#also i only just figured out where my ask box is on mobile..
Would you mind sharing another snippet?! Longtime lurker ! But the last chapter killlllleddd me!
OF COURSE here's a fun lil guy str8 from my notes app <333
He can see it so clearly: the two of them arriving back home in London and parting ways. Sirius would smile at him, lovely as ever, and say, “thanks for the fun, Moony.” And they’d never speak about it again. Every now and again, Sirius might hint at it as a joke, paired with a gentle nudge and a knowing look. And Remus would have to pretend he didn’t leave his whole miserable heart back in Europe; on trains and in hotel rooms and hostels and fucking fields.
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 7 months
♪ ~ a little rag dolly , wishing your worries away ~ ♪
please read the faq ! ( updated as of 4/9/2024 )
a part ask-blog , part comic where ragatha is infected with a sentient virus that can talk to her - and somehow that's the least concerning part in all of this ?
there's no right or wrong choices here but these all definitely look like wrong ones
[ while this is mostly not intended to be a horror comic , please be warned that this will contain content that can be seen as disturbing such as depictions of mental illness and breakdowns , vomiting , self-harm , suicidal and intrusive thoughts , scopophobia , medical trauma - and possibly more i haven't listed ! if these things get too distressing it's okay to click away , your mental wellbeing matters more ^^
also disclaimer that a lot of the things here were written Before episode 2 so if there's some inconsistencies then you know ! ]
somehow doesn't work in mobile , please don't ask me i don't know how to fix it , blame tumblr idk lol
phase 1
phase 2
[ asks ] / [ ask2 ] - main posts
[ ooc ] - misc. posts
[ INTERMISSION ] - surprise !
[ non-canon ] - non-canon asks
[ ESSAY WARNING ] - mod rambles
[ doodles ] - art from yours truly !
[ THE INFLUENCER ] - old t.i tag ! design was by @/raggedabstraction
tadc influence au - green ?????????
[ you just opened : pandora's box ! ] - an achievement i give to a select amount of asks that completely ran the plot into a tree and exploded it <3
[ animations ] - ... animations !
[ office lore ] - backstory that i don't think is pretty important to this story but people are somehow invested in it so here you go
toybox - just me going crazy over my brotp ( zooble & ragatha )
[ more will be added ! ... if i figure it out ... ]
nooo inappropriate asks, please ! i will not hesitate to block you if you send one
my art is free to use ! use it for your icon , an edit , or even repost it ! my only condition really is to credit me (:
the only ship i'll lean towards is jesterdoll (pomni x ragatha) ! even then , it's not the main focus ( i prefer exploring more platonic dynamics honestly ! )
please be patient and do not take it personally if your ask doesn't get in , i am just one artist running this blog , not planning to get another mod , and i get a shitton of asks whenever i open the inbox . there is no 100% guarantee that your ask will get in
please do not dm me . i am not open for small talk . just take any questions or inquiries to the ask box if it's open . sorry but i will be ignoring any messages from this point on . it's nothing personal i am just severely mentally ill
magic anons are fine ! though note i will be very picky towards them and most likely won't accept any that exceeds 10 asks .
you can call me mod bee . for the sake of this blog , i go by she/her ^^ ( please don't bring up my main if you recognize my art style shfgsf )
[ guidelines are subject to change ~ ]
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Workplace Gossip
Jim Hopper x fem!younger!reader (reader is 25!) 
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: age gap relationship (legal ofc!!), jim being insecure in that, innuendos, billy flirting with the reader, mentions of his daughter and her cancer
Author’s Note: hello again!!! if you recognize this one, you probably red Hugs way back when. this is the revamped version as an attempt to return to the stranger things roots before i hit the old billy and steve ones!! lemme know what you guys think <;3
The original request; by anon, Hi! Loved your Hopper imagine! Can you do another one with him with the reader and him having a bit of an age gap? I don’t own these characters. They belong to the author/director 
(not my gif)
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You were rushing. You could feel the cold nipping at your sides, freezing the mobility in your hands but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You breathed through your mouth as you walked down the sidewalk. If you started to run you could get to your job interview in five minutes. You looked down at your wrist watch and cursed under your breath. Running in heels wasn’t your best idea but showing up late wasn’t exactly the best way to start a job. 
When you looked back up it was too late. You ran directly into a large man, causing an intake of breath from yourself and ‘shit’ from him.
“I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed. You caught sight of the badge on his chest and the hat on his head. Police. 
You couldn’t be detained for not paying attention, that was ridiculous. Right? 
“Where are you going so fast at 7 in the morning?” he asked, annoyance in his voice. 
“I have a job interview.” You bit your tongue. At the station. There was an opening for a secretary job. “I’m sorry again, I’m already running late.” He let you move aside and rush down the street, now running in heels that were too tall for you. He mumbled something about being morning people and kept walking. 
“I am so sorry, I got off on the bus at the wrong stop. I’m still figuring out Hawkins, I just moved here last week,” you explained, out of breath, perspiration beating down your forehead. So much for the business casual blouse you had sweat through. 
“It’s no worries honey,” a woman at the front said with a dismissive look. “You were the only one coming. As long as you’re not a criminal, you’re a shoo in.” You let out a breath of relief. 
“I’m not a criminal,” you promised. You handed her your resume, sitting down at the desk across from her. “I’m just out of college, 25. I’ve had jobs before during school but I’m looking for something more long term since moving here,” you explained. 
“Why did you move here?” she questioned. It sounded more like curiosity than an interview question. 
“It’s a small town, I’ve always wanted to live in a small town. Also, I wanted some independence. I’ve only ever really lived in dorms and such.” You fixed your hair eagerly. 
“You picked quite the place.” 
“So I’ve heard.”
“People who land in Hawkins never leave it. I should know, I was born and raised,” she muttered. She was shuffling through some papers like this wasn't a big deal to her. You cleared your throat.
“I’ve always just wanted to be part of a community,” you explained. “I like the small town community. I want to get to know the people. Grow my communication skills,” you suggested, even though it was only half true. You liked that no one ever left Hawkins. It left plenty of jobs for people like yourself, fresh out of college. 
The front door opened. You both turned and you saw a face you recognized. He was holding a small box of half a dozen donuts.
“Meet your new secretary Chief,” Flo said, standing up from her desk. “She gets started tomorrow.” She grabbed the box out of his hands, walking through the doorway to where all the officers desks were. You stood up as well, trying to put on a smile. He looked down at you, sizing you up it seemed. 
“You weren’t too late.” 
“No sir.” 
“Don’t bother with the sir crap,” he said, a gentleness to his voice. A casualness you admired. “Jim. Or Hopper.” 
“Jim Hopper.” 
“Yeah.” You extended a hand. 
“Y/N Y/L/N. It’s a pleasure to work with you,” you said, brightly smiling now. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around town,” he said, starting to walk through the doorway. You followed him, unsure if you were supposed to but also unsure how you could continue the conversation otherwise. 
“I just moved here last week.”
“Picked a hell of a place,” he grumbled. You laughed gently. 
“I’ve heard.” He started to pour himself a cup of coffee. He gestured the pot to you but you shook your head. You were still high on adrenaline from rushing here. “How is crime here?”
“Riveting,” he deadpanned. “You’ll do fine.” His voice was so soothing. You nodded, believing him deeply. 
He smiled slyly, leaning against the table. He took a sip of his black coffee. You looked at him through your lashes, knowing you were going to get into trouble with this one. If he looked at you like that everyday you would never want to leave Hawkins at all. 
“I promise.” 
Technically speaking, Flo never intended on counting down the days until Chief Hopper asked you out but then on day seven she realized she was. She watched as you came into the room and he adjusted himself in his seat, his eyes floated towards you with a gentle care, and your smile widened. You were good at the logistics. You were good at the job. That made everything else easier. 
You got the paperwork done that you needed to and sometimes, you got the paperwork he needed done as well. Powell suggested putting up a countdown to make it more obvious but everyone shut up about it. 
“Don’t you think she should go with someone closer to her age?” Callahan asked, leaning back in his chair. Flo gave him a hard look as she walked through the room. You and Jim were in his office, powering through paperwork. 
“Who, like you?” Powell questioned. 
“She’s cute!” he argued back. Powell, actually doing work, rolled his eyes. 
“Her frontal lobe is fully developed,” Flo argued. “She can make her own decisions. I, for one, would like to see the Chief happy since Diane.” 
“Only ancient people remember Diane.” Callahan was trying to balance a pencil on his nose. It fell. He made it look like he hadn’t been doing it to start with. “You think she likes him?”
“I think she loves him.”
“It’s been literally a week. She could not love anyone, let alone Jim Hopper, in that time.” 
“What about Jim Hopper?” You turned the corner, holding a small stack of papers. 
“He needs to do his own work. You’re babying the old man,” Callahan said, pointing his pencil at you. 
“He’s not that old,” you suggested.
“She’s right,” Hopper responded. “Watch your mouth Phil.” Callahan put his hands up in defeat and turned back to his desk. You put the things onto your desk to be finalized. You were coming to enjoy the steady, familiar pace of this new life. “I’m grabbing lunch.” He grabbed the keys to the cruiser. He paused, momentarily. No one else would’ve been able to catch it. You were watching him for his words, accepting them before they even came. “You comin?” he asked. You tried to hide the flush on your face as you glanced upwards, like you were attempting to make sure your schedule was full. 
“Only if you’re paying.” 
“Student debt that much of a bitch?” You grabbed your coat and put it on. 
“I just like guys to pay on dates.” You walked past him, trying to suppress a smile. His eyes went wide as they floated to those around him. 
“You two take the day,” Flo said, pleasantly, like she had orchestrated this whole thing. 
“Literally go, Chief. Before I do,” Powell said. He had a small smile on his face too. He nodded, grabbing the door knob. 
“I’m gone.” -
By week three it was like you had only known this life. It was like it had been pre-made for you. Your body fit the mold of a life that had been waiting patiently for your arrival. Work, dates, drive-ins, socializing. Apparently Hopper knew everybody in this town and with a little work, you got him to introduce you to people. 
Never as the girlfriend. 
Just as the new secretary. 
You both tried to allow that to happen quietly. People would get used to seeing you two together eventually. There was no need to rush anything that didn’t have an exact label yet. You were just two people who happened to know each other. Intimately. 
You were eating french fries across from him at work, flipping through some papers. He narrowed his eyes at you. You tried to act like you didn’t notice. He wanted to tell you something. You glanced up at him, chewing slowly. 
“Yes Jim?”
“I have a daughter,” he said. 
“El. Yeah, I know.” You hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting her yet but you had heard lots about her. He was silent for a moment. 
“Sara. Her name was Sara,” he said, not meeting your eyes. “She died of cancer when she was 7. Everyone here knows.” He cleared his throat, sucking in air. “I thought it was unfair, if you didn’t know.” You knew he got divorced, Flo had told you that much. But you had no idea he had a daughter before El. 
“Oh,” you whispered. You racked your brain in an attempt to figure out how to salvage this situation. How did he want you to react? How should you react? “I’m sorry.” It felt inappropriate to be looking at paperwork so you put it down. “Thank you for telling me.” He nodded once, picking it up from you and then stealing one of your fries. 
“I have pictures of her at the house. I wanted you to know before you meet El.”
Eleven was wary but got used to you quickly. She liked that you acted a lot like Steve in some ways, even though you were eight years older than him. She liked that Max liked you. She liked that Mike liked you. 
She liked that Jim liked you. 
By week ten the cabin had become your second home. You laid on the couch while El watched a show. Jim had to work late tonight and you weren’t needed so you were always open to hanging out with her when you could. 
The light television buzzing was comforting. You flipped through a magazine, feeling the night begin to cause your eyes to droop. El was happily eating some eggos, whipped cream to top it off. You suggested throwing some chocolate chips on top of it too. 
“How’re you and Mike?” you asked, looking at the couple on TV. She had a dreamy look in her eyes. After hearing bits and pieces about how Jim came to have her, you were happy to see it. She deserved an easy life. 
“Good,” she said, shrugging. “How are you and Hopper?” You smiled a bit.
“We’re good.” 
“Good.” She pointed a finger at you. “The door stays open three inches.”
“El!” you teased, hitting her with the magazine. She erupted into giggles, whipped cream covering her smile. “You don’t even listen to that rule. There are like three rooms in this place!”
“More than one!” she argued, shrugging. You rolled your eyes. Headlights lit up the room. You had some of the blinds open but the sun had long set. It caused both you and El to wince. 
“You’re glad he’s home little lady,” you said, pointing the rolled up magazine at her. You both laughed as you got off the couch. You peaked out the window, out of habit, and saw a car you didn’t recognize. You squinted, unable to see more than the outline in the dark. A man got out of the car, shutting the door behind him. 
He walked in front of his headlights. You could see the outline of a mullet. He knocked on the door. Hopper, ever prepared, always left a baseball bat beside the door. You grabbed it nonchalantly, leaving it out of the eyesight of your guest. 
El had turned around. Hopper wouldn’t have knocked. 
Leaning against the door was the infamous Billy Hargrove. You had heard enough about him to be able to recognize him, not to mention you had seen him once or twice with Max. Jim’s words came back to you. 
“He has more parking tickets than the rest of the town combined.” 
“You’re being dramatic Jim.”
“Never get in that boy's car.”
“You jealous Jim?” 
He had rolled his eyes then but you could see what he was talking about now. There wasn’t a scratch on the car but there was a bruise on his face. 
“Hello. You are not who I was expecting to open the door.” El was hidden behind the couch, blocking his gaze from her. “Where’s the Chief?”
“Working,” you said, too meak for your liking. “Can I help you Billy?” He chewed on the toothpick between his teeth. He had a charming smile. You imagined lots of girls were the victims of that smile.
“I’m looking for my sister, Maxine. She around?” 
“Nope,” you said quickly. “I haven’t seen Max since this afternoon. She was at the arcade with El and everyone.” 
“You play taxi driver too?” he questioned, playing a bleeding heart. 
“When Jim can’t.” His eyes went wide but you suspected it was fake. 
“Wait, you aren’t El’s cousin from out of town or something? You’re sleeping with Hopper?” You flushed, immediately unable to stammer out a reasoning that benefited the situation. You hadn’t actually had an interaction like this. 
“Max isn’t here Billy,” you finally offered. 
He took the toothpick out of his mouth. 
“Well you know where I live if you ever want a good time,” he suggested. He tossed it aside. Littering. How attractive. He was starting to back away when you heard the sound of another car approaching. At the sight of someone else Jim stepped on the gas, pulling in at breakneck speed. He knew that car, even by the outline. “I never caught your name.”
“Y/N,” you said. 
“Thanks for the help Y/N.” He winked at you as he turned around. Jim hopped out of the car, shutting it aggressively. 
“What are you doing here Hargrove?” 
“Just looking for Max,” he said, hands in the air. “Your girl was mighty helpful.” Billy got into his car before anyone could punch him and backed out, rivaling Jim’s breakneck speed. 
“That fucking kid,” he grumbled as he walked in. You put your hand on his back, following him in. You kicked the front door shut behind you. “What’d he want?” 
“He just asked if Max was here.” You made the executive decision not to go further into that. “I said she wasn’t.” He took off his jacket. There was an aggression there you weren’t used to. He walked to the kitchen to get some food and probably a beer. 
“Thanks for watching her.”
“I can watch myself,” El said, looking up at him. There was a slight tinge in her voice that made you think she was telling the truth. 
“I know you can. But it makes me feel better if she’s here too.” 
“I don’t mind.” You followed him to the kitchen. He offered you a beer but you declined. “How was the rest of your day?”
“Good. Better now,” he muttered, kissing you on the forehead. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him. He embraced you, eyes lingering on the door. 
You didn’t think it ever really affected him. The age difference seemed like something you were used to from day one. But you knew Billy had affected him. The Hargrove boy was everything a young girl could want. He was bad as in bad boy. 
He didn’t say anything about it the rest of the night. 
You didn’t see Billy again for a couple more weeks. He became nothing more than a mindless thought in the back of your mind. You weren’t even that pre concerned with him the next day, though you could tell Jim seemed to be. You wanted to bring it up but felt like bringing it up would only make it worse. You waited until El was at Max’s, deciding that doing it alone would be the best route. 
He strayed near the phone in case El needed him.
“Callahan said he would finish that,” Jim was saying.
“When has he finished anything? Since I have moved here I have seen him get out of the chair two times. Maybe three!” You were eating pizza, the boxes strewn across the coffee table. The TV was on but neither of you were watching it. You laid on his back, rested comfortable between his legs. 
“That’s why we hired a new secretary.”
“I’m not an officer?” He laughed again. You turned around to him, giggling. “Could you imagine me with a gun? Jim, give me your gun, let’s see how that goes.” Your laughter melded, his arm resting around your chest.
“Absolutely not.”
“Exactly. Exactly.” 
You rested back down, snuggling into your spot. 
“Flo said she’d figure it out so you could have a day off without being called in. But I’m sure Harrington will lose a fight or something and we’ll both be called in.”
“Damn job.”
“Damn job is right!” You grabbed his hands, messing with his knuckles. “Let’s turn on the radio.”
“Oh God.” You stood up. 
“I’m done with my pizza, I wanna dance.”
“No you don’t.” 
“Yes I do. Try to keep up old man.” It just slipped out but you regretted saying it immediately. He didn’t show an outward reaction at first but he stood, eyebrows raised. 
“I seem to be able to keep up with you pretty well.” You tried to ignore the sly smile on his face. 
“Damn straight. Dance with me Hop.”
You offered your hand to him as you fumbled around the radio. He walked past you, turning it on. You scrambled away to turn off the TV when there was a knock on the door.
Both of you turned, surprised, caught off guard. 
“You expecting someone?” you asked.
“No. You?” 
“No sir.” 
You approached the door because you were closer. He stepped in front of you, opening it up. Max was on the other side, laughing bubbling from her lips. El was standing there too. 
“How did you get here?” he asked immediately. You saw Billy’s car before you saw Billy. You put your hand on Jim’s chest, pushing him back as gently as you could. It was like he could only see Billy at that moment, eyes red. 
“You’re back Y/N,” Billy called, leaning against his car door. He rested his hand on the top of the vehicle. 
“What the hell?” Hopper roared. He walked past the girls. 
“Inside. Quickly,” you hissed to them. They listened wordlessly. 
“You think it’s okay to drive my daughter around in that car? If I looked up the license of that car I would see so many tickets I could wallpaper my house!” 
“You haven’t taken me up on my offer,” he said, directly to you. “Shame.”
Billy wasn’t helping his case. Not in the slightest. 
“Hargrove get in your fucking car and go the fuck home,” you snarled. Billy watched your face and then finally paid Hopper a thought. 
“Offer stands.” He got in his car before Hopper could beat the shit out of him. Part of you wanted to see it. When his car was gone there was a heavy silence. 
“Fucking Hargrove,” he grumbled. You were both still standing out in the cold. You shivered. “Fucking Hargrove. He could’ve killed her.” He looked back at you. You were still watching where his car was. “Hey.” Your eyes snapped to him.
“Yeah. Fuck him.”
“What’s that?” 
“What’s what?” 
“The look on your face.”
“I don’t have a look.” His face fell a bit. He put a hand over his mouth, rubbing his beard in annoyance. 
“Do you like-”
“No.” You nipped that in the bud. This was the conversation you had been dying to have. 
“He’s closer to you-”
“No,” you said again. “Don’t say it. Don’t even dignify that thought with the words.” His face eased. “I love you.” 
His eyes went wide again. The words hung in the air like they were being let out to dry. You felt confident in them. Even your nerves wouldn’t let you take back such a true statement. 
“I don’t care about all of that. I never have.” He looked like he was searching for something. You opened your mouth to tell him he didn’t have to say it back but he was already speaking. 
“I love you too,” he breathed. The words came easy once he had said them. 
“Good,” he repeated back to you. You walked up to him, throwing your arms around him. He hugged you tightly. 
“Plus,” you muttered, “he’s not my type.” He chuckled into your hair. He wanted to kiss you. He never wanted to stop kissing you. He found, for a moment, a wordless moment, he had wished Billy would’ve taken El and Max back so he could have the house just for the two of you. He swept the thought away as quickly as it had come. But having you in his arms was too intoxicating. 
“I wanna listen to the radio,” you whispered. The laughter from him came louder now. 
“Alright. Alright c’mon.” You repressed claps. He had his hand on the small of your back as he led you back inside. 
“She said she loves him. I can feel it in the air,” Callahan muttered. He was chewing on a donut. His eyes were small. He was concentrating. 
“Entirely possible they fucked in the car,” Powell countered. 
“Calvin!” Flo exclaimed.
“That could be what you’re feeling. All I’m saying!”
“He said it back,” Callahan mused, his voice far away. 
“Now you’re stretching,” Powell promised. “Chief in love? Not in this lifetime.”
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Tibby FACTS:
Tibby is cuddliest at BEDTIME, when she arrives on my bed, yells until i am under the covers and excitedly climbs over me to snuggle on my chest.
Tibby is very small, but she stomps very LOUDLY. You can hear her Stomping across the hall in other rooms of the house.
Tibby YELLS if you touch her when she's trying to take a nap, even if it's accidentally. This includes if she decides to sit on YOU and you breathe on her because she is sat BASICALLY ON YOUR FACE.
Tibby weighs BASICALLY NOTHING, but she stomps so hard with her little feet that she hurts if she stomps on your chest.
Tibby is VERY FLUFFY, meaning her fur picks up ANY STATIC CHARGE and thus CLINGS TO LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Once Tibby has touched an object her fur WILL stay on that object.
Tibby is also known by: Tibbs, Tibitha, Bibbitha, Bibby, Bibblet, Bibbs, Tibblet, Tibby-Wibby, Princess, and Little Baby Bibblet.
Tibby STEALS unattended packets of dreamies. We know this because she SHREDS THE PACKETS TO GET AT THE DREAMIES and then DRAGS THEM BACK INTO HER FAVOURITE CARDBOARD BOX. She is not subtle about her crimes, and is UTTERLY UNREPETANT.
Tibby has METAL in her skeleton. She could not make it through an airport.
Tibby is SPOILT ROTTEN and sometimes will refuse to eat food simply because SHE IS IN THE MOOD FOR SOMETHING ELSE. This usually ends with EVERYONE TRYING TO HELP HER FIND WHAT SHE IS IN THE MOOD FOR.
Once the vets thought Tibby was in a life or death situation. She was okay. She was simply PROTESTING BEING LEFT AT THE VETS.
Tibby expresses opinions by YELLING. She has been known to yell about BASICALLY ANYTHING.
Things tibby has Yelled about: the air temperature. Someone Touched me and i didn't expect it. Someone Touched me and i did expect it but i didn't like it. Someone asked me a question. Someone wiggled a toy at Me. Someone isn't lying down Right. There was a Noise. There is a Smell. It is Cold. It is Hot. It is Windy. I want to Sleep. I Slept but i had a Bad dream and want Reassurance. I am hungry. I am hungry but Not That Food. I am hungry (for treats specifically). My human has not Gone to bed yet and i want to lie on them. Someone made a noise. There was a fly. There is a rat outside and i am letting you know i have seen A Rat Outside. There is a Mouse. I have killed The Mouse. There is a Slug. I have not killed the slug: I smelt it and it was Wet On My Nose and i Didn't Like it. There is a Beetle. There is a Spider. I want you to Wake Up so i can sleep where you're Sleeping. A dog Touched me. There is Mail. I am Scared. I am Bored. I have figured out you are controlling the toy and am Unimpressed. My toy has stopped moving. Someone turned off the toy i was Not paying attention to. There is a beetle (again) I stretched and i want you to know that. I have noticed there is a fishtank. (There has been a fishtank for years) Something in the room has Moved. I am Under the Blanket (generic). I am under the blanket and something Touched Me. I am under the blanket and do not Want to be. I want to be Under the Blanket Again. The floor is Wet. The floor is Cold. Someone has Picked me Up (necessary). I want my Yoghurt. Someone has eaten my food. I ate my food but i want More. My food is the wrong Type. Frankenstein (the other Cat) will not play with me. Frankenstein is on a lap i want to be on. I am on a lap but frankenstein is sizing it up anyway. There are two cats on this lap: i don't like it. I saw a Bug Outside. Someone said my Name.
Tibby is very small for a cat, but puts out A LOT OF HEAT. Once she settles down on you she will MAKE YOU PERSPIRATE WILDLY just to cool down. She is basically a mobile space heater and has caused me to REMOVE LAYERS OF CLOTHING when THE HEATING WAS NOT WORKING.
Tibby SNORES in her sleep.
Tibby is EIGHT YEARS OLD. we only found this out RECENTLY; Not because we didn't know when she was BORN, she simply looks so SMALL AND BABY that EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE GENUINELY FORGOT ABOUT THE CONCEPT OF AGING IN RELATION TO HER and for YEARS had simply assumed SHE WAS STILL A LITTLE BABY KITTY CAT OF TWO YEARS OLD. Her babyface is ETERNAL.
Tibby has been on a BOAT. she did not like BEING ON A BOAT.
Vote tibby for more Tibbyfacts™
ty for Many Tibby Facts
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hearthouses · 9 months
hello!! happy wincest wednesday! I'm not great at coming up with questions but-- are there any aspects of wincest or any tropes or angles you've been thinking about recently that are making you go particularly nuts???
This is a good and fun question!
So... I'm kind of an intense nerd who has people pleasing syndrome as well as fun traits like issues with choice paralysis, so picking one of my many many many ideas is very difficult, so in order to keep track of things I am interested for me, I have a document that is called "iddy ideas" which are essentially concepts that speak directly to my id. I'm gonna use the headers as way to answer this because otherwise I will forget something and it'll bug me, so things that live in my psyche re: Winchesters are:
→ DEAN & GENDER: I have a few asks in drafts that need answering about this topic, so I will keep this sort of brief—I am really into how Dean and his relationship to gender, and how the roles he plays in life force him into one box or another. I tend to headcanon him on the nonbinary/genderfluid spectrum, even if he’d never personally identify as either. I love exploring how he often uses toxic masculinity as a shield and how he uses it to cover up the more vulnerable aspects of his desires and identity. As for the Sam/Dean angle, I really love Sam figuring it out and using lingerie kink and feminization kink as a way for Dean to explore in a way that doesn’t completely freak him out. There’s a long fic in my head that I’ve been too nervous to write about this.
→ OMEGAVERSE & PREGNANCY: I have come up with so many ways to get Dean pregnant because I think about this topic so often. I won’t bore you with the list. I am unfortunately a sucker for pregnancy and kid fics as a trope. I don’t often read them because I prefer realism in the sense that the kid has to feel like an actual kid to me and not a symbol of happiness and completeness. For Sam/Dean, I enjoy the fucked up aspects of having a kid with your brother and how they would be so into that because it’s combining themselves into another living being, that they made together, ultimate symbol of their intense incestuous love. I also think Dean very much wants kids, but didn’t think he could have them with Sam, while I think Sam would really only want to have kids with Dean. I have many AUs where it is also the worst possible time for this to happen because I live for the melodrama. I also like post-pregnancy and seeing the kids grow up to be fucked up in their own special and unique ways.
→ DOMESTICITY & DISABILITY: I am simple and sometimes I want to force Sam and Dean to retire and live in a little cabin or cottage in the woods somewhere so they can grow old. Often, I think for the only way that makes sense for them to do so is if one or both were physically incapable of hunting anymore. I love them being forced to slow down and take care of one another. Given their lives, permenent injury is pretty likely and I love exploring the ways in which they'd have to grow and adjust to their new realities. Also, I kind of just want certain ideas presented in canon explored? Like Sam's issues with his sense of reality and hallucinations, or both of them having chronic pain. Plus, there should be more finale AUs where Dean lives, but he has mobility issues now.
→ WINCHESTERS & RAPE RECOVERY: Both Sam and Dean are rape survivors who repeatedly are sexually assaulted throughout the narrative, but they both react so differently to similar traumas and I would like to have this explored since the show wouldn't. Hell trauma also goes under this umbrella. I am fascinated by the ways in which Sam and Dean are mirrors and foils, and would like to explore the interiority of that. I’m also very into concepts and ideas that explore how their respective trauma informs some of their kinks i.e. I think post-s7 Sam especially wants more pain kink and D/s where he submits to get out of his own head and Dean struggling with the dom role due to his trauma from hell where he was put into the position of torturer and rapist, and them having to figure out to make that work without sending Dean into a tailspin.
→ CONSENT ISSUES: I love fuck or die, sex pollen, curses, and all related tropes. I also like "dark" versions of Sam or Dean (Demon!Dean, Soulless!Sam, Shapeshifters, Leviathans, etc.) menacing and putting the other in situations. I will never tire of this.
→ BOY KING SAM & MAGIC: Sam should be able to always have his powers as a treat. He should be able to be a little evil as a treat. Sam should get to go full on witchy as a treat. I love the demon blood arc, I love psychic wonder Sam, I love Sam who puts hex bags in witches mouthes and tells them he learned from the best. I am from the ancient times and watched the season three finale live, so my formative years were shaped by so many Sam becomes The Boy King and rescues Dean from hell fix it fics and AUs, and so it's always a favorite. I am currently writing one that is very slow going, but as a general vibe check I am calling it Sam's Moving Castle and "suiteverse but nice".
→ WEREWOLVES & MONSTER WINCHESTERS: I love werewolves and I want Sam and Dean to be werewolves and be a pack of two. But I'm not picky and would like them to be any sort of monster. I think the show was too scared of upsetting the status quo and permanently transforming them into monsters, which is a shame, but now it is now my hyperfixation when it comes to fic for them.
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cutepresea · 9 months
Isn't it odd Symphogear didn't get any normal length OAV or movie made, or even on the merch side more nendo or nendo petit made considering how popular it was in Japan? I know the fear was real with prods and manus during the first two seasons because they thought it was a fail project and didn't want to invest but after five seasons and five concerts? I don't know I feel like I'm missing data on why we were given the short stick compared to other popular animes...
Ah, I never really felt like that when it comes to the series (except for figures, but I get to that later in the post. I went on a bit of a tangent and it ended up longer than intended. Oops)
Five whole seasons
Four series of shorts
Enough character songs to have a box of 9 CDs released (doesn't include XDU songs)
Concerts that get released on blu-ray since G's (this one just feels like a bigger deal to me because season 1's in 2012 never got recorded or released)
A mobile game that's been running for 6 years and gets its own albums separate from the aforementioned box (there was another mobile game a decade ago that died pretty fast but nobody remembers that one, shhh...)
And a monthly spinoff manga that has enough content for four volumes so far
...All feels like a miracle to me, especially for an anime not based on an existing manga, game, or light novel
Seriously, I love this series but I have no idea how G was greenlit
I'm still waiting to see what the new project is because there's still a possibility that it could be a movie or something. I just don't expect it anytime soon, whether it be a movie or an OVA, because Kaneko (co-creator and scenario writer for the series) is busy both designing and writing a RPG which he stated was something he wanted to do while not working on Symphogear since he was too busy to work on games while he was doing that (link is Japanese, but it's the interview where he said that)
Which, again, is probably why the new project is dated 20XX
Now if I were to talk about stuff I personally would want?
If it's a movie I'd like it to be completely new content but if they make some lengthier OVAs, I've been asking for an adaptation of 3.5 from XDU for a while since the Alexandria Incident gets mentioned in AXZ.
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XDU's service isn't going to last forever and I'd hate to lose a canon side story like that when it does eventually end.
They could also do 4.5 but it isn't as high a priority for me because it serves more as an introduction to Noble Red than anything and outside of the short part between Fine and Enki, it felt weird coming out after XV ended
On a bit of a side note, I've said it before, but I wouldn't be too surprised if any new anime content is by Studio KAI instead of Satelight. A LOT of Symphogear's staff moved over there after XV ended which is why XDU's second OP was done by them.
Now merchandise, oh boy, yeah that subject has stung a bit over the years. The fact the only Nendos are from S1 really is sad
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They want their friends to join them
Heck, Chris didn't even get a Figma back then like Hibiki and Tsubasa did
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I can't believe it took as long as it did for Kirika, Shirabe, and Maria to get figures. Especially Maria, who didn't have one released until 2022.
And it is an actual crime that Miku still doesn't have one despite being around since season 1. That is Hibiki's Wife Sunshine y'all are ignoring. (Season 1 Miku with green hair when? 🤣)
Hobby Stock's set of scale figures they've been releasing and Good Smile's ACT MODEs are a step in the right direction though. There's also been more plushes in recent years which I personally really love.
One of my wishes is someone going back to G and making figures for that so we can get Black Gungnir Maria or Shenshoujing Gear Miku
The parallel world versions of everyone from XDU would be fun too but I'm not pushing my luck there. The other Hibiki technically already has one but it used an existing Hibiki figure as a base
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And yes, I am begging for a game that isn't gacha. I'm a lover of action games and RPGs so I would love something along those lines. I'm not horribly picky about the specific type
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cmlbcommish · 1 year
CMLB: Arkaley Pythons @ Rift Storms, S1D25, 6
This one is dedicated to Kosmo, who chose this path /lh
The CMLB was off to a great start. The Skates were looking pretty dominant, though many teams were just in the competition for fun and did not care about winning, (looking at you, Zeromere Heroes) but all in all, everything was going fine.
Its Blaseball though, so everything had to go wrong.
Day 25, Nagomi is watching an 'away game' as she calls it in her mind. Arkaley Pythons versus the Rift Storms.
The weather has been bordering on a storm the whole time, dark clouds billow in the sky above the Stormdrain, the Storms' stadium. 
Parker has been jotting down all the plays of the game, something that he doesn't need to do but enjoys doing anyway. Nagomi figures it's to keep his hands busy, and she is probably right.
Nagomi is looking away when it happens, glancing down at her phone to check her texts. It's the 8th inning, the Storms have a rather commanding lead, 10-2.
She's looking down when she feels Parker urgently grip her arm. When she looks over, He's staring wide eyed at the field. 
"What?" Nagomi asks, she also trains her vision to the field to see what the hell he's looking at.
"Marylou Good just disappeared." He murmurs. She can hear the tone of panic in his voice, clear as day.
"She- Fuck." Nagomi is out of her seat in seconds, running down to the field. The level of urgency in his voice… She's only heard it once before. 
Marylou had been standing out on the mound, and even through her urgency Nagomi took a cursory glance around where she could have disappeared to, but nothing.
The umpire behind home plate had also seen Marylou disappear, just like Parker. They had immediately called a timeout and were urgently awaiting Nagomi's arrival on the field.
Nagomi is fast on her feet, and Parker's cane is to give him a little more stable mobility, but it doesn't make for speedy getaways, so she's already down talking to them before Parker arrives.
"I didn't see her go." Is the first thing Parker hears. "Parker is the one who saw."
The umpire is a volunteer, going by J. Good. They have a lot of blaseball experience and are allegedly related to Marylou. They don't talk much, and never actually revealed their first name, but they look strangely familiar.
Unlike Marylou's eyes, which have a flaming pupil, this Good only has one visible flaming eye, and boy do they look pissed.
Nagomi doesn't wait for them to respond. "I'm ending the game. I don't care if the Storms would have scored more, this is serious."
Good nods. 
"We'll talk more in my office." Nagomi says. She walks over to the batter's box.
"Game's over." She says to Maverick Aero, the current Storms batter.
He tilts his head, "But the game isn't over! There's still some innings left!"
"Someone just disappeared." Nagomi growls. "Game's over." And she walks away. 
Commissioners Office
Nagomi is sitting at her desk, her elbows resting on the surface in front of her, her hands steepled with the fingertips resting on her forehead.
She's been deep in thought for a while, waiting for Parker to wake up.
Good is off to her left, leaning against the wall and checking their phone, sneaking glances over at the both of them.
On the right is Parker, taking a nap on the couch. After the amount of hectic scrambling following Marylou's disappearance, Parker kept up fairly well with the hectic cleanup of the incident.
After a few hours, It became evident to both Nagomi and Good that Parker's body was giving out on him, so the both of them gently urged him to take a short nap.
Parker is not often able to resist the allure of sleep, as much as he tries, though he insisted that he only needed a short nap.
"...You're an ILB player, right?" Nagomi murmurs in Good's direction.
They nod. 
"If you were trying to be sneaky, you should have picked an alias. There is literally only one player with your last name in the ILB." 
"I wasn't trying to be sneaky." They snort. "I was trying to be a volunteer umpire for a new splorts league." 
"That's it?" 
"That's it, that's all… Well, I guess I was also here to watch Marylou play." They mutter as an afterthought. It makes Nagomi feel that much worse.
"I'm… Really sorry about Marylou." 
Good sighs, "I know you are. I know you didn't expect this to happen, trust me."
Nagomi runs both her hands through her hair. "We have no leads, no indication how she disappeared or where she might have gone or how to get her back. I said I would protect them and I failed." 
Good sighs. "I'm not going to keep up with your self loathing on this one, boss. The fact of the matter is a player disappeared and barely anyone noticed until we announced it, that's suspicious."
Nagomi turns to look at them as they speak again. "If someone was looking for a reaction, they would do it like incineration. Everyone focuses on an incineration, but whoever did this? They chose sneaky, and that sits strangely with me."
Nagomi nods, "It's fucking wierd is what it is. There has to be a reason, especially without any sort of replacement swapping in."
"Exactly." They nod, "And I hate to say it, but with what little information we have right now I'm thinking we're going to have to wait until it happens again before we can start investigating any patterns." 
Good looks over at the loud sound of Nagomi thunking her head on her desk.
She groans, "And I hate to say that you're right. We have nothing to go off of, there's nothing we can do."
"Hopefully they're just missing and we can get them back." Good mutters, swiping away a notification on their phone. "Better hope we don't have to necromancy someone."
Nagomi stares hard, Good doesn't meet her gaze. She doesn't know if they're joking or not.
Parker decides that now is the time to wake up from his nap. "What's happening?" He says immediately, rubbing his eyes.
"We've determined that there's currently nothing we can do other than wait for it to happen again." Nagomi scoffs. She doesn't bother giving context, she knows how Parker's brain works, and he doesn't ask.
"You got any scientist types in your league?" Good ponders, "You could see if they could get some readings on something."
"There's a few on the Stargazers." Parker pipes in. "A majority of them are astrophysicists but a few of them might know some folks in other disciplines."
"Sounds good." Nagomi writes down the idea in her notebook. "Better than waiting around."
"I'll… Draft a 'memorial' for Marylou." Good says, quietly. "So that the people know what's happened and why they should care."
Nagomi and Parker nod, avoiding their gaze.
Good sighs. "I don't want you both to feel responsible for this, honestly. Your intentions with this league are what I wish the ILB was like. Marylou wouldn't want you to blame yourselves."
"It's my league. I can be as responsible as I want." Nagomi says stubbornly. She gets up from her chair. "I do think we're done playing the blame game in circles though, let's get outta here."
The Stormdrain is now empty of spectators, only a few staff members remain, cleaning out the seating for the next game. Thunder rumbles in the sky, and a few lightning bolts descend and hit the lightning rods, despite there being no rain to speak of.
There are two cars waiting outside for them, one for Good and one for Nagomi and Parker.
Parker enters the vehicle before Nagomi, but as she's leaving she looks over to where Good is getting in the car.
"Jenkins." She starts, and they look back at her. "Don't be a stranger." 
Good smiles, giving her a two finger salute. "This isn't the last you'll be seeing of me, boss. I promise." 
Their car drives away, and Nagomi joins Parker in the car.
"Jenkins Good, huh…" Parker muses.
"Did you know?" Nagomi questions. Parker hums. "I knew there was something familiar about them, but it's hard to recognize them without a crop top on."
"I guess it's true what they say about their abs being their most defining feature, huh." Nagomi snorts out a laugh. 
"And now, to say a few words about the missing, I introduce Jenkins Good, pitcher for the Canada Moist Talkers." says the announcer, there is polite and somber applause.
Jenkins Good steps on the stage, they are wearing their signature Talkers jersey, looking every bit the ILB player that they are. They approach the microphone.
"Marylou Good is not my blood cousin." They start. "As most people know, I am an Alternate, and where I am from, I only had my parents in my family. After the switch, Marylou made an active effort to get to know me, when the rest of the Good family here chose the opposite. I will never forget her kindness, her optimism, or her enthusiasm. I miss her greatly and I hope that someday she returns to us, from wherever she has been sent."
More polite applause. The lights in the auditorium dim, and a slideshow of various pictures of Marylou play. 
The ending slide shows a picture of Marylou's face, along with the words 'You will not be forgotten.' 
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dteamain · 2 years
Also Tommy just casually talking about his gay jokes makes me sad for Dream and how he's still dragged over the coals for it
Weird how only queer people seem to get called queerbaiters
So sorry for the late reply, I had to wait until I was at my computer bc I felt this ask required a much more nuanced take than I could give from mobile.
The fact that without a doubt tommy's gay jokes will be weaponized against queer people, dream in particular, is so disgusting and vile. I feel this in such personal way as a queer person who doesn't use/like labels.
Please read under the cut if you want an explanation.
I'll start off by saying none of this is Tommy's fault, yes I am one of those queer people who think it is perfectly fine for straight people to make gay jokes.
My journey as a queer person has been so paralleled with dreams it's kind of funny. For a very long time I considered myself straight, I have much more hands on experience with men. It was never a doubt in my mind that I liked men. That's what ASAB (assumed straight at birth) does to you. society makes it super easy for you to determine if you like the opposite sex. In fact I was so determined to be straight that for about 9 years everyone around me (friends, family, co-workers, strangers for fucks sake) would assume me and my best friend were dating and I couldn't figure out why. I told them I was straight, so clearly I couldn't be dating my best friend right?!
Anyway long story short, no I wasn't straight and yes I had a crush on my best friend.
Back to the matter on hand. Queer people, particularly ones who don't use a label are constantly stuck trying to prove that they are queer enough. Society does this weird thing where they demand an explanation, even when they don't need one. People demand dream to explain his sexuality for no reason other than to satisfy their definition of queer. Its gross, and I hate it.
People don't realize that putting a strict box around queerness puts up a huge barrier for people trying to explore. If we don't let people explore and test the waters, if we force them into an all or nothing label, we are going to have a ton of queer people to afraid to join the community. We are actively limiting who can be considered as queer, and that is homophobic.
The first step to feeling included within a community is joining in on the humour of it. However if we create this box where only queer people can make jokes about queerness, it immediately creates this line where people have to label themselves to be involved within the community. Unlike race, anyone can decide they are queer at any point in their life. So while we might limit jokes on race to those within the community, we cannot do that for queerness.
I also have a personal believe that it is great to include straight people in queer culture, it allows them to see us in our true colors and understand us way more. It also helps bring us closer to a society where sexual orientation does not matter. So yes straight people can make gay jokes, and pretend to be with their queer friends as a fun little bit, and join pride, and kiss the homies. All these things allow unlabelled people, and people just starting their queer journey to explore in a much safer environment, where they don't need to explain if they are straight or not.
But because we don't live in a society where people think straight people can make gay jokes. When they see tommy (a straight person) making these jokes they will weaponize it to invalidate dream's queerness. and I will hate them so deeply for that.
I don't want tommy to stop though, I want him to keep going, to prove that yes both he and dream can make gay jokes even though he is straight and dream is queer. they can make the same jokes.
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Has this become my live journal? yep.
here's where id do a readmore if i wasnt on mobile
Tuesday I filed my wcb appeal, my caseworker based her decision on the job site analysis the company filed and said that based on that my tasks should not be repetitive enough to cause injury or stop me from working, my PT said that's insane and he's never heard of that bc even wcb knows they're inaccurate. i asked for a copy.
it says we rotate tasks *no I do the same two things sandwiches/catering or cutting cheese, both tasks are the same motion
never lift over 40lbs *a wheel of parm weights 70-110lbs, a box of chickens weighs 50lbs
rarely reach over our heads *the prepack meat i stock 2-3x a shift is stored on the top shelf, even with the step stool the lowest box is still at almost full arm extension
also that I am not 'bending over tables' *well I'm 5'3" and all my work spaces are waist height so???
like that's insane she straight up said I'm lying because some handbook from 20 years ago was like 'this is the ideal working condition' and bc in 3 years I hadn't gone to the doctor for right shoulder pain until the day I WENT TO THE ER??? retail is literally hell. Like I have arthritis in my hands and knees, this job destroyed one of my heels, I have TOS in my left shoulder, and [probably] endometriosis, my right shoulder aching from use was not a priority pain until it genuinely took me out and i still waited 3 fucking weeks. like they are withholding 3000$ bc I'm bad at going to the doctor in a province where there are actually no doctors? like i cannot even see my GP in person he's on leave and still has to take phobe appts bc no one can cover his patients but sure
the arts and crafts instructor job is moving forward slowly, I'll file my background check info tomorrow, they called my refrences friday, once my background check passes they'll set up first aid, I'm going to flesh out my lesson plan with middle schoolers in mind. And mention the possibility of running a weekly drop in crochet clinic.
Submitted my application for Music Arts friday, waiting for my highschool to get back to me about sending my transcript directly to NSCC so I dont have to figure out dropping them off in person, and I'm starting to try to figure out what instrument that I own to take lessons in bc independently taking instrument lessons is a requirement, really its piano or guitar.
guitar would be good bc there's only so much i can teach myself from scratch but I already have 6 years of piano that is muscle memory somewhere i yall know how i like being good at things
my audition prep for the application process is going well though, I just have to get that far and I'm a little confident I'll get through. Ive never felt as confident about a choice as this, I've only made it this far once before and that was writing in highschool when I applied to UMPI and even then that was a thing to do so I had a fallback for music.
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razzle-zazzle · 2 years
Are there any Au's you like to imagine the interns plus Dion and Frazie in? Like other games, TV shows, movies ect.
Anon, anon, anon. If I'm interpreting your ask correctly, then yes. I absolutely do find ways to combine the hyperfixation (Psychonauts) with the little hyperfocuses.
And since you have come into my ask box and enabled my brainrot, I am going to ramble about an idea I had a while back concerning yeeting the interns + Dion & Frazie into Terraria.
This infodump got long so I'm slapping it under a cut
Basic Info:
Instead of a flat 2D world, Morris and Dion wake up in the middle of a massive island. The purity makes up the center of the island, with all the other biomes arranged in a sort of circle around it. The ocean biome rings the entire island; and there's a barrier a set distance out into the ocean.
Morris & Dion don't actually get to explore all of that right away though. They wake up with no idea where they are. Dion has all the tools that a player normally spawns with & a grappling hook; and Morris has a book of every crafting recipe in the game + basic mechanics of the world they're stuck in, a bow, and a note that sort of explains what's going on.
The basic message of the note is "You're stuck here now lol. Save the world or whatever and you can go home." But like. Just a bit more polite.
Psychic powers are largely disabled; Morris gets to keep his levball because it's a mobility aid. It basically acts as a unique pair of wings & he gets the effects of the Soaring Insignia automatically applied to him at the start of Hardmode.
Each person spawns in with certain accessory effects automatically applied to them, without it taking up an accessory slot. Morris, Dion, and Frazie are immune to fall damage. Adam has the effects of the Yoyo Bag. Dion & Frazie can double jump. Everyone but Dion has the effects of Radar; Norma has the clock, Morris has the Depth Meter, Sam has the Lifeform Analyzer, Gisu has the Metal Detector, Lizzie the Compass, Adam has the Stopwatch, and Frazie has the DPS Meter.
Not having it take up an accessory slot means they don't actually have the accessory, so they have to go get it if they want to use it in a crafting recipe.
Other effects and bonuses are applied as well; Norma is immune to fire-based debuffs, and requires no ammo for the flamethrower; Lizzie has the same effect but for ice. Gisu has increased flight time with wings and Rocket Boots. Not everything has been figured out exactly yet but that's the gist of it.
In addition to the unique strengths and weaknesses everyone gets, they all have an NPC role! They're still Players, and their clothes are still the same; their role just determines how they spawn in the world and what unique items/abilities they have access to.
Adam spawns in when Morris & Dion have at least 50 silver between them, and is the only player who can convert items into money.
Sam is the Demolitionist; she spawns when the party acquires bombs. Sam can convert money into bombs and bunnies into explosive bunnies. She starts with only Grenades, Bombs, and Dynamite, but gets more as the party finds more types of bombs.
Norma's the Dryad; and spawns when the Eye of Cthulu is defeated. She has access to the Dryad's sell tables and can tell how much Corruption & Crimson is in the world.
Gisu's the Mechanic; she's found in the dungeon and spawns with a Wrench and the Grand Design.
Lizzie's the Witch Doctor, and spawns when Queen Bee is defeated. She can craft flasks.
Frazie's the Party Girl. Gives the group access to bubble blocks and everything else in the party girl's sell table. Spawns in when everyone else + 8 more NPCs are in the world. Like Dion, she spawns with a grappling hook already in her inventory. She also has the effects of the Guide to Critter Companionship automatically applied.
Dion and Adam end up as melee players (though Adam occasionally dabbles in range alongside his ever-growing collection of yoyos). Morris and Norma end up as ranged, Gisu and Lizzie as mages, and Sam & Frazie are the summoners. They all dabble in other weapon types though; Sam's favorite weapon is explosive bunnies, Frazie uses boomerangs and the Vampire Knives, Lizzie and Norma briefly use both the Cool Whip and Fire Cracker respectively when Hardmode starts, etc and so on.
Death results in a loss of money and a delayed respawn back at the player's spawn point, just like in the game. It doesn't make death any less pleasant, though, so the group generally tries to avoid it.
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loiswolf · 2 years
Day 46 July 16 Pohénégamook- La Pocatiére 108kms
It’s ok, I don’t know how to pronounce the names of these towns either.
Another beautiful sunny day! At the spa place they pack everybody’s breakfast into baskets and leave them at your door. I didn’t want to wait for mine so I went upstairs and got it. It looked like they thought there were two people in my room so I had plenty of extras to take with me.
It was only a few kilometres backtracking this morning around the river….or is it a lake. Just so you don’t have another boring river picture I asked a lady who was standing nearby to take a photo with me in it. Not necessarily better but maybe a bit different to usual. Shirley looks good anyway.
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The first 10kms were fairly unmemorable but the next 10 involved a lot of climbing. Let’s not talk about the ridiculous google profile!. It was quite hot cycling uphill for such a long time and I thought I was going to be in for a scorching hot day. I wasn’t, it was just the climb.
Next I had about 5kms of flat riding, a couple of hills, then a great downhill run nearly all the way to the St Lawrence River.
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Here I turned 90° to the left. I was aiming for Saint-Andre where I was hoping for a coffee. It was really pretty scenery with some nice farmland to look at..
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There were plenty of cyclists going the other way so I figured that if there were cyclists , there would be a cafe. Sure enough, Saint-Andre was a beautiful little town with immaculate houses along the roadside.
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Yes, a building with a sign out the front and a bicycle each side of the door. It had to be!!
It really just looked like a house but I went in and was able to get a good cup of coffee and somewhere to sit. There was no cake and no wifi. The cake didn’t matter because I had a freshly baked blueberry muffin stashed in my backpack from breakfast. ( I know they were fresh because I saw them being baked last night when I went to heat up dinner). Once again I couldn’t get my mobile data to work but I could be out of credit.
I didn’t hurry because I had completed 58kms fairly quickly in the morning and thought the next leg would be equally fast. Silly me! I had tried to block out the idea that there might be a headwind, the prediction hadn’t looked too bad.
It wasn’t good! Because I was cycling across flat plains the wind hit quite hard. Looking at all the cyclists flying along in the other direction I wished them a lot of suffering on their return trip.
A lady on an e-bike went sailing past with her nose in the air. I wanted to call out to her that she was a dirty cheat but my words would have been snatched away by the wind so I soldiered on in silence.
The next town was Kamouraska. It also had absolutely beautiful houses….all of them perfectly maintained with gorgeous window boxes full of colourful flowers.
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There were actually people about in the centre of town enjoying their Saturday. They must have been drinking because I don’t think these people eat anything.
It was easier riding through the built up towns, even with some hills, because the wind was blocked slightly.
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Back out the through the open fields the struggle continued. On the outskirts of La Pocatiére I was fooled into going up a big hill to go through the town. I should have stayed on the road I was on because that’s where my accommodation is. Something different again!
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It’s actually a lot better than it looks. There is a shower and toilet inside and a pretty good kitchen. After checking in I wanted to go to Walmart on Shirley. However, after cycling about 2/3rds of the way there I decided it was too far and turned back. There was an ice-cream/fruit and veg place just up the road from my caravan so I stopped there for some broccoli and delicious strawberries which I couldn’t resist. There is a McDonald’s, a Tim Hortons and some other restaurant just up the road but I am going to make something amazing with a boiled egg ( breakfast), 2 cheese sticks ( breakfast again) some French bread I found in the cafe, some herb and garlic butter I accidentally bought yesterday instead of plain butter, and the broccoli.
Better get to it!
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0 notes
yamagucji · 4 years
some tips for writing blogs, especially those who are just starting out. these are some things that works for me and may or may not work for others.
how to add a read more link on mobile
type :readmore: on a free space, then hit the enter or return button
personally i think they’re very helpful because it lessens the space you take up in your dash, and might encourage more people to rb
+ you can also add this on a spot where it gives a sort of cliffhanger, essentially making people want to ‘read more’
headers, banners, and dividers
though not necessary, it’s good to have a title for your work. make sure it’s bold and doesn’t blend in with your notes (aka pairing, warnings, etc.). this also helps when someone wants to look up one of your works in your search bar
i don’t really make banners or covers for my works. but some good apps that i know of would be picsart and canva. if you’re looking for ideas, i definitely recommend going into canva
wondering how to make those really small, thin dividers? you can make them using picsart! to make a divider hit tools > free crop > brush > size (adjust it to your preference > then draw a line along the edge of your photo > save
using the divider you just saved, go back to picsart and edit it again > draw option > hit rainbow square at the bottom left corner > hit suction/droplet symbol right below the check mark > color in the white spots bc for some reason picsart glitches and makes dividers look white-ish
new blog? just opened an account?
this is gonna sound really frustrating. but... tumblr needs to check if you’re a bot or not. what does this mean? it’s likely that your first few posts won’t show up on the search bar. you may not even get to edit your header/pfp yet ://
this happened to me and there was no visibility on my account at ALL. what helped me get ‘verified’ is that i followed a LOT of accounts, liked a bunch of posts, made some posts here and there. now that lets tumblr know you’re not a bot
the tumblr tagging system usually only allows the first 5 tags in your post to show up. so, what can do you about this? only use FIVE or less tags in your post. wait about 15 minutes or more until you can add some more tags in your post, and they usually all show up like that
another important thing about using tags is not to generalize! especially if you’re using a popular tag. but also don’t specify it too much where barely anyone looks it up. for example, if you’re writing a gn piece about oikawa, i recommend you use the tags such as: oikawa x reader, haikyuu x reader, oikawa x gn!reader, haikyuu headcanons, etc
a good rule of thumb is to use character x reader tags first, then leave the full name or fandom tag last
FOR NSFW: tumblr doesn’t let any tags with nsfw show up. so, give your nsfw works another tag. maybe #namegetspicy idk, you figure it out
FOR WARNINGS: especially if you’re a dark content creator, i highly encourage you to add tw:xyz tags. if you already have a warning note at the top then that’s great. but even better for readers who prefer to actually block these tags that way they never get to see it
another important thing to note is that people have different timezones. it helps if you rb your work at a different time of the day, in case people missed it! (icymi) i’ve noticed that reblogging helps to make your post show up in the tags
interaction + feedback
first and foremost, you are not obligated to write for your followers, and neither are your followers obligated to interact with you. remember that everyone has their own individual lives, and they have their own things to do— so do you, too.
make friends! become mutuals with other writers, visit their ask box. i know it can be daunting having to initiate these things, but you might just turn out to have fun! you can’t expect people to interact with you if you’re not interacting (back). it’s... kind of a two way thing yk? no need to be afraid to interact with other writers. oh, and rb other writers works!
pspsps join tag games or do ask games. it’s fun and very interactive
it never hurts to ask for feedback. i usually do this in a more subtle way because i don’t really expect a full on analysis on my works. maybe a little, is this okay? or feedback appreciated. sometimes it takes a little bit of coaxing for the silent readers
formatting your posts and blog
i generally put in the title at the top in big, bold letters
then comes the header/divider. helps to make the post more... visually appealing ig?
it’s important to add warnings (if any) and the pairing. the audience is not all female, and it might be a little frustrating for male readers having to find out its an x fem reader piece like halfway through your fic
if you have multiple works posted, it’s really really helpful to have a navigation page!
you can organize the posts you make with tags! for example, if you’re shitposting, you can use a specific tag for that. if you have a nsfw related post (ESPECIALLY when your blog is open to the general audience) please make a tag for it
themes + colors
if you have a color in mind but don’t know which direction to go from there, i recommend looking up color + aesthetic
looking to use the same color? download a name color app that’ll give you a hex code for any color you want to use. then, you can type in that hex code for when you’re choosing a color for your tumblr bio
wondering how to make your header image small like mine? just choose a photo for your header and turn off the stretch image option
want to use a different text color that tumblr doesn’t offer? it’s not as complicated as you think. you’ll have to go on a desktop to do this and do some html (but trust me, it’s not very difficult). look up “HTML noob but trying my best - how to use colored text on desktop”
^^ i don’t have the link for the color text tutorial so you can try looking it up
how to make an aesthetic navi and masterlist
step 1: decide a theme! if you’re stuck, think about a character + color/season/mood or look up “[insert] aesthetic” to find some inspiration. or you can try looking at other blogs too
step 2: find a color scheme! it’s easier if you choose fewer colors. if you want to use the same color for both divider and text, download a color name app in order to get the hex code of that color.
step 3: add categories to your navi! most navigation pages include a link to masterlist, about/byi, and rules. your navi should have a title that indicates that it’s... a navigation page. you can add thin colored dividers with the same color to make it easier for followers to navigate
step 4: you can choose to create a ‘cover’ or a picture for your navigation and masterlist! again, i recommend you use the canva app as a starting point
extra: search up emoticon symbols to spice up your titles!
reminder for you as a writer
you’re not obligated to do any of these things. i’ve noticed that we tend to build pressure on ourselves when it comes to content and interaction. remember, this !! is !! for !! fun !! when you realize that it’s no longer fun, then know that it’s time to take a break. and there’s nothing wrong with a bit of self care.
^^ c/p from this post lol
at the end of the day, follower count and interaction doesn’t define you. again for the love of beings, you’re here on your own accord.
will be adding more if needed/asked.
1K notes · View notes
demonsandco · 3 years
Hello! Can i have some angst/fluff (doesn’t matter actually) headcanons about Lucifers gone wings? (I figured out that he actually had 3 pairs of wings but now he has 2 soo) I believe he has scars ^^
This has been sitting in my ask box for so long I'm so sorry.  I wanted to answer it immediately, but I didn't feel like I had a good enough grasp of Luci or his past at the time to properly answer. Not sure if you’re still around, anon, but I hope you enjoy!
• It’s common knowledge among angels and demons alike that Lucifer used to have 3 sets of wings, due to his old status as a Seraphim. When he fell, he tore off his wings with his own hands, as a final act of wrath and rebellion against the Celestial realm and his father. Unknown to most, however, is that those discarded wings are what gave Satan his physical form, and his boa is made up of the leftover feathers.
• Through his transformation into a demon, his top two sets of wings regrew, but the bottom set never did, and it never healed properly, either. Tearing of his wings didn’t leave behind a clean injury, so Lucifer is not only left with intensive scarring over his lower back, but also some permanent muscle and bone damage, from where the joint was separated. Asmodeus has offered him many different creams and medicines over the years, but nothing has ever had much of an effect on his pain or the appearance of the scars.
(cont under the cut)
• Lucifer experiences both chronic pain and phantom pain from his missing wings, and he’s also left with slight mobility issues. They don’t impact his day to day life much, but he can’t lean down or stretch up easily because of his lower back. He also had to relearn how to fly when he first fell, but after years of practice, he regained and perfected the skill.
• It takes a lot of time and trust for Lucifer to feel comfortable just showing his partner the scars, and it takes even longer for him to let anyone touch his back. They’re not the only scars he has, but the ones on his back specifically feel like a reminder of his failure, both in losing the fight, and in losing his sister. He hates to even look at them himself. He feels lucky that the worst of it is centered on his lower back, where it’s easily covered by clothing, but he still dresses very conservatively to make sure all of his scars are hidden. 
• The only one of his brothers who have seen the scars are Asmodeus and Mammon. Asmodeus has tried to help in the past, when the scars were still healing, and Mammon sees them every once in a while when he helps Lucifer with his wing care while molting. The others know about it, but have never actually seen the extent of the scars, and if they have, Lucifer makes sure they don’t remember it.
• The easiest way for his partner to convince him to let them feel his back is to offer a massage. With enough gentle encouragement and trust, he’ll agree to it, albeit hesitantly. The moment their hands touch his back, though, it’s clear to both of them how desperately he needs this. He holds so much tension in his whole back, and it would take hours to fully work out all the knots in his muscles. 
• When their hands first reach the scars, he tenses up. The whole area is sensitive and constantly sore, but the gentle pressure and rubbing feels so much better than he could’ve imagined and he finds himself melting at their touch, his remaining wings stretched languidly by his sides. No one has touched his back like this in centuries, and he goes from dreading the touch, to hoping it never ends.
• He feels overwhelmed both physically and emotionally by the end of it, but it’s opened the door for more touch in the future. It also makes Lucifer feel so much closer to his S/O, knowing he can trust them with one of the most sensitive, delicate parts of himself, without having to fear that they’ll hurt him or think differently of him.
384 notes · View notes
jawabear · 3 years
1 of 10 (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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Not my GIF (look at this man...)
A/N: so here’s that Bucky fic I’ve been talking about. This took me too long to write but I like it? I’m absolutely loving Falcon and The Winter Soldier! I’ve mentioned this before but Bucky Barnes is my all time favourite fictional character. This is set before the events of episode one but maybe like a week or so before. I hope you enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: fem!reader, tfatws spoilers, Bucky being awkward, nightmares, therapy, Bucky isn’t as smooth as he was in the 40s but he’s still cute
Summary: Bucky has ten contacts in his phone. One of which belongs the the girl he feels he has been searching for for 106 long years.
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The times in which he found himself now were more than confusing. But that was the best way Bucky could think to describe them. For him though it seemed a lot worse than for others. For others, they had a gap of five years missing. For Bucky, he had far more than that.
From 1943 to 2023 there was a lot missing. He remembered it however. He remembered everything. The good, the bad, and the horrifying. What was meant by missing was that it wasn’t him who was living. He had missed out on living between those years. He had missed out on everything. And he knew, like the billions of others, he would never get those years back.
But now he was a civilian. Working to make amends from his past after being given a pardon. However, settling into his new easy life was proving far from that. It had been a few months now since the whole ordeal with saving the blipped half of humanity, Bucky included, and it had been a few months now since Steve went back in time and started a new life leaving him and Sam behind.
Sam. Right.
Sam was an avenger. More so than Bucky could ever be. So he was off doing his avenging work while Steve’s shield gathered dust in a wardrobe somewhere he was sure. Sam didn’t have it in him to take up the mantle of Captain America. He felt the shield belonged to someone else. It was Steve’s. It only ever could be.
More often than perhaps Bucky would like, he would get texts from Sam. Asking him how he was and telling him about missions he was going on. Bucky never replied. He didn’t know how to half the time and he didn’t want to.
He didn’t know how he was. He didn’t know if he was okay. He was forced to go see a therapist but all he did was lie to her.
“Have you had any nightmares recently?” She would ask him.
Bucky would think back to the night before their meeting and all the others as well. Each night he’d have to be faced with the horrors of his past. Every mission he carried out. Every person he carelessly killed.
“No” he would answer. And it wasn’t like he was wrong in his answer. The things he saw in his sleep were not nightmares they were memories. The nightmarish horrors he was were his reality, so when he said no in response to her question, he found it difficult to be accused of lying.
There were few things he could agree with her about. But the one thing he could see eye to eye with her about was the fact he was alone.
Sure, he had Sam. But only when Bucky wanted to acknowledge him which had not been often as of recently. And as his therapist so kindly pointed out he only had ten contacts on his phone. But in his defence, he still wasn’t used to the whole world of mobile communications and internet. So his phone was basically redundant to him. His mind was still in the 1940s where you’d find a date, what would now be classed as, the old fashioned way. By looking in person and talking. Not just texting or swiping left or right on an app.
Granted, Bucky did try his hand in online dating but it was far too much for him. It wasn’t only hard for him to figure out but also he saw too much of people he didn’t even know. The openness of the internet was something that was mind boggling to him. So that was thrown out of the window pretty quickly.
But what his therapist had failed to note was one name in his contacts. The name of his neighbour and quite possibly the one he wanted to end his loneliness with.
Back in his time, when he didn’t just have the looks of someone in their 20s, Bucky was in fact quite popular and good with the ladies. But the ladies, he found, of this new age were completely different to the ones of his time. Not that there was a problem, he just knew that he couldn’t used the same moves now as what he could back then.
He met (Y/N), his neighbour, as he was first moving in. After coming back, loosing Steve and getting a pardon, Bucky thought it be best to try and start a new. He did that by moving back to his old home of Brooklyn. His old apartment was obviously gone and with little money to his name he couldn’t afford the one that replaced it. It was far to big for him anyway. But he managed to find a smaller more affordable one and he much preferred it. If not only for the quieter location then the others in the building too.
(Y/N) was the first person he spoke too when back in Brooklyn. She was sweet and kind when introducing herself. She offered to help him move in but he really didn’t have that much stuff to use in making his new apartment more homely. And he had no food either. So (Y/N) did the neighbourly thing and invited him in for some food. A meal of sorts although she didn’t have much food either at the time. Even so, it was nice for him to be in company for once. And it was such warm company. They didn’t speak about much but he learnt a few things about her.
And now, on most Thursday evenings, he’ll find himself with her in her apartment eating a meal, sometimes she’ll cook, sometimes they’ll order take out, but he enjoys it regardless.
It was clear from the offset that she knew who he was. He frantically explained to her that he wasn’t what he used to be anymore and explained the terms of his pardon and how he’s making amends. But he needn’t have waste his breath on it. She didn’t seem to care about it. About who he used to be. She told him that she doesn’t live in peoples pasts and that she wanted to get to know him for who he is, not who he was. Those words meant a great deal to him. And from that moment on he had fallen for her.
Bucky sighed as he dragged himself up the stairs to his floor. He desperately wished there was some way of getting out of these therapy sessions. But he was tied to them. He couldn’t stop going to them even though he wanted too. But there, it wasn’t really like he had anything better to do. Nothing but either sitting at home in silence or walking around busy streets constantly looking over his shoulder. Those were his only other options.
As he walked to his apparent at the end of the hallway (Y/N)’s door opened and she walked out dressed for the outdoors, it was getting cold so it was smart of her to be wearing a warm coat. “(Y/N)” he called gently to her. She lifted her head after locking her door and gave him a warm smile.
“Hi James” She said, she always called him James rather than Bucky. He didn’t know why but he didn’t exactly mind. “How was your session today?” She had memorised the times at which he went to his therapy sessions. She probably knew he schedule better than he did.
Bucky shrugged “the usual” he told her making her laugh a little.
“That bad huh?”
“I guess” he said scratching the back of his neck.
“Well, I’m heading to the store to get some food if you wanted to talk on the way? Don’t feel you have to”
“No, that sounds good” he tried to smile but it was a little awkward, but she didn’t seem to say anything and just motioned her head for him to follow.
The shop wasn’t too far away so it was a quick walk. Bucky wasn’t the talkative type, not really anyway. Especially not to someone he didn’t like. And Dr Raynor was someone who he didn’t like. He was sure that deep down she was a lovely person but he didn’t like the fact she was insistent in getting him to admit his feelings. Although that was her job.
It wasn’t long until they arrived at the store “so what happened?” (Y/N) asked as she picked up a basket.
“Just the usual...she asked me if I had a nightmare-“
“Did you?” Bucky didn’t answer and just looked away from her. “James, you know that it’s her job to help you. And it’s in your best interest to let her”
“I know...but at the same time...I don’t see the point. These things are mandatory. So if I don’t want to go then I don’t see it being helpful”
“I can understand that” her eyes flicking between two boxes of cereal as she inwardly decried in which one to get, but her indecisive nature got the better of her so she opted to get both. Her indecisiveness, Bucky thought, was incredibly cute. It linked in with her kindness, on their Thursday evening meals together it takes ages just to decide what to have. “But still,” she continued, Bucky following her like a lost puppy “like you said, it’s mandatory. And there are people who would love to be in your position. Getting therapy I mean. So you should at least make the most of it while you can”
“I mean...yeah. I guess. But...I don’t know I just...well it’s easier to talk to someone like you then it is to talk to her” (Y/N) smiled at little at this as she finished putting on the last few items before making her way to the till.
Neither of them said much else. Expect for (Y/N) making light conversation with the cashier as she paid although both (Y/N) and Bucky knew that the cashier really didn’t want to be there. Luckily it didn’t take long for (Y/N) to bag her items and pay for them before they were both leaving the store.
It had gotten colder outside then when they left originally. (Y/N) shivered and pulled her coat around her a little more before they both began walking back to their apartment building.
“So what is it about me that makes you find it easier to talk?” She asked, she brushed her hair from her face as a sudden gust of wind blew it out of place when she turned to look at him.
“Well...” he muttered shoving his hands into his pockets “for one, you don’t sit there with a passive aggressive notebook ready to write shit about me” this made her laugh a little, she always found it funny when he’d talk about this notebook Dr Raynor had. She didn’t really know why he hated it so much, and she knew she shouldn’t have found it funny but he never stopped her from laughing about it, in fact often times he would join in thereby encouraging her.
“Yes, that is something better I guess. Although, I’m sure I could find a notebook if you wanted” she teased.
“Oh god. Please don’t” He said holding back a smile.
“Anything else?” She asked him.
Bucky thought for a moment. There were many things about her that made it easier for him to talk to her, but he couldn’t list them all. For one, that would be embarrassing, and two he didn’t think he’d have the breath to do it. “Well-“
He was cut off when he saw (Y/N)’s smile fall and her pace began to slow right down to a stop. Bucky stopped and looked at her “everything okay?” He asked her, his voice full of concern.
She turned sharply to the side so she was facing the road “y-yeah..” she stuttered nervously “just...my ex is walking this way and I really don’t want him to see me”
Bucky felt a strange feeling inside him. He didn’t even know she had been in a relationship. It must’ve been a recent thing right? Unless it was a really bad break up in the past, or this guy had done something to her to prompt her being so on edge. Bucky turned to try and scope out this guy but he didn’t have a clue what he was looking for. So he reached over to her and pulled up her hood on her hoodie that she wore under her coat and pulled her into his side so that her face was hidden from view.
“Tell me when he’s gone” Bucky muttered to her. She nodded her head and let him walk her along the path, she kept her eye on the path ahead as best she could while still covering her face. But she was now more focused on two things, his arm around her and his wonderful smell. Never did she think she’d ever get this close to him. She never thought he’d let her, but here she was attached to his side with his arm wrapped around her, holding her protectively against him.
And his smell. It was just as comforting as she dreamed it would be. A mix of his cologne and what she could only describe as Him. All she wanted to do now was to just melt into his strong and warm embrace and just stay there forever.
In all her daydreaming she didn’t notice that her ex had long since walked by and they had reached the entrance to their apartment building and she didn’t tell him he could let go or that it was safe for her to walk properly.
Bucky came to a stop and slowly slipped his arm from her “I mean...I take it he’s gone now right?” He said a little nervously. (Y/N) stood up straight and pushed the hood from her head and nodded quickly, her cheeks burning in embarrassment.
“Yeah. Yes, right. Sorry. Yes. He’s gone. I um...I just wanted to make sure he didn’t suddenly turn around you know? That’s all” she said in an unconvincing tone. But Bucky himself was too flustered to actually care that she was flustered as well.
“Of course, that’s smart. Well we made it back” he said stepping up to the door and pushing it open for her. She nodded and thank you and quickly hopped inside the building, Bucky following after her.
The walk up the stairs was an awkward silence. They felt like teenagers after their first ever date. Who says something first? What do they even say? Luckily for them, this wasn’t a first date, and they weren’t teenagers. They were fully grown, mature adults. But that doesn’t mean adults can’t get flustered in the presence of their crush...right?
After what felt like hours, but was more like five painstaking minuets, they finally got to their floor and walked down the hall, both briefly forgetting that they lived right next to each other.
(Y/N) stopped at her door and placed her bag of food on the floor to fish out her keys from her pocket. “Uh...you want to come in?” She asked whilst fiddling around in her pocket to find the keys. “I know it’s not Thursday but we didn’t really talk as much as usual...” her voice seemed to trail off as she finally found her keys and put them in the key hole before unlocking the door. “You don’t have too..”
“I’d...like to...” he said in a soft voice with a gentle smile to try and put her at ease even though he too was freaking out inside. She smiled back and picked up her bag before walking inside her apartment, he did too.
They both made their way into her small kitchen and he made himself at home by sitting in his usual seat at her white kitchen table and she began to unpack the shopping “Do you want me to help?” He asked her as he went to stand up but she waved off his offer.
“No no, it’s fine. There’s only a few bits anyway” she told him as she began to pack each item away in its rightful place.
“So uh...” Bucky began quietly as he scraped his metal finger again the wood table. “This ex of yours...what’s the story there?”
Bucky was a little cautious of his words. He didn’t want to say anything to hurt or offend her but at the same time he wanted to know what about the guy made her so on edge earlier.
“Oh uh...” she muttered as she pulled two cups from her cupboard.
“You don’t need to tell me if you want want to. Sorry..”
“It’s fine” she assured him “nothing really happened I guess. It was just a bad break up. He didn’t really take it well and for a few weeks after that he just kept texting me and trying to call me. He came round to my place too to try and get me back. He never did know how to take no for an answer. But about a month ago he finally got the message and stopped all contact with me. Seeing him today...I was just worried that he’d try it all again”
“He sounds like a real asshole” Bucky said flatly making her laugh a little as she went about making some tea for the both of them. “But in his defence, if I lost a girl like you, I’d struggle with taking no for an answer as well”
(Y/N) let out a nervous laugh and almost dropped his tea cup from the shock of his comment but she was a little more used to his flirtatious nature that would sometimes make an appearance when they were in her apartment. After he told her about his boyish charms back in the 40s she noticed how he would often slip back into that era. It was cute to say the least.
She set down his tea in front of him and he flashed her a “thank you” smile before wrapping his fingers around it.
There was a brief silence in the room. She was greatly over thinking is earlier comment. But so was he. Maybe he shouldn’t have said it. He meant it though. But what if he had pushed the limit a little too far?
“What was the other reason?” She asked him, her finger nail scratching again the tea cup trying to avoid eye contact with him at all costs.
“Huh?” He questioned looking over the table to her.
“Earlier. You were going to give me another reason why I’m easier to talk to. What was it?”
Bucky’s muscles tensed as his fingers gripped the tea cup handle as he stared into the black tea she had made for him. “If I’m being honest...” he began slowly “I think...there are too many reasons why I find talking to you easier. But I guess one is that you don’t do it because you have to or it’s your job to. You do it out of kindness. And it’s...easier to talk to someone who’s listening because they want to. And yes, I get that Dr Raynor probably does want to help me but I also know that at the end of the day, it’s all for a pay check. But with you...you do it because you want to. Or at least...I think you want to”
“I do want to, James. I’ll always be around to ask if you’re okay. And to make you okay when you’re not. I care about you...”
“And...I care about you. Another reason I prefer talking to you is because...I like you...a lot. I just think you’re the most beautiful woman, and you have such a sweet and caring nature and a good heart that is wasted on me. But I can’t help but like you...” he couldn’t really believe he just said what he did. He wasn’t mean to tell her that. It was meant to stay a secret within him into the end of time. But there was a shift in atmosphere that just made it all slip out.
“You...you like me?” She asked, still not looking at him.
“Yeah...” he said. There was a little more confidence in his voice as he admitted his feelings towards her.
“I like you too..” she too held a little more confidence in her voice as she admitted her returned feelings. It felt...good. Especially since she knew he returned the feelings she had harboured for him since they met.
She stood abruptly and held her hand out to him. He looked at it and looked up at her again before taking her hand. She pulled him to his feet and a little close to her.
He smirked a little as he looked down at her “you want me to kiss you or something?” He said almost proudly.
“Yes..” she said “but first...I want to know something”
“What do you want to know?” He asked her. She squeezed his hand and dragged him out of her kitchen.
She lead him to her bedroom and noticed the worried expression on his face when he looked at her bed. This was what she wanted to know.
“You don’t have a bed in your apartment...” She told him quietly. (Y/N) turned her body so she was facing him completely, he cautiously lifted his hands to settle on her waist.
“I know...” he mumbled.
Bucky paused but he felt safe enough to give her an honest answer “I...I’m...scared. Of them”
“What is it about a bed that scares you?” She whispered, her fingers gently trailing down his cheeks. Bucky didn’t answer right away, for one he was to busy focusing of the beautiful touch of her hands, and for another, he didn’t really know the answer to her question. But he could take a guess.
“Because I...I don’t think I’ve slept in one since 1943. And I...after everything I’ve done...I don’t deserve to lie in such luxury...” his voice was quiet and barely audible, had it not been for the close proximity they were in, she probably wouldn’t have heard him.
“James...” she laid her forehead against his and he instinctively griped her waist a little tighter. The comfort and warmth she was bringing him was something he didn’t want to loose. She was someone he didn’t want to loose. He felt safer with no one but her. For once he actually felt...okay. But he felt he was holding her too tightly, but if he was she was wasn’t willing to tell him that.
“You know that you have no reason to be afraid. You are changing. You are becoming a good man. You do deserve to live in luxury, even if that starts with sleeping in a proper bed. Maybe it is scary for you...but...if you’ll allow me, I’ll help you face it”
“Please...” he whispered with a nod before pressing his lips to hers.
Taglist: @lunaserenade @phoenixhalliwell @slytherin4ever
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - 17
So, as promised, part 17 is her.
Be prepared to submerge our bird boy with hugs, he will need them.
I promise the chapter will end in fluff and in a good note. The angst is only for the beginning. I need to douse it a bit since from ch 19 onwards the angst gremlin will be back with a vengeance.
I hope you will love it.
A big hug to all the people who commented, reblogged or loved this fic. Thanks to all of you.
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A week had gone by and Aelin and Rowan had taken the official decision to try and go back and both deal with the mess of their lives. 
The week had been perfect. Rowan had taken her hillwalking everyday and slowly she had started to feel like herself again. His presence had helped immensely. In a very short time he had become her rock. Full recovery was still a long way ahead but she felt better and with him at her side she had no more panic attacks or nightmares. 
She felt sad at the idea of leaving the cottage in the mountains but they had promised to go back for some special occasion.
It was morning and Rowan was getting ready to go back to work. They had set a date for the inquiry on his student’s death and that would be the day.
For once Aelin was the one worried one. She could not forget his reaction to the movie or the night he came back drunk after Fuzzy’s death. She knew he had put up a wall but hoped he would at least let her in. 
“What are you going to do?” He asked her while adjusting his tie.
“I have a meeting with Dorian and the counsellor and then I will pop in at the station and say hi to the squad and apologise.”
“Good.” His tone was detached and she moved a step to him and hugged his waist from behind “are you okay?”
He sighed “nervous. This will mean revive the entire accident over and over again.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
He shook his head and kissed her “thanks for the offer but I will be fine. My squadron will be there and you have an important meeting as well.”
“Ok,” she wanted to believe him, but could not ignore his cold detached tone and Aelin had learned that it was his coping mechanism. He was not okay.
Rowan arrived at the airforce HQ and was met by Lorcan.
“Sir,” he stood to attention.
“At ease captain,” Rowan stood down from attention and placed his hands behind his back in a at rest pose “I am sorry it’s so quick. I knew you were coming back yesterday and I did manage to hold on until today.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Are you sure you are ready?” And for once Rowan heard concern in his CO’s voice “this is going to be brutal.”
“I know.”
“I am on the board too and we have Captain Walker from the 24th squadron and Captain Matthews from the 31st and two engineers. They have all copies of the inquiry sent to the board.”
“Who is the president?”
“Marshal Clark.” Said Lorcan in a preoccupied tone.
“Fuck. The man hates me with a vengeance.”
Rowan sighed again and sat on the bench just outside of the room used for the meeting.
His squad arrived a moment later and they patted each other’s back in support.
“We are all here.” Gavriel told him taking a seat at his side.
“Thanks everyone.”
One of the assistants appeared on the door and announced the board was ready to convene. Rowan quickly texted Aelin and switched off his mobile.
The marshal, being the president, was in the centre of the seating area. Rowan went to greet the other two captains with whom he got along nicely and had known for a long time. Then he went to the marshal and saluted as expected “at ease captain.”
Rowan went to his assigned seat and flipped through the folder in front of him. It contained all the documents they needed. His report of the accident, the reports from the engineering team and other supporting evidence.
Marshal Clark called everyone to attention and declared the board in session. He then proceeded to explain to the members the accident that had happened.
One of the engineers who had performed checks after the aircraft had been recovered was asked to present his findings “after the analysis of the recovered aircraft and after having studied the dynamics of the accident we have found out that the main cause for the engine failure was a disruption in the airflow in the port intake causing it to stall with enough yaw rate to induce a flat spin. Cadet Williamson, according to the records of the accident, flew in the jet wash of one of his classmate’s aircrafts. That caused the airflow disruption. The stall was unrecoverable.” explained the engineer reading from his report “with regard to the canopy, we have found a fault in some model of jets used by the students where the charges did not operate correctly, causing the canopy to separate incorrectly. All those planes are grounded and now being checked.”
“Thank you.” Said the marshal, then his gaze turned to Rowan “Captain Whitethorn, stand please.”
Rowan did so.
“Could you please re tell the board the events that lead to the death of the cadet?”
Rowan took a deep breath and retold step by step what happened. It was still vivid in his mind that it would take ages before he could forget it.
“Did you tell the cadet to eject?”
“I did, sir.”
“Why?” Asked the marshal with inquisitive tone.
“He had lost control of the aircraft. From the black box retrieved from his jet he had pulled 9g after he started spiralling. From my position I could see that he was about to pass out. Ejecting the seat had been the safest option. Little did I know that the canopy would fail.”
The two other captains nodded in agreement, knowing full well that they would have suggested the same thing.
“Would the cadet have survived if he had more high G training?”
“Sir,” Rowan almost growled at his superior “his jet was under 9g for almost ten seconds before crashing in the water. Not even an experienced and highly trained pilot can sustain or survive that.” He breathed again “and you know better than me that centrifuge training can be done only with some weekly limits due to its dangers.”
“Had the cadets received basic procedures on how to properly eject and when?”
“Yes, sir. It’s one of the first things they are taught. They are shown how to properly deploy their parachute and how to blow the canopy. Training is also done in different conditions to simulate possible combat scenery.”
“Training was not the issue here,” said Lorcan going in Rowan’s support “Captain Whitethorn is one of our most experienced instructors and hundreds of students have survived his crushing training and are still alive today because of what he has taught them.”
“The post mortem also backed the cause of death in the crash of the body against the canopy.” Added captain Matthews.
“What kind of training were you doing that day?” The marshal continued, ignoring the protests.
“We were going through some basic dogfight routines. The cadets were only five months out of the academy so we were just covering the basics as per fighter school curriculum.” Answered Rowan who felt lost all of a sudden.
“Would the manoeuvre you had practiced put the boy in a position to be in another jet’s wake? Didn’t you teach them how to stay away from the jet wash of another aircraft during a dogfight?” The marshal had an agenda, that was very clear to Rowan. He was trying to blame this on him.
Captain Walker stood angrily “why are we attacking captain Whitethorn? The problem was that the engine stalled due to the jet wash from another aircraft. An experienced fighter might have been able to find a way out of such deadly spiral, the gods know I have found myself in that situation and got out of it by pure damn luck. Not a cadet five months out of the academy. It’s our job to teach them such manoeuvres but only after they have mastered the basics.” He sat down again nodding at Rowan.
“A good instructor would have taught his students how to fly in close formation and to avoid the wake of a team mate. A captain should know what such manoeuvre could cause.” Continued the marshal who had taken the fight to Rowan.
Lorcan stood angrily “That is enough.” He shouted.
“I would suggest you to sit down, Air commodore.”
“Not when you accuse my best instructor of being the cause of the death of a student.”
“It is my job as president of this board to try and figure out what happened.”
“I told two of my students they were too close. I advised another one not to drop below hard deck. I care about the safety of my students.” Rowan almost growled at the marshal “also, I stand by my decision to order cadet Williamson to eject. Had the canopy worked he’d be alive now.”
The marshal nodded and with a bored expression he then went back to the engineering team and they discussed the canopy issue.
Rowan let them talk and his brain disconnected completely and tried to ignore the pain from what had just transpired.
He sat in silence listening to the rest of the board discuss in the background. 
The marshal eventually called the board to attention “Following the evidence provided by the engineering team and the testimony of captain Whitethorn I declare that the death of cadet Williamson was caused by the port engine stall due to airflow disruption in the intake. The commission also noted that the flat spin in which the cadet went in was not recoverable. Captain Whitethorn is cleared of any faults.” Rowan noticed the disappointment on the man’s face for the fact the had been cleared of any faults.
The marshal then turned to Lorcan “Commodore, I expect you to keep the students grounded until the training jets have been fixed.”
“Yes, sir.”
“The board is dismissed.” Clark stood and walked out.
The other two captain went to Rowan “I had no idea the bastard would try to blame you for this.”captain Matthews added with fury.
“I would have told my students to eject as well. It was the only option.” Added captain Walker.
But Rowan was not listening. It hurt too much, knowing that someone had tried to blame the death of his student on him. That the marshal had to question all of his choices and possibly his training methods.
Lorcan and his squadron were at his side as soon as the room was clear.
“The arsehole has some guts.” Commented Fenrys but Gavriel elbowed him.
Rowan stood in a daze and left the room ignoring the voices of his team calling him.
Aelin’s meeting with Dorian and the counsellor had gone better than she expected. Thanks to Rowan she had been able to open up and talk to them about what happened and how she had been before her escape and what had prompted her to flee. She admitted to them her fears.
She felt much better but she had confessed that she did not feel ready to go back in action. She felt okay about going back to the station and work from the office but was not ready yet to be in a fire. She was still too scared for that and Dorian and the counsellor accepted her admission.
So they had agreed for a transition period. Aelin was told as well to attend weekly sessions with the counsellor to track her progress and her mental health recovery. She would be on desk duty for a while and after that, Dorian was willing to send her back out but just at his side in a fire emergency allowing her again to be close to the fire scene and if that went well they could work on a plan on sending her back in. 
She had agreed with the final decision and had left the room with a smile and a light heart. She stopped in the corridor to check her phone but no news from Rowan. The meeting should be over by now. She hoped he was okay.
Happily she drove back to her squad and everyone was eager to catch up with her. Then Aedion stopped in front of her “never again,” he told her and Aelin went for a hug. He remained stiff for a moment, then his arms enveloped her in a bear hug “looks like your captain fixed you up nicely.”
“Hey, I would recover from anything if I had such man looking after me.” Said Ansel and everyone laughed.
“He has been nice to me.” But all she could think was his face from that morning.
Rowan had been walking without a direction for a while now. He felt as if he had lost his rudder, he had spent the last twelve years of his life working for people who had been ready to blame on him the death of a student. He looked at his uniform and for the first time since he had worn it he felt no pride in it. He had been so tempted to resign his wings on the spot. No matter that he had been cleared, it stung so much, even if it had been the opinion of one man.
It had been too much. He knew the marshal was never a fan of his. The first student he had lost had been his son. But at the time as well the board had declared it had not been his fault. It had been the pilot’s mistake. The marshal never forgave him. Seeing him again at a board for a student’s death he had probably tried to punish him for what happened to his son.
In the distance he spotted a pub and decided that a drink might help. He got in and sat at the counter and ordered a whisky, but once the drink was in front of him he could not drink it. In his current state he would spiral down again to the same level of self destruction of many years before when he lost the marshal’s son and he could not do that again. He could not put Aelin through that pain.
So he did the only sensible thing. He called her.
Aelin was in the common room with the squad and they were having fun and the guys were telling her about some of the calls they had and then they were teasing Luca and his upcoming exam.
She was about to tell them to stop picking on him when her phone went off. It was Rowan and her heart stopped. 
She quickly left the room and went outside, sitting on the bumper of one of the engines “hey,”
“Hi,” his voice was low and flat and she feared for him.
“What’s wrong.”
“Ro, are you okay?”
Shit. She stood and started pacing “where are you?”
“At a pub.”
“Which one.”
He told her the name.
“I am coming. Just stay there.” And closed the conversation and almost laughed at the irony of the situation. A week before she had been at the receiving end of such conversation.
She ran back to the squad “guys, I need to go. Rowan. It’s not good. I just have to go…”
She didn’t even wait for an answer. She just rushed back to her car and drove to him. He did not sound drunk so maybe it was not all lost.
She arrived at pub not long after and stormed in. Rowan was sitting at the counter staring at a glass of whisky in front of him.
“Ro.” She walked to him and his green eyes fell on her. There was pain in them, so much pain.
“You are not drunk,” she told him.
“He ordered the whisky two hours ago and had been staring at it ever since.” Said the bartender.
“Hey,” she caressed his head and he closed his eyes at the touch “what happened?”
He shook his head “not here.” He stood and Aelin followed then came back and chugged down the abandoned whisky and went after him.
He was walking away and she ran after him “wait, you have long legs, damn you.” He extended an arm behind him and Aelin grabbed his hand “fine, we are outside, spill the beans.”
She definitely had no tact.
He walked silently a bit longer until they reached a small park and he sat down on a bench and Aelin took a spot at his side never letting his hand go.
And then he told her. Everything that had happened in the room. The results of the inquiry, the marshal’s accusations. The identity of the first student he had lost and his desire to quit.
“I wanted to throw my wings in the marshal’s face.” He looked down dejected “I feel lost now. I want to go back to my students, I owe it to them, to teach them how to be safe. But everything else… I don’t care about it anymore.” his head leaned against her shoulder and Aelin brushed his head with her hand and kissed it tenderly “Ro, how can I help you?”
Rowan turned his head to her and she thought his eyes were wet with tears “what you are doing just now is enough. Having you with me helps.”
“Do you need to go back to the airbase now?”
Rowan nodded sadly.
“Ok, I’ll drive you.” Aelin stood and Rowan followed but before moving he pulled her to him and drew her in for a kiss “I love you.” He said quietly.
She flicked his nose “let’s go.” She offered him her hand and together they walked back to her car.
They arrived at the airbase not long after “do you need me to come in?”
Rowan shook his head “my team is there. I will be fine. Gav will stop me from doing anything stupid.”
“Good. I am going back to the station.” She leaned forward to kiss him “Will you be okay? I am worried about you.”
“I am a big boy.” He joked.
He leaned forward and kissed her “I do love so much when you call me Ro like that…”
Aelin smiled against his lips “don’t do anything stupid and tomorrow you can ravish me all you want. You can even be super creative.”
“How can I refuse such proposal?” He kissed her again “I will be fine.” His hand went to the door handle and opened the door “I will see you tomorrow morning at home. Have a nice night shift.”
Aelin’s heart swelled with joy at the word home. Their place. They hadn’t made it official but her house had become home. Their home. And she loved the feeling of it.
“Think creative, captain.”
He winked at her and left the car. Then he waved at her and Aelin left, he put his cap on his head and headed back inside the airbase.
Rowan made his way to Lorcan’s office and took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
“Come in,” came from inside.
Rowan entered the room and Lorcan looked up at him and he did notice the expression of disbelief in his CO’s face.
“Rowan —” but the other man stopped him.
“Thank you for today. For the support.” Rowan said quietly sitting on the chair in front of his CO.
“The man was out of line.” Lorcan growled “he knows what kind of instructor you are. How strict you are. The man was trying to get you sacked as a punishment for his son’s death knowing full well that again it was not your fucking fault.”
Rowan looked away, shutting away the painful memories.
“I already sent orders to start working on the canopies and check them all.”
Rowan nodded silently.
“I know what we can do to cheer you up.” Rowan turned his head staring at a surprisingly cheery Lorcan. Elide was really doing miracles.
“Grab you gear and let’s get out in the air, this man here needs to fly. It’s been so long that it’s a miracle I can still be called a pilot.” And he chuckled.
Rowan stood “Fine, be ready to be crushed.”
Lorcan grinned and stood as well “Oh, I submitted a proposal to allow women to serve in the airforce.”
Rowan’s head whipped to one side “who are you and what have you done with Lorcan Salvaterre?”
“The captain and Elide. Turns out we have both chosen very strong women.”
“I like that.”
“Me too.”
Rowan was doing his pre-flight checks when he noticed Lorcan joining him. The man had always exuded charisma.
“You should really send Elide a picture of you in a jump suit. I know how much Aelin likes it, I guess Elide might appreciate it too.”
Lorcan lifted an eyebrow while he reached his jet and popped open the canopy “you think?”
Rowan nodded “how is it going with her by the way?”
“She is incredible. She is tiny but fierce and stubborn and quite amazing.”
Rowan could not believe it, Lorcan was in awe of someone a feat that he thought was impossible.
“You are in love with her.”
“I think so.” said Lorcan hiding the words in a cough, almost embarrassed by his admission.
“Good.” Then he stared at Lorcan and he realised that going out out for a flight had been a good idea. They were evenly matched in skill and it was going to be a fun one. They had a few turbulent months but he had more or less always got along with him. Flying together again felt like the good old times.
“You missed a spot.” Rowan pointed at one section under the wing. 
Lorcan replied with a middle finger and it felt nice to have their old banter back when Lorcan could finally put aside his CO mask for a while.
“I am not a cadet, I know how to do my pre flight checks.”
“Well, you are not following the order we were taught at flight school, cadet Salvaterre.”
“Stop being a smartass, cadet Whitethorn.”
Rowan climbed in his jet and finished his checks inside and communicated with the tower to finalise the flight plan and get the authorisations required.
“Come on Lorcan, you are so slow. Tower gave us the all clear and the flight plan is in. Are you sure you still remember how to fly? Do you need any pointers, Chaos?”
Chaos was Lorcan’s callsign and he had earned it very early in his career for his flying skills.
Eventually they were both ready and the two jets got taxied away and not long after they were in the air.
“Rules of engagement: anything is allowed and two out of three?”
“Copy that, Iceman.”
“Good, be ready to lose.”
The two jets broke apart and went in different directions and for a while they just ran in circles above the airbase to study each other.
Lorcan hadn’t wanted to admit that he was a bit rusty and Rowan was indeed a nasty customer. 
Gavriel and the three young pilots were walking along one of the long corridors on the airbase when they heard the sound of jets in the air and ran to the next window to look who it was. The classes for the cadets were still grounded and the three of them were on ground.
“Holy fuck,” muttered Gavriel when he realised who was out flying.
He ran out to the viewing tower followed by the twins and Vaughan.
“Is that who I think it is?” Asked Connall speechless.
“Rowan and Lorcan.” The older man turned to the three young guys “you are in for a treat, they can make you feel like a newbie.”
Gavriel saw Rowan pull in a vertical and flying into the sun, roll on his back and continue in  straight line flying just a meter above Lorcan, finally flipped his jet once again and placed himself at Lorcan’s six.
Lorcan tried some evasive manoeuvres but Rowan did not let go, always at his tail attempting to get a lock on his CO.
Lorcan felt trapped and as a last ditch he went into a high G barrel roll to try and shake off Rowan.
“Rowan is going to overshoot,” said Connall who was silently watching the dogfight between their superiors.
Then Rowan pulled a trick out of the hat and kept his jet in line with Lorcan’s then rolled and found himself upside down and fired at the other man.
“Holy fuck,” was Fenrys’ comment at the scene.
“What did just happen? How did he even manage that?” Added Vaughan.
“That is Rowan for you. Now you realise why we can’t ever win?”
“One nil for me, Chaos.”
“You are a sneaky bastard, Whitethorn. And where did you learn such manoeuvres?”
Rowan laughed over the comms “get your act together, Commodore, and you can probably get me.”
The dogfight between the two went on for much longer. Lorcan did manage to win an engagement but Rowan still won 2-1. They landed back and they found Rowan’s team waiting for them.
“Good to see you two flying again. The youngsters never had the chance to see the pros at work.” Said Gavriel relieved that the two men seemed again at ease with each other.
“Oh, yeah. Our dear CO was a bit rusty and I took him out to stretch his legs and I handed out his arse to him twice.”
Lorcan gave him the middle finger in response.
Elide was in the ambulance doing some inventory checks when her phone pinged. She opened the text from Lorcan and almost fainted on the spot. It was Lorcan in his jump suit beside his jet and the man actually had a hint of a smile on his face. The second image was of him and Rowan standing back to back, their arms folded at their chest and both had a goofy smile on.
She jumped off the ambulance and ran to Aelin who was in the equipment room checking out their gear “Ace, look!” She shouted as she stormed in.
“What?” And she looked at the two pictures on Elide’s phone.
“Interesting…” Aelin stared with curiosity at the picture of the two men.
“He is soooo hot, I have never seen him in a jump suit and gods I don’t know? Want to remove it one bit at a time?”
Aelin laughed “that’s what I would do to Rowan right now if we were together in a private place. I would peel that jump suit off him until he is naked in front of me.”
She saw Elide blush “Lorcan and I haven’t… passed the kissing stage yet. He has never touched me. He is very considerate of me. But a few times he hugged me and I… felt him.” And she made a gesture and Aelin understood.
“Elide that is normal. How do you feel about the next stage? Like exploring each other’s bodies?”
“As in naked?”
“Yes, but you can start with keeping your underwear to have a barrier on if it makes you feel better.”
Elide sat on the bench beside her “I don’t know how to do this. How do I touch him?”
Aelin could see panic rise in the woman “ask him to show you and then once you feel brave enough to try just give it a go. It can be quite fun.” Aelin stopped for a second trying to find a way to tackle the next issue “Elide, have you ever… you know… explored your body? Down there?”
Elide blushed savagely “no.”
Aelin took the woman’s hand “take a nice warm bath and then…” Aelin wiggled her fingers “just put a hand between your legs and see how it goes, what you feel.”
“At least once you two take the next step you have an idea of how it feels.”
“And Lorcan does that as well?”
Aelin nodded “yes, and if the man is as good as the others claim he might leave you a satisfied mess just with his fingers or mouth or both. A sort of appetiser before the main course.”
“Do you and Rowan…?”
Aelin nodded “and not just him to me but me to him as well.”
“This sounds so much.”
“Elide, look at me.” Aelin placed her hands on the woman’s shoulder “you do not have to take the next step until you are okay with it. Talk with Lorcan. Explain to him that you are getting curious and want to try more. You can use a safe word so that when you start to become uncomfortable, you shout that word and he has to stop.”
“He hasn’t rushed you or anything?”
Elide shook her head “no, he has been so understanding, and never pushed.”
“Good. You set the pace. You are the one who needs time so he adjusts to you, remember. But if you feel like you are ready for another step just tell him.”
“Is it… is it as good as everyone says? Is it worth it?”
Aelin nodded “with the right person is something incredible. The intimacy… the connection…”
“Do you have that with your captain?”
“Yeah, and some.”
“Uhhh… are we getting serious?”
Aelin looked away for a moment “I loved Sam. A lot. We were good together but it was never like this. Never this deep.” She threw her head against one of the jackets “I don’t know how to explain it but my feelings for Rowan are so strong that sometimes I feel like I can’t breath.”
“I want that too.”
A moment later the conversation was interrupted by Lysandra entering the room “Here you are, why are you hiding?”
Elide showed Lys Lorcan’s picture.
“Oh mama…”
“Elide is feeling… curious.”
Lysandra hugged the woman “that is wonderful, darling. With such a specimen I’d be curious too.”
“Lys.” Shouted Aelin laughing.
“What? Fine the man can be an arsehole but I can’t deny that in that picture he is one hot bastard.”
“Show her the other.”
Elide showed Lysandra the picture with both Rowan and Lorcan.
“Ok, I really need a cold shower now.”
“I am pretty sure Aedion is available. Just keep it quiet.”
Lysandra laughed “don’t you think I tried? He said it would be against the rules.”
“I am almost done with equipment checks. This room will be free soon.”
“You are a wicked woman.” 
Aelin winked.
“Did you do it in here with the captain?”
“No, but his office is quite comfortable.”
“Nice.” Commented Lysandra.
Lys then took Elide’s hand “come on, we got a couple of things to finish.”
Once the two ladies left she phoned Rowan and he picked up at the first ring.
“I am jealous, Lorcan sent a picture of the two of you to Elide and I don’t get a copy?”
“You liked that?”
“You were both smiling.”
“We talked,” added Rowan “Lorcan was even more pissed than me. I think Elide did the miracle.”
Aelin laughed and relaxed at his admission “how so?
“He chuckled. Lorcan chuckled.”
She heard mirth in his voice.
“And the man is totally in love with Elide. I swear I never heard the man talk like that about a woman.”
“Also, apparently he has decided to support my idea of having women in the airforce and submitted a proposal to the higher ups and he is prepared to fight for it.” He told her, knowing she would love the news.
“Ok, I might finally start to like the man. What changed?”
“You and Elide apparently.”
Aelin smiled smugly “so he does listen, I am impressed. I don’t think I can cope with the idea of Lorcan not being the bad guy.”
“His job is very stressful and I don’t think I could be able to cope with the amount of shit he has to deal with.” He sighed “put me in a cockpit surrounded by enemies and I will be fine. But the idea of being stuck behind a desk playing the political game day in day out…. no. I will retire before it happens.” He added sadly.
“So, what’s on the agenda for the rest of the day, captain?”
“I am helping him with a few things. Then do more prep work for our performance review.”
“Do you think you are ready for that?”
She heard a lot of noise in the background and she guessed he was back in the hangar.
“Aye, we are good to go.” He was silent for a moment “I have to go, Fireheart.”
“Sure. Be safe and have a nice drill.”
“I love you. Have a nice night shift.”
“Send me that picture, Whitethorn.”
“Yes ma’am.”
She closed the conversation and relaxed heavily. Rowan sounded so much better and she was smidge less worried. With a big smile she went back to her work.
It was past 9pm and Aelin was in her office working away on some paperwork Dorian had sent over. She had a good day. It had felt good being back and she realised that Rowan’s help and their time away had helped very much. She felt saner and being at the station did not cause any problems. She was not ready yet to go back fighting fires, of that she was well aware. That was the last challenge she had to face but she and Aedion had discussed a training regimen that would slowly allow her to find the courage again to go fully back on duty and she felt excited at the idea.
She had been so engrossed in her work she did not hear the knock on the door. When it happened a second time she slowly raised her head “come in.” She said flatly and almost annoyed. 
A head of silver hair appeared on the door and she stopped “am I interrupting?”
“Of course captain. How dare you?”
He smiled and took a step in “I can go if you are working.”
Aelin rolled her eyes “get your arse inside and give me fifteen minutes of silence.”
He nodded and walked to her bookcase, giving her his back. His hand behind his back, his spine ramrod straight and his feet slightly apart in a perfect at ease position. She grinned. You could take the man out of the military but not the military out of the man.
She stopped working and rested her chin on her hands and a pen in her mouth. She studied him from behind and was impressed how still he could stay. A feat that had alway been impossible to her. 
Rowan grabbed one of her manuals and started flipping through it. It was only fair, she had done the same to his flight manuals. 
“A chemistry book?”
She eventually decided to stand and join him at his side.
“I hated chemistry in school. I was good at it but never liked it. I preferred physics.”
Aelin smiled and grabbed another book: fire science “this one might be more interesting.”
He had a look through it and smiled at her “can I take it at home or do you need it here?”
“You can take it home.”
Rowan smiled and placed the book on the sofa then cupped her face “hi, by the way.” And he kissed her.
“About time. I thought you were more interested in my books than me.” She teased him, pulling away briefly.
“You told me to stay silent for fifteen minutes. I was just following orders.”
“Screw that.”Aelin switched off her computer and walked to him, palm upturned, offering him her hand “follow me captain.”
“Do I need to be scared?”
She glared at him.
They walked along the corridor of the fire station and it was so silent and quiet compared to what he had seen during the day “where is everyone?”
“Resting. We got beds, you know? But Brullo and Ress are probably up watching tv as usual.”
They walked through the common area and as Aelin suspected the two guys were watching some  series on tv.
“Hi guys,” she greeted them.
They raised their heads “hi boss,” then noticed Rowan “oh captain, you found her. Good.”
“When I walked in I announced myself. I could not just waltz in.”
“Come on,” she grabbed his hand. Aelin dragged Rowan to the area where they kept the fire engine and the truck. She moved to the engine and opened a door on the side and pulled out two thick blankets then with them under her armpit, she started climbing the ladder at the end of the rig “Come on captain.”
Rowan looked at her puzzled.“Where are you going?”
He saw her rolling her eyes “on top of the rig.”
“If the alarm—”
“Captain, if the alarm goes off we have enough seconds to get our arses back down. They will not drive away with us on top of the rig. Do you trust me?”
He looked at her in a strange way.
Aelin threw the blankets on the top of the engine and climbed back down and marched to him, grabbing his hand “move.”
With force she dragged him to the ladder and prompted him to climb. He did as ordered and once at the top he stopped. Aelin stopped behind him, then in a swift motion she pulled her leg over the engine rail and climbed on its roof.
She took the blankets and placed them on top of all the hoses “it smells a bit of smoke. You’ll get used to it.”
He climbed over and stood for a second admiring the view from on top of the engine. When he turned he saw Aelin laying down on the blankets, her arms extended to him and a goofy smile on her face. He joined her and took a place at her side.
She nested against his chest and his arms looped around her frame.
“I come up here a lot on a night shift. I don’t sleep, I just relax, I love to imagine I am laying on the grass and that if I look up I can see the stars.”
“I do that when I am on an aircraft carrier and I am not on standby. I just walk on the deck along the rail, although is not as quiet as here as there are still flights happening, but it’s less busy. I just lean against the handrail, near the island and look out at the sea and I my case I can see the stars.”
Aelin turned in his arms and faced him “can you navigate by just using the stars?”
“We don’t use it much, GPS is a very handy tool, but it’s a skill we learn in case something fails and you are left with no GPS or any other electronic help.”
“What about you? Had a good day at the station?” He kissed the top of her head.
Aelin nodded eagerly “yes, I admitted I had a problem out loud and both Dorian and Aedion have offered to help in anyway they can.” She looked up at him “and you… you helped so much… and still helping…”
He smiled tenderly “it goes under my job description for boyfriend, I assume?”
She caressed his face loving the sound of him calling himself her boyfriend.
“Say it again,” she whispered to him.
“That you are my boyfriend.”
He went for a deep kiss “I am yours.”
Aelin smiled against his lips “those are powerful words, captain.”
“They are true, though.”
Aelin’s heart raced and her hand went to his chest and found his doing exactly the same.
“I love this. Us. I really do…” she stuck her head in the crook of his neck inhaling his scent “but it still scares me because it happened so fast. One day I wanted to punch you, the next I wanted to kiss you. And it frightens me. I want this to work. I want us to work out.”
His hand covered hers still on his chest “you are not alone. This is a lot for me as well. But I am done fighting my feelings.” He hugged her closer “I love you, even when this world is a forgotten whisper of dust between the stars, I will love you.”
Aelin kissed his chest “you are so cheesy it’s disgusting.”
Rowan pushed her away and she rolled on her back at his side, her hand still in his “I was trying to be romantic and you ruined the moment.”
She smiled “sorry, I used to do that with Sam all the time. He would say something super romantic and I would respond with a joke. When he proposed I replied that I had to check with my lawyer first.”
“You are a brat.”
“It was so funny. Then I texted him and said that my lawyer had agreed.” Aelin brought their twinned hands to her mouth and kissed them “I showed him later on that night in bed how much I wanted to marry him. He did not complain.”
“You really are a handful.”
“I know, but now you picked me and there is no turning back.” She said against their hands fearing she had gone too far.
“I love a good challenge.” He rolled over and was now half on top of her, his hand on her side caressing her gently.
Aelin grabbed his face in her free hands and kissed him stupid but Rowan pulled back when he remembered where they were. He was still terrified they would drive away with the two of them on top of the engine.
He lay back down and his hand started trailing along her injured arm exposed by the short sleeved shirt. The burns had healed but the skin remained marred. He traced the length of it and leaned over to kiss it.
“Does it bother you?”
“No,” he said softly while continuing to kiss her injured arm and her scars “you are my brave and fierce Fireheart. It scares me that I almost lost you. But you scars…” another gentle kiss “they don’t bother me.”
She snuggled closer and he enveloped her in his arms.
“I forgot.” He propped himself up on one elbow “I have received an invitation.”
“Oh?” Aelin did the same and faced him.
“This weekend the navy is throwing a launch party for the new aircraft carrier, down at the dockyards before she is set at sea for the trials and then off to deployment.” He explained “Me and the guys have been invited and I can bring a guest. Fancy being my plus one?”
“Are we going public, captain?”
“If you want to.”
Aelin thought about it “I could wear the stunning black dress I bought in Doranelle.”
Rowan remembered that dress and the effect it had on him when she wore it in the shop.
“Are you trying to give a heart attack to the whole Terrasen military?”
Aelin giggled “just going to show all those posh boys what an amazing taste in women you have.”
“That I do.” He flicked her nose.
Aelin was about to reply when dispatch alarm went off and she bolted on her feet and pulled Rowan up and grabbed the blankets “come on, captain.”
She climbed down super quickly and by the time he made it down, the blankets were back in the truck and the squad was getting ready to go.
“Showing the captain your special spot?” Joked Aedion.
Aelin nodded and patted his shoulder “keep the guys safe and you stay safe too.”
“Always.” Quickly Aedion ran to the truck and a moment later the squad was gone.
“It’s hard to see them go and not being able to be with them.”
He pulled an arm around her shoulder “come, I’ll make you hot chocolate.”
She followed him “that’s exactly how you woo a woman, captain.”
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dontcare77ghj · 3 years
Now In Color
Wanda x reader x Vision
After Wanda and Y/N's newly discovered pregnancies, the three had decided to call Westview's doctor for a home visit. 
Doctor Neilson was a balding man, who's opinions were on the misogynistic side.
"Yep! Definitely pregnant. Both of you." The doctor determined after having pressed a stethoscope to both women's stomachs.
"Believe it or not, we actually figured that out already," Y/N said, shaking her head once the man's back was to her.
"This has just kinda taken us by surprise," Wanda explained, one hand clutching Visions and the other on Y/N's thigh.
"It's just kinda sudden. Quite suddenly, wasn't it. I mean, practically overnight. I mean, how did this even happen?" Vision stammered, causing the doctor to stare at him blankly. 
"You see when a man, a woman, and a woman love each other very much."
"Well, we're just tickled pink or blue!" Wanda joked, interrupting the doctor, as the three rose from the couch.
"You're at about four months now. Is that accurate for the two of you?" He asked, receiving nods from both women.  "I thought as much. We like to let the little ladies keep tabs on their growing babes with fruit." Neilson told Vision. "Makes it simple for them. At four months, the fetus is about as big as a pear. At five months, papaya. Six grapefruit, seven pineapple, and eight honeydew."
"So we both have pears?" Y/N questioned.
"You both have pears." The doctor confirmed with a nod. "The three of you must have been planning for months to sync the pregnancies up like this." He added with a chuckle.
"Hypothetically speaking, what size fruit would it be at say twelve hours?" Vision asked, causing the doctor to blanch.
"Pardon? Twelve hours?"
"Well, I think this line of questioning is fruitless." Wanda cut in with a forced polite laugh as she moved to stand beside the doctor.
"Hypothetically speaking, should we be concerned?" Vision asked, rounding the back of the couch, holding Y/N's hand in his.
"Hypothetically speaking, every new father-to-be gets nervous." The doctor patronized, slapping a hand on Vision's neck.
"Well, I have nerves of steel, so there goes your theory, Mr. Doctor." Vision said, pulling away from the man.
"Vis, why don't you see the doctor out?" Y/N suggested, wrapping her arm around her husband's waist.
"That sounds like a great idea." Wanda agreed, nodding at the two with a smile.
"Of course." Vision nodded. "Thank you so much for dropping by Doctor Neilson." He said, leading the doctor out of the house as Wanda and Y/N smiled at one another.
"Well, I'm just glad you caught me in time." The doctor commented once outside. "I'm taking the wife on vacation this afternoon."
"Oh, well, I hope you have a nice holiday," Vision told the man. "Hey, Herb!" Vision called to their neighbor.
"Listen, can you keep the news of the girls, you know, just between us?" Vision asked the doctor. "It's that everything's happening so quickly, and we'd like to keep the news just in the family now."
"Of course. Mum's the word." The doctor assured. "I'm off! Bermuda, baby!"
"Yes." Vision waved Neilson off before he was distracted by the loud sound of machinery to his right. "Hey Herb, I think you might've taken the hedge-trimming a little too far there, old chum!" Vision joked, watching as his friend cut into his brick wall.
"So, I have." Herb laughed, continuing his brickwork. "Thanks, buddy."
"Yeah, don't mention it." Vision said slowly, gnawing on his lip before turning away. "Huh. Darlings, the strangest thing just happened outside with, whoa Nelly!" Vision exclaimed when his wives turned around. "Are you both bigger?"
Wanda turned to look at her stomach but knocked the fruit bowl as she tried.
Vision sped over and caught the fruit before it hit the ground.
"What do you mean?" Y/N asked, looking down. 
"I can't actually tell from this angle," Wanda said, gazing down.
"I can't even see my feet." Y/N sighed, looking up and at Wanda's own stomach. "Oh, God." She said, causing Wanda to look up.
"Yeah, we could be a little bigger." Wanda nodded, seeing the size of Y/N's stomach.
"I can't wait to be a proud papaya." Vision joked, proudly holding up the papaya. 
"Not one of your best, Vis," Wanda told him with a grin.
"Ah, so you're admitting I'm funny?" Vision asked as Y/N took the fruit out of his hand and moved towards the kitchen.
"I don't think she ever said that." Y/N teased as Wanda followed her and stole the papaya out of her hands. "I'm not even sure those words have ever been uttered before."
"I've heard you laugh at my jokes before. At least once." 
"That's because we didn't want to make you feel bad," Wanda said, cutting the papaya into small chunks.
"The first lesson we'll ever teach you, little ones, is to pretend that your daddy is funny," Y/N said to her bump, one hand on Wanda's. 
"That seems rather dramatic, don't you think, darling?"
"No." Both women responded teasingly.
"You know what we should start soon?" Wanda questioned. "A nursery."
"I've noticed there are a large number of stores in the town square that cater towards babies and first-time parents." Vision informed the two.
"That's great! Perhaps we could go after lunch." Wanda suggested, snacking on the fruit before her.
"We'll need to make a list," Y/N suggested as she made herself a sandwich. "Of furniture, clothing, books, everything we'll need."
"I could write the list while you and Wanda have lunch." Vision proposed.
"That sounds like a plan." Wanda smiled at him sweetly. 
"I'm gonna make myself a coffee first. Do you want a tea, Wand?" Y/N asked, grabbing a coffee cup.
"You might want to make a tea for yourself," Wanda said. "We can't have coffee while we're pregnant."
"None at all?" Y/N asked with wide eyes, causing both partners to nod. "You are so lucky I love you, little one," Y/N said to her bump.
Hours later, the three of you had returned from your shopping trip and were beginning to set up the nursery.
Vision was sat on the rocking chair, reading one of the many books on pregnancy he'd bought. Y/N was organizing the boxes of baby clothes,  all of which everyone agreed they'd needed. And Wanda was using her magic to set up the rest of the room. 
The three of you had had a long conversation about the theme of the nursery, which room they would have, and whether or not you would need one or two. Eventually, the three of you had come to an agreement on the nursery's theme. And you had all decided that the babies could share a nursery.
"Nesting, the overwhelming urge during pregnancy to clean, organize and prepare the home for the new baby." Vision read.
"See? You're an expert already. We've got nothing to worry about." Wanda assured, floating a mobile out of its box.
"We have nothing to worry about? We have two babies due at the same time." Y/N said, folding a purple baby grow. "They're gonna team up against us."
"We also have to worry about morning sickness, mood swings, aching backs and feet." Vision read before jumping out of the chair. "Darlings, you should probably sit down."
"Don't be silly. We're fine." Y/N soothed the android. "Women do this all the time. This is a natural part of life."
"We're excited, Vis," Wanda said as Y/N moved to stand beside her. "There's no morning sickness or mood swings, just excitement. And happiness, and, oh!" Wanda gasped. Y/N's stomach had brushed against hers, and suddenly, both women felt kicking. 
"Kicking already?" Vision asked, dropping his book and pressing one hand to each woman's belly.
"It feels so weird. In a good way." Y/N smiled her hand atop Visions.
"It's kind of fluttery." Wanda giggled, her eyes shining with happiness.
After Wanda said that, the three noticed a quiet flapping sound in the room and turned to see the butterfly mobile had turned into real butterflies.
"Did I do that? I didn't mean to." Wanda said as Y/N reached out for a blue butterfly.
"Uh? Darling?" Vision asked, leaning his nose out, where an orange butterfly sat. "Hello, little fella." Vision chuckled as Wanda moved it off his face. "Well, if that was the first kick," He started as Wanda opened the window, and Y/N caused a gentle breeze to push the insects from the room. "That puts you two at about six months!" Vision gasped.
"And I thought you had super speed," Y/N commented, closing the window.
"I just can't keep up." Vision sighed. "Please don't misinterpret." He said as Wanda moved to stand before him. "I can't wait to meet you, little Billy!" He cooed, leaning down to Wanda's stomach.
"Billy?" Wanda asked, her nose scrunching up.
"Yeah. I just figured with two pregnancies, the odds of having a boy are at fifty percent." Vision informed her.
"Well, I was just thinking Tommy for a boy. You know, a nice classical, all-American name." Wanda explained.
"Yeah, Tommy, but there's also Billy, isn't there?" Vision said, causing Y/N to giggle. 
"After Shakesphere?" Y/N questioned, raising a brow.
"Of course! You know, "All the world's a stage. All the men and women, merely players." Vision quoted.
"Well, I guess there's only one solution. Leave it to Y/N," Wanda said, and the two turned to the woman who raised her hands.
"I like both names," Y/N said sagely. "But if it's a girl. I like Luna." She told the two.
"Well, we ought to decide soon. I estimate the babies are due, it's not a constant progression, assumingly logarithmic, but were I to graph the fetal development thus far," Vision muttered to himself while Y/N and Wanda shared fruit out of a bowl.
"They're going to be here before you figure it out," Wanda informed their husband.
"Nearest I can conclude is that Luna and Billy,"
"Luna and Tommy."
"Are due Friday afternoon." Vision concluded, looking slightly scared at the revelation.
"In three days?" Y/N gasped, eyes wide.
"Maybe we should sit down," Wanda said, rushing out to the living room with Y/N and Vision at her side.
Wanda and Y/N sat at the kitchen island, nursing cups of tea (to Y/n's disgruntlement) while Vision sat at the dining table, a baby doll in front of him.
"I think we have an understanding." Vision said, staring the doll down. "Start the clock." Vision stated, setting the toy down, and when Wanda pressed the timer, he began to change it at rapid speed. "Done!" He announced, raising his hands.
"A new personal best!" Y/N announced with a grin as Wanda clapped.
"Yes!" Vision exclaimed proudly. "We are nothing if not prepared."
"Ooh!" Wanda gasped, her hand flying to her engorged belly. 
"Do any of your books talk about this?" Wanda asked, gently rubbing her bump. "It's not painful, but it's strange."
"A tightening sensation?" Vision asked, grabbing a nearby book and flipping through the pages. 
"Yep, that's it." 
"Yes. Where was it? Where was it? Aha! "Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as false labor, usually starts in the third trimester. Named after John Braxton Hicks in 1875." Vision began to recite.
"Sweetheart." Y/N cut him off as Wanda stared at him unimpressed.
"Sorry." Vision apologized. "Are you feeling any similar sensations Y/N?" Vision asked, rising to his feet as Y/N nodded.
"I just thought it was the baby moving," Y/N told her partners. 
"This is excellent! This gives us a chance to work on our breathing exercises." Vision said, now standing before both his wife's. "It should go like this." He added before demonstrating the breathing pattern.
Both women copied his breathing a couple of times, but it didn't work.
"I can still feel it," Wanda told him.
"I'm sorry." 
"Oh!" Y/N gasped, her hand clutching onto the counter tightly as the room began to heat up.
"Honey, turning it up a bit too high," Wanda said, fanning herself at the sudden temperature rise.
"I'm sorry, I just got so warm all of a sudden," Y/N said, wiping her forehead.
"Many women experience a change in temperature during pregnancy." Vision said before Wanda let out a loud grunt.
And that was the chaos began.
The kitchen tap began to run on high, the lights flickered, the fridge rattled, and the washing machine shook. All the while, the temperature remained ungodly warm.
"What the Dickens?" 
"Oh, it's so warm."
"What is going on?"
"I think we should perhaps abandon the kitchen." Vision suggested, grabbing both women's hands and pulling them out of the moving kitchen.
The three made it into the dining room when the lights began to get brighter and brighter until they all burst.
The three were now standing back to back, hands raised and ready to defend themselves when everything got quiet.
"It stopped," Wanda whispered, afraid if she spoke too loudly, it would start again.
"Good," Y/N said as her body temperature and the room got cooler.
"I'll go check on the neighbors." Vision volunteered before rushing from the house.
As it turns out, the neighborhood did experience the after-effects of the women's contractions.
The weather had changed from a spring day to what felt more like a summer's day. 
And many homes had lost their power.
"It appears the whole block is out." Vision informed the two as he reentered the house. "Oh, and be prepared to hear about the abnormal weather change."
"And all that was just from fake contractions." Wanda shook her head.
"Who knows what damage we'll cause when the show really gets rolling?" Y/N asked rhetorically. 
"Do you think they know it's our fault?" Wanda asked Vision.
"Our neighbors?" Vision confirmed.
"Well, yes. With all the close calls we've been having, it seems the people of Westview are always on the verge of discovering our secret." Wanda explained, causing both her partners to stop.
"Yes, I know what you mean." Vision murmured.
"But it's more than that, isn't it?" Y/N wondered as she and Vision sat beside Wanda on the couch.
"Mr. and Mrs. Hart with dinner. Outside with Herb." Vision mused.
"The thing with Dottie," Y/N added.
"I think there's something wrong here, darlings," Vision told his wives.
"I don't think you're wrong." Y/N agreed while Wanda stared between the two.
"Yes, I know what you mean." Vision murmured. "The truth is, we are in uncharted waters." He said as he and Y/N sat beside Wanda on the couch. "And you know what? I am as anxious as you both."
"We just don't know what to expect," Wanda said, getting nods from both her partners.
"Nope." Vision agreed.
"Will they be human or come out red and gold?" Y/N asked, causing Wanda to smile. "Or will they be a bit of both?"
"If they're anything like their mothers Luna and Billy will be perfect." Vision promised.
"You mean Tommy." Wanda corrected with a smirk.
Before the argument over baby names could continue, Wanda let out a loud gasp, causing Vision and Y/N to jump to their feet.
"Oh no, darling, are you all right?" Vision gasped, staring at Wanda with panic in his eyes. 
"This is a real one!" Wanda exclaimed, leaning back on the couch.
"I thought you said Friday afternoon!" Wanda demanded as Y/N kneeled in front of her placed a hand on Wanda's bump.
"Well, I didn't consider that the timings between developmental benchmarks could be quite random!" Vision defended himself as he began to float in the middle of the living room.
"Both of you need to calm down!" Y/N snapped, rubbing Wanda's stomach gently. "Breathe, both of you." She added before demonstrating the breathing techniques Vision had taught them.
Wanda began to follow along, and when both women turned to face him, Vision copied them.
As he centered himself, Vision was able to control his flight and stand on his own two feet. Wanda and Y/N, who needed help up, moved to stand in front of their husband took one of his hands each.
"Better?" Wanda asked, pressing Vision's hand to her stomach.
"Yes, darling, thank you, it's passing." Vision nodded as lightning cracked, and it began to pour in the living room. 
"Oh, that's me." Y/N gasped, looking down. "I think my water broke."
"What?" Wanda and Vision gasped, now both soaked from head to toe.
"Why didn't you say you were feeling contractions?" Vision demanded as he pulled both women under a table. 
"I wasn't!" Y/N exclaimed before letting out a whine, hand flying to her stomach. "I was fine until I touched Wanda's stomach!" She cried as Wanda took her hand and squeezed it gently.
"Do you think the babies are connected?" Wanda asked as Vision gently placed his hand on Y/N's stomach.
"There is a great possibility." Vision nodded. "It would explain why both pregnancies have been moving at the same rate." He said. "I'm sorry, but is there any chance you could stop the rain, please, darling?"
"I think I'm the one causing this now," Wanda said. "My waters broke."
"Well, I was just reading about the advantages of water birth." Vision joked.
Y/N crawled from under the table, and while knelt on the floor, she flicked her wrists and stopped the water flow.
"Oh, thank goodness." Wanda sighed.
"Let me help you up, dears." Vision said, crawling out of the table and helping both women to stand. "There we are."
"Oh, what a mess." Wanda gasped at the ruined furniture.
Wanda caused the sliding doors to fling open, and Y/N created a wind to dry off the three and their home.
"That's much better." Vision commented. Before he could say another word, both Y/N and Wanda were letting out groans and curling over, causing him to rush forward.
"Sweetheart, do you think it's time to,"
"Call the doctor." Vision nodded, rushing into the kitchen while Y/N pushed Wanda into a chair and sat herself.
"Yes, I do, dear." Vision said, picking up the phone before slamming it down in anger. "Damn, the phones are down, too. I better run." He said, rushing towards the dining room. "Except he might have already left for vacation."
"What now?"
"At a time like this?"
"Well, in fairness, darlings, the babies are approximately nine months early." Vision tried to soothe the women. "I better leg it. Will you be alright?"
"Yeah." Wanda nodded, breathing heavily through her nose.
"We'll look after each," Y/N said with a nod. 
"I will be back as soon as I can." Vision promised, pressing a kiss to both women's temples before speeding out of the house.
"Disguise!" Y/N and Wanda called, but Vision was already gone.
"You two really know how to make an entrance, huh?" Y/N joked before a chittering sound caused her to freeze.
"That's coming from the nursery," Wanda whispered, slowly rising to her feet and beginning to make her way to the room.
"Why are you going towards the scary noise?" Y/N quietly asked as she followed after her wife.
The two were slowly tiptoeing towards the room, barely breathing, as they tried to catch sight of the noisemaker.
The doorbell rang loudly, causing both Y/N and Wanda to jump.
"Don't!" Y/N stopped her wife from getting the door. "No-one knows about this." She said quietly, gesturing to their bumps.
"Oh shoot!" Wanda sighed, rushing to the coat closest and causing two overcoats to float out.
When both women's bumps were significantly covered, Wanda opened the door to reveal Geraldine standing there with a smile.
"Wanda, Y/N, what's up?" She asked, looking the two up and down. "It's one hundred and ten degrees out. Are you making a fashion statement? Didn't you feel the temperature rise?" Geraldine asked, making her way into the house.
"Hi, Geraldine. You know, now is not really a good time." Wanda said apologetically.
"No, no, no, they're foxy. You'll have to let me borrow it sometime. Both of 'em." Geraldine said, talking about the coats both women were wearing. "But first, I gotta borrow a bucket."
"A bucket?" Y/N asked, cocking her head.
"Not to wear, to use." She clarified. "Somehow, all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once, and I gotta bail myself out," Geraldine told the two.
"I think you'll need more than one," Y/N commented.
"Just stay right here," Wanda told the woman. "We might have a couple in the kitchen. Y/N a little help?" 
"Of course." Y/N nodded before the two ran off into the kitchen.
"I think they're just under the sink!" Wanda called before letting out a little scream at a painful contraction.
"Everything's fine!" Y/N called out as Wanda's and her coat changed. "Just stay there!"
"Are you alright in there?" Geraldine asked.
"Yes! Everything's fine!" Wanda called.
"We're just looking!" Y/N added before letting out a loud grunt at her own contraction.
"I'll come help!" Geraldine offered, and Y/N and Wanda could hear her footsteps rushing towards them.
"No!" The two exclaimed.
"No, thank you." Wanda corrected, pulling off her coat, urging Y/N to do the same, and covering her stomach with a fruit bowl.
Geraldine entered the kitchen and made a beeline to the supply cupboard while Y/N grabbed a book from the counter and hid her stomach.
"Would you look at that?" Geraldine asked, turning to face the married women.
"Fruit." Geraldine grinned, walking towards Wanda's fruit bowl. "Thank you!" She said, taking an apple and throwing it to herself.
"Well, good luck with the leak," Wanda said as she and Y/N attempted to usher Geraldine out of the house.
"Oh, thank, oh! Say girls, I have got a question for you two!" Geraldine said, moving to the couch. "You know how I've been working that temp job, right?" She wondered, taking a seat. "Well, my boss, Mr. Haddox, he was going crazy yesterday." She began to recount, but neither woman could focus on her words. 
Neither woman could focus on Geraldine because right behind her, a stork was stalking around the room.
"Oh, look at me going on and on like you got all the time in the world." Geraldine sighed as she rose to her feet. "Let me go on and get out,"
"Wait, no!" Wanda exclaimed before Geraldine could turn around.
"Tell us all about the temp job!" Y/N demanded. 
"There's my girls!" Geraldine smiled, sitting back down. "So yesterday, my boss, Mr. Haddox, was going crazy working on the new slogan for that new breakfast cereal. You know, the one with the little marshmallow moon men?"
"Yeah, of course." Y/N absent-mindedly agreed as she stared at the stork, walking around the living room.
"Right, so it's about ten minutes before the big presentation, and Mr. Haddox has got nothin'. Nothin', that is, except the worst case of hiccups I ever did see." Geraldine continued her story as Wanda tried to vanish the stork.
But nothing happened. The stork didn't disappear in the cloud of red smoke. Instead, the bird flapped its wings almost angrily at the attempt. 
"I'm telling you he couldn't get one word out, let a whole pitch."  Geraldine laughed. "So I'm trying every trick in the book to help this poor man. I'm hidin' behind filing cabinets and jumpin' out when he least expects it, like, boo!" She exclaimed, causing Y/N to jump and Wanda to scream as she threw an orange at the stork.
"Jesus, you two." Geraldine sighed, clapping a hand to her chest.
The stork had run away after Wanda threw fruit at it, but it was now making loud chipering noises, causing Geraldine to jump to her feet.
"What was that?" Geraldine demanded, looking around the room fearfully.
"What was what?" Y/N deflected, tilting her head to the side.
"Did you not hear that?"
"I don't think I heard anything. Did you, Wanda?"
"It was like a chattering sound, like, um," Geraldine tried to explain.
"Oh, like a" Wanda made a chittering sound herself. "That was our new icemaker built right into the fridge." She lied.
Geraldine turned to face the kitchen before turning back with a smile. 
"Oh! You're fancy." Geraldine complimented, settling back into her seat as Wanda and Y/N chuckled nervously. "Let me get back to this story." She said before launching back into her recount.
It was getter harder for Y/N and Wanda to hide the fact they were in labor. Both women were stifling grunts and whimpers, only managing to do so by clutching the other's hand tightly.
Vision had to be back soon, right?
"So now, at this point, I am helping Mr. Haddox do a handstand under the water cooler because you know why not try a little upside-down action. Drink those hiccups away. And wouldn't you know it, at that moment, in walks the client?"
"Oh no." Y/N gasped as the stork reentered the room. 
"Oh yes. Oh yes." Geraldine nodded, oblivious to the bird beside her. "But you know me, girls, I keep my cool no matter what's goin' down. And I look at the client, and I look at Mr. Haddox's feet floating in the air next to me, and I look back to the client, and I say, "Gravity Os, launch into your day, the right way." Geraldine explains with a cackle, not noticing the stork pecking at her fish pants.  At her loud laugh and her shifting her legs, the stork runs away, back into the nursery.
"Oh, thank you!" Wanda laughs in relief as Y/N sank back into her chair with a sigh.
"Yeah, and that's what Mr. Haddox said right before he told me to clean out my desk," Geraldine said, taking a bite of her apple. 
"Oh, Geraldine." Wanda gasped.
"Surely he didn't fire you?" Y/N asked, shaking her head at the idea.
Despite neither woman really listening to Geraldine's story, she was still their friend. And they would hate for her to be disappointed like that.
"Oh, sugars." Geraldine sighed before a grin fought its way onto her face. "He hired me!" She exclaimed. 
"I landed a promotion!" Geraldine reiterated, standing with a wide smile. "And now that I've gone all corporate, I need some office supplies. Which brings me to my question. Do ya'll still keep those in your spare room?" She asked, moving towards the old spare room, now nursery. 
As Geraldine moved towards the open room, Y/N and Wanda jumped to their feet, Wanda putting her fruit bowl down and Y/N dropping her book. 
"Because I was hoping you wouldn't mind sharing with your good friend," Geraldine said, entering the nursery. The nursery where the stork had hidden.
"Is that what I think it is?" The woman asked, staring around the room with wide eyes.
"A stork, yes, we can explain," Wanda said but came up blank with an explanation.
"No, the cribs!" Geraldine exclaimed, looking at the two cribs with a smile.
But she never got her answer. Not that she really needed one as Y/N and Wanda let out loud grunts of pain.
"Oh shoot! I think it's time!" Y/N gasped, her hands flying to her bump as she hyperventilated.
"The babies are coming." Wanda panted.
"You're pregnant? You're both pregnant?" Geraldine asked, staring at her friend's now exposed stomachs in shock.
"Oh God, where's Vis?"
Vision was still running around town. One thing he'd forgotten to do before having left home was to check for Dr. Neilson's address. 
Dr. Neilson was still at home, dressed for his vacation but under the hood of his car.
"Ow!" Neilson grunted after he hit his head on the bonnet. "Bermuda awaits, and my car decides to poop out right at this moment." He sighed before slamming the bonnet down.
Before the doctor could further complain about the situation, the man jumped into the air as Vision appeared before him. 
"Mr. Vision!" He gasped. "Is everything okay with the wives?"
"Yes. Yes, very much so. So long as we hurry." Vision said, grabbing Neilson's arm and hoisting him onto his back.
Without another word, Vision was running home, Neilson secured on his back, not noticing the fact that Dr. Neilson's wife had been sitting in the car.
"But Stan! What about my brand new two-piece?" His wife yelled. But she was talking to no-one.
Vision was already rushing her husband to his home, a home where he would soon be able to meet his children.
Back at said home, Geraldine was panicking. She had had no idea that her friends were pregnant, and now they were about to give birth.
"Okay, Wanda, I'm gonna get you to the living room. Y/N, I'll be right back." Geraldine promised, taking Wanda's arm and pulling it around her shoulders.
"No worries, I'll be fine. I'll just try not to pop the kid out in here." Y/N grunted, sinking down onto the floor as her wife was pulled out of the room.
"Let's get you comfortable," Geraldine said, grabbing pillow's on the couch and attempting to set it up as Wanda sunk onto the floor.
"I think I'm just going to lay down right here." Wanda panted, making herself comfortable on the floor. "Where's Y/N?" Wanda gasped.
"I'm getting her now. I'll be right back." Geraldine promised, propping pillows under Wanda's head before rushing back into the nursery. "Let's get you up, Y/N." She said, gently pulling Y/N to her feet as the woman groaned. 
"With Wanda. I need to be next to Wanda." Y/N said through gritted teeth.
Geraldine didn't question Y/N's request as she laid Y/N next to her wife, assuming both women were feeling quite frightened at the moment.
And while that was true, there was something else drawing them together. 
The babies in their wombs seemed to be drawn to one another. The babies were connected. And even now, as they were so close to entering the world, they wanted to be near each other.
They needed to be near each other.
"Where's Vision?" Geraldine demanded as she grabbed pillows for Y/N.
"He ran to get the doctor," Wanda explained as the vacuum began to run in the background.
"He'll be here soon," Y/N added with a grunt.
"There's not enough time for that!" Geraldine denied. "You know the breathing, right?" She asked as she began to run around the house. "Girls, I can't hear you!"
But neither woman could respond as the pain was becoming blinding. And it wasn't like Geraldine would be able to hear over the chaos happening around them.
Photo frames were spinning, the fire was roaring, a violent wind was making its way through the house, and both women were screaming. 
Geraldine hadn't noticed any of the noise until she was rushing back into the living room and a light fixture crashed onto the table.
"I may be late to the party, but I imagine there is a logical explanation for this," Geraldine said, sitting before the women with a bucket and blankets.
"Oh, it's all perfectly natural!"
"Just like this! Everything's fine!"
"Hey, hey, hey. You are doing great." Geraldine assured. "You are doing great. The two of you are doing amazing. Look at me. Look at me." She demanded before demonstrating the breathing techniques.
"Wanda, I can't do this," Y/N grunted. 
"What? No, because if you can't do this, I can't do this. And we're too close to turn back now." Wanda said, reaching over and blindly taking Y/N's hand. 
"I'll say it's too late because it's time to start pushing," Geraldine said.
"What?" Both women gasped.
"Wanda, you're crowning," Geraldine informed her. "Are you ready? You're ready. Push. Push, Wanda, push." She cheered as Wanda squeezed Y/N's hand tightly and screamed.
The house was alive as Wanda pushed, and her screams seemed to drown out the chaos in the house as everything reached its craziest.
And when Wanda stopped screaming, and the house went quiet, a new set of cries permeated the walls.
"It's a boy," Geraldine informed the woman as she wrapped the baby up.
"Oh, hi." Wanda cooed as the baby was placed in her arms.
"Oh, Wanda, he's perfect." Y/n smiled, reaching over to grab his little hand.
Before either of you could say another word, the front door was slammed open, and Vision was now standing in the living room with Neilson behind him.
"Did I miss it all?" Vision asked, staring at his wives.
"Nope, you're just in time," Y/N grunted. "Please, someone tell me it's time." She begged.
"I think you're ready to push." Geraldine checked, causing Vision to rush to kneel between his wives and the doctor to move into action.
Y/N's labor was much less chaotic than Wanda's. The only side effect that happened was the wind that rushed through the house before their daughter was born.
"She's gorgeous." Wanda smiled as the baby was bundled up and placed in Y/N's arms.
"Hey, Doc, why don't you help me out in the kitchen there?" Geraldine suggested, wanting to give the three a moment of privacy.
"Everything's happened so fast today. It's like I've been flying." The doctor said as he followed the woman out of the room.
"Well done, girls." Vision said, brushing hair off both women's faces.
"Don't you want to meet your children as yourself?" Wanda suggested. Vision quickly looked around before dropping his disguise.
"You're so strong." Wanda cooed as she handed Vision the boy.
"Do you want to hold her?" Y/N offered their daughter to her wife.
"I'd love to hold, Luna," Wanda said, causing Y/N to smile.
"Hello there, little Tommy." Vision cooed at the little boy in his arms.
"Yes, Tommy." Vision smiled, causing both Wanda and Y/N to smile at him before Wanda let out another scream.
"What?" Y/N and Vision exclaimed, staring at Wanda in shock.
Vision handed Tommy to Y/N and rushed to lift Wanda's skirt.
"Oh! Good heavens! There's another baby coming!" Vision cried.
"Billy?" Wanda exclaimed as she handed Luna over to Y/N and began to grunt as the urge to push grew stronger.
"Push, sweetheart, push!"
"Thirty fingers and thirty toes." Nielson commended thirty minutes after the birth of the three children. 
Because of Billy's surprise entrance, Neilson had had to triple check that both women were okay and that there would be no more surprises that day.
He had made sure there were no more children on their way any time soon, that Y/N and Wanda could both feed all three babies and that they were both recovering well.
Now Wanda, Vision, and Neilson were each holding one of the babies ea while Y/N lay on the couch, exhausted after the day.
"You've got two healthy baby boys and one healthy little girl on your hands." Neilson complimented.
"Thank you, doctor." Wanda smiled, rocking Tommy in her arms.
"And thank you, young lady," Neilson said, turning to Geraldine with a smile. "I think you might have what it takes to be a nurse."
"Allow me to walk you out, doctor." Vision murmured, putting Luna into her bassinet and taking Billy from the doctor's arms and putting in the bassinet beside her.
"Oh, all right. As long as we actually walk this time." He said, causing a sleepy smile to appear on Y/N's face.
"We do owe you a debt of gratitude," Wanda said as she neared the bassinets.
"Big-time," Y/N murmured.
Well, doctor Neilson, I hope you're still able to make your trip." Vision said, leading the doctor out of his home.
"Ah yes, my trip. I don't we'll get away after all." Neilson admitted with a sigh. "Small towns, you know. So hard to... escape." He said, more to himself, before leaving Vision standing alone.
"Yeah." Vision shook his head before turning back to his home. He was about to reenter the house when he overheard Herb and Agnes hissing to each other.
"What is she doing in there?"
"I don't know."
"Howdy neighbors!" Vision called, causing both people to turn and wave quickly.
"Howdy!" Agnes called before turning back to Herb. "Did you see her go in?"
"She just went right in."
Vision's curiosity was peaked. Which she were his neighbors talking about?
"Remarkable day we're having, no?" Vision asked, walking over to the two. "Did you lose power too?" He questioned Agnes.
"Oh, sure did." Agnes nodded with a sigh before plastering on a grin. "But, Ralph looks better in the dark, so I'm not complaining."
"Hi, Herb."  Vision said, looking at the man strangely.
"Hey, buddy." Herb nodded quickly, lowering his hand just as fast. Both Agnes and Herb were looking at him nervously, and it was unsettling Vision.
"Well, I'll just get back to the girls." He excused himself, turning away.
"Vision!" Agnes called, forcing him to turn back. "Is Geraldine inside your house?" She asked, shifting uncomfortably.
"Yes. Why?" 
"Why are you not tired?" Y/N mumbled, her face pressed into the couch cushions. 
"I must just be special," Wanda said, hinting at her powers.
"Not fair."
"Go to sleep, sweetheart," Wanda said, brushing hair off Y/N's face.
"No, I want to stay up."
"You're exhausted, Y/N. Go to sleep. I'll wake you if the babies cry." Wanda promised.
"Okay. I'll just rest my eyes." Y/N nodded, closing her eyes. Wanda gently pressed her fingertips to Y/N's temple and helped her to sleep. Ensuring that she only had good dreams as she slept.
"I gotta say, you two are such strong ladies." Geraldine complimented as Wanda moved back to the bassinets.
"Oh." Wanda tutted, waving the compliment off.
"Can you believe it? Twin boys and a little girl! You know they're going to be the most overprotective brothers when they're older." Geraldine said, causing Wanda to freeze.
Distant memories, memories Wanda had forced to the back of her mind, were resurfacing. Memories of her own twin.
Her own overprotective twin.
"I'm a twin," Wanda mentioned, eyes glazed over. "I had a brother. His name was Pietro." Wanda said, her accent slipping on his name. Wanda turned to stare back at her children with a smile before she began to sing a familiar lullaby. A lullaby her mother had sung to her and Pietro. 
"He was killed by Ultron," Geraldine said, causing Wanda to freeze. "Wasn't he?"
"What did you say?" Wanda demanded as a single tear slid down her cheek.
"She's new to town. Brand new." Herb told Vision.
"There's no family. No husband." Agnes added.
"There's nothing wrong with that." Vision said with a shrug.
"No home," Agnes told him.
"What did you just say?" Wanda asked, staring at Geraldine blankly.
"I said, you're such strong ladies," Geraldine repeated. "Should I say it one more time for good measure?" She asked, moving towards the couch. Where Y/N was still sleeping, unbeknownst to what was happening.
"Don't go near her." Wanda snapped, stopping Geraldine in her tracks. "What did you say about Pietro?"
"Pietro?" Geraldine questioned, tilting her head in confusion. "Hey, I'll take a shift rocking the babies." She offered, beginning to move closer to the bassinets when the babies started to cry.
"No, I think you should leave." Wanda shook her head, blocking the bassinets from her view.
"Oh, Wanda, don't be like that," Geraldine said, staring at Wanda as if she were the crazy one. 
"What do you mean she has no home?" Vision demanded, moving towards his neighbors.
"She came here because." Herb tried to say but couldn't finish his own sentence. "She came here because we're all,"
"She came here because we're all what? What're you trying to tell me?" Vision asked, staring at the two in confusion.
"What is that?" Wanda asked, staring at the pendant around Geraldine's neck.
"That," Wanda said as Geraldine held the pendant between her fingers. "That symbol."
"I uh, I'm," Geraldine stuttered, looking towards Y/N, hoping the woman would help her.
"Who are you?" Wanda demanded, moving to block her wife from Geraldine's gaze.
"I don't,"
"She came here because we're all," Herb began to say but stopped when Agnes spun to face him.
"Stop it!" She hissed, staring at him with scared eyes.
"Who are you?" Wanda repeated, staring at the woman in anger.
"Wanda." Geraldine shook her head as she began to take a step back. "I'm. Wanda, I'm," Geraldine stuttered, unable to tell her.
"Well, I better get going. That macrame's not gonna hitch itself!" Agnes said with a smile as she grabbed her bike. She gave Vision a wink as she rang the bell before rushing away.
"Herb?" Vision asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Vision wasn't going to back down. He needed answers, but Herb wasn't willing to give them.
"Catch you on the flip side, Vision," Herb said, grabbing his trimmers and rushing back into his home.
Without a second thought, Vision rushed back into his house, his disguise dropping when the door shut behind him.
"Wanda? Where's Geraldine?" Vision asked, rounding the couch to stand beside a sleeping Y/N.
"Oh, she left, honey," Wanda told him, not turning around to face him. "She had to rush home." She added, continuing to rock the babies with a blank face.
Miles away from the Vision home, on the outskirts of Westview, there was a loud crackling that ripped through the air.
The crackling continued until Geraldine was thrown through the electric barrier, and she landed on the ground with a crash.
Within seconds Geraldine's prone body was surrounded by loud noises, and a light covered her form.
She was surrounded.
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