#also i wore a necklace today for a change and it was nice! i should wear more necklaces
confetti-critter · 2 years
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stuckymonkey · 1 year
College Bucky Au
Pairing - college!bucky x fem!reader
Summary - When y/n finds herself stuck with a very annoying study buddy who cannot shut up about the quarterback, Bucky Barnes, she can't help but vent to a charming boy named James...
Warnings - use of y/n, reader is female, implications of smut?
Word count - 2k
a/n - my first time writing with this style and ship! also my first time writing on this blog :D I hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated!
masterlist bucky masterlist
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It's been two hours of trying to study for our physics quiz with some girl named Vic from my class. She couldn't shut up about how her date had been with the school's quarterback, Bucky Barnes. "I really think he's the one, you know?" she had said with heart eyes as she twirled her curly hair around her finger.
Vic's notes remained untouched. I nodded and hummed while copying down equations and formulas. She obviously didn't mind my disinterest, continuing to talk about how Bucky had complimented her necklace and the perfume she wore.
Checking the time on my phone, I gratefully noticed it was time for me to head back to my dorm with Nat and Carol. "I know he has a reputation as a bit of a player, but I swear I'm the exception. You should see the way he looks at me!" her jaw dropped as if she couldn't believe it herself. "Mhm, well it was really nice working with you but I have to get back to my dorm. Catch you later?" I asked while scurrying to gather my stuff. "Yeah, for sure!!"
I bolted out of the library and down the dark sidewalk to my dorm. I enjoyed the slight autumn breeze and rustle of the leaves as I walked down the sidewalk. Soon enough I saw the lights from our building come into view, walking faster to get into the warmth of our room. I burst into our dorm, wasting no time in talking about my night.
"Natasha, that was horrible. The entire time Vic talked about Bucky Barnes like he was a God," I started setting my stuff down on our island while I talked, "She went on and on about their date and how she's sure he's the one." I imitated in a high voice. "It was disgusting. Like I get he's the quarterback but how good can he seriously be?? Anyways, I at least got some notes done. How was your night?" That was when I noticed Natasha's boyfriend, Steve and one of his friends was sitting on our couch.
"Hi Steve." I waved. Steve was smirking at his friend. He went to introduce him but was quickly cut of by a "Hi, I'm James." He grinned and stuck his hand out for me to shake. "Sorry about your study session" he said with a smile. "It's no big deal. How's the game?" They were watching college football on our living room tv. "Good, it's just in the final quarter." his smile reached his eyes and crinkled them around the edges.
The rest of our night was spent watching football, eating snacks and drinking wine or beer. When the game ended and everyone started yawning, Steve and James decided to go. "Bye," Nat kissed Steve goodbye, before stepping back from the door with me and Carol. James waved with a boyish grin on his face before leaving with Steve.
The next day we were heading to a football game, one of the last before thanksgiving break. Being pre-med I didn't go to many games, and I couldn't help but wonder if I would see the infamous Bucky Barnes. Nat and Wanda led me to the change rooms to help Thor sort out his hair, something I would usually do for him prior to the game, but today he said it would be better to do it here since I was coming anyway.
Once in the changeroom I saw many familiar faces, Tony, Steve, Sam, Peter, Pietro and now James. I caught James' eye and waved. He waved back with that same attractive grin. I started braiding Thor's hair while everyone else got ready for the game. Soon it was time for me to find Natasha and Wanda so I could sit down and watch the game. Thor and the rest of the team bid me goodbye as I left.
"So, what do you think of James?" Wanda asked, earning an elbow to the side from Nat. I quirked my eyebrow at her actions, "He's nice, and cute." "She's blushing!" said Wanda. "I am not! I'm just wearing a lot of layers, it is fall you know." "There's Steve!" Nat called, pointing to the field as the players started to come out. "Does anybody know what number James is?" I asked innocently. Nat just shook her head.
After the game, we went back down to the changerooms so Nat could see her boyfriend and Wanda could see her brother. "Y/n! Your braid held up amazing today! Thank you!" Thor bellowed as soon as he noticed us. "You're welcome Thor! I'm glad it worked." I said with a laugh. I found myself alone as Nat and Wanda left, but not for long.
"So, I heard your study session went pretty bad. Want a different partner maybe?" I turned around to see James. "Are you offering to help me study physics James?" "Maybe I am doll," he smirked, "I promise not to brag about Bucky Barnes or any football players. Scout's honour." he said, holding up one of his hands in a very serious manner. I couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "Well with a promise like that, you sure do make it hard to resist." I smiled. "It was that bad, huh?" he seemed closer than he was before. "Yes! The entire time she went on about Bucky and how amazing their date had gone. She said he was a known player but that he had a special spot for her or something. It was crazy. She even told me he was the one. Last time I checked, playboys don't have 'the one'" his smile seemed to dim at this. "Yeah, I guess you're right, doll." I loved that nickname. I felt butterflies everytime he said it. "Well, I'll give you my number, maybe you'll have better luck the second time around?" he offered. His confidence didn't seem as high as it was before. "Of course!" I said before handing him my phone and taking his. I put Y/n with a flower beside it before handing it back. He had put in his contact as 'James'.
A week later, James and I found ourselves in the library, notes open, with drinks and pens scattered everywhere. We had been talking daily in the days leading up to this and he seemed like a really sweet guy. He was raised by his single mother, Winnie, who he adored, he had a sister named Rebecca and he's been playing football with Steve since they were 11. They seemed like great friends, I couldn't help but wonder why I hadn't met him sooner.
Three hours in, our drinks were gone and my head felt all foggy. James was an incredible study partner. He chatted with me every now and then, always a welcome break from copying down notes. He was smart and helpful without being a nuisance like Vic. "Thank you," I said. He looked up at me with tired crystal blue eyes. "For being an amazing study partner." I smiled. He smiled softly, "I didn't talk too much?" "You did perfect. 10/10. We should definitely do this again." he grinned and let out a low laugh. "Alright then. I think it looks like you found a new study buddy." "That I did."
Me and James kept up our study sessions for weeks, and the habit of texting daily. We made frequent visits to a cute cafe on campus, usually spending an hour or more per week. During those hours we tended to do more talking than anything. My phone pinged with a notification,
Text me when you can. Not urgent, just need to talk.
That was weird. I went downstairs to talk to Wanda and Nat about it. "Have you guys noticed anything weird with James?" I asked. They shared a look that made me feel like they knew something I didn't. "Guys?" "Y/n, I think it's better if he tells you." Wanda said with a slight frown. What could have happened? Was he okay? I immediately opened my phone and told him to meet me at our cafe in ten minutes.
"Y/n?" he asked, seeing me at our usual table. I stood up once I saw him. He looked gorgeous, with a black coat, fresh jeans and a plain white tee. His hair looked a little messy, like he had just gotten up. "Are you keeping something from me? Are you okay?" "Y/n-" "No! If there's something wrong, I deserve to know James! I'm your friend, I know you don't have to tell me, but I care about you and-" "Y/N!" heads turned from other tables and the chatter died down for a moment after James had yelled. "Y/n, I am not sick, and I'm sorry for yelling. My name is James Buchanan Barnes. Bucky Barnes." I looked at him wide eyed. I was shocked. He didn't seem like a playboy, or self obsessive. Or anything Vic had described. Except for charming.
"Okay." "That's it? I've been guilty about this for weeks y/n/n." "And you should be! You technically lied to me. Why didn't you just tell me J- Bucky?" He kept avoiding my gaze. "Because then you would know I was a player and self obsessed." He seemed shameful and his face lacked any trace of a smile, instead it had traces of guilt.
"You don't seem like a player or like that at all. I actually really like you." I'm sure I was blushing at this point, and his head shot up from where he was looking at his shoes. "Really?" "Really. You're sweet, you care about your team, friends and family, especially your mom and Rebecca. You would do anything for your family or your team. You're giving and caring and you technically pretended to be someone you aren't just so we could see where this goes." "You think this is going somewhere, doll?" he smirked. "Maybe." I shrugged.
Tentatively he spoke, breaking our silence. "Y/n, would you like to go out with me?" "Hm...." I pretended to think, making his eyes widen. "Yes!" a breath of relief escaped him, and he stepped forward to wrap me up un a hug. I felt him place kisses to my hairline before he pulled back and smiled as he looked into my eyes.
I would never get tired of this view or this feeling. His cheeks were slightly flushed, and his hair was still messy. Crystal blues peered down into my own eyes. Pure adoration covered his face. "Well Barnes, where to?" "What do you mean doll?" "Didn't you just ask me out?" I giggled. "You mean like you want to go right now?" "Why waste anymore time, Bucky?"
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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Today was a really nice day. I'm really glad we went to visit my parents. That was the best thing to do today. To finish celebrating our first year of marriage. It felt good.
I slept a little better last night. Sadly James did not. But they said they were alright when I got up. When my alarm went off I would stretch and give them a hug and then went to get dressed.
I love this dress. It always makes me feel like a princess. It was the dress I wore for the park party after our wedding so it'll always be special. And I love my new necklace and earrings and I was just feeling good.
We would leave around 845 and drove to get the Fulwilers.
They were not ready. Not terribly shocking. James would go inside while I waited in the car. James would come out a few minutes later to let me know that Tucker had had to talk to a doctor on the phone so he was still getting dressed. James tried to get me to come inside but I was plenty comfy in the car. And I also thought that if they all knew I was waiting in the car they would be faster.
I think it did help. And we were on the road around 920. Not to much later then I hoped.
It was really nice to see them. Tucker gave me a kiss on my cheek. And then we were off.
It was a two hour journey. They all talked about sports. I worked on some knitting. I scrolled on my phone and we told stories about childhood. It was a nice ride. There wasn't much traffic. I was just having a nice time.
Mom asked me to let her know when we were a few minutes away so she could put the dogs in her bedroom. And we got there at 1130.
And it was so nice to see them!! Hugs all around. Molly was already out so Anne and Tucker got to meet her and James continues to say she is the best dog. Which is true. But once everyone was settled and sitting mom let the other two out and they were all super sweet, even if they were very jumpy for a bit.
It was nice to hug my dad and my mom. They were both looking good. I am still frustrated with mom's dentures and I want her to go somewhere to have them for them better because I worry about her being uncomfortable. But at least dad is doing better with his comfort of his leg. He said they changed the height of the one and it helped a lot. So that's awesome. He was able to walk with a cane for a bit and seems more steady for the most part.
Anne, Tucker, James, and my mom were all talking on one side of the living room and I was focusing on dad. He was talking about the letter the union sent him about the little ceremony they are having tonight, that they were going to present pins for being in the union for 45 years. He had decided not to go and when he told me that a couple weeks ago it made me sad. He deserves to have his special pin. And he really teed me up to pull out the pin I got him from my purse.
And you should have seen his face. He absolutely lit up and it made my whole day it was great. He seemed blown away and so grateful and I was just so happy that I thought to do that. And I got a 50, 55, and a 60 so I'm ready for the next twenty years of union membership. Dad said it was nice that we have that goal to shoot for. He better be alive for those, he promised me 111.
I would bring Anne to my room and shoed her some of my art. It was fun to show off some of the pieces I have there. I did not bring her to the basement studio to show her the work there but that's alright. It was still fun.
We would load into the cars soon to go have lunch at Carlucci's.
I like Carlucci's and they were really nice about getting both of our dads in there safely and didn't knock anyone over. They sat us at a round half table half booth. All the ladies sat on the booth side and the guys were in the chairs. It was funny because none of the ladies feet reached the ground. Silly.
The menu is slightly overwhelming. There aren't a lot of vegetarian options but I ended up getting the eggplant arnauld and a salad. Basically everyone else got seafood bisque which is apparently great. Everyone seemed very happy with it. I liked the bread they brought to the table.
We had excellent conversations. About our marriage. Our DC trip. Medical stuff. I showed off my new jewelery that James got for me. It was fun and the food was really good. James let me try one of their cheese pockets which was very good. I enjoyed hanging out with everyone.
We did get desserts to share. Anne got a cannoli that she shared with Tucker, mom got a limoncello cake she shared with me, and I got a cream brulee that I shared with James. It was great. I had a great time.
I enjoyed talking to everyone about work stuff and research. I shared about my concerns with being a white girl teaching about indigenous people. Much like when mom worked with the African American history program and felt weird about being a spokes person. We are trying our best to do the right thing.
We finished up our meal. I stole all the mints until Anne asked for one. I would have given her more but she did not ask. So I have 7 mints. Excellent. Love butter mints.
We would head back to the house to get a few things mom had collected for me. She had gift wrapped some toilet paper for an anniversary gift which was very funny because your first wedding anniversary is paper. But also thank you for the useful gift!
I went down to the basement when we got back and collected the things mom had laid to the side for me. Then I insisted on everyone coming to the backyard to take a picture.
It was fun setting up a shot. Getting everyone to smile at the same time was a struggle but I teased everyone and did my best. I think it was nice to have a picture together.
The dogs came outside with us and we're being super cute. Molly had her cute little ears flopping around. They can be bad dogs but also they are the best dogs and I love visiting them.
But then it was time to go. I would normally stay for a few more hours but I didn't want to force everyone to do what I wanted. And we would get home around 5 so that would leave a lot of time for evening activities. So it was for the best.
Hugs all around. I love you, miss you already. And then we were off.
It was a pretty chill drive. James put on a podcast for the first hour. I worked on my knitting until my hands hurt and would spend a lot of time just scrolling on my phone. It was a nice drive though and we didn't have to deal with much traffic. We made great time. And dropped off Anne and Tucker at 445.
And we would get home around 5. Me and James would spend a little time discussing buying a house in our drove back from the Fulwilers. Interest rates are to crazy right now and we are hoping for next summer, more or less. But it seems like home prices in the area I want to live are going down or are at least are more inline with what we are hoping to pay. We have started saving for a down payment. And we are thinking about it a lot. It's fun to make plans and have dreams.
I accidently hit the car door on the street sign as soon as we parked. Oops. And as I was checking that out our friend Meagan ran over to return our spare keys which was pretty funny. She apparently saw us around the corner and followed us in her car. It was nice to see her.
We went upstairs and I would work on cleaning the frog tank. Again. I figured out how to take apart my tank vacuum to pinpoint on picking up the snails. I did have an issue where I picked up so many rocks but it's fine. I would go back and forth 5 or 6 times filling the tank and vacuuming over and over. Annoying. It's still not clean. I keep trying. Omelet seems to be doing well at least and doesn't seem bothered by all the nonsense going on in his tank.
James would go for a bike ride. And while they were gone I got a shower and got cozy. And I have just spent the evening chilling. And it's been really nice. Me and James have been hanging out for a while now. Sweetp was here. We're watching a mini doc about the church that did an illegal production of Hamilton. It is making us cringe so bad. But it's a lot of fun to watch it together.
It is time to go to bed now though. I have a busy day tomorrow. James had jury duty. And I have a meeting with creative alliance and then an adult group for a few hours. I think it will be a good day. I hope it is.
Sleep well everyone. Take care of eachother. Goodnight!
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binniesthighs · 4 years
call me babydoll | reader x chan
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soooo shhhh this actually a part one shhhh but i’m just trying out writing out different things and getting out some of my ideas outta my head that i’m really excited about, this one being one of them!! for now...just pretend that this is just a regular ol’ drabble hehehehe. this part is the set-up chapter (shhh i mean drabble) 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x bang chan 
Genre: fluff, smut, and angst 
Tags: (overall) bodyguard au, moderndayprince!chan, bodyguard!reader, secret agent au, royal au, action and peril, plot driven, running out of time, slow-ish burn, growing feelings, softswitch!chan, hardswitch!reader, some skz side characters, jeongin third wheel and comedic relief LOL, travelling, chan being expensive and having a lil bit of a superiority complex, flirtyyyy chan, bits of mystery, explicit language, mentions of food and alcohol, idk think like 007 vibes hehe 
CWs: guns and gun violence, a shooting in a ballroom, mentions of blood 
Word count: 4.6k 
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here early.” 
“Well, expect the unexpected.” 
“Don’t turn the motto back at me. I’m sick of hearing it so many damn times.” 
“What? You and I both know that it’s true. You’re here early too, so, technically you don’t get to say anything.” 
Jeongin straightened his bow tie, then patted down the sides of his perfectly ironed tux with not a crinkle to be found. Knowing him, it was a miracle that he hadn’t messed it up in some form yet. He promptly took out his pocket square to clean off his glasses. 
“You’re looking nice. Seems like they don’t mind spending money now on you these days.” He blew off the flecks of dust on his lenses. 
“They know that they get their return on their investment. And thank you.” 
You smoothed down the sides of your dusty pink dress that nearly went all the way down to your ankles. Had you any other choice, it would’ve been something different, but, dresses were really good at hiding your thigh holster compared to the slacks you usually favored. You didn’t mind the times that you would have to put on a pretty dress, it somewhat reminded you that there was normal life outside of your job. Not to mention, they had started sending you jewelry as well. You always had liked the look of a diamond necklace. 
“You do your research for tonight?” 
Jeongin nodded, then took from his pocket his phone to read over the details. 
“I’ve done a background check on everyone attending, we shouldn’t have any issues. It’s already a low risk event anyway. Charity is never something to get too worked up over, but, you never know with the detail that some of these people come with...who they might be tied to...” 
“--The only people we can trust is ourselves.” You nodded with arms crossed. 
“Expect the unexpected, I know.” He slid his phone back into his inside suit pocket to adjust his cufflinks. 
“--Nervous?” You took note of his fidgeting actions. 
“Nervous? No. I’ve been through this before. You know that.” 
You flicked your partner right on his forehead strung with his white hair. You had really wished that he had picked a less conspicuous color, but he had strings to pull that you didn’t. 
Jeongin cleared his throat, “You do your once over?” 
“Do you even need to ask? I did it hours ago and when we arrived. You know that I’ve done this before too.” 
“I know. I know.” 
Jeongin looked out at the vast circular atrium that made up the center of the hotel. Several stories down under the glass rooftop, you could hear the faint sprinkling of the intricate fountain which smelled of copper. A bit further down, you could see the tips of the tree branches from the indoor landscaping. Across the way, a door slammed with residents tucking in their ties. The two men you had recognized from the roster: a simple thing which made you feel at ease. Your young partner must’ve started to have an effect on you. A sense of unease seemed to quell in your neck. You always listened to your hunches. 
“W-what do you think he thinks of us?” Jeongin broke the silence. 
“Well,” From inside the room you had waited outside, you could hear his distant murmuring, so you lowered your tone. “I think that he has yet to trust us. It’s only been a few weeks. He doesn’t seem like the kind to give himself up easy. That, and I’m sure his resentment of his father must have some influence.” 
“You think he hates us?” 
“I think he hates his father for hiring us. I mean, wouldn’t you? His old security detail, he had them for years.” 
“I guess so. But, we’re not like his old detail.” 
“No. We’re not. I don’t think he gets that yet. I think he sees us as one more way his father has a hold on him.” 
“It’s not like he can do much else about it when his dad’s a kin--” 
“--No, no, thank you, really, it’s lovely. Some of your best work. Thank you.” 
Chan swung open the door to his room, stopping Jeongin right in his sentence. 
“Ah. You’re here already. That’s...punctual.” 
As dazzling and showy as ever, Chan looking nothing short of a magazine model. For a prince, he had certain...appearances that he had to maintain. Today, it was a velvety and maroon suit jacket with a white button up. On the collar, two matching brooches had been perfectly placed, and they were silver like moonlight in the shape of English ivy and adorned with diamonds. On his lapel, he wore the royal insignia of the lion and the wolf. Behind him, you could see his slew of stylists cleaning up their makeup kits and obscene assortment of designer dress shoes for him to pick from. You had thought before that he even smelled like royalty: stuffy white roses with a hint of priceless cognac. 
Jeongin bowed his head respectfully. “Everything has been prepared for tonight. The rest of your guards are surrounding the building, and I’ll be corresponding with them as needed, your Highness.” He tapped at his earpiece. 
Chan drew his attention over to you, giving you a rather lusty glare. Over the past couple weeks, you had gotten used to it. He was a prince to every extent of the word. If there was anything that he had wanted, he simply had to ask. It drove him insane that all he could do was merely look at you. You had  wondered if he harbored anything else for you besides the way that he would devour the curves of your shoulders and hips. 
“Fox. Bee. You look nice tonight. I like seeing you dressed up. Makes me feel less out of place.” 
You couldn’t help but let out a little sound of discontentment over his rather affectionate nickname for you. You and your partner had been introduced to him as F and B. Quickly he had figured out Jeongin’s codename as Fox, considering that he had done a poor job picking out one that wasn’t related to him at all. Anyone could tell that boy was fox-like, and he also just wasn’t that creative when it came to picking out a name for himself. B, or Bee as he had decided, was your name; as in bumblebee. After learning about Fox, he figured that there was an animal theme going, so Bee seemed to fit best in his oponion. 
You tested his glare with your best, “Thank you, your Highness.” 
Jeongin gulped. “Your assistant should be waiting downstairs with your itinerary. She told me that you should meet her first off.” 
“You work too hard F. Have some fun tonight, hm? But don’t...drink too much. You’re responsible for my life remember?” Chan clapped his bodyguard on the back. 
Your partner nervously laughed and adjusted his glasses once more: his preferred tic. 
“And Bee?” Chan rose a brow to lean into close and whisper. “Stay close, alright?” 
“Of course, your Highness.” 
Chan let out a little scoff after getting one more proper look at your frame. “Damn. You really are stunning. Just a little too dangerous for me though.” 
You rolled your eyes, dishing him outa, “Whatever you say, your Highness.” 
Jeongin threw you and annoyed glare before tracing after Chan as he sauntered down the hall to the glass elevator. 
“Bee? You coming? Or do you have something better to do?” Chan’s voice called down the hall with an echo and a little teasing gesture of his hand. 
It had been seven years since you had chosen this line of work, and each time that you had to go to one of these things, you hated them more and more. Not because they were hard to control--they were easy--but you just hated how many superficial and self-absorbed people that they could fit into one room. 
The air was filled with the scent of champagne bubbles and too much Chanel No. 5. From corner to corner of the room, and even next to the ice sculpture of the lion and the wolf crest, silk, satin; velvet and the best cotton could be found. Long gloves covered the arms of ladies with wrinkling skin, and tweed vests held in the guts of men who indulged in their food just as much as their mistresses. All this effort just to appear as if they had given one care about the philanthropic efforts of the royalty.
Several neatly dressed waiters passed you with golden platters of hors d'oeuvres made of ingredients so expensive, they would’ve cost the same amount as the generous donations made by the attendees. If you could’ve, you would’ve scooped up as many of them as you could, just to eat all of their copious amounts of money yourself, but, there was somewhere a rule that you had to keep your hand to yourself when you were on duty. The best that you had to look forward too was take-out to eat at 3 in the morning with Jeongin later. 
Buzzing chatter filled your earpiece while each of the additional guards gave their hourly report. 
“Damn. It’s fucking colder out here than I thought. It’s fucking summer.” One of them joked to the tune of the other guards laughter. 
“Stay focused.” Jeongin scolded over the line. “Don’t leave your posts until your shifts change.” 
While he was a timid man, Jeongin was not one to mess around. Son of the director, he knew that he had big shoes to fill. After pleading for years for her to admit him into the academy, she had agreed. Everyone knew the reason why she didn’t want him in this line of work. Too many dead. Too many missing. In some ways, he was also yours to look after. 
You trailed after Chan who was busy talking to his assistant and his publicist. While he nodded at their words, you knew that he must’ve been barely listening. Chan never really was one for formality, but much rather enjoyed simplicity and pleasure. Jeongin and you had somewhat of a bet going: out of all the guests, you had liked to bet which one he would take with him to his bedroom. Since you had all the profiles of the guests, you liked to bet a little money on which one it would be. 
Jeongin had guessed it to be the heiress and daughter of a tycoon who had made a multi-million won donation in the name of his company. It was ironic; his very company was a big-scale pollutor who liked to make nice with the crown. She was conventionally very pretty: long legs, a thin frame, she was educated and looked as if she could hold somewhat of a conversation...not like that mattered to him. 
You had predicted it to be the foreign CEO who had just started business dealings with the crown. While she might’ve looked a bit stuck-up and prim, she was intimidating, and a challenge. Chan loved challenges. Chan also had a pension for pretty boys with a bit too much money on their hands--usually inherited--and with nothing much else to do other than dote on him. There were plenty of those attending the gala tonight. 
Chan snaked through the crowd, bowing his head at all of the Good evening, your Highnesses and the It’s a pleasure to meet you, your Highnesses. Every few moments or so he would take a bite from a golden plate and then pop it into his mouth. The whole night long, he would hold his glass with him and it would get refilled for him without him even needing to ask. You sometimes liked to pretend that in some places, they must’ve assigned someone to watch him from afar to make sure that he would never need anything before it was given to him. It wouldn’t have surprised you. 
“Having fun Bee?” Chan languidly rolled his head back, swirling his glass. 
“As much fun as you are.” You quipped. 
“Anything that I should be concerned about?” 
“Nothing of concern.” You stated matter-of-factly. Had you matched his flirting tone, you knew that you wouldn’t hear the end of it for the rest of the night. “Fox. Report?” 
“Nothing that I can see. No one has been tagging you.” Jeongin had staked himself up on the upper balcony of the banquet hall room, and had been watching for as long as you had been following after the prince. “You sensing anything strange?” His voice tickled in your in-ear. 
“Just a bunch of the normal crowd.” You kept your tone down low. “He’s rubbing noses with the usual. You’ve seen too?” 
He chuckled. “Yeah. I know what you mean.”
You followed Chan to his seat nearest the front of the room which had been fashioned into a stage with a clear glass podium in the center. Right in front there was one more crest decorating it. Chan had ensured it to be so: he had wanted everyone to know that this was all for his charity. 
“It seems like our bets aren’t working out. He hasn’t talked to either of the...suspects.” Your partner changed his choice of words knowing that the other guards were listening. 
From the opposite side of the room both the heiress and the CEO stood with thin glasses of wine in their lithe hands. Chan had in fact walked right past them, and didn’t even notice. 
“Tonight is going to be a long night.” Jeongin sighed over the line. 
You politely pushed past attendees with a raised hand and a sweet smile. You had found that when you smiled, you had appeared less intimidating. 
“Oh wait...what’s this?” 
“What?” You whipped your head around after Jeongin’s interjection. “What? Do you see something? What’s the call?” 
“Relax! It just looks like he’s approaching someone he wants to talk to. I think both of us are about to be proven wrong.” 
“Ah, shit.” You sighed. “Don’t put me on edge like that.” 
“I’m only trying to entertain myself.” 
“Name. Who is it? You’ve got the roster.” 
You partner was quiet for a minute, and you watched from a distance as Chan approached the man leaned over a martini seated at one of the perfectly decorated tables. 
“Uh, I think that he’s Lee Minho. Some kind of royalty from somewhere else. Pretty low ranking from the looks of it. I think that he made a donation himself...and it’s...damn, larger than you would expect.” 
“Should we be concerned?” 
“No. Seems harmless.” 
“Thank you for coming,” You made out the words that Chan had mouthed. He drew a chair next to the unknown man. 
From what you could tell, Lee Minho was handsome to the full extent of the word: nearly all of his physical features were exemplary and his suit appeared to have been fitted to perfect for him; likely one of a kind. He too wore an insignia on his lapel, but it was one that you hadn’t recognized before. He had immaculately styled hair that had some kind of rebellious and boyish charm to it. The man had a kind of mystery about him too: you had been able to pride yourself in being able to read people, and it had saved your life on more than one occasion. But with him, there was something that you couldn’t place. 
“Do they know eachother?” You asked Jeongin. 
“Not that I know of. School friend maybe? Seems like all the royals send their kids to the same schools.”
“Hm. That would make sense.” 
“Enjoying yourself?” Chan said. 
Lee Minho nodded, and rose his glass to clink it with the prince’s. 
“Do we think that he’s our...suspect?” 
The stranger dipped his head into his hand as he listened to Chan speak. A flirty gesture that you had seen a hundred times or more. Still, the way that he inspected Chan, it wasn’t adoring. Or at least, you didn’t think that it was.
“No. I don’t think so.” 
“What the hell are you yapping about?” One of the other guards snapped over the line. 
“Um, classified stuff.” Jeongin quickly explained. “Above your paygrade. Don’t worry about it.” 
“Fox. Watch out for him tonight.” You snuck over to a corner of the room where you could watch the two of them more discreetly. 
“Affirmative....” Your partner paused. “Babydoll.” 
“Pffff--Babydoll??” The same guard stifled his laughter. “You call her Babydoll, Fox? Damn, you all must be closer than I thought. Didn’t know that I was missing out on some of the action--” 
“--Ever heard of a codename, Three?” 
“Babydoll’s her codename.” 
A grin crept over your lips. “Expect the unexpected.” 
You had almost gotten distracted enough to miss how Lee Minho had leaned over to whisper something into the prince’s ear. After he had done so, Chan laughed out a little, then reached his arm around the other man’s chair comfortably. 
“They’re...cozy.” You updated your partner. 
“I’m trying to cross-check where he might know him from.” 
Chan’s assistant and publicist finally slipped away with giddy little smiles. In many ways, you were jealous of them. They could leave whenever the wanted, eat what they wanted...
Jeongin scoffed. “Well, turns out...nothing. I can’t find anything.” 
“Negative. I’m not seeing any crossover.” 
“So they really are strangers?” 
Your partner sighed. “Looks like neither of us are cashing ou--I mean--finding the suspect.” 
Under your breath, you wondered aloud, “Who are you...Lee Minho?” 
The night drew on longer with the rest of the formalities: the formal dinner, followed by several speeches from important people while dessert was being served. It all led up to the final act: His Royal Highness, Prince Chan’s speech. On several neat notecards marked with the crest, he held them in front of him while he ate his last bits of Mont Blanc Chocolate Pavlova. Even the name of the sweet itself sounded pretentious. Granted, it smelled delicious--as many expensive things did. 
You stifled a yawn from your little set up on the edge of the room. At least you should’ve been able to sit, but it turns out that sitting is also against the rules in this line of work. A couple other security and bodyguards had joined you at the edge: some of their heads nodded with sleep, and the others looked as if they had taken one too many energy shots. Luckily, your stamina had been well crafted. 
A fancily dressed MC made his way up to the podium and the room filled with applause after the last speaker had said all of their correct mandatory words. 
“It is my honor to introduce to the stage, our wonderful head benefactor of this organization, His Royal Highness, Prince Chan of the Crown. 
Applause tenfold of before erupted through the whole room and it wasn’t even an afterthought for the every attendee to stand up from their seats in an ovation. It was a force of habit for you, but you found yourself clapping as well. 
Chan rose with grace, and re-buttoned his jacket with finesse. A blinding spotlight found him and it made the diamonds adorning his beck wink brilliantly. Even more blinding was his pearl white, and perfectly trained smile accompanied by his wave. 
Thank you. Thank you. He mouthed. 
“It’s like he’s a frickin’ movie star.” Jeongin groaned. 
“Might as well be with the way that they treat him. You know deep down they’re all just terrified.” 
Chan made his way up to the stage in all of his regality, and the applause didn’t stop until he cleared his throat. A collective groaning of a couple hundred chairs squeaked when everyone sat back down. 
“Thank you everyone, really. I wanted to thank you all for your generous support in your donations to this organization, as well as your association with the crown. I’m sure that all the beneficiaries of your donations are beyond thankful compared to me. Without you, this would not be possible.” Chan spoke with grandiose gestures, as usual, but this time, he had found you on the side of the room. “Listen, aside from being a prince, I’m also just a person. A person who knows what it means to struggle, to--” 
“--I can’t listen to this anymore.” You whispered into the quiet room, and to your partner. 
“Just a few more hours.” He droned. “I almost wish that something would happen so that we don’t have to sit though much else of this.” 
“Be careful what you wish for.” 
In the corner of your eye, Lee Minho shifted in his seat, but still kept his undivided attention to the stage. You figured he must’ve been just like the rest of them: enamored by the flashiness of the crown--and Chan. He had a way of putting a spell on people: it was the kind of spell that a prince of deception had crafted after years of being kept under lock and key. 
“--Anyway, what I’m trying to say, royal or fanciful we all might be, in the simplest way, we’re all just people, therefore this is what connects us all. Thank you.” 
Chan was gifted yet another standing ovation that was somehow even more thunderous than before. 
“Yeah right.” You scoffed. “People born into money. There’s a difference.” 
Chan gave his last waves, then a clamor echoed from the back of the room. At first, it had just sounded like the same raucous laughter you had heard all night, but then it shifted to something different. The sound of laugher turned into shouting, then screams: high pitched and piercing. You had seconds to respond, head whipping around the room to catch sight of the confused prince. In your in-ears, the the sound of gunshots echoed with rapid-fire speed. Machine guns. Shouting commands barked in your ear, and muddled with Jeongin’s string of demands and questions. 
Your heart instantly started beating into hyperdrive, and your legs sprinted as fast has physically possible 
“THEY’VE GOT GUNS!” A shrill and cracked voice of an older woman wailed from the back of the room. 
Immediately after she had said so, shots fired into the darkened room with sparks, and the metallic sound of bullets hitting the marbled ground followed. 
Chan looked around in his panic for you, petrified on the stage. You slung your gun out from your thigh holster and latched onto him with all of your might. 
“Get the fuck down there and secure the exists!” Jeongin growled into his mic. “B--is the prince secure??” 
“Secure!” You yelled back. Using your body as a barrier, you led the cowering prince through the mass hysteria of the crowd. 
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Shit.” Chan shook under your iron grip. 
More shots fired into the room and bodies parted like the sea and fell over each other. 
From the balcony, you had caught Jeongin aiming his own gun at the chaos below. 
“I’ll cover you! Fuck! There’s so many of them! Get him to the car out back--Three, Six, meet B out there! Three!? Six!? Report!” 
“Three and Six are down F!” One of the guards panted. “I can provide cover out back!!” 
“Who’s speaking??” Jeongin bellowed, then aimed from above at one of the intruders. Your only focus was on weaving you and Chan out of there, but you had seen one of them in a blur. Each of the men with guns wore dark grey suits with black ties and leather gloves. Each of them wore their own crest: and it was all red. 
“Bee?? Bee???” Chan shouted out for you, and jumped every time the crack of a shot echoed in the ballroom. 
“I’ve got you, your Highness. We’ll be out soon. Keep your head down and listen to me.” Your arm held to him tightly, and you soon found the exit nearest. There was no telling if there would be more of them outside, but you loaded your gun quickly just in case, and pointed it out. 
“Jeongin, get your ass down here!” 
“Jeongin? Who the fuck is that??” Chan ducked down to hide himself behind your frame. 
His name had slipped on your tongue, but that hardly mattered. 
“I’ll be down in a second!!!” 
“Don’t fucking waste time up there when I need you down here!!” 
“Two! Two Reporting!!” A man suddenly yelled in your in-ear. “I’ve made it out back and I’ve secured the exit. The car is safe!!” 
“FOX! Now!” 
Your partner heaved, “I’m coming, I’m coming!!” 
You kicked open the exit door, gun’s still blazing, however one one else could be found on the other side. 
“Thank God,” You sighed. 
“Oh shit, I’m gonna be sick.” Chan had turned paler than white, then stumbled in your arms. 
“Hey, HEY!” You held him upright. “It’s gonna be alright. I’ve got you. You’re safe. You need to trust me. Your life is in my hands and I’m not giving it up easy, got it?” 
“O-okay.” He stammered, then attempted to straighten himself. 
“The Prince is outside, repeat, The Prince is outside. Two, are you in position?” 
“Yes. Yes, I am.” 
Other than the fact that you had just escaped absolute peril, the evening was unbearably pleasant. Crickets chirped in the summer evening, and the humidity of the night smelled gorgeously of the lake that was near-by as well as the vast array of flowers that had been purposefully landscaped around the hotel. Chan’s uneven steps scraped at the gravel walkway. 
Since you had canvassed the whole building well, you had known exactly where the getaway car was, but you were still careful. 
“Bee. Bee!” Chan blabbered. “Have-have I told you yet that I-I’m in love with you?” 
“No, you haven’t Your Highness.” 
“I fucking am. If I die tonight, I want you to know that I am ridiculously in love with you, and fuck, I wanna--” 
“--I’m sorry, Your Highness, respectfully, but now is not the time for this and you are not dying on my watch.” 
Somewhere off in the distance, frogs croaked, and the splashing of fish in the lake plopped at the surface waters. You turned a corner to finally see Two waiting his his gun raised. He was a bit of a shorter and scrawnier man, but something about him told you that where he lacked in strength, he must’ve made up for in agility. 
“I’m out! I’m out!” Your partner gasped, and over the in-ear you could hear his running footsteps. “I’m almost there! I’ll be there in a second!” 
“Your Highness,” Two bowed and opened the car door. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. You can call me Two or J. Either you prefer.” 
Jeongin came bounding around the corner with heaving breaths and his clothes askew. His glasses which just barely held onto his face had a crack on them and his knuckles were covered in blood. 
“Let’s go.” The younger man prompted. 
“In the car you go, Your Highness.” You motioned for him to do so. 
Chan whimpered like a toddler. 
You shoved his body in, “Stop that. Get in the car.” 
“I’m in love with you Bee!” He yelled out, “I’M FUCKING IN LOVE WITH YOU BEE!” 
Jeongin slammed the door in his face with a bit of a chuckle. 
“He’s delirious.” 
“Mm.” your partner smiled. “Sure.” 
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Din Djarin x GN!Reader
Summary: The Mandalorian has been planning to take you to one of the biggest Pride festivals in the galaxy— and the day could not have gone any better.
Warnings: food and drink mention
Not showing up in tags so please reblog this so more people can find it! 🌈
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Maker, he’d been acting smug all week. It was a blazing hot morning in the middle of Summer, and Din had finished collecting bounty pucks last Wednesday, and although taking a holiday was a rarity for Din, you didn’t think much of it as it was nice having him take a couple of days off. He deserved it, that much was clear. However, his reasoning for taking time off was becoming evidently more clear as the hours ticked by. He certainly had something planned, and no matter how much you whined and begged, he just wouldn’t tell you.
No, he wouldn’t tell you why he’d taken you to the desert planet of Passana, famous for their vibrant festivals and colourful parades. He wouldn’t tell you why he was so keen to take off his helmet that morning, and he wouldn’t tell you about the rainbow beaded necklace he’d purchased from a vendor back on Nevarro. When he presented the gift to you, alongside your morning caf and platter of sour berries, you felt a flood of gratitude gush over you.
“Pride colours? The rainbow?” You wondered out loud, and Din nervously nodded, his honey brown eyes flicking from the necklace to your face so he could gauge your reaction.
“Do you like it?” he asked hesitantly, and in that moment, your flustered smile turned into an adorable grin.
“Din... it’s one of the most thoughtful gifts I’ve ever received. I love it so much.” you beamed brightly, wrapping your arms around your companion and pulling him to your side.
The Mandalorian helped tie the necklace around your neck, but not without gently stealing a quick kiss into your jaw. “We do have somewhere to be today.” he mumbled, his stubble grazing your skin. You curled your body into his warm embrace and hummed.
“Really? Where are we going?”
“Passana.” He answered.
You scrunched up your nose in bewilderment. “Why?”
Passana wasn’t exactly a planet you’d vacation to, that’s for sure.
Din was wordless for a few moments. “It’s hard to explain right now.”
“Does Karga have another job for you?” you quizzed.
“No,” He hated lying to you, but also, he didn’t want to give up the surprise yet. “Come on,” Din decided his best bet was to change the topic before you could ask anymore questions. “Eat your breakfast and get dressed. I’m going to set course to Passana. We should get there before midday.”
His estimations were correct.
You were so used to seeing Din not wear his beskar helmet around the ship, you’d barely noticed he wasn’t wearing it when you were tredding through the sandy fields of Passana. It wasn’t until you had both been hiking for around fifteen minutes had you noticed.
Din did, occasionally, still wear the helmet. When he was doing bounties, really. But honestly? He only wore it for his own protection. Ever since he lost the kid, and revelations came out about his own Creed, he’d become more lax about covering his face. Whilst he hadn’t disbanded from the rules of Mandalore completely, he just didn’t feel the compelling need to wear the helmet if he didn’t have to. Besides, things were so much better when he could look at the world with his own eyes, and not through filtered vision.
And today was one of those days. A day he wanted to remember forever.
“We’re going to have to get you some sunscreen,” you chastised him. “Before you burn.”
Din shrugged off your comment. He’d handled many things before; being cut and punched and scarred and smacked. He was certain a little burn wouldn’t faze him. But you persisted, and thankfully, not far from Din’s surprise destination, you both approached a market which was selling a variety of bits and bobs.
Sunscreen, hats and sun visors, sunglasses and oh— there was your first clue. A bunch of rainbow related goodies. “Hey look!” you smiled, taking Din’s hand and pulling him over to one of the stalls. You picked out a flag of your specific pride colours and merrily waved it around.
“That’s a big flag,” Din pointed out. “We could hang it in the ship.”
Your heart swelled with joy at his suggestion and you excitedly wrapped the flag around his shoulders. “Or, we could use it as a blanket.”
“That’s a good idea too.” Din smiled.
Din handed credits over to the vendor, purchasing the flag without any further hesitation. When he turned around, you had disappeared amongst the crowds of people, but luckily, it didn’t take long for Din to sought you out. It was a pretty easy task to find the most beautiful person Din had ever laid his eyes on, that’s for sure.
You were paying for something else by the food stalls, it seemed. You whisked around, holding two cones of colourful ice cream doted in rainbow sprinkles and handed one of them to Din.
“Have you ever had ice cream before?” you asked eagerly, taking a lick. You’d gotten some of the vanilla on your upper lip and Din chuckled, raising his thumb to wipe it off you.
“Can’t say I have.” he replied.
“Try some,” you urged with a nudge. “It’s delicious! It’s so sweet, right?”
Din took a bite and winced at the coldness. “I’ve had sweeter.” he murmured lowly and you shot him a joking roll of your eyes. But even Din had to admit, it did taste good.
The two of you heeded on, clambering uphill until eventually, you arrived at the parade. Din squeezed your hand and you felt your eyes widened as realised where he’d taken you. Hundreds, if not thousands of people were marching, holding an abundance of flags with enormous smiles plastered on their faces. Colourful clouds of smoke decorated the sky and beautiful native music blessed your ears.
You smacked your hand over your face in shock and you couldn’t rip your eyes from the gorgeous sight before you.
“You... we... are we... is this...” you couldn’t even get your words out.
“Pride.” Din explained and you let out an excited squeal.
“You’ve taken me to Pride?” you grinned, tears welling in your eyes as you wrapped your arms tight around him.
“Well, I know how much you always wanted to go, and how much it means to you. It’s the perfect day to celebrate yourself, and you get to be around all these amazing people who celebrate you too.”
“You are so supportive,” you cried, and Din smoothed out your hair. “I can’t believe you took me here.”
“Are you happy?” Din asked.
“I don’t remember a time where I’ve ever been this happy,” you beamed back, finally pulling off him and cupping his face in your hands. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Din chuckled lightly. “You are so wonderful and perfect, just the way you are.”
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @xoxo-callie @stardust-galaxies​ @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @girl-obsessed-with-things @its-me-meg @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @readsalot73 @softmedics @jade10077 @dodgerandevans @planetariumx @pascals-cat @ajeff855 @spideysimpossiblegirl @smoldjarin
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silver, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Who said humans were animals of wisdom? For Yoongi, they’re animals of regret. Does that justify him cheating on his girlfriend with her/you? Absolutely not.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, smut (fem reader, car sex, fingering, m-receiving oral); non-idol!AU; angst; cheating; don’t do this to your significant other, please; Yoongi’s POV
Bad decisions are born from frustration and resentment.
None of it was supposed to happen. His life was fine, perfect in some people’s eyes. He was dating the girl his parents had introduced him to because it made them happy. She was polite, had a good background, and a nice smile. There wasn’t anything wrong with her.
Except he felt miserable.
Min Yoongi felt suffocated, uninterested, and annoyed at their lack of chemistry. His girl was pretty, the conventional kind of prettiness that couldn’t be denied. Maybe there was something wrong with him. Maybe he just didn’t understand beauty or something. Maybe he was being selfish for wanting more. At the start, it was alright. It was a fun little game, figuring someone out. But instead of a maze, he was on a seesaw, trying to determine if this up and down was as simple was it seemed. It sucked. And now Yoongi wanted to get off, but it seemed too difficult. Too difficult to disappoint his parents, her parents, and her aspirations of him being a good little husband.
He wanted to throw up thinking about it.
And then, she was there.
Dark lipstick and a playful smile. Black eyeshadow, eyes like a panther. Silver rings that glimmered in the flashing club lights.  Silver chain necklaces tangled in a mess around her neck, framing that slightly rounder face instead of the conformist v-line everyone was starving themselves for. Black oversized hoodie that hung on her smaller frame, paired with that short, short black dress paired with chunky black ankle boots. Thighs that he wanted to sink his teeth into and mold with his hands.
That night, Yoongi had sat there with his beer, fixated on this new presence and wishing for the first time that he was single as fuck. He didn’t know if it was because he was so unhappy in his current relationship or if it was because he liked the way she looked. It didn’t matter. He burned with jealousy as she chatted with the bartender, silver rings flashing as she moved her hands animatedly to her story. At home, Yoongi had a good little girl waiting for him with her vanilla tastes and it made him sick to his stomach.
The worst part was, other than being boring as fuck, his girl was fine.
He watched as she leaned on her hand, grinning as the bartender poured her another shot. The grin of someone who did not give a fuck what anyone thought of her actions. Yoongi wanted to shove his dick into that face.
His phone buzzed and he wanted to throw it across the club. Instead, he pulled it from his pocket with a neutral expression and checked his messages. His girlfriend asking if he was alright or if he needed to be picked up. He responded that he was fine and that he would call a taxi home to be safe. Told her he loved her and realized he didn’t even mean it.
He must be the awful one.
When he looked up, she was gone. Good. Maybe she had finally left to give him and his mind some peace.
Jeon Jungkook was looking around, blinking confusedly. The youngest in their group, Yoongi always thought he looked the cutest when he was bewildered. Yoongi raised his eyebrow.
“Something wrong, bro?”
Jungkook frowned. “Where’s Taehyung?”
Ah, yes. Kim Taehyung. The one Yoongi thought was the most trouble even though he was a year older than Jungkook. Maybe it was because they had different viewpoints and they often clashed in opinion, Yoongi finding him too childish and simple in mentality in comparison to his. But eventually they learned to get along – a different viewpoint is not necessarily a wrong one. Yoongi learned that being childish once in while might actually lighten his outlook on life.
Alright, to be honest he realized he was a bit of a pessimistic jackass.
In any case, it was with that question that shit started to go downhill. Because the next thing Yoongi knew, Taehyung’s boyish, boxy smile came back with a grin and dark lipstick smeared down his chin. Next time he was with his friends, she showed up again, elbow resting on Taehyung’s shoulder, looking cool and comfortable in her black leather jacket and tiny as fuck black T-shirt dress.
Yoongi hated it.
She wore too many silver accessories that flashed in the light and made her stand out. Her makeup was too dark and haunted him in his dreams. She would sit next to Taehyung like his pet panther, complimenting his dark hair and sharp jawline with her wildness. It was torture, because Yoongi knew that he had a pretty little thing with a cute little voice waiting for him at home. It wasn’t what he wanted. What he wanted was this dangerous-looking woman who climbed into Taehyung’s lap and straddled him right in front of them, unashamed and unapologetic. Her fingers tangled in Taehyung’s hair and Taehyung’s large hand planted firmly on her ass as they had a casual conversation with Park Jimin like nothing weird was happening. Jimin had an open mind about it all – for him, as long as his best friend was happy, he didn’t see the problem. Also, she liked to press her tits against Taehyung’s chest and Jimin was a pervert.
Okay, yes, Yoongi knew he was jealous as fuck.
When Taehyung and her parted ways after a few months, he thought he was free. He thought he could forget about it all. He and his girlfriend were happy. They didn’t have sex anymore, but that happened sometimes. It was normal to settle down a bit after the honeymoon phase – if their few times of starfish sex could be considered a honeymoon phase.
He knew he was being overly mean, but he honestly didn’t give a shit at this point.
It wasn’t until he was having dinner with one of his close friends, Jung Hoseok, that he thought about her again. Hoseok was smiling, handing him some grilled meat, and chatting away. He liked talking to Hoseok. Hoseok made everything more light-hearted and fun. Hoseok was going on about something, but when Yoongi looked up, he saw her. All the way at the front of the restaurant, standing there with a leather jacket and tight black jeans. She was handing an elderly woman in a dirty apron a thick stack of papers and smiling. Tiny white crop top, lips painted dark red and eyes smoked with black. But the elderly owner was smiling, nodding as she pointed to the papers and spoke about them. The silver rings and silver chains flashed in the fluorescent lights.
Hoseok noticed his change in demeanor and turned around.
“Oh, that’s that woman Taehyung was seeing not too long ago,” Hoseok noted, tilting his head. “Taehyungie said she’s some kind of accountant for small businesses, but I didn’t know she did it for this place! Shall we go say hi?”
Hoseok turned around, staring at him. “Huh?”
Yoongi looked down, staring at his bowl of rice. “She seems busy. Let her be.”
“Oh... Okay.”
His phone buzzed in his pocket. He wanted to smash it. Instead, he pulled it out of his pants and stared at it. His girlfriend, asking him to come home and not stay out too late. He frowned at it.
Hoseok prodded him and smiled. “Ah, sorry, have I kept you out too late? You better go home – I’ll pay today.”
Yoongi shook his head, pulling out his wallet. “No, no, I’ll pay. Least I could do,” he said. He pulled out some bills and stood up. “Stay and finish eating. Don’t let it go to waste.”
“Hey, hyung,” Hoseok called as Yoongi began to walk away. Yoongi turned to look back at him, seeing his friend’s heart-shaped smile and calming brown eyes.
“You should do what makes you happy, okay? Don’t get too caught up in who you think you should be.”
“Ah… right.”
He left the restaurant, out into the night. The cheer of the bustling street, filled with happy couples and laughing friends. The happy noise taunted him. Yoongi zipped his parka, shoving his phone deep in his pocket. He could smell the delicious scent of meat and rice from the restaurant behind him, mixing with the faint scent of cigarettes and car exhaust.
He looked up and she was there. Standing a little to the side, speaking with an older guy who was eyeing her tits. She shook her head, moving deftly away from his outstretched hand. Her fingers curled into a fist, silver rings flashing.
Her head whipped around, eyes widening as she recognized him.
“I thought we were leaving? Come on.”
Yoongi grabbed her hand and pulled her along, burying them in the crowd. Her silver rings cut into his hand, but he held it tight, as if he was afraid that she would run away. After a few meters, she pulled her hand from his grasp.
“Oi, you didn’t have to do that,” she said sternly, frowning.
Yoongi shrugged. “I was just trying to save you the assault charges.”
She sighed and raised her hands, as if she was admitting her guilt. “Eh… alright then. Thanks, I guess.”
It was awkward. They never really talked when she was dating Taehyung, mostly because he knew he couldn’t control his mind when he was around her. She was polite to him, but there was definite distance between them.
“Hey, uh… can I ask you something?”
She tilted her head, running the tip of her tongue over her painted lips. Fuck.
“Are you seeing someone?”
“Me?” She pointed to herself and laughed, shaking her head. “Nah, I don’t want to be in a relationship. Just casual sex for me.” She pointed to him. “But aren’t you with someone? I recall Taehyungie telling me you had a cute little girlfriend.”
“We broke up.”
He said it without thinking. His face was neutral. She pursed her lips, watching him carefully.
“Hmm, I see,” she finally said.
He told himself to do it. He wanted it. He wanted it right now.
“Want to come with me for a bit?”
That’s how they ended up in the back of Yoongi’s car, her ring-covered hand grabbing the back of his head, pulling his lips to hers. She smelled like dark cherries, sugary and heavy. He felt her hot breath on his lips, her tongue darting out and licking him like a snake.
“What do you want? Your dick sucked? My pussy on your face? Me bouncing on your dick or on all fours?” she whispered, biting his lower lip and tugging on it lightly.
Fuck. All of it and there wasn’t enough time or space. “Don’t tempt me or I’ll rip your clothes off,” he growled.
She chuckled slyly, crashing her lips to his. Her lips were slippery, lipstick smearing against his lips as he kissed her, sucking on her tongue. She moaned into his mouth, so hot and sweet that his cock strained in his pants. She pulled back, lipstick down to her chin. One look in the rearview mirror and he knew he looked the same.
“Damn, Yoongi, you look sexy as fuck,” she breathed, grinning at him.
He felt his cheeks grow hot at the compliment. He hoped the dim streetlights of the parking lot didn’t give him away. She unzipped his parka, pulling his black shirt up his chest. He raised an eyebrow. She smirked, running her nails over his skin, giving him goosebumps. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Hey, if you’re going to look, let me look too.”
She raised her hands and grinned. “Sure.”
She shrugged off her leather jacket, letting it fall. Pulled down the straps of her tiny white crop top, letting her breasts spill out from the top. His eyes widened seeing her hard nipples right in front of his face. Tinted windows or not, it was still a semi-public area.
It made him even harder, if that was possible.
He reached up and rubbed his thumb against one, breath hitching at the hardness. She raised an eyebrow.
“Please don’t tell me you’re a vanilla boy,” she taunted, rolling her eyes.
His eyes narrowed and he pinched them roughly, making her squeal.
“What was that?” He let his voice drop several octaves, pinching them again.
She winced, but didn’t back down. “Best you can do?”
He gripped her nipples tightly and pulled up, earning him a pained moan. “Who do you think you’re testing?” he drawled, feeling her grind against his lap, too much fabric between them.
“That’s better,” she growled back, cocking her chin defiantly.
He grabbed her breasts and dug his nails into them, rubbing his palms against her nipples. They were deliciously soft, the skin smooth against his callouses. He could feel the cool metal of her silver necklines against his fingertips.
“Take off your jeans.”
She struggled to get out of them, pulling her jeans and panties off together. His heart skipped a beat as he witnessed the string of her juices snap against her thigh, glistening in the low light. The scent of her sex filled the small car, intoxicating him.
“Already wet for me, huh?”
She smirked. “What can I say? I have a weakness for assertiveness.”
He let go of her tits, tracing his fingers on her thighs. The thighs he dreamt about, the thighs he jacked off to when he was alone in the shower, the thighs he watched enviously clamp around Taehyung’s waist right in front of his face. They practically fucked when they were in public and it made him jealous and angry seeing their obvious lust for one another.
He sunk his fingers into those juicy thighs, sucking in a breath in satisfaction. Fuck, they were so fucking soft, so full and sexy in his hands.
“Spread those lips for me,” he breathed, eyes fixated on her pussy.
She leaned back a little, tongue in cheek. His eyes widened as he realized she had a tattoo on the right side of her inner thigh. A laughing cartoonish skull. God, what lucky fuck had done that? She reached down with her ringed fingers and forced her pussy open with two of them, wet, shiny, and quivering, the pink bud swollen with need. His arousal so strong that he would remember it for nights on end.
He reached out and pulled her to him by the waist, sliding his fingers up her inner thigh. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, nipples brushing against his skin. He squeezed the flesh next to her pussy, feeling her juices drip down the back of his hand. She sucked in a breath in anticipation. He turned his hand, brushing a fingertip against her wetness.
“Such a fucking tease,” she hissed, grabbing the back of his head and tangling her fingers in his hair.
He grinned devilishly. “So needy. Tell me what you want.”
Her lips brushed against his, eyes boring into his, burning with desire.
“Finger me with those delicious hands of yours.”
She kissed him, roughly, and he plunged his fingers into her wetness, almost moaning into her mouth as he felt her walls clench around him. He ground his knuckle against her clit as he worked her, turning her into a ruined mess above him. He was sure her juices were dripping onto his pants, covering him with her scent.
“Fuck, Yoongi, fuck!”
He didn’t care if she came or not, just kept pumping his fingers in and out of her, hard and fast. Her necklaces clattered against each other, clinking in rhythm of his thrusts. Each moan was his adrenaline, fingering her so hard she was bouncing in his lap, probably making his car rock with the motion.
He didn’t even care if someone knew. In fact, he wanted someone to know.
Her rings dug into his skin as she gripped onto his shirt, shuddering as she came all over his hand, so slick and wet that he slipped out by accident. He readjusted, but she grabbed his hand, pulling it up.
“You trying to put us in jail?” she snickered, backing up a little.
“If I can still fuck you in jail, does it matter?” he countered, licking his fingers. Oh, God. Sweet with a hint of sour, so fucking delicious that he wanted to drink it out of her right now.
She pushed him up, unbuttoning his pants as she did so. She yanked them down, his bare ass sticking to the leather of his seats. That kind of thing would really annoy him if it wasn’t for her bending down. The metal of her rings felt cool against his cock. She opened her mouth, tongue out and ass up. The image burned into his mind.
Fuck his girlfriend, he should have taken her home so they could have fucked on his bed.
She took him in her hot mouth, swirling her tongue around the head. Down, down. Lips pressed against the base of his cock. He could feel the lipstick leaving an imprint on his skin. Messy and erotic, exactly what he wanted. He pressed his head against the window, groaning as she began to bob her head up and down, awkwardly positioned in the car. The head of his cock hit the back of her throat and he moaned, feeling the muscles grip the head tightly before backing up again. The head scraped against the roof of her mouth, making his eyes roll back in his head with pleasure. Was getting head ever this good? Were lips really this soft, mouths really this tight? Her hands were gripping his hips, rings pinching his skin a little, but he didn’t care. The hint of pain heightened his senses, mixing with the pleasure.
He felt her pause and he looked down, seeing her mouth open just a little. He felt her tongue press against the base of his balls, teasing them and coating them in saliva.
“F-fuck me…” he hissed, breath hitching as she started up again, faster, tighter. He gripped the seat, not wanting to grab her head and ruin her pace. Her tongue pressed against the bottom of the head and he groaned, feeling the familiar tension at the base of his stomach.
“S-shit, I’m going to–”
He didn’t get to grit out any more words, because they turned into a dragged-out moan as he shot into her throat. She swallowed, holding to him tightly. He could hear each gulp loud and clear, punctuating his damnation. She licked him slowly, softly. He gasped at the sensitivity, squeezing his eyes shut as she milked out every last drop.
His dick slid out of her mouth with a wet plop, limply falling between his legs. Dark lipstick down to her chin, smokey eyes devilishly looking up at him. At that moment, Yoongi knew.
She was who he wanted.
Yoongi sat in the driver’s seat, wiping his mouth with a spare tissue. He was a sticky mess underneath his clothes. He didn’t really want to think about what he had just done. He could still smell her, her taste still coated on his tongue.
He sighed. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, turning it back on. He waited patiently, sitting in the darkness. He had offered to drop her off wherever she liked, but she just laughed and said she would be fine.
“I’m worried about the poor fool who tries to pick you up,” he had said with a smirk.
She was halfway out of his car, turning back and smiling.
“No promises.”
He touched the scrap of paper on the dashboard. He should throw it away. He felt the vibration of his phone, loading up all the messages and missed calls. He didn’t have to look. He knew who it was. After a long moment, Yoongi unlocked his phone and swiped all the notifications away.
And then he saved a new contact.
part ii
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
Bad Timing (Levi x Reader) Part 8
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Summary: how do you tell your friends that you’re falling for your big brothers’ best friend?
Word Count: 4.8K
You woke up late the next morning, having forgotten to plug in your phone which also functioned as your alarm. Instead Hange had busted into your room and ripped the blankets off of you, exposing you to the chilly air. You yelped and reached blindly for the covers, your mind too foggy with sleep to comprehend how late you were.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Hange sang as she jostled your shoulder.
"School starts in like thirty minutes come on bust a move." That woke you up. You tossed your legs over the edge and stumbled around your room, pulling on a pair of joggers and a large t shirt. Hange had left once she was sure that you were awake, leaving you alone to get ready. You didn't bother with make up, not that you ever really did. You double checked that you had all of your supplies for school before zipping up your bag and meandered down the steps. Erwin and Hange were already pulling on their shoes by the door, Erwin was wrapping one of his scarves around Hange's neck. You scrunched your nose in disgust at their outright display of affection and shoved your feet into a pair of old sneakers.
The three of you exited the house, and made a beeline for Erwin's minivan which had been heating up to melt off the frost and snow. The drive was slow and cold, the van was dated so no matter how early Erwin woke up to heat up the car for you, it would always be colder than the Arctic. Erwin also drove like a god damn grandpa in the winter due to the icy roads which didn't help. Finally you made it to school with only five minutes before the bell rang, you bolted into the building, you were in such a hurry that you didn't bother to stomp the snow off your feet as you entered. Which was a mistake because in your hast you lost your footing on the already slick floor, you yelped as you fell flat on your ass. You blinked as you tried to comprehend what had just happened, you were brought back to the present by the sound of boisterous laughter. You turned to glare at Connie and Sasha who where standing to the left munching on a bag of hot cheetos.
"You should've seen the look on your face!" Connie howled as he slapped his thigh. Sasha giggled and nodded as she wiped cheeto dust on Connie's white shirt while he wasn't watching. You rolled your eyes as you picked yourself up off the floor, you ignored them and pushed forward down the hall. Sasha and Connie trailed after you since they had the same first class as you, making jokes as they went.
"You know they really should put out those yellow signs, you know the ones with the person falling?" Sasha joked loudly.
"Yeah I know what you mean, then we could print out a picture of (Y/n)'s face and then stick it on the sign." Connie quipped which lead to the two of them dissolving into another fit of laughter. You ducked into the class room as the minute bell rang weaving through the desks to get to your seat. Armin watched you with wide eyes as you pulled your things out for chem, after your desk was covered in notebooks and pens you topped it off with your phone, which was still dead. The bell rang and then Sasha and Connie staggered in, your teacher shook her head and marked them tardy once again.
"Did you get my text last night?" Armin asked, eyeing your phone on your desk.
"Aw no Armin I'm sorry, I didn't charge it last night so it's dead." you apologized as you attempted to organize your cluttered desk. Armin smiled sweetly and nodded,
"It's all good! I was just wondering what your schedule for this week was and if you wanted to study together again?" Armin explained as he pushed his pencil across his desktop.
"I'd love to study, Geometry is kicking my ass right now." you moaned, the thought of your math class made your stomach heavy with dread.
"I can help you with that if you can help me with poem for English." Armin said softly, his blue eyes sparkling with a playful glint. You rolled your eyes you knew that Armin wouldn't need your help with any of his classes, he was just trying to make you feel smarter.
"Whatever you want baby doll." Armin's face flushed at the pet name that you used for him, you had recently started calling him the nickname due to his doll like features. He averted his gaze to the board where the teacher had written a warm up question on the board to get class started. Instead of working on the problem like a good student, you decided to use the first five minutes of class time to revive your dead phone. You plugged your charger into your laptop and then plugged your phone into the charger, once you saw the tiny lightning bolt you turned your attention to the board.
Chemistry went by uncharacteristically fast, the teacher kept the class busy with a lecture as well as a rowdy game of kahoot in preparation for your midterm. You had no time to check your phone, so it wasn't until you were walking through the hallway with Mikasa and Sasha that you noticed that Levi had responded. According to your phone, he had responded only fifteen minutes after you sent the initial message.
"My bathroom schedule is none of your concern."
You smiled at your phone, it may not seem like he was pleased with your text but you knew better. You had come to appreciate Levi's own weird way of showing that he cared, it had been no small feat either. So you decided to interpret his response as "don't worry I'm fine." you shoved your phone back into your pocket and continued to push through the throng of students in the hall. Sasha walked a few paces in front of Mikasa and you, swinging her lunchbox and humming along to whatever song was playing through her ear buds. Mikasa tugged her scarf up over her nose as you passed Eren who waved vaguely in your direction. Your eyes roamed over Mikasa's form, she had recently switched her aesthetic a bit, changing her wardrobe to a more soft goth mixed with grunge.
Today she wore a green plaid skirt with a belt cinched tightly around her thin waist. She had selected a black turtleneck that clung to her curves with a thick silver necklace with a heart pendant. And of course she wore her red scarf around her neck. You had to admit that it suited her, she looked hot as hell. Sasha on the other hand often dressed in a more causal manner. Today the brunette wore a pair of baggy jeans that hung off her hips, only staying in place because of the shoe lace that she had tied around her waist to function as a belt. Despite the cold weather Sasha wore a tiny pink cami with cute little strawberries on it, she also wore a light pink cardigan over the cami, presumably to prevent herself from being dress coded. Seeing how cute your friends had dressed made you feel embarrassed, you frowned down at your sweatpants and your t shirt that had an ugly bleach stain on the front. You'd do better tomorrow, you thought to yourself as you and Mikasa followed Sasha to your next class, which was World History.
The three of you arrived just in time, not that it mattered anyway. The history teachers always took their time on Mondays, spending a minimum of at least twenty minutes in the hall chatting about sports. You took your seats in the back of the room, surprisingly Connie and Jean were already seated and arguing quietly.
"-I don't know that's a bit sus but hey I won't judge." Connie retorted, crossing his arms and averting his gaze while Jean glared at him.
"What are you guys talking about?" Sasha interrupted as she dropped into her seat next to Connie. Jean's cheeks flushed as he hardened his glare on Connie who waved Sasha off.
"Oh nothing" Connie winked at Jean who eyed the pair suspiciously, knowing that neither one could keep a secret.
"Aw ok then." Sasha looked a bit disappointed as she dropped her huge lunchbox down on the desk.
"Got anything good in there?" Jean sighed, eager to change the subject.
"Duh you dummy." Sasha scoffed as she opened the bag and began pawing through it's contents.
"Let me rephrase that: Got anything to spare? I have practice tonight and I didn't pack any snacks." Jean exasperated as he pointed to the lung box. Sasha paused and pursed her lips in thought while Connie poorly covered his laughter.
"Hmmm what's in it for me?" Sasha hummed thoughtfully as she pulled out a variety of granola bars and fanned them in front of her face tauntingly.
"I'm giving you the chance to be a good friend that should be enough!" Jean fumed with his eyes locked on the bars. You watched the pair go back in forth as they bartered for the snacks until they finally settled that Jean would be the designated driver for the party this weekend. You watched as Jean stuffed a handful of granola bars in his soccer bag and Sasha opened up another bag of hot cheetos. You giggled and turned to gauge Mikasa's reaction, she had a small smile on her full lips as she jotted down some notes.
"Speaking of parties, where is the party this weekend?" You asked as you pulled your own notebook out to take some notes. Connie cocked his head, his thin eyebrows furrowing as he stared at you.
"Your house I thought." Connie remarked as he drummed his pencil against the desk.
"Oh, I wasn't really planning on hosting but..."
"No Connie it's at Marco's remember?" Jean stated as he rolled his eyes.
"My bad." Connie chuckled.
"Well still I don't think I was invited so I wouldn't want to impose." you admitted.
"Nonsense! Marco would love to have you over." Sasha assured you as she once again wiped her hand on Connie's sleeve.
"Yeah Marco wouldn't mind if you tagged along." Connie shrugged, not even noticing that Sasha had left a bright red stain on his sleeve from the cheeto dust. You noticed that Jean looked a bit uncomfortable, the tips of his ears turning a bit pink. Strange, maybe something happened between the two of them.
"I don't know guys, I really wouldn't want to take advantage of the guy, he seems really nice and I wouldn't want him to think badly of me." you sighed, thinking about the sweet freckled barista.
"I'll ask him, don't worry about it!" Connie waved you off before he turned back to his work. You nodded, deciding to throw in the towel with this argument.
After history, you went your separate ways with your friends and went to your next class. English was easy enough, your teacher was an older woman who also doubled as the theater director. This meant that she would often assign some busy work at the beginning of the period and turn you loose so she could make preparations for the next production. So once you finished the assignment for today's class you allowed yourself some time on your phone. Levi's message remained unanswered as you ran through all the possible replies. Everything that you thought of didn't seem to fit so you decided to leave it unanswered until you could think of something good.
Levi tapped his foot impatiently as he watched Farlan and Isabel fumbled around the small flat. Farlan was rooting through a bin filled with shoes searching for his loafers. Isabel was standing in front of a small mirror holding up two different pairs of earrings up to her head to see which best matched her outfit. Finally they both found what they were looking for, Farlan slid on his brown loafters and Isabel fastened her hoops to her ears and then they were off. The streets of Paris were dusted in about a foot of snow, which Farlan bitched about due to his poor choice of footwear.
"Can we please call an uber? My toes are going to fall off!" Farlan complained as he shook snow out of his shoes. Isabel giggled and tossed her scarf over her shoulder.
"I like the snow." her green eyes sparkled playfully as she teased the older boy.
"So do I but that doesn't mean I want it between my god damn toes." Farlan hissed as he lifted his other foot to shake out more snow. Levi watched the pair bicker with a certain fondness in his gaze. They had been his first friends and for a time his only family. After his mother died, he was sent to live in an orphanage where he met the odd pair. Even if he was only in the orphanage for two years, he still had come to love the idiots. Thankfully they never lost touch, Farlan had turned 18 in July so he now had custody of Isabel and rented a flat for the both of them. Isabel was still only 16 so technically Farlan was her legal guardian, and so far he seemed to be doing a good job.
"What do you think Levi, should we call an uber?" Isabel asked, bumping her shoulder into Levi's to grab his attention.
"We're already almost there." Levi deadpanned as the three of them meandered down the sidewalk. The city was surprisingly busy for a Monday evening, couples walked with arms linked, families were window shopping, and students sat perched on barstools as they drank coffee while they typed away on laptops. Levi couldn't remember much about Paris, at least not this side of the city. He had grown up in the north-eastern district, which was known to be poorer than the central district or southern district. Farlan had managed to get a job at a law firm as an assistant which had allowed him to move himself and Isabel to the central district. Of course Kenny sent Farlan and Isabel a monthly allowance to keep their heads above water, but it was mostly Farlan who had scrounged the money together to move the pair.
"Then it's settled! We'll walk!" Isabel whooped as she skipped ahead of the two boys. Farlan groaned and shot Levi a disappointed look.
"Don't look at me like that, you're the idiot that wore loafers." Levi scolded.
"I hate how you're always right." Farlan chuckled. The trio walked the rest of the way to the restaurant in relative silence. Thankfully the walk wasn't too long, they sat themselves in a booth. A waiter came and took their orders, Levi was slightly taken aback when Farlan ordered a bottle of wine, but he quickly remembered that the legal drinking age in France was 18. The waiter left them to put in their order, Levi took the moment of peace to check his phone. A hand full of texts from Hange, a meme from Erwin, and.... no response from you.
He frowned as he stared at his own response, looking back at it he wasn't sure how she could respond to that. He mentally kicked himself, for the first time in your odd relationship you showed an interest in him and all he was doing was pushing you away. Levi was so deeply engrossed in his thoughts that he failed to notice that the waiter had already brought them their drinks. Isabel tapped her straw on the table a few times to rip the paper, once the tip of the straw was exposed she lifted the straw to her lips and blew. The paper shot off the straw and hit Levi square in the chin. Farlan snorted and spat his wine back into his glass so he could laugh at Levi's exasperated expression. Isabel howled with laughter, she banged her hand on the table dramatically as Levi frowned at the two of them unimpressed.
"How old are you?" Levi ridiculed as he stooped to pick up the scrap piece of paper. He balled the trash up and set it down on the table top. Farlan sighed as he finally managed to quell his laughter.
"Someone has to keep you humble Levi." Farlan teased as he took another sip of wine. Levi reached for the bottle and poured himself a glass, Isabel was drinking a root beer loudly through her straw. Levi sat his phone down on the table as he gave his friends his undivided attention. Isabel told him about her job at a doggy day care where she cleaned kennels and watched dogs. Farlan told him about his superiors and how they told him he would make a good lawyer one day. Levi felt a huge sense of relief as he listened to his friends, he was glad that the two of them were finally making a living for themselves. Levi was politely listening to Farlan rant about one of his annoying coworkers when he noticed that Isabel had grown uncharacteristically quiet. His heart dropped when he saw that Isabel had his phone and was frowning at the screen. Farlan followed his gaze and grew quiet as well.
"Isabel what do you think you are doing?" Levi enunciated each word, his tone dripping with venom. Isabel looked up at him, her cheeks tinged pink when she realized that she had been caught.
"Your phone was open and I saw her text..." Isabel trailed off as she turned to show Farlan. Levi slapped his palm over his face and sighed deeply. Farlan whistled lowly as he read the text.
"Shot her down real quick didn't you Levi." Farlan chuckled as he took another sip of wine. Levi frowned, another wave of guilt washing over him.
"Didn't mean to." he mumbled as he lifted his glass to his lips. Isabel had already set his phone down and favored her own phone, her eyes were scanning over the screen quickly as she scrolled through her phone. A few minutes of silence passed before Isabel showed Levi her screen, she had pulled up your instagram.
"This her?" she questioned, Levi only gave her a curt nod as he finished off the wine in his glass.
"Aw Levi's she's adorable!" Isabel gushed as she scrolled through your page, pausing on one of your more popular posts. A series of pictures of you on a beach towel wearing large sunglasses and a huge sun hat, the quality was amazing. He was sure that Armin took the photo, the kid had a knack for photography.
"Damn if you don't want her I'll take her." Farlan hummed as he looked over Isabels shoulder. Levi shot Farlan a disapproving glare.
"What's her number?" Farlan pressed, Isabel choked on her drink as she burst out laughing.
"Forget about it." Levi hissed as he snatched his phone off the table top.
"I'm just teasing you Levi." Farlan waved his hand dismissively as he poured another glass of wine. Levi rolled his eyes and let out a grunt, his own version of acknowledging Farlan's good natured jokes.
"You should call her." Isabel mused as she chewed on her food. Levi furrowed his brows, what would he even say to you? It's not like the two of you casually conversed, he usually only called you if Erwin couldn't reach you, which rarely happened. He glanced at his watch and frowned, if it was eight o'clock here that meant it was about two back home. Therefore you were still in school so he would have to wait until later.
"That's a dumb idea." Levi monotoned, Isabel rolled her eyes dramatically.
"No it's not, even if you're just her friend I'm sure she would like to know that she's on your mind!" Isabel insisted enthusiastically, Farlan nodded in agreement as he shoveled a forkful of pasta into his mouth.
"She's right you know-" Farlan paused as he swallowed his mouthful of food, "not everyone can handle your cold demeanor as well as others." Farlan chided as he lifted another bite to his lips.
"Fine I'll call her." Levi caved in as he stabbed his fork into his salad. Isabel squealed in excitement.
"This is great Big-bro! I'm so proud of you!" she gushed, her eyes glimmering with adoration. Levi couldn't resist reaching across the table and ruffling her hair affectionately. Dinner ended without any more noteworthy events, Farlan and Levi split the check and then bundled back up to walk back to the flat.
You sat at your dining room table staring hopelessly at your geometry homework. A bowl of cold soup sat untouched, you had been too stressed to eat dinner, a habit that you had recently picked up. Erwin and Hange had made dinner so you could get straight to work, which had been very sweet, but you felt guilty because truthfully you had barely made a dent in your assignment. You thought about calling Armin, he would help you. No you couldn't bother him, he was probably doing work of his own.
So you suffered in silence, the shapes and numbers spinning in your brain the longer you stared at the page. With a frustrated sigh you flipped the page only to see more blank problems that needed to be done. You stood up intending to stretch your legs and take a brain break. After you'd walked around the island in your kitchen three times you came back to the table and dropped down into the chair. You cracked your knuckles before clutching your pencil in a death grip and began to attempt one of the questions. As you scribbled on the page, attempting to make sense of the numbers and letters, you pressed too hard on your pencil and snapped the lead. You watched the tiny piece of lead roll across the page, out of spite you swiped your hand over the page to wipe the lead off.
Your eyes widened at the large smudge that now marred your paper. It all started with a single tear, it rolled down your cheek and splashed onto your paper. Before you could really understand why, you were absolutely bawling your eyes out at the dining room table. Was it because you were frustrated with school? Yeah that was definitely part of the reason. Before you could spiral into a dark pit of self deprecation, you were rudely interrupted by your phone ringing. You squinted through your bleary eyes to see that it was already 10:30 pm. You sighed, not really caring who was on the other end of the line you answered the phone.
"What" you blurted, not really in the mood to talk.
"Well? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now." your voice quivered as you fought back tears .
"Is...this a bad time?" your heart dropped at the sound of Levi's smooth voice.
"Uh" you sniffled and wiped your eyes.
"No it's not I can talk, what's the matter Levi?" you asked as you continued to wipe your eyes.
"Are you sure?" Levi probed, you nodded despite the fact that he couldn't see you. You stood up and began to pace around the kitchen once more.
"Y-Yeah-" you hiccuped and cringed, Levi sighed on the other end of the line.
"(Y/n) be honest with me....are you drunk?" Levi interrogated, you gasped it was a Monday night! Did he really think that you were that much of an alcoholic?
"No! I just...."
"Hm? What is it?" Levi quipped clearly enjoying your frazzled state.
"If you must know, I was in the middle of a mental break down." you admitted with a heavy sigh. Levi went silent on the other line, you were beginning to regret your honesty.
"It's only Monday." Levi cringed at his less than empathetic response.
"Yeah you're telling me." you chuckled, Levi immediately relaxed at the sound of your laughter even if it wasn't as bubbly as it usually was.
"What's bothering you?" Levi asked, surprisingly softly. You furrowed your brows surely he didn't call you just to hear about your day? He was probably just being nice.
"Oh uh... just school I guess." you paused your pacing to drop onto the sofa and kick your feet up onto the coffee table.
"I see." Levi mused as he reclined in the armchair he was seated in.
"Anyway, enough about me, why did you call me? Is there something you need?" you asked, you were sure that he didn't want to hear you complain about geometry.
"It's fine, tell me about your day." Levi grimaced, tell me about your day? Who was he your mother?
"O-Okay. Well I guess it was fine up until I tried to do this stupid geometry." you grumbled, the mere thought of your homework making your stomach sick with dread.
"Geometry?" Levi hummed, crossing his leg so his ankle was over his knee.
"Yeah." you sighed dejectedly, waiting for his scathing remark about how stupid you were.
"That one can be tough." Levi huffed, you could hear him re-situate so you waited to respond. Once you were sure he was settled you inhaled sharply to prepare yourself.
"It's just not clicking for me." you groaned, Levi snorted and once again you could hear some shuffling.
"Want some help?" he asked. You blinked slowly, not fully processing his words.
"Take it or leave it."
"I would be an idiot to decline."
"That wasn't so bad was it?" Levi asked, a playful glint in his grey eyes.
"It was awful, but I'm grateful for the help." you sighed, resting your head on the table. You'd been on the phone with Levi for almost two hours now. After he had offered to lend you a hand you had switched to facetime so he could see the problems. Levi tapped his pen on the counter top he was sitting at. Yeah you heard that right, Levi does math with a fucking pen like a psychopath.
"Anytime." his lip twitched upwards ever so slightly.
"God, I'm sorry that all we talked about was fucking math." you apologized.
"It's fine really. " Levi shrugged once again tapping his pen on the counter.
"Tell me about Paris? How are things on the other side of the pond?" you joked, finally able to genuinely smile now that the stress of your homework was lessened.
"First off, never say 'pond' again. Second, it's cold as a witch's tit over here." Levi enunciated each point by tapping the pen against the counter.
"Really? Is there snow over there?" You asked, suddenly very invested in the weather in France.
"Yeah there's a fuck ton." Levi stood up and brought his phone with him to a window. You could tell that he was on a high floor, you could see the lights of the city through the flurries of snow.
"Woah, it's so pretty!" you gushed as you admired Levi's view.
"Tch, I guess." Levi clicked his tongue as he flipped the camera back onto his face.
"Hey what time is it there?" you yawned.
"Six am." Levi deadpanned.
"What!! Why did you let me keep you up so late Levi! My god go to bed." you huffed incredulously. Levi rolled his eyes as he listened to you lecture him on the importance of a good nights rest.
"I mean seriously Levi no wonder why you're always so grumpy." you finished your rant as you closed your bedroom door and began pulling out a pair of flannel pj pants and a large hoodie since your room seemed to be particularly chilly. You dropped your phone onto your bed (camera down obviously) and began to change into your pjs.
"Don't worry about it sweetheart." Levi drawled, his voice a bit muffled by your comforter. Once you picked up the phone you dropped down onto your bed and sighed.
"Seriously, I'm just adjusting to the time change." Levi shrugged, he was now in his own room, also laying on the bed a pale morning glow seeping into the room.
"Uh huh sure." you teased, a smile spreading across your lips. After a moment of silence you decided that it was time to call it a night.
"Well, unlike you I need my beauty sleep." you said groggily.
"Good luck with that." Levi scoffed, his own voice a bit scratchy.
"Thanks again Levi. Goodnight or erm, Good morning I guess." you giggled as you watched Levi try to cover up a yawn.
"Yeah yeah whatever." He scoffed, you waved as you hung up. You rolled over and plugged your phone in, having learned from your past mistake. You sighed contently as you snuggled beneath the covers, your head filled with thoughts of geometry and Levi.
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star-lemonade · 3 years
School reunion (2/3)
A.C.E Junhee x Reader
Cw: kinda angsty?, fluff
Rating: R
Word count: 2.5 k
Summary: You hire someone to accompany you to your school reunion.
He had cut his hair but it was definitely him. Junhee said hi and your colleague greeted him back. You did not know how you should react so you just nodded in his direction.
“This is our newest addition. Fresh from university…”
You were not listening to John anymore because you watched Junhee. He was standing the farthest away from you, several people stood between you and him. He was listening intently and did not look at you. Junhee wore silver earrings that gave him a more soft look.
“... know each other.”
Everyone was suddenly looking at you. John smiled and gestured at you while your colleagues' eyes were on you. Your glance met Junhee who smiled softly.
The elevator chime saved you from answering. The door opened and everyone spilled into the lobby.
You sat as far away from John as possible today. What would he think if you said how you had met Junhee? No. It was not a good idea to tell the truth. But what should you say? What had Junhee said about how you knew each other? You stayed quiet and let others speak, trying to not draw attention to yourself.
After lunch you usually got a coffee from the shop next door and went to the roof of the company building to relax for a few minutes in peace. So after you had finished your plate in record time, you stood up and left. You had to sort your thoughts and come up with some story to tell people if the topic of Junhee came up again. If he really stayed with John’s company it was bound to happen.
You got in line at the coffee shop. It was a cozy place where you also liked to go in the morning before work. There was not much sitting space because the shop seemed to have been built in the gap between two buildings. When it was your turn you ordered your usual.
The barista told you the price and as you were about to pull out your card a shadow appeared in your peripheral vision.
“I will pay for that and can I get an iced americano?”
You looked up to see Junhee give the barista his best smile. The woman looked at you for guidance. Her cheeks were a bit flushed.
It felt odd to say his name. The day you had spent with him all that time ago felt like a dream. Not a good dream but also not a nightmare. More like a dream that left you confused when you woke up.
“Please, let me buy you a coffee.”
He smiled. It was not the same one he had given the barista. This was more subtle and more familiar somehow. You nodded, still stunned.
“So you got the job with John. Congrats.”
It felt awkward to talk to him again. He reminded you of a bad time without any fault of his own. Junhee had just been at the wrong place at the wrong time.
“Yes, thanks again for the number.”
He sipped his coffee as you walked back to the office building.
“How have you been?”
Well, how had you been? Your steps bounced off the wall of the building. The glass facade like a mirror showed you and him walking.
“I have been okay.”
It was true. After the school reunion you had not felt very good for some time, but the further it was away from you, the better you felt. You had distracted yourself with work and let other things fill your life. It was not like you did not care about what the bullies thought anymore, just that it was not as important as before. What is done is done. You could not take that day back, so you had to live with it. The automatic door opened and you entered the lobby.
It was time to say goodbye to Junhee.
“See you around.”
Over the next few weeks Junhee insisted on buying you your post lunch coffee and people started to notice.
“Maybe he has a crush on you,” one of your colleagues speculated.
You shot them down. That was absurd. Why would he be interested in you? No, it was just gratitude, you said. You had brought him and John together. In fact Junhee and John seemed to be a dream team.
When you went out for dinner with John and some others, he could not stress enough how much he valued Junhee’s work. You found yourself talking to Junhee a lot more as time went by. You talked about your favourite artists and ended up texting each other until late into the night. More than anyone else's, the chat with Junhee was on top in your messaging service when you opened the app. But of course this did not mean anything. He was not interested and neither were you.
It was Friday night and you were hungry. It was past your usual time for dinner, but eating before the company dinner seemed inappropriate. ”Company dinner” was not the right phrase. It was more like a gettogether of colleagues. You had these from time to time. On this day John and his employees would be there too.
The restaurant had a more nostalgic feel to it. There were no chairs, just benches on either side of the worn tables. The ceiling was naked concrete and pipes ran from one to the other.
You sat down in the middle of the bench and greeted the two guys from John’s company. The others trickled in over the next 20 minutes.
A familiar voice came from behind you. When you looked up, you were greeted by Junhee’s bright smile. He sat down next to you. Your colleague gave him a dirty look, when he squeezed himself between her and you. A warmth speared in your face. He looked gorgeous as always. The pullover he was wearing was just the right mix of casual and business for this event. You would have a hard time not staring at him. Maybe it was good that he sat next to you and not across. Although you had not minded looking at him all evening.
“I’m telling you I can do it!”
Minsu slurred his words a bit and some of his colleagues smiled. It was always amusing to see the innocent hubris of drunk people. He really thought he could beat anyone at arm wrestling.
“So who wants to try against me?”
He flexed his thin arms for show and now some people giggled. No one volunteered so he looked up and down the table. He pointed.
“Hey you, new guy! Will you wrestle me?”
Junhee smiled shyly at him. The pullover he had worn earlier was gone and he only wore a t-shirt now. A thin necklace disappeared under the collar. Only now you noticed how big his arms were.
Junhee changed seats so he and the guy sat opposite each other. His arms looked even larger now that you had a comparison. They got into position. Elbows on the table and hands locked. One of their colleagues held their hand in the middle and counted down.
“Three, two, one!”
They began. Junhee strained against Minsu’s arm and bared his teeth, but it was no use. Minsu pushed his hand to the table and stood on the bench a moment later to let himself be showered in shouts. Junhee smiled slightly embarrassed.
When someone asked how he could have lost with his big arms, he laughed, “The muscles are just for show. Fashion muscle.”
He sat back down next to you and showed you a shy smile.
“Are you ready? Rock, paper, scissors!”
Rock was a mistake. The others left you standing in front of the restaurant with a very tipsy Minsu. You waved for a taxi and thankfully there was one just down the street that drove towards you. The old man stopped in front of you and rolled down the window. You could have just dumped Minsu in the taxi but you felt bad for him and got in the back seat next to him. Minsu looked like he was about to fall asleep and you were okay with that until you arrived at his apartment complex. You heaved him out of the taxi and dragged him to the door.
“Thanks. Your so nice”
He smiled in the “head empty” sort of way that only drunk people had. You still appreciated his thanks. Minsu was one of the only people who were still nice even while being this drunk. The door frame was his support.
“Sure. No problem.”
He leaned forward and you got a face full of his alcohol breath.
“I will tell you a secret.”
You raised an eyebrow and waited. He gave you a conspiratory look and said: “Newbie, let me win.”
Minsu giggled and started to fumble for his keys. You trusted that he would find the way to his apartment and made your way home.
A heat wave brought sunny blue skies. Maybe for the last time that year. You stood in front of your closet and made a decision. Today you wanted to wear a dress. This was not something that happened often but today felt like wearing one.
You did not like it, when people at work commented on this. Sadly, it happened every time you wore a dress. It felt like they were looking down on your usual clothes, because they were not feminine enough. You tried to ignore the feeling the comments induced and concentrated on your work.
Lunch came and went. You got in line for coffee as always.
Junhee had appeared next to you. He wore his nerdy glasses and a bright smile. You were not sure, if he needed the glasses or not. Sometimes he wore glasses, but not always, and often they were just frames. He smiled the soft smile that he always had for you. The barista had seen you next in line and asked:
“The usual?”
You and Junhee answered in unison. You giggled at this spontaneous synchronization. Junhee paid and you waited for your drinks. The barista set two cups down and put lids on.
“The dress suits you.”
She smiled at you and handed Junhee his coffee with a “there you go”.
“And the one for the girlfriend.”
She offered you the second cup while beaming like a neon sign in the darkness.
Junhee wrapped an arm around your shoulders and thanked the barista. You were a bit confused as he led you out. It felt kind of nice to be this close to him. The thought of how it had felt to hold his hand popped into your mind. You had not paid much attention to it at the time. Now you wished you could remember it better.
“Why didn’t you correct her?”
His arm loosened but he did not let go. You stared at him as you slowly walked towards the company building. A blush creeped up his cheeks.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?”
Lighting had struck out of a blue sky. You sank down on your chair, still trying to process. Junhee had asked you out. Kind, funny, lovable, gorgeous Junhee. And you had said yes. What had you been thinking? You were going on a date with him.
The water glittered in the evening sun as you walked along the river bank. Junhee had suggested meeting here for dinner. You thought it was a bit unusual, but seeing all the people sitting on benches made you rethink. There were a lot of couples here. Couple. Like me and … You licked you lips and shook your head as if you could simply shake off the thought. This is just a date, don’t get ahead of yourself.
You went to the cafe which Junhee had sent you. It was on the river bank with a bunch of tables outside. You were a bit early but when you came closer you saw Junhee sitting at one of the tables already.
He dropped his phone and shot up from his chair, eyes wide open in shock. You waved and suppressed a laugh.
“It’s just me.”
Junhee calmed down and soon his smile returned. A waiter came over and both ordered something to drink. The evening sun warmed you and you were glad to have opted for a dress.
“That dress looks good on you.”
You looked up at Junhee whose cheeks had a light blush. He had cut his hair and it made him look even more handsome than before. Around his neck hung a delicate necklace, but the pendant was hidden under his shirt.
You felt very shy today, much more than at any point before. Now it actually mattered what Junhee thought about you. The way he smiled made your heart flutter. The waiter came with your drinks and you took a sip. Junhee had gone for a tea.
“No coffee today?”
Usually he ordered coffee so you had to ask. There was nothing else you could talk about right now.
“No. If i drink one now, I will not be able to sleep tonight.”
He took out the tea bag, even though it was probably too early and added: “Unless you want me to have a sleepless night.”
He looked up sheepishly.
“Why..? OH.”
Your face burned. Instead of an answer you sipped your drink.
“Oh! No! I mean, we could go to karaoke or party all night.”
Junhee’s attempt at saving the situation did not go down as he had planned, but you smiled at the prospect of him singing. There was no way he could sing. You did not want to leaving him hanging so you suggested:
“Or we could go to the cinema.”
His nervous laugh was adorable. You felt bold and took his hand to reassure him. Junhee froze and stared at your linked hands on the table. You hoped he would not pull back immediately, because the warm touch of his hand was so comforting. When he had got over his initial shock, his thumb began to rub over the back of your hands. The gesture made you warm from inside out and the fears you had had earlier melted away.
You spend the evening talking and walking around town, hand in hand. When the sun had set, Junhee accompanied you to the subway station.
“I guess this is it. Text me, when you get home.”
Junhee raised his hand as if to touch you but did not. The subway would come soon, you could feel the wind coming from the tunnel.
“I will.”
You were a bit embarrassed and looked at the band on the necklace around Junhee‘s neck as you added: “It was a nice evening.”
“Yes, it was.”
The subway arrived and the doors opened. You and Junhee shared a short hug before you sprinted for the door. As the platform disappeared out of view you regretted not having given Junhee a kiss on the cheek. You should have asked.
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kyotakumrau · 4 years
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2020.12.16 The World We Live In at Zepp Nagoya, 1st event report
They started with a huuuge delay, a bit of a mess with merchandise sale (with 1st and 2nd part being sold separately) etc.
And snow was teasing us when we were waiting outside because it is Nagoya😆
After the live footage (with a bit of a trouble one moment), music videos for Ochita and TWOM, they brought 4 sets of small high tables with chairs.
Fujieda stayed on the left side and first  apologized for the delay and announced that band members will arrive.
Everyone held their breath in as members came in, Toshiya and Die!
Die brought his hair game at the highest level, he also wore sunglasses with diamonds or something sparkling? Sorry, I was sitting in the last row on 1st floor😅 he wore all black, with a flowy/thorn style jacket.
Toshiya wore a brown leather jacket and a black DIRT top with the necklace thing.
Fujieda asked them to introduce themselves and next they talked about the Zepp Yokohama performance. Toshiya said he was nervous. Die said that he was surprised with how naturally it went for him, but he felt strange about the cameras (?)
Fujieda: how was it on that day?
Toshiya: it went by so quickly.
F: you were also filming a document. And the music video for TWOM.
Die: it took some time.
F: to complete it.
(they talked more about the video)
F: today it was unveiled in full for the 1st time. It was filmed in Takadanobaba.
T: it was a very small place
Next Fujieda asked them about their current situation.
Die said that things are not changing, the way they make songs stayed the same, there's no concert schedule, their surroundings/scenery is not changing at all, is stagnant. It felt like there was one single rythm for the whole year and suddenly it's December.
Next, they talked about the same time last year, when they toured in America. Die said because it feels like there was nothing this year it feels like it was very recently, like yesterday.
Fujieda: is there anything you've enjoyed even a bit recently?
D: today.
T: not really.
F: nothing?
T: the ramen we had earlier.
Next Fujieda recounts the events from Jan/Feb - Europe, March/SOGAI, May with the 5 day audio stream event. He asked them about it.
D: I listened to all of them. I got the setlists from the members earlier, but I still listened. It was really interesting.
T: I didn't watch.
F brought up the topic of the archives and special talk, that they also participated together then.
D: it was fun, exciting.
Next F talked about Pia Arena and the event for VIP ticket holders. T ???
After that they talked about WOWOW and members produced t-shirts.
T: it was quite hot, in summer.
D wanted to have his hair done properly (like all gorgeous-ed up?)
T joked that he changed his hair to this (while pointing the lenght with his hand)
Then they talked about the items they prepared for this event, F passed them their items, it seems it was the first time they saw the final product.
Die commented he wanted to make it more stylish/standing out, but then he was worried that fans won't be able to use it on daily basis. But they both have lyrics from Ochita
F: it's a simple design (in a good way)
And after that F struggled with pronouncing 必需品・ひつじゅひん・essentials while members were poking fun at him😆
F finally succeeded and commented he likes black because you don't have to worry about it getting dirty.
Next they talked about Toshiya's merch.
D: I was surprised by the size.
T: I requested big size, but this is huge (😂) also don't pink and purple ones look the same?
F: there are 5 colors, one for each member plus silver, sold at random.
T: sorry you got a random item (to fans)
F: but it makes it fun, like gacha/casaule toys. They got sold out for the 1st event.
Next they moved to the questionnaire, F passed them papers with questions from fans.
F: if you like any questions please read them.
T: like now?!
(isn't that the whole event idea?😂 )
Die went first.
D: 'what sweets are you into now?'
T: recently... a frozen mikan orange.
They talked about his ice cream during the special talk as well😆
F: how about you, Die?
D: the top of akafuku (mochi covered with red bean paste). In the past I only ate the top and gave the bottom to a kohai (younger friend/bandoman).
T: 'what was the food you ate in Nagoya when you visited for the first time? what  kind of famous Nagoya food do you like?'
D: first time ever? This time?
(they agree to talk about this time)
D: I can't eat unagi (eel) because of fishbones, but I ate a bit of hitsumabushi (famous eel dish in Nagoya).
(T laughed at him for being so weak😂)
F: hitsumabushi is definitely delicious. How about you, T?
T struggled with answering, F tried helping suggesting food they tried, Miso nikomi ramen. at Sugakiya (?)
T told us there was their shop in some department store where he used to go together with his family, so it's a nice memory for him.
D: 'are you into Kimetsu no yaiba/Demon Slayer?'
T: it's crazy popular now.
D: did you see it?
T: it finished recently.
D said he doesn't watch anime and he REALLY doesn't want to hear Kimetsu theme song anymore (it's played everywhere).
F: do you have a fav character?
T: not really.
F tried to encourage them to watch the movie.
T: 'during the period we were asked to stay home many people started to do more online shopping. What was the best item you got online?'
(I missed what was it that Die bought, but something to do with organizing I think???)
D: do you buy clothes?
T: not online.
D: so what do you mainly buy online?
T: alcohol.
D: buying in a bulk is good.
T: and I buy stuff that I can't find in normal shops.
F: what kind of alcohol?
T: wine.
T: 'because of the COVID situation there are many things we can't do now or we struggle with something. What is it for the band members?'
D: with the situation that there are absolutely no shows, nul, I actually started to question who I am.
They joked about needing some kind of therapy or training for when the shows will start again.
T: I really want the life with concerts back.
F talked about the additional The World You Live In event. Then it was the time for the final comments from the band members.
Die: ...hmm... standing on the stage right now I got to feel even more that I really want to play a concert, and it's a venue I really like. The situation is still not good now, things are difficult (concert and otherwise) but we're working on the songs for the next album, for the next year. I'd be really happy if we could have a tour at the same time with the album release.
Toshiya: in this kind of situation we can't do usual things, play concerts and so on. I'm always nervous, worried if people are going to come to our shows. But there are people who are waiting for us and for them I want to make music and plan concerts in the future.
Then Die stood up and said he wants to try standing in his usual spot on the stage, he walked around the kamite area.
Toshiya: you should play air guitar😎
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brelione · 4 years
Rafe Dating A Pogue
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You worked for his dad,meaning that he had seen you around plenty of times
You pretty much ignored him everytime he tried to talk to you
He had managed to get you to listen to him for two minutes
He tried to fit everything he wanted to say in those two minutes,trying really hard to charm you
“Im not your bitch Rafe.”You rolled your eyes,walking away.He was too stoned to walk fast,instead shouting to you. “Is there any chance I could be your bitch?”He shouted.
He tried really hard to stay away from the pogues,thinking that if he didnt mess with your friends maybe it would make his chances better
The next time he approached you was when you were carrying shit from the docks and onto Ward’s boat
“So how are you doing today,beautiful?”He asked,leaning against the boat.You rolled your eyes,walking past him. “Go fuck some rich bitch,Cameron.”You snapped at him.
He tried working on himself as a person,trying to figure out what you didnt like about him
He went up to Kiara as she was on a walk,struggling to keep up
“So like,did you tell (Y/N) shit about me?”He asked.She turned,looking up at him. “What?”She asked.He sighed. “Why does she hate me so much?”He asked.Kiara scoffed. “Oh as if you didnt beat the shit out of JJ and Pope.Go fuck yourself.”She took a short cut down a hill.He cupped his hands over his mouth. “Can you not tell her about this?”He shouted.
He set alarms in his phone for when you were supposed to come around so he could make his hair look nice and wear more simple shirts
He basically just tried not to look stuck up
He sat inside the boat,waiting for you
You walked in,groaning when you saw him. “Jesus-what the fuck do you want?”You asked.He bit his lip,smiling and sitting up properly. “Um...you look pretty today.”He blushed.You leaned against the wall,raising an eyebrow. “Today?As in I looked hideous the last time you saw me but today I got lucky?”You asked.He gulped,shaking his head. “No,no,You look pretty all the time but like you also look pretty today and I thought you should know that you look pretty today.”He stammered.You let out a low,emotionless laugh. “I know.”You answered.
It took him eight months of not getting into fights and complimenting you every time he saw you to finally get your number
Well,you took his number and he waited for hours to get a text.
You texted him at 11:53 pm calling him an asshat
He got you to go on a date with him to a coffee shop,also bringing you a necklace with a turtle on it because he heard you say that it was your favorite animal once
“I got you this.”He held out his hand,showing you the necklace.You raised your eyebrows,looking between him and the necklace. “Why?”You asked.He shrugged. “Just because.”He answered.
He had waited for you to make a move,not wanting to mess things up
You kissed him after he had driven you back to your house after your fourth date
You had simply reached over,cupped his face and pecked his lips before grabbing your bag and hopping out of his car and into your house without another word
You really liked his bathroom and would just sit in the empty bath tub when you went over sometimes
He’d knock at the door,worried. “Hey,you okay?Its been twenty minutes.”He opened the door,seeing you laying in the tub.You turned red from embarrassment,sitting up. “I like your bath.”You told him.
So he turned on the water and took a bath with you
He accidentally called someone a “Filthy Pogue” in front of you
“Im a pogue,Rafe.” “No,no I dont see you as a pogue.” “Then you dont see me,Rafe!Im a fucking Pogue and you cant change that.”
You hadnt talk to him for three days after that until he bought you a cat to make up for it
“I know that you dont support turtles being sold in pet stores because they’re mistreated so I went to the shelter and got you a half deaf cat.”He told you,lifting up the large ginger cat.You sighed,yawning. “You got me a half deaf cat?”You asked.He nodded,still holding the cat out to you.
He would come over to your house with cat food and cat toys because he knew that you couldnt afford it
He took you to the golf course,trying to teach you
“You really do this all the time?This shit is boring as hell.” “Is it really?What would you rather do?”
That lead you to try teaching him how to surf
 “How do you find this fun?I keep almost drowning!”He exclaimed,holding onto his board tightly.You laughed,shaking your head. “You’re such a fucking kook,babe.”
He never tried to get you to change your style,understanding that it was pretty much your culture and way of life
“Is it true that kooks wipe their asses with ten dollar bills?” “No.” “Is it true that you guys are all part of the illuminati?” “No.”
You really loved his pool
“You know whats cool about pools?” “Hmm?” “I dont get sand up my ass.”
You had to call him once cause you got lost in his house
Ward had gotten used to you,a pogue,dating one of his kids so John.B and Sarah werent insane to think about
Speaking of Sarah her and Wheezie liked you a lot
Wheezie had a lot of questions about the cut and being a pogue,asking about why you all wore bracelets
Rafe’s style had changed since he met you,now keeping one of your bracelets and one of your bandanas around his wrist as all times
@sexytholland @28cnn @copper-boom @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @on-socks-off​
If you’d like to be tagged in all future JJ imagines/headcannons/series comment with a heart,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Pope imagines/headcannons/series comment with a smiling face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Rafe imagines/headcannons/series comment with a frowning face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Kiara imagines/headcannons/series comment with a question mark and if you’d like to be tagged in all future Sarah Cameron imagines/headcannons/series comment with a plus sign.Or if thats too complicated you can just comment whose name you’d like to be tagged in.
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ryvgvji · 4 years
Surprise! | Eijirou Kirishima
Happy late birthday to my baby boy Kiripima!!❤️✨
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genre: fluff with slight smut
warnings: lap dance? light cursing, suggestive writing (this falls into the fem.reader region, but all are welcome to read. i tried my best to not make it steer toward writing for women alone)
summary: you decide to throw your boyfriend a surprise birthday party and invite some old classmates and friends over to celebrate all together.
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this is probably the longest post i’ve ever made. i really hope y’all enjoy
(apologies for any grammar errors)
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today was a special special day. it’s your boyfriend Kirishima's birthday. for your boyfriend of many loving and happy years, you decided that you wanted to show him your appreciation for him. with him being a pro hero and you working as a first responder, you never got to celebrate special events like this with him because he’d often be caught up with patrols and saving civilians. but this year you were determined to change that. last week you contacted your old classmates and close friends of you both and let them know you wanted to throw him a surprise party, instantly they said they will be there. so you rented out a VIP section in the most famous club in Japan and contacted the club’s manager to let them know about the event and asked if you could give a playlist to the DJ. it was an easy process and everything was set.
you had woken up early enough to make Kirishima and yourself some breakfast. you made waffles with bacon and sausages. almost finished with breakfast, you heard someone’s feet dragging across the floor from around the corner. you saw a messy-haired Kirishima rubbing his eyes yawning with a slumped over posture. “‘g’ morning baby, how come you up so early?” he walked into the kitchen, coming up behind you placing his head on your shoulders kissing your cheek. “good morning handsome. i’m just making breakfast for the best birthday boy in the world.” you say as you place the food into plates and turned off the stove. turning around you faced your boyfriend who still had some drool on the corner of his mouth. you placed a kiss to his lips and smiled. “y/n you didn’t have to do that.” he pouted. “but i wanted to. come on, let’s eat.”
picking up your plates, you guys walked over to the dining table and took a seat beside each other. no wasting anytime Kirishima picked up his fork and started to eat. he hummed out in approval as he swilled down the food. you smiled at him before picking up your fork. “i’m glad you enjoying it Kiri.” you guys are together, occasionally having small talk about work and such.
“you know, i almost forgot that today was my birthday.” he laughed as he gulped his orange juice. “man you're getting old, baby.” you teased him. he laughed leaning his head back slightly, “please, don’t remind me cutie.” you smiled looking away feeling butterflies flutter in your stomach. Kirishima notices this and turns to you taking your face into his hand so you look at him. “what’s up cutie?” his eyes focused on your face. you smiled once again. he was so breathtaking that you couldn’t help it. “what?” he’s also smiling showing a couple of sharp teeth. “your amazing.” you sighed looking into his crimson eyes. a light blush spreads to his cheek and he leans in only inches from your face. “not as amazing and perfect as you though better half. you make everything better in life since you walked into it. you make me feel like the best man in the world. you make me wanna work hard, be the best version of myself, y’ know? i love you cutie.” you could see your vision getting more and more blurry with each word that he whispers to you. you let the tears slip down your cheek as he quickly wipes them away with his thumb. “Kiri, i’m supposed to be sweet talking you, not the other way around.” you chuckled holding your hand on top of his. he kisses your lips, laughing. “oh please. go and fresh up for work, i’ll take care of the dishes.”
you now at work you were working on some paperwork as the day started to slowly end. many patients are seen and a few lectures with your colleagues are held. you had received a couple of cards from the small kids that came in for a check-up to give to Kirishima. it was such a cute interaction with them. it makes you smile when you think about all the little kids your boyfriend has inspired and encouraged to do their best in everything. he was just perfect. simple as that. the alarm on your apple watch went off signaling that it’s time for you to go back home. at the same time, you received a call from your good friend Mina and your best friend. “girl, we’re about five minutes away.” your best friend spoke. “okay. i’m just logging out now. i’ll be there soon.” “okay, cya, much!” you hung up that phone then packing up your stuff and exiting your office. “bye guys, i’ll see you next week!” you called it to the others in the office. “bye y/n!” they chimed. “be sure tell Kirishima happy birthday for us and give him a treat.” one of your acquaintances said. “sure will!!” you laughed and waved hopping onto the elevator.
you walked out of the establishment saying goodbye to the security guards. you saw your best friend’s car right in the front and hurriedly walked over. “y/n!!” they exclaimed. “yes?!” you giggle, mocking their tone of voice. “you ready to surprise your man?” “yes, i am!!” “then let’s go!” Mina cheers. your friend put the car in drive and start your journey home.
arriving at your apartment building, you park at the front and get out of the car. straight through the front entrance into elevators, you press on your floor number and go up. you open your apartment door, stepping inside and turning on the light with your friends close behind. “okay lemme go and take a shower. you guys can do whatever you want.” you put your keys and bag down on a chair nearby then proceeding to your bathroom.
after a nice good shower, you walk into your shared room to see Mina and your bestie sitting on the bed watching TV while chatting. “you guys know what are you wearing?” you asked them as you apply lotion to your body. “yeah i have it with me in my bag.” Mina spoke as she looked through her phone. “same here. lemme go get it.” your friend exits the room before turning with all your bags at hand. “your bags were out there so i just picked them up.” she hands Mina her bag and places yours on the stand by your TV. after putting on undergarments you went through your bag to see a message from Kiri. you slide it open and read it.
My Hero 💫❤️ - hey cutie, i’m almost finished with patrol i’ll be home in an hour and a half ❤️
you smile and text a quick “okay❤️” then shutting off your phone. “y’all it’s time. he said he’s leaving work in an hour and a half.” “alright! let’s get this show on the road.” your friend unpacks her bag taking out her clothes and takes out some makeup. Mina does the same. you go into your closet reaching for your outfit. for a little more fun you turn on your TV to YT and play some music while getting ready. you tell Mina to shoot Bakugou a text and tell him to get ready and your friend starts on your makeup. “yes ma’am!”
as your friend put the finishing touches on your eyebrows and lips, you hear your phone ring. Mina reads you the caller ID telling you that it’s Bakugou. you take the phone and answer. “hey Bakugou, wassup?” “yo y/n, i just finished my patrol and i’m in the office. Kirishima is still on patrol so i’m waiting for him. you guys almost finished?” he questioned you. “i just finished my makeup so now i’m going to get dressed. do you know how longer Kiri will be patrolling?” on the other end Bakugou let’s out a sigh. “i don’t know maybe about 20 more minutes.” he grumbles. “but I'm gonna go and take a shower and change. i guess you lemme know when you guys are finally finished painting your faces with clown makeup and are going to leave.” you laughed. “it’s not clowning makeup! aight bet i’ll text you.” “m’kay, bye idiot.” “bye nasty.” the call ended and you got up from the chair to go look in your mirror. “this is good! you should do this for a living!” you praised your best friend’s work of art. “oh stop it. i’m glad you like it.” you nod and smile. “okay now i’m going to do my makeup, you go get dressed up.” she rushed you. you took your clothes and entered your bathroom.
“are y’all ready?” you come into the room in your outfit. you had on a deep blue, almost black like a strapless dress that was open through in a V shape with a string looped in it. you paired that with a denim distressed crop jacket, some black heels, and your rhinestone purse that had a strap. to top it all off you wore the matching earring and necklace that Kirishima had gotten you for your anniversary gift. “damn girl!! looking like a million fucking dollars!” your friend exclaimed checking out your outfit. “thank you.” walking over to look in the mirror you spray some good smelling perfume on and touch on up your hair. damn, you do look good. “alright. we all ready?” you asked your best friend. “mhm, Mina is all ready and is in the living room talking with Sero, Kami, and some others.” “okay, let’s get going now. Kiri should be finished with patrol now so im gonna text Bakugou and tell him that we’re leaving. you guys can go along, i’m gonna take my car cause i still gotta pick up the cake.” you reassured her. “alright. see you in a bit hon, bye.” she leaned in and gave you a hug then leaving.
you just picked up Kirishima’s cake and was on your way to the club now. you’ve been calling all the guests and let them know that they should be at the club now and answered any questions that. as you are a few blocks away from the club, you get a call from Bakugou saying that Kirishima got out of the shower and changed into new clothes. “okay, i’m just pulling up to the club. you gonna drive here?” “yeah. also, i’m gonna pick up the extra idiots Kaminari and Sero on the way.” he explains to you. “bet. i already told Denki and Sero that when you guys are getting close to blindfold him.” “okay. see you in a bit.” with an approving hum you hung up the phone. after shutting on the car, you got out and walking into the club. instantly music fills your ears and your eyes slightly strain from the lowly dim room with different colored lights. moving deeper into the club by the VIP, people start acknowledging your presence cheered and wooed for you.
“you're finally here y/n, i was wondering what was taking you so long.” your best friend comes and takes the cake from you set it on the big table in front of you guys. “sorry, it was but if a drive.” you put your phone in your purse and onto your shoulder. walking closer you see many familiar faces. Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and Uraraka were chatting when they saw you and waved to you. you saw Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Jirou and Hagakure sat next to each other on their phones. glancing around more you notice Shinsou, your old teacher Aizawa, Hawks, Tetsutetsu all spread out minding their own business. walking into the booth to say hi to everyone, you see two people who you haven’t seen in so long. you other two besties. you grinned and slightly jogged over to them pulling them into hugs. “it’s been way too long. i’m so glad that y’all could make it!” you smiled. “of course!” one of them spoke. “anything for you y/n.” the other said. “i think this is gonna be a great night. this was a good idea y/n.” “i know right, this night is gonna be legendary.”
after a long chit chat and catching up with your besties and classmates, you moved to talk to the manager about the situation and thank them once again for this being able to happen. “sure thing Ms. y/n. Mr. Eijirou is a very lucky man. i hope he enjoys his time.” you thanked them before ending the conversation and walking to the DJ to make sure that they had your playlist set. once they started to play the music you headed over to the bar to order some drinks for everyone. you return to VIP with two trays of multiple mixed drinks. “thanks.” they each mumbled as you passed them their drinks. “y/n.” you turn around and see Momo and Aoyama walking in the club. “hey!” you walked over to hug them. “how’s life been treating y’all?” “amazing. as you can see i still look good.” Aoyama playfully winked at you making you giggle. “yes, i can. what about you Momo?” “i’m just here. i recently got engaged to the love of my life.” she smiled revealing to you the ring on her finger. “oh my god, congrats girl. i hope i’ll be invited to the wedding.” you poked her sides. she laughs, “yes you are dear, don’t worry.” “okay. well, go ahead and settle in the booth over there with everyone else. i’ll take care of drinks.” “thank you y/n.” they walked to the booth and took a seat.
after a couple of minutes and you were now dancing with some of your friends, your phone went off in your purse and you took it out. it was Bakugou calling you. “hey Bakugou.” “we’re here and he’s blindfolded.” he told you. “okay. you guys can come in now.” “alright. bye.” the called ended. you hurried over to the DJ requesting that you could have the mic. “hello, everyone. Bakugou is here with Kirishima. do you think we could be extra quiet and surprise him?” you questioned everyone in the club. they all cheered and stopped their chatter. the DJ turned down the music as you gave them back the microphone. just then the door for the club opened letting in the cool breeze of the evening as four men walked in all laughing and slightly pushing each other. they quickly silence themselves due to enter the room.
“bro, what the hell. where did y’all bring me?” Kirishima spoke. you walked over to him. from your heels clicking on the wooden tiles he could tell somebody was around. “who is that?” he asked. smiling you reach up and pushed the makeshift blindfold that around his head up to on his forehead. immediately his eyes widen. “y/n?” “surprise!” you shouted along with everyone. Kirishima was so astonished. “w-wha- how?” he looks around seeing familiar faces. “this is for you baby.” you reach and wrap your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. he wraps him around you at the same time kissing you back deeply. pulling away you could see tears on his cheek as he looks you in your eyes. you use your thumbs to wipe them away. “baby doesn’t cry. it’s okay.” you softly massaged his cheeks. “y/n i wasn’t expecting this. y-your too good for me.” “aww, Kiri. come on, some people want to see you.” you lead him over to the VIP booth to see everyone.
so far the night was going great. many drinks and shots were ordered, some people already slightly tipsy. others just enjoyed the free chips that were passed out. you though. you were celebrating yourself. a whole lot. you and your besties along with Mina and Hagakure were all on the dance floor. y’all are dancing around having fun. then the song Instruction challenge that was on your playlist, starts to play. you get so hype and your besties know what’s about to happen. because you guys were being loud, you guys earned the attention of a couple of other people on the floor and they started to spread out making space for you. you also caught some of your friend's eyes like Todoroki, Iida, Hawks, etc.
as the beat played you slowly removed your jacket as you move your hips slowly whining before going into position to twerk. Mina and your best friend took their phones out to record. you also removed your heels and handed it to one of the girls. this drew even more attention from people and including your boyfriend. “what is she doing?” he eyed you in curiosity. “oh i know.” Momo and Aoyama laughed to themselves. even more confused, he moved closer to get a better look.
when the song said “just sit down, just bounce pon de dick.” everyone's eyes went wide, some people face like Midoriya, Kaminari and Shinsou got a bit red. they were not expecting that. to make circumstances even worst for them, you started to twerk. you moved your ass up and down to the beat of the song. your dress moving against you adding that extra jiggle from the slightly loose fabric.
your friends sang along to the lyric hyping you up so much. “so manage it, manage it!” they cheered as you threw it in a circle. “pon de one side, pon de one side, kotch pon de one side, one side.” you bent over bending your right knee to support yourself as you stretch your left leg. you reach for your left ankle to grip onto it as you moved left ass cheek. you moved it to the beat of the song.
at this point Kirishima was at a loss for words and a bit turned on the least to say. this was new to him. you could move like that? then straighten your leg so your bent over, you shake your ass when the song said “move de batty jaw now.” one of your friends started to throw money onto your ass and smack you on your ass. “oh my god y/n.” Sero laughed, totally unfazed by what’s happening. when they thought it was the end, “knock de pussy pon de damn concrete.” played. you went into a split and did exactly what they said, you knocked it on the concrete. twice. when the song ended your friend cheered for you and the other on the dance floor clapped. you smiled and thanked them before beginning to gather your stuff together and walk over to the booth.
“whew, that was a lot.” you breathed dabbing your head with a napkin before taking a sip of the water Kirishima was drinking. “you have no idea.” Shinsou spoke scratching the back of his neck with raised eyebrows. you laughed knowing exactly what he meant. “my bad. that’s just my song.” you shrugged with a smile. you look at Kirishima who was watching you. “yes Kirishima? your staring” you taunted him. “huh? oh, uh. nothing.” he frantically explained. laughing at his cute response you place your hand in his hair giving him little pets. “come on, let’s have some fun!” Mina exclaimed to everyone. Uraraka, Tsuyu, Aoyama, Momo, and Kaminari get up with no hesitation, following over to the dance floor. others like Todoroki, Shinsou, and Tokoyami stayed sitting down and watched. “would you like to join me, birthday boy?” you smirked as you outstretched a hand towards Kirishima. he accepted. “yes i would!”
you’ve been dancing for a while now with everyone and having the time of your life with your boyfriend’s arms around your waist, not letting up. dancing from songs like the Cha Cha Slide and teaching Kirishima how to Kontrol by Maleek Berry and whining into Kirishima as he matched your movements going low to the floor anytime you got lower. you even danced to La Romana by Bad Bunny with the Latino king himself Sero. you even caught one of your friends going crazy throwing it back on him as he caught it. everyone went crazy videoing them and hyping them up. the club was hype, and the excitement was far from ending as you had something planned for Kirishima at the end.
now back at the booth, telling Kiri that you need to go to the bathroom you excused yourself and went for the cake that you had bought. with the help of Todoroki, you successfully got to bring the cake to the table. you had placed the candles on it and lit them with a lighter. you placed the cake in front of Kirishima and placed a kiss on his cheek saying the words, “happy birthday baby.” he smiled as everyone cheered for him and wished him well. “go on! make a wish!” Aoyama urged him. taking your hand in his, he closed his eyes then blew out the candles. “thank you.” he kissed your hand. you smile, “anything for you baby.” “alright let’s have some cake!!” Tesutesu cheered. you feed Kirishima the cake, teasing as you smeared icing on his nose.
it’s been a while since you guys been sitting and chatting. you decided it was the best time for your surprise now as it was well close to 3 am. some people like Bakugou, Shinsou, and Deku were sleeping. some chatter was still going on but it was minimal. so you inquired of Mina and Kaminari to help you out with setting up. you told Mina to take care of the song with the DJ and Kaminari to place a chair in the middle of the dance floor for Kirishima to sit in. you woke up those how were sleeping and explained to everyone that you had something in store for Kirishima. “what else is there to do idiot?” Bakugou grumbles, upset that you woke him up from slumber. “promise me, you’ll want to see this.” you walk to the bathroom to get yourself ready and wait for your cue.
“what’s happening?” Kirishima asked his friend Kaminari as he was nudging him to the chair on the dance floor. “sh, just enjoy bro!” he gave him a thumbs up and went back to where everyone else was. “can i please have everyone’s attention.” Mina called through the mic by the DJ station. Kirishima landed his attention on her. “Kirishima, today’s a very special day. and we all have that we were able to spend it with you.” she started. Kirishima leans back in the chair with a smile on his face mouthing a ‘thank you’ to her. “and as the night is coming to a close, your sexy ass girlfriend named y/n has a show for you right now.” now everyone has their phones out at recording. “performing to Ride by Ciara, the big booty, big titty, make you cream your pants, y/n y/l/n!!!”
the song starts and you walked out of the bathroom that was by the bar. Kirishima turned to see you slowly walking out. your hand grazing against the counter as you seductively watched him walking down the bar. taking a strawberry that was in a cup, you placed it in your mouth bit sucking on the juice that was in the fruit. you placed the stem in the glass before slowing walking over to Kirishima, right leg in front of the other. the sound of your heels against the floor echo in the room with music.
reaching to Kirishima, he looks at you with wide eyes. you go behind him, you move your hand to grip his face in place a kiss to his lips then walking around in front of him. “i can do it big. i can do it long. i can do it whenever or however you want.” you lip-sync the song as you parted Kirishima’s leg placing yourself in between them. you continue to sing. “i market it so good, they can’t wait till you try me.” knelt, lean your face dangerously close to his crotch and roll your body before standing up straight. you turn around to face the crowd and you walked a few inches from him. you bend over with your back arched and your hands on your knees. you whine your hips being sure to slowly move in circles occasionally toking your hips to the side. sliding down to the floor with your ass in the air you continue to circle your hips. “they love the way i ride it. they love the way i ride it.”
Kirishima watching your every move, feeling very hot now having a full view of your ass in his face. his bottom lip found their way between his teeth as he didn’t let his eyes off you like your hip land flat on the floor in a fast motion causing your ass to jiggle. you turn around on your back, slowly moving your upper half off the floor until you sat up. with your arms grazing over your body brushing over your breast. you give them a slight squeeze and made a lewd face that makes Kirishima’s head loll back to the side as he made a pained expression showing his desperation. you stood to your feet and took your shoes off as a part of the dance. “i do it to him right, it’s like mmh-mmh good.” you bend your knees going down so you're on your toe and open your legs so Kirishima can see. you go into a split from here and move up and down.
“yes y/n!!!” Mina cheered for you. your eyes stay on Kirishima as you blew him a kiss. he smiled and motions you over to him. you crawl on all fours you stop before Kirishima. you move your hands up his body to his neck as he tilts your head up and looks at you. “baby, i need you.” you settle both your hands on his arm and take his fingers into mouth humming around them. “shit.” he swears.
pulling away you inch away a bit before putting your head down to the floor. using your arms to brace yourself, you use your legs to push off the ground so that you are on your head. you open your legs and move them gradually making them wave. leaning back you rest your legs on Kirishima’s thighs. he comes down positioning a hand behind your head and one around your waist pulling your body up. you encircle your arms around his neck having him extra close to your face. “Woo!!!” Kaminari and Hagakure shouted for you two as everyone roared as well.
“he love the way i ride it. he love the way i ride it.” you sang to Kirishima as you move your hips against him. you grind onto him. Kirishima lets out a groan. “holy fuck baby.” he pulls you closer by the arm around your waist and bucks up into you, using the hand on the back of your neck to pull you into a needy kiss. you kiss him back moving your tongue against his. you could feel his dick cock hardened through his jeans. it pressed right against your now soaked panties under your dress.
you move legs so that your feet were also set on his thighs. moving your lips down to his neck you still grind against him. you hear him let out a breathy moan and lean his head back, eyes squeezed shut. “y/n... i-i can’t.” he whines and moves his hand down to your ass. you twerk your ass against his hand. he smacks your ass and grabs it, using it as leverage to grind you harder down on him and buck up into you.
“you like this?” you could hear him whimper out a ‘yes’ as he still grinds your down onto him you pull away so that you sit upright on his hard member. you twerk your ass and smile at him. you lightly bounce on him causing him to slightly set off his quirk. pulling you back into him, he places your head on his shoulder and moves his hands under your dress.
without even thinking he moves your dress up so that your ass is on full exhibition for all to see. “YESSSS Y/N!!!!” Aoyama cheers for you. Kirishima lands a hard smack to your ass feeling the skin jiggle and you flinch in his lap with a moan in his ear. he bunches your panties and pulls it between your ass. “this is all mine. tonight you’re gonna get it.” he says. you lean into his lips giving him a faint kiss.
you fix yourself and moved so that you were standing again. swiveling around you strut away before coming to a stop. you reach under your dress and removed your panties. you threw it towards Kirishima and walked away. everyone went wild. then the music ended. “give it up for y/n!” Mina spoke through the mic. everyone clapped for you and you gleam taking a bow. “thank you all for making this night a memorable and happy night for my sexy warrior Eijirou Kirishima.” you direct toward Kirishima who hand your panties in hand and watching you with hooded eyes. “i love you baby.” you said to him.
“y/n that was fricken amazing! look.” Hagakure showed you her phone. you watched as you and Kirishima grind against each, kissing and moaning. you felt your face heat with embarrassment. “oh my god. i did that.” you laughed and hid your face in your hands. “girl there’s nothing to be afraid of, we all know what goes on behind the close door.” Aoyama leaned in his hands and winked at you. “and from the looks of it, Kirishima appeared to be enjoying himself as well.” your friend implied at the phone to when Kirishima had rolled your dress up and slapped your ass. “by the way, nice ass.” Mina winked at you.
“Kirishima bro how does it feel?” Kaminari and Sero surround Kirishima as he walked back to the booth. “you have no idea bro.” he smirks looking at you as you talked with your friends. “dude you were going all out. grabbing her ass like it’s no one’s business.” Sero shows him the video. he watches as his hands grabbed on your ass grinding into you. he could feel his dick twitch against his thigh from the view of your ass. “you look a bit excited there shitty hair.” Bakugou spoke suggestively. Kirishima moved his hands to cover his prominent boner. “oh, he’s ready.” Jirou laughed. “Kiri’s gonna get some tonight!” Tetsutetsu chimed.
“babe, you ready to go home?” Kirishima came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. you shiver as his teeth rake against your ear. “oop, y/n. looks like you won’t be able to walk for days.” your best friend wooed. you only laugh, jokingly telling them to shut up. “yeah. you ready?” you replied to Kirishima. he nods his head nuzzled into your neck. “okay. lemme get my panties to put back on.” you ran your hands through his hair. “no i’ll think i’ll keep it. makes things more interesting.” he says to you. your friends hear and squeal. “y/n is getting fucked senseless tonight!!” Mina hollers. he looks at her from your neck. “you have no idea.” turning you around his arms, he picks you up and wraps your legs on his midsections. he slaps your ass and kisses your neck. he gathers your belongings and says goodbyes and goodnights to everyone, walking out the door with you.
you all know what happened after that
part 2
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the idea of loving you | 3
Being in love is never easy. Especially with a certain blonde-haired Slytherin around.. /4th year, Voldemort not coming back/
pairing: Draco x Ravenclaw reader
word count: 2600
warnings: none
a/n: I’ve been listening to a lot of girl in red lately, and is shows lol. Also thank you SOO much for all the support. It honestly makes my day <3 
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After the incident with Malfoy, you went back to Harry and you talked for another hour or so, before leaving together to head back to the castle. Draco left the inn shortly after your little talk. You felt relieved, knowing that he won't bother you anymore, so you can focus all your attention on the brown-haired boy who's been patiently waiting for you to come back. But oh boy, you were wrong. You couldn't get Malfoy and his intoxicating smell out of your mind, and it once again drove you crazy. He should be illegal, you thought.
As you got back to your common room, you saw Luna sitting on a blue velvet sofa alone, with a book in her hand. She wasn't reading it or anything, she just held it in her hand, as she stared out of the window. Luna Lovegood. You met her last year, on the train heading to Hogwarts. You were a bit late, so all the cabins were full, except for the one Luna was in. She sat alone, not bothering to look in your direction when you opened the door. Not out of rudeness, she just simply didn't notice you, as she was lost in her thoughts, similar to how you found her on the sofa just now. When you first saw her, she wore colorful clothes and a funny looking necklace made out of Butterbeer caps. You voiced your fascination towards the odd jewelry, saying you've never seen anything like that before. She didn't reply but smiled at you as she took it off and gave it to you. Being friends with her meant being together in silence doing completely different things, just enjoying each other's company. It meant long walks to feed the Thestrals, even though you didn't see them, and going stargazing together. You were out on a warm September night, in your half-tied shoes and wrinkled shirt sitting on the grass, filling the silence with meaningless jibber when she kissed you. This was the first kiss you've shared together. It ended as quickly as it began. Her kissing you took you off guard, but you didn't mind it. Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberries. She smiled at you as you laid back, spreading out on the grass as if nothing ever happened, and continued talking. Your second kiss happened briefly a month after that. It was no secret that Luna was weird. Everyone knew that, and they liked bullying her because of it. She was usually good at not caring and shutting them out, but on that particular day, she broke. You two were sitting on the floor in Myrtle's bathroom while she cried, and it honestly broke your heart. It was now you that started the kiss. It was delicate, slow, and full of emotion, but it wasn't romantically motivated, and you both knew it. You've never talked about this kiss again. You wanted to walk up to her and ask her about her day, but Cho stopped you. "Oh, y/n, thank Merlin you're back. We were just talking with Marietta about the ball. It's a week away, and we still don't have dresses," she stressed. You realized she was right. You definitely needed to visit Hogsmeade before next Friday. Maybe you could invite Luna too. You knew she was not into all the dressing up, putting on expensive jewelry and makeup, but you'd give it a try, you thought. "And also, I heard Ced invited you to their little get-together. I'm so happy you're coming, you don't even know. I've never even talked to these guys before, so I probably would've felt very awkward sitting with them," she laughed. That was true. Cho was easily intimidated, and she got all shy when she was with people she didn’t know well, so you were happy you accepted Cedric's offer. In the end, you didn't get to talk to Luna, because Cho and Marietta dragged you with them to the library to meet up with some other friends. That's where you saw him. Hair as blonde as ever, eyes piercing, and he wore an annoyed look on his face. You gulped. You hadn't been expecting to see him here. You diverted your eyes as if you didn't even see him, and sat down at a table to join your friends. It's not weird he's here, he's a student after all, you thought. But still, seeing him after what he did to your heart previously that day made your cheeks heat up. 
You were trying to listen to one of the Ravenclaw girl's story about what happened in her DADA class when you've heard Hermione call your name. When you turned to her, she gestured for you to go over there, so you did. Hermione and Harry was sitting at another table with Ron. When you got there you swore you could see a blush on Harry’s cheeks, but you didn’t mention it. "Hey guys, what's up?" you asked, but your question was met with silence and awkward glances. You started to get worried. "Is everything alright?" Hermione let out an audible sigh, "tell her what you told us, Harry, she should know." You looked at Harry with a confused look on your face, waiting for an explanation. "So?" Harry frowned, and he let a long sigh escape his mouth. "I've seen how Malfoy bothered you in the Three Broomsticks today. You took so long in the bathroom, I got worried and went after you. And I've seen what happened." "Harry, I-" you didn't know what to say. You felt so guilty and irresponsible. You were on a date for Merlin's sake, and you almost let Draco kiss you. You were honestly disappointed in yourself. "It's okay, y/n," he interrupted you quickly. "It's not your fault," he said, but you really weren't sure about that. "When we got back to the castle, I saw Malfoy, and I got angry. I-I just couldn't control myself."
"Leave y/n alone, Malfoy," Harry said firmly, after he saw the Slytherin boy walking down the hallway with Crabble. Draco let out a laugh. "Why? Are you upset, because I stole the girl you wanted to take to the ball, Potter?" Malfoy said, visibly enjoying the enraged boy in front of him. Confusion settled on Harry's face, not knowing how Malfoy could've possibly known about that. "You know," Draco continued, " you should really keep your voice down when you talk. Someone might overhear you. 'Do you think I should ask her? What if she says no?' he quoted Harry mockingly. "Grow up, Potter."  "Are you serious? You asked her to the ball, so I couldn't go with her?" "Seems like the chosen one wasn't chosen this time" Draco sneered, then walked away with his minion, leaving the Gryffindor boy infuriated.
After Harry told you what happened, you were baffled. You didn't want to believe it at first. Once again, you felt stupid. You weren't mad at Draco, you honestly just felt disappointed. He did all that to mess with Harry. He would've invited any girl Harry liked, and it left a bitter taste in your mouth. You swore boys will be the end of you. But you felt sorry for Harry more than you felt sorry for yourself. He was such a nice guy. He didn't deserve Malfoy's bullying, and he definitely didn't deserve you playing with his emotions. You felt guilt take over you. "I'm so sorry Harry, I would've loved to go with you. But I mean, if you'd still want to go together, I'm in. I'll just call it off with Draco." "Uhm, sorry y/n. When I heard you were going with someone I asked Parvati, and she said yes," he said. "But I could tell her that I changed my mind." "No. The ball is only a week away, ditching her now would be horrible," you said, giving him a reassuring smile.  After returning to your table, and telling your friends about what happened, calling them furious would be an understatement. "He is such a prick., I just can't believe he'd do that." Said the girl you sit with in Charms. "I mean, he's Malfoy, what else did you expect? asked Marietta. "I'm seriously going to choke him the next time I see him." You couldn't help but laugh at that.
The following week passed quickly. It was hectic and exciting,. Everyone was talking about the ball, and practicing dancing. On Tuesday, you went out with Cho, Marietta, and Luna to find your dresses. You managed to convince your blonde friend to go with you, using your irresistible charms on her. She just couldn't say no to you. It took you a while to find the perfect dress since it was either the wrong color or the fitting of it was off, but after trying on 7 dresses, you've found the one. "This is it," you whispered, looking at yourself in the mirror, taking in the sight before you. You looked amazing in the long satin dress. It fit you like a glove, and it's deep, blue color matched with the color of your house. You felt powerful and beautiful wearing it. Thursday came quickly, and you were lying if you said you weren't nervous. It was the day of the Hufflepuff party. You walked with a knot in your stomach the whole day. You weren't ready to see Cedric and Cho all lovely-dovely together yet, considering it's only been a week since you got your heart broken. But you had to be strong. For Cho. After classes, you headed back to your dorm, to change into something cooler than your uniform. When you entered Cho was already there, doing the same thing. When you were both done, you headed straight to the Hufflepuff common room. "Are you sure you want to go to the ball with Malfoy?" Cho asked hesitantly while walking down the stairs of the Ravenclaw Tower. You sighed. "What choice do I have? No one else invited me, and the ball is tomorrow." "Go with Harry," she said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "I already asked him, and he's taking Parvati," you said. "That's a bummer." You agreed with her. It really was a bummer.
You got to the Hufflepuff's common room faster than you wanted to. Cedric was already waiting outside for you two. Going in, you were surprised to see how different this common room was from yours. Yours was wide and tall with big, arched windows. Very graceful looking. The Hufflepuff one on the other hand had a very low ceiling, with a bunch of plants and small circular windows. It looked so cozy and comforting, like a sip of hot cacao on a cold winter morning, or warm, fuzzy socks. You loved it. After you finished marveling, you noticed that everyone was already sitting in a circle near the fireplace, so you quickly joined them. You sat on Cho's left, and Cedric sat on her right. It was okay. You could do this, it's not as bad as it thought it would be, you thought naively. There weren't a lot of people invited, you assumed since there were only about 7 people besides Cho, Cedric and you. You recognized some of them, they were all pretty popular. Some of the guys were bullies of Luna, which disgusted you, and it also didn't help with the knot in your stomach. One of the guys poured some Firewhiskey into everyone's glass, and you've all started drinking and talking. After your 3rd glass, you didn't feel tense anymore. It was a rather nice feeling, really. You were all bubbly and no one seemed scary anymore. Not even Cedric. One of the guys was muggle-born, and he told you about a game, that muggles play in parties like this. "It's simple, just spin the bottle, and kiss whoever it lands on," he explained. There were a few uneasy glances exchanged. "What if the bottle stops at someone I don't want to kiss?" a girl asked worriedly. "If you chicken out, you have to leave. Those are the rules," he replied simply. "Any questions?" he asked after a pause. There were none, so you quickly started the game. The first few spins were fun to watch. Everyone was excited, waiting for their turn to spin. You were fired up too, literally, from all the Firewhiskey you drank. It was now Cedric's turn to spin. He smiled at Cho, who smiled back at him before he took the bottle in his hand to give it a spin. It spun for what it seemed like an eternity, before slowing down. All eyes were fixated on it. You held your breath in with your heart racing. Not me, not me, please just not me, your mind chanted. It got slower and slower with every second, and it looked as if it's going to stop at Cho, but it ran past her, choosing to stop at you instead. Silence fell on the room. Everyone knew that Cedric and Cho were a thing, so the fact that it stopped at you created tension, and everyone felt it. You looked at Cedric and found him already looking at you. To your surprise, he didn't seem like he was very much against it. He looked at you with a serious expression on his face, but his eyes were suggestive. As if he was saying, it's okay for me as long as it's okay for you. You glanced at Cho, and saw a big frown on her face, and how her lips trembled. She looked pained, and who could blame her? The boy she was seeing had to kiss her best friend. She knew it was her decision to make, and her face showed true despair. You've been waiting for a chance like this for years, but seeing her like this made your heart ache. You knew what you had to do.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I can do it. I guess I'm a chicken," you said, letting out a bitter laugh. Everyone was eyeing you, and no one said a word as you started getting up from your place. "You're not," you heard Cho say quietly. You looked at her with a frown as if she was crazy, shaking your head lightly. "You're not a chicken y/n," she said simply, a bit louder than last time, as she gave you a reassuring nod, gesturing for you to kiss the boy on her right. "You've heard her, go on. Do it if you don't want to leave," the muggle boy said strongly. You looked at him, with eyes that could kill, then glanced at Cedric. Your sharp eyes softened at his sight. You saw him and Cho exchanging glances before he looked you in the eyes. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you were glad you weren't standing because your knees would've definitely given up on you. You sneaked a guilty look at Cho as the Hufflepuff boy came closer to you. Heat rose from your stomach to your chest as Cedric's lips were getting closer and closer. His smell hit your nose, and he finally pressed his lips to yours. And it was honestly... underwhelming. You expected the time to stop as butterflies rose in your stomach. You expected your heart to skip a beat while your toes curl under you. But all you got was... a kiss. It wasn't magical or exceptional,  it was just normal. In the last few days, you didn't think of him as much as you used to, so kissing him scared you. You didn't want to get back into that headspace again. But you didn't. This kiss was exactly what you needed, to understand that you're healing. Little by little, you're getting over him.
chapter 4
taglist: @dreaming-about-fanfictions​
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tehfabbooty · 4 years
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Jealous Part 2
The next morning came quickly. You started the day by sneaking to houses on the outskirts of the city to find clothes to disguise yourselves in. While dressing your self in some green and black clothing, gou watched Katara helping Toph with disguising here intrigued by the waterbender's makeup skills.
"....And there. Not too much that you'll stick out to people, but enough to make it more difficult to recognize you,"Katara said as she applied the last touches.
"Thanks, Katara. I would've done it myself, but ya know...,"the blind girl said, grinning.
She was stunning with her hair down like that, you thought in jealousy. Her long black hair went down to her butt, her bangs pinned away to show more of her face. Katara somehow had adjusted Toph's everyday clothes to look a little different and a little more feminine and it made you jealous with how great she looked while you, a waterbender, looked awkward as hell in your earthbender clothing.
Zuko noticed your jealous looks at Toph, so gaining courage, he walked by as if in passing and muttered to you, "You look amazing, Y/N. Like a real earthbender."
You blushed, just now noticing him in his disguise. "T-thank you, Zuko. So do you."
Zuko was dressed in a pretty similar outfit to what he wore in Ba Sing Se, it was just missing the hat he wore to cover his scar. But his hair made up for it, being long enough for partially cover the scar.
His face reddened as well. "Thanks."
You two stood there for a few seconds, awkwardly waiting for the other to say something, but Sokka started talking to the group again.
"All right, everyone dressed and ready? Great. Oh wow, you look great, Toph!"he said, making the earthbender blush, which you have never seen her do before.
"Okay, anyways, we are going to split up in twos. Katara and Y/N, you girls do the shopping for anything useful to us since you're girls, you love shopping -"
Katara punched him in the arm.
"- You didn't let me finish!"Sokka whined, rubbing his arm. "And you're the most responsible and smart with money."
"Aww, thanks Sokka." You walked up and kissed his cheek.
The green-eyed monster flared its head again inside Zuko. It took a little bit of control, but Zuko managed to not huff and glare at Sokka. He just thinned his lips into a thin line.
"Toph, you come with me. We do well with food shopping. Aang and Zuko, you guys search the other areas looking for anything useful to us also, like weapons and other resources. Or information we could use. Also keep a lookout for any Fire Nation soldiers,"Sokka added. "You guys are our best defense. Anyways, we meet back here by evening or sooner. Got it?"
Everyone agreed, then set off for the city of Kuidaore.
Around midday, you stopped at a stand to get a drink while Katara scoped a jewelry store out.
"Hey, Y/N, come look at this!"
You paid for your drink before following the water bender inside the store.
"What is it?"you asked before freezing inside the door.
All around the store before you were jewelry pieces from all four nations. You have never seen a store so diverse that it included all nations, especially the Fire Nation. Your jaw dropped as you walked around, amazed.
"Whoa,"you whispered to Katara as you both gaped at Earth Nation jewelry before Katara and you set your eyes on the water bending pieces.
"Oh my God. It's so beautiful,"you said in awe as you stared at a neck choker. It had an opal gemstone, your birth gemstone in the center of the choker necklace. All along the rest of the piece were smaller Opal stones varying in shades of blue along the clear material of the fabric of the choker, making it appear as if only Opals adorned your neck.
"Ooh, that is beautiful,"Katara agreed in a hushed tone.
"May I help you ladies with something?"a strong male voice said behind you.
Gasping in surprise, you and Katara spun around to face a man no older than nineteen staring down at you with a smile on his kind, handsome face.
"Oh, I apologize for scaring you. My name is Lin Chang, and I own this fine establishment,"he boasted, puffing his chest out a little.
You and Katara exchanged glances before giggling a little. "Well, aren't you successful then,"you told the man. "You have gorgeous jewelry, Mr. Chang."
He beamed at you. "Please, call me Lin."
You smiled wider. "Okay, Lin."
He turned his attention back to Katara. "I see you ladies have an eye for our Water Tribe pieces. Would you like to try some on?"
Katara's eyes widened in excitement. "Ooh, yes please! Can I try that one on?"
As Katara tried on a bracelet, you smiled kindly at Lin. "I won't be trying on anything today, Lin. But thank you."
You made your way around the store, checking out the other nation's cultural pieces.
Stopping at the Fire Nation's area, you eyed the beautiful gold and red ornate pieces in wonder. Red had always been your favorite color for some reason.
Finally, you stopped at something that made your heart soar.
There, in a glass case by itself, was a gorgeous Fire Lily hair piece, a piece that looked similar to what the royals would wear in their hair, except it looked exactly like a Fire Lily. Orange, red and gold. You couldn't tear your eyes away from it.
Heart thudding in your chest, you suddenly remembered a conversation you once had with Zuko. How his favorite flower had always been Fire Lily's. Since orange was his favorite color.
Swallowing hard, you looked at the price tag and your eyes widened in shock before your face fell in disappointment. It was way too expensive for you to just drop that kind of money on. But it was so beautiful...
"Hey, Y/N. Find anything interesting?" Katara had suddenly appeared next to you, scaring you.
"Oh, uh. Nothing." You blushed furiously.
"Wait, why are you looking at Fire Nation jewelry? Don't you want to -" She stopped talking before a grin spread across her face. "Wait, are you shopping for your lover boy?"
You gasped in embarrassment. "Katara! He is not my lover boy!"you hissed, face so red it matched the Fire Nation pieces.
She giggled. "Whatever you say."
"He's not! I just like .. The uh, style. I like the jewelry they make. And, I love red." Your eyes darted away from Katara's, looking for an escape.
She giggled again. "Mmm, okay, Y/N." Her eyes landed on the hair piece you were just admiring. "Oh! That is so gorgeous!" She got closer to it, her eyes scanning the details of it. "This would look amazing on you!"
Your eyes widened, shocked. "It would?"
"Of course!"Katara replied. "You should get it!"
"But it's so expensive, Katara. I don't want to spend TOO much money...,"you said worriedly.
She scoffed. "Oh, please. Treat yourself this one time. I think it'll be worth it. And besides...." She got close to your ear. "I doubt he'd be able to resist you with this thing on."
You both giggled to yourselves, unaware of Lin's eyes watching you.
"Ugh this so boring! Why do girls like this?" Zuko complained as Aang just HAD to scope out every shop and stand.
It was already midday and they barely had seen a quarter of the area they were supposed to scope out, due to Aang wanting to read and learn and gawk at every little thing he found interesting.
"Calm down, Hot man. This is the last item here. Then we can move to the next shop, I swear!"
Aang had stopped to look at an air bending toy, amazed by how the air would keep it spinning without anyone physically touching it.
Zuko sighed. This was going to be a long day. Especially without seeing you. Is it sad Zuko was already missing you and it's only been a couple of hours?
By the time it reached late afternoon, Aang finally stopped checking out every detail, complaining about being tired and hungry and needing a rest. Relieved, Zuko led him to a nice little restaurant.
"So what looks good to you, Zuko? I can't decide!"Aang exclaimed excitedly.
"Oh, uh. I'm not really hungry. I think I'll take a walk while you eat,"he told the young avatar.
"Okay! Don't go too far."
Zuko grunted in response before leaving the small cafe and heading down the street.
Finally, some time to myself, Zuko thought.
As he strolled through the city, giving soft smiles to little kids and nodding at other citizens walking past, he suddenly noticed something intriguing.
Fire Nation colors through one of the windows of a store caught his eye, so he decided to check it out.
Upon entering the store, he realized it was just a jewelry shop.
"Meh,"he said to himself, turning to leave, but he noticed something.
He approached the counter cautiously, his eyes roaming over the beautiful piece of jewelry.
Remembering that you had told him your birthday was in October, his eyes stopped on a gorgeous neck choker covered in small opals around the clear fabric, before his eyes stopped on the Opal in the center.
He pursed his lips, considering.
A few minutes later, he exited the shop, accidentally running into Aang outside.
"Hey! There you are. I told you not to go too far,"Aang said.
"I didn't." Zuko leaned towards Aang's ear and in a low voice said, "But I need your advice again."
Evening was slowly beginning to roll in, and you knew you needed to head back to the rendezvous point, but you and Katara were having too much fun enjoyingthe city, finally living like you weren't fugitives.
Stopping at a small cafe, you two decided to get a cup of tea before heading back to camp.
You told Katara your order before finding a nice table near the wall and the front door so as to keep an eye on anyone passing.
You sat down before closing your eyes and smiling to yourself. It was such an amazing day. Sokka was a genius, you thought to yourself.
Suddenly, a voice started speaking to you that you recognized. It was Lin from his jewelry shop!
"Hey, Y/N, is it? Funny seeing you again!"the boy exclaimed, stopping by your table.
"Oh. Hi, Lin! Nice seeing you too!"you replied with a small smile.
Suddenly Katara appeared. "They gave us to-go culs since they're closing,"Katara told you. "We should head back."
She turned to Lin, realizing his presence. "Oh, hey, Lin!"
"Hello. Would you ladies like me to accompany you back?"he asked politely, his eyes darting between you and Katara, but mainly staying glued to you.
"Oh, uh. That isn't necessary, but thank you!"Katara answered sweetly.
Standing up, you two headed out of the shop.
But Lin followed. He jogged to catch up with you.
"Then I can just walk you to the edge of the city. I figured you girls must be camping nearby. I've never seen you ladies before,"Lin said, smiling.
"Oh, uh, thank you. We appreciate it,"you told him, getting a tad creeped out now.
Meanwhile Zuko and Aang were also just starting to leave to head back to camp.
"Man, today was so fun. I miss days like these!"Aang said sadly.
"Don't worry. You'll get plenty more of these once we end the war,"Zuko assured him.
Aang decided to change subjects, so he started rambling on about something else, but Zuko wasn't listening now. His eyes picked up something. Something he didn't fucking like. At all.
Ahead of them were you and Katara. He was relieved to know you were safe. But there was a man next you. One he didn't recognize. One who was getting too friendly with you.
And you seemed to be enjoying it.
The green-eyed monster inside Zuko reared its head back again, furious. It threatened to break out. Zuko had to clench his fists and bite his lip to keep from blasting that asshole into smithereens.
Aang, who finally drifted off into silence noticing Zuko wasn't listening, finally seen what his firebending friend was glaring at.
"Uh, Zuko -"
"I'm not going to hurt him, Aang. I promise,"he muttered quietly to him.
Finally they reached the outskirts of the city, where Mr. Asshole finally parted ways with you, but not before touching your shoulder and smiling down at you.
Zuko could feel his blood boiling.
This was it. This was where Zuko was going to lose his shit.
Suddenly, a hand touched Zuko's overheated arm. He glared daggers down at Aang for a moment before stopping to take a breath.
"Good. You have controlled your anger. Now that's something Azula definitely can't do,"Aang complimented him.
Zuko chuckled lightly, but he was still furious. How dare this strange man touch HIS girl? The fuck. How dare she LET him touch her.
Ah, well. At least we'll never see that bastard again, Zuko thought to himself smugly.
Back at camp, everyone marveled about their finds. But Zuko couldn't concentrate or join in. His eyes burned into your face. He so badly wanted to just claim you now, in front of everyone. But he knew he had to wait.
But patience was something Zuko of the Fire Nation just did not have.
Standing up, he marched over to you, grabbed your arm and said, "Can we talk?"
You looked up, startled. You've never seen Zuko so mad before. Sure, you've witnessed his rage, but never seen such a wild fire burning in his golden eyes like this. It worried you. Did you do something wrong?
Before you could answer, he led you away anyways.
It was a good ten minutes later, and you wanted to ask where he was taking you, but you didn't dare. You kept quiet.
Finally, he stopped. His grip on your arm didn't loosen.
You stared at the back of his head. "Uh, Zuko, can you let go -"
He spun around to face you, anger and jealousy all over his face. This was kind of hot, you weren't gonna lie.
"Who was he?!"he demanded.
"Uh, who, Zuko?"
"Don't play dumb! That man you were flirting with!"he snapped.
Your eyes widened. "What? Flirting? I wasn't flirting with anyone!"
"Bullshit! I saw the way you looked at him!"
"I wasn't looking at him in any sort of way! Damn, Zuko, what has gotten into you -"
Suddenly he backed you into a tree, both hands slamming to either side of your head, trapping you between the tree and his body.
"Bull. Shit,"he said through gritted teeth.
You rolled your eyes. "He was just a shop owner. We went into his shop earlier to check out his jewelry -"
Zuko's eyes widened a little. Jewelry shop?! Must be that one he went into earlier. . .
Eyes not narrowing, he leaned in a little and whispered, "Yeah? So why was he walking you outside?"
Your face flushed. "Why does it matter?"
"Cause it just does!"
A smile started to appear on your lips. "Are. Are you jealous?"
Zuko stared at you in shock. "N-no! I just ... I just don't trust him! And you shouldn't either!"
"I was safe. I was with Katara, Zuko,"you explained calmly. Though you were not calm.you had goosebumps all up and down your skin, your heart was pounding in your chest at his proximity, and a blush was forming on your cheeks.
"Yeah, well. He could've killed both of you. Or followed you back to us!"he blubbered.
"We could've handled him even if he did!"you shot back.
"How would you know? Two water benders against - what - an earth bender? Or maybe a fire bender!"
You groaned. "I can take care of myself. Even if I somehow died, you still got Katara. Nobody actually needs me -"
His eyes bulged out of his head. "Nobody needs you?? I need you! I've always needed you! I'll ALWAYS need you!"
Before you could reply, he slammed his lips into yours, finally claiming what was his.
Letting the shock subside, you wrapped your arms around his neck, moulding your lips with his.
He shoved his whole body onto you, crushing you against the tree as his tongue invaded your mouth. You moaned at the feeling of his weight on you, and you felt him smile against your lips.
After a few, he pulled away, staring lovingly at your swollen lips. "You are mine. All mine. Nobody else's."
Before you could respond, he pulled you towards him and laid you down on the ground.
"And I'm gonna show you!"he exclaimed.
Suddenly you felt your pants disappear. Seeing that you have gone commando, Zuko groaned in delight before burying his face into your pussy, using his arms to pin your legs and body in place as he ate you like the queen he thought you to be.
"Ahh, fuck! Zuko!" you moaned loudly.
You felt him chuckle against you. "Keep moaning, baby. I want the world to know who is mine and who I belong to,"he told you in a sultry voice.
You groaned. Him talking dirty was SO sexy.
He laughed a small laugh into your crotch. "You like that, don'tcha?"
You watched as his eyes flickered up to meets yours as his tongue darted in and out and played with your clit, making you a moaning, sweaty mess. He loved watching you fall apart for him, and especially the fact HE was the one making you fall apart. Not that douche bag shop owner.
"Mm mm mm, Zuko. Please." You had a strong grip on his hair, guiding him in your pussy and keeping him there.
He glanced up at you again. "Mm what baby?"he murmured before tongue fucking your pussy again.
It was getting too much. After everything, the jealous, his dominance, now this. . . . You needed him inside you. Right. Now.
Suddenly he stopped. He pulled his head back to look at you more clearly.
You groaned in protest.
"Tell me what you want,"Zuko said.
"Zuuuukooo,"you cried. "Please."
"Please what? Tell me what you need."
"I need you inside me! Fuck me Zuko!"you rasped.
You barely got the words out before he was stripping himself, his cock bouncing free. He lifted your legs up before positioning himself and pushing in. No hesitation, no wait for you to stretch. He was taking what was his.
"Ughhhh!"you winced in pain.
"Shut your whore mouth. You were a bad girl, flirting with another man, when all along you knew you only belonged to one man!"Zuko bellowed. "Me!"he shouted as he bottomed himself out.
You cried in pain and pleasure as his cock filled you so good.
It was only a second before he was pounding you into the dirt, his chest crushing yours as he placed his lips by your ear.
"Tell me. Who's girl are you?"
You moaned loudly.
He lifted your ass up so he could spank it. "Say it!"
"Y-y-yours Zuko!"you gasped.
"Damn fucking right. About time you learned that too." He turned his head and started attacking your neck with kisses. Sucking and swirling his tongue all around. He took your ear lobe into his mouth before letting it out with a loud pop, then went back to leaving hickeys everywhere on you.
It was too delicious. You were so close and he was making it so much worse.
His lips found their way back to your ear. "Cum for me, princess. Let me hear you moan my name while I feel your body shake."
Oh fuck. There it goes.
You cummed so hard it finally got to him too. He pulled out right as his cum spilled all over the grass next to you.
After a few minutes of panting and calming down, you both sat up. Finally, he grabbed the back of your head and forced your lips to his for a loving kiss that said everything.
After pulling away, he smiled at you. "I love you so fucking much, Y/N. You don't even know."
"I love you more,"you panted, grinning.
"Oh I don't think so. I got proof."
"What?" You looked at him in confusion as he stood up and pulled his clothes back on. You did the same, waiting for him to answer.
"Close your eyes."
You did as you were told, facing the bright full moon that hung right above both of your heads.
Suddenly you felt something on your neck and before you could say anything, he told you to turn around and open your eyes.
You did, and then gasped.
Zuko was on one knee smiling shyly at you. You looked down to see that he had bought you the opal neck choker from the shop.
"So uh . . . I heard that when you want to, uh. Um," he stuttered, blushing profusely.
Aww, you thought. He's so cute when he turns back into the shy awkward boy even though he just got done being so dominant and jealous with you.
"Will you - Ugh. Fuck it. Fuck what Aang said. Will you marry me??!"he demanded. He stared into your eyes, his full of hope and nervousness and love for you.
Your cheeks felt like they were on fire.
"Yes!!!"you shouted.
You tackled him to the ground, kissing him hard on the lips before standing up and grinning at each other.
"I got a gift for you too. But it's not for you to wear,"you admitted, blushing.
"Close your eyes."
You pulled the hair piece out before fixing your hair up into a high ponytail before securing it into place at the base of the ponytail, making sure the Fire Lily faced front and center.
"Okay, you can look."
His eyes opened. He looked at you confused for a moment before his eyes caught the hair piece. His mouth dropped open and his face blushed once again.
"I guess this could signify who I belong to -"
You didn't finish as he grabbed your face and kissed you again. Then he peppered your face in kisses before pulling back and staring at it in awe.
"Yes it does signify that you belong to me. But so do these." He tapped a finger on the side of your neck, making your face redden even more.
"To be honest, I think everyone knew already."
"Yeah,"he chuckled. Then his face darkened. "But not that shop owner."
Grinning, you pulled him back into another kiss.
You definitely have to make him jealous more often.
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Ordinary Date
Ahaha! So I did write something for Valentine’s Day, now that it’s basically over, but it’s still 9:40pm my time, so it counts! So, sequel-ish to The Path we Walk and prequel-ish to Goodbye Winter, with Talbott and Ravenclaw!Alexus, my favorite pairing to write about, it seems. It’s not a fic of the Valentine’s Day Ball sidequest, this is kinda AU-ish on what I think their first date would really be like. First date hymns, poetry, angsty stuff, the world’s smallest canon complaint, preppy-nerds-who-pine, banter, little proof-reading, this did not go remotely the direction I thought it was gonna. Things started out so nice for them. He made her feel like an ordinary girl, if only for a few hours. But she was not meant to last a whole night, it seems. Rated T, 6,000+ words.
The soft glow of the street lanterns casted an orange glow onto the otherwise pearly white snow that rested to the sides on the main street of Hogsmeade, dulled grey by the night’s gentle darkness. It wasn’t snowing, but the clouds looming in the sky suggested that fact would change. There was a gentle coldness in the air, not a biting freeze, but it still made the breaths of the passersby illuminate a smoky puff as they walked along the wet cobblestone path. Their breathes would turn orange or yellow as the air would catch the soft light glow of the window shops. The people walking in front of the warm interiors would only have half their face casted in light, the other halves of their bodies turning to near translucent shadows.
Talbott Winger watched people turn into silhouettes, only seeing shadows as they walked from shop to shop.
He stood on the opposite side of the street of the Three Broomsticks entrance, the adults and the students pouring in and out of the establishment, walking hand in hand, or storming out furiously, one girl running out, crying. It must have been a date gone wrong. It was Valentine’s Day, after all.
Talbott’s first Valentine’s day with Alexus Johnson, the girl from his year he gave his heart to on accident and against his better judgement. It was not a deathbed confession, but she was recovering after being tortured by a dark witch when he confessed his mutual attraction.
A lot of their relationship milestones seemed to be an accident. He accidentally let his guard down enough for her to become his friend. She accidentally confessed her feelings first. He accidentally got feelings for her, more than he knew what to do with.
He just didn’t want to accidentally ruin tonight.
He was waiting outside the Three Broomsticks because that’s where they agreed to meet. She was discharged from the Hospital Wing earlier today, and he left while her friends dragged her to the dorm room to “get her ready” even though Alexus herself was wildly protesting.
Talbott was anxious, even if he would never admit it. He would never admit he was anxious or that he consulted his dormate, Andre Egwu to help him pick out an outfit.
Andre was ecstatic, almost insultingly so, to help Talbott dress for such an occasion as a date, and while throwing different clothes from Andre’s own wardrobe onto Talbott’s bed, he admitted to giving the girls tips about what should be Alexus’s outfit for the date.
So, that was how Talbott ended up standing in the cold while wearing some dull tan overcoat over a light grey pullover sweater and that was over a white button-up shirt. Not to mention, blue jeans. Overall, he was kept warm, which Andre must have accounted for. Maybe a little too warm, as the back of his neck was burning. Maybe that had nothing to do with the heat of his clothing layers. He let out a breath, that smoky breath that visibly danced in front of his face before disappearing the next second. He gently placed a hand over his chest, over the feather charm on his necklace. He pressed down, feeling it against his palm, against his skin. He was nervous.
God, who would have known he would be nervous taking out the girl he really liked?
They both agreed to no grandiose plans, as Alexus was still technically in recovery and they both hated grandiose plans. Talbott knew what his ideal date entailed, and he had a decent idea of what Alexus would enjoy for a date.
So why was he so nervous?
“Talbott!” he looked up and his heart stopped.
There she was.
“Alexus,” he said as she walked up, not quite smiling, but he stared at her with something soft in his eyes.
She wasn’t alone, but he saw only her, his vision tunneling as her appearance was stunning. She wore a neck dress that was a deep, royal shade of blue that cinched at the waist and swayed around down her legs with each step, ending just above her knees, the rest of her legs covered by black, opaque tights. White lapels peaked over the collar, and a fitted dark grey cardigan hugged her torso.
Alexus walked in the middle of a trio which consisted of her, Badeea Ali, and Penny Haywood, the three girls linking arms, walking to Talbott like they were moving down the aisle, giving their daughter away for a wedding. Maybe that was a semblance of their motivations, but in reality, he knew they were just making sure she made the walk to him, as they were rather unsure of all the spells that dark witch had used on Alexus just recently, unsure if there would be any lingering effects.
As they reached him, Alexus broke from the girls and slid her hand into Talbott’s waiting one.
“Thank you,” she said to them.
“Have fun!” Penny waved off cheerily.
Talbott nodded his head to them respectfully before they disappeared into the Three Broomsticks. He watched them leave before looking down at Alexus. He brought her hand to his lips for a second. “Are you ready to go?”
“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t,” she replied, smiling at him.
He returned her smile before leading her away, down the street of Hogsmeade.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I feel you’d prefer to avoid crowded places today,” he started as they walked.
“I’d prefer to avoid crowded places any day, but since the rumors of my dating habits have been picking up, I would prefer to be away from as many other students as possible.”
“As you wish,” Talbott said, winking at her.
Alexus rolled her eyes, still smiling. “Since when do you watch The Princess Bride?” she asked.
“Since you mentioned how good it was in five letters after fourth year,” he chided.
“It was good!” Alexus said defensively.
“Well, you always were a sucker for romance. Who would have known?”
She poked his side. “You have no room to talk, Mr. Read-Poetry-to-the-Girl-in-the-Hospital.”
He stopped walking and looked down at her. “As I recall, you enjoyed being read to.”
She stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. “I never said I didn’t.” She walked further along, dragging him with her a few steps until he started walking on his own, again, taking the lead.
“You’re… impossible,” he said with admiration and burning cheeks.
“You’re paradoxical,” she retaliated as she fell into step with him. Before he could question her adjective, she continued. “Where are we going, anyways?”
He frowned, but let it roll off his shoulders. “You can fly, yes?”
“As gracefully as the day I first transformed.”
“Oh dear, we might be in trouble then.”
He laughed as she nudged his side with her shoulder.
“The Courtyard, Alexus. The Clocktower Courtyard.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You have me escorted all the way to Hogsmeade just to fly back to Hogwarts?”
“Well, eventually. I thought you’d enjoy Honeydukes first. You can tell a lot about a person by the sweets they enjoy.”
He stopped as they reached the front of the shop in question. She didn’t even realize that’s where he had taken her.
She opened her mouth, probably to say something smart back to him, but he was already opening the door for her like a proper gentleman and ushering her inside from the cold.
She gave him a look that was half a smirk and half a challenge and half a battle of wits when they left.
He just winked back and grabbed her hand, walking with her through the shop. There were other students, more crowded than they both would have liked, but also not as busy as a place such as the Three Broomsticks. There were other couples, walking and poking around the shelves.
“So, what is your favorite sweet?” Talbott asked as they made their way through a natural path of the store. He inspected a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavored Beans.
“Not that. Too much risk,” Alexus replied, scrunching her nose at his selection.
“You break curses in your spare time,” he pointed out, almost laughing.
“Ever since Jacob gave me a wasabi flavored bean when I was four, I’ve been rather weary of them.”
He laughed and kept the package. “Then I’m definitely getting this. I’ll give you the good ones.”
“Oh, you’re such a gentleman,” she said, sarcastically before reaching up. He found it incredibly endearing that her fingers barely brushed the bag of liquorice wands, straining to grasp them before she caught the plastic with her fingers, pulling it forward just a centimeter before pulling it closer until she could slide it off the edge slowly and into her palm.
“You could have asked for assistance or a step ladder you know,” he said, trying not to burst out laughing, but there were tears in his eyes from the strain of holding himself back.
“Sod off, Talbott,” she muttered before looking at her parcel. “These are my favorite.” “Liquorice wands?” he asked, glancing at her hands.
“Ever since I was little. My mum…” she stopped and looked at him cautiously.
He caught her look before turning away, trying to make his demeanor as eased and nonchalant as possible. “Continue,” he assured her.
“My mum always bought these when she went to a wizard market. Jacob and I would pretend to duel.”
Talbott laughed lightly. “See? I told you, you can tell a lot about a person based on the sweets they enjoy.”
She rolled her eyes. “What about you? What’s your favorite?”
Talbott hummed and put the peppermint toads he was holding back onto the shelf. He grabbed her empty hand with his own before leading the way to another aisle. He picked up a displayed cardboard box with a saran wrap window, showing off the gelatinous sweets inside.
“Jelly slugs?” Alexus asked incredulously while Talbott beamed, like he was the creator of the confections.
“They’re right and proper when you have a craving for sweets, Alexus,” Talbott said seriously.
“They’re good, but I didn’t think they’d be your favorite sweet,” she shrugged.
“Oh? What did you think would be my favorite?” he asked, added the box to his collection.
She hummed, thinking before letting go of his hand, disappearing behind a shelf before reimaging, walking up to him and shoving a box of ice mice into his hand.
He stared as she pressed her lips together, eyes lit up with something wicked.
“You know,” she said, voice shaking with restrained giggles. “Because… well, birds of prey tend to enjoy mice.” She laughed as he gave her a pained expression.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her with him as he put the box back. They looked at other sweets when they were approached by a wiry and young employee with a tray in his hands.
“Chocolate raspberry fudge?” he asked. “Free samples for Valentine’s couples.”
Talbott looked at Alexus before taking two off the tray, thanking the employee.
“Are you fond of raspberry?” she asked.
“Very, when it’s paired with chocolate,” he replied, handing her a small square of the pink and brown treat.
They ate them together as they finished their shopping and walked to the register, Talbott grabbing two bottles of butterbeer on their way. They paid before they left the shop, still talking about the sort of treats they would enjoy in their childhood.
“Muggle candies, have you ever had those?” Alexus asked.
“I can’t say that I have.”
“You’d love them. If I make it to summer, I’ll be sure to buy a bunch to share with you.”
He looked at her. “If?”
She blinked. “Uh, when,” she corrected herself, “I mean, when I come back from the summer.”
He stopped, his grip in her hand making her stop as well. She turned to him, reluctantly meeting his piercing red eyes.
“Do you not think you’re going to make it past the Final Vault?”
“It’s- it’s not that, Talbott. I just… can’t guarantee it,” she looked down and held his hand tighter. “I have to be realistic.”
He sighed and kissed her head. “That is the path you walk?” he asked.
She nodded and pressed her head against his chest.
He wrapped an arm around her. “Then I’ll walk it with you. I promised you that much, Alexus.”
“You’re… paradoxical,” she muttered before pulling away.
“What do you mean by that?” he asked.
She looked up at him and sighed before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He admired her, that orange glow illuminating half her face, her emerald eyes shining even brighter as the moonlight casted it’s soft mercury glow onto the other half.
He felt a compelling force that almost pushed him down, if only to… well, he wasn’t sure. He felt some great pull towards her, a desire for something but he didn’t know what. He saw that in her eyes, he saw so much in them. That mysterious and compelling force.
She leaned back, taking her hand into his. “Let’s go back. The long way, yeah?”
He nodded and walked with her back down the street of Hogsmeade.
They didn’t talk. They didn’t need to talk, which was not an infrequent occurrence with them. Sometimes, the only thing they needed to say could be expressed with the silence, the energy that they could feel passing between them.
As they got to Hogwarts, it was around dinner time, so not too close to the curfew, but it was close, so Talbott and Alexus knew they had to be careful about avoiding any teachers or other staff members as they walked past the Great Hall.
Eventually, they walked outside and into the Courtyard. They held hands still as they sat at the base of the fountain.
Alexus took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
He smiled before opening the two bottles of butterbeer, setting one down next to her before he took a swig from his own.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked.
“Nothing, actually,” she replied, opening her eyes and grabbing her bottle. “Just… the sound of the fountain, and the silence of the night, it’s always relaxing, to me. I missed it, while I was in the Hospital Wing.”
“Yeah? You sneak out here often?” he asked, reaching through his bag, pulling out his box of jelly slugs.
“Not as often as you go to the Owlery for the same reasons,” she replied before taking a long drink from her bottle.
He gave a small chuckle and opened the box. He selected a strawberry and lime flavored slug and bit into it, leaning back before looking at Alexus.
He was startled to see her looking at him, that intense look, where the expression holds the million thoughts running through her head faster than light, every single one causing the most minute shift on her face, but at the same time, all those million thoughts were about one subject. Him.
Her eyes, catching the moonlight again fixated on him, one eyebrow raised, the other pressed down in the lightest furrow, a crease in her forehead because of it. Her lips, pursed together, mostly hidden under the hand that she pressed to her mouth, one corner of her lips only just lifted and visible next to her thumb. Anyone else might have seen a soft neutrality, a few thoughts, a contemplating look. He saw that and so much more.
The way something lit up in her eyes when he looked at her, the flush in her cheeks, a centimeter rise in that one corner of her lips. He did that, by looking at her.
He felt that great pull on him again, like there was something inside his chest, in his instincts that was gripping him, trying to move him forward. He wondered if this was what being under the Imperius Curse was like. Something was trying to control him? No. He’d read personal recounts from survivors, about the effects, and this was not that.
But what was this pull?
Alexus slid her hand over his and reached over him, grabbing one of his jelly slugs for herself. She bit the head off and chewed before laying her head on his shoulder.
He moved his arm to wrap it around her lower back and pulled her closer.
“I hope the lack of eventfulness was okay for our first date,” he murmured, pressing his lips to her crown softly for a second.
“With my daily routine? Lack of eventfulness was the best thing you could have planned. Thank you for making me feel ordinary for the night.”
He chuckled. “Somehow, I don’t think you can be ordinary, Alexus. You are… fantastically remarkable.”
“And you are fantastically corny.”
He laughed, turning away from her to hide his little outburst, which made her laugh.
“Corny, but appreciated,” she assured him, gently putting a hand on his chest reassuringly.
He looked down at her, at the laughing grin on her face, and as she was wiping away a tear from her eye, he leaned down, tilting his head.
He kissed her.
So suddenly, he kissed her, soft lips meeting softer lips, eyes closed, her hands sliding across his arms to wrap around his shoulders, his hands moving to cup her face.
As suddenly as he kissed her, he pulled away, taking a couple deep breathes, watching her, eyes wide, mouth agape with a breathless panting. Her cheeks grew warm rapidly under his hands.
“I-I’m sorry… I don’t… uh… I don’t know what came o-”
She cut him off by leaning up and kissing him this time.
It was hard for him to say how long passed before one of them pulled away again.
When they kissed, he discovered in about five seconds that time became lost. The world was lost. Stars twinkled around in the sky above them, water trickled into the pool behind them. Talbott could swear he felt the ground move beneath them. Until it was all lost. There was nothing around them, there was no world, no stars, no water, no ground.
Just her.
Just him.
Just them together, connected in the purest form of a kiss.
When it was over, when they were pulling away from each other, the noise of the world slowly came back. There was that water trickling, soft insects calling in the night. An owl hooted somewhere far away, a wolf howled in the distant forest. Heavy footsteps clacked on the stone floor nearby, and it was coming closer.
Talbott and Alexus looked at each other before at their supplies from Honeydukes.
“Conceal it!” she whispered quickly, whipping out her wand, Talbott following suit. They quickly casted the disillusionment charm over their bags and bottles before pocketing their wands. They nodded to each other before assuming their animagus forms, Talbott as a brown eagle, Alexus was a chihuahuan raven. They flew up, right to the end of the courtyard as some… unknown person walked into the courtyard.
Alexus watched, ready to fly away at the first sign of trouble. Whenever dark-hooded figures with most of their faces obscured walked in her general area, it was never good, and they always seemed to be for her.
Talbott let out of call, a warning one.
Alexus looked at him, where he was perched on a ledge that overlooked the courtyard.
Alexus got ready to fly away, waiting for when the stranger would least likely be bothered by two non-nocturnal birds. She watched as the wizard stalked around the courtyard, poking stone with his wand.
As his back was turned, Alexus called out to Talbott, and they both spread their wings to take off. This was something they had to report, and fast.
They flew up, Alexus aiming for the sky to disappear into when there was a terrible, fiery pain in her right wing. She cried out, the vocalization coming out as a pained caw.
The wind was rushing through her feathers from her rapid descent.
She landed on her side, curling her arm into herself, black feathers swaying onto the ground around her.
“Alexus Johnson, small raven. Right there in the registry where any one can read it,” the wizard said, making his way over to her.
Alexus groaned, slowly sitting up, her wand in her grip, but she couldn’t lift her arm, it hurt too much to bend it. Her cardigan and shirt sleeves had already been burned or blasted off.
“It’s a chihuahuan raven, actually,” she corrected the wizard as he pointed it wand at her. “The base of the neck has a white coloration, native more to the Mexico and western United States area.”
The wizard didn’t say anything as he stood over Alexus.
Alexus smiled and set her wand down. “I’m not coming quietly. In fact, I’m not coming with you at all,” she assured him as she slowly rose to her feet, eyes trained on his wand.
“You know what ‘R’ wants, so you might as well make it easy now. Before we make you abide by our ideals.”
Alexus laughed lightly. “No.”
There was a screech and Talbott descended, talons extended, right towards the dark wizard’s face.
While he was distracted, Alexus stooped down to grab her wand with her left arm.
“Get away!” she shouted to Talbott.
He flew off, and Alexus sent a powerful blasting spell at the dark wizard, sending him flying back across the courtyard, landing in the fountain.
Talbott landed next to Alexus, turning back into human as he did. He pulled out his wand and kept it trained on the wizard.
“Do we run?” he asked.
“No, he’ll slip away.” Alexus walked to the wizard, ready to attack if he moved. “You go get a teacher, Dumbledore, Filch, anyone. We can’t let him get back to ‘R’ when he knows.”
Talbott didn’t want to leave Alexus alone, but he knew she could handle the wizard better than he could. But he still hesitated, looking at her.
“Talbott, go!” she insisted as the dark wizard started to stir.
She wanted to watch him leave as he ran into the castle, but she was too terrified to take her eyes off of the dark wizard.
“So… ‘R’ must be getting more desperate, if they’re just sending any idiot to try and retrieve me,” she commented as the wizard slowly sat up from the water.
“What can we say? Your work with the Vaults continues to be impressive.”
“I believe I have given you my answer already. Incarcerous!” Ropes sprang from the tip of her wand and coiled tightly around the torso of the dark wizard, binding his arms to his sides.
She walked over and grabbed his discarded wand, kicking it further across the courtyard.
“You gave us the wrong answer,” the wizard said, nonchalantly.
“Ferula,” Alexus muttered, pointing her wand at her burn. Bandages delicately wrapped around the injury. She’d find Chiara for a more permanent solution.
“It is cute that you think ‘R’ is giving you a choice.”
“PROTEGO!” Alexus shouted, twirling on her heel, slashing her wand up, throwing up a quick shield to counter the second assailant’s attempt to stun her as they came up from behind. The force of her opponent’s spell on her shield made her slide back a few inches.
“You didn’t think I’d come alone to collect such a… volatile target?” the man asked, inching his way out of the fountain as Alexus faced the new dark wizard.
“I was certainly hoping, but I guess no one wants to be alone today,” she muttered, planting her foot behind her. “Expelliarmus!”
The wizard dodged and sent his own spell back to her, causing her to jump to the side.
“Locomotor Mortis!”
Alexus tripped as her legs were bound together. She swore under her breath and gripped her wand as the wizard advanced upon her.
“Flipendo Maxima!” she shouted, trying to buy herself more time, but he blocked that too.
All Alexus saw was red sparks and then stars. Lights and shadows swimming in the darkness of her vision. She groaned and turned on her side, towards the fountain. Vision was slowly coming back to her, her surroundings blurred.
Semi-conscious…. Semi-conscious was better than unconscious, which could have been the outcome with the stunning spell.
She saw the two dark wizards at the fountain as blurred figures, coming in and out of focus. “She really got you, didn’t she?” the second assailant asked as he undid the ropes on his companion.
“She had a bird friend, another animagus. Little bastard got my face, went to get help.”
She looked at her hand, extended, laying on the ground.
Her wand���
She had a wand.
“We better get out of here quickly.”
She moved her fingers, brushing along the stone. It must have been knocked out of her grip. Then, she felt it. That familiar wood, the warmth in her fingertips as she found her wand. She gripped it firmly and looked back at the two. The second one was helping the first wizard up out of the fountain. She pointed her wand at the ground by them. “Bombarda!”
The second wizard jumped back as there was a small explosion at his feet, the first wizard falling back into the fountain.
She sat up as the second dark wizard whirled around to face her.
“Everte Statum!”
“Lacarnum Inflamari!”
His robes caught on fire as she was sent rolling back across the courtyard, stopping when her body collided with the far wall, a sharp pain in her torso where the spell hit her.
“PUT IT OUT!” the wizard shouted, stomping on his dark cloak rapidly.
“My wand!” the other one shouted, jumping out of the fountain and looking at the dark ground.
If Alexus wasn’t reeling, she’d be laughing, but as the pain was subsiding, she slowly climbed to her feet as the wizard just shrugged off his robe, revealing his face.
He was a gruff-looking figure, with patchy black and white facial hair on his jaw, his head shaved, a massive scar on his scalp. His dark eyes pierced Alexus as he raised his wand.
Where was Talbott? Should it have taken him this long to get help? Was he on his way with Dumbledore and all she had to do was stall?
“I told your friend, I wasn’t going to come quietly,” she said, raising her wand as well
“And I told your friend, I’m willing to take you in bloody if that’s what it takes.” He shot a spell at her, and she jumped to the side before firing her own at him.
“What did you do to him?” she asked, trying to keep her voice bold and even.
“Just gave him a full-body bind so he wouldn’t have to get any pesky teachers involved. Someone will find him, but you’ll be gone by then.”
Alexus set her jaw. Talbott would be terrified. She couldn’t let him be any more scared than he already was with her in her danger. But more importantly, they got to Talbott. They hurt him. She couldn’t let that slide either.
If Talbott was in that courtyard in that second, only he would have seen the darkness in her eyes, like a thunderstorm overtaking clear, green, rolling fields. A brewing and dangerous storm that made it seem like the sky was about to explode, Heaven’s fury being unleashed like Hell’s wrath.
Alexus focused her wand on the men in front of her as the wizard finally found his wand and joined his partner.
The air became still for a second as the intensity of the silent rage culminated in her chest.
“Incendio!” she shouted, waving her wand in arch before herself, sending a wall of flames to the men in front of her.
They only had time to wave the flames away in one swoop before she thrusted her wand forward, at their feet.
The bald wizard threw his arms in front of his face while his friend jumped back as shards of stone flew up in all directions from their feet.
She sent furious spell after furious spell, making them dodge and jump out of the way to avoid serious injury. Now that there was no backup, she had to win.
“Expelliarmus!” she disarmed the bald wizard, his wand flying behind him.
He looked at the discarded wand behind him before back at her. “Who knew you had such a weakness, Miss Johnson? Don’t worry, weaknesses aren’t allowed in ‘R’ so that will be fixed soon enough.”
She froze, only for a second, but that was enough for the other wizard.
The air stilled again.
Alexus pressed her hand against her stomach, shuddering as she felt something arm and stick saturating her clothes and hand. Gulping, she pulled it away and held it up in front of her face, even if she already knew. In the moonlight, she saw the dark stain on her hands.
Before she could do another thing, before she could even think about healing herself, the first wizard snapped his wand at her.
“Petrificus Totalus!”
Eyes widened, mouth slightly agape, wand outstretched, bloody hand near her chest, she became frozen.
The first wizard rushed forward as the second one went to retrieve his wand.
“There we go,” the first one muttered as he moved his wand over her injuries, healing her slowly.
“Don’t need to kill ya, just needed you stunned enough.”
Alexus moved her eyes, watching him as the wound disappeared, like it was never there. He patted her head when he finished. She would have broken his hand if he could move.
“Ready to go?” he called back to the bald wizard as he picked up his wand.
“Take her wand from her first. I’ll bind her, you unfreeze her.”
The first wizard snatched her wand from her hands and took a few steps back.
Alexus watched the bald wizard and he raised his wand at her. “On three.”
“One… Two…”
“THREE!” Alexus looked past them just in time to see the red sparks before the first wizard was sent flying forward, skidding at her feet.
The bald wizard turned around only to be knocked back the same distance, his back colliding onto the wall behind her.
“Excellent knockback, Mr. Winger!” Professor Flitwick complimented, pocketing his wand after knocking the second assailant.
Alexus had never been more relieved to see her head of house and the Headmaster before, but it was Talbott’s presence who reassured her the most. He was okay.
He gave no acknowledgement, instead, running over to Alexus.
He cupped her face lightly and looked down at her. “Are you hurt? Are you okay?” he asked.
She wanted desperately to collapse into his arms. For him to hold her as she felt her legs could no longer support her. But she couldn’t. She could just control her eyes and even then, she couldn’t stop the heavy streams of tears that spilled, cascading down her cheeks, catching on his hands.
“Mr. Winger, I believe she is petrified at the moment,” Professor Dumbledore stepped forward. “Allow me.”
With a wave of his wand, Alexus stumbled forward, right into Talbott’s waiting arms.
She closed her eyes and stifled a sob in his chest, wrapping her arms around his torso and hiding her face into his chest.
“Are you okay?” he asked again, softly, cupping the back of her head with his hand, holding her close to him.
“Miss Johnson, are you hurt?” Professor Dumbledore asked.
Alexus pulled away and took a breath, quickly collecting herself. “My arm, it got burned.” She extended it to show the bandages she had placed on her arm.
“I see. Mr. Winger, will you please escort Miss Johnson to the Hospital Wing to be treated while we take care of the mess here?” Dumbledore requested.
“Yes, Professor. We’ll go straight away.”
Talbott gently placed his hand on her back and they began walking, but hadn’t taken more than two steps when Professor Flitwick cleared his throat.
“Miss Johnson?” he called, prompting them to look back.
“Yes, Professor?” she asked hesitantly.
“Your wand, don’t forget it please!” he held up her wand, which he retrieved from the first wizard.
“Oh! Right, thank you, professor,” she said while walking over. She took it and nodded in thanks before walking back to Talbott. They finally left the courtyard, silently.
He kept his hand on her back, reluctant to not feel her with him, but she didn’t mind. She stayed close to him as they walked.
When they went into the Hospital Wing, it was filled with mostly petrified students. But there was also Chiara Lobosca, attending to a girl who looked sickly with a very runny nose.
“Just take this potion before bed and your cold will go away by the end of the night. Be mindful of smoke in the ears,” the Hufflepuff was advising the girl as they approached.
“Chiara,” Alexus said, softly.
She turned around, a pleasant expression on her face, but when she saw Alexus, the bandages, the blood, her eyes turned as big as the moon.
“Alexus!” she almost cried, quickly walking in front of her.
“The slice was healed, I’m not bleeding anymore, but I am faint from the loss of blood I did experience, but the most severe injury is my arm, it’s burnt under the bandages I applied. I was in a duel. Don’t tell the Circle yet.”
Chiara blinked, processing, before nodding and she quickly guided Alexus to an empty bed.
“Are you okay?” she asked, gently extending Alexus’s arm out and unwrapping the bandages.
“Barely. Talbott got Dumbledore and Flitwick just in time,” Alexus winced at the movement.
“Thank you, Talbott,” Chiara said, looking at him before back at Alexus.
She looked at the burn before back at Talbott. “There are bandages in that cabinet. Can you please get them for me?”
He nodded and walked over to the cabinet while Chiara gently traced her wand on Alexus’s wound.
Alexus flinched and wanted to yank her arm away, but the skin slowly started to mend.
She bit her lip and turned her head away from the healer and tried to suppress any cry or outburst.
“There we go, you did good,” Chiara assured her before pocketing her wand again.
Talbott came back with the bandages.
Chiara took them and began dressing the wound, slowly wrapping the bandages loosely over the area.
“It will take a few days to heal fully, but there shouldn’t be any scarring as long as you leave it alone.”
“Thank you, Chiara,” Alexus said. She gently moved her arm back and looked at the bandages.
“Remember, if you want to talk about it, I’ll always listen,” she reminded.
Alexus looked at Chiara, incredibly touched. “You’re too kind,” she said, smiling softly. “I’m good for now. I think now is a good time to call in the night.”
“Goodnight, then, you two. Hope your next date is safer!”
Talbott walked into a hospital bed and slammed his leg into the railing while Alexus nearly fell off her bed.
“Who told you?” they both asked, almost shouting, making the healer jump back.
“Penny! Penny told me before she went to help you get ready!” she quickly said.
Alexus groaned and buried her face into her hands. “Hasn’t she ever heard of stylist-client confidentiality?” she cried.
“Oh no,” Talbott muttered under his breath, remembering Andre.
“Well, you two better get going! Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help!” Chiara quickly and pleasantly excused herself before walking to another student across the Wing from them.
Talbott looked at Alexus, resigned.
Without a word between them, they both walked out of the Hospital Wing.
The second they closed the doors behind them, they looked at each other.
Alexus gave him a weak smile. “Thank you. You… definitely saved my life.”
“I’m sorry that your cardigan got ruined.”
Alexus snorted and looked at the burnt off sleeve that now ended at her bicep. “I can remedy it… I think.”
Now he snorted. He looked down the hall and sighed. “Let’s head to the Common Room, before Snape or someone deducts house points for being attacked after hours.”
She laughed and grabbed his arm gently before leading the way.
“Hopefully, our sweets are still there by the morning, we can get them then,” Talbott said.
“They were still invisible by the time we left, so they might be,” Alexus agreed hopefully.
“I’m sorry this… didn’t end up how I wanted it to,” he looked down at her.
“You don’t have to apologize, Talbott,” she assured him. “It was magical. I had a really great time.”
“I’m glad.” He glanced at her and took a breath. “The… kissing… was that okay? I should have asked, and-”
“I wouldn’t have kissed you back if it wasn’t,” she assured him. “You don’t have to worry, you gave me an amazing night. I was ordinary for a couple hours. That’s the best thing you could give me.”
He gently nudged her side with his arm. “I told you before, you’re incapable of being ordinary. You’re… the most… remarkable girl I’ve met.”
She smiled. “You make me feel remarkable, Talbott. I’m really just doing things that need to be done. And sometimes, doing those things…”
“Lead you down a hard path?” Talbott completed for her.
“Yes. You’re the one I want to walk with me. I know that now. I realized that when I was dueling, oddly enough.” She looked forward.
“Oh?” he said, not pressing her to continue, but he still wanted her to say more.
“It’s… that dark wizard, he told me he petrified you. I… lost it. I was scared. You could have been hurt, I couldn’t just… let them get away with that.”
He looked at her, not sure of what to say. He was stunned, but unharmed. Dumbledore and Flitwick had stumbled upon him in the hall. All he could say was that Alexus was in danger before running off. He was terrified for her. He thought she was going to die and it would have been his fault for not being better. That he could have done more. Just like with his parents.
He just brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently before they continued walking.
The common room was almost empty, students tired from a night of festivities, winding down, talking to one another about their dates and otherwise.
“Hey,” he tugged on her hand before pulling her to a nearby bench, gesturing to sit down. “Before you go up to your dorm, I had… one more thing planned.”
She tilted her head, looking at him quizzically.
He gave a small smile before pulling a small box out of his pocket. He held it out to her.
She took it and gave him a small smile before opening it. Her eyes widened when she saw the contents.
“Talbott,” she said softly before grabbing the silver braided chain and pulling the necklace out.
There was a single charm, a brown eagle feather.
“From my own wing,” he muttered.
She looked at him before kissing his cheek. “I love it,” she whispered before quickly fastening it around her own neck.
“I’m glad,” he said, relieved.
She admired the feather before looking at him apologetically. “I didn’t… get you anything, but… I was thinking… I could maybe… read a poem to you?”
He pulled out a small booklet from his other jacket pocket. “I’ve been waiting all night to open this.”
She snatched it from him. “Reyes’s Handpicked Poems!” she exclaimed.
“I may have already marked a couple,” he said, a little slyly, a self-satisfied smile crossing his face as she eagerly thumbed through the collection. “It’s not as hefty as The Romantic Collection we fight over, but there’s something charming about knowing these are the author’s favorites.”
She stopped on a page and quickly skimmed it. “Found one,” she muttered before leaning against him. He quickly wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head, closing his eyes
Come see me, Eros Where the woodland sings of their secret songs of the evergreen
Come see me, Eros In the break of the trees Where Apollo touches the land where lovers meet
Come see me, Eros In this forestry dream Surrounded by nymphs and Demeter’s love
Come save me, Eros Follow me down Where Hades’ lips kiss away the light
Come save me, Eros From Thanatos’ grip that’s keeping me away from you
Talbott sighed. “That’s a sad one,” he muttered.
“It’s heavily symbolic, which just adds weight,” she agreed.
“Death of the Lover… what a perfect poem to end Valentine’s Day on,” he muttered sarcastically.
She closed the book and looked at him. He waited for her sarcastic rebuttal, but instead, she kissed him.
He was shocked, but he wasn’t going to complain, and instead, placed his hand on her cheek, closing his eyes.
“Oh dammit all to Hell, they’re kissing!”
They pulled away quickly and turned to see Tulip Karasu fuming. Alexus didn’t like the look in her eyes before the mischievous Ravenclaw ran to their dorm room. “BADEEA! TELL TONKS PENNY WON! I’M OUT FIVE SICKLES!”
“Oh… Merlin’s saggy left…” Alexus grumbled before burying her face into her hands while Talbott sighed.
There were better, more romantic notes to end their first Valentine’s date on, but this was not one of them, it seems.
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shes-an-oddbird · 4 years
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Merry Christmas to my Fitzsimmons Secret Santa giftee @springmagpies​  ironically started working on my Christmas at River’s End Mall fic a couple of weeks before I received your fantastic prompt: working at the mall during the holidays! It was a fun coincidence and it was nice to work on this as a stand alone fic that could exist in the same universe as that story. 
I also wanted to make a moodboard to go with it since I’m so inspired by yours! I hope you enjoy it!
The Good & The Bad Of Seasonal Jobs 
Summary:  Leopold Fitz hates his seasonal job demoing the poorly made gadgets on the top of everyone's Christmas lists. Jemma Simmons loves her seasonal job wrapping those gifts. Together they make a a perfect team, even if they haven't officially met yet. Until Jemma is presented with a task that dampens her Christmas spirit and her and Fitz team up to get it back.
His expertise is being wasted.
Fitz is convinced they’ll be by to revoke his credentials any moment now.
If he sells one more shotty piece of home gadgetry with the promise that it will improve their customers everyday lives he might as well tear up his doctorate degree.
But he’s still short the cash he needs to get home for the holiday so here he is. Standing in a crowded mall, demoing cheaply made drones, remote control cars and robotic animals. Couldn’t one of these manufacturers create a monkey instead of the typical dog and cat? Are opposable thumbs that much of a challenge?
He knows the morning rush is starting to settle when he can hear the slightest jingling coming from the gift wrap kiosk across from him. A noise that would normally put him on edge has become a bright spot in his day. It came from the silver bell worn by the gift wrapper, Jemma, who worked the kiosk. She kept the bell tied around her neck on a long blue ribbon and with every move she made it rattled a cheery sound that added to the festive atmosphere in the mall.
He wasn’t much for Christmas cheer himself. He wasn’t a complete grinch, despite what Hunter might say, but if all of his income from the lab didn’t go straight to student loans, rent and food he definitely wouldn’t have bothered with the seasonal work at all.  
Every time his spirits started to fall though, he’d glance over at Jemma to find her glancing back at him. No matter if it was irate customers or screaming children or an upset manager, she was close enough to hear and observe and would shoot him a supportive smile.
They had yet to actually speak to each other but they had found other ways to communicate. One of the most in demand drones of the season utilized a camera and messaging system. She had taken to writing notes on scraps of wrapping paper that he could read through the drone camera and he was able to send back messages to her.
He would love to talk to her in person but the more and more he learned about her from their notes the more and more nerve racking that prospect became. She was brilliant. A double PHD. She worked for a lab he interviewed at a while back but had ended up recruited for a project at another lab across town. He almost regrets taking the project now, the one she was in the middle of sounds fascinating and he thinks they’d make a good team.
But then again, that would involve talking directly to her.
Which would happen, eventually.
It’s early afternoon, kids not yet out of school but late enough that mall walkers and nannies with young ones were heading home. This was the time when they usually found a chance to “chat.” He readies the drone to fly it over to her station but stops when he sees she’s got a customer. A well-dressed man, expensive suit and a pair of matching jewelry boxes in his hands. He spends a moment talking to her, a charismatic smile on his face. She’s not impressed if he’s flirting. She nods curtly back at him as she takes the boxes and he leaves.
Fitz watches her shoulders sag and her demeanor change as she examines the boxes before setting them aside and turning to fetch some paper. Her bell jingles and she stops in her tracks. She removes the necklace and tosses it aside before returning to the task.
Fitz doesn’t know what it was the man said or did to ruin her day but after she’d done so much to improve his bad moods, he felt like he should do something. He quickly packs up the drone and waves to his manager that he’s going on his break.
Jemma couldn’t imagine a better holiday job.
When Daisy had told her she could probably get her the open gift wrapper position at the mall she had jumped at the opportunity. It wasn’t exactly science, although Daisy claimed she’d made an art out of it. Just because she liked her patterns to precisely line up and her ribbons to match, it wasn’t that special.
She does love the look in her customers eyes when they pick up their presents.
She also loves the light in the customers’ eyes when they hand her their gifts to be wrapped and she just knows they had found the perfect thing for their loved one. Sometimes the gifts would come along with a story, the hours they waited in line, the dozens of stores visited, the didn’t-plan-on-it-but-I-saw-it-and-thought-of-them. She loved that. It made her want to wrap each gift with just as much love and care.
She thinks that might also be why she maintains her Christmas cheer while Fitz, who works at the shop across from her station, is so grumpy all the time. Poor Fitz. He gets the customers before she does. When they are frustrated from having been on their feet all day with the end not in sight. Their kids tugging and pulling and screaming and begging for this and that. And a manger breathing down his neck, pushing him to sell drones that she knows he thinks are poor quality and will inevitably break.
He’s an engineer, she found out one day when he was messaging her about the poor controls on the drone after apologizing three or four times for nearly hitting her with it.
The day is starting to quiet down for the afternoon lull. She’s caught up on all of her work and is gathering up scraps to write her notes to Fitz on when there is a tap on the wooden counter. She looks up to see a tall well-dressed man waiting for assistance. He’s got just two matching boxes in his hands so she thinks she can knock them out quickly and still have plenty of time to chat with Fitz before the afterschool rush hits.
“Yes, how can I help you today.”
He grins down at her with a charming smile and an unconvincing look of innocence in his eyes.
“Yes, you certainly can, I’ve got a sort of special task.” He places the identical jewelry boxes down between them. “You see this one here, is for my wife,” he slides the first box forward, “and this one,” he places his hand on the other box, “this one if for, well not my wife.” Jemma narrows her eyes in confusion, “so you understand it’s important not to mix them up right?”
Then it hits her and her stomach fills with dread. She looks at the boxes again. They’re branded on the side with the logo of the expensive jewelry shop down at the other end of the mall. “May I?” She asks, reaching out for them. She opens the first to reveal a pretty gold bracelet with a woman’s name engraved in cursive and three sparkling charms. She opens the second box to find a second bracelet, exactly the same except for the name. “Um, they’re lovely.”
“So we don’t have a problem here?” He asks.
Did they? Could she refuse service to this guy because he was cheating on his wife and possibly misleading some other poor woman? Its certainly what she’d like to do.
“No, I suppose not.”
“Perfect, I’ll be back for them this evening, dinner with the girlfriend first, then dinner with the wife.” He taps the counter again. “Do them up real nice for me.”
Jemma nods and collects the boxes. She moves them to the back worktable and starts to select a wrapping paper when the bell on her necklace jingles and she stops. Her bell was tradition. She wore it all through the holiday season thinking the gentle sound was a pleasant way to spread holiday cheer. But now, now it was like it was mocking her.
She takes the bell, pulls the ribbon over her head and tosses it aside.
Maybe it’s a side effect of her frustration or maybe it’s her desire to give the woman being two-timed something individually beautiful; whichever it is she wraps the two bracelets exquisitely. The paper is elegant, the ribbon satin and she even takes the time to add little decorations like pine bristles and bells. She carefully inscribes the cards for the top and gently tucks them under the ribbons before placing them with the rest of the gifts ready for pick up.
It’s exhausting. She has an overwhelming desire to close-up for the day or call out early so that she doesn’t have to be here when he comes back for them. Fitz isn’t even at his usual post, ready to make her laugh.
Someone clears their throat behind her and she spins around on her stool. Fitz is standing at the front counter, two to-go cups in his hands. She’s unsure how to proceed for a moment. Her and Fitz hadn’t actually spoken in person since they started their seasonal worker comradery.
“Hey.” He shifts back and forth unsure what to say either.
“Thirsty?” She asks, curious about the two cups. Maybe one for now and one for later?
“Oh, no, um one is for you, I hope hot chocolate is okay.” She feels a smile fight its way through her gloom. She can’t help it, hearing his voice for the first time is thrilling. He’s Scottish. Which she had learned from their messages, he was trying to earn money for the ticket home, but it still threw her off just a bit.
“Thanks, but why?” Why today, she really wants to ask.
“I don’t know, you’re always so positive and then that guy came by earlier and you looked upset, I just thought this might cheer you up.”
“Oh, thank you.” She except the cup and the warmth spreads through her chilly hands. She takes a sip and the warmth runs through the rest of her. She savors it for a moment then cringes. “Was is that obvious, that I was upset I mean, do you think he noticed?”
“I doubt it, seemed a bit self-absorbed to me.”
“He’s horrible, bought his wife and his girlfriend the same bracelet for Christmas and didn’t want me to mix them up.” She gestures to where the boxes sit on the very top of the pile.
Fitz face scrunches up in disgust. “What a wanker – sorry.”
She tries not to laugh. “Its okay, he really is, would you like to sit down, I’ve got a second stool back here.”
“Sure, I’ve got a little time.” Jemma excitedly sets aside her beverage and flips up the countertop so he can join her. They settle onto the stools and he swivels his back and forth nervously. “Its strange talkin’ to you in person.”
“Not bad strange, I hope.”
“No, no definitely not bad.”
She ends up asking him about how his work project is coming along and he tells her about the snags they've hit but that its really coming along. He thinks they could use a good biotech person to which she has to decline, being in the middle of her own project. Their conversation slows and Fitz chugs the last bit of hot chocolate before looking for a bin.
"Its under there." She points to the trash can next to the stacks of gifts. Fitz tosses the cup and examines the mountain of presents.
“So why not just switch the cards on these?” He asks as he grabs the bracelet boxes off the pile and places them in front of him.
Jemma frowns. “I can’t do that.”
“Why not?” Fitz asks as he traces the cards with his finger. “Its not like the guy doesn’t deserve whatever would come of it.”
“Well yes he would but it’s my job, I can’t just let my personal feelings effect how I do things, besides he could take it out on the mall if he wanted to, May shouldn’t have to deal with that.” She reasons.
“I think May would on your side.”
“I still can’t Fitz.” She insists as he slides free the tags.
“Fine.” He slips the cards back onto their respective boxes. “Still want to get back at him for ruining your day.”
“Fitz I promise, today is turning out to be pretty great, here – “ Jemma picks up her discarded silver bell necklace and carefully loops it around Fitz’s neck. Her fingers graze his neck, just above the collar of his work polo and she draws them back quickly.  
“What um, what’s this for?” He asks reaches for the bell.
“It’s for spreading Christmas cheer, I think you’re doing a better job of that right now than I am.”
Fitz promises Jemma he’ll return her bell at the end of the day. They’re both working open to close and by nightfall the mall is bustling. Friday nights are always busy, usually with teenagers but now with everyone shopping for Christmas its wall to wall people. He’s out demoing drones again. They draw the biggest crowd into the store and the manager had convinced May to let them project the camera’s video feed on to the big screen downstairs at the mall’s Christmas set up.
It keeps him busy. Trying to find interesting things to focus in on. He does enjoy the opportunity to stray farther and farther from the shop. From the balcony he can swoop the drone down to the kids waiting in line for Santa. They wave excitedly and screech with joy when they see their faces up on the screen.
As he retreats the drone back to him there is an audible ‘aww’ of disappointment but if it gets too far away it’ll loose connection and he’ll have to go fetch it when it crash lands. As it comes back up over the railing he does a fancy little spin hoping Jemma is watching. The bit of trick flying always earns him a smile and an eyeroll but when he looks over he sees she busy.
The man from earlier is back to collect his packages. He wishes Jemma would have swapped the cards on them or that he had just done it for her. He knows he shouldn’t but he swings the drone around anyways, he’s a good distance from the guy but its enough to startle him when it wizzes past his head.
“Watch it with that thing!” He snaps.
“Sorry, shotty controls.” He apologizes and holds up the remote guiltily. Still scowling the man take just one of his packages and leaves in a huff.
“Fitz, that was dangerous.” She chides but doesn’t sound as cross as he suspects she could be about it.
“I wasn’t gonna hit him.” He lands the drone on Jemma’s workstation. She’s fiddling with the bow on the man’s other gift. “Why didn’t he take that one?”
“Dinner with his girlfriend, didn’t want to be caught with it.”
Fitz rolls his eyes before returning to the store.
Their long day continues on and the crowds slowly start to dwindle. There are a few stragglers getting in last minute purchases but most of the patrons are either waiting on restaurant reservations or letting out from the evening’s first seatings.
Fitz has just finished charging up the camera drone before locking it up for the night when Jemma rushes into the store.
“Okay, I can’t take it anymore I have to do something or say something.”
“What are you talking about?”
“That guy, that horrible, horrible man just kissed his girlfriend goodbye and marched right over here to get the bracelet for his wife who is waiting for him at the restaurant literally around the corner and I just can’t take it, he’s so arrogant and and awful and – “
“Okay, okay, calm down.” He places his hands on her shoulders gently hoping to sooth her frantic motions. “I thought your hands were tied, that you could do anything.”
“They are,” she stresses, “but it’s so unfair Fitz.”
“Okay well,” Fitz doesn’t know how to help in a way that doesn’t get them involved. He could march right up to the guy and confront him but he suspects that will end very badly. If there was away for them all to figure it out on their own maybe with just a push on their side.
“You said you saw the girlfriend?”
“You think she’s still here?”
“Maybe, I saw her head downstairs, I assumed that she was leaving.” Fitz takes Jemma’s hand and rushes her over to the balcony. Her eyes scan the small crowd below. In a small seating area by the North Pole set up a woman has set down her things on an armchair and is pulling on her gloves, Fitz sees the shimmer of a bracelet on her wrist. “That’s her.”
“Okay, go try to keep her there.”
“But I can’t tell her, I can’t just delivery that sort of news she may not even believe me.” Fitz is already shaking his head at her protests.
“That’s the thing about Christmas isn’t it, adults don’t believe in Christmas spirit and Santa and all that because for them seeing is believing,” Fitz rushes back into the shop and grabs up the camera drone. “Let’s give them something to see.”
“Excuse me, Ma’am, excuse me.” Jemma races up to the pretty blonde woman who has just finished pulling on her coat and scarf. The woman looks at her startled.
“Yes, can I help you?”
Jemma froze. She didn’t want to be the one to pass along such horrible news. But she only needs to buy Fitz some time. “I, I – I’m sorry you don’t know me, my name is Jemma Simmons, I work upstairs at the gift wrap station, I actually wrapped that lovely bracelet you’ve got there.” She says, pointing to the piece of jewelry the woman is trying to free from her coat sleeve.
The woman smiles. “You did an incredible job, my boyfriend wanted to claim it was his own work, but I knew he could never manage anything like that, he can be such a slob.”
“Among other things.” Jemma mutters quietly but not enough that the woman misses it. Her eyes narrow suspiciously.
“Is there a problem?”
“Um, no, well yes you see – “
“Aww, check out the big screen.” Someone calls and both women turn to the large television. Jemma recognizes the feed from the drone immediately. The camera is trailing along a line of guests waiting to be seated at the restaurant upstairs. They wave cheerfully at the camera which comes to a stop on the man and his wife as he gifts her the bracelet and she excitedly rips open the package and throws herself towards him in gratitude.
Jemma worriedly turns to the woman who has lowered her attention from the screen back to the bracelet. One identical to the one on the screen. For a moment she looks terribly heartbroken.
“I’m so sorry, I feel like I’ve just ruined your holiday.” Jemma’s not even sure she hears her. She’s about to ask if she’s alright but then a look of determination crosses her face and she looks up at her with a smile.
“Thank you, um, you set this up?” She gestures to the screen.
Jemma nods cautiously.
“Prefect, can you make the feed go away, there are children here and they really don’t to see what’s about to happen to him.”
Jemma breathes a sigh of relief. “Consider it done.”
By the time she texts Fitz and returns to her kiosk he is already there looking rather pleased with himself. “You’re not even going to ask if it worked first?”
“Didn’t have too, heard the woman coming when I was clearing out of there.”
“Oh dear, I hope it doesn’t get out of hand, I still feel awful.” She says as she leans against the counter next to him.
Fitz nudged her shoulder with his. “Jemma they were being two-timed, if it was you you would have wanted to know right?”
“Yeah I guess so.”
“Then let it go, please, because I need you to go back to being the cheerful one, it’s too much work for me.” Jemma laughs and nudges his shoulder back. He slips the bell off from around his neck and carefully drapes it back around hers. She looks up at him, her whole body feeling jittery and her eyes land on his. She thinks, and blushes at the thought, that she would kill for a bit of mistletoe right now.
She aims for his cheek instead. Landing a thank you kiss on his scruffy jaw and watching happily as he turns a cute shade of pink.
“Um – “ He stutters out.
“Excuse me.” Jemma and Fitz step apart quickly. Standing a few feet away are the blonde woman from downstairs and a second woman who looks elegantly dressed and perhaps a little frazzled. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to interrupt, I was told I might owe you both a thank you?”
“Oh no, it was nothing – “
Fitz cuts her off. “No please thank her, she’s convinced she’s ruined your Christmases.”
“Well, its certainly taken a turn, but for the best in the long run.” The second woman says. She looks between the pair of them. “Actually, as a thank you, would you two like our reservations, someone should have a romantic date night.”
Jemma blushes and Fitz clears his throat. “Oh we’re not together and we should really be working actually –“
“Yes working, right.” Fitz scoops up the drone and hurries off.
Jemma watches him go before turning back to her company. “Thank you, that was very generous of you to offer.”
“Of course.” She says. “And please, don’t worry over this.”
“Yes, its our problem and its being delt with,” the blonde woman agrees. “Should have known something was up, all the time we were together, and he never once looked at me the way that man there looks at you.”
Jemma doesn’t know what to say in response. She looks back at Fitz who glances up at her at the same time and sends her a boyish smile.
“Have a good night Jemma, you’ve given us a lot to think about, maybe we’ve given you something to think about as well.” The women leave and Jemma is left standing at her gift wrapping kiosk, fiddling with the silver bell around her neck.
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muertawrites · 4 years
Two Halves - Chapter Six (Zuko x Reader)
Part Five
Word Count: 2,100
Author’s Note: Wow it’s been a clusterfuck this week. I’ve been exhausted and unable to concentrate for the past few days, and then today when I tried to release this chapter for patrons it turned out that all of Cloudflare was down, so something like 12 million sites worldwide were just completely unreachable. I plan to force myself into going to bed early tonight so I can actually get myself back on track and be productive over the weekend (I have two requests I want to publish so they don’t get pushed back into all my ideas for next month, and I also want to look into other ad providers outside of Adsense so I can start saving up money for my eventual move out of the country). I promise that next week will be less of a bummer chapter. Here’s hoping sometime we’ll actually catch a fookin break, m8. 
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~ Muerta
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You stand in the portrait hall, awaiting its newest addition with Rina; she grips your arm, clapping giddily as the towering scroll unfurls to reveal the painted image of you and Zuko beside one another. 
In it, you're seated to his left side, mirroring the generations of other wedding portraits that line the massive hall; what's different is not only the color and style of your robes, but the fact that Zuko’s hand rests on your shoulder, yours clasped firmly within it. When he did so, the royal historian who was present instructed that the Firelord and lady were never depicted touching one another - you'd placed your hand over his in a unified stance of defiance. You'd also been asked to remove your betrothal necklace for the portrait, and had told the historian in a few choice words exactly why it would be staying on; you still feel the rush in your veins of hearing Zuko mumble “that's my girl” under his breath.
“Oh, it's gorgeous!” Rina exclaims, bouncing excitedly on her toes. “The Firelord looks so handsome in a Water Tribe silhouette; I'm so glad you did this!”
You laugh, hugging her by the arm that's hooked with your own and unable to deny the fact that the Southern style tunic you had the seamstress make for him does provide a nice view of his body, highlighting more of his broad shoulders and sturdy midriff than the billow of traditional Fire Nation robes. It also pairs well with his chest plate, making him look every part the skilled warrior he is instead of some aristocratic monarch ruling only by privilege. Beside him, his fingers locked between yours, your gaze steely and knowing behind layers of ink, you look like a weapon instead of just a wife; you start to think there might be much more reason Hakoda arranged your alliance with Zuko than just forming a concrete tie between your nations. 
“My lady,” one of the palace messengers addresses you, bowing respectfully as he approaches. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but Advisors Sung and Qiang request an audience with you in their offices.” 
You and Rina look between each other, Rina’s eyebrows raised in confusion. 
“Just me?” you ask. “Should I also send for the Firelord?” 
“No, your majesty,” the messenger says. “The councilmen asked that only you be sent for.” 
You nod, bowing to the messenger in thanks before taking Rina’s arm once more, walking in pace with her to the administrative wing of the palace. 
“They’re sure to send me out of the room,” Rina tells you, speaking in a hushed, conspiratorial tone. “I’m unsure about Advisor Sung, but Qiang has never trusted servants with any kind of information; he used to work information security under Firelord Ozai until he defected after Prince Zuko’s banishment.” 
“If he won’t allow you in the room, you’ll wait at the door,” you state. “Whether he likes it or not, I still have more power than he does.” 
When you arrive at the international affairs office, Qiang and Sung are seated around a small table, primed in wait for you. You make a point of not bowing in return when they do so upon your announcement, instead choosing to simply nod in greeting. Sung smiles at you in his polite, pleasant way as you sit, while Qiang eyes you with a cold, almost uncertain stare. 
“My lady,” Sung welcomes you, “I apologize for bringing you here on such short notice, but there are urgent matters that must be discussed. As you know, Advisor Qiang has taken the liberty of guiding me as I adjust to my new position as the head of international affairs, and we’ve been mulling over the matter of your wedding portrait for the past few days.” 
“More specifically,” Qiang interjects, “we’ve been discussing the stunt you pulled in deciding your wardrobe. Many people across the Fire Nation are not pleased to see their Firelord in Water Tribe garments.” 
“It was simply a tunic,” you calmly defend yourself. “The only other change was to the color. Has anyone taken issue with the fact that I wore a Water Tribe dress under a Fire Nation robe?” 
You glance between the two men, expecting the question to be entirely rhetorical - you know the answer already, but as you guessed, they’re either too cowardly or too correct to say it aloud. 
“We understand your intentions,” Sung replies after a beat, “but we’re uncertain the execution of your ideas is as tactful as it should be; I know I needn’t remind you that we’re still living in very unstable times as of the end of the war.” 
“I understand your concern, but I don’t think the nature of our mixed heritage is the most pressing issue at hand,” you say. “The world experienced a century of cruelty under Fire Nation imperialism - it’s important that we reform our militant image in every way we can. Dressing me like a traditional Firelady when I very clearly am not one would have upset far more people than just our citizens.”
“The Fire Nation is still very powerful,” Advisor Qiang argues, “even with the abolition of many of the Earth Kingdom colonies. Upsetting our people could have consequences that reach beyond the mainland’s borders.” 
His words are spat at you almost like a threat. You tilt your chin a little higher, meeting his gaze without faltering. 
“What do you suggest, then?” you ask. 
“We want to keep watch on you,” Qiang tells you. “Our aids will accompany you as you gain more freedom from the Firelord and guide you to ensure that your actions reflect the image the nation wants to see from their leader.” 
“This sounds like something Advisor Yong should oversee,” you evenly contest. “I'm certain my husband would like to have his say, as well.” 
“We simply wanted to present the idea to you,” Advisor Sung cuts in. “We thought it might give you more peace of mind to have someone beside you; teach you how to properly present yourself to the people of the Fire Nation.” 
“You can send your aids to keep tabs on me,” you reply, “but I am still your superior. Firelord Zuko has been more than an adequate mentor. I don't need another one.” 
“Do you suggest we have you answer to the Firelord on our behalf, then?” Advisor Qiang asks, sounding skeptical. 
“I'm stating that I don't answer to anyone,” you respond. “Zuko is my equal. You're the one born and raised in the Fire Nation - you should understand that better than anyone.” 
Qiang fixes you with the chilled, empty glare you noticed your first day in the council’s meeting chambers. You keep your own expression blank, refusing to avert your eyes from their lock on his. 
“My lady,” Advisor Sung addresses you, “I promise you, we mean no offense. We truly have your best intentions at heart; we understand that the culture of the Fire Nation is very different from that of the Southern Water Tribe, and only want to keep you safe in the wake of Advisor Fen’s passing. We believe taking extra care in how you interact with our people is the only way to move forward.” 
“Alright,” you say, standing abruptly. “I'd like some hands-on training, then. I need fabric to build my wardrobe with, and want to explore my new home. Gather your aids - I’m taking them to the market.” 
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To say that people are shocked to see the Firelady out amongst common folk is an understatement. 
You travel in a rather large group, flanked not only by Rina, Iroh, and Toph, but three of Qiang and Sung’s aids and a small army of royal guards. People flee when you approach, some of them going as far as to fall to their knees before you, bowing out of fear; each time, you offer your hand and help them back to their feet, explaining that you're only out to do some shopping. Once more onlookers notice your kind, gentle handling of those who cross your path, panic turns to interest, many people staring at you as you pass or calling out to you, saying hello; a little girl manages to get past the guards, scurrying out of her father’s flower shop and through their legs, stopping in front of you with an adorably clumsy bow to present you with a dandelion she picked from between the cracks in the cobblestone street. 
“Why, thank you!” you exclaim, daintily taking the flower from her chubby little hand and bowing in return. “It's very beautiful, just like you.”
You twist the dandelion into your hair before walking the girl back to her father, who apologizes and thanks you profusely; you assure him it's no trouble. 
“How very touching,” Iroh says to you once you continue on your way. “I wonder what the aids will tell their superiors.” 
You huff, smirking at him out of the corner of your eye. 
“Probably that I don't inspire enough fear,” you mock. “I thought the dictatorship ended when my dear father-in-law was thrown in prison.” 
“The memories of his reign are still very fresh,” Iroh explains. “A brute hand is all much of the Fire Nation knows in a leader; it is hard to bring change.” 
“I still don't like our little entourage,” Toph remarks, loud enough that the men trailing you can certainly hear. “Aang never travels with guards, and he's got a way bigger target on his head than you do.” 
“Yeah, but he can also bend everything,” you remind her. “I've never even held a spear.” 
“I'm blind and I still kick hella ass,” Toph replies. “You don't have an excuse.”
You roll your eyes, grinning as you shove her sideways so she stumbles; she laughs, coming back at you with a hard punch to the boob and blowing a raspberry into your face. You can't help but cackle, taking her into a headlock and scruffing up her hair. 
“My lady,” one of the aids pipes up, her nose wrinkled in disdain, “this isn't proper etiquette for a Fire Nation queen.” 
“Oh, spirits forbid anybody be human,” Toph groans. “The war is over and this is a leisure trip. People have to get used to the Firelady acting like a person instead of a government puppet.” 
Rina takes hold of your arm, leaning in close to your ear. 
“I like her,” she whispers. “Can we ask her to stay?” 
You laugh, shaking your head.
“I wish,” you mumble back, “but Toph sort of just does what she wants.” 
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You choose a small, cozy-looking shop to buy fabrics from, everyone in the group (save for the aids and guards, who have no choice but to wait outside) making easy, pleasant conversation with the owners; they're a relatively young couple from Omashu, who came to the Fire Nation after the war to trade fabrics that weren't widely available in either country, wanting to bring more options to each place. Their shop is filled with soft cottons and delicately embroidered patterns, many laced with shimmering metals and gems only found in the Earth Kingdom; you purchase a few yards of almost everything, leaving them a contact to the palace so that they can come and discuss expanding their trade routes. Everyone is pleased except for the aids, who look on with disapproving glares.  
When you return to the palace, you find not only Zuko awaiting you, but Qiang and Sung as well; you hardly acknowledge the two councilmen, instead going straight to Zuko’s side. 
“Rina sent me a message about your meeting this morning,” he murmurs. “I told Advisor Yong, too. They should have come to both of us.” 
You nod, taking him by the arm and leading him away from the larger group, out into an open corridor surrounding a courtyard that sits off the entrance hall of the palace’s administrative wing. 
“There has to be something we can do, right?” you wonder. “We’re above them. We have the final say in everything.” 
Zuko sighs, taking your hands within his and holding you close to him, chests pressed together. 
“We’re supposed to,” he says. “But my grandfather taught my father and sister how to manipulate their way into power. Lots of other government officials learned it, too, and it hasn’t completely gone away.” 
Advisor Qiang passes through on the other side of the courtyard, eyeing you with his signature frigid gaze as Advisor Sung and the aids trail behind him. You look away from him, focusing only on Zuko. 
“We have to keep the people on our side,” you murmur. “The government may be able to manipulate itself into submission, but they're no match for everyone else. The world beat them once - we can beat them again.” 
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