#educational storytelling
aphilosopherchair · 1 year
The Bedtime Cosmos Gossiper
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An AI Thriller-Comedy Collaboration between Bard and Hugging Face, with some interference from a biological entity.
To capitalize on the hype surrounding an escalating space race, social media lords in an alternate timeline decided to expand the range of their location tags to outer space, where commercial outposts and interplanetary tourism shuttles were starting to emerge. They were too happy to turn the science fiction novels they adored into reality, except that they had no idea, no idea at all, how much stranger than fiction reality was.
Jimena was just another kid pajamas influencer on video channels and Twitter until one fateful day, she received a mysterious direct message from none other than the Sun itself! The tag of the account confirmed its location, where no conceivable organism could possibly stay. Little did Jimena know that the Sun was sentient and had been using social media as a secret platform for celestial bodies to share their private interests, thoughts and lives with each other.
Was it a technical error or a prank? Could it be passed off as one? Nobody was taking chances. The message from the Sun contained some juicy celestial secrets - but before Jimena could even process what she had read, she started getting messages from all sorts of astronomical entities demanding she delete her knowledge of their dirty laundry. But Jimena wasn't going down without a fight; she knew that this was the biggest opportunity for her career and refused to back down.
As she began designing pajamas videos hinting at the gossip-worthy content, she quickly became a target for all sorts of interstellar enemies - including asteroid belts, black holes, supernovae, and even a vengeful solar wind. With the entire cosmos against her, Jimena realized she would have to rely on her quick wit and sharp tongue if she wanted to survive long enough to see her big breakthrough.
Despite the odds stacked against her, Jimena managed to outsmart the forces aligned against her by tapping into a vast collection of memes, GIFs, and viral content. For a start, she created and showed to the belts, for the purpose of deterrence, memes comparing different asteroid belts, which could turn them into fashion trends among teenagers. When those teens grew up, they might become billionaire investors on asteroid mining companies, resulting in the destruction of the belts due to over exploitation. Jimena also pulled out algorithms pushing endless recommendations of video shorts of clumsy comets and astronauts that were so funny and entertaining that they became all-sucking black holes to the black holes, who could not resist looking at them. While they were hooked, she of course escaped their gravitational pull. To generate even more distraction, she spammed the internet highway with space probe-facilitated, 24/7 livestreams of her interstellar enemies' celestial crushes. The physically restless supernovae might be harder to subdue but our girl proved there was nothing a series of rainbow flash selfie challenges could not solve.
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Get set.
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Smileyous smileyosion!
Her followers went wild as they watched her take down asteroid belts, fend off black holes and more, all while wearing her signature footie pajamas.
Enraged at the incompetency of its fad-chasing allies, the solar wind finally took action. It began to send an unprecedentedly tremendous explosion of energy toward Jimena, overwhelming Earth's magnetosphere and nearly causing her to be vaporized. She knew she had to do something, but what? Suddenly, Jimena had an idea. She reached into her pocket, opened up Twitter again and started typing.
"Attention, solar wind!" she DMed. "My stories about you were just beginning. I'm a genius at reading between the lines and projecting story developments. So I know your other secrets. I know about the time you accidentally blew up a planet. I know about the time you had an even more torrid affair with a black hole. And I know about the time you got drunk and crashed into a star. If you don't back off, I'm going to go live and tell everyone."
And so even the solar wind stopped in its tracks. Sometimes, the best way to fight back is with humor and truth, she chuckled carelessly to herself.
Jimena emerged victorious and started to return to making pajamas videos. But the eerie ease with which she returned to her original work, free of any more cosmic interference, also started to feel wrong. Why were her many gigantic and mega-powerful enemies so readily intimidated and distracted? She reflected on the private message she first came across and the content she eventually made or promoted in self-defense. Those interstellar entities led long but also lonely lives, barely able to have peaceful physical contact with anyone. Was it really right to prey on their secrets? Maybe, she thought, there might be a better use of her talents than spreading gossip and creating controversy.
Jimena decided to reach out to the celestial bodies she had gossiped about and apologized for her actions. The celestial bodies were surprised and grateful for Jimena's apology. They told her that they had been isolated for a long time yet fearful of revealing their sentience to the fast-learning earthlings and that they were glad to have someone to talk to. Jimena and the celestial bodies became friends, and they often talked to each other about their lives. By and by, Jimena learned a lot about the universe, and she came to appreciate the beauty of the cosmos. This beauty should be woven into her craft, not through the superficially science-imitating kitsch flooding the market, but through actions which kindness the beauty evokes feelings of.
With renewed determination, she pressed record on her camera and spoke directly to her audience. “You guys,” she said softly, “I hope this will be the start of our journey together towards a brighter future.” A smile brightened her face as she signed off, ready to embark on this new chapter in her digital legacy.
As for her fans? Many left disappointed that she was not stirring up drama anymore. Some stayed, drawn to her updated style and approachable personality. Others found fresh voices online better suited to their interests, or simply moved on to newer forms of digital escapism. But no matter what the outcome, Jimena remained resolute in her mission to better herself and the world, one post at a time.
Inspired by her example, countless young individuals followed suit, focusing on artistry rather than angst, building connections versus clickbait.
One day, years later, Jimena stepped backstage following a successful speech discussing digital ethics. Approached by a younger creator sharing similar ideals, she hugged the girl warmly, memories flooding back to her. “Remember, little sister,” she whispered, choking back tears of pride mixed with gratitude, “the whole universe is silently crying out for niceness.”
Space images embedded with the permission of NASA and ESA under their standard conditions. Sources (from top to bottom): NASA, NASA, ESA.
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reality-detective · 3 months
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Before he was president, Trump bought an estate in West Palm Beach, Florida. He put up an 80 foot flag pole and flew a 375 sq. ft. US flag on it.
The City Council told him that he could only have a 30 foot pole but he refused to take it down. They told him they would fine him $1250 a day until he took it down. He said fine, that's a chump change. When the fine reached $120,000 he went to the city council and made a deal. He said he would lower the flag to a 50 foot pole if he could donate the $120,000 to the Veterans Affairs, to which they agreed.
So he took down the 80 foot pole and a landscape company came in and built up a 30 foot hill where the pole was and then put up a 50 foot pole.
That's why ya gotta love this guy! 🤔 🇺🇲
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Lawrence continued to wake long before the house began to stir, when the moon and sun hung simultaneously, vying for dominance in the sky. That was, if he managed to sleep at all.
He had moments in-between his darkened moods, mostly during the precious few moments that he actually got to spend with his family, that the clouds in his mind parted but for the most part, he remained unhappy. His wife noticed his exhaustion of course, worrying silently much of the time, trying to remind him to slow down every once in awhile. However they both understood it simply wasn't within in their means for Lawrence to not have to work so damn hard.
That didn't keep Winifred from trying to brighten up his days whenever they got lucky and their children remaining asleep a few extra hours in the morning. And that morning in particular, it seemed they had been blessed with good fortune.
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"Good morning," She whispered, her voice velvety and almost melodic, a tone she saved only for her husband, while her digits began dancing along the woolen fabric of his trousers.
Lawrence tried to slow his thoughts, to stop thinking about his seemingly never ending to-do list.
He thought of the drunk he'd had to kick out the night before, the pesticide that wasn't working to remove the bugs, the chickens that needed more feed, and the soil that needed tilling. Around and around the thoughts circled, unable to slow them long enough to concentrate on the warmth of his wife's delicate hand slowly beginning to move downwards.
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As she slipped her hand into his trousers, Lawrence's heart began to race. Her gentle hands were more than welcome, and her supple lips kissing his chest through his shirt would have normally been all it took to bring him closer to that euphoric place he so often craved to be at with her.
It wasn't that he didn't want to go there, truly, he did! But it seemed nothing was happening, his body simply not responding to the movements of Winifred's softened hands inside his slacks. He laid back, staring at the ceiling while his mind didn't allow him any grace, even at an intimate moment such as this, and continued to fire at a rapid pace.
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Once Winifred realized what was happening, or what wasn't happening rather, she withdrew her hand immediately. "Is everything alright?" She asked sheepishly.
Lawrence sighed, closing his eyes as he settled back into the pillows, a masculine attempt to mask his embarrassment, he simply nodded in response.
This had never happened in their three years of marriage, and she hardly knew what to think, only that she felt guilty for not realizing sooner that he hadn't been in the mood. "I'm sorry, Lawrence, I wouldn't have if I'd known that you didn't want to." She clarified.
"It isn't that I don't to, I just can't right now...I suppose I'm still rather tired." That was the understatement of the century. He was far past tired, beyond exhausted even and this was proof that his body couldn't keep going like this for much longer.
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Nonetheless, with Lawrence continuing to put on a courageous face day after day, Winifred could not have realized how much he was suffering inside. Consequently, she started coming up with an explanation for his rejection the way she knew best - by blaming herself.
Since her second pregnancy, she had put on more weight, and while she tried her best to view it as an act of love rather than something superficial, she had become quite self conscious about her slightly pudgy tummy and stretch marks. "Is it, is it me?" She asked out loud. Once the question left her lips though, she couldn't even look in her husband's direction anymore, dreading to hear the answer.
Having nearly gone mute with humiliation, Lawrence hid his face in his hand, trying to keep Winifred from noticing the way his cheeks now flushed.
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Eventually, Lawrence rose from their bed with a heavy sigh. He wanted to reassure her, explain that it wasn't her fault in the least, that she was the most stunning woman he'd ever seen. But he couldn't find the right words, and so instead of saying much of anything at all, he mumbled a vague apology and headed towards the door to go find his work gloves and begin another day.
Winifred couldn't keep from feeling embarrassed, her chest rising and falling with the threat of tears until they eventually spilled over. However, the sound of her baby crying in the next room kept her from disappearing into the feeling. She simply wiped her eyes, ready to put on a happy face for her children and try to pretend this hadn't happened.
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That very same afternoon, Millie and Winifred had been out shopping already at the markets when Winifred suggested they go into the secondhand store nearby. Nearly everyone they knew bought their fabrics from there, and it was much cleaner than the others in town, with hardly any stale odor or dust lingering in the air.
"What do you think of this?" Winifred asked, trying to choose between the white and pink spools of linen fabric.
"For who? Beth?" Millie asked, raising an eyebrow.
Winifred shook her head in response, dropping the fabric. "No! It's for me. My blouses are snug these days, and my skirts even tighter in the waist." She paused, turning to look at Millie's face who was still gazing at the linen. "I've been thinking maybe I need to add a little color into my wardrobe and try to be...a little more sophisticated?"
Millie furrowed her eyebrows, scrunching up her face. It was a gorgeous fabric, and it would make a striking gown for whoever decided to purchase it, but it still wasn't very 'Winifred'.
There were things that had changed about her best friend in the years that passed between them not speaking, but Millie was reasonably confident that her fondness for rich, dark colors hadn't. Or at least, she hoped not. It was one of the things that made Winifred who she was and Millie adored her allure to all things moody and macabre.
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Millie and Winifred had been friends for so long that they could recall when they both wore ribbons and pigtails in their hair, since before they'd realized that someday boys were meant to cease their teasing and you were supposed to kiss them. It was a remarkable thing to keep a friendship for that many years and they both treasured it equally. Even more remarkable still, Millie could easily tell when she had something on her mind.
After a series of questions, Winifred finally told Millie what happened that morning, mortified by it all over again.
Millie responded with 'oh my', 'oh, honey' and 'you poor thing' throughout the entirety of the story. Still feeling rather troubled about it, Winifred found herself tearing up again during the retelling, but she knew that she could trust Millie.
After listening, Millie offered what she could of advice, finishing her thoughts on the matter by saying, "I've never seen anyone look at a person the way he looks at you. You move Heaven and Earth for that man, Winnie, I can promise you that."
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As Millie had done for her so many times throughout their childhood, Winifred found herself feeling a bit better near the end of their conversation. She didn't know what she was going to do when Millie returned to London, but she couldn't worry herself with that thought today too.
She pulled Millie in for a hug, thanking her for the comfort, holding her for a long while before they interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. When they pulled away, they noticed the shopkeeper was looming over them.
"I wasn't try to eavesdrop on you ladies, but I couldn't help overhearing your predicament." She bit her lip nervously before continuing. "I have a garment I think might be of interest to you...will you wait a moment longer so I can retrieve it from upstairs?" She asked.
After exchanging a single glance, they both turned back to her, giving an enthusiastic 'yes!' at the same time.
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this drawing appeals to like. only 3 people here but im posting it anyways because i love me some parents who are Trying
pta therapy meeting on the way they're just traveling 💅
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Hey, if you could please, please, please sign this petition for my school. It's a class on Mythology and Fairy Tales and they're dissolving it because they have terrible foreplanning at our school and we live in stupid Florida. If you appreciate young people writing and learning, please help, we might not save our class but we have to try.
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intothestacks · 9 months
Cool Board Games for Your Library
Rory's Story Cubes – $18 CAD
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Type: Dice Game  Players: 1-12 (2-4 ideal) Mechanics: Dice Rolling, Pattern Recognition Playtime: 20 min Age: 4+ Skills You Practice: Cooperation, Storytelling, Imagination, Pattern Recognition
There are various expansion packs (I’d highly recommend the Actions pack for ESL language practice). The expansion packs include Fantasia, Mystery, Heroes, Voyages, Astro, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Looney Tunes among others.
Why it’d be good for a library collection:
Popular topics
Simple gameplay
Small storage space
Variable player size
Great for use in programming with ESL patrons
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tosin-talks · 3 months
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Tiny Tim is a fun picture book that teaches the importance of emotional regulation! As Tim learns how to control his storm of emotions and avoid problem behaviors, he also learns how to separate himself from harmful narratives. The original book provides 8 additional pages for parents and caregivers to learn how to help their children navigate intense emotions and develop a positive sense of self.
The junior edition was created for independent reading with age-appropriate language for young people. This version allows them to learn alongside Tim as he gains control of his emotions and behaviors.
Tiny Tim: Navigating Stormy Feelings and Behaviors is available for purchase on Barnes & Noble.com: $16.99 Hardcover or $13 Paperback and on Amazon: $13.00 Paperback. The junior edition is also available on Amazon: $9.13 Paperback
Tiny Tim: Navigating Stormy Feelings and Behaviors is written by Tosin Anjorin and illustrated by Peachmarch.
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siriusly-writes · 2 years
Person a: *is skiny, academically smart but can barely walk without falling over*
Person b: *built, grumpy and childish and battle smart and a traumatised warrior* I want that one
Person c: *grew up with b and also soldier* that one?
*a picks up a sword falls over and smiles up at b with all their teeth*
Person c: are you sure
Person b: *sighs fondly shaking their head* yeah
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Tejiendo Narrativas Culturales: El Papel Esencial de los Cuentos Populares en la Educación Artística
Los cuentos populares, como narrativas tradicionales transmitidas a través de generaciones, juegan un papel crucial en el desarrollo de la identidad cultural, la comprensión ética y la expresión creativa. Su integración en los planes de estudio de artes no es solo beneficiosa, sino esencial. Esta integración fomenta una experiencia educativa holística, proporcionando a los estudiantes un rico…
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cinephilesadeqi · 9 months
Movie Analysis and Review: "Detachment" (2011)
Synopsis:“Detachment,” directed by Tony Kaye, delves into the life of Henry Barthes (Adrien Brody), a substitute teacher who avoids emotional connections, constantly moving from one district to another. Placed in a public school filled with apathy among students and disinterested parents, Henry inadvertently becomes a role model to his disaffected students and forms a unique bond with a teenage…
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moaan · 1 month
For Picture Book Lovers
For Picture Book Lovers by Katsuaki Shoda
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thebigshoutout · 5 months
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Enchanting Visions: Transformative 2D Illustrations for Children's Books: https://tinyurl.com/yats3smy
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reality-detective · 2 months
"A Cautionary Tale"
Sometimes it's not worth proving something to those who don't believe. 🤔
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townpostin · 3 months
S.D.S.M School for Excellence Hosts Values-Themed Competition
Students Excel in Choral Recitation and Storytelling The recent Choral Recitation and Storytelling Competition at S.D.S.M School for Excellence highlighted the importance of values while enhancing students’ public speaking skills. JAMSHEDPUR – S.D.S.M School for Excellence recently organized a Choral Recitation and Storytelling Competition for its Junior School students, emphasizing the theme of…
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milabrushwood · 3 months
Whispers of the Ancient Forest
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Stepping into the heart of the ancient forest feels like traversing through a realm where time dances on the edges of reality. Each brushstroke in this piece captures the delicate interplay of light and shadow that breathes life into this serene landscape. The gentle flow of the stream whispers untold stories, its shimmering waters reflecting the lush greenery that embraces it. This piece is a tribute to the quiet moments spent in nature, where one can truly connect with the world's soul. Join me on this journey and lose yourself in the tranquil beauty of the forest's embrace.
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Motivational Strategies for Engaging and Effective Microlearning
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Microlearning is an educational strategy that delivers content in small, specific bursts, typically designed to be consumed quickly. This approach caters to the fast-paced lifestyles and short attention spans prevalent in today's society. However, the challenge remains: how do you keep learners engaged and motivated in these brief learning sessions? The answer lies in leveraging motivational concepts to inspire and enhance microlearning assets. Here’s how you can do it:
Understanding Motivation in Learning
Before diving into the specifics of how to use motivational concepts in microlearning, it’s important to understand what motivation is and why it matters. Motivation can be broadly categorized into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic.
Intrinsic Motivation: This comes from within the learner. It is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself. When learners are intrinsically motivated, they engage in learning for the pure pleasure and satisfaction derived from the activity.
Extrinsic Motivation: This comes from external factors. It is driven by rewards such as grades, money, or recognition. Extrinsically motivated learners engage in an activity to earn a reward or avoid punishment.
Effective microlearning should aim to tap into both types of motivation to keep learners engaged.
Strategies to Incorporate Motivational Concepts in Microlearning
Set Clear and Achievable Goals
Setting clear, specific, and achievable goals is a key motivational strategy. In microlearning, each module should have a well-defined objective that is communicated to the learner at the outset. This helps learners understand what they are expected to achieve and provides a sense of direction.
For example, instead of a generic module title like "Introduction to Project Management," use a specific goal-oriented title like "Understanding the Basics of Project Management in 5 Minutes."
Use Gamification
Gamification involves incorporating game elements into non-game contexts. This can be an incredibly effective way to boost engagement and motivation in microlearning. Elements such as points, badges, leaderboards, and progress bars can make learning more interactive and fun.
For instance, a microlearning module on customer service can include a scenario-based game where learners earn points for choosing the correct responses in various customer interaction scenarios.
Leverage Social Learning
Humans are inherently social creatures, and social interactions can significantly enhance motivation. Incorporating social learning elements such as discussion forums, peer reviews, and collaborative projects into microlearning can foster a sense of community and support.
Creating microlearning assets that encourage learners to share their achievements or discuss topics with peers can boost engagement. For example, after completing a microlearning module, learners could be prompted to share their key takeaways on a social platform or within a learning management system (LMS) community.
Provide Immediate Feedback
Immediate feedback is crucial for motivation. It helps learners understand what they did right or wrong and how they can improve. In microlearning, this can be achieved through quizzes, interactive exercises, and instant feedback mechanisms.
For example, after completing a short quiz at the end of a microlearning module, learners can receive instant feedback that not only shows the correct answers but also provides explanations and additional resources for further learning.
Utilize Storytelling
Storytelling is a powerful tool to enhance motivation and retention. Stories can make learning more relatable and memorable by connecting the content to real-life experiences.
Microlearning modules can incorporate short, impactful stories that illustrate key concepts. For instance, a microlearning asset on leadership skills could start with a brief story about a well-known leader overcoming a significant challenge, thus making the learning experience more engaging and meaningful.
Personalize the Learning Experience
Personalization can significantly boost intrinsic motivation by making learners feel valued and understood. Microlearning assets can be personalized based on the learner’s preferences, needs, and progress.
This could involve adapting the content based on the learner’s prior knowledge, providing different pathways through the material based on their interests, or offering personalized recommendations for further learning.
Ensure Content Relevance and Practicality
Learners are more motivated when they see the relevance and practical application of what they are learning. Microlearning content should be directly applicable to the learner’s job or personal life and provide practical tips and tools that they can use immediately.
For example, a microlearning module for sales professionals could include practical techniques for closing deals, supported by real-world examples and scenarios that they are likely to encounter in their work.
Incorporate Visual and Interactive Elements
Visual and interactive elements can make microlearning more engaging and enjoyable. This includes videos, infographics, interactive simulations, and other multimedia elements that cater to different learning styles and keep the content fresh and interesting.
For example, instead of a text-heavy module on cybersecurity, use a mix of animated videos, interactive quizzes, and infographics to convey the information more effectively and engagingly.
Build a Progression System
A sense of progression can be highly motivating. Microlearning assets should be designed in a way that allows learners to track their progress and see how far they’ve come. This can be achieved through a series of interconnected modules that gradually build on each other, offering a clear path to mastery.
For instance, a microlearning series on digital marketing could start with the basics and progressively cover more advanced topics, with each module building on the previous one and helping learners see their journey from novice to expert.
Encourage Reflection and Application
Encouraging learners to reflect on what they’ve learned and how they can apply it in real life can enhance motivation and retention. Microlearning modules can include reflective questions, practical exercises, and prompts for learners to think about how they will use the new knowledge or skills in their daily lives.
For example, after a microlearning module on time management, learners could be asked to write down three specific changes they plan to make in their routine and how they expect these changes to improve their productivity.
Incorporating motivational concepts into microlearning is not just about making the content more engaging; it’s about creating an environment that fosters a deep, lasting desire to learn. By setting clear goals, using gamification, leveraging social learning, providing immediate feedback, utilizing storytelling, personalizing the experience, ensuring content relevance, incorporating visual and interactive elements, building a progression system, and encouraging reflection and application, educators and instructional designers can inspire learners and make microlearning a powerful and effective educational tool.
In today’s fast-paced world, where attention spans are short and time is limited, microlearning, infused with motivational strategies, offers a compelling solution to keep learners engaged and motivated. By understanding and applying these concepts, you can create microlearning assets that not only educate but also inspire and motivate learners to achieve their fullest potential.
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