#also i didnt notice it until someone in the comments pointed out that her feet are WAY big.
najimichan · 2 years
also while we’re on the topic of miku and figures. have u guys seen the lam rock singer ver scale figure HOLY SHIT
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laddieseddiemunster · 4 years
A poly lost boys x reader who gets bullied in school. But hear me out! So she gets bullied but one day they(the bullies) pour this sort of 'bleach' over her and it gets into her eyes and her hair color changed. And so she avoids the boys as much as possible so they show up to her house and see her how would they react and deal with the bullies?
Thank you for the request! Also the part where she gets bleach in her eyes I cut out because she would have permanent damage in her eyes if that were to happen. So only her hair gets bleached. I hope you don’t mind.
Another long fanfic :) hope you enjoy!
Bullied (Poly!Lost Boys x Fem!Reader)
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warning(s): angst & violence
Being picked on every now and then is one thing, but being brutally bullied by the most popular girls in school is another. The worst part was, everyone seemed to love and worship them. You hated going to school. Everyone believed their nasty comments about you, and soon you didn’t have anyone on your side.
The boys were your only escape from it all. They treated you like a princess. You were gorgeous to them, and that’s all that really mattered. Their complements made you feel special and confident. As long as you were beautiful in their eyes, the nasty girls that were bullying you opinions didn’t phase you. Of course it still hurt, but you had the boys, and you loved them.
You got used to the bullying after a while. The boys were unaware of it because you didn’t know exactly how they’d react. They were a bit protective of you. Before you met the boys the bullying wasn’t as bad, but when you started dating them it got worse. Those horrible girls found out and started called you a whore and slut for dating four boys at once. They were jealous. You knew that, but the harsh name calling got to you sometimes. You never let them see you cry though. All they wanted was to get a reaction out of you, and you knew that.
This day didnt start off any different from the rest. You went to school, got some dirty looks from your schoolmates, and went to your classes. The only difference was, you hadn’t seen the mean girls who’d bully you. Perhaps today would be better than you’d thought.
Lunch came around and you were forced to eat some of the disgusting cafeteria food. The smell made you want to gag. As you were walking towards the lunch tables [insert bully girl name] called you over to her. You didn’t trust her one bit. She had been bullying you for a while, so why should you trust her?
“Come here! I just wanna talk to you,” she said waving you over to her. You rolled you eyes thinking that she was just going to pick on you. You decided to walk over anyway, but standing a couple feet away from her to keep your distance.
She looked over at you, giving you the up and down stare. “So, hows your day been?”
“Okay, I guess,” You said feeling very confused. There was no way this girl would want to start a friendship with you.
“Well, I called you over here because I wanted to ask you a few questions,” She said which made you feel a bit worried.
“What kind of questions?” You asked giving her a questioning look.
“Well i wanted to know if you were really dating those four guys?” She asked with a slight smirk on her face. “Or if it’s just a rumor.”
You rolled your eyes again thinking she was just going to call you a whore. “Yes I am.”
Instead of doing that, she sighed and looked to the ground. “You must be lucky.”
“Yeah umm, yeah I guess I am,” You said with a small smile creeping on your face as you thought of how lucky you were.
“Actually, umm,” she said with a pause. “I didn’t call you over here to ask you questions.”
You sighed. “Then why’d you call me over here?” You asked with slight attitude knowing that this girl was not trustworthy.
“I wanted to apologize,” she said fidgeting a bit.
“For what?” You said giving her a strange look. If she was going to give you an apology for all those years of bullying, then you wanted to hear her say it.
“I’m sorry for...” she paused again. Her eyes looked to the ground as she was speaking. Then all of a sudden her expression changed. Her apologetic frown changed into a slight smirk, but at the same time she was giving you a look of disgust in her eyes. “I’m sorry for your boyfriends, because they have to deal with an ugly slut like you!” She smiled as if she was proud of what she was saying. You sighed again while mentally cursing yourself for even believing that she’d give you an apology.
“Now!” She yelled but you could tell that she wasn’t talking to you. She backed away from you quickly as if she was running for something. Then all of a sudden you felt some drops of liquid start to fall on you. At first you thought it was rain, but there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. You weren’t too fazed by it until you recognized the smell. It was a strong smell that was hard to forget. Before you could try to run away, a whole waterfall of the substance was dumped on top of you. As if someone was standing above you with a bucket and on purposely dropped it all over you.
The smell was now stronger than ever. Your hair and clothes were now all wet, but not with water. You noticed your top had completely lost its color, and a nightmare you’d never thought would happen to you was happening. This was bleach. You were practically inhaling it, so you started to cough. A sound that happened to be louder than your coughing made you pause. Laughter. From the girls you hated the most. You looked above you and saw that a couple of them were standing on the building you were in front of, so you were right below them.
Reality sunk in quick. This was no nightmare. Your worst enemies had just poured bleach all over you. Your hands started to shake. Not out of pain, but out of fear and shock.
“Hey y/n!” One of the girls said while still laughing. “It’s not so bad. Maybe your boyfriends will like you now, since your hair is bleached.” She cackled.
Your heart sunk to your stomach. Bleach can ruin anyone’s hair, and it was all over you. The sound of those terrible girls laughing filled your ears as you ran to the nearest bathroom. You looked in the mirror and realized your hair was already loosing its natural color. You let out a loud gasp, but to you it sounded silent. You didn’t look like yourself.
Quickly, you turned the handle for the sink letting the water run on your now bleached hair. You tried desperately to remove the beach and get your original color back, but nothing worked. The roots of your hair were now all the same yellow/blonde color.
“Oh, don’t be upset!” Said one of the bully’s. “You don’t look like your ugly self anymore!”
“Go away!” You yelled at them with your bottom lip trembling as you were trying to hide the fact that you were on the brink of sobbing. “Leave me alone!”
“Aww, you gonna cry?” They taunted you. “The little baby’s gonna cry!” You pushed past them and ran out of the bathroom letting tears escape your eyes. You could still hear their laughter and insults from behind you, but you didn’t look back. You ran all the way home not caring that you still had a couple classes to take. Their bullying was never this bad. You were able to handle it for a while, but they crossed the line.
The reflection in your bedroom mirror wasn’t the person you recognized. You felt ugly. Your hair was now all bleached, and you didn’t have the money to go and get it done. All you could do was try to get used to it. Your confidence level was now at zero. You had grown to love your natural hair, and now it was gone. All because of those horrible jealous girls.
The thought of the boys seeing your new hair that you thought was hideous made you want to crawl up in a hole and never come out. You hated seeing the way you now looked, so how would the boys react? You cried yourself to sleep at the thought of them leaving you because of how ugly you now looked. You decided not to go to school for the next few days. Facing the girls wasn’t something you were ready for yet. You didn’t even want to see the boys. From fear of their reactions, you didn’t visit them or call them.
The boys were a little confused on the first night of not showing up on the boardwalk, but they decided not to worry too much about it. They just assumed that maybe you needed some space. After a week of you not speaking to them, the boys started to get worried. You would never just stop talking to them out of the blue. They were all confused, and even a little sad. David knew you well enough to know that you wouldn’t stop talking to them unless you were upset about something. The only problem was, he couldn’t understand what it was. None of them could. They assumed you were mad at them because you weren’t speaking to them, but they had no idea what they had done.
David got pretty impatient after the first week, and he let the boys know that they were going to go to your house if you weren’t going to speak with them. If you wanted to break up, they wanted a reason why.
You had been trying to get some sleep from the nights of crying, but you were taken off guard by hearing the sounds of motorcycles outside your house. You recognized that sound. It was a sound you knew only too well. The boys were here, and they were here for an explanation that you weren’t prepared to give.
Kicking your blankets out of the way as you got out of bed as quick as you could while looking for something that could possibly cover your hair. You found a hoodie and immediately put on. There was no point in trying to escape, you knew the boys would find you. Right as you were putting the hood over your head, you heard your window open.
“Baby?” You could tell by the tone of voice that it was Paul. “Why have you been ignoring us?” You didn’t dare face him. You could already tell that he had his usual pouting sad face on that was just too adorable to be mean to.
“Y/n,” Marko said. “Please, look at us.” His voice was slightly shaky, as if he was worried you wanted to end the relationship.
Your back was still towards them. You knew there was no way out of this, but that didn’t stop you from trying.
“Please go away,” you said feeling tears start to form in your eyes. Marko decided to not listen. He walked up to you and grabbed you lightly by the shoulders forcing you to turn to him. He had a confused yet soft expression on his face.
“What’s the matter?” He asked you while putting his hands on both sides of your face. That question just made you feel worse, and the tears that were threatening to fall were now falling. Marko’s expression was now turned to worry and sadness. He hated seeing you cry. He wiped your tears away with his thumbs before doing what you were trying to avoid. Marko grabbed the sides of the hoodie, and pulled it off of your head.
Your eyes started to tear up again waiting for him to tell you that you looked terrible. Instead, he reached over to touch your bleached hair, and the frown on his face turned into a smile. “Wow.” he said. “You look gorgeous.”
Then they all came up to do with a look of awe in their eyes. You were definitely taken aback by their reactions. You expected them to hate your new hair, but it was the exact opposite.
“Daaammnn sugar, look at you,” Paul said while brushing his fingers through your hair. You giggled at his choice of words.
“It doesn’t look bad?” You asked.
“Bad?!” Marko exclaimed. “Far from it!”
“You look beautiful,” Dwayne said with a smile on his face. “Just as beautiful as you were before.”
“Y/n,” David said catching your attention away from the other boys. “Why have you been ignoring us?” You cringed after hearing that question. You were able to avoid it the first time, but something tells you that you won’t be able to this time. “Did you stop talking to us because you dyed your hair?” David said with slight sarcasm, but also slight attitude.
“N-no. No, it wasn’t that,” you said looking away from the boys.
“Then what was it?” David asked. You could tell he wanted an answer right away, and there wasn’t much you could do.
You sighed. “I didn’t do this to my hair,” The boys looked at each other with a look of confusion on all their faces. “It was forced.”
“What do you mean?” David asked while stroking your face with his knuckles.
“These girls pulled a prank on me last week,” you said half lying. “They dumped bleach all over me, and it changed my hair.”
“A prank?!” Marko asked raising his voice. “That’s no damn prank!” You knew Marko got angry a lot quicker than the other boys did. This wasn’t something he was going to sweep under the rug, Marko was going to want revenge.
“Yeah!” Paul agreed. “Why would they do that to you?” He asked still touching your new hair.
You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess they just don’t like me.” You refused to tell them that the bullying was caused because the girls were jealous of you for dating them.
“Well who are these girls? I wanna give them a piece of my mind?!” Marko exclaimed.
“No!” You knew that the boys were vampires. You found out accidentally by walking into the cave when Marko was feeding. It didn’t go to well, but the boys managed to convince you that they would never hurt you. But, you already knew that Marko wanted to kill your bullies. “You’ll just make things worse!”
“They deserve this!” Paul said only making matters worse for you. “No one does this to our babe!”
You groaned knowing that the boys wouldn’t stop arguing until they found out who the girls were. You wanted the bullying to stop, but at the same time you didn’t want the girls to die.
David put his hand under your jawline making you into his eyes. “Y/n, tell us who the girls are.” You could tell by the way David was speaking that this wasn’t a request, this was a demand. He wanted to know, and he wanted to know now. You walked to your bookshelf and grabbed a yearbook from the previous school year. Flipping through the pages, you found your grade category, and pointed out each of the girls to them.
“That’s them?” Dwayne asked sounding surprised.
“Yeah, you know them?” You asked him.
“Babe, those girls have been trying to get with us for ages. We always rejected them,” Paul said which made you smile.
“Well, what are we waiting for?! Let’s go get those girls!” Marko said clearly ready for a killing spree.
“No! Please don’t kill them,” you said grabbing onto Marko’s jacket. “They’re jerks, but they don’t deserve to die.”
“I think they do,” David said smirking at the idea of slaughtering your bullies.
“How about this,” you paused grabbing all of their attention onto you. “You guys can scare them by showing your vampire faces, and they should stay away from me after that right? They’ll probably be too scared to get near me, and no one at school will believe them!”
“I like the killing idea better,” Marko said while pouting in a playful way.
“Please.” Now you were the one pouting.
The boys looked at each other. You knew that they would rather kill all the girls, so you got lucky when they agreed to your plan.
You knew that the mean girls would go to the bonfire late at night for party’s or just to hang out, so that made your plan a bit easier. The boys loved to scare people almost as much as they loved killing, so they were excited for it all to unravel. You rode on the back of David’s bike as he drove to the bonfire with the other boys riding behind him. He drove with a smirk on his face, which meant he was ready to scare the shit out of those girls. You’re his baby, and no one better hurt you.
Luckily, when you all got there, the girls were by themselves. You decided to stay with the bikes, so the girls wouldn’t see you. The thought of being around those girls made you feel uncomfortable. They were terrible people, and you weren’t ready to face them. The boys sure were though. They were ready to make them scream out of fear.
When the girls saw the boys walk towards them they immediately started to get flirty. “What are you guys doing here? Did you come to see us?” One of them said.
“Actually we did,” David said. “We heard what you did to y/n.”
“Oh yeah. Sorry, it was an accident. I swear! The bucket of bleach just happened to drop all over her.” She said sarcastically.
“That was a really bitchy thing to do.” Marko said not buying any of her bullshit.
“Come on, you guys. She wasn’t pretty anyways! We did her a favor. I think you all deserve someone much prettier than her.” Another one of them said walking up to David.
The girls tried to touch David’s chest, but before she could he grabbed her by the wrist. “I think you all need a taste of your own medicine.” He said before completely transforming into his vampire face. The girl gasped and started to scream. David’s grip was too strong, so she couldn’t run away. Dwayne and Paul grabbed the two girls that tried to run away, and Marko grabbed the last girl and pushed her to the ground. He pinned her to the floor with his foot on her back, and he grabbed her by the hair so she’d face up. Marko called you over to him still holding the girl down. By this point all the boys were transformed, making all the girls whimper and cry.
Marko pulled the girls hair hard making her cry out of pain. “I want you to apologize to y/n, and don’t give some sorry ass apology.”
“I-I’m sorry!” She yelled with tears of fear and pain running down her face. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry y/n!”
“You’re sorry for what?!” Marko said pulling her hair again.
“I’m sorry for dumping bleach on you y/n!” She whimpered. “I’m so sorry!”
You didn’t respond to her. You wanted to feel bad for her, but you couldn’t. Actually, you felt the exact opposite. You enjoyed seeing the tears run down her face. It reminded you of all the times she made you cry. In a way, it was satisfying. In a sick twisted way, it gave you pleasure. You wanted them to suffer more. They had been making you suffer for too long, and now it was time for it to end. They were messing with the wrong girl.
“Kill them.” You said out of nowhere. The boys all turned to you. They definitely didn’t expect that to come out of your mouth.
“What?” Paul asked a bit shocked.
“Kill them.” You repeated. That was enough clarification for the boys. They started to dig in. Biting and ripping through the girls skin making them scream and sob. Instead of turning away, you decided to watch. You watched as the boys tore off the girls limbs and fingers. You listened to their screams. It didn’t scare you like it would terrify a regular person. You watched as if you were watching a cartoon on tv. The screaming didnt stop. Their faces off terror didn’t go away. It all made you happy. Those girls were getting what they deserved. Their yelps and screams were like music to your ears. Their begging and pleading made you wanna laugh. They shoudve watched what they said about you, because it came back and bit them in the ass. Literally.
The screaming soon came to a stop, and all you could hear was the wind blowing. They were dead. Their blood was all over the floor and some on the boys. You watched as the boys threw the remains of the girls into the fire. You never thought you’d be watching your worst enemies get slaughtered in front of you, and it was worth the watch. They had it coming, and now they are gone. You didn’t feel bad. You didn’t feel guilty at all. For the first time in years, you could go to school without worrying about these horrible girls picking on you. Now they were nothing. You were free from those girls. Their deaths brought a smile to your face. You never had to hear their nasty words again. Now, they’re just faces on missing posters.
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soulwillower · 4 years
crush culture • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested: fic where Richie and reader have been best friends since kindergarten, and have always had feelings for eachother secretly, until one day richie gets a girlfriend (just to take his mind off her), and the reader gets jealous and distances herself from him? he obviously gets upset by this- and things go on from there? sorry if it’s too specific! love u!
warnings: swearing, brief mentions of death, fighting, mentions of an abusive relationship, intentionally pissing off richie, a bit of angst, richie is an oblivious idiot, but reader is MUCH more of an idiot, like dude lmao, but i think that’s it, unedited tho
this isn’t rly based off crush culture, but i took the title from conan gray’s song :)  
[losers + reader are 18+ in this!!!]
3.8k words L O L :))
you swear to god, you’re getting sick. that’s what this was, for sure.
it started about a month ago, when you started to get headaches and terrible hollow feelings in your stomach. it happened everywhere - in the line for coffee, in class, driving home from school, at the dinner table. but it got a hundred times worse at night and then seemed to triple in force every morning when you woke.
and it all came at you some time after richie announced he had a new girlfriend.
you were really sick the few days after that, enough that you stayed home from school and laid in bed, the pit in your stomach sinking. it didnt take long for you to realize how bad richie’s girlfriend was - she treated him like a dog, like he embarrassed her - and he didn’t even seem to mind. he just brushed off every offhand comment, rolled his eyes with a grin when she told him she didn’t want to see his friends or when she told him to stop talking. 
he still seemed to like her, anyways. and that thought made your stomach convulse.
so then you had to distance yourself from richie because it hurt you to see him with her. it hurt you to see him with someone who didn’t treat him like the incredible person he was. 
so yeah.
you say you’re sick, but you know that’s not really true. it’s easier than accepting reality at this point, though, so you spew this nonsense (to yourself, mostly) in order to justify ignoring your best friend of nearly a decade because christ, he is becoming unbearable.
like the other day, at lunch while you were all sitting in the courtyard. it was your first time eating with them again after almost a week and a half, as you’d been eating alone in your car recently to avoid richie. “rich, why’d you take off the nail polish?” bev asked, out of the blue, sounding disappointed as she grabbed his free hand and examined it.
he blew smoke out of his mouth slowly and you had forced yourself to look away, the sight of richie doing nearly anything these days being pretty dangerous for you. it also made you sigh a bit - you knew he only smoked at lunch now, since his girlfriend hated it.
“don’t want my paws to be prettier than y/n’s when we hold hands.” he had joked, wagging an eyebrow at you. you’d shook your head and looked to the ground in lew of a real response, just as you had been doing a lot recently.
you'd missed richie’s frown at your reaction, but you did catch his next statement as it was added on, “nah, actually it’s because the ol’ G-F didn’t like it. thought it looked too girly.”
you, stan, bev, and mike all stopped chewing to look at richie, in varying stages of bewilderment. you'd cleared your throat quickly but decided against speaking up just as richie’s phone started to ring. he’d answered it nearly immediately, the enthusiasm of which made you feel like you’re going to be sick again - because richie never answers your calls until the last possible minute.
god, jealousy is a fucking disease.
“hey, sugar.” he had purred suavely into the phone and for some reason, hearing him call someone else sugar had you abruptly rising, gathering your things and nearly running off to put as much distance between you and four-eyes as you possibly could, because you’re not sure how much more you could take.
after that, you were absolutely sure it was just pure denial on your part.
as far as you could tell, richie wasn't noticing too much. he still phoned your house every day, just to be met with your mother telling him you 'weren't available,' and then he'd call your own phone, which you'd let buzz itself into a dark hole on your bedside table while you stared at it solemnly, guilt heavy on your mind as he left voicemail after voicemail. 
he doesn't deserve it, you think as you open the doors to the school library, backpack on your shoulders. but you can't help it. you're not his girlfriend, and you're not mature enough to accept that with any ounce of elegance so instead you just ignore him all together. at least you're self-aware, right? that ought to count for something.
you shake your head just as a voice catches your attention, “well look who decided to show up!”
richie's sitting at the usual study table in the very back corner of the library, a spot tucked away by rows upon rows of dusty books and an alcove of couches. bill sits at the head of the table, scribbling his chicken scratch handwriting onto graph paper, mike next to richie with a textbook spread out flat. across from mike is stan, writing out his statistics work. 
all three of them wave at you before going back to their work, whereas richie just watches you expectantly. his feet are kicked up on the table, textbook balanced on his lap as he hovers on two leg chairs. his smile is as blinding as always, a dimple faint on his left cheek and full eyebrows raised in jest. his curls frame his face perfectly and you want to scream.
but you take your seat next to stan with a tight lipped smile, not really sure how to respond to richie. are you even allowed to be flirty with him like you used to? he still does it on the rare occasions when you do see each other - but that itself is the issue, you figure. his flirting is just a joke, a tiff from one friend to another. but you can't see him as just a friend, and that’s unfair to him.
so you stay quiet, which makes it infinitely more awkward.
richie clears his throat and you pull out your work with an awkward expression, the minutes slowly churning by in what has to be the quietest hangout with the Losers yet.
you feel the tension building in your body and in the air, and you're not sure what's wrong with you or why you have so much resentment towards richie in this moment, because he's not done one single thing to offend anyone in the last ten minutes.
then richie's phone rings suddenly and mike jumps a bit as he's startled out of the passage he's reading. you all look down to richie's screen, where his girlfriend's name blares up at you and all you can feel is white hot jealousy coursing through your body.
richie looks half way exhausted and annoyed at the call, which you find extremely odd and out of character, not to mention persistently frustrating.
as you all stare at the phone, the tension in the room stretches tighter and tighter, like a rubber band and you can't breathe -
"uh, why is she calling you?" mike asks, as if this was something that was forbidden or shocking in any way, and for some reason, that is finally it.
the rubber band snaps.
"how could you forget, mike? they're in love!" you say with mock enthusiasm. 
bill shoots you an alarmed look that you probably should read into or at least consider for a moment, but instead you're looking directly at richie, as if challenging him.
he blinks at you and clenches his jaw, "she and i haven't really been... talking recently." richie says lightly, shooting a glance to mike.
“well then maybe you’re just not right for each other.” you quip, the blood boiling in your veins. richie's eyes snap to you and you see the fire behind them as he suddenly breaks.
“sorry, did i miss the divine intervention when god floated down on a cloud of marshmallows and deemed you expert in relationships?” he says abruptly, making your eyes widen at his outburst. he continues, “because last time i checked, you’re a bit of a failure in that department. so i don't need some jealous, disappearing-act wannabe criticizing my life when she's barely even in it.” he seethes. it’s near quiet in the library anyways, but his words seem to silence the entire town.
with a quick glance to your right, stan and bill sharing an uncomfortable look, and mike is staring down intently at his work with wide eyes.
you want to die.
does richie know? has he known this whole time that you're just deeply, painfully head over heels for him? 
"i'm so sick of your bullshit. maybe you're jealous because you want what i had, but you’re being really fucking rude."
you nearly cry. or scream.
“criticism doesnt equal jealousy, okay?” you spit without thinking, immediately regretting even opening your mouth. you're so intent on covering for yourself, you don't even take into account the phrasing he'd used when referring to his girlfriend, instead fighting with richie in order to keep your secret from him.  
this is not how you’d intended today to go. he stares at you, eyebrows furrowed in a way that almost makes you keel over in sadness, the guilt of the situation falling too heavily on your shoulders and crushing you.
it’s tranquilizing to see him like this -  he's fuming, but he's also got bright, glistening eyes which you think may be filling up with tears.
“i didn’t really ask for your input, though.” he mutters, cheeks reddening as tears definitely well in his eyes behind his lenses. “you can’t just ignore me at your every whim just to come right back and tell me what's good for me.”
you blink, shaking your head quickly, deciding to back off. now is not the time to fight, especially when you know he’s right. you had no idea it was hurting him like this. "richie, i... i just wanted-" you gape at him, extremely embarrassed.
“-i don’t fucking care what you wanted, y/n.” richie says sharply, causing you to shut your mouth so quick your jaw clicks in the silence. clearly, even the other boys are perturbed by richie’s actions and everyone’s staring down in silence at their homework.
it’s quiet like that for a few minutes, the tension so thick that you’d need a jackhammer just to chip away at it. but stan rummages through his bag suddenly, pulling out two painkillers and dry swallowing them. you don't look at anyone else, your stomach hollow and your heart thumping so hard in your chest you think you may explode.
"d-do you have a headache?" bill asks, looking at stan with concern. the sudden voice causes you to perk up, head flowing with humiliation at the fight you and richie had just had in front of your friends.
“yeah, but it’s not that bad. i guess i’m used to it.” stan says, pen between his teeth.
“just because you’re used to something doesn’t make it any less unhealthy for you.” you say louder than necessary, your mouth suddenly deciding to speak without consulting your brain. 
the glare of pure frustration that richie throws you pierces your lungs and suddenly makes you feel lightheaded. 
your pettiness doesn’t go unresponsive, of course, and mike sighs into his hands, standing up to gather his things. "alright. i can't study when you two are like this. i'll see you guys later."
richie sighs quietly and bill and stan mumble good-bye's. the library goes back to quiet for maybe three more minutes, until you see stanley start to fidget like he usually does when he's anxious. and then you notice it after a few seconds, too.
richie won't stop tapping his foot on the desk.
for everyone's sake, you try to ignore it, because you know richie can't help his compulsions - especially when he's upset (which, your mind painfully reminds you, is all your fault).
but it's driving you crazy.
“-if you keep doing that i’ll throw you out that fucking window rich, i swear.” stan mutters not unkindly, his eyes rolling to meet richie with a concerned gaze as richie stares out the window.
you raise your eyebrows, “what’re you even looking at?” you ask, trying to mend a bit of the open, festering wound you’d created in you and richie’s friendship.
without looking at you, richie shrugs. “checking to see how high the drop is. may be worth it to have schnoz just toss me down. it would certainly do you a favor right? gettin ol’ trashmouth gone for good.”
what was he saying? you look at him, scandalized. stan and bill don’t even say anything about the offensive nickname as you gape at richie. "what the fuck?" is all your brilliant mind can think.
"what, you can dish it but you can't take it?" richie says sharply. he shakes his head, looking upset. "i'm tired of trying to be friends with a fucking brick wall."
then he's gathering his one notebook and swiftly exiting your alcove in the library in a wind of cigarettes and cologne. 
you blink, his words sinking in and making you sigh shakily. your stomach feels hollow as you remember the expression of glee on his face when you'd walked into the library, and how completely different and broken he'd looked as he'd left. you think you're going to cry.
“every minute that you don't follow him digs yourself deeper into this grave, you know.” stan says, giving you a stern but encouraging look.
you let out a shaky sigh and scramble to grab your bag, tripping over your feet as you run out of the library, flying down the staircase faster than you've ever gone and making it to your lifelong best friend just as he reaches his car in the parking lot.
"-a brick wall?" you ask, out of breath. you see richie hold back an eye roll, his arms crossing over each other as he serves you a look of discomposure.
he shrugs helplessly, looking as if he's at his wit's end.
"what do you want me to say, y/n? you've been avoiding me for weeks. i know i'm annoying and obnoxious and whatever, but i'm not blind." he says, making you swallow as guilt pangs through your chest. you have been so fucking selfish, haven't you?
it hurts to hear him say that about himself. 
he sniffles a bit, sounding choked up as he goes on, "i've had a rough couple of days - weeks, even. but every time i'm near, it's like you've had more than enough, and you just leave. am i that repulsive? why do you suddenly hate me?" he asks, looking desperate as his eyes rim red, filling with tears again.
“what did i do?” his voice cracks as he whispers the sentence and your heart breaks in two.
your own vision goes glassy as he continues, "-i've needed you, y/n/n. i'm lost, i'm seriously not okay and you just don't care at all."
you're stunned for a moment, mouth opening and closing silently as your mind races to rush something out, anything,because you aren't sure you can bear to see richie look at you like this for one more second. but your silence comes off wrong to richie, and tears slip out of his eyes.
“don’t you love me?” he asks, voice hoarse and cutting right through you, deeper than any knife ever could. "don't you want me to be happy?" he adds and you take a shaky breath, looking helplessly at him, where you're met with nothing but glassy eyes and tear trails. your heart is slamming in your chest, tears falling from your eyes and you can't breathe.
"a-are you?" you ask, trying to keep your tone even although it comes out just as vulnerable as you feel. “h-happy. with her?”
richie freezes at your words, mouth slightly open and you watch a single tear course over his high cheekbones and down to his bottom lip as it shakes faintly. you curse yourself for the longing to feel those very lips against yours.
"i was." he whispers, voice shaking as he rubs his face with his hand under his glasses, the moisture of his fallen tears clinging from his long dark lashes onto his slender, shaking fingers. "and then - and then i lost you. and y'know, i got my girlfriend so i could distract myself, but she made me feel like absolute shit all the time and so i went and broke up with her, but -" he hiccups through his tears and you blink, biting your lip as tears cascade down your cheek in wet trails.
they broke up?
he broke up with her, and he's going through this breakup and trying to better himself after she tore him down and you've just been ignoring him - he thinks you don't care about him, that you don't love him. you start to cry harder. 
"-i thought she'd distract me from you. i-i'm sorry." he says, his voice muffled by his hands as they cover up his angelic face, his shoulders shaking as more tears fall. "i'm so sorry."he repeats. 
you see double for a second, completely shocked by his words as the breath leaves your lungs. he tried to distract himself from you... and he’s so hurt because of what you did. 
but finally, for the first time this whole damn day, you find the right words. "i-no, richie, i'm sorry, please - fuck." you break, letting out a sob as you rub your eyes furiously in search of any relief from the guilt ripping you in two. "i didn't mean to hurt you. i'm so sorry, i can't believe i did this, i didn't want to hurt you, i'm just so selfish." you babble, his sniffles making you open your eyes.
he looks so alone and so vulnerable as he hugs his arms around himself in search of comfort, tears still falling from his bright eyes and down his rosy cheeks. 
he looks devastatingly beautiful in the golden sunlight of the afternoon, a breeze ruffling his curls lightly. "just please, i can't - i can't deal with you hating me. please, please, please."
he's pleading with you and you think you may be sick from the guilt and sadness that envelopes you, so you spring forward and wrap your arms tightly around him. the force of your body pushes him against the side of his car and the way he clings back to you like you're the last thing holding him to earth just makes you cry even harder.
"i don't hate you, richie. i love you, i love you too much." you say, your body shaking as he just holds you tighter against him. "i'm so sorry, i didn't mean any of it. you're right. i was just jealous... i'm so sorry. i was so jealous of her, i couldn't see you be with her." you mumble. "i'm so sorry."
richie pulls you back gently at your words, his eyes wide and wondering as you look at each other. "what?" he asks so innocently, his eyelashes wet and dark and his lips parted. 
you can count the freckles on his nose and cheeks, you're so close. you can feel his shuddering breath against your face as he huffs in a breath. your hands hold onto his shoulders and you decide to fuck it, you just have to tell him how sorry you are, to explain yourself.
"richie, i'm in love with you. and - and when you and her got together, it hurt so much, and i didn't want to deal with the fact that i couldn't have you, so i just ignored you. i’m sorry, i’m so sorry." you say it quickly and in one breath, looking down at your shoes and how they point straight towards his.
"you're in... love with me?" he says weakly, sounding hopeful as you finally look back into his eyes guiltily. 
you laugh wetly, "of course i am, richie. how could i not fall head over heels for everything about you?"
he tears up again at your words, but this time it's accompanied by a beautiful smile and a light, wet laugh. he shakes his head, his arms circling your waist tighter as he presses his forehead against yours. your butterflies tickle your stomach at your proximity.
"fuck, y/n. i can't believe i spend my time trying to get my mind off you." he says and your breath hitches a bit. "do you have any idea how long i've been in love with you?" he asks quietly, and you let out another small laugh out of shock, but it's wet and gleeful.
"i'm sorry." you whisper, your finger curling around a strand of the dark hair on his head. he shakes his head, your noses rubbing slightly. "it's okay, y/n. i love you so much. please let me forgive you." he says, pulling a smile out of you that you don't think anybody else ever could. you nod shortly, looking into his eyes as one last tear falls. 
he kisses you tenderly then, taking your breath away.
richie fills up your every sense as he clings to you desperately, his lips salty from your combined tears and his arms strong. his tongue is gentle as it runs along your lips and enters your parted mouth, one of his hands sliding up to tilt your head up towards him. you're breathless because of him for the millionth time in your life and you decide kissing richie is the only thing you want to do forever. 
you pull away slowly, and as you lean back he presses a chaste second kiss to your lips, causing you to grin. 
you barely make eye contact as you pull apart and then you greedily pull him back to you, his lips finding yours yet again with a sweet, loving laugh.
"i love you too, rich." you mumble against his lips. he sighs almost dreamily as you pull back, biting your lip and laughing when he opens the passenger door, gesturing to it with a shy grin.
"now can i please buy you a burger?" he asks, almost bashfully, and your heart does somersaults. you nod and kiss him again, his hand falling to the small of your back, palm wide and fingers lower than you'd expected. he pulls away and his grin is loving, his eyes hooded in pride as you caress his cheek softly before you slide into the car seat.
he holds your hand the whole night and refuses to let go until you slip through your front door at near midnight, blushes on both of your cheeks and lips kiss-bruised.
the butterflies you feel as you fall asleep with a grin on your face are the exact same ones richie feels as his head finally hits the pillow, a giddy smile on his own face as he smiles to himself in the dark halfway across town.
tag list: @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier @simplesammyx@brxken-heartsclub @clownsloveyou @baby-yoda-a @moon-shine-baby  @daughter-of-the-stars11 @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @finnskindofwoman @kait-tozier   @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s  @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters
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“Accusing, Denying”
Kai Parker x OC!Mack Grace
Series synopsis: "We're both cursed, in a way."
We all know the story of Kai Parker, but he once lived in a very different life. Do you ever wonder what that life looked like?
Chapter summary: a new person arrives, Kai gets jealous
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death
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School was starting again, and Mack was loosing her shit. It was the first time that the reality of Ben's death had truly dawned on her.
But not in the way you'd expect - she wasn't guilty, nor was she upset. No, she was anxious and terrified about people finding out what she had done. They would notice, after all - who doesn't show up for the first day of school when every student either wants to be them or fears them? There's no logical reason as to why Ben wouldn't be there, Mack thought.
Except he's dead, she thought.
Mack took a deep breath, composing herself as she pushed open the front door, shouting a goodbye to her dad before letting the door slam shut behind her. The rumble of Kai's car engine echoed in the chilly January morning air, Mack's breath forming a little cloud before her at how cold it really was. She reached the black Jeep, wrapping her fingers around the handle and pulling the door open.
"Nice car - I see you've really done a lot to it over the Chris holidays!" Mack drawled and Kai smirked.
"Thank you for noticing! I went to this new place - I think it's called something like 'my girlfriend is a raging bitch who turns into a werewolf' or something like that." Kai smiled brightly back, sarcasm dripping from their words like syrup. Mack shook her head with a little smile, rolling her eyes as she plugged her seatbelt and dumped her bag on the floor by her feet.
"Whatever." She laughed, smiling happily against Kai's lips as he pulled her in for a languid kiss.
"Good morning." He mumbled against her lips as he pulled back, voice still slightly rasping and making a small shiver rattle its way down her spine and straight there.
"Morning." She murmured back, barely aware of Kai's amused smirk as he figured out what happened.
"I'm warning you now, Malachai Parker - this month will be one hell of a ride." Mack mused.
"And why is that, Princess?" Kai asked with a sickly sweet grin.
"I thought I told you no to call me princess." Mack deadpanned and Kai smirked.
"And I thought I told you not to call me Malachai." He shot back and Mack huffed. "So why is this month going to be one 'hell of a ride'?" Kai asked again and Mack smirked at him this time, causing one of Kai's brows to shoot up.
"I was checking dates, and it turns out - the full moon isn't the only cycle you'll have to worry about this month." Mack grinned and Kai's eyes widened, a hollow groan emitting from his plump lips.
"They're happening at the same time?" His eyes bugged and Mack nodded, smugness plastered on her face.
"Yep." She countered, popping the 'p'.
"Fucking cycles." Kai muttered under his breath, begging to pull out of Mack's drive way and making her laugh. Mack's head snapped up at the sound of rustling and she instantly rolled her eyes.
"Pork rinds? Really? It's fucking 8am!" She exclaimed as Kai popped one into his mouth, chewing nonchalantly threw a smile. "God, you are unbelievable sometimes." Mack scoffed, leaning back into her seat and listening to Kai crunching the rest of the drive to school.
Mack and Kai wandered to their lockers once they reached the school, Kai leant against his while Mack rummaged through hers - clearly trying to find something.
"What have you lost?" Kai asked, trying to hide his amusement as Mack nearly threw some book on the floor in frustration. She groaned, slamming her locker door shut and looking at Kai.
"My sketches! The book filled with everything I was going to use to get a scholarship!" She exclaimed, rubbing her forehead with stress. Kai stood up at this, now concerned because he knew how much she cared about going to college.
"Well maybe you took them home?" He suggested and she shook her head.
"No, I definitely left them here." She mumbled, now looking around them to see if someone had stolen the book or something. She froze when a whisper reached her ears though.
"Have you seen Ben? He hasn't contacted me since before Christmas." Someone Mack recognised to be one of Ben's friends asked another guy worriedly.
"Don't worry yourself, man. He's probably black out drunk somewhere or hanging out with some chick. Chill." The other guy responded, grabbing a book out his locker before letting it swing shut, and Mack let out a heavy sight of relic as the walked off. Then her eyes landed on something and she seethed.
Mack stormed over to the clearly obnoxious boy, fists clenched and face red as she walked over to him.
The guy was tall - nearly taller than Kai - with wisps of curly blonde hair fluttering over his forehead and the rest piled messily on top of his head like a mop of curly wool. His eyes were dark, so dark the nearly looked black (a stark contrast to Kai). But even from where she was Mack could see he was muscly, with thick arms and most likely a toned stomach, but for now he was clad in baggy jeans, a lose fitting t-shirt and a faded blue denim jacket - with pulled out and distressed seems. Overall he was the opposite of Kai, who had darker, straight hair; deep steel-blue eyes, and was quite scrawny and slim (that didn't mean he wasn't still a beast in bed). Kai also opted for leather jackets, much darker jeans, often black, not blue, and band t-shirts - AC/DC, Nirvana etc.
When she reached him Mack slammed her hand into the lock beside him, the metal door slamming shut and catching the distracted boy's attention.
"Hey, you have something mine." Mack demanded bluntly, eyes narrowed at the large sketch book clutched in his left hand. The guy looked down - following her gaze - and held the book up.
"Oh, this? I didn't know it belonged to anyone. It was only ok the floor when I found it." The guy shrugged, before leaning in. "But I'm sure we could arrange something so you could get it back." He said, almost seductively, but Mack merely snorted.
"That's won't be necessary. You're going to give me my book back and I'm going to go back over there to my boyfriend, while you piss off and find another girl to bother." Mack said with a sweet smile, pointing behind her to Kai who was still stood at their lockers, jealousy in his eyes as he watched the whole thing from afar.
"I think you should give me a kiss first, after all, I did pick up your book, rather than let it be trampled on." The guy smirked, leaning down again so that his lips her beside Mack's ear and his eyes were on Kai. "And if you're lucky maybe I'll have you screaming later." He whipped and Mack pulled back, a shiver going through her.
"Give it back." She demanded, but he held it above her head.
"Not until you give me a kiss, sweetheart." The guy chided and Mack sighed a frustrated groan.  She leant up quickly on her toes, pecking the guy's lips so quickly before grabbing her book from his hand and instantly grimacing, wiping her lips and turning back to face Kai.
What she saw scared her, his nostrils flared and face red as he watched the scene before him.
"I think your boyfriend's a little jealous." The guy mused in Mack's ear, head at the side of hers as they both watched Kai slam his locker shut.
"Come with me." Mack demanded, grabbing the guy's bicep and dragging him along with her.
Mack pulled the boy into the first empty room she found, hand clasping his wrist tightly as she pushed past the tables and chairs before forcing him to sit.
"What the hell was that?" She seethed, a dangerous glint running her eyes. The boy laughed, smirking nonchalantly.
"What? I was saving you! That punk doesn't deserve an ounce of your respect, damn it!" The guy defended, raising his hands in surrender when Mack tried to hit him.
"Save me? Of for God's sake! I don't need saving, Kai isn't going to hurt me!" Mack was doing everything in her power not to rip the boy's head off.
"That's not the was Kim explained it!" He exclaimed and Mack groaned.
"So Kim sent you?" Mack seethed and the boy nodded. "Who are you? What's your name?" Mack demanded and he chuckled.
"Feisty one, you are." He mused and Mack's gaze darkened.
"What's. Your. Name?" She spat through gritted teeth.
"Shawn." He said and Mack nodded.
"Well, Shawn, you can tell my sister that I don't need watching-"
"So that you can kill another of her boyfriends? I don't think you." Shawn said and Mack rolled her eyes.
"I didnt kill anyone!"
"You and I both know that's a lie." Shawn whispered, now stood up and caging Mack against the desk, his breath fanning over her cheeks as he spoke.
"Kenz?" Kai's voice grabbed her attention and Mack's head snapped up, looking at Kai her eyes soften.
"Kai!" He slowly made his way into the room and Shawn snooped off, slipping past Kai.
"I'll leave you two alone then." He commented before Kai help up a hand.
"You're not going anywhere." Kai's eyes were burning, he looked like the epitome of rage. "And you." Kai said pointedly, looking straight into Mack's eyes, "better explain who the fuck that is, right now." He seethed, pointing at Shawn but not taking his eyes off of Mack and she glanced never pushy between them.
"He's um, a friend of Kim's..." Mack stuttered and Kai scoffed.
"Yeah, right. Who is he?!" Kai demanded, slamming his hand on the desk next to Mack and making her jump.
"No one!" She yelled and Kai's nostrils flared, his face red.
"Oh really." He replied bluntly and Mack looked at him in shock.
"Yes really! If you have a problem, then tell me!" She dared and kai stared her down, his gaze flitting to Shawn momentarily.
"I'd better not keep you, your boyfriend's waiting." Kai spat, a dark glare overcoming him as he glanced at Shawn, who was loitering awkwardly in the door way, not really sure what to do. Mack followed his gaze for scoffing.
"He's not my boyfriend! I hate him!" Mack claimed and Kai looked away, rolling his eyes.
"Whatever." Kai dismissed.
"Kai!" Mack exclaimed.
"What?" He shot back dryly.
"Stop!" She shouted as he began to walk towards the door, ready to shoulder past Shawn.
"Why?" He bit back, pausing but not turning to face her.
"Because I love you, you idiot!" Mack's words made Kai's jaw clench, his eyes cloud with anger as he looked from Shawn and back to Mack again.
"Maybe you should've thought of that before you got yourself a little lap-dog, huh?" Kai sneered before pushing past Shawn and put into the throws of students busily shuffling through the crowed halls, disappearing into the mass of people.
Mack set her jaw, tears staining her eyes and she looked over a Shawn. A dark look was in her eyes as she walked past him, too.
"Mack, wait!" He called after her but the girl was already gone.
Mack's fingers drummed against the tabled restlessly, head turned away from Kai who sat beside her. He would huff every thirty seconds, shorting her a dirty glance before looking away again.
The door opening made Mack sit up straight in her chair, as nothing interesting ever happened in this class. Normally her and Kai would entertain each other but as the boy refused to speak to Mack, it was proving a very dull lesson.
Three men in uniform strode in, guns in the belts at their hips and walkie-talkies strapped over their chests. "POLICE" was written in white over their backs and the word made everyone switch on, murmurs and whispers floating around the room like a wave. Mack noticed Kai straighten up at this too, Mack's stomach dropping as she tried to swallow the guilt.
The tallest of the three men cleared his throat, turning to face the class while his two colleagues spoke quietly to their teacher.
"Hello, students. I am Officer Moore," he spoke authoritatively, "and today I am here to tell you something that may be...shocking." There were whispers floating about. "So," he said a little louder - grabbing the students' attention, "if you all quiet down, we'll get to business."
Mack's leg was bouncing furiously under the table, hand clenched into a tight fist and she bit her lips to stop herself letting out a sharp gasp at the pain of her nails digging into her sweaty palm. Kai reached out for her hand, uncurling it and holding it tight in his own, clearly not bothered about the little crescent-shaped cuts that were now leaking blood. The gesture calmed Mack, and she soon settled, the feeling of Kai's skin on hers comforting.
"We are here to tell you that Ben McCoy," he paused, murmurs erupting around the room at the mention of Ben, "has been declared a missing person."
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keydawolf · 4 years
Calming the Flames
Chapter 3
Boscha growls through the halls, she had woken up in a bad mood and everyone knew it from her posture, her clenched fists, the way she bared her teety at anyone walking by and the way she walked heavily on each foot, givimg very audible warning that she was approaching. One student however, didnt seem to get the schoolwide memo to leave her alone. Indigo seemed to run into Boscha after almost all their classes and happily waved and tried to speak to her, no matter how many times Boscha growled and told them to "Buzz off" Much to the dimay of anyone who liked Indigo, they kept at it, Luz, Willow, Gus and even Amity had told them they would end up hurt if they kept approaching the fuming witch, yet Indigo just shrugged with a smile. Once lunchtime came around, Indigo noticed Boscha heading for the gymnasium once again, this time they decide to not disturb her, lest she damage the door most, they do howver wait outside the gym. When Boschs did eventually come out, their mood was a little lighter, but upon seeing Indigo sitting there, obviously waiting for them, that mood changed back to anger. "Alright Weirdo, I've had enough of you following me around!" Boscha yells but the reaction she got was not what she'd expect. Rather than suprise, fear or anger, the weirdo simply smiles and stands up then has the audaxity to ask "Why? You seemed lonely to me" "Lonely? As if! I can't stand all you goody goody idiots, even if I was lonely, which I wasnt! Why the heck would I want to hang out with YOU instead?" "Cuz you are lonely, even if you wont admit it, I KNOW you don't hate seeing me around" Boscha felt her thrid eye twitch in irritation, then, an idea comes to mind and a smirk forms on her face. "Alright then, how about this, after school, one v one grudgby match, if I win, you have to leave me alone from now on" Indigo's eara twitch upwards in interest "And if I win?" Boscha snorts "If you win? You can bug me wherever the heck you like! I wont even get mad!" Boscha says, the weirdo may be good at dodging, but there was no way they could beat Boscha at scoring. "Sounds good to me" Indigo says and sticks out a hand to shake on the deal. Boscha looks at the hand in disdain but shakes it anyways, it wasnt a deal if they didnt shake on it after all. "You better not flake out on me" Boscha snarls and walks away. "Wouldnt dream of it" ----‐------------------------------- "You did WHAT?!" Amity almost yells as Indigo sits back down at the table with her news. Willow, Gus and Lux just stared, Before they all started talking at once, which made following all their words difficult. "...make an oath?" "....Can't possinly expect to..." "......Gonna really hurt you...." "....need to think before you...." Indigo's ears twitch downwards ans they frown at the others, which makes them all stop, Indigo wasnt one to frown often, so when they did it caught everyones attention. "I'm doing this" they state and even use their full worded voice to make it clear to everyone before them. The others don't argue, staring at them. "Why are you putting so much effort into Boscha?" Willow asks suddenly, gaining Indigo's attention "All she has ever done is hurt others, mentally and physically, heck she's clearly not opening up to you, why put yourself through all this just for her?" Indigo is silent for a long minute "Because she's stuck in the dark, she doesnt know what the light feels like yet, but she never will if no ones willing to show it to her" Indigo says and to Willow and Gus it just seemed like a metaphore, but Luz and Amity knew exactly what Indigo was reffering to and their eyes met for a moment, a look of slight understanding passed between them. Amity sighs and looks at Indigo. "Boscha is very prideful in her abilities for grudgby, she doesnt take defeat well at all, she WILL try to hurt you if she thinks she will lose to you" Indigo nods "I'll keep that in mind" Willow pipes up as well "Also make sure she doesn't pull the rusty smidge ploy again, make sure it isnt on the field" "Got it"
The line of concersarion continued until the end of lunch, apparently others had heard about this 1v1 match and were planning to come watch and see who won, though apart from a few grudgby fanatics, it was pretty much just Skara and the other grudgby teammates, Luz, Amity, Willow and Gus. Indigo stood on the grudgby field, staring across at Boscha, Indigo had chosen a nice blue uniform, Luz and Amity had done their face paint, red and blue lines down their cheecks from their eyes. Boscha had gone for the normal Banshee design. "You know the rules weirdo?" Boscha asks with a smirk. "Yup, is the rusty smidge on the field?" "Nah, if i'm gonna beat you, I wanna make it a good one" Boscha says with a smirk. Indigo smirks back as they wait for the ball to fly. Luz, Amity, Willow and Gus are cheering for Indigo on the sidelines, as the ball is sent into the air, Indigo had the height advantage and was able to grab the ball first, keeping it however, was harder than it looked. Boscha knew how capable Indigo was at dodging and didnt have any qualms charging full tilt at them for the ball, Indigo had to dodge a lot of attempts, trying for a goal too early just to get Boscha to stop, it misses and bounces off the goalpost, right into Boscha's waiting arms, she tears off to the other side, getting halted by an earth spike trap, which lead to a tackle from Indigo. Bischa had to commend the weirdo for their form on the tackle, but she refused to allow them the ball that easy, struggling out of their arms with a lot of effort and kicking the ball before they reach her again, scoring first. Indigo stands, wiping the dirt off their face, catching their breath. "Nice one" they compliment as Boscha gets back into place. "Hmm, your tackle wasnt too bad at all, but your aim is terrible" "Heh, we'll see" Indigo replies as their hand circles behind their back, unseen by Boscha, a clone of Indigo appeared behind her and as the ball shot up, the clone tackles Boscha before she can jump so Indigo can hop over them with the ball and head for the goal. "Agh, forgot you did Illusions too" Boscha grumbles and elbows the clone hard, it poofs away and she gets to her feet in time to see Indigo toss the ball through the goal with ease. Indigo's group cheers loudly, Gus waves his flags with vigor. Indigo jogs past Boscha to her place, grunning from ear to ear. "Pfft, you look like you just won the whole game, it eas only ONE goal" Boscha says condesendingly but Indigo doesnt falter at her snide comment, simply grinning as they waited for the next ball. "Man, psyching them out is NOT working" Boscha thinks to herself in annoyance. A few more goals on each side and it was all tied up, 5 points to each of them. Boscha glares up at the clock, only time for one more play, someone HAD to get this one. The ball flies and both girls jump, but rather than grab it, Boscha bats it right into Indigo's chest, Indigo couldnt dodge in the air, the shift in intent was too fast for them to even register, they hit the ground with a cough, clutching the ball. Boscha lands and folds her arms, waiting for Indigo to call it quits. "Hey! That cant be legal!" Luz yells. "It's a completely legal and well known play in grudgby" Skara answers from the next aisle "Besides, Boscha gave up control of the ball, if Indigo can get back to their feet, they keep it unless they miss" Amelia adds in. "They're right Luz, its a common play, but most grudgby players know not to leave their middle wide open" Amity adds with a look at the two, who nod in response. "Yeah... its usually for well prscticed captains that the other team want to slow down, but Boscha is risking a lot giving up full control of the ball like that, if Indigo can score, they win, if they cant, its a tie, so the only winner here is Indigo in the end" Amelia replies. Amity thinks it over "Yeah... that... isnt like her, what is Boscha trying to prove?"
Boscha waits as Indigo struggles to their feet, making their way slowly towards the goalpost, she hadnt skimped on that impact, they were quite resiliant, though the hit had very obviously hurt, they were still doing what they could to get the ball close enough to score.
waiting for Indigo to call it
"Hey! That cant be legal!" Luz
"It's a completely legal and well known play in grudgby" Skara answers from the next
"Besides, Boscha gave up control of the ball, if Indigo can get back to their feet, they keep it unless they miss" Amelia adds
"They're right Luz, its a common play, but most grudgby players know not to leave their middle wide open" Amity adds with a look at the two, who nod in
"Yeah... its usually for well prscticed captains that the other team want to slow down, but Boscha is risking a lot giving up full control of the ball like that, if Indigo can score, they win, if they cant, its a tie, so the only winner here is Indigo in the end" Amelia Boscha waits as Indigo struggles to their feet, making their way slowly towards the goalpost, she hadnt skimped on that impact, they were quite resiliant, though the hit had very obviously hurt, they were still doing what they could to get the ball close enough to score.
Indigo got to the goalpost and looked up at it, they had 20 seconds left, in one last ditch effort, they tossed the ball as high as they could, but it wasnt high enough, bouncing off the very bottom of the post and falling back.
One very small vine errupts from the ground, catching the ball and tossing it through the post, just before the timer ticked to zero.
Everyone looked surprised, naturally everyone also looked at Willow, who immediately raised her hands up,.
"Willow didn't cast that, I checked when I saw it" Skara confirms immediately when Bosxha looks their way.
Boscha shrugs and nods "Must have been the court itself then, guess it liked their determination" she says and walks away, no fuss, no screaming or flaming grudgby balls flying everywhere.
Everyone watches in astonishmemt as the three eyed witch leaves in complete calm.
Indigo had fallen back to a sitting position with a grin on their face.
"Thah was.... so much fuuun!" They yell loudly as they try to get on their feet.
Luz was the first over to help them up "You did great!"
Amity walks over soon aftwr with Willow and Gus in tow "I have to admit, if I was still captain I'd definately ask you to join the team, those were some smart plays"
"You did iiiiit!" Gus yells as he runs in circles around Indigo and Luz and waves his little flags eagerly.
"That was weird at the end though right? The court normally stops goals, it doesnt usually score them" Willow says quietly.
"Heh, this one tends to have a mind of its own, I hate to say it but Boscha must be right, it didn't send one obstacle to stop Indigo getting to the goalpost" Amoty observes.
"So wait... what was it you got if you won?" Luz asks curiously.
"Boscha can' geh mad if ah hang around 'er now" Indigo replies matter of fsctly.
"Wait... thats all you wanted?" Willow asks with a raised brow.
"Yeh" Indigo says with a grin."Eh was de opposi'eh oh whah she wan'ed" they explain
"Oh, I kinda doubt she'll keep to that, she was way too calm when she left, normally when Boscha loses... everyone loses... and I dont mean the game" Amity says.
Boscha sighs as she heads to change, noticing her potted plant had poked out of her bag for some sun, it had three little buds growing upwarss now.
"Hmph, is that some cheesy reference to my eyes? Titan damn it Amelia, if this flower matches my hair too I swear" she says and rolls her eyes, zipping her bag up so no one would see the plant.
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naptoons · 5 years
Triggered-Joel Pimentel
warnings: Sexual Content, Cheating,Mild Language, Alcohol reference.
Theme: Angst
A/N: this is a part two of story of us , this is requested by @cncogirl18 ! i hope it’s great and it meets your request!. Read the first part here!
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joel and i have been getting more and more distant for the past 2 years. sometimes i blame it all on tour, sometimes i blame it all on maybe he’s cheating. maybe hes fallen out of love with me. but to be honest i blame it all on me. i pushed him away because im not ready for the limelight. im not ready for the flashing cameras and gosspi pages. most dont even know what i look like, they just thought i was a fanpage commenting under his posts all the time. some he didnt respond to so it didnt look so obvious.it’s been on my mind all day, even my friends noticed it, urging me to go home and talk to him about it. but i cant. maybe  cant because im afraid of the answer.
 leaning back in my chair picking at the peeling skin on my thumbs. debating going to joel’s apartment or heading to the party richard invited me to for his daughter. i might as well go home first, maybe get a nap. getting up from the chair, i grab my keys to his aprtment, heading for the door.
arriving at his apartment i walk in the house,hearing the noise of heavy breathing and muffled moans. the grunts that only i would know. but apprantly im not the only one whom knows it. biting the bullet of crying, i walk towards the living room dropping the keys in the bowl. after today i dont think i wanna come back. walking past the room to the bathroom i hear the voice of someone farmilar.
“i told you, you never loved her, you’d come back to me papi” emlila swoons him in, joel sighs with his feet shuffling against the carpet “why cant you admit it?!” she yells at him “she is nobody anyways why do you care so much?” feeling anger in my broken heart i swing the door open, gritting my teeth against my jawline, the atomsphere turning colder than stone.
“yeah joel, im fucking nobody” i choke through my clogged airways
“baby-” cutting him off i smack his hand away from my frame, i grab my back packing all of things “bre listen it didnt mean anything!” his voice breaking and pleading to get my attention, joel grabs my arm but i push him back making him hit the edge of the dresser groaning in immersed pain. but i feel no remorse.
“if it meant nothing why the fuck did you do it?!” i yell through the tears, i tried to be strong. to not cry in front of him. he didnt deserve my tears, he didnt deserve anything from me at this moment. “get the fuck away from me joel, i never want to see your fucking face ever again” grabbing my packed bag i place it on my shoulders before stepping out the room, i look back at emailia to see her smiling.
“you think you have everything right now, but if he did this to me, what makes you think he wont do it to you?” i pour my venom on her, her smile slowly falling flat and changing into anger “misery loves company, i hope you guys are miserable together karma is a bitch” with my words i feel my shoulders become lighter, running downstairs i hear joel yelling my name behind me, getting to the front door i slam it behind me getting in my car.
“what a fucking fool i am” i breathe out “thinking we could ever be something, neither of us was ready” i grab my phone calling lunay as i back out of his driveway, the tears begin to roll down my cheeks clouding my vision all i can see if dots of red and white lights.
“hola mami” lunay’s voice hones in on my ears. insatly my voice cracks trying to keep it together, i just break down and cry gripping the steering wheel as my knuckles drain the blood from them. “hey bre are you okay? where are you?”
wiping my face i inhale heavily “joel cheated on me” i let out “can i come over?” i ask, before hearing the answer all that fills my ears is the skid of tires on the road, and the reverb of a collision. The vision I once had colored like a void.
Pitch dark.
Opening my eyes to the angelic light, I groan as it burns my cornea, covering them with my fingers I sigh heavily. “Welp I guess that’s a sign to use night mode” I let out, slowly regaining my eyesight looking over at a puzzled wreck of a cousin. Smiling slightly I reach for his hand “hey, what’s got you so tangled up Charlotte?”
“You’ve been unconscious for three weeks, that’s what, and get a better joke that was corny” Christopher smiled slightly at the end, but I could tell that smile was fake. “And I’m wondering should I kill someone” his voice taking the form of malice.
“If you were to do that you couldn’t see your precious cousin” I smile followed by his scoff “wouldn’t say precious” he insults me. Lunay walls into the room sighing of relief “wow, did y’all really think I was going to die?” I laugh “y’all had no hope for me huh? What a sha...” getting my sentence cut off by his hug around my neck, I smile softly my fingers rubbing his back. “Hey you” I let out. He must’ve been so worried.
Lunay has been taking care of me for a whole month. I had to go to recovery, I lost a little bit of feeling in my legs so I started walking little by little, they also recalled my brain is a little fuzzy prior three minutes before the crash. Sadly it didn’t make me forget I got Joel cheating on me. With the girl who tried to break us up even before a label. I guess she got what she wanted. I haven’t seen or heard from Joel since that day. Part of me wants to reach out. But another part says “fuck him he pushed you away” tapping on the bow empty cereal bowl I hear the chunks of shoes hitting the floor.
“Aye mami, you okay?” Lunay rubs my shoulders, moaning at the tension in my body I nod my head slightly “are you sure? I’m here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on”
“Hm no I’m tired of crying, I’m moving on now”
“Aye nena! That’s right, you can do better” he encourages me. Lunay was throwing a party at his house tonight for a celebration on winning an award. I joined in even though Lunay told me I didn’t have to I just couldn’t be soaking in my sadness. It’s not going to fix anything so what’s the point of moping? Grabbing the drink on the counter I gulp it in one shot feeling it burn down my throat rapidly. Every cnco member was here but Joel. Made me wonder is he trying to avoid me? Why should he? He cheated on me he shouldn’t have any shame he knew what he got himself into. He shouldn’t have any shame it’s what he wanted anyways.
Drinking down another shot Richard furrows his eyes at me smiling I wave at him “what’s up Richard? You scared to drink?” I ask him
“Scared of you drinking, I don’t think you’re in the right headspace to be drinking nena” his lips fall in a flat line leaning against the counter, grabbing the bottle of liquor I grab my red solo cup this time.
“I think I’m just fine, I can’t sit around here and fucking waste my time in being sad, it’s been a whole month Richard, im fine” I crack open the cranberry juice to fuse with the liquor. “So stop worrying about me okay?”
“I’m worried about the both of y’all, hoping neither of you collapse first” Richard mumbles while walking away, I wanna ask him what that was about but I’m stopped by Lunay. With the biggest smile on his face.
“Hey? You good having fun?”
“Never better! Let’s dance” grabbing his hand with my left I sip with my right, everyone was bumping and grinding on their designated partner. Everyone here was having a great time. No one had a mask on themselves. Drinking, smoking falling in love in his backyard. Five cups down and the world was spinning. Taking off shoes and dancing on tables. I was dancing it away.
The pain away. Fuck it still hurt.
But there’s always three sides to a story.
His. Mine. And the side neither of us talked about.
Giggling on the couch I lay my head on christopers shoulder “hey cousin how are you?” I slur followed by a hiccup “I haven’t seen you since the hospital what are you up to these days?” My face felt hot and was probably showing hues of red. Maybe even pink.
“Babysitting two broken people is what” Christopher groans, he was rarely serious so this caught me off guard. Being to drunk to even ask I hug him.
“Aye, there’s no use in worrying, you gotta have a hurricane before the rainbow, I’ll be okay I promise”
“I hope so, we don’t want any more collateral damage” he hums in my ear.
The party was over and I watched as the few people that stayed over, Lunay was cleaning up trash until he saw me laying in the couch. “Mami, go to bed, or would you like me to drive you home?”
“Id rather not be alone” I mumble, almost throaty, suppressing the cries I want to let out. I can’t I’m done crying. I’ve been doing it for a whole month.
“Hey” he bends down to my level, running the pads of his thumb on my cheek “you’re never alone I promise” his eyes twinkled in love, I’m feeling the same way I did towards Joel. How can this be true? Have I moved on that quick?
Richard went back to Joel’s apartment, just as he was about to knock on the door, emailia opens it, her face showing signs of panic. “Wheres joel?” She asks
“And you think I would tell you? Plus that’s why I’m here to see was he here” Richard smugly answers
“So wait, hes not with you?” emailia asks
“Nope” Richard grabs his phone dialing his number, but to his demise it goes straight to the voicemail. Richard mumbling a soft curse word under his breath. “His phone is off”
“Oh my god fuck” she paces while chewing on her thumb, Richard looks at her with no sympathy but he just knew his mind had to ask.
“So what lie did you tell him hm?” emailia turns around on her heels looking back at him dumbfounded
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me I didn’t stutter, Joel is completely and utterly in love with bre, what did you say?!” Richard snaps are her, feeling Christopher pull him back slightly, “rich calm down”
“I didn’t tell him anything! He told me he felt bre was fading from him, and the more he tried the more she pulled, all I said was maybe she found someone else”
“Then took his sadness as your advantage to comfort him” Richard spits, walking away slowly
“You know damn well I love him!”
“If you did he wouldn’t be in this situation” Richard mumbles before getting in the car. “So? How are we going to find Joel?”
“We can’t, he’s been so secretive lately. Who knows where he is, the only thing I can think of is just wait for band practice or for him to come home” Richard sighs heavily “this is a fucking hurricane”
The bright sun beams on my eyelashes, squirming I feel a arm wrapped around my waist and the feeling of a chin in my shoulder. Slowly lifting the covers I gaze upon our naked bodies entwined together. Sighing and softly cursing to myself I sink my head deeper in the pillow.
Lunay and I hooked up.
Drunk hookup.
Slowly getting up from the bed I grab my clothes putting them on one by one. Until a hear a husky groan “good morning” he mumbles, my luck. Smiling I make it back to the bed sitting in front of him.
“Good morning” I whisper back
“How you feeling?” He asks
“Good, I had a good sleep”
“I imagine so” he jokes, getting up from the bed slowly “look bre, I don’t wanna be your rebound, I know this is the worst timing but, I’ve had a crush on you for the longest, and seeing how broken you are hurts me” freezing at his sudden words I looking down at the my tangled up fingers, “I want you to find what you mean to yourself, I want you to fix yourself, even if that means talking to him again”
“Lunay, I can’t even look him in the eyes and not want to cry”
“So? Isn’t better than wondering and drinking alcohol, not to mention losing your mind not knowing what to do” Lunay grabs my hand kissing my knuckles softly “bre, you deserve love okay? Don’t think that there won’t be someone out there for you”
Nodding my head I decided to face him head on. To talk about the problems I’ve never discussed.
Arriving at Joel’s apartment my stomach drops in depths. Never thought I’d come back here. Having ptsd just by looking at the snowflake walls, the way his plants on his patio are slowly decaying. He really isn’t doing to well just like me. Why is this so hard on him? I’m the one that should be triggered.
Knocking on the door I wait for his answer, the door swings open, smelling like a strand of weed. “Richard I told you-” his sentence is cut off by the sight of my eyes glued in his. “What are you doing here?”
“To talk” I answer
“What is there to talk about, I made you look stupid” Joel sighs
“yeah you’re fucking right you made me look like a fool, but I can’t blame you, maybe I pushed you towards that resort, not saying what you did was okay, but maybe the way I treated you inflicted this” I sigh leaning against the wall “can I come in?”
Joel opens the door for me to come in, closing the door behind me I see the mess his living room is in, I see the empty beer bottles and burned out half blunts. The edibles wrappers over the floor. Looking back at joel I see his hand is wrapped in a gauze. What has he been going through? I grab a bag as I start picking up his trash, “no it’s okay I’ll clean it up” Joel suggests but I grab his hand leading him to the couch.
“Let me help you, let someone help you okay? We gotta stop shoving people out” I stammer through my tears. Finish with cleaning up the mess, Joel and I sit on opposite sides of the couch.
“I’ve had two boyfriends in my lifetime, and when it got past two years, shit just started going downhill, one was abusive and one was a pathological liar and a drug addict” I start off, Joel’s eye filling to the brim with water, with just one touch they would pour down his lips. “It’s tiring opening and closing parts of me just to repeat the cycle, and when you cheated on me, I just saw you as the rest, I yelled at you and blamed you, I claimed you ruined everything, I wanted to fight you guys both, knowing she’d probably sue me or charged me with battery”
“In that heat of the moment I was willing to catch a case for it, cause you know me, when I get mad I get big mad, weeks after my accident I was going to call you, maybe even text you but I couldn’t, when I typed on the bubble I Tried my hardest not to disrespect you After what you did, man, what you expected?” My eyes looking at the tearful golden boy, his cheeks and nose were pink, so was his ears, glistening cheeks swelling up at the minute.
“I felt so Triggered, when I hear your name but also I was Triggered, because I am not okay, I was getting drunk partying hooking up with people all because I still missed you, Of our memories All you meant to meAll that history All that's history” my fingers trembling to grab his hand, caressing my thumb over his.
“But ain't no me and you without you in it, so I just wanna say I’m sorry, I pushed you away and made you feel like I didn’t love you, because I now know I do, I really do love you joel” the tears now falling out of his eyes, mirroring mine in the same gesture.
“I’m sorry too, I should’ve never talked to her about our problems, I should’ve came to you, but it isn’t your fault, I was the one who decided to have sex with her in our bed, no matter what I should’ve came and talked to you” Gravelly his voice echos the room, pulling him towards me, I wrap my arms around his head, letting him sob into my hoodie. As I begin to cry along with him.
“We’re both you blame, all we needed was to communicate” my wobbly voice whispers on his ear. “I accept your apology Joel, just promise we won’t run away from each other” feeling his body stop shuttering his head pulls out hovering over me.
“Yeah, I won’t run unless you promise to not run, and let’s better ourselves” Joel sniffs
“I’m not going anywhere, maybe someday we’d could be something more than friends again, you have my heart joel. We just need to fix ourselves before becoming one, but I don’t mind taking it slow with you”
“No labels? Just chilling?”
“Yeah” I smile caressing his face “slow burns”
“Slow burns”
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hey-hamlet · 6 years
BNHA AU Ideas : The villain’s little hero
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  All Might, Japan's number 1 villain has a successor. The problem? His successor is a hero hopeful. All Might will stop at nothing to make sure his kid gets to live his dream.
au where all might is a villain raising izuku to be a hero!
quirkless izuku, his backstory is mostly the same
all might decided that hero work had too much red tape. if he was going to take down afo, he needed the freedom to do whatever he had to and he wasnt getting that working within the law
so hes a,,, viilllaaaiinnn?? like. stain. but less murdery, would also save civilians if they were in danger
he has 0 qualms about crippling fake heroes but hes not a fan of murder
nighteye is still his sidekick, he doesnt use his quirk on allmight bc all might h a t e s it
hes kinda on board with "the future is only set in stone because you've seen it now" so he wants the freedom to break fate. but its very useful to get info, so nighteye just uses it on other people
hero to the people villain to literally everyone else
allmights villain costume is reallll similar to his hero costume. just less eye bleeding
he has longer grey hair too.
all mights bronze age costume is basically his villain costume thanks for listening
david shield is still in this story
david agrees w all might and like,,, sneaks him stuff on the downlow
all might told him ab. his quirk because who on earth is gonna believe that one america man about japans worst supervillain?
also melissa is a Soft Young Woman and she is all mights favourite person on this fucking planet until he meets izuku
all might went to ua, only defected after completing his hero training because he wanted to be trained by the people he was going to screw over
izuku has always kinda been a big fan of all might. not openly because hes legally a villain and very much paints himself as one, but his quirk is one of the most amazing things izuku has ever seen
when he looks closer, all might has never let a civilian get hurt once hes been on scene. hes taken hits to protect housing, hes pulled heroes from the line of fire
izuku watches his sports festivals and wonders why? why did all might, the man who happily told the world he'd stop at nothing to keep them safe, suddenly flip sides like that for no reason?
izuku doesnt buy it
izuku's big yellow backpack is a big red one in this universe, hes had it so long its gone pink but he still loves it
the sludge villain
all might saves him and izuku is crying. allmight thinks its because hes scared but izuku just turns to him with this big weepy eye smile and gives him the most genuine thanks he thinks hes ever been given
(its honestly the shock of that that makes him deflate into small might, which has izuku scrambling to find tissues and called an ambulance before he thinks better of calling emergency services for All Might)
izuku is like "Im SO SORRY SIR ARE YOU oK"
and all might is like ",,, b  oy"
izuku softly asking
"can,, can i still be someone with out a quirk? can i still make a difference?"
all might doesnt get the chance to anser because there is a massive explosion in the distance
its bakugo!! hes dying
the sludge villain got away bc izuku and all might were chatting a little
izuku hears it and he feels this terrible realization, because its probably not bakugo? but its definitely bakugo because izuku's life is falling to pieces
he sprints towards him and katsuki will n e v e r admit it but he feels hope in that moment because some one is trying to help. even if its just izuku, he wasnt totally left for dead
all might sees this tiny, nervous, quirkless kid run straight up to a villain that almost killed him seconds before to save someone what looks like they'd rather die
and he thinks
"no one deserves one for all more than him"
and allmight, the most wanted villain in japan, maybe the world, jumps in
the heroes look at him and they are scared. if they couldnt take the sludge villain, what is all might going to do to them? but the scariest man in japan, the person parents tell their kids about to stop them from going out at night, blows the sludge villain to tiny pieces and carefully, gently, places the two boys by the heroes
before he vanishes before they can call for backup or even ask why
izuku gets yelled at by the heroes because the heroes are scared and angry they couldnt stop either of the villains and izuku is so overwhelmed that hes crying and he can hardly breathe
bakugo doesnt even yell at him because hes so dazed about everything that happened and he cant make himself yell at this sobbing kid that used to be his friend
(bakugo is holding izukus hand like hes going to crush it but its the only thing keeping izuku present)
izuku is walking home and hes still hicuping and crying because he almost died and the heroes hate him and he feels a hand on his shoulder, and a soft :"its ok now my boy"
he knows its all might but he cant help but hide his face in his shirt and sob
all might gets down so he can look izuku in the eye
"you asked me if you could be someone with out a quirk and i didnt get the chance to answer. my answer? you already are someone. you are someone that inspired me, a villain, to save the day. you are going to be amazing"
and looks him dead in the eye "you'll do amazing things, even with out a quirk. but, you of all people deserve one, and no matter what you chose to do with it, it can be yours. hero, villain or someone in between"
izuku looks at this villain
this painfully thin villain, who just saved his life and who has unimaginable strength
and he throws his arms around his waist and sobs
inko isnt a great mum in this au and she likes to basically pretend izuku doesnt exist
izuku trains a lot and has to make his own food bc his mum just ignores him
he sneaks out at night to clear trash and sneaks back in before dawn to clean the sand from his hair
he smells like saltwater and rust, and he hasnt slept more than 4 hours a night in weeks and katsuki is worried
all might sees him crumbling with a smile stuck on his face and he wants to stop him from self-destructing, but the kid will never learn his lesson until he feels his body give up under what hes doing to it. if all might steps in he'll do it again and again until no one stops him and hes never learnt his limit.
so he waits and he watches while he pretends he cant see the bags under his eyes and pretends that everytime izuku sways on his feet he doesnt feel a jolt of deep panic
did he do this? if he the reason izuku looks like hes falling apart before his eyes?
the kid passes the fuck out and all might tells him off in a soft dad way and izuku cries bc why does this villain care more than his mum does
and all might catches the end of that little mumble, and feels terrible so he pretends he didnt hear and takes him for lunch
they go to a cafe and all might buys izuku the cutest slice of cake and a big ass bowl of katsudon and some fancy fucking tea and covers the kids eyes every time he tries to look at the prices
izuku looks at all might and asks
"are you buying me katsudon with crime money"
and all might looks sheepish and izuku giggles like an idiot and says "dont tell me ill feel bad!!!"
all might grins bc this kid is honestly the only reason he hasnt stabbed a pro hero in a few months bc hes so fucking sweet
he has to carry izuku half the way home bc the kid could barely lift his chopsticks and almost fell asleep in the booth after he finished eating
and allmight, skinny and kinda scary is giving his 15 year old a piggy back and someone says "you're such a good dad!" and he almost coughs up his last lung
izuku mumbles sleepily and hes has the biggest warm and fuzzy feeling and hes going to yell bc hes All Might the No. 1 Villain and this fucking kid is drooling on his sweater but he would die for him
some random stranger on the street commenting on how it was rly fortunate that izuku inherited his adorable smile from his father
all might, abt to burst into tears: whack
allmight is easily flustered even when hes killed a man
he comes home and inko isnt there so he has to like, wake up izuku to get him to open the door and he feels bad bc izuku is a Sleepy Man
izuku mumbles that he cant ever tell if shes at home or not because nothing changes and all might feels a wave of "wait my son isnt being parented enough"
so he makes izuku a cup of tea and tucks him into bed after he has a shower because izuku is His Son Now Inko
hes like
sitting in the living room reading the paper and he hears inko's car and hes like ",,, fuck it im walking out the front door im no coward"
she doesnt even notice and hes going to scream because does she have a brain
inko, spaced out, tired and terrible: oh is the tall man here for izuku :))) thats great :)))
all might is screaming bc"" do you get let weird men into see your tiny son>???? what the fuck???
hes so small inko??? and you?? let random men in?????
all might would yeet her into the sun if he could but his boy needs an actual family member to make going to ua easier
inko is kinda mentally ill. she is depressed and often forgets she has izuku. like shes not always being terrible she just sometimes forget to do basic things
one time she locked izuku out of the house for 10 hours and he had to sleep next to the front door
one month she didnt buy any food so by the end of it he was starving and out of his own money and there was n o t h i n g in the house, but inko would go out to eat every night and lunch and not take her son
allmight is upset bc izuku didnt tell him but izuku is embarrassed. embarrassed that he was forgotten by his own mum, that he couldnt do anything to help her or himself and honestly mad he was so hungry all might noticed bc he didnt want to bug him
it was getting to the point that katsuki actually slipped some change into his bag with a candy bar
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1-800-yugyeom · 6 years
could you write a blackpink female reader x rose smut in which rose is very dominant and jealous? thank you
ugh i love jealous doms anon why are you doing this to me i need to be studying.
listen i think we can all agree that rosé is BEAUTIFUL like her visuals are downright killer right and there’s not a thing that could make you want anybody but her
and she knows that. not only bc you’ve told her on several occasions, but also bc she knows how you look at her when you think she’s too preoccupied to notice ;)))))
and she also knows that you would never do anything to jeopardize your relationship and she trusts you 100%
but on the other hand.. she’s aware that you’re incredibly gorgeous as well, even more so in her opinion
and as much as she trusts you, she has a hard time trusting other ppl around you
bc at the end of the day you’re HER girl and she doesn’t want anyone to the idea in their head that you’ll ever ever be theirs
she tries her best to keep her jealousy at bay and to never take out her anger and frustration at other ppl on you
especially over something as trivial as a brief touch or a fleeting comment or a wink in your direction
but unfortunately sometimes there are occasions where the “harmless” flirting goes too far for rosé to just.. stand there and watch
she hates the feeling of jealousy. it washes over her in hot waves, making her stomach turn and acid form in the back of her throat in the shape of searing insults that are in no way tasteful, elegant, or roseanne-like.
and sometimes she can stand there and suppress her emotions, especially when you quickly brush the person off or very bluntly state something like “my girlfriend is sitting right there”
but sometimes you let things go too long for rosé’s liking, either out of obliviousness or just bc you’re too nice she’s not sure, but she doesn’t like it one bit
like when the two of you attend a party held by one of your close mutual friends on a random friday night
you’ve both been stressed from work all week so when rosé had managed to get out of the practice studio early enough
you decided to release your frustrations by drowning yourselves in alcohol and loud music.
you would have the rest of the weekend to cuddle and catch up on lost time that work took away from you, now was a chance to have some fun and let loose
except rosé couldn’t
not with the way she could see from afar, the woman standing next to you getting closer and closer with every passing second
this was the exact reason she had barely left your side the entire night. she just wanted to get the two of you some drinks to speed up the de-stressing process.
however it seemed like every time she left, someone took it as an open invitation to take her place
and she was tired of it.
tired but still very very angry
she felt the familiar tightness in her throat and burn behind her eyes as she watched the girl fiddle with the buttons on your red cardigan and check you out very openly
you had accepted a drink from her, you let her touch your arm
almost in a trance she continued to watch your interactions, unable to jump out of line and go to you or to run out of the house in angry tears
she watched the expressions on your face and found herself getting angrier and angrier, were you enjoying this? did you know she was watching and wanted her to suffer?
all the confidence she had in the fact that you only want her is crumbling fast and it’s being replaced by ugly doubt
meanwhile you’re trying ceaselessly to end the conversation with this very obviously drunk girl, which had started innocently enough
she had come up to you, saying that she could’ve sworn the two of you had met before and that she knew you
and instantly she looked vaguely familiar, until you realized that she was a past one night stand of yours from college
you immediately felt a cold pit open up in your stomach but despite this, you decided to play it safe and continued to be polite
even as hazy memories of a filled bar and a tiny dorm room resurfaced, instantly setting off warning bells in your head and making guilt brew in the pit of your stomach
you quickly came up with a half-true reply, “oh yeah, um, we took that psych class together a few semesters ago i think.”
from the look in her eyes.. she knew that you remembered more than just the class
“right! oh my god i can remember sticking pretty close to you because you did so well in that class,” she said, making sure to emphasize just how close you were by laying a hand on your arm.
from there she made the decision to move into more.. intimate territory
playing with the ends of your hair as she asks you if you came alone, what your plans were later tonight, if you could ditch them
all of which you answered honestly, not wanting her to think there was any gray area or possibly that you could recreate your night together
however she didn’t take the hint and rosie still wasn’t back yet
the girl had handed you a drink, which you now held but still hadn’t taken a drink of. it wasn’t the kind you liked.
not the kind you knew rosie was coming back with, you thought guiltily.
at the thought of rosie you began to scan the room to look for her coming back, not even noticing the other girl getting closer and closer to you
however she yanked your attention back when she took one of the buttons on your sweater between her fingers and complimented your fashion sense, all while she raked her eyes down your form fitting outfit
let’s just say you were thoroughly uncomfortable at this point
you choked out a quick “thanks” and took a few steps back, lifting up onto your tip-toes to look over the crowd for a familiar head of blonde hair
you feel the girl slide her hand down your stomach to your hip
which is when you spot the love of your life on the opposite end of room, standing by the drink table with steam coming out of her ears while she looks directly at you
your eyes meet and you can see it, the anger, the jealousy, the doubt
as much as you want to move forward, your feet stay rooted to your spot as you stare back at her with wide eyes
visibly furious, she stomped back over to where she had left you not even 5 minutes ago
if you wouldn’t let people know you were hers, then she would do it herself
and she wasn’t coming for you, no, she was walking straight towards the other girl
which is embarrassingly enough the first time you realized you were about to have a problem on your hands
throwing the other girl’s hand down and rushing to meet rosé halfway you grabbed both of her wrists, halting her movements
her skin was hot to the touch, face screwed up and cheeks red
she looked absolutely, terrifyingly beautiful
gently, you tried to coax her gaze from your admirer back to you, rubbing your thumb against her flushed cheek and guiding it towards you
“hey baby calm down okay? let’s just go home, will you please take me home?”
her eyes finally moved to your face and you watch her nostrils flare, her teeth grit together
and you realize she wasn’t just angry at the girl at the bar, she was angry at you too
the next thing you know her lips are being pressed roughly against yours in a searing kiss, no doubt intended to draw attention and show her possession over you
rosé doesn’t stop there however, pulling your body in flush against her and moving her hands from your waist to your ass, squeezing harshly
she kisses you with everything she has, showing you all the emotions flowing through her right now. it takes your breath away with how passionate it is, almost like she’s trying to prove something to you, something to everyone.
you pull away a minute later, unable to breathe from the intensity of the kiss. rosé is still staring at you with stormy eyes, just as angry as before but now you could tell with the way her pupils had dilated, also slightly turned on.
“hope that got the point across to your friend,” she said shortly before tugging you out the door and away from the party.
still pulling you by the arm, she makes a beeline straight for the car.
despite still being extremely angry, she still opens your car door for you, waiting patiently for you to climb in and then slamming it shut, making you wince.
she climbs into the driver’s side, quickly putting on her seatbelt and starting the car.
you look at her, reaching up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear and taking a deep breath before opening your mouth.
“chae, i can explain-“
“i think you’ve done enough tonight,” she bit back, a displeased look still evident on her face.
luckily you see her cheeks started to cool down, her shoulders become more relaxed, and you know being inside the house was overwhelming her.
“i know you’re angry but we need to talk about this,” you try to say with a reassuring look, met with nothing but a frown and a cold glare.
“then talk,” she says.
sighing you take her hand back into your own, drawing little shapes on the back with your thumb while you think of what to say “she’s just someone i had a class with a long time ago”
“oh yeah because ex-classmates feel each other up and tug on each other’s clothes, right? you sure you didn’t know each other a little better than that?”
“okay, yeah?! so what?? we fucked. a long time ago, before i even knew you. but it’s not MY fucking fault that she didn’t get it the first OR second time i said i had a girlfriend and you were nowhere to be seen!”
you knew as soon as it came out of your mouth that would only make chae angrier. neither of you had ever mentioned past hookups or relationships for the other’s sanity. you knew it drove rosé crazy to hear you talk about anyone else.
but you had reached the end of your patience. you didn’t want to fight and the fact that chaeyoung wouldn’t listen when you told her the flirting was unsolicited only made you more desperate to get your point across.
“put on your seatbelt. now.” she said in a demanding tone.
“what the hell chaeyoung, i want to talk to you-“
“yeah well i’ve heard enough” she stated matter-of-factly.
“we’re going home baby, isn’t that what you wanted?” she said a moment later, tone more velvety and threatening.
this was the same voice she used when she told you beg, when she told you she was very displeased with your behavior and that you were to be punished now, when she told you to touch yourself for her-
the same voice she used when you were in for a long night.
the ride home was tense, the dominant aura coming off rosé in waves, letting you know that you didn’t stand a chance tonight and that excited you.
however you still felt the need to get everything solved before you got home, whether it was a good idea or not.
“rosie, please talk to me right now so i can figure out what you’re thinking,” you said softly, not wanting your voice to come off as a command. there would be nothing that she would hate more right now than feeling like she being given orders.
silence followed your request
you heard her suck in a deep breath, letting it back out shakily, and you feel the mood in the car shift
rosé pulls the car off onto the side of the road and just sits with her hands on the steering wheel before turning the key and everything goes painfully quiet until-
“you know what, who the fuck did that girl think she was.”
you jump in surprise at rosé’s sudden outburst, taken aback but still glad that she’s decided to open up her end of the conversation
“i don’t know, baby. i told her i came with you and that i wasn’t interested but she wouldn’t listen,” you explained calmly, desperate for her to understand that none of this happened bc of anything you did.
“you told her that?” she asks cautiously, almost like she can’t believe you tell people you’re taken, which was such a silly thought. you were so in love with her.
you nodded in response to her question.
“why wouldn’t i?”
you see rosé glance down at her hands, an unsure expression taking over her features.
“j-just.. you’re happy right? there’s nothing else anybody else could give you that would make you even consider-“
“absolutely not,” you say before she can finish her sentence. “and of course i’m happy, rosie. some random girl flirting with me at a party isn’t going to suddenly make me forget that.”
you watch her nod, still looking at her hands sitting in her lap, most likely gathering her thoughts.
slowly she looked up, locking eyes with you and staring at you hard, making you almost feel like she was staring past your eyes and straight into your soul.
“good. i’m not ever gonna let you forget how happy you are with me,” she said with the same dark tone from earlier, lips angling into a smirk, “starting now. go get in the backseat.”
your eyes widen comically, playing right into rosé’s desires. she wanted you to anticipate what was coming next.
“don’t make me repeat myself, babygirl,” she warned, rousing you enough to undo your seatbelt and open your door, complying with her orders in a way that you know will please her.
as you climb into the back, she continues to sit cooly in the front seat watching you through the mirror as you await her next orders
“strip down, baby. i want you completely naked when i come back there.”
with your cheek flushing, you slip your short red cardigan off your shoulders, placing it on the seat beside you.
you do the same with your back camisole and then kick off your sneakers, reaching down to undo the button and zipper on your skinny jeans. you do a very awkward shuffle out of them, almost having to rip them off with their combined tightness and the limited space you had to undress.
in your defense, you had imagined rosé taking them off you at the end of the night.
you catch rosé’s eyes in the mirror, the stupid smirk still on her lips and mirth dancing in her eyes, obviously amused by your struggle.
you pause when you reach your undergarments, starting to feel the oddness of being mostly naked and alone in the back while your girlfriend sat in the front, completely clothed.
“all the way. i’m not coming back until you’ve followed directions.”
wow, what an evil woman. how was this fair?
sighing, you swallow down your shame, unclasping your bra and throwing in into the front seat along with your panties a second later.
rosé picked up your underwear off the seat, inspecting how wet they undeniably had become from the minute she had kissed you back at the party.
“good girl. i can see you’re enjoying this, angel. do you want me to come back now and help you out?”
“yes please.” being polite has always gotten you far with rosé and you were practically ready to say anything at this point to get her in the back with you.
the next thing you know, the door to your right is being pulled open and the cool is nipping at your naked body, giving you goosebumps all over.
she gets comfortable, making you straddle her even though you’re at a high risk of hitting your head off the ceiling of the car. luckily you’re preoccupied craning your neck downwards to finally kiss rosé again.
her tongue pokes at the outside of your lips until you open your mouth and allow it to enter, the feeling of her tongue rubbing against yours enough to make you moan out loud
to your disappointment, rosé pulls away shortly after that, silently spinning you around to face the front seats.
she spreads your legs to hook around each of her own, experimentally stroking up and down your heat, listening to the little whines that fall from your lips.
you sit, completely naked, on rosé’s lap with your back against her chest as she starts to rub your clit slowly, watching you writhe and squirm in her lap.
“who’s girl are you?” she asks sternly, a desperate lilt at the end of her sentence like she’ll explode if you tell her what she wants to hear.
“yours rosie, i’m all yours, oh my god-“ you moan as her speed increases.
she keeps you at a medium, if not kinda slowly and teasing, pace until she pulls her fingers away from your clit completely.
you make a pathetic sound at the loss of stimulation, but let out a happy sigh when she finds your entrance, now wetter than ever.
if you’ve learned nothing else about sex with rosé over the years, you at least know that she loves teasing.
which you’re really hating right now as she slowly pumps one finger in and out of you, not even bottoming out. just pushing in enough for you to really feel it drag along the inside of your walls and then take it away a moment later
the hand that isn’t torturing you, she uses to roll your nipples under her pointer finger, sending a tingling sensation straight to your core.
“please, please chaeyoung, finger me properly i’ll do anything,” you pleaded, finally reaching your breaking point.
she giggled, pleased with your begging but amused that you cracked after such a short amount of time. how cute.
“okay honey bunny but only because you’ve been so good for me so far,” she said, landing a sweet kiss on the back of your shoulder and then trailing them up to lay several open mouth smooches against your neck.
you’d probably have marks in the morning, but wasn’t that half the fun?
finally having mercy, rosé slipped another finger in alongside the first, crooking them upwards before thrusting them in and out shallowly.
the crude sound of your wet pussy filled the car as rosé sped up her fingers, stroking your walls while she thrusted quickly
that combined with the wet sucking noises of rosé’s mouth on your neck and the noises you couldn’t help spilling out of your mouth
your lover could tell the second she hit your g-spot, not only from recognizing the different texture within, but from the way your hips canted upwards and a half-shriek half-moan left your mouth.
from then on she tried her best to thrust her fingers into it every time, trying to get you to cum as fast as possible
not that she didn’t like drawing out your orgasms, but her hand was cramping in the position and there was more you could do at home anyway.
as she continued her steady rough pace, she began to talk to you,making the coil in your tummy tighten even more and bringing you closer to cumming
“do you like it when i leave marks on your pretty skin while i finger fuck you baby?”
“oh my god you’re leaking all over my lap and the seat, so dirty. are you gonna cum for me? make it even dirtier?”
“c’mon baby don’t you wanna be a good girl for me? yeah? then cum around my fingers. just like this.”
vision momentarily blurring and a mini explosion happening in your body, you finally obey rosé’s orders, cumming hard.
you take a few moments to regain the feeling in your legs, panting heavily before rolling off rosé’s lap and onto the leather seat beside her.
rosé affectionately rubs your bare thigh as you stare at her, soaking up her pretty features and putting getting dressed and breaking the intimate moment off for a second more.
“you ready to go, baby?” your gf asks after a long moment, gathering up your clothes from where they’ve been thrown around the car.
“what about you?” you ask, realizing that you still hadn’t reciprocated.
“i can wait until we get home,” she giggled, kissing your forehead when you let out a relieved sigh, glad that you wouldn’t have to deal with even more muscle cramps from having sex in the back of your small car.
“i love you, rosé,” you said as you began to tug your clothing back on. “i love you more than anything.”
the smile you got in response was absolutely breathtaking, spreading across her face so perfectly and then her eyes into little crescents.
“i love you too, (y/n). more than you’ll ever know.”
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
You’ve Always Been Mine
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chapter 17
i stood there, gazing at nori in disbelief. i couldn't believe what she was saying to me. her words pierced through my heart, making my body freeze over.
“stay away from you?” i muttered. 
it was like she was looking past me. like i wasn’t even standing in front of her. as if, i was a ghost- trying to get her attention.
that feeling hit me again. sick to my stomach. tingles all over my body.
my brows were furrowed and im sure she noticed my eyes become more watery, from the immediate sigh that escaped her lips.
“no..” i protested silently.
she lazily stood to her feet, approaching the door- pulling it open. “leave.” she said in a heartless tone. 
i shut my eyes. “nori, please dont do this.” 
emotionally, i couldn’t let her go- i just couldn’t. it would be impossible. my heart was hers and i didnt want anyone else to have it. more importantly, i didn’t want someone else to have her heart.
“just get out.” i looked down at her as her words escaped her mouth. involuntary tears were falling from her eyes and her lips were parted, as her breathing became heavier.
“i dont want to.” i whispered softly as i grabbed her hand. nori instantly pulled away and created a bit of distance between us- making my heart, fall to my stomach. 
this, was the exact moment where i knew i lost her.
“im not gunna ask you again.” nori’s eyes met mine as she spoke, this time. “don’t make me have someone escort you out.”
who was this person? the nori i knew, was now gone. i had no idea who was standing in front of me.
“well, go ahead. cause, im not leaving.” i reached behind me, pushing the door shut with my palm as i stood my ground. “i know you dont really want me to leave.” i said, closing the space between us. 
nori blinked a few times, sending tears down her cheeks as she looked up at me. 
“you dont know anything, jooheon.”
i chuckled.
“i know you’re scared. just like i am. i know that, you’re acting like this- because you’re territorial.” i voice. “you’ve never seen a relationship succeed. so, you run away every chance you get. you cant keep pushing me away, nori. you can be a brat all you want. but- the fact of the matter is, you love me.” i said in anger.
nori lifted her arm, swinging her hand back and smacked me- right in the face.
my head slightly turned to the side and i huffed. feeling the inside of my cheek, with my tongue- i nodded slowly.
“get the hell out of my room.” she whispered, breathing heavily. the little strand of hair that fell in her face, moved every time she exhaled.
my eyes finally met hers after a few moments. i took one last look at her, then turned around and left.
later that day
i sat at the computer, reading over my statement- for the tenth time. it was already posted and tons of comments were already being made. i stared at the screen and sighed as i crossed my arms against over my chest.
i really shouldnt read these comments.
i smacked my lips, hitting the red x in the right hand corner, watching the page close. picking up my phone, i text misun.
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i sighed as i slipped my phone into my pocket and began getting ready for practice.
after dozing off for a few hours, i opened my eyes and reached for my phone. it was already 7:30pm. shownu had been at practice for almost 5 hours and i was bored out of my mind. i clicked on his contact name, giving him a call.
no answer. i decided to send him a quick text- letting him know that i missed him.
sitting up, i fixed my hair and walked into the living room- looking around. nori still hadn’t left her room since jooheon left.
i was waiting for her to fill me in on what happened. i didn’t wanna push her to talk, but i also couldn’t wait too long. otherwise, she would keep it all in and not say anything.
turning the knob to her door, i peaked inside and she was still sleeping. i softly smiled, entering the room and crawling in next to her. she immediately groaned.
“oh hush. you’ve been sleep all.” i laughed. i wrapped my arms around her and laid my head on her back. “please get up. im so bored, i took a nap. i miss my nori.”
she slightly lifted her head and mumbled. “what time is it?”
“it’s time to get up. you need to eat something.” i said sitting up. “come on.” i took hold of both nori’s hands and pulled her body up.
her eyes were still closed and i chuckled as her hair fell in her face.
“lord, please help nori pull it together.” i said jokingly.
nori fired back. “i am pulled together.” 
“mhm, whatever.” i gently patted her cheeks. nori and i both climbed out of bed at the same time then made our way out to the living room.
“i wanna go home now. im sick of this hotel room.” she groaned. i nodded in agreement. 
“i wonder if it’s okay to leave now. no one knows where we are.” i laughed. “i think it would be okay if we left.”
“thank the lord- i miss my bed.” nori laughed.
pulling up to our apartment, misun and i jumped out of the cab- closing the doors. it felt so good to see our building again. i sighed and softly smiled, as we made our way inside.
“ah, home sweet home.” misun laughed. i inhaled deeply and went straight to the couch, plopping down.
“i’ve never missed this tiny apartment so much in my life.” i closed my eyes and relaxed a bit.
“you can say that again. i actually hadn’t noticed how small this place was, until now.” 
misun looked around and placed her hands on her hips- then sharply inhaled, as she had an idea.
“omg, nori. we should move!” she said in a delighted tone, clapping her hands. my eyes quickly opened.
“move?” i repeated. “misun, you do remember that i work at a coffee shop right? i dont make that much money.” i laughed.
she made her way over to the couch, sitting next to me. “i have enough money saved up for us to be comfortable.” misun smiled. “and, technically- shownu said he would take care of me until i found somewhere else to work.”
i threw my head back and laughed. “yeah, take care of you- not me.”
misun slapped my arm. “you are me, silly. we’re a package deal.” she flashed her white, straight teeth and giggled.
i rolled my eyes, hopping up from the couch and shaking my head as i made my way towards my room. “run that by shownu, then come talk to me.”
i sat in my studio chair, staring off into space as the song i wrote about nori played in the background. it only took me 15 minutes to throw it together, since everything was still fresh.
i kept playing it, over and over again.
coming down, back to reality- my phone started ringing. i paused the music, picking up the call.
“they’re gone.” shownu said in a panicked voice.
i stood up from my chair.
“what do you mean they’re gone? they left the hotel?”
i immediately shut everything down, grabbing my keys and running out of the studio.
“i’ve been trying to call misun, but she’s not picking up. have you talked to nori?” he asked.
hearing her name, gave me butterflies. 
“no.” i answered quickly. “where could they have gone?”
“i have no idea. but im on my way to the apartment right now. meet me there.”
shownu ended the call as i climbed into the drivers seat, racing to the apartment.
arriving, i slammed the door after parking. shownu pulled up, just in time. he jumped out of the car, waving me to follow him up the stairs.
i sat on the floor with misun and laughed as i placed a face mask against her skin. “you look creepy.” i said laying the mask flat.
she laughed with me, raising her hand to fix mine- as it started slipping.
“so do you, shut up. you better not mess up your nails either, cause im not fixing them again!” misun quickly grabbed my hand, looking at the polish.
“i really had to pee, what was i supposed to do?”
it felt good to laugh again. a little girls night could fix anything.
misun and i both jumped, looking towards the front door. we were still and quiet.
“who is that?” i whispered. misun shook her head. 
“i dont know..” the expression on her face, scared me a little.
“what if someone followed us here?” she said looking over at me.
“maybe they’ll go away..”
we waited a brief moment, letting the silence echo in our ears.
we jumped again.
i slowly stood up and started walking towards the door. 
“dont answer that.” she whispered.
looking back at her, i pointed towards the door. “is that shownu?” i asked, recognizing his voice.
misun jumped up and ran over to the peep hole. “oh no..” she muttered.
she turned the locks, opening the door as it creaked a little. shownu pushed his way in, with jooheon behind him.
“misun, what the hell!” he quickly wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight. “i was worried about you! why havent you been answering my calls?”
he pulled out of the hug, looking down at her and laughing a little. “you’re doing face masks?” shownu pulled off her mask, tossing it on the floor and cupping her cheeks. “dont scare me like that again.” 
“i-im sorry.. i forgot to tell you..” misun stuttered. shownu shook his head then pulled her back into a hug as he closed his eyes.
slipping off my face mask, i rubbed in the excess gel. this was a little awkward.
i met jooheon’s eyes and he quickly looked away, turning his back towards me as he remained in the hall. he rubbed the back of his neck then walked away.
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lovegvvd · 6 years
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❝ She always had that about her, that look of otherness, of eyes that see things much too far, and of thoughts that wander off the edge of the world. ❞ SARAH PAULSON? No, that’s actually LUNA LOVEGOOD-SCAMANDER. Only FORTY-TWO years old, this RAVENCLAW alumni works as a MAGIZOOLOGIST and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. SHE/THEY identifies as AGENDER and is a HALFBLOOD who is known to be ECCENTRIC, BLUNT, and UNSELF-CRITICAL but also NONCONFORMING, INNOVATIVE, and PERCEPTIVE.
LINKS: stats, pinboard, character tag. CHARACTER PARALLELS: orla mccool (derry girls), misty day (ahs), dale cooper (twin peaks), phoebe buffay (friends) HELLO once again a note from me mar, that a lot of this is open to discussion and alteration as i’m going off the little canon that i have and because luna is a character with a few already existing ties. so yep! this is all up for discussion! yeet! also i apologise for the length of the history section akdfhsdkjf. also i always forget that luna is married to rolf so pls remind me x
luna’s parents were traveling when they became pregnant with her and decided that they would settle in whatever place their child would come to earth --- a game of chance, perhaps, but one of fate, too, they thought. they’d always been dreamers, romanticists, adventurers, and why not let their child decided where they’d end up, even before her birth? and so they settled near a small town in south west england, where luna was born under a full moon and thus named luna. for the moon, that had followed her traveling parents everywhere they went, for the moon, the only thing that would be able to match their child’s powerful and mysterious spirit, for the moon, which she was born under.
the house they lived in was built by her parents, and luna loved it. the house twisted and curled and offered plenty of room for her imagination, from day one. life growing up was complete, was free, it was close to perfect ---- and yet, somehow, it shattered.
[ parental death, trauma tw ] at nine years old, luna watched her mother day. it was supposed to be a day of excitement --- every time her brilliant mother invented a new charm, they would have an extravagant dinner and celebrate until way too late and laugh widely and loudly. nothing like that happened. luna watched her mother die in stead and hammered on her chest to try and get her heart to start beating again but nothing, nothing, nothing worked. the world was a mystery and death was, too, but still one thing was clear: her mother was gone, in one way or another.
luna struggled to accept this truth, as she often did with truths. her father grew fragile and obsessive and she grew nervous and quiet and good at being on her own. she started painting and tried to combat flashbacks to that day during the day, only to have nightmares at night. having a wide imagination was a gift, most of the time, but with this, it was a curse.
luna was traumatised. simple as that. her father wasn’t the best support system, but he was there in a way. the roles of father-daughter shifted, slightly, as luna took care of him, too, but he was still there. and so the last two years before hogwarts were hard. terribly, horribly hard. it was trying to learn how to live in a house where something so vital was missing. it was tryign to understand what death was, which is something that simply refuses to be understood. it was fucking hard. period. (not that luna admits that to herself, even now.) [ end of tws ]
luna arrived at hogwarts and was sorted into ravenclaw very quickly and easily. she noticed that she was odd --- or, actually, other people noticed that she was and told it to her, and she shrugged her shoulders and kept moving on. luna had grown reclusive after the death of her mother, and didn’t mind not fitting in. it was lonely, sure, but she didnt see a reason to befriend people who looked down on her beliefs. she didn’t mind being called loony, but when her belongings started to disappear, she grew angry, deep down. she let most comments and acts of cruelty slide off her back, but when a bad word was muttered about her father ( who she already worried so so much about ), she was prone to explosion.
but she was lonely, and then she was not. the details are fuzzy, but at one point she found friends at hogwarts! finally! she did it! luna learned to come out of her shell, learned how to handle compassion ( though clumsily and in her own way, of course ) and the wonderous world of having friends. she painted them on her ceiling and loved and laughed and ---- things were good. she loved. she laughed. she wasn’t alone, and while she had never considered herself alone or lonely, it wasnt until she gained friends that she realised that she had been awfully alone.
upon graduation, luna took to the world. she traveled far and wide and learned from amazing, genius people across the world. she studied magizoology and wrote her first essay on a newly discovered species a year into her travels. she returned home often enough, of course, to see how her father was doing, to see her friends. friendship had once been a scary and new thing to luna, but as she grew older, it became natural and easy and something she couldnt do without.
at some point, she and fellow magizoologist rolf scamander got it going. they married, had a pair twins and a new chapter of luna’s life opened up. once again, the complete details about her and rolf meeting are fuzzy, but i imagine it was LIT. i do think she settled more, then, especially when the twins were born. luna hadn’t really had rooted herself down after graduation ( the cottage she owned in the hills of england was a home she barely called a home, as she wasn’t there much ), but that did change.
luna is still the person she was before, she’s just more. she’s more grounded, but not any less in love with keeping her eyes wide open and her head in the skies. she’s a parent. she’s married. she’s got a successful career and a group of people surrounding her that she loves. she has grown up, but she hasn’t compromised. she’s learned how to use perspective and how to be more subtle, without shedding eccentricity or open mindedness.
the quibbler, by the way, still exists and has grown into even more of an underground, activistic magazine. luna writes for it every month.
[ grief, death tw ] so things were going well, and then everything changed. grief came into her life again.  harry is dead – harry, one of her first friends, harry, who named his daughter after her, harry, who she loved. friendship is something incredibly important to luna — she painted the faces of her first ones on her bedroom wall, once — and when he died, she got scared by how grief took a hold of her. the first time she lost someone that significant to her, she was much younger, you see, and dealing with shock & trauma as well. this time, she was an adult, settled and grown up. she is more aware of her grief, and that is TERRIFYING.
she’s also less passive in her mourning. before, she was a kid. family friends visited and her father was on her side. now, she’s a parent, a friend; she visits the kids of friends in stead and sticks on ginny’s and everyone else’s side, in stead. luna might come across unfazed or disconnected from her pain, as she talks about it like she is, but she is not: she has her own way of mourning (as everyone does) and she can say some really Truthful and Raw shit at times.
she misses him so much. that’s what it boils down to. she misses him so fucking much. [ end of tws ]
of course she helps reinstate the order. there’s no question about it. luna doesn’t feel like a revolutionist or a soldier, but she does know how to fight, and she does know what is right. she’s good at strategy and defense, mostly, and at keeping spirits high and offering new perspectives.
so here we have luna: a parent, a fighter on the frontlines, a friend. she’s determined. she’s horribly saddened. she’s still herself, despite everything.
personality & tidbits
i think i already touched on this but i think it never hurts to repeat yourself so --- luna is a more grounded individual, at this point. she still has her head in the clouds, but her feet are standing solidly on the ground. she’s a dreamer, yes, but more of a realist, too. ( nothing like one of your best friends dying to make you realise how shit the world is, after all. ) luna isn’t very different from the luna we know in canon, but she’s matured. she’s more. she’s gone through a lot of positive development.
luna is constantly and always in awe of the friends and family she has, especially because she was so lonely for the biggest chunk of her youth. she’s extremely loyal and defensive of them.
luna is agender and has been aware of this for ... most of her life, really? she thinks gender is a big old construct and one she doesn’t want to apply to herself. if others do, she of course doesn’t mind or judge --- she’s veyr openminded when it comes to gender and sexuality. she prefers both she/her and they/them pronouns --- sometimes she doesn’t mind which one people use, and sometimes she will prefer one over the other.
is good at trying to keep up morale without it being an escapist ... kind of situation? offers fresh perspectives a lot, likes being a positive force and yes, sometimes it is easier to focus on the positive, and she will, then.
she really loves the stars and moon and astronomy and astrology!!! wow!!!!!!!
wears iconic outfits and we ALL know it
idk what more to write ive already written so MUCH
possible plots
first of all? i would love someone who can be kind of a mentee? because fuck yeah? i love that? any other magizoologists in this building that need some mentoring? hit me up!!!!
same goes for the quibbler, if your character somehow writes for the quibbler, hmu? i think xeno is still the editor but lbr the man is OLD
fellow trio era characters should hit me up so we can talk about the good old school days and CRIE
order members that are ?????????????????? at luna, that are a bit skeptical, etc etc?
fellow art buds
death eaters that want 2 eliminate her ig lets angst this up
idk luna is fairly easy to plot with so just hmu and we can figure something out!!!!
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angclhyunjin · 6 years
of light and verse | jaebum
desc: you literally end up falling for the boy who sits at the back of your uber hard lit class. college!jaebum litmajor!jaebum. all the fluff. just super fluffy
word count: 1.913
requested by: @jaebums-sunshine​ [Jaebum college au/domestic au fluff!]
note: i wrote this at lit 4am but ummm my love as a lit major was too cute to pass up
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oh my god ok COLLEGE JAEBUM
setting my heart on fire at the thought of my lit nerd headcanon for him
lets get into it!
so its freshman year and ur walking into your first lit class, a bit intimidated bc its like,, a course no first year dared to touch but u just wanted a cool sounding course so bad u jumped at the opportunity
its GREEK MYTHOLOGY!! who wud not hello
and ur excited until the professor opens her mouth
and ur blown away by how,,,,,,, interesting and riveting the whole thing is but shit is it going to be this hard throughout??
the first few classes involves you frantically taking notes and trying to keep up w the impossible pace this class is going
but theres this BOY
he sits right at the end while ur in front so u could pass him off as uninterested,,, taking the course for extra creds??? wrong
this BOY quips in between the lecture with the most fascinating comments, connecting the odyssey to so many modern works, to poetry and to music
and ur like,,, who made u,,,, how r u like this
ur kind of annoyed by how smart this boy is
its not like you dont get wtf is happening here, but how can he get it and SO MUCH MORE
and tbh ur kind of jealous but u didnt hear that from me. also he has the softest voice that creeps up behind u and makes ur body stir
wait what
so u work super hard
and like super hard, u finish all ur readings and do ur own research
but u still feel like its not enough
like idk who u think u are, u start living at the library
cup of tea in hand and a book in the other, it sounds optimal but the stress is lowkey making you lose ur mind
ur looking for a book in the aisles, a VERY specific one on sappho’s fragmented poems
and FINALLY u see it............on the top most shelf
ur 5′4″ self is SCREAMING
and u could ask for help but help is for losers
so u make the very intelligent decision to climb the shelves what?? no ones looking
ur almost there when
a hand
reaches at the same time as urs
u almost scream for real this time, shutting ur eyes real tight, letting go of ur meager hold on the shelf and falling back
like u have accepted ur death at this point
until???? wait??? you feel two hands around you and suddenly you’re not falling
“my god, are you okay??” how tf do i know this voice
you open your eyes to be met with the softest brown eyes, framed by these wire glasses
its him
of c o u r s e
u literally dont know what to say until he laughs a little at you (an adorable, light noise that fills you up)
“this is probably not one of your greatest moments” ur cheeks are on FIRE
suddenly he notices his arms are still around u and he hastily places u on ur useless jelly feet
“were you going for the book on sappho? i didn’t know anyone else here knew it existed”
you’re about to stammer out a reply, not really ready to explain to the lit prodigy that ur trying to be at least half as insightful as him but he
squints at u
“wait, aren’t you in my lit class?? you are, aren’t you?”
he REMEMBERS ur invisible ass??? ok??? what doesnt this boy notice?????
u finally find your tongue, stammering out a “y-yeah, i was planning out my paper and needed a second reference”
wow is he lowkey impressed he stares at u for a bit
ur now hyperaware of ur messy bun and glasses, the old t shirt you’d tucked into mom jeans feeling so inadequate in front of him in his stylishly messed up hair n button up,,, how could someone be this pretty at 4pm on a sunday
“honestly, me too. but its okay, you can have this” 
he barely needs to reach up to get this book and ur like, looking at his shoulders as he faces away from u for a split second and man is he built
“are you sure???” you let out in an almost whisper “don’t you need this?”
“nah its okay i read it over the summer already” o yes of course
“i’m jaebum by the way” he smiles at you and ur stomach JUMPs
“i’m y/n” you try, and then blurt out “and also really sorry for this i’m like,, dumb as hell-”
“its no issue, y/n” his voice is HONEY as it says your name and you can feel urself turning redder
“i’ll see you in class then” hes gone as quickly as he arrived and ur still in shock because what the fuck
did that really happen or did u doze off after a caffeine crash again???
so the next day in class u walk in, heading towards your seat when  ur eye catches jaebum’s
and he gives u the BIGGEST SMILE
ur blushing furiously and manage a quick smile back
and thru/o ur so distracted bc u swear u feel his eyes on the back of ur neck but ur also too scared to look bc WOW WHY IS THIS BEAUTIFUL BOY STARING AT ME
so at the end of the class ur throwing all ur books into ur mess of a backpack when u hear a voice 
“so did you end up finishing the book”
its god jaebum, beanie hiding his tousled hair and trademark glasses on his nose
“no i still have some stuff to cover but its fine!! you can have it u want-”
“no, no i was going to suggest we do the paper together?”
is this ,,,, really happening
“okay great! i’ll meet you in the library at 4?”
“okay see you then!!” u squeak out and dash
wtf was that
this man did not need ur help, he is a lit GOD
but ur there at 4, a little thankful for the heads up bc u managed to put some semblance of makeup on urself
and he walks in and ur heart is on fire again bc hes so pretty and he’s also so excited to do lit, lit makes this boy
u slowly ease into conversations w him, sappho being taken over by more personal deets
ok first of all, this boy has 5 cats
he shows u pictures of all of them, names and all, like a mom showing off her children
ur heart is so so full of this endearing boy
you keep meeting thru the rest of the week
on tuesday, he asks you ur favorite color
on wednesday, he convinces u to tell him ur favorite memory
on thursday, you tell him how vanilla ice cream is everything to you but u cant stand strawberry
on friday, he asks u for ur number
on saturday, he randomly texts you 6 pictures of his cat sitting on two legs
on saturday, you realize u have fallen for the boy at the back of ur lit class
u dont know what to do
this boy is so so dumb at heart but can also recite all of shakespeare’s sonnets by heart
like hes the cutest idiot u have ever seen
and ur falling super hard for him
ur friendship goes strong for a while
gradually u blush less frequently and get comfortable w him, going over to his place at times
the first time u go (for lit probably) he opens the door and ur greeted w the smell of disaster
like really it smells super bad
and hes frantic and panicky bc “i didn’t know how hard cooking was the tomato sauce is all burnt what did i do”
poor perfect boi is bad at cooking???
even surrounded w smoke and in a dirty apron he looks ADORABLE
and ur laughing and taking the saucepan off the stove for him, throwing his failure out and suggesting u just get some chinese
and he agrees w a sigh and ur like ur so dumb
and no ur definitely not trying to think abt how he wanted to cook for u
when u call him over u make spaghetti
red sauce
“wow so ur really out here triggering me like this”
“is it my fault ur an idiot sandwich”
“w o w”
he probably pouted and u probably made fun of it tho ur heart was crying 
so it goes on like this for a while
and ur always wondering ‘does this boy even like me like that’ bc he out here giving u so many signals but never making the move
like ur ass is never sure if he’s into u or just being nice
bc lets face it - im jaebum is the definition of nice
and its honestly getting kind of annoying
like pls tell me if u like me my heart cant take it much longer
u guys are at his, doing ur readings
you glance to the side and see jaebum reading intently, eyes flying over the words, relaxed and so sweet, a ray of light from the window falling on him and making his eyes radiate a dark brown
you dont even notice how long you’ve been staring until u hear his voice
“hello what r u doing”
“nothing! just,,,, you looked really pretty with the light falling on ur face. no i mean, look!! like, you’re pretty”
did u JUST 
"not that that means you’re not pretty at other times!! i mean,,, you’re pretty all the time and its honestly really crazy” WHY ARE U STILL TALKING
hes just.... staring at u in wonder
and ur lik e wow this is it, this is when the ground acc swallows me up and i die
when his face breaks into this beautiful smile
“you think i’m pretty?”
his voice is so soft and pure
u r, on the other hand, about to collapse from embarrassment
and just nod and its like the day in the library all over
and he’s still smiling when he says “y/n, i think you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen”
your stomach SWOOPS
“i’ve wanted to say that for the longest time” he breathes and you notice just how close he is
“thats just,, i mean wow i didn’t know...” u manage to say
he leans in a little closer and his hands r burning a hole resting on ur thighs
the light is very brilliant as his head dips lower, breath on ur lips until he fills the gap between you
and im jaebum is kissing you
you barely remember to respond, but when you do, he leaves light kisses on ur lower lip, hand coming up to cup ur cheek 
ur entire body is on fire as he draws you closer, your hands going into his hair and feeling for the first time how soft it was 
wow u had really dreamed about this huh
he draws back a little bit, face incredibly close to yours and asks u “is this okay?”
“more than okay, this is perfect” you press him closer and all else is forgotten
send in requests!
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klanceweek · 6 years
Red + Blue = Purple
submitted by autumn
Day 1
it’s my first fanfic/story, and it’s not as long as I would like but hope you enjoy!
--mod ana commenting real quick: i think i caught all the author notes for correction but if i’m wrong, please notify me thank you
Keith’s POV Yet again, we are fighting another Galra fleet. I can’t count how many we have defeated by now, and we have not had ONE break or relaxation time. It’s just been constant, eat, sleep, then fight. It’s like a never ending battle, which it basically is by this point. 
(More after the break!)
What gets me however- “Ring Ring! Schmoopsy poo! I’ve missed you!” - is Lance’s “girl friend.” “LANCE!” the team shouts for the umpteenth time. “Yeesh, sorry, I’m just talking to my girlfriend, no need to shout!” The first time it was fine, the second time inconvenient, the third annoying, and the twentieth time, in the middle of battle, is an major issue. 
“Lance, you need to tell your..girlfriend…to stop calling when we are fighting the Galra!�� So please wait until we are back at the castle.“ Shiro replies clearly fed up with the whole situation.
Wait, did he say Schmoopsy poo? What the heck! I decide to voice my thoughts, “Schmoopsy poo, seriously Lance?”
“At least I have a girlfriend!” “Team! Focus! And Lance, hang up already!” They decide to form Voltron however they don’t even get a chance to fight because the Galra immediately flee when they see the giant robot. “Seriously!” Pidge exclaims,“We fight them for hours and they don’t even have the gal to finish the fight!?” “At least we can finally relax.” Hunk sighs. The lions head back to the castle. In the hanger everyone makes their way to the control room where Allura is waiting. They all head their, albeit very slowly, but eventually get there, whilst dragging their feet. They all have dark bags, frazzled hair, and look very worn out. Even the immaculate Lance looks tired. “Paladins, I’ve decided that we all need a break, so we won’t fight any more Galra unless it’s an emergency.” Allura states, looking quite worn herself. On cue, Lance’s girlfriend, cecilia, calls again. I head to my room intending to get some rest, when Lance bumps into my shoulder, too busy talking to Cecilia. I growl in annoyance and enter my room flopping on my bed. It feels like i’m sleeping in the clouds, maybe i’ll even get more than four hours of sleep. My eyelids start to get heavier and heavier, then bed swallowing me in it’s warm embrace, and blanket weighing me down further..“.lance…ove..ou….schmoo…”…ugh…I slowly start to wake up. The first thing I notice is that Lance is on the phone talking to someone. At 2 in the morning! Unfortunately, my room is right next to Lance’s, and he is talking so loud that I can hear him through the walls! I walk to his room and, politely, knock on the door,“Shut up Lance! Some people are trying to sleep!” Lance pokes his head out the door, whispering so he doesn’t bother the others, (yet he has no problem bothering me). “Shhh! I’m talking to Cecilia!” “And I’m trying to sleep!” “Then you should have thought of that before waking up, it’s not my problem, now shoo!” He waves his hand in a shooing motion. Something snaps… “Did you just…shoo me? Seriously! Are you fucking serious! I am so fed up with your shit! Why the hell are you even with her! You can’t possibly think it’ll last, she literally live on another fucking planet! Just break up already!” Keith yells. In hindsight he could have said it more nicely. “What do you know!” Lance shouts, “You have no right to tell me who I can or can’t date! I love her! Can’t you understand that?!” “This is not love, it’s just a little crush that is a burden to everyone.” Keith states calmly expecting Lance to understand. “What the fuck do you know! You’ve never loved anybody! You’re cold hearted and selfish! Hell, nobody loves or has ever loved you! That’s why  you’re an orphan!” Lance yells, then his eyes widen in horror as he realizes what he just said. He sees Keiths wide teary eyes, mouth slightly open in shock, looking at Lance in anguish. Keith lowers his head in acceptance, shadows covering his eyes as a tear slides down his pale cheek. Lance reaches out his hand feeling his insides twist in guilt, “Keith, I-” “You’re right, no one’s ever loved me, not even my parents.” Keith whispers, voice hoarse, then desperately runs off down the hall, tears trailing in his wake. “Wait, I’M…i’m…sorry…so sorry…i’m so so sorry.” Lance sinks to his knees leaning on the door frame. Eyes misty, he curls up and harshly tugs his hair in self-hatred. This is how Shiro finds Lance as he walks around the corner, probably hearing Lance and Keith earlier. Shiro kneels next to Lance features softening into understanding,. “If you need to talk about it, i’m here for you."After a small pause he asks, "Did you have a fight with Cecilia?” “No..I-I yelled at Keith and said..something…horrible. I don’t even know why!” “What did you fight about?” Shiro inquires softly. Lance quietly explains,“I think I woke Keith up and…a-and I yelled at him saying that he…h-he…he’s never been in a…relationship..so how could he understand!” Lance laughs hollowly, “What’s funny is that i’m not in a relationship, never was, I just….was jealous and I wanted him to feel jealous or something for once besides hate.” “Look, Lance, Keith doesn’t hate you, even now. He’s more sensitive than you know and doesn’t know how to interact well with others. He’s afraid of being rejected or hurt or hurting someone else, so he never even gives them a chance. But with Voltron, us, he’s finally opening up, and he has greater feelings for you than you know.” “Well, I just smashed those feelings into smithereens. I don’t know what to do Shiro, how can I possibly make up for what i’ve done? I told him nobody loves him, but I..I lied…I…what should I do?” “Well for starters we need to find him and you need to apologize and tell him how you feel.” Shiro starts standing up, taking Lance’s hand to help him up as well. “Okay,” Sniff,“I’ll do that, but where did he go?” Hunk and Pidge walk around the corner and see Lance and Shiro. “Hey guys, why are you up so late?” “Hunk, Pidge, can you help us find Keith, he’s very upset right now and i’m worried.” says Shiro “I saw him run down the hall a while ago.” Hunk yawns. “I’ll hack the cameras and see where he went.” Pidge states, pushing up their glasses. They watch on Pidges computer as Keith heads in a seemingly random direction, then enters a vent. The rest of the paladins decide to split up in order to cover more ground. Lance wanders aimlessly, thinking about his actions and where Keith could possibly have gone. Suddenly, he remembers one time Keith took him to the top of one of the towers saying how he sometimes goes there when he feels overwhelmed. The blue paladin sprints down halls ways trying to remember how to get to the tower. Finally, he finds a purple door painted with flowers. As he scales the long winding stair, Lance can’t help but think he feels like a knight rescuing a princess. He cracks a sardonic smile at that thought, he sure doesn’t act like a knight, and that is going to stop. He is going to admit his feeling, consequences be damned. Reaching the last step, he hesitates, then squares his shoulders and opens the door. He stands in awe of the beauty of the place. Purple flowers swaying without wind, petals floating on calm music with a tone of sadness.There, in the middle of the field, Keith is hunched over, head buried in his arms. The flowers almost glow around Keith giving him an ethereal beauty. However, Lance notices the shaking of Keith’s shoulders, and a chocked sob that wrenches at his soul. He has never seen Keith cry, and in his heart he resolves to make sure the red paladin never cries from sadness again. Lance slowly approaches, carefully avoiding crushing the flowers. He kneels behind Keith and reaches his arms around the black haired pilot, gently embracing him. Keith gasps as he snaps his head up towards Lance. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean what I said. I can’t tell you how sorry I am, and I don’t expect you to forgive me but, I wanted to tell you that people do love you. The whole team loves you Keith.” “How do I know you’re not lying. No one’s ever loved me before, as you said. How do I know you’re telling the truth?"Keith tries curling up tighter to distance himself from Lance. "Because Keith, I…I love you…more than a friend or brother…I love love you, I have for a while now, and i’m sorry I deceived everyone, but I was never in a relationship."Lance explains, wrapping his arms tighter around the other paladin. He can hear the others fast heart beat and erratic breathing. Lance sees how Keith’s eyes are red and puffy, but a glimmer of hope is there and Lance grasps the chance like a life line. He tilts Keith’s chin up, their lips meeting in a gentle kiss. Keith freezes in shock, then tears fall again and he kisses back with fervor. Lance brushes his tongue against Keith’s lips, and the later gasps allowing a deeper kiss. They stay there a while embracing the other surrounded in a field of purple flowers. They lay down and look up at the sky, stars reflect in Lance’s eyes as he softly grasps Keith’s hand. Feeling for the first time truly loved, Keith lets one more tear roll down his face, landing on the petal of a blue flower intertwined with a red. ~The End (sorry if it seems rushed or if somethings wrong, I wrote this in under 4 hours, although I have been planning this for a while. I also didnt edit it. I might go back and add much more some other time. Hope you enjoyed it though! I know I enjoyed some of the others!)
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masterofmunson · 7 years
Be Happy Now
Bucky x Reader
Summary: A series of I just want you to be happy’s until they're both actually happy. My entry for @just-some-drabbles Rom-Com Challenge. “I just want you to be happy,” prompt.
Word Count: 4.1k+ (i'm so sorry)
Warnings: angst, love triangle drama, anti-nat (still love her tho), swearing, violence, fluff, a cute beagle named daisy.
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Love. Four letters, one syllable, ten thousand meanings. Love means texting when you arrive home safely to someone that cares. Love means ordering two sets of fries even though your significant other said that they didn't want an order. Love also means that you're willing to put someone else's happiness before your own. It's selfless and you're willing to do anything to keep them happy, or at least I was.
I sacrificed a lot in order for Bucky to be happy. I lost sleep when he'd have his nightmares and I was the only one who could comfort him until he fell back asleep. I lost most of my appetite because he'd steal my food. My whole schedule revolved around Bucky.
At first, I enjoyed it. He gave me attention that I longed for. He made me laugh. His warm and cold fingers would tug securely around my waist when he fell asleep to my soft humming which always caused me to shiver. His charming and flirtatious comments always caused my face to warm. I'd duck my head embarrassingly before biting back a snarky response.
Now, though? I'm drained. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I'm giving, giving, giving and soon I'll run on empty. I still want him to be happy, but I don't want him to rely on me for it to happen. He needs to find his own happiness, even if his happiness didn't happen to be me.
Like any other pathetic romantic novel storyline, he did, and spoiler alert, it wasn't me. His happiness was in the hourglass figure and fiery red hair that belonged to Natasha Romanoff. I felt stupid enough to even believe for a second that he might reciprocate my feelings and it hurt. It hurt to see that he no longer needed me to calm the storm that was his nightmares. It hurt that he wasn't making me laugh. Instead, he made me frown. He ran me out of gas and abandoned me in a ditch with no way out.
I act like everything's fine, like I'm not tearing myself apart even more. I allowed myself to place my happiness into someone rather than something. He took my heart and threw it away, but it still lingers in his soft smiles and rough hands. I act like seeing him and Natasha together doesn't destroy me because all I've ever wanted was for him to be happy, and he is.
He laughs more. He smiles more. The Bucky from the 40s is slipping through whoever he is now, and it's refreshing. Yeah, he has his off days, but he's safe. He's happy. He's free. There's nothing better than that. Well… maybe there is, my own happiness perhaps, but that seems impossible, so I'm more than willing to settle for goodness. Well… I was.
Today, I was leaving for a quick recon mission with Sam, and yes, Bucky and Natasha in Italy. We had received information regarding a new biological weapon, that when fired or injected, causes the brain chemistry at whoever is being shot at, to turn against their friends and confuse them as the enemy. If the wrong people got their hands on it, the consequences would be devastating.
Before today, I had taken up the hobby of actively avoiding Bucky. Being around him hurt more than I'd like to admit. I haven't seen him in days and I knew he was looking for me, which I hated. I don't  want him thinking of me when he has Natasha.
Walking slowly to the Quinjet Hangar in my stealth suit, I dread the idea of facing him. He's very confrontational and he'll want an answer that I don't want to give. I sighed, running my hands through my hair before sliding my weapon of choice, my beloved assault rifle, over my shoulder.
I hurry into the jet and sit down, plugging my earbuds into my phone and placing them in my ears. My eyes close and I focus on the music, ignoring the world around me.
I know Sam, Natasha, and Bucky are on the jet, but they don't disturb me, which I'm grateful for. The longer I close my eyes pretending that I'm asleep, the less likely Bucky's going to confront me.
That feeling, however, is short lived just after we take off from the Avengers base in France. My earbuds are ripped out of my ears and they clang against the ground of the jet. My eyes fly open and I glare at the culprit.
“What the hell, Bucky?” I hissed. “What was that for?”
“You've been avoiding me, Y/n. How else was I supposed to get your attention?” he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“I don't know, tap me on the shoulder, maybe?” I bite back.
“Why are you avoiding me? What did I do? What happened to my best friend?”
I have half a mind to apologize, but I shake the thought away. I won't let him make me feel guilty about how I feel, not anymore. The Old Y/n would have, but I'm not her anymore.
I'm tired of him not appreciating me for all that I've done for him up until this very moment. I'm tired of being slept on. I'm tired of being thrown to the curb. I'm tired of being the second choice.
I'm ripping it off like a band-aid, fast and nearly painless. I would deal with the consequences later. I was pissed. Nothing could change what I was about to spill.
“I'm not your best friend, Bucky,” I snapped. “Best friends don't treat each other the way you treat me.”
“How do I treat you?” he asked, his face falling.
“You don't appreciate any of the things I've done for you. I bend over backwards in order to see you happy, to make you happy, and not once did I get a thank you. I don't expect to get anything in return when I'm being nice, but a little appreciation wouldn't hurt. My life revolved around you. I lost sleep because you weren't sleeping. I lost my appetite in order to fulfill yours. I'm giving and giving and giving, and now I'm on empty,” I whispered quietly, feeling my tears threatening to fall. I wouldn't let him see me cry.
“I didn't know, I'm sorry,” he croaked, stepping towards me slowly.
“Now you know. Just… just leave me alone, please.”
My eyes glance up at his for a brief moment and I swallow hard. They're red with tears and it makes my chest ache, but it has to be done. I have to protect myself. My heart is fragile and precious. I don't want it to break again.
He backs away slowly as if he's waiting for me to say something else. Like my words mean nothing and I'm just kidding, but I'm not. I'm dead serious. He hurt me. His actions, or lack thereof, bruised me. I remain silent and he sits down wordlessly next to Natasha. She's murmuring things in his ear as his eyes stay trained on mine. I look away and bite my lip hard, fighting off the tears pooling at my eyes.
Time passes slowly after that. I'm busying myself with my thoughts and my music. Regret starts to eat away at me at everything I could've done differently regarding Bucky. I had so many chances and opportunities to tell him how I felt but I didn't. I was too late when I wanted to tell him and he had Nat.
“We’re here,” Sam calls out to us after a few hours. It breaks me out of my daze and I'm in mission mode immediately. I rub my tired eyes and stand up, slipping my comm into my ear. I grab my assault rifle and exhale a heavy breath. I wait at the edge of the jet and play with my fingers.
“Giggles and Smolder, you're together. Extract the biological weapon and any other intel you come across. Widow and I will provide security. Meet at the rendezvous point in two hours,” Sam stated, going over the mission points.
“Sam,” I nearly growled, “I don't think that's a good idea.”
“You both work well together. You're going to be together. End of story.”
I grit my teeth and bite my tongue. I stomp off the jet and Bucky follows closely behind me. I trudge through the entrance of the building, avoiding all security cameras and agents in the area.
“Giggles and Smolder are in the building,” I spoke into the comm, adjusting my rifle on my shoulder.
We move quickly and silently through the building, closer to the lab. We take out the agents efficiently and make it into the lab. We're face to face with the biological weapon soon enough and my hands carefully pull each of the vials out of the containment and into the protective seals on my hip. I exhale a breath and relax my shoulders, but the feeling of short lived when we're overwhelmed by agents.
“I thought you said you were providing security, Falcon!” I hissed into the comm, ducking behind a flipped over table so I could catch my breath.
“They weren't on the security cameras!” Sam shouted.
I grit my teeth and hurry back onto my feet, shooting the two agents in front of me. My eyes scan the room wildly for Bucky and to my own horror, he's out numbered. I quickly take them out from my hiding position and our eyes meet.
“Thanks, Doll,” he breathed, smiling softly at me.
“There we go,” I teased jokingly. “There's some appreciation. That's a good start.”
“I hope you know that my appreciation for you isn't just because you're always savin’ my ass.”
I roll my eyes playfully and glance around for any stray agents, finding none. “Let's get the hell out of here.” He grins in agreement and we hurry out of the lab.
I'm winded and out of breath. Bucky trails behind me and my harsh breaths fill my ears. It's hard to breathe and I don't notice the agent in my blind spot sneaking up on me.
It's too late by the time Bucky screams my name. The gun goes off and the bullet pierces my gut. Another shot rings out and and the agent crumbles to the group, a bullet in his brain. The adrenaline fades almost immediately and I drop to my knees. I close my eyes, waiting for my head to slam against the concrete but instead Bucky's rough hands catch me.
Now I'm breathing hard. My vision is fuzzy, but it doesn't feel like I'm dying.
“Y/n’s hit!” Bucky screams, lifting me up into his arms. He carries me with ease out of the building and runs to the rendezvous point. I hear explosions in the distance. The building’s probably in flames now. “Doll, keep your eyes open for me.”
“Bucky, I'm fine. Just a little woozy,” I sigh, moving my fingers into his soft brown hair. “You're so beautiful. Like uh… you're face is very beautiful. Ocean eyes, strong jaw, kissable lips. Mhmm… your arms feel really nice, just wish it wasn't like this.”
“Uh huh,” he muttered, hurrying towards the jet.
“Don't know if ‘m dyin’ or being delirious.”
“You're not dying,” he snapped, staring down at me. “I'm not losing my best friend. You're gonna be fine.”
“I'm sorry for being so mean before. We are friends and it just hurts because I want to be more because I love you, but you're with Nat, and she's my friend,” I slur, struggling to keep my eyes open.
“You… you love me?”
“Duhhh. You really think I'd lose sleep over anyone? When you love someone you sacrifice your own sleep for there's, at least I think that's how the saying goes. Maybe it's you sacrifice your own happiness for someone else's. I can't remember,” I mumbled deliriously. “I just want you to be happy.”
“Y/n! Stay awake!” he screams, shaking me against the platform of the jet, but he's too late. I slip into darkness.
I wake up to the consistent sound of the heart rate monitor connected to my body somewhere. My head aches and my torso burns. I let out a painful groan and my eyes open slowly. My throat is terribly dry and I let out a dry cough and my eyes scan the medbay room.
“Doll,” Bucky's voice rings through my ears and I turn my head towards the seat he's occupying. He's worse for wear and it breaks my heart. His skin is a ghostly pale and dark circles surround his eyes. It looks like he hasn't slept in days. He's in a loose t-shirt and cotton sweatpants. “You're awake!” he hurries to my side and brings a paper cup up against my lips. I drink it all in one large gulp and gasp in appreciation. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I've been shot,” I rasped with a smirk. His face tenses and falls. I know that look anywhere. It's his ‘this is not a joke’ face that is usually reserved for Sam and I. “What happened? I don't remember anything.”
His face perks up and softens immediately. He coughs awkwardly before giving me another cup filled with water. “We went on a mission to retrieve a biological weapon--it’s safe, don't worry--and you got shot.”
“An agent blindsided you. Neither of us saw him,” he breathed, playing with his fingers. I watch him intensely, knowing that there's more. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. “I-I thought I lost you, Y/n. There was so much blood, an-and you went unconscious before the plane took off. The doctors said it was a-a miracle that you made it through the trip. You went under eight hours of intensive surgery and you went into a medically induced coma after that. You've been out for five days.”
“Five days? Bucky, I can't imagine what that must've been like waiting for me to wake up,” I cry, feeling a tear slip down my cheek.
The chair screeched against the tile and he's by my side in a flash. His flesh hand holds my cheek and his metal one holds onto my hand. “Even a minute without you feels like an eternity,” he murmured, brushing away a few stray tears that fell upon my face.
I swallow hard. I don't know what that means. I don't know why that's making my heart hammer against my chest. The beeping of the heart rate monitor roars in my ear. “You should, um, get a doctor… let them know I'm awake or something,” I stutter, pulling away from his gentle grasp.
“Yeah, yeah. You're right, um, I'll go do that,” he nods, standing up, scurrying out of the room.
My eyes follow his broad frame out of my room and I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding. For a second, I thought he was going to kiss me.
A week after I woke up from my medically induced coma, I was discharged from the hospital bay and left French headquarters. I was happy to be back home in New York and in the comfort of my own bedroom. Physical therapy started and it was a slow process to get back into my routine again.
Bucky was with me through all my therapy sessions and he never left my side. I thought it was strange. We were back to how things were before he started dating Natasha. I made sure to keep a friendly distance between us. I didn't want to cause any rifts between him and Nat. I wasn't going to let my feelings for her boyfriend cloud my judgement. I wasn't going to be like that.
A few weeks after my therapy started, I felt like I was improving. I wanted to start training again. I wouldn't do anything too hard, I was just itching to get back into my routine.
“Natasha,” I called out to her in the gym. She turns away from the spot she was standing in next to Bucky. “Do you wanna spar? Help me get back into the swing of things?”
“Sure,” she said, nearing me so she could tape her hands. I follow suit and stretch briefly.
“Go a little hard on me, would ya?”
She nods with a smirk and we step onto the mat. We circle each other before she makes the first move. I dodge her first and kick her leg out from underneath her. I step back so she can stand up and I take a deep breath. She looks slightly pissed off and she charges at me. We block each other’s hits and kicks before she manages to hit me in the jaw. It knocks me to the ground and my head aches.
Natasha digs her knee into my healing wound. I grit my teeth and try to push her off of me. “Natasha, stop. You're hurting me,” I growl, glaring at her.
“Good,” she hisses, “now you know what it feels like to be me.”
“What're you talking about? Get off of me!”
“You don't think I know how you feel about Bucky? My Bucky? I see the way you look at him.”
“What're you talking about?” I scream, wiggling against her firm grasp. “Get off me Natalia! You're hurting me!”
“I know you love him!”
It feels as if the wind was knocked out of me. I stop wiggling against her iron grip and swallow hard. I don't know what to say. She caught me red handed.
“I see the way you look at him when you think no one’s watching. I know you love him because you told him when you got shot because you thought you were going to die. Everyone on the mission knows how you feel about him.”
“What do you want me to say, Natasha?” I snarl. “That I'm sorry? That I purposefully fell for your boyfriend just to spite you? Why do you think I kept it quiet? I'm friends with you. I'm friends with Bucky. I wasn't going to let my feelings for him get in the way, and they didn't. Not until now. I didn't know that I told him how I felt until now. No one told me! I don't remember the mission. You, along with everyone else could've pretended that it didn't happen, because Bucky sure’s doing a fine job at pretending that I didn't confess my love for him!”
I shove her off me and struggle to my feet, storming out of the gym back into my room.
After the incident with Natasha and Bucky, I made the decision to move out of the Compound. It was incredibly difficult for me to be around them. I avoided them both at all costs. It hurt to be around them. Natasha was my friend and Bucky was my best friend. We were all avoiding each other and whenever I saw them together, she'd flaunt him like one of her new weapons. I had enough of it, so I left.
I got my own place nearby and felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I was happier and healthier, a bit lonely, I admit, but I was good.
I'm only at the Compound when I need to be for work, training, and the occasional gala Tony hosts every few months. Other than that, I'm finding new hobbies, and I even adopted an adorable beagle puppy named Daisy.
I'm keeping myself busy and I'm not allowing myself to get sad. I tried hard to keep my relationship with Natasha and Bucky intact, but it wasn't enough. Nothing ever was when it came to them.
One night that Daisy and I decided to stay in, there was a soft knock at my door. Her small barks rang through the apartment and I grabbed my gun, hiding it behind my back. I unlock the door and peek my head out.
“What're you doing here?” I ask, tensing against the door.
“I missed you. I wanted to come and visit,” Bucky mutters, holding out a beautiful bouquet of flowers. “Consider this a late housewarming gift.”
I open the door and set the gun on the table near the door. I take the flowers and hold them against me. “Would you like to come in?”
“May I?” he asks. I nod and he steps inside. I shut and lock the door behind me. I hurry into the kitchen and place the flowers into a vase.
Daisy barks at his feet. “Daisy, no barking. He's a guest. Be nice. Would you like some water, Bucky?”
“Yeah, sure. Thank you.”
I grab him a glass and fill it with water. I place it on the counter and watch him interact with my dog. “She's cute. When'd you get her?”
Daisy rolls onto her back and her tail hits the floor. “A few weeks after I moved in. I felt lonely and I thought that getting a puppy would cure my loneliness. She did, thank goodness. Daisy's my little princess,” I laugh, sitting on the floor across from him. Daisy rolls back onto her legs and climbs into my lap. I pet her behind the ear and she presses her snout into my hand. “How's Natasha?”
“Good… I think. We broke up a few months ago. We weren't very happy,” he answers quietly.
“Oh. Sorry to hear that.”
We fall into an uncomfortable silence and I busy myself with Daisy. She climbs into my lap and licks my arm. I kiss the top of her head and rub her belly.
“Did you really leave the Compound because of Natasha and I?” he asks softly, his eyes staring into mine.
I swallow hard and take a deep breath. “Yes.”
“Do you really think I wanted to stay on the same floor as my best friend and my best friend’s boyfriend who I was in love with? I lost you both. I was all alone. You didn't tell me that I told you how I felt and you used my amnesia to your advantage. Why didn't you tell me?”
“How could I have? You would've been absolutely mortified. I had a girlfriend. You knew that and you only told me because you were delirious and you thought you were dying. It would've ruined our friendship,” he retorted.
“It already did,” I snapped. “Why are you here anyway?”
“I missed you. I missed my best friend. Ever since you left, I've missed you. When you left, you took a piece of my heart with you.”
I swallow hard. It feels like the wounds that I thought healed were being reopened. “Bucky, stop,” I whispered, playing with my fingers.
“Y/n, I-I love you. I think I always have,” he confesses, moving closer to me.
“Bucky, stop! I'm not going to just be with you just because you suddenly reciprocate my feelings. You hurt me,” I snap, brushing a tear off my cheek.
“You don't think I know that? Why do you think I'm here? I'm trying to fix my wrongs. I don't want to lose you again,” he stated softly, moving closer to me.
“James, I don't know. If our friendship didn't work out, what makes you think this relationship will?”
“I'm fighting for you. I'm willing to earn you back. It won't happen again. I need to gain your trust back. I love you, Y/n. I just want you to be happy and I want you to be happy with me.”
My eyes stare into his as I weigh the pros and possible, admittedly small amount, of cons about a possible relationship with him. His eyes are full of hope and it makes my heart flutter hard against my chest. I swallow hard and nod slowly.
“Okay,” I breathed. “I'll give us a shot. We’re going slow though, okay?”
He grins and I can't help but smile too. He nods eagerly and stands on his feet. He grabs my hand and I look at him strangely. He hurries to my front door and nearly pulls it off its hinges.
“Where are you going? What're you doing?”
He turns towards me and leans forward, placing a soft kiss onto my cheek. “Takin’ things slowly, darlin’. I don't kiss until the end of the first date, or maybe it's the second. I can't remember. You'll find out soon enough,” he teases with a smirk. “Be ready by six tomorrow. I'm takin’ you out. See you tomorrow, beautiful.”
I grin, biting my lip. “See you tomorrow, Bucky.” He kisses my cheek again before closing the door. I lock it behind me and slide my back against the door until I'm on the ground. Daisy trots into my lap and licks my cheek. “I guess you want me to see Bucky too, then?”
Daisy barks, wagging her tail.
I totally was not planning this fic to be 4k+ words but it was I'm so sorry I have zero structure when I write. I should probably fix that. Anyway, this was my entry for @just-some-drabbles Rom-Com Challenge! I hope you guys liked it!
PERMANENT TAGS: @jessevans @fuckmewintertucker @ria132love @anastasiaannaa @bubblyaschampagne @kindnesswins @queen-valeskaxx @lilasiannerd @sammnipple @blueeyedboobear @mcuimxgine @marvel-fanfiction @blueskies-love @super-soldier-wifey @broken-pieces @xxchexchickxx @castawayreject @iamwarrenspeace @melconnor2007 @nerdyandproud9 @frostbyte-horan
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axelsagewrites · 7 years
Dad!Magnus Bane*Similar but saved
Requested by anonymous:
Hi will u do angst magnus bane + child!reader where he accidentally stumble upon a child who is about to be killed by her dad? He rescued n bring reader home, trying to figure out if the child is a warlock. The child didnt speak at all n unnaturally calm even when about to be killed. Her dad is calling the child abomination which remind him of his own painful past. He decided to adopt the child
Also the title is a work in progress so if you’ve got any  ideas for the title tell me please because I hate this title.
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Prompt list HERE
Part 2 (Raphael Santiago x Reader)
(Set in the 1900’s when he first came to New York) As Magnus walked through the streets of busy New York he noticed how different it was then England. The air was thicker and the people busier. People pushed and shoved past the magical man, only muttering under their breaths about his ‘eccentric’ clothes and different skin. As it was late however more and more people left the street although they were certainly not empty. As Magnus walked passed a side street he heard a  bang as if someone had slammed a door. Ever so curious the warlock entered the side street slowly. “You little piece of crap!” he heard a man yell. Magnus sped up but stayed unnoticed by the other two people. A deranged looking man shoved a small child of around nine years old against a wall. The child was silent, looking their father directly in the eyes which only seemed to madden him. “You’re an abomination. A heretic. What even are you-you little freak?” The man shoved the child harder into the wall when he was met by silence. “Answer me! Cat got your tongue? Oh no that’s right, your just useless.” The man reached behind him and the nine-year-old didn’t react while Magnus was trying his hardest not too. Magnus clenched his jaw, thinking of his own stepdad. What had the child done to deserve this? The man pulled out something Magnus could not make out before he heard it. The man shot his revolver at the child from two metres away. Before he could even react the child did themselves. They hurtled their arms round in a circular formation and shot a ball of magic at the bullet. “You little bitch!” The man went to reload his revolver to aim at the calm child. By this time Magnus was ready. “I wouldn’t recommend doing that.” “Why not? Who are you?” the man turned the revolver to face the shadows which the warlock stepped out of. Magnus let his cat eyes show to the mundane who cowered back before going right back to his normal self. “You’re one of them! You freak of nature, you-“ Before the man could continue Magnus had shot a spell at them, knocking them back into a wall. The revolver went flying out of his hand and to the feet of the silent child. Magnus held the man against the wall with magic while he struggled. He couldn’t use magic to kill him. The clave would know and that isn’t what he wants them to think of New York’s new warlock. The child seemed to sense this as they appeared at Magnus’s elbow holding the revolver. “Sweetheart, put that down. It's not safe.” The child's face stayed blank as they raised the gun. “Go on then. Kill me like you killed her!” the man cried, face bright red. “Kill me like you killed your mother. You abo-“ before he could finish his sentence a gunshot cut him off. The man slumped against the wall as blood began to pour out his chest. Magnus let go of him and turned to the child. They weren’t even shaking. “Are you ok sweetheart? What’s your name?” Magnus crouched down and turned them away from the scene. The child shook their head. “I promise I won't bite.” The child merely shook their head. This time though he got a glimpse of something. Snake eyes. “I want to help. I understand what you're going through.” This time Magnus stared into snake eyes with his cat ones. The child stepped back and pulled something from their pocket, a battered notebook and a pencil worn down to the nub. They flipped the pages and held it out to Magnus. He took a few moments to read the almost illegible writing. “(Y/N), is that your name?” they nodded yes. “Very well.” Magnus stood up straight as he felt people were coming. He held out his hand to the little one who took it with a straight face. “Follow me.” Magnus began to walk slowly so his new accomplish didn’t trip though he quickly realised he needed as they were essentially pulling him along. Magnus quickened his step to meet the children. As it was late and he didn’t want to cause this child more trouble he signalled a coach. He helped the small child in before telling the man where to go. As always the man was wary of the man of a different race but that soon changed as he flashed his golden rings encrusted with jewels. Magnus entered the coach and sat across from the child. “Have you ever ridden in a coach before?” Magnus asked with a soft smile. They shook their head no. “Do you like it?” After a moment of no reaction, the child grinned and nodded their head yes, excitedly. “I always like the sound of the horses pulling it. It's relaxing.” The child nodded but pointed to the curtains covering the window. “The curtains? Is that what you like?” The child nodded and took Magnus’s hand before placing it against the soft fabric. “Soft,” he commented before looking back at (Y/N). “is that why you like them?” The child nodded bashfully. The pair fell into a comfortable silence. Magnus stared at (Y/N) who had moved to sit next to the window as to look out beyond the curtains. He couldn’t help but feel for them. They had just had to kill their ‘father’ and by the sounds of things their mother. They were taking it surprisingly well. But he knew they weren’t really. No one would be able to be ok with murdering their parents. Well, maybe that guy but still. The memories of his own stepfather filled his mind. He didn’t even realise he was crying until he felt a small hand wipe away his tears with a torn handkerchief. “Thank you but I’m fine.” The child cocked their head to the side and shook their head no. “It's fine. Truly .” he didn’t know whether (Y/N) could say something back or not but they chose not to further their conversation. Soon enough though the coach pulled up to his apartment complex. He stepped out and helped (Y/N) down before saying ‘thank you’ to the man and paying him, with a tip of course. As the coach pulled away a hand grabbed Magnus’s. He was slightly surprised but considering (Y/N) didn’t even look at him he didn’t mind. “Sorry, we’re right up to the top.” Magnus brought (Y/N) up to his apartment and led them inside. He lit the fire and guided them to sit on the sofa. “How old are you anyway?” Magnus turned to see (Y/N) counting on their fingers. After a moment they held up 9 with slight confusion on their face. “Nine?” they nodded their head. Magnus watched the child look around his apartment, marvelling at his antiques. That was until they accidentally knocked a hundred-year-old vase down at which point he stood up. (Y/N) looked panicked at the broken vase and began to pick up the pieces. “There's no need darling. You’ll cut yourself.” Magnus walked over and went to take the pieces from them. When he grabbed their wrist in order to take the pieces magic shot out their hand and hit Magnus. “Ow!” Magnus held his nose that felt like it had been punched. The child stood up and ran before Magnus had a chance to stop them. They ran down the corridor into one of his guest rooms. Magnus soon followed after quickly waving his hand in order to fix the vase. He knocked lightly on the door. When he got no response he opened it and walked into the unlit room. He waved his hand and the gas lamp turned on. He saw the child under the covers hiding. Although he could tell they were pretending to sleep he kissed their forehead, turned the light out and left.
The next morning Magnus woke and got dressed. As he went to check on (Y/N) he noticed they were gone. Panicked, he grabbed the notebook they had left behind and began to track them. He ended up being lead to a small marketplace filled with working class people. Not that that was a bad thing, just that he definitely stood out. As he weaved his way through the crowds, glad he didn't carry much money due to pickpocketers he’d already felt trying to empty his pockets, he searched for the new warlock. He came across a small stall with an older lady selling flowers. Next, to the lady, he saw (Y/N). “(Y/N)! Why did you leave?” Magnus crouched down next to the child and hugged them. After a moment they hugged back. After hearing someone clear their throat he looked up to the lady. He stood up quickly and held out his hand. “Magnus Bane.” “Rosemary Goldstein.” She said softly. “No need to worry Mr Bane. I'm not going to report you.” She glanced down to (Y/N).  “Can you look after the stall little one. I’ll be back in a moment.” They nodded their head so Rosemary lead him aside. She glanced around before speaking. “I’m assuming you know of their… condition?” Magnus nodded and flashed his eyes. “Ah, makes sense. Well, they aren’t from the best of homes and they just found their father dead. Can you believe it?” Magnus made a face of fake sorrow. “Mmm,” she hummed. “Well I would but cant looks after them. I already have two of my own and I fear I’m coming down with something. I know I'm being bold but since you already seem to care for (Y/N), would you consider taking them in?” Magnus looked to the little one playing with flowers and guarding the stall. He knew what they were going through and he vowed to help downworlders a long time ago and they’d be no different. Ok maybe slightly different as he was hopefully about to be a father. “I’d be honoured.” Rosemary clapped her hands in excitement. “Oh thank Merlin! Just a warning though, I don’t think they can talk.” “I've noticed.” Magnus grimaced at their misfortune. “All I hope is they chose not to and one day we’ll hear their beautiful voice.” The pair walked back over to (Y/N). “Darling,” (Y/N) turned. “how would you like to stay with Mr Bane?” (Y/N) raised an eyebrow in confusion before pointing to Magnus. “Yes honey, him.” They nodded their head. “Excellent.” And it was. From that day forward (Y/N) had a family. They lived with Magnus and visited the Goldstien’s weakly when the daughters were back from school. Although they never did talk, (Y/N)’s and Magnus’s bond was as strong as any parent-child relationship. Maybe stronger.
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botanistlester · 8 years
Paper Stars
Summary: Dan starts to get love notes in his locker in the form of origami stars, so he gets the help of his best friend, Phil, to figure out who it is. Word Count: 2,398 Warnings: cussing A/N: Thanks to @insanityplaysfics as always for giving me ideas. I’m a fucking sap recently because my boyfriend proposed to me and I just wanna write a crapton of fluff and puke rainbows everywhere. This is short and sweet, which is very rare for me! I hope you like it anyways! Read it on AO3
The day Dan opened his locker to a strange slip of paper folded into an origami star was one of the strangest moments of his life. "What," Dan said simply, giving the offending paper a strange look. He bent down and retrieved it, staring at it long and hard. It was thin, made with a flowery paper, and he could just make out words written in very small print on it. "What," Dan said again.
With a small amount of struggle, Dan managed to unwrap the star, revealing the writing inside. The script was sloppy to the point where Dan thinks it was written with the wrong hand. Dan said "what" again and the word didn't even sound like it was real anymore. It took him a few minutes to read what it said due to the scribble, but he eventually managed.
‘i used to stare out the window because i thought the scenery was beautiful. Then i saw you and suddenly the world didnt seem nearly as captivating as before.’
Dan gaped at it. He was horribly confused. Who could have written something like this? It wasn’t like he was well-known or popular at school. He was just a nerd who liked to listen to music too loud and go on long rants about movies nobody cared about. Did this person get the right locker? Surely not. Dan was just… Dan. Not anyone to be marvelled at.
“What’s that?” The voice made Dan jump and he whipped around to glare at Phil with a hand over his heart.
“You scared me,” Dan admonished.
“Sorry,” Phil replied unapologetically. He peered at the piece of colourful, wrinkled paper in Dan’s hands. His gaze was curious and Dan felt a wave of embarrassment hit him as Phil sidled closer to him so he could read. “What’s that?” He asked again.
Dan shoved his friend away from him, trying his best to hide the note. “It’s nothing,” Dan replied.
Phil snorted and snatched the paper from Dan’s hands, scanning over it much more quickly than Dan had been able to. His eyes widened and he gasped comically at the realisation of what it was. “A love note!” His voice was loud, too loud, and Dan shushed him, slapping a hand over his mouth.
“Shut up!” Dan hissed, glancing around. Nobody seemed to be looking at them, thankfully. Phil’s eyes were comically wide and he was snickering, the bastard. “It is not!”
“Really? Because that’s what it looks like to me. Little Danny has a secret admirer!”
Dan glared at him until Phil’s giggles subsided to mindful curiosity. He peered over at the note once more, cocking his head to the side. “Who do you think left it for you?” He asked curiously.
Sighing, Dan shrugged and shoved the note into his pocket. Maybe he could pretend it was all a dream. Not that he wasn’t ecstatic that someone liked him but it was a bit /weird/. Almost like he was in a dramatic romance movie. Dan was not romance movie material. “Who knows,” Dan muttered, slamming his locker shut and shouldering his way through the crowd towards his locker. He knew Phil would follow. “The only people I talk to are you and Louise and I know for a fact that you both don’t want to secretly get in my pants. Must be someone I don’t talk to.”
Phil hummed and Dan glanced over at him in time to see him rubbing his chin. “It /is/ quite peculiar,” he commented. “I mean, who would have a crush on /you/ of all people?”
Dan shoved him. Phil shoved him right back. A teacher yelled at them to settle down.
After they quit brawling, Dan groaned and shook his head. “I’m too much of an idiot to figure this out on my own. I officially appoint you to be my trusty sidekick.”
Phil stared at him suspiciously. “And what does that mean, exactly?”
“You’re going to help me find my secret admirer.”
“Fuck that. I’m out.”
Dan grabbed Phil’s bicep as he tried to skitter away. “Oh no you don’t. You wanted to get nosy so you’re in this mess with me.”
Phil narrowed his eyes and pushed his glasses up his nose. He crossed his arms, dislodging Dan’s hand. “And what do I get out of it?”
“My eternal love and happiness?” Phil stared at him. Dan sighed. “Fine. I’ll buy you the new Fallout game.”
“Deal. Operation: Secret Admirer commenced.”
“You’re such a nerd,” Dan complained, but it made Phil smile.
“I know. But you love me anyways.”
Dan couldn’t really argue with that.
“I know who my secret admirer is,” Dan said, slamming his hands down on the table. Phil jumped at the noise and stared at him like he’d grown two heads. He raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah?” Phil squeaked. Dan made a joke about Phil going through puberty again so he cleared his throat and repeated, “Yeah? Who is it?”
“Amber Williams,” Dan responded. He sat down in the chair across from Phil, putting his hand in his chin. He gnawed on his lip and brought out the last three lovenotes he’d gotten throughout the week from his pocket. They were crumpled and worn from being stuffed in his jeans the entire week, but they were still readable.
Phil snorted and shook his head in disbelief. “Amber Williams.” He didn’t sound amused in the slightest.
Dan kicked him under the table and pouted. “What? The signs are all there! She’s the perfect candidate!”
“What in God’s name gave you the idea that Amber Williams is interested in you? Are you out of your mind?”
Okay, so maybe it was wishful thinking. But the signs were all there nonetheless! Amber was absolutely gorgeous and there wasn’t one boy in the entire high school who hadn’t had a crush on her at one point.
She had long, wavy brown hair and these beautiful hazel eyes and high cheekbones. Her lips were plump and pink, and she smelled like peonies. Dan had noticed her staring at him in the hallways and that had to mean she was the one.
“She stares at me whenever she sees me!” Dan defended. “She’s totally into me!”
Phil exhaled and shook his head. He looked mildly disappointed. Perhaps he was disappointed with their progress. “Dan, most of the student body stares at you. You wear something leather every day, for christ’s sake.”
Dan hated Phil a lot. “You leave me and my leather out of this,” he deadpanned, touching his leather hat defensively.
“Point is,” Phil continued, completely ignoring Dan’s comment. “Try again. You suck at being a detective.”
“Like you’re any better,” Dan muttered, but he smiled when Phil tapped his foot under the table, just a little reassuring touch, before going back to the textbook he was reading.
The letters kept coming, and Dan was nowhere near finding the culprit.
He was flattered in all honesty, but he was getting increasingly annoyed that he couldn’t seem to find who was putting them in his locker in the first place. He was starved for attention and he needed to know, damn it!
So he was going to find out.
The notes had been coming for about a month now, saying increasingly sappy things about Dan’s eyes and how his dimple was cute and how the person wished they could tell him who they were. It was endearing and Dan wanted to find them and get to know who they were.
He showed up for school an hour early, dragging himself out of bed with as much enthusiasm as a turtle. It was all in the name of science, of course.
The school was empty, eerie, save for the random teachers and the occasional school police officer. They nodded at Dan as he walked past and Dan smiled back awkwardly.
When he got to his locker, he ducked into a nearby classroom and waited, waited, waited. He waited so long that he started to fall asleep once more, nodding off before catching himself and prying his eyes open, waitinf dor the exact moment his admirer showed up.
Twenty minutes before school started, Dan was about to call it a day and give up. And then there was movement.
He straightened up, watching the figure intensely as it approached his locker. They were wearing a hoodie so Dan couldn’t see their face. The person looked around, making sure nobody was near, and then started to put in the locker combination.
Dan was up in a flash. Now was his chance! He had to see who it was, or it was going to kill him from the inside-out.
He opened the door to the classroom and stumbled out, watching as the figure froze with the interruption. They didn’t move though, just stood there, with a small origami star clutched between their fingers.
Dan approached them slowly, as if they were a frightened deer. He reached out and patted their shoulder, and he could feel them tense underneath his fingertips.
“Hi,” he said simply. “So you’re the one who’s been leaving notes.”
It seemed as if the admirer was at war with themselves. They were tense and hesitating, refusing to move even as Dan let his hand fall to give them space. And then their shoulders sagged. “Hi,” the person said.
Dan could have sworn he shit his pants. He’d recognize that voice anywhere, even though the person hadn’t turned around. “Phil?!” He gasped.
Phil turned and his eyes were glued to his feet. He was gnawing on his lip and his hands were fiddling nervously at his sides. “Erm. Surprise?”
Surprise? Dan felt like his entire life had suddenly been turned upside down. His heart was pounding so fast he could hear it in his ears and his hands were shaking, trembling like he had just had the biggest scare of his life. But mostly, he was just filled with disbelief. “You’re my secret admirer?” He asked quietly, curiously.
Phil didn’t answer for a moment, and then he slowly nodded. His adam's apple moved as he gulped. “Yes.”
“Is… is this a joke?” Dan laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. He immediately regretted it when Phil’s face crumpled as if he was about to cry. He also regretted it when his stomach clenched and he was suddenly hoping it wasn’t a joke.
What the fuck was that about.
Phil was silent for a long time. He didn’t meet Dan’s gaze, staring at the linoleum floor as if it was the most interesting thing in his entire life. “Do you want it to be?” He answered finally, voice quiet. Small. Dan missed it when they were joking around and happy, just like they always were. He didn’t like this scared and uncertain Phil.
“I…” Dan started. He bit his lip. What could he even say to that? “I don’t mind if you have a crush on me,” Dan got out eventually.
Phil’s face turned so red that it put tomatoes to shame. He finally looked up then, meeting Dan’s eyes with a cautious, incredulous look. “You don’t mind?”
Dan shrugged. “I’d rather have it be you than anyone else.” He felt like his heart was going to beat out of his fucking chest.
Phil laughed then, shaking his head. His laugh was one of disbelief and Dan didn’t blame him. Either way, Phil was smiling again and Dan’s heart did a little stutter in his chest. “You’re wild, Dan Howell.”
“Do you want to kiss me?” The words were out before Dan could think about it and he flushed with embarrassment. What the fuck was he thinking?
“I mean, typically if you have a crush on someone, you want to kiss them. So yeah,” Phil answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world. The only way Dan could tell he was nervous was by the way his eyebrow twitched. Other than that, he didn’t bat an eye.
Dan took a deep breath and with that, a step closer. “Do you want to try?”
Phil cocked his eyebrow and stared up at him quizzically. They were so close that Dan could see the flecks of yellow and green in his gaze. For some reason, Dan felt faint. “What does that accomplish? You don’t even like me.”
Dan shrugged. “We can at least try, right? If it’s horrible, we’ll never speak of it again and you can at least have the knowledge that you’ve kissed the guy you have a crush on. Not many people can say that, you know.”
“And if it’s good?” Phil breathed. Dan could feel his breath on his lips.
“Then we keep doing it?” Dan replied quietly. They were already attached at the hip. What difference did it make if the added kissing to the mix?
Phil’s breath hitched and he nodded slowly. “I can live with that.”
It was from that encouragement that Dan closed the gap between them.
He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this. Their lips touched softly, unsurely, and it felt as if he was kissing his best friend. It wasn’t in a bad way, no.
Phil’s lips were soft and uncertain and feather-light. He kissed like he never wanted to stop, like he wanted to savour the moment as best as he possibly could. Dan found himself pressing his lips more firmly to Phil’s, one hand around Phil’s waist while the other one lay rested softly against Phil’s cheek. He stroked his cheekbone with his thumb as they kissed, feeling his best friend in a way he never thought he would before.
They pulled away after a moment, their cheeks brushed pink and their breath coming out slightly too heavy. Dan’s chest constricted at the glazed look on Phil’s face, and he could hardly believe he hadn’t noticed how nice Phil looked up close before.
“Good?” Phil squeaked.
“Good,” Dan agreed, and he leaned in to kiss him again. “But I still expect to get love notes in my locker every day.”
Phil groaned and shoved him off of him. He glared at him and Dan grinned because, even though they’d kissed, nothing had changed between them. “Bugger off.”
“I’m afraid you're stuck with me now,” Dan told him, and Phil just smiled, leaning in to peck his cheek.
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horansqueen · 8 years
Fratboy!Niall oneshot (smut)
- yea, took me MONTHS, im aware - 3.5k - written from Y/N’s pov - can’t find a title. sue me. - SMUT. just in case you didnt see. - i don’t find this that bad but i prefer to warn ppl, name calling, dirty talking, blablabla. - i didnt proofread. i never proofread. i hate to proofread. - feedbacks? likes? reblogs? comments? asks? PLEASE? :) - IMPORTANT: read what i wrote at the end in bold! 
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My eyes scanned the room as i tried to make my way through the mob of people. The music was too loud, the amount of drunk fratboys was so high just getting in that house felt dangerous in itself. I still follow a few of my friends until the kitchen and we quickly grab something to drink before to reach the large living room.
The fraternity house was ridiculously big with two levels, way too many rooms and an immense backyard with a pool right in the middle. We started dancing and drinking and after my third drink, my best friend nudge my side and i grimaced before to turn to her. She sent me a smirked and moved her chin, pointing behind me.
"Look who's here Y/N, your favorite fratboy."
My friends started laughing as i turned around and noticed Niall Horan. The sight of him so close made me grimace and groan at the same time. Niall really had this effect on me and it always bothered me. There was no one cockier than this little shit and most of the time, i had to stop myself from slapping him. He noticed me and i sighed, turning around quickly to my friends.
"Please, make him go away."
They all started to laugh again but did nothing when the little fucker pushed himself against me, pressing his crotch on my ass. I felt him breathe near my neck and tried to hide the shiver that ran up my spine.
"Hey babe, missed me?" he whispered in my ear, pressing himself harder, hard enough for me to feel his slightly erected cock press against my ass. "I need some help and your lips seem perfect for the task."
I moved away quickly and turned around, sending him a disgusted face. He only replied with a smirk and there was nothing I wanted more than to steal his glasses and stomp on them repeatedly. He didn't even need them anyway, he just used them aesthetically, to look sexy or smarter and i groaned low again knowing it totally worked.
"Never. In a thousand years." I promised, crossing my arms on my chest. "Get it?"
He glanced at my friends then back at me, taking a step closer and bending down.
"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep." he breathed again before to smirk at me and turn around to leave.
I hated how arrogant he was yet i couldn't say he was lying. My head and my heart wanted nothing to do with him, but my vagina had an other opinion, and it talked loud and clear. If i didn't have so much pride, and if he would finally shut up, i probably would let him fuck me senseless until i can't walk. But I was never gonna admit that to him.
"Don't tell me what I can and can't do." i let out. "You know nothing about me."
Niall turned around to face me again and took a few steps my way. He raised his eyebrows and his lips curled into a smirk as his friends let out a few mocking 'ohhh's and laughs. I stood there, looking at him straight in the eyes, trying to prove to him that i was serious. My eyes became smaller and i tilted my head. I noticed his eyes dropping to my lips and even if i didn't want it to, it turned me on slightly. The thought of Niall Horan wanting me was quite flattering but not enough to give him something he could brag about tomorrow.
"Oh i know more than you think." he whispered so only me could hear.
His words took me by surprise and i moved my chin up lightly, crossing my arms on my chest.
"Fuck you, Horan."
I felt someone take my arm and pull me back but i kept our eyes locked until an other hand dragged me back. I followed my friends away but sent Niall one last glare over my shoulder, pissed that he still had a smirk on his face.
We started drinking and dancing together and i was slowly getting tipsy. At the end of a song, I left my friends to find a bathroom and ended up on the second floor, waiting in line.  My phone beeped and i looked at the text message i received before to make a grimace.
'You look so good, I dream of my cock in your mouth.'
I didn't even have to check the number, I knew it's Niall, and once again, I regreted ever giving him my phone number. I glanced at the "asshole" written where his name should be and chuckle but quickly lost my smile, hoping he didn't think i smiled at his message.
'Never putting that small thing in my mouth, loser.'
I wanted to look around to see where he was but i didnt't dare and when the last person walked out of the bathroom, i quickly walked in and locked the door. After I was done, i took the time to look at myself in the mirror and grimaced at my reflection. I put on more lipsticks and tilted my head, analyzing my features. Breathing in deeply, i opened the door and jumped a little, bringing my hand to my chest as my heart skipped a beat. He was leaning against the frame, looking at me with the same smirk and i sighed loud, putting my hands on my waist.
"Let me out."
"I promise i won't tell anyone."
I held my breathe, staring at him, feeling my inhibitions leave slowly as the alcohol intoxicated me more and more.
"If you don't, i'll say even worse things about what we did."
He took a step closer and i took a one back, raising my eyebrows.
"You're such an asshole."
He kept staring at me as he pushed on the door with his feet, closing it behind himself. I glanced at it before to look back in his eyes and frown.
"You're not gonna force me,  are you."
He chuckles and rolls his eyes at me.
"I never had to force a girl and i'm not gonna start tonight." he pointed out, making me a little angry at his cockiness. "You're free to leave whenever you want. But if you want me, even just sexually, i think you should act on it."
We looked at each other and i felt something inside, something impulsive, something that made me want to do anything and everything he'd want to me.
"If you tell this to anyone, I'll..."
"Deny everything?" he cut me, raising his eyebrows with a smirk.
I chuckled and shook my head. "No, i'll tell everyone you have a very small dick."
He smirked more and licked his lips, glancing again at mine. I felt frozen in place, waiting for his hands to run on me, for his lips to kiss me, for him to just take me, but instead, he waited. He wanted me to make the first step and it was annoyed me because i knew it was all about winning. I moved past him slowly, making him turn around with a frown, and i locked the door, turning again to lean against it. I tilted my head and it was my time to smirk.
"Tell me what you think about when you think about me." i asked low, a mischievous smile still spread on my lips. "How would you want to use me?"
He looked at me slightly surprised by my behavior and probably also my words but he took a step closer and put his hands against the door on each side of my head.
"I want to fuck those lips." he whispered, making my inner thighs throb. "I want to feel them around my cock. I want to feel your tongue run on it and i want you to suck me hard."
My lips parted and i stared in his eyes, trying to imagine the expressions and the sounds hed make if i sucked him dry and i moved my tongue slowly on my bottom lip. He glanced at it and i could swear i heard a low groan coming out of his mouth.
"Maybe you'll get what you want." I whispered, looking straight into his eyes.
He bent down slowly but i stopped him, my hand pressed on his chest, shaking my head.
"No kissing. You're not my boyfriend."
He chuckled still staring at me and i could feel his warm breath on my cheek, turning me on even more. I wanted to kiss him but somehow i wanted to prove that even if i wanted him to use me, I was the one in charge. I was the one who decided what he could and couldn't do, and what he would and wouldn't get.
"Alright pet, what do I have the right to do then?"
He was clearly amused and i couldn't blame him. I was enjoying this game probably even more than him. I let my hand slide on his chest and down to his pants, unbuttoning them slowly, still staring at him.
"Here's what you're allowed to do." I started, tilting my head.  "You're allowed to grab my hair, fuck my face and cum wherever you want."
I felt his cock twitch against my palm and my smirk grew. "That seems to be something you really want." I pointed out with an other chuckle. "Oh, and i'm not getting naked."
I saw him grimace and he glanced down. "In your underwear?"
I thought for a few seconds and finally nodded. "Alright, deal."
He took a step back and i shook my head with a smile at how impatient he was. I took my shirt off and quickly stepped out of my jeans as he took a few seconds to study me.
"I wish I could see more." he admitted, his eyes still running over my body before i grabbed the front of his shirt and brought him closer.
"Not today."
His eyes moved down and he ran one of his fingers on the top of my bra, tracing the outline before i slapped his hand. "I never said you could touch."
Looking up in my eyes, he moved his hand away and let it fall on his side with an exagerated sigh. I brought my hand back to the front of his pants and his face changed again.
"How hard?" he just asked as I took his dick out, stroking it gently.
"As hard as you want." i murmured.
He nodded slowly, still staring at me, but his smile had completely left. His look was hard and dominating and i was pretty sure it was not the first time he did something like that. He brushed one of his fingers on my shoulder and raised his eyebrows, moving his chin slightly.
"I hope for you that you won't regret this, petal."
I was going to answer but he quickly let go of my shoulder to grip my hair, pulling on it hard and making my head jerk back roughly. I held my breath as my whole body started to throb. He brought his face close to mine and i whimpered low. It made him smirk again and he moved his lips to my neck.
"On your knees." he ordered in a whisper right before to bite the skin of my neck harder than i thought he would.
It made an other whine escape my lips as he pulled my head down still using my hair. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt and i realized I was already horny when i fell on my knees in front of his half-erected cock. I stared at it and my lips parted lightly, wondering what it would feel like to have it in my mouth but he quickly took me out of my day dream.
"Open your mouth like a good little slut, I know you want to suck on it."
I was going to protest, pointing out the name calling was not part of our deal, but he pulled on my hair harder, making me look up as he bent down.
"The only reason for you to open your fucking mouth is so i can fuck your face." he explained in a husky voice. "I don't want to hear any word. Just the sound of you choking on my cock."
I felt my heart beat hard in my chest as i nodded, hyponotized by his words and the way he had changed. He was never the good boy but the sassy boy i thought i knew had turned into a rough man that knew exactly what he wanted. It was such a turn on that i caught myself thinking i was going to do everything he wanted me to do, no matter what it was. I was ready for him.
"The good little girl is going to turn into a good little whore."
His words made a shiver run up my spine and he brought my face back to his cock. He didn't have to ask again, I grabbed it and slipped it on my tongue, pulling his foreskin down to suck on his tip. His hand was still in my hair and he groaned at the contact of my lips on his dick. The whole thing excited me so bad i could feel myself drip in my panties. I desesperately wanted to slip one of my hands between my legs but i didn't want him to know how wet i was for him.
I kept sucking his cock, taking almost all of it in my mouth, as my hands stroked him in motion with my lips. After a few minutes, he pulled my head away and brought my head even closer.
"Give my balls some attention." he instructed me, making me hold my breath again.
My eyes ran on his hard dick and i hated myself for loving it so much. I wanted it so much i'd let him put it anywhere he wanted. My eyes stopped at his balls and i stuck my tongue out, running it on them slowly until he pushed my head more. I understood the message and wrapped my lips around one, sucking on it before to do the same to the other.
"Mm, shit, those lips work even better than i imagined." he admitted with a low moan.
I looked up and saw him let his head fall back slightly, his eyes closed, and it brought a sensation of victory inside me, making me wonder how good it would feel to make him cum. His hand moved in my hair and he gripped it tighter, making me whimper. It was a mix of pain and pleasure and i felt my inner thigh throb harder.
"Let's see how wet that made you."
I stopped breathing when he bent down and slipped his hand in my panties. I tried to remember if i gave him the permission to do that but i couldn't think straight. I hated myself for craving his touch that bad.
"You're fucking soaked."
The tip of his finger pressed on my clit gently and i let out a louder moan.
"This makes me even harder than I already was." he confessed as his finger slipped on my slit a few times before to focus back on my clit.
He took his hand out of my panties and i felt my heart drop, thinking he had stopped touching me but he brought his finger to his lips and sucked on it as i gazed at him intensely. He didn't say anything but brought his hand back down, sliding it back between my legs, this time running three of his fingers on my dripping core.
"Fuck I wish I could take care of that." he let out again in a low tone, making me squirm every time his fingers brushed against my clit.
I was speechless even though I wanted to beg him to make me cum and he finally moved his hand even, making me whimper in protest. He grabbed his dick with his wet hand and started jerking himself with my wetness as i watched him.
"Now that I know how much you love my dick, i'm gonna fuck your mouth and make you gag on it." he paused for a few seconds. "Open wide."
I felt my heart jump in my chest but he didn't give me time to answer. I felt the tip of his wet dick against my lips and instinctively opened my mouth. He quickly pushed it inside my mouth and i gagged lightly when it hit the back of my throat.
He pulled back and I breathed deeply, waiting for his next move. Without warning, he pushed it back all the way in my mouth but this time i didn't choke and he started going back and forth, almost gently at first but rougher with every thrust. He changed the pace of his movements and finally used my head against his cock, moving it in motion with his thrusts. I loved the way he was using me and i could feel myself close to an orgasm without even touching myself. Subtly, I brought my hand between my legs, over my panties, and brushed a finger on my clit. Niall glanced down and noticed what i was doing. I thought it was going to make him smirk but instead, his mouth opened and he panted before to moan. He pulled on my hair again, making my head move back and grabbed his dick, stroking it quickly a few seconds before to reach an orgasm. I felt his cum squirt on my cheeks and closed my eyes, sticking my tongue out. I wanted to know how he tasted and a few drops ended on my tongue as most of it landed on my forehead and my chin, dripping down on my neck.
"Fuck, you look so fucking good like that, pet." he expresseed, looking down at me. "Now clean me."
I watched a drop come out of his tip and ran my tongue quickly on it before sliding it down until his base and coming back up. I wrapped my lips around his tip and sucked hard, making him i didn't waste any and he groaned.
"Get up." he just ordered again, pulling on my hair.
I did as i was told and he pushed me against the door, his fingers pressed gently on my throat.
"Don't move."
He stared at me, his eyes roaming on my face, probably enjoying the sight of my face covered with his cum, as his other hand pushed my wet panties aside. He rubbed my clit softly but quickly and shook his head.
"I want to watch you cum." he whispered.
That's all it took. I felt a wave of pleasure cross my body and making my legs shake slightly. My knees went weak but i got to hold myself as i closed my eyes and let out a few curse words louder than i intended. It felt amazing and i never wanted it to stop as he kept touching me through my orgasm.
"Mm you did very good, petal." he told as i was panting.
He moved both his hands away and i breathed in and out deeply.
"I wish you didn't have to clean your face."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes, reaching the sink and turning the water on. I threw some in my face and rubbed my cheeks, looking at him in the mirror. He had zipped his pants back and was staring at me.
"I'm gonna fuck you against the wall."
His words made me laugh and I frowned at him.
"No you won't. We're done, Horan."
He looked at me until I was completely dressed and cleaned and I walked up to him. I don't know how long we stayed in silence, our eyes stuck on each other's, but the only thing I could hear were the beatings of my heart against my rib cage. He reached for my cheeks and cupped my face, taking a step closer. I smiled as he bent down and felt his lips brush against mine. It gave me a rush but I pulled away with a laugh.
"Nice try."
Quickly, I unlocked the door and he just grabbed my arm, making me turn around to face him. He was so hot, even more than usual. His eyes sparkled, as cheesy as it sounded, and his cheeks were a pale shade of red because of the orgasm.
"Did we switch millenium?" he asked with a smirk, making me frown. "You said never in a million years, didn't you?"
I grimaced and flipped him off before to move past him to leave.
"Bye Y/N, i'll see you around!"
NOTE: im going to write a part 2 from HIS pov where he eats her out. now my question, should she be his SUB again, or should she DOM him? please message me!
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