#also my therapist i guess.
castielafflicted · 10 months
I did not get tagged but I am possessed with this concept.
Rules: Make a 24 hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then work for 10 minutes for every vote the winner receives.
Dean/Cas pinefest fic is currently at 7k words, and it's easily going to be much longer than the 20k word minimum. you do not get to know anything else. this is all i've been writing lately so if this one is voted, i'll actually work in order from chapter one instead of random scenes. just to make it special instead of the default.
You Can, I Promise is like half heavier kink and half destiel. mostly not together though. (dean goes out and sleeps with some random woman that turns out to be a witch). fuck or die. for funsies.
sabriel wingfic is porn. very heavy on the wings and supposed to be "disgustingly affectionate", but i havent written that in yet.
cas wingfic is both destiel and sam&cas, and sfw. i saw a parrot video and got possessed by it.
destiel religious imagery is just porn. dean is trans. and the altar that cas worships at.
[heavily redacted] will not be shared for another 7 months. but its on here because i think its funny to put it on here.
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
Johnny Cash doesn't sound like a real name to me anymore I'm too far gone, christ
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whumpacabra · 8 months
Have your character toss and turn all night because they forgot a dose of their pain medication, so they get up the next morning on the verge of tears because they’re so tired and in so much pain.
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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feelin super-dee-duper normal abt this sim i made for @buglaur's handsome cowpoke...
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youremyonlyhope · 7 months
Living with Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Me: *Is super stressed over life.*
Trichotillomania: Time to pull some hair! C'mon. You won't even notice you're doing it. It'll make you feel better.
Me: NO. *Spends 4 days putting hair in a mini twist protective style* There.
Dermatillomania: Hey. Your hands are free. And restless. And dry... Pick your skin. Bleed. Bleed.
Me: Stop! *Starts up a new crochet project to keep hands busy.* Ok cool.
Onychophagia: Hi hi. Your nails are.... perfect biting length... you should do that.
Me: Noooooooooooo *Paints nails.*
Dermatillomania: Oh look, you got some nail polish on your skin. Pick it off... now pick some more...
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imaveryevilenby · 1 month
alright hold on hold on hold on we're doing 3am gender thinking again
so the initial idea of my views on gender that occurred to me at 5am last time in what was probably a manic episode is fuck gender I can't fit the boxes expected of me so I'll dismantle the whole system and do my own thing
so problem is I can't do that, I can't dismantle the whole system and go my own way because I am entirely dependent on the sex and gender systems we have in place and how other people view sex and gender
additionally the idea that gender itself is the outdated stereotypical system is flawed, gender is the way a person feels and we've made categories and boxes to describe incredibly complex feelings
the problem is the more specific a gender gets, the smaller that box gets, the more people are excluded from that box so the solution is another box that fits better or make their own like with neogenders
the solution is a line of gender boxes like hermit crabs...
the fun part about thinking of gender and stuff is that I personally believe that every single person on earth experiences gender and life differently from every other person, even if only slightly
so theoretically if every person on earth were to describe their gender outlook and gender experiences and form a gender identity from that, then there could theoretically be 8 billion god damn genders
the solution is more genders
the solution is running Doom (1993) on my fucking gender
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nell0-0 · 2 months
Too tired to draw, what is this curse. I wanna draw so badly but can't even focus on the screen, augh
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maxphilippa · 1 month
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uh. vent art. or something. losing yourself and losing everyone who you cared about as a result
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gibbearish · 6 months
ive seen ppl saying smth in the wider plagiarism discussion to the tune of "don't worry anxious people, it's impossible to accidentally plagiarize!" and i feel like that lacks a lot of nuance that anxious brains like mine latch on to to just dismiss the possibility outright, as well as a lack of life experiences fueling it.
it is possible to "accidentally plagiarize" in that you can read something, forget about it, then a while later have your brain spit the ideas back out without telling where it got them. so of course you just assume they're yours and share them as such, because That's Where Most Of The Thoughts In Your Head Come From! and it both is and isn't plagiarism, you weren't /intending/ to pass someone's else's work off as your own, i'd even say in a way you were just as much a victim of misinformation as your audience. but you very much so did still resuse the work of someone else, even if you don't remember it.
but in my experience, this kind of thing also happens to a lot of people. you tell a friend a joke then wake up in a cold sweat two days later realizing the reason they didnt laugh was because they'd told you that joke a month ago. you reply to a friend's text and after sending you realized you ended it with the same exact phrase as theirs. you're writing edgy poetry and write a line you really like only to see it in a text post two days later saying youve already liked the post. like, it happens. so if it DOES happens and you're just honest and explain, people will understand. something like "oh shit im sorry, i totally have read that, i mustve forgotten and only remembered bits and pieces and just thought they were mine. thank you for letting me know and for the source" works wonders.
people know you can forget things. people won't automatically doubt your apology just because all true plagiarists say it was accidental. HOPEFULLY people can understand the nuance between a genuine remorseful explanation, and a thief who hoped no one would find out scrambling for excuses for why they did it. and those who can't, that's a them problem, not a you problem, you've taken responsibility for your actions as much as you can. they think the answer is simple, that the only thing stopping you from saying "yes i did it on purpose, i knew the whole time and deliberately copied them" is shame/inability to admit to your actions. but sometimes things AREN'T that simple, so imo ppl who are shitty to you for not following the script they made up for you in their head should be ignored
#youre allowed to make up scripts for people in fact good luck stopping yourself since thats kinda just part of how conversation works#is you try to predict how your audience will react to a certain statement#and my therapist actually encouraged me to practice run stuff i wanna talk about in sessions because That Makes It Easier To Talk About#like who cares if it's rehearsed‚ it's still the truth‚ yknow?#however that only applies to the things /you/ want to say. you are the only one aware of this script and the only one who agreed to it in#the first place which is why you plan contingencies into the script#is because you only have control over one character and can only take guesses at what the others might say#if you guess wrong and they do something different that doesnt mean /theyre/ not following the script#it means /your/ copy was a misprint and you filled in the blanks wrong. so do what good actors do and improvise. you'll get back on script#eventually. or not‚ if your guesses devolved into wildly speculative fanfiction‚ but frankly you knew going into it that#most of your script was guesswork so you should be prepared to have to make some things up on the fly#or see again: prepare contingencies#if your guesswork on your copy of the script turns out to be wrong‚ wouldnt it be sooo handy to have a second copy which follows this#version of events much better?#and if not that one‚ maybe this third? how about this fourth? etc etc etc#but really just. when guessing at what others will say. know that you are guessing and dont hold it against /them/ if youre wrong#sorry ik that wasnt super related to the post itself im just also passionate abt that#plagiarism#james somerton
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pansyfemme · 5 months
im having anxiety so bad right now that im overwhelmed by noise but quiet is making me so paranoid i cant not have my headphones in
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eightyuh · 8 months
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just wanna say i'm so tantalized by this ask because i have at least 3 other OCs who kind of all have a similar theme of 'suddenly became a person' and have done a lot of exploration individually for their backgrounds, so it's a matter of like... how do i differentiate Harry in this scenario... who was conscious beforehand .... mmmmm yummy food for thought
(old, out of context OC art incoming)
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 months
the imposter syndrome i feel every time i even slightly think i might be autistic is insane, specially for a person who highly relates to the lived experiences of people who are professionally diagnosed.
Like I was just watching this one youtuber, and she was talking about very specific examples in her life and childhood where she saw autistic traits that made her realize she was autistic and then seek a diagnosis and then get one, and everything she was saying was like she was describing my life! But yeah no, I can't be autistic tho
#and one thing that has been filling me with dread (as if it was relevant lol) is the idea of seeking a diagnosis and#either not geting it because it's already so hard to find a diagnosis for '''''''women''''''' (afabs)#and that will make me doubt myself even more! but most importantly those around me who already don't believe me#but also i'm very scared about this one thing in particular which is the talking to your parents portion of the diagnosis#where the therapist will want to talk to people who knew me as a child... and that person will have to be my mom#and i'm pretty sure she will dismiss most signs. like she would either not bring them up because ''they're normal''#or play them as less important than they were#or maybe she didn't even notice them! because most of my struggles are internal!#things like being bullied or having no friends or liking a routine#idk if she'll be able to talk about all those#because my bullying wasn't violent it was mostly dismissive#my ''friends'' weren't really friends like i didn't CARE for them as maybe someone would have#and also they would leave me for no reason at all out of the blue... so i don't think even THEY considered ME a friend#and liking routine i guess she could say i prefered it but she doesn't know to the extent i hated going off it#i'm sure she forgot about the time i cried (as a 10 year old so not THAT young) because they made us change classroom#and i didn't know that was gonna happen... it was added to the anxiety that i thought my mother wouldn't be able to find me#but like the unknown classroom traumatized me (to this day i get anxious just thinking about that)#like... all those things i don't think she would bring up (if she could even) and i fear that will make me not get a diagnosis#not that this is a thing that's gonna happen cause as i established i cannot afford a therapist nor i'll ever get a diagnosis i don't think#so like it's not relevant#but i am anxious about it nonetheless#angel talks#personal#idk what's my point with this post btw i'm just venting and creaming to the void#dkfjhgdfg
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A lot of mental illnesses increase what I like to call "the poopy emotions." You know what I mean. Feeling desperate about going in the kitchen to make food. Feeling unreasonable abandonment when someone heads to the bathroom without telling you where they're going. Being pathologically unable to make decisions about what to wear or where to go for dinner and feeling horrible about it. Shit you know is unreasonable, but still hurts.
My favorite way to deal with this with friends and family? HAM IT UP. Turn it into a joke. Put your delicate little hand to your forehead and look up to the ceiling proclaiming in your best ailing victorian woman voice and gasp, "I can't believe such a fate awaits me, I must to the kitchen to make food like a common servant. The horror!" or whatever over the top image you can muster. Be as silly as you can while being honest about the feelings. It acknowledges the feelings, but also how silly they are. Everybody laughs. There's less tension. You feel seen, but also too adult to give in.
Or, at least it works for me, and I hope it works for you.
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angelic-waffles · 6 months
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tamagotchikgs · 3 months
my mom said my cats cant live with us in the trailer which . i just can’t do that man i cant live w/o them they are my only reason for getting up everyday,..... they’re the only thing i have irl that makes me smile or feel any amount of joy or anything whatsoever. i wonder if i could get my own used trailer too,,,,, i was looking & there r RVs for 12k,, if only i could get hired somewhere maybe i could afford it by summer :(
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convolutedblasphemy · 1 month
Hi, please don't encourage murder ok? Ok.
If you are in therapy it would be wise to discuss this with your therapist or counselor. If you are not in therapy you should really consider it. Have a good day :)
👆🏻 ways to notice someone's new here and came from tiktok 👆🏻
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