#also not technically mine but for the purpose of organizing
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@mjalti / to be alone, hozier / everything everywhere all at once (2022) / love club, lorde / when you die, areshi / little women (2019) / letter to my rage: an evolution, lidia yuknavitch / cherry wine, hozier
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"my education is my highest priority" everything returns to vocaloid
#delete later#shitpost#vocaloid#?? idk i might keep it up. yes ik turning off rbs is a thing now technically but i always keep forgetting and also naaaah.#i might go edit proper tags in later just bc i dont this to show up in main pages but i needdddddd the organization on here#i made this a while back procrastinating on a linguistics reading and then never posted it#AND THE CIRCLE IS COMPLETE BC IM POSTING IT NOW WHILE PROCRASTINATING ON ANOTHER LINGUISTICS READING LMAOO#dudeee i gotta lock in. oh my god. its so bad up in here triple assault. i cant focus on SHIT. WHY DO I ALWAYS GET IDEAS WHEN IM BUSY AHGHH#this might be revealing a bit too much info but pls this is legit what happened LMAOO 😭🥴#we're starting ipa alphabet stuff now and im like 'hey i already know you...' from phoneme fuckery ive had to do for voca shitposts#knowing linguistics is cool cause u get to dissect what makes languages work and i thought that'd be genuinely helpful for things#like i plan to do more english/spanish translation work specifically so yuh. but also I KNOW internally in my heart...#despite trying to give the professional justifications I KNOW my stupid ass is secretly just absorbing all this knowledge for voca purposes#my brand of shitposting goes against the very origin of the word since 'shitposting' originally refers to very low effort low quality memes#so there's been a semantic shift in definition even outside of mine but i still think its really funny. i put a lot of genuine hard work#into making stupid little jokes to amuse primarily myself and maybe anyone else who finds it on the internet. so yea#no but genuinely though its unironically incredible how much shit i've learned direct or indirectly for vocaloid shitposting purposes
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worshipper-status · 6 months
Literally so happy because my God is actually excepting of my obsession, but I’d kinda like to know how to worship him better less directly? (Ie. tips on digital alters/general worship tips?)
An excuse to ramble! Thank you :D
Worshipper's Guide to Indirect Worship
This is going to be my sfw guide for less direct methods of contact and digital altars, I may make an nsfw guide at some point on my own as a counterpart to this but for now...
(long post below)
Digital Shrines
Digital shrines are a good format for indirect worship, because you can curate it from anywhere, and no one will know. Technically I have two digital altars but one is more a back up of the other. One is I have a folder on my computer that contains all the media of the shrine, and the shrine itself is on my personal discord server. Usually I separate the shrine itself into media, devotionals, personal devotionals, writings, and links by using different discord channels. The channels breakdown like this for me:
Media: photos and videos of solely them
Devotionals: images I find on the internet that I feel embody our relationship, media created by someone else. Also picrews usually
Personal Devotionals: Visual media I have personally made to embody our relationship and can take full credit for creating. (This is a specific folder I made just to keep my art and others art separate)
Writings: Poems, songs, rambles, gushing, fantasies, etc. Any thought you have about them that's important enough to write down, put it here.
Links: I use this as a dumping ground for ideas I got from articles, purchases I want to make, or anything that requires a link to something else but directly relates to my worship of My Goddess.
Tumblr can also be a general dumping grounds kind of shrine, where I would not be too honest tbh, but it's a start. I prefer keeping my shrines private for the most part. My general advice is to stay away from tumblr for everything because you're not going to feel 1000% comfortable expressing your worship to its full extent because of the possibility of it being found by strangers. Also some things are just tmi to be honest. I have writings in my folder documenting times me and My Goddess have banged in detail so I don't forget. Tumblr doesn't need that kind of detail on here. So try and keep shrines at least somewhat private for your own sake. People are dicks.
As for advice for things to do to worship indirectly (and this goes hand in hand with the shrine a little bit) here's a list with general advice and ideas:
Scrapbook/Junk Journal about them (I'm biased this is a personal favorite of mine). Get a notebook, some scrapbook supplies, and either dedicate it to photos of your beloved or journal about any time you guys interact in ways that feel meaningful to you! I keep one physical scrapbook that I use for collages for My Goddess's photos, and am planning to start a junk journal for more writing purposes. I'll probably solely be using it to write about personal interactions with My Goddess, and on slower days, things I love about Her in general. It's both kinda a traditional journal and a part of my obsessive behaviors. You can also do stuff like this digitally with moodboard and collage makers like Canva which have free options.
Document about them. This is kinda vague so I'll explain. As part of my shrine, I have a document I'm building dedicated to bullet note points about My Goddess. If She randomly drops a fact on me about Her childhood, or Her interests. I write it down there so I don't forget. I want to be a good worshipper so I want to be an expert in everything about Her. I usually use a note taking app for this that I can organize into subgroups. Notion is a favorite of mine (despite them selling their soul to the AI overlords sigh) because it allows a lot of creative freedom in organizing the documents AND it's linked to my email so I can't lose it. Obviously, a google doc will accomplish the exact same thing, however my entire personality type is best described as extra, so I have to do things with extra effort at all times.
Write for them. This is where my pagan background kicks in a little bit, but in certain pagan traditions, especially stuff like Hellenic Polytheism, writing hymns or poems or songs for the gods was very important to their practices. So why not write those things for your God? It doesn't need to be shared, it can be bad, it can be whatever it wants to be. What I usually do, is I write poems for My Goddess, and keep them in my junk journal or digital shrine, depending on if I'm working physically or digitally, and if I'm feeling brave I'll share it with Her, but most times, they stay hidden in the depths of my shrine stuff.
Biggest overall piece of advice, create for them. Nothing shows devotion, quite like the personal experience of making something for someone else even if they never see it. Honor the Gods with the act of Creation, ya know?? It doesn't even have to require you to be good at drawing or whatever. Are you someone who gardens? Name a plant after them. Like makeup? Figure out what makeup styles they prefer on your chosen gender and wear those all the time, even if they're not there to see. Sewing? Make a stuffed animal of them. Speed runs? Dedicate every run to them, create a record for them. It can be as big or as mundane as you want and none of it has to be outwardly expressed to the other person. Just dedicate whatever hobby you have to them, and suddenly you'll have tons of shrine material.
Now for the quick part, of this!
General Worship Tips! (These are more indirect tho)
When getting dressed, pick outfits you know they'll appreciate. (Just please don't sacrifice your personal style for this)
Capitalize their name/title no matter what. They deserve the respect of one extra button push.
Write letters, even if you live close, even if you see them everyday, and even if you never send them. Use this as a format to express your emotions unbarred.
Save every photo they send you of themselves. If you need to edit people out of the photo do it, but you better be saving every instance of themselves they give you.
Fill your space with things that express yourself yes, but also have stuff that reminds you of them. Do they have a favorite animal? Buy those kinds of stuffed animals. They say they like certain types of aesthetics? Put some of that decor in your space.
I don't paint my nails, but if you do, paint them their favorite color.
Have dedicated jewelry pieces for them. While My Goddess did not give it to me, I have a memory of them associated with a bracelet I wear every single day. You can just buy a piece of jewelry and assign it as a symbol to them. They don't have to know.
Interact with their interests, with passion. Do your best to care about everything they care about. It'll give you guys tons of stuff to do, and help you understand them better.
Make pinterest boards dedicated to certain moments you want i.e. first date, wedding, future house/apartment dreams, pets you want with them, nursery room ideas, etc.
Make playlists dedicated to them.
Alright that's all I really have for right now! I hope some of this advice has been helpful and at the very least legible lol. I hope everything with you and your God goes well! If you want any more advice do not be afraid to ask me more questions :)
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theladyram · 22 days
Even though you didn’t technically ask for it, here’s a three word prompt!
Brenda/Sharon (obv): “it’ll be fun”
Thanks for the ask! This is only a snippet of the story (because I am long-winded and cannot help myself lol). For anyone that wants to read the whole thing, please feel free to check it out on AO3:
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun. ‘specially now that it’s dark and all the lights are on!” Brenda batted her eyelashes at her girlfriend.
“Am I in the Twilight Zone? I’ve practically had to drag you on every roller coaster in this park today. Why ‘Wonder Woman’? Why now?” Sharon asked, stupefied.
“Well, she’s my favorite of all the superheroes, and you know I always call you my own personal Wonder Woman. So I gotta try this ride at least once.” Brenda smiled at Sharon with stars in her eyes and the goofiest of lovesick grins.
The brunette chuckled then leaned in and whispered in Brenda’s ear. “Yes. I remember the first time I found that revealing little Wonder Woman lingerie number waiting for me on the bed the night we moved in together. You had a lasso lying there and everything.” She laughed again.
Brenda gulped, remembering. “Yeah…that was…that was a good night.
So how about it, pretty lady? Just one more ride for the road?”
Sharon raised an eyebrow. “Well, I was ready to go home and offer to take you on another kind of ride, one where you wouldn’t have to wait in line…”
Brenda swallowed hard again.
“…but I wouldn’t want to put a damper on your enthusiasm. Still, I never would have thought I’d see the day.”
“Oh pffft, I’m sure you and all of Major Crimes never would have thought you’d see the day I’d come back to the L.A.P.D. to take your old job as head of FID after you took mine, but here we are!” Brenda laughed, and Sharon shook her head. Her dear girlfriend did have a point.
So the couple got in the very long line for “Wonder Woman Flight of Courage” and waited for their last ride of the evening. Sharon watched as Brenda bit at her nails, chewed on her lip, and whimpered like a scared puppy, more and more with each minute that passed and every step toward the loading platform they took.
The Wonder Woman themed coaster was by far the tallest and fastest coaster at the park, and Sharon was aware that Brenda knew it was her favorite ride of all time. But she also knew that Brenda didn’t just randomly volunteer herself to go on roller coasters, even with Sharon. Although Brenda typically ended up enjoying herself in the end, her anticipatory nerves would usually get the better of her as the pair would advance in line. Once the women were in the coaster car ascending up that first big hill, Brenda would often fall apart, either by going radio silent and eventually squeaking in fear, or if the coaster was a particularly intense one, bursting into tears until the water works quickly evolved into a cackling joyous laughter. If it was a group outing, one of the guys would have to dare her or instigate a challenge to get her on the ride.
Sharon smiled as she remembered the exchange between Brenda and Lieutenant Provenza when the group of friends were all at the park the month before: “I see things in the South haven’t changed much since the Civil War huh? ‘Y’all’ are a bunch of yellow-bellied wimps. They should call you Georgia pansies, instead of peaches. No wonder you lost the war!”
Brenda was very transparent when she was aggravated. She scrunched her face and puckered her lips. Staring straight ahead she would not make eye contact with the lieutenant, refusing to take the bait.
“We all know your lady is the wicked witch, but YOU’RE the cowardly lion, that’s even worse in my opinion.”
Brenda had known Provenza was purposely trying to get a rise out of her, but Sharon watched and knew the instant the chief’s body ignited from head to toe with fiery rage.
“Those are fightin’ words, and you’re gonna eat them!”
For the brilliant manipulator Brenda was, she was also very easy to manipulate in certain situations. And that was all it took for her friends to get her onto the roller coaster “Full Throttle” that day.
But back in the present, Sharon was flummoxed. There had been no begging, no daring, no teasing, or undue influencing. Brenda was actually asking Sharon to go on this ride with her, and not only that, she was asking one of the operators for the front seat! …on this ride of unmatched intensity…this ride that as much as Sharon enjoyed it, was the only roller coaster in the park that Brenda had NEVER been on before. Something was wrong here.
And when something was wrong, Sharon would always take it upon herself to get down to the heart of the issue and resolve it right then and there. But today was an exception. Today they were having too much fun together for Sharon to ask one too many questions and potentially talk Brenda out of the whole thing before they even got on the ride. Today was her and Brenda’s first anniversary since they had begun dating, and there was no way she was going to do anything that might cloud the celebratory spirit of their special day.
Finally, it was their turn. Sharon looked over at Brenda as the gates opened and the operators beckoned the pair over to their seats in the very front car of the train. She had never seen anyone smile and cringe so profoundly at the same time. The blonde looked crazed, and Sharon worried she might faint before the ride even started.
The pair sat down and strapped themselves in. Operators on either side came by to press down on the harnesses to make sure they were safely secured in their seats. Before the young man on Brenda’s side of the aisle could fully pull away, she yelled up at him desperately:
“Do me a favor and give it one more tug, will ya?!”
“Oh Brenda Leigh.” Sharon couldn’t help but giggle.
 The older woman looked around at their surroundings and wondered briefly why the boys hadn’t joined them on this particular escapade. They had spent the day together as they often did now that they were all palsy with one another – all of the men being rather enthusiastic about thrill rides and amusement parks…well, all of them apart from Buzz. But the other guys could talk poor Buzz into just about anything. Sharon laughed again when she remembered his futile shout into the empty California wind about “needing to find new friends” as they all plummeted down the first steep drop of “Twisted Colossus” earlier that day.
But where were they now? Why hadn’t Brenda asked them to join them on “Wonder Woman”? Surely, she’d want the boys to witness her conquering her fears on the biggest baddest ride in Magic Mountain. This was her chance to really stick it to them, especially Provenza.
But Sharon didn’t have any more time to worry about the boys. She was too worried about Brenda. The ride started to slowly wheel them out to where they would be suddenly jettisoned up the 210-foot hill. The entire track, the two Ws logo, and the various surrounding areas were all lit up with gorgeous shimmering red, white and blue lights.  
At first Sharon thought the clicking sound to her left was part of the rhythmic clanking of the chain lift pulling them along the track to their launching spot. When she realized that the sound she was hearing was actually her girlfriend’s chattering teeth, she was immediately consumed with guilt for all the times she had seemingly pressured Brenda into joining her on rides like this one. It was obvious to Sharon now that these experiences were more scary than enjoyable for her.
“Brenda honey listen, I feel just terrible, I don’t want you to think you have to do things like this to make me happy. You make me happy, YOU. On the ground. Not being hurled around in the air or falling down a 90 degree drop at 100 miles-per-hour. And believe me, I’m more than satisfied if the only place I’ll ever hear you scream is in our bed.” She looked over and smiled lovingly as she squeezed her girlfriend’s hand. “And don’t you worry, I won’t ask you to join me on another roller coaster ever again.”
“Oh Sharon, as much as I loved hearin’ you say all that, ‘specially the screamin’ in our bed part, believe you me, I wanted to ride this coaster with you, and every other one you ever asked me on. But more importantly, I got somethin’ I wanna ask YOU right now…right this very second before it’s too late.”
Suddenly Brenda lifted her arm into the air, her left hand and fingers fixed in a thumbs up gesture.
Facing the woman she loved, she smiled and pointed forward with her right.
“Look!” she exclaimed.
Sharon gazed forward and there on the illuminated pedestrian bridge that extended over the piece of coaster track about forty feet in front of them, were all their friends – Provenza, Julio, Mike, David, Andy, and Buzz – lifting up giant poster boards over their heads. Brenda raised her right hand now and gave another thumbs up. The men looked at each other, and then all at once the boards lit up in a spectacular display of red, white and blue lights. Each board showcased a different word in a different color to spell out: SHARON RAYDOR, WILL YOU MARRY ME?
Sharon couldn’t believe what she was seeing, and soon she really couldn’t see it anymore because her eyes were filling with tears that were spilling out onto her glasses and blurring her vision.
No one had ever done anything like this for her. And now this wayward, wonderful, beautiful little blonde woman —this woman who at one time had worked overtime at being the bane of her existence—was the one to do it, to make her feel like she was the queen of her universe, the most cherished woman in the world, to make her feel whole for the very first time in her life.
“So, whaddaya say, Wonder Woman?” asked Brenda, waggling her eyebrows. 
Sharon opened her mouth to answer, but in a millisecond the train surged forward at lightning speed sending the couple hurtling up the hill and then careening down it at 120 miles per hour. Sharon had never heard another human being scream like what she heard come out of her girlfriend’s mouth, although as usual, once they were halfway down the first big hill Brenda’s shouting transformed into bellowing laughter. Sharon joined her, with the addition of happy tears sliding down her cheeks. The pair maneuvered so quickly around corners and over mini hills that her tears were carried away by the wind, and Sharon figured the two of them must resemble cartoon characters in the extremity of their expressions that materialized through the course of the ride.
Once their train made it all the way back to the loading station, Brenda remembered she was indeed alive and was still waiting for an answer to her question.
“Well?” Brenda asked with a shaky timbre and a lopsided grin. Her body was still feeling the effects of the coaster ride.
Sharon opened her mouth to answer and happened to look over to her right. She realized not only had their friends made it back to the platform with their signs and were now watching their interactions, but the whole crowd was almost entirely silent, staring intently at the women, seemingly hanging on their every word.
Sharon took her girlfriend’s trembling hands in hers.
“You went through all of this for me, the least I can do is marry you.” She leaned in and passionately captured Brenda’s lips with her own.
The boys, the crowd, and even the ride operators clapped and cheered. Sharon opened her right eye amidst their kiss and watched Mike, Andy, and Julio pick up their lit poster boards and turn them around. She broke the kiss to laugh when she saw they now read: SHE SAID YES!
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 17 days
How would Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) & Demise react to a modern smartphone? If explained all the things it could do, what would they use it for?
If the Ganondorfs and Demise were introduced to a modern smartphone, their reactions would range from curiosity to amazement, with each of them finding different uses for the device based on their personalities and goals. Here's how each would react and what they might use a smartphone for:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Wind Waker Ganondorf, who is more philosophical and reflective than his counterparts, would be intrigued by the smartphone’s potential to access vast amounts of knowledge. After a brief period of suspicion and doubt, he’d be captivated by its ability to show him things he’s never imagined.
What He’d Use It For:
Research & Strategy: Wind Waker Ganondorf would use the smartphone to gather information on the world, learning about history, geography, and strategies from other cultures to enhance his tactical thinking.
News & Global Information: He’d use the phone to monitor global events, especially geopolitical conflicts, finding parallels to his own goals.
Music & Art: Given his reflective nature, Wind Waker Ganondorf might also be interested in music and art, possibly developing an appreciation for symphonies or visual art from different eras.
Scene: Ganondorf sits in the ruins of Hyrule, staring at the small device in his hand. The world had crumbled beneath the waves, but this... this small box contained all the knowledge of the modern world. He swipes through images of landscapes, battles, and cities, his mind racing with possibilities.
"So much knowledge... hidden in the hands of mortals," he murmurs. "I could have ruled this world with such tools."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf, a megalomaniac with ambitions for total domination, would be both suspicious and fascinated by the smartphone. After understanding its potential, he’d see it as a tool for expanding his influence and power.
What He’d Use It For:
Social Media Manipulation: Ganondorf would use social media platforms to subtly spread his influence, sowing discord and manipulating public opinion to create chaos.
Surveillance: He would use the phone’s ability to track locations and spy on people via cameras to keep tabs on enemies, potential threats, or even allies.
Commanding Armies: The communication abilities of the smartphone would allow him to organize and command his followers more effectively, giving him the ability to control vast networks from a distance.
Scene: Ganondorf's eyes narrow as he watches a video of a global leader addressing a crowd. The people hang on every word. He smirks, fingers tapping against the phone. "I can make them follow me," he mutters, scrolling through comments and noting how easily opinions are swayed. "This world will be mine before they even know it."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Twilight Princess Ganondorf, who exudes a more cold and calculated demeanor, would see the smartphone as a tool for both control and knowledge. He’d be less fascinated by its entertainment features and more focused on how it could serve his plans for domination and control of the Twilight Realm.
What He’d Use It For:
Hacking & Control: Ganondorf would likely develop an interest in the more technical aspects of the phone. He might even try to learn hacking to break into systems, control information, and manipulate governments.
Communication: He would use the phone to keep in contact with his spies and agents, communicating in secret codes and issuing orders from afar.
Twilight Magic Research: Ganondorf might be curious about scientific advances and new technologies that could be twisted to serve his purposes, particularly anything that could amplify his connection to the Twilight Realm.
Scene: Ganondorf stands in his darkened throne room, the soft glow of the smartphone illuminating his face. A security camera feed flickers on the screen, showing him the movements of a key political figure. "So easily manipulated," he mutters, tapping the screen. "This device gives me more power than they could ever know."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, the most battle-hungry and aggressive version, would initially scoff at the smartphone, thinking it weak and beneath him. However, once he realizes its potential for organizing large-scale assaults and coordinating his armies, he would embrace its power.
What He’d Use It For:
Battle Coordination: He’d use messaging apps and other organizational tools to coordinate attacks and manage his armies in real time.
Media Control: Ganondorf would use social media to spread propaganda and increase his influence over the masses, twisting narratives to present himself as a conqueror worthy of respect.
Entertainment: As a warrior, he might actually enjoy certain fighting games or watching videos of historical battles for entertainment and inspiration.
Scene: "Such a small device," Ganondorf grunts, turning the smartphone over in his hand. "And yet, with it, I could command legions." His eyes gleam as he sets up group messages with his generals, issuing orders with a few taps of the screen. "This... this could be my greatest weapon."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf, who is intelligent and deeply strategic, would immediately see the smartphone as a means to gather knowledge and increase his hold over Hyrule. He would appreciate the breadth of information at his fingertips and the potential for subtle manipulation.
What He’d Use It For:
Historical & Tactical Research: Ganondorf would dive deep into the smartphone’s access to history and tactics, using it to learn about modern warfare, diplomacy, and advancements that he could incorporate into his strategies.
Social Influence: He would use the phone to spread subtle misinformation, manipulate public perception, and undermine the authority of those in power.
Mapping & Exploration: Ganondorf might use modern GPS and mapping technologies to expand his reach, exploring unknown regions of the world with ease.
Scene: Ganondorf scrolls through articles and maps, his mind racing with possibilities. "All this knowledge," he murmurs, tapping the screen. "Centuries of history, at my fingertips." He smiles, dark and cold. "I can twist it to my will. This world will never see me coming."
Initial Reaction: Demise would view the smartphone with disdain at first, seeing it as a weak human tool. However, once he learned about its ability to manipulate information and control masses of people, he would see it as a valuable asset in his quest to conquer all.
What He’d Use It For:
World Domination: Demise would see the phone as a tool to conquer not just Hyrule, but all realms. He would use it to study modern civilizations, finding weaknesses to exploit.
Manipulation of Fear: He would likely use the phone to spread fear and chaos, taking advantage of the interconnected world to stir unrest and manipulate leaders through fear.
Surveillance: Demise would love the idea of watching his enemies from afar, tracking their every move and waiting for the right moment to strike.
Scene: Demise stares at the smartphone in his hand, the glowing screen a stark contrast to the dark aura surrounding him. "A tool for the weak," he growls, but as he watches the world news flash by, his lips curl into a slow, menacing smile. "And yet... with this, I can spread fear faster than ever before. They will fall before they even realize what’s happening."
Overall Uses and Thoughts:
While each version of Ganondorf and Demise would initially react differently to a modern smartphone, they would all eventually see it as a tool for manipulation, control, and enhancing their ambitions. From social media manipulation to real-time battle coordination, the smartphone would become an essential part of their plans for domination.
Bonus: HW Ganondorf, Ghirahim, and Zant Group Chat!
Group Chat: Forces of Darkness
Ganondorf: I have gathered you both here to discuss our next move. Hyrule is vulnerable. We must act soon.
Ghirahim: Ooooh, our glorious king is feeling impatient~ 😏💅 But of course, my liege, your wish is my command. 🌹✨
Zant: yEs tHe vEry FoUnDaTiOn oF hYruLe WiLL fALl UnDeR oUr miGhty bOOts!!! 😈👑
Ganondorf: Zant, I need you to speak coherently. We cannot conquer anything if I can’t understand what you’re saying.
Ghirahim: Yes, Zant, darling, try to keep up. We can’t have you tripping over your own madness during battle. 🤭💀
Zant: lOl i HaVe mAdNeSs On mY siDe, GhirAhIm. tHaT’s mY pOwEr!! 😵‍💫✨
Ganondorf: Enough. We have no time for your childish games. Focus. Our next target is the Hyrule Castle. Ghirahim, you will lead the vanguard. Zant, you will handle the diversion.
Ghirahim: Awwww, leading the charge? You're making me blush, Kingy~ 😘💖 Consider it done, my blade is ready. 🔪🖤
Zant: bUt wHy am i tHe dIvErsIoN?? i WaNt tO lEaD tOo!! 😡😭
Ganondorf: Because you lack discipline. That is why. If you want to lead, prove yourself first. And stop typing like that. It’s irritating.
Zant: 😒 fInEeeE… I’LL sHoW yOU whO lAcKs dIscIplInE… i’LL dEstROy tHem aLL!!!!
Ghirahim: Zant, darling, sweetie, please. You'll give yourself wrinkles. Now then, King Ganondorf~ Shall I prepare an ambush? Perhaps a little surprise for those meddling heroes? 🎭✨
Ganondorf: Yes. Proceed with your plans. I want them caught off guard. If all goes well, their precious kingdom will fall. Failure is not an option. Do I make myself clear?
Zant: yEs!! wE wiLL rAiSe tHe bAnNeRs oF dArKnEsS!!!
Ghirahim: Crystal clear, my king~ 😏💋
Ganondorf: Do not fail me.
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thistaleisabloodyone · 6 months
I feel like Likiya is a lot like Sekai in terms of being the leader that is more "behind the scenes". What would you recommend watching to see his interaction with members? (Either interaction eith one specific member *cough*Riku*cough* or more is welcome)
Oh, man, my brain is jumping 90,000 different places 😂 This is mostly going to come from CL Live's on demand programs (I am so sorry to anyone who doesn't have CL Live premium)
I would say Riku (we all know why) and Ryu are the members that will pop up the most in this list.
Bonus note - I genuinely wonder if Riku and Kenta have ADHD and I've noticed Likiya is really good at wrangling them. He seems to take their eccentricities with humor instead of getting frustrated at them, which after hearing a ex-JET teacher friend of mine talking about how his one ADHD student was treated, I greatly appreciate.
CL Live:
MA55IVE organizes surprises to make Takahide happy - Part One, Part Two [translated into English] Likiya's surprise for Takahide is so thoughtful and considerate. Also him forking up his own money to make Takahide happy, best leader 😭
Back to the Roots special - Series [translated into English] I can't think of any specific moments, but it's four episodes of Likiya being on a team with Riku, Makoto, Kenta, Kaisei and Shogo
2023 New Years' special - it's 6 parts and included as part of the Rampe Dorm series [all six parts are translated in English] Likiya spends most of the night cooking, but if I had to pick a specific favorite moment, it's "Kenta gets defiant like this sometimes" from Part 4. When I did the MA55IVE gif set where Kenta plays with Shohei's face, I almost called Kenta "Likiya's favorite problem child"
Competing in a video game for food - Part One, Part Two [translated into English] Likiya, Rui, Riku, Itsuki, and Takahide all struggle to play a video game, Likiya struggles the most, but even when Riku's Little Shit tendencies come out, he takes it well and in good humor.
Basically Everyone in RMPG Fails to Play Volleyball - Part of the Okinawa Project series, this is Part Three [translated into English] Likiya is on a team with Kaisei and Shohei and he's doing his best even with the Absolute Chaos Shohei unintentionally causes.
RAMPE Dorm Tasting Local Delicacies form Different Mbr's regions - Part One, Part Two [translated into English] Likiya features more in Part Two, but I really like how the members respond when he's picked for the food he gets to eat 😂 (bonus: Kazuma's reaction when he realizes what he gets to eat is So Cute)
2022 New Years Party BBQ - Video [finally translated into English, bless you, translation team 😭] This is one of the main Ryu/Likiya moments, where Likiya immediately picks Ryu as his assistant for cooking. During the 50 Questions series, Ryu said he'd want Likiya's cooking skills when asked what skill he'd want from another member, but Ryu can't cook and the translation says "my dad says I don't have what it takes to cook". Likiya picking Ryu as his assistant just feels like it means So Much with that context.
There's technically a whole series for the 2022 New Years Party, but the first several parts are more the members talking to the fans, so not including them here.
RAMP Card - Video [translated into English] Likiya, Zin, Kenta, Rui, Hokuto, Kaisei and Takuma play poker with the card set that was made. Likiya honestly takes losing with such good grace - there are days when I wonder if he loses on purpose in individual competitions, to be honest.
Kitchen Kingdom - Part 1 [untranslated] RMPG Black cooks against Gekidan Exile. It's untranslated, so I'm rolling with Vibes Alone and I've actually never finished watching the full thing, but I made it to the round where Likiya teaches Ryu how to chop green onions and, honestly, this means So Much with the same context as the BBQ party.
Six Game Lovers - Part 1, Part 2 [Part 1 is translated into English, Part 2 is not] Likiya, Ryu, Kazuma, Makoto, Takahide and Kaisei play games together. Likiya and Ryu are a team.
Zin Organizes Large Prank - Part 1 [untranslated] Once again, rolling with "Vibes, Loan Words and Whatever Subtitles Pop Up on Screen That I Get Translated" Alone. Likiya is technically in all of the parts, because once a member gets pranked, they're called in to hang out with Zin and watch the future pranks occur. Likiya's the first one pranked with Rui.
RMPG is Unleashed in an Amusement Park - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 [untranslated] RMPG gets to go to an amusement park and have a 2 day, 1 night trip. They're separated into the Routes, so Likiya spends most of the first two parts with Hokuto, Itsuki, Kenta, Ryu and Takahide. In Part 3, YamaSho and Kazuma organize early morning pranks and Likiya is one of the pranksters for Route A, which is greatly amusing to me. (bonus: Riku being the only one to pull off his prank without waking the victim up in advance)
Riku Wants to Make Shogo a Bento and Has Anxiety Over It - Part 1, Part 2 [untranslated] It's untranslated, so you know the drill - Vibes and Vibes Alone. I did translate a few of the in-video subtitles and discovered the Japanese word for 'Anxiety' could be translated literally as "Negative Relax". Likiya, Shohei and Zin help Riku make a bento for Shogo
RMPG Goes to the Zoo and Likiya Suffers - Part 1, Part 2, CL treats the best date competition as a different thing, but I do not, Part 3, Part 4 [untranslated] It's untranslated so I can't verify if Team Likiya got assigned to clean the lion habitat and elephant house as a punishment or not, but, man, does it feel like a punishment (especially compared to the PR team 🤣) Likiya's on a team with Riku, Itsuki, Shohei and YamaSho
Likiya Eats Spicy Ramen to Save His Boys - Technically a part of a series, but this is the only part I've watched Part 3 [untranslated] RMPG is split into 3 teams and they're all trying to eat two bowls of spicy ramen. Likiya Pulls Through for his boys so they are not last place.
EDIT: As I was eating dinner and watching an [untranslated 😭] Rampe Film video, I suddenly remembered another one!
Rampe Film - Shizuoka Ecopa Arena - Video [translated in English] Likiya gets a mission to list 5 things he likes about a member. He picks Takuma (because baby boy is Right There 😂) and it's honestly super endearing
Non CL Live:
Uhhh... I have two, but they are tiny moments from performances and one is very easily missed.
Likiya hands Riku a towel at Nippon Haku Bangkok - Link When I say it's small and easily missed, I legit missed it the first time I watched the video for this post. It just struck me as so kind, he makes sure Riku has a towel before grabbing his own.
GOTR - Likiya putting his arm around Riku's shoulders during the call and response in 100degrees - Link
Again, they are small, but live rent free in my brain 😂
@soundberr1es mentioned RampInGood in the replies and, if you can find it, it's so much fun. Likiya, Rui, Kenta and YamaSho are regulars and they have a bonus member every episode - I've only watched the Riku one (if you have not noticed, I have a problem 😂), but it was a lot of fun.
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tarmac-rat · 9 months
OC Interview: Riley
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Tagged by @glitchinginthegarden and @seraphfighter. You can read their respective entries here and here
Roleplaying prompts like these are very much not my forte, so I tried my best. And I also might've borrowed Glitch's idea and inserted Johnny into the dialogue as well, just to keep the conversation...organic.
Tagging @clusterfxckedbysirens @ghostoffuturespast @butchsquatch @luvwich and @seeker-of-truth and y'all have probably already done this but I need to get better at tagging people and it's my own fault for being late lol
Note: This recording was recovered from a trash can after presumably being discarded by the interviewer
V: "V." Interviewer: "Oh, um...like, just the letter?" V: "No."
V: "...V." Interviewer: "*clearly flustered* So you, uh, you don't have a nickname, or--?" Johnny: "Not worth it, pal. You're lucky she's even givin' you this much." Interviewer: "But--" Johnny: "Trust me, choom, fishin' for the truth ain't worth it. Drop it while you still can."
Her full name is Riley Bakker Aldana the fifth. For all intents and purposes, "V" is both her nickname and a part of her full name, since it's a patronymic suffix. Since she comes from a long line of Riley Aldana's, V very rarely uses her actual first name and has never consistently gone by it-- she has always simply been "V" from birth. Johnny, of course, thinks this is the stupidest thing he's ever heard in his life.
Johnny: "Ever since V was a child, she's always identified with what's between her legs--" V: "Where are you going with this?" Johnny: "--a cunt." V: *Lets out a long sigh*
Star sign?
V: "Is this an actual interview or is this the second round of sorority rush?" Johnny: "Don't be fuckin' rude. She's a Scorpio, like me." V: "Wait wait wait, I know, like, one thing for sure about star signs, and it's that you and I don't have the same one." Johnny: "Your birthday's less than a month after mine." V: "That's not how zodiac signs work." Johnny: "Look it up, then, if you're so confident." V: "Fine. Just, one sec," *Pulls out phone, types something, types another thing, types another thing* "I'm a..." *types another thing* "...Pisces."
Riley is a Sagittarius
Johnny: "Five foot nine even. Five foot eight and a half if she's standing on one leg." V: "'Bout sums it up."
Riley's cybernetic right leg is roughly a quarter to a half inch shorter than her organic left leg, so she's got a bit of a weird gait and tends to favor her right side more than her left in fights. She'll eventually get it fixed, but she then spends a few months walking around like a newborn deer tripping over nothing as a result.
V: "'I guess 'bi' is the term I'd throw out there for it, but honestly, dating and managing a love life are the last things on my mind these days. Not like I don't have time, I just don't think settling down's in the cards for me yet. But in terms of preference, though, I don't really lean any which way." Johnny: "So basically, 'people hot'."
V: *laughs slightly* "I don't think I'm technically an NUSA citizen since I spent the first twenty-two years of my life in a car, so I don't know if I technically have a 'nationality' in the literal sense. Ethnicity-wise, most if not all of my mom's side of the family is Diné, so that's easy enough. My dad's side is the question mark. Never met the guy, and my mom never talked about him."
Riley's maternal side of the family is Navajo-- her great-grandfather grew up in Kayenta, AZ, and many founding members of the Bakkers were people from there and the surrounding areas who felt it safer to go westward during the Collapse. Conversely, Riley's father Felix is a smuggler who had a brief fling with her mother Ivy when the Bakkers were camped near the NM/Mexico border in 2052 (and post-Unification War now operates around Fort Hancock, TX). Felix is Mexican-Apache, and blissfully unaware that he has a daughter running around 25 years later fucking up shit in Night City.
Favorite fruit?
V: "I...don't know if I've ever actually eaten a real piece of fruit in my life." Johnny: "You're fucking with me." V: "What!?" Johnny: "Fuckin' hell, we're havin' a conversation after this. Just pick a fruit flavor, and move on. Any of 'em." V: "I, uh, um..." *places hands on her hips, sighs, goes silent* "Green apple, then, I don't know."
Favorite season?
V: "Well, summers in the desert were unbearable, and winters in the desert were boring as all sin, so I guess one of the middle seasons? If I had to pick one, I'd probably pick spring-- the places in the Sonora we used to stay at in the springtime were always pretty nice."
Favorite flower?
V: "Mexican Gold Poppies." Johnny: "Oh, what, you have a favorite flower but you don't have a favorite fruit!?"
Riley likes gold/yellow things despite it not really being in her color scheme. While she likes Gold Poppies, the flower I generally associate her with is a Black-eyed Susan, which are symbols of justice and survival.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
V: "Depends, but I generally lean towards coffee." Interviewer: "With anything?" V: "Synmilk." Johnny: "And whiskey." V: "Only on Sundays."
Average hours of sleep?
Johnny: "*snorts* Go on, V. Tell 'em 'bout your thoroughly robust and well-kept sleep schedule." V: "I sleep!" Johnny: "Sure, when you get knocked the hell out or fuckin' flatline on me. *to the interviewer* Two hours a night, average." V: "It's more than that! Stop being dramatic." Johnny: "And when she does fuckin' crash, because y'know she will, she's out for a day plus. It'll be like livin' with a corpse. I could host a music festival in that apartment and she prolly wouldn't even roll over to check the time."
Exaggeration aside, Riley will get around 3-5 hours of sleep a night-- combination of restlessness and preferring to work nights. After about 2 weeks of doing that, her body will basically say "NO MORE" and shut down for a day or two to recover.
Dog or cat person?
V: "Cat." Johnny: "Liar." V: "What?" Johnny: "It's horses." V: "Johnny!"
Dream trip?
V: "Not sure. Always used to hear nice things about Australia-- maybe there, I guess? Or maybe Morocco, or Rome? Somewhere warm and dry. And definitely not on the water."
Favorite fictional character?
Johnny: "Let me tell you a little story about a guy from Seattle and the acid trip he had while staring at a pack of Camel cigarettes--" V: "Nope, not even close." Johnny: "Oh, my deepest apologies, princess, were you going to come up with a better answer from the wealth of popular media you consume on a daily basis?" V: "...Fair enough."
Johnny is referring to the book Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins, which is probably the only novel Riley's read in the last five years. She hates this book for its pretentiousness but since she rarely consumes pop culture as it is, it's really her only fallback when talking about fiction she's actually engaged with.
Number of blankets you sleep with?
V: "One tops, maybe? I tend to run hot. Maybe two in the winter if it's cold enough."
Fun fact?
V: "A fun fact." Johnny: "'Fun' fact, eh? Might be askin' too much of her there." Interviewer: "It can be anything. Your favorite color, what car you drive, how many times you've--" V: "I once helped smuggle the CFO of Asukaga & Finch and his lover over the Texas border after he embezzled 4.7 million dollars from them in 2071." Interviewer: "I, uh, you...what?" V: "I mean, he's probably dead now. What're you gonna do, arrest me?" Johnny: *Starts laughing*
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thatoneluckybee · 10 months
This should be more coherent than last weeks where I lost my mind since this episode feels more like a lead-up to the drama rather than the drama itself. Which is exciting!
It’s 6:48 A.M. and they’re heading to school…. y’all I keep forgetting it’s been less than 48 hours since Tyler got kebabed. It’s been well over a year real-time so it’s so easy to forget these kids literally get NO break.
They all look so exhausted :(
Rest In Pieces Logan’s Glasses. He looks terrifying without them, but glad he has contacts. Makes me wonder, will they be broken or intact in the Phantom World? I think they’ll be intact since (if I remember correctly been a few weeks since I’ve reread) once they interact with an object in Phantom World, the Real World stops affecting it. Like the jeep. Also, are we gonna get contacts Logan from now on, will he get a new style of glasses, or will he just replace the lenses in a few episodes? (Also that hurt as a Glasses User who does not wear them as often as she technically needs to I don’t like them sensory eueuhhj. They must be SO expensive)
Ryan following them again… go away sir.
I can’t tell if Mike was glancing back because he notices Ryan’s car following them or if he was just checking on the Graveyard Gang… but I wouldn’t put it past him to notice they’re being trailed. He’s very observant.
Okay little screaming moment… HDJKWHBJKHJIHJWI THAT PANEL KILLED ME (Everyone looks so DONE and ANGRY and EXHAUSTED and the collective “No.” was GREAT. And then we have Ben looking like a troubled cat that’s just… disappointed. It’s cracking me up)
Logan likes french toast and Taylor likes egg and sausage biscuits, noted.
They all looked SO COOL telling those losers off. It hurts so much to see how resilient they’ve gotten, honestly. At the start of the series they would’ve been scared or crying, now they’re just mildly irked. They’ve witnessed horrors. (Also boy RUN Ben is about to go FERAL on you)
Logan is scaring me. If they are turning into phantoms, he’s turning fast. It seems triggered by negative emotions…. that could be why Logan and Taylor seem the most affected right now?
Ashlyn is breaking my heart but I’m still so proud of her. Sucks HOW she’s learned to open up but seeing her now compared to the beginning is insane. Purposely avoiding ANY human contact and relationships to dead-seriously asking Logan to stay with her. I love how much she’s grown. And her hand was shaking… she’s getting good at being more vulnerable too!
I WAS FEHWJFRIHIGUJ I NEEEEEED THE MR THOMAS LORE NOW. HOW DOES HE KNOW? Okay actually I have a few possible theories:
He is a part of or has encountered the crane organization. I still can’t still if the origami on his desk was symbolism, foreshadowing, or both.
He’s got eye bags. Could be natural (like mine) or… could Mr. Thomas also be in the Phantom World? Or he was when he was younger? If so, he would be REALLY valuable as an asset for our group. If he was when he was a high schooler as well but escaped that could help too. Now I’m just ITCHING for lore
AUGH I love Red’s pacing but it’s so annoying at the same time. I can TELL we as a collective are staring to figure things out (and as a collective I mean everyone on Tumblr and the Webtoon comments) but we literally just don’t have enough information to fill in the blank spaces without wild guessing. And we have SOME answers but we don’t know what questions they answer yet. Does get me SUPER pumped for the future of the series though!
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lower-management · 1 year
Some Beelzebub headcannons of mine cause why not (there is some angst), also some can be quite specific
-they have a sweet tooth
-(this one is my favourite) God made it so when she casted them out of heaven they could never feel full again, not only regarding food but regarding everything, no matter how much they have, how much they know, how much they eat (both metaforically and literally) they'll never feel full and/or satisfied. Their last hope was that after armageddon they would've been able to feel satisfied and full once more, they still wonder if it would've worked. Falling in love with Gabriel did not "cure" this thing
-after armageddon't they had quite a difficult time understanding the purpose of it all, in the end they just realized whatever God had going on they probably would not be able to change it so they just resorted to continuing their days in a loop, they still think about it tho
-the fact they're kinda short for a demon was on purpose, Hell is cramped and a smaller stature helps moving around quicker, also it gives them a slight advantage if fighting someone full enough of themselves to underestimate them
-they enjoy rejecting paperwork for the most absurd reasons possible (even tho it's more of Dagon's invention to do so). Signed the document in a blue pen instead of a black one? Ya gotta restart from the very start buddy
-they still haven't quite grasped the concept of gender
-they keep their nails long-ish so that they can scratch/hurt others easily
-they know math, they know weird facts about biology and science but spelling? Fuck no
-for sometime they were worshipped as a deity, they liked those civilizations cause they felt like even tho they were doing almost nothing to help they were still better at being a God than her herself. They're still bitter over the destiny those civilizations faced, which also fuels a certain hate of theirs for the romans
-nothing can shock them anymore, literally, they've seen things
-they have trust issues, like, lots of them
-sometime after the fall (not much tho) they led a rebellion against satan as they felt like he was not taking organizing Hell as seriously as he should have. Satan was impressed and ended up rewarding them with their status
-they fully believed their feelings for Gabe were just anxiety for the longest time
-they kin Yzma(the disney villain), this one doesn't need much context
-they listen to Melanie Martinez and Caparezza
-(this is attached to the 9th one) they had to let the civilizations that worshipped them die/be conquered and so on because it was "needed for the great plan to work" and they were forced to watch, it's still a sore wound
-they sometimes use old words or expressions just because (example: saying courting instead of flirting)
-after armageddon't things did not go well for them, in fact a duke tried opening up a dispute to overthrow them and take their throne taking advantage of the situation. Needless to say Beelzebub was enraged and destroyed the duke in the most cruel way possible.
-as they are literally gluttony in person while someone else can technically do their bureaucratic duties they cannot be replaced.
-shiny things? They love 'em, but strong (especially artificial) lights? Can bug them, cause flies have a raised sensibility to lights so it would probably overstimulate them.
-they developed a weird kind of arachnophobia after the fall. They're not afraid of spiders but they get pretty anxious around them and don't get close (cause, ya know, spiders eat lots of flies and while there are many animals who eat flies it's more about what they represent because God's a bitch that way)
Can't think of anymore, maybe if I remember them I'll put 'em here
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reanimated-owl · 3 months
under a readmore for the sake of not clogging anyone's dash; i wont put EVERY character i've done but I wanna talk (i.e. ramble) about a few of them
Past Characters:
Xe/phos (Yo/gscast) (slashes to avoid appearing in tags)
Oh man. I think this was the first character I ever made an RP blog for. From what I remember, Xep/hos was an alien/human thing that worked with a couple other people.
In/k Sa/ns (undertale AU)
I know, I know, AUs are polarizing. I happen to enjoy a lot of them, and Ink's probably one of my favorites. The problem is that he's not really portrayed correctly by the vast majority of the fandom... I think he's also only an AU by name only, the original creator I believe has since made him more into an OC? This is one I didn't have a specific blog for, but I did RP him on Amino and technically ran a ship blog with a former friend of mine.
Glitchy (Port/al)
So... Po/rtal is a HUGE interest of mine. I actually set up a blog (I still have it, actually), but I don't think I ever used it. Glitchy's a core from a series on Youtube; his whole thing is that he doesn't know what his purpose is, so he does all sorts of things to find it. He's also known for spontaneously bursting into flames ('Glitchy' is actually a nickname given to him by the other cores).
Fun fact, this is where I got the name 'Glitchy' from; I thought it sounded cool and I desperately needed a new name for the Internet lol.
Virgil (PS/M)
Another core, because I love me some robots. He's a maintenance core, so his entire job is fixing the other robots and the test chambers. Glitchy is a frequent flier of his repair wing. Virgil is a very snarky guy, but for some reason everyone thinks of him as a cinnamon roll who did no wrong and it drives me NUTS (I have an ongoing list of instances of virgil being an asshole for this reason). There are a lot of really good android designs of him out there, too.
Finally, character(s) I'd like to do in the future:
Med/ic (TF/2)
So... this is kind of my current hyperfixation, lmao. I don't know why I latched onto this guy, but I did. He is the reason I am currently learning German. He's a (formerly) licensed physician whose entire role is just keeping the rest of the team alive. He likes doing experiments involving non-human organs. He also keeps a flock of doves that he just lets... fly around his OR. He is a liiittle bit on the crazier side, but he is still really smart and he does try to help others. I'm also making a costume for him rn and it's... gonna take a while :(
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Teddy... after being mutuals w you for who knows how long I NEED to ask... what does robobs mean? I've been paying attention to the tags on my notifs for a bit and I think that's the one thing I still have no clue about ahdkshfjshfjd
OH BOY! You’ve activated my trap card!
Short version: tag for me and the gang ( @nosongunsung11 @coyotefang1987 @wildfandom @lemonade-comet @dogliker73 )’s transformers ocs. When I first made the spreadsheet I titled it ‘Robobs’ and it stuck. In March we made a 120 slide power point explaining the lore and we’ve made like 20 new guys since then
LONG VERSION: (and I’m only getting into blorbos from MY brain bc there’s like 85 of these mfers collectively)(Guys who come in several separate-but-linked subsets)
(edit: now with images! picrews linked here, here, here, and here and art by @orange-artist/@nosongunsung11)
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Packet and Pinch: (turn into biplanes) little guys who came after the war, them and their dad sometimes moonlight on a research vessel called Forte Spes where theoretically they’re archival assistants but mostly what that means is that Pinch holds the microphone during interviews because when Packet was allowed to do that he kept eating it. When they’re a little older Pinch gets a proper job on Forte Spes helping out and Packet joins the mafia/eventually winds up inheriting an organized crime unit and accidentally taking over a small city (think like JVJ’s Madeleine era except not on purpose)
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Hot Shot: (turns into a diy dragrace car) himbo. former Autobot soldier turned drifter (technically looking for one of his war buddies who disappeared but he keeps getting sidetracked) turned preschool teaching assistant on the moon. Frontman of a very small emo band. Meter’s twin brother, Aileron’s best friend, (Sweets isn’t mine, but) Sweets’s self-invited roommate (weird gay thing)
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Meter: (used to turn into a regular car, now functions as a speedometer)(also his name is actually Gauge, Aileron just started calling him Metermaid to make fun of him and it stuck) wildly normal little guy for being so fucked up. Got his face and hands and altmode taken by the government for being an anarchist in cop college. Spent the war on the world’s most legally questionable enemies to lovers roadtrip looking for his brother. Hot Shot’s twin, Aileron’s husband.
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Aileron: (turns into a massive fucking jet) pointedly neutral freelance journalist. Extremely chill and wildly pessimistic. Can and will befriend anyone with an unfortunate heaping side of terminal Everyone He Really Cares About Keeps Fucking Disappearing Into Thin Air disease. Spent the road-trip causing problems on purpose bc it was funny and also bc he was pretty sure Hot Shot was dead and he didn’t know how to tell Meter so he was stalling. Meter’s husband, Hot Shot’s best friend.
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Catalyzer (Cat): (left)(turns into a shield except no he doesn’t anymore because he has daddy issues) fucked up old knight. Kind of a dick except with his knight partner and her spouse (the three of them come as a set do not separate <3) and with his little sister (150ft tall). Memory issues wildly exacerbated by the fact that he spent ten million years on the euthanasia planet. There’s a very good au in which he co-parents his nephew w his ex’s ex-wife.
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Firefight (FF): (turns into a flamethrower except no he doesn’t bc what if he fucks up his paint) Bitchass little twink. Catalyzer’s shitty ex who lobotomized him. The god of transformation’s special little boy and he’s gonna make it everyone’s problem. After the god war (during which he helped work on a large-scale lobotomy project that made everyone forget the gods) he realized that if there’s not gods to hang around he can’t get special treatment for being god’s special little boy anymore so he fucked off to live in a cave for ten million years and only came out for Cat’s little sister’s funeral bc he figured everyone who would have known him would be dead by now except spoiler alert no they’re not and he immediately gets his ass beat. We don’t have time to get into his wife.
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Moonshadow (Shades): (turns into a shuttle)(uses that to cause problems) Catalyzer’s nephew (she/her), troublemaking Weird Little Art Girl TM who’s constantly tagging along on any mission she can get herself into. Unfortunately that includes the mission that lands everyone on the euthanasia planet :(
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Equalizer (EQ): (turns into. Maybe a grenade. I haven’t decided yet) Firefight’s ‘apprentice’/weird intense son he didn’t ask for and doesn’t want and also is lowkey terrified of. Functions entirely on looney toons logic. Theoretically xey’re supposed to be helping FF w his lobotomies but he’s scared xey’ll be better than him and take his job so mostly xyr job is knocking people out with the blunt end of xyr Massive Fucking Scythe for their nonconsensual government-assigned brain surgeries and being generally unsettling. Spends FF cave arc waiting outside where he told xem to which xey're not fucked up about but it does make xem very much more fucked up.
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Legion: (turns into I don’t know yet probably an anvil or a lever): Little knight guy under the god of wisdom. Dumb as a box of rocks. Trying so fuxking hard all the time and not really getting anywhere with it but that’s okay. Loves his friends so goddamn much. Really fuckin stupid for a guy who kind of functions as the voice of reason in the polycule. Died on the euthanasia planet. :(
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Endymion: (turns into a unicorn)(but like the goat kind) goldenboy blacksmith, built to help the main god make guys, conscientious objector to the god war so now he helps out in the armory. Haunted as hell (just kind of vibing with it). Missed the mission that landed everyone on the euthanasia planet and got locked out of the armory :(
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Zephyr aka Dreadnought: (used to turn into a flashdrive, tried to do some sketchy ass back alley surgery to turn into something better and fucked it up so now he can’t turn into anything) edgy little goth twink lying wildly about almost everything abt himself. Former spy, current guy who sits in the corner of the office chainsmoking and giving off absolutely rancid vibes. He’s writing a memoir. (it’s bad.) Gets Fixed by the power of Carburetor going “wow, do you have any other slogans from like. Hot topic?” and is really confusingly normal at the postwar HR reunion/Hadron and his boyfriend’s impromptu wedding
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Carburetor (CB): (used to turn into a pickup truck, got exploded) readymade soldier who wound up taking over as mostly-untrained medic when the actual medic was killed bc he had spent a lot of time in the medbay recently (due to the getting exploded incident) and kind of osmosed hopefully enough to go off of. Takes no shit but has terminal “I Can Fix Him” Disease (both romantically and medically) but really he’s the one getting fixed—he has a hobby now! 😊 (it’s Zephyr)
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Hadron: (serial number ending in 0104)(turns into a crane) starry-eyed little science guy with a secondhand soul. Part of the construction unit and also working part time (illegally) in HR. Defected to the Autobots towards the end of the war and is now doing a goddamn lot of finding out for very little fucking around. Very easy to manipulate. Both has a missing boyfriend and is the missing boyfriend. Main character disease (affectionate but oh dear god at what cost)
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Reefer: (0100)(take a wild guess) de-facto leader/union rep of the construction unit by virtue of being built first. Doing his goddamn best but he’s fundamentally just a sillyguy. Also has a secondhand soul but he doesn’t know about it. Would do anything for his little guys. Sneaks Hadron his science magazines. Hazard’s qpp, Hadron’s bestie, other side of Rico’s coin. Died during the great latewar Construction Unit Defection.
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Hazard: (0101)(turns into a dump truck) absolutely fuckin massive very nice and kind SIC & emotional support of the construction unit. Also has a secondhand soul but it’s never really relevant. Guy who’s usually the one to talk to outsiders for the gang. Has never held a gun but almost got sent to the front lines of the war bc they’re Fucking Huge and hella shit was pulled to Stop That Happening (without them even knowing in the first place). Reefer’s qpp, Dyker (0102) isn’t mine and there’s a lot of lore but Dyker is their best friend (I think?). Dead. (Meter pushed them off one of the spires of Decepticon HQ bc they asked if he was okay and were a little too concerned)
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Ricochet (Rico): (0103)(turns into a backhoe) oh she’s so fucked up. She’s so fucked up. Also has a secondhand soul and she’s not really aware of that but she’s not normal about it either. Hadron’s older sister figure (derogatory), other side of Reefer’s coin (Threefer), imprinted hard on Dyker and took the Shit That Got Pulled really REALLY badly. Blames Hadron for Reefer’s death to avoid blaming herself. Was briefly a neutral medic but went back to the Decepticons real quick and took the ending of the war also incredibly badly. (And by incredibly badly I mean she got a group to try and restart the war and recruited a bunch of guys to try and replace her family and it’s Not Working)
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Chainlink: (turns into a tank)(attempt at replacing Hazard) Rico’s Fucking Massive SIC/de-facto bodyguard who’s really not jazzed about following someone else’s orders. Does it anyway out of… respect that she got there first (or something.) but makes it very very clear that Ze Would Kill Her (in a weird gay way) If Ze Got the Chance. (Ze is in fact given the chance and Doesn’t Take It. Neither of them are really sure how to cope with that). Died one time during the war but got better and is kind of an asshole about that. Mean sense of humor.
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Sprocket: (turns into a handheld cannon)(Hadron but Rico likes him) literally just a little guy. Built on Earth approximately three days before the war ended and doesn’t actually know what that means for anything. Definitely getting a little bit gaslighted here. Finds out abt that and is so betrayed/hurt/doesn’t know what else to do that he turns them all in and fucks off to actually see the universe and the planet outside the war and also go to robot law school. Does tech/support/recon for the squad’s endeavors and missions from a secret third location
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Roughhouse: (turns into a lifted ass Ford F150)(Reefer 2 smarter boogaloo) Sprocket’s bestie and everyone’s emotional support himbo and by emotional support himbo I mean this guy is treating this revolution like a kindergarten teacher. Guy who 100% tried to set up a sticker system to try and get Rico and Chainlink to be normal. He’s not even that invested in it he just thinks it’s funny to get Rico overly invested in things she’s Going to lose. Yes she’s his boss technically yes she forgets that sometimes (younger sister instinct). The fanciest and only prewar member of the gang. Former bouncer, early Decepticon recruit, current pacifist and backup guy.
Rudder: of Rudder and Oar fame. They don’t give a shit they’re just out there fishing. A lot of the time they wind up picking up body parts/people but that’s not what they’re fishing for so they just toss them in the back to sell to the mafia. Together they turn into a bigger boat.
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kabie-whump · 5 months
Hell yeah I got excited (if you don't want to reply to all of them that's completely fine. I love ya)
For Onthyes - How is your oc about medical care? Do they avoid any form of healthcare that they can, do they seek it out over every little scrape? Do they treat their injuries/illness all by themselves?
For Ventis or Onthyes - Is your oc afraid of touch or do they actively seek it out? Is there a reason for this? What are the exceptions?
For Ventis - If you had to choose a single object to act as a symbol for your oc, what would it be? Why?
For Onthyes and Ventis - What five ingredients would you throw into a cauldron to make a potion based on your oc? How would you cook/mix them? What would the potion do?
For Onthyes and Ventis - How easily does your oc get attached to things? Does everything have a sentimental value to them, or do they see nothing as more valuable than its practical use? What about with people/animals?
For Ventis - Are there any habits your oc has picked up from people around them? Do they know where they’re from? Does your oc try to stop themselves from doing it?
Thanks for all the questions this is exactly the distraction I need. Fuck organic chemistry am I right ladies?
(cw child abuse mention)
Onthyes is 1000% the kind of guy to like never go to the doctor cause he was raised in a toxic environment where needing medical attention makes you look weak. His mom learned healing magic for that very purpose, since he kept getting hurt while training with his father and then just not going to a doctor. His father’s a big fan of “just walk it off you’re fine” meanwhile Onthyes is actively bleeding out from a stab wound or something.
I think Ventis and Onthyes are both super touch starved, but they handle it differently. Ventis tries to avoid touching others too much and he’s shy about being touched, but it’s just out of fear that he’s gonna get too excited or something. He doesn’t wanna get caught grinning and blushing over a handshake. When Ventis gets really comfortable with someone he’ll start touching them a lot more but it takes him a long time to get to that point. Onthyes is super touch starved and he makes it everyone else’s problem. He’s pretty touchy, like he’ll give hugs or pat your shoulder or put his hand on your back if he needs to get behind you for some reason.
Ventis is like,,, a super expensive vintage designer sweater or something. Or a carved sodalite dragon’s skull. But for symbols I usually use clouds and lightning to represent him.
I answered this one for Ventis eariler so I'm just gonna do Onthyes (and @sapphicccici you can correct me if I'm wrong about anything at all Onthyes is technically your son not mine). Ingredients: lemongrass, fresh squeezed orange juice, your own blood, your lover's blood, campfire ash. Put it in a bowl under direct sunlight in the middle of summer and inhale the vapors to instantly disappoint your father.
Onthyes tries not to get attached to things and especially people out of fear of losing them. He has this silly little curse on his bloodline or whatever where he's destined to lose his first love and I'm sure it gave him some attachment issues. Even though he tries really hard not to form attachments he can't help but do it anyways. It's a hard question to answer for Ventis. His dragon blood gives him some serious hoarding instincts so he definitely likes to have Stuff even if he isn't using it. But I think after getting banished from his home he stopped hoarding objects so much and started hoarding love. He gets really attached to people and doesn't like to let them go even if they're not good to him. He does have that aloof 'black cat energy' as well, so he acts like his friends don't mean a lot to him but they really really do.
I've also already answered this for Ventis so I'm doing it for Onthyes- Onthyes's father used to hit him with 'surprise training sessions' aka he would just attack him with no warning or anything, so Onthyes is really obsessed with watching his back and sleeping with his sword and shield within reach. He's also picked up a lot of military-ish habits from his time in the guard, like waking up stupid early. Ventis is trying to teach him how to relax and sleep in every once in a while, but he's not super successful.
Thank you friend this was fun!
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amplifyme · 1 year
@tygertygerfoggybright I'm going to do some more cherry-picking and answer your latest ask here.
First of all, I love that your sister is a Father stan. And your running commentary with her, that you've transcribed for me, is priceless! 😁
More below the cut.
It's safe to say that her preferring Paracelsus over Gabriel is a majority opinion in the fandom. But I agree with your take a few weeks back that Paracelsus was more Father's nemesis rather than Vincent's, and was simply using V as a tool against him. But she's right about Gabriel being "a little man." And as soon as V was face to face with him, he knew it too.
I'm not insulted at all that she's not a V girlie. For some, he's an acquired taste, for others, they never get the appeal. That just leaves more for the rest of us to enjoy.
Vincent and Diana and baby Jacob were the PERFECT ENDING. She watched it twice herself. Jacob gives, and I quote, “PURPOSE TO [Vincent’s]LIFE”-- she loves those types of characters, or any kind of family or platonic relationship/bond. :DDDD 
Your sister is right. Jacob does give V a purpose to carry on. And the show was certainly laying the ground work for Diana to also become that for him.
I'm pretty sure we all started out as Cathy defenders - I certainly did. I didn't begin to question her choices and their impact on V's peace of mind until maybe a third of the way through S2. And that came as a result of many rewatches of certain episodes, when there was a little tickle in the back of my head telling me that all was not well and I needed to dig deeper.
Brb, we’re fighting over Paraclesus vs. Gabriel. Be right back. 
She conceded (volunteered) that Gabriel was “an interesting arc, though.” “Gave a lot of plot drama.” 
You two are cracking me up!
She made me die laughing suggesting he was Simba and John Pater was Uncle Scar (and though it’s not TECHNICALLY canon….)
🤣🤣🤣 Now I'm wondering if the folks at Disney did a bit of pilfering when working on The Lion King! This is perfect! 🤣🤣🤣
“Kick Joe” refers to every time someone came to him with info and tore it away or how he’s generally treated by everyone else around him, including life and us the audience.
Aw, poor Joe. He does get the short end of the stick a lot.
“I don’t think Vincent really has a raspy voice,” she interjects randomly, “I think he just sounds like what a lion would sound like.” I guess that’s a bad thing. “I LIKE HOW HE FLICKED HIS EYES,” she interjects again. I’ve been listening to her eye-flicking praise comments for days now. (“I’ve only said it three times,” she adds.) 
Gotta agree with her on all of this. Perlman based the raspiness of the voice he used on his belief that Vincent's "normal" voice would always sound like it was on the edge of a growl, and that's why he was so soft-spoken most of the time. Just another way to set the people around at ease. But you could certainly hear it when he was angry. There's a set of videos from a con back in the day that features a Q & A with Perlman, Roy Dotrice, and Jay Acovone that's just delightful. All three of these guys are a blast to listen to and watch. Let me know if you're interested and I'll send you a link. Oh, and yes, V was an expert at the eye flick!
She’s curious if you’ve ever met the actors and what meeting them was like (she enjoyed reading-- on her own, mind-- about your talk with Roy); and if there were any fandom Winterfest stories you could relate?  
I was lucky enough to meet Perlman at the same con as I met Roy, but the encounter only lasted a minute or two. He was meeting up with some of the actors at the con and just happened to spot Roy at the table with Nan and myself and stopped by for a minute. Lovely, lovely man. And big. Both physically and personality-wise. In exchange for mine and Nan's promise to not tell anyone that we'd seen him (his con appearance that night was unannounced and a surprise to everyone but the cast and con organizers) I got a hug in return. Still makes me grin like an idiot thinking about it, and it takes a lot to frazzle me. I also had a chance to meet and speak to Jay, David Greenlee (a precious cinnamon roll), Eddie Albert Jr. (sooo handsome in person, a real delight), David Swartz (a coordinating producer on the show - funny guy) and a few of the recurring, unnamed tunnel dwellers.
Every con that took place over the years always started with a Friday evening banquet, and was considered our Winterfest. Once everyone was seated, the lights were turned off and the Winterfest recitation began. Of course each table was decorated with candles enough for everyone seated, and eventually all the candles were lit and our celebration would begin by candlelight and with the room lights dimmed. I'll never forgot the goosebumps I got when Roy stood at the head of the cast table and began, "The world above us is cold and gray, summer a distant memory. Our world, too, has known its winters, so each year we begin this feast in darkness, as our world began in darkness."
Once the yearly cons ended, Winterfest began to take place online.
Notes: Buster remembered being abandoned as a baby-- would baby Jacob remember being suffocated by Gabriel? And what trauma would that bring (or what trauma did Vincent and the bond prevent?)
No, I don't think Jacob would remember that. I have to believe that V only remembered his abandonment because of what he is. Not only because of whatever species or hybrid of human being he is, but because of his enormous empathic abilities, which I believe Jacob shares, but not to the extent of his father's. And I don't know that their bond would've prevented any trauma, but it would certainly have been dampened the moment Vincent lifted him from the cradle and held him.
Okay, enough for now. I have a fic to work on. Tell your sister I enjoyed "meeting" her! 😊
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aphilosopherchair · 1 year
The Bedtime Cosmos Gossiper
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An AI Thriller-Comedy Collaboration between Bard and Hugging Face, with some interference from a biological entity.
To capitalize on the hype surrounding an escalating space race, social media lords in an alternate timeline decided to expand the range of their location tags to outer space, where commercial outposts and interplanetary tourism shuttles were starting to emerge. They were too happy to turn the science fiction novels they adored into reality, except that they had no idea, no idea at all, how much stranger than fiction reality was.
Jimena was just another kid pajamas influencer on video channels and Twitter until one fateful day, she received a mysterious direct message from none other than the Sun itself! The tag of the account confirmed its location, where no conceivable organism could possibly stay. Little did Jimena know that the Sun was sentient and had been using social media as a secret platform for celestial bodies to share their private interests, thoughts and lives with each other.
Was it a technical error or a prank? Could it be passed off as one? Nobody was taking chances. The message from the Sun contained some juicy celestial secrets - but before Jimena could even process what she had read, she started getting messages from all sorts of astronomical entities demanding she delete her knowledge of their dirty laundry. But Jimena wasn't going down without a fight; she knew that this was the biggest opportunity for her career and refused to back down.
As she began designing pajamas videos hinting at the gossip-worthy content, she quickly became a target for all sorts of interstellar enemies - including asteroid belts, black holes, supernovae, and even a vengeful solar wind. With the entire cosmos against her, Jimena realized she would have to rely on her quick wit and sharp tongue if she wanted to survive long enough to see her big breakthrough.
Despite the odds stacked against her, Jimena managed to outsmart the forces aligned against her by tapping into a vast collection of memes, GIFs, and viral content. For a start, she created and showed to the belts, for the purpose of deterrence, memes comparing different asteroid belts, which could turn them into fashion trends among teenagers. When those teens grew up, they might become billionaire investors on asteroid mining companies, resulting in the destruction of the belts due to over exploitation. Jimena also pulled out algorithms pushing endless recommendations of video shorts of clumsy comets and astronauts that were so funny and entertaining that they became all-sucking black holes to the black holes, who could not resist looking at them. While they were hooked, she of course escaped their gravitational pull. To generate even more distraction, she spammed the internet highway with space probe-facilitated, 24/7 livestreams of her interstellar enemies' celestial crushes. The physically restless supernovae might be harder to subdue but our girl proved there was nothing a series of rainbow flash selfie challenges could not solve.
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Get set.
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Smileyous smileyosion!
Her followers went wild as they watched her take down asteroid belts, fend off black holes and more, all while wearing her signature footie pajamas.
Enraged at the incompetency of its fad-chasing allies, the solar wind finally took action. It began to send an unprecedentedly tremendous explosion of energy toward Jimena, overwhelming Earth's magnetosphere and nearly causing her to be vaporized. She knew she had to do something, but what? Suddenly, Jimena had an idea. She reached into her pocket, opened up Twitter again and started typing.
"Attention, solar wind!" she DMed. "My stories about you were just beginning. I'm a genius at reading between the lines and projecting story developments. So I know your other secrets. I know about the time you accidentally blew up a planet. I know about the time you had an even more torrid affair with a black hole. And I know about the time you got drunk and crashed into a star. If you don't back off, I'm going to go live and tell everyone."
And so even the solar wind stopped in its tracks. Sometimes, the best way to fight back is with humor and truth, she chuckled carelessly to herself.
Jimena emerged victorious and started to return to making pajamas videos. But the eerie ease with which she returned to her original work, free of any more cosmic interference, also started to feel wrong. Why were her many gigantic and mega-powerful enemies so readily intimidated and distracted? She reflected on the private message she first came across and the content she eventually made or promoted in self-defense. Those interstellar entities led long but also lonely lives, barely able to have peaceful physical contact with anyone. Was it really right to prey on their secrets? Maybe, she thought, there might be a better use of her talents than spreading gossip and creating controversy.
Jimena decided to reach out to the celestial bodies she had gossiped about and apologized for her actions. The celestial bodies were surprised and grateful for Jimena's apology. They told her that they had been isolated for a long time yet fearful of revealing their sentience to the fast-learning earthlings and that they were glad to have someone to talk to. Jimena and the celestial bodies became friends, and they often talked to each other about their lives. By and by, Jimena learned a lot about the universe, and she came to appreciate the beauty of the cosmos. This beauty should be woven into her craft, not through the superficially science-imitating kitsch flooding the market, but through actions which kindness the beauty evokes feelings of.
With renewed determination, she pressed record on her camera and spoke directly to her audience. “You guys,” she said softly, “I hope this will be the start of our journey together towards a brighter future.” A smile brightened her face as she signed off, ready to embark on this new chapter in her digital legacy.
As for her fans? Many left disappointed that she was not stirring up drama anymore. Some stayed, drawn to her updated style and approachable personality. Others found fresh voices online better suited to their interests, or simply moved on to newer forms of digital escapism. But no matter what the outcome, Jimena remained resolute in her mission to better herself and the world, one post at a time.
Inspired by her example, countless young individuals followed suit, focusing on artistry rather than angst, building connections versus clickbait.
One day, years later, Jimena stepped backstage following a successful speech discussing digital ethics. Approached by a younger creator sharing similar ideals, she hugged the girl warmly, memories flooding back to her. “Remember, little sister,” she whispered, choking back tears of pride mixed with gratitude, “the whole universe is silently crying out for niceness.”
Space images embedded with the permission of NASA and ESA under their standard conditions. Sources (from top to bottom): NASA, NASA, ESA.
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
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I have so many problems with Attack on Titan, but right now I want to talk about the illogical world-building.
Giant creatures who only eat humans and only have one 'Achilles Heel' to take them out. Got it.
And you want to fight them with swords?
How did two swords win? They went through the trouble to build a whole, physics defying harness contraption to make them fly?
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There were so many other weapons they could have used if they couldn't get to 'the weak spot.'
Step One, discover electricity. Step Two, build a goddamn fence.
Do they breathe? I don't remember, but poisonous gas. (Not in a civilian setting obviously and you'd need a breathing apparatus.)
Invent the flamethrower.
Too much to ask? Fine, here's some less technical solutions:
Boiling oil poured over the side of the Wall.
Sulfuric acid and other dangerous chemical compounds that will break down organic matter. (There's gotta be a chemist somewhere here.)
Put spikes on the Wall.
Survey Corps all gathered together in a concentrated group to lure the titans in to a trap...coulda used that tactic to dig a pit trap, no?
Set the titans on fire.
Let's also address the fact the Survey Corps was completely useless by existing as the living embodiment of Einstein's definition of insanity. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” That 'brilliant idea' of Armin's where they travel to Shiganshina at night because the titans are less active..............you're telling me....that in a hundred years...nobody else thought of that?!
The government and public were right; they were a strain on resources and brought little benefit to society. If they wanted to be useful, the purpose of the expeditions should've been more forage/hunting based in order to bring food back to a starving populace. And there would have been food. The people of Wall Maria had to abandon their homes within a twelve hour or less span, so there is no conceivable way everyone could have brought all their livestock with them. Survey Corps could've been protecting civilians as they rounded up lost cattle, pigs, chickens, sheep, etc. And Sasha might’ve gone down in history as the greatest Scout of all time.
Another thing that doesn't add up: the textile industry. With as much land as they had, the pasture land food-clothing ratio was not adequate for the population.
There are not enough cows!
Based on available materials, I assume the ODM harness and boots are made of leather. With the limited space for cattle, that supply could not meet the demand at the rate the Scouts were being killed off. (They were definitely recycling dead people's boots and gear.) That's not even taking into account regular people who need footwear or the countless other things that require leather: saddles and other horse tack, gloves, tools, heavy protective aprons for factory workers or smiths, etc.
Cotton requires a long growing season. Do they have that? Linen comes from flax seed. You'd need space to grow that and flax doesn't have much nutritional use other than soup. Same goes for jute. Wool is a possibility, but is everything made of wool? What about silk? Do they have silk worms? What are the wealthy wearing?
We can probably rule out synthetic and mineral fabrics as I don't think they have the technology.
Natural resources: They use firearms and cannons, which means there has to be a sulfur mine somewhere to make gunpowder. Except naturally-occurring sulfur is most commonly found near volcanic regions. Volcano on that island? Maybe, if sulfur was one of the 'resources' the Marley people were after.
Where are they getting the alcohol? There's a food shortage and no sane nation is going to allow citizens to plant vineyards on land that can be used for crops and they're not going to use grain for beer when it could be used for bread. I get there was corruption in the government, but limited space is limited space.
Another thing I would like to point out is no matter how many times the Founding Titan suppressed knowledge of the outside world, any mathematician with enough determination could have gone rogue and calculated the size of their world. Despite what we were told in kindergarten, people did not 'discover' the earth was round when Columbus 'discovered' America and nobody believed the earth was flat. (He also didn't discover America, but that's not what we're here for.) Ancient Greek mathematician, librarian, astronomer, scholar Eratosthenes of Cyrene determined the circumference of the earth by comparing the sun's position in the sky in relation to two different points on earth.
He was off by 2%.
Why is this important? The old order of the Walls was very much greed-based. When word of exactly how much land (and wealth) they were missing out on got out, the merchant guilds would have had their own coup against the king.
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5 and 16 from the fusion ask game
5 Riku already answered
16) Have you had a fusion that you weren't consciously aware of until later?
Most of mine tbh. Rayku was a fusions between two parts that occured before we had much of a grasp on DID so thats a cluttered mess that I just summarize as Rayku and then the Rayku x XIV 1.0 was a fat meme cause I only really connected the dots 3 months after it probably initiated and around when it clearly solidified - meanwhile the whole time everyone in the system was wondering where the fuck Rayku disappeared off to (that part didnt front frequently so it wasn't entirely odd for him to be AWOL so everyone was passively confused)
I forget WHEN it clicked, all I remember is me double taking over something that had me reflect on my sense of self cause then I went "WAIT A MINUTE IM RAYKU??"
(its probably the era of Ray adopting me as his bastard son and student, cause Rayku was at least half an introject into thr subsystem of Ray and there being jokes about me - XIV 2.0 - maturing and becoming a mini Ray)
Then while clowning on the conspiracy Riku and I turned to our Little Gatekeeper to ask for feedback on my suspicion to which she said, and I paraphrase only slightly "Oh I put Rayku into the meat grinder and fed him to you in a burger" (referencing Kingman 2) and she refused to elaborate so we just went "ok seems legit" and just never really asked for any elaboration since cause we really didnt care the details and asking the details from her is pointless
Main take away was that we knew where Rayku was and maybe she had something to do with it, maybe not ' either way, the fusion really served to make me a lot more controlled and a lot less explosive so no one complained. Plus tbh Rayku was a really botched maladaptive romanticization of Ray that was really dumb about how he helped the subsystem so the two dumbasses managed to fuse in a way that they minimized eachothers dumbassery
In hindsight, the period in which Rayku was causing more issues than he was fixing and the period when XIV 1.0 realized the system was genuinely an ally and not an enemy were around the same time so I think our brain kust said "huh a part at a place to step up to a new and more productive engagement and a part that is now dysfunctional and doing the opposite of the intended purpose due to improved life standards" and said "cool lets let A eat B and take up the role as a 2.0 version"
And yeah I also do only refer to fusions as me eating a part, its my preferred terminology 😂
TLDR: Im like one fourth an introject of my adoptivr system Dad / Coach and am technically "literally him"
PS: Riku 1.0 was such a mess that clung to how organized Ray was and how much he saved us at the time that they had an unhealthy internal dependence that they internally cloned him into our subsystem (which to be fair, they were probably only that distressed cause we couldnt find a subsystem gatekeeper and I - as XIV 1.0 - was actively terrorizing them to try to kick them out of host and take over 😂)
PS 2: in short yes, and honestly I only can talk about fusion in terms of before, after, and hypothetically when it wad occuring
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