#also known as black history month 2.0
devlininyou · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈 ✨Happy Pride!!! ✨🏳️‍🌈
Reminder: I am agender, non-binary, transman and I am a panromantic asexual. They/Xe/Fae pronoun variations only please!!! 🏳️‍⚧️⚧
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thepapercutpost · 3 years
Women’s Gymnastics Reminds Me of Marvel's Black Widow. That's Not Okay.
July 2021 saw both the long-awaited release of Black Widow and the return of these young women to the Olympics.
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“Scarlett Johansson by Gage Skidmore 2 (cropped)“ by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (left). "Nadia Comaneci #1" by eye2eye is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0 (right).
Last summer, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic seemed to put everything on hold. With movie theaters shut down, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in the midst of its longest pause in between theatrical releases, experienced the first of three eventual delays to the release of the film Black Widow, which was originally scheduled for May 2020.
Delays also found one of the biggest sporting events in the world. The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games had to be postponed. Thousands of athletes who had spent their lives preparing to represent their countries at the Games were forced to put their plans on hold. Among them were several Team USA hopefuls for women’s gymnastics.
July 2021 saw both the long-awaited release of Black Widow and the return of these young women to the Olympics.
In 2016, the Larry Nassar scandal, in which Nassar, a doctor affiliated with USA Gymnastics, was accused and convicted of sexually abusing over 250 women and girls, pulled the curtain back on the realities of elite gymnastics. Soon after Nassar’s abuse came to light, it was revealed that USAG had covered up complaints of sex abuse from hundreds of gymnasts against coaches, gym owners, and staff.
When asked how they thought this behavior was allowed to occur for so long, gymnasts cited the culture of fear and toxicity that permeated the gymnastics community.
From one angle, Nassar was a friendly and trustworthy face in a sea of strict training and harsh discipline. When Béla and Márta Károlyi, husband and wife coaches who defected to the U.S. from Romania in 1981, took over USA Gymnastics, they brought with them a controlling and abusive method of training. In Athlete A, a Netflix documentary centered on the sex abuse scandal, Olympic gymnast Jamie Dantzscher recalls Nassar being “the only nice adult” and that he gave the girls food and candy in secret. Naturally, the gymnasts trusted him and his methods.
And from another angle, the athletes had been conditioned from a young age, in most cases, to doubt their own instincts about their bodies.
You think you’re hungry, you think your ankle hurts, you think that you’re working really hard. But you’re told and you’re screamed at that you’re lazy and you’re fat and there’s nothing wrong with your ankle. So, when a man puts his un-gloved hand into your vagina without asking you, I can only imagine that what you feel is, ‘He’s this great doctor, and I’m lucky to be here, so I’m not going to say anything.’
—Jennifer Sey, USA Gymnastics National Champion, 1986 (Athlete A)
Letting alone the ramifications of coming forward as a gymnast against a well-respected member of the community such as Nassar, many of his victims didn’t speak out because, as a result of being raised in an already abusive system, they were unable to identify his actions as abuse.
In a similar sense, Black Widow depicts a group of women and girls who have undergone rigorous training and have been brainwashed into carrying out the KGB’s missions. The fictional Red Room provides a mirror to the very real world of competitive Gymnastics.
Even before the recent film, Marvel fans were familiar with the Red Room as the program that trained Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) and other Russian girls as Black Widows, an elite class of spies and assassins. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, we see a flashback of Natasha’s time as a trainee. One memory is of an intensive ballet lesson, and the scene shows her looking on with her instructor at the studio of young women.
“You’ll break them,” Natasha says to the teacher.
“Only the breakable ones,” is her response.
Other allusions are made to the cruelty of the Widow program. When telling Natasha about the reincarnation of the Red Room, Yelena, her sister (Florence Pugh), says that only about one in twenty girls who Dreykov takes survives the initial stages. To Alexei, the girls’ father (David Harbour), Yelena elaborates on the “involuntary hysterectomy” given to them by the Red Room, a process which removes a woman’s reproductive organs and, as Natasha had mentioned in Age of Ultron, makes her unable to have children.
The brutal training process and forced assault upon women’s bodies, which they were made to believe was normal, should sound familiar.
Johansson said in an interview that the story for Black Widow began to take shape in 2017, when the #MeToo movement was rising to prominence, and is essentially a story about women supporting other women. She wasn’t shy to say the film was inspired by that moment in history, a movement that provided support to and was benefited by the USA Gymnastics scandal.
For Red Room graduates, training is followed by executing missions. The character of Dreykov (Ray Winstone) provides a face to the dark and secretive organization who gives the Widows orders. Although they are highly trained and skilled, they still face danger during these operations.
The same is true of gymnasts at their competitions. Gymnastics is one of the most dangerous sports, especially for girls and young women. Gymnasts experience both acute injuries, which occur after a single landing or other impact, and chronic injuries, which develops over time, usually during the course of frequent practice. They are often expected to compete with their injuries. In the 1996 Olympics, Kerri Strug, part of the American team known as the Magnificent Seven, won the gold for her team in the all-around by landing the final vault on one foot, as she had severely injured the other during her first attempt. The Peacock docuseries Golden: The Journey of USA's Elite Gymnasts reveals that gymnasts continue to compete with injuries today. Team USA’s 2021 all-around women’s gold medalist Suni Lee began the competition season with a broken foot while MyKayla Skinner, silver medalist on vault, began the season still fighting lingering COVID symptoms months after contracting the virus.
Injuries are one of several reasons elite gymnasts today are younger than they were 50 years ago. When Nadia Comaneci from Romania became the first gymnast to earn a perfect score at the Olympics in 1976, she was fourteen years old. From that point on, the standard for Olympic gymnasts became younger and younger. One advantage to training a younger gymnast is that the body is more resilient, and the part of the brain that recognizes the danger in the more difficult moves is not yet fully developed, which results in less of the hesitation that causes some injuries.
But with more malleability comes more potential for abuse. The younger a girl begins to learn gymnastics, the more susceptible she is to mental health issues such as anxiety and eating disorders, both common in athletes across the board, as we are learning during these 2021 Games. There is more opportunity to shape her thinking, and if she is told by coaches that she is not injured or should perform anyway when she is in severe pain, she will be less inclined to get help when something is severely wrong. Dominique Moceanu, Kerri Strug’s teammate in the 1996 Olympics, told BBC in a recent interview regarding being forced to compete with injuries, “I didn't even care about my well-being, to be honest, because no one cared about it ever.”
In Black Widow, Yelena is taken to the Red Room at only six years old, and it is later revealed that Natasha was identified and taken from her birth parents by a KGB program that measured the genetic potential in infants. Like the Károlyis, the Red Room discovered that getting to the girls at an early age made it easier to exploit and mistreat them without raising questions.
In 2016, when the film is set, Natasha and Yelena kill Dreykov and bring an end to the Black Widow program. Although the real-world events of 2016 in USA Gymnastics, and even the conviction of Larry Nassar, didn’t end with the toxic culture of U.S. gymnastics falling from the sky in flames, things are getting better. The 2021 Olympics are coming to a conclusion in Tokyo today, but if we are to learn and grow from recent horrifying history, we must not forget what these Games and decades of competitive gymnastics have taught us.
Among all the abominable similarities elite gymnastics and the Red Room share, there is one beautiful thing they have in common: sisterhood.
Natasha and Yelena set out to protect the young women and girls who have been captured and free them of Dreykov's mind control, having experienced that trauma themselves. In doing so, they revisit and repair their own relationship as sisters.
By all accounts, gymnasts feel a similar kinship with their peers. They bond over their shared experience: the stress of competing, the aches of injuries, long days and nights spent practicing their sport. They support each other, cheering each other on and celebrating each other's accomplishments. The women who came forward about their abuse did so not for themselves but for the sake of other gymnasts. The vulnerablities women face in this world mean that we are also tasked with the responsibility and the privilege of protecting each other.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Eudyptula minor
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By J. J. Harrison, CC BY-SA 3.0 
Etymology: Good Diver
First Described By: Bonaparte, 1856
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostaylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Neognathae, Neoaves, Aequorlitornithes, Ardeae, Aequornithes, Austrodyptornithes, Sphenisciformes, Spheniscidae
Status: Extant, Least Concern
Time and Place: From 12,000 years ago until today, in the Holocene of the Quaternary 
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Little Penguins are known from the coast of Australia and New Zealand
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Physical Description: Little Penguins are some of the most adorable penguins alive today, and the reason is clear: they’re smol! Little Penguins range in size between 40 and 45 centimeters in length, and none weigh more than 2.1 kilograms. They are a blue-grey on their backs and white on their bellies and necks. They have very small flippers, which can be entirely blue or blue only in the center with white banding around it. They have short little tails and small feet, which are formed into lightly orange flippers. Their beaks are short and round, and either light in color or dark depending on the population. The juveniles tend to be a somewhat duller color than the adults, but usually very similar overall. 
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By Magnus Kjaergaard, CC BY 3.0 
Diet: Little Penguins feed mainly on fish that form schools in the pelagic zone of the ocean (rather than closer to the coast). They’ll also feed on cephalopods and crustaceans. 
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By Francesco Veronesi, CC BY-SA 2.0 
Behavior: These nocturnal penguins will capture their food via pursuit-diving, mainly swimming around schools of fish in tighter and tighter circles until finally - woosh! - they dive into the middle and grab as much food as they can. In shallower water, they do pursue the fish more directly. They can dive as deep as 50 meters underwater, sometimes more - including 69 meters deep. They go up to 62 kilometers away from the nesting and sleeping colony sites, though they can usually only go a fraction of that in a single day and longer distances are reserved for multiple day trips. Females tend to forage more than the males. They feed alone, though they do forage in groups. They are extremely noisy in their colonies, making a variety of trills, brays, growls, grunts, yelping, trumpeting, and wailing sounds to one another. They do not migrate, but do stay near the breeding colony extensively during the moulting and nesting season. Juveniles will leave the colony for a large amount of time, but do eventually return to breed where they were born. 
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By Phillip Island Tourism, CC BY-SA 4.0 
Little Penguins begin breeding in July and continue through December, though it varies from colony to colony and from year to year. They tend to stick to one nest site for their whole lives and are also fairly monogamous, though they do divorce from their partners around 76% of the time. If they are unsuccessful in raising any chicks one year, the next year they are more likely to divorce than not. The nests are made in a little bit far apart from one another in the colonie, usually a burrow in the sand lined with plant material. Usually two eggs are laid in the nest and are incubated for a little more than one month by both parents. The chicks hatch extremely fluffy and greyish-brown; they then molt to look dark brown and grey another month later. At this time young birds will form creches together for two more months, hanging out and learning from each other. They then fledge and become juveniles two more months later. They become sexually mature at two to four years of age, and can live for up to 20 years (though shorter is more common). The chicks and nesting colonies tend to feed at dusk. 
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By Mark Nairn, CC BY 3.0 
Ecosystem: Little Penguins live mainly in sandy and rocky coasts, usually near the bases of cliffs and in sand dunes. They will spend most of their time in temperate to sub-arctic marine waters, many miles offshore. They are preyed upon by cats, dogs, rats, foxes, lizards, snakes, ferrets, stoats, seals, and some other ocean predators. They are mostly affected by introduced mammalian predators at this time. 
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By fir0002, GFDL 1.2 
Other: While Little Penguins are, overall, doing alright and are even common in terms of population  management; however, a number of human-created threats are affecting certain colonies and bringing many of them to the verge of collapse. Uncontrolled hunting by domesticated dogs and cats are major causes of colony destruction, as are oil spills, fishing interactions (including being caught in nets), human interference and development, as well as cullings by humans attempting to manage populations of other birds. As such, Little Penguins are of major interest for ecological groups in order to preserve their populations in light of these threats. Fossils of this species are known from its current range from the recent ice age.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources Under the Cut 
Baird, R. F. 1992. Fossil avian assemblage of Pitfall Origin from Holocene sediments in Amphitheatre Cave (G-2), South-western Victoria, Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 44:21-44.
Banks, Jonathan C.; Mitchell, Anthony D.; Waas, Joseph R.; Paterson, Adrian M. (2002). "An unexpected pattern of molecular divergence within the blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) complex". Notornis. 49 (1): 29–38.
Bethge, P; Nicol, S; Culik, BM & RP Wilson (1997) "Diving behaviour and energetics in breeding little penguins (Eudyptula minor)". Journal of Zoology 242: 483-502.
Boessenkool, S., J. J. Austin, T. H. Worthy, P. Scofield, A. Cooper, P. J. Seddon, and J. M. Waters. 2009. Relict or colonizer? Extinction and range expansion of penguins in southern New Zealand. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276:815-821.
Carroll, R. L. 1988. Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution 1-698.
Chiaradia, A., Forero, M. G., Hobson, K. A., and Cullen, J. M. (2010) Changes in diet and trophic position of a top predator 10 years after a mass mortality of a key prey. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 1710–1720.
Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2017. The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: v2017.
Flemming, S.A., Lalas, C., and van Heezik, Y. (2013) "Little penguin (Eudyptula minor) diet at three breeding colonies in New Zealand". New Zealand Journal of Ecology 37: 199–205.
Fordyce, R. E. 1991. The Australasian marine vertebrate record and its climatic and geographic implications. In P. Vickers-Rich, J. M. Monaghan, R. F. Baird, T. H. Rich (eds.), Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australasia 1165-1190.
Grosser, Stefanie; Burridge, Christopher P.; Peucker, Amanda J.; Waters, Jonathan M. (2015-12-14). "Coalescent Modelling Suggests Recent Secondary-Contact of Cryptic Penguin Species". PLOS ONE. 10 (12): –0144966.
Grosser, Stefanie; Rawlence, Nicolas J.; Anderson, Christian N. K.; Smith, Ian W. G.; Scofield, R. Paul; Waters, Jonathan M. (2016-02-10). "Invader or resident? Ancient-DNA reveals rapid species turnover in New Zealand little penguins". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 283 (1824): 20152879.
Littlely, Bryan (10 October 2007). "Fur seals threat to Granite Island penguins". The Advertiser. p. 23.
Martínez, I., Christie, D.A., Jutglar, F. & Garcia, E.F.J. (2019). Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Numata, M; Davis, L & Renner, M (2000) "[Prolonged foraging trips and egg desertion in little penguins (Eudyptula minor)]". New Zealand Journal of Zoology 27: 291-298.
Rawlence, N. J., A. Kardamaki, L. J. Easton, A. J. D. Tennyson, R. P. Scofield and J. M. Waters. 2017. Ancient DNA and morphometric analysis reveal extinction and replacement of New Zealand’s unique black swans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284:20170876.
Rodríguez, A., Chiaradia, A., Wasiak, P., Renwick, L., and Dann, P.(2016) "Waddling on the Dark Side: Ambient Light Affects Attendance Behavior of Little Penguins." Journal of Biological Rhythms 31:194-204.
Saraux, Claire; Chiaradia, Andre; Salton, Marcus; Dann, Peter; Viblanc, Vincent A (2016). "Negative effects of wind speed on individual foraging performance and breeding success in little penguins". Ecological Monographs. 86 (1): 61–77.
Simpson, G. G. 1946. Fossil Penguins. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 87(1):1-100.
Tennyson, A. J. D., and P. R. Millener. 1994. Bird extinctions and fossil bones from Mangere Island, Chatham Islands. Notornis, Supplement 41:165-178.
Tennyson, A. J. D., J. H. Cooper, and L. D. Shepherd. 2015. A new species of extinct Pterodroma petrel (Procellariiformes: Procellariidae) from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 135:267-277.
van Tets, G. F., and S. O'Connor. 1983. The Hunter Island Penguin, and extinct new genus and species form a Tasmanian midden. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum, Launceston 81:1-13.
Wallis, Robert; King, Kristie; Wallis, Anne (2017). "The Little Penguin'Eudyptula minor'on Middle Island, Warrnambool, Victoria: An update on population size and predator management". Victorian Naturalist. 134 (2): 48–51.
Wiebkin, A. S. (2011) Conservation management priorities for little penguin populations in Gulf St Vincent. Report to Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board. South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide. SARDI Publication No. F2011/000188-1. SARDI Research Report Series No.588. 97pp.
Williams, Tony D. (1995). The Penguins. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Williams, M., A. J. D. Tennyson, and D. Sim. 2014. Island differentiation of New Zealand’s extinct mergansers (Anatidae: Mergini), with description of a new species from Chatham Island. Wildfowl 6:3-34.
Wood, J. R., K. J. Mitchell, R. P. Scofield, A. J. D. Tennyson, A. E. Fidler, J. M. Wilmshurst, B. Llamas and A. Cooper. 2014. An extinct nestorid parrot (Aves, Psittaciformes, Nestoridae) from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 172:185-199.
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phroyd · 4 years
TULSA — Six members of the advance team preparing to staff President Trump’s rally here Saturday tested positive for the coronavirus, underscoring concerns about holding a massive indoor event in a city where cases are spiking.
The campaign made that announcement, saying quarantine procedures had gone into effect for the infected staff members and those in “immediate contact" with them, as hundreds of supporters filled downtown streets in anticipation of the president’s rally — his first since the virus brought much of public life to a standstill in March.
Upon entering the rally grounds, attendees were handed blue face coverings and directed through a maze of metal fencing, which led to a touchless temperature screening conducted by volunteers in purple smocks.
City police erected black fencing and other barriers around the 19,000-seat BOK Center, a private venue leased by the Trump campaign. Shortly before noon, the campaign directed officers to arrest a protester who had sat down within the barricaded zone, according to the police department.
The protester, Sheila Buck of Tulsa, said she had a ticket to the event. She was wearing a shirt that read, “I can’t breathe," among the final words uttered by George Floyd as a police officer in Minneapolis knelt on his neck.
Adding to the fortified atmosphere, about 250 National Guard soldiers were on hand to supplement local authorities. Some were armed after the threat level was elevated, said Lt. Col. Geoff Legler, a spokesman for the Guard. Initially, the plan was to equip them only with batons, shields and pepper spray.
The president is heading to Tulsa at a precarious moment for his presidency. Recent polls show him trailing former vice president Joe Biden nationally and in a number of critical swing states, suggesting he has suffered politically from his handling of the coronavirus — which has killed more than 120,000 Americans — and his response to roiling demonstrations over racial injustice and police brutality triggered by Floyd’s killing last month.
The protests and the pandemic collided with Trump’s visit to Tulsa, where the number of new coronavirus cases continues to mount. The county reported 136 new cases on Saturday — marking another high for both single-day and average cases — while the state as a whole reported 331 new infections.
Most police officers, National Guard soldiers, food vendors and the vast majority of people in line chose not to wear face coverings, though Trump-branded masks dotted the crowd. The Confederate flag also appeared — all the more striking because Oklahoma was not a state at the time of the Civil War.
Margene Dunivant and her son Christian Lynch, both of Tulsa, sat on the edge of the crowd, taking in the scene.
“Everybody here is just full-on American and American Dream and hard-working, and just believes in everything America,” said Dunivant, 52. “Nowadays, it’s like you put on a Trump shirt and you’re considered racist, and it’s just wrong. We’re good people, and we love everybody."
A clashing view was also on display in Tulsa, where counteractions were planned with such names as “Dump the Trump Rally” and “Rally Against Hate.” Antipathy to the president — and objections to his insistence on gathering thousands of people indoors for a campaign event — fused with the outpouring for Juneteenth, the holiday celebrating freedom for enslaved black people.
“It’s irresponsible to say the least,” said Mareo Johnson, a pastor and the founder of Black Lives Matter Tulsa. His organization was involved in organizing a Saturday demonstration at John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park, less than a mile from the president’s rally.
His message to the city’s black residents, he said, was, “Stay focused on what Juneteenth represents.”
The commemoration held added significance in Tulsa, a city scarred by racist violence in 1921, when a white mob killed an estimated 300 black residents and devastated an area of the city known at the time as “Black Wall Street.” The Tulsa Race Massacre unfolded in the Greenwood neighborhood, where the words “Black Lives Matter” were painted on a road in bright yellow paint on Friday.
The events — freighted with political and historical meaning — turned the city into a magnet, leaving epidemiologists and public health officials fearful about the spread of the virus.
Susan Schoonover and her husband Brian said they woke up at 3 a.m. to drive the 15 miles from their home in Glenpool, Okla. Standing in line to see Trump, Schoonover sparkled in a tutu, tube socks and a red, white and blue head piece, clad for her first Trump rally. The pair purchased a cardboard cutout of Trump from Amazon to display in line, and they said it has been a hit with other attendees.
The parents of four left their children at home “just in case,” they said, citing recent unrest in cities across the country. As for the pandemic, they did not discount the threat of the coronavirus and planned to take some precautions. If they were to contract the virus, however, “it’s not a death sentence,” they said, because both are in their early 30s. Older people with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable, but young adults have also been badly sickened, including by an inflammatory syndrome linked to covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.
Robin Wilson, 64, said she was not concerned about contracting the virus inside the stadium despite a heart condition that put her in a wheelchair two years ago.
“I’m here because I love my president,” said Wilson, who used to work in insurance, “and I feel that he’s misrepresented by the mainstream media. And I believe that this is history in the making today, and I wanted to be a part of it.”
Brian Clothier, 61, found a more eye-catching way to illustrate his view of possible risks from the coronavirus. He wore an adult diaper over his pants, where he placed a sign saying the underwear would “stop the spread,” in a reference to the disputed notion that flatulence can be linked to coronavirus transmission.
By early Saturday, lines had formed around three major entrances to the arena, and state troopers and tactical teams in military-style fatigues were massing at the conference center across the street on the southwestern side of the downtown stadium.
The event was able to proceed after the Oklahoma Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to require the BOK Center to enforce social distancing guidelines spelled out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and endorsed by members of the president’s own coronavirus task force. The campaign said it would hand out masks but not require them.
The Trump campaign had originally scheduled the rally for Friday, Juneteenth, but postponed a day following an outcry. The president, after admitting not to have known about the significance of June 19 for many African Americans, claimed in an interview with the Wall Street Journal to have made it “famous.” Some feared the one-day delay would not prevent conflict.
“My fear is that we will see Charlottesville 2.0 in Tulsa,” said Karlos K. Hill, chair of the African and African American studies department at the University of Oklahoma, referring to the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in 2017.
In addition to crowds gathered for the rally and Juneteenth activities, an estimated 4,500 people were expected at an exposition space across town for the Oklahoma Gun Show and the Spring Home and Outdoor Living Expo. Discover Tulsa advertised the chance to see more than “70,000 square feet of guns this weekend."
Trump on Friday threatened protesters preparing to greet him in Tulsa, warning on Twitter: “Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma, please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!”
The Trump campaign has repeatedly touted figures suggesting as many as 1 million people have signed up for the event, vastly outstripping the arena’s capacity.
A curfew that had been in place Thursday was rescinded for Friday night after discussions between Trump and Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum (R), who has called the president’s decision to hold the event in his city a “tremendous honor” while declining to attend it. The state’s Republican governor, Kevin Stitt, has embraced the president’s move, saying of concerns about the coronavirus, “We’ve got to learn to deal with this,” while his health commissioner warned in a statement this week that “individuals looking to attend Saturday’s event, or any other large-scale gathering, will face an increased risk of becoming infected with covid-19 and becoming a transmitter of this novel virus.”
Though there was no curfew in place Friday, a “secure zone” was established around the site of the rally to “keep the area clear of individuals that are only present to break the law and disrupt the rights of people assembling peacefully,” according to the Tulsa Police Department.
Andrea Anderson, an FBI spokeswoman in Oklahoma City, said the Bureau was supplying investigative resources to state and local partners to “ensure public safety and security.”
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eyessharpweaponshot · 5 years
I really enjoy your fics and the fic recs you’ve done in the past, but with all the new ones for Big Bang and bingo I really don’t know where to start! Any pointers?
Hi nonny.
Wow, tough question. Bellarke Big Bang had so many wonderful fics submitted for its challenge (some that are still on my ‘marked to read’ section on ao3) and mine and @pawprinterfanfic challenge (Bellarke Bingo) has submissions almost daily so again, I haven’t gotten around to reading them all yet.
But I will try to form a fic rec for you based on the ones I have read. I’ll add the links, pop in the summary and then give a brief commentary (in italics) of what I thought/why the fic needed to be included in this rec list.
We’ll start with @bellarkebigbang:
1. Paint me in Trust by @pawprinterfanfic
Clarke is on the run. It’s 1997 in Britain, during the height of the Second Wizarding War. Voldemort is running rampage through the Wizarding World, fear is weighing heavily on everyone, and anyone who doesn’t side with the Dark Lord is in danger. Clarke was expected to side with him. She’s from a pureblood family that has decades tangled with the Dark Arts, after all. But, she didn’t.
So, she ran. Somehow, she finds her way to a safe house where she meets with other wizards and witches on the run.
All Bellamy wanted to do is to keep his sister safe. Instead of saving her, he’s stuck in a safe house with her. She’s a Slytherin, and she’s the daughter of a Death Eater. He doesn’t trust Clarke; why should he? Now, he’s stuck with her as they roam around the country, looking for places to stay safe and stay hidden. He quickly realizes that things could be worse. And… maybe Clarke isn’t as bad as he thought.
A Harry Potter world AU, written by my magnificent friend Essie. I’m not just putting this here because she’s my friend, this fic is actual gold. It’s so well written, like everything she writes, and I cannot get enough of it. Brilliance.
2. We were in love (now we’re strangers) by @raven-reyes-of-sunshine
Bellamy stares at his phone in concern. Asking him to fake date Clarke would be a weird thing to ask even if they were still friends. But they’re not. They hardly even talk anymore. But for Raven to be asking, practically begging, there must be a fairly good reason that Clarke needs a fake boyfriend for this wedding. It’s just not something she would be asking otherwise. Especially not something she would be getting Raven to ask him. It’s a lot and it has him concerned.
He’s not agreeing to it. He’s just saying that he’s going to need more time and more information and maybe a face to face conversation before he makes a decision. He and Clarke might not be friends anymore. But he’d known her forever. He can’t help caring. He cares with his whole heart. He can’t stop that. And he won’t lie. He’s a little curious. So he sends Raven a message that says they’ll discuss it when she’s sober and switches off his phone so he can sleep.
This girl was born with heaps of talent. I actually got the opportunity to pre-read a little bit of this fic before it was posted and it was agony waiting for the rest of it. It grips you from the opening line and I can’t sell this fic enough. READ IT.
3. Take Me to Your River (A Waltz in Three Parts) by @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky
After the events on the Ground, Clarke and Bellamy no longer feel like the team they once were. They’re puzzle pieces that don’t fit, languages with no connection, and worlds with no peace. So when they venture out into the new planet to scout before waking everyone up, they have an opportunity to relearn who they are after all the time apart, discovering the people they’ve become.
Except when they stumble across an abandoned mansion in the woods from a distant piano, they discover this world has hidden traps that Earth never had. Now they’ll have to survive their own ghosts. Except what will they do when the real ghosts are each other?
The Day Trip 2.0 fic no one asked for.
I adored this fic from beginning to end. It had to be part of my rec list because it’s one fic that stands out in my head when I think of this challenge. And I also love the girl who wrote it too - such a sweetheart.
4. In A Pitch Black World (Anything Goes) by @talistheintrovert
Bellamy and Clarke fell in love in Cairo in 1943, and then Clarke broke his heart. In 1949, Bellamy is working as a Private Investigator in London when Clarke turns up on his doorstep claiming her grandfather was murdered. No-one is above suspicion and the killer is poised to strike again.Or, the Crooked House AU that I’ve been *dying* to write for months.
Is it really a fic rec if Talis isn’t apart of it? The artwork of this fic combined with the story is so so beautiful and I always remember it. It’s such a gripping plot and I’d re-read this until I die. Yeah, this has to make the cut!
5. A Watch With No Hands by @kinetic-elaboration
Bellamy has lived his whole life in space, in a series of 300-year old space stations known as the Ark. When an oxygen crisis sends the stations down to Earth, he flees the beginning of a military dictatorship, and discovers that his long-abandoned home planet isn’t as deserted as he believed it to be.
Clarke lives in peace with her people, making art that celebrates the beauty of the Earth. But a recent discovery by her best friend has opened up the possibility that the world was not always this peaceful, nor this beautiful. Wells’s subsequent disappearance, the surreptitious experiments of her neighbors, and the inscrutable silence of the village’s leader, all contribute to a growing sense of unease in her community. When she encounters a stranger in the woods, they give each other the answers they’ve each been seeking: about history, peace, trust, the Earth’s violent past, and its hopeful future.
This was one of the most intriguing and unique storylines that I read in the Big Bang challenge. The way everything was described, the detail - ugh, it’s just a masterpiece. I wonder why I bother writing when I read fics like this one, how could I compare?
6. Hung up on You by @eyessharpweaponshot
Bellamy Blake does not get hung up on girls. It just doesn’t happen. It’s probably why he’s out of his depth when his easy ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement with Clarke Griffin turns into something he can’t control. He’s heartbroken when she leaves town, leaves him, and he thinks he’s made a good effort to move on. However, upon her return, it only takes the mere mention of her name for the crushing realisation to hit: he never got over her at all.
I’m gonna plug my own fic submission to Big Bang here guys. Because, well, why not?
Okay. Onto @bellarkebingo. This challenge is obviously close to my heart as myself and Essie are hosting it and I will eventually get around to all the fics on there.
I, myself, haven’t even had time to complete anything off of my own bingo card yet but I’m so excited to do it. The talent that has come out of this challenge already is off the chain and sign ups are always open, so come on over and request a card to start writing.
Here are some of the fics I have been loving so far:
1. Melt Into You by @icantloseyou-too
Clarke might have underestimated the blizzard. What was supposed to be a late finish at the clinic to catch up on paperwork turns into a storm-stayed night with the last person she would have expected, but as she’s about to find out, a lot can happen in one night.
Wow guys, just wow. What people are doing with the tropes on their cards - I can’t deal. I have no fingernails left after this fic - I was hooked, obsessed, invested, heartbroken, intrigued and outrageously happy. I love this girl to death and she created thee most magnificent piece for bellarke bingo. Bravo!
2. guess it’s never really over by @captaindaddykru
“You want me to put a kitchen supply up my—”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he interjects, shoulders shaking with a chuckle. It fades and a heavy feeling of resignation settles between them. “Imagine how many diapers we could buy with that kind of money.”
Clarke crosses her arms over her chest, almost petulant. She knows he hates it when she gives him an attitude for no reason. “Well, what do you expect we do?” Does he wanna blow it off? He never used to be a quitter. She lets out almost this nervous chuckle, tongue darting out to wet her lips as she thinks of the most ridiculous option of them all. “The old-fashioned way?”
He half-shrugs, cool expression on his face. Still, she knows him too well to not realize he’s being completely serious. “It worked out pretty well for us last time.”
Or: Clarke and Bellamy think it’s a good idea to try and have another child together even though they divorced three years ago.
Right, for those of you who know me well, seeing ‘exes, angst and smut’ in a bellarke fic just basically shoots the fic into my favourites/will read again pile straight away. This fic more than lived up to it. The plot was awesome and something I’ve never read before and even just describing it makes me want to go back and read it again right now. Amazing.
3. dance away your fear of love by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold
Life for Bellamy Blake hasn’t changed much in the past few years, not since his mother’s death and he took over her coffee shop in his hometown of Stars Hollow. That is until he receives a phone call from his ex, his high school girlfriend Clarke Griffin. Motherhood brings Clarke back home and from there they slip into new roles, while he battles old forgotten emotions.
This was everything I never knew I needed. The characterisation, the plot, the FEELS. This had to be on the rec list, there was no way I’d consider leaving it off of it. It was honestly perfect, from every angle. Not to mention that the author is a complete and utter babe.
4. to save a life I didn’t have by @kombellarke
Post 6.08 Speculation. Bellamy drags Josephine through the woods in search of Gabriel. He is confronted by a manifestation of his darkest fear and deepest desire, Clarke Griffin.
I have read other fics from this author and honestly, she just gets better and better each time she writes. Such an amazing, heart wrenching fic. It was one of the first submissions I read and it brought the biggest smile to my face to see such talented fics coming to our challenge.
5. Would Roses Bloom by @icantloseyou-too
Clarke was totally fine with being ‘just friends’ with Bellamy, honestly. Even on the nights they kissed they were just friends. Even on the nights they fell into each other’s beds they were just friends. So when Bellamy starts dating Echo it shouldn’t sting at all. It shouldn’t.
Another fic submission by this girl and honestly, I can’t tell you which one I like better. They are both phenomenal but this fic stands out majorly to me. I can relate to it on a personal level and reading it makes me feel like I’m actually living in the plot. My heart races and I feel the shame, the worry, the pain - EVERYTHING.
6. Sick of Losing Soulmates by @pawprinterfanfic
Clarke and Bellamy talk after the events at Gabriel’s. After almost losing her again, Bellamy intends to not let emotions go unspoken.
I don’t think Essie has wrote a fic yet where I haven’t shed a tear over it. This was incredibly beautiful and so well written. I’m so lucky to know such inspirational, incredible writers.
7. hanging all her hopes on the stars by @carrieeve
a month ago, Bellamy and Clarke slept together. a one-time, drunken thing and now they are very much not talking about it. in fact, they are not really talking about anything because Clarke is sure Bellamy doesn’t want it to mean anything and since she’s been in love with him for years now, this all feels pretty much like the world is ending.
the world, not one to be outdone, decides to show off and actually ends.
I just read this fic this morning and I couldn’t leave it off the rec list. It was so good, so interesting and a great concoction of tropes off of her bingo card. I’m very fond of Karolina’s fics and this did not let me down. So good and a perfect fic to end the fic rec with.
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presssorg · 6 years
Lies: Border Wall, Unemployment, Trade War, Unemployment, Mueller Russian Investigation, more
AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s untruths on Russia probe, wall, jobs WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is glossing over the facts when it comes to the Russia investigation and his economic performance. The president suggests the 34 charges issued or guilty pleas achieved by special counsel Robert Mueller have had little to do with him. But Trump’s ignoring reality. Most significantly, his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, has implicated Trump in a crime by linking him to a hush-money scheme. Cohen also pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about his efforts during the 2016 campaign to line up a Trump Tower Moscow project, saying he did so to align with Trump’s “political messaging.”
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On the economy, Trump claimed record low unemployment for blacks, Hispanics and Asian-Americans even as the numbers have risen after the partial government shutdown. And he described the steel industry as “totally revived” despite 20,000 job losses over the past decade. A look at his past week’s claims, also covering global warming and purported progress in building a border wall: RUSSIA INVESTIGATION TRUMP: “Of the 34 people, many of them were bloggers from Moscow or they were people that had nothing to do with me, had nothing to do with what they’re talking about or there were people that got caught telling a fib or telling a lie. I think it’s a terrible thing that’s happened to this country, because this investigation is a witch hunt.” — interview with CBS, broadcast Sunday. THE FACTS: Trump’s correct that Mueller’s team has indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 34 people. He’s wrong to suggest that none had anything to do with him or were simply “bloggers from Moscow.” Among these people are six Trump associates and 25 Russians accused of interfering in the 2016 election. In particular, Cohen definitely was in trouble for what he did for Trump. Cohen pleaded guilty in August to several criminal charges and stated that Trump directed him to arrange payments of hush money to porn actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal to fend off damage to Trump’s White House bid. Prosecutors’ court filings in December backed up Cohen’s claims. The Justice Department says the hush money payments were unreported campaign contributions meant to influence the outcome of the election. That assertion makes the payments subject to campaign finance laws, which restrict how much people can donate to a campaign and bar corporations from making direct contributions. It is true that many of Trump’s former associates, including Cohen, were charged with either lying to the FBI or Congress. The 25 Russians charged were not simply “bloggers.” According to Mueller’s indictment last February, 13 Russians and three Russian entities are accused of attempting to help Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton by running a hidden social media trolling campaign and seeking to mobilize Trump supporters at rallies while posing as American political activists. The indictment says the surreptitious campaign was organized by the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll farm financed by companies controlled by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a wealthy businessman with ties to President Vladimir Putin. Mueller’s team also charged 12 Russian military intelligence officers in July with hacking into the Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic Party and releasing tens of thousands of private communications. The charges say the Russian defendants, using a persona known as Guccifer 2.0, in August 2016 contacted a person in touch with the Trump campaign to offer help. And they say that on the same day that Trump, in a speech, urged Russia to find Clinton’s missing emails, Russian hackers tried for the first time to break into email accounts used by her personal office. —— TRUMP: “You look at General Flynn where the FBI said he wasn’t lying, but Robert Mueller said he was, and they took a man and destroyed his life.” — interview with CBS. THE FACTS: That’s not what the FBI said. And Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, has agreed that he lied to the FBI, having pleaded guilty to it.
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The idea that Flynn didn’t lie to the FBI picked up steam after Republicans on the House intelligence committee issued a report last year. It said ex-FBI director James Comey, in a private briefing, told lawmakers that agents who interviewed Flynn “discerned no physical indications of deception” and saw “nothing that indicated to them that he knew he was lying to them.” But Comey called that description “garble” in a private interview with House lawmakers in December. Comey, in essence, said Flynn was a good liar, having a “natural conversation” with agents, “answered fully their questions, didn’t avoid. That notwithstanding, they concluded he was lying.” At his sentencing hearing in December, Flynn acknowledged to Judge Emmet Sullivan that he knew it was a crime when he lied to the FBI in January 2017. Flynn declined to accept the judge’s offer to withdraw his guilty plea. Neither he nor his lawyers disputed that he had lied to agents. —— UNEMPLOYMENT TRUMP: “You saw the jobs report just came out. …The African-Americans have the best employment numbers in the history of our country. Hispanic Americans have the best employment numbers in the history of our country. Asian-Americans the best in the history of our country.” — CBS interview. THE FACTS: Black unemployment is not currently the lowest ever, possibly in part to the partial government shutdown, which lifted joblessness last month. Black unemployment did reach a low, 5.9 per cent, in May. But that figure is volatile on a monthly basis. That rate has since increased to 6.8 per cent in January. Hispanic and Asian-American joblessness has also risen off record lows last year. Hispanic unemployment last month was 4.9 per cent, up from a low of 4.4 per cent reached in October and December. Asian-American unemployment was at 3.1 per cent, up from 2.2 per cent in May. Moreover, there are multiple signs that the racial wealth gap is now worsening. The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under President Barack Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 per cent in March 2010 to 7.8 per cent in January 2017. —— THE WALL TRUMP: “The chant now should be ‘finish the wall’ as opposed to ‘Build the Wall’ because we’re building a lot of wall. I started this six months ago — we really started going to town — because I could see we were going nowhere with the Democrats.” — comments Friday. TRUMP: “Large sections of WALL have already been built with much more either under construction or ready to go. Renovation of existing WALLS is also a very big part of the plan to finally, after many decades, properly Secure Our Border. The Wall is getting done one way or the other!” — tweet Thursday. THE FACTS: Despite all his talk of progress, he’s added no extra miles of barrier to the border to date. Construction is to start this month on a levee wall system in the Rio Grande Valley that will add 14 miles of barrier, the first lengthening in his presidency. That will be paid for as part of $1.4 billion approved by Congress last year. Most work under contracts awarded by the Trump administration has been for replacement of existing barrier. When Trump says large parts of the wall “have already been built,” he’s not acknowledging that previous administrations built those sections. Barriers currently extend for 654 miles (1,052 kilometres), or about one-third of the border. That construction was mostly done from 2006 to 2009. —— STEEL INDUSTRY TRUMP: “Tariffs on the ‘dumping’ of Steel in the United States have totally revived our Steel Industry. New and expanded plants are happening all over the U.S. We have not only saved this important industry, but created many jobs. Also, billions paid to our treasury. A BIG WIN FOR U.S.” — tweet Jan. 28. THE FACTS: He’s exaggerating the recovery of the steel industry, particularly when it comes to jobs. In December, the steel industry employed 141,600 people, the Labor Department says in its latest data. Last March, when Trump said he would impose the tariffs, it was 139,400. That’s a gain of just 2,200 jobs during a period when the overall economy added nearly 2 million jobs. On a percentage basis, steel industry jobs grew 1.6 per cent, barely higher than the 1.3 per cent increase in all jobs. Yet those figures still lag behind where they were before the 2008-2009 recession. When that downturn began, there were nearly 162,000 steelworkers. Some companies have said they will add or expand plants. It’s difficult to know just how many jobs will be added by newly planned mills. But construction spending on factories has yet to take off significantly after having been in decline between 2016 and much of 2018. Construction spending on factories has been flat in the past year, according to the Census Bureau. Trump’s reference to “billions paid to our treasury” concerns money raised from tariffs on foreign steel and other products. Such tariffs are generally paid by U.S. importers, not foreign countries or companies, and the costs are often passed on to consumers. So that money going to the government is mostly coming from Americans. —— VOTER FRAUD TRUMP: “58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas, with 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote. These numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. All over the country, especially in California, voter fraud is rampant. Must be stopped. Strong voter ID!” — tweet Jan. 27. THE FACTS: That “iceberg” quickly began to melt as officials found serious problems with a report from the Texas secretary of state’s office on voter fraud. More broadly, Trump is overstating the magnitude of such fraud across the U.S. The Texas report suggested as many as 95,000 non-U.S. citizens may be on the state’s voter rolls and as many as 58,000 may have cast a ballot at least once since 1996. Since it came out, however, state elections officials have been notifying county election chiefs of problems with the findings. Local officials told The Associated Press that they received calls from Texas Secretary of State David Whitley’s office indicating that some citizens had been wrongly included in the original data. So far no one on the lists has been confirmed as a noncitizen voter. Election officials in Texas’ largest county say about 18,000 voters in the Houston area were wrongfully flagged as potentially ineligible to vote and those officials expect more such mistakes to be found on their list. Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Trump ally, acknowledged problems in the report, saying “many of these individuals may have been naturalized before registering and voting, which makes their conduct perfectly legal.” Early claims by other states of possible illegal voting on a rampant scale haven’t held up. When Florida began searching for noncitizens in 2012, for instance, state officials initially found 180,000 people suspected of being ineligible to vote when comparing databases of registered voters and driver’s licenses. Florida officials later assembled a purge list of more than 2,600 names but that, too, was beset by inaccuracies. Eventually, a revised list of 198 names of possible noncitizens was produced through the use of a federal database. In the U.S. overall, the actual number of fraud cases has been very small, and the type that voter IDs are designed to prevent — voter impersonation at the ballot box — is almost nonexistent. In court cases that have invalidated some ID laws as having discriminatory effects, election officials could barely cite a case in which a person was charged with in-person voting fraud. —— JUDGES TRUMP: “After all that I have done for the Military, our great Veterans, Judges (99), Justices (2) … does anybody really think I won’t build the WALL?” — tweet Jan. 27. THE FACTS: He’s boasting here about his record of getting federal judges and justices on the bench. But that record is not extraordinary. He also misstates the total number of judges who have been confirmed by the Senate — it’s 85, not 99. While Trump did successfully nominate two justices to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, during his first two years in office, four other modern presidents did the same — Democrats Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy, and Republican Richard Nixon. Trump, meanwhile, is surpassed in the number of confirmed justices by Warren Harding (four), William Taft (five), Abraham Lincoln (three) and George Washington (six), according to Russell Wheeler, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution and expert on judicial appointments. Trump’s 85 total judicial appointees lag behind five former presidents at comparable points in office. The five are George W. Bush, 99; Clinton, 128; Ronald Reagan, 88; Nixon, 91; and Kennedy, 111, according to Wheeler’s analysis. —— CLIMATE CHANGE TRUMP: “In the beautiful Midwest, wind chill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!” — tweet Jan. 28. THE FACTS: Global warming does not need to make a comeback because it hasn’t gone away. Extreme cold spells in parts of the globe do not signal a retreat. Earth is considerably warmer than it was 30 years ago and especially 100 years ago. The lower 48 states make up only 1.6 per cent of the globe, so what’s happening there at any particular time is not a yardstick of the planet’s climate. Even so, despite the brutal cold in the Midwest and East, five Western states are warmer than normal. “This is simply an extreme weather event and not representative of global scale temperature trends,” said Northern Illinois University climate scientist Victor Gensini. “The exact opposite is happening in Australia,” which has been broiling with triple-digit heat that is setting records. Trump’s own administration released a scientific report last year saying that while human-caused climate change will reduce cold weather deaths “in 49 large cities in the United States, changes in extreme hot and extreme cold temperatures are projected to result in more than 9,000 additional premature deaths per year” by the end of this century if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise at recent rates. Trump routinely conflates weather and climate. Weather is like mood, which is fleeting. Climate is like personality, which is long term. —— Associated Press writers Christopher Rugaber, Jill Colvin, Colleen Long and Seth Borenstein in Washington, Elliot Spagat in San Diego and Paul J. Weber in Austin, Texas, contributed to this report. —— Find AP Fact Checks at http://apne.ws/2kbx8bd Follow https://twitter.com/APFactCheck EDITOR’S NOTE — A look at the veracity of claims by political figures
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Published at Mon, 04 Feb 2019 05:28:50 +0000 Read the full article
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10 Best Romantic Things to Do in Paris
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/10-best-romantic-things-to-do-in-paris/
10 Best Romantic Things to Do in Paris
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Spending time relaxing together, just the two of you, is another way to celebrate love. In Paris there are countless ways in which to paint the town a Valentine red, but one of the most intimately romantic is to spend time together at a small, intimate theater on the Ile Saint-Louis. This gem, the Theatre de L’Ile St. Louis, is a 35-seater and has nightly programming, both of concerts and plays. What’s even better, an assortment of top-notch restaurants on the little island in the center of Paris, are less than a 5-minute walk away.
Another intimate way to celebrate the You that is the 2 of you, is a spa experience. Relaxing in the steam room, enjoying a glass of champagne in the hot tub and finishing with a massage is a romantic dream come true. The ultimate discreet Parisian spa is Sensation Spa in the 7th arrondissement. Or you could always spend an evening at Le Grand Rex, Europe’s biggest movie theater found here, in Paris. Located in the Grands Boulevards area, this gorgeous, historic movie theater is surrounded by trendy bars and eateries for before or after. 
Paris is a city full of the emblems of love. Of course, the notion of romantic love is a relatively recent social concept, springing up first in historical references only in the late 17th c. It is even thought that the origin of the English word “romance” originates from a French vernacular dialect. Perfume, too, is credited to France. Le Grand Musee du Parfum is a sensual way to explore the art of scent with one another.
To celebrate love & romance in the City of Love, one needn’t wait for Valentine’s Day. Any special occasion or any special moment enjoyed by lovers can be revered as a sort of private Valentine’s moment.  On this list, you will find just ten (of the dozens and dozens of possibilities here in Paris) recommendations of how to pay homage to this most noble of human emotions – love. To start with, book yourselves tickets online for L’Atelier des Lumieres. This immersive digital art experience, highlighting chosen artists, has been a hit since it first opened its doors in Paris a few short years ago. It is a family friendly activity, too, just in case your ‘date night’ includes the little ones. On that note, the Palais de la Decouverte is another immersive, experiential excursion that can be enjoyed ‘en deux’ or ‘en famille.‘ Their current temporary exhibit is devoted to L’Amour and understanding the physiological science behind it. 
So, even though each year Valentine’s Day is the holiday that focuses all of us romantics on the romantic nature of love, for lucky Parisians, romance is just a state of mind. And this is a sate of mind that, with some discipline, you can embody every day of the year. For example, simply take a walk across the famous ‘Lover’s Bridge,’ the Pont des Arts at sunset or sunrise, to get that rush of romance. 
The Eiffel Tower of course beckons seductively to all who visit Paris. So to give your visit that extra shot of romantic, start at the Trocadero which affords a wonderful view onto the Eiffel Tower in the near distance.  And for those looking to pay tribute to Love itself, there is Le Mur des Je T’Aime a whole, wall dedicated to declarations of love. 
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      A newer edition to the city’s cultural landscape, this aptly named ‘Light Workshop’ for the City of Light, draws you into an immersive art experience. Housed in a cavernous building in the trendy 11th arrondissement, once you step through the black doors, you enter into not just the chosen artist’s world, but his/her imagination, too. Digitally projected images from the artist’s repertoire and life are projected on all walls, the floor and the ceiling, creating a swirling light show all around you. It is a sort of Sound & Light show 2.0…but the immersive experience, the sound of music and narrative that accompanies the spectacle and the overall sensory stimulation makes this better than going to the movies. It’s also a great family activity.
Recommended for Romantic Things to Do because: An instant hit in the City of Light, this art-come-alive show by Culturespace draws spectators in and keeps them enthralled for the duration.
Paige’s expert tip: This is an all-ages activity. Many of the spectators walk around the floor space and then find themselves a spot to just sit back, gaze around and take it all in. The spectacle lasts about an hour, give or take, but you can stay as long as you like if you want to catch it on repeat.
Read more about Atelier des Lumieres →
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A contemporary art museum dedicated to exhibiting and then supporting the artists even after the exhibits through the purchase of their work, this beautiful museum is a favorite of many Parisians. It is nestled in the Montparnasse district of Paris, hence it is central and accessible. The foundation collaborates with other city institutions to expand its exhibiting reach. The wildly popular, ‘We The Trees,’ temporary exhibit was extended several months and some of the auxiliary audio-visual media material can still be accessed on the site. This isn’t the only example of dynamic curating that the young team at the Fondation has a penchant for, so check the website to see what’s current. Likely there will be something that appeals to your artistic senses. And the grounds, in the summer time, are a welcoming, shady place to take a breath and enjoy an outdoor snack.
Recommended for Romantic Things to Do because: Nestled in an accessible Montparnasse neighborhood, this museum’s popularity with the local Parisians is understandable once you’ve visited.
Paige’s expert tip: Don’t be fooled by the name, this foundation is looks, acts and feels like a museum. It is devoted to contemporary art and its philosophy is such that the foundation purchases a substantial portion of the art it exhibits. Hence, it is more than just a place of display.
Read more about Fondation Cartier →
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This museum in Paris is devoted fully to the art of perfume. It is a private museum funded partially with state funds and partially by private investors. Perfume is as integral to French culture as couture, fine wine and art. That there had not yet existed in the French capital a museum wholly devoted to perfume, unaffiliated with a perfume brand, was seen as something of an empty space that needed filling. The museum’s location is just a block or so away from the French White House, the Elysee. It is devoted to sensory perception and has been designed to be highly interactive. Visitors are easily and luxuriously drawn into testing their olfactory senses and playing at finding the scents that most please them. In the four floors of the perfume museum (including the Roederer-like champagne cellars basement) of the renovated private mansion, the visitor is introduced to the history of perfum and its importance at the King’s court especially Versailles. The upper floors are devoted to sensory and smell perceptions. This is a museum that is certain to appeal to both young and old, male and female.
Recommended for Romantic Things to Do because: Walking through the garden of scents installation is a delightful way to test your olfactory senses.
Paige’s expert tip: Experts tell us that our sense of smell is inseparably intertwined with our memories. Here you can make beautiful memories together while exploring your sense of smell and the making of perfume, with your significant other. In the four floors of the perfume museum (including the Roederer-like champagne cellars basement) of the renovated private mansion, the visitor is introduced to the history of perfume and its importance at the King’s court especially Versailles. The upper floors are devoted to sensory and smell perception. Walking through the garden of scents installation is a delightful way to test your olfactory prowess.
Read more about Le Grand Musee du Parfum →
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This is Europe’s largest movie theater and its location right on Grands Boulevards means it’s walking distance from the major department stores and one of Paris’s best shopping districts. With 2,650 seats it was purportedly modeled after NYC’s Radio City Music Hall. It opened in 1932 and its kitschy interior is still a mix between Art Deco and neo-classical Oriental. Best to see for yourself, and you can, as there is a 50-minute tour of the cinema that you can take year-round. The theater is not to be confused with its dance club, the Rex Club, which is adjoined and whose entrance is just a few yards down the way (known for its electro-pop music). Le Grand Rex is hands-down the most most impressive movie theater, in terms of largesse, d�cor and history, in Paris.
Recommended for Romantic Things to Do because: This is Europe’s largest movie theater and a Parisian landmark perfect for a date night out on the town.
Paige’s expert tip: Take the 50 minute tour of the cinema, offered year-round. There is also a nightclub just next door, by the same name. So after your movie is finished, you can continue your night by dancing in the club just a door down.
Read more about Le Grand Rex →
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Ever felt like escaping back to childhood? Where there was magic, model trains, life-sized unicorns, dragons and pretend kings and fairy princesses? This museum offers you exactly that kind of escape. It’s probably one of the least famous museums in Paris, which will make it all the more magical when you discover it. Yes, it’s a favorite of families, especially at the holiday times, when the museum puts all its rides into action and the grounds become one big old-style amusement park. But there is also such romance here, full of nostalgia and a time when carousel horses were hand carved out of wood and painted by a master craftsman. Come with your significant other and you will be sharing in these delights with the person who matters most. It will be sort of like watching the sunset together – infinitely better when the moment is shared.
Recommended for Romantic Things to Do because: It isn’t every day that you get to walk through a 19th century carnival grounds come alive. This one is interactive and authentic.
Paige’s expert tip: Every year at the end of the year, the ten days or so between Christmas and the start of the new year, this museum puts all its rides in action and has puppet masters, street performers and tap dancers animating the entire grounds. It becomes much more than a museum at this time, it becomes an interactive fair ground come alive from the 19th c.
Read more about Musee des Arts Forains →
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This museum, set in the Hotel Biron, is a tribute to one of the world’s finest sculptors. Thanks to Rodin’s own donations, the facility offers a wealth of objects, including terra cotta, bronze and marble creations. Plaster and wax studies are available as well, along with his sketches, drawings, engravings, and his own collected art. Among the items on display are “The Kiss” and the sculpture that brought Rodin much fame, The Thinker. The museum is now re-opened after 3 years (2012 – 2015) of renovations on the main building, Hotel Biron, which is an early 18th c. building. The gardens are an idyllic draw unto themselves. They were also the setting for the scene where former First Lady of France, Carla Bruni, played her role for Woody Allen’s film, Midnight in Paris. A café in the gardens offers refreshments.
Recommended for Romantic Things to Do because: This is a museum that offers as much viewing outdoors as indoors. It’s a pleasing blend for all in your party, whatever the weather.
Paige’s expert tip: Just one euro gets you entrance to these magnificent gardens, a gorgeous place to quietly sit and read a book. It is also favored by art students who bring their sketch pads for some still-life practice.
Read more about Musee Rodin →
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Paris is often considered to be the city of love, ideal for romance, and epitomizing that Paris aura is the Le Mur des Je T’aime, aka the I Love You Wall. This understated work of art is in a Paris park (Square Jehan Rictus Place des Abbesses in Montmartre) amidst flowers and trees, which add to the romance of the wall. What makes this wall so appealing for love that it has become the meeting place for romantics? On the black wall are 311 declarations of love in 250 different languages written in white. It’s a simple, but powerful work of art paying homage to one of the most powerful phrases in all languages: I love you.
Recommended for Romantic Things to Do because: To escape from the city and indulge in relaxation and rejuvenation without having to go anywhere is the key to an excellent urban spa getaway.
Paige’s expert tip: Look up how to say “I love you” in several different languages and then search for them on the wall. This is a fun game to play with kids or to create a bit of fun competition between you and your significant other to see who can find each phrase first.
Read more about Le Mur des Je T’aime →
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The Pont des Arts, a pedestrian bridge across the Seine, connects the Louvre with the Latin Quarter while offering some of the city’s most stunning views. It is also known as the Lover’s Bridge since lovers have been coming here for centuries to gaze into one another’s eyes. In recent years, the phenomena of Love Locks has swept not just Paris but romantic spots throughout the world. Alas, this bridge, however, became one of the epicenters for this cultural tradition and its 19th c. railings crumbled under the weight of all that love. The city replaced these with plexiglass panels. In the evenings it is a popular spot to come share a bottle of wine that special someone, and also just to sit and revel in the sounds of the street musicians, the passersby and other lovers such as yourselves, while basking in the breathtaking views.
Recommended for Romantic Things to Do because: Gazing at the sunset from this bridge with Notre Dame in one direction and the Grand Palais/Eiffel Tower in another is a timeless moment.
Paige’s expert tip: Last summer the bridge’s metal paneling began to give way under the weight of all the Love Locks fastened to them. So the city has started a campaign called #LoveWithoutLocks, a digital wall where you can post your declarations of love.
Read more about Le Pont des Arts →
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A more charming ‘community theatre’ does not exist anywhere! Located on the ancient, historical and aristocratic Quai d’Anjou; at the end of a short covered passageway full of flowers and flora, is where you’ll find this little theatre. There is something going on nearly every day, often piano recitals at 6:30 in the evenings, and even more entertaining fare, such as theatre or musical variety shows from 9pm. This intimate little theatre is famous for its elegance as well as its programming. It seats a total of about 30 people on plush, red velvet theatre seats. The box office opens about 30 minutes before the show. Or you can reserve in advance and buy you tickets online. Check their website for upcoming shows, concerts and theatre pieces. Even such greats as Michael Lonsdale have headlined plays and presentations here, so be prepared to be charmed and pleasantly surprised.
Recommended for Romantic Things to Do because: With all the wonderful theaters to choose from in Paris, this one remains the most intimate and, certainly for a romantic evening, the best location.
Paige’s expert tip: There are few places in Paris more romantic that the Ile St. Louis. It becomes even moreso, the more you hear about its storied past and the greats who have called this little island in the center of Paris ‘home.’ A winning romantic evening is the following: A piano recital show at the only theatre here on the island, followed by dinner at any of the magnificent restaurants to be found within a short 5 minute walk. Or, reverse the order, and do the 9pm show after dinner.
Read more about Theatre de L’Ile Saint Louis – Paul Rey →
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Located next to the Grand Palais, this science and technology museum (museum of discovery is the literal translation) is smaller and older than the Cite; des Sciences, and it has a charm all its own. Created in 1937 to help people understand scientific methods, the museum brings in excellent temporary exhibits to augment its permanent displays on physics, biology, electricity and astronomy. The real philosophy behind this museum is that most of us learn and comprehend scientific theory better when we have a chance to experience it. So many of the temporary and permanent exhibits here are hands-on. That’s a feature that is sure to make the kids, big and small, crack a smile. It also has a wonderful collection of original Da Vinci designs. Note: explanations are often in French only. METRO: Champs Elys–es-Clemenceau (line 1 or 3)
Recommended for Romantic Things to Do because: This is an interactive, fascinating science museum for young and old that happens to be just steps from the Champs-Elysées.
Paige’s expert tip: This museum is even better when you, or someone in your party, speak a bit of French. However, there are designated multilingual “scientific mediators” whose passion for science helps transmit the understanding of some of the basic scientific principles, like electricity.If yçu’ve ever visited the Exploratorium in San Francisco, you can easily draw comparisons to this immersive museum. Recent temporary exhibits include ‘De l’Amour,’ an exhibit dedicated to the physiological science behind love.
Read more about Palais de la Decouverte →
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foxbutton818 · 3 years
Ipod Classic Games
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The original and second generation iPod did not officially have games at all, but a simple game called 'Brick' - where the player 'breaks' a screen full of bricks with a ball and paddle. WinX Free 3GP to iPod Converter is a free 3GP video to iPod converter which supports fre converting 3GP video to iPod player, including iPod Touch 1, 2, 3/4/5, iPod Nano, iPod Classic, etc. There's no malware, adware, spyware or virus. Our range of refurbished iPod Classic devices are a great way to listen to music and podcasts on the go at an amazingly low price! Experience nostalgia by traversing through the iPod Classic with its selection wheel and enjoy classic games such as Solitaire or Parachute whilst listening to music.
SAN FRANCISCO—September 5, 2007—Apple® today introduced the new iPod® classic, featuring 80GB or 160GB of storage that holds your entire collection of music, photos, video, podcasts and games—up to 40,000 songs or 200 hours of video. Now in its sixth generation, the new iPod classic delivers all the features customers love about their iPods, plus an enhanced user interface featuring Cover Flow™ and a new all-metal enclosure. iPod classic is priced at just $249 for the 80GB model and $349 for the 160GB model.
“The first iPod put 1,000 songs in your pocket—this new iPod classic can put 40,000 songs in your pocket,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “With a thinner, all-metal enclosure and an enhanced user interface, the iPod classic is ideal for people who want to hold everything on their iPod.”
Rockbox Ipod Classic Games
The new iPod classic holds up to 160GB of storage in an all-metal anodized aluminum and polished stainless steel enclosure. iPod classic works seamlessly with iTunes® so you can import, manage and then easily sync your favorite content. You can buy music, video and games for your iPod classic from the iTunes Store with more than six million songs available for preview and one-click purchase.
The new iPod classic features up to 40 hours of music playback and seven hours of video playback in the 160GB model, and up to 30 hours of music playback and five hours of video playback in the 80GB model on a single charge,* letting users enjoy their entire collections of music, audiobooks, audio and video podcasts, music videos, television shows and movies wherever they go.
The new iPod classic is perfect for playing iPod games and comes pre-loaded with iQuiz, the entertainment trivia game; Vortex, a fast-paced 360 degree brick-bashing game; and Klondike, the popular solitaire card game. Additional games will be available for purchase for the new iPod classic later this month from the iTunes Store, including Sudoku and Tetris from Electronic Arts and Ms. PAC-MAN from NAMCO.
The iPod is the world’s most popular family of digital music players with over 100 million sold. Today, Apple released its most exciting iPod lineup ever with the iPod shuffle in five new colors; iPod classic holding up to 40,000 songs; the incredible all new iPod nano with video playback; and the breakthrough iPod touch with a revolutionary multi-touch user interface. iPod owners can choose from a vast ecosystem of accessories with over 4,000 products made specifically for the iPod including cases, fitness accessories, speaker systems and iPod connectivity in over 70 percent of US automobiles.
Pricing & Availability Both iPod classic models are available immediately worldwide in silver and black. The 80GB iPod classic model is $249 (US) and the 160GB iPod classic is $349 (US).
iPod classic requires a Mac® with a USB 2.0 port, Mac OS® X v10.4.8 or later and iTunes 7.4; or a Windows PC with a USB 2.0 port and Windows Vista or Windows XP Home or Professional (Service Pack 2) or later and iTunes 7.4. Internet access is required and a broadband connection is recommended, fees may apply. The iTunes Store is not available in all countries.
* Battery life and number of charge cycles vary by use and settings. See www.apple.com/batteries for more information. Music capacity is based on four minutes per song and 128-Kbps AAC encoding; photo capacity is based on iPod-viewable photos transferred from iTunes; and video capacity is based on H.264 1.5-Mbps video at 640-by-480 resolution.
Apple ignited the personal computer revolution in the 1970s with the Apple II and reinvented the personal computer in the 1980s with the Macintosh. Today, Apple continues to lead the industry in innovation with its award-winning computers, OS X operating system and iLife and professional applications. Apple is also spearheading the digital media revolution with its iPod portable music and video players and iTunes online store, and has entered the mobile phone market this year with its revolutionary iPhone.
Press Contacts: Christine Monaghan Apple (408) 974-8850 [email protected]
Apple, the Apple logo, Mac, Mac OS, Macintosh, iPod, Cover Flow and iTunes are trademarks of Apple. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
An iPod click wheel game or iPod game is a video game playable on the various versions of the Apple portable media player, the iPod. The original iPod had the game Brick (originally invented by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak) included as an easter egg hidden feature; later firmware versions added it as a menu option. Later revisions of the iPod added three more games in addition to Brick: Parachute, Solitaire, and Music Quiz. These games should not be confused with games for the iPod Touch, which require iOS and are only available on Apple's App Store on iTunes.
In September 2006, the iTunes Store began to offer nine additional games for purchase with the launch of iTunes 7, compatible with the fifth-generation iPod with iPod software 1.2 or later. Those games were Bejeweled, Cubis 2, Mahjong, , Pac-Man, Tetris, Texas Hold 'Em, Vortex, and Zuma. These games were made available for purchase from the iTunes Store for US$4.99 each. In December 2006, two more games were released by EA Mobile at the same price: Royal Solitaire and Sudoku. In February 2007, Ms. Pac-Man was released, followed in April 2007 by iQuiz. Until this time, all the available games could be purchased in a package, with no discount.
In May 2007, Apple released Lost: The Video Game by Gameloft, based on the television show. In June 2007, 'SAT Prep 2008' by Kaplan was introduced as 3 separate educational games based on the subjects of writing, reading, and mathematics. In December 2007, Apple released a classic Sega game, Sonic the Hedgehog, which was originally packaged with the Sega Genesis system in the early 1990s.
With third parties like Namco, Square Enix, EA, Sega, and Hudson Soft all making games for the iPod, Apple's dedicated MP3 player took great steps towards entering the video game handheld console market. Even video game magazines like GamePro and EGM have reviewed and rated most of their games.
The games are in the form of .ipg files (iPod game), which are actually .zip archives in disguise. When unzipped, they reveal executable files along with common audio and image files, leading to the possibility of third-party games, although this never eventuated (with the exception of superficial user-made tweaks). Apple never made a software development kit (SDK) available to the public for iPod-specific development.(1) The iOS SDK covers only iOS on the iPhone and iPod Touch, not traditional iPods.
In October 2011, Apple removed all the click wheel–operated games from its store.
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This is a list of games that were made available for the newest iPods, excluding the iPod Touch. Each game (other than Reversi and ChineseCheckers) cost US$4.99 to buy prior to their discontinuation in 2011.
The list contains 54 games that are known to exist. The list is always kept up to date by this script.
TitlePublisherRelease dateGame IDTexas Hold'EmApple Inc.2006-09-1233333ZumaPopCap Games2006-09-1244444Pac-ManNamco2006-09-12AAAAATetrisElectronic Arts2006-09-1266666Mini GolfElectronic Arts2006-09-1288888Cubis 2Fresh Games2006-09-1299999SudokuElectronic Arts2006-12-1950513Ms. Pac-ManNamco2007-02-2714004SAT Prep 2008 (Math)Kaplan2007-06-2211052SAT Prep 2008 (Reading)Kaplan2007-06-2211050SAT Prep 2008 (Writing)Kaplan2007-06-2211051The Sims BowlingElectronic Arts2007-07-171500CThe Sims PoolElectronic Arts2007-07-311500EMusika (Only Released in UK)NanaOn-Sha, Ltd./Sony BMG2007-08-071C300Brain ChallengeGameloft / Apple Inc.2007-09-05PhaseHarmonix2007-11-061D000Sonic the HedgehogSega2007-12-1818000PegglePopCap Games2007-12-1812104BombermanHudson Soft2007-12-1820000Block Breaker DeluxeGameloft / Apple Inc.2008-01-15Pole Position RemixNamco2008-01-21Naval BattleGameloft2008-02-04Chess & BackgammonGameloft2008-02-04YahtzeeHasbro2008-02-11Pirates of the Caribbean: Aegir's FireDisney2008-02-20Bubble BashGameloft2008-02-25ScrabbleElectronic Arts / Hasbro2008-03-03BejeweledPopCap Games2008-04-1555555MahjongElectronic Arts2008-04-2277777MonopolyElectronic Arts / Hasbro2008-06-0315040The Sims DJElectronic Arts2008-06-09Song Summoner: The Unsung HeroesSquare Enix2008-07-0824000UnoGameloft2008-07Mystery Mansion PinballGameloft2008-08Chalkboard Sports BaseballD2C2008-08Spore OriginsElectronic Arts2008-08-2515010Star TrigonNamco2008-09CSI: MiamiGameloft2008-09Tamagotchi: 'Round the WorldNamco2008-11Asphalt 4: Elite RacingGameloft2008-1222020Tiger Woods PGA TourElectronic Arts2008-12Real Soccer '09Gameloft2008-12Slyder AdventuresSandlot Games2008-12ReversiApple Inc.2008-12Wonder BlocksGameloft2008-12Lode RunnerHudson Soft2008-12Crystal DefendersSquare Enix2008-1224002Chinese CheckersApple Inc.2008-12Trivial PursuitElectronic Arts / Hasbro2008-12Cake Mania 3Sandlot Games2009-02LostUbisoft2007-051B200VortexApple Inc.2006-09-1212345iQuizApple Inc.2007-0411002Royal SolitaireElectronic Arts2006-1250514
Default games(edit)
These are the games that originally came with an iPod.(2)
iPod versionTitlesPublishersiPod 1G, 2GBrick (also called Game)Apple Inc.iPod 3G, 4G, 5G, and 5.5G; iPod Nano 1G and 2G; iPod MiniBrick, Music Quiz, Parachute, SolitaireApple Inc.iPod Nano 3G; iPod Classic 6GiQuiz, Klondike, VortexApple Inc.iPod Nano 4G and 5GMaze, Klondike, Vortex, BrickApple Inc.
iTunes had come under much criticism due to the UK price of iPod games, GB£3.99 (about US$7.40). Many people from the UK had given the games 1-star ratings, stating that Apple was 'ripping off' Britain.(3)
A similar situation occurred in Australia, where the price was A$7.49, even though the Australian dollar was (at the time) worth more than the US dollar (A$7.49 = US$7.76).
Developers had criticized Apple for not creating a software development kit (SDK) for software developers to create new iPod games; this was likely to keep the digital rights management of iPod games closed.(citation needed) Despite this, it did not prevent users from running an alternative OS on the iPod such as Linux, whereby, for example, there are ports of Doom that will run on fifth-generation iPods. Running Linux on an iPod retains the music-playing functionality of the device while also adding features such as the ability to create voice memos through the headphones.
When the iPod Classic and iPod Nano third generation were released, games which had previously been purchased could not be synced to the new iPods. Understandably, this made many consumers angry due to losing their investment.
It is also notable that after a download had been made for a game, it couldn't have been downloaded again unless a separate purchase was made for the same item.(4) This is different behavior than applications downloaded on the App Store, which can be downloaded an unlimited amount of times. These issues were later fixed, however, making it possible to install any single game on any number of iPods registered under the same account.
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Unofficial games(edit)
Some older iPod units are capable of using replacement firmware such as iPod Linux and Rockbox. These firmware projects can play many other games, including the aforementioned native port of Doom; and, via a native port of the Game BoyemulatorGnuboy, many other games could be played, including Super Mario Bros., Tomb Raider, Mega Man, Kirby, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Street Fighter, and hundreds more.(5)(6)
Games using the ″Notes″ feature(edit)
With the release of the third-generation iPod in 2003, Apple introduced a ″Notes″ feature to the iPod’s firmware. This functionality provided the first opportunity for third-party developers to create simple text and audio games which could be installed and run on an iPod without users needing to replace the official firmware.
With a limit of 1,000 individual .txt files, each with a maximum file size of 4kb, the Notes feature made use of a limited set of html tags. Hyperlinks could also be used to link to other .txt files or folders and play audio files stored on the device.(7) The limitation of available html tags meant that developers were restricted to Choose Your Own Adventure–style text-based games(8) or multiple choice–style quizzes with narrated audio.(9) Subsequently, very few developers used the Notes feature as a way of publishing games.
Gamestop Ipod Classic
^'What's Inside an iPod Game?' bensinclair.com, September 14, 2006.
^'Fun for your iPod', November 26, 2007.
^iTunes store
^Melanson, Donald (2007-09-19). 'iPod games must be repurchased for new iPods'. Engadget. Retrieved 2008-09-30.
^'Applications'. iPodLinux Wiki. Retrieved 6 April 2010.
^'What is Rockbox? Why should I use it?'. Rockbox Wiki. Retrieved 6 April 2010.
^'iPod Note Reader User Guide'(PDF). Apple. Archived from the original(PDF) on June 6, 2003.
^'XO Play offers Herbert's Big Adventure game for iPod'. MacWorld. 2 March 2004.
^'Coolgorilla releases music trivia game for iPods'. iLounge. 23 December 2005.
External links(edit)
iPod game page at Apple.com
Ipod Classic Games Vortex
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=IPod_game&oldid=1021219140'
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
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Common Loon by Amy Widenhofer, CC BY-SA 2.0 
Etymology: Unidentified Sea Bird
First Described By: Coues, 1903
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostaylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Neognathae, Neoaves, Aequorlitornithes, Ardeae, Aequornithes, Gaviiformes, Gaviidae
Referred Species: G. egeriana, G. schultzi, G. brodkorbi, G. moldavica, G. paradoxa, G. concinna, G. fortis, G. palaeodytes, G. howardae, G. concinna, G. stellata (Red-Throated Loon), G. arctica (Black-Throated Loon), G. pacifica (Pacific Loon), G. immer (Common Loon), G. adamsii (Yellow-Billed Loon)
Status: Extinct - Extant, Near Threatened - Least Concern
Time and Place: Since 18 million years ago, from the Burdigalian of the Miocene of the Neogene until the Holocene of the Quaternary 
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Loons have lived throughout the Northern Hemisphere, originating on the Eastern Coast of North America and spreading from there through the Neogene until today 
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Physical Description: Loons are squat birds, with long bodies and tiny little legs, and very short tails. They also have long necks, with round heads and long pointed beaks. They also have small, beady red eyes. The different species of loon differ greatly on color, though there are some common themes. Their backs are darker, usually black, with white streaks; they often have white bellies that may have some black speckles. They have distinctive black and white striping on the neck - though the extent of the striping varies from species to species, with some Loons having stripes all along the neck, and others only in isolated patches, surrounded by black feathers. The heads are usually a dark color, black or grey, with some lightness more towards the top of the head. They have black feet and flippers attached to their weird lopsided legs. In a lot of ways, Loons are modern, toothless Hesperornithines in general appearance and lopsidedness. They range from 53 to 91 centimeters in length - with many sizes in between. 
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Red-Throated Loon by the Bureau of Land Management, in the Public Domain 
Diet: Loons primarily feed on fish, though they will occasionally supplement their diet with other small aquatic animals.
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Black-Throated Loon by Bengt Nyman, CC BY 2.0 
Behavior: Loons are diving birds, spending most of their time going back and forth in the water searching for food. They will engage in pursuit dives, diving many meters under the water for sources of food, and chasing their fish very vigorously in order to catch them. In some of the better known species, food will be gathered up in ponds and inshore waters and brought back to the young; in the ocean, they’ll join mixed-species flocks in order to gather more fish from the water. Spawns of new fish and crustaceans will often attract groups of Loons to new feeding locations. They tend to swallow gastroliths to aid in crushing hard parts of food in the stomach of the Loons, though they may also aid in causing reguritation when needed Loons are excessively loud during the breeding season and much quieter when hunting; the males will make loud “arroarroarro” and other cackling calls when fighting over territory, which the females often match. The Common Loon especially makes a very distinctive breeding sound, going “ooo-aaaa-eeeeeeeee” and other rising vowel sounds. While nesting, they’ll also make rising, higher-pitched “week-week-week” calls, depending on the species. But, when not breeding, they are fairly silent birds all things considered. 
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Pacific Loon by Tim Bowman, in the Public Domain 
Loons breed mainly in the warmer summertime months, which of course varies extensively based on habitat and location - some loons begin breeding as late as June, while others start as soon as March. It really depends on how quickly the spring begins to thaw to allow for appropriate nesting time. They make nests out of heaps of plant matter placed near the water, laying between one two three eggs into the nest (though usually it’s just two, no more no less). The incubation period lasts for about a month, and the chicks are usually balls of fluffy brownish-grey down. They take around another two months to fledge, depending somewhat on their parents for food during this time. They usually take about two years to reach sexual maturity, and can live for at least a couple of decades (if not longer). Both parents usually take care of the young and will work together to move the nest if needed due to rising water levels. 
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Common Loon by Mike’s Birds, CC BY-SA 2.0 
Loons are fairly strong fliers, though they do have trouble taking off and many have to run along the water surface while flapping wings in order to take flight - only the Red-Throated Loon can take off from land. IN the air, they can fly for long periods of time in order to migrate. Loons have extensive migration ranges, going from warmer coastal waters in the summer to their breeding sites in more northern locations in the winter. They are also extremely strong swimmers. In general, they really aren’t good at walking - the downside of their funkily-placed little legs! 
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Red-Throated Loon by Don Faulkner, CC BY-SA 2.0 
Ecosystem: Loons mainly live in aquatic habitats - in freshwater pools, ponds, and lakes in cold locations such as tundra and taiga habitat; they will also be found on the Arctic and northern Atlantic/Pacific coasts and in rivers and estuaries along those coasts. They especially prefer to stay along the coasts and in sheltered bays during the wintertime, when it is more dangerous to be out on the open waters. They try to stay to deeper freshwater lakes and ponds when in freshwater habitats, rather than more shallow aquatic locations. 
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Pacific Loon by the NBII, in the Public Domain 
Other: Loons are primarily doing fine, conservation wise; only one species is considered Near Threatened, the Yellow-Billed Loon. This species is suffering due to unsustainable fish harvesting, leading to dramatic population declines in recent years. They are also vulnerable to oil-spills and heavy-metal poisoning. These risks also apply to the other Loon species, they just aren’t as heavily hit by them. 
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Yellow-Billed Loon by Ryan Askren, in the Public Domain 
Species Differences: The oldest definite members of Gavia are known from the early-middle Miocene of the Eastern United States. However, loons in general evolved possibly in the Late Cretaceous, at least by the start of the Cenozoic. There are potential members of Gavia as early as the Eocene. This indicates that Loons evolved fairly rapidly in direct response to vacant niches after the mass extinctions of the time. Other fossil species of Loon include G. egeriana from the Early Miocene of the United States and potentially Czechoslovakia; G. schultzi from the Middle Miocene of Austria; G. brodkorbi from the Late Miocene of the United States; G. moldavica from the Late Miocene of Moldova, G. paradoxa from the Late Miocene of the Ukraine, G. concinna from the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene of the United States, G. fortis from the Early Pliocene of the United States, G. palaeodytes from the Early Pliocene of the United States, G. howardae from the Early Pliocene of the United States, and G. concinna from the late Pliocene of San Diego. This showcases how Loons were much more widely distributed for much of their history, found in more southerly locations during the Neogene and up until the Ice Age. 
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Red-Throated Loon by Ómar Runólfsson, CC BY 2.0 
Today, there are five living Loons, with distinctly different appearances and slightly different ranges. Red-Throated Loons spend their summers in the Arctic Ocean area - so along the northern parts of Russia, Canada, and around Greenland, Alaska, and Scandinavia. They will spend their winters along the coasts of both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. They are some of the smallest loons, and also the most lightly colored - they have brown plumage and red patches on the front of their necks, and their heads and necks are primarily grey. 
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Black-Throated Loon by Robert Bergman, in the Public Domain 
Black-Throated Loons have similar ranges to the Red-Throated Loons, but only in Eurasia - they are rarely found in North America, only some parts of Alaska. They are also somewhat smaller, but they are black in color over most of their body with distinctive white patches. The tops of their necks and heads are grey, while they have black patches on their throats and black and white striping across their necks. 
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Pacific Loon by Alan Vernon, CC BY 2.0 
The Pacific Loon is found more in North America than in Eurasia, occasionally reaching Northeastern Russia and wintering in Japan and Korea. They also winter along the pacific coast of North America. They are the smallest of all Loons, and look very similar to Black-Throated Loons except for their size and having nrounded heads and thinner bills. 
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Common Loon by John Picken, CC BY 2.0 
Common Loons live throughout the Northernmost part of North America, even extending somewhat into the Continental US; they also will winter along the coasts of North America. They can be found in Greenland and Western Europe, as well as Scandinavia, during the winter; they also congregate in Iceland during the winter. They are larger loons, and don’t have as much striping on their necks; their backs are also in a funky black and white checkerboard pattern. 
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Yellow-Billed Loon by Norbert Potensky, CC BY-SA 3.0 
Finally, the Yellow-Billed Loon - unlike all other loons - have yellow bilsl, instead of grey ones. They have a similar range to the Red-Throated Loon, though somewhat more limited. They also grow extensively large, and have somewhat larger stripe patches on their necks than Common Loons - though not as much as other Loon species.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources Under the Cut 
Appleby, R.H.; Steve C. Madge; Mullarney, Killian (1986). "Identification of divers in immature and winter plumages". British Birds. 79 (8): 365–91.
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Arnott, W.G. (1964). "Notes on Gavia and Mergvs in Latin Authors". Classical Quarterly. New Series. 14 (2): 249–62.  
Bird, Louis; Brown, Jennifer S.H. (2005). Telling Our Stories: Omushkego Legends and Histories from Hudson Bay. Peterborough, ON, Canada: Broadview Press.
Brodkorb, P. 1953. A review of the Pliocene loons. Condor 55(4):211-214  
Brodkorb, P. 1955. The avifauna of the Bone Valley Formation. Florida Geological Survey Report of Investigations 14:1-57
Brodkorb, Pierce (1963). "Catalogue of fossil birds. Part 1 (Archaeopterygiformes through Ardeiformes)". Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, Biological Sciences. 7 (4): 179–293.
Broughton, J. M. 2004. Prehistoric human impacts on California birds: evidence from the Emeryville shellmoumd avifauna. Ornithological Monographs 56:1-90
Carboneras, Carles (1992). "Family Gaviidae (Divers)". In Josep del Hoyo; Andrew Elliott; Jordi Sargatal (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume 1: Ostrich to Ducks. Barcelona, Spain: Lynx Edicions.
Carboneras, C. & Garcia, E.F.J. (2019). Arctic Loon (Gavia arctica). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Carboneras, C., Christie, D.A. & Garcia, E.F.J. (2019). Common Loon (Gavia immer). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Carboneras, C., Christie, D.A. & Garcia, E.F.J. (2019). Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Carboneras, C., Christie, D.A. & Garcia, E.F.J. (2019). Yellow-billed Loon (Gavia adamsii). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Carroll, R. L. 1988. Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution 1-698
Cassidy, Frederic Gomes; Hall, Joan Houston (1985). Dictionary of American Regional English: Volume1, A–C. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.  
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del Hoyo, J., Collar, N. & Garcia, E.F.J. (2019). Pacific Loon (Gavia pacifica). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Evers, David C., James D. Paruk, Judith W. Mcintyre and Jack F. Barr. 2010. Common Loon (Gavia immer), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Guthrie, D. A. 1992. A late Pleistocene avifauna from San Miguel Island, California. Science Series (Los Angeles) 36:319-327
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Howard, H. 1982. Fossil birds from Tertiary marine beds at Oceanside, San Diego County, California, with discriptions of two species of the genera Uria and Cepphus (Aves: Alcidae). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 341:1-15
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Piper, W.H.; Tischler, K.B. & Klich, M. (2000). "Territory acquisition in loons: The importance of take-over". Animal Behaviour. 59 (2): 385–94.
Piper, W.H.; Walcott, C.; Mager, J.N.; Perala, M.; Tischler, K.B.; Harrington, Erin; Turcotte, A.J.; Schwabenlander M. & Banfield, N. (2006). "Prospecting in a Solitary Breeder: Chick Production Elicits Territorial Intrusions in Common Loons". Behavioral Ecology. 17 (6): 881–888.
Piper, W.H.; Walcott, C.; Mager, J.N. & Spilker, F. (2008). "Nestsite selection by male loons leads to sex-biased site familiarity". Journal of Animal Ecology. 77 (2): 205–10.
Piper, W.H.; Walcott, C.; Mager, J.N. & Spilker, F. (2008b). "Fatal Battles in Common Loons: A Preliminary Analysis". Animal Behaviour. 75 (3): 1109–15.
Rasmussen, Pamela C. (1998). "Early Miocene Avifauna from the Pollack Farm Site, Delaware" (PDF). Delaware Geological Survey Special Publication. 21: 149–51.
Shufeldt, R. W. 1915. Fossil birds in the Marsh Collection of Yale University. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 19:1-110
Sjölander, S. & Ågren, G. (1972). "The reproductive behaviour of the Common Loon". Wilson Bull. 84 (3): 296–308.
Sjölander, S. & Ågren, G. (1976). "The reproductive Behavior of the Yellow-billed Loon, Gavia adamsii (with G. Ågren)". The Condor. 78 (4): 454–63.
Slack, K.E.; Jones, C.M.; Ando, T.; Harrison G.L.; Fordyce R.E.; Arnason, U. & Penny, D. (2006). "Early Penguin Fossils, plus Mitochondrial Genomes, Calibrate Avian Evolution". Mol. Biol. Evol. 23 (6): 1144–55.
Stolpe, M. (1935). "Colymbus, Hesperornis, Podiceps:, ein Vergleich ihrer hinteren Extremität". J. Ornithol. (in German). 80 (1): 115–128.
Storer, Robert W. (1956). "The Fossil Loon, Colymboides minutus" (PDF). Condor. 58 (6): 413–426.
Wetmore, Alexander (1941). "An Unknown Loon from the Miocene Fossil Beds of Maryland" (PDF). Auk. 58 (4): 567.
Zelenkov, N. V., E. N. Kurochkin, A. A. Karhu and P. Ballmann. 2008. Birds of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene from the Palaeolithic Djuktai cave site of Yakutia, eastern Siberia. Oryctos 7:217-226
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exactlysweetzombie · 4 years
Wineskin Winery Mac 64 Bit
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Wineskin Mac Os
Wineskin Winery
Wineskin Winery Mac 64 Bit Mac
Wineskin Mac
Wineskin Download Mac
Download the Wine Staging 2.0 x86 64 bit installer and then install it, you will need to run wine from a terminal and point wine to the.exe that you want to run. May 5, 2017 at 8:03 AM.
Version 3.0.2: Note: While the software is classified as free, it offers in-App Purchases. Mojave and 64 bit support; Bug fixes for macOS 10.11, 10.12 and upgraded VMs from previous versions.
Re: Wine doesn't work with Mac Os 10.15 Catalina Post by Gcenx » Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:34 pm @dimesio maybe you could edit the packages thread to mention it’s 10.8 10.14.
Wine is an open source program for running Windows software on non-Windows operating systems. While it’s most often used on Linux, Wine can run Windows software directly on a Mac, too–without requiring a Windows license or needing Windows running in the background.
This isn’t necessarily the best option if you want to run Windows software on a Mac. Wine isn’t perfect, and not every application will run ideally. Some applications will crash or not run at all. Virtual machines and Boot Camp are more rock-solid options, but they do add more overhead and require a Windows installation. For apps that do work, however, Wine can be extremely useful.
How to Download Wine on a Mac
RELATED:5 Ways to Run Windows Software on a Mac
There are several ways to get Wine on a Mac. The official project website at WineHQ now provides official builds of Wine for Mac OS X. However, those aren’t necessarily the best option. These Wine binaries allow you to run Windows software, but don’t provide any helpful graphical tools for installing and setting up common applications, so they’re best for advanced users already familiar with Wine.
Instead, you should probably consider one of the third-party projects that take the Wine source code and build a more convenient interface on top of it, one that helps you quickly install and configure common applications. They often perform tweaks that you’d have to perform by hand if you were using the barebones Wine software. They include their own Wine software, too, so you only have to download one thing.
Third-party tools include WineBottler, PlayOnMac, and Wineskin. There’s also the free Porting Kit, which makes installing classic games easy, and the commercial CrossOver Mac, which is the only application here you have to pay for. We’ll be using WineBottler for this tutorial, as it seems like the most popular option among Mac users. It can create Mac .app bundles for Windows programs. The other third-party applications will work similarly, though some (like CrossOver and Porting Kit) may be much more streamlined for the apps they actually support—so if you’re looking to run a specific game, it may be worth checking to see if the other apps support that game for easy setup.
How to Run Windows Software on a Mac With WineBottler
To get started, download WineBottler. Be sure to download a version that works on your release of Mac OS X. When this article was written, that meant OS X El Capitan and Yosemite users needed to download version 1.8.
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Open the downloaded DMG file. Drag and drop both Wine and WineBottler applications to your Applications folder to install them, just like you would any other Mac application. You can then launch WineBottler from your Applications folder.
WineBottler lists a number of different programs you can easily install. For example, you could install various versions of Internet Explorer if you needed to test websites with them on your Mac. The Windows version of Steam is available, and which could allow you to run some Windows-only games on your Mac. Choose any of these options and WineBottler will automatically download, install, and configure these applications for you.
Wineskin Mac Os
The installed application will appear under “On My Mac” in the WineBottler window. You can uninstall them from here, if you like. Click an application and it will launch in a window, receiving its own icon on your dock.
To run another application that doesn’t appear in the WineBottler list, you can simply download it, then right-click or Ctrl-click its .exe file to select Open With > Wine.
WineBottler allows you to quickly execute the .exe directly, if you like. You can also choose to install the application in a Mac .app file created by WineBottler.
If you choose to convert it to an OS X application bundle, you will be taken to the Advanced screen in WineBottler. Provide the .exe file used to install the application and you can install it as an .app using the options here. Depending on the application, you may need various third-party libraries from the Winetricks list, DLL override options, or runtime arguments here to make it work.
However, that often isn’t necessary–just executing .exe files directly with Wine should generally work.
If you can’t get an application working, you should perform a web search for its name and “wine” or “winebottler” for tips on what advanced functions you might need.
Bear in mind that WineBottler is best if you have a single program or handful of programs that work well. If you plan on testing out a lot of software or you use software that Wine doesn’t support well, you’ll have a much better time just running it in a virtual machine. These offer more or less guaranteed compatibility with Windows software on a Mac.
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WineOriginal author(s)Alexandre JulliardDeveloper(s)Wine authors (1,668)Initial release4 July 1993; 25 years agoStable release4.0[1](January 22, 2019; 3 months ago)[±]Preview release4.8[2](May 10, 2019; 6 days ago)[±]Repositorysource.winehq.org/git/wine.gitWritten inC,[3]Yacc,[4]JavaScript,[5]Objective-C,[6]Perl[7]Operating system
Platformx86-32, x86-64, ARMSize21 MB (compressed tar.xz)Available inEnglishTypeCompatibility layerLicenseLGPLv2.1+[10][11]Websitehttps://www.winehq.org
Wine (recursivebackronym for Wine Is Not an Emulator) is a free and open-sourcecompatibility layer that aims to allow computer programs (application software and computer games) developed for Microsoft Windows to run on Unix-likeoperating systems. Wine also provides a software library, known as Winelib, against which developers can compile Windows applications to help port them to Unix-like systems.[12]
Wine provides its own Windows runtime environment which translates Windows system calls into POSIX-compliant system calls,[13] recreating the directory structure of Windows systems, and providing alternative implementations of Windows system libraries,[14] system services through wineserver[15] and various other components (such as Internet Explorer, the Windows Registry Editor,[16] and msiexec[17]). Wine is predominantly written using black-box testing reverse-engineering, to avoid copyright issues.[18]
Wine Project name being Wine is Not an Emulator was set as of August 1993 in the Naming discussion[19] and credited to David Niemi this is a recursivebackronym. Unfortunately there is some confusion caused by an early FAQ using Windows Emulator[20] and other invalid sources that appear after the Wine Project name being set. No code emulation or virtualization occurs when running a Windows application under Wine.[21] 'Emulation' usually would refer to execution of compiled code intended for one processor (such as x86) by interpreting/recompiling software running on a different processor (such as PowerPC). While the name sometimes appears in the forms WINE and wine, the project developers have agreed to standardize on the form Wine.[22]
Wine is primarily developed for Linux and macOS,[23] and there are (As of November 2018) well-maintained packages available for both platforms.[24]
In a 2007 survey by desktoplinux.com of 38,500 Linux desktop users, 31.5% of respondents reported using Wine to run Windows applications.[25] This plurality was larger than all x86 virtualization programs combined, as well as larger than the 27.9% who reported not running Windows applications.[26]
2.3Graphics and gaming
3User interface
4.5Non-x86 architectures
5Other versions of Wine
Bob Amstadt, the initial project leader, and Eric Youngdale started the Wine project in 1993 as a way to run Windows applications on Linux. It was inspired by two Sun Microsystems' products, the Wabi for the Solaris operating system, and the Public Windows Initiative,[27] which was an attempt to get the Windows API fully reimplemented in the public domain as an ISO standard but rejected due to pressure from Microsoft in 1996.[28] Wine originally targeted 16-bit applications for Windows 3.x, but as of 2010 focuses on 32-bit and 64-bit versions which have become the standard on newer operating systems. The project originated in discussions on Usenet in comp.os.linux in June 1993.[29]Alexandre Julliard has led the project since 1994.
The project has proven time-consuming and difficult for the developers, mostly because of incomplete and incorrect documentation of the Windows API. While Microsoft extensively documents most Win32 functions, some areas such as file formats and protocols have no publicly available specification from Microsoft, and Windows also includes undocumented low-level functions, undocumented behavior and obscure bugs that Wine must duplicate precisely in order to allow some applications to work properly.[30] Consequently, the Wine team has reverse-engineered many function calls and file formats in such areas as thunking.[citation needed]
The Wine project originally released Wine under the same MIT License as the X Window System, but owing to concern about proprietary versions of Wine not contributing their changes back to the core project,[31] work as of March 2002 has used the LGPL for its licensing.[32]
Wine officially entered beta with version 0.9 on 25 October 2005.[33] Version 1.0 was released on 17 June 2008,[34] after 15 years of development. Version 1.2 was released on 16 July 2010,[35] version 1.4 on 7 March 2012,[36] version 1.6 on 18 July 2013.[37] and version 1.8 on 19 December 2015.[38] Development versions are released roughly every two weeks.
Wine-staging is a relatively independently maintained set of relatively aggressive patches not deemed ready by WineHQ developers for merging into the wine repository, but still considered useful by the wine-compholio fork. It mainly covers experimental functions and bug fixes. Since January 2017, patches in wine-staging begins to be actively merged into the WineHQ upstream as wine-compholio transferred the project to Alistair Leslie-Hughes, a key WineHQ developer.[39]
Corporate sponsorship[edit]
The main corporate sponsor of Wine is CodeWeavers, which employs Julliard and many other Wine developers to work on Wine and on CrossOver, CodeWeavers' supported version of Wine. CrossOver includes some application-specific tweaks not considered suitable for the WineHQ[non sequitur] version, as well as some additional proprietary components.[40]
The involvement of Corel for a time assisted the project, chiefly by employing Julliard and others to work on it. Corel had an interest in porting WordPerfect Office, its office suite, to Linux (especially Corel Linux). Corel later cancelled all Linux-related projects after Microsoft made major investments in Corel, stopping their Wine effort.[41]
Other corporate sponsors include Google, which hired CodeWeavers to fix Wine so Picasa ran well enough to be ported directly to Linux using the same binary as on Windows; Google later paid for improvements to Wine's support for Adobe Photoshop CS2. Wine is also a regular beneficiary of Google's Summer of Code program.[42][43]
The goal of Wine is to implement the Windows APIs fully or partially that are required by programs that the users of Wine wish to run on top of a Unix-like system.
Basic architecture[edit]
The programming interfaces of the Microsoft Windows family of OSes consist largely of dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). These contain a huge number of wrapper sub-routines for the system calls of the kernel, the NTOS kernel-mode program (ntoskrnl.exe). A typical Windows program calls some Windows DLLs, which in turn calls user-mode gdi/user32 libraries, which in turn uses the kernel32.dll (win32 subsystem) responsible for dealing with the kernel through system calls. The system-call layer is considered private to Microsoft programmers as documentation is not publicly available, and published interfaces all rely on subsystems running on top of the kernel. Besides these, there are a number of programming interfaces implemented as services that run as separate processes. Applications communicate with user-mode services through RPCs.[44]
Wine implements the Windows application binary interface (ABI) entirely in user space, rather than as a kernel module. Wine mostly mirrors the hierarchy, with services normally provided by the kernel in Windows[45] instead provided by a daemon known as the wineserver, whose task is to implement basic Windows functionality, as well as integration with the X Window System, and translation of signals into native Windows exceptions. Although Wineserver implements some aspects of the Windows kernel, it is not possible to use native Windows drivers with it, due to Wine's underlying architecture.[44] This prevents certain applications and games from working, for example those using StarForce copy-protection which requires virtual device drivers to be installed.
Libraries and applications[edit]
Wine allows for loading both Windows DLLs and Unix shared objects for its Windows programs. Its builtin implementation of the most basic Windows DLLs, namely NTDLL, KERNEL32, GDI32, USER32, uses the shared object method because they must use functions in the host operating system as well. Higher-level libraries, such as WineD3D, are free to use the DLL format. In many cases users can choose to load a DLL from Windows instead of the one implemented by wine. Doing so can provide functionalities not yet implemented by wine, but may also cause malfunctions if it relies on something else not present in wine.[44]
Wine tracks its state of implementation through automated unit testing done at every git commit.[46]
Graphics and gaming[edit]
While most office software does not make use of complex GPU-accelerated graphics APIs, computer games do. To run these games properly, Wine would have to forward the drawing instructions to the host OS, and even translate them to something the host can understand.
DirectX is a collection of Microsoft APIs for rendering, audio and input. As of 2019, Wine 4.0 contains a DirectX 12 implementation for Vulkan API, and DirectX 11.2 for OpenGL.[47] Wine 4.0 also allows Wine to run Vulkan applications by handing draw commands to the host OS, or in the case of macOS, by translating them into the Metal API by MoltenVK.[47]
As of February 2019, Wine 4.3 uses the FAudio library to implement the XAudio2 audio API.[48][49]
XInput and Raw Input
Wine, since 4.0 (2019), supports game controllers through its builtin implementations of these libraries. They are built as Unix shared objects as they need to access the controller interfaces of the underlying OS, specifically through SDL.[47]
Wine 4.0 supports Direct2D 1.2.[47]
Much of Wine's DirectX effort goes into building WineD3D, a translation layer from Direct3D and DirectDraw API calls into OpenGL. As of 2019, this component supports up to DirectX 11.[47] As of December 12, 2016, wine is good enough to run Overwatch with D3D11.[50] Besides being used in Wine, WineD3D DLLs are also useful in the Windows Operating System itself, allowing for older graphic cards to run games using newer DirectX versions and for old DDraw-based games to render correctly.[51]
Some work is ongoing to move the Direct3D backend to Vulkan API. Direct3D 12 support in 4.0 is provided by a 'vkd3d' subproject,[47] and WineD3D has in 2019 been experimentally ported to use the Vulkan API.[52]
Wine, when patched, can alternatively run Direct3D 9 without translation via the a free and open-sourceGallium3D State Tracker for DX9. The Gallium3D layer allows for direct pass-through of drawing commands.[53]
User interface[edit]
A screenshot showing how Wine can be configured to mimic different versions of Windows, going as far back as Windows 2.0 as shown.
Wine is usually invoked from the command-line interpreter: wine [program.exe].[54]
Wineskin Winery
There is the utility winecfg that starts a graphical user interface with controls for adjusting basic options.[55] It is a GUI configuration utility included with Wine. Winecfg makes configuring Wine easier by making it unnecessary to edit the registry directly, although, if needed, this can be done with the included registry editor (similar to Windows regedit).
Third-party applications[edit]
Some applications require more tweaking than simply installing the application in order to work properly, such as manually configuring Wine to use certain Windows DLLs. The Wine project does not integrate such workarounds into the Wine codebase, instead preferring to focus solely on improving Wine's implementation of the Windows API. While this approach focuses Wine development on long-term compatibility, it makes it difficult for users to run applications that require workarounds. Consequently, many third-party applications have been created to ease the use of those applications that don't work out of the box within Wine itself. The Wine wiki maintains a page of current and obsolete third-party applications.[56]
Winetricks is a script to install some basic components (typically Microsoft DLLs and fonts) and tweak settings required for some applications to run correctly under Wine.[57] It can fully automate the install of a number of apps and games, including applying any needed workarounds. Winetricks has a GUI.[58] The Wine project will accept bug reports for users of Winetricks, unlike most third-party applications. It is maintained by Wine developer Austin English.[59]
Q4Wine is an open Gui for advanced setup of Wine.
Wine-Doors is an application-management tool for the GNOME desktop which adds functionality to Wine. Wine-Doors is an alternative to WineTools which aims to improve upon WineTools' features and extend on the original idea with a more modern design approach.[60]
IEs4Linux is a utility to install all versions of Internet Explorer, including versions 4 to 6 and version 7 (in beta).[61]
Wineskin is a utility to manage Wine engine versions and create wrappers for macOS.[62]
PlayOnLinux is an application to ease the installation of Windows applications (primarily games). There is also a corresponding Macintosh version called PlayOnMac.
Lutris is an open source application to easily install Windows games on Linux.[63]
Bordeaux is a proprietary Wine GUI configuration manager that runs winelib applications. It also supports installation of third-party utilities, installation of applications and games, and the ability to use custom configurations. Bordeaux currently runs on Linux, FreeBSD, PC-BSD, Solaris, OpenSolaris, OpenIndiana,[64][65] and macOS computers.
The developers of the Direct3D portions of Wine have continued to implement new features such as pixel shaders to increase game support.[66] Wine can also use native DLLs directly, thus increasing functionality, but then a license for Windows is needed unless the DLLs were distributed with the application itself.
Wine also includes its own open-source implementations of several Windows programs, such as notepad, wordpad, control, iexplore, and explorer.[67]
The Wine Application Database (AppDB) is a community-maintained on-line database about which Windows programs works with Wine and how well they work.
Backward compatibility[edit]
Wine ensures good backward compatibility with legacy Windows applications, including those written for Windows 3.1x.[68] Wine can mimic different Windows versions required for some programs, going as far back as Windows version 2.0.[69] However, Windows 1.x and Windows 2.x support was removed from Wine development version 1.3.12. If DOSBox is installed on the system[citation needed] (see below on MS-DOS), Wine development version 1.3.12 and later nevertheless show the 'Windows 2.0' option for the Windows version to mimic, but Wine still won't run most Windows 2.0 programs because MS-DOS and Windows functions are not currently integrated.
Backward compatibility in Wine is superior to that of Windows, as newer versions of Windows can force users to upgrade legacy Windows applications. In many cases, Wine can offer better legacy support than newer versions of Windows with 'Compatibility Mode'. Wine can run 16-bit Windows programs on a 64-bit operating system, which uses an x86-64 (64-bit) CPU, [70] a functionality not found in 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows.[71][72]
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Wine partially supports Windows console applications, and the user can choose which backend to use to manage the console (choices include raw streams, curses, and user32).[73] When using the raw streams or curses backends, Windows applications will run in a Unix terminal.
64-bit applications[edit]
Preliminary support for 64-bit Windows applications was added to Wine 1.1.10, in December 2008.[74] As of April 2019, the support is considered stable. The two versions of wine are built separetely, and as a result only building wine64 produces an environment only capable of running x86-64 applications.[75]
As of April 2019, Wine has stable support for a WoW64 build, which allows both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows applications to run inside the same Wine instance. To perform such a build, one must first build the 64-bit version, and then build the 32-bit version referencing the 64-bit version. Just like Microsoft's WoW64, the 32-bit build process will add parts necessary for handling 32-bit programs to the 64-bit build.[75] This functionality is seen from at least 2010.[76]
Early versions of Microsoft Windows run on top of MS-DOS and Windows programs may depend on MS-DOS programs being runnable. Wine does not have good support for MS-DOS, but starting with development version 1.3.12, Wine tries running MS-DOS programs in DOSBox if DOSBox is available on the system.[77] However, due to a bug, current versions of Wine incorrectly identify Windows 1.x and Windows 2.x programs as MS-DOS programs, attempting to run them in DOSBox (which does not work).[78]
Wine provides Winelib, which allows its shared-object implementations of the Windows API to be used as actual libraries for a Unix program. This allows for Windows code to be bulit into native Unix executables. Since October 2010, Winelib also works on the ARM platform.[79]
Non-x86 architectures[edit]
Support for Solaris SPARC was dropped in version 1.5.26.
ARM, Windows CE, and Windows RT[edit]
Wine provides some support for ARM (as well as ARM64/AArch64) processors and the Windows flavors that run on it. As of April 2019, Wine can run ARM/Win32 applications intended for unlocked Windows RT devices (but not Windows RT programs). Windows CE support (either x86 or ARM) is missing,[80] but an unofficial, pre-alpha proof-of-concept version called WineCE allows for some support.[81]4
Wine for Android[edit]
On 3 February 2013 at the FOSDEM talk in Brussels, Alexandre Julliard demonstrated an early demo of Wine running on Google's Android operating system.[82]
Experimental builds of WINE for Android (x86 and ARM) were released in late 2017. It has been routinely updated by the official developers ever since.[83] The default builds does not implement cross-architecture emulation via QEMU, and as a result ARM versions will only run ARM applications that use the Win32 API.[84]
Microsoft applications[edit]
Wine, by default, uses specialized Windows builds of Gecko and Mono to substitute for Microsoft's Internet Explorer and .NET framework. Wine has built-in implementations of JScript and VBScript. It is possible to download and run Microsoft's installers for those programs through winetricks or manually.
Wine is not known to have good support for most versions of Internet Explorer. Of all the reasonably recent versions, Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP is the only version that reports a usable rating on Wine's AppDB, out-of-the-box.[85] Winetricks offer auto-installation for Internet Explorer 6 through 8, so these versions can be reasonably expected to work with its built-in workarounds.
An alternative for installing Internet Explorer directly is to use the now-defunct IEs4Linux. It is not compatible with the latest versions of Wine,[86] and the development of IEs4Linux is inactive.
Other versions of Wine[edit]
The core Wine development aims at a correct implementation of the Windows API as a whole and has sometimes lagged in some areas of compatibility with certain applications. Direct3D, for example, remained unimplemented until 1998,[87] although newer releases have had an increasingly complete implementation.[88]
Main article: CrossOver (software)
CodeWeavers markets CrossOver specifically for running Microsoft Office and other major Windows applications, including some games. CodeWeavers employs Alexandre Julliard to work on Wine and contributes most of its code to the Wine project under the LGPL. CodeWeavers also released a new version called CrossOver Mac for Intel-based Apple Macintosh computers on 10 January 2007.[89]
CrossOver now includes the functionality of both the CrossOver Games and CrossOver Pro lines therefore CrossOver Games and CrossOver Pro are no longer available as single products.[90]
CrossOver Games was optimized for running Windows video games. Unlike CrossOver, it didn't focus on providing the most stable version of Wine. Instead, experimental features are provided to support newer games.[91]
Cedega / WineX[edit]
Findev Inc. produced the proprietary Cedega software. Formerly known as WineX, Cedega represented a fork from the last MIT-licensed version of Wine in 2002. Much like CrossOver Games, Findev's Cedega was targeted towards running Windows video games. On 7 January 2011, Findev Inc. announced continued development of Cedega Technology under the GameTree Developer Program. Findev Inc. allowed members to keep using their Cedega ID and password until 28 February 2011.[92]
Findev has also produced Cider, a library for Apple–Intel architecture Macintoshes. Instead of being an end-user product, Cider (like Winelib) is a wrapper allowing developers to adapt their games to run natively on Intel Mac without any changes in source code.
The Russian company Etersoft has been developing a proprietary version of Wine since 2006. WINE@Etersoft supports popular Russian applications (for example, 1C:Enterprise by 1C Company).[93] For 2010, Etersoft was going to issue WINE@Etersoft CAD, which is oriented towards CAD systems such as AutoCAD, BricsCAD, and Compass-3D.
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Darwine is a port of the Wine libraries to Darwin and to macOS for both the PowerPC and Intel x86 architectures. All patches for x86 version were merged back into the main branch of Wine in 2009. Development on the PPC version was abandoned. Mike Kronenberg previously created the WineHelper for Darwine to add a GUI and macOS style app for interacting with Wine, which was later replaced by WineBottler.[94] Darwine now provides macOS compatible packages compiled from the Wine repository.[95]
The Pipelight Team has produced a custom version of Wine (wine-compholio) that acts as a wrapper for Windows NPAPI plugins within Linux browsers.[96] This tool permits Linux users to run Microsoft Silverlight, the Microsoft equivalent of Adobe Flash, and the Unity web plugin, along with a variety of other NPAPI plugins. The project provides an extensive set of patches against the upstream Wine project,[97] some of which occasionally get approved and added to upstream Wine. Pipelight is largely obsolete, as modern browsers no longer support NPAPI plugins and Silverlight has been deprecated by Microsoft.[98]
On 21 August 2018, Valve announced a new variation of Wine, named Proton, designed to integrate with the Linux version of the company's Steam software (including Steam installations built into their Linux-based SteamOS operating system and Steam Machine computers).[99] Valve's goal for Proton is to enable Steam users on Linux to play games which lack a native Linux port (particularly back-catalog games), and ultimately, through integration with Steam as well as improvements to game support relative to mainline Wine, to give users 'the same simple plug-and-play experience' that they would get if they were playing the game natively on Linux.[99] Proton entered public beta immediately upon being announced.[99]
Wineskin Winery Mac 64 Bit Mac
Valve had already been collaborating with CodeWeavers since 2016 to develop improvements to Wine's gaming performance, some of which have already been merged to the upstream Wine project.[99] Some of the specific improvements incorporated into Proton include Vulkan-based Direct3D 10, 11, and 12 implementations via vkd3d[100] and DXVK[101], multi-threaded performance improvements via esync[102], improved handling of fullscreen games, and better automatic game controller hardware support.[99]
Proton is fully open-source and available via GitHub.[103]
Other projects using Wine source code[edit]
Other projects using Wine source code include:
ReactOS, a project to write an operating system compatible with Windows NT versions 5.x and up (which includes Windows 2000 and its successors) down to the device driver level. ReactOS uses Wine source code considerably, but because of architectural differences, ReactOS code (such as DLLs written specifically for it, like ntdll, user32, kernel32, gdi32, and advapi) is not generally reused in Wine.[104] In July 2009, Aleksey Bragin, the ReactOS project lead, started[105] a new ReactOS branch called Arwinss,[106] and it was officially announced in January 2010.[107] Arwinss is an alternative implementation of the core Win32 components, and uses mostly unchanged versions of Wine's user32.dll and gdi32.dll.
WineBottler[94], a wrapper around Wine in the form of a normal Mac Application. Manages multiple wine configurations for different programs in the form of 'bottles.'
Wineskin, an open source Wine GUI configuration manager for macOS. Wineskin creates a wrapper around Wine in the form of a normal Mac Application. The wrapper can also be used to make a distributable 'port' of software.[108]
Odin, a project to run Win32 binaries on OS/2 or convert them to OS/2 native format. The project also provides the Odin32 API to compile Win32 programs for OS/2.
E/OS, a project attempting to allow any program designed for any operating system to be run without the need to actually install any other operating system.
Virtualization products such as Parallels Desktop for Mac and VirtualBox use WineD3D to make use of the GPU.
WinOnX, a commercial package of Wine for macOS that includes a GUI for adding and managing applications and virtual machines.
The Wine project has received a number of technical and philosophical complaints and concerns over the years.
Because of Wine's ability to run Windows binary code, concerns have been raised over native Windows viruses and malware affecting Unix-like operating systems.[109] Wine can run most malware, but programs running in Wine are confined to the current user's privileges, restricting some undesirable consequences. For this reason the developers of Wine recommend never running it as the superuser.[110] Malware research software such as ZeroWine[111] runs Wine on Linux in a virtual machine, to keep the malware completely isolated from the host system.
Another security concern is when the implemented specifications are ill-designed and allow for security compromise. Because Wine implements these specs, it will also implement any security vulnerabilities they contain. An instance of this problem is the 2006 Windows Metafile vulnerability, which sees Wine implementing the vulnerable SETABORTPROC escape.[112]
Wineskin Mac
Wine vs. native Unix applications[edit]
A common concern about Wine is that its existence means that vendors are less likely to write native Linux, macOS, and BSD applications. As an example of this, it is worth considering IBM's 1994 operating system, OS/2 Warp. An article describes the weaknesses of OS/2 which killed it, the first one being:
OS/2 offered excellent compatibility with DOS and Windows 3.1 applications. No, this is not an error. Many application vendors argued that by developing a DOS or Windows app, they would reach the OS/2 market in addition to DOS/Windows markets and they didn't develop native OS/2 applications.[113]
The Wine project itself responds to these complaints on one of its wiki pages:
For most people there remain a handful of programs locking them in to Windows. It's obvious there will never be a Microsoft Office ported to Linux, however older versions of programs like TurboTax won't be ported either. Similarly, there are tens of thousands of games and internal corporate applications which will never be ported. If you want to use Linux and rely on any legacy Windows application, something like Wine is essential... Wine makes Linux more useful and allows for millions of users to switch who couldn't otherwise. This greatly raises Linux marketshare, drawing more commercial and community developers to Linux.[114]
Also, the Wine Wiki page claims that Wine can help break the chicken-and-egg problem for Linux on the desktop:[115]
This brings us to the chicken and egg issue of Linux on the desktop. Until Linux can provide equivalents for the above applications, its market share on the desktop will stagnate. But until the market share of Linux on the desktop rises, no vendor will develop applications for Linux. How does one break this vicious circle?
Again, Wine can provide an answer. By letting users reuse the Windows applications they have invested time and money in, Wine dramatically lowers the barrier that prevents users from switching to Linux. This then makes it possible for Linux to take off on the desktop, which increases its market share in that segment. In turn, this makes it viable for companies to produce Linux versions of their applications, and for new products to come out just for the Linux market.This reasoning could be dismissed easily if Wine was only capable of running Solitaire. However, now it can run Microsoft Office, multimedia applications such as QuickTime and Windows Media Player, and even games such as Max Payne or Unreal Tournament 3. Almost any other complex application can be made to run well given a bit of time. And each time that work is done to add one application to this list, many other applications benefit from this work and become usable too.Have a look at our Application Database to get an idea on what can be run under Wine.
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The use of Wine for gaming has proved specifically controversial in the Linux community, as some feel it is preventing, or at least hindering, the further growth of native Linux gaming on the platform.[116][117]
Microsoft has not made public statements about Wine. However, the Windows Update software will block updates to Microsoft applications running in Wine. On 16 February 2005, Ivan Leo Puoti discovered that Microsoft had started checking the Windows Registry for the Wine configuration key and would block the Windows Update for any component.[118] As Puoti noted: 'It's also the first time Microsoft acknowledges the existence of Wine.'
See also[edit]
^'Wine 4.0 Released'. 22 January 2019. Retrieved 22 January 2019.
^'Wine 4.8 Released'. 10 May 2019. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
^Search Results · GitHub
^Search Results · GitHub
^Search Results · GitHub
^Search Results · GitHub
^Search Results · GitHub
^ ab'Download - WineHQ Wiki'. Retrieved 31 October 2018.
^'Licensing - WineHQ Wiki'. WineHQ. Archived from the original on 10 January 2017. Retrieved 10 January 2017.
^'LICENSE'. WineHQ. Retrieved 10 January 2017.
^'Winelib'. Wine HQ. Retrieved 29 June 2008.
^'WineHQ - About Wine'. WineHQ. Retrieved 15 April 2017.
^'Wine architecture'. Wine HQ. Retrieved 16 June 2012.
^'Wineserver - WineHQ Wiki'. wiki.winehq.org. Retrieved 15 April 2017.
^'Regedit - WineHQ Wiki'. wiki.winehq.org. Retrieved 15 April 2017.
^'Msiexec - WineHQ Wiki'. wiki.winehq.org. Retrieved 15 April 2017.
^Mckenzie, James (26 December 2009). 'Legal Issues'. WineHQ Forums.
^wiki.winehq.org(PDF)https://wiki.winehq.org/images/5/5c/Wineconf-2018.pdf. Retrieved 15 January 2019.Missing or empty title= (help)
^WINE FAQ Old meaning of the name even used until 1997
^'Why do some people write WINE and not Wine?'. Wine Wiki FAQ. Official Wine Wiki. 7 July 2008. Archived from the original on 21 June 2011. Retrieved 13 July 2008.
^'macOS - WineHQ Wiki'. Retrieved 31 October 2018.
^'Download - WineHQ Wiki'. Retrieved 31 October 2018.
^'2007 Desktop Linux Market survey'. 21 August 2007. Archived from the original on 24 May 2012. Retrieved 8 October 2007.
^Vaughan-Nichols, Steven J. (22 August 2007). 'Running Windows applications on Linux'. 2007 Desktop Linux Survey results. DesktopLinux. Archived from the original on 11 February 2010.
^Amstadt, Bob (29 September 1993). 'Wine project status'. Newsgroup: comp.windows.x.i386unix. Retrieved 13 July 2008.
^'Sun Uses ECMA as Path to ISO Java Standardization'. Computergram International. 7 May 1999. Archived from the original on 8 July 2012. Retrieved 13 July 2008.
^Byron A Jeff (25 August 1993). 'WABI available on Linux or not'. Newsgroup: comp.os.linux.misc. Retrieved 21 September 2007.
^Loli-Queru, Eugenia (29 October 2001). 'Interview with WINE's Alexandre Julliard'. OSnews (Interview). Retrieved 30 June 2008. Usually we start from whatever documentation is available, implement a first version of the function, and then as we find problems with applications that call this function we fix the behavior until it is what the application expects, which is usually quite far from what the documentation states.
^White, Jeremy (6 February 2002). 'Wine license change'. Retrieved 27 April 2010.
^Alexandre Julliard (18 February 2002). 'License change vote results'. Retrieved 27 April 2010.
^'Beta!'. 25 October 2005. Retrieved 9 December 2010.
^'Announcement of version 1.0'. Wine HQ. 17 June 2008. Retrieved 1 September 2008.
^Julliard, Alexandre (16 July 2010). 'Release News'.
^'Wine Announcement'. Retrieved 7 March 2012.
^'Wine 1.6 Released'. WineHQ. 18 July 2013. Retrieved 18 July 2013.
^'Wine 1.8 Released'. WineHQ. 19 December 2015. Retrieved 19 December 2015.
^'Wine-Staging'. WineHQ Wiki. Retrieved 22 April 2019.
^White, Jeremy (27 January 2011). 'Announcing CrossOver 10.0 and CrossOver Games 10.0, The Impersonator'. CodeWeavers. Retrieved 28 January 2011.
^Vaughan-Nichols, Steven J. (25 February 2002). 'That's All Folks: Corel Leaves Open Source Behind'. Linux.com. Retrieved 3 January 2009.
^Kegel, Dan (14 February 2008). 'Google's support for Wine in 2007'. wine-devel (Mailing list). Retrieved 3 January 2009.
^'Open Source Patches: Wine'. Google. Retrieved 7 September 2008.
^ abc'Wine Developer's Guide/Architecture Overview'. WineHQ. Retrieved 22 April 2019.
^See the 'Windows service' article
^'Wine Status'. WineHQ. Retrieved 22 April 2019.
^ abcdef'Wine 4.0'. WineHQ.
^'FAudio Lands In Wine For New XAudio2 Re-Implementation'. Phoronix. 25 February 2019.
^'WineHQ - Wine Announcement - The Wine development release 4.3 is now available'.
^'With Wine Git, You Can Run The D3D11 Blizzard Overwatch Game On Linux'. Phoronix. 12 December 2016.
^Dossena, Federico. 'WineD3D For Windows'. Federico Dossena.
^'Wine 4.6'. WineHQ. Retrieved 22 April 2019.
^Christoph Bumiller. 'Direct3D 9 Gallium3D State Tracker'. there are a couple of differences to d3d1x: [...] it's written in C instead of C++ and not relying on horrific multiple inheritance with [...] So far I've tried Skyrim, Civilization 5, Anno 1404 and StarCraft 2 on the nvc0 and r600g drivers, which work pretty well, at up to x2 the fps I get with wined3d (NOTE: no thorough benchmarking done yet).
^'WINE'. WineHQ. Retrieved 29 April 2017.
^Nick Congleton (26 October 2016). 'Configuring WINE with Winecfg'. LinuxConfig. Retrieved 29 April 2017.
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^'Gaming on Linux: A guide for sane people with limited patience'. PCWorld. Retrieved 11 January 2015.
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^'IEs4Linux'. Tatanka.com.br. Archived from the original on 20 August 2008. Retrieved 27 April 2010.
^'OpenIndiana Bordeaux announcement'. OpenIndiana-announce mailing list. Retrieved 1 October 2010.
^'Bordeaux group press release'. Bordeaux group site. Archived from the original on 7 October 2010. Retrieved 1 October 2010.
^'DirectX-Shaders'. Official Wine Wiki. Archived from the original on 1 January 2009. Retrieved 3 January 2009.
^'List of Commands'. WineHQ. 12 April 2016. Retrieved 29 April 2017.
^'Windows Legacy Application Support Under Wine'(PDF). Retrieved 9 December 2010.
^Strohmeyer, Robert (6 April 2007). 'Still need to run Windows apps? Have a glass of wine'. Retrieved 9 December 2010.
^Andre Da Costa (20 April 2016). 'How to Enable 16-bit Application Support in Windows 10'. groovyPost. Retrieved 9 April 2019.
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^Savill, John (11 February 2002). 'Why can't I install 16-bit programs on a computer running the 64-bit version of Windows XP?'. Retrieved 9 December 2010.
^'Text mode programs (CUI: Console User Interface)'. Wine User Guide. Retrieved 22 May 2010.
^Lankhorst, Maarten (5 December 2008). 'Wine64 hello world app runs!'. wine-devel (Mailing list). Retrieved 15 December 2008.
^ ab'Building Wine'. WineHQ. Retrieved 23 April 2019.
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^'WineHQ Bugzilla – Bug 26715 – Win1.0 executable triggers Dosbox'. Retrieved 15 February 2013.
^'The Wine development release 1.3.4 announcement'. Winehq.org. Retrieved 15 October 2010.
^'ARM support'. The Official Wine Wiki. Retrieved 22 April 2019.
^'Wine On Android Is Coming For Running Windows Apps'. Phoronix. 3 February 2013.
^'Android'. WineHQ. Retrieved 23 April 2019.
^'Internet Explorer'. WineHQ AppDB. Retrieved 23 April 2019.
^'So far, I do not manage to install IES4Linux'. 22 June 2012.
^Vincent, Brian (3 February 2004). 'WineConf 2004 Summary'. Wine Weekly News (208). WineHQ.org. Archived from the original on 31 December 2006. Retrieved 3 January 2009.
^'Wine Status – DirectX DLLs'. WineHQ.org. Archived from the original on 26 December 2008. Retrieved 3 January 2009.
^'CodeWeavers Releases CrossOver 6 for Mac and Linux'. Slashdot. Retrieved 3 January 2009.
^'CrossOver – Change Log – CodeWeavers'. Archived from the original on 19 August 2012. Retrieved 9 March 2012.
^'CrossOver Games site'. CodeWeavers. 6 January 1990. Retrieved 27 April 2010.
^'GameTree Developer Program'. gametreelinux.com. Archived from the original on 10 January 2011. Retrieved 2 January 2011.
^'WINE@Etersoft – Russian proprietary fork of Wine' (in Russian). Pcweek.ru. 21 April 2010. Retrieved 27 April 2010.
^ abWineBottler Homepage
^'Mac OS X at WineHQ'. WineHQ. Retrieved 20 March 2013.
^'Pipelight: using Silverlight in Linux browsers'. FDS-Team. Archived from the original on 22 August 2013. Retrieved 4 April 2014.
^'wine-compholio-daily README'. github. Retrieved 4 April 2014.
^Smith, Jerry (2 July 2015). 'Moving to HTML5 Premium Media'. Microsoft Edge Blog. Retrieved 10 February 2019.
^ abcde'Steam for Linux :: Introducing a new version of Steam Play'. Valve Software. Retrieved 22 August 2018.
^'vkd3d.git project summary'. WineHQ Git. Retrieved 22 August 2018.
^'DXVK GitHub repository'. GitHub. Retrieved 22 August 2018.
^'GitHub: README for esync'. GitHub. Retrieved 22 August 2018.
^'Proton GitHub repository'. GitHub. Retrieved 22 August 2018.
^'Developer FAQ'. ReactOS. Archived from the original on 13 November 2008. Retrieved 25 May 2009.
^'Creation of Arwinss branch'. Mail-archive.com. 17 July 2009. Retrieved 27 April 2010.
^'Arwinss at ReactOS wiki'. Reactos.org. 20 February 2010. Retrieved 27 April 2010.
^'Arwinss presentation'. Reactos.org. Retrieved 27 April 2010.
^'Wineskin FAQ'. doh123. Retrieved 7 November 2012.
^Matt Moen (26 January 2005). 'Running Windows viruses with Wine'. Retrieved 23 October 2009.
^'Should I run Wine as root?'. Wine Wiki FAQ. Official Wine Wiki. 7 August 2009. Archived from the original on 21 June 2011. Retrieved 24 August 2009.
^'ZeroWine project home page'.
^'Linux/BSD still exposed to WMF exploit through WINE!'. 5 January 2006.
^Michal Necasek. 'OS/2 Warp history'. Archived from the original on 12 April 2010.
^Bernhard Rosenkraenzer. 'Debunking Wine Myths'. Archived from the original on 11 January 2016. Retrieved 21 October 2016.
^'Why Wine is so important'. Retrieved 11 December 2011.
^Ports vs. Wine Gamespot (Article by James Hills)
^An Interview With A Linux Game PorterPhoronix, 3 July 2009 (Article by Michael Larabel)
^Puoti, Ivan Leo (18 February 2005). 'Microsoft genuine downloads looking for Wine'. wine-devel (Mailing list). Retrieved 23 January 2006.
Further reading[edit]
Jeremy White's Wine Answers – Slashdot interview with Jeremy White of CodeWeavers
Jeremy White interview on the 'Mad Penguin' web-site, May 25, 2004
Appointment of the Software Freedom Law Center as legal counsel to represent the Wine project
Wine: Where it came from, how to use it, where it's going – a work by Dan Kegel
Wineskin Download Mac
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Wine (software).
Official website
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wine_(software)&oldid=897398095'
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Comments are closed.
I had trouble with wine as well, but I was able to use wineskin. Hope this helps. http://wineskin.urgesoftware.com/tiki-index.php?page=Downloads
I tried Wineskin winery as well, unfortunately that seems to run into the exact same issues I've been trying with PlayOnMac's 64-bit prefix support as well, but not having any luck there either, I keep getting an error like: Seems to be something it doesn't like with the mono.dll bundled with Yiffalicious; I assume it's custom compiled for the program though, because if I try replacing it with one from a mono installation I get a bunch of missing function errors instead.
I've been able to run in under Wineskin on a Mac using wrapper Wineskin-2.6.2. Here's my settings: 1. Run Winetricks and install the core fonts package. 2. Screen options: Automatic, turn off all other options. 3. Choose the yiffalicious_novr.exe as the program executable. 4. Try running it first in a window at the lowest resolution and working your way up. It only runs on my older 13' Macbook at the 'Simple' setting. I got it to run on a newer iMac on 'Beautiful'. Good luck
Run under Ubuntu linux with wine 3.0 stable perfectly.
edited January 2018
Aha! It was memory that was the problem for the 32-bit install, I dialled it right back to Fastest and it started up quite happily. I guess I'll just work my way up and see what I can get it to. Can't believe I didn't think to try that first! *facepalms* I wish I could get the 64-bit version to run, as it wouldn't have this problem, but I can't get past the mono.dll issue at all. Thanks everyone who replied! Well, now that it's running I guess I'm not going any work done for the rest of today
edited January 2018
So it seems 32-bit Yiffalicious can handle Simple quality at 720p on all levels except office (and possible fantasy, I didn't try that). Looks like that one won't load at any size/quality under 32-bit, so I've had to use the trick of swapping it for a copy of level2. Anyway, next challenge, anyone know why Yiffalicious wouldn't be recognising my main monitor? It only seems to recognise my secondary monitor with a resolution of 1680x1050, but not my main monitor (actually an HDTV) supporting 1080p. Because of this I can't run fullscreen at any resolution because the game launches onto the wrong monitor, but in windowed mode I'm limited to sizes that would fit my second screen, so I can't really fill the main monitor using the window. WINE seems to be detecting my screens just fine, in fact I can see them in regedit under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Wine/Mac Driver/Initial Display Mode, but they're in the wrong order (my secondary display is listed first) which may be part of the problem. Any ideas?
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0 notes
sciencespies · 4 years
Boston Removes Controversial Statue of Lincoln With Kneeling Freed Man
Boston Removes Controversial Statue of Lincoln With Kneeling Freed Man
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After months of public discussion, Boston officials have removed a controversial statue of President Abraham Lincoln with a formerly enslaved man kneeling at his feet.
“We’re pleased to have taken it down this morning,” a spokesperson for Boston Mayor Marty Walsh tells NPR’s Bill Chappell. “… The decision for removal acknowledged the statue’s role in perpetuating harmful prejudices and obscuring the role of Black Americans in shaping the nation’s freedoms.”
The Boston Art Commission voted in June to remove the sculpture after hearing public comments. Prior to the vote, Boston artist and activist Tory Bullock had circulated a petition that gathered some 12,000 signatures in support of the removal.
“This is a frozen picture,” Bullock said at the time of the vote. “This man is kneeling, he will never stand up. This image is problematic because it feeds into a narrative that Black people need to be led and freed. A narrative that seems very specific to us for some reason. Why is our trauma so glorified?”
Known as the Emancipation Group or Emancipation Memorial, the bronze statue is a replica of one installed in Washington, D.C. in 1876. Per the Boston Arts and Culture website, Moses Kimball, a politician and founder of the Boston Museum, donated the copy to the city in 1879.
Arthur Alexander, the model for the man shown kneeling at Lincoln’s feet, was born into slavery in Virginia around 1813. During the Civil War, he escaped from his enslaver and traveled 40 miles to seek protection from Union troops, writes University of Pittsburgh historian Kirk Savage in Standing Soldiers, Kneeling Slaves. Alexander is said to have helped the Union Army by providing intelligence about pro-Confederate activity; depending on the account, the information centered on either a sabotaged bridge or a stash of hidden weapons.
After his escape, Alexander found work tending the garden and orchard of William Greenleaf Eliot, a minister and founder of Washington University in St. Louis. (Eliot’s grandson later found fame as poet and playwright T.S. Eliot.) A gang of men sent by his enslaver found him, beat him unconscious and detained him at the city jail, but he was later freed. Alexander became famous through a partly fictionalized book that Eliot wrote about him, reports DeNeen L. Brown for the Washington Post. Published posthumously, the text presented its subject as “in many things only a grown-up child.”
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The summer, protesters targeted Confederate monuments like this one of General Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia.
(Backbone Campaign via Flickr under CC BY 2.0)
Alexander became the model for the formerly enslaved man in D.C.’s Freedman’s Memorial to Abraham Lincoln thanks to Eliot’s efforts. The minister had photos of him sent to sculptor Thomas Ball, who used them to create the face of the kneeling man. Formerly enslaved people contributed much of the money for the statue but lacked creative control over the monument.
As historians Jonathan W. White and Scott Sandage reported for Smithsonian magazine in June, some at the time, including reformer Frederick Douglass, had reservations about the design. In an 1876 letter, Douglass wrote that “what I want to see before I die is a monument representing the negro, not couchant on his knees like a four-legged animal but erect on his feet like a man.”
Debate about the statue reignited this summer in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd. Activists across the country tore down Confederate monuments and other public art seen as celebrating racism. Months later, American citizens and government officials continue to reckon with the question of how to handle these controversial works.
The Boston Art Commission and the Mayor’s Office of Arts are now seeking public comments on a new location for the statue, as well as ideas for reconceiving the site. This winter, the city is planning to host a series of virtual panel discussions and short-term art installations “examining and reimagining our cultural symbols, public art, and histories,” a spokesperson tells CNN’s Christina Zdanowicz and Sahar Akbarzai.
As Gillian Brockell reports for the Washington Post, the original D.C. statue has also attracted criticism. Over the summer, officials surrounded the memorial with protective barriers to discourage activists from attempting to tear it down. The statue is on federal land administered by the National Park Service, and D.C. Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton is working to determine whether the government agency can remove it without congressional approval. She has also introduced legislation to move the sculpture to a museum.
0 notes
brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Increase In U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Reveals Outsized Toll On People Of Color
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As many as 215,000 more people than usual died in the U.S. during the first seven months of 2020, suggesting that the number of lives lost to the coronavirus is significantly higher than the official toll. And half the dead were people of color — Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and, to a marked degree unrecognized until now, Asian Americans.
The new figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlight a stark disparity: Deaths among minorities during the crisis have risen far more than they have among whites.
As of the end of July, the official death toll in the U.S. from COVID-19 was about 150,000. It has since grown to over 170,000.
But public health authorities have long known that some coronavirus deaths, especially early on, were mistakenly attributed to other causes, and that the crisis may have led indirectly to the loss of many other lives by preventing or discouraging people with other serious ailments from seeking treatment.
A count of deaths from all causes during the seven-month period yields what experts believe is a fuller — and more alarming — picture of the disaster and its racial dimensions.
People of color make up just under 40% of the U.S. population but accounted for approximately 52% of all the “excess deaths” above normal through July, according to an analysis by The Associated Press and The Marshall Project, a nonprofit news organization covering the criminal justice system.
“The toll of the pandemic shows just how pervasive structural racism is,” said Olugbenga Ajilore, senior economist at the Center for American Progress, a public policy organization in Washington.
Earlier data on cases, hospitalizations and deaths revealed the especially heavy toll on Black, Hispanic and Native Americans, a disparity attributed to unequal access to health care and economic opportunities. But the increases in total deaths by race were not reported until now; nor was the disproportionate burden on Asian Americans.
With this new data, Asian Americans join Blacks and Hispanics among the hardest-hit communities, with deaths in each group up at least 30% this year compared with the average over the last five years, the analysis found. Deaths among Native Americans rose more than 20%, though that is probably a severe undercount because of a lack of data. Deaths among whites were up 9%.
The toll on Asian Americans has received far less attention, perhaps in part because the numbers who have died ― about 14,000 more than normal this year ― have been far lower than among several other groups. Still, the 35% increase in Asian American deaths is the second-highest, behind Hispanic Americans.
In an average year, somewhere around 1.7 million people die in the United States between January and the end of July. This year the figure was about 1.9 million, according to the CDC.
Of the possible 215,000 additional deaths above normal through July ― a total that has since risen to as many as 235,000 —- most were officially attributed to coronavirus infections. The rest were blamed on other causes, including heart disease, high blood pressure and other types of respiratory diseases.
The CDC has not yet provided a breakdown by race and ethnicity of the deaths from other causes. The newly released data is considered provisional and subject to change as more information comes in. Certain categories of deaths — suicides or drug overdoses, for example — often involve lengthy investigations before a cause is assigned.
The outbreak’s disproportionate effect on communities of color is not limited to a specific region of the country.
The virus first hit urban areas on the East and West coasts. But according to University of Minnesota researcher Carrie Henning-Smith, disparities have also been seen as the disease spread across the country to Southern and Western states with large rural populations.
For example, Arizona reported almost 60% more Native American deaths so far this year compared with previous years, and New Mexico recorded over 40% more. Between the two states, over 1,100 more Native Americans have died than normal.
Another surprise: Only about half of the Asian American deaths have been officially linked to COVID-19, lower than for all other groups. Jarvis Chen, a lecturer at Harvard University’s public health school, said Asian Americans may not be getting tested at the same rate as other groups, for reasons that are unclear, and that could result in some virus deaths being attributed to something else.
Dr. Namratha Kandula of Northwestern University echoed that theory. She also cautioned against generalizing about the underlying health of Asian Americans as a whole, noting that they are a diverse group from many different nations and cultures.
“It’s not enough to clump them all together because it does not tell the whole story,” she said.
Charlton Rhee, whose parents came to the U.S. from South Korea, lost both of them to COVID-19 this spring as the virus surged in New York City.
His mother, Eulja Rhee, went out one day, and when she returned, “she told me someone had coughed in her face” as she was getting off a bus, said Rhee, a nursing home administrator in Queens. “She was wearing a mask, but it got into her eyes.”
She died in the hospital, just shy of her 75th birthday.
Rhee found out a day later that his father, Man Joon Rhee, had tested positive. “He had caught it from my mother,” he said. “His heart was broken. And he said to me that he wanted to know if it was OK to be with Mom.”
He stayed home, receiving hospice care, and died at 83.
“The Asian American community has suffered greatly during this,” and government officials provided little help, especially initially, Rhee said. Community associations had to step in with food drives, personal protective equipment and other help.
Racial disparities in deaths predate COVID-19, and many forces combine to produce them:
— Some communities of color are more likely to have lower incomes and to share living space with larger families, increasing the risk of transmission.
— They have higher rates of health problems, including diabetes, obesity and lung ailments, the result of living in places where healthier foods are harder to get and the environment is polluted. Those same factors can make them more likely to become severely ill or die from the coronavirus.
— They are more often uninsured and tend to live farther from hospitals.
— They are disproportionately incarcerated, which has been linked to long-term effects on health.
— Experts point to a long history of discrimination that causes distrust of the health care system.
— And people of color are more likely to fill essential roles that require them to keep going to work during the pandemic.
Dr. Sobiya Ansari, who works predominantly with Black immigrant cancer patients in New York City, worries when they miss or postpone radiation or screenings. Already, the city has seen double the number of Black deaths this year compared with previous years.
“If a storm hits and you’re safe inside your house, you’re safe,” she said. “Then there is a population of people that don’t even have umbrellas. The storm hits, and they’re just really swept away.”
AP video journalist Marshall Ritzel contributed to this story.
This story is a collaboration between The Associated Press and The Marshall Project that explores the true toll of the coronavirus pandemic on communities of color. Anna Flagg and Damini Sharma reported for The Marshall Project.
The Associated Press Health and Science Department receives support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.
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larktb-archive · 4 years
Whenever I go to block a racist I've been seeing a post that claims that revolutions dont work and peaceful protests do.
These are the examples said post uses:
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These are all fucking terrible examples to use and I'm gonna go in order of worse to best which isn't saying much.
Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace
Yes this did in fact end the civil war. But no one denied that peaceful protests can make momentary symbolic changes such as ending a war or gaining a country its independence. This does often happen and you can list off dozens of countries wherein there has been a peaceful response to violence which has seemingly brought about an end to that violence I should know this because after all I come from the best known example of that happening aside from India (and I'll come back to my home country eventually). The problem with saying this is that it ignores the aftermath of the "peace" and whether or not it made enough of a difference in peoples lives for it to matter; even though external visible violence has been quelled, other covert forms of violence stay in place.
Liberia is a good example of this because of one major issue in Liberia: Corruption. Millions of USD are lost every year due to members of the government pocketing the money for themselves to the extent where, according to Transparency International, Liberia is 137 out of 180 and 53% of public service users had paid a bribe within the year of 2019. Interestingly enough the OP of that post calls China and Cuba corrupt despite the fact that Cuba is 60th and China is 80th. But I guess what happens after the revolutions is successful only matters when you're talking about places you dislike.
This corruption has lead to protests in 2019 and 2020, wherein police used tear gas to disperse peaceful protesters. Something to note is the minister of informations accusation of the protests being caused by outside elite forces. Rings a bell but I'm not sure from where.
Now one of the reasons Liberia is so corrupt is because of the lack of punishment against the main actors of the civil war, in spite of the trc listing out 100+ perpetrators and recommending that they be dealt with.
Then president, Ellen Sirleaf Johnson, was on this list and has admitted that she backed the civil war. She went on to win a Nobel Peace Prize.
Jasmine Revolution
Around 79% of people in post revolution Tunisia think the country is "going in the wrong direction", 29% of people would not vote with 48% not knowing who they would vote for, 81% said they don't feel close to a political party, 57% said they aren't interested at all in elections, only 20% believed elections would be free and fair, 45% said they disapprove of the current president, 71% said the government isn't addressing the needs of the youth, 50% of people said the government struggles with preventing political violence and I could go on and on.
But this is only 1 study with a very small sample size so by itself it's not a lot.
But when you compound that with a corruption index of 74, an unemployment rate of 15% (compared to Vietnam and Cubas horrible 3% rate and Chinas 6% rate), ~100,000 skilled workers leaving the country and a slowly increasing number of asylum applicants leads me to think that the data is not unfounded.
Suicide and murder rates also increased after the revolution, with cases of self immolation increasing threefold, such as with the case of Abderrazak Zorgui, who's death sparked protests which turned violent after the police were sent in to quell them.
At least 800 Tunisians went to fight for Isil and that's only counting those who came back from Syria. For comparison 900 returned to Turkey and 760 returned to Saudi Arabia.
Much like Liberia there has not been any justice, with the government instead introducing a law granting amnesty to former members of the dictatorship in Tunisia. A constitutional court was supposed to be set up in 2014 to speed up this process. 6 years on it still hasnt been set up.
Rose Revolution
Now this one is interesting. Georgia has a corruption ranking of 44, its unemployment rate of 11%, although higher than the corrupt, evil nations of Cuba and Vietnam isn't terrible and its Gini Coefficient is 36.4 which is pretty average.
So what's wrong with this one?
Well for starters four years after the Rose Revolution, Georgian protestors once again took to the capital to protest against the increasing amount of power, President Saakashvili, who led the Rose Revolution, was gaining.
To be more specific in 2004, legislation was passed to give him the right to dissolve parliament and in 2006 local elections were manipulated so that the government would dominate local legislatures.
And what's that? The president of Georgia blamed outside Russian influence on the protests and sent in police with tear gas and water cannons? That seems weirdly familiar familiar. Where have I heard that one before.
Here is a quote from a leader of a peaceful revolution after peaceful protests against him took place: "Everyone has the right to express disagreement in a democratic country. But the authorities will never allow destabilisation and chaos".
Interesting how after he was put in power, suddenly peaceful protest is the work of Moscow and needs to be controlled by police. Funny that. But this is totally a successful revolution guys!
And how many protests happened after this one? 3, not including the anti-homophobia protest. I think if you need to protest against the government every few years to the point where people keep calling each new protest, the Rose Revolution 2.0, your 1st revolution wasn't that successful.
Womans Suffrage
But before I talk about the relatively well off post-Soviet nations let's just do a assessment of the absolutely dumb as fuck idea that the Suffragists were more effective than the Suffragetes despite the Suffragists making no progress in the 40 years they existed prior to the branching off of the Suffragettes.
Now some historians do agree that the Suffragettes more violent methods did begin to turn men away from granting womens suffrage during their later years. Less concrete is the idea that this outweighs the net positive they had on the movement for womens suffrage.
In fact heres a contemporary source from 1906 praising the suffragette movement:
"I hope the more old-fashioned suffragists will stand by them. In my opinion, far from having injured the movement, [the Suffragettes] have done more during the last 12 months to bring it within the region of practical politics than we have been able to accomplish in the same number of years"
Who said that? Millicent Fawcett? Oh clearly she's just biased towards suffragettes?
But even if I gave evidence that the Suffragettes were indeed more effective than the Suffragists, you could easily find an opposing argument and vice versa. Ww1 happened and in the end that swift change of culture is what gave women their rights to vote (or at least the wealthy).
What can be argued is the historical reasons of why the Suffragettes became even more violent in 2nd decade of the 20th century leading to more guerrilla warfare like tactics being deployed such as arson.
Black Friday happened. Was a protests against the government caused by then Prime Minister Asquith, reneging his promise to put a bill granting womens suffrage through parliament. This protest started off as peaceful and ended up with women being physically and sexually assaulted by the police and counterprotesters with there being accusations of plain clothes police officers inciting this violence. Do I even have to say it?
In order to avoid further molestation, the Suffragettes stopped doing large gatherings with each other and went "underground" so to speak getting more and more violent.
What we should recall is the fact that prior to this Emmeline Pankhurst told the Suffragettes to stop all operations and renewed them after this traumatic event.
Prior to the suffragettes emergence the fight for women's rights had been by in large ignored by the public and it was only after their emergence that this became an issue in the forefront of the public's mind.
For a more nuanced view:
"Viewing the militant movement from the second half of the twentieth century, it is difficult to argue that violence does not ‘pay off’.   [The history of independence of the colonies, and Civil Rights campaigns in the USA shows that violence can succeed.]   It may be that suffragette violence after 1912 fell between two stools, being inadequate to force the government but sufficiently destructive to antagonise public opinion.  This writer [i.e. Constance Rover] is of the opinion that, as the events turned out, militant tactics helped the women's suffrage movement until 1912, but after that date were harmful.   This does not mean that militancy was necessarily a foolish policy.   With hindsight, one can conclude that militancy failed in the last two years before the war, but with the experience of rebellion we have had since, one cannot conclude that militant tactics are an unsuccessful means of obtaining an objective such as enfranchisement..."
- Constance Rover 1967.
I use the quote in specific because it calls the civil rights movement violent. And was written a year prior to the end of the movement. It's almost as if the movement has been whitewashed by liberals to be a completely non-violent effort or something.
Singing Revolution and Velvet Revolution
I'm putting both of these together as these states are all former Soviet nations who have became arguably more successful than others like Moldova, Bulgaria and the aforementioned Georgia.
Now in the post-Soviet Baltic states, there are a large list of things i could talk about. The high suicide rates, the mass exodus leading to a quarter of the population in each nation leaving them, the large amount of people at risk of poverty, high incarceration rates, the gutting of labour laws, the rise of anti-semitism and the glorification of Nazis within their societies all come to mind. Some of these also apply to Czechia and Slovakia.
I could talk about specific events such as the Gorilla scandal, the murder Jan of Kuciak literally everything concerning Czech prime minister Babiš and the large proportion of Soviet Nostalgia in both Czechia and Slovakia (1/3 in the former and 1/2 in the latter).
I could mention protests that have taken place after these revolutions leading to the usage of rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse protesters who were acting non-violently. But I'd be repeating myself so I'm leaving it at that.
"But Lilly" you might say, "that doesn't necessarily disprove OPs point that these protests were successful, they did after all achieve their goals of 'political revolution/ending war/gaining womens suffrage".
And that's true. But...
OP used these as examples to contrast against so called failed violent revolutions with OP using violent revolutions like Vietnam, Haiti, Cuba, China, the USSR and the French Revolution as examples of failed revolutions. Anyone with a brain knows these revolutions absolutely succeeded in their short term goals of political change. There is no Tsar anymore, Cuba and Vietnam are still socialist, the aristocracy of france were decapitated, Haitians arent slaves and China has no emperor.
So where does the problem with these revolutions lie? Well according to OP:
... of course as we've just seen the so called successful peaceful revolutions are also poverty-ridden, corrupt and unstable with problems years later so what's the actual difference? There is none (aside from the historical revisionism of socialist states but that's beside the point), it's just hypocrisy and an incredibly silly gotcha to those currently arguing for violent protest.
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I could continue and talk about how Haiti collapsed because of sanctions from racist countries who wanted to punish Haiti for fighting against their white masters, how Vietnam was practically always in war throughout the 20th century and how its stabilized since the end of the Viet-Khmer war, how Cuba infinitely improved the lives of all Cubans and was far more humanitarian than any western nation at the time, how the USSR and communist China turned Russia and China from poor feudal states to economic powerhouses which were far more equal in nature than the US.
But this post is way too long and I don't want to have to read through another dozen sources written by anti-communists liberals again.
Edit: the conclusion didnt save properly (thanks tumblr)
To end I'll say that the major problem with non-violent protests that is shared by every single one of these examples (apart from womens rights) is the lack of punishment towards those who caused the problems the people were protesting against. This means that said people can become president or a member of the government without any impediment and those people continue to be corrupt. From Ellen Sirleaf Johnson to Mikheil Saakashvili to the Tunisian government to Andrej Babiš. On the other hand violent revolution makes sure that those who war complicit in the crimes of the past are not able to usher in the crimes of the future, even if others eventually do.
The thing about that is progress has still been made, and even if they begin to reverse some of the gains that had been made they cant reverse all of them. With non-violent revolutions there is no change except for the ways that those in power step on the working class being more covert than overt.
You can decide which you prefer.
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Bucky Barnes/James Barnes/The Winter Soldier imagines
Hi all! This is a pretty long list of possible situations for you and our darlin' Plum. Feel free to use them however, and if possible, tag me! I love reading Bucky x Reader (or Bucky x Tony, ikik..) and there's just never enough of it around.
I'm thinking about doing some of these so let me know if you're interested in reading one!
You are a consultant on cultural behavior, which means you detail the best appearance, attitude, and quirks for an undercover agent to have. Given your indepth knowledge, Fury assigns you the arduous task of bringing Steve Rogers and James Barnes up to speed on history post-1949.
You have known Tony for 15 years. You were born on August 1st, 1980, and attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After the war, you found yourself numb and detached from life, with your only surviving close friends and family being Harry James Potter and Ron Weasley. After suffering through apathy and depression for five years, at the age of 23, you throw yourself through the Veil. Unsure if you will encounter a blissful void, screeching hellfire and your righteous maker, or some other world, you put all your belongings in an extended bag and welcome the final step. Funnily enough, you fell face-forward into a gutter. 15 years later, Tony calls on you to consult on the portals opening at random. Unsure what to expect, seeing as you are the last magical being on this earthly realm, you agree. What you find brings back memories of parseltongue, bloodquils, and man with 7 lives. Bucky x Reader.
Born into an impoverished family, Y/N Y/L/N is the last in a long line of witch-hunters. Your father was already well into his 60s when you were born, so when he passed, it was just your mother left to instill the family doctrine in you. Despite this all, you eventually turn to a life of normalcy, and become a historian specializing in occult artifacts (that's normal, right?). Stephen Strange is a close friend, and eventually asks you to help him in his research kickstarted by Jane Foster. You come into contact with all of the Avengers although you've barely held a conversation past "Hi, how ya doin'?". With Darcy as your new best friend, and her ridiculous affair with the God of Lies, you find yourself reciting the words your father had carved into his flesh. "For our King, our God, and the Righteousness of Divinity, may God have Mercy upon your Filthy Soul." Would be very interesting with a fictional twist on a religion or faith of your choosing. Bucky x Reader where eventually Reader is the only person in the tower/compound who can successfully defend herself against attacks by the supernatural without heavy firepower- Bucky being the exception of course. Horror!theme?
It had been a nice sunny day in Manhattan. You thought to yourself, "You know what, this is gelato weather. I deserve gelato." And instead you get shot by some asshole with a red star on his shirt, kidnapped by a blonde man with a shield, and then told it was your fault for telling the red star asshole to leave your landlord alone.
Peter thinks he's sly- that you don't know about his spandex-wearing cobwebby bullshit. Ha! You'd lived next door all your life. Your WINDOW faces his. Who does he think he's fooling? Doesn't matter, he got you into a Stark Expo VIP tour. But hey, that tall brooding dude looks like he needs a laugh. Wait, what do you mean you can't say "Who pissed in your cornflakes?" to the Winter Soldier? He's not the Winter Soldier, he- oh. Shit. Haaa..haha.. "PETER!!"
As Tony Stark's assistant, you've seen a lot of stuff. You've seen him butt naked, you've seen him so drunk he thought you were Rhodey (somehow), and you've even had your heart in his chest. You and he trust each other completely. One day, you get a call and it's a hospital in Y/Home/Town. They say your grandpa had a heart attack. And so you're on leave for 2 months making sure he's okay. Ol' Dirty Dugan doesn't go down easy. When you return, there is a strange split in the team. Tony spends even more time in his lab, he smells awful, and there's bags under his eyes. The team doesn't mention him and you notice they don't call him out for missions anymore. Wtf? After some digging you find out that Clint, Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Wanda are convinced Tony is a piece of shit. They think he's selfish, a coward, and a pervert, all because of misinformation and his public image. Hell fucking no. Thank god they thawed Barnes out, at least he isn't partaking in Bully-Tony-Tuesday. In fact.. he seems to be just as distant and despondent as Tony. You have a lot of work to do.
Bucky is your best friend. In the sense that, you don't have any real friends, and he doesn't let people close. But you bring him coffee, he shares his protein bars, and sometimes you two watch youtube together. Then one day an office clerk slaps your ass. What does Bucky do? He fractures the guys jaw.
"Happy Birthday to me. Happy birthday to me.. Happy Birthday, dear (Y/N), happy..birthday..to me.." Nobody remembered. Again. Your parents didn't call. Your sister didn't call. Your old friends didn't call. Nobody on the team said anything, but then again, they probably didn't know.. you are just a lab assistant anyway. Oh, well, Jarvis 2.0 did say Happy Birthday. That was nice. Bucky overheard Jarvis, though. So he goes out and buys some flowers, a bottle of sake, and a cheesecake. And then you cry and doesn't know why. Happy birthday to me. Oneshot. Fluffy angst.
They didn't know you were sick. None of them. You were conveniently out of town when the medical check ups took place, and never allowed the pain to show on your face. But one day at work you collapse, and they can't wake you up. Cho discovers you have kidney disease. You're dying and have been for a while. Tony pays top dollar for an immediate transplant, but it will still take a month or two. You used to have morning chats with Barnes after his run. You always were an early bird. But now he's on assignment somewhere secret, and you feel even more numb. Bucky couldn't handle the thought that you'd die (you won't but he doesn't know that), so he runs. He runs and immerses himself in a mission, believing you'd never feel the same way.
You came home and discovered your boyfriend of eight years in bed with a woman you'd never seen before. Turns out they'd been having a secret affair for nearly 5 years. You are arrested for punching him in the face- not that you remember, you blacked out in rage- and humourously enough, Barnes is the one who collects you from the station. It's okay, you hadn't been in love with Jerry for a long time, but it still hurt. So when you see Jerry with his 'side chick' three months later, you also discover Bucky had a sense of humour. Apparently you're now married to James Barnes, have been for a while, and are pregnant. Of course you're not but somehow Bucky knew just what to say and do to piss Jerry right off.
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magzoso-tech · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/poco-x2-launch-date-samsung-galaxy-a51-on-sale-realme-c3-and-more-tech-news-this-week/
Poco X2 Launch Date, Samsung Galaxy A51 on Sale, Realme C3, and More Tech News This Week
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Poco X2 launch date announcement and the news of Realme C3’s arrival next week were two of the biggest tech developments that took place this week. Additionally, Samsung launched its Galaxy A51 smartphone in the country and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman unveiled the union budget with a number of announcements for the technology sector. Further, WhatsApp stopped working on older Android and iPhone models. Read on for more on these and other major tech news stories from this week.
Poco X2 launch date, specifications
After a long wait, Poco is ready to launch a new smartphone, however, all signs indicate that we aren’t going to get a Poco F1 successor just yet. The Xiaomi spin-off brand revealed this week that it will launch Poco X2 on February 4 as its next phone. Poco X2 is believed to be a rebranded Redmi K30 4G variant that is a mid-range smartphone. Although Poco X2 is yet to be officially unveiled, all the teasers that the brand has released until this point indicate the Redmi K30 4G variant rebranding bit is credible.
As mentioned, Poco India has announced that it is hosting a press event on February 4 where it will be unveiling the Poco X2. The launch event will take place in New Delhi and will kick off at 12pm on the day. It is likely to be streamed live on YouTube and other social media channels.
Whether or not Poco X2 turns out to Redmi K30 4G variant, we already have a confirmation on a number of the specifications of the phone. First, Poco has revealed that the Poco X2 will feature a display with 120Hz refresh rate and support for 27W fast charging. Additionally, the teaser images posted by the company show the presence of a side-mounted fingerprint sensor, USB Type-C port, and a 3.5mm audio jack. The liquid cooling support has also been teased and the company has also noted the presence of a Qualcomm Snapdragon chip.
Poco X2 launch next week: Everything we know so far
Realme C3 launch next week, specifications
Realme is another smartphone maker that is gearing up to launch a new smartphone next week. The company will be introducing this model in its budget Realme C-series and it will be called the Realme C3. The company has already announced a number of specifications and features of the smartphone. As per the invite shared by the Chinese smartphone maker, the Realme C3 launch event will kick off at 12:30pm on February 6.
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Realme C3 teasers have revealed the presence of waterdrop-style notch on the phone
Realme C3 will feature a 6.5-inch display with a waterdrop-style notch and Corning Gorilla Glass protection. The phone is going to have 89.8 percent screen-to-body ratio. Among other specifications, Realme C3 will pack octa-core MediaTek Helio G70 SoC, paired with 3GB and 4GB RAM options. The phone is also said to be carrying a 5,000mAh battery and up to 64GB of onboard storage.
On the imaging front, there is going to be a dual camera setup on the back with a 12-megapixel main shooter and an LED flash. Realme has also said that the Realme C3 will be the first smartphone to come with Realme UI out of the box.
Samsung Galaxy A51 goes on sale
Samsung introduced its new Galaxy A51 smartphone in India this week and the phone has already gone on sale. The Samsung Galaxy A51 price in India is set at Rs. 23,999 for the sole 6GB + 128GB variant. The phone comes in Blue, White, Black Prism Crush colour options. It can be purchased via leading e-retailers, offline retailers, Samsung.com, and Samsung Opera House. Samsung Galaxy A51 joins the company’s growing Galaxy A-series in the country.
Samsung Galaxy A51 review
Samsung Galaxy A51 runs Android 10 with One UI 2.0 on top and features a 6.5-inch Super AMOLED full-HD+ (1080×2400 pixels) Infinity-O Display and in-display fingerprint sensor. The phone comes with octa-core Exynos 9611 SoC, coupled with 8GB of RAM. There is the quad rear camera setup that includes a 48-megapixel primary sensor with an f/2.0 lens, a 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera with an f/20 aperture, a 5-megapixel macro camera with an f/2.4 aperture, and a 5-megapixel depth sensor with an f/2.2 lens. The handset also has a 32-megapixel selfie camera sensor with an f/2.2 lens.
Samsung has also provided 128GB of internal storage that is expandable via microSD card (up to 512GB). Connectivity options on the Samsung Galaxy A51 include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS/ A-GPS, and USB Type-C port. Besides, the phone packs a 4,500mAh battery that supports 25W fast charging.
Budget 2020: Announcements for technology sector
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Saturday unveiled the budget for the next fiscal year. The budget has include various announcements for technology sector, including a scheme to encourage electronics manufacturing in the country as well as investment in quantum computing. Sitharaman said the electronic manufacturing scheme will be detailed soon and will look to boost mobile phone, electronics equipment, and semiconductor manufacturing in the country.
Additionally, the government has proposed to provide Rs. 6,000 crores to the BharatNet programme in 2020-2021 to enable digital connectivity in all public institutions at the Gram Panchayat level like Anganwadis, health and wellness centres, government schools, post offices, police stations, and more. Further, Sitharaman proposed an investment of Rs. 8,000 crores over a period of five years for the National Mission on Quantum Technologies and Applications. Lastly, the government will introduce a policy to enable the private sector to build data centre parks across the country.
Realme 5 Pro price cut, Realme X2 Pro update, Realme phones on Amazon
In other Realme news, the company revised the price of Realme 5 Pro in the country this week. Realme 5 Pro now starts at Rs. 12,999 for the 4GB + 64GB model. The 6GB + 64GB and 8GB + 128GB variants of the phone can be purchased at Rs. 13,999 and Rs. 15,999, respectively . The phone was earlier being sold at Rs. 13,999, Rs. 14,999, and Rs. 16,999 for the three storage versions, respectively. You can buy the phone from Flipkart, Realme.com, Amazon, and various Realme partner offline stores in the country.
Realme 5 Pro review
Realme also rolled out an important update for its Realme X2 Pro smartphone this week. The update brings Wi-Fi calling support as well as a number of other fixes and security enhancements for the phone. The update carries firmware version RMX1931EX_11.A.09 and it packs January Android security patch, fix for “partial known” issues, and improves system stability. Furthermore, it fixes an issue that could impact video uploads on Instagram. The update is rolling out over-the-air.
Additionally, Realme revealed that it has started selling five of its smartphones via Amazon in the country as well. The company earlier offers its phone only via Flipkart, Realme.com, and partner offline stores in the country. The Realme phones that are currently being offered via Amazon are Realme 5 Pro, Realme 5, Realme XT, Realme X, and Realme C2 (3GB + 32GB).
HMD Global MWC 2020 event and other tech news
HMD Global has announced that it is hosting a press event at this month’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The company is expected to launch as many as four new smartphones under the Nokia brand. The event will take place on February 23 in Barcelona. Rumours indicate that we will see the launch of Nokia 8.2 5G, Nokia 5.2, Nokia 1.3, and a new Nokia ‘Original’ smartphone. While Nokia 8.2 5G and Nokia 5.2 are believed to mid-range smartphones, the Nokia 1.3 is likely to be a budget phone. There are no details about the so called Nokia ‘Original’ smartphone.
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A new Nokia ‘Original’ smartphone is expected at MWC 2020
In other smartphone news, Samsung revised the price of Galaxy M30s in India this week. Samsung Galaxy M30s price now starts at Rs. 12,999 for the 4GB RAM variant. It was earlier sold at Rs. 13,999. The 6GB RAM variant of the phone can be grabbed at Rs. 14,999, down from its original pricing of Rs. 16,999. The phone is offered in Sapphire Blue and Opal Black colour options for both storage variants, whereas the 4GB RAM version can also be purchased in Pearl White colour. The phone can be ordered via Amazon and Samsung.com.
Samsung Galaxy M30s review
In telecom news, Vodafone Idea has stopped offering its Rs. 649 iPhone Forever plan. The plan, which was available under the postpaid portfolio for both Vodafone and Idea Cellular subscribers, provided 90GB high-speed data and unlimited voice calls. It supported iPhone 5s and above models and covered accidental physical damage. While Vodafone subscribers were able to avail the iPhone Forever plan under Vodafone Red, it was provided to Idea customers through its Nirvana catalogue of postpaid plans.
Reliance Jio has introduced a new JioTVCamera accessory to allow Jio Fiber users to make video calls. At the launch of Jio Fiber, the company said that users will be able to make video calls via the Jio Fiber set-top box. The JioTV Camera is an accessory that can be attached to your TV set to make those video calls possible. The new JioTVCamera is priced at Rs. 2,999, and is already on sale on Jio.com.
In other news, WhatsApp stopped working on phones running Android 2.3.7 or older and iPhone models with iOS 8 or older versions this week. WhatsApp recommends upgrading to phones running on Android OS 4.0.3 and newer, and iOS 9 and newer, to continue using the app. The company had announced this deadline last year, giving users plenty of time to either update their phones to newer Android and iOS versions, or save their chat history.
Apple revealed the price of its HomePod smart speaker for the Indian market this week and stated that it will go on sale soon. The Apple HomePod price in India is set at Rs. 19,900. Apple HomePod uses the company’s proprietary audio technology that works with a high-excursion woofer, equipped with a custom-engineered amplifier, an array of seven tweeters — each of which has its own amplifier and a transducer, and six distinct microphones. The smart speaker is powered by Apple’s A8 chip and comes with Siri integration.
Additionally, Apple released iOS 13.3.1 and iPad 13.3.1 updates this for iPhone and iPad models. One of the most notable changes that iOS 13.3.1 brings is the ability to let users disable the location-tracking functionality of the U1 Ultra-Wideband chip. The latest iOS update also fixes the issue related to the Deep Fusion mode that is limited to the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max. There are also various other bug fixes that are designed for both iPhone and iPad models compatible with the latest software updates.
Lastly, Samsung launched the world’s first 5G tablet this week. The tablet is currently available only in South Korea, the company’s home market, and carries a price tag of KRW 999,900 (roughly Rs. 60,500). The Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 5G comes with a 10.5-inch Super AMOLED display, AKG-tuned quad speakers with Dolby Atmos support, and S Pen stylus. Other specifications of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 5G include a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 SoC, 6GB of RAM, and a 7,040mAh battery.
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liliannorman · 5 years
Australian fires have imperiled up to 100 species
Kangaroo Island is Australia’s third largest. Its glossy black cockatoos have been one of Australia’s conservation success stories. Thanks to a recovery program that began in 1995, their numbers in the wild increased from 150 to 400. Scientists responded by downgrading the birds’ status from critically endangered with extinction to just endangered.
But that all changed in January. Now this bird is part of an unfolding horror story.
Fires have raged across nearly 50 percent of Kangaroo Island. That’s their 4,400-square-kilometer (1,700-square-mile) isle off the coast of the state of South Australia. Flames destroyed the habitat for most of the birds. It’s unclear how many glossy black cockatoos survived. For those that did, food may now be scarce. These birds eat the seeds of a single tree species: the drooping she oak.
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These glossy black cockatoos of Kangaroo Island had been viewed as a conservation success story — until fires ravaged their habitat. There were so few of these birds to start with that the fires may have killed most of them off. Watts/Alamy Stock Photo
Many years of hard work to save these birds have gone up in smoke, says Daniella Teixeira. She’s a conservation biologist who works 2,184 kilometers (some 1,360 miles) away at Australia’s University of Queensland in Brisbane. This fire has brought “a big step backwards for the recovery team,” Teixeira concludes. And it’s something she understands well. She has studied and worked to protect these cockatoos for the last four years. Even if just one in every four of the birds died, she says, this subspecies could again be deemed critically endangered with extinction.
Similar stories are playing out across Australia. As of January 12, months of wildfires had burned nearly 11 million hectares (more than 42,470 square miles). That’s an area larger than the nation of Guatemala and a little bigger than the state of Tennessee. More than 2,200 homes have gone up in flames and 29 people died. And another two months of bushfire season still remains. Already, the toll on animals and plants, many of which are unique — found nowhere outside Australia — boggles the mind.
It’s an ecological disaster never before seen in this nation’s history. More than 1 billion animals have been killed so far, says Christopher Dickman. He’s an ecologist at the University of Sydney. That estimate is not from an actual body count. Instead, scientists calculated the estimate from previous calculations of how many Australian animals had been lost over a given area due to land-clearing practices.
And, of course, the true number is likely to be much, much higher. After all, that estimate did not account for bats, frogs or invertebrates — such as insects, worms and spiders. “Invertebrates make up more than 95 percent of animal species and the vast majority of animal biomass,” notes Mike Lee. He’s a biologist at the South Australian Museum in Adelaide. Invertebrate losses alone, he fears, could therefore number in the trillions! Among those goners could be the vulnerable Richmond birdwing butterfly (Ornithoptera richmondia). Also likely to be among the big losers: many species of peacock spiders. These jewel-hued arachnids, which hail from eastern Australia, may have been badly impacted.
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Trillions of insects, including this Richmond birdwing butterfly, are among species that experts fear have been killed by the fires. This vulnerable butterfly lives in subtropical rainforests around Brisbane. There, plants grow that are eaten by its larvae. Don Sands/CSIRO, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 3.0)
This season’s bush fires have spread widely and quickly, sometimes propelled by winds of up to 60 kilometers (37 miles) per hour. Largely tree-bound species, such as koalas, will have had little chance to escape oncoming fire fronts. Smoke and strong winds have left many birds so confused that they weren’t able to find safe havens.
The fires have incinerated many habitats, setting up a crisis that will continue long after the flames are gone. Even if animals such as small marsupials survive the fires, no suitable homelands or food for them may remain. And that can leave them at risk of being picked off by human-introduced predators, such as cats and foxes.
Endangered species often are at risk of extinction precisely because they have adapted to some very specific ecosystem. They may depend on just one type of tree or pollinator or environment. If fires eliminated that, or wiped out safe corridors between patches of such ecological niches, the animals may not be able to survive. The glossy black cockatoo is just one of 20 to 100 threatened species — plants and animals — that a group of scientists now report have lost most of their habitat to the fires if not all of it.
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A kangaroo can be seen fleeing flames in this photo from Gosper’s Mountain Fire. It’s in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. That fire continues to blaze, blanketing the city of Sydney in smoke. Brett Hemmings/Stringer/Getty Images News
Six of Australia’s leading biologists, including Dickman, published the first written estimate of the scale of the damage on January 8. It appeared in The Conversation. This nonprofit online publication publishes commentary from researchers.
“Some animals may have been lucky enough to find refuge,” says Euan Ritchie. He’s an ecologist at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. “However, given the scale and severity of these fires [in Australia], there’s no question that, even common species — and not just threatened species — will have been affected quite dramatically.”
Extreme fire season
Wildfires are common in Australia. But 2019 was the hottest and driest in 120 years of record-keeping. As a result, its annual fire season — which typically peaks in January and February — started early. Blazes began in September, fueled by tinder-dry conditions. This was true even in places that don’t typically go completely dry.
This season’s fires have ravaged Kangaroo Island. A NASA satellite image from December 19, before the fires, shows its lush greenery. By January 7 (scroll to right), much of the island’s west end had burned. Since then, even more of the island has been consumed by flames.
NASA Worldview
“We haven’t seen a fire season like this ever,” says Ritchie. “Climate scientists and ecologists predicted these worse fires as a result of climate change. And we’re now seeing them happen.”
In fact, this season’s fires have run through many habitats that usually never burn. These include rainforests, marshes and wet eucalyptus forests. In these habitats, many of Australia’s most threatened species have populations numbering fewer than several hundred individuals. They also may have very restricted ranges — placing these plants and animals at high risk of catastrophe. 
Consider Nightcap National Park. It’s in the typically wet north of the eastern state of New South Wales. Here live many relict species of ancient dinosaur-era trees. They’re descendants of a time when Australia was part of a long-ago supercontinent known as Gondwana. Fires that started in September swept through the park. Scientists from Sydney’s Royal Botanic Garden now fear for more than 30 rare tree species. They include the critically endangered Nightcap oak and endangered peach myrtle. Both had started out 2019 with relatively few individuals, all closely clumped. 
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The Northern long-nosed potoroo — a truffle-eating forest relative of the kangaroo — had its largest population in northern New South Wales. A fire that swept the area in October wiped out this marsupial’s entire habitat there. Leo/Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Similar stories are playing out in other parts of Australia. In the largely wilderness area of East Gippsland, January fires are thought to have destroyed the habitat of the long-footed potoroo. This endangered, forest-dwelling rat kangaroo survives on a fungal diet of truffles.  
Beyond the glossy black cockatoo
Kangaroo Island’s vast tracts of amazing wilderness include a series of national parks and protected areas. Besides the glossy black cockatoo, the island’s dunnart is also imperiled. It is a critically endangered, shrew-sized marsupial. Before the fires, it lived in a small, protected area on the island’s west side. In January, flames engulfed the entire region.  
“I can guarantee this population has been very negatively impacted by these fires,” says Pat Hodgens. An ecologist, he works for a conservation group called Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife. “Every one of 13 sites we’ve had dunnarts at in the last three years has been totally burnt,” he says. A large share of the dunnarts now “are likely to have perished.”
He tweeted a photo showing one that had been spotted on a camera trap in January. Still, the outlook is grim for this species that had only an estimated 500 individuals before the fires.
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This tiny marsupial carnivore — the dunnart — was already critically endangered before fires destroyed its entire range on Kangaroo Island. Peter Hammond/Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife
Yet even many common species face big troubles. It appears that already three in every 10 koalas that had been living in the eastern state of New South Wales — perhaps 8,000 animals — died in late-2019 fires. A disease had also been ravaging many koalas. So the 50,000 koalas on Kangaroo Island were regarded as an important insurance population. They were free of the disease. Now, scientists fear that fires may have killed off up to half of the koalas on this Island.
Ashy aftermath
The heavy rains that could extinguish Australia’s raging infernos are likely still several months away. And the arrival of these downpours could pose their own problems. All of that water will wash vast quantities of soot and ash into rivers, lakes and the ocean. This could sicken freshwater and marine species.
“The addition of ash might lead to a large nutrient input to the water column,” explains Shauna Murray. She’s a marine ecologist at the University of Technology Sydney and the Sydney Institute of Marine Science. That sudden abundance of nutrients could fertilize the growth of algae. Such a sudden bloom of algae could temporarily suck much of the oxygen out of these waters, killing fish and other organisms that had been living there.
It’s not yet safe for researchers to return to fire-prone regions to look for damage. So it will be some time before the full extent of the damage to Australia’s living resources is tallied. But this nation already has attained the record of being home to the first species lost to human-caused climate change. It was a rodent known as the Bramble Cay melomys. It was washed to sea by a storm surge on a Great Barrier Reef island in 2016. Now ecologists fear they may have to add more species to that list.
Australian fires have imperiled up to 100 species published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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