#also remus is lying he's definitely into those lmfao
regeditt · 3 months
*remus, mad at james*
remus: well at least i'm not into tw*nks-
*sirius walks in*
sirius: james is into what?
sirius: moony, i know you’re not talking *gestures to himself*
remus: …
remus: can’t you just side with me for once!!
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
OK, so, to brush up my memory lol, what we got from that time is that Snape was creating violent and lethal curses like sectumsempra (which he used on James) and specified in his notes they were 'for enemies'. He also ironically created the spell which James was using on him during bullying in SWM, so for James to know this spell Snape had to either use it on him beforehand or use it on others. We also know he was hanging out with junior DEs who were tormenting muggleborns (Mary, among others) and he justified it to Lily as a 'bit of laugh'. He was also stalking Marauders and trying to find out their secrets to get them in trouble, one of those instances is the infamous prank, where he tried to get Remus expelled but which backfired on him. What happened in later years was that by 7th year James stopped going after him but he himself didn't stop, he would still attack James and James wouldn't take this laying down so they still had fights and clashes. Though James wouldn't tell about them to Lily, I assume it's so as not to worry her. And since he was still hexing James in 7th year, I'd also assume it means he also hexed him in previous years too when he had the chance. So yeah, I think there's definitely the fact that James bullied Snape and was young and dumb enough to think himself justified because Snape loved dark arts and called muggleborns mudbloods and hung out with future DEs and he thought himself a hero of light or something, but the greater dynamic can be called rivalry, and is called such by several characters.
Overall this is such a tired topic lol, because there are many context clues about these characters and happenings thrown in flashback chapters, especially in Snape and Lily's conversations, and depending on which side of fandom you're hanging out at they will decide whether to look at those clues, to ignore them or sometimes even to come out and say that the books were lying lol. So, yeah.
i avoid both sides of the fandom so i never know lmfao but thanks for explaining all that
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embrassemoi · 3 years
(1/8) You're really out there publising new chapters in such a short amount of time and each chapter is better than the last one!   I'm seriously in awe of your talent! It's so difficult to pick a favorite chapter but this one might be one of my favorites. First of all, I loved what you did with the chapter title, whiskers literally taking padfoot's place in the order they were named on the map. It was sirius' worst fear and it happened. Also Remus and mc's chemistry is so great. I'm a big fan
I've had so much inspiration and free time this past week! and I'm going to start getting really busy this upcoming fall so I want to try and upload as much as possible!
(2/8) of how naturally their friendship and relationship grows and how different their dynamic is compared to mc and sirius. The way she was braiding his hair in common room and the way map practically flirts with her. Their little moment in the halloween party was so great as well, mc (who is dressed up as mcgonagall) drunkly playing with remus' (who is dressed up as FILCH) is probably one of my favorite moments in the sbtmas. Speaking of the costumes, I wish I was a good artist so I could draw
yeah! it's always a struggle to write two different dynamics when it comes to a love triangle because you don't want it to be:
a) the same
b) have it be unfair (although rn it's kinda unfair but hey, sirius will have a chance)
c) please both remus and Sirius stans (its been hard bc sirius stans are so mad with me rn LMFAO its kinda hilarious. I'm sorryyyyy! I SAID SLOWBURN DIDNT I? I WASNT LYING)
and oh my gosh - this chapter was literally so fucking fun to write and I think that really showed in my writing this time. the map - omg - since it's technically remus' magic for his little messages, the map is unable to insult her and I think it's just so cute :)
and I think dressing up as the professors would be so fucking cool! actually, fun fact - this idea was originally supposed to be for fifth year. Sirius was supposed to be McGonagall and MC was still supposed to be a cat but I obviously flipped shit around. for seventh year - I've had their costumes all picked since I started writing and I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT TO WRITE IT MY GOD
(3/8) a fanart of them. Lily as a 20s flapper, marlene as carrie, dorcas as dorothy (it's official, dorcas is the cutest person in this entire series) and sybill as the crazy cat lady (hands down best costume)! And of course marauders as teachers. Remus as filch was son unexpected yet brilliant! I almost died when marlene started flirting with mc for a grade and james called her hot (and also mcgonagall took a photo with her, minnie and marauders era students is always so fun to read about. Can
THE FACT that you would even think of making drawing fan art is literally the most ego-filling thing ever. woah. Thank you for even just mentioning that lmfao.
also, I love Dorcas. I love her. I adore her. the version of her that I created in my head - I'm obsessed. the same goes for Lily. omg I can't forget to mention Marlene! omg I'm a mess. I love them all.
(4/8) you imagine her keeping all of those memories in a box and looking at them after most of her students from that time period die in the war.) Peter had some really good costume ideas after all. But honestly, thank you for... giving peter a personality. In most fics he's just there, only eating in the background (similar to movie!ron). But in sbtmas he's so great and has a great sense of humor (he got his hands on a pen and chose to write "evans' bitch on james' face, an icon). I feel like
okay, that hurt my feelings. I can just picture McGonagall getting teary eyed as she stares at a picture of the Marauders after the second wizarding war, wishing she could have saved her students.
(5/8) this is going to make his betrayal so much better when it eventually happens. I mean, I was genuinely disturbed when james started to talk about how sneaky he was (famous last words). I loved all of the pranks they did in this chapter as well. The exorcist music and ballpoint pens were so creative (and they gave us that adorable scene with dorcas and nifflers) and also... funny. I feel like in a way, it showed how much marauders learned from "The Prank" and matured because of it. Last year
Peter was a marauder through and through. he was just as sneaky as the others, brimming with personality and just as smart. maybe not in academics, but the fucker had strengths in other areas. It was such a pet peeve of mine when they didn't include him in the fics I used to read. idk, sbtmas is everything I guess I wanted in a fic that I didn't get 💀 (I sound a bit egotistical here. If it comes off that way, I don’t mean it to)
(6/8) their halloween prank with spiders was a bit cruel. But this time, it's somethig that would make everyone laugh and maybe a bit annoyed, but still less harmless. Everything was funny and great and honestly, while I was reading this I was laughing the entire time... until I got to the "five years" part! Now that was cruel! You really did used costumes and pranks as a distraction and hit us with the angst! One second I was laughing and the next moment I was having an existential
oh definitely and I'm happy that you caught on to the change in severity from their pranks!
(7/8) how we have no idea about what future will bring and you can never know how much time you will have with your loved ones before it's all taken away from you. But I guess that's the appeal of the marauders era, we all know about the tragic ending they will have but still want to learn about their hogwarts years. And of course the song you chose perfectly captured that. It's halloween 1976, exactly five years before lily and james' death. And they have no idea about how they only have five
(8/8) years together. James and lily was laughing along with peter! There was something so beautiful yet disturbing about the innocence they have and you captured it beautifully. I can imagine sirius, sitting by himself somewhere, thinking about how he lost his friends and not having any idea about the tragic things that'll happen to him (or how he'll try to break into hogwarts on halloween 1993 to kill one of his friends). Okay now I made myself even sadder, I'll just shut up. -🌸
aw, sirius :(. I obviously didn't add him in this chapter but while writing, I imagine him to be in Padfoot form, silently watching the fireworks. just thinking. :((((( I just made myself sad again :( I think I even wrote a small blurb of that part but I can’t remember if I deleted it. If I didn’t, I’ll totally upload it to the outtakes eventually
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