#why does tumblr hide it so far away n out of reach :-\\
Would you mind sharing another snippet?! Longtime lurker ! But the last chapter killlllleddd me!
OF COURSE here's a fun lil guy str8 from my notes app <333
He can see it so clearly: the two of them arriving back home in London and parting ways. Sirius would smile at him, lovely as ever, and say, “thanks for the fun, Moony.” And they’d never speak about it again. Every now and again, Sirius might hint at it as a joke, paired with a gentle nudge and a knowing look. And Remus would have to pretend he didn’t leave his whole miserable heart back in Europe; on trains and in hotel rooms and hostels and fucking fields.
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iamnot-crazy · 5 months
Stowaway Chapter 2
Trafalgar Law x Fem!Reader
Info: This is my first time posting a story on Tumblr and my first time writing a x reader.
The reader is a slave to a nobleman due to her devil's fruit ability which allows her to control the emotions of the people around her. She flees to bump into Trafalgar Law and boards his ship.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
A month has passed since you joined the crew and it has been the best month of your life. While the crew was extremely orderly and clean when the captain was around the moment he turned his back they turned into a silly band of pranksters. Despite the captain's serious nature, everyone knows he has the devilish personality of a prankster and retaliates with his pranks whenever one is enacted upon him but will deny it was ever him. 
You have solidified your role as the crew's therapist who everyone goes to when they need an ear which you are happy to lend. You haven't used your powers once on anyone unless it was for a medical reason in which you will put them to sleep so as far as everyone on board is aware your power is to make people fall asleep. You try to offer your ability to law whenever they are forming plans to take on enemies but he will only use it to put people to sleep to keep up with the illusions the crew have placed upon themselves. 
Law is also the only person who knows your secret so you continue to take showers in the dead of night to hide your tattoo until one day Law stood in your path. He stood right outside his office waiting for you to make your normal path to the shower room after everyone was asleep, "Why do you sneak off to the showers every night?" He asked when he spotted you. the glow from his office illuminated his figure but hid his facial expression. 
You paused startled at his appearance in the hall. "I uh like my peaceful showers." You lie looking away from him. 
He just hummed and gestured for you to follow him into his office to which you complied. His office was a mess covered with paperwork and opened books. You could barely find his desk under the stacks of books and the floor was not any clearer but had a path leading to the desk. He sat in his chair, "So are you going to tell me the truth?" he asked crossing his legs and putting his chin in his hands awaiting a response. 
"I have a mark I don't want anyone to see." You admitting. 
He nodded, "May I see?" You blushed the tattoo was on your hip and if you were to show him you would have to unzip your uniform and reveal more than you wished. "It's your slave mark isn't it?" He asked when he noticed you blushing. You nod but do not make any moves to reveal the mark. "Y/N I am a doctor I have seen a lot worse, can you show me?" 
Realizing your captain is correct and persistent you unzip your suit revealing your bra and unzip it down to your waist where the red tattoo was with a dot with three triangles around it sat on your hip. "A celestial dragon mark??" He commented reaching out for the tattoo with shock and horror. You flinched away at the words and went to cover it up. He looked up at your expression to see it shift to horror and your eyes become red. He is surprised no one else noticed your eyes shift color when feeling intense emotions like now but then again the rest of the crew probably isn't looking at your eyes as much as he does. 
"it's ok." he assured grabbing your waist and pulling you back, "He can't hurt you anymore." He pulled back the uniform looking at the tattoo again, "Do you want me to remove it?" 
You froze at the thought, You have seen other freed slaves cover their marks by burning the sun pirate logo over it but removing it you wanted nothing more than to be rid of your past. You looked over at your captain trembling while you nodded your head unable to get the words out. 
He grabbed your hand reassuringly and helped you zip your uniform back up while your arms shook, "Let's go to the medical room where it is a bit more sterile." He said and held your hand while he guided you to the medical room the place you crashed when you first boarded. He grabbed you by the hips and placed you on the medical table before turning to his tools. "get undressed while I get my supplies," he ordered with his back turned.
You shakily pull the zipper of your uniform down and leave it sitting just above your knees. You looked over at the tattoo and all the horrible memories it held until a hand was placed on top of it. The inky hand of your captain. "Do you want to hold my hand?" He asked still covering the tattoo with one hand and holding his other hand out for you which you placed your gloved hand into. "Your real hand." You shook your head knowing your current emotions were intense, "I can handle it, let me share it." He slipped off your glove before placing his hand into your own his eyes immediately filled with tears but he took a breath and sucked them in looking bravely into your eyes to inspire you to do the same.
Still holding your hand he cleans the tattoo with an alcohol wipe before saying, "Room," and you were surrounded by the blue dome of his devil fruit, "Scaple" He used his power to painlessly remove the ink that stained you skin, he kept repeating "Scaple" until there was no more red ink inside of you.
You looked down to see your bare skin and a wave of relief came over you, years of torture seemed to have vanished. You smiled widely with tears in your eyes as you met your captain's eyes who mimicked your expression with an unfitting smile. The most you have seen your captain smile is the devilish smirk he gives when he gains the upper hand in battle or a prank. Your smile turns into laughter at his face and his smile grows more. It wasn't until Law looked down at your bare body that you became flustered and quickly pulled your hand away, your eyes shifted Pink and your face turned red. 
Law instantly turned his face away from yours and turned around. "It's gone now you don't need to sneak off in the middle of the night just for a shower." He coughed keeping his face away as you zip your uniform back up and jumped off the table. 
You walk over to your captain place a small kiss on his cheek and whisper a thank you before walking out the room and to your bed. As you closed the door your back hit the wall and you looked down at your hand that flustered feeling was not your own you could tell. Your ability seemed to have evolved again and this time you could feel your captain's emotions and it was one of arousal.
In the medical room, Law sat with his head in his hands blushing tremendously. 
A week had passed and you and your captain didn't speak about the interaction again and he tried to avoid looking at you still trying to decipher if the feeling he had that night was his own.
The crewmates started to notice your comfort levels around them rising now taking showers in the morning still before everyone else had woken but no longer afraid of someone walking in. You also now change into your pajamas with Ikkaku instead of insisting on going to sleep in your uniform. And your fear of tearing your uniform during battle has decreased once you dodge a knife causing it to tear your uniform revealing your mid-drift but confidently continued to fight Law looked intensely at the bare skin where the tattoo was admiring his work as he would say.
But one con arrived with your new-found confidence and that is that you don't walk past Law's office every night allowing him to listen to the small pitter-patter of your steps. One night he was sitting at his desk staring at the door waiting to hear the pitter-patter that he knew would never come. He sighed closing his book ready to call it a night when he heard that familiar sound. the steps stopped at his door and was followed by a soft knock on the door. "Come in." He said as calmly as he could. The door opened slowly revealing you in the doorway. "y/n, how can I help you" he said pretending to be surprised that it was you who had entered.
"Something has been bothering me since the other night," You said walking into the room. Law heartrate jumped thinking you meant the feelings he shared that night.  
You walked in and shuffled some books out of the way of the floor so you could sit in the corner facing him, "How did you know that I was walking to the showers every night after everyone has gone to sleep?" you asked.
Law released a breath and his heart rate returned, "Because you would walk past my office every night."
"But sometimes I would go at 3 in the morning." You stated.
Law just shrugged, "And?"
You shook your head at the insomniac captain of yours, "When do you sleep I always see you at the bridge first thing in the morning."
Law sighed, "Sleeping does not come easy for me," He admitted. 
"Would you like me to help with that?" You asked.
Law shook his head, "I promised you that I would never ask you to use your powers." 
"For anything, I don't want to." You cut him off defiantly, "I want to help you with this."
Law's head snapped at you in surprise, he will admit he has been thinking about the day you calmed him with your powers for a while and that night he was able to get the best sleep he had since he was a child. He searched your eyes to see a beautiful purple of determination and conviction. He was not going to be able to change your mind. He sighed in defeat, "Feeling calm for once would be nice." 
You jumped up in celebration, you removed your glove to reveal the 5 dots shining a color grey and held it up which Law returned by placing his hand on top of yours and instantly relaxed his shoulders and felt the wave of calmness dance over him. You held your hand with him for a full minute to allow the full effects of your feel fruit to take over him and last through the night. 
When you removed your hand he took a deep relaxing breath looking up and smiling at you thankfully. "Thank you, Y/N. Let's go to bed." He got up and opened the door for the two of you turning off the lights. He placed his hand on your back as he guided you back to the bunks thanking you once more before turning to head toward his room where he fell on his bed and immediately fell asleep with no thought swarming his brain. 
The next morning the entire crew noticed their captain in a happier state giving everyone a day off on the beach of the island they just landed on. No one questioned it and quickly took advantage of their day of play. The crew decided to sport the swimwear that they picked up at the last town they went to and have a fun beach day. Law could not keep his eyes off you confidently revealing your stomach.
Next Chapter
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kavaeroexe · 2 years
Can we get another yand!Anakin and yand!Padmé(sith/Emperor and Empress) Trying to find ex-lover/jedi reader who’s hiding from them. But from their pov, like talking about the reader and like talking about their plan that they have to bring the reader back home.
Please if your not busy😊
Okaayyy!! FINALLYY <333
Home where you belong
summary : your hiding place has been found out by them, where to go now..?
warning : typos, bad grammar  
attention! please do not try to repost my works, i only post my works on tumblr, if anyone see someone stole my works please inform me through the comments, tag me in the works, or message me!    
Its so weird.
What’s with the noises from your house..? i thought you don’t have any guest..?
You sneak through the tree first, waiting until someone get out from there, although you could have just finished a thief that probably come to your house for credits or food, but you scared that there is possibility that the one that try to ruin you house is...
“Anakin, i don’t see them anywhere at all, perhaps they go out somewhere?”
“Well then, i think we should split, you wait here for their arrival, while i walk around to search for their appearance, no way they would be far, i could feel their presence is not far..”
“I understand, well i suppose you need to hurry up before its too late, what if someone might kidnap them?”
“No way, i could feel them not so far from here, Padme, relax.”
Its them. 
You grab your lightsaber tightly, try to run and get into you ship on the back of your house
“Quick! you must not be late on these situation, you must be quiet! calm down.. calm down! karking hell! i can’t think properly now!!”
Slowly but surely, you try to reach your ship, but you stop when you hear a cracking sound in the back, to find Anakin standing right behind you and grab your arms and smiles out of relieve. 
“Where are you going, my lovely Jedi? hm?”
“Listen, i have nothing to do with you and Padme, you don’t give me another choice, Sith lord.”
You push him using the force, and while he’s away enough, you pull and turning your lightsaber on, you took a preparing position, ready to put a defense whenever he try to let an attack towards you. 
“Why being so rude, little one? we just want to take you home, your home.”
“My home is here. nowhere else.”
You look at Anakin, not much happened to his appearance, seems master Obi-wan does failed to take him down. you could see his hands slowly reach his lightsaber, red lightsaber that has changed his own perspective of the force, his life, and his love towards you. 
It took quite a long time until you able to take his lightsaber from his hand, you have to move from another space to another space, the anger and possessive behaviour fills his every move and swing, but your training all this years will never fails you, once you got the lightsaber, with no hesitation, you end the fight, just to see him laughing pretty laugh, you could remember his funny laugh, same sound, but different feelings that you got this time.
For the second time, you push him with the force, and you tried to ride your ship, but find the the whole machinery is broken..
“Suprisee~ do you miss me (Y/N)?”
Padme appears behind the ship, showing a sweet smile just like how she used to do, but it never feels the same again for you, you saw Padme, holding a blasters, and then walk towards you, instantly makes you walks away from her, and then Anakin catch you body that hit his chest
“If you want to go home with us, no need to use that ship, you could go with us in one ship together instead, right Anakin?”
“That’s right”
You grab Anakin clothes harshly and gives a deep glare towards him.
“I have no intention on going ‘home’ with you, not in a single bit.”
“But see? right now you’re in my arms, and you didn’t even resisting~”
“You overused your force, Skywalker.” you replied.
Padme brushing your hair, and then lets out a chuckle, she push a button and your ship blow up. you let out a gasp and glare through Padme now. “Now come on, there is a far better ship in the empire, maybe we could take a look there to spend our time? you like to look at ship right?”
“Don’t you promised me that we are going to have a sleepover? looking at ship must be tiring for them, we could do that tomorrow”
“Great idea! we should do that tomorrow instead, for now lets rest your fragile body for tomorrow, we got a lot to do”
Anakin and Padme holding your both hands tightly, not wanting to let you go, they crave for your warmth on the cold ship, through the way to their place, you didn’t say anything, even though you cry, everything could go worse, so its no use.
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snappleapple · 3 years
their favorite types of kisses
people in this - dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, wilbur, punz, jschlatt, awesamdude, quackity
the most disgusting fluff i’ve ever written
warning - cursing, i think that’s all but if there is more please do not hesitate to tell me :)
word count - 2k
a/n: okay okay, i might’ve lied earlier about that being my last post but this was short and easy to make which is why i would like to feed my readers this early haha. anyways, enjoy and please disregard the errors in this post, i hate proof reading anything lol. also, i’ve been very indecisive on the title and i might change it later and ooh, my masterlist will be made soon. i’ve just been feeling very unproductive these days. also, please put in requests, i am so bored and dumb therefore there are no ideas in this brain. and if you’d like a part 2, i might add more people for the part 2!anyways, peace!
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dream -
i get the feeling that dream’s favorite type of kisses would be cheek kisses
he just likes to watch as you struggle to reach his height
“aw look at those little legs do their thing.”
ends up with you not giving him his kiss
and mans becomes SO pouty
“y/n…come on. don’t be this way.” :(
if you don’t kiss him on the cheek, will also become SO clingy and whiny
“why won’t you KISS ME!”
clenches his fists and stomps away like a teenage girl during puberty
slamming the door to your room
so then you have to go and give him all the kisses he wants
his face is slammed into your pillow
you sit on the side of the bed and pet his hair
leading him to stare up at you with puppy dog eyes
“i will give you all the kisses you want. so stop being so pouty, you big baby.”
will literally leave zero feet of space between you and him
taps his cheek to tell you he wants kisses
when you go on dates, will literally make you stand on your tippy toes to get his kisses
does not bend down at all and actually lifts his head higher to tease you
in other words, clingy but rude hoe
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george -
george is a classic romantic
he loves just lip kisses
pecks or lingering ones
he doesn’t care
mans don’t need too many kisses
nor does he need to be too clingy
total opposite of dream and sapnap *ahem clingy ahem*
if he wants a kiss,
he will come over to you and get it
doesn’t get pouty if you’re busy
just waits patiently
doesn’t enjoy it when you interrupt him when he’s streaming so you do your own thing
when you’re watching a movie with him,
he will literally only stare at you with his cute smile
and listen to your every criticism of the movie
he likes to just peck your lips whenever he feels like it
and you’re just not surprised anymore
just likes to stare at your lips whenever you talk
overall, is very sweet but not to an extent with showing affection
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sapnap -
sapnap just vibes with neck kisses
it tickles his neck and he loves them
giggles when you pepper kisses along his neck and flushes a deep red
“y/n. stop.” giggles between each word
but when you do, becomes the saddest person in the whole world
“i was joking.” :(
when he’s streaming and he begins to miss you
would leave his room and find you just to get a kiss
just like dream, would get angry if you give him no kisses
very amusing for you
and you love to tease him
“i don’t want to give you kissies.”
continues to stare at you with a large frown until you give in and give him kissies
lsg supremacy but i’ll get into this later hehe
you better give him kisses or you’ll be dealing with a very sad sapnap
sadnap :(
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wilbur -
wilbur, wilbur, wilbur
what can i even say
total nose kiss guy
i bet he’ll boop your nose twenty four seven
asks stupid questions just to get your attention
“yes wilbur?”
“is a hotdog a sandwich?”
“did you just say boop while you booped my nose?”
if he’s streaming and you bring him a snack
he will hold your face still and leave kisses on your nose
not too clingy but not too distant
likes to be just right with you
if its snowy outside and your noses get red
makes dumb jokes about he is rudolph and you’re mrs. rudolph
just a lot of smooches from wilby
takes you to a lot of hidden cafes in the city
and while you read, he balances his head on his palm, staring at you in admiration
if you’re insecure about your nose, you legit can’t be around wilbur because he will go on a tangent about how beautiful it is
substantially, soft boy hours all day bro, besides when he gets mad then you leave the hormonal man tf alone
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punz -
i don’t see a lot of punz on tumblr so here we go
punz loves hand kisses
not to an extent where he has a hand fetish
god no but just like
when your holding hands, he’ll occasionally pull your hand up to his lips and leave a kiss
lots of hand holding
and i mean lots
constantly gets mad fun of for being a simp but ignores those comments because he genuinely loves you so much
likes it when you play with his hair and messing it up
also likes to compare hand sizes with you
always has a hand on your thigh or your hand in his whenever he is driving somewhere with you
even when you go on dates, always holding hands
no matter how sweaty your hand gets, he will hold on
sometimes if he holds on for too long, you have to tell him to let go
“punz, my hand is super sweaty. lets take a break from the hand holding.”
would flat out decline so you would have to pry your hand out of his
he would also love it when you would kiss his hand
makes him feel all polite and precious LOL
would also wrap his pinky along yours when you walk together
he once came with you to a family gathering for christmas and was so SHY
shy boy held your hand for security while your younger siblings made fun of you
afterwards, when you were under a mistletoe, he kisses you on the lips before kissing you on his favorite part of your body,
your hand
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c!jschlatt -
jschlatt is a whole mess
the first time you met, he confessed that he would hate you for as long as you lived because you made fun of his boots
now he says he still strongly dislikes you but you’re more tolerable
doesn’t like it when you make him soft and HATES it when he blushes
“why must you do this to me, mother nature?”
also “hates” it when you even touch him because he “hates” you
when he actually confessed to you that he liked you with his grumpy usual grandpa voice,
you kissed him on his forehead, after he bent down of course
he is an actual giant and threatens to squash you like an ant if he feels the need to
is an absolute monster to you but loves it when you kiss his forehead because it makes him feel secure and loved
likes to watch the wind blow through your hair and mess it up but gives you his hat because he like you being “all pretty and shit”
gets SUPER jealous when you hug children
like for example, when you went over to a family gathering at his house, his cousins came up to hug you
and when you let go of the child, the man child comes and lugs you over his shoulder
gets yelled at by his mom and gives her a sheepish smile before rolling his eyes and throwing you down on the sofa set next to him
his mom doesn’t approve of the way he treats you but you tell her its fine because he’s cute
when you are far from any type of civilization or in the safety and solitude of your own home, he wants kisses on the forehead
pointing up to it and bending down so you could reach it
“y/n, i only love you because of your forehead kisses.”
“you only love me for my kisses?” :(
actually feels slightly bad
“and because of your personality.”
“thank you-“
“shut up. we don’t talk about this.”
in conclusion, give him his forehead kisses or perish
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awesamdude -
sam just adores it when you give him jawline kisses
not because it’s basically the only place you could reach but because it’s a sweet gesture
sam is all about sweetness
i mean have you even seen this man on his stream
he likes to watch you while you have conversations with your friends
not in a creepy way but more like an adoring way
cause man does he love you
i mean not only does he love you but his whole family does
and when you’re alone with sam, you love to bury him underneath all of your love
“i love you sam!”
“no i love you more y/n!”
“NO i LOVE you more!”
“NO i LOVE you MORE!”
“okay thank you sweet pea.”
leaving you a bit confused but happy that he accepts your love
when you cuddle, omg
he never stops peppering kisses all over your face and vice versa because your relationship is disgustingly fluffy
when he lends you one of his sweatshirts, you sure as hell better wear that shit out or else (i am leaving a blank threat here)
sam loves technology but you guys sort of have a system
a system that involves mailing each other love letters rather than texting them
you guys also go on a ton of walks just about anywhere
hand holding is mandatory even though you probably look like a child compared to him
just give sam lots of love and in return, you’ll receive lots of love
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quackity -
mans cannot leave you tf alone
likes to do ANYTHING freaky around you
“i will follow you to the ends of the earth, mi amor.” or
“ayy, back off.” if anyone gets too close to you
messes with you twenty four seven and makes it his job to drive you insane
plays horror games at two in the morning for fun
and when he gets scared, hides in the safety of your arms
“mi amor. i’m scared.”
“shut the fuck up and sleep, alex.”
“okay.” shuts up quickly and snuggles deeper into the crook of your neck
loves you so deeply but HATES your cat
“look at that little dumb thing stare at me. you got a problem bro?”
your cat also HATES alex
scratches him all the time and hisses at him
if you think sapnap is babie, wait till you meet alex
“y/n he bit me!”
when you glance down, you don’t even see a scratch
“kiss my boo boo.”
“what boo boo? there’s nothing there.”
gasps as if you offended him
“this boo boo that your el demonio did to me.”
this man will do anything to get boo boo kisses
istg, you once found him provoking your cat to get some scratches
in alex’s mind, ouchies = kisses from y/n
always has ouchies from god knows where and shows it to you
even though you find it annoying at first, you grow used to it and it sorta becomes your thing with alex
alex is babie and you need to take good care of him :)
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divine-mistake · 3 years
virtue and vice
Summary: What they don’t tell you in bootcamp is that trying to fall asleep next to your co-worker, the one that you’re insanely attracted to and might have the tiniest crush on, who also hates your guts and kind of would rather turn himself over to HYDRA than hold a real conversation with you, while sharing the same bed, is impossible. There is no way in hell you’re going to be able to fall asleep next to Bucky.
Characters: Bucky Barnes/Plus-size (f)Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut (vaginal fingering, rough sex, dirty talk, bit of a Dom Bucky Barnes), language, insecurity (weight issues, a little perceived fatphobia which is wiped out really soon after)
Word Count: 6120
A/N: This is a tumblr request for @buckybarnes101 who requested a Bucky/Plus-sized reader enemies to lovers who have to share one bed with smut. I loved this request and really hot to make something hot and rough and fast! Thank you so much for the request - enjoy!!
main masterlist | AO3
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It finally happened, the one thing you prayed would never ever happen, the thing you’ve been dreading since you started joining James Buchanan Barnes on his stealth missions, the event that will inevitably spark your downward spiral into doom, destroying the crumbs of the relationship you’ve managed to build with him.
“You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me,” he says, barreling through the motel room like a ping pong ball with a little too much pent up energy.
You shrug your bag off your tired shoulder, letting it fall to the ground, not caring about how dirty the carpeting must be.
“At least it’s a queen,” you say, toeing off your boots. “I’ve had worse with Steve.”
Bucky turns to glare at you over his shoulder. “You’ve shared a bed with Steve?” he says, accusation rising in his tone. You stare at him like he’s crazy.
“I’m sorry—are you saying you haven’t? ‘Cause I call bullshit on that.”
He doesn’t answer, choosing to sift through his duffel bag instead. You shrug despite the fact that he can’t see you.
“I mean, it’s pretty routine, isn’t it? I’ve shared with Natasha, too. Sometimes you just have to make do.”
“Yeah but it’s Natasha,” he says like it matters. “I can’t believe you’ve slept with Steve.”
“God, Bucky, it’s only weird if you make it weird, and you’re making it weird.”
He straightens now, body stiff, one of his hidden holsters hanging from his vibranium hand. He doesn’t look at you and you’re too tired to start a fight—much less finish it—so you hope he just goes ahead and fucks off to the shower which you know he’s getting ready to do. He’s always been selfish like that. But it’s also not so selfish, you think, for someone like Bucky to want to wash the missions away as soon as possible.
But the bastard could ask sometimes, couldn’t he?
“I’m going first,” he says, just like always, and you bite your tongue.
You turn and sigh, focusing your glare on the one bed filling the motel room. If there was one thing you always hoped for after a mission, it was not to end up in the same bed as James Barnes. The two of you notoriously don’t get along, for whatever reason that may be (although you’re pretty sure it has to do with the fact that he thinks you’re a useless addition to the team), but there is literally no denying the attraction you felt for him.
The man is hot, and he’s had a couple, or maybe most, of the screws in his head knocked loose.
You have it bad for him.
Oh, but James Barnes is not fond of you. Not that he would ever admit it, but the dude has some serious fatphobia going on. You’re ninety-nine-percent sure of that.
Alone in the bedroom, you start to strip out of your tac-suit, letting your gun belt and the rest of your holsters fall in a ring around your feet. As soon as the heaviness is off you, relieving some of the ache in your body, you think about just falling straight into the bed blood and dirt and grime and all. But you’re also sure Bucky would lose his mind if you did that.
Instead, you look to the floor length mirror just in front of the motel door, frowning.
Your skin-tight suit doesn’t do much to hide all the lumps and bumps and dips and hips all squished into it, and when you’re covered in tiny cuts and burns on every visible patch of skin, you can’t help but think about how Bucky sees you.
The useless fat Avenger! How fun.
You turn to the side a little, glancing at the fullness of your ass. Nice. A redeeming quality of the extra weight you carry atop the strong muscle you’ve built in your short time as part of the Superhero Menagerie. Not having a gimmick of any kind really forced you into working for the position—and now you’re not just the useless fat chick, you’re the super hacking, super gun toting, mega-badass fat Avenger instead.
The shower squeaks and the water stops, signaling the end of Bucky’s shower.
You look up to the ceiling, praying to some god to hear you that everything will work out just fine.
And then Bucky exits the bathroom, steam flooding from the room, wrapped only in a thinning motel towel secured by his metal hand at his waist. It isn’t the first time you’ve seen his chiseled figure, but there’s something that jumps up your throat at the thought that you have to shower in that same shower and then sleep in the same bed as the bed that body is sleeping in.
Oh, fuck.
“All yours,” he murmurs, not even looking at you.
“Great.” You grab your change of clothes and head for the bathroom, trying to think about anything except him.
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When you smell less like blood and asbestos and more like strawberries and peaches, hair damp and a clean t-shirt and sleep shorts sticking to your heat-splotched body, you enter the bedroom once again. Bucky is sitting against the headboard, going through his phone now that you’re both safe and secure in France, dressed only in a pair of sweatpants.
Okay, act cool. Just get into bed and pretend like it’s not weird.
You pad over to the bed, grimacing at the feel of the gross carpet beneath your clean feet, hopping beneath the sheets as quick as possible. If Bucky looks at you, then you don’t see it, because you are focused solely on not looking at him. Petty? Perhaps. Keeping your sanity intact? Absolutely.
“You tired?” he asks and you snort.
“Extremely. You don’t have to turn off the light if you aren’t ready to sleep, though.” You situate yourself as far on the edge of the bed as possible—something you’ve never done with any of the other people you’ve been forced to share a bed with. You and Natasha aren’t new to sleeping together, especially after some of the nights out you’ve shared, but you and Steve definitely cuddled, though you wouldn’t admit it to anyone. Steve’s just kinda lonely, you think. And to be honest, you’re a little touch-starved yourself.
But you know you take up a lot of space and you’re sure Bucky hates that, so you bury yourself under the motel sheets and snuggle up to your pillow, trying to make yourself as small as humanly possible.
After a moment, Bucky asks, “Are you comfortable like that?”
You crack an eye open and twist to look at him. “What?”
He shrugs. “Didn’t you tell me not to make it weird? You’re making it weird now.”
“You already made it weird.”
“I’m trying not to make it weird anymore.”
“A little late for that—”
“God, just, c’mere.”
Bucky grabs you around your waist, your shirt riding up, and pulls you closer. You shriek in surprise, eyes wide, as he manhandles you until you’re away from the edge and your back is pressed against his bare chest.
“There—that’s better,” he says, nearly whispering in your ear he’s so close to you now. He unwinds his arm from your middle and reaches up to hit the light, the room going completely dark save for the little sliver of artificially light pouring in from underneath the shitty curtains.
You don’t even know what to say. Bucky’s rendered you completely speechless.
First of all, the man has never touched you for no reason like that before. Second of all, how the hell did he just move you like you weighed the same as the pillow beneath his head? Third of all, he hates you, so why is he so bothered about you and your comfort? Fourth, he just moved you around like you weighed literally nothing.
And boy, did it send a flood of pleasure straight to your core, almost as if your body just gave the green light to your libido. The perfect time too, y’know, when you’re sharing a bed with your co-worker who hates your guts.
Play it cool. Just play it fucking cool.
“Uh, are you okay?” you ask him in return, and Bucky shifts so his back is pressed up to yours.
“Yeah,” he says. “Go to sleep.”
“‘Kay. Good night.”
What they don’t tell you in bootcamp is that trying to fall asleep next to your co-worker, the one that you’re insanely attracted to and might have the tiniest crush on, who also hates your guts and kind of would rather turn himself over to HYDRA than hold a real conversation with you, while sharing the same bed, is impossible. There is no way in hell you’re going to be able to fall asleep next to Bucky.
Your brain turns and turns and turns, body straining to stay as still as possible to not upset the super soldier sleeping right beside you. What does he have against you? Why does he hate you so much? You really thought once you started going on more missions—proving you were worthy to be a part of the team—that he’d start coming around and seeing your value. But you feel like all it’s served is to make him hate you more, especially now that you tag along on his stealth operations as his techie.
Maybe he knows you’re into him, and maybe that’s why he never wants to be around you. But, god, it’s not like you think you have a chance with him in any capacity, and you’d pass up tens of thousands of chances to be with him if he’d just be your friend!
Because Bucky deserves another friend, doesn’t he?
As if he can read your mind—or maybe it’s just god playing tricks on you—Bucky shifts around in the bed again, turning toward you. You don’t know if he’s sleeping yet or not, but you curl in on yourself a little to give him more space to stretch out.
Bucky’s vibranium arm slides over your waist, cool metal grazing by the sliver of skin peeking out from underneath your shirt, and when you flinch from it, he pulls you flush against him. Behind you, the bare skin of his chest is warm, almost too hot. Super soldiers run warmer than normal humans, and you think he’d be nice to have in bed more often.
In your ear, Bucky groans in his sleep and it makes you shiver despite the heat radiating through your back. He must be like Steve, wanting to cuddle in his sleep. No one ever wants to admit it out loud, but you’re the best thing to cuddle in the Tower. Being squishy and soft atop hard, strong muscle means you’re more comfortable than all the rigid bodies of the Avengers. Maybe Bucky needs this.
But you wish you could fall asleep so you’ll stop thinking about how much you’ve wanted this since the day you saw him, the new Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes, hair tied up in a messy bun and stubble thick and dark, vibranium arm hidden within the sleeve of his leather jacket.
Suddenly, everything is too hot. The room, the motel sheets, the pillow beneath your head. Bucky Barnes behind you, arm slung over your body, holding you to him. He’s sleeping, you know, the quiet rumble of his breathing a song in your ear, chest rising and falling against your back. You shift a little, trying to get more comfortable as the warmth starts to become unbearable. When that doesn’t help, you shift again, trying to pull your back away from Bucky, but it sends your bottom half straight into his.
A growl brushes by your ear all breathy and low and Bucky’s arm tightens around you, bringing you back to him.
Damn, who knew Bucky was such a cuddler when he’s sleeping?
You wait a few minutes, keeping still, until you’re sure he’s slipped back into unconsciousness. His nose is nearly pressed into your hair, his breaths upsetting the small wisps of hairs that curl at your ear. Sweat is starting to collect underneath your shirt where your bodies are connected and you know you’ll never be able to fall asleep like this.
Again, you shift toward the edge of the bed, trying to pull yourself out of Bucky’s grasp, but he drags you back into his embrace. The swell of your ass meets his thigh and in a panic, you move around to try and put space between the two of you again, but Bucky lets out a strangled-sounding groan, hissing through his teeth.
“You gotta stop moving, doll, or you’re not gonna like what happens next.”
He is not asleep.
“Bucky?” you squeak, eyes wide, frozen in place.
“Hm?” His metal hand sneaks underneath the hem of your shirt, fingers finding your soft skin and thumb starting to rub little circles just above your hip, a point of pleasure on your body. No one ever touches you here, and it takes everything you have not to press back into him, asking for more. Your breathing is heavier now as you try to control yourself.
“You aren’t—Why aren’t you sleeping?” you ask, sounding winded from the simplest act of him touching you.
“Hard to sleep when you’re next to me,” he murmurs in your ear, nose brushing up against the patch of skin behind it. Your eyes flutter closed. Every small touch feels like heaven. You never allow others to touch you more than necessary, but now Bucky is handling you so gently.
“I can’t sleep either,” you whisper. “Do you want me to go? I can take a walk.”
He makes a noise of disapproval. “Just stay still,” he says, almost begging. “Go to sleep.”
“It’s hot,” you whine. “You’re too hot.”
You can feel him smirk into the back of your neck. “You don’t gotta tell me, doll.”
“Shut up,” you say with a huff of frustration, wiggling in the bed to get your point across. Immediately, Bucky’s vibranium hand falls to your hip, fingers digging into your flesh hard enough for the flash of pain to turn to pleasure, holding you still.
“I said stop moving,” he says, and it's so close to a command that your teeth tear into your bottom lip as his voice sends shocks through your core. Now, hyperaware of how close your bodies are underneath the sheets, you realize your ass is pressed against his pelvis, not his thigh, and you’ve definitely been—
Bucky grinds into you, seething, breath ghosting over your ear, his cock hard and heavy in his sweatpants.
Wetness pools between your thighs, dampening the thin cotton panties you wear beneath your sleep shorts.
“Bucky,” you breathe his name. “What are you doing?”
“So tired of you teasin’ me,” he grits through clenched teeth. “I’ve put up with it for so long—too long—and I just knew you were gonna do it tonight, too. Only one fucking bed. You’re gonna kill me, baby.”
Your voice sounds so small when you whisper, “What are you talking about?”
Then Bucky lays a kiss to the back of your neck, trailing upward until he reaches the lobe of your ear, and pulls it into his mouth and between his teeth. You shiver, violently, unable to stop the reaction. It must please him because he yanks your hips back into him again, forcing you to grind on his bulge.
Your hand comes up to cover your mouth, muffling whatever sounds threaten to fall from your lips.
“Doll, you’ve been teasin’ me from the beginning. From the moment I saw you in your gear on the Berlin mission, all your curves on display in that tight little cat-suit you’re always wearing, armed to the teeth, handling all those guns looking so fuckin’ gorgeous.”
You swallow hard. The Berlin mission, your first stealth mission with Bucky, had gone sour and the two of you found yourselves in a gun fight that was never meant to happen. You’re pretty sure you walked back onto the quinjet covered in blood, bruised, and a gash in your thigh that made you wobble when you stood up, and Bucky didn’t even look at you as per usual. Bucky never looks at you on missions unless he absolutely has to.
“Is that why you never look at me?” you ask him, and you wish you could see his face right now, but all you can feel is his lips as they pepper kisses along the column of your throat, coaxing shudders and little squeaks out of you.
“You expect me to look at you without wanting to jump your bones, doll?” His nose caresses the spot at the top of your spine, his fingers melting at your hip and soothing the bruises you’re sure he’s already left. “That’s just askin’ too much, baby. How am I supposed to look at you and stop myself from kissin’ you silly?”
Pleasure flutters through your stomach, surging through the apex of your thighs.
“Then do it,” you tell him. Bucky goes still, unmoving, and you wonder if you’ve pushed too hard.
But then his voice is low, dark, in your ear. “You don’t know what you’re saying, doll.”
The honey dripping from your center, pooling in your underwear, says very differently. Instead of answering, you press your ass back into him, gyrating your hips straight upon his pelvis, rubbing against his clothed cock. Bucky chokes.
And then he’s up and above you, rolling your body beneath him, caging you between his arms. You nearly gasp when you look up at him, his blue eyes intense in a way you’ve never seen them before, his lips pink and swollen from biting—you’re sure yours look the same and he hasn’t even kissed you yet.
Bucky leans closer, his mouth only inches from yours, his breath mingling with yours. Your eyes threaten to flutter shut in anticipation but you force yourself to look at him, to take all of him in.
“If you want this, I won’t be able to hold myself back, doll. Wanted you too long. Need you.”
Then, he pulls back, eyes searching yours.
“But if you don’t,” he swallows, “then we’ll forget this ever happened, and everything will go back to normal.”
Fuck that.
“Kiss me, sergeant,” you command, hand shooting up to tangle in his thick hair.
Bucky curses and then he’s on you before you have a chance to reach up and meet him halfway. His lips are rough, chapped, but plush and perfect against yours. He wastes no time, tongue licking into your mouth and meeting yours, tasting you for the first time. You respond eagerly, hand fisting in his hair, pulling him into you until you can’t tell where his body ends and yours begins.
When he’s satisfied with how kiss-drunk you look, lips swollen and eyes hazy, he moves to the juncture of your neck and shoulder and sinks his teeth into your skin, causing you to cry out. The pain and the pleasure mingle, like lovers, like you and Bucky, as his fingers take hold of your shirt and in one tug, the fabric pulls apart at the seams.
You don’t care—you can buy a new shirt. You need him to touch you.
Until you realize you aren’t wearing a bra and that your top half is completely bare to Bucky, the man who, before a minute ago, you thought hated you because you were fat. Because it was the only explanation you had. Because you’re insecure.
Your hands fall upon his chest, bracing against him, stopping him in his tracks. He pulls away from your neck to look at you, brows drawn together in confusion, and all you can do is try and cover yourself with your arms before he gets a peek. It’s dark, but super soldiers can see in the dark. A blessing and a curse.
“I don’t want you to look at me,” you whisper so quietly you realize no normal person would have been able to hear it. “I’m—I shouldn’t have let you—I’m so fat, Bucky.” 
Bucky’s eyes widen.
“Baby, baby,” he soothes you, his flesh hand coming up to cradle your cheek, fingers brushing delicately over your skin. “You don’t believe me when I say I want to see you? Doll, your body drives me insane, and god, every time you get an attitude with me and you put your hands on your hips and you look at me all mad…”
Bucky groans and he rocks his pelvis into yours, hard cock hitting your center and making your breath hitch.
“You’re beautiful, baby. Gorgeous. Do you know how hard it is for me to be around you sometimes ‘cause you’re just so pretty? More than pretty, I don’t even know the words to tell you, baby. Please, please don’t hide yourself from me, let me look at you, let me touch you, baby. S’all I want to do is look at you for the rest of my life.”
You don’t realize you’re crying until Bucky’s thumb swipes a tear away and you blink, and he’s smiling at you so warmly, really looking at you, maybe for the first time ever since you’ve known him.
“You think so?” you ask, breathless. “Even though you’re so—so good, Bucky, so beautiful and so good.”
He rests his forehead against yours, inhaling your scent, your essence, your soul. You nuzzle into his palm, kissing the center of his skin where his lifeline sits among other small scars. Then, you pull your arms away from your body, moving to wrap them around his neck, fingers digging into his scalp as you tip your chin up to slant your mouth over his. Bucky returns your enthusiasm, tongue meeting yours sweetly, and then metal fingers are trailing up your side.
Bucky pulls away, searching your eyes for consent.
“Say you’re mine,” he begs. “Say you’re mine, baby, but if you do, I won’t be gentle.”
You look up at him from underneath your lashes, already heady with the feeling of Bucky wanting you, desiring every part of you.
“I’m yours,” you whisper, and the mood in the room shifts violently.
In an instant, Bucky pulls your arms away from where they’re wound around his neck and pins them over your head, metal fingers locked around both your wrists. It makes you arch into him and then his nose is tracing your sternum, a line down your center, cutting you in half until his flesh hand attaches to your breast and his lips find your nipple.
Just like he said, he’s not gentle, and it has your eyes rolling into the back of your head, lids fluttering, as his teeth nip and tug at the delicate bud. His tongue follows the performance, sucking and soothing the pain away with sweet licks until he’s bored and moves onto the other one.
He lifts his head up to say, “Don’t move your hands,” and then his vibranium fingers find the hardened, sensitive nub and begin to twist and pull at it as his lips play with the other. The pleasure is overwhelming, the pain is a shocking reminder of who is playing your body like a symphony. You arch your breasts toward him, you roll your hips up to meet his bulge, you do anything you can to relieve the pressure that’s building in your core, screaming at you that you need his touch.
“Bucky,” you call out, moaning, struggling to keep your hands near the headboard.
“Do you need more, sweet girl?”
“Please,” you beg and press your center up to rub his cock. “It aches,” you whine.
“You gonna be a good girl for me? Let me touch you? Let me make the pain go away, baby?”
His words send new waves of pleasure through you, every part of you flushing with heat, your thighs squeezing together as if you can hide your leaking core from him.
“Yes, yes, yes, Bucky.”
He lays kisses on the underside of your breasts, just below them, like he’s following the lines of your ribs as he moves down toward your stomach—the part of you that you hate the most. You struggle underneath him.
“Not there,” you say as he places open-mouthed kisses on your soft belly. It tickles and makes you tremble and writhe.
He chuckles darkly. “I thought you said you were gonna be a good girl?” Both hands fall upon your hips, trapping you, fingers digging into your soft, pliant flesh as he nuzzles and licks and nips and kisses your stomach. You throw your head back, dizzy at the thought of what your body will look like tomorrow, purpled bruises made of passion.
“I’m a good girl,” you pant, mouth falling open as you struggle to catch your breath.
“Then let me touch you, doll. All of you—I want all of you.”
You hear the sound of fabric ripping before you feel the cool air rush over where your sleep shorts are no longer, Bucky tosses the tatters of fabric over the edge of the bed. He inhales sharply at the sight of you, hands roaming over the wide breadth of your hips as if he can’t even draw himself away, smoothing over your stretch marks with loving strokes until he finds the thick expanse of your bare thighs.
Bucky’s thumb brushes over your clothed cunt, panties drenched, and a strangled moan flies from your mouth as you press toward him, begging for more.
“This all for me?” he asks, voice gravelly. “My pretty baby is all wet like this for me? Christ, doll, you’re dripping.”
“Yes!” you shout as metal fingers hook around your underwear to rip them off, parting your lips to watch your slick seep from your aching core. “It’s all for you, Bucky, all of it.”
He groans at this. “Good girl,” he praises you. “That’s my good girl.”
And then he sinks two fingers into you, your juices soaking his hand almost immediately, and pumps into you like his life depends on it. The pleasure is too much, and when his thumb finds your clit and begins to slide over it, your knees try to close out of instinct, hips canting away from the pleasure. Bucky growls and wraps an arm around your hips, keeping you close, baring your naked body to him and him alone.
“You like that?” His voice is low, teasing, so fucking hot you can’t do anything but gasp for breath. “You’re sucking my fingers in, baby. So tight. Gotta work you open or you’re never gonna be able to take my cock, honey.”
You whimper his name, hips twitching under his grasp, crying out as every stroke of his fingers brings you closer and closer to the edge. When he adds a third, you think you might die from the mix of pleasure and pain as he stretches your walls.
“You’re such a good girl,” he coos. “You’re gonna take it all, aren’t you? Been teasin’ me too long, and now you’ve gotta take it all, baby.”
He drives his fingers inside and hits the soft, spongy spot inside of you and it breaks you apart, tears you asunder, you’re arching off the bed and Bucky holds his thumb on your clit as you undulate upon his fingers. You can feel the gush of come that trickles down his thick fingers, and then he pulls out and places them in his mouth, licking your honey from the digits as the aftershocks of your orgasm wrack through you.
And when you can finally open your eyes, vision hazy, Bucky is looking at you with a mix of adoration and lust, licking your juice from his lips, grinning.
“That’s my good girl,” he praises again and the fire of pleasure and want and need ignites.
“Need you,” you whine, “right now, please, please sergeant.”
“Fuck,” he curses. “You don’t know what you do to me when you say that, doll.”
You definitely know what you do to him, and you’re gonna keep saying it and saying it until he’s yours, forever, until the end, until he’s buried so deep inside of you that you could die happy.
Staring up at him, your face flushed, hair sticking to your sweaty forehead and spread among the motel pillows, you think you might be in love with Bucky Barnes.
“Need me to fuck you, baby? Fuck, you drive me so fuckin’ crazy. I’m crazy about you, baby. You’re so goddamn perfect, so soft, so beautiful.” Bucky’s hands touch every part of you, even the places you hate. He finds the soft rolls of fat you try to work off at the gym, finds the squishy parts of your upper arms you think look unsightly when you’re hacking into HYDRA’s systems, fingers flying over the keyboard. He passes over your stubbly legs, a little sharp from three days of not shaving while on the mission, he caresses the dimples of cellulite in the backs of your thighs you hate so much.
And then he pushes the waistband of his sweats down and kicks his pants off, his cock exposed and standing attention all red at the tip and thick and hard and hot, and his hands slide underneath your thighs and press you up until you’re angled to take him.
He hesitates though, you feel it. And god, you’d do anything for him.
“Fuck me, sergeant,” you beg so prettily, and Bucky growls.
His hips snap into yours, cock sliding through your walls, parting you for him, splaying you open, stretching you, burning you, he’s everything. Bucky gives you one second to adjust and then he’s moving within you, the pain blurring into pleasure, your head thrown back, keening, moaning, crying out, nails sinking into his shoulders.
“Yes,” he hisses, sweat dripping down his temple as he rams into you over and over and over. “Give it to me, baby. You feel so good.”
“Harder,” you manage in between your shrieks and moans and Bucky answers your call with a response. He drags you toward him until your hips are attached to his, connected, his cock reaching the deepest parts of you, the darkest parts of you, and you sob as the new angle makes you feel every single drag of his length. The head of his cock pierces you, smashing against the spot that makes you keen, and the pressure is building up within you again.
Bucky’s fingers find purchase in the plush flesh that sits on your hips, dragging down until he’s digging into your thick thighs, the sharp pain a beacon cutting through the haze of pleasure you’re locked in as he fucks you. It’s building, building, building, pressure, building.
“Come for me,” he snarls, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, like he can feel how close you are. And for the second time, your body is shattered and your orgasm breaks like a wave crashing against the shore, swallowing you whole until you’re lost in everything that is Bucky.
You scream his name, legs tightening around him like you’re trying to hold onto something, anything, and his words are lost on you.
“That’s it, good girl, that’s my good girl, coming so sweet around my cock, god you feel so good baby, so tight, such a good little girl.”
Bucky pulls out of you and you whine as your slick slips out of you, his cock coated in your essence, smearing it against your inner thighs. But it doesn’t last that long. With an immediacy that turns you on—he wants you, he wants you so bad—Bucky grabs you and flips you over, putting you on your hands and knees. His palm forces your head down, back bowing until you’re arched with your ass upturned, face smashed into the pillows.
“God,” he groans, “this fuckin’ ass of yours, baby. It gets me in so much trouble, d’ya know that? You don’t even know how many times I’ve caught myself watching the way your ass swings when you walk, like y’gotta purpose, like you don’t even know how fuckin’ sexy you are.”
Bucky’s hands round over your ass, caressing them gently, then grabbing fistfuls of your flesh until you’re crying out once again. It makes you lean back into him, trying to seek out the pleasure of him, wiggling as if you can entice him to stuff you with his cock again.
“So fuckin’ pretty,” he breathes, and then he gives your right cheek a slap that makes you shriek, laying a kiss on it just after to soothe the pain.
“Please sergeant,” you gasp. “Please, please, I need you to fuck me again.”
“You want me to fuck you again?” he asks, smug. “I just fucked you ‘till you came around me, baby. You need me to do it again?”
It’s humiliating, but your words are jumbled as you cry and beg and cry and beg for him to take you again. You need him. You need him to fuck you. You need Bucky Barnes to do anything and everything to you.
He leans over you, breath hot on the back of your neck. “I’m gonna fuck you now, baby, again and again and again.”
And then he slams back into you, the angle so much deeper this time, cock hitting the back of your cunt like he was made for you—like you were made for him.
You can’t speak, can’t think, can’t do anything but drool into the pillow as he takes you from behind like a wild animal. The sounds that pour from your open lips are heady and strung together, making no sense, but Bucky knows what you need. He fucks you raw, fucks you hard, fucks you until you know you’ll be covered in bruises in the morning. His metal arm is wrapped around your waist, holding you to him because you don’t have the strength to hold yourself up.
When his thrusts become sloppy, Bucky takes his vibranium hand and searches for your clit, making you cry out. It’s too much—the overstimulation. You’re too sensitive, too exhausted, too fucked out to take the pleasure anymore. But you clench around him, the sloppy sounds of your wet heat taking Bucky as he pounds into you making you flush, and the coil in your stomach is tightening.
“Give it to me,” Bucky commands, ramming into you impossibly harder, fingers sliding over your slick clit. “Give it to me, baby.”
You whine his name and Bucky’s free hand smacks your ass again, the sound of flesh on flesh mingling with the sound of him fucking you.
“You said you’d be good,” he grits through his teeth. “Are you a good girl?”
“Yes,” you pant.
“You’re a good girl?”
“You’re my good girl?”
“Yes, sergeant, yes!”
“Then give it to me. Come, baby, come for me, one more time.”
And like that, you come apart, knees collapsing beneath you. Bucky catches you in his arms, thrusting once, twice more, and then buries himself so far inside of you that you barely feel his hot seed spurt inside of you, coating your insides.
You fall to the bed and Bucky follows, pulling out of you and wrapping his arms around you, pressing your back to his chest in the very position that started this all. He peppers kisses over the expanse of your shoulders, behind your ear, and then turns you until he can connect his lips to yours. Bucky kisses you like he means it, like he wants it to last forever.
“I’ll be right back,” he whispers against your mouth, then he’s off the bed and headed for the bathroom. You lay there in bliss, staring up at the ceiling with lidded eyes, unable to think of anything but the pleasure and exhaustion that make up your body right now. When Bucky returns, he has a ratty washcloth in hand and he uses it to clean between your legs. It’s warm and he’s gentle, leaving you shivering when he’s finished.
When he climbs back in bed, he tucks a piece of your matted hair behind your ear, smiling at you.
“Such a good girl,” he says, one last time, and it makes you smile. “My good girl,” he murmurs as he kisses you again.
“Yours?” You look up at him, blinking innocently.
“Mine.” Bucky lays your head upon his bare chest. “All mine.”
You fall asleep before him to the sound of his breathing, sharing the same bed with your co-worker Bucky Barnes, who you really think you might be in love with, especially as he strokes your hair so softly until your eyes fall, heavy.
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Taglist: @melancholic-metanoia @kitkatd7 @mimiswitchywrites @tripleyeeet @allidoiswritewritewrite
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hawaii5-0gurl · 3 years
Not Your Kids
Characters: Steve McGarrett X Reader McGarrett (wife), Danny, Grace, Tom McGarrett (OC), Karen Jones (OFC)
word Count: 1620
Warning: Language, Angst, Protective Momma Reader, Funny-ish
A/n: This is off of the Prompt List, its from Random #31 "They're not your kids, back the fuck off". I was requested by: @camillyb​ I hope you like it.
Requests are Open, just send me an ask or a message and I’ll add it to my list.
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You loved having days off. You could do anything, sleep in, have movie days, go hiking, which is Steve’s favorite, but there was one thing that you love doing the most. That was going to the beach. Your son was always so excited to go, especially when you were able to get Danny and Grace to go. He looked up to Grace like an older sister. So, days like this were always his favorite.
One day when all of you were hanging out. Your son, Tom was making a sandcastle with Grace. You had noticed a woman watching them, a little too closely for your comfort. You decided it would be better to sit closer to the kids. They weren’t far from you maybe 10ft, just so they had extra room to build the castle. Steve saw a change in your demeanor, as you started to get up to go, he sat up and reached out and grabbed your hand.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You looked over to him.
“I’m just going to go sit with Tom and Grace.”
“Honey, they are right there. Everything is fine, come on just sit back down.”
“I know they are I just want to go sit with them and maybe help them.”
As you and Steve were talking the lady you had been watching, had gotten up and walked over to the kids. She was trying to talk to them, but you guys taught your kids to stay away from strangers. Next thing you know Tom came running towards you guys with Grace close behind. He ran into Steve’s arms, and Grace went to Danny. You quickly looked over towards where their sandcastle is, to see the Lady walking over to you. You quickly stood up and walked over to her. You wanted to keep as much distance between her and your family as possible.
“What the hell did you do?”
“Excuse me?” She gave you a disgusted look.
“Did I stutter? What the hell did you do to my son and niece?” You talked a little slower, hopefully she would get it this time.
“I didn’t do anything to those kids.”
“Then would you care to explain to me why you have been staring at them for almost an hour? Then tell me why they felt like they had to come running up to us to get away from you?”
“All I did was come up to them to tell them to stop throwing sand. It was going to end up in someone’s eyes.”
“Do you have kids?” She shook her head.
You let out a small huff. You looked back to Steve to see a confused look on his face, he had gotten up and started walking over to you. He left Tom with Danny and Grace; Danny was watching you guys carefully to see if he needed to step in.
Steve came up and stood next to you, he had his arms crossed and was looking between the two of you.
“Everything okay?”
“Well, this lady, who doesn’t have kids, seems to think that she knows how to take care of children better than their parents.”
“That’s not what I said. I told them to stop throwing sand because it was going to get in someone’s eye.” She crossed her arms and leaned to one side causing her hip to pop out to the side.
“First of all, we were watching them, and they were fine. Second, they aren’t close enough to anyone to get it in their eyes. If they get it in their own eyes, we as their parents will deal with it.”
“I’m just saying, you should think about their safety. You wouldn’t have to deal with it if you would have taught them not to do it in the first place.”
“Alright I’m done playing nice.” You got right in her face; Steve tried to pull you back, but you were able to slip his grip. “They’re not your kids, back the fuck off!”
She took a step back, but you could see the gears in her head working. Steve had walked up behind you putting a hand on your shoulder to try and calm you down.
“I would just leave if I was you.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.
“What are you going to do to me if I don’t?” You shrugged your shoulders.
“I’m going to call the cops.”
“Oh really?” Your face lit up, now you know you shouldn’t mess with her, but you couldn’t help yourself. “You know you don’t have to do that.”
“All of a sudden you’re scared because you know you’re going to get in trouble.”
“No, it’s just can you ask for someone other than Commander McGarrett. That guy absolutely hated me when we met. I would like to have this be fair and not one sided.”
She called the non-emergency number, and of course asked for Steve like you had planned. Steve was trying to hold in his laughter. He lowered his head to your ear.
“Really, you realize she’s going to be even more mad now.”
“Does it look like this face cares?” You pointed to your face; you just cocked your eyebrow at him.
“Absolutely not.” He let out a small chuckle. You just smiled at him.
The lady turned back to the two of you. She had a smug look on her face.
“They said that they would call him, but today is his day off. So, it’s up to him if he decides to come, or send someone else. They are going to call me back so that I can talk to him.” Steve’s phone started ringing.
“Excuse Me.”
He was trying to hide his smile. He walked away to where Danny and the kids were. He grabbed his badge out of your backpack. Tom had fallen asleep on Danny’s lap and Grace was playing in the sand next to them.
“Sorry to call you on your day off commander, but we have a public disturbance on one of the beaches. I wouldn’t have called you, but she asked for you specifically.”
“That’s ok.”
“Oh, are you sure? We can send someone else.”
“I’m currently at the beach so I can take care of it quickly.”
“Ok, I’m going to call her back and patch you through.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Steve looked back when he heard a phone ringing. Then he saw the lady pick up the phone. Quickly she was patched through.
“Hello, this is Commander Steve McGarrett. May I ask who I’m speaking too?”
“My name is Karen Jones.”
“Well Ms. Jones I was told there was an issue, and you asked for me specifically?”
“Yes, I am at the beach with my family and there is a lady who is trying to ruin our day.”
“What is she doing exactly?”
“I was trying to have a calm conversation with her and then she was up in my face. For absolutely no reason.”
Steve looked back to see you off to the side looking at him. Karen had turned so her back was to the both of you. He guessed that she didn’t want you to hear what she was saying. He walked back to the both of you. he lowered his phone to his side.
“Ms. Jones.”
“Turn around.”
She did just that to see Steve standing behind her. He ended the call and showed her his badge. You could see the anger bubbling up getting ready to burst out. You walked up to stand next to Steve.
“Oh, did I forget to mention that I married Commander McGarrett? My bad.” You had a smug look on your face.
“I thought you said he hated you.”
“No, what I said was that he hated me when we met. It’s bound to happen when you have two control freaks trying to work together.”
“So, here’s what’s going to happen.”
Steve started, he really wanted to get this over with so that he could spend more time with his family before the day ended.
“You’re going to go back over there and pack up your stuff and move somewhere away from us. Somewhere where you can’t see us, and we can’t see you.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I could put you in a holding cell for 24 hours, but I don’t think it needs to come down to that.”
“Fine.” She walked away and started packing up her stuff and left the area.
Steve turned to you; you had a big grin on your face.
“Let’s not do that again.”
“I’m not the one who started that.”
You poked him in the chest, causing him to get a mischievous look on his face. Next thing you know he had you over his shoulder and was spinning around.
“Steve! Put me down!” You were hitting him on the back and he finally stopped when you smacked him on the butt.
“Ow! That hurt.”
“Then put me down, or I’ll do it again.”
You had lifted yourself up, a hand was on his shoulder to support yourself. You were basically sitting on his forearm, like as if you were a child. He wrapped his other arm around you, then slowly lowered you down to the ground. You just stared into his eyes.
“I love you, even if you are a pain in the ass.”
“Well, I’m your pain in the ass, I love you too.”
He placed a quick kiss on your forehead.
“Come on troublemaker, lets get back to the others.”
You smiled before walking back to Danny and the kids, to enjoy the rest of your day off.
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ellieswhoreeee · 3 years
The Two of Us. pt 4
Author’s note; Sorry guys for being so inconsistent about posting guys! i promise i’ll do better but i was kinda distracted with a dina fic i’m writing🧍🏽‍♀️anyways this is the end, i hope you guys enjoy it! also i know this feels slightly rushed so i’m sorry for that :/
endgame pairings: ellie williams x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, marijuana, violence, ect.
ps: i’m still learning how to use tumblr when it comes to replying and doing other stuff so please give me time 😭
“I knew i’d find ya’ here,” Joel’s voice was oddly gruff but soft at the same time. He was loud enough for you to hear, even from the different distances. It was nice hearing his voice. You heard the rocks under his feet crunch together, making noise as he got closer and closer to your hiding spot. You were hiding in the tree house that was built into a large tree. The tree house was small but big enough for you, even though you built it when you were younger. It was surprisingly stable.
You didn’t say anything, and just stayed where you were. Hopefully he would think that you weren’t in here if you weren’t responding to him. “Kiddo, get down from there and talk to me. I ain’t gonna leave, so you can’t hide from me.”
You sighed quietly, and crawled towards the door- which in reality was just an old blanket that covered the entrance. You hated how noble Joel was. Your head peaked through the fabric. “Did Maria send you? Tell her i’m okay, i’m just sick.”
“Actually, i came here on my own. I’ve just… Noticed the changes between you and Ellie these past few days… I think if you could just talk to her-“
“Joel, this won’t get fixed by just talking. I fucked up this time.”
“What did you do…?” Joel questioned curiously. You looked away and decided to stay quiet as you clenched your jaw. Joel looked down at the ground awkwardly, noticing the look on your face. “I know y’all kids think i don’t know anything… But i’m not dumb. People talk… I’m just waiting for her to tell me so… whatever it is, i can guarantee that i won’t judge.” 
You bit your lip, and decided it would be better to talk to him. It was a little awkward when you first met but after continuously talking to him and hanging with him really changed that. He was one of the many people you were grateful for. You gave him a small smile. “I would invite you up but you’re kinda…”
“What? Too old? I’ll have ya’ know that i’m in the prime of my life.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to hide your laugh. “Fat. I meant fat, you would break the tree house.” You were joking, it wasn’t anything serious and he knew that.
“Oh yeah?”
He hummed, giving you a mischievous smile. He then moved towards the tree, and started to slowly climb up the ladder without any hesitation. You retreated back to the spot you were in, and watched as Joel struggled to get in quietly. He then sat across from you. He was curious about the inside- it didn’t look as abandoned as he thought he would be. “Cozy,”
You laughed. “Thanks, i guess you never been up here, huh? You should’ve seen it when me and Ellie put fairy lights up…” Joel stayed quiet for a moment. You brought your knees up to your chest and let out a quiet sigh. “You know, she’d say something dumb like, ‘it’s Ellie and I’ or something.”
Joel felt like patting you on the back and saying ‘it would be okay’ but that wasn’t what you needed right now. You needed someone to talk to. He needed to be that person for you because of how much he cared about you and Ellie. “What happened?”
“You won’t judge me?” Your voice cracked at the question, and he could tell you were scared. He shook his head in response which made you feel slightly better. You covered your eyes with your hands in frustration. “Ellie found out that i… Have feelings for her.” Your voice was quiet, and he almost didn’t hear you.
He was quiet for what seemed like forever but in reality it was only a couple of seconds. “…And does she like you back?” He questioned in the softest way possible. You removed your hands from your eyes and decided to look at him.
“If she did we wouldn’t be up here…” You replied awkwardly.
“So… You two talked about it? And you’re certain that she doesn’t like you?”
You shook your head slowly at his questions. “No, i kinda just walked away before she could say anything… But i know she doesn’t like me because she’s-“
“Dating Cat.” Joel finished for you. He already knew about Ellie and Cat. Not much, but enough to know how they dote on each other. People talk, so mostly everyone knew about them. Joel was just waiting for Ellie to tell him, and she hasn’t.
You nodded. “Yeah. Dating fucking Cat.” You spat bitterly.
Joel sighed, and continued to watch you. He noticed a lot by just watching you. You were playing with your hands, almost as if you were trying to calm your down from the hurricane that is your brain. You looked pretty sad. “Alright, i’m tired of it. You needa’ stop moping. So, we’re going.”
“Where are we going?” You asked quickly and followed him down the tree house. He waited for you, and once you reached the pebbles on the floor he started moving ahead once again. All you could really do was follow him.
“Just follow me, kid.”
“No way! I can’t do this right now, at least let me get a drink or something! I need whiskey in my system before i can talk to her!”
You don’t know how it happened. You let Joel drag you around town- just so he could get you to let your guard down. His real plan was getting you to Ellie’s garage. He asked you to close your eyes and lead you somewhere- and that’s where you are now. Right behind his house, aka in front of Ellie’s door.
“What if Cat’s here? This’ll be really awkward and pretty messed up.!” He was dragging you by your collar now, just so you couldn’t run away. You hated how strong he was. He then knocked on her door, and your skin shivered anxiously. You didn’t want to be here. You weren’t ready.
“Sorry, kid. In life, you gotta face your problems one way or another. I’m just giving you a gentle push.”
“More like a forceful shove!”
“Quit your whinin’. You need this. Closure or whatever you kids are saying these days.”
The door lock clicking caught your attention, then the door opened slowly. It revealed a very tired looking Ellie. She looked up at Joel and then down at you in surprise. “Sup..?”
Joel nodded in acknowledgment. “Heya, kiddo. Just thought i’d drop this off.” He let go of your collar, and suddenly you were on the floor. He turned on his heel and returned into his house through the back door. Fucking Joel, acting like i’m some sort of package. You couldn’t help think as you sat there.
“Fuck me,” You muttered lowly to yourself. You couldn’t even look up at Ellie. You were ashamed. You weren’t planning on telling Ellie about how you felt. Especially when you didn’t know if your feelings would last long. “This was a bad idea, i’m gonna go.” You stood up and brushed the dirt off your clothes.
You were about to walk- maybe even run away if it weren’t for Ellie talking first. “I never pegged you as a coward.”
You sighed, turning back to face her. To finally look at her. You noticed the bags under her eyes, that she looked paler than usual and her voice sounded hoarse. Seeing her this way made you sad. “Ellie…”
“No. You won’t talk right now.” She stopped you from speaking further. Maybe you deserved that. “Avoiding me, ignoring me and running away from me whenever i’m near? That’s all the things a coward would do. And that coward is you, y/n. I never thought that you were that type of person… You always faced your problems head on.”
Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she was leaning against her door. It was the support she needed at the moment. Her words were hitting you hard. It was like a wake up call, just what you needed to get out from the hole you found yourself in.
But you also felt like denying her words.
You scoffed, and took a few steps back from her. You felt even more far away from her then ever. “Look, Ellie what do you want from me? You know why. Why can’t we leave it at that and move on. Never talk about it again.”
“Right, cause’ this is something we can move on from… Y/n, I need to hear you say it.” She pushed herself off her door and slowly moved closer to you.
“I’m not gonna do that.”
“Why? Are you afraid? I never knew you were such a pussy.” The way those words left her lips made it seem like she wanted to piss you off, to push you over the edge. Just so she could get your reaction.
“Fuck you, ellie… God, why do you need to hear me say it? You and your girlfriend are fucked up for wanting me to say it despite knowing already.”
She hummed, and continued to take steps towards you. “Are you scared? Is that it? Why is it that this conversation scares you but not a pack of infected…?” You scoffed, and didn’t say anything. You didn’t want to. She ended up being a few inches away from you. You couldn’t look up at her. You’re scared of doing something that you’ll regret. God, you wished you had gotten a drink or something. Maybe then you could at least blame it on the alcohol.
“What are you so afraid of?” She questioned in a whisper. Ellie wanted you to say it, she wanted to confirm that you actually liked her. She needed to hear you say it. Not insinuate it, but to actually hear it from your lips. That’s what she wanted.
Your eyes travelled from the ground and slowly trailed up her body. Your eyes lingered on Ellie’s neck, and then stopped at her chapped lips. Instinctively, she licked her lips as she continued to stare at you. You swallowed lowly, finally finding yourself looking into her green eyes. “I’m scared that you won’t like it.” Again, your eyes flickered to her lips.
“I will.”
For a split second you’re happy. But then you remember Cat. You frown, and decided to take a step back. “You’re with Cat- in love with her. That’s what you said, isn’t it? I may be in love with you but i’m not gonna let you cheat on her.”
Ellie pressed her lips together, a nod and small smile on her lips. “You’re a good person, y/n. That’s one of the many things that i love about you..” Your stomach did a flip, but you tried to listen to her next words carefully. You couldn’t be distracted by her sweet words. “I broke up with Cat. As fucked up as it is… I was only with her to try and get over you.”
“So, what i’m getting from this conversation is… You’re single?”
She laughed, and walked closer to you. “Not for long i hope.” She winked- well, tried to to. It was a pretty bad wink. But it was cute that she tried.
“I feel bad for the next person who dates you… you’re infuriating.” You whispered, watching and you and Ellie inched closer to each other.
She grinned, and watched and you closed you eyes. “You love it.” She paused for a moment, just to tease you before she finally brings your lips together in a sweet kiss. Her hands trail down to your hips so you could be flushed against her body. Your arms wrap around her shoulders loosely. She groans when you nip at her lower lip, then slides her hand under your shirt. God… you’re so enticing, y/n. Ellie was only thinking of you in this moment.
“Oi! Y/n! Ellie! PDA!!” Joel’s head popped out from the kitchen window as he glared at you two playfully.
“Right,” You pushed away from Ellie’s lips. “Joel knows.”
Ellie nodded, a smile on her lips as she continued to look at you. She was awestruck. She finally got to kiss you, to hold you and in the future there would be more memories with you. More memorable memories. “I guess he does.” She peck you on the lips and grab your hands. “You’re with me, right?”
You nodded, squeezing her hands to comfort her. God, you loved her so much. There is nothing better than being with her. You wished you had told her your feelings sooner, way before Cat. Maybe things could’ve been different.
But things are back on track for you and Ellie, and will be for a long time. Your gut is telling you everything will be fine. “Always.”
As long as you were with Ellie, nothing could go wrong.
end <3
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
3005 || part 11
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3005 [part 11] || "Perks of dating a Slytherin"
[no matter what you say and what you do // when i’m alone, i’d rather be with you]
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a/n : mayhaps i,,, went a little crazy,,, writing this,,,
taglist [open] :
@deepseavibez @lele-bb @monamone @unadulteratedlyunique @bluefaeriefury @hooniepie @loveyoongles @lilacdreams-00 @ramyagovindraj @skyrro @diminieshoe @calling-dips-on-j-hope @yuusilverscar @butterflylion @dingzerenistall @miki-chi @army-moa75 @drpepperobsessed @cecedrake2217 @somelazysundays @xxxanimangxxx @cosmicdaylight @navybluewonderland @itismochirice @dreadity @secretlycrazyhummingbird @taeshuworld @lochness-butmakeitsexy @beeeb05 @preciouschimine @thetrueghostqueen @sonderkook @pb-n-juju @aviwasabi21
a/n : there were some blogs that tumblr wouldnt let me tag -- sorry about that!
“Jeez, it’s insane in here -- we’re packed like sardines!” Y/n trails into the Three Broomsticks after Jimin and Tae, barely managing to catch the Ravenclaw’s complaint over the noise of the crowd. She’s barely made it in the door of the pub, but she can already see that she might be stuck there a while. It’s full to capacity, a sea of colored scarves and matching hats -- early November has brought nothing but cloudy mornings and chilly nights, the lower levels of Hogwarts particularly affected by the evening drafts. She’s lucky that Hufflepuff is kept at a consistent level of cozy warmth, but she can tell Slytherins must deal with constant cold by the way that Hoseok and Yoongi, who hover in the doorway behind her, have only draped their deep green scarves over thin long-sleeve shirts.
From the front, Jimin complains, trying to no avail to push through the mass of students and find a free table or even call dibs on one that’s busy. And even from behind Tae, Y/n can see the Gryffindor is pouting, which is entirely endearing, but she doesn’t get the chance to point it out to him -- there’s a hand on her waist, gently guiding her to the side. Another hand wraps around her wrist, this one shockingly warm against her cold skin, and she turns to see Yoongi pulling her in silently toward him while Hoseok brushes past her on the other side. The smaller Slytherin pulls her in close enough that she has to cross her eyes to properly see him, but he’s not even looking at her. He’s gazing expectantly in Hoseok’s direction.
Following his eyes, she sees that something of a miracle is occurring -- the mass is parting for Hoseok, students bumping into each other as they rush to get out of his way. He says nothing, simply making his way through the crowd and beckoning them in after him. Tae stumbles after Jimin, and Y/n only follows when Yoongi quietly moves his hand to the small of her back and nudges her in their direction. Before she can get too far from him, she feels his lips press against the shell of her ear as he whispers to her.
“Perks of dating a Slytherin -- nice, huh?” Y/n’s heart jumps to her throat, and she lurches forward slightly, putting distance between them. She still hears as he snickers behind her, but she ignores it and follows after Tae.
As she goes, she sees that, ahead of her, Hoseok has reached a round booth, just big enough to fit the five of them. There’s a couple of Ravenclaws that get there at the same time he does, and when he turns to look at them, Y/n can see exactly why the crowd had parted for him. He’s got a look in his eye -- nothing compared to the look he’d given Remus in the forest all those weeks ago -- but it’s almost as if he knows he doesn’t need it. His face is blank and his eyes are empty, something entirely terrifying to someone unfamiliar with Hoseok. He looks like a true Slytherin, one that commands obedience with his mere presence.
One of the Ravenclaws takes one look at Hoseok and is immediately stepping back, pulling his companion along with him. Hoseok only nods gratefully to them, clearly showing that he hadn’t meant to be intimidating -- it’s just who he is. Then he turns and waves them forward, Jimin rushing in a bit fast and shooting his housemates an apologetic smile. He slips into the booth, Tae following close behind. They file in like that, Hoseok sliding in after Yoongi and letting his hand fall comfortably to his boyfriend’s thigh once he’s settled. Y/n sees the movement and notes in the back of her mind with surprise that Hoseok’s hand is much bigger than expected -- it covers almost all of Yoongi’s thigh.
“See something you like, Princess?” Hoseok leans in to whisper it, but, judging by the looks of disgust that cross Jimin and Tae’s faces, he hadn’t been quiet enough.
“And on that note, I’m gonna order us some food!” Jimin scoots out of the booth, making a beeline for the bar as Taehyung reaches dramatically after his best friend. He turns back, resigning himself to the strange dynamic of the trio before him. But Y/n only scoots in to cling to his arm, smiling up at him, and the Gryffindor relaxes.
“So, is there anywhere you guys need to go after lunch? Jimin and I want to stop at Honeydukes!” Hoseok nods along to Taehyung’s request, humming in consideration.
“I could really go for some jelly slugs…” Y/n and Tae stare at him in disbelief, unsure if he’s just messing with them. The idea that Jung Hoseok -- the guy that had just moved an entire crowd for them with no more than a look -- could enjoy something so… sugary… is beyond them. But apparently, it’s a topic of regular conversation in the 7th year Slytherin boys’ dorm.
“I told you, that shit’s bad for your teeth--”
“Says the one who sits in class chewing on sugar quills instead of using a real quill to take notes.” Hoseok cuts Yoongi off with finality, challenging him to continue, but the shorter boy only grimaces and mumbles under his breath about Jimin taking too long. Y/n and Taehyung look to each other for answers, only finding more confusion.
When Jimin does finally return -- somehow managing to balance 5 plates of food in his arms -- the group settles in to eat, chatting about various things until they finish their food. It’s nice, Y/n decides, to hang out with friends she doesn’t always find herself with. Although she’d become rather close with Jimin and Taehyung recently, she’d spent every Hogsmeade weekend with Jin and Namjoon until now, so this is all still relatively new to her.
It’s especially new to hang out so closely with Yoongi and Hoseok -- she admits that she’d definitely gotten comfortable with them since the day that Yoongi had claimed her bed as his own while she’d had a strangely deep heart to heart with Hoseok, but she still feels slightly tense around them. Their constant flirting has been more than disarming, but it flusters her most when they’re right in front of her. At least when they’re texting, she can hide in the comfort of her room, but here… she has nowhere to run if they decide to start teasing her.
As if to drag her out of her thoughts by proving her right, the warmth of a palm sliding across the expanse of her thigh startles her back to reality. She glances down quickly, taking in the fact that there is actually a hand on her leg, before following the arm up to its owner. Hoseok only eyes her with confusion, having reached across Yoongi to get her attention.
Turning quickly to Taehyung, she looks up at him with confused panic, as if to confirm that she’s not hallucinating. The Gryffindor’s already staring down at her leg, having seen the movement out of the corner of his eye. He meets her gaze with wide eyes before turning away, as if to tell her it’s none of his business what she gets up to with Hoseok in the middle of this pub. When she tries to lean in further for his attention, Tae only turns his whole body away from her, sipping at his drink and denying her silent plea for assistance with feigned ignorance.
He catches Jimin’s eye in doing so, and the Ravenclaw glances over quickly, his gaze catching on Hoseok’s ringed fingers resting on the inside seam of Y/n’s jeans. Immediately, Jimin’s choking on his food, turning away with reddening ears as he puts his napkin up to his mouth. Hoseok looks around, eyes wide with confusion at the reactions he’s getting. Yoongi only closes his eyes and nods, fully having expected this chain of commotion in the booth.
Y/n looks down at the hand in her lap once more, hating that the only thing coming to mind is that now she can definitely confirm that Hoseok’s hand is as large as she’d noted previously. She stares down at it, scandalized, only coming back to reality when Hoseok squeezes her thigh, drawing her attention back to him. He’s smiling, but it’s filled with bemusement.
“Princess, I’ve been talking to you for like five minutes -- where was your head?”
It was thinking about yo--
Y/n blinks, shaking her head both to answer Hoseok and to rid herself of the intrusive thought she’d just had. She looks to Yoongi quickly, terrified that he might somehow be sitting close enough to have heard the unexpected words that had crossed her mind. He’s examining her carefully out of the corner of his eye, but his face is void of emotion except for the hint of amusement in his gaze. When she makes eye contact with him, he leans in, holding her gaze and whispering to her in a low voice.
“He’s only trying to give you your potion for today -- are your thoughts wandering somewhere they shouldn’t be, babe?” Y/n leans away the closer Yoongi gets, deciding they’re both much too close for comfort. Pulling her leg gently from Hoseok’s grasp, she scoots in the booth until she’s flush with Taehyung, who continues to sip at his drink with vigor, as if he hadn’t just heard the entire exchange. She’s about to force the Gryffindor to acknowledge her existence and help her, but there’s another hand falling to her lap, this one different but warm all the same.
It’s Yoongi’s, and while he has his palm turned up toward her -- a vial filled with familiar contents sitting innocently there -- the contact is enough to have Taehyung elbowing Jimin urgently, decidedly finished with his lunch. The Ravenclaw scoots toward the edge of the booth, taking one last gulp of his butterbeer before gesturing vaguely at his coat pocket, where his phone sits untouched.
“Text from Namjoon -- bookstore -- gotta meet hi-- bye!” Wrapping his hand around Taehyung’s wrist, he pulls the boy with him out of the booth, and with that, the two of them disappear into the crowd and out the door. Y/n stares after them, panic seeping into every fiber of her being as she turns slowly to face the two Slytherins she’s been left alone with. Hoseok’s also staring at the spot their friends had disappeared into, but Yoongi only presses his hand further into Y/n’s lap, urging her to take the vial.
“Full moon’s tomorrow -- drink up, babe.”
“No, that has to be a fucking joke -- you’re lying to me--”
“I’m not lying! I hiked my ass up that fucking tree and sat there throwing sticks at this girl so she would stop hurting herself until 5 o’clock in the morning!” Y/n groans and hides behind her hands, laughing out of sheer humiliation while Hoseok retells the story of the night they’d met -- the night she’d almost killed him. Yoongi leans his head back against the booth and breathes out a laugh, unable to believe what he’s just heard. He turns to Y/n, reaching out and tugging on her wrists until her eyes appear from behind her hands.
“Thank you very much for not ripping my boyfriend to shreds before I could confess. I would have been pissed.” She pulls her wrist from Yoongi’s grasp, pushing at his shoulder with another groan. She notices out of the corner of her eye that Hoseok’s gesturing silently toward the bar, holding up three fingers before pointing at their table -- their third set of refills in the last two hours. The glint of the metal bands on his fingers catches her attention, and she swallows hard as she returns her gaze to Yoongi’s face. The look he’s giving her tells her he’s caught her staring, but he only smiles when she clears her throat and attempts to move on.
“I just think it’s ridiculous that -- for someone who claims to be obsessed with magizoology and all things magical creatures -- Hoseok didn’t think ahead before wandering out to the Forbidden Forest on a full moon night.” Hoseok cracks a smile, rolling his eyes good-naturedly at her jab before focusing in on the waiter that’s sliding three fresh butterbeers onto their table. He slips the man a tip with a quick thanks, man, before pushing two of the drinks over to Y/n and Yoongi. There’s something so effortlessly smooth about the way Hoseok had handled the entire interaction -- as mundane and simple as it’d been -- that sets Y/n’s nerves on fire, and she accepts the drink shyly. Her mind flashes back to the one time she’d been here with her brother and his friends, the way Remus had stumbled over his words and almost spilled his drink on the table. It isn’t as cute to her now as it was back then--
Wait, what the hell?
“Princess?” She looks up from her drink and finds both Hoseok and Yoongi staring at her, heads tilted in matching confusion. Hoseok’s eyes flick down to her drink, and he gestures toward the bar with his thumb. “You’ve been drinking them cold this whole time, but I can get you something else if you don’t want it--”
“No! No… Thank you. This is good.” Hoseok stops short at her outburst, Yoongi’s eyebrows lifting past his fringe in surprise. Y/n only looks between them for a moment before lifting the drink to her lips awkwardly. When she sets it down again, she doesn’t notice the line of foam stretching across her top lip. The boys focus in on it, Yoongi taking his bottom lip between his teeth as he decidedly leans toward her after a moment. Resting two fingers under her chin, he swipes his thumb slowly over her mouth, sitting back and sticking that same thumb in his mouth to clean the sugar off his skin when he’s done. Hoseok watches the exchange with unwavering intensity, following the path of Yoongi’s hand all the way to the smaller boy’s mouth. Y/n doesn’t realize she’s done the same.
Seeing that he’s being stared at, Yoongi smiles awkwardly, leaning his elbows on the table as the tips of his ears turn pink. Looking to his boyfriend, he opens his mouth.
“So… it’s your fault you almost died?” Hoseok blinks, the moment gone. Y/n takes another sip of her drink, giving herself time to hide behind the large mug that covers much of her reddening face when she tilts it back. She swipes self-consciously at her mouth with her sleeve when she’s done, hoping they wouldn’t have to repeat the intimate display from before. She thinks that, if not for the fact that she’s found herself sensitized to the sound of Hoseok’s voice, she would have missed his response.
“Alright, I feel like I have to defend myself here -- I mean, I was 13 and way too excited about finding that pack of sentient wolves I’d read about. You really can’t blame me for not expecting there to be students of Y/n’s… special nature.” Hoseok glances around the pub inconspicuously, and Y/n finds herself covered in goosebumps when he lowers his voice at the end.
What the hell is happening to me?
Y/n blinks quickly, willing her frazzled state to just disappear, and focuses on what he’d said previously instead. She meets his eyes, sighing slightly when she sees that he’s already peering at her, thoroughly entertained by whatever it is that he’s finding on her face.
“So--” Hoseok straightens, discarding whatever he’d been thinking about to pay attention. “--are you just a total magizoology nerd then? Is that what you wanna do after graduation?” As if he hadn’t been expecting her genuine interest in his life, Hoseok bows his head slightly at her question, visibly shy. Beside him, Yoongi smiles fondly, and Y/n’s reminded of that day in the forest, when their roles had been switched.
“Oh… Yeah, I guess that’s what I’m interested in…” Hoseok trails off, but Y/n watches Yoongi nudge him almost teasingly, urging him to continue what he hadn’t wanted to say before. “I-uh-- I’ve been looking at internships at St. Mungo’s, but I really don’t think I’m gonna get--”
“He’s going to get in. They’d be crazy not to take him.” Yoongi interrupts him, practically beaming with pride. “How could they not? He’s got real passion for it, it’s obvious. I’m kinda jealous -- I wish I could do something cool like that.” Hoseok takes a sip of his drink, clearly doing what Y/n had done earlier to hide from them, but she lets it slide with a teasing glance when he meets her eyes over the rim of the glass. Turning to Yoongi, she hums, noting that he doesn’t seem fazed at all with admitting something about his future.
“You can’t do something cool like that?” She doesn’t mean to pry, but even after she realizes that the question could be sensitive, Yoongi only breathes out a laugh, shaking his head. She’s relieved he hadn’t taken any kind of offense.
“Nah -- my parents are what you’d call… elitist freaks. They’ve got a serious hard-on for that psychopath running around with his cult, so… I’m honestly lucky if I make it out of this war with all my morals intact.” She is deeply unprepared for Yoongi’s response, the sudden heartbreak she’s experiencing only worsened by the fact that he says it with a straight face, as if he’d long resigned himself to the truth of his words. When he sees the look on her face, Yoongi’s expression softens, and he tilts his head to look at her, his eyes twinkling with endearment.
“Don’t pout at me like that, babe -- you're making me want to kiss it better.” If Y/n hadn’t been expecting that comment, Hoseok really hadn’t been expecting it. He chokes on his butterbeer immediately, waving at Y/n frantically when she tries to help. Slamming his drink down on the table, Hoseok grabs Yoongi, pulling the smaller boy to him, hiding his face in his boyfriend’s shoulder while he finishes his coughing fit. Yoongi only pats his back, making a face of playful disgust at being used as a napkin.
“Well, now that Hoseok’s thoroughly embarrassed himself and his Slytherin reputation in front of, like, a million people, I think it’s time we go get him his jelly slugs.” Yoongi nudges his boyfriend out of the booth, gesturing with a nod of his head for Y/n to follow as he sets some money on the table and slides out of the booth.
In contrast to the way Hoseok had entered the Three Broomsticks, he leaves with his head bowed, ears red as he slouches his way to the door. Yoongi chuckles from behind Y/n, shaking his head as he guides her through the crowd with his hand on her waist.
“Look at him go -- my tall, embarrassed boyfriend. How cute. Gotta get him his jelly slugs.” He says all this like he’s talking to himself -- not quite in full sentences, each word full of a kind of exasperated adoration that Y/n finds impossibly cute. Yoongi’s shaking his head like he’s disappointed by Hoseok’s rare awkwardness, but he’s smiling like he’s in love. Y/n feels both giddy by the display of affection and strange that she’s granted this kind of access to their relationship. She feels torn, quite frankly. Like she shouldn’t be allowed to see this side of them.
By the time they finally reach Honeydukes, Hoseok has regained his confidence, going so far as to walk backwards while he talks to them. It’s ridiculous, really, the way he changes before her eyes -- the slouching boy from before transforms into the arrogant Hoseok she knows well, the one who practically hangs off of her now, looking for any excuse to touch her. One hand pulls at her scarf, adjusting it, while the other grabs for her fingertips, asking with a smirk if she’d like him to warm her up before linking their fingers together playfully. Yoongi only follows along, smiling and feigning innocence when Y/n turns to him for help.
They’re so busy causing chaos amongst themselves that they don’t notice another group headed straight for the doors of Honeydukes -- when Y/n does finally see them, she’s startled simply because, in any other case on any other day, she would have noticed them from a mile away.
“Y/n, hi!” Remus smiles wide at her, waving excitedly when he catches her attention. Y/n stops short, shocked by his sudden appearance which, really, is not all that sudden. “I texted you to see if you wanted to meet up today, but I guess luck’s on our side, huh?” Making a noise of surprise, she reaches for her coat pocket, where her phone remains unchecked. She hadn’t even felt the vibrations of a notification, too distracted by Hoseok and Yoongi.
As she’s checking her phone -- and seeing that she does, in fact, have an unseen message from Remus -- she misses the way James’ gaze hones in on where her hand is still attached to Hoseok’s, but she certainly feels when Hoseok rips his hand from hers and stuffs it into the pocket of his jeans. Looking up in confusion, she finds that he’s not looking at her, only staring with determination at the display in the Honeydukes window. He looks conflicted, almost guilty, and when she turns to the Marauders, the expression of scandalized surprise on James and Sirius’ faces tells her why. If Remus had seen them holding hands, his face betrays nothing.
“I’m gonna just… go get my jelly slugs. I’ll see you inside.” Hoseok brushes past her, leaving her there with Remus as he heads into the sweets shop. Yoongi looks after his boyfriend, and Y/n sees him start to follow but stop in his tracks, choosing in the end to remain beside her. The decision throws her, but she’s learned that Yoongi doesn’t do anything without thinking it through first, so she lets it go. Turning to the boys, she smiles sweetly, addressing them with surprising ease, considering she’s in the company of her childhood crush.
“Did you guys just get here? I didn’t see you at the Three Broomsticks at all.” James shakes his head, pushing away the memory of her display of physical affection with Hoseok as he responds. Sirius, however, continues to squint suspiciously, looking between her and Yoongi as he hovers near Remus.
“Nah, we were just at Zonko’s for like two hours -- gotta stock up, you know.” He shakes a large plastic bag filled with tricks and pranks for effect, and Y/n steps forward to peer inside.
“Woah… I can only imagine how many detentions this’ll get you.” The boys all laugh at how well she knows them, but Sirius leans in with a conspiratorial grin.
“Say, Y/n -- I feel like we haven’t seen you in forever! Why’s that, hm?” Y/n meets his eyes, lost.
“What do you mean? We talk all the time--”
“Well, yeah, but with your brother glued to Jin now, our crew’s been feeling so… empty these days. The Telepathy Twins have abandoned us!” He drapes himself over Remus’ back and cries out dramatically as he finishes complaining, something that has Y/n rolling her eyes with a smile.
“I’ve been here, Sirius -- we can hang out whenever you want!” Sirius perks up, leaning in toward her face with a sly grin.
“How ‘bout now?” Y/n lifts a single eyebrow, leaning away from him with a look of disbelief.
“Now? But…” She’s about to say that she’s busy and can’t leave with them, even if Remus is right there offering to hang out. But her hesitation sets Yoongi on edge, and he steps in quickly, wrapping his fingers around her wrist and tugging her back toward him. When she’s close enough, he takes his arm and throws it around her waist, moving behind her as he pulls her flush against his chest. She’s suddenly trapped against him, something made more clear in the way Yoongi leans his chin on her shoulder. She can almost feel the smirk spread across his lips as he speaks, his voice vibrating against the shell of her ear.
“Sorry boys, but Y/n’s really hard to get a hold of these days. Hoseok and I barely managed to reserve time with her today -- what kind of person would I be if I just let you steal her away from us?” Y/n’s not sure what to do with the show Yoongi’s putting on, and she knows by the way his arm is firm against her waist that he’s not letting her go anytime soon.
She watches lamely as Sirius hums contemplatively, having expected some sort of reaction from Yoongi but not quite this. Remus’ eyebrows lift in surprise as his gaze drops to the arm wrapped around her, but he doesn’t say anything. James is the first to respond, shaken from his shock at Yoongi’s bold move by the realization that this looks not unlike a literal standoff right in front of a crowded shop.
“Well, we’ll just have to schedule our own time later on, then, won’t w-- oh!” He reacts when the doorbell above the Honeydukes door rings out, revealing Hoseok as he exits, holding a bag of jelly slugs and sugar quills for Yoongi. There are a couple chocolate bars in his hand, something he knows helps Y/n after the full moon. He’s so busy sifting through his bag that it takes him a second to see the scene he’s just walked into.
When he does look up, he’s stopping short, eyes trained evenly on the compromising position his boyfriend’s in. Whatever thoughts are crossing his mind in that moment are unseen on his face, his eyes unblinking as they pass over Yoongi’s arm, Yoongi’s chin, Yoongi’s lips pressed against Y/n’s ear as she’s pressed against his chest. They all stand there for a moment, frozen, waiting for Hoseok to react.
And then he’s blinking, looking away as he moves toward Remus and holds out one of the chocolate bars in his hand. Remus takes it, uncertain of what’s happening in Hoseok’s head right now. The Slytherin explains with one line and a polite smile.
“You look tired.” He’s not wrong -- Remus’ eyes show his exhaustion, his face and shoulders more slouched than usual as his body fights against the force of the moon, almost full. He looks how Y/n feels inside, but the adrenaline from the day spent with Hoseok and Yoongi -- apparently not yet over -- had kept her from feeling the full effects of the near future. Now that Hoseok’s mentioning it, Y/n feels herself start to become drained of energy, something that she knows Yoongi notices when she shifts in his arms and he tightens his hold on her.
Remus takes the chocolate with a tired smile, thanking Hoseok under his breath. And then he’s leaning around the Slytherin to wave kindly -- albeit a bit awkwardly -- at Y/n and Yoongi, still entangled in each other’s limbs.
“Good luck tomorrow, Y/n -- let me know if you need me, okay?” It’s innocent, it truly is. And Y/n’s grateful for it, the way Remus has always looked out for her. But the way Hoseok glances over his shoulder at her, his eyes appearing almost resigned, leaves her unsettled. And when the tips of Yoongi’s fingers dig into her side, betraying his annoyance with the comment, Y/n can’t help the fluttering feeling that rushes into the pit of her stomach. A feeling strictly reserved for Remus -- until now.
She waves awkwardly as they go, painfully aware of the sudden wave of crisp air hitting her back when Yoongi finally steps away from her. He holds his hand out for Hoseok’s bag, offering to carry it. Hoseok hands him the sweets, passing Y/n her chocolate bar without a word. The three of them are quiet as they exchange items, none of them quite certain how to proceed from what had just happened. Y/n feels guilty, like she’s the reason Hoseok and Yoongi are silent with each other.
Then, Hoseok’s turning to her, decidedly ignoring the entire situation with an easy grin. But there, in his eyes, is a glint of mischief, something teasing and light but intense enough to tell her that he won’t be forgetting about this moment for a long time, and that ignites something in her that she’s never felt before -- not even with Remus. It sends her heartbeat straight to her ears, muffling everything around her as her stomach drops in a way that she can’t bring herself to describe negatively. She barely registers Hoseok’s hand on her elbow, calling for her attention as he directs a bright smile at her.
“Ready to go, Princess?”
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figonas · 3 years
As Warm As The Sun-Part 1
“When he wakes there is crisp sunlight streaming through his chambers, yellow as a daffodil and nearly as warm as Jude felt in his arms. In limbo between awake and asleep Cardan thinks he might have dreamt that part of the evening as well”
Summary: Takes place during The Wicked King pretty much right before the Queen of Mirth scene and Chapter 15. This is just a soft, fluffy response to the prompt “hug me I command it”.
Words: 1623
Rating: GA
Links: Part 2-Jude POV | AO3
A/N: Tumblr user @jurdanhell brought this prompt up to me and our initial discussion that it didn’t really fit Cardan morphed into “wait yes this is exactly Cardan behavior”. This is my first work on AO3 so kudos would be greatly appreciated, if it gets enough love I might re-write the scene from Jude’s perspective!
Revels all tended to blend together, an endless stream of music and alcohol that somehow left Cardan feeling as desperately alone as always even when in a room bursting with folk of all shapes and sizes. This particular revel was different, if only because Jude was still hovering around him long after she would have normally retreated to her chambers or the Court of Shadows. He could feel her eyes on him, as heavy as the weight of his crown as she stared daggers at him from her position to the side of his throne.
Ordering Jude to do anything would be ordering a knife thrust into his own back, High King or no. So Cardan merely asked Jude to attend the revel in its entirety, but he did so in front of the Living Council, several members of the Low Courts, and Locke who rose to challenge and prod Jude without needing to be asked. There was no way for her to refuse that wouldn’t be seen as backing down from his challenge, so through gritted teeth, Jude graciously accepted his invitation. He didn’t know why he had asked her, perhaps he simply wanted to annoy her in a way that would require little effort from him, or perhaps he wanted to know how she would retaliate. A small part of him whispered that he just wanted her company but he made sure to drown that part of him with plenty of wine earlier in the night. Too much wine though Cardan is loath to admit it, and now as the night winds down he’s not entirely sure he can make it back to his rooms on his own. It wouldn’t be the first time one of his guards has dragged their High King to bed and dropped him on his royal ass but Cardan dislikes the idea all the same. Moving to stand he lurches too far forward and nearly falls off the raised dais before Jude’s hand closes on the back of his cloak pulling him backward where he crashes into her solid presence. “As much as it would amuse me to watch you fall after you made me stand here all night for no reason, I’m too tired to pick you up off the floor,” Jude hisses in his ear, she throws one of his arms across her shoulders as her other arm snakes around his waist. “Dearest Jude, are you trying to take me to bed?” Cardan tries his best to wiggle his eyebrows at her but he’s too focused on his feet as they descend the dais steps and begin the long trek to his rooms. “Don’t push your luck or I’ll leave you to sleep on the floor in the middle of the burgh”. He laughs despite her threat and out of the corner of his eye he sees a small smile on Jude’s lips.
Cardan’s inebriated mind is not as trained at quashing his feelings for Jude as his sober mind is. As they make their way through the palace halls he has the sudden, sickening thought that he likes this, being embraced by Jude Duarte even if it’s only to help him to his rooms. She seems to have forgotten she’s repulsed by him, letting him lean on her as much as he needs. Cardan decides that he would get mindlessly drunk every night if it meant Jude would hold him this way but, perhaps mercifully, they make it to his rooms before he can voice this out loud. The moment she releases him he misses her warmth, her feeling of life and strength, of mortality. Before he knows what he’s saying he opens his mouth to speak. “Embrace me again,” he says, drunk and foolish, he can see the shock on her face despite her desperate attempt to hide it, but even Jude master of power and control, cannot stop the flush rising across her cheeks. Is it desire? Anger? Embarrassment? Cardan doesn’t care, he likes this Jude best; off her guard, almost susceptible to his charms but not quite, she is Jude Duarte after all. She recovers quickly, her expression cooling into something like boredom. “Go to bed Cardan” she points at the monstrously empty bed and he imagines it will be just as cold and lonely as he feels now. “But I am your king, Jude I command it,” he says with what he hopes is a playful smile, but is more than likely a fool’s grin. “So I say again, embrace me and then I will concede and go to bed”. Jude opens her mouth to speak but quickly shuts it with an audible snap of teeth.
She’s at war with herself he realizes suddenly, he can nearly see the thoughts racing in her head. He expects her to push back and fight with him, or to leave him where he stands not caring if he makes it to bed or collapses on the floor right here. Impossibly she does neither, instead, she reaches for him and wraps her arms around his midsection, her cheek resting on his shoulder. Cardan is frozen for what feels like an eternity but is only a handful of seconds as her warmth seeps into his very bones. He wraps his arms around her, returning the embrace before she changes her mind. “I’m only doing this because I’m too tired to fight with you about going to bed,” Jude mumbles softly, Cardan barely hears her above his pounding heart, but he can feel her words from where she’s pressed against his chest. He wants to tighten his grip on her to ensure himself this is real. He wants to bury his face in the crook of her neck and inhale the scent that haunts his dreams; her scent, so uniquely human, so wholly Jude. Through sheer force of will, he stops himself from indulging in either of these fantasies that would most likely only shatter this tender moment or result in him getting stabbed, he is equally disappointed at the thought of either possibility.
Jude seems to forget, if only for a moment, that it’s Cardan’s arms around her, his shoulder her cheek rests on, his neck that she tickles with her soft exhales. She relaxes just a little in a way he didn’t know she could, her palms flattening against his back, the ever-present tension leached slightly from her shoulders. He indulges in the impulse of stroking her lower back with his thumbs, he’s emboldened to tighten his grip on her just a fraction when Jude doesn’t react to the small movement. They stand in silence for several moments, Cardan’s heart racing at a worrying speed. Suddenly, Jude inhales deeply which turns into a wide yawn and she steps back rubbing the heel of her hand across one eye. “Alright, Your Majesty I indulged your wishes,” she’s interrupted by another, smaller yawn which she covers with the back of her hand. Cardan’s hands are still resting lightly on Jude’s waist, she doesn’t move from his touch. “Now to bed with you so I can get in my own. One of us has to be alert enough to run the kingdom,” she points in the direction of his bed and Cardan drops his hands. He is again shocked by how cold his room feels without her pressed against him. He quashes the urge to touch her again, he knows she will not indulge him a second time. When he turns he sways slightly, Jude rolls her eyes and places her hand on the small of his back guiding him to bed. “Careful with your orders Jude or I will tell everyone that you were kind to me,” he laughs to himself though it is not at all funny. “Though I don’t think anyone would believe me”. “You won’t remember this tomorrow anyway,” they reach the bedside where she gives him a gentle shove and he drops unceremoniously onto his too-large bed. The motion sets his head swimming. He steals one last, longing look at Jude before closing his eyes; her cheeks flushed, eyes tired, impenetrable walls lowered the tiniest bit. Cardan tucks the image away to think of when she’s gone and he’s left alone in the sea of cold blankets. “Oh Jude, loveliest of afflictions, I will remember this night for years to come,” he hears her scoff as she steps away from the bed. “We’ll see about that tomorrow,” she sounds amused as she speaks and if Cardan’s head wasn’t spinning so badly he would peel his eyes open just to see one of Jude’s rare smiles. He hears her footsteps retreating toward the door where she stops, he’s nearly overtaken with sleep when he hears her voice call softly back to him. “Goodnight Cardan”. She’s gone before he can respond and Cardan succumbs to sleep only moments later.
She’s there in his dreams as she is most nights. Cardan tries to speak to dream Jude, but the only word he can say is her name; Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude. Over and over again, he calls her name like a curse, a prayer, the last desperate words of a dying man, a humble supplicant whispering the name of an honored deity. When he wakes there is crisp sunlight streaming through his chambers, yellow as a daffodil and nearly as warm as Jude felt in his arms. In limbo between awake and asleep Cardan thinks he might have dreamt that part of the evening as well, but as he shifts under the sheets her scent wafts from the fabric of his shirt into his nostrils. He clutches the fabric tightly, inhaling deeply he smiles to himself before drifting off again to a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
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hes-writer · 3 years
Patreon Masterlist
These are exclusive fics that you can read on my Patreon!
* = complete, ^ = in-progress, + = will be posted on tumblr, (s) = smut (implied or mentioned) writing count: 78 pieces
**billing cycle currently paused** | new patrons will still be charged
This is a reupload of my masterlist with sneak peeks of each piece so you know what's up :D
Multi-Part Series | One Shots | Drabbles | Extras
* Unwavering (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) - 6.5k, the one where harry cheats (again)
"Right. Maybe we can go out tonight to grab some dinner," She suggested, a hopeful glint in her eyes and he almost felt guilty for putting her on the back burner of his mind. "I really have to go, baby," Peeking his head around her frame, he spotted the untouched toast and apple juice resting on where he should be. "I'm sorry."
^ + Roommate Series (3) (4) (5) (6) - 9.8k, the one where harry and y/n are roommates
He sighed, “I finished my coffee ages ago. I was just waiting for you to finish studying so we could leave together and go home,” Y/N dropped her fingers from his wrist, slouching the slightest bit as butterflies attacked her stomach. “Don’t look at me like that. I just wanted you to get home safe,” He nudged her forehead with the ball of his palm, his face contorting to annoyance.
^ + Notes on Camp (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) - 16.5k, the one where harry and y/n are camp counsellors
Y/N looked around to be met with puckered lips and clenched hands as the campers practically requested for her to kiss their favourite counsellor. Wide, hopeful stares were willing her to commit.
“Alright, alright,” She bent her upper body to reach his cheek, licking over her lips once before pressing it on his skin. It was only a quick peck and then she pulled back. He stayed unmoving.
Jacky and Emy poked their finger at him on opposite sides. His cheek dimpling with their small indents. “Maybe you should do it again?”
* Friends Don't (1) (2) (3)- 3k, the one where lines are crossed
“It’s Harry Styles fanfiction on Tumblr,” She suggested a conversation, shyly smiling in embarrassment. “I can see that,” He murmured, using his thumb to scroll through the rest of the story, “It’s . . . interesting. People write these about me?” His retort made the situation seem like an utter surprise.
* Digress, Progress, Regress Series - 5k, the one where harry falls out of love
Y/N wondered if there was a chance to fixing what has been lost--what has disappeared as the canvas soaked through in a permeated osmosis. Coating the brush of blue with white paint took several layers to completely cover the mistakes. There had to be an effort in wanting to make the faults and errors completely opaque from the eye; the bleary, watery irises soaked with tears, dampening her lashes in a thick haze as she cried.
Tickle Fights (1)  - 1.2k, the one where bff!y/n teases harry about his boner
“What’s going on here, Harry?” The light tone of her voice indicated that she was teasing him, paired with the subtle movements of her lower half. Harry whined in response, feeling the blood rush downwards to make him even stiffer. “Does this feel good? Got hard over me straddling you, huh?” It was almost degrading, the way Y/N formed her question yet Harry couldn’t help a whimper from lingering in the air. He nodded, hands sliding down to grip at her moving hips.
Real Mature (1)  (2)  - part two is patron exclusive! - 603 words, the one where bff!harry and y/!n fight
“You shouldn’t have. I’m sorry for being bitter about you and Ruby,” She rested her forearms on his shoulders in a slant when he stood to his full height. “I know you’re happy with her,” Harry gave her a shy smile that confirmed his words. Ruby is someone special to Harry now and Y/N had to learn how to share his time, attention, and affection. “I reckon I’m just missing you a lot more now,” Y/N’s tone was sad and despondent, trailing her gaze to the floor where she almost chuckled at Harry’s fuzzy bunny slippers which she had gotten him.
^ Fine Line Series: Adore You - 1.1k the one where harry and y/n are friends with benefits
Still, with her back against the wall and Harry’s fingers still gripping her hips—she waited for his response. I told you I loved you. Say it back, Y/N thought. “I love her, Y/N,” He mumbled against her neck in a drunken stupor. So close.
Kinkmas Blurbs (1 - 7) - 4.6k, the one where it’s all smutty
Maybe it was the way that his jaw ticked harshly every time he threw his head back at a particularly good stroke. You wondered what he was imagining that had him bucking his hips to his fist before realizing that the movements would probably cause you to wake up. Still, his hooded lids didn’t peel open—not until a core shaking fondle of his heavy balls forced a choked whine out of his throat.
Harry’s neck snapped to your figure, catching the way you looked at him as if you were in distress that he wasn’t cumming anytime soon—not when you were there, willing and able to help.
“Fuck, love. ‘M sorry,” He mumbled, not stopping the flicks of his wrist. In fact, you swore that you could hear the squelching of his clear pre-cum squishing between his fingers.
The Secretary (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 11k, the one where harry is the CEO and y/n is the assistant (cheating fic)
Two months ago, Y/N unburied a not-so-hidden secret that Harry tried to bury. Two months ago, Y/N walked in on her boyfriend and his secretary fucking on his office table. Two months ago, Y/N experienced everything from pain and discomfort, to disappointment and being scornful. She threaded the line of confronting him or waiting for the day he came forward and admitted it himself. There was a desire for Y/N to see Harry sweat beneath her beady eyes, watching him scratch the back of his pants in a nervous manner. She wanted to hear him stutter as he spat an excuse, she yearned to see him pleading with his gorgeous green eyes for her to stay.  Y/N craved for his throat to close up, whimpers choked from his trachea because he was losing his stability as she walked away from him.
(s) Tension (1) (2) - 5.3k, the one where harry and y/n hate each other
“S’that why you hate me so much?”
His fingertips tapped his thigh methodically, crumpling a faint thud against his jeans. With how close they were sitting, Y/N’s bare knee brushed against his clothing. A burn of desire and anticipation lit inside of her like a dose of gasoline another in a flaming hot fire.
Harry shook his head, “Don’t hate you."
Champagne Problems- 4.4k, the one where marriage is a sensitive topic, the 1 - coming soon!
The freshly popped bottle of champagne poured into the flute on the table beside her bubbled and simmered, the sizzling reaction of the golden liquid ignited a moment of realization within her. The reason why her body felt more weighted, why tears filled her glazed eyes, pricking her corneas and threatening to spill down her face. Y/N’s heart had cracked–she was certain that everybody around her could hear it.
One Shot
(s) Achy Back - 813 words, the one where harry draws y/n a bath
A pout sat on her face as Harry stopped himself from ducking his head and catching her plush lips with his, craving the sweet taste of her and her strawberry lip balm. Her arms wrapped around his snatched waist, halting his breath at the tightness of her embrace and settling for a kiss on her forehead, the scent of her shampoo wafting in his nostrils, knowing that she had taken shower hours prior.
A Letter to the Man I’ve Loved - 1.5k, the one where harry receives a letter from his ex
Is it really worth it to look back in retrospect about ‘what had been’ when she can think about ‘what could have been’ if both of them realized their faults? Granted, he was more resilient in that sense than her, but he was no better at the time. She made mistakes and it had haunted her to this day, practically killing her with each moment she spent without him by her side.
Renegade - 981 words, the one where harry and y/n do a tiktok dance
“What are y’doing?” Harry asked, his eyes wide as his large palms ruffled the fluffy towel on his damp curls. The steam from the bathroom escaped to your bedroom where you were panting with effort, your chest heaving so hard that the peaks of your breasts rose with each breath.
“Uh, what are you doing?” You retorted slowly, hiding your hands behind your back were your fingers gripped your phone. Your thumb dug hard on the volume bottom, frantically trying to decrease the music from the phone speaker.
(s) Drop the Towel - 644 words, the one where harry does the ‘drop the towel’ challenge
You gasped at the sight, the knife clanging on the marble counter, “Ooh, hi there,”
He smirked cockily, watching your eyes observe his body, tongue subconsciously peeking out between your lips until you snapped your head to the window, “Oh my god! There are people out there, Harry!” You wailed in alarm, bending over to hand him his towel.
All I Ask - 2.2k, the one where feelings aren’t mutual
“I don’t want to be scared of what will happen tomorrow or if all we have is right now because we’ll have nothing left but I am,” A sob ripped through his throat, emotions were heightened tenfold because she was so close yet so far and they were still Harry and Y/N but at the same time they weren’t. They’ve changed over the span of one night. “All we have is tonight,”
Little Prince - 583 words, the one where 7-year-old harry takes care of his best friend
“Y/N? Y/N! Are you okay? I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen. I swear I wasn’t mad at you, I was just jok- Why are you smiling?” Harry yelped, panic evident in his shrill voice. His hands wandered towards her face, tilting it left to right, up and down, searching for any visible and invisible injuries besides the bump on her forehead.
Stressed Out - 1.8k, the one where y/n has a huge term paper due
“What d’ya mean I don’t get it?” He closed the paperback, making sure to clip in his bookmark to save his spot.
A pregnant pause slithered the room. Her fingers typing against the keys of her laptop ceased as she shot him a glare, “You’re not studying, are you? All you do is write songs, fiddle with a few instruments and sing it in front of people who adore you,”
Valentine’s Day - 1.5k, the one where harry runs into trouble and y/n is there to save him
“Shit! Are you crazy?” Y/N gasped in surprise when the passengers seat was occupied, the door opening and slamming shut all while the car moved at a speed of 15 km/h —cursing her forgetfulness for not clicking the locks shut.
“Keep driving!” The passenger shouted, looking back through the windshield.
Dream With Me - 1.3k, the one where y/n has trouble sleeping
Harry’s admiration gets interrupted when a sudden jolt took over Y/N’s body. He dropped his mouth open a little in shock, rubbing her back soothingly when she whimpered quietly, “Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe with me,” She must have had experienced one of those moments when she was falling until her vision drooped to a shaded black.
Pet Name - 1.2k, the one where bff!harry just wants y/n to call him by his pet name again
His voice emulated a soft, syrupy tone that lingered in the air whenever he spoke. He was the colour honey itself–golden and yellow like the colour of the sun. Harry was bright in its sense of intelligence and the way he illuminated the whichever room he entered. His kindness catered to everyone’s needs and left pieces of his heart wherever he went.
Harry was honey.
Shave - 768 words, the one where harry helps y/n shave her coochie
She sniffles some more, “I’m trying to shave, H. It’s so itchy but I-I can’t reach down there,”
Y/N began to sob. The rattle of the razor clanking on the bathtub floor where she sat her bum on the edge. Her baby bump was causing her to teeter over the porcelain which urged Harry to swiftly plant his hands on her to keep her steady.
“I’m so huge! I’m the size of a house,” Y/N palmed the crest of her bump, rubbing it loosely as she admired the stretched skin yet slightly wishing that it would disappear and she was holding their baby in her arms instead.
(s) Don’t Worry, Darling - 1.5k, the one where y/n rides harry
He slipped down the headboard, resting his back flat on the mattress with Y/N sliding with him. She positioned her feet to rest near his knees, wrapping their limbs together so she could have some sort of sanity whilst Harry incepted on his shattering thrusts. Feet were planted on the mattress to give his lower half elevation to propel his hips against Y/N’s core. Harry’s fingers left white marks on her skin, gripping the plush flesh and essentially spreading Y/N open as he rapidly shoved his dick over and over inside of her with no signs of slowing down. He staggered for a few moments when her pulsing core emitted dazing throbs over his leaking cock but Y/N was quick to duplicate and resume the pace he had set with the movement of her hips.
To Be Loved - 2.3k, the one where y/n’s feelings are more than friendly
“I love you. Don’t you love me back?”
Harry’s eyes visibly widened, clearly taken aback by the question spewing from Y/N’s mouth. Her heat cheeks and a shy stance; knees knocking against his knobby ones while her dainty hands interlaced her fingers.
Revelation - 2.1k, the one where famous!y/n and harry are spotted together (pre-relationship)
Before there were Harry and Y/N--the power couple--there was Harry and Y/N.
Y/N, who was one of the most sought after female artists in the industry because of her angelic voice. The woman who had managed to catch the lingering stares of every household and the ears of many listeners with her truthful songs; narrative from the experiences she had gone through and shared through the art of songwriting.
Harry, who was quite the artist for the night. Harry’s limbs were being pulled metaphorically every which to ensure that the cameras captured him clapping respectfully in the audience. Others were asking him to stay for a bit more time backstage for content for an upcoming video. Right now, he was sat in his uncomfortable chair beside a handful of producers and well-known singers. A brief hug and whisper with Ariana Grande were enough for their fans to implode about a possible collaboration, granted that Harry had written a song for her album before. But Harry was certain that that feature wasn’t coming for a long while.
Apple Cheeks - 1.1k, the one where harry says something and y/n isn’t listening
Clearing his throat, he began, “I love you, Y/N. And I know that it might be too soon considering how short our relationship has been so far but I-I really do have strong feelings for you,”
Harry dropped his gaze as soon as he managed to peel off the first three words from his hoarse throat. “You don’t have to say it back. I just wanted to let you know that I really care for you and me. I definitely something for us in the future and I hope you feel the same,”
Dreadful seconds shivered up Harry’s spine. His stare was still fixed on her shuffling feet and the floor. It was painful to hear nothing but silence so Harry decided to courageously lift his head up.
Affliction - 1.5k, the one where Harry breaks down (TW: depressive thoughts)
It wasn’t even that Harry did not know how to say ‘no’ because he truly did. However, anyone would be worn-out by the amount of exhaustion carried on his back. That cold shudder of loneliness--even when he wasn’t alone-- because nobody shared the experience of defeat with him. The twitch of his ears straining to listen when nobody would do the same for him. A subtle jerk of the corners of his lips because he could not keep the smile plastered on his face like paint chipping off the drywalls. The flutter of tired lids waiting to be shut tightly as tears were wrung from his green eyes, lashes tickling his skin underneath the violent colour of his eye bags.
From the Dining Table - 748 words, the one where y/n’s new boyfriend looks a lot like harry
Y/N wondered if her former lover shared the same thoughts as she did. The girl that he woke next to—was she still there? Did they share the bed together—not just in the morning—but the nights as well? If so, did Harry love her like he did with Y/N? Or was he just pretending to be okay like she was?
Blanket for Two - 990 words, the one where y/n kicks harry out of bed
And now, Harry was in bed with the woman he loves. Her light snores echoing in the dim room and he was staring up at the ceiling, shivering in his bones. If she were awake, Y/N probably would have made a snide, joking comment about how he shouldn’t sleep naked, especially in the winter.  Not like she didn’t do that either--she was practically naked with the thin camisole over her body.  The difference was that Y/N had an extra layer of blanket keeping her warm, shielding her skin from the night air and Harry only had the friction of his palms rubbing against his arms.  He was sure that he was a hint away from his teeth chattering. Harry had half the mind to dip his freezing feet beneath the blanket and jolt her awake with the change in temperature.
That’ll show her, he thought.
Around 1:32 - 3.2k, the one where y/n has a wet dream
“What?” Harry spat, tugging his shirt over his head, waiting for you to form a coherent excuse. “‘Think that jus’ because you woke up horny from a dream that y’can touch yourself? What a slut.  Are you that desperate?”
Your cheeks flamed at his words of degradation, doubling your arousal and one that had you smushing your thighs together to relieve the ache. You rolled your eyes as he continued his rant instead of using the time to keep you satisfied.  That was his job, wasn’t it? To make you cum and make you feel nothing but pleasure, yet here he was shaming you for touching yourself. Granted, you did it without his permission and done so while he was asleep beside you, but still.
“Wouldn’t have touched myself if you treated me well.”
+ Stories in My Eyes - 1.2k, the one where dad!Harry gets woken up in the middle of the night
And while he liked to think that he had gotten the hang of—quite literally— his kid dangling on his leg like some sort of koala, pulling on his hair every time he gave Beau a piggy back ride, and the random visits late at night where the small child would stand at the doorway with his teddy bear so quietly only to say, “Can I sleep with you and mumma?” He was not at all prepared for tonight’s’ events.
+ Feather Boa - 1.5k, the one where harry comes home after the Grammys
Y/N rolled her eyes, “Oh, stop that!”
“Stop what?” Harry nudged the strap of his custom tote bag higher on his shoulder.
“You just won a Grammy, you goose!”
Harry’s gaze softened, endeared at how happy Y/N was for him. She was jumping on the tips of her toes, hands clasped in front of her as she stared at him with admiration and awe.
(s) Roughed Up - 2.8k, the one where harry’s domestic and y/n’s mind wanders
You whimper in return, almost collapsing straight on his body when Harry uses your body to move you up and down his cock. His curls flop on the soft pillow beneath his head, sweat matting the tiny hairs to his face. The way he looks at you with such intensity and a certain kind of awe as if he couldn’t believe that this was really happening is rewarding. Hooded eyes observing how your body twitches in his grip, gasping at how strong he felt underneath you like you were merely a ragdoll to be played wit
Pudding Cups - 1k, the one after harry steals food from the kitchen (Notes on Camp Extras)
“So is it common practice for counsellors to steal food from the kitchen?”
Harry lifts his head up at inquiry, shifting his attention from gently taking out the contents of the reusable bag towards Y/N.  She was laying on his mattress, flat on her back as she stared at the wooden ceiling.  If she looked closely, Y/N was sure that his light bulb was flickering the tiniest bit and usually, she would’ve been freaking out over the fact that she was in the middle of the woods, hovering over a potential power cut.  But the fear subsided once she reminded herself that Harry was around.
“Hopefully not,” He muses with a suggestive eyebrow.
(s) Drabble #1: Fratboy!Harry - 469 words, the one where y/n meets fratboy!harry at a party
Y/N snapped her head towards the member. When she applied for the rush, she didn’t expect that she would have to sleep with someone in order to officially join the sorority.  “What? Why him?
Sadie chuckled, sensing the panic in her voice. “Don’t worry, Harry’s nice. Besides, everybody does it,” She swirled her drink around, mixing the liquids together. Her lashes draped over her cheeks, almost touching the apples. “Are you in?”
Drabble #2: Asshole!Harry - 848 words, the one where harry cheats
You were calm, silent, and patient to see where he would take the conversation. Guilt was not present when you stood face to face in a battle of tranquility that pierced through your heart. His eyes gleamed in concealed smugness while his tongue curled in endless apologies. You knew him too well that he didn’t even stand a chance to hide his true intentions. But to Harry, you were a naive little girl that failed to acknowledge the difference between his acting and the truth.
(s) Drabble #3: Tease - 1.4k, the one where harry teases y/n
Harry plunged two fingers in her hole carefully, biting his lip to suppress the sound he was bound to release from the feeling of her wet walls suffocating his digits. He delivered punctual thrust, making sure to graze her sensitive spot to heighten her arousal. “Harry,”
He stepped back abruptly, pulling his fingers out and creating distance between them. “We have dinner to get to,”
(s) Drabble #4: Dessert - 1.7k, the one where y/n makes dinner but harry wants dessert
His thoughts were always about her no matter how hard he tried not to. And the fact that she took the time out of her day to prepare him something that he will enjoy; well, Harry’s heart just about swelled up to three times the size in his thumping chest.
She pulled away, shaking her head adamantly, “No way! I spent all day cooking and you’re not gonna skip it just to eat my pussy,”
He the corners of his eyes squinted in offence at her description, “Your pussy’s top tier, baby.” Harry ‘tsked’ his tongue, “If yeh didn’t know that already, then I’m doing a horrid job,”
(s) Drabble #5: Mine - 579 words, the one where harry is obsessed with y/ns tits
But he couldn’t exactly do that when all Harry wanted to do was do her. The smooth skin was supported by a navy blue push-up bra; he could tell by the lace mesh that he could see peeking out. It gave Y/N every favour because Harry was trying so hard not to let saliva pool in his mouth and drip out in a line of drool, his eyes widening with each movement she made with her arms, jostling her boobs a little bit here and there.
“Hello? Can you hear me?” Y/N waved her arms to catch his attention. A frown creased her brows as he blinked sluggishly before finding enough coherence to recognize that she was trying to talk to him.
(s) Drabble #6: Early Mornings - 1k, the one where harry thinks y/n is prettiest in the morning
“Get to see ya’ when you’re most beautiful,” Harry tickled his nose on hers, smiling at the way the feature scrunched up as she giggled. He groaned at the contractions her walls gave while her tummy flipped in gentle laughter. “Oi! What’s so funny?” He smushed her face with kisses, pausing his thrust halfway through which had her whining.
Drabble #7: Getaway - 952 words, the one where harry is always cold in the mornings
"Y/N, have you taken my purple bathrobe?"
“No,” Y/N tugged the lavender coloured fabric by the sleeves first. Then, by the lapels draping over her chest, drawing them tighter to block the gust of wind currently caressing Harry’s floppy curls.
Twisting his body, a knowing look overtook Harry’s face as Y/N exited the cabin door. The sheepish smile on his lover’s face granting all the information he needed for this morning’s chilly inception.
There she was, clad in the said purple bathrobe.
Drabble #8: A Little Chilly - 451 words, the one where harry sleeps on the couch
“‘S my bed. Dunno why Lydia can’t jus’ stay on the couch,”
“It’s Y/N!” She wailed, walking closer to the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Dear, we didn’t know that you were coming home,” Anne tried reasoning with him, not seeing the gravity of the situation as Harry was making it out to be.
Text Messages:
Text Messages #1 - ‘would you love me if I was snail?’
Text Messages #2 - ‘did you know we had a quiz today?’
Text messages #3 - ‘did you steal my hoodie?’
Notes/Behind the Scenes
Notes: Tarnish
Notes: Stressed Out
69 notes · View notes
blue-writes-things · 3 years
Like the Back of My Hand
Remus Lupin x Reader | Fluff (and angst if you squint)
“Why were you out in the forest? You’re not trying to prank me are you?” “What? Never! We’ve given up trying to prank you, you always see them coming!”
| Masterlist |
Words: 2256 A/N: Bold is other people's thoughts (will make sense in the fic), also I’m not used to this weird post formatte thing [tumblr] has going on so I’m sorry about the strange paragraphing 
Warning: Some swearing, very mild spice at the end, just kissing tho and angst some if you squint
Feedback is always appreciated! - Blue
Sometimes it was hard to walk around Hogwarts, with the mix of the verble talk, and the internal thoughts you could hear. When you're tired it’s even worse, like how you can’t concentrate on anything right now. You were a mix of hyper aware and completely unaware of everything around you.
Like how you have no clue what Remus is saying as he walks right next to you, but you know what that first year is hoping you’re having for dinner, and how she hates the girl she’s talking to.
You snap back to reality when Remus touches your shoulder, making you jump slightly, “You ok y/n? You’ve been really spacey all day” His eyebrows are frowned with a tight line of a concerned smile on his lips
“Oh yeah, I’m all good, just sleepy” You smile reassuring him, he didn’t believe you one bit but thought better to push it right now.
“I’m good, I promise!” Saying you were ‘fine’ or ‘ok’ told Remus you weren't ‘fine’ or ‘ok’ and in honesty, you were good, and you were sleepy, but you were also anxious, and overwhelmed. But he didn’t need to know that.
You looped your arm with his and continued to walk to the library together, the full moon was this Sunday, and you knew he liked to be with you when it was close, something about how calming you are, and how you always seem to know what to say to make him feel better around a moon.
He didn’t know how you knew what to do to help him leading up to and after a full, you treated him slightly different, never pushed him too much, but still made him rest more and remember to take care of himself. He had a tendency to forget about his general health and wellbeing around moons.
It seemed like Moony was also calmer around you. The day of the moon when the wolf was right under his skin, iching to get out. When his patience was running thin and he was snappy at people. When the wolf would cloud his mind during the day more. When he would almost growl at people (or the time he almost bit Peter for being so annoying)
You knew just what to say to get him to settle, often whispering things like “Just a little longer, wait a little longer for me” in his ear almost like you were talking to the wolf directly, he would give an almost unnoticeable nod and would settle.
It was only after a bit when Remus registered what you had said he would ask you about it; “What was it that you said earlier? About waiting a little longer?” “I don’t know what your talking about Rem”
He was a tad worried you knew about him being a werewolf, he hasn’t told you as he’s scared you will reject him and be scared of him.
Yet that was the last thing you would do, he meant way too much to you to let something like that push you apart. Plus, how can you judge someone for being ‘different’ when you were yourself?
The other marauders had been helping Remus think of some way to tell you about the wolf, Remus had been crushing on you for a while now, as long as you’d been crushing on him, so before anything could happen he wanted to tell you ‘So you could run if you wanted to’
You knew they’d made a plan but you didn’t know what it was. It was strangely refreshing to not be aware of everything going on.
“So uh, if you’re up to it, er me and the guys found this place in the forest awhile ago” During a moon “and I was wondering if you’d like to see it? It’s just really pretty and I think you’d like it...No pressure though! If you don’t want to it’s fine”
“I’d love to Remi” You smile as you two reached the library.
“Does tomorrow work for you?” “Perfect”
You originally went to the library to study, which you did, just not a lot. You ended up lying on the floor near one of the windows up the back, in the orange warmth of the sunset.
Remus’ head was in your lap, he had grabbed his favorite book from his bag, one you had given him for christmas in third year.
“Haven't you read that like a hundred times now?” You laugh and Remus smiled god I love her laugh. You didn’t try too hard to hide your blush. “It’s my favourite”
“Why’s that?” “Cause the main character reminds me of my favourite person” Cause the main character reminds me of you
“You’re so cute Remus Lupin” you say with a soft smile, scratching your fingers into a particular spot in his hair making him let out a happily content sigh.
That night you slept better than you thought you would.
You normally don’t sleep well, as you can hear your roommates (and sometimes the people sharing your wall) dreams which was very distracting when you're trying to shut off to sleep, but you were also very excited for the next day.
Having something be a mystery to you was new and for some reason made you giddy, see when you can read minds (even though you can’t control it and hate it) nothing is new to you, nothing is surprising.
Probably the worst is that you know what people think of you, you know when people are talking about you, how they think you're weird cause you’re always staring off into space, always seem bored, when you do tests you have to go to another room. Only a few staff members know about your little ability and don’t want you to cheat, even though you can’t help it.
You and Remus met up after breakfast, glad it was saturday so you could spend a lot of time together. As you walked together to the forest to the supposedly beautiful place, you joked and talked, being in the forest meant that you could only hear Remus, not first years talking shit about other people, just the sweet sounds of the forest and Remus’ voice.
“How long till we get there, my feet are dying” You jokingly pout making Remus chuckle “Not to far now, you really need to get your stamina up” 
You roll your eyes and lightly shove him, quick react! he stumbled slightly, as the full moon was tomorrow he was almost rock solid and had to pretend that it made him stumble as it would any other day.
He steers you to a left turn “Ta da!” he smiles, it really was beautiful, a crystal clear pond with flowers all around, the trees were slightly denser and closer together, making it like a little pocket out of time
“Wow, Remi, this is really beautiful!” You gush with a bright smile. Best.Surprise.Ever.
“I’m glad you like it! Me and the guys found it last month” Ok, time to tell her, you can do this Remus “Why were you out in the forest? You’re not trying to prank me are you?” You playfully glare at him
“What? Never! We’ve given up trying to prank you, you always see them coming!” he plops to the ground, his legs straight out in front of him, leaning back on his hands.
You move and sit next to him leaning your head onto his shoulder, watching a stag drink from the pond ‘Hi James’ you think to yourself
“So um, the reason we were out here was…” He tails off taking a deep breath. Come on Remus just spit it out already you just wait patiently, knowing this is hard for him, telling people your biggest secret is a terrifying thing to do. “We were out here because, I’m a werewolf and they help me on full moons, to make sure I don’t kill anyone”
He tenses next to you, not looking at you as you lift your head off his shoulder Oh merlin she thinks I’m a monster this was a mistake but you don’t run away like he thought you would, you turn slightly and wrap your arms around his neck hugging him.
His eyes went wider for a moment before pulling you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your shoulder and letting out slight sobs. But you just hold him rocking slightly and playing with his soft curls.
Even though Remus was literally crying, the air was so calm and still, the stag had bounded off somewhere ‘See you later, James’ he must have just been there to make sure nothing happened to Remus but now was ok giving us some space.
After a while his sobs stopped shaking his shoulders. “Thank you for telling me Remi” you say softly with a gentle smile, he pulls back from your shoulder to look into your eyes.
“Y-you’re not scared of me?” “I could never been scared of you, I couldn’t give a flying fruit flavored fuck that you’re a werewolf, cause you’re still my Remus” I’m her Remus, I’m still the same person to her
Remus gave a small yet delighted smile “Can I tell you another secret?” “I’d be offended if you didn’t tell me” you both smile
“I’ve fancied you since like third year” his cheeks started heating up, giving them a light tinge of pink
“Ok, my turn to share a secret?” He nodded, he could tell where it was going “I’ve liked you since third year too” 
You both were smiling like goofs before he tackle hugged you, making you both fall back to the floor giggling and looking into each others eyes I wanna kiss her so bad right now
“Can I share one more secret? You have to know before anything else happens” Your smile fell slightly, Remus frowned “You can tell me anything, I’d be offended if you didn’t tell me” he echos your words, Considering I just told you I was a werewolf I doubt that it’s as bad
“Ok so, I can read minds” you cringed slightly, Remus just blinked a few times “I can’t control it, it’s just I can always hear what’s going on around me, every thought and feeling”
“S-so you knew? About me being a werewolf?” Remus moved off you sitting up ‘what have I done’ you just nod looking down, too ashamed to even look at his face “Did you know that I was taking you here?”
You take a deep breath “Being here has been the most amazing thing to happen to me in a long time, cause I had no clue that you were taking me here, it was quite exciting really” You give a small sad smile
“But I guess I ruined it all haven't I? This is why I don’t tell people cause they get freaked out, but in all honesty, I hate it! I hate knowing what people think and say about me, I hate knowing when a prank is coming” You take a deep breath.
“I hate that I’ve made you hate me” a single tear falls down your cheek
“Who says I hate you? I think your mind reading might be a little off because I don’t hate you” You finally look over to him 
“You don’t?”
“No! I mean I’m not going to lie it’s a little scary to know you’ve known that I’ve had a crush on you, and the whole werewolf thing, but I actually think it’s kinda cool” He smiles, you smile back wiping your tears with the heel of your palm.
“Wait, is that why you always know what to say and do around moons!” he says with a shocked smile, you laugh a little and nod “Oh thank the founders! I thought someone had told you! Can I just say that you help so much around moons when the lil’ shit is being aggravating!” 
You laugh with him, someone being almost excited that you’ve read their mind was new and refreshing,
“Whoa, everything makes so much sense now” He smiles at you, at genuin toothy grin that you can’t help returning, you end up giving into temptation and lean forward giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, making his cheeks go red.
“You’re so cute when you blush” you tease, he scrunches up his nose a bit before tackling you again, cageing you between his arms, he looks into your eyes I wonder how she looks when she blushes.
You raise an eyebrow at him “Have you already forgotten what I just told you” he just jokingly glares at you, a slight mischievous look in his eyes before leaning down and placing kisses all over your face as you giggle “Remi, sto-o-op”
“Alright, but can I kiss you here?” he takes one hand and touches your lips, now it’s your turn to blush
“Yes, please” Moving his hand away he leans down and gives you a very quick kiss to your lips
“Again?” you pout slightly, he smirks “You’re adorable” he kisses you again, this time not pulling away.
Sirius and James are standing behind a tree smirking at their ‘shy’ friend being a smug tease “We’re so good” Sirius whispers high fiving James
You pull away from Remus for a moment, calling out to them “I can hear you!” the two animagi’s eyes widen while you and Remus just laugh before he kisses you again.
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havenoffandoms · 3 years
also this “You fainted… right into my waiting arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” geralt x fem!reader if im not annoying u by now omg
Nonnie, you’ll never annoy me by sending in these requests <3 I managed to get this written before class, so it’s a bit on the shorter side. But it’s cute and fluffy, so it really put me in a good mood to start the day. I hope you enjoy it. 
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Warnings: brief mention of fainting, otherwise none. 
Toussaint is notoriously hot in the summer, but even though you were prepared for that eventuality, you seriously underestimated just how unbearable the temperatures could get. You wipe the sweat beading on your forehead with the back of your hand. Even the flowy material of your skirt doesn’t help, and the mosquitos that keep buzzing irritatingly close to your ear do precious little to improve your rapidly souring mood. You huff out a breath and reach for the waterskin at your hip. You know you should ration water as much as you can, but you’re just so thirsty you can’t help yourself.
“How much further until we reach Corvo Bianco?” you ask Geralt, who is trudging behind you and leading Roach by the bridles. You feel your heart go out to the poor mare - if you’re suffering that much from the heat, you can only imagine how Roach feels. You dart a glance over your shoulder at Geralt, clicking your tongue disapprovingly as you once again take in the sight of his black armour. “You know, Geralt, since you insist on spending most of your free time in Toussaint now, you should really invest in more appropriate clothing.” 
“Hm. I have some diagrams for sleeveless Cat witcher armour somewhere.”
“Now there’s a thought,” you turn around to face the road again, your hand coming up to wipe your forehead again. You try not to think too much about Geralt in sleeveless armour. “How much further then?” 
“Not long, dove. We’ll get there by sundown.”
“Sundown?!” you exclaim loudly, suddenly coming to a halt and whirling around to shoot Geralt an exasperated glare, “Geralt, I can’t! It’s too damn hot, I’m thirsty and sweaty, and all I want to do is jump in the nearest lake and go for a swim.” 
Geralt frowns at your sudden outburst, but when he takes in the sight of you - sweaty, flushed and irritable - he decides that perhaps a break is not the worst idea. He offers you a bashful smile, his eyes crinkling adorably at the gesture. Sometimes you forget just how old Geralt is; the wrinkles always take you by surprise. 
“I suppose we could stop for a while to refresh ourselves.” Geralt stills as he takes in his surroundings. Years of travelling by his side has taught you how to recognise the signs of Geralt tapping into his witcher mutations for location and tracking purposes. He’s probably listening for the soft splashing of water against the bank, or trying to pick up the smell of bloodmoss which tends to grow near lakes and other bodies of water… whatever clue Geralt is hoping to pick up, it does not take him long to point west. “This way. There should be a lake close by.” 
As you and Geralt head in the direction he pointed you in, you start to feel slightly light-headed from the heat. You think nothing of it as you take another swig of water, less mindful of the fact that it might have to last you another while. If you’re heading towards a lake, you’ll be able to fill up your waterskin with fresh water… or sun-warmed water, more like. The thought almost makes you whine in frustration, but you bite back the petulant noise. Geralt is trying so hard to keep you happy, you don’t want to undermine his efforts. 
Soon, you catch a glimpse of the lake through the row of trees. The deep blue surface shimmers in the sun, occasionally blinding you and forcing you to look away when the light catches the water’s surface just so. You allow a small smile to tug at your lips as relief washes over you. You simply can’t wait to jump into the lake and wash off the sweat and grime of the road. Just as you and Geralt reach the shore, your entire world starts to spin so fast you find yourself pinching your eyes shut to ground yourself. You try to warn Geralt of your sudden dizziness, your hand blindly reaching for any surface to brace yourself on. The nearest surface happens to be Geralt, whose black armour feels almost scaldingly hot to the touch. 
“Y/N? Are you alright?” you vaguely hear Geralt ask you before you lose your footing and stumble over your own feet. You expect to land on the sandy shore, but just as you collapse you feel strong arms wrap around your waist and shoulders. You manage to blink your eyes open, taking several seconds to adjust to the glare of the sun. You see Geralt gazing down at you, his amber gaze alight with worry as he gently lowers you down to the ground. 
“Oh. What… what happened?” you ask, feeling slightly disoriented. 
“You fainted… right into my waiting arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” 
You weakly punch Geralt’s arm in retaliation and your action pulls a breathless chuckle from your lover. Geralt positions himself so that he’s shielding you from the sun, his hands instantly grabbing the waterskin at your hip. He clicks his tongue impatiently when he realises that you emptied its contents already, then reaches for his own waterskin, still nearly full. He brings the nozzle to your mouth and gently supports your head so you don’t choke on the liquid flooding your mouth and running down your throat. You should find the act of Geralt feeding you water mortifying, and under any other circumstances you would fight him and stubbornly snatch the waterskin from him. 
But, admittedly, it’s nice to be doted on once in a while. Besides, you’re far too hot to move even a muscle. You’re beginning to understand why Toussaintois hide in the coolness of their homes most of summer. 
“Enough, I’ve had enough,” you croak out after Geralt forced half the waterskin down your throat, “thank you, Geralt.”
“Are you feeling better?”
You take inventory of your body, making sure your head stopped spinning before attempting to sit up. You shield your eyes from the sun and offer Geralt the most genuine smile you can manage. 
“I feel better now after my knight in … scalding armour came to my rescue.” 
Geralt huffs out a small laugh before leaning in to steal a kiss from you. 
“I wish you’d told me how much you were suffering from the heat. I would’ve stopped sooner. Or at least, I would’ve tried to find a shaded path.” 
“Really? The constant huffing and complaining didn’t tip you off?” you mock him gently. 
“It really should’ve, huh?” 
You roll your eyes fondly at him, leaning in to kiss his stubbly cheek affectionately. “It should’ve. But I’ll forgive you, my dearest, silly witcher. But for now, I am dying to get into that lake.” 
Geralt doesn’t have to be told twice.
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kakiwrites · 3 years
being good enough for the captain
Genre: slight angst and fluff
A Tooru Oikawa x reader
Synopsis: being oikawa's best friend, you only want the best for him in everything. Oikawa thinks you're the best for him. But what if you think otherwise?
a/n: so this is one of the rare occurrences that this actually feels personal to me and is very self-indulgent. I kind of just vomited this out. Hope you guys enjoy my work dump!
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 Tooru oikawa was on a different level with the ladies and you knew that for a fact.
 Ever since you were little, Oikawa has always attracted the girls. As little as kindergarten, he was getting a lot of confessions and gifts but he turned them all down in favor of spending time with you and iwaizumi.
  you always felt your heart beat faster when he chose you over them.
 Years went by, more and more girls lined up by oikawa's feet to try and woo him over to no avail. He welcomed them with open arms and was very open about having a relationship with one of them.
 You agreed with him 100 percent. He deserved only the best. So you agreed to help him find a girl that would suit him inside and out, opting to push away the dull ache of your heart in exchange of seeing Oikawa happy and satisfied.
 "this isn't healthy for you, idiot. You're going to hurt yourself more." Iwaizumi warned you again and again. He told you over and over to stop downplaying your feelings and actually face them.
 But you didn't listen.
 Because you knew that if you actually told oikawa what you felt that he would brush you away just like all the times you advised him to pick between the bad and the good. You weren't good enough for the grand king and you knew that. That was why you were helping him despite all the pain. He needed someone he could love freely, not someone who would weigh him down.
 "shittykawa, when are you going to ask (y/n) out already?" Iwaizumi asked out of the blue while the pair changed in the locker room. Oikawa looked up at him at the sound of your name. he's admitted to his other best friend that he likes you, likes you more than a friend. You've been there for everything and you were the only one who made his stomach fill with butterflies with every interaction you have.
 He would've confessed a long time ago if it weren't for the mixed signals after he agreed to let you help find his perfect match.
 He was making you search far and wide for his one true love when the person he truly yearned for was right in front of him.
 "what's with the sudden question iwa-chan?"
 "(y/n) is in pain, shittykawa. She's been destroying herself to build you up. I don't like seeing her hurt, okay?" iwa snapped, looking at his friend, his eyes pleading Oikawa to finally put an end to all this pain for you. The brown-haired captain could only sigh then nodded once in agreement. This has been going on for too long. He can destroy you even more if you mindlessly ignored your heart over and over for his sake.
 "you're right. You won't see her in pain any longer, iwa-chan." he simply said before he ran off in the darkness of the night to complete his plan just for tomorrow.
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  "did you see? Oikawa was carrying a big bouquet!" the girls squealed as they ran in the halls during lunchtime. Bouquet? Did someone give it to him? No, no girl had the courage to do so.
 He brought the bouquet for someone else.
 You subconsciously balled your fists into your shirt, just right above your heart. Why was it hurting you? He found someone he finally could love. You should be happy.
 But why does it hurt so bad?
 Still, you picked up the pace, plastered on the biggest smile you could muster and headed to the cafeteria where his fangirls gathered around your table to try and get a peek at the bouquet.
 You pushed the crowd to finally get to the table. The bouquet was filled with roses and different colored flowers that could wow anyone in the room. You felt you smile falter because of it. But still, you pushed through and sat down beside the setter, tossing a fake teasing grin that didn't go unnoticed by the volleyball pair.
 "oooh~ flowers~ who are they for?" you asked, trying to play it off as a joke so oikawa would come clean to you about his one true love. You needed to get this over with. Maybe then would your heart feel a little bit lighter. "are they for Yuki in drama or maybe Kami in the 2nd year? Tell me!" you whined, leaning into Oikawa to really sell the deal but the boy only looked back at you, pink blooming on his cheeks.
 Iwaizumi then stood up from his seat, ushering the fangirls away from the scene that was unfolding, effectively giving the two of you privacy. It was only then did you stare back at tooru seriously. You could've swore that oikawa could hear your heartbeat from where you stood.
 "t-they're actually…" oikawa paused to take a deep breath, taking the flowers into his hands then handing them to you. "for you. I like you, (y/n). You're my one true love and-"
 "this isn't funny anymore, tooru." you cut him off as you tried to hastily wipe your tears away but they kept coming. "this isn't a funny joke at all."
 "that's because it isn't a joke, alright?" oikawa raised his voice a little bit, causing some tables to turn and stare at him in question. They didn't matter at the moment. He placed the flowers back on the table so he could cup both of your cheeks in his hands, using his thumb to wipe your tears away. "I really really like you. There isn't anyone I like more. You always talk about finding the best girl for me when I have you. You're the best." he whispered, making sure you were the only one who heard him.
 "b-but I'm not perfect-"
 "don't you dare finish that sentence. You are more than perfect to me, Even if you don't think so." he said, placing his forehead against yours.
 This time, the tears that rolled down your cheeks weren't from pain or sadness. They were now from the relief and happiness that flowed through your body until the warmth finally reached your heart.
 "I like you too, Tooru."
 And with that, you felt a heavy weight getting lifted off of your shoulders. You were finally free to speak your mind and actually tell him what you feel.
 You didn't have to hide your feelings anymore.
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 And that is all! Hope you guys enjoy this! I had a blast writing this down and it really helped me sort out and actually think about my feelings more. Requests are open so please don’t be shy to leave any requests in my ask box! Love you guys 💖❤️💕
General taglist (don’t be shy to comment your tumblr @ below): @tokyoghoose @macaronnv @reogou @midnightangelfox @wumboho @seiijixcia
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let-it-raines · 3 years
What a Lie We’re In (3/3)
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Summary: All Emma was doing was trying to be nice. Her roommate didn’t have anywhere to go, so she invited him home for the holidays. She thought it would be fine and Killian would be a good buffer for a week at home with her parents. That is until her ex-boyfriend showed up, and while she was freaking out, Killian told him they were dating.
That would have been fine except her parents overheard it.
Rating: Mature
a/n: I had such a fun time writing this trope-filled, ridiculous story, and you all have made it better with your excitement over it! I was not expecting that at all, and it’s been a fun ride! I hope you enjoy this last chapter! 🎄❤️
Ao3: beginning | current
Tumblr: One | Two | Three
Oh my God.
Like, oh my freaking God.
Emma groans. Or at least she thinks she does. She can’t hear much of anything over the pounding of her heart and the hissing steam coming out of her ears like an angry animated character.
Seriously, Mom. Seriously. What the hell?
“No,” Emma manages to say, pulling back from Killian. She snatches her hands away from his chest and moves her lips from his mouth, but the bastard still has his hand planted on her ass, keeping her pressed against him on the kitchen table.
Oh shit. She was just about to sleep with Killian on the kitchen table where she did her homework growing up, where she has breakfast with her family.
She was just about to sleep with Killian.
What the hell is wrong with her? Did she take medication she’s not aware of because this is...this is definitely not her.
(Or it is, but she doesn’t want to admit it.)
“Yes,” Killian mutters seconds after her. “Yes, you were.”
She gapes at him and then slaps his chest, and he glances away from her mom to look at her, eyebrows raised and slightly swollen lips smirking at him. It makes her realize her face is sensitive from the scratch of his beard, and she reaches up to touch her mouth.
What is she doing? What has she done?
Emma shakes her head. “What are you doing down here? You and Dad went to bed.”
“Um,” her mom hums, switching her feet, “I was going to get some water, but I don’t need it now. I’ll go back to bed and see you two in the morning. Happy Christmas Eve, Emma. Killian. Goodnight.”
“Happy Christmas Eve, ma’am,” Killian says back. Emma doesn’t think she can speak anymore, especially when Killian’s hand is still on her ass.
Emma was buzzing earlier tonight. That is long gone.
She watches as her mom walks away, the old stairs giving away her movements, and even when all the noise begins to disappear, Emma finds her feet planted in the same place they were. That has to stop.
“Oh my God,” she whispers, pulling back from Killian enough that they’re separated. “Oh my God. What the hell?”
Emma starts pacing, her hands tugging on her hair, and she really, really wants to scream at the top of her lungs right now despite knowing that would be a bad idea. The last thing she needs is her dad waking up and coming downstairs to find her in the state she’s in. The state Killian’s in too. His pants are ridiculously tight, and they don’t hide much.
Holy crap, she did that.
“Emma, love,” Killian begins, and she does a horrible job at ignoring how destroyed his voice sounds, “that was – ”
Emma spins around to look at him. “A one-time thing,” she finishes. “We can’t do that again. We’re tipsy, we’re not thinking straight. We just need…what we need is to get ready for bed and sleep it off. Tomorrow is Christmas, and then we’ll be going home early the next day. They’ll be no more of this idiotic putting on a show for my parents, and we’ll get back to thinking like rational people. Agreed?”
He looks down before looking at her. “Aye, agreed.” Killian stands from the table and brushes past her. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to take a cold and bracing shower. Feel free to finish making your hot cocoa.”
He walks out of the room, and Emma is left in the kitchen staring at everything spread out across the counter and the now-cooled milk sitting in the pan on the stove. Her body is still on edge, desire a permanent fixture deep in her belly, but she refuses to think about any of that. She had her little moment of fun, and now it’s gone. She’s back to just trying to survive this time at home before she gets to go back to Boston and try to survive her time there as well.
What an awesome recurring theme for her life.
Emma puts away all the hot chocolate ingredients, pouring the milk down the drain and rinsing off the pan before she turns off all the lights downstairs and walks upstairs. Killian is in the bathroom, so she strips out of her dress in her room and quickly changes into some pajamas she bought today on their way to the play. That dress was freezing last night, and she needed something that covered a lot more of her skin since she still hasn’t managed to get around to washing her clothes.
She’s so glad she did that now.
She makes do with makeup remover wipes, hoping her skin forgives her for one night of not washing her face, and she does the same with her toothpaste, rubbing it on her teeth with her finger. She could wait until Killian gets out of the shower, but since she knows exactly what he’s doing in there, she’d rather just deal with the cards she’s been dealt and go to bed. That way she doesn’t have to see him or talk to him for the rest of the night. It’ll be better that way. There will be fewer opportunities for her to mess everything up.
Emma turns her ceiling fan off, hating the way it creaks when it spins, and gets under the covers, pulling them up and basking in how warm her bed is. She needs to invest in one of these mattress heaters back in Boston because damn, this is great.
She’s comfortable, tired, still a little tipsy despite her mom’s interruption sobering her, and on any other night, she’d easily be able to fall asleep. Tonight, her mind has decided to run a marathon in record-setting time.
Seriously. What’s wrong with her? Why would she do this? Why is she always making dumb decisions like this? It’s got to be a medical condition at this point, and whatever pills she needs to go on to make it stop, Emma is willing to sign up.
Why would she kiss Killian?
He was the one who started it, sure. She was going to make them hot chocolate even if it was her third mug of the day, and they were probably just going to chill on the couch and find a movie to watch like they’d been doing most of the day. Then Killian came up to her and pressed up against her. He was so warm and smelled fantastic, and when he ran his nose against her ear, Emma could have melted.
She doesn’t melt over guys. Nope. She is not that type of girl. She is not freaking Frosty the Snowman.
It’s a physical attraction. That must be it. She knows he’s hot, she knows he thinks she’s hot, and it’s not something they’ve necessarily denied all this time. There are always jokes and little looks and a hell of a lot of teasing moments, but it’s never been anything deeper than that.
More importantly, they’ve never acted on any of it.
Tonight was just a blip on the radar, the one-time thing like she said, and when they get home, everything will be normal. This week and all of its weirdness will be forgotten. If not, she’s going to have to go sleep on Ruby and Dorothy’s couch.
The bedroom door slides open, a sliver of light from the hallway coming in with Killian, and Emma closes her eyes. She tries not to move, to fall asleep, but she’s aware of every one of Killian’s steps as he closes the door behind him and gets into the bed. He shifts a little, but other than that, he stays far enough away that she can barely feel the heat of his body.
Good. He can stay far away, and Emma can get a peaceful night’s sleep.
Emma doesn’t get a peaceful night’s sleep.
Not even close.
She never really drifts off. Instead, it’s this constant almost. She almost falls asleep all night long, but instead of blacking out into darkness, she lives in this state of dark gray. So close but so far away from what she wants.
They made a mistake. That’s all that happened, and Emma has to live with that. It won’t be nearly this awkward when she and Killian go back home. Then they’ll have their own rooms, and more importantly, their own beds. This will all be some distant, funky little memory. Emma can act like it’s all fine and normal for the next twenty-four hours.
She’s been acting like things are normal with her parents for years. She can do the same thing with Killian Jones.
Emma sighs and flips over. Killian is still on his back, his chest rising and falling slowly, and she’s jealous he can sleep so peacefully. She’s jealous that his mind isn’t running and freaking out over everything. He probably got everything he wanted out of her and is moving on fine.
That’s the attitude she should have.
Emma flips again, grabbing her phone off the nightstand. It’s five in the morning, and usually, she’s not allowed downstairs this early on Christmas morning. But she’s twenty-eight. It’s not like she believes a magical old man is climbing down the chimney leaving presents anymore.
Quietly, Emma gets out of bed and takes her phone with her. She walks downstairs and makes a beeline for the coffee maker. It takes far longer than it should to be ready, but eventually it’s ready. Her dad will make them a big breakfast this morning like he has most mornings she’s been here, so Emma doesn’t bother fixing herself food. She shivers at the thought of having to eat at the table and be able to keep a normal conversation with her parents. Ignoring that awful thought, she moves to the living room with her coffee and turns on the TV.
Emma is unsure of what exactly she’s watching for the next several hours but in the darkness of the morning with the Christmas tree glowing next to her, it’s enough to make her forget everything until her parents come walking down the stairs and the dark thoughts rear their ugly heads.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” David greets at the same time Mary Margaret says, “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” Emma returns with a smile.
“Where’s Killian?”
“Still asleep.”
“Why don’t you go wake him?” her dad asks. “I could use a hand cooking breakfast.”
“I think I’ll let him sleep for a little bit more, but I’ll get him before you start cooking the eggs, okay?”
David leans down over her and kisses the crown of her head. “Sounds perfect.”’
The movie on the television ends, the credits quickly rolling before another one starts. She doesn’t recognize it and knows it’s probably not any good, but she watches it anyway. When she was a kid, Christmas morning was so different. She’d wait at the top of the stairs and then rush down them when she was allowed to see what Santa left under the tree. It was like real-world magic.
When did Emma lose that sense of wonder?
The stairs groan behind her, and Emma turns to see Killian walking down them, hair and t-shirt rumpled. He got the memo on not bothering to do anything with his appearance, apparently.
Suddenly, she’s thankful to have her mother here as a buffer. He won’t try to talk to her about last night when they’re still faking it in front of her parents. For the first time this entire trip, she hopes her mom never leaves to go sit in another room and talk on the phone with one of her friends.
“Morning, darling,” Killian whispers when he walks up to her. Emma cranes her neck back, putting on the show for her mom, but she nearly jumps when he leans down and lightly presses his lips over hers. They haven’t been doing that. It’s strictly been cheek or forehead. Bastard. “Happy Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas to you. I think Dad wanted you to help him cook breakfast. Are you up for that?”
He smiles. “I knew I’d grow on Dave. I’d love to help. You just stay on your ass and watch TV, being the most unhelpful person in this house.”
“Watch it, Jones.”
Killian’s brows dance across his forehead, and he teasingly grabs onto her earlobe before walking into the kitchen. Emma shakes her head and smiles as she brings her coffee mug to her lips.
“I’m so glad you’ve found Killian,” her mom sighs from her spot on the other end of the couch. “It’s good to see you happy now that you’ve found him. You’ve been so miserable lately.”
You have got to be kidding me, Emma thinks, her knuckles going white around her mug. She tries to take a few deep breaths, to calm herself down, but it’s been year after year of this same damn conversation without her mom listening.
Sometimes Emma thinks she’s shouting from the rooftop of an abandoned building with only empty rooms around to hear her.
If a woman yells in a forest and no one is around to hear her, does she really make a sound?
“I’m so sick of this, Mom,” Emma sighs, placing her mug down on the coffee table and bringing her knees to her chest. “I love you. I do. And most of the time I can understand where you’re coming from, but I was happy before I found Killian. Not totally, but I was happy. And you never seem to get that. You think I have to be in a relationship to have self-worth. God, is that why you’re still so friendly with Neal? I can’t think of any other reason other than you feel like I need to be with someone.”
“He’s a good man, sweetie. He was your first love. He’s – ”
“He’s not a good man!” Emma slaps her hands against her shin. “He broke my heart and ruined my life! He made me not pursue a stable future because he convinced me he knew what was best for me and then left me with nothing in the middle of the night. That isn’t a good man. That’s the opposite of a good man. If you had ever bothered to ask me why we broke up instead of immediately assuming I did something wrong, maybe you’d know that instead of inviting him into our house and acting like everything is fine.”
It feels damn to get all of that out even if Emma knows she’s about to send her mother into a tailspin.
That’s years of pent-up resentment and anger, or at least the beginning of it, and it’s…it’s, well, cathartic, even if it’s only the beginning.
“But he was - ”
“Oh my God, Mom,” Emma laughs, and she hopes the fan in the kitchen is loud enough that her dad and Killian don’t hear, “if you say he was my first love, I will leave this house right now and never come back. I get that you and Dad worked out, but that’s because you’re good for each other. I can guarantee Dad never abandoned you in the middle of the night, and I can especially guarantee that he didn’t pretty much emotionally abuse you for years of your relationship. Do you know what it’s like to have the one person in the world you love most basically tell you that you’re nothing? I’m not nothing. I was never nothing, but Neal could never see that.”
Emma hasn’t thought about her relationship with Neal in years. It’s something she pushes back and hopes to never have to deal with, and yet, here she is digging it all up because her mom made a comment Emma couldn’t let go.
Merry Christmas to us all.
“Emma, I’m sorry. I didn’t…I didn’t know.”
“Yeah, I know.”  Emma shrugs and looks into the living room where Killian and her dad are standing side by side cooking. She’s pretty sure her dad is about to try to poison Killian or stab him with a kitchen knife, but that’s a problem for another time. “But you should have. You should have when I called you crying, you should have when I told you I wanted to change my name because I felt like it could be a fresh start as my own person with no one holding me back. Instead you demonized me and put Neal up on a pedestal that you’re still putting him on. He’s engaged, Mom. I’m with - well, like you said, I’m with Killian. And even if neither of those things were true, you should be able to listen to me enough to know that being with him has never been good for me. So, please, God, just let me live with my life. I’m never going to be you. I’m never going to be perfect.”
Her mom wipes underneath her eyes, and Emma now feels like the shittiest person in the world for making her mom cry before eight on Christmas morning. How can she be so pissed off and sympathetic all at once?
“I am obviously not perfect,” Mary Margaret sniffles. “You’re my only daughter, and I apparently haven’t known you at all despite trying. I just can’t believe you changed your name. Was that really necessary? I - ”
“Nope.” Emma holds her hand up and stands from her chair. “I’m not having this conversation again. Maybe at another time we can hash all of our shit out, but I really don’t feel like doing it right now. I can’t get into that with you again.”
Emma picks her mug up from the coffee table and walks into the kitchen where Killian is moving a plate of her dad’s pancakes to the table.
“Mmm,” Emma sighs, “something smells delicious.”
Killian nearly drops the plate to the floor, but he saves it at the last minute. It’s not until he looks at Emma with raised brows and a million forehead lines that she realizes what she’s said.
Yeah, nearly having sex on her parents’ kitchen table goes high up on the list of Emma’s worst ideas.
“Everything alright with you, love?” Killian asks. He brushes his hands on his pants and then walks toward her, dipping his head down until he’s eyelevel. It’s unfair how blue his eyes are.
It’s unfair how much she notices stuff like that now.
“Yeah,” Emma lies while her heart races, “everything is just fine.”
Nothing about any of this is fine.
She shared too much with her mom, and even with it all out in the open, Emma doesn’t think she’ll ever be understood here. They were so blind to so much. One conversation can’t open the floodgates to knowing it all because they’ll never really understand the hell she went through, and now instead of being at peace with it, all Emma wants to do is pick fights with her parents
Like a totally rational adult woman.
So that’s not fine. What’s also not fine is the way Killian is sitting pressed up against her on the loveseat as they open presents. It’s too close, and it’s too much to watch him open presents from her parents that are genuinely thoughtful despite them only knowing each other for three days.
It’s all too much, and she is ready to get home, sleep in her own bed, and go back to the monotony of her life.
Because there she doesn’t have to think about any of this. It’s out of sight and out of mind, just the way she likes it.
They eat breakfast leftovers for lunch and dinner, and slowly but surely, the day fades away, the lights on the tree dimming a bit the closer to midnight it gets. Her parents leave to meet some of their friends for a drink, and she and Killian stay in the house, still lounging on the couch in their pajamas barely saying a word to each other. All day they’ve been having to play up their relationship, more than they have been, and she’s exhausted from it. At one point she wanted to let the truth fly, but she’s not evil enough to hurt her parents more than she already has.
She also doesn’t have the energy to get into another fight.
“You okay, Swan? You’ve seemed a little down today.”
Or maybe she does.
“Fine,” she mutters, pulling her blanket higher up her chest.
“Are you sure?” Killian prods. “Because we haven’t talked about last night, and I heard a bit of your conversation with your mom this morning. It’s perfectly alright not to always get along with family. It’s complicated. I understand that.”
Emma blows air out of her nose and turns away from Killian to watch the TV. “Please. You’ve got peanuts compared to the full-blown circus I have.”
It takes Emma approximately two seconds to realize that she has, to put it gently, fucked up.
Killian rises from his side of the couch and brushes his hand through his hair, tugging at the strands until they fall in his face. He sighs and shrugs his shoulders, defeated. “I am never going to dismiss how you struggle with your parents because it obviously affects you, but you do not get to sit there and say shit like that to me when I am only here with you because my family is all dead. I would give anything to have my loved ones here to fight with because at least then there would be the possibility of repair.”
He shakes her head and clicks his tongue before running it over his bottom lip. “Happy Christmas, Swan. I’m going to bed. We still set to leave at nine tomorrow morning?”
“Yeah. Killian, I’m - ”
“Don’t bother. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Killian.”
He walks up the stairs, and Emma falls back onto the couch. The new year is a week away, but she’s already asshole of the year.
Way to go, Emma.
How the hell is she supposed to fix this?
Emma pours herself another glass of wine and falls asleep on the couch after an hour of beating herself up about her general shittiness as a person. She only wakes when her parents come in and there’s a gentle push at her shoulder.
“Emma,” her mom whispers, “Emma, come on. You’ll hurt your neck if you sleep down here.”
Emma opens her eyes and groggily stands as her mom hovers over her. She’s still half-asleep as she hobbles out of the room, her mom following behind her up the stairs, and before Emma closes her bedroom door, she pokes her head out to look at her mom.
“Hey, Mom?”
“Yeah, hon?”
“You know I love you, right?”
Mary Margaret smiles, but it’s a little sad. Emma’s got no clue how to fix what’s between them, and she knows it’s not all on her to fix. At one point they were so close, and for so long this distance has been because Emma has refused to extend the olive branch and refused to be honest.
But also because her mom refused to see a lot of reality.
At least they’re both still here and have the opportunity to heal what’s been broken.
“I love you, too, Emma,” Mary Margaret whispers. “It’s been so nice having you home.”
She doesn’t say it, but despite all of the crazy things that have happened in the past few days, it’s nice to be home and to have someone care about her by making sure her neck doesn’t hurt from sleeping on the couch or by fixing her breakfast in the morning.
By pretending to be her boyfriend so she didn’t have to deal with an ex.
Emma nods and steps into her room. She’s as quiet as possible when getting into bed, and she doesn’t even say anything when she notices Killian is more on her side of the bed than his. Instead, she slips into that small space and hopes she can be forgiven too.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers before closing her eyes.
She’s half asleep in the morning when she first feels Killian move. They’ve done a pretty good job in staying in their own space while sleeping, but considering where he was when Emma got into bed last night, Emma wasn’t holding high expectations for this morning.
Not that she really thought about it.
But there’s definitely a hand on her boob and a half-erect dick pressed into the crevice of her ass, and as much as she doesn’t mind the feeling, she’s thankful when Killian moves, leaving her to the chill of an empty bed as he leaves the room to do who knows what outside.
What he does is shovel snow with her dad, help her mom with some last-minute tips on the renovation of their barn out back, and pack up their bags for the drive home. He’s cordial and affectionate as she says goodbye to her parents, promising to video chat with them more often so they can talk more, which Emma is simultaneously dreading and looking forward to, kind of like this ride home.
The drive back to Boston happens in almost complete silence, and if Emma didn’t have the radio to keep her company, she’d scream because the silence is so damn loud.
It’s the new year now.
Has been for about a week or so, and Emma spent the holiday out with Ruby and Dorothy and all of their friends. She wore a sparkly, slightly slutty dress that had her freezing all night long, but everything about it felt wrong.
Everything about everything feels wrong.
Well, that’s not true. For the first time in a long time, when she talks to her parents, it feels like they actually listen instead of projecting their own hopes and dreams to her. They see her as a person with feelings and failure instead of an idealized daughter who fits into their little, perfect box. She has to talk about shit she doesn’t want to talk about more often than not, but Killian’s words keep ringing in her head.
At least she has family around to fight with and to have those hard conversations with.
Killian isn’t around the apartment much. He comes in and out to eat and sleep, but ever since the car ride from hell, he’s been scarce. She’s tried to find time to see him, to apologize for being a dick and for all of Christmas as a whole, but that’s hard to do when she lives with the invisible man.
That’s hard to do when she has trouble admitting she was in the wrong.
It’s even harder when she has trouble admitting to herself that she has feelings for Killian Jones that far surpass just roommate feelings. Emma doesn’t know when the hell that happened or what to do with it, but it makes every night that she can’t talk to him torture.
How is it that she always screws everything up? And how does she go about fixing broken things when she’s still holding the hammer that broke the glass?
Maybe all she needs is an opportunity to talk to Killian where she can’t run away.
Yeah, all she needs is to just see him.
Why is he at this bar right now?
Okay, the real question is why is she at this bar right now? She had a hellish day at work, and all she wanted was to sleep. That’s all she wants to do lately, mostly because it means she doesn’t have to share the common area with Killian. If she’s sleeping, she doesn’t have to see anything, and everything is much, much better.
Or much, much worse, but Emma is trying not to think about that.
She’s trying not to think about Killian at all, which is decidedly not working out well when she thinks about him at least thirty-seven times a day. Thirty-eight now that he’s standing at the other side of cozying up to the most gorgeous woman Emma has ever seen. She’s tall and tan and has legs that go on for days. She looks like Ruby, and while Emma doesn’t know her, she seriously does not like her.
Because she’s lost her mind and has developed fucking feelings when she hasn’t wanted to do that, especially with someone she can’t get away from.
“Hey.” Ruby nudges her shoulder into Emma’s. “Why do you look like you want to punch someone? Am I that someone? Please don’t mess up my face. My makeup looks fantastic today.”
“Is that the only thing you’re concerned about?”
“Look at me. Doesn’t it look great?”
Emma rolls her eyes and sips on her wine. “You look great. Is that why you dragged me out here?”
“No, it was because you’ve been moping ever since you came home from Storybrooke. I know your relationship with your parents isn’t the best, but it’s not bad enough to have you grouchy for two weeks.”
How much would it be for Emma to drink the entire bottle of wine?
“I mean, it sucked, but I feel much better about my parents than I have in a long time. It’s more...I don’t - it’s - ”
“Killian Jones.”
“How did you know that?” Emma looks at Ruby, but she’s looking over Emma’s shoulder and toward where Killian was standing.
Ruby shakes her head. “Huh, no, I didn’t. That’s Killian standing over there. Wait.” Her red lips part. “What happened with you and Killian? Oh my God, did you fuck Killian when he went home with you?”
“Quiet,” Emma hisses, as if Killian could hear her over the music and the yards of distance between them. “No, I didn’t fuck him. I mean, I almost did, but my mom walked in.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Ruby gets in Emma’s face, and Emma really wishes Dorothy would show up and distract Ruby. “I need details.”
“That’s all there is to know.” Emma tips her glass to her lips, but there’s nothing left. Dammit. “We’d had a little to drink, and it...happened. Nothing else to tell.”
Ruby arches her brow. “So that’s why you’re not talking to him but staring him down and wishing you could pull that girl’s hair out?”
“I’m not doing either of those things.”
“Emma Swan is a li-aaaaar.” Ruby raises her hands and yells across the bar. “Hey, Jones!”
“Ruby Lucas is de-aaad,” Emma sing-songs back before straightening her back and sitting as tall as she can. To get the best leverage to kill Ruby, of course, not to make her boobs look good in this sweater.
“Hello, Ruby, Swan,” Killian greets. The woman who was hanging onto his arm is gone now, but Emma is sure she’ll see her back at their apartment later. “You both look lovely tonight.”
“Same to you, handsome.” Emma rolls her eyes as Ruby drags her finger down Killian’s button-down. It, of course, despite the cold temperature, is half-buttoned. “So, Emma hasn’t said it, but you two need to talk and get over whatever tiff you’re in. Whatever Emma did, she’s sorry, and she really wants to make out with you again.”
“I’m going to kill you,” Emma mouths to Ruby as she slides her forefinger across her throat. “Seriously.”
“Love you,” Ruby says, blowing Emma a kiss and walking across the bar to where Dorothy just walked in. Now the woman decides to show up. Of course. Why couldn’t she have been here two minutes earlier?
In a perfect world, Killian would laugh Ruby off and walk away, but this is not and has never been a perfect world. Hard conversations aren’t avoidable. Instead, they come at you like a freight train with no breaks. You either crash or jump on. Emma is wondering if she can simply jump off the tracks.
“Swan,” Killian starts, but Emma decides she’s going to jump off the tracks. She doesn’t want to do this. She grabs her coat and heads out the door, pushing past Ruby and Dorothy on her way out. This will cause ripples in her relationship with Killian no matter what. She can’t imagine he’ll want to stay living with the woman who was an ass to him and dismissed his brother’s death because she was so caught up in her own issues.
Seriously. Asshole of the Year. It’s officially official now.
It’s stopped snowing in the hour since she entered the bar, and instead of a fresh white coat, the ground is covered in slush that’s been walked over hundreds of times, footprints burying down to show the sidewalk. It’s wet and disgusting, and Emma tugs on her coat as she flees to keep her from getting hypothermia or some other awful disease.
There’s a tug on her hands, and suddenly she’s being pulled backward. She braces herself for a fight, but when she sees it’s Killian, she braces for another kind of fight.
He arches his brow. “What? You going to make a man drink alone in there?”
“I’m not in the mood for a drink. Or a man. Besides, it seems like you already had company with that freakishly long-legged woman who was desperate to make out with you.”
Emma knows that’s mean. She wishes she had legs like that woman, and she wishes she were the one who could hang out at a bar and flirt with Killian like that.
She really messed up there before things could begin.
“Why, Swan? You jealous?”
Emma scoffs and turns away from him. “Like I’ve said, in your dreams.”
Killian drops her hand and moves into her space. He’s always doing that. Personal boundaries are nothing to him. “Aye, quite often.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you dream of the girl who was rude to you and can’t seem to apologize and makes you chase her out of bars even though you live together and could just talk at home. But I imagine you’ll have what’s-her-name there, so I don’t think that’ll be a great time for me to tell you I’m sorry.”
“Love,” he teases, moving his brows and absolutely smirking, “I’m not angry with you over what happened on Christmas, not anymore, and while I’d like to talk about that later, I’d really rather talk about how jealous you are thinking of the possibility of me kissing Victoria in there.”
What a cocky jerk.
Seriously. Who thinks that highly of themselves just to say something so arrogant?
“You can kiss or not kiss whoever you damn well - ”
She doesn’t get to finish her sentence because Killian surges forward and presses his mouth against hers, not letting her speak or think or breathe as he kisses her.
And kisses her well, she might add.
Okay, well, that was unexpected.
Like, seriously unexpected. She thought he was about to tell her to go screw herself and find a new roommate because honestly, that’s what Emma would do if she had to live with someone who is as messy as she is.
It’s a lot to deal with, and her heart is still racing from their argument and her being on the verge of a meltdown, but much like the slippery, gross snow underneath her feet, she melts into the kiss (okay, so maybe she is one of those girls who melts like Frosty-the-freaking-Snowman), wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands come to rest just above her ass, tugging her further into him. This feels different than that first kiss, softer, slower, and maybe something else she just can’t place.
Right now, she doesn’t care to search for that word when for the first time in a long time, her life feels right.
“Did you just kiss me to shut me up?” Emma laughs against his lips.
“Did it work?”
Emma quickly glides her lips over his. “Maybe.”
“Good.” Killian presses his forehead against hers, and not to be Hallmark-level cheesy, but she has that thought again about something just feeling right. Terrifying but right. “And Swan?”
“It’s fucking freezing out here. Do you want to go back to our place and have what I can only hope is some amazing make-up sex?”
“Can you have make-up sex if you’ve never slept together before?”
Killian pulls back and wraps his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in until he kisses her temple. “We could find out. Or we could go home and see what’s on Netflix, eat some of your leftover Halloween candy.”
“Oh, bud,” Emma laughs, patting his chest and tilting her head to look up at him, “I stress ate that the day we got home from my parents’. But don’t worry, I bought some more last week.”
“I know,” Killian whispers, “I ate some of it when I was still pissed at you.”
Fair. she deserves that. She deserves much more than that, and she expects at some point, she and Killian will have it out like they deserve. She doesn’t get to just skip over the bad and into the field of lush flowers no matter how much it seems like that right now.
But at least there are flowers on the horizon.
“Was it the milk chocolate that made it all better?”
“Aye, it was.”
Emma drops her shoulders, and if she weren’t so sure she was awake, she would swear this was all a dream or part of her imagination from the emotional whiplash she’s experiencing.
“I guess I’ll have to find a new place to hide the candy then.”
“Oh, love, I’ll always find it.”
(PS: You can have make-up sex even if you’ve never had sex with that person before.)
(Emma and Killian were quick to test that theory out.)
(And eat the chocolate.)
Tag list: @lu123sworld​ @qualitycoffeethings​ @marrtinski​ @klynn-stormz​ @scarletslippers​ @elizabeethan​ @jrob64​ @snowbellewells​ @therealstartraveller776​ @thejollyroger-writer​ @inth-trees​ @galaxyzxstark​ @galadriel26​ @idristardis​ @karenfrommisthaven​ @teamhook​ @spartanguard​ @searchingwardrobes​ @jamif​ @shireness-says​ @ultimiflos​ @onepunintendid​ @bluewildcatfanatic​ @superchocovian​ @killianswannn​ @carpedzem​ @captainkillianswanjones​ @mayquita​ @mariakov81​ @jennjenn615​ @onceuponaprincessworld​ @a-faekindagirl​ @scientificapricot​ @xellewoods​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @stahlop​ @kmomof4​ @tiganasummertree​ @singersdd​ @tornadoamy​ @cluttermind​ @lfh1226-linda @andiirivera​ @itsfabianadocarmo​ @captain-emmajones​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @capthamm​ @donteattheappleshook​ @eleveneitherway​
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crossdressingdeath · 3 years
Twin Treasures Chapter 1, v. 1
AN: So, the great editing spree has begun. Chapter one is finished, you can read the edited version of this chapter here, but everyone who commented on it wanted me to move the original versions over to Tumblr when I changed them so... here we are, I suppose. Chapter one, old version!
Yiling is small and loud and filthy, and Jin Rong doesn’t know why his mother brought him here.
“Experience,” she says when he asks, and, “You cannot work with the other sects if you don’t know what they face,” which he doesn’t think is a proper answer.
“Father wouldn’t bring me here,” he grumbles, but only quietly. His mother’s hatred of his father is legendary, even though he’s not entirely sure why she hates him so much. Don’t you dare turn out like your father, she says over and over, and Jin Rong nods every time despite not understanding. Everyone in Koi Tower knows you don’t say no to Madame Jin, and despite being only ten years old (a very mature ten years old, he’d insist if anyone asked), he’s learned that lesson several times over.
Which is what brings him here, walking down a filthy street with his mother holding his hand tightly. She’d brought a little basket of dumplings for his lunch, which he’s now clutching in his free hand, but she refuses to let go long enough for him to eat any.
He hears dogs barking from down an alley and tugs on his mother’s sleeve. “Mother, Mother, there are dogs down there! Can we go see them?”
“They’re probably strays,” Madame Jin tells him. “They can be dangerous, especially for children, so it’s better for us to stay away.” Before Jin Rong can complain, she turns back to the alley in one sharp movement. Something in her face shifts. “…A-Rong, stay close to me.” That said, she hurries down the alley towards the sound of barking. Did she change her mind?
As they get closer, Jin Rong begins to hear what she must have. There’s someone screaming, a high, reedy sound that must be coming from another kid. “N-no! Stay away! Get away from me! Help! Somebody, help me!”
Madame Jin draws her sword as the dogs come into view. They’re huge, hungry-looking beasts, nothing like his own pets back at Koi Tower, and Jin Rong shrinks into his mother’s side as she drives them off with a few quick slashes. The screaming dies down to whimpering, and he gets his first look at the kid. He looks young, and far dirtier than any child he’s ever seen. He’s definitely younger and dirtier than Jin Rong himself is, he notes with quiet satisfaction. Madame Jin kneels down and speaks soothingly, like she does when Jin Rong scrapes his knee during training. “Child, are you alright?”
The kid sniffles and wipes at his eyes, leaving smears of mud on his cheeks. “I’m okay…”
…That’s not mud, Jin Rong realizes. “You’re bleeding!”
Madame Jin nods, seeing the same thing he did. “What happened? Were you bitten? Here, let me see.”
“I-I’m okay,” the kid insists. “Really, I’m- Ow!” The last part comes as Jin Rong grabs his arm and yanks it forward so his mother can look.
“A-Rong!” Madame Jin snaps. She gently takes the kid’s arm, clicking her tongue at the sight of a deep bite. “Well, that looks painful. Here, let me…” She pulls a ribbon from her sleeve to bind the wound. “There. That should hold until we get you proper medical attention. Where are your parents?”
“Gone?” Madame Jin echoes. “What do you mean?”
The kid shrugs. “They left on a night hunt, ages ago. I haven’t seen them since…”
Madame Jin takes a deep breath. “…I see. What’s your name, child?”
“Wei Ying!” the kid says.
“Wei Ying,” Madame Jin repeats. Jin Rong doesn’t understand why she cares so much. “Really?”
“Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze’s child?” Madame Jin presses.
"Mhm!” The kid nods. “D’you know them? When are they coming back?”
Something sad creeps over his mother’s face. “…I don’t think they are, A-Ying,” she says.
“Oh.” Wei Ying ducks his head. “…Are they dead?”
“I’m afraid so,” Madame Jin says gently.
“Oh,” Wei Ying repeats, very quietly. He sniffles quietly.
He’s not going to cry, is he? Jin Rong isn’t any good with crying people. He fumbles for his basket and pulls out a dumpling, which he holds out to the kid. “Here.”
“Eh?” Wei Ying stares at him, then at the dumpling. “Is that for me?”
“Just take it,” Jin Rong grumbles.
Wei Ying smiles at him, still a little teary-eyed. “Thank you, Rich-gege!”
It’s like the sun has just risen in the filthy alley. Wei Ying’s face lights up, his eyes shining as he bites into the dumpling. “It’s good!” he chirps around his mouthful. “It’s really, really good!”
Jin Rong manages to tear his eyes away from the brightest smile he’s ever seen long enough to catch his mother’s approving nod. “Do you… want more?” he asks.
“There’s more?!” Wei Ying steps closer, eyes wide. “It’s really okay if I have some? Even though they’re yours?”
“Why would I offer if it wasn’t okay?!” Jin Rong holds out the basket of dumplings.
Wei Ying takes it hesitantly and reaches in to pull one out. “Okay!”
He begins eating in quick bites. Jin Rong watches jealously. He’s hungry too! But his mother is looking at him with a proud smile, like he’s done something right. So he keeps watching, trying to ignore the way his stomach growls.
Wei Ying doesn’t ignore it, though. “Oh! Are you hungry, Rich-gege?” He glances into the basket, already half empty. “Sorry… I ate your food.” He holds it out. “You can have the rest, though!”
Jin Rong glances at his mother, then nods and takes the basket. She smiles at Wei Ying as he starts on the remaining dumplings. “A-Ying, do you have anywhere to stay?” Wei Ying shakes his head. “Would you like to come and stay with us?”
Wei Ying blinks at her. “Stay… with you and Rich-gege?”
“We have a huge house,” Jin Rong boasts. “With lots of servants and good food and warm beds!”
“And… I can stay there?” Wei Ying asks. “You don’t mind?”
“Of course,” Madame Jin says.
“Father won’t like it,” Jin Rong says.
Wei Ying flinches. Madame Jin frowns at Jin Rong. “What does that matter?” she asks. “Do you think I am beholden to your father’s wishes?” Jin Rong shakes his head quickly. Madame Jin nods and turns back to Wei Ying. “You don’t need to worry about him,” she says gently. “I’ll take care of everything.”
Wei Ying hesitates, looking away as he thinks. “It’s really okay?”
“It’s okay,” Madame Jin assures him.
Wei Ying smiles again. “Then… yes, please.” He giggles. “Please take me home with you!” He bows clumsily.
It’s cute. Sort of like when his dogs do tricks. Jin Rong glances at his mother, who smiles at both of them. “Well then, shall we go?”
Jin Rong nods. “Yeah, I want to go home.”
Madame Jin turns to leave the alley. Jin Rong follows. After a moment, a little hand takes his. He turns to see Wei Ying clinging to him. The kid smiles at him. “Is this okay?” he asks.
“…Sure,” Jin Rong decides.
Wei Ying giggles, grabbing onto Jin Rong’s arm more firmly. Jin Rong doesn’t bother to shake him off.
The sun has long since set when they return home. Wei Ying is exhausted by the time they reach the top of Koi Tower’s steps. So is Jin Rong, but he’s less exhausted, so he keeps his head up and looks superior as they stand before his father.
“My lady,” Jin Guangshan says. “You want to… adopt this child?” He says it like Madame Jin has suggested they roast and eat him.
“I am going to adopt this child,” Madame Jin says firmly.
“You know what people will say if you do this,” Jin Guangshan wheedles. “Everyone will think he’s mine, you know.”
“You don’t need to worry about that,” Madame Jin assures him. “I would never allow anyone to believe such nonsense.”
“My lady…”
Madame Jin turns to the children. “A-Rong, why don’t you show A-Ying around his new home?”
“My lady!”
“Go on,” she says, ignoring her husband. Jin Rong glances between the two of them, then turns to Wei Ying. The kid has his head down, swaying on his feet from exhaustion, staring at the floor like he can convince it to swallow him if he begs it hard enough. He’s still filthy; the three of them were brought to Jin Guangshan almost immediately, leaving the servants to prepare a bath in Jin Rong’s room.
Jin Rong grabs his hand and tugs him toward the door. “Come on,” he says. “I’ll take you to my room.”
“Okay.” Wei Ying follows him obediently.
They walk until the sound of arguing fades into the distance. The servants look at them oddly, the heir to the sect walking hand in hand with a filthy beggar boy. Jin Rong glares at anyone who does, but if Wei Ying notices he’s ignoring it.
“Here,” Jin Rong says, stopping in front of his bedroom door.
“This is your room?” Wei Ying asks.
“Yeah,” Jin Rong says. He reaches for the door.
There’s a bark from the other side, and Wei Ying goes pale. “D-dog!”
“She’s not like those dogs on the street,” Jin Rong tells him, a little annoyed. His puppy is a good girl, she’d never bite!
Before he can inform Wei Ying of this, the puppy gets tired of waiting for him to open the door enough for her to get out and throws her full weight against it. Jin Rong loses his grip as the door flies open and his puppy leaps out, barking joyously.
Wei Ying screams. He scrambles to hide behind Jin Rong, arms wrapping around his neck so tightly he can barely breathe. “Help!” he wails. “Help, help, save me! Rich-gege, make it go away!”
“Calm down!” Jin Rong snaps. “And let go of me!”
“I can’t!” Wei Ying cries. “Scary, it’s so scary! Gege, make it stop!”
“Fine!” He turns to the puppy. “Sit!”
She sits. Wei Ying doesn’t let go of him. Jin Rong groans. “What now?”
“Make it go away!” Wei Ying whines. “Please make it go away!”
“Alright, alright!” He waves a hand at the puppy. He’d pet her, but when he tries to step closer Wei Ying shrieks and yanks desperately at his clothes until he stops. “Go to the kennels! The kennels! Good girl!”
He’s glad Father got him a spiritual dog; he can’t imagine how hard it would be to get a regular dog to the kennels with Wei Ying clinging to him. At least he’s light.
…He’s very light, actually. Definitely lighter than Jin Rong, as well as shorter and scrawnier. He should talk to his mother about that. Maybe Wei Ying needs more food, like when Jin Rong found that little puppy whose mother hadn’t been feeding him. If Wei Ying didn’t have a mother to feed him before then he probably didn’t get enough, right? If he’s really going to be Jin Rong’s little brother then it’s his job to look after him! He doesn’t want Wei Ying to die!
While he’s been thinking, his puppy has slunk off towards the kennels. He makes a note to bring her some treats later; it’s not her fault his new brother doesn’t like her! “There, she’s gone! Will you get off now?”
Wei Ying all but throws himself off him. “Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to bother you!”
“It’s… fine.” He’s still a little annoyed, but who’s going to make a fuss looking at those big eyes, still wide and bright with tears from the fright? Who could upset him more over something this small? It’s not like he can’t see his dogs, he just has to keep them away from Wei Ying! Or teach him not to be scared of them! He can do that! “Don’t worry about it.”
“Really?” Wei Ying blinks at him. “You… You can call it back if you want…”
“I don’t want you screaming in my ear all night,” Jin Rong scoffs.
“All… night?”
“Well, why would we get a bath ready for you here if you were sleeping somewhere else?” Jin Rong asks. “Or would you rather sleep in the hall?”
“N-no!” Wei Ying says quickly. “If you’re really okay with me staying in your room…”
It occurs to Jin Rong that he doesn’t actually know if his mother has had another room prepared for Wei Ying or not. But it’s too late now! He’s already said that Wei Ying can stay in his room, and Madame Jin always says that a good sect leader keeps his word! So he’ll share with Wei Ying, at least just for tonight.
He manages to usher Wei Ying into the bedroom and to the tub of water without any more issues. While the younger boy bathes, he grabs a set of his own inner robes for him; it’s not like there’s anything else for him to wear other than the dirty rags he brought with him. What would be the point of bathing if he’s just going to put on filthy clothes again?
When Wei Ying finally emerges from the bath, clean with his hair still wet and dressed in Jin Rong’s too-big clothes, Jin Rong is considering the next problem: he’s only got one bed.
“Um… I can sleep on the floor…” Wei Ying offers, glancing from Jin Rong to the bed and back again. “I’m used to stuff like that.”
“Mother says guests always get first priority,” Jin Rong says as haughtily as he can. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“But it’s your room!”
“Shut up!” Jin Rong snaps. “I said you could take the bed so you take the bed! Stop arguing!”
“O-okay!” Wei Ying scurries over to the bed. “Um… good night.”
“…Good night.”
Jin Rong blows out the candles as Wei Ying settles into bed. He giggles, nuzzling into the sheets. “Your bed is so nice!”
Jin Rong shrugs, even though Wei Ying probably can’t see him in the dark. “It’s okay.”
“You must be really rich, Gege,” Wei Ying sighs. “If this is only okay…”
“Go to sleep already,” Jin Rong grumbles. “I’m tired, and I can’t sleep with you chattering.”
“Sorry, sorry!” Wei Ying says. “I can’t help it, I haven’t had anyone to talk to in ages and ages! Am I bothering you?”
“Shut uuuuuuuuuup!” Jin Rong groans. He climbs onto the bed to throw a hand over Wei Ying’s mouth.
Wei Ying yelps and tries to squirm away, but Jin Rong pins him down without too much trouble. It’s nice to be stronger than someone. “Hey, let go!”
“Not until you stop talking!” Jin Rong says.
Wei Ying grabs the arm Jin Rong is using to hold himself up and pulls, knocking him off balance and onto his side on the bed. “I’ll stop talking when you stop talking!”
“You-!” Jin Rong considers punching the younger boy, but decides against it. “I’m not moving,” he says, closing his eyes.
He gets the sense that Wei Ying is eyeing him closely. “…Me neither,” he says eventually. A hand creeps into his hesitantly. “Good night, Gege.”
Jin Rong sighs and squeezes Wei Ying’s hand. “Good night.”
(He wakes the next morning to Wei Ying’s head on his shoulder, their hands still clasped together. Somehow, despite the bruises from being kicked at some point in the night, he can’t bring himself to mind.)
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
I am the Alpha Now Part 20
Bakugo x Reader
Words : 4082
Reader is from America and somewhat of a delinquent with an alpha quirk that allows her to turn into a wolf as well as bond with dogs. She is sent to UA to straighten out her attitude. She ends up in a power struggle with none other than our favorite hot head. Words in Italics are words said telepathically.
Your phone was blowing up. Notification after notification until finally you heard your boyfriend groan, “Check your phone already dumbass.”
You took a deep breath and cracked your eyes open. Your head was on Bakugo’s chest and you weren’t really in the mood to move. Your phone had other ideas though as it continued to buzz on the nightstand. You reluctantly pulled away from your boyfriend and rolled over to grab your phone. Bakugo was quick to throw his arm back around you and hug you from behind, peppering kisses on your shoulders.
You grabbed your phone and was alarmed to see that you had dozens of notifications amongst several apps. Your Facebook, your Twitter, your Instagram, hell even your long-forgotten Tumblr page had alerts. Nothing however compared to your overflowing text messages.
The first one you opened was from a friend back home that you hadn’t even spoken too since moving to Japan. No words, no context. Just a link to a news article. You clicked it and felt your blood turn cold. In front of you was a picture of you covered in blood, alpha teeth bared, claws out, looking absolutely feral.
Bakugo felt you tense up and put his chin on you shoulder pulling you closer to him, “What’s up? Who’s been bugging you all morning?”
You immediately hid your phone from his view. “He did it…. Dabi, he- he leaked my secrets all over the internet.” You knew there was no point in hiding it. He would be able to look it up. You were sure people were probably sending him the same links, he just values his sleep more than people and his phone was on do not disturb. You handed him your phone and got up to go to the bathroom.
At first, he grabbed your wrist, but quickly realized you needed space, so he let you go.
You stared at yourself in the mirror as your skin began to heat up. Sure, you graduated from UA but there was no way you’d be a hero now. What about Katsuki? Would you hurt his reputation by dating him? Would you ruin his plans of being the number one hero? Could you stay here? In this house full of heroes?
Your instincts were screaming for you to run. To get the hell out of here. But you couldn’t. You refused to leave your pack again, and that included Katsuki. Even if you had to go into hiding, you would never cut yourself off from him again.
You splashed some cold water in your face and counted in your head until your breathing became regular again. It had taken you all the way to thirty-five.
You walked back out into the room to find Bakugo sitting up with his head in his hands. Your phone was on the floor in front of him. You had needed your space, now you were going to give him his. He needed to be able to process this without you clinging to him.
You picked up your phone and saw that he hadn’t even made it through the whole article. He stopped when he got to a still shot from a video of you tearing a man’s arm off. You cringed and exited the article before you could see more. You didn’t need to read it, you were there, you know how it went. You were sure they spun it in some awful way to make it even worse, but at the end of the day you had done terrible things. So, they were allowed to say whatever they wanted.
You pulled open a new tab and started to look at flights back home. America was a little more lenient with vigilante behavior and while they still hold their heroes to the ridiculously high standard of not killing villains… they also tended to look the other way when it happened. It was a broken system that you had wanted nothing to do with, but now it might your only option.
You were pulled from your thoughts when you felt two arms circle your middle and pull you down until you sitting in Bakugo’s lap. “I already knew about some of this stuff… Mercy told me… but having to see it… Shit y/n…”
You were glad he couldn’t see your face because you were in absolute agony. You had disappointed him. The only person to ever give a fuck about you. And it hurt.
He could feel your anguish and pulled you tighter. “Hey, I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. Your past is your past. You can’t run from it forever. You have to face it head on and I’ll be right there to help you do it.”
Your hand found his and intertwined your fingers. “You’re not disgusted with me?”
“What? No, of course not. I’m disgusted with the people who did this to you. Who hurt you and pushed you until you had no other choice but to do what you did. I’m disgusted with your parents for not taking better care of you. I’m disgusted with the fact that the system was so broken that it took a seventeen-year-old girl putting herself in danger over and over again to fix it. I’m disgusted that there was no one there to help you.” You could feel so much stress begin to seep out of you as you slowly let yourself melt into him. “You don’t have to do it alone anymore. I know you have Mercy, but now you also have me.”
Your tender moment was interrupted by a banging on your door “Y/N ARE YOU OKAY! YOUR EMOTIONS ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE! LET ME IN!”
You untangled yourself from Bakugo and walked over to open the door. You were surprised to find that Mercy wasn’t alone. Kirishima was there too with a sad look on his face. “So uh… I’m assuming you know… I’ve been sitting out here for an hour trying to decide if I should wake you guys up.” He rubbed his neck, “I know it’s such a stupid question, but… are you okay?”
You could see the hurt in his eyes and while you didn’t want to see him sad, it was comforting to know that he still cared about you after learning about you. You reached for him and gave him a hug, “I’m obviously not okay right now, but it means the world that you care. Thank you.”
He gave you a quick squeeze. “So, should I go check on him? Or does he need a minute?”
You nodded towards Bakugo, “I think he’d appreciate the company. Let him know I’m taking Mercy for a walk, yeah?”
“You know he’s not going to like you leaving the house without him.”
You shrugged, “I’m not going far. He’ll be able to feel me through the bond if he gets nervous.”
You looked to Mercy, “Alright let’s go. I have a feeling I have a lecture coming.”
“Damn straight you do.”
The two of you left the house and walked in silence for a few minutes before Mercy stopped, “I’m very mad at you.”
You sighed. You knew this was coming. As much as you had wanted to immediately find Mercy when you came back, you were also trying to avoid this. You had failed him as an Alpha and now you had to face him. “I know. I fucked up. But I knew I had to do this alone. I had originally intended to only meet up with them. Kick some ass and come home… It obviously got a little out of control.”
He huffed in annoyance, “Obviously… But I understand why you cut off Bakugo’s bond. But why mine? If you could have just told me what you were doing, I could have helped you.”
You took a seat on a low wall and patted the top of Mercy’s head. “Because as much as I know you say you would listen to me, I know Bakugo would convince you to help him find me. He’s persuasive like that.”
Mercy growled, not liking your answer. “Okay fine… but just so you know. We know you lied. It doesn’t matter how well you think you hid it. We know. There are no lies between pack members. He’s letting you get away with it, but I’m not.”
You had a feeling he knew, but the idiot was way better at keeping secrets than you were. “Will it make you feel better if I tell you?” Mercy nodded enthusiastically. “Okay, but you can’t tell Bakugo. He’ll freak out.”
So, you told Mercy everything. Every single detail. He was fascinated at the progress you had made in the last few days. “You know Bakugo’s going to get suspicious when you can all of the sudden sustain alpha mode without shifting. Or when you can basically go feral without having to push past your limit.”
“Yeah well… we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, I think more importantly we need to worry about Dabi. He’s obviously pissed I left. Shigaraki was supposed to be coming back in the next few days. He’s gonna be pissed I left. Then both of them are probably going to try and kill me.”
“Glad to know you know me so well y/n… although I’d probably wait until after you killed shit-araki before killing you.” Mercy immediately stepped between you and Dabi and bared his teeth. “You going to call Cujo off or do you want me to cremate him in front of you.”
You could feel rage coursing through you. “You fucking ASSHOLE! I did everything you said. I didn’t tell anyone about your plans and you still fucked me over! You ruined my life! WHY?!”
You swear you say something similar to regret pass over his face before he quickly schooled his expression. “You still have a job to do. Didn’t you get my text last night?”
You narrowed your eyes, “Sorry I was too busy sleeping off the torture you put me through.” You held your phone screen up so he could see, “Also, I don’t know if you noticed but there’s currently all kinds of news circulating about me right now, so, I kinda have a lot of texts to go through.”
Dabi used his finger to scroll down to his message and clicked it. “Well read it now.”
Your eyes widened, “You don’t mean… He’s back now?”
“Not only is he back, but he’s here… at your house... waiting for you.”
In seconds you had shifted and were sprinting back towards the house. You hadn’t gone far, it would only take you a few seconds to get back in wolf form.
You had to be smart about this. You couldn’t go in full force. You had to believe that Kiri and Katsuki were still alive. They were tough. If Shigaraki was as smart as everyone says he is, he’d know to keep them alive as a bargaining chip.
You skidded to a stop outside of the house. “NO! Get out of here! We can handle it. RUN!” He had to have known that wasn’t going to happen. You knew he’d be pissed but you forced your mind into his and looked through his eyes.
Kirishima was passed out on the ground, tied up but otherwise unharmed. Shigaraki was sitting in a chair next to him with his hand wrapped around Katsuki’s wrist, all but the pinky. You focused really hard so you could hear. “Tell her to come back to the house, or you can say goodbye to your hands. I’m sure you heard what I did to Overhaul.” You felt Mercy’s presence as he made his way towards the back door, waiting for the signal. You two had played this game dozens of times. Let the villain think they had you, just for Mercy to take them out.
Katsuki spit blood on to the floor. “You could take my whole arm and it wouldn’t make me do shit.”
Shigaraki cackled, “Well if you insist.”
Your eyes glowed as you kicked the door open. “You want me? Here I am. Now let him go. NOW!”
You put as much Alpha authority in your voice to make him drop Katsuki’s hand. His eyebrows shot up before he showed you his disgusting smile. “Wow that quirk really is something.” He ran a hand through Bakugo’s hair and you could see a few hairs disintegrate under his touch. You growled and your eyes glowed even brighter. “It seems you aren’t going to come quietly…” He gestured to someone behind you. “Try and keep our friend company here, while y/n and I have a little… chat.”
“Sure thing boss.” Dabi bumped your shoulder as he passed you. Making his way over to take his place behind Bakugo.
“Y/n! Stop being so stupid. Just go. I’ll be fine. PLEASE!” You could hear the desperation in his voice even through the bond, but you couldn’t react.
“Mercy is out back. As soon as I leave with Shigaraki, meet up with him and have him fill you in on what’s going on. Don’t fight me on this, I know what ‘m doing.” Dabi smirked at you, knowing you were plotting inside the bond. “Dabi, if you so much as touch him. I will kick your ass… again… and this time I won’t stop until you’re dead.”
Shigaraki squealed in delight, “Oh I love her already. Come on let’s go somewhere a little more private for… negotiations hm?”
You silently followed him through the kitchen and into the biggest garage you had ever seen. It had obviously been modified to fit all of the guys cars as well as a bunch of hero tech and equipment. The floor looked like it had some kind of mat over half of it, that would allow the heroes to spar. Man, Endeavour thought of everything. It was thankfully empty at the moment. You were going to need all the space you could get.
“Look I’m going to get straight to the point. I’m sure there’s a top of the line security system here and I know it won’t be long before the other two hero’s along with Endeavor show up and I’m not in the mood for that headache. So, you have two options and only two minutes to make your choice.” He started to pace in front of you, “Option A. Join us and we’ll put a strict do not touch order on your precious little boyfriend. You can live your life with us knowing no villain would be stupid enough to hurt him. Option B. You decide to fight me right now and we kill everyone you have ever known. But, of course we’ll leave him for last. We’ll burn and melt him little piece by little piece right in front of you. It’ll be the slowest, most agonizing death that could truly ever exist.”
He pushed a button on his watch. “Well there are your options, your time starts now.”
You heard a loud bang in the other room. A part of you was screaming for option A. To just let them take you and protect Katsuki. Did you have enough confidence that you could win this fight. Could you risk it.
“Mercy where’s Bakugo?”
“He’s fighting with Dabi right now. I told him everything, but now he’s mad at Dabi for hurting you. He won’t calm down. I’m trying to break it up. Dabi’s trying to convince him you can do it alone. He’s trying really hard to get to you right now. I don’t know if we can hold him much longer without hurting him. Please hurry.”
Shigaraki’s watch dinged, “Ok, time’s up, what’s it going to be?”
His eyes barely had time to come up from his watch before you were tackling him in wolf form. Digging your teeth into his shoulder, claws ripping at his side.
He screamed out and placed both hands on your shoulders. You immediately smelled the melting fur and skin. You pushed through it for a few more moments before letting go and jumping back. You needed to shift back to human. You needed to heal faster.
You shifted but your eyes continued to glow. Your skin started to stitch itself back together, but you were alarmed to see it was much slower than with Dabi’s quirk.
You lunged at him with your claws out and raked them across his face. And that’s how you started what felt like the longest fight of your life. A constant dance of you lunging in and him trying to grab you. He was better at hand to hand combat then you were lead to believe.
At one point you dove to the ground to avoid him. He lurked over you and you grabbed a metal pipe and swung at him. He grabbed it easily and melted one end before yanking it from your grip. He pulled it straight in the air before bringing it down hard. You moved you head out of the way at last second and the pipe lodged itself into the soft sparing mat on the floor. You rolled out of the way and jumped back to your feet.
You were ready to lunge again when you heard the door to the garage slam open.
You turned towards the noise, “KATSUKI NO!”
That’s all it took. That small distraction left a window for Shigaraki to get his hands on you.
Bakugo sprinted towards you but stopped short when he saw was happening, “That’s right. Come any closer and she’s as good as dead.” Both his arms were wrapped around you. One hand on your shoulder the other on your hip. If he hadn’t been trying to kill you it would look like a lover’s embrace.
You took in a deep breath and pushed your quirk as hard as you could. You’re healing was desperately trying to keep up with him. But it seemed that even with all of the extra training it still wasn’t a match. If you kept up like this he would eventually win.
Bakugo reached a hand out, desperate to help. To do something.
“No Katsuki. Do nothing.” You watched as he fell to his knees helpless to your alpha commands. You know you promised you would never do that to him. But you knew the consequences of you losing this fight. You couldn’t let Shigaraki get his hands on him.
He was right in front of you, the only thing between you was the pipe that was still in the ground. The melted side looked pretty sharp. You knew what you had to do.
Shigaraki continued to try and disintegrate you while you continued to try and heal yourself. It was painful and disorienting and you could feel yourself slipping under. You had to do it now. “Don’t watch Katsuki.” Katsuki lowered his head to floor in front of you. “I love you.”
“Y/N NO!!!!! PLEASE!”
You took a step towards the pipe. Shigaraki thinking you were trying to get away pulled you closer to him. Good.
You threw yourself onto the pipe. Taking him with you.
You had thought it would hurt, but if anything… you were numb. You felt Shigaraki’s arms go limp. At least you could die knowing you took the bastard with you.
******* Bakugo’s POV******
He couldn’t move. Your command wouldn’t allow it. His eyes glued to the floor. He heard the most disgusting sound of something cutting through flesh and his heart sank. He watched as blood started to pool around the metal pipe. But he still couldn’t move. And only when he realized that it wasn’t your command holding him anymore, it was his own fear did he really understand. You were gone. Your bond was gone.
This was what Mercy meant. Before it was like a closed door when you cut him off, but now it’s just… gone. Like a vacuum, had come and sucked out part of him. “No, no, no, no, NO!” His fist pounded the ground over and over again until they were bloody. Tears were streaming down his face.
He had only had you back for a few hours. You had made plans. You were supposed to live here with him. You were going to work together. He already had a ring picked out. You were supposed to be it for him. How did he let this happen? He trained his whole life to be a hero, and he couldn’t even save you.
He could feel the utter terror coming from Mercy right before it disappeared altogether. Without you there was no bond for him and Mercy. A loud howl ripped from the other room as Mercy began to frantically paw at the closed door to the garage. He was being consumed by a cold emptiness. The blood was almost touching him now, but he remained frozen to the spot. Moving would mean he’d have to see you, and there was nothing in the world that could prepare him for that.
The world was now rid of Shigaraki, but at what cost? He knew it was incredibly selfish, but he’d take Shigaraki wreaking havoc on Japan every day for the rest of his life, if he could just be able to hold you one more time. If he could tell you he loved you one more time.
A broken sob left his lips as he realized those were your last words before you died, ‘I love you’ and he hadn’t even said it back.
His head still hung with tears dripping from his nose when a hand came out to cup his cheek.
His eyes snapped up to see it was yours. When his eyes met yours, it was like he was hit with a truck as the bond suddenly reopened. “Shit, shit, y/n. God please don’t die. Stay with me.”
You gripped his hand, “Please… help me… off this fucking pipe.”
He scrambled to stand up. Pulling Shigaraki off first who he threw like a limp doll off to the side. He then gently eased you off, wincing at the awful sounds you made while he did. Your eyes continued to glow as he eased you into his lap. He looked at the hole in your stomach and sighed in relief when he saw it was slowly shrinking.
He nudged your forehead with his nose, “Hey don’t you dare fall asleep until I see that fucking hole close up.” He rocked you back and forth just kissing your face and running his hand through your hair.
At some point Dabi came in looking busted after a few rounds with Bakugo. Without saying anything he walked over to his former boss and burnt him to ashes before doing the same thing to the pipe.
He swept up he evidence and dumped it into a trash bag. “Get her cleaned up before the idiots show up. I’ll tell the league Shigaraki never showed. You tell the heroes that you fought him off and he got away with critical injuries.” He threw the bag over his shoulder as if he was Santa Clause and not a homicidal maniac.
“I will never forgive you for this. For kidnapping her. For torturing her. For dragging her into this. And especially not for putting her business out these for everyone to know. For hurting her future.” Bakugo held you tighter as if to confirm you were still there, “I don’t care what side you’re on. The next time I see you… your dead.”
Dabi hovered by the door, “Don’t worry, I’ve already been dead a long time. I won’t bother her anymore. You don’t have to worry about me…” He took a step closer to the door but looked back one more time. “I know you don’t owe me shit… but when she wakes up… can you tell her I’m sorry.”
Before Bakugo could answer the sound of the front door sounded as it slammed open followed by the voices of Todoroki, Deku, Endeavor, and Hawks. When Bakugo looked back Dabi was gone.
Mercy lead the heroes to the garage. There Bakugo told them a modified version of the truth. The entire time Hawks’ sad knowing eyes never left your limp and bloody body.
Tags : @tspice283 , @realityisoftendisapointing , @imbi-101 , @thoughtfulpandazine2, @hotarumorikawa , @huh-iwasntpayingattention , @starfishlovingbnha , @weebnumber3622 , @mixedfeeelings , @munchmunch01 , @inumorph@xxoperatexx @runrabbitrun3 @insane-without-delirium @yolei94 @let-love-bleeds-red
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