#also i had to deal with the whining all day that she was sick and felt bad and was a poor little meow meow I GET IT I DON'T CARE
bad268 · 12 days
heyyyyy can i request kimi antonelli and a reader who is sick and has to go to the doctor/hospital? idk if this is too specific or too much to add but could im rlly scared of needles and i feel like he'd be rlly cute and comforting so could reader be scared of needles?
Please Don't Make Me (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Sick! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (as someone who just had to stay in the hospital for 5 days, I relate. Anyway, ily <3)
Warnings: food poisoning (vomiting, weakness, fever), needles
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 1486
Summary: Kimi's s/o has been sick recently, so Kimi decided the urgent care is the place to go.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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“Do I have to go?” You wrapped your arms around yourself as you leaned away from the car window that you had been resting against for the entire drive as Kimi pulled up toward the entrance to the urgent care. After the first week straight of your fever, painful stomach cramps, and not being able to keep food down, Kimi was already concerned, but then you passed out. He knew at that point you needed to see someone, so partially against your will, he drove you to the urgent care. You were already out of it and usually, you two would go for drives at night, so you didn’t think anything of it when he helped you into the car. Then, he pulled up to the urgent care, and you were willing to do anything besides going in there.
Kimi didn’t answer straight away as he pulled into a parking spot, turned off the car, and leaned over to press his hand against your forehead. You leaned into his head when he moved it down from your forehead to hold your cheek. “You still have a fever, you passed out just before we left, and you have not stopped vomiting in a week. This isn’t normal, amour (love). I just want to make sure you’re okay. Please? I’ll be with you the whole time.”
“You know I hate hospitals and doctors,” You whined, but cut yourself short with a groan as your stomach started hurting again. You doubled over as much as you could in the car, and Kimi climbed out, ran around to your side of the vehicle, and opened the door to help you out. “No, I’m fine, Kimi. Can we please go home?”
“We can go home after you see someone here,” Kimi negotiated, grabbing your arms and pulling you out of the seat. You stood in front of him weakly as your knees buckled, and Kimi had to hold all of your weight. “I’ll get you anything you want on the way home. Just please, let me take you to see someone. You should be able to stand, and it hurts me to see you so sick.”
“Fine, but I want gelato and the special pizza. Both or no deal,” You countered with a pout as you leaned into his body more, craving the heat. He just sighed before moving to close your door and lock the car. Then, he started helping you walk to the front of the building, but you only made it a couple of steps as your feet kept dragging. It wasn’t because you were dragging them; it was because your limbs felt too heavy for you to lift them, so Kimi lifted you to carry you the rest of the way.
He set you down in one of the waiting room chairs while he filled out some paperwork on your behalf. He wrapped up quickly before walking and taking a seat next to you. It didn’t take long for you to go back, again with Kimi carrying you into the room. He set you carefully on the bed as one of the nurses immediately began taking your blood pressure.
“Based on the initial answers, we’re also going to set you up with an IV,” she explained as she pulled out a needle to get the line in.
Your scared gaze immediately shifted to Kimi, who had taken a seat off to the side, out of the way. He met your eyes before moving to sit on the edge of your bed and grab your free hand. He ran his fingers through your hair as he whispered in your ear.
“They’re just trying to get you hydrated,” He comforted. “Squeeze my hand as much as you want. I’m not going anywhere.”
“But I don’t want to even have a needle in my arm,” You tried to object, attempting to pull your arm away from the nurse. You could feel your heart rate speed up as tears filled your eyes and your breathing became unsteady. “I don’t want it. Please don’t make me, Kimi, please.”
“Is there any way we can hold off for a little?” Kimi asked the nurse. It broke him that you were hurting and he couldn't make it better. Plus, he knows the IV would make you feel better since you haven't been able to keep anything down and you have been so dehydrated. He also knows he needs to pick his battles. There was no use in trying to argue right now. He just got you to agree to come in the first place. He needed to take the small win before convincing you about the IV. “Maybe do some tests first?”
“We can do that,” The nurse agreed as she set the needles down, causing you to let out a huge breath as your breathing and heart rate returned to semi-normal. “Can you explain the symptoms you have been having?”
“I’ve had a fever, been throwing up everything, stomach cramps, and I’ve just been really tired,” You explained before dragging out as you couldn’t remember anything else.
“You’ve also been pretty weak recently. Like you couldn’t stand on your own outside. It’s been going on for a little over a week and a half now that we know of,” Kimi assisted. “I also feel like your brain has been foggy for the same amount of time.”
“That could be a side effect of the lack of nutrition,” The nurse comforted. “Was there anything you did differently before this all started?”
“I feel like we went out to dinner with the team,” You guessed, looking to Kimi for confirmation. “We were in Brackley for some testing, and I think we went out to a seafood place.”
“Did you have raw seafood or was it cooked?”
“I think you had sushi and I had teriyaki chicken,” Kimi answered.
“Yeah, I had a couple of sushi rolls,” You replied excitedly since this was a rare moment of clarity. “I remember you said you’d rather eat your protein cooked, and I thought it was funny.”
“Well, I think I know what this is then” The nurse chuckled along with you, causing you both to look at her expectedly. “Raw seafood makes for a higher chance of food poisoning. All of your symptoms alight and the timeline fits. The only thing we can recommend is liquids to keep you hydrated and when you feel up to it, eat some bland foods. I’d suggest bananas, rice, applesauce, or toast when you get to that point. Seeing how dehydrated you are now, I’d like to put you on an IV line and maybe give you two bags of fluid before sending you home.”
Your eyes snapped to Kimi as he was nodding at the nurse before he looked down at you, and moved his hand to hold your face to stay looking at him. His hand rested on your cheek as his fingers gently caressed against your cheekbones. This also served as a block, so no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t see the nurse or the needle.
“So no more raw sushi, right?” Kimi teased you as he tried to take your mind away from the needle.
“No more raw sushi,” You replied sadly. 
“Don’t tell Lando anything,” Kimi joked as he briefly glanced at the nurse who was getting ready to put the needle in. “He’ll say ‘I told you so’ or something.”
“Lando is a big baby,” You chuckled lightly. “Food poisoning isn’t going to stop me from eating sushi forever. Just a few months or something.”
“Is that so?” Kimi gasped as you went on.
“Sushi is life, Kimi,” You deadpanned. “A little food poisoning isn’t going to stop my love.”
“And look at that! You didn’t even flinch!” The nurse cheered as she took off her gloves and that’s when you looked over. The needle was already in and the IV was already dripping. You had already started to feel a little bit of the effects kicking in. Were you really that dehydrated? “I’ll come back in a couple of hours to make sure you are getting hydrated, but feel free to get comfortable and call me if you need anything.”
“There’s no way I missed that,” Your jaw was dropped as you stared at the needle embedded in your arm. “I didn’t even feel it, but I do now.”
“That’s because you’re staring at it,” Kimi chuckled lightly. He stood up, going to grab a cloth and wet it with cold water before bringing it back and laying it across the back of your neck. You sighed in relief as you practically melted into the bed. “That should help you feel less hot. Try to take a nap if you can. I’ll be here when you wake up, amour (love).”
He placed one last kiss on your forehead as your eyes fluttered shut.
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secretsandwriting · 7 months
Ethoslab x gn reader
Where Etho is sick and the reader is dragged in to take care of him
As per usual, I've attempted gn reader but I am used to writing fem so if I messed it up let me know and I'll fix it
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You weren’t sure why you were pinged by Gem to meet at Etho’s base as soon as possible, but there you were, landing a few steps away from Gem in front of Etho’s base. She turned around, clearly relieved to see you.
“Etho’s sick.” That wasn’t good but you weren’t sure why that required your immediate arrival, Gem seemed to catch on to your unsaid question. “He’s refusing to believe he’s sick and won’t let anyone help him. Tango said he’s way too warm to just brush it off, and since Etho listens to you a little better than the rest of us I asked you to come.”
“I don’t know if he will on this, especially if he wants to get back to his redstone.” You followed Gem into Etho’s base and found him arguing with Tango and Pearl, both trying to get him to lay back down while Etho tried to get past them to work on whatever he felt was calling his name. Which left only one method that would maybe work.
“Etho?” He whipped around and smiled through his mask at you. 
“Hey Y/n! Want to come look at my farms if Pearl and Tango would get out of the way?” You held up some papers. 
“Actually, I have some plans I’ve been testing for a farm but I’m not sure if I have the numbers right. Would you mind looking over them with me?” Etho paused and his gaze flickered between you and the papers.  
“Of course!” With that, your fate was sealed. Etho ushered you to the kitchen table and the papers were laid out and he started pouring over them, figuring it out in his head and mumbling it out. It didn’t take long to hear the effects of his fever. His rambling made no sense. Less sense than most of his redstone rambles. While he was talking, you gently placed your hand against his forehead. Etho froze before ever so slightly leaning against your hand. 
Tango was right, he was burning up. 
“Alright, that's enough. You need to get some rest, your fever is high.” Immediately Etho protested, “I’ll make you a deal. If you listen to what I tell you, I’ll take care of you. If you don’t, I’ll ask Doc too.” He weighed his choices. “Head to bed, I’ll be there in a minute with some things.” Etho jumped up and headed to his room, he was out cold when you went up three minutes later. 
You took that time to get everything you needed together and make some light food for when he woke up. Knowing full well a sick Etho would take advantage of any open second to get away and go back to work and once he started it could be almost impossible to pull him away. 
Etho was out until the next morning, and as predicted, he tried to escape out the window. Thankfully you had blocked all of them off so he couldn’t but he still tried. Begrudgingly, he accepted the tea and sipped on it slowly while he ate his soup. 
When you checked his forehead, he leaned into your touch more than he had the day before, he was also quite a bit warmer then he had been. Hoping you were wrong, you gently pushed his hair off his forehead and kissed it. It was worse, though you were pretty sure the sudden flush in his cheeks was not from the fever. 
Etho whined and complained when he was sentenced back to bed but immediately calmed down when you offered to read something to him. Settling down under a large pile of blankets he fell asleep to the fairy tale you were reading to him.
The next time he woke up, he was delirious and to make it worse, he kept trying to get up to go work on some redstone project. Nothing you tried would convince him to settle down and at least stay inside. 
“You wanna know what will keep me inside?”
“Yes Etho, I do!” Etho’s expression morphed into something you weren’t sure you wanted to know and he leaned a little closer to whisper to you.”
“A kiss, and not on the cheek, it has to be on the lips and you have to cuddle with me.” Oh boy, you had a feeling you knew how this was going to end.”
“I will give you a kiss on the lips and cuddle with you, if you listen to me and you can collect it when you're better and no longer contagious.” He pouted at the last part but seemed to accept it as he settled back down in bed and fell back asleep. 
Three days later, Etho was better and you left to go back to your base for the first time in 6 days. It was nice to finally shower in your own home, and it would be nice to finally get a full nights sleep again in your own bed.
What you didn’t expect was for someone to join you.
“It’s just me.” Etho. “I am here to collect my kiss and cuddles.” Of course Etho would remember that, why did you even agree to it i- Your thoughts were cut off by Etho pulling you closer to him.
“I’ve wanted to do this for years.” Etho whispered before closing the space between your lips. It was a short kiss, but damn was it good. You could feel the questions in the air, questions you weren’t sure if you knew how to answer. So you did the only thing you could think of that could possibly answer a few of them without having to find the words.
Placing your hand on his cheek, you pulled him back for another one. You could feel his smirk through your kiss and his arms tightened around your waist. 
“I didn’t know you were so obsessed with me.” He teased, before you could fire a response back he continued, a little more serious, “It’s ok though, I’m obsessed with you too.”
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luvsturniolo · 7 months
ー ★ !! inebriated
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pairing : chris sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis : after being dragged to a party by his brothers, chris finds himself stumbling into a very drunk girl — who looks like she's on the verge of either puking or sobbing. he can't tell which.
a/n : i haven't touched my keyboard in literal months so i wrote this purely due to the fact that i needed to get back into this writing lore ! if this is super shitty & bad, i apologize. this is ur warning !!
also ! there will be underage drinking, so if that sort of thing bothers you in any way i advise that you click off of this rn and find another fic.
also x2 , this will be switching POVs a bit. i'll put their names above each scene tho, so it's not confusing.
wc : 8k
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"i don't know if this is a good idea." chris says, warily, as he and his brothers trudge up the stairs toward the loud dorm room. they're all the way down the hall, and he can still hear every single lyric blaring from the speakers.
"oh, don't be a fucking wuss." nick rolls his eyes, gently nudging his brother in the side with his elbow. nick laughs a bit, but when he notices the genuine uneasiness displayed on his brother's face, he feels a twinge of guilt in his gut. "okay, fine. i have an idea."
chris looks up at nick with a deep furrow in his brow, "i hope your idea involves us going back to our own dorm for the rest of the night."
"well, not exactly." nick tells him. "how about matt and i go to the party, while you wait out here in the hall all night?"
chris lets out a loud groan, twisting to sit down on the staircase. what annoys chris isn't the fact that nick is so uncharacteristically persistent about attending this stupid party. it's the fact that he offered this idea as though he genuinely expected chris to sit out in the hallway for hours.
nick rolls his eyes at chris's childish behavior, leaning against the wall of the stairwell, seeming to have completely given up on trying to convince his brother to come along with him. he simply watches with an amused face as chris throw a tantrum.
matt — who has become incredibly sick of listening to his brothers' bickering the entire walk across campus — finally decides to butt into the conversation. he sits down on the stair beside chris, draping an arm over his shoulders. chris glances at matt out of the corner of his eye.
"i have an idea, too." matt tells him with a gentle tone. "wanna hear mine?"
for a moment, chris looks uncertain. but matt is so good at comforting people that he can't help but give in, agreeing to hear his idea as well. "fine." chris mutters.
"listen. you come to the party with us for twenty minutes." he says, making chris immediately let out a fatigued sigh. but matt quickly continues to explain. "if you're still wanting to leave by then, let me know and i'll take you back to our dorm without any questions. but if you end up having fun, you'll stay with us and give us both twenty bucks for having to listen to you whine the whole way here."
chris doesn't hesitate to agree to this deal. he shakes matt's hand to solidify the agreement and the three of them continue walking to the party.
there's no way in hell chris is going to enjoy this. the booming music paired with the stench of alcohol and weed is undoubtably going to give him a splitting head ache by the end of these twenty minutes.
parties aren't exactly your cup of tea, to put it lightly. you've only been to a few throughout your entire collage career, and you've never found yourself liking them. there's always far too many people in attendance for you to be able to relax or enjoy yourself. so, you've managed to avoid them thus far.
but you've had an incredibly rough day today, and you're pretty keen on the idea of being able to drink your pain away.
you've been friends with jasmin and elaine since you guys were in middle school. the three of you were inseparable for years, and everyone knew it. you were always closer with elaine than jasmin, simply because your guys' personalities merged better. as a trio, you guys spent every single weekend together since you were kids. your families all knew one another. you gossiped together about boys and drama and school. you confided in each other, and didn't spend a second apart.
however, that all ended today. you found elaine making out with your boyfriend in your guys' shared dorm room a few hours ago.
you had been dating kade for two years now, and you introduced him to your friends immediately when you guys met. you were excited to show them the wonderful boy you'd fallen for. they seemed to like him, and you guys became a quartet. you, elaine, jasmin, and kade. it was perfect. for two whole years. but it's all ruined now.
as soon as you walked in on elaine and kade in bed together, you called jasmin to tell her the news. she seemed just as shocked and betrayed as you were, and she rushed to your side instantly. you'd been in her dorm ever since, marinating in your own pitiful sorrow.
the thing is, you've been cheated on before. yes, it hurts ; it hurts like hell. but losing elaine hurts far more than losing your silly boyfriend. plus, kade had always been a bit of an asshole. elaine was the one who disapproved of him the most. the two of them always argued and made banter playfully. god. now you feel like such a fucking idiot for not realizing sooner.
"hey," jasmin says with the softest voice imaginable.
she opens the door to the dorm with a gentle creak, carrying in your favorite candies along with her. she trudges across the room before sitting on her bed — which you've made into your own. the mattress dips under her weight before she sets all the sweets down onto the duvet.
you sit up with a quiet word of thanks. ever since the incident, you've been tangled up in jasmin's blankets with a pillow pressed over your head to drown out the noise of a nearby party being thrown a few rooms down the hall.
"where'd you get all this?" you ask jasmin as you shuffle through the candies, finding the sweetest ones and unwrapping them joyfully.
"paxton is throwing a party for his birthday, and he let me take a few things." she explains, picking up a few for herself.
you can still hear the music blaring from down the hall, along with the sounds of muffled voices and laughter. you immediately wonder if kade and elaine are there together. kade is fairly popular, so he was most likely invited. and elaine loves parties, so she would have attended with him.
the thought of them together brings a certain ache to your stomach, making you want to lurch forward and vomit everywhere. you don't, of course, but you definitely consider it.
"i really fucking love you, jaz." you say.
you look at her with nothing by admiration behind your gaze. she holds the eye contact before smiling gently. she sets down her candies and pulls you into a tight hug. you return the embrace, burrowing your face in the crook of her neck.
"you deserve someone who treats you like the most wonderful person in the whole fucking world." she says against your hair. "because that's who you are."
"i don't feel like that, right now." you tell her, pulling out of the hug to gesture at your appearance. your hair is greasy tangled, your face is puffy from crying, your clothes are twisted, and you probably smell like shit.
"how about this," jasmin says with a mischievous grin spreading across her lips, "i'll lend you one of my most gorgeous dresses, and then we can go to paxton's party together. every single person there will stop and stare, including kade."
jasmin stands from the bed and grabs you by the hands, giggling as she pulls you to your feet. despite wanting nothing more than to go back to rotting uselessly in her bed, you can't help but laugh along with her.
"let's show him what he's missing out on." jasmin declares with a glow in her eyes, that makes you feel like you're in a cheesy disney movie. but you're honestly loving every second of it.
"how long has it been?" chris asks, leaning against the counter behind him. he looks up at matt, but realizes that his brother is no longer in front of him. chris groans audibly. he should have assumed that he wouldn't keep his end of the deal. there's no way matt could walk him home if chris doesn't know where he is.
"it's almost ten o'clock." a random guy says from beside chris. he looks over at him and smiles gratefully, hoping he doesn't look too awkward standing by himself. "this party is shit, don't you think?"
"for sure." chris agrees, quickly. "i don't even drink, so there's nothing for me to do other than watch everyone else get shit-faced. which isn't exactly how i want to spend my saturday night."
the guy just watches chris with an amused expression. the way he's staring makes chris feel a bit uncomfortable, but he refuses to show any sign of uneasiness.
"you're nick's brother, aren't you?" he asks suddenly.
the guy has sandy blonde hair and a face splattered with freckles. his eyes are dark brown, and a bit intimidating. he has high cheekbones and a grin that would make anyone tempted to smile along with him. the stranger takes a long sip out of his red solo cup as he waits for chris to respond, setting it down on the countertop behind him without breaking their eye contact.
"yeah, one of them." chris replies, finally. "i'm christopher."
"mm. full name, huh?" the guy hums with a bit of humor laced behind his tone. chris doesn't say anything, simply nodding as a reply. "i'm paxton. this is my party, i'm turning twenty."
chris's face drops. he instantly wants to take back everything he'd previously said. oh, he fucked up big time. he knows that nick only wanted to come to this party because of the major crush he has on paxton. and chris just insulted the shit out of his birthday party, then acted passive aggressive when giving him his full name as an introduction.
god, nick is gonna kill him.
"right, well i have to go." chris says, quickly exiting the kitchen with no idea where to go next. he should probably have stayed and apologized to paxton, but he was too scared of possibly fucking up even farther.
while aimlessly wandering around the crowded dorm, chris bumps into someone. he instantly apologizes, looking down at her with remorse. but his eyes quickly soften when he recognizes her.
"y/n?" he mutters, shocked to see you. especially at a party like this, knowing how much you usually dislike them with everything in you.
"holy fuck." you reply, your voice slurred and intoxicated. "christopher owen."
YOU — fifteen minutes prior
"i don't even know what to do at a party." you complain as you examine at yourself in jasmin's mirror. she was right, you look stunning. but you don't look like you.
"we're not going to party." jasmin explains as though it's the simplest concept to understand. "we're going to make kade jealous, and then get super drunk so we're too hungover to face tonight's concequences in the morning."
she has to shout in order for you to hear her voice because she's in the bathroom, curling her hair. the bathroom door is cracked open, but yelling is still needed due to the party's music being louder than anything else.
you shrug even though she can't see you doing so. "well when you put it that way, it sounds like a lovely idea." you respond, also shouting.
"girl," jasmin says with an audible laugh, "all my ideas are lovely."
with that, she exits the bathroom. her dress is shiny and gold, contrasting beautifully against her dark skin. you watch through the mirror as she approaches you, her reflection standing directly behind your own as she begins to put on two chunky, gold earrings.
you're wearing a dress that's a bit shorter than you'd like, but jasmin claims that it's the longest one she owns. you keep pulling it down subconsciously, but it's riding up your thighs annoyingly. you're wearing shorts underneath, of course, because they make you feel less exposed by the lack of length the dress provides. jasmin also lent you a necklace, a few bracelets, and a pair of earrings to wear. the jewelry is all dainty and more jasmin's style than yours, but you couldn't deny how fucking gorgeous you looked.
"let's go!" jasmin says with a giddy smile, grabbing your hand as she pulls you toward the door. you laugh with your last remaining true friend, allowing her to drag you down toward the party. your guys' heels click against the wooden floorboards in the hallway, the sound making you laugh even harder.
jasmin doesn't even bother knocking on the door. the way you guys enter paxton's dorm unannounced makes you feel strange, until you're actually inside and realize that the arrival of two people means nothing in comparison to the amount of guests that are piled into the space.
for the first few minutes, you and jasmin walk around together, exploring. you've had a few drinks, but you're hardly feeling anything yet. you end up leaving jasmin when she starts flirting with a random girl on the dance floor, and you feel invasive to linger around with her.
now on your own, you head toward the kitchen for another drink seeing as you just finished your last one. it's kind of comforting to be in the kitchen because there aren't as many people crowding around you. it's easier to breathe on your own.
you find a cooler on the floor, wide open with ice overflowing the rim. wedged inside the ice are various alcoholic beverages to choose from. you think for a moment before bending to grab a jack daniels, deciding on something sweet rather than bitter. when you stand back up, you notice someone standing to your left. you nearly drop the drink in shock.
"god," you mutter with an airy laugh as you turn to face the person. but all traces of humor leave your face when you recognize the presumed stranger.
elaine's hair is beautifully curled, framing her pale face with elegance that makes you suddenly feel like your hair isn't done well enough. her icy blue eyes stare down at you with an expression you can't read — which pisses you off because you used to be able to read all of her emotions perfectly. but now it's like she's a complete stranger.
now feeling insecure in your own skin, you pull the hem of your dress down. elaine doesn't seem to notice, nor does she care how you feel at the moment.
"what?" you demand, clutching the bottle in your hand to ground yourself. "did you come in here just to stare at me, or what?"
"don't flatter yourself." she says bluntly, a tone she's never directed at you before. in all the years you'd known her, you guys have never gotten into a genuine argument. so it's incredibly weird to see her in this new light. "i came for a drink. and you're standing in front of the cooler."
you turn and notice that she's right. you're blocking her from reaching the cooler. you instantly feel embarrassed, but you're quick to hide it by crossing your arms and stepping to the side so she can get to the cooler.
you watch as she reaches for the strongest drink that's offered. typical. she wouldn't be elaine without being unapologetically herself.
"you might not have anything to say to me, but i have a lot i'd like to say to you." you tell her, keeping your voice level despite the way your hands tremble against your crossed arms.
"it can wait." she says, turning on her heel and exiting the kitchen without another word, her ash blonde hair swishing behind her with superiority.
"what the fuck?" you murmur, now alone in the kitchen.
your senses are suddenly overflowing with blinding rage. after years of being best friends, she sleeps with your boyfriend. and yet, she's the one avoiding you? there's no fucking way anything about this situation is logical. you're the one who's pissed, not her. she has no right to have walked away from you like that. you deserve an explanation. or at least a viable conversation.
you screw open your bottle and take a swig of the drink, deciding that you're going to need a whole lot more of this before your anger cools down enough for you to leave the kitchen. because if you were to leave now, you wouldn't trust yourself not to immediately go to elaine and start a fight that you're not sure you'd even win.
after about ten minutes of standing by the cooler, drinking away your anger, you decide to finally exit the kitchen. you leave the room, stumbling a bit as you do so. but you quickly turn back around, realizing that you left your phone on the countertop.
as you walk back into the kitchen, you bump into someone who's walking out of it. he quickly apologizes, seeming to be in quite a hurry. you decide not to look up at him, now being annoyed that someone even bumped into you. god, maybe drinking was a bad idea. now everything pisses you off, not just elaine and kade.
"y/n?" the guy mutters, sounding insanely shocked. you raise a brow before looking up to meet the man's eyes. you instantly begin smiling at the guy.
"holy fuck." you reply, your voice slurred and intoxicated. "christopher owen."
chris hasn't seen you since senior year of high school. and considering the fact that you guys are now in college, it has been quite a while since you've seen each other.
you guys weren't necessarily friends back then, but you knew one another well enough. you guys had math together for two years straight. you sat side-by-side, talking every day through the entire period. by the end of the year, chris had developed a crush on you, and you were completely oblivious to his feelings.
he had introduced you to his brothers and you'd hung out outside of school a few times. you spent the night at his house once or twice, when your home life wasn't the greatest. he had come over to yours a few times to study for upcoming tests.
you's met his parents, and mary lou absolutely adored you. she told you stories about her sons, including each of their middle names. following this encounter, you had begun calling chris by his full name — christopher owen. at first, you did it because you noticed how it annoyed him. but then, the name stuck. it became an inside joke between you and him, depicting a sense of intimacy in knowing his middle name. even more so since it was given to you from his mother herself.
but after graduation, you guys lost contact and haven't spoken since.
however, seeing you in front of him now, chris really wishes he had made more of an effort to stay in touch with you. you're just as gorgeous as he'd remembered, if not more so than before. your dress was incredibly flattering, and your hair was done up perfectly.
upon seeing you, he completely forgot everything that was previously plaguing his mind. he couldn't even form a sentence, leaving the two of you staring at each other wordlessly. he took on your appearance once more, suddenly coming to realize something about you.
"you're drunk, aren't you?" he says, not knowing whether or not to be surprised. on one hand, it's a college party and everyone is drunk. but on the other hand, you're you.
you were the most perfect girl he'd ever met, unaware that you were capable of having a single flaw. but as he looks at you now, completely plastered, he realizes that it's impossible for anyone to be flawless. even you. plus, there's something incredibly domestic, and human about seeing you like this. like it's illegal, like something is wrong.
"i think everyone's drunk, except you and your brothers." you tell him with a crooked grin that makes his heart begin to beat at an unhealthy speed. "plus, i deserve to drink after the day i've had."
it sounds like you're telling yourself that last bit more than you're telling it to chris. as though you're not even sure you believe it. he wants to question you, and ask what's wrong. but he decides not to. that'd be weird, wouldn't it? i mean, you guys haven't spoken in years.
"anyway," you say as your body sways from side to side, "i left my phone in the kitchen and i need to get it back before someone steals it. or even worse, before elaine steals it."
chris raises a brow at your odd behavior, but again decides not to point it out. you continue talking as if you can't help yourself. as if there's no off switch, keeping you from spilling too much. and even though you've begun to talk about random shit that means nothing, chris is listening to every single word intently.
"...but yeah, i think all alcohol should have screw on tops." you ramble, mindlessly. "if we could all simply unscrew the bottles without a problem, we wouldn't have to waste money on those shitty bottle openers. but- well, i mean, maybe that's the point. oh my god! maybe that's the reason they're made! so they can make even more money off the openers! even though we don't need to use them, and they don't need the money. it's still a profitable arrangement that they're more well off having created. oh, and-"
you keep talking and talking. and chris keeps listening and listening. the way you gesture around with your hands makes him happy, because you used to do the same thing back in high school. and the way your voice gets higher when you come to a realization is also a habit you've always had.
in the middle of your ranting, nick comes up to chris frantically. he doesn't seen to notice you as he steals chris's attention away.
"have you seen paxton?" nick asks his brother with an extremely worried expression on his face. "we were talking, and it was going good. great even. but then he left to grab a drink, and he hasn't come back. i'm scared i did something wrong to scare him away. it was going so well."
remembering his previous conversation with paxton, chris immediately is filled with guilt. nick looks so terrified of the fact that he fucked this up, not knowing chris is the one who ruined his chances.
"i saw him in the kitchen a little bit ago, but it's been a while." chris says. he's technically not lying. he did see paxton. he's simply leaving out a few details. sure, they're pretty significant details, but it doesn't hurt nick to not know. in fact, it probably would be worse if he did. he's helping them all, honestly.
"thanks," nick says hurriedly before patting chris on the shoulder and rushing into the kitchen behind them.
with nick gone, chris refocuses his attention on you. but he's taken by surprise when he sees that you're no longer in front of him. chris looks around, spinning in circles idiotically. but it's like you fucking vanished out of thin air.
you've missed nick. you haven't seen him in years. but judging by the anxiety-filled body language, you deemed that this was a brotherly conversation. quickly feeling out of place, you decided to take your leave and return to the search of your phone. but when you reach the counter it had perviously been abandoned at, you see that it's no longer there.
"there you are!" you hear someone say from behind you. the sickeningly familiar voice draws chills down your spine. even drunk, you could recognize kade's voice without having to turn around to see his face. hesitantly, you do turn around. kade is standing by the cooler, your phone held tightly in his hands.
"oh, you found it." you say casually, stepping over to your ex with an amount of false confidence that shocks even you. "i've been looking for my phone everywhere, thank you for returning it for me!"
kade clearly is taken aback by your nonchalance, making you feel extremely good about yourself. but when you reach to take your phone from him, kade holds it above his head. when you guys were dating, his height was endearing. you loved how much taller he was compared to you. but right now, it's really pissing you off.
"see, i was going to give it back." kade says, lowering the phone so it's now in front of his face. he begins to type in your password — which you haven't yet changed seeing as it all only happened this morning. "but i changed my mind."
"you're not fucking funny." you tell him. your voice comes out more emotional than you would have preferred, because now kade knows exactly how annoyed you are.
"hm," he hums, scrolling through your phone as though it were his own. "i think it is funny, to be honest. i mean, you should be thanking me. who knows who else could have found it? you wouldn't have wanted it to get in the wrong hands, would you?"
"it's too late for that." you say. "you're the worst hands for it to be in."
he laughs, audibly, at that. the sound makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. you want nothing more than to punch him in the fucking jaw.
it's so weird that your feelings could change so fast. this morning, you woke up and texted kade with enthusiasm. you guys kissed and cuddled so normally. similarly, you were hanging out with elaine at lunch today perfectly fine. but here you are now, with nothing but hatred for both of them.
"i saw you talking to that triplet guy," kade says, "i always get them mixed up. was that chris or matt? i think nick is the gay one. or is it chris who's gay? god. i can never keep them straight."
"why do you give a shit who i talk to?" you ask him, crossing your arms defiantly as kade continues to snoop through your phone with a straight face. "at least i didn't fuck your best friend while we were together."
this gets his attention.
"you know nothing about our relationship." kade tells you, an edge to his voice that would have scared you if you weren't so blinded by your anger. you watch as he tuts before turning off your phone and stuffing it into his back pocket.
"oh, so it's a relationship now?" you ask. if you weren't so drunk, you would have had the common sense to shut up and stop teasing. but your only goal at the moment is to get as far under his skin as possible. you want him to feel all the pain you felt this morning. "i thought you guys were just fuck buddies."
"i've known elaine longer than i've known you." kade snaps, taking a step closer to you. you back away, being forced to press yourself against the corner of the counter behind you. "she's the one who introduced us in the first place, you dumb fuck."
"yeah, and i'm eternally grateful for that." you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes with a light scoff.
"elaine has been my friend since middle school. we've been near door neighbors our entire lives." kade tells you, as though you weren't already made painfully aware of their intimate history together. "she means more to me than just sex."
again, anybody else would have been able to read the room by now. they would have stopped poking the bear and decided enough is enough. but you're far too inebriated for something so logical. so you continue to dig a deeper and deeper hole.
"yeah?" you question, tilting your head innocently. "you might want to make sure those feelings are requited. i saw her making out with ryan hart earlier."
you watch as kade's jaw ticks with irritation. the sight of him getting so worked up fills you with an inexplicable pleasure. you've been crying all morning over two people who betrayed you. and after arriving at the party, it's seemed like they don't even care about your pain. so yes, seeing kade get pissed off is extremely satisfying. and yes, you should have stopped there. but no, you didn't.
"she might mean the world to you, kade. but to her? you're just another quick fuck that she'll pretend never even happened come tomorrow."
this seems to have crossed a line.
before you even have time to register what's happening, you're scrambling to your feet with blood dripping from your nose. kade punched you square in the face.
now collecting yourself, you look up at kade with a scowl. but he's not there to meet you eyes. honestly, he's got it worse than you. he's currently on the floor, getting the shit beat out of him by none other than christopher owen.
chris must have seen what happened and decided to step in after you got hit.
and as immature as it sounds, you don't care stop him. you simply watch as chris tackles kade to the ground and punches him repeatedly. people are shouting at him to stop, but chris doesn't care. and nor do you. kade deserves this.
you suddenly hear someone yell your name from somewhere else in the kitchen. you look up and see matt. your guys' eyes meet, and he gives you a look that makes you feel guilty for not stopping the fight earlier.
"tell him to stop." he says wordlessly. "he'll only listen to you."
with a sigh, you end the fight with one single word. you say chris's name, and his entire body stops in an instant. it's as if you flicked a switch. he stands up, knuckles bloody, and turns to face you as the kitchen falls silent.
something you've come to like about college is the fact that people know to mind their business. they crowd around for the fight, sure. but as soon as the show is over, they leave as though nothing happened.
chris steps closer, so he's only an inch away from you now. he reaches around and pulls your dress up. you instinctively go to shove him away, but before you have the chance, he slides something into your back pocket, your guys's noses nearly touching as he does so. you feel the familiar weight of your phone in the pocket of your shorts before chris tugs your dress back down to cover them up.
"are you okay?" he asks, so quietly you nearly don't hear him.
you stare up at him, speechless. then, you glance down at his hands and decide to make a joke in order to ease some of the tension. "seems like your knuckles are in worse shape than my nose."
"you should see the other guy." chris says with a chuckle.
you crane your neck to look behind him. but kade is already gone. you're a bit disappointed that you weren't able to see the damage chris did, but you're sure everyone will be talking about it on monday when classes resume.
"let me do you a favor." you tell him, grabbing his bloody hand and holding it in both of yours. "since you did me one."
your favor wasn't what chris expected. when you took hold of his hand and pulled him upstairs, he thought you were going to kiss him or something. but you had other ideas — which he should have expected. from all the time he's known you, he should know better than to assume he knows what's going on inside your head. you're unpredictable. and he loves it. it's actually one of his favorite things about you.
"there should be a first aid kit under the sink." you mutter, dragging him into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you as if you were at your own house. "the code of conduct says you're required to have one under each sink in case of emergency."
"no way you actually read the fucking code of conduct." chris says with a laugh, sitting down on the closed toilet seat. he watches you with a gentle smile splayed softly across his lips.
"of course not." you say without looking at him, crouching in front of the sink and beginning to dig through the cabinet. "jasmin's roommate did, though. i've never formally met her, but jaz complains about how strict she is with rules and shit."
"right," chris says.
he's hardly listening to you, though. as much as he would love to involve himself in a conversation with you — no matter the subject — he's distracted. you look so fucking gorgeous right now, and he can't tear his eyes away. it's becoming a genuine problem. he's not only focused on your appearance, though. just the sound of your voice is enough to take his attention away from the words you speak.
it's been so long since he's seen you, and he's just trying to relish in the escapism that your presence offers.
"-- might hurt." is all he hears when he zones back in. and he doesn't have any time to think before you press disinfectant to his knuckles. the medicine against the open wound causes him to suck in a sharp breath. you watch the pained expression on his face, and you frown. "focus on something else. you have nine more knuckles to work with."
as soon as you tell him to focus on something else, his mind instantly goes to you. he pins his eyes to yours, and you return the favor. you continue to hold the eye contact as you move to the next wound. he clenches his jaw, but the pain is much more bearable this time round.
this goes on for about a minute or two. you guys stare at one another as his knuckles are slowly getting the attention they need.
this thing is, kade had piercings. and every time chris's fist wound come in contact with his nose stud or his lip ring, it would puncture his skin — creating the jagged injuries that you're treating so delicately, now.
"done," you say with a wide grin. the sight of you looking at him with a proud smile makes the stinging pain from the gauze worth every second. chris watches as you shut the first-aid-kit and place it back where you'd found it. as you stand back up, he looks down at his battered hands.
you did a great job, that much was inevitable. when you dragged him up here, they were bleeding and throbbing. but now they're numbed, and the band-aid you pressed across the hills of his knuckles are keeping them from bleeding. suddenly, chris remembers something.
"c'mere." he tells you. you look at him with a confused expression, raising an eyebrow at his sudden assertiveness. he instantly feels guilty, and quickly apologizes. "sorry, i didn't mean to snap like that. i just want to check your nose. make sure it's not broken or anything."
you let out an airy chuckle, "you don't need to do that. i'm fine."
"i insist." chris presses on, standing from the toilet seat and taking a daring step closer to you. he hears your breath hitch, and a smile tugs at his lips. "it's the least i could do after you patched me up like humpty dumpty."
you laugh at this, a bright smile lighting the dimmed bathroom as your eyes squint with joy. chris wishes he could bottle this moment up and replay it whenever he pleases.
"okay, okay," you say as your laughter dies down, "you can check my nose."
you move to sit on the toilet seat he had just recently occupied. chris doesn't crouch in front of you the way you did to him, though. he stands before you, his legs placed between your knees. he grabs you jaw, gently as ever, and tips your head up. he uses his free hand to graze your nose, feeling the damage. or lack thereof.
"yeah," his voice is so quiet you strain to hear it, "yeah, you were right. it's not broken."
despite the initial concern now being solved, neither of you attempt to move from your position. chris continues to hold your chin upward, and you continue to stare at him through your lashes. his thigh knocks against your knee, but again, neither of you aim to change anything about this moment — both of you being too afraid to lose whatever chemistry is going on.
suddenly, there's a loud banging at the door. "hurry the fuck up! some of us have to take a shit! oh my god!"
chris gets annoyed by the interruption, tempted to exit the bathroom and hurt whoever just ruined the moment. that way, his knuckles would be bloody again and you'd help him again. yeah, that sounds like a good idea to him. but just as the anger settles into his mind like a bird nesting, something rips his attention away.
you burst out in a fit of laughter. chris whips his head in your direction, desperate to watch the adorable scrunch of your nose, and the light reflect in your eyes. still laughing, you stand from the toilet and wipe at your eyes. you urge chris forward, saying it's a good idea to leave seeing as you guys have been hogging the bathroom for a while.
chris happily obliges. honestly, he would agree with anything you'd say right now. he would do anything for you, simply in the hopes that you'd glance at him for a moment as he does so.
as you both exit the bathroom and return downstairs, chris notices you stumble a bit. then it clicks in his head — you're still a bit drunk. sure, the fight may have sobered you up a great deal, but it's not instantaneous. the alcohol is still in your system, and it's still altering your actions in a slight bit.
this would explain why you're so giggly, and why your cheeks are so rosy. and for a moment. for an awful, awful moment, chris wonders if that's the only reason why you're even hanging around him in the first place.
"let me walk you back to your dorm," chris offers.
"you don't have to do that." you insist, staring up at him with wild eyes and tangled hair that he finds incredibly endearing.
"tell me where your dorm is, and i'll decide that for myself." chris says. "how about this. if you're in this building, i'll let you walk home alone. but if you're in the west wing, you have to let me take you back."
you groan with a laugh, tipping your head back as you do so. "i'm in the west wing."
"great," chris says with a smile, "let me take you home. again, it's the least i could do after everything you've done for me."
"you already made it up to me by checking my nose." you point out, tapping the bridge of your nose to prove your point. "you don't need to escort me home, i'm sure i'll be okay."
"i'm not just talking about the fight." chris says. "you've been great to me since high school."
the only reason you don't want chris to walk you back to your dorm is because of elaine. she's an incredible manipulator, and will talk shit about you at any chance she gets. especially if she sees you with a new boy. and you're honestly scared that chris might believe her.
but when chris brought up your guys's past, something in your gut ached. you felt an urge to hug him, and confide in him, and simply just exist with him by your side.
it's probably because you no longer feel like you have anyone to confide in. you lost your boyfriend and your best friend in the same day, and you feel bad about complaining to jasmin because she'd going through the same thing. she lost elaine today, too, and it's not fair for you to whine about it when she's probably just as upset as you are.
"thank you," you say as you and chris approach your dorm.
you guys talked the entire way there. well, more like you talked while he listened. you felt bad for speaking without giving him a chance to respond, but he insisted that he doesn't mind. and plus, you're only talking so much due to your nerves.
what if elaine tells him something bad about you, and it makes chris hate you too? what if she sleeps with him the way she did with kade? well, you and chris aren't a thing, so that wouldn't bother you. well. it shouldn't. but it does. the image of him and her? it's- ugh, it's fucking unbearable. and you have no reason to feel that way, since you guys aren't dating. i mean, he could have a girlfriend, and you wouldn't know.
"of course," chris replies as though he was doing something unquestionable.
you stand there for a second, waiting for him to leave. but he doesn't. he's waiting for you to let him in. but. god, you can't do that. what if elaine is in there? finally, you decide to bite the bullet. you fumble with your keys and unlock the door, holding it open for him to enter through.
chris thanks you quickly, walking into your and elaine's shared dorm room. it's decorated to be cozy and warm — a theme that the two of your agreed would make it homier. you love the interior designing, and it makes you happy. but now, you can't think about anything except the image of kade on top of elaine. on your guys's shared couch.
you enter after chris, not turning to facet before you lock the door with the key and stuff it into your pocket. but when you finally turn around, you instantly run into his backside. you side step, wondering what made him stop walking so abruptly. then, you see-
of fucking course.
kade is sitting on the beige-colored couch with a packs of ice pressed to his face in various spots. while elaine straddles his lap, holding the ice for him as she speaks in gentle, soothing tones. they don't seem to notice you and chris at first, seeming to be too busy flirting with one another. but this could just be an act. perhaps they're trying to look unbothered. and if so, it's working.
elaine leans forward and kisses kade passionately. it lasts long enough that you begin to feel uncomfortable. you turn to chris with a forced smile, "well. thanks for walking me back."
he looks at you with a worried expression, seeing directly through your facade. he knows you and elaine were best friends — your entire high school knew you guys to be the perfect duo. inseparable. and he also knows that kade is a dick. you're not sure if he's aware that you guys dated, but chris definitely hates his guts now, after what happened at the party.
"you can stay with me and my brothers tonight, if you want." chris offers. "we talked the school into giving us a huge dorm so the three of us could share. but it's bigger than we expected, so we have tons of room for you if you don't want to stay here for the night. and none of us would blame you, by the way."
he gives elaine and kade a side-glance. the glare that chris shoots them would likely have been deadly if they were to have looked up at him. but they're too busy with each other to even notice his eyes on them.
"i couldn't ask you to do that," you say with another forced smile, "i'll be fine for the night. you've done more than enough."
chris looks like he wants to protest against this, but he shuts his mouth and decides not to. he nods, agreeing with your decision. "i'm not going to force you, but the offer remains. even if you change your mind in the middle of the night, i'll let you in without any questions."
you smile at this. genuinely. chris has been so insanely kind to you, and you simply don't understand what you've done to deserve it. yeah, you guys were friends a few years back. but chris is being so generous.
overcome with emotion, you wrap your arms around his neck. you hug him tightly, and he hugs you back. you bury your head in the crook of his collarbone, and squeeze him as though you would break without him there to hold you together. like a vase that needs tape to stay standing.
when you finally let go, you're forced to wipe at your eyes to refrain from crying. that would be insanely embarrassing, so you refuse to let any tears fall. you're sure chris wouldn't mind, but you would. you'd rather die than let him see you sob over your ex best friend and kade. ugh. even his name makes your throat close up.
"this is so insensitive." elaine says, causing you and chris to both turn your heads in her direction. you'd forgotten about her. well, that's a complete lie. but you'd like to believe it.
she's still sitting on kade's lap, but they're no longer making out shamelessly. her arms are draped across his shoulders, and his hands are under her shirt, but it's better than before, at least.
"y'know that's the prick who did this to kade, don't you?" elaine asks, directing her question to you.
"i'm aware." you reply, keeping your voice as level as possible. the feeling of having chris behind you makes you feel ten times as more confident, knowing he'd back you up against kade. you don't feel small against her anymore like you did at the party. it's nice. having someone on your side as well. it's not 2 v 1 any longer.
"then why the fuck is he even here? it's not his dorm." kade asks with a scoff and an eye roll, as though the scoff wasn't enough. you feel as chris's posture straightens behind you, and you give him a side glance that only the two of you could notice. he understands, and instantly relaxes — knowing that this is your problem, not his.
"i was there when the fight happened." you tell her, ignoring kade's attempt to piss chris off. "where were you, elaine? having sex with damien? oh, or was it vance? sorry. i can't keep up."
elaine looks like she could explode with rage, her face turning red as her teeth clenching together. it's a sight that you'd love to relish in, but you learned your lesson earlier today. sometimes it's best not to add on more and more. that's asking for a fight.
so you simply give her a final smile, turning to chris. you give him an apologetic look before standing on your toes and pressing your lips to his.
the kiss was an attempt to make elaine and kade annoyed, but you find yourself genuinely enjoying it. you snake your arms behind chris's neck, and he places his hands on your waist, holding your firmly against him. time seems to slow around you guys, as if the universe had been waiting for this moment for as long as you were. it no longer matters who's in the room. you only care about chris.
"i'm so sorry," you whisper against his lips between kisses, "just go with it."
"don't you dare apologize for this." he says. you feel his grip on your waist tighten, and you smile against him, returning to the kiss with an entirely different intention.
before, it was just to piss off your two nemesis. but now, you're doing it for your own enjoyment. because you actually want to. because you actually have feelings for chris. well. you think? you never saw him as a crush before this. but now, you're not sure you'll ever be able to look at him in the same light.
christopher owen. your christopher owen.
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@kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @uhnanix @deadxrx @kitaysworld @lovelysturniolo @wilmalovegood @ladylokilaufeyson5 @sturniolopepsi @strnilolo @knowingnothingnoel @its-jennarose @lea0518 @slaysturniolo @sturnlover @tcvazq @ifilwtmfc @poopydroopt @cl0esblogg @ellaynaa @itzdarling
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spenceragnewfics · 4 months
Could you do a sick fic? Where either spencerbor yn gets sick and the other takes care of them?
Sorry this is so short but I hope you enjoy!
SICK DAY | Spencer Agnew X F!Reader
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TW: None I can think of 
Word Count: 663 
Description: Spencer hates being sick, but thankfully, he has Y/N to help him get better
Spencer HATES being sick. There was nothing more inconvenient than being sick, especially when you have his job. He has no idea how he got sick, everyone he’s been around has been healthy as far as he knew. It doesn’t change the fact that he is laid in bed, tissues all around, different cold medicines on his nightstand, and very congested Spencer.
Luckily, he has Y/N. The woman has been taking care of him all day. Making sure he had plenty of tissues, medication, and was comfortable. Also, she’s made sure he’s had no Kickstart.
“Y/N! I’m sick! I should be able to,” He’s cut off mid sentence as he coughs, “be able to drink whatever I want.” He whines, looking at his girlfriend with sad eyes. She doesn’t budge, “You need electrolytes and plenty of water. Not caffeine and buckets of sugar.”
Spencer rolls his eyes before coughing more. Y/N kisses his forehead then looks at him, “You’re not too hot. Do you feel cold?” He shakes his head, pulling the covers off of him.
Crawling into the bed, she leans against the headboard as she pulls him against her chest. He wraps his arms around her as she starts to play with his hair. “Wanna watch Star Wars? It always helps to watch your favorite movie while sick.” She says, looking at him. “Yeah, start from the first one?” He asks as she laughs. “Anything you want, Spence.” She says as she pulls up the first Star Wars movie.
About half-way through the third movie, Spencer is cuddled against her side in a deep sleep. Moving slowly, she moves him to lay down on his side as she gets off the bed.
Kissing the top of his head, she starts to clean up around the area. Picking up empty water bottles, making sure all the tissues are in the trash can, and checking the medicine to make sure he’s taking it like he needs to.
Once the area is clean, she goes to the kitchen to grab some Gatorade then heats up some chicken noodle she made earlier in the day. Walking back to their bedroom, she sets the food down on a table before walking over to him.
“Baby, I need you to wake up. It’s time to eat and take your meds.” She says gently as she shakes him. Spencer groans, not wanting to wake up as he cuddles Y/N’s pillow. The action makes her smile as she plays with his hair, “Please, it’ll make you feel better.” Leaning down, she kisses his cheek then eyes which wakes him up a little.
“Hey, sunshine.” She teases as his blue eyes open. “Hey, sunshine.” He says, voice full of sleep. “You need to eat and take your meds.” He groans before sitting up. She brings over the food, setting it in front of him.
Spencer eats then takes his medicine. Y/N sits there with him, making sure he’s doing what he needs before taking the stuff and walking back to the kitchen. When she gets back, Spencer is laying back down continuing where he fell asleep with the movie.
When he sees her, he opens his arms, wanting her to cuddle and who is she to deny a sick man’s request. She climbs back into bed and pulls him to her chest, getting in the potion they were before.
“Thank you for being my nurse.” He says against her chest, slowly starting to fall asleep again.
“It’s not a problem, especially when I’ve been able to keep you away from your phone all day so you can’t see any chaos.” She teases as his eyes widen. “Oh shit, I need to-”
“Nope, you are going to sleep. You can deal with any hypothetical chaos later.” She says, securing her arms around him. He doesn’t protest as the room goes quiet except for the sound of the movie. The couple falling asleep in each other’s arms.
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drewsbuzzcut · 2 years
jealous gf reader who doesn’t like drew friendship ( ? is it a friendship at this point ? ) between him and odessa due to her past relationship where her bf who cheats on her with his bff
Soft whines from the baby monitor bring you out of your deep sleep. Drew is crashed out next to you which was a surprise as he wasn’t home when you first went to bed.
“Drew,” you mumble while softly hitting his chest to wake him up.
It was his turn to attend to your daughter, Jolene. Your 2 year old had fallen sick the night before, so you were up all hours of the night trying to soothe her. Drew had been out the whole day. Doing who knows what. As said before, he wasn’t home when you finally were able to go to sleep- at 2 a.m.
You only hear him grunt in response, so you force yourself out of bed so you can make sure Jolene was doing as well as she could while being sick.
Upon entering your baby’s room, you see Jolene sitting up in her crib. She’s softly crying and rubbing at her eyes and ears. Your heart breaks for her. You wish you could take her place, and it takes a lot for you to not cry. The second you pick her up, shes clinging to you in every way she can. You can hear the mucus stuffed in her nose and the little whines she makes. She usually alerts you that shes hungry the minute she’s in your hold, and since she didn’t this time, you take her with you back to bed.
Jolene immediately crawls over to Drew, and you wanted to stop her from interrupting his sleep, but then you remembered that he’s her parent, too. He doesn’t get to not take care of her or show her attention. 
“Daddy, up,” Jolene says with her cute, little lisp. 
“Jo?” Drew’s raspy voice answers back. 
“Old me,” despite the forgotten ‘h’, Drew knew that she meant she wants to be held, so he’s quick to wrap her up in his arms while her head rests on his chest. 
It’s a beautiful sight; something you always miss seeing whenever Drew is away filming. 
“Is she sick?” Drew asks after hearing her snuffles. 
You have to resist the urge to scoff at his question when the answer is so obvious. He would’ve known if he had answered any of your calls from last night. 
“Can you feed her? I need to take a shower,” you ask, even though it wasn’t really a question. Before he could answer, you get up and hurry to the bathroom. 
You spend a much needed 30 minutes under the steaming water, and you even allow yourself to do your skincare routine. On your way to the kitchen, you hear the doorbell ring. You weren’t expecting someone, and you really didn’t what to have anyone over when you have a sick child to care for, but you still put a smile on your face to greet the unexpected visitor. 
When you see Odessa on the other side of the door, your smile falters just a bit. You were also taken aback as to why she was there. 
“Um… what are you doing here?” You question, attempting to hide your confusion as best as possible.
“Wanted to come by and see Drew.”
“You should’ve called or something. Now’s not really a good time,” you say. 
Before Odessa can respond, Drew appears, Jolene on his hip looking annoyed, and tells Odessa to come in. Part of you knew you shouldn’t make this into a big deal, but part of you also wanted to scream. Dealing with a sick child was a handful; a handful you will always be willing to handle, but that didn’t mean you wanted to play host at the same time. You have a hard time understanding why Drew would just let her in when things are hectic. 
In the kitchen/dining room area, Drew continues to feed Jo while Odessa finds herself something to drink. 
“Sorry for keeping him out so late, y/n,” Odessa chuckles. 
You and Drew freeze. 
You knew he was going out, but you didn’t know that he was going to be with her. When you had asked who he’d be with, he said that it might be some of the boys but wasn’t sure. You tried to come up with a quip, but your throat was dry and you were having a hard time not freaking out. 
Drew is looking at you; you could feels his eyes boring into your head, but you weren’t going to make eye contact with him. 
“I didn’t know you and Drew were together last night,” you mutter. 
“Mmm yeah just for the night. I met up with him and the guys at a bar, and then we went to my place to chill,” Odessa says nonchalantly. 
Your hands grip the kitchen counter and you have to take some deep breaths. You know your face is red- from anger and embarrassment. 
Drew must notice because he’s quick to give you some space. 
“Jo, want to go outside? Yeah! Ok let’s go; Odessa let’s go outside.”
When the back door closes, you have to stop yourself from breaking whatever object was around you. How could he spend practically all night with her, and have the nerve to not answer your calls. Especially because they had to do with how Jolene was feeling. You start to remember all the times that Drew had put Odessa first. He would either want to hang out with her instead of being home, or he’d show her something that he’d usually show you first. You didn’t allow it to bother you at first because you thought it was silly. You could laugh now just looking back at when Drew first introduced you to his best friend. She was too close for comfort. How could you have been so naive. 
You decide that you’re going to go outside and politely ask her to leave, so you could have the much dreaded talk with your boyfriend. The view in front of your eyes is enough to bring tears to the surface. Drew is running around with jo in his arms and Odessa is running after them. Then, Drew puts down your babygirl and Odessa is quick to tackle him to the ground. 
The sound of the back door shutting roughly breaks them out of their playful banter. Drew knows by the look in your eyes that he’s in trouble. He does the job for you and asks Odessa if she could leave. She does without hesitation, as if her purpose was to come and stir things up. 
You’re still siting outside when Drew comes back from locking up after Odessa left. You have Jolene in your arms, rocking her slowly. Your face is directly in the path of the sun, you hope it’ll soak up all of your tears. 
“So you could be with her until hours of the night, but you couldn’t find time to answer or return my calls?” You try to keep your voice steady. 
“We were just hanging out. I didn’t think the calls were that important. I’m sorry,” Drew whispers.
“Didn’t think they were important? You’re sorry? Wow. So, my 10 calls weren’t important enough. I was trying to tell you that I needed help because OUR daughter was sick and running a fever, but no you were busy shoving your head up Odessa’s ass,” you scoff out. 
“Calm down. I said I’m sorry. It was a mistake to ignore your calls, but you had stopped calling,” he tries to reason. 
“Of course I stopped calling! I knew that you wouldn’t pick up,” you reply. 
“Are you cheating on me? If you are, you need to tell me now! You know that I have dealt with that shit before with my ex. So tell me, are you cheating on me? Do you not love me anymore?!” You’re practically shouting now. You feel terrible because you never want to fight with Drew in front of Jolene, but you couldn’t hold it in any longer.  The tears running down your face are not stopping anytime soon, and it further breaks your heart when jo leans up and wipes the tears off your cheeks before snuggling into your chest. Your sobs only grow stronger when Drew is still silent. It’s like he wasn’t expecting you to ask him those questions.
“Why would you ask that? No, I’m not cheating on you. I do love you still, always,” he says sure of himself. 
“I see the way she hangs all over you. I see the way you go to each other for almost everything. I understand that she’s your best friend or whatever, but I was always your best friend. You always came to me for everything. You always wanted to be with me. Now we have a baby, and you don’t want to be around us,” you cry out, cheeks red and eyes swollen. 
“That’s not true,” Drew says, voice remaining calm. 
“That’s bullshit and you know it. You haven’t been around because you’re filming- which isn’t the problem because I know you’re doing it to support us, but when you’re not filming, you want to be with her.”
“Why are you so jealous. I don’t like her like that. She’s my friend.”
“Don’t I have a right to be jealous. Like I said, you always want to be with her. I know I’m not crazy. I know you have to have some kind of feelings for her. She’s great, trust me I get it. Look, for whatever reason you wont admit it, so this conversation will only go nowhere. I think it’s best if you stay somewhere else tonight. I can’t look at you right now, and that says a lot. And truth be told, I don’t know if we should stay together.”
Drew snaps his head up at your words. There’s worry written all over his face from the frown of his eyes brows to the tears trailing down his cheeks. 
“So what? I just leave our house and find somewhere else to live?” Drew whimpers out. He’s rubbing at his eyes and his lips are in a pout. He reminded you of how you found Jolene this morning. She had his every expression. If it weren’t for the tense situation, you’d kiss away his cute pout.
“No. We’ll leave. Just give me this week. I need to get jo a doctor’s appointment because I think she has an ear infection, but after that we will leave,” you say. 
“I don’t want you to leave with our daughter. I love you and Jolene. I want us to be here together as a family, and I want you to believe me when I say that I love you and will always love you, and that I never have and never will cheat on you,” he pleads. 
“Please, Drew. I need time. Jo is sick and I need to take care of her. If you want, I will let you know when her appointment is and you can join,” you say solemnly. 
“For the record, if it even matters at this point, I’m sorry for making you doubt everything. You’re my best friend. And Jolene is the love of my life, as well as you. I was wrong for a lot of things, and I will change it, but I need you to give me another shot. Please!” He’s sobbing now. 
“I don’t know, Drew. I said I need time to think, so please let me have that time. I love you. I want to believe you, so I need to figure out how to do that without being jealous and I just need to get myself together,” you explain. 
He nods and lets you know that he’s going to go inside and pack an overnight bag. 
He gives Jolene a lot of hugs and kisses, and promises her that he’ll see her soon. When he gets to you, he pulls you into a bone crushing hug. His head is rested in the crook of your neck, and he bites his tongue so that his cries are silent. 
“I love you, please always remember that,” he whispers in your ear and gives you a kiss on the cheek before he’s driving away from your home.  a/n: Hope whoever requested this enjoyed it as well as the rest of you!!
pt. 2 here
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allyricas · 1 year
Moving On pt. 2
part one
3,180k words
The day of the trip to Indy finally arrives and the weather does not reflect the excitement Steve feels as he loads his last bag into the trunk of his car. He knows he overpacked but wants to be ready for anything. He also has a cooler full of drinks and sandwiches along with enough junk food to make anyone sick.
He and Robin had decided to make sure they had plenty of food so they could settle in to their hotel and chill the first night. Robin had an early campus tour and Steve had a meeting with an advisor at the community college he’d be taking his cosmetology courses. They had a packed schedule considering they needed to find an apartment and jobs (together if possible) and the urge to scope out the gay scene. Or find it, at the very least.  
Steve pulled into Robin’s driveway and saw that she’d also slightly overpacked. Two halves of the same soul, the two of them. He got out and helped her load up her bags. She was holding a thermos of something and wearing a pair of Steve’s sweatpants. That’s where those went. He’d been looking for them for a week. Robin had a tendency to steal his clothes which mostly just made Steve feel all loved and shit, so he only complained for appearance’s sake.  
“Rob, my fucking sweatpants. Come on, I’ve been looking for them.” He whined. He truly didn’t mean it all.  
“Shut up, they are my pants now. They look hotter on me.” She laughed, doing a pathetic little shimmy. She was not a morning person. The messy bed head and the large amount of coffee she was inhaling made this apparent. “I am so tired, but really fucking excited. I brought the music. You are banned for the entire drive up and back. I will fucking jump out of this car if you play any sad, pining music. This is fun time not sad boy time.”   
“That tape has Whitney and George Michael on it. It’s not a total sad fest.”  
“Liar. You cry the most whenever careless whisper comes on.” Robin replied viciously.  
“Let’s uh, not talk about that please.” Steve knew he was still whining a bit, but Robbie was mean in the morning.  
The drive up went smoothly despite the terrible weather. Fifteen minutes into the drive, it started to torrentially rain. Thunder shook the car and lightning lit up the sky. Robin did in fact have all upbeat music and refused to let Steve play anything remotely sad. This was good as he was feeling rather happy in the moment. At one point it rained so hard, Steve had to pull over and wait for it to slow down as Robin started hyperventilating. What should have been an hour and fifteen-minute drive took three hours, but time spent with his best friend was always good.  
Navigating the city was invigorating (for Steve) and anxiety inducing (for Robin), but they both could barely contain their excitement when they finally pulled up to the motel they're staying at. It’s a little mom and pop place that Joyce and Hop had recommended. Why those two have a favorite motel in the city, Steve doesn't want to think to much about.
It’s a cute place, white shutters and soft yellow paint with a rustic looking sign that says The Mosey Inn. The rooms were entered from the outside, with parking all around the place. There were plants everywhere and everything had a well-loved appeal. It’s a rather nice little place. He goes in to check them in and there is an older woman at the desk. She's one of those people who radiates kindness and Steve likes her right away.  
“Hello there, dear. Welcome to the Mosey Inn. I’m one-half of Mosey, but you can call me Elise.” She’s smiling softly at him as he walks up to the desk. 
“Hi, I have a reservation for Harrington. For a suite with two queens.” He finds he’s nervous which feels silly. He grew up checking into hotels and dealing with reservations. Usually, it was at swanky hotels that his parents would leave him in before he was old enough to be all alone at home.  
“Of course, sweetie. Joyce and that sweet Jimmy told me all about you the last time they visited for the weekend. I just adore them. Jimmy did some handy work for me and the missus last time they were here. We’re getting up there in age and my Maggie cannot be climbing ladders anymore. I always give them a discount and I like the look of you, dear. I’ll give you one too.”
She’s beaming at Steve like she is thrilled to meet him which is not something he’s exactly used to. He’s thinking over what she said. The missus, her Maggie. He looks around the room and spots a tiny pink triangle on a bookshelf. Oh. This was a safe place. He owed Hop and Joyce dinner because this was the nicest surprise he’d gotten in a long time. He'd definitely be calling Hopper by the nickname Jimmy though.
“Thank you so much, ma’am. I know my friend Robin and I are going to enjoy this trip even more now knowing this is a safe place for people like us.” That felt as close to telling a stranger he was gay he could manage, but it felt huge to say it. It meant something to find this little piece of community with two women who were old enough to be his grandmothers. He felt like he might cry and for once, there were happy tears brimming in his eyes.  
“Please, call me Elise. There’s no ma’am, none of that uppity nonsense. This place is for friends, you understand.” She told him in a voice so genuine that Steve choked back a sob. He handed over his credit card and she handed him two room keys. “We offer breakfast and lunch, usually buffet style unless we say otherwise. There’s a coffee station around the corner and there’s always some sort of snacks next to it. If you need anything just give us a ring. Feel free to come chat anytime. Enjoy your stay.” 
“I think I will, Elise. I’ll bring Robin around to meet you once we’re settled, probably for breakfast tomorrow!” 
As soon as Steve got back into the car, he excitedly told Robin all about Elise and her partner and how the Inn was a safe place for them. The fact that Joyce and Hopper stayed here whenever they wanted a night or two away from the chaos of their little blended family filled Steve with joy. He knew that they weren’t hateful people, but this was outright acceptance by the adults he respected most in his life. Robin was rambling on about the décor of the inn as he lugged their many suitcases into their room. She just smiled at him as he struggled.
It was cozy with two queen beds and a little kitchenette and a sitting area off to the side. There was a good size bathroom and closet. It was decorated in soft hues of yellow and green with floral bedding. It was lovely and Steve felt immensely at home in this place.  
“This place is so cute!” Steve exclaimed happily, finally collapsing onto his bed. It was comfortable too. “Damn, this is going to be a nice trip. Elise said they offer 2 meals, that there’s a coffee station with snacks and this bed is fucking soft as hell.” 
“So basically, we can save a ton of money and try to eat here most of the time is what I'm hearing you say Steven?” This seemed to genuinely thrill Robin.  
“Absolutely, we can go visit with them tomorrow during breakfast. It’s from 6:30 to 8:30.” Steve knew this was going to cause some mild stress for Robin. This delighted him. 
“Ugh, ugh. For free breakfast and fellow lesbians, I will get up. You might have to drag me though.” 
Steve laughed, delighted at the prospect of waking Robin up in the morning. It was early evening, but they decided to munch on the leftover food from the drive in and relax. There was a small tv, so they found something to put on and got comfortable. The day so far had been nearly free of sad thoughts over Eddie, but it seemed inevitable that Steve would start to think about him. For one thing, Eddie would look ridiculous in the Mosey Inn, although he would thoroughly appreciate the pun. Yet, there was a part of Steve wishing that Eddie was a part of all of this.
Before he’d ruined everything, Eddie would have been invited on this trip without a second thought. If only he could go back and not fall in love with stupid Eddie Munson. Steve worries that falling for him would have been inevitable though. Everything about him made Steve crazy.
The moment he knew he was monumentally fucked was a few months after everything with Vecna went down. Eddie had still been in the hospital, thankfully cleared off all charges with Hopper back in charge. He’d been high off his ass on morphine and smiling at Steve. Eddie had looked at Steve and said, “Stevie, sweetheart—you beautiful man. How come you’re always sitting around here taking care of me huh?” and Steve had known several things.  
He wanted Eddie to smile at him like that for the rest of his life. He really enjoyed being called sweetheart. And the reason he was always hanging around was because he wanted to be with Eddie. Eddie who always lit up with joy when he saw Steve sitting by his hospital bed. All the time they spent walking that line between friends and more, or at least that’s what Steve thought.
He swore there was so much flirting back and forth. Like the time Steve snuck in cheeseburgers, fries and milkshakes from the one diner left open in town and Eddie had told Steve, “All this for little old me?” while literally twirling his hair like a schoolgirl. Or when Steve brought in books for him and Eddie had just clasped Steve’s hand tight and said nothing, just staring intently at him like Steve really meant something to him.  
All misread apparently. It wasn’t flirting at all, just Eddie being Eddie. And Steve had ruined it. He tried not to spiral into his bad thoughts too much but he felt like he always ruined everything. Robin might be his best friend, his platonic soulmate and other half, but it’d been so nice to have a close guy friend.
Eddie had barely been out of the hospital when Steve had driven him up to Indy to replace some of his things lost to the earthquakes. There were better record stores and better thrift stores, and Eddie had very little left to his name. The trailer was gone. He’d even lost his beloved guitar. Steve had never planned on telling Eddie how he felt during that trip, but Eddie has a way of needling things out of people. Something Steve usually finds quite adorable, but not so much when it’s his own unrequited feelings.  
Sighing to himself, Steve sits down by the phone to call Dustin and tell him they made it to the city safely. This means actually calling Mike’s house since the boys are having their weekly nerd fest. The whole group of them are all a little codependent, but after everything they’ve been through it seems reasonable. Unfortunately, Mike nor Nancy answers the phone. It’s Karen Wheeler and she lets Steve know that the boys are all over at Eddie’s apartment playing their little game. That’s exactly what she calls it which does make him chuckle.
He dreads calling Eddie’s place, but he did promise Dustin he’d call. Dustin is already asking questions about him and Eddie. If he’s weird on the phone it will only fan the flames of Dustin’s incessant need to meddle. He dials the number and tries to psyche himself up for the interaction. Maybe one of the kids will answer.  
“Munson Residence, Eddie the Banished speaking?” Eddie’s voice fills Steve’s ear. It’s like a punch to the gut, but Steve takes a deep breath.  
“Is that how you really answer the phone all time or am I just lucky?” Steve asks lightly. Do not make this weird. Be cool. “Or is it just because you’re playing dungeons and whatever?”  
“Ha, Ha. I knew it was you telepathically, so I of course had to answer the phone accordingly. My liege, what can I do for you on this fine summer evening?” 
“You’re lucky it’s cute to be such a fucking nerd.” Shit, shit, shit. Abort flirting. “Kidding, kidding. I called to see if Dustin is still there. I told him I’d call when we got settled.” 
“Rude, I am absolutely the cutest nerd. I’d dare say, adorable even. The fairest in the land, perhaps.” Eddie’s voice had gone low and Steve would bet a hundred bucks he was twirling his hair. What the fuck? “You know, you obviously like nerdy shit considering you-” 
“Hey stop flirting with Steve and let me talk to him, I've been waiting to hear from him all day. We’re in the middle of a campaign Steve. We need our DM not whatever the fuck he was just doing.” Dustin says this all like he knows for a fact that everything he says is true. It’s not.
“Tone, dusty bun. I’m not gay and I wasn’t flirting with Harrington, just messing with him. He’s just so easy to tease. We’re just buddies like that, right man?” Eddie replied, his voice no longer soft, low and sweet. In fact, Eddie sounded hostile. Steve felt his stomach turn. He couldn't even reply.  
“Nothing wrong with being gay, you moron.” Dustin replied firmly. This made Steve smile considering Dustin didn’t even know about Steve yet. He was definitely his favorite kid. Dustin continued on “I mean, we’ve fought literal monsters. Of all things to get worked up over, being gay is not even on the damn list!”   
“I didn’t mean it in a rude way, just saying we were not flirting.” 
“Whatever you say Eddie.” 
“Um, hello guys I am still on the phone.” Steve yelled as the two of them continued to bicker. “I have to go, but I’ll call in a few days Dustin. Bye Eddie.” Steve replied, trying his best not to cry. 
“Wait-Harrington. Steve, I didn’t mean anything by that okay.” 
“Yeah of course, no worries, man. Talk to you later.” Steve knew his voice was emotionless.  
He had to get over Eddie. This confusing back and forth was so painful. Steve didn’t consider himself the brightest, but that felt like flirting. What straight guy calls himself the fairest of the land or adorable to another man? Eddie’s tone of voice was the exact same tone Steve had used so many times to flirt with girls. He knew what flirting looked like. He shouldn’t have started it with the cute comment, but Eddie had most certainly flirted back. He looked over at Robin who was sitting up and waiting patiently for Steve to hang up the phone.  
She looked worried. If his face was at all reflecting how he felt right now, he understood why. The way Eddie has sounded when he said he wasn’t flirting. He told Robin the entire conversation verbatim and he watched her face go through a myriad of emotions. Despite the fact that Robin wasn’t the most tactile person, she threw her arms around him and let him cry all over her t-shirt.  
“Well, I could just kill him. I swear to fucking God. If he’s not gay, fine. But why flirt back?” 
“Maybe he really isn’t flirting. He said he was just messing with me. Maybe we’ve been reading it wrong this whole time!” Steve cried.  
“Fuck that, even Dustin called him on it. He flirts with you all the time. If he’s just messing with you at this point, it’s cruel. Especially now that he knows you’re gay and have feelings for him. I won’t be friends with a bigot.” 
“No, Robbie. I don’t think he’s a bigot. He’s just trying to deal with all this. It’s not his fault I had to go and fall for him. I always fall for the first person who shows me any attention. I ruined this. He’s just...I think he’s a flirty person and I’m just the idiot who thought it meant something.” 
“Shut your whore mouth Steven Elizabeth. That’s absolute nonsense. Eddie is a socially awkward, metalhead D&D playing virgin. You and I both know it. I’ve never seen him so much as look at a girl in a romantic way. He barely talks to anyone he doesn’t know unless it’s to cause a scene. That boy is not a natural flirty person. He flirts with you. He’s either an idiot, a repressed idiot or an asshole. Pick one.” 
“He’s not a virgin, no way. Look at him. Some people go for the whole alternative thing. He’s in a band for fuck’s sake. I bet he’s fucked lots of girls. I mean, he is objectively hot.” Steve argued.  
“Steve!! You always defend him like some sort of rabid groupie, but if that man has so much as seen a real-life titty, I will eat my shoe. He isn’t ugly, I will grant you that one. But please, Eddie Munson is not banging hot chicks on the regular.” 
“I pick that he’s an idiot. I do not think Eddie would purposefully hurt me by flirting just to be all ‘ha-ha, gay boy you fell for it’ when he didn’t even know I was gay until I told him how I felt. I think he just likes to tease me, like he said and he doesn’t know how flirty it comes off maybe?” 
“Dingus. You are in love with him. You are no objective source on the situation.” 
“Can we just... pretend Eddie Munson doesn’t exist for a few days. I won’t play my mixtape. I will try not to mope... let’s just find an apartment and visit your campus and apply for jobs everywhere we can find. It hurts too much to talk about right now.” 
Steve knows he’s lying to Robin. It’s impossible for him to pretend Eddie doesn’t exist. It’d be nice to try though. Instead of trying, he wonders what Eddie’s thinking about back in Hawkins. Is he feeling bad for how he spoke to Steve tonight? Is he also worrying over every little thing he said? Does Eddie even care that what he said felt like a slap to the face? The way he’d said Harrington, instead of Steve. The disgust in his voice when he’d said he wasn’t flirting. At least it was crystal clear that Eddie would never reciprocate his feelings. It feels nearly impossible, but Steve knows he has to let go of Eddie and move on. Two weeks in Indy with Robin should be the perfect way to start trying.   
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jacksdinonuggets · 7 months
~stomach bug~
Summary: Vaggie gets a stomach bug while she's staying over at Carmilla's. luckily, her mother figure takes care of her makes her feel loved.
“Thanks for letting me stay the night,” Vaggie told Carmilla when she went to say goodnight.
They usually had training sessions in the morning or afternoon, but Carmilla was a bit busy during the day and they needed to do one at night. With all the exercise she was getting and how late it was, she became exhausted. Not to mention she had managed to get a few bruises. However, Carmilla was very kind and offered to let Vaggie stay the night. She knew how tired the girl must’ve been. Not to mention how dangerous it was at night. If she wouldv’e walked home, there was a huge chance she could get mugged or hurt badly and couldn’t fight back because of exhaustion. 
“You’re welcome, Vaggie. If you need anything during the night, don’t hesitate to wake me up.” Carmilla replied, walking into her own room. She wanted vaggie to feel safe with her and like she could go to her with anything, no matter the time.
Since Odette and Clara were already asleep, Vaggie knew she should get some rest too. She had already showered and gotten into some of Carmilla’s actual daughter's old pajamas since they were the only ones that would fit her. Unfortunately, the only room available for her to sleep in was her babysitting room. The room where she was babysat by Carmilla whenever she felt small and couldn’t get Charlie to take care of her, or just wanted Carmilla to.
It was a little weird since the bed looked a lot like a children’s bed. The blanket covering it was a cute pink and white one with butterflies on it. Vaggie would just have to deal with it though.
It wasn’t long before Vaggie fell asleep. She was beyond tired from the intense workout she went through.
When Vaggie woke up the next day, she was greeted with a horrible stomach cramp. She knew it wasn’t her time of the month so what could it be? She whimpered as another wave passed through her. It was really bad. Something inside her told her that she needed Carmilla.
However, Vaggie couldn’t get up. The pain made it impossible to move if she didn’t want to aggravate it even more. So she reached over to the nightstand and grabbed her phone, hoping Carmilla’s hellphone was nearby. She hit call and waited for Carmilla to answer. But she never answered. Instead, she heard footsteps coming towards her room. The door opened and the overlord stood in the doorframe. She saw Vaggie curled up and whimpering and rushed to her side.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” she asked. The way she asked was so soft and gentle that Vaggie’s headspace took a dip. Whenever she got sick in heaven, no one would show her this kind of motherly love. She was heavenborn and never knew her mom. The only people to take care of her were nurses and herself. And the nurses never treated anyone as kindly as Carmilla was treating her right now.
“Tummy hurts…” Vaggie whined. The use of the word ‘tummy’ instead of stomach, gave away the fact that she was slipping.
Carmilla put a hand to her forehead and checked her temperature. She felt a little warm, but nothing too concerning. Probably a low-grade fever. 
Vaggie whimpered again as another wave of pain ran through her. She was starting to feel nauseous as well. 
“It’ll be okay, sweetie. How about I go grab you some medicine and see how you feel?” Carmilla asked. But Vaggie shook her head.
“Don’t wanna be alone…” she mumbled. It was scary to be by yourself while in such a vulnerable state.
Carmilla sighed. The only thing she could think of that would make her feel better would be medicine. But the girl was also feeling really small at the moment.
Suddenly, Vaggie shot up and pulled the covers off, seemingly trying to rush somewhere. However, she couldn’t even make it off the bed before she threw up. Stomach water and bile fell onto the sheets and her pajamas. She cried, humiliated that she had just puked in front of someone and on herself.
“No, no, don’t cry! It’s okay, I’m not mad,” Carmilla put a hand on her back and rubbed it soothingly as she retched once more. 
Carmilla could now tell what was going on. Vaggie probably contracted a stomach bug.
Once she was done, Carmilla comforted her as she cried. She knew how bad and embarrassing it must’ve felt.
After she had finished crying, Carmilla lifted her up and onto the floor. The movement had caused her stomach to cramp up again, prompting Vaggie to whimper. If the girl was in that much pain from moving, then there was no way she’d be able to make it to the bathroom. So as Carmilla got her out of her soiled pajamas, she put her in a diaper and onesie so it would be easier and quicker to change her. The room had all of Vaggie’s little gear in it that Carmilla had bought for her. She liked to give her small gifts whenever she did something good.
Once she was done, she grabbed a red stuffed bear with small devil horns off of the stuffed animal hammock in the corner of the room. She handed it to the girl, who was curled up on the floor.
Due to all the commotion and crying, Clara had woken up. She walked into the room and saw her mother gently trying to soothe Vaggie as she was softly crying on the floor.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“Vaggie contracted a stomach bug and slipped into her little headspace,” Carmilla explained. Then she got an idea.
“Could you stay here and look after her while I change her bedsheets and get her medicine?” she asked.
“Yeah, I can do that,” She replied. Clara was always happy to help her little sister. She and Odette were very supportive of Vaggie’s regression and often helped out their mother whenever she was caring for her. Whether it was getting her a new bottle and just looking after her when Carmilla needed a break, they loved to help take care of her.
As Carmilla took the bedding downstairs, Clara tried her best to comfort the crying girl. She had whimpered that her eye was also starting to hurt as well. Clara guessed that it must be a phantom pain from the stress of getting sick.
She dug through the nightstand drawer and found a couple of pacifier cases with pacis inside. She picked out one she thought Vaggie might like and a clip. She attached it to her onesie and popped it into her mouth.
The pacifier helped her a little bit, but not much. She was still in pain and Clara didn’t know what to do. But she did get an idea. Sitting next to her, she pulled her little sister in her lap and held her. It actually seemed to help calm the girl down. 
When Carmilla returned, she had a baby bottle with water in her hands and new bedsheets, as well as a vial of medicine syrup. She set the bottle and medicine on the nightstand before putting the new sheets on the bed. She stepped over to the closet to get new covers and put those on the bed as well.
Clara left the room soon after to let Vaggie be taken care of by her mama. 
Carmilla lifted Vaggie from the floor and placed her in the bed. Once putting the bed guards up, she placed a trashcan on the opposite side of Vaggie, leaning against the bars. She held Vaggie sit up so she could give her some medicine.
“No!” Vaggie pouted once Carmilla poured the syrup into the tiny cup the vial came with.
“Mija, it’s going to help you,” she tried to explain.
“Is nasty!” she complained.
Carmilla sighed. 
“I’ll let you pick out a new toy when you get better~,” She sing-songed, trying to convince Vaggie to take the medicine. She was going to get her something anyways, so why not use the fact to get her to take the syrup.
Vaggie looked skeptical but took the cup and downed the syrup. She made a disgusted face once she was done and handed the cup back to Carmilla. 
Carmila then climbed into the bed with the bottle in her hands and pulled Vaggie into her lap so she could help hydrate her. Once Vaggie finished the water, she curled up against her caregiver. She was so small compared to Carmilla that it actually felt like she had a toddler/baby in her lap.
Carmilla held her little as she waited for the medicine to kick in. However, Vaggie’s stomach kept growing and making noises. She would whimper as well whenever it would happened. Suddenly, she started to move, trying to get to the trashcan. Carmilla knew what was happening and quickly shoved the can under her chin.
“In here, bebe, it’s okay,” she told her as she heaved aggressively into the garbage. It looked really painful and Carmilla took pity on the poor girl. Unfortunately, the medicine came right up. That’s when she remembered that Vaggie was an angel, not a demon. That meant her body could react differently to demon products.
Once she was finished retching,Carmilla put the trash can to the side before picking Vaggie up. She noticed the girl had an accident during the heaving and needed her diaper changed. She heaved really hard, it made sense that her bladder gave out on her.
When she finished taping the new padding up, she gave her little tummy kisses, hoping to help her feel better. It made her giggle happily. 
It wasn’t long until that happiness turned into sadness. The pain was back again. This stomach bug really hated her. So Carmilla picked her up again and cradled her in her arms while she cuddled her in the bed, trying to provide the most comfort she could.
Carmilla knew that vaggie would likely have to stay the whole day or at least until she got better. So she used vaggie’s phone to text Charlie that her girlfriend was sick with a bug and was feeling small.
Not even 15 minutes passed and Charlie was already outside of the warehouse, a basket in her hands. She was let in by Odette and went up to the room that Vaggie was in.
When Charlie saw them, she couldn’t help but awe. It was always adorable to see Vaggie little but it was even more adorable to see so clingy towards this famous overlord. 
“Aww, hey, you two,” She whispered, not wanting to disturb Vaggie. She seemed like she was trying to sleep but wasn’t unconscious just yet.
“What are you doing here? Carmilla asked quietly, also not wanting to bother the tired girl.
“You can’t expect me to not show up when you tell me my girlfriend is sick and slipped,” she explained. She set the basket down and took out a baby blanket. She draped it over Vaggie’s shoulders before turning back to the basket. She took out two thermoses, one named “Broth” and the other named “milk”. Both cups felt really hot.
“These are for when she feels up to eating,” She explained. She knew that whenever Vaggie got sick, she would not have much of an appetite. It wasn’t healthy and she usually needed to practically force her to eat. But some of the few things she would consume was warm milk and ramen broth. 
“Thank you, princess,” Carmilla thanked her.
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triplesilverstar · 8 months
There are better ways to rest
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI 
Pairing: Knives X F!Reader
CW: Sick, rough oral, dom/sub undertones, Porn w plot 
Word count: Roughly 3.8KA/N: You find yourself sick, and after answering your door find your boyfriend Nai there to see you. Even after you told Legato to tell him not to come see you. Why do you feel like your day just got so much worse?
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You’d woken up feeling like absolute crap, nose stuffed with mucus, throat sore, and ears cracking all the while. Clearly your co-worker that had said she was recovered from her sickness had lied and come back early and now you were left with the results of her poor decision. You’d decided first and foremost to make one damn important phone call and fished your phone out from under your pillow where it’d fallen. Dialing the number and putting it up to your ear, even though getting the correct contact number had taken a few tries, two rings on your end and a curt voice answered “What?” 
“I’m sick” voice cracking and hoarse, even to your own ears as you try to sit up more. 
“And that is my concern why?” Even in your haze his disinterest in your health is clear, the man has never cared for you, in fact the only person he does care for is the reason for your call. 
“Tell Nai so he doesn’t come see me. I’m not dealing with him being sick while I’m sick you asshole. No, I’m not dealing with a sick Nai at all.” Your throat is hurting even more after getting those words out, but you are not risking your boyfriend coming to see you and getting whatever you had, been there, done that, had the t-shirt. Sure you loved the tough idealistic man, but he was a grumpy, whiny little bitch when sick.
“If the opportunity presents itself I will” you hear a click, and if you didn’t already feel like your skin was on fire you were certain you’d be red in the face. 
“Motherfucker” that had been earlier in the week, a trip to the local clinic had resulted in you getting a week off work and a prescription for rest as well as directions to come back if you didn’t feel better after the week or things got worse. Well really it wasn’t a prescription, more of a rest and take some painkillers if you couldn’t handle the pain otherwise let nature take its course. 
And now, there was someone banging on your apartment door. Someone who was likely to get a threat made on their life, even if you couldn’t follow through with it at the moment. Wrapped in a giant fluffy blanket, hair stuck to your sweat slicked skin you practically slammed the door open. “What!” To find your boyfriend looking at you with one of his eyebrows raised. Well fuck. 
“Is that how you’re going to greet me?” He’s looking down his nose at you, and if you weren’t as debilitated from your sickness as you were you would have noticed his pale blue eyes critically taking in your form. The bags under your eyes, pale sweat soaked skin, inflamed skin around your nose, certainly the picture of health.
“Babe” you find yourself trying to suck air in through your mouth, that brief adrenaline from being abruptly woken from your nap gone from your system. “Hi. And Bye.” You try to close the door in his face before he jams his foot in the gap, pushing it open and making his way inside. “Babe, please.” A loud snort leaves your nose which you know can’t be attractive to the built blond man “I’m sick.”
“Clearly” master of the obvious your lover is, and he is also ignoring you, heading into your kitchen. “When was the last time you ate something that didn’t come from a can?” You are not in the mood for this, you just want to crawl back onto your couch and sleep surrounded by the piles of used kleenex. Fluffy mountains. Fluffy, crusty mountains. 
Squaring your shoulders you take as deep of a breath as you can and adjust the blanket around your frame again “Nai, please. I don’t want you getting sick.” Hopeful the pitiful whine from your throat helps to convince him to just leave you be. Fucking Legato, when you’re better you are going to shove a pipe up his fucking ass, how hard would it have been for him to just tell Nai you were sick and didn’t want to see him. As you stare at him on your shaky legs you finally notice something, he’d brought a take out bag with him. 
“I won’t get sick. Given your usual unremarkable level of self care I decided to come and ensure you’re taking care of yourself.” Great, Legato did tell him but clearly left the warning off that you didn’t want to see him. “Now come sit down, you’re shaking” at his words you notice the fact you are trembling and slowly drag yourself over and slump on the counter level chair. Watching him unpack the bag with careful precision, then again in your fever-addled brain, everything Nai does is precise. 
Even sitting there is hard for your body, shaking and shivering “Nai, please. I love that you care enough to check on me. But please. I really don’t want you getting sick because of me.” Your gasping for air at the end, voice hoarse and scratchy from the mucus that built up in your head, and thankfully not dumb enough to utter that you are not taking care of him if he does. A steaming bowl of chicken soup slides in front of you, and from the look of it, it should be delicious, too bad you can’t smell or taste shit. Glancing up, you see him looming above you, face flat and arms crossed. 
“Eat” one word, a simple command, and you find yourself following his order, the hot liquid feeling wonderful at the back of your throat. “I have a few more containers I'll leave in your fridge that you can reheat as required. Honestly, what would you do without me.” You keep eating and watch as he makes a sweep of your apartment, cleaning up whatever pile of chaos you’ve left behind. You aren’t sure how long it takes you to finish, only that the moment you place the spoon down, his presence is back looming over you. “When was the last time you showered?” 
“Yesterday” and by showered, you meant sat under the streaming spray to try and get some relief from the congestion. A hand is placed on your arm, dragging you towards your bedroom and the attached bathroom through your closet. Rough hands ripping the blanket from your body, forcing you to shiver from the sudden chill leaving you in just your sleep shirt and shorts. Watching as Nai’s eyes take in your figure, noting the lack of undergarments as he can clearly make out your pebbled nipples through the fabric. 
“Go have a shower, before I’m forced to bath you myself” his voice has dropped a few octaves forcing another shiver from you. Stumbling your way into the bathroom and stripping along the way, not bothering to wait for the water to heat up as you step inside, the pounding rush of water feeling divine against your aching body. A voice breaks you from your stupor, leaning against the tiles and enjoying the feeling “hurry along, if I have to join you things will not be pleasant.” You groan, but the steam is helping clear your airways somewhat as you clean your skin and hair of the sickness induced grim. Taking his words to heart, you flick the faucet off as soon as the last few suds are gone from your body. 
Curtain jerking away you squeak, jumping on the slick surface and almost tumbling, a towel wrapped around your body and a firm arm keeping you steady. “Honestly woman” mutters from his lips as he drags you from the tub and back into the space between the bathroom and bedroom, drying your skin along the way. “It’s like you want to exhaust yourself and fall.” 
“All I’ve wanted to do since you got here was sleep. What’d you expect?” You should not have said that, his eyes are narrowed staring at you, you are in no condition to be lippy with him. He’s a man capable of horrendous acts of violence, and your impaired brain is digging you a hole. 
“Due to your condition, I'm willing to let that slide.” You don’t have a good hold on the towel around your body, so when his hands release the fabric it slides along your skin before hitting the floor “to an extent.” Back slamming against the drawers you hiss in pain, before a soft moan leaves you pressed against his body one hand fondling your breast, the other trailing up and down your ribs. “I wonder how I’ll punish you my Pet” his breath is hot against your ear, voice husky, a warmth settling in your core from that alone. 
Stepping away from the dresser he pulls you with him, rough palms gripping your chest at the edge of pain making you pant, lungs desperate for oxygen in your sickened state. A bruising grip against your hip, when his mouth descends to press against the soft skin of your neck feather soft lips against the heated skin. A drag of his tongue against your pulse point before you scream, his teeth clamping on the sensitive spot and sucking, your own hands clinging to any part of him you can find to keep yourself from crumpling. The sharp pain replaced by pleasure, the grip against your hip gone as his fingers skim across your pussy, pressing just hard enough to feel the wetness dripping from you. “Are you that desperate for my touch, Pet? Or does the idea of pain get you off?”       
“Please, Nai!” Your voice is getting hoarse again, throat feeling constricted now that you’re away from the steam of the bathroom. Sick or not, your body is thrumming for him, cunt throbbing in need because in truth both things go hand in hand with this man. You’ve always enjoyed being dominated, but before him it was a passing pleasure, now you can’t picture anyone but him using you like a play thing. His answer is to ram a finger past your entrance, thumb pressing harshly against your clit making you moan and almost slump against him. Leaning away from you, you groan as his hand leaves your breast, watching as he looks down his nose at you, before a harsh slap against your ass forces another scream past your lips. 
“You like that, don’t you, my pet?” His voice is low, making you clench around him “I don’t need to hear your words, I can feel your needy cunt trying to pull me in.” You know you’re starting to drool, barely able to keep your eyes open and on him while your body is torn between wanting to rest and chasing after the flame he’s building in your core.  
Two of his large fingers are curled inside you, pumping leisurely against your walls, eyes hooded watching your face as you gasp, fingers digging into the skin of his arm trying to keep yourself upright. “I won’t lie. I did come here with an alternative motive. I wanted to watch you writhe under me, unable to do anything but take the pleasure I’m forcing your body to endure while I use you.” His gaze is almost tender, free hand reaching up to press his thumb against your bottom lip. “But now? After seeing you like this, I want a different set of lips wrapped around my cock.” A jolt passes through your core at his words, his hand wrenched from your slick folds and forcing you on your knees, face pressed harshly against his crotch, feeling him twitching through the fabric of his pants.
A soft whine leaves you, desperate for more but after your earlier comment you aren’t foolish enough to reach out and undo his belt, not without him telling you to. “Such an obedient pet, I’ll help make you feel better.” There’s a harshness hidden beneath his teasing tone as his large hand keeps your face planted against him, grinding his groin against you. At the sound of his belt being undone you glance up, eyes flicking to meet his, looking at you like a feral animal about to pounce. “Undo my button and zipper.” It's soft from his lips, but you know a command from him when you hear it. Hand reaching up to glide along his thigh feeling the tight muscles beneath, fingers deftly working the button, not breaking eye contact as you slowly drag the piece of metal down, panting against him. 
Your cheek is keeping the fabric in place, a hum of approval leaving him and a smirk “good girl” the pressure against your head is lifted enough for you to pull away, so he can push the fabric down his legs before grinding against your face again. The damp stain against the tented fabric is vivid to your eyes and you feel your mouth watering even more, the heat against your face more intense now causing another throb to pulse between your legs. “Open your mouth” you’re almost disgusted with yourself for how quickly you drop your jaw, feeling him reposition your head so the soaked silk at the tip is pressed against your open lips. “Now suck” right away the taste of precum assaults your senses, pulled from the fabric that is clinging to him. Fuck you wish you had something in your pussy to clench around. His soft groans reach your ears, clearly enjoying himself. It’s getting harder to pull air into yourself while sucking, the fabric adding to the difficulty. 
All at once you’re roughly pulled away taking advantage to pull in the much needed oxygen, Nai roughly pushing his boxers to the ground before you're pulled against him again, tip pressed to your lips and using his hand as a guide forcing you to the base. A grunt passing his lips, tears forming against your lashes as his hand keeps you there, nose buried in the almost white hairs. Almost at your limit he pulls back, until the tip is all that remains, letting you swirl your tongue along the head, the rough treatment having partially cleared your nasal passages allowing you to somewhat breath. Pressing your tongue into his slit, a jolt from him sliding more of him into your mouth. “Such a good pet.” His words of praise adding to the slick dripping from you, and you hollow your cheeks sucking hard against him with small bobs. His fingers have tangled in your hair now, controlling your movement to a degree. Pressing the flat of your tongue against the underside of him, glancing up in time to watch a smirk light up his face, shoving you down his length to the base again. All you can see are the muscles of his abs twitching, while you’re gagging around him the tip against the back of your throat. 
You can’t see it, but he’s looking down at you loving the sight of your debauched face, tears streaming down your face making his balls tighten. “Breath through your nose pet” bringing his free hand down to cradle your face tenderly, thumb brushing against the liquid pouring from your eyes. What’d he give to keep you like this forever, throat working his dick wonderfully while your body is starting to panic around him. He’ll never tell you the hold you have on him. Pulling you back again, fully away this time to take great heaving lungfuls of air. Ensuring you’re watching him as he takes the digit that had so gently wiped away your tears in his mouth, moaning around it “delicious pet.”
He seems to be watching you, trying to gauge when you’re ready for more before pressing his tip to your lips again, using your hair like a lease to control how deep he’ll let you take him. “You can touch me, but no using your hands to speed this up” as soon as the words are out of his mouth your hands are pressing against his thighs, flexing under your fingers, as you glide up and down his length humming all the while. You're shivering, unsure if it’s from the sickness plaguing your body or his cock throbbing in your mouth from your actions. The grip on your hair loosens further and you take the chance to slide your hands from his thighs to grip his firm buttcheeks, using them to stabilize yourself as you force yourself down to his base and back up to the tip in long, slow, languid movements. A pleasant burn at the back of your throat from the controlled way you’re shoving his entire length into you. The groans and grunts leaving him are pulling your own release closer, knowing it’s you bringing those sounds from him.      
The grip on your hair tightens again, forcing you to stay in place mewing this time at the sudden regain of control and a layer of sweat breaking out across your skin as his tip bruises the back of your throat. Pulling you away again a thick line of spit connecting your lips to his throbbing member. Eyes narrowing, he’s staring hard at you now his cock twitching in the cool air around him “drop your hands pet. I’m going to fuck your mouth and you’re going to enjoy every bit of it” this time you don’t do exactly as he’s said letting them trail down along the back of his legs enjoying just the feel of him beneath your hands. A maniac glint flashes in his eyes “that little act of rebellion is going to cost you” putting your mouth back around his cock he wastes no time setting a brutal pace fucking your warm mouth, and all you can do is take it. Forcing you to take him so roughly that you feel like he’s shoving himself down your windpipe, a symphony of grunts and groans spilling from his lips, as well as the occasional praise of how well you take him. Drool is starting to pour from the sides of your mouth dripping onto your thighs, both of his hands holding your face as he bucks into you, you're desperate to cum but don’t dare move your hands to satisfy yourself. A fresh round of tears both from the pain and frustration that you can’t bring yourself any relief. 
It isn’t long before your throat is starting to feel raw from the rough treatment, trying to distract yourself, you stare at his face taking in his appearance. The normally spiked up bangs starting to fall forward, a line of sweat forming on his hairline from his efforts, pale eyes narrowed but still sharp, teeth clenched between his slightly parted lips. A smirk gracing his lips once he catches your eyes “I’m going to cum pet. I expect you to swallow every. Last. Drop.” His final words are each punctuated with a hard thrust to the back of your throat, a brief stuttering of his hips before the grip on your head is bruising, pulling you hard enough to flatten your nose against the muscles above his cock, lips stretched around the base of him. You’re gagging as the thick ropes of cum fill your airway, writhing against his hands to no avail, forced to try and swallow everything he’s pumping into you, and with the angle you have no choice but to if you don’t want to choke on his seed.
His grip relaxes, cupping one of your cheeks as you pull yourself off him, coughing against one of your hands. “How are you feeling, pet?” His voice is tender in his post orgasm haze, and you find yourself smiling up at him.
“Like I can breathe for the first time in days.” He’s nodding before releasing you and heading into your bathroom, kicking the clothes tangled around his legs off, taking deep breaths with your eyes closed and you hear the sink faucet running. After that you’re ready to curl up in bed, a warm damp cloth pressed against your face, roughly wiping at your mouth. 
“At least you followed directions in the end. I would have had to get more creative if you failed to swallow everything.” Face cleaned he’s pulling one of your drawers open and throwing a clean set of sleepwear at you, pulling out one of his clean pairs of boxers kept at your place. Eyes open you notice his cock has been wiped clean of your drool, pulling your shirt and shorts on is a struggle, an annoyed huff leaving Nai as he assists you. “You can’t even get dressed without my assistance, you helpless thing.” Now letting you lean against his body on your way to your bed you smile, Nai tucking you in with a parting shot “Try and take better care of yourself, I have a better use for my time then looking after you.” 
“Thank you Nai” tumbles softly from your lips as your exhaustion starts to overtake you, you think you imagine a soft press of his lips to your forehead and a whisper of your welcome followed by your name. You wake up hours later sore and exhausted still, but two bottles of water are beside you on your nightstand with some painkillers and a note. In true Nai fashion it’s directions on reheating the different soups he’s left in your fridge, and no cute little love note. 
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By the following week you feel right as rain, a skip in your step, and Nai’s favorite bottle of wine tucked under your arm. Trust your boyfriend to have expensive tastes, but you figured the bottle would be a better thank you gift than just saying thanks for coming to see me and shoving your dick down my throat. Knocking on the door and trying to put on your best sexy smile for him. A smile that drops when the door opens and you take one look at him, hair soaked with sweat and falling in his eyes, a giant oversized hoodie wrapped around his frame. “Oh hell no Babe” You force the bottle into his free arm and step back well out of his reach, a look of confusion painted across it. “I said I didn’t want to get you sick. This is not a me problem” you turn wiping your hands against one another while he calls out after you. 
You fish your phone from your purse and dial a familiar number “What?” 
“Remember last week, when I told you I wasn’t taking care of Nai if he got sick?” You do your best to keep the joy from your voice. 
“What doe-”
You quickly cut the blue haired man off “Nai’s sick, and while I had planned on shoving a pipe up your ass, I think I'll enjoy this even more. Now go look after your boss, Asshole!” You take great joy in hearing the panic on the other end of the phone before ending the call. If Nai remembers you walking away from him you’ll be in for a round of punishment from him later, but nothing is worse than looking after him when he’s sick.
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This one shot then prompted more ideas that turned into my Knives X reader series.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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sickly-qt · 1 month
Hi!! I’ve been following you for over 4 months now and I just wanted to say that I love you fics.
Anyways, I’ve been keeping up with the Drew pregnancy series and I just wanted to ask if you can make a fix where Finn is already sick from food poisoning or wtv and Drew tries to be caretaker to her best abilities while still being sick too because she’s pregnant.
Lots of love and luck
-🍎 Anon
I love this prompt!! and thank you so much for loving my guys for so long! This fic got way longer than I anticipated, but I hope you enjoy!
Thank you so much for the prompt 🍎 anon!
“What are you doing home already?” Drew asked, walking out of the bathroom while drying her hair with a towel. 
“I was finished with the stuff that had to be done today and I really started to not feel well after lunch, so I decided to head home a little early.”
“Oh okay.” Drew frowned and went back to the bathroom to finish her post shower routine. 
This was their first full day back home from their trip to Seattle and also Finn’s first day back at work. It also happened that night was when they had planned to discuss what they were going to do with this whole baby predicament they were in. Drew wanted to make the night nice and order takeout from their favorite place, but Finn being sick was going to put a wrench in everything. 
She hated that she was upset about him not feeling well and she also hated that she felt like she was on the verge of tears about her plans for a nice night not going her way. Pregnancy hormones really weren’t doing her any favors.
“Hey, are you alright?” Finn asked, leaning on the doorway to the bathroom. 
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. Why don’t you get changed out of your work clothes and lay down, we can save our talk about stuff for when you’re feeling better.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. It’s really not that big of a deal.”
Finn sighed and rubbed his face, “Drew, it’s a huge deal. I know it’s a huge deal, that’s why I don’t want to be crazy nauseous when we talk. I want to be focused on you.”
Drew finally turned to face him and fully took him in for the first time since he got home. He looked clammy and his face was pale. His shirt was untucked and the first couple buttons were undone. 
“I know, I’m sorry. I just had a whole plan to make tonight nice and not intense and it’s just not going right.” She whined. 
“Okay, come here.” He stood up straight and opened his arms, Drew took a couple steps toward him and collapsed into his arms, burying her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed his hands up and down her back.
“I’m sorry, Babes. What I ate for lunch just really isn’t agreeing with me. How are you feeling?” 
Drew pulled away and shrugged, walking out into the living room, “I haven’t been sick at all… I was a little nauseous before lunch, but I think I was just hungry.”
“That’s good, maybe you’re getting through the morning sickness part of it.” 
“I can hope, get changed and we can watch a movie or something?”
Finn walked back into the room and changed into more comfortable clothes. 
“How are you feeling?” Drew asked him when he came back out to the living room.
“Like I’m going to be sick… but not right now.” He muffled a burp into his fist and leaned back into the couch, “Definitely at some point though.” 
Drew scrunched up her nose, even the potential of Finn getting sick making her stomach clench.
“I’m sorry you’re feeling so bad.” 
Finn shrugged and laid down, putting his head in her lap. “I’m sure I'll be fine after I throw up.”
“Ew, babe. How about we try not to throw up.”
“Yeah, I’ll try.” He said noncommittally, already starting to doze off. Drew pulled a blanket from the back of the couch and spread it over the both of them, putting a random movie on and absentmindedly running her fingers through Finn’s hair as he slept in her lap.
She had also dozed off when Finn’s head popped up, startling her. 
He didn’t say anything as he pushed himself up and suddenly gagged, trying to rush to the bathroom but getting tangled in the blanket, tripping and catching himself on the arm of the couch before bolting the rest of the way to the bathroom.
Drew cringed hearing Finn burp wetly, the sound alone making her feel sick.
She collected herself to the best of her ability and filled a cup with water. 
“You okay?” she asked, sitting the cup on the sink and returning to the doorway. 
Finn was crouched in front of the toilet, staring intently at the water. Droplets of puke were on the seat that he obviously didn’t have the time to lift up. He swallowed hard, nodding before his back arched with a harsh retch. Another wave quickly followed and Finn dropped to his knees, clutching onto the seat as another gush came up with little effort from his part. Drew turned away and gagged into her hand, contemplating if she should just leave.
“Fuck,” He groaned, flushing the toilet and grabbing toilet paper to wipe his mouth and blow his nose. Finn gagged, “I’m gonna be here for a while.”
Drew took a couple steps into the bathroom and stifled a gag when the smell hit her.
“Drew, it’s okay. I’m okay. You don’t have to stay.” 
“It’s alright.” She lied, standing behind him and rubbing his back. “Can you drink some water?”
“No,” He murmured, shaking his head. “Really, I know how queasy all of this makes you now. You don’t have to stay.” Finn leaned forward and burped over the toilet, a small mouthful of whatever he ate for lunch splattering into the toilet.
Drew gagged into her shoulder, trying to keep rubbing his back as he continued to be sick. She finally retched in earnest, slapping her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry Babe, I c- I can’t.” She retched again into her hand, rushing out of the bathroom to stand in front of the kitchen sink. 
She tried to breathe through it, one hand steadying herself on the counter and the other on her stomach. Her mouth was filling with bitter saliva and she was trying to swallow it down, but she couldn’t keep up. She burped up a mouthful of water and grilled cheese into the sink, coughing harshly as another small wave came up. Drew closed her eyes and tried to stifle more gags as she turned on the water, hoping that everything would wash down without any issues.
She wiped her nose on her sleeve and took a deep breath. 
“Are you alright?” Finn asked hoarsely, making Drew jump.
“Yeah,” She sniffled, turning to face him. “Are you?”
He nodded, “Yeah. I’m sorry, me throwing up made you throw up.”
Drew swallowed, just mentioning it making her nauseous again, “It’s okay babe, you aren’t feeling well… Can we not talk about it anymore though?”
“Yeah, let’s go lay down.”
“That sounds like exactly what I need.”
Finn turned toward her after they both settled in bed.
“You don’t have to feel like you have to be there for me when I’m puking. Not if it’s going to make you sick. I just have food poisoning or something, I’ll be okay.”
Drew nodded, “You’re just always there for me. I want to be there for you too.”
“You are there for me, just a little more distant. Do I have to remind you that you’re growing a whole person? That’s a little more important than rubbing my back while I throw up.”
Drew nodded again, “I want to keep the baby, I think. If that’s okay.” She said in almost a whisper, “See growing a whole person through or whatever.”
“Yeah Drew, of course that’s okay. It’ll be an honor to raise a baby with you. I’ll be there every step of the way” Finn responded quietly, grabbing her hand.
“You’ll still love me when I’m huge and miserable?”
“I still love you now, when you’re all pukey and miserable.”
Drew cracked a smile and let out a small laugh, “Okay, then maybe we can do this.”
“Yeah, I think we can figure it out.”
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ucetheones · 1 year
Worked Up | Jey Uso x Single Mother!Reader
tw: mentions of an abusive ex, not detailed. My other fics are still in the works, I just can't let go of an idea once I get it. It's a curse.
(Also writing in second person is weird and I feel like I suck at it!! But whatever, enjoy!! <3)
When you and Jey first started talking, you were hesitant to tell him about your son, your pride and joy.
Your son, Joshia, was the driving force in you finally leaving your abusive ex, Tyler. 
Finding out you were pregnant was one of the scariest days of your life, you no longer had just yourself to worry about. Now there was a life growing inside of you, meaning you couldn't afford to risk your body dealing with Tyler. 
He was too dangerous to outright confront, so you did what you thought was best, and left him a few days after finding out.
That was over three years ago. Thanks to your estranged sister, Samantha, you found a steady job, and a place to stay.
Working with your older sister was strange at first, but you two easily fell into a rhythm like no other. It helped that you were doing your dream job. It might not seem like a huge deal to anyone else, but doing the hair, makeup and wardrobe for WWE Superstars was truly an amazing job. It required skill that most did not have, it made you valuable. Needed.
It was at work where you met Jey. You two hit it off almost instantly, and soon found yourselves flirting. That flirting evolved into talking pretty quickly.
It was Sam that brought up introducing Jey to Joshia, though not without commenting on how similar Jey's real name was to his.
With a roll of your eyes, you sipped your coffee and sighed.
"What if he freaks on me and bails? Work would be so awkward."
Sam squinted at you, lightly scoffing. "You know Jey loves kids, right? I think he'd like Joshia. You're thinkin' way too hard, Jey isn't that deep.
Plus, I love my nephew, but girl…if I have to watch another season of Miraculous Ladybug, I may die!"
You couldn't think of any rebuttal, so you just flicked a piece of your pastry at her. "Shut up, I ain't even ask for your opinion. And that show is good, admit it."
"You did, but whatever!" You can tell she agrees about the show being interesting, but won't give you the satisfaction. 
That conversation was almost a month ago, and the entire time you were going back and forth with yourself on how to bring it up to him.
Sam wouldn't be willing to babysit while you went on dates with Jey forever, and hiring a nanny to work longer hours than you currently do felt like a terrible move; so you knew you'd have to tell him sooner or later.
You just didn't anticipate sooner being so soon. 
You had a week off from work, as you weren't needed for hair and makeup or costume design, you decided to use some of your remaining vacation days.
Your original plan was to tell Jey about Joshia and hope that the week away from one another would be enough time for him to decide whether things were worth continuing. 
You hadn't counted on Joshia getting sick, or Jey showing up at your door on the first day of your vacation. 
Your hair was all over the place, your clothes were a mess, and Joshia was perched on your hip, wailing loudly into your ear, despite all attempts at soothing him.
When you answered the door, Jey's expression was visibly confused. You wanted to slam the door. 
You wanted to pretend you still had a say in whether you told him about your son, but instead remained frozen in place.
"You babysitting or something?"
Before you could answer, your son was whining. "Mama, hurts…" 
The very evident discomfort in his voice had you turning away from the man in your doorway, your hand rubbing up and down Joshia's back in an effort to calm him.
"I know, baby, I know. The medicine will help, we just have to give it time." 
His crying dies down considerably at your words, but you can tell he doesn't feel any better and for a moment you consider taking him to the hospital. If for no other reason than to have an excuse to get Jey out if things turned south. Not that you thought they would, but you could never be too safe.
Jey clears his throat softly, and your head whips back to look at him.
"He's cute, Uce. What's his name?"
His tone is softer than it was previously, there's a warm smile on his lips. You can tell he has other questions, but is saving them for the moment.
"His name is Joshia."
At your response, Jey raises a brow. 
"Yeah, yeah, I know; your names are similar. Sam won't let me hear the end of it."
It's when Jey laughs that you realize he's still outside, so you step aside and watch as he slips into the house. 
It's the first time he's ever gotten to come inside, you usually meet him at the front steps or at whatever hotel you were staying at for work, whilst Joshia was usually with the hired nanny. The nanny, Riah, spent most of the week with him, before dropping Joshia off to your father until you were done for the week.
From there, Sam helped you.
It was never easy, and sometimes you considered quitting, if only to spend more time with your son; but when those doubts came up, Sam would quickly shut them down. The first few times she thought it was financially challenging to pay an overnight babysitter, and had offered repeatedly to help you pay, but you reassured her that wasn't the case. It was just difficult doing this without a partner. You never wanted Sam to think you were ungrateful for her sacrifices, because you were anything but, so it wasn't often you brought up your worries.
Maybe if Tyler was a better man, you could've trusted him to know you were pregnant, and ultimately know his son, but you'd given up on that pipe dream shortly after Joshia was born. He would never be allowed to see him, if you had any say, but you knew one day he'd start asking about his father, and you weren't sure if you could lie to him when the time came.
Right now though, none of that mattered. Because the man you were slowly falling for, was in your home. He was seeing your son for the first time, without any clue he existed to begin with.
Toys littered the floor in some places, there were blankets all over the couch and your coffee table was covered in various sippy cups, from throughout the day.
It should've embarrassed you, but Jey seemed completely unfazed by it all.
He seemed to almost welcome it.
From then on, the bulk of your vacation was spent with Jey, the two of you taking care of Joshia together. It was weird at first, Jey hadn't really interacted with Joshia at all, instead opting to do things like preparing meals, bottles and whatever else needed to be done so that you could focus on Joshia.
On Wednesday, you'd fallen asleep on the couch after putting Joshia to bed, Jey was in the kitchen cleaning up. 
At least he had been. But when you woke up from your impromptu nap, he was nowhere to be seen.
You were afraid he left at first, but instead of worrying about it, you went to check on Joshia. He was your number one priority, even when he was starting to feel better.
When you entered your son's room, you quickly stopped in your tracks.
Jey was sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of Joshia's room, cradling the small boy in his arms as the chair swayed softly. When you stepped closer, you saw that they were both asleep, so you grabbed a blanket and draped it over them; deciding you'd wake them up to transition to beds after a quick shower. 
Leaning down, you press a kiss to Joshia's head and then Jey's before turning to step out the room. Jey's sleepy rumble pausing your movements.
"You ain't gettin' rid of me now, Y/N. You know that law, he fell asleep on my chest, I'm stuck here forever." When you look over at him, he's smiling at you. You smile back, shaking your head.
"I'm pretty sure that 'law' is about cats, Josh."
Jey playfully glares at you, "nah, it's about cute two year olds that drool on your shirt, too Mamas. It's what life is all about."
 You raise your eyebrow, humming. "I'll take your word for it then. And a shower, I'm gonna go take a shower."
You watch as he shifts in the chair, readjusting himself and Joshia so they're more comfortable, before nodding. "I ain't tryna' rush you, but…hurry up. I wanna cuddle, and my back starting to hurt."
You detect the slight whine in his voice, a small chuckle leaving you. "You got it, Chief." 
He sucks his teeth, "man, go wash ya' ass." Just to annoy him a little, you stand there unmoving. 
He waits a beat before huffing. "Babyyyy, my ass is gonna go numb."
"I'll massage it, don't worry."
He laughs a bit too loud at that, if the way Joshia wiggles in his sleep and huffs is anything to go by. His tiny cheeks filled with air before he settled down again.
"See, even little man is on my side."
You decide not to mention that he'd almost woken Joshia up, instead you raise your hand defensively. 
"I'm goin', I'm goin' no need for you two to get all worked up, jeez!"
You playfully flip your hair before scurrying out the room, laughing to yourself at the sound of Jey's distant chuckle of disbelief. 
You were worried to tell Jey about Joshia for nothing it seems. They would get along just fine, Jey hadn't run for the hills and had actually stuck around to help you take care of your unwell son. He had no obligation to you, yet he chose to put himself in this position. 
He wanted this, he wanted you. 
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dearmantis · 2 years
A deal with a god
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/The Darkling x fem!Reader
Summary: You arrive back in your rooms and try to figure out what to do before the General forces you to make a decision.
Warnings: manipulation, period-typical sexism, mentions of domestic abuse
Word Count: 3k
Authors' Note: Like two people asked for It all goes in vain to get a part 2 and that was months ago... and now it's a series because I have no self control. I was also asked to make Reader and Aleksander a power duo. I don't know if I'm good at writing power couples, but I will try. I also didn't edit this and English is not my native language.
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Previous Part | Series Masterlist
The walk back to the Grand Palace clears your head a bit, your mind delightfully empty as you focus on not being caught sneaking around with a ruined dress and disheveled hair. Years of living in the palace have prepared you for this, but you still feel how the weight of the world drops from your shoulders as soon as the door to your room closes behind you.
Eyes moving to the clock on your desk, you realise with relief that your servants will come in around ten minutes, giving you some time to make sure your room looks like you spend the night here.
You beginn by moving your bed sheets around, before quickly skipping to the bowl you use to wash your face at night, dunking your hands into the cold water and scrubbing the bits of makeup the general missed off your face to make the water look more used. Grabbing a towel, you dry your skin and pull off your shoes, dropping them next to the bed.
At last you rip off your dress quickly, removing the many layers and leaving them on the floor before slipping into a simple robe and crawling into your bed, rolling yourself up in your blankets like a babe.
If you look pathetic enough, the servants will hopefully tell your parents that you're too exhausted from last nights celebration to eat with them. You will be allowed to spend the whole day up here in your room, waiting and preparing for the Darklings appearance.
You need this. You need the time to plan for the future, and you fear that you will loose this fire in you, this new awoken hope that you will find freedom, if you are forced to face your mother before you officially agree to work with the Shadow Summoner. That the guilt will swallow you whole and rip your strength away from you if you see her trusting, hopeful face before you officially agree to conspire with the grisha general against your own parents.
The reality of it all, of the fact that you are going to commit treason together with a descendant of the Black Heretic, hits you in the same moment the doors to your room swing open and your servants step in.
You do your absolute best to look as miserable and sick as humanly possible despite the realisation you just had, whining and complaining about the room being too bright, and everyone being too loud, until your servants finally give up.
"A princess should never be seen in such a state." One of the servants murmurs almost disappointed while she pulls the curtains in your room close. "Especially not by her betrothed. We will cover for you, your royal highness, and tell your mother that you got sick. I believe your brother is in the same state as you. Maybe that will distract her. Do you think you will be able to attend lunch?"
Shaking your head slowly, you watch as the other servants clean up the chaos you created, one of the girls leaving to get you a cup of tea. The mention of your brother makes you a bit sick. Nothing good ever happens when he's drunk, and you can only hope that your mother doesn't interpret your sudden illness as a sign that you're about to go down the same path that he has.
You're not the crown prince. She will not ignore your misbehaviour. No, she will try to get you back into shape to make sure you won't embarrass her.
A son can make as many mistakes as he wants. A daughter needs to be perfect.
"I think I won't even be able to come to dinner." You rasp, moving to bury your face in one of your many silk pillows. "I just want to be left alone today. No lessons, no visitors, no snacks or other meals. I want to see no one."
"Of course, your royal highness. We will make sure that no one disturbs you today." Another servant responds quietly.
You're in the middle of acting like you're falling asleep again when you suddenly remember something else. "I really can't stand all this noise... Lower the amount of guards around my quarters to a minimum for today, and don't bother coming back up to prepare me for bed tonight either. I will do it myself today."
A choir of "Of course, your royal highness." is the only answer you get before you sink back into your pillows and force yourself to slowly relax your muscles, refusing to move until the servant who got you tea returns with the steaming cup and all five women leave your quarters.
You stay on your bed like this for another few minutes until you finally feel safe enough to get up, taking a quick sip from your tea before quickly moving over to your desk.
It's too risky to write down notes, to put the information and ideas swirling around in your head on paper where other people can find them and figure out what you're doing, but you can at least sit at your desk and look at a few documents while you try to come up with a plan.
A safety net. That's what you need. And maybe the power of clairvoyance, just to make sure you don't end up making foolish mistakes like your bumbling idiot of a brother does, his mind too clouded by his own arrogance to see the effect his horrifying behavior has on others.
The most important question is why exactly the General wants to help you.
"It would give me a chance to make sure Ravka, my home, will be safe."
A sweet reason, sure. Honourable as well, and you don't doubt that that's probably part of his motivation, but the General doesn't seem stupid enough to commit treason for something like this. And how would stopping your marriage make Ravka a safer place?
You're the second born child of the king, sure, but you're also a woman. You wield no power. Why would a smart, ambitious man like the Darkling help you? Why not try to make your brother see that Grisha are people instead? That seems to be more effective. You don't understand how keeping you in the Grand Palace benefits him or the Second Army in any way.
There is no reason for him to help you, at least none that you can see.
"And what do you need to help me?"
"I will need you to fulfil your duty, moya tsarevna. You will have to pay a price in exchange for your freedom. You can not hesitate."
Biting down on your lower lip you shake your head weakly, forcing yourself to accept that you probably won't be able to uncover his real motive for helping you tonight. To many bits and pieces of information are missing for you to actually figure out his motive. You need to make plans for the possible failures ahead instead of wasting your time on a puzzle with missing parts.
Difficult, considering you don't know what the plan is yet, but sitting around and doing nothing would be stupid. And what if the Shadow Summoner decides that the risk of being executed for treason is too big for him? If he comes to the conclusion that helping you is not worth the effort? You need to prepare for that, too.
You have to come up with an idea of how to save yourself in Fjerda. How to be safe in the north or flee.
But flee to where? The wave of hopelessness that pushed you down before the whole thing with the General happened hits you once more, threatening to drown you if you don't come up with an idea quickly.
Ravka is not an option. Maybe the west, if you stay away from government officials and instead live life as a commoner, but even that would require a crossing of the fold and more luck than the saints are probably willing to give you.
Shu Han is not an option either. There is no way you could run from your future husbands home and then cross Ravka without being detected. Same problem with Kerch and the risk of being recognized there is even higher.
And successfully fleeing to Novyi Zem without being caught would require a miracle.
No, you can't make it to Fjerda. As soon as you're in the north, you're stuck in a place where you will never feel safe or happy.
A better option would be to fake your death before, during, or shortly after the wedding. Perhaps you could ally yourself with some Materialki and Corporalki as well, get them on board with faking your murder and getting you out of the castle. No one would look for you if all of Ravka thought their Princess was dead, after all.
Another problem you will have to keep in mind is the constant risk of being discovered if you choose to work with the Darkling. Sure, you will probably just get send off to Fjerda and cut off from your family forever, doomed to die in the north, away from your people and the ghosts and sins of your ancestors, but they will kill the General. They'll probably make you watch too, in hopes of teaching you a lesson.
You can't let that happen. Not to someone who has offered to safe you, even if he is only doing it to save his own skin in some way, or give himself more power, money, or whatever else he's after.
No. You have to plan to make sure you will both get out of the palace in case you get caught. But would he abandon the Grisha? Or would he prefer to go down kicking and screaming like a warrior instead of running like a child?
You know you prefer running, even if it means losing some of your pride and honour, because running means living and living means you can try again. You can fight another battle, attempt to make people see reason once more, and ensure that your ideas don't die with you.
The General doesn't seem like the type of person to share that mindset, though. He's a man through and through, and men like to do horrible and stupid things to force their opinions down other peoples throats. Like die the death of a martyr in hopes of someone else picking up the responsibility and finishing the fight for them.
If you want to save his life, you will probably have to kidnap him.
Groaning quietly you lean back in your chair and stare at the ceiling, trying to clear your mind a bit. There are so many variables in your future, so many what if's you have to prepare for, and you're still so exhausted from crying all night. Things have never been like this before. Most of your life you've played a side character to your brothers story, just like everyone has told you to do, as a woman, and second in the line of succession.
The most people ever say about you is that you're harmless, a delight to have around, and harmless delights simply don't go around scheming with the man everyone in Ravka, Fjerda and Shu Han is terrified of. They don't take fate into their own hands and fight back when people try to force a life they don't want onto them. All of this is new territory, and a part of you is mortified by the consequences of the possible failures ahead of you.
At least you managed to remove some of the guards from your wing of the palace without raising suspicion. Less trouble for the General to get to you. You've done something. A small first step taken before the real fight begins. It's an alright start for someone inexperienced.
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You spend the rest of the day trying to do the impossible: Plan and prepare for the future. Predicting what will happen and how to react without losing track and getting confused with the dozens of what if's swirling around in your head like a vicious storm.
What will you do if your brother or mother find out?
What will you do if a servant notices what's going on?
What will you do if your betrothed realises what's happening? How could you protect the General from the wrath of a fjerdan royal? How could you protect yourself?
It's pitch black in your room when a knock finally frees you from your spiralling thoughts. For a few seconds you have trouble orienting yourself, confused about why it's so dark now, but before you get a chance to actually panic, another, louder knock on the door pulls you back to reality.
Quickly moving to light a small candle on your desk, you tighten the robe around your body and open the door to your quarters, motioning for the man waiting in front to step into your room. It's improper for anyone to see you in
The General is still fully dressed in his Kefta, his steps surprisingly light considering how heavy his boots look. He walks into your quarters slowly, gaze moving over your furniture and the small lonely candle on the table. your current state, especially a man, but it hardly matters considering what's ahead of you.
"Did I wake you, moya tsarevna?" He asks after you lock the door behind him, his voice calm and quiet as if he's trying to make sure that people passing your rooms won't hear his voice through the walls.
"Hmm? Oh, no. I was just thinking and lost track of the time."
He slowly turns back to you, one half of his face illuminated with the warm light of the candle while the other is hidden in the shadows. "I hope you didn't change your mind. It would be a shame for another strong woman like you to get lost in the north."
You can feel a muscle in your jaw tighten as you take his words in. He should wish for you to change your mind and leave him alone. This whole plan, whatever it may be, will probably be more dangerous to him than to you. Why isn't he hoping you changed your mind and accepted your fate?
"No, no. I didn't change my mind. I'm willing to do whatever you need me to."
Taking a deep breath, you step closer to the middle of the room, closer to him, your eyes moving to the calm, glowing candle flame. You can still feel his gaze burning on your skin.
"I was born in this palace. I learned how to speak and walk here. This is my home. Nobody, not even my horrible, despicable betrothed, should be able to drag me out of here." You declare calmly.
Your gaze finds his once more, his eyes somehow darker than the night sky outside, and you can feel your nails dig into the soft flesh of your palms.
"My whole life I was taught that it's my duty to serve my country and my people. I can not do that when I'm in Fjerda. I can not protect or help anyone there. I have no power there. I need your help, General."
The storm of thoughts, of what-if's and why's, gets louder as you look at him, almost consuming you, but the visible pride in the Shadow Summoners eyes grounds you just enough, reassures you that things will be alright. He will keep his promise and make sure that you stay in the Grand Palace safe and sound until you die.
"Tell me what to do, Aleksander. I am willing to pay the price."
He smiles. There is nothing friendly or soft in the expression, only glee and satisfaction, but for some reason you're not as scared of him as you probably should be.
You're not a stupid girl that's falling for the lies of an older man. You know what you're getting into. You will be prepared for anything he might throw at you. This is your home after all, and while the General has experience with your father and the general politics of Ravka, with the complicated rules of war, he is definitely not familiar with the game you've been stuck playing.
He doesn't know your betrothed, barely cares for your mother, and has always been dismissive of your brother despite the fact that he will be on the throne in a few years. The only player he has ever paid attention to is you, and that's a recent development. He only cares now because he seems to believe you can give him something.
You know the rules better than he does, and if you don't pay attention to his plans and schemes, to his end goal, he will mess up and drag you both down. It's his job to manipulate and trick others and yours to clean and cover up. A perfect team.
"I'm glad to hear that you trust me, moya tsarevna. I promise I won't fail you."
He holds his hand out slowly, and for a few seconds you simply look at it. His hand is large, with long fingers and small scars covering the pale skin that shimmer in the weak light of the candle.
Taking his hand means treason. It means betraying your parents and, in the same breath, your country. It means making Fjerda your enemy. It means covering your hands with the blood that sticks to the Darklings hands. It means paying a price he refuses to name. It means trusting darkness itself.
This would be the riskiest, dumbest thing you've ever done. It would be like begging to be caught and punished by your parents. And what would your betrothed do if he found out his future wife conspired with the Darkling to escape him? He would kill you for that. Beat you until you're nothing but a bleeding lump of flesh on the floor with no one to grieve you left in the world after you betrayed everyone who loved you.
You grab Aleksanders hand.
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taissaswifelowkey · 1 month
My girl
i definitely did not name this after a certain song by the temptations 🙄🙄
in which jackie gets comforted bc she is just a girl :((
all characters are aged up 🗣️‼️
1996 crash timeline
pairings: jackie and afab reader but there are no use of pronouns!!
warnings: nothing major but mentions of a nsfw magazine, gay and self indulgent do i even need to say it atp. also first time fully writing something other than headcanons. attempts at writing romantic dialogues so it might be cringe ngl 💀💀💀
a/n: i found out about line breaks LMAOOO im so new to this app i feel like i reached unc status. that is not something to be proud of. as always, feedback is welcome you already knowww. proofread? but there might be some lingering mistakes, which i apologise for!
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You sharpen your ax, occasionally keeping an eye on Jackie’s figure. Nathalie furrows her brows and rolls her eyes at a sleeping Jackie. Everyone else is awake and active, already up to their chores. It’s not like you tried to get her to wake up and participate for at least…three times.
“C’mon Jackie. Up and at ‘em or something.”
She throws clothes on the lymphatic figure, making you stifle back a chuckle.
“Five more minutes…I’m cramping.”
Jackie groans, rolling over to her back, the light fully blinding her eyes. Nat scoffs, brushing past you, seemingly haven given up on willing her to move.
“We’re all cramping. Congrats, we’re synchronising.”
She mutters, stopping at your side.
“Can you get your girl to…I don’t know, move?”
You huff, raising an eyebrow. What makes her think that Jackie will listen to you?
“Uh, well, I mean I can try? But—”
“Just deal with it.”
She adjusts her handkerchief back on her face, leaving and mumbling something about “princess” behaviour.
Sighing, you cast her a glance, not knowing her eyes are still fixed on you.
“Why did you leave me all cold and…cold?”
The blonde whined more than grumbled. An adorable sight, really. You chuckle, rising to your feet, leaving the ax to lean on the wall. As you approach her she throws you her sweater, only for her to miss and make it fall to the floor.
You pick up the clothing and hide your laughter behind it. She pinches your side once you’re in close range.
“Not. Funny.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.”
Your hands reach hers, lifting them to your lips, pressing gentle kisses on her knuckles. You move once again, but her hands finds yours and tugs you forward, making you land practically on top of her.
Your rightfully so grumpy girlfriend grumbles, clutching on to the fabric of your already damaged shirt. She inhales your earthy scent— pine, dirt. A contrast to your familiar scent of apples and cinnamon. Somehow…it still comforts her. Knowing it’s still you.
“Let me get you something for your cramps. We can’t have you sick all day.”
“But all I need is you, babe…”
Her eyes looks up to yours, drawing you closer with her hands laced around your neck. You look down at her, shaking your head in disapproval and cringing in mock disgust.
“That was…that was terrible. As in, jailtime terrible.”
Your hands finds her hips, wriggling your fingers on your sides so she could let go of you. She giggles, the sound strangely adding an invisible layer of warmth to your clothes.
“I’m serious, Jax. Let me at least try to find something for your cramps. It’s non negotiable.”
Your eyes scan the area in what seems to be a sad attempt at looking for something useful. The girl beside you rolls her eyes, flopping on her back.
“You think Dead Guy had painkillers and a hot water bottle along with his magazine stash?”
She exasperates, but her words makes you sit straight a little. You leave the bed to reach for your bag. A very confused and scared Jackie sits on her elbows.
“You’re not going to give me the magazines are you?”
You scramble through your bag and find your thermos, a bright smile radiating your face at finding something that could be possibly helpful.
“I got something remotely better than that. Besides, you don’t need those when there’s me.”
“You love it.”
You wink, walking over the fireplace and filling your thermos with hot water. Once you’re done you pick up the clothing she tried throwing at you, wrapping your makeshift hot water bottle around it before handing it to Jackie.
“It’s…I don’t know if it will help, but…”
She gratefully takes it, slipping the warm thermos under her shirt and sighs in relief.
“I mean, it’s better than nothing…thanks, really.”
A small, genuine smile since this morning adorns her face, tugging you closer to her once again.
“But I would feel better if you would join me…”
You’ve got logs to chop. Though in all honesty? As soon as you heard her complaints you wanted to rush to her side. Your chores can wait. Besides, you’ll wake up earlier tomorrow to help anyone with their chores.
She adds, circling your knuckles. You smile, joining under the covers and pulling her closer to your chest, making sure the thermos is still correctly pressed to her skin. After a short moment of adjusting you find a comfortable position. For her sake more than yours.
“Are you alright?”
The question was easy. Perhaps even obvious. She was alright. More than. It reminded her of times where you would take care of her before the crash, where you would bring her favourite ice cream and play Smashing Pumpkins, or Mazzy Star. A memory that would latch onto her the most, is when you slow danced in her room. You were a classic kind of lover, but she payed no mind to it. If anything, it made her feel wanted, loved. As if she’s the only planet that you would ever want to live on.
“Hey? Jax?”
That concerned look in your eyes makes her want to duck away or get pulled into them. She didn’t know whether to feel guilty for having you stay here with her, or relieved.
“No, no, I was just…y’know. Thinking.”
“Okay….am I allowed to get into that pretty little head of yours to know what it is you’re thinking about?”
Your lips brush against her forehead, a barely even there kiss. It still surprised her how you still kept your lovesick, affectionate nature.
She chuckles and nuzzles your neck, her breath tickling you.
“It’s silly.”
“Nothing could ever be silly with you.”
“It is.”
“Just say it.”
Her silence was uncharacteristic. Usually she’d talked to you about every and anything that went on her mind, while you tried not to get lost in the way her hair would shine, how she would wave her hands to emphasise her point, or how she would flick your forehead to get back your attention.
It takes her seconds, probably even minutes to answer. But you wait, patiently. You rest your chin on her head
“It’s just…you’re always here for me.”
She mutters so quietly, almost like a whisper. She pulls away from your neck, her eyes meeting yours, your soft gaze nearly making her heart flip. It was almost unfair the way you had a hold on her.
“And not just, well, physically. It’s like you’re here for me…mentally? I don’t know how to explain it but you treat me like I’m a part of you.”
Amidst her rambling, you stare into her eyes again. A pang of embarrassment runs through her. She’s about to apologise for how nonsensical she’s being when you pepper her face with soft kisses. Her face flushes wild, a warmth that spreads across her face all the way to the tips of her ears.
“The wilderness really made you cheesy, huh?”
“Shut up.”
She playfully slaps you before pulling you in for a sweet kiss. Her lips are chapped, rough, not the strawberry balm you’ve gotten used to and imprinted on your brain. Even so, it’s addictive. She’s so tender, so gentle with you, you could almost break.
You pull back breathlessly, trying to catch your breath. Her hands run through your hair before cupping your cheeks, while you try your best to keep your heart at a stable rhythm again. She smiles, a silly grin, one that makes you want to kiss her senseless until she forgets her own being.
“I…promise to be here for you. Not just physically, or even mentally but…all kinds of presence. You’re important to me. And I don’t know what’s gonna happen to us. But I want you to be here with me.”
Her eyes soften at your nervous ramblings, how you stumble around your words.
“You really are stuck with me, aren’t you?”
Her words carry a sense of tease but the meaning behind them is genuine. You truly are stuck with her.
“Wouldn’t want it any other way. I mean, I can have lots of things…or anything, really. But you’ve got a hold on me, so…I guess you’re more important.”
“You guess?”
She pokes your chest, causing you to shake your head and clarify what you truly meant.
“No, no I mean what I wanted to say was, is…I mean…”
How you can go from being playful to nervous is so endearing to her. But she allows you some time to gather your thoughts.
At the end, you hide your face at the crook of her neck, your words still failing you. It’s most likely because of the kiss that still warms you than the confession.
“God you’re impossible.”
“Me? You’re the one that’s “guessing” I’d be more important than any other thing!”
“You are valuable than any other thing! That…that counts. A lot more than we can think of. I mean…there are some people who have anything they want or wish for. I don’t know exactly how that works but…I have what I need. You’re what I need.”
You mumble, squeezing your eyes shut. She gently pulls you away and reaches for your hands, intertwining them together.
“You mean that, right? Not just guessing?”
You roll your eyes, not fighting the smile breaking your face.
“No guesses.”
Her fingers squeezes yours, tugging you into another kiss, a kiss that is sweeter than anything you’ve had. It’s not hungry but it feeds you with promises.
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | All Chapters
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GENRE | Coraline au, angst, suspense,
SUMMARY | What happens when Seonghwa returns to the home he was once fond of as a child? This time around making his return as a full adult with the company of friends. Nightmares and old friends return and the button eyes that Seonghwa desperately escaped as a child have returned to haunt he and his friends.
WARNING | Graphic descriptions, mentions of death, ghost children, witchcraft, grsphic nightmares, arson, lost memories
MORE | Based on the childrens novel & Henry Selick film Coraline
Before i go any further i want it to be known i am in no way claiming Coraline as my own. I wrote a concept for a part 2 or spinoff long ago and I just felt that it was time to finally put it to use. I do not own Ateez or any Coraline named Characters in this story but the Storyline is indeed a self made one.
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For a while they all sat in silence gathered by the fire place. When the three of them decided to move in with seonghwa none of them had been aware that they would be getting themselves into something like this. It all freaked them out, well all except Jongho who still didn't even believe the little ghost girl was even real.
"So?'' Jongho spoke up breaking the silence.
"Hongjoong" Yeosang calls out to him as if asking him to finally start explaining to them what was going on.
A sigh spilled from his lips and he took a seat in front of the fireplace before he began.
"It started with an old necklace I found in my grandma's house. When I found it I had asked her about it but she didn't really say much at first. I remember bothering her the entire day and whining for her to tell me. At some point she got tired of me whining about it and she said she would tell me all about it under the condition that I bring the food she had made to Seonghwas grandmother. Since she had just moved in a few months prior my grandmother and yours were quite familiar with one another so I was used to it, but I wasn't expecting to see you and your parents there. You were a curious kid back then and honestly I also thought you to be a little weird running around in your astronaut suit. Your grandmother convinced me to play with you by bribing me with cupcakes and by the end of that day we had become great friends but it didn't prepare me for what I'd be dealing with having become friends with you. When I returned home My granda finally sat me down and told me about the necklace. It had belonged to her sister before she passed away in the woods near the manor. She said one day her and her sister had been playing in the old playground and her sister just found it and claimed that it was hers. I couldn't believe this because when I myself had found the necklace it didn't say any other name but yours. So without grandma knowing I took the necklace and gave it to you and well thats when things got weird. After a week or so you wouldn't come around to grandmas as much and the only times i'd see you were the occasional visits to give your grandma Coraline food, or when i'd catch you frequenting Mr. forcible and Mrs. Spinks place.''
Both Wooyoung and Sans eyes widened at the mentions of their own grandmothers all of a sudden.
"You knew our grandmothers?" Wooyoung asked pearing at Seonghwa who hadn't had a clue about any of the details Hongjoong was speaking of.
"He knew them both, Yeosangs grandfather too, they all are well aware of why Seonghwa was forbidden to come back.'' Hongjoong continued on, glaring at the two boys as a warning to let him finish.
"At some point your grandma grew worried for you, we all did, as the months went by you started to look so sick, like something had been ripping away your energy day by day. I remember asking you about it and you got so defensive. 'The other Hongjoong is so much better, less noisy than you'. That's what you said to me. I didn't understand and it hurt me so much that I went back home to grandma and told her I no longer wanted to be the one to bring the food, but of course she made me go anyway. Your grandma had told me you had been cooped up in your room and hadn't come out. She pleaded with me to get you to come down and play but when I went up you werent there. I looked all over the entire house for you yet you were nowhere to be found. I had been on my way out the door when I found you out in the hallway talking to a cat, you claimed he could speak to you, claimed that the two of you could travel to this magical world with colorful walls and toys, a table aligned with sweets.'' this sentence caused Seonghwas ears to perk up as the scene he described was familiar to him, he had dreamt it.
"I thought maybe your imagination was just far better than mine since you were able to think up all of this and think it to be real. You even went as far as saying there was a woman in black that would feed you, read to you, play games with you and at that point I thought maybe you had just become delusional. You told me that I was free to visit with you one night and that 'mama said all children are welcome' and it felt off to me. That same day when nightfall came there was a tapping at my window and I found the cat outside. I turned back to go to sleep but he wouldnt let me. He just kept tapping at the window. When I got out of bed and opened the window to shoo him away he simply sat there for a while before turning away and waiting for me to follow. Me being a curious child at such an age found myself following him deep into the woods and of course it creeped me the fuck out walking through the dark woods alone I mean you've seen them you know how creepy they are. I found you there at the playground burying something but it didn't occur to me that it'd be the necklace. When i started to approach you this- this woman appeared out of nowhere and she attacked you I didn't know what to do so I- I just lunged at her and god she put up a fight. When she grabbed you by the neck and I realized that you were losing consciousness I did the only thing I thought to do and I bit her. She vanished and for a while we both just sat there. I convinced you to tell me everything that you had been experiencing since arriving at the house. To this day I still don't know who the woman was nor do I know why you were suddenly admitting to having seen little ghost children running around but it freaked me out nonetheless and you were shaken to the core. I remember the next day your parents had arrived to drag you away, but before they left they paid a visit to Woo and Sans grandmother. That's all I remember of that summer..whatever it was that you had seen, whatever the things you had dealt with...they scarred you badly. Your grandma asked me to never speak of it again if you ever returned and I promised her I wouldn't speak a word of it.'' The room fell silent, no one knew what to say after hearing the story and in all honesty it made many of them fearful to even be in the house in that moment.
At this point the sun had been setting and none of them had gotten any sleep, knowing the events that occurred in this house neither of them had the guts to fall asleep there, well none aside from Jongho.
"Something doesn't sit right with me about any of this.'' Yeosang sat staring at the fire, listening as the wood crackled softly.
"Your grandfather...your grandfather told me something. I think you thought it was the Schizo talking, but he tried to warn me about this house. He said that she was here waiting somewhere and the children never left? But I don't I don't know what the fuck it means I don't know what any of this has to do with me.'' Seonghwa sighs and rests his face in the palm of his hands.
"I think, I think we know someone that may know something.'' Wooyoung and san shared a glance before looking back at Seonghwa
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nova--spark · 9 months
Okay a teeny bit off topic from Christmas but I offhandedly mentioned the autobots getting sick after their Christmas snow day despite June’s best efforts. And it got me thinking about how the autobots would act being sick. And once again knowing everone’s luck they’d all fall ill at the exact same time
June has the place locked down until all the human autobot’s are better! No one gets in and NOBODY gets out! All of the kids and Fowler are recruited to help. It’s all hands on deck!
I’ve already talked about Optimus a bit, but now it would be even more crucial to get him to stay in bed since he’s more vulnerable.
Thankfully there’s Elita who is also sick and has cuddled up with Optimus, he can’t move without waking up Elita so he has to no choice but to rest
Bumblebee, much like Raf, gets clingy when he’s sick. Though since his parents are too busy clinging to each other so he goes for the next best thing, his little brother Smokescreen!
Smokescreen is just confused if not a little annoyed. But goes along with it for Bee’s sake. Unlike the old people Bee and Smoke will be over this quickly so he won’t have to deal with this for very long.
Arcee just wants to be left alone! She already feels miserable, can’t she be left alone to wallow in her misery alone?! June and the kids not to bug her but they still need to occasionally peek in to make sure she’s still alive and to give her food and water. But otherwise they leave her be
Bulkhead sleeps through like 99% of his sickness. The only issue is Bulkhead sleeps like the dead, and he snores loud enough that it’ll drown out anyone trying to wake him up. June has had to take his pulse before to ensure he is infact asleep and not dead.
Ratchet is usually pretty easy to care for when sick… that is if he’s the only one that’s sick. Ratchet will always feel compelled to help his sick or injured teammates even if it would be more harmful for him to do so. June has at least one of the kids watch Ratchet to make sure he doesn’t get up the first time he hears someone cough.
Wheeljack is just whiney, he hates being sick. He hates not being able to get up and do something. He’s bored! Everything hurts! The only real solution is to try and keep him occupied so he can’t think to complain.
Ultra Magnus is an angel! He rests when he’s supposed to. He doesn’t complain. He does everything June asks him to do the first time she asks. He takes his medicine without whining about the taste! He’s the perfect patient! And out of all of the older humans he gets over his illness the quickest because of it.
All of the this.
Times like this, they need all hands on deck they may need to call the Clays as well for help rfihejdk
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eveningserenityyy · 1 year
His Apology | OneShot
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Pairings: Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
Wordcount: 5,179k
Summary: You, a senator, are in a secret relationship with Jedi master Obi-wan. His actions on a mission of his left you deeply upset with him, and after a few days of tension, he comes to apologize to you and ends up doing so in a rather special way.
Warning/tags: NSFW (smut), Oral f receiving, hurt/comfort, praise kink, teasing, fluff, vanilla, f!reader, a sprinkle of angst.
>Original here (first time crossposting to Tumblr, & this was my first NSFW oneshot ever, so enjoy! More are to come!)
It had been three days since you had last seen him. Three days since your argument.
You have been dealing with far too much lately in terms of your political affairs. Day after day you have been so focused on relief efforts and attempting to de-escalate the war by pushing for an end to it with help of fellow Senator Amidala and Senator Organa. It was exhausting for all parties involved.
The only thing that got you through any of this was knowing you had someone to come home to, someone to hold you and vice versa. The person you felt closer to than any other being, your person. The one who you could confide in, sharing details about your day with each other all while you laid your head on his lap with a content hum as you felt his fingers gently comb through your hair so affectionately.
Those early mornings you cherished too. You would usually have to get up early most days, except he would never let you get up without a fight for it. He was not a morning person by any means as he slept whenever he could, and truthfully, you found him adorable in this state. The messy hair that only your eyes ever got to see, tired half-shut blues, and groggy whines when you tried to leave his firm grasp he held on you. It pained you to have to leave him at all, as you felt so safe with him in these moments under the covers. 
But you were still angry with him, that hadn’t yet faded. As much as you wanted to forget about what happened and go back to normal, you also couldn’t shake the need to yell at him for hurting you on account of his sudden recklessness.
While away on his Jedi general duties, he had needlessly risked his life in the heat of the moment when it was entirely unnecessary for him to do. And he didn’t even have the guts to tell you himself, you had heard it from Padme who heard it from Anakin. She had asked how he was, and mentioned the fact that you must’ve been so worried about him. When you asked what she meant, well, that’s when you discovered what he had done while away. You thought you were gonna be sick at that moment, when your stomach dropped and your head got dizzy. 
You knew the risks that came with war, and yet you always worried about him when he was on the battlefield anyways, or anywhere at all really. That's what love is, right?  But you always trusted him to do what was right, and to come back home in one piece for you. You were disappointed. Disappointed in the fact he had lied to you about it, and that he did something so irresponsible. People needed him, the republic, the Jedi, Anakin, You.
‘What would I do without you?’ You had asked him, and to that, he had no reply as he lowered his head in such guilt.
It just wasn’t like him, or you thought it wasn’t in your very knowledgeable opinion about him.
He apologised for it over and over, but he knew that maybe you couldn’t be ready to forgive him so easily, so he left you to think. That was hard for him. And unknown to you, he had barely slept in the last three days without you. He hadn’t meant to hurt you, but he also had to own up to his mistake. He knew he fucked up greatly, and even he thought this unlike him.
He disregarded the code for you, risked the only life he had ever known for you and still continued to do so out of love. Not that you hadn’t argued against your feelings for each other at first, of course, but he won in the end. The point is, you were the realest thing in his life. You were the one who allowed him to feel, and now he might lose you over such a stupid decision on his part.
And now here you stood, in the apartment you secretly shared, alone.
You were in your bedroom, trying to fold some of your own clothes by hand just attempting to focus on anything else after a long day of mental torment and work. You picked up one of your more special dresses, feeling the fabric between your fingers. This was the dress you had met him in, and a sad smile crept onto your face while you looked at it. He particularly favoured this one on you, admiring how it clung to your figure all while making sure you knew what kind of thoughts that had brought on in his mind whenever you had decided to wear it, a small smirk playing on his features for you to take notice of. Now you were upset that you even looked at it at all.
“It’s ugly anyways I suppose,” You grumbled to yourself, throwing it to the floor in an usual fashion than how it normally got there most nights.
“Well, that's a shame you think so.” You tensed up as his voice suddenly spoke from behind you. You hadn’t heard him come in, sneaky much.
You fought yourself on what to do. You didn’t want to turn around, for if you saw him you didn’t know what you would do. You worried that his soft eyes and annoyingly handsome face would melt your weakened heart all over again, and you were too stubborn and too petty to give in so easily.
But, it had been three days already. And you missed him, maybe more than you were angry. You were stuck in place, not knowing what to do.
He sensed this, and that made him feel worse than he already had. ‘Good.’ He thought. ‘I deserve this, do I not?’
If you had known he was thinking that to himself though, you would have dropped all of your stubborn attitudes to tell him he deserved the world. Yes, you were upset about what he did, but you would never wish for him to think so low of himself just because of you. That was the last effect you wanted to have on him. He had allowed himself to think poorly of himself at times, feeling inadequate for his role as a Jedi master on the council, and like he was still a Padawan on the inside; yet you were always the one to shut these thoughts down and remind him of his worth, how great a Jedi he was, and that he deserved more than he ought to think he does.
It was time for you to swallow your pride. You didn’t have to act like everything was fine, because it wasn’t, but you couldn’t keep giving the silent treatment. It would pain both of you further.
You still chose not to look at him though, having your back turned to him. You kept focus on the clothes in front of you as you continued to fold them. “Where have you been?” You asked plainly, with a bit of bitterness in your tone that you couldn't help.
He let out a breath of relief that he didn't realise he had been holding in. You were talking to him at least, that was good progress. “The temple. It’s been a quiet three days, no duties just yet.”
Lovely, you could have spent time with him that would be considered quite rare these days. Instead, you were wasting all your time too angry to think and now he could leave for battle any day. You wanted to bang your head off of the fucking wall at this point.
He noticed you balling your fists up tightly, and he let out a sigh. He wanted to move closer, but didn’t want to risk upsetting you further, therefore he stayed put. There was a moment of tense silence between you two, the only thing that could be heard were your breaths until he decided to take a chance.
“I missed you, my love. You must know that I have.” The words were spoken so softly and quietly with a great hint of sincerity, yet with so much shame in his tone of voice as well for how he had upset you.
You felt the tears build in your eyes as you dropped the gown you were just holding in response. You ached for him, you couldn’t deny yourselves of that. When you finally built up the confidence to turn your body to look at him, you took notice of how tired he looked, and only then did you realise what this must've done to him. To both of you, really. He lacked that sparkle in his eye, for they looked so tired, almost like he couldn't keep them open much longer. He noticed such a likeness in you too, how you probably hadn’t been sleeping much as well, and how sad you looked from the tears swelling up in your eyes. Neither of you could take this, you were acting like fools- well, you were at the very least.
You let go, practically rushing into his embrace to have him hold you after what felt like ages as you wrapped your own arms around his torso. You let your tears flow into his chest as naturally as they came as his fingers found their way to your hair like usual, running through its softness in a way that comforted you unlike anything else, and did the same for him in return. His other hand found the small of your back, holding onto you securely for he never wished to let you go again.
“How could you scare me like that? Do- do something so stupid!” You asked through cries, your words muffled in his chest as you continued, “You- you know how I love you and-”
He nodded eagerly as he let out soft “shh’s” at your worries, not to dismiss, but to calm. He leaned back to look at you, moving his hand from your hair to the side of your face while his other hand still held your lower back firmly pressing your front against him. His thumb wiped your tears away as he tried to comfort you once more. “I can’t apologise for this enough, my love, but I’m here- look at me, I’m right here. I won’t ever leave you as long as I can help it. Maker- I'm terribly sorry.”
You knew he meant it, he meant it most sincerely. You forgave him now, as being upset over something that cannot be changed would do neither of you any good. You communicate, move on, and work things through, all because you love someone enough to do it. You didn't need to say it, for you knew that he knew, he could feel it radiate from you as you breathed him in- but your cries from distress still pained him, and although you forgave him, he would likely never forgive himself for causing you such pain; but he would continue to prove just how much he cared for you from this point forward.
As he looked at your rosy cheeks and wet eyes all while your chest stopped heaving, he then leaned forward to close the distance between your faces, placing his lips upon your cheek and then up to your tears on the side of your face that his hand couldn’t reach so as to kiss them away ever so gently. This only caused more to fall that he took care of too, as you were overwhelmed with the sensations of his and you felt so dearly for him. The soft lips, rough beard, gentle fingertips on your other cheek, you wondered how you could ever keep him away because right now it felt impossible.
His lips finally met your own as he reached down for them, closing that final distance you were waiting for so eagerly. It was a perfect feeling. Not rough or passionate, but just what you needed for this moment. Loving and tender, yet soft and sensual. You felt like you were on a cloud, it was the type of kiss that swept you off your feet and made your brain go numb. You wondered how the hell you made it through those three days without this, because all of him was now so addicting to you and you had no desire to pull away as his thumb continued to caress your cheek while his lips pressed harder against your own just asking for more. Your anger had turned to lust at this point as you grabbed onto his shoulders to pull him closer.
Just when it was getting more heated, he pulled back while your lips chased for his, not wanting it to end so soon nor expecting it to. He rested his forehead on yours with a knowing smile, “You’ve missed me, hm?”
You huffed, fluttering your eyes open as you allowed your foreheads to rest on each other all while your eyes met his satisfied gaze. “Don’t be so mean.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling.” He promised softly, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” You smiled with nothing but contentment as you let his lips travel your face again. First, pressing a kiss to your lips once more, then the corners of them, your cheek again, and nose. This made you let out a quiet giggle at the feeling of his warm lips all over your skin, it felt so teasing.
He then travelled back down, hovering over your cheek, and lower to press against your jaw, and finally to your neck. He lingered on that spot, pressing more tender kisses on the sensitive skin while he received hums of approval from you.
You shivered in response to the further attention he paid to your neck, and breathed out his name. “Obi-wan…”
He smiled against your skin, “Hmm?”
You bit down on your lip hard, feeling rather tingly from the intimate act of affection. “Is this what you’ve been thinking about all this time?”
His lips moved closer to where your jaw and ear met, hovering between as you felt his hot breath over your skin. “When I said I missed you, I meant all of you." He hesitated, "Will you let me apologise to you?"
You liked this idea of an apology, for you found yourself almost begging at this point. Your breath was hitched, legs were weak, and there was only one thing you could think of. The power he held over you was unbelievable, from the suggestive words and sensual neck kisses It was so easy for him to turn you on. "Please.."
He didn't need to hear anything else as he swept you up with a squeal from you in response to the sudden jerk of movement. He carefully sat you on the edge of your shared bed, pressing one more kiss to your lips as he knelt down before you. The image of him between your legs was enough to make you want to spiral.
He placed each of his hands on your lower legs, slowly hiking your dress up as you watched impatiently until you could feel his soft fingertips rest on your thighs. You spread your legs apart for him in anticipation, and the reaction you were met with was him bringing his lips upon your inner thighs, pressing light butterfly kisses as slowly and teasingly as he could. He was so close to your heat, and he knew how much this affected you. 
He hadn't yet decided whether he wanted to tease you relentlessly or give you everything you begged him for, which of course he was going to do either way but the point still stands.
"Stop being such a tease." You whined as your legs shook against his firm grip he held. He already had so much control over you, and you were ready to give yourself over to him entirely. 
He looked up at you with an innocent expression, "Hm? You want me to take these off?" He asked, obviously hinting at your panties which clung to your wetness.
You let out a whimper you couldn't hold back as you shook your head eagerly. He fucking loved this, loved how bad you wanted him to fuck you, and all the sounds he brought out of you before he even began to touch you. It made him forget how much he liked teasing you, as his mind began to spin at the thought of you beneath him as you withered in pleasure all because of him. In response to this, he swiftly took a hold of your panties and pulled them off your legs, tossing them aside onto the floor as he admired you in your entirety and vulnerable state. He could see how wet he had made you, the clear desire dripping from between your thighs. 
You were prepared for him to commit to more teasing, to make you beg him for more as you squirmed under his grasp as his lips got closer and closer to where you wanted him, nibbling and pressing soft kisses to the soft flesh of your inner thighs all while needy whines and trembling whimpers fell from your lips, when you suddenly felt his warm mouth engulf you. His velvet tongue excitedly exploring your wet folds as you gasped at the unexpected pleasure, travelling up and down your drenched slit like he couldn't get enough of your taste. He held you down firmly by wrapping his arms around your thighs from beneath, keeping them wide open for his and your own pleasure. 
You couldn't resist the urge to moan as his tongue ran over your clit while he was enjoying you, he noticed how your hips shook when he did this and began to draw out slow circles around your sensitive bud, swirling his tongue around it while he enjoyed the sound of your quiet moans. He started sucking it gently, teasingly almost as he looked into your eyes for a reaction, noticing how much of a mess he was building in you. 
"Do I taste good?" You asked between soft gasps and breaths of pleasure, struggling to get the words out as your voice quivered. 
You felt his lips pull into a smile as they wrapped around your clit, pulling away just a second to answer you, sounding breathless. "So good, darling-" He licked it gently again, making you whimper. "Best in the galaxy."
He continued to eat you out like you were the best thing he had ever tasted, knowing damn well he could keep this up all night if he wanted and if you had asked him to. It amazed you time after time again how good he was at this, he left you a moaning mess every. single. time. with just his mouth. 
You felt yourself getting closer to release from the sensations he brought on and the wet noises that erupted from his mouth as he licked and sucked from between your legs. He felt this, and it only made him increase the speed of his tongue against your wet folds and sensitive clit. Your hand travelled down to his hair, pulling and tugging on it to bring his face closer into you if that was possible. This made him moan into you, sending vibrations through you as continuous sounds of pleasure erupted from your throat.
"I'm close," You moaned, gripping the sheets beneath you. Maker, did this feel good.
"Cum on my tongue for me, dear. show me how good I make you feel." He responded breathlessly and with nothing but lust in his tone of voice as he continued to go to town on you.
This only helped you get closer, as your legs began to lose control which only made him hold them down more firmly to keep you from moving too much. Moan after moan slipped from your lips as you came on his tongue from the pleasure just as you were told, he didn't stop the movements of his warm tongue on you until your high was over allowing you to ride it out.
He was quite pleased with himself as he took in every moan that slipped from your soft lips, and when you expected it to be over he ran his tongue over your folds again, cleaning up the mess you had made down there with a hunger evident in his eyes. His tongue swirled around your juices until he was satisfied. "Such a good girl," followed by another mutter of praise as he swallowed the last of it, "All this for me,"
His words sent shivers down your spine, and you swear that could have made you come again.
Finally, he pulled himself up from between your legs, immediately hovering over you with one hand beside your arm to hold himself up and the other on your face as he caressed your bottom lip, gently signalling what he wanted from you now. His lips found your own with ease, as he wanted you to taste yourself on him. He slid his tongue against your bottom lip as to request entrance, and you parted your lips in return. His tongue slipped in between your lips, meeting your own as they entangled each other. You could taste yourself on him, the salty yet sweet flavour he enjoyed so much made your cheeks grow redder than they already were. his beard tickled your face, wet from eating you out just seconds ago.
Your kiss was passionate, having to pull away for breaths every so often before connecting again, and your warm tongues met and entangled each other like a lustful dance. You couldn't get enough of each other. your hands found his hair once more, entangling your fingers into it. You wanted to pull him against you, feel his skin on yours when you noticed he still had his robes on. 
"Take that off," You pulled away from him, gesturing to his clothes as you let out heavy breaths. 
"So impatient, " Without another word he had lifted himself off of you, grabbing at all his layers and throwing them off to the side as he held his gaze of desire on you.
You watched as he undressed, enjoying the show, while also incredibly impatient. You wanted him- no, needed him. You bit your lip in anticipation as he got closer to revealing himself, feeling yourself drip between your thighs all over again. You then remembered you still had your dress on, and swiftly pulled it off over your head with ease as you too threw it to the floor where it belonged. Finally, he had removed all his layers of wool but he didn't give you much more time to look and admire him as he climbed on top of you like before. He connected your lips again, forcing his tongue between your lips as he pushed his body against yours, skin against skin. Nothing else could feel so right.
He removed his mouth from yours, and moved its position to press against the skin of your neck. Kissing and sucking your sensitive flesh more eager than previously on that perfect sweet spot, which elicited soft trembles of pleasure from you. He grinded against you, and you could feel how hard he was. You couldn't take this anymore.
"I need you inside me, please." You begged, getting his attention. He looked into your eyes, and you could see how much lust lingered within them. Maker, it was hot how much he enjoyed this.
He let out a harsh breath, not pulling away from your eyes as his face hovered over your own. "Beg me again, darling. I love it when you beg for me." he had a smile tugging at his lips, a smirk perhaps. 
You did as you were told, but not without an impatient whine from your now sore lips. "Fu- Please, please fuck me. I need you so bad."
"You're so good for me, how could I not?" You loved his praise, and you ended up shaking your head in agreement just to get him going. He was so in love with you, he wanted to give you everything now, whatever you asked even if you didn't do what he asked of you. The whines, moans, the begs for him to fuck you- you were perfect. 
He carefully got himself into place, hands resting beside each side of your head to hold himself up as you wrapped your legs around him. He centred himself now, dragging his tip up and down your wet slit slowly to ready you while also teasing you at the same time. Eventually, his tip stopped at your entrance, slowly dragging in circles around it. He looked to you for approval to keep going, to which you quickly nodded in response. You swear you almost forgot how to breathe as he slowly entered you, slipping In easily from how wet he had already made you.
He slowly dragged his tip in and out of you, before entering you further at a gentle pace until he was almost completely buried inside of you, feeling how you stretched around him perfectly. He began thrusting carefully, not wanting to hurt you when he really started going. "Is this alright for you?"
"Mm, " You nodded, biting your lip and impatient for more. He was going too slow, you wanted him to fuck you so hard that you saw stars. "Faster, I'll tell you if you need to stop. Just fuck me."
He got the hint, and paced his thrusts with more speed at your command. With every thrust he made, the pleasure inside the both of you grew. Your walls hugged his cock perfectly, making his eyelids flutter shut for a few moments as he too let out a moan followed by a few quiet swears. You were the noisy one, but fuck did you love the sounds you could draw from him too. You could tell he was trying to hold back on taking you at full speed, he was struggling to resist himself as his thrusts got harder and faster and more shaky even. He wanted to pound you into this mattress, and you knew how to get him there.
You dug your nails into his shoulders, gripping harder as his cock pumped in and out of you at a faster pace than before. Moans kept pouring out of you that you couldn't help, you sounded like you were in heat. He enjoyed every single one of them, revering in the fact that no one else could make you feel this good. 
"So good for me aren't you- fit so perfectly- I love fucking you, good girl." He struggled to get the words out in one piece, grunting as he praised you and continued to do so.
As he praised you, your walls gripped his cock tighter than before. That got you closer and he knew it. You felt so submissive from under him, and he knew that too. "Oh- you like my praise, do you? Don't cum just yet, darling, almost there."
Almost like a reward, it seemed he let himself go and stopped resisting his needs. He was pounding into your pussy now, just how he wanted to. With his stamina, he could go like this for hours as you squirmed and that thought turned you on even more. You were in ecstasy at this point, practically screaming his name now as he pounded you into the bed at the perfect pace. You weren't gonna last much longer with his head hitting your g spot with such force, and you hoped he would let you cum soon. 
You hit your face in his neck, biting down as to muffle your screams of pleasure. He growled, and if you thought he was pounding you hard then, well it was even harder now. Just how you liked it.
"I know, love- make you feel so good, but I need to hear you. Let me hear how good it feels." With that, your teeth fell from his neck and the only thing you were capable of as he pounded your pussy was to jerk your head back in ecstasy, your eyes rolling back into your head as his thrusts ceased to slow down just yet.
You were nothing but a whimpering and moaning pile of pleasure from beneath him, you wanted him to do this all night yet at the same time you were so close to cumming and needed that sweet release from him. He felt so good from inside you as your tight walls gripped onto him, pumping in and out like this. As your brain fogged, all you thought about was him and how much you loved him as he fucked you good for the first time in days. 
He felt your grip tightening on his cock as he pounded you into a pile of moans at this never-ending pace he held. His eyes fluttered again as his own sounds of pleasure fell from between his lips. He needed release just as much as you did. "Cum for me now, my love, cum on my cock. Prove how good I fucked you tonight."
He gave more praise, calling you his good girl and more to encourage your climax. You could barely speak as your whole body shook to it's core, eyes rolled as far back as possible as your back arched itself instinctively, your grip on his shoulders loosening as you lost control of yourself. Moans turned to screams of ecstasy all over again as you came hard on his cock. He continued to thrust inside you at the same insane pace as you orgasmed, before he couldn't handle it either and his grunts turned to moans as he too came inside of you, his seed pumping into you encasing your velvet walls. 
"I love you- so much," He panted as he finished inside of you, placing a kiss on your forehead while he did so before pulling out and falling down beside your exhausted little figure.
"Mm- love- love you too." You managed to force the words out of your now sore throat, you really couldn't function, hell- you could barely breathe. You wondered how you were gonna walk into work tomorrow. 
He let out an airy chuckle, pulling you into his chest as he kissed your flushed cheek. Your hair was a mess, and your eyes could barely stay open. He adored you with all his heart, and as hard breaths rose and fell from his chest he admired your flushed face in pure adoration. "Perhaps I should've been more gentle with that apology."
You forced your eyes open to look at him, looking back in pure adoration just as he did while you tried to get your brain to work again. "W-why was I mad at you again?"
Really puts 'fucking your brains out' on a whole other level.
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mysynthfetish · 4 months
R-8 backlight DIY
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I picked this up off the Yahoo Flea Market app. It's seen better days but works fine. I had a Mk II aaaaaaaaaaages ago. I forgot how goddam huge these things are. I was killing time on YouTube and saw someone doing Autechre style stuff with an R-8 and was like OH YEAH! That was right around when I had one and I was doing similar stuff, though I was shit at putting actual tracks together. Oh well. Anyway so yeah tharr she blows! As I mentioned, I had the Mk II version and that one has a backlit screen, which the first version does not have, so I thought hmmmm inverters are probably super small to drive that tiny of an EL sheet, and a step-up power converter probably won't be too big, and I can probably find an el-cheapo made in china deal for peanuts on Jamazon or AliExpress, so let's do this! I got the step up converter from Jamazon. I think I had to buy a set of 8 and it was like ten bucks. I tapped the legs of the 7805 +5V regulator for the power source and ground. Set the pot on the step up thing to output +12V, ran that out to the inverter for the EL sheet, cut the sheet to size, wired it all up, plugged it in, turned it on and hoped for the best. Worked fine first time.
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Went with "red" for no real reason. If I get sick of it I'll just buy a blue or blue-green sheet. They're like ten bucks for a sheet. The inverter was about fifteen bucks? I got those from Kyohritsu, a major electronics parts supplier in Osaka. I always use them or Akidzuki. In this case it was Kyohritsu because they make the backlight screen kits themselves, and I've always used them for EL sheets. Here's what the business end looked like when done.
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I used double-sided tape to secure the step-up converter there on the right, but because of me forgetting to trim the legs off the inverter components (not done at the factory, tsk tsk) I used a set of clippers but that didn't work 100% so I hot glued the inverter pcb there on the left. LOTS of free space on that PCB in the R-8. I had to cut a small hole in the metal noise shielding sheet that goes between the main PCBs and the keypad/drumpad PCBs to feed the EL sheet power wires through, but yeah no big deal. I also checked the voltage on the battery while I was in there. It's still fine. Something that surprised me was that there is NO whine at all with this inverter. Super easy job. Yay!
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