locked the gate.
"Try to have a good night tonight; someone's got a crab up his ass," Kyle warned you with a wink before heading towards the exit.
You pushed yourself off the play horse and approached Eddie with a frown.
"Hey if you're not up to going out tonight, we don't have to," you offered.
Here it was, the first steps of rejection.
"Yeah, no," Eddie coughed weakly. "If you don't want to go out, that's cool."
He'd heard it all before.
"God you're such a loser."
"Who would ever want to hang out with a freak like you."
"You think I'd actually be into you?"
"It's not about me, I'm asking about you," you smiled gently. "I don't know if you had a bad customer or something. That always gets me in a mood."
Eddie scratched the back of his neck for a second and fumbled over his words. You weren’t turning him away. No you had to be letting him down easily...right? That had to be it.
Eddie…he’d just been burned too many times by so-called friends at even smaller inconveniences. It was hard not to expect the same from everyone else he let into his life.
Except that really wasn’t the way you did things was it? How many times has he expected one thing from you and you'd surprised him with another?
You weren't tricking him or out to get him or waiting for him to mess up. You were accepting him as he was and offering him whatever care or friendship he needed.
"Yeah," he finally scoffed, playing along. "This...this guy who came in right before we closed. Couldn't decide what he wanted. Wasted time walking around. Real piece of shit."
"Well fuck that guy then," you frowned, then paused. "You sure you're up for going out? Even if you don't want to be out and about, we can go back to my place and...I could cook something? Wouldn't be pizza like I promised, but I pretty much subsist solely on pasta if I'm not grabbing takeout or going out with you. You can just hang out, listen to music or something, it’s not a big deal.”
It sounded like the best night ever. Getting to see your space, adding another layer of trust to your friendship, giving you shit about your cooking just like you did with his dinner choices…but…
Eddie knew you had scheduled yourself to open on the 4th so you could see Corroded Coffin’s set. Of course this had all been planned before he knew they weren’t going to play. And he knew he would have to break the news sooner rather than later.
But...just like with the guys...he didn't want to let you down. You, who had your entire life together, who he was lucky gave him the time of day. If you got too comfortable listening to music, you might be reminded and you would ask him about it, and when you found out...
So he would keep you in the dark. For now at least. And then come that night when you met him at the Fair Grounds he could just tell you there was a mix up and you could just enjoy the fair and eat carnival food until you puked instead.
"As tempting an offer as that is, you'd be missing out on your first Benny's experience," Eddie forced an enthusiastic laugh. "Uncomfortable booths, shitty atmosphere. But you haven't really lived in Hawkins unless you've had a patty melt handmade by Benny himself."
"Surely not the famous Benny."
"The one and only. I can only semi-promise he won't scratch his back with his spatula, but he will blend a piece of apple pie into your milkshake if you ask nicely. It's the Munson Special."
Your eyes sparkled before you looked down at your feet for a moment, and Eddie vibrated restlessly, nerves getting the best of him once he wasn't being observed by you. You then looked up at him with your lips twisted to control a smile and you nodded.
What a relief...
It was an undeniable fact that Benny's was the heart of Hawkins, and Benny himself the soul.
He was a severe-looking man at first glance--wide-shouldered with a wild beard and furrowed brows--but he always had a laugh and a story to tell. He went out of his way to learn everyone's name and make them feel welcome and would already be prepping the grill for one of his regular's orders as soon as he saw their car pull into the parking lot.
And Eddie, by the grace of his mother's previous employment at the diner, was one of Benny's favorites. He told you as much and warned you of his "celebrity status" on the drive there.
"He's gonna be very loud, but he's really funny. And he might grill you about what sports teams you like, so he might give you some shit if you don't have one. Actually, are you a big sports fan? Oh, and he might grab me by the collar and shake me around a little, but it's ok...that's just his thing. He's been doing it since I was a kid after the one time I ate all the mints in the jar by the register."
"Eddie, don't worry it'll be ok," you laughed and shifted in the passenger's seat to get a better glimpse of him. "Oh my god, are you blushing?"
"What, no," he scoffed.
Yes, he most definitely was. And he could feel himself get hotter as you continued to watch him.
"It's ok, family can be embarrassing sometimes," you shrugged. "At least it's just funny embarrassing and not painful embarrassing."
Eddie swallowed nervously and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.
Yeah this would be like meeting someone from his family, wouldn't it.
He was so caught up in his nerves and self-pity, he really hadn't thought of it that way.
"Unless Benny has some baby pictures of you on the wall something," you continued with a conspiratorial grin.
Fortunately, no baby pictures; unfortunately there was a picture on the wall near the old jukebox of a 9-year old Eddie with Benny and Rick, standing next to some massive fish they caught out on Lover's Lake. Whether to emphasize how big the fish was or how short Eddie was, he couldn't recall. All he knew was that he was missing a few baby teeth and his knees were all scabby from one fantastical adventure in the woods or another.
But you didn't need to know about that.
The diner was, thankfully, busy by the time you guys arrived, so you were spared Benny's theatrics short of a "how's it going kid" shouted from the kitchen and a bunch of muffled greetings from some of the regulars who were around when Eddie's mom was still alive. You did, however, get to meet Lynn, the blue-haired waitress that probably worked at Benny's longer than Benny had even owned the place. She was a crank and incredibly opinionated and always let Eddie's mom, then eventually Wayne and Rick, know all of the ways they were failing at raising him.
Now that Eddie was grown, she simply let him know every time she had a problem with him.
But Eddie was shocked at how swiftly you navigated the interaction with her, dodging all of the tricks and traps that typically set Eddie up for some kind of insult or life lesson.
Lynn simply took your orders--patty melts and fries with the promised apple pie shakes, "oh and extra whipped cream please"--hummed judgmentally and stalked off to top off various coffee cups. She didn't even say anything about the lack of vegetables on Eddie's plate when the food was finally ready, like she usually did when he came in for late night bites with the guys.
"How the fuck did you do that?" Eddie leaned across the table conspiratorially. "She's had it out for me for years."
"Old people love me," you explained. "I've driven my papa to enough doctor's appointments and sat through enough of his stories that I have...what did you call it? In your game? A bluff?"
"Buff," he corrected with a nod.
"Grandchild buff," you agreed and he laughed.
"Repel the Elderly," Eddie puffed out his chest and adopted his DMing voice. "A level 4 spell. No damage taken from anyone over the age of 65. But it only lasts 2 rounds. Let's hope the Harpy doesn't come back otherwise I'll need you to make a constitution saving throw. If you roll below a 10, she deals double poison damage; you might not survive."
You threw a fry at him and stuck out your tongue, then asked him to tell you more about Dungeons and Dragons. Everything was normal for a little while as you ate and talked.
Until Benny came to check on his patrons. He typically made the rounds every hour or two, stopping at tables and saying hello. The two of you were laughing at some joke Eddie made by the time Benny got to your booth.
"Hey, kid," Benny leaned his hip against the booth with his arms folded across his chest. "Long time no see; heard you got a real life, grown up job."
"Hey Ben, yeah. At the mall. Been more than a month now. I'm guessing Rick's been by?"
"You know how it goes: holiday weekend coming up, he pulls an all nighter getting supplies from his guy up in Milwaukee. Then he gets the waffle platter with extra bacon and we talk about all the town gossip."
"Nice to know I'm still gossip-worthy."
"You know how proud he is of you. This, uh...a coworker or something? You gonna introduce me or no?" Benny changed the subject and gave Eddie a knowing look. You, however, swooped in to introduce yourself as Eddie shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
He hadn't exactly told Wayne or Rick about you yet. Just that he had some new friends who worked at the mall too. It wasn't the same as talking to the guys. How many times had he had a crush over the years and came home excited about someone only to get his hopes obliterated. How many pep talks had he endured? Now, thanks to Benny's big mouth and Rick's unending need for gossip, they'd know he had taken a pretty girl to the diner.
He could truly only hope that there wouldn't be another pep talk associated with you.
"...ok Chicago," Benny sniffed as your short conversation came to an end. "You're alright. Backing the wrong football team...but still alright. Nice to meet you.”
He then turned back to Eddie.
"I need to get back to the kitchen but Rick told me about the 4th of July thing.” Eddie froze and his mouth went dry. "I'm sorry to hear about it. If you and the guys want, you can do a show here that night instead. Lot of families stop by for ice cream and pie and such.
"Maybe not that real heavy stuff you're into, but I know you boys know how to play some of the classics off the old jukebox. We could set you up in the parking lot. Phil's got some folding tables from the tree lot."
"Yeah thanks," Eddie nodded. "That sounds great. I'll bring it up to the guys when we have practice tomorrow."
"Just let me know so we can make sure you have everything you need." He turned his attention back to you. "Again, it's nice to meet ya'. Don't let Eddie scare you off, he's a big old teddy bear."
"Ben!" Eddie groaned and put his face in his hands.
"Oh he won't; I'm definitely scarier than he is," you cackled. "Nice to meet you too Benny."
Once he was gone, Lynn swooped in with the check. You immediately made to grab for it before Eddie could dare, but Lynn stopped you.
"No need honey; Edward already paid," she hummed. "As a gentleman should; seems Wayne taught you something right."
"It's always nice to see you too Lynn."
The older woman rolled her eyes and shuffled away.
You waited until she was gone before you turned your attention back to Eddie, gritted your teeth, balled the check up and threw it at him.
"Stop doing that! When did you even--"
"When you went to the bathroom," Eddie grinned triumphantly.
"You are a menace and you must be stopped!" You threw your hands in the air as you pushed yourself out of the booth to leave. "I'll get you back one day, I swear to God."
Eddie clasped both hands to his chest and gasped dramatically.
"No, please," he exclaimed. "No holy oaths in front of a lowly devil worshiper like me. I can feel the bullshit burning through me."
"Shut up, I hate you." You laughed. "Just let me pay for dinner next time."
“No, I let you pay for pizza," Eddie argued.
"You let me pay for a pizza. One. And you didn't let me do anything, I had to jump out of the van before you could. I don’t even think you had parked it yet."
“This is slander! I object.” Eddie put his hands on your shoulders, leveling you with the most stern expression he could muster. “I also let you buy cannolis.”
“Alright Perry Mason,” you rolled your eyes at him and swatted his hands off your shoulders. “You win this time.”
“Excuse me but Perry Mason always wins!"
You finally brought it up on the way to Lover's Lake.
It hadn't been Eddie's intention to always end your Sunday nights out at the lake, it just...happened. Pizza that first night, then Chinese food the following week when you lost track of time sitting in the employee parking lot debating which Indiana Jones film was better, Raiders or Temple of Doom. (It was Raiders. Obviously.)
Tonight, the plan had been to make s'mores on the fire pit in Rick's backyard. He had suggested it after he'd spotted a sandwich board outside of Scoops Ahoy advertising their knew Gimme S'mores flavor. He'd subtly asked you later if you had ever made s'mores before, and then gave you shit for your absolute throwaway answer.
"Like...yeah, in the microwave."
"The micr--are you shitting me right now?!"
"I'm sorry, there wasn't really an opportunity to start a bonfire in my fully paved backyard."
"Did you even have a childhood? No s'mores, no pudding, no sugar cereal? NO QUISP!"
So Eddie had gone to Bradleys and gotten marshmallows and chocolate and a variety of cookies. The plan, if you were ok with it, was going to be to smoke for a little bit--he'd dreamed of a s'more made with chocolate chip cookies when he had gotten high the other night and was very much looking forward to it--and enjoy the sweetness of both the s'mores and your company.
Instead, it had all shattered around him as he turned onto Cornwallis.
"So..." you began hesitantly, tapping your hands on your lap.
"So...?" Eddie asked, glancing over at you. You leaned forward a little, eyebrows raised expectantly. "What?"
"Benny's offer...for the 4th..."
"What about it?"
"You guys should do it!" you exclaimed. "That sounds like a really fun time."
You went on about the intimate venue and the regulars who already seemed to know Eddie and the guys, if what you had just seen at the diner was any indicator. The more you spoke, the more irritated Eddie seemed to get.
Not irritated...with you. No, just uncomfortable in his own skin. Uncomfortable with the fact that his failure was being perceived.
He ran his tongue along his bottom lip, his hands fidgeted on the steering wheel, his chest hurt. The van seemed to be getting smaller and hotter, the seat more uncomfortable, the longer you spoke.
By the time you finished, he barely felt like himself.
"No," he coughed. "No, I don't think the guys would be up for something like that."
"Why not?" you questioned. "You were getting ready to play at the fair right? What makes this different?"
"It just is," Eddie shrugged.
"I mean I get it's not a stage but--"
"You're not even gonna ask why we aren't playing at the fair?" Eddie cut in, attention fully taken off the road as he stared at you expectantly.
Because...because yeah you were nice, but it didn't make any sense that you were just...going along with whatever you heard. Why were you so quick to try and get him to accept this pity offer from Benny. Why weren't you throwing it in his face that plans had changed and his dreams were shattered.
"Ok. Why aren't you playing at the fair?" you asked and Eddie scoffed. "I'm not trying to be passive aggressive or anything, you just seem irritated that I didn't ask first. So now I am asking."
"Does it matter?" Eddie shrugged.
"Yes, because you're upset."
"I'm not upset."
"Eddie, please," you sighed. "Even Kyle said something was bothering you. I'm not trying to stir the pot and if you want me to drop it, I will. You just...when you talk about your music and the band you're always so excited. I want to understand why you don't want to take this opportunity."
"Because it's a reminder that I'm a failure!" Eddie shouted, hands coming off the steering wheel as he held them up beside his head. "Sur-fucking-prise! I can't seem to do anything right and that's usually fine, but yeah, you're right, this was one of the only things that really mattered to me and the guys. And I couldn't even get that right.
"Benny isn't asking if we wanted to play because he likes our music, because he thinks we're any good. No, it's because he feels bad that we can't play at the Fair. Because I chose what I thought was a really fucking cool set list and they turned us down. Because I fucked up and he wants to cheer me up."
"What's so bad about that? What's so bad about people who care about you wanting to take care of you?" you asked.
"Because it isn't care; it's pity!" He argued. "It's always pity of one kind of another, right? Pity that my mom died, pity that I live in a trailer park, pity that I have this dream that's gonna get me nowhere, pity that I can't even pass senior year after two freaking tries. What's the point anymore? I'm tired."
The van rumbled along, but it was silent otherwise. Eddie couldn't look at you after his outburst so he wrung his hands around the steering wheel.
Fuck. He really did it this time.
Eddie knew, he knew you were gonna ask and he was gonna try to avoid it and he was going to disappoint you. But he didn't know...
Eddie didn't like getting angry or really showing those kinds of emotions. It was different if he snapped at the guys to reel them in, or snark at stupid kids at school. It was harmless, no actual malice behind it. There were just some times...where he felt it all get too overwhelming inside of him and he didn't want to...
He didn't want to be like his dad.
It's why he liked smoking. And why he liked smoking. He wouldn't say he was someone with a lot of sharp edges to begin with, but they helped smooth out whatever rough burrs that came from the every day were left over on his soul after a tough week.
If only he had made it to Lover's Lake before you asked.
He had made the next turn back onto the highway when you spoke.
"Do you think I'm hanging out with you because I pity you?" you broke the silence with a small voice, and when he looked over, you were playing with your fingers and gnawing at your bottom lip. You didn't look scared or upset, really. That was a bit of a relief. But...
"No, I didn't mean..." Eddie paused for a second, because actually...he didn't think you were hanging out with him out of pity. But he was just waiting for the moment you realized it wasn't worth hanging out with him anymore because he was pitiful.
So maybe it was just worth it to end this whole thing now and save himself some unexpected disappointment. Just like it had been with everyone else who suddenly dropped him like a hot potato.
"I mean yeah," he shrugged. "Look at you. And then look at me. We don't exactly make sense."
"Make what sense?"
"You're like...you have everything figured out, you have your whole life together, you're like...on top of the world. Got your promotion to Store Manager, your apartment, everything. Meanwhile--"
"--I can't even finish high school, my band can't play a bigger crowd than the Hideout, I'm pretty sure I...accidentally sold my soul or something because Kyle hired me and I'm actually doing a good job? But where am I gonna be in 5 years, in 10? Probably still right where I am. I've literally screwed up everything I've ever put my mind to. It doesn't make sense."
"When things don't work out for us, when we're disappointed, yeah it does feel like nothing makes sense," you sighed. "But that's why you need to let the people around you who want to help you, actually help you.
"It's not a bad thing to accept he--Why are we back at the mall?" You suddenly asked as he pulled onto the Mall drive and headed towards the employee lot.
"Well I figure the night is over, I would take you back to your car," he shrugged weakly.
You opened your mouth to say something, but quickly closed it and nodded.
Yeah, that's what he thought.
He still got out of the van and opened the door for you when he parked next to your car, he offered you some chocolate to take home if you wanted, and he even kissed your hand before you got in the car to leave.
"See you around sweetheart," he said softly through your open window.
"See you Eddie, have a good night please," you offered a small smile. "Please...be good to yourself ok?"
He tucked his hands into his pockets and watched you drive away before he got back into the van.
Be good to himself.
Weird, but that definitely sounded better the "fuck you" he usually got when people disappeared from his life.
Except you didn't disappear from his life. You lived in the same town, worked at the same mall, for crying out loud; you still parked your car kind of close to his when he came in for the rest of his shifts that week. You didn't eat lunch together like you'd gotten used to doing...but he would still catch glimpses of you as you passed each other on break.
It was almost...back to how it was before he had gotten the nerve to go and talk to you that first time. You would smile and wave and he would look away. Neither of you said anything to one another, but you weren't hostile and neither was Eddie.
The 4th of July arrived and Eddie had to work. He had originally traded shifts with someone so he could do a short mid instead of a close and he'd forgotten to switch it back. But that meant he caught you leaving Tape World at the end of, what should have been, your 15 minute break.
"What was she doing here?" Eddie asked Kyle, who was surprisingly decked out in as much flag gear as he could get his hands on.
"Who? Oh your girlfriend?" Kyle pushed his star-shaped sunglasses up the bridge of his nose as he filed some receipts away. The grin on his face was obnoxious.
"She's not my girlfriend."
"Uh huh. Sure. Well, her shop radio broke again and she forgot her tapes again," Kyle shrugged. "What else is new? Hey maybe if I send you up there on official Tape World Business, you two can make up and you can stop being such a fuckin' grump."
Eddie ignored him.
That night, there was no concert at Benny's but he and the guys did end up going to the fair and eating funnel cake until they puked.
They actually had a good time; they had even watched the musical lineup for a little while. Whatever the clerk at the Park Department had chosen wasn't nearly as good as Corroded Coffin would have been. And that knowledge, paired with Gareth's heckling and Jeff's booing, kind of made him feel a little better.
The following Sunday passed by without your usual date night. Eddie still passed by your store on the way out to the employee lot. You didn't look at him or wave this time, you were at the register going over something with, what looked to be, a new hire. You laughed and his chest hurt a little.
Eddie knew how much those little dates, how much those lunches and breaks spent together, really brightened up his week. But it wasn't until he didn't have them anymore that he realized just how strong of a foothold you had in his life in such a short amount of time.
He really should never have pushed you away like he had.
He had fucked up.
He missed you.
"Hey Ed, once you clock in can you check the shipment in?" Kyle asked as soon as Eddie crossed through the doors to start his shift the following Wednesday.
"Yeah, great," Eddie sighed. “No problem.”
It wasn’t that he hated checking the shipment in….it’s just that there were about a million other parts of working at Tape World that he liked better. Talking to customers, choosing what would play on the store radio for the duration of his shift…shit, even counting down the registers at night. But this was tedious. Busy work.
It was an endless stack of boxes and he needed to make sure what was inside matched the packing slip. Thousands of little tapes. Great.
"There's some special orders back there too, if you can give the customers a call!" Kyle hollered after Eddie as he slipped into the stock room. Sure enough, there were a few larger boxes propped up by the little break area.
Now that was something Eddie enjoyed a little more. He'd call the customers--usually some desk jockey who got themselves something to get through their mid-life crisis, or a parent getting some dream gift that their kid would forget about come next month--and tell them their special order had just arrived. Then typically, they would drop into the store that day or the next day and he would get to help them unpack and test out their brand new guitar.
Aside from selling the sparkling new guitars from one of the many catalogs at the counter, this was the best part of his job. And knowing he would get to do it immediately brought his mood up.
Eddie himself had been waiting for the day where a package would be there for him. On his first day, as they were setting up the store before the mall had even opened, he had unpacked the box of catalogs and found a doozy of guitar that he had his eye on: A BC Rich Warlock. And he had been putting money towards it with every paycheck. Tape World had a plan, just like the holiday layaway at K-Mart, and combined with his employee discount...he was almost there.
He dreamt about it as he grabbed a box and pulled the packing slip from where it was attached on the side of the box.
Maybe in the next few weeks? Next month? He'd come back here and the label would say...
Edward Munson/Tape World/1 StarCourt Drive/Unit F3
Eddie blinked.
Yeah. That's what it would say.
Wait. Was he still high from after last night's show? When they'd made a very late McDonalds run and smoked in Gareth's garage?
Edward Munson/Tape World/1 StarCourt Drive
He blinked again. Nope, still the same.
Edward Munson
"Well?" Eddie jumped at the sound of Kyle's voice by the stockroom door. He had his arms crossed and he had the biggest grin on his face. "You gonna open it or what?"
"What the fuck man? Where did this come from?" Eddie questioned.
"I would assume wherever BC Rich makes their guitars? California, I don't know. I work here, remember dingus?"
"No I mean," Eddie fumbled over his words. "I hadn't made the last payment, where did it...did you..."
"Look at the packing slip man," Kyle gestured. "The order form."
Eddie quickly flipped to the Tape World order form stapled to the packing slip. There were lines of his signatures, and the amount of money he had put down with each payment...and then at the very bottom...
A very intricate signature. Yours. And the last hundred dollar payment, marked in red pen.
No. You didn't. You couldn't have. When did you even?
"I told you she was your girlfriend," Kyle cackled. "I fuckin' told you."
Kyle had been gracious enough to let Eddie take an early lunch so he could find you...confront you...kiss you...Eddie wasn't sure yet.
You opened on Wednesdays so right about now you would be taking the cardboard out to the loading dock and then taking your last break. He knew because, if not for the fact that he hadn't talked to you in over a week, he would be right there with you.
Still you jumped in surprise when he burst onto the loading dock, the heavy dock door slamming into the brick wall, just as you were hitting the button on the baler.
"Jesus Christ, Eddie," you put your neon pink, fishnet glove-clad hand on your chest. "Gave me a heart attack."
"Why did you do it?" Eddie asked.
"Do what?"
"This," he pulled the order form from his back pocket and crossed the short distance to show you. He tapped on your signature several times. "Why would you do this for me?"
Your mouth formed a soft "oh" and you sighed.
"Because you're my friend," you explained as if it was obvious. "Because you've been really down and you needed cheering up."
"This isn't just...cheering a friend up. It's too much."
"It really isn't," you shook your head.
"It's a hundred dollars!"
"I have savings," you continued.
"And you have, like...rent and bills and stuff."
"So do you...you said you've been helping your uncle with rent and bills and stuff," you said in a way that mocked him. He gritted his teeth.
"I was gonna use my sales bonus for the final payment."
"Well I'm due for mine coming up too."
"I'm paying you back!" Eddie insisted.
"No you aren't. I wanted to do this for you so I did it."
"If you felt sorry for me or--"
"I just wanted to cheer you up Eddie!" You exclaimed, slamming your hands on the baler button again in finality, as if crushing the already-crushed cardboard was somehow going to drive your point home. "I don't feel sorry for you. I don't pity you. You're my friend and you were really down, disappointed.
"Tell me yes or no? Were you on the verge of giving up? Yes or no, right now."
Eddie froze.
No he wouldn't. Except...hadn't he? There was no 4th of July Fair, which meant there also wasn't a show at Benny's. Their last set at the Hideout wasn't...well he wasn't as good as he could have been. As good as he usually was.
Maybe he had...given up on himself a little. Let the self pity get the best of him.
"No," was the answer he gave you though.
Your eyes hardened and narrowed in challenge. You placed your hands on your hips and stood toe to toe with him and although he was the taller one between the two of you, it certainly felt like you were a giantess towering over him, complete with layers of fishnet and rayon and tulle fluttering in the slight breeze off the loading dock.
"Maybe you didn't hear yourself in the van after Benny's but I did," you began. "You felt like everyone pitied you, that no one was your friend or on your side. You were alone, and in place of real pain and disappointment, and you said you were tired. What is the point of trying anymore, you're tired. You said that, Eddie. You did.
"And I've been there, ok? I'm not that much older than you but I kind of am in a different stage of my life. So I'm sorry if I've ever made it seem like things are easy for me...I'm sure in some aspects they are, but in others...yeah I've been there. It's hard not to compare yourself to others when you're down, but also, you can't just...push people away or think that they're taking pity on you when they're just trying to help.
"And I know it's hard to get over that little hurdle of feeling like everything is a trick or a trap and accept nice things from other people, so excuse me if I took the initiative to do it without your permission. Because when I was at a place of giving up and not wanting help or advice, someone did that for me. So I'm doing it for you now. And I would do it again in a heartbeat."
Eddie stared directly into your eyes as he processed everything. Back and forth, left and right, as your heavy breathing went back to normal.
"Because, if you fail to remember, you have been doing nice things for me these past few weeks, and you really haven't let me return the favor quite yet, so if you don't want to accept that I'm just doing something nice for a friend, then accept that I'm paying you back for all the nice things you've done for me."
He swallowed and looked down at his feet for a moment.
"It was just...some pizzas and snacks--"
"And chili cheese fries, and surprise sodas on the days we don't have our breaks at the same time, and that movie ticket, and dinner at Benny's, and all the gas you've used to drive us around when at this point I can probably navigate town by myself," you finished for him.
Eddie did a mental tally and yeah, you were right. He did do all of those things, and no, he hadn't and probably still wouldn't let you return the favor if you gave him the chance to be your friend again.
"I know friendship isn't supposed to be transactional, but the scale has been tipped immensely towards you, so instead of just sitting back and watching you feel like a failure and give up on your dream because some stupid...I don't know, festival...person has no taste in music, I wanted to do something to surprise you. To cheer you up."
"Why haven't you talked to me then?" he asked.
"What do you mean? You haven't been talking to me," you laughed. "I've been waving and saying hello...you dropped me off at my car that night and then...you haven't even looked at me since. So I figured you just needed the space. I get that too; needing some time, some space."
"I guess I thought you didn't want anything to do with me anymore," Eddie replied lamely. Because yeah, you had been doing those things. Maybe...maybe you were right, maybe he did need the space too. God, you were such a know it all. "I'm here now."
"Yeah I see that," you deadpanned. "Hi."
"Hi," Eddie parroted. "Thank you. For the surprise. I really...really was...surprised."
"Of course, any time," you nodded. "How are you feeling? Any better?"
"Yeah," he sighed. "Just like you said, I needed some time to work it out. Spent some time with the guys, it cheered me up."
"You missed out on all the carnival food. Made the guys ride the tilt a whirl...Gareth's puke was purple."
"Yeah," you scrunched your nose. "I really missed out."
"There's always next year."
"Great." You offered him a small smile. "We good?"
"Yeah. You still want to hang out with me on Sunday? I, uh, really missed you."
"I missed you too. Maybe...you can give me a private show this Sunday? With your shiny new guitar? Only if you're up for it, of course."
"Absolutely. Sundays with you are my..." Eddie hesitated.
Should he say it? Would it scare you away?
Before he could finish, you put your hand on his arm and squeezed.
"They're mine too."
Next Part: Interview Prep
Sales Associates (AKA the tag list): @gaysludge @storiesbyrhi @tayhar811 @spookybabey @word-wytch @maidenofartemis @dreamlandcreations @wickedbelle @blue-eyed-lion @aysheashea @blue-mossbird @abibliophobiaa @jabbatheslutt420 @ghost-proofbaby @bakugouswh0r3 @ghostinthebackofyourhead
If you weren't given any hours this week (aka if you aren't already tagged or if I forgot to tag you) let me know via ask or comment. I'm sure I can find some extra payroll.
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(This awesome Halloween-themed poster is the handiwork of @sazanes!)
Welcome to our first ever Lily Spencer Appreciation Week!!
She's a tech-savvy gamer, the best friend you could ask for, amazingly funny, and often uses her humour to cope with extremely stressful situations. She loves everything supernatural - even writing werewolf fanfic.
Bloodbound has seen her grow from an ordinary woman just navigating a world she thinks is normal, to a baby vampire, to someone confident in her skills and powers and ready to join the fight against forces like Gaius Augustine and Rheya Apostolous.
This week is about celebrating every aspect that makes Lily the fantastic character she is! We will be beginning at Halloween, then spending some of the first week of November celebrating her as a character! Hope you will join us!!
Here's what that schedule will look like:
31st October - Happy Halloween!! 🎃
1st November - Lily the Gamer
2nd November - Lily from Wisconsin/Throwback
3rd November - Lily the Baby Vampire
4th November - Lily's Friendships/Relationships/Family
Any and all content is welcome!! Fic, art, edits, moodboards, gifs, meta, headcanons... everything goes! Our only requirement is that the pieces should be centered around Lily, and feature her in a positive way. WIPs and Throwback pieces are also welcome.
Be sure to tag @lilyspencerappreciationweek, and hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your posts. Also make sure that you tag your posts with #lilyspencerappreciationweek and #LSAW! This is to make sure we don't miss any of your posts!
A lot of fan content blogs will be running some great events around this time, and we highly encourage you to check them out! @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicesoctober, @choicesnovchallenge, @choicesholidays, @choicesprompts, @choicespride, @choicesflashfics. If there are any other Choices fan content blogs you would like us to tag, let us know!
See you all at Halloween!! 🎃 👻 🦇 🎃 👻 🦇 🎃 👻 🦇
✅✅signal boosts are always appreciated!✅✅
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fabuloustrash05 · 4 months
My Top 5 Favorite TMNT 2012 Ships
5) Mikey x Renet
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I feel we as a fandom has come to an unanimous agreement that all the canon romances/couples given to us in the 2012 series are bad/toxic/poorly written/inc3st/etc with THEM being the only exception (I'll talk about that ship soon), however I think Renetangelo is the other exception.
They’re certainly not perfect with their first problem being Mikey kinda “cheating” on Renet with Shinigami (they weren’t together or officially dating so it’s not cheating, but it still felt wrong that it was never acknowledged that Mikey was pretty much a skirt chaser, crushing on two girls at once), but I still really love their dynamic and relationship. Mikey and Renet are undoubtedly cute together, just two silly goofballs having a fun time and enjoying the other’s company with the occasional flirting and kiss on the cheek (which btw SO CUTE). Renetangelo is that couple that I feel works great both romantically and platonically. If you told me they’re best friends, I’d believe it, if you told me they’re a couple, I’d also believe it. That's how well they work off each other. I'm okay with them being a couple or just being friends.
Season 5 also practically confirms they’re together on two occasions with Mikey saying him and Renet are in a long distance relationship in the When Worlds Collide special, and Renet hinting during the Halloween arc that she and Mikey have some kind of future together.
Overall, I really like Renetangelo and I love seeing these two together. From Mikey's puppy love expressions when he sees her to their overall personalities clashing so well together. This ship is very underrated and needs more love.
4) Slash x Alopex
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Btw this edit was made by @robins-treasure <33
Slash x Alopex (or what I like to call them Slaopex) is my rarepair of the 2012 series and I’m so happy that I’m slowly getting more and more people one board with it. It started off as just a random silly idea of mine, like "What if Slash got a gf?" and then I thought "Well, who could I ship him with?" and then my brain went "What if Slash and Alopex got together? That would be funny". I laughed at the idea, but the more I thought of it, the more I started to like it. I began coming up with headcanons and a story of their relationship, and the more I did that, the more I fell in love with this concept and the potential of this couple. So much that it placed 4th in my top 5!
I fell so in love with them I even ended up writing a short fanfic of how I headcanon they would first meet and the beginning of their blooming romance (you can read it HERE). But in short, Slash runs into Alopex during a late night patrol and helps her beat up some crooks who were attacking her. The two get to talking, sharing a tender moment before parting ways, with Alopex now being the only thing on Slash's mind <3
I also reference this ship a few times in my fanfic Courting a Salamandrian. Consider it a continuation of that little oneshot.
3) Leo x Casey
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While everyone else was shipping Jonatello, I was shipping Caseynardo! I was never a fan of Jonatello, I don't hate it, just couldn't get on board nor understand the hype around it, but then one day I stumbled across fanart of Leo x Casey and I thought "Huh... these two actually look cute together!" and quickly sunk into the rabbit hole. Looking up every little bit of fanart, fanfics and edits I could find.
Liking this ship this much for it to be ranked 3rd in my Top 5 favorite TMNT 2012 ships says a lot. This ship really grew on me very quickly, so much so that I wrote a fanfiction on them! I wrote a Caseynardo fanfic before writing a Renetangelo one (you can read it HERE), which is funny cause I've been shipping Renetangelo since the show was airing, and I didn't start liking Caseynardo till long after the show ended! That says a lot about how much these boy effected me! LOL
My whole HC for this ship is that they bonding a lot in season 3 at the farmhouse which led to a mutual romantic attraction. Eventually they secretly date without telling anyone but due to the circumstances and problems going on in Leo’s life, he was unable to keep the relationship going. They agree to just be friends, which Casey promising to wait for him. It’s basically the “right person, wrong time” trope. But I like to headcanon that by season 5, Leo and Casey finally get together officially and made their relationship known to everyone else. The only one not surprised was Raphael who knew about those two since day one, cause he was stuck being their third wheel/wingman XD
2) Karai x Shinigami
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I will NEVER forgive Nickelodeon for be too cowardly to make this happen. They'd rather ship inc3st and force Shini to be straight than give us our goth kunoichi lesbians. For shame, Nickelodeon... For shame...
Not to mention that one of the writers of the show, Peter Di Cicco, shipped them! Calling them his "OTP" and referring to Shini as "Karai's girlfriend", and even pitching an alternate ending to the series where Splinter and Shredder make up but the only thing they fight over now is who gets to walk Karai down the aisle during her wedding to Shinigami XD
The moment I saw Shinigami, I instantly thought "Oh that's a lesbian and she and Karai are a thing". I really love their dynamic, their friendship and the potential they have in being a cute couple of childhood friends to lovers. You can see how much they care about each other. The fury in Shini's voice when she confronts Super Shredder, "I will destroy you, Monster! For everything you have done to Karai!". Shini is supportive of Karai and is always the one down to start chaos with you. Makes me wish we could've learned more about these two and their history. I like to think they've known each other since they were little, being childhood friends while training and growing up in The Foot Clan.
My personal headcanon is that Shinigami has had a crush on Karai since they were young, like preteens, and is so loyal to her and willing to help Karai not just because she is her best friend but also because she loves her. However, she is scared to tell Karai how she really feels because she's worried she won't reciprocate and it'll ruin their long time friendship. Luckily, Mikey is there for support!
Not to toot my own horn, but I did write a fanfic relating to this concept that you can read HERE
1) Raphael x Mona Lisa
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What have I not already said about RaMona? If you follow me then you know full well that these two are my life. I’ve written multiple fanfics based on them on AO3 (LINK HERE) and have done a few analysis posts about them as well here on Tumblr. They have consumed my life. I love them so much!
Overall, I believe they are the healthiest ship the series offered us, and the best one in canon. I know some complain that they were rushed and how they got together too quickly, but in truth I can understand why Raph and Mona got into a relationship as quickly as they did. They are both warriors with the mindset of "I might die tomorrow" so it makes sense they'd be open and honest about their feelings right from the start just in case something happens to either one of them in battle. You only live once, you know? And I like how open Raph is when it comes to his feelings for Mona. From the very start, the moment he realized he liked her, never once did he deny it. Even when his brothers and friends laughed or scolded him, Raph proudly admitted he likes her with no ounce of shame. Mikey even points out that Mona is "bigger, stronger and a better fighter" than Raph and him responding by saying "Exactly! What a woman..." The boy does not care that she will be the pants in their relationship. He loves that she's stronger than him, bigger than him, a better fighter than him. We even see how excited he gets when she suggests training with him someday. Not to mention how we also learn in the show that these two have written love letters to each other during the course of the season 4 space adventures. Their personailties clash so well together. Both being strong willed warriors who put their loved ones first. Both can be stubborn and jump to conclusions quickly. We even see that Mona can have a short temper much like Raph. Both are ready to kick some ass with anyone who talks shit (Raph defending Mona but then Mona defending herself *chef's kiss*)
It's not talked about often among the fandom/shippers, but the fact that Mona is as much in love with Raph as he is with her is what truly makes this ship great. While the other 2012 ships make it unclear (writing wise) if the love interest truly feels the exact same way towards her Turtle she's shipped with, but for Mona her feelings are obvious. She's the one who makes the first move during all of their kisses/nose nuzzles, she's the one to say "I love you" first" and do I have to remind y'all of the push up scene? XD
These two are obsessed with one another. You can tell and see just how in love they are with one another. Even with only appearing in about 4-5 episodes, they truly left a major impact on shipping in this fandom. I feel it has come to a unanimous agreement that this ship is the best (canon) couple this show gave us. I love them, I love their relationship, I love what these two have done for the show and this fandom. They were able to bring back a classic ship from the 87 series and add so much more to them! I hope we get to see more of this couple in future generations. They certainly aren't a perfect couple, they got their flaws too, but overall they are truly the best couple in the 2012 series. <333
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justkennadi · 8 months
Happy Halloween…🧡🖤🧡🖤
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Notes: Special post for halloween 😍🤗 this is what the poll was for too btw. Not a continuation of my mini series either. Not proof read.
Content: Nerd!Armin x blk!fem reader, mentions of drinking and one sorta nsfw joke at the end
It’s halloween night and this time it wasn’t Eren throwing a party but Reiner. You didn’t like him that much but a party’s a party and it’s halloween!!
You decided on a vampire like fit since it was last minute. You were going with Mikasa and Eren who just decided to be thing one and thing two.
The party wasn’t far so the three of you decided to walk. Eren and Mikasa went to your house to pick you up so you alll could walk together.
“You’ll finally get to meet Armin!” Mikasa exclaimed as you three walked to the party.
From what you knew Armin was their 3rd friend before you and was realll nerdy now so he was often caught up with homework or studying. You went sure how Eren or Mikasa convinced him to put the book down for a party but you were a bit glad tbh. You really wanted to meet him especially since you had a thing for nerdy guys maybe he was cute…
It was obvious which house the party was behind held at. The music was so loud you could faintly hear it at your own house!
Once inside you, Eren and Mikasa push through a sea of dancing monsters, fake celebrities and other goofy dressed people. Eren got distracted somewhere in that sea but you and mikasa made it to a kitchen area. Mikasa yells she’s going to get a drink but you barely hear her so you just nod while still walking.
You weren’t really sure where to go or what to. You thought about getting a drink or two yourself but before you can finish that thought you bump into a slightly tall ghostface.
“Oh, sorry, my fault.” You say quickly looking at him.
He just stands there a bit and you were about to question it until Mikasa catches up to you.
“Im back- Oh hey Armin!”
Oh, so this was Armin?
He just waves and you both look at each other. Mikasa notices and tries to further introduce you two.
It’s still kinda awkward and also kinda hard to hear so Mikasa pulls you two outside where there were let people.
“Guys loosen up! It’s a party!” Mikasa exclaimed taking a sip from here drink. “Y’know what? You two just need a drink too, wait right here!”
And just like that she was off. You were starting to think she was an extreme lightweight.
“Soooo..” You said breaking the ice. “What made you not wanna nerd out tonight?”
Armin shrugged and looked down then away.
“What’s your major?” You ask.
He mutters something that has science at the end of it.
Smirking you say, “Can you take your mask off? I cant hear you..”
He slowly takes the mask off and you’re baffled.
He has the rosiest cheeks right now but he also had gorgeous blue eyes and soft looking lips. Also the curliest looking blonde hair. Adorable.
“Hey handsome..” You said playfully poking him. He just smiled and looked away.
Clearly he was shy but you found that cute as hell.
Mikasa comes back with two cups and hands them to you both.
“He’s so shy, Kasa..” You whisper in her ear.
“He’s just like that at first just give it time.” She says. “I’m gonna go dance and find Eren you two have fun out here ok?”
“Sureee..” You say sipping from the cup.
She runs off and you look back at the blushing blonde boy in front of you.
“Comeon, talk to me Min.” You say playfully.
His face reddens at the nickname and he says, “I like your costume..”
“Thankssss!” You twirl for him. “I liked yours too.”
He smiled.
The two of you talked outside for a bit longer. Armin finally started to open up more especially with the drink in his system. He even accidentally slipped he thought you were stunning and hot.
“Aw, thank you minniee!!” You say giddy.
He looks very embarrassed because of that but still smiles at your reaction.
“Hey, so i gotta go but…can i get your number?” Armin asks.
You smile big and quickly write your number on a candy wrapper and hand it to him saying, “Happy Halloween!”
He chuckled at this and turned to leave.
You were sad to see him go but once he did the party started dying down and here comes Mikasa again. This time Eren is with her.
“She partied too hard so times up, y/n.” Eren laughed.
“Nuh uh.” Mikasa says wobbling a bit.
You laughed and started walking with them. Eren asks about armin and how he missed him and you tell him he’s fine.
“He was dressed as ghost head!” Mikasa exclaimed.
“Ghostface.” You corrected.
“Well so was Connie and Marco.” Eren says. “I couldn’t tell who was who!”
Just then you get a buzz in your pocket from your phone. As Mikasa and Eren talk about party and read the text you got from and unknown sender.
- Hey, It’s Armin…
- I know vampires suck blood but i’d love to know if you’re down to suck something else ;)
You smile big at your phone as you demand an address. Did you just score a cute boy who happens to be intelligent as well??
Oh happy halloween to you….
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granolawriting · 9 months
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Welcome to my first kinktober ever! Well, only around 2/3rd are NSFW, hence the little asterisk. Below you'll also find a few platonic Anakin plans, as well as a non-explicit Joel x reader!
I specialize in Anakin Skywalker and Joel Miller, but anytime during this month you can shoot me a request for either those two, or a new character from my list and I'll gladly write your idea!
Below you'll find the Masterlist and synopsis for all of the preplanned fics, and make sure to be aware of all of the content warnings before indulging.
hope you enjoy ;)!
Masterlist . taglist
10.1: pumpkin cutting with Joel [A proper fall] NSFWish
↳ synopsis: A slow night with Joel consists of a suprise of pumpkins spotted on his way home from work. what starts as a nice activity with you and him lit by the illumination of the TV and of small tea candles, delves into something a bit more about you, and less about pumpkins.
10.5: exhibitionism with anakin [within the confines of a ship] NSFW
↳ Synopsis: Spending night after night having sexual tension with a certian Jedi on a mission surrounded by your peers in a ship comes to a head when one day he stops trying to be discrete about what he wants.
10.10: ‘halloween’ celebration with anakin [new things] platonic Jedi!best friend
↳ Synopsis: Anakin spent his young days as either a slave or "the chosen one". Never having the opportunity to really celebrate the holidays, you explain to him a celebration on your own planet for the fall season.
10.15: costume sex with Cowboy!Joel [do you have a boyfriend?] NSFW!!!!
↳ Synopsis: Your best friend holds a halloween party at her house, where the often brooding Joel you often disregard adorns a new attire that sparks something in you. And he makes it clear he feels the same.
10.20: bondage with Joel [It takes two] NSFW!
↳ Synopsis: Joel is your landlord, coming over to your apartment late at night to try and fix something you had complained about does he catch you in the middle of a tangle of ropes and a loss of hope. What starts as an innocent lesson on frankly odd knowledge he has, comes back later as a very, restricting night with him again.
10.25: ‘trick or treating’ with anakin [finally happy holidays] platonic padawan!reader
↳ Synopsis: Anakin isnt your master, but he definetly takes you under his wing in a way. He sees himself in you, and as he never got to really celebrate child-like traditions of the holidays, he makes sure that you do. Together!
10.30: dialouge prompt with sith!Anakin and Outbreak!Joel (2 fics!)
↳ “ i'm simply enjoying the view. it's not every day i get to fuck someone so pretty.”
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AITA for not wanting to wear matching Halloween costumes with my younger sister?
So my little sister (5f) is OBSESSED with the tv show Miraculous Ladybug and wants to dress up as Ladybug for Halloween. The issue is she also wants someone to dress up as Cat Noir (Ladybug and Cat Noir are a superhero duo and love interests for each other for those unfamiliar with the show). My sister always makes someone pretend to be Cat Noir when she plays pretend and I usually go along with her shenanigans. My mom suggested that I dress up with her as Cat Noir, an offer I turned down. Not because I don’t want to dress up at all or anything like that. I really love dressing up for Halloween and it super important to me to make the most of it! 
Part of this comes from when I was younger and didn’t get much (if any) choice in my costume so I desperately try to make up for it when I’m older. For context here is a list of costumes I was made to wear and still bother me; any other years were my choice of 2 Costco on sale costumes that my mom and grandma liked best (never included my first choice and alway looker weird because my parents made me cram them over a thick set of pajamas to stay warm, sometimes with a coat of top)
3rd grade: matching with my toddler (at the time) sister, hella glittery and extra Rainbow Dash dresses, including bright blue face paint that stained my face 4/10 made the nursing home we trick or treated in super happy (fond memory) but made me super embarrassed at school 
6th grade: neon pink one piece pajamas that had a neon purple tail and a raccoon face on the hood. 1/10 Got me made fun of, i literally didnt have any choice my mom brought them home from the clearance section at target and made me wear it, i got called a furry and my middle school banned hoods so it was practically useless, was too hot to be comfortable. 
I had begged to dress up as a Hamilton character and have my 2 little sisters match (one also loved Hamilton and the other was an infant) i even found costumes online and stuff but my parents rejected it because they dislike the fact Hamilton had hip-hop music and were annoyed at my obsession (understandably annoyed but still hurtful) 
7th grade: my moms old cat pajamas, a clip on tail that was all bent out of shape, and a uncomfortable cat headband, all covered in cheetah print and pink sequins on the seams 6/10 still got made fun of, got forced to take off the tail at school because it didn’t fit in the chair properly 
In 8th grade I compiled a collection of things to dress up as a newsies, all from my grandma’s closet or my own. 8.5/10 I loved it at the time, looked bad because i did my own makeup to look dirty and like i had been beaten up. 
In 9th and 10th grade i wore the same elf costume that i begged for 6 months for to match my friends, 10/10 it was pretty and I love it, wasn’t too stoked to have to wear it twice tho bc my favorite part (the corset) didn’t fit last year. 
This year i want to choose something different and new, and something I wont be made fun of for and feel confident in. I’m 16, almost 17 and  have bad self esteem issues. Halloween is like my favorite holiday because i love being all dressed up and being like a character i enjoy. I usually pay for part of my costume and do my own hair and makeup. 
BUT my mom is dead set on the idea that I match my little sister because “i’m getting too old and should just be nice instead of being selfish” or “had plenty of years to have fun, that i should make her Halloween memorable”. When my dad or other sister (11f who also like the show, not to the same degree but does enjoy it) hell even SHE could do it with her but she insists that I should. 
AITA for not wanting to? For potential messing up my little sister’s Halloween?
What are these acronyms?
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steddieholidaydrabbles · 10 months
❄️Welcome everyone!❄️
If you love the winter holidays as much as I do, then this challenge is for you! It’s pretty simple:
The calendar below has a prompt for every day of the month of December. No matter what holiday you celebrate or even if you don’t celebrate one at all, I hope you find one or more that you like! You can submit as many as you'd like (I plan to do one everyday) or as few as you'd like.
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All drabbles should be between 300-1000 words. I will be using wordcounter.net to check them all before reblogging!
Please tag this blog @steddieholidaydrabbles when you post. You can also follow the tag steddieholidaydrabbles to keep up with posts.
All submissions should include a rating and any CW or tags that you feel are necessary. Please put the prompt you are fulfilling as well. It’s not required, but please consider putting Explicit material under a read more. A sample of this may look like: optional title rating: G/T/M/E cw: violence, blood, etc. tags: established relationship, first time, etc.
Because there will be SO many prompts, please try to only post your submission for a prompt ON that day by 11:59 pm EST. Really early or late submissions won’t be ignored, but could easily get missed in the mix of a different prompt on a different day. A reminder of the daily prompt will be posted at 12:01 am EST on the day of the prompt.
Any of the prompts could be holiday related if you wanted them to be, but it's not required!
1st - Open mic night
2nd - Came back wrong
3rd - Mutual pining
4th - Meet-cute at work
5th - FREE SPACE (Domestic fluff)
6th - Cooking together
7th - Hanukkah
8th - Idiots to Lovers
9th - No Upside Down AU
10th - First kiss/First time
11th - Royalty AU
12th - Only one bed
13th - Roadtrip/Vacation
14th - FREE SPACE (Angst with a happy ending)
15th - Time travel
16th - Modern AU
17th - Platonic Stobin
18th - FREE SPACE (Hurt/comfort)
19th - Enemies to lovers
20th - Magic AU
21st - Snow
22nd - Sports AU (players or fans)
23rd - Uncle Wayne adopts Steve
24th - Birthday
25th - Christmas
26th - "Who did this to you?"
27th - Coffee shop/Bookstore/Tattoo AU
28th - Proposal
29th - FREE SPACE (Spicy/Mature or Explicit)
30th and 31st - New Year's Eve/Resolutions
ARTISTS The submission must be made on the day of that prompt in order to be reblogged by this blog. The image must be Steddie, Steve, or Eddie focused (with the exception of Platonic Stobin day), though other characters can be included!
Collaborations with writers are encouraged!
Always tag this blog with your submissions so we can see them and reblog them.
If you have questions, message this blog or @steddieas-shegoes.
Same rules apply (300-1000 words each, must have rating and cw/tags, and tag this blog if you want it reblogged)
August 19th-21st: High School or College AU September 18th-22nd: Fall October 28th-31st: Halloween November 18th-22nd: Bakery AU Warm Up Rounds AO3 Collection
Steddie Holiday Drabbles AO3 Collection  
Week 1 Masterlist Week 2 Masterlist Week 3 Masterlist Week 4 Masterlist
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ver33stappen · 2 years
M. Verstappen || Christmas presents
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In which: Max and family celebrating Christmas trying to convince y/n to get their daughter and kart and it’s all just fluffy
Genre: fluff
Requested: yes - no
Warnings: mentions of Christian Horner, max being too cute for this world, pregnancy , abortion, Jos verstappen
When max had found out you were pregnant 8 months into your relationship it had been a rocky path for the both of you. The questions on wether to keep it and wether we would be good parents as max travels around a lot for his job. It was a lot to take in.
Max’s career was only really just flourishing and making the decision had to be one of the toughest things. Jos hated the idea, believed it would ruin max’s whole racing career but considering max was madly in love with you he mustered up the courage to say he wants to keep it just as you were about to drive to get the baby aborted
But looking back on it you’re extremely happy that you’d decided to keep it. On June 3rd 2019 Amelia Jane Verstappen was born and the 2 of you couldn’t be any happier.
“Mummy mummy” you looked down to see a girl with dirty blonde hair and y/e/c eyes, starring right at you.
“Yes schatz? What’s up” you kneeled down onto the kitchen floor moving a strand of Amelia’s hair behind her ear
“Can we make Chrissy cookies for Santa tonight” you giggled at the fact she wasn’t able to make out the word Christmas but nevertheless went along with it
“Of course we can my dear, we also have to make some for the reindeers” you smiled picking her up and lifting her onto the kitchen bench where she sat cross legged
“Okay, can you please pour this cup of flour into the bowl” you asked the 3 year old who was having a hard time with the glass measuring cup, you helped her hold it making sure she wouldn’t break it
Suddenly Amelia poured all the flour in making the powdery substance go everywhere, especially both of your faces
“EMMY” you said horrified with her in a fit of laughter “mama you look like a ghost it’s not Halloween” she started laughing as I tried wiping the flour off my face
“What happened here” max started wheezing as he sat in the entrance of the door way in a white t shirt and Grey sweat pants
“Daddy!” The little girl exclaimed grabbing the air indicating for max to pick her up
Max ran over to her and then put her on the couch grabbing a blanket.
“schatz can you please make some hot chocolate” max asked sweetly
“You’re Lucky i love you” I rolled my eyes
“Hold on, My Cookie helper has ditched me. Emmy you wanted to make cookies and now you’ve left mummt to do it by herself!” I exclaimed pouting
“Tough love mama” the little girl laughed god she was so sassy and she got it from her father. max smirked looking toward me about to loose it.
“Hey, der weihnachtsmann schaut dir zu!” Santa is watching you
I finally finished making the cookies and popped them in the oven, Emmy had made a mess decorating them. Sprinkles and icing were everywhere.
I had made the hot chocolate for the 2 of them and then Emmy went off to bed hoping for Santa in the morning.
As I was about to finish cleaning up max came over and hugged me from behind. Peppering my neck with kisses.
“Du bist sehr schön” you are very pretty max whispered making my heart flutter
Every time I stared into those eyes of his my heart fluttered just like a teenager in love.
I turned around and kissed him as he propped me up onto the counter.
“You know.. Emmy’s gone to bed” he smirked at me, I started shaking my head and refused
“No no no no, it’s late, Santa comes tomorrow. I have a few jobs to finish up but get into bed and I’ll be there soon” I kissed his nose as he rolled his eyes unravelling himself from my waist
Just then I got a notification on my phone. “You have missed your period for one week, are you pregnant” I read the message and my stomach dropped
I had missed it but max and I were being safe so I was really confused. Maybe that’s why I had been feeling sick in the mornings lately. Or maybe I was reading too much into it.
I walked into the bathroom, pregnancy tests on hand always just to be safe. I peed on the stick and god the wait felt like an eternity.
The timer went off the the test sat there in words it had said “positive” I took another 2 to be sure, all with the same reply.
I grabbed a box from the cupboard put the test inside and put a little note “to max: merry Christmas”
I put it under the tree and now the night awaits
I woke up with max and his body wrapped around me as Emma jumped up and down on our bed “mama mama mama daddy daddy it’s chrissy” she was shouting and screaming
“It is too! Let’s go see what Santa brought” max said smiling at his daughter
Oddly enough I saw a massive box and a smaller box in terribly wrapped paper under the tree that I definitely had not put there i tilted my head in confusion as Emmy ran toward it
She ripped it open and it was a racing cart along with maxes helmet from when he had won the first world championship
“Max” I slapped his shoulder, we had agreed to not to get her a cart until she was 7 which theoretically was the age she can first start driving
“But she’s so cute look at her” max whispered back looking at the blonde with the helmet completely drowning her head. “I’m just like daddy” she laughed “max she’s going to hurt herself!” Max just laughed and said “well she will be learning from the world champion so chances are slim”
Max went over and helped her, showing all the parts of the kart. She has gotten a couple gifts from uncle Charles, uncle Daniel and the rest of the drivers as they had all loved her
I saw max pick up the box I had put out last night that was labelled to him, he raised an eyebrow and then opened it. His face had dropped and then looked at mine for confirmation, i just nodded and he came over and kissed me and then my stomach
“Ewww” Emmy showed a face of disgust
“Emmy you’re going to be a big sister” max said with eagerness
“Huh” she asked
“She’ll get it later” max shrugged but then smiling back at me pulling me in for a kiss
“How long have you known” he looked up at me, “since last night”
“You should’ve told me, I would’ve bought 2 karts” he laughed
I rolled my eyes
“Mummy can I have pancakes” emmy asked politely
“Schatz let mama rest, I will cook the pancakes” max picked her up
“But your pancakes taste ew” she fake threw up and I laughed
“Hey they’re not that bad!” Max rolled his eyes starring at me
To be honest I couldn’t have had a better Christmas, right here with our happy little family.
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joelswritingmistress · 9 months
Pedro Pascal Writing Challenge
Halloween 🎃 is such a fun time of year and the spookiest month of all is right around the corner sooo.....
Beginning September 14th if you would like to partake in a spooky Pedro Pascal writing contest you can choose below from the list of fall and Halloween themed prompts. **IF ANYONE WANTS TO HELP READ & JUDGE STORIES/NARROW DOWN WINNERS PLEASE LET ME KNOW (DM's are probably the easiest way to reach out).
The challenge is open to all writers who are looking for some fun and super friendly competition (if we get enough people who want to write & enter).
Writers in the contest must use the tag #PedroHalloween2023 and tag @pedrocontestsrus (it's a sister blog I created) and submit stories between September 14th and October 15. Responding to this blog with both interest and/or announcing you have submitted your story will also help to keep track of stories submitted, but tagging @pedrocontestsrus should suffice!
Prompts - Choose one of the following prompts to create your 2000+ word short story including Pedro, himself, or one of the characters he portrays. You can write in any tense or any person. Whichever prompt you choose must include all of the elements from that prompt in the story in some way, shape or form. NSFW stories are certainly welcome but not required. Multiple submissions ARE allowed.
Prompt #1 Theme: Masquerade Ball on Halloween
Must include: Vodka martini, a pumpkin, an envelope
Prompt #2 Theme: A Dark and Stormy Night ⚡️
Must include: A lit candle, bare feet, a creaking sound
Prompt #3 Theme: The Hawthorne Hotel (Salem, MA) 🧙‍♀️
Must include: mention of witches, a walk in the dark, pumpkin pie
Prompt #4 Theme: The Apple Orchard 🍎
Must include: hot cider, a hay ride, overcast sky
Prompt #5 Theme: What's Your Favorite Scary Movie? 🔪
Must include: a telephone, a Halloween mask, a blanket
Additional (or maybe repetitive?) Info:
- 2000-4000 word short story (flexible within a few words, just keep it in that ballpark)
- State which prompt you have chosen
- Pedro Pascal or one of his characters must be a key aspect of the story
- You may write in 1st, 2nd or 3rd person
- All "must includes" of the prompt you choose must be present in your story. It can be a small, fleeting part of the story or a main aspect. Your choice.
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be announced and winners will be tagged. All entries will be thanked and applauded.
- Use the tag #PedroHalloween2023 and also tag @PedroContestsRUs
Have fun, be creative and make it your own!
Hopefully this takes off because I think it could be a lot of fun!! 🎃 👻 😍 🍬 🥵 🔪 🍸 HAPPY WRITING!!
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mommabird1772 · 2 years
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Happy Witchcore Samantha Wednesday!
This week's moodboard is a collaboration with @cordellwinchesterwalker , who wanted to share her Mexican heritage with us and teach us about Dia De Los Muertos! She wants us to know that Dia De Los Muertos is an ancient Mexican festival, also known as The Day of the Dead. It is celebrated from October 28th-November 3rd, with each day having a significant meaning. Unlike Halloween, Dia De Los Muertos does not shy away from the concept of death or spirits, and is mainly a holiday to honor your lost loved ones and spend time celebrating their memory.
I had so much fun learning about this custom, and it makes me happy knowing by showcasing and honoring other cultures I can others feel seen and represented in their traditions. I hope everyone who celebrates has a wonderful Dia De Los Muertos!
*As with the rest of my moodboards, none of these pictures are my own, and I claim no credit for any art or design used, only for the concept created*
Tagging: @somethxng-angel @lord-kaira @hexlorde @regnumveritatis @need-that-sastiel-serotonin @ruinedsam @allieyourally @stemroses @eunoiastarz @wendibird @thewinchestersruinedmylife0924 @sassyfoxunknown @oh-no-its-danger-gays @heaven-ecologist @the-gray-ghosty @stuckysdaughter @clairenovak-winchester @moostiel @fandom-hoarder @magpie-wings @mxltivxrse2020 @hey-its-moss @fae-and-night @twobrothersoneheart @annoyingdinosaurnoises @kayla-sparrow @fangirlxwritesx67 @nvybloo @pastornovak @zwahkmuchoney @cordellwinchesterwalker @willgrahamscat @mychem1calbr0mance @chimerazodiac
(If anyone wants to be added to the weekly tag list, DM me and let me know! I'm also open to suggestions for moodboards that fit the cottagecore/witchcore theme, although I'd like to do an Indigenious moodboard for Thanksgiving- if anyone has any Native heritage and would like to share their traditions, let me know!)
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littleclover · 4 months
Old men yaoi so good they should make reanimator 4 where herb comes home to Dan and Dan is all old and stuff but herb stays somewhat young bc of the reagent but Dan is trying to convince herb to stop taking reagent so that they can grow old together while they try to create another child but an actual child this time and the move would be called spawn of reanimator (like seed of Chucky but it's also mpreg) like herb gets Dan pregnant bc of reanimator bs and in the end when herb finally brings upon his own creation of life with a soul he gives up his reanimator shenanigans and settles in with Dan. This also sets up for a sequel for reanimator 5 where we learn that the kid is also a med freak like Herbie and rediscovers the serum while in med school and more wacky silly shit happens and it would be called something like reanimator: reawakening or something and ofc Dr Hill is back, but also the bride, and that rat guard from the 3rd movie. The Bride isn't complete but Herbie Jr takes her up as a mom even tho Dan is mother but Dan got old and died or something and Herb Sr was contemplating if he should revive him or something but then remembers he has a son. Dr Hill and the rat guard works together until the end where they have a massive argument and a villain vs villain fight. Then Herbie Jr says some random quip like "aww they fought each other to pieces" and then he brings home his new mom to Herb Sr place only to find his father is dead (from being alone) and there is a cliffhanger where Jr is reviving Sr. Which sets up for reanimator 6 where we time jump to Jr being awarded a Nobel peace prize for his work citing the miskatonik hospital incident as his biggest motivation. We then see Sr and bride at home on life support (more reagent) and they are not doing so well. Jr comes home and is like "I'm almost done with my research and you both will be with me forever" but Sr and bride just want to die but Jr won't let them. Also Jr has a pet cat named Rufus 2 and he is also almost immortal. Jr starts doing unethical experiments behind closed doors leading to his credentials stripped. He goes mad and does more reanimator bs and then in the end he realized he is messed up as his entire house burns to a crisp and this would be called something like the end of the reanimator or something (like Halloween ends)... Anyways happy Valentine's Day
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v1olentdelights · 4 months
Foolish Girl
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Peter Pettigrew x sister!reader - James Potter x Pettigrew!fem!reader - Sirius Black x Pettigrew!fem!reader - Remus Lupin x Pettigrew!fem!reader Trigger Warnings: Betrayal, major character death, description of immediate grief and shock. Time skip Summary: Maybe you were foolish for thinking you could have a happy ending. Word count: 1.1k a/n: 3rd piece to this 4/5 part series. This one is a bit short but I was struggling with writing it and have been incredibly busy! Also there is a time skip! I hope you enjoy it! <3 send an ask to be tagged! series masterlist
time skip from last part (end of final year to October)
Was it wrong to be happy? You had spent months worrying about your brother, and yet here you were smiling alongside James and your friends making plans for Halloween next week. The absence of Peter, alongside Regulus, left a noticeable gap in your life. But there wasn’t much you could do except hope they were okay. At least that's what Remus kept telling you. He seemed to be the one most level headed with this situation. 
James had tried to console you, assuring you that Peter knew how to take care of himself and that he knew Peter still loved you, he would say almost anything to ease your fears. But Sirius was the only one who had gotten through to you, having lost his own brother to the terrors of death eaters. He didn’t sugar coat things, he told you about the nightmares, the flashbacks, the fears that he could have prevented his brother's fate. For that you would forever be grateful. 
In the week or so before Halloween, between all the planning, Sirius had received a memo from a R.A.B which entailed a timeline with random events. It would soon be decoded and in front of you would lay the blueprint to the defeat of the growing dark lord. Regulus had discovered the secret to ending him once and for all, having played both sides the entire past year. So when you received a small piece of paper with an address and a note about needing to talk from Peter, you couldn’t hold yourself back.
“I just have this feeling in my heart, it’s not a trap. My brother would never.” You looked away from the small paper and up to James with tears in your eyes. The fear and worry was apparent in his eyes, but there was something calling to you, telling you that you had to go. 
“James, she’ll be alright.” Sirius said earnestly. “She’s a big girl, and it is her brother.” He put his hand on your shoulder in comfort and in support. 
Maybe it was foolish, but a part of you hoped that this was Peter telling you that he was just playing the death eaters, much like Regulus. Maybe you could only see the good in your brother and maybe that’s why you came to meet him unarmed, but with Sirius waiting across the street. By the end, you realized it wasn’t possibly foolish, it simply was foolish. You heard him before you saw him.
“Sister,” There was some emotion in his voice that you couldn’t quite place. 
“You sent for me?” Holding up the small piece of paper for him to see as you rounded the corner. Now that you were facing your brother, you saw a horror cross his face. “Did you not?” Before you could carry on he had yanked you into the tightest hug he had ever given you (well almost, the first tightest hug being the day he left for Hogwarts and had to leave you behind). 
“I love you, and I’m sorry.” His voice was barely there. Yet you tucked your head into his chest a bit more and soaked it in, almost like you knew what was coming, 
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Peter. Just come home.”  
“I wish I could.” He sounded so sincere. “But I’ve gotten in too deep. I should have known this would happen.” Then a flash of green burst through the abandoned house. 
“This is what happens to those who betray me.” the voice of an unknown person said. But you were too busy focusing on the convulsing body in your arms, the mixed screams in the house. 
Without even realizing it you had fallen to the ground and were clutching to your brother's body. You could feel your throat stinging, but you weren’t sure why not yet at least. Holding onto Peter for a moment longer, you dared to pull away and looking back on it, you would forever regret it. Looking back at you were the dead eyes of your older brother. There was no life anymore. Then you felt someone pulling on your shoulders, you could only manage yelling at them practically demanding they leave you alone without tearing your eyes away from your brothers. 
They kneeled next to you for a moment and said something, you couldn’t quite hear, but then their hands rested atop yours and slowly peeled them off. You could only cry harder as you were drug away from him. The flailing began then as you tried to go back to him. But the person, you would later find out was Sirius, wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled you away further until you were out in the street. Panting and crying you decided to just cling to Sirius, sobbing into his shoulder. He could only hold you and rub soothing circles onto your back. 
— — — 
The funeral procession was held after Regulus had defeated the dark lord, with help from The Order of course. Some people came, but not many. You didn’t even have the energy to be aggravated that people had forgotten your brother and all the good he had done. All you could do was hold onto James and hope he would catch you if you fell. 
— — — 
Peter’s POV:
The piece of paper felt so heavy yet so small. Such a simple message spoke volumes.
‘Can we talk?’
Of course he would come and find you, he was her brother and even through all the wrong he had done, that is one thing he would remain. So he gathered his things, and prepared to head off to the meeting spot. Not once had it crossed his mind that something was off, all he wanted was to see his sister once again. 
You had walked in not five minutes after him, and though a new found warmth took over his body,  the confused and desperate look that you had on your face gave it away. This was no casual meeting, the paper you were now holding in front of his face was identical to the one sitting in his pocket. After you finished talking, he practically pounced on you. He knew what was coming, and only wanted to hold you. So that is what he did. He spent his last moments of life embracing you and telling you he was sorry. Before he could begin to tell you how happy he was of all you had done with your life he felt a sharp pain taking over his whole body. But for a moment, it was peaceful, there was no pain, no tears, no guilt… just peacefulness.
He allowed himself to be overcome with this feeling, and allowed himself to relax. He could hear the remnants of laughing and the voice of his friends, looking around, it was as if he was in the train compartment surrounded by the once more. 
@sheraayasher @jamieolivia27
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