#also realizing I just got a new lmk mutual and this is the first thing I post
jumpscaregoose · 1 year
so I was thinking about this line from the lmk s4 special
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and it reminded me of red crimson hororen because of course it did and now I'm being unwell about them again
in most of the original manga horo and ren never actually say how much they care about each other, it's mostly implied/hidden under bickering
not in red crimson red crimson is all feelings
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they just have this single scene together and it makes me feel so many emotions man
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from the original manga you can tell these two trust and care about it each other. but man does it just hit different in this scene. yeah that heterosexual family life didn't fix you but I won't let you become a demon? HELLO? I BELIEVE YOU CAN HANDLE ANYTHING? makes me want to explode. ren tries to pull his usual smug nonsense and horo's just like NO BITCH I CARE ABOUT YOU
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don't even get me started on this panel I could go off for hours
hororen and shadowpeach are so similar I swear I read a hororen fic that made the hero and warrior metaphor (lies but it was so close)
you cannot look me in the eyes and say "even if he's ashes, I can still recognize him" isn't a thing red crimson horo would say about ren. because it is and I'm correct
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My New Addiction. Pt 1
Yeah so I went very overboard with this and I think I’ll make a part 2 eventually. Def a slow burn mutual pining type thing.
Also lmk if the Spanish is off at all!!
Octane x Fem!Reader
CW: mutual pining, s l o w burn, swearing,
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You did it. You finally did it, you were a Legend! An Apex Legend! You worked your ass off and you made it, you were on the way to meet everyone and get settled into your new home. Yes you were nervous, you’re a fan of almost all the legends and now you were one of them, how could you NOT be nervous? You breathe in and out as the momentum slows and you realize that you’ve arrived. The door gets opened by the driver and you exit, your bags already being taken up to your room.
As you were lead to the main area where everyone was gathered, you heard music and chatter before you got there. Everyone got quiet when you entered and the first one to say something was none other than Mirage.
“Hey hey! There’s the new gal! Welcome to our uni-un- special group! I’m Elliot, also known as Mirage.” He takes a little bow and suddenly another one of him wraps his arm around himself. It was confusing but you laugh nonetheless at his greeting.
Soon Ajay came up and shook your hand, smiling. “Hey now, welcome to da family! I’m Lifeline on da field but you can call me Ajay. What’s ya name?” You smile back, shaking her hand. Thee Lifeline, she’s literally so iconic and you’re just buddies with her suddenly. It was hard to maintain composure. “I’m Y/n! Nice to meet everyone!” You say cheerfully.
Fuse hollers out “and she’s a looker! What a deal!” The typical thing Fuse would say, soon being nudged by his own partner Bloodhound. That earned a chuckle from the one eyed Aussie and a kiss was placed on the masked hunter’s temple in apology. You thought they were flirtatious with each other but didn’t know they were actually together!
You went down the line of greetings until Ajax sighed and looked visibly annoyed. “Now where is that fool? I told him ta show up! SILVA YA BETTA GET YA ASS OVA HERE RIGHT NOW!” She shouted, soon enough you all hear distant mechanical sounds at a hurried pace. “Sorry Che! Sorry! Got a little carried away with the livestream! Did I miss the new guy?” He asked absentmindedly as he entered the room, everyone basically just gestures towards you and he soon looked over himself. “Oh! Hola! Welcome welcome! I’m Octavio! Nice to meet you, chica!” He walked over and greeted you personally, taking off his goggles revealing his eyes to you. He doesn’t reveal his face online or during the matches so you hadn’t seen his face before. What you did see though, was extremely attractive.
The evening started to liven up, as you were shown to your room and got to change. Wraith, who you came to know as Renee, told you about the welcome party they were throwing for you at the bar they go to. It was a special bar exclusively for the legends and higher ups in the industry to keep from getting bombarded with fans, paparazzi and onlookers. It was the best place for them to unwind other than their personal quarters. You nod and decide to change into something a little nicer. A form fitting top, with a loose sweater over it and some jeans. Nothing fancy but it was nicer than your typical outfit.
First thing you see was Elliott, Loba, Octavio and Natalie (Wattson) on the dance floor having a ball. They were tearing it up and once Loba caught sight of you she rushed over and dragged you to join. “Come on beautiful! You’re the guest of honor tonight! Want something to drink?” She asks as she pulls you into the group of friends dancing about.
You nod and tell her to get something strong but fruity and she just winks and says ‘leave it to me’ and waltzed off to the bar. A few songs and drinks in, you were feeling pretty loose, you were sitting in a booth with Ajay, Octavio, Renee, Loba and Elliott. They kind of already inserted themselves as your clique for now until they all get to know you and you basically choose yourself. You couldn’t complain though, you were enjoying every moment of this and as the night went on, the more comfortable you got. Not to mention you got to see Octavio’s full face for most of the night and holy hell he was attractive. You already had a crush on the daredevil but now seeing his face, his smile, his eyes. Your heart melted, you tried extremely hard not to stare at the man, failing and getting caught a few times. The girls were quick yo notice and once Octavio left the table to go to the bathroom, Loba immediately leaned over.
“Someone’s got an eye on the speedster hm?” She grinned, chin on a hand, leaning closer onto the table. Your face flushed red and you attempted to deny it but everyone already knew. Ajay not understanding the attraction but she didn’t judge. He was also basically her brother so it was weird for her to see him in that light in any way.
The rest of the night went great, nothing crazy happened. Just a party and getting to know a few of the legends you’ll be fighting and fighting along side.
About a month or so passes by and it was your first time to be in a duos match with Octane. He knocked on your door early in the morning already hyper. You groggily open the door and see him bouncing a leg while he waited. “What’s up Tavi?” You ask through a yawn, he grinned and handed you a coffee he had just gotten. “Here! It’s got an extra shot in it, gotta make sure you can keep up with me! Don’t want you falling behind, besides we gotta kick ass today and get a win! It’s our first time getting paired up!”
You couldn’t help but smile at him, he was more excited than you thought he would’ve been, not that you thought he was gonna be excited in the first place but it was nice to know he was looking forward to fighting with just the two of you. You had been in trios together and he was as chaotic as you’d imagine. Rushing in. Losing sight of him entirely. Him leading squads to you. All the fun stuff Octane does. One thing though was you’d never actually used his jump pad. You have done your best to avoid that, you didn’t know what it was. You could drop out of the airship fine so it wasn’t the height that bothered you, you weren’t sure as to why you didn’t want to fly off that thing.
“Thanks Tavi, we’ll do great today.” You take a sip of the slightly stronger coffee that was gifted to you with a hum. “Mmm, delicious. Wanna come in? I was just gonna start making some food.” You offer and he shrugs. “Cant turn down a free meal can I?” He walked inside your little place with you and plopped himself onto a chair, leg bouncing as he sat. He really could just never keep still. As you were cooking and making conversation a few other legends come to the door, Octane opening it for you while you had your hands full.
A few familiar voices chime in, saying good morning and good luck. You heard Ramya nudge her way in. “Heyy newbie! How’s it goin? Wanted to see if you wanted to make a bet with me ya?” You had been warned about Ramya’s bets and stakes. You squint your eyes with a grin, brimming with curiosity. “Depends on what the bet is. Shoot.” She chuckled and placed both hands on her hips. “If my team wins, you gotta do something for us for a week. If you win, vise versa. Easy.” You raise your eyebrow and look over at Octavio, he’s smirking. Always up for a challenge. “HahHAH!” He laughs loudly and wraps an arm around you. “WHEN we win, be sure not to be sore losers.”
You sigh in defeat as they leave, now the stakes were higher. You didn’t want to do things for Ramya and Ajay for a week! Let alone knowing that Octavio would literally never let you live it down. You look over at the green haired daredevil as he was eating the simple breakfast you had made. “Tavi, we gotta win now.” He chuckled and looked at you. “If we lose, you owe me a kiss.” You owed him what now? Your face must’ve said the same thing because he smirked. “Good incentive huh?” He teased. You just sipped your coffee with a gaze. “Maybe I don’t wanna win now.” You say softly, kind of hoping he heard but also not. He did though and his eyebrow quirked. He licked his lips, getting a little speck of food off. “Well well, don’t threaten me with a good time, Señorita.” God he was hot. You were no stranger to getting distracted by him during matches, he was always laying down casual flirts to you but you assumed that was towards most people, like how Elliott flirts with everyone.
Wasn’t long til the match began. Octavio was laying it on thick, if you had slipped up or got knocked he would wink and say things like;
“Wow someone really wants that kiss.”
“Come on, Chica. I know you want to kiss me but this is a bit much.”
“Should I kiss you now so you keep up?”
All of it was NOT helping you with this ordeal. Soon enough though you hear the announcement of
You take a breath and heal up from the last fight you just finished, looking at Octane with a grin. “Hey we might actually win this thing!” You say excitedly. He nods and snaps a selfie with you. “Maybe you should kiss me if we win. How ‘bout that speedster?” You tease and he laughs a bit. “Like I said before. Don’t threaten me with a good time, hermosa.”
You cocked your head a bit, asking what that meant and he ignored you. As he ran off to find the last couple squads. You roll your eyes and follow in suit. All and all you didn’t win and Ramya and Ajey had, they were cheering and happily teasing you two for just barely losing. If Octane hadn’t rushed in when Ramya was downed he wouldn’t have gotten himself killed. You sighed and made your way back to the ship to return home. Octavio returning soon enough himself.
It was awkwardly silent between you two as the whole group returned, you both walked towards the winning duo, who both has smiles plastered onto their faces. “Don’t worry mates, we don’t have anything planned just yet. Enjoy your freedom for now!” Ramya patted both you and Octavio’s back and pushed you along. You two chuckled and you sighed a bit “I’m so nervous to find out what they have in mind for us.” Octavio shrugged and looked over at you “Eh I wouldn’t stress about it, Cariño. Whatever they come up with won’t be the worst thing.” You look at him, yet another nickname you don’t understand.
You don’t even bother trying to ask because you figured he wouldn’t tell you anyways. You sigh once again and rub the back of your neck. “You ok? Sore or something?” He asks with concern, looking right where you just massaged. “Yeah kind of. My neck is bugging me.” You admit and soon you feel two hands on your shoulder and where the base of your neck is. You let out a breath of relief as you started to feel the knots surface and loosen under his touch. Surprisingly he was really good at massages. You let out soft sounds of pleasure due to the tense muscles finally being worked on. “Oh my gosh Tavi..” you whisper out. What you didn’t see it the pink flush under his mask, the sounds he’s getting out of you was getting to him, his core beginning to heat up and his shorts slowly getting tighter, he felt dirty and a little ashamed his body reacted to something so innocent.
Soon enough he stopped and chuckled a bit “Yeahhh I kind of got magic hands Y’know?” He wiggled his fingers by his face, smirking in a silly way along with it, making you laugh a bit. There was a moment where you both kind of just looked at each other in silence, you catch him glance at your lips and back onto your eyes, you did the same thing. You heart skips a little when you see him leaning towards you, only to be interrupted by Elliott coming literally out of nowhere. “HEY! You guys almost had it! Good game.” He held out two fists for you guys to bump knuckles and you jump from the sudden voice and happily give him what he was lookin’ for. Can’t leave him hangin like that. He smiled and put his hands on his hips. “Well what you guys have planned? Anything fun? Can I come? I’m not doing anything and if you need some company I’d love to join you… I’m really bored.” He admitted his true intentions that he just wants some buddies to hang with and you both chuckle.
“We don’t have anything specific planned, just chillin until we gotta go do something.” You typically had a conference with paparazzi and interviewers after games but today it was scheduled for later so you’d all go get dinner afterwards. Elliott shrugged a bit and the three of you just hung out, Elliott being the metaphorical ‘cock block’ for Octavio. He unintentionally stayed close to you throughout the hangout session before you guys split off from Elliott to head to each of your rooms. Octavio sighed a bit and ran his hand through his hair “Well chica, as sad as it is we must depart from each other to go get fancier than I’d like.” He chuckled a bit before taking your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles. “See ya!” He winked and ran off towards his room.
Once he was behind his closed door he ran his hands over his face, sighing. A lot was going through his mind, well more than usual. His attraction to you was gonna get him in trouble if he wasn’t careful. He tried to distract himself and actually make himself presentable for this press conference thingie that he hardly enjoyed going to. Only thing he enjoyed was his fans seeing him and interacting with him. At least he would see you dolled up right?
Oh God. He was gonna see you dolled up.
Next part.↪️
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17gz · 2 months
do you mind me asking what just happened w you guys’ roommate? of course lmk if youd rather not talk about it, i just didnt wanna ask about the situation through replies and thought itd be better to ask here in case youd wanna answer privately 🙁 regardless i hope you two are okay
a friend i've known for 6 years + the two of us moved into this apartment last summer
i'd lived w this friend a few years before this and i thought they'd grown and worked on shit (boy was i wrong)
things were okay in the first half of our lease, minor problems but it seemed like we had a good foundation laid out for living together and we had plans to renew when this current lease ended
abt 4 months ago, my roommate met this person off a dating app and they basically immediately got together and their partner showed up one day and never left
even after trying to put boundaries down abt this, they didnt listen to any of it
i also don't trust their partner bc everyone thats met them has caught some of their lies. their entire story doesnt check out
the partner (on the day our friend found recent texts on their phone to their ex) got evicted from their old place bc they couldnt pay rent and they kinda cornered us and "asked" if their partner could live with us (not paying any rent btw) and we had rly no choice but to say yes
on top of that, their partner has been fatphobic and shitty and disrespectful to us on a near daily basis. nobody in my friends life likes this partner, not their parents or any of their friends, and especially us. i tried talking to my friend about this and they acted like they took it seriously but clearly didn't...
shit kept building after they were making us feel uncomfortable and intrusive in our own apartment for 4 months, and initially i said we could renew the lease since $875 rent per person sounded tempting + i found this unit + i like this unit + i hate moving, but it just really wasnt a good idea
the final straw was my friends partner being extremely rude and disrespectful to my high school friend during pride (my hs friend is a trans woman) and when we talked to them about it, they denied everything and deflected so fucking hard, we were completely fed up with it and realized that 4 months of this has been hell and i can't do another 12 months of this
last tuesday, we told them that we would not be renewing our lease, which ends july 30. we apologized about the late notice, and explained our side and tried to be as sympathetic and helpful as possible abt them renewing the lease with other roommates, but they were upset and i get being upset, so i was giving them some space etc
we made our conversation as mature and non aggressive as possible, ive been trying to stay as collected and polite as physically possible, especially since we are the only two men in this unit
they started being extremely passive aggressive and rude and awful to us throughout the past week, and even when i was helping them figure shit out with our landlord etc, they were still so rude to us... i mean slamming doors and stomping their feet and rolling their eyes when we walk past and deadbolting the door when we leave the apartment etc
after so much hostility etc in this unit, we stayed with mutual friends for the weekend and we told them abt everything and they were all extremely supportive and said we were not at all in the wrong for this, and that we have been extremely patient with them for so long. even a friend i didnt expect to side with us was 100% on our side and wants to talk to them one on one
we're in the process of applying for a new unit and fingers crossed we can move out asap. we started properly packing today, and during that, our friend asked to talk to us
they asked what we left out of our convo and what personal issues we had, i said i'm not comfortable talking about that until we're in our separate apartments and things have cooled down more. they were really mad that i was firm on that, they accused us of creating the tension and hostility in the apartment, despite the fact that we have actively been avoiding causing shit because our stress levels are through the roof and they're already demonizing us to others bc we put down a boundary, i can't be petty etc and give them an actual reason to demonize us.
as we kept talking, they were like. shaking with rage with a smile on their face and saying passive aggressive shit to us and saying we need to move out sooner than our planned move out date...
important context: my dad is the guarantor, i found this unit, and 99% of the furniture etc we have here is ours.
(disclaimer before i say this, i know various people with BPD. people that will take accountability for their actions and take steps to work on their coping mechanisms and behavior etc.) but this "friend" has BPD that they use as an excuse for every single one of their shitty actions and does not take any responsibility for their behavior. their partner, as far as i know, is not diagnosed with anything and while i'm no psychiatrist, i've had 3 diff people (including my actual psychiatrist) say this is telltale NPD. again not to say that makes you a terrible person, but when you don't take any steps to work on yourself etc and harm others around you, thats what i take issue with. its the definition of a volatile BPD + NPD relationship...
ive also been there for this friend more times than i can count. i've wiped so much snot and tears from their face, i've put aside my own shit to help them and i've done so much for them. thats rarely been reciprocated... they do not give a shit about us and it completely showed today when they talked to us and it became clear they were trying to financially trap us here and they're furious that we put a boundary down. they treat us like their parents, their therapists, and their savings account, and if we EVER did something like that to them, the fallout would be nuclear.
i'm literally shaking typing this and hearing them come out of their room slamming doors and shit. i don't know what they're capable of, and i don't know if they're planning on doing anything, but im afraid because i don't know. i've been having nonstop panic attacks recently and the living situation here is adding immense stress on top of the apt hunting process and moving process. i feel fucking sick genuinely
i'm sure i've left a LOT out, but its been nightmarish here
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dvlfblvvd · 26 days
Since I’ve Been Loving You
Logan Howlett x fem!reader (4.2k words)
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| Summary: The ruggedly handsome regular at your bartending job shows mutual interest in you by offering you on a date. You later decide to invite him on a second one to a rock concert where things get heated between you two when the adrenaline is high..♡ You are also hiding that you are a mutant with a slight ability to manipulate time— little to Logan’s knowledge.
| Content/Tags: NSFW! MDNI 18+ only, older!logan, age gap (reader is in their 20s), mutant!reader, all the sexual tension, some slight exhibitionism, scent kink, so many terms of endearment from logan, brief mention of weed (it’s the 70s), oral sex (f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya’ll), creampie, logan talks you through it, the claws accidentally come out to play a little..♡ (he scratches up your headboard), reader seems tough but turns to mush around him, this quickly got filthier than intended
| Authors note: Hii! Omgosh this got away from me. This is my first fic in a whileee so I’m rusty but I was inspired to say the least, I hope it’s still enjoyable! Feedback is appreciated:) (I don’t have a proofreader so please lmk if there’s any mistakes, I would love new mutuals to share works with!!) I wanted to set this somewhere between DOFP and Origins sooo like 1970-1975, with time-appropriate music of course :) I also imagine reader has an ability somewhat similar to Quicksilver just a bit more.. advanced? I had to write this— I just know Logan loves some older music ♡
Mwah enjoy!~
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last week
“Would you like a ride darlin’?”
He asks with amusement as you watch the smoke from his cigar slowly expel from his lips
You had only innocently asked about his motorcycle he always parked at the front of your work, sitting nice and shiny in the large windows of the bar front. It was clearly a hobby of his, with how well-kept and spotless it always appeared
“Oh, well.. yeah! I think I’d like that”
You stammered back with a nervous smile, not realizing the silly feelings you had for your regular might actually be reciprocated
You find your mind drifting back to that day often, imagining his ruggedly handsome features and charm up close as he showed off his bike. The way he smelled of leather, cigars, and cedar wood. His warm presence as you pressed into his body on the bike, the cooling contrast of the wind in your hair—
Like clockwork, you heard the loud roar of his motor outside the front, soon met with the familiar face of your stupidly attractive regular. You wouldn’t admit it but you loved whenever he’d drift in, since his company was a pleasant break from some nightmarish shifts
You greet him with a warm smile
“Your usual Mr. Howlett?”
A rhetorical question really, since you were already sliding a glass of his preferred whiskey to his signature barstool before he could even slide into the seat.
You swore you saw his eyes flash at you with how formally you addressed him
“Thank you, doll” He nods with the faintest chuckle
You watch as he drapes his jacket over the back of his chair, taking a seat before you
“Don’t imagine I’d get service like this anywhere else” he adds, a slight smirk visible on his face
“Is this why you always turn up here, to bother me?— There’s plenty of nicer bars in town” you offer him teasingly as you organize some shelves, glassware clinking in your hands
“Of course.” He stares you down with a certain intensity, one that sends shivers up your spine but delights you all the same
You give him a lovely smile and knowing glance before attending to your other customers
As you’re working your shift you can’t help but constantly slip gazes over to the older male as he mulls over his drink for a while
Unbeknownst to you he’s always been doing the same. Sneaking glances here and there when you stoop over to pick out a bottle, or how you bend just a bit farther down when you wipe off the counter in front of him
He notices your little stares and advances, taking it as an invitation to check you out as well
Slowly the customers dwindle as the night begins its end and he turns his gaze back to you
You work up the courage to saunter back over to him, again placing your arms on the counter in a way that exposes your chest just a little more for the older man
“So, how does a brooding man like yourself spend his weekends besides working on motorcycles?”
Amusement lights up his face as he slowly shifts his gaze to yours. He twirls his cigar in his fingers letting the aroma fill the bar and quirks his brow
“Didn’t know you were interested in that sort of thing doll”
God the rasp in his voice sent pangs straight down your center. You found it criminal that he was normally a man of few words, which is why you made a point to spark conversation with him every visit
“Well, it can’t be much with how often you turn up here” you send another playful jab at him, sensing he loved the back and forth between you too
“Is that what you think?” the corner of his mouth upturned at your remark
You reach into your apron pocket pulling out two tickets to a local rock concert, placing them on the counter sliding them towards him
“The owner held a raffle recently for these, but the winners never showed up to claim them. He left them to me instead— you interested?”
You watched as he silently read the tickets in front of him
Led Zeppelin - Single V.I.P. admission
“Hmm. Surprised a sweet girl like you would be into something like this”
He speaks almost as if he’s hinting at something else, and you shoot him a questioning glance
Into someone like me? Is that what he almost said? Sure he’s older, but you couldn’t deny the charm he had laid on you the past couple of weeks, you couldn’t keep your mind off him
“You’d be surprised” you confidently shot back
You watch as his smile widens, and you know you’ve won him over
It was an educated guess, but you almost knew he’d be into this sort of thing from your couple weeks of getting to know him
“How could I turn down a pretty girl such as yourself?” He states as he smoothly picks up one of the tickets
You barely recognize yourself as you mentally squeal in excitement—
“Why don’t we take another ride then, I can pick you up darlin’?”
You didn’t even try masking your excitement by flashing him a bright smile,
“I’d be delighted”
You gave him your address before he walks out, brushing his hand with your own as you handed him the piece of paper. You watch as he pockets it along with the ticket before grabbing the door,
“Tomorrow at 8, and be ready doll” he teases with a slight upturn of his mouth
As you sit at your vanity you tried easing your nerves while putting on makeup for your second outing tonight. It proved difficult when all you could think about was the past few days you’ve spent with your date
You were pulled back to reality when you accidentally smeared your mascara, drawing a black streak below your eye
Once you finished getting ready you gave yourself a once-over in the mirror
You were satisfied with your outfit, going for cute with a little bit of edge that would hopefully catch your date’s eye. A hint that maybe you weren’t as innocent as you put on— So you finish by putting on your favorite jewelry and perfume
It seemed pointless to bother much with your hair, a simple but functional style seemed fine knowing you’ll end up riding his bike there anyway
Soon enough that familiar roar reaches your ears as you grab your things, the butterflies in your stomach reaching a peak
Okay y/n, you literally see him every other day, why be nervous now?
You tried to pull yourself together before stepping outside watching him prop up his bike
You’re greeted with the confident side smirk you’ve now become accustomed to from him
“Hey darling” You watch as his eyes run over your figure
“I have to admit you look beautiful tonight”
You also shamelessly check him out in the glow of the street lights. Thankfully there was a cool breeze in the night to help ease your racing mind
He wore an outfit similar to what he normally does, a plain tee with a nice pair of form-fitting bootcut jeans and his boots. Yet this time he wore a brand new leather jacket you hadn’t seen before
It suited him perfectly, and you could swear his hair was a bit neater than usual— Almost.. feline-like? You wanted to reach out and touch those tufts of hair
“You don’t clean up so bad yourself” you compliment him softly
“Shall we, sweet thing?” He offers a genuine smile and a hand to help you on the bike
He holds your grasp and slides your arm around him, squeezing your hand a bit as he does so in a reassuring way
“Don’t get shy on me now sweetheart” you can hear his smile in his voice
Damnit, why was he so cocky and endearing at the same time.
You were thankful you were behind him so he couldn’t see your now rose-tinted cheeks
And was that… cologne..? The woodsy notes hit your nose making you want to bury your face in the back of his leather jacket
You give in, pressing your chest against him squeezing back a bit tighter
“That’s more like it doll” he says before starting his bike
You finally make it to the venue, getting in and securing a spot at the barricade. Excitement and adrenaline coursed through your veins being this close, you always loved music and had a decent vinyl collection at home
To pass the time you made that a point of conversation, sharing music interests with the older man beside you
Soon you were cheering as lights flashed and the band finally came out onstage— the familiar riff of ‘Whole Lotta Love’ began filling the venue
Your excitement peaked as you turned to smile wide at Logan, who seemed just as entertained. You couldn’t help but stare as the stage lights cast his rugged features in the prettiest glow..
He notices and shares your smile, even if it’s just from seeing the sheer joy light up your face
You watched the band own the stage as you sang along to ones you knew, having the time of your life. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t turned on by the atmosphere, as concerts sometimes affected you. The vibrations that went through your body from the speakers, heat from the pyro, the intimacy shown by the artists with their instruments.. The adrenaline gave you a euphoric feeling you couldn’t ignore
You also snuck glances back at Logan when you could, where he seemed to be feeling it as well, humming along here and there but mostly just enjoying the music. Yet there seemed to be something unreadable about him, bothering him; like something was on his mind
Little to your knowledge, despite the incredible show he had in front of him he still couldn’t seem to stop watching you, how your hair shined in the light, how your eyes lit up at certain songs, how your pretty lips mouthed the lyrics.. your intoxicating scent as you stood so close to him…
As the night went on and the push of the crowd became more intense, Logan eventually found his way behind you, pulling you in and protecting you from others around you
He had one arm wrapped around you grabbing the barricade as his other hand found its way to your side, making sure you felt secure— your own personal bodyguard
It suddenly became hard to ignore the warmth of his hands, his touch..
Trying to brush it off you became mesmerized by the guitarist’s hands that would effortlessly glide across the frets, wondering if the older gentlemen behind you could play with you that masterfully as well—
Alright, not helping you think, mentally chastising yourself
You watch the haze from the fog machine ripple and dance across the stage floor while trying to divert your mind from where it was leaning
But it was useless, he was all consuming and the atmosphere had you needing more, you could feel the heat in you rising
A sensual wail of the guitar started the intro to ‘Since I’ve Been Loving You’
You’re pulled back to the moment as you recognize one of your favorites and jump in excitement before accidentally falling back into Logan—
Your ass brushes up against his jeans, earning a grunt from him that you faintly pick up on
“Careful there princess” he nicely warns with a chuckle in that delightfully raspy voice of his
As the singer’s moans fill the stadium you suddenly lose all inhibition
You’re not sure if it’s the effect of all the weed pervading the air or just the undeniably sultry energy of the concert that sparks your confidence, but you find yourself chasing that feeling, slowly dancing back up onto him further grinding your ass to the music on his front
You feel hypnotized by him, how he makes you feel, making you want to show him just how much you desire him
There’s pressure at your sides as he grips you with urgency—
He presses impossibly closer as the singer softly rings out,
“‘Cause I love you, baby”
His hands roam your curves, finding their way to the top of your hips
“How I love you, darling”
You feel as his chest and lower half press into you-
“How I love you, baby”
Then the tickle of his facial hair as he leans in beside you, his lips grazing against the sensitive curve of your ear—
“My beloved little girl, little girl”
“Sweet thing— you trying to end this night early?” he nearly growls in your ear with a soft grunt
It’s at this moment that you feel the hardness of his arousal start to press into your behind
That did it.
It was instantaneous, in just a flicker time seemingly stopped and creeped
The crowd was moving in slow motion, and the band even played at a delayed pace, the slowed tempo surprisingly still sounding just as seductive
It was like you and Logan were at the center of the ripple, all the other surrounding waves flowing a bit more slowly. Everything and everyone else around irrelevant besides the two of you in this moment
Logan took a cautious glance around before he centered his attention back on you as you turned to face him, the only other person unaffected
His slight shock mostly eased after he realized it was coming from you, and his eyebrows upturn in slight amusement,
“You have some explaining to do doll”
He stares into you with that same intensity, filled with only lust and intrigue
“I’m- sorry I- it just happens, sometimes I can’t control it..” you are completely mortified, the deep scarlet shade he had just made you has now faded pale
Logan is quick to cup your jaw swiping his thumb gently across your lower lip as he watches intently
“Shh sweetheart, don’t worry. I’m like you”
You stare back at him with wonder in your eyes and a small wave of reassurance washes over you
“You.. have abilities too?”
Logan’s hand slides forward to cup your chin now, keeping your gaze on him
“..Yeah, I can sense well enough that you want to get out of here..
..and that those panties of yours are nearly soaked through, doll”
You cursed yourself as you let out a faint gasp telling him all he needed to know. That yes, you were needing to be bent over by the hands of this man. Now.
Could he…. smell your arousal..?
If you hadn’t been entirely entranced by his charm you may have hit his chest but desire overtook your spite as you both found each other in the middle, tugging at his jacket while he gripped your hips even harder
Suddenly your senses were filled with Logan as you shared a searing kiss, not wasting much time before your tongues were mingling, feeling out each others need
God, it was just as you imagined, a hint of whiskey laced with his cigars but you didn’t mind at all, it only spurred on your arousal
Against everything in your being, you finally willed yourself to pull away as your mind screamed for oxygen, leaving you staring up at him breathlessly
“What do you say, sweetheart.. it’s a bit crowded here for what I’d like to do with you” he implies
You practically rip at his sleeves trying to tug him away
“We’re ending the show early…”
You’d never seen a more lust-driven smirk on the face of the older man as he happily agreed, taking your hand in his to lead you back out of the venue
As soon as you stepped out of the crowd it happened once again. Quicker than a snap of your fingers the band had continued their regular tempo, the crowd moving with them
Logan gives you a quick smile as you’re walking out “That’s quite the talent there”
You pouted, “You still haven’t really told me yours”
He chuckles to himself “Later, doll”
You make a swift exit, both finding it hard to keep your hands off each other on the drive home (that you may have helped speed up with your abilities)
The moment you step in your door he’s onto you, letting his hands roam once more as you’re sharing soft moans through another passionate kiss
He grips your ass and tugs at your thighs as he presses your back to the wall, hiking you up to straddle him as he holds you
He does this without breaking your kiss before finally pulling back, the silent question written on his face
Which room princess?
You gasp after telling him since he’s already hoisting you up and carrying you to your bedroom
He’s gentle as he lays you down on the bed kissing you a bit more sweetly this time
“Let’s give the pretty bartender what she’s been wanting, yeah?”
You blush as he slowly and painstakingly takes off your shirt, bra, then pants yet still takes a moment to drink in your figure
“Wish you would’ve showed interest earlier princess, could’ve been pleasuring you all along”
He smirks and says while peppering you in kisses, from your jaw to your neck, around your breasts, down your stomach, and right above your panty line
Fuck, he wanted to please you first..
He has you gasping as he places his mouth on your core through your panties, giving it his full attention with open mouth kisses
The way his nose rubs onto your clit as he lavishes in the scent of your arousal makes your head spin
“Fuck princess.. had my dick twitching all night knowing how much this sweet little pussy was crying for me”
You turn your head blushing a deep red knowing that he could sense it all along..
“Couldn’t.. help it…”
Until all you hear and feel is the rip of fabric as he grabs at your hips pulling your tattered panties from your body
“L- Logan!”
“Mmm don’t worry princess, I’ll buy you as many new pairs as you please” he gives you that salacious grin again before pausing in awe at your exposed pussy for a moment
“Such a pretty mess..”
He thankfully spares you from more of his teasing as he lovingly places a sweet kiss on your clit before licking up your wetness
It doesn’t take long before you’re running your fingers through his hair, gripping at the tufts you were admiring earlier
Your soft moans encouraged him on as he’d lowly growl into your pussy, the vibrations making you tremble
Your eyes are screwed shut as you feel what you thought was his finger entering you, only to see that he was tongue deep inside of you
If there’s one thing you’d take from this night it’d be just how breathless this man can leave you just with his mouth. He proved he’s not a shy eater at all, moaning onto you as his tongue coaxed deep into you
You couldn’t take it, seeing how much he was enjoying it, how he felt even better than you’d imagined, it twisted the knot in your stomach until it finally snapped
“F-fuck!” You cry out, his name spilling from your lips while he continues, letting you ride out your high
You watched as he pulled back reveling in his work, his hair now ruffled with a glisten to his beard
“You sound even prettier than any melody I’ve heard tonight sweetheart” he smiles down at you
You’re catching your breath as you notice his cock pressing what seemed painfully at his jeans, begging to be freed
You manage to sit up, wanting more of him
Once you get his boxers down to his thighs you can’t help the look on your face
He hung with a heavy girth, veins wrapping around his thick length meeting at a blushed tip
A twinge of fear and exhilaration hit you but you look up at him with pleading eyes regardless
“Need you now.. don’t want to wait any longer..”
He’s already on it, more than happy to give you just what you desire, positioning you in front of him lining up with your entrance
It was still a bit of an adjustment as he eased in despite his tongue already stretching you out oh so nicely
He took it slow for you and watched your pretty expression turn up in pleasure while he fully hilted himself inside you. He sets a steady pace, watching how nicely he eases in and out of you, slick with your arousal
“Just like that princess, taking me so well”
He starts to quicken his thrusts hitting you where you need him sending your eyes to the back of your head
There’s pressure again as he has an almost bruising grip on your hips, angling them up to take him in deeper
You cry out and can only manage a mantra of his name, praising him for how well he was fucking you
“Yes, yes, yes Logan- fuck”
He leans in, one hand with a firm grip on your thigh while the other dipped into the bed beside your flushed face, the slapping of his hips against yours ringing through your ears
“Bet this is what you’ve been daydreaming about when you eye me up and down at the bar, huh?
Oh I’ve noticed, you’ve been wondering if this older man can treat you right yeah?”
His onslaught on your pussy never falters as he continues to fuck deeply into you—
“Well then tell me princess, who’s making this pretty little pussy feel so good right now?”
You swear right then he would be the death of you. While trying to find the air in your lungs you meet his gaze with lustful half-lidded eyes
“Only y-you Lo- fuck!”
You cry out again as his tip grazes an extra sensitive spot and you feel the intense heat in you burn impossibly hotter
You couldn’t keep up, his sinful tongue was going to push you over the edge once again
“Please.. need to cum on it so bad”
You can see his composure slip a bit before he rests his forehead on yours, purely focusing on pleasuring you in every way
“God, you’re irresistible doll… c’mon, I know you can give me more”
He lets one hand that was gripping your thigh travel down past your navel to exactly where you needed him. His fingers reach your sensitive clit, drawing circles in just the right pattern
You truly were his instrument in this moment and he was playing you masterfully, eliciting every pretty sound he could get from you. Though the crescendo to your melody was coming fast as you felt the mind-numbing heat pool over in your stomach
“Please don’t stop please don’t stop pleasepleaseplea—” you plead with him
The intense wave of desire slams into you like a wall that sends you jerking around him
“Ffuck, L-Logan!”
You twitch and arch your hips as you ride out your high, the pleasure almost too much making your head spin
“Yeah princess juusst like that, mhhmph fuck…. keep squeezing me like that and you’re gonna make me cum too doll”
Grunts and growls flow from his mouth as he continues to fuck you through it
“Inside me Lo- please.. want to feel even more of you” you weakly manage
“Ooh-“ he grunts as his voice falters, his jaw is slack in pleasure
The sudden sharp sound pulls your attention back to him. You look up to see him gripping the headboard, an unreadable expression on his face
A feral growl escapes him through gritted teeth and you hear the wood creak under his grip
“F-fuck ah, shit. Fuuck y/n-“
Just a couple more thrusts before he’s over, giving you all he has to give while groaning so deliciously in your ear. You feel him spill out around you coating your thighs
You stay like that for a moment, his forehead pressed against yours while still sheathed deep inside you
You watch his chest rise and fall, his pecs and arms glistening with a light sheen of sweat
He eventually pulls back again taking a moment to admire his work, all of him smearing and dripping down your thighs
“Simply beautiful, princess”
You’re gasping for air but can’t help looking behind you, staring in disbelief at your headboard that now has visible claw marks on it
And for the first time of the night or any for that matter you see embarrassment wash over his face
“I’m.. so sorry princess I promise I’ll fix that for you..”
You stare until all you can do is burst out, breathlessly giggling at him,
“That’s also quite the talent” you tease him back
“Hey now, I didn’t laugh at you doll. You’re not the only one that slips up off their guard once in a while”
His expression softens at your bright, wide smile knowing you’ve already forgave him. He shares a warm lighthearted chuckle and smile with you admiring your post-sex glow. Yeah, he could get used to seeing this every day
After both of you take a moment to clean you up he lays beside you for a while cradling you, his warmth and presence still so intoxicating. You think for a moment you wouldn’t feel this kind of security and belonging with anyone other than Logan.
“You know, I wouldn’t mind slowing time down a bit, making this last forever..”
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hellfireclubmember · 2 years
Pretty Girl
a/n: Okay, I haven't written a legit fanfic in years so I'm so nervous publishing this. Any feedback would be appreciated. Also I was thinking of making a part 2, lmk if any one would like me to
warnings: none, just fluff, maybe annoying mutual pining. also probably a few mistakes. I didn't thoroughly proof read this
word count: 1.9k
summary: Dustin can't stop talking about the sub he got to fill in for Lucas, making Steve want to smash his head into a wall. That is, of course, until he sees you.
disclaimer: reader is 18 and a senior in high school
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Steve was losing his mind. He loved Dustin Henderson as if he were his little brother, but he might just strangle him at this very moment. First, he would not stop talking about Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson and now he won’t shut up about the substitute they had to bring into their little nerd club to play their little nerd game.
“… she’s just so cool! She had no idea how to play, Mike and I gave her a quick lesson before the session and then she goes and lands a crit hit on the most powerful dark wizard of all time!” Dustin was so impressed he couldn’t see that Steve wasn’t even really paying attention anymore, choosing to stack the new releases in alphabetical order instead. “She’s so pretty too” Dustin sighed “and nice.”
“Is Dustin still talking about that girl he forced to play Dungeons and Dragons?” In walked Robin from the back room. She sat down behind the counter. “Hasn’t stopped.” Were the first words Steve had said in the last twelve minutes.
“I did not force her!”
Dustin had found you sitting alone at the very back of the library whilst writing an essay for your English class. You were one of the maybe four students that were in there. Most of your peers excited for the basketball game that day after school. Dustin had realized he had seen you before and almost all the times he had seen you, you were alone. The boy figured asking you would be a win-win; this way you could maybe gain some more friends and he wouldn’t have to die. He rushed towards you, rambling about hellfire and getting his ass kicked by Eddie before he knew it you were agreeing to help. In all honesty, it wasn’t very easy for you to agree. Your stomach twisting at the thought of being in a room full of people you didn’t know but saying no to this boy somehow seemed worse; like killing a unicorn or something.
After agreeing, Mike and Dustin sat with you in the library and helped you create a character sheet, explaining the basics of DND in the short period of time before the session. You were never really expecting to have fun. In fact, you were fully expecting for your character to die immediately. When she didn’t you started to pay more attention. The excitement around you fueling your own. It was nice to be a part of something, surrounded by people that loved something so much made you feel warm and happy. You had never felt so at ease, comfortable doing something out of your comfort zone.
“Yeah? So, cornering (y/n) in the school library the way Steve does every female customer was the ethical thing to do?” Robin said.
“Dude! I don’t corner anyone.” Steve looked up indignantly from the VHS tapes at Robin.
Robin rolled her eyes and continued her scolding. “You know she was gonna say yes, she’s the nicest person I know. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say the word no.”
Steve was listening to them argue about whether Dustin dragged you to the nerd meeting or not when he heard the door to the video store open. His eyes landed on you walking through the door. The prettiest girl he’s ever seen walking into the fluorescent lit store. Lips parted as you tried catching your breath from the bike ride there. Steve felt like he forgot how to act like a human being, not even being able to execute his usual greeting or offer a charming smile. He watched you look around the store. Pretty eyes scanning until they landed on something behind Steve. You raised your hand to give a small wave. A wave he almost returned had Dustin not spoken up.
“(y/n). hey!” Dustin said as he walked over to the front of the register, right beside Steve. He had his eyes fixed on you, stare unwavering as you made your way toward Dustin and himself. Your eyes flicked over to Steve, acknowledging him with the cutest smile he had ever seen. Steve was never this awestruck by something as simple as a smile but he wished he could tattoo your smile to the inside of his eyelids so he could never forget it.
“Hi (y/n).” Robin was the next person to greet you.
“Hi Robin, I didn’t know you worked here.” He finally heard you speak and Steve never thought a voice could be so sweet.
“You know me, never one to brag.” A small giggle escaped your lips and if he thought your voice was sweet your laugh was like cotton candy; soft and pillowy. He couldn’t help but want to make you laugh for the rest of his life. Robin watched Steve look at you with the dumbest look she’s ever seen on his face, which is saying a lot. She genuinely had to bite back a laugh. “You know the hair, right?” Robin nodded her head towards Steve. That was his queue he had to get rid of the heart eyes and turn on the charm. You looked up at him which is when it finally clicked. He recognized you from his time at Hawkins High. Remembered you walking the halls alone with your head down most of the time. He never thought too much about you back then, which right now he regretted greatly, distracted with his douchebag friends and his relationship with Nancy to ever really notice most people.
“Yeah, I remember Steve.” You nodded your head. “Hello.” The hint of another smile on your lips. He so desperately had to hold himself back from hugging you. He wanted to be close to you, to hold you. Steve really didn’t understand what had gotten over him. Sure, he had liked girls before but being this whipped so immediately was definitely new to him.
“Hi, sweetheart.” He tried licking moisture back onto his lips, but his mouth was dry. He leaned back onto the counter and smiled. Trying his best to be as smooth as possible. He didn’t want to look at Robin or Dustin, mostly because that meant having to look away from you but also because he knew the look on their faces right now would be one of disgust.
The skin on your face started feeling incredibly warm. You had never spoken to Steve when he was in school, to be fair you hadn’t spoken to many people but speaking to King Steve seemed an impossible task. He was like art at the museums you liked to frequent, beautiful but untouchable.  
Dustin removed his gaze from Steve whilst shaking his head and placed it back on you. “What are you doing here?” He asked. Right, you came here for something. What was that something? The brief interaction with Steve was enough to make you slightly lightheaded. You started nipping at the inside of cheek, rummaging through your head.
“Oh, I accidentally took your DND notebook yesterday. It said return if found and then your address was inside, which by the way I think is an awful idea. There are weird people out there, Dustin. You have to be more careful.” Steve and Dustin making eye contact, both thinking about the irony of telling Dustin to be safe. You reached for his notebook inside your messenger bag. “When I got to your house your mom said you might be here.” You took a few steps, offering him his journal. Now close enough to be able to smell Steve’s cologne, your gaze drifted for a second up to his face and he was looking down at you. The second your eyes met, he smiled, making you look away abruptly. He was making you way more nervous than usual. Your hands were getting clammy, and your breath was a little shaky. Steve Harrington was so beautiful. You always knew this but you had never had the honor of being this close to him.
“Dude, this is like the second time you’ve saved my life!” Dustin grabbed the notebook with a wide smile. You let out a small laugh. This kid’s smile was infectious, no matter the situation, if Dustin smiled you smiled. Those are the rules.
“Trying my best.” You closed your bag whilst taking a few steps back. Trying to make some distance between you and Steve, hoping to any God he couldn’t see your shaky hands. “Right. I’ll just get going then.” As the words left your mouth Steve started to panic. He can’t just let you leave. He had only said two words to you. His brain going on over drive trying to think of ways to get you to stay even a little longer. He looked outside at your bike and then at the dark clouds in the sky. It was definitely going to start raining soon.
“Wait!” He said this a little louder than anticipated. He cleared his throat as you turned your head to look at him. He smiled softly as he looks at your eyes again. He thinks he could look at your eyes all day. “You just got here; you should hang around with us. It’s for sure going to start raining soon. I can’t let a pretty girl get caught riding her bike in the rain.” Dustin snickered and Steve elbowed his shoulder immediately to get him to shut up. The taller boy watched as your eyes widened slightly at the use of the word pretty. You were so cute it was driving him crazy.
“Yeah, dingus is right. You should stay, besides tonight’s movie night. You can join us at Steve’s house. We’re gonna pig out on junk and watch horror movies. Steve is going to drive us all home after, he’s our trusty chauffeur.” Steve looked at Robin as she spoke, and he swears he could’ve planted a kiss on her forehead right then and there. Robin looked at him for a second with a small smirk on her face.
You fiddled with the strap of your bag as you thought about it. It would really suck to be caught in the rain, besides this could be fun right? You said yes to DND and that was fun. Doing things you wouldn’t normally do seemed to be working for you so why stop now? Of course, this had nothing to do with the way your heart raced when Steve looked at you or the way you really wanted to be in his presence longer or how pink and shiny his lips looked or how you wondered what his hand would feel like holding your hand.
“I would really like that.” You smiled at Robin and then turned to look at Steve. “If that’s okay with all of you.” This was directed more at Steve than it was to Dustin. There was a moment of silence as Steve stared at your pretty face, a smile adorning his features making him look like a lovesick puppy. It was Dustin’s turn to elbow the idiot to his left. That was enough to break the trance.
“Of course it’s okay with us. Right Dustin?” He glared at the boy that just assaulted him.
Dustin nodded his head. “It’d be an honor to have you at our movie night, (y/n).” Steve reached over to pat his younger friend on the shoulder.
“It’s set then.” He said, more excited for it to reach closing time than he has ever been.
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
Under the Floorboards
(Technoblade x Reader) link to Pt. II :)
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Picking up a bundle of wood you let out a soft breath, you watched as it escaped out your lips in front of you in a small cloud. Trudging through the snow you made your way back to your house, well it wasn’t really your house. A few months ago you ran into Technoblade while he was searching for a new home far away from this place called L’manburg; he told you he was in retirement and was surprised to find another person all the way out here. As a wandering adventurer, you eventually won him over with your charm, wit, and humor.
That was a joke of course.
You both started a mutual trade agreement, on your way back from the adventures you’d always take a pit stop at his place so he could see if you had anything worth trading. It started slow, he realized you would come back very late at night, and very weary. He offered you to stay the night once, then once turned into twice and before you knew it you began to stay at his place after every late-night adventure. As you spent more time together he helped you become a better fighter, and farmer and you helped him learn social skills and how to cook food that wasn’t steak.
He never told you about his time in the country of L’manburg or why he was in retirement in the first place but you didn’t mind. Everyone has their secrets and even if both of you were considered friends at this point you never pried. Not even when you’d catch him mumbling to himself about chat, or the bloodthirsty look in his eyes after he killed an animal. You kept your mouth shut out of respect, you could tell he appreciated the gesture.
You earned yourself a friendship emerald after he introduced you to his oldest friend Philza, the man treated you like you were his family. It made you feel wanted and welcome, Techno had a little smile on his face the entire interaction as the both of you bonded. In his mind he was ecstatic his two favorite people were getting along. Techno walked Philza out of the house and returned holding an emerald out to you, you knew how valuable these emerald were to him. You were in such shock and awe you almost started crying which caused him to panic.
“I’ll treasure it with my life.” You told him kissing said emerald gently, blush spread across his pale face to his pointed ears.
“I’m glad.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “Chat- chat stop I’m not simp.” You heard him whisper hiss softly but you ignored it, choosing to smile at him instead. He noticed and his blush only deepened. You took his hand, it was so small intertwined in his own, and squeezed it softly.
Eventually, the both of you grew closer than just friends which understandably scared the half pigman to death. You caught him mumbling to himself more frequently, especially when you both were out fighting monsters and gaining experience.
Things like: “I’m not a simp” and “Calm down I’m gonna protect her” as well as “I can’t just say that!” Were very frequent mumblings of his, your brow furrowed and after fighting a baby zombie you turned towards him,
“Hey Technoblade you doing okay?”
“Yes!” He sputtered out reassuring you that he was just fine by saving you from a Skeleton.
You two watched the sunset that same day from on top of a snowy mountain and he confessed to you. The confession was a bit rough around the edges but then again so was he, so to you, it was perfect. You took his hands to get him to stop rambling and kissed his knuckles. He made an embarrassed sound and looked away from you, you cooed teasingly at him and accepted. From then on you both were attached at the hip, well as attached as he’d let you be there was still that level of awkwardness that came with any new relationships but it was wonderful. You’d both spent hours by the fireside as he read to you, you’d help him care for Carl and get enchanted books all the while you were in awe of this magnificent and mysterious man before you.
Shaking your head smiling to yourself you trudged back to his house, the emerald around your neck bounced in tandem with your steps. Technoblade never liked leaving you alone, you reminded him constantly that you had a life before he was in it but he still seemed to be on edge. You figured it had something to do with his past so you did your best to reassure him that you’d be safe when he was away; Techo seemed to appreciate your efforts at least. Whenever he got back from what you assumed was visiting Phil (after all, Carl was gone), you were going to run him a bath and braid his hair the way he liked. Maybe you’d make him a nice dinner then you’d both fall asleep together while reading. It’d earn you some soft kisses and snuggles later, you giggled to yourself as you put away the wood. If you told anyone else this giant of a man, who you’ve seen wipe out hordes of monsters like it was nothing, loves to be cuddled at night they’d call you insane.
You wandered down into the basement to feed his cow but the sound of a blocks-breaking startled you out of your daydream. You whipped around pulling out your sword in the way Technoblade showed you and came face to face with a blonde child peeking out from the floorboards.
“What the FUCK?!” You both shrieked at one another, he moved to try and scramble back down the hole. You followed him down his ladder, you weren’t going to let this child get away with living under your boyfriends’ house so easily. You backed him into a corner and took note of his beat-up appearance and his attempts to look brave as he held up his hands. Sweat gathered on his brow but you didn’t let your guard down, before you could open your mouth to question him he began to talk so fast and loud you could barely keep up.
You reached your hand out to cover his mouth, your eyes narrowed into slits, “Start again. Softer and slower. Techno never told me he had a brother.” You watched the eyes of the blonde widen in surprise, assumingly at the notion that you already knew Technoblade. Slowly you removed your hand from his mouth but didn’t lower your guard. He cleared his throat, swallowing tentatively.
“I’m Tommy. We’re not related by blood- who ARE you?” he pressed still completely baffled at the appearance of a GIRL who knew Technoblade. Before you could even respond to him he let out another baffled cry. “DOES HE SIMP FOR YOU!?” He shrieked pointing at you as he waved his finger around. “THERE’S NO WAY- HE DOES HOLY SHIT!” Tommy laughed as you blinked rapidly, how was he able to read all that without you even saying anything? You were trying to process who this kid was while also being stuck on the blood god thing. You felt Tommy’s arm around your shoulders suddenly as he pulled you close. “Well, Miss Blade now that we know who you are maybe we can strike a deal-“
“Absolutely Not.”
“HEY! Come on now.” Tommy whined loudly, “I need your help here! Look I’m sure you know why he’s in hiding and all...and well...I might’ve pissed the same people off and-”
“Actually no. I didn’t know that…” You spoke softly deflating a little, “He’s in hiding? From who exactly.”
A look of shock came across Tommy’s face, “You mean...you don’t know? Like about L’manburg and his betrayal.”
“Does it sound like I know? Look Tommy you seem like a nice kid really, but you need to leave-”
“Nonononnonononono. Look it’s fine, I’ve been living here for weeks now-”
“WEEKS?” You snarled a pink flush coming to your cheeks, you grabbed the boy’s arm and began to drag him up the ladders in Techno’s house. Hee was going to kill you like actually this time. You were about to throw open the door but it swung open in front of you. Techno was standing there completely bruised and bloody and you immediately dropped Tommy in favor of him.
“Oh my god Techno what happened?” You breathed out a worried breath he was about to respond before he noticed Tommy. He grabbed you by the arm and pushed you behind him guarding you with his body.
“Tommy.” He snarled as the boy once again shrieked and booked it back down the ladder Techno turned towards you, “Stay here.” Technoblade commanded you softly the look in his eyes could only be described as desperate. “Don’t leave. Please.”
“I won’t…” You murmured watching him disappear after the British boy, you hoped he was going to explain everything to you after he dealt with the raccoon. You could hear them shouting from down below you, you couldn’t push it off any longer you needed to get answers from him.
Part II maybe? Lmk if there’s an interest! Cause I love this man with my whole heart! Thanks so much for reading 🥺✨ link to Pt. II :)
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justfangirlthingies · 3 years
Friend of a Friend (Dr. Laszlo Kreizler)
This is my first ever request! Thank you very much for sending this in @laurentrvn I hope you like it🥰
Request: would you do Laszlo x fem!reader
Reader was working on Howard Detective Agency. John Moore would like to invite you for dinner, want to expect to see his friends too. later reader was getting ready for dinner, John would like Reader to meet Doctor Kreizler, they get to know each other. they quite bit closed to each other. (fluff)
I usually try (I don't always succeed, but I always try my best) to keep the reader as neutral as possible so that really everyone can read my fics and feel included, but this time there will be mentions of reader's gender and reader wearing a dress.
I also tried to do this as best as I possibly could, I just didn't really know how to make fluff happen after the first meeting, so I added a few things 😅😊
Writing my requests takes me a while since I'm not exactly a very fast writer, I hope you understand :)
Warnings: none, if there is anything you think deserves a warning please lmk so I can add it here
Word count: 3094 words
The day started off pretty normal for you. There was some paperwork for you to do, a few reports to fill out and Miss Howard had asked you to go fetch a piece of evidence or rather a drawing from one of her friends. From John Moore to be exact. You had met him now and then and even exchanged a few words with him, seeing as he often assisted Sara in her cases, his reports in the papers have brought in new clients to the company on more than one occasion. It was a win win for both sides. People read his stories about the cases he assisted on because they were exciting and in exchange the Howard Detective Agency gained popularity and another pair of helpful hands for their cases.
It was early afternoon when you made your way to the meetup point, said meetup point being a simple, small, wooden bench in a park. You looked around, but John was not in sight just yet. You were probably just early, that must be it. With your thoughts drifting around your head and focusing on the current case you sat down on the bench to wait for the man. It was mere minutes later that you saw a flash of brown from the corner of your eyes, so you turned your head in the direction. It was John. He sat down next to you as you flashed him a smile "Good day, Mr. Moore." He smiled back at you "Good day to you too, but you can just call me John." "Well, I suppose you may just call me (Y/n) then." John gave you a small nod before his eyes switched back to the notebook in his hands, holding it between the two of you he opened it up. You stared in amazement at the drawings as the gentleman next to you skimmed through the pages until he finally reached the illustrations he was searching for. When he found them he was quick to tear them out and hand them to you "You're very talented." you muttered under your breath as you examined the pictures, but it still reached the man's ears "thank you, though I have to say, I prefer drawing other things..." he paused for a moment "scenes that are less brutal and capture the beauty of the world and its people." The answer you received made a small grin grace your lips "It's good to see that there are still optimistic people like you out in this world. Maybe next time we meet you could show me some more of your work." You nodded your head slightly in thanks for the pictures and as a way to bid him goodbye, as you rose from your seat on the bench "Good day, Mr. Mo- John." you quickly corrected yourself before turning around to make your way back to the office. However, John's voice caused you to stop and turn on your heels "(Y/n)! I could show you more of the drawings. How about dinner this Friday at Delmonico's?"
The question had caught you completely off guard, you had not expected to be met with...well, what even was this proposal of his? A flirt attempt maybe? Heat crept up your neck and wandered further to your cheeks "I- umm...all due respect Mr.- John, I don't think that is such a good idea. I'm afraid you aren't quite-" Your rambling was promptly cut off by John "Oh dear god. That is not what I meant" he chuckled, was he trying to talk himself out of a rejection with humor or was it really a misunderstanding? "Oh my, if it was a misunderstanding it would be so embarrassing." you thought "What I actually meant, was to invite you to join and meet a few of Sara and I's mutual friends. Besides I'll be a married man and a father to be soon" The tension in the air dissolved slightly, leaving you with a feeling of embarrassment and a slight stutter in your speech "Oh- I-I'm sorry. I completely misunderstood the meaning of what you proposed." "It's alright, now do you have time on Friday, my friend?" he chuckled, slightly easing your embarrassment a little. In response you just nodded your head again and gave him a smile "I'd like that, thank you. Goodbye again, John" You heard Mr. Moore wishing you a good day in return as you began walking away, trying to clear your head from the awkward encounter and clasping the sheets of paper in your hand, you made your way back to the agency.
The days leading up to Friday passed more quickly than you would have liked, but there was nothing you could do about it really.
Soon, you found yourself in front of your mirror as you touched up your hair a bit. Just when you were done getting ready you heard a knock on your front door, it was probably John, seeing as it was already getting close to 7 pm. You had received a letter from him the day after he invited you to dinner, informing you that he would pick you up at your home at 7 pm to accompany you on the way to the restaurant you were going to.
Finding your reflection once more, you brushed your hands over the elegant fabric of the dress you were clad in, in order to straighten it out a bit before examining yourself again. With a nervous exhale you cast your gaze away from the mirror and towards the door, your feet quickly following your eyes as your hand reached for the keys in the lock. With a quiet clinking noise, that could be heard on the other side of it, you unlocked the door and took a deep breath, hoping the awkwardness from your last meeting had subsided by now. As you opened it you were met with the face of John Moore, flashing him a polite smile as you exchanged greetings. "I hope it won't come as a problem to you if you meet one of my good friends even before we reach the restaurant" You raised a questioning eyebrow at the man before you "He has offered to take us to the restaurant in his carriage instead of having us walk by foot or paying for one" John explained. His explanation made your eyes widen in surprise. His carriage?! That person you were going to meet had his own carriage?! You gave a nod to John, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious about your dress. Was it elegant enough for this occasion? You hoped so. "That is very kind of your friend" you said as you stepped out of the comfort of your cozy home and onto the streets of New York. You made sure you carried everything you would need with you before you locked the door to the house. "I need to warn you though, Laszlo can often times be a little..." John paused, thinking about how to describe the alienist as you turned around to look at him "...eccentric" Once again, you cocked your eyebrow and just as you were about to speak up again, you found your eyes wandering to a carriage that promptly came to a halt right in front of you. In anticipation of meeting John's friend, you watched as the door to the carriage opened and mere seconds later a cane emerged, followed by the well dressed man it belonged to. He smiled as he approached the two of you so he could greet you both, but ended up getting pulled into a hug by John in the process. When he finally got to you he shook your hand, you couldn't help but notice how gentle and light his grip was compared to those of other men, you made eye contact with the stranger as he introduced himself "I'm doctor Kreizler, but seeing as you're a friend of John you may call me Laszlo" His hazel eyes were captivating and his voice smooth, you noticed a bit of an accent "And you are, miss?" Laszlo asked, pulling you back from your trance an amused smirk on his lips. Oh god. Had you been staring? "(L/n). (Y/n) (L/n)" you rushed out. "It's nice to meet you Miss (L/n)." You smiled softly at him "Likewise...oh and (Y/n) is fine, no need for the formalities." The doctor returned your smile and for a moment you just looked at one another, none of you able to break the eye contact, it was as if you were enchanted, enthralled by those dark eyes of his and for Laszlo the feeling was mutual.
Well, until John broke the trance that is "Well then, shall we get on with our trip to dinner?" Your face grew warm as you finally snapped out of it and realized what you had been doing. A sheepish smile still graced your lips when you entered the carriage and it stayed until you arrived at the restaurant. You watched Laszlo and John make conversation in the carriage, they truly seemed to be good friends. "Laszlo, how was Europe? You only came back home a couple of days ago, right?" Now, that conversation topic peaked your interest, your eyes switched between the two men as you listened intently. "Yes, I only returned the day before yesterday. Vienna was beautiful, I could tell you many things about Freud, the people I met and the new studies I came across, but I doubt you are interested in all the information about psychology, John." John chuckled "Right you are" before he could say anything else the carriage came to a stop and the three of you got out in front of the restaurant.
It turned out that you were actually the first to arrive, the rest pooling in a couple of minutes later. The dinner was fun and interesting, you learned new things about everyone who was there and to your surprise, there came a point where you were flooded with compliments for the exceptional detective work you did. Needless to say, these compliments had you flustered. Laszlo seemed to notice your slight discomfort with all the attention on you, so he started talking in order to relieve you from that embarrassing feeling. You flashed him a grateful smile and mouthed "thanks", to which he just smiled and gave you a nod in reply.
The rest of the dinner went smooth and you learned many new things about the doctor and of course about his most recent research and travels. One could say you got along with one another quite well, he was a bit different from other men, more straightforward and very curious about everything, but you wouldn't say one needs a warning before meeting him, like the one John gave you. The evening went by rather quickly and before you knew it you were back in the carriage, sitting opposite of Dr. Kreizler. John however, wasn't there with you now, it seemed he had a bit of a misunderstanding with the alienist and favoured walking home on foot. He was an adult who could make his own decisions and if he preferred walking home then so be it.
The ride in the carriage was nice, you never ran out of conversation topics and at some point you came to the realizisation that you quite enjoyed Laszlo's company.
In the days pursuing the dinner, you often caught yourself thinking about him, wondering if and when you'd meet the doctor again, and every time you did, a smile made it's way onto your lips.
The following weeks seemed quite boring, until a new case rolled in that is. You had looked over the paperwork and the crime scenes of the case and did your best to put yourself into the criminal's shoes. In order to find them you needed to find a motive as to why someone would commit such horrid deeds. After days on end of trying to solve this mystery you finally found something. A break in the case maybe. As soon as you realized what you had just discovered, you jumped up from your chair and practically sprinted to Sara's office, in your excitement it seemed that you completely forgot all your manners. You knocked on the door, but before you even got a reply from the other side, you had opened it "Sara! I just found something! We got a break in the-" and that was when you saw him again. Laszlo Kreizler.
Sara's and his eyes were both trained on you, causing your excitement about the progress in the case to subside as you flashed them a sheepish smile "Apologies. I-I should have waited I'm terribly sorry." Laszlo smiled at you "Good day to you too (Y/n)" His greeting caused heat to rise to your cheeks. You even forgot to greet him.
After a few moments of silence the doctor spoke up once more "Please do continue, Miss Howard was just filling me in on the case anyways and it seems like you just made progress in solving it. I would like to know everything you found out as of right now"
The case had brought the two of you closer together. A lot closer actually.
You found yourself in front of your mirror once again, this time wearing the prettiest dress in your posession. You smiled at your reflection when you heard a knock at the door, only this time it wasn't your friend John who had knocked to bring you to dinner with friends. No. This time it was Laszlo Kreizler who stood on the other side of the door and instead of just dinner he would take you to the opera and to dinner later, then he'd bring you back home, well at least that was the plan.
When you opened the door to your home you were met with the man you had been thinking about nonstop. You smiled at him as your (e/c) eyes met his hazel ones and once again the man had you starstruck. The eye contact was intense and it reminded you of the time you first met him. "Good evening (Y/n)." hearing your name fall from his lips made you feel all giddy and happy "Good evening to you too Laszlo."
You struggled to focus on what you were supposed to be doing the whole evening.
You did enjoy visiting the opera, but with Laszlo being there it felt like the spotlight was shining solely on him. Instead of watching what was happening you put your focus on him, watching his eyes light up and the excitement clearly visible on his face was much more interesting than the opera, well at least in your opinion. Whenever Laszlo would glance at you he had this smirk adorning his lips, he probably knew you were staring, seeing as you most likely weren't as subtle about it as you wanted to be. You smiled softly at him before shifting your focus back to the opera, in these moments you felt his eyes on you too.
During dinner you spent more time looking at him than at the menu, so when the waiter asked for your orders you just went with what he had chosen. That earned you an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow. Oh he was definitely aware of how smitten you were with him, he had to be. The whole evening you felt nervous and full of joy. What you didn't know was that Laszlo was just as nervous as you were, the difference was that he just knew how to hide it better than you did.
Only when dessert arrived did you notice him getting more nervous, a slight blush was visible on his cheeks. It certainly was a sight to see the normally so composed doctor become flustered, an adorable sight that only had you falling harder for the man. As soon as he spoke up though, it was your turn to get flustered. "(Y/n). We have known each other for quite a while now and..." he stumbled upon his words a bit and that just had the anticipation you felt, about what he was going to say, growing with every second "I sincerely apologize if I misinterpreted anything, but I noticed that... well, I know that I have taken a strong liking towards you and from what I picked up on, this liking seems to be mutual" his confession caused you to choke on your food and you tried to hold back a coughing fit, instead of giving in to the cough you took a sip of your drink as to soothe your throat and tried to calm your breathing. You also tried to calm your now very rapid heartbeat, but failed miserable at that. Laszlo's eyes widened slightly and a hint of sadness and regret seeped into his features "I'm terribly sorry, it seems I misinterpreted your feelings. It would have been a miracle if someone like you had reciprocated my feelings like that" He was about to stand up and grab his walking stick, but you immediately shook your head and gripped the cane first, in order to keep him from leaving "Laszlo, you didn't misinterpret anything" you felt the heat travelling through your body as your nerves and hartbeat were as strong as ever. The alienist was shocked to hear your response. He looked at you expectantly, waiting patiently for you to continue as he felt his own heart beating in his throat. You swallowed taking all your courage together to speak up again. "I was simply surprised to-to hear you say these things, I'm not surprised you picked up on my feelings for you" you chuckled awkwardly "I just didn't expect you to feel the same way and to adress it like that." Laszlo let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding and brought the hand that had been reaching out for the cane back to the table. You copied that last movement also letting go of his cane. However, as soon as your hand was back at the table he reached his good hand out to hold yours, a grin on his lips "May I propose a courtship then?" Your eyes went wide as you beamed back at him "Yes!- I mean...yes, I'd like that very much" Your answer earned you a chuckle from the good doctor.
"I'll have to thank John for introducing us"
Taglist: @natashas-favourite-knives (you asked to be added to this even though you don't even like or know him, I'm just reminding you it's not my fault that you're tagged here), @stanknotstark @ateez-star @littlemissnoname13 @gwlvr @handmaiden-of-mischief
94 notes · View notes
tsukishumai · 4 years
Chemical Reaction - Kuroo Tetsuro
Summary: When the universe hands you a second chance, will you be able to move on from the mistakes of your past? 
college!Kuroo x fem!reader
a friends to friends w/ benefits to lovers type of deal.
Warnings: some light NSFW, slow burn, aged up characters, mentions of smoking, mentions of alcohol, fingering, cursing, and a little heartbreak. angst to fluff
Word Count: 7.3k (it goes by fast, I swear (′ꈍωꈍ‵))
A/N:  Jesus... this started out as a prompt, but it snowballed into whatever the hell this is. And it was supposed to be done by Kuroo’s bday T-T but better late than never! I poured in a lil extra love into this, pls give it a shot, lmk what you think, and I hope you enjoy !
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Your history with Kuroo Tetsuro went back a little bit further than you’d like to admit.
He had been in your class for all three years you were at Nekoma, but you had really only popped onto each other’s radars second year.
He had been assigned the seat next to you, and while you were upset that your best friend, Eri, had been sat all the way across the room, you didn’t exactly mind the view.  
Right off the bat, you knew this was going to be trouble for you.
The guy was cute, funny, and smart. How hadn’t you noticed him before?
“Hey, L/N-chan,” he said, already making you blush with the addition of the honorific, “I have many chemistry jokes… but I’m afraid they won’t get a good reaction!”
You couldn’t stop either the face palm or the giggle that slipped out of your lips.
Kuroo was an easy person to get along with. He always greeted you in the mornings, and never really bothered you during class. On the rare occasion he stayed in the classroom for lunch, the two of you would strike up a conversation, but it never went past the surface.
Until about halfway through the school year. Your teacher had assigned a project that required a partner.
You looked to Eri, only to find the little traitor pairing up with the guy she had been eyeing since first year.
You sighed, not even mad at her for trying to shoot her shot.
“Want to be partners?” your head shot to the boy next to you.
“Uhm. Sure!”
And so it went like this; the project was due at the end of the year, requiring a research paper, and a 7 minute power point presentation.
Once or twice a week, the two of you would meet up at the school library either before school or after your club activities.
Kuroo was smart; smarter than you but you’d never say that to his face, so more often than not, the two of you would finish what needed to be done that day, and spent the rest of the time just talking, and getting to know each other.
By the third time the two of you had gotten kicked out by the librarian for laughing too much, Kuroo suggested meeting at his house on the weekends.
Surely that doesn’t mean what you think it means right???
It doesn’t, lmao. This guy was a good student, he made sure you guys finished your parts, because there was no way he was going to get anything less than an A.
Oh, you guys finished a little early today? Great! L/N-chan! Help me with my receives!
As the weeks pass by, there was a mutual progression in the relationship, neither of you seeing each other as project partners anymore, and falling into a comfortable friendship.
For Kuroo, that is. You, on the other hand, just became way too good at acting like you weren’t falling in love.
The school year is coming to a close, and you turn in your project.
Surprise, surprise! You guys got an A.
Seriously, the teacher said she was going to start using it as an example for the future students.
You couldn’t even be happy about your passing grade; you were too sad that your time with Kuroo was ending.
“Well, it was really fun being your partner this year,” you said, and Kuroo cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Why do you sound like someone’s dying,” he joked, “Anyway, Kenma said he bought a new game, but it’s multiplayer. What time are you coming this weekend?”
Bitch, ya heart nearly jumped out of your chest.
For a little while, you were content with things being like that. You had become good friends with not just Kuroo, but Kenma as well. You guys weren’t always together, but definitely made a point to make time for each other.
While you guys were usually busy during the week, club activities, homework and school taking up most of your time, Saturdays at Kuroo’s had become a thing well into your third year. As much as possible, you would try to attend his games, and he would try to bring you snacks when he knows you’re stuck studying.
You tried really hard not to read into the things he would do for you.
Surely, he’s also held Kenma’s bag while walking him home, right?
He’s memorized his whole team’s schedule; it’s nothing special if he also has yours memorized.
You know that he only brought you lunch today because he had to share half of his when you forgot yours.
All normal friend stuff, right! Right?!
“I met a cute girl the other day,” he said to you absentmindedly one morning before class.
Wait. Your chest shouldn’t feel so tight, should it? Your eyes are swimming, and your head is floating. Every breath feels like lead in your lungs, and you kinda wished the ground would swallow you whole.
“Oh, Really?” you tried to be nonchalant, and hoped he didn’t notice the shakiness in your voice.
He nodded. “Yeah… she’s kinda funny.”
But you were really funny, weren’t you? You were the one that made him laugh like a hyena, made him clutch his stomach and gasp for breath, right?
“Is that so?” your mouth felt like sandpaper, “Why don’t you try taking her out on a date?”
You wish you had never said those words.
You knew the girl he was talking about; you had seen Kuroo approach her in the hallway.
She was your teammate in the track and field club; not one of the fastest, but she was beautiful, kind, friendly, and Kuroo was right – she really was kind of funny.
“You should have told him first, you know,” Kenma had mumbled from next to you once, eyes never leaving his game while yours quickly shot him a glare.
It was just the two of you at the lunch table – Kuroo mumbling an excuse about having plans with another “friend”.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kenma just rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
You spend the next few weeks avoiding him; it was easier since he didn’t sit next to you in class anymore, you weren’t really replying to his texts as often, you stopped visiting him and Kenma at practice, and you had missed the game you had told them you would try to go to.
You were kind of starting to realize that it was mostly you that had to go and seek them out.
Now that you weren’t doing these things… where was he?
You would catch a glimpse of Kuroo when he would visit your teammate during practice; he would try to greet you but you’d only shoot him a tight smile.
So when you heard a loud knock on your door at eight o clock in the evening, the last person you expected was the roosterhead himself.
“Hey,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, “I could tell something was bothering you, and I’ve been trying to give you your space, but… it’s been weeks now so, I just have to know… Are you avoiding me?”
You didn’t really know what to say, if there is even anything else to. Even with your head down and eyes trained to your feet, you could feel the burn of his gaze.
“I...” the deep timbre of his voice always managed to give you chills, “I miss you.”
Is he fucking serious right now? He’s so smart, yet he can’t put two and two together? He can see his opponents’ moves before they happen, yet he can’t even see you standing right in front of him?
“I have feelings for you, Kuroo,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself.
Kuroo’s eyes widened by a fraction, his mouth slightly hung agape, dumbfounded by your seemingly random confession.
Except, it wasn’t random to you. You’ve been harboring these feelings for months, and after hurting yourself by staying silent for so long, you decided that you deserve better.
You’ll accept whatever the outcome, if that’s the price for your peace.
“Y/N…” it took him a long time to finally speak, and you try to ignore the fact that this is the first time he’s called you by your first name.
His face clearly showed his struggle to get the words out. “I’m sorry, I didn’t… I –“
You raised your hand. You didn’t really want to hear any more than that.
“It’s okay,” you said, giving him a small smile.
And with that, you shut the door on Kuroo Tetsuro.
You do your best to move on, smiling and laughing with friends you wouldn’t usually talk to you, ignoring the ghost of your past that haunt you every time you walked passed by Kuroo and your teammate down the hall.
You throw back a laugh at whatever the person next to you had said, turning away to miss the fact that Kuroo’s eyes always followed you wherever you went.
Graduation day came and in the blink of an eye, your days at Nekoma were behind you.
The days passed, the seasons changed, the flowers bloomed, and then they died.
You started university, moving to a different city and living with the very same best friend whose betrayal to quench her own thirst became the catalyst for your greatest heartbreak.
You’ve forgiven her for that though, you guess.
Life in college was the breath of fresh air that you needed.
New things to learn, new places to discover, and new faces to help you forget the scars of old ones.
Years pass by, and while you’ve allowed yourself to feel the touch of others, allow them to make you laugh, allow them to make you cry, you’ve never really allowed yourself the luxury of falling in love again.
Who has time for that any way?
Definitely not you. You just needed to finish your undergrad, and get into med school.
You had plans for your life, you weren’t going to compromise your dreams just for another person, and no matter whom you dated or how much they liked you, this fact had always rubbed them the wrong way.
You were finally starting your last year at your undergrad, quite possibly one of the most important years of college, what with your thesis, med school applications, and your entire future pretty much on the line, no big deal.
Your first class of the day was chemistry. You had been avoiding the last chemistry class required by your degree, all of your friends telling you that it was one of the hardest classes they’ve ever taken, and so naturally, you ran away for as long as possible.
The class wasn’t due to start for another fifteen minutes when you walked in, giving you a perfect opportunity to grab a seat of your liking.
You ended up choosing one in the third row – you knew that if you sat in the back, you wouldn’t pay attention.
You take out your laptop, books, and all required materials, using this free time to check any emails from your professors.
You were checking the time – 5 minutes left until class started – when you were interrupted.
Your feel your body stiffen up at the sound of a voice you hadn’t heard in years.
You turn your head to your left, hoping to all the gods that maybe you were mistaken.
“Kuroo?” you said in disbelief, and oh honey… you could not believe he was standing right before you.
Kuroo seemed like he hadn’t changed at all. His hair seemed a little bit more managed, he was a little bit taller, his muscles filled out his shirt better… but he still had the same goofy smile on his face, and that undeniably mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“What are you doing here?” you blurted out. “I thought you went to a university in Tokyo?”
“I did, but I transferred this year,” he said, “This university has a great marketing program.”
“I can’t believe it,” you mumble out, more so to yourself than him, “It’s been years.”
He gave you a smile. “It has.”
He took the seat next to you, much to your surprise. You almost wanted to open your mouth in protest, but what could you say? ‘You can’t sit there’?
You were thankful that the class had only gone over the syllabus, because you didn’t hear a word the professor said.
When you told Eri about it later, she just laughed.
“I always thought Kuroo-san was a nice guy,” she commented, her back turned while she cooked the both of you dinner.
“I never said he wasn’t,” you said, throwing back the rest of the wine in your glass.
“What, you still like him or something?” Eri teased, plating the noodles she had created and setting it in front of you.
“Of course not,” you grumbled, stabbing at the plate with a fork, and the amused look on Eri’s face tells you that her silence was just to placate you.
The next few weeks of the semester went by without any incident.
Kuroo stayed in the seat next to you, and you didn’t let yourself wonder why.
You were proud at yourself for being able to talk to Kuroo the way that you were; he still made the same stupid chemistry jokes in high school, but now you felt like you could laugh at them without choking on the air around you.
It was easy.
Until it wasn’t.
“Alright everyone,” your professor began one rainy morning, “We’re about halfway through the semester, and this is usually around the time I like to assign a little project.”
All of a sudden, you felt a strange feeling of déjà vu.
“Now, it’s only going to be worth about a third of your grade in the class, so I suggest not slacking off on this one. This is going to require a partner, and before you go texting your bestie that you want to ‘link up’, I’ve taken the liberty of assigning your partner for you.”
Oh, Christ. You were praying you wouldn’t get partnered up with a dead weight.
“When I call your name, raise your hand so I could introduce you to your new partner.”
You waited patiently for your name to be called, but Kuroo’s had been called first.
“Kuroo Testuro.”
Kuroo raised his hand.
“Your partner will be... let’s see here… ah, L/N F/N!”
No. No fucking way.
Your arm involuntarily raised, the professor nodding his head in acknowledgement.
You slowly turn to face Kuroo, who had an unreadable smile placed on his lips, your professor’s voice droning on in the background.
“Well,” he said, laughter laced in his words, “Isn’t this familiar?”
At first, you felt incredibly apprehensive at the thought of being partnered with your high school crush, but at the end of the day, you were actually incredibly thankful.
Kuroo was just as smart and diligent as he was back then, and you had every confidence that your project was going to get the highest grade.
You tried to make it a point to meet in public places – cafes, libraries, and the like.
But soon, Kuroo suggested that it would just be easier and more comfortable to meet at either your place or his.
He only ever came by when Eri was home too, which would have been fine if the smirk on her face didn’t make you so nervous.
You noticed that his roommate was always around when you came over as well. You learned his name was Bokuto, and though he was a little loud, his presence was actually a little comforting.
Honestly, it all felt so… nostalgic. Whenever you would finish your work for the day, then the two of you would spend the time talking, catching up, and laughing at stupid jokes, almost as if the two of you were friends again.
Almost like nothing happened between you at all.
“Hey,” you started one day, curiosity getting the better of you after a particularly steamy conversation about past relationships, sitting on the floor with your iPad on your lap and homework strewn about all over the living room floor, “Whatever happened between you and that girl from high school?”
Kuroo just gave you a sad smile, and you thought she must have broken his heart pretty badly.
“Oh that…” he waved it off, “That was a mistake. A big one.”
You figured it was better not to ask any more questions.
Eri walked out of her room soon after Kuroo left that night, her arms crossed and leaning against the door’s archway as she watched you wash the dishes.
You guys are getting pretty close,” she mused.
She couldn’t see you roll your eyes. “Well, yeah, we were pretty good friends in high school.”
Eri let out a humorless laugh. “I stand by my statement that Kuroo-san is a nice guy,” she said, walking up next to you to place a hand on your shoulder, “But I haven’t forgotten how long it took you to get over what happened.”
Your hands stilled in the soapy water for a second, but you chose not to say anything.
“I’m just saying,” Eri started to walk back to her room, calling out her last words behind her shoulder, “Be careful.”
Eri’s words echoed in your head whenever you were with Kuroo.
Every time he offered to pay for your food, you made sure to insist you’d pay for it yourself. If he tried to grab your bag from your shoulder when you walked, you’d hold on tighter and say you were fine.
You didn’t avoid him like you did before, but you made every attempt to keep him at arm’s length.
It seems your attempts were all for nothing, however, when the semester ended.
“Amazing job,” were the words that came from your professor when giving your passing grade.
“We did it,” Kuroo said happily, the two of you making your way out of the class, “It’s finally over.”
“Thank god,” you laughed back.
“Hey,” Kuroo started, though he was looking at everywhere but you, “Bokuto’s gone and visiting his boyfriend for the weekend, but I was wondering if you wanted to come over for drinks later?”
You blinked, trying to even your breathing.
“You know, to celebrate the end of the semester, and acing that nightmare class.”
You should say no, right? Wait, but you’re grown now. You’ve moved on from what happened back then. The two of you did work really hard this semester, what’s wrong with celebrating your achievements?
“I think we’ve earned it,” Kuroo laughed.
“Yeah,” you said, and you were glad for it just from the smile that spread on his stupid face, “We really have! I’ll be there.”
“See you at eight?”
You nodded at his words as he waved goodbye, going your separate ways.
Ten hours later, you were sitting next to Kuroo on his living room floor, sake cup full to the brim as BNHA plays on his TV.
“Ah, Deku’s in the hospital,” Kuroo slurred, sake sloshing out of his cup when he pointed to the screen, “That’s a shot!”
The two of you threw back the warm liquid, and you were kind of worried that it didn’t taste like anything anymore.
“Kuroo,” you laughed, “We’re only on the second episode… and I think I’ve taken, like, twelve shots at this point.”
“This was your idea!”
“Well, I have another idea,” you started to get up, causing Kuroo to get up as well, “Let’s order take out!”
He laughed at your red face, agreeing with you.
You started to make your way to the couch, but all of a sudden, you felt dizzy, a head rush taking over your senses as you stumbled over your feet.
Kuroo caught you before you could hit the floor.
“You okay?” he laughed, and the sound of it elicited a laugh from your own lips.
In a second, the two of you erupted in giggles, snickering at nothing in particular while his strong arms still held you in place.
Suddenly, you were hyperaware of his touch on your skin, and you let your eyes trail from the strong hands around your waist, to the golden honey eyes that were already staring at your face.
You can’t exactly remember how, but the next thing you knew, you were pinned under Kuroo on his bed, his soft lips moving in tandem with yours while his hot tongue took over your whole mouth.
Your arms were looped around his neck, and he slid his calloused hands up your arm.
You felt his hands grip onto your wrists before he pulled them off his necked and pinned them onto the mattress.
You took in a deep breath once he disconnected from your mouth, planting a trail of kisses along your jaw line and down to your neck, before you slid his tongue across your supple skin.
You shivered, acutely aware of the fact that he has you trapped.
“Be careful,” Eri’s words echoed in your mind.
Fuck, you tried to think but it was hard when Kuroo just threw his shirt across the room, hovering over you with chiseled abs and defined muscles.
The heat returned to your body when he lowered his head, and popped a hard nipple into his mouth.
Your body arched at the feel of his teeth grazing against your skin, goosebumps racing when he dipped his hand beneath your underwear, a slender finger gliding down your folds before inserting into you.
You weren’t prepared for the intrusion, and he captured the gasp that came out of your mouth with his lips.
He was now holding down both of your wrists with one hand, never realizing that he was that much bigger than you.
He slid out his finger, bringing it to his mouth to give a long lick, before dipping his hand back down, and pushing in two.
You threw your head back when Kuroo curled his fingers, wondering how the hell he was able to find your g spot so quickly.
You felt like an animal caught in his trap, caged in with your arms pinned down, no choice but to let Kuroo draw out your orgasm while he pumped and curled into you, circling his thumb over your swollen clit.
Your legs were shaking while you screamed out his name, embarrassed that you were cumming so hard when he hasn’t even actually fucked you
He didn’t give you a chance to recover from your orgasm
In one swift movement, Kuroo let go of your hands and pulled out his fingers so he could grab a leg in each hand to fold you over in a press.
You don’t even know when Kuroo had taken his pants – or yours – off, and you didn’t have time to wonder.
A moan escaped your lips at the feel of his length filling you up, and you distinctly hear Kuroo tell you to say his name.
“Kuroo,” you moaned, bringing your hands to his shoulders, grasping at his body.
Every buck of his hips shot a jolt of pleasure throughout your body, unable to escape the feeling with Kuroo holding you down in place.
Who the hell would want to escape from here anyway?
“My first name,” he growled, quickening his pace when he felt your walls tighten around his dick.
“Tetsuro!” you screamed without a second thought, the brutal rhythm Kuroo has set driving heat onto your stomach, repeating his name over and over even after you feel your pussy gushing all over him, your cum dripping down from his shaft to his balls.
“Fuck,” Kuroo growled out, driving into you one last time before he spilled hot white, trying hard to catch his breath while coming down from this high.
The two of you lay together in the darkness for a while, your head on his chest and his arms around his shoulder.
The silence that surrounded the room was comfortable; almost like a bubble of peace that neither of you wanted to pop by saying anything.
“Be careful,” Eri’s fucking voice told you, yet again
While you didn’t regret what had just happened between you and Kuroo, doubts were beginning to creep in your mind.
What the hell was supposed to happen now? You’re not sure if Kuroo was expecting this outcome when he invited you over for drinks, but it happened, and you’re not really sure where to go from here.
You’ve already built a life for yourself – one that was truly yours – and you had a path that you had every intention to follow.
Would Kuroo be like every other guy and run away when he finds out you’re not compromising your plans for him? Would you even want to try to fit him into your plans?
You shake your head.
Jesus, get a grip. A guy dicks you down /once/, and all of a sudden you’re thinking about this shit?
“Y/N? You okay?” He asked from beside you.
You lift your head from his chest, sitting up so you could lean your back against his headboard. Kuroo was quick to mirror your actions.
“Kuroo,” you begin to tell him, and he frowned a little at the sound of his last name, “That was… amazing.”
Kuroo blushed a little at your compliment, though he knew it didn’t stop there. “…But?”
“But,” you bit your lip, “I’m not really looking for anything serious right now.”
Kuroo didn’t respond right away, but maybe that’s because you just kept babbling. “It’s just… I have so much going on with school, not to mention grad school applications are due in a few months, and who knows which university I’ll end up going to after graduation…”
You finally had the courage to look at him, and you caught a glimpse of what you would have thought was sadness in his eyes if it hadn’t been blinked away so quickly, soon replaced with that same unreadable smile.
“Whatever you want, Kitten,” he replied, “This doesn’t have to be anything more than what it is.”
You let out a breath of relief.
He walked you home that night (or morning, considering it was 1am), still trying your best to set boundaries even though you pretty much let him thoroughly wreck you.
He didn’t give you a kiss goodbye, instead sheepishly waving when he sees you entering the door to your apartment, saying he’ll shoot you a text tomorrow.
You thought things would be weird between the two of you after that night, but you were happy to find that it wasn’t.
You had managed to rekindle your friendship with Kuroo – meeting up to study, grabbing lunch if you had the time, maybe catching the occasional movie.
Though, you didn’t tell Eri about the added benefits.
(Kuroo Tetsu-hoe) Today: 12:37AM
You up?
[To: Kuroo Tetsu-hoe] Today: 12:49AM
Yeah, doing my Lit. paper.
(Kuroo Tetsu-hoe) Today: 12:50AM
Wanna do me instead?
[To: Kuroo Tetsu-hoe] Today: 12:58AM
Say less.
ou didn’t have to tell Eri about the added benefits – she wasn’t dumb, where else would her roommate be going in the middle of night?
You’ve had other men before, going through your fair share of sexual experiences before climbing into bed with Kuroo.
But he was still managing to show you new things, reaching spots you never even knew existed before, putting his mouth in places that made your eyes water and lungs burn from gasping for air.
You can’t explain the feeling you get when he’s running his hands across your body, and when he stares at you and nothing but you while he’s pumping into you and making you feel so full in more ways than one, it’s something akin to a chemical reaction.
There was one time, when he took a belt, secured it against his head post before he brought your legs up to –
“Earth to Y/N,” Kuroo said, waving a hand in front of your face.
“Sorry,” you said, shrugging your shoulders, “I was having a flashback.”
Kuroo smirked, knowing exactly what you meant.  
The two of you were lying in bed, your back against his chest and a strong arm wrapped around your waist.
You laid your hand on top of his, fiddling with his fingers and reveling in the calm that always came from being with Kuroo.
“What you thinking about?” You ask, and the way he stiffened up in your grip let you know that something really was bothering him.
It took him a little longer than you’d like before he replied.
“Do you ever feel like… you want more?”
This time, it was you that stilled in his arms.
“Be Careful.”
You turned around to face Kuroo.
“I thought we talked about this?”
Kuroo’s eyes searched your face, for what, you have no idea. But you stared back with just as much intensity, hoping that he would find the answer he was looking for.
Fear. That’s what was written all over your face.
Kuroo let out a humorless laugh. “Forget I said anything.”
He stood up to put his boxers on and slipping on a shirt before heading out onto the balcony that was attached to his room.
You gave him a few moments before getting up to gather your clothes from the floor, silently putting them on before you joined him outside.
You find him leaning against the balcony railing on his forearms, a cigarette lit in one hand.
He doesn’t turn his head towards you, but he does offer his cigarette, and you take it quietly.
You bring the white filter to your lips, taking a deep drag, closing your eyes when you feel your head get lighter, and releasing the smoke from your lungs.
“Kuroo,” you started, voice nothing but a soft whisper, “I’m sorry… I didn’t – “
He raised a hand to stop you.
“It’s fine,” he replied. “Like I said, forget I mentioned anything.”
He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Hey,” he said, taking his cigarette back from you and taking a drag himself, “Kenma’s having a party this weekend. They’re inviting over some old classmates from Nekoma. He says he misses you. You should come.”
Your ears perk up at the invitation, excited at the thought of seeing your old friend and a little happy that he’s moving past the subject.
"Kenma? Is having a party?”
Kuroo laughed. “Alright. Yaku is having a party, but we’re doing it at Kenma’s place. It’s actually not that far from here, just one train ride.”
You chuckled, shaking your head knowingly.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” you agreed, “But, uhm… I’ll just meet you there?”
Kuroo nodded. “Yeah. I’ll just meet you there.”
You didn’t see Kuroo the rest of that week.
You weren’t sure what it was – he wasn’t ignoring you, he replied to your text messages and answered your calls.
But he hadn’t once asked you to come over. And after what happened that night, you were scared to ask him to come over.
The night of Kenma’s party came, and you entered to find way more people than you had expected. You didn’t recognize more than half of the people there, but relief washed over you when Yaku threw an arm around your shoulder.
You didn’t see Kuroo right away when you arrived, but you were too distracted at the joy from seeing some of your old classmates.
You were half way through a game of beer pong with Lev as your partner before Kuroo was able to make an appearance.
He made his rounds, saying his greetings to everyone before stopping at you, giving you a friendly one armed hug.
You didn’t want to admit that you were a bit sad at the generic greeting.
Was it because maybe… you want…. mor –
“Y/N! Shoot the damn ping pong ball,” Lev exclaimed, and you were shook out of your reverie. 
Kuroo excused himself, saying he was going to the kitchen to make himself a drink, but you were too focused on winning your game to notice.
Before you knew it, you lost three to two against Kenma and Yamamoto, cursing at Lev for forcing you to carry the team on your back.
By this point, the alcohol had spread all through your system. You were still able to walk straight, but with considerable effort. The words that came out of your mouth were just a little slurred, and you were kind of having a hard time controlling the volume of your voice.
“Where’s Kuroo?” you asked Yaku, who instantly shot a hand up to rub his ear.
“Jesus, woman, you don’t have to yell, I am /right here,” he grumbled, but he still let you sling an arm around his shoulders for support. “I thought he went into the kitchen to get some drinks?”
That’s right, he said that. But that was hours ago. Where could he be?
You stagger away from Yaku, pushing your way past unfamiliar bodies to get to the kitchen.
The first thing you saw when you tripped into the kitchen was Kuroo, dressed in a fitted black shirt and blue jeans, looking every bit the Greek God he was as he leaned against the counter. His arms were crossed atop his broad chest, a drink in one hand.
He was talking to someone, and you thought you recognized the long black hair that flowed from the back of their head, but were too distracted studying the veins that protruded from Kuroo’s forearms.
You opened your mouth to call out to him when the person in front of him stepped up, pressing their body into his. She uncrossed his arms and snaked two long arms around his neck.
You recognized her in that instant.
It was his ex from high school.
Looking down, you were surprised to see your clothes dry, because it felt like someone poured a bucket of ice water directly on top of your head.
“Be careful,” Eri’s words echoed in your head for the ten millionth time.
Yet here you were
In the same exact place you were a little over three years ago.
You scoffed at yourself.
Well, there’s nothing else for you here now, is there?
You shoot Yaku and Kenma a quick text in a group chat to let them know you were leaving.
The air outside was cold, your breath coming out in puffs. You wrapped your jacket around a little tighter, cursing yourself silently for not wearing a scarf cause it’ll ‘ruin the outfit.’
“Hey, the party’s that way.”
The sudden voice behind you nearly made you jump ten feet in the air.
“Jesus, you really are like a fucking cat.”
Kuroo chuckled.
For some reason, the sound made you angry. You kept walking, following the path of dimmed street lights that led you to the train station.
“Yeah, but home’s this way.”
His heavy footsteps trailed behind you.
“Great, I was getting tired of the party anyway.”
“What are you doing here?” You finally turned your head to him and asked.
Your voice was surprisingly clear and even, despite the unsteadiness of the ground beneath you.
“What do you mean? I’m walking you home.”
“Because it’s late, and you’re my friend.”
‘Friend’. The word made you wince, even though you were the one that drilled the idea into his head.
“I saw you talking to your ex,” you grumbled, crossing your arms and turning the other direction.
You could practically feel his smirk.
“Oya? Is that jealousy I’m hearing in those words?”
You felt your face get hot.
“Of course not!”
- “I thought we were just friends?”
“Will you shut up for once in your life, idiot!”
He wanted to tease you some more, but was stopped by the pensive look on your face.
“Why would you leave the girl that broke your heart behind just to walk me home?”
Kuroo looked at you with a confused expression.
“Girl that broke my heart?”
You nodded. “When I asked you about her, you said she was a big mistake.”
Kuroo stopped walking. You turned your head back to look at him curiously when he doubled over in a full bellied laugh.
“Are you laughing at me?!” You asked incredulously, giving him a glare from where you stood.
“You... you think she’s the one that broke my heart?”
Kuroo wiped a fake tear from his eye.
“Wow. That was a good one.”
“What the hell are you going on about, Kuroo?”
The jovial look on Kuroo’s face slowly faded, the entertained smile on his face shrinking his lips into a thin line.
“Y/N, she didn’t break my heart.”
Now it was your turn to be confused.
“You want to know why I said she was a big mistake?” Kuroo took a step towards you, “It was because of her that I lost you.”
Your jaw dropped.
Kuroo ran his fingers through his hair, ruining the perfectly waxed locks that he had spent thirty minutes styling.
“Please don’t run away when I tell you this.”
You couldn’t move your feet even if you wanted to.
“The only reason I ever brought her up to you in the first place was because I wanted to see your reaction. I wanted to know if you would get jealous. But without hesitation, you told me that I should just go ahead and date her, and you know dumb young men and their pride... then... it just... snowballed into something I didn’t even...”
Kuroo couldn’t finish his sentence.
Your vision begins to shake.
“But... but I confessed to you!”
“Yeah, then you slammed the door in my face and stopped talking to me!”
You couldn’t deny that.
“Do you have any idea how confusing that was for a teenage boy? I had no idea what the hell was going on, one day, I blinked and I was stuck with a girl I didn’t love while I watched my best friend smile and laugh and walk passed me like I never even existed.”
You swallowed the guilty lump that was caught in your throat.
“All I knew was that you weren’t around anymore; you weren’t there to make me laugh with your dumb jokes, you weren’t coming over and leaving your presence all over my room, nothing, it was all gone, and it all felt so fucked up. Being without you felt so fucked up.” 
Had Kuroo always felt this way? Were you really so busy running away from him that you couldn’t even see that he was hurting too?
“Now the universe or the gods or whatever brought me back to you, and it’s like everything makes sense again, and fuck, all I want to do is just show you how much I’ve missed you, how much I care, how much I love you.”
You gasped, and you were waiting for Kuroo to try and take those words back, but the resolve was painted in his eyes.
“But all you do is just keep me at arms length. You wanted to be just friends when I wanted everything.”
You choked back a sob, tears were now steadily streaming down your face.
Kuroo closed the space between you, wrapping one arm around your waist while bring his other head to wipe at your tears with the pad of his thumb.
 “She wasn’t the girl that broke my heart. You were.”
He moved to place his fingers on your chin, tilting your head up to force you to look at his eyes.
He wanted you to see that he meant every single word.
“If this is all you’re willing to give me, I’ll take it. I’ll break my own heart. Every day, over and over again, if that’s what it takes to be with you.”
His voice was in a whisper now, bringing his lips to kiss both sides of your cheeks.
“Because I love you.”
He brought his hands to cup for your face before pulling you in for a kiss.
This wasn’t anything like you’ve ever experienced before.
Every time his tongue brushed against yours, you felt all the love adoration he was trying to convey in this one physical act, hoping he could transfer it all into your lips.
It felt like time stopped just for the two of you, to have this moment in the middle of the sidewalk, bathed in the orange glow of the street light that hung above you.
He pulled away finally, resting his forehead on yours for just a second before he engulfed you with his arms.
His head rested on top of yours, feeling the vibrations as he spoke.
“I’m going to ask you one more time,” he said nervously. “Do you want something more?”
You wiggle out of his grip just so you can move your hands up to caress his cheek.
“Tetsuro... I love you so much.”
Later that night, in the safety of your room and away from Eri’s judgmental eyes at the two of you stumbling in and giggling through the door, you trace small circles on Kuroo’s chest with your fingers while Kuroo had an arm wrapped around you tightly.
“Hey, Tetsu,” you broke the silence with a whisper, “What if I end up going to grad school that was... further away?”
Kuroo couldn’t help but smile and shake his head. You were never going to change.
Not like he would ever want you to.
“Y/N... we didn’t talk for three years, and not once did I stop thinking about you. A little distance isn’t going to get rid of me.”
You try to bury your face in embarrassment.
If he had to spend every day of the rest of his life reassuring you that he’ll be by your side no matter what, well - that’s just too easy.
You find yourself holding onto him a little bit tighter, making a silent vow that never again were you going to push away Kuroo Tetsuro.
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keyboardink · 3 years
Sam and Deena are completely oblivious that their feelings are mutual, especially when Sam thinks Deena and Kate are together and Peter enters the picture.
pairing: samantha “sam” fraser x deena johnson / media: fear street trilogy
genre: friends to lovers, angst with hurt/comfort & fluff / word count: 2.6k / rating: pg-13 / warnings: bullying, a bit of swearing
a/n: so this is an au where deena and sam aren’t exes so sam never left shadyside (& kate isn’t all “screw ur ex” ya know). also kate is bi and no one dies. this is based mainly off 1994 (since 1666 hasn’t come out yet haha). please lmk if you like this & want more fear street fics from me. enjoy! :)
"I still can't believe you're dating a Sunnyvaler," Kate said, popping a potato chip into her mouth.
"Doesn't that totally go against the rules of this town?" Simon chimed in, stealing a tater tot from Sam's lunch tray.
"Oh, please," Sam scoffed, swatting Simon's hand away as he reached for a second piece. "He's actually a nice guy if you got to know him."
"Since when has the star quarterback ever been a nice guy?" Kate replied, earning a raised eyebrow from Simon. "Look, just because I cheer for them doesn't mean I like them."
The stiff wooden table rattled as Deena dropped into a seat across from Sam and next to Kate. She tried to pull her bomber jacket around herself quickly--
"New shirt?" Kate asked.
--but she wasn't quick enough.
"No," Deena sighed, letting the jacket hang open to expose a black, skin-tight tank top underneath. It used to be her favorite, previously baggy in all the right places, but it returned from her last laundry day one-size-too-small. "It just shrunk in the wash and I was running late." She kept her eyes down, focused on the unappetizing cafeteria food in front of her.
Kate eyed her for a moment, then looked over at Sam, who was practically drooling over this new shirt that provided a perfect V-shaped view from where she was sitting.
"I know you're not a fan of tight clothes," Kate countered, "but it looks nice on you. Makes your boobs look amazing."
Deena playfully elbowed Kate's arm, a small smile brightening her downcast expression.
Sam watched the two girls as it unfolded - the low-cut shirt, the raised eyebrows from Kate as she scanned Deena's body, the laughter following her joking shove. Had she imagined the flickers of lighthearted tension between them? She averted her gaze, envy bubbling up in her throat. She pulled her tucked hair out from behind her ears to cover the burning, red blush she felt building there.
"So, what were you guys talking about?" Deena asked, insecurity still swimming in her mind despite Kate's compliment. She looked up at Sam, who appeared to be too interested in her tater tots to hear the shirt dilemma. Although she was somewhat relieved, she felt a pang of disappointment at Sam's disinterest; she was the only person Deena had hoped would look at her.
"Sam's got a new boyfriend," Simon answered, his voice half-muffled by a mouthful of dull-brown burger, oblivious to the sideways glances being thrown around the table.
"And he's from Sunnyvale," Kate added, spitting out the town name as though it tasted worse than the school lunch.
"What? Isn't that, like, against town law or something?"
"That's what I'm saying!" Simon accidentally spewed small chunks of meat on his tray in the midst of his excitement.
"What's his name?" Deena covered herself with her jacket again.
"Peter? Oh, come on, you could've at least picked a guy who didn't have a basic name," Simon rolled his eyes, as if 'Simon' was the most unique name on the planet.
"Honestly, yeah, kinda sounds a little too basic," Deena said, her eyebrows furrowed. She felt a heat tightening within her chest. She was angry at herself, at Sam, at the world.
"I'm not making him up, if that's what you're suggesting." Sam cast a glare across the table, but it didn't stop them.
"Which Peter? I mean, there's Peter Williams, Peter Anderson, Peter Moore..." Simon counted along on his fingers.
"Oh, no," Deena interrupted, a smirk pulling her lips. "He goes to another school. You wouldn't know him."
The two threw their heads back and laughed. Deena felt the fury in her chest loosen slightly, a bit of relief found in the pain she caused others. It was her defense mechanism: when the world turns to shit, you act even worse - that's how you survive.
Sam was on her feet, her eyes full of tears and frustration. "His name's Peter Brody, and he's number 29 on the Sunnyvale football team, and he's actually a good fucking guy, unlike you." Her eyes narrowed, focusing on Deena, who suddenly didn't find the whole thing all that funny anymore.
And with that, Sam picked up her lunch tray, turned on her heel, and walked out of the cafeteria.
Monday dragged on, every class seeming longer than usual for both Sam and Deena as they sat in separate silences. Though apart, they each felt the same waves of guilt, anger, and sadness wash over them in cycles as clocks ticked their way to the end of the school day.
Deena was walking out of band practice, which had only extended her already-exhausting day, when she spotted a familiar head of blonde leaning against the cinder-block wall across the hallway.
"Hey," Sam said, reaching her hand out slightly. Her hair was tied back, adorned with an azure bow, and she wore her cheerleading uniform to match.
Deena stopped as guilt flooded her lungs once again. "Hey," she replied in a whisper muffled by her emotions.
"I just got out of practice. Want to walk together?"
Deena could tell Sam was lying. Kate normally waited with her, and they would both be shiny with sweat. The water bottle in Sam's hand was almost empty, meaning she had likely been waiting for quite a while.
Deena nodded, and they started to make their way towards the exit that led to the student lot.
"I just wanted to say sorry," Sam began, "for earlier. It was pretty shitty of me to say that."
"Yeah, but I was being shitty, too." Deena pushed open the heavy, navy-blue door. Sunlight blinded both of them. "I just can't believe you'd get a boyfriend and not tell me."
Sam stayed silent, unable to come up with a reply. Deena had been the first person she wanted to tell, but Kate saw Peter grab her ass after last weekend's game, and suddenly her boyfriend was all anyone could talk about. Sam didn't even know why she had agreed to go out with him in the first place. Everyone had said it must've been a prank, because why else would a Sunnyvaler date a Shadysider? Something about the whole relationship gave Sam a twinge of nausea if she thought about it too much, so she just tried not to think about it.
But she had wanted to tell Deena. She had wanted to see if she would be even a little jealous at the idea of her having a boyfriend. It just hadn't played out that way.
"See you tomorrow?" Sam said, stopping at the curb.
"Is your dad picking you up?" Deena looked around for the familiar, beat-up Ford that Sam's father drove, but to no avail.
"He should be here soon."
Deena knew he had a tendency to flake on his daughter, despite being the one who got custody in their divorce battle. Although Deena hated him for his neglect, she was silently, selfishly grateful that Sam didn't move to Sunnyvale with her mom. Regardless, if her dad wasn't here now, the sun would probably set before he'd remember to show up.
"Come on," Deena said. "I'll drive you home."
The drive was almost-silent. A disc played Pixies at a volume low enough to just barely understand over the sound of rumbling tires on uneven gravel. Sam's house was a bit out of the way for Deena, but as she was slowly realizing, she'd do almost anything for her.
"Thanks for the ride," Sam smiled sheepishly, pulling her backpack up from the floor. She started to open the car door, then hesitated. "Actually, wait, can I ask you something?"
Deena's heart leapt into her throat. "Shoot."
"Are you and Kate, um... like, together, at all?"
"What? No, no no no." A chuckle slipped past Deena's lips at the idea.
Sam must've thought Deena was laughing at her, because she felt her ears grow warm in embarrassment. "Oh, sorry, I just thought... I saw how you two were at lunch today and it just, I don't know. I thought you weren't telling me something." Sam looked at her sneakers, almost pristine white with the exception of faded grass stains on the toes.
"No, we're just friends, I promise. We've been best friends forever. I mean, she was there when I first got boobs, so, I mean, that's just how we are." Deena immediately cringed at that sentence. Way to make it better, dumbass, she thought.
"Oh. Okay. She just talks about you all the time to me, whenever we're at practice, you know? She'll say things like 'Damn, didn't Deena look really good today?' to me, like, all the time."
Deena let herself laugh at that. "Oh, really? Wooow. Good to know."
"I mean, from that I just kind of assumed that you guys had a thing. How could I not, right?"
Deena nodded, understanding that Kate's comments were her attempts at being a good wingman and not confessions of underlying feelings. "Kate and I both like girls, yeah, but not each other, not like that." Deena's gaze flickered over Sam's face, taking in her eyes, her ears, her lips. "Definitely not like that," she added in a soft whisper.
Sam looked up and smiled sweetly, her stare lingering for a moment too long before she returned to the moment. "Well, thanks again for the ride. See you tomorrow." She gave an adorable little wave as she stepped out of Deena's car.
"See ya," Deena replied, her stomach fluttery.
The days passed, and the friend group of four had returned to almost-normal. The only thing out of place happened on Friday night, after the second football game of the season. Normally, they would all grab pizza and watch a movie after the game, but this time was different.
"Peter invited me to a Sunnyvale party," Sam explained when they met in the middle of the field as the crowd started to file out. "Maybe next week?"
So Deena, Kate, and Simon ate their pizza without Sam, feeling a tangible emptiness where she would normally be.
Kate's house was on the so-called "good side" of town, where the roads had less potholes and the houses had more structure. It was the most Sunnyvale-esque part of Shadyside. Her living room was homey, with family portraits on the walls and a couch that was lived-in but not worn-out. They had rented Candyman from the town's Blockbuster, which played on Kate's boxy TV.
"I don't like this," Simon said, chewing a pepperoni slice.
Kate responded without looking at him. "The pizza or the movie?"
"Actually, I like both of those things," Simon replied with conviction. "I was talking about Sam. It feels... I don't know, lonely?"
"What are we, chopped liver?" Deena joked.
"I mean, some days you can come close to it," he teased back.
They all returned their attention to the movie, red and white light bouncing across their faces. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door at the exact moment a jump-scare flashed on-screen, causing the trio to startle.
"I'll get it," Deena offered, jumping up from her seat.
She opened the front door to reveal Sam, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her hair was slick and her blue uniform looked damp. Her arms were wrapped around herself as she shivered in the cool October air.
"What the fuck happened?" Deena stepped out of the way to let Sam in.
Simon and Kate scrambled to join them when they realized who had arrived.
"Oh my God, what happened?" Kate plucked her school cardigan off the coatrack and wrapped it around Sam's shoulders.
"Did Petey break up with you?" Simon asked. "I mean, you guys were only dating a week. It couldn't've been that serious, right?"
Kate elbowed Simon in the stomach at his insensitive comment, eliciting a pained groan from him.
Sam hugged the cardigan around herself, but moved her arms enough to reveal "IT" scribbled in black Sharpie under her cheerleading uniform's "SH".
"What the fuck?" Deena repeated, this time more to herself than Sam.
"God, those assholes really have no idea how much uniforms cost," Kate muttered.
"And they... they p-poured ice water on m-me," Sam stuttered just as Simon returned from the living room with a throw blanket. She gave him a grateful smile as she enveloped herself in it.
"C'mon, let's sit down, alright?" Kate suggested. "You want a hot cocoa?"
Sam nodded and followed Deena and Simon to the couch, while Kate split off to the kitchen.
"They poured ice water on you?" Deena asked as she sat next to Sam, a hand around her shoulders.
"Th-they got someone to hold my arms back so they c-could write 'shit' on me, and then someone came outside with a bucket, and-" A small sob came out of Sam's throat, and another tear rolled down her cheek.
Deena didn't stop herself before reaching up and wiping it away. She let her fingers stay there for a moment, unable to think clearly.
Simon stood up quietly, making a hushed excuse about helping Kate with the hot chocolate before disappearing into the kitchen.
"He's such a douchebag," Deena muttered, furious that someone would hurt such a sweet creature like Sam. "I'm so sorry. I'll kick his ass for you."
Sam chuckled at her offer. "Can I watch?"
Deena laughed softly at her response, then realized that her hand was still pressed against Sam's cheek and pulled it away. She let it fall onto her leg, but Sam reached over and rested her own hand on Deena's.
After a minute of silence, Sam had almost stopped sniffling when she spoke again. "I don't even know why I agreed to go out with him. Like, damn, he's not even that hot. I could've at least gotten played by a hot guy." Sam half-giggled at herself then sighed. "I should've seen it coming."
"Hey, it's not your fault," Deena said, placing her other hand on top of Sam's. Her hand was cold and delicate between hers, and she hoped that holding it would provide some warmth to her.
"If I'm being honest," Sam continued, "I think I only really went out with him to forget about this other crush."
"Hold up, you never told me about that. Who is it?"
Deena's obliviousness faded away as Sam looked up at her with wide eyes. The jealousy, the talk in her car, the longing that filled the space between them now - at this moment, it all clicked into place.
"Oh," Deena whispered.
"Deena," Sam spoke, hushed as she leaned forward. "Can I...?"
"Please," Deena breathed as their lips touched, soft and scared and new all at once. The thought of crossing a line beyond the point of return flashed through their minds, but it seemed as though they both wanted to push the boundaries. Sam's free hand cupped Deena's cheek shyly, as Deena squeezed her other hand between hers. They treated each other carefully, as though kissing too hard might break the other, which would be a crime worse than death.
"YES!" Kate shouted, giving Simon a high-five. Some hot chocolate spilled out of the mug in her other hand and onto the floor, but they were both too enthusiastic to care.
"Finally, you guys!" Simon ran over to them, wrapping them both in a wide hug from behind the couch as a giant grin spread on his face.
"You guys were watching?!" Deena asked. She felt her cheeks flush as she pulled away.
"Duh!" Simon answered. "We've been waiting for this!"
"Took you guys for-fucking-ever," Kate said with a smile, handing Sam her cup.
Sam held the cup up to her newly-warmed lips, courtesy of Deena, and took a sip, looking over the edge at her. Deena saw her blue eyes crinkle into a smile, and her mouth returned the sweet sentiment.
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kitchenangst · 4 years
Love in space? It’s more likely than you think.
Summary: (Bakugou Katsuki x gender neutral!reader) Fuck space, that shit ain’t easy. Also, listen to the Among Us menu music. 
Warnings: swearing, mutual pining?, dialogue heavy, characters’ deaths (including yours), mild gore, maybe ooc Bakusquad and deku team, last names only, Among Us terms used ((listen, i only played on skeld LOL) and very bad writing in 2nd POV -- lmk if I need more any specific warnings!
Word Count: 4401
Prompts: “I don’t mind if it’s you” + Among Us!BNHA (no quirks)
a/n: hi!! it’s my first time writing for BNHA, second POV, head cannons, angst AND gore,,, No like, I kid you not when I say there’s mild gore . Anyway, this is for @fromthewatertribe ’s 1k event!!!! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I wrote it!! happy reading :))  
Hey just because you’re on the botanical team does not mean you get to skip out on team workouts with the rest of the crew!! For a plant nerd, you sure love making everything in the gym a competition and Kirishima, Mina, Iida, Uraraka, and Deku very much live for it 
(Bakugou says it’s stupid, but joins anyway. He says it’s because he likes to watch everyone’s despair when he wins first place again. 
Kaminari surprisingly gets top 3, while Todoroki, Sero, and Tsuyu join just to humor you and maybe add more fire to the competition; they absolutely don’t care about winning but they love making the others struggle) 
Anyway, you guys have been preparing for Mission Polus for a LONG time now, and the playful tension between the crews on Ships UA, ShKs (Shiketsu), and LoV (League of Villains) was only making you guys more fired up than usual in your workouts and preparation
UA, being the biggest team, was going to launch last--only because Kaminari confidently lost in rock, paper, scissors,,, but no biggie! That just meant when ShKs and LOV land, everything should be prepped for you guys when you arrive!
Except, you find out things don’t come out as planned when UA arrives at the second checkpoint 
“I just got word that Ships ShKs and LoV’s crew is cut in half,” you start off grimly
“Hold on--like, the lower or upper half of their body?” 
You decided against your better judgement about throwing the closest thing at Sero until Kaminari added in, “Left half? Or right half?”
Y’know what? Maybe you’ll just throw him out of the ship. 
Apparently, it was initially thought to be some space flu
“If it’s that bad, then… Why are they still continuing the mission? Shouldn’t they handle it back at base?”
It’s probably the smartest question you’ve ever heard from Kaminari. “If it is some contagious space virus, they don’t want it to spread on Earth.”
“Whatever it is, it must be evolving fast. LoV is halfway to the 5th checkpoint, and ShKs is a quarter way to the 4th checkpoint. If they both received it around checkpoint 3 and they’re down to half their people… I just hope they’re quarantining.”
“Good thing you mention that, Deku. LoV and ShKs are changing course to go straight to Polus, and they’re going through the safety measures and cleaning procedures. Meanwhile, we’ll be skipping the 3rd and 4th checkpoints; we’ll pick up all the supplies and materials at the 5th checkpoint. 
“If the other ships’ flu or whatever started around the 3rd checkpoint, we don’t want to be infected. We’re probably setting everything up ourselves when we get to Polus.” 
Everyone is staring at you as they process this new information and you’d be surprised that Bakugou hasn’t said a word all meeting if it weren’t for the grave news this brought. 
“Which means we’ll have to ration our food supply…” Uraraka is the first to break the silence, and you pass a guilty look as you see the realization fall on the rest
The meeting wouldn’t have ended well if it weren’t for Midoriya reassuring everyone that the growing fruit should last them (assuming it was being rationed as well).
By heading straight to the 5th checkpoint, you’d be saving a lot more time as well
Theoretically, things should have gone smooth sailing if Ship UA was changing course. And it would have if all the information was correct. 
Uraraka found you frozen still near the corner of a bedroom when you didn’t return to the meeting. Having never seen you so shaken up before, all she could do was check whatever you were pointing at. 
You watched with bated breath, hoping Uraraka wouldn’t have the same reaction as you, that this was all a bad dream, that this was a prank; because whatever it was, it wasn’t fucking funny considering that deaths on a ship were now a thing.
A month hasn’t even passed since the terrible news. Ship UA was nowhere near the third checkpoint; there’s no way anyone could have been infected
it was all you could repeatedly think to not spiral 
You didn’t even notice when everyone else had arrive in the bedroom, only focusing on the screams and whispers and curses that continued to echo throughout the room and ring in your ear as everything suddenly turned dark; your hands instinctively grabbing onto whatever was around you
“Hey, it’s okay,” you heard, the familiar scent of pine not quite registering yet. “it’s alright, they’re taking care of it.”
You moved your head back to look at Bakugou, his face masking his fear well if it weren’t for the slight trembling in his hands holding you up. “‘It’?”
“The body. Mina’s body.” He took your hands still clutching onto the front of his suit, his gloved ones briefly squeezing yours to ground you. “C’mon, we’re discussing it in the meeting room.” 
God, you felt your body run cold at the thought of Mina’s corpse being called it, but figured maybe you were looking a little too into details at the moment
You focused on your breathing as he dragged you to the meeting room, where no one knew what had gone wrong. 
The only absurd detail was the hole that covered her palms, which left the rest of her body a sick, wrinkly grey. 
Deku was worried if this was what the space flu was about and Iida suggested a 2 week quarantine where one person goes on deck at a scheduled time, while Uraraka was rubbing circles on your back despite being quite shaken herself. 
“The only person who holds her hand is Kirishima” 
“Whoa, whoa whoa--what does that have to do with-”
“Everything!” and now suddenly Kaminari thinks he’s a detective.
A space flu so dangerous that it could kill you overnight was less threatening compared to what kaminari was suggesting
“Not only that, you’re the only one who goes into her room at night!”
“TMI, but… that’s unusual, isn’t it? Kaminari makes a good point.” and it’s another thing to have Sero agreeing 
“Are you suggesting we lock Kirishima in his room until he confesses his crime?” (What kind of fucking suggestion is that todoroki)
“No, I’m saying we just throw him off ship.” 
Okay, now that fucking took you out of your shock...into a different shock… and it seems everyone had the same reaction at how serious Kaminari was. 
“What the fuck are you suggesting, dunce face? We just lost a crewmate, and now you wanna toss someone out?” 
“I’m being smart for once! What if Kirishima did that to Mina instead of some space slug?”
“First off, what about me suggests that I can even do something like that? To my girlfriend, no less! Do I have to repeat that there was a hole in her hand?” 
Everyone waited for Kaminari’s response, to which he sighed and admitted that he was just thinking irrationally from this panic. 
Iida and Bakugou agreed to install cameras in the hallway with a security room while everyone returned to fulfilling their duties
The mood on the ship went downhill from there with Mina’s passing on everyone’s mind. Especially yours and Kirishima’s. 
Kirishima admitted that while he was hurt at Kaminari’s absurd suggestion, he still couldn’t hold it against him for panicking at the first death on the ship. Didn’t mean he had to talk to him though. 
On the other hand, Bakugou often visited you in the plant room, the plant lab, just… you. Anywhere he could find you. 
He told himself that he was just checking up on you, seeing if you were doing fine since Mina was one of the closest members to you 
Maybe if he had known her death would cause such hurting to you, maybe he would have… no, he shakes his head and reminds himself it’s pointless to cry over spilled milk
You didn’t need to look to know he had brought you lunch; judging from the smell, he picked your favorite too 
“You know we’re not supposed to eat in the plant room, right?”
“You know you’re not supposed to be skipping your stupid meal, right?”
“You know we’re supposed to be rationing our food, right?”
“Whatever, guess you don’t want my portion.” 
Banter like this is what always made you break the rules to eat in peace with Bakugou the last few weeks, like how he pretended to seethe at your obnoxious munching
just the simple act of giving his portion to you was touching enough, and it made you relieved how he never touched on the topic of Mina’s death; only listening whenever you brought it up 
You did, however, become concerned when he started giving you his full portion of lunch. 
“No, I’m not hungry,” he’d say after you left him half his lunch, which, normally, you wouldn’t do! you always ate more than half! 
He didn’t have an appetite, he’d insist. And he seemed uncomfortable talking about it, so you dropped the subject. 
It didn’t stop you from guiltily eating his portions, though. 
Motivation and optimism only went up when Uraraka and Tsuyu came out with decorations and stickers on their suits one day
(Sero had taped the tape roll to his head; Deku and Todoroki both carried a fake flower pot in their chest pocket; 
Iida said his pen was decorative enough but put a car sticker on the side of his arm; Kirishima wore Mina’s bracelet on his ankle; and Kaminari took up bringing a toilet plunger with him everywhere.)
You brought up the cute headband with bear ears for Bakugou, and he gave you a paper crown he “spent 5 seconds making” 
(it was just slightly bigger than your head, but it was in your favorite color)
Everything was fine, everyone was better, nothing bad has happened the past 2 months, and everything was going back to normal!
Until Tsuyu found blood in the drainage 
(no one was on their period at the time either!!)
Bakugou stayed back with you in your restroom while everyone else prepped Sero’s body for discarding 
He heard the heaving from his door, similar to the ones he had after his first meal. He recalls the stench of his being so awful, he could almost taste it bubbling at the back of his throat 
So why did yours smell so sweet? 
He continued rubbing and patting your back, the same way you had done for him awhile back. He kept telling himself it was because he didn’t want you to choke, but he knew it was to distract him from the smell
you slept in his arms the following few months when everyone agreed Sero’s death was done in cold blood, and no one knew who it was 
The irony, he learned to love, was how you were the one who suggested the curfew, the placement of the cameras to be in the bedroom hallway and other places, and the idea that no one should go to each other’s rooms 
yet you still wanted to be in his with him late into the night, to “take your mind off things” as you said, and you two would talk until the other fell asleep first 
he loved that you broke your own rule to be with him 
and he found it oddly comforting to feel the pressure of your head on his chest 
and it was fascinating to him... that he could practically taste your fear when you had a nightmare, how you sought comfort in his arms first before anything else
he was probably enjoying it way more than he should when you trusted him this much to comfort you at night, to hold you, to not break you in more ways than one
his favorite part was having a routine with you
joining you in the lab at x o’clock to watch you take care of the plants, to make observations of you as you made yours on plants, hearing you talk about the progress of growing plants in space, kissing you-
wait, kissing you? that was new. 
The forehead kisses when he left you to do his duties and before either of you fell asleep
the cheek kisses when he brought you lunch (you’re convinced that’s the payment for bringing you food)
the cute little peck you do on the corner of his mouth to stop him messing up the files in the lab 
They were so tiny and often he hadn’t even noticed when they integrated themselves into this routine 
it’s also why he wasn’t surprised when he leaned in to kiss you to stop your rambling 
“there. as long as that’s there,” he gestured vaguely at whatever that was, “you aren’t going to die. not on my watch.” 
“So that’s a thing now?” you raised an eyebrow in amusement 
Oh don’t do that, don’t do that fucking grin of yours when you’re mocking his dismissive attitude 
“Y’know. Seal of protection.” 
He is not going to give in-
“You’ll do that when-”
God, who he is to resist when you’re practically asking him to shut you up 
It’s been another few months since Sero’s death, and he had been cautious in taking advantage? of your emotional state? in taking a step further? --either way, he didn’t know what held him back in the first place and he wasn’t sure how to put it in words
He also didn’t know how to explain it to you that he couldn’t kiss you more than the simple peck anymore
not when he felt the sudden surge to take more of you and definitely not when his jaw was starting to hurt 
And he didn’t know why he felt so relieved to have you be so understanding 
Of course, everyone was still on their toes about a possible murderer on ship, but no one expected a sudden electrical outage 
The nice thing about the lab was that it had a backup generator for lights, but it didn’t cover for the use of equipment 
This wouldn’t normally be a problem, not when you still have months to go before reaching the 5th checkpoint, but you weren’t going to be a sitting duck waiting to look a plant cell
With a sigh, you began to make your way to electrical, hand sliding against the walls to make sure you wouldn’t trip over anyth-
honestly what the fuck, you swear you’re going to get Kaminari for leaving a puddle of water around with that plunger of his. 
whatever, it’ll dry eventually. still a hazard though. 
and honestly what the fuck, it’s been ten minutes and no one still hasn’t gotten the lights. the bystander effect is starting to make the crew lazy. 
But no surprises here, only two people had gathered there, and stupidly, no one bothered to use a light to adjust the right switches. 
When the lights got back on, Kirishima jumped at the sight of you. 
“Relax, I just came here to fix the li-”
“No, not-”
“Why do you have blood on you?” 
You turned to Deku, and fuck you haven’t seen him this scared since Mina and Sero’s passing 
You’re about to ask what he means when you feel it
the crunch your gloves give, the stiffness of your suit, and you should’ve known the stickiness from your boots wasn’t from water 
“What the-” it nearly sends you in a panic, to see your suit covered nearly everywhere-
“Whoa, hey, hey, stop!” Kirishima and Deku have to physically restrain you from trying to take your suit off with the way you’re digging at it 
And it’s not too long before Kaminari and Bakugou come rushing in, panting from their sprint 
There’s another four dead bodies. 
And oh, oh, oh shit it looks so bad-
“It wasn’t Y/N.” 
“And how are you so sure?”
“Just ask engine over here. We were watching security together, and there was still light coming from the lab. I only left when Y/N left, and there’s no way 4 fucking bodies could have been killed during that time.”
“Bakugou is, indeed, correct. The infrared cameras seem to have been shut down for some time now, so it’s hard to make out who was in the locations.” 
Right, right. This was no fucking flu--you all confirmed that with Sero’s body. 
It didn’t stop you from feeling sick to your stomach, though: seeing the scratches and marks on your 2 crew mates to the point of no recognition 
even worse when you saw the same sickly grey skin on the other two with holes in their palms as well
Mina’s had happened over night... there was no way a slug or flu killed them within 10 minutes
Kaminari points out Deku’s locations before the lights went out
Iida vouches for Bakugou and you (Bakugou vouches for him, too, of course)
and Deku, Iida, and Bakugou vouch for you
....why couldn’t anyone vouch for Kaminari, Deku, or Kirishima? 
Did it make sense for Deku to immediately leave the lab to fix lights?
Did it make sense for Kirishima to avenge Mina’s death? 
You’re not even sure where to begin thinking of Kaminari-- like with his sudden claim of throwing Kirishima off the ship earlier on
Iida, with the grace of angels and levelheadedness of lions, suggested the best plan to find the killer. 
A group of three, a pairing, and lone wolf 
Of course everyone agreed. 
it was no brainer that you and bakugou would stick together--you two were practically stuck at the hips 
Kaminari was grouped with Deku and Kirishima while Iida volunteered to work on his own. 
Everyone was tense: keeping distances away from each other, keeping tabs on the other... 
whether there was one or two killers, it had to be within the group of 3, and you were bound to catch him at some point. 
And while they stressed on who the murderer was, you and Bakugou... well, you felt a bit bad for enjoying the alone time you two got 
“Hmm,” you drawled out one night. 
Oh yeah, don’t think Bakugou didn’t know where this was going
But, oh, don’t think he’ll play along. 
You pushed the pen and notepad away from his face when he ignored you and flopped onto his chest. 
it was nearing curfew, and you still hadn’t gone back to sleep in your own room after all these months 
(only Kaminari had the balls to call you out for leaving his bedroom early to sneak into yours, and honestly that’s good enough reason for you to suspect him)
okay how dare Bakugou go back to writing on a tiny notepad the size of his ego 
Even after you cover his eyes, he still continues to write on the notepad 
“C’mon, you know I hate it when I have to ask” 
Big mistake, you should’ve uncovered his eyes and attacked him with your own deathly cute look 
He pauses his writing to jab the pen into the back of your head. 
“Weren’t you the one who said consent was everything?” 
“I also said it was very sexy of you to not swear.” 
“What the fuck am I swearing on?”
He finally drops the pen and notebook to hold onto your back
He loved feeling your breathy laugh sweep over his skin, to feel your body come to life at something he said
and like all those months ago, he removes your loose hands from his eyes 
(”They’re sweaty whenever you leave them there too long,” he once complained, yet he’s always the one holding onto you longer)
and this time you’re able to look into his eyes with clarity, to see all the smiles in the crinkles at the corner of his eyes, to see a spark light up in the reflection of you 
and maybe bad experiences in space brought you closer than the misfortunes on earth did
Who is he to deny you one when you look at him so expectantly and full of love at the moment 
“That’s the bye I’ll see you in two minutes kiss!” you cried when he kissed your forehead. “Neither of us are leaving anytime soon!”
“That’s the I got you lunch kiss...” from the cheek. You giggled stupidly when he kissed your nose. The stop being cute kiss. 
“You’re alllllmost there” 
“Almost where? You just asked for one kiss, and I gave you three.” 
Seriously, he made it so easy, so easy to get mad at him and then you made it so very easy for him to tell you, you weren’t being specific 
“Where’s the wittle shweal of pwotection?” 
and it isn’t the first time you see him roll his eyes this hard 
and yeah, that’s right, you’re going to make him do all the work now as you keep your face in place, your eyes closing in trust 
the only way you knew he was leaning in was when you felt his lips brush yours with the most featherlight touch, making you smile instantly
“you don’t need it when I’m constantly with you though.” 
and the bastard has the audacity to tease you like this!!! are you the only one pulling the weight in this dumb relationship? because you put all that shit into the kiss, including your feelings, frustration, worries, and you both press deeper when Bakugou reciprocates with the same enthusiasm
obviously you punch him when you see him with that dumb smirk after pulling back 
“That’s what you get.” He shrugged. “You’re not going to die on my watch. Stop fucking worrying.” 
You don’t laugh like you usually do, at how he throws in a swear when his voice becomes rough and soft and gentle at the same time
it’s how he knows you’re worried with the unchanging look on your face and yet your eyes continue to search for the answer in his 
“What about you?”
“I’m not going to die.” when you don’t press further, he says, “We’re not going to die.”
“How’re you so sure?”
“Was the shweal of pwotection not enough?” He’s relieved when a grin breaks on your face. 
“You’re right. We didn’t get this far without it, after all.”
It was so silly how a kiss started with a hopeful promise, had made you believe in Bakugou’s words 
But it wasn’t enough
Kirishima had intercepted you two on the way to fix the communications room, panicking and barely able to get his words out
all you made out was “reactor” and “suit”; and the way he said Deku’s name made you latch onto Bakugou’s hand to run in that direction
You gripped his hand to the point of bruising, not even noticing you’d been digging your gloved fingers into your own palm
Honestly, you had no idea what was wrong, but the fact that Kirishima needed to leave the Kaminari with Deku to find someone, anyone, was already concerning
“What’s wrong with-” nothing prepared you for what you saw. 
Kaminari looked up from his spot, surprise defensively taking over his face. “I know it looks bad-”
“Kaminari-” you gasped, taking a step back as he neared you like one would to an animal
“-because it is! Please, Midoriya just looked so vulnerable! How could you resist that?”
God how can he say that as if he was talking about a puppy
He laughed when you backed into a wall; laughed because the way your eyes expressed so much disgust at his admittance would be much more delightful at the big reveal; laughed because he wasn’t even close enough to harm you and yet you still looked so frightened of him
Laughed even more when you cringed upon seeing his gnarly set of teeth
Kaminari started licking the blood off his teeth and lips once he calmed down, and when he stared at you with the most predatory eyes, you nearly mistook the pounding rush of footsteps as the blood in your ears 
“Bakugou!” Kaminari didn’t need to take his eyes off you to know it was him. “Did you tell Kirishima the news?”
You’re a little too relieved at having Bakugou here to comprehend Kaminari’s words. 
“Back off, dunce face.” 
"Where’s Kirishima?” you ask when you notice his absence
“He ran off. Or tried to.”
everything is too still for your liking 
“Then the-the blood on your suit?” 
“His body exploded.” 
And fear washes over your body as you try to comprehend that Kirishima exploded? 
Everything starts to blue as you try to piece everything. 
No, no, no-
“That’s a terrible lie, even coming from you, Bakugou. Off your game?”
-it can’t be-
“It would’ve been cleaner if I weren’t in a rush to cover your ass.”
-you don’t have time-
“Feeling betrayed yet, Y/N? That your boyfriend-”
-there’s nowhere to run-
“Don’t fucking do it, dunce face.”
-what about Iida-
“I promise you, it won’t hurt one bit.”
And honestly, you’re wondering if the other ships had made it past this point.
Iida had heard Kirishima’s distressed panic before making it to the communications room, understanding he would go on his own to fix it 
The Bystander Effect, as you once called it, made him believe you and Bakugou would handle Kirishima’s situation. He wouldn’t be of any help if the radio signal wasn’t up on time to solve this emergency!
He recalled Kirishima mentioned the reactor, and hastily made his way there once he finished fixing 
Some noble class person would call the splatter of deep red across the floors and wall “art”, with how the bits of black and gray nearly bring it to life. 
How ironic that it had cost a life. 
He had to force himself to look away from the mess in the lower engine when he heard Bakugou’s almost feral growl. 
“I don’t mind if it’s you.”
 By the time he arrived, Iida found the reactor in the same mess as the lower engine. 
He couldn’t help but think what an art critic would have to say about this, were it to be a painting. 
Green liquid streaked the room with a pattern similar to the red
The same green dripping from Bakugou’s hands as he cradled what was left of your head
the same green that oozed out of Kaminari’s grayed body that was in equal parts unrecognizable 
He wonders what the art critics would say about the four bodies surrounding the only one alive 
a/n: wow u made it to the end huh,,,,,,,,thank you so much for reading!! I hope the music really set up the mood I was going for. Also, I didn’t want to spoil anything, but I read somewhere that it can be very triggering to write about the reader’s death esp if it was in 2nd pov!! Ik i said it’d be gory but I figured I could skim over it! anyway i love u nina this one was dedicated to all our among us plays 
I dont think i conveyed it very well but bakugou was basically gonna eat u for dinner. But kaminari got to u first and bakugou figured u had to taste as good even tho kaminari already digested u, right?
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zekejeagrs · 4 years
Hi friend! This is mha-adore; I'm on my main blog because my mha blog is a side blog and I can't send a question from that blog. Just to prove it's me - you came to me asking about a matchup exchange and I asked you to explain what it is and I agreed, and the day after I wrote my side matching you with Shoto, and in our personal messages your recent message is, "I'm so excited to do your matchup!" something to that idea. I hope that's enough to prove it's me.
I'm asking for a matchup with mha please.
I'm a quiet and well mannered person who strives to appeal to everyone I meet. I happen to have a personality disorder and as such, some people get a different idea of who I am. I consider myself friendly but emotionally distant, a friend of mine has accused me of not caring at all because I'm naturally a distant person. I'm mostly very respectful and try to avoid any conflict or fights, but the moment someone insults or fights a friend of mine or my partner I drop my friendly exterior and hone in on the person, insulting them, spilling any tea I know about them, I say whatever comes to mind that I know will make them feel terrible, and I end it by stomping on their foot. With close friends or my partner I'm more talkative - not loud or boisterous, just more talkative. I insert my opinions more, I hold a conversation and I openly give my thoughts about different topics without worrying that I'll upset them.
I'm a trans male who uses he/him and they/them pronouns; I'm pansexual. I'm 19 and a Leo sun, Aquarius moon, Virgo rising. The only characters I don't feel comfortable being matched with are Endeavor, Dabi and All Might.
My hobbies involve drawing (I'm working on a comic), I love to play both Pokemon and Animal Crossing, I enjoy writing fan fiction, studying and playing card games. (Like Old Maid, Go Fish, Crazy 8s, Blackjack, Solitaire, you get the idea.)
My love language is to show my love in subtle ways. Cooking someone a meal they love without being asked to, spending time with them doing whatever they want, giving them hand made gifts and giving them cute pet names like love bug, sweetheart, sweet tea (a different way of saying sweetie). I offer genuine advice to them, even if I know it'll hurt or upset them. I want the best for my partner, even if it means taking the path of most resistance. I want someone who can aim an arrow into my heart. I look for someone who shares my taste in music and who will listen to music we both enjoy together. I like the area of Melanie Martinez, Billie Eilish, Ricky Montgomery, lofi beats and some of the older country music, like from the 80s and 90s. Generic, I know.
As for anything specific, perhaps my matchup's opinion on having children? I'd really like to have a child someday.
Thank you again so much for the matchup exchange offer, it's very kind of you 💗
— matchup exchange
ty sm again for doing this exchange with me! you seem so nice i’m v down to be mutuals/friends with you (only if you want ofc)! also, what would your quirk be? i’m v interested in what it would be since i mentioned what mine would be on my submission to you. i hope you enjoy your match! 
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i match you with...
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| hi yes i matched you with a human marshmallow. one of the reasons why i matched you with taishiro is because of the difference in your personalities and the way he would work well with your personality because of how much he cares. the way you’d meet him would probably be by working at his office. he’d find you to be so sweet that he wants to get to know you better. he actually doesn’t mind how proper and emotionally distant you are because he understands that everyone is different and present themselves differently.
| you’d take some time to open up to him and become friends but he’s completely fine with that! he understands reserved people because of tamaki & only wants you to feel comfortable around him. because of that,,, taishiro definitely always starts the conversations. “how’s your day?” “what did you do over the weekend?” “what did you think of that movie?” once you become more talkative with him and have your conversations, he’d be so happy because he sees it as a new level of friendship.
| that’s when he starts realizing he actually has a crush on you. he’d confess at the end of a long work day and explain that he’d like to be your partner,, “i really enjoy your company and i want to be your partner for a long time- oh i just realized what i said, only if you also want to be my partner- or i mean would like to give me a chance to prove myself-“ idk how he managed to get himself out of that one but it would end with you accepting to have dinner at his house.
| like i’ve said before, taishiro doesn’t mind that you’re emotionally distant. he knows you care and just show it differently than others. the first time he saw you angry at someone he was very scared & shocked because he’s never seen you that way before. he just stood behind you as you absolutely slaughtered the person you were angry at and watched with wide eyes before trying to diffuse the situation. he asked if you were okay and that it wasn’t a big deal that that person was insulting him but he expressed how grateful he was for you standing up for him. he never wants to see you like that again but he’s glad he got to see every part you.
| HE IS VERY RESPECTFUL ABOUT PRONOUNS!! that was probably the first thing he asked you! “oh! he/him and they/them? i go by he/him too!” he’d even write it down to remember because he doesn’t want to make any mistakes or offend anyone.
| taishiro would be so supportive of your comic! he’d check up on you when you’re working on it and bring you cut fruit and water. he’d genuinely be so interested in your drawings and writings— he’s not artistic so seeing it come so easily to someone would be so cool to him. he’d only read and look at what you’re comfortable with sharing though! if you ever ask for any creative help, he’d be 100% down to help you. he comes up with the coolest ideas too and you wonder why he says he’s not artistic.
| on his days off you guys either stay indoors and play animal crossing or walk around and collect pokémon. his island would be so messy so he’d always try to copy your island. island visits & he always leave you gifts. he’d have so many pokémon because he plays when he’s on parole (oops!). he’d jokingly brag about it to you and would offer to take you with him next time but he doesn’t want you to get hurt. he seems like the type to be secretly very good at card games?? he’d just surprise you with how good and competitive he is when you play together and with other people.
| taishiro listens to old country music. he knows every lyric to every dolly parton song and sings when he thinks he’s alone. you’d have to introduce him to your other favorite artists & he’d absolutely love their songs! ricky montgomery makes him cry a little but he’s fine! he swears! even though there’s tears rolling down face!
| PLEASE COOK HIM FOOD! the first time you cook him food to show your love he just blushes and smiles the whole time. he can’t. HE CAN’T! HE JUST LOVES YOU SO MUCH ALREADY HOW IS IT POSSIBLE FOR HIM TO LOVE YOU EVEN MORE??? every other food is ruined for him after you cook for him because your cooking is the absolute best to him.
| he’d love the small gifts you give him, he’d treasure every single one of them and display them around the house. sweet tea would be a perfect pet name for him- he loves it so much. he’d call you love bug in return and cook you dinner and give you small gifts. he’s definitely an acts of service and quality time guy. just being in the same room as you doing separate work is good enough for him. your presence just soothes him and he has a blast!
| taishiro values your opinions very much. he always tries to be the best partner for you and listen to you because you have so much insight. he also trusts you so much and knows you mean well when giving him advice. he just loves you so much, he doesn’t want to disappoint!
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his opinion on having children
| he basically already adopted tamaki & kirishima, of course he wants kids!
| you’d have to be the one to bring it up because he doesn’t want to seem like he’s forcing you into anything.
| he’s so relieved once you do bring it up though! “yes! i want to have a family with you!”
| it doesn’t matter if you have them biologically, adopt, or have a surrogate— he loves his child so much and cried because he was so overwhelmed with love and finally being a dad.
| he’d be the best dad! (although a bit clueless) he wouldn’t imagine having a family with anyone other than you. you’re just perfect for him.
| he’d also ask if you could adopt a dog
| he is so protective over his family too. if anything were to happen to either of you, he would be so upset because you’re his life.
| overall, taishiro would try to give you and the child the best life!
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i hope you enjoyed! pls lmk if anything is inaccurate or if you want me to make it longer.
@mha-adore @space-cowbop
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onthewingsofwords · 5 years
Flash Fiction #8: Here’s Your Pencil
“Here.” Allison Jackson handed him a blue mechanical pencil.
“Thank you so much,” he said. “I’ll give it back to you after the test?”
She hesitated. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s fine.” He turned to go back to his seat, but her voice stopped him again. “Henry? Good luck.”
“You too. Thanks.”
The test wasn’t hard. It wasn’t easy either, but it seemed like Henry’s long hours of studying had actually done something for once.
And and and and and as he turned in his test, he felt a sense of accomplishment. Maybe this one would finally bring his grade up, even just a percent.
He hadn’t been the first person to turn theirs in, not by a long shot. But he had finished with time to spare. That was new, kind of. Even if it had only been seven minutes.
Henry sat as his desk, staring at the clock and fidgeting. Seven minutes turned into six turned into five turned into the bell ringing.
Along with the rest of the class, he grabbed his backpack off the floor by his desk and shuffled out of class. He was already halfway to his next class when he realized he was still clutching Allison’s pencil in his right hand.
Um… whoops.
The thing is, Henry felt bad for still having the pencil. It felt like he had broken a promise, and he didn’t like breaking promises. He did say that he would give it back after the test. And technically, it was after the test.
Still. This pencil needed to get from Henry to Allison, somehow.
What if she needed it? What if someone else needed it? Like, what if there was someone else in one of Allison’s classes who also needed a pencil for the test today. Henry thought for a moment. He didn’t even need a pencil for the rest of the day. There was only one class left, and he had Photography. But it was also Friday, and then he wouldn’t see Allison in Math until Tuesday because of their stupid schedule.
So. How to get the pencil to Allison?
Henry also didn’t want to be one of those people:
Oh yeah Henry… I’ve lost a couple mechanical pencils to him you know. Just like everybody else in this school.
All through Photo, he was jittery. And as soon as the bell rung, he was sprinting out of class. He was fairly certain Allison biked to school, he usually saw her hanging around the bike cages after school and had seen her on a bike once or twice.
She wasn’t there, but her friends were. Or at least, the people that Henry saw her with a lot.
“Hey! Miranda!” He called, running up to her. Would he give it to her or just ask her about Allison? He hadn’t gotten to that part yet.
“Hi… Henry?”
“Yeah, yeah, anyway, have you seen Allison around? I—”
“Oh… She got a ride today. Probably already on her way home. Is there something you needed?”
“Oh, no— I’ll see you around, Miranda. Thanks anyway!” And he was off again.
Well, crap. He had missed his chance, and now he wouldn’t get one until Tuesday afternoon.
Well, obviously, I can’t go to her house. That’s just creepy.
So he did some internet stalking instead, of sorts.
See, the thing was, Henry and Allison aren’t really friends. More like acquaintances. They had exactly one class with each other this year, and were always mutually nice to each other. Henry didn’t know anything else about her though. He just wanted to be a nice person and give this pencil back.  
Do I have her on Snapchat? No? Okay, screw that, whatever.
He considered sending her a DM on Instagram. That would work. Right? Did she even check her DMs?
Well, it was worth a shot.
Hey, he typed out. I have your pencil from math and I was wondering—
No, no, no. He started over.
It’s Henry from Math. I have your—
Well, I mean, she would know it was him, right? It’s Instagram, not Omegle.
Hey! I have your pencil and I know I promised to—
Alright. Fourth time’s a charm, right?
Hey so I just realized I still have your pencil from Math haha sorry. I can give it back whenever’s best for you, just lmk. Hopefully you don’t need it over the weekend.
Yeah. Yeah, that sounded good. He sent it off and hoped that she would see it sometime between now and Tuesday.
But she didn’t. Not all weekend. To attempt to counteract this, Henry went out as much as he possibly could all weekend. Volunteered to walk the dog, go grocery shopping, took random outings around town in hopes that maybe he would run into her.
He didn’t, because Fate seemed to hate him.
And his DM remained unread all weekend, and through Monday.
I’m such a terrible person. This is my legacy: Henry, the boy who never returns pencils and instead keeps them over the weekend when you do the most homework.
He got to Math early, right after lunch. The pencil was back in his right hand, and—
There! Allison had just walked into class.
Okay, but you can’t seem too eager to give her the pencil. That’s what weirdos do.
He waited for her to sit down and start pulling her notebook out before he walked over.
“Hey,” he said in greeting.
Allison looked up. “Oh, hey.”
There was an awkward pause.
“Do you need something?”
Henry snapped back into focus, remember what he needed to do.
“Oh, yeah. Um, here’s your pencil. I’m sorry I couldn’t give it back all weekend, but—”
“Oh.” Allison stared at the pencil in his hand for an increasingly long amount of time.
Henry held it out to her. She took it, slowly unzipping her pencil case and putting it back inside.
“Thanks, Henry. I, uh, I didn’t really need it back, but thanks anyway.”
“Yeah, no problem.” Just a weekend of stress. Also, did you see my DM? “Hope your test went well.”
She shrugged. “About as well as anyone could hope, right?”
With his mission accomplished, Henry headed back to his seat. Relief was washing through him, like he had just finished all his finals rather than just returned a borrowed pencil.
Back at Allison’s desk, one of her best friends Taylor was leaning across the aisle to talk to her.
“A pencil? That’s all he wanted?”
“I guess so. I had completely forgotten about it, to be honest.”
“Well, I guess you don’t have to worry about him asking you out.”
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sometimesimawriter · 6 years
Mirror Effect
Part 6
A/N: hey! I still exist! Life has been crazy!
Summary: five and Christina time. Kayla and Klaus discover new information and abilities ;)
Let me know if you like this shit or I should stop bothering with any of this! Also I have a sequel to this series which I personally like better so lmk!! Also I’m so sorry I can’t put the keep reading thing, it really won’t let me bc I’m doing this on my phone :(
Back to the story:
Christina's room was attached to the infirmary, and unlike the clutter of the infirmary, her room looked like a hurricane had barreled through. It was terrible, barely any space was left unoccupied by clothes, papers, shoes, or a combination of all three. She actually had the biggest closet of all three girls in the house- since there was a mutual agreement that she would need the extra space. Old habits tended to never die for her, and just like her bedroom growing up, no matter how much storage space she had, her room was fated to be a mess. Not like "Oh haha I'm such a mess!" Nah it was like five teenage girls were cramped into one space and none of them had the capability to pick up after themselves. When her, Emma, and Kayla first moved into the house, Kayla would once in a while try to clean Christina's space, but seeing that the mess had no end, she eventually gave up.
Christina now moved around the mess, using the few bare spots of her floor as stepping spaces to get to her bed. Her sheets were twisted around from the night before- she also had a habit of constantly kicking and tossing herself in her sleep. She moved a turquoise ukulele to the edge of the bed, and curled up. She then grabbed a tv remote off her bed stand and clicked the small television at the foot of her bed on. She flipped through some channels, but she wasn't really paying attention to the content, instead she was just zoning out. She was rethinking a bunch of things: how to solve the issue with the German steroid scientists, the face of the man Kayla had dropped to his death, how Max looked scared during his rage outside, how such a beast was asleep in the room next to her. There was a lot of serious shit going on for her, but the one thing she kept contemplating was Five. They shared a moment together yesterday, it really seemed like he was going to kiss her, and oh boy she couldn't get her mind off of that. She threw her head back onto her pillow, silently cursing Emma out for interrupting. What would have happened if they weren't interrupted?
She jumped up a bit when there was a knock on the door. Her heart began racing, thinking Max had woken up and Kayla wasn't there to talk to him and he broke out of the handcuffs. Another knock, sounding a little impatient. Then the door creaked open, pushing a shirt inside as it swung open. Then, instead of a scarred and angry Razor, a brown haired boy popped his head in.
"Hey, you busy- holy shit your room." Five looked around, momentarily gawking at a bra hanging off her desk chair. "You live like this?"
She jumped off the bed, pushing a pair of panties underneath her bed, "Ever heard of k-knocking maybe?"
He gave her a bland look, "I did knock, but you didn't answer. Can i come in?" It was more of a rhetorical question, since he was already walking inside. He toed a pair of jeans out of his way, "How much clothes do you own?"
She nervously giggled at this, "I've acquired a lot throughout the years."
"I see," he moved about the room, touching a Stones poster on the wall, then moved towards the desk, running his elegant fingers across the spine of a Rock Lives book. "You must really love rock music, huh?"
"Um yeah, more alternative, though." you rushed through the sentence, and he looked over at her, studying her. Her anxiety was probably palpable.
"I just wanted to come in here and apologize for yesterday in the infirmary. I was out of line." He too rushed through his apology.
"W-what do you mean?"
His throat moved, like he was forcing himself to swallow, "When I-ah- almost... kissed you?" This was strange, he was stuttering and sounded unsure. She could almost feel her heartbeat in her ears. Then she realized that he too was thinking about yesterday.
She jumped at this, "No!" Woah way too zealous there, "No... you don't have to apologize."
Her gave her a strange look, and walked over to the tv, crossing her as he moved. He had a kind of sweet scent. "What are you watching?"
She didn't really know, so she glanced at the tv and saw a sex scene playing. Heat flooded her face, and she scrambled for the remote, "Oh thats ah nothing, I wasn't watching that-" she finally found it and turned back around to shut it off, but he was suddenly standing in front of her. She stared into his eyes, and he had a very intense look on his face. His eyes moved rapidly, searching her face. He was standing so close she could feel his deep, heavy exhales on her face.
His hand moved to touch her hand, and she jumped a bit at the touch. He gave a small smile and firmly wrapped his hand around hers. "You seem to be a very strong willed and independent woman. I like that." His thumb moved back and forth across her knuckles. "which is why i want to ask: may I kiss you?"
She let out a laugh, and again, heat flashed in her face. Her nerves felt like popcorn kernels in a microwave, except the popcorn bag was on fire, and the microwave was hurdling through space at the speed of light (which is 1 X 10^12 m/s).
She finally decided to speak, "oh um ah, y-yeah i guess."
His eyelashes fanned across his face as his eyes moved from her eyes to her lips. Her chest rose and fell, and it seemed like he was basking in her nervousness. Then, ever so slowly, he leaned towards her, well, more like down towards her face. He gently pressed his lips to hers, treating her face as a porcelain doll. His free hand moved to her waist, gingerly touching her. Then he pulled back, opening his eyes, and a moment later she opened hers.
Not to be overly dramatic or anything, but her eyes felt like they were going to pop from their sockets and that her lips were buzzing with the ferocity of a wasp on crack.
He was the first to speak, "I liked that. Wanna do it again?"
She laughed, and then he wrapped his arm around her a little tighter, and oh boy did they kiss again and again.
Klaus walked into the infirmary, making slight eye contact with Five as he slipped into the door in the back of the room. He looked happier than usual- strange. Klaus pushed back a baby blue curtain where Max was strapped to a cot, still very unconscious. Whatever Gas Mask Man used was some powerful stuff, Old Klaus would have loved to get his hands on that. Kayla sat on a chair near the foot of the bed, with her legs propped next to Max's legs. She was reading a book, Klaus couldn't make out the name. He coughed a bit to get her attention and she looked up, and then she gave him a sweet smile. His heart felt like someone had grabbed it, not in a bad way, but he just really liked her smile; goofy, right?
"Hey, what are you doing in here?" She put a tab in the book, put her legs on the ground, and stood up.
"Just wanted to check on the blood again," he looked her up and down, and she rolled her eyes.
"The actual blood sample?"
"That too."
She looked down at Max, her faced etched with concern. Klaus hated the fact she was even in the same room with this guy. "I ran a test on it. Whatever he was on was some crazy shit. Dimethocaine, methamphetamine, MDPV, all the good shit." she looked up at Klaus, "The craziest part? A good 56% of his blood was made of it. Like it wasn't blood anymore, it was his DNA."
Klaus could remember a time when he was in a hospital. He had heard the nurses talking about him, how "remarkable" it was that he was alive. He no longer wanted to be that version of himself. Old him did have some good parts though, like how he knew exactly what those chemicals were, "Wait, so he was high on bath salts and coke?"
Kayla gave him a look, "...yeah. How'd you know that?"
He waved his fingers in the air, like a magician would after pulling a bunny from a hat, "The secrets of my mind." She giggled again, an angelic sound to him. The humor died out when Max made a grunting sound, and immediately Kayla went back to his side. When he didn't wake, Klaus spoke his mind, "Why are you spending so much time with him?"
"I feel bad, like i could have prevented this."
"But you couldn't."
"But i could have. I broke things off with him, and that blonde he killed? That was the girl he was cheating on me with. I think this was a plan of theirs."
Klaus couldn't deny this reasoning, but he still did not like it. "Or maybe he got what he deserved." She started to protest this but he continued on, "He cheated on you and look where that got him. He does not deserve you and you don't deserve this." He spat out this final word and pointed towards the unconscious body. He crossed the room to her, "Let Christina handle him," he gently grabbed her hand and began to lead her from the room, "I never got the coffee I was offered."
She then showed some resistance, "I can't leave him alone Klaus, he could wake up and tear through the cuffs."
"He'll be fine, leave him-"
She suddenly yanked her hand from his grasp, "No. I don't understand why you're trying so hard to get me away from him. What's your fucking issue?"
Klaus always considered himself a happy-go-lucky type of guy. His father always pushed him to go fight bad guys as a kid and he hated every second of it. He was more of a pacifist, especially after Vietnam- he just had grown to hate confrontation. This moment though, he had an ugly feeling in the pit of his stomach. Ever since he met Max he had an initial feeling of not liking him, and it was rare he didn't like someone. What he absolutely hated more was Kayla still protecting this bastard, after he treated her like shit and even threatened to kill her.
He looked at her, and he got pissed, "You wanna know what my fucking issue is? I don't like this guy. He threatened you, hurt you, hurt my brother. I have no reason to like him." He knew he should have stopped there, but he felt compelled to keep going. "I especially don't like how you are all over him," he sped up, talking erratically, "He won't treat you like I would!" he was beginning to yell, "I felt a connection with you that I only felt with someone else, and he's dead! And that connection is being tossed away because this asshole decides to show up all bloody and high!"
His tangent was done, but his lips kept moving, spilling words and ideas that weren't even his, "Your father abused you, and that's why you are clinging to him. When I left you, you were left to your own devices. Your father was cruel, and you are turning into the woman that i once was. Kayla Jane you are better than this!" His hands flew to his mouth, and whatever presence that took the wheel was now gone.
Her face was pale and her mouth slightly opened. "W-what?"
Klaus's heart sped up, "I- I don't know what just happened, I'm so so sorry.."
A single tear rolled down her face, "Only my mother called me that..." she whispered this.
There was silence in the room, then Klaus had to speak, "I think...your mom... was in me?"
She began to break down completely, her body caving in on itself. Klaus moved to her and she face-planted into his shirt. She sobbed, loudly, shaking in his arms.
Christina and Five came out of the back room, she looked shaken, but her eyes were set on her friend. She then made eye-contact with Klaus and made an O with her mouth. She then shoved Five back into the room and shut the door.
Klaus's attention was back on Kayla, and he pressed his lips to the top of her head. Guilt hung heavy in his chest, he hated that he caused this break down.
A few minutes of sobbing passed, and eventually the crying slowed. Her body seemed to relax, and then she pulled away a bit and looked up at him.
"I'm sorry you had to see that."
He hugged her tighter to him, "No, I shouldn't have said those things."
Silence again.
"I want to go to my room."
He slowly let go of her, expecting her to leave without looking back, but she took a few steps away and turned back to him, "You coming?"
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muggle-writes · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
tagged by @elizabethsyson
Nickname: Muggle is my nickname, but when I went by Muggle in person for more than a month at a time, it naturally got abbreviated, usually to Mugz
Zodiac: Aquarius
Last movie I saw: into the spiderverse (same answer as last time. I don't watch that many movies tbh except around Christmas. unless YouTube counts in which case... music of some sort? idk links for the next answer)
Favorite musician: changes by the day. I've kinda been in an acapella and/or folk music mood recently so the Maccabeats and Peter Hollens are in my YouTube and Spotify history a lot recently. also I'm eternally in awe of Forte Handbell Quartet (eta a longer video; i recommend skipping to the techno piece or the Jurassic Park theme)
Last thing I googled: "vine why are you buying clothes at the soup store" (my wife hasn't seen it; also i can't find the vine because apparently it's a much bigger meme than I realized). before that it was "chgrp not root" because work and group permissions are useful when they work
Song stuck in my head: well for most of the day when I haven't been actively listening to something, it's been the Pokemon RSE route-walking music. (but that somehow happens frequently when I'm in the no-music-no-internet room at work, as I was for most of the day, and I don't know how I accidentally trained my brain to make that connection). right now, surprisingly, I don't have any background music playing in my head. I think it's because the humidifier provides just enough white noise that my brain doesn't feel the need to provide its own
Other blogs: my main is @muggle-the-hat and I'm a mod on @why-do-neurotypicals but we've gotten one ask ever so that blog has been dormant for a while. I have a bunch of other sideblogs, but they're all small and I use different screen names on each of them (enby life: no idea which name suits me best so I may as well try them out) so i feel like it would just confuse things to link them.
Following: blogs matching all the themes of my sideblogs, (including this one, which is writeblr), korean langblr, jumblr, assorted fandom blogs, authors of my more favorite fanfictions (some overlap with other categories), and irl friends and acquaintances (including one fandom blog turned irl friend)
Do I get asks: on my main if at all, which isn't really surprising because i have hundreds of followers there and maybe 60 followers combined among the rest. but I get asks far less often than I reblog ask memes so... I'm always happy to get more. I do get tagged in ask games more on this one, but writeblr is actually vaguely organized about tag lists so that makes sense. also I used to get tagged a bunch on my main and I rarely could find the posts again to follow up when I had time to answer.
What I’m Wearing: pajamas. staying warm and cozy
Lucky number: I don't remember what I said last time, but I like a lot of numbers. 64 is a good number. recently I've been debugging software in which 0x3E is my lucky status number and 0x0E taunts me. (um, decimal 62 and 14). Also my other favorite number i can't share until it's no longer the combination to the lock to the Secret Room. (or realistically never because opsec and i shouldn't make public the types of parents we use for that combination lock), honestly I aim to be like.... ah, I'm sure the anecdote involves G.H. Hardy but i don't remember on which side. anyway one mathematician remarked to another about how the id number of the taxi he rode in was sadly uninteresting, and the one I aspire to be like, argued "what are you talking about, this number is interesting because ______" and I'd like to be able to do that for any arbitrary number thrown at me. (hi yes math is good, history is hard, math history is interesting yet i still forget the people even if i remember the math. except when things are named after people, but that tends to be, like, Euler and LaGrange and other people who did lots of cool science things so i remember the methods and the names of the methods separately which never helps)
Amount of sleep: ....depression both screws with my sleep schedule and means I always feel like I need more sleep except when I wake up at 5pm and feel like I've wasted the day. so yeah. I can never get enough sleep
Favorite food: yes (why do I have to pick a favorite?) uh, chocolate in most forms, many other sweet things, red meats (especially if served with potatoes), curry (especially if it has "too much" ginger), fresh-baked bread, chai the way my favorite local Indian restaurant makes it (spicier with just a little bit of sweet, which is the opposite of what i can get from the mocha machine at work which is wayyy sweet with a hint of spice but that inferior chai is still superior to coffee so i drink too much of it). also vegetables which I really don't eat enough of: sauteed zucchini and onions, roasted broccoli
Dream trip: dreaming requires creativity and tbh I funnel that mostly into my writing instead. I wouldn't mind going back to Korea for another visit though
Dream job: my current job is pretty good when I feel productive and when my debugging tools actually produce data maybe??? (they were not being helpful today. but i still mostly like my job.) dream job is probably this but with seniority and confidence and double the salary (while living in a similar area of the country; I wouldn't want to double my salary by moving to work for Google in California and having less available after rent than I do now)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things:
the smell of old books
the first glow of sunrise (the sunrise painting the mountains pink and gold)
a rainbow in the spray from a waterfall
the flicker of distant lightning (watching a thunderstorm fade into the distance)
this picture
Tumblr media
Random fact: about me or about the world?
how about a combination answer: when we got our new handbell music this season, we only looked at half the pieces our first rehearsal and afterwards I tried to look up one of the pieces we hadn't gotten to on YouTube because it's got a weird time signature and I wanted to get a feel for how fast it would go and how strict the counting is...... except it turns out we're the first group to ever play the piece. it was commissioned recently but seeing my conductor's name on the page didn't tell me how new it was because he's super prolific. (the fact that it was on printer paper without the publisher's graphics should have been a giveaway but it's only the second time I've been among the first to play one of his pieces so I think I can be excused for not realizing)
Languages: mostly just English, but I took Spanish for years, so I can hold simple conversations in it. I can almost read sound out Hebrew fast enough to keep up in services, and I know some random Hebrew vocab but comparatively no grammar. and I took Korean in college, enough that I can recognize sentence structure but I can really only speak tourist-Korean, though I can sound anything out (if it's typed. handwriting is hit or miss.) in both Hebrew and Korean (and Spanish tbh but i don't often listen to Spanish music) I'm very proud when I can separate the words enough, listening to a song, to translate them without looking up the lyrics. also I tried to learn Japanese from Duolingo when it was new, but I still hadn't gotten the kana straight when it started progressing to kanji so that was a rough time and I went back to Hebrew.
tbh I "dabble" in "language learning" which really means I start a million courses on Duo and stick with none of them. with the notable exception of French, which I acknowledge is super common and probably a good idea to learn but the spelling and pronunciation seem so arbitrary I'm scared to look close enough to learn it properly, and I've never particularly considered starting the Duolingo course for French
I think I lost a few questions, because that's only 18 answers. whoops.
um... who to tag
@abluescarfonwaston if school hasn't drowned you in work yet and @copperscales I'm interested in both of your choices for lucky numbers especially.
... wow I'm blanking on other mutuals I haven't tagged recently. as usual lmk if you'd like to be edited in, or just answer the questions and tag me back, that's great too.
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