#also noel didn't know about that because the others were trying to make sure he didn't because yeah
askwitchsheart · 2 years
This is like that time ahse was locked in a jar but with tbe demons in lego mansion
Also!! Noel!!! *hands noel a pack of water bottles and lots of food* and Sheila!!!!! *gives sheila a pool so she eont literally die*
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.................the what? first i'm hearing about this
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well, that would explain why ashe was missing for a few days, and lime wanted to play chess with me, with zizel as the referee
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but anyway
eheheh thank you, i appreciate it alot
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.....you have many thanks, i know invective will be happy as well ehe
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maochira · 1 month
Hello hi! Can I request the father figure coaches finding out that the reader (only girl) having imposter syndrome and/or very low self esteem since she got through blue lock surviving out other players who she think deserve her spot instead. Please and thank you!
I don't write fem!reader (in the way you requested)........ anyways. *transgenders your request* (also please read my request rules before you request something. Thanks)
Tags: transmasc!reader/transfem!reader/non-binary!reader (can be read as any trans!reader), father!figure Noa, AU where Blue Lock isn't only for guys but for any gender, I didn't feel like writing for every coach so I just did Noa
Noel Noa
Noa is the only person in Blue Lock who you're out to
Back at home you'd always talk to him when you would doubt yourself and even though he never knows what exactly to say, Noa has his own ways of making you feel valid
But because he's so busy with in Blue Lock, you stopped talking about your problems and began to keep them to yourself
You already felt out of place back at your soccer club at home, but with all these great strikers around you, you begin to doubt yourself more
Noa notices there's something off about you. You've been skipping practice a lot and you seem to be unable to concentrate properly during matches
He honestly doesn't know what to do. He's usually not the type of guy to ask you what's wrong because he knows you usually approach him with your problems
There are also barely any moments when he has time to spend with you alone. So one day he says you need to do some sort of special training with him
At first you were scared that he'd scold and critisize you for your skills getting worse
But instead of doing any kind of training, Noa keeps asking if you're okay and what's wrong
You try to convince him that everything's alright, but eventually you end up breaking down in tears and everything you've kept to yourself spills out
The way you feel so undeserving of your position. The way you feel like everyone is so much better and that there's no way you'd ever catch up to their level. The way you just feel as if you don't fit in because you're not cis like them.
Noa is so confused because he never expected the last part to be an issue for you. He always thought you were confident in your gender and never let the fact that you're trans drag you down
He keeps reminding you that your gender doesn't matter and how many reasons there are for you to be in Blue Lock. It's your skill that matters here, not how you identify
After that day, Noa begins to ask how you feel more often and makes sure to give you lots of encouragement and reassurance
If you liked this, please remember to reblog and add tags! Reading them is the best way to support me because it motivates me a lot!
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Favorite and least favorite Blazblue characters?
Yay~ finally getting to this ask. I’ve got a lot of really cool asks (thank you everyone so much) that I’ve been wanting to get to, but my health is Rather Poor, and when I do answer these things, I want to be able to put a lot of energy and attention into them.
Now, getting to the ask! I had a lot to say, and it all came out messy... and somehow, I only ended up talking about one character, Nu 13. Who fits as both one of my favorite and one of my least favorite characters, for reasons detailed below. To not make this an entire fucking novel, I'll cut the post off here and consider it an early birthday post for her.
That said, here's a quick run down of some other stuff I didn't get to talk about, relevant to your question.
My other Hated Fave is Nine/Konoe. One of those “I love the character but if we were stuck in a room together I’d maul her” situations. I consider her to be a misandrist, and I have a very charged history of like, generational reactive sexism in my family, so her generational reactive sexism (relationship with her father coloring her relationship with men overall) enrages me. On the other hand, it’s so well written, SHE’S so well written, she’s an incredible character and I adore her as an art piece. She is like a cathedral to me. The most beautiful symphony in a key you hate.
Touched on briefly in the post below, my all time absolute favorite is Terumi/Susano'o. That's a story for another day. I like him in a very particular way where he's like, the best character ever, but also he's constantly on probation. Or reverse probation? I need to see him try to kill/maim/ruin someone once a month or he's at risk of being evicted. Being the champion is a title you have to defend, y'know?
I think the character I study the most and talk about the most is Noel, although to my tastes, she's very middle of the road. I feel neutral about her. I just use her as a guinea pig for all my BB related project. You know Dangan Ronpa? How they used Sayaka and Leon as a starting point/beta test for everything? It's kind of like that, except I haven't gotten so sick of her yet that I'm killing her off or anything.
With all of that covered, allow me to get into the actual post! Thank you for your patience!
Off the top of my head at least, I can’t honestly think of BlazBlue characters I dislike. Every character that comes to mind shares something that makes me hesitant to actually claim I dislike them. That is, the characters I like the least are the characters I understand the least. Spinner Superior and the entire Bloodedge Experience cast make the list… but I haven’t read BE. Valkenhayn makes the cut- another character I really don’t pay attention to. Bullet, Hibiki, maybe Amane- all characters I really just… haven’t paid much attention to yet.
I don’t really want to claim I dislike them at this point, because when I really think about it, I’m like 99% sure that I lack interest in them BECAUSE I haven’t taken the time to look at them.
One of my hobby/goal/things in my free time is working on these BB character documents, analyzing everything I can about each character in the series for my own personal work. I have a feeling that when I get to really analyzing and writing about these characters, I’ll find things I like about them.
Here's a quick look at my files, to see what I'm talking about. Have mercy, it's very WIP.
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There are two characters that stand out to me in an… almost “love to hate” way, but not quite. I have a lot to say about these characters, but I’m still tired, and this post is going to be LONG as is, so I’ll try to keep it brief.
Author's Note: I fail to keep it brief.
Before BBDW, my least favorite character was DEFINITELY Nu13. Ironic, because she almost got me into BB back in the Continuum Shift days. I saw her and some of her crazy behavior and thought... well, not much, just kind of an error message in my head going “hot woman spotted.” So I looked into her, and her story!
And got bored immediately. At first I was intrigued- I love violent characters that could arguably be described as “rabid” or “feral,” but upon further inspection, she had one of the few character flaws I just can’t look past. She was absolutely static. Immutable. The only character she was willing to interact with was Ragna, and even when interacting with him, she couldn’t hear a thing he said. In my interpretation, at the time, this made her a character that couldn’t connect with the outside world in any way. To me, she was an island. Absolutely remote. And completely useless to my interests.
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A fear years later, a few months before the launch of Chronophantasma Extend, I ended up getting into BlazBlue anyway powered by sheer Terumi thirst. Are you guys starting to get a picture of my type yet? From then on, BB has remained my all time favorite series, and Terumi/Susano’o continues to be in my top three favorite characters, usually comfortably wearing the “#1 all time fave” crown. I suppose that answers the other half of your question.
Throughout this time, Nu still didn’t appeal to me at all. Locked in as my least favorite, definitely. Eventually, I got my college roommates into BB. One of the girls fell in absolute love with Nu. I couldn’t understand it at all. In hindsight, she’s right on every point about Nu that she likes, and I really appreciate those traits now too- but I couldn’t see it at the time. She was able to see Nu as an incredibly tragic character for the same reasons I saw her as inert. In the C-Series, Nu is alone, horribly alone, locked in her pain and her delusion. I saw that and ultimately felt she was beyond saving, but my associate felt that made her into a beautiful tragedy, a princess more worth saving than any other. Maybe I’m getting a little abstract out of nowhere here, but I now feel that’s the best way to look at Nu’s story- she’s locked away in this fairy tale delusion. Ugh, I have more to say on it, but look at how long this has gotten already!
Anyways, then BBDW came out, and Mori gave us a glimpse of what he intended to be the next step in Nu’s story. Juusan, XIII, Thirteen. And hooooooooooooly shit my guys, I absolutely love Nu, XIII, and her arc now. It’s her fucking healing arc! It’s her fucking growing arc! She’s finally able to start becoming a person, fleshing out, interacting with the world!
I’m not the type who really needs or even WANTS redemption arcs for characters, but Nu DESPERATELY needed this chapter. My biggest gripe with her, as mentioned, was that it seemed impossible for her to have any kind of relationship with ANYONE. I guess I was a little close minded- I needed to see evidence that Nu could be reached, that she could wake up from her fairy tale slumber and start really living. And we have that now, in XIII.
Looking back on the writing from the earlier games, when I hated Nu so much, I see those scenes in an entirely different light. Her first fucking scene in every route is waking up, our sleeping beauty. But she wakes up to the same dream every time. She’s put right back into her coffin, death, to dream and dream and wake and be killed again. Isn’t that kind of beautiful??? Her CT story mode IS a dream, it’s a desperate dream, the one she holds most dearly but doesn’t even understand- Nu is a character who THINKS what she wants more than anything is a romantic love with her prince charming, but we see in her story mode there, and in the relationships that finally save her, that what she really wanted was a full relationship as a real person. Platonic relationships, with no expectations, just someone seeing her and maybe offering her a smile. She craved, needed, the ability to connect with others, but that was a dream so far out of reach she couldn’t understand it. I KNOW I’M RAVING AT THIS POINT, I DIDN’T MEAN TO, BUT C’MON IT’S BEAUTIFUL.
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And, and!!! As I mentioned, the relationships that finally save her, finally wake her up from the dream the same way the BB world is being woken up from ITS looping dream (WHICH IS ANOTHER AWESOME CONNECTION AND GREAT WRITING, THE WAY NU AS A CHARACTER CAN BE SEEN TO EMBODY THE LOOPING WORLD, NEW AND BROKEN AND UNABLE TO CHANGE WITH NO HOPE OF TOMORROW)
Ahem, ahem-- It’s familial connections. She so badly wants that romance with Ragna, but it isn’t the love of a prince that saves her- it’s when he accepts her as his sister. It’s when he accepts her as a victim and her own person and not a bastardization of Saya, and comes to save this lonely girl. An echo of his little sister he couldn’t save. HIS ENTIRE JOURNEY WAS TO SAVE HIS SISTER AND HE FINALLY DOES. IN SO MANY WAYS, INCLUDING IN THAT MOMENT OF REACHING OUT TO NU.
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And then it’s Noel. And Lamba. Her sisters. Again, people who once saw her as a disgusting representation of what they feared the most, a replacement or a copy- when they let that go, see past it, and really face her, they take Nu in as their little sister. And its their patient love that heals her. Just like Ragna, when they first met Nu, her connection to Saya and themselves terrified them, infuriated them, but now they look directly at that connection and don’t see it as a threat. It fills them with compassion. It can be a lovely thing, to share something so fundamental as your creation with someone else. There’s love in that. They see it now and are able to offer it to her.
This answer has been very messy and very long, but hey, let’s pretend it isn’t that bad. Give me some mercy, I’m on so much cough syrup.
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lonely-soul-02 · 10 months
What is your true opinion on Sara, her personality, and her reason for divorcing Noel?
Good question, thanks for asking!
I’ve had a number of anons recently asking about Sara, whether I think she’s good or bad, her relationship with Noel, was she controlling, and variations of. It’s more time efficient to do a one off ‘this is my giant take on Sara’.
Short answer: I'm sure Sara is a complex person, like we all are. She'll have good and bad points, just like Noel and Liam. I don't think her situation with Noel was as simple as a lot of fans make out.
It’s difficult for me to form any (sensible) concrete opinion about Sara’s personality and relationship with Noel when we know so little about her, and what we do know is negatively one-sided and mostly social media presented. There are no independent or truly reliable sources like what we have for Liam and Noel.
Let’s put it this way, if all you knew of Liam were his rage tweets, his homophobic, transphobic and ableist tweets, his Wiki personal history which consists of cheating on his wives, fathering four different children to four different mothers, possibly assaulting his current girlfriend, harassing his brother’s wife and his own niece, getting drunk, high, violent and getting arrested…what conclusion would you come to? 
You see where I’m going here?  
Cleary, that reads like a really awful human being, not to mention a misogynist. And if that was all we knew, that's all we'd see. * But that's not all we know about Liam. Fans know there is more to Liam than this. Fans know he is a complicated person. 
All we know of Sara are her nasty comments on IG, Liam’s nasty comments about her, Noel’s vaguely critical comments in interviews towards the end of the marriage (which is frankly, to be expected when a relationship is breaking up), photos of her wearing latex and liking/following BDSM clubs, rumours of her going to said clubs and her weird Vogue interview which reads like propaganda - but whose? Hers? Or Noel’s?  
Is that evidence enough to confidently conclude that she’s an evil and controlling bitch? Would there not also be more to Sara? Would she not also be a complicated person?
There are always two sides. Always. I for one, would be very interested to know her thoughts on what it was like being married to Noel and what prompted the divorce, should she ever tell. 
Being married to or partnered with a Gallagher would be hard, hard work. Both Gallaghers would require huge amounts of patience, understanding and people management skills. Both have issues. Life long deep-seated issues. There is likely mental health to consider. Do not have any issues yourself going into a relationship with either of those men because there won’t be time for you and your issues, their issues would impact, if not dominate the relationship. Their brotherhood would dominate. And that’s your starting point. Then there is Oasis. The fans.
Oh, but she should have known all this when she signed up? No, I don't think she did. I don't think anyone really could be prepared for life with a Gallagher.
My gut instinct is there are likely to be aspects of Sara that we’d find unlikable, just as there are aspects of Liam’s personal history we don’t like. Maybe there was a bit of social climbing, maybe she did think it’d be an easy life, maybe she really did try and keep the brothers apart, maybe she did find herself having to speak down to Noel in order not to be spoken down to by him. On the other hand, I suspect that Noel didn't turn out to be the attentive, devoted husband and committed father she imagined when she signed up to a life with him. Fatherhood? I strongly suspect there were issues there. It probably wasn’t the easiest life after all.
Maybe she felt like a single parent most of the time; lonely, isolated, and unloved when after spending so long away on tour, he barely noticed her when he returned, paying more attention to his guitar (he’s on record saying he would go straight to his guitar and she'd be telling him to go spend time with the boys he hadn't seen. He also joked that he had gotten good at pretending to listen to her while he was really focusing on playing his guitar). Maybe she grew tired of dealing with his issues when they were together. Tired of having to deal with her brother-in-law’s complicated personality, having to compete with him as well for her husband’s attention. Tired of being deprived of a healthy sexual relationship when he spent so many long months away and she was expected to remain faithful and abstain from sex for months on end which turned into years. And maybe that sacrifice had seemed small and doable at the time of signing up, and the 22 year reality was quite different. Or she discovered her feminism and didn't like him being sexist and ranting about wokeism, which was all he did during the tedious lockdowns? The lockdowns that showed them how after so long apart they had nothing in common anymore, nothing to talk about? Maybe he was controlling? Who knows. I don’t. 
So I don’t champion Sara, but I don’t demonise her either. I expect I won’t like some things about her and some things she’s done, if it all comes out later on, but I’ll also sympathise. Pretty much like how I am with Noel and Liam.
So that's my big ol' opinion which is probably not shared by most, but there it is.
keep in mind, for a lot of people in the UK, that is all they know of Liam, ditto Noel, which is why they hate them. People from abroad are often surprised when they find out Oasis is not universally liked in the UK, in fact, they are detested by many. Read Guardian comments on them.
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rowanmuppet · 1 year
oh and mischa too!!!
Okay I just wrote the penny one and I am on a ROLL so. Mischa bachinski my beloved
- First of all. Mischa has two hands and I won't hear otherwise. Talia is REAL damn it but Mischa is also bisexual and in love with Noel. End of
- He watched the titanic for the first time on the phone with talia and cried EMBARRASSINGLY hard. Not embarrassing because he's supposed to be manly or whatever, embarrassing like he woke up the next day and his eyes were almost swollen shut from crying so hard. Like that movie really affected him
- Noel would ask to watch it with him and he'd immediately say no because he doesn't want to be literally dehydrated from crying again
- He would put talia on the phone during choir and everyone would talk to her (more like them telling Mischa what to say and him translating but they all love her)
- Ocean would insist on singing whatever song they're working on for her and she'd just sit there like wow 😁👍!!! She has no idea what's going on but she's along for the ride
- He is trying to teach everyone Ukrainian to moderate success
- he has an annoyed siblings relationship with ocean which everyone says but seriously!!! They get on each other's nerves so much but ocean would kill a man for him and he's DEFINITELY gotten into a fight for her
- picks ocean up like a folding chair and carries her around. Or like a cat under the armpits and so she's just dangling there
- absolutely terrified of rollercoasters but went on the cyclone anyway because he's a manly man. Obviously. But then he died
- literally almost threw up getting off the graviton. Thought he was literally going to die
- wholeheartedly believes in Santa. Literally will not be convinced he isn't real. Everyone in the choir feeds into this and says their presents to him were from Santa and were dropped off at their house instead of his bc he doesn't have a chimney (in like an everyone lives situation cause yk they weren't really friends before)
- really it's because his adoptive parents didn't get him anything but he doesn't have to know that they're supposed to be santa
- is actually genuinely successful on YouTube 😭 nobody wants to believe him and I doubt the choir before the accident cared to check they just half listened to him talk about his songs like "yeah that's great buddy" but he has a pretty decent following
- I'm sure a good amount of them are ironic but that's okay
- he'd get one of those "THIS SHIT IS FIRE 🔥🔥🔥🔥 PUT IT OUT 🔥🔥🔥" comments and take it as a compliment
- has unmedicated ADHD. I don't make the rules I only enforce them
- he literally can't sit still in any situation at all ever, nor can he focus on anything if there isn't 5 other things going on. Constantly understimulated. Constance would give him a fidget spinner and his grades would immediately go up a letter or two
- honestly Mischa and constance are best friends in my heart
- she would try to teach him how to bake/cook and he would burn everything
- "Mischa no wonder it's burnt! It's been on high for 15 minutes it's just a grilled cheese" "why cook for long time on low heat when I could cook for short time on high heat 🤨??" "because it will burn before the cheese melts!!!!"
- Ocean is PISSED that he's always at Constance's house when she goes over to hang out (she would spend virtually all her time there fr) but Constance's little brother loves him
- wears almost exclusively sweat pants/giant t shirts with ironic slogans. "The worst day of fishing beats the best day of 'court ordered' anger management classes'"
- the kind of mf to wear gym shorts and slides in 4 inches of snow like dude 😦
- lets noel paint his nails every time they hang out. immediately forgets they're painted and either smudges it or if it somehow manages to dry bites/picks it off immediately
- he will never complain but he hates the way it makes his nails feel heavier
- ocean would get him a sticker book to motivate him to do his homework (his grades are not good and if they get too low he won't be allowed to participate in choir)
- so now his books/homework are covered in stickers
- spends a devastatingly long time on his hair only for it to immediately be ruined when he leaves the house
- it's almost impressive how quickly it just turns into a total mess
- that's what the hat is for
- regarding my penny rock head canon. He gets SO EXCITED when she gives him one
- "this reminded me of you" *least visually interesting rock you've ever seen* "YOOOOO IT IS LIKE ME!!!"
- not a big fan of the bugs though
- genuinely terrified of them. He'd see penny with bugs and feel like ants are on him for the next several minutes
That's all for rn cause this is getting long!!
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Do you think you can do a one shot on what you think Betty’s backstory is gonna be, if you can’t that’s ok
Hey! So I sat here trying to figure out how to turn this into a one shot and I got nothing but I loved the idea so much I didn't want to leave it unanswered so I've turned this into headcanons instead! Thank you so much for the creative suggestion! I had a lot of fun coming up with ideas for this!
Okay, so the only canon 'backstory' facts we have on Betty are as follows;
She knows Bernard personally, at some point prior to the events of The Santa Clauses she married Noel (900 years prior to be exact!) and, this could have just been a funny throwaway line but I choose to believe it, she has no mother and no father????
Now, I don't exactly know how elf babies work. Do they have children? I have to assume that if things like marriage are still existent in their society (and they are because Betty and Noel are married!), then they do also have babies. Not to mention, it seems like elves have a similar biology to us. The only difference I guess being that they can consume way more sugary stuff than we can.
Plus, note how they were adamant in the show on telling us no human children had been raised in the Pole. That means elf babies and reindeer babies have been raised at the Pole right??? Am I jumping to conclusions????
Anyway the point is, Betty's comment about not having parents is a bit odd
This I guess leads me to the headcanons/ideas I have;
I saw someone suggest that Betty and Bernard may be related. But what if not by.. elf blood. I don't know if that's different from human blood. There's a lot of unanswered questions in this series, I digress.
What if Betty was just kind of... alone? maybe even like orphaned in a sense? and Bernard took her under his wing? Showed her the ropes and took care of her like his little sister, but they're not actually related
It would explain why Betty has a similar no nonsense attitude and even why Bernard entrusted the North Pole to her after he left; because he trained her. He knows she'll take good care of it because he made sure she would.
Not to mention, calling Bernard in seems to be a last ditch effort to save the North Pole, something Betty was almost reluctant to do. She might be feeling a little like she's let her mentor/her only 'parental' figure down.
Of course, all this would work if they were related by blood too, I don't think it's too far fetched.
In this hypothetical scenario though, I would like to toss a few headcanons your way;
There's a brief period where Scott has both Betty and Bernard following him around everywhere and he is annoyed by it thoroughly, but also thinks it's kind of adorable.
The two of them working together, Betty seeking Bernard's approval whenever she does something and he always gives her the highest praise, regardless if what she did was actually what she meant to do or not
Betty struggling with other elves teasing/making fun of her and Bernard sitting with her, telling her it doesn't matter because she is going to be a great Head Elf one day. They sit and drink cocoa and he cheers her up.
Bernard teasing Betty when she gets together with Noel. But he's also like "I will hunt you down and make you regret it if you hurt her!"
Bernard beating up Simon Choksi. Okay this one's for me, but imagine the sweet sweet revenge of Betty telling him all the crappy things he's said to her and Bernard is just like "no way am I letting this slide". I literally saw this elf run head first to fight some toy soldiers because he was thrown under house arrest once I cannot imagine what he'd do when someone he loves is under threat, not to mention Christmas.
Betty is all depressed because she's like "I ruined Christmas, you should've never made me Head Elf" and stuff and Bernard is all comforty, he's like "you're the best Head Elf, what do you mean! That's why you studied under me, none of this was your fault." THEY HUG. BETTY NEEDS AND DESERVES A HUG.
Anyway, these are becoming super self indulgent but if this isn't the canon I will cry myself to sleep at night!
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iceicewifey · 2 years
I’m going to be very upset if you gave them all a bunch more trauma >:(
SOME HAVE BEEN BETTER THAN OTHERS,,, no major trauma if it helps :3c /hj
god i’m trying to remember what’s different since it’s been a while and everything is just a blur to me hsjjdjd it’s a bit of a list tho so i’m gonna throw it under a cut
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ changed it so shay and nilla eloped in vegas in 1989 after following terry to california (where i hc him to be from) to ““make sure he gets settled back in okay”” — not a total lie since the poor guy was on crutches but yeah :’) they still have the 1991 wedding after getting back in contact with shay’s dad* but they literally could not wait * once her dad gets over himself and isn’t attempting to pick fights with vanilla constantly i should say kxkskxk ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ i know he’s not an oc but i changed up nilla’s backstory a bit; it’s still in progress but i switched new jersey to long island and added a bit of greek and saudi arabian to his heritage since his father was from alexandria originally before relocating to cairo and that’s right by the mediterranean sea — still trying to figure out where to add it in, but i wanna say it’s ways back in great grandparents so his dad was still primarily egyptian, but figured you might be interested being the li’l middle easterner you are /affectionate ;0; ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ currently on the fence as to whether or not mahmoud will full on move from nyc to either cairo or alexandria, or if he’d just go for dual citizenship ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ aaliyah’s on the redesign list, not a whole revamp but just changing a lil bit because i feel like she looks a little too much like vanilla,, but every time i try to redo her hair she comes out looking even more like him hxjskkzks ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ SPEAKING OF KIDS, there’s a third baby now; he’s not in my main canon as i don’t wanna disrupt noel and aaliyah’s dynamic but his name is kasim and he was born in 2002 – he’s the only one with shay’s eye color 👉👈 ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ i might have mentioned shay’s sister shasta following in their dad’s footsteps and becoming a mechanic but i’m still in the process of brainstorming like a detailing and customization shop they’d work at together when they’re older 🥺 shasta’d have to legally own it since she’s the only certified mechanic there and shay’s a high school dropout with a criminal record but shxjdkx i’ll figure that out later. shay does the detailing and airbrushing so it’s all creative stuff that makes her very :) ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ speaking of shay’s dad, him and ozzy become best friends which i think you knew about but memory do be foggy,,, anyway i had loose ends i didn't like so they're eventually roommates when jedd moves back to florida,,, historians would say they were very good friends if you catch my drift hfhfhf ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ my brain was being spectacularly mean to me and i had to drop hol as an f/o for a bit, but he’s back and because of that his and tanya’s lore is getting a bit of a rewrite, they’re in a trailer park in new mexico now instead of just outside of nashville — shay’s ‘i hate tennesee disease’ rubbed off on tan,,, i’ve never been there i have nothing against tennessee i swear JXKKSKD
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martini-time · 6 months
Speaking of "Cam and Noel don't interact on sm anymore cause people talk about them/mosher", i disagree. Cam once said in an interview during season 5: "What we say to each other is a lot worse than anything anyone can ever say to us". Great words. I believe that whatever fans speak of C and N,including shipping them, doesn't bother them as much as we think. Cam himself often provoked people to "ship" them and question his sexuality by posting weird fan arts or his own drawings of two men holding hands or liking gay stuff, etc. There was never any hate from him towards mosher either, just one comment about how it's out of touch with reality, and that's it. I also wanna add that not interacting on sm doesn't mean people stopped being close. I had a boyfriend and when we just started relationship we interacted on sm all the time, but once we became very very close, we didn't need it anymore, we went completely private, our friends didn't even know whether we were still together or not 😁 I am not saying C and N secretly date, no, i mean that they've reached that point when they're close enough to be private, like texting or meeting or calling each other. Noel is that type of person, he has some close friends from some movies he was in, but we hardly ever saw any interactions with them, right? I'm sure C and N stay in touch and are still close. After all, you cannot NOT be close to someone who constantly put his tongue in your mouth.
Oh I had forgotten that interview, but I remember it now you speak of it :
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I think Noel has never been as bothered by comments as Cam, who attached too much importance to them and got into fights with fans causing only more involvement and noise.
Maybe it influenced how often he decided to like Noel, but that didn't stop him from following Tom Hardy and liking Tom's post with Noel's pic lol. He's a weird and sensitive guy, maybe less so now.
I understand this thing, but the fact is that they are celebrities (at least Cam and somehow Noel) and they have fans. If they're on good terms, why can't they post a photo together from their lunch and make the fans happy? I mean, they don't have to do it every time, but at least once in these few years. That time, as far as I remember, they were both in New York while Cam was promoting Love Affairs and he went to dinner with Emma and Jeremy, but no crossing paths with Noel.
Anyway, I think we'll never know what's going on between them, whether they're private or just not communicating anymore.
Also, the reason why I'm leaning towards the fact that they don't see each other is because Noel seems like a complete recluse. We used to see him at least sometimes with friends, but now nothing and his whole page is filled with Layla. I think she's getting more overly controlling every year.
That doesn't mean he doesn't hang out with friends at all, but it seems even none of the fans have seen him on the streets of LA. And those words of Cam from Con that you should try to catch Noel.Even he admits it.
By the way, look what I found while I was looking for that interview, someone made a website with Cam's best quotes
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Sorry I stopped so abruptly but I had to make lunch for 10 people 👍🏻
Anyway what I was hinting at with the year 2008 is that the turtles in the timeline he got into are
Raph 5 years old
Leo and Donnie 4 years old and
Mikey 3 years old
And then there's Splinter who got mutated about 3 years ago and is currently trying to make sure his sons don't die on him with more or less adequate results.
And that's where Leo with his 29 years suddenly shows up and it's like what the hell is going on?
Why did Mikey send me here? Because to him it seems deliberate because he didn't know Mikey didn't account for Casey.
So we have a confused Splinter a completely deranged older Leo and 5 kids of varying ages.
And while this could be an excellent breeding ground for pain, angst, and hurt, I like it more as a tragic comedy... Splinter and Leo are too close to each other's ages to be seen as father and son especially since Splinter has been a father for just 3 years and has barely a clue how to be a father to 4 little toddlers not to mention a grown-up man so they act more like brothers (if any of you nasty assholes start shipping them I will go ballistic).
And Leo is so weirded out by everything like his father is young and his brothers are babies and New York is whole and he has to look after his own kid and his brothers and like how is he supposed to get used to all of that and then there's the name thing
Because he doesn't want to take the name away from little Leo but it would be complicated and annoying if they were both Leo so he kinda makes the decision to change his own name.
And I thought about just doing the same as everyone else and just saying Leo and Leon or Leonardo and Leo but where's the fun in that so he just decides to call himself Noel, Uncle Noel for the 4 tots and Dad for Casey (once the guilt about it stops bothering him).
I think this AU has the potential for so much hilarity but also so much angst 😊
I'll call this the "Uncle Noel and the Tots"-AU
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starfly-lumi · 2 years
Hey!! If your asks are open- ignore if not, could I request Noel from Witch's Heart with an s/o who has a very heavy attachment to him?? to the point they'll even defend any kind of bad behavior from him? I think that'd be pretty interesting! Have a nice day and drink stay hydrated!!!!
my child is completely fine !! ♡ ⫶ SFW
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˖꒰ sipnosis . . . noel is the sweetness person ever. everything he does and says is for your own good, and you know it. even if his last method wasn't… a normal one. ꒱♡
˖꒰ yan! noel levine x gender neutral! reader ꒱♡
˖꒰ warning(s) . . . delusional & obsessive behavior, delusional reader, unintentionally manipulation, dark content, blood, murder(?), established relationship & manipulation of memories ꒱♡
˖꒰ note . . . omg do you spy me??? i was just about to write something with a reader who doesn't mind having a yandere and is really casual about it, but i didn't know what characters i should use first. this is kinda like it?? i really liked this idea, thank you for requesting! I DIDN'T MEANT TO PUT MURDER HERE BTW BUT I JUST GET SO EXITED WITH THE IDEA AAAHHH. don't forget to also drink a lot of water and eat all your meals! also, sorry if you wanted any particularly gender for the reader. ꒱♡
˖꒰ masterlist . . . ꒱♡
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if there's someone that loves you like anyone would, then that's definitely noel. he loved you just as much as you loved him. he was always there for you when you need him.
for you, noel was more like an angel. he was too good for this world, always trying hard for the people he love, always giving everything without expecting anything back, and you loved him.
it was perfect. he was always so kind, and he was your boyfriend. no, he was way more than just your boyfriend. you two were soulmates. made just for meet the other. you will always be thankful with the destiny to let you know he exist.
i mean, how could you not like him? even if he did the worst of the things, it surely was a lie or he had a good reason for doing it. please, he wouldn't hurt a fly.
"i wish i could see the stars with you forever… i can only hope we get the chance to see them the next night, and the night after that."
you always wonder yourself why he wouldn't be out of his room until the sun was no longer there, but you never asked. maybe he just wanted to sleep more than usual!
while you were okay with him not getting out of his room (but still mad because he skip his breakfast, witch was bad for him), sirius will usually says something about it. he may mean no harm, but it still make you mad.
sometimes, he'll have to vent. you were really okay with it, even actually pleased, because it reminded you how much he trust you.
he ends up begging you to not leave him alone, in the dark. it never fails to make you feel terrible sorry for him and all he had to go through in his childhood.
but he never told you everything. just some little things that are barely something, but still a lot more that what he will normally say to anyone. he was always too scared. but you understand, as always.
he loves you so much. he doesn't even know how he can take all this love! but he's so unsure of how to show you love.
he will always say how he loved everything about you, inside and out, and start talking about how he couldn't keep himself as happy as he is right now with you. he will do anything for you, you just have to name it.
all he needs from you is a little compliment, a "good job!". it really makes him feel better about himself. he's trying really hard to save you and claire from who is always trying to kill her.
but when things go wrong, he's really fast at saying sorry. he didn't want to show you anything that make you stay away from him. he hate it when he showed you the ugly parts of him.
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"noel!" you run towards him as soon as you saw the blood in his clothes, thinking the worst. it was really late at night, and your boyfriend covered in blood wasn't your ideal night. "oh my god, a-are you okay? did something happen?! who did this?!"
he muted your name, shaking and almost crying.
"i am so, so, so sorry. pl-please, i'm sorry. i'm such a t-te-terrible lover. i'm sorry, my love, i'm sorry." he hugged you close, almost falling over you when you hold him.
"hey, no, no, no, no, no, no. you're no way a terrible lover! please, tell me if you're okay. you're covered in blood!" still hugging him, you try to look all over him to see where the blood was coming out. but when he holds you strong and careful to not hurt you, you realize that he can't be injured with this strong hold.
so, the blood isn't his.
you just stay there, like a stone, while you hear him crying.
you don't want to think anything bad about him, so you just hug him back. gently touching his hair.
it's okay, even now, he was still noel. your noel. he would never do anything bad without a reason.
it didn't matter anyways, and you knew it. when you less expect it, you will be back to your first day in the mansion. when you still thought he was nothing but a puppy who only wants you to like him.
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oswaldsleftbicep · 3 years
lucia, levy, noel, & oswald + a chronically ill s/o
this is entirely self indulgent since i originally wrote this for me, but i figured i'd put it in second person and post it in case anyone else suffers from any of the same stuff i do and could use a little comfort. i also only did my faves because, again, this was self indulgent :) none of my illnesses are specified; i only talk about the symptoms.
genre: fluff, comfort, slight angst
cw: physical illness, details of various symptoms, talks of disordered eating and weight loss, negative thinking in noel's part, brief mention of depression
❧ he noticed pretty early on that something was off with you, but probably just brushed it off thinking humans were just like that
❧ but one day you were especially late with bringing him tea, so he went to go look for you
❧ he found you in a nearby hallway leaned up against the wall, one hand on your chest and the other holding the tea cup, but it was shaking
❧ you hear him walking up to you so you push off the wall and smile, not wanting him to worry, but he sees how pallid, shaky, and clammy you look
❧ takes the tea from you and wraps his arm around you to help you walk back to his room
❧ once you're there he sets the tea down, helps you onto the couch and demands to know what's up
❧ ofc you try and play it off, say that you just didn't sleep well last night but he's not a fool
❧ so you tell him everything about your illnesses and how on your way to his room your heart was beating too fast and your stomach started to hurt really bad so you had to stop for a sec
❧ his heart breaks when he hears all of this, and he feels bad for all the times he was pushy and demanding of you
❧ after this he keeps a closer eye on you and helps you whenever your body is acting up, but when he has to go somewhere or he's really busy he instructs kaim or kurt to look after you
❧ when you're feeling especially fatigued he'll have you take a nap in his bed so he can keep an eye on you, or he'll even let you rest your head in his lap while he does paperwork. if it's the latter, he'll stop every now and then to pet your head or move the hair out of your face. when you wake up tho get ready to hear him tease you for "drooling on his lap"
❧ when your joints and muscles hurt a lot he'll have a hot bath prepared for you. you don't have the energy to wash your hair or skin? he'll do it for you! feeling too tried to stay awake? he'll get in behind you to make sure you don't drown! when you're done he'll even give you one of his big shirts to wear so you'll be all comfy
❧ he feels bad when it's meal time and you can't eat anything, whether it's because your body doesn't tolerate the food, you're too nauseous, or you don't have an appetite. like he doesn't wanna eat in front of you or leave you alone while he goes to eat, and you don't want him to not eat bc of you. he'll have kaim go to town to stock up on safe foods for you, or even help you make them yourself in the kitchen
❧ whenever you go to stand up from sitting or lying down he's on edge, reminding you to go slow. he's by your side in a flash if your vision starts to go out and you get dizzy, holds onto you until you get back to normal and can keep walking. he probably won't let go right away either and keeps his hold on you for a few steps or until you tell him he can let go and that you're not some old person
❧ he knows you know how to take care of yourself and what symptoms lead to what event, i mean you have lived with this for a while. but there was just that one time he wasn't being as vigilant, as cautious as he should've been: you guys were walking in the garden and it was a little too hot, and you couldn't stomach any food yet today; he heard you trail off mid sentence, so he turned to you only to watch as you fell to the ground. he doesn't want to experience something like that again
❧ but no matter how worried he is about you, he will always crack jokes to help lighten the mood and make you feel better, even if it's just a bit. like your heart's beating too fast? "i didn't know you got that excited around me" you're out of breath? "i guess i still take your breath away, even after all this time, huh?" smack him
❧ he also figured something was off when he got to know you and understand your habits; i mean mans is smart, he's probably read at least one medical book
❧ but he never knew for sure until one day you guys were chilling in the library. he was reading a passage out loud to you and could see you were spacing out and not really comprehending what he was reading
❧ so he asks you to go put a few books back, and you pick them up and walk to where he got them from; the combination of the heavy books, the walk, and getting up so suddenly had you out of breath and dizzy
❧ levy's watching as you struggle and he has the nerve to make a comment about how you couldn't handle carrying a few books, are you just that weak or something?
❧ but now it's been at least 5 minutes and you're still breathing heavily, he has a gut feeling and goes to check your pulse. he's shocked at just how fast your heart is beating and immediately suggests seeing a doctor
❧ you shoot that idea down, saying you've already seen several, and give him a brief summary of all that's wrong with you
❧ he makes a mental note of what you've told him and later that night he sneaks back into the library to research what you said your symptoms and illnesses were. as he's doing this he gets increasingly upset; he's mad at your body for not working and putting you through pain lowkey wants to fight your body but it's your body he can't hurt it and he's mad at himself for his insensitivity and being so demanding
❧ after he learns all this he is watching you like a hawk, and it confuses the heck out of you. like not only is he constantly watching you, he's become super overprotective and, to top it all off, he denies that anything about his behavior has changed. you end up having to talk to him and reassure him that you know how to take care of yourself and monitor your symptoms, and that you'll come to him immediately if something happens
❧ one thing that the two of you find comforting is when you read together; reading keeps your mind off your pain and helps him to focus on something else. if you're feeling too tired to read or if you can't sleep at night, he'll read to you. if you're taking a hot bath to soothe your joints and muscles, he won't join you cuz he's embarrassed, but he will sit by you and read to you to help you relax
❧ he's also surprisingly patient with you when you ask him to repeat the sentence he just read because you couldn't comprehend it, and he makes sure to wait until you've nodded that you got it before he continues reading or goes to the next chapter
❧ the first time he sees you get dizzy and lightheaded upon standing, he gets scared and is right next to you gripping onto your arm. it happens so often tho that he gets used to it and stops getting so scared but he's still worried and tells you to stand up slower, probably gently calls you an idiot too
❧ but there's another thing that happens less often that scares him even more. the first time he sees you pass out he doesn't know what to do with himself. you two were at his little spot with the tree, watching the sunset. he was sitting down on the picnic blanket watching you dance around when he sees you stop for a bit and hold your head. he thinks it's just another dizzy spell, which kinda puts him off since you didn't just stand up. he watches as you take a step toward him, watches as you say his name, watches as your eyes roll back and you fall forward. he's up in a flash and maneuvers so that he breaks your fall, then moves so that you're lying on his lap. he's panicking; it's dark, you're unconscious, and there's no one else around for miles. but after a few minutes you wake up and reassure him that you're ok, it just happens sometimes. from that point on he's gonna be taking every precaution possible to avoid having to put either of you through that again
❧ ok so moving on from the angst, i think levy isn't one to eat a whole lot, like he's probably got a small appetite. so when he learns about your digestive and eating issues he can probably understand well. he still wants you to eat tho, even if it's not a whole meal he's gonna make you at least eat fruit or like a few crackers. he also finds some cookbooks with recipes that could work for you. would still want you to eat with him and his brothers but understands if you feel awkward not eating or only eating a handful of grapes or something; will cause a ruckus if either of his brothers comment about your eating habits
❧ his situation is kinda funny, cuz like when you first get to mikael's place he makes noel take notes about you for ~science~ and he's literally writing down stuff like "leans on wall after standing up" "breathes fast even when sitting for long periods of time" "appears exhausted even after sleeping for at least 10 hours"
❧ but he doesn't put two and two together until y'all are eating dinner one night
❧ so pretty much it was ricardo's turn to pick what dinner is gonna be and he picked something that your body can't handle, so you're left just eating the fruits or one of the other side dishes and ur kinda sad cuz the dinner you cooked looked absolutely scrumptious
❧ noel, who's munching away next to you, sees that you aren't eating what you cooked but doesn't wanna call you out in the middle of dinner with the other two still there since that'll only make you feel awkward
❧ so after they leave he asks if you'd rather go get something to eat in town real quick
❧ you say no and that you've filled up on what you managed to eat, but he's still confused so he asks what was wrong with dinner? does ricardo have bad taste in food or something?
❧ so you explain to him how your body won't tolerate you eating or wanting to eat sometimes
❧ he's beginning to connect the dots
❧ he asks you how long it's been like this, so you just decide to tell him that you've had chronic illnesses for a long time
❧ the dots have been connected
❧ he's upset to learn that you have to go through so much pain, and he immediately asks you to tell him as much about your illnesses as possible so he can do more research and help in any way he can
❧ will make you medicines to help with smaller symptoms like swelling, bloating, or bruising, and would even look into how to help with the larger symptoms. like he will look into seeing if anything will help to soothe your stomach, increase your appetite, or alleviate pain
❧ speaking of pain, he would also run you a hot bath to help with your joints and muscles, but given he has no shame he would absolutely be set on helping you with every little thing, from getting undressed to toweling off when you're done. istg ricardo finds out at some point and suggests to noel that he should get in with you; you nearly had an aneurysm when you see noel stripping down with full intent to get in the tub with you
❧ when it comes to those days when you're just too exhausted or depressed to do anything, he'll make you stay in bed or curled up on a couch somewhere and tends to your needs. he makes sure you stay hydrated will stare you down until you finish your glass of water and makes sure you at least eat something throughout the day. if you just want to sleep, he'll get you all cozy with blankets and pillows, and if you wanna be held he'll have you lean up against him while he wraps an arm around you; however, he does prefer when he can rest his head on your chest as he find that it provides you both with comfort and he can monitor your heartbeat at the same time
❧ he can easily tell when you get dizzy or lightheaded, so he's by your side immediately to catch you or keep you steady. despite how small built he his, he's very strong and can easily support you or carry you to rest somewhere if the need arises. if you ever pass out around him, he notices pretty much as soon as the episode starts and easily catches you before you hit the ground; he also won't hesitate to pick you up and run you back to his room to lay you down, prop up your legs, and prepare water and maybe some orange slices or something
❧ oh and if you're ever complaining about how "unattractive" your symptoms make you, saying stuff like "i'm so bloated, nothing looks good on me" "all these bruises make me look frail and weak" "the swelling makes my legs look like sausage" etc, noel's just gonna be looking at you like "??? idk what you're talking about" cuz to him you are always gonna be absolutely breathtaking no matter what. he doesn't understand how you having illnesses and showing symptoms could make you any less attractive, and he will remind you of that in his own blunt way <3
❧ so he was doing his thing in the garden one day, and was totally absorbed in his work
❧ he took a short break and realized that it was later in the day, and you still haven't come to visit him :( but he figures you're just busy helping out kaim or running errands for lucia
❧ just as he's about to get back to tending to the plants, kurt comes running up to him absolutely freaking out. oswald thinks he just broke something again and needs help covering it up, but then he hears what's coming out of kurt's mouth: "y/n collapsed in the courtyard; they're not waking up"
❧ oswald feels his heart drop and he sprints over to where kurt said you were. he gets there and sees you lying on your back, unresponsive so he picks you up and rushes you back to his cottage
❧ you wake up just after he sets you down, and you easily realize what just happened so you're just like "ugh not again" and he's like "wdym 'not again' ???" and makes you tell him everything
❧ as you're explaining your health or lack thereof his heart breaks for you, but he can also kinda relate cuz of his whole situation i'm not gonna be too specific in case it's a spoiler you can bet that he's gonna be extra cautious around you after finding out about your health. he's not gonna make you carry anything, he's gonna be even more gentle with you, and he's also gonna make sure lucia and kaim know of your situation
❧ honestly it took a lot of convincing for him to let you keep helping him out in the gardens. he knows how you get when it's too hot, when you stand up from crouching, how easily exhausted you get, how fast and hard your heart beats with literally any physical exertion. he just doesn't want you to hurt yourself, but then he sees how restless and frustrated you get when you have nothing to do so he'll let you help him with the small stuff, like watering plants, handing him things or holding things for him
❧ i hc that he runs really warm and emits a lot of body heat so when your joints or muscles hurt this man is your go to for massages. wrists and hands hurt? he gently grabs hold of them and rubs your sore joints with his thumbs. back hurts? lay down on the bed and he'll rub your back and get any knots out. whole body hurts? it's cuddle time, he'll spoon you so that his warmth can get to your entire body :)
❧ he gets sad every time he sees like physical evidence of your illnesses. whenever he finds a new bruise he places a kiss on it; he'll cup your face and run his thumb over your eye bags; he'll rub your stomach while you lay your head on his lap to help ease the bloating; he'll have you rest your feet on his lap so he can rub them and your ankles to help with the pain and help get the swelling down
❧ i also think he's one of those guys who can easily tell the weight of things just by lifting them, like how bakers can do that with bags of flour. so like one day he comes back from a mission or a really long errand and you haven't seen each other in at least two days; when you two reunite and hug, he picks you up and immediately notices that you've dropped a worrying amount of weight for the few days he's been gone. so of course he asks about it cuz mans is worried for your health. you tell him how your stomach and appetite have been acting up and you haven't been able to eat much or keep anything in. after finding this out he immediately sets out to find or make something that you can eat; he also sees if there's anything that he can grow in his garden for you to eat
❧ the first time he feels your heart beat really fast he's wondering what's got you so nervous, so he asks you. he nearly has a heart attack when you tell him "oh it just does that lol" makes sure that wherever you are there's always a place to sit for when you get to breathless or weak to stand anymore because of your heart
❧ almost has another heart attack when you stand up and get all dizzy and need to lean up against something. he's worried you're gonna pass out again so he runs up to your side and grabs hold of you, getting ready to pick you up but then your body gets back to normal and you start laughing at his worrying and the poor man is so confused until he remembers that you warned him about this a few weeks ago lmao he just loves and cares for you so much can y'all tell i absolutely love him
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We're on our way now - NG
Released: 29 April 2021
A song worth over-analysing!
First, what our G-bros have said about it:
"It's a song about not getting to say goodbye and the frustration of things left unsaid." - NG
[Yes, indeed. And it's been really annoying looking at articles talk about this song like he lost someone to drugs, and is imagining them "at peace". Please. I think not.]
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I'm also curious about this tweet which came out BEFORE Noel's release... It has not context. Just a standalone tweet. :
Lyrics speculation / song meaning:
The only way this song's lyrics make sense, is if they're metaphorical. Yay!!
And yes, I'm going to speculate that it's about the demise of this relationship with LG, and the death of Oasis. Stop reading if you don't wanna know about it.
I think this song maybe has been in the works for a long time. Verses before Liam started his solo comeback, and chorus after Liam had accomplished a comeback on par with Noel.
Remember what might have been
Had I walked you home
And said, "I'll see you later"
You were livin' the dream
But when the mornin' come
You'd gone to meet your maker [Oasis death/end of dream]
[There is regret/guilt in this verse.
What might have been: They were on the 'home-stretch', with very few gigs left to do. Noel has said that he thinks if he'd have made it through they might've just taken a break, and then Oasis would have resumed as normal afterwards.
So what if he'd have just "walked [Oasis/Liam] home"?
Also, walking someone home is typically a romantic thing.]
Good luck in the after life [post Oasis/relationship death]
I hear the mornin' sun [post oasis death]
Doesn't cast no shadow [ "as he faced the sun he cast no shadow" reference - which Noel said means being invisible. Noel is the one who hears it, so I don't think he's talking about himself.]
You chose to drift away [Fun note: "Drift" could be on the air or water, but because it's Noel and it involves Liam, I'm betting it's yet another water reference.]
We're on our way now [Individual success for both us, how nice]
But look at you now [Liam's comeback]
The truth can be so hard to swallow, hey now
[Well, not totally nice I guess. The truth is perhaps Liam didn't need Noel.
Not sure who is finding this a hard pill to swallow, Liam, Noel, or both? Also I don't think Noel is particularly happy that Liam is back in the game, but he's trying to accept it.]
'Cause you got the love, you got the love lady
[It could mean feeling like Liam is eerily blessed by lady luck, or that Liam's got his lady-love and manager, Debbie - or both. Feel like he's attributing Liam's comeback pretty heavily to Debbie. Or maybe he's happy that Liam has found love and success - and should stop bothering him? Questions questions... ]
I'm worn out [Nice to see some vulnerability. The use of "I'm" I feel implies the lyrics after this line are still Noel talking about himself. Or at least about both of them, even though he says "you".
'Cause with every little trick, they try to drag you down
You don't know why [Noel licking his wounds about Liam being "mean" to him. Maybe some confusion as to why they've both been so horrible to each other.]
Stood on top of the world [Oasis glory days]
And when the cold wind blow [their relationship became frosty/toxic as hell]
You said, "The chill DON'T matter". [Very Mancunian.. It don't matter, eh? He also does this little snarl face while saying it in the video below, which kind of feels like he's channeling Liam. Maybe a coincidence..
It's no secret that Liam wanted to continue Oasis, no matter how toxic their relationship got.]
Havin' the time of your life
But when you take those pills
Does it make it better?
[Not happy about Liam's continued drug use. Interestingly Noel nods like "yes, it does make it better!" at this part in this gig:
https://youtu.be/6EhNLF9urH4?t=97 ]
Not sure what to think.]
Good luck in the after life
I hear the mornin' sun
Doesn't cast no shadow
You chose to drift away
But look at you now
We're on our way now
The truth can be so hard to swallow, hey now
'Cause you got the love, you got the love, lady,
I'm worn out
'Cause with every little trick, they try to drag you down
You don't know why
We're on our way now
The truth can be so hard to swallow, hey now
'Cause you got the love, you got the love, lady,
I'm worn out
'Cause with every little trick they try to drag you down
You don't know why
'Cause you got the love, you got the love, lady
You got the love, you got the love, lady
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📷I took five minutes to vacuum my closet the other day. It was part of my routine cleaning, no big deal. It was just a quick thing to check off on my cleaning list. I removed some boxes of stuff in the bottom, a few pairs of slippers, and vacuumed. I replaced the stuff and went on with my---
No. I didn't.
No, I looked at the bottom of the closet in a state of shock and burst out laughing.
I have spent a large portion of my life trying to get organized. When I was a child, "cleaning my room" really did mean tossing everything I could think of where to put it in a closet so that it looked tidy when Mom poked her head in. I was the child with the cubby under the desk in grade school so stuffed with papers and junk that it was simply impossible to add or find anything.
This level of disorganization bothered and embarrassed me. It really hurt and made me feel like a failure.
As a teenager, my backpack also became a mess of papers, random items, books, and paraphernalia (no, not that kind. In many ways, I was hopelessly square)
As an adult, it wasn't much better. My desk was full of bills to be paid, papers I didn't want to face, things that were vaguely sentimental but not enough to display anywhere. My closet?
That was still the place where I hid stuff I didn't have a place for but wanted the room at least to appear a little tidy.
How long from a stuffed closet to a tidy closet?
It took about thirty years.
I wasted a lot of that time, though. I addressed it in cycles. "Starting now, I'm finally going to get organized!" I'd spend several hours a day over a few weeks cleaning, organizing, and playing possessions Tetris with my home. After a month or so, know what? The house would look great!
Then, inevitably, the house would no longer look great. I'd clean the kitchen well enough to prevent food poisoning, but more than that? Not so much.
Ever done that? C'mon, it's okay. We all have.
Being tidy over time is all about consistent action.
You can, indeed, get the house clean with heroic effort, just as you can work really hard to train for an athletic event.
The problem comes in when you do something intense for a short period. As I mentioned in my last post, heroic effort is unsustainable.
Several of my favorite housekeeping systems (Flylady and Unfuck Your Habitat) talk about starting very small – shining your sink or making your bed. They are so right!
It's not about getting tidied or organized quickly. It's about developing consistent habits. For a lot of people, that's enough.
But for some…
Executive dysfunction can interfere with consistency.
If you have organizational or distraction issues, habits may not be enough. Autism, ADHD, and a host of other neurodivergent issues centered around executive dysfunction make it hard to do things that seem pretty obvious to the neurotypical person. What? You need to wash the dishes after a meal? No kidding. Go do it!
As I was writing this article, I broke for dinner. Guess what is in my sink right now?
I thought about it, got up, scrubbed the pan a little, realized it needed to soak some more, and sat back down here to write. Sure, sure, I'll get to it after I finish this, no biggie. But if my sink was full of dishes other than that pan, if I had laundry on my sofa, a desk drawer full of unaddressed bills, and my phone beeping that I needed to get up and get my car to the garage to get the brakes done, would I be getting back to that pan in any reasonable amount of time?
*Hollow laugh*
People with executive dysfunction issues can find their problems painful.
Maybe some people laugh and think it's cute to be disorganized. It never felt cute to me. It hurt because I had a hard time doing what I wanted to do. I was utterly desperate to get my life under control. Completely and utterly desperate from the time I was nine years old. That's a heavy load.
Jokes about executive dysfunction aren't cute.
I know the whole "squirrel!" joke about distractibility is mean to make people feel better and okay with themselves. I never wanted to be okay with chaos. I wanted the chaos to stop. It hurt. It interfered with accomplishing what I wanted to. It was exhausting. It used up time I wanted to spend on other things. I wanted a clean canvas so that when I jumped from obsession to obsession to obsession, I could feel like I was using that time intelligently rather than as a distraction from things that were bothering me.
Late fees, court cases, and lost jobs aren't cute, either.
There's an ADHD vlogger that I really like named Jessica McCabe. She's brilliant and adorable, and being a little bit of the manic pixie thing is part of her brand. It gets people to listen to broad issues of executive dysfunction. People will accept and listen to that stuff sometimes and find it palatable if someone is small and young and cute. (She's a LOT older than her looks or mannerisms would indicate, by the way).
So, the brilliant part. Quite sure McCabe knows what she's doing with that because sometimes she drops the adorable thing. The pain of being disorganized or having a hard time directing attention is very, very clear. If she weren't so cute, it would be unlikely as many people would listen to the important things she is saying. There's more to her than cute by a long shot. (And don't get me started on the sexism of it).
But that whole "cute" thing about disorganization. It's not so cute when unpaid bills land you in court. That has happened to me. With money in the BANK, that has happened to me! (Or without money. *shrugs* That, too). It's not cute when you have to buy a car at interest rates that are close to what you'd pay on a credit card. Yeah, that's happened, too. That we're in good financial shape now is a miracle.
There is a cultural narrative of *giggle* *giggle* "I'm so distractable!" to try to ameliorate the pain of being disorganized. Know what? It's not funny. It hurts.
Proscriptive solutions won't work.
I use a Bullet Journal just about with the out-of-the-box method that Ryder Carrol posted in that first video he did about it. I tried it, and it clicked.
Know what wouldn't have clicked? Someone making me do it when I was fifteen.
This is where you, if you have problems with executive dysfunction, might wonder if I can provide an answer for you. Know what? I can't.
I can say, "You need a Bullet Journal." I mean, I'll think it. I wouldn't say it. Know why? It won't necessarily work for you.
What I will say is that you need to find methods that work for you.
"Okay, smartybrat," I hear you cry, "if you can't offer a solution, what do I do?"
Create systems that support you
This is going to look different depending on how you think. Does a beepy reminder go bing! and prompt you to do stuff? Do you like to have a menu of tasks that you choose from depending on how easily they grab your attention in the moment?
What primes you to take action?
What plans have you followed through on (c'mon, you do have some if you're alive past 20), and what about them made you feel good?
My husband doesn't use a Bullet Journal. He plans his day using a calendar app. If there's an interrupt to a task, he'll move it to another free time. When you first try this, I strongly encourage you to multiply your estimation of task time by at least four until you get good at estimating how long something will take. If you have executive dysfunction issues you're struggling with, I'd bet at least a nickel that you're not good at estimating how long things take yet.
What stops you from taking action? Can you remove the interrupts?
A simple example would be to take the dirty clothes hamper's lid off if that's enough to discourage you from tossing your clothes in the hamper. Still, I'm not talking about "Tips 'n Tricks" here. I hate tips 'n tricks! They're like taking a Tylenol when you cut off your leg. You need to extrapolate that to life systems to support how you want to live.
Your system is useless until you define "good enough."
I could skip the next two or three times I need to vacuum my closet, and I wouldn't care. If I get to it every year or so, it's absolutely good enough. "Good enough" means I address my paperwork file once a week and clear it out. I don't have to do it every day unless I feel like it. "Good enough" is walking for five minutes on the hour around my living room until I get my 10,000 steps in. I don't have to walk for three miles unless I want to. "Good enough" is spreading up the bed and tossing the shams at the head. I don't have to bounce a quarter off the damn thing unless I get a wild hare to do that sometimes. Don't give yourself an image of perfection you have to attain, or you'll do nothing.
It's okay for "good enough" to change
Remember how it took thirty years to get to vacuuming a closet? There was a time when that chore wasn't on the "good enough" list, and ya know what? That's fine. Have your "good enough" be slightly, but only slightly, ahead of what you're currently doing if you want to make improvements. Incremental improvements over time, and I mean decades, are pretty dramatic when you look back.
Good enough can stay good enough
My exercise parameters have me getting in an average of 10,000 steps a day as measured over a month. That is never going to change. If the Spirit moves me, I'll do more. But I'm not going to keep raising the bar over and over and over. This is it. I'm good. I'm maintaining.
It takes decades to get your life in order. What small thing will you do today?
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cdt12345 · 4 years
I was talking to @luckyshazmrsmonaghansblog about Shameless 10x07 after we watched it, like I always do and she told me I should post my review. And since I love her so much, I usually do whatever she tells me to do. Lol!
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I really liked Carl's story line. He has such a big heart, and that makes me love him so much! He, out of all the Gallagher's, reminds me the most of Ian. He has Ian's big heart and I really love that!
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gif source: @carlgallaghers​
Lip and Tami's story lines have been so fucking boring, but this week has to be a new low for them! But since I don't care about them, it's not upsetting. I'm just baffled that the writers think this is interesting stuff. Also, that they think this deserves longer scenes over Ian and Mickey's scenes.
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Now onto sandy. I see why the people with spoilers were saying she was gross. I totally get it and now she can leave. I hate that they're going to have her involved with Debbie. That is, if it's true. I don't even want to think about her being involved in the wedding! Ugh! 
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Also, are people gonna get pissed off at her, like they did Ian, for her talking about incest. The only difference here was she wasn't joking like Ian was. But I'm sure people won't give her as much shit as they did Ian.
“It’s not like we’re related.” They have the same last name! Terry is her uncle and his father! Does she not know how relatives work? I know it’s too soon to judge her with less than five minutes on screen. God knows Mickey didn't make the best first impression either. I don’t know any of her background, but knowing what the Milkovich life is like, I’m sure she hasn’t had it easy. So, I’ll still try and keep an open mind, but I can’t see myself loving her.
This show doesn’t need more characters to waste valuable Gallavich screen time, because we all know the producers will choose anyone else’s scenes over Ian and Mickey, every fucking time.
If it is true about her and Debbie, why do they have to keep doing this? Do all the Milkovich's have to date a Gallagher to be involved in the story line? They're going to be legally related to each other. They don't need excuses to involve the Milkovich's and Gallagher's anymore. They're going to be family. I know they're not blood related, but I find it weird for family members to date from the same family. I found it weird with Lip and Mandy. 
That happened in my own family. Without getting too much into it, my uncle married his sister-in-law and my mom and I always found it weird. I know it's not blood relatives, but legally they're already related and we always found that strange.
It's like that here. The only Milkovich and Gallagher that belong together are Ian and Mickey. They need to stop! They don't need to use that as an excuse to involve the Milkovich's in the story lines anymore. Old habits die hard for these writers, I guess.
Screen time was better than last week, that's for sure. Still don't think it warranted a huge Gallavich campaign, considering how much they made it out to seem like this would be their season. But it was definitely better than last week.
Domestic Ian and Mickey was all I ever wanted! We may have gotten a minute of it, but it's better than nothing and I was so happy. I freaking loved it! Did you see how happy Mickey looked?! Being all lovey dovey, blatantly checking Ian out and being domestic in front of other people, without fear or shame. I'm so happy for Mickey! And Ian, bc this was all he ever wanted with Mickey as well.
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THE LUNCH DATE!!!! Mickey got Ian his food and everything! How did they plan this lunch date?! Did they plan before he went to work? Did Mickey call Ian? Text him?! Did he know what to get Ian already? Was it Mickey’s idea? Was it Ian’s idea? I was brought to tears and that kind of made me mad. I shouldn't be crying over very mundane, normal shit that most couples experience, because we never get this for them. It took 10 seasons to get to this point and it shouldn't have taken that long.
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gif source: @gallaghersdaily
But seeing them do normal couple domestic stuff was a beautiful thing and all I ever wanted for them! Of course until the bitch P.O. showed up. I knew she would want to get Mickey involved in her shit. (She was on SNL last night too and I was so conflicted about it. LOL!)
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Even though the situation wasn't great, I was super thrilled to see Mickey riding shot gun in the ambulance with Ian. I know that's not the focus of this scene, but I always wanted to see that and I never thought I would. 
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gif source: @gallaghersdaily
When Ian became an EMT while Mickey was gone, I thought he'd never get to see Ian work and I always wanted him too. I knew he'd be so proud of Ian and would love seeing him work. The circumstances weren't great but, a wish of mine came true. 
If I'm being honest, a lot of moments did in this episode and apparently the next. Ian and Mickey walking outside with their arms wrapped around each other and laughing. OMG!!!!
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gif source: @seeallmydreams
I knew when I saw Noel run from the cop in the BTS video, this was how it was gonna be. The cop shows up and his first instinct is to run. Mickey's probably like, Ian you idiot why aren't you running and Ian is like, Mickey you idiot why are you running? I love them so much!
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gif source: @seeallmydreams
To think that was the final scene they filmed for the season. I pray it won't be the last. I need married Gallavich next season! A full season of them married! I MUST HAVE IT!!! 
I feel like they may renew it. I think Shameless has been around so long, that Showtime runners would want to give them a farewell season. They've been doing that with their other shows, that haven't even been on as long as Shameless.
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“I See You “- Theory
Season 1 Episode 10 - Camp Mona was said to give us a clue according to MK’s response to a fan’s question on Uber A now known as A.D.
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Noel wasn't the only one who to see this, Hanna was watching as well as she and the rest of the liars well excluding Aria as she was busy smooching Ezra’s face were on the look out for A. Hanna is then knocked over by a car which later turned out to be Mona but we all know that’s BS!
The liars then receives this text:
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But what exactly was to much for Hanna to know? Technically the only big secret Hanna discovered was Ezra and Aria! Apart from Noel writing I See You!
Fast forward to Season 7 episode 7 Original G'A'ngsters
We once again see
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But this time we’re unsure if it’s actually Noel khan.Here is where it starts to get interesting:
The Liars investigate the secret storm cellar. Opening a filing cabinet, they find a file for each of them except Aria. (THE LIARS EVEN MAKE A POINT OF SAYING THIS) They also find Mary’s medical files. Reading them they discover that Mary had a second child who would have been the same age as the Liars. Finding photos of Alison everywhere, they discover that Jessica must have known that she was still alive. Spencer's car alarm startles them and they run outside to stop it. The keys are gone, however, and so they get inside the car to turn off the alarm. Once inside, the car automatically locks and a seriously scary countdown begins. A sinister message then appears: "If you find out who I am before I find out who killed Charlotte, YOU DIE." The storm cellar then blows up right in front of the terrified girls. A hooded figure writes "I see you" on the back of their car. Later, we see a shady figure with Aria's file in front of them. The person then lights a match to burn a file with Noel Kahn’s name on it.
Later in  Season 7 episode 9 The Wrath of Kahn
Aria has a very interest conversation with Jason. 
JASON: I ran into Emily at The Brew. She said you were up here.
ARIA: Yeah, I was actually just about to head out. Can we talk later?
JASON: There was a fire at my Aunt Carol's a few days ago.You know anything about it?
JASON: Apparently, Ali went out there. Detective Furey said Archer was out of the country but I think he's still here.I think he followed her out there and tried to hurt her again.
ARIA: The fire was an accident.
JASON: Wait, so you were with her?  
ARIA: Yeah.Ali asked me not to say anything.
JASON: Why not?
ARIA: We found some of your mom's personal things in the cellar.
JASON: What things?
ARIA: [sighs] Okay, we found some paperwork that confirmed your mom was in charge of Mary's care at Radley. She oversaw Charlotte's adoption and Mary's other child's adoption too.
JASON: What other child?
ARIA: That was all we were able to read before the fire started.Now, Mary won't answer any of Ali's calls and she's, she's not staying at the Lost Woods.
JASON: I'm sure there were more secrets.And I'm guessing my mom was killed because of one of them.
ARIA: I promised Ali I'd find out all I could about the adoption.I owe her that after everything she's been through.[sighs] I was just gonna head to the courthouse right now.
JASON: They won't give you any information.
ARIA: Why not?
JASON: You're not a relative.
ARIA: No, but you are.
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WELL,firstly Aria was not with the liars at the cellar. She had told the liars that she and Ezra are in fact going to elope that night but we saw the FBI agents at Ezra’s apartment but Aria was not seen for the rest of the episode. So Why did she lie to Jason about being there? Unless she actually was there. secondly the fire was no accident so why did she lie again saying it was an accident?Thirdly the fire only started once the liars was out of the cellar so why did Aria say to Jason they didn't have time to figure out details about the 2 Drake child because the fire had started.
lastly why the hell does she keep including herself in that event??? Unless she was there not as Aria but as A/A.D?
Also this was the first time we were made aware of Jason and Aria being together during the time jump in a flashback. during the conversation Aria felt very guilty especially about the fire. Why would she its not like she started it or anything? or did she? And why out of all the liars is she so interested in helping Ali discover who the 2 Drake child is. we all know how Aria doesn’t just help Ali with anything remember how she was so against Charlotte’s release. So why help Ali now?
Interesting statements to note  
JASON: There was a fire at my Aunt Carol's a few days ago.You know anything about it?
ARIA: The fire was an accident.
JASON: Wait, so you were with her?  
ARIA: Yeah.Ali asked me not to say anything.
JASON: They won't give you any information.
ARIA: Why not?
JASON: You're not a relative.
HOW DOES CAMP MONA AND WRATH OF KHAN AND THE WHOLE I SEE YOU THEORY COME INTO PLAY? WELL remember in Camp Mona this was the first time we saw Aria as A wearing a black hoodie in Wrath Of Khan A or A.D was there with the girls supposedly the hooded figure outside the car. Also in Original G'A'ngsters the liars discover files for all of them besides Aria we later saw A/A.D with Aria and Noels file. A has been playing this game for 7 seasons now why go through all that trouble of taking Aria’s file and not Spencer as she turned out to be the second child? Wasn’t A.D trying to conceal this, WHAT IF yes i too believe A.D stands for Aria Drake remember Eddie Lamb did recall Aria being in Radley before. 
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torentialtribute · 5 years
PETER CROUCH: Watching Lionel Messi live is a must for your bucket list
Peter Crouch is a columnist for Sportsmail
Sitting at home on Wednesday night, watching the Champions League semi-final, it took me a couple of seconds to process what happened.
I never like to see Liverpool lose but when Lionel Messi scored his second goal – that free-kick you could watch again and again and again – I had to get to my feet. It wasn't to celebrate, it was simply to acknowledge his genius.
There will be a point when I am able to tell my grandchildren that I shared a pitch with Messi. It might only amount to two minutes – 60 seconds, home and away in a Champions League last-16 tie in 2007 – but it's in the record books.
I will tell them repeatedly because he is the greatest footballer of all time. You try to think of new ways to talk about what he does and the best I can come up with is he is a living monument; a footballer whom everyone should try to see at least once in their lives.
If you have the chance to watch Lionel Messi live then you have to do it
Of course, people will have their own views on what defines the greatest. There will be a group that insists the title belongs to Pele. Others will choose Diego Maradona, for what he did with Argentina in the 1986 World Cup and Napoli during his time in Serie A.
You cannot forget Cristiano Ronaldo, either. He has become the ultimate goal scorer. His speed and power have enabled him to set records and change the way center forwards operate. I love Ronaldo and think he is out of this world.
But he is not Messi. It's not a slight on Ronaldo, it's just Messi has this natural gift that has enabled him to play football in a way that nobody else has ever done. Put it this way: if dropped back down the pitch, he would become the best midfielder or all time. His passing is extraordinary.
Messi is the greatest player of all time – his awareness is like nothing I have ever seen
Liverpool actually handled him well for long parts of the game but there was a point during the match when I heard the commentary team say he had been 'quiet' and I knew, there and then, that it wouldn't remain that way.
It's the little things he does. You see him floating and lurking in these pockets of space and then, suddenly, he will get the ball and start weaving his magic and spreading panic. The touch, the movement, the awareness are like nothing I have ever seen.
Then there are the numbers – 10 league titles in Spain is ridiculous and could be a fifth European Cup at the start of next month. If a club could boast such a list of honors, you would class them as being one of the all-time greats. Messi has been rattled that up in 14 years.
The dark edge that Messi has helped him to become so successful
In that spell, he has scored 600 goals. 600! He is treating the Champions League and La Liga in the same way I used to score in the Hayes and District Under-10 League. The level of football is so high now but its consistency has never faltered.
What I also like, too, is the dark edge to his game. He knows how to manipulate situations and exploit referees. He did it against Liverpool, when he won that free-kick, jumping into the back of Fabinho after his run had been blocked.
He would not have reached the top without ruthlessness. But he is out on his own because of the fantasy he can bring to a game. I have no doubt I will go and watch him in the flesh once more before his career ends. If the opportunity comes up, I suggest you do the same.
It was a relief to hear Tottenham defender Jan Vertonghen had not suffered concussion against Ajax but I was still surprised by the incident.
In the first column I wrote for Sportsmail in November 2017, I explained why I will have the dementia test when I stop playing to see what impact the ball has had – the test Alan Shearer had for a BBC documentary.
It was a relief to hear that Tottenham's Jan Vertonghen didn The suffer concussion against Ajax
Head injuries are something with which I am familiar. I've been concussed a couple of times, had my teeth knocked out and ended up with staples to close gashes after collisions, so I know the damage that can be done if you hurt that part of your body.
If a player is concussed, whether it is on the training ground or during a game, they cannot be involved in any physical activity for a week. No chances are tasks and they have to adhere to those rules.
Vertonghen's collision was sickening and I was surprised it was decided he could carry on. I know players for to stay on the pitch for as long as possible but they need to listen to what doctors are telling them. You cannot take any chances.
I was surprised that it was decided that Vertonghen could carry on playing
Ruthless Rafa Benitez will not roll over for Liverpool
This is the definitive weekend of the title race. I would expect both Manchester City and Liverpool to win their games on the final day, so whatever happens about this Bank Holiday will determine which team become champions.
Will Liverpool be able to lift themselves after defeat in Barcelona? If there is one manager who will be able to exploit any slips, it is Newcastle boss Rafa Benitez and I can assure you now the feelings he will have for his old club will mean nothing at kick-off on Saturday night.
Rafa is cold and ruthless. If Burnley played Liverpool and I scored a goal to stop them becoming champions, I'm not sure how it would sit with me. Rafa, by contrast, will not have given a moment's thought to the implications of a Newcastle win. He just wants three points.
Ruthless Newcastle boss Rafa Benitez will not make matters easy for Liverpool
If Liverpool can get through the test in the north east, the pressure goes back to City. They were superb at Turf Moor last week and we could not have done any more to stop them but they beat us by the smallest margin or Sergio Aguero's goal.
Leicester, however, will be just as tricky. I expected them to be in the hunt for the final European place and they have lots of players I like, such as Harry Maguire, James Maddison and Jamie Vardy. They have what it takes to hurt City.
But City are relentless. They are the best team of the Premier League era; better than Arsenal's 'Invincibles' and Manchester United's treble winners. The title is in their hands.
If Liverpool do finish second, there is no disgrace in that.
If Liverpool end up finishing second in the Premier League there is no disgrace in that
It's our end of season awards next week but I am not sure I will be in the running for a prize … I may also try to catch Catfish and the Bottlemen, who have just started touring.
WHO'S CAUGHT MY EYE … Lionel Messi
I may have devoted the main read to him but I realized while writing it that he did not appear in this special little section yet and I know how much it will mean to him!
Noel Gallagher's new tune Black Star Dancing. It feels like it is a new direction for him as it is not like anything he has produced before. I have listened to it a lot but I really can't make up my mind about it yet.
I've been working hard to get fit for Burnley but there was a day earlier this week that I spent filming for a big and worthwhile charity, the results of which will be out soon.
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