#also i mean they have briefly met my family before but it was always at competitions so nothing too personal
klausysworld · 6 months
A prompt I had for a while: reader is a single widowed mother. Klaus and her become close but she’s reluctant as she’s scared to start anything with Klaus as she’s worried her daughter may get attached. Klaus is adamant he loves reader and her daughter.
Just fluff and stuff!
Bonus: smut? And even a lil addition to the family that’s a mix of Klaus and reader 👶
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Life goes on
I had only dated a couple of guys since losing my husband.
It had taken a while to allow myself to feel okay with being someone else, especially because of Luna; my daughter. She's only young, barely 6 and I didn't want her to think I was replacing her father, not that she really remembers him much now. Years had passed now and sometimes she would ask where her daddy was and why he couldn't visit.
I had only let her meet one other guy before and she was more heartbroken than I was when it didn't work out so I knew I needed to keep her away from that aspect of my life, especially while she was so young.
But that didn't mean that I didn't date.
It wasn't a frequent thing, just when I found someone I really liked and well, I really liked Nik.
We met at Luna's school actually. He also has a daughter who's a few years older and we had just dropped them off. I accidentally caught his eye when I took a glance round the playground and we smiled at each other politely.
He was a sight for sore eyes: good hair, nice eyes, charming smile, lean body and a nice sense of fashion. An annoying sense of guilt always filled me when I found another man attractive so I looked away and headed to work.
Still though, I couldn't help look for him and his smile every morning when I dropped Luna off and every afternoon when I picked her back up. He would always be looking back at me as his own daughter would run on over to him and he would take her backpack from her and give me a look as if to say "Kids, am I right?" and I would always smile a little wider and gesture to my own who would always be pulling on my sleeve telling me she wanted to go home or to a friends house.
It made me jump a little the first time he actually spoke to me, he had appeared behind me as though out of thin air and quickly apologised when I flinched away at the sound of his voice and placed my hand over my chest.
He chuckled as he spoke, "Forgive me, I didn't mean to frighten you"
His voice had a beautiful accent that made my cheeks blush pink and my attention to focus on him completely.
"That's okay, I just wasn't paying attention" I dismissed and he smiled
"I'm Nik" he introduced and I felt my heart flutter a little bit in a way that I knew I would feel bad about later.
"Y/n" I whispered and he hummed as he took my hand and kissed that back of it, I couldn't help but laugh at the outdated gesture and he rolled his eyes playfully.
I glanced over to the doors where I was waiting for Luna to come out briefly before turning back to him. He had a curious sort of look in his eye that made me ask if something was wrong but he shook his head.
"I just don't understand why you're single" he murmured and I felt my eyes go to the floor as I hesitated because there was no right way to every tell somebody that my husband had died and since then my life was a mess. So I turned away from him and tried to swallow the memory of my husbands death away but then I felt his Nik's on my arm and the gentle act reminded me of him. "I don't mean to offend you" he told me, his tone soft and it made me feel worse.
"You didn't, I'm sorry my daughters here now so I have to go" I whispered, walking forward to meet Luna as she already had her hand outstretched to hold onto mine.
I tried not to look at him the next day.
Dating was complicated enough, dating a man who's child went to the same school as mine was too much.
However, for better or worse, no matter how much I tried to ignore him, our eyes always seemed to meet and as the days passed we ended up stood closer and closer together. Once we were so close, it felt rude to ignore him so we would talk. Not really about anything important or deep, mostly parent things and what sorts of things the girls were up to. It was a conversation topic that was easy and didn't open up too many personal questions.
I started to like him, more than I wanted to. But so did other moms and teachers for that matter even though most of them were married. Woman were cruel sometimes, often I wondered if they just never evolved from highschool.
For whatever reason, they didn't like that I was a single mother, despite it not being my fault or choice. Luna and I had moved here after my husband died but I only had to tell one person for the whole town to know that I was widowed and struggling.
Klaus wasn't aware for a while, not until one of the other moms filled him in.
I had gotten to school a little late because work and ran over, I was never late but unfortunately I had been that day but I rang the school to let them know even though it was only a few minutes so that Luna wasn't stood waiting.
When I got there Luna was running toward me crying and I quickly lifted her up asking what was wrong.
"They're talking about Daddy" she whimpered and I quickly looked over. Two woman were talking to eachother, loudly. Nik was looking right at me and I felt my face heating up as the moms spoke about how felt for someone like me and they wondered how I managed to even get out of bed each morning let alone flirt with other men after losing my husband.
I kissed Luna's head gently and whispered for her to ignore it before walking briskly to my car and strapping her in. I wiped away the tears that threatened to spill and went round to my side of the car.
Fast paced footsteps approached me before I heard his voice. "Y/n, love, are you alright?" he asked, his hand going to my upper back in an act of comfort and it made my eyes water again.
"I'm fine" I whispered but it came out as weak and unconvincing as I felt.
I didn't have it in me to push myself away from him when he pulled me into a hug, his hand stroked the back of my hair and I cried into his shoulder. I knew Luna could see me hugging a man from her carseat and it made me cry harder at the thought.
"It's alright" he mumbled while his arms seemed to circle me tighter. I tried to apologise but he shushed my sorrys away and helped wipe my tears away. I glanced over to where his daughter, Hope, was stood. She gave me a sympathetic smile and waved a little, Klaus handed Hope the keys to his car and asked he to wait for a moment before turning back to me. "Hope lost her mother due to childbirth" he told me and I softened all that more.
"I'd say I'm sorry but... I know that's not really something you want to hear again" I whispered and he smiled a little.
"You'd be correct" he muttered and I glanced back at Luna who held a worried but curious expression. I looked back at him and nodded before letting go of me and opening my car door for me. I sniffed and thanked him before getting into my seat and watching him walk over to his own car before driving home.
Luna asked who he was and I told her he was just another dad from school, but I knew she wasn't as clueless as she acted.
Thankfully it was a Friday so I didn't have to see Nik for a couple of days, or any of the moms. Just Luna and I.
Once Monday came back around I didn't feel like facing the stuck up bitches of the community so watched Luna go in from my car and waved to her teacher at the door so they knew how Luna got there. I went to get back into my car when Nik's voice called out for me and captured my attention once more.
"I do hope you aren't avoiding me, love" he called as he grew nearer and I quickly shook my head.
"No, not you" I replied and his brows pulled together briefly before a look of realisation and sympathy washed over his face.
"They don't know what they're saying. Nobody knows how it feels until they've gone through it, not that I want any of them to but it would help a little if they understood at least a fraction of the pain" he expressed and I couldn't have worded it better myself.
"I just don't know how people can be so unempathetic" I mumbled and he nodded solemnly.
"The world" he muttered "is a cruel place. It always has been." somehow he sounded as if he truly knew that and I found myself questioning it.
"Will it always be?" I whispered and he shook his head.
"Not for everyone. Not for you, I won't allow it." he told me, honesty shining in his eyes that made a blush spread to my ears and a smile to creep across my face.
"I won't hold you to it" I breathed but he shook his head and took my hand, kissing the back of it making my eyes roll.
"I don't tend to break promises" he uttered before squeezing my hand and letting me go to work for the day.
Later we both got to school early to see the other though neither of us outwardly confirmed it, we both knew. That was when he asked if I was ever free to go out for lunch or dinner or anything. I was reluctant and he could see that,
"It doesn't have to be a date" he offered, "just friends getting something to eat or drink or going on a walk..."
After a moment I agreed and told him that one of my neighbours would be happy to babysit Luna for a couple hours after work or on the weekend. The elderly lady next door was lovely and welcoming, she gave sympathy immediately and loved Luna from day one and had watched over her a couple times throughout the last couple years.
We just went and got some coffee and went for a walk to begin with. It was nice to ease into it. The last guy I went out with expected way too much on the first date while Nik kissed my cheek and knew that was enough for that day. Somehow he seemed to know everything, when to make a move and when to slow down. He could read me like a book and under different circumstanced that would scare me but I didn't feel afraid with him.
So I started to see him more frequently, more romantically.
He would take me to fancy restaurants and refuse to let me even see the check which to begin with was cute but started to make me feel guilty which he picked up on and explained that he didn't want me to ever think about money when I was with him. He said that he had more than he knew what to do with and spoiling me made him happy. I wasn't completely settled with this answer but I accepted it a bit.
We ended up making it into a little game. We would see which one of us could grab the check the fastest, he almost always won but every now and then I would manage to snatch it up, he would be trying to get it off of me but I would threaten to scream so he had to stop tickling. On occasion, if he had to go to the bathroom, I would manage to pay the bill before he was able to intervene and he would strop over it and end up buying me something worth much more that the date.
Everything about it was heavenly, accept for the comments and opinions of others. However it seemed that people only seemed to step out of line once before they never spoke ill of me again, it was strange but somehow I knew that Klaus had something to do with it.
This was confirmed when he dropped be home and my neighbour: Dorothy, or Dot was stood outside with a hard expression on her face as she held a sleeping Luna. I approached with a confused frown.
"What's wrong?" I asked worried and her eyes snapped to mine.
"That's the man you're seeing?" she asked, her tone judgemental and I didn't understand the switch up. I nodded, confused and she tightened her hold on Luna making my eyes narrow in concern. "You stop talking to that man right now. He is no good and never will be. A monster is that man and I will not allow him to be in Luna's life nor yours." she argued and I frowned.
"Dot- what on earth are you on about?" I asked, alarmed.
"He is the devil reincarnated. You stay away." she warned as she handed me Luna. "You don't understand now but you will if you stay near him. He'll ruin whatever good you have."
I didn't know what she was on about, or why or how she knew Nik but Dorothy was not a liar and she was not a hateful person so to see her voice such a harsh opinion spoke volumes.
I was a little more skeptical around Nik, but I also didn't really know what I was looking for. He just seemed upset and stressed when I turned down the third date in a row.
It made me feel awful so I went to Dot and started to demand answers.
Now, I'll be honest, I thought she was losing it when she started talking about vampires and werewolves and witches. But when I tried to leave the door slammed shut without her touching it and the fireplace flames roared.
"You have to listen to me dear, and you have to really hear me to be able to understand" she whispered, leading me back to the sitting room where she went into depth regarding her own witch heritage and then the originals and Nik or rather Niklaus.
Luna knew something was wrong when I let her have a couple days off school and she asked if it was because of Nik. She wasn't naive and she knew that I liked him more than others.
Eventually she asked to go back to school, being at home for so many days was boring so I took her in.
There was no way of avoiding Niklaus when he was waiting beside my car with a look of hurt throughout him. I tried to ignore him and just open the door but his hand touched my arm and I pulled away quickly. He caged me against the car and I could feel fear consuming me.
"Y/n" he murmured, his tone so soft that it confused me again. "Love, if I've done something to upset to upset you or scare you..." He trailed, his hands cupping both sides of my face and I couldn't help but enjoy the warmth he always had. I didn't want to look at him, I didn't know how to get out of the situation I was in and it was making me panic further.
"I need to go to work" I whispered quietly, weakly.
"I know..." he mumbled, "but...I need you and... you won't even look at me"
"You don't need me Nik" I told him, "It was only a few dates-"
"It's not" he argued
"We haven't slept together so it's not a big deal-"
"That's a lie and you know it" he whispered, exasperated.
I glanced up at him, and then I wasn't able to look away. He was right, it was a much bigger deal than I wanted to admit. We had connected on a much more emotional level than anyone I had before, other than my husband those years ago.
"We can't be together" I whispered and his frown deepened
"Did I kiss you too soon? I never meant to rush you" he muttered, concern displayed across his face
"It's not that-"
"Then what-"
"You're a vampire!" I whisper-yelled and his mouth snapped shut. "Or a hybrid or something...I don't...I can't..."
He stayed silent and stepped back, allowing me to open my car door and get in. I didn't hesitate in driving away.
I didn't see him when I picked up Luna however I did receive a message later that evening.
Hello, my love I do hope you'll one day forgive me for keeping my true identity a secret. I never meant to frighten you or make you feel uncomfortable, however I suppose that's why I didn't tell you. I like you very much, more than I have liked someone in many years and I love that you're such a lovely mother. I've thoroughly enjoyed our dates and I had hoped that we would progress our relationship however I understand that you are afraid for yourself and for Luna. Know that I would never, ever harm your daughter. I have one of my own and I know what it's like to love and worry for a child. I would never hurt either of you. Still, I know you will probably feel alarmed by my presence so I'll leave you be is that's would you want, all I ask is that you please don't tell others of my species as it puts Hope's life endanger and all I want is for her and you to be safe. I don't expect a reply but know that I will always have a space for you in my heart.
I could feel my heart aching as I read down to the bottom line.
I didn't see him anywhere for the next too weeks and I found myself missing him terribly.
Eventually I couldn't take it. I found that I didn't see him as anything other than a man. Not a monster or a threat. Just someone I cared for deeply and knowing that I had hurt him made me feel terribly guilty.
So I ended up messaging for him to meet me outside a little cafe. I had already ordered and paid for our drinks and was sat at a table waiting for him to arrive anxiously.
He got there exactly on time like always and sat opposite me with a singular flower for in his hand which he held out for me and I accepted with a small smile.
"Thank you" I whispered and his lips curled up as his hand moved to hold my hand and I let him, holding his back.
We spoke for a while, discussed who he was and how he got here, his intentions and any of my other questions before talking about our relationship again. I told him about my neighbour and he said he knew her last name and that decades ago her family had been involved with his brother, Kol, which resulted in a rather brutal and tragic even.
He admitted to being apart of the massacre and didn't attempt to justify his actions but just apologised for them and offered to formally apologise to Dorothy.
So, I brought him to her home and she instantly attacked him. It was only when I got in the way and she accidentally hurt me instead that she stopped. I was holding onto my head and crying while Klaus held me to his chest and tried to have me drink his blood which I now knew would heal me but the idea of it made me gag. Eventually I let the metallic taste fill my mouth and swallowed it down, the pain went away in a matter of seconds and Dot was hysterically sorry.
Klaus wouldn't let her near me and instead lifted me up and took me home. Dot begged me not to invite him in but I did so anyway.
He sat me down on the couch and kept asking if I was still hurt no matter how many times I told him that I was okay. He seemed more sorry than Dorothy and wouldn't stop checking me over.
It made me see just how much he cared and how honest he was being when he said he didn't want any harm to come to me. I could also see him resisting the urge to go back over to Dot after her causing me pain.
Eventually we had to go get Hope and Luna. No other parents so much as glanced our way when we both arrived in my car and I glanced to Klaus with the sneaking suspicion that he had compelled some of the women there but I didn't ask.
I let him officially meet Luna and although she was shy, she told me that she liked him once we got home.
Hope and Luna had a couple of play dates and everyone was getting along.
Luna started to ask for Nik sometimes, and once or twice she had accidentally called him 'dad' or 'daddy' though she would deny it afterwards and cry because she didn't want her father to think she was replacing him which would break my heart without fail.
Hope was a little older than Luna so more mature, Klaus didn't have the same issues I was having.
It had been months, over a year since our first date and Klaus told me that he loved me. It was a reality check of sorts. It scared me a little.
I had to start really thinking. Klaus was immortal and hope had powers. Luna and I would never be anything more than human. We would never be powerful and one day I would get old and Klaus wouldn't love me the way he does now, for all I know another woman could catch his eye and he would leave Luna and I right back where we were. Alone.
It worried me more when Luna asked if Nik and Hope could live with us. It was something I know Nik had considered, he had spoken about it a couple times but we never really came to a final decision. However I had to think about that now.
Klaus was already adamant that I shouldn't have to work so much but the fear of him leaving, or worse...dying, made me cling onto my job for stability. I couldn't ever risk not having a roof over Luna's head and that meant never relying on anybody. I know Nik doesn't really understand that fear. He promises that, even though it won't ever happen, if we did break up then he would never let myself or Luna to be struggling.
"I could never do that to you" he promised after I told him of the thoughts that haunted my head.
"Not now maybe...but I don't know...what if something really bad happened?" I asked quietly and he frowned, cupping my jaw and kissing my forehead as we lay in my bed for the third night in a row while Luna and Hope had another sleepover a couple doors over.
"Nothing could ever be bad enough for me to do that" he whispered and I looked down as i traced meaningless shapes onto his bare chest.
"What if...what if you were killed or something?" I mumbled, wincing at the thought and memories.
"Then I would leave everything to you and you and Luna and Hope would be living like royalty" he murmured and I game him an unconvincing half-smile.
"Well...what if something happened to me?" I questioned and he went quiet, just looking at me for a moment before replying.
"Then I would raise Luna as well as I could, and we would think of you and love you always" he finally answered and I lay my head down against his shoulder, staring at nothing in particular.
“You have to promise…that even if you hate me, you can’t ever hate Luna” I whisper. His hold tightened on me and I was pulled as close as physically possible.
“I promise” he agreed as I closed my eyes as I tried to relax as much as I could.
I won’t lie, I had to be reassured more than I thought. I just couldn’t stop the worries.
But Klaus always had the perfect thing to say, he always made me feel safe and comfortable. He made Luna happy and he was a new beginning for both of us. Him and Hope were our family now, Always and Forever.
(I’m so sorry I didn’t add any smut or another addition…maybe I could make a part two and involve their family growing?? I think I got too invested in the emotional side when writing)
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
Day 11: Exhibitionism/Voyeurism - Winter Soldier
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Summary: Home alone, you think it's safe to have some 'special time', but unbeknown to you, he's there, always watching and admiring.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, dubious content, stalker!winter soldier, masturbation, sex toys, loneliness, exhibitionism, voyeurism
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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Being the adoptive daughter of the infamous Alexander Pierce wasn’t always as exciting and full of potential danger as you’d expect. For the most part, you are confined to your heavily guarded home 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Despite being an adult and wanting to live your own life, your father deemed it too dangerous that you could be captured and used for ransom.
Throughout your life, you’d never even seen one second of action or risk, and some would say that just means your father has protected you to the best of his abilities. There is a point, however, where you need something exciting in your life even though there are only limited ways to get any thrill.
This usually occurred when you were home alone, like tonight. Bored out of your mind whilst watching the TV attached to the wall in the living room, your dad walked past, clicking a button on his phone before tying his show lace. Glancing at the time on your phone, you assumed he was going to work, considering it was so late; you knew better than to ask him what was wrong to demand his time.
Walking over, your dad briefly paused to lean down and kiss your forehead, pretending he cared, but there was nothing Alexander Pierce truly loved more than Hydra. He didn’t even need to say that he was leaving as your dad prepared to leave, assuming you had caught on to his gathering of stuff that he would be going, but before he could step out of the door, you shouted in his direction, “Am I expecting company tonight?”
Your Dad knew who you were referring to. The Winter Soldier. The assassin whom you’d met on numerous occasions tended to turn up unannounced to your home in search of your father to debrief or receive new orders, so you made sure to ask regarding his whereabouts so that you could be prepared for a midnight visit.
“No, he’s a couple of states away on a mission and not due to be back for another few days. I’ll lock up on my way out; don’t wait up for me”. Without another look or even an ‘I love you’, Alexander Pierce left out of the front door, and the sound of the shutters around the windows started to descend, and the thick locks on all doors clicked into place.
You were locked in, and as soon as the metal stopped creaking and you knew your dad’s car had driven off, you sighed in sweet relief at finally being home alone. It was almost like an automatic reaction for your body to become horny as soon as you were locked in, knowing that no one would interrupt and you had free reign to do whatever you pleased, which would always be masturbation.
Turning up the TV loud so you could hear it from your bedroom and not feel as alone, you changed your clothing to just an oversized shirt and nothing more, selecting which vibrator you wanted from the box beneath your bed. Today was going to be the purple bullet vibrator and then returned to the living room.
This was one of the only places where you could feel any sort of rebellion or thrill. Yes, you could and do masturbate in your bedroom just like anyone else would, but being able to do it in technically a public space gave you little bursts of adrenaline. If your father returned home, you’d be able to hear the security system unlocking, but it was also an area that was supposed to be where everyone gathered and had family time. This didn’t refer to your home, though, as you were the only person to use the living area as your father was either in his office, the gym or not home at all.
Lying down on the soft couch, your head nestling into the decorative pillow, you tried to focus your mind into the horny zone. The excitement you anticipated hit you in your gut as you lifted your shirt until it rested over your collarbones to reveal your nude body.
As the chilled breeze ghosted over your skin, it caused a ripple effect of goosebumps to shiver over you, nipples hardening, which sparked pleasure to build in your abdomen and moisture to slick at your entrance. Closing your eyes, your fingers teased over your breasts, imagining they were someone else's hands, exploring the fresh and finding where you were most sensitive.
Pinching your nipples gently, you released a soft sigh as another hand drifted down to the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. Biting your lip, your knees separated to allow your fingers to collect some of the juices that had leaked from your hole and then spread it over your clit, massaging the bundle of nerves in circles.
You were entirely in the zone, feeling increasingly more aroused with breathy moans and whimpers escaping your open mouth each second. This was your favourite place to be, hot and bothered, getting yourself off to feel your cunt pulsing around two of your fingers.
Then you were pressing the vibrator against your clit with two fingers delved into your warmth, curling and pressing on the spot that had your back arching and breaths hitching.
Everything was building, like an orchestra reaching its crescendo, approaching the peak of no return and complete euphoria. Then, the sensation rushed over you. Not the pleasant orgasmic blissful shiver but a haunting, the hairs standing on end over your arms and the back of your neck with unease. It felt like someone was watching you, but that wasn’t the case; the building was locked down, and the security cameras didn't point in this direction.
Your eyes opened on instinct, and fear, horror and dread pulsed through your stomach as you screamed, closing your legs and rushing to stand and cover your body with your shirt. Your knees buckled from the lasting effects of getting yourself off, but you clung to the arm of the couch whilst trying to turn off the vibrator.
It felt like your heart had moved to your throat, with the fear of throwing up and passing out at the same time taking over as you stared unblinking at the man currently sitting in the armchair next to the couch you’d been masturbating on. He was sitting as still as a statute, head to toe, in his tactical gear, even the mask.
“Soldier?” your voice reverberates off the walls you’ve shouted that loud. All it earned you was a tilt of his head to the side, but he didn’t say a single word, so you continued to shout, even though you knew you should have remained calm around someone as dangerous as him. “What the fuck are you doing here? You should have knocked or- something! How did you even get in here?!”
He simply sat there, staring at you with deep blue eyes, his long hair framing his face, his deadly hands resting on the arms of the chair, acting casually like he hadn’t just been sitting there as you feverishly masturbated naked in front of him. The more time passed, the worse your tremors became, almost like you were vibrating with anxiety.
It wasn’t uncommon for the Winter Soldier to not knock when he came to the house however usually your father was present or he’d been anticipated but for him to somehow get in when the house was on lockdown and not be expected, it had you on edge.
“Why didn’t you announce yourself, Soldier?” you tried to sound confident and not fearful, but your voice cracked on the last word, which gave away your anxiety. Your thoughts were going around and around in your head; how long had he been there? How did you not even hear him walking into the room?
The Assets head tilted to the other right, his eyes remaining focused only on your face as he finally began to talk in his low, drawled voice, “Why did you stop?”
Your eyes widened in shock briefly before trying to regain control, “What did you say?”
“You don’t usually stop. Why did you stop now?”
Your heart seemed to stop at this question. Swallowing the thick glob of spit in your mouth, you asked, “What do you mean usually? Have... have you seen me doing this before?”
He nods slowly, and you want to vomit immediately. Closing your eyes briefly, you tried to take a deep breath, hoping it would give you some composure. Maybe this was karma working her evil magic on you, you had decided, for having a kink with being caught, which is why you masturbated in the living room. Why on earth were you now upset when you’d actually been caught?
Sighing and rubbing both hands over your face, ignoring that they were still slightly wet from earlier, you tried to explain to the assassin, “You know, it’s not normal to watch people during intimate times like this. You’re supposed to announce yourself or something”.
“But you look at peace when you do it”, he says in the same emotionless voice. His words catch you off guard, but he continues, “You didn’t finish today like you usually do”.
The way he spoke about what you were doing, you weren’t even sure he knew what it was or the consequences of your actions. You knew his history, who he was and how they controlled him. Did he even know what sex was with all the times his mind had been wiped? He wasn’t acting like a creep, even if he had snuck in to watch you masturbate and clearly had watched it several times before. If he was going to hurt you, he would have done so by now, so tentatively, you sat back onto the couch, still pulling the bottom of your shirt lower over your legs and hiding the vibrator beneath your thigh.
“I didn’t finish like the other times because I didn’t know you were watching; it can make people uncomfortable knowing someone is watching them”.
“Does it make you uncomfortable that you know I’m watching?” his tone lowered with the question he was asking.
“Yes! I don’t want people to watch me do this, and what if my Dad finds out? What if you tell him what I’ve been doing?”
Bucky finally showed some emotion as he frowned in confusion, “Why would I tell your father about this? It has nothing to do with the mission? I like watching you because you seem to enjoy it; isn’t that a good thing?”
He seemed so innocent in his questioning. “Just so I’m getting this right, are you expecting me to continue?” The soldier nods yes in an answer as you release a long breath. “If I say no, will you kill me?” This time, he shakes his head, giving you the answer no, which did little to alleviate the nerves catapulting through you.
Standing up from the couch whilst clutching the vibrator, you rushed towards your bedroom, intending to hide the sex toy and lock yourself in so that you didn’t have to sit looking at the soldier anymore. However, as you stood before the door, you thought it over more. If he’d been watching you all of this time, then what’s the difference with him being here now? He could overpower you any time he wanted, and he didn't want any pleasure back; otherwise, he would have made advances before.
This whole situation came about because you liked the thought of being watched or caught, so why were you running away from that scenario? Having made up your mind, you returned to the living room, where the Soldier hadn’t moved even a strand of hair since you’d left in a hurry.
Sitting back on the couch, your eyes remained everywhere but on him. In fact, as you led back down, you closed your eyes with the hopes that not being able to see him would help to calm the pounding of your nervous heart.
Your nipples were still hard, so you pressed on them through your shirt with trembling fingers, not quite believing you were in this situation. The wetness from your earlier escapades was still evident over your thighs, which you sept firmly closed. Biting your lower lip until it hurt, you kept stimulating your nipples by rubbing the peaks around in circles before pinching them to elicit more of a reaction between your legs.
It worked after a couple of minutes as your muscles lost the tension and melted into the cushions further. Eventually, your thighs were spreading as you tried to only think about that orgasm that had been so very close to pleasuring your body but had quickly disappeared from the soldier's appearance.
With your legs now parted and cunt on full displaying, facing the Asset at the end of the couch, you turned the vibrator on, deciding to go straight for the toy this time rather than playing around first. Pressing the device just above your clit, you released a breathy moan, thighs shaking with the increased delight.
This time, your body heated to the point of sweat, and your face hot to the touch because no matter how much you tried to think of anything else, it always came back to the man sitting near you. With your hips jolting and rolling to push against the vibrator, your fingers moved the shirt further up your stomach, revealing your navel and breasts so you could rub and play with them without restriction.
Then, to both your horror and delight, the Winter Solider flashed into your mind, but this time, it was him hovering above you, using his gloved hands to press against your nipples. Your moans increased in volume, back arching with this thought as you begged your mind to continue this naughty thought.
Releasing your breast, your hand trailed down your body, tickling the delicate skin before dipping past your clit and two fingers into your drenched cunt. You were sure he had thicker fingers than you, but the thought of him between your legs, curling them right into that beautiful spot, his other hand holding the vibrator to your clit, had you whithering around on the couch.
Your pussy clenched harshly around your fingers, trying to draw them deeper, needing their fullness. You weren’t sure when it was, but at some point, your eyes opened so that you could look directly at the man in question, who still had failed to move from his seat in the armchair. You weren’t looking at his body thought; you were looking at those sparking blue eyes partially hidden beneath his hair as they continued to look at just your face like he only wanted to see the pleasure you displayed rather than just touching yourself.
“Oh god”, you groan aloud to these thoughts, legs spreading further open and half-flopping off the couch as you curl your fingers faster and harder. You wished it was his fingers touching you, getting you off and bringing you close to the point of orgasming. The vibrator stroked back and forth against your throbbing clit, and that was all the additional stimulation you needed to reach your peak.
Your eyes finally closed once more as you came hard, body shaking and curling in on yourself with each pulse of your pussy around your fingers. You hadn’t orgasmed that hard in months, so it took you a couple of minutes to try and catch your breath and come out of the buzzing created by the euphoria. 
Now what? You thought whilst turning off the vibrator entirely and leaving the two of you in complete silence. The assassins still hadn’t moved, and for a brief second, you thought of his arousal. Could he even be turned on? Was that a function the scientists allowed him to keep while brainwashed? Was he watching you enough to turn him on?
The thought was swiftly pushed out of your mind as you realised he was the fucking Winter Soldier, the highest-trained assassin who was also 70+ years old; this was probably last on his list of things to be worried about. Sitting up whilst covering your body with your t-shirt once more, you struggled to think what to say or do.
“Do you want me to call my Dad to tell him you’re here for a debrief?” From the corner of your eye, the Asset nodded. You stood to take the call in your bedroom, but as you stood, your eyes briefly looked at him more clearly and noticed that he very evidently had an erection with the way his tactical gear was tented at the crotch. For some reason, this made you feel relieved that he had been turned on by what you saw, and it wasn’t just a one-way situation.
Standing and walking into your bedroom, you collapsed onto the bed with your phone raised to your ear.
Your dad answered immediately with a stern tone, “Yes?”
“Uh hey, Dad, just to let you know, the Soldier’s here”.
“What?” came Alexander Pierces’ concerned voice through the mobile.
“Yeah, he just turned up a couple of minutes ago in the living room”.
“Well, tell him to get back to the compound. I won’t be home tonight, so he needs to come here”.
Finishing the conversation with him, you stood to tell the Soldier his orders but found him nowhere in the building, not in the living room, kitchen or even by the front door. He had simply vanished, and what's more, the alarm was still in place, which meant he had a way of getting in and out of your home without triggering the alarm, which you were sure if it terrified or excited you.
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bucksdoll · 8 months
watching porn with sarah and eventually scissoring!!!! nsfw pls!! 💗💗💕💓💓💕💖💖💓💖💕
𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐱
sarah cameron x fem! reader imagine
trigger warnings : NSFW (minors dni), friends to lovers, sarah is inexperienced with women, scissoring, implied reader is a top but they’re holding back quite a bit, dirty talk, pre existing/hidden feelings, watching porn, reader using the nickname ‘sare’ for sarah
summary : after a particularly hot day outside, you and sarah are buzzing from the heat. you seek shelter in sarah’s room, cooling down in the air conditioning. you head to grab her laptop when she expresses her boredom, and you’re beyond suprised when you see what it’s open to.
authors note : heyy, thank you for being my first ever post rq, it means a lot. i wasn’t sure what trope you wanted, so i went with bsf to lovers bc i felt like it fit. i hope that’s okay :). this was supposed to just be an imagine, but it kinda ended up being a little longer than i anticipated. please feel free to leave more rqs ppl ! i love doing them. this was BRIEFLY read over. might be a lot of mistakes, and this is also my first time writing a fic. pls b patient w me.
english is not my first language, forgive me.
bow dividers by gigittamic.
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it was so hot in obx today, that it almost felt like your body was quite literally set on fire. it was the weekend, and you of course went to tanneyhill to hang out with sarah. you and sarah were inseparable. you practically lived with her at tanneyhill. you hung out around the cameron’s so often that you’d become quite close with just about every member of the family. youd help wheezy with homework, you’d playfully chastise rafe and his friends when they came over, you’d helped rose with little things here and there, hell even ward had begun to see you as a daughter. you were always welcomed in the house, whether sarah was there or not. you would be invited to family events, kook centered parties, on family vacations, everything.
if somebody asked, you’d call sarah your best friend. she’s probably call you that too. but deep down, you didn’t know what you two were. the circumstances in which you met weren’t completely platonic. you’d spotted her while at a random kook party, dressed in a bikini top and light blue ripped shorts. she was dancing with some of what you assumed to be her other friends. the music was loud and booming, and she swayed her hips, her eyes glossed over, seemingly having had a few drinks. you too, having had a few drinks, had the confidence to saunter over to her. you were dressed in a simple bikini and a backwards hat, your hair still a little damp from the dip you’d taken earlier.
you bumped a few shoulders to get through the dancing crowd of people, finally reaching her, laying a manicured hand on her shoulder. she continued moving just as she was before, hips swaying silkily, just simply turning her body to face yours. she bit her lip, smiling brightly at you, still blissfully lost in the music.
“hey pretty.” you say over the music, resting both your hands on her shoulders. you decided on a neutral move, so you could read if she was into you or not.
“hi beautiful.” she replied, finally meeting your eyes, slipping one of her hands to rest lazily on your waist, still swaying.
you started to move along with her, using your left arm around her shoulder to scoot her a little closer to you. she happily obliged, now gently fidgeting with the string of your bikini. you bit your lip, eyes never leaving hers. the way she was swaying her hips was driving you insane, and you subconsciously pulled her even closer.
she still went along with it, taking it upon herself to get as close as she could. she leaned her head on your shoulder, her hot breath on your kneck. you bit your lip so hard you’re suprised it didn’t start to bleed, and you trailed your arm from her shoulder to her ass, which you could now see swaying as she leaned against you. you gave it a light squeeze, as much as her tight denim would allow. you two continued dancing, for what felt like forever. but much to your dismay, despite a few risky touches and a few kneck kisses, nothing lead anywhere that night. she eventually had to leave the party, and she batted her eyelashes at you as you exchanged contacts.
and that’s how it always has been with sarah. you two flirt pretty frequently, and occasionally get a little handsy, but you’ve never done anything about it. she’s gone through boyfriend after boyfriend, and you’ve gone through a few relationships yourself, but after a year or so of trying, you never found relief, and ultimately stopped dating a while ago. you never tried anything with sarah, relishing in the teasing touches too much to want to risk ruining the friendship by asking her out. she was currently with her boyfriend topper, and had been for about 6 months now. she seemed happy, and seeing her happy in a relationship made you all the more sure you didn’t want to ruin it.
“hey y/n, can we pleaseee go inside. i know i begged you to come out here with me to tan but this heat is sooo much worse than i thought it was.” she whined, looking over her shoulder to face you, a big pout on her lips.
“i told you it was too hot out here sare.” you look at her sympathetically, her pout always being your weakness.
“i knowww, but i thought you were just making excuses so we could stay in bed all day.” she rolled her eyes a little, her pout still evident minus the little smile that creeped at the corner of her mouth. you rolled your eyes back, having already given in and started grabbing your few items you brought outside.
“alrighttt, go on. i’ll grab your stuff for you and meet you inside.” you smiled at her, heading her direction. she sprung up at your response, rushing over to you and wrapping her arms around your neck.
“thanks babes. you’re the best.” she left a kiss on your cheek before running towards the doors of tanneyhill.
that’s how it always was with sarah. she’d do things that would be seemingly innocent, calling you babes, giving you cheek kisses, playfully swatting your ass.. things that if you two were just girl best friends, it would seem normal. but it always felt so different with her. but as always, you brushed the thoughts away, grabbing her things and following her inside.
when you made it in, she was no where to be found. you assumed she’d grabbed a drink and rushed up to relax in her room, which was thankfully air conditioned. you set your things down on the kitchen counter, and padded your way up the stairs to find her.
you found her just where you expected, lazily sprawled out on her bed, still in her strapless bikini set from when she was tanning.
“i’m so bored.” she groaned, lazily turning her head to face you when she heard you come in, not having enough energy to move the rest of her body.
“what should we do? come up with something.” she added, her attitude leaking through her words a little, seemingly crabby from the heat.
“i dunno. what do you normally do when youre bored?” you replied, your brain seemingly empty. normally you two always had something fun planned, or little random things to do. but both of you seemed to be spacing for once. she shrugged, and you sat on the edge of her bed.
you saw her laptop open on her desk, so you wandered over to grab it, thinking of putting on a movie or something until you came up with something better to do. but when you touched the mousepad to wake up the laptop, you were suprised to see what it was opened up to.
“jesus christ sare-“
“what?” she groaned, seemingly unalarmed until her eyes met the screen. her eyes widened, and she sprung up off the bed with a sudden burst of new found energy. but hearing her pounding feet, you swiftly picked up the laptop and held it high above your head.
“y/n put that down right now i’m serious!” she whined frustratingly, grappling at your arms and shoulders, trying to get you to put it down. you wanted to tease her though, even if it was just a little. you assumed it wouldn’t lead anywhere. nothing ever did between you two.
“you’re watching lesbian porn?? god if i had known i could’ve set you up with some links, you know im good for that stuff-“
“y/n put it down, okay? i was just-“ she continued to hop on her feet, standing her her toes, desperate to reach the laptop. “-curious!” she groaned, not giving up in her pursuit to steal the device from your grasp.
“curious, huh? that’s cute.” you grinned teasingly at her, and her eyes flickered to yours a few times as she persisted, her little hops and outstretched arms making you bite your lip to hold back a laugh.
after a few more minutes of struggle, the heat exhaustion seemingly flooded over her again and she let up, now standing flat on her feet infront of you. her arms were crossed, a heavy blush tinted not only her cheeks but most of her face. her eye brows were taught tight together in frustration.
“i just wanted to look at it. maybe learn a little- i-i don’t know, okay?? i don’t know why i was watching it.” she babbled, seemingly genuinely a little hurt and embarrassed, her eyes welling slightly. your heart stung a little.
“hey, hey, eeeasy. i was just messing with you sare. you’re okay.” you lowered the laptop, closing it and holding it against your side, using your free hand to cradle her cheek. ready to catch any tears that threatened to fall.
“you know if you ever had any questions you could come to me, right? i don’t know what kind of experience you have, but i’m and open book. i can help you, if you want.” you leaned down a little, forcing her to meet your eyes after hers had drifted away.
“you’d do that?” she mumbled, leaning into your hand a little.
“of course i would. only if you want to-“
“i want to.” she cut you off, meeting your eyes with a reassuring nod of her head. you felt your composure that you’d kept for so long start to slip, and you were beyond greatful nobody else was in tanneyhill that day.
she grabbed your hand and tugged you back over to her bed. you set her laptop down, opening it back up to the tab she had open. you two sat next to eachother, the silence not uncomfortable but terribly thick with tension.
“can-can we just watch some first? i don’t know really what i want to learn yet off the top of my head i just was watching-“
“yes. yes, of course sarah. whatever you want.” you cut her off this time, reassuring her, then pushing play on the porn. it was some random short clip. probably 2 minutes long, seemingly off of twitter or something. it was two girls, evidently scissoring. you let the video play for a couple seconds before reaching to scrub through it, seeing it was literally just a clip of two girls scissoring for multiple minutes straight.
“do you have any other clips of what you want to learn..? because this is just scissoring, sarah.” you couldn’t help but crack a smile, finding a little funny how blissfully innocent about this stuff.
you turned to look at her to see her eyes already boaring into yours, pupils blown wide. her head was tucked down a little, and her hands fidgeted in her lap, clearly trying to get a message acrossed without saying it.
“you just wanna learn how to do that, hm?” you cocked a brow at her, and smiled a little more when she nodded her head.
“you sure this is okay?” you said, resting your hand on her folded legs, slowly creeping it upwards. she gave you a small nod again.
“words, sare.” you creeped a little higher.
“yes, fuck- please, y/n.”
with that you felt your last bit of composure slip. you gently pushed her back against the bed, her head resting against the pillows. you tugged at the button on her shorts, looking up at her to see her give you another nod, quickly adding a muffled ‘yes’ after it. you tugged her shorts down, throwing them off to the side somewhere. you watched her face closely as you gently rubbed over her clothed clit. you knew sarah had been touched before, she’d talked about her experiences with exes, but you still wanted to be as gentle and slow with her as possible, as it was her first time with a woman.
“can i kiss you? please?” she said while wrapping her arms around your kneck. it broke you out of the trance you didn’t realize you had fallen under, staring at her clothed pussy. you looked back up to her, your own eyebrows furrowing with a smile.
“of course baby.” she was the one to lean up to meet your lips, her kisses quickly going from gentle to rushed and sloppy. she was clearly getting ancy as she ground her hips up into your hand, and you pulled aside her bikini to slip your fingers through her folds. she was completely soaked, a wet patch having already soaked through her bikini bottoms prior to you actually touching her.
she moaned at the relief of you finally touching her, breaking away from the kiss for a second. her mouth hung open, and she looked to where your hand met her.
“please, oh god- please- more, something- please” she ranted, still grinding up into you.
“easssy sweetheart, i want you to feel my fingers first-“
“no- please just fucking do the thing already.” she said, clearly still a little shy about the subject. she avoided your gaze, still relishing on your finger tips which circled heavenly around her clit.
“are you sure?” you clarified, slowing your hand to make sure you got a straight answer. frankly she was already soaked, you could scissor, but you figured she’d want to be warmed up first. you really wanted to take things slow with her, but you couldn’t deny the way her eagerness made you all the more aware of how soaked you were in your own panties.
“yes. yes, yes, yes, please y/n.” she begged, literally whining and begging at your disposal. her brows were taught with frustration, and her hips continued to eagerly sway against your hand.
“okay, okay.” you laughed a little, finally tugging off your own garments. a shiver ran down your spine when you unclasped your braw, you were unable to tell if it was the breeze from the air conditioner or the way she instantly reached for your chest. she massaged them in her hands, slightly more out of pure admiration at first, but then switching to teasing your nipples.
“fuck sarah-“ you groaned as you finally pulled your final piece of clothing off, your panties.
“i know it’s going to sound pretty fucking stupid but.. i’ve always wanted to touch your tits.” she grimaced a little as the words came out her mouth, sounding like a teenager. the two of you giggled for a second before she looked at you expectantly.
“are you-“
“yes, im positive. ive never been more sure.” she smiled up at you, her classic sarah glow finally peaking through, most if not all of her embarrassment having washed away.
you pulled away, settling yourself between her legs, getting into position. she reluctantly let go of your chest, and let you move her as you needed to. when you finally had situated yourself, you propped her left leg over your shoulder, giving her thigh a reassuring squeeze.
before you could instruct her, she ground up against you. what was supposed to be, on her part, just a grind of being impatient, she felt her clit rock perfectly up against yours.
“h-holy shit was that it?”
“mhm, you got it baby. keep goin, you got it.” you barely got the words out, clenching your jaw extremely hard at the sudden touch. she continued, easily setting a pace, you let her figure it out for a moment before finally grinding back into her, the two of you in unison. she let out a gasp which quickly turned into a moan.
“oh fu-fuuuck..” she tensed her eyebrows together.
“y/n?” she glanced back and forth from your face and where the two of you met, and her fists reached up to firmly grab the pillow behind her. you met her eyes, ready to stop, instantly assuming she was having second thoughts.
“yea sare? we can stop-“
“i swear to fucking god y/n do not stop.” she groaned the words out inbetween moans.
“i was just going to say-“ she stopped in between words, clearly struggling “im really really not going to last much longer.” she shot you an apologetic smile, before blabbering a few ‘it’s so good’ s, ‘don’t stop’ s, and ‘holy shit’ s under her breath.
“oh yea? s’it feel good baby? god you don’t know how long i’ve wanted to do this.” you ranted too, letting out a few groans of your own.
“oh fuckfuckfuck y/n- babe im-“
“let go sarah, i’ve got you baby. you’re doing so good.” she grinded desperately, her hips getting sloppy, the two of you now at totally different paces, yours being a steady fast rhythm and her being ragged and sharp. you could see your collective juices start to leak onto your stomach and your thighs with how random and miscalculated her thrusts were becoming, practically grinding against any part of you she could. her many short and high pitched whimpers, only egged you on further.
you watched as her orgasm finally hit her, her moans and whines coming to a climax, loud and overwhelming. her whole body shook, her stomach tensing and her arms loosing their grip on her pillow as she threw her head back. you could see her juices seeping out of her as you continued to grind on her, riding out her high and still chasing your own. it was when her sighs of relief turned into overstimulated whimpers that you too were finally thrown over the edge, your orgasm practically blinding you.
you fell back onto your elbows, collecting yourself for a moment before untangling your limbs and crawling up against her pillows, right next to her. she still breathed heavily, turning over to tuck herself into your armpit and throw an arm lazily over your mid drift. her hair was a mess, and you could see some of her mascara had smudged under her eyes. she looked so blissfully stunning.
“that was fucking awesome.” she said, cracking her classic sarah smile and letting out a little laugh, leaning on your chest to look up at you.
“yea, it was.” you smiled back at her, letting out a little laugh of your own to cover up the thoughts that were racing through your mind.
you had so many questions. where did we go from here? what about topper? will we ever be able to come back from this?
but as she tucked herself back into your armpit, seemingly overthrown by exhaustion, you didn’t dare ask. you were fine, and happy, in this moment.
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hoes4hoseok · 5 months
mehndi laga ke rakhna
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heeseung looks for his name in your henna the night before your wedding.
pairing :: lee heeseung x gn!reader genres/au’s :: fluff warnings :: brief food talk word count :: 0.5k author’s note :: i don't care how this performs (at least i'm telling myself that) because this fic is completely self-indulgent. no one asked for this. i hope my fellow desis and everyone else who chooses to read this enjoy this nevertheless. this is so embarrassing omg DON'T LOOK AT ME. also, jaanu means dear in urdu/hindi and i used it because i'm feeling delusional. beta readers :: @sunoosill but she might have been too busy laughing at me to actually edit it LOL I APPRECIATE YOU THO <3 soundtrack :: kesariya (honestly i was listening to o re piya while writing but that song makes me sad so here)
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“oh, you look beautiful,” heeseung declared from the couch, his right hand on his heart as you rounded the corner into your warmly lit living room, “do a little twirl.”
“i’m wearing pajamas, heeseung,” you protested but lifted the ends of your pajamas to spin for your fiancé with a bashful grin. 
“how long did this take?” heeseung’s eyes widened as you approached, surprised by the level of detail in your mehndi.
“five or six hours. she had to cover my feet, too,”
“five or s—” heeseung’s mouth fell agape, “i hope you got to eat and drink water.”
“i did, don’t worry,” you laughed off his comment, recalling how frantic your friends and family were to ensure you were doing just that, “and…i have a little surprise for you.”
heeseung tilted his head in curiosity, gaze fixed on you as you joined him on the sofa. “and what would that be?”
“do you remember that tradition i told you about? the one that—”
“you wrote my name in there?” a toothy smile started to form on heeseung’s lips as he gently pulled your right hand toward his face.
“just your first name,” you smiled, combing the hair that had fallen into heeseung’s face in his excitement back with your free hand. he remained focused on your hand as he used his pointer finger to follow a spiral from the center of your palm outward.
“this will be so easy,”
“if you think it’s so easy, maybe we should add some stakes,” you suggested. you tried to sound like you had just come up with this idea, but your delivery revealed that you had thought about it much beforehand. he looked up with a cocked eyebrow, always in the mood for a challenge. “if you don’t find your name in the next three minutes, i win — in which case, i get to write my name on you too. in the same spot.”
“okay, deal,” he said softly, smiling to himself as he set a timer before looking back down at your mehndi. your heart swelled with affection as he moved his touch along your forearm to check there, grazing each square inch with his soft fingers. he met your eyes momentarily, shaking his head as if to say “not on this one.”
picking up your left hand, he repeated the process, starting from the center of your palm and working outward. he paused briefly midway through tracing your fingers but continued, biting his bottom lip to conceal a grin.
“you have a terrible poker face, jaanu,” he pretended not to hear you, so you wiggled your fingers to get his attention. “i know you found it.”
“you’re so sentimental that i knew exactly where it was going to be,” heeseung admitted, curling your left index and middle fingers forward to reveal, among the scallops of the design, ‘HEESEUNG’ written along the length of your ring finger. “but i knew you wanted to write your name on my hand.”
“oh, who’s the sentimental one now, hm?” you rolled your eyes, giving a playful push to his shoulder.
heeseung reached behind himself to reveal a mehndi cone, a proud smirk on his face, “might be me,” he handed you the cone and put his left hand in yours.
“it’s definitely you,” you leaned forward, pressing a small kiss onto the corner of his grin.
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The Lady - 6
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader, Eddie Horniman x Female Reader
Summary: After fifteen years away, a step-daughter returns for her Duke step-father's funeral, only to inherit a staggering 8 million pound debt and strike a risky deal with a criminal underworld figure.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Chap 1, Chap 2, Chap 3 , Chap 4 , Chap 5 , Chap 6 , Chap 7.
I'd really appreciate it if anyone who likes this series could leave a comment or reblog with a GIF.
Could you let me know what your thoughts are? Reblogs and comments are the main things that keep me posting new stories. ❤️❤️❤️
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You shot a glare at Bucky, who only chuckled in response.
Linking his arm with yours, Bucky suggested, "Let's go meet them together."
Rosie was taken aback when she spotted Bucky.
"I woke up today and still don't see the other half, Princess," Bucky quipped.
Maintaining her composure, Rosie replied, "You're too impatient. My assistant just delivered it to your club."
"Ooh, then I hope you like the service," Bucky retorted with a smirk.
"Impeccable," Rosie replied smoothly, before turning her gaze to you. She tilted her head slightly and added, "I always sensed that you're an adventurous person. I admire your work. I felt comfortable when I found out you're part of this."
You hadn't expected such a compliment from her. While you had met Rosie a few times before, you always felt a sense of superiority from her.
Surrounded by Eddie and Freddie, you never felt out of place. But when Rosie, with her royal blood as a princess, joined the group, the dynamic shifted, and the boys seemed to adopt a more regal demeanor.
Despite your ability to keep up with them, there were times during the summer when you preferred to retreat to Rupert's empty mansion.
You leaned in closer to Rosie and whispered, "Why did you do it?"
Rosie leaned in, her voice barely audible as she replied, "That man doesn't fit to be the future King. It wasn't me who wants him dead. I only lent a hand."
As Rosie spoke, you realized that the relationships within the royal family were even more intricate than you had imagined.
"Some people like your work," Rosie continued. "And I think you will get another client."
Bucky puffed out his chest proudly upon hearing this, nudging your shoulder. "You hear that? Encore."
However, you didn't share Bucky's excitement. While the client may have admired your work, you couldn't find any pride in the situation.
Excusing yourself, you stated, "I need to see my mom and Charlotte."
Once you were at a distance, you pulled out your phone and dialed the family lawyer, Cedric. "Cedric, we need to meet."
Back at the Evergreen Estate.
Cedric informed you, "The debt you have to pay is 3 million." You requested him to find out everything about the debt, unwilling to rely solely on Bucky, as you suspected he wasn't giving you the complete picture.
Lighting a cigar, you took a few puffs in silence as Cedric continued. "The first 4 million already got paid with the building that Bucky used as his club."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. "That place used to be Rupert's?" Bucky's mention of Rupert profiting suddenly made sense.
Cedric confirmed with a nod. "With 5 jobs done with Barnes, you have completed 2. That means only 3 are left."
Leaning back in your leather chair, you tapped your fingers thoughtfully. "I don't want to finish the rest. I'll just give him the money. But I also don't want to use the money from savings."
Understanding your dilemma, Cedric pondered briefly before suggesting, "Selling the assets will take a while since the deadline to pay the debts is near. What about selling an artwork?"
His suggestion lightened your burden slightly. Exhaling a cloud of smoke, you inquired, "What artwork does Rupert have?"
Cedric's response was impressive. "One of a kind. One original artworks by DaVinci, Monet, and Van Gogh. One painting is worth more than 1 million pounds."
You nodded in agreement. "Good. Sell those. But will the transaction be quick?"
Confidently, Cedric nodded. "I know some people."
"Then, get all you need. You can have 10% from each artwork," you decided, showing trust in his abilities.
Cedric hesitated, "Your Grace, are you sure you want to let go of the paintings?"
You shrugged, unaffected. "I do explosions for a living, Cedric. I don't have the sentiment to admire a painting."
With a bow of his head, Cedric accepted your decision and left.
As you watched him depart, you felt a weight lift from your shoulders. At least tonight, you could block any calls from Bucky.
For two days, you relished in the tranquility of the countryside, finally having the chance to appreciate the simple joys of life. Breakfast with tea, a luxury you never had time for in your military days, now became a cherished routine as the head of the household.
But your peace was shattered when your mother, Susan, entered with a gloomy expression. “I saw some paintings taken down from the wall. Do you know the reason why, my dear?”
You remained focused on your newspaper, not bothering to look up. “I sold them.”
Susan’s eyes widened in disbelief. “What? Why would you do that? Those masterpieces have adorned this house for years.”
Without lifting your gaze, you replied curtly, “So you’re more concerned about the paintings than paying off our debt?”
A heavy silence filled the room.
Flipping the newspaper page, you continued, “I’m the head of this household now, and I have full rights to do as I please, Mother. I refuse to be burdened by debts while you stand idly by.”
You added, a hint of frustration in your tone, “It’s better to sell the paintings than to risk losing the house, don’t you think?”
Susan gasped, taken aback by your audacity. She turned on her heels and stormed out of the room.
The tension lingered in the air, but you remained resolute in your decision, knowing it was necessary for your family's survival.
While the butler of the house remained stoic, devoid of any emotion like you, he asked, “Do you want a cup of coffee, Your Grace?”
You replied, “Yes, please. That would be great.”
The bitterness of the coffee offered a temporary escape from the turmoil caused by your childish mother.
But it seemed the universe had other plans, denying you the chance to find peace. You heard a familiar voice, the harbinger of your nightmares. “Make it two, please.”
Bucky entered with his usual high energy, greeting, “Good morning.”
Without awaiting your permission, he took a seat beside you. “So, last night someone came to my club and brought a briefcase with 3 million pounds inside. It's to pay off Rupert’s debt.”
You took a sip of the coffee. “Yes, that means our association has ended.”
Bucky's expression softened. “First of all, thank you for settling the debt on time. But it pains me to lose a friend.”
You retorted, “Find another one.”
Bucky sighed. “Don't want to. You're one of a kind.”
You acknowledged his compliment but remained firm. “I appreciate your words, but I have no desire to utilize my expertise in such a manner again.”
Bucky nodded understandingly. “Alright, I understand. But I don't want our friendship to end. And we're also business partners.”
He raised his coffee cup, proposing a toast. “To our new beginning.”
You pushed aside your coffee cup, the porcelain clinking against the saucer, echoing the heavy tension in the room. Every visit from Bucky seemed to herald trouble, and today was no exception. "Every time you come here, you bring bad news."
Bucky shrugged nonchalantly, but there was an underlying tension in his posture, a sense of unease that matched your own. "Not this time," he insisted, but his words did little to assuage the growing apprehension in the air.
"Hmm." Your response was clipped, your mind already racing with dread-filled possibilities.
'Ring.' It was Eddie.
The sudden intrusion of the ringing phone shattered the fragile calm, jolting you and Bucky out of your uneasy silence. You answered, your hand trembling ever so slightly. "Hello?"
"I've got bad news."
The words from Eddie on the other end of the line felt like a confirmation of your worst fears. The room seemed to constrict around you, the air growing heavy with tension.
"What is it?" Your voice wavered slightly, betraying the anxiety that clenched at your chest.
"Charles. He got into a problem with the wrong people."
Your heart sank. The implications of Eddie's words hit you like a physical blow, sending a shiver of fear down your spine.
"How bad is it?" You struggled to maintain composure, but the panic threatened to overwhelm you.
"He's tangled up with a cocaine syndicate."
"Oh no." The words escaped your lips in a hushed whisper, laden with fear and dread.
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arielstruggles · 7 months
Texas Sun
w.c: 2.3k
Pairing: Bestfriend's dad!Joel Miller X reader
warnings: smut (mdni), age gap, moral questioning, edging, just the tip, mentions of virginity, tit fucking, oral (f receiving)
a.n: Honestly i just wrote this to kind of zone myself our from real life because i am having some sort of problems in my head and haven't proof read it. I just finished writing to be fair. As always i am open to criticism because i know i need lots of improvements in my (non-existent) writing skills. If you read this so far ilysm.
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Joel Miller was an attractive man, he was strong, he was confident yet leery. The way he carries himself not only caught your attention but also other women around the neighborhood. You know from Sarah that he does not date that often, but he had this one girlfriend named Tess, she was around his age, they were happy Sarah said back when you were a freshman So he probably does not have those fantasies that you have in mind with him. When the Texas sun burnt your bare shoulders and you were on your way to the Miller’s house your sundress feels like a heavy blanket on your skin these were your thoughts. So, being best friends with Sarah Miller had it perks, one being the possibility of seeing her charming dad. You met Sara in your last year at high school when you moved in Texas with your family. Now that you think about it you realize it has been six years. You were a high schooler back in the day, now you are fresh out of college, unemployed under her parents’ roof. In that hot Texas day, you hoped to find Sarah at home chances were low since she was still a student and she had this internship going on. Yet, you needed to leave the house immediately, you were in the middle of an argument with your mom during the dinner, she was screaming at you about how much of a disgrace you are, tears on your cheeks gets back to you in reality. After wiping your tears, you quicken your pace and head to Miller’s house.
With the sight of their front door, you are questioning your motives. What if she is not home? what if they don’t want me to come inside you think then you decide to knock the door since you are already there. What is the worst thing that can happen right? When Joel Miller opens the door, he greets you kindly “Hey there, lookin’ for Sarah?” you nod sheepishly, already entranced by his presence. You know him for a long time but you are never comfortable around him, mostly because you are scared of developing some sort of sick crush on him. With his black tshirt and grey sweatpants, he does look good. “She’s not home, working on that internship and said she’s gonna be late.” He explains it thoroughly. This is your cue to say good evening and leave but you are limp. You don’t want to go back home. Not yet at least. the thought of going back crushes your soul, it suffocates you. Before you even try to stop tears start flowing again. “Hey hey, sweetheart. Easy now.” he pulls you in his arms. You start sobbing, his warm skin against your face, his woody scent fills your nostrils. He pulls you inside and closes the door, you find yourself sitting on Miller’s couch. “M not gonna force you to speak but you can talk yknow.” He says, it is clear he is as clueless ad you are. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do any of this, really.” Your tone is apologetic. “Don’t be. We all need to get it out of our system.” He smiles warmly. He is genuine, he is kind it only adds to his other good qualities. You start talking about your problems and you cry once again, it is embarrassing how easily you cry in front of a man you think. When your gaze interlock for a brief moment your eyes wander on his lips briefly and you avert your gaze when he catches you. heat blossoms on your cheek as he smirks. He leans on your face ever so slightly, to test the waters. You don’t pull back but you don’t lean on either. It feels wrong on so many levels. He leans on closer and closer until you are inches apart. You can feels his warm breath tickling you. “Go ahead sweetheart.” He purrs. “Mr. Miller-“ you want to say something, you want to reject, he doesn’t force you, not at all. “Yes, darlin” you should say this is wrong, that he is old enough to be your dad but you feel like anticipation building up inside you. Desire consumes your body. You lean and kiss him. He meets your kiss with hunger. He kisses you so roughly that it does not feel like any of the kissed you have had experienced before. It is wet, it is sloppy. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you onto his lap. You broke the kiss panting “This is so wrong.” “Why is that?” “Sarah is my friend-“ “We can stop right now and forget it all happened.” He says, his voice is intoxicating. “Mr. Miller?” you can’t believe you are about to say this “I- uh um, I am uh… I have never done it before?” a smirk forms on his lips. He knows damn well what you are talking about. “You have never done what darling?” “that.” you mumble “I don’t understand.” He says while that smug subtle grin forms on his lips. “You mean sex?” you are not shy about it but his tone makes you want to hide your face behind your palms. Once again you are getting hotter. “Yes.” “It’s okay darling, we have all the time in the world.” what does it mean? Is this something that we are going to keep doing? But it does not feel right? you have so many questions in your head, it’s reflections can be read on your face. “What’s wrong?” he looks at you with furrowed brows. “Nothing, I just-“ you trail off mid-sentence. “S okay baby girl, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” However, you want no no, you are dying for it. You want to feel your bare skins touching each other, hands intertwined, tangled up in bed sheets, sweaty, breathing heavily.
You want all of it, the problem is, how you are supposed to look at Sarah’s face after that? Your thoughts interrupted by his hand that’s caressing your bare arms. His touch is so light but it is enough to awaken goosebumps on your skin. You meet your gaze with his, you are able to see the lust twinkling in his eyes. You have never seen him like this before. You question your morals. Are you seducing an older man? While a part of you feels like once you leave this house, a scarlet A letter will be sealed on your forehead and everyone will see how much of a disgrace you are yet a part of you is dying to commit this crime, to leave the path that your parents carved for you.
With a sudden hunger you climb on his lap and kiss him which he responds with a snort but complies your request. You continue kissing for the second time. It is passionate, it is sloppy. You can’t help but grind on his half-erected cock. It causes you both to moan. “Mr. Miller, I- I want to-“he interrupts you “Are you sure?” “Yes.” “As much as I want to go for it, I can’t baby girl. I don’t want to do anything you might regret.” But I want to.” You whine like a brat and palm his cock through his sweatpants. He growls in your ear, you could swear that it his by far the sexiest sound you have ever heard. “Just the tip.” He says, more to himself as if he is convincing himself to not to go far. “Okay.” He stands up with you in his arms and takes you to his bedroom and places you on top of his bed. It smells like him. A room that you have caught glimpses of it but never been inside. His bed has a rustic, reddish brown headboard, you realize an exercise bike on the corner of his room, dusty due to staying at the same place for a long period of time. You see the meds on the nightstand, his glasses, picture frames with him and Sarah laughing to the camera lens. Guilt is creeping up on you once again. It disappears when you feel his kiss on your neck though. His breath becomes hot against the side of your neck. You could feel his hands roaming around your body, toying with the hem of your dress. One of his hands slides up and down on your thigh while the other hand holds your waist tightly. He kisses the top of your shoulder and looks at you in the eyes. “Can I take this off?” you nod unable to speak. He takes off your dress, leaving you exposed in your bra and panties. His fingers grazing the top part of your bra, occasionally touching your skin. “You are so soft, so pretty.” He kisses your forehead. It gives you a sense of relief. It is like an unspoken agreement between you two. He peppers your skin with kisses, leaving the warm traces of his lips. Once he reaches down to your panties, he tilts his head up to look at you, to see you confirming him to go further. Once you nod, he kisses your heated cunt through the fabric. It is soaked due to your mind running wild with images of you. Traces his tongue between your folds. It feels amazing. Moans and whimpers leaving your lips with the sensation taking over your body. He is eating you out without even taking your underwear. When he rubs the tip of your nose to your clit, you groan. He knows what he is doing, slides your panties to the side and exposing your sleek, glistening pussy. It makes his mouth drool. He kisses, licks, worships it. This must be the princess treatment you think. His thumbs grazing your clit so softly, you want more… but he takes his time. drawing circles around it, going up and down occasionally parting your lips enjoying the view. But suddenly he covers your pussy with your soaked panties again. You furrow your brow with disappointment. You realize he unbuckles his belt. That’s it you think. He’s going to do it. He frees his cock and is his hard as a rock you see. You feel proud. It is a stupid thought, but you did this.
He leans on you again and kisses you passionately. “Such a good girl.” Your breath get heavier with the way he talks. “Or should I say bad?” “Are you my good little slut?”  you nod, you want to be his good little slut. He chuckles. He nestles his cock between your folds on your panties and starts teasing your aching cunt more. The friction causes you to throb uncontrollably. He moves his cock on your sleek panties up and down, slapping it on your clit. “Mr. Miller…” you pant “I want more.” “Just the tip darling.” He coo, he is on top of your body on his knees while you’re lying as a puddle of pleasure. He slides your panties to the side again and aligns his cock with your hole, slowly pushes the tip inside. You moan and your cunt starts throbbing more and more. he pushes a little bit more but stops when he is not even halfway. “Just the tip.” He coos again and you curse. “Tsk tsk tsk, not a good girl behavior.” He leans on you when he is inside of you and unhooks your bra. He takes one of your nipples between his teeth while supping your other tit. You feel on the verge of coming yet you need more. You close your eyes in deep pleasure, your hands go to his hair and grabbing it tightly. His tongue massages your nipple, you moan. “Such a good girl baby girl.” “mmmm daddy.” You moan loudly and come, the realization of what you have just said hits you. Embarrassment takes over your body, you want to run away and hide but since you can’t do it, not when you are a naked mess you decide to act like nothing happened. He suddenly stops. “What did you just say?” “Nothing.” “You sure?” “Yeah.” “Okay.” He says but you can swear you caught a smirk. He continues moving the tip of cock inside you and biting your tit.
Suddenly he takes if off of you. And you realize what he is doing, your eyes widen and you can’t help but lick your lips. He spits between your tits then palms your tits and places his cock between them. At first, he moves slowly but then he picks up his pace and he fucks your tits roughly. “You called me daddy, didn’t you? you’re just a needy little slut eh?” he growls in your ears. The scene playing before your eyes is so pornographic that you want to close your eyes. “Yes daddy.” You reply automatically. It is so embarrassing but you can’t help it. He is dripping with precum, he is close. Without a warning he comes on your tits. You’re covered with warm, white liquid. He kisses your forehead once again “I’m proud of you. You did such a good job.” Your stomach flips upside down. “Wait for me here.” He says and leaves you on the bed. After a short time he comes with a wet cloth and wipes your body gently and lays beside you. Your eyes catches the picture of Sarah and him again, he realizes it “Don’t have to feel bad. It’s our secret.” He winks and spoons you. “I feel so safe.” You murmur. “Good. You should.” He replies.
A couple of hours later the key sound coming from the front door is what makes you anxious. You and Joel look at each other, you are both dumbfounded. “Dad I’m home.” she chirps. Joel is unable to reply back. But when she knocks in his door he clears his throat. “Honey, I’m a little busy right now.” He says and Sarah leaves his door, heads to her room. You have never felt so relieved in your life. You wear your clothes hastily and though Joel opposes the idea, you jump from the window and leave your best friend’s house like you just came in her dad’s bed.
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hyperlexichypatia · 8 months
Having children and going to college are two life activities done by people within an incredibly wide age range, so it’s completely bonkers that either one is considered an age marker.
And by “bonkers” I mean ageist, classist, and eugenicist.
There is a wide range of ages at which people go to college (many people never do, by choice or by circumstance, which is fine). There is a wide range of ages at which people have children (many people never do, by choice or by circumstance, which is fine). They don’t have to be done in any particular time, or in any particular order, or at all. They should both be far more affordable than they currently are, ideally free, but that’s another day’s post. 
Half of college students in the U.S. are over age 25, and 23% are parents. When people refer to college students as “children,” I always correct them on both points – young adults are not children, and also, most college students are not young adults. The notion that all college students are single, childless young adults aged 18-23, who are living essentially an extension of their K-12 schooling controlled by their parents, is a cultural norm of only a minority subculture of people in the U.S., one with… more financial resources than average. I’m reluctant to use the word “privilege,” because I don’t believe being controlled by one’s parents really is a privilege, but it’s certainly a bourgeois class norm. 
Similarly, the cultural norm that people can only start having children when they’re completely finished with schooling, in their late 20s at the earliest, and married or partnered, is not at all reflective of the reality of many people’s reproductive choices. 
Several years ago, I briefly did some freelance writing for a magazine aimed at college students, and in one article, I used a hypothetical example involving "babysitting your friend's kids." My editor returned it with a note that a college student wouldn't have friends with kids. Not even that a college student wouldn't have kids -- already a false premise -- but that a college student wouldn't have friends with kids. This has stuck in my mind for years as an example of how absolutely out-of-touch people in this narrow subculture are about the educational and reproductive choices of others.
There are material consequences of the erasure of student parents, too, like a serious lack of accessible childcare for students' children.
“What could a 20 year old and a 35 year old possibly have in common?? One is still in college, and the other might have kids already!” 
Actually, they might both be in college. 
Or maybe neither is.
They might have met in the same college class. 
They might both have kids. 
Or maybe neither does.
Maybe the 20 year old already has one or more kids, and the 35 year old has none. 
Maybe they each have a baby, and they met in the same parent group and hang out at playdates. 
Maybe the 35 year old is pregnant with xyr first baby and asking advice from the 20 year old who’s pregnant with her third. 
Maybe the 35 year old left school when he had his first kid, and now he and his now-17-year-old are starting college at the same time (I know there’s at least one movie with this premise). 
Or, maybe, the 20 year old is a childless college student, and the 35 year old is a college graduate with kids, and they could still have plenty in common, because age, educational situation, and family arrangement aren’t the sum total of who a person is. 
One of my mom’s longest-lasting friends of several decades was someone she met when they were 44 and 18, respectively, with a 3-year-old and 1-year-old kid, respectively, living in student housing. This is not as unusual a situation as people think it is. Fortunately, this happened before the brain maturity myth had taken hold, so no one accused my mom of "grooming" or being "predatory" or "emotionally inappropriate behavior" towards her younger friend, even if she was occasionally mistaken for her friend's mother.
Age diversity and prevalence of student parents are even more widespread at community colleges and all-online college programs (for obvious reasons, as those types of programs often have more flexible scheduling). In the online college program I'm doing now, my classmates include 20-year-old parents, 50-year-old grandparents, childfree 40-year-olds, and pretty much every combination of age and family type possible.
I'm so glad the real world doesn't conform to the ridiculous notion of "life stages."
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666writingcafe · 3 months
Checking In
Once my brothers are settled in for the evening, I quietly leave the House and begin walking back to the castle. I need to apologize to Diavolo for what happened a few hours ago, but more importantly, I need to see Zephyr. I haven't quite decided whether to yell at them or comfort them.
The exhausted look in their eyes as they answer the door to one of the spare bedrooms tells me that they're not in the mood for a lecture.
Normally, that doesn't stop me from giving one, but for some reason, I can't find it in me to berate Zephyr for their actions. Not even a little bit.
They walk over to the desk they have set up and start looking through various papers. I make my way over to the bed and sit on the side facing them.
"Shouldn't you be resting?" I ask.
"Can't," Zephyr answers, more focused on their work than on me.
"Can't, or won't?" They glare at me briefly. "Simply a question, Zephyr. Nothing more."
"I have to distract myself. If I don't keep myself busy, I'm going to kill Solomon."
"For calling you 'MC'?" That got their attention. They look like they're moments away from biting my head off.
"Listen, I understand why you're upset."
"Do you?" they bark angrily.
"You trusted him to keep your old identity a secret, yes?" Zephyr blinks awkwardly before closing their eyes and taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, Lucifer. I didn't mean to snap at you like that. It's just..." Another deep breath as their eyes begin watering.
"It's okay. Take your time."
"I'll be fine." Sighing, they leave their desk and sit beside me on the bed.
"Do you want to know why I answered Diavolo's ad in the paper?" they ask me. I shrug.
"I assumed it was for the money." Zephyr shakes their head.
"I had to make the transition alone. I didn't want you guys to have the same experience I did, because it was rough."
"You weren't always a demon?" Another sigh.
"I was born human, Lucifer."
Oh. That explains a few things.
"I come from a long line of powerful and notorious sorcerers," they continue. "Everyone in my family wants to cause as much chaos as possible simply because they find it hilarious to watch people suffer. I didn't participate in any of their illegal and shady activities, obviously, but I still had a target on my back. No matter where I went in the human world, people were on the hunt for me. I was more or less a fugitive, and all because I was related to a whole bunch of criminals.
"Then one day, I met a group of demons. They were part of an organization that granted humans asylum in the Devildom. I told them my story, and they not only encouraged me to seek it out, but they also made sure that my application was approved as quickly as possible. However, that meant shedding all my ties to the human world and becoming a full-fledged demon. Shortly after I arrived here, the organization was forced to dissolve, and any evidence of its existence disappeared without a trace."
I'm not surprised something like that happened. If Diavolo is telling me the truth about his father, then I have no doubt that he had a heavy hand in annihilating that organization.
"So where does Solomon come in all this?"
"He's worked with my family over the course of my childhood. I was told he was a friend, but I learned at a very young age to not trust anyone that they liked."
"And yet you have his mark on you."
"That's because when we reconnected several years later, I learned that he was trying to become a more reputable sorcerer. Of course, I didn't believe him at first, but then I started hearing good things about him from people I did trust. Eventually, I wanted to help him with his goal, and so I agreed to enter a pact with him."
"I see."
Well, no wonder Zephyr's able to remain calm around us. We probably seem like a fucking cake walk compared to what they've been through. And having to do it all by themselves on top of it?
I feel a strange mix of emotions: sadness, anger, and...
Which makes very little sense. How can I be proud of someone that I barely know? They're just our attendant, after all.
Or are they?
Tears threaten to spill out of Zephyr's eyes again.
I shouldn't stay here. Maybe I can flag down one of Diavolo's servants and have them get tissues or something for them.
But I have to remain professional. Who knows what would happen if I give in?
My heart beats my brain. Soon, I'm holding Zephyr in my arms as they quietly cry into my chest.
Memories of me comforting my siblings like this begin playing in my head. Is Zephyr family? They've certainly integrated quite well into ours, but that's only so that they can better assist us, right?
And yet the way they're grabbing onto me...
Eventually, they pull back, and as I let go of them, our eyes meet. For one brief yet scary moment, they look exactly like Lilith.
I lean in and kiss their forehead, for old time's sake.
But then my brain takes over again, and I'm suddenly questioning everything I just did.
"Sorry," I mumble, scrambling to get out of that room before I do something stupid again. I shouldn't be feeling this way about them. Even if they weren't born a demon, that doesn't change the fact that they've been one for much longer than me and my brothers have. I still have to lead by example, and I can't do that if I'm too busy fawning over them.
Who cares what they think? You deserve to be happy.
I'm going to need some time alone to think.
A Few Days Later
A Text Conversation
Lucifer: Are you doing okay?
Zephyr (MC): That's funny. I was about to text you the very same question.
Lucifer: Of course you were.
Zephyr: To answer your question, I'm doing better. Might even head back to the cottage soon.
Lucifer: That's good.
Lucifer: Listen, I want to properly apologize to you for what happened.
Zephyr: Which part?
Lucifer: Me running away.
Zephyr: *wide-eyed emoji*
Lucifer: What did you expect me to say, that I regretted comforting you when you needed it?
Zephyr: Kind of, yeah.
Lucifer: I know it seemed that way at the time, but I can assure you, that wasn't it at all.
Lucifer: It's taken me a bit for me to admit this, but I was scared.
Zephyr: Of?
Lucifer: My feelings.
Lucifer: The positive ones, I mean.
Zephyr: *confused sticker*
Lucifer: If it's alright with you, I'd like to get to know you more.
Zephyr: In a friendly way?
Lucifer: Something like that.
Zephyr: Lucifer...
Lucifer: Yes?
Zephyr: Why the indirect answer?
Lucifer: I'm still getting used to the idea of seeing you as more than simply an attendant. Please be patient with me.
Zephyr: Of course.
Zephyr: Are you wanting to do something low key, or do I need to find a fancy outfit?
Lucifer: *confused sticker*
Zephyr: Just trying to gauge where you're at, whether you're simply wanting to become friends or wishing for something more than that.
Lucifer: *several wide-eyed emojis*
Zephyr: Alright then. Low key it is. How about a nice stroll through one of the parks? Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. No pressure to do anything beyond walking and talking, and you can leave whenever for whatever reason, even if it's because you're simply sick of hearing the sound of my voice droning on and on.
Lucifer: *a few laughing emojis*
Lucifer: Sounds good. Just let me know when and where.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch
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nicohischierz · 1 year
it’s a small world: jamie drysdale 
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“are you still watching that video?” jamie groaned as he cuddled up next to you. the two of you were currently at your apartment, trying to decide where to spend the offseason. 
the two of you had started dating towards the start of the new season and seeing as the relationship was sill new and given the amount of media attention you got, the two of you decided not to tell anyone. 
you just smiled at your boyfriend and leaned in to kiss him. “of course, i’m still watching it jimmy. i told you how good you looked before you left,” you watched as blush covered jamie’s cheeks 
he nuzzled his face into your stomach before his phone started ringing. “jamie, it’s your boyfriend,” you teased. although you’ve never met jamie’s roommate, you’d seen the contact many times to start the joke. 
jamie faked a laugh and answered his phone. “what do you want trevor?” he asked putting his friend on speaker.
“dude where are you? you’ve been gone for almost the whole day,” trevor complained on the other end. jamie rolled his eyes as he listened to his best friend complain.
you just smiled and kissed his neck, causing him to blush. “uh z i’m gonna have to call you back,” jamie murmured ending the call.
“baby, why did you do that?” he asked holding you at arms length. you gave him an innocent smile and kissed his lips.
you were leaving to michigan in the morning. your cousins were back at their lake house and this summer you were finally free to be with them.
jamie was joining you in a month once he was done with physio. your boyfriend nuzzled his face into you neck again before you pushed him away.
“you need to go home jimmy. i’ve got to finish packing and i’ll see you in a month,” you whispered. jamie nodded and gave you a kiss before heading out of your house.
in the month you spent away with jamie, he had attended his brother’s graduation and you had remembered why you avoided hanging out with your cousins and their friends.
at first, you thought it would just be you and your cousins but they invited their friends earlier than expected. you were introduced to some of luke’s new teammates as well as jack’s old ntdp friends. 
you’d met alex and cole before but trevor was a new face. and the second you heard his voice you froze slightly. “y/n/n, this is trevor he plays for the anaheim ducks,”
trevor stuck his hand out and shook your hand “i’ve seen you at some of our games!” he exclaimed. you smiled politely at him before grabbing onto quinn’s arm and dragging him to your room. 
“what is your problem?” he asked. 
immediately, you pulled up your phone and changed your lock screen to a picture of you and jamie. your older cousin burst out in laughter before looking at you. “you’re shitting me right?” 
you shook your head at his question which made him groan. quinn knew more about your boyfriend than jack and luke meaning he knew you were dating a hockey player but you would never spill any other detail. 
“no quinn i’m not shitting you. look i know it’s not like a big deal or anything but i don’t want jack to flip cause i’m dating a hockey player,” you explained. 
quinn placed his hands on your shoulders “if you love him then i don’t think jack cares who you’re dating. also, it’s not like he really gets a say in your love life,” you knew you could always trust quinn to help you, which is why you told him first. 
the day jamie arrived, you snuck out of the house and drove to the airport before any of the boys could ask to join you. the ride from the airport to the lake house would be the only alone time you’d get with your boyfriend for the rest of his stay. 
“jamie, you know how i mentioned my cousins like hockey,” you started. 
jamie nodded, “yeah i remember, do they know who i am?” 
“umm, you could say that. look if i’m being completely honest they know a lot of people in the league.” 
you looked to jamie briefly, your boyfriend looking at you with a puzzled look.
“have you heard of this family, they have three brothers all drafted in the first round. two of them drafted to the same team and the other brother out in canada?” you asked, describing your cousins. 
it took a minute for your boyfriend to register what you were saying before his eyes widened. 
“you’re related to the hughes brother!” he exclaimed. 
you nodded and sucked in a breath as you made the final turn to the lake house. jamie got down and took in the house whilst mentally preparing himself to meet the most important people in your life. 
the two of you heard yelling from inside the house before trevor and jack opened the front door.
“jamie, what are you doing here?” trevor asked. 
your boyfriend didn’t know what to say as he spun around looking for you before pointing to where you were. luke, being the tallest, made his way over to jamie and looked him suspiciously. 
your younger cousin then glanced at you and put the pieces together. “you’re kidding right?” he asked. 
jack and trevor made noises of confusion as you handed jamie the last of his luggage. as an instinct jamie leaned down and kissed your lips, which made the two former teammates shut up. 
“no way,” 
“when did this happen?”
“jimmy can pull?” 
“hi y/n!” 
jack, trevor, alex and cole exclaimed as they stood in the driveway. 
you and jamie shrugged. “i think it was last year when we were at stage coach,” jamie answered trevor. 
jack and trevor were still asking questions whilst you and jamie ignored them shutting your room door in their face. 
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Din Djarin x Reader Headcanons Pt. 1
Summary: How you met the Mandalorian and eventually became his lover.
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of canon violence, a shower massage. Very slow burn because I like suffering haha.
Yeah so these started out as headcanons but because I can't write briefly to save my life, it basically turned into a fic in bullet point form lmao. There is a second part coming soon once I dig the rest out of my notes app!
Also, because I like to create origins for reader characters, she is culturally Mandalorian by birth, but because I'm a huge nerd she was raised by the Lorrdians because I always thought their nonverbal language skills were absolutely badass.
*Translations of words/phrases in Mando'a at the end
You and the Mandalorian first crossed paths on a wild outer rim planet somewhere, having been sent after the same bounty by the Guild
He questioned why you wore a beskar breastplate, thinking you had stolen it from his people
The bounty had escaped, and against his better judgment, he brought you with him in pursuit, especially after you told him your armor had belonged to your buir
You were born into Clan Viszla, but your family had escaped to Lorrd during the unrest, where you had been raised in the traditions of the Mando'ade but also learned the Lorrdian language
Because of this, you quickly became accustomed to reading his body language, as he rarely spoke
He doesn't know what to make of you, since you long ago abandoned your helmet and thus in his eyes broke your creed
For your part, you're aware he must have been raised by extremists, but you respect his religious beliefs
The two of you make a surprisingly good team and end up splitting the bounty
Neither of you could say why you stayed, and why he didn't drop you off somewhere, but you kept working together
As you get more comfortable, your sarcastic nature begins to surface more often
He can't tell if he hates or enjoys your constant commentary, but he's occasionally willing to give back; most of the time you just get a long-suffering sigh in response
Although he stays mostly aloof, you can read by his gestures eventually that he pretty much considers you friends by now
The problem with this is that you're an extremely touchy person physically, having grown up in a very intimate community, and he is not
At first he shrugs you off whenever your hand brushes his armor as you pass by, but after months of patience from you, he finally accepts your friendly hand on his arm with a grudging sigh of defeat
You get to know each other a little better with all the time you spend patching each other up in hard-to-reach areas
Now you know the color of his skin, which, although such a small detail, makes you feel immensely honored, since hardly anyone else ever will
For his part, he's surprisingly gentle at tending injuries, and you just wish that someday he might take off his gloves to touch you
Little facts about each other keep surfacing during these vulnerable sessions
"What are these for?" he asks you once when he has to pull your braids away from your neck; he's perceptive, to have picked up that they mean something
"The Weequay started that custom, each one stands for a year I've been away from Mandalore"
He's quiet for a long time before asking one more question
"Do you ever mean to go back?"
"I don't know if I want to anymore; but it feels right to honor my first home"
When he's finished cleaning up the lacerations across your upper back, you rise to your feet and let your hand linger on his shoulder
"Thank you, Mando"
"Din," he murmurs, so soft you can barely pick it up over his modulator "My name is Din Djarin"
He trusts you with his actual name
"Din," you smile, warmth spreading beneath your skin at finally having cracked his shell "Thank you"
After that, your interactions shift a bit
He's a little more welcoming of your casual touches
He would never say so, but you can tell he almost leans into them now
You can also tell by his posturing that he hasn't really been touched by anyone for a very long time
Does he realize he craves the contact?
Chasing that one bounty all over Tatooine did a number on both of you
You didn't know sand could get some of the places it's gotten
"I need a shower" you tell him as you step back into the Razor Crest, sand trailing in your wake
"I know you must need one too, Djarin, don't pretend that fancy beskar suit keeps it all out"
"I'll wait" he grumbles
"You can join me, you know" you offer "Another set of hands always helps with sand"
He stares at you for so long, you start to wonder if you've been too forward, but you mean exactly what you've said and nothing more...don't you?
Finally he wordlessly gestures at his helmet
Of course, his creed
Wait, does that mean he actually considered it?
You smirk up at his expressionless visor, feeling his sharp gaze fixed on you
"What, Din, don't tell me you've never showered with the lights out?"
You're very satisfied with how your idea unfolds, and he accepts without too much further need for convincing, so here you are, sharing the small 'fresher shower with the Mandalorian himself
Din stays mostly silent as the two of you work to rid your bodies of sand, though you can hear him sigh softly every time your skin kisses his for a moment
He's almost too much for you in this cramped space, smelling of sweat and smoke, solid and muscular where you've collided, and all your other senses are on overdrive since you can't see a thing in the darkness
And that's when it hits you that you've fallen for him
But you keep that thought to yourself
He makes an excellent platonic shower partner, attentive to when you need help scrubbing the grime from areas that are hard to reach
His hands are wonderful without those gloves, so much larger than your own slender ones, startlingly tender despite their roughness
And so warm, his whole body is so warm
You return the favor, and feel how tense he is beneath the surface
You can't tell for once if that tension is caused by you or if he just carries that much all the time
So as you wash the grit from his broad back, as your fingertips skate over the scars of his brutal lifestyle, you experimentally nudge into those rigid muscles, in an attempt to loosen him up a bit
The sharp inhale makes you freeze
"Forgive me --"
"No" your heart jolts at finally hearing his low voice so clearly without the modulator "Don't stop"
So you continue to massage out the stiffness wherever you find it, trying not to let his clipped breaths affect you too much
Then you part ways without a word once the water is off; he leaves you alone there in the 'fresher to dry off with the lights on, wondering if something went wrong
Buir = Parent
Mando'ade = Children of Mandalore
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eithielk · 3 months
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Modern!Zuko x Reader
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Summary: Your best friend's brother is quite annoying, but it's okay cause hes cute
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You and Azula had been friends for a while, only knowing little about her family, you thought she only had one sibling, Kiyi. But as her brother returns after 3 years of being away, you are left completely shocked.
Azula invited you to her house over the weekends, her excuse? She deserved it, of course, why should she need a reason
You've been her friend for over 3 years or so, you met with her friends around 9th grade, and ever since, you four have been inseparable.
Despite being friends for so long, you didn't know much about her family, only that her mother, wasnt really in the picture.
Also the fact that she had one other sibling. Kiyi.
She was so nice, and honestly a polar opposite of Azula. You thought Kiyi was her one and only sibling— or so you thought.
"We can watch that stupid show Ty lee has been gushing about and–"
Zuko sat on the couch and looked at the group, feeling awkward as they stared back at him.
Giving it a few more seconds before he spoke up, "Azula, you didn't tell me you had guests."
"Why should I tell you"
Earning a groan from the boy, who looked at you briefly before standing up and leaving.
"Dont mind him Y/N, hes always grumpy" Ty lee assured me, but that wasnt really what I was thinking right now.
"You have a brother?"
"Yeah, didnt I mention it" she replied too casually.
"No? Not really.." OF COURSE NOT WOMAN, you mentally cursed yourself, but knowing Azula, it was best not to cause such a scene
"I dont think its much of an issue, hes not really relevant."
"Hes also off limits" Ty lee jumped in, making sure to nudge on Mai's arm.
This action didnt go unnoticed by Azula, who then proceeded to recall childhood memories of them.
"Oh yeah, Mai's got a huge crush on him" she laughed, "Frankly I don't see the appeal."
"Remember when we were young and we had Zuko push her in the water" Ty lee jumped in.
"He didnt push me, you guys made him do that" Mai retorted in defence, a faint blush appearing on her face
"How it happened isn't important, you two looked so silly" Azula laughed.
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Later that evening the four of you decided on a game of truth or dare, childish but a classic.
"Y/N, truth or dare."
"Dare duh!"
"I dare you to scare my brother" Azula replied almost too quickly, like she already knew what my choice was.
As you tiptoed across the house, going downstairs to find Zuko on the couch.
Crawling behind the chair, you waited for a moment to strike when–
"What are you doing"
A voice crept behind me as I turned to see Zuko hovering over me
"What– Ouch, the fuck?" You landed on your butt, wincing at the pain you didnt notice Zuko offer his hand to you
"Why are you hiding behind the couch?"
"Its a dare okay, I was suppose to scare you."
"It'll take more than that to scare me" Zuko replied laughing.
I took his arm and stood up, still recovering from that embarrassingly low fall.
"Did Azula put you up for this?"
"Maybe, why?"
Zuko scoffed crossing his arms, "Why are you even friends with her in the first place"
"Why are you so curious in the first place? Hm?"
"You know what– why did I even bother" he groaned about to turn walk away.
"Wait– Im sorry, I didnt mean to come off as rude, Im just curious you know."
"Right.. well whatever, moments passed go back to your friends now." Zuko waved his hand as he turned around
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When it was time to go to sleep, everyone drifted off slowly, while you lied there, awake.
It was harder for you to fall asleep, especially since you had trouble sleeping in new places.
Deciding to go downstairs to grab yourself something to drink, opting for a glass of milk.
Turning your head, you meet with Zukos eyes staring back at you.
"I– fuck sorry, I didnt see you." I grab my chest, feeling scared by his sudden appearance.
Zuko nodded and moved past me
Feeling a bit awkward in you two standing in silence, you tried to break it.
You cleared your throat, "Sorry about earlier.. again... Azula didn't tell me she had a brother.."
"Figures, she just acts like I dont exist."
"Can I ask why?"
"Cant you just finish your milk?"
His comment made me roll my eyes, "You're her brother alright." I retort back quietly.
"What was that?"
Your response was met with a glare, he definitely heard that.
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visionofhope04 · 2 years
Hey, stumbled on to your neglected batsis story (I love it)! How would the rest of the Justice league react to the news. Like will they slowly distance themselves from the batfam or would they kick Bruce out of the league?
What about the Titans, will they treat Dick any different?
Hi! I'm so glad you enjoyed my series!!! Thank you so much for reading it! Also, I kinda got carried away with this ask... (713 words)
The Justice League would definitely be shocked, especially Diana and Clark since they're closest to Bruce. Due to the loss of his company, he'd no longer have as much money as he used to. The guy was literally constantly making money and then it all came crashing down. He probably wouldn't be as willing to fund certain things that the Justice League required, which would cause a rift in the league's relationship with him.
The Justice League (besides Clark, who didn't want to assume Bruce actually did those things if he didn't and hadn't had time to ask Bruce yet) would probably find out about everything when they had to work with the batfam for one reason or another (probably an alien invasion or smth) weeks or even months after it all went down. Jason as Red Hood would be acting colder towards everyone, including the League since he'd assume they knew about it because it was all over the headlines.
Someone makes a comment on his behavior (most likely Green Lantern) and then he'll say something like "Well someone has to be mad.". The batfam's like "uh oh". They're all confused and then it hits Jason. They didn't know. So then he's like "Of course, he wouldn't want to risk his reputation with the only group of people that can stand being in a room with him that aren't his "family". Ask Bruce about his daughter.".
By this point, Clark knows what he heard was true and he's enraged. Everyone else turned to Bruce questioningly. Clark spoke up before they could ask though, "So the news was true? You all treated her that way?". "What do you mean. Bruce?" Diana called, wanting answers. However, Bruce didn't know what to say. The whole batfamily remained quiet, unable to come up with a lie. "Oh, well let's see, he neglected his daughter, she developed anorexia, and then fainted because of it before a gala. When she woke up, she was yelled at, insulted, and ridiculed for developing an eating disorder and damaging his damn reputation, because he didn't even care about her health!" Jason was fuming, even though it had happened a while ago, it still made him furious.
The batfamily was glaring daggers at him, and he glared back, all while the Justice League was still processing this information. After all, he was Batman, he LOVED kids, how could he do this to one of his own? "Bruce?" Diana questioned, still wanting to give himself an opportunity to explain himself. They all hoped this was a misunderstanding. However, he could say nothing to defend himself. For once in his life, he wasn't prepared. He did do those things, but he didn't think he was in the wrong. After all, his daughter had been trained alongside Damian to be perfect, it was her fault she wasn't. His silence was an answer nobody wanted.
After much heavy discussion, it was decided Batman could stay in the league, but could no longer lead and would be considered a distant ally. He would only be called upon for emergencies.
The Titans would never be able to look at Dick the same again. He was always so welcoming, so nice. He treated everyone kindly, or so they thought. Apparently, this kindness didn't extend to his sister. How could he be so nice to Damian, but so mean to her? And she wasn't even like Damian, she was so nice! They'd briefly met her when they went over to the Manor for Christmas. She'd quickly left after introductions. This concerned the team, but Dick reassured them this was a normal occurrence, she hated crowds.
How didn't they notice? Dick's hesitance to talk about her, to let them meet her, hell, he probably didn't even remember her existence until she was brought up in a conversation! How could the whole family do that to a child? One of their own? The worst part, they didn't feel a speck of remorse for it. How could the Titans interact with Dick normally, knowing what he'd done, taken part in, and did nothing about? Every time they interacted with him, they could tell they weren't quite able to hide the disgust in their gazes, and they always knew they'd never be able to.
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A/N: Hi, hello there! Here is me and my newest obsession! I hope you will like this story and keep waiting for new chapters to come! I couldn't stop myself from writing for Hogwarts Legacy so... Please enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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“Oh, I didn't know we were expecting... guests?”
When a melodic and soft voice came behind them, Harry and pretty much everyone was only able to flinch at the sudden closeness and well, not expecting to see someone living in here. Even when Dumbledore told them that Harry's answers and also questions laid in here, none of them thought much about it. They thought they would be finding another object or some kind of relict...
Not an overly good-looking young woman.
“Uhm, hi... Do you live in here?”
“Well, I'm standing in the garden of the house don’t I?” Harry suddenly felt shy and blushed under the soft teasing of the woman, and she could only laugh gleefully as she looked at everyone briefly and frowned.
“All of you look so skinny... Come, I’ll prepare more food!” suddenly she was behind the group and an invisible force, alongside the strength of the woman, had pushed all of them inside the soft looking and warm, enormous house. As soon as they entered, they were shocked to see many magical creatures and trinkets around, with many pictures of people they didn’t really recognize. They stood there, not knowing what they were supposed to do when the woman appeared again behind Remus, startling him.
“Why are you all standing like that? Go on, feel at your home!”
“Are we sure that this is the strongest witch of centuries? She is too...
“kind and warm hearted...” The twins were indeed right, and Harry couldn’t exactly blame them after... seeing the other pure-blood families. With all that luxury and power, came arrogancy and they always had to expect the worst. When Dumbledore said that the woman who lived in that house was the strongest of all and had the purest of bloods ever known, that was enough reason for them to fear her even before meeting. They were ready to have a full-blowm fight...
But all they were met with was cakes and a hell alot of food...
As if she was waiting for them to come.
“Hehe, sorry for the way I look! I just came back from a run and had to clean the pottery at the back of the house!” the woman said cheerfully as she sat down and urged everyone to eat with a soft smile, energetic even after being left breathless, which eased the tension and even Sirius, the ever questioning man, started to eat. The house and overall ambiance of it screamed wealth and power, and though it would usually irritate him, Sirius looked around to see many drawing and pictures some left-over food and slight drawings on the walls, drawing that mist have once belongt to a kid...
All the signs that there was people living in this house, happy and alive, full of hope and happiness. Perhaps children that was adored by the parents, played with the child and let them explore everything... So different than any other family he had seen, just what a kid trully deserved.
But there were two things that bugged him, made him feel... strange. What was the reason of you being so different? And why did you look so much like his friend James?
“Miss Y/N... If that’s okay, I was meaning to ask a question...” he started after gulping his meat down and bowed his head in respect while wiping his mouth. You raised your head in confusion and gave him a nod.
“Oh, It’s been a long time since I heard that name... Surely, Albus is the one who told you?” you smirked teasingly and Sirirus did the same back, as he wasn’t used to hearing people use his first name. Daring, he thought while leaning back on his chair. The power that pours out of her is unique... Just what’s your secret?
“Yes, indeed he did... I didn’t know you two were close?”
Just like his ancestors, sneaky...
“Well, if you consider me teaching him for 7 years close... Then yes, we are close.” You weren’t stupid at the ways of Black family, how they sneakily tried to get what they wanted. Though you were aware how Sirius detested his own family, much like the man you once fell in love with, you had to be prepared.
After all, those closest to you were the ones who betrayed you once.
Flinching at the sudden excited yell of the two red-heads, twins as you expected, you were able to trully look at them for the first time since they came... And the shriek you let out was even louder than a screech of a Hippogriff.
“Red-heads?! Oh Merlin, what did I do wrong to deal with Weasleys again!” you fake-fainted at the sudden revelation, while the red-heads, all of them, looked at you confused. Just why the hell were you so scared of them? They weren’t like He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named after all... Right?
“Woah- Why the hell is she-“
“It’s probably because she is having war flashbacks from your ancestor...” A woman, who had fair blonde hair and many beauty marks across her face came down gracefully, with voice resembling the harps of heaven by how soft and calmly she spoke. She looked around for a few seconds and then went to the woman sitting at the head of the table, not without stopping to look at Harry who blushed under her intense gaze, yet smiled warmly at him with tears sitting at the back of her eyes at the resemblance he had, except the green eyes.
“Mum, it can’t be that bad...” she tried to comfort you, but since she didn’t know the amount of times you had been a victim to Garreth Weasley’s pranks, it was easy to say that.
Anne shook her head playfully and brought you your tea, the one that would always calm you down, just like how you liked it from what she saw her father doing. And as you slowly calmed down from the sudden panic attack, you grumbled cutely into the cup when Harry’s voice cut you in the middle of telling one of the many pranks Garreth did...
A question falling from his lips, one that you always dreaded to answer., and one that he was curious about after something inside of him itching to make him ask it.
“Miss Y/N... Who was your husband? We didn’t hear much of him and... You didn’t tell us his name either.”
“Yeah, were you two also in Hogwarts together?” You gulped the last bit of the hot liquid as you thanked your daughter, watching as she put them in the kitchen while her eyes didn’t leave a certain tall, red-head and you inyernally gagged and groaned under your breath. All of our immortal lives, she didn’t care about anyone and now is interested in... Garreth’s descendant? Really?
“We... Well, me and my husband met and started dating in fifth year and when the school ended he decided that he would never return back to his family and their dark ways, the pure-blood family and all that shit you know? He asked me if I wanted to go in hiding, after everything we went through, accepted to hide and change our names... And I did, gladly even. Though he was put in Slytherin, he always said that it was because of his heritage and that he always expected it. To be honest, if I hadn’t seen the green robes... I’d have thought he was a Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.” You said softly, thinking about all the adventures and pain you went through with Ominis. It was no easy route, the one you chose to take. But it was worth it, because in the end, both of you were able to move past what was given to you and rather you both chose to be who you were.
Though, it came with a greater cost... A cost that forever wounded you.
Harry watched as you lost yourself in your mind, a longing look settled in your eyes as your finger slowly played with your wedding ring.
The ring you once shared with your husband.
And unknown to you, the sight broke Harry’s heart more than anyone’s.
He never really understood why he suddenly felt at home, as if this... You and this house was all he could ever ask for. There was a strange beating of his heart, as if something was squeezing it, pushing him further to know something... to realise something.
A picture of two people... Two people he didn’t remember much except some blurred images behind his eyelids. A red-head and a man with glasses... Right next to that frame, another man he always saw frequently in his dreams. A man who had milky eyes and blonde hairs...
And in both pictures... you were hugging them close to your chest with a happiness he never saw someone ever having.
“Harry? Are you-“ you noticed his eyes being stuck at something inside the living room and as you turned around to look at what it was, you widened your eyes at the pictures of your family. Pictures where your husband, children and grandchildren were all laughing... Alongside with two people Harry probably knew the best.
A shaky sigh left your lips, tears coming at full speed at the realization of you finally having to explain everything to the boy you failed...
Just like your children who you failed to protect as well.
“Miss Y/N... What is your true name? Your husband’s name?” he gripped the table thightly as Sirius and Remus’ hands found his back under the worried eyes of his friends and he turned to look at the matriarch, you,straight in the eye while Anne rubbed your shoulders, hanging her head low at what was coming and how hard it must be for you.
But you didn’t care anymore. You already failed, what was to come from this anyways?
The least that would happen was that he would try to fight you... which you wouldn’t mind, if it meant you wouldn’t see the pain that was caused because of you.
You have the same fierceness of my husband, dear boy... So much like him, so much like your father...
“Do you wish to know the ones that was forced upon us? The ones that no longer define us, or the new path, new life we chose to have?” you gave a sad, understanding smile at the boy as he slowly had come to realize everything slowly, putting all the puzzle pieces together.
All the pictures of his once family in your home, all the pottery and the little workshop behind the house, they way you knew a lot... About everything. Maybe he didn’t want to accept, or he did since he was finally having a family slowly, but though he might come to regret his decision... He needed you to say it to his face.
“Mum... We can’t hide it from him or anyone else anymore... He deserves to know.”
“I know dear... I know...” you smiled at your sweet daughter as she looked at you worriedly, consoling you in her mind as she talked to you softly while her own set of milky eyes stared at the young boy... The boy who also heard everything through the gift that was passed in your family.
“Both... I want to know both, everything you had been keeping to yourself.” With a nod, you brought some water to him as he gulped it down fast and gave the first part of his request as everyone’s eyes widened at the revelation.
“My husband’s name was Ominis Graunt, direct decendant of Salazar Slytherin and I am the direct decendant of Merlin...”
“No way...” everyone let out at the same time, knowing very well the name that haunted almost all the wizarding world... Even more than the Blacks or Malfoys.
The Noble House of Gaunt... Direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin. The people who lived to torture muggles.
How could their friend be rwlated to those... monsters?
Everyone slowly stood up, a hand on their wands before they were seated back by an invisible force and when they looked around, they saw the green shining eyes of Anne, as she used magic without any wand or hands. “Easy, boys and girls... Listen to the rest of the story.”
As she protected Harry and you, from the judging stares of people, she stood behind you two protectively as you summoned one of the many pictures you had taken of Ominis while he was busy doing what you forced him to do but in the end enjoyed doing it, “pottery”, and one with James as he attended Hogwarts for the first time.
And Harry wasn’t stupid to not realize his baby pictures too, even if he didn’t know much about the rest.
“And...?” He came closer to you with shaky hands, barely holding onto the frame and trying to keep himself from hugging you. You gave a smile to him as you showed the Potter family insignia you and Ominis once created as a joke and showed it to everyone in the room. A chorus of no way’s and shocked gasps found your ears but as you held the last person that was left of your family...
None of them mattered.
“I think you already know the answer, sweet boy.” You caressed his cheeks, and one beauty mark that resembled Ominis’ softly as he closed his eyes and leaned towards your warmth.
“Just please....I need to hear it...” Harry begged but couldn’t stop himself from hugging you when you uttered the last part with tears.
Tears of both pain and joy, caused by your single decision.
A decision you would always curse yourself for doing.
“We are Gaunts by the eyes of many, sweet Harry, but we chose to be Ominis and Y/N...Potter.”
And if it was worth anything, you looked at all the people on the table who had wide eyes just like the plates in front of them, and as you stared at your James’ once best friends with an apologizing frown... You knew that a simple hug and reunion wouldn’t fix everything.
You were cursed for a reason, for making a dumb decision and naively believing that you, Ominis and Sebastian were safe from... everyone.
And because of that, everyone had to pay the price with their lives... As The Potters' Legacy slowly died down...
But if Voldemort wanted it to happen, to erase every track of your blood and what you and your lover wanted to achieve...
This time, he would have to pass through your dead body before he touched even a single hair on Harry’s head.
You didn’t have anything to loose after all, and you would do anything to keep the legacy... safe.
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definesanity · 4 months
Dear God: Why Are Women So Attractive?
Marian Greco is a holy woman.
Her parents taught her ever since she was a child, along with her sisters.
The exception, naturally being Ye--... Schneider.
And after the events of 1929, the two had... somehow, braved The Storm.
And Marian cursed.
But that was a tale for another day. What matters now is the problem.
Namely, because of the women of the Suitcase.
The first she met, ironically enough, was Lilya. The Russian was from a different time, and is an ace pilot.
Above all, she was pretty. And also everything against to her way of childhood.
She was loud, at times obnoxious, prideful boarding, and sometimes exceeding, arrogance, and not to mention the excess drinking...
Normally, Marian could excuse the final. In her own opinion, she believes that drinking itself is not exactly a sin, but drinking in excess, was.
Still, she could not just go up to the Russian and ask her; Marian was now Arcanist, but her powers were still yet to be fully developed...
Which made it all the more stranger when, whenever Marian is around, Lilya slows down on her drinking.
Lilya looked at Marian out of the corner of her eye. "Somethin' wrong?"
"A-Ah, no, nothing." Marian replied instinctively, before shaking her head. "...Mind, there... is."
"The drinking, right?" Lilya replied instantly, waving her flask in her hand. "I heard from Vertin you're a holy woman, so I thought I'd best not go around insulting your Lord."
"Mm. I... thank you, for that. I am still getting used to... all this."
Lilya looked at Marian fully, her eyes not filled with warmth, but not ice, either. "I'm not the one to go to for advice... but, if I had to offer some, it's this: Don't stress over every single thing, or you're gonna start stressing over stress itself.
"And before you say anything, yes, I know: It ain't easy as said as it is done. But what's the point, if you won't be able to do if you're busy worrying about saying stuff?" Lilya shrugged. "My own take, feel free to leave it."
Marian blinked in surprise, and was stunned silent for a moment. Eventually, she found her words: "You would make for a good public speaker."
Lilya snorted. "Ha! Didn't expect that! Must mean I did something right, then!"
Lilya was... interesting, to say the least.
But Marian briefly wondered why it was that she looked oddly cute, like a fluffy bear...
Marian was beginning to doubt.
It was something that gnawed at the back of her mind for ages, even before The Storm of 1929.
If God was there, why did He always give Marian and her family the hardest of trials?
She decided to sit down, and ask the worst person possible. But hey, any advice is better than none, right?
"...I'mma be honest with ya." An-An Lee said. "I ain't religious. Never have been. Ya still want my advice or...?"
Marian nodded. "Please. I... would like an outsider's perspective on it."
An-An Lee kicked back a bit, sitting on her chair with her feet on the table. "Well, let's start from that; God is granting you His most difficult challenges, right?"
A nod.
"So, let's say you were a kid, still, who would have heard numerous stories of God at this point. What would you say the reason is?"
"Because He has a plan, not just for me, but for everyone." Marian replied without hesitation. The Ghost Hunter hummed.
"And how about now?"
Marian paused to think. What would she say, now?
Her faith had been shattered the moment that she was saved and rescued, but it was her transformation into an Arcanist that really made her realise it.
God... what was His plan, in turning her into something hated by humanity, his own creations?
"...I'm not sure." came the eventual reply.
Even still, An-An Lee remained calm, and gave her a reassuring smile in response. "I'm no religious girl, but I can say that... you've got a plan yourself. And it's a good one. So, hey, don't let anyone try an' lead ya astray, la?"
Marian looked at the grinning face, and found herself smiling back.
Curses, what has she gotten herself into...?
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madstronaut · 2 months
tis christmas in july aka the season for feasting year-round 
much like the 3-in-1 monstrosity of shampoo/condish/bodywash that the COD men probably use (not gaz, though he would n e v e r) I am tossing in my ramblimmentaries three of cin’s lovely fics together here 🥰
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aaanyway not even ashamed to say I’ve been re-reading their holiday keegan fic SEVERAL TIMES a month since I first saw it last december cos it’s so cute and fluffy
ok I need to get this out of the way laughing my ass off rn because autocorrect changed cumikering to cucumber several times throughout here and i was howling when I went to edit this and I was like why are there cucumbers everywhere??? LMAO
Reading: Neighbour Keegan Russ x reader by @cumikering
ah meet cute at the laundry room; I love it alr (as you can see i am easily pleased/amused/moved)
also it’s already on sight with reader’s cuz, i have unfortunately met ppl like this IRL (haven’t we all) and well talk about telling on themselves about how unhappy they are :/
“Well, if you need company…” he said, trying to not sound too hopeful. I’d love to spend some time with you. You turned to him, brow raised. “Wait, you mean, you want to come with? Be my plus one?” “That wasn’t- well, yeah. I can do that.” He shrugged. “If you want.” This wasn’t the direction he was heading for. He was going to offer to spend Christmas together, maybe exchange gifts, but he surely wasn’t going to take that back. Anything for a chance with you.
He always enjoyed seeing your face brighten like that, despite never getting the chance to see it enough…But between deployments, he was lucky to even catch a glimpse of you once a week, leaving any possible advances towards you simply a fantasy to him. He was out of practice, but was he that out of practice that he came on too strong and scared you? He certainly didn’t mean to make it suggestive. This was going to end before it even started. He grimaced to himself.
we love some good ole mutual pining🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺🥰
That time you saw Keegan on a run shirtless out your window you had to sit down.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA crying laughing at this…also reminded me of a time I hung out with a friend in LA who went to pick up a friend after he ran a marathon and drop him off before we went to dinner - didn’t realize the runner was an old acquaintance I hadn’t seen in a while since he was a senior when I was a freshman in college but I fucking remembered him alright when he came running up ripped af, shirtless, sweaty, saw me and went “MADSTRONAAUUTTTT OMG” and picked me up and spun me while in his giant hulking sweaty arms and I briefly bluescreened…anyway cough sorry back to keegan what was I saying, yes shirtless sweaty keegan yes yes 
He didn’t speak much (you wished he did though because his voice was divine)
my fellow voicekink brian bloom fans where you at
ah wooing by fake dating, is there a better trope (tbh the ones I’ve read are hit or miss but this one is 10/10)
Keegan sat on his bed as you went through his wardrobe. How cheesy would it be if he were to pull out his guitar and serenade you? He, too, was told the ladies liked men who played the guitar. Why do you think he picked it up in high school?
*thousand eyed stare thinking of how many times I've heard wonderwall as a millenial*
He’d made it his mission to make sure taking him to your family was worth your while.
ah yes a true soldier through and throughhhhh~
You were a steady stream of glee that didn’t drain him and he couldn’t get enough.
AAWWWWWWW fucking loved this line!!!!!!!
also the cousin’s name as Bella now has me picturing her as twilight kristen stewart
It only made it hard to dilute your hopefulness that this meant the slightest bit more than nothing.
“dilute your hopefulness” GAAHHH LOVE THIS PHRASE CIN MWAH MWAH
now how to put this lightly but everything about bella just filled me with pure rage lol first off I WOULD ALSO KILL FOR A DYSON AIR WRAP GIFTED TO ME (can I buy one? yes. can I justify buying one? hell no) and I hate to use this term but textbook definition of a ‘pick-me girl’ right here but seeing casual cruelty like this would make me hear those kill bill sirens and have me swabbing some vaseline on my face and taking my earrings off and spitting some razorblades out my mouth and- cough anyway that’s from my younger fanciful days, I don’t carry razorblades in my mouth this isn’t late 90s/early 2000s new york ha cough anyway moving on smh throwing my hands at bella up in air
but I loved the contrast with keegan and let me just say everything about bella’s ‘gift’ goes against the pure nature of giftgiving and I am thrilled that she left the card there but got to take Keegan home 🥰
this whole fic reminded me of a lovely quote I read on a tear-off daily calendar lol
“The wise one knows. The giver of the gift IS the gift. And the gift is just the giver’s heart in the shape of something to make you smile.  The gift decays. The giver stays. And so the real gift remains.”
I will make an exception for celebrating Christmas in July for any of cin's holiday fics 🥰🥰🥰
aaaaand also reading: by Ghost x plus-sized reader by cinny
omfg fucking tearing up my pillows to shreds at how much I love this lil fic!!!
You scoffed, looking past him at the other ladies in the room. “Are you serious? There are plenty who weigh far less.” His brow rose. “Are you calling me weak?”
fucking love reading about a suave smooth-ass ghost
His eyes softened a touch. “May I? Please?”
 Across the pub, the table of three men grinned at the massive stranger. The one with the mohawk was very much entertained as he gave him thumbs up.
yes yes we love wingman!141
You laughed, your breath warm against his ear. “Are you going to set me down or am I having my drink on your back?” “Don’t give me ideas.” He chuckled as he lowered you to your feet.
“Okay. Well, thanks for he drink. You could get back to your mates if you want.” “I’m Simon,” he mustered instead.
When he turned to them, they immediately busied themselves with their drinks, averting their gazes.
So that was why you were alone. You were waiting for someone. Disappointment anchored at the bottom of his chest. “Right. Okay.” You smiled. “Thanks for the drink, Simon. I’ll see you around, yeah?” He grunted and you headed to the end of the bar. He stood umoving for another second before retreating to his table like a kicked puppy.
ummm omg I literally keeled over and slumped out of my chair in sympathy for simon for a good minute before I could read on OMG CIN HOW COULD YOU (lmao jk I loved this sm)
You flagged down some other blond man who walked over to you with a smile.
LMAO yes yes simon you are clearly superior
“I know she’s with someone, but I can tell she likes you more,” Price said, and Simon finally tore his gaze away from you. “Ye should fight ‘im, L.T. He dinnae stand a fuckin’ chance.” “You can knock him out with a slap,” Gaz quipped.
fucking love this, cin has 141 characterisation down to a T with each of their responses!!!! 
also men of the world if you can please take notes on stepping up from 141 here, please start doing so yesterday tyvm
so busy mopping up my heart from melting at how adorable this meet-cute is and I also got halal two days in a row from the halal guys cart by work thanks to reading about the kebabs in this fic
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and finally reading: Ghost x asmr artist reader by cinny
"Simon had a pepper problem and a pasta dilemma"
🥺🥺🥺🥺 I am dying at the cuteness here alr🥺🥺🥺🥺
You turned to him. He noticed the little startle before you shoved your phone back in your pocket.
men who are self-aware of their size and presence and the effect it has on ppl around them and act accordingly, I love you
Your quiet cooking videos were one of the only things left that offered him calmness, especially on those nights away on missions, giving him tingles in all the right places, and shamefully, the wrong ones too sometimes.
sir, sir, there is no room for shame in love~
“Ah- I’m sorry,“ he managed, flustered by your sudden exit. “I didn’t want to be presumptuous, but you make those videos, don’t you? I recognised your voice.” You grinned, turning to him. “I just wanted to thank you,” he said. “Your videos comfort me a lot.” “I’m happy to hear. Thank you for watching.” Simon wanted to tug his beanie over his face because as you walked away, he was unmoving with a racing heart and a blush over his pale cheeks.
omfg WANTED TO TUG HIS BEANIE DOWN??? I AM IN LOVE I LOVE STRONG YET VULNERABLE GIANT MEN SM (this is a fluff fic so I am keeping with the fluffy vibes nd restraining my horny ass from choking out some absolutely thirsty comments here)
Despite the uncomfortable circumstances, your quiet yet crisp voice always sent him into a restful slumber.
yes shoutout to my favorite YT vids and comfort fics for putting me to sleep without fail
The chance encounter only fuelled his attraction. Knowing the kind smile behind the sweetest voice felt like an intimate secret, one you shared with him and only him - not with the rest of your few thousand subscribers.
i love how sweet simon is here with his lil parasocial crush and OMG WHEN READER APPROACHES HIM FIRST IN THE PASTA AISLE I also blushed IRL GOD I LOve FLUFF FICS SM
“Someone sent in a recipe for a video, and it’s absolutely delicious. I’ve been making it at least once a month ever since.”
He combed his hair back with his fingers, hoping his hat hair wasn’t terrible. He caught the double take you did at his tattooed arm.
🥰hehehe i love these little tidbits and morsels of vulnerability (hmm good band name, writing that down)
The rich scent of caramelised meat drifting in the room wrapped around him like a warm blanket.
Between sips of tea, you enjoyed your own halves of the chocolate wordlessly, the music melting into the background.
The savoury aroma glided past the thin gaps of the oven, swirling and dancing between you and him.
mmmmmm this has to be one of the coziest fics ive ever read
“I was an apprentice butcher before I enlisted.” He pressed down on the ricer with ease.
so much said in two sentences!!! ugh mwah mwah so many chef’s kisses for your writing style cinny
also loved how both are very self-aware and how reader picks up on simon talking about his mom in past tense and the whole fic emerging to fit around this bit of simon’s story is so wonderful to me… He waited until you took a bite before taking his own, and his breath caught. His brows furrowed as lump formed in his throat. Had the ground cracked and plunged him into a glitched universe? He was once more in Manchester, 10 years younger, finally home after a long day at the butcher, his mum and brother waiting at the table with the piping hot dish in the middle of it.
literally picturing that critic eating ratatouille flashback end scene from the eponymous movie 😂🥰
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The last thing he wanted to do in front of you was shed a tear, but there he was, some hulking stranger sobbing on your shoulder as nostalgia held him in a death grip. It was humiliating to be seen like this – he didn’t remember the last time he cried from feelings, yet the tears wouldn’t cease despite his efforts. But you held him close, and his thick arms wrapped around you. He told himself if he pulled you close enough, it would hurt less.
i love how simon’s comfort streamer becomes an IRL comfort place for him to safely break down 🥹🥹 did I cry from reading this? IDK MAYBE WHO KNOWS? (looks at the ruined kleenex piled in my wastebin)
I hope all readers know and have a person and place like this (and may we host such places and become such people as well) 💛✨🌿
and of course I will pause my rambles here with a big-ass hug 🫂 and thank you to cinny for being a wonderful comfort fic writer for meeee 🫶🫶🫶😘👌😘👌😘👌
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Prompt: Canon character & original character relationship
Title: A Father's Love
Synopsis: Eönwë and his stepson have a chat before bed (FLASHBACK/NIGHTMARE=> if Anárion lives)
(link in general masterlist)
Words: 6,841 (AO3 Word count)
(Also posted on AO3!)
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Söz mü?: promise?
Babacığım: my dear dad; daddy
Ne olur: please
Hayır: no
Oğlum...öldü: my son...is dead
The meaning of all the other "foreign" words is explained within the story.
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A Father's Love
A chest cold.
The child had suffered a chest cold, but the healers had told him he was on the mend. Eönwë himself had felt it, he was recovering. The persistent cough that had plagued him for weeks had finally abated and he was no longer feverish. He had lamented a mild headache and Eönwë had tucked him into bed. Anárion had smiled at him, begging for a nighttime story.
No one tells them like you do.
Eönwë had pressed his lips against the boy’s forehead before recounting a story about the earliest days of Arda. Anárion had listened to him intently, interrupting him every once in a while, to ask questions. By the end of the tale, he had found it hard to keep his eyes open and had released a loud yawn which had made Eönwë jolt in surprise.
Eönwë had run a hand through the boy’s hair.
There is no need for you to apologize, he had said to him, cupping his face.
Did I scare you?
The Maia had giggled.
I am petrified.
Anárion had briefly lowered his gaze.
You’re not afraid. You’re never scared. I want to be like you.
You should be yourself and be proud of your own accomplishments. You should not compare yourself to others. It will only harm you.
The child had frowned. Eönwë had clasped his little hand.
You will understand when you are much, much older.
Will you still be here by then?
Eönwë’s heart had faltered. He had blinked.
Would you like me to leave?
NO! Sorry…
I am not going anywhere.
You and Silnur will always stay with me. And with mamma too.
Of course.
Söz mü?
Eönwë had jokingly pinched the child’s nose.
Who taught you that?
Anárion had quietened, his eyes darting around the room and his lips pursed.
My mamma did. I like your language and I wanted to learn. She taught me all the words she knows.
While I am amazed at your mother’s linguistic skills and I am beyond certain she would be a great tutor, I cannot help but wonder why you did not come to me first.
I was told not to bot..both..b...
Who said you would bother me?
Everyone…they said…I am not your son…I am not like you…
Who said it? Do you know who it was? Do you know their names?
No...but...they’re mean to my mamma…and they’re mean to me too…
Promise me that you will not worry about it. I will take care of it.
The child had glanced at Eönwë, sorrow etched on his face.
You’re married to my mamma, but you’re not my dad. My papa died. I miss him. Will I see him again?
Eönwë had nodded.
When will I see him?
That hopeful tone was one Eönwë had known full well. He had met so many orphaned children following the War, so many grieving children…though they came from different backgrounds and from different realms, they all had shared one thing. Hope. Their eyes and their voices oozed hope. Hope that they would see their family again and hug their fathers, their mothers, their siblings. Those faces, those wide eyes, those high-pitched voices…
You will meet him again someday, he had said.
Do you know where he is?
No, the Maia had gulped, I cannot say that I do.
We can look for him together! He must be somewhere!
Perhaps we could.
Can my mamma come with us?
Eönwë’s heart had shattered. Such sweet innocence….
Of course she can.
He had kissed the top of his head. Of course she can.
Anárion had stared at him.
I would not want to go without you. You’re not my papa, but…I love you very much. I am happy you married my mamma. She smiles a lot now.
Eönwë’s eyes had filled with tears and his jaw had clenched.
You are kind and you help people. My papa did that too. But you are not as sick as he was. That is why he is no longer here. He was sick. I think you would have liked him.
I did meet him. More than once. I promised him to look after you before he left.
Do you remember what he looked like?
I do, my sweet boy.
We will find him much more quickly then. We could ask some people for help.
It is time that you slept, my child. I will visit you tomorrow morning.
Anárion had clasped Eönwë’s hand.
Wait! Why are you crying?
I am not crying, little one.
Anárion had wiped a tear off his cheek.
What is this, then? You’re weeping. You once said no one should lie. No lies.
I am not lying, Anárion.
Yalan yok. It means no lies. Silnur told me. He’s been teaching me a few words too. I think I have learned quite a bit.
Have you? Very well, then. Let us see if you can understand me.
The Maia had hinted at a smile as he had sounded out the words.
Yemin ederim yalan söylemiyorum.
Anárion had frowned as he had focused.
Could you repeat it?
The child had squinted his eyes, a vein bulging on his forehead. He had stared at Eönwë pensively until he had released a deep breath and shaken his head.
It’s difficult and you spoke so quickly. I did not understand what you said. Only Yalan, but that is because I already knew what it meant. I am sorry. I will try to improve. Could you help me?
I very well could. I would love to help you if you let me.
What did you say? What is the meaning of that sentence?
It means, I swear I am not lying.
Thank you. I will remember it.
He had paused and had smiled.
I asked Olórin but I think I would want you to teach me.
Thank you, my child. It is nice to hear. I...
The Maia had been struggling to reign in his emotions.The boy had sensed something was amiss and had looked at him in anguish.
What’s wrong? Are you alright? You are allowed to cry. I’m not like that horrible lady who is friends with mamma. She’s old and ugly. She doesn’t like it when people cry. I once did because I was upset and she slapped me. Don’t worry though, I am not like her. I won’t hurt you. Now, just breathe. You’ll feel better. Ouch, that hurts!
The light in the former Herald’s eyes had dimmed as he had released the child at once. He had not realized he had been gripping the boy's arm.
Forgive me please. I can help you if you tell me where…
Anárion had giggled.
It doesn’t actually hurt! You fell for it. Yalan…
Eönwë had patted the youngling’s head while yet again running his fingers through his hair.
You do not have to speak Valarin if you find it hard. I can understand you perfectly in your language.
I think you speak the Common Tongue very well. I too can understand perfectly.
Why, thank you, my lord.
I like it when you call me my lord. You should do it more often.
Eönwë had released a thunderous laughter.
As my lord commands.
Anárion had stared at him.
You are laughing but your eyes are glazed. You are not truly happy. Is it because of something I did?
No, child, I…what could you have done?
I do not know. No one likes me. Except perhaps Silnur. He’s my only friend. No one else wants to play with me. Especially Mäirel. I hope other Maiarin children can come here. Mäirel can go away whenever she wishes though. She is a Maiarin child I certainly do not want to spend my time with. She is hideous.
Eönwë had giggled.
You certainly have strong opinions, my lord. You must remember to be kind to her though. Regardless of what she tells you, you must always be gentle with her. If she truly bothers you, then…maybe come to me.
The child had nodded.
Everybody listens to you. They respect you so much. All of them. The army, the people...
He had frowned, his pensive gray eyes resting on Eönwë’s hand.
Is it because of that ring? It is beautiful. Can I have it?
Eönwë had smiled patiently.
You cannot have this one, but I can have a ring made for you if you so desire.
Anárion’s eyes had lit up.
Thank you! I will be respected too if I wear a ring. All the important people at court have one. The King, Grandpa Faramir…
Respect must be earned, my child, Eönwë had chided him.
Is wearing a ring not enough?
I am afraid it is not.
How does one earn it then? I always try to be nice to others. That is what my mamma told me. She always mentions how I should treat people the way I would expect to be treated.
Your mother is right. Though in some cases it might not be as easy.
Is my case…one of those?
It might be.
I will tell you at a more suitable time.
I have heard that before. I hear it all the time. People around here have no imagination. They all act the same. They discuss the same boring things all the time and wear the same boring clothes. Even my mamma’s dresses…I can barely tell them apart.
I agree with you.
My mamma looks beautiful in them though. I know this is very ungentle…ungentlem…
He had taken a deep breath, his eyes alight with frustration much to the Maia’s amusement.
I know it is very UNGENTLEMANLY of me to say, but the other ladies are much uglier. Not as bad-looking as that old lady my mamma seems to like so much for no apparent reason, but I reckon they are not as pretty. My mamma is the most beautiful lady in ALL of Middle-earth. She is even prettier than the red roses that grow beneath her window.
Eönwë had concurred.
Your mother is the most beautiful woman in all of Ëa.
A bewildered Anárion had stared at him.
What’s Eä?
Eä refers to the Created World as a realization of the vision of the One at the beginning of Time. It is another word for Universe.
I thought Arda was the universe.
Arda refers to the world as you know it. As the Children of Ilúvatar know it. Arda is within Eä.
If Arda is our world and our world exists within Eä…does that mean that everything we see, all the things which are and ever were…are also within Eä?
That is indeed correct. Only the Timeless Halls and the Timeless Void are beyond it.
What are they?
The Timeless Halls are the dwelling of Eru Ilúvatar and the Timeless Void is a place darker than darkness.
How can you be so knowledgeable? It almost sounds as if…
As if?
The way you speak of these things…you speak of them as if you had lived them, as if you had been there.
Eönwë had smiled and had averted his eyes, Anárion’s attention once again focused on the Maia’s ring.
It is the most beautiful piece of jewelry I have ever looked upon. Are you certain I could have one? Were you jesting? I never seem to be able to tell whether I am being made fun of or lied to.
I would never deceive you. I would never play tricks on you or mock you. Yalan yok, remember?
Yalan yok.
He had sighed.
I would love to have my own ring. Will my brother have one too?
I have not really thought about it. He certainly could. Possibly.
Will you love my brother more than you love me? You do love me, do you not?
Eönwë’s chest had tightened.
Anárion, aslan parçam benim, of course I love you. Why would you doubt it?
I don't know. I think you WILL love my brother more though. Because he’s yours. You will be his actual father. I…I wish you were my dad too. I never told you, but…I always wanted to call you that. I already have one and I want to meet him again, but you…you were always so good to me. You didn’t have to be, yet you were. You will probably forget about me once my brother is here, but I will not. I will always love you. My mamma was right. She said people couldn’t help it. Everybody loves you and it is not hard to understand why. Oh no…you are crying again. Don’t cry, papa.
The Maia had burst into tears, tears which had soon turned into loud sobs.
Benim aslan oğlum, aslan parçası…thank you.
His voice had cracked. You made me so happy.
Will you take me to fly tomorrow?
I…I do not know if your mother…
Ne olur, babacığım, he had begged, mamma will not know. We shall not tell her anything.
I think it is high time you went to bed, my child.
It is too early for bed. I am six, I am an adult. Early bedtime is only for children. Even my mamma says I am a young man now. That is how she calls me. I may be younger than most but I am a man nonetheless.
It is a common feeling among young men such as yourself. One is often impatient to grow up.
Anárion had rolled his eyes.
I want to ride a horse and fight. I love reading and drawing too, but I am ready to start my military training. I have tried to tell my mamma but she will not listen to me. Can you train me? Could we start tomorrow? Mamma does not necessarily have to know. We could tell her of course, but we could also keep it a secret. Can you keep a secret babacığım?
Aslan parçam benim…
What does that mean? You have called me that before. I forgot to ask you about it.
It is a term of endearment fathers may use when talking to their children. Their male children.
Aslan is the word for lion.
It is.
Parçam benim…?
Parçam could be translated as…a part of me or a piece of me. Benim simply means my or mine depending on what you wish to say.
So I am your…own personal piece of lion? The mane or the tail of a lion? Did you know that the Haradrim once used to keep them locked up  in cages and fed them human flesh? My tutor had me read about it during my History lesson, but Uncle Selim said it’s all nonsense. My tutor was actually surprised when I told him I could read. Did you know that? He did not believe me, that is why he had me peruse that paragraph.
You are a very smart boy, aslan parçası.
Is it a synonym for aslan parçam?
It is indeed. Although they must not be translated literally.
So, what do they actually mean?
My brave boy. My brave son. Benim aslan oğlum.
Babacığım, he had squealed, can we fly and practice sword fighting tomorrow? Can you please teach me how to hold a dagger properly?
Please, babacığım. Please, please, please. Ne olur.
My brave young man, if you think a pair of expressive gray eyes and a squeaky voice can manipulate me into…
He had let out an exasperated sigh. He had relented eventually. Of course he had. He would have done anything for his wife’s son. For his son.
I suppose I…
Five minutes of training. Five, no less.
Only five?
No arguing and no talking back, aslanım. And, yes, before you ask, it is also another way of saying…my brave boy.
Anárion’s disappointment had been wiped off his face at once.
I really like your language. Though objectively difficult, it does not seem to be nearly as complicated as Quenya or Sindarin. I think I will very much enjoy learning it. Can we also do that tomorrow? I will write a few sentences in my notebook, and you will translate them for me. And I will repeat them.
As you wish.
How do you say that, for instance?
Emredesin. Emredersiniz is the formal way of address which is reserved for one’s lord or lady.
Are you my lord?
I should like to be your father if you will let me.
You are my lord as well though, are you not? My Lord Father. My other papa was my lord too. I always called him so. Must I also kneel and kiss your hand?
Perhaps you could do in public to avoid any raised eyebrows, especially when other Maiar can see you. That is, if you’re comfortable with it. I would never force you to do anything against your will, aslan parçam. Especially in a private setting. As a matter of fact, I would like to encourage you to forsake formalities when you are with me. The One knows all too well how uncomfortable I become on such occasions.
You squirm every single time someone takes your hand, kisses it and brings it to their forehead. Is it a common custom in Aman? I am aware that you hail from there and so do Silnur, Mäirel and Olórin. All the Maiar are originally from there.
That is indeed true.
Is it a beautiful kingdom? How does it compare to Gondor? I like Ithilien. Ithilien is a Gondorian…fief. I learned this word the other day during my lessons. Politics. I hate politics, it’s SO boring. Why do I need to study it? I would rather read poetry, which I also fail to understand. But it certainly is more to my taste.
The child’s dramatic eye rolls and overall theatrical mannerisms had had the Maia in stitches.
You will one day succeed your father as Lord of Lebennin. There are many things one must know in order to be a just ruler. Politics is one of them. Though I concur that it can be quite unpleasant.
I would like to visit Aman one day. Could you take me? It is beyond the Sea, is it not?
It is beyond the Sea.
He had not had the heart to tell him he would never be allowed in. Thankfully, Anárion had soon come up with other questions. Such an intelligent, insightful child. Perhaps a bit too much of a chatterbox—especially when compared to the restrained children of the Firstborn dwelling in Eldamar—but Eönwë had known another Child of Ilúvatar whose preferred pastime included asking questions at all times. The boy’s mother. His own beloved wife.
Have you been to Dol Amroth?
I have not. Prince Imrahil came to visit but I have yet to the return the favor.
I have not been either. We could go together!
He had yawned and Eönwë had kissed his forehead.
We could travel anywhere, you and I. Would you like to know where you are going now?
The child’s eyes had filled with curiosity and impatience.
Are we going somewhere?
I do not know about myself, but you certainly are, aslanım.
I do not want to go if you’re not with me. You promised.
I can come with you.
Where are we going?
To sleep.
Papa! It’s not fair!
It is late, aslan parçam. You have been yawning quite a lot. What do you think your mother would say if she saw us talking right now?
Mamma is not here. She’s probably sleeping in her room. My brother makes her so tired. I hope she’ll feel better once he’s here. I miss playing with her. Oh, I have a question.
I am not surprised. Go ahead.
How did he end up in her belly? Did you put him in there?
Eönwë had taken a sip of his athelas concoction—the wounds Gorthaur had inflicted him over a decade prior still pained him greatly—and had nearly choked on it. For the longest time, Silnur had believed the stories told to Elven children about babies being carried by special storks assigned to families by Eru himself. If only Anárion had been as naïve…
Deeply embarrassed, the Maia had hastily brought the cup to his lips once more.
It is a really good tonic. Would you like some?
Anárion had eagerly nodded and had quickly emptied the cup.
It is indeed delicious, he had muttered.
He had not spoken for a while and Eönwë had never felt more relieved. Until…
How did you put him in there?
Eönwë had been torn between leaving or faking a coughing fit before deciding against both options. He had taken another sip of the concoction and had cleared his throat.
What makes you think it was I who put him there, aslan oğlum? How do you know it was me?
He had immediately regretted his word choice, but the child had not seemed to notice.
Oh, it’s called logic, babacığım. You went to her chambers and a few weeks later my brother was in her belly. No one else went to her chambers except for you, so it could not have been anybody else.
Eönwë had gulped.
How do you…
I do not know how you did it. I have been thinking about it though and I think I might have an idea.
Eönwë’s had unbuttoned his tabard slightly as he reminded himself to breathe, his hairline drenched in sweat.
Would you care to elaborate?
You started singing and he appeared out of nowhere.
The Maia had swiftly regained his composure.
I sang him into existence? Is that what you’re suggesting?
Something along those lines. My tutor told me something. He said some people called Ainur dwell in Aman, the place where you come from. They are special people, I think. Well, they’re not really people. They have no form, and they sing things and make them real. They think of food, for instance, and food appears before them. They have powers. They don’t have a body like you and I and can travel across objects…I think. I am not sure about that. Anyway, they sing, and they are very good at it. And though you are not one of them—you look far too corporeal—I thought you may have learned from them. You talked to them and perhaps even studied with them. That’s how you know so much. You had way better tutors than most of us.
I did meet a few of them.
Can you actually see them?
Yes. You met some of them too.
Anárion’s eyes had widened in bewilderment.
They came here!? Are they here? I don’t want them to hurt me, I am scared.
They will do nothing to you. Most of them are nice and even those who may appear sterner would not dare touch you. Not while I am around.
How come? Do you have authority on them?
As a matter of fact, I do.
Anárion had slowly emerged from under his favorite blanket, wariness lingering on his features.
Is it because of your ring?
Eönwë had nodded silently.
Was it always yours?
No, my child.
Who gave it to you?
The High King of the Ainur did. His wife handed it to me the day I married your mother. You may call it a wedding gift. Your mamma wears a ring which used to belong to the High Queen.
Anárion had frowned.
Why would the High King give it to you? Who are you? Are you one of them?
I was the High King’s herald. For a long time, I wore the ring Olórin now bears.
So you’re an Ainur.
Ainur is plural. One Ainu, more Ainur. I am an Ainu.
Anárion had not replied and Eönwë had lowered his head.
I probably should have told you sooner. I understand if you are disappointed. I hope you can forgive me. I will see you tomorrow if you can find it in your heart to…
He had risen to his feet, his words trapped between his lips. He had already opened the door to leave the room when he had heard a tiny voice behind him.
Don’t go papa. Stay with me.
He had turned back at once, wiping away a lonely tear.
Oh papa, I am sorry. I never wanted to make you cry. I always make you cry and I feel so bad.
Can you forgive me?
Forgive what?
I lied to you. Yalan yok.
You did not lie, papa. I never asked you about it. Come back here please. Don’t leave me. I will go to sleep; I will do anything you say. I am so proud of you, and I hope that, one day, you can be proud of me, too.
Oh, aslan oğlum, he had whimpered, my brave boy…
I always knew you were special. My mamma would not have married you otherwise. I read about some bad Ainur, but you cannot be bad. You are so good. You are the best of them. And I love you very much. I always did even when I did not show it. I thought I wasn’t allowed to; both because I already had a dad and because I told not to bother you. But…now I understand that I can love you both. I am allowed to love you and I want to be with you and mamma. And then we can all go and find my papa, wherever he is. We could all play together. I miss my other papa, but I can endure everything as long as you’re with me. Because you too are my papa and I love you as much as I loved him. Maybe…maybe even a little more. I shouldn’t be saying this, but…that is what I feel. You took care of me when you did not have to. I could never repay you the way you deserve but I want to thank you. Thank you, papa.
So mature, so intelligent, so well-spoken. Eönwë seemed unable to stop the flow of his tears.
Destur, papa. Destur.
Eönwë had frowned.
Destur. Olórin and aunt Ilmarë always yell it when people are being too noisy and either you and mamma are about to enter a room. I saw a girl cry once and Aunt Ilmarë talked her into…desturing…and she calmed down. I thought it would make you feel better.
A feeble laughter had escaped the Maia’s throat.
Destur is a word to convey attention and respect. An invite to composure. If one wishes to make way for someone of importance—a king or a lord—that is the term to be used in the Valarin language. It can also be used to scold someone for behaving disrespectfully before a Maia of higher status or a Vala. It carries various nuances of meaning.
You are a Maia and that I knew…but you are also an Ainu?
I am.
What are the Valar? Are they Ainur too?
We belong to the same order and share the same core, the very same essence. The Valar only have greater power, will and authority under the One, Eru Ilúvatar.
So…both Valar and Maiar are Ainur. Two different groups of the same sort of…thing?
You could say that.
You said the Valar have greater power than the Maiar. Since you’re a Maia you’re supposed to be weaker than the Valar.
That is correct.
I don’t believe it. Is there truly anyone more powerful than you?
Indeed, my child.
I am not convinced. Has anyone ever beaten you in a duel?
Power is a much broader concept than the mere strength of arm, aslan parçası.
Can we talk about it tomorrow? I am sleepy.
Oh, now you want to sleep?
Anárion had nodded, his eyelids droopy.
I am very sleepy at the moment. I wasn’t earlier but I definitely am now. I swear I didn’t lie. Yalan yok. Oh, I would like Eagle to sleep with me.
My stuffed toy. It’s an eagle so I called him Eagle. I could not think of another name. Perhaps tomorrow…
Perhaps tomorrow. Good night, aslanım.
You can have my pillow. Please don’t go.
You have never asked me to…
I would like you to stay, he had insisted, if it does not displease you.
I will stay for as long as you want me to.
Anárion had excitedly nodded in approval.
Where is Eagle? He must be feeling lonely.
He’s in the trunk where my mamma keeps my winter nightshirts. The one near the door.
Eönwë had opened it and had picked up the toy.
Would you like to change for the night?
The child had shaken his head.
Very well. Would you like me to tell you another bedtime story? It seems to me you rather enjoyed the other one. Perhaps you may prefer to hear an anecdote or…
I am tired, papa.
The Maia had dismissed the sudden feeling of alarm that had awakened within him.
Are you?
That is certainly unexpected. I would suggest you get some rest then.
I sleep on the left side, you on the right and Eagle will be fine right in the middle of the bed.
He had laid down and the Maia had promptly imitated him.
You can tell me a story tomorrow morning before breakfast if you like. I love your stories. They are always so detailed. I should have known you were one of the Ainur. I genuinely thought you were very imaginative. Like me. Most elderly people cannot tell good stories, but you never were ordinary. As I said, I always knew you were special. But I can’t believe I did not guess it sooner.
It is alright. Though may I ask…did you call me an old man?
I think so.
Do I…look old perhaps?
You look older than me and I am a grown-up now. I am six years old. That makes you an elderly man. Logically, it is reasonable.
The Maia had smothered a wheeze.
Does that make your mamma…old as well?
Anárion had pondered the question.
Oh. How is that? If all those who are older than…
My mamma is my mamma.
Eönwë had cast a tender glance at him.
Of course. So silly of me to even question it.
He had ruffled his dark hair.
Now, get some sleep.
How do you know I will have a brother? I keep saying I will have a brother because that’s what my mamma says. She only likes boys, but I wouldn’t mind having a sister…as long as she’s nice to me. If she were to be like Mäirel…
Eönwë had chuckled.
She would be a handful.
Anárion had recoiled.
Were that to be the case, I would run away to Lebennin and pretend she never existed. On a more serious note…how do you know?
I really don’t, aslanım. It is only a vague feeling…I cannot really tell you. I’m sorry. I just…I feel it will be a boy.
Do you truly believe it?
I do.
The boy had sighed in relief.
I am beyond happy then. Boys have always been nicer to me than girls. I cannot wait to meet him.
Neither can I.
I am sure Eagle is happy too. He reminds me of you. That’s why I love him so much.
I’m going to sleep now. I’ll sleep all night. How do you say good night?
İyi geceler.
İyi geceler, babacığım. Seni çok seviyorum.
Where did you learn that?
I don’t remember. Silnur must have taught me. Or maybe I have heard someone else saying it. I don’t know.
Eonwë kissed him on the cheek.
I love you too, my brave son.
Anárion had gripped the Maia’s hand.
Good night to you too, Eagle.
He had clutched his stuffed toy before he had fallen asleep. Eönwë had watched him for a while before he too had slipped into slumber, his arm wrapped around the child’s waist. He had been woken by the sun coming through the windows and had stirred. Anárion had not reacted, his hands clutching his stuffed animal.
The child had been a light sleeper since birth. He had often been woken by people quietly entering his room or simply sitting next to him. Eönwë knew it. He had caressed his face and had immediately retracted his hand. His skin was cold. Cold and too pale even for a child of Númenórean descent. Eönwë had held him—Eagle falling to the side—and had whispered a lullaby into his ear while rocking him in a rhythmic motion.
His own breathing had accelerated, his surroundings blurry. He could not breathe.
 Aslan oğlum…
He had coughed and gasped as he walls had closed in around him.
 Anárion wake up! WAKE UP! Hayır…Hayir…you are alright, you are fine…I promised I would take you to fly…get up…please get up…I promised you I would…
He had pressed a hand on his neck. Perhaps he had been mistaken. Perhaps he was fine. Perhaps he was simply exhausted and in need of more sleep. Perhaps all would be well. A six-year-old child was not supposed to…to…
Anárion’s lifeless body had slipped from his hands as his vision had blurred even further. The Maia had fallen forward and his eyes had darkened. Someone had rushed to his side but Eönwë had not seen them.
Olórin. He could not see his face but he had instantly recognized his voice. That warm, low tone which had always brought him comfort. This time though, nothing would ease his pain. Such pain—having to live with it—was worse than death.
Olórin had yelled—presumably at the guards stationed by the door—to send for a physician. Had he not realized? Had he not yet understood?
Eönwë had attempted to grip what he believed to be his herald’s arm but it had all been in vain. He had let out a labored sigh, darkness taking him at last.
He had no memory of the days and weeks immediately following Anárion’s death. All that had been able to recall was his wife’s pain. Her screams, her cries, the intense hatred in her eyes.
Elphirion had entrusted his son to you. On his deathbed, he begged you to protect him. Is this how you took care of him? Is this how you honored my late husband’s will? You murdered my son. He was my pride, my light in this dark, horrid world. My heart and my hope. My only hope. And you took him away from me. You betrayed me.
She had attacked him at the risk of endangering their unborn child, the baby brother Anárion had been so eager to meet. The baby brother who would be born only three weeks later and whose funeral they would attend before the end of his first week within Eä. Still nameless, he had been buried in the Halls of Kings. Far too soon had he come and had left just as quickly. His spirit had abandoned his fána and his father had suffered through it, nearly succumbing to grief. The golden-haired Maia had indeed nearly departed the world, for the sudden pain had been too great for him to bear, another loss too grievous to face. His wife had let her rage consume her, yet she had cried and screamed in agony when told of her husband’s impeding doom. She had loved him deeply and, though the ravaging pain in her soul had caused her to lash out at him, she still loved him fiercely. She had been by his side and had slowly nursed him back to health, reigniting the faith he seemed to have lost. She had held his hand and they had healed one another. They both knew the pain would never abandon them, but their love had proved to be stronger than the forces which had kept them apart, their bond stronger than hopelessness. Together, they had bid their last farewell to Anárion, his body to be entombed in Pelargir next to that of his father. Elenna had wept as her son’s body had been transferred from the temporary casket in which he had been resting to a more embellished one which was to be his home until the Breaking of the World. He had been buried with his father’s heraldry, a few books and Eagle, the faithful friend he had clung to in his last moments. Eönwë had quietly approached the casket as his wife and the rest of her party—her ladies-in-waiting, the Steward of Gondor and her siblings—had stepped away. The Maia had slowly removed the shroud covering his body and had beheld him one last time. He was unchanged. His dark hair, his lips, his nose…he truly was his mother’s spitting image. He had been her pride and joy. His death had shattered her. It had broken them both.
Hello, my brave boy, he had whispered, aslan parçam benim. Aslan oğlum…
He had sighed.
You would probably hug me if you saw me right now. You never liked it when I cried. You always went out of your way to try and cheer me up. Especially that one night. Do you remember it? Little did I know it would be your last.
He had smothered a sob.
Words have often failed me. I only wish we could have had more time. We needed more time. You were so eager to learn, to explore, to grow up. Aslanım…I wish I could tell you how you’re missed. I wish you were here to see it for yourself. Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps you do know, after all. I ignore what lies beyond the Circles of the World, but I hope you are allowed to fly. Maybe you have already met some of my old friends. Thorondor, for instance. His brother Landroval too. They will probably answer some of your many questions. I miss them so much. Your constant, curious, intelligent questions.
He had smiled, his eyes filling with tears again.
You were so smart. You ARE so smart, my child. You shall live on in the memory of those who were lucky enough to get to meet you, to spend some time with you. You have not died, my sweet boy. And neither has your brother. It was, in fact, a boy. A beautiful boy. A sweet boy, just much smaller than you ever were. You would have loved him, I’m certain of it. He…he did not make it. He did not survive. He was so tiny, but he was a fighter. He was brave too. We were so concerned about his health that we did not even think of a name. If he is with you…I would like you to know that you have my permission to do what we could not manage. Just don’t name him ‘Baby’ or ‘Child’. You may call him ‘Brother’, but that is supposed to be a form of endearment, not a given name. I trust you will be logical and reasonable. You LOVED those words. They made you sound so grown and that is what you liked the most, I reckon. You were an adult already. So sensible and caring. We shall meet again but until then…I am going to miss you terribly.
He had hurriedly brushed a hand over his face.
You had asked me for a ring. I had one made for you. It is like mine but smaller in size. I think you’ll like it. I hope so, at least. I am holding it tightly in my right hand. I kept in my pocket for a long while. I would like to give it to you. I think you would accept it right away.
He had slipped it on his left index finger and had shivered as he had pressed his lips and his forehead on his little hand. Death had left him untouched, his body intact.
The Maiarin salute you were so curious about.
He had enveloped him in the shroud before signaling for the casket to be closed. He had bowed his head.
Farewell, my lord. Aslan oğlum. My dearest. Eagle will always be with you. You did not manage to come up with a name for him either, but you needn’t worry. You will have time now. You will never be alone. And when the time comes and Arda is again made whole, we shall reunite. I promise.
He had turned and had glanced at Elenna. They had stared at one another for a moment before falling into each other’s arms.
 He loved you. Oh, how he loved you. It was you whom he had chosen. You were his father.
I know. And he was my son. My dear son. My brave son.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!
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Please tell me if I've missed someone. Sorry for the delay. New house (still a lot of things to unpack and my internet situation is not the best. Also, my mental health has been giving me trouble these past few days so I'm sorry if I disappeared)
I'll try to catch up and read everything shortly. I'll try to contribute to the OC week as much as I can, but let's just say that perfectionism, writing in a second language, being extra slow at writing and a new house is not the best combo. Still, I'll try polishing and posting more of my writings throughout the remaining days of the week and maybe even later if I can.
Thank you & I hope you enjoyed.
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