#also that interrogation scene
lucascsinclairs · 2 years
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Max Mayfield in Stranger Things 4 | Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
“And they dared me to say what I said. About the killer.”
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personishfive · 2 years
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in which goro knows the niijimas
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*Literally less than 1 second later*
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🤨 📸 
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squidballsinc · 11 days
aventio-persona 5 au
TW: Guns, Blood
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"If you seek to cure the mind, then why not cure the gods themselves of their folly? Tell me, can all your knowledge triumph over the blessing of the divine?"
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cerise-on-top · 9 months
IT'S MEEEE! 😆 how're you doing?
I want some ANGST! But with a happy ending with Fluff!
Valeria/Laswell/Farah have a stressful day, and they are in a bad mood and take it out in the reader.
Take your time and take care! 🫶
Hello again! Welcome back! I'm doing fine, I'm just a bit tired right now, but I should be alright by tomorrow! First off, I'm so sorry this took so long! I tried to make it a bit longer than I usually would as an apology! There's not a whole lot of angst, aside from the girls having had a rough day and accidentally letting it out on reader, but I tried! I hope it's to your liking! Thank you for your request!
Valeria, Farah and Laswell Taking their Anger out on Reader but then Comforting them
Valeria: It was likely Alejandro who got on her nerves, chasing her like a dog would its own tail, only to never catch her after all. If she could, she would have him killed just like that. Much to her dismay, however, he was slippery, a trained killer whose only weakness was either himself or Rudy. But even the latter was hard to catch, so both of them meeting a fitting end would yet have to wait some more. At that moment, all Valeria wanted was to spill some blood. Anyone’s would have been fine. Walking through the door to your shared home, she watched you fold some clothes in the living room, putting them aside carefully so as to not put too many folds in them. Waving to her once you put down the sweater, you greeted her, wanting to throw your arms around your partner. Yet, fear struck you as Valeria glared at you, looking as though she was about to rip your throat out using her bare teeth. Thus, you kept your hug to yourself, a bit intimidated by her.
Instead, you tell her that you made some food, some vegetable stew, which she could easily reheat in the kitchen. Somehow, that information made her even more furious. Seemingly disappointed in your choice of cooking, she cussed. At first not at you, but when you tried to deescalate the situation, insisting that you could cook her a meat based dish as well, Valeria’s fuse blew. Her voice grew louder, almost booming, with her explicitly telling you that she didn’t fucking care about the food. It wasn’t the first time you had seen her act like this, but not towards you. Therefore you figured she must have had an extremely rough day. Even so, when she was done, you muttered an apology, going to your room and avoiding her for the rest of the evening so she could blow off some steam. It wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t have known after all, but you still felt like a failure, awaiting the seconds, the minutes, the hours, until you could finally go to bed. Just hearing Valeria stomp around outside your room made your blood freeze in your veins.
It wasn’t until 21:23, as you were just about to head to bed, that you heard a knock on your door. Even without your permission, it was opened, showcasing Valeria on the other side, seemingly having calmed down a bit. Leaning against the doorframe, she complimented your cooking. It was as delicious as it had always been, very well seasoned and very filling after all. You did nothing wrong, she, too, assured you of that. While she won’t go into detail regarding what exactly happened for her to snap at you like that, simply mentioning a few sleazebags who had caught up with her, you will hear something that only ever leaves her mouth when she’s wronged you for no good reason: an apology.
If you let her in, then she’s more than happy to try and comfort you. Yes, it’s a bit awkward since she’s not used to doing so, but seeing your eyes wide, your body tense, all because of her does take its toll on her. If you don’t wanna be touched just yet, that’s fine, she can respect that. But if you do allow it, then she’ll gently grab your hand and squeeze it a few times. She’s tired too, so she likely won’t be doing anything big with you anymore that night, but she’s open to making plans with you and discussing them. She really wants to right her wrongs when it comes to you, so you’re more than welcome to make a suggestion. You wanna have a picnic with her? She knows Las Almas quite well, some beautiful, undisturbed spots coming to mind almost immediately. You wanna go shopping? You can ask her for just about anything you want, she’ll give you extras to go this time too. You wanna stay in and watch a comfort movie? While she may not be one for watching movies, she will make an exception for you. She always does when she can.
Discussing those plans with you, she’ll try to make you smile at least a little bit. Once she’s sure you’re not afraid of her anymore, she’ll give your cheek a little kiss, joking around a bit more than she did before. She won’t bother you for the rest of the evening unless you explicitly seek her out, but she will keep an eye out for you, leaving you a few snacks right in front of your door. Maybe even some money so you can get yourself something fancy and nice. Problem is, she likely won’t have too much time, but she’ll be damned if she won’t take better care of you, if just temporarily. Even though she’ll always try her best to take care of you, it’s you we’re talking about, after all.
Farah: Another stressful day during the revolution. With an ambush surprising her, leaving her and her people a bit more vulnerable than usual, with her almost losing some of her best and closest fighters, it was only natural for Farah to be a bit more on edge than usual. Normally so calm, able to calculate the best moves and maneuvers for just about anything, no matter what happens, this was something she did not foresee at the time, thinking she had had the upper hand instead. It was only when she finally had the time, just a day or two, for you, mad as she usually never was, that she walked through the door, throwing her gun to the cabinet. Despite not being such a loud person, a sniper had to be quiet and patient, after all, she made quite a ruckus when she had finally returned. You were ready to greet Farah, give her a big smile and make her feel welcome and home as only you could. Soon enough, however, you did feel that something was off. Despite being stressed more often than not, she usually wouldn’t scowl at you like that for no reason.
You offered her a hug, opening your arms wide despite your expression betraying your nervousness. Aside from a glare, you got no reaction. Eventually, you put your arms down and she greeted you, venom spewing from her words. The toxins could corrode even the strongest iron walls, leaving you defenseless in your fear. Did you do something this time? Likely not, Farah just got home after all, but the thought still lingered. Although she was normally so chatty when she was just a bit exhausted, she stomped away, not saying a single word to you. First the bathroom, then the kitchen and lastly her bedroom. The clanking of cutlery against a plate could be heard, but that’s about it. You felt awful, something properly terrible must have happened to her for her to act like that. But it wasn’t like you could change it, so you lowered the volume of your TV instead before turning it off entirely and reading something on your phone.
Another few hours had passed, you barely even dared to move a muscle aside from scrolling on your phone, much less make any noise. What if it was you after all? What is Farah was about to leave you for something you didn’t even know about? Your thoughts spiraled, with every following one being worse than the previous one. You folded the blanket and put it on the arm of the couch, ready to head to bed when you bumped into her. Quickly, you uttered an apology before being ready to dart off to your own room, but Farah held you in place, asking you if you had a moment to spare and listen to her. It was dark already, with the dim artificial lights doing you no favors in seeing her any better either, but she sounded calmer than before. Still slightly annoyed, but it seemed like whatever had gotten into her had lessened its grasp on her. Tugging you onto the couch, she apologized for giving you such a harsh and cold treatment, simply figuring that waiting until she had calmed down would be better than letting it out on you, who had no part in it. The situation was dire for her, she told you a bit about it. About the ambush, about the people she’s almost lost during it. She knew that she really shouldn’t have been acting like that towards you, and for that she apologizes one last time.
Once she was done explaining what had upset her to you, she’d be quiet, remorseful, until you’d speak up again. She’d love to make it up to you, you really didn’t deserve such harsh treatment after all. If you just want a hug or a kiss as a form of apology, she’ll smile at you, being more than willing to give you just that. However, she will also ask you if that’s everything you wanted. That would be your chance to ask for something reasonable from her. Sure, she won’t be able to buy you a new car, but you’re more than welcome to ask her for some alone time, just the two of you. She might only have a day or two away from the fight, which she was going to spend with you either way since she rarely gets to see you, but if you have special requests, that would be the best time to suggest them. There may not be too many fancy restaurants or malls nearby, but you can always just watch a silly movie or take a walk together.
Farah would literally swear to you that she’s going to make it back in one piece to you. After all, there’s no one else she’d rather roam the streets with during a beautiful cloudless night. Besides, she made two promises that night: to make it back to you and to make it up to you. Farah would fight any deities out there to make it back to you, no matter if it was a losing battle or not. If it’s you then she’ll fight as dirty as possible to see you smile again.
Laswell: She was likely taken off a case, in spite of her having enough evidence to prove everything that needed to come to light. With her wit, with her having the right people at her disposal, she could have brought this to an end. However, her incompetent superior had other plans, letting it all rot in darkness instead, until everyone forgot it ever even happened. Laswell was furious, no matter how much she argued, her superior wouldn’t budge and for that she silently cursed. Normally so calm and composed, this time she wished she could have blown someone’s brain out for being the dumbest creature alive. But alas, such a thing was illegal, if someone ever were to find out. She entertains the idea for a few minutes, but quickly enough shakes her head, thinking of other ways to accomplish her goal. Walking through the door, she already heard you singing along to some tune, the music unnecessarily loud. You likely didn’t hear her come in, which in and of itself wouldn’t have been a problem. On any other day.
Only when she turns off the music do you realize she’s here. However, her grimace was already telling. Shyly, you greeted her, but not much else, letting her speak instead. The fury had gotten to her head, her face being slightly more red than usual. This time, she was stern, telling you that you really shouldn’t listen to your dumb music this loudly at such an hour. She was going to get a massive headache from today, if only because of you needing to turn up the volume impossibly high. While Laswell wouldn’t yell at you, her words would be sharper than an obsidian knife instead. Indeed, she’s not trying to actively hurt you, in fact, once her little lesson on you maybe being a bit more quiet is over, she’ll feel bad, apologizing immediately. It would take her much, much longer than that to actually calm down, but once she sees your scared, saddened expression, unable to really say much, she’ll say she’s sorry and let you go, watching you as you quietly trot away with your head hung low. Sighing to herself, she already comes up with plans on making it up to you, but she knows she can’t control her anger as she was right now.
A few hours later, you’d hear the bell ring, but not be quite ready to leave your room just yet. It likely was for Laswell, not for you, so you simply stayed put, hoping that she had calmed down a bit by then. However, your ears would perk up upon hearing her knock on your door, asking you to come to the living room so you could eat something together. Despite being a little bit skittish still, afraid to anger her further, you soon enough noticed she had calmed down again, with your favorite takeout from a restaurant you usually suggest lying on the table. Once seated, Laswell opened the packages, handing you your food. In a much more serene tone, she’d apologize yet again. Your music wasn’t dumb, it wasn’t giving her a headache, she just had a very rough day and needed some peace and quiet. Laswell hopes you can understand this, even if she did treat you unfairly. She recognizes that, and that she also tells you, with her promising to try her best to not have it happen again.
Laswell won’t go into detail either regarding what happened, for obvious reasons, only that some inconvenience happened today, which upset her a great deal. But that wasn’t what was important at that moment. She was calm, hopefully you were as well. And if not, then she’d try her darndest to make it that way. Considering she, technically speaking, had more time that day, and the following ones as well, she’d be the one to suggest going out the next evening. Maybe a nice and fancy restaurant, maybe a show like a musical at the broadway. Or maybe the two of you just want to take a vacation somewhere nearby. Either way, Laswell has plans for the two of you, having brainstormed a few in the past few hours. She’ll get her way at work eventually, it just might take some time, so she’ll happily “indulge” her superior for a few days before going back to crack the case either way. It would make her all the less suspicious. Besides, she’d get to spend time with you as well, even if all you wanted was to just go window shopping at the local mall.
That evening, she’d likely just want to watch TV with you, continuing to discuss your plans for the next few days. But after that she’s more than happy to book whatever it is you want to do afterwards. While she might not be the biggest fan of such, she will even go to the nearest Six Flags with you and ride a few attractions just to see you smile and hear your laughter, as well as excited screams, yet again.
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penofwildfire · 8 months
Every once in a while my brain goes "hey. hey. Detective Pixal X Snake Jaguar." and every time I'm like... yea... ♥️
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librathefangirl · 2 months
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@whumpgifathon | Day 6: Skills | Try out a new technique you haven't tried before using your favorite whump trope as inspiration! Killjoys | S03E05 | D'avin Jaqobis & John Jaqobis
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dr-reids-fidget-toy · 1 month
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Some Armand fanart I made. progress pic below cut
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sorry bout the shadow lol
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ivomartins · 5 months
will never get enough of the mystery behind my fave ice queen <3 eating it up!!!
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myloish · 10 months
god i hope liam Tragedy Enjoyer o'brien takes the "orym has been nigh-catatonic since the incident, with interspersed moments of him breaking off from the others to work out/recenter" situation from last ep and runs with it. i know tal was trying to carve in a little moment for them to have a talk to harken back to next ep, but i almost like it better if ashton went to talk to him but orym was just moving through his exercises with a thousand-yard stare the whole time
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fredbydawn · 2 years
John Ryder? More like Dick Ryder amirite :D
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Omggggg I'm in love w your teen Bruce au!!! Do you have any teen!Bruce and Duke thoughts? Or how teen Bruce would interact w Hal? I'm ahshshshd
OOo, I think Duke would be a bit of an enigma for a teen bruce; He's a nice boy. That's why Bruce is inclined to believe there's something seriously wrong with him.
" What's the ultimate goal here?"
" Are you asking because you want to know, or because you're looking to burn bridges? Cause that doesn't work on me."
Secondly. He doesn't take any of his shit.
" Yeah, you're not really the angry type," Bruce likes the hatch; perfect place to read psychology reports on yourself, if he has to say so himself.
Let no one say Duke isn't accurate,
" Very nice dissection of me, by the way. Self-esteem deficiency, self serving, -- I've never been called a hyperbolic altruist before. That's new."
Duke shrugs, " I learn as I go."
" I think you forgot stupid."
" I don't believe in that."
" Of course you don't," his mouth tugs upwards, just slightly, " seriously, thought. Why protect this city? What's the gain here?"
"The same reason you do It. "
" What? Love?" Bruce snorts, " No one protects their parents' killer out of love. You think I do this cause I'm good? I do it because I'm angry. "
" Gotham killed your parents. Not mine. It's never been about the city. It's about people. I'm not going to be bullied into not caring about people. Because you refuse to do that."
"A whole lot of good that did. I have a fucked up boxing match I'm destined to lose until I snap, and 7 kids who hate me."
" We don't hate you. You hate you."
He can't argue with that.
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michi-chelle · 6 months
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upontherisers · 2 days
my brain is evil today and still screaming about your baseball prompts so uhhhh mahalia plus ⁸⁰⁾ wet clothes and ambulance sirens please if i may — @shoshiwrites
this prompt is so EVOCATIVE shoshi. i was brought to lake harding immediately. cw for descriptions of injury/blood and descriptions of anxiety attacks.
All he can hear are the sirens — loud, they’re always so fucking loud. Screeching in his ears, making his eyes feel like they’re about to pop out of his skull. Non-stop, on and on and on and on and on, drilling into his brain, not getting any quieter as the ambulance speeds away to Saratoga Springs, yelling at him, screaming, bursting into his veins until his cells are vibrating at the same frequency.
Meatball started howling before they could even hear them and he’d stood no chance against that horn, the blaring panic that thumped along to the terrible heartbeat of the lights, flash flash, flash flash. The red and yellow flickered on Mahalia’s face like days passing too fast — ochre dawn and crimson dusk — as they rolled her up from the ropes course. She was with him the entire time, so completely herself as blood poured into her right eye due to burst vessels and the odd angle of her knee had Kyle radioing the hospital for Trauma Bay 2, and he was holding the back of her skull together with his hands while she insisted that Vera grab the “good charger” left of her bed and her Stitch crocs, not the Shrek ones.
And the sirens got louder as they neared the ambulance, and it’s not hospitals John has a problem with, but sirens. They only ever take people away.
He’s going to crack a tooth if he doesn’t unclench his jaw but he can’t ‘cause the sirens are so FUCKING loud. They’re gonna shatter his bones he was holding the back of her skull together with his hands—
There’s a hand at his shoulder and he forgot he had a body for a moment but the hand is firm. The sirens get a driveway length’s quieter.
“John,” Buck says. John blinks and sees what he’s been looking at — the inside of his bunk, empty and grey on a dark evening, unable to remember when he started looking at it. The hand, Buck’s hand, squeezes his shoulder and his chest hurts because he’s been holding his breath. He exhales and it hurts like hell, biting at his insides, squeezing so hard it makes him nauseous and it feels like sirens in his ears.
Buck tugs at him and he gives, catching his balance as he comes back into his legs. It’s like looking at the sun when he sees someone else for the first time in however long he’s been standing here and he wants to cover his eyes but his hands are dead at his sides. 
He forgot Buck had scars.
“John—“ And Buck’s hand’s at his collar now and if he could get the sirens to stop, he could say something. “Breathe, John.”
He was holding his breath again and as he exhales, the lights start turing orange with distance. They’re on the road now, blinkers flashing for left.
“You need to change.”
Right, it’s raining. The rain, that’s the reason they were… it’s raining.
He needs to get the blood off his hands but as he looks down, he finds that he already has. There’s nothing left, nothing out of the ordinary — no dark red, no white fleck of what he hopes isn’t bone — only a slight blue tinge along the muscles. It gets so cold when it rains up here. 
Buck throws a shirt at him, then boxers and some joggers, and he doesn’t know if he can do it. There was so much blood on his hands as they lifted her into the ambulance and he’s treated more head wounds than he can count so he knows it isn’t good. He looks down at his hands and there was just so much blood and he doesn’t fucking know where he is. It’s so LOUD in his head. 
It’s cold and loud and it’s always cold and loud when the ambulances come — in Wisconsin in November or the Catskills in June. 
That’s when he notices the boys aren’t there. But where did—do they know? The lights are off so he didn’t see them before Buck showed, and the boys need to know. Harry’s boys too, and Buck’s, and everyone needs to know. 
She fell so fast. One moment, she was making her way down the ladder above him as he turned to talk to Benny on the ground and the next, a gasp and a terrible two heartbeats before she was on her back below him with a leg the shape it shouldn’t be.
He’s freezing so he changes. His shirt’s on backwards but he really truly honestly couldn’t give less of a shit as his skin stops burning with dry things on and the sirens have to wait for one more car before they turn down Wilton Road and disappear from ear and eye. But they really, really want him to know they’re there.
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Queenie: do you know what sperm is?
Taishen: no??? Is that a sea thing????
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pzyii · 1 month
Bess sure loves touching josies face huh
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