#also i changed the mobile theme a little!
dailyfigures · 2 years
just spent my whole day off finally getting the whole halloween queue ready i hope you guys will like it!!!! 🎃❤
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canislupusangelus · 5 months
back on that bad kids movie grind....
every once in a while i remember the little vampire exists(im talking specifically about the 2017 3d animated version, i've heard great things about the live action and the books, i just havent gotten to watching/reading them). the movie is not good, its very much just a kids movie. but it has such gay potential. like just everything about it would work so well if they(tony and rudy) were a little older and gay(er. the movie is actually pretty queer coded imo but i am definitely projecting a little(a lot)). peak fanfic potential....
also im not a *huge* fan of the rudys hair design and tonys overall design in the animated movie(partly because im bad at drawing short hair, its a little boring in general too tho), but ive seen some stuff from the book and i might make designs combining the aspects i like of all three versions of the story.
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moonchild-in-blue · 1 year
No, I did not spent the last 5 hours changing my blog theme and screaming at html codes, whatever do you mean?
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pompadorbz · 1 month
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FINALLY FINISHED MY QPHIL 3.0 DESIGN HOORAY (cant wait to. redesign it again in like 3 months.) (CHECK UNDER THE CUT FOR MY SILLY DESIGN NOTES!!)
I think I said this before but i so. SO BADLY wanted him to have a sleep theme since I always loved how his presence on the island was kinda up in the air. Is it a dream? Is it not? When he goes between the island and hardcore is that change really happening? Who knows.
The idea of making his usual outfit more like a housecoat was super appealing to me, so I opted for this open housecoat look with really heavy frills which were super fun to figure out, and I knew from pretty early on that I wanted to give him a quilt pattern SOMEWHERE on his design, so I thought the inside of the coat would do nicely for a sorta "default state". It also meant I could attribute meaning to the symbols and colours I used. wink nudge.
He has a more subtle angel theme, like with the mobile on his walking stick being a halo with the wing placement further emphasizing this, as well as just his generally lighter colour scheme. When I say sleep was his theme I almost more-so imagine it as like. The feeling of waking up in the morning where you're mostly refreshed but still a LITTLE drowsy. Lots of very spring-y, morning colours.
Just some other quick notes, I always really liked the mod in the server where you could have the crows perch on your shoulder and follow cuz of the lantern, so I thought it'd be fun if I made it so brian just straight up WAS the lantern. So I made him look like one of those wall outlet nightlights!! The backpack being kinda cat shaped was COMPLETELY unintentional but a very welcome result. Missa backpack is real.
As for the alternate outfits, I have a bolas one, as well as an ender king one since I deemed those two the most important. For the ender king I weirdly don't have many notes, like it's fairly straightforward (Save for the elephant in the room but now I'm gonna keep my secrets on why that's a thing). The Quilt design is supposed to be a lighter, easier-on-the-eyes version of the no texture pattern, and I imagine that all the goop and gunk on Phil is hidden under the coat. I imagine it'd look fairly similar to canon so just like. imagine it for now. Might draw it one day. MAYBE. There's some tiny additional colour symbolism but I'll hold my tongue on that and let you guys draw your own conclusions there. I WILL say, however, that instead of his theme being sleep, his theme is "nightmare" (and also kinda sleepwalking since both fit).
The Bolas design was SUPER fun to work with. For starters I wanted the three designs to be in three different states. One with the coat, one with the coat reversed, and one without the coat entirely. Since I wanted to do the checker pattern thing with the possession design, having the sleeveless bolas design worked really well for the shape I landed on, even if it wasn't conventional. and SPEAKING of non-conventional design choices, I decided to go against the usual plague doctor + gas mask fusion design. Which might be controversial... But god. The moment I thought of his mask being a falconry hood, the idea just wouldn't leave my mind. Because of this, the full mask is kinda separated into two parts. The eye mask which kinda also mirrors his usual sleep mask, and the gas mask itself (I kept it in a beak shape since it'd feel odd if i made it any other shape for phil, lol). When designing the whole thing I kept thinking about more apocalypse setting clothing. Like mad max. Or the one gag from that one spongebob movie. Lots of leather. And of course, to match the other sleep themes, the Bolas outfit's theme is "fever dream", although its a bit more subtle. It's easily the weirdest design, The pops of green were simultaneously in reference to the friendship emerald... As well as... Well, the green chain right below the chain on the sickness themed design was probably the most tasteful way I could've chosen to get across vomit without it being too on the nose. (also sidenote, I had a few friends compare bolas phil to... a fly. Which wasn't intentional but it's kinda funny that the guy designed after fever dreams looks a little bit like a bug.) Ok thats it for design commentary I'm gonna go to bedge nyow.
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stellarsagittarius · 1 year
How would you meet your future husband / wife - Based on Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart Pt. 1
[P.s. Please follow me on Instagram and Tiktok @/Stellar_Sagittarius I post even more astrology content on it and it's a business I'm trying to grow. Your presence means a lot to me ❤️.]
Masterlist: All my astrology posts at one place
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(If you are looking for a man, check your Jupiter Persona Chart. If you are looking for a woman, check your Venus Persona Chart)
(Disclaimer: Don't be fixed on this reading! Always have an open mind because the Universe works the best when you have trusted and let go of expectations! Also, the chart won't tell you the exact place or time or how you would feel about something, no one can do that. What it WILL tell is the theme that can be the most prevalent during that event, and how the event can play out.)
Step 1 - Go to Astro.com -> Horoscopes drawing and data -> Extended chart selection -> Select chart type 'Persona Chart' -> Click on 'Additional Objects -> Manual entry '1585'.
Asteroid 1585 is the Union asteroid. It can show how you can "meet" or "come together" with someone.
Fun fact: I checked this Union asteroid in my composite charts with my friends, siblings, my mobile phone, colleagues, and everything fit so well like puzzle peices.
What we will look in the Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart is the Union asteroid, it's sign, house, and the placement of the ruler of it's sign.
For example, in the composite chart of my phone and I, Union is in the 7th house of Aries, and the ruler of Aries (Mars) is in the 6th house of Pisces. When I went to buy my current phone it was an impulse decision, I was with my father. We were returning from my college (he picks me up everyday, so it's our little routine (6th house)). We were driving (Mars theme) and I was with someone (7th house). He said, "Why not let's go and get you the new phone?" Very unusual of my father because he is very slow and thoughtful person. And just then we went to buy it. It was an impulse buy.
And this is just one of the many examples.
Let's get into reading the Union Asteroid in your Jupiter/Venus Persona Chart.
Union Asteroid Through The Houses
Union in the 1st House -
The first house is all about "yourself". So think of you initiating something. Perhaps you approach this person, or you are the one who initiates the conversation. You could be the center of attention, or you catch the attention of your partner, whether it's your looks or personality. "You" are the focus. This is related to a place where you would stand out or play an important role with your mindset/ideas. They could even approach you, simply because they are interested in getting to know you. If Union asteroid in your chart has a 11th or 3rd or 9th house connection, then they could come across your "profile" on social media.
Union in the 2nd house -
The second house rules our values, possessions, beliefs, our body language, resources, personal finances, etc. There are plenty of situations related to this, going for shopping, while making a purchase, at a restaurant, taking part in some workshop to improve your skills etc. This is a situation where you are focused on your resources, and your skills. This could also be at a bank or shopping centers. Maybe this person changes your beliefs in your first meeting, or perhaps you meet them because you saw their car, and you absolutely loved it so you wanted to ask what model it was. You could have made some changes to your body when you met them.
Union in the 3rd house -
3rd house rules communication, locality, processing information, short distances, siblings, it rules personal communication and also the "media" part of social media. So you could first come across them on social media, like seeing them for the first time. You can meet through siblings or in your local areas. You can meet in high school as well. Some places are news stations, broadcasting companies, daily newspaper/magazine supplier, a bookstore, stationery, elementary school, through blogging or vlogging, through writing. Perhaps they write you letters or leave you notes. Or since you met them, you both talk nonstop/sharing information 24/7.
Union in the 4th house -
Our 4th house is all about home, privacy, security, comfort, our deeper emotions, family, the part of ourselves that we don't show to just anyone, could also depict the people very close to us. So think of meeting this person "through the comfort of your home", good for introverts! This is giving social media, because you don't have to go out somewhere. They just slide into your DMs or your slide into theirs ;) . Internet is a good example because we can use it at our comfort. We can do so much by just being at our home through the internet. Other examples is meeting through your family, perhaps your mom introduces you to them. Or maybe they are a delivery person, an electrician or a service worker who comes to your house to like fix the AC or something! This meeting would feel very cozy. Perhaps getting to talk with each other takes some time!
I have this in the composite chart with one of my best friends. Union in Aries 4th House. She is extremely introverted and shy. We met through the internet, she just randomly slide in my DMs. I was at home chilling in my PJs, and received her message. She had this "other account" through which she messaged me, due to her "privacy reasons". But she just overcame her overthinking and made the first move (Aries energy). Lol I still wonder how brave of her was to text me, she is super introverted! Oh, and also, the ruler of our 4th house is Mars, in 12th house. So the account that she texted me on, was an account that didn't have my real name or picture, it was a little self care niche account. Plus her own pfp was of only her eyes. So kinda sus energy lol with the 12th house.
Union in the 5th house -
Fifth house is all about creativity, pleasure, joy, having fun doing this or that, sex, hobbies, children etc. Places associated with the 5th house are amusement parks, art schools, cinemas, theme parks, movie sets, waterparks, nightclubs as well, etc. Think of pursuing a hobby or doing something solely for the pleasure it brings you, you could meet this person through that. This is also giving collaboration, for a creative project. Shared interests and hobbies! It could also start off as a one night stand or perhaps you both are very flirty with each other from the start. Every couple flirts ofc, but yours is emphasised! So think of teasing or being very playful with each other! Could indicate meeting through children! Perhaps you met at a kindergarten, aww!
Union in the 6th house -
6th house is ✨️That Girl✨️ house. It rules, routines, organization, health, fitness, pets, work ethic, the physical self care, the material realm, getting your life in order, etc. Think of going to run errands or going to the gym and bumping into this person. Perhaps you are out taking your dog for a walk, or going for a run, and you meet this person. This house rules all the mundane, daily life stuff. Perhaps they ask you for the directions when you meet them. This also rules parking lots, roads, vehicles, hospitals, daycare, salon, the vet. This is very routined. Perhaps this is someone you see everyday while going to work, but never got the chance to say hi.
Union in the 7th house -
The 7th house is all about others. It is more one on one, than a group. So think, when you meet them, the focus will completely be on getting to know the other person. Like completely immersed in the conversation, totally focused on each other's company. Someone else can introduce you both. This is like the definition of "meeting". You met, and now you both are genuinely interested in each other. The places could be anywhere you would directly approach them, instead of seeing them here and there or having something else as a focus. Dating apps is a good example, but only if your focus is on them, rather than other people on it.
This is in the composite chart of my bestie and I. I was talking to a friend, and my bestie just approached me. And we got to know each other just like that. It was in high school, about 5 years ago. We just became friends right away!
Union in the 8th house -
8th house is about what you share with someone else, transformation, secrets, bonds, joint resources, marriage, sex (as in bonding with someone, and not necessarily pleasure), other people's stuff, etc. The places associated with the 8th house could be banks, someone else's house, private clubs/bars, private offices, VIP lounges, etc. Someone else could play a part in this meeting or you can meet through some sort of joint collaboration. This is also giving, "Oh you left your diary at that coffee table a week ago, I had to give it back to you!" Somebody or something will help you come together. You could also bond with each other pretty quickly! Wingwoman/wingman energy!
Union in the 9th house -
9th house represents travel, long distances, foreign, higher education, other cultures, languages, adventure, universities, philosophy, spirituality & religion (the philosophical/moral/practical aspect of it), etc. So meeting your s/o through travel or while you are exploring something. Perhaps while you are in college/university. Meeting them through religion or shared spiritual interests. Perhaps a course where you are learning about other cultures or languages. Classic travel meeting. Could meet on an airplane or a long distance train. The relationship itself could start out as long distance. If this has 4th house or Gemini/Cancer connections, then meeting online/at your comfort, but being long distance!
Union in the 10th house -
10th house rules our public image, our career, the part of ourselves that shines the most. It rules buildings, workplaces, companies, public parks or public places. This could also represent our public profiles online, such as for work or businesses. So yes, meeting through your work is significant. Could be a business meeting at first. If there are relations to 5th and 8th houses then it could be to collab on something creative! You could meet through your boss. And keeping the work aspect aside, if you are someone with a public profile online just because you want it so, it's also a 10th house thing. An aspect of your public image will be highlighted! Your work and career will be significant.
Union in the 11th house -
This is the classic friends to lovers placement, no matter how slow or fast it is. 11th house rules communities, friendships, social groups, hope and ideals, long term plans/visions, "social" part of social media, being an influencer or having an audience, networking, building your career, etc. This is a very social house and this meeting will have a focus on networking, becoming friends etc. Perhaps this is a meeting through friends, or meeting at a networking party. They could see you online or be intrigued at the work you do. Perhaps they want to work with you.
Union in the 12th house -
Twelfth house is the house of unconscious, mysteries, theories, conspiracies, hidden, mystical, fantasies, imagination etc. Everything to do with the mind, and not the things that are practical or "material" enough. This is the spiritual realm, the realm of unseen. This also rules isolation, mental health, heavy contemplative states. It rules prisons or hospitals (in a way that you are isolated). Meditation retreats are ruled by 12th house as well. Places that are far away and where we take the journey alone. So yes, meeting when you are alone, or even an account messaging you where the owner is hidden (not saying talk to strangers, but you get my point). This meeting could start out as a secret or won't be apparent to other people. You both could meet at a place where you both are alone, etc. You both could connect over the matters of spirituality and mysticism.
This is it!
You can book a reading with me, text me, I'll respond. I just made this blog so I'm yet to create an official post regarding booking readings!
Stay tuned for the next part!! ✈️✨️
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thelilypit · 12 days
Lily Orchard doesn't understand File Explorer
(or she does, but she's hoping that you don't)
Content warning for discussions of abuse and incest. Also, this post is long as balls.
Okay, I wasn't going to make a post about this. I agree with Crim right now: there's no point interacting with Lily or her posts. She's shown herself to be completely full of garbage, and isn't convincing anyone outside of her inner circle with her recent posts.
Still, there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding as to why her recent explanations don't hold up to scrutiny, so I'm making this post to help people understand exactly why her evidence is bunk. If you're reading this, please don't bother Lily about it further. At this point, any further antagonism towards Lily only serves to convince her remaining fanbase that she's a helpless victim, and not the dangerous manipulator she truly is. With that out of the way, here's the sitch:
BACKGROUND: On September 5th, 2024, Lily Orchard briefly showed the contents of her Downloads folder during an editing stream. Keen observers noted a handful of peculiar filenames, including a .rar file with the exact name of a RWBY incest-themed fancomic, and a .zip folder with the name "aslutphone-0.22-pc.zip", which corresponds to a mobile phone-themed visual novel that is also incest-themed.
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The presence of fantasy adult material on Lily's computer is in of itself no concern - private kinks are private kinks, after all. However, some commentators noted similarities between the scenarios highlighted in "A Slut Phone" and statements made by Courtney Peet, Lily's sister, in regards to alleged abuse she experienced as a child at the hands of Lily.
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Almost immediately, anonymous asks were sent to Lily Orchard querying her about the contents of her folder. Rather than provide a relevant answer, she pretended those asks were related to a different game:
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It's reasonable to say that Lily didn't have an explanation handy at the time, at least, not one that would fit with her current public image. Still, the anon asks were piling up behind the scenes, and people on Lily's patreon discord were beginning to ask questions as well. On September 8th, three days after the initial discovery, Lily posted her explanation for one of the two files highlighted:
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According to Lily, "Sisters - Ruby&Yang.rar" is a full archive of the RWBY series, and she intended to mention Ruby and Yang in her "Sibling relationships" video, back in June. The fact that it shared its filename uniquely with an incest porn comic was totally a coincidence, and anyone who accused her of owning said porn comic was just a pervert themselves.
(what Lily, who frequently complains about disk space issues, was still doing with an alleged rip of RWBY that she had no intention of watching, I have no idea. But I digress) And finally on September 12th, after a week of anticipation, Lily had finally come up with her explanation for "A Slut Phone":
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It was all a trick to make her critics look stupid! She had downloaded a different game for an upcoming video, and had renamed the filename to, in her words, the "worst possible game I could find", just to catch out the trolls!
This is, to put it mildly, a little difficult to believe. Still, it's the explanation Lily provided, and the following day Lily provided evidence that proves the contents of that folder pertains to sexadvicesuccubus.exe, and that said contents had not been recently edited:
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This is where some of Lily's critics start to falter, accusing Lily of fabricating the contents of the above folder or changing around the other files. Personally, I'm willing to accept that the folder displayed *does in fact* contain the game data for "Sex Advice Succubus." However, there's still some glaring issues. For one, Lily is showing us a Windows File Folder here (with compressed data inside)
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Meanwhile, the file spotted on September 5th was a .zip
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Another (minor) issue is that the filename for "A Slut Phone" looks different on its itch.io download page, compared to the name of the actual file (as demonstrated above). If Lily had simply copied the filename based on the itch.io page, her "decoy" folder would have been named differently As for the issues with the file's modification date... more on that after the break. And now, a brief intermission. The Lily Pit presents:
So, you're a reasonably successful youtube creator and occasional streamer, and one day someone spots a suspiciously named .zip file in your cluttered downloads folder:
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Worry not! Just follow these simple steps to exonerate yourself of any signs of pervertedness!
First, you're going to download a scapegoat game - don't worry about this game's raunchy title, it's far more tame than whatever wild stuff you're surely into:
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Now, go to your computer's date and time settings, and set it back far enough to avoid culpability:
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(In this case, we've adjusted it to the exact time of the original .zip's modification, but if nobody saw that part then you don't even have to worry!) While your PC's time is adjusted, extract the contents of the new game's .zip, and compress it while you're there:
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Rename the folder to match the filename of the .zip, and there you go!
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And if you're thinking "That's an awful lot of effort to go to to hide the fact that you've got weird porn on your computer",
You would be absolutely right.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Lily Crit
... Shoot, where was I? Oh yeah, falsifying the "date modified" part of a file or folder is trivial. The evidence Lily provided proves nothing, and arguably, it makes her look even more suspicious than she was before.
Still, I do have to acknowledge that there is no definitive proof of those files' contents being what we suspected. Lily's explanations, however outlandish they are, could well be the honest truth...
... but let's be real, they're not.
Stop lying, Lily.
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arcadia-of-pluto · 12 days
Twist of Fate; Seventeen
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Pairings; LADS OT4 x reader
Word count; 4,562
Themes; isekai, eventual smut, slowburn, canon divergence
Rating; 18+ for swearing and eventual mature themes
Notes; Only update for this week! I decided that it's better to drop my updates down from multiple to just one per week– just until I get a few buffer chapters in-between where my chapters are here and what I'm currently writing!
Also Tumblr on mobile seems to really hate anything over 4k so I'm not sure what to do when it comes to posting longer chapters– but if I do, I probably won't be able to add itallics and bold, but I'm sure no one would mind if I didn't go through and add those little details.
Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter! It's yet another memory one that will span over two chapters (including this one).
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“Y/n…Sweetie, wake up.” You hear a voice and a gentle hand shakes your shoulder. Your eyes slowly opened and your cheeks felt damp. Once your eyes are fully open, you wipe your face and rest a hand on your chest. It tightly grips the front of your dress as you struggle to breathe. Your gaze goes to Sylus with wide eyes and you look around, confused to see the interior of a car and not the beautiful lake you were just at. 
The only reminder of your dream laid In your hand…A gem, devoid of colour as if its power had been drained, was in your palm. Was this the aether core Xavier found? No…no way that would've followed you back.
“Where..?” You were still disoriented, trying to keep a grip on which reality was your own. Your hands were trembling.
“We’re back at the house, sweetie. Or did you forget where we were going?” Sylus's voice sounds soft. It sounds too kind, much sweeter than his usual tone with you. Were you somehow in a different kind of dream now? 
“No— I...” You hold your head in your shaking hands. “I had a dream...It..” You want to punch yourself in the chest– anything to try and fix the disorder nestled deep in your heart. 
“I know, you started crying so suddenly. I was almost scared.” Sylus seems rather calm as he speaks, not waiting for you to elaborate as he opens the car door, “I told you it would be happening more often. You just need to be prepared for it.” His hand reaches out for you as the cool breeze nips at your skin. 
“But I felt– Months passed, Sylus. Seasons changed and it’s only been an hour.” You stammer as you try to get out of the car, but your knees almost give out underneath you. 
Sylus lets out a sigh and picks you up bridal style. “Was it scary?’ He asks, softly, as he carries you inside. “No…just really sad,” You reply, resting your head on his chest, “And I feel even more tired than before…I felt like I haven’t slept at all…”
“It’s just the first of many,” He muses, not bothering to ask what it was about or explain how he knew so much as he enters your room, and lays you down on your bed. “I’m sorry there’s not much I can do for you,” He speaks in a low register as he takes your hair down from its up-do, running his fingers through the strands, before he gently removes your jewelry. “But I can sit right next to the bed if you want me to. You know I don’t sleep around this time.” 
You press your lips together in a thin line, before quickly nodding as you grab his hand, “Please?” 
Sylus doesn’t give you a response, but he keeps a tight hold on your hand while you slowly fall back asleep…
The next memory is more involved than the last. You’re not sure who this one is about just yet, but judging by the ghastly sight of bloated corpses and water steadily filling up a ship as a storm raged on, you can only assume it’s Rafayel’s.
From what you could see, it was a dark and stormy night on the high seas. Some of the ship’s crew were talking about a sacrifice that had gone missing and to let down the sails as the stormy sea was too strong from their ship. The large boat was rocking back and forth from the force of the waves, and you almost felt seasick.
You notice waterlogged bodies floating past you as you were hidden behind a wooden storage box. Then, suddenly, your arms are seized in a tight grip and you’re dragged to the edge of the deck. Your eyes widening as the sight of the dark, unforgiven see was all you could see below. “Now throw her overboard!”
What? You were the sacrifice!?
Amidst your surprise, you begin to hear a faint melody, a song sounding as if the sea itself were singing to you. Calling out to you, almost, and like an invisible hand, the melody calms down the raging whirls of the ocean and the winds die down.
“Fools…Any further and a storm would be the last thing on your minds.”
Though you can’t ponder on your thoughts for too much longer as you’re tossed overboard. Your limbs spread out in a panic as you try to slow your descent into the depths. You can hear the emissaries cheering as you, their sacrifice who was raised for years just for this very reason, finally fulfilled your purpose.
A sinking sense of fear overwhelms your body and the salty ocean water drowns out your pleas and cries for help. Briny water engulfs your body and your eyes burn as you try to keep them open from under the crashing waves. You could’ve tried to hold your breath, but it was already too late. 
Your panic had caused you to take in gulps of water and you felt your vision fading. You could feel yourself slowly…and painfully suffocating. Before you lost consciousness, however, you felt something warm envelop you.
Whenever you resurfaced, you greedily gasped for air, coughing out salty water, and felt the cool rain hit your face. Then, you turn toward your savior but your pleasantries die on your lips as you meet his beautiful, otherworldly eyes. 
Those familiar, charming bluish-pink eyes.
“Were you abandoned?” He asks, holding an ornate flute as he seemingly stands on top of the now calm waves. The ethereal melody you heard earlier had since disappeared as he was no longer playing his flute.
“Save me…please.” Is all you can croak out and the purple haired man chuckles. He sits down on a piece of driftwood. 
Under the moonlit night sky, he looks at you, the scales on his neck emitting a faint glow. He’s lemurian?
“Did you ask for my assistance?” He asks, raising a brow as he rests his arm across his leg. Then, you take a moment to look at him, really look at him. 
He had paint-like markings on his face under his right eye, the paint marks were also along his shoulders and chest. Were they tribal markings? He was wearing gold jewelry, the bangles wrapped tightly around his biceps and wrists. A sheer, blue sash across his right shoulder seemed to be the only form of top he had on and his pants were more of a white and gold tunic.
He brings you back to the situation at hand by holding his hand out to you. That’s when you realize his nails were also painted black.
You reach out toward him but, when your hands touch, flames burst forth from his fingers. You let out a squeak of surprise and jerk your hand back, but he starts laughing, amused at his little joke. You, in turn, puff your cheeks out and grab his hand tightly.
Even if this was a memory from the past, it seems Rafayel still acts just the same. It almost makes you want to stay in this dream forever, having missed the man after not seeing him for some time.
The man makes a noise in the back of his throat as you squeeze his hand, “Release me.” The scales on his neck are raised ever so slightly like a cat’s bristling fur. “I said release me!” 
Another thought crosses your mind, an even older memory that a lemurian’s kiss can allow one to breathe underwater. This gives you an idea since you’re trapped in the ocean with no other way to survive, you decide to take your chances.
You suddenly reach forward to cup your hands on either side of his face, catching the man off guard, and kiss him. Your lips smash against his in a clumsy kiss, your teeth clinking together in your desperation for survival. 
The lemurian lets out a small gasp of surprise as you plead with him again to save you. Your vision becomes more blurry by the second, but you desperately try to hold his gaze.
After a long silence passes, his voice rings in your ears– low…soft…almost like he’s casting a spell to enthrall someone, “I will grant you deliverance and in exchange, offer yourself, your everything to me. Become my follower mortal.”
After this exchange, you assume you passed out. You hear children whispering about whether you’re alive or not. As the conversation turns toward the children wanting to use your possible dead body for dissections, you open your eyes. 
The first thing you notice is that you’re in a rather luxurious room. It’s completely covered in the colour blue. From the drapes across the windows to the bedsheets, to the walls. 
The children are, understandably, surprised that you woke up in the middle of their conversation. “Where am I?” You ask, slowly sitting up, “Am I below the waves?” You realize you’re probably asking too many questions and bring your hand up to rub your temples. “Keep your distance– she bites.”
You knew that sassy demeanor like the back of your hand. You puff your cheeks out, annoyed that he had to scare those poor children with nonsense. 
Rafayel stood by the door with his arms crossed over his chest and, as you took a moment to take him in during the daytime, you realized he was quite attractive. He was always attractive, but in his lemurian garb, he was all the more so.
Though, you do notice that his mouth is swollen and there seems to be a wound on his lips.
Oh, did you…
Once he meets your gaze, he glares at you. “Uhm...where am I?” You finally ask after a few moments of silence.
“A single glance would reveal that you’re in Lemuria. Treat her wounds and give her clean clothes. I’ll inform Elder Amund that we’ve found my devout follower.” He says and you fiddle with your fingers in your lap. “Uhm, you’re my savior right? I should express my gratitude—”
Though, he leaves before you can even finish your sentence. 
Maybe…You should go back to the real world after all. You miss Rafayel. 
A young girl with beautifully braided blue hair pops up from her hiding spot and excitedly sits on the edge of the bed, “Worry not! When Rafayel brought you back, it seemed you’d been vomiting bubbles with the crabs for a fortnight.”
Then she continued, “My name is Algie and he’s Konche. You’re the first live human we’ve met! Well...There are ones who swam along the currents, but none of them could talk like you.” 
The blue haired boy next to her scolds her, “You’re scaring her, sister. Look, her hands are shaking like a shrimp seeing a whale for the first time!” 
“My apologies, I didn’t mean it!” Algie quickly clasps her hands together apologetically. “You’re fine. Don’t worry about it but…May I ask why you brought me here?” You ask, head slightly tilted to the side.
“You’ll know when you visit the temple.” Algie says, “It’s a very, veerrry long tale. I’ll tell you on the way!” 
She said that in the Deep Sea lies the forgotten kingdom of Lemuria and that the God of the Sea lives there. He protects whatever the briny sea touches and his followers include not just denizens of the ocean, but also humans. His most devout followers must gift him a heart so he has the strength to protect Lemuria and becomes the god recognized by the entire ocean.
Hmm…Rafayel did say ‘we found my devout follower’. Does that mean he wants your heart? And not in the romantic way??
It’s said that the Sea God of this generation was born in flames as dusk turned to dawn and only he can use fire.
Huh, Rafayel did use fire earlier…
In the Tome of the Sea god, it’s stated that in Whalefall City’s temple lies a great flame that has burned for thousands of years and that if this fire were to ever go out, then Lemuria shall fall into a deep slumber for centuries.
So…to keep the flame alive, the Sea God requires a certain human follower. It cannot be a lemurian, it must be a human because they are some of the most selfish, greediest creatures so when they offer their hearts, love, or even their lives, it’s considered the most precious form of worship. This Tome also confirms that Rafayel will be the last God of the Sea.
Once in the temple with Rafayel, you gaze upon the fire in the middle of the room. It almost resembles a sun about to go out.
“She’s most suited to be the one.” You hear Rafayel say and you really hope he doesn’t mean to toss you into the fire as a sacrifice. “Her?” You hear an older voice from across the room.
A man in a robe, holding a staff, questions, “She is the human your Quintessence has decided on?”
“‘Twas more of fate’s whimsy. I wandered about on the earth and became her cushion when she fell.” Rafayel speaks as if you were a stray animal that he had brought home out of the kindness of his heart. 
“For now, I shall forget that your Quintessence snuck out and burned the guard’s hair. I must ask again, is she truly to be the human your Quintessence is bound to?” 
“As long as the Sea God’s ceremony is assured, I’ll make her my follower.” Is all Rafayel says in response before he goes back to being the sassy Rafayel you truly know, “However, we should remove all of her teeth and nails. I worry she’d bite and scratch us if given the opportunity.”
“I-I don’t think that’s a good idea,” You finally manage to get a sentence out. Amund sighs, “Once a lemurian is bound to someone, it’s impossible to go against their wishes. She will have the power to command your Quintessence. When the two of you barely know each other, is that something worth giving?”
The light flickers on Rafayel’s face and he lowers his head to ruminate about his answer. Then, the Elder leaves so you and Rafayel are alone.
“So…if you’ve yet to decide, can I be set free? I promise I won’t speak of this to anyone.” Though you try your luck, Rafayel continues to stand there. “The day has dragged on long enough. I’m tired.” He sighs, finding a comfortable spot on the floor to sit down. 
“What’re you doing?” You question, still standing up. “Sleeping.” He answers simply. “Why??” You are appalled but Rafayel continues, “Wake me before nightfall.”
He ignores you, leaning his back against a marble pillar as he closes his eyes. The temple is heavily guarded, so all you can do is sit in a corner and ponder how you were going to escape. Though your thoughts are regularly interrupted by Rafayel’s breathing and after an hour of it, you’re fed up by it. “Rafayel! Ra-fay-el!” You try to wake him up, hands on your hips. Though, he doesn’t react. 
A small blue fish suddenly appears and begins swimming around his shoulders.
“Oh– where did you come from? You’re so cute...” You muse, reaching a finger out to poke the fish with a small smile on your lips. “Do you know the way out, Oh little fish?” The fish swims in a circle and settles on your finger as you softly giggle at it. “Do you understand me?” You softly ask the fish, completely endeared with it, “Could you show me a way out?” 
Flicking its translucent tail, the fish swims to the stained-glass window behind the alcove...
“Half a day has disappeared like sea foam,” You sigh, walking through the beautiful hallway of the temple, “Why have we returned to these crossroads?” A pout dances across your lips, “Do you lack a sense of direction or do all fish have terrible memory?” 
Twirling its tail, the fish suddenly swims into a crowd and leaves you behind. “Where–” You sigh, shaking your head, “I can’t believe I’m trying to talk to a fish.” The fish finally leads you to a coral reef and goes into a small hole in the city’s walls.
“Do I have to swim through that?” You question and the fish spits bubbles at you, almost as if trying to communicate. “I’m coming. I'm coming.” You sigh, swimming through the narrow passageway until you’re on a beach alcove.
You dust the sand off of your knees in triumph. “I’ve definitely got to think of a way to express my gratitude to the fishies…I could possibly feed them during the Sea God’s ceremony,” You murmur to yourself.
“Was it fun to explore Lemuria?”
You nearly jump out of your skin at the sound of Rafayel’s voice. “Rafayel!?”
“There is no need to shout my name.” He says behind a silk curtain, before he steps out to face you. 
He lifts his finger and the little fish swims around it, then transforms into a blue scale that lands in his palm. The fish was his own creation!? 
“You planned this?” You groan. “‘Twas a test for you. Elder Amund was right. Human promises are nothing but meaningless words.” “Huh– When did I make a vow to you??” You were a bit exasperated.
“I told you to wake me before nightfall, didn’t I?” Rafayel crosses his arms over his chest and then yawns, seemingly not upset in the slightest. “Besides, when I saved you from the ocean’s clutches, we made an oath. Did you forget?”
“That…counted? Look, you’re the sea god, respectful and awe-inspiring. Can’t you consider my rescue an act of kindness and let me go?” You rub the back of your neck as you look away from the man.
“I am not a God who answers every whim. The ceremony is to take place in a month and, as you’re aware, ceremonies always need–” He rests his chin in his hand as he narrows his eyes, filling you with a sense of dread.
“...Followers right? There are plenty on land. You know? The ones who wear robes and pray to you every day. They’re more devout than me.” You quickly cut him off, not wanting to hear him say the word ‘sacrifices’.
“Alright…Then, return to me your life.” He says, one hand on his hip. His other hand reaches out toward you as if grabbing an invisible rope that’s tied tightly around your neck. Though you're unsure of what he’s doing, suddenly you can’t breathe. 
You place a hand over your chest, doubling over for a moment as you reach toward your throat and cough. Water enters your nose and throat. Did he…take away your ability to breathe underwater? “Wait, wait!” You panic, air bubbles escaping your mouth as you try to speak, “I’ll do anything you ask!” 
Suddenly, a grin spreads across Rafayel’s lips and he loosens his hold. You find yourself able to breathe again. “‘Tis not worship I desire. From the very depths of your soul, I seek only the purest devotion.” 
“I beg your pardon?”
“The tides ebb and flow and with every setting sun is a moon rising. ‘Till time’s end, I should occupy your every thought. You must believe in me alone.” Rafayel says as he walks closer to you and your eyes widen a bit.
Okay, that’s hot—
“You mean I…” You trail off and the tips of your ear turn a pretty shade of pink. “Think of it from another perspective,” He pokes your chest, specifically where your heart lies. He acts as if he’s stating a truth, “Thou must find a means by which thy heart becomes smitten with me.”
‘Find someone who will kiss you, even if you do not give them the world. Love a soul that is like your own, that which compliments you. Love and death are the most important things in life. Death is a matter of time, so love with all your heart can muster.’
- Lemuria: Tome of the Sea God, Chapter 3  
The two of you ended up sneaking to the top of the temple’s spire to watch the sunset. After a few days, you had grown used to the Lemurian’s snarky demeanor. You had also learned a bit more about him, like how he doesn’t like people touching him but is fine with you gently holding his hand.
You recall Amund saying that once the Sea God is bound to a person, they’ll do anything they command so as Rafayel sits down in the shade to nap, you decide to bother him for a bit. His eyes are closed with his arms crossed over his chest, so you reach your hand out to grab his.
“Make some flames for me,” You ask. Rafayel lifts his fingers up before curling them back around yours, but doesn’t say a word.
“Hmm...I didn’t work at all,” You murmur with a pout. “Don’t waste your time.” He lazily opens his eyes. “One should practice silence when watching the sunset.” He drops your hand, resting his arm on his propped up knee. 
“Do you want to see the real sun, Rafayel?”
“I do not.” He simply says and the blue fish from earlier reappears. “You wanted to sneak onto the beach the day we met,” You say as the fish swirls around his palm.
“Your tongue barely moved when we first met. Back then you were rather…” He trails off, bringing his hand up to his mouth to tap his lips.
A crimson red blush appears on his ear tips before spreading across his cheeks. His eyes widen as he catches your gaze and he quickly looks away.
“This side of you is much more to my liking.” He finally finishes his sentence. 
You tap his shoulder, “Hey, so on the surface we have a Sea God ceremony too. We play wonderful songs on lyres and...”
“Were the surface world as lovely as you claimed, you’d be elsewhere,” He glances toward you before looking back up at the light in the distance. 
“There are evil people on the surface! Once they learnt you were Lemurian, your tears that turn into pearls would be harvested day after day endlessly.” You try to spook him, though deep down you knew there would actually be humans as evil as that. Rafayel crosses his arms over his chest as he shakes his head, “If you were to persuade me to bring you to the beach, you’ll run away.” 
Though after a few moments of silence, Rafayel leans back against the marble column behind him. “Is the surface world’s sunset different from the one in the ocean?”
“Honestly...my memory of it is hazy…” You trail off as he closes his eyes and you take your chance to sit closer to him.  Your head slowly drifts down to rest against the column as well– close to him but not touching him since you recall him saying he doesn’t like to be touched.
“You take me to see the sun and I’ll take you to see the festival...What do you think?” You ask as you look up at him, drinking every detail of his face. Though, as silence fills the room, you realize Rafayel had most likely fallen asleep. The tranquil nature of the situation also somehow makes you sleepy as well and your head leans against his shoulder, almost close enough to touch his head. 
Though, you’re hesitant to fully lean against his shoulder. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, pulling you closer and hear Rafayel tiredly go, “Mmhm.” almost as if saying you’re okay to lean on him. You lift your gaze to look up at his face, worried he was awake, but all you see is his closed eyes. His face way too close to yours, so you instead close your eyes and rest your head on his chest as you join him in sleep…
After a few days, Rafayel decides to go to the beach with you to watch his own celebration first hand. You tell him of how the emissaries on land had adopted you and raised you as a follower of the sea god, only to tell you that you were a sacrifice years later.
You talk of how you wouldn’t have been able to escape because of the island’s size. It was nice to be able to actually talk with someone about your situation for once.
Then, you both enter the festival with driftwood masks that Rafayel made and you overhear a storyteller.
“Unable to break his vow with the girl and his own burning passion, the God of the Sea left the ocean and lived happily ever after with his beloved...”
The children talk amongst themselves after the puppet show. “But Lemuria is centered around bonds. Without it, the Sea God won’t remember or obey her!” A little girl says, clearly upset over the ending.
“What are you talking about? The God of the Sea will find his beloved and live happily ever after,” The little boy next to her sighs, not understanding her. 
The young girl lets out a huff of annoyance before tugging at your sleeve as she looks up at you, “What do you think, Miss? Will the Sea God be with her because he loves her or because of their vow?” “Uh...” You glance over at Rafayel before clearing your throat, “All of those legends of Lemuria are just made-up nonsense…”
Though, you seem to have made the wrong choice as the children start crying. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t...” You panic, not used to being around children enough to deal with the situation.
“What about you, Sir? Does Lemuria exist? Would the Sea God gift his heart to a human?” The girl quickly turns to Rafayel for an answer.
The man in question, the Sea God himself, rests his chin on his hand before nodding, “He would. Lemuria is my homeland, so that is how I know.”
Should...he be saying that? You tried to cover his mouth with your hands, but he pushed you away.
“What are Lemurians like?” She asked, excitedly.
“Hmm…Their tears turn into glimmering pearls, and their voices bring dreams of wonder. Their blood can make one live forever or even resurrect the dead.” You really don’t think Rafayel should be saying this but the girl quickly sighs, “I already knew that.”
“Lemurians don’t fall in love with people they’re bound to. ‘Tis a human fantasy.” Rafayel says with a shrug and you can’t help but frown.
“What else?” The little girl jumps up and down.
“Are you that curious?” Rafayel teases with a smile ghosting across his lips. It seems like the Sea God adores children– how cute.
Though, you could only faintly hear the conversation from afar, having walked away after Rafayel said Lemurians don’t fall in love with the humans they’re bound to.
Hmph, you’d just drink your sorrows away with some pomegranate wine.
You take a sip of the wine, being distracted by all of the lights and stalls like an excited little puppy.
Suddenly, the girl walks up to you and tugs on your sleeve again. “Miss! Your friend said that if you don’t return soon, he won’t keep waiting.”
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Also, woah! I did not expect my bad weather drabbles to blow up like they did! Does that mean yall want to see more drabbles in the future?
If yall have any ideas for some, I'd love to, at least, try them out! Because I really didn't expect so many people to actually like it. I kept checking my Tumblr and being like "woah 35 notifs???" And then I'd check again and "WAIT, there's 25 more???" So, I'd love to keep doing them. They'd be good to post in-between my ToF schedule!
Hope yall enjoyed this chapter! I'm hoping it still makes sense that the reader can't fully control their body during these memories...I'm not really sure how to convey that tbh.
Taglist; @orphicmeliora , @yoongi-tunes , @mitzkooni , @hiqhkey, @tanspostsblog
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hi hello i hope you don't mind but Special Interest Infodump Mode has been activated please keep hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times-
this explanation comes to us courtesy of Dark Road! You know, that cutesy little mobile game where literally the whole cast except the two protagonists dies. This is on brand bc the explanation has it's own fridge horror levels to it if i think too hard about it tbh.
So, worlds have hearts. We've known this since KH1, seen what happens to a world that loses its heart, and how they can be affected. It's rarely been expounded on beyond that however, aside vague allusions to the titular Kingdom Hearts being/harboring the Heart of All Worlds.
(which has. other implications now that i think about it but that's stepping into theorising territory. im sorry im trying really hard to stay on track honest)
fast forward to Dark Road, where we have a bunch of kids venturing out into the worlds for the first time, and as such have to have things explained to them (and thus the audience). NOW i will note here that KH looooooves unreliable narrators and characters imparting incorrect information without knowing it, so there is always the possibility that this could later turn out to be wrong, but currently I see no reason this would be the case and thus for now i feel safe in taking their words at face value unless otherwise contradicted.
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Why are there no people? Because each world is alive, and after the Keyblade War sundering THE World into MANY Worlds, each needed to recover and restore what was lost; life, time, movement.
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This bit here is important, bc as a result
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All of this is the direct result of the Keyblade War of old. Even after so much time, the bits of worlds are *still* recovering, and I do think there's something to be said about how like... the repition between worlds and their apparent stagnation often *stops* after Sora visits them. I don't think it's because Sora's special(tm), but rather just because of who he is; the Dark Road kids are told never to interfere, and as a result the worlds they visit that Sora also visits later are exactly the same to Sora as they were 80+ years before.
But when Sora visits the same world only a short time after his first visit, things CHANGE. Hercules' story moves forward, Simba is having a crisis about being king, Jack Skellington has learned his lesson about Christmas and is on to new shenanigans. And that's only in kh2! in kh3 we see Twilight Town fill with people, barren Olympus expands into a full town (and there's more there too with BBS and how the Wayfinder Trio may have been Olympus' start towards restoring itself completely, and Sora's later arrival more speeding things along)
my point here is *connections*, which is a consistant and overarching theme of the series. Empty worlds are baby worlds, still healing and restoring from being broken away from the rest, and what helps along that healing? Being connected to others.
Which is to say that the keyblade weilder's doctrine of 'do not interfere' while most certainly well-intentioned (as Dark Road also points out, one persons darkness is anothers light, and morality is not a solid truth across worlds, so interfering is risky at best and dangerous at worst), the flip side to this is that without being connected, without that ''interferance'', the world's restoration stagnates and struggles. It will still get there eventually (the Tangled world seems to be doing alright for example), but chances are it might've been a little easier/faster if someone had done a little interfering.
tldr keyblade war broke the worlds and reset them all to zero. As the worlds heal time stops until it's People finally pop back into existance and their stories can resume. And that's how the invisible crowds in early kh games are canon.
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pmdtherogueteam · 4 months
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Henllo followers! This is the author speaking! Yes!
Unfortunately, PMD: The Rogue Team is still on hiatus. Real life has been too busy!
This update is to inform you all of some changes made to the comic's website on tumblr, as well as some new things going forward!
>> I've added navigation links to every comic page! As much as I liked the old webcomic theme, it started to bother me that mobile users could not use the desktop navigation, and that the chrono tags did not work. Hopefully this makes your reading experience better! >> I've also updated the website theme! It's really pretty and made by glenthemes on tumblr. Pages are displayed at a bigger size on desktop, so I think it works really well! >> With the theme updated, you now have the ability to send asks to this blog! I've always loved to hear readers' thoughts on the comic in other platforms, and I missed this kinda interaction on tumblr. So feel free to share your opinions! Any not-a-comic-page post will be tagged as "not comic", so you can block the tags if you only want to read the story. >> I also plan to reblog fanart and post my random PMD: The Rogue Team art here! >> Most importantly: even though the comic is on hiatus and life is too busy, I am still working on drawing the comic pages little by little, because this comic never leaves my mind for a second :') So I'm also going to post little cropped WIPs here! And maybe updates on how far along production is going, whenever I reach a milestone.
That's all, folks!
Thank you very much for your support and faith in my little baby project. I hope you enjoy what I have in store ;v;)b
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sparklecarehospital · 5 months
Site revamp devlog 2
second devlog for my second day working, yippie!!!
today i worked on rewriting the navigation button script to fix bugs, it's still not done and needs work but progress is progress! trying to get this working is a tough job but i'm getting there!!!
secondly, for whatever reason, the content warning switches work normally again now that i actually started putting them on comic pages. yesterday's devlog i mentioned briefly that they were acting weird, but i guess it's fine now...? no idea what that was about, but hey, they work again as intended so that's good i think !!! i also did something small for the content warnings that i will keep a secret for now!
i also made some edits to the navigation bar's styling to make it a little cleaner and less clunky. this was a small change, but i think it looks nicer even if it's small.
lastly, i got the first alternate site theme (the wedoncare green theme) in place. making new site themes is going to be easier than ever with the new code, and i'm really excited for you guys to see it live!!! unfortunately, site themes will look different on mobile than they do on desktop because the mobile site itself looks notably different than the desktop site. this was a small sacrifice for the new improved mobile-friendly reading experience. the colors will still change and everything but there won't be a background visible. it'll still look cool though, i promise!
that's all for today :]
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suguruslut · 19 days
During your pregnancy
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
<<< 𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪🐉| 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙖🐅| 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙖🐕 >>>
–he has read every single book on pregnancy there is, and religiously follows a pregnancy blog and sends in questions every.single.day. He needs answers on how to help his woman!
–Tatsu already does the cooking, cleaning, housework, but during your pregnancy his workload somehow triples. He literally invents new things to clean, and why he has to clean them for your health
– “Do ya have any idea what dust can do to a fetus? Do ya?! The damage is irreversible!”
–“I’m pretty sure you just made that up, Tatsu.”
– “Did not! Now move outta the way so I can take on those germs!”
–will stop whatever he’s doing to make you whatever it is you’re craving; doesn’t matter if it’s a five minute recipe or a five hour recipe. Whatever you want, babe. And if you’re feeling insecure about your growing body, Tatsu will be the first to shut those feelings down. He knows it isn’t that easy, but no wife of his will be moping around feeling bad about herself
–While Tatsu is usually vocal about his worries, he tends to become quiet during your pregnancy, not voicing his concerns because he doesn’t want to make you anxious. He knows it’s hard enough being pregnant and dealing with hormones…the last thing Tatsu wants to do is stress you out
–really, though, Tatsu is such a worry wart. Always so concerned when you go outside, concerned when you’re moving around too much, concerned if you don’t want to eat or aren’t drinking enough. It’s touching, but sometimes gets on your nerves a bit
–in addition to worrying about you, he also worries about the baby. He hides this anxiety by talking to your stomach every night, speaking a way that reassures both the baby and himself
– “Don’t you worry there, little dragon…mama and papa are takin’ real good care of ya. And we always will. Little dragons never have to fly alone.”
–massages! Tatsu attends a class where he learned what exact places ache the most during pregnancy, and he’ll massage your troubles away every single night
–Tatsu is insanely protective anyway, but when you’re pregnant? Omg. Unless you’re at work, he does not let you out of sight. Even then, he sometimes spies on you from outside, and acts as an unofficial security guard for your building
–fortunately and unfortunately, Tatsu is a stickler for budgets, so you can’t go all out on adorable baby clothes and accessories. You wore him down about the dragon-themed crib, though. And the dragon themed crib mobile. But after that, he cut you off, already having prepared an itemized statement of what you guys needed to save for come delivery day
–at the end of each day, Tatsu likes to spoon you in bed with a hand on your stomach. Occasionally you’ll hear him whisper promises of protection, how he can’t wait to meet your little dragon and help them navigate life. He often falls asleep like that, and has worry-free dreams about how life will change once you give birth
–for now, Tatsu is happy to just experience the lows and highs of pregnancy with you, reading up on anything that can make it easier for his beloved S/O
–ohhhh man. If you thought Tatsu was overprotective, wait till you get a load of Tora.
–you go NOWHERE alone. Not happening. Shopping, work, walking, going to the laundromat, Tora is right at your side, glaring at anyone that looks or speaks to you. He is not risking anything…not after he finally has a normal life, with a normal wife and normal child on the way. Nothing will hurt you, ever.
–since Tora doesn’t think he’s naturally comforting or domestic, he borrows a lot of books from Tatsu on how to be a good parent. He did something similar when you two started dating, but now, he feels an immense amount of pressure to be a perfect dad. There’s literally a stack of parenting books at his nightstand, and he reads them with his glasses on like an old man
–weirdly, Tora’s emotions also mellow out a lot during your pregnancy. Instead of being his usual spirited, loud and obsessively passionate self, he does his best to be level headed and speak evenly. He doesn’t want anything to upset you, and doesn’t want to upset you further when you’re already in a bad mood. Tora keeps his cool so you don’t have to. Scream away!
–of course you can wear his clothes when you’re pregnant! Tora will be the first to suggest it after your own clothes are too itchy or too tight. His big shirts comfort you, and he loves seeing you wearing them, especially with your little round stomach beneath it. Makes him feel like he is capable of supporting you by giving you the shirt off his back
–Tora knows what a budget is…he just doesn’t care! When you go shopping for baby things, Tora goes all out. If he sees anything tiger themed, forget about it–he’ll fight any mother around for the correct size. Tiger themed pants, pajamas, socks, bibs, shoes, everything. He’ll take the lot, and he doesn’t care how much it costs!
– “Your total is 43,000 yen.”
– “43,000 yen?! Here’s a coupon I got from a guy I know. That’ll help with the monthly payments, right?”
–This applies to you as well. You’re craving Indian food? Done. You want a foot bath machine? Here you go. Tora read about how uncomfortable pregnancy can be, and if there’s something that can alleviate your annoyance, consider it done. Even if that annoyance is him, lol…he’ll take himself out STAT
–Tora won’t try to be intimate with you during your pregnancy. If you initiate it, sure, but even if he’s so horny he can barely stand, he isn’t going to come onto you. To him, it was disrespectful to ask that of his wife when she was busy carrying their child–and you know how Tora feels about disrespect. He is the last person in the world who wants to disrespect you by annoyingly asking for sex all the time
–treat maker!!!! Will make you any sweet treat you want, and will let you eat it down to the last crumb. He is keeping an eye out for gestational diabetes, though.
–On slow evenings or afternoons, Tora finds himself just staring at you, wondering how this is all possible. It was almost inconceivable to him, that you chose him, that you chose to carry his child; and he’ll tell you all about how thankful he is, how beautiful you are during your pregnancy, even if you don’t agree. Tora won’t accept your insecurity, and showers you with affectionate talk and compliments that make you blush
– “Trust me, { Y/N }, the only way our baby is gonna be cute is if they look like you! A lil tiger with big brown eyes…and claws!”
–ngl, you being pregnant would almost be as rough on Masa as it was on you. Dude is so unprepared for the mood swings, sickness, cravings, anxiety, everything. He has no idea what he’s doing, but he tries his best
–Masa is always startled by your outbursts and little annoyances. He doesn’t get how something that never used to bother you before could bother you now; he learns his lessons, though, and next time he won’t bring tuna home for dinner, because yikes! You did NOT like that one bit
–Unfortunately Masa doesn’t have a strong stomach, and if you’re vomiting, he won’t be able to hold your hair back or anything. When you’re done, though, he’ll bring you some water and tuck you into bed, putting on your favorite reality tv show. But if chunks are flying, he’ll be flying out the front door
–forgets to read the books Tatsu borrowed him, so has no idea about any of your pregnancy symptoms. Hot flashes? Food cravings? Sudden fatigue? Leg cramps? These things baffle him, and you have to very patiently explain it to him when they happen. Then he is very understanding and will try to help
–often forgets that you’re pregnant. Which is weird, considering you waddle instead of walk, and your stomach is three times the size it normally is. Masa will suggest you go ice skating, or roller blading, and you’re sitting there with a bowl balancing on your stomach like ???? He can be clueless, but always finds something you can both do safely. Like video games, and more video games.
–Masa can’t cook, but he gets very good at picking out foods from the convenience store that you like. He grins proudly when you surprisingly like the Hokkaido Potato Beef Croquette and Raisin Butter Biscuit Sandwich combo, glad he did something right. You’ll need to be the one who monitors your sugar intake, though, cuz Masa would let you eat sweet treats all day long
–seriously, this boy won’t deny you ANYTHING. He literally can’t disappoint his pregnant wife. It would kill him. Doesn’t have enough money for the fancy pillow you want? He’ll steal it. The last pair of pink baby shoes was taken? He’ll snatch it from the lady’s cart. No matter if it puts him in debt or gets his ass kicked, Masa will make it happen
– “No, really, {Y/N}, I have no idea why that guy’s banging on our door at two a.m.! He must have the wrong address! I didn’t borrow any money from him for that neck massager, I swear!”
–Masa tries really hard to hold down a job during your pregnancy. Usually you’re the breadwinner, but he did listen to Tatsu when the boss told him to do everything he could to take the stress of responsibility off you. Although he hates his job, Masa would never let you know it; he’ll come home with a smile and fake cheerfulness, happy to see you and your unborn child after a long, tiring day
–one thing Masa is naturally good at is calming you down. If you get into one of your annoyed pregnancy moods, Masa can always make you smile again, whether it be through sweet words or silly actions. One second you’re screaming into your pillow with uncontrollable, random rage, and the next you’re giggling at Masa using his dirty socks as puppets with a dramatic storyline
–the baby moving inside you actually freaks Masa out. You have to forcibly hold his hand on your stomach so he can feel the baby kicking, and even then, he has a weirded out expression on his face. Eventually, though, Masa gets used to all the strange pregnancy happenings, and is constantly touching your stomach, even offering complete strangers the chance to feel your baby kicking, which you do not appreciate.
–he is confused at how much baby clothes you guys need. There are different sizes for different times? Why do babies grow so fast? Do you really need a crib, or can the baby just sleep on the couch? Masa learns a lot about babies, and the boatloads of information blow his mind
–it is inconceivable to Masa that you feel insecure about your appearance during your pregnancy. You, the most beautiful and perfect person he had ever seen, feeling bad about yourself? No. Masa will ramble on and on about how your swollen stomach and big thighs only make you look more gorgeous. One thing he will not tolerate is you speaking badly about your appearance when your body is literally so incredible that it’s able to create and carry a whole ass baby while looking drop dead beautiful
–when you put him in charge of buying you maternity clothes (you can’t wear his clothes, because he’s smaller than you), Masa takes it very seriously. Despite his seriousness, he comes back with Zebra striped sweats, cheetah print tees and even a fake gold chain that says MOMMA on it. Wild, yes. Also very comfortable.
–Masa is his usual affectionate self with you, even more so in public, his way of being protective by showing everyone how close you two are. He tends to overdo it, but is quick to dial it back if you get annoyed at his PDA. Masa does initiate sex once in a while, but he won’t push it if you’re not in the mood, happy to return to his regularly scheduled program of cuddling on the couch together, humming some obnoxious pop song to your stomach (and to you)
🐉 🐅 🐕
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redhandedstag · 8 months
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001 , DURDENISM . . . fight club themed character template !! relatively minimal, durdenism offers 5 different sections and 6 pages. while not quite mobile friendly, the doc should be easily accessible to any PC users! if you're using, please keep the credit linked in the first section, it helps out a lot. also, consider a like and/or reblog! it goes a long way to get stuff around. HOW TO USE , to use the template, you'll want to select the 'file' button. from there, you'll find a button that says 'make a copy'. you'll be able to title your version, -- then you can fill it out :) !! , character images can be replaced! you can just select the image, and then hit 'replace image'. i suggest cutting out your image's background and making sure the images are a similar size to replicate the style here. , all text images are created in drawings. if you want to change the text, just double click and you'll be right able to. i don't suggest changing the text size too much though, same with the width. try to keep it consistent if you can! , photos in the 'connections' section are also created in drawings. they can be replaced by double clicking the picture, then once you're in drawings you can select the photo, select 'replace image,' and set it to the one you'd like instead! , i recommend avoiding moving many things if you want to use the doc mostly as-is and keeping the backstory to about 5 paragraphs! that way nothing can move or shift around in ways that aren't pleasant. , lines are done in drawings. i recommend that you don't stretch them as that will change their appearances -- instead, you can just drag them around to where you'd like them. they can be a little bit finicky though, so beware! . . . if you have any questions or issues that arise, please let me know! it's my first template like this so it might not be perfect first try. that being said, have fun!
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friendliestanon · 3 months
A quick description of each characters fight. I will be going into further detail in individual posts later on! (I will also edit these posts later as I’m on mobile and at work. So I’m very sorry that they’re ugly)
Bubble: the first enemy you come across. It serves as the tutorial to the basic movements. (Wasd, click, menu options ect). On rare occasions he will play the first couple of notes from “meglovania” instead of his own theme. Prompting Caine to burst in and pop him. Replacing him as the tutorial level.
Tutorial Caine: What it says on the box. This is a rare occurrence and a little Easter egg. Caine explains the keyboard movements, menu, ect.
Pomni: As the newest member she’s allowed to go first! However as the newest member she has zero clue what she’s doing. She kinda fumbles her whole fight and you can take an easy win! Don’t worry, if you want a real fight, you can come back later when she’s learned a few tricks.
Ragatha: A proper boss battle! Though she does go easy on you since you’re still learning the ropes. Some of her harder to dodge attacks will veer off just a little bit at the last second leaving you unscathed. She’s very proud of you for defeating her.
Gangle: The first the get different versions of her fight. You’ll be able to fight against her tragedy mask, and her comedy mask! Unlock the spare mask from Caines shop and gift it to her before her fight to unlock it. I’m sure she’d be grateful for the whole two minutes it lasts her!
Kinger: It’s supposed to be tough to beat him, but it seems like something is missing. Half of his attacks seem to be missing or only cover half the playing field. Half of the music just doesn’t exist? What is going on here?
Zooble: A difficult battle of mismatched and combined attacks. They can swap out random pieces and change the entire battle on the fly. They try not to be too interested in this whole boss fight thing. But even they can’t deny that it’s kinda fun to lob random @&$! at an Npc.
Jax: He does not go easy on you. He’s the whole reason this adventure exists so why should he? He gives it everything’s he’s got, anything and everything in his hammerspace is game. He has no idea how you were able to defeat him.
Caine: You made a grave mistake challenging the god of this digital hellscape.
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radioisntdead · 25 days
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Dear [Name]
Parents! Chaggie & baby! Reader
Warnings: wholesomeness, also I'm thinking reader is whatever age babies start eating baby food, 5-7 months?? I don't know I haven't interacted with a baby in six years
Song used, female cover of it
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Late at night, within a room that was decorated just for you, you laid in a crib with a mobile hanging just over it, the items dangling off it were reminiscent of some of the former hotel residents, a white spider, a cat, a egg boi were just some of the things on it.
"Dear [Name], what to say to you?" Vaggie reached a hand into your crib, a soft smile on her face was present as you reached out to her.
"You have my eyes. You have your mother's smile," she reached down and gently picked you up, making sure to support your head.
"When you came into the world, you cried and it broke my heart,"
Vaggie cradled you in her arms, you were barely able to stay awake as you heard your mother sing to you.
"I'm dedicating every day to you," you felt her finger gently brush against your little adorable chubby baby face.
"Domestic life was never quite my style," you smiled up at her, with your little teeth less gummy smile.
"When you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart," pure parental fondness filled her eyes, you were so small, so innocent.
"And I thought I was so smart,"
she held her finger out for your little tiny baby hand to grab onto.
"You will come of age with our young nation," there were worries for you, after all you were born into hell, not the greatest place to raise a child, even if they now had a deal with heaven.
"We'll bleed and fight for you, we'll make it right for you," but your mothers would do anything and everything in their power to make sure you'd thrive.
"If we lay a strong enough foundation," Vaggie glanced outside the nursery's window, getting the view that laid outside the safety of the hotel.
"We'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you," she looked back at you, your little eyes were getting sleepy again.
"And you'll blow us all away..." She moved over and sat down in the duck themed rocking chair they were gifted by none other then the king of hell, your grandfather.
"Someday, someday," soft quacks came from the chair as she rocked you to sleep.
"Yeah, you'll blow us all away," she held you close as your eyes finally closed as you drifted away to the land of dreams, without a care in the word.
"Someday, someday."
As the sun rose, Charlie came into your nursery, thrilled as she looked over your crib to see your shining eyes look back at her, giving her one of your signature gummy smiles.
"Oh [Name], when you smile I am undone, My sun,"
She picked you up and held you up like Simba was held up in the Lion King.
"Look at my sun! Pride is not the word I'm looking for," she twirled around with you in her arms.
"There is so much more inside me now," she sat you down on the changing table, moving away to grab you your first outfit of the day.
"Oh [Name], you outshine the morning sun," she pulled out a couple of onesies, deciding on one decorated with flowers, courtesy of the Cannibal that gifted it and one of your godmothers, Rosie.
"My sun," she got you ready for the morning, she'd have to change you into another onesie after breakfast.
"When you smile, I fall apart," she held you up in her arms.
"And I thought I was so smart," she hugged you close to her,
"My father wasn't around, much," Charlie turned around catching the sight of her wife leaning against the doorway, watching her take care of you.
"Your father wasn't around," Vaggie moved over to Charlie as you reached out for her.
"I swear that,"
"We'll be around for you," Vaggie wrapped one of her wings around Charlie and you.
"I'll do whatever it takes," Vaggie reached out her finger and gently brushed against your cheek like she did the night before.
"I'll make a million mistakes," Charlie did the same to the other side of your face.
"We'll make the world safe and sound for you.."
Vaggie moved to pick you up out of Charlie's arms,
"...will come of age with our young nation,"
You made baby noises as you were transported from one mother to another.
"We'll bleed and fight for you," "we'll make it right for you,"
Charlie moved beside her to open the nursery door, the faint sound of hotel residents could be heard.
"If we lay a strong enough foundation,"
You were carried outside of the nursery, your bright eyes looking around at the halls.
"We'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you,"
"And you'll blow us all away..."
Charlie closed the nursery door, a soft click could be heard from it.
"Someday, someday,"
They began to walk down the hallway, with you in Vaggie's arms, the sound of the current hotel residents grew louder along with the sound of radio static.
"Yeah, you'll blow us all away"
"Someday, someday."
One day the hotel would be yours to run, but for now it would be a place for you to to run around and play in as you grew up, surrounded by people you considered family.
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Good evenin' folks! I do hope you enjoyed this little fluffy piece that's been haunting my brain! I was listening to dear Theodosia for a angst idea with my OCs and just thought "WAIT CHARLIE AND VAGGIE AS PARENTS" and before you knew it, this was written! Planning on writing more musical song fics soon! I got a couple with OCS but only like two with hazbin characters in my WIPS.
Side note I used to write for the Hamilton fandom back in the day, it was the first musical fandom I properly got into, it really sparked my love for musicals and history, and I was lucky enough to get tickets to it for Christmas, saw it in February and it was just, AWESOME, Eliza's scream sent SHIVERS down my spine. Maybe I'll do a fic with that soon >:]
Anywho! I'm gonna try to get the angst fics out in a bit along with some headcanons but for now I hope this will suffice! Thank you for tunin' on in and I hope you tune on in again soon!
Psst! Join our discord!
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGemcDwPY/ Vale doing this to Marc a couple years down the line (when their relationship has been established, maybe they’re already engaged at this point, disgression) in the FCO AU because google calendar used to be that place that they had to share with the PR people from Honda/Yamaha and that Marc obviously loathed and obviously they no longer have access to them now and I don’t think that Valentino is like, enough of a nerd to do this, BUT, I think it could happen once and it would make Marc blush like a fool (he definitely takes a screencap of the invite just in case it ever disappears)
it’s literally like. okay we are past all of the #angst and headfirst into the reality of rosquez in a loving and committed and deeply horny relationship that has been well established at this point. several years post outing, post fake dating, post screamin and fighting and kissing in the rain, et cetera. they are sweet! they are in love! BUT. they are ALSO two of the busiest people on the planetttttttt. so it’s been. literally like three fucking weeks at this point since they’ve gotten more than a night alone together. agony. first it was a double header and then vale had sponsorship obligations and marc had a photo shoot and vale had to meet with one of the academy kids and then they BOTH had testing and like. it’s one thing to have lots of sexy fun sneaking around the paddock trying to find a spot that can lock long enough to fuck in between press conferences. it’s another when EVERYONE knows you guys are fucking and STILL the only time together you get outside of literally being unconscious is AT those same press conferences!!!! not fun!!!! not sexy!!!! (dani voice. can you two please stop playing footsie. jorge voice. marc that is in fact my foot. and my thigh.)
SO! what is a romantic little prankster to do when he wants to plan a fucking. at this point it feels like BIANNUAL date night with his favorite generational talented but unfortunately very busy twink ass boyfriend?? well if you’re vale, you hack his google calendar when he’s sleeping and you trick him. for funsies. he loves a scheme he loves a plan he loves a joke he loves a surprise !
so like. it’s post fucking media day at a race and marc is EXHAUSTED and all he wants to do is find vale and curl up in one of their ludicrously tricked out mobile homes and pass out with his nose pressed like. into vale’s armpit. and dream about merging their souls into one ephemeral but eternal being. typical marc stuff. and he’s almostttt out the door when his friendssistant (they ALL HAVE ONE !) jose tugs on his sleeve near the end of the day and is like. i’m sorry marc, but there’s one more thing… and he literally nearly CRIES. he hasn’t gotten dicked down in a FORTNIGHT it’s dire. it’s rough.
BUT! it also means that he doesn’t ask many questions. so when he gets led (easily) to whatever goofy ass elaborate rich people venue vale has chosen for date night (neither of them have changed clothes this so so essential to me… just both of them in khaki shorts so big they could legally be classified as parachutes. and new balances/vans. in the rich people venue.) he is SUPRISED ! and delighted… it’s perfect… vale sitting there eyes sparkling SO pleased to get one over on marc in the lovely little joyful way you get when you play a sweet little joke on your partner and is marc SO happy to get some alone time/attention just basking in it… like they LOVE each other… it’s the perfect night… and they do get papped (FCO AU is fundamentally about being famous and having no privacy i have to stick to the THEMES of my story) and they don’t even care!!! because the photos are them like. slow dancing and slightly tipsy pressed together… marc’s hands looped around vale’s neck… swaying… and the photos are kind of blurry but the smiles on their faces come through clear as day…
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annahxredaxted · 8 months
If haven't already done it, can you do darlin/sam pregnancy hcs (I beg of thee)🛐🛐
Sam/Darlin Pregnancy Headcannons
thanks for the ask anon🤍
afab darlin, still using Non-binary pronouns
Tw: pregnancy
Sam was scared of being a dad because of his abusive family
darlin was a little mad at David for PUTTING THEM on maternity leave.
^ They didn’t ask for maternity leave they didn’t bring it up David was like, “Alright bucko you like super Prego so like maybe go home, chat”
Sam would like to talk to their stomach super weirdly and they’ll slap his head away
like they’ll be deadass asleep and Sam is like
^ “hey there, I’ve been waiting for a chance to talk to you—“ *they don’t even open their eyes and slap his head away*
like he will debrief his ENTIRE day from start to finish to their belly.
^"Okay so today I woke up and-" to "then I went to bed"
like David- HE GETS ANGRY when people touch their stomach without explicit permission.
will throw hands.
Regarding cravings he will get them anything they want. he can hear their stomach growling and he gets nervous, but he keeps them fed.
He is at every ultrasound and they try their best to schedule them for a time at night
one time the Doctor's office didn't have any available nighttime slots and Sam cried
Woah Sam works in the nursery all the time, hand-built crib, also I hc Sam to know how to crochet so he made a mobile for above the crib, he built the changing table, he painted it, etc
the nursery color themes is like greens and yellows
Sam has a few of his old toys and he put them in the nursery so their baby can have them
darlin grabs baby clothes every time they go out. they cried once in a baby section because of those cringe baby shirts that are like "future cowboy" Sam was not having it
Sam held his ground in the delivery room, holding their hand and talking them through it.
they went to the hospital around the due date because if it happened during the day they wanted Sam to be there
When baby Collins was born Sam bawled hysterically
he held the baby for a little bit before handing them to Darlin
They cried to (not just from the pain)
Sam wouldn't let them get up for a few weeks
William was more than happy to give Sam some time off and of course, David was as well
the pack made sure they didn't have to make dinner for like 3 weeks after baby Collins was born, they would order them food or bring stuff by
aww Sam reads the baby stories before bed, like huckleberry Finn or Oliver twist
he also sings the baby songs to calm them down
darlin' was feeling icky about their postpartum body and Sam almost cried when they said that
he definitely looked at them like they were stupid
he held them really close that night, kissing them all over and calling them beautiful and stuff
when the baby is hysterical they stop crying instantly when darlin or Sam picks them up, but if they get set down its immediate screaming
definitely waited more than six weeks for sex
thats all i got rn :)
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