#also i swear ill get pages up here Soon
lovebvni · 2 months
'Advice From Your S/O' ( Pick-a-Pile ) (old)
I haven't done a pick-a-pile lately, I had covid then life got in the way, but I'm back with some shifting advice from your s/o! 
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You will be picking a number between 1 and 5
Breathe in....
Breathe out...
Now, what's the number you heard?
[pile 1, 2, 3
4, 5]
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pile 1
Pile 1!
Conformation this pile is for you: Have been having nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night, feeling like things aren't going well for you, 9, 999
Cards: 9 of Swords, Page of Cups, 9 of Pentacles
"I see you've been disappointed with your situation, but you know, things are going to get better. Take a break, look to your material life more than you look to shifting right now. Take a break, stop thinking about shifting. I think you're obsessed." Wow, your partner had NO trouble giving this to you straight up. They are basically trying to say take a break. Think about something else, be creative!
Things I kept seeing/hearing: memer, laughs a lot, is in physical or mental pain, obsession, Addison Rae, overachiever
pile 2
Pile 2!
Conformation this pile is for you: You have a mental illness of some sort, you want to work with a deity, you have a cat (or pet)
Cards: The Devil, 5 of Wands (R), 8 of Cups
You guys may have also been drawn to pile 1
"Hello, my love! I want you to be happy. What's wrong? Do you need to rant? I'm here for you if you do! I love you SO SO SOOO much! I was asked to bring you advice. Positive change is coming. I know, that really isnt advice but you NEED to know that happiness is coming to you, CHANGE is coming to you. You feel suck but, you're actually slowly moving forward! I'll always be by your side to hold your hand, dont worry!"
Things I kept seeing/hearing: The colour purple, 555, blue, deities, 'It's Nerf or Nothing!"
pile 3
Pile 3!
Conformation this pile is for you: You love listening to music, weirdcore, Simp/kin Bakugou, cook, denki kinnie 1, 111, 1111, fighter,  fire sign, childish
Cards: 7  of wands(r), king of wands, Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords
"HII! I'm going to be honest with you, you're not TRYING to do everything you want to! I know you want to do great things but you WONT PUT WORK INTO IT! Can you PLEASE actually try to put work into what you're doing? Put effort into it. You're wasting your potential. Once you do this, something new is coming! I promise, pinky swear!!"
Things I kept seeing/hearing: 111, 1111, January, New Beginnings are coming, JAM SESSION!!, artist, learner
pile 4
Pile 4
Conformation this pile is for you: Shoto Todoroki, Hyper, 555, 1010, overachiever, doing more than needed, hard working, shifting for an escape, falling, box (LMFAO WTF??), spiritual, magic wand, have a snake
Cards: The World, Page of Wands(R), 10 of Swords, 5 of Swords, The Tower, 8 of Wands
"Hello. You are my world, I want you to know that. I am sending lots of love, because I know that there is a lot going on with you. The parental figures in your life do NOT treat you the way they should. I want you to know, I'm sending you signs and messages, I don't know if you're getting them/paying attention to them. I want you to know there are NO rules you have to follow, nothing you do will effect your journey negatively, okay? Every thing is downhill from here, a smooth ride, you are going to shift soon. Don't loose hope."
Things I kept seeing/hearing: Nicki Minaj, Billie Eilish, finally, endings coming, childish, blonde hair, red 3.
pile 5
Pile 5
Conformation this pile is for you: Shinsou, 333, 33, artist, drawing, roblox, Katsuki Bakugou
Cards: The Hanged Man, 3 of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, The Empress (R)
"WITHIN TIME YOU WILL SHIFT! CALM DOWN! Take a break, focus on what you want to do in your cr, do you like someone? Talk to them! Work on your script, do whatever! I love you! No matter what, I'll wait for you! Success is coming, you're almost at the top of this mountain!!"
Things I kept seeing/hearing: 333, Black, blue, sunglasses, cars, friends, online friends.
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swampgallows · 2 years
the usual
im mad because im trying to read books again, specifically trying to pick up toxic parents and body keeps the score again so i can try and Help Myself basically now that im back in the limbo of having no therapist. but trying to concentrate on shit and hunker down and learn things when i know it’s good for me i swear it’s like a flashbang goes off in my brain and everything just whites out. ‘concentrate’ isnt even the right word for it because it’s like i cant even begin to get started. it’s like staring into the sun to even begin to think about stuff i guess, it’s all so overwhelming. i want so much about my life to change, so much, so badly, so drastically, but so much of it just doesnt feel feasible that it’s like ive implanted this mental block in my brain to even dream of change because it’s too caustic. 
that ‘autistic masking’ article about the boy who would build and paint his models at night then clean everything up so he left no trace of himself... i think about how much ive whittled myself down and have tried to take up very little space. how i dont play my music on speakers, dont draw anymore, basically only took up writing more because it was something that was between me and a notepad document and didnt take time the same way as drawing, and wasnt possible to immediately consume like a drawing (people grabbing my sketchbook and just flippantly turning the pages, skimming past drawings that took me hours in favor of minute long sketches, glancing at drawings that were supposed to express my deep feelings and having immediate reactions of disgust or ridicule)
i make kandi put it on a chain then put it away. it cant really go anywhere anyway, not like i’ll be attending raves again any time soon. i have no reason or place to wear my ‘fun clothes’ anymore. i wore what i thought was a cute outfit at christmas and even my immediate family had some shit to say about it. i wore a pair of stockings that ive had (and worn) since i was 14  years old. i wore them to my very first raver day at disneyland. and theyre surprised when i wear them now? like they havent seen them before????
even here i was about to say “i tire of myself” and close this window or hit post and stop here, but literally my blog is one of the only places i can actually express myself somewhere and send it out to a place where it’s seen. yeah i can write things down in my journal and ‘express myself’ there so that “personal stuff” isnt online but... i already do that. set up my models and paint them late at night, then put them away before anyone sees in the morning. djing only in my headphones at 4am, pulling them off periodically to make sure they arent too loud even through the headphones. lighting candles but opening the window so there isn’t “too much” scent. 
if im autistic or have adhd or some combination of the two, then my whole family is too and all undiagnosed (save for maybe my dad. i think he’s the closest one of us to being ‘normal’). i took that blorbo quiz and it asked “How would they describe themselves?” 
how would -i- describe myself? i dont know. people tell me im smart and funny. i think it’s because they cant think of anything nicer to say.
Part of me is still chasing the approval of all the world’s English teachers. Getting compliments on my writing makes me feel like my life matters. And I still struggle to ask for love and affection when a real, flesh and blood human is looking me in the face. It’s difficult for me to believe someone might care for me as an equal, and like things about me other than my intellect. I frequently have to remind myself I’m no longer a child, and don’t need approval of the “adults” anymore.
as long as im stuck living with my parents im going to perpetually be the child. it’s also really fucking frustrating knowing how ill prepared i am to live as an adult. even when i had a job i had to quit it so i didnt kill myself. i dont think just getting a job is the answer, though i know it’s a mandatory piece of the puzzle. ugh god
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ahoy-robin · 2 years
Just a Cold
Robin x reader (girlfriend!reader but i don’t use she/her)
Reader comes down with a cold but everything is better when the best girlfriend anyone could ask for, Robin, shows up.
927 words
a/n: this is my first time writing something that isn’t a headcannon? so congrats to me? yay? but also i have so far to go but this is fun. also writing about being sick while being sick? that's crazy
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A knock on your door pulls you out of a light nap. You turn your head to face the door, seeing your girlfriend leaning against the frame.
“Hey bubs. How ya’ feeling?” Robin loudly whispers as she walks over, places her bag on the floor and sits at the foot of your bed. Dramatically you turn your head away and throw your arms over your face.
“I’m diseased!” you cry, although muffled.
“You are not ‘diseased’, Y/N. You have a cold.” Robin laughs pulling your arms down to see your face.
“You don’t know that, what if I have some new mutated virus and I’m going to infect the whole planet?” you insist and Robin nods along entertaining your ideas.
“Poor Y/N, do you want me to call Steve’s little science children to come run experiments on you?” she jokes cupping your face with her hand.
“I guess not, no need in spreading my disease to them too.” You push your self up to sit against your headboard.
Skipping school was not a normal occurrence for you. The day before when you weren’t there, Robin was distraught and called you immediately during a free period. So today Robin came over to your house as soon as school let out. You hated not seeing your girlfriend the last few days due to your illness and she held the same sentiment.
“I brought your schoolwork. And you can use my notes if you want, but I know you think my handwriting is sloppy” she jokes. Robin hands you a folder of your papers and her notebook.
“That’s only because your pretty brain works too fast for you hand to keep up. It means your like supes smart, babe.” you ramble flipping through the pages of her book.
“‘Supes smart?’” she mocks your choice of words knowing it’s probably all the flu meds talking.
“Robin, you know like 4 languages? You’re like a genius in my book” you look at her in all seriousness. Robin blushes and looks away, eyes wandering around your room.
She gets up from the bed and wanders to your bookshelf to admire your knickknacks and pictures. This was a habit of hers. Sometimes you’d rearrange things to see if she’d notice or hide little messages for her to find.
“Ya’ gonna look through my stuff every time you come over?”, glancing up from your papers, you see her hunched over, smiling in front of your shelves.
“Just this picture...” she picks up an intricate metal frame that holds a picture from your childhood.
“I love this one, you look so cute. You still smile like this when you get really excited.” She brings the picture over to the bed.
It’s a picture of you standing on a beach with an ear-to-ear smile. You have a big hat on and a pail in your hand. Tilting the frame for you to see, she uses her other hand to poke your cheek. You roll your eyes and dismiss her antics.
“Yeah I was like 6, and little did I know, right after this picture was taken I got knocked on my ass by a couple of puny waves”
“Still” she stands to put the frame back on your shelf “it’s very cute”.
Robins grabs her bag and brings it to the bed. Sitting on the bed, she knocks down a few of your tissues and squishes in real close to you.
“Along with your homework, I brought us a couple of movies from work. Ya’ know the kind you like that are so bad they’re good?” Robin rambles as she pulls various movies out her bag.
“Woah woah woah wait, Robin. I appreciate the gesture, but you can’t hang out here? You’ll get sick and I don't want you to get sick.” you grab her hands in your with concern.
“No no, y/n, I won’t get sick. I promise. I have an immune system of steel.” She kisses your hands and locks eyes with you in reassurance.
“Promise?” you furrow your brows to look serious.
“I swear. Although in the slight, and I mean very slight, chance that I get sick, you’ll get to take care of me. So it’s basically a win-win.”
You roll your eyes and ultimately agree to her plan. (robin 100% got sick the next week. of course you took the opportunity to say “i told you so”. nevertheless, you took care of your lovely sick girlfriend.)
You trudge to your living room with your comforter wrapped around you. Robin grabbed the movies and your tissue box before following you to the couch. Robin’s quick with setting up the first movie. When she sits down on the couch you let her get comfortable before you lay on your side, head in her lap.
“I can’t guarantee I won’t fall asleep” you mumble as the movie opens.
“It’s ok bubs, I planned on spending all day here, sleep as long as you need” she brushes her fingers over your head gently.
Your face warms at her comment. With the gentle head stroking and the movie lightly playing in the background, you fall asleep quite easily.
“No way, that guy looks just like Steve, I gotta play this movie at the store. Don’t you th-” her sentence is interrupted by your small snores. She quickly lowers her voice and the volume of the TV. Knowing she’ll probably be here a while, Robin shifts as much as she can without waking you in order to get comfortable and settles in to take a nap as well.
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zasaka-studio · 3 years
Exchange Disaster.
Tag: ED
-Act 1-
Part 1 / 2
Title: Why is everyone here weird as fUc?
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You had fallowed what you're paper said and successfully got there before the bell.
You then noticed that- instead of traditional desks. There's at least, seven round tables. Dang ain't this nostalgic, like for 2-4th grade. You then noticed that the one with a red basket had a open seat, more or so it's the first one you seen. So you obviously sat down at that table.
“Hello! My name is Zenitsu! Marry me!”
“Hey don't be rude!”
“Fight fight fight!”
Oh god, anything but this...
You looked around for any open tables, which there were. And tried to sneak away from this no no group. Catching someone with golden eyes, pink hair and- blue skin? Not that it matters it's just you've never seen someone with blue skin. You swear to God your not gonna be that person. But as always your efforts were in vain as the boy with reddish hair had pretty much almost knocked himself out by bowing onto the table. Hearing the impact sounded painful.
“Please forgive my friends! They're  always like this!” The kid with earrings said firmly. “But i could get expelled or die at any time! So please!-” “Shut up monitsu! I asked them first! Their gonna fight me!” A what you assumed to be a girl asked. “No you did not!” Zenitsu? Monitsu? You didn't know slammed his hands on the table.
“SHUT UP! Zenitsu you're making them uncomfortable, and Inouske. Not everyone can or will fight you! So please have some respect!” The redhead said. Dang these guys do have souls, or was that gingers? But anyway. “Yeah uhm- imma just go...” Then the loud ass bell rang. “well nevermind.” Sighing, then the yellow haired boy screamed yet again. “yay!” then everyone started to shush echother as the door opened. Revealing a well dressed man, with black hair and maroon eyes. Why is everyone here have rare genetics? First, that iguro guy who had hetorocramia and Taylors unnaturally tall and buff body and I swear... If you're like Renbozo and frequently invade my thoughts... I swear to Jesus.
You then heard some snickering as the man walked around to his desk, which he gave a glare. Then the two kids tightened up and stopped immediately. Oh boy- not the control freak teachers.
“Alright, since the bell officially rung. Everyone who's not here gets detention as soon as they enter that door.” The man said as he set down his papers, wait he got here after the bell? Well ain't that a double standard. Also zenitsu seemed to be practicing becoming a meraka. Me too buddy me too. “Also even though we have a new student today, were still gonna be going to continue where we left off. Now turn to page 114.” Oof...
Then everyone started to take books from under the desks. “Ill get them.” The redhead who you still didn't know the name of had leaned under the table. Then coming back up with four books. “Oh I'm sorry! I'll go ask for another book for you, this one's mako's.” The red head said, then Zenitsu literally did the dash to the teachers desk. Then coming back at the exact same speed. Mado in heaven speed.
“Here ya go!” He then shoved the book in your face. “Hey!-” “Shut up Tanjirou! You always get all the good girls so why not me?!” Zenitsu whisper yelled. You just grabbed it and turned to said page. Sure you hated math but you had to be good at it. Not amazing just the normal human IQ.
“Hey-” The guy names Inouske whispered, which you didn't believe could happen. You nodded you're head. Might as well see what he wanted. “Assist me.” You once again became the rock as you raised your eyebrow. “Why?-” Tanjirou then shushed you. The reason being because if Mr. Muzan Jackson guy hears you two. We all get detention for- about an hour. Which is a mystery on why that's not iligal. You know what, that sounds like a good project subject.
“Do i care? I need help and they look like their smart!” Inouske, you believed, had whispered. Haha hypocrite. But you've got nothing better to do so why not. “Shure, i can help. Now let's shut up-”
“Stop talking, if you want to so bad you can teach the lesson.”
You hadn't noticed Tanjirou and Zenitsu's horrified faces. Oh fuck, this is where you die, say goodbye to Taylor for me. You turned around.
And you could see the menacing symbols flying. But why is this guy so scary? You could feel your arm tremble as this guy gave you the most hate filled stare ever.
“Hmm? Your gonna have to make a decision, or are you fine?” You snapped out of your terrifacation and had almost jumped to the ceiling. “Y-yes sir. I was just helping someone...” You stuttered as his glare lifted almost immediately. What's this guy bipolar- “Oh you should've said so. I'm glad that someone is actually try to help their classmates.” He said as Mr. Muzan had looked out towards the class. Causing them to either not care or hide in their books. Jesus Christ was this a military camp? Still how was this not iligal??
“Continue.” Mr. Muzan had said before walking back to his desk and doing something on his computer. Welp now, i guess your a teacher pet. But you'll never remind them of homework, that's just sucky. But it dose help your overall grade buuuuuut.
“That was awesome!” Inouske said as he looked back up from his book. Noticing that it's just all swiggls, no actual English at all. You sighed and grabbed his book. A little ‘Hey!’ came from him as he tried to grab his book back. “All there is here is gibberish. Inouske, do you even know how to write?” Inouske had huffed and leaned back in his chair. He was about to say something but the loudass that was zenitsu had decided to beat him to it. “Well, since you're helping him. Your gonna help me too!”
You sighed as you nodded in defeat. No point in saying no because you already know he'd just continue the whole time. His face was almost beat red as he thanked you. Looking over at the ravenett? He has red hair but it looks black? Whatever, you had looked at him. Screaming for help, not really. But all he did was give you a smile.
Fuck you then.
Sighing once more for like the thousandth time today, you weren't even near lunch yet and all of this damn shit is happening. Why you anyways? You should've looked better for a seat...
“-and that's all today, class. Now leave.”
You practically started to cry. These two had never once shut up. Mr. Muzan had to give them strikes or whatever they're for. Because they wouldn't. Stop. Arguing. Inouske seemed really uninterested, and always tried to change the subject. Zenitsu was cooperative but he wouldn't stop, again, arguing with Inouske. You asked Tanjirou for help, and which he did. You tank him dearly for that.
You got up, stretching your sore ass legs. Closing the book you were borrowing. And snatching your five pages of notes away from Inouske. “Okay, you two need counseling or something. You two bicker more than my parents do.” You're somewhere between concerned and astonished at how badly they get along. “Oh Zenitsu can pass up a chance to try his shot on any girl he sees!” Inouske snorted as zenitsu had puffed up. “Inosuke, don't be rude, you two almost didn't get the lesson today.” Tanjirou said as he patiently waited for his two idiot friends to get up.
“Hey it's not my fault! Shes really pretty! What am I supposed to do?” Zenitsu said in his really high pitched voice. Then you became confused, who was he talking about, you? HAH no.
“Hey... We actually don't know you're name...” Tanjirou said as Zenitsu and Inouske continue to banter. “Eh you'll probably not see me again anyways.” Which was probably true because this is someone else's seat. “No, I'd like to know! So we could probably talk after class..?” Tanjirou had rubbed the back of his head a bit. Maybe because you look like you wanna do the dash. But you can wait a lil bit longer.
“My names [Y/N], now you know.” Tanjirou seemed to test the name on his tongue. Giving you a smile as the other two continued to argue. Yet again, it's a miracle that Mr. Muzan hadn't noticed them because of how many students were still packing up. Also damn is everyone in slowmo or something??
“Welp, gotta blast. See y'all, maybe?” You said as you scurried past the other students. Accidentally bumping into someone. “Sorry, sorry!” You said as you looked up to see the same pink haired guy. “Oh it's fine.” He said as he pulled a string over his shoulder. Wait- you recognize that anywhere. It's a guitar case. “Your in band?” “Oh yeah I am, why do you-”
Screaming and jumping back, almost falling down. But the mystery guy, who you still don't know that name of had caught you. “Hey! What's your problem?! They almost hit their head you dunce!” As the pink haired guy helped you to your feat Zenitsu's face drained of it's color.
Tanjirou calmly walked up to the three of you. Looking at the guy who was still holding your shoulder. “Why hello Akaza! How have you been?” Smiling as he gave out a hand. Ooh his name's Akaza It's kinda pretty. Wait a minute this guy was beating the ever living shit out of another kid named Doma? Okay now you understand Zenitsu's fear.
“Hello, now we have to get going. Bye” Akaza then softly pushed you out with him. “Hey this is kidnapping!” You said as the two of you reached the hall. “Nah, just getting you away from the yellow freak. He treats everyone with no respect. Mostly woman.” Oh, at least your not special. Shrugging his hand off of you as you walked beside him. “So, Akaza, was it?” He nodded as you two heard crying.
Looking back you saw Mr. Muzan yelling at Zenitsu to go to class. Tanjirou practically dragging him.
Now that's funny, though you couldn't help but to feel bad for the guy.
“See, that's what I mean.” Akaza said as he turned his head back around. “Welp, I'll be seeing him soon.” He then started to walk as you raised your eyebrow. “Why's that?” “I have detention the whole week because of the bus fight i had. At least i beat the shit out of that smug bastard...” You snorted. Remembering what happened this morning. You wanted to tell him that you had witnessed his battle but decided not to.
“So where are you heading to?” Continuing to fallow him as you really don't have any other choice. As history is this way, if you remember right. “Oh I'm heading to my intermediate class.” Akaza shrugs as the two of you came to a fork in the hallway. Oh so that's what those optional classes are! “Oh band?” You asked, kinda sad that he has a different class time as you. Yours is at the end of the day. “Pottery.”
“Pottery? Why? I mean it's fine but, you..?” Looking at him he raised an eyebrow, hay that's you're thing! “Uh yeah? Trust me you're not the first to say that.” Akaza laughed as you looked at your schedule again. “Ay shorty lemme see.” He leaned over to look at the paper that everyone seemed to be obsessed with today. “Yo- back up, and im like five inches shorter than you!” Leaning away from Akaza as he shrugged. “Eh i already saw it, it's cool that were both band kids. A good friend of mine is also in that class.” He said as you nodded.
“Us weirdos gotta stick together don't we?” Dang why do you get along with people? You literally met this guy like two minutes ago and now you feel like y'all had been friends for years? “Yeah.” Akaza punched your shoulder, Letting out a screech of pain and betrayal. “See you shorty! I gotta go or I'll be late!” Akaza said running off.
“Ay! Well by then! And again I'm FIVE inches shorter fatty!”
Also apparently your history class took you four minutes to find. With one minute left you had started to panic. Maybe you went the wrong way? Or you've been teleported to another universe? Are you even you? But you're snapped out of your catatonic state by crashing into someone for the second time today and falling flat on your ass.
“Oh! [Y/N] It's nice to see you again!” Oh it's Rengoku. “Hello Kyojuro, how's it been?” You said as he helped you up. You rubbed the small of your back as it hurt like hell. Either it's to big or to small, not like you care. “Ive been doing well! Thanks for asking! But it seems that we both need to pay attention more often!” Kyojuro laughed like, obnoxiously loud as you awkwardly laughed as well. “So i gotta get to history so can you please move?” There was like a minute left to get to class so you had to do the dash in order to be there on time.
“Well it looks like you're in luck! The history classroom is rate behind you!” Kyojuro had exclaimed. What. The. F u c k. Bruh you've been looking for it the whole time since Akaza had left you to you're own devices, and you walked rate passed it. Those four minutes of searching this hall was in vain. “Heh... Yeah- i totally know that! I was waiting for someone!” Kyojuro had seemingly smiled even more, “Oh! You've made friends! That's amazing, i thought I would have to put you in a social program!” Bruh, way to think highly of me Renbozo... Touche...
“So where are they? They're almost late for class?” Kyojuro put his thumb and pointer on his chin. “wait don't you have classes to go to?” Giving the fire man a questioning gaze, he just laughed boisterously again. “I don't have any classes right now, so I'm going to be going to the library to study some things before lunch!” Oh great. Now you have to pray that someone took longer to get here than you. Where's Taylor when you need him?
But someone came to your rescue, they still out like a sore thumb with his all red uniform and weird hat. “Oh that's him, gotta go!” You waved goodbye to Kyojuro as he looked around confused. Noticing the guy, his face fell. Welp you've dug your grave when Kyojuro had grabbed you're shoulder.
“Hey? What's wrong?” But it seemed that he turned deaf for a minute as he opened the door and gently pushed you inside. “I hope you enjoy your class! But we need to talk at the end of the day if you're free! See you then!” Kyojuro gave you one last smile before shutting the door in your face.
“Rude...” you mumbled as you turned around to see everyone was either talking or reading. Not even being able to walk for two seconds the door behind you opened, and what came in was total hell.
“Oh are you knew? I kinda recognize you from earlier today? Well why don't we get to know each other hmm?” A arm wrapped around you're shoulder as the most annoying voice came out as he dragged you over to his seat. “Here you can sit next to me! No one sits there anyway’s!” Just wanting to get this over with as fast as possible you just sat down. Turning to the guy to see he also has rare feature’s.
Literally rainbow eye's, how marry sue can you get my guy?
“Oh i almost forgot my name's Doma! What's yours? It's probably pretty!” He rambled as he propped his head up with his knuckle. His cheek pressed against the back of his hand as he patently waited for you're response. Realizing that he'd asked you something, you sighed and looked away from his weirdly softly intense gaze. “Its [Y/N]-” “As i expected! Pretty, but it also sounds foreign? Where are you from? I promise i wont judge!” His curiosity was annoying as hell. So you tuned his rambling out as you looked around to see anyone familiar. Spotting a certain tan fellow you're heart had felt like it had exploded in relief.
You were about to get up but a certain Doma had yet again wrapped his arm around you're head and brought you into an awkward hug. “Aww, do you not like me? Also you're skin is very smooth and soft-” “-OKAY, that's enough! Do you know what personal space is?” You said as you pushed away from the strangely muscular teenager? Idk you don't know his age. He just tilted his head and you rubbed your temple's. Looking back at Taylor as he had gave you a smile. Also seeing a empty desk next to him. Operation escape this weirdo is in a go.
Then the worst timing happened yet again. The teacher had finally made it, just to make you're life in this class a living hell.
Doma smiled as he kept the same position, just with his arm slang over the back of his chair. Literally faceplanting into your desk Doma giggled. “I guess you're stuck with me!”
Oh how you wanted to strangle him...
Taisho Secrets !
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Doma in this universe has emotions; just bumped up to 1000
Kyojuro had been thinking about you the whole day
Inouske actually had history but forgot where it was
Akaza plays base guitar as well as a violin but mostly base
Taylor wanted to get up and sit next to you but the teacher came in as soon as he got up
And now everything after this is of my own ideas! I mostly write the plot as i go.
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undisputed-bucky · 3 years
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Dean Drabble!
Summary: Dean almost loses you on a mission and lets you know exactly how that makes him feel.
WARNINGS: SMUT SMUT SMUT, oral(m receiving), p in v, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it my lovelies), GUN KINK(reader has a gun pointed to her head most of this fic) . IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH GUNS OR ANY TYPE OF GUN PLAY DO NOT PROCEED.
Word Count: 1.6k ish
A/N: I have to thank @bucky-daddy for the ideas and inspiration for this! It was supposed to be just a little Drabble but it turned into a full one shot!! Again thank you @bucky-daddy for letting me scream about ideas while I wrote this! I hope you guys like it! I always appreciate likes, re blogs and comments! My requests are open as well!! Send me an ask or message and I’ll be happy to discuss ideas! Also I wrote this on my phone so I can’t add a page break so PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE WARNING I'VE PUT IN THE DESCRIPTION OF THIS PIECE. ILL SAY IT AGAIN⚠️VIOLENT AND EXTREME THEMES ALONG WITH SMUT⚠️
The hunt wasn’t supposed to go wrong. You weren’t supposed to get captured. Almost every part of the plan you and Dean had gone over went wrong. So so wrong. The nest wasn’t supposed to know you were coming for them. You weren’t supposed to leave Dean’s side.
And now because of that you were tied to a chair, with a teenage werewolf desperately trying to finish the knot on your right leg. Shit shit shit, you thought. The last time you had seen Dean he was fighting off one werewolf. As you looked around the room you noticed at least five just in this room. You prayed he was safe. You knew Dean could hold his own but the amount of werewolves that could be here? That sets you on edge.
Just as the thought presents itself in your mind, you hear a crash and multiple gunshots. The werewolves all looked towards the door, the familiar growl of the Winchester brother echoing through the walls. You smirked.
“Come at me motherfuckers!” He yells as he kicks through the door. Dean raises his gun and takes out two within five seconds. You growl as you kick out with your right leg, the knot having never been finished.
“Dean!” You shout as you nod your head towards the wolf that had tied you up. He shoots with extreme precision and the silver bullet meets its target, the werewolves brain.
Dean promptly takes care of the two other werewolves in the room.
You breathe a sigh of relief as you watch Dean pant, his shoulders heaving with every breath. “Man, I really got scared there! Thanks for the help Dean, you’re a great hunter” You say, wiggling against the ropes in the chair. “Why don’t you uhh help me with these ropes, Deano?”
“What did I tell you, Y/N?” You hear Dean growl as he turns around. As you look up into his eyes, the darkness there makes your skin prickle. And not exactly in a bad way.
“You told me not to leave your side, I know Dean but I thought I had it! I didn’t kn-“
“SHUT UP” You're cut off by Dean’s yelling. You suddenly look up to see him storming towards you. His hulking figure soon looms over yours, the rage practically radiating off of him.
“You left my side after I specifically told you not too. You directly disobeyed my orders!” He starts, voice so low it was almost a growl. “You put yourself in Danger!” He yells, his hand raises and he presses the barrel of his gun into your temple. “I ALMOST LOST YOU, Y/N! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”
You splutter as you look into his eyes, the emotions there a mystery to you. What wasn't a mystery was the pool of moisture collecting in your panties. You'd always been quite attracted to Dean but this ragey, scary Dean? He made you weak!
Dean's gun drifts down slightly as his expression softens slightly, “What would I do without you, Y/N?” He says, anger still virulent in his eyes.
You decide to come back to that question later, suddenly wanting to press the rage inside him more. You smirk and stick your tongue out, swirling your tongue around the silver barrel. You watch Deans pupils dilate as you draw the barrel into your mouth, sucking gently.
“You think this is a game, Y/N?” Dean growls, his mouth twisting into a sneer. He chuckles, a dark dry sound as his hand moves to his belt buckle. He dexterously undoes the buckle and moves on his jeans. “Guess what? You lost” He suddenly removes the gun from your mouth, placing it back on your temple. “You disobeyed me and for that you’re gonna be punished” He speaks as he pulls his briefs down, revealing his hard cock.
Your mouth falls open, eyes widening as you imagine wrapping your mouth around it. The wet patch in your panties grows as you look at the massive member. You always suspected he was big but this? Unprecedented.
“Brat sees something she likes huh?” He chuckles as he moves closer, his cock right in front of your face. He presses the gun harder against your temple, his other hand slapping his cock against your face. You gasp and he takes the opportunity to thrust roughly into your mouth.
You moan around his impressive length and he groans. “Such a fucking brat, not so mouthy with your trap stuffed full of cock huh?” He growls, his hips pistoning against your lips. You choke and gag as his tip smacks the back of your throat forcefully with each thrust of his hips. You Do your best to breathe through your nose as you take every inch of his cock.
“Fuck, Y/N. Sucking me so good. Knew that mouth was good for something other than being a smart ass” He growls, hips stuttering slightly. Drool and spittle falls down your chin as tears spring to your eyes. Every thrust to your throat had you walls clenching around nothing, cunt desperate for the cock currently in your mouth.
Dean's groans become more desperate and he stops, roughly pulling from your mouth with a wet plop. “No no no. M’saving my cum for your cunt. Wanted this for too long not to fill you” He says.
“Please Dean! Untie me so I can show you how much I’ve wanted it to!” You beg, wiggling against the restraints.
He chuckles as he bends down to untie your leg, smirking. You look back at your hands, expecting him to move to them next. When he doesn’t you look at him, “Dean, m-my hands babe” you say, laughing nervously. He suddenly moves behind you, roughly kicking the Chair out from beneath you. It plants you on the floor with your hands laid out above you. “D-Dean please!”
Dean just laughs as he starts to pull your pants down, groaning appreciatively. Your legs spread for him, exposing your drenched cunt. He raises his gun, dragging the tip of the barrel through your drenched folds. You gasp and arch against the touch. He pulls the gun away and chuckles, slowly lifting it to your mouth in a silent order to suck. You open your mouth to taste your own juices around the gun. You moan at the taste as Dean suddenly presses himself against your entrance.
“What a dirty little whore you are! Just begging to be fucked at gunpoint aren’t you? So wet for me and my gun huh?” He asks, dragging the tip of his cock through your folds as he places the gun back to your temple.
“Yes Sir! Please! Fuck me at gunpoint and take what you want!” You shout, hips bucking to gain more friction. You watch as his lips turn up in a smirk. He uses his other hand to roughly hold your hips down, keeping you still as he slowly sheathes himself inside you.
“Fuck!” You cry out at his length filling you. He’s so huge you can swear you feel him in your belly, stretching you out. Your voice refuses to work when he slowly drags himself out, only to slam back against that spongy spot inside of you.
As his pace increases, he growls out, “Fuck Y/N so tight! Made to take my cock weren’t you?”
“Yes! Oh god yes!” You cry, the coil inside you beginning to wind and wind with every thrust to that spot he found so quickly.
Dean presses the gun into your skin, a bruising pressure as he growls, “Yes what?”
“Yes sir!” You scream, your walls beginning to flutter and squeeze around his cock. “Oh fuck!”
He groans as his pace falters, moving a hand to your clit. He rubs fast, tight circles as he leans down to your ear, “Gonna cum on my cock? Gonna soak me with my gun pointed to your head?” He whispers.
“Yes sir! Please let me cum!” You beg, legs beginning to shake. The coil was ready to burst but you wouldn’t dare cum without his permission.
“Cum! Cum for me like the desperate slut you are” He growls as he cock swells. Your vision goes white as the coil snaps, walls clamping down around Dean. Your mouth falls open in a wordless scream as he finishes, the feeling of his spend bursting against your cervix extending your orgasm farther. Your hips buck and shake as he thrusts out both of your highs.
Dean pants as he slowly pulls his softening cock from your leaking hole. He grunts as he watches your mixed juices leak onto the floor, walls still spasming from the earth shattering climax you just experienced. He throws his gun to the side and tenderly unties your hands, bringing them to his mouth to kiss the tender flesh there. He wraps your arms around his neck as he pulls you against him.
“I really don’t know what I would do without you, Y/N. You’re so important to me. Not only me but Sammy.” He leans down and leaves a tender kiss against your lips. You can visibly see the love and adoration in his eyes as he speaks, “I-I love you, Y/N. I’ve known for so long but couldn’t admit it till now. I-just the thought of losing you- I couldn’t bear it. Was I too rough? Did I hurt you?” His eyes full with concern as he start to look over the rest of your body.
“No y-you didnt. That was- that was amazing” You breath, tears welling in your eyes at his admission. “I love you too Dean. I think I have for a while now” You smile and kiss him again.
Dean's eyes suddenly darken again as he take your face in his hands, making sure your looking directly at him. “If you ever disobey me like that again I swear Y/N, you won’t walk for a week. And you won’t go on a hunt for a month”
He growls before crashing his lips to yours in a bruising kiss.
“Yes sir” You gasp out, enjoying the grin that comes to his face.
Tags: @writtingrose
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thomaslightwood · 3 years
The Weight of Love
THOMASTAIR WEEK - Day 2 (16th July): Thomas Appreciation Day (hosted by @youngreckless!)
I managed to put myself together to write this, hope you enjoy it 🤧
Words: 1 773
When Thomas was a little boy he hated runes.
He hated seeing the anxious faces of his parents when the Silent brothers put the Voyanceon rune on his hand. 
He hated how he had memorized the Nourishment rune and still did it on himself.
He hated how the Iratze runes were put on him over and over again when he had a bad ill episode.
He hated runes.
But he loved musical notes.
In a way they were so similar to the Shadowhunter runes but it didn't cost anyone worries.
The first time he wrote a song - full written song - he didn't want to show it to anyone. It wasn't something that was meant for anyone's eyes.
Thomas sighed. He loved his sisters. He loved his parents. But sometimes their love was a weight that was crushing him.
“I'm coming!” he shouted in response. He hid his notebook with stories and songs under his bed, carefully putting a few things over it. Then he ran over to the living room where his sisters were.
Eugenia was furiously pricking with a needle the tapestry she was making. Or trying to make. Barbara was doing the same as her's but she used the needle much calmer. She looked at Thomas.
“Come here with us,” she smiled. “The dinner is soon.”
Thomas sat on the couch next to Eugenia without saying a word. He knew why his sister had asked him to come. So they can watch after him. Like he was a glass that could be broken by the wind.
“Barbs,” Eugenia said, her face a little red. “Please come help me with this or I swear to Raziel, I'll rip it off.”
Barbara left her tapestry on the table and stood up from the chair she was sitting on, coming to the couch. Thomas moved at the end of it, making space for her.
“Here,” Barbara gently took Eugenia's needle. “You must be careful with the threads…”
While Barbara was explaining to Eugenia, Thomas was staring at the wall without blinking. He wanted to be alone. To write a new song. To train. He didn't want his sisters to babysit him.
Barbara laughed. Her laugh was soft, quiet, warming up something in your chest.
“It's alright, Nia. It's hard.” She stood up again. “I'll bring some of my materials. Wait a second.” Then she left the room, heading towards her bedroom.
“Damn it,” Eugenia said, angrily throwing her work at the table. “Stupid, useless thing.”
She hid her face with her hands and took a few breaths. Thomas, unsure what he could do to comfort his sister, approached her. He slowly hugged her, wrapping his short hands around her. 
She looked at him. Her eyes were wet. But as she blinked a few times the tears disappeared. Eugenia hated people seeing her cry.
She hugged Thomas across his shoulders, almost crushing him in a hug.
After a few seconds he murmured, “You're stopping my oxygen.”
A devilish smile broke on her face.
“This is not my problem. I'm a big sister, I have duties of annoying my little brother.”
Thomas giggled and tried to fight her off. They ended up falling on the couch, laughing. 
Barbara was standing on the door, smiling, while she watched them.
The day his parents decided he was ready to go to the Academy, Thomas had conflicted feelings. On one side this meant he wasn’t looked at like a fragile little boy. On the other hand - he had to deal with people. He was worried he wouldn't find friends. Or he would do something stupid and everyone would laugh at him.
The night before his first day at the Academy Thomas couldn’t sleep.
But in the end everything turned out fine. Even better than he expected to. He had a whole group of friends. While there, he missed the solitude he once had. He missed being alone with his own thoughts. But he liked being here. To talk with so many people who weren't his family.
There was one thing he couldn’t escape. That worry on everyone’s faces. He agreed to go to the Academy because he wanted to go away from his overprotective sisters and worrying parents. But sometimes he could see the same worry on his friends’ faces. Maybe it was all in his head. But he couldn’t get rid of the feeling that since they once knew him as a sickly boy, they forever would see him as a sickly boy.
The only one who didn’t have this worry on his face was Alastair Carstairs.
Thomas was aware he was becoming ridiculous. But he wasn’t sure he could stop.
He didn’t want to be Alastair's puppy that follows him everywhere. Matthew hated him. James was bullied by him. Alastair was nasty to everyone. But still. 
Thomas couldn’t explain it but there was something in Alastair Carstairs that was… extraordinary.
Sometimes Thomas would spot Alastair looking at him when he thought no one was watching. He was turning away quickly and called him “pipsqueak” or “half pint”. Thomas’ heart was starting to beat very fast when this happened. Like a small song was trapped in his heart and Alastair’s closnesses was making it louder.
Shortly after James, Matthew and Christopher were expelled, he found himself in an old room in the Academy. It was all dust and dirt that made his lungs ache. But he stayed because there was an old piano in it.
It made him smile. He took out his notebook with songs and sat in front of it. He was happy to touch it, to feel its coldness and steadiness. It was refreshing. 
Eventually he decided to examine the rest of the room. It was stuffed with books and old furniture. 
Thomas jumped. He turned and saw Alastair next to the piano. 
“What are you doing here, pixie?”
“Um” Thomas said. “Just looking around.”
Alastair’s gaze slowly moved to the piano. Thomas’ heart stopped. His notebook was there. Alastair was going to see his notebook.
“T-That’s nothing-”
But Alastair was already reaching for the book. He grabbed it from the stand. Thomas started to tremble. He hurried towards the other boy.
“Please, this is just-”
“Wait a second, tea cup,” without much effort he avoided Thomas’ attempts to take his notebook back. He was scanning the pages and then glanced at Thomas. Looked back at the page.
“That's not bad, pipsqueak,” then he gave him back the notebook, turned around and before leaving the room stopped. Turned to him. “You should let me play this sometime,” Alastair said and left the room.
Thomas' heart was beating fast. He was still trembling but for other reasons. His face was hot.
He glanced at the song Alastair had looked at. It was his first song. Did he really like it? Did he really want to play it?
Thomas hugged his notebooks, smiling, because he imagined how Alastair was playing his song.
But this never happened.
“You damn Shadowhooligans,” Polly murmured. “Don't have demons to hunt or something?” she sounded annoyed but said this with a smile. 
The four boys, giggling, headed towards their room where James managed to make their exclusive place in the Devil's Tavern.
Thomas was happy. He felt alive. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so reckless, so independent from his family. A time when he could just be.
As he looked at James and Matthew he thought how lucky they are. To find themselves parabatai. They were so different, not just by appearance. James was more quiet natured, more into stories and books. Matthew was loud, bohemian and liked being around people. Yet they somehow made it work.
Sometimes Thomas dreamed of having the same bond with somebody. The only one he could think of was Christopher. He was his brother in every way except blood. But he knew they weren't like this. Christopher would be kind of Shadowhunter Thomas wasn't and vica versa. And he couldn't imagine being with someone like Matthew - he loved him with his whole heart - but Thomas would prefer somebody more like James or himself.
Probably the parabatai-hood wasn't for him after all.
“I believe you'll like it there, son,” Gideon said to Thomas. “It helped me a great deal when I was your age.”
Thomas was packing clothes. He soon would turn eighteen and he was going to his travel year. He was scared. And anxious. But so excited at the same time. He looked forward to it for months.
“I hope so,” he said while putting a few shirts in his pack. “I will have a great opportunity to practice my Spanish.” 
Gideon smiled. “Indeed.”
He watched Thomas pack for a few minutes with a warm smile.
“Tom,” he said quietly. Thomas turned to him. Gideon hesitated. “I came to realize that all the attention and care the family took for you were necessary but… that they may have been a burden for you.”
Thomas looked at the floor. Gideon put a hand on his shoulder.
“You never said so, I know. This is what you do. But I have noticed it. When you're annoyed at the overprotectiveness of your sisters, at your mum and I when we put some restrictions on what to do, especially when you were younger.” 
Thomas looked at his father. His face was kind, gentle.
“It's alright. When I was your age I did similar things. I was silent for… some things. You know the story of your grandfather. But going to Spain had a really good influence on me. It helped me grow outside my father's control. I hope it can do the same for you. I strongly believe when you have the chance to be on your own and far away from all the people that overwhelm you with their care, you'll do great.”
Thomas' eyes were wet. He blinked a few times, trying to chase the tears away. 
“I… I don't want to be away from you.”
Gideon hugged him and gently squeezed him. Thomas buried his face in his father's chest.
“I know,” he said. “I also know that this can be scary and equally exciting. Just want to let you know… it's alright to feel this. All of this. Has always been and always will be. When you return you'll be changed. And our family, we'll be here, waiting for you.”
Thomas hugged his father too. It was alright. Everything was going to be alright. 
“I love you,” he whispered, his voice a little muffled.
Gideon kissed the top of his hair. “I love you too.”
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peakyswritings · 3 years
Black Widow
Luca Changretta x fem!reader
Requested by: @lilywinchesterlove
Summary: Luca thinks he has finally found the one, but what happens when finds out that she hides a deep, dark secret? Eventually, the truth always comes to light
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of murder, mentions of death, drinking, swearing, angst
A/N: this took really long, but I made it! I changed the request a tiny bit, I hope you like it!❤️⭐️
The gif is not mine, credits to the owner
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Long dresses, neatly pressed suits, bright jewellery, alcohol flowing. Luca had never liked big parties. Despite his luxurious lifestyle, those ostentatious displays of wealth weren’t exactly his cup of tea; not to mention the fact that all of those strangers wandering through his house made him extremely uncomfortable. He’d much rather spend time with his family, or his closest men, instead of taking part in those boring business talks with men who took a despicable pleasure in showing off both their richness and their trophy wives who, in turn, were engaged in an endless competition. But even his birthday was a way to expand his business and make new alliances.
Nevertheless, that night his mind was occupied by something else, way more important than the middle-aged man who was bragging about his new Bentley. He was on edge, absentmindedly taking frequent looks around the room, waiting for Matteo’s face to appear in the crowd. After almost two weeks of waiting, he was about to get the answers to his questions.
“I don’t like her, she’s hiding something”
“You don’t know her”
“Apparently, neither do you” Vicente argued, trying to talk some sense into his son. “I’m just telling you” he added “to keep an eye on her”
His father’s words ringed in his ears as he watched his mother hug you, thrilled to finally see you again. He wasn’t expecting her to like you so much when he introduced you to his family, the way she had welcomed you was a pleasant surprise. She was quite good at reading people, her sixth sense was seldom wrong. However, his father didn’t really agree with his wife and, as soon as he found himself alone with him, he didn’t hesitate to point out the fact that you didn’t seem like someone who could be trusted. You were suspiciously vague when they asked questions about you, or your past.
As much as he hated to admit it, Luca knew he was right. You never talked about your past or your family, you dismissed every question, changing the subject whenever he tried to find out something more about you. At first he thought that there was something that you weren’t ready to talk about - the scars on your body were the proof - and he was fine with that, but the more time passed, the more he realised that the secret you were keeping was deeper than he thought. So he followed his father’s advice, hiring his most trusted man to gather information about you. He felt guilty, like he was breaking your trust, but he had to be aware of the woman he wanted to marry.
Matteo glanced at him from the other side of the big room, nodding towards the door. He distractedly excused himself from the men he was talking to and headed towards his office, feeling his impatience grow second by second.
“Did you find anything?” he asked, closing the door behind him.
Matteo placed a folder on the desk. “Everything’s written here. I also found some documents that might interest you”
Luca wavered for a moment before opening it. He could feel the agitation rise moment by moment. It was still perfectly sealed, as he had ordered. No one, except for him and the man in front of him, must know anything. He had no idea about what he would find out and he didn’t wanna risk to expose something that you didn’t want to be known.
His eyes meticulously scanned the pages, the more he read, the more he tensed up, not recognising the woman that they described. He looked up from the sheet, glancing at Matteo. Even though he knew what was in that envelope, he didn’t comment nor ask unwanted questions. His discretion was the reason why he had been chosen for the job, after all. He shook his head in disbelief, tossing the papers on his desk. You couldn’t have fooled him like that. No one fooled him like that.
“That’s all?”
“Yes, sir”
He nodded, trying to regain his composure. He cleared his throat, neatly stacking the sheets again. “Call Y/n, tell her to come here”
He didn’t need to say it twice, because Matteo immediately walked out the room.
Luca sat on his chair and waited, tapping his fingers on the wooden surface. Mixed feeling fought inside him, anger, disappointment, betrayal, confusion. One question kept on haunting him.
The creaking sound of the door opening made him lift up his eyes. “Did you want to see me?”
“Sit down” he said, gesturing towards the chair on the other side of the desk. You frowned as you did as he said, waiting for him to start talking. You guessed it must’ve been urgent, since he hadn’t even waited for the guests to go away.
He examined you, trying to find the smallest bit of evidence that could prove what he had read was true. But you sat in front of him, looking at him with your big eyes. If your intentions were malicious, you were way too good at hiding them behind your sweet voice and charming smile.
“Why don’t you tell me about your husband?”
You froze on the spot, feeling the colour drain from your face. “What?”
“I’m sorry, maybe I should say your first husband” he corrected himself, oddly calm. “He died on your wedding night, right? He hit his head, it was a bad accident”
As much as he tried to hide it, rage radiated from every cell in his body. You could see it in the way his back stiffened, in the way his hands gripped the arm of his chair until his knuckles turned white.
It couldn’t be happening. You had moved far away from home, changed your style and habits, you even changed your surname. There was no way he could have known. You put your initial shock aside, the realisation of what it all meant was enough to make you get suddenly defensive. “Did you look into my past behind my back?” you raised your voice, getting up from the chair.
“And how about your second husband?” he added, unfazed, completely ignoring your question. “The one who died in suspicious circumstances. It must’ve been a nightmare for you, becoming a widow twice”
Despite his straight face and apparent calmness, the sarcasm in his voice was clear.
“Stop it.”
“Good thing they were rich, the papers here say that you inherited all of their money” he noted, pointing to the documents. “They also say that you probably poisoned your second husband, hence the reason why you’re known in your hometown as a Black Widow”
Black Widow. That’s what everyone called you. You could almost hear their whispers, filled with ill-concealed inquisitiveness and detriment. It was easy to talk. Two words had so much power that they could turn someone’s world upside down in a matter of days. Hours, even.
“You don’t know anything about what I went through” you gritted your teeth.
He got up and poured himself a glass of whiskey, as his could feel his unmoved facade was starting to falter. “Now you’re going to tell me a fake heartbreaking story, trying to get me to pity you, aren’t you?” he mocked you, drinking it in one go. “You wanted to do the same to me, after all”
His harsh words were like punch in the gut. He was nowhere hear the truth, but the distance in his eyes made you feel like it didn’t matter what you’d tell him, he wouldn’t believe you anyway. He probably already had his own version of the truth. “So you’re going to judge me without even listening to what I have to say?”
“I want to hear what you have to say” he snapped, slamming his glass on the desk, avoiding your gaze for the first time. “I want a fucking explanation” he growled.
You nodded, looking away from him. As hard as it was to talk about it, there was no use in beating around the bush. Being straightforward was the best way of getting on with it. “It’s true” you stated. “I killed my first husband”
He shot his eyes towards you, not expecting you to actually admit it. If you had to be honest, you didn’t expect it either, your own voice seemed foreign as you said those words out loud for the first time. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it right away, deciding to let you talk instead.
“My father needed an alliance with him to expand his business, so he arranged our marriage” you added, crossing your arms. “I didn’t even know him. On our first night, I refused to sleep with him. He beat me with a cane”
He clenched his jaws at your words. That explained the scars on your body, the way you hid them and the reason why you would never tell him how you’d get them. The feelings he felt for you overpowered the bitterness for a moment, the thought of someone hurting you made his blood boil.
“At some point, I managed to take it from him and I hit him on the head. My family covered it up and I wasn’t charged”
The more you talked, the more you realised that there was no going back. He was about to know the whole truth, he was about to decide whether to believe you or throw you away, because he couldn’t risk it.
“After his death, my father arranged another marriage. I didn’t like the man, but he was decent. He died from a disease, I didn’t kill him. Of course, word spread and everyone believed I had poisoned him or something like that. After that, I cut contact with my family, packed my bags, changed my surname and moved here. That’s all”
That’s all. Like it hadn’t been the hardest time of your life. Like it hadn’t been more then a simple change. But you couldn’t afford to let your feelings get the best of you, not after all you had done to come to terms with what happened to you.
Luca didn’t know what hit him the most, your story or the way you had told it. The emptiness in your eyes, the coldness in your voice. Or maybe your calmness. It seemed like you were telling someone else’s experience, not your own. But could he really trust you? Or it was just a trick to make him end up in a wooden box, just like the others?
“You’re telling me that as if it doesn’t touch you”
“What, did you expect me to cry?” you narrowed your eyes, turning to him again. “That would be the right reaction to what happened to me, wouldn’t it?” you rhetorically asked.
He blinked, taken aback by you question. He tried to say something, but you interrupted him. “You know, my reaction is exactly the reason why people started talking. You have to act like a victim, or else you’re the guilty one. But I’m not a victim and I don’t need anyone’s compassion. Not even yours” you added, taking a few steps towards him.
Your tone might have been calm, but the almost imperceptible tremble in your voice gave away the stream of feelings running inside of you.
“I’m independent, I run my own company” you paused, stopping just a few inches away from him. “I didn’t need their money, or yours. You can choose to believe me, or you can leave”
You steadied your voice, looking him straight in the eyes. You didn’t want him to leave, a small voice in the back of your mind was begging him to stay. You didn’t listen to it, though. You loved Luca, you truly loved him and the fact that he thought you could ever hurt him was killing you. But it was his choice. He was free to leave, if he wanted. It didn’t matter how much it hurt, you would find a way to go on, like you always did.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Something changed in him, his gaze softened, his voice dropped. It seemed like rage wasn’t blinding him anymore, leaving space for the tenderness he only reserved for you.
“I didn’t want my past to define me” you admitted. “I wanted to leave it behind me, I didn’t want you to look at me and see...” you stopped, not knowing how to express it with words. “I’m more than that”
Luca looked at you in silence. He still had the woman he loved in front of him. You were the same woman he had met the previous year. Everything you were slowly building together felt too genuine and spontaneous to be fake. No one could lie like that. Maybe it was risky, but something in him knew told him you were telling the truth. He knew you were telling the truth. You did what you needed to do to survive. He brought a hand on your cheek, gently stroking it.
“What I see” he said “is a strong, beautiful, independent woman who went through a lot, but who’s capable of making it on her own, without anyone’s help”
You leaned into his touch and placed you hand over his, relieved at his words. Luca was he only man you had ever loved and trusted and the prospect of a life without him terrified you. It would’ve been way too hard to pick up the pieces and find a reason to go on, it would’ve taken too much time for your heart to heal. You had finally found something you wanted to hold on to.
And he loved you too much to leave you.
“I would never hurt you” you whispered “I love you”
He leaned in and kissed you. At first it was soft, tender, until it became desperate, almost rough. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer, as you brought your hand to the back of his neck.
He slightly moved away, placing two fingers under your chin to make you look at him. “No more secrets”
“No more secrets”
Tag list: @arwyn-the-cyrptic-bisexural @iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys @lucillethings @peakyxtommy
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montrealmadison · 3 years
t'étais réel parce qu'il t'aimait
or, “you were real because he loved you”
i work at a place that accepts children’s book donations, so when “the velveteen rabbit” came across my desk the other day, the beginnings of this popped into my head. then the lovely lau at @weneedtotalkaboutfic​ posted this and also this about ftm!bitty and my brain just took off! enjoy <3
“Has her fever gone down?”
Bitty blows out a long breath and twists around to look at the clock, on the off chance that it’ll give him a better answer than the truth—but all it tells him is that it’s 8:07, and he’s exhausted.
“No.” He pins the phone between his cheek and his shoulder so he can dry his hands. “Hasn’t budged all day.”
On the other end, his mama hums sympathetically. “It will, baby. Y’all are doin’ everything right.”
“Thanks,” he sighs, folding the dishtowel over the oven handle. “It’s just—I hate that she’s so uncomfortable.”
Bitty used to think that he’d made his peace with chaos. He’s moved schools, changed sports, reinvented himself half a hundred times. He’s come out on national television and transitioned publicly on the Internet. He’s written a book, is in the process of drafting another. He’s married to one of the most prominent NHL players in the league, for crying out loud.
But sick toddlers, Bitty is learning, are a whole other hockey game.
read more below or on ao3
Thankfully, at least the kitchen routine is muscle memory at this point: pots dried, dishwasher started, dog fed and watered for the night. The mess in here isn’t too bad, all things considered. He checks the lock on the back door and then lets himself sag against the counter, just a little. It’s been a day. A week, really. He's barely slept for the stress of it all.
“Dicky, honey, you sound like you need a break.” He can picture the frown on his mama’s face when she says it. Funny how her voice still feels like a hug from seven states away. “How’s Jack? Is he alright?”
“Mhm,” he says. “Upstairs puttin’ Ellie to bed, bless him.”
“Good. Well, listen, y’all call anytime if you need us, alright? Your daddy and I will be up, we’re goin’ to the Callahans’.”
“Ooh. Save the good gossip for me?”
“You know I will,” Mama promises with a laugh. “Now go on and sit down for me. I love you.”
“Yes, ma’am. Love you too,” Bitty says, almost absently, and flops onto the couch as the line clicks into silence.
He tries to relax—promise, he really does—but he only makes it about five minutes before the worry wins out and he has to get up again. He just can’t sit still today, especially when he hasn’t heard anything from upstairs in so long. He climbs the stairs and starts down the hall towards Giselle’s room, but pauses and peeks around the doorframe at the soft sound of Jack’s voice.
In the dim light, he can just make out Jack’s giant form carefully folded to fit into Ellie’s bed, one foot planted firmly on the floor to keep him balanced. Bitty presses a hand over his mouth, trying to resist the sudden urge to laugh at the sight of his husband trying to fit in a bed made for a toddler. Thankfully, it works, because neither Jack nor Giselle notice him—their daughter’s curled up next to her papa, tired and sleep-soft, with her flushed little face on Jack’s chest and her slow-blinking eyes fixed on the book in his hands.
The dog’s on the floor in here, too, tail thumping away against the carpet. He huffs, looks up at Bitty with big, understanding eyes as if to say: We got it in here.
Which is clearly the case—they’re already in the middle of a story. Jack is reading in soft, measured tones: “And when the Boy dropped off to sleep, the Rabbit would snuggle down close under his little warm chin and dream, with the Boy's hands clasped close round him all night long.”
It's the French translation, but Bitty feels himself melt almost immediately. He’d recognize The Velveteen Rabbit anywhere. It’d been his favorite as a baby, part of the reason his mama had come home one day with Señor Bun, and—well, the rest is Bittle family history. He leans in the doorway, closes his eyes and drifts while Jack reads.
He’s had a lot of time, now, to learn the differences between French Jack and English Jack, and why each language is important to him—especially where teaching his children is concerned. In French, his voice is softer, lilting, expressive in a way that transfixes Giselle and Bitty alike. Bitty himself has fallen asleep to the sound of that voice many times, and is mostly impressed that Ellie can still fight her own exhaustion just to listen a little longer.
Jack turns the page, and Bitty watches as his face and his voice soften with emotion at the next line: “And then, one day, the Boy was ill.”
Oh. Bitty remembers this part well, too—remembers the feeling of his own mama curled around him when he was sick as a kid. Remembers Coach’s shadow in the doorway, his quieter concern, his gentle hand on Bitty’s shoulder. Jack goes on: “But the Rabbit snuggled down patiently, and looked forward to the time when the Boy should be well again, and they would go out in the garden amongst the flowers and the butterflies and play splendid games in the raspberry thicket like they used to.”
Bitty remembers Señor Bun, equally patient, snuggled up under his chin, and has an idea. He backs quietly out of the room and retreats down the hall to their bedroom, where the bunny himself is propped on the pillows, waiting for them to come to bed. Bittly inhales the familiar scent of the fabric, looks into his bright embroidered eyes. He swears they look understanding somehow.
“You ready to work your magic, buddy?” he asks. “Let’s go.”
Jack does notice him this time, eyes crinkling in acknowledgment when he sees Bitty in the doorway. His voice is getting softer now, the words slowing in time with Giselle’s blinks, and Bitty crosses the room to lay Señor Bun in their daughter’s arms.
Neither of them move until they’re sure that Giselle is asleep at last; even then, Jack extracts himself from the bed as quietly as possible, smoothes the covers over her with a feather-light touch. When they meet in the hallway, Jack presses his face into Bitty’s neck. They stand there in the quiet, breathing together, for a long time.
“How is she?” Bitty finally asks.
“Hot,” Jack says, frowning. “I gave her another Tylenol.”
Bitty sighs deep, presses his forehead into Jack’s chest. “Mm, okay. Let’s hope she kicks this soon.”
“She will,” says Jack. “She’s our kid, that’s gotta count for something, right?”
“Oh, yeah.” Despite himself, Bitty finds that a smile comes easily enough. It always does with Jack’s reassurance. “Gotta be tough in this family.”
Jack laughs lightly. “Yeah.”
They retreat to their bedroom, turning off lights as they go. Their nighttime routine, too, is as comfortable as breathing now. When Bitty comes back from brushing his teeth, he finds Jack in bed, reading glasses on, still flipping through The Velveteen Rabbit.
“I’m glad you picked that one for her,” says Bitty slowly. “That was my favorite book as a kid.”
Jack turns it over in his hands, looks up at Bitty with warmth in his eyes. “This one?” he asks, smiling. “That explains Señor Bun, eh?”
“Yeah.” Bitty has to swallow around a sudden lump in his throat, and almost immediately finds himself blinking back hot tears. He bites his lip. “Well, and I, um—no, it’s stupid.”
“Bits?” says Jack, concerned. He closes the book and sits up. “Hey, no it’s not. Why else was it important?”
Bitty looks down. “I used to want to be Real,” he says, all in a rush. “Just like the Rabbit. Used to wish there’d be a fairy that would see how unhappy I was, and come and—oh, Lord—”
It’s like a switch flips in his brain; all of a sudden he’s crying in earnest, days of pent-up stress and fear rushing past the floodgates at once. Jack makes a soft sound and holds Bitty close, letting him cry it out, rocking him just a little. His hands are big and warm on Bitty’s back.
“Shh, bud, hey,” he says. “That’s not stupid at all.”
Bitty sniffles and scrubs at his eyes, lets out a burst of slightly hysterical laughter. “I—God. I don’t know what it is, I was looking at you and Ellie and—I don't know, I just wish the person I was when I first read it could see me now. I wish that little kid hadn’t had to go through all the shit I did to get here.”
Jack doesn’t say anything at first, just pulls back a little. Bitty looks up, confused—but Jack’s just reaching behind him to grab the book off his nightstand, flipping through it until he finds the page he wants. Then he puts an arm back around Bitty’s shoulders and pulls him close, kisses his temple.
“Generally,” he reads, in English this time, “by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.”
He fixes Bitty with those bottomless blue eyes. "I hope you'll let me keep telling you," he says slowly, "that it all meant something, bud. You made yourself real. You gave us our daughter."
Bitty laughs, watery. "I did."
"You did." Jack kisses him again, soft and full of meaning. "And I promise I'll never stop trying to understand."
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Fake it till you make it
You were never really one to receive post from home. Your parents would send you a letter every once in a while, sometimes a small care package towards the end of term, but they would come in black lidded boxes tied together with red silk ribbon. This was the precise reason why you were so confused when a school post owl dropped a crushed brown box in front of you and flew back to the owlery.
“What the hell is that?” Your best friend, Draco, asked, voice laced with disgust.
“I have no idea” you replied, cautiously picking the box up looking for a clue as to who the sender was.
“Well open it, don't leave us in suspense, Y/N” Daphne urged.
You ripped the brown parchment off the box to be greeted with a cake box from a bakery in Hogsmeade. You lifted the crumpled box lid off to reveal a small square carrot cake. It had been decorated with white icing, and a note had been piped on with orange icing.
“Go out with me?” Daphne read. “Oh my, you’re getting asked out! Does it say who the sender was?”
Draco looked at you suddenly interested in this delivery.
“No it doesn’t, and I’m glad it doesn't because I definitely don’t want to go out with the owner of this cake.” You replied, pushing the box away from you and returning to your breakfast.
“You don't mind if I take that do you, Y/N?” Crabbe asked, licking his lips.
“Go ahead, Crabbe.” You pushed the box towards them and both him and Goyle reached for the cake.
“Acting as though you’ve never seen a cake in your lives, you disgust me the pair of you” Draco sneered. He picked up the parchment the cake was wrapped in with two fingers and began to stare at it.
“What are you doing?” You asked, looking up from the page of the Daily Prophet you were reading
“I’m checking to see who sent it.”
“I already did that, there was no name on it.”
“You might have missed it”
“I can read, Malfoy”
“Well there doesn't seem to be a name on here, a shame really, I would have enjoyed watching you turn him down and embarrass him in front of the whole school”
“Who said I would have turned him down?”
“You did, just now,”
“I only said that because its an anonymously sent cake, it could have been poisoned for all I know. Had I known who the cake was from I would have reacted differently”
Draco looked confused for a second before getting up, announcing he was going to make his way to potions. You and Daphne did the same a few minutes later and met up with him again in the queue outside the classroom. You had potions with the Ravenclaws, which according to the sorting hat was its next choice for you, but it believed you’d be better suited in Slytherin. It meant that you managed to get along well with some of the Ravenclaw students. Before long, Slughorn called you all in and you took your usual seat at the back, taking up a four-seat bench with you, Daphne, Draco and Blaise. Today's lesson was about sleeping potions, Slughorn announced he would be pairing you up rather than you working with the person you sat alongside. He began reading off a list, pairing Daphne with your friend, Alicia, Draco with Marcus Belby and you with Terry Boot.
You reluctantly got up and moved to a station near the front of the room.
“Morning, Y/N” Terry greeted, oddly giddy for a Tuesday morning
“Morning, Terry” you replied, giving him a small smile. You read through the instructions in your textbook and began to chop up your ingredients.
“Anything interesting happen this morning?” He asked, looking up from the valerian root he was chopping.
“I did get a weird package at breakfast.”
“Oh, you did?”
“Yeah, someone tried to ask me out, bit stupid though they didn't leave their name”
“I did! it was on the inside of the lid”
“Erm yeah sorry about that. What I meant to say is that I sent it.”
“Oh, right, well” You were honestly speechless, you had maybe spoken to Terry once, apologising for Draco’s remark about his mother.
“It's just you’re so beautiful and smart, and you’re nice”
“Terry I’m flattered but I’m just not interested”
“You think I’m ugly don’t you?”
“No- I”
“Don’t lie to me Y/N”
“No I swear, it's just” Your mind raced at a million miles an hour to try and come up with a passable lie. “It's just that I’m actually going out with someone already. We just haven't told anyone, you know how-”
“Who?” He cut you off, his face twisting with anger.
“I don't see how that’s any of your business” The sheer cheek of him was enough to make you angry as well,
“Well, then you’re lying, if it were true you’d say who. You do think I’m ugly”
“It’s,” You paused, blurting out the first name that came into your mind. “Its Draco”. You were already kicking yourself for spluttering his name out. Any Slytherin boy would have done fine, but you just had to say his name.
“Oh, right. Makes sense, you two are inseparable,”
An awkward silence had fallen over you and he barely spoke another word the whole lesson. Slughorn had administered each pairs sleeping potion on a cornish pixie, the pair who managed to keep their pixie asleep for long enough was due to receive a prize the next lesson. You returned to your seat at the back and grabbed your things.
“What’s wrong with you?” Draco asked, pulling the back of your robe
“Huh? what-”
“You look ill, do you need me to walk you to the hospital wing?”
“Walk the long way with me to defence against the dark arts?”
He nodded and the two of you left, splitting off from Daphne and Blaise.
You walked in silence for a bit
“Are you going to tell me what the matter is?” He stopped and faced you for a second
“I found out who sent me the cake” You admitted, continuing to walk
“It was Terry Boot.”
Draco started to laugh.  “You’re lying”
“I swear but this isn't even the worst part” You were beginning to explain but he wouldn't stop laughing. “Draco, I’m serious! stop laughing there's more!”
He calmed down after a few seconds and you continued.
“I tried rejecting him nicely, but he just didn't take it. So I lied and told him I’m going out with someone”
“Oh? whos the unlucky bugger?”
You slapped his arm. “It's you”
“Me?” He looked genuinely shocked.
“I’m sorry it was the first name that came into my mind. But I just wanted to give you a heads up because he’ll probably tell his friends and the whole school will probably find out! Ugh I’m sorry Draco”
“Sorry for what?”
“Well that everyone’s going to think we're together”
“They could think of worse things, Y/N. Plus I don't care what they have to say about me,”
“you're not angry?”
“Of course not, people thought we were going out anyway.”
“Thank you, Draco, seriously”
“You know, we might as well make it believable, just until he moves on, something tells me Boot isn't going to let this drop.”
“What do you mean believable?”
“Like act like we’re a couple. Hold hands, you know all of that”
“But what about all your admirers”
“I could care less about them, your happiness and safety matters more than the opinions of the mediocre witches and wizards in this school”
You felt your heart swell a bit, you honestly didn't expect Draco to prioritise you like this. “So we should just fake it until he gets a girlfriend?”
“Exactly, just follow my lead”
You two ended up being a minute late to your lesson. He took your hand in his and the two of you walked in after everyone had taken their seats.
“Mr Malfoy, Miss Y/L/N, you are late to my lesson” Snape stated.
The whole class turned and looked at you, noting your hand clearly being held by Draco
“Sorry professor, we accidentally walked the long way from potions” Draco explained, swinging your hands.
“Two points from Slytherin, take your seats.” The two of you sat down.
“You and Draco?” Daphne hissed, knowing how long you had been crushing on him.
“Mind your business, Greengrass” Draco replied, sitting back in his chair putting his arm around the back of your seat.
“I'll explain later,” You promised, not wanting to piss off Snape, by talking in his lesson, any more than you already had.
For the rest of the day, you were ogled at like some caged animal in a zoo. Students from every year glanced and immediately dissolved into whispers with their friends. Word clearly travels fast around Hogwarts. You walked out of your last lesson with Daphne, getting ready to head to the Slytherin common room before dinner.
“You better be getting ready to explain this whole thing to me.” She said, pulling you away from the other students
“Yes, as soon as we get to our dorm-”
“Mind if I steal my girlfriend from you, Daphne?” Draco interrupted, appearing from what seemed to be nowhere.
“Yes I do actually,” She replied, pulling you further from Draco.
“Too bad, I’ll be taking her anyway”
“I swear I’ll tell you daph-” You explained apologetically, pulling your arm from her grasp.
Daphne stomped her foot like a toddler and turned to walk to the Slytherin common room. You, on the other hand, were stood with Draco, getting, even more, stares because the two of you were finally stood together, giving feeding truth into the rumour that was swirling around the school. He put his arm lazily around your shoulders and the two of you began your stroll to a more quiet part of the castle.
“I know you want to tell Daphne everything, but do you think that's wise?” He asked quietly
“Yes, she's my best friend, why wouldn't I?”
“I thought I was, I’m hurt”
“You are, you mug, but she is too”
“You know what a big mouth Daphne has, not to mention you know what she’s like once shes had a bit to drink, she might let it slip.”
You pondered what Draco had said. It was no secret that Daphne Greengrass liked to gossip, but it was also no secret that she couldn't handle her alcohol, spilling some of her families darkest secrets after a few shots. Not to mention had she slipped out that you lied about dating Draco it would be embarrassing for not only you but him.
“Ugh I hate that you’re right”
“When am I not?”
“But what am I supposed to tell her when she asks? She knows when I’m lying”
“Well we did spend basically the entire summer together, we’ll just say it happened then.”
“This is all so stressful! Why couldn't I have thought of another excuse? If I knew this was going to be the outcome, I would have agreed with him and said I found him ugly,” You dropped your head onto his chest. He wrapped both of his arms around you, swaying side to side.
“I know, love, but its too late to go back now”
You and Draco had been in this exact moment before in your friendship, only this time it felt different. You felt like you were more than two best friends consoling one another, it was almost as if you were just two teenagers in love. Only for a short while before reality came crashing down on you, it was all just fake.
The two of you went back to the common room to drop your school bags and robes before making your way to the hall for dinner. Despite it being late, there was still a large proportion of students sat down to eat. You took a deep breath as Draco’s hold on your hand tightened and the two of you walked in. Every single pair of eyes in the room were trained on you, it felt like an eternity before you finally got to your seats on the Slytherin table.
“Finally, you have no excuse not to explain yourself to me now, Y/N” Daphne scoffed.
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Greengrass. Were going out, that's it, what more do you want?” Draco retorted.
“Id like to know when, how, where. All of the details, Malfoy”
“Well we started going out in the holidays-” You began to explain before she cut you off.
“Pardon, the summer? As in 6 months ago? You have been hiding your relationship from me, your best friend for 6 whole months?” Daphne’s voice began to rise.
“Watch how you talk to my girlfriend, Greengrass, otherwise you'll find you can't speak another word.” Draco practically snarled at her, he looked as though he was about to rip her head off.
“I wanted to tell you, Daph I really did, I just wanted to keep it between Draco and I for a while, just in case it didn't work out, so it wouldn't be awkward.” You explained calmly.
“Hm, I guess that's a valid reason, you’re forgiven for now. But from here on out, I want to know everything. Did you at least find out who that ghastly cake was from?”
“Terry Boot”
She almost choked on her rice. You filled her goblet with some water and slid it to her.
“He confessed to me in potions, I tried to say I wasn't interested but he basically forced me to admit that I had a boyfriend”
“You poor thing,”
She had quickly forgotten and moved onto the next piece of Hogwarts gossip that took her fancy. Draco was engrossed with his own conversations and it hit you, your new reality was Draco Malfoy’s girlfriend, that was until Terry Boot managed to get his own one. It was something you had wanted since the second year, you felt as though you should have been over the moon, one of your most wild fantasies was playing out right in front of you, but you weren't. It wasn't going to last, you were sure he didn't even like you that way, he was just being the kind but overprotective Draco you had got to know over the past few years.
Once you had filled yourselves up with dinner, you and your friends made your way back to the common room, Draco's hand found yours and he held it as you walked down to the dungeons. Once you had got to the common room, Blaise forced a group of fourth years off the sofa in front of the fire and pulled out his deck of exploding snap, which you all played as a group. The warmth of the fire coupled with the comfort of the sofa made you want to curl up and fall asleep, you could feel your eyelids drooping as you tried and failed to suppress a yawn.
“Tired, love?” He asked, tilting his head.
“A little bit, I think I’ll head up to sleep in a bit” You responded, another small yawn passing your lips.
He nodded and simply pulled you into his side, your head falling on his chest and his arm around you resting on your hip
“God, you two are disgusting” Pansy grumbled as she walked past, taking note of you and Draco in your loved-up state.
“We all know you're just jealous you’re not in Y/N’s place” Crabbe laughed.
“Shut up Crabbe,” She snapped, trying to hit him around the back of his head but failing.
Your whole group laughed as she stomped away. You only managed to last another hour before you really were going to fall asleep, though you were reluctant to move from your position, you got up and announced you'd be heading to bed.
“I think I’ll join you.” Daphne yawned, getting up and stretching.
You made a move to leave but were pulled back by Draco.
“Gonna leave without saying goodnight were you?” He smiled
You laughed, “of course not, goodnight, Draco”
He kissed the back of your hand, sending a jolt of electricity from where his lips touched right to your brain, “goodnight, princess”
You smiled and headed up to bed, feeling as though you were floating on cloud 9.
Over the next few days, you had fallen into a routine, he’d wait at the bottom of the stairs from your dormitory for you to come down every morning, as soon as he saw you, he’d chirp a “good morning, love” before walking you to breakfast. He would walk you to and from every lesson that you didn’t have with him, he even went as far as waiting outside the girl's bathroom for you so he could walk with you back to the library. You had to admit it, Draco Malfoy was the best fake boyfriend.
One cold Wednesday afternoon, you were in the middle of a potions lesson, Slughorn was going on and on about the properties of belladonna, he even hinted it would come up in your exam, but all you could focus on was the contractions of your uterus. The first two days of your period were the worst, horrific cramps, bloating, tender boobs and hot flushes. Madam Pomfrey was aware of how debilitating your period was and would always send owls to your teachers informing them you would be absent from lessons, you didn't even care that Snape would find out about your period, all you wanted was to lie in bed. You tried your hardest to ride out the pain for the next 40 minutes of the lesson before you could go to the hospital wing and get something for the pain.
“Just ask Slughorn to leave early,” Daphne whispered.
“This is going to be on the exam, I can't just leave now”
“Y/N, you are literally dying, I’ll give you my notes, just please go to the hospital wing”
“I’ll be fine,”
You took a deep breath and shrugged your robe off you in an attempt to cool down. Draco slide you a note
‘Everything okay?’
‘Yeah, just my period, nothing to worry about :)’
‘Are you sure? I know how bad they get’
‘I’ll be fine, focus on the lesson!’
‘How can I focus when you’re in pain’
‘Oh shut up, I’ll be fine, I’m a big girl’
Draco read your last message and slid the sheet of parchment into his textbook. Another jolt of pain ran across your abdomen, causing you to squeeze your belly in pain. Draco’s arm shot up almost instantaneously.
“Professor, Y/N isn't feeling well, may I escort her to the hospital wing?”
“Of course m’boy”
You glared at Draco before collecting your things. and trying to discreetly leave the classroom without disrupting the lesson further.
“Do feel better Y/L/N” Slughorn called from the front of the room.
“Thank you, professor” you mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Here give me your bag,” He said, going to grab your bag off your shoulder.
“I’m on my period, Draco, not dying”
He held out his hand anyway and you handed him your bag. He knew you hated being touched too much, it made you feel hotter, so he linked his pinky with yours.
“The corridors are empty, you don't need to hold my hand,” you stated, looking around
“I don't need to but I like to, your hands are soft” You saw him blush slightly as he said it. You simply smiled as the two of you walked into the hospital wing.
“Ah, miss Y/L/N, I’ve been expecting a visit from you” Madam Pomfrey went into her store cupboard and produced a violet potion and measured a dose. “You know the drill, come back tomorrow after breakfast and I’ll give you more, I’ll send an owl to your teachers, what’s your next lesson?”
“We have transfiguration” Draco answered for you while you finished downing your medicine.
“Right, well I’ll tell Professor McGonagall you'll both be absent from the lesson, be sure to catch up with the missing work Mr Malfoy”
You thanked Madam Pomfrey before returning to the Slytherin dormitory. The boys had managed to disable the charm that prevented them from coming up into the girls' dorms, so Draco followed you up.
“Draco, honestly I’m fine.” You signed, dropping onto your bed
“You don’t look fine,” He crossed his arms and looked down at you.
“I just need to get into some comfy clothes and lie down and I’ll be fine, I even have chocolate in my trunk.” You crouched down and opened your trunk and fished out your slab of Honeydukes chocolate. surprised to find that you only had 6 squares left.
“That’s hardly enough, wait here.”
He turned and went down the stairs, leaving you alone. You changed out of your skirt and into some comfy trousers and were about to unbutton your blouse when Draco returned with a full slab of Honeydukes chocolate and his old quidditch jumper.
“I remember you saying how soft this was, I don't need it anymore, you're free to keep it,” He said sheepishly
“Thank you, Draco, seriously” He smiled at you and just stood there, looking at you. “Erm, I need to change,”
He slowly turned around and you unbuttoned your blouse and unhooked your bra throwing it on your bed before putting the jumper on.
“I’m done,”
He turned around, his eyes immediately landing on your black lace bra on your bed, you followed his gaze and quickly snatched the bra and stuffed it back in your trunk.
“I had you pegged for a cotton bra girl myself,” He smirked
“If you think that's scandalous, you should see what I wear on the bottom” you replied, winking. You got under your covers and began to open the chocolate, Draco sat awkwardly at the foot of your bed.
“Why are you sitting like that?”
“I’ve never been in your dormitory before,”
“It's literally the same as yours, come, sit” You moved a bit to the side and he came and sat next to you, stretching his legs out. At this point it was a reflex, his arms wrapped themselves around you as you buried yourself into him.
“Thank you,”
“You’ve said that already”
“I mean it, honestly,”
“Anything for you, princess”. You two fell into a comfortable silence as you lay on his chest, being lulled to sleep by his chest rising and falling.
You were awoken by a loud squeal, you blinked and slowly opened your eyes.
“You two are just the cutest!” Daphne shouted.
You looked around confused for a moment until you saw what was in Daphne’s hand. She handed you a small bouquet of roses with a note attached that read:
I didn't have the heart to wake you, I’ll bring you dinner if you're not up to coming down, I hope you feel better, love - D x
You smiled as you conjured up a small vase filled with water. It was time to admit it, you were deeply, truly and utterly in love with Draco Malfoy
A Hogsmeade trip had been planned for that weekend, at first, you were planning on skipping it, but after some convincing, you decided you’d go. You decided to replenish your potions store, as well as getting some more quills and ink. Draco treated you to some sweets from Honeydukes, before you and your group headed into the three broomsticks to grab a butterbeer before you returned to the castle. You sat in a booth with Blaise, Daphne, Goyle and Pansy, choosing to squeeze yourself right in the corner. Blaise got up to order the drinks returning a few moments later with six butterbeers in his hands. The six of you fell into a discussion about the quidditch tournament, the boys getting heated over Ravenclaw’s win over Slytherin in their last match. After a while Daphne excused herself to go to the bathroom, only to run back a few moments later.
“You will not guess who I just saw snogging Hannah Abbott in the women’s toilet” Daphne yelled, sitting back in her seat at the end of the table.
You all looked at her, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Terry fucking Boot!”
The whole group looked at you and Draco. At that moment you felt a million different emotions, recently it had felt like you weren't faking anymore, you had tricked yourself into thinking that it was all real, forgetting about your deal with Draco. But you knew that this revelation meant it was all over, you and Draco would fake an amicable break-up and remain to be best friends and the thought of that killed you.
“Well, at least now he won't get hexed for looking at my girlfriend” Draco joked.
You smiled and took a sip of your butterbeer. Once you had all finished your drinks, you returned to the castle and settled in your spot in the common room. You were sat with Draco but all you could think about was how this little bubble you were in was going to burst soon. You practically zoned out, your eyes losing focus as you stared at the fire.
“Are you quite alright? You look as though you’ve been stunned” Daphne asked, looking confused.
“Mmm I don’t feel too good, I don't think being out in the cold was a good idea” you mumbled, blinking slowly.
Daphne came and felt your forehead.
“You do feel a bit warm, why don’t you go lie down for a while”
You agreed and went up to lie in your bed for a while. You ended up skipping dinner too, you played up your symptoms to Daphne and she left you alone out of fear that she’d catch whatever you had. You didn’t end up getting out of bed until the next morning, barely having the energy to brush your teeth before you trudged to the great hall for breakfast in your pyjamas. Draco saw you come in and his eyes lit up, he was worried after Daphne told him you were sick. As soon as you sat down he began to pile food into your plate.
“Whoa calm down, I’ll barely be able to eat half of that” You pushed his hand back to the bowl of baked beans prompting him to drop the spoon back into the bowl.
“You haven’t eaten since yesterday, you must be starving, love”
You shook your head reaching for a cereal bowl instead. He looked at you concern filling his face. He kept glancing over at you while you ate, making note of your unusual silence. Once he had noticed you stopped eating your cereal squeezed your hand under the table, you pulled your hand away and acted as though you were scratching an itch on the side of your neck.
“Y/N why don’t we take a visit to madam Pomfrey, just to make sure you’re okay”
“I’m fine Draco, it’s probably just a cold”
“Draco’s right, you should make sure it’s nothing contagious or something” Daphne agreed
“Fine, let’s go then” You dusted your pyjamas off and got up, defeated.
You followed Draco out of the great hall. He began walking the opposite direction to the hospital wing and pulled you into a deserted part of the corridor.
“Are you okay?” He asked immediately, his tall frame towering over you.
“I’m just tired Draco, that’s all”
“You can’t lie to me, I’m your best friend”
“I’m not lying, I’m just tired, I haven’t been sleeping well the past few days”
“Has someone said something? Threatened you? I swear if I get my hands on them”
“No ones done anything. You don’t need to keep the overprotective boyfriend act up anymore, we’re alone and Terry has a girlfriend now”
“Act?” His face had fallen and he turned to look away
“You really thought it was all an act?”
“Was it not? You said it yourself, we were faking it until he got a girlfriend so that he wouldn’t try and make a move on me”
“How can you be one of the smartest witches in our house but be so dense at the same time. “
“Excuse me,”
“It wasn't an act for me”
Your heart stopped.
“What?” you honestly couldn’t believe what you were hearing
“It wasn't an act for me. I didn't do all that just because I wanted Boot to back off, I did it cause I’ve fancied you for a while” Draco began pacing, as he explained himself
“You said you would have gone out with the sender of that cake if it wasn't anonymously sent. I don't know why, but it didn’t sit right with me. I didn't like the fact that you were willing to go out with someone that wasn't me.”
“So you waited for me to find out who did send it, so you could propose this crazy idea?”
“I didn’t expect you to find out, hell I didn't even know I was going to say it, but once you agreed to go along with it, I felt like maybe you’d see that us being more than just best friends wasn't that bad, and maybe you'd be willing to give me a chance.”
“Can I let you in on a little secret?”
He stopped and looked down at you and nodded,
“I've fancied you since second year”
He smiled and grabbed both your hands
“And since we’ve been fake going out, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you now,”
“Say that again”
“I’m in love with you Draco,”
“Say it again,” he said, placing his hands on your cheeks and staring into your eyes with adoration.
You laughed “I love you”
“I love you so much more, princess. Way more than I can even explain”
You beamed up at him, you felt like you could honestly explode at this point. all those years of crushing on him and wishing you could tell him how you felt, and here you were.
“I'm going to kiss you” He whispered
“I think it's about time you did”
He moved slowly before giving you a sweet but passionate kiss. His lips were softer than you thought they'd be.
“At least now we don't need to worry about telling our friends,” You joked, resting your forehead against his.
He laughed and kissed you again. Something you know you would never get tired of. As cliche as it seemed, you did it, your best friend was now your boyfriend. It was just you and Draco, safe in your perfect bubble.
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the exact opposite of weak
This is a story entirely based on my experience with a chronic illness. Everyone’s experience is different, and everyone’s experience is valid. 
Here is the link to the Cleveland Clinic’s page about POTS, just in case you want some more information :)
also yes, there is another mention of grey’s anatomy in this, there will probably be lots more, because that show is one of two things keeping me alive rn, I think you can guess who the other one is
word count: 1.3k
warnings: fainting and chronic illness
in your opinion, POTS is the worst chronic illness. Of course, you may be biased. Especially since it happens to be the one you suffer from. But really, it is pretty bad. 
You were one of the luckier ones who could still live a mostly normal life. You had been diagnosed when you were still a teenager, so you'd mostly figured out how to deal with it.
For you, it caused headaches, stomach pain, rapid heart rate, poor circulation, and heat intolerance (meaning you couldn't have too hot of a shower without your heart feeling like it was going to jump out of your chest).
Despite all this, you hadn't told Harry yet. You kept your symptoms under control well with a few medications and a lot of self care. You didn't want to burden him or make him think you were weak. So, you just didn't tell him. The longer your relationship went on, the more you worried about what you would say and how he would react.
You had been together for just over a year when you decided to tell him. You just felt bad keeping it from him any longer, so you made up your mind. Now all you had to do was figure out how. How were you supposed to tell the love of your life that you had a chronic illness you had just neglected to tell him about?
The opportunity arose sooner than you expected. It was the middle of winter, so you didn't have the summer heat to worry about. You did, however, have the shower to worry about. Since your circulation wasn't great, you always had freezing feet and hands. On days like this where you were just chilled to the bone, you wanted nothing more than to turn the water as hot as you could stand and bask in the steam.
So, you did just that. You stepped into the burning hot water, sighing as it washed over your cold limbs.
You noticed how bad you felt pretty quickly. Your head spun and you were overcome with nausea when you reached up to grab the shampoo. You quickly leaned against the wall, the cool tile soothing your skin. Soon you were shivering again, so you stepped back into the stream. After a few minutes, you started to feel worse. You turned the temperature cooler, but it didn't seem to help. Black spots started to cloud your vision like they did every time you stood up. You knew this was a bad sign.
You could feel your heart smashing against your ribcage and put a finger against your neck. Your pulse was so fast you could barely count it. It was getting harder to breathe as your heart seemed to speed up, even after you stepped out from under the water.
You stepped out of the shower, promptly laying on the floor with your legs propped up against the vanity. You pulled a towel over you before calling for Harry.
You heard his quick footsteps in the hall before he knocked.
"Y/N? Are you ok? did you forget a towel?"
"No- can you come in here?"
Harry opened the door, peeking his head inside. His brow furrowed when he saw you laying on the floor, legs up on the sink, with your fingers on your neck.
"Uh... what're we doing?"
His confusion was obvious, but he wasted no time getting down on the floor and laying next to you.
"Everything... everything alright?"
  "Can I see your watch?"
"Uh, sure," Harry said, sticking out his arm to you.
You grabbed his arm, focusing your eyes on the second hand ticking around. After a minute, you dropped his arm, sucking in a deep breath.
"Y/N,  what's... what're you doing? Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, my heart is just beating really fast and I don't feel well at all," you said, closing your eyes.
"How fast is really fast?" He asked, reaching over to feel your wrist. "Woah, you meant, like, really fast," his eyes widened as he counted her pulse.
"Y/N, your heart rate is over 200. I'm not a doctor, but you've made me watch enough Grey's Anatomy to know that's not good," He said eyeing you nervously.
  "No, it's ok, I just had the shower water too hot," You reassured him, keeping your eyes closed.
"Uh, again, not a doctor, but I don't think hot water is supposed to make your heart beat this fast."  
Oh boy. Here it was. Time for you to explain.
"Maybe not for most people, Harry, but for me, it's-" You tried to move your legs and sit up, but as soon as you did, your vision started going dark.
"Nope, back down, can't do that yet," You sighed, sinking back down.
He laid back down beside you, his fingers still on your wrist. After a few more minutes, you finally felt like you could get up.
Harry stood first, holding out his hand to help you. You got to your feet and instantly knew it was a mistake. Harry looked at your glassy eyes with concern before you went limp. He let out a surprised sound, catching you and lowering you back to the floor.
Your towel had nearly slipped off, so he readjusted it to keep you covered. Then he just sat there with your head in his lap, stroking your hair and watching the seconds tick by on his watch. After a few minutes, he started to get worried. He patted your cheek gently.
"Y/N, wake up," he spoke softly, still cushioning your head.
Your eyes snapped open and you tried to sit up. Harry held his hand on your shoulder, keeping you down.
"Woah, don't try and move yet. You scared me there," He said, smiling.
You looked up at him, then around at the bathroom. You closed your eyes, sighing again.
"I passed out, didn't I. Did I hit my head?"
"Of course not, I have excellent reflexes," Harry scoffed, pretending to be offended.
"Right, sorry," you laughed. "Sorry I scared you, that doesn't happen very often anymore."
"What do you mean, anymore?" Harry asked, confused.
"Ok, here it goes," You mumbled under your breath. "So... I have this condition, it's called POTS. That stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome."
You could see the gears turning in Harry's head, trying to figure out what this meant.
"So, when you stand...?"
"My heart rate increases a lot, yeah. A lot more than it's supposed to. It's been better for a long time since I found the right medicine, but I still have bad days. The other day when I got up from the couch, remember how I almost fell? Yeah, this is why. I told you I just tripped, but I checked my pulse when I got to the kitchen and it was at 150. When it goes up that fast, it makes my vision black out and I feel like I'm about to faint."
"Does it happen every time you shower?"
"No, but it does get a lot worse with hot water. POTS causes poor circulation, and a whole bunch of other things, but anyway that's why my feet are always freezing. I like hot showers because I'm usually cold, but they make me feel terrible. I just must've had it a little too hot today, which is why... we're... sitting on the floor right now," You said, blushing and looking away from him.
"Hey," Harry said gently. "it's nothing to be embarrassed about, Y/N. I just wish you'd told me."
Y/N tried to sit up again, but Harry's hand was still pressed against her shoulder. "I swear, this time I'm ok," She smiled.
Harry eyed her suspiciously before helping her sir up against the wall.
"I know, I should have told you. I just didn't want you to think I was... weak or something," Y/N said, looking at her lap.
"Weak? Y/N, you just told me your heart tries to kill you every time you stand or take a hot shower, and that’s just your  everyday life. That's kind of... the exact opposite of weak, I'd say."
"Well, it definitely doesn't try to kill me," You laughed. "But yeah, I guess I am pretty strong for dealing with this, huh?"
"Absolutely, you are," He smiled. "Now, tell me everything about this, so I can know how to make you feel better."  
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obae-me · 4 years
A Taste of His Own Medicine- Satan
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While it was well known among the household that the second and fourth among the brothers were ill, Lucifer banned you from contact with Satan. Mammon was now well on the mend thanks to your efforts, so you figured you would help the eldest out with Satan. Lucifer was constantly busy, not to mention the fact that his knowledgeable younger brother was expending all his strength in keeping his brothers away. It seemed like the logical choice, and rarely did Lucifer prevent you from keeping an eye on his brothers. So why now of all times?
“He’s being...unreasonable,” was Lucifer’s answer. Out of all the possible reasons, this seemed among the most pathetic. You supposed it was better than his typical “because I said so” response.
“If I remember correctly, you were also pretty unreasonable,” you stated, a smirk curling across your lips. He just scowled, glaring you up and down. He leaned back in his cushy seat in his study, placing his much too expensive pen down by the pile of work he needed to finish by tonight.
“And if I remember correctly, we agreed it would not be discussed again.” His sharp expression softened just a touch, a light shade of pink gracing his cheeks as he recalled how you took care of him in his weakened state. He brushed staggering hairs away from his forehead and sighed, folding his arms in front of his chest. “His body and mind have been weakened, therefore he has no control over his anger. He is wrath, and I shudder to think what may befall you should you try to talk to him right now.” He looked deep into your eyes, taking note of your unwavering stance and stern composition. “And yet I suspect you’re going to go see him anyway.”
He had that right. So with a look equal parts exhaustion and worry, Lucifer lifted the magical lock placed on Satan’s room, ensuring that, at the very least, Beel would be just outside should anything happen.
You took a deep breath, clutching to your chest some medicine and a hardcover book from the human world containing old fables. You knocked on the door, loudly stating your presence before entering Satan’s room. You were pleased to find that so far you were unharmed, which was admittedly a great first step.
However, you quickly found yourself awash in a sea of books. Normally, Satan had his room as neatly organized as a professional library, everything had a place, except now, it looked like a bomb had gone off. Books and scrolls were haphazardly stacked, covering the floor, basically everywhere. You couldn’t even see his bed, it was hidden somewhere in this labyrinth of tomes.
You held your breath, you didn’t even dare breathe for fear everything around you would come tumbling down. The last thing you wanted was to be crushed to death, and if the books didn’t kill you, you had a wary feeling Satan might. So you carefully weaved your way through slender passageways in the piles before you found, what you assumed, was Satan’s bed.
The reason you could only ‘assume’ is because at this juncture in time it hardly looked like a bed at all. Just a quick glance and it would’ve matched any other mess in this room. It was camouflaged with more books, torn pages, binders, etc. you had a passing thought about checking if there were any shows about demon hoarders down here.
You could see a jagged green-tipped tail dangling from beneath the bed-pile. It twitched and flicked, sending some novels skidding across the floor. You inhaled deep through your nose.
“Satan? It’s me.”
Satan’s tail whipped across the space between you and the bed, striking at one of the impossibly high stacks of books, sending it teetering and tottering threateningly before crashing down. If you hadn’t taken a few steps back, you would’ve been under that pile. You huffed to yourself. You wanted to help him and this was how he was treating you?
“Satan, please.” A book whizzed past your head and you winced, feeling a little paper cut start to sting on your cheek. The air in the room was hot. You knew these were demons. You knew they were capable of destroying you in seconds, but that didn’t stop your stubborn nature from feeling absolutely offended. And so, as if you had a death wish, you scolded him.
“Satan!” You strutted over, throwing the covers back and sending even more clutter to the floor, but at least you could look at him. But a part of you wished you couldn’t.
He looked absolutely feral. His hair was messy and untamed. His teeth were bared as his mouth formed a menacing scowl. His eyes were glowing an unnatural green, reminding you of shows where beasts eyes shone in the shadows. You could hear a deep rumble emanate from his chest, and it wasn’t till he pressed himself against the back wall, knees close to his chest that you put your fear beside yourself.
Yes, at first glance you may have been entirely convinced he was going to tear your throat out, but then you ran your gaze over him a few times. His face was covered in patches of deep red. He was only wearing a green long-sleeved shirt and stripped boxers. There was a sheet of paper skewered onto one of his horns, and he now was curled up protectively against the wall in a little ball.
“Get out,” he demanded. It would’ve maybe been threatening sounding if his lungs didn’t sound as if he swallowed a squeaky toy. He was wheezing, fingertips shaking, and his tail protectively curling up against his legs, the tip of it quivering.
To be honest you wouldn’t leave this room right now for all the Grimm in the Devildom. “I’ll leave after I’m done helping you out a bit,” you assured him, but he didn’t want that answer.
“Get out!” He clutched another book in his hand and chucked it in your direction with a shout, this time missing you by a mile. You blinked. Was he...having a tantrum?
You had to stifle your smile with a little cough. “Satan, throwing stuff at me isn’t going to make me leave any faster, so cooperate and I’ll be out of here as soon as possible.” He had no retort or nearby ammo left so he tucked his face into his knees and let you get to work. It would take you hours to clean the room, but you did what you could for the moment, tidying up the chaos surrounding his bed. How he would’ve slept with that mess on him was beyond your understanding. Or maybe that was one of the reasons why he was being so cranky.
You shook off his blankets, puffed up his pillow, and then took a hesitant look at the medicine you’d put on his nightstand. Lucifer had told you where to get it, it was a powerful medication that tasted as bad as the one taking it felt. It was also administered as a liquid, because for all their power, they hadn’t made pills a normal thing yet. You had no idea how you were going to get Satan to take it.
Maybe being sweet first. “Satan,” you cooed, sitting yourself beside him on the bed while he remained curled up in a tight angry ball. “I have some medicin-“
That didn’t work. Maybe begging? “Satan, please, please, please, pleaaaaase take-“
“Bite me.”
You scoffed aloud. He was absolutely, without a doubt, being bratty and rude. You took a moment to recall how you convinced Lucifer and Mammon. Lucifer was only won over when you stood your ground and told him what to do for a change, challenging his pride. Mammon, you gave him exactly what he wanted to hear. With wrath...did you?
“Satan, I swear to God above and Diavolo below, if you don’t quit moping around and refusing to take care of yourself, I’m going to shove this entire freaking thing down your throat till it’s the only thing you can taste for decades!” You raised your voice, shouting at him with a fury in your chest you’d never used before, ever. Especially not against Satan. You didn’t want to die that badly. But you were alive, and instead of smoke coming out of his ears, Satan looked up at you from behind messy bangs. He looked shocked beyond belief, his mouth slightly ajar. He uncurled himself from his position and sat up slowly, his head looking down.
“Tch.” He puffed air through his teeth, giving in finally. It was like you had won the lottery. You hummed to yourself in success taking the cap off the bottle and pouring in the medicine. It smelt awful, and you felt for him, but if it was going to make him feel better, he needed it. You held it up to his lips. He growled in frustration but then parted his mouth to let you pour in the foul mixture.
He looked like he was going to be sick. He slumped his posture and began to release shuddering coughs. You instinctively put a hand on his back and rubbed up and down. Once he was done with the episode, he sat back up, swaying in his seat back and forth until you held onto him, gently bringing him back down onto his pillow. You moved the hair out of his eyes and sighed in relief. Thanks to whatever magic Devildom medicine had, his redness had already gone drastically down, and he looked fairly calm for now.
His eyelids couldn’t tell if they wanted to be open or shut, like he was struggling to fight sleep. You got up off his bed and pulled the covers tighter around him, urging him to go to bed. You told him you’d finally leave him alone, and picked up the book you had forgotten you’d brought with you. He grabbed your wrist before you could even attempt to leave, he sleepily read the cover before letting his hand drop back onto the mattress.
“I bought that...for you,” he mumbled. With a grin, you nodded. He had bought it for you during the adventure to London. It was filled with old fairytales and fables, the authentic gruesome kind, not the kind human kids grew up on, which Satan had labeled as ‘disgusting dull-headed drabble’.
“I brought it here for you, but you need sleep, besides you have plenty of other books here…” your voice trailed off as you reached for the horn that still had the paper stuck to it. You yanked it free with a light chuckle.
“Will you…” Satan started, gripping at his own sheets so tight you thought he would rip holes in them. “Read...to me?” Your heart soared so fast you almost went lightheaded. You sat back down on his bed, fussing over him just a bit more to fix his messy hair. He groaned as you did but let you do it anyway.
“Of course, I’ll read for you whenever, Satan.” You flipped the book open to the first page, reading about terribly sad events with a terribly soft voice. Every so often he’d correct you if you fumbled on a word, but eventually he went to sleep. You could see his eyeballs moving frantically under his eyelids as he slept. He’d say some incomprehensible word in his sleep while his fingers twitched in random increments.
You used the stray paper that had been on his head as a bookmark, placing it back on his nightstand for later. “I guess they all get to live happy ever after this time,” you whispered to him in his unconscious state before you pressed the back of your hand against his cheek and wished him sweet dreams.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 3 years
Tracing Time
Monday, 15:18
Song: The Neighbourhood - Reflections
The clock at the front of the lecture hall is too far away for Sander to actually hear its ticking, but it feels like it’s louder than the tapping of his pen where he’s drumming it against his notebook. This is propped open with only a few lines of actual notes and a lot of doodles, with a quick, ragged sketch of Robbe on the bottom half of the page. Sander sighs quietly to himself as he fails his futile attempt to listen to the professor, and goes back to the drawing to add on some extra shading and more careful detail.
This is so much easier to get caught up in. Time disappears when it comes to art or Robbe, so combining the two is similar to falling into a black hole. The gravity of it is so strong, making it impossible for Sander to escape as time stops and everything else ceases to exist. He gets eaten up in it, lost until the point where everything whites out but the scratch of pen on paper and the familiar shape of Robbe’s eyes. There is no talking or ticking to make him want to peel his skin off (or at least fidget about in his chair).
It’s not the best plan, however, because he zones out a little too completely. He doesn’t realise that the class has ended until a girl clears her throat next to him, standing in the aisle and waiting to get past. Sander whips his gaze around and notices his other classmates already filing out of the room.
He flushes, muttering an apology as he quickly gets to his feet and presses back to let the girl and her friend slip past him. She glances down at his notebook as she passes and her lips quirk in a knowing smile, but she merely says, “Cute. Nice work on the lips.”
Sander’s blush deepens, but he returns her smile and manages to thank her quietly before she slips away. Her friend raises her brows and smirks at him, but doesn’t say anything as she follows. He lets out a breath and slumps back against his now folded-up chair, taking a moment to collect himself. He snatches up his bag and hastily stows away his belongings, only taking time to carefully close the notebook and tuck it in between the others in his bag. He trots down the steps and almost makes it to the door without any further embarrassment, and then the professor is calling his name.
Lars Coomans isn’t Sander’s favourite professor, only because he teaches art theory rather than anything practical. Sander doesn’t mind learning about history when he finds the subject interesting, but that only happens about twelve percent of the time. (Again, this isn’t Lars’ fault.) The man is not his favourite professor, but he might be one of his favourite people. He’s a tall man in his late forties with a tiny bald patch on the right side of his head and a soft voice. He’s relatively laid back and certainly kind.
For this reason, Sander doesn’t even feel the need to groan as he hangs back, even while the last stragglers shoot him curious looks on the way out. Lars waits until they’ve left to smile at Sander and lean back against his desk, head tilted as he considers his student.
Now, Sander begins to feel a bit nervous.
“How are you, Sander?”
The question is kind, careful, and it baffles him. He knows that all of his professors are aware of his illness, but none of them make a habit of checking up on him. They’re aware, from when he misses a week or two of classes or, on the rare occasion, needs to ask for an extension on an assignment. They’re aware, but beyond that, it doesn’t come up. No one makes a fuss about it and he’s grateful. And maybe Lars isn’t, either, maybe it’s just his kindness sprouting in the start of the conversation, nothing more than a mere courtesy. But the searching way he’s looking at Sander makes him hesitant, and he clasps his right hand around his left wrist and shifts on his feet before clearing his throat. He decides to take the casual route. “I’m fine, how are you?”
Lars seems to relax, lips quirking further for a moment before he shakes his head and waves a hand. “Oh, good, good, thank you. No, I’m not trying to be nosy, I just ask because you didn’t submit your assignment before noon today.”
Sander blinks. “Sorry?”
“The papers that were due this morning?” Lars blinks back, tilting his head. When Sander continues to stare at him blankly, he offers, “On the renaissance?”
Oh. Sander’s mouth opens and closes for a moment before he finds his voice. “But that’s not due until Friday evening?” It comes out as a question as his brow furrows in confusion. He’s sure the two assignments weren’t due in one day, and he frequently checks his calendar. He’s lost, and he’s beginning to panic slightly.
“No, it was due today,” Lars says softly, searching again as he crosses his legs at the ankles and taps the edge of his desk. “Daems has an assignment due on Friday, I believe, you have him, don’t you?”
Realisation hits abruptly. “Fuck,” he breathes, raising a hand to cover his face. “Shit, sorry. I don’t know—I must have mixed the dates, put the classes in wrong.” Stupid, stupid, stupid.
But Lars just nods, his whole posture softening in understanding. “Alright,” he sighs. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up, it’s an easy mistake. Can you get it to me by the end of the day?”
Sander swallows. “I haven’t started it,” he admits. He’d started doing the research, but he didn’t even have enough of that yet. He would be lucky to finish that by the end of the day, never mind the paper itself.
“Okay, well, you thought you had until Friday.” Lars rubs a hand over his chin and finally just shakes his head. “Alright. I’ll put you down for an extension until the time you thought it was due. And at least you don’t have the other one to worry about now, since I’m assuming that means you submitted it this morning.”
Relief flows through Sander in streams, but the banks are prickled. He purses his lips tightly and squeezes his wrist. “Lars, I just fucked up. I don’t have a good excuse, I don't want any pity.”
“No,” Lars immediately protests, pushing away from his desk to stand closer to Sander. “It’s nothing of the sort. No pity, or special treatment. You explained you made a mistake and I’ve no reason not to trust you.” He sighs, shaking his head. “You’re one of the best students here, Sander. I know because I pass that work of yours on the street every day. Even someone that good has to slip up sometimes, hm?”
Sander can only stare at him, feeling his cheeks warm again. He ducks his head, embarrassed at the compliment and the thought of his professor seeing the magnitude of his sappy love on a regular basis.
Lars only chuckles, bumping Sander’s shoulder. “I know I’m teasing, but I mean it. You’ve never even asked me for an extension before. I know you weren’t just slacking off. It feels bad, I know, but it’s not a big deal, kid. Just brush it off and then get it done, alright?”
Sander considers him. Then with a deep breath, he nods and murmurs, “Thank you.”
“Don’t stress.” Lars squeezes his shoulder, then waves him away. “Come find me or email me if you have any questions, okay? Now go on, no need to hang around an old man any longer.”
Sander huffs, but offers him one last nod and grateful smile before making his way out. As soon as he’s passed through the door, he falters in his step and his eyes close, anger towards himself returning with a vengeance. How could he have made such a stupid mistake? How has it taken this long for that to happen?
He presses the heels of his hands to his eyes for a moment, willing the frustration away. It doesn’t work entirely, but he manages a few slow breaths and collects himself enough to leave. He doesn’t think too much about where he’s going, just follows the feeling and lets his feet carry him to his bike, then pedal automatically through the streets.
The garage comes into view, and Sander tucks his bike away before rapping his knuckles against the door, not having to think about the familiar knock beyond muscle memory. His feet are tapping on the ground, and he does his best to shake the nerves out of his skin as he waits.
He’s not in full panic mode yet, not really. The only thoughts he can conjure are more swears and variations of stupid, stupid, stupid. He needs something distracting enough to quiet these rants down, but mindless enough that he can attempt to sort his thoughts out.
This is part of the reason he can’t go to Robbe, no matter how much he wants to. Robbe will be too kind. Too soothing. He’s the only one ever able to fully drown out Sander’s thoughts enough so that he stops being unkind to himself.
He doesn’t want that, at the moment. He thinks he deserves this more.
This being the frustration that leads him to bang the rhythmic code on the door once more when he doesn’t get an answer.
“Woah,” a familiar voice interrupts. “You’re not usually the kind who breaks in by knocking the place down.”
Sander turns slowly on his heel to face Adi. The man (as Sander considers him, because he is actually three years older and holds genuine wisdom on occasion) is staring him down in amusement. Quite literally staring down, as he has a good few inches on Sander, but he often leans back and slouches his shoulders to make up for it. He’s only about as tall as Jens, really, but he’s broader and looks overall bigger and more intimidating.
Robbe might be tiny next to him, and Sander might find it adorable, but Robbe is also completely unfazed because of long-time exposure to Jens.
Which is only mildly disappointing. (Robbe is extra adorable when he’s both dwarfed and flustered.)
“Sorry,” Sander says sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “I didn’t think that there might not be anyone here. I should’ve texted you first.”
Adi just huffs and moves to open the door, shaking his head fondly. “Yeah, that would’ve been easier on your hands.” His own light-brown hand is slender and quick as he unlocks the door, movements as automatically familiar as Sander’s when he’s drawing.
They don’t speak even as they make it inside. Adi traipses around quietly to turn on lights and check up on everything, weaving between trucks, and Sander moves through to the back of the room to the piece he’s been working on. He throws his bag down and immediately crouches to examine his paint cans, eyes flickering between them and his work as he debates where to pick up again. Adi joins him after a moment, but still hangs back, leaning against the wall behind Sander silently.
Sander thinks this is probably why Adi might actually be his best friend, because he has known Adi even longer than his group from the Academy and Adi understands him just as well as Lucas.
“I fucked up,” Sander says eventually, so quietly he’s unsure if Adi hears him over the spray of the can. He’s ready to repeat himself in the responding silence, but then Adi is standing at his side.
Adi tilts his head. “Not with Robbe.”
“No,” Sander agrees, and finds some relief in it. At least it isn’t Robbe.
“Another friend?”
“Oh. Bad?”
Sander lets his hand fall to his side and sighs. Adi is calm and curious but not comforting, nothing more than a steady presence next to him. It allows Sander to reorder his thoughts into something he can actually articulate. “No, it’s not even a problem, really. I just made a mistake and it’s pissing me off.”
“But it’s not a disaster?” Adi tilts his head further.
“Probably not.” When Adi only continues to stand and look, he heaves another sigh. “I mixed up the dates for two assignments and submitted the wrong one today, meaning I missed the actual deadline for the other. But he’s just giving me that time as an extension, because apparently I’m a good student. Can you fucking believe that?”
Adi’s lips finally quirk, his amusement returning at Sander’s incredulous, exasperated exclamation. “No, I can’t, actually. But then again you’re kinda art obsessed, so maybe.”
This time Sander blows out a breath that can’t really be considered a sigh, with the farting noise that accidentally accompanies it. He wipes a hand over his mouth as if it will erase the sound while Adi barks a laugh.
“So you’re just pissed because your brain did you dirty,” Adi summarises.
Sander grimaces, but nods. “And wondering how it’s taken this long for me to fuck up like that.”
“Maybe because you’re not a fuck-up.” Adi raises a brow pointedly, but Sander simply waves him off. The sentiment is kind, but it doesn’t change the fact that he fucked up. Then Adi adds, “And anyone can get their wires crossed like that. You’re not that unique.”
It draws a snort out of Sander against his will. It doesn’t matter that he knows what Adi is really trying to say, hears the reassurance and reminder tucked within the words; the blatant dry tone it comes out in startles him enough to set it off. Adi’s forming grin doesn’t match it and makes it easier for Sander to see through him, but he’ll let him away with it this once.
He knocks his paint can against Adi’s shoulder. “Thanks.” It’s much more clearly genuine than Adi had been, and more than Sander expected himself to give, but he does feel better and he appreciates it. It doesn’t matter that ‘thanks’ is as difficult as ‘sorry’; that just means Adi will know he means it.
Sander is sure of it when Adi simply nods in response, turning to examine Sander’s artwork rather than put pressure on him to figure out his expression. He watches on as Sander gets back to work, and eventually shifts to lean back against the wall. “Things are good with Robbe, then?”
“Yeah, always.” Sander smiles, unbidden, at the simple mention. He doesn’t feel the need to be embarrassed about it, even when Adi huffs.
“It’s your birthday tomorrow,” he notes, and Sander pauses. “Any special plans?”
Sander stays still for a moment, and then shrugs, putting his arm into motion again. He hasn’t thought about it. He might have been avoiding thinking about it. “Unless it’s a surprise. I know I’ll see Robbe, but that’s it. I do that everyday.”
“You not hanging out with all of them? What about Gilles and his gang, and Lucas and whoever?”
Sander’s mouth twitches, but he quickly schools it away. “I’ll see the guys at uni and maybe Lucas if we go to the flat or I pick Robbe up at school.”
He can just see Adi in his peripheral, and catches his thoughtful nod and careful bite of the lip. “Right, right. You ever planning on bringing him here again?”
“Robbe?” Sander asks, just to be a little shit.
“Fuck, no. I love him, I do, but he’s hardly an artist. Nah, Lucas.”
Sander brings Lucas at least twice a month, and Adi knows it. “They’re all busy with school. Final year and all that.”
“Yeah, but he’s applying to the Academy right? So, technically, this is like studying.”
“Do you want to see Lucas again, Adi?” Sander asks, mustering as much mock-astonishment into his tone as he can.
He receives a scoff for his efforts. “You know it’s not like that, you fucking asshole.”
“Good, because you know, he has a boyfriend, Adi.”
“Who happens to be Robbe’s best friend and your kind-of friend, yeah, yeah, I know. I also happen to be straight, dickhead.” He cocks his head at Sander and his lips slip into a smirk. “While you also have a boyfriend, and you’re whipped as hell for him, and yet look who you still came running to to kiss your boo-boos.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Sander says this time, tossing the now-empty spray can at him. Adi dodges with a startled noise followed by his low, booming laughter, and Sander just shakes his head and marvels at his quiet mind.
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hey you guys, here is a little something i’ve been working on! it’s going to be quite long so apologies, but i am going to eventually post it on wattpad too! enjoy!
(this piece revolves around thomastair, but is NOT thomastair only. they are going to be the main theme, but i don’t like writing pieces only on a ship. also it’s gonna be good anyways bc it has drunk and pining charles at one point)
A NOTE: i realised there is a problem. if i wrote the entire thing in a tumblr post, it will be far too long. but it also isn’t long enough for a work. i have decided i will upload in different parts. please let me know if after reading this you are still interested! if not, that’s fine and i’ll probably post it to wattpad lol. but i haven’t written in a while now and i am scared it’s not as good lol. anyways here u go
desc: in which christopher decides that everyone needs a pick me up after recent events, and concludes that the best way to do so is to hold a talent show at the institute. what could possibly happen?
Alastair scrunched up yet another ball of paper and threw it atop the ever increasing pile beside his desk. He had been trying for days- no, weeks now, to write a letter to Thomas. Despite feeling that he did the right thing in walking away, he could not scratch the feeling that he had hurt him. He wanted at least to apologise, and to let him know he believed it was the best decision for them both.
But was it? Alastair could not lie to himself. He did not feel as good as he thought he would. I’m doing this for his sake, he thought. He is more important to me than I will ever be to myself.
“So, what do you think?”
Alastair looked up. He’d almost forgotten about the ‘Talent Show’ Christopher Lightwood was arranging at the Institute. He was actually considering turning up to prove the point that he was not going to accept Matthew’s ill treatment of him, but he had little energy and currently could not be bothered to waste time on him. He knew that Cordelia was going. She and Lucie had chosen to audition together. They were going to act out a scene from ‘The Beautiful Cordelia’, with Lucie as Cordelia and his sister as one of her many lovers Lucie provided her with.
She was wearing his clothes.
“I think you look utterly mad. In a pleasant way, of course.” It was true. Cordelia looked amazing in his clothes. Not as good as he did, but a close second.
“Thank you, oh cheerful brother of mine. Are you quite alright? There is a rather large pile of paper beside you. Not to mention you look as if your eyes have cried the tears of the earth’s oceans,” she replied. There was the usual sibling tone of mockery in her voice, but also a tone of genuine concern. Alastair looked at himself in the window and realised Cordelia was right; he must have been crying, though he had no recollection of doing so.
“I am fine. Go and have fun. You deserve to, after this gargantuan mess.”
“Alastair, I am not stupid. I know when you are hurting. And what’s that on your desk?” she asked. Before he could stop her, Cordelia had made her way across the room and grabbed the piece of paper sitting in front of him. Alastair had not realised it, but he had written a few of his earlier thoughts on the page.
Cordelia frowned as she read out loud, “‘He is more important to me than I will ever be to myself.’ Alastair, I swear on all of the angels if this is about Ch-“
“It isn’t! It isn’t. I...well I suppose it’s just thoughts. Feelings.”
Cordelia was not having it. “If it’s not about him, who is it about?”
“Well, if you want a clue, his friend is the reason I cannot be at all bothered to attend tonight.”
Cordelia thought, and there was a long pause. She furrowed her brow. She seemed to be remembering something. “It’s not...is it Thomas?”
Alastair closed his eyes, as if the name pained him. “How did you guess?”
Cordelia had to admit; she wasn’t entirely sure. But a few observations she’d made over the past months had made her think. She remembered the time on the bridge when Thomas refused to show his tattoo- until Alastair had asked to see it. The time at Anna’s, when she had asked everyone what names they would want and Thomas had quietly admitted he would want only one, never saying who.
The time she and her brother had been speaking with Charles, only for her to notice Thomas had been staring at them.
“I don’t know. Sisterly instincts, I suppose. Do you want to tell me about it? Actually, no, hold on. I will not give you the option. You bottle up far too much, Alastair. Please, pray tell me, what this is about?”
Alastair sat for a moment, unsure where to start. “You remember the day, don’t you? When I defended Thomas in the Sanctuary? It starts long before that; but I fear if I tell it all you may miss out on your night. I had said that I followed him because you were fond of him. That was...” He trailed off. The words were not leaving his mouth. Cordelia smiled sympathetically. “It was only part of the truth. I came to find that I myself was indeed...quite fond of him. And I was afraid that if he went out alone with a murderer on the loose, something would happen. I couldn’t bear the thought of it being my fault; I have done enough damage. When I saw him being arrested I panicked and did the only rational thing I could think of.”
Cordelia raised her eyebrow. “Follow him the whole way to the Sanctuary risking getting caught by the Inquisitor, then further increase your risk of getting caught by sneaking into the Institute and hiding until you were needed?”
“What can I say?” her brother replied, seeming distant. “You do...odd things, when you care about someone.”
“Alastair, you risked your own safety doing what you did as well. I do not know what on earth I would do if something had happened to you without my knowledge.”
“My dear Layla. When one’s heart is so encompassed with love for another, rationality is quite frankly defenestrated.”
“What exactly does ‘defenestrated’ mean?”
“Thrown out the window,” Alastair replied, matter-of-factly. Cordelia moved towards the door of his room, realising she had to leave soon. “I only want to ask one more question. Is Thomas aware of your feelings for him?”
Alastair laughed to himself. “Quite. In fact, in the Sanctuary, I discovered that being held in confinement with someone who is as handsome as he is kind can result in interesting outcomes.”
Cordelia mocked a gasp. “Alastair Esfandiyār Carstairs, did you spend that whole night-“
“Ah ah! An honourable man does not kiss and tell.”
Cordelia’s eyes widened. “YOU KI-“
“Fine! Quieten down, lest mother is given a heart attack! Look, what happened is staying between us only. But I can tell you this; we did have a long conversation, in which he told me that he liked men. He also told me how he had figured that out; turns out that it was essentially me. I was quite shocked, because I thought he was referring to our school days when he mentioned feelings for me. I was, however, promptly proven wrong, shall we say.”
Cordelia’s face burst into a grin, before she sensed there was something else to the story. “Wait. What happened? What did you tell him?”
“You must understand, Layla, I really do care for him. But his friends- they hate me. Matthew cannot even be in the same room as me without hurling an insult. I cannot be with him; it is too complicated. I do not want to break that poor boy’s heart again, not after the Academy. I told him what I just told you, though I fear my last statement may have been too late. The letter you have in your hand and the paper you see on the floor are all my attempts at an apology. I just...walked away. Left him there. If only I had the chance to apologise to Matthew, this could have been different. But he will not accept it. He will not stop hounding me with comments, and I feel as though I can never stop being fifteen years old. I know I deserve better, but it can be tiring to fight when all your life you’ve been at war with yourself.”
Cordelia made a decision in that moment. She looked at Alastair and observed the similarities in how he and Thomas had been acting. Thomas looked a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, only to have one twice as heavy dropped on again. Alastair seemed even more quiet than usual. “You are coming with me. I don’t care when you turn up, you are turning up. I will ensure there is a piano nearby so that you can demonstrate your own incredible talent. If Matthew makes a jab at you, I will take care of it. If these rules are not met, you will be cut to pieces with Cortana. See you there,” she said, concluding her speech and leaving. Alastair watched as she left the house. He felt inspired by what she had said. He realised something within himself, too.
I cannot run from my past, but I cannot be forced to stay in it either. I am worth more than that.
And I’ll take any opportunity possible to make sure Matthew knows I refuse to take it anymore.
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codename-adler · 4 years
Dear Tumblr toxicity,
Hi. Adler here. We need to talk.
- TW: mental health issues, depression, bipolar disorder, self-harm, homophobia, transphobia, coming out, xenophobia, islamophobia, racism, implied sexual content, rape, non-con, addictions, abuse, parental negligence, depictions of violence, swearing (please message me kindly if I forget anything)
- What prompted this message: The release of Skam France S7 teaser (emphasis on teaser, will get into that below)
- Where I’m coming from: I will talk from the pov of a white, cis and queer 22-years-old woman (she/her); this is the pov that affects my experiences and the opinions I will share below; but my message comes from a place of deep hurt, and love
- What this is about: My goal is to share a recurring experience that has hurt me in order to spread a message of awareness, maturity, peace and love
- Central content: Skam France, Skam Wtfock, and Skam/remakes in general
From now on I will assume people have enough information for me to talk about the topics without explaining every plotline/character. There are plenty of wiki pages to help you out and I will gladly answer any (respectful) questions asked if a plothole bothers your comprehension of my message. I’m only making these assumptions in order to alleviate the text.
January 9th, 2021.
The francetv slash YouTube channel releases an unexpected teaser video for an equally unexpected seventh season Skam France. The video features Tiffany, a white, cis female teenager, going into labour from denial pregnancy just after winning what appears to be a gymnastics championship. Overall, the video and its release are very dramatic.
The character of Tiffany, also called Tiff, was previously seen on season 6 of Skam France as a bully who persecuted the main character, Lola, both at school and on social media. Outside of this characterization, nothing is known about her. It is majorly accepted that Tiff is not a liked character; she rather poses as one of the antagonists of Lola’s arc.
Now you know the details of what happened, in the most objectively possible way. 
Now I’ll speak for myself.
Before I went digging around for people’s reaction, here is what I initially thought of this video.
1) Shock: I thought Skam France was over, so... Big, big shock.
2) Excitement: I hold this web series very close to my heart. It has gotten me through depressive episodes, anxiety attacks, coming out to my best friend. To see this new development? It couldn’t bring me more joy.
3) Curiosity: I recognized Tiff immediately. I was intrigued as to what would happen to her to set off a new season in true Skam Fr fashion. As soon as she started gripping her stomach, I knew she was pregnant and wasn’t aware of it. Big, big surprise here again.
4) Numbness/Overthinking: As I stared at my screen, motionless, my mind went off. What did it mean? How did she not know? Who is the father? Do we know him? Will the baby survive? Where are the other characters? Will Lamifex be present? What? How? When? Why? Who?
5) Disappointment: No, I did not like Tiff one bit in S6. Yes, I sincerely wished for a season on either Jo (ambiguous and funny teenage girl, cis + white), Sekou (seemingly neurodivergent teenage boy, cis + black), and my favorite, Max (mysterious and grave teenage boy, trans + white) So why Tiff? It felt to me like a missed opportunity, but I did not lose hope.
So, these were the five stages of my emotional process. And then I made the terrible mistake to go look for the fans’ reaction. I didn’t even look at the YT comments, I didn’t go on Instagram, I went directly here on Tumblr. Why? I’m still asking myself that. From S1 to S6 of Skam Fr, I kept my love for the show to myself and only looked at ig and video edits. I tried once, and only once, to look it up on Tumblr, and was greeted by fervent agressivity, disrespect and hate. Why did I ever forget that after watching the S7 teaser? I still don’t know.
The reactions on this platform were wild. People are furious (I get that). People are disappointed (I get that). People are anxious (I get that). People are also verbally agressive, insensitive, hateful, disrespectful and bullies. I don’t get that.
Comments along the lines of “What she gonna do with a fucking baby?”, “Are we gonna watch the baby do nothing all fucking season?”, “Wowwww, teenage pregnancy, so new and relatable!” (note the sarcasm made in the comment here), “Who gives a shit about Tiff?”, etc. 
And then all the mistakes Skam Fr ever made flooded back onto the feed. The wlw misrepresentation, the whitewashing, the overdramatization, the dubious sex scenes between minors, all of it.
Let’s take a break here. Do I condone these mistakes? Nope. Am I a white-bully apologist? Nope. Did I forget every horrible action Tiff has made in the past? Nope. She manipulated a whole school against Lola, she profited from Lola’s mother’s death, she bullied her, harrassed her, pushed her deeper into mental distress. Tiff was a despicable character that I never once liked. The way she was played by the actress made it clear that Tiff was not intended to be a good guy. If I could replace her as the main of S7, I would, in a heartbeat. I’d choose, as I said, Jo, Sekou or Max.
Skam France deeply lacks diversity and made mistakes when attempting to diverse the issues represented. This is not an opinion, it’s a fact. 
Poc representation is very, very low. Only one season has a woc of Islam beliefs as mc (Imane, S4) with poc entourage/family. Only 2 other characters not related to Imane were poc (Sekou and Sarah, S1-S2). These 2 characters were very in the background and served to further the mc’s plotline, they had no real content. (I am not a poc, and so my opinion does not matter here. If you are not poc, your “opinions” don’t matter here, this point is not for you to debate. These are facts.)
While I do not particularly find the wlw representation bad, I do understand how it hurts/bothers other queer women. From my perspective, the bar was very low regarding my expectations of the Lola/Maya pair (none of them died *yay* they had a happy ending *yay* they were not typically overfeminized or overmasculinized *yay* Lola  and Maya were respectful of each other, understood each other, accepted each other with all their flaws and their beauty *yay* I truly believed in their love and it gave me confidence and hope *yay* I ould really go on but this is not my main point so I’ll stop here) Regardless of my opinion on Mayla, I understand that to some queer women, it was bothering/hurtful. (If you are anything other than a woman / wlw, this point is not for you to debate. Keep your “opinions” to yourself, it does not matter here. These are facts.)
Like every remake of the original Skam where the S4 was given to Sana/Imane, the Muslim community was not represented at its best, at its most beautiful and respectfully. The character of Imane, although she is my favorite girl of the series, was not portrayed in a way that respected the majority of the Muslim community. (If you are anything other than Muslim, this point is not for you to debate. Our opinions do not matter here. These are facts.)
And so the same goes for the portrayal of sexual assault and child pronography in S2, of mental illness and homophobia in S3, of disabilities in S5, of addiction, transphobia, self-harm and neurodivergence in S6. Again, if you are not part of these communities, your opinions do not matter on these issues. These are facts that are not up for debate.
In other words, Skam France, as well as the original Skam, Skam Wtfock, Skam España, and probably all the others I haven’t watched in their entirety, are NOT perfect shows. They (maybe) tried their best to portray issues of the younger generations that are ugly, shameful, taboo, hard-to-swallow-pills. Of course they made mistakes. Of course they have to be held accountable. Of course they can and should do better. Of course it must be spoken about.
Here is my problem.
The so-called “fans” shamelessly SHITTING on the WHOLE show because of ONE TEASER TRAILER. (btw, this is where I get angry)
I am not talking about the fans making fun of the show and this season’s premise like “Better MCs than Tiff for S7: a romance between the car that almost hit Lucas S3 and the car that hit Arthur S5, or the school’s nurse, or Imane’s dad, or Elu’s rabbit” (that shit’s funny and I’d watch all of these).Or the joke about Wtfock and Skam Fr shaking hands while signing the same contract to disappoint the fans with white MCs (it’s funny cuz it’s trueeeee).
I am not talking about the fans criticizing the producers’ choice of Tiff as MC. There is a difference between shitting on issues and adressing/discussing them. I WANT to talk about how this season’s issue would have been so much better if a woc, specifically a black woman, had been the MC, because black women and doctors are a whole different level of issue than white women and doctors. Add on top of that an unplanned teenage pregnancy? It would have been IMMACULATE. I WANT to talk which wlw couple was better represented, Mayla or Croana/Crisana, and why is that. I WANT to talk about disabilities in black and poc communities. I WANT to talk about headcanons, AUs, to rectify the missed marks. I WANT to talk about our takes on seasons about Max, Sekou and Jo, instead of Tiff’s.
Just because the protagonist is white, doesn’t give you ANY right to dismiss the issue that is unplanned teenage pregnancy. This is a problem that affects countries WORLDWIDE. Do you know how many deaths are related to minors giving birth? Do you know how many babies die at birth from these pregnancies? Do you have any idea the trauma it puts you through, to go into labor without even knowing you were pregnant in the first place, and then giving birth, and then having to care for a defensless human being? The dilemma of keeping it, or giving it away? The fear that lives in every person able to give birth, that one day they’ll become pregnant, because society turns sych a shameful look to that? No matter your ethnicity, your gender identity, your sexuality, your political stance or whatever shit you bring up to justify your disgraceful and downright degrading comments, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT A MINOR GIVING BIRTH IS NOT AN ISSUE. 
You think the topic has been covered plenty before? Yeah, because shows like “16 and pregnant” and “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant!” are such good examples and show the reality with such an objective point of view! 
Bullshit. Teenage pregnancy is still a taboo, it still kills, and people are still morons about it. 
“Well I guess everybody is secretly pregnant now!” No, Jessica, but you wouldn’t know about it, would you? Because I wouldn’t tell you shit if you were my “friend” and I was going through it. The whole message of all the Skams is not that it presents super relatable issues of teenagers, although it is a big topic of the show. They present some issues that affect the youth in an authentic light, but that’s not it.
Tous les gens que tu rencontres mènent un combat dont tu ignores tout. 
Sois indulgente. Toujours. x x x
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Be kind. Always. x x x
And you all missed it.
All of you making dead baby jokes and death threats, degrading people who give birth, shaming teenagers for their pregnancies... Listen to yourselves.
“Well she deserves it, she was such a bitch!” No, Michael, you shit stick. Let’s rewind a bit for you, yeah? It was a GOD DAMN TEASER. We literally know nothing! Nothing at all! Why are y’all getting mad when we saw 3:25 minutes representing a whole ass season! Listen to yourselves. Y’all judge so fast for people pretending to love Skam and its authenticity and its motto.
You say Tiff is irredeemable?
Emma cheated on her boyfriend.
Manon lied and manipulated her friends.
Lucas was homophobic and prejudiced agaisnt mentally ill people.
Imane was homophobic too and went behind her friends’ back to get what she wanted.
Arthur cheated on his girlfriend too.
Lola dragged Elliot down with her in her addiction, lied, was verbally abusive, etc.
Any guess why?
Yet we still loved them all. 
So don’t you dare tell me that Tiff deserves this, that her baby deserves to die, that teenage motherhood is irrelevant. Motherhood is not a curse in the first place, nor is it something to wish to inflict upon anyone. Motherhood is different for every single person and nobody except the person living with it can have an opinion on that. We don’t even know if the baby survived, for God’s sake!
There is no excuse for this kind of behavior..
It makes me so angry. Women are discriminated against in a fandom I thought was safe, again and again and again. 
I have to stop here because, well, this is just too much. There is much wrong with Skam (the original AND all the remakes), but there is even more wrong with the fans. I’m done.
You don’t support the show anymore? Fine, then don’t watch it! If I really am wrong, the number of viewers will go down and the show will die, just like you wished. There is no need to be vicious about it. 
I hope y’all are proud of your misogyny. 
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leviiattacks · 4 years
Two Faced | Chapter Two
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↳ levi ackerman, the very person who was about to kindly behead you by a surprising turn of events manages to become your loving husband? you would be elated if this was true love, but it's all thanks to a mysterious magic spell that your life is spared. for now at least.
pairing :: duke!levi x duchess!reader genre :: royal au, angst, fluff, slice of life etc word count :: 2.6k → click here for the next part !
You're apprehensive the first few days. Peering over your shoulder when you walk through the halls of the Duke's estate. You often find yourself fiddling with the only real possession you have remaining from the entire ordeal - a silver locket given to you by your mother, it hasn't stood the test of time, it's littered in small scratches and it's clearly seen better days. Neither does it shine the way it used to but you need it to feel at ease.
Currently, sitting in the estate's library you attempt to focus on reading the book in front of you. It details the life of an orphaned child, the rest of the plot is a blur to you as this task is not done with the intent of enjoying the literature but with the purpose of distracting yourself.
You've been avoiding Duke Ackerman for days on end now. He's made the occasional visit to your quarters, always politely asks if he's permitted to speak to you - allowed to take even a second of your precious time. You decline every single request, your excuses range from "I'm feeling particularly ill today." to"I would like to rest early.", He never inquires after you've responded. You do however find he communicates in a variety of different ways ; Meals of the finest standard, A luxurious place to live, the maids also offer you the opportunity to venture out into the beautiful gardens but you know he's asked them to do so.
Quite frankly, you're still petrified and are unable to fathom what happened that fateful day, you had never been one to put much faith in God especially after all he had put you through, but maybe there was a God or a higher being or a somebody who helped you in your moment of despair.
Eyes darting from your page to the door of the library, you swear you see the door knob twist and you hastily double take. Nothing looks out of the ordinary so you allow yourself to shake it off. Your eyes droop shut as you knead your shoulders attempting to relieve some of the tension you feel. Recently, you find it to be an ordinary occurrence for your muscles to seize at the worst possible opportunities.
"May I speak to you?" A beaming voice enters the room from behind you but never had such a cheerful voice made you freeze in fright. It's him.
At his appearance you begin to think of all sorts of scenarios and outcomes but the specific thought you've been actively ignoring slyly slips into view. What if the spell weakens?
Fate is an ever changing entity, one minute it may be in your favour, the next... you'd rather not delve any deeper into that alternative.
Jumping to your feet you don't look in his direction trying to keep the contact you have with him minimal.
He audibly huffs and just as you're about to scurry away he speaks again. "Halt your movements."
Something about his voice beckons you to do so and you anxiously face him.
"Did I come off too bold?" The expression he makes is unlike any other you've seen from him before. His eyes twinkle and it looks as if he's holding his breathe expectantly. It's almost comical how different he looks and you can't stop your cheeks from flushing. He's quite adorable under this spell.
But then a flashback is presented to you. The anger in his eyes, the cold feeling of his sword, if he were any closer he would have been swiftly slicing your neck open. Y/N, you were seconds away from becoming a corpse you remind yourself fiercely.
"I'm not doing very well at courting you, Am I?" He frowns as he asks but he's not upset, perhaps disappointed.
Looking at the floor you hear him bombard you with even more questions, he's crowding around you now like a swarm of bees - somehow he manages the job of an entire hive on his own. No one has ever taken such an interest in you.
Your conscience tells you that you will regret this later on down the line, it tells you this will come back and bite you incredibly hard, you will regret being so ignorant and trusting yet you yield. Is it so wrong for you to consider feeling affection? When the Duke snaps out of this spell he will promptly execute you and you're aware of that fact, so what reason is there to cower away in fear?
For all your life you have never experienced the true feeling of love. You had mother's maternal love, which hadn't lasted very long at all. Never would you have any other opportunity to experience the romantic intimate kind involving a significant other. If you were to die you may as well play the role of his wife for as long as this spell wills it. Perhaps he'll receive his memories back so late he forgets or simply no longer cares. Part of you hopes he doesn't remember at all.
"Would you like to..." you pause already regretting what you're doing but before you can continue the Duke cuts you off.
"Have tea together? Explore the gardens together?"
What really sticks out to you most is how he casually emphasizes the word together. He really doesn't care what activity you engage in as long as it's with him. You feel your heart twist in your chest. This is dangerous.
He's eager, leaning forward with wide eyes. It feels odd having someone care about your input, even more odd seeing that person smile at you with the same spirit of an elated child. It's bittersweet knowing his true character.
"Let's have some tea."
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A few months have passed since then. Surprisingly you're still alive and the spell shows no signs of wearing away any time soon.
After the raid at your palace he's been nothing but sweet towards you. At first many people were against him courting you and a handful of his advisors attempted to steer his sights away due to suspicions and speculation that you were a "sinful witch" who had manipulated or even seduced him.
The day he had heard those rumors he caused an uproar and had fired the royal advisor who spread them around. "Impertinent fools have the audacity to make such comments about my Duchess." You would usually add in you were not worth such respect considering you were not officially a Duchess but the fiery blaze in his eyes had stopped you.
"Hey Lev, lets go have some tea they've learnt their lesson." You shot the gossiping maids a sympathetic look.
Being under the spell does not make him more tolerable towards other people is what you learnt that day.
Multiple women all with visuals worlds more appealing than your own approach him, some even sent by his advisors to set you up. They test if his love is strong enough to withstand the attacks of others. Time and time again he proves everyone wrong and doesn't think for a second to give up on you.
You're glad for that because through these few months you've ascertained how much you love the Duke for who he is. Well, who he's acting as. You want to slam your head against a concrete wall repeatedly when you think about the level of affection and tenderness you hold towards the man but you can not lie and say you hate him.
The fact that before meeting him you lived a life lacking of love and affection does not help your case either. It only makes it harder.
But it's painfully obvious to you that this is all truly one sided. You aren't really in love with the Duke but you're in love with the magic holding him hostage.
You share these thoughts to yourself as you take a short sip from your tea cup. Sasha has left the room to fetch some pastries and sweets. She takes her job seriously as head maid (you never address her as such because really she's just a friend to you). It's a chilly day hence why you've covered yourself up in a shawl, it coincidentally matches the beige drapes.
Suddenly a boy who you recognize to be one of the young apprentices by the name of Eren bursts through the doors of your tea room. His hair is all over the place and he's panting as he tries to formulate a sentence.
"Duke." Puff. " Duke Ackerman" Puff. "Refuses to return to the Imperial Palace and is threatening the Emperor stating he won't return to his duties!"
You ignore it and try to keep to your own affairs because who are you to interfere in military business? It's looked down upon to involve yourself in such matters.
You send him off and in the mean time Sasha makes her way back.
A few minutes later as the both of you are munching on a particularly sweet macron the palace's butler bursts in the same way as Jaeger and tries to get a word in but Sasha manages to interject first.
"My lady, perhaps you should check in on the Duke." she suggests.
You try to speak but the Butler cuts in abruptly.
"Duchess. I'm afraid he hasn't ate a meal in five days. Please talk to him."
"Mike there is no need to call me a Duchess when I hold no such title...wait the Duke hasn't ate for five days???"
You find it unbelievable that Levi has forgotten to eat or possibly starved himself for something.
Making your way to his office you enter with a speech prepared about how eating is one of the blessings you've been given and how it should be appreciated but instead you're met face to face with a trail of rose petals that lead to the Duke.
You stare at him in confusion. He holds a bouquet of roses in his hands and they kiss his chest, He gives you a look of admiration that can only be described as the look that is reserved for your one true love. His eyes glimmer and they shine along with his glossy raven hair. You look him up and down in astonishment.
He's arranged all this for you.
"I'd do anything to have you be by my side for all of eternity. Will you honor me with the opportunity of taking your hand?"
Just looking at this entirely different version of the Duke, you feel relieved and in the moment you recklessly accept his proposal. You know it's stupid, you know it's ignorant, you know you should be denying him but you can't make yourself ignore the will of your heart.
"I hope to live a long life. One with you present." he whispers into the shell of your ear, it tingles.
After weeks of the Duke's courting you accept his marriage proposal and the both of you quietly wed two months later.
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He's so kind and affectionate that you're plagued with nightmares where the spell wears off.
In your nightmares he continues what he left unfinished. Every time he's about to plunge his sword into the depths of your chest he wakes you up and caresses your face in between his large hands. He wraps his arms around you after some time. Once your breathing relaxes he asks what has made you cry and you can't do anything to explain. It only hurts more seeing his concerned expression. The way his eyes flick between your eyes and trembling lips, you want to tell him the truth, instead you state that you"had a nightmare, and don't wish to talk about it." You don't want him asking questions over it.
It's another Wednesday and you're pacing back and forth in front of his office door arguing with yourself about whether or not you should enter. Finally, you decide to make your entrance and peek inside. You hear him arguing with his advisors as normal.
"Instead of blithering like a idiot and making excuses why don't yo-" he's midway through his sentence when he sees you at the doorway.
Dropping the previous matter he rushes over towards you and scoops you up in his arms. Smiling up at you, you smile back sheepishly ignoring the stares of his staff.
"Honey, why did you leave me? Where did you go?" He whines into your neck and you try to push him away shyly but he won't budge.
Everyone around you grimaces at his usual mood swings as well as the heavy flirting that he's targeting at you.
"You haven't come to eat dinner with me for three nights. You're the workaholic who left me." You swiftly retort his point and you pout at the end of your sentence. He pouts back and you can see his cheeks are tinged a blushed pink.
"Then we must dine immediately, you should have informed me that I had made you feel so neglected, my darling!"
After making your way to the dining room you and Levi are conversing happily as per usual when you spot his highly agitated secretary Mikasa. It settles in that she's been standing there for a considerable amount of time, time flies when you and Levi speak. She's clearly waiting for him to report back to duty.
The first time you had met Mikasa she was highly suspicious of you and would keep an eye on your movements at all times (literally) , you thought she perhaps fancied the Duke but later learnt that she was related to him and that was probably why she was on edge at the appearance of a new individual. Besides all that she's sweet really, sometime she joins you and Sasha for tea and you happily converse. She isn't much of a talker, more of a listener which works out well considering how extroverted Sasha is and how you love to story tell. You've shared many fond memories with her.
That's why you place a hand on Levi's shoulder and interrupt him.
"Why don't you return to your work? It's about time I send you back now." You suggest but he rolls his eyes in annoyance.
"Why do you keep on trying to get rid of me? I want to stay for a little longer. After all you are my wife. You count as one of my duties. If not the most important duty of all!" He's about to break out into one of his embarrassing speeches and you want to save Mikasa from that.
"Mikasa really needs you to complete your other duties. Do it for me Lev." You try and butter him up with the mention of his nickname. As expected he perks up and stands up to leave, not before placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Ah Lev, I'll be taking a short trip out today. Is that alright with you?"
You don't specify that 'out' means the Sunday Market place, he'll ask question after question.
He holds onto your chin with his thumb and leans in for a chaste kiss.
"Of course my darling. Be careful."
He giddily waves at you as he leaves and you wave back with the same enthusiasm. You giggle at the sight of Mikasa practically gagging at the two of you and glaring daggers at Levi.
The door then shuts and you're left alone.
All that accompanies you is silence and you purse your lips together trying to keep it together. Recently as soon as he turns away from you all you can think about is how this love of his is a hoax.
He doesn't really love you.
That doesn't stop all the sweet words he's ever uttered from flooding your memory.
"You're mine and I'm yours."
"My beautiful love."
"I love you I mean it." It hurts. He doesn't mean it.
But you'll keep the charade up. You'll find a way to keep him this way forever. It's selfish but you can't be blamed, It keeps you safe and happy.
Love is nice but you would prefer to live.
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mldrgrl · 4 years
Broken Things 17/24
by: mldrgrl Rating: varies by chapter, rated R overall See Chapter 1 for summary and notes
November approaches quickly.  The surveyor is due to arrive in only a handful of weeks.  The horses are coming along just fine with their training.  Mulder’s relationship with Katherine feels like it’s moving forward at a pleasant pace.  Just before the last weekend of the month, he asks her if he might accompany her into town that Friday.
“Of course,” she says.  “But, you don’t need to ask.”
“You might have plans with your friends and I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“I would like to call on Susannah and Monica and Doctor Black, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t welcome to join me.”
“Then, I will accept your invitation.”
“My invitation?  You invited yourself.”
“Did I?”
Probably the only thing he finds more delightful than when she raises her eyebrow at him is when she rolls her eyes at him.
He asks if she’d like to attempt to drive the wagon into town, but she declines.  She feels that she’s only just mastered the carriage and has not had any wagon lessons yet.  She’s more than happy to have him drive them.
Their first stop is the mercantile.  Susannah rushes out to greet them and pulls Katherine inside by looping her arm through hers.
“We’ve got the prettiest new fabric in that will suit you so well,” she says.  “I’ve been hoping you’d come by and held it just for you.”
“John,” Mulder greets, as he enters the store.
“Mulder, what timing.  The denim trousers you ordered arrived just this week.”
“Thank you, I’ll take them now if you’ll wrap them.”
“Already done.”
“Katherine has our supply list, but it looks like your wife has absconded with her.”
“Yes, she’s been waiting for her to come in.”
“I’ll just take a look at the catalog in the meantime, I may have a few other things to order.”
“Certainly.”  John slides the thick book of merchandise across the counter to Mulder.  “We saw Melvin ride through town a few weeks ago and take Doctor Black back with him to the ranch.  Heard you had taken a tumble from a wagon.”
“Just a little shoulder damage.  That does remind me, if you have any liniment, I’ll take a couple tins off you.”
“We’ve got Sloan’s.  The oil.”
“That’s fine, two bottles.  No, make it three.  I’ll bring one to the Doc.”
“He said Katherine patched you right up and did about as good of job with it as he would’ve done.”
“I guess if I had to compare the two, I much prefer the bedside manner of my wife.”
Mulder chuckles as John blushes and fumbles with the bottles of liniment.  He’s saved from any further conversation of his shoulder when Katherine appears with Susannah and some bolts of cotton fabric with a blue paisley pattern.
“Kate, you have our list?” Mulder asks.
“Oh, yes.”  She opens the little drawstring bag at her wrist and gives John the paper.
“Now that Katherine’s taken over from Melvin, you don’t have to translate his hieroglyphics any longer.”
“Yes, lovely handwriting.”  John nods and then starts to collect items from the list, all business.
“I was just needling your wife about that Sunday dinner get-together we promised,” Susannah says.  “You be sure not to keep her so busy she can’t do some proper visiting.”
“She is more than free to ride out at any time to come calling, but it has been a bit hectic lately.”
“Oh, we heard about your fall.  Doctor Black said Katherine did all the doctoring for him and he didn’t lift a finger.”
“It was a mild concussion and a shoulder dislocation,” Katherine explains.  “Just required a re-set of the shoulder and a good deal of rest.”
“John, put in for five of these undershirts here on page 67.  Kate, is there anything you might want from Montgomery Ward?”
“I don’t know.”
“Take a gander and put in for whatever you find with John.  I’m going to head across the way to the lumber mill just for a few minutes.”
Mulder leaves Katherine at the mercantile and goes across the road to the mill.  It’s a noisy place with a lot of sawing and yelling and hammering.  The smell of sawdust is everywhere.  The air is thick with it and Mulder can swear he feels it clinging to him as soon as he gets within five feet of the place.
“Mr. Hartwell,” he shouts, waving his hat to get the foreman’s attention.
Mr. Hartwell leaves the saw he’s working with stuck in the lumber he’s cutting and takes his gloves off to shake hands.  “Mr. Mulder, good to see you,” he says.
“I’m soon to be in need of some lumber.”
“I took over Old Man Goodwin’s plot and I’ve got a surveyor coming out a little more than a week from now.  He’s supposed to get me some plans for a bigger barn, new stables, and we’ll be doing a new bunkhouse and expanding the house eventually.”
“Is that right?  When might you be needing your order?”
“I hope to break ground by winter.  At least on the corral.  I’ve been clearing trees on the property and we can recycle some of what we’ve already got.  You still have a record on the build on my current plot?”
“I reckon so.”
“Let’s start with that same amount.  I’m about to run down to the bank.  I’ll tell Mr. Skinner you’ll be giving him an estimate and he can advance anything you need and I’ll take what I can get by let’s say, mid-December?”
“Well alright then.”  Mr. Hartwell nods.
“I’ll also be in the market to hire labor, so if you have anyone in mind you can point my way, I’d be most grateful.”
“I’ll ask around.”
“Thank you.”
The two men shake hands again and Mulder heads back to the mercantile.  John Jr. is loading up the wagon with their purchases.  He gives Mulder a wave.
“How are things with your sweetheart?” Mulder asks, helping to load the last of the crates from the porch.
John Jr. sighs.  “She broke off with me a couple weeks ago.”
“Well, now, that’s a shame.”
“She said I was boring and then the next day she was holding hands with Luke Doggett.”
“That the Sheriff’s boy?”
“Yes, Sir.  I can’t even be mad over it because Luke’s a nice guy.”
“Be patient.  You’re a hard worker and you’re not boring at all, you’re stable, like your father.  You’ll find a great girl one day that’ll appreciate that.”
“Naw, I think I’m done with girls for awhile.  I’m gonna save up and get a horse.”
“Well, horses are good too.  When you’re ready to buy, you come see me.  I’ll give you a good deal.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Mulder chuckles to himself as he walks away from John Jr. and goes back into the mercantile.  Katherine gives him a smile that makes him want to wrap his arms around her.  He puts his hand at the small of her back instead.
“Ready?” he asks.
Katherine and Susannah say their goodbyes.  Mulder helps his wife up into the wagon seat and then they head to the bank.  He leaves Katherine at the line to the teller’s window and waves to Skinner who motions him into the office.
“I wanted to let you know that we’re moving forward on the expansion,” Mulder tells him.  “Mr. Hartwell should be coming by with an estimate for lumber.  I told him to speak with you and you’d arrange to advance him anything he might need.”
“I can do that.”
“I also, uh…”  Mulder turns his hat over in his hands for a few moments and then he glances out into the foyer of the bank before he shuts the door to Skinner’s office for a bit of privacy.  “If you can get word to my lawyers through the branch in Fort Worth that I’d like to update my will, I would appreciate it.”
“Certainly, if that’s what you want.”
“I’m sure I’ll need an update of my account holdings, so whatever they need they can have time to put it together.”
“What brought this on, if I may ask?”
“Had a fall from a wagon a few weeks ago.  Nothing drastic, mind you, it just got me thinking and I’d like to make sure that if...well, if anything should happen, there’s no question of what my wishes are.”
“Your wife would be protected, by law.”
“Not well enough.  I want to make damn sure the ranch will stay with her, and I want to make sure Melvin will be taken care of as well.”
“I’ll get word and if anything comes back from your lawyers, I will let you know.”
“Thank you.”
“Does she even know?  Who she really married?  How much you’re worth?”
“You might want to tell her sometime.”
“When the time is right.”
Katherine feels more confident this time when she pays the mortgage.  The teller is polite, calls her Mrs. Mulder, slides the card to her that she needs to sign with a fountain pen and she doesn’t hesitate this time to write Katherine Mulder next to the date.
She’s finished before Mulder is done speaking with Mr. Skinner, so she waits for him outside by the wagon.  She’s never really gotten a good look at the town before.  The row of businesses stretches long and wide.  If the bank is the end point, the mercantile is the start.  In between there’s a sawmill, a blacksmith, the saloon, an icehouse, a cafe, a flour mill, a bath house, a meeting house, the sheriff’s office, a barber, a boarding house, a livery, a laundry, and the house of ill repute, as Mulder referred to it.
She knows there’s a church somewhere and a school, but they must be hidden in the outskirts of the town.  Doctor Black must have his practice somewhere off the main road as well.  Monica had said she lives off the road that veers left from the bank and she wonders how many other homes are out there and where everyone lives.  The Byers may make their home as part of their store, but presumably Mr. Skinner does not sleep in the bank.  And she remembers that Susannah said he had a wife.
Mulder comes outside and stands next to her.  “When I first got here about the only things that existed were the mercantile and the saloon,” he says.  “Sometimes it seems like all this just sprang up overnight.”
“Susannah was telling me today that a Wells Fargo office is coming in next year.”
“Long overdue for that, if you ask me.  Nearest place to send a telegram is either Abilene or Fort Worth, depending on where you’re at.”
“How many folks live here?”
“I can’t say I know for sure.  If I were to wager a guess, maybe fifty or so in town.  There’s a lot of ranches around these parts that do their business here, so if you consider them to be part of the town, there’s got to be at least another hundred.”
“It’s strange, but I grew up in a city of twenty thousand people and it always felt very small to me.  But, standing here, on a street you can probably walk up and back in a quarter of an hour, it feels enormous.”
“Well, they say everything is bigger in Texas.”
“I have heard that.”
“Where to now, fair Kate?”
“Where does the Doctor live?”
“Up that way behind the boardinghouse.”
“I’d like to drop in on Monica first then, since the Doc is on the way back.”
Katherine takes Mulder’s hand to climb into the wagon and he drives them down the road, over a short bridge, and then past a grove of trees.  A house appears as soon as they clear the trees, like an island in a sea of bluebonnets.
“Goodness,” Katherine says.  “Monica said you can’t miss it.”
The rumble of the wagon must have alerted her friend.  Monica comes out to the porch, wiping her hands on a dishrag.  She waves and jumps down the steps to greet them as they come down the lane.
“I hope you don’t mind us dropping in,” Katherine says as she climbs down from the wagon.  “We were in town so I wanted to say hello.”
“Are you kidding?  I’m thrilled.”  Monica hugs Katherine hard and keeps an arm around her shoulders as she waves to Mulder.  “I’ve got cornbread in the oven that’ll be done soon.  You’ll stay and have a cut before I bring dinner out to John, won’t you?”
“Well, that sounds too good to pass up,” Mulder answers.
“Come on in.”
The Doggett residence is similar to the ranch house.  There’s a dogtrot that runs from the front to the back, but the left side of the house is all kitchen and dining area, presumably bedrooms are on the right.  Monica offers them chairs at the table and then checks on the cornbread.  Mulder holds a chair out for Katherine as she loosens her hat and removes her gloves, but he doesn’t sit down right away.  He moves over to a breakfront along the wall and runs his hand over the smooth wood.
“This is a beauty,” he says.
“My boy built that,” Monica answers, proudly.
“The Sheriff did this?”
“No, our son Luke.  I swear he was swinging a hammer before he could toddle.”
Mulder nods and continues to run his hand down the side and across the front.  “How old might Luke be?”
“Fifteen.  Just had a birthday on the 13th of October.”
“That’s funny, we have the same birthday.”
“Your birthday was the 13th?” Katherine asks.  She’s mildly embarrassed that she had no idea her own husband’s birthday had passed.
“I didn’t even remember myself until just now.”
“What year were you born?” Monica asks.
Monica closes her eyes and tilts her head for a few moments.  “You’re a three,” she says, with a brief nod.
“A three?”
“Yes, in numerology.  Your life path number is a three.  It means you like to inspire others and make them smile.  But, if you feel you’ve been misinterpreted you can become sullen and withdrawn.”
“Is that right?”  Mulder grins as he looks at Katherine and she raises her eyebrow.  “But, I thought I was blue and red.  Now I’m a number?”
“Oh, you told him about his aura?”  Monica beams.
“I um…”  Katherine can feel the heat rising to her cheeks as though she were caught gossipping.  Mulder must sense her discomfort for he finally sits down beside her and takes her hand before hanging his hat on his bent knee.
“One day I’d like to hear all about it,” he says, squeezing Katherine’s hand.  “I was just wondering though, Mrs. Doggett-”
“Oh, call me Monica, please.”
“Monica, that’s really high quality work your boy does.  How would you feel about letting him come out this winter and work on an expansion out at my ranch?  I’d pay him, of course.”
“I’d have to speak with my husband about it, but I’m sure Luke would be thrilled at the prospect.  He’s been at us to quit school for the last few years.”
“Oh, but he can’t quit school,” Katherine says.
“Well, most of the kids around here quit by the age of twelve.  They’re needed at their farms or ranches.  Luke’s been the oldest in the schoolhouse for the last two years and he’s been pretty anxious to move on.  John wouldn’t let him since we don’t have a farm and he’s certainly not going to allow his son to take on a job at the saloon, which is about the only place that’d hire a boy his age.”
“I’m going to be looking to hire quite a few men starting next month or so,” Mulder says.  “There’s plenty of room in the bunkhouse for him and I’ll see to it he comes home for the week’s end.  Your husband is welcome to ride out any time to check in.”
“I would keep my eye on him as well, if you’re at all concerned about that,” Katherine adds.
“Oh.”  Monica puts her hand on Katherine’s arm and smiles.  “I don’t doubt that.  My, what a lovely ring!”
“Thank you.”  Katherine runs her thumb along the side of her ring band with her thumb.  “My husband got it for me.”
They spend the next half of an hour with Monica Doggett, sharing a slice of cornbread and chatting amicably.  Mulder asks her more about this numerology thing and she happily shares with him more about his life path based on his birth date.  When it’s time for them to take their leave, Mulder offers to drive Monica to the Sheriff’s office, but she says she would much rather walk.  It’s just about her only time to herself and she enjoys it.
They ride back up into town and Mulder passes the bank to go down a smaller road behind the north side of the town.  He points out a house up the ways with a sign hanging at the front that simply says ‘DOC’ etched in wood.
For some reason, Katherine feels nervous on the way up to the doctor’s porch.  She knows she already made a good impression on the doctor, but still wonders if that was just politeness.  The doctors she knew from nurse’s training were mercurial.  Someone bearing a compliment one day could come bearing condescension the next, or worse.  
Mulder opens the door to usher her inside.  Doctor Black peeks out from behind a curtain and smiles broadly.
“Just my luck,” the doctor says.  “I’ve just set a broken bone and could surely use your assistance while I mix a plaster.”
“Of course,” Katherine says.  She immediately takes her gloves off and hands them to Mulder.  
There’s a young boy perched at the edge of the exam table, no more than five or six, sniffling and sullen.  Katherine moves to him and right away she can see that his left wrist is broken.  She smiles at him and takes a gentle hold on his arm, cradling his wrist in her hands so the doctor can get to work on mixing a plaster.
“My name is Katherine,” she says to the boy.  “Who might you be?”
“Joey Skinner.”
“Is Walter Skinner your father, son?” Mulder asks.  
Joey nods and then wipes his nose with the back of his good hand.
“Has anyone gone to fetch Mr. Skinner?” Mulder asks Doctor Black.  “I could run over to the bank right now.”
“Yes, why don’t you do that.”  Doctor Black nods to Mulder and then hands Katherine a roll of gauze.  “I trust you can wrap up that wrist.”
“Certainly.”  She deftly holds Joey’s arm with one hand and uses her thumb to pin the edge of the gauze down and begins to wrap.  “Joey, you tell me if this hurts, okay?”
“So, how did this happen?”
“I was playing tag with Grace and Emma and Isaac and I was ‘It’ and I was running and I tripped on a rock and I felled down and my hand hurted real bad.  Grace yelled for Miss Holly and Miss Holly bringed me to the doc.”
“Well, I think you’re a very brave boy and we’ll have you fixed up in no time.”
“Now,” Doctor Black says, rolling a small table over with a bowl of milky liquid and wrappings.  “Joey, this might feel a little cold, but you do your best to hold still, okay?”
“Excellent wrapping,” the doctor tells Katherine.  “Would you like to do the plaster?”
Katherine nods and the doctor moves the table to her side so she can work.  She runs the wrapping through the liquid and winds it around Joey’s small wrist and arm, moving methodically.  She has experience with setting and wrapping broken bones, but never on a child.  She’s cautious, but tries to be quick for Joey’s sake.  Doctor Black provides her with a few short instructions as she goes.
“Beautiful work,” Doctor Black says when Katherine is wiping her hands dry.  “Joey, is there any pain in your wrist now or in your arm.”
“It’s kinda itchy.”
“Yes, it might be, but you can’t scratch right now, I’m sorry.  We’re going to let it dry and when it’s done it’ll be hard as a rock and keep your wrist in place so it can heal.”
Joey’s bottom lip begins to tremble.  “Is it gonna be on my arm forever and ever?”
Katherine puts her arm around Joey and rubs his shoulder.  “Not forever, sweetheart, just a few weeks is all.  And the doctor will probably check on it a time or two to make sure it’s healing properly.”
“That’s right,” Doctor Black says.
“Joey!?  Joey!?”  Walter Skinner bursts through the door with Mulder behind him.
“Hi, Daddy.”
“Joey.”  Mr. Skinner rushes over and for a moment, Katherine is afraid he’s going to grab the boy up in a fit of panic before the cast sets.  
“Everything’s alright,” Katherine says.
“What happened, son?”
“I was playing tag…”
As soon as Joey starts up with his story again, Katherine slips away from the exam table to go to Mulder.  “He okay?” Mulder asks.
“It wasn’t a bad break.”
“Good.”  He pulls Katherine’s gloves from his pocket and hands them to her.
Doctor Black comes up to the two of them and he and Mulder shake hands.  Mulder gives him the extra bottle of liniment he bought at the mercantile and the doctor thanks him.
“Looks as though your shoulder’s healed nicely,” Doctor Black says.
“Yes, well, I happened to have a very strict nursemaid to see me through.”  Mulder chuckles and Katherine demurs a little.
“If you think you could spare your wife for a few days a month, I’d be happy to have the help here.”
“Oh, I really couldn’t,” Katherine answers.
“Why couldn’t you?” Mulder asks.
“Well, there’s just so much to do.  And the expansion is coming up, so…”
“I’m sure we can work something out.”  Mulder nods to the doctor and at Katherine.  “Good skills should never go to waste.”
Katherine is all but rendered speechless.  She doesn’t know if she’s shocked or grateful or why she should even be so surprised.  Mulder’s the only man she’s ever known that doesn’t seem to want to control her in some way, who seems to want her to have independence as much as she wants it.  And she doesn’t just think he’s putting on airs of a generous husband in front of the doctor.  She believes that he means what he says.
“We’ll talk it over,” she says.
“Joey.”  Mulder produces a quarter and walks over and hands it to the boy.  “Next time you’re in the Byers mercantile, you tell Mr. Byers you want a bag of his best penny candy.”
“Gee, thank you, Sir!”
After they leave the doctor’s place and get back into the wagon, Katherine sits close to Mulder and holds his arm as he drives.  “Did you know Mr. Skinner had a boy?” she asks.
“Hell, until a few weeks ago, I didn’t even know he had a wife.  He doesn’t talk much.”
“I think that minor panic may have caused him to lose what little hair he’s got left.”
Mulder roars with laughter.
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