#also if you are comfortable with coming off anon i’d like to follow you if i don’t already :)
warmsol · 9 months
hey isa, I just need some advice..
I feel the interaction with my blog got less. There are zero reblogs, no comments and barely notes. I know, it's all about the fun but you can't tell me that you suddenly start to overthink if you did something wrong. Isn't my content pretty anymore? I don't know what it is. At first I thought simblr is just less active than usual, but then I see the people on my dashboard and their interaction/reblogs/notes are just fine as usual. Normally I'm the person that says "I don't care it's my blog I post for fun". But not even getting half of the notes I used to have, getting ZERO (that hits hard) reblogs.. Even if I post other games, no one likes it. It may sound so silly but i'm frustrated rn and I don't wanna be ;-;
hi anon! i’m so sorry you’re feeling a bit frustrated right now. it’s completely normal and valid to want interaction in a community. yeah, we all post for fun but we also post to have a connection with others, and when we don’t get that it can be discouraging or lonely!
i’m not entirely sure what could be causing your slow down in interaction, my first thought was, simblr is a bit slow right now. i myself have even been struggling to keep up with everyone i’m following! but i’m also wondering if maybe you could be shadow banned? maybe this link here could be helpful for you to figure out if that is going on. if that’s not the case, then i don’t have much else advice other than continue to tag your posts, continue to interact with others and keep trying. i know some people have remade their blogs when this has happened, and having a fresh start helped them feel integrated with the community again. so if it gets to a point where if feels like nothings working, that could also help, maybe. i’m so sorry i can’t be more helpful :( but i’m wishing you luck friend, i hope that you feel less discouraged as time goes on. <3
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angels-fantasy · 6 months
Girl let me just say your fics are superb and thanks for the quirkless child one I requested with Bakugou! I promise I’ll leave you be for a bit in a second, but… post final war; everyone who has came out alive clearly is suffering from injuries, health issues, and trauma (both physical trauma and mental trauma) no? So how about a Bakugou x Reader with a reader who was essentially Bubbly, Firery and Energetic, to after the war who is exhausted, is often having nightmares over Bakugou cause well he nearly died, sleep deprived and basically depressed because I can guarantee nobody should be sane after a war, especially not children like our lovely highschoolers. Please make it angst to comfort, because seeing how Bakugou also has developed I’m sure as sad as he would be he would also be understanding and try to be comforting (despite his awkwardness). I’d appreciate if you could get this done to be as close as possible (and maybe just a little long than the one I requested last time- no pressure) BUT if anything you find in my request may be too triggering or something feel free to make it less triggering and change it, I just ask if you can keep the same vibe and theme with the reader who changed drastically after the wars and is getting comforted by Bakugou, Angst to comfort (duh), thank you so much, and I hope I’m not troubling you too much! — An anon who enjoys suffering, angst, and comfort ((SAC) Anon); (get it? Suffering, Angst, Comfort, SAC, wait that has a good ring to it, damn I have a new alias, I’ll shut up now)
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I'm Okay, As Long as He's Here (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details/Warnings: reader has a panic attack and nightmares!! pls be weary of this. angst to fluff, well, my attempt at angst lol
Word Count: 1k
thank you for your request and the support :D it means a lot to me 🩷 btw don't ever feel like you're bothering me or like you need to leave me alone! i like talking to everyone :) also this is a good little plot, but im not the best at writing angst but this is helping me improve i think, so please tell me how i did! i really hope you like it SAC anon hahah
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Before the war, you were a different person. Looking at you now, no one would ever guess you were once a bubbly, out going person. But Katsuki knew you were, and sometimes, he missed the old you.
It was hard to watch you wake up crying in the middle of the night from your horrible nightmares of the war. Some being about his near death experience, and others being about him dying in other ways.
Some nights, you didn't sleep at all, and it was really showing.
"Hey, keep your head up. I don't want you to fall asleep." Katsuki said. It was already months after the war, so you were all back at school, but you were one of the few students that was struggling the most.
He definitely has his struggles too, but he knew he had to be there for you, because yours were much worse.
You opened your eyes wider, trying your best to stay awake. "Sorry. I couldn't sleep last night."
"You havin' nightmares again?"
You nodded, he sighed.
"Come sleep in my dorm tonight. You sleep better with me and you know it."
You agreed and continued trying your best to stay awake for the rest of the day. Occasionally, Katsuki would have to wake you up or remind you to stay awake. The lack of sleep made it hard to focus, especially in Hero Training. Thankfully, Mr. Aizawa and the rest of the teachers were understanding of the students who were struggling.
Once school was over it felt like a weight was lifted off of your shoulders. You knew you had homework to do, but right now you'd rather sleep. Or at least attempt to. Since you were going to be with Katsuki tonight, you were probably only going to have one nightmare. Plus, he'd be there to comfort you.
Following your boyfriend to his dorm room, you immediately changed into some of your clothes that he had there for you, and then laid down on his bed.
For a while, you just silently watched him as he sat at his desk and did his homework, something you should also be doing.
"What're you starin' at?"
You smiled, but not as brightly as before, "I'm just admiring you."
He huffed, "Good, I'm awesome."
Rolling your eyes, you said, "And there he is."
He laughed and continued doing his homework. You just continued watching him, because it was something that comforted you. It was a reminder that he was okay and alive.
Knowing he was safe right in front of you, you fell asleep.
You didn't know what time it was, but it must've been late since the room you were in was dark.
You clutched your chest as you sat up in bed and breathed heavily, feeling tears prick your eyes.
Of course, you had another nightmare again. This one in particular was about Katsuki, and he was in the arms of Shigaraki. You saw the villain use his Decay quirk on him, and your boyfriend began to crumble away but you were paralyzed in your dream. There was nothing you could do.
The nightmare felt so real and so scary, like they usually do. You felt so helpless and scared. The evil that emitted from Shigaraki and All For One was something you'd always remember.
You subconsciously began to rock yourself back and forth and made self soothing noises as you continued to have a panic attack. They never got easier, or less scary as time went on. It always felt like you were going to die.
Your panic must've woke Katsuki up, because you suddenly heard his voice calling out to you.
"Hey, hey! Breathe baby, you gotta breathe." He said.
You shook your head, "I-I can't! It hurts. I'm scared, I'm gonna die!"
He carefully grabbed your hands and held them in his. He took one of them and brought it to his chest near his heart so you could feel it beat.
"What is my heart doing right now?" He asked. This was a method he used to ground you during these situations, especially because he knew how you felt about him and his safety.
You looked at his chest, "Beating. Your heart is beating."
"Right. Now what do you feel here?" He asked, now placing a hand on the blanket that was on top of you guys.
"The blanket."
"What does it feel like?"
"It's soft and fluffy."
As he continued distracting you from your panic, you eventually calmed down. You were still crying a bit, but he held you in his arms as you let it out.
"He killed you Katsuki. I was so scared, and I couldn't do anything!" You cried into his chest.
He rubbed your back, "You know that shit isn't real, no matter how real it feels. I'm right here living and breathing. I'm safe, okay?"
You nodded and sniffed, "Okay." You placed a hand on his chest over his heart and felt it beat, the steady rhythm of it comforting you.
Katsuki grabbed that hand and kissed the palm of it, "Love you. I'll be here all night, 'kay?"
"I love you too. Thank you."
"It's no problem."
The next morning, you felt more rested than usual. It must've been because you only had one nightmare, which was an improvement.
You noticed you woke up before your boyfriend, so you just let him sleep a little longer while you got on with your morning routine. You had a lot of your own things in his room, including an extra toothbrush which you were thankful for.
When he eventually woke up, he walked over to you and hugged you tightly.
"You feelin' okay?" He asked.
You nodded as best as you could in his tight grip, "Mhm."
"Be honest."
"I am! I feel a lot better than last night." You insisted as you pulled away slightly, still keeping your arms around him.
He hummed and kissed the top of your head, "Mkay. Wanna sleep with me again tonight?"
"Yeah, I'll bring more clothes later."
He smiled, "'Kay. Let's go to class." He said and threw an arm over your shoulder, making you smile up at him.
Yeah, you knew things would be okay as long as he was around.
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authors note
i hope you liked it! i'm sorry it was kinda short, i've been in a little writing stump but im trying to get out of it!
love ya 🩷
tags for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Fat gum x reader - changed for the better
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Hi, saw you wanted requests for MHA so maybe Fat Gum x reader with this prompt from your prompt list “The hero and the villain don’t work together.” “They’re not married either but here we are.” but only if you want to of course. Thanks🥰 - Anon💜
Hands stuffed in your pockets, you idly wondered around the streets, looking for something to do to pass the time.
You were waiting for your husband to finish his patrol and go on break, and you were lingering nearby his agency.
After all this time you still felt uneasy around heroes, and you didn’t want to enter a whole building of them, you you settled for standing outside, scrolling through your phone.
“You’re here!”
You grinned, putting your phone back into your pocket, letting the hero pick you up and spin you around a few times before setting you down.
“I told you I’d be here!” You laughed.
“I was getting worried when I didn’t see you out the window, I’m glad you’re here though, I’ve got a new intern! Look!”
You looked behind him to see Tamajiki as normal, but there was a red haired boy with him this time who grinned brightly, bowing his head to you.
“Hello! I’m Kirishima from class 1-A! It’s nice to meet you!”
“So loud…”
Fat Gum laughed softly, covering your ears, gently rubbing small circles into your temples.
“Sorry. I forgot to tell you that (Y/N) doesn’t do well with sudden loud noises, their quirk means their hearing is slightly heightened.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I should’ve been a little quieter. Are you okay?” Kirishima asked.
You smiled softly at him, nodding your head as you held your husbands hand in your own.
“Yeah, I’m good thank you. And Tamajiki, how’re you?”
The quiet hero to be turned his head to the ground, pulling his hood down a little bit.
“I want to go home…”
You laughed a little.
“Maybe I can convince my lovely husband to let you guys go for the night.”
You gently nudged the hero at your side making his laugh loudly, nodding his head.
“Yes! Go on home and be safe!”
“Thanks sir!”
Kirishima ran off with Tamajiki quietly following behind.
You walked in front of Fat Gum, gesturing for him to kneel down, so he did, and you grinned brightly, kissing his forehead, then you walked around to climb in his back.
Once you were comfortable, you draped your arms on his head, and he stood up to carry on walking.
“How does it look?” He asked.
You hummed a little, looking around.
“Looking funky, what’s the plan?” 
“Well maybe we can take a walk, then go to that restaurant you love so much, does that sound good?”
Fat Gum glanced to the side, and you leant down, grinning from ear to ear as you nodded your head at him.
He grinned brightly, gently resting his head on yours.
That’s what you guys did, but soon he became busy with work, so you spent a lot of time just wondering, looking for some other way to occupy your time.
That was up until you were stopped by Sir Nighteye, and you looked up at him a little confused, gesturing to the bracelet on your wrist.
“I haven’t done anything wrong?”
“I need you to come with me, it would be a lot faster if you didn’t fight.”
You waved your hand dismissively, already walking to the car he had gotten out off.
“Yeah yeah, I know the drill.”
You got in the car, letting him take you to wherever it was that you needed to be, and he escorted you inside.
You immediately hated the amount of heroes that were also walking through the doors, and you shuffled a little nervously on your feet.
You looked to the doors, quickly making your way over to fat gum, immediately tucking yourself into his side.
“There’s too many heroes…” you huffed.
“Why’re you here? Did something happen?”
“I don’t know, asking beanpole over there he dragged me here.”
Fat Gum nodded, leading you over to the middle of the room and stood you next to him, placing a hand on your shoulder and you wrapped your arm around his.
As the meeting started you lost interest in what was going on.
“I would like devil dog to help.” Nighteye said.
You snapped back from your little daydream and looked over confused.
“Huh? What?”
“An ex villain? You can’t be serious.” Someone scoffed.
“I believe that their quirk would be useful in this situation, your quirk allows you to summon numerous hellhounds that are connected or you correct? You can jump consciousness between them and turn into one?”
“Yeah, and what?”
“Be nice…” your husband whispered.
You huffed.
“I would like for you to assist us in this operation.”
You scoffed a little bit.
“The hero and the villain don’t work together.” You huffed.
Fat gum leant down a little, showing you his face, and you immediately looked at him, annoyed gaze softening the moment you connected eyes with him.
“They’re not married either but here we are.” He mused.
“Yeah that’s a point.”
“You can’t be serious and letting them have full control of their quirk, they terrified people for years just for fun.”
“Okay but I never actually hurt anybody Eraser, I was more just annoying the general public for fun.”
“You’re still a risk.”
“I’m reformed.” You grinned.
You placed a hand on fat gums head, pushing him up a little so you could look at the hero you were currently arguing with.
“You’re not safe with your quirk out in the public.”
“Seriously what the hell do you think I’m going to do? Run off and cause mayhem? I’m married to a hero for god sake he’ll find me straight away.”
Fat Gum stood back up fully.
“They’re right, I know all their hiding places.”
“You can’t be serious about this.” Someone else called out.
Tapping your husband on the stomach, you gestured for him to crouch down so he did, letting you climb on his back and he stood up.
You rested your arms on his head, messing with a little bit of his hair that was sticking out of his costume.
“Okay I get it, I have a shit past, but there’s a girl that needs saving right? Why the hell would I go running off to cause trouble knowing it would put her at risk? I’ll admit I did some shit things, but I never hurt no one, well, aside from present mic but that was actually an accident and beside the point. I’ll help, then I’ll wait for the bracelet to be put back on.”
There were a few mutters around the room.
“Please, I know you don’t trust them, and a lot of you question why I married them but I will vouch for (Y/N), if something happens or they run off I take full responsibility.” Fat gum said.
You leant down a little.
“Sweetheart you dont have to do that…”
“Of course I do, I know you’re not going anywhere.” He said softly.
You smiled gently back at him, kissing the side of his head.
“Course I wouldn’t, why would I go when you’re here?”
He grinned a little at you, and you rested your chin on the top of his head, letting the heroes go back to debating this.
Either way you didn’t care if they trusted you, you knew you had changed, and as long as your husband trusted you that was good enough for you
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loveharlow · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request Ajax x reader (gn or female whichever you prefer) where Ajax is upset with not winning the Poe cup and seeking comfort with us. Just general fluff and feel free to add and change anything!
Also I really like your work, and keep up the great work!
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PAIRING ‧₊˚ Ajax Petropolus x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS ‧₊˚ [1.4k] After losing to his girlfriend's team during the Poe Cup, Ajax isn't his usually oblivious, cheerful self. While the win may be a victory for Ophelia Hall, putting a smile on her boyfriends face is the only victory Y/N needs.
WARNING(S) ‧₊˚ swearing, fluff, sort of hurt/comfort, Xavier is a lil bit of a d!ck but it's all for plot I swear (we aren't Xavier haters here)
A/N ‧₊˚ I hope I did this justice and I hope you like it, anon.
˗ˏˋ ajax masterlist ˎˊ˗
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THE WHOOPS AND CHEERS COULD BE HEARD FROM THE CROWD AS MY TEAM AND I HUDDLED IN EACH OTHERS ARMS, THE TROPHY IN THE MIDDLE OF US. There was a bright smile on my face as we jumped up and down, even Wednesday had a small smirk. 
Basking in the afterglow of our win, my eyes scanned around for my boyfriend, wanting to playfully rub the victory in his face. We were competitive in nature, so we took no offense by the other’s gloating. I spotted him in what looked like a semi-heated exchange with Xavier from where I was standing. 
I pushed my way through my team and told them I’d be right back before heading over in their direction. However, before I could make it within hearing distance of their group, Ajax was shaking his head and walking off, not before giving Xavier the finger.
A frown etched its way onto my face as I watched Ajax disappear up the hill, back to the main Nevermore grounds. “Jax!” I tried once, but he was much too far away to hear me, especially over the noise.
Instead of turning around, I made my way over to Xavier instead. Pulling on his shoulder to get him to turn around. He swiftly knocked his shoulder back, brushing off my touch with a scowl on his face.
“Woah. It’s just me-”
“What do you want?” He groaned. The hell is his problem? I thought to myself. Pinching my eyebrows together, I gave him just as much attitude as he gave me. You get what you give, right?
“I want to know why my boyfriend just left.”
“Why would I know?” He shot back.
“Because he was talking to you before he went stomping off like a child.” I retorted, growing aggravated with the boy in front of me. Xavier and I were friends., but that didn’t exclude me, nor Ajax or any of his friends, from his occasional temper tantrums. He was very…moody, for lack of better phrase.
“Because he is. And I’m not his babysitter, alright? So, you wanna know what’s wrong with Ajax? Ask him your damn self.” Was all he said, more like barked, at me before he disappeared into the crowd. 
Leaving me alone, arms crossed and face scrunched in anger. I let out a puff of air and followed in Ajax’s trail up to Nevermore. “Asshole…” I mumbled.
REACHING THE BOY'S DORM, I SPOTTED EUGENE IN THE HALLS. “Eugene!” I called, the short, curly-haired boy turning to meet my eyes with a bright, kiddy smile. “Is Ajax in his dorm?” 
“Um, he should be. I think I saw him come in. Can’t be too sure, though.” I nodded at him with a tight-lipped smile. 
Continuing down the hall to where I remembered his room to be, I could hear music playing faintly and there were the shadows of footsteps pacing back and forth underneath the door frame. Standing directly in front of the door now, the music was much louder and I could hear the pacing, light thuds going from one side of the room to the other.
I knocked, moderately loud, waiting a few moments before knocking again — this time harder.
“I’m busy!” A voice called back. Ajax’s voice. I rolled my eyes and knocked again — longer this time, and much harder. “I said I’m busy!”
I let out a deep breath and groaned, throwing my head back. “Ajax, it’s me! Open the door!” I called as loud as I could, not worrying much to disturb the rest of the dorm considering most of them were outside still congratulating the winning team, my team.
Suddenly, the music was being turned down and the thudding footsteps were longer going side to side and instead, straight for the door. It was seconds before the knob was turning and the door was swinging open, quite aggressively might I add. No words were exchanged, just looks.
Ajax raised an impatient brow at me, a silent question of what I wanted or what I was doing here. I scoffed before rolling my eyes and dipping under his arm that was outstretched across the doorway to enter his room. I could hear him sigh behind me before the door shut.
I look around, as if I had never been in here, before turning back to face him and plopping on the bed — still adorned in my skin-tight catsuit and makeup that was still partially there. 
Ajax stood in his original place by the door, the music still playing but at a reasonable volume this time. His arms were crossed as he looked at me — joker make-up long gone off of his face but he still had on the rest of his ensemble. 
I simply crossed one leg over the other and smiled at him. “So…” I tried, putting on a playful tone to try and bring one out of him. 
He shrugged his shoulders quickly and drew his lips into a thin line. “So?”
I sighed and let my shoulders deflate in defeat. “Ajax, what’s wrong? You didn’t even stay to congratulate me. I would have stayed for you.”
Then he was running a hand down his face in frustration. “Y/n, my team lost. Why would I stay? If you came here for a congratulations, then here — congratulations.” He snarked, throwing his hands out to the sides.
I stood up from his bed and walked over to stand in front of him, maybe a ruler of space between us now. “Okay, seriously, what is wrong with you? It’s just a game.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, to you, maybe.” He started, leaning down slightly to eye-level with me. “I was the reason my team lost. Do you know how bad that sucks?”
My neck reeled back slightly at his statement. “Ajax, what are you talking about? Your team lost because my team fucked with your boat. Simple as that. You had an advantage and we took it from you. That’s it.”
“Yeah, well, tell Xavier that.” I tilted my head in confusion. The anger was gone from his voice, replaced by regret and disappointment. “He said it was my fault we lost. That I took too long to get our flag.” 
I couldn’t help but laugh. God, I love Xavier but he can be a real dick sometimes. “You know how he gets sometimes, Jax. Don’t listen to him.”
“It’s kind of hard not to when he’s fucking screaming in my ear.” 
My arms went around his neck as I pecked his forehead. “You’re friends with a loveable douchebag. You should know this by now.” His arms encircled my waist, pulling me into him for comfort as he buried his face in my neck.
“I was so close to taking my hat off and stoning him.” He mumbled into my shoulder. I couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped me, walking him backwards to his bed as carefully as I could without being able to see it. 
When the back of my knees hit the mattress, I let both of our bodies fall back into the cushioned surface. He was kind of heavy but it was nothing I wasn’t used to. I maneuvered us, with some of Ajax’s help, until I leaned against the headboard with him on top of me — head on my chest, arms around my hips as his legs spread around mine. 
I rubbed the back of his neck and let him find comfort in my presence. “If it makes you feel any better,” I started in a low-tone, not wanting to break the moment. “Even if we hadn’t messed with your boat, Xavier would have cost you guys the win anyway. He was too focused on Wednesday to even row his paddles correctly. I looked over and he was rowing backwards.”
This elicited a laugh, vibrating from his chest and onto my lap. His embrace around me got tighter, just by a little bit. “How’d you know I was in here?” He mumbled.
I shrugged. “I saw you take off after we got the trophy. Asked Xavier where you went and he was being all pissy. I just guessed. I mean, where else would you go?”
“I was gonna come to you but I didn’t want to upset you. You looked happy. You won and you were celebrating, I didn’t want to ruin that for you.”
Moving the hand that was stroking the back of his neck to hold his chin, I lifted his gaze to meet mine. I smiled sheepishly at him, making one equally as genuine appear on his own face. “Now, you’re happy too. That’s the only win I need.”
He laughed and buried his face into my stomach, tickling me. “Cheesy…” He said, muffled into my suit.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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husbandohunter · 1 year
hello!! this is my first time requesting something ever so if i did something wrong im so sorry 😭
but i’d really like to request something with xiao where reader really wants to go to the festival with him but obviously he can’t/doesn’t want to so he rejects them :’) and reader ends up not going and just watches the fireworks alone from afar untilllll xiao comes and sits next to them and it’s just the two of them enjoying each other’s company 🙊🙊 and maybe like an angst to fluff/comfort typa moment
idk idk AHH if u aren’t comfy writing that it’s all good! this scenario just been stuck in my head for a while.
The Lights Bring me to my Qixin [Xiao x Reader]
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Synopsis: He was hard to love, you were easy to love
Genre: angst/comfort, gender neutral reader, You fell first but Xiao fell harder and I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!!
(A/n): tldr; Xiao needs to love himself 😤 also I'm so sorry it took this long anon. And you didn't do anything wrong! Thank you for sucha cute prompt :)
Xiao materializes himself on a bridge, a gust of wind fading beneath his feet. He doesn't move for a certain time, standing still as if he had no presence and just stares quietly. Only the moon was present tonight. No stars. A lone glow emitted right above where he remained and briefly he imagined, there was something melancholic about it. How the scenery made the lights in Liyue Harbor more apparent.
You would have loved to see this.
The adeptus recoils immediately and shakes away from those impending thoughts. No, he musn't dwell too much. He already made his decision. When you asked him to spend the lantern rite together, a voice inside his head acted before he even realized.
That was what he told you. It came out far more blunt than intended, followed by the poor choice of teleporting away. The pain on your face was something Xiao didn't want to think about. Because to him, you were like the city he gazed upon. Best admired from a distance. What affected the adeptus at the cost of what he wanted didn't matter.
His heart tightens. It's better this way.
"Why hello there! Care to join me for a drink this fine evening?"
Xiao spun around and saw Venti crouched on the handle while holding out a ceramic cup. Was he there the whole time or had his senses been dulled? It was hard to tell coming from an Archon.
Normally, he would refuse just as he would with anybody. But a part of him wanted to. Part of him wanted something that would help him take off his mind from those bothering emotions.
The two anemo users share a glass of rice wine pudding under the sky. Venti downs his fourth drink and Xiao glances at the watery reflection held by the glossy rim.
"If I recall, festivals are meant to be celebrated with wine and laughter. Maybe more of the former but it can't be complete without the other!" The bard cheers, his voice echoing around them, "Is the taste not to your liking?"
Xiao frowns, "No."
"No? Hmmm," Venti hums and taps his chin, "That's a shame. You were the second person who told me that."
As if he waited for Xiao to ask him who exactly, Venti proceeded to answer anyways, "As a travelling bard, I like to spread tales of heroic stories far and wide. Just so happened I landed a spot at the Teahouse yesterday. This good fellow sat in a corner, not even reacting to a single word I spoke, hmph!"
The teahouse? Wasn't that the place you always told him about? Repeating exaggerated stories about the mighty Yakshas who fought beside Rex Lapis during the Archon war?
"Ridiculous. Adepti cannot transform to anything but what they're already given. Mortal imagination are incomprehensible these days."
"Though you gotta admit, Bosacious with a serpent guardian sounds pretty cool...hold on, are you...laughing?"
"Did they say anything in particular?"
"Let me think, aha!" The bard snaps his fingers and looks upwards, "They said my interpretation of the story brought back good memories. That it reminded them of someone, which, they didn't tell me the name. But poor thing looked as if they were about to cry."
"...I see," he downs the drink in one gulp.
"Not even curious about who this mysterious person may be?" Venti insisted.
The adeptus huffs quietly and turns his head, "I have no recollection of such events. I must have mistakened them for someone else."
That's right. Whether you were happy or sad doesn't affect him in any way. Xiao knew where he stood. Karmic debt was a heavy burden to bear, it could be contagious and destructive if he wasn't too careful. Although you didn't like whenever he mentioned this, he truly believed that soon the curse will consume him completely. The yaksha's sole duty exists primarily for Liyue and to serve Rex Lapis whenever needed. Everything else becomes insignificant.
It's better this way. Xiao tells himself again. Mortal desires have no substance to him and neither does his own. I really don't care.
Settling down the glass, the adeptus walks toward the opposite direction, his back facing Venti away from the Harbor they watched.
"Leaving just when the celebration started? Someone's in a hurry," Venti chirped.
Xiao looks with downcasted eyes, stopping right at the edge. The trees rustle and a soft breeze picks up, brushing against his skin. It was colder now.
"Sorry," he breathes out, "Tonight, I just want to rest."
You headed home through your usual route, sword in hand, except now there were no monsters to be dealt with.
How strange. Surely the landlord didn't suddenly commission members from the adventurer's guild, at least not regularly. It had been reoccuring for the past couple of days. Hilichurl masks sprawl across the field and whoever left this mess surely wasn't the type to play gently. Judging by how it looks, they were probably an aggressive fighter. A very powerful and aggressive fighter.
"Totally not complaining, though..." you mumbled, still perplex. It would be nice to know who did all this.
Xiao pierces the eye of a ruin guard and grunts as he retrieved his spear forcefully.
Just how many lives does he need to keep taking until he can finally rest? The question occasionally pops into his mind. Though seeing that he was fighting another day is proof enough. These hands were meant for war and destruction. Whatever comes near him, whatever he touches, would wither like a Qixin affected by poison.
When Rex Lapis appointed him, the adeptus said to be treated at his disposal. Xiao was a tool for battle. An extension of his blade and a mind equivalent to the vigor of any weapon. If he was ordered to throw his life away by facing the gods of Celestia, then there would be no hesitation.
But really, Xiao was more of a shield than a blade. He took every blow without complaining and did so for many years. Even if his achievements resulted in no glory, Xiao would remain in the shadows, exactly where he belongs. Just as you would one day come to hate him for hurting you that day, despise him for his silence, and see him as untrustworthy, Xiao would never leave his post. Because...that was his duty. The guardian yaksha.
Yes he'd rather had you hate him. Yes, he distanced himself without explanation and left things unsaid in more instances than one. Yes, it was better this way.
What am I even doing?
Regardless, in this year's lantern rite, he wanted you to enjoy the festival as you did the last. It was the least he could do. Xiao thought by eliminating the monsters that crowded your path would somehow alleviate the trouble he had caused. So he tosses blow after blow, harder than the last, trying to eradicate that pain and these unecessary emotions.
And right before the final strike, he stops. Within the adeptus a Qixin flower sprouted alone amongst the depths of his withered heart. Something that had already been planted during last year's lantern rite. Xiao made his decision. But he hesitated, unable to gather the strength and remove the thorn that bothered him incessantly.
"Adeptus Xiao."
The yaksha's breath races. Your voice. Thankfully he didn't sense any danger and concluded you made your way home safely. Did you eat yet? What were you doing out this late? Xiao waits and listens, once more, watching from a distance.
"Nevermind. I just missed saying your name, that's all."
The hard line of his mouth opens halfway as he tried not to make a single sound. He camaflouges himself among the trees, your back in his view while you hugged your knees close. Xiao leans against the bark, a shadow casting over his features.
He really shouldn't be here. An adeptus has no right to traverse into the realm he does not belong in. Xiao knows better than anyone exactly how the events will turn out between god and humanity. Like dark and light, made to balance the other, but too close would result in one's destruction, and the thought of that terrifies him to the core.
"I wonder if I said something wrong back then," you softly said, "He always did how much of a nag I could be. What if he...was fed up with everything I did...?"
Xiao caught his breath on hold, almost saying something he shouldn't. That's not true! Those words are clawing on his throat. You have no idea how hard it was for him to reject you over and over again. He pushed you away because he was afraid he would hurt you in more ways than one. Do you realize these feelings have been torturing him? Seeing you hurt, on the verge of tears, why can't you just understand that all he wanted was for you to be happy?
"I'm sorry. I had no idea that my actions affected you so much."
Yes. Yes they have, and he was forever grateful for it.
"Are you...happier though? If you're out there."
Silence passes through between the mortal and yaksha, accompanied by the chilly touch of a sky's breathly sigh. Bright rays thinned across the plains built upon Wuwang hills as the sun sets and around your small form. A golden reflection mirrored in the adpetus' eyes. 
He could never.
You hear a thump and the sound of leaves falling down as Xiao unmounted himself from the branches. Seeing him was like a dream, you hardly believed it was real. The man wore an unreadable expression, often carrying the hard edge in every part of his features. However perhaps it was the sunset which hindered your perception. There was something different this time, something you haven't seen before and you were oblivious to.
"You called?"
Even until now the shock hasn't left you completely and you struggled on what to do next, "I did, but," still seated where you were previously, you dared not to blink, "Why are you here?"
Xiao casted his gaze to the side as if unable to look at you any longer, "I should be asking you that question. Didn't you want to see the lantern rite?"
What a silly statement. Of course you wanted to watch the lanterns, and most of all, with him by your side.
You stood up and dusted the grass of your sides, "It's not the same without you, Xiao."
"They're just lights," he dismisses.
"Yeah, now that you mention it, there really are just a bunch of floating lanterns," you shrugged your shoulders, "But not for me. When my siblings passed away, I thought nothing would ever be the same again. We used to make lanterns every year. I didn't have the courage to do them on my own because I just thought there was no point."
For the first time in a while, Xiao stays instead of leaving, "Is that so?"
The adeptus has observed the changes Liyue had gone through. If there is one thing in this world which can carve the core of every human, it was loss. He has known many who were victims to it or were the cause of each grief. An emotion that can warp a man, to something more darker, more distant.
"I was right. Things won't be the same," you parroted, yet grinning from ear to ear, "When we watched the festival with you last year, I realized just because you've lost something good doesn't necissarily mean you won't find it again."
"Don't ever change," his gaze on you was softer now.
"I didn't but you did," stomping up to him, you puffed out your cheeks with an angry look, "What has gotten into you? If I did something to upsetting, don't just get up and leave me hanging! Here I thought I made you so angry which caused you to he in a bad mood around everyone else."
"I-- I apologize..." Xiao nears himself to you, little by little, he examines your countenance, "It wasn't my intention."
"I was worried, you know?"
Although you were showing signs of relief, you continued to bring forth your hands and wipe away the tears building up at the corner of your eyes. What an emotional creature. His Qixin. While you slowly recovered, Xiao waits patiently, with every passing moment filling his withered heart. And then things became clear to him.
It was impossible for the adeptus to severe his bond with this human.
"You can be such a fool sometimes," you meekly stated, sniffling from the cold, "The worry you cause others. Always putting up a mask when you obviously don't want to."
"I know."
"And going off on your own without considering how they feel."
"I know."
He wasn't going to argue against your words and admittedly, well deserved. You let out a breath and the two of you stayed there in comfortable nothingness. No exchanges but the gap mended itself somehow. Xiao hadn't moved all that much even when you were in arm's reach. This man was always so careful and you knew he wouldn't hurt anyone out of his own selflessness.
You took a hold of both his hands and brought them to your face.
"What are you doing?" Xiao retorts, desperately, "You can't touch me."
The nudge indicates that he wanted to pull away, but when you squeezed them a little tighter, his tugs have grown weaker.
"You're saying they do nothing but kill and destroy," whispering, you closed your eyes and reveled in his warmth, "They're rough from years of use but so soft. I can't help think about those horrible things you said about yourself, weren't true at all."
Xiao feels as if he was being washed away in a current he couldn't control. It brings him from his own sense, watching you fondly speak of him with words he didn't think was very fitting. Not a single drop of urge from the adeptus wanted to remove your touch. Like water to the Qixin growing in his heart, a healing balm to his tattered soul, he revels in it.
"Stay with me," you whispered.
How could he refuse?
In the sky, a thousand lanterns lit up among the stars. Xiao wonders to himself, if it would be selfish for an adeptus to dwell in human feelings. The battles he fought over a milennia was enough to make him solidify his identity as a warrior. Yet the new emotions he have come across, Xiao doesn't know when he will ever have the courage to give it a name.
Time. He has plenty.
Whatever the future may bring, Xiao will accept it as long as he can see you flourish into the beautiful Qixin he'd come to cherish.
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freeuselandonorris · 8 months
☰ for Monday, with the “who did this to you” trope? Love your fics <33
(from the fic ask game)
HI ANON i am so sorry this has taken me a million years to answer, i started weirdly overthinking it??
my understanding of the ‘who did this to you?’ trope is it’s very hurt/comfort-centric, which is not a genre i write very often (hence probably why i overthought this for so long lmao).
if i was to approach a remix of monday from this angle i think i’d like to do it from lando POV and explore more of why he’s so insecure and why it takes him so long to trust that oscar genuinely really likes him and isn’t just looking for a quick fuck to take the edge off. there’d be more of a focus on lando’s past relationships and in particular how he went from being a slightly nerdy kid (like, he looked twelve until he was about twenty) to suddenly being a millionaire heartthrob with a huge social media following. but he also self-describes as a simp (in the lando norris vs slang video) and clearly wants to be in a “real” relationship rather than just fucking about, so i’d look at what happened to him to make him so cautious with his heart.
proooobably this would end up with past dando or carlando? i have a mild aversion to carlos so i’d probably go for fuckboy daniel ngl.
i think it’d take oscar quite a long time to actually get round to asking lando what happened — partly because he’s got a bit of an attitude of “well, lando will tell me in his own time if it’s important to him” but also because there’s a bit of him that doesn’t really want to know, especially because he’s got a pretty good idea it involves another driver. he’d probably bring it up pretty idly, in the end — lando would make some veiled comment about how netflix would have creamed their collective pants if they’d known the half of it while oscar’s scrolling past DTS trying to find something to watch, and oscar would very casually… actually, y’know what.
Lando feels Oscar go still next to him and mentally kicks himself. Might’ve known Oscar wouldn’t let that one drop.
“So are you, like.” Oscar wets his lips and shifts on the bed, curling up so Lando’s tucked further into his chest. Lando presses himself back, drawing Oscar’s arm around him. “I dunno. Did something happen? With Dan.”
Lando closes his eyes, considers his options. It’s tempting to squirm back against Oscar’s body, press his arse into his crotch and slip Oscar’s hand under the hem of his T-shirt until he forgets the line of questioning, forgets he was saying anything at all. It’s mad, really, the way he responds: Lando only has to pull his shirt up, bite his lip a certain way, and he’ll have Oscar distracted and reaching for him, even now. It’s been months. Lando’s experienced it before, that first flush of desire when he can use his body to control how someone feels about him. It rarely lasts, though, once the novelty wears off.
Which is sort of the point.
He sighs, aware it sounds a bit huffy, and picks up his phone so he can flick through his notifications while he speaks. “I mean, I guess? It was just stupid, though.”
Oscar breathes behind him, slow and deliberate. He hums into Lando’s hair, strokes a thumb over the ticklish spot on Lando’s waist, the dip just above the ridge of muscle that delineates his hip.
Lando swipes through notifs from Discord, Instagram, iMessage, WhatsApp, Reddit, Sky Sport. Dismissing each without seeing it. He laughs, and it comes out all wrong, harsh in the back of his throat and defensive. God. Wet as fuck. “It was just — I mean, he was fucking miserable, you saw him. So I guess he just wanted a pick-me-up, y’know.”
“Right,” Oscar says, voice unreadable. He’s so fucking blank sometimes. Lando fights the urge to turn round and scrutinise his face, opens his emails instead and starts deleting anything that doesn’t look vital.
“He said,” Lando says, aiming to deliver it as a joke. “‘I’m straight, but I bet you suck dick like a girl anyway’. Like. What does that even mean?”
Oscar’s thumb stills, just for a moment, then resumes its slow path. “I know that’s offensive, but I can’t tell if it’s sexist or homophobic or both.”
Lando makes a disgruntled sound of agreement. “Yeah, well, whatever. It was — whatever. Wasn’t anything.”
“You said,” Oscar says mildly. “But I can see why you’d… Why it’d make you cautious.”
Lando sighs. Thinks of Luisa, showing him screenshots, her face streaked with tears. Watching the comments roll in, badly spelled threats he didn’t even bother reporting. The way Carlos never quite relaxed around him once people started tagging them in stupid ship videos. Googling how do you make someone sign an nda locked in an unfamiliar bathroom, mouth sour with vodka, head spinning. Waking up at 5am in lockdown, Max hyperventilating next to him. The girl from Raya he’d sent flowers to, trying to do the thing properly and be romantic, only to find she’d blocked him ten minutes after he got the Your package was successfully delivered email.
“It wasn’t him,” Lando says, locking his phone and putting it face down on the nightstand. He turns, tangling his legs between Oscar’s and leaning in to nip at his jaw, breathing in the familiar smell of Oscar’s basic aftershave. Oscar's arms tighten around him. His cheeks curve into a smile beneath Lando's mouth. “It doesn’t matter.”
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princessfarts31 · 3 months
Heyy, 💨 here (this is the same gal from like the billion other asks)! Omg I remembered a little gassy incident I had a while ago that is even turning me on thinking about it and I thought I’d share, judging by how much you seem to love me talking about my farts and my love for them.
Anyways, so I went with some friends to the movies a while ago, and we got pizza before it as well as ice cream (I don’t know if you remember but I’m very lactose intolerant, but I drink/eat it anyways because I love how gassy it makes me and the farts that come with it ☺️) anyways, so we’re walking to the movie theaters after our meal and my stomach is already bubbling like crazy. And my god was I turned on, I did hide it tho.
So while we’re walking I let out a few and holy shit were these good. They were super wet and bubbly and almost sounded like they were boiling, and felt really warm and kinda spicy. Anyways, no one noticed luckily most likely because of the skin tight jeans I was wearing that hugged my ass and kinda muted the sound. So we get to the theater and I feel a brigade of farts pushing up against my asshole, and now I’m kinda worried because judging from how sour and eggy those last farts were, I knew it was only gonna get worse. So I hold it in and the second we get into the movie theater (which was packed) and get to our seats, I’m already squirming in my seat trying to hold this gas in. I was only able to hold it for about 5 minutes before I ripped this absolute MONSTER of a fart. And at the time I was embarrassed but thinking about it from what I remember turned me the fuck on. It was super bassy, very wet to the point where it sounded like it was literally just liquid shit that was boiling, and my god was it loud. The second this thing finishes and I look around, people are staring and I wanted to DIE. I could hear people around me gagging, and my friends laughing their asses off, while I, am sitting, turned on and embarrassed. So I run to the bathroom and when I pulled down my pants and sat down it was really bad diarrhea. Like BAD. And when I looked at the damage in my panties, it was super messy in there and I had a small wet stain on my jeans. And once I finished, I sniffed my underwear, satisfied my fetish, and went back to watch the movie. I did fart like 7 other times and had to go to the bathroom at lease 2 times after that, but my god was that fucking amazing. Anyways, as always have an amazing day, and I have WAY more fart stories if you want them. 🤭
also, your last ask response to the other anon talking about farting in public had me horny as hell girl. Love ya!
my gosh that’s soooooo hot. I totally would’ve comforted you, rubbed your belly to have helped you push it out. Then follow you to the bathroom 🤭
I love the bassy ones like they’re so hotttttt. I can just imagine the looks and stares you got from that monster of a fart. That’s so hot. I’m curious did anyone notice the wet stain in your jeans? How big was it?
Anyway you’re so hot and totally my tumblr crush
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rashomonss · 1 year
Part IX
previous part
taglist: @miridiums-writing, @zerchlia, @aeongiies, @xmoogx, @coffeeandtealol, @food-lover9000, @l0diluvs, @vichsy, @valeriele3, @entolomaeden, @acaribeau, @sillybeanzo, @jessiegerl, @capricorn-anon, @crescentworld, @g-l-1-t-c-h-3-r, @chumbinhoeba, @chaos-n-kindness, @strawberryfire17, @zenxvii, @misscaller06, @luminarysol, @simpinginthecorner, @your-next-daydream, @bontensbabygirl
a/n: omg y’all I’m going to cry, I just posted something not to long ago about reaching 300+ followers, but now I’m almost at 400! I love you all sm I swear (╥﹏╥) idk what i’d do without y’all seriously, you all are absolutely amazing and don’t you forget that! love ya ♡
oh and before I forget we’re changing perspectives back to the original Mc
warnings: mentions of love bombing, manipulation, yelling?, angst, the usual yk
how far can you push someone until they break?
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It was as if you were being followed and dragged along by everyone.
Everyone was too overbearing.
You began to feel suffocated with their presence.
It was cute how they acted at first, and honestly you understood why they were so clingy. Their version of you never gave them any human affection since the incident, and of course they would soon grow touch starved. You understand where they were coming from, you really do.
But, it has come to the point where you’re not even able to go to the restroom alone without one of them freaking out. They had to be with you, they had to be touching you, they had to be talking to you.
They needed you to function.
But you didn’t need them, and they didn’t understand that.
And if you weren’t with one of the brothers then you were with the prince and his butler. As of this week you’ve been to the Lord Demons castle four times, and it’s only the middle of the week. It was tiring.
What was even more tiring was playing nice with this Diavolo and Barbatos, even though you found them to be shadier than the ones from your timeline.
The long continuous walk to the castle started hurting your feet. The walk to RAD tired you out since you spent all your energy entertaining the brothers, making sure they all had equal amounts of attention. The heavy workload of classes was also tiring to keep up with. And lastly, making sure everyone was happy had to be the most exhausting.
And lately you couldn't even enjoy the comfort of your own bed alone because Belphie found that to be his favorite resting place.
They were suffocating you.
What was even worse is that they began to become emotionally dependent on you for things as well. You’re not a therapist for crying out loud.
You have problems too, you’ve been through stuff as well, but just like your demons they push your needs to the side.
You were becoming fed up with them.
You sighed as you rested onto the couch in the music room. You felt your body relax as you sunk into the plush fabric, leaning your head back you hoped none of the brothers would find you in here. You needed peace and quiet just for a few moments.
You soon realized that you found yourself doing more here, with these brothers than you were doing with yours.
You didn’t like it.
You didn’t like how much of a pushover you were. Were you really always like this?
You didn’t like how easily you fell back into your routine again.
You didn’t like not being able to have any alone time, but you couldn’t help it. No matter how fed up you became you never learned how to say no to them.
They had constantly bombarded you with expensive gifts, or even food. And if you told them to back off they did, if you told them you were busy they wouldn’t bother you, but they always were together with you later. And because of this it was harder to get upset at them because in their eyes they were just being nice and you were in the wrong.
As you tried to think about what to do Mammon suddenly opened the doors to the music room and ran towards you.
“There ya are! Come on everyone’s waitin’ for ya” he said grabbing your hand and dragging you off the couch
You groaned at the loss of comfort from the couch and followed him anyway.
Everyone’s waiting? What did he mean by that? You questioned.
Looking down at his hand you felt a sense of unease. Mammon’s touch had never bothered you before so why now? Why did you want him to let go?
Why did your skin feel so unnerved by a single touch?
“Here we are!” Mammon said, leading you into a dark room.
“Surprise!” was shouted at the top of everyone’s lungs, as the lights turned on to reveal some confetti and what looked to be party decorations.
“A party?” You questioned looking at the seven demons in front of you.
“Yeah it’s for you darling! Do you like it? Were you surprised?” Asmo gushed.
“We spent the whole night setting up so you wouldn’t notice,” Levi smiled.
“We also made a bunch of food for us to share” Beel then said, looking towards the feast at the table.
“I hope the decorations are to your liking, I picked most of them out.” Satan said.
Smiling at all of them you decided to ignore that unsettling feeling. “So what’s this party for exactly?”
“We just wanted to throw a party to show you how much we appreciate you Mc” Belphie smiled.
You felt your heart throb. Perhaps you were being too harsh, maybe they only meant well and you were just being dramatic.
“Well that’s part of it, yes, but we can discuss the other details later. We should start eating before Beel explodes.” Lucifer said, eyeing the sixth born.
“Mc sit next to me!” Mammon yelled as everyone began to take their seats.
You did as he asked and all of you enjoyed delicious food not only from the Devildom, but from the human realm as well. The table conversation was nothing but eccentric like usual, but you kept up; still smiling and laughing with (your demons) them.
They continued to shower you with praise and many gifts well throughout the evening as they each spent individual time with you after the party.
It was as if you were forgetting something important. You could feel it, but again decided to ignore it.
Next came your time with Lucifer.
You met him in his room this time, however he was way more relaxed then you had ever seen him. It made you a bit nervous.
As you joined him and talked you soon found yourself in a comfortable state completely forgetting why you were so nervous in the first place.
It was always nice talking to Lucifer because he always had good advice to give no matter the situation.
So when you asked about this unsettling feeling that you had been getting lately, he claimed that it could be due to all the stress from the mix up and everything you had experienced these past few weeks.
“Some rest would do you well. It’s important to take breaks, you know, humans can’t function like us demons so I wouldn’t want you working yourself too hard.” Lucifer smiled.
You nodded and thanked him for the advice. As your conversation progressed you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander to his lips. When was the last time you had kissed him?
Of course with these brothers you continued your morning and night kisses like you did with yours, but nothing more came from that. It was as if they were too scared to be intimate with you.
Lucifer took notice of your wandering eyes and leaned a bit closer at his next response to your last statement. Eventually you two got closer than ever and began to stare into each other's eyes.
“Mc, could I ask you a question?”
“Of course” you replied, hoping that you were correct with what he was implying.
“I know we’ve talked this over before but this time I really would like to get a solid answer from you.”
“Will you make a pact with me?”
Your heart sank to your stomach.
“What..? Why are you asking that again?” You questioned, moving the slightest bit away.
“Because last time I asked you, you said you would consider it. So have you reached a conclusion?”
You bit your lip trying to figure out what you should say. How could you nicely decline him? Of course under any other circumstances you would have made a pact with him, but this isn’t your choice.
It’s up to you from this timeline to make that decision, besides you already had a pact with Lucifer from your timeline, so you were perfectly fine with just him.
“Um Lucifer, I-“
“Your times up Lucifer, I’ve been waiting for Mc for the last three hours now so give them up.” Belphie said, knocking at the oldest door.
Lucifer sighed and looked annoyed. “If we ignore him he’ll just leave”
You mentally cursed at him because you didn’t want to go back to your previous conversation. “Well yeah he might leave, but I haven’t hung out with him at all tonight so it’ll just be for a little while, is that okay?” You asked.
Lucifer sighed and nodded his head. “If that’s what you wish to do then go ahead. However after you’re done with him please make your way back over here so we can go finish our conversation”
You nodded and darted towards the door a bit faster than you would have liked, it didn’t matter though, because the second you opened the door the youngest yanked you out and shut it behind you.
Throwing you over his shoulder he walked towards the planetarium. Sometimes you forget how strong he actually was.
You shouldn’t get too comfortable, after all he crushed your throat like a twig.
Shuddering at that thought you then wondered when you suddenly began to think like that.
“Here we are,” Belphie said, placing you down on one of the nice couches.
“So how was your time with that grumpy old man? I hope he didn’t bore you to sleep” Belphie asked, turning towards you.
You laughed in response and told him about your time with Lucifer and even the others.
Belphie liked watching you talk now. You had a glimmer in your eyes whenever you spoke about things that interested you. It was nice to see sparkling eyes for a change, he had begun to be annoyed with your dead ones after all.
The you from this timeline hated him, and he greatly disliked them in return.
No matter how big or grand of an apology he gave to them they never accepted. Instead they liked to harass him and pick on him. This made the youngest upset because the only one who could stop you front belittling him was Lucifer since the two of you never had a pact.
But if he wasn’t there then it was hell for Belphie. Because if any of his brothers tried to step in as you would scream at him they were met with the pain of your pact.
So Belphie disliked the other you, but he couldn’t bring himself to hate you, not like he previously did.
So he waited and hoped that one day, just once, maybe you would finally forgive him.
And that day came when you arrived.
You showed him compassion and even kindness the other you refused to give. You were intelligent and knew a great deal about the Devildom stars, (which he found quite attractive). But lastly what he favored the most was the fact you forgave him.
Well he believed you forgave him.
As he was thrilled with forgiveness, you were still longing for an apology.
“Look Mc, the sky is shining down upon us tonight.” He smiled.
You looked up and awed at the beautiful stars littering the dark Devildom sky. Sometimes you forgot how truly beautiful the Devildom actually was.
“The stars reflect off of your eyes beautifully” he said, leaning in closer.
You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder. Belphie sighed and rested his head on yours, then waited a moment before speaking.
“You know Mc, I really adore you. These past couple of weeks have been lovely and I’m so glad you’ve come to the Devildom”
“Thanks Belphie, I’m glad you think that '' you replied, however you again felt that unsletting feeling that he wasn’t telling you everything.
“Of course. But can I ask you something? And can you promise to fulfill my request?”
You lifted your head up to face him and gave him a confused glance. “It depends on what the request is Belphie.”
“It’s a surprise. So I don’t want to ruin it, however you have to promise me you’ll fulfill it”
You gave him a look and then sighed, what’s the worst that could happen?
“Fine, I’ll fulfill your request”
Belphie smiled and then grabbed your hands, holding them in his. “Mc thank you for everything so far, so to repay you I’d like to offer myself up to you.”
He said those lines too. When he made a pact with you he said he wanted to offer himself to you.
“Belphie…I can’t. I’m sorry” you replied.
His face shifted from admiration to annoyance, and you remained on guard.
“And just why is that? Sure you can refuse Lucifer, but me?”
“Because this isn’t my timeline. I can’t make that choice because this isn’t my actual body.”
“But you can now,” he smiled.
“What exactly do you mean by that?”
“Well I wasn’t supposed to tell you because it was a secret, but everyone here feels that you should stay here with us and forget about your timeline.”
“What? No I can't! I have to go back eventually Belphie, they need me.” You said, raising your voice the slightest.
“Do they really need you? All the time you’ve spent here not once did they even try to contact you. Face it Mc they don’t really care about you over there so just stay here with us, please.”
“Belphegor enough. I’m not doing this with you right now.”
“Mc please, you promised remember!”
“I did that to make you happy! I never actually meant it” you screamed.
“What…but you said-“
“I was lying Belphie! I am only nice to all of you because you look like them. But none of you are actually my demons! I only accepted your apology so that you would stop throwing a pity party for yourself and actually move on with your life”
“I’ve never actually loved any of you.” you spat.
After the words left your mouth you remained still, shocked even at the fact you said that to him. You didn’t mean it, it was just a heat of the moment thing. Right? You had never been that rude to any of them before, not even Belphie. But in a sense it felt good for once to let out a bit of anger.
Belphegor stood there in disbelief looking over you trying to process your harsh words. He then walked up and harshly grabbed your wrist, almost twisting it in the process.
“How dare you” Belphegor said, voice laced with venom.
“Mc you don’t really mean that do you..?” Asmo said, opening the door to the planetarium.
He had tears streaming down his face as he looked at you. They were all listening…
You looked towards the brothers as some wore sadness and others wore anger. You had to choose your next words carefully, otherwise forget about going home to your timeline, you might not even make it to tomorrow.
“Asmo listen I-“
“How could you be so cruel to us? Don’t you think we’ve been through enough with our Mc? Now you have the audacity to do something as horrible as this to us!” Levi cried.
“Humans are worse than us demons, they only care about themselves and hold no regard for others around them.” Satan said, raising an eyebrow in your direction. His glare was ice cold.
“You’re the worst! After all, we've been through together! After all the things I’ve opened up to you about, you mean to tell me this was all a lie” Asmo yelled.
“Are we some sort a joke to ya human? Was all that crap you fed us just to make us feel better?” Mammon said, not even turning to face you.
“Mc, I thought we were finally becoming close…but I never knew you could be such a heartless person.” Beel sighed.
“Mc…how do you feel now that you’ve made a fool of us all? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Does it? Please do enlighten us.” Lucifer spat.
“I hate you.” Belphegor said softly.
“Everyone listen I-“ you tried to say.
They had all cut you off to begin yelling at you again. Like always, them and your demons constantly dismiss your feelings.
“This is all your fault!”
“After everything we’ve done for you?”
“After how close we’ve all gotten?”
“Humans are horrible creatures”
“We should’ve sent you back to your timeline if we knew you’d cause this much trouble”
“We shouldn't have been so naive to trust them.”
“We should’ve just left you to die.”
Your throat felt dry at that statement.
Their words kept coming one after another; and they were harsh at that. Each insult resulted in you blinking repeatedly trying your hardest not to cry.
Why should you cry? They're the ones that are at fault for this, not you. They’re the ones who have been constantly love bombing you these past few weeks, along with draining every ounce of energy you had left. They’re the ones for your constant stress. They’re the reason why you don’t stand up for yourself.
“You need to stop being so pathetic and start being selfish for once.” A voice said. It was the same one from the time you had a breakdown in Lucifer’s office. It was your voice.
They were right.
If you continue on this path of trying to please everyone, you’re the only one who’ll get hurt in the end.
“Shut the fuck up.”
You hadn’t even yelled, yet your command shook the demons willpower, well the ones you had a pact with. The other two watched as their brothers began to fall silent.
“You want to see horrible? You want to see cruel? Fine then I’ll show you horrible and cruel.”
The five of them fell to the floor as the other two stepped in front of their brothers protectively.
“Lucifer make a pact with me.” You said.
“Excuse me-“
“Now. Or would you like me to knock the shit out of Mammon?”
The second born tensed up as you mentioned his name and Lucifer gave him a quick glance.
“Fine.” He responded.
And the pact was made.
“Belphegor your next.”
“Don’t think you can threaten me with Mammon, because that won’t work” he spat.
“Sure it won’t. But what about your twin?” You asked.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me” you respond, grabbing a fistful of Beelzebub’s hair, yanking him forward in the process. “What’s wrong, weren't you so eager to make a pact with me a few minutes ago?”
“Fine I’ll make a pact with you just let go of Beel.” Belphie yelled, slightly panicked.
And again the next pact was made.
Admiring your arms you saw the new pacts glow on your body and looked up at the seven demons now kneeling.
“You may have experienced the wrath and pain of your Mc, but you’ve never experienced mine.” You started.
The anger and frustration you had been building up had finally reached its breaking point, and your willpower wasn’t strong enough to hold it back this time.
“If you continue like this you’ll be the only one hurt in the end”
That phrase played in your head again.
Maybe it was time to actually stop being such a pushover and actually realize you’re more than a therapist for these demons, along with your own.
As you looked down at each of them they stayed silent. However your next words shook them to their core.
“Have you ever felt the true wrath of a human?”
Next part
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needyvampyres · 8 months
hi everyone! i’m very happy to be back! I used to be @.needysweethearts but i had to remove my account because i was attached to another blog i didn’t want anymore. anyway let’s start with the masterpost.
First things first:
i am a twenty two year old bisexual femme named angel who, for this blog in specific only has interest in women and wlw content. I don’t interact with men or follow them back whatsoever. I wanted to create a safe haven where i can express my love and appreciation for women and I don’t need a horny man ruining that :). I plan to post frequently and I love interacting with my female audience, so please don’t be afraid to message me and send me asks/anons! I also would like to state that I talk about drug use a good amount and I want you to be aware of that before coming in, so please take this as your cw now. thank you!!
if we are dm-ing, please tell me your age and name first before we start speaking about anything remotely sexual. if you don’t then i simply will not respond. another thing, if any empty, ageless, or non feminine accounts follow me I will block, simple as that. I will not make any exceptions or cater to you while putting my own comfort at risk. thanks for understanding! <3
my kinks! now it’s onto the fun stuff :3!! down below will be my do’s and dont’s, please be respectful of all of them.
double penetration
forced submission
light free use
light puppy play (i don’t like the cages and eating out of bowls, but i love collars, leashes, and cute little ears)
blood kink
knife kink
gun kink
light humiliation
size kink
breeding kink (no preg)
free use kink
being tied up/tying people up
being choked/choking
mommy kink
i’ll gradually add to this as time goes one, but for now this is all i’m comfortable with.
daddy kink
heavy pet play
age play
heavy torture like electrical shock & whipping
detransitional kink
necro play
i’ll add more here as well, these are just all the ones off the top of my head.
some of my tags:
not a good vampire: i think it’s a good attention grabber and so people know it’s my account
🩸: will be used with anons
💉: will be used during regular asks
vampire drvggie: pretty self explanatory
not a good vampire: general tag for all my nsfw posts
bloody mess: extreme nsfw posts
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all in all
i’m very excited to interact with all of you and to explore my sexuality a lot more. i love to write and make up scenarios so you’ll definitely see a lot of those, as well as just simple fantasies i tend to always have! within anons, asks, and dms you can call me whatever you’d like just please respect the one thing I asked where you state the name you’d like to be called and your age or i will NOT interact with anything that you send. as well, i’d like to reiterate:
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obae-me · 1 year
(Not a request I’d just like to ramble a bit about a head canon I like to think about, sorry for how long this probably is-)
So I like to think that after warming up to them Beel handles MC like how one would handle a cat
Like yknow when a cat is in your way or on something they’re not supposed to be on so you just silently pick em up and put them somewhere else? Yeah I can see Beel doing that all the time, MC in front of the fridge and he’s got cravings? He’ll pick up MC from under their armpits and place them out of the way all without saying a single word. MC is about to walk into somewhere they’re not supposed to be? Beel is already running over and picking them up to place them somewhere else
And don’t even get me started on just how much Beel would do the thing cat owners do of just picking up their cat no matter what it’s doing just to cuddle. MC could be doing literally anything and Beel will just suddenly come up behind them and pick em up so he can hug them and sway em around a bit. Beels habit of doing this differs from the brothers just cause they’ll mostly complain or beg to the MC so they can cuddle and hangout but Beel? No that’s too much hassle he’ll just take em thanks :)
He’d also be so guilty of petting and ruffling up MC’s hair like how a person does to a cat. MC would be just chilling or napping and Beel would pet their head but oops that woke MC up and now they’re giving him the stink eye it’s time to leave- (Based off of something I do to my cats a lot)
I feel like the reason Beel would do all this is just because of how big he is compared to the MC and because he cares about them so much he really doesn’t want to hurt them, and I think his thought process is just something like “I have to be gentle with them.. I remember Satan saying you have to be gentle with cats.. so maybe it’s like that?” And he follows that thought process just a bit too literally
I also wouldn’t put it too far past the other characters to do stuff like this (probably to a smaller degree though), but I just see it happening with Beel the most on account on him probably being the most gentle and nonchalant of the brothers
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Honestly I do think about this all the time. I have Beel picking MC up in my fics and headcanons on the regular, because I looove this idea. I mean, he's also just so used to it with Belphie too. He probably does it to all his brothers.
Sees his twin sleeping on the ground? Pick him up and take him somewhere more comfortable. His brothers are fighting? Sometimes he gets in the middle and picks them up and walks them to separate parts of the House to cool off.
He does this with MC for sure. Diavolo to a degree as well I would imagine, and Mammon definitely.
Ugh, this is so great. My heart is full, thank you, anon.
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alpydk · 1 month
Tag you’re it! Share five authors/fics you’re really enjoying right now and let’s spread the love.
Also feel free to share what you’re working on right now 🩷
Good morning anon, lovely hearing from you ;)
Top 5 right now? Only 5?
1 - @the-real-housewives-of-waterdeep and her fic Alchemy 410 - Pre/Post BG3 events. An amazing protag and Gale relationship build up with great chemistry between the characters (sometimes literally) and just a beautiful read.
I don’t know what it is about you, Dekarios, but you’ve permeated my inner world and I can’t even say that I mind. I don’t know if I’m holding a torch, a matchstick or a lightning bug in a jar when it comes to my feelings for you, but I can’t seem to shake them. I know I run the risk of ruining our friendship, but if I didn’t at least tell you what I feel, I’d carry those feelings around forever. 
2 -@cheerysmores and Broken Horizons - Post canon angst. Like the summary alone won me over and I've felt pain with this fic and loved each moment of it - “I am going to die,” Gale whispers into the darkness, then again, directly at her sleeping form. “I truly am going to die.” - Just oooooffff.....
3 - I don't know if I'm allowed to tag them... but they're on here and under the name ACrowsRockCollection on Ao3 - Fic is Weave me the Sunshine - A rarepair Gale/Jaheira fic which works amazingly well. Some very poetic language, gorgeously written.
Jaheira shook her head, “The Harpers collect people willing to do what it takes. I know commodities when I see them, pawns, lanceboard pieces. It feels foolish to throw you away.”  “I’m the villain of the story, I…” Jaheira cut him off, “No, Karlach told me the story. I could see why your God would be upset, but before the Absolute, to make you suffer needlessly…” “I used to think I was special, but we are mortal playthings in divine hands. Followers and chosen are pawns to be used or destroyed on whim.” “Strategically, it seems a waste of a perfectly good pawn,” 
4 - @auroraesmeraldarose and Professor Dekarios - All the comfort and smut you could ever need. This is my go to when my head is too full of everything and I sit with a mug and my kindle and just relax into the fluffy world. It's really the sweetest AU I've ever read. (Also fucking hell 176k words since feb? And I thought I wrote a lot!)
“I think I need to spend the next few hours with you wrapped up in my arms nice and safe. I think I’d rather underestimated the perils of your career choice. Let’s go home, please.” Helene obliged, and did indeed spend most of her evening snuggled in Gale’s embrace. She didn’t like the idea of being weak, of needing to be protected… but if it meant being held against his chest for hours at a time, you could call her a damsel in distress any day of the week.
5 - @silent-words and Twin Compasses - One of the best bards I've seen written. Discussions of linguistics over a campfire, really good chemistry where you can see the build up happening gradually. Just romance through words in a way I can't explain.
‘ Let me not to the marriage of true minds / Admit impediments ,’ the bard recited. Gale picked up instantly: ‘ Love is not love / Which alters when it alteration finds ,’ he exclaimed with a flourish. The wizard’s eyes lit up. ‘ Or bends with the remover to remove .’ Laerie made a dramatic gesture and then smiled. ‘I love Shakespeare, he truly was the Bard of all bards. Who else was able to insert so many reiterations and yet make the verse so beautiful? How did he make his images abstract and tactile at the same time?’
Even my cold dead heart is falling in love over that interaction.
I could give shout outs to so many others right now. From @judasiskariot and her Resident Evil fic, @crazybagelbitch and the Chase fic I love, @weaveandwood and Auroria, and especially the person writing the Cazador 1980's fic that has stolen my heart and mind. So many writers deserve to be praised for their work!
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imagine-knb · 11 months
Yaknow, it’s crazy!! Back when you were originally first active, I had turned on notifications for your blog because I loved your content so so much! I forgot all about it until you became active again! I’m happy to see you back !!♡
I’d you don’t mind~ can I request GoM+Kasamatsu reacting to their childhood crush/friend confessing their feelings for them?!
Maybe a little bland and simple, but I love to think of some characters who’ve really been pining on their crush being over the moon with joy over this kind of thing^///^” > maybe also a little big of how they would act around their crush before the confession!
You still have notifications on for us? I'm so grateful Koi-Anon! It honestly makes me so happy that so many of our previous followers stayed despite us not knowing until now if we'd be back. I've honestly felt so giddy and have been gushing about the blog to my significant other since I came back (my relationship with my current partner started after I left the blog, so they have no idea how deep this obsession runs lol) Also this ask is far from bland, I think it's adorably fluffy! Admin Neon
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when Kuroko has a crush on someone, it's not so obvious at first; in fact, the only clue that he has feelings stronger for you than simple friendship are the little actions he does for you that he doesn't do for anyone else
they're small actions that could simply be mistaken for him considering you a close friend – letting you borrow his jacket when you were cold, purchasing your favorite snacks from the convenience store as a surprise
the day you confess to him, it's more than obvious that you're nervous – how could you not be, because the way he treated you, you thought he only saw you as a friend
Kuroko knew he was staring, knew that it was making your already fried nerves work in overdrive, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from your form. He was surprised, somehow not expecting you to reciprocate his feelings — even more surprised that you had confessed them first. But above all else, he was delighted.
"____-san," he called your name, interrupting your nervous, rambling confession. "I feel the same way."
in contrast to his light-blue haired friend, when Kise has a crush on someone, it is very obvious; he's clingy and flirty and always wanting to be the subject of your attention
to be frank, Kise would probably want to ask you out long before you came to the conclusion that you reciprocated his feelings – at least, he would have if he didn't think it would jeopardize your already great friendship with him
your confession to him comes randomly in the form of a question – "why aren't we dating?" – and it catches him completely off guard; you'd never heard Kise so quiet before
"Wait, wait, wait," Kise repeated himself, holding a hand up like he could pause your train of thought. "Are you saying you like me, too?"
When what he received in return from you was an affirmative answer, Kise feels overjoyed. His arms are instantly wrapped around you in the next moment, pulling you close. He had to resist the urge to kiss your cheek — didn't want to move too quickly — and you practically have to tear him off you at the end of the night because of how much he's clinging now.
you were his good friend and he was comfortable around you... until the day he wasn't; the day Kasamatsu realizes he has stronger feelings for you is the day you think he wants to end the friendship for good
he's suddenly embarrassed every time you catch his eye, he starts avoiding you more often, and he can't seem to talk to you without sounding angry – he's not angry at you though, he's angry at himself for his sudden 180 in how he treated you; why did it feel different now that he liked you like that?
you corner him one day, angry that he'd been ignoring you, and when you grilled him about his recent behavior he actually blurts out that he'd been doing it because of his growing feelings for you; your response wasn't what he was expecting – "is that it? I like you, too, dumbass."
For a moment, Kasamatsu seemed to be floundering in front of you, mouth agape as a red hue flooded his face. His pulse had been quick when you cornered him, then it felt like it had stopped the moment of your confession. Now? Now it felt like it was working double time — this couldn't be good for his heart.
With a cough behind a closed fist, Kasamatsu glanced off to the side before speaking. "Well, that's... good. That's good." He doesn't know what else to say however — now he was even more confused on how he should move forward with treating you.
he's almost in denial with himself when he realizes he has feelings for you; the two of you had been friends for so long, practically since you were babies, so he didn't know when he stopped seeing you as a friend and started seeing you as more
he actually starts treating you just a little meaner, making snarky comments and trash talking the things you enjoy, but you're used to his shitty attitude and take it in stride – it actually ends up making him like you more
the day you confess to him actually has him confused, because how could you like someone who treated you so rudely, but he can't deny that it also makes his stomach fill with butterflies
"You must be some kind of masochist then," he commented, trying to hide the erratic thumping of his heart behind a sly smirk. "Don't think I'll be treating you any differently now that we're dating."
But the way you were looking at him, all smiles and teasing looks as you said you wouldn't have it any other way, made you seem so much more alluring to Aomine. As he stepped forward, one hand reached out to tilt your chin up so he could press his lips against yours better, a thought crosses his mind — maybe he would be treating you a little bit differently.
it's hard to tell when Midorima has a crush on someone; he doesn't treat them that differently from before he liked them because he tends to treat all of his good friends with respect except Takao
he's actually already planning on confessing to you, but he's waiting for the perfect day; his luck has to be perfect, your luck has to be perfect, everything about that day has to be absolutely perfect
so when you confess to him on one of the most unluckiest days he's had that year, he almost feels mocked – almost, if it weren't for the fact your confession had him elated
"You really couldn't have picked any other day," he mused, a small smirk on his features telling you that he really didn't mean the words he said.
Normally, Midorima would be adamant that Oha Asa was never wrong — an unlucky day was supposed to be just that: unlucky. But after your confession, he was starting to think that maybe even his unluckiest of days could have a brighter side to them. He thanked the heavens he was able to afford double of his lucky item that day.
he gets a little clingy to the object of his affection when he has a crush; he always wants to be around you and wants to be the only person to snag your attention
he tends to get a little whiney when you give other people attention, even if it's just your or his friends, but he's been that way every since you were kids so you're used to that behavior – maybe he's liked you since then?
the day you confess, he takes it so well, it's almost as if he already knew you would be doing it; maybe he already expected this to be the outcome of all his time spent with you
He was already hugging your smaller frame against his when you confessed, so after the words left your lips, Murasakibara's arms only tightened around you. He was pressing his nose against the side of your neck, hiding his expression, but you could feel that lazy grin of his against your skin.
"It's about time, ____-chin," he teased, voice muffled against you. "I was wondering when you'd say something."
when Akashi has a crush on someone, he already starts treating them like a potential future spouse; he's a very straight forward person, so he doesn't want to date you just for fun because he's looking for his forever
he treats you better than any other friend he has, constantly making sure you're okay and healthy, keeping you stress free to the best of his abilities, and wanting to help you better yourself – honestly, it's only a little bit more than how he treated you as a best friend
he honestly confesses to you first, but you don't tell him right away that you reciprocate his feelings because you feel like you're not good enough for him – he only seems to catch on to the fact that you do like him back, however
Akashi seemed almost too calm, like he had expected what you were saying. As you finished your confession, tacking on your doubts on your worth to him, he steps forward and places a gentle palm against your cheek. The smile already on his face only softened when you leaned into his touch.
"None of that matters, ____," he reassured. "I like you. And, if I'm not mistaken, you like me too. That. That's all that matters to me."
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peachjagiya · 2 months
i’m finding different peoples’ takes on the vibe of the show rlly interesting. i personally didn’t sense an awkward vibe and i didn’t think they had nothing to talk about/no convo of substance. cuz tbh what else would they discuss other than lighthearted things and just joking around? it’s a show for the fans to see so i doubt they’d be immediately jumping into some deep conversation about their views on society and the world LOL. ig also to me, when im w a very close friend who ive known for years and i already know what’s going on in their life, theres not that many “new” things to talk about ? like it’s more so quick catching up and then you just resort to random conversations and being playful. idk maybe that’s just me. ofc deep conversations come up w close friends too but i’d never expect that from this type of documentary series which is clearly just meant to be fun and following them on their random outings/adventures.
but i have seen a few other ppl say they felt a super awkward and off vibe though so maybe im just missing something ? whatever it may be i still think the interactions are cute and very entertaining. im super excited (also a bit nervous/anxious) to see tae in the next episode. i think it’ll be a lot of fun w the three of them and im sure it’ll settle into something comfortable for the three of them within the first few interactions of all being together. i do wonder how they’ll frame the dynamic though. id we’ll see something vaguely equal or if it’ll be framed as jimin being the middle man as it has in the past. to me that would so obviously be convoluted since we know jungkook and tae have been hanging and much closer than vmin or jikook (who clearly hadn’t seen eo at all lol). but ik it’s not like they’ll rlly show just how close tkk are anyways so who knows. sorry this got so long, i went on a tangent 😭😭
Don't apologise!
I did sense awkwardness in ep1. I feel like "matched energy" has stopped being words that mean anything because I've used them so much over the last 24 hours but it's a good way to explain.
It's not about what they had to talk about. It's about the mismatch of mood and energy. But many things can influence that! Long flights, nervousness at doing a reality show without the other members, a foreign country, illness, not having seen each other for a while. Mismatched energy can be temporary or permanent. In their case, I felt it was temporary.
However, to my mind, what sets Taekook aside is that their energy is rarely mismatched and if it ever is, they're super adaptable to each other's mood and able to come out of it very fast. See Inkigayo. JK in a grump, Tae arrives smiley. Mismatch. But it's resolved in moments, seconds even, with soft words and Tae drawing on a thing JK loves. That unconscious immediate reconfiguring to find balance is COUPLE 101 to me.
By his own admission, Jimin enjoys winding JK up, amping up the awkward, like a big brother with his little brother. Redressing the balance is not at the forefront of his mind and to me, and this is very much just my thoughts, that's what felt awkward in ep1.
Thanks anon! 💜
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jolapeno · 10 hours
Hi Jo, I’m really late I know, but I feel I’ve missed something. You and several other writers I follow have migrated to posting new fic only on AO3. It seems to have been several people at once, so I was wondering if something happened across fandom spaces or if it’s just a personal choice. Obviously you’re under no obligation to answer, but if you’re comfortable sharing, I was wondering why. Hope you’re doing real well. Cheers!
hi anon!!! I don’t really want to speak on other people, or drag up things but something did happen and I’m happy to talk about it privately but not publicly. (I know you sent a follow up saying I didn’t have to, but if you have questions, I always think others will too).
for me, if I’m laying all my cards out on the table, I’d been feeling like either moving away or changing things up would be good for me for a while? I’d been applying a lot of pressure to myself, I felt like a lot of guilt that I’d be writing things and posting, but not nurturing the community I loved to be a part of. I felt a lot of weirdness about replying to reblogs (not because I don’t want to reply, but that I do and I feared blocking the feed up, especially when realising that others seeing all the lovely thing we’re making them feel bad). a lot of this pressure is self-inflicted, but some does come from loving places, and it was becoming harder for me to dial that out and focus on what made me happy.
another things, I want to do more things — create fun ways for people to come together. I wanted my inbox to not instantly get buried when I mass replied because I was reblogging lots. I wanted to reblog gifsets and moodboards again. and while I ADORE writing, posting on tumblr wasn’t something I grew up with, I grew up in the depths of FFN and AO3, so I’ve always been more comfortable with that balance. and when push came to shove, it felt simple for me to split my world again. I can be here, chatty, making moodboards or asking random questions, hell even shooting out a “can you imagine”. but my longer things (one shots, series) can go on there and IF people did fancy still reading me (zero pressure) that option is there for things over there, and I provide the link here so people will still know (and I’ll reblog that notification to @fakejolapeno from now on) but if people don’t want to, that’s completely okay too. this is a choice I’ve made because ultimately it’ll make me happier and a better writer then too. it’ll also be nicer for series, as people can bookmark and get notified and we can comment etc.
especially as I’m planning some longer series (DMY length + longer, maybe) it’ll be nice to have those there.
for others, this might be for different reasons and that’s their story to tell. but I hope this has sorta explained things 🩷
please feel free to come off anon and slip into my DMs (hahah) and we can 100% continue this! big love, jo
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saintsenara · 5 months
Ahhh so excited to see a snippet of war of the roses 😍😍
Also love to see bits of your thoughts on Sirius and James as a pairing in your other recent answers. Do you have any more Prongsfoot thoughts??
I really enjoy both Sirius/Snape and Sirius/James as ships even though they’re such different vibes!
I also have been low key thinking about Sirius/Fleur as a ship since you talked about it for one of the asks and I honestly think it would be top tier and work so well!!! Two beautiful fierce people who passionately love the ppl they care about and are horribly rude to everyone else?! Yes pls 🔥 I find that Sirius as a character reads quite queer coded but if he was ever gonna be straight Fleur could be the one! Do you know if there is any fic for this pairing?! I’d love to get into it!
thank you so much, anon!
i have lots of prongsfoot thoughts, all of which hinge on the thesis outlined in the following meta:
unrequited prongsfoot is canon
i do think - genuinely - that the idea that sirius is in love with james is the doylist text's actual intention, and this informs a lot of what i like to see in the pairing.
which is to say... i really like it when it's fucked up. i like james not realising the depth of sirius' feelings, or sirius never confessing these to him, or it being doomed by james not being willing to admit to being queer, or it being doomed by james being comfortable with his sexuality but still not wanting anything more than a casual sexual relationship with sirius.
and i like it when it delves into the nuances in james and sirius' rampant codependence - that they're the most equal of the marauders, and yet james still has extraordinary power over sirius precisely because his best friend is so in love with him.
but i like it most when it's a ghost haunting sirius in other relationships - especially with snape, whose mirror-image love for lily also casts a long shadow over his ability to invest emotionally in another person [that this will be a key theme of the war of the roses probably shouldn't surprise anyone...]. part of james' narrative purpose - which is outlined with exquisite precision by @said-snape-softly in this meta - is to be a fragment, someone whose death happened when he was so young, and is so shattering and total, that only little bits of him remain.
i think prongsfoot is so interesting when sirius is trying to cling onto it - trying to resist letting go of a romantic love which was never requited, because he's too afraid of forgetting what little of james remains to him if he embraces a love which is; trying to stay safe behind a relationship which never got off the ground, so he doesn't have to risk breaking his heart in one that might go the distance; trying to make the fragmentary memories he has of summer kisses in the potters' garden come alive again, so he doesn't have to face, finally and incontrovertibly, that james is dead.
[on the other point... absolutely delighted that you're a blackcour truther. i've never actually gone looking for any fics with the pairing, but if anyone has read some i would like to see them. if anyone would like to write me some, i would like that even more.]
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amazingmsme · 20 days
You know what, frick being anonymous HI THIS IS MY ACTUAL BLOG:3
So in reply to your reply to my reply to your reply to my ask)that was a confusing sentence):
YESS my love for Hermes is so strong I just see/hear him and go; “BLORBO ANSHANSBAN”
I’ve never seen Blood of Zeus (or read it. Or whatever form of media it is) but those clips you shared were so good and cute and AHH! I tried looking for full fics of it on your page so I could read more but couldn’t find any :c
Also, I am SO tempted to write an epic tword fic, especially with Ler Hermes but I don’t think any of my followers are gonna see/read it so it’s just gonna sit on my blog with 0 notes haha.
I’m so happy that you’re comfortable enough to come off anon! Hermes is literally made to be simped for, you can’t blame us for being obsessed! & I mean that laugh, come on! Been in love with him ever since I heard that sly mischievous giggle
Blood of Zeus is an anime by the same people who made Castlevania, so the action is great &’the character designs are so cool & interesting! & hot I only have headcanons for blood of zeus rn, & need to answer another request for more for Heron specifically, but the snippet is for the 2nd day of tickletober & the prompt was chase. It was literally so much fun to write! I’d love to write more for that fandom if anyone has a prompt
Pretty please write one, I’m starving for some ler!hermes content! If you want, you can always submit it here & I could post it for you! But I would absolutely like & reblog, so it would at least have 2 notes!😂
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