#also im a little bit too sleepy so i might not be making sense
hugeegosorry · 10 months
thoughts on cuddy x stacy? 👀
uhh from what i remember it was prevalent on lj to get some more wlw in fiction and lose the cuddy/cameron age gap (that is, before camteen) and honestly? Good for them. I love the idea of some kind of romance or affair between them and season 2 has so much sapphic vibes anyway it just fits. no issue with being completely canon to me
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luniise-kel · 5 months
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thinking about how cool and awesome moon stone cassandra couldve been if she wasnt given the world’s worst villain motivation
dropping my whole au / rewrote of season 3 below
uh preface is im sleepy and its almost midnight, so like sorry if some parts dont make sense or whatever
uhh basically, instead of cass trying to like reach her destiny or whatever as like her Main motivation and the only reason to why she Evil and Malicious ive changed it so its more mixed in with her desire to protect rapunzel. i think moonstone cass is cool and i like the idea of her but i really just think her execution was poor mostly because it wasn’t built up as much as it shouldve been.
rewrote cass’s character slightly just so there more empathize on her idolization of her mother, and so when she learns the truth of why mother gothel left her, the knee jerk reaction to blame raps makes a little more sense.
Anyways, Season 3 cass deals with a lot of her issues, i think on the journey to get the moonstone something something happens and cassandra is told that if rapunzel comes in contact with the moonstone she will Implode. Like die. Return to being the sundrop. and cass is like oh fuck, shit, balls, I need to Protect her from Dying. So out of her intense Need to protect Rapunzel she yoinks the moonstone, and (still slightly pissed at raps for stealing her mom but not really she’s just trying to figure out her emotions + rapunzel needs to get away away from this rock) she goes into Evil mode.
Her villain arc is partly fueled by her anger at her own situation, always in second place. her desire to feel love and cherished and important rather than being the 2nd option. However, it is also fueled by her need to provide safety to her friends ,, even if it’s not the smartest choice. Moonstone Cass devotes her entire identify to being the cliche villain, so no one feels bad if like the solution to destroying the moonstone is killing her. she knows that logically the Zhan Tiri is manipulating her but 1. she idgaf and 2. she needs to learn how to control the moonstone’s power so she doesnt hurt her friends.
Tbh boiled now, it’s just cass isnt obsessive with mother gothel and mother gothel leaving her to kidnap a baby because it made like no sense for her character. like instead, moonstone cass grabbles with her identify and place in the world, who she is outside of rapunzel. Also she wants to learn more about her past, yknow, who mother gothel was and is she Worth getting upset over. spoiler she figures out that no, her bio mom sucks booty
Anyways, throughout my version of season 3, cass is trying to figure out a way to destroy the moonstone. She visits Rapunzel often too and pretends to be evil just so she can check in. She angry at her mom but not so much on rapunzel, maybe a little bit but probably more to with simply trying to crave out her identify outside of rapunzel. Same general plot beats happen in s3, but shes more grief driven than anger driven i suppose.
Theres probably a lot i forgot to like, reformulate in this especially w s3 bc i havent had the time to rewatch it and collect my thoughts that well. But, uh, hope u enjoyed. might yap more about my personal gripes with the show and how i think it shouldve been written.
also to add on i suppose, at the end of the series she gets exiled from corona officially, but lowkey comes back to hang out and after like a year every1 is like yeah okay i guess.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
Please tell me about your ocs!! IM HUNGRY GRRR
helloow omg ! im so honored you want to know more about my ocs aaahhh!! :D my moot @kovu-bunnbunn also wanted to know more so i figured i could do it now !!
i have a bunch of ocs but I’ll just talk about my main oc ryoko right now !!
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her full name is ryoko ‘007’ aizawa. I’ll explain the 007 in a minute !! she’s aizawa’s adoptive daughter.
her parents (her dad more specifically, her mom was more of a bystander) are both from very wealthy families and merged. Her parents had an arranged marriage and after some chatter to get to know each other they’re conversations take a little bit of a turn..and inbetween bonding about their favorite movies oop! A lil comment about how the world would he better off without heroes..oh you think so too ? Well look at that, we have so much in common!! long story short they both decide that the want to create something that will be able to take down all might and the entirety of hero society and it’s restrictions,,and I’m pretty sure you can guess what that something was ! nine months later ryoko is born yipeee…!
during her entire pregnancy ryokos mom went through some quirk experiments (sponsored by doctor garaki 👍) because they knew that with both their quirks alone they wouldn’t be able to create a super weapon. (ryokos dad has an overhaul type quirk, and her mom has a healing sort of quirk) so they did some experiments hoping something would change in the womb, and when she was born the kept on doing experiments until she started manifesting a quirk w no attributes from her either of her parents and manifested a fully different quirk than she was originally meant to have,
since she had those experiments done ryokos body adapted to be able to handle her quirk, but it’s not perfect unfortunately.
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heres a simple little chart of how it works ! (BTW I DO NOT DRAW LIKE THIS ANYMORE THIS IS OOOOLLLLDD😭😭😭😭)
her quirk is a lot like neijires as in she uses her own energy and converts it into power ! The amount she uses shows in her hair :3 ryoko tho, unlike neijire can do multiple things from sending blasts, to powering herself up to make parts of her body stronger, to making it hard objects like stepping stones she uses to navigate and weapons like dual swords or chains to restrain ppl !! she can also drain other peoples energy (and from her surroundings, but thats only in 100% mode ! ) because of the fact that her body had been modified, ryoko can carry more energy into herself than regular people which is why she can drain energy without any major drawback to a certain extent ! However, her drawbacks are way more severe, overusing her quirks makes her sleepy and drowsy, it gives her nosebleeds and very worse case scenario if she were to have too little or too much energy she could die :0 !!
(ALSO !! I lil extra tidbit: ryoko is capable of sensing peoples energy’s if she concentrates hard enough, it works better if shes seen them before, but she can sense all the energy in humans in her surroundings or if she has a picture, tho it’s slightly weaker and is limited to one person at a time. This is a form of remote viewing that i gave her bc of my obsession w stranger things i had !!😭)
its a pretty powerful quirk that her parents and other scientists knew they could use well, but unfortunately for them ryoko ended up liking heroes (she was barely educated, so she had no idea that she felt admiration for heroes and especially all might, she was alsovaguely aware that she was taught to do the wrong things, because she’d be forced to use her quirk on robots/ small animals in some cases.)
her parents weren’t supposed to feel any affection towards her so they decide to just give her a code name 007 :D which i realized a little too late was the same as james bond..woops😭
anyways fast forward to the biggg “earthquake” incident, shes rescued by a group of heroes, eraser head included :D unfortunately shes detained in tartarus since her being in a constant state of panick set her quirk off and she couldn’t stay in a regular hospital so ryoko has canonically been to tartarus as a inmate at the age of 4 😭! Oh forgot to mention this, but ryoko got her quirk veryy early due to the experiments done before her birth and after.
since ryoko cant control her quirk an aizawa can cancel them, they’re a pretty good matchup !! Fast forward some more and shes living with him ! he adopts her and lets her go to school, where she meets izu n katsuki and they quickly become friends because. Of COURSE. My main ocxcanon ship is a CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS ONEEE😭😭😭😭will i ever stop. raise your hand if you’ve ever seen that one comin
lmk if you want to know more about her or other ocs ! I didn’t wanna ramble TOOO much so this is all the basic info!! plus some drawing of her
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two of them r completely credited to horikoshi cus i used ochaco n hagakure as a base !! I accidentally have two in normal mode and two in 100% or overdrive mode as she calls it (tho one of them is a soul eater au :3) ! Both made by me :3
Much luvvv xxxx!!! And thank you Sooo much for your ask again💗💗💗💗
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spacexseven · 2 years
nice glad to see drunk yans was a hit. yeah i agree that dazai would be 1000% HUMILIATED that he just entirely blew his cover with you but on the bright side thats something he can jot down in his Evidence That Darling Secretly Has A Crush On Me list. its in the same notebook where he scribbles “mr. osamu darlingslastname” with hearts around it and ingredients for love spells he looked up online. he’ll find one that works eventually mark his words. i think for ADA dazai he’d just pretend he doesnt remember to avoid having to have the “im obsessed with you” conversation but rest assured. he is also writing about it in his insane little diary. 
ANYWAY sleepy!drunk ranpo as promised. it’s rare for ranpo to actually get inebriated, despite his gluttony. dulls his detective mind. but it’s alright to let loose on occasion, especially when that occasion gives him and excuse to spend some more time with darling! his flirtation strat is just to put himself in darlings line of sight as much as he can. once he gets drunk he’s pretty much just Gone. you’re honestly amazed someone as talkative as ranpo could ever be this. quiet and subdued. just blearily blinking his eyes and slurring out little whines about how its too loud in here. catch is: he doesnt wanna sleep just any old place, he wants to sleep on YOU. he’ll perch his head on your shoulder and doze off, lay down on your lap, grab your hand and put it in his hair, try to drag you over to the couch and get you to take a nap with him, etc. refuses to go to bed unless you agree to go with him. oh, and theres no waiting until he passes out and quietly slipping away. if you move away from him he’s waking up instantly and following after you, sleepily asking “where are we going” like he was invited or something. ur probably still on cuddle buddy duty when he wakes up hungover too. 
clingy!drunk akutagawa. this one also cannot hold his liquor for the life of him so he’ll start to tilt into Weird after like. 2 drinks if that. typically, akutagawa is pretty avoidant with you. you’re not good for him. he cant focus on the task at hand if he’s close enough to smell you or feel the warmth that radiates off your skin or even hear the lilt of your voice, so he tries to cut down direct contact as much as he can. (stalking is fine tho he can do THAT all day long) if someone actually manages to get him drunk, however, as soon as he sees you he’s gravitating towards you like a magnet. he doesn’t really say much. just attaches himself to you. sits so close his leg is practically on top of yours, gently grabs your sleeve when you walk somewhere so he doesnt lose track of you, stuff like that. he’s just your shadow for the night. might get a bit bolder as the night goes on and actually take a crack at talking to you, but nothing he says is gonna make much sense. WILL try to follow you home be aware him doing that. (also, quick aside…flirty!drunk akutagawa… akutagawa acting completely unlike himself, laughing and smiling and boldly touching you… leaning into whisper salacious things in your ear… pushing you down into the booth or up against the wall… much to think about.)
BONUS ROUND smiley!drunk fyodor. fyodor is even less likely to deign himself with the crude act of drink than the other two. doesnt like being out of his own head, and with all of his various ailments drinking in excess could prove problematic… but gogol dared him to so now he’s half kicked in the ass. normally, fyodor smiling at you is something very creepy that you have to be worried about, but now he almost looks kinda… sweet. just genuinely grinning and lightly giggling like hes having the time of his life just being near you. i mean, it’s definitely still kinda creepy but you know. less so than usual. he probably wouldnt talk much, just the occasional hi :) or something in russian you cant understand. he’d occupy himself mostly with grabbing your hand and toying idly with your fingers or running his fingers through your hair. just little touches. things he rarely affords himself sober. he’ll only stop smiling if you try to leave, pouting and grabbing your hand to try to keep you with him for longer. might try to go after you but he’s very wobbly so youll have to catch him, also contact that he enjoys. he actually wont be embarrassed by any of this he’ll just go that was fun :) the next morning. 
- 🩹
ranpo sleep on me wink wink i cant write flirty akutagawa for the life of me but he lives in my mind <3 also please imagine this w manga fyodor!! he has a very pretty smile lol (if its ooc i do not care once in a while it's good to write him not as evil !!)
cw: yandere characters, obsession, intoxication, implied stalking
ranpo needs to be drunk to be all clingy, but drinking only makes him more shameless about it. he's decided to attach himself to you, literally sleeping on top of you, and so on. he's unnaturally quiet, though, and more...vulnerable? you're suddenly reminded of the fact that ranpo isn't an ability user; just a regular person with an unrelenting mind when you see him blinking slowly and drinking from his cup.
he's never had a reason to hide his infatuation with you, not caring about what anyone else, including you, had to say or feel about it, but now he looks a little shy, staring quietly at you and looking back at his drink the moment your eyes lock, looking a little flustered. it was almost like he was another person entirely.
however, after some time passes and he seems to have warmed up to your presence, he becomes more demanding. stumbles over to drag you towards the loveseat at the back of the room, quickly wrapping his arms around yours so you wouldn't move while he snoozed away. though he's asleep, his grip on you is almost painful and even the slightest nudge would make him tighten his hands. maybe he'll loosen up the more he slept...?
you've never seen akutagawa drink. you've always thought he would be quiet even if he was intoxicated but he seems to be acting...oddly. the previously stoic look melts into a devious expression on his face that reminds you of someone that you can't quite put your finger on, and a dangerous look in his eye, not unlike that of a predator on the hunt. he takes short breaks in between each sip but doesn't seem to be bothered by the alcohol, still silently studying the room and inspecting every individual until—
—he sees you.
his eyes widen a fraction before he catches himself, straightens up, and walks towards you with a confidence that you hadn't expected. he sits next to you and continues sipping from his cup, lmost as though you didn't exist. you get up to leave but his voice startles you.
"where are you going?"
akutagawa had a low, melodious tone when he spoke, something you had never noticed before since he rarely talked to you. you were strangely flustered by the sudden attention on you...you didn't even know that he knew who you were.
"home...it's getting quite late."
he nods, "i'll walk you back."
it was not an offer or a question—this was an implicit order. silently you wonder if he was sober enough too walk around and make his way back later. still, you didn't want to annoy akutagawa, more so when he was drunk and unpredictable. surprisingly, he doesn't seem to stumble around his way or need you to guide the way, seemingly knowing exactly where to go and which floor your apartment was.
would it be rude to not invite him in? he waits outside as you open the door and shuffle in, but before you can ask him to come in, he goes in for a hug. you're frozen still as he sighs in your warmth, then lets go almost as quickly as he latched on, as though he never did anything in the first place. as you watch him walk down the hallway, you wonder just what else he's been hiding.
fyodor is...not really much of a drinker, from your own observations. still, he's not exactly opposed to a few drinks every once in a while, and today, since the sky casino was throwing a party, you supposed he couldn't skip the occassion. he's always had this alluring yet uneasy presence, like something about that sweet smile and the amused glint in his eyes just felt off, but drunk fyodor is...almost irresistable.
you know what he can do and you've witnessed how dangerous he is, but somehow he looks far too approachable now. a soft little smile, nothing like the ones he uses to disarm and charm people, humming under his breath—it was impossible to look away from him.
as nikolai leaves his side, fyodor's eyes scan the room lazily, before they find you. his smile grows a little, and he raises one hand up. a silent request. before you can even think about it, you find yourself making your way over to him, unsure if the slight buzz in your system was from the alcohol or the sensation of him asking for you.
he gestures over to the now empty chair beside him, watching you closely with a sleepy smile.
"enjoying the party?" you nod eagerly, watching as he chuckles and reaches out for your hand, twisting the rings around your fingers. he inspects each one, still humming, before bringing your hand to his lips and placing a kiss on it. you were not expecting any of the affectionate gestures, but you would be lying if you said it didn't feel nice, someone aa attractive and as important as fyodor having only eyes for you.
"you look very nice," he says, eyes inspecting every inch of you in a manner thar should have been alarming but in that moment, it was just nice to be complimented.
you sit like that with him for a while more, him mumbling things in russian under his breath every so often, squeezing your palm and stopping to compliment you ever so often. once, he reached up to touch your hair, apologizing right after for messing up your hairstyle. like that mattered when you were on cloud nine.
an acquaintance of yours calls you over, but fyodor's grip tightens around you, and he frowns for the first time that evening. he croons at you, letting a pet name slip that has you absolutely endeared, asking very softly for you to stay a little longer. he whispers that he likes your presence. the other person is hence ignored.
he asks, again, if you could help him up to nikolai, and his voice, while you know it's not meant to be that way, sounds almost seductive. you have to shake off your thoughts before helping him wobble over to the clown, who was happily entertaining some guests. fyodor smiles at you one laat time that night.
the next day, while you're sure he would not remember the night before, he pauses his steps when he sees you in the hallway, inspects you with those devouring eyes, and smiles, telling you to have a good day.
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
I was thinking - what would your take be on KND villains with a reader that loves cute things? (*≧∀≦*)
KND villains x reader who likes cute things
woo YEEEAAAA H BABY!! pretend i have a cool snippet going on here and thats im yapping- my uhuh... brain hurts from manually counting how many x readers this blog has according to the masterlist... smaller than the usual cast since im a little too sleepy to do the whole thing... hisshiss... might do a part for father knightbrace and fizz soon characters included: stickybeard, toiletnator, spankulot, cuppa joe notes: reader is gn cws: none
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gets you some traditionally "cute" candies, think gummy bears or just gummy animals in general! or maybe something pink and pastel
not every well versed and whats classified as cute and not cute, hes doing his best
its not personally his style but hes not going to knock or shame you for indulging in something that makes you happy!
very loud and fast to shut down anyone who dares try to speak negatively on you for your interests
lets you talk about what youre interested in after a long day of nabbing candy
he thinks its cute that you like cute things, if that makes any sense
he thinks its endearing!
grabs anything he deems cute so he can give it to you the next time he sees you, "hey i thought of you!" kind of deal!
feels so proud of himself for making you smile
cute isnt evil and he wants to be evil, but he wants to make you happy.. hmm.. a bit of a conflict there but ultimately he wants to make you happy!!
honestly i can see him having an interest in cute stuff as well! as an appreciation thing, you know!
will carry a convo with you because he actually understands some of the stuff youre talking about if you bring up any cute media; and if he doesnt already know then hes going to get into it with you!
similar to toiletnator hes going to snatch up anything cute that reminds him of you to gift later
similarly he also feels very proud of himself for pleasing you
if you ask nicely you might get him to wear something together... matching outfits or something!
obligatory he makes you a custom mug thats detailed with everything you love
despite being hyped up all the time and generally bouncing all over the place, hes actually good at filing away your interests for future reference
another "its not his personal style/interest, but you like it so hes not going to knock you down for it"
very likely to let you pick out a cute outfit for him to wear, and he wears it as a badge of honor
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causenessus · 1 month
omg i hate that guy <- not really anymore,, he's a good teacher my grades shot up SO fast (D->A within three months of him teaching) BUT LIKEEEE HES BEEN TEACHING ME SINCE 8TH GRADE AND SAYS LIKE 1 GOOD THING EVERY 6 MONTHS
he said i did well today 😎 and if i study properly ill do the same in all my next exams !!1! i have to start a bunch of different coachings eww
ANYWAYS i woke up at like 5 today (us moment) !! idk why because i had online classes that started from 9
sleep early tho!!!!!!! i hate waking up and i hate sleeping i hate everything actually
i conked out at 11:30pm last night (omfg i did not know i could do that)
im doing so good (still high off the grades) but like lowkey panicking bc of the next exams !! my goal is to beat my sister's records <//3 basically she's pike crazy good and got 7 A* and 1 B </3 i alr got an A* in the subject she got a B in, and then i have like 7 more subjects to give exams of :[
but like she is ACTUALLY so good at studies n shit she got the highest grades in her batch in biology in this years board exams (wtf!) and when she gave her 10th grade boards she got like the highest marks in economics in 34 years/basically the whole school history i will cry .
the english teacher i have rn is fucking insane she told us callous and careless are the same thing i almost cried
she also spelled ajar as ajure
NOW YOU MIGHT SAY but lina thats hecking stupid !! its not her first language:( SHE HAS A DEGREE?? AND IS THE HEAD OF THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT ??? and she took up four classes (4hrs) just talking about the SYLLABUS not even what we're learning
im aiming for like,, country highest at least in english so having her is a terrifying thought
okay anyways ill go erm sorry for yapping.. IM STARTING MY HEALTHY STUDY GIRL ERA AND STUDY NOW!!! honestly im quite proud of myself because like a year and a bit ago my grades were like,, 1 U, 3 Ds, 5 Cs and 1 B like wtf .. anyways the subject i got a U in back then,, i got 90% in boards this year ! and my lowest grade recently was 80% like chat we r eating ts up
LINA SIDE TAGENT THAT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH i love how energetic your writing is!!! like it's rubbing off on me <33 i was feeling a little sleepy but now that i'm reading your ask i feel more like !!! awake!!!! this is all /pos I JUST WANTED TO SAY I LOVE THE WAY YOU TALK </33 BUT PLEASE 5 AM???? AND YOUR FIRST ONLINE CLASS IS AT 9??? PLEASE BRO WHY IS THAT THE USUAL?? 😭 WHEN MY FIRST CLASSES WERE ONLINE IN HIGH SCHOOL I FR WOKE UP AT LIKE 8 EVERYDAY (bc idk how they were for you but like google meets were once a week and optional bc they'd just record it anyway so i'd watch the recordings at like 2x speed while doomscrolling tumblr or something)
YOU SLEEP EARLY PLEASE!! or like sleep more idk 😭😭 i could never wake up at 5 am willingly you're amazing for that 😭 the "i hate everything actually" is SO real it made me laugh so hard PLEASE 😭
YOUR SISTER SOUNDS CRAZY??? LIKE GOOD LUCK BEATING HER RECORDS IG </3 BUT PLEASE DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT OR MAKE IT A BIG DEAL !! YOU DID AMAZING THIS TIME AROUND WITH YOUR EXAMS AND IK YOU'LL DO GREAT AGAIN BUT DEFINITELY DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT TOO MUCH PLEASE!! i cannot believe the thing about your sister having the highest grades in ECONOMICS in like 34 years because economics is NOT fun that class made like 0 sense to me like bro if the global market is crashing and economists don't understand it HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND IT ?????????
amazing job with the better grades!! and i love your healthy study girl era!! please make sure to take care of yourself and keep your mind and body nourished <333 i hope you're doing alright!! i just saw something on your blog recently that made me want to make sure you're doing alright!!! please know that my dms are always open to you!! <33 take it easy and you're an amazing person <3 you're so sweet and talented please let me know if you need anything!!
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rin-and-jade · 1 year
This post won't be discussing how to build the innerworld or anything, but to cover the topic of how well we see IN that world, or space, i haven't seen anybody talking about this so i might as well share everything i got for now. (this is sort of long so bare with me)
Im starting off by explaining what is mental clarity, it is that one word that stuck with me first when it comes to discussing or learning this, although mental clarity generally means how sharp and alert you are, but its more than that, it also relates to how well you decide, or think, or keep focused/concentrated and how well you can retain something without forgetting depending on how good or bad your clarity is.
Now it does make more sense does it? It should be, because that clarity is also one factor of how well you can envision the world inside your head, when were calm and sharp and feeling fully awake that is where our peak ability, capable to get inside and see anything without any problems, and of course like anything else, everything isn't linear, for those systems who are currently having an active stressor, getting triggered, not well rested and sometimes a bad emotional/mental state might curve down your ability to see clear, to a little bit fuzzy, and to not being able to see anything at all, it varies for everyone in a spectrum. This is something brain fog can do to you, i bet you knew that word well already.
While yes, it fluctuates due to external factors, im also telling that even if you're fine and you're all good, no stress no nothing, that clarity will still fluctuate around the day not without an unapparent reason but things like hormone regulation, daytime sleepiness and alert cycle (something like that) but atleast alot more stable and less troubling to deal, so i doubt you should worry whenever you can't see as well as how you could like say, two hours ago, ok?
Last but not least, i want to include that your mental clarity affects how well you can listen and communicate with your other parts, too. Plus that blurry or meshed feeling you feel where you can't differentiate who is who, or who is talking, or what you're all doing is also due to poor clarity so don't panic, find some ways to ground yourself because this mostly happens when theres chronic stress or dissociated from trauma triggers or something that is enough to overwhelm you, so get some techniques and plans up your sleeves whenever it happens to avoid further problematic outcomes.
I did not include any other factors such as poor communication between parts, or conditions that directly affect clarity or visualizing, or effects from medications/drugs in this post because it might need its own, happy learning fellow tumblr systems, hope what i had wrote is educating for better living. (you made it to the bottom, yay)
- j
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majorbaby · 10 months
fanfic ask game: N, P 💕
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
would love to read some really good and nasty smut of the FF, FFF or FFM persuasion and i'm sure it's out there somewhere but the thought of wading through ao3 to find it makes me very sleepy. if someone would write or even rec it to me that would be sooo good
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
i always thought i might be doing it wrong by 'not planning' but this year i read five books about writing fiction and almost all of them suggested 'gardening' so i was kind of validated.
i think we need balance. there's room for structure and there should also be play, and that binary is helpful to start with but there's also stuctured play and playful structure.
stephen king describes the process of constructing (or stumbling upon) a narrative as "unearthing a fossil" and i like that metaphor because you need both standard tools that you use every time, but you also have to be open to discovering something previously unknown. i don't vibe very well with stories where it seems the writer isn't curious at all about what they're writing about, that they've just decided on an arbitrary truth and are writing from that conclusion... where's the risk!!! where's the danger!! it feels like im reading an instruction manual on how to Successfully Locate the Themes and The Symbolism if things are planned too neatly.
i plan a little in the sense that i like to set a mood and write to it, especially with fanfic, so that i can try to avoid writing the same thing over and over again, which can happen if i don't have some kind of vague goal in mind. other times it's useful to see what emerges from whatever i put on the page at the moment.
so like, a little bit of both, but probably leaning more 'gardener'. but that's typical of me, i'm very mutable.
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simayeeet · 2 years
Warriors Orochi Headcanons and Stuff That Don't Make Sense to Me Now Ramble Bullshit Dump
things i wasn't able to put together coherently back when i played the games now strung together in a sleepy retrospect
For gods, everyone immortal/mythological/divine in WO is weirdly too weak AND FOR SOME REASON IT TAKES ANCIENT CHINESE/JAPANESE/OTHER WARRIORS TO MAKE A DENT IN THEIR PROBLEMS.
It really doesn't make sense for the Mystic Faction to seem so weak to the point they need humanity to fight for them. You're made up of Chinese and Japanese gods that have founded human civilization. With the Greek and Norse pantheons now becoming canon, they look even more weaker.
But even they seem weak with how Zeus gets betrayed by Ares, Ares fucks up things, Odin fucks up, Loki kills him, things get all fucked. Odin dies without much fanfare. But then again WO4 probably shouldn't be allowed to count, but I like the concepts it had however.
Sure, yeah, it's a game with the plot of "humanity is strong with its friendship and bonds", but I just think you shouldn't downplay the deities for their sake. But I'm basically asking for a WO game of only the original characters in there. Which I want. Please cut out the Warriors.
Ugggggh, though I headcanon that all the deities cannot use their full potential out of risking their already unstable realms. Which brings me to question: why is it unstable? Is it because of time fuckery they have to do to get their human fighters? Something something with Orochi I'm going to have to guess from what I remember of WO3 + Ultimate.
It would be interesting to explore how good and evil need each other to exist, maintaining ying and yang. Especially with the Asian pantheon characters with them covered in the symbols and all. Fine too deep for a Musou game.
I also want to know more??? about the WO deities and other original chars??? Why??? is there no ingame lore on them??? Besides the basic mythos, but WO could definitely give them little personalities and more bonds with each other. Why must it be about the humans? I mean, some interactions are interesting but man do I wish to know why does Taigong Wang look like a twink when he was a super old super smartass Chinese minister. Which brings me to:
Why do the deities even look like the way they are? Is this their weakened forms? Are they what they choose to look like? Well, I suppose all of them choose to look hot. Makes sense. I'd do too. It would be cool for them to have "true" forms. Or even partial transformations. Like an Arrancar from Bleach. Some part of them had to be sealed away so that they can keep the worlds stable.
Misc questions lightning round
For a human cast where 65% of the historical chars died of illness, they sure never asked the local GOD OF MEDICINE TO HELP THEM (Guo Huai??? Why aren't you cured when Shennong is right there??? Sure it might take time, but maybe if the WO power scaling weren't shit, he could just delete the illness)
Are??? Nuwa and Fuxi??? related in this world??? Or not??? I'm pretty sure whether or not if you confirmed them being siblings or not, it wouldn't matter because they are both gay (im kidding) (maybe not) (tbh all the deities ae a bit fruity)
Why does Kaguya know how to time travel? She's not a god of time. She's a moon princess from myth. I'd like to know the ingame lore about her power origins.
What is even the power scaling of WO? Fuxi is considered stronger than Nuwa, but then there's Susanoo and Yinglong who can compete with him. Where is Nuwa on this scale? She has to be at least his equal as, yk, his successor. Where would Shennong be on the scale too? Even if he's the medicine god, he has to be able to have equal power in his field if not for fighting. SHOULDN'T THEY BE WITHIN EACH OTHER'S LEVEL TO EVEN HAVE THEIR TITLES? Taigong??? Sun Wukong??? Daji??? What is their power????
Play Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
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theinyshlobster · 2 days
carmilla by joseph sheridan le fanu [review]
read from september 8th - september 9th
edited by carmen maria machado
read for sapphic september!!!!!
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slight spoilers!
easily out of all the classics i’ve read from before the 1900s, this is my favourite. 
yes technically this edition is modern as it was edited by carmen maria machado but SHUT UP.
also shout out to carmen i loved her editing!!!! her little end notes plus her prologue? honestly without her editing i don’t think i would’ve enjoyed this as much. so happy i chose to read this edition. the fact that carmen doesn’t add the additional letters simply to spite the author for hiding just HOW DOWN BAD laura was???? god her prologue was so fun. usually prologue’s for classics are a snooze fest where it’s literally just them recounting the authors life, but carmen somehow managed to breathe life into a short summary? plus i don’t know if the original edition has this or if carmen added it, but the images!!!!! did not expect them, and honestly it added to the story quite nicely, especially the images where laura is so incredibly down bad. she’s so me coded (falls head over heels in seconds without checking for concerns and becomes absolutely infatuated with someone she knows jack shit about). i love stupid lesbian rep in my 1800s gothics. 
god what can i say. this book immediately gets bonus points because i am infact a lesbian who loves vampires and horror. like this book was set up for me to love it. plus carmen’s editing made all the fanciful 1800s english actually coherent! cuz im sorry english pre-1900s is so hard for my brain to comprehend. sorry booktwt im not smart enough for classics sue me. but this? this made so much sense and i loved it.
i also loved that the classic vampire traits we’ve grown to know don’t come from this. i mean this was literally the blueprint of vampire tales. i love that carmilla is just a sleepy girl who wakes up at 1pm and is moody. me and carmilla are one in the same. she gets me fr. like fuck that shit about garlic give me an enchantress who happens to be perpetually tired. like my girl has CFS/ME and is goth she’s literally me!!!!!!!! plus she turns into a cat!!!!! all lesbians love cats!!!!!! carmilla is the same as modern day lesbians i said what i said.
also props for the lesbianism being so explicit! in other classics there’s a lot of subtext…., nah in here we see carmilla and laura kiss and laura has a sleep orgasm cuz she dreams about carmilla. she’s so down bad. 
i wish i got a bit more time with my homegirl carmilla and saw her be more explicitly a vampire but im not too mad about it. i like the fact her vampirism is more of an undertone and is less explicit honestly. fuck lesbianism being in the subtext let’s make the fact she is an ancient supernatural being the subtext 🔥
anyways this might actually be my favourite classic. I LOVE LESBIANS!!!! 
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planetdream · 2 years
hi dreamiieeee <3 how are you? i hope youre doing well!
looks... im thinking thoughts.
i'm not sure if this would count as a mtl, but.
what would be like skz's ranking on being strict during punishments? like not the hardest doms, but which would be like from not tolerating any disrespect to letting you get away with it if you beg enough 🥲 something like that!!
i hope that was clear?? i'm a little bit sleepy, so i'm sorry if i'm not making full sense!!
have a good day/night dreamie, take good care & ily 🫂🫂
— 👹🍒
i got c****, writers block, little to no weed left n my mental health is hanging on by a teeny tiny thread so my life is in shambles rn (i’m being dramatic) other than that i’m doing fine ahah. how are you ???? hope all is well with you <3
aaaaa!!! i love this sooo much wooow thank you for sending it!!1!1! also hope i wrote this correctly oops—was overthinking it a lot ngl
not tolerating any disrespect
minho — he uses the classic dom three-strike system but it's only one strike—and he's usually sure to correct you on it after your initial "slip up". thereafter, any further disrespect and bratty behavior will not be tolerated and you will be dealt with as promptly as possible. and during the punishment, he doesn't let really give you any room to step out of line so you're gonna have to take what he gives you
seungmin — in hindsight, maybe acting an ass wasn't a good idea. if he doesn't completely ignore your attempts of being bratty or whatever, then he's doing whatever he needs to put you in your place. which includes shoving his fingers in your mouth so you can't beg him or lie about how ‘sorry’ you are (you both know you’re not)
chan — gives you so many chances to correct yourself before he has to snatch you up and your punishment ensues. he doesn't typically like punishing you, but he'll do so if he needs to. that being said, he's a total sucker for you so if you beg him real nicely (and maybe kiss on him real good) he just might let you off the hook (maybe).
changbin — yeah, so i just think he'd be a bit prideful. yes, you're absolutely speaking his language by begging him (or better yet, begging for him), but he's not gonna let you get away with it so easily, especially not if he was set on giving you a proper punishment. but having his cock in your mouth usually makes him forget that you acted out so...
jeongin — he wants to be taken seriously. and when you step out of line, he has to prove himself to you by putting you in your place. but damn, as much as he wants to prove himself, he folds so easily when you say the right words to him.
felix — all he has to do is pout at you for your behavior and you're on your knees for him. doesn’t like punishing you so he lets your behavior slide for the price of one (1) kiss. really just gives you whatever you want, as long as ur nice to him. but even he has his limits.
hyunjin — i just…don’t see him being too strict about punishments n stuff?? no explaination rlly (ahem..writers block) not to say he wouldn’t get a lil fed up or anything, he just…doesn’t care (will ignore your attempts of seeking out a funishment)
jisung — like felix in the sense that he will let you get away with anything if you at least give him a kiss. something that started off as the beginning of a punishment quickly turns into jisung making a mess in his pants and apologizing to you for it.
will let you get away with it
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1987vampire · 3 years
Proxies x reader NSFW HCs
alot of these scenes will actually most likely end up in this story im writing lmao, so stick around if you want to see them fleshed out
Let's get the obvious beginner out of the way.
Toby is a tits man, Brian likes ass, and Tim is happy with whatever (he likes tits more he just doesn't want to be rude)
Now, let's start with Toby
Toby is the most submissive bottom you will meet in your life.
Has slipped a bit too far into subspace a few times, and you've had to stop immediately once you realized.
Motherfucker just wants to be dommed and dommed hard. Just tell him what to do, please.
Has the biggest fucking mommy kink (which contributes to his love for tits because the motherfucker will lavish those bitches like no other when given the chance)
Also has the biggest praise kink you will ever see. Has came embarrassingly fast because you called him your good boy.
99 percent of his knowledge of sex comes from porn so,, he's going to have to be retaught most everything.
Has definitely groped your tit too hard on multiple occasions because he thought it was the right thing to do.
Surprisingly good learner, though. Just wants to make you happy.
He's the best one for quickies out of all of them only because he cums extremely fast while still prioritizing you.
(He makes up for how fast he cums by how many times he can do it. Motherfucker will paint you white all over before his body gives out. Plus, his CIPA makes it to where he can't feel the burning in his legs as he fucks you for hours. Has literally kept going until his body gave out because you wanted him to.)
All the boys have very specific thoughts on oral. Toby will give or receive, whichever makes you happier, but when he's allowed to go down on you, it's like you're his last meal.
It's one of the only time's he'll disobey your commands because it doesn't matter if you've already came three times??? He's still eating, lady, shhh.
Tried to dom one (1) time. Not doing that again. Dude started crying half-way through because he thought he was hurting you and your feelings by ordering you around.
You had to pause and take a bath with him afterwards while he calmed down. He spent half the bath blubbering into your neck and apologizing more times than you could count.
Now, Brian is the exact opposite of Toby.
You asked to try and let him be the bottom a single time and he fucked you so hard you couldn't walk the next day.
A little shithead who loves blowjobs. Will give you head, but much prefers you on your knees with him stuffed so far in that he’s tapping the back of your throat and you’re gripping his thighs while he uses you for nothing more than his pleasure in the moment. 
Will mix degradation in with praise like he's been doing it his entire life. Has given you whiplash multiple times because of it.
He's so loud, too. Toby is whiny and begs, but this dude is in your ear with low grunts and groans, his voice spilling the foulest words he can think of.
Has you seeing stars while mumbling into your neck shit like "your pretty little pussy's taking me so well - like you were built to be my cocksleeve. Just a cumslut who takes whatever I give you. Look at you, all fucked out of your mind, pretty little baby. Can't wait to paint your fuckin' insides. It's what whores like you deserve."
He's also the best at aftercare, though. You normally have to take care of Toby after, and Tim does jack shit unless needed.
Brian, though, has his dresser packed with shit to take care of you with after. Will bathe you, dress you, tell you little reassurances, make sure you're okay.
He's also best at knowing when to stop. He can sense your hesitation as if he's the one feeling it.
Because of his dirty mouth, he's had to break off sessions early a few times. The biggest was when you started crying halfway through him fucking you missionary, and not the kind of crying he liked (because let's be real, this motherfucker loves to see you cry and beg to cum.)
He had called you a whore a few too many times through the session, and you had taken it a bit too close to heart (it was something that hit a bit harder than needed since you were dating multiple men at once.)
He spent the whole night cuddling you and reassuring you that he didn't really mean it. He loved you, they all did, it was just for the roleplay. "Stop crying, pretty baby, we're okay. I'm not actually mad. Let me see a smile, c'mon, doll."
Also, let me mention that because y'all are so fucking loud, Tim has banged on the door quite a few times trying to get you to calm down.
Tim made the mistake of grumbling to himself during dinner one time in front of you and Brian that 'you're so fucking loud it sounds like you're recording a goddamn porno in there.'
If you hadn't been choking on your food so hard, you might have noticed the sly grin that crossed Brian's face, though it was brought back later when he ended up filming you quite a few times from that night. It wouldn't be posted anywhere - fuck that, you were theirs, and no one else's.
(he did accidentally share a video of you cumming to the group chat all four of you were in on accident while sending cute pictures of the two of you. The mortification of hearing your moans come through the speaker of Toby's phone while he stared at it dumbfounded was enough for you to not talk to Brian for a whole week. It didn't matter if they had seen you like that before, it was still embarrassing!)
(Brian didn't tell you that the other two - Tim especially - had been sent worse videos than that.)
Let's get started with this man. Tim is the laziest motherfucker known to man but it is nice. 
Really, he’s not lazy, he’s just tired a lot, and he doesn’t want to put the effort in the fuck you senseless when you’ve got two others for that. 
He prefers sleepy fucking where you’re both half-out-of-it and breathless. He enjoys both of you on your sides with him spooning you, his hips moving just enough to give enough friction for the both of you to cum after a while. You can and will fall alseep right after with him still buried inside of you.
Speaking of, what’s the best way to get y’all’s sexual tension out while still being lazy (besides just making you ride him which he does very often) ? Cockwarming. 
He won’t even just do it in bed when it’s the two of you. He’s shimmied his pants down just enough for his cock to slip out and pushed your panties aside (since you were only wearing an oversized shirt and underwear. I mean, what did you think would happen?) and made you sit on him in the middle of the living room while the other two were lounging around, too distracted to notice. 
However, if someone does notice (Especially in the beginning because you were horrible at hiding your flushed cheeks and heavy breathing from understimulation) he would not hide it.
“H-hey, y/-y/n, what’s-sss-s with the f-fa-face?” Toby had asked innocently one night while you were all watching TV together. You knew Tim was smirking behind you as he lifted the hem of the big shirt just enough to let Toby know what was going on. Boy blushed so hard and covered his eyes, smacking his face harshly in the process, and Tim and Brian snickered (because of course Brian already knew.)
Cockwarming also means that the second you finally - finally - start fucking, it’s over for the two of you in less than a minute, your fingers clawing at him as you finally get your release after hours. (the longest he’s made the two of you wait was four hours because we’re watching Toby’s favorite movies, we can’t interrupt him, now can we, darlin’?’
He’s also a huge fan of facesitting. Not the biggest fan of receiving blowjobs only because it makes him feel too vulnerable, but he could have you sit on his face for hours and not complain, his hands gripping your ass tight enough to leave bruises as he laved his tongue over your clit over and over. 
The only - only - times Tim has fucked you rough was when it wasn’t even really him. You had been half-asleep with your back to him one time as he rutted into you slowly when you suddenly felt yourself flipped so you were ass up with your face being pushed into the mattress, his hips jutting at a speed you didn’t know he could reach.
You didn’t even have to look back to know that Masky - his alter that didn’t show himself too often around you - had taken over. 
During getting fucked that time by Masky, you ended up so deep in subspace, trying to please the man you didn’t get too see that often that you let him him rip orgasm after orgasm from you until you couldn’t think straight and you entered a space where all you felt was pleasure, and you couldn’t even see straight.
You were brought out of it by Tim pressing a cold rag to your forehead, whispering sweet nothings to you as he tried to get you to come to, apologizing profusely for letting it happen. You had just grinned and - though your voice was thoroughly fucked up from screaming - told him to let Masky know he could do that again any time. Tim had gotten so flustered that he walked out of the room for a few minutes. 
Speaking of alters real quick.
Tim and Brian are the only ones to have them - Masky and Hoody respectfully, of course - and they come out around you very little. Hoody comes out more than Masky though, and you can tell the difference in how quiet Brian will get. 
Hoody and Masky have fucked you both separately and together (so have Tim and Brian but we’ll get to that in a second)
Masky loves you ass and prefers to have you in doggystyle over anything while Brian’s love for blowjobs is only intensified in his alter who will have you gagging on him until you almost pass out. He’ll give you a moment to breathe in just a second, just hold on a little longer, okay?
Hoody is almost always silent besides grunts that let him communicate with Masky. This is apparent even when you’re not fucking, and the three of you have to teach yourselves how to decipher the man’s made up language. 
Masky is quiet too, but will grumble to himself more than anything, calling you the worst name’s he can think of while he slams into you so hard that you don’t even have to move yourself to give Hoody a proper blowjob, his grip on your hips and force of his thrusts are enough to have you bouncing back and forth quickly. 
It’s not like you could really move anyways, not when Masky’s picking you up by your thighs and holding your hips up as he plows into you.
They love spitroasting but have definitely done double penetration even if you complain that you’re not prepped. Who cares? You’re obviously ready for it, look at you already cumming even though they haven’t moved. 
Now, as for threesomes and or foursomes
Nine times out of ten, Toby is too embarrassed to do anything in front of the other two. Maybe if you coax him enough, reassure him that nobody will judge, he might join in for the night, but it’s an incredibly rare occurrence. Watching Brian boss you around is enough to make him squirm. You were supposed to be in change, not him? But there you were with your tongue sticking out as you rolled your hips against Tim, ready to fit either of them in your mouth. The other can always take another hole. 
Toby not wanting to join doesn’t really both the other two though, and though it’s still not as common to have a threesome compared to one on one, Tim and Brian are always ready to share. Especially when you look so pretty whining into the air as you take both of them at once. 
You don’t mind if Brian takes a few photos, right? I mean, just look at you! This is a perfect moment to capture. Ignore the fact that you’re now Tim’s home screen, your pretty tits out in the open as his cock is buried inside of you, Brian’s hand gripping the flesh of your hip. Why wouldn’t he want to see it all the time?
The same applies to them as their alters. Spitroasting is their absolute favorite, though Tim prefers it if you ride him while you slobber all over Brian instead of him having to use his energy to fuck you into oblivion. 
They love double penetration as well, but once they tried to fit both of them in your pussy instead of one in your ass and you came so hard that you passed out. It’s brought out on special occasions after a l o t of prep.
really, overall. you have a boy for whatever mood you're in and you're literally never horny because the second you mention it someone is on top of you.
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toomanyanimefanfics · 2 years
Haikyuu Characters with a S/O with Hypersomnia Pt.2
Bokuto and Osamu --------------------------------------------- Fluff//SFW Part 1 Here (Tsukishima/Iwaizumi) ---------------------------------------------
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Honestly the first time he finds out and tries to truly understand; he's a bit confused. He's stuck between thinking: So do you need more sleep or less sleep? - Wait, but what if you’re sleeping too much and that's why you feel more sleepy? But if you’re sleeping too much doesn't that mean you’re not getting enough sleep? But then that doesn't make any sense in his head and he's right back to the first thought, going around and around in circles. 
You have to reassure him that no matter how he looks at it, your body just can't help it and there's only so much you can do.
He wants to help he really does, if he could just take the struggle away entirely he would, but sometimes he can’t help but just become entirely clueless when you pass out from exhaustion.
When you are up during the day or need to get things done regardless, he hopes his natural high energy personality rubs off onto you, like he’s a little mental and physical recharge hotspot for you, however only if that worked all the time…
He can’t help but notice and stare at how peaceful and satisfied your body looks when you finally fall asleep around him.
And if you do want to cuddle he absolutely becomes a mini recharge point as he brings his voice down to meet your energy (or lack of) and try to be with you. Even if you’re asleep, and unresponsive he wants to make sure if he's there he can sit or lay next to you and still feel like he is supporting in a way. 
Of course he can’t sleep as much as you do and he tries to keep his own sleep schedule as stable as possible so as to not upset his own routines- but he will lay awake next to you as a movie or show plays, his hands in your hair massaging your scalp and rubbing your back once you sleepily roll over.
Im sorry but i feel like he's the guy to just see how cute you look asleep on him and take a picture of it, he won't share it to anyone else (without your consent of course,) it's mostly for himself, but if you also happen to snore or sleep talk… this boi is so quick to record that. Mostly just to playfully tease you with it later.
He just wants you to know he's there with you even if he can’t do a lot.
Osamu (one of my favourite boys!)
Osamu just screams comfort and warmth. He doesn't ask many questions about your hypersomnia and just takes it for what it is.
You want to be held as you nap, he's all over it, but halfway he carefully gets up to make food for the both of you once you wake up.
He doesn't mind taking things slow with you during the day,
I’ve always thought his love language would be around the acts of service/quality time and physical touch. So he doesn't mind if you’re often too tired or need to nap, he loves showing he loves you and supporting you by making your favourite foods while you nap, holding you close as you drift off just so you know he's by your side even if you’re not too energetic. 
He loves making playlists to play as you sleep off soft music just so the room isn't too quiet. “Hey baby, the music isn't too loud?- Do you want to listen to something else?” he's always asking before he hits shuffle.
He absolutely melts if you give him wide open arms in his direction, motioning with grabby hands. He will just fall onto the bed or sofa and pull you on top of him (he will only regret the decision later when he has to get up while you’re still asleep.) 
And when you slowly wake up it's, “Hey hun, here's something to nibble on” as he places some snacks by you and a glass of juice, thinking you probably need the sugar.
He makes sure both his home and yours has adequate amounts of cozy blankets and pillows, if you’re going to nap for longer than most people you might as well be comfortable rather than complaining of a stiff neck or sore back.
He jokingly offered you a soft teddy bear the first time you climbed into bed to nap while he was around, after you just tired laughed and took it anyways, he found the sight too cute (before getting slightly jealous that you were holding the bear and not him) that he came across another plush toy and got it for you, it was a soft squishy sushi roll, now when you decide you need mid day naps he rolls you up in blankets and calls you his sushi roll before you finally fall to sleep.
A/N; part 2 was way more fluffy than pt1- and I don't know why I wrote it that way, but halfway writing osamu's headcanons; my aromantic ass wanted to revolt…. But I couldn't help it, he absolutely would roll you up like a sushi roll and think he was being the best boyfriend. 
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chaoscontrolr · 2 years
i think the way they wrote sonics personality in the movies is interesting. i like that they kept the main focus of his personality in that hes just a fun loving dude whos caring and knows when to be serious too, but his child-like demeanor surprised me tbh. i don't mind it much and i get that they needed to do something to show some character growth/development, so giving him that young appeal gave an easy base to easily show him grow a bit in maturity on. besides that i think it makes sense that they want a more 'adorable' than 'cool' sonic since honestly the way he looks next to all the real life humans makes him look like a cute plushie tbh and would probably be hard to take seriously if he had the same 'cool' persona as he does in the games/shows/comics, since his literal appearance in the cartoony-looking canon series doesn't make him stick out as the 3 foot fuzzy creature that he is, so he's able to well represent being a super cool guy there but probably not here. finally they probably overall also just want to sell the appeal of a cute and easy to love character too, since this movies target audience tries to rake in everyone and not just people who are young or are already familiar with the character, which is ok. overall i don't have any issue with it (realistically a typical teenager his age isn't incredibly mature to begin with anyway), it was just surprising to see such a more babyified version of sonic than what im used to seeing is all.
edit: i'm also realizing that of course they tried to make sonic as cool as they could for the games/comics because the target audience was mostly younger people, and it probably wasn't going to be as appealing to most of them to see an adorable baby boy fight evil robots right, but that isn't the case with the movie. to me at times i think they went a bit over the top with it but again i think to try and appeal to as many people (including adults and older generations) as they could they just made him into more of this cute little dude since an older person isn't gonna typically see a 14 year old hedgehog and think 'wow how cool' anyway they're thinking 'aw how cute'. finally, sonic was made a whooping 30 years ago so i think naturally with time his personality was going to have to adapt to keep up with the changing ideals of what the majority of people might want to see on screen now (perhaps it has shifted more from wanting to see baddies to wanting to see cuties?) and i guess that's understandable too. so overall ig the combination of it being a live-action movie, not animated, not a game, while also probably trying to appeal to every age group, and just being created in a new decade is why we have cute movie sonic. i hope this was coherent its 1 am i am sleepy XD
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wizkiddx · 3 years
this is my entry for @hollandsrecs 'toms birthday fanfic fest' event - go check it out!!! I know its a early but im v bored so have it now. also im acc kinda really proud of this one, any feedback would be v appreciated 🤍
the prompt was: 'you and tom are best friends and you tell him that you love him on his birthday'
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summary: its toms birthday but he has a few things to get off his chest and into the night sky, y/n joins in with a bit of a revelation too
best friends -> lovers
warnings: mentions of alcohol, bit angsty but promise ends all fluffy and a shit tonne of dialogue
wc: 3.5k ishhh
Everything got a little too wild and stuffy in the living area, Haz and Harry screaming sweet caroline, whilst Greg (Tom’s stunt man) was pouring *another* round of shots. The sweatiness and clamminess of the room meant Y/n took a moment to escape, sliding out the double doors, and closing them softly behind her to ensure no one would notice her little escape. Something about the midnight air, the slightly dewy smell of the neighbouring fields, felt like it was refreshing Y/n from the inside out. When she turned around, back facing the fancy rented house, she was slightly shocked by Tom standing in the garden. It was his birthday party after all. In all honesty, Y/n felt a bit guilty she hadn’t noticed he wasn’t in the thick of it with his brothers and castmates.
His silhouette was set against the clear night sky, the stars extra prominent this evening and the moon casting a soft glow off the left side of his face, exaggerating the natural contours of his jawline and cheekbones. Clearly, he was enraptured by the sky, staring up at it with a thoughtful look on his face.
And Y/n recognised that look instantly; she knew what he was doing.
In fact, he had taught her to do precisely the same thing. As kids, the Hollands, Y/n’s family and another two families from the local area all went camping together. It was an annual event, ‘the Kingston collective camping adventure’ as Dom had named it. Y/n couldn’t remember a year when they hadn’t gone actually - it was that much of a tradition.
One year, though, when she and Tom were about 9, her mothers’ due date coincided with the camping dates. So, sensibly, the decision had been made that Y/n and her brother would just be looked after by the Hollands - whilst her mum and dad were safely tucked up in bed at home, awaiting the arrival of her littlest brother.
Y/n, her brother Alex, and Tom were all sharing a tent, and it must’ve been at least midnight that Tom was awoken by shuffling and zipping up of the tent. He’d realised she was gone through sleepy eyes and, without a second thought, went to go find her. Sure enough, she wasn’t far away, not even 50 metres from the tent, crouched on the grass. Immediately Tom’s presence had been noticed, making Y/m quickly snivel and wipe her face.
“Are you upset?”
“Go away Tom.” The comment didn’t do a lot, though; instead, 9-year-old Tom had planted himself down next to her - his pyjamas getting wet on the moist grass floor.
“Are you missing Auntie Sarah and Uncle Mike?” In the same way that Y/n called Nikki and Dom auntie and uncle, the Holland boys mirrored the nicknames for her parents. Y/n replied with a long sigh before hiccuping, failing to control the stream of tears. Yes, he was right - this was her first night away from her parents- but she wasn't about to spill her heart out to the 'stupid boy' who had stolen one of her marshmallows that evening. Tom’s little brown eyes swelled, looking slightly terrified and out of his depth, whilst with all his 9 years of wisdom, trying to come up with an answer.
“Do you want to play football to forget about it?”
Unsurprisingly Y/n shook her head violently. Tom cursed inwardly at himself for saying the wrong thing, apparently football wasn't the answer to everything. The two children went back to silence until Tom had the metaphorical light bulb moment. “My mum told me something for when I got to sleepovers? Look!” He grabbed Y/n’s little hand, extending it upwards towards the night sky.
“No matter where you are, you’re all looking at the same stars too, right?”
Tom jumped a little before looking over his shoulder and recognising Y/n with the softest smile that grew across his face. Y/n slowly walked to his side, arms crossed over her chest to try and keep the cold at bay, joining Tom in staring up at the starry expanse.
“How do you always know?” Tom spoke in a breathy chuckle, shaking his head slightly. It was true, she did always know - but his question was somewhat irrelevant. They'd spent most their childhood together, they were as easy to read as a children’s book to each other.
“Missing home?”
“Sort of, I got my own slice of home with the boys and-and you but… pads, mum dad yeh, feel like on your birthday your always supposed to see your family.”
Although Harry, Harrison, Sam and Y/n had managed to fly out to surprise Tom on his birthday- prior commitments meant his parents and youngest brother hadn’t been able to make it. They four arrived yesterday, greeted by a very shocked and pretty emotional Tom - who had clearly been missing the sense of home somewhat. He’d been away shooting a film, then straight away launching into press for the next spiderman movie. It had been a long while since he’d been in London - half a year in fact.
This time too, he’d been away without a single family member or friend - that was another truth he’d learnt about growing up. Your friends and family, they all get lives of their own. Tom used to be a trailblazer, the first to get a job, the one everyone was super proud of. They still were, of course, but didn’t dote on him in quite the same way - everyone had their own shit to deal with. It was yet another reason Tom wasn’t welcoming his birthday as much as he usually would.
“Your parents did always spoil you rotten.”
“They spoilt you worst and you’re not technically their kid.” Y/n rolled her eyes, even if it might slightly true - muttering a ‘touche’ at the brown-haired boy next to her. Their families had always been close; naturally the adults seemed to gravitate more to the kids that weren’t their own. The ones who you could ‘give back’ at the end of the day. It just so happened Nikki and Dom had always loved having Y/n around, maybe a bit more than anyone else.
“Have you had a good birthday then? You should be in there with Greg pouring that shitty vodka down your throat.” Y/n questioned, whilst shrugging back toward the house, the dull thump of Jacob's playlist just audible. Still, both stared upwards, standing close enough that their upper arms were both pressed up against each other. She expected a jovial answer, but even from his tone, it was evident there was something up. He sounded…weary?
“I’m bloody glad you all came...don’t get me wrong, I love Z and Jacob and everyone but….”
“Shitty week?”
“Shitty birthday week of promo and press.” Tom scathed, and Y/n nodded. Even if she couldn’t understand what was so bad about press, she knew that Tom hated it passionately. And in the same way, he loved all his castmates dearly, but they hadn’t known him his whole life. They didn’t understand why he did every little thing; their values lay just that bit apart. It just wasn’t the same as being surrounded with his family - you and Harrison adopted Hollands too.
“I just feel like I’ve spent all week trapped in a room answering the most stupid, irrelevant and inconsequential questions... Everything’s just so surface level and fake and, and I-“He cut himself off, for the first time meeting Y/n’s eyes. In all honesty, Tom got a bit caught up in the stars reflecting off her piercing y/e/c eyes before changing tack.
“Will you do me a favour?”
This wasn’t spoken with the normal Tom tone. It wasn’t joking or jovial; it wasn’t an ‘off the tongue’ thing. This was spoken with such seriousness and gravitas coming from his deep voice that Y/n replied equally truthfully.
“Always T, you know that.”
“Will you please ask me a personal and serious and deep question?”
She got where he was coming from too.
Clearly, even though the evening was supposed to be a light piss up in celebration, it had instead unearthed some darker thoughts that Tom had been harbouring away. Perhaps he never even realised he needed such seriousness, or perhaps with his castmates he hadn’t felt comfortable exposing himself like that. Either way, Y/n was going to respect him now. It was technically his birthday, too; the clocks had already struck 12 - it was now his day.
It wasn’t tricky to think of one; she’d often wondered the same question of him - never with the opportunity to ask. The question popped into her head again, almost as soon as Tom asked for one.
“Okay…. What’s your deepest regret that makes you feel guilty for feeling because in the grand scheme of things, it minor? Like such a 'first world problem'." What do you regret that’s just completely selfish?”
Tom immediately stiffened, his jaw tensing as he worked through his thoughts in his head. Scared she’d pushed it too far, Y/n averted her gaze back to the sky, chewing her bottom lip slightly. It took a moment, but then she saw Tom turn towards her, in the peripheries of her vision. With a tightly closed-lip smirk on his face he joked “If your gonna ask questions like that, we better sit down.”
And so they did, both sitting crossed legged on the ground, knees brushing against each other. Just on the grass lawn, almost mirroring themselves all those years ago as kids in that camping site. Y/n wondered if she should offer to play football instead - to cheer him up.
“Missing out. I miss out months at a time. Miss out on seeing mum and dad, miss out on the pub quizzes with the boys, miss out seeing you… I mean, I didn’t even know you had a new job until you mentioned it this morning. I miss out on time with nana Tess and all my grandparents, and that’s scary cos… well, every time I go, it could be the last time… I don’t know, I just… I get so much, get to travel, to see the world, but… sometimes it feels like I’m sacrificing the foundations. And without the foundations….”
“The walls come crumbling down.” Y/n finished off his sentence quietly, barely whispering the words - but from Tom’s nod of agreement, it seemed like she’d hit the nail on the head. There was silence for a beat till Y/n whispered to him.
“Well, happy birthday to you” Trying to bring the mood up a little, she bumped his shoulder, and Tom chuckled breathily.
“Seriously! This is helping me out. I-I just need to get everything out and start my 25th year fresh.”
“Hey, if that’s all you want, I’m getting a refund on my present- we can just get deep and interview each other.”
“I’m game, except I’m keeping the present too.”
“Just because it’s your birthday and I’m a bit tipsy, I’ll allow it.”
“Okay, well then, Y/n L/n”, He spoke formally, leaning in closer and making her giggle a little. “What’s your biggest regret?”
“Honestly?” Tom just repeated her in reply, but this time it was a statement.
He really was going deep too. No holding back now. Y/n sucked on her cheek before replying. “Not travelling with you when we were 19… I was just so determined to get to uni and start grown-up life, but… well, grown-up life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I should’ve tried to stay a kid longer, messing about on your film sets and pretending it was work. I think I would’ve learnt more from seeing the world with you.”
“Well, I am very knowledgable.”
“Shut up, you drop out- who didn't know what a drag race was.” She wasn’t wrong, and whilst yes, he had dropped out to be a film star - he was still a dropout. (with exceptionally poor knowledge of RuPaul) He scowled, then leaning back on his hands, so he was half reclined on the grass as Y/n thought of her next question.
“Whats your biggest worry?”
“Easy.” He chuffed, making Y/n furrow her brows at him. Clearly, he’d already thought of this. “That I finally settle down with the love of my life, and then the fans or press or paps ruin it.”
It made sense; every time Tom had gone public with a relationship, it had ended in a minor car crash. Typically it was also the girl who got hurt; she was the ‘victim’ in everything. Though Y/n had seen first hand the effect it had had on Tom - he never made it out damage-free.
“You make it sound like you’ve already got this dream girl queued and waiting.”
“I wish”, Tom sighed, as Y/n took the opportunity to completely lie down on the grass, staring up at the dark abyss. She’d always loved the stars and had become a bit of a geek on them as they’d grown up too- and maybe it was all down to Tom on that camping trip. Following suit, Tom copied her, his head resting on his hands that were crossed behind his head, taking in the moment of pure peace as they lay on the grass.
“You see that bright one there?” Pointing up, Y/n shimmied closer to him so that he definitely saw the same thing as her. “It’s actually not one. Look closer.” Humming, Tom shifted a bit closer, so her shoulder slotted under the side of his body just the teeniest bit. It meant he could follow her direction and squinted up at the little patch of the sky.
“ 5…maybe 6? What is it?”
“The pliedes supercluster…. basically a big group of stars that all were born from the same place- the same stellar nursery.”
“But they’re moving now?” She hummed in confirmation to his question, briefly glancing at the way his eyes were fixed on the sky. For the first time he seemed genuinely interested in hearing her stories of the stars. It usually was an eye roll and ‘you’re so lame’.
“They’re called the sibling stars… like everything in life, as they get older they drift apart but…. but to us down here? They’ll always be associated together because they have a gravitational effect on each other. They’ll always have their thing tying them together. Like an invisible string.”
“Sounds like you’re being metaphorical.” Tom chuckled, expecting a taunt back but receiving nothing except a gentle agreement.
“Theres also actually 7. The last one people can only sometimes see… it’s a pulsing star, so comes and goes.”
“They do that?”
“Yeh, and no matter what… if you can see it or not, it’s always there. Always having an impact on its family.”
Biting his lower lip slightly, Tom repositioned his head slightly, Y/n’s words taking time to be fully absorbed. He was sure she was making parallels to him. Barely there, appearing and disappearing, but always a part of the family.
“You are being metaphorical.”
“Maybe.” She whispered shortly. “Metaphors depend on who’s listening and if they draw parallels to their own life. It’s subjective. You can’t tell anyone what is and isn’t metaphor…. it takes the beauty out of it.”
“Right, sure... But if you were…. me, harry, Sam, pads, you, Haz, Tuwaine? That the 7?” Y/n held back the little smile at his words. Tom wasn’t as ‘head in the clouds’ as she was- he was literal. Also, he was bloody stubborn when he wanted to be.
“I wasn’t being metaphorical T.” He knew she was lying. She knew that he knew. But it still helped him, made him feel a bit better. That he was always, in some way, having some effect... lives always intertwined with the people he cared about the most.
“Tell me another story about another star.”
Time for the rest of the night kind of got lost. The two young adults just lay on the grass, entirely in their own little world, using each others body heat to keep themselves warm through the early hours. Neither felt remotely tired, Y/n whispering her little stories of both the myths and science of the old stars, pointing out each planet. Meanwhile, Tom listened in awe, for once not taking the mick out of her incredibly geeky hobby. Instead, he found himself getting fascinated by all the little intricacies Y/n was so passionate about.
It was only when the stars began to fade, as orangey-red hue started to seep up from the horizon the either noticed the time. It was now the morning of the next day, the house long since had turned silent behind them - presumably, everyone finally passing out shit faced.
As the stars’ light was overtaken by the rising sun, Y/n ran out of stories; the two settled into silence - neither quite ready to go to bed yet.
“It’s still my turn,” Tom spoke into the sky before pivoting his head to look Y/n in the eye, seeing the confusion in her furrowed brows. “It’s my question to ask. My turn.”
“Aren’t you sick of my voice yet?” There was absolutely no reason that they were both whispering. It wasn’t like anyone was trying to listen or that they’d disturb anyone else my talking normally. But it was nicer that way. It felt calming... intimate even.
“One more. And then you get one more… and then we really should probably go to bed.” He didn’t want the night to end; he was immensely enjoying this weird grey time between being 25 and 26. But it was cold, Tom could tell Y/n had started to feel it a little more. To be fair, she was only in a floral day dress, not much in the way of warmth. With a hum of agreement, Y/n smiled lightly at him, urging his question.
“Whats the biggest secret you’ve kept from me?”
With a bit of a scoff, Y/n sighed and closed her eyes, trying to draw some strength she wasn’t sure she had. It wasn’t like she needed to wrack her brains to come up with it - she knew instantly. Almost painfully too.
“Uhm, honestly?” Now even more intrigued, Tom nodded, using his foot for nudge hers - encouraging her to speak. “Probably how much you mean to me.”
“Oh” He couldn’t help it; the sound just slipped out his mouth without checking with his brain first. That answer had just been so unexpected. He had honestly been thinking that it would be something about how ‘fame had changed him’. After hearing that, Y/n turned her head up the sky again, feeling like her cheeks were on fire with embarrassed heat. Tom knew he had fucked up.
“No, I… I didn’t mean- just just ask me too.” With a sigh, Y/n waved off his stumbled answer as he tried to cover himself.
“This is stup-“
“Ask me!” For the first time in 5 hours, Tom spoke at an normal volume - but it felt painfully loud, like a shout.
“What’s the biggest secret you kept from me?” Her tone was defeated, but nevertheless, he answered.
“How upset I was when you didn’t come when we were 19. I got why, but it was still annoying. Felt like you were picking uni friends over me-“ At this point on any other evening, Y/n would have interjected and argued. None of this situation was normal, though, so she chose to hear him out. “- I know it’s stupid, but…. I guess that’s how much you meant an-and still mean to me too.”
There was silence for a couple minutes, waiting whilst the sun started to peep over the horizon, the lone witness to an otherwise very private conversation. That was until Y/n barely spoke, more like mouthed 2 simple words.
“I lied.” The intensity of the way Tom stared at her made Y/n wish that the sun hadn’t been so bright, that they were back in the darkness that hid her face more. “Biggest lie I’ve told you … that I’m not in love with you.”
Y/n didn’t see because she couldn’t face looking at him, but Tom’s face erupted into the most prominent, toothiest smile. Whilst Tom was enjoying the moment of being absolutely ecstatic, Y/n was waiting for a response- feeling her world come crashing in. That she'd just destroyed one of the most important friendships in her life too.
But then he said the opposite of what she thought he would.
“I lied too.”
That had her attention, whipping her head toward him as Tom rolled onto his side on the lawn, balancing with his head resting on one hand. “I lied that I’ve not been completely under your spell since we were kids at that campsite, and you were homesick.”
Y/n’s heart was literally in her mouth, brain overwhelmed but one overriding thought oh so bloody clear.
She’d lost control of everything, arching up to mirror Tom. Using one hand, she reached out to cup Tom’s jaw, to which he instinctively leant toward - until their lips were mere centimetres apart, hot breath fanning over each other.
Y/n no control as she whispered those 3 words against his lips. No control at how immediately after he pressed his to hers; no control as Tom guided her to roll on top of him, knees either side of his torso as his strong arms wrapped around her back.
Once again, time was lost between the two, only pulling apart when their lungs burned for oxygen.
“For the record, I love you too.” Grinning from ear to ear, Tom used one hand to gently stroke his thumb across her cheek, switching his focus from her left to right eye - in wonder at how the early morning sun reflected from her y/e/c irises. He’d always thought she was beyond beautiful, but when she was this close to him, with the sun rising behind her in such a way - she looked damn ethereal.
“Happy birthday T.” Nodding in agreement, Tom chuckled before finding her lips once again, whispering against them.
“Yeh, happy damn birthday to me.”
~~~~let me know what you think ;) ~~~~~
tagging: @hallecarey1 @hollandfanficlove @crossyourpeter
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leejeongz · 4 years
jealous treasure (asahi-junghwan)
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🔅i’m gonna use another member in each one because it’s easier than making up a whole new person and explaining a bit about them for each one if that makes sense. but this is just for fun, it’s fictitious, remember that pls🔅
find the other members here
🌷 asahi:
“it’s wednesday” junkyu announced. it wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to say whatever was in his brain, but today the other boys decided to humour him a little and asked him to elaborate.
“we should wear pink” he clarified as if everyone should know. asahi rolled his eyes, you’d been pestering asahi to tell junkyu to watch mean girls since well, forever, and that now he’d finally watched it, he wouldn’t shut up about it.
“but you’re not wearing any pink” asahi pointed out after scanning his whole body.
junkyu corrected him by fetching the hoodie he was expecting to wear. it was a soft, baby pink colour, with a little heart on the pocket right in the middle. asahi recognised it straight away.
“where did you get that?” he asked. junkyu couldn’t lie, he’d been caught red handed.
“from your closet” he confessed “but you always wear it and i thought i might look cute in it, can i wear it just for one day?” he begged with pleading eyes.
“hm let me think” asahi put his hand to his chin with sarcasm written all over his face “no” he snatched it from junkyu’s hands. “why would you wear y/n’s hoodie anyway?” he asked
“i-” junkyu stuttered “i didn’t know it was theirs” he said while assessing the situation “but are you really jealous right now? i didn’t know you were the type” he laughed, drawing the attention of the other members.
“no” he scoffed, “i’m not jealous, i just don’t think that they would want you wearing their hoodie. you smell” he spat out, turning his back and heading for his room.
“someone call y/n” junkyu said, wanting you to hear what a jealous man your boyfriend really is.
“don’t you have something better to do, like finding your own pink hoodie, you know, like the one you never take off your own back?” asahi snaps back, referring to the infamous pink hoodie from junkyu’s trademark outfit. as he leaves the living room, asahi takes a hesitant sniff at the jumper, hoping junkyu hasn’t infected it with his scent so much so that it no longer smells of you.
🍄 yedam:
having been stuck inside your house for what felt like a year, you were grateful and willing to accept any invitation to leave. today’s invite came from your boyfriend, yedam, who’d recently been too busy working to come and see you, which was completely understandable. he’d asked if you’d like to join him and a few of his friends on a walk around a nearby park, you of course said yes.
with beautiful scenery came the chance to take beautiful pictures. noticing that your boyfriend was too preoccupied by the ice cream van, you asked one of his friends, jeongwoo, to take a picture of you by the fountain. he agreed and instructed you on how to pose so that it wouldn’t look awkward. you followed his advice and managed to get a few shots. you walked back over to jeongwoo, who innocently stood with your phone in his hand, when you saw your boyfriend come rushing over.
“what are you doing with their phone?” he questioned “they let you take photos of them?” he spat out in a hurt manner.
“yes…” jeongwoo replied before you stepped in.
“how much are they?” you asked, pointing in the ice cream van’s direction, not understanding what all the commotion was about.
“apparently they’re all out of ice cream” he mocked “but why did you let him take photos of you? that’s my job” he pouted with a soft tone to his voice.
“ooo our yedam is all soft for y/n” jeongwoo jeered which, judging by the look yedam gave back to him, was not appropriate. “it was just 3 pictures” jeongwoo clarified “the model isn’t that easy to work with anyway, they have no fresh ideas of their own to spice up my business” he scoffed jokingly while handing your phone back to you, causing yedam to finally crack a smile.
“⅕ stars, pictures came out wonky and the photographer is bossy, unlike my lovely yedam” you smiled, playing into the joke. it wasn’t long before yedam was back to his usual cheerful self and had also finally decided that an iced tea was a good substitute for ice cream too.
there was a lot of things in your house that didn’t make sense, but the worst was definitely the paintings hung up in your room that you’d never gotten around to taking down, mainly because you couldn’t reach them but shhh. you’d always been too shy to ask doyoung, knowing he’d laugh at you and tease you for being too short to reach them, and given you hadn’t been together for that long, you weren’t sure how much you’d appreciate that being your first inside joke.
a friend of yours, jihoon, had come over to your house while doyoung was there, which wasn’t exactly an issue, he knew you and jihoon were friends and he respected that. the three of you often gossiped and gamed together, it was a common thing these days.
“i tell you this every time im here but those are so ugly y/n, please take them down” jihoon glanced up, locking eyes with the spooky man in the painting and shuddering.
“i can’t reach” you joked, forgetting your boyfriend was also there.
“i’ll do it then” jihoon announced, standing up and reaching each painting easily.
“i could have done that” doyoung whispered under his breath while staring at you. you turned to your left to see your boyfriend's unimpressed face. “why did you let him do it?” he questioned, seeming really quite angry.
“he offered, i wasn’t gonna say no” you defended yourself. jihoon took this as his queue to leave and take the artwork elsewhere, he didn’t know where, but anywhere was better than being in that room with you two.
“is it because of his big muscles? is it because you value his opinion more than mine?” doyoung asked, laughing at his own thoughts and how ridiculous they were but possibly true.
“no” you rolled your eyes before making eye contact again “its because he offered” you repeated.
“and if i offered?” he asked, expecting you to say that you would have declined.
“obviously i would have said yes” you replied, “they were horrible i don’t care who got them down i just wanted them gone”
“oh” he sat back and relaxed into the pillow “well i’m glad they’re gone. i didn’t like to say it, but they were creepy” he laughed with you. “the next thing to go is him though” he joked, seeing jihoon walk back into your room, which of course was replied to with a scoff from your sassy friend.
your sleeping pattern was well and truly out of the window, so you decided to stay up and call one of your friends that you knew would be awake, hyunsuk. he was just like you, you both slept at 4am and woke up at 2pm, so he wasn’t that shocked when you called, wide awake like him.
“where’s haruto? wasn’t he supposed to be staying at your place tonight?” he asked, genuinely concerned about his friend. you flipped the camera to show your bed, where a certain sleepy haruto lay, peacefully entering dreamland. “he’s so cute” hyunsuk giggled, you cooed in agreeance, he really was the cutest.
you stayed on call for about an hour. you were currently laughing about the tiktok he’d just sent to you, your humour was exactly the same too so it’s wasn’t hard for you to crack the other up. all the commotion woke your boyfriend, whose bed head was clearly visible in the reflection of your opened laptop when he sat up.
“did we wake you?” hyunsuk laughed upon hearing a groan from his friend.
“we?” haruto responded in a sleepy voice. “who’s we?”
“uhh us” you pointed between you and the phone.
“y/n? hyunsuk?” he snapped out of his sleepy state quickly. “why are you two up at this time and on the phone together?” you looked at hyunsuk on the screen and smiled, trying to hold in your laughter. “turn that off and come to bed, i want cuddles, and i want you to get some sleep, unlike him” he flung himself back at the bed, only inches away from hitting his head on the headboard.
“wait for me” hyunsuk joked in a teasing tone.
“no, not you” haruto whined. “just y/n please” he smiled closing his eyes and opening his arms, ready for you to join him.
“i guess this is goodnight then” you said to hyunsuk, which haruto followed up with a goodnight for his friend too before you put the phone down.
“now, cuddles please!”
for jaehyuk’s birthday this year, he asked for a small gathering, just close friends, which you of course are included in since you and jeongwoo had been together for over 2 years now. when you arrived, you quickly gauged the atmosphere of the party was pretty light and fun, it wasn’t oppressive in the slightest. usually parties you attended were fully kitted out with loud music, dimly lit rooms and a bunch of strangers in every room, instead your friends were in the living room, just chatting and laughing.
“you came!” jaehyuk screeched, running over to hug you. “oh and you bought a plus one, jeongwoo” he joked around with your boyfriend, who just rolled his eyes in response.
it wasn’t long before the boys delved into the games cupboard and pulled out the “who’s most likely to” box. the oldest of the boys shuffled the cards and took the top one which read “who’s the funniest”. whenever you played, this one always seemed to come out first, so you changed your answer every time to please everyone.
you turned around your board with the name “jaehyuk” written on it. your eyes scanned the room to see almost everyone had his name written on their boards, probably because it was his party after all. you quickly diverted your eyes away, however, when you saw that jeongwoo had written your name, which should have made you feel happy but instead, you felt quite guilty for not writing his.
the game went on, and your name wasn’t written on jeongwoo’s board ever again, despite you putting his for almost everything positive. the rest of the evening, jeongwoo didn’t come near you at all, everyone noticed, everyone questioned it, it was so obvious that he was jealous, but there was no way he was admitting to it.
as you got ready to leave, you glanced over at the boy who was supposed to be staying with you tonight, sat firmly in his place on the sofa.
“jeongwoo, aren’t you coming?” you shouted from the door. “jaehyuk is staying here so you don’t have to worry about him” you teased, everyone else smiling at you and giggling silently.
“fine” he grunted. you made up on the way home, he couldn’t even remember how it all started, he just “wanted to make a point” which, sure, he did.
you and junghwan never got to spend much time together before you became friends with the members since he was always with them or at school, which is why he’s never complained or showed any jealousy when you are with them.
today you headed over to their dorms to relax and play when you remembered, today was the day of junghwan’s english exam. you pulled out your phone and dropped him a quick good luck text before continuing your journey.
yoshi brought you up to his room where he said you could chill for a bit since everyone else was still sleeping, other than those who had school of course. yoshi began to ask you lots of questions, you learnt a lot about each other in that hour or so, and the conversation was flowing so well that you didn’t hear the door.
“y/n, you did remember?!” junghwan asked excitedly, clapping his hands while smiling from ear to ear. “you came all the way here to see me after i finished?”
“remember what?” you asked, bewildered. “your exam? yeah i sent you a text, i’m sorry i didn’t realise until i was over half way here else i would have gone to see you first” you confessed, feeling guilty. his face dropped at your honest words.
“you mean you came all the way here just to see yoshi?” he asked. “everyone else was in the kitchen, but you two were in here… alone…?” disappointed in your reasoning and forgetfulness, he slowly backed out of the room. he wanted to cry, but he couldn’t. he wanted to feel sad and upset, but did you really do anything wrong, he thought. “you couldn’t have just turned around and gone home”
“well i didn’t want to, i wanted to see my friends. i didn’t realise that most of them didn’t get up until the afternoon” you walked closer to him, praying that he didn’t try and get away. “i’m sorry i forgot about your exam”
he shuffled closer to you. you’d never argued before, and he wasn’t sure how to respond, so he hoped a hug would go down well. as he hugged you, he whispered his own apology into you hair “i’m sorry for jumping to conclusions”
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