#also not a republican
Does America have any other serious problems that need fixing or is it your autism that keeps you fixated on the propaganda of the religious right?
Show me where in my blog I address religion at all? Are we only supposed to talk about American issues that YOU approve of personally? What problem would you like to discuss since you wanna come to MY blog and tell me how to run it/what social issues to talk about. How would YOU like me to apply my personal experiences? What would make YOU happy?
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yeoldenews · 1 year
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I am now determined to find a way to use "ice cream freezer" as an insult again.
(source: The Troy Messenger, July 13, 1882.)
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tippifunandprose · 1 year
every time I read about this Disney vs DeSantis thing and the bit about how the agreement doesn't end “until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, king of England" all I can think about is some bumbling caper where the Florida government repeatedly tries to assassinate the entire royal family just to spite Disney
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sanguinemoonlight · 24 days
Trump guilty on all 34 counts but now we get to hear republicans talk about how a convicted felon should get to run for office even though felons can’t vote (besides in Maine and Vermont wtf guys)
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jellogram · 1 year
I'm busy thinking about Teddy Roosevelt's daughter Alice
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snekdood · 5 months
"if we make america worse and more of a dictatorship that will be even harder to unravel and make it the way we want the country to be, maybe then everyone will join our Glorious Revolution!" bb girl you cant even be in the same room with someone who thinks you should vote, how in tf do you think you're gonna unite people to fight in The Revolution with you? it's gonna be you and your 5 friends, i hate to break it to you.
#i dont think you realize how repelling you and your politics are to everyone else#you get all of your validation for how Smart You Are from your friends and ignore any kind of feedback that suggests you should#change or do something differently. thats the only reason you're so convinced average people will go along with you bc you keep getting#affirmation from the people who ALREADY agree with you- but you have NO IDEA how to bridge the gap between people who agree#with you and disagree with you. you're horrible at convincing people of your side of things outside of straight up guilt tripping them#or bullying them like a highschooler. im sorry but the tools you learned to survive with as a kid aren't gonna help you in this situation.#the ONLY THING you can come up with to bridge that gap is a bloody revolution. thats how bad you are at this.#and you're also so bad at this and unimaginative that you dont even realize how THAT might not even be enough.#you cant imagine ANY kind of avenue to getting people to change AT ALL outside of blood and fire. and thats why people call you#an authoritarian.#i'll be honest- i really do think the world would be a better place if we did incremental change under a democratic president who wont#set the world on fire vs the godkingemperor republican WHO WONT EVEN LISTEN TO YOU AT ALL EVER AND MIGHT KILL YOU#FOR PUTTING UP A STINK. idk if you noticed but if that evil fuck gets into office we are severely outnumbered if he gets police#n shit to go after his own citizens. letting trump win is making this battle so much harder than it needs to be.#you are choosing trying to fix the world while its exploding vs trying to fix it before it explodes at all.#what is this like a procrastination thing? you wanna wait till the last minute to try? idfgi. wtf is wrong with you#throwing minority lives away to prove a point. and then you try to tell me you care. gtfoh.#accelerationists should never be taken seriously.
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Noah Schnapp is more powerful than the United States government
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madtomedgar · 1 year
I'm loving the "well now i will discriminate against homophobes!" responses but I think there's a disconnect around how nasty small town politics works (the jikes are still funny fyi keep making them, they are not in any way bad). The store owners in shitty small towns know they legally can't refuse service, so they maintain a paper thin plausible deniability by not saying it, but dragging their feet and being hostile if you try to shop or eat at their establishment or use their service. They make it unpleasant but rarely impossible. Often this is still enough to run people out of town and make living there too difficult. Now, they have been given the go ahead to go nuts. They can post "no service for x" signs. They (think they) can call the law. They can just tell anyone they think is associated with lgbtq people to leave or else instead of pretending that all the waiters are busy. The tow truck driver knows he is allowed to leave you on the side of the road now. It's going to be taken as a mandate, and a lot of people who were hanging in but not having fun are going to find it impossible to live where they have been living. I think it's fine and funny to try to make that true for bigots in more accepting areas too, but this is going to be hell on small town America.
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
The liberal culture of perpetually walking on eggshells, fearing that whatever you say might offend somebody, or (alternatively) feeling like you are always a victim to everybody's microaggressions is extremely unhealthy.
The conservative culture of perpetually being rude under the guise of "just saying it like it is", completely disregarding that what you say might offend somebody, or entering into conversations always on the defense is extremely unhealthy.
People in both left and right political groups who fit within these behavioral patterns seem to operate off of getting high from feeling righteousness.
These behavioral trends in both groups breed authoritarianism, paranoia, ignorance, aggression, ideological purity, and black and white thinking.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Between Alex Jones getting perjury'd to oblivion and the FBI raiding Trump's Mar-o-lago home, August is proving to be entertaining as fuck
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Thank fuck, it looks like Warnock is probably going to win. Now for the love of CHRIST, can we not have another Georgia runoff for at least, AT LEAST, six years?!??!?!?!
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rotzaprachim · 2 months
the other infuriating thing happening rn is people picking all the wrong enemies and having extremely little empathy or comprehension with Jews like. Frankly. A LOT of the loud voices on behalf of Jewish students rn or against antisemitism are coming from right wing and really conservatively pro-Israel Jews and organizations - or from republicans eager to make this into a partisan problem. Yet people have taken this to mean that Jews are inherently a right wing action group, rather than the reverse - the majority of Jews in America, and certainly I’d assume the majority of Jews at these campuses, are on their side. Furthermore, the majority of Jews, ranging from committed antizionists on their protest encampments to many nonzionists and liberal Zionists - and Jews who know how ambiguous all three of these categorizations are, depending on who you talk to - are not republicans or supporters of right wing Zionism and would love not to become a Republican plaything and are, for the most part, abiding by the central leftist issue of shutting the FUCK up when the cops or media ask about problems hurting them in a cause many support. Like I wish people would look at the presence of Jews in protest movements as a “wow my Jewish comrades are being incredibly and unbelievably brave swallowing and dealing with attacks on their own identity because of how strongly and truly they believe in the cause of a ceasefire and Palestinian liberation” not “haha no antisemitism here that’s a whole Zionist psyop out to get us who could never be antisemitic to Jewish People”
it’s confusing as hell because republicans have weaponised this into the ultimate partisan issue but people have got to be smarter about picking their enemies
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menlove · 2 months
some of the gayest things i did w my girl besties as a kid that haunt me daily even though i'm almost 25
laying on the hot cement of the playground watching the clouds, talking about which boys we'd date in class, and i look over at her and notice how the sun is turning her black hair slightly red in the sun and sigh and say "i wish i were a boy, 'cause then i'd date you"
made a new best friend a little after her who was a year younger than me and i wanted to live inside her skin, a little bit, and went over to her house constantly. i drew her silly art, those weird emo blobs from the mid aughts, and she hung it up on her door. we joked about being married a lot. when i had to move away across the country, one night i was staring up at the moon while listening to a love song and started sobbing wondering if she was also looking at the moon. i never texted her again.
when i was 12 i fell in love with a girl for the first time i knew about. i had just gotten over being weirded out by gay people & when the kids in class started whispering about us being dykes, my teacher called home about it. i cried my eyes out in a red pickup truck with my mom as i told her i was in love with her, but it was fine because she was straight. i was drinking a red slushie.
once with that same girl, we went on a field trip to a nearby science museum. it was within walking distance and she held my hand the whole way, even though we were too old for it. at some point i started swinging her hand and knocking into her and laughing and eventually she just picked me up, put me on her back, and carried me the rest of the way while we laughed. at the museum, she kept finding me and holding my hand again. i went home that night, so giddy, and just kept thinking about her hand in mine and didn't even care about what the rest of the kids were whispering
in february, before that, she'd asked me which girl i had a crush on in class because i'd posted about it on tumblr. it took me a half hour to finally tell her it was her, blushing to my ears as we walked around the perimeter of the playground (we were at a small private school with less than 100 students, so even the middle schoolers got to use the playground), refusing to look at her. she told me she didn't feel like that, but i was still her best friend and she wasn't mad at me or weirded out. if one of us were boys, she said, maybe it would've worked out. her mom moved her back to california at the end of the school year. i never saw her again and she wasn't allowed to talk to me. she messaged me once, years later on here, to tell me i was pretty in a prom dress i'd tried on. she blocked me later.
i wrote down a story about her, a year later, for 8th grade english class. in it, i imagined that she'd never left, and that she'd kissed me while we laid in the grass, mixing up my stories and my life. my teacher looked at me with such a soft sadness and told me it was very beautifully written. she wanted me to submit it to a contest. it won.
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lanterne · 3 months
also not to be mean to olympe de gouges but the convention making divorce legal was more of a gain for women than putting rich women in power as she wanted
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Tags on a post that said “if both candidates agree on an issue, it’s a non-issue”. Regarding a genocide.
Okay lol. Very normal people on the “vote blue no matter who” side.
“I personally don’t want to die” yet you’re alright voting for someone who kills others just because you think it’s a lost cause? You’d rather vote for someone you KNOW is going to kill thousands of Palestinians just because he MIGHT not kill you. And that is an extremely privileged take.
“Mehmehmeh third party can NEVER win” yes because you’d rather give Biden a deepthroat than actually vote for important change. This isn’t something like tax brackets or stimulus checks, Biden is, currently, right now, killing people. He condemns Israel to the press and then mails them more bombs through the “”humanitarian aid”” port he built.
I swear to god Biden could pick up an infant, bring it to the podium during a speech, set it on fire, and slam it on the ground as hard as he physically could and you’d still vote for him as long as it wasn’t YOUR baby.
Anyway, I’m done humoring this. I’m breaking and blocking mutuals over this. I’m not going to pretend this is an even remotely leftist let alone justifiable take.
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amarriageoftrueminds · 4 months
American followers, have you called or e-mailed ur reps about KOSA yet?? 👀
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