#also i love trixie mattels hi old bit
wispcherry · 10 months
second time around on the same url baby! I swear I am NOT a bot
hi okay so this is, at the moment, a fanpage. probably for fanart and mumblings and what have you. really been consumed by good omens (+ related Europeans) lately but i also get silly with poetry, geology, linguistics, art, Scooby Doo for some reason, dungeons and dragons, Zelda. I cannot stress it enough that I'm into Mitski, and everything queer under the sun. and out of it. we here at wispcherry stay goofy.
tag guides for your favoritest weird guy:
Good Omens (Good Fucking Grief Neil)
#past my ear = good omens reblogs! not my own thing
#the plume of my imaginary tante = my own ramblings about good omens.
Still working on a fanart tag because. I haven't posted fanart yet.
Supernatural (I haven't finished it so I can only post + look at so much. Grief)
#big super naturals = my own original spn posts. you're a tumblite you know what spn is
Scooby Doo
#ruh roh. reblog = this franchise consumed me at a young age
#skyward shitposting = im too tired for separate game tagging. love link and zelda though
#six characters in search of one single braincell = our boys.
Unhhh/Trixie Mattel/Katya Zamolodchikova
#i got a sunburn and im fucked now = definitely unhhh, until I post more this might just be an umbrella tag
gritted teeth. dungeons and dragons / dropout
#two hundred and twenty five adult blog posts = fantasy high reblogs and posts...
#hairy baby spam = the unsleeping city... oh god..
Castlevania. Drops to my Knees.
#my immortal netflix adaptation = feral about this but the hyperfixaton hasn't kicked into full swing yet
ohhhhgod. Doctor Who
#just a few days ago i was this really brilliant secondary blog = im on series 2 baby
ATLA (all versions. we don't talk about the old live action)
#the newly refurbished blog tag
ace attorney trilogy
#gay japanese and european. triple homocide
the other ones :]
#beanfreaking = just me carping around on this account. bein a little guy. reblogs and original bits
#wispy bits = it's a staged reference. it's men. it's. i like men. men related thing. women and others too. just folks i like :]. reblogs and original bits
#queue idiot. we could have been us = IM SORRY LMAO. queued bits.
if you want to get to know a brief bit about me:
Hi, my name is Monty, I'm a trans. Something. and I use he/they pronouns. 17 going on 18. Filipino-Japanese-German-Irish. It's a mouthful. Unfortunately a boykisser, luckily a ladyliker, always an appreciation for those in between. Friendly to most. Most. I think roleplaying is kind of sick (positive connotation) and that being in fandoms is positively delightful. AI is shit. Free Palestine. TERFs, MAPs, MRAs, fascists, you know the like, can fuck off. ACAB. Unless it's Inspector Constable. (Can't say much about inspectors and constables, I'm from the states.) I'm a silly guy but please be decent on the page. And off of it.
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emotions-ew · 3 years
A Collection of Queer Country Artists and Songs for anyone who doesn’t feel like there’s country music they can relate to...
There is this idea that country music is like just Republican men singing about beer, and trucks and also Jesus,  and that is kind of fair because loads of it is but there are some cool as hell queer/lgbtq+ country artists. Finding those and finding that representation in a genre of music I was literally raised on kind of changed my life in a tiny way and I wanted to share that.
(This is by no means a comprehensive list and also I’m basing the “Country” part of this sometimes on my subjective opinion/limited music knowledge so yuh please don’t hate me if I get some wrong)
Also link below for a Spotify playlist of my favourite gay/gayish country music, some mentioned in this post some not, (with a title that isn’t obviously gay for anyone who can’t openly listen to gay stuff on their public accounts for whatever reason) so feel free to skip the massive essay and just jump straight to that. And pretty please repost if I missed anyone/ any songs you love.
Artists To Follow:
Chely Wright
- Right off the bat, Chely Wright is a legend and I’m in love with her. So, in the 90′s Chely Wright was kind of a huge deal. She started her career as a singer/songwriter and released her first album in ‘94, which was critically acclaimed although never reached the commercial success of her later works. By ‘97 she was really hitting her stride, dropping her breakout hit “Shut up and Drive” (a personal favourite of mine) followed two years later by the biggest hit of her career “Single White Female”. Throughout all that Chely Wright was, to the world, a good old fashioned, heterosexual southern gal. Privately it was a bit of a different story. She had public relationships with male country artists, all while pursuing a secret decade long relationship with a woman. 
I hadn’t ever really heard a Chely Wright song until a few years ago so I never knew about her music or career pre-coming out but I do know that even though by the time she came out in 2010 she was by no means at the height of her fame Chely Wright is kind of one of the biggest names in country music to be out and proud (in my opinion) and I love her like an insane amount. I literally play her music in my car when I have passengers just so I can be like “fun fact this singer is actually gay-” and then subject them to a lengthy explanation of her entire career. She came out with an album and a memoir and the album is my favourite of her work because it’s so fucking raw and because I relate to most of it immensely. Anyways Chely Wright went fucking through it in her journey to being her authentic self and now she’s out and proud and married to a woman and they have a family together and I’m a fucking sucker for a happy ending and y’all should add her to every playlist you have. And on top of that her music is genuinely good. Coming out undoubtedly damaged her career but I think that
Brandi Carlile 
- As far as I can tell Brandi Carlile has been out her whole career. I feel like this list is just going to be me saying “I’m in love with her” about a bunch of women old enough to be my mother but in my defence, I am honestly in love with her. She’s been making music since she was like, seventeen, and has had a bunch of massive hits, as a singer, songwriter, and producer. If you want to cry kind of happy tears listen to her performance of “Bring my Flowers Now” with Tanya Tucker. She’s won Grammy’s and CMT awards and she’s done it all as an out Queer woman. She’s also a founding member of The Highwomen, an all-female country music group who released their first album in 2019, comprised of Carlile, Marren Morris, Natalie Hemby and Amanda Shires. I really love this band because they’re four artists who are immensely successfully in their own right collabing, much like the Highwaymen, and their music is phenomenal while also being a fuck you to mainstream country music and their inability to properly represent women in country music spaces. 
She’s been married to a woman (smoking hot and also brilliant) since 2012 and they have two kids together and if you want to cry (again) then you have to listen to her song “Mother” about her eldest daughter. A queer country artist absolutely worth adding to all your playlists. 
Brooke Eden
- As I understand it Eden came out publicly in January of this year. She’s engaged to Hilary Hoover, who she’s been dating since 2015 apparently. I can’t even imagine the pressure that must be on a person and how stressful it would be to keep a relationship secret from the whole world for years and personally I think they’re a cute as hell couple and I wish them literally all the happiness in the world. 
Brooke Eden has a few older songs that I think are really good, my favourite being “Act Like You Don’t”, and while her new stuff isn’t my usual country vibe I am a sucker for literally anything gay and it is legally my gay duty to stream any song that she releases to support my fellow queer. It’s quite different to anything Wright or Carlile sing but I actually kind of love that because it shows that country music of all different shapes and sizes and styles can be sung by queer artists. 
Amythyst Kiah
- Okay so I am a very new listener to Amythyst Kiah, but her music is literally so beautiful it would be a straight up sin to not include her on this list. Her music is country-blues-roots esq (more roots than country, I think?) and her voice is so unique. She grew up in Chattanooga and has been playing music since childhood. She recently made her Opry debut which is fucking awesome. She also belongs to a band called Our Native Daughters, described as “A supergroup of Black women in traditional music”. Their debut album “Songs of Our Native Daughters” did numbers and I haven’t listened to the whole thing but my favourite so far are “Black Myself” and “I Knew I Could Fly” so y’all add that to your playlists along with “Wild Turkey” by Amythyst Kiah because holy hell her voice on that will blow your mind.
Steve Grand
-        The first man to make this list, he should frankly be honoured. Grand has been an out and proud gay man making country music since like 2013, and I have so much respect for an artist who chose to simply never be in, choosing instead to simply write gay ass songs about being in love with men and letting the chips fall where they man. His music is always going to have a special place in my heart and, he’s cute so if you’re into men and music by men give him a google. add him to your playlists, his All-American Boy album is literally just a dozen songs that are perfect to yell-sing along to.
Katie Pruitt
-        Not hugely knowledgeable on Katie Pruitt but her music makes me feel crazy intense emotions and is absolutely gay
 Honorable Mention Artists I haven’t Really Listened to But Who I Know to be gay thanks to google and might be your thing so totally check them out:
Brandy Clark
Ty Herndon
Shelly Fairchild
Lavendar Country
Trixie Mattel
Cameron Hawthorn
Drop any other names of artists or songs you know of 
 Specific Songs That Make Me Fucking Cry or (in good and bad ways (but always in a gay way)) or basically are just gay as hell:
If She Ever Leaves Me; The Highwomen
- So, this album came out about a week before my first (and only) girlfriend broke up with me. The general gist of the song is a woman singing about how her loved isn’t ever going to leave her but if she does it sure as hell won’t be for a creepy man in a bar. A little ironic that I felt I related to it so intensely, considering she did in fact leave me. There’s this one lyric that goes “I’ve loved her in secret/I’ve lover here out loud/the sky hasn’t always been blue” and my girlfriend and I were crazy deep in the closet so I drew her a cute little picture of a grey cloud and on the back I wrote that lyric and I gave it to her and to me it was kind of a promise that one day I’d get a chance to love her out loud and even though I never actually did this song is forever going to make me cry because of the little bit of hope that lyric gave me and the way it’s inclusion on this overwhelmingly mainstream country album made me feel like acceptance was just that little bit closer. 
 All American Boy; Steve Grand
- Definitely one of the first gay country songs I ever heard, and Steve Grand didn’t once sacrifice a scrap of country for the gay. It’s beautiful, it’s a little sad, it’s hopeful. It’s forever going to hold a special place in my heart and the music videos is kind of one of my favourites ever. I found this song before I found myself and the way it made my heart warm should have been a stronger sign than I took it to be. 
Like Me; Chely Wright
- When you love someone you kind of make it your mission to know them in a way that no one else can. This song by Chely Wright is sort of an ode to that, and how even once you lost someone, you’re still going to know every little thing about them. On top of that it sort of speaks to the idea that all these things Wright learned about this woman, she learned in secret and she knew her and loved her in secret and now that they’re gone from each other she’s left with all of this knowledge and all of these questions and no one to answer them. I love the way it’s so slow and the melody and her voice, the way it’s low and a little raspy, make this one of my favourite Chely Wright songs.
The Mother; Brandi Carlile
-        Sorry but a song about being a mother by a queer woman is going to make me cry every time and actually I’m not that sorry. It’s quite a simple song, if any song written by Brandi Carlile can ever be described as ‘simple’, it’s an ode to her daughter. My favourite line is “you are not an accident/where no one thought it through” because it speaks to the fact that in order for queer women to have a kid together they have to want it so damn bad and also I just like the way her voice sounds on that line. This song is also the perfect thing to listen to if you ever for a second feel like being gay/queer is going to stand in the way of you having a family because it absolutely doesn’t have to and if that’s something you want, you can have it. Don’t let people try and convince you otherwise.
Loving Her; Katie Pruitt
-        Unapologetic gay love. Opening a song with “If loving hers a sin, I don’t wanna go to heaven” is a fucking baller move and she went there. The lyrics are beautiful, and her voice is phenomenal. It could be a sad song, about confronting religious repression and grappling with what that means for your love, but instead its triumphant. Katie Pruitt doesn’t give a fuck if you have a problem because she’s going to write songs for her lover.
Jesus From Texas; Semler
-        Not actually totally sure this is a country song, but it has the words ‘Jesus’ and ‘Texas’ in the title so I feel safe including it in this list. Honestly, I don’t really know why I relate so hard to this song. Like, I wasn’t really raised with religion, so I don’t know what it is about this funky little tune that makes me want to sob but there’s something about this tune that makes me want to do whatever the opposite of get up and dance is, but like, in a good way.
Lovin’ Again; Steve Grand
-        Breakup song that ends kind of positively? So good to sing along to at high, high volumes. The idea that losing someone doesn’t have to mean losing yourself and just because you can’t love them doesn’t mean you’re not ever going to love again. But also kind of about how it’s hard to get over someone, I don’t know it’s just good.
Cryin’ These Cocksucking Tears; Lavender Country
-        Jesus christ if this isn’t the coolest shit I’ve ever heard in my life. Sorry but a gay country group formed in 1972 who dropped possibly the first gay themed country album, and this was the title of one of the songs. God I am in love.
 Songs that (to me) are a little fruity or that I just relate to in a gay way:
Picket Fences; Chely Wright
-          Chely Wright is gay but this song came out long before she did and when she wrote it, it wasn’t supposed to be gay which is why it’s in this section and not the previous. The reason it’s included at all is because frankly ma’am, Mrs Wright, it’s a little fruity. And I feel a little bad for joking because honestly to me, the way I hear this song and knowing the context (that Wright was deeply closeted at the time she wrote and released it), it’s kind of just sad. The general gist of the song is Wright asking what’s so great about a traditional lifestyle anyways. It could be read as a woman genuinely questioning why we push that expectation that she’ll have two kids and a husband and a picket fence lifestyle, or even could be read as a woman who’s trying to deflect how much she does in fact want that, you have to listen and form your own opinion. But to me, it feels like a woman who’s desperately trying to justify why she doesn’t want that life not because she can’t have it, but she knows it will never be right for her. I don’t know it’s hard to explain I just feel like this song is a little bit gay even though I’m sure she didn’t intend that.
Sinning with You; Sam Hunt
-          Sorry but this song is gay. Sorry but you can’t write the lines “I never felt like I was sinning with you/Always felt like I could talk to God in the morning” and “if it’s so wrong why did it feel so right” and “But I never felt shame, never felt sorry/Never felt guilty touching your body” and not to mention the opening line of “raised in the first pew/praises for yeshua/case of a small town repression”, and expect to not sit in my car sobbing as I realised that while I never felt like what we did was a sin she absolutely did, and wishing I could have told her that I was sorry for making her carry the weight of both our souls but also that it wasn’t a sin and nothing in the world could feel that good and be that bad and it isn’t right that she had to be so ashamed of something that was just so good. Sam Hunt actually said after he wrote the song that while it was reflection on his own relationship with faith he genuinely hopes that people in the lgbtq community can like find comfort or whatever in his words and like go off king, we stan an ally.
  How do I Get There; Deana Carter
-          This ones easy, it’s about falling in love with your best friend and suddenly realising you want more than just friendship with them. Sorry Deana, that’s gay. In my Deana Carter of like Year 10 I played this song on repeat and screamed along to the lyrics as though singing it hard enough would make her like me back.
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dex-xe · 3 years
I’ve made Spotify playlists inspired by each of the ghosts and I’ve made these little written pieces to talk about them. if you wanna read them, please go ahead - if not then enjoy the music!!
This is the Captain's playlist:
Moonlight Serenade - Glenn Miller
This is one of my favourite like old WWII style songs, I just think it’s beautiful and really great to dance slow to (at some point in my life I will dance with my husband or wife to this song in our little kitchen, and then my life will finally be complete). It’s in Doctor Who (in The Empty Child) and Jack and Rose dance to it in front of Big Ben, like it’s a really great scene in one of the best episodes of Dr Who ever. So good and a great WWII song.
Soldier - Trixie Mattel
Yes, I know this is about Katya’s issues and everything that happened with that but like it is also like very accurate to the Captain’s arc. Like “soldier, take your time” is like yeah?? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t believe the Captain is even remotely aware of the fact he’s gay cause like I don’t reckon he understands love or the fact that he’s got feelings like that, I don’t think he knows so yeah take your time to figure it out yeah, Captain.
We’ll Meet Again - Vera Lynn
This song seems to have taken a new meaning in pandemic times but Havers leaving Button House and (I assume) never returning but like the Captain staying at Button House completely in the dark as to what happened to Havers and therefore living with the possibility of Havers returning.
HEAVEN - Troye Sivan & Betty Who
Obviousssss, but this song was such an integral part in me figuring shit out about my life. Like, I was 14 and a massive Troye fan when it came out and (growing up in a working class, strict religious, small town family) the music video was literally my first understanding of the fight for queer rights. I knew about LGBTQ+ identities and identified as a variety of queer labels at the time I was completely unaware of the entire struggle that had come before me and seeing photos and footage of this fight for the first time was O.o Anyway, I'll stop talking about myself and say that I’m incredibly happy with the hc of the Captain trying to learn a bit more about queer history in his journey to accept himself.
In Our Bedroom After the War - Stars
The poor Captain, let the man love I beg. I have so much love for stories and hcs of the Captain being sweet and being in love like pls ily.
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
This might actually kill his gay little soul but by good it would be worth it!! I’m gonna go off on a bit of a philosophy tangent but what were ya expecting from me honestly: the sample used in Achilles Come Down is an extract from a 1942 essay by Albert Camus who, alongside Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and the like, wrote about the concept of ‘the absurd’ which is a tricky concept but a reallyyyyyy simplified version of it is basically the idea that humans constantly search for a meaning and purpose for life and the universe but the universe does not provide answers to that which causes human distress. Basically, what I mean to say like isn’t that concept just so Captain?? Like he searches for meaning in war and can’t see life beyond the war because that provides him purpose, you know?? But yeah, it’s a banging song and I’m sorry about the tangent.
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Ya saw this one coming :P Well he just is a good old fashioned lover boy so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
William, It Was Really Nothing - The Sm*ths
Even just the name being right is like *chefs kiss*. Yes there are lines in this song that are just shit and reallyyyyyyy show the views of M*rrisey and his general shitty behaviours.
It’s a Long Way to Tipperary - John McCormack
It’s just a fun song.
You’re Somebody Else - flora cash
LGBTQ+ staple really, ik it’s about being trans but I wanted to include it because of the recent Ben Willbond interview when he talks about how he’s interested in the contrast of a confused authoritative figure. Like the Captain is such a contrast and I love that in characters.
It’s Been a Long, Long Time - Harry James
Like I’ve said repeatedly, I wanted at least a little bit of time specific music for each of them I could. So yeah there’s a few for the Captain, WWII music is such a vibe tbh.
The Boxer - Simon & Garfunkel
I’ve always interpreted the song as being about loneliness and well, Captain my boy that you. Like he’s literally surrounded by people 24/7 but is so very alone. When the others are all watching tv in Redding Weddy and the Captain is just sat in the window watching for Havers is just so pretty and I think it’s really telling of the relationship he has with the others.
The Arrow and the Aim - Nadia Reid
Pretty pretty song, the voice is *mwah* but that’s irrelevant.
Ramblings of a Lunatic - Bears In Trees
Okay but like yes. The Captain is so alone like despite being around people literally all the time - not being able to escape you might say. Is he aware he’s different? Like what goes on in his head, will we ever know?? Cap, you gotta start talking to people, man. You gotta open up cause you will go crazy, Ik it’s been 70 years fella but seriously you’re gonna go crazy soon.
Death with Dignity - Sufjan Stevens
Just a beautiful song, and yeah with the Captian being the way he is and so focused on the war and military and the idea of "death with dignity" is pretty prolific. Given that we're fairly sure the Captain never saw any action, would he be considered to have died with dignity?? Maybe, maybe not idk.
I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General - Arthur Sullivan & John Reed
That one scene where Alison is trying to sleep and the Captain is just sat beside her bed singing this. Like that’s so funny XD It’s his little head bob as he sings like that’s so good.
Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major - Arthur Askey
I remember my nan had an Askey record and she used to play it all the time and this always made me laugh cause 5 year old me couldn’t get the image of a really strong and tough soldier being all motherly and yeah I just wanted to include it :D
Teddy Boy - Paul McCartney
The Captain’s name is Teddy, I take no debate on this. Just the idea of the Captain’s backstory, like a childhood backstory for the Captain genuinely makes me cry. I know a lot of people have shared their stories of their interpretation of the Captain’s childhood and they’re all sad and I love them all :’) (Specifically a big fan of Operation Keep Calm on AO3 and what they’ve done with the Captain’s character and story, 10/10 would recommend but it’s not finished and I really hope it is at some point ily).
O Captain! My Captain! - The Static Shift
Just an interesting song, yeah? “I believe I’m in my prime”/“In my bally prime”, you get it XD
John My Beloved - Sufjan Stevens
I love this song (no I’ve never seen the film and no don’t really intend to) It’s just sweet, you know, and the religious elements etc yeah that’s good.
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Survey #301
“i was waiting for my chance to find the light”
Did you like the beach a lot more as a kid more than you do now? Why/Why not? I did. Everything was more fun as a kid. I never REALLY loved it, though, because I did and still do hate the heat and walking through sand and getting it stuck all over you. It's pretty much torture now because I have extreme difficulty walking through sand. Has there ever been a time where you just couldn't stop crying? Explain. I know I've had days many years ago when my PTSD was truly awful where I'd sob multiple times a day. What's your least favorite time of day? Why don't you like that time?Late afternoon, like around 3-4 or so. By that point I'm usually bored senseless and going downhill. Do you like your lips? Do you enjoy kissing? They're fine, ig. And I mean yeah, if I'm really into the person? Do you like any music from the American Idols? Which ones? Ngl, I don't even remember any besides Kelly Clarkson, and who the FUCK doesn't like "Breakaway." Do you like when people challenge you? If so, in what? No, I get nervous about embarrassing myself. Personally for you, is falling for someone way beyond your control? It is entirely out of my control. What's something other than a fruit that you love in milkshakes? (Ex.twix ) Mostly chocolate stuff, haha. What is your all time FAVORITE milkshake? Ever tried the Reese's Blast from Sonic? That's some A+ shit. What's the latest you've ever stayed up reading a book? No clue. When having a peanut butter & jam sandwich, what is the best kind of jam? Grape. Do you like to write poetry? Yeah, but it's been a long time since I wrote anything. I used to do it aaall the time, but now I have to be seriously motivated and dedicated to the idea. When you get mad do you cry? Absolutely. Would you ever consider modeling? No. I do think one or two model-esque photos of myself would be nice and possibly help my self-confidence, but it's not something I'm seeking out and paying for. Are you scared of crossing bridges? Not very, no. If they're kinda sketchy-looking, I might feel a tad tense, but I'm not really scared of them. Would you consider yourself clumsy? I am unfuckingbelievably clumsy. Ever bought ice cream from an ice cream truck? Yeah, sometimes Mom would let me and my sisters do that as kids when one came through our neighborhood. Have you ever had a poem or story published? No. If you had/have a kid would you ever let them get a tattoo? If they were of the appropriate age, of course. And if they were getting it done professionally and not at some party drunk with friends. They better be in a sterile environment with someone who knows what they're doing. Do you love guinea pigs? Absolutely. I had three or four as pets when I was a kid. What is the worst thing you ever did that got you grounded? Probably run away from home. Have you ever been chased by a snake? No... and this is a misconception. Snakes don't chase. They go for what they see as the safest escape route, and sometimes they identify your own chosen direction as where they wanted to head, too. Where do you wanna work? I want to be a freelance photographer. What awards have you won? A lot of "A honor roll" trophies through school, among other academic awards. I seriously don't know what happened to that intelligence. I also have dance awards and lots of childhood sports team stuff. Would you consider yourself good at taking care of kids? I don't think I am, no. I'm way too nervous and awkward around kids. I've had to babysit for my sister twice though, and Ashley told me the kids had lots of fun and had no complaints. I guess like... I can do it, I am just very, very uncomfortable taking kids under my wing. I worry about leading them in the wrong direction. How old would a guy have to be before you wouldn't date them? I don't know, it would really depend on how much I was into the person. I generally stick with the approximation of a ten year gap though being my limit, so I think maybe him being in his mid-30s would make me feel a bit too weird. Be honest, have you ever tried weed? No, but quite honestly, I'd probably try an edible. I refuse to smoke anything for my lungs' sake. I'm curious if medical marijuana would actually be beneficial for me. Has anyone ever broken up with you with a note? No, but uh... I have, lol. It's how I broke up with my "puppy-dog love" boyfriend in middle school. Literally after he asked me if I was thinking of breaking up with him, and I said no before handing him the note because I was just too scared to do it to his face. I know, that was absolutely awful. Never, ever do that to the most innocent boy ever, kids. He didn't deserve that. Do you have sensitive teeth? Kinda. What was the worst thing you ever did to get detention/suspended? I've only ever had detention once for having too many tardies to my first class of the day in high school. We'd frequently arrive to school just a few minutes late because I was fucking impossible to drag out of bed. Have you ever suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder? Yes. Do you suffer from nasal allergies? Yes. What's your favorite kind of pudding? I only really like chocolate pudding. Have you done anything really interesting lately? I guess you could consider starting a virtual partial hospitalization program "interesting." It's not the intensive version like my first was, but rather being shorter. I just really need something to get my mental health back on the tracks. What’s the latest really fun thing you’ve done? REALLY fun? Hell if I know. I don't experience "fun" a lot at all anymore... I only ever feel like, this watered down, unenthusiastic sorry excuse for it. Have you discovered any good music lately? Oh yeah, I've found lots of 3TEETH songs I'm mad into. "ULTRAnumb" by Blue Stahli is also a total bop. How about any good new television shows? No. Or perhaps some interesting books? Nothing new, no. Have you picked up a new hobby or learned a new skill? I mean, within what timespan? Nothing lately, really. Has anybody ever done your makeup for you? Yeah. Do you own any sparkly items of clothing? No. What’s the most colorful accessory you own and use? *shrug* Do you enjoy drag artists’ work? If so, name some of your favorites. Oh yes, I have wild respect for drag queens. I don't know enough of them to have a fair favorite, but I do watch Trixie Mattel on YouTube and he is a goddamn hoot. What, right now, is the best thing in your life? Um. I don't really know. Probably the fact my mother still lets my too-big-for-the-nest ass to live with her... I don't want to picture how my life would be if I didn't have her still essentially holding my hand. What’s a place you like to go to when you need to get away for a bit? I actually love car rides for this, so long as I can ride passenger and just blare my music and not talk. It's so odd, being afraid of driving but finding great freedom and comfort in just... going. Do you like apples? I love apples. Anything exciting coming up for you in the near future? I paid the deposit for my tattoo appointment, so it was officially scheduled in May!! I was expecting an open date to be kinda far with just how amazing this parlor is, so I wasn't too shocked to hear I have to wait a few months, but man I can hardly wait. When you get an account for something, what's the first username you try? Unless it's for a "professional" site, in which case I'd use my actual name, I just about without fail with use "Ozzkat," or replace the "o" with a zero if that's somehow taken. Would you be okay with a friend wanting to date one of your exes? Which ex? What kind of accent do people typically have where you're from? Southern. Does history interest you at all? Can't say it does. What's something you wish you could do-over? There are many things, man. Is your hair in layers or is it all the same length? Neither, really. The left side of my head is very short/shaved, and as the hair goes around to the right, it gets longer. There aren't "layers," though. Is there anyone who you're afraid to be in a car with, if they're driving? I wouldn't say afraid, but with my sister's road rage and serious tail-gating issue, riding with her can make me nervous. What's something you're very good at? Um, I guess creative writing. Do you like sour gummy worms? oh FUCK yeah Would you pick up a hitchhiker if they seemed harmless? No. I am way too paranoid for that shit. Would you be bothered if your boyfriend liked to bite you? Uhhh I'm going to assume you mean this in a sexual context, in which case I don't care so long as it's not in a visible spot. How often do you get the opportunity to be completely alone? The answer used to be a shitload, and seeing as I'm in my room most of the time, I still feel like that's kind of true, but since Mom's cancer diagnosis and she had to stop working, she's usually home with me. I like it that way, though. Total isolation is bad for me. Do you have a trampoline? Nah, haven't in many years. What's your favorite Pixar movie? Finding Nemo. What is the strangest thing you've been asked? Something sexual that made me extremely uncomfortable. What’s the weirdest thing about life that people just accept as normal? The fact we put so much worth into pieces of green paper. What's the most random thing you've done out of boredom? *shrug* What show did your parents not let you watch as a kid? There weren't any specific shows that we even wanted to watch that Mom forbade us to see... I mean she certainly wouldn't let my sisters and I watch something like South Park as little kids, but none of us really sought unsuitable shows out. We were all about Disney, Nick, and Animal Planet in my case. What is the most pleasurable feeling that doesn't involve anything sexual? What comes to mind first is a big hug from someone who makes you feel safe when you don't anywhere else. What was your last "oops, wrong person" moment? I'm going to assume I sent somebody a text meant for another person. I'm super careful about avoiding stuff like this because I get horribly embarrassed, so it's difficult to recall the last time I slipped up. What do you find attractive that isn't considered "normal" attraction? Having a broad imagination and drive to create. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done drunk? N/A What's something you really enjoy, but can't have? A pet tarantula because Mom refuses to let me lmao. I'm so into them now and desperately want a Grammastola pulchra. What Wikipedia article have you recently read? I haven't read any recently. What subject should be taught at schools, but isn't? Basic adulting and financial skills. What is the worst game you've ever played? I dunno. I've played sooooo many video games throughout my life. What tragic event was coincidentally beneficial to you? My overdose because it led to an intensive partial hospitalization program that totally changed my life. What did you think was cool when you were younger that you now think isn’t? Good question... What are your favorite or most memorable lines from any movie/show? I vaguely remember the concepts of some quotes, but not well enough to recite them. None that are seriously memorable or heavy pop up in my head now. What's a good example of 'Don't knock it till you try it'? Putting peanut butter on top of waffles with syrup. It is fucking delicious. What's your go-to get pumped up song? 5FDP's cover of "Mama Said Knock You Out" is badass HYPE. What's the dumbest thing your parents have said or done? Well, through a family assessment before my current partial hospitalization could begin, I very recently learned my dad fucking did drugs before my sisters and I were born, including shit like cocaine. That was great to suddenly learn. As for my mom... probably have a kid too young? She doesn't talk very much about her eldest daughter's history with (and without) her, but I know enough to know that was a very rocky time in her life. What are some things you wish existed? Cures for countless illnesses, and I also have SUUUUUCH a yearning for some kind of technology that could copy an image in your head onto a drawing device. If only I could draw how/what I see up there... Which person shaped you the most? Jason. Or Mom. What’s the one movie you couldn’t finish? Why? Couldn't tell you; I just haven't watched enough. What's a small thing you have a big passion for? Meerkats, quite literally with "small" lmao. What change have you made recently to help the environment? I have metal straws I try to remember to bring with me if I go out to eat. What was the hardest thing you've ever had to forgive? The way Jason left. Is there anything or anyone you're angry at, that you haven't forgiven yet? I sometimes question if I truly have forgiven Jason. I lean kinda heavily towards yes, I have, I'm just bitter about it all regardless. Have you ever plotted revenge against someone? No. Have you ever done anything to get revenge against someone? I can't think of anything off the top of my head. What is the greatest longing of your heart? To feel purpose. Who was your first love? Some guy in high school who "had" to talk to me upon seeing me the first time, only to wind up wanting to hear nothing from me later on down the line. What denomination is your church (if you go)? N/A What was the first year you voted in a presidential election? This most recent election, actually. Have you ever been afraid of the world ending? I used to worry it would happen in my lifetime, but now I don't. If it ends, it ends. I ain't got much to lose nowadays. What is unfair about your life? My mental health. My financial position. I'd rather not focus on the billion shitty things going on in my life rn, so next question. Did you write love poems when you were younger? ugh Who are you jealous of and why? There's a lot of people I'm in some way envious of, honestly. Have you ever had an account of yours hacked? Yes. Thankfully nothing major happened. Have you ever been a victim of police misconduct? No.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
How Far I'll Go - Chapter 3 (Nina West/Monet X Change) - Meggie, Mia Ugly
A/N: They aren’t REALLY writing an entire season of All Stars, are they?
Thanks to everyone who’s been reading/liking this so far, as well as the Branjie discord for being awesome on the daily. This is a long chapter, almost 10k, so settle in. The link to the original song will be posted later today; I wish I could say that was a joke but it isn’t.
Chapter Three - Heart ablaze, banners high
“Hey y’all. I’m here to show you how the West was won.”
Nina struts into the Werk Room, poses briefly with his hands on his hips before firing a round of bubbles into the air. The first thing he hears is “Bitch!” in Vanjie’s unmistakable voice. After he crosses the floor to meet the other queens, Vanjie is the first one to hug him. 
“Yaaas!” Vanjie says with his arms around Nina’s neck. “Come through, girl.”
Nina introduces himself/has a small meltdown over the other queens. Asia O’Hara is perfection on legs, dressed in a very short, sexy caterpillar costume which shouldn’t work but does. Blair St. Clair has ditched the Broadway baby look for full-on seventies supermodel. Nina Bo’nina Brown is padded for the gods and serving  I Dream of Jeannie realness.  She and Vanjie are all over each other; Nina had forgotten how hilarious they are when they’re together. Also there, also sickening, is Shea Coulee (Nina resists the urge to immediately kiss the crown goodbye.  This queen, this fucking queen). 
The next through the doorway is Laganja Estranja (“Is it four-twenty up in hurrrrrr?” DEATH DROP) who hasn’t changed.  At all. Following her is Ivyyyy Wiiinters who is - a lot hotter in person than Nina expected. He knows he should be strategizing already but he’s so overwhelmed and grateful to be back in the game that it’s hard not to feel anything but excited.  
He needs to put himself inside the head of - someone like Brooke.  Brooke would have clocked everyone’s weak spots by now, would be thinking about who he’d want on his team and who the first girl home was going to be. Nina - frankly hasn’t got a clue.  It won’t be him though, it absolutely cannot be him.
The next queen to enter the room is - oh.  
Miz Cracker.  Fan favourite and smart as hell. Nina smiles at her, hoping that whatever happened at Drag Con was a one-off.  Cracker looks past him like he’s wallpaper, even as she shrieks and laughs and hugs all the others. 
Not good, Nina. He can already feel the weight of rejection on his chest. It’s stupid, problematic, and familiar. That need to be liked rises to the surface any time he feels insecure or out of his depth.  Like now.  Now is exactly that time, and it’s also the time he should care about making friends the least. 
Head in the game, he tells himself. It’s not RuPaul’s best friends race.
There’s only one queen left to arrive.  Nina watches Vanjie watching the doorway, waiting for the last entrance. Nina has a couple predictions in his mind, but nothing he’d feel confident betting money on.
And then -
“Oh bitch.” Vanjie exhales sharply. “Fuck.”
Because Brooke Lynn Hytes has strolled through the door, wrapped in black and red studded straps, reminiscent of his Orange Alert runway and the bondage fantasy from the finale. It’s full on dominatrix mode, right down to the black stilettos and riding crop in his hand. It’s a look and the bitch is turning it, but… God, Nina feels bad for Vanjie. Because apparently, even the happiest exes alive don’t share everything. 
All the color is gone from Vanessa’s face.
“You didn’t… He didn’t tell me either,” Nina says softly, but he knows it isn’t enough.  If this surprise hurts him this badly, he can only imagine what it feels like for Vanessa. 
Vanjie shakes his head and studies the floor until Brooke makes his rounds to greet everyone. Brooke embraces Nina tightly (and okay, Nina loves him, is happy to see him) but pauses in front of Vanjie, as if unsure of what to do. Vanjie bristles a little before pulling himself upright and stretching his arms out to Brooke. 
The cameras are on and they are both professionals.
They hug, but Nina can feel the tension between them, and wonders if the rest of the queens can as well.
It’s going to be an interesting season for sure.
He doesn’t have time to speak again, however, because the door opens and Ru’s voice rings through the Werk Room. “Hello, hello, hello!”
Everyone cheers, but Nina’s smile feels a bit false.  He’s got to put this whole thing with Brooke and Vanjie to the side; he’s here for himself, not to be a supporting character in their story. Focus, Nina.
“Welcome to All Stars! My darlings!” Ru comes down the stairs, smiling. He’s dressed in a powder blue suit with tiny feathers printed on it and looks exactly like he did when Nina last saw him. 
“When I look across this room at all your beautiful and familiar faces, only one word comes to mind: security!”
The camera crew moves in to catch the queens all laughing. It’s kind of scary how quickly you get used to it, the scurrying motion of people and technology like insects. Nina chuckles like he knows he’s supposed to, trying not to look at Brooke and Vanjie out of the corner of his eye.
“Oh.” Ru mimes getting a note in his ear piece. “You’re all supposed to be here?  Even better! To recognize the charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent that got you past the metal detectors, I’m throwing the event of the season and your first maxi challenge: an All Star Talent Show Extravaganza!”
Nina knew this was coming. He’s ready for it.
“But - there’s one more thing.”
Nina feels Vanjie reach down and grab his hand, nails digging into his wrist. Ru makes a show of counting the girls up, and Nina’s heart fucking drops.
“Ten queens.  That’s a nice even number, but - as it is All Stars Season five, I think we’ve got room for some more. Oh laaaadiiies!”
One of the side doors opens, and Vanjie starts murmuring, “no no no no,” under his breath. Nina doesn’t even have the time to imagine who might be coming in before - Chad Michaels? - steps through the door. He’s not in drag, looking ageless and wiry in a faded t-shirt and jeans. 
“Hi Chad!” Ru exclaims, fake-surprised and delighted. “So nice to see you! Did you come alone?”
“Not since the Uber. Oh! You mean -” Chad glances back at the doorway.  “I’m sorry, I tried to lose them.”
“Hiiiiiiiieeeee!” Alaska sticks his head out.
The queens around Nina lose their collective shit, jumping up and down, snapping and cheering.  Alaska is followed by Trixie fucking Mattel (out of drag like the others, looking adorable in a vintage cowboy shirt and bolo tie.  Nina might have tears in his eyes all of a sudden - but look away, it’s fine). 
Clearly, the winners of previous seasons are back.  Which means - 
Fucking hell, don’t - 
Trinity the Tuck comes through - followed by Monet Goddamn X Change.
The room erupts in cheers. Nina immediately glances away, but he’s not fast enough to avoid the fact that Monet looks objectively -
Monet looks -
Great. Obviously. Smiling in his round teal glasses and a sweatshirt covered with roses (Nina always had a weakness for thick-rimmed glasses, it’s his tragic flaw, it doesn’t mean anything). He carefully keeps his focus on Vanessa, makes a ridiculous “O” of surprise with his mouth, instead of risking eye-contact with the handsomest man in the room (who was also probably the best sex Nina’s had in an unfortunate length of time and whose number he never called and -)
Enough, Nina. Do some mindful breathing or something.
Monet and Trinity play up the jealous sibling angle as they cross the floor, holding hands while getting into each other’s space and jostling for attention. They come to stand in a line up beside Ru, who looks them over.
“Y’all look different than I remember. What is it? Oh right, you’re old.”
There’s laughter but it’s a bit weak.  Clearly none of the competing girls have any idea what’s going on. Nina doesn’t think Ru would throw five new queens into this season, but - worse things have happened.  And the returning queens aren’t in drag. They look good, though - some of them look extremely good and… probably taste like mint and… Jesus Christ, get it together.
“For the first time in All Stars herstory, I thought I’d give you girls a little professional help. ‘Cause from where I’m standing, you need it.” Ru gestures to his returning queens. “Ladies, for this season, each of you will be matched with one of our reigning All Stars. Now, these All Stars are here to act as your mentors only; they will not be competing for the crown.  And you will still be judged individually, regardless of how your other teammate performs. As always, All Stars rules do apply.”
Okay, okay, this situation is still salvageable. They’re here to act as mentors, Nina can handle that. She’s not going to have to go toe to toe against Monet in some sort of horrifying lip-sync. They aren’t going to be the Branjie of the season, led to the slaughter for ratings, laid bare at the reunion for the entire world to rub salt in the wounds. It’s okay.
“However.  Mentors, if one of the queens on your team wins a lip-sync, you will receive a cash tip of five thousand dollars.”
Nina wonders how long is too long to look at Vanjie. It’s probably been too long already - he’ll look at Ru.  There, that’s fine. Just keep your eyes somewhere - safe. And smile.  Or don’t smile? What’s the appropriate reaction right now? Nina is missing pieces of this conversation.
“And if a queen from your team is the winner of All Stars Season Five, not only will she win one-hundred thousand dollahs and a spot in the Drag Race Hall of Fame, but you will win a bonus prize of twenty-five thousand dollars. So choose your team wisely - cause some of y’all clearly need the money.” Ru eyes up Chad Michaels, who nods and gestures at his face.
“I won’t say no.  All of this is about to expire.”
“Girl, we can tell,” Trinity shouts over at him.
“Oh, I just love these family get togethers!” Ru laughs and clasps his hands together as he studies them all. “But however shall we pick teams?” He presses a finger to his chin as he pretends to ponder the situation. 
Nina’s stomach churns, but - Ru doesn’t know. No one knows. Unless -
“A draft!” Ru announces gleefully. “That’s something from sports, I think. Nina West, you know about sports right?” Ru makes a broad-shouldered motion with his hands, and Nina smiles tightly. 
“Ask me anything at all about locker rooms.”
 “Come find me on the break,” Ru says very seriously. “Now, mentors - each of you will get to choose one queen for your team twice. I think it’s only fair to go in order.”
There’s bickering between the mentors - Trinity and Monet are of course pressed that they’ll have last pick - but Trinity eventually relents, after Monet reminds her that age should come before beauty.
Nina steels himself as the draft starts. He’s never been the kid that gets picked first for anything, and it’s hard not to immediately go back to that middle school shame-place that still lives somewhere in his lizard brain. He just hopes he isn’t picked last. And deep, deep down, he kind of hopes that Trixie chooses him. They’re similar, he’s always thought. Campy, musically inclined. He’d love to learn from her, really pick her brain, score a guest appearance on UNHhhh, where he’d sit with her and Katya and they’d all be best friends and - that’s enough.
Chad makes a show of looking the queens over before he makes his selection and it’s so obvious. “Brooke Lynn Hytes,” he announces with a grin. Of course Brooke’s first.
Brooke claps and smiles, but Nina doesn’t miss the way Vanessa’s eyes roll back in his head. Honestly? He feels kind of the same way.
Alaska chooses Nina Bo’nina which makes total sense. They’re both quirky queens who are all about their brand, and it feels like a good fit.
Trixie’s pick is next.  Nina feels himself straighten involuntarily, but Trixie barely hesitates before she trills, “It’s time for Crackerrrrrr!” and holds out her arms to the smaller man.
So that’s - that. 
There’s the next round, of course, but does Nina really want to be on a team with a queen that hates him for no apparent reason? He sighs, the tension in his shoulders building. It’s going to be Grade Six kickball all over again.
The Tuck chooses Blair (also not surprising).  Then it’s Monet’s turn, and, oh God, he’s looking past Nina, which is… Probably for the best. Definitely. Definitely probably for the best.
Then Monet’s eyes narrow behind his glasses.  He crosses his arms over his chest, purses his lips together (and Jesus, what Nina remembers about those lips on his own and wrapped around his - not the time).
“Nina West.”
Nina’s head snaps up. He doesn’t move because - surely this is a joke. But Monet is standing there in front of him, the most neutral expression on his face, watching him.
“That’s you, girl,” Vanjie whispers beside him.
Nina nods.  Nods again. He got chosen before Vanjie? In what alternate universe is this All Stars season happening?
He plasters a smile across his lips and walks forward, embraces Monet, plants air kisses on both of his cheeks. (His skin tingles where their faces brush. He should have called. At the very least texted.)
The draft starts from the beginning again while Nina awkwardly frets over what to do with his hands. Chad chooses Shea Coulee (clearly), and Alaska chooses Laganja, which is… Well, it’s a choice, certainly, but Nina believes in giving people second (and third and twentieth, most of the time) chances.  Then it’s Trixie Mattel’s turn and she doesn’t pause a second before calling out, “Miss Vaaanjie.” 
Nina isn’t jealous. Genuinely, he isn’t.  The look on Vanjie’s face when Trixie calls his name is like the opposite of jealousy. Nina can’t help but glance over at Brooke to see if he notices it too (he does.  Nina can tell. Brooke thinks he’s being cool but the way his eyes shift when Vanjie smiles is just - it’s kind of sad. And kind of obvious. And it makes Nina wonder why he ever thought he had a chance with this blonde goddess when - the way Brooke looks at Vanjie is something completely different).
Monet hassles Trinity into letting him pick next and is practically vibrating with excitement over drafting Asia O’Hara for his team. Which leaves Ivy Winters, who does not look pressed at all about being chosen last and bounds over to join Trinity and Blair.
“All right ladies. Now you’ll have time to meet with your mentors and plan your act.  And tomorrow night, you’ll perform in front of a full house in my All Star Extravagaaaanza! Gentlemen, start your engines.  And may the best All Star… win!”
* * *
“Okay, Team X Change. I’mma call you the X-Queens, what do you think? The Tuck is calling her girls ‘The Holy Trinity,’ and we can do better than that.”
Monet has pulled a chair over to Asia and Nina’s stations, which they’ve set up beside each other. Nina is trying to be the least embarrassing version of himself possible. He might regret bringing bubble guns.
“Obviously, I’m Professor X.” Monet gestures to his bald head. “You can be Storm,” he says to Asia (who seems extremely happy about that, and justifiably so). “And you -” He looks at Nina, who swallows anxiously. 
“Wolverine?” he manages, and Monet laughs.
“Girl. Nah, you’re a Jean Grey. Just use those powers for good, okay? Don’t want no Dark Phoenix up in here.” Monet smiles but the smile is a bit forced, charming only on the surface. Underneath it, there’s something else. “So what you all thinking for this challenge? I got money on the line, remember that.”
Cool, flawless, beautiful Asia laughs, but Nina’s laugh doesn’t quite squeak out of his throat. 
“I’m just going to lip-sync,” Asia says. “What I do best.”
Monet nods. “Yes, I live. I’ve seen you girl.  What about you, Nina West?”
Nina was counting on this challenge coming up at some point in the season. He’s got an idea but - he’s not sure how well received it will be.
“I was thinking of maybe doing… magic?”
Asia stares at him. 
“Like last season we did a magic show. And I thought -”
“Like real magic?” Asia asks, dubiously. “With wands and shit?”
“Girl! She’s not a fucking wizard.” Monet laughs.  “Well, that sounds - unique. That’s something I want to see. You going to cut someone in half or something?”
“Maybe. Depends if I can find a saw.”
“And we already know you can make yourself disappear, so -” Monet stops. He meets Nina’s eyes with a sudden look of panic - but the look is gone just as quickly.  So quickly Nina thinks maybe he imagined it, because Monet’s smiling widely again, poised and professional. “So we’ve got a plan. Good job team, mentoring done. Cut the cheque!”
They spend a bit of time talking about Asia’s dance number before splitting up so that Nina can practice a couple of the tricks he’s learned since Season 11. He was feeling pretty confident about it initially, but now that he’s surrounded by some of the most talented queens working today, he’s wondering if it’s too little.  Or too much? 
Fuck it. He puts on shows for a living, it’s what he does.  The judges were in love with his magician character last season.  He just has to build on it. And - no shade, of course - but at least he isn’t lip-syncing and dancing to his own single like ninety percent of the other queens seem to be planning.  A magic show will stand out.  In… some kind of way.
 They break for lunch a bit later, lining up at the craft services table.  Nina checks in with Vanjie and also tries not to ask too many questions about what Trixie Mattel is like in real life. He was worried he might start fangirling like an idiot when he saw her, but as soon as they called for a break, Trixie made a very intense sounding call on her cell phone (which apparently the mentors get to keep on them) and disappeared. 
“She’s good,” Vanjie tells Nina as they eat some sort of lettuce wraps that keep falling apart in their hands. “Though just you try to get her off her phone.  She on that grind twenty-four seven, maybe. How’s Monet?”
Um. (Really cute. And sweet. And an astonishing kisser, Nina’s feeling a bit dizzy just thinking about it.)
“Great,” he says.
 Vanjie gives him a look.
“That sounded fake as hell.” For all that Vanessa is a terrible actor, he’s pretty good at clocking lies in other people. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Nina stammers. “He’s - it’s great.”
“Why you being all weird and shit? You talking ‘bout him like he’s a snack cracker. It’s great! Kids love it!”  Vanjie does his best cool dad impression, and Nina almost chokes on his wrap.
“Oh my God, please stop with that voice.”
“There’s nothing wrong with this voice, ho. I’m -” But before he can say anything else, Brooke comes into the break room.  Every muscle in Vanjie’s body seems to stiffen. Nina watches it out of the corner of his eye, a slow tightening of Vanjie’s arms, straightening of his back. Defenses going up.
“I - I gotta have words with your girl,” he says softly. “Catch you later.” 
Nina watches him cross the floor to Brooke, watches Brooke’s face go through a weird and painful series of expressions as Vanjie gets closer (hopefearlustlonging).
Those two idiots, Nina thinks, and the thought is so loud in his head that it should basically be telepathy (is that a Jean Grey thing? Or is that telekinesis? It’s been years since Nina dug out his old comic books).
As he scans the room, he accidentally makes eye contact with Monet.
Shit. Abort, abort.  Look anywhere else. Pretend that you’ve gone blind.
It’s too late, however, because Monet is nodding at him. Smiling. And oh fuck, oh God, he’s coming over.
“Hey,” he says, leaning against the wall beside Nina (who has suddenly forgotten how to eat, is just moving his wrap around on his plate as it falls to pieces). “Can’t wait to see your show tomorrow. Magic!” 
He does an impression of Nina’s ridiculous catchphrase, and Nina laughs awkwardly.  Nina is doing too many things awkwardly right now; pick another adverb, Mary.
“Feel good to be back?” 
“Still, um, getting used to it. But yes.”  Just fucking say it, just - get it over with before there are cameras on them again. “Listen, about - that night.  The - uh, finale -”
“Girl.” Monet holds up a hand, stopping him from saying anything more. “I get it.  I ain’t pressed about it. So just put that outta your head, okay? We’re cool.”
And Nina might be imagining it, but Monet seems - a bit redder than usual. The edge of his cheekbones, the tips of his ears.
Nina looks away.  
“Just you focus on the crown, right?” Monet continues quietly. “It’s yours if you want it. I know what you can do.”
The quietness is - unusual. For him. Nina knows Monet as this commanding presence at the centre of every crowd, able to hold court in a packed bar, able to revive a dying audience with a wave of his hand. The weird fragility is a side Nina hasn’t seen before, and he has no idea what to say in response. Silence stretches between them. 
And then Cracker runs across the room and throws herself into Monet’s arms.
“Cracks!” Monet cheers. “How you doing?”
“So much for friendship, dick,” Miz Cracker says with a smile as she hugs Monet. “I thought you’d want me on your team for sure!”
“It ain’t my fault Miss Trixie scooped you up, though I can’t blame her.”
“Well, you should have won an earlier season!” Cracker responds with a smack to Monet’s arm. She glances at Nina, looks him up and down with cold brown eyes. “Then you wouldn’t have gotten - stuck with the questionable choices.”
Nina takes a step away, and then another.  Pulls a Miss Vanjie, walks backwards until he’s not so up in Monet’s personal space, and Cracker’s weird hostility. Neither of them are distractions he can afford right now.  Monet said they were cool. So they’re cool, right? And whatever Cracker’s problem is, Nina’s got to put it out of his head.
He tries. As he rehearses his act on the main stage, he tries. But Cracker is there, too, just out of the corner of his eye. Her head is bent low, talking quietly and intensely with Monet, who looks… Annoyed? Maybe? It could be wishful thinking.
That night, he and Brooke eat cold pizza in Nina’s room (the door is open at the P.A.’s insistence, and Nina feels a bit like a teenager, but whatever).
“You should have told him,” Nina says and Brooke doesn’t even have to ask what they’re talking about.  He nods.
“I literally couldn’t.” He repeats Nina’s own words back to him. “If he knew - everyone would know. The moment I stepped into the Werk Room. He’s - both of us are - not the greatest actors.”
“Hmm, not the greatest, bit of an overestimation -”
“Fuck off.  You know it’d be obvious as hell. And - I didn’t even think I’d say yes.  I kept thinking - but then after the finale, when they asked -”
“So why did you? Say yes. They’re going to make this the Branjie story again, right? Of course they will. Is that what you want?”
“No. I mean - I don’t know.” Brooke pauses. Sighs. “I guess I just felt like I couldn’t say no. He’s fucking furious, by the way.”
“I’m sure he is.” On some level - Nina gets it. He’s glad Brooke’s got another chance, of course he is.  Brooke’s perfection and he deserves it. But it’s hard for Nina not to feel like he doesn’t stand a chance with Brooke in the mix. Brooke almost won last time. That last lip sync was so close, it could have been either of them.  (Nina might have a theory as to why it wasn’t Brooke, and the fact that Brooke’s sitting across from him in the hotel with Vanessa a few doors down is doing a lot to confirm it.)
“So you said yes because you felt like you had to,” Nina says slowly, “but you already knew Vanjie was coming. You knew I was coming.” (Though Nina doubts that would have affected Brooke’s decision at all.) “Why didn’t you tell them you’d come for the next season?”
Brooke tosses his pizza crust onto the paper plate on the bed and shrugs. “You never know if you’re going to get next season. If I’d said no, they could have written me off, or—”
“That’s bullshit and we both know it. You’re golden. They love you.” He normally isn’t this firm, not with Brooke, but Brooke also isn’t usually this avoidant of the truth. And Nina knows he isn’t getting the truth from the man sitting across from him. It bothers him. He’s good at reading people, great at reading Brooke after a decade-long friendship, but there’s been a boundary up ever since the season ended.  Really - ever since he broke things off with Vanjie. 
Nina might have been too firm, because Brooke lowers his eyes and shrugs. Starts to shut down. So Nina tries a softer approach. 
“Why are you really here, Brooke?”
“Maybe - I’m just tired of always being the first runner-up.  Never being enough,” Brooke finally says, and there’s pain there; a real, raw ache that is palpable from the timbre of his voice. “I won Continental and then…” He shakes his head. “First runner up. Always. Almost, but never quite - I just… I thought maybe on All Stars I could…” Brooke meets Nina’s eyes again, gives him a self-deprecating smile. “Show them I’m enough.”
For God’s sake. Nina hugs him, pulls him tight to his chest. “You’ve always been enough for me.”
“Thanks.” Brooke sniffles.
“But, and I need you to hear me very clearly,” Nina says, “even though I love you, you’re going to have to work, bitch.  Because I fully plan on sending your ass back to Canada the first chance I get.”
Brooke throws back his head and laughs. “Just try it.”
“Oh, I’ll do more than try. I’m taking the crown this season.”
 “Not so congenial anymore.” Brooke is still laughing, so Nina laughs too. And just for a moment, with the cold pizza and laughter between them, he could almost forget that they’re back at Drag Race, back in the (second) most important competition of both of their lives.
That night, when Nina lies in bed with his headphones in - listening to the potential lip-sync song for the next day, not that he’s counting his chickens or anything - he feels like maybe he can do this. Maybe he should be here, even in the presence of all this greatness. Even if - even around - someone like Monet.
(“If I’m shining everybody gonna shine,” Lizzo sings in his ear, and Nina closes his eyes tight. Hopes that he can be shiny enough to stay.)
* * *
The mentors aren’t in the Werk Room the next day, but they’re going to be in the audience at the show. That’s - maybe for the best. For all that he tells himself to focus, Nina is still acutely aware of where Monet is in the room, and it’s - unsettling.  He doesn’t need that weird sixth sense distracting him right now. (He’s pretty sure that isn’t a Jean Grey thing.)
He paints in the mirror between Asia and Brooke, only half listening as Laganja and Vanjie’s conversation gradually gets louder and more snarly. There’s something off about Vanessa today. It’s clearly nerves and Nina kind of wishes he could go over there and hug him, but he’s not going to step between Vanjie and Laganja and risk getting an acrylic to the eye.
Nina takes in a few deep breaths, blocks them out, focuses on blending his eyeshadow. Purples into pinks. Pinks into whites. Black liner wings. Thick. Thicker. Thickest.
Then it’s frighteningly quiet all of a sudden, and Brooke is gone from his side. 
He shifts his focus in the mirror and sees Brooke holding tightly to Vanessa’s shoulders, speaking quiet words to him. And while Vanjie still looks pressed, still shoots death glares across the room where Laganja has stormed away (and is, naturally, still talking), he isn’t vibrating with rage anymore.
“So use it,” he hears Brooke say softly. “Channel it. Win.”
And Vanjie nods, shrugs out of the hug Brooke tries to pull him into, and walks straight out of the Werk Room.
Brooke returns to the mirror at Nina’s side and heaves a long sigh.
“All good?” Nina asks, gluing on his lashes.
“Sure,” Brooke says with a smile that seems a little forced. “All good.”
When they’re finished painting, the P.A.s come by to grab them, take them to the main stage. Nina is the ninth act up, and so he gets to sit with the audience in the  meantime. The mentors are there as well, in full awards-show drag, and it - only knocks him one step backwards when he sees Monet in black sequins. Sheer panels down each side. Purple lipstick.
“Hello, my X-Queens.” Monet smiles broadly as Nina and Asia walk past to find their seats. “Asia, look at you girl! Stunning. And Miss Nina West -”
Nina flinches a bit, not knowing what to expect.  He’s going for campy, not glamourous, and compared to Asia - or Monet - well, there’s no comparison. None.
“Gorgeous,” Monet says simply, smile turning soft. 
Nina swallows. “You too,” he chokes out through a throat that is suddenly completely dry, the Sahara Desert.  He sounds more like Harvey Fierstein than he did during Snatch Game.
Abort, abort. Nina gets away as fast as he can, grabs an empty seat without really caring if it’s his. 
“You okay?” Asia asks him, and Nina nods, doesn’t dare try to speak again.  He’ll grab some water before his act. 
A second later, Vanessa slams into the seat beside Nina, legs folded and arms crossed. Nina gives him an anxious look and decides to risk it.
“What’s going on with you and Laganja?”
Vanjie just blinks his eyelashes. 
“Bitch is just running her mouth about shit that don’t concern her, like who gets to come back and when. Shit like that.”
“Oh.” Nina thinks back to Brooke’s hands onVanjie’s shoulders, voice quiet and intent. “Are you all right?”
He hears Vanjie take a deep breath. Sees his chest rise and fall in his peripheral vision.
“I’m gonna use it.” He casts a pressed look over at Nina, pursing his lips. “But don’t tell that blonde bitch I said any of this.”
Which one? Nina wants to ask. Brooke or Laganja?
“Never,” Nina swears, and then the rest of the queens file in beside them and the show begins.
Blair St. Clair is up first, singing. She struts slowly toward the standing microphone in the middle of the stage, dressed like a sixties songstress. As the torch-song instrumental track kicks in, Blair looks up and catches Nina’s eye.  
And starts to sing:
“This is awwwwkward.
He’s seen you naked, now you’re on TV.
I’m pretty sure the other queens can see
How obvious you’re being, 
Nina - cannot be hearing this right. He looks at Asia and Vanjie beside him, but neither one of them seem to think anything is weird about Blair’s song.
“This is awwwwkward.
You have to work together on this show
Now it’s a countdown ‘til the judges know
That you got drunk and made it awkward…”
Someone has turned on a disco ball, and the stage is covered with spinning flecks of mirrored light. The music picks up, beat growing harder.
“You can’t blame tequila for this.
Blame it all on a kiss.
Blame the night, the mood
The way you were feeling….
You can’t say it was a mistake
Cuz girl I see your hand shake
When you push it down inside you 
Though you try you cannot fight the -”
At this point, Blair stretches out her arm, fully pointing at Nina in the crowd, while she takes the melody up an octave.
You thought you left it in the past somewhere 
But good God girl don’t let him see you stare 
Nina West  I swear 
You’ll make it awwwkward…”
People are clapping, but Nina hears it coming from another room, as if there are walls between him and the rest of the audience. That couldn’t have been - that wasn’t -
“She kinda all over the place, huh?” Asia whispers to him
Nina has momentarily forgotten how to speak. He tries to clear his throat.
“What was… Um. Her song was called what again?”
Asia laughs. “Girl, I don’t even know. ‘Heathered’ or ‘Flickered.’ Some shit like that. Why, you wanna buy it on iTunes?”
“Not, um. Not ‘Awkward’?” Because he knows what he heard. A song directed right at him. Because his instincts were right and everyone knows what happened the night of the finale.
“No.” Asia narrows her eyes. “Though that could probably be a song about her career since Season Ten. Oh, bitch -  ‘Ganja’s act’s up.”
It’s… An act. It’s supposed to be some kind of lyrical dance piece, and Nina knows that Laganja is an incredible dancer, but this is… Well. Not great, to be honest. It’s an excellent distraction from his incoming panic attack, and Nina almost sighs in relief. He can at least do better than this number, if nothing else. 
Nina Bo’nina Brown shocks the hell out of everyone when she produces a silver flute from underneath a caftan and skillfully plays a rendition of Sissy That Walk. Ru looks impressed, if maybe a little bored. Nina tries not to bite off his acrylics.
The real wildcard is Ivy because everyone remembers her stilts and everyone remembers her voice, and if it were Nina, he’d sing an aria while parading around on stilts because hey. Work what you’ve got.
But instead they cut almost all the lights, and Ivy performs a shadow puppetry show full of jokes that Nina’s sure he could process if only he wasn’t so damn nervous.
Shea lip-syncs, and fucking slays it just like Nina knew she would. There are three reveals, if he’s counting right. Vanjie’s fingers have gradually tightened around Nina’s wrist, and by the time Shea’s act is over and Vanessa is up, Nina’s fairly certain he has bruises. 
Vanjie stands, straightens his silver beaded gown, and sucks in a deep breath. Then Brooke leans forward and fixes a strand of fringe that’s snagged on Vanessa’s pantyhose. Vanjie jerks away like he’s been scalded.
“Break a leg,” Brooke says softly, trying his hardest not to look hurt by the reaction.
Vanjie nods and sets his jaw before marching backstage. 
Nina shakes his head, focuses on his own routine instead of the drama playing out in front of him.
Whatever’s happening between Vanessa and Laganja, whatever’s happening between him and Brooke, Vanjie absolutely channels it. Nina can’t remember how many times he’s seen Vanjie perform, but this is unparalleled. It’s like lightning set loose on the stage. He’s a whirlwind of silver beads, white feathers, peach hair, spinning-melding-mixing to the throbbing bass of a Lorde song Nina’s heard but can’t place. Despite his nerves, Nina can’t turn away. Behind him, Brooke is steadily tearing his copy of the lineup into confetti. 
That’s a legitimate fucking All Star.
Asia dances the house down, then Miz Cracker has Ru and Michelle hanging onto each other and crying from her standup. Whatever weirdness is going on between Nina and Cracker is beside the point.  The bitch is hilarious and that could be a problem for him.
He knows there are acting challenges to come (All Stars is infamous for them), and it would be nice to have Cracker on his side. Whatever this rift is, he needs to mend it and quickly.
So when Cracker comes off stage, Nina reaches for her hand and congratulates her. “You were great!” he says with enthusiasm.
Cracker gives him a terse smile, flips her hair, and takes her seat next to Blair. Nina guesses a terse smile is better than a look of pure vitriol. Progress. Progress is good. 
Blair… Blair’s been crying quietly ever since she came off stage. Apparently she’s very upset with her number. To be honest, Nina’s pretty upset with her number also. He knows what he heard. What he can’t figure out is why no one else seems at all shocked about it.  (Okay, so maybe Nina might be hallucinating.  What’s a bit of light hallucination between friends?) 
A couple of P.A.s set up Nina’s props for him while the cameras are resetting. He feels himself spiraling, but shakes his head, refusing to be rattled. He tries to focus on his character, on the challenge that he’s about to fucking slay. He tries to focus on the crown.
But as he walks out onto the stage, blinking at first against the lights, the only thing he can see is the corner of Monet’s mouth, lips curling as he says “Gorgeous,” eyes warm and intent like - like he means it (which he doesn’t, which he can’t, which -)
“Ladies and gentlemen and gentlemen and ladies and gentlemen!” Nina greets the audience.  
He takes a breath -
- and by the time he exhales the act is over. He’s walking off stage, hands trembling with adrenaline.  
They laughed, right? He’s pretty sure they laughed. Did Ru laugh? He might have. Nina can’t remember most of it.
As he moves on autopilot back to his seat, some of the other queens congratulate him.  It couldn’t have been a complete disaster then? He catches Monet’s eye, and Monet smiles. (Nina feels that smile like electricity, running through his nervous system and lighting it up like a Christmas tree.)
Stop it.
Vanjie squeezes his arm when he sits back down. He’s beaming. 
“Bitch, it’s over.  That’s the show, sis. Cut the cheque.”
“I - really? Thank you, I mean.  Really?”
“Don’t be all modest and shit, you must’ve heard the judges laughing. Thought Ru was gonna die, I’m serious.  Trixie probably already dialing 9-1-1. Bitch is on that phone enough.”
Nina has no idea what Vanjie’s talking about, but he hopes to God it’s true.  Especially because Brooke’s up next, the final act of the evening. (In all honesty, the one that everyone has probably been waiting for.)
The Canadian has gone full Black Swan for this performance, right down to the black feathered pointe shoes and jagged wings that look like they’re protruding out of his skin. As Brooke starts to dance, Nina hears Vanjie swallow.  
Sees him look away, turn his head slightly to the left (it’s like the sun, maybe. You’re not supposed to look at it directly or it will blind you).
Brooke’s beautiful and vicious and fatal on stage, and Nina’s pretty sure Vanjie is holding his breath. His hands are clenched together in his lap, knuckles turning white. Nina still feels the ache of Brooke’s beauty sometimes. It comes and goes, especially when he’s been drinking.  He imagines that it always will.
He reaches out, puts his hand over top of Vanjie’s. Vanjie flinches in surprise. Then he lets out a quiet breath, and Brooke finishes his routine, falling gracefully to his knees.
Perfect. Flawless. Everyone else here is completely fucked.
“Meh,” Nina whispers in Vanjie’s ear, maybe to reassure himself just as much as Vanessa. Maybe.
But it makes Vanjie laugh just the tiniest bit, and it settles Nina’s stomach, and it’s the least he can do for now.
* * *
He’s lost track of how long they’ve been standing on the runway, but he knows his feet are numb, and he doesn’t think Monet has blinked once. He’s just… looking at him.  At all the queens, probably. Clearly. 
Shea, Ivy, Asia, and Miz Cracker are all declared safe and sent back to the Werk Room.  Nina’s heart sinks a little. He wanted to think he was in the top if Vanjie’s glowing comments meant anything, but he isn’t sure he was better than Cracker.  That’s terrifying because if she’s safe that means Nina’s… potentially… not.
But there’s Monet again, smiling at him from the audience. Nina takes a deep breath and prepares himself for the critiques.
“Ladies,” Ru says. “You represent the tops and the bottoms of the week.  Now for the judges’ critiques. We’ll start with Nina Bo’nina Brown.”
Michelle says it fell flat. Ru says it was flat. Ross loves everybody and finds the silver lining (literally - Nina’s wearing a pink gown with silver lining). Either way, they aren’t impressed. Nina West relaxes a little.
They gush over Vanessa, and they should. Ross says it’s some of the best work he’s ever seen from him. Ru agrees. Michelle says she’s just so happy to see a dress and not a bikini and cape. And, oh yeah, she tacks on, the dancing wasn’t bad either. Passionate, fiery. This is the Vanjie they wanted all last season and didn’t quite get. (To Nina’s left, Brooke ducks his head, accepts the blame silently.) 
Laganja’s critique is the opposite of Vanjie’s. The judges are confused to put it lightly… Offended if they’re being honest. And of course Laganja can’t keep her mouth shut.
“I guess I just don’t understand why some people are getting third and fourth and fifth chances while the rest of us are up here working our asses off–”
“Ain’t none of us getting fourth chances, Mary,” Vanjie interjects, and Nina prays he keeps his cool because after a critique like his, the challenge is as good as won.
“I’m just saying that this is your third season in a row, and it might be oversaturation.” Laganja shrugs.
“That’s a big word,” Vanessa retorts. “Where’d you learn that word?”
“Vanj…” Brooke says quietly, which is maybe the worst possible thing that can happen.
“Don’t.” Vanessa’s voice is low, threatening. “I need you to not talk to me right now.”
Brooke physically wilts, collapses in on himself. Nina focuses on the spot on the wall just above Michelle’s head.
“Moving on,” Ru says and diplomatically ends the conversation. “Nina West!”
“So glad to have you back, Nina.” Michelle smiles (she smiles!) “You are still a delight.”
Nina could melt into the stage. Could just become a puddle of vaguely Nina-shaped goo and it would be okay because Michelle is beaming at him, praising him for his newly acquired magic skills, and Ru is nodding along.
“I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in years,” Ru admits. “You really can tell that you’ve taken our critiques from last season and applied them. It absolutely shows.”
Ross also has kind words (when doesn’t he?), but Nina’s lost in the high of hearing Michelle and Ru praise him, lost in the feeling of success.
They move on to Brooke, whose black eyeliner has run just a little.  You could hardly tell from the way he’s holding himself upright, one leg behind the other, perfectly poised. Perfectly Brooke. Perfectly perfect. With the exception of that one streak of eyeliner, a single tear track down his face that he quickly wipes away.
The judges don’t seem to notice, praise instead his going out of his comfort zone, the grittier performance of his Black Swan instead of the grace he was known for on Season 11. Nina guesses they’re right; Brooke seemed to let go on stage, throw himself more into the performance. It was still flawless, every move calculated and textbook, but there was more emotion behind those grey eyes today than Nina thinks he’s ever seen from Brooke on stage.
Brooke thanks them, bows his head demurely, clasps his hands in front of his body.
Then they come to Blair. 
“Oh, Blair.” Michelle shakes her head. “It was just a mess.”
Blair nods. Blair nods through most of it. Nina tries to listen, but still can’t reconcile the fact that apparently the entire room heard something completely different than what he did. 
“I know I let you all down,” Blair says through tears. “And I’m really sorry. I promise I’ll do better.”
Ru smiles, but it’s tense and forced. “Based on the judges’ critiques,” he says, looking up and down the line, “I’ve made some decisions.”
Nina’s heart is in his throat. He can’t breathe, can’t focus, can’t keep himself upright.
“Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, Nina West: you are the top two All Stars of the week.”
Nina’s heart bursts. Actual sparks are shooting from his chest (okay, not actual, but you couldn’t prove it by the warmth that radiates through him). He ventures a look out towards the mentors and sees Trixie and Monet on their feet high-fiving each other. And Monet’s looking at him and smiling, smiling, smiling.
Down the line, Vanessa is laughing. His hands are clasped together in front of his chest and his head is thrown back like he’s praying, but he’s laughing.
“You’ve each won a seven-night stay at the Atlantis Hotel in Nassau Paradise Beach, Bahamas,” Ru says, and Nina almost faints. “Nina Bo’nina Brown, Brooke Lynn Hytes: you are both safe.”
Nina hears Brooke exhale before he lifts his head and smiles up at the judges. 
“That means Laganja Estranja and Blair St. Clair: I’m sorry, but you are in the bottom two.”
Blair cries even harder, and Nina kind of wants to hug her.
“Vanjie and Nina,” Ru continues, and oh shit, Nina might have forgotten this part of winning in All Stars. “Each of you needs to decide which one of the bottom two you will eliminate if you win the lip-sync.”
Nina’s heart is in his throat. He’s got to send one of his sisters home.
“While you deliberate backstage, the judges and I will… perform trust falls.”
It gets a laugh, but when they all file into the backstage lounge, Nina realizes he’s shaking. A couple of the girls grab cocktails (not Vanjie or Brooke) but Nina doesn’t need anything affecting his focus right now.  He feels simultaneously sick and elated. Also a bit worried this might all be the result of a head injury or something.  Maybe he tripped and fell on the very first day, and everything from then on has just been in his mind. It would explain whatever the hell happened with Blair’s performance.
“Congrats Top Two!” Asia raises her glass at Nina. “X-Queens represent.  How you feel girls?”
The producers have been very clear that they’re supposed to talk this whole thing over, but Nina is having trouble finding the words.  Vanjie’s quiet too, and he catches Nina’s eye from across the room, gives him a small smile.
“It’s good, you know. First challenge win, right. It’s gotta feel good.”
Brooke’s watching him, silent, with eyes that are so soft.
“Congratulations Vanjie,” Nina says the thing that Brooke would clearly say if his nerves would let him. “You deserve it.”
“So how are you going to decide?” Nina Bo’nina asks. “Every year they ask that, you gonna follow some rules or -”
“Hell no.” Vanjie cuts her off. “I don’t think that’s somethin’ that works out. You gotta listen to the judges but also - listen to yourself, right? I ain’t gonna just lay it all out now -”
“So I guess that means I’m fucking going home.” Laganja’s voice is shrill and sudden, and she stomps away from the group, heading towards the mirrors.
“No,” Vanessa calls after her. “I ain’t saying that, bitch.  Listen -”
“Well you’ve already made your mind up!” Laganja shouts back. “So fuck me, right?”
Nina wants to make himself as small as possible. He knows that his eyes are probably wide, and his smile is probably crooked.
“No one is saying that, Laganja!” Shea doesn’t turn her head, but says it loud enough to be heard across the room.
“Yeah fucking right!” Laganja screams back, and Nina is - above all, a ‘nice’ person, and he’s not going to keep a conversation going like this, so - 
He takes a deep breath and crosses the room to go talk to her.
They end up sitting in a corner somewhere that a P.A. has set up big velveteen chairs specifically for the purposes of these conversations. Laganja isn’t crying but her eyes are watery, and Nina can’t help but feel sympathy. 
“Listen,” he says, because that is a respectable way to start a conversation. “I think you’re a great performer, I think you deserve to be here.”
Laganja sniffles miserably.
“We don’t have to talk about anything, but I wanted to - if you wanted to - give you a chance -” To what, Nina? “State your case. Or make an argument. Whatever you like.”
Laganja looks up at her.
“Or we can just sit in awkward silence, that’s fine too,” Nina says with a shrug. “I did attend a lot of waspy family dinners in the Midwest.  At this point, I have a PhD in awkward silences.”
Laganja - actually smiles at this.  Then she sighs.
“It’s sweet that you think you’re going to win.”
After that, the conversation dies a pretty natural death. Nina doesn’t know what else to say. She wishes Laganja luck, and then Laganja straight up refuses to talk to Vanjie.  Fine.  She’s making her choices.
 Blair cries through most of her time with Nina (which is too bad because Nina is trying to figure out the least alarming way of asking her what the hell she sang about).  Nina doesn’t know if Vanjie talks to Blair, but - really, it probably doesn’t matter. Maybe Laganja will be ready for a later season of All Stars (hopefully her edit will be kind) but she’s clearly not there yet. Even though she was kind of the worst, Nina almost feels bad for her. She’s talented, she just needs to get out of her own way.
They film him and Vanjie as they pick out their lipsticks. Nina plays up the conflict, but he can’t imagine it’s a huge choice for either of them. He smiles at Vanjie, squeezes his hand as they prepare to go back on stage with the rest of the queens.
The lights feel brighter than they were before.  Nina hasn’t been this nervous since the last time he stood on stage waiting to lip-sync against Silky.  It doesn’t make any sense when he thinks about it, because the stakes were so much higher that time. He knows he’s safe this time around, knows he’s coming back for another week regardless of how this whole thing with Vanjie plays out. The $10,000 would be nice, but is it worth it to have to send someone home Week One?
Fuck it. He wants the validation. Wants to prove that he is a good lip-syncer. Wants to shove aside all the shame that still burns hot in his belly when he thinks about giving his everything to stay on this stage and having it not be enough.
Production stops him and Vanjie just behind the stage and lets the other girls get into position before they walk onto the runway. Vanessa takes the opportunity to turn to Nina and pull him into a hug.
“However this goes, girl,” he says into Nina’s shoulder, “there ain’t no one else I’d have wanted to share this win with.”
“Same.” Nina breathes a shaky sigh into Vanessa’s hair.
Then production waves them in and they walk down the runway side-by-side. Nina blocks everything else out, tries not to see the other girls (especially Laganja and Blair, who stand to the right of the stage, barely visible in the lighting.) Nina doesn’t risk a glance at the mentors.  He can’t handle seeing Monet and that perfect Goddamn smile right now.
Nina holds his head up high, focuses on Ru, runs the lyrics over and over in his head.
“Welcome back, ladies,” Ru says quietly. His entire demeanor is different now that it’s time to send the first queen home. “Two top All Stars stand before me. Ladies, this is your chance to impress me, win ten thousand dollars, and earn the power to give one of the bottom queens the chop. The time has come for you to lip-sync for your legacy. Good luck, and don’t fuck it up.”
The lights flash (Nina knows they will make this look far more dramatic on TV than it does on the stage, but it doesn’t help settle his stomach any) and the feel-good, pop beat of Lizzo’s “Juice” blares through the speakers.
Nina – goes insular. Doesn’t focus on Vanjie, doesn’t focus on anything other than the words of the song, the rhythm, the moves he’s making. Spin here. Dip there. Prance across the stage and pose. Hip rolls.
He couldn’t tell you what Vanessa’s doing, not until they reach the bridge, when Vanjie grabs his shoulder and points at the back of the stage to Brooke Lynn.
It takes a minute, then Nina realizes what part of the song they’re on.
“Somebody come get this man
I think he got lost in my DMs, what? My DMs, what?
You better come get your man
I think he wanna be way more than friends, what?
More than friends
What you want me to say?”
Nina shrugs, so Vanjie waves him off and they finish the song together, egging each other on through the last chorus until Vanessa ends with a triumphant death drop.
RuPaul, Michelle, and Ross are clapping and laughing, and it’s the exact opposite of the “meh” Nina got the last time he finished a lip-sync. He feels like he could fly. The mentors are on their feet, applauding, and there in the center is Monet, nodding and looking at him with eyes that are far too beautiful and soft.
Nina makes himself look away, looks at Ru, at the judges’ panel.  There’s a brief camera break while production hands back their lipsticks and they secure them deep in their outfits. Vanessa opts for his bra; Nina goes with the sleeve of his leotard.
Once Ru is given the cue, he clears his throat.  He  looks them both over for a moment. And then: 
“Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, you’re a winner, baby. You’ve earned a cash tip of ten thousand dollars. That means Trixie Mattel – you are also a winner, baby.”
“Oh, yay!” Trixie yelps from the mentors’ seats in the audience.
“You’ve won a cash tip of five thousand dollars.”
Vanjie’s doing that clasped-hand-prayer thing again, so Nina immediately walks over and hugs him. (He’s a hugger, even if Vanjie isn’t. Vanjie might be. Nina isn’t sure. Today, it would appear, they all are.) 
It’s okay that he lost, Nina tells himself. There will be more lip-syncs, and he’s safe for another week. So he didn’t win ten thousand dollars, so what? He’s going to the Bahamas! And he doesn’t have to make an enemy yet. Everyone knows how that worked out for Shangela…
“Nina West,” Ru says, glancing at him, “you are safe. You may join the other girls.”
Nina pulls away from Vanjie, squeezes his shoulder reassuringly, and takes his place beside Brooke. 
“Congrats,” Brooke whispers, reaching for his hand. Nina just nods in acknowledgement. His head is still spinning too quickly for him to think clearly.
“Will the bottom two queens please step forward?” Ru asks.
There’s a pause and the room goes deathly quiet as Blair and Laganja walk to the center of the stage, grasping hands. Blair has cried almost all of her makeup off. Nina’s heart aches for her. If she stays, Blair is the next person Nina’s going to hug. He’s drafting a list.
Ru shifts in her chair. “Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, with great power comes great responsibility.  Which queen have you chosen to get the chop?”
Vanjie swallows hard, takes a deep breath, steels himself. “I just wanna say that the person I chose is fierce as fuck.  I was so excited to see her back in the Werk Room because I think she didn’t get a real good shot last time. I wanted to give you another chance, I really did, but you still letting your personal opinions about people and things get in the way and there ain’t room for that on All Stars.” Vanessa reaches into his bra and pulls out his lipstick. “So I’m sorry, but I gotta send you home, Laganja.”
Laganja just nods, tilts her head with a bit of a wry smile. (She did know it was coming, even after everything they did to assuage her fears. But Laganja’s always been a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy.) She turns to Blair, gives her a quick hug, and then Blair practically runs to the back of the stage.
Nina opens his arms immediately, and Blair practically melts into him. He cradles her head, wipes the runny mascara from beneath her eyes. 
“You’re still here. It’s okay.” If he’s got to be the mom of this season, so be it.
“Laganja Estranja,” RuPaul says, “as it is written, so it shall be done. You are and will always be an All Star. Now, sashay away.”
“Thank you so much,” Laganja says. Then she presses her forefinger and thumb together, brings them to her lips, and mimes taking a long drag from a joint. “It’s always four-twenty when ‘Ganja’s in the house, okurrrrrr?”
They clap and bid Laganja farewell (Shea rolls her eyes a bit, but not in a super obvious way).  Nina feels himself relax for the first time all day.
“Con-drag-ulations, All Stars,” RuPaul says to them with a broad smile. “And remember, if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else, can I get an amen up in here?”
“Amen!” the queens chorus in unison.  Nina takes Blair’s hand and leads her back onto the runway as “Kitty Girl” plays over the speakers and the mentors join them on stage.
Trixie and Brooke both head straight for Vanjie, but Trixie wins the race.  She embraces Vanessa, begins a slow, hilarious two-step that doesn’t match the music at all, but makes them all laugh.
Then there’s a tap on Nina’s shoulder and Monet is standing behind him.  It catches Nina by surprise because he smells the same. Like mint toothpaste and sandalwood and hairspray.
Monet doesn’t speak, doesn’t have to. He just hugs Nina.
And Nina swallows down the stupid, pointless ache in his heart, and lets him.
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nedraggett · 6 years
Thoughts on 2018
No need for me to be fancier than that!  And yeah I realize that nobody should be using Tumblr any more but until I figure out a proper revive of my old Wordpress site, this will do for now.
So anyway: I wrote this up for a private email list reflecting on the end of the year in terms of things I especially enjoyed culturally. Well, why not share it?
My year went very well — steady at work and in life, being 47 means more aches and pains but you have to learn to live with it.  The state of the world is something else again of course and we need not spend more time on the blazingly obvious.  That said, the history bug in me has been constantly intrigued by the slow drip of the investigations (and revelations) and were it all fiction, I’d be thoroughly enthralled instead of quietly apprehensive, of course.  November did provide some partial relief on that front so bring on the new year.  In terms of my own written work, nothing quite equalled my heart/soul going into last year’s Algiers feature for NPR, but my two big Quietus pieces this year — on Gary Numan’s Dance  and Ralph Bakshi’s Lord of the Rings  — were treats to write, while my presentation on the too-obscure Billy Mackenzie at PopCon was a great experience.
In terms of music this has been one of the most concert-heavy years I’ve spent.  Even having moved to SF in 2015 I only did the occasional show every so often — there was so much going on (even in a local scene lots of long-timers say has been irrevocably changed) that I was almost spoiled for choice, and part of me also just wanted to relax most nights.  But deaths like Prince’s and Bowie’s among many others served as a reminder that there’s no such thing as forever, and you never know what the last chance will be.  More veteran acts than younger ones in the end for me — greatest missed concert regrets this year included serpentwithfeet, Lizzo, Perfume Genius and Emma Ruth Rundle among the younger acts, while being ill when Orbital came through will be a lingering annoyance, still having never seen them live.  But the huge amount of shows I did see outweighed that, ranging from big arena stops like Fleetwood Mac to celebratory open-air free shows like Mexican Institute of Sound to small club sets by folks like Kinski, Six Organs of Admittance, Kimbra and many more, including, for the first time in years, a show in the UK, specifically a great performance by Roddy Frame of Aztec Camera.  If I absolutely had to grade my top picks among shows, Cruel Diagonals, Johnny Marr, Wye Oak, Peter Brotzmann/Keiji Haino, John Zorn/Terry Riley/Laurie Anderson, Laurie Anderson again separately, Nine Inch Nails, VNV Nation, Jarvis Cocker, Beak and, in terms of no real expectations turning into utter delight and thrills, a brilliant set by Lesley Rankine under her Ruby guise, with Martin Atkins on drums.  Best damn combination of righteous ire, hilarious raconteurism and compelling, unique approaches to how performance can work I’d seen in a while.  (As for recorded music in general, uh, endless?)
TV, as ever a bit sporadic, with a few things on my to-do list — still need to catch The Terror for sure, and what I saw of The Alienist looked good; I love both books so I need to see how it all worked out, similarly with the just-dropped version of Watership Down.  Pose I definitely need to catch up with since it sounds like Ryan Murphy stood out of the way to let the best possible team do the business on it, but my real unexpected delight of a show this year was also Murphy-based, American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace.  While not down the line perfect, it was absolutely more compelling than not, and in fact at its best was a shuddering combination of amazing music cue choices, a reverse structure that helped undercut any attempt at making Cunanan seem sympathetic or an antihero, and, at its considerable best, a ratcheting up of terror and horror that a friend said was almost Kubrickian, and I would have to agree.  And, frankly, Darren Criss really did the business as Cunanan, a controlled and powerful turn. Only a few of us seemed to be following it at the time, but when it scored all those Emmys, then while it was as much a reflection of Murphy’s status, it honestly felt well deserved.  Meantime, you’ll pry my addiction to all the RuPaul’s Drag Race incarnations from my cold dead hands but it’s the amazing online series that Trixie Mattel and Katya do, UNHhhh, which remains my comedy highlight of the year, with at least a few jaw-dropping/seize up laughing every episode. (Kudos as well for Brad Jones’s The Cinema Snob, ten years running online and still funny as fuck while digging up all kinds of cinematic horrors.) Also, tying back into music a bit, late recommendation for something you can only see on UK TV/streaming so far, but get yourself a VPN and seek out Bros: After the Screaming Stops, in which the two brothers in the late-80s monster hit pop band Bros (never had any traction here but pretty much owned the entire Commonwealth and beyond) try for a comeback.  It’s an unintentionally hilarious and harrowing portrait of two twins who have a LOT of issues, have clearly been through a LOT of therapy, but are still…not quite there.  UK friends said it was a combination of Spinal Tap, Alan Partridge and David Brent and they were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. 
Movies, less specifically to choose from — I remain an essentially sporadic populist when it comes to what I see in theaters, but I can say for sure that Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse is a hell of a thing and will almost certainly prove to be a real year-zero moment down the line.  Possibly the most affecting watch was Bohemian Rhapsody, in that I also saw this in the UK — in Brighton, which besides making me think of the band’s song “Brighton Rock” is also notably the country’s most LGBT-friendly city; those I was with felt the movie’s themes, successes and flaws/elisions deeply, and the constant discussion of it for the next few days was very rewarding. As for books, John Carreyrou’s Bad Blood, delving into Theranos and the amoral duo behind it, was properly enraging and compelling, while Beth Macy’s Dopesick, if not perfect, nonetheless adds to the good literature on the opioid crisis, while as ever indirectly calling into question who’s getting the focus and care now as opposed to in earlier times and places. My favorite music publications as such probably remain the two I most regularly write for, The Quietus and Daily Bandcamp, while Ugly Things is the print publication that I most look forward to with each issue, and am never disappointed. 
Podcasts now consist of a lot of my regular cultural engagement, kinda obvious but nonetheless true.  Long running faves include My Favorite Murder — Karen and Georgia are an amazing comedy team who have figured out how to reinterpret their anxieties in new ways — The Vanished, which at its best often casts a piercing eye on how official indifference from law enforcement is almost as destructive as their more obvious abuses (recent discovery The Fall Line does this as well, even more explicitly), Karina Longworth’s constantly revelatory Hollywood histories You Must Remember This, Patrick Wyman’s enjoyable history dives on Tides of History, my friend Chris Molanphy’s constantly excellent investigations into music chart history Hit Parade, the great weekly movie chats by MST3K vets Frank Conniff and Trace Beaulieu along with Carolina Hidalgo on Movie Sign With the Mads, and The Age of Napoleon, which really has hit my history wonk sweet spot.  New to me this year was It’s Just a Show,  a really wonderful episode by episode — but not in exact order — deep dive into every episode of MST3K ever, by two fun and thoughtful Canadian folks, Adam Clarke and Beth Martin. (Adam also cohosts a new podcast, A Part of Our Scare-itage, specifically looking at Canadian horror. It’s not just Cronenberg!). Among the excellent one-off series this year: American Fiasco by Men in Blazers’ Roger Bennett on the failed US World Cup attempt in 1998, Dear Franklin Jones, a story about the narrator’s experience growing up in a California cult and how his parents came to be followers in the first place, and the Boston Globe’s Gladiator, their audio accompaniment to their in-depth story of the life and ultimate fate of Aaron Hernandez. Finally, totally new series this year that quickly got added to my regular listening: American Grift, a casual and chatty look at various scams and schemes, overseen by Oriana Schwindt, The Eurowhat?, a running look at the Eurovision competition throughout the year from the perspective of two American fans, and The Ace Records Podcast, an often engaging series of one-off interviews with various musicians, fans and so forth by UK writer Pete Paphides (I highly recommend the interviews with Jon Savage and Sheila B). Hands down my two favorite totally new podcasts of the year were The Dream, a more formal story of American grifting in general hosted by Jane Marie — this first season’s focus was on multilevel marketing, and Marie and company’s careful way of seemingly backing into the larger story makes it all the more compelling and ultimately infuriating, especially in the current political climate — and the hilarious Race Chasers, a RuPaul’s Drag Race-celebrating podcast by two veterans of the show, Alaska and Willam, loaded with all kinds of fun, behind the scenes stuff, guests and an easy casualness from two pros that strikes the perfect balance between going through things and just shooting the shit.  Returning podcast I’m most looking forward to next year: the second season of Cocaine and Rhinestones, hands down.  Check out the first season for sure.
And there ya go!  Keep fighting all your respective good fights.
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Uh oh- I wrote another fanfic. This time it’s a Crygi fic <3 So please enjoy!!! The fanfic can be accessed through the AO3 link but also you can just read under the cut here! Please leave a comment or reblog if you feel so inclined!
If you’re ever feeling bored… I just moved in… I’m the girl next door.
Crystal had never considered herself someone who was easily flustered. Honestly, she was rather outgoing. She had never been prone to shy away or back down from anything- much less romantic interactions and she took pride in the fact she was everything but the stereotypical “useless lesbian”. But apparently, there was always a first time for everything. And for once in her life, Crystal found herself a jumbled mess at the hands of a pretty girl.
She had been in the middle of her once a month, high intensity cleaning spree- a bottle of disinfectant in one hand and a trash bag full of empty take out containers in the other- when she finally met her match. 
A girl named Gigi Goode.
Now, Crystal loved music. She loved it with all her heart. If music was a pretty girl, she’d be married to it by now. She’d have musical babies with it if she could. She just really liked music. And she especially liked to blast her music as loud as she possibly could, whenever she possibly could. Which meant she was usually entertaining the entire neighborhood with her kickass music tastes from the second she woke up to the second she hit her mattress again at night. And maybe this had earned her dozens of noise complaints in the past, but well, you only live once. Noise complaints are temporary, the beauty that is the song C’est La Vie by B*Witched is forever. Her neighbors tended to disagree on this fact, but well, her immediate next door neighbor (an older woman by the name of Bianca) had finally moved...
So really, nothing was stopping Crystal from playing her music as loudly or as frequently as she pleased anymore. Hence, the Trixie Mattel albums she had playing on loop as she swept and dusted her apartment at 9:30 in the morning.
Crystal’s love for Trixie Mattel’s music was one that had changed her life, an all consuming love like one has for a mother, or a beloved family pet. Except neither Crystal’s mom or beloved cat Tic Tac had really played a part in Crystal’s gay awakening- which was probably for the best. Yep, Crystal had been obsessed with Trixie Mattel and her music since the moment she had seen the blonde perform at a local bar years in the past. She still had the homemade CD she had bought at the bar, stashed away in one of her drawers, which had found a home amongst the high quality vinyls that she would buy from Trixie’s online shop once the woman had gained her big break. 
And again, for clarity, Trixie Mattel had been Crystal’s lesbian awakening. Which honestly surprised nearly no one, as everyone around her had known Crystal was a lesbian before the notion of lesbianism had ever crossed her own mind. But while Crystal had been so deep in the closet she had nearly found Narnia, Trixie Mattel served as the guiding light out of the dark, musty, moth infested closet and into the light of wow women are really pretty. In honor of this fact, her CD had been the first one Crystal ever purchased with money she had earned herself. With all this in mind, it was only natural Crystal blare her music at any chance she could. 
The last song faded out, before the playlist looped again, Trixie Mattel’s saccharine sweet voice making Crystal break out into a dopey grin, before she was singing along as best as she could (where she was surprisingly on key for once in her life). She had just begun to really groove along to the chorus of Girl Next Door before a demanding knock startled her from her reverie.
Had she invited someone over?
Crystal wracked her brain, last she checked she didn’t have any plans for the day. Maybe Nicky was stopping by to talk about her girlfriend Jaida. Or Jan was stopping by to talk about her girlfriend Jackie. Or Rock was coming by to discuss the latest girl she’d met that she’d decided she was definitely in love with- this time for total realsies. God, Crystal’s friend group was full of useless lesbians. Thank god she wasn’t as useless and easily smitten as the rest of them. Nope. Crystal gave herself a mental pat on the back for this fact, swinging open the door with far too much force- a scathing zinger on the tip of her tongue to mock one of her lovesick friends.
But it wasn’t Jan or Nicky or Rock.
It was someone Crystal had never seen in her life.
A woman with piercing eyes, violently scarlet hair, and an outfit that seemed to be ripped straight from a high end fashion magazine stood in the doorway- staring Crystal down as if they were lifelong enemies. And oops- this woman was terrifyingly hot.
“Uh… hello?” Crystal offered out, feeling her mind go blank, all thoughts of who the woman was or why she was there replaced with a looping mantra of pretty girl pretty girl pretty girl. 
“Hello.” The woman parroted with a disapproving hum, “I’m Gigi Goode. I just moved in next door.”
“Oh. Well hi! I’m Crystal. Lovely to meet you.” She flashed a bright smile, hoping the redhead would return the gesture… or at least give Crystal something other than a death glare.
Gigi didn’t seem to care about Crystal’s introduction, speaking in a way that reminded Crystal of the customer service voice she’d use back at her old job at Chuck E. Cheese when dealing with entitled parents, “Yes… lovely to meet you. Ms. Del Rio warned me about you- but I didn’t realize she was so serious about how often you listen to your music. You are aware it’s barely ten in the morning right?”
“And you are aware that most people like to spend their Sunday mornings in bed right?”
Crystal nodded, “Right.”
“Have you ever considered wearing headphones? Or turning down your music? Or literally anything other than blasting your music at the same decibel count as a private jet?”
Gigi rolled her eyes, an overdramatic gesture that despite its angry intention, simply made a hoard of lovesick butterflies erupt in Crystal’s stomach, “Thought not. Maybe try headphones next time, I didn’t need you blasting your shitty country music as a wake up call.”
Oh. OH? SHITTY? SHITTY COUNTRY MUSIC? Alright, maybe this woman wasn’t as perfect and cute as Crystal thought if she was calling Trixie Mattel’s music shitty.
“It’s not fucking shitty country music actually, it’s Trixie Mattel.” Crystal said as politely as she could, resisting the urge to flip off her new neighbor, disgustingly ethereally pretty or not- no one called Trixie Mattel’s music shitty in front of Crystal and got away with it.
“Whatever.” The woman said with a groan, rubbing at her temples with a yawn, “Just keep it down next time or I’m gonna be forced to file a noise complaint.”
Crystal opened her mouth to respond, wanting to snark back, but Gigi was already turning around and walking back the way she came. 
She seemed to be actually pretty tired, stumbling a bit as she turned the corner, which made Crystal feel a bit bad. She probably had woken the poor woman up.
Hmmm… maybe Gigi had a point. 
Crystal might as well invest in some earbuds.
+ +
The next week flew by without a peep from the redheaded neighbor, even as Crystal played her music like usual.
She had placed in an order for some brand new headphones, but for some reason her package got lost in transit, so she was stuck with her speaker for the time being.
But the beautiful woman never came back to bother Crystal about it.
Maybe Crystal played her music a bit louder that week hoping she would though.
And maybe she played some girl in red to give her a hint that she too was a friend of Ellen. As in she was a lesbian. Not an actual Ellen fan. God no.
Sunday rolled around again though without a peep from Gigi, with Crystal keeping her music at a surprisingly not eardrum shattering level when she heard a loud, persistent knocking on her door.
“Yo,” She said as she swung open the door, “What’s up?”
It was Gigi again, looking just as radiant as she had the first time they met, though this time she had on a shy smile instead of a sleep-deprived pout. And just like the first time they had met, all of Crystal’s conversational skills seemed to vanish in thin air, out on a sabbatical or something, leaving Crystal empty headed as she stared at the other women. 
“Uh… howdy!” She finally managed to squeak out once her brain booted up again, wincing at the way her voice jumped an octave within a two syllable word, “Gigi right?”
Gigi nodded, looking Crystal up and down, as if trying to memorize her and her outfit before she spoke again, “And you’re Crystal.” After a millisecond pause she continued, “I really like your outfit today. Pinks a nice color on you.”
Crystal felt her face heat up, “Uh thanks! I- I like yours too! And your makeup! You are just- wow- your outfit- everything about you is uh, very pretty.”
Wow. Crystal was so bad at this. She was usually so outgoing, so good at flirting, or at least not so miserably clumsy at it… what kind of witchcraft was this girl using to make Crystal so choked up?
“Thanks,” Gigi replied, seemingly oblivious to Crystal’s aggressive gay panicking, “I just wanted to stop by and apologize for how I acted last week. I was really, really stressed out with moving and all and running on very little sleep so I was a bit…” she paused, making an awkward clicking sound with her tongue, a hint of pink crawling up her neck before she admitted, “I was honestly a bit of a bitch. Like- a mega cunt. I’m really sorry, can we start over again perhaps?”
Crystal wanted to assure Gigi that she understood. They all had their bad days, and to be fair, Crystal had been listening to her music far too loudly. But instead she simply extended a hand, flashing an overenthusiastic Crystal brand smile to her neighbor before chirping out, “Nice to meet you, I’m Crystal- from what I gather you’re new to the neighborhood right?”
Gigi’s eyes went wide, confused for a split second before she understood what Crystal was doing, giving a soft snort of laughter which totally wasn’t the cutest thing Crystal had ever heard, no siree, before she took Crystal’s hand in hers to shake, “Yes, I just moved in last week actually. I’m Gigi Goode, lovely to meet you. I adore your hair.”
The fact this was already the second genuine compliment she had been given by Gigi in the past two minutes of them talking made Crystal’s heart backflip in her ribcage, and she once more found herself struggling to move the conversation along.
What was she supposed to say? 
Oh wow- if you like my hair then go look in the mirror because your hair is perfect? You’re perfect? Please go on a date with me? Yeah no- Crystal’s brain needed to be quiet. She needed to be chill. Gigi was probably just being polite, and she probably already had a boyfriend or something. Should Crystal ask about that? Would it be weird if Crystal asked Gigi if she was single so soon? Oh god- Crystal still hadn’t responded to Gigi. What the fuck was she gonna say?
Thankfully Gigi seemed to pick up on Crystal’s inability to form a coherent sentence, removing her hand before she pulled out her phone- unlocking it quickly to show a Spotify playlist full of Trixie Mattel’s music, “After we spoke the first time I decided to actually give this Trixie Mattel chick a listen, she’s really good, really… sapphic.” Her eyes twinkled, mischief in her voice as she said, “I mean, at least from my perspective it seemed that way. But maybe I’m misinterpreting her music. I figured since you seem to love her stuff you could verify my interpretations for me.” Gigi seemed closer to Crystal than she had been before, no longer a solid yard away, now close enough that Crystal could see the small patch of freckles on the other girl’s nose. How could one woman be so effortlessly beautiful?
Boy oh boy, Crystal once more was becoming aware of just how much she loved women. 
“I- I’d say her music is pretty sapphic.” Crystal finally said, trying to seem blase about it, “I mean, I wouldn’t say it’s particularly straight. It’s kind of a joke within her fanbase that it’s like 90% anxious lesbians and like 10% everyone else.”
Gigi raised an eyebrow, “Ah really? Well I guess I fit right in then.”
‘Oh that’s cool.’ Crystal almost said before it finally clicked. Oh? OH? Women? Women lover? 
That meant Crystal actually had a chance after all! Dammit she was back in the game! She just needed to be smooth- be the flirtatious Crystal everyone knew and loved- instead of the bumbling, awkward fool who couldn’t even get through a sentence without going scarlet.
“Oh, same! I’m like- always anxious and very woman- I mean- I love women. Lesbian. That’s me. I’m… I’m very big Trixie fan.” Okay… forget being smooth, Crystal just had to get through the rest of the conversation without embarrassing herself any further, surely she could manage that? Right?
Gigi bounced on the balls of her feet idly, a smile that verged on a wolfish smirk on her face as she watched Crystal make an absolute fool of herself, “Wow, we have a lot in common then. Two sapphics with good music taste. Actually…” Gigi placed a hand on her chin as if in thought, “I just so happened to have secured two tickets to Trixie’s latest concert… you know… the one she’s been advertising on her Instagram- with Katya?”
Oh. Oh dear lord. Somebody pinch Crystal because she must have been dreaming. This was all far too good to be true.
“Oh shit really!” Crystal nearly screeched, beginning to shake with excitement, “How? Those things sold out so fast!”
Gigi gave a nonchalant shrug, “I have friends in high places I guess you could say. And I figured I ought to apologize for being a bitch last time we talked, so I thought maybe I could take you to the concert as like, a sign of good will. We could be super cool lesbians together… in the front row…”
If the enticement of hanging out with such a pretty woman weren’t enough, the promise of front row tickets would have pulled Crystal in no problem, “Front row! Oh my god! Yes! Yes yes yes! Thank you so much! Oh god yeah! Dude that’s fucking awesome!”
Crystal was tempted to pinch herself because honestly- this couldn’t be real- but the way Gigi grinned at her, earnest and sweet, brought her back to reality.
Finally realizing that Gigi was still just standing in her doorway, Crystal beckoned for Gigi to come inside as she began pacing around her living room in feverish excitement, talking a mile a minute in her glee, “Thank you again- I- I’m actually gonna cry! Wow! A Trixie Mattel and Katya concert! With a pretty girl at my side! I’m actually gonna cry! Oh my god! This is the dream! My friends are gonna be so jealous! Thank you so so so much!”
Gigi didn’t say anything, though her cheeks went a bit pink at the mention of a pretty girl.
“Jesus Christ, sorry, I’m just so hype right now. Sit down! Sit down! You’re like- the coolest- and also a guest- ignore the mess, I need to clean the house again soon. But wow. I owe you one! Or maybe a thousand! You like coffee? I can take you out for coffee sometime as a thank you! Or like- take you on a shopping spree? Whatever you want really!”
Gigi let Crystal get all her rambling out of her system before she waved her hand, as if dismissing the idea, “You don’t need to take me out for coffee or anything. I’m just happy to know you’re happy, and that we can get along after all. Though…” She tapped her chin as if thinking again, “If you wanna repay me, we can just ya know, consider this concert trip as like… a date… if you’re comfortable with that of course. Wait- are you single?” Her eyes suddenly widened, “I don’t wanna like- hit on you if you’re dating someone!”
Crystal shook her head, surprisingly quick in her response of, “No- don’t worry- I’m single. And uh,” She flashed a smile herself, “I’d love to make it a date.”
“Oh good.” Gigi gave a sigh of relief, her entire face tinted a soft pink, “Then it’s a date?”
“It’s a date.”
Gigi nodded to herself, a silence filling the room before she quickly stammered, “I uh, I was so nervous you were gonna turn me down actually. I mean, I really didn’t show my best side last week so I would’ve understood if you said no.”
The change in Gigi’s demeanor was adorable to see, her more put together persona crumbling to reveal another lesbian who was just as useless as Crystal was. Thank god she wasn’t alone on that boat, “It’s fine, last week was just a fluke. No harm, no foul. And now I can get to know your best side properly- here and on our date at a super cool Trixie concert.” Wow. It felt nice to say all that. Specifically the ‘date at a super cool Trixie concert’ part. 
The relief on Gigi’s face was visible, though it was replaced in a flash by a more nonchalant grin, “I honestly can’t wait. I’ve been listening to her album Barbara on a loop all week, her music really is something else. Sorry I said it was shitty earlier, I assumed you were listening to some stadium country Life is a Highway shit.”
“Life Is a Highway?” Crystal put a hand to her forehead, leaning back overdramatically, “Did you really assume I was the type of person to listen to Life Is a Highway?” She absolutely was, in fact she had a whole playlist dedicated to shitty country songs, but she didn’t need to tell Gigi that, “I thought my gayness was more potent than that.”
“I was a bit too tired and out of it to actually process what you were listening to, to be fair. I just heard the basic thrum of it through my walls and assumed you were some asshole who listens to nothing but country all day everyday. I didn’t even consider you were gay.”
Didn’t consider it? Crystal felt shocked, appalled, and frankly- a bit offended. Was her gay energy lacking? Did she need to start wearing her pride flag earrings 24/7 again like she did in high school?
“Well at least you figured it out now. Though geez, I am a bit offended you assumed I was straight.”
Gigi gave a small laugh, moving to pat Crystal’s shoulder softly in apology, her hand lingering on Crystal’s arm far too long to be anything less than clear flirting, “I stopped assuming when I listened to Trixie’s music thankfully, and then fully knew you were gay when you answered the door today. Your sweater couldn’t be gayer unless it was actually the colors of the goddamn rainbow. It looks ridiculously cute on you actually.”
Alright, fuck Gigi and her ability to fluster Crystal so easily. She couldn’t deal with her and her sweet compliments.
“Thanks Geeg, you look really cute today too.” She paused, stopping to look at Gigi’s outfit before it hit her, “Wait, is your eye makeup the lesbian flag colors? Like in order?”
“Yeah,” Gigi said as if it was obvious, which Crystal supposed it was, “Did you only just notice?”
“I- Maybe- ya know what? Shush. Shut up. Don’t- don’t say anything-”
Gigi made a zipping motion over her mouth, though her amusement was clear as Crystal tried to change the subject hastily.
“Anyway, if you’ve been listening to Trixie Mattel, I gotta ask... What’s your favourite song?
“Girl Next Door.” Gigi said without hesitation, “Duh.”
“Oh good choice, good choice. I mean… If you’re ever feeling bored…”
Gigi rolled her eyes playfully, finishing the lyrics, “I just moved in, I’m the girl next door.”
Crystal winked, “And I’d love to have you on my hardwood floor.”
Gigi cackled, face going scarlet, “You can call me up with love, the girl next door.”
Crystal laughed as well before suddenly dashing to grab her phone, nearly shoving it into Gigi’s hands, “That reminds me though, if we’re gonna have a date and all, can I have your number?”
“Oh of course!” Gigi quickly put in her number, adding a heart next to her contact name before passing the phone back to Crystal, again allowing her touch to linger far too long to be casual, “So now you can hit me up whenever. Though I literally live next door so you can just knock if you want.”
Crystal nodded, “Same here, just knock if my music is too loud or something. I’ve been trying to keep it down prior to noon, so that way I don’t deserve your sleep schedule, fair maiden Gigi.”
Gigi laughed, “I don’t mind if your music is loud- I’m actually really starting to like your taste- and it gives me more reason to stop by and talk to you. Maybe next time we can have lunch together, or a movie night, if that’s alright with you.”
Crystal gave a small laugh, “Of course, I’d never turn down a chance to hang out with such a pretty girl, with such clearly perfect music taste as liking Trixie Mattel. Just stop by whenever.”
Gigi gave a nod in response, suddenly rushing to check her phone before she was rising from her seat, “Oh shit- I have to head out now, I have a call coming in from a friend in a few minutes, but we can chat more later. Maybe turn down your music for the next like hour or so for me if you can, then go back to destroying your ear drums all you want.”
Crystal nodded, throwing up finger guns along with a wink, “Can do. I’ll see you around Gigi.”
Gigi made her way to the door, blowing a kiss to Crystal before moving to leave, “Talk to you soon Crystal, we can discuss the plans for our date later! And remember- if you’re ever feeling bored, I just moved in- I’m the girl next door!”
Crystal felt light on her feet, responding with a cheery, “Couldn’t forget if I tried!” Then just like that, Gigi was gone, and Crystal was dashing to call up her friends to give them the 411 on the cute new girl and her upcoming date to see the Trixie Mattel live. 
And just like Gigi asked, she turned down her music- though after an hour she received a text from the redheaded girl reading:
Gigi <3: You can turn up your music again ;) 
And just like that… Crystal was blasting Trixie Mattel at full volume.
Girl Next Door
By: macon_ferret
If you’re ever feeling bored… I just moved in… I’m the girl next door.
Crystal had never considered herself someone who was easily flustered. Honestly, she was rather outgoing. She had never been prone to shy away or back down from anything- much less romantic interactions and she took pride in the fact she was everything but the stereotypical “useless lesbian”. But apparently, there was always a first time for everything. And for once in her life, Crystal found herself a jumbled mess at the hands of a pretty girl.
She had been in the middle of her once a month, high intensity cleaning spree- a bottle of disinfectant in one hand and a trash bag full of empty take out containers in the other- when she finally met her match. 
A girl named Gigi Goode.
Now, Crystal loved music. She loved it with all her heart. If music was a pretty girl, she’d be married to it by now. She’d have musical babies with it if she could. She just really liked music. And she especially liked to blast her music as loud as she possibly could, whenever she possibly could. Which meant she was usually entertaining the entire neighborhood with her kickass music tastes from the second she woke up to the second she hit her mattress again at night. And maybe this had earned her dozens of noise complaints in the past, but well, you only live once. Noise complaints are temporary, the beauty that is the song C’est La Vie by B*Witched is forever. Her neighbors tended to disagree on this fact, but well, her immediate next door neighbor (an older woman by the name of Bianca) had finally moved...
So really, nothing was stopping Crystal from playing her music as loudly or as frequently as she pleased anymore. Hence, the Trixie Mattel albums she had playing on loop as she swept and dusted her apartment at 9:30 in the morning.
Crystal’s love for Trixie Mattel’s music was one that had changed her life, an all consuming love like one has for a mother, or a beloved family pet. Except neither Crystal’s mom or beloved cat Tic Tac had really played a part in Crystal’s gay awakening- which was probably for the best. Yep, Crystal had been obsessed with Trixie Mattel and her music since the moment she had seen the blonde perform at a local bar years in the past. She still had the homemade CD she had bought at the bar, stashed away in one of her drawers, which had found a home amongst the high quality vinyls that she would buy from Trixie’s online shop once the woman had gained her big break. 
And again, for clarity, Trixie Mattel had been Crystal’s lesbian awakening. Which honestly surprised nearly no one, as everyone around her had known Crystal was a lesbian before the notion of lesbianism had ever crossed her own mind. But while Crystal had been so deep in the closet she had nearly found Narnia, Trixie Mattel served as the guiding light out of the dark, musty, moth infested closet and into the light of wow women are really pretty. In honor of this fact, her CD had been the first one Crystal ever purchased with money she had earned herself. With all this in mind, it was only natural Crystal blare her music at any chance she could. 
The last song faded out, before the playlist looped again, Trixie Mattel’s saccharine sweet voice making Crystal break out into a dopey grin, before she was singing along as best as she could (where she was surprisingly on key for once in her life). She had just begun to really groove along to the chorus of Girl Next Door before a demanding knock startled her from her reverie.
Had she invited someone over?
Crystal wracked her brain, last she checked she didn’t have any plans for the day. Maybe Nicky was stopping by to talk about her girlfriend Jaida. Or Jan was stopping by to talk about her girlfriend Jackie. Or Rock was coming by to discuss the latest girl she’d met that she’d decided she was definitely in love with- this time for total realsies. God, Crystal’s friend group was full of useless lesbians. Thank god she wasn’t as useless and easily smitten as the rest of them. Nope. Crystal gave herself a mental pat on the back for this fact, swinging open the door with far too much force- a scathing zinger on the tip of her tongue to mock one of her lovesick friends.
But it wasn’t Jan or Nicky or Rock.
It was someone Crystal had never seen in her life.
A woman with piercing eyes, violently scarlet hair, and an outfit that seemed to be ripped straight from a high end fashion magazine stood in the doorway- staring Crystal down as if they were lifelong enemies. And oops- this woman was terrifyingly hot.
“Uh… hello?” Crystal offered out, feeling her mind go blank, all thoughts of who the woman was or why she was there replaced with a looping mantra of pretty girl pretty girl pretty girl. 
“Hello.” The woman parroted with a disapproving hum, “I’m Gigi Goode. I just moved in next door.”
“Oh. Well hi! I’m Crystal. Lovely to meet you.” She flashed a bright smile, hoping the redhead would return the gesture… or at least give Crystal something other than a death glare.
Gigi didn’t seem to care about Crystal’s introduction, speaking in a way that reminded Crystal of the customer service voice she’d use back at her old job at Chuck E. Cheese when dealing with entitled parents, “Yes… lovely to meet you. Ms. Del Rio warned me about you- but I didn’t realize she was so serious about how often you listen to your music. You are aware it’s barely ten in the morning right?”
“And you are aware that most people like to spend their Sunday mornings in bed right?”
Crystal nodded, “Right.”
“Have you ever considered wearing headphones? Or turning down your music? Or literally anything other than blasting your music at the same decibel count as a private jet?”
Gigi rolled her eyes, an overdramatic gesture that despite its angry intention, simply made a hoard of lovesick butterflies erupt in Crystal’s stomach, “Thought not. Maybe try headphones next time, I didn’t need you blasting your shitty country music as a wake up call.”
Oh. OH? SHITTY? SHITTY COUNTRY MUSIC? Alright, maybe this woman wasn’t as perfect and cute as Crystal thought if she was calling Trixie Mattel’s music shitty.
“It’s not fucking shitty country music actually, it’s Trixie Mattel.” Crystal said as politely as she could, resisting the urge to flip off her new neighbor, disgustingly ethereally pretty or not- no one called Trixie Mattel’s music shitty in front of Crystal and got away with it.
“Whatever.” The woman said with a groan, rubbing at her temples with a yawn, “Just keep it down next time or I’m gonna be forced to file a noise complaint.”
Crystal opened her mouth to respond, wanting to snark back, but Gigi was already turning around and walking back the way she came. 
She seemed to be actually pretty tired, stumbling a bit as she turned the corner, which made Crystal feel a bit bad. She probably had woken the poor woman up.
Hmmm… maybe Gigi had a point. 
Crystal might as well invest in some earbuds.
+ +
The next week flew by without a peep from the redheaded neighbor, even as Crystal played her music like usual.
She had placed in an order for some brand new headphones, but for some reason her package got lost in transit, so she was stuck with her speaker for the time being.
But the beautiful woman never came back to bother Crystal about it.
Maybe Crystal played her music a bit louder that week hoping she would though.
And maybe she played some girl in red to give her a hint that she too was a friend of Ellen. As in she was a lesbian. Not an actual Ellen fan. God no.
Sunday rolled around again though without a peep from Gigi, with Crystal keeping her music at a surprisingly not eardrum shattering level when she heard a loud, persistent knocking on her door.
“Yo,” She said as she swung open the door, “What’s up?”
It was Gigi again, looking just as radiant as she had the first time they met, though this time she had on a shy smile instead of a sleep-deprived pout. And just like the first time they had met, all of Crystal’s conversational skills seemed to vanish in thin air, out on a sabbatical or something, leaving Crystal empty headed as she stared at the other women. 
“Uh… howdy!” She finally managed to squeak out once her brain booted up again, wincing at the way her voice jumped an octave within a two syllable word, “Gigi right?”
Gigi nodded, looking Crystal up and down, as if trying to memorize her and her outfit before she spoke again, “And you’re Crystal.” After a millisecond pause she continued, “I really like your outfit today. Pinks a nice color on you.”
Crystal felt her face heat up, “Uh thanks! I- I like yours too! And your makeup! You are just- wow- your outfit- everything about you is uh, very pretty.”
Wow. Crystal was so bad at this. She was usually so outgoing, so good at flirting, or at least not so miserably clumsy at it… what kind of witchcraft was this girl using to make Crystal so choked up?
“Thanks,” Gigi replied, seemingly oblivious to Crystal’s aggressive gay panicking, “I just wanted to stop by and apologize for how I acted last week. I was really, really stressed out with moving and all and running on very little sleep so I was a bit…” she paused, making an awkward clicking sound with her tongue, a hint of pink crawling up her neck before she admitted, “I was honestly a bit of a bitch. Like- a mega cunt. I’m really sorry, can we start over again perhaps?”
Crystal wanted to assure Gigi that she understood. They all had their bad days, and to be fair, Crystal had been listening to her music far too loudly. But instead she simply extended a hand, flashing an overenthusiastic Crystal brand smile to her neighbor before chirping out, “Nice to meet you, I’m Crystal- from what I gather you’re new to the neighborhood right?”
Gigi’s eyes went wide, confused for a split second before she understood what Crystal was doing, giving a soft snort of laughter which totally wasn’t the cutest thing Crystal had ever heard, no siree, before she took Crystal’s hand in hers to shake, “Yes, I just moved in last week actually. I’m Gigi Goode, lovely to meet you. I adore your hair.”
The fact this was already the second genuine compliment she had been given by Gigi in the past two minutes of them talking made Crystal’s heart backflip in her ribcage, and she once more found herself struggling to move the conversation along.
What was she supposed to say? 
Oh wow- if you like my hair then go look in the mirror because your hair is perfect? You’re perfect? Please go on a date with me? Yeah no- Crystal’s brain needed to be quiet. She needed to be chill. Gigi was probably just being polite, and she probably already had a boyfriend or something. Should Crystal ask about that? Would it be weird if Crystal asked Gigi if she was single so soon? Oh god- Crystal still hadn’t responded to Gigi. What the fuck was she gonna say?
Thankfully Gigi seemed to pick up on Crystal’s inability to form a coherent sentence, removing her hand before she pulled out her phone- unlocking it quickly to show a Spotify playlist full of Trixie Mattel’s music, “After we spoke the first time I decided to actually give this Trixie Mattel chick a listen, she’s really good, really… sapphic.” Her eyes twinkled, mischief in her voice as she said, “I mean, at least from my perspective it seemed that way. But maybe I’m misinterpreting her music. I figured since you seem to love her stuff you could verify my interpretations for me.” Gigi seemed closer to Crystal than she had been before, no longer a solid yard away, now close enough that Crystal could see the small patch of freckles on the other girl’s nose. How could one woman be so effortlessly beautiful?
Boy oh boy, Crystal once more was becoming aware of just how much she loved women. 
“I- I’d say her music is pretty sapphic.” Crystal finally said, trying to seem blase about it, “I mean, I wouldn’t say it’s particularly straight. It’s kind of a joke within her fanbase that it’s like 90% anxious lesbians and like 10% everyone else.”
Gigi raised an eyebrow, “Ah really? Well I guess I fit right in then.”
‘Oh that’s cool.’ Crystal almost said before it finally clicked. Oh? OH? Women? Women lover? 
That meant Crystal actually had a chance after all! Dammit she was back in the game! She just needed to be smooth- be the flirtatious Crystal everyone knew and loved- instead of the bumbling, awkward fool who couldn’t even get through a sentence without going scarlet.
“Oh, same! I’m like- always anxious and very woman- I mean- I love women. Lesbian. That’s me. I’m… I’m very big Trixie fan.” Okay… forget being smooth, Crystal just had to get through the rest of the conversation without embarrassing herself any further, surely she could manage that? Right?
Gigi bounced on the balls of her feet idly, a smile that verged on a wolfish smirk on her face as she watched Crystal make an absolute fool of herself, “Wow, we have a lot in common then. Two sapphics with good music taste. Actually…” Gigi placed a hand on her chin as if in thought, “I just so happened to have secured two tickets to Trixie’s latest concert… you know… the one she’s been advertising on her Instagram- with Katya?”
Oh. Oh dear lord. Somebody pinch Crystal because she must have been dreaming. This was all far too good to be true.
“Oh shit really!” Crystal nearly screeched, beginning to shake with excitement, “How? Those things sold out so fast!”
Gigi gave a nonchalant shrug, “I have friends in high places I guess you could say. And I figured I ought to apologize for being a bitch last time we talked, so I thought maybe I could take you to the concert as like, a sign of good will. We could be super cool lesbians together… in the front row…”
If the enticement of hanging out with such a pretty woman weren’t enough, the promise of front row tickets would have pulled Crystal in no problem, “Front row! Oh my god! Yes! Yes yes yes! Thank you so much! Oh god yeah! Dude that’s fucking awesome!”
Crystal was tempted to pinch herself because honestly- this couldn’t be real- but the way Gigi grinned at her, earnest and sweet, brought her back to reality.
Finally realizing that Gigi was still just standing in her doorway, Crystal beckoned for Gigi to come inside as she began pacing around her living room in feverish excitement, talking a mile a minute in her glee, “Thank you again- I- I’m actually gonna cry! Wow! A Trixie Mattel and Katya concert! With a pretty girl at my side! I’m actually gonna cry! Oh my god! This is the dream! My friends are gonna be so jealous! Thank you so so so much!”
Gigi didn’t say anything, though her cheeks went a bit pink at the mention of a pretty girl.
“Jesus Christ, sorry, I’m just so hype right now. Sit down! Sit down! You’re like- the coolest- and also a guest- ignore the mess, I need to clean the house again soon. But wow. I owe you one! Or maybe a thousand! You like coffee? I can take you out for coffee sometime as a thank you! Or like- take you on a shopping spree? Whatever you want really!”
Gigi let Crystal get all her rambling out of her system before she waved her hand, as if dismissing the idea, “You don’t need to take me out for coffee or anything. I’m just happy to know you’re happy, and that we can get along after all. Though…” She tapped her chin as if thinking again, “If you wanna repay me, we can just ya know, consider this concert trip as like… a date… if you’re comfortable with that of course. Wait- are you single?” Her eyes suddenly widened, “I don’t wanna like- hit on you if you’re dating someone!”
Crystal shook her head, surprisingly quick in her response of, “No- don’t worry- I’m single. And uh,” She flashed a smile herself, “I’d love to make it a date.”
“Oh good.” Gigi gave a sigh of relief, her entire face tinted a soft pink, “Then it’s a date?”
“It’s a date.”
Gigi nodded to herself, a silence filling the room before she quickly stammered, “I uh, I was so nervous you were gonna turn me down actually. I mean, I really didn’t show my best side last week so I would’ve understood if you said no.”
The change in Gigi’s demeanor was adorable to see, her more put together persona crumbling to reveal another lesbian who was just as useless as Crystal was. Thank god she wasn’t alone on that boat, “It’s fine, last week was just a fluke. No harm, no foul. And now I can get to know your best side properly- here and on our date at a super cool Trixie concert.” Wow. It felt nice to say all that. Specifically the ‘date at a super cool Trixie concert’ part. 
The relief on Gigi’s face was visible, though it was replaced in a flash by a more nonchalant grin, “I honestly can’t wait. I’ve been listening to her album Barbara on a loop all week, her music really is something else. Sorry I said it was shitty earlier, I assumed you were listening to some stadium country Life is a Highway shit.”
“Life Is a Highway?” Crystal put a hand to her forehead, leaning back overdramatically, “Did you really assume I was the type of person to listen to Life Is a Highway?” She absolutely was, in fact she had a whole playlist dedicated to shitty country songs, but she didn’t need to tell Gigi that, “I thought my gayness was more potent than that.”
“I was a bit too tired and out of it to actually process what you were listening to, to be fair. I just heard the basic thrum of it through my walls and assumed you were some asshole who listens to nothing but country all day everyday. I didn’t even consider you were gay.”
Didn’t consider it? Crystal felt shocked, appalled, and frankly- a bit offended. Was her gay energy lacking? Did she need to start wearing her pride flag earrings 24/7 again like she did in high school?
“Well at least you figured it out now. Though geez, I am a bit offended you assumed I was straight.”
Gigi gave a small laugh, moving to pat Crystal’s shoulder softly in apology, her hand lingering on Crystal’s arm far too long to be anything less than clear flirting, “I stopped assuming when I listened to Trixie’s music thankfully, and then fully knew you were gay when you answered the door today. Your sweater couldn’t be gayer unless it was actually the colors of the goddamn rainbow. It looks ridiculously cute on you actually.”
Alright, fuck Gigi and her ability to fluster Crystal so easily. She couldn’t deal with her and her sweet compliments.
“Thanks Geeg, you look really cute today too.” She paused, stopping to look at Gigi’s outfit before it hit her, “Wait, is your eye makeup the lesbian flag colors? Like in order?”
“Yeah,” Gigi said as if it was obvious, which Crystal supposed it was, “Did you only just notice?”
“I- Maybe- ya know what? Shush. Shut up. Don’t- don’t say anything-”
Gigi made a zipping motion over her mouth, though her amusement was clear as Crystal tried to change the subject hastily.
“Anyway, if you’ve been listening to Trixie Mattel, I gotta ask... What’s your favourite song?
“Girl Next Door.” Gigi said without hesitation, “Duh.”
“Oh good choice, good choice. I mean… If you’re ever feeling bored…”
Gigi rolled her eyes playfully, finishing the lyrics, “I just moved in, I’m the girl next door.”
Crystal winked, “And I’d love to have you on my hardwood floor.”
Gigi cackled, face going scarlet, “You can call me up with love, the girl next door.”
Crystal laughed as well before suddenly dashing to grab her phone, nearly shoving it into Gigi’s hands, “That reminds me though, if we’re gonna have a date and all, can I have your number?”
“Oh of course!” Gigi quickly put in her number, adding a heart next to her contact name before passing the phone back to Crystal, again allowing her touch to linger far too long to be casual, “So now you can hit me up whenever. Though I literally live next door so you can just knock if you want.”
Crystal nodded, “Same here, just knock if my music is too loud or something. I’ve been trying to keep it down prior to noon, so that way I don’t deserve your sleep schedule, fair maiden Gigi.”
Gigi laughed, “I don’t mind if your music is loud- I’m actually really starting to like your taste- and it gives me more reason to stop by and talk to you. Maybe next time we can have lunch together, or a movie night, if that’s alright with you.”
Crystal gave a small laugh, “Of course, I’d never turn down a chance to hang out with such a pretty girl, with such clearly perfect music taste as liking Trixie Mattel. Just stop by whenever.”
Gigi gave a nod in response, suddenly rushing to check her phone before she was rising from her seat, “Oh shit- I have to head out now, I have a call coming in from a friend in a few minutes, but we can chat more later. Maybe turn down your music for the next like hour or so for me if you can, then go back to destroying your ear drums all you want.”
Crystal nodded, throwing up finger guns along with a wink, “Can do. I’ll see you around Gigi.”
Gigi made her way to the door, blowing a kiss to Crystal before moving to leave, “Talk to you soon Crystal, we can discuss the plans for our date later! And remember- if you’re ever feeling bored, I just moved in- I’m the girl next door!”
Crystal felt light on her feet, responding with a cheery, “Couldn’t forget if I tried!” Then just like that, Gigi was gone, and Crystal was dashing to call up her friends to give them the 411 on the cute new girl and her upcoming date to see the Trixie Mattel live. 
And just like Gigi asked, she turned down her music- though after an hour she received a text from the redheaded girl reading:
Gigi <3: You can turn up your music again ;) 
And just like that… Crystal was blasting Trixie Mattel at full volume.
0 notes
velouresque · 7 years
@tigre--tigre was an angel and tagged me in a thing! god bless u let’s go
nickname: don’t rly have many.  dad calls me “the lodger” and “stink” but also “pet” which I want to hate but kind of like???  my friend started calling me kat because he knew i hated it but then it grew on me, also my flatmate once introduced me to his mates as “ketamine katie” and it stuck
gender: i’m a girl :)
star sign: capricorn holla
height: 5′4″ ish (making me the tallest woman in my family lmao my mum is 5 foot nothing)
time: 15:38 i should have taken my dog for a walk but here i am still hungover in my jim jams
birthday: 9th january  (i rly don’t like my bday it’s rly close to christmas and it’s dark and cold and no one wants to drink bc everyone’s doing a fuckening new year cleanse)
favorite band(s): the smiths, sundara karma, florence and the machine, dry the river, the decemberists, crowded house, fall out boy, my chemical romance (i’m still 13 inside fight me), slaves, paramore, red hot chilli peppers probably a ton more i’m forgetting
favorite solo artist(s): not nearly as many tbh - mika, hozier, sia, tim minchin, orla gartland, trixie mattel! (buy two birds on itunes)
song stuck in my head: waving through a window from dear evan hansen
last movie i watched: chicago
last show i watched: rupaul’s drag race (s4)
when did i create my blog: this one is probably like 2 or 3 years old?
what do i post: drag race (espesh sasha velour, trixie and katya), pretty things, a hot cocktail of memes and shitposting and talking to my uni friends and whatever the fuck else i see
last thing i googled: i’m not jokin bitch
do u have other blogs: ya i have a sh*rl*ck blog that i used to run obsessively but haven’t really touched since the s4 clusterfuck (that’s my main, so i have to follow you as seriesfourwho)
do u get asks: lol no
why did u choose this blog name: sasha velour owns me
following: 549 blogs jfc
favorite colours:  r e d !  also yellow
average hours of sleep: like 8-10 at the moment because i have literally nothing to do day to day
lucky number: i guess 7?  i don’t really have one
instruments: guitar mainly, a bit of piano, ukelele, and the good ol descant recorder
what am i wearing: mom jeans and a black ribbed crop top
how many blankets i sleep with: just the one i hate being too hot
dream job: idk i wanna be able to do stuff in theatre, i’m not really fussed about what it is.  writing, acting, youth work, idm i just love stories and theatre
dream trip: i’d love to go interrailing through europe
favorite food: quorn scotch eggs boi, a classic dominos vegi supreme with a fuck ton of garlic and herb dip, the sweet potato fries from the uea campus bar, falafel and hummus, mango, my mum’s lentil curry, halloumi
nationality: british (2 irish grandparents, 1 welsh grandparent, 1 anglo-indian grandparent)
favorite song now: that’s rly rough i’m gonna give u loads: 10000 weight in gold by the head and the heart; god only knows by the beach boys; don’t dream it’s over by crowded house; med school by dry the river; shutdown by skepta but the slaves version from the livelounge; last night i dreamt that somebody loved me by the smiths, toxic by britney spears; the mariner’s revenge song by the decemberists; waving through a window from dear evan hansen
ty izzy for tagging me and the ladz i miss u all xoxoxoxoxo
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wehavem0ved · 7 years
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Hi everyone, so this is me with my beautiful and talented auntie on Sunday <3
I am that old doll that you jack up in order for your mum to get you the shiny new doll (which is what Trixie is) <3
She’s so perfect <3 My fashion icon.
Meet and Greet Experience <3 
so I want to precursor my recount of this event with an anecdote. I don't care if this can be interpreted as some kind of shitty-little-white-girl-oh-poor-me thing...whatever. I'm just going to say it like it is because it's the only truth I have. A year ago, I suffered a severe mental breakdown after years and years of psychological damage through being bullied in school and for a bunch of other reasons I don't want to get into because a lot of them are too personal and overshare-y even for me. (regarding personal identity narratives which I actually can't spill online for fear my family will see - they've no idea I went to a drag show.) I dissociated terribly from my surroundings, felt like nothing was real, or right with my life, I wanted to die, and had to take time out of university after this worthless feeling drowned me and made me feel incapable. I felt like, at 22, my life was over. I didn't feel passion or love or happiness towards anything. On May 7th, 2016, I didn't want to get out of my bed ever again. A year on, I've just finished my academic dissertation which I thought I'd NEVER get through days in advance of the deadline to be able to go to Manchester to see Trixie. I have been excited for weeks, because Trixie is: a) One of my biggest inspirations to find MY OWN applause in this world. b) One of my fashion ICONS c) Someone who inspires me own creative goals in general. Musically, artistically and especially just general self-expression. d) One of the only people to inspire true laughter in my life! And so, the day finally came and the gig was OUTSTANDING (she is a TALL GLAMAZON ON THAT STAGE AND IS SO BEAUTIFUL IN PERSON AND SO FUNNY AND I CAN RELATE. How HILARIOUS is she? How TALENTED is she?! She's perfect, she's beautiful, she looks like a Barbie Doll, she stoned those cowboy boots herself.<3) When it came to meeting her, I was so much more nervous than I thought...and tbh I wanted to talk to her and have a normal conversation but sadly my brain was starstruck and didn't work that way! But the thing about Trixie Mattel is, she has a way with her in meet and greets...to make you feel like the hyper-glam-plasticness of a meet and greet situation is okay, you can make a fool of myself and it's not a huge dealio. So...she pointed at me as I was next in the queue, and said 'Oh bitch, bitch. Really, btich? Look at you! Bitch, what ARE you?' Keep in mind, she is my STYLE ICON. She was implying she liked what I looked like. So I was shook from that moment. 'Do you want to put some stuff down?' Trixie asked me, and then spied the bunny I made her, 'wait, did you make this? Is this for me?' And she was like hugging it to herself with that shocked face she does. <3  'Yes,' my voice quavered as I tried to hand her the bunny which was STUCK to my ring FUCK ME PINK! And she also took her other presents, and opened the 'UNHhhhh' drawing, to which she said 'TWO WOMEN!' I told her I put a card in there congratulating her on her album, and she was like 'You did? Thank you so much!' I wanted to explain more about her presents to her. Instead I decided to tell her two jokes she didn't laugh at. FUCK ME. TWO FAILS. Damn, Lucy. She took a picture with me, with the bunny. And then she signed my book, asking my name, spelling it out loud 'L U C Y' <3 taking time with me, being patient with me. She kept telling me how good I looked. She said 'you look so great, it was almost distracting'. I apologised and she said no, she loved it! Then I asked for a hug, also kind of apologising because I don't know if she likes hugs. She said 'I'll give you a hug, I love meeting people like you.' That made me a bit paranoid in the moment, tbh...I though she might be taking a dig at me for being a weirdly dressed white girl with an over-zealous character...but as I was walking away, I bumped into a table, tripping over, and I swore loudly. I was so EMBARRASSED and HORRIFIED to have done this in front of Legend, icon, star TRIXIE MATTEL! OMG but the best thing happened. Trixie pretended to KICK THE TABLE violently. It was amazing, I felt relieved and that she had been actually speaking genuinely, that she'd liked meeting me. I hope she meant 'people like you' as in 'people who appear to not give a shit about what others think'....because Trixie, you have definitely become the wind in my sails to keep being myself, dressing for me, being independent thinking in my outlooks and ways of expressing myself <3 THANK YOU SO MUCH, TRIXIE <3 I loved meeting you, auntie <3
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thebiggaylion · 6 years
Marshmello @ EDC Orlando 2017 (with Gareth Emery and Excision)
It’s April, ya’ll!  There’s no more excuses for cold weather, so could someone tell Mother Nature to knock it off with all the snow for my friends up north?  Music festival season is definitely underway, and us Floridians ain’t trying to rave in no snow (but shout out to those who manage to do it anyway!).  As long as we’re on the topic of northerners, one of my friends was talking to me regarding Marshmello earlier in the week.  I knew that when I got around to posting this segment that it would need to also include Excision, whom he loves.  So, since this same friend was my original inspiration for my first ever #ThrowbackThursday, (which was for Excision), it seems liked that conversation was the perfect sign from the universe on what to post this week!  Before we get into all that, though, I had to split this post, but decided to do it in a slightly different way.  Instead of just doing two parts down the middle, I’ve decided to take the Marshmello stuff and the non-Marshmello stuff and put them each in a post.  We’ll see how it turns out in the end... and while I don’t think I’ve ever explicitly stated this before, feedback has always been and will always be welcome!
YouTube | Facebook | Instagram What a great way to start the set!  No, this wasn’t his opener, but I think his remix of Waiting for Love is a huge improvement over what seemed like a bit of weird pacing of the original, so I just loved hearing it. Avicii - Waiting for Love (Marshmello Remix) https://soundcloud.com/aviciiofficial/waiting-for-love-marshmello Slushii x Marshmello - Twinbow https://soundcloud.com/aviciiofficial/waiting-for-love-marshmello
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Find this photo on Instagram | Find this photo on Facebook So those folks who were dancing in front of me in the video above turned around, saw me, and she wanted a picture!  Turns out these Norwegians are actually from Norway, accents and all!  Usually I think of the other large music festival in Florida being the one to attract international visitors, but I suppose Orlando is still the tourism capital of the world, so of course there’s draw for folks to visit here besides EDC Orlando... but it was really cool to meet some legit international headliners!
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Find this photo on Instagram | Find this photo on Facebook Of course, getting a pic with only part of the crew is never best, and this year the husband behind The Big Gay Lion could act as a photographer for folks who wanted a pic without the selfie perspective haha.  We actually ran into these folks once more on the way home after Day 1 was over!  I didn’t get any socials from them, but they’re as delightful as they look!
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Find this photo on Instagram | Find this photo on Facebook Speaking of delightful (and selfie perspective), here’s another headliner that’s a good example of someone who saw me taking pictures, and decided to get one for themselves haha.  I didn’t get a line on this gal, but I love a headliner that’s all smiles and loves to get in close for a great pic!  And who doesn’t love a flower crown at a music festival?
At this point, the husband of the guy behind The Big Gay Lion wasn’t feeling Marshmello like I thought he would, so we walked around the festival for a little bit.  I was interested in seeing some of the other acts performing at neonGARDEN and circuitGROUNDS during this time slot anyway, so off we went!
YouTube | Facebook | Instagram We’re leaving kineticFIELD along the edge of Rainbow Road, kinda near the merchandise tent, and-... holy crap, would you look at this!  At the time I took this video, I didn’t realize how her altitude and such was controlled (there are two tech guys holding onto the whole thing, leading it around and such), but we’ve never seen anything like this at EDC Orlando’s past.  I decide this shot can turn into a decent atmosphere video, and decide to pan back to kineticFIELD.  You can see the Pulse Portal art installation on the left side of the video, just before I zoom into kineticGAIA).  Once I started paying attention to what I was hearing, I knew for sure I’d love this video... this song is one of my favorites! Ookay - Thief https://soundcloud.com/ookaymusic/thief
YouTube | Facebook | Instagram So we made our way over to neonGARDEN, and saw a dude I’ve always loved not only because of his amazing music, but because of the positive, energetic vibe he brings to his (now concluded) podcast series.  Even though I didn’t stay long, apparently the universe was smiling at me, because... I caught an ID haha.  This one doesn’t seem to be out yet, but both himself and Ashley Wallbridge dropped this for Armin van Buuren’s A State Of Trance 850, and the video link to that show is below, timestamped to it’s appearance in the stream (@48:30). Ashley Wallbridge & Gareth Emery - ID https://youtu.be/4OLfAFkL8EY?t=48m30s Ben Nicky - Cobra https://soundcloud.com/bennicky/ben-nicky-cobra
YouTube | Facebook | Instagram And speaking of amazing luck, I managed to catch this clip during Excision’s set at circuitGROUNDS while his awesome Harambe visuals were up.  The song that followed was fire too, so while I’m certain the entire performance was just as hot as last time, I’d like to think I caught one of the highlights! Excision, Datsik, and Dion Timmer - Harambe https://soundcloud.com/excision/x-harambe Whyel - Revolt https://soundcloud.com/harshrecordslabel/whyel-revolt-1
YouTube | Facebook | Instagram After heading back down Rainbow Road to kineticFIELD, we must have run into some of the folks we knew, for we stopped kinda far back.  Doesn’t bother me, cause that just means I can get the whole of kineticGAIA in my shot!  Also, here’s one of those pop-crossover moments that I love!  Yeah, yeah, Guns N’ Roses would probably die than be called “pop”, but “pop” is slang for “popular”, and if you think Sweet Child O’ Mine wasn’t popular, then you are too young to remember it being on the radio (or simply haven’t listened to a radio station that focuses on the 1980′s since then)!  Also, I think it’s great that Guns N’ Roses has a SoundCloud!  This song is back-linked on their SoundCloud page as being THIRTY-ONE YEARS OLD.  That’s not the oldest song I’ve ever posted about (the winner would likely be when Alison Wonderland dropped Bill Withers in 2016, which at the time was released forty-five years earlier!), but it’s reaching back in time for sure! Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine https://soundcloud.com/guns-n-roses-official/sweet-child-o-mine Galantis - Runaway (U & I) https://soundcloud.com/wearegalantis/galantis-runaway-u-i-1 Reece Low - Bounce That Ass https://soundcloud.com/reecelow/reece-low-bounce-that-ass-original-mix-1
YouTube | Facebook | Instagram Here’s yet another pop-crossover moments!  Each song after the next was great, but I had no idea where he was going with his mix when I started recording haha.  Also, Papa Roach has a SoundCloud too?  And here I thought that platform may only get utilized for pop, hip-hop, and dance! Jack Ü feat. Kiesza - Take Ü There https://soundcloud.com/diplo/jack-u-take-u-there-feat-kiesza Knife Party - Boss Mode https://soundcloud.com/knifepartyinc/knife-party-boss-mode Papa Roach - Last Resort https://soundcloud.com/paparoach/last-resort RL Grime feat. Djemba Djemba - Valhalla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cE_CUiteaM
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Download High Res (35.4 MB) | Download Low Res (4 MB) End of the night?  More pyro!  I’ve been doing 15-frame GIF’s since I ran into the 2 megabyte soft limit on Tumblr, but this one I wanted to do with only 14 so I can get close to a perfect loop on that fire haha. At this point, the husband of the guy behind The Big Gay Lion starts getting all impatient, and wants to try to beat the crowd out of the festival.  Yes, I know that’s not possible with EDC Orlando.  No, he didn’t know that.  But after this moment, we walked back to the locker, got our stuff, and headed out.
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Find this photo on Instagram | Find this photo on Facebook But before we got to the exit, I saw one of the most amusing totems of the year.  Maybe of all time?  A big ol’ screen shot of Trixie Mattel from her YouTube series with Katya called UNHhhh.  That’s not a typo, the title is just post-verbal.  The show is one of all-time favorites for the guy behind The Big Gay Lion, so he loves this pic!
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Find this photo on Instagram | Find this photo on Facebook After exiting Tinker Field (and running into those Norwegian headliners at a crosswalk!), I got back to the car (may it rest in peace), and got the head dress off.  As you can see in this pic I snapped, my head dress wasn’t properly affixed to my noggin for Day 1, and there is almost zero remaining impressions on my forehead.  But, I was definitely messing with it all day, which was quite annoying.  The line of makeup you see missing from my forehead was intentional.  I figured if the head dress didn’t move, then I wouldn’t need to paint everything... man I was wrong, because if you look back at all my Day 1 stuff (which is easily done using my Tumblr Index!), you can see where the makeup stopped just below the headband in almost every one!  Ugh.  I tried to be lazy, and now it’s been immortalized in all my Day 1 pics from 2017 haha.  Don’t worry, as you may have already seen from my Day 2 stuff, I didn’t make the same mistake twice!
So there we go!  Probably one of my most musically diverse posts ever haha.  I did a lot of walking around this year--even moreso than I did in 2016--and while I did enjoy myself, it was hard to get into the groove.  I might have to let the husband of the guy behind The Big Gay Lion hang out with the biggest fan and his group of headliners so I can stick to a show I like and get into the groove properly!  But, that’s for seven months from now... only 218 days left to go, right?  Right!  Oh, and don’t forget there’s two parts to this post if you so desire to have this content split logically.  Love ya’ll, see ya next time! 🏳️‍🌈🦁❤
Links out for Harambe! Facebook | Tumblr (Index) | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter | Web
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Laws of Motion / Chapter 2 (Trixya) - DenDenMonMon
A/N: Confession time: So just like Contact at Katya’s place, you can always find Brooklyn Nine Nine playing at all times around my house. While binge watching that show and UNHhhh simultaneously, is that this idea came to mind. I pictured the Ru girls taking part in the b99 universe and everything made so much sense to me. The idea was to write a funny story, it is based on one of the smartest comedy shows currently on air, after all, but, yeah, my writing is too angsty, too dark, too loaded with emotions like to write something light and easy going like the show. And well, let’s see how this turns out.
AO3 Link
Chapter 2 - Red.
“Will you fuck off? But, like, all the way off?”
Trixie’s head snapped up to the sound of the familiar laughter following those words. She heard it for the first time two nights prior, and it hadn’t left her mind throughout the weekend. There were many things that were imprinted into her brain that Friday night; a pair of tattooed arms, a set of hot lips, a wet tongue, but, most importantly, a wheezing laughter.
As she had expected, the girl she took home from the club walked into the bullpen, disposable coffee cup in hand, and the woman she was hugging the other night right by her side.
“But think about it,” the redhead said, mouthfuls of muffin interrupting her speech. “It makes so much sense. Unless you are doing it naked, you are never really done with laundry.”
The blonde doubled over in laughter, her unnaturally bright teeth at full display. Her red shirt had just the right amount of buttons opened to show her breasts as she tried to control her breathing. Trixie didn’t even notice how she was biting her own bottom lip to the sight of the cleavage. She was too busy absorbing every move of the beautiful woman to realize what her own body was doing. Memories of what it had been like to have those smiling lips kissing her all over cluttered her mind; until she was burst out of her bubble by her new boss.
“Trixie, you can come in now.”
Katya’s laughter stopped at once. That name was rather uncommon, she had only heard it once before in her life. The odds of the life size Barbie doll, that she had fucked a few days before, being there in the same precinct, were slim to none. Yet, there she was. The girl from the bar was walking inside the office across the room as Captain Charles closed the door behind them.
She could still see them through the window. She could see how Captain Charles calmly moved his lips, clearly explaining something in his very professional way; but then he started laughing out loud. His bald head was thrown forward, dangerously close to the desk in front of him, and his glasses caught the reflection of the light above them. Seeing him laugh like that had a feeling invading Katya that she couldn’t really decipher. She was not sure if it was the fact that she had made it her mission to make the captain laugh at least once a day since years ago, or the fact that she hadn’t been able to fully get to know Trixie’s sense of humor. She only got the Depressed Malibu Barbie version, after all. Instead of dwelling on the feeling, she decided to go back to work. Filing reports took forever but she had to do it at some point.
Trixie was not sure how long she spent in the boss’ office but, when she walked out, she couldn’t help but feel pleased with herself. All the paperwork needed for her transfer was taken care of, the results of her many exams had been reviewed, and RuPaul Charles, the eminence himself, had congratulated her for such amazing work. He then walked her to the adjacent room, promising a proper presentation to the squad at the midmorning briefing, which was about to start.
She walked behind him, entering the already filled room, feeling like the new kid in school. Luckily, there was an empty chair next to the door, and she took it in a swift motion. She sat behind the long table and didn’t even dare to look back, nervous to make eye contact with any of her new coworkers.
The person next to her nudged her slightly. She turned around to see a girl with a big smile, the gesture looked sincere. “Hey, Jush!” She said in a shout. Trixie flinched a little, since everybody else in the room was chatting quietly. “I’m Jasmine.” The short bob bounced around her face as she laughed for no apparent reason. “You are gonna love it here,” she promised. “We always have so much fun.” Once more her laughter sounded loudly but, above that, it sounded welcoming. “What’s your name, Jush?”
“Guys, gather ‘round.” The voice of the captain interrupted them. Everybody went quiet and all eyes were set to the front. “Welcome to one more day in the job. It’s not an easy task, but the streets of Los Angeles are a much safer place because of you guys, so… thank you.”
He spoke with such an ease, his few sentences were delivered in a way that made Trixie believe that their job actually meant something bigger, something much more important than just cliché paperwork. She listened to the tall man, dressed in a colorful suit, as he kept reminding them just how valuable they were for the city, for him, and for each other.
“Now, remember, this town deserves nothing but the very best, that’s why, even when we are sad to see one of our brightest detectives go…” His hand pointed somewhere at the back of the room. “That also means that we are welcoming a new member of our family. Please, give a warm welcome to Detective Trixie Mattel! Come on up, darling.”
With dull claps heard from behind her, Trixie got up, walked the short distance, and stood next to the head of the squad. In a lame afterthought, she waved her hand slowly, as a pageant girl would do to the panel of judges.
Capt. Charles laughed at the action before continuing. “Detective Mattel comes from a precinct not far from here, and will take Ginger’s place as Katya’s new partner.”
Trixie’s eyes widened when she realized exactly who that was. The odds of the mysterious foreign girl, that she had fucked a few days before, being her new partner, were slim to none. Yet, there she was.
She must have done something extremely horrible in her previous life to deserve this, because there was no other valid reason for her luck to be so shitty. She always did things right, followed the rules, and went by the book. Yet, life had a thing for her. She just wanted to catch a break, a change of air. That was the reason why she had applied for the transfer. As much as she liked her previous precinct, it had started to become too small for her. She needed more, she needed something bigger. And she had gotten it.
That Friday night was supposed to be a celebration for her accomplishments, but her friends had bailed on her, her boyfriend had decided to end things, and she had slept with a woman for the first time in her life.
In that moment, she wished to come back to her old life, the one she had been fed up with the week before and now longed for. She wanted to get to work where nothing really happened, help kids find their bikes, and file reports about loaves of bread being stolen from the neighborhood’s grocery store. At some point it had been monotonous, it had been lineal, it had been boring. And one night had changed it all. Her entire world had been turned upside down, and not in the way she had expected. She spent her weekend crying, yearning for what she had lost, and craving for something that had been hers only for a couple of hours but felt like a part of her already.
When Kim asked her if she was still crying over her boyfriend, Trixie lied and said yes. Her roommate found it strange, since they weren’t particularly head over heels for each other, but didn’t ask any further. The answer made enough sense to pass as a half true. The reality was completely different. Those two days had been flooded with images of red lips and red nails, trailing her body and melting her to the bone. Her ears could hear nothing but soft moans and sensual whispers of Russian words.
She had dreams about her. Sometimes Trixie would catch herself daydreaming, other times the blonde woman found her way into her subconscious as she slept. The scenarios were endless. They would run into each other early in the morning, impatiently waiting in line for their first taste of coffee of the day. Trixie pictured them back at the club where they met, she would sit at the same stool and the woman would reach the bar and request a drink. It didn’t matter where it started, the fantasy always ended back in her room, with the air filled with panting and screams of utter pleasure. Reality would also find the same recurrent outlet, which involved her own hand inside her underwear.
Trixie never in her life had doubted her sexuality, she was straight. She liked men, a lot. She liked how they were simple creatures, with needs she could easily fulfill. Her type was very clear. The men she dated were slightly unkempt, they had beards and hairy backs. Her sexual compass had no apparent motive to be directed to the soft touch, the delicate pale skin, the long blonde hair of a random woman she had met at a club.
That same woman was now in front of her, fully aware of the discomfort she was causing her. There was no way Trixie could look at anything that wasn’t her. The color that had been haunting her dreams for two nights in a row, shone bright from across the room.
The girl in the red shirt bit her lip, trying to stop a smile from taking over her face unsuccessfully. “Oh, I get the pretty one. Sorry, Minj, I don’t know you anymore.” The girl stood up, bowing her head slightly. “My name is Yekaterina Pretovna Zamolodchikova, but you can call me… Katya,” she said in a rush, heavy tints of her accent lacing her speech. “And it’s going to be, oh, such a pleasure to have you as my partner.” The side smile didn’t go unnoticed by Trixie.
Her body weight shifted from one leg to the other, finally linking the face with the name she wished she had been able to scream as she came.
“You know,” Captain Charles spoke directly to Trixie. “Detective Zamo has the highest number of arrests in the precinct and, as far as I know, you had the highest in yours, didn’t you?”
Before she could even reply, Katya spoke again. “Oh, you are on, bitch!”
“We are on the same team,” Trixie reminded her, her hands going up in the air with disbelief, and making the room burst out laughing.
The captain smiled widely. “Ah, I can already tell you are going to make a fabulous team. Trixie, welcome to the family, and we take that term very seriously around here, it’s something that we don’t take for granted. From this moment on, you belong to a family of badass bitches!” That alone elicited a round of cheers and applause. He waited a moment before motioning for everyone to be quiet again. “Okay, I’m gonna let Sergeant Haylock to take over now.” He moved towards the door, and stopped right before exiting the room. “Oh, just one more thing… don’t fuck it up!”
And with that he was gone.
Trixie started to believe that what Jasmine told her was right. She could sense the light atmosphere of the place already creeping into her as she walked back to her seat. Sure, there was the crippling fear of facing her new partner, but everybody else seemed nice. She loved how nobody seemed afraid of cursing, not even The Boss, because her big mouth had gotten her in more than a few problems in her previous workplace. She could only hope that this sudden change of scenery actually meant a good thing for her, that all the rough changes thrown at her, out of nowhere, had come for a reason.
“Alright, you useless cunts!” The raspy voice, a complete contrast from the soothing tone of Captain Charles, brought her out of the conjuring of her possible future. “One of the bastards you failed to catch is out at it… again!” The sergeant placed his forearms on the little podium for support. “This one’s on you, Zamo.”
He pressed a few buttons on a remote control while Katya protested. Trixie took the cap off her loyal pink pen and pressed it against the glittery notebook, writing down the date at the top right corner. If the sergeant had addressed the case as Katya’s, it meant it was now hers as well.
When she looked up, the screen behind the man had illuminated, and the images that it was showing were disturbing to say the least.
“Oh, my God. The Puppeteer!” Katya said with something that sounded a lot like excitement. “He’s back!”
Trixie had to look at the screen with side eyes.
How could Katya be so ecstatic about the gruesome death of a young woman?
It looked like the girl had been sitting at her dining table; a kitchen could be seen at the back of the picture. She had her arms bent in the air, pulled up by strings attached to her hands, elbows and shoulders. Trixie right away understood the nickname given to the killer. The beautiful brunette, that couldn’t have been more than twenty years old, had her makeup done to resemble a marionette. Even though her head hung low, her eyes were opened, permanently staring blankly to the middle of nowhere. A pool of blood surrounded her feet, it was so big that it even went underneath the table. There were no apparent exit wounds, so there was no clear source for all the blood, but the amount seemed enough to determine the girl had bled to death right there on the spot.
Trixie wrote all her observations down, and made mental notes about things that needed to be clarified. For example, the picture didn’t cover the ceiling, and she needed to know where the wires were hanging from.
And all of these observations, she made them in less than a second, her trained eye was always ready to catch the smallest of details.
“Yes, it’s your damn puppeteer,” Sergeant Haylock repeated after Katya. “Care to fill us in on the case?”
Katya stood up happily. “Oh, yes, Gawd,” she agreed with a loud click of her tongue.
This was a case she had been working on for a year. Katya was sure she knew the man behind the attacks better than she knew herself. The only problem was, she couldn’t find him. It was the only unsolved case she had ever had. It had nagged at the back of her head for months, then the killings had stopped and she hit a dead end. Until now.
She reached the podium and right away called everybody’s attention. No words had left her mouth yet, but the shift in the room was evident. The vibe wasn’t solemn and inspirational, nor was it crude and sarcastic, like there had been with the men that came before her. People paid attention, took notes, respected what she had to say.
“Okay, listen up. This man is a psycho, a freak, and not the fun type that I like. He gets off by killing pretty looking girls, painting them, and hooking strings to their limbs. So far he had only attacked sex workers. Girls with no family, with nobody to file a missing person report, with hooker friends who are too scared to even talk to the police. His M.O. has been the same for months. Roy?”
She looked at the sergeant who simply nodded his head, confirming it hadn’t changed.
“This a dangerous, sick man who does not belong in the streets.” She made a dramatic pause, allowing her words to sink in. “The Minj and I will give you all the info that we have so you can keep your eyes and ears open. We can use all the help that we can get.”
The clear of a throat made her look to the back of the room. “Don’t you mean Mattel?” Ginger corrected her. “Today is my last day, darling.”
Katya quickly looked at Trixie. Her new partner. The girl was hanging to her every word. The pen in her hand had been writing non stop since Katya started her speech. The corner of her eye had registered that, even when her conscious self had deliberately ignored her. It was too much to take, she reasoned with herself. The girl was way too pretty and it was better to advert her attention from the voluptuous body. The formal wear seemed to hug her magnificent figure. She wondered if Trixie felt uncomfortable in the tight clothes. Katya did in her own, but she was nothing but skin, muscles and bones, unlike Trixie, who was all curves and flesh and just the right amount of fat settled in all the right places.
“Right.” She shook herself out of her dangerously sexy observations. “Right, right. You are right. Sorry. Tri… Detective Mattel and I will send you the profile later this afternoon.”
Instructions were given for the day, patrols assigned, cases were reviewed, and the meeting was over.
Trixie stood up, ready to leave, when Jasmine grabbed her by the arm. “Come on, Trix. I’ll show you around.”
Jasmine did just that. Never letting go of her arm, the lean woman dragged her around the place, showing her pretty much every room on every floor. After letting her know about the good bathrooms, they reached the interrogation rooms. Jasmine made a specific point about Katya preferring the last one on the left, since the air conditioner hit differently in that room, and how she constantly suffered from the heat. Jasmine said it with a laugh, as if it were a joke, but Trixie was trying to gather as much information as she could about her new partner.
In the course of half an hour, they had seen the most important parts of the building, or at least the ones Trixie was going to need. She had also heard more names that she was going to be able to recall, that was for sure. It was going to take some time but she was going to adapt, she had to. There was no other option.
They reached the bullpen again and Trixie was shown to her desk. It felt weird to sit behind it, Ginger’s stuff were still occupying the space. It didn’t feel like hers yet, but it was going to be.
She looked around the place, her new home. If things were any similar to her previous precinct, she was going to spend more time here, swamped with paperwork, than her actual apartment.
Her eyes immediately found Katya, chatting in the break room. Trixie didn’t miss the chance, she needed to talk to her before all the formalities were set into play. They had a lot of work to do and it was better to get everything out in the open. When she reached the door, determined to call her attention, she suddenly froze. Katya sat with her legs thrown over the armrest of a chair, the confined pencil skirt hugging her every curve in the uncomfortable position. A can of Redbull hung from her hand. She talked with such intensity that the girl sitting with her could do nothing but focus her sole attention on her.
“Oh, bitch,” Katya said effusively. “She sent me a good morning text, a fucking good morning text!” She slapped the arm of the girl beside her, emphasizing her words. “It gave me a boner.”
The other girl laughed with her head thrown back. “How would you know? Your dick is probably so small you can’t even find it.”
Katya’s mouth opened in mocked shock. “If you must know, you fucking cunt, even when being hypo– no, especially because it is hypothetical, my ding dong is huge, huge! It even glows in the dark.” She nodded approvingly of her own words.
“Really? And what color is this huge penis of yours?”
She pretended to give it a little bit of thinking, before pointing at the girl with her index finger. “Remind me, what’s the name of your mom’s lipstick again?”
Both girls laughed, and Trixie decided that would be a good time as any to interrupt. She cleared her throat, loud enough to make them look at her.
“Katya, can I talk to you?” This was the first time Trixie actually pronounced the name, and she was extra aware of the way it rolled from her lips, the way it made her tongue hit her front teeth. She liked it.
The girl looked at her, a knowingly smile playing on her lips. “Yeah, sure. What’s up?”
Trixie nervously looked between Katya and the other girl, who pretended to ignore them, picking at the ends of her hair.
It took her a moment to react but, once she did, Katya easily swung her legs towards the back of the chair, going all the way around before finding the ground.
“Please, excuse us, Violet, my dear,” she said with an accent that was probably meant to be British. She then turned to Trixie, addressing her in her regular tone. “Come.”
Trixie moved by her side as they walked in uncomfortable silence. Or at least it felt uncomfortable to her, because Katya seemed pretty chilled. Her fingertips glided against the walls, humming a tune that Trixie had never heard before. Those were halls that she hadn’t seen with Jasmine, so she tried to pay attention to the path they walked, counting the turns they took, trying to get familiar with her surroundings, anything that could distract her from the heat exuding Katya and tickling her own skin.
Katya suddenly stopped in front of a door, took the door knob in her hand but didn’t twist it. She turned to look at Trixie instead. “Okay, now, you are about to enter my secret place. I shouldn’t even be sharing it with you. Nobody knows that I come here every now and then for… for different reasons, but this is like my safe place, so don’t tell anybody.” Her index finger pointed straight to her face. Trixie couldn’t do anything but promise she wouldn’t.
Once the door opened, shelves filled with boxes were revealed. There was a small table in the middle covered with dust. The place seemed to be untouched. The spiderwebs between the boxes told her nobody had moved them in a long time. The room was large but seemed to reduce in size with so many files spread everywhere. Against the back wall Trixie spotted a folding bed, it had messy sheets on top, as if someone had recently slept there and didn’t bother to make the bed. Next to it, on top of a pile of boxes, there was an ashtray and several candy wrappers. Trixie could see her there, she could very clearly picture Katya breaking her head over a case, not wanting to go home and going to that room instead. She could see her smoking in there, even when she shouldn’t be doing it, and popping candies into her mouth as she tried to connect the clues to make sense.
“This is the cold cases room,” Katya explained. “Nobody really comes here because, you know, the cases are cold. Duh.”
When she didn’t get a response from Trixie, she turned back around to face her. Her eyes were glued to the bedroom-like area she had set for herself a long time ago. She didn’t need to explain, she knew that Trixie understood why her stuff was there. And she wondered if Trixie had a similar place at her old building.
“So you wanted to talk.” Katya’s words came out in the form of a question, reminding Trixie why they were there in the first place.
She directed her stare to Katya again, meeting her eyes probably for the first time in the entire day. “Oh. Yeah, umm…”
“Is this about that night? About you being drunk?” Katya suddenly asked in a rush. The thought had crossed her mind throughout the day. Usually, she didn’t care much about a hookup the next morning but, yet again, she never had to see them again. And Trixie was there, big and expecting eyes looking right at her. “I asked you if you were okay, if you wanted to, and you said yes–”
Trixie lifted her hand to stop her. “No! I wasn’t that drunk. I, umm, it’s not that… not at all.”
“Oh, then what is it? If you are scared that I will tell anybody, you can be sure that’s not going to happen. I promise I won’t tell anybody.” She tried to make things easier for Trixie when she noticed her fumbling with her words, but she was not prepared for what she said next.
“You left.”
The words dropped from her lips with such hurt, with such emotion that they shook Katya to the very core.
“You didn’t really expect me–” Katya tried to reason but was interrupted.
“You said you were gonna stay the night. You promised.”
Katya raised an eyebrow, unsure of where all of that was coming from, or going to. “Well, technically, I didn’t,” she said softly, trying to make her understand. “Trixie, really, it’s no big deal. I get it. It was just sex.”
Her eyes grew wide open in shock, making Katya regret her words as soon as she said them.
“So that was it? That’s all it was for you? Just sex that happened because we had both been drinking?”
“I hadn’t…” Katya stopped herself before finishing her sentence, there was no point in explaining how she hadn’t tasted a drop of alcohol in years, and she surely wasn’t drunk that night. The girl seemed so wrapped up in her own feelings, a state Katya was more than familiar with, that no reasoning was probably going to get through her head. Instead she tried something different. “Look, alright, okay, listen. We don’t have to make this awkward, okay? You have had, umm, one night stands or, like, fuck buddies before, I presume. If you think about it, it doesn’t change things if we don’t want to. I mean, we are working together. We can make it, like, not awkward, right?”
Trixie looked at her for a moment too long, Katya could feel the brown eyes going across her face. Probably trying to read her the same way she was doing. But then Trixie nodded her head, as if reality had finally dawned on her. For a moment, Katya felt relief, she had gotten her point across. Or at least that was what she thought, until an air of determination filled Trixie’s features.
“Right. Okay. Have it your way.”
She turned around and walked away, her high heels resounding loudly through the empty hallways. Katya brought her hands up to her face, an exasperated grunt coming out from the back of her throat.
Then it hit her. She ran to the door, trying to see if she could still catch her. “Hey!” She screamed after her. “You need to help me get the boxes with the case!” She waited a few seconds but got response. “Yep. She’s not coming back. Okay, great.”
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Diamonds In The Rough, Chapter 2 - Fannyatrollop
a/n: @sayakamagika and I are back back back again with another update! Featuring everyone’s favourite high class Russian… child…
Trixie wasn’t sure if she ought to be excited when Granny told them that Papa had hired a new nanny to look after her and Pearl. Of course, it would be nice to finally have somebody to care and look after them, but she was rather upset Papa still felt the need to hire someone rather than do it himself. It had been so long since he’d sat down and played with her and Pearl, and even though she still saw him every day, Trixie missed him as if he’d gone to heaven with Mama.
“I hope she’s nice,” Pearl said as they sat on the stairs waiting for this new nanny to arrive. “Miss Jenkins was awful.”
Trixie’s mouth dropped open like a fish. “Don’t say that about her! We mustn’t… disrespect her, like that.”
Pearl wasn’t wrong, exactly. Miss Jenkins had been strict and mean and she never let the girls have any fun. But Trixie never liked to speak ill of the dead - it wasn’t proper.
The girls spotted Papa stepping into the entrance room, his eyes trained on his watch. The new nanny was due to arrive at any moment, and it seemed the whole household was anxious to meet her. It was a question of whether the mysterious Miss BenDeLaCreme would be suitable for the children - she seemed perfectly delightful in her advertisement, but one must not believe everything they read.
The short, prim knock at the door conjured butterflies in Trixie’s stomach, and she and Pearl exchanged excited glances before rising to meet their new nanny. Papa went to open the door - funny, Trixie thought their butler, Mr Hudson, would’ve done that. She supposed Papa wanted to meet this new nanny for himself as soon as possible, considering he was handing his only daughters into her care.
“Ah, Mr. Liaison-Mattel, is it?” came a sugary sweet voice from outside, and Trixie could already tell she was smiling just from hearing her. “I’m Miss BenDeLaCreme - I believe you requested my assistance?”
There was a slight stutter in Papa’s words. “Ah, yes, welcome, Miss BenDeLaCreme. Please, come inside.”
“Oh, do just call me Dela - it is far easier for everyone, I think, myself included!” Miss Dela laughed as she stepped inside, a pleasant sound like a bell. Trixie’s eyes lit up at the sight of her - she had never seen a nanny look so colourful, with bright flowers decorating the brim of her hat and a beautiful, vibrant blue dress perfectly tailored to her form. Curls of dark hair escaped from her hat, and her face lit up with a radiant smile as she laid eyes on the girls. “Now, you must be the children I’m to care for. Might I have your names?”
Pearl was the first to speak up, Trixie’s shyer nature getting the better of her. “My name’s Pearl. Your dress is very pretty.”
“Why thank you!” Miss Dela raised a hand to her chest, clearly pleased with the praise. “And you, sweetheart? What shall I call you?”
“That’s Trixie,” Pearl said for her, a nasty habit she’d picked up over the course of their life together. Trixie was shy and sometimes very much not in the mood to speak for herself, but she was old enough to do so if given the opportunity.
“Yes, Nanny, I’m Trixie,” sad Trixie, scowling a little. “I am capable of speech too.”
Miss Dela gave a succinct nod. “I’m glad to hear it. Now, Mr. Liaison-Mattel, is there anything in particular I need to know about the girls?”
Papa shook his head. “Nothing I didn’t mention in my letter to you, Miss Dela.”
“Wonderful! Now, girls, shall we-”
An almighty crash from outside rudely interrupted Miss Dela and made Trixie jump in fright. Pearl was quick to stifle her yelp of surprise, raising her little hands to her mouth and flushing. It was rather satisfying - Pearl would be the first to tell you that she wasn’t scared of anything, so seeing her startled  pleased Trixie a fair bit.
“Heavens, what was that?” Papa asked, more irritated than frightened by the commotion. He started towards the door to investigate, but Miss Dela held out a hand to stop him.
“I wouldn’t worry yourself - allow me.” Miss Dela turned on her heel and stepped out of the house, and despite Papa’s protests, Pearl and Trixie were quick to follow. They found Miss Dela glaring at a bush, her hands planted on her hips and her lips pursed into a thin line. Trixie peered around to see what she was looking at, and was rather surprised to see another woman splayed out in the foliage, her legs sticking out in an unladylike fashion. Beside her, Pearl giggled.
The woman grinned up at Miss Dela before blowing a bright red curl out of her face. “Well hello, Dela! Fancy seeing you here!”
“Miss Brown, you do astound me,” Miss Dela tutted. Trixie was struck dumb to know that a prim, proper lady like Miss Dela could possibly be familiar with this strange, dishevelled woman in the bushes. “Whatever are you doing here?”
“My job, I should think.” Miss Brown started untangling herself from the branches of the bush, adjusting her battered old hat as she did so. A single, wilted flower drooped from the brim.
Miss Dela narrowed her eyes. “I could have sworn you had told me your princess was Russian.”
“Oh, she is!” Miss Brown reassured her, straightening out her shabby brown coat. “But not all Russians live in Russia, you know.”
“A Russian princess!”
Trixie’s natural shyness was no match for the excitement of hearing about royalty, especially if they were from such an exotic place. Pearl fancied herself too grown up to shout as she had, but she was looking at Miss Brown with more interest than before.
Miss Dela shook her head. “Trixie, come along, you’ve no need to listen to this woman’s silly stories.”
“Oh, Miss Brown, I should like it very much if you could tell us more about the princess!” Trixie squealed. She quickly rattled off her many questions: What does she look like? Is she very rich? Is she coming to see their King? Will she have a pet bear that dances at her command? Will she come wearing the finest furs?
“Of course she will come wearing fur!” cried Pearl. “Russians love to wear fur! And she’s a princess, so it must be very fine indeed.”
“Since when are you such an expert on Russians, Pearl? We’ve never seen one before.”
Pearl was in the midst of formulating a response when the new nanny saw that it was necessary to rein her charges back in.
In that moment Trixie and Pearl learned that when Miss Dela decided to put her foot down, she could appear quite stern indeed.
“Miss Dela, you musn’t punish these poor girls for their natural curiosity!” Miss Brown said, with a laugh. “Can’t I at least tell them one thing before I go? I shan’t linger where I’m not wanted.”
“Please Miss Nanny!” Trixie cried. “Please let her tell us something about the princess?”
“Who is this lady anyhow?” Pearl asked, shocked that she was the first to think of doing so. “You seem to know her, Miss Dela.”
Miss Dela sighed. “To answer your question, Pearl, this lady is my ridiculous sister, Miss Tammie Brown,” she said.
Miss Tammie Brown gave the girls a deep bow. “That I am indeed,” she said, merriment shining in her face. “Though I should say Miss Dela is the ridiculous one in my eyes. There’s so much she simply refuses to understand.”
Trixie’s mouth hung open at the cavalier way in which Miss Tammie defied their new authority figure.
“Then is Miss Dela’s name also Brown?” asked Pearl, proud of herself for being such a logical creature.
Miss Dela shook her head. “No, and we have already discussed what I should be called, have we not?”
“How is it that you are sisters and don’t have the same name?”
“Pearl, darling, not all sisters are like you and Trixie,” Miss Dela said, patiently. “Sometimes one knows in one’s heart when one is with a sister, and silly things like names don’t matter as much.”
“I don’t care about names!” shouted Trixie, too impatient to learn any important life lessons. “Miss Tammie, tell us about the princess!”
“I suppose she can,” said Miss Dela. “But we might have to have a talk about manners, Trixie.”
Pearl giggled, while Trixie looked at her feet, shamed from being scolded however light.
Miss Tammie laughed, bright and loud. “Well, I mustn’t keep the little missus waiting!” she said. “I can say just one thing, then?”
“Yes, Tammie, and do get on with it.”
“Goodness, Dela, you must be awfully eager to get rid of me!”
“They really do sound like sisters now,” whispered Pearl, so that only Trixie could hear. Trixie silently agreed, practically vibrating with impatience while Miss Tammie teased Miss Dela much like they teased each other when the mood struck.
“Alright, children, let me tell you what you wish to know,” Miss Tammie said, in that laughing way of hers. She hardly ceased to find everything around her diverting, it seemed, and both little girls thought that shouldn’t be a terrible way to go about life. Both pairs of eyes were trained right on her, eagerly anticipating her words.
Miss Tammie cleared her throat.
“The princess,” she said, leaning in to speak conspiratorially. “Is coming to live next door.”
The princess was, just then, entirely unaware that she was the object of such interest. She wasn’t certain where she was going at all.
Earlier that day, her Aunt Tonya had dressed her in a simple, black dress, brushed her hair neatly, and bundled everything she owned up so that she could set it on her lap as they rode to some unknown place, where she was to live from then on. She didn’t know why she couldn’t continue to live with her aunt, but her dear Father had told her she must always listen to Aunt Tonya, and Aunt Tonya said that she must live apart from her.
Technically, Yekaterina Petrovna was no princess at all, not in the way two little English girls might envision. She was born into nobility, yes, but she was no king’s daughter. Yet she grew up in a big house, inside a sprawling estate that may as well have been her family’s little kingdom, the way her father had explained it. In their house, he was as good as a king, and she was his little princess. Her mother was long dead, and as her Aunt Tonya had no husband or children of her own, she lived with them in their little palace, as she had all her life. Katya could run and play wherever she pleased, until she couldn’t, and anything her father thought she might like, he would produce for her until that too became difficult.
As their fortunes changed, Katya felt it keenly though she did not understand the particulars of their situation. She knew nothing of war or revolution, and no one had wanted to explain these things to her. Her father loved her so well that he never wanted her to worry about a single thing, and he had sent her away in the company of her aunt because he had reached a point where he felt that delaying their departure could endanger them. All he had told her was that he feared their home was no longer safe, and that if she was good to her aunt, he would be very proud of her when he joined them. She had kissed him and promised to behave, as he left her to be packed up and taken along to England, with one of the two passages he had been able to procure. She worried that when he came looking for them, he might be troubled to find that she had been separated from her aunt, and so she bit her lip as they rode along the grey streets of London, hoping that he would understand that she had only done as she was told.
Looking at her now, one would not even take her for nobility. Inside her bundle, Katya had one change of clothes and a ragged plush toy. This was all that she owned in the world, aside from a precious watch on a chain that her father had given to her as a parting gift. The watch was to be left with Aunt Tonya, who promised it would be safer in her care. Katya had always been a good, trusting kind of girl, so she had relinquished her most prized possession because she believed that her aunt had her best interests at heart, and would take better care of it than a careless little girl like her ever could. She would miss pressing it to her ear, where the ticking of the clock helped her fall asleep at night when the confusion that her life had become threatened to keep her awake.
For her part, Tonya did feel, deep down inside, that she may be doing the wrong thing. However, she understood life in ways her little niece did not, and she had told herself that what she was doing was in no way breaking the promise she had made to her poor brother. He had told her to look after the girl, and as he had not sent them away with nearly enough to care for the both of them in their new life together, there was no harm in finding a place for her to be cared for while Tonya could focus on keeping herself alive. Everything had happened so fast, that she had only been instructed to hide precious things in her clothes and in their luggage, to help them hold out until he could resume his duties as head of the house. So, Tonya had been left quite alone for the first time in her life, with nothing but a meagre living that could never take her through a year in naught but the most reduced circumstances, and a girl she was to be in charge of. The priceless relics of her family’s history had only gotten them so far, and if things kept on as they had, they may very well have starved slowly while her brother failed to appear.
A woman like herself, who had experienced the first hardships of her life just these past couple of years, could not be expected to find ways to improve things for herself and the child. As she saw it, all she could be expected to do was to survive until her fortunes improved. And in order for that to happen, her brother’s precious Princess Yekaterina might as well be sold into domestic service, where she stood a better chance of awaiting his return than she would by her side. She would be of no use to anyone otherwise.
Tonya hoped that Mrs. Minj would not mind the lost look her niece had about her. She tended to let her eye wander every which way, as if she needed to take a full inventory of her surroundings at all times. Tonya hoped that she would not change her mind about taking her on because of it, because in truth, Katya was quite sharp. Her adoring father had every right to go around telling everyone what a clever girl his daughter was, though appearances often suggested that her head was quite lost in the clouds.
As they stood on Mrs. Minj’s stoop, Katya could make out a strange rustling in the nearby shrubs. She saw two little heads crowded at the front window of the house next door, with a taller figure standing behind them. She took note of the dull, grey sky, and how uniform the houses on the street looked. The sound of Mrs. Minj opening the door to greet them gave her something new to behold.
Mrs. Minj was a tall, thin woman, with mousy brown hair and a perpetual look of distaste. She had been crafted by nature to become a strict governess, or a nun in charge of terrorizing schoolgirls at a convent school, or perhaps an ill-tempered librarian, but fortune had given her marriage and a family instead. After a curt greeting, she regarded Katya, looking down her nose at the girl she was to take into her home. Katya struggled to meet her eye.
“This is the child, then?” she said, addressing Tonya without looking at her.
“Yes, she is,” Tonya said. She bit her lip.
Mrs. Minj turned her attention to Katya.
“Child,” she said. “Tell me your name.”
Katya had been trained to recognize this question, though her understanding of the English language was not quite where it ought to be. She stared dumbly at Mrs. Minj for a moment, though, because it had not been phrased the way she was used to. Aunt Tonya had spent hours asking her What is your name? and talking her through the correct response.
Tonya could see something like disdain blooming on Mrs. Minj’s face the longer Katya stayed silent.
“Don’t worry,” she said, in her own halting speech. “She is quick. She improve soon.”
She then nudged Katya, with a sharp translation of what the woman had asked her. God, she hoped she would be allowed to leave this exchange alone.
Now that she knew what to say, Katya embarked on her rehearsed speech.
“My name is Yekaterina Petrovna Zamo—”
“Katherine,” Mrs. Minj said. “What a sensible name.”
In the end, the exchange went off without a fuss. Mrs. Minj gave Tonya her payment, and took Katya by the wrist to pull her inside. Tonya called after her to be good, and turned around to leave her as soon as she could. Katya was then unceremoniously dumped into the care of the house cook. It was only later that night, when she was finally left alone to process the events of the day, that she began to feel scared.
In the house next door, two little girls huddled under one of their covers, so they could whisper about what they had seen after the lights went out.
“That was no princess!” Pearl whispered, almost loudly enough to constitute regular speech, but with a hissing quality to it. “She looked so shabby, and there was no fur in sight.”
“Why would Mrs. Minj call her Katherine? Her name is Yekaterina Petrovna Zamo, I heard it clear as day!” Trixie pouted as she thought of it. The girl looked like she had so little …
Pearl rolled her eyes, and though Trixie could not see it, she could discern that it had happened from the way she spoke.
“Oh, Trixie, what does it matter what she’s called?”
Trixie kept her mouth closed until the urge to shout subsided.
“I just think it’s so rude to take away a person’s name… Don’t you, Pearl?”
“We should just go to sleep before Miss Dela scolds us. What a bore today turned out to be,” said Pearl, sighing.
“You’re bored every day, Pearl.”
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artificialqueens · 6 years
cirque d'amour - chapter ten (trixya) - cal
A/N - i actually posted this to ao3 ages ago and forgot to submit here - sorry!
i realised i never named latrice’s club - here it is; the oscars. named after a gay bar in my city and appropriate ‘cause latrice is a musical man.
i thought y'all deserved a bit of floofy goodness after all the drama…rest assured, there is more to come of both.
“So you and Willam definitely aren’t a thing anymore?”
Trixie was sat atop Courtney’s marble kitchen counter in her silky nightgown, her legs swinging absentmindedly at she picked at her cereal. She shook her head miserably.
“You need to eat.” Courtney remarked, eyeballing her bowl.
“Why do all of you act like my friggin’ mother?” Trixie croaked, rubbing her eye with a balled fist. “First Willam, now you…”
“You need mothering, Mattel,” Courtney deadpanned, her eyebrows arched. “Try telling me you don’t.”
Trixie mimicked Courtney’s words childishly; Courtney responded by throwing a balled-up sock in her direction, which narrowly skimmed Trixie’s ear.
“Well, you’ve been moping all week. It’s high time you get out of this apartment.”
“I’m not in the mood.”
“Well, you never will be if you wallow.”
“I’m not wallowing.”
Courtney shrugged. “Suit yourself,” she said, flashing her brightest smile. “Then you’ll miss the Cirque’s party that Alaska is throwing tonight…”
Trixie glared at Courtney, her stubbornness refusing to release her from its deadly grip. “’Guess I will.”
Trixie crawled back into bed when Courtney had left the apartment. She hadn’t drawn the curtains for so long that she had almost forgotten what her room looked like in the light of day.
She had been moping; she knew that was the truth. It had been a week since the fateful conversation with Willam and she was feeling broken in ways she never thought was possible. She was being eaten alive by a primary emotion; guilt. She didn’t deserve to go to the Cirque’s party. She didn’t deserve to have any sort of enjoyment. So her plan was to remain in bed until the inevitability of death by misery.
The guilt spilled out into her other thoughts; she was also feeling irate and saddened by the fact she had not heard anything from Katya. She hadn’t told her about what had happened with Willam – she figured that was a conversation they ought to have in person – but she had sent a couple of texts that she had simply ignored.
Trixie sighed, clicking open a playlist on her Spotify that she had in reserve for situations such as these – not that she was being dramatic. Trixie Mattel was never dramatic.
Trixie woke hours later with a fright – something had jolted her bed, and she bolted upright, afraid of an earthquake.
“Wha-ha-happen?” she stammered, her half-asleep eyes darting wildly around the room until they landed on a broadly grinning Courtney who was crouched on her bed.
Trixie’s brow furrowed as the thralls of sleep released her and reality dawned. “You cunt, you scared me.”
Courtney was bouncing lightly against the mattress, causing her beautiful blonde curls to dance. Trixie couldn’t help but crack a slight smile at that.
“Jesus, I’m surprised your face didn’t break,” Courtney grinned, playfully cuffing Trixie’s jaw with her fist. “Come on – you’re getting up. We’re going out.”
Trixie groaned, rolling her eyes to the back of her head and throwing herself back down onto her bed. “Courtney, why? Why can’t you just leave me to die in peace?”
Alaska – or Justin, as he was out of drag – eyeballed the map of the United States that was splayed across the tiny table in Latrice’s empty bar. His over-plumped lips were smacking every few seconds as he carefully placed a pin at each destination.
Katya was sat opposite him with Violet, compiling a playlist for their final L.A show; their determination to make it the best show yet never dampened for a moment.
“What’s that, like, dramatic violin piece?” Violet hummed, forever vague and somewhat unhelpful, Katya couldn’t help but think. “It would be dope as hell for Milk’s performance.”
“Oh, okay, sure,” Katya barked a laugh, pretending to type “dramatic violin piece” into Spotify. “I totally know which one you mean.”
Violet pushed Katya’s shoulder playfully. “Shut up. You’ll know the one. From the British version of 'Got Talent’.”
“I can’t believe you watch that garbage,” Katya scoffed in response.
“Simon does things to me,” Violet giggled with an exaggerated shudder. “It was those women with the electric violins.”
“Oh, bitch,” Katya beamed, scribbling the name (Palladio) on a piece of lined paper that was so disorganised that it could only ever make sense to her. “You’re so right.”
“Aren’t I always?” Violet batted her eyelashes at her.
Roy was hovering nearby – he was giving an air of disinterested boredom, but Katya knew better. He was just as excited as the rest of them about the impending tour.
“Was the witch box really necessary, miss thing?”
Katya grinned broadly at her friend. “Ab-sol-ute-ly.”
Latrice, in his wild excitement for the closing show, had allowed a portion of their budget to be blown on some party-style amenities for the night. Each of the Cirque had been granted permission to pick something to buy, and Katya couldn’t resist the eerie rubber man trapped in a box who “read your fortune”, or rather, spouted out random tarot cards.
Katya cast a loving eye over it now, sat in the middle of the empty room. The box was painted purple with gold lettering and patterns emblazoned all over, and the man himself looked like a British villain from a Bond movie; complete with a top-hat.
Roy gestured for Katya to join him, away from Violet’s prying eyes. Katya skipped towards him with over-enthused joy - she really was happy today, being here, in her home, surrounded by her family.
“I wanted to give you a heads up,” Roy hissed, his head dipped close to Katya’s. “Courtney text me and she’s bringing Trixie tonight.”
Katya’s heart skipped a beat. Trixie. Trixie was coming. Trixie, whom she had been avoiding. Trixie, who only last week she had realised she was desperately in love with. “Um.”
“Have you still not spoken to her?”
Katya suddenly felt hot all over - her hands were beginning to clam up, despite the coolness of the building. “Um.”
“You’re so freakin' dumb.”
Katya’s chest almost broke from the sigh that escaped her lips. “I know. I just…didn’t know what to do, Roy. I’m super dumb. I - just. I don’t know.”
Roy’s eyes softened at the edges ever so slightly - something so discreet, that only those who truly knew Roy could ever notice such a thing. “Miss thing, please will you communicate with the girl tonight? Take it from an old bitch who knows: lay out your stupid heart and get a final answer. We’re all sick of the drama.”
Katya gave Roy a shaky smile, knowing that this was his unique way of giving advice and supporting her. She reached out to grasp his hand in her own. “You got it, Bee.”
Roy shook the contact away with disgust. “Don’t touch me.”
The Oscars looked beautiful by the time the decorating was done.
There were lights strung across every wall, creating a hazy white beam across the empty dance-floor. There was a giant banner strewed across the largest wall, painted messily with rainbows, fire, and other circus figures – and the giant, bold words “TOUTES NOS FÉLICITATIONS CIRQUE!”
Violet was admiring her handiwork, the tell-tale signs of paint still flecking her impossibly long nails. “I’m an artist.”
Katya followed her gaze with a chuckle of agreement. They weren’t long from beginning their celebrations, and Katya couldn’t help but be somewhat strategic about her choice of outfit – she was wearing a black sequin body suit with dark tights, and large, shiny black boots. Her hair was a wild tangle of blonde waves and she spent longer than was necessary perfecting her smoky eyes. If this was the day she was to make or break whatever her relationship was with Trixie, she at least wanted to look good doing it.
Violet glared at her with a side-eye. “Who are you trying to impress?”
Katya merely shrugged, her smile betraying nothing.
Alaska entered the building in a puff of what could only be described as whore’s bath – her scent was hugely intoxicating and Katya forget for a single moment that she was a man in a wig.
She had a strange bird’s nest-style wig resting on her head, and her dress looked like it might have been made out of garbage bags. From what Katya had seen of Justin, she believed that it could truly be made of garbage bags, despite the thousands of dollars in his bank account. His face was sculpted into feminine perfection and despite herself, Katya stared.
“Full drag for a private party?” Violet scoffed, her eyes huge in her petite little face. “That’s a bit extra. Don’t let Roy see.”
Alaska shuffled with bent wrists towards the pair of them, and she laughed softly as she noted the dropping of Katya’s jaw. “Sorry, I’m not into the puss.”
“Dang,” Katya swung her fist, amused at herself.
“’Lasky!” Latrice bellowed from the empty bar, lining up a bottle of everything he could get his huge paws on. “You look fabulous.”
Alaska wiggled her shoulders at him with a raised upper lip. “Oh, stop.”
“The rest of the crew should be here any minute,” Latrice announced, carefully balancing a tower of plastic cups on the side of the bar. “Vi, can you set up the music?”
Violet nodded, her eyebrows still raised at Alaska as she glided off towards the stage.
“So, you’re a lesbian,” Alaska grinned, grasping Katya’s bicep and giving it a teasing squeeze. Katya was somewhat surprised at the interaction they were having – out of drag, Justin was all business.
“It’s that obvious?” she asked with a laugh.
The front door of the club swung open quite suddenly, interrupting the banter between Katya and Alaska. Katya’s eyes were instantly drawn to the striking pair whose heals clacked against the wooden floor as they came closer.
Trixie and Courtney were really quite a beautiful duo – Courtney was in a dazzling pink dress that clung to her body perfectly, her hair twisted up and sitting on top of her head. Trixie wore a floral dress of interlacing purple, white, and gold flowers. The front of her hair was pulled back behind her head; the rest was flowing down the sides of her face, slightly kinked at the ends. She had a crown of huge white flowers sitting on the crest of her head, and a ring through the middle of her septum. Since when did she get that done?
Katya felt her breath catch - Trixie was otherworldly.
Katya’s gaze was faraway and she was sure that everyone in the vicinity could hear the rapid thumping of her heart.
Alaska chuckled beside her, missing nothing. “It’s that obvious.”
It didn’t take long for the party to begin once all the guests had arrived – it was mostly the Cirque and their extended family, but there were also some friends of Latrice’s, and even a couple of loyal Cirque fans who had supported them from the humble beginning.
The air was light and full of good feeling. Milk and Courtney were a tangle of limbs, as they so often were now, sinking into a single bean-bag, each with a glass of champagne and their heads thrown back in fits of laughter. Latrice was acting as a bar-host, cheerfully filling every waiting glass. Kennedy and Roy were milling around the little group of fans, their grins broad against their lips; and Violet was attempting to teach a tipsy friend of Latrice how to suspend themselves on an aerial hoop.
Katya had been spending time with Jay and Raja – her Cirque tour planning had overcome her life this last week, and she felt a twinge of guilt at how angry she’d been with the pair of them the night Trixie had indulged in their cocaine.
After a while, she spied Trixie leaning against the bar; alone. Katya had shared a few heated glances with her, and even the beginnings of a smile on Trixie’s lips, but she hadn’t yet had the opportunity to speak to her alone.
“I’ll be back,” she hissed in Raja’s direction, who smirked knowingly and nodded.
Katya could feel her pulse quicken as she swept towards Trixie, whose elbows were leaning against the bar with her body dipped forward; damn, her ass looked good. Katya shook the thought from her head, squinting her eyes so that her vision was blurred.
“Hey,” she said, mirroring Trixie’s stance. Trixie glanced up with barely veiled bewilderment.
My god, she looked beautiful. The flower crown made her seem precious and fae - much like how Katya had first perceived her, in the hot crowd that fateful night - and her make up was softer than it usually was. Katya couldn’t help but gaze at her mouth as it parted with surprise.
“Oh, you’re talking to me now?” Trixie quipped, though her eyes were smiling.
“I guess so,” Katya shrugged, noticing the cup clenched in her hand. “Drinking?”
Trixie shook her head. “Not tonight.”
“You don’t have to sound so surprised,” Trixie scoffed, taking a delicate sip of her non-alcohol.
Katya wheezed, throwing her hands up dramatically. Trixie glared at her for a moment, before her eyes widened at something beyond what Katya could see.
“Is that —” she pushed herself off the bar. “A ball pool?”
Katya grinned as she turned to follow Trixie’s gaze. “Yep - that’s Jay’s contribution to the party.”
“Oh, bitch,” Trixie bounced from foot to foot, her excitement child-like. She grasped Katya’s hand in her’s and dragged her towards the corner of the club.
The ball pool was exactly that - a blow-up box, filled with hundreds of brightly coloured plastic balls. Fairy lights were hanging above it, casting a mythical glow on the untouched sea of colour. Katya hovered by the side of it, expecting Trixie to dive in; but she felt a sudden shove against her back and she went tumbling into the pit face-first.
“Bitch!” Katya choked, batting the balls away from her face. Trixie launched herself into the pit beside her, squealing with delight.
“That’s for ignoring me,” she said breathlessly, her eyes bright and dancing with mischievous glee.
Katya responded by throwing a red ball at Trixie’s arm - which missed its target and bounced back into the pit.
Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Are you that old that you can’t even aim a ball anymore?”
“Bitch,” Katya exclaimed a second time, tugging Trixie’s arm to bring her down into the sea of baubles. Trixie screamed, laughter creasing her eyes.
Katya threw a leg over the rise of Trixie’s hips and straddled her, her hands pinning Trixie’s own above her head. “Am I old, Tracy?”
Trixie’s laughter was merely a shuddering breath now; tears of amusement cutting tracks into her make up. “Oh my god.”
Katya could feel the shudders of her laughter beneath her legs, and she smiled triumphantly as she released Trixie’s wrists from her grip.
Trixie’s laughter eventually subsided, and Katya rolled off her, to lie beside her against the satisfying clacking noise the balls made when they bumped together.
Trixie was leaning on her side now, the palm of her hand cupping her chin.
“Are you gonna tell me why you were avoiding me?”
Katya’s muscles seized for a moment. “Honestly?”
“Honestly,” Katya breathed, fiddling with the balls collected at her feet. “I was upset by you leaving to go and see Willam.”
“I broke up with Willam.”
Katya’s eyes widened - she was not expecting that. “Y-you…”
Katya’s head began to spin with endless questions. “Come outside,” she urged, hooking her arm through Trixie’s and guiding her out of the ball pit, and away from the din of the party.
They exited through the side door by the bar; the night was young, and the sky was still light with the promise of the impending sunset. Katya parked Trixie at one of the outdoor tables, flicking a cigarette from the stash in her bra with impressive quickness. She remained standing and sparked up her lighter, fiddling with it for a moment before the fire ignited.
“I feel like I need a cigarette for this conversation,” Katya mumbled, her lips distorted by the filter.
“Bitch,” Trixie folded her arms, her eyebrows raised. “Even I need a cigarette for this conversation.”
Katya laughed nervously, taking a deep drag of poison into her lungs. The relief was almost instant as she let the coils of smoke exit her lips in a distorted cloud. “Okay. I’m ready.”
Trixie fidgeted on the bench, shuffling herself around like an impatient child. “I mean, uh. I told her that…she…that she deserved better. You know?”
Katya nodded, her eyes greeting Trixie’s for a moment - knowing there was more to it than that.
“She …asked me about you.”
Katya forgot about her cigarette - it was lingering between her middle and index fingers as her arms lay at her sides, and the embers were dangerously close to her skin. Her gaze was soft as she looked upon Trixie’s face, noting the way her nerves were painfully obvious in the way she held herself.
“I…” Trixie exhaled a breath, staring into Katya’s eyes. “I have feelings for you.”
Kaya’s mouth gaped; a flush of dizziness threatening to bring her to her knees. Her pulse was racing impossibly fast and she prayed for a moment to the universe to slow it down. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Trixie replied, and Katya realised that her eyes were glistening with unshod tears.
“Hey,” Katya whispered, offering Trixie her hand. Trixie took it into her own gratefully, rising from the bench with a soft cry.
Katya enveloped Trixie into her warmest embrace, feeling her body shake with gentle sobs. Katya’s body was alight with love; feeling Trixie’s pressing against her own, but she quelled her own impossibly huge feelings to take care of Trixie’s in the moment.
“Trix, it’s okay. You can’t help feelings - they just are.”
Katya could feel Trixie nod against her. “I - I know. I just - I feel so guilty. On you, on Willam. On everyone.”
“That’s because you’re a good person,” Katya stated, moving out of the hug to look into Trixie’s eyes. “And I’m sure you know that - that I have feelings, too.”
Trixie gazed back at Katya with the beginnings of a watery smile playing on her lips.
“But - there’s no pressure for anything to happen,” Katya insisted, her hands on Trixie’s wrists. She gave them a light squeeze. “You’re my friend, first. Take all the time you need.”
“Katya,” Trixie whispered, her eyes softened and her lips parted just ever-so-slightly. Katya smiled, wiping the lingering tears from beneath Trixie’s eyes. She hovered her touch over Trixie’s nose for a moment. “When did this happen?”
“Oh, it’s not real,” Trixie laughed softly, poking at the ring through her septum. “I’m trying something new. Isn’t that what kids do nowadays when they go through a break up?”
Katya chuckled. “It’s cute - you should get it done.”
I am the great Zuccini, and I will reveal the card of your future!
Recognition dawned on Katya as she heard the bellowing voice, and her eyes grew wide with glee. “Oh, Trix, you gotta do this!”
“What the fuck was that?” Trixie gasped, her tone returning to some sense of normality and allowing Katya to lead her by the hand back into the soft din of the club. “And isn’t Zuccini a friggin' vegetable?”
Katya laughed heartily, dragging the beautiful Trixie towards the colourful box that was propped against the wall by the door. She beamed at her, gesturing for Trixie to approach the mystical man in the box.
“Katya,” Trixie scoffed, her gaze critical as it swept the great Zuccini. “Why?”
“Do it.”
“Okay, jeez.”
Trixie fed the machine a couple of quarters, and watched with barely disguised scepticism as the box lit up before her. Katya watched her face as the dancing lights cast shadows on the rise of her cheeks and the dimple of her chin - she was truly beautiful. And she liked her. Katya’s mind was still churning with disbelief and wonder.
The box shuddered and choked - Katya wondered for a moment if it was going to give up and die - but then, the box shot out a single card from the slot.
It landed face down against the dusty floorboards, and Trixie bent to pick it up.
“The lovers.”
She gazed at Katya with a raised eyebrow, the roses of her cheeks turning red.
Katya felt a burn under her skin as she blushed right back.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Hi, I'm The Emotionally Repressed Girl Who Ran From Her Latent Homosexual Feelings for Ten Years, Trixie Mattel! (Trixya) - Iris
Hi, Hello, Good day, friends!
I… don’t know what the fUCK I’m doing. But that’s okay because I love Trixya, and I’m willing to do anything for them!
Well, okay, like I said it’s my first try at actually writing and publishing a fic, so I’m bearing my soul(my soul is comprised of Trixya obvi) and hoping y'all enjoy this as much as I do. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated! This is a pretty indulgent fic for me, and it’ll primarily focus on the nine years prior to the first chapter! Lots of soft!Trixya moments tbh. They perform Rocky Horror with all your favorite queens(including the OG Queen herself), and honestly, I’m just excited to write it for you lovely guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! I really hope you enjoy yourselves and don’t hate me for the angst that is to inevitably come!m Say hello to me at @wewouldbeheroes on Tumblr! I’d really appreciate the company!
Chapter 1: Fishnet Stockings, High Boots, & Delicate Conversation in Present December
Snow danced in the mid-December air as Trixie urgently walked down the cultural district of Boston, her hands shoved in the pockets of the long-coat that she borrowed from her mom. She was shivering and trying to remind herself why she thought a damn dress was a good idea for this climate. The air whipped under her skirt, and her teeth clattered for the third time in the last ten minutes. She was already exhausted, and the cold wasn’t helping. Why she thought booking a red-eye from Milwaukee to Boston was a good idea, she’ll never fucking know. Saving money? Fuck money, she’ll take the sleep and decent food, thank you very much.
           One month ago, Trixie Mattel got a call she’d never expect in a million years. RuPaul Charles, her director from a cabaret in Boston she worked at, nearly ten years ago, had somehow found her number, despite having no contact in all this time. God knows how, but Trixie always said RuPaul works in mysterious ways. They reminisced on the phone for hours, about old performances, and old friends. Trixie enjoyed the conversation, despite the fact she hadn’t had much to contribute. While Ru was off being a newlywed with his husband Georges, Trixie was working back in small town Wisconsin, helping her mom with her siblings and taking a receptionist job at the local elementary school. She can’t say she particularly disliked her entire existence, or that Wisconsin was just a reminder of everything she ever hoped she would never be, but it wasn’t all bad, that’s for sure. She contemplated leaving, but she wanted to help her family. And as her step-father so lovingly put it: “It was her duty,”.
So, there she was, in a dead-end town. Most of the kids from school had married by now, she was twenty-eight after all, and her friendships had all but fallen apart after Trixie had left for Boston. Most of them had even popped out a child or two, and Trixie found it hard to relate and/or enjoy one second of their company. So, when RuPaul had asked Trixie to spend a week at the Cabaret for a reunion performance she was hosting, how could Trixie ever say no?
After confirming her attendance, Trixie threw herself in bed, fully panicking. Was everyone going to be there? What if she was the only one to show up? What if she decided not go, and was the only who didn’t? She did enough damage when she left last time. What if they all hated her? What if she saw Katya? Of course, she’ll see Katya, she was as much a part of that cast as anyone else. How would Katya react to seeing her? Things would be weird, of course. Would she be prepared to handle that? Maybe Katya would just ignore her the whole time? Which honestly sounded like a pretty good option.
Her family, naturally, tried to discourage the trip. And they almost succeeded, too, especially with thoughts of Katya running wild in her head (like maybe Katya would throw a drink on her when she first saw her??), but Trixie realized if she didn’t go now, she never, ever would. She would just have to cross the Russian bridge when she got to it. She packed her guitar, her harp, and her suitcase and left for the airport the next morning.
           Trixie’s last time in Boston was potentially one of the best and worst times of her life. That was when things were changing for her. For better or worse, Trixie still wasn’t sure. She was only nineteen at the time, and how much can a nineteen-year-old comprehend about life-long lessons and impact? She found parts of herself she didn’t even know existed. And she loved that. But she also found a Pandora’s Box worth of things she didn’t dare try and open. And it didn’t take much for her to plunge back into Wisconsin, after barely making a home on these busy city streets. She did like it here in Boston. She liked the diversity, the hustle and bustle of city life. There was always something to occupy yourself with here. It wasn’t like Wisconsin, and that, perhaps, was the best part.
           Trixie, desperate to relieve herself of the cold, cut through a few alleys to get to the Cabaret, it’s funny, how well she still knew the Boston streets. She walked into a shabby-looking building, with broken lights, chipped brick, and ripped, wet, paper signs just outside the door. It’s clear the place had seen it’s better years, but Trixie didn’t seem to notice as she retched open the doors to get out of the cold. Warmth flooded her body, and she silently praised Ru for always being a cold blood.
           Expectations were rather high, as Ru always kept his cabaret as elegant as possible. Nice furniture, the smell of incense and a bit of alcohol reminded her more of home than her actual home did. And, she wasn’t disappointed. Barstools were neatly pushed in where they weren’t being used. High dining tables scattered the house, with equally high chairs, padded with nice, velvet cushions. Even the stage had a fresh coat of black paint on it, and the curtains had been replaced in the last ten years, she noticed. This was home to her, she wondered why she left.
          “… Trixie?”
           In an instant, Trixie felt her stomach drop to the floor. Already? She thought. She faced the bar, and the voice that came from behind it.
           “Katya. Hey.” She said shortly. This was not good. Not good at all. She hadn’t mentally prepared herself for an encounter this early. She braced herself. She braced herself for the potential yelling, for a drink to be dumped on her head. Anything.
           But nothing came.
           “I didn’t think you’d come to the reunion. In fact, Ru didn’t even tell me you were invited.” Katya shifted her weight and cocked her hip out as she looked Trixie up and down.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Trixie, deciding it was probably okay to move towards Katya, inched her way over to the bar.
Katya shrugged. “Dunno. I’m just surprised you came.”
There was a pause and Trixie took their momentary lapse in conversation to give Katya the same scrutinizing eye. She was slim as ever, clad in a white and black checked dress. She couldn’t see her legs behind the bar, but Trixie would put money on those muscular thighs being clad in fishnets and high boots. Katya’s hair had grown, in fact, it looked like it hadn’t been cut in the last nine years. Long, blonde waves, darker at the roots that cascaded over her shoulders. It had lots of volume, and Trixie can’t remember a time Katya’s hair looked like it had so much effort put into it.
           “So,” Katya spoke up. “Can I get you a drink?” Trixie was pulled out of her daze, and back into the reality of her current situation. Her stomach flipped again.
           “Oh, uh, water would be nice.” Trixie sat down on one of the barstools and began to notice the place was practically empty. There were a few lowly looking men, scattered at tables, but that was it. Trixie’s brow creased, the place used to be packed. “So,” she began, watching Katya move about behind the counter. “How have you been?”
           “Fine.” Katya set the glass down firmly in front of Trixie and popped a straw in the top before going about cleaning up a little.
           “That’s good to hear.” Trixie nodded, fiddling with the straw and staring at it as if it was the most interesting thing in the room and not Katya.  
           Katya pursed her red-streaked lips. “You?”
           “No complaints.”
           “You still living in Wyoming?” Katya finally looked up from the impeccably clean shot glass she was wiping down.
           “Wisconsin.” Trixie corrected, finally deciding that her water deserved more than to just be played with and ogled at. She took a sip and cringed at the pink ring her lipstick left on the straw.
           “Mm.” Katya nodded slowly and tossed her rag beneath the counter, before folding her arms over her chest and gazing at Trixie coolly.
           Trixie shifted in her seat. “So, who’s all coming to this… thing? Our whole cast?”
           Katya looked down at her feet and back up again. “Uhm, Adore is flying in from Cali, I know. Violet still lives here and so does Kim.” Katya’s eyes roamed the room as she thought. “Plus, you, me, Bianca.” She paused. “We haven’t heard from Aja, yet. Oh, and Ginger is trying to get time off her rehearsals, so we’ll see.”
           “No, I don’t think so. She hasn’t responded to anyone’s phone calls so…” Katya shrugged. “She’ll probably show up unannounced. She always like to make an entrance.”
           Trixie smiled at the thought. “Probably.”
           There was a beat of silence as the two ran out of things to say, yet again. Katya was fiddling with an end of her hair, and Trixie went back stirring her water.
           “How’s Ru? And Georges?” She knew perfectly well how they were.
           “Oh.” Katya smiled briefly, and Trixie got a glimpse at those perfect teeth. “They’re really good, still… really in love and… super gay.” Katya chuckled.
           “What about you? Still a lesbian?” Trixie regretted the words as soon as they passed her lips. Something passed over Katya’s face, an unidentifiable emotion and she crooked her lips and laughed.
           “Yeah, Trixie. I am.” Katya bit her lip. “Seeing anyone in Wyoming?”
           Trixie investigated her cup again. “Nah, no. Not a lot of pickings in Wisconsin.”
           “Not a lot of lesbians?” She mused.
           Trixie sucked in a breath and pretended she didn’t hear the question. “So why is Ru planning this little reunion performance?” She asked, her eyes elsewhere as she hoped Katya wouldn’t press the previous issue.
           Katya was silent for a moment. “A lot of us have moved on, Trix. We had good times, it’s been almost ten years and none of us even… text. Or follow each other on Instagram.” Katya shrugged. “You didn’t have to come, you know.”
           “I wanted to.”
           “…Well, I’m glad you did.” Katya pursed her lips again, giving Trixie a hard gaze. Almost a challenge. She didn’t respond, and, instead, rapped her nails against the bar counter. Trixie felt bad. What was she supposed to say to that? She knows Katya’s implications, and she wasn’t a lesbian. So why entertain the idea that they could ever be anything more than friends? Or even that? Katya was the soul reason it was so hard for her to come back here. She could face nearly everything else, she really, really could. She could face the girls scolding her for just disappearing almost ten years ago, she could face Ru, despite never calling like she promised. But facing Katya, was a whole can of worms she was so unwilling to open.
“Let me take you on a tour, for old times sake?” Katya offered, coming out from behind the bar.
           “Don’t you have to work?”
           Katya surveyed the restaurant with haughty smirk. “Oh, yeah, customers are fighting for my attention.” Trixie glimpsed at the house again. The same lowly guys were minding themselves at their tables, doing God knows what.
           “Yeah, that’s true.” Trixie responded with a laugh. “Yeah, okay, a quick tour.”
           “Great, cunt, let’s start in the office.” Katya grinned softly in that Katya fashion, and came out from behind the bar, untying her apron as she did. And lo and behold:
           Fishnets and high boots.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
The Gymnast and The Barbie (Trixya) - Ace
Katya puffed out a breath as she pushed open the fire door and stepped outside, still wearing her red leotard and rhinestone tights, with her team jacket wrapped around her shoulders. The medal was around her neck and her hair was pulled up in a tight bun. She cleared her throat, breathing in the cool Wisconsin air through her nose. The cold weather in this part of America reminded her of Novosibirsk, made her feel at home.
Katya slipped a cigarette out of the top of her leotard and let it hang out of her mouth, cupping her hand over it as she lit it with a lighter out of her jacket pocket. She inhaled and then sighed as she heard the cliché pitter patter of little feet. A hoard of little girls came running round the corner into the alley in their sparkly rhinestone costumes, screaming when they saw Katya.
Katya held the cigarette behind her back, smiling at the kids as they circled around her. “Ah, little ones!” She called with mock enthusiasm, kneeling to their heights and refusing to move her hand from behind her back and show the cigarette. Set a good example for the young gymnasts.
Some of said little gymnasts held up things for her to sign. Thankfully, one had brought a Sharpie for her too. She took off the pen lid with her teeth, holding it in her mouth in place of her cigarette as she signed shirts, teddies, and hats. She even let them touch her medal. Giving the Sharpie back to the girl, Katya looked up and frowned at the back of the group.
There was someone taller. A girl, yes, but not a child. Katya gauged her age as only being a couple of years younger than her. Maybe an ex gymnast? No, the girl was thicker than the average gymnast. Not that Katya was complaining.
As the waist-high crowd dispersed, the taller one stayed. Once she was sure none of the tiny girls were going to look back, she put her cigarette back in her mouth and leaned back against the wall as she took a long, long drag and blew out the smoke in a steady stream at the floor.
The girl approached, wearing a pink slimline dress, slightly cinched in the middle by a white belt. Her hair was big, platinum blonde, huge, with waves down her shoulder. It reminded Katya of Dolly Parton.
“Hiya!” The girl squeaked, surging forward. “Hi, big fan. Like, really- um, like, oh gosh, this is an honour! Wow, you’re really here, in Wisconsin. This is so… oh, my god…”
Katya frowned, stifling a cough as she inhaled again. “Alright. What you want for autograph?” Russian was thick in her voice, and she had always had a problem with picking up English. The only sentence Katya had perfected in English was ‘Thank you, esteemed panel of judges!’.
“Autographed? Well, I, I didn’t really think of that. But, oh my god, you’re talking to me. You’re talking to me!” Trixie squealed again.
Katya’s nose wrinkled at the squeal, but then smiled. “You are excited. Like the tiny children. Is, um… Cute? Yes.”
“Yeah, sorry, don’t mean to be so, um, jumpy. It’s just, like, you’re really important to me. And stuff. I’ll just-” she took a deep breath, then sighed it out. “Okay, I’m good. Let’s try this again. Hi, I’m your local Barbie doll and Katya fanatic, Trixie Mattel! And you’re Katya. Russian medal winning and trophy collecting gymnast. Competing against people half your age. But- But you don’t move like that.”
“Hello, Tri-Tr-Tx…” Katya bit her lip, trying to figure out the pronounciation. She could say the most complicated words in Russian, but simple words in English were her downfall. “Hello, Beatrice. And you think, just because I am nearly forty, I cannot still be gr-ace-ful?” Sometimes slowly sounding out the word helped her.
“Shit…” Trixie muttered under her breath. She’d offended Katya. Her fucking idol. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” Trixie whimpered. “I didn’t mean to offend you. You’re really graceful, and that’s exactly why I love you! Well, not love, um… Adore. That’s more the word. God, I’m sorry.” Trixie had just confessed her love to her unwittingly after saying that forty year olds were stiff.
Katya chuckled, flicking some ash in the opposite direction from Trixie. “S’Okay, Beatrice. I was trying joke. And love is strong word. Very strong. Like me.” She tried to change the awkward subject to her strength. She flexed her arm, showing off the veins and muscles. “Feel. Strong.”
Trixie gave a nervous laugh, clenching her fist and then flexing her fingers out. “You want me to…?”
“I thought it was o-b-vi-ous.” Katya nodded to her bicep. “I want you feel. Hold. In hands.” She leaned down slightly so Trixie could reach easier.
Trixie bit her cheek and held her hands out, wrapping them around Katya’s bicep. “Oh, wow.” She said, grinning and giggling as Katya flexed harder and the muscle bulged out.
“Is good, da? You should feel my legs. Stronger. But arms, still strong.” Katya dropped her arm but Trixie’s hand lingered, before returning to her side.
“It’s very, um, muscly.” Trixie cleared her throat. “So… You’ve just won a medal, are you proud?” Her eyes went to the gold disk around Katya’s neck.
“Meh, just little international competition. Is nothing big. But, medal is nice touch, I guess.” Katya held the medal between two fingers, inspecting it. “Still got a lot of ad-ren-a-lin from winning. Smoking helps calm me.” As if to prove it, she took a drag and blew the smoke out away from Trixie.
“That’s probably not good. Seeing as you’ve got all those little kid fans and you’re in this sport. You need your lungs!” Trixie frowned, folding her arms across her chest.
“I have lungs. Good, strong lungs. Not giving up on me any time soon.” Katya smiled, but stifled a cough. “Anyways. Like said, helps calm me down.”
“Surely there’s other ways.” Trixie had stepped into Katya’s space, clearly a bit upset. “I don’t like you smoking.”
“Fine, fine. Here.” Katya took one last drag and then flicked the cigarette onto the floor, putting it out with her foot. “Is better?”
“Yeah, I suppose. Thanks.” Trixie gave a little smile, biting her lip. “God, I’m still a bit starstruck. Can’t believe you’re talking to me.” She smiled slightly.
“Believe it.” Katya smirked. “Still need to autograph something for you.” She frowned, but didn’t have a pen on her. “Could go grab pen from inside and sign, er… dress?”
Trixie gasped, covering the front of her dress with her hand. “No! I- I mean, no, if that’s okay. It’s a nice dress. Don’t want to ruin it. Not ruin it, it would be an honour to have you sign it, I just really like this dress. But, like… Is there something you could do for me instead?”
“Depends. What you want? Not getting my medal, or jacket.” Katya pulled her Team Russia jacket tighter around her shoulders. Though she hardly wore it, she was protective of it.
“No, I don’t want that. Is it, um, okay if you… You… Um, could you kiss my cheek? That’ll work instead of an autograph. To have Katya Zamo kiss my cheek, an honour.” Trixie turned as pink as her dress.
“A kiss? Of course, pretty thing. Come here.” Katya wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling Trixie tight to her.
Trixie squeaked, wobbling on her high heels as Katya pulled her in. It was just a cheek kiss, but she had never been pulled in like this for one of them before.
Katya leaned down, connecting her lips with Trixie’s, immediately open mouthing her with her hand buried in Trixie’s hair. Trixie gasped, paralysed in shock, before kissing back, trying to kiss her softly. Finally, the two found the middle ground together. Trixie whimpered into Katya’s mouth as she was pressed into the wall. “Kat-” Trixie gasped out. “Katya!” She finally pulled away.
All of Katya’s deep red lipstick had rubbed off. Trixie was pretty sure it was all over her face. Katya grinned, a bit breathless, giving Trixie’s waist a squeeze before letting go. “Was good, da?” She laughed, licking her thumb and wiping away some of the lipstick smudged around Trixie’s mouth.
“Y-Yeah, but I didn’t think you were gonna do that. I wanted a kiss on the cheek, Katya!” Trixie pouted, before giggling. “Oh my god, you just kissed me. I just got kissed by Katya Zamo!”
“Cheek… Cheek… What is… Oh, shcheka! Right?” Katya smiled, then pulled a face. “Oh. Ap-ol-o-gies.”
“No, it’s, um, it was good. Very good. Oh my god. You didn’t understand what a cheek is?” Trixie let out a wheezy laugh. “Sorry. Should have probably made sure you knew what that meant first. Sorry. God, do I have lipstick all over me?”
“S’okay! Had fun. And yes, red lipstick all over. I like it.” Katya grinned.
There was a knock from the other side of the door Katya was leaning against, and she let out a loud sigh and yelled something in Russian, to which the person on the other side replied, also in Russian.
“Er, I have to go. Team awaits. Thank you for this, Beatrice.” Katya licked her lips. “And I will find something to autograph for you if we meet again, yes?” She asked, very hopeful.
“Well, if you’re ever in Wisconsin again…” Trixie replied, just as hopeful. “I’ll bring one of my other dresses and you could autograph that.”
“Well, I am here for another day. So, if you wish to visit my hotel…” Katya smiled, but it dropped and she rolled her eyes as the lady behind the door yelled again. “I really need go. Take my number. Quick, quick.” She took out her phone from her jacket and put in her number to Trixie’s phone. “Call me, I will give you hotel room number.” She opened the fire door, pecking Trixie’s lips once more. “Call me.” She repeated, slipping back into the building, calling out in Russian.
Trixie looked down at her phone, the contact had been saved as 'Katya ❤’. She grinned, just staring at the door, hand over her mouth where she felt Katya’s lipstick. As soon as she got home, Katya would be getting a call.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Breakfast Tacos with The Run-Off-The-Mill Transvestite Bisexual Hooker (Trixya) - Spoky
A/N: A lesbian AU for Cat who doesn’t like dicks, but likes Trixya.
Summary: Trixie’s life is very domestic. Katya’s is not. A combination of the two creates romance and sex, mostly sex.
Breakfast Tacos with The Run-Off-The-Mill Transvestite Bisexual Hooker
The ceiling of the unfamiliar bedroom Katya woke up in needed re-painting. So did the toe nails of the girl snuggled to her side. There was a heavy, hairy arm wrapped around her chest, painfully pressing on her left breast, and a pounding headache that reminded her of the fact that she was no longer eighteen. She could taste yesterday’s cigarettes on her tongue and smell the stale scent of sex in the stuffy bedroom; combination of cum and sweat.
The curvy body on her left stirred as she slowly moved the hairy arm off of her and wiggled her way out of the double bed. Where the fuck was her underwear?
There were piles of clothing scattered around the bedroom floor and only the fourth one brought any results. Katya pulled the t-shirt on and glanced at the couple on the bed. What the fuck was wrong with modern society so that twenty-something-year-olds needed to “spice up” their sex life with additions such as her?
The walls were decorated with multiple framed photographs of the couple’s trips abroad, their happy moments. There was a statue of a cat on the dresser and candles Katya figured were lit on special occasions to set the mood. Fuck romance, she personally couldn’t even fucking spell the word.
The fifth pile of clothes was a jackpot, containing mostly just her items. She dressed as quietly as she could and licked her teeth. Ugh, wrong move. Her breath must’ve been foul.
She grabbed her bag and tiptoed next to the guy on the bed. Men did the paying in hetero relationships, right? She had nothing against the bear, or hairy dude – straights didn’t get called bears, did they? – and didn’t want to wake him, but she really needed the agreed $180. Money in the dresser, girl! Had she learned nothing?
“Dude,” Katya whispered, trying not to wake up the missus. “Fuck man, wake up.”
The bear stirred and looked up to Katya, clearly hungover.
“Dude, I need the money.”
The beast groaned and sat up. He pointed lazily to his left and Katya rolled her eyes. Maybe it was too much to ask of the males of the species to communicate in full sentences? She eyed the direction the bear was pointing at and spotted his wallet – or, she assumed it was his. She grabbed the thing and gave it to the man who after a brief pause handed her $200 in twenty dollar bills.  
“Thanks, man,” Katya whispered. Whore or not, she hadn’t been raised by fucking wolves. She weaved her way quietly to the door and was about to leave when a low grunt made her turn once more. What now?
“Same time next week?” the bear asked and Katya smiled politely.  
“Sure, text me,” she said and closed the bedroom door behind her.
The morning sun was bright and hot. Katya knew exactly how bad she smelled as she dumped the mints, the coke and the cheapest bag of crisps she could find in the gas station onto the counter.
“And Lucky Strikes, the click and roll ones,” she said to the severely overweight cashier.
“ID?” the man asked in a low baritone and Katya wanted to roll her eyes. Instead she flashed him her driver’s licence, revealing her age close to thirty, and smiled the sweetest smile she could muster.
The horizontally challenged cashier wiggled his plump ass to the cigarettes and back, tempting Katya to ask for another pack, just to give the bastard some exercise, but she figured that in a state where a Mars bar costed half the price of a fresh salad the man was probably doing his best anyway and so she decided against it.  
“Anything else?” the man asked and Katya snorted.
“A condo with a working bathroom, pretty wife and a job where I can keep my clothes on?”
The man blinked lazily, and Katya figured he was incapable of understanding humour so early on a Saturday morning.
“No, that’s all,” she corrected and handed the cashier the amount required.
She walked back to her car and took a seat. She really wanted a cigarette and had just lit one when her phone beeped for a received text message.  
T: I’ve got breakfast.
There were reasons why Katya was in love with Trixie Mattel, her immaculate timing being just one of them.
K: there in 15min
She started the car, dropped the half smoked cigarette on the parking lot and sighed. She really should’ve showered at the couple’s place…
Trixie Mattel was everything Katya Zamolodchikova aspired to be. She was smart, beautiful, cocky, artistic, occasionally cunty, sure of herself, add here your favourite adjective and just a fucking decent human being. Trixie was interesting and rarely judgemental, something Katya appreciated in a woman. She was also an amazing cook and whenever she invited Katya over, Katya never thought twice, a home cooked meal always sounding better than her favourite song on the radio.
Standing in Trixie’s clean apartment with white walls, expensive cutlery and modern art was always a little distressing. Katya usually avoided moving around too much, afraid of contaminating the place with grunge and stupidity. She therefore tended to hover somewhere in between the kitchen and the bathroom, never feeling entirely comfortable. Of course there had been times when Trixie had dragged her into the bedroom and fucked her senseless, but those occasions rarely occurred on Katya’s own initiative. Not because she didn’t want to, but because she was always expecting permission.
“Scrambled or fried?” Trixie asked gently and Katya chuckled.
Eggs. Who the fuck cared? Either. Both? They would be amazing regardless. The only way Katya ate eggs on her own was price reduced and overcooked.
“Whichever is easier,” she ended up saying, knowing that Trixie wouldn’t appreciate the reply.
“Easiest is to mash them to your head and be done with it.”
Katya sniggered. “Scrambled,” she ordered through her chuckles.
“Good girl,” Trixie said and dropped a hasty kiss to the corner of Katya’s mouth before walking to the stove.
Katya pulled herself a chair from underneath the kitchen table and took a sip of the drink Trixie had mixed for her. The drink tasted like something in between of strawberries and vodka.
“There’s towels in the bathroom,” Trixie said in passing as she crouched to get something from the fridge. Mushrooms?
“Is that a hint?” Katya asked and swallowed, trying hard to hide her disgust. How did you tell someone that perfectly good eggs shouldn’t be spoiled with literal fungus?
“Did you know that the FDA legally allows 19 maggots and 74 mites in every 3.5-ounce can of mushrooms?”
Trixie paused and turned to look at her, unamused. “No, I did not,” she admitted. “But for someone who smells like half decayed dead sewer rat, you certainly have a lot of opinions about free food.”
Katya smirked. There were many reasons why she loved Trixie Mattel, her quick-wit being just one of them.
“Fine. I’ll shower.”
“And I’ll accommodate to your uneducated taste buds.”
Katya figured it counted as team work. She should put it on her CV.
Katya reached over the sink to wipe a reflective surface to the misty bathroom mirror. She sneered at the revealed image and reached for the modified pantyhose she’d left on the toilet seat. Due to damp skin it took some effort to wiggle her way into the self-made binder, but she eventually made it and covered the damn thing with a red tank-top before jumping into her briefs. Pulling the wet strands of her blond bob out of her face she stepped to the hallway and made her way back into the kitchen.
Trixie was standing at the kitchen sink, her hands hidden in dishwater and bubbles. The woman noticed Katya’s presence as she arrived and turned to look at her. The pure lust in her eyes made Katya smirk cocksurely.
“Don’t get cocky,” Trixie snorted, taking notice of Katya’s expression.
“But surely that’s the point?” Katya asked, walking behind Trixie. She brushed the bubblegum pink curls over Trixie’s shoulder and pressed herself against Trixie’s back while grabbing her breasts gently, giving them an affectionate squeeze. The woman shivered under Katya’s touch.
“Your hair’s wet,” Trixie whimpered as Katya reached further down, forcing Trixie to abandon the dishes.
“I didn’t think wet would be a problem,” Katya said. Her voice now low.
Trixie licked her lips. She placed her hands on either side of the sink, leaning on them slightly for support as she felt Katya reaching lower, all the way down to her crotch and giving her pussy a firm rub over her dress.
“Fuck,” Trixie sighed quietly.  
Katya chuckled at Trixie’s swear and lifted the hem of her dress just enough to thread her hand into her knickers.
Trixie bit her lower lip as she moved her feet slightly more apart before thrusting her hips ever so slightly against Katya’s cupped palm.
“You like that?”
Katya wrapped her other hand around Trixie’s waist and pulled the woman firmly against her as she massaged her palm in firm waves over Trixie’s labia. The woman smelled like candied apples with a hint of soft, sweet peony. The hem of Trixie’s floral dress caressed Katya’s naked thighs and she could feel her fingers getting slick as Trixie got more aroused.
“Yeah,” Trixie moaned, barely above a whisper.
“Yeah?” Katya asked, pressing her middle finger slightly in between Trixie’s pudendal lips, not quite in straight contact with her clitoris.
“Fuck yeah,” Trixie groaned and bent her knees to thrust against Katya’s hand more firmly, craving for more stimulation.
“Turn,” Katya instructed and pulled her hands off of Trixie.
Trixie swirled around in one quick movement and placed her hands on the kitchen counter for support as Katya got down on her knees, swiftly making her way underneath Trixie’s knee length hem. Katya dragged Trixie’s white cotton panties down to her ankles and helped her to step out of them before pressing her nose against her pussy, bringing it into a sweet sweet contact with Trixie’s clitoris.
Trixie whimpered and thrust her hips violently against Katya’s face, begging her to fuck her.
The desperate movement made Katya grin and she dug her fingers into Trixie’s ass, grabbing it tightly with her left hand before tracing Trixie’s pussy with her already wet fingers.
“Stop teasing you cunt!”
Katya smirked but didn’t need telling twice. She pushed two fingers up into Trixie simultaneously as she opened her lips to press an open mouthed kiss over her clitoris. Trixie groaned loudly, melting into the touch and pressing herself firmer against Katya’s mouth and fingers, asking for more.
“Please please please,” Trixie whined, her voice wavering. “Just, just…”
Trixie was squeezing the kitchen counter tightly, leaning onto her hands, as she rubbed her pussy against Katya’s slick tongue. She needed more, wanted her deeper, firmer, faster and rose onto her toes, knees bent, to create more leverage.
“Fuck yeah, eat that pussy,” she moaned and fucked against the open mouth before surrendering to the shivers and vibrations that flashed through her body in tidal waves.
Katya could feel Trixie’s thighs shaking and just held her firmly as the woman shivered above her. She didn’t know when Trixie had gotten onto her toes but as she lowered her heels back down and straightened her knees, Katya’s tongue lost contact with her. She could hear her panting and could imagine her eyes closed, lips slightly ajar, completely consumed by the sweet lull of her afterglow. As a soft reminder of her existence, Katya crooked her fingers slightly inside of her.
“Stop it, bitch.”
Katya laughed at the words and pulled out. “Sensitive, are we?”
Trixie snorted and dragged Katya up to her feet before kissing her hungrily, tasting herself on Katya’s lips. How the fuck had she fallen so hard for this run-off-the-mill transvestite hooker, Trixie would never know, but the woman fit perfectly against her as she wrapped her arms around Trixie’s waist.
“Breakfast?” Katya mumbled between the kisses and Trixie couldn’t resist the opportunity.
“What, you want more than tacos?”
Katya’s shrieking laughter sounded like a cat in heat.
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