#also it's REALLY long again so apparently drabbles just don't work for me
milksnake-tea ยท 21 days
hey all !! normally i wouldn't engage in something like this on my blog, but considering that it's happening to a friend of mine, i felt i had an obligation to speak out. sorry for clogging up the tags/interrupting your scrolling ๐Ÿ˜ญ
tldr: @/hxveneru has stolen the works of my good friend @lowkeyren not once, but twice and is deleting any comments calling them out.
edit: they've changed their user to @/yneri; if you've blocked them already, this doesn't really matter bc they're still blocked :) reminder to not engage with them, they're just looking for attention. block and ignore!
i know. fun stuff. proof is under the cut.
please note that i'm doing this of my own accord, and the only involvement ren has had in this post is me asking for permission to post it since, well, it's an issue mainly affecting her.
also i should say beforehand but. don't ??? send them death threats please ๐Ÿ˜ญ we are better than that. i'm mainly making this to spread awareness about the issue :)
reblogs are appreciated to spread awareness.
first stolen work is ren's oneshot "drunk words, sober thoughts!" for aventurine here.
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as you can see, it was posted on June 15th, a little over two months before hxveneru posted their own oneshot.
for reference. hxveneru is a new blog and all of their posts are in the month of september, proven here via their archive.
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and here's the two oneshots side by side, with ren's on the left and the stolen one on the right.
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notice how the oneshots are exactly word-for-word except for the title and synopsis? even the author's note is exactly the same. obviously i can't fit the whole thing here, but this should be enough.
honestly it's. i have to laugh at the audacity to just copy and paste like hello???
and here's the second work that was copied, with hxveneru's "diff scenarios w hsr men" taking from drabbles from two of ren's works.
these are the two fics that were stolen from, with their dates attached. both are posted far before september. links are here and here if you want to double check..
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now let's look at the drabbles that were - once again, copy and pasted. first is blade's, again with ren on the left and the stolen one on the right (ren's is circled bc they didn't take the hcs part).
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and here is the sunday drabble that was stolen.
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so far, those are the only works posted on their blog. i was also informed that they had apparently stolen from @/exuvianen's post here but deleted it, but since said post is deleted, we don't have evidence for that so take it with a grain of salt.
but yeah! just wanted to let yall know out there, especially since the plagiarized works have already gained some traction and have 100+ notes on them. i've talked about them vaguely on my blog before, so if this sounds familiar, yeah this is them.
plagiarism is shitty, i shouldn't have to say that. it is not that hard to just write your own stuff. i know validation and publicity make you feel good, but stealing someone else's hard work is not the way to go. writers already have enough to deal with. just don't do it. what's the point of getting validation if it's not even your work?
again, don't send death threats, please. that's a bit far, and they likely won't even do anything since the plagiarizer has already been called out before and this was their response.
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not a single ounce of remorse or shame. people have gotten way too comfortable on here.
also "who the hell is ren anyway" bestie you blocked her ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ and ignored her ask to you. that's why ren can't dm her to sort it out privately btw, in case you were wondering.
anyways! that's all i have to say, thanks for sticking around this long and have a great rest of your day. hxveneru if you see this. hi ig ?? id say smth to you but i doubt you'd take it seriously so i won't <3
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justwonder113 ยท 6 months
Sleepy Minho has me!! Can you write a drabble about him coming home from like dance practice or something and he's just super tired and wants to cuddle with his s/o??
Your writes are Hella cute, love you! โค๏ธ
Oh my God I'm so glad you like my writing, it means a lot to me!!! Also, thanks for requesting, words can not describe how much I loved writing this, sleepy Lee Know has me in different kind of chokeholdโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Also I'm really sorry it took me eons to write this. I really hope you'll like itโค๏ธโค๏ธ
My Masterlist
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WARNINGSโš ๏ธ : Gender neutral reader, Some cursing. I don't know whar else to put here. If I missed something please tell me.
You were jolted awake from your sweet sluber by a most adorable but also really heavy furball jumping on your stomach. Soonie looked at you with curious eyes, unphased as if he didn't just crush your insides. The fluffball sure as hell knew you didn't have a bone in you to get mad at him. "What is it baby? Are you hungty or do you want to play?" Soonie meowed at you. Trying not to startle the cat you carefully straightened up. How long were you asleep? Your whole body felt sore. You searched for your phone and once you saw the time your eyes almost popped out. Where the hell was Minho? You jumped up from the sofa, not realy paying mind to Soonies disspleased whine. You quickly dialed your boyfriend's number and waited for him to answer, but he didn't so you tried again for a few times but to no avail. You knew he was extremely busy these days and that his schedule was hogged but he was supposed to be home a while ago! Also, the fact that he didn't say or text you anything made you worry even more. God why did you have to fall asleep? All you remembered was that after finishing up witch chores you sat down to take a breather. How did you even manage to fall asleep just like that? What if something had happened? Why wasn't he picking up? Should you call Chan? Maybe he knows something? You were starting to borderline panick when you heard the cats meowing at the door. They always did that when Minho was at the door. And in seconds you did hear the door click.
You quickly went to him and wrapped your arms tightly around him. He stumbled for a second but quickly returned the hug. "Hey baby." His voice was soft and quiet but it was apparent that he was really tired. He must have overworked himself again. You loved how dedicated and hardworking he was , but it also killed your heart to watch him neglect his needs to achieve perfection. He spent countless hours at work, barely slept and mostly had quick meals which mostly consisted of takeout. You tried to be as accommodating as possible. You did most of the chores in house, and whenever you had time you tried to make him nutritious lunch. But you could do so much.
You couldn't help but pout at him. "Where were you? You didn't even pick up your phone. I was really worried about you!" You couldn't hide your frustration anymore. "You're coming home later and later everyday. You barely sleep or eat! I'm not even going to start talking about how we barely see each other! You need to take care of yourself more baby, you should..." Minho didn't let you finish your ramble, he slid his hand from around your back to your neck and quickly pulled you towards him so he could kiss you. The kiss even though was short was so full of love and yearning that it almost made you melt. Good thing Minho was basically holding you or you would have fallen. "I'm sorry love, training lasted more than usual." Fuck, what were you even mad about? Minho's soft voice always made you weak in the kneez. Also the way he called you love? Bless your heart for lasting this long and not just randomly exploding on you. Little shit surely knew what he was doing to you.
Minho's voice bought you back to reality "Can we go to bed?" "Wait you're not hungry?" The disapproval in your voice made him smile. "I ate at work I promise. I'll take a quick shower. I want to go to bed cuddle you and just exist with you okay?" He paused for a second before bashfully adding sweetest please. Oh he said please there's no way uou could sat no to him. Not that you could, not to that offer. You wanted to tease him for showing his soft side for you but you decided against it once you looked into his eyes. He looked at you with such eyes, he could ask you to kill a man and you'd actually do it. You couldn't put it to words but you knew that he needed you and you were going to be here for him. It really hurt seeig him this tired and overworked. You knew he tried his best not to show it, every day despite being tired as hell he tried to help you with everything he could, be there for you even though he was the one who needed support now. His eyes were red and not sparkly as you're used to. His dark eyebags were prominent. He was a bit shouched and a bit paler. Seing him this vulnerable was like a dohble hit for your heart.
"Of course love. Get ready for bed, I'll put away food and I'll be back." You kissed his cheek and urged him to the bathroom.
You tried to take care of everything as fast as possible. You felt proud of yourself that you took care of most of the chores today. You praised yourself that you changed sheets and brought out new fluffy blankets.
Maybe you were being a bit selfish but it kind of excited you that you could finally spend some time with your boyfriend. You really missed spending time with him, not just existing in the same space. Whenever he came home he always fell asleep and you didn't have the heart to not let him rest little time he spent at home. It was natural you were feeling touchstarved.
You rushed to the bedroom as fast as possible once you were done. The sight almost made you squeal by sheer cuteness. Minho had almost completely covered himself in blankets and now was looking at you with sleepy eyes. The cats also took their designated places on the bed also looked at you as if waiting for you. Maybe you were a little delusional about the last part but wise people say delulu is the solulu.
Minho immediately opened his arms for you, lifting the cover for you to crawl in. You immediately jumped in, finally feeling content being between his arms, feeling his warmth, his familiar scent surroung you. Minho also hummed in satisfaction. "I've missed this so much" you couldn't help but admit. "Please tell me you don't have anything tomorrow and that we can just be in house all day." You looked up at him with hopeful eyes. You saw the corner of his mouth slightly lift up. He leaned down and literally kissed your pout away, not that you could actually be mad at him.
"I'm sorry baby, I have to go in the morning. But I promise I will be back before you even wake up. I will also bring you some breakfast and we can do whatever you want okay? I'm all yours." You couldn't help but beam with joy. Finally he has some time off. "So you're telling me I can make you do anything? Be careful all this power might go up to my head." You quietly spoke as you played with his hair, Minho only hummed. Instead of talking he fully turned to you and hid his face in the crook of your neck, tightly holding you close by your waist.
Sleepy Minho surely was your favourite. He always got like 100 times more squishy and adorable. Literally you had to have patience of a God to not pounce on him and civer his face with kisses. Maybe not only kisses. His cheek was so cutely smushedand his slightly open prettiest pouty lips? You were just a human! You really didn't want to disturb him or else you would have chomped on his squishy cheek eons ago. Cuteness aggression really was eating you from the inside.
"Baby go to sleep. I can feel you staring." Minho grumbled out after a while. So he was awake huh? You couldn't help but smile. You slid your hand through his hair and started playing with his soft locks. Minho immediately leaned into the touch. You were sure he would start purring if he could.
"It's not my fault love." You admitted and softly kissed his cheek. " I've been starved of my boyfriend for days, and now you're here cuddling me looking all pretty and cute! And here I am being generous and letting you sleep on me while all I want is to literally cover you with kisses! And this is the thanks I get?" Based on the silence that followed you thought that he fell asleep, but you were proven wrong when he held your waist tightly with one hand while the other held onto your thigh, and soon enough you were on top of him looking into his mischevious eyes. Apart from his sparkling eyes his lazy grin was also a clear indicator that he was up to no good.
"What are you doing?" You couldn't help but ask.
"First of all you need to spend less time with Hyunjin. Also to answer your question, I'm being a good boyfriend. My partner just said that they want to cover me with kisses. Who am I to oblige?" You were the one who spent too much time with Hyunjin? What was up with these theatrics then? You couldn't help but grin at his lovable but also really silly antics. " You're annoying do younknow that?" You muttered against his lips, softly holding his cheeks. Minho moved his hands and put them on top of yours. "Shut me up then." He didn't even wait for you to say anything, he just leaned in and connected his lips to yours, slowly but surely melting your thoughts away. God you really loved this idiot.
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tervaneula ยท 6 months
u said leoichi drabble prompt request. consider. one injured and the other protecting them and then the injured one has to calm them down bc 'they're okay, really, promise, rest now'
OKAY SO this fused with a ghost of an idea I've had for a while and it ended up being a bit more serious than the prompt called for and a lot longer than just a drabble. (It's ~1120 words.) CW: blood and injury
Also I made a silly header thing I don't know what to do with, so I'm putting it here since this fic doesn't come with art of its own :'3
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โ€œYui, Iโ€™m okayโ€“โ€ย 
The rabbit turns his head to look at him, furious.ย 
โ€œI heard your shell crack, Leonardo, and I'm not an idiot! Now stay down and let me handle this!โ€ย 
He falls quiet for a moment before redirecting his glare towards their adversary and then adds a muted, โ€œPlease.โ€ย 
There's no compromising with Yuichi in this state, apparently, and Leonardo stays right where he got crushed between metal claws and the concrete, splayed on the ground next to those very same claws which had gotten swiftly cut from the wrist for their transgressions.
He does roll onto his side to get his body weight off his shell, and yeah, alright, one or more of the old cracks that never healed properly must have split open again. It's tough to breathe and his back feelsโ€ฆ His kimono is sticking to his shell and his back feels wet now that he's paying attention, and that. That is not good.ย 
Just his luck to run into a massive mecha wreaking havoc on an otherwise lovely day, huh. He wasn't even supposed to be on patrol and thus is embarrassingly swordless.ย 
Good thing that his date and their resident samurai always carries his.ย 
The slider watches as Yuichi does quick work of the metal hunk's wiring behind its knees, his frighteningly sharp katana slicing through the cables like butter. The mech falls with a ground-shaking rumble, unable to rise again, arm flailing as it tries to catch the rabbit. It's no use, Yuichi is much smaller and faster โ€“ and as soon as he reaches the mech's head, it's already rolling. The construct immediately loses power and Yuichi wrenches the windowed hatch in its chest open. Turns out there's no pilot, just a program-operated dashboard, and he makes sure that none of the controls are functional after he's done with them.ย 
Leonardo thinks he could watch Yuichi trash villains all day long, he's practically mesmerised by the strength hidden in that soft frame despite his shell throbbing unpleasantly in tandem with his heartbeat. He sighs, lovestruck.ย 
As his final move, Yuichi thrusts his katana into the heart of the mecha and Leonardo sees a spray of ink-black oil splash all over Yuichi's face and the front of his kimono. It makes him laugh and he realises his mistake too late, his lungs struggling to draw breath again as he finally gets hit with the pain, his body trying to stop him from moving; from causing any more damage. Shit, shit, shit.ย 
He had hoped he wouldnโ€™t need to bother any of his brothers today since he was supposed to spend the whole day with Yuichi but he knows to pick his battles, now. He opens the comm link embedded in his prosthetic, contacting someone who he knows will pick up.ย 
โ€œChe~ello!โ€ comes the cheerful answer in just a few seconds, and Leonardo can't help but smile.ย 
โ€œMikeyyy, hermano, I'm in a bit of a pickle,โ€ he wheezes, feeling the shift in his little brother's energy as soon as he hears the strain in his voice.ย 
โ€œLeo? Are you okay?โ€ย 
โ€œNot really, no,โ€ Leonardo grunts. โ€œGot into a scuffle with some big haywire robotโ€“ donโ€™t worry, thatโ€™s taken care of. I suspect Donnie will want to scrap it for parts. Um. My shellโ€™sโ€“ my shellโ€™s cracked though.โ€ย 
Leonardo can vividly imagine the colour draining from Michelangelo's face and it would be funny if he wasn't acutely aware of a broken shell coming with the very real possibility of his innards turning into outnards.ย 
โ€œI'm calling Draxy. Stay put, I'll get Lee to pick you up.โ€ย 
โ€œRight,โ€ Leonardo sighs, the line going out just when Yuichi is finally done with the mech and rushing to his side, face haphazardly wiped from oil. His gaze is sharp as he kneels next to him, sweaty and out of breath, and Leonardo thinks he looks like a knight. Or maybe like a samurai of the old, in this case.ย 
โ€œThereโ€™s my hero,โ€ he coos before Yuichi can get a word out and the rabbitโ€™s brow furrows.ย 
โ€œDonโ€™t start,โ€ he snaps but his tone softens almost immediately, โ€œI saw you calling someone. Itโ€™s bad, isnโ€™t it? Itโ€ฆ it looks really bad.โ€ย 
โ€œYeeeah, this kimono is definitely ruined,โ€ Leonardo laments, โ€œunless you know how to, gh, get blood out of corduroy? No? Or the obi?โ€ย 
Yuichi stares.ย 
โ€œAโ€“ a shame, really, I did like this one a lotโ€“โ€ย 
โ€œLeonardo!โ€ Yuichi interrupts him and grabs his bicep, looking two seconds away from crying. Leonardo frowns. He knows heโ€™s getting a little delirious but he was sincerely trying his best to lift his mateโ€™s mood.ย 
โ€œLeon, please, youโ€™re rambling. Is someone coming? Can I do anything?โ€ย 
โ€œโ€˜m not rambling,โ€ Leonardo grumbles, hissing when he fills his lungs again. โ€œLeoโ€™s coming to get us, Draxyโ€“ Draxum will treat the shell. And no, better keep the obi in place until we get to the medbay.โ€ย 
Yuichiโ€™s shoulders slump and he sighs, most likely relieved that heโ€™s not going to have to figure out how to deal with a cracked shell. Leonardo does not like the lingering worry in Yuichiโ€™s gaze one bit, though, and he offers him a grin. Itโ€™s a little shaky but whatever.ย 
โ€œHeeey, bunbun. Listen. This is nothing I havenโ€™t been through before. Iโ€™ll be fine.โ€ย 
Yuichi gives him an honest-to-God kicked-puppy look and Leonardo thinks itโ€™s the most adorable thing heโ€™s ever seen in his life. He almost tells him so but Yuichi cups his cheek and his forced grin melts away into surprised silence.ย 
โ€œI hate seeing you hurt,โ€ Yuichi murmurs, leaning down to press his forehead against Leonardoโ€™s. The sliderโ€™s eyes flutter shut and he lifts his hand to hold onto Yuichiโ€™s wrist.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ he whispers. โ€œI mean it. I shouldโ€™ve been more careful.โ€ย 
Yuichi huffs and leans away to gently bump their foreheads together.ย 
โ€œIt wasnโ€™t your fault.โ€ย 
โ€œMaybe, but โ€™m still sorry. Didnโ€™t want to worry you.โ€ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re an idiot,โ€ Yuichi says, exasperated. โ€œYou should know that at this point, Iโ€™ll always worry.โ€ย 
Leonardo grins and this time itโ€™s genuine. Breathing in his partnerโ€™s scent is like a balm to him, even if itโ€™s tinged with the bitterness of motor oil, even if his body currently thinks that breathing is overrated. Even if he just got called an idiot by none other than said partner.ย 
โ€œRaincheck on the date?โ€ he mumbles, and finally he gets a chuckle out of the rabbit. Yuichi straightens his back and flicks him on the nose.ย 
โ€œLike you even needed to ask. Idiot.โ€ย 
Before Leonardo can express his displeasure of being called an idiot for a second time thereโ€™s the familiar electric hum of a portal opening behind him, and someone whistles.ย 
โ€œSheesh, old man. That kimono is definitely ruined.โ€ย 
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chiharuhashibira ยท 1 year
I AM SO EXCITED, I HAD THIS IDEA WHEN I WATCHED A SHORT ON YOUTUBE!! So you know the prank of not saying "I love you" back to your lover? How about S/o was challenged to do that prank for 24 hours by their friends, but because S/o loves their lover so much, they instead kiss their lover very passionately or say I adore you (or both, hehe) to them instead!! That way, S/o can still show and say their love for their lover, but not fail the challenge at the same time!! I mean, if they win their friends would pay for everything they want for the whole day! Also, S/o's lover is either very flustered and/or stunned during the whole moment. Maybe getting a little spicy? But nothing too much! Request for Tanjiro Kamado! And/Or anyone else you want to write with this! - ๐ŸŒ“Anon
Got this request back in Sept 1 hahaha but yeah, due to lotsa things, I will do it now! ๐Ÿ’“
But I want it to be drabbles about the Kamaboko squad hihihi
๐‘ป๐’†๐’๐’ ๐’Ž๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’๐’๐’—๐’† ๐’Ž๐’†
๐€๐ ๐ž๐ ๐”๐ฉ ๐“๐š๐ง๐ฃ๐ข๐ซ๐จ ๐Š๐š๐ฆ๐š๐๐จ, ๐™๐ž๐ง๐ข๐ญ๐ฌ๐ฎ ๐€๐ ๐š๐ญ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ฆ๐š, & ๐ˆ๐ง๐จ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ค๐ž ๐‡๐š๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐›๐ข๐ซ๐š ๐— ๐†๐ ๐ƒ๐ž๐ฆ๐จ๐ง ๐’๐ฅ๐š๐ฒ๐ž๐ซ!๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ
Content Warnings: Full of Fluff ^^
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๐ŸŒธ๐“๐š๐ง๐ฃ๐ข๐ซ๐จ ๐Š๐š๐ฆ๐š๐๐จ๐ŸŒธ
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"Y/N, don't you really want to say you love me?"
"Eh, Tanjiro, we need to win this dare."
Tanjiro sighed and laid his back on the engawa. He stared at the sky, but then you blocked his sight when you suddenly kissed him on the lips. He sat up with his eyes widening. He can't believe that you just smooched him there.
"I can't say that word, but I guess I can still be sweet with you."
You gave him a smile, which eventually made him blush. He suddenly went near your face, with your noses almost touching. It was your turn to blush hard as Tanjiro cupped your chin and caressed your cheek with his tongue.
"I think that'll be good enough for today." He whispered and finally locked your lips in a heated kiss, which eventually led you to bite his lower lip.
Tanjiro pulled out of the kiss and stared into your eyes. He gave you a childish grin and pinched your cheek. "No biting for you. Let's just continue that tomorrow when the dare ends."
"Continue what?" You said, blushing harder. Tanjiro planted a quick kiss on your lips before lying back down.
"You know what I mean. I love you, Y/N."
You embraced Tanjiro tightly, making sure that even if you can't tell him that you love him, he will feel it.
๐ŸŒธ๐™๐ž๐ง๐ข๐ญ๐ฌ๐ฎ ๐€๐ ๐š๐ญ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ฆ๐š๐ŸŒธ
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"Don't you love me anymore? Y/N, answer me!"
"I do! But you know I need to win this dare Zenitsu."
"But 24 hours is so long! I want to hear you tell me that you love me now."
"What if... I just do this?"
You pinned Zenitsu down on the futon, which eventually shut him up. "What are you doing?" He asked, but you didn't answer through words. You straddled over your blonde boyfriend and kissed him passionately on the lips.
He eagerly kissed back, squeezing your bum, which made you giggle. "You're so impatient, Zenitsu." You teased, which made him blush harder than he is now.
You caressed his face and laid down beside him, making sure that you were cuddling him. Apparently, Zenitsu loves to be the small spoon.
"I love you, Y/N... Kiss me again, please."
"Mmm, yes, Zenitsu. I will."
You couldn't resist the puppy's look in his eyes, so you leaned in again and kissed him on the lips. His hands worked on your body as your lips were locked together. You felt your cheeks getting hotter with the next words that came out of his mouth.
"You can't say you love me today, but I guess we can do it."
You nodded, and that immediately made him smirk and pin you down on the futon. And the rest is history.
๐ŸŒธ๐ˆ๐ง๐จ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ค๐ž ๐‡๐š๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐›๐ข๐ซ๐š๐ŸŒธ
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"Either tell me you love me right now, or I'll force you to do it the hard way."
"I can't, Inosuke. If I do that, we'll lose! I know you hate losing, right?"
Inosuke rolled his eyes. The ticking of the clock makes him more impatient, but then, yes, he doesn't want to lose. So then he just sat up from the futon and crossed his arms, acting mad at you.
That made you sigh, and so you went on his back and slowly massaged his shoulders, which immediately made him relax. "It's only eight more hours before the dare ends... If you'll wait longer, I might reward you with something more than those three words."
You suggested it, which made Inosuke blush as he turned to look at you. You stared at his shining green eyes and kissed him on the lip. The man didn't protest; instead, he pulled you closer and went on top of you.
"Kiss me again." He said this as he stared intensely into your eyes. In times like this, you can't help but adore Inosuke so much. "I loโ€”"
"Nope! We'll lose if you say that! Just kiss me again."
He said that, stopping you from saying those three words. But then, yes, you finally kissed Inosuke, which made him smile as you both pulled out. Inosuke laid down beside you and hugged you.
"I'll make you say you love me a hundred times tomorrow, Y/N."
You blushed and buried your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his manly scent. "I know you will, and I can't wait for it."
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๐‘ฐ ๐’‰๐’๐’‘๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’๐’Š๐’Œ๐’†๐’… ๐’Š๐’•!
Thank you so muuuuch!!
I know these days, I am slow to upload but I am still here~
See you on my next story ๐ŸŒธ
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yuu-kumeii ยท 1 year
Heeello, hru?
i want a tsukishima kei ร— fem!reader, NO TIME SKIP, i want his reaction on the reader hugging him suddenly without saying anything and the reader doesn't pull away from the hug (aka gives him a long hug)
(Reader is clingy and doesnโ€™t want to vent, but at the end she let it all out)
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, crying
Omg hi anonโ—โ—โ— I'm doing fine when I got this, but now I'm like a deflated grammar balloon ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO FINISH YOUR REQUEST I SWEAR I WAS THINKING ABT IT THE WHOLE TIME AFTER I GOT IT, I just didn't get the motivation at that time so I waited for inspiration to strike. But then inspiration hit me too hard and this ended up going waaaay off track โšฐ๏ธ PLUS I wrote the middle part during a campus tour and boy am I glad to have friends who are willing to be my beta readers bc past Yuu was NOT having a good time there ๐Ÿฅน. So sorry again in advance if this isn't exactly what you were expecting ๐Ÿ™
Btw, your all caps red NO TIMESKIP is kinda funny to me bc it's like telling me to REMEMBER THAT THIS IS A PRE TIMESKIP THING NOT POST since I'm someone who mainly writes for post timeskip ๐Ÿ’€ ntm how you probably had your own timeskip waiting for this thing ๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธbut anyways I hope you still enjoy this monster of a drabble fic hybrid ๐Ÿซถ
Also heads up, it's an established relationship, yeah sorry I didn't know if you would be ok with that but uh yeah sorry ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Word count : 3.5k (How did I get here)
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There wasn't any indication as to why you started to feel the way you do, maybe you were tired. It could be from stress, school work has been piling up so it wasn't a stretch to say that you might've been feeling a little burnt out. But deep down, you know exactly why. You're just too embarrassed to say it out loud, because what kind of person would you be to think that your friends were that shallow? A bad manager and an even more awful friend, that's what.
Everyone has been asking about you, concerned for your lack of response as of late. You barely look up from your notebook, something about a 'full proof strategy for their next game'. One so full proof it apparently doesn't need any input from the team or Kiyoko...or the coach... It's obvious you're trying to avoid them without being absent. Which makes it even more strange, usually you'd want to get away from the people you're avoiding. So why aren't you?
"Oh no, [Y/N] lookout!" A voice suddenly calls out, snapping you out of your thoughts just as you see a ball coming straight for you.
Before you could react, someone beat it to you, "I got it!" A hand reaches out and blocks the ball, you don't register who it is untilโ€”
"Nice save, Yacchan!"
Of course.
Yachi was the one who saved your face from getting pummeled while you sat there with your head in the clouds. All the more reason the team should justโ€” justโ€”
Just kick you off the team.
There it is.
That's what's been on your mind. Why it was so hard for you to actually avoid them, you were scared to be pushed aside while trying to encourage them to do so. Thinking you were being good at your job, only to see someone new do it better.
You feel like you've been lacking as a manager, despite being in the club for longer. It felt like the newcomer, Yachi, was doing a lot better in the short time she's here. You know it was unwarranted, she's been nothing but helpful. Picking up all the little things you and Kiyoko taught her. The team also welcomed her with open arms, as did you.
It was a gradual realization on your end, with 3 managers on standby, it's easy to lose track of who does what job. But more and more it felt like you've been doing the least out of the 3 of you. It really affected you, even without you knowing.
You start to forget routines, things like after school clean up duty, homework, even going as far as to forget planned hangouts. It felt like all you wanted to do was finish the day as quickly as possible, you don't even get up from your seat much anymore. Your indifference in class is mostly likely why no one tried approaching you for stuff, which makes sense, you probably look unapproachable anyway.
Well, almost unapproachable. If it weren't for Tsukishima, who chose to come up to you on days you fully ignore the team.
"What's up with you?" His words were short and lacked any poise, fitting for the only first year keen on riling up opponents and allies alike.
"...Nothing is, I'm fine" Much like Tsuki, your words were curt. Hoping that the less you answer, the more he's inclined to leave you alone.
Giving you an unconvinced look paired with an equally unconvinced once over, he shrugs and turns to leave you be.
"Suit yourself"
That hurts more than anything your own mind can throw at you, because all it does is convince you further that they're better off without you. All you've been doing is feeling bad about yourself, starting to forget everything important in favor of ignoring the problem.
But strangely enough, even when you forget, nothing seems to have any big consequences. When you realize you forgot about cleanup duty, your class partner just shrugs, saying your friend stayed behind and helped them instead. You think that it could've been Yamaguchi, he sometimes helps with cleaning duty when someone's partner goes home early.
It makes you feel worse about your moping, inconveniencing not one but two people. All because you can't convince yourself that just because Yachi is doing a lot better than you, it doesn't mean you're useless.
Not to mention the heartwarming messages from your friends when you don't show up to a hangout, they seem so understanding in spite of how you don't even tell them anything. The messages telling you to "Take care of yourself" and "Work things out at your own pace" could honestly make you cry.
Even the team tries their best to cheer you up, or at least to get your attention. You can't lie and say you don't see Hinata trying to get the other first years to pull some cool volleyball stunt he saw once, hoping that you'll congratulate them. It's hard to ignore it, especially when you can just feel his occasional stare, trying to get a reaction from you. But, as much as you want to cheer them on, you just can't do that. And yet, they're still so understanding. Trying to raise your spirit, Yachi even tried to start a conversation with you by asking for help on different managerial duties. But to no avail, all you do is point her in the right direction before going back to your place in the stands. Her efforts weren't in vain, but not enough to really get to you.
But it doesn't add up, how would they know you're going through a tough time? Are you really that obvious? You probably are. Either way, it's sweet of them to still think about you even when you're basically ditching them.
What does make sense to you is the homework, which you still end up submitting on time. All thanks to, you guessed it, Tsukishima. He just started reminding you about homework due in 2 days, complete with the pages and formulas needed. A smart comment about your recent forgetfulness is always attached to the message, something to remind you that it's from Tsuki of all people.
Someone you got to know through Yamaguchi, a mutual friend of yours, and if that's not enough, then being on the same team definitely is. As a manager on said team, you were always there for whatever sarcastic quip he had at the ready. Complete with every short joke ever made and that snide smile of his almost everyday. Needless to say, it didn't take long for a friendship to bloom. No longer hanging out only when Yams was around, you both built a routine for when you have each other. Yet you were always one to break routine for something new, a habit the tall beanpole never fails to challenge.
"Why do I have to come with you? You can just go alone" He says, not too keen on the idea of skipping your usual bakery visit for a cafe.
"Because I don't want to go alone and you're the only free one" You were always so sure he'd come with you anyway, to the point where you don't even try to convince him anymore.
He did end up going with you in the end, even if he did have his complaints here and there. But overall, it was one of the few times you can visibly see him having a good time. You chose a cafe themed around the stars and space in general, which you knew Tsuki liked quite a bit. Sure it would've been better to go to a dinosaur themed cafe, but the ones you know about are all the way in Tokyo and Fukui. Nevertheless, that space cafe visit was definitely a core memory in both your and Tsukishima's friendship, no matter how much that salt shaker wanted to deny it.
Though you did promise that one day, both of you would go together.
As friends, cause that's what you are, right?
Wait, actually do you even remember what happened after the space cafe? Wasn't it really important?
It feels like you know exactly what it is, it's a *fact* that you remember what it is. But much like everything else around you, it as well, whether you mean to or not, is pushed to the back of your head. Your thoughts start to discourage your resolve in this self-driven solitude of yours, built upon claims with no support. But why would the evidence matter if the claim itself is enough to make you believe?
It really felt like you were going to keep up this ruse forever, nothing really served as a consequence to you. The only thing keeping you in this state were the small glimpses of the team above your notebook, always up to some dumb fun. Something you always looked forward to in spite of the grueling practice ahead of them, well it was something you looked forward to.
Your eyes catch onto the other first years happily chatting with each other, except for Tsuki who preferred to stand on the sidelines, only chiming in to add a sprinkle of sarcasm into the conversation. That seems fun, you knew it was. As you watch everyone laugh at something Yachi says, something in you starts coiling around your heart.
You're suddenly aware of every breath you take, your thoughts start to repeat 'breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...'
Your surroundings start to feel heavy, like you were tethered to your place. The sound of your own breathing feels louder than the voices in the gym. So focused on your empty notebook that everything else blurs at the edges of your vision.
It wasn't until you caught golden-brown eyes staring at you from across the court, genuine concern masked under a nonchalant gleam. You hold his gaze for longer than you'd like, unsure if there's anything else hidden under the bespectacled stare.
Tsuki only tilts his head in the direction of the other first years, probably telling you to come with them. You can only refuse, solemnly shaking your head. They can't possibly want you there with them, not after ignoring them for the better part of a week. It wouldn't be right to just butt in like that.
He probably knows that you're still not giving in, because it looked like he let out a sigh before walking towards them. Not before one last stare down with you, his gaze asking if you're sure about your decision. You can only hesitantly nod, you're not sure, you don't want to pick this decision, but you've convinced yourself that you're backed into a corner.
A corner you made up.
Well, no use in thinking about it now.
"Oi [Y/N], I'm gonna lock up the gym now! Better get going" Oh coach Ukai, you forgot he was still here. Taking your notebook and pen into your arms, you nod at the coach before heading towards the exit. Body slightly hunched over when you pass him, unable to look at him in the eye.
"Whatever it is you're going through, you know they got your back, right kiddo?" Ukai suddenly says, right before you leave. It makes you stand in your place for a while, thinking. You know they do, it just doesn't feel right to, especially when you didn't give them a valid reason for your distance.
"Y-yeahโ€ฆThanks, coach" You mumble, fully facing away from him. Turning to leave, when you catch a glimpse of the orange sky outside. Realizing how late it got, you break into a sprint back to your classroom.
Through the now empty halls, doused in ombre. No other soul in sight, leaving the sounds of your footsteps to be heard. The sky is beautiful todayโ€ฆwouldn't it be fun to experience it together?
Your pace slows right in front of your classroom, 1-4 written on a sign next to the door. Putting your hands on your knees to catch your breath from all the running, you stop to admire the light that passes through your classroom door.
And that's when you heard it, the faint scratching of a chalkboard being erased, you'd know that sound anywhere. It's soft, you could barely hear it over your own breaths, who could be cleaning it at this time? You know your partner didn't come to school today, they were sick. You yourself forgot, so why would anyone be there?
Slowly peeking through the door frame, you see a lone figure standing by the chalkboard. Short blond hair, a lean figure, headphones over his neck, the wire hanging loose. It's him, the one you felt the most guilt for. You watch him for a while, lazily swiping the eraser across the chalkboard.
So that's who your cleanup partner was talking about.
It wasn't Yamaguchiโ€ฆ
It was Tsuki.
He's been the one filing in for you, the one picking up after you. The one who kept pushing you to just talk to the team from a distance, he was looking out for you. The one that's been trying to reach out in his own way, you feel so stupid. Running away while yourโ€ฆ
Own boyfriend looks out for you even when you unfairly pushed him away.
Your eyes glaze over and your breathing interchanges between short huffs and long shaky sighs. Feeling like you owe so much to him, keeping you afloat in an ocean of your own solitude. Step by step, you make your way over. Speeding up the closer you got.
Reaching him, you immediately press your face into his back. Arms wrapping around his waist, grabbing at the fabric of his school uniform to keep yourself in place. You can feel him tense, before slowly relaxing and going back to his cleaning. The guilt eating up at you even more, you clench your fists around his uniform, trembling in your place. Your lip trembles slightly, making your words sound even more pathetic than they already are.
"I'mโ€ฆI-I'm so-so-...so-sorโ€”ryโ€”!" You sob, voice breaking off the same way you are. No words could express the mix of relief and remorse you feel, relief to be able to express your true feelings and remorse for your actions that didn't. Your eyes fill with tears that linger at their edge, waiting for a push to get them down.
"You better be, do you know how much they miss you? Those idiots won't stop asking me about you" Kei's words striking right through your heart, the coil no longer tight. Your tears finally fall as your cries get louder. You press your face further into your boyfriend's back for comfort, letting out all the pent up feelings you've harbored the past week.
"Iโ€ฆI just f-felt likeโ€”like I wa-was u-useless!" You whimper, sobs reduced to short intakes of air between big breaths.
"Idiotโ€ฆ" Turning to face you fully, Kei's hand settles itself on the top of your head, sliding down to the back. Pushing you further into an embrace of his own, refusing to look at you. One hand on the back of your head, the other fiddling with his headphone wires.
All that you've done, the distance you tried to make, it all came tumbling down. All at once. It was never supposed to take hold of you the way it did, so all you needed was something to justify ending it. Kei, is that something.
"It's just tha-thatโ€”Yachi is such-such a good manaโ€“gerโ€ฆbe-better than meโ€ฆ" The words flow out before you could stop them, a confession to your actions. Hearing it out loud, you truly realize how weak your reasons are. It just shows how little it took to have you questioning your worth as a member of the team, laid out in front of the both of you.ใ€€
"..." His silence causes you to meekly look up at him, afraid of what he might think. Kei was always good at keeping a neutral face, never making it easy for you to know what he's thinking.
"I don't want to stop being your guys' managerโ€ฆ" You lower your head, voice a whisper, lip still quivering slightly.
"Then don't, no one's telling you to quit"
"Butโ€”" You quickly look back up at him.
"But nothing, Yachi's great and all but when will we ever get another clutz like you who pays for my drink?" He has a smug look on his face after saying that, eyes filled with nothing but mischief.
You say nothing, words stuck in your throat. Still staring at his stupid smile, he's probably so proud of himself for that. But, you knew he said that to cheer you up. Something to keep you out of your own head, and it's working.
"Way to ruin the momentโ€ฆ" You mumble, "Could've been a bit more dramatic" A soft smile takes over your expression, already feeling much more relieved than before.
"You can do that by yourself," Kei retorts, looking at you from the corner of his eye.
"But you'd still do it with me" Your smile grows, eyes filled with adoration for the pretty face in front of you. After being alone for the better part of a week, it was nice to finally talk again. Even if you had so much making up to do, to everyone in the team, maybe you could start with the one who still held you close.
"Oh? You sound so sure of yourself for someone who's been running away from me" Eyebrow raised in faux skepticism, waiting for your answer.
"I promise I'll make it up to you first" You tell him, before burying your face back into his front, basking in his familiar scent and warmth where you feel most at ease.
"You better"
And you will. To all of them.
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Walking home from school during sunset is a special kind of rare to you, barely anyone on the streets. Your newfound goal for the following week, circling in your mind. Beside you was Kei, matching your pace with long strides contrasting your own smaller steps.
"Keiโ€ฆDo you want to stop by Paprika heaven?" You suddenly ask.
"Paprika heaven? Really?" Kei is not convinced you're being serious, you can practically sense that raised brow.
"It's a cafe! I know the name isn't the sweetest sounding but trust me on this!" You insist, letting out an exasperated huff.
"Shouldn't it be closed?" He questions further, still doubtful.
"It closes at 9, I checked" You proudly exclaim, crossing your arms with a content look on your face.
Kei rolls his eyes at your antics, "Alright, I yield" he raises his hands in surrender, yet a smirk still makes its way onto his face, "But you're paying"
You freeze, realizing that he's right. You are going to pay for it, with your own money. Immediately, your figure deflates dramatically. Slouching forward with an exaggerated groan.
"Rightโ€ฆ" Your wallet will never forgive you. But not because Paprika Heaven was too expensive, a piece of your soul just dies whenever you take out a remotely large amount of money from your wallet.
This apparently amuses your boyfriend because he starts laughing, so much so that his shoulders move in time with each laugh. He turns to look at your stunned figure, which only entertains him more. Hearing his mocking laughter, it shakes you out of your stupor. Irritation starts to take hold of you, wanting him to stop laughing at your obvious misery.
"Whaโ€”?! Stop laughing!" Your fists make contact with your boyfriend's chest, repeatedly hitting him to get him to shut.
"I'm serious! I might become poor after this!"
"That's your own fault" In between laughs, Kei is still able to call you out. Seriously, can't he take this seriously?
After a while he calms down, wiping a single tear from his eye. You also calm down, arms tired from the repeated attacks on your boyfriend. Leaning your forehead on his chest to rest, eyes closing on their own from the change in atmosphere. Kei only stands proud, hands in his pockets and a grin spread across his face in content.
Comfortable silence wash over you, the sun still peeking just beyond the horizon, lighting up the road just enough for you to see the way ahead. It's way too late for a bunch of high school students to be out, let alone ones who plan on staying out. But that doesn't matter, you can take the worried lectures from your parents later. Right now, you want to make up for lost time.
"Keiโ€”," You raise your head to face him, taking a deep breath,
"Thank you" A closed eyed smile appears on your face, "For still putting up with me"
"...Whatever" He looks away from you, eyes gazing over the road in front of you.
But no matter how much he tries to hide it,
You can still see that small genuine smile on his face.
162 notes ยท View notes
unreliablesnake ยท 2 years
Scenes from a relationship: the fight (John Price x reader)
Note: Just a drabble.
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"Do you have any idea how much shit I got from my family for taking you to that wedding as my plus one?" you yelled at Price angrily, even pointing a finger at him.
He was taken aback, not expecting to hear this since he had pleasant conversations with your parents and friends after you introduced him to them. They were all snobs, he knew that, but were they really that bad?
Long seconds passed while he waited for you to breathe in and out a few times to calm your nerves. Then, once he saw you feeling a little better, he said, "Why?"
"Why? Because we weren't dating, they never even heard of you, you're not from a wealthy family, don't have a typical white-collar job, and you're not the guy my parents want me to be with," you replied with brutal honesty.
Price let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay, I get it. I'll leave you alone because I'm not good enough for your family, so I'm surely not good enough for you either."
"No, you don't get it apparently," you told him with a desperate laugh. "You were on mission after mission ever since, we barely kept in touch, you never said anything that even remotely suggested you wanted more from me despite what had happened between us after the wedding."
What happened after the wedding. Price remembered it as clearly as if it happened yesterday. He often thought about it, he often rewatched the short video he recorded while you were riding out an orgasm on top of him, wondering if you wanted more than just a one night stand.
But he knew your background, he knew you also had your snobbish moments sometimes, and his brain told him you just wanted to have some fun with him after a few drinks. You had been friends before, nothing more. Nothing pointed in the direction of an actual relationship.
Now that you stood in front of him, so angry and desperate, he wondered what the truth was. He said he didn't see any signs of you wanting a relationship, you thought the same, so maybe you were both missing the signs completely. Maybe it was that easy, it was nothing more but miscommunication.
"Do you want more?" he asked quietly.
Despite being on the verge of crying, you forced a smile on your face before nodding. "Do you?"
He took a hesitant step forward, moving very slowly as he reached out to take your hand. "I've been thinking about it ever since that night. I want you. All of you."
You jumped into his arms, a move so sudden that it took him by surprise and he almost lost his balance. But he got you, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you tightly against his body, enjoying the warmth that radiated from you.
He had fantasized about this many times; to have you like this again, to be able to smell your shampoo, and to feel your soft skin under his fingertips. That one video wasn't enough, he needed new memories his mind could replay over and over again.
But then his brain started to work and he thought about something important. "What about your family?" Price asked as he leaned back to look you in the eye.
"I don't care," you replied with a sweet smile. "You're the one I want, if they don't like you, it's not my problem."
"They might disown you."
"They'll block my credit card and stop inviting me to fancy family events for a while. Big deal."
Leaning his forehead against yours, Price couldn't help but smile. If you were willing to accept your family's punishment, then you must have really liked him. It made him feel better about this already, even making him forget what you had started to fight about tonight in the first place.
But then you said something that reminded him of the beginning. "Don't you dare and ignore me again. And I promise I won't ignore you either."
491 notes ยท View notes
sunluzhen ยท 9 months
Memory drabble prompt, requested by @light-imperfected .
The following recounts MK's first encounter with Lady Bone Demon through his perspective. Warnings for uh... everything she is. Horror themes and MK's downward spiral and panic. It uh. Got kinda long, and I accidentally deleted the original draft replying to the ask directly, so. Regular post it is. I did have fun writing this though! It's all below the read more. Please let me know what you think if you read this. :)
He's alone, and it's dark, and it's wet, and so very cold. The tunnel's exit is within sight, at least. He can't wait to feel the sun and wind on his face again, to put the whole brush with the Spider Queen behind him and the humiliating ordeal of figuring out how to shrink and unshrink on his ownโ€”
A small part of him, bitter and quiet, murmurs that he shouldn't have had to figure out his powers on his own. That he shouldn't have had to deal with Spider Queen's apparent return by himself.
Shake it off. Put one foot in front of the other. It's almost over. He just needs toโ€”
Someone was crying.
A shiver races down his spine at the realization. He stops. Turns around. Thinks: I don't want to be the protagonist in a horror movie โ€” but if someone else got lost down here, then they must be so very scared. And he was the city's new hero. He has to go help them.
It's a trap, whispers the wind. He brushes it off as paranoia. He still has to investigate. The sobbing sounds like it's coming from someone young. Holding his staff in front of himself protectively, he carefully makes his way towards the source of the sound โ€” deeper inside the tunnel. The opposite direction of the exit.
Everything was quiet, save for the sound of a child's sobbing and his own anxious breathing. It was so cold down here. Even in the midst of summer. Something isn't right. Turn back. Turn back. You know what's going to happen why aren't you turning backโ€”
One foot in front of the other, he rounds a corner, and sees her. A little girl curled up on the floor. It's not a little girl. Open your eyes. Turn around. Run. He does none of those things, continuing to shove back the small voices in the back of his head. He thinks they're himself. They probably are.ย 
He approaches the little girl. She sounds and acts just like some kid that found herself in some place she really wasn't supposed to be. Alone and scared and so very alone. Just like him. He puts a hand on her shoulder, ignores how cold she felt to the touch โ€” it was cold down there, after all, and who knows how long she'd been wandering these tunnels searching for a way out. Itโ€™s a trap. Look. You should be looking.
He's the โ€˜Monkey Kid'. The cityโ€™s hero. Of course he tries to comfort her. He says all the things he wishes for someone to say to him. Heโ€™s out there, somewhere, apparently confident that his student can handle things by himself already. Heโ€™s certain it was a lie, like the kind of assurances adults tell kids to try and placate them but no one actually believes in thoseโ€”
So, of course he listens when the little girl says that Spider Queen was working on something truly evil. That he must follow her and see so that he can destroy it before she finishes making whatever she's planning. She leads him even further into the tunnels. Back into the demonโ€™s lair.
He really should've listened to his instincts the first time. He doubts himself far too much to rely on them when it matters. He thinks this as he wounds up glimpsing his reflection on a familiar surface, freezing mid-strike. The voice that is also him, but maybe also not, shouts at him to stop. Itโ€™s a trap. Please listen, just this once, and run. Now.
Itโ€™s too late. Dread is a heavy weight plummeting inside his stomach as he slowly turns around. Never before was the color blue so horrifying. The wind whispers but it's no longer familiar. The hairs on the back of his neck bristle. His heart pounds in his chest.ย 
Ancient. Angry. Cold. She's knocking on the door. Donโ€™t let her in. Sheโ€™s already inside. You shouldโ€™ve listened to yourself. It hurts. Heโ€™s scared and thereโ€™s no one to help him. He did leave him, didnโ€™t he? He stumbles, trips, jerks his limbs around in a vain effort to try and get away. He has to stop her. Here, now, somehow. Heโ€™s not capable of it, not as he is right now. He wishes that that person never left. He really shouldn't be alone right now.
He clumsily swings his staff. Thereโ€™s nothing for it to hit. She's everywhere and nowhere at all. Sheโ€™s chasing him. She hasn't moved at all. A hand thatโ€™s not there lunges for his throat and catches him in a vice grip. Itโ€™s cold and he can't breathe and no one is going to save him. He can't do this. Why did anyone think he could possibly do this? The answer is that no one did. He knows this. She doesn't have to say it, but she does. She coos and she jeers and she laughs at himโ€”
His savior didn't even mean to save him. Like the helpless coward he is, he takes the distraction as a chance to slip away. He shrinks to the size of a pathetic little ant and scurries away. She lets him. Because she's everywhere and nowhere at all โ€” and she got the staff like she wanted. He makes it home because she let him leave.ย 
He goes to sleep feeling still feeling so terribly cold. He wakes up to nothing having changed. He knows that he can't tell anyone. That thereโ€™s nothing him or any of his friends could possibly do to stop something like that. Even Xiaojiao. He knows this; itโ€™s a fact thatโ€™s embedded itself into his very marrow. Heโ€™s supposed to protect everyone, but he couldnโ€™t even protect himself. He thinks that he was probably abandoned, and he canโ€™t even get angry about it. Everything still feels too cold for that. That they might have all been. He doesn't know. He doesn't want to listen to the words he was already thinking โ€” that she just gave voice to.
Maybe he just has to get stronger, somehow. Better. He doesn't really need the staff. He thought he did. It was one of the nicer lies that he told himself, maybe. That he actually needed it. That his powers came from it. Little good they did him, though. If only he wasn't left alone.
He wouldn't be so very lost if that was the case.
But it's not.ย 
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shrimplyfangtastic ยท 1 month
20 questions for Fic Writers!
Hi hi! My lovely friend @gamingwithsydney tagged me in her reply to this list of 20 questions for fic writers. Apologies that I'm only getting to it now! <3
Tagging others is a bit daunting, so instead I choose to tag whoever ends up stumbling upon this ^_^
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1. How many works do you have posted?
Just checked, and apparently I've posted 31 works on AO3, and 1 to Tumblr, leading to an impressive total of 32! Wow, when did that happen? XD
As a oneshot writer with plenty of WIPs waiting for me, I'm sure that number will only grow higher before the year ends.
2. What is your total published word count?
Almost 14k on AO3! That's a lot more words then I imagined it would be at, to be honest.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact, and more Genshin Impact.
Or, that's what's posted at least. I've got a couple (read: MANY) WIPs waiting to be edited/lengthened that have been written for the Dead by Daylight, Monster High, Twisted Wonderland and Fable 2/3 fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by Kudos on AO3?
At 37 Kudos we have Love You For Eternity an Eimiko drabble, followed by Like A Cute Stuffed Toy (36, Eimiko drabble), Romaritime (33, Part of Collei/Freminet Series), To Distant Shores (31, Part of Collei/Freminet Series) and Silver Threads Among The Night Sky (29, EiSara drabble).
My favourite from the above list would have to be Romaritime.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do reply, most often aiming to overcome my anxiousness and respond within the same day of the comment! While I write with the understanding that I am the audience I wish to reach with my works, it's nice to see that there are others out there who share the same interest in fandoms and love for characters that I do.
I like engaging with fandom to meet new people and create strong connections, so each interaction is greatly appreciated and cherished.
6. Whatโ€™s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I like my angst endings implied rather than explicitly shown, so I think that leaves my FocaFuri drabble Her Prophecy with my angstiest ending. Typical Fontaine shenanigans, I'm afraid.
7. Whatโ€™s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Romaritime has a happy end, I feel! Some cute but awkward interactions between Collei and Freminet. There's also my Yelan/Emilie drabbles โ€” My favourite being Little Gift By My Pillow โ€” which all have happy ends. I like soft Yemilie.
8. Do you get hate on your fics?
If I do, I'm unaware of it ๐Ÿ˜œ I don't really think a hateful comment or bookmark would effect me too much, honestly. As I said, I write with the additional intention of serving as my own audience, so if someone does not enjoy what I have to offer then I must kindly redirect them towards the Back button.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't... Yet.
There's no plan to explore smut writing anytime in the near future, but it's certainly not off the table! Ei/Kujou Sara have almost tempted me before, and smut ideas for Reaver/The Hero of Bower Lake from Fable 2 have been floating around in my mind.
10. Do you write crossovers? Whatโ€™s the craziest one youโ€™ve written?
I don't post crossovers, but I've got a couple notes for an EPIC: The Musical/Genshin Impact series. I don't think this will be seeing the light of day for quite a while though, unfortunately. Otherwise, if I were to write other crossovers I think I'd either want to explore Descendants/Twisted Wonderland, or Dead By Daylight/Fear & Hunger.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not to my knowledge XD
As far as I'm aware, my works are only available on AO3 in English. I am open to translations though, as long as I'm properly credited and informed through any of my social medias.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Co-writing wouldn't really suit my way of writing, but if I were somehow able to find someone who follows the same writing process as myself, I'd love to co-write a Genshin fic one day. Maybe something Collei/Freminet. Perhaps something to do with this Pirate AU idea I've had for awhile. Dunno!
14. Whatโ€™s your all-time favorite ship?
Oof, that's a difficult question! I think I'll split them by fandom, as choosing just one is much too hard.
Monster High: Kieran Valentine/Spelldon Cauldronello
Dead By Daylight: Sable Ward/Mikaela Reid
The Sims 2: Nervous Subject/Pascal Curious
Genshin Impact: Kaveh/Alhaitham or Emilie/Yelan or Layla/Kirara or Lisa/Il Dottore (Okay okay, I'll stop here!)
15. Whatโ€™s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Either that EPIC: The Musical/Genshin Impact crossover, or the Genshin Impact Pirate AU idea. Although, now that I talk about that Pirate AU, some more ideas are coming to me... Hm... Mermaid Freminet...
16. What are your writing strengths?
My writing stamina has gotten pretty strong over the years, and I greatly cherish my ability to draw out inspiration from quite nearly anything.
I also quite like that I no longer feel an ounce of shame in my interest towards writing fanfiction, and instead embrace my creativity with welcome arms.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
As of right now, I'm pretty happy with my overall writing style. If I had to choose some things that could either be improved or be explored in another way, I think my dialogue could flow smoother? Maybe include more metaphors in descriptive scenes? I've always liked more flowery prose, so if I were to revise my own style and pick apart "weaknesses", it would be to achieve that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think I've written dialogue in another language, but I believe that if I were to try, I'd almost certainly need to have someone who knows the language that I could turn to and ask for help.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first ever fandom written piece was actually for the Creepypasta fandom over on Wattpad, back when I had a big fat crush on Eyeless Jack. While it's been taken down, I still have it saved in multiple folders so I can look back and awe at baby Shrimply's writing.
20. Favorite fic youโ€™ve written?
In terms of published works, I'm rather fond of Romaritime (Collei/Freminet) and She Fears Not The Weather, She Fears Not The Sea (Eimiko).
In terms of yet-to-be-publushed works, I'm writing a oneshot that I absolutely adore on how I think Kieran and Spelldon's (Monster High) second encounter would go :D
EDIT: Haha, did I talk about Romaritime enough? :P
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jananakookie ยท 2 years
Beauty Drabble | Jungkook's confession
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Pairing:ย Taehyung x OC (Reader)
Genre/Tags:ย established relationship; fluff, a little bit of humor
Warnings:ย none
Wordย count:ย 1.1k
Summary:ย Taehyung comes home to find you fighting with Jungkook, who has to tell him something.
โ˜ž This is a drabble for my Beauty Series but it can also be read on its own!
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Jungkook's confession
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It is already dark when Taehyung comes home from work and he is looking forward to nothing more than a quiet evening with you and his daughter after a long and stressful day at work.
That this will not be granted to him today, however, becomes clear to him the moment he unlocks the front door and hears you and Jungkook in a heated argument.
He cannot understand every single word you're saying, but immediately hears Jungkook's distress in his voice as well as your annoyance. And as soon as he enters the living room and his gaze falls on you two, he almost wishes he had turned around and run to Namjoon instead while he still had the chance.
Itโ€™s too late now because Jungkook's huge eyes almost seem to fall out of his head when he catches sight of him, and you turn around as well, an expression of pure irritation on your face.
โ€œThank goodness you're finally here. Maybe you can calm him down or at least explain to him that he's overreacting,โ€ you sigh, quickly accepting his kiss before sending a glare to Jungkook once more and storming out of the room, to let Taehyung deal with him instead.
โ€œWhatโ€™s going on, is it the ghosts again?โ€ Taehyung laughs before offering his best friend a teasing grin. โ€œHow many more times, Jungkook, your room is not haunted, it's just the neighbors being extra loud during sex,โ€ he explains feeling tired because itโ€™s not the first time he has had to have this talk with him. โ€œBy the way, I don't know who they're trying to prove something to here. Should we feel intimidated or something? We can be happy Hyejin hasnโ€™t noticed anything yetโ€”โ€
โ€œNo, thatโ€™s not it,โ€ Jungkook interrupts him. โ€œYouโ€™re probably going to punch me when I tell you what this is about,โ€œ he then adds while pouting like a little kid.
Taehyung frowns, suddenly growing concerned at the way Jungkook behaves. โ€œWhat did you do this time?โ€
โ€œWell, I wasnโ€™t gonna say anything first because it was an accident, but I canโ€™t forget about it and I feel so bad. I canโ€™t keep this from you. I saw ___ naked.โ€œ He suddenly bursts out, just as you come walking around the corner again, clearly having heard him, judging by the sigh that leaves your lips. Youโ€™re carrying a glass of water in your hands and take a sip from it while you just stand there, next to your boyfriend who wraps his arm around your waist, looking between you and Jungkook in confusion.
โ€œWhat?โ€œ Taehyungโ€™s frown immediately grows deeper. Not out of jealousy or anything but because he doesnโ€™t get whatโ€™s going on here.
โ€œJungkook, for the last time. I was not naked,โ€ you say, sounding completely done with him before you look up at Taehyung. โ€œI had a towel on,โ€ you quickly inform him, noticing the still remaining frown between his eyes.
โ€œThatโ€™s literally the sameโ€œ Jungkook tries to argue but is immediately shut down by you holding up your hand with a simple โ€œit really isnโ€™t.โ€
โ€œOkay, so is anyone going to explain or what?โ€ Taehyung asks, sounding almost amused.
โ€œNothing happened. I just took a quick shower and Jungkook barged in when I was about to change since he apparently doesnโ€™t know how to knock on a door,โ€ you complain, looking at the youngest one poisonously.
โ€œUhm excuse me? I never had to knock in my own home before. Also, I think itโ€™s your fault for not locking the door. I mean, come on.โ€ Jungkook argues, throwing an equally as judging look your way.
โ€œI mean, I kind of have to agree with him here. Why didnโ€™t you just lock the door?โ€ Taehyung asks you, barely able to suppress an amused laugh from the way the two of you look so annoyed with each other.
โ€œBecause I didnโ€™t know heโ€™d be home so soon and I always leave the door unlocked in case Hyejin needs me or something. Itโ€™d be unsafe to look her out in case of an emergency.โ€
โ€œThat does make sense,โ€ Taehyung agrees, looking at Jungkook once again. โ€œIโ€™ll give her the point.โ€
โ€œBut arenโ€™t you mad?โ€ Jungkook asks, looking at him a little puzzled.
โ€œNo. Iโ€™m amused by your distress,โ€ he laughs.
โ€œHe screamed like a little girl,โ€ you join in, suddenly finding comfort in making fun of Jungkook who is not amused in the slightest.
โ€œI didnโ€™t scream. If anything Iโ€ฆ yelped. And only because I was surprised, thatโ€™s all.โ€œ He tries to defend himself, not coming up against his friendsโ€™ laughter. โ€œAnyway, Iโ€™m just glad youโ€™re not mad at me for violating her privacy or something.โ€
โ€œIt was an accident,โ€ Taehyung shrugs. โ€œAnd she had a towel on.โ€
โ€œExactly. I really donโ€™t see whatโ€™s the deal with you, youโ€™ve literally seen me in a bikini before which showed way more than the towel I had on. It was a huge towel,โ€ you reason, still not getting why he was so unnerved by the sight of you in a simple towel that even reached past your knees.
โ€œSeeing a woman dressed in a bikini is so not the same as seeing her in nothing but a towel right after she took a shower. Thatโ€™s common sense, ___, everybody knows that.โ€ Jungkook explains, sighing right after as if to express even more how obvious it is. It isnโ€™t though. At least not for you.
โ€œWhy?โ€ You even take a look at your boyfriend to see if he has a clue but he doesnโ€™t really seem to follow Jugkookโ€™s thought process either.
โ€œOh, ___, please.โ€ Jungkook groans. โ€œNo one cares about bikinis, but coming home to catch your best friendโ€™s girlfriend in nothing but a towel - thatโ€™s how porn starts.โ€
As soon as he explained his reasoning to you, you turn around to leave, wondering how you could believe for even a minute that he would be able to give you any other reason than this.
Even after all this time, you still have some faith in this guy even though he always ends up disappointing you. You really hope heโ€™s aware of how much his friends actually love him if they still put up with him.
โ€œOkay, I know I said Iโ€™m fine with it, but Iโ€™m not so sure anymore. Please stop sexualizing her,โ€ Taehyung says, debating if Jungkook is being serious or if heโ€™s fooling around.
โ€œIโ€™m not gonna lie, it was an erotic sight for sure.โ€
โ€œHey, shut up,โ€ Taehyung whines.
You've already reached the kitchen, deciding you had enough Jungkook for today. You can still hear them bicker but decide to let them work it out among themselves.
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itsseohannbin ยท 5 months
Hannji Rambles / Another Life Update
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hiiii Pookies!!
Hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves!!!
I'm just popping in with a quick life update (cause apparently I'm having a lot of those lately) to kind of let everyone know what's been going on lately.
I know I said a couple weeks ago that I was ready to come back to tumblr and begin posting again, and I am, however, there's been a bit of a change of plans in regards to me starting up my writing/posting fics again.
Because I have been put on a temporary stress leave by my family doctor for the next couple weeks, I'm trying to reduce the amount of stress/triggers in my life until my next appointment, where I will be reassessed to determine if I'm fit to go back to work or not. I want to continue writing and posting because writing has always been a strong outlet for me to relieve stress and clear my brain when the noise gets too much, however, I need to make changes to what I will posting in order to help keep my stress levels under control.
that being said, I will be posting the remaining few parts/chapters of Like A Volcano (for all my Hannie stans out there who are ever so patiently waiting), BUT at this time, I will not be writing/posting a Jisung POV for this fic. I wanted to, and I was super excited to write a part in his pov, but I've been struggling with writing it for the last few months and it's really put a damper on my already not-so-good mental state. Maybe in the future, I will upload a snippet, but since the idea of creating a Jisung POV for LAV is causing more stress than it's worth, it will be put on the backburner for the time being. I AM SORRY FOR THOSE WHO WERE WANTING IT I JUST CANNOT WORK WITH IT RN!
However, the last few parts will be edited/revised and posted in the coming week-ish so I can finally put that fic to rest and start up The Blackened Heart again bc I am so so excited to start writing that again!
In addition to the Jisung POV being scraped (for the time being), I am also putting a halt on the LAV spinoffs I had in the works (Connected, which is the Chan x Jo spin off, and Waiting For Us, which is the Minho x Ash spin off) simply because both of them are causing more tension and stress than necessary.. I don't like it when writing feels like it's becoming a chore, I'd rather write stuff that I'm excited to write and post, and that entire AU series has quickly become the opposite of what I want to do... I will be coming back to them eventually, but as of right now, I need to do what I can to alleviate the amount of distress in my life, and that means putting LAV/Connected/WFU on hold.
I am happy to say I will be continuing my commission for the lovely @bethanysnow that I've been slowly working on while I get back into the swing of things, ((beth baby i am so sorry its taking so long im just really struggling right now so please bear with me :( )) and I'm of course still writing drabbles, fake!text posts, and my OT8 "The L Word" series.
Thank you all for the never-ending support and love I'm still receiving from a lot of you despite my inactiveness. Just know I read every single one of your comments, reblogs, and things that you all tag me in. I am still very much here in spirit, just slowly working my way back up to being a fully functional human being
In the meantime, as some of you may already know, I am starting a small business where I make beaded keychains, rings, lanyards, bracelets and more. Beading has very quickly become a safe haven for me and its very therapeutic to just sit for hours watching tv and making stuff to eventually sell. I am starting up an instagram account specifically for this business called Hannji's Creations, so if you're interested in what I'm making and such, feel free to give me a follow over there. I'm making a lot of SKZ themed stuff, however, I'm also opening up ideas for other kpop groups and other styled collections in general.
Thank you again to everyone who has stuck around and checked in on me these last few months. I know life can be tough sometimes, and lately I'm having a hard time getting back up somedays, but you guys all make it more bearable, so thank you. thank you for your continuous understanding and unconditional love..
You guys are awesome!
can't wait to show you all what's in store!!
Much Love,
Hannji <3
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moonjxsung ยท 6 months
star bby ๐Ÿซถ it's been a while from me since i've been so busy with school and life in general butttttt ive missed you sm and ive seen all the shit going down with wattpad thieves
i really don't understand these thieves cos all throughout my educational career i've always been told that plagiarism is wrong and not to do it. so even as a 10 year old child it was drilled into my brain that stealing someone else's work is wrong and you shouldn't do it but idkโ€ฆ apparently it just isn't common sense and that's annoying as hell
anyway, on a lighter note, i saw the solar eclipse earlier and i was reminded of you because moonjxsng, so i decided to pop in and say hi ๐Ÿคญ i also wanna say that i love going back to your fics and reading them again because they're so beautifully written and i love them so much. sometimes i wish i could wipe them from my memory, so each time i revisit your work i can read them and experience them as if it was my first time.
ily and i hope you're doing well outside of the wattpad thieves ๐Ÿซถ
genuinely at my limit with the plagiarism on here that just funnels straight to wattpad ๐Ÿค• Iโ€™m mostly sad that I wonโ€™t be able to provide you guys with shorter pieces in between long fics but I just donโ€™t have it in me to be chasing it anymore and begging people to at least give me credit. Maybe one day the drabbles will return but Iโ€™m far too exhausted right now โ˜น๏ธ
STOPPPP your message about the eclipse genuinely made me tear up thatโ€™s so sweet ๐Ÿ˜ญ sadly I missed it because I was in a 3 hour business meeting (๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€) so Iโ€™ll just have to wait 20 years for the next one LOLLLL but my colleagues who work on different time zones got pics for me which was really sweet ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿซถ
Iโ€™ve been doing okay for the most part, insanely busy at work and back and forth with my mental state so Iโ€™ve been a little absent from my phone. But Iโ€™m still living my life off here and going out and eating good food and Iโ€™m surrounded by so many amazing people so Iโ€™m quickly healed when I feel down ! how are YOU doing my angel? ๐Ÿ’˜ youโ€™re the absolute sweetest ๐Ÿ˜ญ I will have something published for you very soon (๐Ÿ‘€) and I hope you love it just as much as the other stuff !! Sending you all my love sweet angel I love you so so so much. I hope you never forget it โญ๏ธ๐Ÿ’˜
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idlebeks ยท 2 years
A Savory Assortment of Fic Recs Part 2
Part 2 of the miscellaneous fandom recs I've gathered. Here you will find KinnPorshe, Sense8, Color Rush, We Best Love, Cal Leandros, The Witcher and Until We Meet Again
Where Power Residesย byย Laughsalot3412
Porsche snorts and ducks his head to hide a smile. Itโ€™s something Kinn would find cute if another man did it.
It is not cute on Porsche, because Kinn is about to serve him up to his sadistic cousin as a chew toy, so nothing Porsche does is allowed to be classified as cute.
Also, Porsche is the most annoying person Kinn has ever met.
(After epsiode 2, Kinn gets Porsche through a punishment by using bdsm power dynamics. He does it so well that it earns him the love of his life. Also, there are brothers. Just so, so many brothers.)
The power in the takingย byย iffervescent
They warned him, when he started working for the Theerapanyakun clan. Forget leadership, forget duty to his people, forget all that โ€“ they warned him. Kinn Theerapanyakun, clan heir: obsessed with power.
Porsche should have fucking listened.
Felix+ย byย Chancy_Lurking
Felix Brenner and the Cluster.
Color Rush
whale fallย byย noona96n
a whale fall occurs when the carcass of a whale has fallen onto the ocean floor and create complex localized ecosystems that supply sustenance to deep-sea organisms for decades - this is a series of 'insert' & future fics that are canon compliant, just spicier and Yoohan/Yeonwoo relationship started out a lot more ambiguously
Tangled up in Blueย byย Madd4the24
"Run away with me," Yoohan said, pulling at Yeonwoo's hand, desperation and worry etched into his features. "Run away with me so we can be together. If we stay, they'll tear us apart. I won't get to have you anymore, Yeonwoo, and they might hurt you. Run away with this idiot and be happy with me."
"You are an idiot," Yeonwoo replied. "Where would we go? What would we do? Use your brain. We'd be caught right away. We're seventeen."
Once more, Yoohan implored, "Run away with me right now. While we still have a chance. Before the last bus leaves. We have to at least try."
Yeonwoo shook his head, "Running away will only make it look like I've kidnapped you even more."
"Only," Yoohan replied, "if we get caught."
(Or rather, Yoohan and Yeonwoo actually run away together, and build a strangely satisfying life together until their past comes barreling in reminding them that you can't ever really escape who you used to be.)
the great yawning beastย byย AceOnMain (Sangrylah)
Yoohan is not taking constructive criticism on his relationship, thank you very much.
movement of eyesย byย minkit
Yoohan had always wanted to be someone special, being a Probe for a Mono however had never crossed his mind.
the color rush scene from ep1 through Yoohan's POV.
We Best Love
The Lucky Onesย byย LadyAscalon
They don't eat Pei Shouyi's ramen. He doesn't blow Gao Shide's cover, and Shide gets his wish: he and Zhou Shuyi are friends through graduation and beyond.
Everything is fine until Shide brings a boyfriend home.
What the heart wants (and is going to get)ย byย iffervescent
Gao Shi De has been in America far too long. Zhou Shu Yi decides this is unacceptable, and goes to get him.
Cal Leandros
Flickerflashย byย SouthernMoonshine
A collection of short drabbles from all over the series, fast and quick like the silvery flickerflash of light from Niko's katana
In Your Headย byย BottleRedRosie
Niko needs to sort out his head. Falling off a building can do that to a guy. Oneshot. Niko-centric. Niko and Cal POV. Warnings for language and non-graphic adult situations.
The Witcher
A Song of Selfish Heartsย byย gremble
Geralt loses a chunk of his memories, meets an overly-friendly bard, and comes to the obvious conclusion: that somewhere along the way, he apparentlyย lost his godsdamned mindย and decided to take a human lover on the Path with him.
you met me at the perfect timeย byย suzukiblu
โ€œYou couldโ€™ve died,โ€ Geralt says in a strange tone, and Jaskier takes one look at him and realizesโ€”oh, heโ€™s going to have to do something about that, isnโ€™t he.
when life gives you lemonsย byย ShanaStoryteller
The only good thing about Oxenfurt is the brothels.
Geralt thinks Jaskier is a whore, but really he's just an opportunist.
best friends means you get what you deserveย byย suzukibluย 
Jaskier wakes up in Posada. Heโ€™s been a lot of other places, but Posada is the one where he wakes up.
The one where someone needs him enough to make him exist, rather.
of music and motion and loveย byย WriteThroughTheNight
When Jaskier was four, he slipped his motherโ€™s watch and went to the field to gather a bouquet of dandelions. He climbed back into the yard, as stealthy as a child really cared to be, and crept over to the barn. In the barn, lived a secret. (The man he thought his father said the secret was a monster, a plague. His mother said the secret was his sister.)
Jaskier comes from a far humbler background, and would really like to know why Yennefer never came back for her youngest brother.
Until We Meet Again
Have You Ever Been Alone (in a crowded room)ย byย Madd4the24
It starts with the sliding glass door to Pharm's condo being open--cracked open only a few inches, letting wisps of cold air travel into the comfy room. It starts with Dean beginning to notice small things, innocent things, things that in isolated incidences, mean nothing. It starts with a feeling of unease, and the distinct notion that something is wrong.
It becomes, however, a mystery that gnaws at Dean until he can't sleep, can't eat, can't focus. Who is opening doors and windows? Who is moving Dean's shoes around, Pharm's books, their personal items? Who is Dean writing to at night?
And more important, when Dean wakes in the morning, who is writing back to him on the pad of paper placed on the bedside table?
forever? forever.ย byย Jamilton_and_Lams
As short as it was; it was their forever.
aka slices of life from Intouch and Korn.
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taegularities ยท 2 years
Hello, lovely Rid ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
I'm here to ramble to you about your ramble in response to my ramble lmao.
First of all, we really do think alike apparently, because I also checked the wordcount of my feedback before sending it and it's probably the longest one I've ever written and will ever write. Even without all of the quotes it's like over 2k words, I really don't know how to shut up ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Thank you so much for taking so much care to write such a thoughtful response, Rid ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ I always love reading your responses to feedback, and not only my own, because everyone points out different things and you give even more insight into the story and your writing process. I can just read about your stories forever, even when it comes to commentary about them.
I watched the mv for 'when you're gone' and I totally agree with you that that scene matches OC's mood in the beginning of the chapter very well ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜” It also matches the way I was reading the Valentineโ€™s day drabble, smiling at how adorable they were when I knew how we left off in cmi6. I've said it before but I'll say it again, the thing that hurts the most is knowing how happy they're able to make each other and seeing how they're now hurting each other instead ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Also about the rambling to my sister lmao. Cmi is the first fic I've properly talked to her about (she reads fanfic too, just not bts ones) and I was fully ranting to her about how Jungkook was keeping everything in and trying to be strong until he couldn't anymore, and now he's ignoring OC, I don't think I've ever ranted so much even about a real life person lmao. I might have not painted him in the best light because of how mad I was though ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜” But I probably will just ramble about how cute he is to her later on when everything works out ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ
Also also everyone has been adding onto the sadness and angst here and I don't know how they do it, because every time I even think about OC with someone else or just them being even sadder I want to cry lmao. But I still love reading everybody adding to the chaos, I can't lie.
Last but definitely not least, I feel like I haven't properly checked in on you in a few days, so how are you doing, Rid? ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
I MISSED YOU (she says after just 2 days lol), honestly, i was gonna shoot you an ask today lmao but since you're here, i can just say it now: i hope you're doing well! how's school going? &lt;3
2k even without the quotes? i don't deserve you fr ๐Ÿ˜ญ no but seriously, i copied it into a doc, and thought, kay, must be around 2k, like all of it (which is already a lot) BUT 5.7K.... and it was like 10 pages long !! i went "awwh" out loud ๐Ÿ˜ญ
and thank you ๐Ÿฅบ i was even thinking of making a smol commentary one day, when i've got the time, bc i could talk about them forever ๐Ÿ˜ญ i really love reading everyone's reviews and theories, bc sometimes it makes me rethink things that i didn't consider even while writing.
ikr? i spent my teenage years crying to 'when you're gone', and i kinda remembered the song when you pointed out that 'he can be comfort even now' bit :( and you're actually so right. might argue that it hurts even more to relate it to the vday drabble.. especially, considering what's still to come.
hahaha i get it ๐Ÿ˜ญ after that chapter, it was hard to hold a high opinion of him, bc he did kinda fuck up :// but yes, i promise you, there are gonna be scenes and chapters that are so fluffy, it'll be almost disgusting, really. it's so cute that you ranted about it to your sister hahaha i really love that you're so invested ๐Ÿฅบ
I KNOW! it's amazing how everyone was ready to jail me for all the angst... yet, they keep coming up with scenarios and songs that break me for good ๐Ÿ˜‚ i wasn't as much in pain when i posted the chapter as i am now hahahah
ahh i'm okay, ivi, thank you for asking! i think the biggest reason for my bleh mood was that i'm... very bored. i've been feeling pretty unproductive since i took this super long break after graduation and quit my last job. which is why i'm lowkey excited (but also very scared lol) to start my semester next week and my job in may! will join you in your academic misery hahah but yeah. i'll be busier, but i'm looking forward to it, bc i do like being busy! hope you're all good, too ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿค
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shenanigans-and-imagines ยท 3 years
maybe a drabble about peter setting the reader and stephen up? spidey matchmaker?
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"Parker, are you listening?" you said, sharply.
Peter pulled his eyes away from his phone, flushing with mild embarrassment. "Yes," he assured. "Yes, absolutely."
You shook your head. Peter Parker truly was one of your best students, and you'd be lying if he said he also wasn't one of your favorites. He was nothing short of brilliant with the added bonus of not having an ego about it, unlike so many at Midtown. You had been happy to be his mentor when he entered high school. The problem came from him being so distracted. Once you had discovered he was Spider-Man, it made his absence from your classroom understandable, but there was a frustration in him not paying attention even when you had granted extra time with him after class to catch up.
"Excellent, so what is the answer?" you said, your gaze unwavering.
He squirmed in his seat. "Ah...twelve?"
You raised an eyebrow. "The chemical formula for nitric acid is twelve?"
"HNOโ‚ƒ," he corrected. "It's HNOโ‚ƒ."
He looked back down at his phone.
"Parker, if you can't be bothered to pay attention, perhaps we should reschedule for another time."
"No!" he said, quickly. "I am one-hundred percent paying attention. I wouldn't waste your time like that Ms. Y/N. I promise."
You let a sigh. He really was a sweet kid. You just wished he hadn't formed the habit of lying.
Before you could finish, sparks formed in mid-air, just behind his head.
Your eyes widened as a circle formed growing bigger and bigger until finally a man walked through.
"Alright kid, what's the emergency."
You blinked, recognizing him.
Doctor Stephen Strange, the wizard who helped defeat Thanos.
Peter had told you about him and you had seen glimpses from various phone cameras taken of the events both before and after the blip. None of them did him any justice.
"Doctor Strange," Peter said, jumping to his feet. "Oh sorry, Ms. Y/N, this is Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange, this is Ms. Y/N, she's my chemistry teacher. The one I was telling you about."
You could feel heat rise in your cheeks, both from embarrassment at the idea of one of your students talking about you to outside of class and the very clear game he was playing.
Strange for his part, just seemed confused as he looked you up and down.
"Nice to meet you," he said. His gaze lingered, making your embarrassment only deepen. He really did have nice eyes.
A beep came from Peter's phone. "Oh crisis averted. Looks like it all worked itself out. Sorry for calling you, sir." He grabbed his backpack with lightning speed, heading towards the exit. "And sorry Ms. Y/N, my Aunt May need me home. Doctor Strange, there's a coffee place down the street, you should check out since you're here. You both should."
But it was no use, he was down the hall and out of sight before either of you could utter another word.
A long silence settled as both of you stared uselessly at the door and finally to each other.
"I'm sorry about--"
"I don't know why he--"
You stopped again, the pair of you laughing just a little. It was enough to settle your nerves a least.
"You first," he offered.
You ran a hand down your face, shaking your head. "I'm sorry he called you over here. Peter is a sweet boy, but he has a tendency not to always think things through."
"Partially my fault," Strange admitted. "I should have realized something was going to happen when he kept finding an excuse to mention his brilliant and apparently very single chemistry teacher."
You let out a long groan, burying your face in your hands. "Please tell me you're lying."
He shook his head. "No such luck. I will say he did down play just how pretty you actually are."
You looked up, somehow convincing your mouth not to fall open in shock.
Was he...flirting with you?
"Did he," you said, gaining back some of your dignity.
A side ways smile touched his lips and you felt your insides twist ever so pleasantly.
"Funny he didn't mention your relationship status," you said.
Strange shook his head. "Nothing really going on. Haven't really been looking, honestly."
You nodded, suppressing tiny sting of disappointment. "Well, I'm sorry for Peter to have wasted both of our times today."
"I didn't say that."
Your eyes narrowed in confusion. The arrogant air around Strange dampened as something like sheepishness crossed his face, softening his naturally sharp features. It was endearing.
"Do you want to grab that coffee?" he asked.
You had to laugh. "What, just like that?"
"Yeah," he said, as if surprised by his own question. "Just like that."
You opened you mouth, but finding you had nothing to say, closed it again. This was by far the strangest thing to have happened to you, but perhaps that was fitting.
"Okay," you said. "Let me just get my coat."
And just like that, you and Doctor Stephen Strange were walking down the street as if it were the most natural thing to do in the world. You'd talk to Peter about playing matchmaker tomorrow.
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nix-writes-mcyt ยท 2 years
if requests are open maybe something fluffy n sappy with the wonderful admin himself? maybe reader names an axolotl after him (maybe doesn't tell anyone but those pesky hermits find out anyways and tell X) because they like him and he finds out and is like gushing over it ? while reader is just absolutely flustered and a mess, headcanons or oneshot take ya pick !
I feel good about this one, I hope you enjoy it anon :D
Pet Names
Drabble Contains: Fluff, Kissing, Fluff again ------------------------------------
When you had received an axolotl as a gift you had been excited to say the least. They're one of your favourite funky little creatures, you could watch them swim all day.
The only thing that had stumped you had been what to name your new friend. You'd thought for a long time, settling on "Doom".
It wasn't quite what most people would expect you'd name a small, colourful creature, but you had. You'd named it after one Xisuma, who's outfit was apparently inspired by the word.
The naming was quite obvious, but that was okay, you didn't plan for anyone to find out what you named your lovely little friend. But someone did. Word got out. And that one Xisuma turned up at your door.
"Hey Y/n, I hope you don't mind but I'm here to see your friend." At first you had been confused by this, but he clarified "the axolotl?" "Yeah, yes. Absolutely." Internally you kick yourself for not realising, then doing it again when you realise X is waiting for you to open your door and let him in.
You lead him into the room where you have the large tank installed. "What a beautiful little area to live in. " X grins, leaning in to get a better look inside the tank. "Did you build this?" "I did, I wanted Doom to have the best home possible." You smile, proud of your work. Proud Xisuma likes it.
"Doom, ah yes. That's the little ones name. I've heard about that, I've also heard that name came about because of me." You can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, how does he know? Who found out, how, and why did they have to tell X?
"I.. Uhh-" Xisuma pays no mind to you as you stumble over your words, trying to find the right ones for any escape. He's too busy watching Doom mess around in and out of plants.
"I'm flattered, I am." X smiles, you can see his reflection in the glass of the tank. "I brought a gift for the little one, if you don't mind?" He asks. You shake your head, watching as Xisuma carefully opens up the lid of the tank.
He pulls out a smaller version of his helmet, visor up. "I thought it might make a nice house." X says, "would you mind placing it in the tank for me?" He asks, turning to you with a sheepish grin. He lifts up his hands, his frown visible through his visor. "Gloves." You don't imagine they're great in water, plus for the protection of Doom it's best not to put the gloves in the tank. Just to be safe.
You roll up your sleeve, taking the helmet from Xisuma's hand. Slowly you dip it in the tank, being careful as to not cause Doom any distress. "So, what was the reason for the name?" You don't look at Xisuma, focused on carefully positioning the smaller helmet. Even without being able to see his face you know he's smirking.
You don't answer, pulling your arm out of the tank and putting the lid back on the top. You walk over to the small kitchen area, grabbing a towel and drying yourself off.
When you turn back to X you find yourself caught off guard, his helmet sat on the counter. His hair is mess atop his head, X attempting to tame it. You can clearly see his face for the first time, with no visor to obstruct your view.
You sigh, forcing your eyes to move away from him. You already liked him, but that really cements it.
You feel his gloved hand under your chin, guiding your head, your eyes, back over to him. Your entire being feels it's on fire under his gaze, his glove cold against your skin, eyes scanning your face for a reaction.
Your heart pounds in your chest, X leaning closer. His hand moves from your chin to your cheek, the other hand being placed gently on your waist. "May I?" Xisuma asks, patient to wait for your answer.
"Yes." He doesn't hesitate once he has your permission, face drawing closer to yours. He places his lips on yours ever so gently, yet it feels like you're on fire. You can feel your cheeks burning red, your arms wrapping around him.
You haven't felt joy like this in a long time. The kiss isn't hasty, one long awaited by the both of you. It would be wrong not to savour the moment after all this time.
Eventually it does come to an end, X pulling you close to him. "I've waited for so long to kiss you, Y/n. I'd wait again. I hope I won't have to, would you be mine?"
You nod, muttering "I thought you'd never ask." Which gains a chuckle from your now partner. "I shouldn't have waited so long, love." You can hear the smile in his voice as he holds you tighter.
Love, a fitting name for you, how you've come to feel for him. A pet name. A pet name a different sense than what brought X over here in the first place. You can't be more glad it did.
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Hey. Idk if youโ€™re okay with taking requests rn but Iโ€™m kinda having a shitty day and Iโ€™m in desperate need of any comfort. Itโ€™s a request not related to either of your series, So, How would Changbin act when he finds out Y/N hates her birthday and gets really depressed during the day? Feel free to say no. Itโ€™s okay no pressure โ™ฅ๏ธ
I'm sorry boo. <3 I hope things get better soon. <3 I love you.
Tags: Changbin, Seo Changbin, SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, Request, Mutuals, Changbin x you, Changbin x reader, Seo Changbin x you, Seo Changbin x reader, Fluff, Angst, SKZ x you, SKZ x reader, not OT8, SKZ imagines, SKZ reactions, SKZ scenarios, SKZ Drabble, AU
Genre: Light Fluff, Angst
Title: It's My Birthday, I'll Cry if I Want To
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It's after the third sigh that Changbin finally sets down his quill and glances over his glasses at you with slightly exasperated amusement written on his features.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong, princess, or are you going to make me guess?"
You heave another longer, more annoyed sigh-just to peeve him a bit-and push back your chair, your body protesting, stiff muscles cracking, as you cross to the window, glancing out onto the courtyard below.
The sun's rays are barely beginning to breach the trees, but it feels like you've been studying for hours already.
"It's my birthday." You don't look at him as you say it, eyes drawn to the movements of a gardener at the edge of the rose bushes, trimming back a few errant leaves.
You vaguely wonder if your mother has thrown another fit again-"the roses are getting out of hand, Reginald!"-and your father-long suffering, patient man that he is, however aloof-had tasked the poor gardener with fixing the apparent problem, no matter how imaginary.
Changbin's chair creaks as he leans back.
"I'm aware of this." When you turn to look back at him over your shoulder, he's smiling, one brow cocked. It gives him a roguish, rakishly handsome air, an air that you doggedly try to ignore. "As is the majority of the kingdom."
"I hate it." You lament morosely, once again turning your attention back to the large picture window, where a new character in the play currently being put on in the garden has emerged-this time, a woman bearing a basket of laundry on her hip, headed for the river.
"I also know this." Your tutor's voice is softer this time, and you dig your fingers into the lip of the window, willing yourself not to turn and look at him once more. You don't want to see the pity on his face. "But you've never told me why."
"I have." You protest sharply, though you know it's not the real reason, just a facsimile you've told him to hide the true pain, and you still don't turn, because you don't want him to see the lie on your face.
You've never been good at hiding things from him.
"It's pointless and mundane and altogether a waste of time. Not to mention, the festivities my parents insist on putting on, not for me, but for show, are boring and long winded and if I have to make one more polite conversation with Duke Fairlough, all the while pretending not to notice him ogling my chest and ass, I'll eat my hat."
Changbin chuckles, and you finally work up the courage to glance back at him, watching you with slight amusement, dark curls gleaming in the dying light of the morning fire.
"You don't wear hats."
"I could start." You object stubbornly, finally turning from the window and returning to your seat across from him, fingers drumming agitatedly along the edge of the table instead of picking up your own quill and returning to your studies.
"You could." Changbin agrees amicably, eyes still lit with slightly amused affection, as he hides a smile and pushes one of your open books toward you encouragingly. "And you could also try to actually apply yourself so you can finish your lessons early and enjoy the rest of your day."
"Hah." You retort, snorting skeptically, even though you know it's a very unladylike thing to do.
You've never worried about being overly ladylike around Changbin. It's one of the many things you like about the man sitting across from you.
"Highly unlikely."
Changbin nudges the book toward you once more with a bitten back grin.
You huff with annoyance, but take the offered book, and glancing toward the chaperone standing silently at the door, unmoving, you chance a swift kick at Changbin's ankle under the secrecy of the table.
He dodges you easily, and you feign irritation with a glare, but the grin he gives you in return and the ensuing butterflies swarming in your gut may very well be the only good thing that happens on this, the day of your godforsaken birthday.
"Ridiculous." Your mother mutters once more under her breath from her seat at the writing desk, tossing aside the message she's just received, the heavy, embossed paper spiraling slowly to the floor like a wounded bird. "We attend their daughter's betrothal ceremony, and they can't even make the princess's birthday celebration?"
You try not to wince as the maid currently coiffing your hair elegantly at the back of your head shoves a particularly nasty pin into the recesses of the updo.
"Well." Your mother stands from her chair, huffing under her breath, pacing to the large window and then back again. "They can consider themselves blacklisted for the foreseeable future then."
You bite your lip as another strand of hair gets tugged a little too roughly into place, and stare at your reflection in the mirror, trying to make yourself smaller to avoid attracting the angry queen's attention.
Too late.
She comes to stand beside the mirror where you sit, scanning a critical eye over you from head to toe-the heavy, ornate makeup adorning your face, the fancy, flawless coiffed hairstyle, the long, heavy blood red ball gown you wear-and you know, everything is exactly how she asked, and yet, she'll still find something to be unhappy about.
"Myrtle." Your mother says sharply, and the maid snaps to attention, as your mother fingers the pearl earrings you currently wear. "Swap these out for the Swarovski crystals. The moonblood pair."
Myrtle ducks her head silently and scurries to the boudoir to retrieve the requested earrings.
Your mother leans over and picks up the crown resting on the worktop delicately, stroking her fingers over the gems and gold with something akin to affection, something she's never given you, and then she reaches out, putting a rough finger under your chin as she raises your gaze to meet her own in the mirror.
"Sit up straight. Don't slouch."
You do as she asks, and she places the crown carefully on the top of your head, adjusting it until it's perfect and to her liking.
"There." She steps back, as Myrtle appears and changes out your earrings, admiring you with a critical stern eye. "Perfection."
You resist the urge to say anything, biting your tongue, staring at her silently through your reflection in the mirror.
You're not a daughter, you're a doll, a pawn, to be used in her political parties, and you know your place. You always have.
Your mother waves a dismissive hand at the maid, who scurries immediately from the room, probably happy to be out of the queen's oppressive presence, and you wish you could follow her, as your mother returns to her desk and sits, taking out her letter opener once again, which she points at you sternly, before saying, "Oh, by the way, your father sent a gift. I had it put in your chambers."
You rise from the chair, careful not to disturb any of the work put in over the last few hours, and manage to find your tongue.
"Oh, has he left already?"
Your mother doesn't even spare you a glance, already deep into the recesses of her next letter.
"He left this morning. You know this."
You didn't know this, but instead of fighting, you simply nod, and when she doesn't say anything else, take the opportunity to scurry from the room.
The hallway air feels one hundred times lighter, and you suck in mouthfuls of air, desperate to get every inch of that woman out of your lungs, hands on your knees.
"You okay there, princess?"
You glance up, startled, at the familiar voice, and Changbin has paused in his perusal past the hallway, staring at you with clear concern on his face, his fingers paused on the ascot he must have been in the middle of tying around his neck.
"Did you just run a marathon?"
You straighten up, unconsciously reaching up to make sure your crown is still straight, and run your hands down your dress to smooth out any wrinkles.
It's your mother's influence, and you hate it.
"I'm fine." You nod pertly, because suddenly, seeing someone so familiar and caring and warm, after spending so much time in your mother's icy, cold, indifferent presence, is making the back of your throat burn. "Just-"
You shrug, praying to every god above that you don't start crying, not when Changbin is here, looking at you like that.
"-getting ready."
Changbin watches you for another long moment, and then he finally lets you drop his gaze, offering you the hint of a smile, as his fingers once again start tying the ascot, an elegant knot already forming around the collar of his loose dress shirt.
He's wearing black breeches, and knee high boots, and god, is that a sliver of chest beneath the top open button of his shirt-
You force yourself to drag your gaze away from your tutor, out the window beside you, and clear your throat.
"You look nice."
You regret the words as soon as they leave your lips, but Changbin merely cocks his head curiously, staring you down once more, before he grins and replies lightly, "Thanks. I was going to say the same thing about you, your highness. Although 'nice' is probably too bland of a word to describe how you look right now, if I'm being honest."
His open honesty catches your attention and you look at him sharply.
"What word would you use then?"
Changbin looks caught off guard, as if he hadn't expected you to ask, but answers anyway.
"Probably something more along the lines of magnificent. Or perhaps, if I'm being transparent, exquisite."
You swallow at his entirely forthright words, and suddenly, it feels a little too vulnerable-like something taboo-standing here in a back, dark corridor with Seo Changbin-your tutor and a man-without any sort of chaperone, his dark, swirling eyes entirely, dangerously, holding your own, the tension between the two of you so thick that you're almost positive you could cut it with a knife.
You find you like the feeling.
There is a clatter from down the hall, a chef shouting something angrily at a clumsy maid, and the moment is shattered, crashing to the floor at your feet in a million pieces of stained glass.
You take a step back, and Changbin clears his throat, dropping your gaze, as he ducks his head in deference to you.
"I'll see you at dinner, princess."
And without another word, he's gone, and the icy feeling leftover from your mother's words, and your father's absence, is already creeping back into your bones at the lack of his warmth.
"Yes, duke, I'll be right back! Just need to freshen up-"
You dash around the corner, freedom just in sight, and run directly into your mother.
Her fingers curl around your wrist before you even have the time to react, face cold, and voice even colder.
"Where are you going?"
You swallow, schooling a blank expression, and level your voice.
"To freshen up."
She eyes you skeptically, disdain written across her face, blood red lips pulling into the start of a disapproving sneer.
Her fingers tighten around your wrist as she tugs you to her, and you do your best not to wince as they uncomfortably pinch your skin.
Her breath smells of overly sweet wine and perfume, lips brushing your ear as she speaks in a low, cold tone, and you're fairly certain nothing has ever made you more nauseous.
"Don't keep the duke waiting."
She releases you without another word, plastering a bright, artificial smile onto her face, and she enters the room you had just left, a chorus of greetings echoing in your ears, even as you dart for the safety of the garden.
You don't allow yourself to stop running until you reach the rose bush patch, the same bush you had seen being trimmed this morning from your bedroom window, and even then, you're gasping for breath as you slump down onto the cold concrete of the nearby bench, hot tears already threatening at the corners of your eyes.
You swipe at them angrily, the warm liquid splashing down the flushed arch of your cheeks, the breeze instantly cooling the tears against your skin, against your fingertips, even as you wipe them off meticulously against the folds of your dress.
You sniff, taking in a deep breath, and let your head fall back, staring up at the newly emerging stars, wishing you were anywhere, anyone, else.
"Do you want to tell me the truth now?"
You start at the voice, and nearly lurch off the bench in your surprise, eyes wide, heart pounding, as your gaze drops from the sky and to the warm, familiar features of Changbin, watching you from a respectful distance away, hands tucked out of sight behind his back.
"God. How do you always appear out of thin air like that? You nearly gave me a heart attack."
His expression is carefully schooled, you know, because you've done the same thing countless times in front of your mother.
He gives a half shrug, but doesn't move toward you, watching you with a slight tilt of his head.
You heave a heavy sigh, and slowly unfurl your tense fingers from the edge of the bench, dropping your gaze now to watch the way the toes of your dance slippers dig into the dirt beneath your feet.
Your mother is going to kill you for the stains later.
You watch the toes of Changbin's riding boots come into your field of vision as he moves closer, and then he takes you by surprise, crouching down in front of you, hands splayed on the bench on either side of your body for support.
He glances up at you, dark eyes unreadable in the evening light, and you hope to god he can't still see the sheen of leftover tears on your cheeks.
"Why aren't you inside?"
"I told you-" You protest halfheartedly, not meeting his gaze, even as you tangle your fingers into the thick folds of your skirt resting in your lap. "-I hate birthday parties."
You feel the words on the tip of your tongue, feel the truth itching to be released.
Because my father is never here, because my mother couldn't care less unless it benefits her, because I'm not even allowed to so much as look in your direction-
But instead, you sigh again and direct your watery gaze back to the sky, willing the tears back into the depths.
When you speak, you're proud that your voice comes out steady.
"Because Duke Fairlough is a creepy old man, nearly twice my age, and yet, my mother pushes the issue every single social event, without fail, because I am nothing if not the star pawn on her twisted, political chess board."
"Hm." Changbin hums a sound of understanding beneath his breath, and you try not to focus too much on the rise and fall of his fingers, the mounds of his knuckles, the swirling pathways of his veins.
You've never noticed, not until you were up close, but the man has pretty hands-soft and ink stained-hands of a poet, or a scholar maybe.
"That does sound wildly unfortunate."
You shoot him a glare at the soft teasing lacing his tone, and he offers you the hint of a gentle smile, before he continues with, "That's not the real reason you're out here though, right? Alone, crying, on your birthday?"
"I am not crying." You protest defensively, instantly, and Changbin chuckles, smiling fully now.
"Okay, princess." He gives in easily, smile fading to something more secretive, something more intimate, cocking his head as he stares at you, and you feel yourself hold your breath, as he reaches up without warning, and slowly ghosts a gentle thumbpad across the skin beneath your eyes.
"It must be raining then."
You sniffle, scared to move, afraid he'll pull his touch back from your skin if you do, and imperceptibly nod in response.
"I can't believe you didn't notice."
He huffs a chuckle, and you're relieved when he doesn't pull back from you.
"I'm a learned man, yes, but I can be entirely too oblivious and thickheaded for my own good sometimes."
You snort beneath your breath, and try not to follow his hand like some sort of starstruck tart as he finally retrieves it from your skin, settling it comfortably back on the bench beside you.
"I am, however, not dumb enough to buy any of that bullshit you've just given me."
You look at him in sharp surprise, you've never heard him curse before, but the look in his eyes has the cutting rebuke dying on your lips.
You've never seen Seo Changbin look so utterly serious before-studious yes, but never this focused-his attention completely on you, dark, swirling eyes scanning your face, molten, angry almost.
"So tell me again. The truth this time. Why, princess, are you alone in the gardens, crying, on your birthday?"
"I-" You start to say, and he shoots you a firm look that stops you in your tracks. You suck in an almost choked breath, and start again. "-don't like birthdays."
"Because he's never here, and she's never cared, and I hate-no absolutely loathe-having to act like I'm better than everyone, above it all, especially you."
He's watching you silently now, watching you catch your breath, watching a literal weight lift off from your shoulders as you finally, finally, blurt out the truth, watching the pounding, broken, bleeding, remnants of your heart, laid bare, just for him.
"What?" You accuse defensively, when he still hasn't said anything, fingers nervously beginning to fidget with your dress once more. "Say something."
"I don't need to say anything."
You wet your lips, staring at him in open surprise now, his face softening slightly as you hold his gaze.
"What?" You repeat again, dumbly, not quite sure you're understanding.
He laughs then-low and relieved, a rumble in his chest-and when his fingers cover your own-warm and soft in contrast to your icy cold, skin and hearts alike-you feel everything jumbled and out of sorts in your chest finally settle into place.
"I don't need to say anything." He repeats again, slower this time, and when he looks at you now, there's nothing but tender honesty in the depths of his dark eyes. His lips quirk into the hint of a soft smile. "I'm sorry you hate your birthday. I'm sorry your father is never here and your mother only plays you for her own little games, but I-"
He takes in a deep, almost jagged breath, fingers tightening over your own, and you resist the urge to tangle yours with his in that moment, palms flat against each other, all warmth and soft skin and spaces finally filled.
He looks at you again, the fire renewed in his gaze, vulnerable and open and entirely honest.
Laid bare, all for you.
You feel the cracks in your aching heart recede slightly.
"-I, for one, am eternally grateful, every year, when this day darkens my doorstop once more."
"Why?" You ask in a breath, even though you're fairly certain, staring at Changbin's face, that you already know the answer.
The slowly healing cracks in your heart-warming and melting the ice that's been there too long, filling it in with something akin to molten lava-are a testament to exactly that.
"Because, princess-" Changbin murmurs, the affection returning to his eyes now, warming his entire face, right down to the tender, beaming smile he gives you, only you. "-it gave all of us, especially me, you."
You bite your bottom lip, trying to hide your smile.
You feel so happy you could cry.
But you've cried enough.
"I never took you for a poet, royal tutor."
He inclines his head, eyes sparkling.
"And I never took you for a romantic, princess."
"I'm not." You admit, squeezing his fingers between your own now, dizzy with sudden giddiness as you stare at the man kneeling before you.
When he looks at you once more, you give him the smile you've been holding back all night-maybe even all your life-just for him.
"But you could make me into one yet."
Changbin grins then, tangling his fingers with your own, and nothing has ever felt more right in your entire life.
Maybe your birthday won't be so bad from now on after all. Not with him by your side. Not with the ice gone, replaced with nothing but sunshine and warmth and bright beams. All because of him.
"Happy birthday, princess."
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