#also not sure how much sense this makes idk if the average person would hear this song and immediately construct a namimori trio narrative
harumiura · 1 year
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
Hii!!! I want to say how much I love your blog!!! From the aesthetic to the writing everything is just so cute and enjoyable!! I also love how you write Jamil personally hehe.
Idk if you still have your requests open buttttt I have a fluff idea for the basketball club :) the boys want to invite their (freshly obtained) partner!reader to a pretty important basketball match but ✨circumstances✨ happen (anything you can think of really) and they end up not saying anything to them about it. But on the day of the match their partner shows up anyway fully dressed in cheerleading attire, facepaint, pompoms, loudly cheering for them (embarassing them a lil but in a wholesome way y'know ❤️) maybe you can write some post match fluff?
Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us!! It's a delight to read it all!!
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COMMENTS: Awww, thank you 🥰 It so happens that I identify a lot with Jamil (perhaps even too much). And maybe that's also why I had never thought of writing an MC that, let's say, out-going? Because a shy person like me would never do that cheerleading thing in public at least. 😅 But I wrote it. 😉
Btw: That cheerleading thing doesn't exist in my country so the only things I know about it are whatever I saw in american movies. But in return, I played basketball for 3 years when I was younger. So in that regard I know a few things.
I hope you and all enjoy 🏀
PS: I was waiting for Floyd's basketball card to come to the english server to write something with them. I still want to do it, in addition to this one.
CHARACTERS: Basketball Club (Ace, Floyd & Jamil)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Established Relationship; Kissing
WARNING: Spoilers from Ace's and Floyd's Basketball Jersey Lines
WORD COUNT: An average of 500 words per character.
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Ace really wanted to invite you to the game, but in the meantime, he got into some misbehavior issues and spent the whole time trying to make sure Coach Vargas wasn't going to ban him from playing.
He ended up forgetting to invite you, as it wouldn't make sense to do it without being sure he was going to play. He sends you a message at the last minute and that's why he doesn't even know if you'll make it.
I can see him dating a more outgoing person, so let's go that route. You appear in the game, yes, dressed in cheerleading attire alongside Cater and Deuce. Cater because I can see him doing that for being great for magicam. And Deuce because he really wants NRC to win.
While he is overjoyed to see you and thinks this is an excellent opportunity to show himself off to you, he is also a little embarrassed by the attention you are diverting to him.
We also go the route where they win. While the players are celebrating, they go to you and the rest of the cheerleading group. Ace runs up to you and hugs you so happily he lifts you off your feet. And in the midst of happiness he kisses your lips, while holding you.
He did it on the spur of the moment, and when he realizes what he's done, he's extremely embarrassed. Great chances of Floyd messing with him for that.
If someone from the opposing team starts looking at you while he is not with you, he will say with a smirk: “Can look, but not touch, you hear me?”
Before the players go to shower, Ace asked you to wait for him behind the gymnasium. It was already night. You were waiting outside and after a while you got distracted. When he goes outside and sees you distracted, he sneaked up on you and hugged you from behind. And kisses your cheek.
“Hey, what do you say to a celebration party tomorrow~? Trey said he's going to make cupcakes shaped like basketballs. Isn't that cool?” and then you hear him moan in pain softly and for a second.
You had felt his fingers curl a little when you heard that. And you remembered that one day he commented to you that his fingers get sprained all the time when he is playing. That it hurts to bend them. After a game like that, they must be hurting a lot then.
You take his hands. “Ouch...” you bring them to your lips, and kiss them softly. You tell him you could take care of him. “I deserve that, don't I?~” he says and goes back to kissing your cheek affectionately.
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Floyd really wanted to invite you to the game, but in the meantime, on the one hand, the Coach Vargas wanted him to train even more. Being the tallest, the coach had high expectations for him (pun not intended). And on the other hand, Azul wanted to do something special at Mostro Lounge, as a lot of people from off campus would come to watch the game and it was an opportunity to have more customers.
Sometimes he had fun doing these things. And when he didn't want to do them, he preferred to be left alone. This plus the fact that he thought that: "since you are his partner now, isn't it already implied that you're going to watch the game?” made him end up not inviting you officially.
Jade is the one who reminds you on the day of the game. Since it was an important game, you wanted to do something special for Floyd. And taking advantage of this, Azul suggests that you come to the game dressed in cheerleading attire. This type of incentive can increase their chances of winning the game and consequently the chances of increasing customers at Mostro Lounge. And if you don't want to do it alone, don't worry, at least Cater, Deuce and Kalim will be doing the same alongside you.
I definitely can see Floyd with an outgoing partner. All of his colleagues were worried because he seemed unenthusiastic. And if he continues like this, he might not even want to play properly and that would make them lose the game for sure. And what's worse is that they couldn't even complain about it or risk getting their asses kicked.
When the game starts, what they feared most was happening. He didn't feel like playing. Which also made the opposing team not worry too much about Floyd. Fortunately, a couple of minutes after the game starts, he hears you cheering him on. He looks at you dressed in cheerleading attire and his mood changes radically. “Koebi-chan~!” He waves at you with his cutest smile. Before turning to the opponents with a sadistic smile. Now he wants to play.
The one the players on the other team thought was a drag on NRC has suddenly become the most powerful athlete in the game. To the point that the opponent who was chosen to block him was afraid to do so. And the one chosen to be blocked by Floyd (who happened to be the strongest player on the opposing team) did his best not to keep the ball too long.
He usually gets expelled from the game before it's over, but this was a big one and you were rooting for him. He had to stay until the end! So he behaved and tried to make as few fouls as possible.
Hardly in these conditions NRC would lose. So they win! If during their celebration, someone from the opposing team starts looking at you. Floyd first smiles at them. "Pretty, right?" and then put on that scary straight face "Well, it's not for your eyes."
When he comes to you because you are all celebrating together, he will pick you up. “You look so cute dressed like that.” He tells to you. If there are kisses, they will be yours on his cheeks.
Before the players go to shower, Floyd asked you to wait for him behind the gymnasium. It was already night. You were waiting outside and after a while you got distracted. When he goes outside and sees you distracted, he sneaked up on you. And behind you, he whispers in your ear: “Baa~”
You turn and he picks you up again so that your faces are level. Your noses are touching. “Hey~ Came to Mostro Lounge with me. I'm not in the mood to celebrate without you. And I can get Azul to give you your favourite for free. Isn't that a good deal~?”
He's not much for kissing your lips in front of others, so he only does it now.
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Jamil really wanted to invite you to the game, but between babysitting, I mean, looking after Kalim and training for the game, he ended up not even getting to spend time with you.
Honestly, I don't see Jamil with a very outgoing partner. Since it could be like a Kalim 2.0 for him. But I certainly see Kalim going to you, already dressed in cheerleading attire himself and dragging you to dress like that too and go cheering Jamil and the others alongside him.
Because of Kalim, you two end up being a little late and when you arrive the game has already started. And Jamil had just scored. Kalim (and maybe you too) shout to congratulate Jamil. He looks at you two and is immediately flattered, shocked and embarrassed. Not because of you, but because he doesn't like to draw attention to himself, nor to have others draw attention to him that way.
Unfortunately his performance drops slightly. Until he overhears an opposing player commenting on you. At that moment, he manages to take the ball away from the opposing team, run to the basket and score.
This made him realize two things: first, your cheering the made the whole team’s morale shot up. And second, It’s also slightly distracting the opposing team. Genial!
Whenever he scores and you celebrate, he gets flattered and embarrassed but smiles at you discreetly.
They end up winning! While the players are celebrating, they go to you and the rest of the cheerleading group. He walks towards you, but is intercepted by Kalim, who hugs him. And it's only a few seconds later that he looks at you, looks at Jamil, smiles awkwardly and breaks the hug.
But more awkward than he is, you two are. Jamil doesn't like public displays of affection, so at first you don't even know what to do our say. You end up saying: "Congratulations on the victory" at the same time as he says "thanks for the cheering". And you two giggle.
Before the players go to shower, Jamil asked you to wait for him behind the gymnasium. It was already night. You were waiting outside and after a while you got distracted. He greets you as soon as he sees you and walks towards you.
He opens his arms, inviting you to hug him. And you do it. “Sorry I didn't thank you properly after the game.” He places his index and thumb on your chin, tilting it up and bringing his face closer to yours. “But now I can.” he whisper and kisses your lips.
“*Sigh* I really don't want to go back to Scarabia  and put up with Kalim's party spirit.” He hugs you around the waist and gently places you against the wall. “So would you celebrate with me a little while before I have to go?”
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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cripplecharacters · 1 month
oh yeah another question abt intellectual disability: what do people with moderate id speak like? i assume they wouldnt be perfectly articulate but i know making them talk like cavemen would be bad too. i do want it to be clear that they have language difficulties, but im not sure how to do that realistically. so what kinds of grammar errors are actually common? would it make sense to have them mix up words with similar pronunciation, or have difficulty discerning the differences in implications between words with similar meanings (like "pretty" vs "attractive")? do people with id ever 'imagine context' the way people(well, me) do when half-asleep where the brain mishears a statement as something completely unrelated? would spatial and situational awareness be impaired? also this is kind of a different question but if you can give advice on what to do with game mechanics for an id character in an rpg, that would be nice! i already have the stats figured out for every character and theres no stat that i think would be strongly affected by id but in terms of depicted fighting style and other mechanics maybe thered be some stuff informed by it (i cant do anything too complex though, im using rpg maker vx ace). idk! im spitballing here. main thing i need to know is how to write dialogue for a character with id ^_^
Hi! We have a post somewhat about this that you might find useful, I'll try to go over the other questions below!
Keep in mind my ID is mild (and on the milder side of that) so my answer will be all second-hand knowledge from talking to people with moderate ID in my SPED years.
A lot of it will depend on what condition causes they have. People with Williams syndrome have very “normal” verbal skills majority of the time and you can't really tell in my experience. On the other hand if they're autistic you can potentially guess from the tone of the voice e.g. they speak in a very loud and monotone way. People with Down syndrome are very likely to have a speech disorder, someone with cerebral palsy might slur their words, etc.
A lot of people with ID might be less talkative than your average person (there's definitely exceptions). So your character could use shorter sentences, simple sentences (in the grammar sense), prefer to use other forms of communication for things that don't require speech (e.g., nodding instead of saying “Yes, I agree”, or doing a thumbs up, etc.), or have to be prompted to actually answer/take part in the conversation.
I personally don't recall ever hearing the “mixing words with similar pronunciation” in someone's actual speech, maybe unless they learned the language from reading rather than hearing it? If that's the case, then ID could affect their speech more than if they didn't have it, otherwise I'd assume that the character might have brain damage or is maybe hard of hearing and simply mixes them up because they can't recognize/hear the difference between them.
Mixing words based on specific meaning makes much more sense in my opinion (probably because I do that myself lol). Synonyms or words that might make sense in one context but not the other are the worst. Your example here is great! When someone has ID they might take away the wrong meaning out of a word and use it incorrectly because of that. E.g., their parents used to take them camping to a forest with lots of bugs, they don't like bugs, they can later call something “foresty” to mean “with lots of bugs” even if it doesn't have much to do with an actual forest. This might make more sense for a character with more severe ID (or if they're just young) but using “attractive” when you'd normally say “pretty” makes sense for someone with moderate ID in my opinion.
Something that can also affect speech of someone with ID is word repetition. Not really in the echolalia sense (though it can be that too) but just using stock phrases that get repetitive over time. I try to edit it out from my posts but you can still kinda see it. For some people it will be ending most sentences with the same word, for someone else it will be starting two paragraphs with the same three words without realizing even though they're right next to each other or overusing “maybe” and “if” to start sentences.
As for the “imagining context” while mishearing something, I'm not sure if I know what you mean by it so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I don't do it lol
Situational awareness is definitely impacted for all people with ID but to different degrees. I don't know if it's part of the diagnostic criteria but it might as well be. When the person's ID is mild it might look like someone who's just kinda unaware of what goes around them, maybe don't recognize that they're doing something that could end up badly. The more severe the intellectual disability the more obvious it is, the person might elope (wander off) and not be able to find their way back, not be able to use cooking utensils safely because they don't recognize the risks in real time (not really in the “not realizing that the knife is sharp” way if they have moderate ID, more like “not realizing that you need to be careful when putting things on hot oil or you can get burned”), assuming that people are automatically safe to be around, things like that.
Spatial awareness doesn't affect everyone, but one of the biggest comorbidities of ID is dyspraxia, which does affect it a lot. There are people with mild ID with severe dyspraxia, and severely ID people with no dyspraxia. It varies.
Unfortunately I have never played any RPGS and I'm not really familiar with the mechanics. Here's an old ask about intellectually disabled characters engaged in combat, hopefully it's useful?
If you want some real-life resources for hearing how intellectually disabled people talk, I really recommend this playlist. It's a bunch of interviews with people with Down syndrome and you can see that they're all very different from each other despite having the same disability.
I hope this helps! mod Sasza
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ramshacklefey · 5 months
No but serious. Dungeons & Dragons is one of the least flexible systems out there. So whenever I hear someone asking, "Why can't I do X in DnD?" or "How would I do (thing that the system is totally ill-suited for)?" my first response is just "GURPS."
For those of you who aren't familiar, GURPS stands for "Generic Universal Role Playing System." I always say it's like the Linux of ttrpgs, in the sense that it's less a system and more a framework that you can use to do whatever you want with.
And I really do mean whatever you want. You want high fantasy? Done. You want gritty realism in a dystopian world? Got it. You want superheroes? Good to go. Super tech space opera? Oh boy we got you there. You want magic systems that aren't based on spell lists? Go for it. Horror games where character death is a constant and very real threat? Sure thing.
You can set up your game to be anything from a complex data driven grinder to a cinematic rules basically optional flight of fancy.
You can play characters who are anywhere from realistically squishy humans to god-like super beings.
Characters personal flaws and strengths can have a direct impact on mechanics. Character species can have a direct and serious impact on mechanics.
The existence of so many options can make GURPS seem overwhelming at first glance, but if you are willing to put in a bit of effort, it's actually a very simple system to play. Most of the hard work is front-loaded into setting and character creation. Once play starts it runs as smooth as can be.
It's totally possible to play it with just the two core books, BUT there are dozens of books that are nothing but tips and advice for how to build a particular type of world or a particular flavor of campaign.
And the books, while not nearly as pretty as DnD books, are laid out in a way that makes it incredibly easy to find exactly the information you want.
Some more mechanical things that I particularly like about it (under the cut):
Characters are created on a point-buy system, but you don't just buy your basic stats, you also buy your skills, advantages, and secondary stats. And you can gain points back by dropping stats below average or taking disadvantages.
The advantage/disadvantage system. This is sorta the core of the character building, and it is *so* much fun. See, rather than pick out a class or species, you have a list (selected by your GM from a much larger list) of things you can buy that will have mechanical impacts on you in the game. Basically, an advantage is anything that opens up more possibilities for you in-game, and a disadvantage is anything that closes off possibilities. They can be superpowers, species traits, cinematic plot armor, personality traits, or things like chronic illness, bad temper, physical or mental disabilities, or being doomed by the narrative.
Simple dice system. To play a GURPS campaign you need three d6. That's it. All checks and saves are done by rolling 3d6 (low rolls are better than high). This has an additional advantage over the d20 system in that there is a probability curve. You're more likely to roll numbers in the mid-range, which makes both critical successes and critical failures rarer, and therefore more satisfying.
Your target roll is adjusted, rather than adding/subtracting from the roll itself. Say you're trying to, idk, hack a computer. Your skill level doesn't affect your dice roll, it affects the number you need to roll in order to succeed. This makes things a lot simpler on the player's end, imo, because there's less they need to keep track of. (You're trying to roll under the skill check, so whatever the base difficulty is, the GM just adds or subtracts your skill level from that).
The basic stats are on a much tighter scale, and they make a lot more sense. Human average is a 10 in everything. When you make your character you can buy higher stats or take lower ones and get more points to spend on other things. All stats cap out at 18, because that's the highest number you can roll. At a 10 strength you are a normal person. At 18 you're basically Superman. You'd have to roll a critical failure not to succeed in a strength check, and remember: critical failures are far less common than in a d20 system.
I could keep going ad infitum here, but instead I'll just close with:
Come with me boy, play my games! We'll have cowboy times in space!
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
to add to the Princess conversation, it wouldn't be common to find narratives where the hero fucks other women so openly in front of the heroine in a modern HR and if it was written ppl would lose their shit in the reviews lol I thought it was really refreshing the way it is written in Princess even though I don't even like the scenario personally it just felt interesting to read bc I knew I wouldn't find now like the author truly wrote freely
Oh for sure. If we're thinking about the same scene, I personally have no issue with it because a) I kind of love that shit in books I'm not even gonna lie b) it was before Darius and Serafina got together c) he had noooo concept that they would ever be ABLE to be together. And I think Darius's relationship with sex and trauma, which (I'm almost done with the book) is similar to Lazar's but not quite the same, informs why that scene happened. His sense of self worth is... not great.
And that's the kind of thing you would honestly not see as effectively if we didn't get a look into his sexual relationships with other women. And it's not at length, we don't have these long scenes, but we see that he's slutty and it hurts Serafina's feelings because even though there's no chance that they can be together and she's in fact engaged to another man, she still loves him and knows he knows she loves him and so on. BUT! Later on, when you're in his POV, you suddenly realize "Oh, it actually wasn't this fun and sexy time for Darius, he has a LOT of issues" (many of them related to his mom, SHOCKER the breastfeeding hero has mommy issues).
I often see readers say "well I could have gotten that without that scene" COULD YOU THO. Because to me, a real issue in the romance reading discourse about What is Good and What is Bad in romance is that people only read what they specifically KNOW they're good with. They never even try something else.
And that's fine. You can do that. But if you are ONLY going to try what you know for sure isn't going to push your boundaries in any sense, then I personally don't want to hear about what you think the genre shouldn't do. I'm not talking about people reading shit that triggers them. I'm not talking about saying, "Well, I don't really love a book where the hero has sex with a woman before the heroine on the page, but everyone says this is amazing and otherwise it sounds like my shit, so I'm going to try it".
I have recommended books to people that they get so excited about, and when I mention one thing that is not triggering but is simply not to their taste, they will just go "oh never mind". And again, that is FINE. But if all you're reading is books that don't do it, I don't think you can tell me that it never works and that it doesn't belong in the genre. Which some people absolutely do. "No cheating in romance" okay but you also won't try this book by your #1 favorite author that has all the other tropes you love that all your book friends endorse because it has cheating in it.
I don't think I'd care as much, but because romance has SO much discourse about What is Right and What is Wrong at the moment, I do think it's pushing a lot of authors to be safer. If you're constantly being bombarded with takes that say "I WILL NEVER READ THIS BC X" or whatever, and all you wanna do is sell a book in a very competitive, commercial market... idk.
And I actually think the market is much more curious and open to exploring than a lot of vocal online people would make you think, lol; because the online audience is very rarely truly representative of the average audience. Like, the average person who loves Ali Hazelwood isn't watching a million booktok takes about how her book had This Thing so you shouldn't read it. They just one-click her books because they love Ali. The GENRE may influence them more than the takes--I'm thinking of my friend who ADORES Ali but hasn't read Bride because she's reluctant to try PNR (booooo).
However, the prevalence of social media makes these things seem bigger. When Gaelen wrote Princess, she went off with her "Serafina sees Darius fucking another woman before they get together" shit, and her virgin lactation shit, and Serafina being a very spoiled brat who is beautiful and knows it and uses her beauty, and Darius having the self worth of a broken twig...
She didn't have all the takes and the admittedly dramatically transformed market on her mind. And conversely, because there was more of a divide between the reader and the author, the readers often did try shit that wasn't really their thing. Sometimes they liked it; sometimes they didn't. You weren't sitting there thinking about a billion tropes, tbh. You saw a hot cover and read the back copy and took it home. Or, you saw the author's name and went "I love Nora Roberts" and went out on a limb and tried her vampire books even though you'd only read her contemporaries. And maybe you liked it and read the other two books in the trilogy, and maybe you didn't.
I think it's kind of a snake eating its own tail thing, where the market has become so responsive to the loudest readers (by no means all readers... readers of color and LGBT+ readers and disabled readers who ask for rep and often don't get it comes to mind) that it moves incredibly quickly, and authors are just throwing shit at the wall trying to build an audience, and the quickest way to do that is by throwing the shit that the wall SCREAMS it wants and not throwing the shit that the wall SCREAMS is bad. Even if that's what YOU as an author like. And often, I gotta say, especially in the early parts of an author's career, I think that the best results will come from the author saying "fuck it, I'm gonna write what I would want to read".
Unfortunately, I don't think that's really as much the philosophy anymore. Writing to market has always been a part of romance and will always be a part of every commercial genre (I mean, look at how historicals have become sooo Regency- and Victorian-centric--that happened before social media took over the book spaces), but it has become a bit more confined, imo.
So that is something I've discovered I really love about reading older books. You can tell this person was like "fuck it, I wanna write this shit".
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thoughts on how the Liyue Archon quest went [8]
so Lumi and Paimon go to inspect the Sigil stuff, while Kaeya meets up w/ Zhongli and essentially just chats w/ him while they wait for Lumi, right? i feel like Zhongli, at this point, totally sees this as an opportunity to learn more abt them, since Kaeya's a primary source. definitely feels like he'd make a comment about Kaeya's pupil being a unique shape—but i also feel like this would put Kaeya on edge, b/c i feel like Kaeya,,, knows? like he probably knows the Archons destroyed Khaenri'ah, and since Zhongli's very clearly the Geo Archon (and also once a War God), it probably puts him on edge a bit? Very much like 'ur not gonna kill me if u find out i'm Khaenriahn, riiiiight?'
and then when Zhongli notices him dodging the question, he probably just pivots to asking abt traveling w/ Lumine and Paimon b/c he recognizes that yeah, Kaeya probably knows. idk, i think abt this conversation a lot, b/c it's essentially just the unspoken acknowledgement between both of them that Kaeya knows who Zhongli is, and Zhongli knows who Kaeya is. it's just interesting to me.
and then Lumi shows up and they're both kinda relieved b/c MAN was it getting a lil bit awkward haha—and then Zhongli hears abt the Sigils getting reproduced by the Fatui (this is like the ONLY thing i remember from the Sigil bit ngl) so he's like 'mmm be on your guard around them.' i personally think this is when he kinda starts developing a desire to protect these people, which is,,, incredibly precious.
it only gets better when Lumi has to sing to the Glaze Lilies??? b/c listen, guys, LISTEN ok, i feel like Lumi is a decent singer. like she's not Pro(tm) but she's definitely a lil above average yk??? anyway i like to imagine Lumi singing to the Whopperflowers and for like the brief moment of her doing it, both Kaeya and Zhongli are like 'oh,,,,,' b/c who doesn't love a pretty song????
anyway the whopperflowers are assholes and interrupt the very cute moment, and then Ganyu shows up as a one-two whammy :( but it's fine b/c Glaze Lilies and also Zhongli warns Lumi and Kaeya abt the wear and tear of working. i love it a lot b/c Zhongli's whole thing is trying to relax, and it just feels like he already sees these scars growing on these two and he wants them to not earn any more.
unfortunately, upon their return and everything coming to a head, Lumine's like 'well we can't just stand by and do nothing'. i really love how Zhongli warns her to think this through and to be careful. i just think it's so bbgrl of him guys please.
pretty sure that from here, it's just the Golden House fight. that fight actually does leave scars on Lumi's leg and Kaeya's arms (b/c he blocked a nasty sword slash at some point), but generally the fight is over and done w/ pretty quickly (b/c Lumi a tough bbgrl and Kaeya's got her back <3)
They barely have time to like, bandage their wounds before they have to go and help the Qixing, and then they have to deal with THAT WHOLE DEBAUCLE. genuinely, that entire thing was just Lumi being a badass ok. i literally would do anything for her (and so would Kaeya b/c he was also incredibly awe-inspired by how much bad bitch energy she exuded in helping w/ the fight).
and then her being a mediator??? and then her being so wise and smart??? guys please let me gush abt her more i love her so fuckin much GUYSSSSSSS
which is why it sucks that Lumi and Kaeya have to see Signora again after Signora kinda traumatized Lumi a lil bit (yknow, attacking Venti outta the blue, sending Paimon flying away, knocking Lumi out, etc). personally feel like Lumi and Kaeya are a little wounded to see Zhongli just,,, willingly offering his Gnosis up to her??? when he explains it, it kinda makes sense, but also Lumi just,,, very much feels Danger from being around Signora, so she's still tense and wary.
it doesn't help that Zhongli couldn't tell her what the Tsaritsa promised him in return for his Gnosis. b/c that kinda just left a sour taste in Lumi's mouth for a bit.
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lilsnowpea93 · 6 months
I have a few extra things to add to that longpost I made the other day about the typical working experience in America. 1. So, I suppose something I’d super advocate for is something like UBI, or at least funding of the arts of for creative people. The latter is a biased framing ofc. And we do have some safety nets here like food stamps and Medicaid. But I think those could be expanded slightly, especially healthcare. So, note that when I mention funding of arts/creativity, like we do have bigger problems. But arts are also important, and the first stuff to get cut. Anyway. I feel there’s this attitude from more centrist and conservative people I talk to that, if a system like UBI were put in place, it would lead to nobody wanting to work, especially if it was a good program (which won’t happen, like gov giving u a liveable paycheck monthly, they should do that for ppl who can’t work but broadscale it will never happen). Handout this and freeloader that. Cool cool cool. And so, in order for society to function, there are so many jobs that need to be performed, surely. Now, for many of those jobs that are considered more “skilled” and have large large responsibilities and huge consequences for mistakes- people typically go to school for that stuff, or spend years of their lives dedicated to it, it’s their thing they do. They also hopefully get paid well, which is the incentive sure. Also for the “unskilled” dirty shitty jobs that need to happen, employers should pay them well too, incentive. For transparency, I work in this field, but it’s small time. Now, idk if this is specific to me, but a lot of people I personally know, work retail and random stuff like that, (in contrast to those “societal bolster” jobs like being a building planner or whatever). And granted sometimes those overlap, like supermarket jobs. So, I think it’s fair to say that ppl working those retail or service jobs aren’t typically training their whole lives for those positions, they usually don’t love their job (sometimes you’ll hear well off ppl romanticize these types of jobs, get real usually ppl don’t want to do that for their whole life), they may have multiple of these jobs.. I get the sense this is the typical working experience in America? An aside- I’d like to note that the narrative we were all broadly told is that you “work your way up” but, haha no dear that does not happen for many people. “Started in the mailroom” type shit, stop it. Again, temporarily embarrassed millionaire brainwashing (or frankly, 100,000aire) is bullshit, I’m so tired of that. I get frustrated nearly daily how burned into my skull that is. It is a lie. Stop spreading it. It worked for a handful of people, do people understand the size of the workforce? It’s not designed for everyone to win, even a little bit. It’s clearly designed to exploit and make as much profit as possible “ethically” possible. ANYWAY, sorry. So these jobs, hate to say it but a lot of these places super don’t need to exist. They’re projects by big/med sized biz owners or corporations to make money for themselves. These are everywhere, look at all the dumb stores and restaurant chains everywhere. These are your options for pay if u don’t have a marketable specific skill (me included).. Look at all the advertising we’re bombarded with daily. U really think all that stuff is necessary for society to function? No lol. It’s people trying to get rich or rich people profiting. Now I think small one off businesses are cool and typically offer something to the local community, I have nothing against those, unless the boss is horrible and exploiting workers.. but u know what I’m saying? We’re surrounded by pointless shit designed for wealthy people to get wealthier, for us to give our hard earned money to that we got from our annoying unfulfilling job (mines ok, talking about average experience) to buy an overpriced chip bag 75% filled with air because our survival brain decided we need a salty interesting flavored snack and can’t resist. Is this not hell of our own making? My drama queen debut yes yes.
2. This is an obvious point, but I’ve always felt this (even though I’ve historically only worked for non profits I like.) When I clock in to work, I’m taking on the load and responsibility of someone else’s project. It’s like I’m living a separate life. And yes, baggage from my personal life will seep into my professional one, and definitely vice versa (worrying about work shit at home). So, personally, my own “project” is constantly majorly f’d. I have so many things I want to do at home, for myself, for my small projects where I make stuff for other people. Stuff like, I’ve hated my underwear drawer for 10+ years. I need to find out what cut and material of underwear I prefer, because it’s not the generic one. It takes time and research to do that. I do not have that time, and that’s a silly one of the 100 large important “me” projects that I need to eventually do. Stuff that impacts my daily life, like hating my underwear situation every day for 10 years. Every day I get up, and ignore all of that for my survival paycheck. I put me to the wayside, and put someone else’s thing to the front for hours and hours. Thankfully it’s a non profit I like. If it was a bs retail stuff with angry customers, well that would be very bad. But, even not having to work a huge amount of hours, I get home, and I try to work on the projects where I’ve promised things to other people. Sometimes I have to take a nap, and that’s even a privilege. But yeah, I’m tired, sometimes I don’t get good sleep, it happens. Before I know it it’s time to make dinner, time to go to bed, time to do it again. You hear this from countless people who work 9-5. Is this really life? Never actually working on yourself, always having to spend that energy elsewhere? Shirking your own happiness for money, because of survival? No one should have to do that, yet we all do. There are clear penalties to not participating. Poor and homeless people are actively punished. How many Americans are one medical emergency away from getting into this trouble? Point of all this being, we are used to putting ourselves last. Discouraged from even having the time to think about what we need as people. I believe this keeps us less effective and less mentally/physically healthy. This is a byproduct of profit being put over lives, and I would say it happens most to the lower class. Wealthy people can get away with exploiting poor people, because they need the money. Wealthy people romanticize these workers and jobs. The workers want and need the pay, they do not want to work grueling hours. They typically have little power in this relationship though. High capital earners usually do not do the right thing. Landlords do not usually do the right thing. These people are in these positions for easy money, not to be nice (gotta be some exceptions of nice rich people sure sure sure). I’m aware how cynical this comes off but I can’t help it after learning about this topic from multiple angles. I don’t have a good end to this but I’ll likely have more to write about this in the future. I understand this way of life to be broken, and so many people around me don’t, it’s frustrating, and I need to be able to prove why instead of just being like oh this sucks and having them think I’m lazy. People can think that, idc, I know I’m not, eh. But there are reaasssons there are reasons I’m dissatisfied, and believe it could be so much better. And I know other countries are worse cool awesome, it can be better. I don’t have all those answers, but the more I write the more they form, sorta. But I’m a toilet cleaner why would I have anything intelligent to say on this lol, I’m supposed to take what I can get, and I do. I think my opinion also matters though. At least I’ve had time to form this opinion, I could have easily not.
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wndaswife · 2 years
hi rae <3
i’ve come to realise that our last few talks were about me!
so i wanted to know more about u!!!
i remember reading once that u live in Canada? right?i assume it’s very cold there! r there a lot of moose around? we don’t have those here in new zealand. i think they brought them over but they went extinct :(
do u have hobbies? play an instrument?
oh! i seen u reblogged the post for a anonymous message saying what we think of u!!
sooo i’ll do it while i’m hereeeee
i feel u r a very warm person. u probably pay attention to the very last detail. your blog reminds me of the warmth from a campfire if that makes sense. i bet ur a very attentive listener. i like how u respond to anons and stuff because it feels u actually read what they said and took the time to responded accordingly. i find u very funny and omg ur writing!! very well done. trying not to overkill here but ur vv cool.
anyways i hope ur well <33
hello!!! :> we did talk about you in our last talks but there's nothing bad about that, though im happy to tell you anything you wanna know about me!! <3 im really rambling here too it's rly early and i have a lot of energy so this is a forewarning !!!
yep i live in canada!! it's relatively cold but not colder than other places that get regular winters and stuff. i live in the very south part of canada so im a bit warmer here, tho vancouver and especially the north like nunavut and yukon are very cold, so i also see why the entirety of canada is generally viewed as colder than most places
which actually may or may not be true idk but where i am it's not soooo bad, except we do get pretty intense winters here and there. actually this winter a lot of people in my region had a bunch of power/heat outages etc etc for a few days, so winters r usually very cold.. is that normal for people outside of canada?? like on average? 🧐 there is a funny stereotype where we live in igloos and stuff LOL in quebec there's a huge winter festival where people can go to ice hotels and stay there, and those desserts where people pour maple syrup onto snow and eat it is actually real tho i've never tried it
hehehehe that's funny about the moose 😭 i've never seen one!!! i think it's also a popular idea that there r a lot of moose! not around where i live but more secluded nature-y parts of canada, which is mooooost places i think?? i have a bit of an uneducated view maybe because i've always lived around toronto which is very city-like. they're huuuuugeee actually and run super fast god i would wanna see one in person but keep my distance for sure. i have a friend from new zealand! i've never talked to anyone from there before him and his accent was a real mix of things i thought, never imagined i'd hear scottish and australian sounding accents in one person! my friend and i were just talking about how weird it is how there r animals all over the world, like cats in russia or bunnies in egypt or something,, like how did y'all get there for real what are u even doing there (i mean the answer is obvious but it's a slightly weird thought)
ummmm hobbies ah i like to read and write uuuuhhhmm i like graphic design! like i used to do it on adobe photoshop tho i haven't done it in a while, i like to swim (even though it's very rare that i get to) and no i don't play any instruments! took piano lessons for a few months (ish?) before tho. what about you? do you play instruments and what r your hobbies?
thank you so much for saying that T_T that's really really nice of you to say and i think i do make an effort to put that energy across sometimes, it's just nice to be kind and it makes me rly happy to imagine being able to make people feel seen and comforted! i personally really value comfort as well :D ehehe thank u for saying you think im funny that's very sweet and im glad, i think sometimes my humour may not rly reach people 😭 😭 i think you r a really cool and very lovely person too <33
im doing well yes!! thank u for checking in and i hope you've been doing alright too 💓💓💓💓
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actualbird · 2 years
hypothetical fights i want to see between the tot cast cuz it’d be fun to see how they’d fair in a fight to the death (just kidding. i mean a friendly fight as an appreciation of combat skills)
inspired by a convo i had with @samsspambox . i’d like to make it clear that when i say 'fight' here i mean a physical fight, a scuffle, some good ol fashioned "nothing personal just wanna see who would win" FISTICUFFS!!!!
with no weapons allowed, heres who i'd pay good money to see go at each other with only their unarmed martial expertise
The Battling Butler VS Agent Raven (aka ogier vs luke)
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ogier is so badass. i love a fighty dude and hes dressed to the nines and he hilariously drags vyn every once in a while, whats not to love?
but yeah, clear in my memory is his combat prowess in vyn’s personal story 4. i dont know anything about ogier past that, but given that he was sent as a guard from svart by vyn’s father, i can only assume his training is of the royal guard quality type of level. thats intense!
though we also know luke is ALSO INSANELY INTENSE....
i think a spar between them would be really fucking close, irt who bests who. luke is NSB’s top agent, but i assume ogier is incredibly well trained also, youve gotta be Damn Good to be a guard of anyone remotely of royal importance
so like, what luke has got going in his favor is his NSB training obviously but also
luke has youth on his side
HSKJHFDKVJHGVSD HEAR ME OUT! aside from his illness, hes at the top of his game in terms of prime age range for physical peak, did u kno that the average age for olympic competitors is early 20s? well now u know. body can be in good shape at this point, thats a plus for him and a not-plus for ogier. idk how old ogier is (and i cant find out cuz he doesnt even have a Big Data Lab entry omfg the man the mystery the LEGEND) but he looks Older, a little past his prime. even skill cant negate the woes of aging.
buuuuuut ogier has a trump card: his training was probably completely different to anything luke is used to.
now we dont know very much about luke’s days in the NSB, but i get the impression that his work was Generally Within The Country Of Stellis OR Generally Handling People Who Are Stellans.
ogier is not a stellan. hes svartan. or svartish. or however the hell we decide to conjugate the nationality of svart. additionally, i can see it being a huge advantage for svartan guards to be keeping their training/fighting style under wraps. if opponents dont know how you’ll fight, u can catch em unaware
ogier’s fight style and tactics could be completely novel to luke, which would knock luke down a peg (both figuratively and metaphorically).
still, luke is adaptable and hes got a quick and intuitive mind. while he cant fight exactly like ogier, he’d be able to recover and figure out his own way of countering ogier’s attacks
with all that said, my personal verdict of who would win is.....//drumroll!!
it’s a tie!
and luke enthusiastically brings ogier out for drinks later, he hasnt been tied in a match for years and hes kinda giddy about it!
(luke: you have to teach me some of your moves sometime, yeah?
ogier: of course. and perhaps you could encourage vyn to join this class as well? haha.
luke: haha.
ogier: haha.
luke: hahaha.....no. im pretty sure vyn is capable of destroying me psychologically, im not making him do anything he doesnt wanna do, thanks.
ogier: fair enough)
The Battling Butler VS The Perplexingly Over-Capable Assistant (aka ogier vs vincent)
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remember when luke in main story 7.2 said this in the case files?
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vincent’s investigative prowess aside, i just think it makes sense for vincent to have some kind of combat knowledge for the following reasons:
1) currently, marius has nearly gotten stabbed a total of three (3) times. while marius has his own self defense knowledge, i wouldnt put it past vincent to get some training in as well juuuuusssstt in case knife-magnet von hagen gets into hot water again.
2) it’s unexpected. vincent does not look the type to punch anybody in the face, and thus i want him to be capable of a mean right hook
3) if nobody expects u to throw a punch, that punch can land way easier.
that being said, i dont think he’ll beat ogier at all. my view is that vincent took some classes and that his self defense training is a little bit above marius’ skill level, but it’s nothing that can go against a trained royal bodyguard
still, ogier can be caught unaware. vincent maybe gets like a few hits in before ogier takes him down
so my verdict is: ogier would win but would be very impressed by vincent for managing to fool him
(vincent: oh, i wasnt...aiming to fool you?
ogier: hm. i think that adds points for you, actually)
Baldr Civil War (aka howard syter vs william lewis)
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ive got no rationale for this
i just think theyre hilariously pathetic and i wanna see them fight in a hilariously pathetic way, like the one scene in Bridget Jones’ Diary
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absolute cringefail combat, this is what i WANT
maybe whoever loses has to be the one to face mc in court next, and neither of them wanna be the poor shmuck to have to get annihilated by her again
my verdict: ingrid has to break the fight up (which is happening in the baldr legal office lobby) and everybody involved loses. everybody loses their dignity
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jaesvelvet · 3 years
jealousy jealousy — kim junkyu
words: 1.7k words
warning: grammartical errors,idk what i write does it make sense? reader being insecure!
pairing: junkyu+fem reader
notes: i want to publish my jihoon's ff but i haven't finish it yet since my school is starting soon😭 anyway this ff inspired by olvia rodrigo's song, jealousy jealousy (remember you're beautiful just like the way you are!!!🤍)
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you couldn't help but grinned as you step into the famous YG building. it feels like a dream come true. you used to be a trainee in a small company for 5 months before decided to left, you realized that you didn't have the talent to be an idol, you're just average on everything, that's all. you gasped when you saw a huge screen in front of the escalator playing blackpink's mv on the screen. YG is that rich exactly like the news said.
you turn, grinning widely at junkyu, who from the convenience store with some snacks on both of his hands. you waved at him and junkyu laugh in response
"i'm sorry for being late," he said, handing some bread to you
"no it's okay i just got here," you said
you and junkyu are best friends since high school, you're the one who supported junkyu's journey to debut, and junkyu was grateful to have a friend like you, junkyu always convince you to audition at YG but you refused since you now want to focus on your studies. but after junkyu accidentally saw a book full of lyrics song at your desk, he forced you to record one of the songs in his studio and release it on soundcloud so junkyu could promote the song to his fans.
of course, you reject the offer saying you can't sing and you don't want any attention in the university. a medical science student releases a song on a soundcloud, out of the blue, and treasure junkyu promoted her music?? no way!
however junkyu being junkyu, he didn't give up and keep encouraging you to record one of your songs, you didn't need to prepare anything just bring the lyrics and yourself, and the rest, he will work on it. after weeks tried to convince the you, you finally agreed with one term; which is junkyu need to buy you food. a lot of food.
"okay so here it's my studio, um it isn't something to brag about since half of the members have their studio," he said, opening the door of his studio showing his messy studio with a big portrait of treasure on the wall.
"you should clean your studio if you want to impress a girl kyu" you joked, getting a whine from junkyu mumbling that he would never see the world again if he brings a 'girlfriend' over.
junkyu pressed something on his keyboard and bass sound came out, making you flinch, the instrument that junkyu creates is mellow and kinda strident? as soon as you heard the instrument you know which lyrics from your lyrics book would go along and make a perfect song
"i have a perfect song for this" you excited, taking out your black notebook and turn to a back page—clearly the lyrics are fresh from the oven.
"okay i'm gonna play it and you sing the lyrics okay?"
you nodded and sing a little bit of the lyrics
"i kinda wanna throw
my phone across the room
'cause all i see are girls
too good to be true"
"woah! it's perfect" junkyu gasped, amazed at how the instrument he made suits perfectly with your lyrics. you smile, you didn't suprised much since you know how much passion junkyu has in music.
"okay now you eat first, i'm gonna rearrange the lyrics to suit with the melody," he said and get a nod from you. you eat the bread that junkyu bought for you, you also eyeing the studio, it's kinda cold in here cause the space not too big and they put a big ass aircond on top of you.
junkyu notice your quiver, he rolled his eye when you only wearing a thin black shirt material, he scoffs before handing you his pink hoodie that he left in the studio yesterday.
"i won't turn off the aircond so you must wear this hoodie, it's been a week since i wash it," he said in a teasing voice, you frown yet you have no choice to wear the pink treasure hoodie or else, you're gonna die in this cold studio.
you sigh in relief when the hoodie warms your cold body, you side-eyeing junkyu who looks so serious rearrange the lyrics, you then click on the instagram icon, you felt blue as you saw haeri post on your feed— haeri is a popular rich girl in your university, you and her once assigned in a group for an assignment and she is very kind and open about her opinions, she also very serious when it comes to study/work and she is pretty, to your eyes she is like a goddess. she is so pretty, kind, and selfless, and you really lying if you didn't jealous of her. she has a perfect life and you still struggling to get a diploma.
you slowly pressed the screen twice, liking a picture of haeri; wearing a beanie and a mask in a cafe without posing too much, getting 2 thousand likes within 1 hour. you wonder how is it to be like a rich popular pretty girl in university? well, damn sure you will get all of the pretty privileges in your life. you sighed as you realized you're comparing yourself again with haeri. you always remind yourself not to compare yourself to anyone since you're beautiful enough but you can't. the funniest thing is you and haeri didn't even know each other, yet you being so jealous of her life. sometimes you just feel small, you want to be like them.
"y/n!" junkyu shakes your body making you slap his hand
"i called you for like thousand times! you didn't hear me?" junkyu said, stroking his hand that got slapped by you
"oh i'm sorry, im zoning out, you're done rearranging?"
junkyu nodded
"you can listen to the instrument and practice your lyric with it," he said
an hour passed, you finally get the tempo, beat, and rhythm right, you grin excitedly as junkyu put the headphones on your head and directing the microphone to you
"you ready?" junkyu asked
"yes i am" with that, junkyu clicked on something and you could hear the instrument, you begin to sing the verse of your song choice.
i kinda wanna throw my phone across the room
'cause all i see are girls too good to be true
with paper-white teeth and perfect bodies
wish i didn't care
you stop singing and look at junkyu curiously making junkyu paused the song and look back at you with a confused look
"doesn't singer usually stop singing for producers fix their mistakes?" you asked making junkyu giggle
"yes that's true but you didn't have any mistake, you're doing good, i will pause the music if i have something to fix" he explained, getting an 'oh' from you. you continue singing the song.
i know their beauty's not my lack
but it feels like that weight is on my back
and i can't let it go
com-comparison is killin' me slowly
i think i think too much
'bout kids who don't know me
i'm so sick of myself
i'd rather be, rather be
anyone, anyone else
my jealousy, jealousy started followin' me
started followin' me
as you singing the song that you wrote, junkyu couldn't help but wonder who is the person, you dedicated to? or how you inspired to write this song? this song is obviously about your insecurities about some girl, and you don't even know her! junkyu pout when you felt like this, he knew how insecurities could kill you, back then when he was a trainee he felt insecure with all of the trainees that beat him to debut, he felt he doesn't belong in here but with you and his members on his side, he gained confidence and prove to the world that he is himself and nothing can change that.
all your friends are so cool, you go out every night
in your daddy's nice car, yeah, you're livin' the life
got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend, too
i wanna be you so bad and i don't even know you
all i see is what u should be
happier, prettier, jealousy, jealousy
all i see is what i should be
i'm losin' it, all i get's jealousy, jealousy
you remove the headphone as soon as the instrument stop playing, you handing the headphone without noticing junkyu's face, chaeyul grabbed the water bottle and drink, her throat felt dry after singing a whole song which you have never done in your life, making you wonder how did singer voice so stable when singing live?
"kyu—oh my god why are you looking at me like that?" you take one step back as you saw junkyu looking at you with frowns on his face, you bit her lips was your singing that terrible?
"sit down here" he ordered, you quickly took a seat beside him without saying anything
junkyu grab your hand and rubs it softly while looking at you with his brown eyes.
"what you see is all fake y/n. she living her best life is what you see what you want, but you didn't see her pain, how hard she must through a day in her life, we didn't know if she struggles behind, you also know you can't compare yourself to others right? you're beautiful" he said
"but, i don't know kyu. i couldn't help but felt all jealous of her, i feel like a total loser" you said
“no y/n, you're not a loser! hear me out, you do great, you beautiful and an amazing person, so why do you need to be insecure to a person you never know? everyone is beautiful on their own, you're an original version of yourself and no one else could be you. you are special and unique, you wouldn't know if someone is jealous of your life, a successful medical student who has a great voice. you need to love yourself more, let yourself shine in your spotlight. trust me popular life wouldn't great as you think" he said
you smile at his words
"thank you kyu, honestly, you're right.i didn't appreciate myself enough this past week, hearing you said that making me feel great about myself, i am me, there's nothing anyone could change about me"
junkyu smile and pat your head
"that's my girl"
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chemicalpink · 3 years
JK's Birth time analysis
First and foremost, I’m just doing this to occupy my mind in something else while I go through some stuff, I will continue to use the general consensus of the community for my astrology readings, I’m just doing this for fun, remember that we as fans are in no way entitled to know JK’s exact birth time, these are just fun educated guesses on some alternative that has arisen.
Now, I must say, when I first started the astro part of my bts blog I immediately thought 1 pm for JK’s birth time, I don’t have any factual backup on this one, I’ve talked about it before, I am kind of a human tarot deck lmao things sometimes just come to me. So I started roaming around and I found that JK’s libra rising made sense to me, and it was a general consensus for his readings so I said sure let's go. You know that I endorse and adore having conversations with you guys, my craft isn’t perfect and no one else's is so it is great to hear every opinion to forge our own judgement. I do only present to you information that I can back up, which is why as much as I’d love to I won’t be taking into consideration my own personal hunch on the info I’m about to present you, although you can read it as subtext when it is in italics like this hello this is an inner thought of marinette’s.
SO the big deal: Is JK a libra rising or is JK a sagittarius rising? General consensus says 8:04 am as speculated time of birth, some others say 1-2 pm.
Either way, JK’s sect remains nocturnal so there’s not much to go from there.
When it comes to appearances, I’ll update what I said before.
Libra rising appearance:
Very youthful look that it seems like you don’t even age
Gentle smile
Charming demeanour that makes people obsessed with you
Very symmetrical features
Fit body
Contagious smile
Put together look/ clean look
Dark hair and dark eyes
Oval/Round face
Think Harry Styles, Beyoncé, Niall, Britney Spears
Sagittarius rising appearance:
Bulky thighs
Horse like face
Big forehead
Incredibly tall or more than average tall
Gain weight easily
Not really athletic
Pretty full lips
Think Kim Kardashian, Elvis, Jennifer Lawrence, Paris Hilton
Evidently, other aspects in astrology and genetics can alter these, but it is mostly true.
Now, I am not that well versed in vedic astrology since I stopped studying it due to lack of time BUT the infamous thread that looks into the possibility of JK being a sag rising is pretty elaborate, although it does run more on intuitive processes and symbolism, which are of course, valid, and it really is up to both the analyst and the ones reading the analysis to determine the weight of it. My craft is more oriented towards intersectionality so I don’t like to go by what we are able to see about him as an axis, more like confirmation about it. Idk if it makes sense. I just don't trust seemingly scripted content that much to run my analysis based on it. Everything mentioned about JK Jyestha makes sense when looking at the content presented, and it will make even more sense once we take a look at some other non western astrology systems. Again, I am not well versed in vedic astrology so right off the bat I would fight the conversion system rather than the information presented.
Regarding that thread, some of the keywords used to conclude JK’s Jyestha are as follows:
King, Winning, Ambitious, Passionate, Skillful, Eldest, 1st, Seniority, Expertise, Sensory indulgence, Celebration, Bravery, Heroic, Dragon Slayer, Warrior, Rain, Thunder, Umbrella, Protector, Provider, Scandalous, Impulsive, Bunny, Deer, Earring, Eye.
In western astrology, a general comparison on placements would look something like this.
Sun in 8° 33' Virgo
Moon in 27° 20' Leo
Mercury in 7° 49' Virgo (r)
Venus in 16° 58' Libra
Mars in 11° 7' Scorpio
Jupiter in 14° 15' Aquarius (r)
Saturn in 19° 35' Aries (r)
Uranus in 5° 28' Aquarius (r)
Neptune in 27° 33' Capricorn (r)
Pluto in 2° 55' Sagittarius
North Node in 20° 11' Virgo (r)
Chiron in 29° 45' Libra
Ascendant in 4° 20' Libra
MC in 4° 46' Cancer
1st House starts at 4° Libra
2nd House starts at 1° Scorpio
3rd House starts at 2° Sagittarius
4th House starts at 4° Capricorn
5th House starts at 7° Aquarius
6th House starts at 7° Pisces
7th House starts at 4° Aries
8th House starts at 1° Taurus
9th House starts at 2° Gemini
10th House starts at 4° Cancer
11th House starts at 7° Leo
12th House starts at 7° Virgo
In here, the main aspect I can relate JK to is Cancer MC, MC represents your public self, as well as the success level you might experience. Cancer MC is all about taking care of others, yet it can also point towards a career in arts, especifically singing and writing, it also indicates a strong possibility of psychic abilities which have been widely discussed in JK with his readings and such all while having the main troubles of being an impatient person and sometimes getting self conscious which we have heard him say before when he refers to himself knowing how to do stuff yet he doesn’t think he’s good at any of them, or his letters to himself about having to love himself more.
Another pretty JK thing I’ve noticed is his Virgo Stellium in the 12th House, which shows struggles with identity JK has, once again, being vocal about him growing up within BTS and how that has shaped him and how he has constantly been looking for himself. They often absorb the struggles of people around them. Does anyone else remember him saying he’s okay as long as his hyungs are okay? Also, singing and dancing are very powerful manifestation tools for these people huh maybe that’s why he writes and sings love songs. This aspect also indicates him having the potential to amass a large amount of wealth, some astrologers think about this stellium as an extremely karmic one, which can be translated into the whole JK’s soulmate narrative.
When it comes to his 5th house, it indicates him being a hell of a creative person, especially in a somewhat rebellious sense which I interpret as him getting a sleeve tattoo It also talks about not being traditional in relationships which I believe has come out a few times in his tarot readings.
With Sag rising, his chart would look something like this:
Sun in 8° 45' Virgo
Moon in 29° 46' Leo
Mercury in 7° 37' Virgo (r)
Venus in 17° 12' Libra
Mars in 11° 15' Scorpio
Jupiter in 14° 13' Aquarius (r)
Saturn in 19° 35' Aries (r)
Uranus in 5° 27' Aquarius (r)
Neptune in 27° 33' Capricorn (r)
Pluto in 2° 55' Sagittarius
North Node in 20° 10' Virgo (r)
Chiron in 29° 46' Libra
Ascendant in 5° 28' Sagittarius
MC in 18° 28' Virgo
1st House starts at 5° Sagittarius
2nd House starts at 7° Capricorn
3rd House starts at 12° Aquarius
4th House starts at 18° Pisces
5th House starts at 19° Aries
6th House starts at 14° Taurus
7th House starts at 5° Gemini
8th House starts at 7° Cancer
9th House starts at 12° Leo
10th House starts at 18° Virgo
11th House starts at 19° Libra
12th House starts at 14° Scorpio
In this case, his MC is in Virgo, it mainly indicates a tactful and slow success in someone’s career, these MC Virgo people are often regarded as overly responsible and as people that like to get recognised as people to whom nothing is hard enough for them to call it quits. While they openly seek perfection which ofc JK has always talked about improving himself they often love to do the stuff that others despise to do like countinc, calculating and organising.
Evidently there's no 12th House stellium, he would have a 9th House Leo stellium, which is most of the times noticeable at first glance, the moment these people open their mouths, everything is just extraordinaire, there’s a longing to be loved and to be admired in this aspect. They’re inspirational people to be around which JK is, if I remember the members saying that they get inspired when watching him make efforts. They’re also overly curious about stuff around them big doe eyes anyone?
In this case he would have a 5th House aries, meaning that there’s a need to be physically active and being creative on top of that which I mean does check out. They do tend to be openly superficial people and big-headed when they are in a successful position tho.
So okay, let’s talk native astrology, JK’s Tzolkin is Tz’i-Oc, noted by their need of freedom and less traditional relationships, they work tirelessly and have an innate ability to be successful and accumulate a lot of wealth once again, JK’s position in BTS shows up HE’s in a basic need of having a strong foundation, which he will not like to lead but more take the role of a caregiver that can easily turn into the one receiving care. Here’s the thing, there are a lot of Libra themes in his Day Sign and his Trecana Sign, both of them talking about justice, fairness, helpfulness, as well as him being a nomad which I interpret as having a libra/virgo mix that is really hard to miss Now, this is where it gets funny, His galactic tone is 4, which while it talks about balance and calmness and tranquility libra like it also is represented by a warrior, which is part of the twitter thread as one of the symbolisms to think about sag rising
Last but not least, JK’s bazi, since his contextual situation is leaning more towards it. I did a comparion and it caught my eye the next part:
One of the widely talked about symbols in the sag rising thread is the element of water being consistent with JK, and in his bazi, ¾ Na Yin, the element of water came out, however, they came out when his birth time is 08:04 am.
In his 08:04 bazi, some keywords are:
In his 13:00 bazi, some keywords are:
monetary loss
star of arts
heavenly doctor
So really it all boils down to: we do readings for fun, craft is personal and completely valid in any form as long as we aren’t hurting anyone. We do not know his actual birth time and we actually might never know it, each astrologer is free to work with the birth time they consider the best fitting unless a specific time is given. I myself, see a libra rising fitting, perhaps if we were to trial and error it, some other might come out but honestly, these readings are a hobby and while I dedicate myself to my craft, I certainly don’t have the time that it would require to analyze each placement so I can see for myself which I find the best fitting out of 12 signs. But hey, this was a fun educational opportunity to dive into other practices.
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mashiraostail · 4 years
could you maybe do a part 2 of the depressive episode ask with fatgum, hawks, n gang orca pease?
ofc anon! I think these get progressivley longer also fldsfdsjl idk why that is, sorry!
Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum You were both busy people, Taishiro was even busier than your average pro now that he’d taken on those two students, he didn’t mind the extra work though. Plus he was used to having you around on top of it all. He understood you worked as well, and he’d even tried going there to surprise you since it had been a few days since the pair of you spent any time together which was entirely unlike you only for your coworkers to say that you’d called out a fair bit of time. Maybe you’d headed home, a family birthday or special occasion beaconed you, but whenever you left you always asked him to watch your place, he’d hardly heard from you beyond a text for the past week or so now. So he decided to head over to yours after calling it early one day, he sent Kirishima and Amajiki packing and told them he had a small emergency to deal with, which wasn’t exactly a lie. He was growing a bit concerned for you your lack of communication with him wasn’t just rare it was totally unheard of, normally you were joined to him at the hip, you adored him and you always made sure he heard it all the time. He didn’t want to be overbearing or show up uninvited but he hated the idea of you being sick or worse with no help around, he understood how badly you wanted to be perfect for him, you didn’t want to add to his workload or be a bother at all, he was just trying to figure out the best way to make you see that you could never do any of that to him, and you’re perfect for him however you want to be. He knocks on the door a few times to no avail before electing to use his key, you’d given it to him a while ago but he still knocked most of the time, he didn’t like barging in on you, despite how he loved to have you do it to him, nothing was better than an unannounced surprise visit from you in his eyes.  “Anyone home?” He shuts the door quietly behind him and looks around. The mess says you should be in, that’s for sure. He’s holding a bag of snacks in his hands, plus some medicines and general stuff in case you were sick with a cold or the flu, and he already had his whole chastising speech set up in his head for you.  But he had to find you first. There wouldn’t have been any place for you in the living room, the couch was littered with groceries that had yet to be put away, the coffee table covered in glasses and the kitchen wasn’t much better, it was full of everything and anything but actual food. The door to the laundry room was just barely holding a tidal wave of unfolded clothes back. The bedroom door was slightly ajar.  “Hey, you-”  He nudges the door open with his shoulder, “‘re you decent? Can I open my eyes ‘fore I bump into something-”  “Taishiro?” He hears the rumpling of blankets, and your voice is wet and tired and warbly and even though you didn’t give him the go-ahead he couldn't help but rush over to you at the sound of it. “Hey, what’s the matter? He drops the bag on the bed to your other side and instinctively cups your face in his hands.  “What are you doing here I-”   “I was just in the area and... it’s been a while since I spent any time with you, sorry barge in like this, you didn’t answer the door, I just wanted to check on you..and it seems like it was a good thing I did..” You’re looking up at him like a deer in headlights, it’s only then that he realizes his potential indiscretion. He moves to pull away from you, to wait for a green light to touch you and be close to you, he didn’t want to overwhelm you, or make you feel guilty or anything like that. You can sense that he’s about to pull back, and a few minutes ago all you wanted was to be alone but now that he was here, the last thing you wanted was for him to not be near you. You take a hold of his wrist.  He let out a long, thankful sigh, “alright then, I’ll stay right here.” He sits on the edge of your bed, “I’m glad you’re here.” He nudges your hair back with his other hand, “’re you sick?”  You shake your head in his hands, “No I just-” Your voice waivers, “I feel so terrible-”  “Terrible like how?” He looks guilty of something and it just makes you feel worse, “did something happen? Someone giving you a hard time or-”  “No-” You choke it out tears already slipping down your face, “I just..I’m so exhausted and I feel like everyone hates me or forgot about me and I know somewhere in my head that that’s such a stupid thing to even worry about but I can’t stop worrying and-”  “Hey, it’s alright, it’s alright,” he shushes you, “I see now, I get it now.” He pushes your cheeks up under his palms, “I’m sorry I didn’t notice sooner. I didn’t come sooner-”  “It’s not your job to take care of me-” You warble, “I’m being a stupid baby I-”  “Stop that. Just because something isn’t my job or responsibility doesn’t mean I still won’t wanna do it. You take care of me all the time.” “This isn't the same I-”  “Come on and give me a hug.” He cuts you off before you can get anything else out, “I really need a hug, can you?” He scoops you up, underneath your arms and pulls you forward, he drops back into your mussed up pillows.  “Tighter,” he complains as your arms coil around him weakly, and you laugh through a cascade of tears.  “Feels good to cry huh?” He’s holding the back of your head with more protective instinct than you’ve ever felt from anyone. His other hand pulls the blanket up around you.  “I couldn’t- I’ve been- all week and I just-” You hiccup, “I had to so bad but I couldn’t, and you-” He shushes you again. “Go on ahead, cry as much as you need to. I won’t say it doesn’t break my heart a little to hear it, but I know you’ll feel better after. And don’t go apologizing for this either, sometimes it’s just what you need. Let it all out. I’ll be here if you get sick from it. Afterward, I can help clean up, get you in a nice hot shower, make you something to eat? Sound good?”  “Will you stay all night?” You were pressed into his chest, his tear-stained shirt muffled your voice but he got the idea.  “Honey, I’ll stay as long as you want me.” 
Keigo Takami/Hawks The no. 2 hero rarely has much time to kill, that being said Keigo liked to make it a point to see you as often as he could, or at least to text you. But over the past few days, you'd hardly replied at all, and when you did they were just simple one or two-word answers. It worried him, gnawed at him, for a myriad of reasons; were you sick? Were you drowning in work? Had you run into some kind of trouble? Were you injured? Had you gotten tired of waiting up for him? Sick of canceled dates and being woken up by him clambering out of bed early in the morning to answer a call, exhausted by all the would-be intimate moments between the pair of you that were interrupted by his work? All of these possibilities were equal parts nerve-wracking and heartbreaking. If you were sick he wanted you to reach out and ask him for help, there wasn’t anything he couldn’t make time for if you were involved, he’d figure it out, he always did... if you were in some kind of trouble or injured did you not feel like you could ask him to come to watch out for you without being a bother to him? Did he make you feel like a burden? Or worst of all had you just grown tired of him? Him and his baggage and his job? The gnawing in his chest become too hard to ignore. He could pawn this patrol off on someone else, it was a slow enough day anyways, maybe Enji would do it. He snorted at the thought. He’d just fly by your window, see if you were in, what you were up to. Maybe you were just swamped at work, he reminded himself, sure he was busy but that didn't mean you couldn’t be too, and two busy partners can make for sparse communication, there was a fair chance all of this was just you being busy too. He counts the windows and flies up, it wasn’t hard to memorize which one leads to your apartment. When he gets up there the blinds are open, he can see right inside.  You woke up feeling okay today, okay enough that you figured maybe you could tackle this goddamn laundry at least, it was making such a mess in the hall and you thought maybe if you got that sorted out you’d feel a little more useful. But somehow you just ended up sitting on the floor in the hall, back against the wall, laundry basket spilled before you in a bigger mess than when you started. You may be an adult with a job and apartment but you were crying about the mess. You were an adult, you can cry about whatever you want, that’s a perk of being an adult. You sink further into the wall somehow.  His vantage point lets him look clean through the living room into the small hallway where you sat. It’s slightly cracked, just enough that a few feathers can wiggle in and push it open enough that he can slide his fingers underneath. He should head to the ground, walk up the stairs and knock, like a normal person. But he can’t help it, he’s panicked, what the hell happened to you? You were just sitting there, laundry basket spilled, sobbing into your hands? Were you hurt? Did someone break-in? He couldn’t waste time on foot.  “Hey-” He strangles it out as he’s contorting himself to duck into your window, “It’s okay, hey- I’m here, I’m here now, babe what happened?” He’s squeezing into your window, his wings folding and tufting up against the windowpane, “do you need my help? Are you hurt? Is someone here did someone-” He falls inside unceremoniously, a ball of red feathers and sherpa by your house plant.  You’d never been so happy to witness his stupid antics, you’d never met someone so smart yet so dumb. It felt good to see him, you hadn’t realized how much you missed him. “Keigo?” You drop the shirt you were crying into, “n-no, I’m not hurt I just dropped the laundry and..-” Coincidentally it was his shirt.  “Is this because of me?” He notices it fall to the ground, he looks incredibly guilty, “did I do something to upset you? To-” he scrambles up into a sitting position, “make you feel like I don’t care about you?” A feather is already righting the tipped over laundry basket, a few more collecting various tee shirts and socks.  “What?” You wipe your face with your hands as he clambers over to you, you sniffle, “no Keigo you didn’t-” You shake your head as he nudges your legs apart and sits between your bent knees, “I’m sorry I’m the problem it’s me-” You look forward to him and his eyebrows furrow.  “What do you mean? No one’s the problem there isn’t a problem what’s the-” He squeezes your arms, “forget it. Where have you been? I’ve been so worried about you..and now I find you crying on the ground and-”  “I’ve been here.” Your voice cracks, “I haven’t gone out once.” You laugh wetly, “it’s embarrassing. I just...I can’t do it. I feel so useless. I do nothing all day but I’m so tired Keigo..I’m even too tired to sleep..”  The mess that would have taken you days to clean on your own was practically rectified now, and Keigo hadn’t even lifted a finger.  “I’m sorry I worried you.” You wither back into the wall and he shakes his head.  “I don’t want sorry. I get it, I understand now.” He takes your face in his hands, “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner-”  “Your job’s more important than taking care of me like a child-”  “That’s not a fair comparison. And it’s not true anyway. I know my work is important but that doesn’t mean other things can’t be important too. I want to be here for you. You would if it were me right?”  You nod meekly at that, “thank you for coming I- I don’t even know what happened one minute it was fine and the next I-”  “It doesn’t matter. It happens to the best of us. I just wish you’d called me. Asked for my help I... I was so worried that you were sick or..worse than that.. you were sick of me.” He laughs a little, “how stupid is that right? Like you’d ever get sick of me.”  “Does that feather have my underwear?” You look at it over his shoulder.  “Sorry. I... thought it would be funny.” It falls to the ground, you snort. “You’re right. That is stupid Keigo.” You murmur, “I’d never get sick of you.” “My job’s important, I know it eats up my time, and we don’t get to be together as much as I want to sometimes...”  “I think I should be the one pleading my case right now Keigo.” You laugh a little, “my apartment is disgusting, I’m crying over dropped laundry and you haven't even seen the state of my kitchen yet. I ignored you for days over nothing, I’ve barely showered I probably smell abysmal and-”  “It wasn’t over nothing and you don’t need to plead your case with me because you’re going through a rough patch, I’m the one that’s been too busy to notice you struggling-” He shakes his head, “all because of my work, I can’t... not do it but I want to be with you, I want to be with you all the time, I’m probably so annoying blowing up your phone and climbing in your window whenever I have a few second... I don’t know how you put up with me, I’d get sick of me in a few days.” He reaches out and tugs the bottom hem of your shirt aimlessly, “I don’t know how you do it. I guess all I do know is that I want you to stay near me.”  “Keigo-” You warble and pull him into your chest, “I'm sorry I scared you-”  “Don’t be sorry just...know that I want you to ask me for help...I know it’s easier said than done but..well I just said it. I just wanna be with you, all the time, like 24/7 I don’t even care what we’re doing. I’ll do all your laundry forever if you just stay near me while I do it. It’s not a bother you aren’t burdening me just ask me for help. I don’t want you to feel like this...let’s just..” He turns into the crook of your neck and sighs, “stay like this for a minute. And then I’ll help you clean up around here, that’s what's upsetting you right? The mess? Lucky for you I’ve got plenty of hands...well feathers. And then we’ll see what else we can get done, together okay babe?”  “Yeah.” You press your cheek into his hair, “thank you for understanding.”  Keigo nods, his finger traces the neckline of your shirt and he speaks again, “Please don’t pull away so much, I missed you, you’re the only person around here who has any fun besides Rumi, and whenever we’re together one of us ends up with a broken bone or worse.”  You snort at that, “okay, noted.”  “And I think you smell great by the way.” 
Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca It felt weird to be away from Kugo so much. You just hated the idea of him seeing you like this. You were tired and irritable and in a mess all the time, you hadn’t changed your pants in days and the only meal you’d had over the past 3 days was crackers and bread, maybe toast depending on your mood. Not to mention the laundry situation or the chaotic state of your bathroom. You normally hated mess, and even though you didn’t have the energy to clean it ..it still made you terribly anxious.  You were almost out of crackers, you hated that you lived in the exact area Kugo patroled, it was how you’d met in the first place, and normally it was a delight to run into him on your way home from your own job, even just catching a glimpse of him patroling out your window usually really improved your mood but the thought of running into him now made you sick to your stomach. You couldn’t get the energy up to put something nicer on, but you didn’t even have a morsel of food left, everything you had you’d Mcgyvered into something to eat. If you saw him you’d have to explain where you’d been for the past week, why you’d been basically ignoring him, and even when you did answer him it was just to blow him off or send him to voicemail. You wanted to see him, but you were too afraid at this point, you’d dug yourself into a deep hole, there’s no way he wouldn’t be mad at you. Not that he’d ever gotten mad at you before really. But this time would be different. Or at least you’d convinced yourself of that. Maybe keeping your hood up would stop him from recognizing you.  You made it to the store with no incident, you were feeling pretty hopeful, though equally drained, you barely went up and down 3 isles before deciding you were done after finding the pre-made cold brew you’d been craving. It amounted to about 3 bags total, and the cold brew bottle wasn’t exactly small..well you could always order out.  Worried was a gross understatement, Kugo was sick with it. He wanted to barge in, everytime he offered to go to you you said no, you had a conference call, you were working late, your neighbors were fighting again, so on and so forth. That paired with the one to two-word answers he’d been receiving made his stomach hurt in a way he only experienced when he couldn’t tell the outcome of a big mission. He asked if you were okay practically every day and you always said you were fine. Though when he mentioned it to Hakamada the other hero informed him that ‘I’m fine’ was usually 'code’ for something else. If space was what you wanted then he’d let you have some...that being said when he saw what was certainly your receding figure on the street..wearing shorts in this weather?  “Hey-” His voice makes you jump out of your skin. God the universe seriously hates you this week.  “Kugo-” You don’t wanna turn around.  “What are you wearing? It’s freezing out you should be wearing a coat and pants.” He wraps an arm around you, “you’re shaking. What were you thinking huh?” He reaches out and takes your groceries too, “you better be going home.”  “I am..” You murmured, “I just needed to run out fast, I’m not cold, don’t get distracted from work because of me-”  “I’ll bring you home. It’s fine, don’t worry about that there are plenty of people out today.”  “I-”  “Please let me bring you home.” He huddles you into his side, “I’ve been worried..”  “Have you?”  “Of course I have, you’ve made yourself so scarce recently, and now this?”  “’m sorry..” You hug your chest as you turn the corner to your complex.  “Do you want me to come up with you?” He turns to you. Now you were at a crossroads, you’d seen him, you were seeing him, he was touching you, his side was warm and his arm around you was comforting and the idea of being alone was equally as upsetting as the idea of him seeing the state of your apartment or the state of you close up. “You aren’t even wearing layers.” He scoffs as the neckline of your hoodie dips a bit. “Do you want me, yes or no? Either is okay but you need to get inside before you get sick.”  “I do want you to come with me I just-”  “Well explain upstairs then.” He's ushering you inside the moment you finish. “Did you lose your keys?” He’s still squeezing you into his side when you stop at your front door. “I... don’t want you to see it.”  “See what my love? Your apartment? I think we’re a bit past that.” He presses his nose into your hood which is still covering your head. “It’s a mess- I’m a mess Kugo.”  “I doubt it's that bad. Even if it is I won’t mind, so let’s go in instead of standing out here like two fools.”  “Promise you won’t be mad.” You turn the key and he sighs.  “I promise.” The door creaks open and you aren’t sure if it’s your anxious mind playing tricks on you or if it’s 10x worse than what you remember.  “Oh god-” You warble, “I'm so sorry Kugo this is so embarrassing.” The way your voice breaks makes him jump. “Hey-” He sets your groceries down on the sliver of free counter space he can find, “no tears my love, no tears okay?” He puts his hands on your shoulders, “is this where you’ve been? Why you haven’t been talking to me? You’ve been all shut up in here?” He turns to you and you just want to fold in on yourself and disappear. “I wanted to clean, and I wanted to call you but  I just couldn’t get the energy to and it kept piling up and my bathroom is even worse and I didn’t know what to do and then even when I started to miss you I was too embarrassed at the idea of you seeing me like this because I can’t even comb my hair right now let alone take a shower or even change my clothes and I was afraid you’d be angry with me for letting it get so bad and I-” “Stop.” He pulls you forward and you fall against him wistlessly, “relax, you’ll work yourself up to tears like that.” He cups the back of your head. “I won’t ever be mad you for something like this. Why would you be afraid of that?” He takes your face in his hands, “and why would you be embarrassed of me seeing you when you don’t feel well? I’m here to help you.” He nudges your hood back, “call me sooner next time, please, if not for your sake for mine.” A big hand cups the nape of your neck, “I was worried sick about you dear.”  “I’m sorry-” Your voice cracks, “I’m sorry Kugo I just-”  “I understand. I’m sorry too, I should have checked in sooner, I should have made sure you knew you can trust me with this sort of thing.” “It’s my fault not your’s don’t be sorry Kugo I-” You’re blinking back tears and he sighs. “There’s no sense in going back and fourth about it.” His thumb rubs your temple, “I’m just glad I’m here now. I’m sorry you don’t feel well but seeing you after so long is a relief, I really missed you.”  “I missed you too Kugo-” Your voice cracks and you throw your arms around his neck and shoulders.  “Do you need to cry? Don’t hold back for my sake.” A big hand rubs circles between your shoulder blades egging you on, “if crying will help then cry. I’m right here for you. No more worrying okay my dear?”  “Okay-” You wipe your nose on your sleeve over his shoulder, tears falling freely, “thank you for coming Kugo-” Your feet are hardly on the ground anymore, your face nestled into his shoulder, “I’m sorry for getting tears all over your-”  “What did I say about worrying?” He pulls you back and uses his thumb to clean off one cheek, leaning down and brushing his nose against the other you let out a thankful sigh at the gentle touch.  “I just can’t help it Kugo-” You murmur, voice still wet with tears, “i just love you so much and I don’t-”  “Oh, you’re such a sweet little thing.” He pulls you up a bit by your cheeks, “it just breaks my heart to see you like this. I may never let you out of my sight again.”  “I’m okay with that.” You duck into his neck with a hiccup and he laughs.  “I love you too, why don’t you take a warm shower, I’ll help you however I can, then I think we should call it a night, we can worry about the mess tomorrow.” “You don’t mind?” You squeeze him around his shoulders and he hums.  “I don’t mind at all.” He promises, “I’ll do whatever I can to help you feel better.”
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monkeydlesbian · 4 years
at this point,,,i’m begging u,,fukunaga hcs😔 i love that funky little man sm i think it’s a problem
a/n: homie oh my dear GOD you just opened up the floodgates and i hope u know how to swim <3 with that being said, THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to talk about the absolute love of my life!!! i am writing this author's note BEFORE i write these hc’s so there is absolutely no telling how long it will get. as always, i hope you enjoy and i hope you have a wonderful day! i am insane!
warnings: none!
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where to start with this funnyman dear God.
fukunaga shouhei is a joy to be around, even if he doesn’t talk much and even if he laughs at his own jokes and even if it looks like he never blinks (perceptive king).
his company is really the best, like when you facetime a friend and you’re just doing your own things with each other there.
i wouldn't say he's necessarily an introvert, but he can be awkward in social settings at times which i’d say is normal for the average human being.
for some reason i feel like fukunaga is the person that’s always breaking that uncomfortable silence in a room full of people at the beginning of the night, but he never really gets the credit for it and just stays silent the rest of the time if that makes sense???
idk but i am obsessed with him.
fukunaga strikes me as the type of person who just loves laughter.
he loves hearing laughter, being the cause of it, laughing himself.
it is my personal belief that fukunaga never EVER looks jokes up, he’s always just thinking funny things in that brain of his and i really love him for that oh my god.
the first time someone actually indulges him in one of his funny thoughts, he will immediately perk up and he might blush a little bit, depending on who it is.
another thought of mine is that post-timeskip he becomes WAY more confident in his interactions with people, like he's always sure that what comes out of his mouth is going to make you laugh.
“funny guys are dangerous. they make you laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh then BOOM. you’re naked.”
yeah that's fukunaga.
when fukunaga does happen to talk, it’s so easy to flow into a conversation and he's honestly just a really soothing person to be around.
he always listens when you’re talking and his attention is on you the whole time.
he’s the type of person that is nodding along with what you're saying and responding to you even if you get talked over :((( (so precious i'm gonna cry).
another random thought but i feel like fukunaga giggles?? i don't know but i feel like he barely ever lets out loud laughter and instead just giggles PLEASE i love him.
this got so long but TLDR; fukunaga is a funny, considerate, and sweet person to talk to and be around and everyone should love him. thank you.
SCREAMS at this part because fukunaga is all i could ever want in a partner.
he can cook, he’s funny, he’s a little weird, and dear GOD i know his paycheck is FAT post-timeskip. comedian and part-time chef KING!
not to mention he is actually very handsome and cute as all hell. if you think fukunaga is ugly then i am so sorry for you.
to be honest, i don't think fukunaga will be like wound up or rowdy or anything in your relationship, like a secret sort of thing.
he’s still gonna be fukunaga, the slightly awkward and cheeky and funny guy that you came to love in the first place.
he’s not much for grand gestures in a relationship, but he’s showing you how much he loves you by cooking for you, giving you company, doing your laundry for you; basically anything that would make your life easier, he's doing it.
fukunaga isn't really touch starved or anything, but that doesn’t mean he won't absolutely relish the times the two of you do get to be physically close.
(the following bullet point is courtesy of seal anon, love u bae <3)
while fukunaga won’t drown you in a hug the minute he sees you or loom over your shoulders constantly, he does like to hold onto you in small and more subtle ways.
he likes to play with your fingers a lot, give you small kisses on your temple as he passes by, maybe even a little pat on the booty if he’s feeling bolder than usual.
one of his favorite things is to see you wrapping your arms around one of his, your cheek squished on his shoulder as you watch him cook dinner.
then he's teasing you about being clingy, about how you can get enough of him, but deep down he really couldn't ask for anything less.
being domestic with you is also another thing that stirs up the love he has for you inside his heart.
at the beginning of your relationship, the first time you spent the night at his apartment, you had forgotten to pack your sleep shirt, so he just let you use an old t-shirt of his.
he had to pinch himself the moment you walked out of the bathroom in his shirt, your own sweatpants hung low on your hips.
even now, you still tease him about the literal hearts in his eyes but he can’t find it in himself to bite back when he sees you smile and giggle at the memory.
another thing about fukunaga is that he loves you without shame!!
even if he is a little more on the quieter side, everyone around the two of you knows just how much fukunaga loves you in the way he listens to you and the way he cares about the things you care about.
kids love this mf so much it’s ridiculous. your little cousins are always climbing on his legs and begging him to tell knock-knock joke after knock-knock joke.
and it’s like he never ever gets tired of them either, probably tens of thousands of knock-knock jokes in his arsenal to entertain them with.
your aunt is so damn embarrassing with the way she tells him he would be such an amazing father, sending you looks, if you’re picking up what i'm putting down.
one very self-indulgent thought of mine is that he LOVES to tease you.
whether he’s tickling you, picking fun at you, or whispering something a little less than innocent in your ear,,, he’s always trying to tease the living hell out of you.
like i said before, i hc fukunaga as someone who got way more confident post-timeskip, so some of the things he says will catch you SO off guard it’s not even funny.
that could have gone into nsfw territory but i had to physically restrain myself.
TLDR; fukunaga as a partner is someone who isn’t going to be necessarily doting or clingy, but he will cherish you with everything he has and does everything he can for you to make your life as joyful as possible! he loves you so much and will show you every day!
BONUS SCENARIO (i’m insane):
You close your book fairly quickly when you hear the sizzling of the skillet come from inside of the kitchen. Jumping up from the couch, you slide on the wooden floor as you make your way to your boyfriend who somehow managed to sneak by you without a sound. You smile when you see Fukunaga standing there, in front of the stove and in his element, his shoulders shifting from the movement of his arms as he slides the chopped up carrot into the skillet along with the other vegetables.
“Hate to break it to ya, but you’re not as sneaky as you think,” he says, adding a pinch of salt to the ingredients in the skillet before he sends you a wink over his shoulder.
“Definitely not as sneaky as you,” you quip back, sliding your sock clad feet across the floor as you make your way over to him. You wrap your arms around his torso from behind and bury your head in the middle of his back. He giggles, resting his free hand over one of your own and rubbing his thumb across the back of it.
“You’re clingy, angel,” he comments, lighthearted and airy, showing you that he doesn’t really mean it. Either that or he doesn’t mind it.
“Can’t help it,” you shrug with a sigh, “you’re sexy when you cook.”
He chuckles, “Oh? You don’t think I’m sexy all the time?”
“Now, I didn’t say that,” you huff, your cheeks heating up when you feel him shake with silent laughter.
The sizzling tones down a little bit now that he has all of the ingredients in the skillet and has been stirring for a while, and luckily for you, Fukunaga decides it to be the optimum time to turn around and wrap you in his arms. He kisses the top of your head and you smile, burying your face further into his chest.
“You’re makin’ my favorite,” you muse after a while, tilting your head so that your chin rests against his chest as you look up at him.
“That I am, sweetpea,” he confirms simply, quite enjoying the way you instantly beam up at him from your place in his chest.
“Any particular reason why?”
“Well, I thought that maybe if I made your favorite, you’d think I was extra sexy,” he jokes, though he sounds completely serious. He giggles when your smile drops and you roll your eyes, choosing to bury your face back into his chest with groan.
“You’re annoyin’, Shou,” you say as you squeeze him tighter.
“You love it.”
“That I do.”
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uncloseted · 2 years
Idk if this makes sense but why were people so smart in like the ancient times? Like Plato and people like that. Was it just because there was nothing else to do but study? Why don't we have people like that anymore that are coming up with these crazy ideas that define everything? I know this sound stupid lol pls forgive me it's a real question.
This is a really interesting question! I love it. It has a couple of answers, but basically the answer is just that they weren't.
The first issue with the idea that people were smarter in the past is suvivorship bias. The accounts that we have from 2400 years ago are the ones people thought were valuable enough to preserve. And even then, a lot of that work was lost- for example, all we know about the teachings of Socrates come from Plato, who was his student, instead of from written sources, which were lost to history. That means that a lot of accounts of average people or even less-than-brilliant people were lost to history, and so what's left for us to read is the best of the best. It's kind of like basing your entire idea of Americans off of the US's 398 Nobel prize winners. The average Athenean was not super well educated, and philosophy was considered a discipline for aristocrats who didn't have other things to be doing.
The second is that there was less information to know. Some people say that Aristotle was the last person to know all of the knowledge there was to know. But he could only do that because world knowledge was pretty limited. Because information builds on itself, to understand any new information, you need to know everything that came before. Now, it would take about 31.58 years straight just to read everything on English language Wikipedia, and it would take much longer than that to actually understand it.
Along with that, our knowledge has become much more specialized. We've adopted kind of an "assembly line" approach to knowledge, where many people have very specific knowledge but not a lot of people understand the entire process or have general knowledge. True polymaths like Plato are less common than they used to be (although we're still here!). But that said, most people who have a US university education do go through "general education" classes that make sure they have some foundation in all areas of knowledge.
The problems that we're solving now have also become more complex, meaning that it's harder for a single person to create a paradigm shift on their own. Much of the work that's being done in science and technology right now can't be done without the aid of multiple researchers and computers, just because there are too many computations that need to be done. These days, teams typically make those kind of discoveries as opposed to individuals. A good example of this is the internet. It's arguably one of the biggest disruptors ever to occur. It changed how every aspect of our lives work for about 5.03 billion people. But it was an iterative process created by many different teams across the world working together as opposed to just one person.
But that said, we absolutely do have people who are coming up with crazy ideas that redefine how we interact with the world. A good example is Albert Einstein; his theory of relativity totally changed how we understand our universe. Science has these kind of "paradigm shifts" fairly frequently, but the average person doesn't necessarily hear about them or understand them. Even with that internet example, Tim Berners-Lee is often thought of as the "father" of the internet because he created the World Wide Web while working at CERN.
Finally, I think an issue is the voices that we elevate. We've stopped listening to and elevating the voices of philosophers (like Plato) and have begun elevating the voices of people without any specialized knowledge at all (like celebrities). As a result, philosophy has become something of a niche subject that acts as an ouroboros eating its own tail instead of a practical subject that informs the way people live their lives. That's actually one of the major reasons why I left academic philosophy and prefer to do things like run this blog instead- it reaches people. There's a larger conversation we can have about this point if you're interested, but basically because our current media landscape is so large and doesn't incentivize nuance, it's hard for anyone with a (actual, implementable) big idea to be heard. They tend to get drowned out by people who have adopted the veneer of being "disruptive", but who are more hype than they are substance.
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
what are your headcanons for nico and will’s appearances? like height, facial features, hair, body type, etc. i sometimes struggle to describe them in writing and i would love to hear how you visualize them! you have great descriptions
I'm going to use a mixture of text, reference images, and previous posts I've made to put this together so buckle up anon, and towards the end I talk a bit about how I describe Will and why:
A post I made which talks about all the canonical times Will's looks were discussed, canonically we know Will resembles his mother, and that he has an "athletic build"
And I'd like to start off with some photos for facial reference purposes (quick thing, you might have to click on the photos to view them properly lol) :
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I would say Will probably has a more square or oval shaped face, probably a combination type. Although Niels Schneider's facial features aren't how I would describe Will's facial features, the actual shape of his face/head is about what I would say Will's face looked like. (Photo above on the left)
Max Barczak is also commonly used in face claims for Will and I see why, again Barczak has a more squared off face although he holds less "weight" in his face than Schneider. (Photo above on the right)
I don't think that either of their facial features really fit Will's face entirely, and to be honest I can't be like "he has this exact nose" but I often explain him to people as "girl next door pretty- but a boy" and I regularly use Penny from "The Big Bang Theory" (Kaley Cuoco) as a reference to explain what "girl next door pretty" is.
I think his facial features would be more like Charles Vandervaart, or Justin Barnhill... They all have something similiar about their faces, also maybe it's a bit weird to say but Will having something very "Harry Styles" about his face kind of makes sense to me....
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Will definitley has curly or at least wavey hair, I know being told "shaggy hair" doesn't mean curly, but I also don't want to think about Zac Efrons early 2000s shaggy hair on Will- so Will has curly hair because it's 2021 and love wins. I don't know exactly what cut he would have, but something a little bit athletic but also a bit overgrown I'm sure.
I like the style below for Will, but I don't know how the "modern mullet" would look with Wills face shape... It's a thought though
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As for the use of the word "athletic" and "sporty" when describing Will's build, I don't think this means he's super buff- he's a himbo but he's built slightly more for track and field than football if you can understand. I don't think his body is like ripped, but he probably has some slightly defined muscle... I can't find anything without the guy not being weird about having his shirt off, or any with their shirts on so I don't think I care to put a photo of that in...
I did find a reference image for drawing that works, but after trying to reverse image search it multiple times, I can't figure out where it came from and I feel a little iffy about using it, so here's a link to it on pintrest. I think the guy in the center is probably closest to Will's body type but it's a drawing so of course it's slightly exaggerated in some places... I can't really find any decent reference photos for this, but yeah he's dorito shaped... Small hipped, big shouldered himbo, no thoughts boyfriend cute.
Whenever I'm describing Will I usually say he has "honey blonde hair" or refer to his hair (and sometimes skin) in comparison to "gold" this is because honey was considered divine by the greeks, they mixed it with wine for their gods (Apollo was known to be fond). Also, if you've ever used honey and pulled it out of the jar, when it looks a little thin dripping of your utensil it looks like amber. Gold is a reference to the fact that they also thought gold was divine. On top of that historically speaking may ancient cultures and religions believed gold belonged to the sun god of their religion, so it's a quick nod to Apollo as well. I mentioned amber above in reference to honey, and amber is a substance related to Apollo and Hielos and the sun ;)
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I'd reference to Will with Golden/Copper/Bronze skin tones (yellows, oranges, reds) just because all of those things tie back into his godly parenthood.
Although I would reference his looks in relation to his mom more, we don't know much about her other than she also has slightly curly hair and Will shares some facial features with her. It doesn't make sense to compare Will to his mom in a story where she's not present, or other characters don't know her- the only exception I could see to this would be Nico thinking Will reminds him of Naomi, but this only works if Nico has met Naomi (and it works better if the reader of your fic has too). Obviously rules in writing are made to be broken, so do as you wish if it sounds good and feels right, but I just personally avoid Naomi comparisons for a reason.
On the topic of Will's eyes, "sky blue" obviously works because of the connection to Apollo, but "sapphire" might also be an okay word to use although blue eyes aren''t usually so dark. (fun fact: Sapphires used to be called hyacinths! Priests of Apollo had to wear them!)
I generally tend to think of Will as quite tall, but to be entirely honest I have like 3 different versions of Will in my head and I never specify which one I'm talking about. All of them are basically the same with small differences except for their universe, but height is a debated topic between me and Will's design.
Sometimes I'm like "yes he's like 6"5 and bonks his head on doorways" but other times I'm like "he's only like 5"9 which is fairly average" so idk. I do generally try to keep him at or above the American average for white males because it just feels right? There's some weird connection between the sun and height via symbolism but I can't put it in words...
Also when writing Will I take time to compare him to sunlight, plants, music, and "meter" (like in poetry). This could be a gesture he makes, or the movement of a muscle when he smiles, the way the scene around him works, or I've referenced his heartbeat to pentameter and his voice to the flow of poetry.
It's also important to note how you'll describe him in relation to others. For example I take time to compare Austin and Will to warmth, and light, and growth, while I'm more likely to say words like burning, heat, and intense, when talking about Kayla. In reference to Naomi I use words like steady, true, even, kind, measured, and use these for Will as well. I do take time to play off the light/dark aspect with Solangelo a little bit, but not entirely, there's more to them than that- Solangelo tends to be compare:contrasted in my writing.
This is good character writing and design even for oc's, compare them to the people aorund them and figure out what words they have in common and which ones they don't? It works for me and it helps keep your symbolism and references consistent.
Alright anon, one last thing, the best drawing of Will I have ever found was done by @/tanjatoons here, I have yet to find any art that get's how I picture Will to that close besides this one.
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nancydfan · 3 years
You and himboethanwinters’ post about Ethan’s character in RE7 is so true. I think that I read somewhere that Capcom wanted to put the player in the front seat of the game, to make it feel as though it was really happening to you and not a character in a game. And so that’s why I get why Ethan doesn’t say much in game, because they were probably afraid that too much dialogue would make it feel like it wasn’t you in this situation but a character you play as. Like you guys said he was supposed to be a blank slate. However I freaking hate that, because (to me) it never felt like I personally was in this situation. It felt like me and Ethan were in this together but Ethan was just my mostly silent buddy lol. Honestly they kind of missed the mark, and that’s the most criticism I think there was towards Ethan’s character after RE7 was that his reactions were very underwhelming. And you bring up great points where he does show emotions but in subtler ways and how he would have been in shock since this is an average man who has never been subjected to this kind of horror would definitely be a lot more just at a loss for words instead of someone like Leon or Chris who have dealt with shit like this on a regular basis and have fun one liners. That’s probably why in RE8 in a way it makes sense for him to react more because he’s been through hell before and it doesn’t leave him speechless anymore. But yeah, that was one of my biggest complaints about RE7 because they didn’t quite nail the whole “you ARE the protagonist”, and because of that Ethan’s character suffered a bit (still love him tho lol). But the whole “I’m glad” thing at the end of RE7 was so bad?? Like?? Sir Ethan just went through hell for his wife, and we KNOW just how panicked (we can literally hear it in his voice) he was throughout the game when Mia is in danger and how heartbroken he is when he thinks she died (ie sacrificing herself to save him if you go down the curing Mia path), and all of a sudden when he sees his wife is alright and well he’s just like “great! Anyways-” like that doesn’t fit his character. They really should have just done something like a chokey / emotional “Mia, I thought I’d lost you again. I’m so glad you’re alive” at least, but no instead he just sounds cool and casual which makes no sense. Anyways I think Capcom got the message tho about our criticisms with him because Ethan went from like 12 minutes of dialogue to 45 minutes in RE8 which is DEFINITELY an improvement lol. It’s one of the things I love the most about the game because Ethan feels more fleshed out and more “real” instead of a “body” so to speak for us to play the game. His reactions make so much more sense and he feels so much more alive which I love.
First off, I’m so sorry for the delay! I have a meeting in 20 minutes I’ve been prepping for all morning so I’m a bit delayed in my response cause I wanted to give it my full attention.
I am so there with you! I didn’t really think of it that way until you mentioned it but I talk out loud when I play games. And I talk to ethan the whole time. I do talk to the antagonists too as if I’m Ethan but a lot of the time I’m encouraging Ethan on like come on, buddy, you can do this. And I’m apologizing all the time like when we’re down to zero bullets and zero health and he’s limping pathetically and I’m like IM SO SORRY ETHAN. I SUCK I KNOW.
Also every time I get snippy at him for doing something stupid he reminds me I’m the one driving this train Ahahahaha
But...yeah we’re never gonna be the protagonist. I’m here defending Ethan. It’s like w the Nancy Drew games. They always said, “It’s up to you as Nancy Drew.” But I never thought I was Nancy. I was just controlling her lol
I’m glad they upped the dialogue just cause I think Ethan is such a great character with such a funny wit we finally get to see. I mean he laughed at his own jokes, I can’t love him more. But also we FEEL his rage. His devastation. His pain but determination. It makes this game so visceral to me which is why I can’t still go back in because I’d be an emotional wreck. We are there with Ethan experiencing village but we’re not Ethan. That’s how re7 should have been written - I totally agree with you!
Also lawl the ending...I can rant all day. It’s one of those moments I’m like did no one review this? Think that Mr Ethan “I have mias name tatted to my ass” Winters wouldn’t idk respond further? This man isn’t afraid to cry and Capcom was like yeah no I’m glad is fine.
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I get there were two routes but he mourns Mia in the zoe route if you don’t choose her. It’s the biggest miss w Ethan’s character in re7 for sure.
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