#also her saying she told her daughters about the aro label after i talked about it in one of my previous assignments 😭
sinterblackwell · 1 year
to the two people who responded to my very long discussion post for our final online assignment and made me really emotional at 10pm with your kind words, you deserve everything good in the world and so much more.
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sodascribbles · 1 year
hello would people like sly cooper gender and sexuality headcanons bc i have figured out the truth and as we all know the truth is lava-proof /ref
slyfox is t4t sly and carmelita told me themselves /j
sly (he/him + neos) is transmasc and bisexual (hes just like me fr) though personally i also think he's grayromantic possibly demi. he doesnt think abt it too hard tho! trades neos w bentley like pokemon cards
carmelita (she/her) is transfem btw also. bisexual queen we love to see it.
murray (he/him) is like the only cis one of the cooper gang but hes also like canonically gay (bi at the very least) hes a gay man ok
hot take but. trans girl bentley (she/they + neos). also under the aro umbrella i think and i think shes ace. penelope and them are qpps. them and sly trade neopronouns around like pokemon cards
penelope (they/she) is also transfem actually. demigirl <3 theyre aroace her and bentley are qpps still. they had a whole sexuality crisis over sly but NOPE it was the aesthetic attraction come to kick them in the ass
HOT TAKE. dimitri (he/it) is a trans man. hes gay i think. possibly aro and homosexual but is not opposed to being in a relationship.
tbf im aro so maybe im just projecting onto these guys but who's to say. :3
nb panda king (they/he but rlly doesnt care) for the win im an agender panda king truther. does not mind any gendered terms or pronouns. doesnt label their sexuality but does have a wife (er. used to have a wife)
also nb guru (any) but in the other direction. hot take pangender guru. tends to use masculine terms for herself but switches it up every once in a while. i think they're also aroace but again IM aroace so maybe im just projecting. either all or nothing w it i think either pan or aroace /hj but hes probably the one ive thought the least abt
and a bonus round of just me speedrunning other chars and not explaining
raleigh is transmasc and transphobic and also gay and homophobic
muggshot is a closeted gay w a lot of internalized homophobia
i think mz ruby is a lesbian
youve heard my opinion on panda king
clockwerk stopped thinking about it after version 2 i dont think they care
youve heard my opinion on dimitri
rajan. cishet i think. probably not intolerant but not an ally just indifferent yknow
contessa. aroace i think. married her husband for money and money alone. cis i think?????? but i could also see her as transfem
jean bison is a homophobe and i just think that's canon
we dont see enough of arpeggio for me to get a good read on him but based on like the way he talks alone i think hes cis and gay but i can also see him as transmasc whoops
neyla i think just doesnt care. aroace and agender made one choice and it was No but is not above flirting/whatever to get what she wants
octavio is either gay or homophobic w no inbetween
also fun fact i think bentley figures herself out as trans tm between sly 2 and 3
anyway what's the 2nd villain
the mask of dark earth is. end sentence
ok uhhh 3 is the black baron that's just Penelope boymoding /hj
homophobic a transphobe AND a misogynist
dont ask how much trouble i had spelling misogynist
id call him a terf but hes not a feminist of ANY kind thank you
lefwee is a pirate and that's pretty gay in general. pansexual. the most accepting villain of the bunch /hj again
dr m is again either homophobic or gay w no inbetween. probably a transphobe tho
using that tag a lot
update apparently the species of bird that he is only the females are red w black beaks so hes also trans heart emoji
"cooper?? no you must be the coopers daughter!" "yyyyyyyyyeah about that" <- real conversation between him and sly /j
you get exactly 5 comments on 4 bc i know exactly 5 new characters
el jefe is a homophobe i think
rioichi is cishet but an ally
toothpick is gay sorry not sorry
tennessee is a trans man and i will die on this hill
le paradox. is a terf i think. ive met him exactly once and know little to nothing about him but just based on Vibes
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thoughtsdying · 3 years
Being aroace is coming out to your mother in front of her friends in the midst of a discussion about what being asexual or arromantic even means, because while you were trying to correct the assumptions made (basically asexuality is no libido ever and aromanticism sounds very suspicious and like asexual people are aro anyway, they don’t want relationships which like, what the basic uneducated allo thinks) giving away only that you’ve read on it an “us” slipped in and then everyone is like looking at you and you say
“well yes i’m asexual, so i know what i’m talking about”
and your mother is like “since when, i know you have like a working libido” (thanks mom thats more i ever wanted to know about you aknowloeging the fact i masturbate).
and you go like “from a year ago more or less”
and also she says “why didn’t you tell me? i fear you’re saying that because you feel disconnected from other people you need to trust more not evade yourself from reality”
and then someone, all the someones else are “oh, but if you have a libido you’re repressing, that’s celibacy” “really, no attraction at all? and what if you see someone cute?”
and you go “asexuality is lack of attraction not of sexual desire. and i think they aesthetically cute and move on with my life? there’s no need or impulse for something more?”
and they “but what if you’re like. attracted intelectually? sapiosexuality is a thing right”
and then you go again “then i want to talk and be friends? that doesn’t have anything to do with sexuality for most people?”
and you freak out and walk out almost crying after another round of the same, from your mother. and she walks away towards you. and well maybe your mother now thinks you’re an even bigger weirdo with attachement issues, but she respects the label bc celibacy and abstinenece and nirvana i guess, as she would respect if i were to be a monk or something (which. no. that’s not the thing. that’s not what it means mom why do you think that?)
and she goes “but really did you have to react so badly when everyone started asking questions and go out so dramatically? why are you so sad, aren’t gay or trans kids proud of coming out bc they’re secure on their identities?”
well mom. i’m pretty sure most were lowkey terrified and cried even if only of relief or something, but being asexual has just gotten me being condescended to by you bc you think is an option i’ll grow out off once i pass my twenties, and also maybe the fact of impulsively coming out in front of a lot of well-meannig clueless people asking lots of questions about why asexuality/aromanticism made no sense to them including you, felt invalidating to me, right?
i’m sure it had nothing to do with why i never told you although the word was on my radar since my mid teens-
maybe i can be irrationaly emotional about something that’s so personal being dissected in front of others when you’re also since i was a teen being worried about me being more “social, normal, assertive” and just before going to that lunch you told your early twenties daughter who has more than once broken down crying bc she doesn’t understand how to connect with people to act less autistic out of nowhere (i really am not on the spectrum i felt, but maybe on the adhd one) and quit with the serious face and the headphones and the avoidance.
maybe i came only partially came out, not that it matters to you when you already think asexuality is not wanting to ever be in a relationship, ever, so, the same of aromanticism, and i didn’t even try to explain more, bc i don’t want to be dissected by you and told “oh, you’re just an snowflake and the fact you cried on me means you’re unhappy with the label not like all those other out lgbt teens young adults i know, so like you just need to go to the psychologist like you were trying to do just after the pandemic and before, see if you have issues with the adhd or the inteligence or somehting”
thanks a lot mom.
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authorpocketcow · 5 years
Pooh Characters as Queer Environmentalists
No seriously.  I had a very vivid dream involving all the Winnie The Pooh characters as a group of enthusiastic (and queer) environmentalists who meet once a week to talk about environment things because they’re nerds.
Starring Christopher Robin, Pooh, Tigger, Rabbit, Kanga, Roo, Gopher, Eeyore, and Piglet.
·       Christopher Robin
o   33 years old
o   Head/leader/founder of the Environmentalist Group
o   Really interested in saving the whales
o   Chill dude, but kind of an airhead
o   Everyone thinks he’s some kinda office worker
o   One day someone accidentally found out that he’s the CEO of some green-planet organization and runs this group for fun to see what kinds of ideas he can get and to see what people think of environmentalist efforts
o   He always credits people for their ideas, but people assumed that he just worked for the company, not that he ran the damned thing
o   A pansexual icon
o   Has been to every single pride event that their city has ever had
o   Rumour has it he started the pride events
o   Wilder rumour has it he threw the first stone at the Stonewall Riots
o   Even wilder rumour has it that he’s an immortal vampire who survives on the blood of homophobes
o   He won’t deny any of these rumours but has yet to confirm it
o   Has a genderqueer partner that literally nobody has met
o   Seriously, not even Pooh
·       Pooh
o   29 years old
o   Really wants to save the bees
o   Like, REALLY wants to save the bees
o   Vegetarian, but because he doesn’t like meat
o   Massive sweet tooth; dentists hate him!
o   Ace/Aro
o   Loves children, wants to adopt his own someday
o   Babysits Roo all the time
o   Kanga and him are best friends
o   He brings little sweets for Roo every meeting
o   Perhaps a little bit of a pothead but he’s not addicted
o   He just smokes a joint once in a while to chill out
o   A stereotypical “make love not war” hippie
o   Nice to everyone all the time
o   Cries when someone is mean to him
o   Gets uncomfortable when people hit on him
o   Christopher’s little brother
o   A visual artist; uses lots of colours and sells his art at galleries and markets
·       Tigger
o   27 years old
o   ADHD
o   Gay
o   Hit on Pooh once but when Pooh got uncomfy he backed off
o   Thought maybe Pooh was uncomfortable with gays and was confused and sad
o   When he found out Pooh was Ace/Aro he totally understood
o   They’re good friends now
o   Really wants to save rainforests and trees
o   A freelance writer; his books are elementary school Magic Treehouse shit
o   Very much into fantasy shit, his non-children’s series’ lore is always the deepest mindfuck ever, how the hell did he even come up with that
o   Bestselling author tho
o   Kinda famous tbh but he doesn’t like media attention
o   He just thinks everybody should have fun all the time
o   Does he vape? Probably.  Has anyone ever actually seen him do it?  No.
o   Does he sleep? Probably.  Has anyone ever actually seen him do it?  Once.
o   Kanga caught him powernapping when she came into one of the first meetings really early, but all she did was put a blanket on him and leave to go to the convenience store or something to stay out for a bit longer so he could rest
o   He didn’t know who it was until a bit later he figures it was her since she’s always knitting and it was a very pretty knitted thing
o   That’s his momma figure now
·       Rabbit
o   25 years old
o   Vegan and very in-your-face about it
o   “Bugs are important to the ecosystem but boy do I hate them in my garden”
o   Scifi enthusiast
o   Post-apocalyptic things slightly terrify him because he believes that’s how the world is gonna go
o   A bit of a conspiracy theorist
o   Genuinely believes the government is vaguely spying on everybody
o   Did Bush do 9/11?  Who knows… but the moon landing was real, and the earth is round, don’t be dumb
o   Just identifies as queer, doesn’t like labels
o   A very organized person but when he’s very upset perfectionism scares him bc he thinks he’s not ever gonna be good enough and will mess things up on purpose
o   Has a long-distance boyfriend
o   A farmer
·       Kanga
o   38 years old
o   Divorced trans woman
o   Has a 5 year old son that she fostered as a baby and adopted when he was 4
o   Recycles aggressively
o   Calls everyone “dear”
o   Uses reusable bags and plastic containers all the time
o   Knits a lot, everybody always gets scarves or mitts or hats for Christmas
o   Usually in the design of ‘planet earth’, but also makes pride flag designs and takes requests for fave colour schemes
o   Vegetarian but not aggressive ab it like Rabbit is
o   You know what she is a bit aggressive about? Recycling
o   If you throw something that’s recyclable in the garbage in front of her...
o   Lord help you
o   Last man who did that was never seen again
o   Okay that’s a lie, he was seen two weeks later
o   But he was advocating for a save the whales organization on the side of the road and wearing all thrift store clothing
o   She traumatized him into throwing himself into the environmentalist pit headfirst
o   Thinks Gopher is just a big softie; is the only one who is super nice to him all the time (besides her son, and Pooh who is nice to literally everyone)
o   Kinda has a thing for the grumpy man but won’t admit it
o   She’s like an accountant or something, nobody knows what she does for a living but she seems to be well-off
·       Roo
o   The adopted 5 year old son
o   A little bit spoiled, but not just by Kanga, by everyone in the group
o   Loves sitting in on the meetings
o   His first sentence at 15 months was “recycle that!”
o   Loves blue because of recycle bins
o   Literally wears nothing but blue
o   Will accept things that are less than 100% blue as long as its more than 50% blue
o   Also likes things with pink on them
o   Thinks Tigger is the coolest person ever
o   Doesn’t understand all of Tigger’s books but reads them anyway
o   Except the non-children’s ones of course
o   Reads everything he can get his hands on
o   Don’t let him get his hands on anything inappropriate for a 5 year old
o   Asks a lot of questions
o   Everyone adores him
o   His mama is his favourite person on the planet but also Mr Tigger is so cool
o   He likes Mr Gopher too, he thinks Mr Gopher is great because of “how happy Mama is when he’s around”
·       Eeyore
o   23 years old
o   Has depression
o   Trans boy
o   Just really wants friends
o   Wants to help the planet
o   Is a massive pessimist that thinks the world is doomed
o   Very smart boy
o   Talks about CO2 emissions and carbon taxes
o   A university student studying some kinda chemical engineering
o   Very quiet
o   Bit of a crush on piglet tbh
o   Has a big love for superheroes without powers because he loves the idea of things being solvable through hard work mixed with passion and technology
o   Except he doesn’t believe it because his depression makes him super pessimistic
o   Also a big tech nerd
·       Gopher
o   45 years old
o   Landlord of their meeting place
o   Grumpy ass old man
o   Sometimes people are grumpy right back to him and he’s ok with that
o   Actually a soft spot for these weird hippies and joins them sometimes but says its because he wants to make sure they’re not damaging the place (they know that’s a big fat lie but won’t say anything)
o   Will fight anyone who mocks them
o   Has actually fought someone who mocked them
o   Has not told them about said fight
o   Especially adores Roo
o   Thinks Kanga is a bit of an odd woman but also thinks she’s very pretty
o   Repressed bisexual
o   He thinks nobody knows he’s bi but eventually when he kinda mentions it he realizes everyone knows
o   Specifically, Piglet and Kanga are super supportive
o   He definitely actually has a crush on Kanga, who knitted him a bisexual flag scarf once
o   He wears it all the time but will vehemently deny that it’s the same scarf when called on it
o   Big brawny weirdo
o   Was a football player in college and can definitely bench-press everyone
o   Works construction now, which is why he’s still in good shape
o   Actually a brilliant man, can architect and calculate like nobody’s business
o   Will help Piglet with his mathematics homework in exchange for Piglet teaching him more things about the LGBT+ community
o   After a while he realizes that perhaps genderfluid fits him well but Piglet is sworn to secrecy
o   Has a daughter who is institutionalized for her mental health issues that grew beyond his care
o   Piglet reminds him of his daughter and he’s very protective
o   That’s why he legit fought that asshole who mocked the “little F****t hippies”
o   He was almost arrested for assault on that one actually
o   The cop was a buddy of his and 100% believed the “defense of those who can’t defend themselves” explanation that Gopher had
o   Got off with a warning and fined for “disturbing the peace” or some mundane BS
·       Piglet
o   21 years old
o   Gay and demiboy
o   Anxiety disorders through the roof
o   OCD
o   Recycling is a compulsion
o   Reducing energy consumption too
o   He checks his lights all the time
o   He walks or bikes everywhere
o   He says it’s to reduce CO2 emissions
o   He’s just scared of vehicles
o   Has some kinda PTSD but nobody knows the source
o   He got into a massive car accident when he was little
o   Because his father was angry and speeding
o   His mother died in the accident
o   But nobody knows this!  Someday he will tell them tho
o   Today is not that day
o   Tomorrow is not that day either
o   But someday
o   Crush on Eeyore
o   Also a university student
o   Studying mathematics because it makes sense to him
o   Gopher reminds him of his grumpy old gay uncle who died when he was in high school
o   Feels like he can actually not double-check or cross-reference anything that Gopher teaches him because he trusts him a lot
o   Still will sometimes check everything if he’s having a bad day
o   Gopher doesn’t mind, he understands that Piglet has a lot of anxiety issues
o   Has an exception in his uni file to be able to take twice as long on his exams and tests and get an extra few days for assignments because he checks every single answer 3 times
o   His OCD number is 3, everything is 3, he turns his lights on and off 3 times, etc
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I came out as aroace to my sister a couple of months ago and she basically told me I wasn’t aro and to not label myself. Well now I’ve realized that I’m actually an ace lesbian and I want to come out to my family on Coming Out Day but the fact that I told her I’m aroace and she said I’m not and turns out I’m actually not is giving me a lot of additional anxiety about coming out. Do you have any advice about coming out again? Also any advice in general for coming out? My dad is sort of (1/2)
“homophobic but I don’t think I’d be in any danger if I came out. Gay people are just barely ever talked about so I don’t really know what to expect from him). And well my mom seems like the type to immediately text all her relatives & make a Facebook post about how she has a lesbian daughter which would make family reunions awkward. I feel like I should come out though cause I’m sort of out at school & my sister goes to the same school & I don’t want her hearing from someone else. (2/2)”
First, I just wanna say sorry that you’re sister reacted that way to your initial coming out. That’s not okay, and I’m sorry you had to deal with that 😟
Now, if you’re worried about your sister finding out that you’re an ace lesbian from someone else, I would come out to her again and explain that it’s just difficult to figure out sexuality because, well, it is. But as for the rest of your family… Iunno, you say you don’t think you’d be in any danger, but I worry that they’ll still make you feel like garbage for your identity, which isn’t fair to you. If you think you can handle the awkwardness at reunions and the possible harassment/discrimination you’ll face from your family for being an ace lesbian, then come out to everyone. But if you’re worried that how they might treat you after you come out will negatively and greatly affect your mental health, please don’t come out to them. Your sister? Maybe. Everyone else? Not so sure. Your mental health and safety are the most important here; please try to watch out for yourself and take care of yourself. 
If you DO come out to everyone and they don’t react well/don’t understand, try showing them some posts about being ace and being a lesbian. Try to explain to them that there’s nothing wrong with your identity and that it’s just more complicated for some people. Hell, if you do come out to them and can’t get through to them, you can message me again and tell me what they’ve said, and I’ll try to reason with them as well and you can have them read what I’ve said. You can even show them this ask if you think it would help. Whatever you need, I can try to help 😊
As for coming out in general, my main advice is stay safe and protect your mental health as much as you can. Don’t come out to people who you think will out you to everyone else and put you in a potentially dangerous situation. Be ready to deal with questions because people may not understand your identity. Try to stay civil if people don’t understand, but if they’re getting hateful or hostile, leave the situation if you can. Do not engage with people who just want to make you feel bad for not being straight. Last advice: be proud of who you are, of the fact that you came out, and of your strength and courage to come out. Be proud of you for doing something that is INCREDIBLY hard, INCREDIBLY terrifying, and INCREDIBLY freeing. And if you don’t come out, you still have the right to be proud of who you are. There’s no weakness in staying closeted either, so please never think that. Whatever your reason, there’s nothing wrong with not coming out. But either way, I, for one, am very proud of you and admire your strength, and I hope you’ll feel the same way about yourself 💓💕💖💞💗
I’m sorry this answer is kind of all over the place. I’m on nerve drugs for the nerve damage in my legs, so I tend to get disorganized and ramble….a lot 😂 But I hope this helped some! Feel free to send me more asks or private messages if you have any other questions or wanna say anything else or whatever you need really! 💞
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