#also i realize it looks like he's at a concert but that's the fire and this scene was SO yellow
atdawn · 30 days
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MERLIN | 4.05 His Father’s Son
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freyito · 8 months
Can you do Smoke and Reptile, sfw, them burying their face in readers boobs, using them as a pillow and how they’d react to reader to reader doing it back to them? You could do somthing suggestive.
I'm curious also, besides Kenshi and Kuai Liang who else are you a fan of?
imma be honest anon, this is such a fire idea. when i was at this a7x concert me and my friend saw a guy with double ds. like. BODACIOUS bro. that was the first thing our eyes went to. he looked like jesus christ brother. he spoke like he had a message from the gods.
anyways. to answer your question. sentimentally i'm very attached to Kitana and Scorpion in general, i played Kitana when mk9 came out (i was 7, my dad let me play mk when i was SEVEN) and my dad played Scorpion and i always got my ass handed to me. but he worked a lot and playing mk9 was the only time we really got together when i was a kid. with mk1, we've been able to play a lot more together and it reminds me of those times, it's really fun. now i win about half the matches we play, but i just don't play Kitana anymore. i really do prefer Kenshi.
I am actually married to Johnny Cage and Kenshi, soooo Also, to be honest, the first characters to draw me into Mk1 were Smoke & Sub-Zero. Hadn't really been a big Sub-Zero fan beforehand, not of Bi-Han or Kuai Liang. So it was fun having that revelation. And Tomas is just super cute, I actually love that he's Czech. We're not the same, but hey, we're atleast both slavic. I dont know why, I just love finding Slavic characters cause more often then not I end up relating to them. Sorry for the monologue, anon. Here's your boob request :P
cw: gn reader cause everyone can have boobs brother, bonus character!, proofread
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"ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴘɪʟʟᴏᴡꜱ" || ᴛᴏᴍᴀꜱ & ꜱʏᴢᴏᴛʜ
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-Tomas Vrbada
Tomas loves nothing more at the end of the day than getting to bury his face in your chest. As long as you two are in private, he'll wiggle his way into you somehow.
Half the time you two have together, he's face down in your chest, it is a regular occurrence and will stay a regular occurrence.
Does he do anything other than that? No. He's planking. He's in love, man, you can't blame him.
So, when you find him laying on the bed that one fateful night, defenseless, you give him the same treatment. You climb onto the bed, and slink your way into his arms.
He reaches out for you absent-mindedly, running his hands through your hair. Then you strike. You plank right into HIS boobs. He hasn't even registered yet. But you understand why he does it to you. Even if you can't breathe, it's somehow euphoric.
Tomas pauses, looks down at you. And his face flushes. You can feel his body temperature rise. He doesn't know how to react, he's been caught in just an inconvenient situaton.
He doesn't complain, though. He's just flustered. Real flustered. He holds you close after he can find his composure, still unsure but grateful of your touch.
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Syzoth almost always makes a dive for your chest when you two are cuddling. He'll be tangled up with you- quite literally, the man really enjoys being as close as possible- and still find a way to bury his head into your chest.
Doesn't matter how much you dodge out of it, he's going to wrap himself around you and find your chest somehow, someway.
But, he thinks he's free of this torment. He gets to lay his head in your chest, and run off freely. He does it when you two nap, when you cuddle, wherever, whenever.
You find him one night, after a long day and seize your chance. And your boyfriends boobies. Without a second chance you throw yourself at Syzoth, aiming directly for his chest.
You can see him realize in that moment what's happening. And you can see the exact look of 'awh fuck', almost as if in slow motion. And when you finally get to lay your head onto his sweet, sweet, pillows, he gives up right then and there.
Syzoth accepts the love, completely. He might act all pouty because you robbed him of his favorite thing to do, but secretly he loves it. You can almost hear him purr.
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-Bonus Points! Bi-Han
Bi-Han doesn't really find himself buried in your chest too often. Mainly because he feels like he's controlled for that. He's thought about it, but refuses to do it.
But let's be honest, how can you not shove your face in his tits? They're massive, H cups AT LEAST. So you stalk your boyfriend, until you can find a private moment between you two.
He doesn't know your game, but he does know you've been following him. He's not annoyed, he's simply confused as to why you won't directly approach him.
So, when you ambush him, he's only slightly prepared. You go straight for his boobs. And you land directly in between them. Silence washes over you two.
Bi-Han doesn't understand. Part of him doesn't want to. So he simply wraps his arms gently around your waist and pulls you closer. He kind of thinks you're in need of comfort.
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© freyito, 2023 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS
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corroded-hellfire · 9 months
I’m dying for an AYW fic regarding the proposal and or wedding!!
A proposal you say?
@munson-blurbs and I are very proud to present to you the proposal of these two love birds. And how else would Eddie do it but with music? We hope you enjoy 💜
Words: 2.8k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Eddie had hoped that this would be the most perfect day you’d ever had in your life. Well, it was off to a shit start. Both you and Eddie were supposed to be attending a Billy Joel concert that night; something that you’ve been over the moon excited about for months now. Eddie was also excited, but it was for different reasons than seeing We Didn’t Start the Fire being performed live. He had come up with an elaborate plan to take you to dinner, the concert, and then just as it seemed as if the excitement of the evening had come to an end, he was going to propose. 
Unfortunately, Lucas had put the kibosh on that when he phoned and told Eddie that the outdoor venue where the concert was being held said the show was a no-go due to inclement weather. Lucas works AV at the venue so was able to get the word out to you before the general ticket holders were notified. Eddie hated seeing the disappointed look on your face. He tried to comfort you, giving you sweet kisses and wrapping you up in his arms, all the while trying to figure out how he could salvage this proposal. The makeup date for the concert would likely be many months out and Eddie was damned if he was going to wait that long to ask you to marry him. 
It had been a plan for you to go out with Nancy early afternoon to get your nails done together. “So they look good at the concert!” Nancy had said to you. “So when we take pictures of her ringed finger and when people keep wanting to look at her hand, she won’t be irked that her nails don’t look nice,” is the real reasoning Eddie gave to your friend. When you debate on whether or not you should even go out with Nancy still, Eddie urges you to.
“It’ll still be nice to have a girls’ day with Nancy,” he told you. “Go out, have fun. Get pampered.” So I can figure out what the hell I’m gonna do.
As soon as Eddie watches your car pull away from his spot at the apartment window, he’s pacing the living room and running his hands over his hair.
“Shit, shit, shit.”
“Oooh,” Luke says as he comes down the hall. “Another quarter in the swear jar!”
Eddie turns to his youngest son and realizes he can use the boys to his advantage here. What would be needed to make a romantic evening here at home? Candles? There were plenty in the hall closet. Rose petals? Yes, they had been purchased for your anniversary last year. Eddie had his guitar; he could stage a mini concert for you. Yes, he could pull this off. He would need help from his mini-me’s for that, though.
“Alright, boys,” Eddie says, loud enough that Ryan peeks out of his room to see what his dad wants. “I’m gonna need your help with something big.”
“A monster truck?” Luke asks. Ryan rolls his eyes at his little brother as he comes to join them in the living room.
“Uh, no,” Eddie says. “Guys…I’m proposing.” 
“Like, you’re finally gonna ask her to marry you?” Ryan asks, a sparkle gleaming in his eye at the question.
“Yep,” Eddie confirms. “Or, I was, but now the concert is canceled—wait, what do you mean ‘finally’?”
Ryan shrugs. “You asked us a million years ago if we’d be okay with you and her getting married.”
“Hold on,” Luke pipes up, putting his palms out to pause the discussion. “They’re not married?”
“Christ on a cracker.” Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger and gives it a tiny massage. He’s so frazzled he can’t even tell if Luke is just trying to mess with him right now or not. “No, we’re not married. But I’d like to marry her, and I was hoping you two could help me decorate so this can still be special.”
With that, Eddie and the boys get to work to transform the apartment into a romantic oasis before you get home from your nail appointment. Thank God for Nancy Harrington.
Eddie strategically places candles throughout the bedroom, giving Luke strict orders not to light them. At this rate, the kid shouldn’t be allowed near an open flame until he’s forty. Instead, Eddie puts his sons in charge of sprinkling a trail of rose petals from the front door to the room. Ryan’s mastered the art of “sprinkling,” but Luke’s contribution looks more like small piles. 
Oh, well. It’s the thought that counts. 
It’s Ryan’s idea to make paper hearts and Scotch tape them around the apartment; ever his shadow, Luke joins him. 
Eddie has his acoustic guitar laying on the bed, tuned and ready to go. He puts the ring box in his pants pocket and rechecks it approximately every thirty seconds to make sure it’s still there, as though it could slip through the fabric and into an alternate dimension. 
He rushes to the door when he hears the buzzer ring, tucking his shirt into his pants, not sure if that’s how he wants it or not. When Wayne’s voice comes over the intercom, he breathes a sigh of relief. 
“Boys! Grandpa Wayne is here!” he calls out, grinning when he hears their thunderous footsteps. 
“Daddy,” Luke says, holding out a fun size piece of candy, “give this to her. Girls like chocolate. It’s romantic.” 
Eddie tries not to chuckle as he inspects the melted Twix bar. “I’m sure she’ll love it. And I’ll make sure she knows it’s from you.” Like it could be from anyone else, he thinks amusedly. He tucks it safely into his pocket as he heads over to open the front door. 
As soon as Wayne steps foot into the apartment, he’s bombarded by two excited children. 
“Grandpa, Grandpa!” Ryan chants as Luke clings to the older man’s side.
“What is it, pal?” Wayne asks.
“Daddy’s gonna propose!”
Wayne was already aware of this fact, and that he was taking the boys for the night for this very reason, but he acts surprised for his grandkids’ sake.
“Wow! That’s real excitin’, isn’t it?” Wayne asks.
“Yes!” Luke replies.
Eddie’s uncle chuckles and ruffles both boys’ hair before taking a step closer to the soon-to-be-engaged man. “I’m real happy for ya, kid. She’s a good one.”
“Thanks, Wayne.” He claps a hand on the man’s shoulder. 
The front doorknob jiggles and all four Munson men turn towards it in complete synchronicity. Eddie quickly presses a kiss to each of his sons’ heads and whispers for them to behave tonight before he ducks into the master bedroom. 
Just in time, as you step through the door not a second later. Your eyes land on the trio in front of you and you give them a smile.
“Hey, Wayne! How’re you?”
“I get to spend time with my favorite guys,” Wayne says, resting a hand on each boys’ shoulder, “so no complaints here.”
“We’re staying at Grandpa’s so Daddy can—” Luke starts, but is quickly hushed by Wayne leading him quickly towards the front door. 
“Okay, time to go! C’mon you little knuckleheads. See ya later, hun.”
“Bye Wayne. Bye boys! Love you!”
There are muffled calls of “bye” and “love you too” but it sounds like Wayne is speed walking them out of there. You chuckle to yourself and drop your bag down on the counter. No sign of your boyfriend in the living room or kitchen. Brow pinching together in confusion, you sigh and rest your hands on your hips. 
“Eds? The boys left; you can stop hiding now,” you tease, frowning when you still don’t see him. “Eddie?”
“‘M in here, babe,” he calls from the bedroom. There’s a waver in his voice and it has you moving even faster towards him. 
He’s sitting on the end of your shared bed in black jeans and a maroon button-down shirt, untucked. His acoustic guitar rests on his lap as he strums idly. You barely have time to take in candles and hurricane of rose petals before he says, “Figured I’d bring the concert to us.”
The opening chords of Billy Joel’s “Just the Way You Are” reach your ears and it instantly has you getting choked up. Hot tears press at the back of your eyes as you remember dancing in the kitchen to this with Eddie before Ryan’s birthday party all those years ago. 
Under your breath, you begin to sing along. It is a concert after all, but you want to keep your voice low enough that all you can hear is still Eddie’s. You lean back against your dresser behind you, looking deep into Eddie’s eyes as he serenades you. There don’t have to be words spoken, you know he understands what you’re saying with just your eyes. I promise I will always love you just as you are. 
The next song in your personal concert is “You May Be Right.” Eddie gets into it, head rocking as he sings out the lyrics, even inflecting his voice on the word “lunatic.” It’s silly and sweet and everything you love about Eddie personified in this moment between the two of you. 
“She’s Always a Woman” is the next song on the set list. This one has the tears that were behind your eyes now making their way forward. The moisture gathers at your lash line as you watch your boyfriend with absolute adoration. Once the song is finished, Eddie gives you a wink.
“Last song and then I’m gonna kiss you, I promise.”
Uptown girl
She’s been livin’ in her uptown world
I bet she never had a backstreet guy
I better her mama never told her why
You had no doubt that Eddie would finish with this song. Your song. How it started from teasing and joking to now being the song that makes the two of you look at each other as if there’s nobody else in the world for those few minutes. 
Once he finishes the song, Eddie gently sets the guitar down and you rush into his arms. Your tears drip onto the maroon polyester of his shirt as you bury your face in his shoulder. Eddie rubs his hand softly up and down your back and presses a kiss to the top of your head. With a small sniffle, you look up at Eddie with wide, watery eyes.
“This is the sweetest thing ever, Eddie. I can’t believe you did this for me. I’ve been so bummed all day that the concert’s been postponed and I—”
The rest of the sentence gets silenced as Eddie presses his lips against yours. It’s partly because he wants to stop your rambling—and he wants to kiss you all the time in general—but also because the nerves are getting the better of him as every second ticks by. He has to ask you or he’s going to combust on the spot. 
With one large hand cupping your cheek and the other wrapped around your waist, Eddie slowly and subtly moves further away from the bed, so he’ll be able to get down on one knee when the time comes 
“I’d do anything for you, my love. You know that,” he whispers against your lips. 
Eddie tries to recall the speech he had prepared in his mind, only to have nervous sweat begin to break out along his hairline. It only takes a few moments before you notice, because you always notice what’s going on with Eddie. The concerned look that mars your features suddenly has all of the tension releasing from Eddie’s body. The nerves are gone without a trace, replaced by warmth and love for the beautiful, amazing woman standing in front of him. How could he have been nervous about this to begin with? It’s you. You are the love of his life and, though he still can’t comprehend why or how, he’s the love of your life, too. 
“Uptown Girl has kind of followed us on our journey, hasn’t it? From you playing your Billy Joel tapes when you were babysitting the boys and I’d come home and pretend to be all annoyed by it. But then one time I remember really listening to the lyrics and having this epiphany. You’re uptown girl, I’m the downtown man. Uptown Girl, you know I can’t afford to buy her pearls. But maybe someday when my ship comes in she’ll understand what kind of guy I’ve been and then I’ll win. I’ve always wanted to give you the world. I always wanted you to see me, silently dying for your attention on the inside. Because when you walked through the front door that first day…baby, you’ve never for a moment left my mind since then. I went from thinking you were this unattainable fantasy that I would have to be content with to admire at a distance to…this. The life we’ve built, the love we’ve shared. Princess, I wanted to give you everything but instead you gave that to me. I have everything I could ever want or need when you’re here in my arms. I still can’t believe how unbelievably lucky I am to call you mine. Every day I wake up and thank God when I see you laying next to me, all huddled up in the blankets. It feels right. More so than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. I’ve always told you that you’re my forever, baby. And I meant it.”
Slowly, Eddie lowers himself to one knee and the realization of what’s happening hits you with a sharp gasp. Is this really happening? you think. Or am I dreaming again? The beads of water that had been quelled for the most part start flowing again, leaving tracks down your cheeks. Eddie reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black velvet box. He takes one more deep breath before lifting the lid and revealing a shining silver ring with a princess cut diamond sitting atop it. Because he calls me princess, you realize. 
“My love. My princess, my angel, my sweet, sweet girl. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Stunned isn’t a look Eddie has ever seen on you before. It feels like an eternity that you just stare at him, saying nothing. In reality, it’s probably less than ten seconds, but Eddie’s mind is currently working in slow motion. Finally, you nod your head and time is back to normal in Eddie’s world. The teary laugh you give him as you keep nodding has a smile forming on his face that he’s sure will be there for a while.
“Of course I’ll marry you, Eddie.”
At hearing the words come from your mouth, his smile grows into a grin that’s enough to light up an electric grid. He plucks the ring from its satin cushion in the box and slowly slides it up your finger. As he stands, he’s expecting you to admire the ring, inspect it and be giddy about the jewelry. But the moment he’s steady on his feet, you’re grabbing Eddie’s face between your hands and planting a fierce kiss on his lips.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” you mumble against his mouth before pressing another kiss after kiss there.
“Can't believe you want to be my wife,” Eddie says in amazement as you finally part.
“I’ve wanted that from the moment I laid eyes on you. I never knew my schoolgirl crush would become my husband.”
Eddie leans in to kiss you again, smiling against your lips. “I’m so fucking happy that you’re gonna be my wife.” He pulls your body close against his and buries his face in your hair.
“Is there something in your pocket?”
“Huh?” He digs into the denim to pull out a half-melted Twix bar. “Oh, right. A gift from your future stepsons.”
At the word “stepsons,” an entirely different wave of emotions crashes over you. A different kind of love envelops your body and it might just be the warmest and fuzziest feeling you’ve ever felt. 
“Holy shit. I’m going to be their stepmother.”
Eddie isn’t sure if you're happy or scared about it by your tone, but then you well up with tears again and a grin rivaling his own lights up your face. 
“I’m gonna be their stepmom!”
Eddie chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“They are so lucky to have you. We all are. Now, uh,” the tips of his ears turn pink, and he clears his throat, “you mentioned a schoolgirl crush?” One hand snakes around your waist and lowers to grab your ass. “I’d like to hear more about that.”
“Whatever you say, fiancé.”
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findafight · 1 year
Robin doesn't think about the short sleeve button up she wears on the first day of Senior year other than that it's cute until Jamie is pulling her arm close to her face, and she realizes that if she didn't want to be the centre of attention for having a rather prominent Mark that Filled over summer, she should have worn long sleeves. Damn.
The iridescent colour it's written in shifts in the light, from purple to green to gold and has the shimmer of wet ink, glitter shifting within it impossibly. Marks are always striking, their colours more vivid and beautiful than anything manmade. Neoclassical and baroque artists came close to recreating them, but even masters' attempts always look off. Movies try, but it's still…wrong. Not quite as alive as a Mark should be.
So it's not unusual that Robin's mark carries some ethereal quality, but the placement up her right forearm and the uncanny shifting of the colours do make it…well. Noticeable.
Jamie nearly squeals at her. "Oh my god! You got a new one and Filled it over the summer? Lucky!"
"Ah. Thanks." She's not particularly fond of touch, but resists yanking her arm back. Newly Filled Marks are always cause for gossip, and her being cagey would just lead to rumours.
"So?? Who is it? How'd it happen?" Jamie leans in, wide eyed. Other kids that were milling around the band room have begun clustering.
"It's, ah. It's Steve?" Why did she make that a question? It is Steve's Mark.
"Steve? What Steve? How'd you meet? C'mon, Robin! Give us the story!"
Robin shifts, and pulls her arm away, finally. "We were coworkers at the mall, and I got it when I decided that working with him wasn't so bad, even if he is a dingus. It Filled when–during the fire."
"Oh shit." Someone says.
Jamie blinks. "It's song lyrics though." And yeah, it is. Bright and bold, in Steve's Best Cursive, is and you see me now tonight going from her wrist up towards her elbow in large cursive letters.
Robin giggles. "Yeah, uh. He was…cheering me up. Because, y'know, the fire. He got mine right after."
The band room is quiet, processing. It's not common for Marks to Fill at the same time, even when it's reciprocated. Then someone from the back of the cluster says "wait. Didn't you work with Steve Harrington this summer?"
Finally, Robin grins. "Oh yeah. We're at Family Video now, though." There's tittering. They probably don't believe her. "My Mark is on his left arm, and it says," she pauses. Sharing someone else's Mark isn't exactly polite but sharing a Mark that's yours on someone else isn't at all taboo. It's part of you, on another. So she shares "you sound like a Muppet. In the same colour ink."
The room explodes into questions and astoundment and speculation. By the time second period rolls around tomorrow, the whole school will know. Hell, there'll probably be some nosy customers at Family Video for Steve tonight. Ah, well. It wasn't a secret.
"So, you're dating him now?" Comes floating above the frantic gossiping.
Robin shakes her head. "No. No way. We're friends. It's a platonic bond." Not that Dustin–ignoring that he and Erica also have Filled Marks in the same iridescence on Steve and themselves– would let up about them being scientifically proven to be perfect for each other. Which they were. As…not dating. As friends. As best friends. As a singular blob person that is unfortunately split into two people currently. But Hawkins High Concert Band doesn't need to know that.
"Fucking stunning for a platonic Bond."
She shrugs. "Guess we're just special like that."
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nerdieforpedro · 1 month
Weekend Update 05/19/2024
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Three weeks in a row. I should play the lottery, I might hit for some big money!
Nerdie, please. We think it’s fine that you play the lottery, but have you done much this week?
I will have you know, that I worked three 12 hour shifts in a row, one of which I was the charge nurse. Something I’ve never done before and only had a 4 hour class once. The person that was supposed to be training me was not there so I just did trial by fire. I also worked this weekend. 
Though the highlight of the week was Friday night!
What? You had a hot date? Good for you!
Huh? This is Nerdie you’re talking about, no. Not at all what happened. I got to see Hozier live in a concert! It was wonderful! I might still be singing all the songs, have played them for my coworkers and that one guy whose room I was in for 30 minutes getting him cleaned up and bed changed should know a fair bit of “Almost (Sweet Music)” and “Something New.” I think I also had a brunch with my family this week somewhere in there.
We have so many questions…did that man even know what you were singing? Is he now a fan? How was brunch? How did you even find out about the concert? Why wasn’t that the first thing you said?
Sometimes you gotta bury the lead. Brunch was with mama Nerdie and two of Nerdie’s brothers. I have three total. I’m the only girl. The concert was magical, I’m trying to figure out something for September but it’s likely sold out. I think I really lucked out last Friday. 
Nerdie, do you have anything fanfic related? We’re happy to know you’re doing well. We wonder sometimes, but you know, this is Tumblr.
This week will be a bit different. I did a lot of reading last week but this week, I didn’t read much of anything except beta reading for a couple people. So Nerdie will highlight some series she thinks you should peek at:
Symphony by @maggiemayhemnj (A wonderful series featuring Joel - who is having a moment with his new hair by the way. I did notice, how could one not? Has Joel and a female OFC in post outbreak Jackson.) Fun fact - one of my patients called me symphony so it’s going to be one of my many aliases now.
If Wishes Came True by @schnarfer (A Dieter Bravo trilogy. Our beloved trash panda is many things and has many expressions, some not so great. Can it turn into something worthwhile?)
Headshots by @secretelephanttattoo (Marcus Pike - being the sweet man that he is. The OFC is a photographer. Love blooms. It will give you warm fuzzies and you’ll sniffle. It’s totally fine to do so.)
Bloody Kisses by @perotovar (Shane Morrissey and Tim rockford are the combo I was not aware I needed and now I think about them. The longing, the realization, the understanding, the build up, and the growing pains. Just read it and you’ll get it.)
IRL by @grogusmum (A sweet Javi G fic. You and Javi have been chatting about your shared interest in movies and sparks fly. So much so that you fly to see him in person. How does that go? Read and find out.)
These are five series I’ve read, loved and will read again because I enjoy them. I hope you all do too. 
I believe I did post a Dieter one shot for the Dieter Bravo Brain Rot May challenge about aliens. 
Also @fhatbhabiee back! 💖💖
I was tagged by people for WIP Wednesday through Saturday so I’ll do something from my not titled Pero x Dragon fic (look - it was a thought I had and it morphed into this but it’s dialogue):
Darkness is beginning to take him as is the cold. Pero cannot feel his limbs nor tell if he’s moving them. “Hmmpf, you care nothing of your life? Just to let it slip away like this. You appeared to be a warrior of some sort. Do all human warriors lay on their belly and wait for their final breath? Such a pity.” This voice, such torture before death to be mocked like this, couldn’t he have died in battle?  “I’m already in hell only hearing this voice before I die. Goddammit.” The mercenary laments.  “Are all humans fools like this? Why will you not heed my words? I am not trying to reach you for simple vexation.” “Stop with your flowery words then. Say what you actually need. I’m not going to listen to you the entire time before I leave this earth.”
Pero is the type to curse and argue with demons, angels, monsters and Gods if it means he has the last word. I stand by this. Contrary to what this conversation reads like, Pero does not die. His fate could be worse than death, we’ll have to see. 👀
The Peeps who maybe tagged me? @tinytinymenace @connectioneverywhere @magpiepills @604to647 @djarinmuse
@megamindsecretlair and @for-a-longlongtime There are either people I missed or people who didn't tag me. My bad either way. 🤣
I’ve also been toying with which series between my Marcus therapy series and my sweet Javi P series to start posting on Tumblr. I’m not sure which one. Everyone one’s welcome to ask me questions about any of these WIPs, just know I may not stop talking about them like most fic writers. 
I think I do dialogue well in my fics, and wacky ideas, but I could use work on world building, smut, descriptions and other things. I think. Who knows, I'm just going to keep wiring and we'll see what happens.
Stay safe and hydrated everyone!
Love Nerdie!
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sejanus4life · 20 days
ModernAU!Two-bit as a band kid hc’s 🎺🥁
I just play my spring concert so I’m inspired to write thisss
Also some x reader at the end
First off, I think he’d play the drums since there easy but fun at the same time. He’d probably join band as a joke and or because he was bored but then get really invested in it and have it become like the only class he try’s in
He’d probably be THAT kid on the band trips who sings songs with all his friends on the bus or will be literally throwing random shit at people and just be over loud. Also he’d be the worst person to sit next to if you’re an introvert cuz he’d probably yap to you the whole time and try to rope you into his shenanigans.
At concerts/games he’d be the type to lose all of his sheet music and just play from memory which he’s surprisingly good at, while he’s sitting on the bleachers he’d spend the whole time flirting with or making inappropriate remarks about the cheerleaders, he’d also ask to borrow someone’s tuba/bari/trumpet and go around blasting in people’s ears, plus bro is the type to waste all his water by splashing it on people and then be dehydrated for the rest of the trip
When it comes to staying at hotels, he breaks all the rules either unintentionally or not, hed probably realize the “no smoking” sign only after he smoked so much it left a permanent smell, when the band director is asinging rooms and they say your and his name, both of your eyes instantly link and look give each other that look (idk how to describe it). After getting put in a room together, you and him cause all kinds of trouble like prank calling rooms on the hotel phone or sneaking out so the both of you can get Wendy’s or two-bit getting drunk and pulling an all-nighter with you, you name it! During your all-nighter, you both get lost in the TikTok baking rabbit and end up attempting on of those “being 5 ingredient recipes” but in the end start a mini fire, “do you think it’s still edible, two?” You’d say “no man…I atleast don’t think so” he’d respond, staring blankly at the fire. Later into the night two-bit ends up drunkenly rambling to you about anything random since he hates it whenever it gets too silent, for the rest of the night you guys star at the fine and watch a bunch of old movies together.
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g-on-ef · 26 days
Sneak preview to Goddess of Loneliness
As promised here's a sneak preview of Goddess of Loneliness
I hope you like these sneak previews it'll be random and have a look of what's to come ^^ also it's all happy moments can't show you guys the angst yet ^^
Maya smiled as Vaughn grabbed her hand and lead her inside the building.
"You got me a private concert?"
Vaughn turned and smiled at his beautiful girlfriend.
"Of course I did Beautiful, you deserve good things and I'm lucky to be one of them,"
Maya blushed as Vaughn lead her into the concert hall were BTS and Taylor Swift awaited her.
Maya smiled as she ran to Brandon King, her one and only friend.
"I'm so happy to see you Maya,"
"I am too,"
They pulled back and she looked down and saw a little girl clinging to Brans pants.
"Oh, who's this,"
"Oh, Maya meet your niece, Azaliya,"
"You hurt our family Maya!" Mia shouted at her sister, Maya glared at her screw it she was done with Mia and her hypocritical ass.
"You're right Mia I hurt you and I fucked up but you? You hurt our family as well,"
"You're fucking the guy who kidnapped our brother and was responsible for getting him in the hospital, you're fucking the guy who set the Heathens mansion on fire with the intent to kill our cousins, our brother, and your friends you're fucking the guy who wanted to kill our cousin who's your best friend because he was dating his little sister!"
Maya glared at Mia and than at her mother,
"If I'm an awful person for hidding something for so long-let's ignore the fact I was a fucking child! What does that make Mia mom what would you call you're precious daughter who despite knowing all the shit her fiancee has done still decided to get in bed with him and date him! And let's also not forget how when our brother dearest tried to get back at him your precious daughter decided to attack and make him feel bad about it,"
She glared at Mia.
"You say I ruined our family with my jealousy but what have you been doing to our brother Mia? Niko won't say anything because of Bran and I get it I do because I love Bran as well but unlike Niko I'll say the quiet part out loud I ruined you by being quiet but unlike I didn't have a choice unlike you Mia I was afraid to speak in fear of getting killed you on the other hand chose to sleep with Landon and hurt our brother you chose to be with Landon because you are a selfish person who would rather let everyone around her suffer!"
She glared at Mia and at her mother.
"It took me to long to realize this but deep down Mia you're no different than me, you claim to be no different from girls like me when in reality you are nothing but a liar, a fake; you always promise but fail to deliver because deep down you know Mia, you know you're just as fucked up as I am and if given the chance you'd stab your family in the back without hesitation...oh wait you already do that every night you sleep with the punk that almost killed our brother!"
Welp here it is ^^ I hope you guys like these little moments we are two screenshots away from getting updates from the heart was build to break and born sinner as well as to kidnap a lotus flower ^^ remember keep streaming right place wrong person and send me those screenshots ^^
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bbobpul · 8 months
maybe it's a good thing — x. minghao
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NOTE. this is not an email! i will put the series on hold since i don't want it to be rushed and end terribly. i want to give each member justice and make their characters well-written so take this minghao oneshot as a little compensation. not proofread.
PAIRING. artist!the8 x singer!reader
GENRE. hurt/comfort, angst (as usual)
SYNOPSIS. a struggling singer and a talented artist, xu minghao, cross paths every evening at a lively local bar
W/C. 5k
WARNINGS. language alluding to death
messy masterlist/navigation
you stand backstage watching the audience as the shattered glasses, muffled talk, and distant hum of conversation all come together to create a cacophonous melody. as you watch, crowds of people gather in front of the dimly lit stage, the spotlight shining a tantalizing glow on the artists who have graced it with their presence throughout the course of the night.
a close friend had approached you a few nights before asking for help. they scheduled a friday night concert at your town's beloved local bar, and they needed a last-minute performer. not only did the owner of the pub offer you a huge payout, but you also pledged to help out a friend in need.
your heart was racing with a mix of excitement and dread as you found yourself pacing back and forth behind the heavy drapes as the hours went by. being in front of a large audience is thrilling yet nerve-wracking at the same time because you've always felt more at ease in smaller and more intimate settings.
there is an electrifying feeling in the pub, even though you are trying to hide from the audience's probing eyes. vibrations of laughter and cheers fill the room, interspersed with the inevitable accident when bottles of beer shatter on the polished wooden floor. its peculiar scent blend—which perfectly captures the ambiance of this local hangout—combines the rich scent of pub food with the lingering smell of booze.
the faint echoes of the preceding act's music can be heard backstage; each chord has a unique magnitude that has fired up everyone in attendance. there's an indescribable feeling of adrenaline in the air, and as you take a deep breath and get ready to step onto the stage for the night's final act, you know that this will be an unforgettable event no matter how it turns out.
you were placed back in reality when the event organizer tapped your shoulder and whispered, “you’re up next.”
you nodded your head as a response and gripped the strap of your guitar before taking a deep breath. affirmations ran through your head as you walked to the middle of the stage. you sat on the stool, placed your guitar comfortably on your lap, and began to play the first few strokes of the strings that caused the audience to scream and cheer for you.
it was overwhelming for you, to say the least. it’s your first time performing infront of a huge crowd. normally, it would just be you playing at a relative's birthday or some stranger’s funeral but never at a place like this. it was electrifying.
your eyes were trying their hardest to find a familiar face in the room, watching and listening to you as you sung the lyrics of the song you had chosen to perform, but you failed yourself when you realized they were all strangers. it wasn't an issue for you. rather, your gaze fell on this one person, and you began observing him without realizing it. he's not paying attention very closely. unlike other people in the audience, he didn't seem as drawn to the performance on stage; instead, it seemed as like he was living in his own bubble with your voice playing in the background. he was, instead, doodling something on a piece of brown tissue paper.
he held your interest. except for him, everyone else was staring at you. he was enjoying his own time as if he was the only one in the room. of course, you don't think that everyone would be watching you, but there was something about him that made you look at him after each verse and bridge you sang that evening.
you thanked them and said you wanted to see them again another evening as you concluded the three songs you had prepared. when you turned to face his table again, you noticed that the man had already left and that it was vacant and spotless. not a glimpse of the tissue paper he had been sketching on before. as soon as you got off the stool and went back behind the stage, people began to make their way towards the exit as well.
"you did so well!" your friend, seokmin, said, beaming with admiration, as you slung your guitar bag over your shoulder. you glared at him and playfully smacked his arm.
"i was looking for you earlier!" you replied, knitting your eyebrows and pouting when he laughed at your mock anger.
"i was watching you backstage!" he defended himself, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"you know, i was fuming earlier since you were the one who invited me here, and yet you weren't even in the audience," you said, a touch of mock annoyance in your voice.
"okay, don't be mad now. you'll get wrinkles. calm your brows," seokmin teased, his laughter filling the air as you both shared a lighthearted moment after your performance.
"oh, by the way! the owner said he'll send the money directly to your account. he also mentioned giving you a bonus if you come here again next friday. what do you say?" seokmin asked, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes as he looked at you, eagerly awaiting your response.
"sure, why not? i'm free next friday," you replied with a smile, feeling a sense of excitement at the prospect of performing again.
"that's good to hear!" seokmin said, his enthusiasm matching yours.
"you better be in the audience next friday. i was dead nervous earlier," you teased seokmin, trying to hide the lingering nerves from your voice with a playful tone.
"yeah, yeah! you should head home now, hun. there won't be any cabs around past 2 am. i still need to close up the bar, so you should head home first," seokmin urged, showing concern for your safety and well-being after a successful but late-night performance.
you bid your goodbyes to seokmin and stepped outside the bar, the cool night air offering a refreshing contrast to the vibrant energy you had just left behind.
as you stood at the side of the road, it felt as if you could still hear the echoes of the cheers and applause from your earlier performance. your heart continued to race, and the thrill of the moment lingered in the cool night air. you inhaled deeply, the cold breeze providing a soothing contrast to the excitement that still pulsed within you, as you waited for a taxi to pass by and take you home.
the pub was situated in a quiet, almost desolate alley, likely to minimize disturbances to the other residents in the area. unfortunately, this meant that very few vehicles frequented the road, especially at the late hour of 2:30 am. as you stood there, you realized that hailing a taxi might take longer than you had initially thought, adding an extra layer of challenge to your journey home.
you let out a sigh and began to reflect, realizing that this night wasn't as flawless as you had initially imagined it to be. however, there was no pressing need to hurry back home, for your house was a solitary sanctuary. there was no one waiting for you there, as you lived alone, except for the friendly stray cat that you often found nestled beside your bedroom window.
you were startled out of your thoughts as a strong, blinding light suddenly illuminated the alley. blinking away the temporary blindness, you turned to see a sleek, black hellcat redeye not too far from where you stood. the car began to roll slowly in your direction, and the driver honked the horn when it came to a stop in front of you. crouching slightly to look through the window, you were taken aback to see the same guy you had noticed sketching earlier in the evening. the unexpected encounter added another surreal layer to an already eventful night.
"need a ride?" he asked, his words careful and gentle, as if he were making an effort not to come across as too forward or strange. his concern was evident in his tone.
"yeah," you replied, your voice slightly shaky from the chill of the night. "obviously," you added under your breath, feeling the cold seep into your bones, grateful for the unexpected but timely offer of a ride.
“get in, —.” he said, using your stage name to address you with a gentle smile, a touch of familiarity in his demeanor.
"thank you," you said, the gratitude evident in your voice as you fastened your seatbelt.
he hummed in response, starting the car and preparing to drive.
"where to?" he asked, his eyes briefly meeting yours in the rearview mirror.
"oh, 17 apartment complex. it's pretty far from here. i'm sorry," you explained, feeling a twinge of guilt for the inconvenience.
"no, it's totally okay with me. i don't live very far from your building anyways," he reassured you, his tone warm and accommodating. you settled back in your seat, grateful for his understanding and the unexpected company on your way home.
the first few minutes of the ride were filled with a certain awkwardness. he kept himself occupied by humming along to the tune playing on the local radio, his eyes occasionally darting to the road ahead.
“what’s your name?” he asked, breaking the awkward silence.
“i’m —, you?”
“minghao. how old are you, —?”
“i’m 25.”
"oh, i'm a year older than you then," he replied with a friendly smile, a subtle connection forming as you exchanged this small piece of personal information.
the exchange of personal information had a surprising effect, gradually melting the initial awkwardness in the car. minghao's sense of humor emerged, and he started cracking jokes throughout the long drive home. you found yourself enjoying the banter, though you had to remind him to keep his eyes on the road a few times. the conversation flowed so naturally that it almost felt like you had known each other for ages.
curiosity about why he hadn't seemed attentive during your performance earlier crossed your mind, but in the warmth of the moment, with him right beside you on the drive home, the question seemed less pressing. you were content to let the night unfold at its own pace, and you appreciated the newfound camaraderie that had unexpectedly come into your life.
"thanks again!" you said with a warm smile on your face as you stepped out of minghao's car.
"see you again some other time. go inside now. it's cold," he advised, a caring tone in his voice. you nodded in agreement, appreciating his thoughtfulness.
you entered the building and turned back to look once the automatic glass door of the building closed shut. minghao's car was just starting to pull away, disappearing into the night, leaving you with a sense of gratitude for the serendipitous encounter and a newfound friendship that had brightened your evening in the most unexpected way.
your friday evenings fell into a comfortable rhythm, with your performances at the local pub becoming a regular highlight of the week. minghao continued to be a dedicated audience member, offering you a ride home after each show. eventually, your interactions extended beyond the confines of the friday routine, as you both decided to spend time together on days when your schedules allowed. the bond between you grew stronger, fueled by shared laughter, genuine conversations, and a growing sense of companionship that transcended the confines of the local bar and the friday night performances.
over time, you discovered that minghao was not just an art enthusiast but an accomplished artist in his own right. his talents and dedication to his craft impressed you, and it came as a delightful surprise when he confided that he had an upcoming opportunity to showcase his artwork in a renowned gallery in paris next week.
tonight is just another amazing evening for you, and that sentence carries an entirely different meaning now. a few nights ago, you had entered this local pub with a mix of nervousness and the overwhelming sensation of performing in front of a large crowd, all motivated by the prospect of earning some extra money. however, as the weeks turned into months, you found that you had come to love your evenings at the pub.
the owner, recognizing the growing popularity of the pub's live music, had extended the concert nights to include mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. it was no longer just your fridays, but the entire week had become a delightful series of performances and moments of connection with an audience that had grown to appreciate and support your music.
you had grown to relish the thrill of performing in front of an audience, and the peace and fun that followed each of your shows had become something you eagerly anticipated. what once felt like a daunting task had evolved into a cherished part of your life, a testament to the transformative power of shared experiences and the connections formed on those memorable friday nights.
"hey," seokmin's sudden whisper caught you off guard, interrupting your thoughts as you waited for your turn to perform on stage.
you turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "hey! what's wrong with you?" you asked, unable to contain a playful smirk as you lightly smacked his arm.
"i see you have your own personal driver now, huh?" he teased, earning a playful glare from you in return.
"i don't meddle in your romance with the owner of this pub, so mind your own business," you retorted, a hint of sass in your voice, which only made him laugh even more. the lighthearted banter with your friend helped ease the last-minute nerves as you prepared to take the stage once again.
"so... who is he?" seokmin persisted with his curiosity.
"he's just a friend of mine," you replied, a hint of defensiveness in your tone.
seokmin didn't back down. "i'm asking for his name, not who he is to you," he clarified, clearly interested in the details.
“name is minghao, he’s an artist.”
“minghao? he’s here right now?”
“about that, i don’t know if he could come today since he has a flight tomorrow. he needs his rest, you know?”
“flight to where?”
“paris, he has an event to attend.”
“big time. anyway, you need to get going. the previous act just left the stage.”
with seokmin's reminder, you took a deep breath and made your way to the center of the stage, ready to captivate the audience with your performance. as the spotlight shone upon you, you began to sing, the music filling the air, and the crowd's attention shifting to you, for another memorable evening at the local pub.
throughout your performance, you couldn't help but steal glances at the entrance of the pub, hoping to catch a glimpse of minghao walking in. however, as your performance concluded, he was still nowhere to be seen. 
you had already prepared yourself for the likelihood of his absence, but a part of your heart couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. minghao had become a regular part of your friday routine, and his absence meant that you would be heading home alone, missing the comfort of his presence and the familiar company during the drive back.
you concluded your wednesday performance and bid your goodbye to the audience to your friend, seokmin.
as you stood at the side of the road, waiting for a cab that seemed highly unlikely to pass by, a sense of resignation began to settle in. the cold night air seemed to penetrate deeper as you waited patiently, hoping for some stroke of luck to bring a taxi your way.
just when it felt like your patience might wear thin, you couldn't believe your eyes when you saw the unmistakable sight of minghao's black hellcat redeye approaching. the vehicle came to a smooth stop in front of you, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and gratitude wash over you. 
"i couldn't leave without driving you back home," minghao said with a reassuring smile as you approached the car window. the warmth in his words and the kindness in his eyes instantly put you at ease, and you eagerly hopped into the car, comforted by the knowledge that you wouldn't be braving the chilly night alone. the sense of disappointment that had weighed on you earlier began to dissipate, and you embarked on the drive back home with a grateful heart, appreciating the unexpected friendship that had brightened your life in countless ways.
the night air was crisp, and the streets were nearly deserted as you both continued your journey through the quiet city. minghao's dedication to ensuring you got home safely, despite the early hours and his impending flight, touched you deeply.
"you really shouldn't have. you have a flight to catch, and it's 3 am," you insisted once more, your concern growing for his well-being.
minghao, however, brushed off your worries. "are you kidding me? this is the least i could do for you. i won't be seeing you for a week," he responded with unwavering determination, his eyes briefly leaving the road to meet yours.
"you need to rest, hao," you continued, not wanting him to exhaust himself before his important journey.
"this is rest," he reassured you, turning to look at you once more, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. the way he looked at you made your heart skip a beat, and you couldn't help but smile in return.
"eyes on the road," you playfully reminded him, ensuring he stayed focused on the task at hand. the bond you had formed over the past weeks was a source of great comfort to both of you, and the journey back home in the early hours of the morning, despite the upcoming separation, felt like a cherished moment of connection.
the dark, quiet streets rolled by as minghao drove you home, and the solitude of the night created a sense of intimacy between you two. his commitment to driving you back, even when he had an early flight to catch, was a testament to the depth of your friendship.
"don't you worry. after i drive you home, i will head straight to the airport and i will sleep there," minghao reiterated, his voice calm and reassuring.
you couldn't help but offer, "are you sure you don't want to have coffee at my house before you head to the airport?" concern for his well-being tugged at your heart, knowing that he was sacrificing his rest to ensure you got home safely.
minghao's smile was both gentle and resolute as he declined your offer. "no need," he replied, "you should sleep as soon as you get home. i'll be fine." his caring demeanor and genuine concern for your comfort and well-being resonated deeply with you, and you nodded in understanding.
"you are home," minghao said gently, drawing you out of your reverie as you continued to stare at him.
"huh?" you responded, momentarily confused.
"we are here," he clarified, gesturing toward your building.
"oh," you murmured, realizing your distraction, and looked to your right to see your familiar apartment building. "well, thank you for the ride, hao. and good luck in paris."
"thank you. good night," minghao replied with a warm smile before you closed the car door behind you.
just like any other evening, minghao didn't leave until he saw you inside the building. the familiar routine and his unwavering consideration were a comforting friend that you had come to rely on, and as you watched his car drive away, you felt a wave of gratitude for his presence in your life.
entering your unit, you felt far from tired. the drive with minghao had been a peaceful interlude in your life, much like any other evening you spent with him. the sense of comfort and contentment that his presence brought was a cherished part of your routine, a bright spot in your week that had transformed your evenings into moments of warmth, friendship, and music. you couldn't help but reflect on how, from a chance meeting at the local pub, a beautiful friendship had blossomed, filling your life with unexpected joy and connection.
the morning you woke up, it was an ordinary thursday. it began just like any other day, with your familiar routine of going on a peaceful walk, visiting your favorite bakery, and then returning to your apartment to spend the day in peaceful solitude. everything seemed as it usually was.
however, a subtle sense of unease crept in when you realized there was no "good morning" text from minghao. at first, you found it strange, but then it dawned on you that he had a flight today. he always turned his phone to airplane mode during flights, and that was why the expected message was missing. 
despite knowing the reason, a slight feeling of emptiness lingered, reminding you of the importance of this daily interaction with your friend. it was a small but significant absence, a reminder of how much minghao had become a part of your daily life, even when he was miles away.
as the hours passed by, you found yourself preoccupied with various activities, but a part of your mind remained fixated on the absence of minghao's messages. then, finally, you noticed his name appearing in your notifications. a wave of relief washed over you, accompanied by a sense of anticipation as you eagerly opened the message, hoping for some news or even a brief update about his journey.
the moment you saw minghao's name appear in your notifications, a surge of joy washed over you, and you couldn't help but express your elation. silently, you let out a muffled scream, as if you were a teenager who had just received a message from their crush. the feeling was overwhelming, and you found yourself rolling on your bed, a giddy smile on your face, relishing the simple yet profound joy of seeing his message.
it was as if the day had suddenly transformed from ordinary to extraordinary, all because of a few lines of text from minghao. the anticipation of hearing from him and the reassurance that he was safely on the other side of the flight were like a warm embrace, filling your heart with a sense of comfort and connection. it was moments like these that made you truly appreciate the friendship you shared and the special place minghao had carved out in your daily life.
“this is a scheduled text. if you received this, i have already landed in paris. i love you, take care.” the message read.
as you read the message from minghao, the words "i love you" leapt out, catching you off guard and leaving you momentarily stunned. the audacity of his heartfelt expression, conveyed through a scheduled text, brought forth a mix of emotions. there was a sense of disbelief at the timing and manner of his declaration, tinged with a hint of annoyance at his boldness to express such sentiments from afar.
yet, despite these conflicting emotions, a warm and giddy feeling enveloped you. his words had a way of transcending the distance between you, bridging the gap created by the physical miles. minghao's unexpected proclamation served as a reminder of the deep bond you shared, one that had blossomed from the simple moments and shared experiences, transforming into a connection that was as sincere as it was unexpected.
just as you were processing minghao's heartfelt message, your phone began to ring, and you were taken completely by surprise when you saw the caller's name – the owner of the pub. this unexpected call brought forth a rush of questions and curiosity, leaving you to wonder what could have prompted this sudden and surprising contact from your boss, joshua hong.
“seokmin said you are friends with minghao. you might want to come to yoon medical center.”
the owner's cryptic words and the mention of minghao's name left you in a state of bewilderment. it was as if the ground had shifted beneath your feet, and you were struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation. what had happened to minghao? why were you being summoned to the medical center? the flood of questions raced through your mind, each one more unsettling than the last.
as you rushed to the yoon medical center, the world seemed to blur around you. the streets and buildings became a mere backdrop to your racing thoughts, all focused on minghao's well-being. you couldn't help but replay your last moments with him in your mind, the excitement of his safe arrival in paris now overshadowed by the nagging uncertainty of his current condition. the bond you had shared with him had taken root in your heart, and the fear of losing it, even for a moment, was almost too much to bear.
when you arrived at the medical center, the reality of the situation hit you with full force. the bustling of medical personnel, the hushed conversations, and the sterile scent of the hospital environment all added to the growing sense of dread that clenched at your chest. you couldn't help but wonder what had transpired, and as you made your way through the unfamiliar corridors, the suspense and anxiety intensified, a heavy weight on your shoulders that seemed to grow with every step you took.
the owner of the pub, joshua, explained the grim situation after a few moments of somber silence. "he never made it to the airport," he began, his voice heavy with sorrow. "a drunk driver hit him on the road not too far from your apartment, and doctor yoon said he didn't make it alive at the hospital as there was too much bleeding."
the words hit you like a tidal wave, and your world seemed to shatter in an instant. the shock and disbelief washed over you, leaving you struggling to process the devastating news. minghao, your friend and confidant, who had brightened your evenings and shared in your daily routine, was gone, a victim of a tragic accident that had torn him away from your life.
tears welled up in your eyes, and the weight of grief settled on your heart. the bond you had shared with minghao had grown deeper and more meaningful with each passing day, and now, you were left grappling with the harsh reality of his sudden and untimely departure. the sense of loss was overwhelming, and you couldn't help but feel a profound emptiness in the absence of your friend and the simple yet cherished moments you had shared.
joshua's words resonated deeply, and he continued, "he was also my friend. when he found out about his trip to paris, he told me to give this to you a day before his flight so you'd have something to talk about."
in his hands, joshua held out a piece of brown tissue paper, and as you accepted it, you were met with a moving sight. it was the same brown tissue paper that minghao had been sketching on that evening. the image portrayed you, sitting on a stool in the middle of the stage, your guitar in hand, captured with intricate detail. it dawned on you that he had been watching you that very evening, his artistic portrayal a testament to the shared moments you had on that stage.
as you gazed at the drawing, a mixture of emotions washed over you. it was a beautiful and poignant memento that encapsulated minghao's presence in your life. 
the world became a blur that thursday. joshua insisted on driving you home, a gesture of comfort and support, which you declined. you felt the need to be alone, to process the shock and grief in solitude.
he also suggested that you didn't have to perform on friday, understanding the emotional toll of the recent events. however, you firmly declined that offer as well. performing at the local pub on friday was not just about money; it was your connection to minghao, a way to honor his memory, and a source of solace in your time of loss. it was your lifeline, and you couldn't bear the thought of letting it go, even in the face of such profound sadness.
the days ahead held uncertainty, but the routine of the pub, the music, and the memories of your time with minghao were the anchors that would help you navigate the turbulent seas of grief.
joshua and seokmin stood by your side, offering their support and presence as you navigated the difficult hours following the heart-wrenching news about minghao. their unwavering companionship served as a source of comfort during a time of profound grief.
the following evening, you found yourself back at the local pub, a place where all your cherished memories of minghao had gathered. the stage, the familiar audience, and the music had always been your sanctuary, and it was there that you sought solace and a way to honor your friend's memory.
stepping into the center of the stage, you began to sing, your voice laced with emotions that ran deep. the lyrics spoke of your sorrow, and you poured your heart into the song. the audience may not have been aware of the tragedy you were enduring, but there was an unusual silence that enveloped the room, as if they could sense the heaviness in your voice.
“i’m singing at a funeral tomorrow..
for a kid a year older than me.”
as you continued to sing, the weight of your emotions became almost unbearable. you felt a disconnection from the world, a profound sense of loss that threatened to consume you.
“jesus christ, i’m so blue all the time
and that’s just how i feel
always have and always will
always have and always will.”
grateful for the concealing embrace of the heavy red curtains, you completed the song, your spirit broken but your determination to carry on as strong as ever. the local pub had always been a place that carries peace, but now it cradles your insurmountable grief, maybe it's a good thing that you decided to perform this friday because on this night, it served as a poignant tribute to a friend whose memory would forever echo in the music and the moments you shared.
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LOL advance happy birthday minghao
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*This is my first EVER published fic. Also English is not my first language so please don't be too harsh on me *
Fat Bottomed Girl
Eddie winked at you as he took a sip of his drink at the end of the last song of Corroded Coffins’ set. Your friends noticed and nudged you. You rolled your eyes, Eddie was only trying to prove a point but you wouldn’t take the bait. He took his mic back.
Here’s a last one, for someone special, she’ll know who she is.
Another wink before the band starts playing. The first notes sounded familiar but …
Are you gonna take me home tonight?
No, he didn’t really …
Aah, down beside that red fire light
  He did, he actually was singing that song…
Are you gonna let it all hang out? Fat bottomed girls You make the rocking world go 'round
He never stopped looking at you, same for all your friends who were standing with their jaws on the floor. You tried to keep your composure. He knew how to push your buttons but you wouldn’t give him this satisfaction.
Hey! I was just a skinny lad Never knew no good from bad
He was strutting on the stage holding his microphone. His eyes never left you even as he walked to the other side of the stage.
But I knew life before I left my nursery Left alone with big fat Fanny She was such a naughty nanny Heap big woman, you made a bad boy out of me
Your palms were sweating. You should have known better, Eddie never quit when he wants to prove something.
The day before at Eddie’s trailer.
Your best friend was laying on his bed, a notebook on his lap and a pen in his mouth. He was trying to finish a song before the concert. You were trying to finish your English homework but it was hard to concentrate when Eddie looked so …
"Are you alright?"
You notice your eyes were staring at his lips around the pen. You tried to hide the blush that appeared on your face by lifting your book as if you were trying to see detail in it. Eddie wasn’t oblivious to your masquerade. He took the book from your hands and put it on his nightstand. His smile was devious.
"You were staring, again." he smiled at you.
"Was not."
He moved his things to the side of the bed before getting closer to you. You swallowed with difficulty. He was so pretty. Annoyingly pretty. When you came back home for the holidays you couldn’t wait to see your best friend. You two talked on the phone every day, he would sometimes sing to you. Those nights were your favorites. You felt so alone at college. Eddie was the best part of your days, even hours away he was always in your mind. It didn’t take long to realize the small crush you had for him got more intense. You were dreaming about him more and more, waking up in need of his touch. When those dreams didn’t leave you during the day you knew you had it bad. That brings you to his room that night. It was your first day back home and you basically ran to his place. He looked even better than you were remembering, and with all those fantasies you fed yourself with these last months, he was irresistible.
"What’s wrong? You are always chatty on the phone, but today you barely talked. You keep staring at me though. Do you have something on your mind?"
You. But you couldn’t tell him that, it would ruin everything. You’ve been friends for years now, he was the one introducing you to so many great fantasy books, and he is responsible for your plans, for college and after college. You owe him a lot. He put his hand on your knee. You tried to ignore the shiver he caused.
"You can tell me everything, you know that?"
You just nodded. You tried to think of something to tell him without telling him …
"Did you meet someone?"
Why would he say that?
"Don’t be ridiculous Eds." He crossed his arms.
"It’s not ridiculous, you seem … elsewhere so I was wondering if you were in love or something."
Hey, hey!
You get back into the present. Your friend, Stacy, grabbed your hand and yanked it.
He is so into you. He’s not into me.
Stacy couldn’t understand what it was like to look like you … No one made moves on you, and no one wanted you. The only men who flirted in the past only wanted one thing from you, and you were glad you didn't accept their invitations.
I've been singing with my band Across the wire, across the land I seen every blue eyed floozy on the way, hey
He had no right looking that good, every woman in the crowd was basically under his spell.
But their beauty and their style Went kind of smooth after a while Take me to them dirty ladies every time
Last night after he asked you if you were in love you didn’t know what to reply, you wanted to deny but you knew you couldn’t lie to him.
"I am."
"You are what? "
You sighed.
"In love."
He seemed surprised.
"That’s awesome Y/N ! Who is the lucky guy?"
You, only you Eddie.
"Just … someone. It’s not … he doesn’t like me that way. It’s unrequited."
You looked at your hands, unable to face him.
"How can you be so sure? You told him and he rejected you?"
"I just know it. It’s … I’m … me. "
"What do you mean?"
You lifted your head to look at him, his chocolate-brown eyes showed nothing but compassion and confusion.
"Eddie, come on. I’m fat."
"And no one is attracted to fat women."
"That’s not true." You laughed with no humor in your voice.
"I’ve been fat almost all my life, I would know if men like fat women."
"Maybe you aren’t looking at the right places? I know for a fact that you are beautiful, inside and out. Any man would be lucky to have a chance to date you. You should try with the dude you are in love with. What is his name?"
Eddie Munson, maybe you know him?
"It doesn’t matter, it won’t be a thing, ever." You made a move with your hand to signify it was done.
"I will prove it to you." You looked at him, head tilted a bit.
"Prove what?"
He smiled with a devious smile.
"Men can be into fat women. Are you coming to my show tomorrow night?"
You nodded, he knew that already. You had college friends coming from Indy to visit you.
"You’ll see. Tomorrow you'll see."
And he refused to say more. You got home not long after that. Which brought you to the concert and his plan was now clear.
He jumps on the stage and gets as close as he can to the edge of it to sing the rest of the chorus. He was smiling while singing. He was way too proud of himself.
Oh, won't you take me home tonight? Oh, down beside your red fire light Oh, and you give it all you got Fat bottomed girls You make the rocking world go 'round Fat bottomed girls You make the rocking world go 'round
His dance moves weren’t helping your infatuation with him. He was sexy, and he knew it. He was very confident on stage like he was an entirely new person.
Hey, listen here Now I got mortgages on homes I got stiffness in my bones Ain't no beauty queens in this locality, I tell you Oh, but I still get my pleasure Still got my greatest treasure Heap big woman, you done made a big man out of me
He jumps out off the stage to stand just in front of you, so close you could feel the sweat on his curls that were caressing your face. You were forgetting where you were. You were alone with him at this moment.
Now get this Are (I know) you gonna take me home tonight? (Please)
He was begging, actually begging on his knees. You were laughing at his antics. Did he know what he was doing to you?
Oh, down beside that red fire light Are you gonna let it all hang out? Fat bottomed girls You make the rocking world go 'round (yeah) Fat bottomed girls You make the rocking world go 'round
The rest of the band continued to play the song but Eddie stopped singing. He got close enough to whisper in your ear.
"Are you gonna take me home tonight, sweetheart? "
You looked at him, not understanding where he was going with his question. He was smiling.
"I told you I would prove to you that men could be into fat women. I’m extremely into you. Been in love with you for years. I didn’t know how to tell you, I guess it was a little bit … theatrical. "
You laughed. His smile got bigger.
"Did I read the situation wrong?"
You just looked at him smiling.
"Kiss me." your voice was low, you couldn't believe you had the nerve to say that.
"With pleasure."
He kissed you slowly, the crowd cheered around you but you didn’t care. He stopped the kiss and smiled at you shyly.
"You didn’t answer my question, are you gonna take me home tonight?"
"I’ll go anywhere with you."
He kissed your cheek and took your hand in his. Eddie was in love with you and it was just the beginning.
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acetheripper · 10 days
Posting my headcanons for Danny and Vlad here that I posted in the Discord Server. Thanks Bender for helping me get in after so many years of looking!! 😭
Danny, Sam, Tucker, and someone Danny befriended in college all have a band that they practice every Saturday evening. They usually go to band battles like in Guitar Hero and will sometimes be able to compete to perform at concerts. I'm still working on the name but I've come up with The Phantoms lol
Danny lives with Vlad in Wisconsin and goes to Madison IT to study IT stuff.
Danny originally had his own room, but quickly moved into Vlad's room cuz they love each other lol
Danny originally worked as a barista at a Starbucks or cafe, but got fired for being "unreliable" so he now works at Best Buy as an IT support and repair man.
Danny is learning about tech stuff from Tucker and made his own smart watch that connects to his core so he can see when his core is low and he needs to recharge and even has an option to form an opening to the Ghost Zone for quick access. It also works like a normal smart watch that tells him his heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, plays music, and shows the time!
Danny dated Sam all the way up to junior/senior year of high school when he realized he was hella gay and broke things off with Sam who understood. Danny tried to date Dash, but realized Dash had a lot of internalized homophobia that he needed to work through so Danny goes to therapy with him and occasionally sleeps with Dash to help him get over his homophobia.
Danny is a MASSIVE fuckboy at college. He's known for being a huge flirt and can be really cocky, but it's all for show. He's steadfast faithful to his partner (AKA Vlad) and will never sleep with anyone while in a relationship unless given permission.
Danny and Vlad have discussed a BDSM relationship, but in my fanfic I was working on, they're only in their test phase lol
Danny upgraded from nerd to total punk/alternative boy. He wears ripped jeans, Tripp pants, a black jersy, chains everywhere and wears spiked jewelry.
My Danny has about the same amount of piercings as me. So tongue piercing, snake bites, two on one side, an eyebrow piercing, a slit in his eyebrow, tons of ear piercings, a nose ring, and a belly button ring.
He's got a tribal tattoo sleeve on his right arm and a few random tattoos on his left arm, including a semicolon (if you know, I'm so sorry and me too), a Shadow The Hedgehog symbol tattooed in his shoulder blade and a tribal tramp stamp 👀
Danny was with Walker way longer than the show. For me, Walker had Danny in Ghost Zone
More to post in a repost lol
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marimayscarlett · 5 months
Hello 👋
I guess you're reffering to this snippet from Richard's interview with 'The Gauntlet' (i shortened it a bit to focus on the main point here):
The Gauntlet: When will Rammstein give the U.S. a proper tour?Richard: Let me put it this way, we will definitely come. Obviously it is really complicated. Everyone knows about the band and the show in Europe. [...] When we come to America we can't bring everything. We keep going back and forth. The pyro is part of our show and I don't know how far we can go with that. [...] We live in a digital world so people know what we do on stage. It is just so hard to bring all that across the world to America. We decided to go that way with the show and there is no going back. It is our curse, we can't just get up on stage and play the songs, that isn't what Rammstein is about. The Gauntlet: Just package it as the Rammstein acoustic tour. Richard: That is something I want to do, but in a more artistic way, but I can't really talk about it. I really have a great idea and it is something I can really look forward to doing with the guys again in four years. The Gauntlet: Something classical with big string sections?Richard: Mmmmm maybe [laughs].
Richard actually talked about his 'dream' of playing a simple concert like in the old punk days, with no pyro or any kind of elaborate stage shows in several interviews. But Rammstein now has a certain reputation when it comes to their live shows - which Richard sometimes seems to regret to a certain extend, since he apparently thinks all the pyro effects take away the focus from the music. Here are some more quotes from him on the matter:
"When people talk about Rammstein, it's about fire. It's all about the show, nobody talks about the music". [source]
Interviewer: The band's musical and aesthetic framework seems clearly defined. Which also means that you have to be strictly subordinate. How difficult is that for you? Richard: "Very difficult. And it's also getting more and more difficult because you realize that you've become a slave to your own show. You can't just stand on stage in your sports shorts and start playing. On the other hand, of course, I also realize that we have created a trademark with this band and created a unique sound. Nevertheless, it's a fine line, which is why it's important to be able to fulfill other needs elsewhere. I would love to play in an AC/DC cover band again. Just stand on stage, no lights, no show, just rock'n'roll." [source]
Interviewer: Will you ever get bored with all the stunts, all the fire and cannibalism? Richard: 'That is the weird thing. I would love to do an acoustic show with Rammstein. But you can’t just stop what we do. I’d like to get stunts advisors, but the other guys aren’t too open to having someone from outside come up with these things.' (source)
So in conclusion: WHERE'S THE ACOUSTIC SET YOU'RE DREAMING ABOUT MY MAN. I'm convinced we all would welcome it with open arms 😌
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ghouljams · 8 months
I am giving the go ahead to go and analyze. For I too am foaming at the mouth for the info dump of analyzing and putting songs to fics. I can't not listen to hozier when i read your works now.
Your works are just hozier coded to me
(am gunna also start signin off uvu)
- a hungry raccoon 🦝
My Darling I am Hozier coded. I am in love with that man, and nearly all my WIPs have a Hozier title because I'm a huge nerd. (I even got to see him in concert in september AAAAH he was so good)
Actually the Cowboy AU is the only one that doesn't have a Hozier title. Ghost/Goose's official title it "Here's Hoping(Things Look Better on the Other Side)." Which I'm not planning on changing but "I'll Crawl Home to You" would also work really well. Anyway Ghoul being pretentious under the cut.
So I am going to preface this saying that I believe Hozier has said the song is about addiction, the way it starts sweet and then you can't get out. But I have my own thoughts because I'm a romantic, and you're going to listen to them. I am going to interpret this as Ghost telling folks about Goose.
"Boys, workin' on empty Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat? I just think about my baby I'm so full of love I could barely eat There's nothing sweeter than my baby I'd never want once from the cherry tree 'Cause my baby's sweet as can be She give me toothaches just from kissin' me"
OK verse 1. The first two lines are very much Ghost's time in the military. He's not really there, he's an empty person, a shell for the SAS to command, and he faces hell every day like that. He's hopeless, but he doesn't have a need for it, hell is an inevitability to him. Lines 3 and 4, I think that's again him in the military. He thinks about the life he's never going to have. He barely eats, he's in survival mode, there's not a life worth living for him so he only does what he needs to. Then with line 5 we meet Goose, and with line 6 Ghost decides he never wants anyone else. There's nothing sweeter than his baby, no one that takes him the way she does, she sees him for all that he is and she wants him anyway.
Then the last line of verse 1. UGH. The guilt. This is Price's kid. He loves her but she's bad for him, he can't have her. And Goose is still sweet to him, even when they both know there's no future for this, she still is sweet. AND IT HURTS. It hurts Ghost to be around her and so he pushes her away.
"Boys, when my baby found me I was three days on a drunken sin I woke with her walls around me Nothin' in her room but an empty crib And I was burnin' up a fever I didn't care much how long I lived But I swear I thought I dreamed her She never asked me once about the wrong I did"
Verse 2, we'll cover the chorus at the end. Yeah the sins. The SINS. Ghost pushing Goose away, but also a callback to how they met, to the bar and choosing each other. When Goose found him he wasn't a person, he was Ghost, he was bound for hell and nothing was going to lift him from the lake of fire. But then lines 3/4, Goose doesn't push to break his walls down, in fact she sets up her own. Stakes a flag on his head that say's "Goose's do not touch" and somehow that works. He has a safety net the likes of which he's never had before, and when he turns to look at Goose he realizes she doesn't have much either.
Line 4? She's given her whole life to a cause the same way he has, she's never made a choice that wasn't for someone else. There are expectations that she's taken on that no one should have asked her to. Ghost sees that, sees that he's a choice too and he has to decide if he's a good one. I think again(I know I've said this a million times) that Ghost has lived his career like he's dying. He's never cared about whether he makes it out alive, as long as the people he's watching over live it's fine. But Goose tells him, "you're not allowed to die" and he believes her. She never asks him what brought him to this point, but she's there when he's ready to tell her.
"My babe would never fret none About what my hands and my body done If the Lord don't forgive me I'd still have my baby and my babe would have me When I was kissing on my baby And she put her love down soft and sweet In the low lamplight I was free Heaven and hell were words to me"
Verse 3, lfg. Despite being a worrier, Goose really doesn't worry over what Ghost did in special forces. He served under her father, and that's worth its weight in gold. For all his "I'm dangerous" talk, Ghost has never raised a hand to her, never tried to hurt her, and never done anything to make her think that Price was wrong to recruit him. For all the bad he may have done, Goose holds onto Ghost's hope that it was all for the greater good.
They we wrap up the verse, lines 3-8, it doesn't matter if Ghost is bound for hell because he has Goose now, and whatever happens they're in it together. Goose accepts Ghost as he is, she loves him for all his flaws, and she has him body and soul. Lines 4 and 7 feel very much like an admittance from Ghost that Goose really wears the pants in their relationship. She's the one steering their ship, and he's perfectly happy to take her orders. It's freeing for him to put himself into the hands of someone who loves him so unconditionally that she would stand up at the gates of heaven and demand he be allowed in. She'd fight Gabriel himself for Ghost. But he'd never ask her to, because it doesn't matter anymore.
Heaven and Hell are just words, they're not a promise or a reward, or a weight around his neck. He has Goose, and she has him, and that's his heaven. He's free from trying to scrape a shred of forgiveness from a higher power, Goose is his God now.
"When my time comes around Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth No grave can hold my body down I'll crawl home to her"
Yeah Chorussss. We love the grave metaphors for Ghost, very cheeky little backstory nods. He's crawled out of a grave once, and he can do it again. Nothing will keep him from Goose, and the peace that she offers him. What's heaven, what's hell? He can find better rest in her arms, and he will always crawl home to her.
But also! "Lay me gently" GENTLY, he wants to be taken care of. Even in the lowest points of his life. He begs for it over and over between every verse. "Treat me gently, even if I leave it behind give me comfort." Over and over again. He doesn't expect comfort except in death, but by the end I have to think: who's laying Ghost to rest? Goose probably, and she will always treat him gently. Because for as big and scary as Ghost is, he craves softness. He's built tall walls to hide the cracks in his armor, to hide the delicate underbelly, but it's still there waiting to be loved. And Goose loves him, for all of it.
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yenforfairytales · 1 year
Terry Silver has a lot of enemies, being the type of man he is (also: money)…but his Number One Enemy isn’t Kreese. It’s Bruce Springsteen. How dare this skinny punk bitch dad-rock loser have first place in Danny boy’s heart?! Why does Daniel love him so much? Why does he wear t-shirts with his stupid face on it and him along to his corny lyrics??
Daniel:…You need to calm down.
Terry: 🔥 🔥 🔥
Daniel: Omg
Daniel walking around like this and driving Terry crazy
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Really, Danny boy? Why don't you just tattoo his face on your ass? No, wait-- don't do that!!!!!
Terry thinks it's cute in the beginning that Daniel has all of Springsteen's records and knows all the words to his songs - Daniel knows all the words to any song - until Terry helps Daniel unpack from moving into his mansion and uncovers a box full of posters and tshirts.
Daniel: Careful with those. Oh, hey! I used to hang that one over my bed.
Terry: Which one--
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Terry: ................Trash. TRASH. INTO THE FIRE.
Daniel: Terry, no! Get back here!!
From that day forward, a day that will live in infamy, Bruce is Enemy Number One. Enemy of the State. The Silver Estate to be exact. Top of The Shit List. That's right, Terry has one.
He could've never guessed that his most dangerous rival doesn't even know karate.
He can't escape him. It's the 80's. Springsteen is still... The Boss.
Terry's tempted to use his connections to get this greasy wannabe outta the mainstream, maybe cause an accident, but he's above this. Daniel is his. He has no reason to be insecure ha ha
No no no. Ridiculous. He's Terry Fucking Silver. He can live with this.
They're on the couch one evening, looking through photo albums. Daniel loves to scrapbook and put them together. Terry never cared for this kind of thing, his memories not so fond and his family not so warm.
But Daniel puts them together so lovingly and sweet who wouldn't want to flip through a few. They do look good together.
Terry picks up an older album from Daniel's childhood
Daniel: Aww, man, look at these. I went through such a Springsteen phase. I wanted to be him so bad.
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Terry: *schooling his features to keep from seething*
Terry: Just a phase, huh? You never take photos like that for me.
Daniel: Yeah, I realized I'd never be as cool as him, ya know?
Terry: Ah--
Daniel: He's still the best, though. Nobody wears jeans like him.
Daniel: Terry? Are you okay? Babe! Breathe!!!
Terry sits with his arms and legs crossed. Somehow simultaneously pouting and glowering.
His sweet, gentle Danny boy has been pacing and ranting for over an hour.
Daniel: Why can't I go to the concert, huh?! What's the big deal?? You can't tell me what to do!!
Terry: Why don't you want to stay home with me??? I can sing too, Daniel! I can sing!
Daniel: ....whAT?
Terry: I could sing better than that prick AND play the piano while I do it!
Daniel: I didn't know you could sing. :D
Terry: *turning pink* Well... you never asked.
Daniel: Okay, let's hear it. Sing me a song. :3
Terry: What, now??
Daniel brags at length to anyone who will listen that his multi-talented boyfriend sings to him on the regular.
Daniel catches on eventually.
Miss Margaret may or may not have left a certain list out for him to find.
But his Boss tshirts always ending up at the bottom of the laundry would have tipped him off.
Terry's at his desk in Dynatox HQ when he gets a large envelope signed from Daniel.
Inside is a photograph of his beautiful boy just for him, according to the note inside.
He pockets the note and keeps the photo on his desk for years.
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Okay. So maybe, once in a while, a supervised Springsteen concert can be tolerated. VIP seating.
It's always a touchy subject and the grandchildren know not to trigger grandad. But one crisis at a time.
Terry: Please. That was decades ago. I bet he looks like a bloated bald--
Daniel: Have you seen Bruce lately?
Terry: What do you mean.
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sadlittlesquish · 8 months
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Hot, Wet, Sticky Sweet
Chapter Two: Come Crashing into my Little World
A/N: A few things before we get into it.
Number one, I would like to thank you all for being so nice and sweet about this fic. It's meant the world to me that not only did you enjoy how I write Eddie, but also my OC. I know y/n reader inserts are most everyone's bread and butter concerning Eddie pairings or StEddie, so to have a good reception to my OC means the world to me.
Number two: I know the Ride the Lightning tour was in Indianapolis around February 1985, but for the continuity sake (and to align with my OC's bday) I fudged the date a little. I'm doing my best to write albums and products that were available in the fall of 1985 to the summer of 86, but there will be a few things I blur because I just want them to gush over shared interests.
Number 3: Some heavy topics are going to be discussed in later chapters if I continue this fic. I will put trigger warnings in the beginning of any of those chapters.
Now, without further ado, please enjoy.
Over the weekend, Eddie had come to peace with his greatest humiliation in front of the girl of his dreams; and he resolved himself that come Monday afternoon he was going to walk right into Home Ec, look her square in the eyes, and act like nothing happened. He reasoned with himself that if maybe he played it off cool, he might still have a .001% chance of charming her. 
Yet, as he sits in his van he hears the bell for third period chime distantly, and closes his eyes to try and block out his cowardice. He really had every intention of waltzing in there, playing it all off like nothing had happened. His feet had other ideas apparently, as his heart thundered into his ribs at the mere thought of seeing her again. So, here he was, ditching 3rd period like a fucking weenie. 
Eddie's leg is bouncing erratically, a cigarette burning between his agitated fingers. His other hand is slamming against the steering wheel to each thunderous beat of the drums as the high wailing vocals of Judas Priest fills the space. 
"Hypnotize me
Mesmerize me
Feel my willpower slip
Light my fire with cold desire
Losing all my grip" 
There's a blue-gray cloud of smoke spilling from his mouth as Eddie's raspy voice joins the one blaring from his speakers. 
In retrospect, the scene he had gotten off to a couple days prior had been tame compared to some of the things he'd jerked off to in porn mags and filthy tapes. Sure some of them would occasionally feature a girl with an edgier look than the rest, but none so far had captured everything that this girl had given him in just the span of ten minutes. 
Arousal was flickering through him from the mere memory, making Eddie take a heavy drag on his cigarette, the burn distracting him enough to not pop a stiffy. However, the memories persisted and before he knew it, Eddie was half hard with sweat prickling at his temples. 
Her thighs had looked so soft, like he could sink his teeth into them and it would feel like biting into a marshmallow. And the fishnets definitely didn't help… Eddie didn't realize he had such a debilitating weakness, until he saw her sweet, creamy thighs peaking through threads of black fabric. 
An appreciative groan slips unwillingly from somewhere deep in Eddie's chest as he dared to imagine her soft thighs bracketing his hips while she sat in his lap like it was her own personal throne. The weight of her would feel heavenly, and Eddie knows he would die a happy man just to be on the receiving end of her affections. 
"Shit," Eddie huffs out, as the realization dawns on him that this infatuation wasn't something firmly rooted in his pent up lustful desires. He liked her. Maybe he was unsure of how badly he was falling for her, but Eddie can feel butterflies mixing in with the arousal at the very idea of holding her hand, while they screamed themselves hoarse at a concert. 
Goin' under
Hear the thunder
Death defying grace
Your condition breeds ammunition
Shoots me in the face
Vicious talkin' (vicious talkin')
Stabs me like a knife
Scratched and bruised (so abused)
I'm a human sacrifice 
Eddie can't help the shiver that sprints up his spine, the image of her blood red lipstick making marks up and down his neck, mixing with bruises and teeth indents has his whole body fever hot. He can see the flush of his cheeks in the reflection of the window, and is almost speechless by the sight of himself. 
He looks absolutely wrecked, not even having to lay a hand on himself to get so worked up. 
Another groan punches its way out of Eddie, his wild eyes flicking over to see the time displayed on his dash. His next class was one he couldn't skip out on if he really wanted to keep up that steady army crawl towards a D. But… well… he did have a little time to indulge. 
Guilt finds its way amongst all the other emotions he was feeling right now, especially since he knew it wouldn't be the last time he frantically fucked into his fist thinking about the best ten fucking minutes of his life. Maybe it was a little pathetic, virgin freak Eddie Munson jacking off in his shitty van in the school parking lot to memories of the longest and hottest interaction he had ever had with a girl since middle school. 
But right now, Eddie didn't really fucking care. 
He closes his eyes, focusing on the dancing images behind his eyelids. The way her tits had swung heavy and full, back and forth in such an entrancing way. The swell of her lower lip being pulled behind her teeth as she concentrated, revealing her wet, pink tongue. 
Eddie shudders, his hand already down his pants as he remembers her sticky honey toned eyes. There was a darker depth to them than that, something about her eyes reminds him of quiet nights spent with his Uncle Wayne, sipping aged scotch and watching sunsets. Warmth and darkness contrasting in perfect harmony in her sultry brown eyes. 
He has a hand wrapped firmly around his aching cock, the heat of himself making him hiss out in surprise. The previous song is fading, the next one off the Screaming For Vengeance album kicking into gear as Eddie starts to jerk himself to the rhythm. It's slow and languid at the beginning as the guitar comes in soft and sweet, but as soon as the chorus revs up, Eddie is slick fisting his cock and tipping his head back in pleasure. 
"Help me, I'm beggin' you please 
You've got the power, down on my knees
Give me some kind of life
Leave me be
Take these chains off
Take 'em off of my heart
Take these chains off
Take 'em off of my heart"
Eddie is wrapped deliriously up in the fever pitch of it all. The high octane drum beat, the wailing guitar and the sinful sweet lyrics edging him closer and closer to his end. He can't stop himself from imagining the girl, her arms above her head as she thrashes alongside him in a crowd. He wonders if she would wear fishnets and shorts again if they went to a concert together. 
"Hmmmm… fuck," Eddie sighs, his wrist cramping a little from jerking himself off in the confined space of his tight pants. But there was no way in hell he wanted to pull out his dick for all the world to see if someone happened by and looked into his van at the right moment. It was bad enough how obvious it would be for anyone to notice what he was up to… 
But he just couldn't help himself. Not when he was so, so fucking close to cumming and he'd barely even begun. 
"'M close," Eddie slurs, and pathetically imagines he's talking to her, letting her know how badly she was corrupting him with each and every orgasm caused by her. 
Eddie wants to imagine her, looking into his eyes with that gentle teasing smirk caught at the edge of her lips, her voice smoky soft like a perfectly chilled hit when he felt ambitious enough to add ice to his bong. 
"Eddie," he remembers the way she had said it clear as day, the way her lips wrapped around his name like it had always belonged to her. It's what finally makes the tension snap; cum roping out over his sweaty fingers in hot, thick spurts that leave him shaking. 
By the time Eddie is able to come back to his senses, the last song on the album is halfway over, and his forgotten cigarette has burnt out. He groans at the mess in his pants, a little annoyed with himself for giving in to his horny brain that never thought things through. 
"Fuck me," Eddie grumps, twisting and turning to find something in the back of his van within reach to wipe his cum covered hand clean. Eventually he finds one of his ratty old hoodies, already ruined by cigarette burns and the general messy (gross) disaster his back seat sometimes became when life got hectic. He quickly cleans his mess, an embarrassed flush warming the back of his neck and cheeks as he does so. 
The act is methodical and by the time he's sure all the cum stains are gone, he's calmed down considerably. His pants zipped back up, Eddie opens his window to flick out his cigarette as the cassette pops in the player, ready to be pushed back in for another time. 
Before he heads back into school for his next class, Eddie paws around the glove box for some cologne, just in case the scent of cigarettes and sex lingered on his skin. Drakkar Noir was definitely a better alternative, even if the bottle was almost empty. 
Eddie moves aside his hair and spritzes some of the cologne onto his wrist, so he can control the wear; he dabs the rest below his jaw line and in the hollows of his neck. A trick he remembers quite vividly seeing his mother do, sat in front of her boudoir as she fussed with her makeup to hide any visible bruises. 
Finally satisfied with his shameful cleansing, Eddie shoulders open the heavy metal door and hops down from his van. He checks the time on his watch, only a few minutes before 3rd period ends. With a final once over in his side view mirror, Eddie heads off to the trenches of Ms. O'Donnell's class. 
"War Machine is like, ten times better than Iron Man," Lucas argues, his arms crossing as he stares Dustin down, silently egging him on into a debate he knows he'll win. 
"You're crazy!" Dustin sputters, "War Machine wouldn't even exist without Tony Stark inventing the suit in the first place!" 
At one point the whole Hellfire club table gets roped into this heavy debate, sides taken and hotly defended debates flying around. 
None of this matters to Eddie as soon as he hears a voice ringing out in the cafeteria. It was laughter, but he instantly recognized it as belonging to her; because he had replayed every minute detail of their interaction a million times over in his head. 
His head whips up so fast as he starts to look around frantically for her. It doesn't take long for his gaze to catch on her hair, the bloody red color broken up by black tips and streaks unmistakably hers. 
She's at a table with a few other people, and to Eddie's absolute mortification (delight), she is wearing fishnets again. He leans forward, doing his best not to catch the attention of his friends, as he tries to get a better look at her. 
This time she's wearing a skirt; a tiny thigh high acid washed skirt that just looks so fucking hot paired with the black netting clinging to her thighs. Eddie watches her push playfully at someone's shoulder, and as she leans forward he gets a perfect view of her cleavage. 
The cut of her red paisley bandana top is low enough that Eddie can see the plentiful swell of her chest even from a few tables away. 
A strangled sound, something Eddie had never heard himself make before, bubbles in his throat at the sight. His cheeks are going flush, as his friends all turn to look at him. Reluctantly, Eddie tears his eyes away from the girl so the group can't figure out who he has in his line of sight. The teasing would never end if the Freshman finally saw him getting interested in a girl. 
"Sorry, bit my cheek," Eddie mumbles out, a pathetic attempt at covering up whatever the fuck that was. 
"Yeah… right," Lucas adds, his tone very much conveying that he didn't believe Eddie's lie for a second. 
But the attention quickly goes back to the impassioned arguing over Iron Man Lore, and Eddie is sat sorting glumly through his pretzels, trying to find the one's with the most flavoring first. 
It's so lame, but he can't let this opportunity go to waste; to drink in the girl for as long as he can in case he never gets another moment like this again. 
Eddie surreptitiously raises his eyes, finding her so fast it's like there is a magnetic pull between them. He realizes this mistake within .10 seconds of his gaze landing on her. Eddie chokes, literally chokes on the pretzel he had been sucking all the flavor off of; because why in the hell was she licking on a fucking sucker now? 
Her lips were dragging on an outward motion as she pulled the candy from her mouth to say something to one of her friends. But all Eddie can glean from the image is how she probably looked just like that when giving head. 
Eddie is fever hot, and he can feel his eyes widening enough to probably look insane as he watches her. She has the sucker, cherry from the looks of it (and Eddie internally groans because that's his favorite flavor) poised on the tip of her tongue, ready to continue enjoying it. 
One of her friends, the only guy at the table, must have said something again, because she's throwing her head back and laughing. Eddie is torn between being grateful so he doesn't have to see the red swell of her sucker disappear between her lips again, and annoyed because well… that's exactly what he wanted to see. 
"Eddie, are you going fucking mental?" 
Dustin is snapping in front of his face, trying to break him out of his trance. 
"Geez, what?" Eddie regretfully pulls his attention away from her again to find the whole gang looking at him like he'd finally lost his marbles. 
"Your eyes look like they're about ready to pop outta your skull," Jeff scoffs, flicking his football shaped folded up napkin at Eddie. 
Eddie frowns, his eyes narrowing at his friends. "Guys, don't you have more important things to focus on? Like War Machine vs. Iron man— whatever is going on over here in Eddie land is nowhere near as interesting as that, trust me." He's trying to play it cool, popping some pretzels and a couple mixed in M&M's in his mouth; crunching away with a deceptive smile. 
Everyone at the table eyes him skeptically, but to Eddie's surprise, they let the matter drop; quickly returning back to their debate. Perhaps they had all become so used to his odd behavior that even this out of the ordinary display doesn't faze them. The thought wounds Eddie's pride a little… 
The bell ringing interrupts any further outbursts. Eddie can't help trying to steal one last glance at the girl, and he sees her pull the empty stick from her mouth and chuck it playfully at her guy friend with a smirk on her face. 
Jealousy rears its ugly head, causing Eddie to slam his metal lunchbox closed a little harder than he intended. His friends raise their brows at this, surprised to see Eddie scowling angrily at thin air. 
The group looks around, but silently decides not to poke the sleeping bear of Eddie's strange mood. Besides, they all needed to head off to class. 
Eddie doesn't really register his friends getting up and leaving, tossing concerned glances over their shoulders as they do so. All he can feel is ugly, black self loathing. 
Of course a girl as pretty and cool as her would have a boyfriend. It makes Eddie rethink everything about their previous interaction. How she had clammed up the moment Eddie complimented her. Her not getting the hint that he was only interested in watching her at the car wash… 
He felt so stupid. 
And, much to Eddie's unending despair, he also felt a little heart broken. 
Eddie's mood had considerably soured the more his day went on. He just could not stop replaying what he saw in his head– over and over like some kind of torture porn. Eddie wasn't able to get a good look at the guy, so he had nothing to compare himself to, which only made his imagination go haywire. 
The guy was probably ridiculously hot. Probably wasn't 20 years old and still in high school, hanging out with friends far younger than him… 
He probably was the kind of person who deserved her. 
Eddie's hands are stuffed into his coat pockets, his fingers finding the stray lighter there and fiddling with it occasionally as he walks toward where he always kept his van parked. 
He's in the middle of pulling out his lighter so he can get a cigarette lit as soon as he is inside his van, when he looks up from the ground; shock racing through him at what he finds. 
She's leaning against the side of his van, one heel kicked up to rest on a tire. There is a cigarette, half burned away between her fingers that she takes a slow, lazy drag off of. 
Eddie can barely comprehend what he's seeing, part of him beginning to wonder if he had somehow died between leaving the school building and now, and this was his view of the afterlife. Heaven or hell, he would take it if it meant seeing this girl for the rest of forever. 
She looks up, the sound of Eddie's feet crunching leaves and twigs in the underbrush near the forest where he kept his van safe from assholes who liked to vandalize it. A tiny smile lifts the corners of her lips, still wrapped around the end of her cigarette and she gives Eddie that tiny little wave again like she had at the carwash. 
"Um… hello," Eddie cocks his head to the side, the question in his tone apparent as he approaches her. 
Eddie watches her flick her cigarette onto the ground, putting it out with the heel of her boot before she pushes away from her leaning position on his van. 
"Oh good, I'm glad I got the right van– though it was a little hard to find parked all the way out here." Her voice is sweet, and the smile on her face is making Eddie blush to be on the receiving end of it. 
Eddie's heart is hammering so hard that he can feel the pulse behind his eyes. Her sweet voice is making him feel like he's on the brink of breaking down. And his brain is practically shutting off at her adorable smile. 
"Yeah, I uh... yeah," it's all he can say, feeling like he's about to puke up all his nervous energy. 
She steps forward, pulling a slightly squashed box from her school bag and sheepishly offers it up to Eddie. It looks like a miniature version of the kind of box donuts came in, and it makes Eddie's face crinkle in confusion. 
"You didn't show up to Home EC today... I felt bad that you missed out on making cookies, so... I saved some for you." 
Eddie's eyes widen as he takes the box from her, his heart doing silly twirls at the thought that she was going to share her cookies with him. And they were from her.
"Wow…," he says, accepting the box almost as if it were a precious jewel. "You... you really didn't need to," he finishes off softly, struggling to maintain his composure enough to appear at least semi-normal. 
She shuffles, and if Eddie didn't know any better, it almost looks like she's nervous. "Well… I thought that maybe you didn't show up because of what happened the other day." Her brown eyes look so earnest and apologetic as they flit over Eddie's face, as if she's afraid of overstepping a boundary and hurting him. 
"I just… wanted you to know that I'm not grossed out or mad at you for what happened— there were like, a ton of super hot girls there. I mean, if I had a dick I probably would have been in the same boat—" She's rambling as she toys anxiously with one of her black tipped strands of hair. 
Heat flares through Eddie, and he can feel it burning in his cheeks hot enough to make his face go red. However, after the embarrassing sting fades a bit, Eddie realizes that the girl was under the impression that he had cum in his pants because of someone else. 
His silence seems to make her uncomfortable because she continues to ramble, "A-anyway, the cookies aren't perfect– I think I made the icing too runny or something… but, I gave you the best ones." 
She was acting more nervous than he was now, and that was adorable. He wants to reach out and touch her hair, to brush it behind her ear and watch her blush deepen. But he keeps himself in check, and decides the best thing to do was simply say thank you. 
"Hey, I'm sure they aren't any worse than what I would have made," Eddie responds, opening the box and looking through the cookies, finding that the icing was indeed a bit runny and messy. That made her even more endearing to him than if she had presented him with something perfect. 
The cookies inside are flat and misshapen, with horribly doodled Halloween creatures done in icing; like a toddler had got ahold of a box of crayons and a blank wall. 
"Sorry again," she mumbles, toeing at the dirt beneath her boots self consciously. "Hopefully the present on the lid flap makes up for everything." 
Again, Eddie is confused– until he lifts the lid that had flopped over and sees a ticket lightly taped to the inside. 
A ticket for the Ride the Lightning Metallica tour for the end of this month, front row seats. 
Eddie is surprised at the sight of the ticket, and he actually has to take a moment to just look at it. A ticket to a Metallica concert... that she had bought *for him!* He looks back up at her, his mind racing. 
He wants to thank her again, to try and tell her how much this means to him. He wants to try and repay her. He just can't find the words. 
"Is this seriously for me," Eddie breathes out, his fingers lightly tracing the edges of the ticket as if he's afraid it will disappear at any moment, like fairy gold. 
"Mmmhm," the girl hums, an expression of relief on her face as she sees how happy Eddie looks right now. "If you don't mind driving us out to Indianapolis, I've already got the room booked and everything. That is, of course, if you wanna go with me." 
Eddie can't believe this is reality for a moment, a part of him lost in the Euphoria of her generosity. The other part of him is suddenly wary, and confused. 
"This is like, one of the most amazing gifts any one has ever got me… I just… I don't think your boyfriend would be too happy about you going to a concert with someone like me." 
She stops fidgeting for a second, frozen in place by Eddie's sudden dark tone. Her face draws up in confusion, especially since Eddie was scowling so heavily. 
Eddie refuses to look her in the eyes since he's having such a hard time hiding his Jealousy. 
"Y'know… the guy you were flirting with in the cafeteria today— you threw your sucker stick at him." 
Her sudden laughter makes Eddie cringe, waiting for her to rub it in that he didn't even stand a chance in hell with her compared to whatever Adonis she was dating. 
"Eddie! Jesus Christ— that was my cousin. He's a fucking idiot, but he's definitely my idiot. And this isn't Alabama, so I'm definitely not dating my cousin." 
"O-oh," Eddie practically squeaks out, wishing once again the ground would crack open and swallow him whole. 
The ache of a punch to his arm draws him out of his spiraling misery, and Eddie looks up to see a playful smile on her face. 
"Charlie hates metal music, so I'm definitely not taking him to something so epic that he can't appreciate. 'Sides, you'd be more fun to hang out with anyway." 
The way she's looking up at Eddie, shyly under the rim of her delicate lashes, sends him back to LA LA land. 
"Please say that you'll come with me Eddie, I can pull the Birthday card if I have to– since I'll be turning 19 soon, and I really want to celebrate it with you." 
"Shit— yeah of fucking course I'll go! Just hella surprised you want me to join you for something so special." 
Her smile could power the whole solar system in that moment; and Eddie feels like he's about ready to pass out from how badly his heart has been pounding this whole time. 
"Yes!!!" She exclaims, fist pumping the air in triumph. 
Eddie was so fucking screwed. 
Without a doubt in his mind, in that moment he knows, he's hopelessly head over heels for her. 
He clears his throat awkwardly, suddenly hyper aware of how shitty he feels for not remembering her name. 
"There is one condition though," Eddie rasps. 
"Yeah, fucking anything you want Eddie, just say the word!" 
Mind out of the gutter, MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER. 
"Promise you won't get mad, but… I never properly got your name, and i… well I don't really know anyone's names from any of my classes." 
The girl clutches at her chest dramatically, a move that Eddie himself would 100% perform himself if he was on the receiving end of someone not remembering his name. He tries not to look down, but temptation is a bitch. 
Her black nails really look hot against the pale expanse of her chest… 
"I truly am wounded Eddie Munson," she emphasizes his name, showing off that she knows it because she paid attention to him even before they properly met. "I get you a ticket to what's going to be the best concert of your LIFE, and you can't even remember my name…" 
Her hand is now pressed to her forehead like a damsel in distress as she flutters her lashes theatrically. 
Eddie laughs, even if he feels like absolute dog shit as she lays it on thick, he can't help it. 
"Alright, alright I get it– I'm not worthy of the maiden's fair tokens." 
The two of them giggle like idiots for a moment, the playful twinkle in her brown eyes making up for being teased so thoroughly by her. 
"It's really okay Eddie, I wouldn't remember me either." Her tone is still jovial, but something dull and sad in her eyes lets Eddie know that part of her really believes that. "I'm Marnie Wellwood," she adds, holding out her hand for Eddie to shake. 
"Marnie," Eddie echoes, his cheeks warming at her name finally coming from his lips. 
Eddie takes her hand in his, the first skin to skin contact with her making him feel hot all over. 
And as the familiar trickle of arousal ripples through him just from touching her hand, Eddie knows with 100% certainty that Marnie Wellwood is going to be the death of his sanity. 
@butts4sale @rubyiren @grungegrrrl @mrsjellymunson
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comfortabletogether · 2 months
akane,teruya,kanade,hibiki and nikei (seperate) w/ a f!s/o who acts like/is similar to charlie morningstar,from hazbin hotel? like s/os family has high/decent social standing,but isnt entirely respected,believes theres good in everyone,is highly optimistic,but also rly stubborn,ect.
thank you for the request!! I appreciate the support!!
Sorry I’m advance but i ended up loosing a lot of momentum while writing this along with the fact that I didn’t actually love Hazbin Hotel. I didn’t have enough energy to do Hibiki and Nikei. I also didn’t exactly know what to write for them either. My apologies for dw I’ll probably write a part 2 when my requests open again!!
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
Akane Taira
🫧 Akane treasures your optimistic, go-getter attitude. She feels inspired by it, and whatever project you are working on she’ll be there for support, as you will always be to her. 
🫧 She has seen some of the horrors the world has to offer, from a nasty orphanage that caught on fire to the mistreatment she’s gotten working as a maid. Akane feels slightly protective over you because of your naive.
🫧 You and Yuki are a lot alike in Akane’s eyes, wanting to help solve almost everyone’s problems. And she’ll be there with the two of you, and she will often remind you that you aren’t responsible for everyone’s wellbeing.
🫧 In this vile killing game, your optimism and persistence is one of the only things that truly keep her going. In a situation that has so much blood spilt she looks up to you.
🫧 Although Akane feels lucky to be able to spend time with you, she gets really scared when you hang out with other people except Yuki for some reason. But she’s terrified someone will take your naive and trusting nature for granted.
🫧 Akane loves you so dearly, you are a beacon of life and hope in her life. Her way to finally love someone and have that be reciprocated.
Kanade Otonokoji
🎵 Kanade enjoys your cheerful attitude she finds it funny at first wondering how long it would take for you to break. because nobody could really be that nice and wonderful, right?
🎵 You worked were a graphic designer who helped create Melody Rythme’s posters for their charity concerts. And despite Hibiki being constantly her puppet Kanade was quickly growing bored. That’s when she realized that she valued you as a person as well, and immediately assumed you out.
🎵 Kanade became possessive and protective over you, wanting you to only help her. You were so kind and wonderful why would you want to waste your energy on someone irrelevant when you could be helping her? Don’t you want to help your girlfriend after her sister pushed her over?
🎵 Kanade typically uses your naive nature against you. She loves you and she doesn’t understand how to love without manipulation. But if someone else tries to attempt to manipulate you, Kanade will go apeshit on them. Because how dare they?? That’s Kanade’s job
🎵 But being around you makes Kanade feel like she is improving as a person more. That she’s becoming a better person for example she hasn’t killed anyone in almost half a year. She loves that you are changing her for the better.
🎵 Kanade probably writes all the love songs on her and Hibiki’s albums, and they are all about you and the stuff you and Kanade had done together. For example one of the tracks is your name backwards and it’s a bunch of imagery of a gorgeous girl. (Same vibes as Jolene but gay).
Teruya Otori
💴 When Kinjo brings you in to work for the intelligence Team on the Kisaragi foundation, Teruya was a bit skeptical. Especially after Utsuro had told them that the police force had fallen into despair but Kinjo reassured them that you were a trusted ally.
💴 Apparently you had also been related to Kinjo, being second or third cousins but still if Kinjo trusted you, then Teruya would too.
💴 The first thing he noticed was how different you were to Kinjo, especially in your beliefs. While the two of you are both headstrong and stubborn, you believe that even the worst of people should be able to have a second chance. That is probably what drew him towards you the most.
💴 He had experienced firsthand the horrors of this world, and therefore he is very protective over you. You are too easily trusting and that could lead to a situation similar to one’s he has seen in the past.
💴 Due to your stubbornness though, it’s very common that you and Keisuke or Tsurugi would get into fights and the talk palm tree will often have to physically separate you and them. He’s always proud of you for standing up for what you believe in and Teruya might end up developing your beliefs.
💴 Teruya is really entrapped by your kind and pleasant nature, and that you want to help people in need and trust me Teruya is in plenty of need of emotional support. After that Killing Game— he is so messed up. 
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desertfangs · 1 year
Picturing Armand coming up with all sorts of creative aka absolutely batshit ways to prevent Daniel from being intercepted by the Talamasca while Daniel remains completely oblivious. “Lover LOOK it’s Lestat right behind you, he’s only wearing a g-string 🫢😜” and then he’s setting all of Daniel’s mail on fire and scattering the ashes in one of his clandestine e boat rides. Or trying to pass Talamasca correspondence as high school reunion invites (“you couldn’t possibly be interested in that my love? Such silly nonsense”) before tearing them off and throwing them out and changing the topic altogether. It all pays off years later at Lestat’s concert when they bump into Jesse and Daniel is like “Tala-what? lmaoo what a funny little name”. Armand has never been more proud of himself xoxo DA 🥹
Right? Dying at the idea of Armand going "Look! Lestat in a g-string!" to distract Daniel because wow, that would work! Armand would have already gotten rid of whatever it was and Daniel would still be searching behind him, going "Where? I don't see him??"
This could be a whole sitcom, tbh. A whole montage of Armand pulling Daniel in the other direction all of a sudden when he spots a Talamasca agent or changing their plans out of the blue. "I thought you had to see this band tonight!" "I realized their brand of folk music is quite droll. Let's go to Prague." Stealing his mail every evening before he wakes up him to sift through it. I imagine even in the chase years, he might get Daniel's mail at the hotel desk and bring him the royalty check while holding back the Talamasca's letters.
Maybe Daniel finally gets one of the letters in New York, and of course because it's the Talamasca, it's impossibly vague, imploring him to come meet someone at some hotel in a week's time and only vaguely mentions their interest in his novel. So Daniel asks Armand what he thinks it is? Do they want to discuss a sequel? It's not his publisher's letterhead. Is it an agent? Someone who hopes to represent him?
Armand reads it several times, expression impassive, even though he immediately knows what it is. "It's a scam," he finally says. "These vultures target young writers. They just want a share of your royalties and they'll do nothing for you." He tosses the letter aside. Maybe Daniel wonders if he should go the the meeting anyhow, just to see, but Armand will coincidentally need them to fly somewhere very far away the night before so he can't make it. Such a shame. Oh, well, Armand was probably right.
And when they try to approach him in person, ooh boy. I know Armand has some pretty clever mental tricks and could probably scare them out of the city for reasons even they don't entirely understand. Like they're on Daniel's trail and then all of a sudden, they feel uneasy about going into the city or into a certain neighborhood. They may mention that feeling or just that they're not able to establish contact, but no one can seem to get near him and he never replies to their letters or shows up for the pre-arranged meetings, so they just assume he's not interested.
Ironically, I think Daniel would want to know all about them. I don't think he'd join them--I don't think he'd give up being with Armand for anything, and certainly not that--but I think he'd find their mission fascinating, and if he hadn't run into Armand, he would have loved working with them to investigate the paranormal. Sadly, he's also one of those people predisposed to get too close and get himself in trouble, because nothing would keep him from approaching a vampire if he knew where to find them. So he wouldn't have lasted long in the job. Although, Daniel would kill for an hour or two in their archives, even now as a vampire.
I wonder if he ever asked Lestat if his friend David could get him in there for a night to sift through what they had. No doubt Lestat was like "Sure, yeah, I'll ask" and immediately forgot and it never came up again. Ironically, I think the Talamasca would salivate over the stuff in the Night Island cellar and whatever Armand has in the depths of Trinity Gate. I'm curious if, after QotD, when they realized where Daniel had been and with whom, they tried to excavate some of their old abandoned apartments and now, somewhere in the cellar of a Talasmaca motherhouse, sits a blender stained with beet juice and quick-dry cement, a Chia pet with dead seedlings sticking out of it, and an electric toothbrush with blood all over its bristles, all in some box labeled "Armand, New York, 1980s."
Thank you for the ask, DA!!! Always happy to hear from you! I will be thinking about this all day.
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