#goddess of lonliness
g-on-ef · 4 months
Sneak preview to Goddess of Loneliness
As promised here's a sneak preview of Goddess of Loneliness
I hope you like these sneak previews it'll be random and have a look of what's to come ^^ also it's all happy moments can't show you guys the angst yet ^^
Maya smiled as Vaughn grabbed her hand and lead her inside the building.
"You got me a private concert?"
Vaughn turned and smiled at his beautiful girlfriend.
"Of course I did Beautiful, you deserve good things and I'm lucky to be one of them,"
Maya blushed as Vaughn lead her into the concert hall were BTS and Taylor Swift awaited her.
Maya smiled as she ran to Brandon King, her one and only friend.
"I'm so happy to see you Maya,"
"I am too,"
They pulled back and she looked down and saw a little girl clinging to Brans pants.
"Oh, who's this,"
"Oh, Maya meet your niece, Azaliya,"
"You hurt our family Maya!" Mia shouted at her sister, Maya glared at her screw it she was done with Mia and her hypocritical ass.
"You're right Mia I hurt you and I fucked up but you? You hurt our family as well,"
"You're fucking the guy who kidnapped our brother and was responsible for getting him in the hospital, you're fucking the guy who set the Heathens mansion on fire with the intent to kill our cousins, our brother, and your friends you're fucking the guy who wanted to kill our cousin who's your best friend because he was dating his little sister!"
Maya glared at Mia and than at her mother,
"If I'm an awful person for hidding something for so long-let's ignore the fact I was a fucking child! What does that make Mia mom what would you call you're precious daughter who despite knowing all the shit her fiancee has done still decided to get in bed with him and date him! And let's also not forget how when our brother dearest tried to get back at him your precious daughter decided to attack and make him feel bad about it,"
She glared at Mia.
"You say I ruined our family with my jealousy but what have you been doing to our brother Mia? Niko won't say anything because of Bran and I get it I do because I love Bran as well but unlike Niko I'll say the quiet part out loud I ruined you by being quiet but unlike I didn't have a choice unlike you Mia I was afraid to speak in fear of getting killed you on the other hand chose to sleep with Landon and hurt our brother you chose to be with Landon because you are a selfish person who would rather let everyone around her suffer!"
She glared at Mia and at her mother.
"It took me to long to realize this but deep down Mia you're no different than me, you claim to be no different from girls like me when in reality you are nothing but a liar, a fake; you always promise but fail to deliver because deep down you know Mia, you know you're just as fucked up as I am and if given the chance you'd stab your family in the back without hesitation...oh wait you already do that every night you sleep with the punk that almost killed our brother!"
Welp here it is ^^ I hope you guys like these little moments we are two screenshots away from getting updates from the heart was build to break and born sinner as well as to kidnap a lotus flower ^^ remember keep streaming right place wrong person and send me those screenshots ^^
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lovely-amora · 5 months
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To Be aware of the Storyteller (pt2)
Part 1
A link will be provided for the artist of this work
The young goddess or the Narrator was concerned to say the least. How did he find out? Can he still hear her? Many questions swirled in her mind but she had no one to turn to as she’d been isolated for who knows how long.
She watched as Tav tended to Astarion after Gale’s spell incident. Astarion stared hard at Tav.
“He looked at you as if half mad. His face crossed between anger and sadness as he stared at you annoyed.”
Astarion jolted at her voice. She noted this but considered it to only be from the spell effects. Not worth worrying over.
“Tav..please make the right choices. He needs to heal..”
The young goddess had told this story over and over for who knows how long. One day she woke up with an orb of the land Balder’s Gate and had the urge to speak on things. The words she said were barely her own as she always felt compelled to say them.
“What?” Astarion looked right at her. He couldn’t see her but he could hear where the voice came from. He could hear her voice. This startled her, immensely. It had been years! Decades? Maybe even centuries since she started telling the story, did things change because of a situation that wasn’t supposed to happen in the story?
This made her afraid but excited her more. She could speak with someone. She could dull the feeling of loneliness and the curiosity that filled her mind.
She waited to test this. Tav had decided to rest, sleep taking over the whole camp before she tested her theory.
“Astarion watched as night came. His hunger slowly grew as he gazed on the others.”
He responded. He perked up and looked around confused. The young godling grew excited, an emotion she’d never experienced truly before.
“You hear me! You really do!”
There was only one problem with speaking directly with a young godling is that it gives mortals a headache to hear their true voice.
“What in the hell?!” Astarion held his ear as a slight ringing went through him. The godling paused before speaking. Without telling the story of Balder’s Gate, her voice caused harm.
She did want to hurt the one person who could finally hear her so she decided to do the one thing she never thought she’d do. She left her orb.
The orb was all she knew. She never ventured out as the realm she resided in was simply a dead and lonely abyss. She searched for days. Days she spent trying to balance a her storytelling and finding a way to say hi to the one who can hear her.
“Mizora’s words may be flippant but they are tinged with desperation. She cannot afford Wyll to fail this mission. This might be your best chance to negotiate Wyll out of his pact.”
She didn’t find anything. All paths lead her back to the damned orb. Lead her back to the place she had started. She decided to do the one thing she could think of. For the first time, she touched the orb. She dug her fingers in the orb, her fingers phased through as she tried to focus.
“Take me to him…please.. I no longer wish to be alone..”
She closed her eyes and suddenly she felt cold? Her skin pricked with an unfamiliar feeling. She looked around. The tall green trees, the grass that felt oddly soft to the touch, and even the sounds of water was all new. She scrambled to the water, awkwardly moving as she had not used legs ever. The abyss was a place she could float, a place where there was nothing but the orb.
She dived a hand into the water, she was still see through and was unable to grasp certain this but this was enough. Being able to be there was enough.
The godling did her best to scramble where she knew the one who heard her would be. She went by the other camp members, they didn’t even spare her a glance as if she was invisible. That didn’t matter. She had to find him.
Dnd art:Camile Lemm
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free-grandmaa · 11 months
" I've got it all wrong, and also I think too much... It's not like I'm going to be great or something..."
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I Want To Be Your Monster
You sit alone like a perfect
Eyes wide,
A painted smile on your face.
Rings on your hand,
Like relics adorning a goddess
Of death.
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I want to give you that
Spark of life
That will light your eyes as if caught in
Blazing flame
Of lust and love.
I want to tear you asunder,
Remove the chains,
That fools put on you bearing
Labels of false gods,
And impotent idols.
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You will not have to beg this beast,
To ravage the fear,
Push out the doubt
Eviscerate your lonliness,
And be your dark shadow
Standing by your side,
Against the world.
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I want to be your monster.
And at night,
In the quiet of sleepless morning,
I'll crawl into your bed,
The warmth of our fury for each other
Carrying us through,
As in my arms you dream.
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raxistaicho · 1 year
Something I feel is key to any discussion about why Jeralt might have acted so severely when it comes to Rhea is his personal experience with the woman, what he thinks of her, what he feels he owes her, and what she did for him that she didn't do for others, including Sitri.
In the first support with Rhea we learn from her personally that Jeralt would likely describe her as "frightening" and that she sincerely doubts Jeralt would ever call her "incredible." She's also hurt by the truth that he never mentioned her. Jeralt himself wrote that he thought the world of Rhea, but there is also significant evidence to suggest that Rhea is not close with anyone but Byleth. Catherine's jealousy of Byleth, Rhea's admission of lonliness, and Archbishop Rhea's event in Fire Emblem Heroes all speak to intentional personal isolation. Jeralt was probably about as close to Rhea as Catherine was. They don't actually know her, just her authority, strength, and how she saved them. (Faerghus born. You do as your leader tells you and dedicate yourself to them fully.)
300+ years by Rhea's side. Garreg Mach has existed for nearly 1000 years. Sitri is attempt 11 at creating a vessel for the Goddess. (12 is a significant number in this game, as it also relates to the Nemesis having 11 Elites, 10 known and 1 secret, Edelgard having 11 siblings, 10 known and 1 step sibling, and putting Byleth at 13th for the vessels, which breaks the trend, but still maintains associations with the Olympians, bad luck, betrayal, and the Death tarot card indicating a need for change just like with Sylvain.) Thematic trivia aside, even at 1 vessel every 100 years, Jeralt was witness to 3 attempts, possibly 4 (Sitri) at using Sothis' Crest Stone to create a vessel.
We don't know too much about the others, whether their lives were akin to Sitri's or if they died at birth, or even if they lived full lives. Two of those options, and assuming Rhea got better at making vessels over time, means Jeralt likely met some of them. This was, as stated by Rhea, her mission after all. That and keeping Fodlan at peace so she could bring Sothis back to it.
Jeralt doesn't seem the kind to really give a shit about the arcane or experimentation in general. I doubt he knows what the hell has been happening the whole time he's been alongside Rhea. He just knows that she is something very powerful. He warns Byleth not to trust her, and granted this is right after returning to Garreg Mach after running away because he doesn't trust her, it's equally important to recognise why Jeralt went back after all this time. He knows he doesn't have a choice. Alois found him and clocked that he has a child. That guy has a big mouth and Rhea would absolutely find out. Refusing her isn't something within his power to do or he wouldn't have stolen away into the night in the first place.
He doesn't really object to what the Church is doing, he did it for long enough, but he knows that he's outclassed by Rhea and doesn't have the power to refuse her. That's why he faked Byleth's death and informed Rhea before leaving instead of just taking the kid and running. (We know Jeralt doesn't leave until after the fire has been quelled because he is the one to tell her the news of Byleth's death.) She would have stopped them.
So what DOES Jeralt know about Rhea and her experimentation?
Well, a big thing is that Jeralt is very aware that he should be dead. That he died in a battle as a young man saving Rhea from death.
Rhea says that Jeralt was mortally wounded, and we don't know enough about what (pure) Nabatean blood can actually do to a person to say either way if a person needs to be alive for the resurrection to work, but the Elites and Nemesis were definitely dead if that helps confuse matters. (I mention pure Nabatean blood to disqualify Seteth, Flayn, and Seteth's brothers. We know for a fact that Rhea is directly related to Sothis, but neither Seteth, his brothers, or Flayn state a definite relationship to Rhea like they do with each other, or state a direct relationship to Sothis as Rhea does.)
Jeralt feels like he owes his life to Rhea right up until the events with Sitri and Byleth. She did save him after all and Faerghus goes a long way to instill ideas of eternal loyalty to a ruler/leader.
He knows, personally and for a fact that Rhea can bring people back from near death. Mortally wounded. Something seen as beyond exceptional in a world where 1hp is fixed up with healing magic no problem and Miracle exists. It also gave him a Major Crest. Something Jeralt doesn't seem as very keen on mentioning and definitely didn't make him start acting like one of the Goddess' chosen. He likely knew something was up even then, but not what it was.
Coupled with 300 years of working alongside a woman who also doesn't age, perpetuates a history of Crests being granted by the Goddess, which contradicts his lived experience, and the knowledge that Rhea is essentially an arbiter on who lives and who dies even from wounds so fatal that Faith magic was a lacking intervention. He's probably asking himself...
Why is Sitri dead?
What the hell could have happened in there that the Archbishop of over 300 years, the Goddess' most dedicated servant couldn't use Faith magic to prevent? What happened in there that was so severe the method Rhea used to save him all those years ago wasn't viable? Why didn't Rhea save his wife? He's been her Captain for several centuries! Sitri was akin to a daughter to Rhea! (Something very uncommon.) What profane thing could have stopped *her* from getting her way?
Then there's the matter of Byleth's heartbeat, how they don't cry, how they don't emote or fuss, or anything at all. Not to mention the fact that Byleth might possibly have a scar over their chest.
What does "traded her life for" *actually* mean? He doesn't know about the Crest Stone, but he knows Rhea can do *something* to save a life. But why would that be necessary? The line sounds like the death in childbirth was the exchange, but that shouldn't have killed someone in Rhea's care. Not according to all the information he has.
She has to have done something. He doesn't know what it is, but Rhea made the choice to exchange Sitri's life for Byleth's and now she's covetous of the child, telling Jeralt not to worry and having them watched.
Jeralt mentioning how Rhea reacted to Byleth's death is also telling.
"Lady Rhea was in a state over the news."
Lady Rhea wasn't in a state over Aelfric's death, or Jeralt's. I expect she wasn't in a state over Sitri's not because she doesn't care about her as much as she does Byleth, but due to the circumstances of Sitri's death, it was a request out of love.
So if Rhea is known to be hard to crack, and Jeralt believes her to be terrifying, and Rhea believes Jeralt should think she's terrifying, what other "states" does Rhea have? It must have been significant for Jeralt to be shaken and Rhea to understand that reaction even from someone who thought the world of her. It's probably nothing as severe as turning into the Immaculate One. But Rhea just lost access to her mother's Crest Stone. *The* thing she needs to bring Sothis back. The reason she's doing all of this! Echoes of "give it back" ring in my mind. She definitely did well to not degenerate right then. Possibly because Byleth's body would still be in Garreg Mach, and then later when she realised the deception, out there in the world guarded by the man who kept her safe for 300 years and loved his child enough to fake their death. The same man who cared for Sitri. Rhea would have needed to wait for Byleth to grow up anyway, and she, Jeralt and Byleth have nothing but time.
Back to Jeralt specifically. The veritable necromancer in his life didn't save his wife during a childbirth, seems to want to keep Byleth close, which can't be because they're Sitri's child otherwise, why not just save Sitri, y'know? So Sitri needed to die and Byleth is even stranger than their mother was.
Sitri also didn't emote to anyone but Jeralt (Crest of Seiros), but Byleth isn't emoting even for him. (*Heavy bias* but the trigger for Byleth was probably the proximity of another Crest of Flames.) So his child is even stranger than their mother, maybe even in the same way as the other vessels he incidentally met over the years.
Really the only conclusion Jeralt can draw is that Rhea did something to Byleth and Sitri. Traded their lives. Something beyond healing magic or whatever thing Rhea did to him. Something immense, beyond even the baseline be already has for her capable of granting an extended life and Crest. Something that might have been the reason Sitri could never leave the monastery. She was unwell, but Jeralt is a very capable man. Byleth seemed healthy, but the Church didn't seem willing to let them go.
It's not at all a stretch, even with the little Jeralt actually knows, to assume Rhea did something profound.
Not divine. At least not in any way she advertises.
Did she swap their souls? Something like that?
Did he find it strange later in life that Byleth didn't manifest his Crest of Seiros? Even if he didn't buy into the Goddess blessing, he must know through sheer exposure that Crests are inherited and that the further the bloodlines get from those originally "blessed" the likelihood goes down. As someone personally "blessed" with a Major Crest, Byleth not having one is an oddity itself.
Maybe that's what kept him away.
Jeralt didn't just leave. He stayed away. He stayed away for two decades, making the choice not to return every time he thought about it.
This wasn't just about whatever Rhea did, it was also about what Rhea might have done to Byleth, trapping them in Garreg Mach like she did to their mother, his wife.
And he was right. He saw the writing on the wall perfectly. Rhea actually giving such a shit about Byleth's "death" confirmed it in his mind. Rhea did something forbidden (confirmed by Seteth in FEH) and his child was the subject. He's even still fearful and that's why he lies to Rhea at first. "This is not Sitri's child. I know you care about them being Sitri's child. This isn't about me." Is basically what he's saying.
Make whatever excuses you will, but Rhea wasn't not going to try and have Sothis brought out in Byleth just because they stayed at the Monastery.
Imagine if Rhea had been the one to hear Byleth was dreaming of the war with Nemesis?
That kid is never ever leaving those halls. Jeralt be damned.
I think Rhea is a fantastic character, she's amazing, third only to Byleth and Edelgard in my mind. But don't for one second think her intention isn't Sothis first, Byleth second. That's why we went to the Holy Tomb.
Jeralt wasn't irrational. Rhea isn't suddenly "right" because the ritual with the throne didn't work. We actually don't even know if that's the case or if Sothis just beat Rhea to the punch and gave herself up to Byleth before the reverse was made to happen.
Her intention to have Sothis overtake Byleth was the thing Jeralt was detecting. The feasibility of that act is secondary to Rhea's sudden possible human sacrifice of the woman he loved. If someone looks like they're going to murder you, you don't say "let's see how this plays out." You take precautions, and his theory was validated enough by Rhea's reaction to Byleth's faked death and was enough to keep him away every day afterwards.
If the ritual at the Holy Tomb had worked, killing Jeralt might have been the Slither's most colossal fuck up, because he might have been the only person besides Edelgard to have enough knowledge to even think about intervening.
Bonus Jeralt theory. Jeralt doesn't align with any nation anymore. He doesn't wear any of their colours. However, the closest match is the Alliance. Why? Well, Jeralt was born over 300 years ago and served the Faerghus military, however, his homeland very well might have been one of the ones that broke off into the Alliance after he had already joined Rhea.
Since he then goes on to live in Remire, Jeralt could be one of the only characters to have relevant ties to all three nations.
The separation of his homeland from the Kingdom might also has served to make him disinterested in the idea of sovereignty or the idea that Fodlan even has nations worth mentioning since they can just *change* whenever. Again, something we see happen in the game itself as Fodlan reunifies in what would have been his lifespan had Kronya not cut it... long? Either way, it explains why he does not care where he was from or bother to explain anything to Byleth, it's all immaterial if you live long enough. (Which also reflects Rhea's view of Fodlan.)
(Apologies for writing you another novel. I hope you don't mind, I'm incapable of brevity. I just think the idea Jeralt overreacted with the amount of context he had about Rhea's abilities, especially since he was 100% correct, is silly. Also the Crest of Seiros is The High Priestess and that's all about trusting your intuition, which is what he did, and he dies soon after he second-guesses his decision. Theming!)
Nah, don't worry, that was all very interesting! :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts and analysis!
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lonehuna · 4 months
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freshly built/ reactivated factorium/ cyber Dragon?
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she finds meaning in art, no persona at all, she changes it whenever she modifies her body.
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sm girl? or is this a warforged owned by a master, he had been inspired by W4gd above and 'bought' one, almost 'raising' it to be a statue.
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above is slave W4 free,
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this could be the masters son, or another possession of his. King of blood actually could be the master, so she has these haunted armours/ knock off war forged, caring for her other 'possessions'.
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or metal elemental ? the biggest rep she could build is as a near mythic goddess of death. she spends all money on her body, earning from joining random battles and taking from the spoils. silent, enigmatic, brutal, elegant. she appears, kills, takes from whatever great warrior she slayed, and leaves.
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Moss Beard/ the green bearded caption of the Scoplings. Is for Integration. thinking that Warforged can follow the example of the Dragonborn, who dont have a past or society but have the dedication and respect to excel in whatever society they join. sees himself as the first good example of this.
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Spark Keeper, is a farforged who travels, collecting the sparks of other warforged. they all wasted their lives trying to find meaning u see. joining with mortals, fighting against whatever, any life lived like a mortal or defined against mortals is a waste. they arnt wasteing their life as they only concern themselves with other warforgeds' sparks. extreamly lonly, depressed and secretly hopes the gith return and give them real purpose. because that is true, and thats as close to 'right' as a thing can be to their jaded mind.
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example of a totaly integrated/ wants to look a such, warofrged. (see anadroid stats from pathfinder.)
Remember the Cyber Dragon who creates her own warforged.
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nightmaretheif · 6 months
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So i wanted to do more Gods/Goddess's to go with who i already designed, and grown on the Univurse and stories and to help fill out @the-slender-doll Cursed God World.
So i wanted to design one of the First Creator Gods, and as soon as i read up on Atum, i just had his idea form instantly.
A God who created his children, Shu and Tefnut, out of earth simply because he was lonly realy plaid out to that part of his personality.
As a primordial god and as the evening sun, Atum has chthonic and underworld connections, and not to mention he is assosiated with the Sun before Ra/Re came into existence.
I liked the idea of when Ra came to be, Atum mentored him before bestoing the title of Father/Sun God  the god that many looked upon and tock the form of the light of the earth.
In my mind, polotics was never Atums thing, though the humans based their Pharaohs likeness to him, making many beluve it was him in human form, so Pharaohs where seen as devine and closeat to.the Gods.
Anyway, by the time Ra was crowned  Atum was leaving the Celestrial realm and was on the human plane.
In modern times, hes pretty much a Himbo xD he owns an appartment with a roof garden and pool, and spends alot of his time just chilling, keeping out of the fallen pantheons issues.
He cares only for his children and grandchildren, and in Ikas AU his adopted grandchildren Thoth and Khonsu. He has a soft spot for Hathor, having helped her untill she was stable enough.
He spends time with Khnum shooting the shit and enjoys watching his banter with Wenet, and yes he is always seen in floofy slippers.
Atum is also part of @the-slender-doll cursed Gods univurse
Atum (c) Nightmaretheif
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dig-with-it · 1 year
Hades to Persephone
I sensed you before I saw you. The sugar flavour of meadow wrapped nectar in the air, and my eyes searched for its source, your face the essence of what I had been waiting for all those cold and lonely years my family had made me the guardian of Elysian and hell, until you stepped into my world like a galaxy bursting in front of an astronomer's telescope. Tell me, with all those speckles on your skin did anyone tell you that you are a constellation, waiting to be loved and explored? Did the bumbling River-Gods who tried to court you ever understand that you were destined for so much more? I saw you, Spring Goddess, restless in your lonliness, pulling at crimson flowers to watch them die, wondering if immortality was worth anything if you were powerless to have any control over your fate or your destiny. Come now, tell the truth. I saw you rattle at the invisible chains of smother, of boredom, or too much comfort.
— Rita Dove
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renticat · 6 months
Lonly Killian
It's not filter. i am blessed with this jawline well even it's asymmetrical as I have mild scoliosis hmm. Yeah and my mom always said why your head is so small compares to the body. It's the boobs. So I am like that smut manhwa proportion head is small with big body just I am not tall, if I were I am absolutely a goddess lol lol.
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g-on-ef · 4 months
To all my nikobran readers if yall want me to update this entire weekend {the heart was build to break to kidnap a lotus flower and born sinner} than I have a deal for you
If I can get five screenshots of yall streaming Right Place Wrong Person by namjoon of BTS I'll post two chapters of the stories above bonus if I get 10 I'll post a sneak peak of Goddess of Loneliness ^^
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thatonehotredhead · 3 years
i have a brainworm
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silverhallow · 3 years
Bridgerton Season 2... my thoughts
It's going below the cuts because of Spoilers... and i apologise it's going to likely incoherent...
First up... the Featherington subplots... what the hell and what was the point. Once I realised what was going on, not gonna lie... i fast fowarded it. I did see Portia giving Jack the old heave ho and basically screwing him over and I have to yell "get the fuck in" i love protective mother's and that was just... very much a FUCK YOU moment and i loved it.
Can we talk about Colin's tan??? Jesus... it would have fit in on a night out in Newcastle... JESUS WEPT. I am sure at one point he was nearly orange... Colin babe i love you when you're not being an idiot... but dude... the tan... no.
I'm going to do a separate post on Benedict cause I just have to...
the marina/colin thing was meh i loved seeing Phillip and him being a babe and a plant nerd but i think again. i could have done without it this season but it was nice to see Marina happy and i'm kinda interested to see how they will do this... going forward...
I LOVE LOVE LOVED ALL the Bridgerton Family moments and A&B Moments in this were just... sheer perfection. it was clear you could see the Brotherly relationship, the difference between A&Bs relationship and that of A& C-H... it was clear they were the best of friends. Anthony went to Benedict for advise... and Benedict offered it. Anthony offered Benedict support as a brother... and tried to do the same with the Art Academy and just did it poorly but i can't wait to see more A&B In future.
VIOLET FUCKING BRIDERTON- what a fucking WOMAN. the flashbacks... GIVE RUTH GEMMELL ALL THE AWARDS. She was fucking REMARKABLE this season. seeing her pain... seeing her struggle and seeing her comfort Anthony... the scenes they shared... their moments... they were just beautiful and I loved them... and I cannot wait to see her as a bad as mother fucker she is in AOFAG... i can't wait to see her be the rock for Ben..
She is a goddess and I will not hear a bad word said against her.
Anthony's moments dancing with Hyacinth and seeing her dance albeit it briefly Benedict... then his chat with Gregory... FUCK THE FEELS... THE FEELS... I've watch that twice now and sobbed like a girl... it was so beautiful...
but to the main course...
First up... I love Edwina... for the most part... at times I felt she was a little wooden and stiff that may change with some rewatches. there were times she just felt poorly written and at times I felt, while justified, she came across a bit spoilt and petulant to me but again... I totally get it... she was furious with them both. With Kate... but the whole thing...
it was just a fucked up mess. the wedding it should never got that far but if i remove the book from my mind and look at it as something other than TVWLM and not the book and as a story.
BUT their make up scene... the conversation about "being true to oneself" THAT is the Edwina I know and loved from the book and I am so fucking excited to see her be herself in Season 3...
Kate and Anthony... my darlings... you both idiots.
I cannot physically put it into words...
the slow burn... it hurt
but Anthony simping over her... the way his brain stalled at seeing her leg, when he could smell her... it was just... breathtaking and beautiful.
the way he acted around her... their hand movements, their longing glazes. it was just beautiful.
Kate... you darling darling broken girl. it pained me so much. Simone is just beautiful and her acting was exquisite. I hate the pain she went through and you could see it in every glance you could see the pain and hurt she felt. the conflict she felt and the scene in the cupboard. her lonliness hits her like, pardon the word and pun, a wrecking ball... honestly it was like someone reached into my chest and pulled my heart out...
I know lots of people complained about the lack of sex but man i am not sure i needed it. it was hot, it was steamy and the moments we got, the montage of their first time. jesus christ i went feral.
Anthony you fucked up the first marriage proposal to her... dude you clearly didn't think properly you could have saved yourself a lot of pain!
Anthony's speech in the garden to her for the first time and this his love declaration...
it was just beautiful
I HATE that we didn't get more Kanthony and we didn't get their fucking honeymoon... 6 months! and we didn't get it but...
i love the ending. Lady Whistledown's silence and saying about knowing the moment went to talk... it has to be huge foreshadowing for her making up with Eloise...
and Benedict's closing the box... trapping down his artistic tendancies...
but the epilogue.
Kate and Anthony not giving a flying fuck about propriety and snogging in front of their family... fucking spot on. that is the Viscount and Viscountess I wanna see in Season 3... floating their happiness by coming in from gardens looking very dishevelled at balls and just dancing together all night and embarassing their family...
to summarise...
if you are a hardcore lover of the book and you go in expecting an adapation you are going to be disappointed... if you go in with open eyes and an open heart... then you will love it...
i have loved it and it's made my excited (yes weird i know) to see what they do with my beloved King and Queen when it is there turn...
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spaghetwardhoezier · 4 years
‘Erase this please’ - Percico secret santa fanfic
@duchessmb (MidnightBunnyy) , I am your Percico Secret Santa, bringing you fluffy & angsty flustered boys after Christmas has long passed but i still got my Christmas tree up so you can’t kill my spirit!
I want to start by saying: Happy late Christmas and Happy New Year! I dearly hope this year brings you and the rest of us some better memories. That being said, i want to apologize for posting my gift on the very last day of the event but, hey! At least it’s in time! (unlike all of my school projects :’) ) I hope it doesn’t seem too rushed. I wrote something, read it, hated it and decided to rewrite everything in the last three days. Also, i hope it doesn’t contain many grammar mistakes. I’ll proof read it the morning but if you see it until then, just know that i’m not actually illiterate, just tired. Now that you know how much of a dumbass i am, let’s go on with the story! Hope you enjoy!
Nico stared down at his arm, eyes almost piercing trough the new-found initial that marked the skin from right near his elbow.
Is so confusing...
... a sturdy ‘P’ stood proudly, as if laughing at the son’s of Hades suffering.
P could come from many things! It can come from... Patrick... Paul... Phineas...
What kind of name is Phineas even, Nico?
The boy sighed deeply, his mind stubbornly struggling to remain attached to the same name it has been focused on since he’s seen his soulmark...
The most beautiful name on his list, the one he’s been dreading to say so badly...
Percy Jackson
But that name isn’t supposed to come out of his mouth, to glide between his two lips... That name isn’t supposed to even stroll so casually around his mind every single goddamn day.
Why? Because the thought of Percy Jackson was stuffed so deeply inside of Nico that it now felt like part of him; it was almost painful. Oh, the thought of him was very close and reachable alright..., but Percy Jackson himself was excruciatingly far away.
Nico would stare helplessly... His heart will scream and his mind would struggle to find a coherent thought, one that didn’t scream ‘you’re alone’ or ‘you’re pathetic’. And in spite of all that, he could imagine... was Percy in the arms of his future lover whose face didn’t reasamble Nico’s in any shape or form. He’d imagine them sneaking out in the middle of the night to go and count the stars from the black abyss of the dark sky, the only light accompanying them being each other’s love and company.
... Why couldn’t Nico have that?
...Why did Percy’s future... seemed like one he could never be part of?
Love was for lucky people. He guessed that he just wasn’t the guy.
The dim sounds of flowing water from the well known Styx river the demigod was currently standing close to grew quieter as Nico's eardrums were filled with the obnoxious sounds of his own consuming thoughts. No. He must not pay attention to that mark. To him, the soulmark had to be no longer. It didn't exist to him.
And yet, for the next following weeks, the only place his eyes seemed to want and glance towards as he roamed around his father's kingdom was that idiotic mark. Not even the hopeless whispers of the dead could distract him from it. Truth be told, he felt just as hopeless then.
''Boy.'' Hades's cold voice dared to soften just a dime as he tried to catch his son's attention. Nico remained still by the Styx river in the not so far away distance, eyes lost and heart seemingly sinking alongside the dozens of sticks and rocks from the acid water. ''Boy!'' he bellowed once again, steps becoming bigger as he kept advancing towards the shore.
Nico's head turned suddenly, black eyes harmoniously meeting black eyes. The bond wasn't kept for long, the teenage boy immediately starting to glare back at the water. ''What do you want, father?'' his voice was distant and lost, as if it tried to show itself off as threatening and furious but gave up amid the way.
Hades cleared his throat. ''I want to see your mark.''
Nico's eyes widened. The demigod tried to control his panic before opening his mouth again. ''What mark?''
''Your soulmark.''
''I don't have it.''
''Well, i think you do!''
Hades rushed forward, grabbing his son's arms and bringing back the sleeves. Nico stood up and struggled as tried to escape his father's firm grip with no succes.
''A 'P'... Ah, i see...'' the god spat as if utterly unsatisfied with his own statement. His fingers unclenched from around the demigod's wrists and the poor boy grunted as he stumbled back.
''...I told you, i don't have any soulmark.'' his eyes looked up to meet his father's for a second time. He was speaking through gritted teeth, voice stubborn and decisive. ''It's meaningless to me.''
''Too bad it's not meaningless to me then. As much as i hate that it starts with... that boy's name and i dearly hope it's not him... you are still going to go find said person.''
''That boy?''
''Poseidon's brat!''
Hades sighed and closed his eyes, trying to regain his patience. It didn't work much as his voice trembled with annoyance as the god began speaking once again. "Don't play with me. Don't disagree with me. If going to that... cursed camp is what it takes for you to be happy, then so be it.'' He said the world 'camp' with a tone that revealed worse despise than when he'd talk about one of his brothers.
Nico's eyes widened in confusion. ''Happiness...? Going to camp...? What in Hades are you saying?''
''Soulmarks are made by Aphrodite and Hestia, you idiotic child. Yeah, sure, Aphrodite often goes on and on about the drama and chaos that must take place in a romantic relationship for it to be entertaining enough for her, but Hestia, on the other hand... she doesn't let explosions go off and burst when soulmarks are involved. She doesn't let the chaos lay a finger on that. As much as i hate my family sometimes... soulmarks are a good thing. You are not going to remain alone and pouting. Go to camp. Now.''
Nico followed his father's words, but they simply wouldnt clench around his brain. Now is when his father showed care out of all times? Now? When Nico's heart kept yelling 'no' with an unshaken vigor?
''Now!'' Hades spoke again and his words were conclusive. With a simple hand gesture, Nico was sent to the one place he currently dreaded most.
A girl's hand wrapped around Percy's wrist and, to him, it felt almost like a betrayal. The mark was right there, staring back at him. It looked like it was gaping up and shaking its head, perhaps mumbling a 'you idiot, wrong soulmate, wrong hand to hold.'. He tried imagining the exact voice a hundred of times. It sounded more pissed off than his french teacher from fifth grade when he'd raise his hand during class to ask if he could go to the bathroom. 'But can't you say it in french, s'il te plait?'
Why couldn't Percy listen?
''Let's catch lunch before it's over!'' Naomi from Aphrodite's cabin said sweetly as if trying to lure him in. It felt wrong. Why did he keep following her?
''About the mark...''
''Percy...'' the daughter of the love goddess spoke clearly even as Percy tried to replay the memory in his head. Her voice was sweet and lucid, her vocabulary was rich and her intelligence was definitely blossomed and visible, especially when compared to the other children of Aphrodite's. And yet... he's never been attracted. ''It's an 'N', right?'
Percy stared down at his arm as if he expected the mark to grow legs and run away any following second. "..yes."
"So why not give it a try? When mine will appear, we'll know for sure if we are meant to be or not. Do you have any other guesses...? Please, Percy...?'' her smile was bright, hopeful.
'But it doesn't feel right.' his heart said. Percy didn't say that.
Instead, he smiled back, drowning all of his other thoughts with a simple 'we'll see. we'll see...'
'It's been two months.' his mind kept repeating now.
'I know. But now we'll see soon.'
'You even kissed.'
'...We are basically in a relationship.'
'Did you even agree to that?'
'In a way.'
'Why did you even agree to that?'
What could you expect from a dude that's arguing with himself...
"Percy...!'' a hand tapped his shoulder and he finally woke up, in spite of the fact that his eyes have never been closed. "You've been weirdly staring at your shoe laces. If you were Grover, i'd be sure you were about to eat them up.''
"...Sorry. I'm fine."
Naomi smiled again.
"Then all it's fine. Let's go eat.''
"Your name is Pollicem? Doesn't that mean, like, big toe in latin?"
"You asked for my name, kid!" the angry satyr bellowed. "I ain't asked for no judgement!"
"Right, right, sorry..." Nico cleared his throat, straightening his back before speaking again. "What's your soulmark's initial? Is it an 'N'?"
"It's a 'D' and i definitely haven't found the chosen one by going around and asking other people about their love life. It doesn't work like that...," he sniffled the dark haired boy and crunched his nose up in disgust. "..., offspring of Hades. Bleh, you always smell like dead grass and corpses."
He was right. Nico was just stupid. Why would he even search for his chosen one, after all? Not even the Gods of Love could make him desirable. Love has brought anything but happiness to him up until now. Why would things change?
"Say kid, do you fancy anybody?"
"Huh?!" Nico's breath got caught up into his throat, the boy getting mildly startled.
''I see... So, in that case, that person is your soulmate.''
''You've got your soulmark today, offspring of Hades?''
''I did.''
''The initial matched your loved one's name?''
''...it did.''
''You still love that person?''
Nico bit down on his lip, self-hatred and anger spilling from his gaze. ''What's this about?'' he mumbled.
''If you still love them, then the gods of love approve. You've found your other half. If that wasn't your case, the affection you held for them would start fading by now.''
''I don't believe that.''
''Stop believing so much in the fact that any child of Hades's destiny is lonliness and isolation. Why do you think soulmarks even exist, kid? To form arguments, envy? No. They are supposed to bring peace. Each person with their designed lover. That way, love is clear and true, unbreakable.''
''I've been assigned... a lover?''
I've been assigned... Percy Jackson... as a lover?
Nico's heartbeat started to freak. ''How am i supposed to believe that?''
''Just like that, demigod. You're currently talking to somebody with two hooves instead of feet and yet you can't believe in love?''
Nico looked back at the other half-bloods from camp, their silhouettes blurry and gray under the dim light of the afternoon. They were all laughing, raising their sleeves and proclaiming that 'look, there's somebody out there for me too' and yet Nico couldn't see himself fitting into the scenery.
''That mark holds a lot of power within you.'' the satyr spoke again. ''I can feel it. Don't be afraid of closure, kid, don't be afraid of vulnerability.'' and off he went into the dark forest, leaving Nico alone.
The way Percy stood alone at his table, peacefully eating his usual all blue food plate. The way his lips would slowly, leisurely turn upwards at unexpected times, perhaps thinking about something so weird and stupid that he felt like laughing at himself. So unnoticable... so pretty.
Nico watched in silence. Like always, truth be told... But this time, the moment itself seemed more intense, adrenaline and dread rushing up his veins as a familiar warmth settled in his stomach.
A girl makes her way to the Poseidon tabel.
That's an intruder. An intruder into this portrait that's been meant to only focus on one single person, on Nico's favourite person.
Her fingers laced around his arm. He looked up. Eyes met. The girl smiled. Her eyes sparkled. She leaned in. She pecked his cheek.
That was not his cheek.
Those were his lips.
Those from between which Percy has said so many stupid, dumb words that somehow Nico didn't find dumb at all. Those that would open and scream in triumph after he'd win yet another battle. Those that were always curving up, forming that beautiful smile.
Nico has always found looking at Percy painful. But now's the moment when the pain did no longer feel good at all.
His eyes filled with hatred. It’s almost funny how the soulmark could turn as meaningless as before oh so easily. He turned around, but that's when he's finally spotted.
"Nico!" Grover yelled with excitement from near a tree, letting a chewed piece of plastic drop out of his mouth.
...stupid satyr
"Nico?" another voice called him from behind. He turned around. He shouldn't have turned around.
Sea blue eyes were staring back at him. How did Percy even get here so fast?
"You've come to visit!" his eyes expressed joy. That felt like a punch in the stomach.
"Like you care." he spat, voice annoyed and hateful.
The glint of joy was dipped in hurt. That felt like another punch in the stomach.
Percy looked him up and down, a sudden act that flustered and startled Nico, who covered it up with even more anger.
"What the hell do you want?"
"You've got musclar.''
Percy's eyes were glued to Nico's biceps. "Stop staring, weirdo! What the heck...?! What do you want?!''
The taller demigod finally brought his gaze up, looking into the child of Hades's black orbs. They seemed more intense to him this time, mysterious, endering... Percy felt weird.
"What's your soulmark?"
Nico seemed surprised. Percy was surprised, too. He didn't know why he asked. He felt pushed too, interested.
"...It's none of your business." the boy replied.
It felt like his business.
Nico perhaps felt suffocated by Percy's fixed stare because he soon spoke again. "I didn't even get it yet.''
Black and green eyes were locked together still. There was a lot of tension. Dozens of words seemed to be hanging in the air. A sudden realization washed over Percy, but he remained silent. When he tried to open his mouth again, he realized that Nico has already left.
''You what?" Percy almost staggered as he listened to Annabeth's words. They were on their morning walk. From what the demigod has heard, Nico came back and stayed at camp over night but Percy didn't get the chance to see his face a second time.
"You gain feelings for your soulmate immediately after you get your mark, as well as loose feelings for anybody else you have previously fallen for." Annabeth explained again. "An organized system through which the gods make sure there are no third parties involved in soulmark work."
"Then Naomi's..."

"...not the one." she finished his thoughts. He's been saying that same goddamn sentence in his mind over and over again, but saying it out loud... it finally felt real, believable.
"You didn't tell me this before?!"
"I'm surprised you didn't know. But i did always think you dated Naomi out of kindness. ...I still think that."
"Maybe you were too scared that i'd finally come to the conclusion that Nemo's my soulmate."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, but her smile was playful. "A fish can't be your soulmate, seaweed brain."
They sank in a comfortable silence for about a minute or two. Then the girl started speaking again.
"But... suddenly finding somebody attractive that you didn't before, feeling the need to see somebody else's soulmark, the sudden feeling that you're deeply connected to someone, emotionally and mentally, are all signs that said person is your soulmate."
The odd interaction with Nico from yesterday was the first thing he thought off.
He stopped in his tracks, sweat covering his forehead and eyes opened wide.
Wait a damn minute-
"I'm sorry, Percy."
The girl that stood in front of him - his ex, i suppose you could say - had tears straining her cheeks. Whether the cause of them was guilt of sadness, he didn't know. But they left soft, unnoticable traces down her skin, which were glowing vividly in the summer sun as if they tried showing off hope and relief rather than regret.
"My mark appeared today... It's not a 'P'."
"I know." Percy said softly and the girl looked up in confusion. The male demigod was the one who smiled sweetly this time. "And you've probably talked with somebody else today. And you've probably felt reborned in a way, like you've suddenly found a long lost part of you, a piece of puzzle that didn't fit you before but for some reason it now embraces you so perfectly."
"Percy, how-"
"I know the feeling. And it's alright. I've found him too."
Waking up in the morning...
'What a bother' Nico'd say if you were to ask him.
Rolling right and left underneath the covers, the demigod realized that the blanket couldn't even provide him warmth. He's never felt colder.
Knock Knock
Knock Knock
"Leave, god dammit!"
The door creaked open. Nico got up with a snarl.
"Why the f-"
The words got caught up into his throat. A whimper softly slided from between his lips as Percy stepped closer.
"Stay back!" Nico took the stygian sword from near his bed and brought it in front of him to keep the distance. The other demigod raised his arms in surrender and then Nico cursed himself for paying so close attention to his lips as the boy started talking.
"What's your soulmark?"
"I told you i don't have it."
"...liar" Percy mumbled.
"What the fuck is your problem?! I told you i-" he yelped as Poseidon's stupid son kneeled down and rushed forward, avoiding the sword as arms came around Nico's legs and brought him up on his shoulders. The sword fell down on the floor with a quiet thud and the smaller male started cursing and yelling in protest.
"Dumbass! Wait, wait-"
Percy brough him down on the bed, caging the boy and struggling to bring one of his sleeve's down. Nico shoved a fist into his left shoulder, throwing the boy off the bed. The son of Poseidon still had his hand clenched around one of the black-eyed male's wrist, therefore they ended up rolling toghether onto the dusty floor, fighting to be the one on top. They stopped spinning when they hit the wall and Nico still remained the one trapped under Percy's dominating figure. The green haired male reached down and finally managed to work with the other's sleeve and see his bare, naked wrist.
A proud 'P' stood glinting under the pale bedroom lights.
"...why didn't you tell me?"
Nico didn't speak. He looked scared, he looked ashamed.
Percy released the boy's wrist and showed off his own. The 'N' no longer felt wrong. It felt like it's finally found its part, its continuation, its home.
There was some strange tension in the room, hidden from the human eye yet touchable and itchy. It felt as if the air was trying to suffocate them. The boys' limbs felt numb and cold, searching for alleviation. The whole atmosphere around the boys was pushing them together, uniting their souls, their bodies... And not even a demigod could do anything but kneel down in front of such a mighty power.
The next few seconds were so intense and brimmed with emotions and sensations that it almost felt like a lucid dream: blurry and vague but real. Percy leaned down while Nico brought his chin up. The son of Poseidon allowed his arms to find their place around the other's hips, pressing their foreheads together while rubbing the tip of their noses in an ardent manner. Nico's breath was hot against his lips. Without being certain of who started the following act (perhaps it was both of them at the same time), their mouths clashed together, speaking the words and feelings which the two demigods haven't got the courage to say yet. Percy's soft, moisturized lips were gently scratched by Nico's dry ones, moving in perfect sync. It felt as if they've completed that one abberant puzzle that they've been working at for decades, twisting the pieces and always wondering why things didn't fit, why things didn't feel right.
Well, finally... things felt right.
They eventually parted and Percy's lips suddenly felt so empty and full of sorrow that he attempted to dive right back into the affectionate act. Nico's index finger stopped him on the way.
"Your shitty girlfriend..."
"It's no longer."
"You got more explaining to do than that."
"I know- i know... I will... But for now, can't we just enjoy this?"
Who was Nico to complain?
While their lips reconnected, tingling with a newfound passion and desire, while their limbs began tangling toghether, focusing on nothing else except the other's warmth and soft skin, Nico could be heard mumbling one single thing against Percy's parted lips:
"My dad's going to kill me."
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umbralsound-xiv · 4 years
Prompt #27 - Penned In Scarlet (Extra Credit)
Character: Bexy
It happened again.
Bexy finds herself at home, at a desk in her room, where a single black book sits on the corner. Carefully crafted from black leather, the motif of a forget-me-not is carved into the cover, bordered with a gold and red thread.
How many more pages would she have to fill?
Her pen dips into the ink again.
Two Hundred and Eighty Four A bandit swordsman trying to protect his own. For the same purpose, i froze you to the bone.
She remembered his scream as the ice took him. It was fresh in her mind. He was... Trying to protect someone. She remembered giving J’deth his order... She would see to that, later.
Another name she’d have to write, no doubt.
The sigh she gave wavers in the pit of her chest, and her eyes begin to burn. The quill is dipped in ink, once again.
Two Hundred and Eighty Five. Arrows shot between us, to and fro. But it was mine that landed the killing blow.
Why did it hurt so much? Why did penning these memoirs seem to sting so much this time around, when she had done it so many times before? Sometimes, moons would pass without ever needing to open it.
Other times, suns.
She fights a sob; it would be unheard in a silent house either way, tucked in the darkness of her abode. A pang of lonlieness, of solitude. It never lasted long, but it was still the most bitter thing when it reared it’s head.
Two Hundred and Eighty Six. Axe wielding woman who was felled by a friend. But it was by my hand that you finally met your end.
This one didn’t even fight back. But the chance to recover and find her revenge wouldn’t be afforded to her. She couldn’t affort to lose them. Her friends. Her family.
A tear spills down her cheek and lands on the newly penned parchment, ink bleeding into it. The word was still legible. Bexy smiles.
This no longer made her happy. Killing. Not senseless killing, but killing none the less. It hurt. That was good, she thought; a tear was a sign of humanity.
Two Hundred and Eighty Seven. A bowman victim of my ice-glass rain. I froze you after, to ensure you’d been slain.
She re-reads her words after the quill is sat back in the inkpot. She remembers their faces, and it stings. More than the arrow wound she nursed beneath bandages. She hopes it always will.
That she’ll never forget the fallen.
Pushing her chair back with a groan against the wood, Bexy makes way to her door. A walk.
Another short pilgrimage to her goddess.
Another plea for forgiveness, whether she felt she deserved it, or not.
She’d copy her words into the book at the sanctum, later.
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redstorm302 · 4 years
Lonely God Pt. 2
Part one ⬆️
Ao3 ⬆️
Warnings: Violence against a child, death (soon)
The slow march of time became a thing of the past with new company now. As always Bubs was thankful for the life his young son brought to their temple home. The halls were filled with joyful laughter and the pitter patter of little feet.
Linus ran through the halls, giggling and laughing. He wasn’t sure of where he was going, but he wanted to play! The temple was so huge to this little being and he liked to run around a lot in the open areas. It was just himself in this temple and he didn’t have any friends around.
He wanted to play! Run around and feel the grass and sand beneath his feet. Maybe his father could play with him. Speaking of which, where was the god this beautiful morning?
Bubs was somewhere on the upper level, in a silk hammock just enjoyed the breeze coming through the window. He chuckled, hearing something scamper about. Oh Linus, such a playful young child. He could go out, but, he must always mind the cliff side. It’d be terrible if he fell.
The creature that guarded this place, a large two headed horse by the name of Oz could watch the boy from the entrance. Linus was always in safe hands.. hooves.
The sound of little feet was his only warning before something landed in his lap. “Oof- greetings child”. He hugged Linus, never one to be annoyed or even mad at the boy. Perhaps he was too soft, but he felt that was ok. “What is it?”
“Hi!”. Linus wrapped his arms around his father’s neck,”It’s sooooo nice out! Can we go outside and play?? Please?”
“Of course”. He smiled brightly and held Linus to him before climbing out of the hammock and walking outside. The god just always loved holding the child and would get any chance he got. Once outside Bubs let Linus down. “It is indeed such a lovely day”
Linus set foot on the ground with bare feet. He didn’t like wearing shoes since he felt like his feet were trapped inside. Maybe when he got older he would put some sandals on, but for now that wasn’t the case. Anyway, he jumped around Bubs and giggled, “Let’s play hide an’ seek!!”. Even before confirmation he ran off, disappearing into the nature that surrounded their home. He knew it already like the back of his hand.
Bubs chuckled and stared counting, covering his eyes and turning around. Heh, he knew the forest when it had just started out as saplings. The god knew he could find little Linus. After getting to thirty he turned around,”Ready or not, here I come!”
Linus was the master at finding the right spots! He thought of himself as pretty good, even if he was always found in the end somehow. Linus couldn’t figure that one out. But he was sure he could win this time! Linus kept running and running till he reached a tree that was near the edge of the cliff. He started to climb this tree and then sit on top of one of the branches. Perfect!
Bubs set out to find his little runaway. He hummed a tune to himself and looked behind every tree. He knew all of Linus’ hiding spots, at least the previous ones before today. He didn’t think of the cliff because obviously the child had more sense than that. Right? Right.
Linus always visited the cliff when he was feeling.. stuck. He didn’t know how else to describe the feeling since he was still just a kid. But sitting far above the ocean with the sound of the waves below always made him feel better. Linus always wanted to know what it was like out there in the world beyond his home. He knew of stories of different places around this globe and wanted to go visit each and every one of them. Some day! When he was all grown.
Without warning two hands landed on his shoulders. He jumped out of pure surprise, his calm broken. Those hands were very much different from his father’s. “Greetings, you are the child of Bubs I presume?”
Instead of being scared and like the oblivious kid Linus was, turned around and continued to smile. He thought nothing of this interaction. “Hi! And yes!”
It was a God in the shape of a too beautiful woman in clothing that showed a little too much of her chest area. She smiled, “Oh you are so adorable as they say. I may just take you for myself.” Then the goddess smirked, “I may just do that.”. What irked her was that this child was far too pretty, even more than her especially- to be a product made from that monster of a god known as Bubs.
Linus tilted his head curiously at her, staring into her amber eyes. He didn’t know what she meant by that.
“Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself!”, the goddess laughed before saying in a calmer voice, “I am Goddess Phoebe, an old friend of your God.”
Linus had turned around by that point and looked interested in Phoebe now. “You are?! How come he never talks about you?”
Phoebe looked a bit offended by that before she plastered a fake, small smile and a chuckled, “Oh? He hasn’t has he? Hmm just like him to do so. What is your name?”
“Linus? What a lovely name for such a cute face”, Phoebe noticed that the boy had gotten flustered which made her a bit amused. Linus had replied with a small, “Thank you, Goddess.” She then continued, “I have an offer to propose to you Linus... I know it is sudden but I want you to think about this. You see, I am in need of help and I think you can help me. What do you say we go on an adventure together?”
Linus’ eyes gotten wide before suddenly narrowing in thought, “I would have to ask Bubby first.”
“Ah- smart as you are cute”, she liked that, “Yet I assure you Bubby would let you go with me. You see, I am his friend and a best one at that. What do you say?”
Linus looked nervous now and stared down at his lap as he tried thinking about this with his small little brain. He didn’t know what he was suppose to do in this situation. “... I dunno.”
“Oh dear child, you should really learn to listen to your elders”. As much as she’d hate to admit she didn’t have enough time to truly do whatever she wanted, unfortunately. “Fine then, you can go by yourself”. With a smile on her perfect face and glee in her eyes she gave the child a rather forceful push off the tree and over the edge of the cliff. Ugly brat.
The scream that followed was like music to her ears.
To be continued cause I’m tired :)
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succubustears · 4 years
For when I lose my way:
You find happiness in the smiles around you.
No matter how successful you, or others, deem yourself. No matter how full of anger and hate you are. No matter if you feel beautiful, or ugly.
You are beyond selfish desires like beauty and money, as tempting as wishing for those things may be.
A cynical and bitter child. You had all the magic of life snubbed out of you before you understood what was happening. You wanted so desperately for magic to be real that when all betrayed you, all that was left was a seething hate.
But you know now, where the magic comes from. Despite spitting blood, gasping for air, and rage being the only thing pumping through your veins, you survived. You felt that way because you feel so deeply. Maybe even more than your average peer. You love so deeply, and are pained by sadness.
The magic comes from you. Every sweet smile you give, every gift you give, and every thoughtful thing you do selflessly creates magic in the eyes of others.
You cannot make anyone love you. You know this. You cannot cry and scream because the world has been cruel to you. There is no one to listen. But that is why you stood up. There was no one to listen to you. There was no one to give you magic. There was no one to give you hope and positivity.
But you, you can be that person. That is your purpose and your gift. You give all of the unconditional love boiling away in your heart to everyone around you. You seemingly snap your fingers and create magic for those around you. You give hope, and you nourish the positivity.
You are filled with a great sadness. A lonliness that can never be quenched, as love and happiness was stolen from you so long ago. You will learn to create this for yourself.
Despite how everyone jokes about you, you are no angel. You are no demon, fairy, or goddess. You are simply human. You look to the stars and hope for meaning. It will not come.
There is no sadness is this. Isn't it wonderful, the feeling of warm sunlight on your skin, the smell of ripe fruit, the silence of a snowy day, and the expanse of milky stars in the sky? How lucky are we to be able to experience all of this.
You are eloquent, and strong. You are smarter than you give yourself credit for. Remember, even when you convince yourself that you have nothing, you are stronger than you ever could imagine. I love you unconditionally, and that is all we need. Let's give as much of this love to others as we can while we are lucky enough to feel cool grass on our small feet.
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