#also shark teeth ok
mindurownbussines · 9 days
ok so 4 a lil context I was scrolling on the wind breaker tag bc I just watched ep.5 (man there is sm x reader there 😰) and I saw this 👇
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I mean we did kinda have a jjk x kfc collab so
whats next Kaiju.8 x McDonald’s 🤡
that would actually be really funny
and since I just started watching the anime (and planning to read the manga) I don’t really remember (or know how) to spell their names so have fun with that ig. (if u read the tags)
Also fyi LOTS of yapping in the tags read at ur own risk :)
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sri-rachaa · 2 years
I found a shark tooth :)
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
There's an orc attending your college. Your city is pretty diverse, there's a lot of human cultures represented there, and even harpies and dwarves are common. But an orc is still a really rare sight. And she's not assimilated at all, she wears the symbol of the dark lord around her neak, and the strange black cloths from the wastelands she came from, and she always seems to have a gun somewhere on her. It's strange just to see an orc in person, she's not like the green skinned monsters you see in movies, her eyes are pitch black, and her skin is so pale you can see veins, she's muscular and tell but also strangely skinny, and her teeth are sharp and spiked like a sharks, this one doesn't have tusks, just these rows of serrated teeth.
Everyone avoids her at first. There's something creepy about her. She doesn't move like a human. She emotes weirdly, being stoic during conversations, but sometimes smiling or laughing at odd times. In class it becomes clear that she lacks knowledge anyone growing up in your society has, but has extensive knowledge on things most humans will never know. She also very clearly supports the dark lord and the demons who serve him, and gets mad when his narrative of conquest and strict genetic hierarchy is challenged in class.
You end up paired with her for a class project. It's weirdly awkward. But you end up spending more time with her then most. It still takes awhile to get used to her mannerisms, and you have to convince her of evolution in a long debate (but eventually you do convince her). She seems strangely naive to a lot of things. Every time she does something that she considers a failure she goes into self loathing, and she gets really afraid she's going to be punished. You have to explain to her things are going to be ok sometimes.
You try to spend time with her. She supports the dark lord but out of a strange sense of fear more than the type of ideological support humans in nations not under his control have. When she does something that she thinks is heresy agaisnt him she becomes afraid. And while she's angry at people who follow gods other than him (which is basically everyone here) she's more afraid of them than everything. When a holy symbol you own touches her she's surprised it doesn't burn her, you have to tell her it's ok.
She has a lot more freedom here than she did back in the wastelands. You slowly help her realize she doesn't have to worry about being punished for sinning agasint the dark lord. She's able to go on the internet for the first time, you help her get everything set up. You also introduce her to your freinds, only some of whom feel safe around her, but those who do seem to like her.
It's weird just hanging out in her dorm. She can be weirdly laid back and introspective at times, at least when she's not nervous or paranoid. But when she's just relaxing she'll tell you about things, about the beauty of the desert sands, about what it was like to observe the rattlesnakes and condors and wyverns of her homeland. How she likes to observe the city, the way the diffrent people flow through it, she was scared of it at first but now she likes to explore it, and the way it lacks stars at night but the lights from the buildings replace it. She says she wishes she could stay here forever, that she wishes she could be an artist but that she was sent here to learn skills useful to the dark lord's empire.
There's something nice about showing her new things. You get to take her to a musical for the first time. Get to show her neighborhoods you like. Get to explain to her what public transport is (though she got scared feeling trapped in a subway car). You get to show her stuff she never got to experience because orcs are never really children, she loves getting to hold a plush for the first time, or watching cartoons for the first time, it's like she's finally getting to live an experience she never had. Even though she's a well armed adult she really likes plushies once she finds out about them, they weren't something she was allowed to have back home.
Over time she starts meeting people and learning things that go against her worldview. As she makes more friends, understands new things, slowly learns that she shouldn't be punished for mistakes, she slowly comes around to seeing how fucked up the world the was raised in is. She tells you she doesn't want to worship the dark lord anymore, she cries just from saying it. You hug her, and realize she's never been hugged before, she seems to really like that feeling. She bathes in the waters of a healing goddess, and she worships something out of love instead of fear for the first time.
Eventually the spawning warlock who spawned her and her siblings comes to visit her. You told her to be careful but she ended up spilling that she doesn't worship the dark lord, she ends up spilling all the things a warlock like that considers a sin. When he leaves she tells you she can't go home. Not ever. Never again will she see the shifting sands, or flying condor, or flowing serpents of her homelands. She's trapped where she is now.
You know it hurts her a lot. She says she feels like she's in a small pocket of safety. Back home she'd be hurt for being an apostate. In human lands outside of the city she'd be hurt for being an orc. But she's safe here. She stays in her apartment for awhile, while you try to make things work. She's finally changing her major to art, and despite everything she's finally free, free to watch the starless sky, free to not be punished when she makes a mistake...
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mrsshabana · 7 months
PLEASE QUEEN, I need answers, in your post talking about some wip's that you were thinking about, I saw "shark", I hope I'm not hallucinating, but please, can you tell me a little about it??🏃🏃🏃
Omg yes! I'm so happy you asked about this one! The shark au is something me and @lilliumteaandbeez came up with. We have a ton of lore we came up with together, though I don't have much written for it. I believe I wrote this in February, and it isn't much but I'll share what I have!
More about Sharktaro though, he is also a siren! So, for the people that have been asking me for a siren au, this is the start of it.*・♡
✧:・゚→ My WIP's
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𝑺𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒏!𝑮𝒚𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒐 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Your motion sensored camera got activated last night.
That’s why you find yourself trudging through a light rain shower, stepping through heaps of wet sand and over slippery rocks. 
The camera had been set up in an alcove seated on the beach. A small cave sits on the edge of the ocean, with a deep pool of water seated in the middle of it. But deeper into the cave, the water becomes more shallow, and there is a rocky ledge circling the edge of the water, perfect for you to set up your camera to observe the unusual alcove.
It was for research of course. As a marine biologist you are always searching for unique phenomena. With this particular experiment, you were hoping to catch seals using this alcove as a shelter when hiding from circling sharks. But instead you were notified in the middle of the night by a strange photo being captured.
You couldn’t quite make out what it was. It was blurry and dark. The creature looked long like a seal but it almost appeared as though it had sharp claws. Having no idea what it could be, you are filled with anxiety and curiosity as you arrive at the cave.
Sounds of distant thunder echo in the distance.
You turn the corner and step into the darkness. The approaching storm blocking any sunlight that may have illuminated your path.
Flickering on your flashlight, you point it towards the shallow end of the cave.
Before you lies a humanoid figure. Laying on its side, back facing towards you.
The bottom half of its body resembles a shark. A long blue-green tail littered with dark spots. The spots cover his entire body, even the upper half which resembles a human man. The creature has a large fin on its back and pointed ears. Its body looks emaciated, ribs moving with each shallow breath that he takes. And a mess of black and green hair sits atop his head.
The water surrounding his body is bloody, and his tail seems to have gotten tangled in a net.
“Oh my god…” you gasp under your breath. The small sound is enough to startle the creature, quickly turning around, staring right at you.
His eyes glow yellow, slit pupils dilate from the bright light. He opens his mouth to show rows of dagger sharp teeth.
A high pitched, rattling screech echos from his mouth. Hissing at you with every ounce of energy he has left, you know this is a warning. But you can’t stop yourself from walking closer to him, you want to help him. It’s in your nature to help and rehabilitate injured marine life, and a mythical merman is no exception.
As you get closer he starts to panic. Flailing his tail, showing his teeth, hissing loudly. He tries to get away but he is too tangled up. It doesn’t take long before more blood spills out of him, and he can’t muster enough energy to continue.
His eyes get heavy and his breathing becomes more shallow but his hissing persists as you stand a few feet in front of him.
“I-It’s ok,” you mutter, taking a few steps closer to him, “I’m going to try to help you.”
Throwing your backpack to the ground, you take a seat in front of him, rummaging through your bag to find any supplies that may be able to help this poor creature. You always make sure to come prepared, because out in the field accidents happen all of the time. So luckily you have an emergency medkit. It’s meant for humans but you are sure it will do the trick for the time being.
When you reach out to him he snaps at you, almost biting your arm.
“Hey! I’m trying to help you! I know you are scared, but I promise I won’t hurt you.”
You can see the hurt and fear in his eyes when he looks at you. He has no idea that you are trying to help him. But the blood spilling from his wounds is too much and he loses the ability to care. He knows that he will die soon, so he stops fighting you.
The largest wound is on his tail, near his hip. It’s a deep laceration of some kind. 
Cutting part of the net, to give you enough room to tend to his wound. You decide that stopping the bleeding is more important, and you will work on untangling him afterwards.
There is no time to waste so you hurry and disinfect the area and prep your needle. With trembling hands you begin to suture the large wound, resulting in a low, painful whimper coming from him.
“I know it hurts, but I have to do this or you will bleed out,” you console him but don’t stop stitching him up.
The skin on his tail is thick and tough, taking a lot of effort to get the needle to go through. But after lots of struggling, you manage to get the wound sutured. Taking some gauze and holding it to the wound to soak up some of the blood.
Scanning over the rest of his body, he has lots of smaller lacerations. They look like claw marks. But you can’t think of any sea creature that would have claws like that…
Once the bleeding mostly stops on the larger wound, you go to care for the other wounds. Disinfecting, covering with bandages, and suturing a few that are particularly deep. You run out of gauze pretty quickly, as he has many wounds and the moisture of his skin combined with the humidity in the air quickly dampens them.
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xxnomadsxx · 4 months
Nomads AU! Branch’s second in command..look I haven’t finished a drawing for them yet ….BUT it’s coming
Originally I wasn’t gonna have them in the story. They were just used to be a reason for why Branch was in the feral troll village, but then I got the idea for a brother rivalry between them and Brozone and I was like “OH! I have to do that!!!!!” (I am so sorry I really wanted to make an Oc please don’t unfollow 😭)
Branch’s Second in command is basically a replacement brother? (no one sure what gender they are? So Branch just calls him his brother?with a question mark) Honestly, the relationship is like SUPER toxic, like I’m talking about his second command has accidentally tried to eat him on a couple of occasions and has gotten him hurt multiple times on accident. (They’re also a huge reason on why is kind of more paranoid and aggressive troll that he is today) also they occasionally just bite Branch, maybe on the arm, leg, or just nibbling on his hair (I promise they won’t eat Branch they just like biting stuff) the biting freaks Branch out a lot (poor guys trauma won’t ever leave 😔)
What they look like is basically a description I gave of the feral (trolls?) a while back claws, tail, sharp teeth, messy looking, slitted eyes, and pointy ears the second in command/brother? wears half a cloak that only really covers one of their sides while also having the most stitched together outfit known to anyone in the village, arms and legs basically covered in bandages and scars surprisingly their face is scar free, their hair is similar to Bruce’s with how it cascades down his back, The only difference is it’s way messier and pitch black sometimes say to Branch how it makes them look more like family (which is cute in my opinion) They have shark teeth and sort of just has this look on there face of “I will bite you if you get close to me and if you’re not close to me, I will still bite you.” Their hair has some branches and leaves in it, but still pretty clean. Sometimes they lay on the ground and just pretend to be a carpet (I mean with how much hair they have it just completely covers their body) people have walked over them on accident before.
The second in command/brother? Doesn’t really have a name. Everyone just calls them Thing and that just became its name. Thing is maybe just really bad for Branch’s mental state, but they genuinely do really care for him. I mean the whole reason Branch is here is because Thing got one look at them and said “new little brother” and sorta just kinda adopted him.
Thing is is like the most insane feral (troll ?)(whenever they do something their motives behind it is either baby brother or feed there is an in between ground of just both) Thing is the head of the militia, and surprisingly is the most trusted with the village, due to their survival instinct/ tactics, and overall mindset of protection they’re kind of dumb though (so branch doesn’t really leave him in charge a lot for long periods of time but still trusts them over anyone else)
Random facts Thing owns a mug that says best big brother? on it, and it is like his most prize possession(and only possession) They once tried to eat a troll egg. Their excuse was omelette.(the egg was fine don’t worry) they are basically the most feral feral troll, (which is honestly really hard to do so claps for him I guess) He has tried to eat Creek on multiple occasions, the only reason he stopped is because they now have some weird deal going on (Creek just feed him bits of his hair.) They constantly run on all fours like a gremlin usually having their claws out just to climb trees and over buildings around the village. The trolls and feral(trolls?) just sort of got used to them and they’re weird freaky antics (they’re surprisingly really well respected and a lot of people quite like them… they just get super scared of them) As a kid they basically saw Branch as a pet until after like a week they were like “OK this is my baby brother now.” Similar to how trolls put their babies in their hair they sometimes just put Branch in their hair (Which Branch has gotten used to he just doesn’t mind it as much anymore but still hates it.) Nonetheless, no one is quite sure how old they are or where they came from in the village they just sort of been running around for years and then one day just showed up with a troll.
Thing can speak! Most of the time they prefer to just make weird animal noises or hiss and growl. They really only speak to Branch and anyone who has a genuine concern or anything (I mean he still has to be a good second in command) and even when they do speak it’s always in this raspy sounds like it hasn’t been used in like weeks voice. Has the most broken English ever they also speak in 3rd person quite a bit. (They can’t read and just ask a bajillion questions to anyone about anything or just run their own “tests” on stuff to see how it works)
I’m going to give it to you straight, the only reason Thing exists is so I can have a brother rivalry between them and Brozone I mean Branch’s biological brothers who he loved very much as a kid vs the creature who cared and raised him for 20 years after they left (The scenarios would be amazing!!! 🤩)
Branch and Thing have a very good relationship, Branch really loves them since Thing hasn’t abandoned him like everyone else and raised him with love (never mind how toxic of a home it was and still is)
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sleepyfan-blog · 1 month
I VERY DESPERATELY NEED/Want Baby Primarch Mers. So Badly. PLEASE!
Ok! I"ll go down the list
1 - Lion - So, the temptation to make him part lionfish is incredible here. There's also the fact that IRL Lionfish are a huge problem in certain parts of the world because they are an invasive species in those areas, as well as incredibly deadly because of their poisonous spines. And considering how deadly Lion and his sons can be... Yeah, I think he's part lionfish. Specifically he has a deep green tail with silver stripes. His spines are black and gold and hold incredibly potent poisons.
3- Fulgrim - He is part Coral Beauty Angelfish, and has a beautiful purple tail that fades into a vibrant yellow color. Coral beauties (at least according to the quick google search I did about them) are an incredibly hardy salt water fish, and known for their vibrant colorations.
4 - Perturabo - is part Cabezon - which are known for being Stubborn Bastard Fish who Refuse To Move until they get their next meal, willing to wait days and even weeks before they get their next meal. Which is often other fish, which I feel fits Peter turbo pretty well. He has a pleated tail and fins that are a mottled steel and black color, with the occasional yellow stripe.
5 - Jaghatai - is part Sailfish - which are allegedly one of the fastest fish in the world IRL. He has a bright white tail with red stripes. His fins are also white with red stripes.
6 - Leman - is part Piranha. Not only are Piranhas highly predatory, they also are species of fish that school together. Like how Space Wolves almost always stick together in packs. Also, he still has fangs in this AU. His tail and fins are a lovely slate grey color with an iridescent shine to them.
7 - Rogal - part greenland shark! Cold adapted predator of the sea. Doesn't look like much but is an apex predator in the seas it lives in. He has gorgeous golden fins and tails with black spots.
8 - Konrad - part goblin shark. I didn't pick it just because of the name, but because it is a deep water shark (lives in darkness, just like a certain edgy primarch) that is rarely seen by humans. And. Well. Most humans who saw Konrad didn't exactly live to tell about it, did they? He has a deep blue tail and fins that are surprisingly slender. But powerful and he has a hell of a bite and many, many pointy teeth.
9 - Sanguinius - He has a beautiful silver tail and fin-like wings, as his mer-half is flying fish! Although I was super tempted to make him part-lamprey because of the blood-sucking aspect of him.
10 -  Ferrus - as per the suggestions of @angronsjewelbeetle @c-u-c-koo-4-40k and @i-am-a-dragon34 Ferrus is now part Dunkleostous, with dark grey fins and tail on his dorsal side and a silvery ventral side.
12 - Angron - part betta fish. He has striking red and gold fins and tail and will square the fuck up if the mood strikes.
13 - Roboute - there is a big temptation to go for the Ultramarlin pun, but I won't give in. What I am going with is part Ribbon Eel, as they have this really lovely blue body with bright yellow dorsal and ventral stripes that go all the way down their bodies. That and G-Man having a long tail to thwap his brothers with makes me giggle.
14 - Mortarion - part pufferfish. Prickly, defensive and poisonous. Can and will puff up. Has grey fins and tail with dark green spots. Spiny.
15 - Magnus: I am torn between making him part carp - because of the Japanese (I think?) myth about a carp jumping up a waterfall in order to become a dragon - which hints at Magnus' incredibly powerful warp abilities or an Abtu, which is a mythical ancient Egyptian fish, because Space Egypt. Thoughts? Opinions?
16 - Horus: Is part dolphin. Known for being very charismatic and charming, but can and will bully other kinds of sea life. Baby-Horus has a deep green tail with gold markings.
17 - Lorgar - I love the Parrot Fish pun suggestion by @c-u-c-koo-4-40k so that is what I am going with. His fins and tail are a deep red color with a silver shimmer to them.
18 - Vulcan - another excellent suggestion by @c-u-c-koo-4-40k for making one of the primarchs part barracuda! I have decided on Vulcan, rather than Magnus. Vulcan’s dorsal fins and tail are a deep green color, the ventral side is black. Along the middle where the two colors meet, he had gold spots.
19 - Corvus: Part of me wants to make Corvus either some kind of shark, or angler fish bc of his whole "sworn vengeance and eternally hunting after Lorgar post-heresy" thing but. Big E is also a being who loves himself some aesthetics and I don't think a part-angler fish boy would fit that. Perhaps part black-tipped shark bc of their stealthiness. Thoughts?
20 - Alpharius and Omegon: are color-pallet changed blue-ring octopi. Instead of a yellow body with bright blue rings, they have vibrant teal tentacles with bright silver ring-patterns across their tentacles and up the fishy parts of their bodies.
@egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel
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yan-lorkai · 4 months
I've been reading some of your posts and i absolutely love it!!!
Anyway this ask might be a little similar to the one where the mc loves biting the obey me brothers
Can you do one with the obey me bros where the mc has very sharp teeth like a shark? Also it doesn't have to be everyone but i especially want leviathan and satan<3
(I have a feeling i made this too long..😭)
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Mc with sharp teeths, my beloved. I actually remembered Kirishima from Bnha when reading this lol, he was such a sweetheart and his little teeth were so cute 😭🥺. Also don't worry darling, it's not that long and even if it was, I don't care! I hope you like this!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Your shark-like teeth were always a point of fascination among the demons of Devildom, they used to love looking at your mouth and got a vision of your precious teeths. It wasn't an everyday occurrence that a human had sharp teeths like yours, a trait shared with so many demons. However, it was Satan who found himself inexplicably drawn to this unique feature of yours.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Satan couldn't help but delve deeper into understanding the biology and significance behind them, he likes looking at it and he always wondered how would feel if he kissed you. Would the sharpness be enough to hurt his tongue? Do the sharpness hurt your mouth by the way? He got to know everything that is to know, though he do thinks you are so cute with sharp teeths.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While Satan's attention is gradually caught up with you, Levi's is the opposite. The moment you open your mouth to say anything, even if it's not even him you're talking to, he notices your teeth and he's enchanted. Your teeth, as sharp as a shark's, remind him of his many favorite characters from animes and games and he automatically associates you with them, it's love at first sight.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ As your friendship blossomed into something deeper, Levi came to cherish your unique trait as just another endearing aspect of who you are. Your teeth it's not the only thing he likes about it, in fact he could make a 30 pages powerpoint of things he love about you, he could rank 100 different things. He loves you a lot. And he also may or may not want you to bite him with those beautiful teeths of yours.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Despite the acceptance you found with Satan and Levi, sometimes you wished you had normal teeth. People used to make fun of you because of it, either because they were jealous or because was too different from the normal they were used to. Though Satan and Levi helped you overcome these doubts when they found out about it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Saying again but Levi would really make a long and convincing powerpoint about it and Satan would fight your enemies. And then they both would do things you like to make you feel happy and loved, and if you want to spend time only with one of them, that's ok too.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Levi's gonna show you his favorite characters who inspire him to be better and do better, and tell you how beautiful and cool you are. You may or may not cuddle as well as he tries to rebuild your self esteem and tries to make you smile and laugh more.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Satan by the way relies more on his words to convince you that what he's saying is the absolutely truth, he has no reason to lie after all - even if he had a reason, he wouldn't. He genuinely like you and it's quite rare for him to truly like someone. Though he also praises you more everytime you smile and laugh in his presence, enough to make you flustered and giddy.
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instexcamera · 3 months
omg hiiiiii
how are youuuuu
can i request a piece with a soft dom mayoi and almost a ‘bratty’ sub reader who’s afab with gn pronouns? :0
also i have a thing for his hands and his teeth so… hehe. and maybe subtle corruption kink?
Mayoi, my favorite to write
SoftDom!Mayoi x Sub!Reader
Warnings: Marking/biting, brat reader, corruption kink, fingering
Authors Note: aaa I hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing this one tbh, I really love Mayoi he's so jehe
18+ under cut
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Having Mayoi dote on you sometimes became a little too much. He would follow you around, either in sight or in the ceiling and walls. He would leave you notes in areas you'd easily find them, either recommending a new way to do something or praising your work. Mayoi was also big on gift giving, leaving them at your office when you left for a moment, they were all something homemade too. A diorama or some sweets he'd made, you always appreciated them, they looked as if they took time.
You didn't know why he had taken this strange affinity towards you. Maybe it's because you produce for his group, other than that you see no reason on why he would. Not that you were complaining about his attention of course, it was nice to have one of the cute idols show attraction to you. You also knew Mayoi had a tendency to do strange activities like this, from what you've seen, him doing this means he wishes to protect you in his own little way. Shinobu Shingoku, Mayoi's cheiftian, got the same amount of attention from what you had heard, however he didn't leave him personal handwritten notes like yours.
However, you hadn't expected his attraction for you to actually be something genuine. So when he had managed to stutter out a confession, when you were working you accepted after a minute of shocked silence.
A few months later when you working with Mayoi, you found yourself staring at his face. Or more accurately his lips and thinking about his teeth. Mayoi's teeth were sharp, longer than average and pointed at the ends, like a sharks. You had heard many people point them out, saying there abnormal, unusual, or weird. Mayoi would always shrink back when he heard those comments, walking the other way to get to a secret passage or vent he could use to walk in instead. You didn't think his teeth were weird, you found them quite interesting, cute even, Mayoi's smiles were always cute when he allowed them. You were wondering what they feel like biting into you, on your neck, chest, thighs, anywhere he could mark. Everyone would be able to tell who did it too, his teeth are so different it wouldn't be hard.
"Um, my love? Are you ok? Am I upsetting you by being here? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can leave!" The phantom's eyes dart every which way, looking for a way to hurriedly escape if you did want him to leave. "No, Mayoi you're fine, I was just, ah, thinking of your teeth. And uh, how I want you to bite me." He looks startled, not many people compliment his teeth, he slowly walks from where he is closer to you, sitting on the bed beside you. His close proximity to you is almost too much, you hadn't expected him to move. "My teeth? But there so weird and unusual, something no pure being like yourself should want to be bitten by fufufu."
You could feel your skin starting to grow hot, Mayoi wasn't usually this bold, normally when you complimented him, he started denying it. Feeling the bed dip in as he slide closer, you looked away, not able to look him in the eyes. Where was this bold Mayoi coming from? Not that it was terrible, it was a welcome change, just unusual. Feeling a trembling hand come up and move your face towards him, forcing you to stare right into his eyes. You could tell he was still anxious even if he acted like he wasn't, the lust in his eyes doing nothing to hide the small tremors of fear that lay beneath.
Yet his lips still meet yours, there cracked and dry, not very soft but kissing him was always pleasant. The kiss ends abruptly, you wanted to protest but didn't want to seem too needy, the idea of teasing him was a thought in the back your mind, not that you had before. But you hadn't teased him with anything sexual yet, maybe today would change that. You focus back on Mayoi, a studying expression on his face, as if he expected you to whine out at the loss of the kiss. You weren't going to give him that satisfaction now since the thought of teasing him came to mind.
To your surpise his hands quickly grab you around the waist, man handling you to turn you around, pulling you closer to him. The phantom was just full of surprises today, his sudden boldness making you wetter than you'd like. It's the first time you and him had gotten this far, he would always start rapidly apologizing to you at this point any other time. Today would actually be the first time you and him did something sexual unless he stopped, the prospect causing your thighs to rub together.
That didn't go unnoticed by Mayoi, a hand moved from your waist down towards the waistband of your pants. Pulling the band back and letting it snap back on your skin, the feeling causing you to shift a little. "My angel, are you enjoying this? The expression you have on seems to indicate so, do you like having an unclean being like me touch you like this?" A gasp catches in your throat, if you weren't wet already you were now. But you wouldn't let him get away with teasing you like this. "No, you'll have to try harder than this, it's barely anything."
Mayoi only hums in response, his other hand sliding up your body until it reaches your neck. Pulling it to the side gently so he could have better access to your neck, his warm breath closer than before. The hand on your waistband runs up your body, slowly stopping to trace over your right nipple through your shirt. Once he feels you flinch at the sensation he starts nipping at your neck, using his hand on your nipple to start pinching at it, trying to get it to harden.
Having never done anything like this before you're incredibly sensitive, having to hold back whimpers. Mayoi stops focusing on your neck for a moment, wanting to see if he could get you to admit you liked it. "That felt good didn't it? I felt your body twitch." Shaking your head, a small "no" leaving your lips, god, you were failing miserably at trying to tease him, the new sensations he's giving you, causing you to go weak. "No? Then open up love."
His hand gives one final squeeze to your hard nipple before continuing up, his index and middle finger pushing against your lips. You comply much to his amusement, his head rests on your shoulder, watching himself as he slides his fingers into your mouth. You when always thought Mayoi's hands were pretty, they were long and slender and he was good with them, working on exquisite dioramas. You wondered if you'd finally get to learn just how good he could use them today.
His voice right beside your ear made you jump "Go on now, suck them, get them all nice and wet, you'll need too fufufu." You didn't comply, letting your jaw stay slack around them. You hear Mayoi let out a sigh, as he starts to press his fingers down on your tongue, causing you to gag. He immediately stops, and instead tries to gather as much spit that was in your mouth as he can on his fingers. A few moments pass, the feeling of him fucking his fingers into your mouth causing your jaw to hurt some.
A small hum of approval leaves him when he deems his fingers wet enough as he slides them out of your mouth, back down your chest towards your pants. "This is your first time doing something like this right? Oh how disgusting your first time experiencing this is with someone as lowly as me!" His hand slips under your pants the same moment he bites, hard, into your neck.
The feeling of his sharp teeth digging into your skin, conbined with the way he was slowly pushing in a finger causing a moan to rip out of you. You could feel Mayoi grin into your neck, no doubt overjoyed he finally got the reaction he wanted out of you. So long for how you wanted to tease him when on your first time you can't even manage it, falling victim to his touches. Mayoi let's go, kissing along your neck, biting into the spots you shiver at when he kisses over them. His finger trying to slowly work it's way into your tight hole. The feeling is a lot for your first time even if he was just using a single finger.
He crooks his finger up as his kisses trail across your neck to your back, biting into the skin there. Your noises rise in volume, not going unnoticed by Mayoi, "Do you like it now? You certainly seem like you are, the way your body just melts into my touch." Shaking your head no again, fearing whimpers and whines would fall out your mouth instead of words if you opened it.
"Really? Guess I'll just have to try harder then." The phantom slides his other finger in, meeting his other as he crooks them up, making a beckoning gesture inside you. His thumb reaches to press on your nub. The pleasure causing your back to arch deliciously and he takes the chance to go back to marking up your neck.
It doesn't take long for your orgasm to hit you, this being your first time making you all the more sensitive. Your eyes roll back as your hips jolt forward riding Mayoi's fingers. When you come down from your high, Mayoi's stopped nipping at your neck as he slides his fingers out of you. He brings his fingers covered in your juices up to his mouth as he licks them clean, a small nod of approval as he finishes.
"You have to admit you liked that, your body had the cutest reactions! And you don't have to worry about me, I already, um, finished." Your body is still somewhat shaky but you're able to speak out, "Yea, I enjoyed it, thank you Mayoi."
The next day, as you stand in front of the mirror looking over your body, only your neck and back were marked up. The most noticeable parts too, they were hard to cover up. Yet you couldn't deny the small temor of delight at the fact anyone could see the marks and know that Mayoi left them there on you. After all, his teeth marks were easy to identify.
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idontknowreallywhy · 3 months
This didn’t go the way I expected at all, it was meant to be some Dad!Scott from Scott’s POV but then Allie intervened and so it’s from his now. Haven’t really tried to write a young child’s inner voice before so sorry if it is clunky and out of character and the sentence structure is appalling but… a bit of an experiment…
Also not proof read because work calls… but yolo…
He woke with a terrified shriek and it hurt!
It hurt!
It hurt really bad!
Something was chomping on his legs and it had big teeth and maybe it was an alligator like in Gordy’s programme or a shark or… or a monster.
He shouted at it to stop and kicked it and kicked it and then realised he was cold now. His covers were gone and he could see by the red glow of his rocket nightlight that there were no gators on his bed. Maybe they were stuck in the covers.
But his legs still hurt so badly from the bites. Maybe some teeth broke off and were still stuck in his legs. He curled up in a ball and hugged them close. They felt normal to his hands but they hurt so much. His nose was all runny like it was crying like his eyeballs were and it was making his face itchy. He sniffed and wiped the tears and snot off with the arm of his pyjamas.
Gordy snuffled and turned over in his sleep and Alan froze. He wished he could climb into his big brother’s bed because Gordy knew all about gators and sharks and stuff and maybe he could make them stop biting. But Gordy had been sad and grumpy and Virgie had said the reason was he was hot and poorly and needed to sleep so the bugs in his ears would die. It sounded confusing and scary and Alan didn’t want bugs in his ears as well as teeth in his leg bones so he tried his hardest to be quiet like a big brave boy.
The invisible teeth gnashed at his legs again and Alan bit down hard on AstroTed’s fluffy arm, unable to stop himself sobbing. It wasn’t fair. He didn’t want to be eaten. He pushed his knees into his eye sockets and tried to remember the names of the stars Johnny had showed him just before bedtime. There was Jupiter but that was a planet and… and he couldn’t remember the others because his brain was full of OW.
He tipped sideways as a weight made his mattress dip and for a second he was scared he might fall into the water where the toothy things were but then there were strong arms and warm hugs and Scotty’s soft voice telling him it was ok and… and… Scotty. Alan stopped trying to be brave and tried to explain about the teeth but his voice was all jumpy and he couldn’t make the words right. Scotty got it though and Alan sighed as big hands wrapped around his shins and rubbed them firmly like he was brushing the teeth off and making them warm again. It still hurt but it wasn’t as scary because Scotty would make sure he wasn’t eaten. He closed his eyes and pressed his ear to his big brother’s chest and felt the vibrations as Scotty hummed the little tune he always used to make the monsters go away. The one he said Mommy had made for them before she had to go to heaven.
Then the tune stopped and Scotty was whispering and there was Virgie too. He had the bottle of pink medicine and the magic warm bear that could go in the microwave. None of his other bears could do that as it would hurt them but this one was special. Scotty pressed the bear on his legs and Alan accepted a spoon of the tasty medicine and then licked a drip off it off Virgie’s thumb because it was too nice to waste and Virgie laughed quietly before taking it back to the high cupboard in the kitchen.
Scotty didn’t leave though. He leaned down and picked up Alan’s covers and Alan shuffled hurriedly away and perched on his pillow because didn’t he know that’s where the gators were hiding? Scotty was brave and could fight them but Alan wasn’t that brave! But then Scotty was standing holding the covers up high and he shook them hard and showed Alan all around… no gators or monsters or aliens with fangs just colourful space ships and stars and Alan felt a little bit silly for being such a scaredycat.
Scotty didn’t laugh at him for being silly. He never did, unlike Gordon. Scotty only laughed at Alan when Alan was telling a joke and wanted him to laugh. Big brother smiled kindly and explained how Alan’s legs just hurt sometimes because he was growing so fast and maybe it meant he would be as tall as Scotty one day because Scotty’s legs used to do it when he was little too. Alan knew he was doing ‘surprised face’ because Scotty said “it’s true!” Maybe if having hurty bones was helping him be as big as Scotty he didn’t need to be so scared.
Warm bear was helping and Alan’s eyes kept closing. Scotty covered them both up with the covers and hugged him tight and hummed the special song while Alan flew through the blue sky in a rocket plane with his biggest brother standing close behind him.
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jester089 · 7 months
My brain is always about Chaotic demon in disguise character child reader with the gang (platonic ofc!) Like Reader loves Caine and always show affection towards him, Always drawing him and reader together, saying that they want to be like Caine when they grow up, with the most cute expression they have... However, when Caine turns his back to Reader, Reader will go full hostile mode with the others. like Reader will pull the most terrifying shark teeth smile to the others. Since their character is a demon i hope its okay if i say that Reader has some demon abilities (if not you can just cut this part off)
Example: if Ragatha tries to strike an conversation with reader, reader will go like "#@-4 you." Cutting Ragatha off without even looking at her in the eyes
And if reader is feeling extra mean that day, They may pull some pranks and scares on them.
Like: Reader SOMEHOW is caught crawling through the walls like a mf spider
Or Reader comes out of the dark out of nowhere just to scare the gang
And Caine comes back they go all sweet mode again
Basically child reader who has a soft spot for Caine but is a menace to others.
Love your blog btw and this is my first request im very sorry if your not comfortable with writing this request!
Little angel
No worries on it making me uncomfortable cause you didn't. Actually I liked the idea quite a lot. If you wanna request something in the future feel free cause I enjoyed it. TADC crew x Child Reader (who is good to Caine and is awful to the others.)
You spent most of your time with Caine. You acted like a second Bubble in the way that you're never really seen without him. And he thought you were just a little angel. You would act all cute around him doing basic kid things like drawing something for him. Sure you can't even color in the lines but is clearly full of love so he loved it. And acting all hyper around him. So he started to adopt a more paternal feel towards you sometimes acting like an actual father. "You have to eat your veggies if you want to grow up bit and strong!" "But I don't even need to eat! And I don't get older here. Why do I still have to eat veggies :(" But being the controller of that entire realm he can be quite busy so he will eventually have to leave you alone. The others (probably Ragatha and Pomni) having saw how you constantly act with Caine come up to you asking if they can keep you company till Caine comes back. Only for you to turn around and have a :| face. Ragatha asks if your ok only to receive a s*#$ eating grin and a mischievous little giggle. "Oh I'm fine. Great actually! But Pomni be careful when you next go in your room. Their's a... Present... Yeah that's it. A present waiting for you." You say that freaking Pomni out. That's the first thing you say to her?! You smile at the two then run off to cause some more problems. You love Caine but you can't cause chaos like you want when he's around. From that day those two know to avoid you a bit, the others have to learn the hard way sadly. You're honestly a lot like Jax only real difference being that you're a little s&#$ about it. Also don't worry about Caine finding out. If you keep up that childish and nice personality around him then he wont believe the others when they say that you crumpled Gangle up into a ball and taped her to the ceiling. (She was there for days before the tape lost it's stickiness) (It's kinda short Ik but that's mainly cause I had trouble keeping age and gender up to the reader. Still I hope you enjoyed it.)
xoxo, Jester
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dreamsb0u · 11 months
making sans aus and some of my characters as sharks just bc i can
SANS AUS: Cross - Thresher/Foxtail. Look at that tail. Beautiful. I love him and I love threshers. Fight me. They're also not commonly seen and considered vulnerable. They're shy around humans and I like beating Cross to a pulp so go figure. He would use his tail as a sword also. Just saying.
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Horror: Silky Shark. I don't know I just,,,,,,,, just take him. Please. Love him,,,,,
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Dust: Oceanic White Tip. I don't know why I just feel like it suits him. ALSO. The white tips kinda look like dust geddit.
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Nightmare: Frilled Shark. They're known for their eel like and ancient traits and living in the deeper sea which I feel like Nightmare would definitely be like. Bro wants nothing to do with those OTHER sharks (He gets roped into their shenanigans anyways)
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Killer: Fuck. He'd be a Shortfin Mako for sure. They're super fast (The fastest shark and one of the fastest fish listed!) and live in the open ocean! They're endangered though which is sad :( But !! They're pretty and strong!
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this image just gives off 'i know what you are' vibes
Dream: Lemon Shark. I like them you can also fight me on this one fucking do it. They're a very social type of shark and generally known for interacting with divers in friendly ways! Also they're yellow (I think)
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Swap: Blue shark. Self explanatory and! They live in deep waters, are near threatened and rarely bite humans! They're very cool and I like them.
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Ink: Epaulette Shark, they're colourful and live in reefs! Also that mf (/aff) WOULD evolve to walk on land. The spots? Ink fr.
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Error: Bitch would be a greenland shark. They live in very deep water and have very slow metabolism, they look kinda gnarly and live for a long time (at least 250 years!!!). They often have eye parasites that make their vision shit and Error's glasses,,,,, yeah ok ill leave
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Cur: Dogfish lol jk. Sand Tiger Shark, like most sharks- they only attack when they're bothered first (DON'T FUCKING PULL THE SHARK'S TAILS WTF....) and show protective behaviour. They have big teeth that stick out of their mouth and a big appetite but they're sadly critically endangered. They're the most widely kept large shark due to their tolerance of captivity.
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Flesh: Angel shark. He's pretty, they're pretty. Next Question.
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Cinder: Tiger Shark. They have a reputation for being 'trash eaters' because of the things scientists find in their stomachs. They swim wherever but are guided by warmer currents and stay closer to the equator when it's cold. They're an apex predator with their only known predator being the orca.
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Extra image of a Greenland shark I found funny
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klbwriting · 4 months
Broken Prism
Chapter 16
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Toddxfemale!Reader
Warnings: none, just a hint of violence
Summary: Jason and YN have settled into the Batfamily, but things never stay nice in Gotham
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The heat in Gotham in mid-July was the worst. The pavement was sticky, the city smelled rank and it made having to walk around all day the worst experience possible. That was why so many people saved their outings until after dark. And that’s what you did also. You needed to meet a contact about Joker. He was still in Arkham but there were rumblings that Harley Quinn was resurfacing after her escape from Blackgate in early June. Your contact was supposed to meet you at the docks around 11PM, and it was still in the upper 80s with no breeze. The river looked refreshing honestly and you understood for a moment why Killer Croc would want to stay underwater all the time. It was 11:30 at the moment and you were about to give up when someone climbed out of the water.
“King Shark?” you said, having not expected that at all. “You said your name was Nan.”
“My name is Nanaue so I told the truth,” he said. You let out a nervous breath, not exactly a fan of all those teeth and being alone. “Are you Lady Red?” You nodded, still pleased with the name you and Jason had come up with to keep your name off the street as much as possible. He wasn’t going to want you out there fighting crime in a cape yet, but you could do your job and hopefully keep your real name and where you lived under wraps.
“You have information on Harley for me?” you asked. He nodded. “What do you want in exchange?”
“Nothing, Harley is my friend and I want you to stop looking for her. She is with us now, she does not like Joker anymore,” he said. You nodded.
“So, she’s not planning to break him out of Arkham?” you confirmed, and the shark shook his head. “Good, thank you.”
“Tell your friend he should take a shower, I can smell him from here,” the shark said before diving back into the river. You laughed out loud at that, turning and looking towards the nearby warehouse where you knew Jason was hiding, watching.
“Well, that was rude,” he said into the communicator you had in your ear. You laughed even more. “Do you think he’s lying about Harley?” You could hear the nervousness in his voice. He still had nightmares about Joker, you heard him across the hall crying out sometimes and had one more than one occasion run into his room and climbed in next to him, letting him curl around you as he listened to your heartbeat to fall back asleep.
“I normally can tell if people are lying, but he is a giant shark so it’s a little harder to tell, but I think he was telling the truth,” you said. King Shark’s voice has been even, his eyes focused on you, not skirting around. “I’m going to head down to the Diamond District, I need to visit CADMUS. You can go back to your own thing; I don’t think a scientist is going to kidnap me.”
“I’m sorry have you met most of the scientists in this city? They’re the worst,” Jason answered. “But I do have to get moving, Penguin is trying to run some guns through East End and well, I need some more guns.” You rolled your eyes, climbing into the McLaren you so desperately loved to steal from Bruce’s garage.
“Yes, more guns, Bruce will love that,” you said. You heard him laugh and smiled. “Did you show him those new designs you were working on?” He didn’t answer. “Red, your designs are good and they would help you be less lethal, which we all know he will love, and you should also show him your updates to the exploding gel.” You heard him clear his throat. “Ok, I’ll stop, see you at home later Hoodie.” You took the communicator from your ear and drove off towards CADMUS.
Jason heard you disconnect, not being able to stop the smile that appeared when you said you would see him at home. He didn’t exactly know how or when it happened, but he had a home and a family again. He was even on decent terms with Tim, though he wasn’t telling anyone that yet. Even Bruce had taken him back to the basketball court to see how he did, and he was pleased to say he won that round of 1-on-1. And YN, she had made everything come together, held him together, even when he was about to fall apart. The nightmares didn’t stop, and sometimes even the coping skills that Dr. Thompkins was teaching him in their sessions wasn’t even to keep the sound of laughter and screeching metal at bay in his mind, but he was having more good days than bad now. It was refreshing and freeing.
He dropped down to the ground from the warehouse and hopped on his bike, heading towards East End to deal with Penguin and get himself some new guns. He was just crossing over into East End when he saw too late the spike strips across the darkened alley. He tired to veer but they bike hit them, tires bursting and sending him and the bike spinning out. He slid on the pavement, lucky for his armor and helmet or he would have been torn to shreds. He still felt the pain of impact but thought he was safe from most of the damage. He jumped up, ready to attack when he felt the bat to his back. He spun, guns aimed and fired at the retreating attacker. What the hell? He looked around, watching as dozens of guys walked out of the surrounding buildings. And there on the fire escape was Penguin.
“I see you got my invitation,” he said. Jason didn’t respond but saw what was going on. The gun run was a ruse and he had fallen for it. “Your men are dead, I already had them thrown into the river. You on the other hand, you are a bigger problem.”
“I’ve heard that before,” Jason snarked, watching around him for someone to make the first move.
“Ya, well, it's time I deal with you. Go ahead boys, have fun, but I want him alive,” Penguin said, waving his hand and disappearing back into the building. They descended and Jason knew, even as he fought and clawed and shot and stabbed, that he didn’t have a chance.
By the time Tim responded to the tracker alarm Jason had activated all that was left in the alley was his guns and a torn-up leather jacket covered in blood.
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Skeleton's or S/O's dog comes home very proud holding a huge dinosaur bone they just dig out in the garden. Main boys reaction?
Undertale Sans - He loses his jaw lol. Sans is not just a space kid, he's also a dinosaur kid deep inside. He never ran so fast in his life willingly in the garden to check if there was more. He's so excited. When Papyrus goes home, the garden is destroyed, full of holes, and a very dirty Sans is sleeping in one of them. Papyrus is having a mental breakdown.
Undertale Papyrus - ... He makes sure it's not one of his femurs, you never know. But once he realizes it's not, he's really excited! That's clearly skeleton art to display above the fireplace! Sans stares in disbelief as he notices the huge bone a few hours later. It's quite ugly to be honest, but at the same time it's so freakin cool?
Underswap Sans - He's sad he's too late to ride whoever bones it's belonging to. He loves it though. He's going to show it to a museum to see if they're interested in exposing it. He didn't expect it to be a super rare dinosaur and now his garden is ruined because the museum asked to dig to find the rest of it. Welp.
Underswap Papyrus - He's just happy his dog is happy, really. He's celebrating with the dog and dancing, holding his two front paws. He really didn't care it was a dinosaur bone until Blue noticed it and said it was probably worth something.
Underfell Sans - Well shit. He's speechless. He let the dog dig in the garden to piss off his brother but he didn't expect it to bring a giant bone you know. What the hell is he supposed to do of this? The thought there used to be skeletons that big is quite scary actually. What if some of them are still alive? Are they going to die? Are they coming back to life? Ok, he's maybe a little bit panicking.
Underfell Papyrus - He screeches as the dog is running everywhere in the house, throwing dirt everywhere. He doesn't care what this bone is, he just cleaned the house and he's going to kill that mutt in a few seconds if he doesn't stop messing his house. That's why he doesn't like dogs!
Horrortale Sans - Uh. That was unexpected. He pets the dog's head to congratulate him, then just... stay there. Not sure what to do with this. Willow probably won't want that in the house so he just plants it on the floor in the middle of the cow enclosure as a decoration because why not. The cows are so confused.
Horrortale Papyrus - Damn. That bone is as big as he is. How the hell did his dog carry it to him? ... Well, now this is a bit suspicious. Should he be worried his dog has supernatural force? Uh. He's calling Toriel, just in case. What if his dog is becoming a dog monster? That's probably something that should be addressed.
Swapfell Sans - All he sees is free money. He's going to dig the rest of the dinosaur himself, using his own claws. He knows how much it's worth and he's going to make people pay so much for it their wallet is going to explode. This is the best day of his life. Rus is a bit concerned when he notices him later digging the ground like a crazy gremlin in his expensive homemade suit, laughing like a maniac to himself. He discreetly calls Alphys to go check on him lol.
Swapfell Papyrus - He adds the big bones to his "weird things my dog found" collection, right between a part of an alien spaceship and a shark teeth he found in the middle of the city somehow. That's quite a nice addition.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Pfff. You call that a big bone? That's pitiful. He can make bones bigger than this, you're not special. He grabs the bone and blasts it to dust out of jealousy. Only after he asks Google how a dinosaur bone is worthing and faints when he sees the number.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's inspired and paints a nice fresco on the big bone to make it prettier. He then exposes it in his room now that it's matching colors. He thinks it looks so cool. He hopes his dog will bring more so he can do the same with the rest of the skeleton. Somewhere in the world, a paleontologist died of a heart attack.
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onepiece-polls · 10 months
One Piece Shipping War - Round 2 Side A
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JinBrook art by @r0ttkins. Check out the full piece here.
Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Yorki x Brook
They are married. Have adopted a giant baby whale as their child. Had a tearful goodbye where one was dying and showed only the other the pain they were feeling. They were captain and first mate.
Why Oda why? ;(
That moment when Yorki's ill on his bed, but he's still laughing and telling the crew to be happy, but the moment Brook's the only other one in the room they both go to pieces? That's what fucking gets me.
Propaganda for Jinbe x Brook:
both old, both former captains, both smoke, both got big tiddies (YES! I VOTED FOR BROOK IN THE BEST TITS POLL!! HIS BIG BLUE HUSBAND IS SO PROUD OF HIM!!! *that husband being Jinbe, not Franky, but I can see the confusion)
Jinbe is a whale shark fishman. Brook loves whales. Whale sharks are, however, *sharks* but with no visible teeth, yet Jinbe looks like an orc............ but all is well. Brook thank he cute~
Straw Hat old guys snuggling up with a couple of "Best Uncle" mugs~
Ok hear me out, they both used to be pirate captain, they both watched their old captain die, they're both very silly despite being the oldest in the crew, their birthdays are one day apart, and most importantly I love them both very much. I just think that despite seemingly being so different they would understand each other really well. Also you can't tell me their dynamic wouldn't be really cute and fun.
they understand what it's like to not be a regular "human" like the rest of the crew.... also they have amazing fashion sense togther!!
they're the oldest strawhats, the most polite to an extent, and I just think they're cute
I could reference the recent stream from facefullabugs but goddamnit cant a man just like seeing some badass big guy use pole man as a spear its all i needed in life.
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saint-vagrant · 9 months
Oh I forgot to ask a question!
Ok, here it is: Who’s your inspirations for your artistry?
Big question, I know.
hmmmm you're right, that is a big question! since you asked "who" i'm going to assume you mean other artists?
for painting i'm particularly inspired by Anthony Cudahy, Alex Beck, Sterling Hundley, Ashley Wood (all contemporary,) Euan Uglow, Joaquin Sorolla, Sargent, Arkady Plastov, Ivan Shishkin, Konstantin Yuon, Ferenc Pinter, and a number of names in the Brandywine school like Mead Schaeffer and NC Wyeth.
i reformatted my brain a little in 2021 by reading Fujimoto's Chainsaw Man. Other mangaka are Hirohiko Araki, Kosuke Fujishima, Otomo, Inoue, Urasawa, Miura. the 2S artist Brandon Hoax is a HUGE inspiration to me. same for Chase Conley, Peter Chung, Freddy Carrasco, Xia Gordon, Ron Wimberly, Chris Kindred, Mel Tow, Hiro Isono, mozame_mo, Yoshitake Yamane, @maxbanshees @potogawaryuiki @coshkunz @cparrisartand @fourcorneredgod @newjackcole @choodraws @doctop @hirosemaryhello @nocturnalwalkr @fanficciera @oak-n @purenonsens @juangeedraws @plaest2k @blackblobyellowcone @turndecassette2 many more friends and strangers whose work i'm delighted to spend time traveling thru (and whose names i'll add in once i publish this enormous reply lol. rn i'm afraid of tumblr eating it!!)
most importantly, my partner Anka @kingfisher-cove charmed and captivated me from day one. the personality and dynamism of their work, specificity of place, time, body, personal effects, there's always been so much life in their art. i have little to no interest in stories/characters without limits, where mobility is never a concern, especially featuring the wealthy. stories where people don't sweat or pee or have "bad" teeth or talk too loud. Anka's always portrayed peeling paint and rusted metal as a fact of life. you get a sense of dimension/volume in their art— the way material hangs off a body, and that body's form, how gravity and weight conform feet to the ground— and the same goes for the personalities and ideas populating it. the viewer too has a home here beyond "representation." it's not just window-dressing, nor ponderous hyperrealism. there's cartoon whimsy and cartoon stakes. i wish i could describe the extent it's meaningful to me. i feel lucky to see it! plus i really making them yell and art is a good way of accomplishing it.
so because this is veering into WHAT inspires me...
other than like, transness and communism and everything that entails, i'm inspired heavily by pornography and leather culture, and (mostly vintage) magazines like Honcho and Juggs, 70s italian erotica/nunsploitation. relatedly, the lush scenes of Pierre et Gilles and Tarsem and Christian Riese Lassen. i'm also deeply inspired by hyperlink/multimedia art, such as that by Olia Lialina of @oneterabyteofkilobyteage or projects like Ted's Cave. places and delights of my childhood like Myst/Riven, Fin Fin, rural river water, rocky beaches, soft glowing glades, sharks in coral outcrops. autonomy and dissociation, too.
with a lot of the artists i mentioned, there is a handiness, a presence in their work, a dedication to indulgence and/or experimentation, in subject, setting, medium, whatever. an interest not feigned. i also love maximalist colour and texture... in drawings, in textiles, anything! worldwide and through history. i'm inspired by golden age illustration and Iranian turquoise and carpets. miniatures. iconography. lotuses. magnolia.
you can fake sincerity of course. when it comes to making art that seems like a waste of precious effort. when i get a sense that the artist really loves People beyond serving up a telephone game of vibe-mood-aesthetic... that is cool to me. if the art isn't well-lived, then it's well-cared for. a lot of the nostalgia fodder is based on a memory of a memory that was sold for mass market consumers, so i'm a bit distrusting of it. which isn't to say that i don't love a tone poem (i do-- Legend is one of my favourite films) nor that it requires "realism" to accomplish either. i love being sold on the ridiculous. i respond well to like, an artist (in whatever respect) showing me something absurd with 100% unbridled earnestness and fearlessness about being silly. my top 3 favourite series are JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Metal Gear Solid, and Ace Attorney. these are objectively as exaggerated in their drama as they are serious about their intent, and populated by straight freaks. one of my favourite directors is Michael Mann (Miami Vice, Manhunter, Heat, Thief, Collateral) who is known for his obsessive, even illustrative details but also, Audioslave plays during an emotional night drive. they don't let Audioslave play during an emotional night drive anymore. all these things are related lmao. let me go on a further tangent
there's an internal logic, right? and when it's flipped? that's the best. i don't mean a "twist," either. it's something else-- the author/artist revealing that, emotionally, things were always more complex than you were lead to believe, and it recontextualises the entire piece. if surprise is the best part of comedy then i think the same goes for melancholy. i love when the rug is pulled out from under me through something as simple as the reimagined N'doul episodes of the JJBA OVA. (YES! YES! I'LL TALK ABOUT IT FOREVER! I'M CRAZY! BUT I'M RIGHT!) is it a twist? nothing's actually changed about where the story is headed. you know where it's headed. but the meaning of that story has-- by creating an emotional trapdoor like that, it establishes a particular sense of suspense.
i'm mentioning these because i rewatched them recently-- films like Solaris and Sunshine and... you know what? Terminator are bigger to me than their subject matter because the emotional space they create is unnerving, where hope is fragile if it's present at all. something hard to accomplish... the bittersweet potency of ironic regret.
i'll keep adding to this. i could go on and on lol
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frogchiro · 2 years
No but imagine this, dottore with an s/o or crush that was nice and friendly with him during his academia days that he grow so attached to them he became obsessed 👁👁 bonus points if when they meet again years after graduation (in his case getting kicked out lmao) but they no longer view him in a positive light that it becomes enemies to lovers(?) with dottore being a full on yandere
IDK there's just something so satisfying with the trope of mf who's willing to burn down the whole world for their darling while darling either hardly notices them or is oblivious 😭😭😭 especially this trope with the fatui 🤭
A 1000x yes to this😭 also the trop of a villain who's ready to burn down the whole world for you is one of my absolute all time favorites <3
gn!reader, yandere!dottore, mention of a panic attack, a tiny bit of cursing and violence but really nothing major
ok so i think it's canon that dottore while still studying at sumeru academia was terribly bullied and called a heretic? so i imagine that his darling was a star student, very well liked among both peers and teachers and as a side hustle/hobby has been researching about khaen'riah but that's for later
so when they were walking at night around the school grounds they saw someone getting pushed and cursed at and darling being curious went over to investigate and saw a young man getting beaten up by three much bigger men
after interrupting the petty squabble by threatening with calling for a teacher and being called a 'bitter bitch' you help the sage haired man up and ask if everything is okay.
the first thing you notice about him besides his hair color are the rows of razor sharp, shark-like teeth that he clenches, from pain perhaps? he did take some pretty strong punches, moreover he's not the biggest around.
your worry from dottore's point of view was pointless and annoying, a pain in the ass, really. besides come on, just how much more cliche it can get? the star student of sumeru academia, the up and coming researcher who will certainly 'shake the world of scholars' and come up with something that never-well, you get the gist; he really thought that what were you doing here was some pathetic attempt at a lousy pity party to gain *good person* points from teachers and peers so he rudely brushed you off with a sneer and a cold 'piss off brat', and that was the end of it.
but oh how mistaken he was. here he was, a few weeks later, sitting with you in the ancient academia library, listening intently to your recent research about ruin guards. what? can't he listen to someone finally making sense in a place that supposedly was to be filled with the most knowledgeable people? and the fact that you were so...nice to him? was a very pleasant change in pace with all the dirty looks he got from everyone.
you never looked at him in disgust. you never sneered at him when he told you about the various experiment he'd perform with what limited resources he had. you never berated him or called him insane, a disgrace to the arts of magic and scholarship. you...you were something else, something that somehow managed to move the stone cold void that was his heart.
so he started to observe and learn. dottore knew that although you two were friendly enough as it is, direct approach could scare you off. he wasn't stupid, he knew that if he outright told you 'i'm obsessed with you and sometimes i feel like ripping my heart out and giving it to you on a silver plate if that was what you'd wish for'. he watched you almost every second of your day; studying, attending lectures, laughing with your silly little 'friends'.
speaking of which, he found that your classmates irritated him terribly, especially when some of them would stand so disgustingly close to you it made dottore's skin crawl with barely concealed fury. but could he afford making a rookie mistake and made your frinds dissapear one by one? no, no he unfortunately couldn't. he had to maintain status quo if he wanted to get even closer to you, his love. everything would turn out just fine.
well it was going just fine until he got kicked out of the academia for 'performing heretical acts of indescribable cruelty'. cruelty his fucking ass. in short, after a few months of observing you and getting even closer, he overheard some boy talking with his friend about wanting to confess to you and he saw red. sharp teeth clenched almost painfully, red eyes blazing with anger and hatred as his fingers tangled into his blue-green hair and tore at his hair.
'no no no this can't be happening' dottore heaved, breaths coming out in quick panicked puffs, he felt his chest contracting painfully. no no, he can't loose you like this, he just can't. he's well aware of his reputation, both in the academia and probably in this whole god-forsaken country. you'd surely reject him, leave him for some goody-two-shoes and live your happy ever after, far away from a abomination like him, dottore.
the only thing that tore the man out of his self-destructing thoughts was an idea. something so simple yet so lasting and effective that he felt plain stupid for not coming up with it earlier. he'd simply kill that little pest. yeah, kill the golden boy and the problem will solve itself, besides his research concerning the creation of the perfect enhanced human was almost complete, all he needed was a live subject, what could go wrong?
well, as it turned out-everything. anger and jealousy clouded his logical mind and made some rookie mistakes that ultimately led to teachers and guards find his secret makeshift laboratory and the gory mess of the student, or at least what remained of him.
so dottore made the only logical choice and ran as fast and as far as he could from the guards. his only regret was not to be able to see you one last time before his untimely departure. soon after he met the lord harbinger the jester who offered him basically unlimited research opportunities if he agrees to create an enhanced human that could withstand a god, and well, as they say-the rest was history.
yet he was completely unaware of the tears you shed of many nights to come, crying quietly for the man you came to love and lost so quickly.
it wasn't until many many years later that dottore overheard some fatui agents talk about a known magician and khaen'rhia researcher, (y/n) (l/n). the man would lie if he said he didn't stop dead in his track, his genius brain almost overheating from that one simple sentence.
'so you're alive and well, huh my dove. it looks like destiny is on our side after all. don't worry, i'll make your stay extra enjoyable, just you wait my sweet~'
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