#also mischa is such an interesting character to me
ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
thinking about how abigail only has one real double in the show. sure she has the other dead girls, but they’re just copies of her. fakes. they weren’t real in the eyes of her father. they’re so hollow we don’t know anything about them other than their likeness to abigail, and abigail foils no one else. except one other girl: mischa. hannibal’s golden ticket. the only girl that really matters. the girl will has to chase the ghost of because he desperately wants to understand hannibal, and he knows this is the only way he can, so he visits his ancestral home and finds chiyoh. because ultimately abigail wasn’t the girl all the other girls were mirroring, at least not from a narrative point of view. to hannibal, her new father, she was just another copy of a girl who died a long time ago and could never really replace
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zhoufeis · 3 months
Truth be told: I am very certain that the only people who enjoy the ATLA live-action are those who have never had the pleasure of watching Asian dramas.
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blackkewpie · 1 year
not to expound upon the political implications of fandom every chance i get but noel gruber is revolutionary gay representation because he wants to be fucked up and evil and it is so disheartening to see transformative works where they act like his wants and personality are character flaws. roadblocks in the way of the most conventional and milquetoast gay romance story ever put to word document. which isn’t terrible but the fact of the matter is noel gruber exists to say not every gay person wants to be normal or wants to have a normal easy heteroimitative life. marlene dietrich was a bisexual woman who endured mountains of hardship on every level and did important things and made important art. jean genet was a writer and activist who lived on the fringes of society doing survival sex work for most of his youth. liberace was never *out* out and was torn apart relentlessly by tabloids about his life. these are the people he canonically admires, he wants to be a starving artist and live a fantastic, queer, risky life that offends and challenges the mainstream. not because he is too naive to want a normal quiet life, but because he was raised in the bosom of the most banal, sterile, conservative small town existence he could have possibly been in and knows for a fact he wants the complete opposite. queer assimilation to the heteronormative standards of life has been a powerful tool in our survival, yes, but the point of that is to survive to make a world where that isn’t necessary anymore. the ease straight white cis abled society offers is one that exists at the expense of those who do not fit it. that is why the girl is fucked up. in a perfect world she shouldn’t have to be any other way.
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schyzotypalmind · 1 month
"If Hannigram was straight"
I am infuriated, I´m gonna get cancelled, whatever, I can´t care less. But I´m really sick and tired of fetishizers of Hannigram. Surprisingly mostly are straight and queer women, haven´t seen or heard of real gay men giving their opinion on the matter.
I come across this tiktok of person saying that if Hannigram was straight it wouldn´t work and wouldn´t be interesting, because people will make them like Joker and Harley Quinn and the relationship would be like just another abusive heterorelationship because of the power dinamics.
First, bruh... have you heard of CLARICE STARLING? 70% of the character of Will has Clarice lines, plot and personality. Will WAS NEVER the love interest of Hannibal in the original books and movies.
Second, "it wouldn´t be interesting" , ohhh but that´s because you fetishize gay relationships and abuse, do you even read normal romance gay novels or series? I bet you don´t.
So it wouldn´t be interesting because according to you, a WOMAN cannot be at the level of Hannibal. Which is basically the opposite of what happens in the novels. Hannibal LOVES Clarice because she is at his level, is intellectually equal to him, he cannot even predict her or brainwash her.
Third. "it would be just another abusive heterorelationship" , oh... and Hannigram is not one of the thousand homosexual abusive relationship that exits??? This people also LOVE Killing Stalking, Berserk for the "gay relantionship" of Guts and Griffith (the homosexual undertones are obvious, but it is abuse), the Painter of the night (I couldn´t even get past the 5th chapter for the amount of disgusting r*pe that exist in the series).
Four. "power dinamics" ahh... yes, Hannibal is clearly OLDER than Will, has double of work experience as him, he is a llithuanian COUNT, he is rich as f*ck, he is way more educated than Will and smarter than him. Is that not another "power imbalance"???? or only works because you think woman are "inferior"???? uh...
Never seen people that love the books comparing Clannibal with Harley Quinn and Joker, not a single one. We know is a fuck*d up romance, that´s the thing, the world that they live in has betrayed them thousands of times. Hannibal when he was a kid and lost Mischa and Clarice as a woman in the misogynistic FBI and real world.
The books were never written in that tone, they are a crime and thriller books mixed with artisty imaginery (beautiful indeed), they are not a moral compass to follow.
You should like how Hannibal treats Clarice, he deeply loves her, tries to help her, gives her everything, admires her. At the end of the day the only have each other in the twisted world they live in and that´s it.
But how Hannibal physically and mentally tortures Will???? Killing people he loves in front of him, making his life a living hell... and that´s not abusive and power imbalance to you?
I´m having a real hard time finding Hannigram fans that are not misogynistic or fetishizers, I swear... and is very concering.
This has impact in real life queer people. Specially teenagers. If this is all the representation that they have, abusive relationships, what do you think they are going to seek in their significant other? Is hard enough for queer people to report abuse and r*pe to the authorities.
Now imagine been a 14 y/o exposed to the internet and the thousands of toxic gay men representation out there... and reading "ohhh I just want what Hannigram has" "Hannigram for life" "that´s real love".
Now you can cancel me all you want.
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mischas · 1 month
your most recent gifset sent me into a seth&marissa tailspin lolol. them (+kirsten) are the characters i believe were shafted the most in terms of character development (marissa moreso obviously). mischa and adam had such a natural chemistry that made seth and marissa work so well onscreen and i genuinely believe the show would’ve lasted a least a little longer had they known how to mine this dynamic. they had the same interests and they loved the same people! they even dated the same girl! there was just so much friendship potential there that got squandered away all bc js&so were too busy putting marissa through the ringer + making seth an asshole w no emotional depth.
I love Marissa/Seth with my whole heart so that makes me happy! My indie loser besties! You're right. They have the same background. They're neighbors. Their parents have a weird history/chemistry. They have the same musical tastes. They have the same favorite book. They're obsessed with the same people. They've dated the same person. They're both depressed. How the show didn't do much of anything with this beyond 102 is insane. What I love so much about 203 is how Seth's able to just exist with Marissa in silence on that bench. He's always so verbose and ridiculous (I say 75% affectionately) but at the end of 203 he and Marissa can just... exist. The two loneliest people in Newport!!!! I love that Mischa/Adam don't have romantic chemistry. I love that it's awkward. I love that you can tell Mischa loved Adam in early show press before things got weird and complicated in their group. It's the cutest thing in the world. We deserved more! *insert Mark Ruffalo we love america gif here*
I will forever mourn us not really getting emotional/melancholic Seth with just a side of clever quips. There was so much to mine with him as a character. They set it up in those first few episodes and then just... well, anyway. Shoutout to AB in 127/201/224 though.
I was just having a similar conversation with a friend the other day about how Adam/Kelly are duped by like s2 and strung along by the shit writing for the rest. And how they're such mirrors for the other in ways. Their show-best work is done in 224. It's also the end of their work having any (to me) emotional resonance. And that's a goddamn shame. Both actors also don't tow the show-line about the final year being a party and say things were lowkey Bad by s2. Adam straight up saying his effort/attitude would've been up to par if his scripts were as good as s1 is just....... crazy, lol. But I'm obsessed with his honesty. We need more of it from everyone else.
Kelly deserved SO much more, my goodness. Of all the adults. She absolutely kills her late s2 storyline only for the later Charlotte storyline to mostly benefit Melinda. Ridiculous. They get rid of Jimmy/Hailey/Caleb in the same season and Kelly no longer has anything meaningful to do. I just...... yikes. God forbid Marissa ever have an adult (or anyone) step in and give a shit about her suffering. Especially the one adult on the show that also has addiction problems. But no. Another massive shame since the first half of s1 sets Marissa/Kirsten up as generational parallels. In this essay I will
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sleepboysummer · 9 months
rtc hcs i have that most of the fandom doesn't agree with bc i am realizing my perceptions of the characters don't match up with a lot of ppls?
mischa is black
(maybe i just really love abingdon mischa cause genuinely i NEVER picture mischa as anything different than him)
noel is a baggy pants guy. where did we get it from that he ONLY wears super skinny jeans?? cause i feel like everyone agrees on that
speaking of. noel totally loves horror movies what are u guys even thinking
ocean has curly hair
tammy is a little bitch and super popular and randomly decided to take penny under her wing to try and make her popular too. when she realized she couldn't, she tried to pretend like she never talked to penny in her life. the Almighty Bitch of st cassians.
constance absolutely smokes weed and if anyone tells me differently u guys are WRONG!! tired of seeing her being the only 'responsible' person cause she literally is NOT!!
however.. penny.. she tried to smoke once and coughed so hard she cried and threw up. she is too embarrassed to try it again and will choke anyone who mentions it.
ocean has never once questioned her sexuality because she thinks that thinking of Anyone romantically is wrong and against religion. like she thinks even straight romance is bad
noel is asian and does Not look like kholby wardell (i feel like everyone sees him as looking like kholby which makes sense but COME ONNN be creative like u are for ricky and jane :3)
'savannah' wasn't a name for ricky, but the name of his favorite character he wrote about
constance is not short
also. mischa IS short. noel is like 5 inches taller than him
ricky and penny are autistic and mischa has adhd
mischa is not cool. however he has SO much confidence like he thinks he is THE SHIT but he is not at all. the ppl at school all see him as 'the school rapper' and if u have had one of those at ur school u know. that is not good
the most accurate tsia is opera wyoming
ocean and constance have Never liked each other in either direction..i just can not see it..
the only ships im rly into are spacedolls sugardolls and passionflower/mischalia personally :3 others are cool too but those r the ones that i like
ricky doesn't dress super crazy or nerdy, he only has little touches in his clothes of things he is interested in (like a planet bracelet or stickers on his headphones) and he actually is cool as fuck
i only have one genuine queer hc and that is ricky is pan but. i feel like that is basically canon after sabm especially the earlier versions. i am queer myself i just usually dont think abt characters sexualities or anything like... ever? but he is just so obvious
however i also think its super funny to imagine him as this super mega straight guy who is just coincidentally RREEAALY into catgirls and dressing up like david bowie. and some rickys totally have that energy (see: tulane theatre)
i also fully believe that penny lamb isnt a reincarnation or her original life.. she was penny before and after the accident... karnak is literally magical who says he cant let her restart from when the accident happens (but without dying this time)
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pagesandpothos · 2 months
The Sins On Their Bones by Laura R. Samotin
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I had no idea what to expect when I started The Sins On Their Bones by Laura R. Samotin. I saw that it was blurbed by several queer romantasy authors that I like, so I requested it from NetGalley on a whim and was happy to dive in. I'm so glad I did. It was not what I was expecting but it is an interesting and dark fantasy that I enjoyed discovering.
First of all, if there are things that could trigger you, be sure to read the content warnings before you start this book! This novel deals with some very heavy topics and the author has kindly included detailed warnings on her website (there's also some stunning character art for you to seek out while you're there).
The Sins On Their Bones is inspired by Jewish mysticism and folklore and is a high fantasy set in a world similar to Eastern Europe in the 19th century. Dimitri Alexeyev, one of the main POV characters and a former Tszar, has recently lost a brutal civil war to his vicious and newly immortal ex-husband, Alexey Balakin.
At the story's start, Dimitri is in hiding in the Free States with his closest friends and former members of his royal court: Vasily, his most trusted spy; Annika, who once led his army; Ladushka, his political advisor, and Mischa, his royal physician. Dimitri still harbors a lot of guilt (and other complicated feelings) about Alexey, the war, and the consequences of it. When Vasily brings word that Alexey is building an army to invade the Free States the group hatches a dangerous plan to finally defeat Dimitri's monstrous ex.
The novel cycles through three POVs. Along with Dimitri, we also get chapters from Alexey and Vasily. All three POVs are engaging and each adds different things to the story. Jumping back and forth through their parts of the story moved the plot along steadily while also filling in the needed backstory. Vasily's chapters, in particular, give a lot of clarity to the backstory which was one of the many reasons that his chapters quickly became my favorite.
The plot of this is fast-paced, dark, and full of religious and political themes. I also found it surprising and not predictable at all. Multiple moments shocked me and had me frantically flipping pages to see what would happen next.
The characters are also likable. Vasily, as I've already mentioned, is a fantastic character. Dimitri is sympathetic and has a nice arc of growth and healing. Alexey is a terrifying and well-written villain. Annika, Ladushka, and Mischa round out the main cast as dynamic characters with a lovely "found family" relationship (together with Dimitri and Vasily).
The Sins On Their Bones is a unique and very queer dark fantasy. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys classic tales of good versus evil in their fantasy!
Other Points:
Alexey reminds me of The Darkling from the Shadow and Bone trilogy.
There may be a Doctor Who reference?
There is an asexual character and a non-binary character along with the many same-sex relationships that the book features.
The whole book is delightfully queer normative with most of the main characters and several side characters being casually queer. There's no drama or trauma around their identities.
I also liked how the author wove Judaism into the world.
Did I mention how much I love Vasily?
The last 25% of the book is tense, action-packed, emotional, and surprising. It is almost impossible to put down!
The ending is satisfying while also setting up issues for a future sequel.
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tropes/Tags: achillean, queer, Jewish fantasy, dark fantasy, Hurt/Comfort, found family
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️/5. There are multiple sex scenes (various m/m pairings) that are "Open Door" and mildly descriptive.
Content Warnings: Full list from the author
If you liked this I think you will like The Sins On Their Bones: The Shadow and Bone series for the Eastern European inspiration. This is a much more gory and adult version though!
Links: Storygraph | GoodReads | LauraRSamotin.com
The Sins On Their Bones will be released on May 7, 2024, and is available for pre-order!
This book was made available to me in advance thanks to NetGalley! I received a free digital copy of this book in exchange for this review. The above are my honest feelings on the provided book.
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owen-not-carvour · 2 years
thinking abt how rtc could be made into a Full Length Musical. (and Yeah it already is but its only a 90 min one act. what if we made it 2 hours yknow.)
this is also bc i think abt rtc already as sort of having a Break between 2 acts in a way. and it’s after talia. the first lull/conversation moment. then everything gets Different (and not just bc of sabm lol) idk. that’s just how i think abt it sometimes
but here’s what i’d do:
1) go into more depth abt what happened when it crashed. i want injuries and specific causes of death and Whatnot (and when we meet the cast later in the show have them display similarities to that too.. kinda like jane and her head!! but with all of them!!)
-itd be like. part of their intros. like… noel gruber. most romantic boy in town. pisces, sign of passion. favorite ride: the ferris wheel. cause of death: basically gutted in the cyclone. like karnak knows all that. why not Tell Me abt it :)))
-jane would still be Most apparent though. like she’s got the doll and the contacts and the whole Look to show she’s headless. the rest don’t have physical stuff like that. it’s more like they just display phantom pains. mannerisms and stuff
-fr just give me noel being impaled by something and ocean getting the Next Worst (to jane) bc I’m Still Pushing That Stuff
2) i want more Conversation interactions!!! this can be after talia bc ik they cut the love conquers all stuff in recent versions. a) bring that Back b) it’d be before oceans library card rant bc i Love how that segues into space age bachelor man. so Keep that. but fr!! make them Talk to each other more!!
give me ocean and noel having a Conversation and actually Seeing each other better and perhaps apologizing instead of attacking each other because they’ve seen both of their songs and backstories now (as in give me ocean and noel Sibling Dynamic !!!)
give me mischa and ricky talking abt how SICK everything is even though they’re dead. even though mischa hasn’t even seen sabm yet he still thinks ricky’s the fuckin coolest guy ever bc of the Squeeze Keys™️ yknow (and also having the mischa-noel hug before that just makes him think abt it all More)
finally. give me constance and jane. give me constance still being scared to talk to her but finally hearing her out and letting her talk abt Whatever she wants to say yknow. let jane tell constance why she keeps trying to be her friend.
and i can’t stress this enough but it would be in Addition to their conversations after the new birthday song!!!! a) ocean and constance’s is an incredible transition into jawbreaker/sugar cloud and i don’t want to lose that and b) i Love watching them interact. they’re all such interesting characters <33
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kaiitykuppycake · 11 days
Ramblings part 27
Things are getting interesting...
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Will is like camping out in the woods by the house. Judging him immensely for the fire with all that possibility of catching the rest of the woods on fire, but I digress...
Will sneaks in and sees a man in a cage.
He meet Chiyo who has been punishing and guarding that man. Who apparently ate Hannibals sister Mischa? Like damn, but how did Hannibal become a cannibal is my question I hope get answered.
Lemme just say, the confidence in Wills face with a gun pointed at him is soooo different than he would have reacted a while ago. A plus for character development. Will ains afraid of shit no more.
Chiyo drops the gun when he tells her how Hannibal stabbed him. "Last time I saw him, he left me with a smile" and he shows his scar. Fuckin chilling, my dude. He also told he the knows Hannibal "intimately" and she asks if he was Nakama to him, or like a close friend. Like yes totally...close friends...bros...for sure.
Then Hannibal has guest he's feeding Soligato to. Cool. Great. I hope they don't die.
Also back to Chiyo and Will talk. She tells him he keeps that man prisoner because Hannibal (of fucking course) told her he killed Mischa. I'm starting to think Hannibal himself did and regrets it.
Will even details how he would have killed her if he were anything like Hannibal, he would have carved her up and fed her to him. Very detailed for a man claiming he's nothing like the man he's looking for...
She asks why Will is looking for him after what Hannibal did to him and took from him. Will says doesn't know himself as well as he knows himself when he's with Hannibal. God fucking dammit Will, could you be any more in love with him?!
I mean I am a shipper so I am biased but this is blatant...the audacity to queer bait with these two...I mean maybe it's not queer baiting but just not like explicit in how it could be gay because that's not what the show's about?
Oh man, another Hannibal and Bedelia scene...I always get paranoid he's gonna kill her...
"how did your sister taste?" oh you're playing with fire Bedelia Du Maurier....
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cedarxwing · 1 day
8, 19, 22 for the Hannibal asks 😊
Thanks, Dia! <3
Questions from this ask game.
8. Favorite dish?
Oh, you might hate me for this, but Bedelia's leg is hands down the most stunning and emotionally impactful dish. For a nasty book fan like me, eating someone while they're sat at the dinner table is quintessentially Hannibal, and while the scenes with Gideon are beautiful in their own way, they can't compare to how absolutely radiant Gillian Anderson is in that post-credits scene.
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Janice Poon's food styling is impeccable and sooo romantic, with pomegranates, roses, flowers spilling out onto the table, and a bed of ice representing the ninth circle of hell in Dante's Inferno (positioning Bedelia as the ultimate betrayer). And the ti leaves studded with blackberries are gorgeous! Honestly, were her leg still attached, Bedelia could wear it as is to the Met Gala.
Plus, a pit-roasted leg is iconic (I head canon that Will dug the pit because Hannibal was too injured from his bullet wound). No dour "come from clay, return to clay" references here; this is a celebration. Also, there was a version of the script where Hannibal carved a portion of the leg and served it (see the pre-made cuts on the far left) and ahhhh I wish we could've seen that. C'est la vie.
[I feel so guilty choosing this one right in front of your salad. I promise I love Bedelia! Had Hannibal cooked and plated Will's brain in Dolce, that probably would've been my fav dish instead. I'm just a slut for the original brain-eating scene. 😭]
19. Do you relate to any character? Any lines?
I always get Bedelia when I take quizzes, and that makes sense to me! I'm reserved around people I don't know. We're both analytical and too curious for our own good. "Greed and blind optimism" lol. I'd be on that flight to Paris, too.
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^ Me when I'm having a panic attack.
Also, her esoteric dialogue is so me writing meta. Girl, what are you even saying...
22. Have any personal head/heart canons that you don’t hear talked about often?
I don't hear most of my personal head canons talked about often because they're incredibly angsty! For example, I believe that:
S3b physically and mentally broke Will, and he needs Hannibal to put his pieces back together post-fall.
Post-fall Hannibal still needs to work through his past with Mischa/Abigail and his tendency to destroy the things he loves (an ever-present threat in his relationship with mentally-vulnerable Will).
Until these conflicts are resolved, they're both unstable and self-destructive, and it's a major impediment to their life on the run.
I also love the idea of toxic yuri marlana.
Basically, I want my favs to suffer as much as possible, bc that's what I find most interesting. 😇
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okay okay, hear me out
An AU where all the kids from the choir are Janes/John's Doe ? And like, their memory wouldn't be completely erased (bc Jane had her head chopped off so kinda radical) and like, with the thing they remember, they sing their song.
And it would be interesting to have the wounds that caused death also involved in the loss of memory. Because the original jane knows how she died, the kids would also know. And each wound would be related to the characters : like Noel would die with a lot of burn marks (because fire is usually the element of passion) and so his memory would progressively burn too (at the start, he would remember a lot of things and look a bit human, before slowly degrading), etc
For the wounds I thought :
Ocean would have perforated eardrums (because as a leader, you're supposed to listen to the others but she didn't)
Noel would have the burn marks
Mischa would have scrap perforating his heart (I think this one is pretty obvious, but it's bc he's very emotional)
Ricky would have his vocal chords completely wasted by the smoke (because on zolar, his capacity to sing very high is important I guess ?? and also because when you want peace, you need a voice)
Penny/Jane would be disfigured (do I really need to explain why ?)
And Constance would have a problem with her eyes, I don't really know what exactly. Perhaps she could have her eyes uh- you know, gone (i'm trying to keep this family friendly 😭😭) or maybe the smoke or maybe the sparks, I don't know (this one is bc in sugar cloud, she refer a lot to the vision so yeah)
And like at the end they still didn't understood wtf they needed to do so Karnak dies and like
They stand here
And happy ending : they see the light and are like "ooh fancy" and go in it or bad ending : they stand so still that they slowly become ruins, not dying completely, just here, standing, without any will to live
Yeah imma make a second post bc I like this a lot 🗿🗿
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safflowerseason · 3 months
I also haven't done a comprehensive book post but I'd love to hear your thoughts! If anything, it's just made me have 10,000 more questions than I did before which was already A Lot. Also Justice 4 Mischa/Marissa always.
You sent this before we got Mischa Barton dropping major bombshells!! Now so much has changed!! 
I said this briefly in earlier comments but my overall take on the book now is that, while it had lots of insights in other areas not related to Mischa Barton, it ultimately demonstrated the limits of the oral history approach. MB’s specific revelations also demonstrate why an oral history was probably not the best way to really get “behind the scenes” of what happened on this particular show. Like, in my experience oral histories are generally pretty fluffy and they kind of allow everyone to share memories and their recollections without much pushback…which is basically what happened in the book. If you interview as many people as Sepinwall did and absolutely everyone refuses to go on the record about two co-stars dating because they know just how fucked-up it is…that is a story that requires a *totally* different angle than a fluffy oral history, especially one that's such a direct collaboration with the showrunners. I’ve been thinking about the book recently published by Mo Ryan called Burn It Down: Power, Complicity, and a Call for Change in Hollywood. That’s the kind of approach you’d need to do her story justice. 
At the same time, I do maintain that Sepinwall emphasized that what happened with MB’s exit was not her fault, in spite of his past (sketch) history with the show. He gave a lot of detail about network fuckery, Schwartz’s failures as a show-runner in S3, and he also showed that Brody and McKenzie were actually the ones being assholes on set, not MB, but that no one in charge cared because to Schwartz they were the two most important characters - ie, MB was considered expendable and the men were not. 
As for Schwartz…I already thought he came off pretty terribly in the book but now, like, oh my god. I don’t know how anyone but ESPECIALLY women could work with him ever again. I think it's so gross to claim that you're going to be open and honest about everything that happened on your show when you know this HUGE SECRET. Like I *get* why nobody wanted to go on the record about this and of course it's fundamentally Ben McKenzie's or Mischa Barton's news to share, but then don't PRETEND that you're going to fully explain what happened twenty years later when you know it's not the full story. Jesus Christ.
What makes me so mad is that the only reason Schwartz was so comfortable “taking the fall” in the limited way he did for what happened with MB and the show’s decline in quality is because it hasn’t actually cost him anything, and sadly I don’t think MB’s interview is going to change that. Nobody important in Hollywood cares because it was so long ago and it was his first show and one actress’s mental health and career prospects are a small price to pay for letting a man do whatever he wants on a set. So he didn’t risk anything by going on the record about all this. 
As for the non-MB parts of the book, of course I enjoyed reading everyone’s perspectives looking back, especially in the first year, and the little random fun stories that were sprinkled throughout. Chris Carmack came off as a pretty decent guy to me, and Adam Brody clearly has done a lot of reflection on that era of his life and how he acted at the time. I love Kelly Rowan and Peter Gallagher so much and I enjoyed their take on things (also intrigued by the comment that they weren't super tight on set?!) And I thought the book was a great overview of just how many factors and voices and interests went into making a single piece of television during the peak years of network tv. Like, so many different execs in charge of different things, all putting competing pressures on the show…it’s easy to see why television was so formulaic in that period. The O.C. in its earliest and best days really didn’t fit the mold for anything on TV, and as the book laid out why that was kind of the show's undoing in a way (in addition to Schwartz f*&king it up).
That was a lot and seems like enough to be getting on with for now, haha. Ultimately what I really want is a two volume exposé on the toxic culture of Hollywood in this early 00's era and how so many young women were chewed up and spat out by the system, with Mischa Barton's story as a prime example. She deserves justice!
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borgerbat · 2 months
I’d love that, but I make 0 promises to watch it bc yay low attention span!
If you wanna just info dump at me about the characters that’s so welcome
McCarter, 2016, Station
OK SO!!!!
Ocean is very poggers, she’s a prick, annoying, and overall a bitch but we lobe her for that!!!!!! She is the first one to realize that they’re going to die when they rode the cyclone, which makes her so interesting to me!!!!! She’s also just very comical, a bit satirical, and fun! Yes she has some VERY interesting takes, but I view these as bad taste, but they make sense for her character!
Mischa is the best. I take no criticizing. He is the money, the real kaching. What more can I say? I WANT HIS FUCKING GENDER
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Noel is gay, just really gay and we love him for that!!! Also, he most definitely has a crush on Mischa!!!! They are gay!!!! “Oh MiScHa IsN’t GaY tHaTs NoT CaNnOn” HE’s BI, I KNOW HIM PERSONALLLY, HE TOLD ME!!!!
Ricky is so special, he’s such a guy, I love him. His song is so insane though, like bro. He is disabled and mute!!! BUT in more recent productions of RTC, they’ve ENTIRELY ERASED HIS DISABILITY. It’s horrible and super dumb, fuck that!!! I love him so very much, he is my son, or brother because I said so
Constance is. Idk, I don’t care that much for Constance honestly, but her song is super good!!!!!
And of course, Jane. She rocks and is so silly!!!!!!!
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canvas-madness-txc · 1 year
Ride the Cyclone Summer Reading Headcanons
•Reads everything
•Her assignments are well-structred and organized
•She can and HAS done more than the required reading amount
•Regularly reads classic literature but reads of all genres
•Read Pride and Prejudice many times over
•Seethes when a novel is required because it usually isn't an interesting one
•Reads Gothic literature
• dark romances are a must to achieve his dream of being Monique Gibeau in post-war France
•Reads French Novels
•Has read They Both Die in the End
•His responses are poetic
•Absolutely HATES when a book is required for the assignment.
•He doesn't get it. If the point of the assignment is to encourage kids to read more over the summer, shouldn't they read whatever they want?
•Reads horror and action but has a soft spot for romance as well (You can't tell me he doesn't picture himself and Talia in the place of the characters)
•Also reads a lot of Ukrainian literature
•Although he doesn't seem like he cares much for school, he can give great responses and many of them feel very personal when someone reads them
•Reads any and all genres, but is partial to high fantasy
•Avid comic book enjoyer
•Read Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Anything Rick Riordan
•To the surprise of his teachers, his responses are more thought-out than they give him credit for
•Prefers reading what he likes rather than what is required
•Loves Action, Fantasy, and Love Stories
•She's known as the Nicest Girl on Town but has read plenty of dirty novels, and no one knows about it
•Her responses to the assignments have some sadness and resentment I them
•Doesn't complain too much about the required novels, but she doesn't always hate them
•Feels for Meg in A Wrinkle in Time
•Feels nothing for the required books but reads them still
•Enjoys nonfiction, especially about animals
•Reads lots of psychological horror (think Tell-Tale Heart or The Invisible Man)
•Her responses for the novels she reads are accurate but terrifying
•Ricky lends her high fantasy books and she enjoys them as well
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hiccupbutpurple · 3 months
Okay random OC lore drop lol (thank you @evilwriter37 for giving me an excuse lol) - imma just talk a bit about them abstractly as an intro lol!
TW: Implied but unspecified mental health issues, family issues, referenced abuse and mention of death
- So my main character is Nix. They started as Nicky from when I was a kid watching Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn but then kinda became the personification of my intrusive, random thoughts and personal experience, and deviated so far from canon I now consider them to be an OC.
- Nix is pretty sarcastic and acts as the braincell when Aspen isn’t available, they’re definitely a trouble maker and will manipulate their way into anything but is still very caring of the people they love. They tend to lash out and can forget consequences exist sometimes (leading to a lot of different trouble). They have 3 siblings (taken from Nrdd) and overall a pretty good family but also feels overlooked or outcast from that family. They especially have a lot of conflicts with their sister.
- Robin completely lacks any social inhibitions and impulse control and she’s often the driving force for plot. Her adopted family is great but she went through a lot as a young child and lost her younger sister. I want to focus a lot of her development around the concept of family and trust. Romance is also a big part of it as she has crushes on Nix and Aspen but their feelings towards her are more complicated.
- Mischa is an absolute himbo and also a thief. He also comes from a bad home and often goes overboard trying to impress the others and their families to compensate. He also lacks an impulse control but isn’t as wild as Robin (unless talked into it) and just goes along with things, so a lot of his development is about gaining his own sense of self and learning to take control of his life and decisions.
- Aspen is a loner and doesn’t particularly care about others (not in a mean way just in a, genuinely doesn’t care what’s happening way). She moreso gets dragged into things involuntary or just because she doesn’t have anything else to do. I want to focus a fair amount on her and her mothers relationship, her mother is very sweet but is definitely hurt by her child’s lack on interest in everybody and as a result can become more overbearing on the whole group.
- It’s basically just a found family, queer coming of age story with them dealing with their traumas and challenges from mental health and being queer as a short summary
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 4 months
✏️"what are your current WIPs about?"
Thanks for playing with me, @kaylinalexanderbooks!
I have several WIPS right now, so this could be interesting.
Caraval- A Hannibal (NBC) sort of crossover/rewrite of the book Caraval by Stephanie Garber. It's also omega verse, with Will being an omega, Hannibal an alpha, and so on for the various characters who appear. Will must play a magical game that plays tricks on the mind and involves magic to find his sister (Abigail) over the course of five nights, searching for clues so he can find her before the other players and win. Hannibal, who initially brings them to the island where Master Legend hosts Caraval, teams up with him. As they play, Will realizes the game is far darker than it appears and that it is a race against the clock to find Abigail, because it is far more than a game.
Long list, so the rest are under the cut.
2. For Remembrance- A post-fall Murder Husbands story for my collection, Words Are Not The Only Way, centering on my chosen flower (rosemary) and its meaning. Won't say too much, but there is amnesia and rosemary plays a part in trying to help the amnesiac person recover their memories.
3. All Night or a Hundred Years- A Fantastic Beasts story from the POV of Percival Graves, who has been locked up in the dungeons of Nurmengard for a long time. Leta, rather than dying, is secreted away by Grindelwald in the dungeon as well, and she is helping Percival remember what it is like to be human and giving him something he hasn't had in a long time: Hope. They are getting to know each other and trying to figure out if they can escape, and how. Percival is close to giving up, but Leta won't take it. This one is on hiatus, however, because writer's block is a bitch.
4. Untangled- A Fantastic Beasts version of the Disney movie Tangled, with Newt as Rapunzel, Tina as Flynn, Grindelwald as Mother Gothel, and Theseus as Maximus, along with a bunch of the other FB crew members taking roles. Currently paused in favor of Caraval. Things are switched up in this, because Tina has the case of beasts instead of Newt. It's cheerful and fun and I sort of don't want to finish it because of that, so I'm being slow.
5. The Third Day- A Hannibal (NBC) rewrite of the HBO show The Third Day. Will is getting divorced from Molly and is grieving Abigail, who died under mysterious circumstances several years earlier. He meets Mischa in the woods, where is trying to hang herself, and takes her back to the place she lives, where he becomes trapped for three days and nights. Hannibal, Alana, Jack, Bella, Margot, Mason, and several other characters star as the residents trying to either run Will off the island or keep him there as he uncovers mysteries tied to himself and Abigail's death, as well as all the weirdness on the island.
7. Beloved- This is being scrapped and will be rewritten as a sequel to another story, His Shadow Suspended On Dust. Initially, it was a thirty-years post-fall story about Hannibal getting sick and Will taking care of him and living through his last days with him. Some of the original will remain, but it will be heavily rewritten, and there will be another story, called When the Snake Slithers By, between it and HSSOD.
8. The Lone City- A Pokemon anime rewrite of a favorite book of mine, called The Jewel by Amy Ewing. Starring Mairin, it centered on girls being sold off into surrogate slavery for the ruling class of the island, who became so inbred they can no longer safely carry their own children. Sort of a magical Handmaid's Tale, but with Pokemon twists. It was going to lead to Mairin uncovering the truth, falling in love with Alain, and escaping and so forth, but it's been on hiatus due to computer trouble, and I don't think I'm ever going to actually go back to it since it 's been more than a year.
9. Han+SPN- Temporary title, an attempted Hannibal/Supernatural crossover co-written by @ sarcasticsciencefictionwriter. Sam and Dean are driving through Maryland one night and Dean hits Will, who is a ravenstag, with Baby. Will is pregnant and fleeing hunters who are coming after him and Hannibal, who is half ravenstag, for being cannibals and want to kill their baby as well. The Winchesters learn that ravenstags only take what they need and chose harmful people as their victims (i.e, the rude), and end up teaming up with Will to save Hannibal from the hunters after Bobby, who saved Will when he was a fawn, tells them to. Currently paused because I didn't come up with much an outline and Sarc can't work with that. I'm playing with idea that Sam and Dean might have to deliver the baby.
I believe that is all my WIPS, unless you want to count the to-be-written finale to my collection, the Price of Godhood, where Will is Persephone and Hannibal is Hades, which will be about Will going to the world above on the first day of spring and saying goodbye to husband for six months.
Thanks so much for the ask! I've never done this before and I was so much fun! Feel free to hit me up again!
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