#also she strikes me as the type of person to have strained family relationships
anger-ey · 9 months
Hot take about NSR
i've been thinking about it today, and TBH.....
I think DK West could have been Mayday's brother instead of Zuke's
I get that the point of May's arc is the revolution and Zuke's is fixing mistakes he did in the past, but honestly I think we would have been fine with Eve in Zuke's past, and West in May's. That way we would have also had much more insight into her past like Zuke, instead of Zuke havinng a mountain of backstory compared to May yknow?
Not to say I dislike Zuke and West's shared history, I do love it a lot, but idk I feel that if they had to cut out a lot of May's lore they could have sacrificed a bit of Zuke's for her
lmk if this is #true or not.....
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nuranalknowsall · 2 months
hot take: but i think the reason why pulp is addicting is because it delivers in action but when it ends, its just empty thematically and thats how it leaves you wanting more? if that makes sense?
like i just finished reading the comic 'my name is chaos' and conceptually it had a lot of potential but it went unfulfilled and left a lot to be desired... the art was good. afaik there was no continuation tho smh so there were a lot of loose threads.
The art was gorgeous like most sci-fi stuff during the early 1990s.
I personally don't see the point in the violent development in Steve's experiments tho? Or why they were there in the first place? Were they suppose to be a parallel to the martians? and why even bother to mention moron's intellectual upgrade at all, if the upgrade wasn't on panel?
like most stuff written in the 90's, the way women were written made my eyes roll... even tho sarah arguably and barely passes the ailia test, she's still used as a prop for man pain and jealousy and doesn't have any agency whatsoever. I was also confused on whether or not Thomas was even aware that his wife used to be together with his brother Steven?
As for Stevens arc itself, he plays the typical mad scientist role. He does display emotions, in a cold and distant way. He also does act as a leader tho and stages a coup against the primary government of mars. Personally, i would have liked to have seen his accident and his reasoning on why he didn't want his family to know why he was dead. I also wanted to see more of his estranged relationship with his brother, Thomas. The themes of humanity having things out of their control could have been leaned in more, with Steven and his origin accident story, and perhaps even provide a deeper motivation?
Ok. Now onto thomas. I will admit, it was drawn to the cover of my name is chaos because it made it clear that the protagonist was going to be a black man. But I think it's safe to say that his role was race neutral? (like he would have been switched with a white man, and the plot wouldn't be impacted is what i mean.) And we do need more sci-fi stories set in the future ft black people just existing and facing other types of conflict. there is one trope I disliked tho and see trending in different characters of colour, and that is, thomas is moved out of his own body and switches with a martian but doesn't seem to be himself, even tho his conciousness is suppose to be unaltered otherwise? idk just a trend i've been noticing.
Like i've earlier, i would have liked to see thomas's relationship with his brother, steven explored a bit more. You get to see the strain when steven controls where thomas goes and spends his time. One part that did strike me as interesting, was steven mentioning his respect for thomas's work bc it also set up a sort of rivalry aspect? Which would have been better and make way more sense then them fighting over a woman, because there's that intellectual aspect too.
I also would have liked to see thomas's connection with nature specifically, talking to whales, be more in depth. Especially on a dying, dystopian Earth. (idk maybe i just like the implication that the whales are evolved versions of the martians too.) His ascension into a high consciousness by being connected to aliens was surprisingly not v colonizer-y. up until he was like 'yea they want me to be their leader.' (eye roll.) And the burning of the martian's bodies too was kinda unnessecary imo. i can definitely see this having influence on that 'blue avatar ppl movie.' I def liked his ability to feel Mars as a living being.
While the last page hinted that steven's conciousness was still around, i think, if this series had continued, I would have liked it to be more about the aliens and them fighting for their sovereignty against a colonizing earth, and more development in thomas's connection with nature and the universe.
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namizc · 1 year
verse dump & tag dump!
Please do let me know your thoughts on these because I would love to world-build further for all of them! Also, you can find her canon, pre-canon, and, Bleach verses on my verses page!
KNY: Nami studied wind breathing shortly after the destruction of her adopted family at the hands of demons. Her Nichirin sword turned green, symbolizing her being a wind-style type slayer. However, unlike other wind-breathers, her sword is not a solid band of green; rather, there is swirling grey throughout her bland — her hand guard is blackish blue with a windmill pattern. Prior to becoming a demon slayer, Nami was born in a little village known as Oykot, orphaned by demons and somehow found by another young girl named Nojiko. Both girls would be adopted by a woman named Bell-mère. Tragedy would strike again as her new family was once again destroyed by demons, leaving her alone in an empty and cruel world. Joining the ranks of the demon slayers was an easy decision for her as vengeance clouded her heart.
NARUTO: A war orphan who is a refugee in Amegakure. Nami is the type of shinobi who will take on any job that is asked of her, from stealing to assassination, though she prefers missions in which she infiltrates other villages and steals safe-guarded secrets. Her nature types are wind and water, and she excels at genjutsu, using it to aid in her duties. Her weapon of choice is a three-sectioned staff that, when necessary, she summons by using Bōjutsu. However, her staff is usually clipped at her hip for easy access. She is featured in the Bingo Book with a rather high bounty on her head for her crimes. In her village, she is a Jōnin and does not make any encounters with her easy on those from rival villages.
BNHA: Nami is an orphan enrolled in U.A. High School who has a weather manipulation quirk. As of right now, she needs to gain better mastery over her abilities; with that being said, however, she does have a good handle on conjuring up great gusts of wind. Her quirk, whenever she uses it, puts an enormous strain on her body, making it hard for her to withstand a prolonged battle. Despite being in training to become the Pro-Hero: Herufaiageiru (Hellfire Gale), she has a pension for thievery, which she does her best to hide from the school. She is uncertain of her future and whether or not she is truly cut out to be a hero, but one thing is certain there is bitterness in her heart for feeling abandoned by the world — not a single hero coming to her and her family's rescue when the villain Arlong killed her mother.
MODERN VERSE: Nami is a gifted thief who is quite skilled at security circumvention, picking locks and pockets, gymnastics, and hand-to-hand combat. She can often be seen with a three-sectioned staff that she uses in defense against others. She is wanted across the nation, though she never stays in one place long enough to make real friends. She doesn't trust anyone and prefers to work alone, finding it easier than the potential of being double-crossed by someone she thought she could trust. For Nami, stealing is a way of life, a nasty habit she picked up in her youth to survive while living on the streets. Despite her outward appearance, she is lonely and longs for meaningful and lasting relationships — even if it is just one person she can open up to.
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more naga HCs pls🤲
I'm so glad you asked anon 🥺👉👈
Once I got started I couldn't stop and I could still keep going. Naga has been such therapy for my writer's block 😭
All HCs are based around his bio, voice lines, and otherwise vibes I get from him ;w; They're a little out of order, please forgive me, I'm just too tired to fight my adhd brain
> Kapano "Naga" Vang
Assorted Headcanons
- Short Naga. Hear me out: tall Naga is a great thought, but I'll be damned if this man isn't a tiny menace on a rampage. I'm talkin 5'3" maybe 4", as average to Laotian men.
- Large ego. Arrogance will likely be his downfall. Definitely sees himself as superior to most, if not all. ["The name is Naga, and I have no equal!" - "Strike team MVP right here." - "Sometimes I amaze myself."]
- Any and all opposition is a direct attack to him in his eyes. He will not hesitate to crush it beneath his boot.
- With the jungle being his home of operations, Kapano is an expert at camouflage. Whether it's melding with the underbrush in ambush or prowling the streets as a wannabe-civilian, he knows how to mesh himself into his surroundings. 
- Very into the predator/prey thing. He finds immense satisfaction in the hunt- especially within his terrain of choice. It's easy to tell who's used to the thick roots underfoot and who aren't. 
- Quick on his feet! While he has an impressive amount of muscle to his frame, his speed and accuracy make him a deadly foe. 
- Weapon of choice is likely some sort of blade, be it a knife, machete, or otherwise. Up close and personal is more his style. 
- Where the hunt is concerned, Kapano has an unlimited pool of patience. Outside of it, he has a short fuse and very low tolerance. Definitely not the kind of guy you wanna cross.
- Easy to rile up. A few quick taunts is almost enough to send him into a rampage.
- Season 2's trailer, specifically the scene with the soldier he kills in the jungle, leads me to believe he might have a mockery for honor codes and morals. He definitely does this for theatrics only. Loves to make a show out of everything.
- This is more of a Stitch x Naga thing but he doesn't seem like one for trophies. However, he will take the dog tags from soldiers, assassins, and other mercenaries he kills as gifts to Stitch for his collection.
- Opportunist to the max. Be careful, else you might end up like his old boss. 
- Home life wasn't ideal. Very strained relationship with a deadbeat father but a close bond to his sickly mother. Probably used drugs to cope from an early age (14-15, likely) which only gets worse when his mother passes. 
- It's also at this age that the early stages of his descent into madness began. It's a direct result of stress, trauma, and biological factors from his father. Once his mother catches him torturing small animals and stealing from his father's supply of alcohol and her medication.
- When she dies, Kapano begins to transform into the angry volatile person he is. He clashes more with his father until one day something snaps. His father is his first victim. 
- Wasn't a bright child where school was concerned either. Classroom settings weren't good for him. Street smart, not book smart.
- Also not the talkative type, so making friends was a difficult feat. He probably gave up on trying after the first few failed attempts. 
- This makes any attempt at relationships stressful and messy. 
- Panromantic tendencies with a preference leaning towards men but straddles the line of pansexual/asexual. 
- Sitting in a nice, tall tree is great stress relief for this man. Can't find him? Look up.
- Super observant. Can read body language exceptionally well and excellent at predicting behavior.
- He doesn't laugh often but when he does, it's very lively and full of genuine spirit. 
- Buuuut he also has a dark sense of humor.
I went a little generic on the family hcs for the reason that his bio explains him as insane and unstable. I used my own experiences as a template and built off that bc I felt I could make more realistic ;w; I tried to weave in real symptoms, like the anger (which was already part of his bio) and the animals/stealing (something I've seen first hand)
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orangepanic · 3 years
#25: How would have had Lin's ending (I believe this sounds more correct since "How would you end Lin" just sounds murder-y)/Would you change her ending from Canon?
Or am I a dodo for reading very simple questions wrong?
I actually don't mind Lin's ending in the show (full disclosure I've not read the comics). I think she'll always have a strained relationship with both Su and Toph, and that's okay. That's actually realistic given both that they are all very different people and that Lin has legitimate beefs with them given her values and personality. But there are variations of gray, and as someone who likes Lin quite a lot ultimately I want her to be happy. She strikes me as someone who is rather lonely - though she'd never admit this - and in her 50s is coming home to an empty apartment and yet more take-out and maybe a houseplant she was given by a colleague. Family isn't the only way to make your life full, but it's one way, and I think she has something to gain from having more of a relationship with Su and her adult children and something in her life that isn't work. I also think she has something offer, and would enjoy being more of a mentor to any of the older children considering law-enforcement-type roles or who even just want someone besides Su to talk to about how to adult.
What I don't want is Lin suddenly loving kids. It's really clear that she doesn't. And that's okay! Kids are loud and sticky and she's allowed to not like them. So when Opal pops out six strapping boys or whatever I fully expect gin aunt Lin to write "sry not home" on a piece of paper and stick it to her door when it comes time to babysit.
Ask me for fandom salt!
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coffecatsandbooks · 4 years
Tony is married to Pepper, but there relationship has been strained for a while now and they’ve drifted apart. One night Tony goes to this bar and sees this boy and fuck he’s so pretty. Tony can’t help but strike up a conversation and Peter - that’s the boys name - he knows Tony’s married, but he feels as though he’s being pulled in and eventually they end up having one too many drinks and end up in bed, starting this affair.
About six months into the affair, Peter has had enough. Tony says he wants him, but he continues to go back to Pepper and he feels so used and dirty, but he can’t help it. Peter wasn’t going to say it, not yet at least, but he was pretty sure he was falling in love with Tony and if he was, he needed to stop it now if Tony didn’t want him. Peter wasn’t going to go through that type of heartbreak. So they end up getting into a big fight and as Peter is walking away, Tony grabs his wrist, spinning him around.
Not knowing what to say, Tony kisses him. It’s hungry, but full of desire that felt sinful. Peter should hate it, but he actually revels in it. Shoving Peter against an ally wall (because they were at the bar when it all happened and had ended up taking their arguing outside) Tony sucked on his bottom lip and Peter let out a moan.
Tony doesn’t know why he keeps doing this. He doesn’t want to hurt Peter and he isn’t trying to hurt Pepper, but Peter is so... He’s the light that Tony didn’t think he could ever find. Pepper isn’t happy and Tony knows it. Hell he’s pretty sure Pepper was having an affair too, always sneaking off in the middle of the night and not coming home until early. She thinks Tony doesn’t notice, but he’s called her office. He’s talked to her assistant. He’s not blind. He doesn’t know what they’ve been holding onto this whole time. Maybe the old connection they had? Maybe everything they’ve been through? He didn’t know, all he knew was he wanted Peter. Tony fell asleep and woke up to the thoughts of Peter. The boy had him wrapped around his finger and Tony loved it.
Pepper had never been Tony’s. Not really. And that was okay. Tony would never ask anyone to be his fully, not if they didn’t want too. Pepper was always her own person, not that Peter wasn’t. Peter was a force, but Peter included Tony in his dreams. Pepper always said it was just her. And that’s okay. Tony would never hold her back, he loved her. Only now is it dawning on him that maybe he wasn’t in love with her. He just loved the idea of what he thought they could be, but when he faced facts, they weren’t what Tony had been picturing this whole time. That realization had Tony lifting Peter up against the wall and Peter wrapped his legs around Tony’s waist.
They were both hard and Tony started grinding their clothed cocks against each other. Peter was letting out little pleasurable sighs and whimpers and Tony bit down on his neck, sucking. Peter’s breath hitched and Tony could feel the younger boy’s body shaking beneath him and that had Tony licking the newly bruised hickey he just placed on the boy’s neck.
“Mr. Stark, fuck yes.” Peter groaned out. He knew this was wrong, but that’s also precisely why he stayed. He loved how wrong it felt. It was so wrong and that’s what made it feel so right.
Tony was indulging Peter in exactly what he wanted. Tony listened to Peter’s hopes and dreams. He eased his fears and woes. Tony enveloped Peter in acceptance. Tony accepted Peter in every sense of the word and he let Peter be free. He never pushed and Peter swore the man had velvet hands when they fucked. He wanted nothing but the best for Peter and God Peter loved him. And it wasn’t the complicated love either. I mean, sure their situation was definitely complicated, but the love wasn’t. Peter knew he loved Tony. It was as easy as saying the sky is blue. Peter knew that Tony loved him too or that he had some feelings or he wouldn’t keep coming back. Tony tells Peter all the time that he’s never done anything with anyone like this and sometimes they don’t even fuck. Tony will take him on dates, though secretly, but they were still dates, however that’s exactly why Peter was trying to leave. Peter didn’t want to be Tony’s secret anymore and if Tony really loved him, then he’d want to show Peter off to the world, wouldn’t he? Not that Peter wanted spotlight attention, God no, but he wanted Tony to at least introduce him to his friends and family. Peter was going to fight for this, but Tony has to as well or else there’s no point in battling.
“Do you like that baby boy?” Tony rasped out and Peters sucked in air. “You want me to ruin this little outfit? Daddy can make you feel better.”
Peter whimpered and rutted against Tony’s dick and Tony rutted against him harder and faster. Peter was a mess of pants and moans. He gripped the back of Tony’s button up shirt and dug his nails in. Tony moaned.
“Daddy I’m gonna-“ Peter started but Tony kissed him, then pulled back slightly.
“Cum for daddy baby boy,” Tony whispered into his ear and with that, Peter was shaking and cumming into his boxer briefs. Tony rutted against him a few more times before he came and they put their heads together.
“I want you. I’ll do anything okay. I want you.” Tony said and Peter smiled.
Tony nodded against his forehead, mouth turning up into a bright smile. He was still breathing heavy. “I think it’s been over between Pepper and I for a long time. I’ll talk to her in the morning, okay?”
Peter looked down, ashamed. “You need to tell her that we’ve been seeing each other. It’s not fair to her Tony.”
Tony took Peter’s chin and tilted it up so he could see him. Peter’s eyes had water in them and Tony wiped his tears away. “Baby boy don’t cry. I’m pretty sure Pepper already knows and I’m pretty sure she’ll be okay with it.”
“H-how do you know? I-I’ve been sl-sleeping with you a-and she’s g-gonna h-hate me,” Peter stuttered out, a bit distraught with more tears falling.
Tony did his best to wipe away all the tears and he smiled kindly. “Because I’m pretty sure she’s having an affair as well.”
Peter’s eyes widened. “H-how do you know?”
Tony chuckled. “I told you Pete, it’s been over between us for a long time. I think we’re just holding onto something we used to have and Peter,” Tony sucked in a breath, braving his next words. “I love you. I love Pepper too, but not like I love you. I’m so sorry that I’ve been unfaithful to you and her, but I’m going to make this right okay?”
Peter smiled through tears. God, he doesn’t know how long he’s been waiting to hear that. “I love you too Tony.” And Tony kissed him.
Peter knew that Tony was going to make everything right or at least try. He’d only known the man for a short period of time, but in the time he’d known him, Tony always made things right. Always.
And as they pulled away, smiling like love-sick fools, Peter had no doubt in his mind that everything was going to be okay.
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pause to ponder the miracles
a holiday secret santa gift for @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis​
“Is me not liking you a problem, Princess?”
Clarke shrugged. “It could be.”
“Because I was planning on inviting your sister to come up with me for Christmas, and thought maybe, if you weren’t an ass about it, I’d invite you, too." Bellamy opened his mouth to say something but Clarke barrelled on. "So are you going to continue to hate me or can we get along? Because I know O wouldn’t want to leave you here alone for Christmas.”
Bellamy pursed his lips. “Yeah. Okay. We can get along.”
Modern AU where Bellamy hasn’t truly celebrated Christmas in years, and with the help of his sister’s university roommate, maybe this year can be different.
Rated teen+ for language
[ read on ao3 ]
So!! I don’t think anyone else has posted their fics for this event yet but I figured I had it done, might as well be the first. So a little backstory on this fic: I had originally planned out something entirely different. I was trying to stay in canon-verse but honestly I was having enough trouble with the holiday theme anyway so I gave it up and moved it to modern-verse. And the first couple things I drafted up I tried to make more focused on the group rather than one person but that also didn't work very well so I decided Bellamy might be a good pick for you. And as much as I tried to not make it romantic I- kind of failed. As you’ll see.
Anyway!! I hope this is holiday-themed enough for you!! I’m actually considering maybe writing a second chapter to this because I did really enjoy typing this out, but that’s iffy.
Merry christmas, dear!! I hope you like it ♥
( I’ll post the whole thing below the cut, but formatting is probably better on ao3 )
“Christmas is like softly-falling snow that covers the world in a blanket of white so flawless and brilliant as to make us pause to ponder the miracle.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold
Bellamy had never had much of a Christmas.
Before Aurora had passed, they’d bake cookies and buy gifts and string lights on the walls, but after, it had mostly stopped. Bellamy was too focused on providing for himself and his sister to worry much about holidays. Sure, he’d buy Octavia a few small gifts, sometimes they’d go walk around neighborhoods and look at the fancy light shows some houses boasted, but it was never anything big for them.
This year was different.
It started like this: Octavia had just begun her first year at university, courtesy of years of saving up for it, and when November rolled around, Octavia came home to him for a few days. She brought a friend. Clarke Griffin, her roommate, who looked like she’d never struggled for a day in her life. Bellamy immediately disliked her. But for Octavia’s sake, he tried to mask it.
“So, Clarke,” he started, the three of them lounging in the living room, Octavia and Clarke with a bag of chips between them. “What brings you down here?”
She shrugged. “My hometown is more than a few hours drive from campus, didn’t feel like making the effort. Octavia invited me along when she figured out I wasn’t going anywhere.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t feel like going to see your family?”
“Nah. The only reason I’d want to go down would be to see my old friends, and not all of them would even be around. My mom and I don’t have the best relationship.” Clarke scrunched her nose. “ And I’d already told her I’d come see her for Christmas, so no reason to make the drive.”
Bellamy huffed. Clarke raised her eyebrows. “Something funny?”
Octavia was glaring at him, so he just settled back. “Nope. All good, Princess.”
Clarke didn’t seem to believe him. Octavia stood up, tugging Clarke with her. “Come on babe, why don’t we go hang out on our own?”
Clarke and Bellamy avoided each other for the rest of the day. And the day after that.
It didn’t last.
It was early, early enough that Bellamy expected to be gone for work by the time the girls got up. But then Clarke strode into the kitchen and rested her hands on the counter, hard eyes locked onto him. “Why do you hate me?”
And Bellamy, not at all prepared for that, just stared at her for a few moments. “What?”
“You heard me. What’s your problem with me?”
He turned around, taking a sip of his coffee. “I don’t know what you mean.”
She growled. He heard her shuffling around, and suddenly she was right in his face. Bellamy jerked back, almost spilling his coffee. So maybe he didn’t like her, but her glare was downright terrifying.
Bellamy clenched his jaw. “Is me not liking you a problem, Princess?”
She shrugged. “It could be.”
“Because I was planning on inviting your sister to come up with me for Christmas, and thought maybe, if you weren’t an ass about it, I’d invite you too.”
Bellamy’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What? Why?”
Clarke sighed. “Because I like your sister, and I know she’s never had much of a real Christmas. And because I’m nice, I was going to invite you so you could not be a sad person who spends Christmas alone.”
The only thing he could say to that was “oh.”
Clarke didn’t seem bothered by it. “So are you going to continue to hate me or can we get along? Because I know O wouldn’t want to leave you here alone for Christmas.”
Bellamy pursed his lips. “Yeah. Okay. We can get along.”
Clarke grinned. “Great! I’ll bring it up to Octavia later today. Now tell me if you have anything other than that straight black coffee you’re drinking-”
And despite himself, Bellamy could tell she was already growing on him.
Though Bellamy offered to make the drive alone, Clarke insisted that she come and pick him up. Said it wasn’t too much of a detour. He knew it was easier to just agree. There was no arguing with Clarke.
And so that was how Bellamy found himself draped over the backseat of Clarke’s car, the two girls chatting enthusiastically in the front seats.
“Bell, are you excited?” Octavia asked, turning around. “We’re going to have a real Christmas! With a tree and presents and lights and cookies!”
Honestly, he was more nervous than excited. He wouldn’t know anyone there other than Octavia and Clarke, and the latter he still didn’t know very well. But he let Octavia’s joy seep into him, smiling back at her. “I am.” And because he was far too polite, he addressed Clarke too. “And thank you, Clarke, for inviting us.”
She waved him off. “Oh, it’s helping me too, don’t worry. Hopefully it’ll get my mom off my back about how I need to expand my social circle now that I’m in uni. She’s been bugging me about it forever.”
He hummed. “What year are you?”
“Sophomore. Majoring in creative arts, minoring in a couple medical classes. Mostly because of my mother.”
He raised an eyebrow, though she couldn’t see. “Sounds controlling.”
“Ugh. Very.” Clarke clenched the steering wheel tightly. “She was so angry when I said I was majoring in the arts. Said it wasn’t a career that would get me very far in life. She’s always wanted me to be a doctor like her.”
He chuckled. “You don’t strike me as very doctor-esque.”
“Oh, she’s better than you’d think,” Octavia butted in. “I got sick for a few days in the first weeks, and Clarkey here had it down. I barely even had to do anything.”
Clarke shrugged. “Not a bad skill to have.”
“I probably would have died without you.”
“It was a stomach bug, O.”
And suddenly he wasn’t as worried about the trip as he was before. Not if it was going to be like this.
Abby Griffin was a very intense woman.
She and Clarke exchanged quick hellos, Abby going to hug her daughter, but even Bellamy could tell it was awkward. When she addressed him and Octavia, it was very stiff, professional, and Bellamy could see why she and Clarke didn’t get along. The two women were opposite personalities, sharing the same stubborn streak that likely played a big part in their strained relationship.
Another thing he noticed that was very opposite to Clarke was the house. From what he knew of Clarke, she was not a very organized person. Her car was a bit of a mess, a lot of her clothes were stained with paints, and she didn’t put much effort into her appearance. Abby’s house was huge and pristine, everything sparkling clean, the house itself matching Abby’s intenseness. 
The woman sat them on the couch and went to get them drinks. Bellamy looked around the huge living room. “This where you grew up?”
Clarke shuddered. “God, no. My mom moved in after my dad… died. He never wanted anything big or fancy. I lived here for about two years before moving out. Though honestly I tried to spend as much time out of the house as I could. It’s almost too much.”
Octavia leaned closer, keeping her voice low. “You didn’t tell me your mom was rich!”
“She’s a world-class surgeon, I thought that was a given.”
“I didn’t expect this!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Clarke shrugged. “I wasn’t planning on spending much time here anyway. We’ll probably spend Christmas day here, but the real fun will be on Christmas Eve. One of my high school friends is a master at throwing parties. You’ll have the time of your life, trust me.”
Neither Blake could reply as Abby walked back in with drinks for each of them. Bellamy wasn’t sure what it was, but it tasted fancier than anything he’d ever had. 
“So.” Abby sat down on one of the plush chairs across from the couch. “Why don’t you two tell me about yourselves? Clarke doesn’t talk much about school.”
Octavia spoke up first. “I’m her roommate. Majoring in video production.”
Abby nodded, not seeming very impressed. “And you?”
Bellamy shifted. “I’m Octavia’s brother. I’m not in uni.”
“Oh?” Abby’s face shifted a bit at that. “Did you graduate?”
“Never went.”
“I see.”
“Okay!” Clarke interrupted. “O, Bell, how about I get you two set up in your rooms and we can go out somewhere?”
Octavia jumped up, eager to get out of the room. Bellamy nodded, taking one last sip of his drink. “Sounds good, Princess.”
Abby’s scalding gaze fell onto him as the nickname fell from his mouth, but he couldn’t care less.
“So where are we going?”
“To a local diner,” Clarke said. “I invited some friends, too. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Clarke, I have been dying to meet your friends after all the stories you’ve told me,” Octavia responded. “Which ones?”
“Raven, Murphy, and Emori.”
Octavia clapped her hands together. “I am so excited to meet Raven. She sounds like a badass.”
Clarke laughed. “Oh, she is. I have no doubt you two will get along like a house on fire.”
And after meeting her, Bellamy knew they would.
Raven was full of energy and possibly the most sarcastic person ever. She had a brace on her leg, but it didn’t stop her from bowling Clarke over with a hug when they met outside. “Clarke! It’s been so long!”
“Hey, Rae!” The blonde laughed. “It has! How’ve you been?”
“Fantastic. Who are they? Friends?”
Octavia was practically beaming. “I’m Octavia! Clarke’s my roommate. Heard a lot about you.”
Raven preened. “Of course you have, I’m awesome.” She leaned over to Clarke. “Why didn’t you tell me your roommate was this hot?”
Clarke chuckled. “Jealous, Rae?”
“Of you? Never.” Raven reached out and took Octavia’s arm. “Come on, hot stuff, let me buy you a drink.”
Bellamy was smiling widely at how happy his sister was. Clarke bumped his shoulder, making him look down at her. “Come on. Your sister will be fine with Raven for a while. Come and meet Murphy and Emori.”
He couldn’t help the surprise that shot through him. “You don’t want Octavia to come with us?”
Clarke rolled her eyes. “When will it get through your thick skull that I actually like you? Come on!”
Bellamy flushed at that, trailing after Clarke into the diner. She didn’t even have to look around, heading straight towards a table in the far corner. There were two people there, a man who looked like he wanted to murder everyone in sight and a woman with kind eyes and a tattoo covering half of her face.
The woman lit up as she saw them approaching. “Griffin! Damn, it’s good to see you!”
“You too, Emori,” Clarke said, leaning down to hug her. “You and Murphy doing well?”
Emori’s smile split her face. “We just bought an apartment together!”
“Oh, that’s great!”
“Girls, if you could stop being sappy for one minute,” the man, most likely Murphy, butted in. “Who’s this bitch?”
“Oh!” Clarke grabbed his elbow, pulling him to sit down beside her opposite of her friends. “This is Bellamy. I invited him along for Christmas.”
“Guess I’ll be stuck seeing you around then.” Murphy looked him up and down. “He your boyfriend or something?”
Bellamy blushed, and Clarke sputtered. “What? No! Honestly, I barely even know him that well- he’s just my roommate’s brother.”
And it shouldn’t mean anything, but Bellamy feels disappointed anyway. He’d hoped they were friends on their own now. He thought that was what Clarke had meant outside. Apparently not.
“Roommate’s brother, huh?” Murphy just nodded. “Kinda disappointed. Dude looks like he’d be great in bed.”
Emori smacked his head, both Bellamy and Clarke going red again. Murphy just cackled. “What? You gonna tell me that’s a lie?”
Emori huffed. “You need to learn decency.”
“If you expect decency from me then you don’t know me as well as I thought you did.”
“Okay, okay,” Murphy raised his hands. “Have it your way.”
“Great,” Clarke interrupted, her cheeks still flushed pink. “How about we get some food and we can catch up?”
Emori elbowed Murphy before he could say anything. “That sounds wonderful, Clarke.”
Bellamy had to admit, Clarke’s friends were growing on him.
“Bellamy, man, back me up here,” Murphy insisted. “Tell these two gremlins that their movie taste is shit.”
“Says the man who likes to watch slasher films in the middle of the night!”
“It’s better than the comedies you like to watch? In what way are those entertaining?”
“In what way is watching people get their brains ripped out entertaining?”
Beside him, Clarke giggled, nudging him with her elbow. “Whose side are you on?”
Bellamy just scoffed. “Neither. Both genres are mediocre at best.”
Murphy turned to him, slapping his hand down on the table. “Oh, and what do you watch? Fucking documentaries?”
...he did, yes, but he wasn’t going to admit that now. “Just saying, if you like horror, psychological is better. Slasher films are just blood and guts. No suspense.”
“Suspense is bullshit, who needs the creepy buildup? Just get right into the action!”
“Glad to see you boys are having fun.”
Raven slid into the bench beside Emori, Octavia dropping down beside Clarke, who gave her a smirk. Leaning over, Clarke said to her, loud enough that the whole table could hear: “have fun on your date?”
“Our date was definitely more enjoyable than whatever you idiots got up to,” Raven responded for her, wrapping an arm around Emori. “Bet you were wishing I was here.”
Clarke snorted. “Never any fun without you, Rae.”
“Of course not, I’m the life of the party.” She took a sip of Emori’s drink and crinkled her face. “You losers didn’t even get good drinks.”
“Just because Emori is boring doesn’t mean the rest of us are, Reyes,” Murphy said, earning another elbow to the ribs from his girlfriend. “And who are you to judge us? You drink pepsi.”
Bellamy watched as the two descended into arguing, as seemed to happen often with this group. And even if he was a bit excluded, he still found himself having more fun than he’d had in a while. It was nice, being a part of something again. Hanging out with friends. He had never had much time for that, between working and taking care of Octavia.
Maybe he could find that again.
“So did you have fun?”
Bellamy looked up from his spot on the couch to see Clarke wandering over to him, dressed in pajamas, hair dark and damp. She looked adorable. Not that he’d tell her that.
“Yeah, I did. Your friends are an interesting group,” he said as Clarke sat down on the arm next to him. From the sound of running water, he guessed Octavia had hopped in the shower after Clarke. Abby was gone when they got back, most likely at the hospital, but nobody was complaining much. “You grew up with them?”
“Kind of. We all got stuck together in high school, and we just clicked. Before that, I’d only had one friend. His dad moved though, and I never found out where to.” She had thrown an arm over the back of the couch so she could lean back, and her arm pressed against his shoulder. He could smell the shampoo she’d used. Clarke didn’t seem to notice their proximity, but he was hyper-aware of it.
“You seem to work well with them. You’re all very rowdy. Very fun. You seem like you would’ve been a trouble-making group when you were teens.”
Clarke chuckled. “Oh, we were. The friends that’ll be hosting the party, Jasper and Monty, they were always sneaking drugs and alcohol for the rest of us, and we’d always get into trouble with them. Maybe it was that common factor that had us all getting along.” 
Bellamy huffed. “Honestly? When I first met you I thought you’d be a goody-two-shoes.”
Clarke laughed. “God, no. Maybe when I was younger I was. But after my dad died, my mom started getting on my nerves, trying to control my life, and I wanted to be rebellious. So I did everything I could to piss her off. I still kind of do, to be honest, but I’m trying to get better about it. I don’t want to hate my mom for the rest of my life.”
Bellamy was silent for a moment. “You want to know another thing I thought when I first met you? When you said you had a bad relationship with your mom, my first thought was that at least you still had a mom.”
Clarke’s face fell. “Oh, Bell…”
He shrugged. “I hated you because you seemed like a privileged princess. And I guess in a way, you kind of are, but you’re more than that. You have your own problems too. It’s not your fault your mom is rich.”
Clarke offered a small smile. “I don’t blame you for thinking that. With how you grew up, you have every right to hate me for the way I live. For how lucky I am.”
He shook his head. “No. You didn’t choose your life any more than I chose mine. We didn’t choose the family we were born into, but we can choose what we do with our lives after that.”
Clarke moved her arm to wrap around his shoulder, pulling him to lean against her. She rested her cheek on top of his head. “I’m glad you don’t hate me. I’m starting to like you.”
He chuckled. “I’m starting to like you too, Princess.”
She sighed. “That’s sticking, isn’t it?”
“You bet it is.”
They laughed together, and Bellamy could feel something warm bubbling inside him. Maybe he was starting to like her a bit too much.
It was only a few more days, though. He could bear it.
When they pulled up to the house, Bellamy could already tell he was in for a ride.
It was decked out in crappy Christmas decorations, blow up characters, window stickers, hell, there was even a garden flamingo with a santa hat on it sticking out of the snow by the mailbox. Octavia was out of the car barely a second after Clarke turned it off, and Bellamy laughed at her eagerness. Clarke smiled back at him, pushing open the car door.
“Look who it is!” Someone cheered when Clarke opened the door. A scrawny dude bounced up to them, wrapping Clarke up in his arms. “Missed you, Clarkey!”
“Missed you too, Jasper.” Another guy came up and hugged her, looking like possibly the sweetest person Bellamy has ever met. “Hey, Monty!”
“I’m so happy you’re back!” Monty beamed. “Oh my god have you heard the news?”
Clarke beamed back at him. “What news?” “Harper and I got engaged!”
“Holy shit, really?” Clarke hugged him again, squeezing hard. “I’m so happy for you! I’m invited to the wedding, right?”
“Of course you are!” A woman walked up to them, pulling Clarke away from Monty. “We’d never leave you out.”
“So who proposed to who?”
Monty blushed. Harper just laughed. “I proposed to him.”
Meanwhile, Jasper had made his way over to where he and Octavia were hanging by the door. “Clarke! You brought new people!”
Clarke perked up, moving back to grab both Bellamy and Octavia by their arms and drag them forward. “Yeah! Come on, I’ll introduce you to the group!”
The main room was already a bit of a mess, a poorly decorated Christmas tree tucked in the corner. Bellamy saw the familiar faces of Raven, Murphy, and Emori, who waved at them eagerly. Raven hopped up and sauntered over to Octavia, slinging an arm over her shoulder. Octavia grinned. “Hey, bitch.”
“Okay!” Clarke let go of Octavia as Raven pulled her over to sit beside her, instead wrapping both hands around Bellamy’s arm. “Guys, this is Bellamy, and that’s his sister Octavia. They’re friends from uni.”
There were a few choruses of ‘nice to meet you’ thrown out. One dude came up and extended a hand to him, which Bellamy took. “Hey, I’m Nathan Miller, but most people just call me Miller. It’s nice to see a new face around here.”
Bellamy shook his hand. “Happy to be here.”
“Kind of surprised Jasper hasn’t broke out the alcohol yet,” Clarke, still wrapped around his arm, commented. “He’s usually way too excited about it.”
Miller just chuckled. “Yeah, Maya’s been keeping him entertained. She’s his new girlfriend, by the way. A sweet girl. I’m not sure how she and Jasper work romantically, but they seem to have a good thing going.”
Clarke raised her eyebrows. “Really? Well, I’m happy for him. I haven’t seen him in any serious relationships since- ever, I think.”
“Well, he’s a bit intense, takes someone special to handle him.”
Bellamy snorted. “No offense, but everyone here is a bit intense.”
Clarke huffed out a laugh. “Think you can handle it, Bell?”
Bellamy made an unsure face. Miller slapped his arm. “Don’t worry, man, we aren’t that bad. It’s a bit overwhelming at first, but you get used to it. If you can handle her, we can’t be much worse.”
Clarke snorted. “What are you implying, Miller?”
He raised his hands up in surrender. “Nothing bad.”
“If you say so…”
“You know what we should do?” Jasper stood up from the couch beside a timid-looking woman. “We should go outside!”
Raven wrinkled her face. “Jas, it’s like, supremely cold outside. There is snow on the ground.”
“Exactly! Come on, where’s your inner child? Don’t you want to go play in the snow?”
Raven grabbed her thigh, lifting her leg. “You see this brace? This thing gets insanely stiff in the cold. I’m not going.”
“Come oooooon,” Jasper whined. “Stop being such a party pooper! Where’s your sense of fun?”
Octavia grabbed Raven’s hand, pulling her onto her feet. “I think it’s a great idea!”
Raven made an incredulous sound. “This is betrayal!”
“You coming or not?”
Raven glared at her before sighing. “Fine.”
Jasper whooped. “Yes! Octavia, I love you already!”
The group laughed, all seeming to have been spurred on by Jasper and Octavia’s eagerness, and Clarke pulled Bellamy towards the door, neither having shed their coats or boots since coming inside. He stumbled along behind her, laughing, and though the chill was sharp, he was warm with happiness. 
The rest of the group piled outside behind them, and Jasper and Octavia immediately set to work rolling a snowman. Bellamy and Clarke began to roll another section for the snowman when a snowball hit Clarke in the back.
They both looked back to see Raven cackling at them, a cocky smirk set upon her face. Clarke scooped up a wad of snow, throwing it back, but it went awry and Raven just held up a middle finger.
Bellamy crouched down to make his own snowball, and with Raven distracted by Clarke’s efforts to hit her, he threw. It hit Raven right in the shoulder, and she let out an indignant cry. Clarke cheered before Murphy came up behind her and shoved snow down the back of her coat.
And suddenly everybody had been sucked into the game.
Octavia hit Bellamy on the side, and when he went to retaliate she darted behind Emori, who Bellamy then hit in the stomach with a snowball. He got pelted with so many snowballs, but he threw at anyone who was in range, and Bellamy felt happier than he had in a long time. He and Octavia would do this sometimes when they were younger, and it reminded him of that. He couldn’t stop smiling the entire time.
Eventually, it died down, and though by now they were all thoroughly soaked, they still attempted to finish the snowman that had been started before Raven made the first attack. Even with so many people working on it, it wasn’t the best, especially not when no one had bothered to get supplies from inside, but they gathered some little rocks to use as the mouth, eyes, and nose, and it was good enough.
So after they all wandered back inside soaked and shivering and promptly collapsed in the main area. Bellamy fell onto the floor in front of the couch, leaning back onto Clarke’s legs. Emori plopped down next to him and flashed him a grin, eyes flickering between him and Clarke. Her implications were clear. Bellamy shook his head, and Emori rolled her eyes.
Jasper, still somehow bouncing with energy, declared they were going to have a Christmas movie night. “You came on a good year,” Emori said beside him. “Usually Christmas Eve is a lot more chaotic than this.”
He chuckled. “Miller said the same thing. He blamed it on the new girlfriend.”
Emori snorted. “Maya? It could be, yeah. I think Jasper’s trying to impress her.”
“I can’t imagine him being any worse than this.”
“Oh, god, this is probably him at his best.” Emori nodded to Monty. “Monty used to be the same way, until Harper. The girls keep them reined in most of the time. They probably would’ve accidentally blown themselves up by now without Harper.”
“That’s more Raven’s thing. They’d end up getting arrested for theft, probably.” Clarke leaned down behind him to enter the conversation, and he could feel her hair brushing the top of his head. “How many times has Jasper shoplifted?”
“Every time he goes to any store.”
Bellamy laughed with them, once again feeling intense gratitude to Clarke for inviting him.
“Okay okay shut up! We’re watching a movie!” Jasper yelled. “What’s a good Christmas movie?”
“Home Alone!”
“Fuck no!”
“What’s a Christmas movie that isn’t a comedy?”
“Literally none of them!”
“There are some!”
“Like what?”
“Oooookay, I’m deciding!” Jasper declared, picking up the remote. Everyone grumbled at that, but Bellamy was just amused. He felt something tap the side of his head and tilted his head back, seeing Clarke grinning down at him. He smiled back, face bright with happiness. This wasn’t like any Christmas he’d ever had, but it was his favorite already.
Jasper turned something on, Bellamy wasn’t really sure, and then he and Monty went into the kitchen to get everyone drinks. In true Christmas spirit, Harper yelled after them to make hot chocolate and not just grab some alcohol. Murphy huffed. “You really trust them with a stove?”
“They’re grown men, Murphy.”
“They don’t act like it.”
Maya trailed after the boys into the kitchen, and a little bit later they came back with cups of hot chocolate for everyone. Bellamy took a sip, the scalding liquid instantly warming him up. Someone turned the overhead lights off and the holiday lights on, illuminating the room in red and green. This was truly Christmas.
Bellamy wasn’t paying much attention to the movie, more to the quiet conversations that were constantly going on, whether it be Raven and Murphy arguing over something or Jasper making snide comments, but there was always the low buzz of talking, never silence. Not that he would have expected it from them.
A hand wove into his hair, and Bellamy turned his head to look back up at Clarke. She had a blanket tucked up to her chin, her mug held tight in one hand, and her eyes shone. She looked so content and relaxed, snuggled up on the couch, a hand combing idly through his hair. 
“You look happy,” she murmured. “Happier than I’ve ever seen you.”
He smiled. “I am happy. I’m glad you invited me, Clarke. This is amazing.”
“This is the best Christmas Eve I’ve had in a long time,” she sighed. “You should come next year, too.”
Bellamy blushed. “You want me to come back?”
“Of course. You’re fun, when you aren’t hating me.”
“I don’t hate you anymore.”
“Good. I didn’t like it when you hated me.”
Bellamy let himself indulge as he grabbed her hand from his hair, tangling their fingers and pressing a kiss to her cold skin. She giggled, and he looked back up at her, cheeks hurting from smiling so much.
He hoped he could come back next year. And maybe every year after that, too.
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digimonascending · 3 years
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I feel there has been a distinct lack of snarky banter and lasers of late. Luckily Owen and Simeamon are here to fix that. More information under the break:
Full Name: Owen Ashbourne
Age: 19
Hair: Brown, Blonde Highlights
Eyes: Grey-Blue
Height: 6'6"
Partner: Simeamon
No person in the history of mankind has ever emanated such raw "This Is Fine" energy than Owen Ashbourne, for better or for worse. He radiates chillness to an infuriating degree, is slow to anger and slower to panic, and maintains himself as the calming and mature presence within the tamers. That's the theory, anyway, although 'mature' may just be a shorthand for 'making a sarcastic remark and letting everybody else fight amongst themselves while you drink a smoothie'.
Despite his tendency to blindly ignore the problem at hand, Owen is far from lazy. He's efficient and independant, preferring to work through his problems himself rather than rely on others. In this way he frees himself up to be really quite a fun person to be around, when he's not deliberately trying to wind Mark up. Sarcasm aside, he does have a good head on his shoulders and works well with Simeamon; the two of them are probably the most in sync partners of the group. Although while he maintains a calm presence he does remain very closed off, and his need to work through his demons on his own can strain his relationships with even his closest friends. Ignoring the problem until it goes away will only get you so far.
  Chaotic in his chillness and troubling in his quietness, Owen nonetheless has a strong moral code and a sense of personal responsibility. No matter what, he will always do his best to put the wellbeing of others before himself. His approach may be flawed, but there's no arguing with the need to do right by a damaged world.
Trevor Ashbourne - Father
Pronunciation: SIH-me-ah-mon
Name origin: Simian, infraorder of primates including monkeys and apes
Family: Virus Busters, Metal Empire
Type: Cadet
Stage: Rookie
Attribute: Vaccine
Height: 5'2" Partner: Owen Personality
Live fast, cause problems and blow shit up. This is Simeamon's credo which she follows to the letter every moment of every day. Loud-mouthed, jokey and crude, Simeamon doesn't give two hoots about who she annoys during her next fast-paced tirade of insults and explosives; be it her best friend in the world, or the army of souped-up dragons currently charging in her direction. Screw the rules; she has a mouth and a laser gun and she will be using them both.
As impulsive as she can be, Simeamon certainly has the skills to back up her big words; an experienced combatant, an acrobat and an inability to keep still works to her advantage, and combined with Owen's intuition she is a marvellous warrior. Although where Owen keeps his feelings close, Simeamon is far more blunt and quicker to anger. She's not above poking fun at him to try and elicit a reaction, but on a deeper level she worries greatly about his closed-off tendencies, especially when it puts both of them in harm's way, whether intentionally or not. She trusts him with her life, but sometimes has her doubts as to whether he does the same.
What you see is what you get with Simeamon, and thus even as a good friend you are likely to get several insults to your face a day. That being said, she bears her soul in everything she does; never backing down, never hiding her thoughts and never regretting the decisions she's made, whether she feels they were right or wrong. She wields a courage and a pride in everything she says and does, remaining a true warrior through to the very end.
 Cyber Strike
Simeamon creates a ball of light in her glove and tosses it at her opponent, where it explodes.
Micro Laser
Simeamon fires green energy blasts from her pistol at pinpoint accuracy
Pronunciation: HAM-mon
Name origin: Ham the Astrochimp, first chimpanzee launched into space in 1961
Type: Slime
Stage: Fresh
Attribute: None
Height: 0'4" Attacks
    Space Bubbles
Hammon releases a flurry of bubbles that glow in the dark
Pronunciation: Ah-TEH-lih-mon
Name origin: Atelidae, family of New World Monkeys
Family: Metal Empire
Type: Lesser
Stage: In-Training
Attribute: None
Height: 1'3"
    Launch Sequence
 Atelimon's jetpack activates and she launches her whole body into her opponent
I know how hairstyles work I promise.
If there's one thing I sort of regret with Inferno is how kind of...generic the tamers designs were. I still love all those precious babies, don't get me wrong, but going forward I wanted to explore and have a bit more fun with the human designs. You can make your own judgement whether I have gone too far, but nonetheless Owen's here to stay.
Also you have no idea how much I love Simeamon and the fact that she will not behave ever.
Some designs take a little work to pin down. Some need the final details adjusting. Simeamon is neither of those; I have been hanging onto this space monkey's exact design since 2013 and finally I can release her unto the world. May she cause problems until the end of time.
And don't worry; the newcomers are just as welcome on the Trauma Train as the old guard. % D
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sapphicambitions · 4 years
like when I say I think Luke Castellan is gay I don’t mean it as a cutesy “don’t u wish ur fave was gay” kind of way I mean textually and seriously I believe he was gay. 
I could cite the petty stuff like “he only had female friends growing up” and “he clearly never showed interest in women even though many women were interested in him” or “he is one of the few people in the series who didn’t actually have a serious love interest / partner” or whatever but i feel like it’s actually much deeper than that. Luke was a young person who had a difficult and strained relationship with his parents. He saw how flawed the system was and how it was treating people like him, and sought to change the system, give power to people like him, and start it all over. (Yeah, he fell victim to people who influenced him to the dark side but that had nothing to do with his gayness, imo.) He just reminds me a lot of characters like Nico and Catra from She-Ra: repressed gay with a strained relationship with parental figures, angry and willing to take down the world. In this essay I will-
.......like no but seriously
Luke had a very troubled childhood because of his mother’s damaged mind, and the fact that she was constantly having fits and telling him how terrible things were going to be for him. When Luke is (angrily) describing his childhood to Hermes he says: “You could’ve helped me when she was having one of her fits, shaking me and saying crazy things about my fate. When I used to hide in the closet so she wouldn’t find me with those glowing eyes,” like!!! he even mentions hiding in a closet (let me find the subtext where i want it)  but seriously, you know what’s one of the first things my mother said to me when I came out to her? “You know how much harder your life is going to be, don’t you?” So then Luke ran away from his home and found a new family, one that looked out for each other and loved each other more than their blood family ever did. This is a queer narrative!!
And with Hermes, it was all sorts of fucked up. His father kept him at a distance. Made Luke feel like there was something wrong with him, like he didn’t love him. His dad made it very clear to him what his expectations were of him, tried to encourage him to be a great hero, like all the heroes before him (when he was talking to him about sending him on a quest and Hermes said “You will get a change to be a great hero before…”) but Luke didn’t want to be the person his father expected him to be. He wanted to be something new, something true to himself. Luke was always burdened down with the weight of his parent’s expectations, both the expectation that he should strive to be a perfect hero and the knowledge that his future was doomed. 
So one time i was at a bar with friends and me and the only other queer person there were talking and he was like “gay men and their dads, you know what i mean?” and I was like “yeah also gay women and their moms” and we had a whole discussion about growing up with a certain set of expectations of who you’ll be from your parents and the gendered expectations they have for you and having to crush all of that when you come out to them and navigating the difficulties that come with that when you want to be your own person so like there’s your real world comparison / evidence for that argument
ALSO Luke ran away from home but then kind of immediately went to Camp Half-Blood where he was shoved into the Hermes cabin with all of his siblings and undetermined kids and then still expected to scrape part of his food in the fire and be thankful to his deadbeat dad. That would suck! He was already harboring all of this rage inside of him, and then he went on his quest. Saw the world. Was exposed to other schools of thought. He understood that he was just being used as a pawn. He came back a different person, he didn’t quite fit in at camp anymore now that he’d seen the world. Kind of like when I went off to be gay at college and then came back to my childhood home and had to be straight around all my high school friends. just saying.
Luke saw the flaws in the system, the way the gods ruled the world. The way the gods treated their children and how much it hurt them. He felt so betrayed and hurt and abandoned by his dad and all the gods, so instead of sitting with it, he thought “I can do better.” Luke sought to rebuild the world, scrap it all and start new. Start with new leaders who took better care of everyone, who did things completely differently than the way it was done before, and raze anything before it. We’re going to ignore the fact that he was influenced to the dark side for a moment because it’s not related to this essay, but I also feel like this is a very queer narrative. (how many times can i say that phrase in this essay) Seeing the flaws in the way the world is treating people like you and wanting to do better. Luke said (this not an actual book quote more of a dramatic sentiment): “I won’t be used and I won’t be who you want me to be. I will become my own person and there’s nothing you can fucking do to stop me. I will make a new world, better than before, without you, for people like me, and I will tear down the walls of the previous world if I fucking have to” and i just think that’s very gay rights of him.
A thing that I’m a big fan of is seeing specific character types and relating them to each other. For example: our fave Nico di Angelo and Catra from She-Ra. (If you haven’t seen She-Ra, she’s the DEFINITION of an angry repressing gay) We can see from Nico’s narrative and from Catra’s narrative and also just straight up my own personal narrative that sometimes when you’re gay and repressing and afraid of becoming the person you are warned against, while also knowing that you were meant for more but maybe not quite understanding what that more is yet, and overall just want to feel accepted and loved as who you truly are but not receiving that, it can tend to make one lash out in angry and irresponsible ways. It can make one isolate themselves from those they previously were close to. It can lead to irrational and impulsive choices for all the wrong reasons because you don’t feel right and you don’t know why. Not at all saying this is the same across the board for queer people, it’s just something that honestly happens to some people and I can relate to when i see it in characters. 
I see that in Luke. He is weighed down by everything his parents want him to be, both good and bad, and is trying to scrap the world and make a new one for people like him. He wants to take his turn, pushing aside anyone who’s hurt him. Luke was someone who was constantly being torn apart by the world and just wanted to feel safe and secure in who he was and the world he was in. He was acting in anger and fear and hurt and revenge for his childhood and because he still felt like there wasn’t a place in the world for him. He lashed out against his father and his family and his friends and pushed them all away. Sure, he had some friends at Camp Half-Blood, but Annabeth’s devotion to him was not enough to make up for like, all of his childhood trauma. First everything with his mom and then being on the run for so long and then meeting his dad and then losing Thalia (which also fueled his anger and hatred of the gods but like we knew that) and his quest and just everything. He was dealt a cruel hand and he didn’t handle it well. Not that that has anything to do with him being gay but I’m just lamenting over the tragedy of his life. Anyway.
Also not to quote the Lighting Thief because it’s not technically in Rick’s canon but i still think they perfectly understood the characters so I’m including it, but the idea that Luke has tried to be a good kid, he’s tried to do what was expected of him, he’s done everything they ever asked of him, but it didn’t pay off. It didn’t matter. It still wasn’t a world he belonged in. “you know this world will never be ours as long as our parents rule over the stars” and “it’s time to make the world our own” strikes me very much to the tune of LGBT activism. once again ringing in that idea of “if you won’t make the world better than i will do it with my bare hands” he also sings “the gods were never on our side, so i think it’s time we watched them fall” which gets to me every time because like he was just a kid! he was just a kid who had so much hurt and anger inside of him and he went about everything the wrong way but he was just a fucking kid! 
also YES to be petty and shallow but while Annabeth and Thalia refer to luke romantically, he never mentioned the same for him. Kelli the sexy monster hits on him during Battle of the Labyrinth and was clearly interested in him and he pushes her away without any hesitation. IN FACT the only demigods referenced on Luke’s ship are Chris and Ethan (why we didn’t see any of that trio, I’ll never understand), with Ethan working much closer with Luke and being a major player in the Titan War. (also I think Ethan is queer too but that’s a battle for another day.) And Rick LOVES romances. pretty much every character gets paired up with someone in the original series (percy and annabeth, grover and juniper, even Clarisse and Chris) which is fab thank u rick for my percabeth rights but Luke is the only character who does not get a girlfriend!! because he’s a homosexual!!!! you know what other character didn’t get paired off in the original series??? NICO, a known homo!!!  i do think that luke is a case of “accidentally written homo” because this was before rick saved the world and gave us nico’s coming out and really started pushing for queer rep in the books (thank u again rick!!!!), so I’m allowed to find my gay subtext in the original series, thank u very much!
listen all im saying is that my favorite character narrative is “angry gay coded villain who is repressing and lashing out at the world because of it” and i truly believe luke fits into that narrative and I stand by my argument.
Thank u for attending my TED Talk
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writer-somewhat · 3 years
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Theme | Bad Reputation – Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
Fun Fact | Asexual, and against her parent’s wishes, she masquerades around as a man to fend off unwanted proposals. 
While she can be an agreeable, and charismatic type, Delo usually choses to be headstrong, flippant, and argumentative. Firm in her desire to remain unwed, she enjoys showcasing her sharp wit, and crass humour. She’s generally a diplomatic sort, but when the wrong button is pushed, she is relentlessly vicious with her verbal assault. 
Ulazne Dumarq – Father, king of Vunien, and the two share a strained relationship. 
Damalis Visinnia – Mother, Nabilan born, does her best to keep peace. 
Dracon Dumarq – Elder brother, heir apparent to throne of Vunien. 
Amon Dumarq – Younger brother, talented sailor. 
Yeona Dumarq – Younger half-sister, her mother is Ulazne’s mistress.
Notable Relationships
Valyna Marcillo – She arrives in the Marcillo court as her half-sister’s escort. The two get on well, and Valyna welcomes Delo’s advice.
Adela Verro – Adela’s father, is Ulazne’s cousin. She also serves as Valyna’s secretary and lady in waiting.
While not born of their mother, Yeona had been embraced by Delo and her siblings since she was a babe. She’d bore a striking resemblance to the rest of them, with wild red hair, vivid blue eyes, a wicked sharp resolve to have what was hers in the world, and the nerve to ask for more. While many outside the Dumarq household, and perhaps a few who served within, called her the leeching offspring of a harlot, Yeona had demonstrated her lack of care for their opinions. She had devoured the rounded education all the Dumarq children were afforded, and she wielded her grace like a sword that charmed artists and diplomats alike. She had the favour of their father, and she had Delo’s envy.
She would never have to fight their father on what would make her happy, she never had to hold matches of fortitude where yelling was her only means to defend herself and wants. She never went to bed physically and emotionally tired after those nights. Tonight was going to be another tiring night, Delo knew it would be when her father announced, over dinner, that a marriage contract had been written up. This was the fifth suitor her parents had decided on. The first four withdrew after meeting her, as she was quite a natural performer.
“You will marry him!” Ulazne was furious, he slammed his hands on the table three times.
“I will not.” She hadn’t yet started yelling, her voice was cold and firm, but her hands were already shaking. She slammed her own hands on the table once.
“You will! It’s already been decided, the contract only needs to be signed by me.”
“Go ahead and sign the contract.” Delo snapped, her voice raising. “I will do whatever I need to do to humiliate and shame the Dumarq name! Sign the contract and I’ll make sure nobody will want to marry into this family ever again!”
“The hell you will! I’ve ignored your protests and displays,” He gestured to all of Delo. She’d been wearing an assortment of men’s clothing for some time now, her father spoke once against it, before her mother silenced him. “But I’ve had enough. You will dress accordingly from now on, or so help me, I’ll burn the wardrobe myself.”
This was a new low. Never before had he threatened her or her belongings, but now it was too late for him to apologize, even if he wanted to. She spun from the room and headed to her bedroom.
“GET BACK HERE DELOSSA!” Her father shouted after her, but she ignored him and continued on.
She locked the door behind her and went to her personal desk in the corner of her room, she pulled open a drawer, and the sound of pounding on her door began. She shifted the contents until she found what she was looking for, and pulled out a pair of shiny, sharp shears. She walked to the front of the mirror. Outside her father continued to shout, and she could hear her mother now, trying to soothe her father’s rage.
Delo examined her reflection. She’d never considered this before, and her nerves buzzed with excitement. She touched her soft red hair, it had pulled up and back into a snug chignon that was held in place with a few strategic pins.
“Oh fuck it.” She pulled the pins from her hair, and loose ringlets fell on either side of her face.
She grabbed a thick lock on one side, and cut it off with the shears. Then another, and another, and soon after, all that remained of her hair was a choppy bob of locks. It looked terrible, and the floor was a mess, but she felt a wondrous joy of liberation.
The pounding had ceased, but her father’s voice had not. With a sharp smirk, she unlocked the door, and swung it open, her father’s voice was silent now, and a look of absolute shock sat on both her parent’s faces.
“I will absolutely not marry. And if you so much as touch my clothes, I’ll see how much shorter I can go.”
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xb-squaredx · 4 years
Please Don’t Sleep on Hades
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2020’s…been a real year, huh? At a time when in-person gatherings aren’t much of a thing and people have to stay in, video games are suddenly a pretty attractive option. That said, few games have really grabbed me this year; in a roundabout way, 2020’s been a year of reruns, as I go through a lot of games I’ve already played or games that are just yesterday’s news (but new to me!). However, in the nick of time, the folks at Supergiant Games delivered unto us their latest title, Hades. While they’ve been working on this game for years, with it hitting Early Access on Steam back in 2018, the full version of Hades finally hit Steam, the Epic Game Store and made the leap to consoles with the Switch, which is where I picked it up. It has been a WHILE since I’ve had a game grab me so strongly so early on, and I’ve been hearing this game’s praises for years now already, so allow me to happily state why I think Hades is worthy of the hype and is a fantastic game I’d easily recommend!
OK, so first things first…you don’t actually play as Hades in this game, but rather his son Zagreus. Ol’ Zag has had it with his father, and tries to literally fight his way out of hell to reach the surface, and no matter what his old man puts in his way, Zagreus (and the player) will meet the challenge. And probably die, but hey, that’s OK! In the underworld, death is more of an inconvenience than anything else, so after taking a moment to dust himself off, Zagreus will head out for another attempt. For as long as it takes.
Hades is a rogue-like, meaning it’s a game based around randomization and adaptation. On any given “run” of the game, the level layouts, enemies present and the variety of power-ups Zagreus can find will be left to chance, with the player challenged to amass the best build they can to eventually break out of hell and reach the human world and if you die…start from scratch. That said, Hades is among the ever-growing sub-genre of rogue-lites, in that there IS some permanent progression, which takes a bit of a sting out of dying, but more on that later. Now, most games of this type aren’t really big on story. They have a premise that’s little more than an excuse to play. Splunkey wants you to explore a cave, The Binding of Isaac sees you escaping a basement and in Enter the Gungeon you uh…e-enter the gun—you get the point! But what separates Hades from most rogue-likes/lites is that there actually IS a very interesting story that unfolds as you play.
There’s more to Zag’s desire to get to the surface than just getting away from his father, though their strained relationship certainly doesn’t help matters, and over the course of your many, MANY escape attempts, players learn of the rather screwed-up nature of Zagreus’ family of deities, though any mythology nut could tell you to expect that. Hades has an incredibly charismatic cast, superb voice acting across the board, and some real sharp writing that really got me wanting to meet anyone and everyone and learn more about this world. You’re likely to run into Hypnos first, who always has a “tip” ready for you when you meet your end to a given enemy or hazard, or the fabled hero Achilles, who acts as a mentor to Zagreus. There’s Dusa, the adorably frazzled flying gorgon head who acts as the House of Hades’ maid, and of course…Megaera, of the Furies.
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She serves as the first proper boss in the game, and will be a pretty sizable challenge for most players, but as you eventually overcome her again and again, she and Zagreus end up attempting to reconnect with each other, and her recurring fights become an excuse to flirt and test each other. I may as well say too that it’s easy to fall in love with the characters in this game because…I-I mean, just look at them! This game is a bisexual’s paradise, that’s all I’ll say.
A bit of a fun fact, but Zagreus’ voice actor, Darren Korb, is also a composer at Supergiant, so he’s a man of many talents, since Hades has a killer score. From the laid-back tunes at the House of Hades where you can unwind and recharge after a botched run, to the pulse-pounding boss theme, there’s some GREAT music on display here. And that’s before you meet Orpheus and Eurydice, two characters with amazing singing voices that, if you play your cards right, might start singing together. The game’s visuals, meanwhile, aren’t a slouch either. While the level layouts are randomized, everything manages to look well-crafted, each region of the underworld having their own distinct look and feel. The fiery pits of Asphodel end up juxtaposing well with the paradise that is Elysium. Now, character models are generally less-detailed since the camera stays zoomed out to give players a good view of the action, but the portraits for the various characters more than make up for it with their distinct, detailed designs. A-And I’m not just saying that because everyone’s hot! Now, admittedly you might take a look at Zag and think he’s nothing but an edgelord and the game itself might be taking itself too seriously, but in reality, Hades strikes a pretty good balance, and definitely carries a sense of humor. Characters love to snark at each other, the various Shades chilling in the House of Hades’ lounge have some funny conversations you can listen in on and all told, the game only gets serious when appropriate. Really, I have no real complaints with the game on a presentation level; it’s all aces so far, and thankfully the game-y part follows suit!
Hades is best described as a dungeon-crawler. You have an isometric view as you move about, avoiding hazards and fighting off enemies as you climb each chamber on your way to the surface. Defeat every enemy in a chamber and get a reward. Sounds simple enough until you factor in all of the various permutations of events; Hades aims to make sure no two runs are alike, with different enemies, power-ups and challenges awaiting you. All of this is doled out slowly, as with each subsequent playthrough you begin to have more of the game unraveled. First and foremost, Zagreus can gain various Boons from the other Olympian Gods, who are sympathetic to his plight and lend him some power if he makes contact with them. Each God has their own twist on the abilities they grant Zagreus. They can all increase his stats in some way, or affect either his dash ability or his Cast, a projectile attack. For Zeus, naturally, all of Zagreus’ moves will gain an electric effect, whereas Artemis focuses more on upping Zag’s critical hit chance. Dionysus, the God of Wine, grants you the “hangover” status effect, allowing your attacks to uh…make enemies drunk? Sure! You’ll be given a random selection of three Boons to pick from, of varying rarities. Over the course of a run, you might try to nab as many Boons from the same God as possible, or vary it up and see which abilities synchronize together. At times, you might even be granted a Duo Boon, where two Gods decide to combine their power for a special ability that plays to both of their strengths. Still, at other times, you might be forced into a Trial of the Gods, where you must choose one God’s Boon over the other, with the snubbed God lashing out afterwards. Hey, just because they’re Gods, doesn’t mean they’re nice. Of course, you’ve also got a variety of health and weapon upgrades too. In fact, let’s gush about the weapons for a second, shall we?
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At the time of writing, Hades has six weapons to play with. You start with a sword, which is the all-rounder of the set, but as you gain keys to unlock more weapons, you can start to really experiment. The bow and rail cannon serve as ranged options with different approaches, while the spear is the melee weapon with the best range at the cost of pure power. The shield grants you absolute defense at the cost of range, while the gauntlets let you unleash your fisticuffs on underworld scum, though leave you with limited ranged attacks. Each weapon has specific Boons and weapon upgrades you can find as well, some of which can radically alter how a weapon works. The rail cannon, for example, fires a lot faster than the bow, but this is balanced by needing to manually reload…unless you get a weapon upgrade that gives you unlimited ammo with the only catch being that you can only do burst fire. Adding to this, players eventually unlock hidden Aspects of weapons, morphing them into different forms which can also influence their moveset. Change the shield to the Aspect of Zeus, and when you throw your shield Captain America style, it stays out and continually spins, dealing tons of damage over time and effectively forcing enemies to get sliced to bits if they want to get near you. I didn’t expect this game to have half this many weapons or to have them balanced so well. Really, just like anything else, weapons are another tool you can poke and prod and experiment with until you get a truly killer collection of Boons and upgrades that let you just demolish anything in your way. It’s very satisfying when you finally clear a run with a great build…though depending on the RNG, you WILL get some crummy builds, but that’s the nature of the rogue-like!
It’s likely that a bad build (or really, just getting hit with a new boss or enemy you aren’t prepared for) will lead to a death, but as already established, death isn’t really that much of an inconvenience in the underworld. Zagreus just spawns back at home and is free to immediately try to escape again, but this brief reprieve lets you chat up whoever happens to be around, give them gifts, advance some side-quests, pet your dog Cerberus and practice with weapons and such before you’re ready to go at it again. It’s after a run that you also get to spend a lot of the spoils of your escape attempts. While you lose Boons and weapon upgrades and the like upon death, there’s a LOT of various items you keep with you that have plenty of uses. Darkness shards are used for permanent skills that can be applied to Zagreus, like Death’s Defiance, which grants Zagreus another life upon dying, which can eventually be upgraded to give him THREE extra lives, just as an example. Precious gems can be used to fund a variety of cosmetic changes to the House of Hades. Just because Zagreus doesn’t want to live there anymore, doesn’t mean he can’t at least make it look good! Nectar can be gifted to other characters to improve your relationships with them, with bottles of Ambrosia being required later on, while special keys can be used to unlock weapons, more upgrades for your Darkness shards, or just used as a secondary currency for trade. There’s really a LOT of different items to mess around with, though admittedly if you’re the type to want to max out EVERYTHING you’ll be in it for the long haul, as there is not only a LOT of stuff to upgrade and purchase, but the random nature of things means rewards are never a guarantee. Though it’s worth noting the game’s totally beatable without going nuts with completion. Which I guess leads me to the biggest compliment I can give this game: even after “beating” it, I still can’t stop playing, and there’s plenty of reason to keep going.
So, full disclosure, I’ve gotten Zagreus to the surface. Several times, actually. But I haven’t quite “beaten” the game yet. In fact, at the risk of sounding pretentious, it is as if the true game begins after you’ve beaten it once. Without getting into specifics, let’s just say the game gives you a very good in-story reason to keep playing, and you won’t reach credits without several completed runs under your belt. And even then, there’s still stuff to do. I’m almost 30 hours into Hades and I’ve barely scratched the surface honestly. Every major character has their own sidequest you can undergo, but it can be slow goings when it comes to advancing them. Trying out all the weapons and boons and different combinations will easily take dozens of hours to fully experience, though the game has a handy in-game list of what you’ve done and haven’t done, as well as in-game achievements with tangible rewards that will spur you on. I was admittedly surprised at how dense of a game Hades can be. A successful run will likely take you somewhere between a half-hour to an hour, which is pretty devious. Just long enough to stay engaging throughout, and short enough that I can keep convincing myself that I have time for “one more run” and then suddenly several hours have gone by. Strangest thing.
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Something that’s become a bit of a staple of Supergiant’s work is customizable difficulty, various modifiers you can flip on to make the game harder if you so desire, which in Hades takes the form of the Pact of Punishment. After a successful run, you can turn on a given pact to spice things up for subsequent runs. Maybe enemies do a bit more damage, or you give yourself a super strict time limit to clear a run. You can give enemies armor that makes them sturdier, or jack up the in-game shop’s prices. You can even be forced to give up Boons in order to advance past certain doors! Probably the most impressive Pact is Extreme Measures, which ends up greatly affecting the boss fights in the game…trust me when I say you won’t be ready for them the first time you flip that on. Activating a given pact increases a “heat gauge” that, should it reach a given level, will end up granting you various special items to help with fully upgrading and unlocking stuff. Of course, with each successful run completed with a given Pact activated, you’ll have to raise the heat more and more in order to keep getting these upgrade materials so be prepared. You can also still gain these materials (albeit at a much slower rate) playing through the game normally though, and there’s really no penalty for choosing NOT to activate a given pact. On the flip side of things, there’s also a God Mode you can toggle on that makes Zagreus a little stronger with each death, which can help those that want to see more of the story but are struggling with the game. Have your God Cake and eat it too!
All and all, this game just delivers on every level and I’ve been devouring it since release whenever I have a spare minute. You can see that Supergiant is taking all the lessons they learned from each previous game and combined it to make what is easily their best game yet. I don’t throw around words like “masterpiece” lightly, but Hades is just such a slam dunk that I’m sorely tempted to call it just that. I mean, if you hate rogue-likes, I’m not sure if Hades will really push you over the edge admittedly? You get way more rewards retained after death than just about any other rogue-like I’ve played, but if you’re the type that hates having to constantly adapt and not being able to memorize what’s coming, I can see this not working for you. But for me at least, I’ve had an absolute blast with the game and the only issue I really have with it is a small nitpick at best. When it comes to getting to know various characters, you can talk to them and give them Nectar or Ambrosia as a gift right? But what happens if they don’t show up on a given run? Or what if they DO show up, but they’re locked into a conversation with someone else? That means you can’t really advance anything with them until a given dice roll pities you. MEGAERA I THINK YOU’RE COOL, PLEASE JUST TALK TO M—oh sorry, don’t know where that came from… So yeah, that’s the nittiest of picks.
I adore this game’s cast, the voice work and music is excellent to the ear, the combat is engaging, the gameplay loop is addicting…need I say more? I mean, I’ve said almost 3000 words, but to really sum it up…I highly recommend Hades and I hope you don’t pass it up if you’re even remotely interested. You can find it on Steam, the Epic store and Switch as of right now, and I don’t think you could go wrong with any version.
Blood and darkness await you.
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Han Yuna Masterlist
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*This is my default information on Yuna; however, most of it can change based on the scenario (AUs)
*Faceclaim is Kim Hyuna (quite obviously for anyone who’s into kpop)
*Last Updated: 5/27/20
Stage Name: Yuna (유나)
Birth Name: Han Yuna (한유나 )
English Name: Krista
Group: Pandora // Solo
Other Members: Son Taeyeon, Park Soojin, Lee Sunbin, Park Minhee
Position: Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Sub-rapper, Maknae
Agency: YG Entertainment
Birthdate: May 15th, 1994
Debut Date: October 17th, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
Blood Type: 
Nationality: South Korean
Father: Han Kyungsoon
Mother: Lee Eunbi (deceased)
Brother: Han Jaehee [older by three years]
Stepmother: Jang Miyeon
She was born in Mokpo and moved to Ilsan when she was three
Her mother, who was a freelance writer, passed away when she was seven years old from cardiac arrest
Since she’s the only girl in the family, her father, a university professor, was very fond of her, sometimes to the point of favoritism, which caused a rift between her older brother and herself
Since age ten she took part in a children’s performance team in her neighborhood, which is where she came to love dance
Soojin wanted to be an idol since she was young
When Yuna was twelve, her father remarried to her stepmother, Jang Miyeon
Because she was young then, Yuna didn’t like Miyeon and rebuffed her stepmother every time she tried to be friendly, but Miyeon was continuously kind to her
Due to her aloofness toward Miyeon, Yuna and her father grew apart, resulting in them arguing more and more frequently
Her older brother, Jaehee, didn’t like their stepmother either and also argued with their father over the matter, which resulted in them becoming closer to each other until they were almost inseparable
Yuna says that once she and Jaehee began to get along, he looked after her very well - walking her to school, making sure she slept and ate enough, helping her with her homework, etc.
In 2005, Yuna auditioned at YGE by dancing to S.E.S’s I’m Your Girl and singing to Uhm Jung Hwa’s Poison, and passed
Her father, whom she still had a strained relationship with, was lukewarm towards her career, wanting her to study instead, but her stepmother and her older brother supported her
Yuna met the other members – Minhee, Taeyeon, Soojin, and Sunbin – in early 2006
After Pandora’s debut on October 17th, 2006, Yuna began to realize that she had been unfair to her stepmother, but never brought it up for pride’s sake; she did, however, become less cold to Miyeon, although still maintaining a large distance
Due to the awkwardness between her and her father and stepmother, she spent the majority of her years as a trainee and many years after debuting in the dorms with the other members
When she did visit her family at home, there was considerable tension between herself and her family, with the exception of with Jaehee, who always welcomed her warmly
For years, she continued to debate on apologizing to Miyeon for being so unaccepting of her at first, but she could never quite make herself do it
When Yuna was eighteen, the university that her father worked at closed; Jaehee had already moved out, too, and her father and her stepmother were going bankrupt, but they kept it from both her and Jaehee
Yuna found out, though, and used her money to open them a barbecue restaurant in Ilsan; the restaurant was successful
After the restaurant’s success, Yuna finally managed to tell Miyeon that she was sorry for the way she treated her at first; Miyeon accepted her apology and helped her mend her relationship with her father, too
The other members of Pandora are like sisters to her, because she’s known and worked with them for so long
The Bigbang members are all like older brother to her, though she’s especially close with Daesung
She’s the acknowledged best at aegyo in Pandora, having some naturally cute mannerisms
Yuna is close with Sojin and Yura of Girl’s Day, Sohee (formerly) of Wonder Girls, and Choa (formerly) of AOA
She’s acquainted with all of Super Junior and friends with Heechul, Kangin, Yesung, and Siwon
Yuna is also friends with all of SHINee
She’s close to 2NE1 and Blackpink, especially with Minzy in the former and Jisoo in the latter
In college, Yuna majored in political science
Yuna is the type of person who has very focused parameters; she doesn’t really pay attention to anything that doesn’t affect her or those close to her
The things that Yuna is interested in usually have to do with astronomy, biology, economics, or philosophy
Yuna is a good driver
Some of Yuna’s favorite books are The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien,  For the Most Beautiful by Emily Hauser, 1984 by George Orwell, Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan, The Moon Over the Mountain by Nakajima Atsushi, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Yuna has an IQ of 171
Since childhood, Yuna has played the piano
Yuna is bad at putting on makeup, being the second worst at it in Pandora after Taeyeon
Yuna is introverted and likes spending time alone, she finds a good balance between time to herself and time with other people; Taeyeon once said that she envies Yuna for being able to walk on that thin line
Yuna’s favorite variety shows are Knowing Bros, Happy Together, Running Man, and I Can See Your Voice
By her own admittance, Yuna can be rather impatient and she doesn’t have the self-control of people like Soojin or Taeyeon; according to her, it can make her annoying to deal with sometimes
She thinks it’s a little scary how Taeyeon and Soojin can keep their composure so well
Yuna is someone who often wears her feelings on her sleeve; she doesn’t like hiding things, so she lets people know when she’s upset, sad, or anything of the like 
She often lets her feelings get a rise out of her and regrets it later
Yuna is agonistic
She believes in aliens but she doesn’t think that human beings on Earth will ever be able to have contact with them because of the sheer vastness of the universe
Her MBTI type is
Yuna is bisexual and an LGBTQ+ supporter
She’s popular in variety shows because of how laid-back she is; almost nothing that the hosts say to get a rise out of her succeed in fazing her
Generally she talks enthusiastically on variety shows, but she’s hard to fluster
She also likes to fire teasing and smart comments on a rare blue moon, but they’re very well-done and hilarious, which is exacerbated because she doesn’t do so often
Yuna’s favorite foods are tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, and tteokguk
She’s not very good at holding her alcohol; in fact, a cup is usually enough to get her tipsy
Yuna is a morning person; she usually likes to go to bed early and wake up early, which sometimes leads to her struggling during irregular schedules
Her favorite animal is the dolphin
She’s not very competitive and especially hates putting physical exertion into anything
According to the other members, Yuna is the type to get really emotionally involved while dating, and can get somewhat fixated on her partner; because of that, she sometimes gets her feelings hurt
Yuna has a bad tendency to just push away things that are stressing her out, which leads to bad procrastination habits
Still, she strikes a fairly good balance between her work and her leisure time, which is why she often worries about Taeyeon, the resident workaholic and perfectionist of the group
She loves to read, and she’s fairly sure it’s because her mother read to her very often when she was a child
Because of Taeyeon’s tendency to be experimental and change the concepts and genres of their discography frequently, Yuna and the rest of Pandora have been noted for being “concept chameleons” by some
Yuna can speak Korean (from growing up in Korea) and and Mandarin (from school and working abroad) fluently, and she’s good at English, Japanese, and Indonesian
Yuna is a somewhat controversial figure in South Korea because she (and the rest of the Pandora members) is more outspoken about her concerns regarding the double standards against women in the industry as opposed to men, as well as South Korea’s sexism in general; she has also delved into topics such as LGBTQ rights and the stigma against idols dating
Yuna’s ideal type: “I think anyone who’s there for me would satisfy me in a relationship. If I had to pick a quality I would say that I prefer people who are dedicated. I really find it admirable when someone commits wholeheartedly to something.”
Cho Kyuhyun/Han Yuna
Love Disease, part i // Angst
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mxliv-oftheendless · 4 years
Heeey got some OC asks for ya for Bethie! ^_^ 1, 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20
Oh man that’s a lot! I love this, thank you!
1. What six CD’s would your OC keep in their car? Is it just a taste/preference thing, or do any of them have particular significance?
Beth would have an Elton John CD for sure, and she of course knows all the words to every song. She would also have some rock CDs, one of which is the Beatles, and Janet Jackson’s Control album (“Control” is the perfect song for her tbh). But she would also have one CD of Mozart, and a CD of Peggy Lee songs. The last two are of more significance—her grandfather enjoyed classical music as well as old music from the early 20th century, and it rubbed off on her a bit.
3. How aesthetically oriented is your OC in their clothing? Their living space? Their general presentation? If their look™️ is mismatched, is that on purpose?
To be honest, Beth doesn’t strike me as the type to be very aesthetically oriented, at least not too on purpose. She’s a little aesthetically oriented, mostly in what she wears.
4. What one word would you use to describe your OC’s vibe?
Prepared. Because this means many things: prepared to kill you, prepared to hit you, prepared to comfort, prepared to defend her loved ones, etc.
11. What plant, animal, and color does your OC feel like today?
Okay, so these are what immediately came to mind when I thought of Beth; I didn’t really go into depth about it.
Plant – daisy
Animal – bear
Color – purple
13. Does your OC thrift? Buy designer? Where would they shop irl?
Beth thrifts, at first out of necessity, as when she left New York she didn’t have a lot of money, but then just out of habit. Sometimes she’ll browse boutiques. I would say Beth would shop at JC Penny or Macy’s, and Sears if it was still open.
14. Is your OC superstitious? If so, what superstitions do they believe? If not, what do they think of superstitious people?
Although other members of her family, being the Catholics they are, would scoff at superstitious people, Beth’s more accepting. She does think some of it’s kind of ridiculous, but she keeps that to herself.
She herself isn’t very superstitious. She does, however, refuse point-blank to walk under ladders. Because the last time she walked under a ladder, Vinnie left the next day.
15. Is your OC religious? Do they want to be? Have they ever been at some time in the past? How complicated is their relationships with worship/the gods/the church/etc?
When Beth left New York, out of habit she still went to Sunday mass, because that’s what her family did every single Sunday for the past seventeen years of her life. Seven years later, she attends church very sporadically, usually only when her depression flares up and she needs some kind of guidance. She’s not a hardcore devout Catholic, but she’s still kind of religious. She really has no problem with going to church or the church itself, as long as she can approach it on her own terms. The church is also really the only place she’s willing to turn to when she needs guidance.
17. What’s their go-to parlor trick? Are they actually that good at it, or do they just enjoy it? Do people tell them they’re good, even if they aren’t? How do they handle criticism?
Beth likes card tricks mostly. Most of what she can do is shuffle cards in complex ways, but she enjoys witnessing card tricks as well. And yes, she is pretty good at it. She did a complex shuffle for Vinnie once, and he just stared in amazement. She can accept criticism, as long as it’s obviously constructive. If it’s clearly meant to insult her, she’ll immediately fire back an insult of her own.
19. Favorite comfort food? Do they enjoy junk food or are they more of a foodie? Can they cook? What’s their favorite thing to cook?
Pfft, Beth’s Italian, of course she can cook XD Her favorite thing to cook when she gets the chance is the chicken milano recipe her nana taught her. She does enjoy junk food, but mostly sticks with ice cream.
20. Any major theme(s) or conflict(s) in your OC’s life? How have they dealt with that? Are they aware of it, or do they ignore it? Did you design them with such theme(s)/conflict(s) in mind, or did they evolve naturally?
Beth’s grandfather was the head of a mob family back in New York. However, while most Italian mafia families are very patriarchal, Beth’s grandfather decided to involve his granddaughter a bit more. So Beth grew up a bit different from other female members of mafia families, in that she knew a few intimate details. This and other parts of her home life resulted in depression and strain on her mental health. She also has ghosts of abandonment issues from when Vinnie ran away, because her cousin was the only family member she felt truly close to.
Beth’s aware that something is wrong with her, because there has to be some reason why she feels depressed and not in control constantly, but that’s about as far as she is. She grew up in a very traditional household, meaning any issues a person might be feeling were ignored and never addressed; and if they were, the advice given was either to ignore it or to grow up and stop being whiny. Most of her methods of dealing with it, as mentioned above, involve her going to church. She’ll go to confession and just talk, or sometimes she’ll simply sit quietly in a pew and think.
When I created Beth, I did intend for her to be like this, although my idea started out much simpler.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 6 years
I understand...(Part 14)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader
Words: 1934
Summary: You’re the daughter of Tony Stark, and after meeting the Avengers for the first time, you begin to fall for the one who your father despises most…Bucky Barnes.
Warning: pregnancy, angst, swearing, family conflict, change of perspectives
A/N - sorry if the series is becoming shit... tag list still open xox
@fandom–0verdose , @m4shtyx , @impalatobakerstreet , @dreams-in-blxck , @irondadandspidersoncute , @basicmarvelbitch , @tonyystarkle , @woman-of-letters-legacy , @seabasstiantrash , @can-you-actuallynot , @conflictedintima , @wtfholland , @ivartheblessed , @iamaunicorn4704 , @bookgirlunicorn , @lost-in-the-stories , @chloe-skywalker , @a--1--1--3
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4 months had passed since Bucky and you had decided best to leave the Avengers Tower, your once childhood home to now accomodate for your growing family. The team had helped tremendously and assisted both Bucky and you in finding an affordable apartment in Brooklyn. You had to admit, it wasn’t as luxurious or as convenient as the Avengers Tower had been, though you were thankful. Your belly now protruding, living with the love of your life and father to be, you knew with great certainty that life could not get any better... Unfortunately though, Tony still daunted your conscious. You both hadn’t spoken since the feud, since you had revealed the wonderful news that he’d become a grandfather... Although, his reaction had distinctly indicated his decision of not wanting to take part of your journey into motherhood. He’d also taken all measures necessary, to the point of not wanting to talk to you no more. It was heartbreaking... As the first month passed, both Bucky and you had attempted many times to reconcile, although you were left with no response, no effort nor any sign of love from Tony. You tried to many times to communicate with him, having the decency and courage to repeatedly visit the tower, to ensure he still knew you cared. In reward...Nothing.
His excuse, “So long as you’re with him, raising his child... You don’t love me, and for that I can’t even look at you. Now, if you’ll excuse I have a business meeting to attend.”
Immediately you departed from the sight, not wanting to cause a scene. Your hormones still on rage, you’d also lately been quite emotional. Bucky, on the other, helping hand had been your greatest support: you had not once ever felt guilty or a sense of regret from the decision you made... It felt right, and Tony needed to understand.
“Baby” Bucky had gently whispered.
“Yes” you’d instantly retorted, unaware that your thoughts drifted your focus away from Bucky’s voice.
“You’re doing it again love” He sympathetically remarked, as his flesh hand smoothly caressed your belly, as you relaxed against his broad chest.
Sighing, you’d always felt guilty that your concerns had always overpowered you.
“Oh Bucky I’m sorry... It’s just I’d wish Tony wasn’t like this! Our baby’s arriving soon, and it just doesn’t feel right knowing he doesn’t want to be part of our family.Tony was always there for me, as early as I can remember he had been part of every moment of my life as much as possible and I just would have never thought he’d want to miss out on this!” You stressed as you gradually, with difficulty stood up from the comfort of your couch, removing the dishes on your coffee table to the kitchen sink. You could distantly hear Bucky’s sigh, knowing by now that once you’d become stressed, so did he. He had repeatedly informed you that this mental strain wasn’t healthy for you and especially the baby, as he attempted to calm you, although just like your father, you were naturally obstinate.
“Y/n we have tried everything we could possibly do to change his mind...You know that. But I say, it’s now entirely up to Tony to do his part, and make up his mind himself. If he’s chosen to avoid us and to not have a relationship with his grandchild then so be it… His loss I say.” Bucky had agitatedly insisted. By now, Bucky had hinted his frustration and impatience towards Tony’s cold treatment towards you two: insisting that your father was selfish enough to swallow his pride. It hurt you to see that both the men in your life weren’t cooperating, although you had to agree with Bucky on this… It seemed Tony’s resentment towards Bucky overpowered his love for you…
Nodding to Bucky’s words, gently placing your left hand onto your stomach, reassuring your unborn child that they would be loved regardless of this family feud, you had decided best to have an early night. This super-enhanced baby was definitely taking its toll in exhausting you on a daily basis.
“Babe I may just meet with Steve real quick...I’ll be sure to be back before 10.” Bucky had insisted, as he quickly grabbed his khaki jacket, heading towards you to plant a soft kiss against your forehead before heading out.
(Bucky’s Perspective)
It ached to know that he’d lied to Y/n, in that he wasn’t actually planning on meeting up with Steve at all...More so, he’d been planning on meeting with Tony instead, for at least one last chance.
With Tony being as famous as he was, keeping track of him and his whereabouts had proven to be easy. Tonight, Tony had been invited to a grand-opening Stark facility in the city, and Bucky since the start of the week upon hearing the unfamiliar televised news was set to reunite.
“Now Buck, promise yourself not to retaliate. Promise not to do anything you’ll regret. Promise on your love for Y/n and your unborn child that you won’t retaliate,” he silently uttered under his breath, as his legs instinctively led the route to the celebratory venue. And with that instance, the blinding flashlights of cameras and loud shouts of the media, pleading for names most unknown to Bucky, had startled him from his promising thoughts.
“Now where are you Tony?” He’d whispered, as his eyes thoroughly began to scan the vicinity of the world’s most affluent individuals and their counterparts.
With fortune again, Tony was most easy to find as the reporters were at this point begging for his attention. Arriving right on time, it seemed as though Tony was just about to leave the event, walking towards a large, sleek black limo. Activating the skills of the Winter Soldier, Bucky immediately yet discretely managed to enter the car. Without even having a minute to spare, Tony had graciously entered the vehicle completely unaware that it had already been preoccupied, as his eyes remained smiling towards the photographers. As the valet assistant soon shut the door, Tony’s entire facial expression had become mortified as he’d finally realised that he hadn’t been alone.
“Get the fuck out of my car, Barnes” he’d shouted.
To Bucky’s surprise the opposite car door to their end had opened also to be entered in by Rhodey, who then was terrified by the sight before him.
“Barnes what the hell-”
“Look I’m only here for Y/n and quite frankly she doesn’t even know that I am…”
“And what is that you’re here for Manchurian Candidate, cause you’re the type of person I exactly don’t want to give up my time for” Tony had sternly remarked, his face growing ever so frustrated the more he stared at Bucky.
“Tony you need to make amends with Y/n. She’s distraught that you aren’t going to be with her on this whole parenthood thing. She wants you by her side more than anything, and seeing her like this it-it’s killing me… So as a father, I’m asking you to at least just meet with her. Just the two of you, and just try to at least let her know that you still care.” Bucky plead, attempting to suppress his anger towards Tony after all he had done, like he’d promised earlier for the sake of Y/n.
“That’s it? You risked showing up to me, just for that when you both already know the answer? Quit being in denial, soldier, it’s never going to happen. See that fantasy in my daughter’s head… You tell her as the ‘decent and honest partner’ that you are, that it’s never going to happen. Just thinking about it sickens me…” Tony had firmly argued, mocking Bucky in the process.
“Now get the fuck out of the car, before I need to remove you myself” Tony had demanded.
But Bucky remained preoccupied by the stinging feeling of Tony’s brutal words.
“Don’t you ever fucking call my family sick again…” Bucky retorted, as his daring blue eyes burned against Tony’s stare.
“Excuse me?” Tony replied.
“Tony don’t- Excuse could we just park the car for a second?” Rhodey instantly instructed the driver, as he quickly withdrew Tony back into his seat, trying to avoid any possibility of a physical confrontation. Both the men arguing had completely forgotten about Rhodey’s silent presence, having been so distracted in their own raging thoughts.
“You’re a pathetic excuse as a father, putting your own selfish needs before your own daughter and grandchild… Fucking pathetic, Tony.” Bucky had remarked, before immediately making his way out of the car, venting his frustration into the void of the night, before things could get technical.
Walking ahead, in the distance behind he heard another car door open to close, only to turn back to see Tony rushing towards him. With Bucky’s last given thought on his promise made to Y/n and the baby, Tony’s longing punch had striked across Bucky’s face.
“You don’t get to decide what kind of a father I am. I gave her everything and she gives me what? A story of getting knocked up by a murdering bastard!” Tony had shouted, as he swang a couple more fists towards Bucky’s face, which now began to bleed. Bucky’s instinctive nature of fighting back suppressed by his will-power began to frighteningly fade. Although, before he could cause any harm to the grandfather of his child, he’d repeatedly, mentally reminded himself, Rhodey finally arrived to resist Tony’s urges against the possibility of Bucky getting involved any further.
“Should’ve killed you when I had the chance…” Tony had exaggerated before him and Rhodey had disappeared, driving away into the night.
Having a super enhanced body structure, Tony’s punches had not been agonising enough for Bucky, despite knowing that it would definitely leave a mark for Y/n to recognise as a fight. Spitting and wiping the blood residue off his face, Bucky resumed his walk back home…
(Y/n’s Perspective)
In the fading silence of the night, the sound of the front door opening and closing left a wave of relief through my body. Bucky was home…
“Bucky” you yearned, simply wanting his strong arms to be wrapped around your changing body, as you’d grown fond of him rubbing your belly smoothly.
“Yes my love?” Bucky hand entered, his voice muffled. Inviting him to bed, as your back remained turned to him, you’d questioned him on his meeting with Steve.
“About that…” Bucky had hesitated.
Instinctively you knew something was up, and hastily turned your attention towards him, snapping up from your drifting sleep.
“What the hell-” you anxiously retorted.
“I didn’t meet with Steve, Y/n. I met up with Tony instead...Look baby, seeing you all stressed over him, I tried to reconcile one last time, for your sake, but… He just won’t budge. I’m sorry Doll” Bucky had forgivingly revealed, as he bent down on his knees to the floor, his arms stretched over the ruffled bed to grasp your warm hands.
“Bucky… You shouldn’t have. Look at you, the mess he’s caused. Let’s just get you cleaned and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
Before you could get up off the bed, Bucky insisted you remain in your comfort, whilst he took care of himself. Laying in bed, you felt gratitude over Bucky’s courageous actions but also felt ripples of disappointment gushing over you. Time had passed and Tony still had the same heightened bitterness towards your newly found family.
“Oh Tony...If only you’d understand.” You deeply signed.
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nomunun · 6 years
can you rec kirubaku fics?? ily btw
of course!! i’ll just make a lil list with my all time favs (•̀ᴗ•́)و
One Step Closer by @tusslee​ (Rated M)
“Hope flickers pitifully beside the fire of determination inside of him. Whatever it takes, he decides, he’ll prove them all wrong.
Injured in a car accident, Bakugou Katsuki has to learn a new way of life as he slowly, but surely recovers with the (unwanted) help from his physical therapist, Kirishima Eijirou.”
-(i think it’s save to say that this one is definitely in my top 3. i cried so much while reading it so you better buckle up for a wild, emotional ride)
the rest is under the cut (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
2 A.M by cityboys (Rated T)
“Caught between cities, phone calls and shifts he didn’t sign up for, Katsuki finds that he doesn’t travel light as well as he thought.“
heart stains on the carpet by cityboys (Rated T)
“"She’s saying we’re dating,“ Katsuki says, trying to put as much disgust into the word as possible. “Me. Willingly being around your freeloading ass—”“Ah.” Katsuki is definitely developing a special kind of intuition for when Kirishima’s about to dish out bullshit—because he feels it now, watching the guy do that thing where he shrugs and smiles in an attempt to appear innocent. “Katsuki’s a little shy about this sort of thing, you know, and we weren’t going to say anything.“For effect, he ends with an apologetic smile.
Summer that year brings Kirishima Eijirou to Katsuki’s front door.“
-(fake/pretend relationship babyyyyy!)
ghosts beneath ink wash stars by cityboys (Rated T)
“Eijirou’s evolution from Bakugou’s delivery boy to kind of, possibly, someone to come home to.“
-(everything from cityboys is so beautifully written so they all share a spot in my top 3)
the fool’s rush by @chonideno​ (Rated T)
“Settling down with each other is naturally what comes after being dorm neighbors for years. It’s time to navigate through adulthood together, to live the daily grind of being pro-heroes, to learn more than they thought they’d like to know about each other, about themselves.
Or how Bakugou and Kirishima find a way to call each other “home” and struggle with the realization that once all their bills are on auto-pay, the only thing they still have to deal with is this pit full of feelings they have ignored for too long.”
-(this one hits really close to home and i love it a lot!)
cotton candy hands by @chonideno​ (Rated T)
“Studying to become a hero requires knowing how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you might need help on the way so if your crush offers to do your hair for you or to give you a well-deserved back rub, it’d be stupid to say no.
A series of soft vignettes in which a love-struck Kirishima and a touch-starved Bakugou care for each other and it’s definitely not making their hearts jump through hoops, they’re never this close to kissing, no, they’re totally best friends bro“
-(after a while you’ll just start yelling at the screen for them to just kiss already lmao)
but i’ve got an angry heart by @newamsterdame​ (Rated T)
“He’s about to open his door to go to the shared bathroom on this floor when he notices the scrap of paper that’s been pushed under his door. It’s a salmon-colored flashcard, the type that’s sold in 500-packs with multiple colors. Bakugou stoops to retrieve it, frowning at the message he finds written on it.
Hey neighbor, welcome to the house! I heard you knocking things around, yesterday, and I think you maybe punched a wall? Anyway, the landlady gets pissy if you put holes in the wall, but I have a punching bag! You can come over and use it, or I can move it into the hall, if you want!
There’s only one other bedroom on the fourth floor. Now, Bakugou crosses the hall to the bedroom on the right side, slamming the post-it note against the door.
Fuck off and die, it reads.
Bakugou Katsuki is not going to jeopardize his future a second time, and that means staying away from anyone who gets too close. Kirishima Eijirou has never learned how not to be close to someone. Of course, they end up as next-door neighbors.”
-(one of a view fics i re-read a couple times bcuz it’s just that good!)
quote love unquote by @newamsterdame​ (Rated T)
“Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.“
Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou’s band hits the big time, he’s not prepared for his newfound fame. He’s even less prepared to meet the actor he’s been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he’s in over his head. But it’s hard to stop, once his heart is in it.“
-(still ongoing but trust me it’s worth it! that fake/pretend celebrity au we all need)
Perihelion by @tauontauoff​ (Rated T)
“Bakugou was a comet, blazing out of reach. Kirishima knew he was stupidly lucky that his furious trajectory went by close enough that his fingertips got to graze the cowl of fire. It was enough.
During Christmas Class 1A and 1B spend a laid-back week learning about extreme environment hero work in the Alps. Kirishima was used to keeping part of his feelings for Bakugou hidden, and had every intention of keeping it that way, but things don’t always go according to plan.”
Six Page Spread by @indigonow (Rated E - there’s no smut yet though)
“They’re 22 and Bakugou’s finally gotten control over his public image. Think more…"bad boy” and less “explosive asshole”.
Kirishima is weak (though he always has been).
Bakugou is never going to be a “nice guy”, but he’s managed to stop people from thinking he’s a villain. This is my take on the trials and tribulations of (Kirishima) being in love with said not-nice-guy in a world where heroes are always in the public eye and nothing’s ever simple.”
-(also ongoing but oh boy its worth the wait)
Indisputable by @indigonow​ (Rated M)
“He strains, he yearns for praise, for compliments, for recognition. All he wants is the positive attention, and he blooms under it like a flower turned to face the sun. With encouragement he is the best, and without it he’ll push himself without regard for anything around him until he’s there again at the forefront of people’s minds. He’ll force them to acknowledge him if he has to, because he can’t live without it.
Bakugou has struggled all his life to be number one, and he’s cracking to pieces every moment that he isn’t.“
-(ongoing. also a personal fav bcuz so far it’s the only one where mitsuki isn’t portrayed as a Good Mom™ but rather it addresses her abusive behaviour towards bakugou and i appreciate it a lot)
No Decision by @clairesail​ (Rated E)
“Kirishima Eijirou’s a newly contracted fighter for Japan’s major Mixed Martial Arts promotion and Bakugou Katsuki’s its volatile middleweight champion. But when the two men meet in a chance encounter and discover Kirishima can’t be knocked out by the champ’s famous elite strikes, it sparks a rivalry and fascination between them that can’t be settled in the cage.“
-(that’s the fic that originally got me into MMA)
The Lost Continent by cattchi and paglykos (Rated E)
“Kirishima Eijirou is from a noble family of pirate exterminators.Bakugou Katsuki is rising as one of the most fearsome pirates on the seas.
When a trade goes awry, Kirishima finds himself cast among Bakugou’s crew, having to learn the ropes and the sea as they chase after All Might’s infamous hidden treasure.”
-(still ongoing pirate au!!! also fair warning: this fic has a lot of smut. it’s all skippable without missing anything of the main plot tho so even if you dont like smut i highly recommend it bcuz the story itself is amazing!!)
like the first day of summer vacation by @hellsuga​ (Rated T)
“Bakugou prepared for this. He prepared for flipped canoes and snotty children, skinned knees and spiders in cabins. He prepared for a summer of complete and utter bullshit.
Bakugou did not prepare for Kirishima Eijirou.”
-(summer camp au, still ongoing)
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dea-astralis · 2 years
👪🎂🌙✂️ and ❤️ for giselle and one other of your choice?
thank you!!
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
GISELLE - her family is super strict and very concerned with the image and achievements of their children. she had a really strained relationship with them earlier in her life because she struggled with the expectations of her role as a princess and it didnt help that they supported the decision to exile her and made it clear she needed to be impressive on her return. so she doesnt interact anymore. she has two older siblings who are a good 8-10 years older than her and a brother whos only about 3 years younger than her. RIEKA - she doesnt remember her birth family, but the werewolves are essentially her real family. she has "siblings" in the sense that there are a few other werewolves a few years older than her and some younger, but theyre mostly just considered members of the pack. she grew up with the leader of the pack as a father/mentor figure but was also pretty close to another couple, which made things difficult when they fought for leadership. she left them after returning a kidnapped child home and has been avoiding them since.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
GISELLE - i swear i gave giselle a birthday ages ago but i cannot remember what it is for the life of me. so uhhhhhh lets go with august 2. yeah sure leo makes sense for her. i think her family would through decently sized parties for her birthday growing up and she enjoys having smaller gatherings with those closer to her for them, nothing big thought. RIEKA - rieka strikes me as a mid/late winter baby, but of course she has no idea what her actual birthday is. some of the pack may have given her a small gift or well wishes on the anniversary of her turning and joining them but shes not used to celebrating her birthday at all
🌙 MOON - what is your oc’s greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
GISELLE - i think externally her greatest wish is to see the wrongs of the world righted, and shed go pretty far for that one, especially to her own detriment, but she has a pretty firm moral code that she would never cross to achieve her goal. internally her greatest wish is to find stability and a family where she can be comfortable and feel loved, which she definitely wouldnt go as far for it because she doesnt really know how to navigate relationships like that RIEKA - im still struggling to grasp riekas deepest wish but i think its something along the lines of freedom or family. shes always been trapped in barovia and either with the werewolves - which involved a lot of aggressive posturing - or with strahd - which was A WHOLE LOT of manipulation and false affection - so i think shed love to get out of that and find a real pack. shes pretty ruthless so if push came to shove i think her only real line she wouldnt cross ever is kids. she wont hurt a kid
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the “last straw” for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
GISELLE - she is a pretty forgiving person, with the redemption paladin and all that, so i think a last straw would be someone who has done something cruel or evil and not showing any indication of wanting to change from that. she does have a temper and can be pretty stubborn so she probably ends up distancing herself from someone in anger for a while but she rarely actually gives up on them. she doesnt let go very easily internally but will respect the wishes of anyone else wanting to leave. RIEKA - shes a wolf so loyalty is pretty deeply ingrained in her instincts so a last straw for her would be excessively lashing out at her or showing completely disregard for her personhood. riekas definitely the type to still wander back around to look in on someone shes let go every once in a while, maybe from a distance
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
GISELLE - acts of service and quality time definitely. giselle will absolutely be pleased to work quietly alongside someone and just be doing her own thing with them nearby, and would help take care of responsibilities for the other person to make their time easier, especially if she knows theyre busy RIEKA - PHYSICAL AFFECTION! GIFTS!! she is a wolf!! she will lay on your lap and not say anything but be very upset if you move! do you want this small item she found? its yours now! why have you left her alone what are you doing can she be here? no she will not help she will supervise.
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