#also the masculinity of the show was tiring and made it harder and harder to watch as seasons went on
patrickztump · 1 year
not to resurrect a show i haven’t spoken about in literal years, but one thing about seal team that was Actually Unnecessary was how everyone referred to cerberus as a male dog when dita is blatantly female. sure it’s one thing when they would “good boy” her and what have you, yeah that can and does slide. but the time brock was like, “i’m taking him for breeding” and there was some kind of comment about how the dog is “getting more” than his handler. it’s not unheard of to refer to a dog of x gender as y gender in media especially when they are more coated and it can be obscured, but to call a short coated, tightly tucked, female malinois male and add to the story that this dog is siring litters is buffoonery.
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hirocimacruiser · 4 months
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What are old cars like to drive now?
Mazda Familia 3 door full time 4WD1600DOHC turbo review.
The second generation FF Familia tends to be overshadowed by the success of the first FF Familia. The Familia underwent a Key Concept model change in 1985, and the sports version of the 1.6 (twin cam turbo + full-time 4WD) became popular. Yasushi Shimono drove to Osaka for the later model after minor changes.
Text | Yasushi Shimono Photos Chihiro Abe
The other day, I rented a Familia car in Takamatsu, Shikoku. If you see Nippon Rent-a-Car, Toyota Rent-a-Car, and Nissan Rent-A-Car lined up at the counter in the airport lobby, if you're a car fan, you should probably rent a Mazda Rent-A-Car at this time of year.
It's a personal choice, but the Familia 1500AT I rented was actually very nice. The engine and suspension have the solid feel of a German car, and it feels great. Even though I've already driven over 20,000km, I can barely see any wear and tear.
During my summer vacation two years ago, I took a Familia rental car at the station in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture, and it was a great ride, and my family was happy with it.
For test drives, members of the media always ride in the manufacturer's so-called PR vehicles.
However, when they later try the same car in a rental car, they are often disappointed to varying degrees. I don't have the space to write about the reasons in detail here, but Familia is an extremely rare example of people rediscovering their charm through rental cars. It feels like a very seriously made car.
I am holding this.
In downtown Osaka, I was given a ride on a nostalgic Familia. 1988 model 3 door twin cam turbo 4W.D. It is a full-time 4WD high-performance model that was part of the second-generation FF Familia series that debuted in 1985.
I splurged on expensive 200,000 yen 0Z racing aluminum wheels for the car I bought this spring. There is a bright red mudflap in the wheel arches.
The guard hangs down. The hobby of the owner, Mr. M (35 years old), who really wants to drive a Lancia Delta Integrale, seems to be depicted on the outside.
The inside can also be customized.
It is. The front seats are BRIDE bucket seats. The handle is MOMO's Prototipo. At the tip of the shift lever is a plastic shift knob that looks like a white ball.
The main body of the 1.6LDOHC turbo engine has not been modified, but the muffler and air cleaner have been replaced with "HKS''. The suspension also uses Mazda genuine sports springs combined with GAB dampers. I'm not Kiyoshi Nishikawa, but I get the strong impression that he was trying to do things one by one, starting with what he could do. Mr. M, who works as a tire wholesaler, is a pleasant young man. It is the year of the year. When I pushed in the tape whose head was peeking out from the set, it played Mr. Children, which doesn't really suit Osaka (?).
However, once it started running, the Familia Integrale was a much more radical car than the standard.
First of all, the suspension is much harder than you might imagine from the specs. The ride quality is almost that of a competition vehicle, reacting honestly to the bumps and undulations of the road surface and transmitting short, jerky vibrations.
I didn't think it was power steering at first either. I slowly turned the steering wheel to turn off the engine and realized for the first time that it had power assist. That's how responsive it is. Basically, the normal engine is so energetic that it's hard to believe. Power is already 140 yen on NET display. However, it is more powerful than the face value, and at the signal Grand Prix the acceleration of all four wheels is like that of a rabbit.
I'll show you.
Even though it is a turbo, it starts to crash immediately after idling.
Delivers comfortable torque. The response in the low rotation range is also not bad. Tachometer red zone from 7000rpm. However, the latest 4-valve It's not as smooth and light as the unit.
It has been replaced with an air cleaner for competition. So, at the top end of 6500 or higher, the engine noise, mainly the intake noise, becomes louder.
Air conditioner control panels, air vents, and
-Dark areas where stereo units, ashtrays, etc. are crowded.
There was a designer who once described the center part of the dash as ``the most expensive part of the car's interior,'' but this car has a panel that says ``FULLTIME 4WD'' embedded in part of it. There is. It was kind of noisy. There is also a shiny silver switch inside the spring, and this is for locking the center differential. The owner once benefited from being muddy.
Apparently there is.
The turbo is effective without any noticeable bumps.
It starts to work, and what's more, it works like a turbo. I miss the way the green snail lights up in the instrument panel every time the turbo kick explodes. What's more, every time I shift up and release the accelerator, I hear the resonant whine of the turbine, which is nostalgic. I wasn't able to do it this time due to time constraints, but I was able to drive on mountain passes and some dirt roads, and it still looked really interesting. Manly and sweaty, a perfect masculine noun.
It's Luma.
Of course, the current Familia, which no longer has a sports model in its lineup, is not such a macho car. However, the Familia has always been a car that has not had a fancy feel to it for generations. Fancy is something like ``a womanly thing that a man has come up with.'' I like the character, which is unusual for domestically produced vehicles, but I'm sure there are people who say that's why it doesn't sell well.
The second generation FF Familia underwent a full model change in January 1985. It has a 3/5-door hatch and a 4-door sedan body. Initially, it started with 1.3ℓ and 1.5ℓ NA and turbo units, but a 1.6ℓ turbo unit was soon added. The photo is of the later model. The body size is: total length x width x height = 3990 x 1645 x 1405mm. Wheelbase 2400mm.
The steering wheel has been replaced with "MOMO" and the seat has been replaced with "BRIDE". When the New Familia was announced, the company emphasized the improved quality of the interior, saying, ``If the packaging is the same, the quality of the interior is important.''
With minor changes in 8 years, NA unit
The remaining old E-type units were wiped out and replaced by B-type units. Photo of 1597cc 16V DOHC turbo with 140ps @ 6000rpm and 19.0kgm torque @ 5000rpm
Mr. M's Delta Familia has a majestic red mudguard. The ``GAB'' and ``HKS'' stickers and white OZ wheels clearly reflect the owner's taste.
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saphig-iawn · 10 months
Day 7 of Turning me into Me
I've done it. My dear sweet girlies, my shes, gays, theys, and whatever-the-hays, I've done it. I have gone 7 whole days sticking to my plan. On November 12th I saw my face without a beard for the first time in 11 years and while my mask of masculinity was gone I still didn't like what I saw. I chose that day to be the worst I would ever feel about myself and made a decision to put the future me into production, rather than wait for HRT to do it all for me. I was inspired by a trans friend of mine who went through a similar journey to get surgery and she just told me so bluntly how easy it'd be. So I did.
And here I am, a whole week of walking every day, a whole week of not eating when I'm bored, a whole week of no sugar drinks (sorry monster). I am the happiest I have ever been. My head is so full of the things I'd wear, the makeup I'd try, the ways I can enjoy my body (also tbh I am really excited about the clothes holy FUCK). It was as easy as my friend said, "just don't do it, lol" were literally the words out of her mouth. I even took my first selfie that I liked.
But these aren't the only reasons why I'm still going. It is everyone who has come by and seen me talking about my journey and have shown me support. I've had DMs, Asks, RBs all telling me how they found my writing at the right time, and also at the wrong time and giving them something to think about. The fact that little old me could be a single part of someone's journey into their true self is just.. it.. it makes this so much better and so much more worthwhile.
You see, I used to be in a big discord server that belonged to a streamer. Over time it became harder to remain there. I wasn't out at the time but had so many girlies who were and they fought so well when laddish bigotry and cishet male-ry would bubble up and ruin people's day. But then one particularly bad night would result in blatant transphobia being slung in the chat and despite so many girlies calling it out, it was normalised by the server owner. I was DMing the girlies about how it just fucking sucked and that I wanted to do something but I was so scared and so tired and they sympathised with me. But I had had enough and thus turned my coming out into a weapon. I wanted them to know that their words hurt so many more people than they think; the silent queers that sit and see bigotry become commonplace in a space that has been advertised as safe, the questioning girls-to-be and boys-to-be seeing people write off their feelings under Devil's Advocacy. I told them they weren't allies, there was no support, and I was coming out and they better fucking pack it in. But when the culture is entrenched, even something like that doesn't change much. But my coming out caused a ripple, and I did see the names of people I had never interacted with before show love, and I knew that it was enough for them. I hope that me, setting myself ablaze in that server and leaving from the ashes, was enough for those names I saw.
A big thank you to everyone who has said hello, got in touch, or even just liked. I have such a deep and unshakeable love for you.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
It’s weird because I love my non-binary and genderfucked siblings, I have two friends who have “weird” “cringe” genders and I love them and I think they do gender so well. But I’m scared that by “demolishing” the gender binary, I won’t get to be a binary man anymore. What does that mean? I want people to see me on the street and think “he/him”, I want people to think of me as heterosexual when I show affection to my girlfriend. I want to be a binary man, and I don’t know how to do that in non-binary world
Playing with gender and fucking with it is good and I fully support people doing that. But I do not want to be seen as anything other than Pure 100% man, I have been constantly called “they” as a way to undermine my masculinity and refusal to gender me properly by people who know my pronouns. I don’t want to be seen as anything other than a Man. I want to be associated fully with masculinity, I don’t want to seen as a lesbian, I don’t want to be seen as anything other than a heterosexual man. Not even that I don’t want to be seen as a lesbian, I don’t want to be associated with lesbians. I’m a trans man, I’m a MAN and my attraction to women is heterosexual, and I cannot accept ideas that tell me otherwise because that would cause me to misgender myself, and I’m tired of being seen like that When I say I’m a man I don’t mean “butch boy girl lesbian” etc etc, if someone wants to be that and fuck up everything, I appreciate it, but I feel uncomfortable with them saying they’re a trans man because when I say I’m a trans man I mean a MAN as in binary man
I think its very good that you started this by acknowledging that this is a product of fear and anxiety. Its important to understand that that is where this is coming from.
You are insecure about your manhood. That is not an insult. Its entirely understandable to feel that way, especially as a trans man. There was a post a little while ago where I talked about how trans men can fall into toxic masculinity, not because its a product of being a man, but because trans men more than cis men (solely in terms of gender) have their manhood scrutinized and devalued. Manhood is a rat race & trans men are fucked over from the start, so we have to try 10x harder to be seen as Proper Men. That leads to a constant pressure to perform "proper" masculinity to the fullest extent possible to try and avoid having your manhood discredited, which can be not only emotionally damaging but legitimately dangerous.
But you need to understand, and I say this with love: this is a you problem. It is not other people's responsibility to change how they identify to soothe your insecurity about your manhood. Other people's identity, in fact, means nothing about your own. Someone else using a label you use to represent a different experience does not mean you must also share that experience, or that you cannot use that label to describe your own.
You are, understandably, fearful that your manhood (which is already constantly being scrutinized and attacked), will be further devalued if "trans man" can also mean "lesbian". You share a community and a label with those men and as a result, their genderweirdness feels dangerous. They feel like a threat to your being. This is not dissimilar to how cishet men react to visibly queer men in their communities and families: "how will people think of me, as a man, if they associate me with a man like that? I need to stop him from being a man or make him be a man right in order to protect my own manhood." This is how the patriarchy functions; make every man constantly compete with each other, under the threat of violence if they fail. Its not your fault you feel this way- you are made to feel this way on purpose because of the patriachal panopticon that makes us self-regulate- but it is your responsibility to work on yourself and resist the urge to view other men as a threat to your manhood.
"Bi lesbians" existing does not mean that people will/should assume every lesbian is bisexual, and for men to use bi lesbians as an excuse to harass lesbians is lesbophobic but not the fault of bi lesbians. In the same way, "lesbian trans men" existing does not mean that people will/should assume every trans man is a lesbian, and people using lesbian trans men (or nonbinary people for that matter) as an excuse to misgender straight trans men is transphobic but not the fault of lesbian men. In both cases, lesbians who have felt pressured to be attracted to men and trans men who have felt pressured to be lesbians see this new fusion identity as a threat to their own as a traumatic response. That fear is valid, but we need to understand that its our own fear. Its not their fault that bigots tried to pressure you to be a certain way, and their identity does not mean that those bigots were justified in any way. Other queer people are not the enemy.
If you care about your genderweird friends- and I don't doubt that you do- its important that you recognize where this fear is coming from and take steps to confront & cope with it. I don't like when people use "fragile masculinity" as an insult; fragile masculinity is part of what keeps the patriarchy running, and men with fragile masculinity need the compassion that the patriarchy will not give them. So please know that when I say you are insecure about your masculinity, I'm not saying you are doing a Bad Thing. You have been made to have a fragile masculinity as a way of controlling you, and now you need to work on healing that in order to have productive and healthy relationships with other queer people (and people in general). You can't support other queer people while also viewing them as a threat to your own manhood, even unconsciously. It requires a process of strengthening your identity as a man and not letting anyone or anything make you feel like it can be taken away because you (or someone you are associated with) Did Manhood Wrong.
You might want to check out @gay-otlc. He's a straight trans man who's talked about the issues straight trans men face, while also being supportive of lesbian trans men, and his blog might help you out with dealing with these issues. In general when it comes to identity issues, I think its very important to see and interact with other people of your identity, especially those who are confident and able to confront/cope with bigotry in healthier ways. I wish you the best, anon.
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 3 months
Becoming Spider-Man - Chapter Twelve
Peter Parker Sees the Future
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> Peter Parker & Tony Stark (IronDad)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> In which Tony has something to show him, and Peter assumes the worst.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (T) Mild discussion of hypothetical illness.
𝐀/𝐍 -> Short and sweet as we approach the end. <3 Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Cute divider by @/sweetmelodygraphics!
<- Previous Chapter (11/16) Next Chapter (13/16) ->
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“You ready to tell me why we’re up at the crack of dawn yet?” I yawned, kicking back my seat and sliding one of the ever-present pairs of sunglasses onto my face, recoiling against the bright morning sunlight. Tony laughed, revving the engine as the tires spun on the gravel.
"Testosterone sure made you into a grumpy teenager, huh?” he teased good-naturedly, offering me a fond smile.
“It made me as sweaty as one,” I quipped back, winding down the window. “You’re going to regret not giving me a chance to shower.”
It was true, too – while others had gushed about the change in my voice and the beginnings of hair prickling at my throat, the main change I’d noticed so far had been the endless, eternal heat. I fluffed my t-shirt against my chest, wiping the chronic beads of sweat from my forehead, nose wrinkling against the odour of unwashed boy – but inside I delighted in the change in my natural scent. It may have been more intense, and more constant, but it was also more unmistakably man, and even in this I found euphoria.
“You know smelling like a gym sock isn’t a requirement of masculinity, right?” Tony challenged with a chuckle as he pulled onto the interstate, and I waved my hand dismissively.
“We can’t all afford to bathe in cologne, Tony,” I snorted easily. My confidence had come on endlessly since my first appointment at the clinic, and even Tony himself had commented on the change – gone was the nervous fear of my youth, replaced with something stronger, harder, and yet kinder, to both myself and others. Sometimes it felt harsh, but I’d been reassured that it was only comfort, not cruelty. My ability to blend with the playful banter ever-present in the Avengers had been returned in kind, and I was truly enjoying my life now, rather than simply existing.
“Says the kid with the Trust Fund,” he muttered teasingly, pulling his own shades down over his eyes. I laughed sharply, then paused, an inkling of my previous uncertainty sneaking through the chinks in my hormonal armour.
“I hope you’re kidding,” I warned, trying to keep my tone light, forcing the waver from my already-cracked voice. He simply glanced at me, shrugging a shoulder.
“You already know that you’re my soul heir and inheritor, kid. You’ll be well looked after when I’m gone.”
I swallowed dryly, fighting against the lump forming steadily in my throat. “Well, that won’t be for a long time, Mr. Stark.”
He smiled weakly, turning his gaze back to the road. “Yeah, kid. I’m sure it won’t be.”
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The tone of the drive was somewhat muted following our discussion, and I found myself picking at the long-healed skin around my thumb, unconsciously betraying my nerves. I tried to lose myself in the eternal music that provided a soundtrack to my life with Tony, but I was still grateful when the car turned off down a long drive, away from the main road.
“Where are we-” I began, but Tony waved his hand, effectively silencing me, and I closed my mouth with a click, feeling rebuked. I sat in obligatory silence as we came to a stop outside a low wooden cabin, and Tony cut the engine.
“This… This is what I wanted to show you, kid.” He let out a low sigh, removing his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. “As much as I want to, I can’t be Iron Man forever. Eventually, it’s going to be time to pass that torch on to the next generation. And when that time comes… Well, I wanted to have somewhere. I always appreciated what Barton has. A nice little farm somewhere – ideally something that won’t get blown up twice a year,” he added, a characteristic smirk tugging lightly at his lips.
“This place… Is yours?” I clarified incredulously, my gaze trailing from the cabin to the lake spread before us. “It’s… Quiet. Peaceful.”
Tony nodded, shifting his eyes to look out of the windscreen. “I’d like to say that it’s what I deserve… But we both know I didn’t build this place for me.” His smile now was gentle, serene. “I’ll understand if, when the time comes, you decide you want to stay living at the compound. I’d never ask you to move out to the country with an old, retired guy.”
“You don’t have to ask,” I replied softly, the lump in my throat growing endlessly bigger. “You’d never have to ask, Mr. Stark. But… But what… Why…?” I swallowed again, fighting to control the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. “Tony, is there something you need to tell me?”
His eyes flicked to mine, surprised, and he laughed quietly. “I’m not dying, kid. I’m just not a young man anymore; I’m getting to the time in my life where I’m ready to start thinking about the future, even if I don’t want to.”
I huffed out a breath, shaking my head. “You’ll be the death of me, Tony.”
He grinned, the tension easing, my light-hearted and playful mentor back to normal. “Well – do you want to go and check the place out?”
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hypnolurker · 1 year
It’s not the most elegant of designs. Ugly steel braces and a number of tubes sticking out of the subject’s mouth. Perhaps not what you imagine when you think of high tech mind alteration machinery but this is what’s necessary. We need strong braces to keep them firmly in place. As you can imagine, the subjects aren’t particularly willing to be strapped into this machine and they usually struggle quite a bit…at first.
Then there’s the tubes. The clear one is for hydration. They need to be in the machine for some time you see, a few days is the time frame we use. You need long enough to ensure their brain is properly and irreversibly scrambled and reprogrammed. Of course you can’t turn the voltage too high or you’ll quite literally fry their brains. Now that’s not a pretty sight.
The red tube is to administer a relaxing agent. We don’t want them struggling too much and the quicker they relax the sooner their minds become susceptible to the brainwave manipulation. It’s actually kind of incredible that way, the more their brain is melted by the machine, the harder it is to fight it. Now matter how strong willed or resistant a subject may be, they simply can’t expend enough mental energy to resist forever. Everyone grows tired, feels the self relaxing and simply can’t help it when they feel their brain humming, turning to jelly inside their head as they lose control to the machine.
The green tube is for a female aphrodisiac we produced. Now, the arousal does make them even more susceptible to the mind alteration, yes, but that isn’t the reason we use it. You see, if the subject is in a state of intense arousal during the brainwashing, we found that their baseline arousal afterwards is also increased permanently. Meaning we make them wet and needy while their minds are reprogrammed and they end up staying that way even after we turn off the machine. Obviously a mindless, horny fucktoy is more useful than just a mindless fucktoy.
Finally, the black tube. That one is for ‘protein’. Many things can be programmed into the subject using the machine, but perhaps the most useful is an addiction to the taste of a man’s cock and cum. That’s why we ensure a steady flow of our special protein, consisting of male essence-mainly sperm, flows into the subject constantly. Keeping the taste of cum filling her throat so that she is utterly desperate to suck on anything that tastes even a little masculine once the reprogramming is complete.
The subjects are rather troublesome at first. This one in particular. She thrashed about and screamed more than usual. We often show them a video of their predecessor being conditioned by the machine just to give them a glimpse of their future. She was absolutely horrified when we showed her. Cursed. Begged. Sobbed. Really made it clear just how much she hated everything going on here.
However, I had a feeling this one would be interesting. My intuition was confirmed when I saw how her nipples stiffened and her pussy glistened as she watched the previous subject’s eyes slowly soften and go blank under the effects of the powerful mind wiping devices affixed to her head. Heard the soft groan she tried to hide as she watched the subject being unstrapped, now staring blankly forward with its mouth hanging wide open and drooling with no sign of intelligence in those blank, glossy eyes. This new girl was a little horny pervert. She only struggled and pleaded so hard to convince herself she didn’t want this. I knew she wouldn’t last very long.
She kept up her struggling and anger as we strapped her into the machine tightly. Still gurgling out screams through the tubes down her throat. Of course it was all futile. I don’t know why she made the effort at that point. Once we started the machine her eyes widened and her chest heaved but the relaxant got to work quickly. You could see in her expression that once she felt the current flooding her mind and attacking her regular brainwaves, her resistance just melted. Maybe she finally understood how pointless it was to fight. Maybe she admitted to herself how much she wanted this, the fucking filthy slut. Either way she didn’t last long at all.
Within a couple of hours I saw her eyes glaze over as the intelligence steadily drained out of her. Faster than any subject before. By the end of the first day she was moaning ‘cock!’ around the tubes as she drooled and wriggled in heat. There was really no need to leave her in there but I wanted to see what would happen so we kept her there, horny and savoring the taste of cum as her mind was degrading further.
By the time we released her, she was little more than a set of holes with an undeniable urge to wrap her lips around a cock. She licked our crotches through our pants and humped the air once we released her. There wasn’t a need to check whether or not she had been successfully reprogrammed…but what would be the fun in sending her off without giving her a taste of cock like she so desperately needed?
As soon as my cock came out of my pants she shot forward and had it all the way down her throat instantly. She looked like she needed my cock down her throat more than air, and I had no doubt that she did indeed feel that way. Choking on my hard cock eagerly as she tongued my shaft and pressed her lips up to the base, swallowing me so greedily.
Yes, the machine may be ugly…but you can’t complain about the results.
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womantoday · 1 year
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Darian Koszinski by Ben Hopper {2018}
“Shaving, epilating or waxing hurts. I was tired of suffering, trying to adapt to the image of a ‘beautiful young woman’ society is selling us. Everybody told me to shave. As a teenager, it’s a huge subject among girls; where do you shave? What method are you using? It takes so much time and costs so much money (the majority of hair removal products are also not recyclable). All of these reasons coming one after another motivated me to stop shaving. I would often have irritated skin after shaving and being a very sporty person, the sweat and the friction of my clothes would cause pain.
The worst thing was having sex on the second day after shaving my vulva. I didn’t understand why women would suffer and waste so much time on hiding who they really are.
It was hard to accept my new image. I am an ash blond, but have BLACK hairs on my legs, armpits and vulva. My legs were the worst; in addition to the long black hair, they’re quite muscly. It made it harder to accept my masculine look but I had a feeling that I needed to stop shaving so I could feel more like myself– accept myself as I really am.
Nowadays I love my hair. It definitely makes me feel stronger and in balance with myself. I like touching it and showing it. I sometimes even like to use it to provoke. I kind of enjoy the moments in the Metro; when people seem disturbed looking at my legs. I always hope other women and men can find us, naturally hairy women, as an inspiration.
There are all kind of reactions– people talking behind my back, curious friends asking for the reason, others who tell me that they love it and others making fun of it, or being disapproving. When I was 17 I had the idea that if I stopped shaving I’d only meet people who really like me and don’t care about these superficial norms of society. It worked out!
As a performer, having armpit hair is a huge subject! Once, a manager told me to shave and I did it. It was for a commercial performance (Le Tour de France à Voile). It felt so strange and I was sad to lose my armpit hair– it was like losing a part of my personality. I realised I didn’t like what my shaved armpits looked like anymore. It felt empty. Sometimes artistic directors recommend shaving for the stage; I pass, even if they don’t approve of my choice. I don’t shave for the stage anymore. I’m not on stage to fit into a particular image; I’m there because of my abilities. As an artist, I have responsibility to show what’s possible and to set an example for others. By showing my body hair on stage, I would like to stimulate and change people’s point of view. I’d like to motivate women to make their own choices. I feel sorry about one thing– when I still shaved, it was actually me who told my mother that she should shave too, as she didn’t before. Today, ironically, she continues to shave and is surprised that I do not.
I am really glad and thankful to be a part of this wonderful project! I’d like to send everyone a lot of warm strong hugs full of love!”
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hyenadon · 1 year
I've seen so many trans men just adore the barbie movie and i'm on that team too. And ive seen and heard them talk about how masculinity and patriarchy is this...it's a prison. It's a beautiful golden perfect prison. If you are seen as a cis man, particulalrly a white cis man who has no disability and no neurodivergence, you get everything. Everything. It's just fucking handed to you. You never worry about the pepper spray clipped to your keys. You've never even bought pepper spray. You don't even think about it, you don't have to think about it. And idk something about this movie maybe made me realize that I will never feel like a cis man. I will never feel like a man and maybe that's okay. Maybe I prefer that. But my connection to masculinity will always be through the lense of being trans and gay and having grown up as a little girl. I like my identity. I like who I am. But my identity will always and inextricably be tied to being a little gay and a little fruity. And I shouldn't have to just like. Abandon my history as a woman to call myself by he/him pronouns. I think my history of living life as a girl is important to me. also just tagging this back to barbie - the first experience barbie has in the real world is some hardcore sexual harassment. And I just wanna ask anyone who has ever been perceived as a woman - do you remember the first time you were ever threatened like that?
I do. I was twelve. I was twelve years old and a teenage boy screamed "i'll rape you in your dreams" to me when I was walking home from school. I was TWELVE YEARS OLD. That's wrong. that's just WRONG. jesus christ. can you just imagine offering that violence to a child? and like. I actually can't even imagine being a teenage boy offering that violence to someone. I don't want to be that. I don't like that. I feel deeply viscerally uncomfortable with the fact - the *fact* that men and masculinity are tied along with violence. And so this whole thing is making me think. This stupid little movie about dolls, this stupid, derivative, easy movie, about a fucking doll, it's making me think harder than I have in- god, i swear, years.
The brain is a muscle (it's not, it's an organ, but stay with me for the metaphor) and I am working it out so hard that my brain is so sore. I'm thinking about so much. I'm thinking about my own gender and how gender is inextricably linked to power dynamics. I'm also thinking about men and masculinity. I'm also thinking about how I need to read some more bell hooks. I'm also thinking about feminist pedagogy. i'm also thinking about how like. well. the movie did indeed feature many characters of color, the movie was still incredibly white, and therefore the movie is and will always be about white feminism. I'm thinking about how there is nothing I can do to fix it. The world. I can't fix it. It's wrong and awful and I can't fix it. I can't be a woman enough to fix it and I can't be a good enough man to fix it. There is something so wrong and broken about the world. I want to make it better. I can't.
I don't even know what to do or what to say. This movie gave me a boost in self confidence - that's great - but as I said to my bestie - I don't want that. I don't wanna feel smart. I don't enjoy this. Feeling smart means I am aware of how awful the world is. How incredibly prevalent misogyny is. Every second of every day is misogynist. Every movie. Every tv show. Every book. It's hatred. I mean. I like that I know i'm smart now, my Media Analysis Powers are turned the fuck ON (ive always known that my superpowers are just in analyzing media and writing. even when I am at my worst self hatey self, I know that I can think about fiction, and write)
but I want my media analysis powers turned back off. because it's *painful* to think about this. It hurts too much. Its only been a couple days and I am so, so tired.
being aware of the world and myself and my friends and the systems that oppress us. It sucks. i feel stabbed.
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how-queerious · 2 years
honestly tired of straight fans of shows who can't understand the queer subtext or echoing of queer experiences in media. whether it is intentional on behalf of the writers, specific acting/directorial/framing choices, or simply storylines that are so near to real life queer experiences that neither the writers room nor the "stage team" intended. this also applies to costuming details (i.e. Eddie's black handkerchief in Stranger Things) and lighting choices (see any instance of bisexual colour palettes in emotionally charged or intimate scenes).
These straight fans are really beginning to get to me. and i say straight fans because in the instances I'm seeing its predominantly cishet men and women (teenage and up typically) shitting on queer fans and the essence of fandom in general. the ones who have been making me particularly frustrated lately are straight fans of Stranger Things and Critical Role (as they are two of my biggest interests atm). I want to dive particularly into the Stranger Things piece, as I have many thoughts on the matter. If you want to read my thoughts, you can click Read More. If not, feel free to scroll.
Let's start with the straight fans, particularly younger (mid teens to early 20s), of Stranger Things. They are pushing forward a lot of hate towards fanworks, particularly fanfic, fan songs, and cosplayers. The specific fics and costumers are typically those who portray any kind of queerness or are writing or playing Steve/Eddie (Steddie) and Robin/Nancy (Ronance) from what I've seen, though general hate for cosplayers is increasingly common as well. These fans both publicly and privately berate, mock, and harrass creatives within the fandom space, using the tired rhetoric of "historical accuracy" (because queer folk didn't exist in the 1980s but the in series homophobia that comes to the point of violence did) or "they can't be gay because they're straight".
The "x character cant be gay because y" line is rampant among all age groups of Syranger Things fans, which is disheartening for people new to fan spaces and frustrating for more experienced fans.
The most popular version of this is to say that Steve Harrington can't be anything but straight because he has only extremely explicitly been interested in women. However many of the actors themselves beg to differ, including Joe Keery who plays him. Keery has repeatedly made character choices such as long glances to other male characters lips (Gif 1), getting physically closer than necessary to other male characters (Gif 2), and treating them very similarly to explicit female "love interests".
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Having explored Steve's side of the equation, I think its pertinent to discuss Eddie's as well. With Eddie its much harder for the straight fans to make an argument that Eddie could never be queer. He more openly flirts with Steve* (Gif 3), appears to know and use the Hanky Code (which I'll expand on in a moment), and was never presented as the popular macho male type. He is a social outcast, a pariah for both his drug dealing and interests in metal and D&D. He also has a subtly hinted interest in BDSM, as noted by the handcuffs on his belt (Gif 4) and the black handkerchief in his back pocket (Gif 5). The latter is in following the 1980s Hanky Code that was popular in the queer community from the 70s on, though has been diminishing over the paat two decades or so.
*- Joseph Quinn (Eddie's actor) has openly stated that he is playing that angle on purpose, and improvised many of the lines that heavily indicate it. This has been stated in multiple interviews.
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There is, however, a secondary issuewith straight fans in relation to Eddie. Straight fans who are shipping Eddie and another character Chrissy Cunningham have a habit of reducing Chrissy to a sweet, simple girl who should get with the "big, strong, masculine bad boy", there by doing a great disservice to both characters, and Chrissy moreso than Eddie. These fans are undercutting the complexities of Chrissy's character and flattening her into a one-dimesional girl-next-door esque young woman, rather than the complex and traumatized person she is. She is sweet and kind (the only highly femme cast member who is not rude or bullying to our main group), but she is also starting to come out of what seems to be a controlling relationship, undergoing abuse from her mother at home, and grappling with an eating disorder. She is a character showing signs of depression, who came to Eddie initally for ketamine to deal with visions from Vecna, and found a possible friend and confidant in Eddie. The two bonded over reputaions not matching up to reality (the vapid cheerleader, the freak who worships satan), and that was a friendship Chrissy needed and deserved. The straight fans reducing her character to a sweet girl for Eddie to corrupt or making her purpose be to "fix" Eddie are harkening on some pretty misogynist stuff to do so, in a way that sets my teeth on edge.
All this is not to say that straight interpretations of Steve and Eddie are wrong, or that shipping Eddie/Chrissy (Eddissy) is inherently bad. It is the attitude towards the queer fans, the rhetoric that eludes to queer fans and fans who are queer allies being delusional for interpreting the characters as queer, the misogynist undertones of many Eddie/Chrissy shippers portrayal of their relationship, and the overarching disrespect these fans have for fandom space and expression. That is what irks me so much.
Anyways, thank you for sticking around to finish the post! If you have anything to add to the discussion, for or against my points, feel free to reblog or comment. Just please be respectful of each other, the discussion space, and myself. Any bullying, harrassment, or juvenile name calling will result in a removal of the comment from the post and a block. Peace out homies!
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cocobutnochanel · 4 years
I’m a Baby Too | 18+
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Genre: slight fluff, smut, husband!Sehun
Main Characters: Oh Sehun x reader (oc: female)
Kink List: age play, voyeurism, nipple play, creampie, oral (receiving and giving), sex toys, slight femdom, gagging
Summary: When you and your husband goes on a ski trip, you find yourself feeding him more than you feed your own son.
Word Count: 1.5k+ words
Your body felt sore as your son, Sanghoon, finally drifted into sleep with little baby snores. It was tiring to be a mother, what more a nursing one? Even holidays don't count as a break for you.
"Merry Christmas!" Oh Sehun, your baby daddy, entered the room. You rolled your eyes at how immature he was. He was the father of your 4-month old baby boy yet he was a baby himself. All loud and childish.
He went into your room's bathroom. The villa that your husband and his friends rented were pretty big and it provided bathrooms for each bedroom.
It was a chilly holiday for you guys as Yixing being the confused person that he was, chose Ilulissat, Greenland for Christmas vacation. He thought Greenland had grassy fields and a country breeze. Turns out, it was a freezing country. At least the northern lights that appeared every night made it better.
Sehun came out with only his boxers on. It was freezing yet this man liked being naked wherever he was. "Yeobo, put some clothes on. Also, turn the heater up." You breathed out and laid on your back.
He did turn the heater up but neglected the clothes part. Instead, he climbed on the bed with you, still in his boxers only. You rolled your eyes at how stubborn he could get.
He wrapped his big arms around your stomach while sniffing your neck. He tends to get clingy whenever he got horny and this was one of those. "Yeobo, I'm tired." You tried to push him away but he was glued to your neck.
You let him be as he started licking the sensitive skin of your nape. You only moaned a little, clearly showing no interest in doing such.
Suddenly, you heard Sanghoon cry from his crib. Your mother instinct was to stand up immediately and pick him up. This baby barely stops crying. He was a needy one unlike his father who could go pn days without you as long as he had PUBG.
Sehun groaned in frustration as he looks at the crying baby in your arms. He got up and walked towards the two of you.
"Hey, if you weren't a baby, I'd kick you out right now for stealing my wife's attention." He grunted childishly. What a troublesome and jealous dad. "Hun, he's a child and he's not just any child, he is yours." You roll your eyes at him for the umpteenth time today.
Sanghoon kept on crying despite you cradling him. His father's grimace was still on his face as you sat back down on the bed and gave the child more of your attention.
You slowly took off the sweater you were wearing. Sehun's eyes glinted with lust immediately as he saw you in your lacy bra alone.
He sat down beside you as you let Sanghoon drink from your breast. You could see your own husband stiffen from time to time as he stares at your exposed boob that fed your baby.
After a few coos, Sanghoon finally settled back to sleep. Sehun took him from you and placed him back on the crib so slowly. You smiled gleefully at the sight of your husband holding a smaller version of him as if it was fragile.
He immediately hops back on the bed with you when he successfully puts his own child back in his crib. His eyes were hungry and the need inside you started growing too.
The warmth of his hand met your waist as he let you sit up on the bed's headboard. His eyes were glued onto your swollen breasts as if he saw them for the first time.
His impatience got the better of him as he didn't even bother to unhook your bra. He just pushed the lace down enough to expose your right boob and you moan at the contact of his fingers and your breast.
As speed as lightning, he latches onto your swollen boob and starts sucking as if he was a four month old baby like his son too. Your hands find his growing bulge and let it spring free.
"You're this hard? For my boobs? We've been married for more than two years already and you're still this horny." You complain in between moans. He only hums in response as his free hand cups your other boob.
You could see his veiny erection twitch at the touch of your fingers. You wrap your hand around his thick shaft and started moving it up and down. He groans at the sensation, sucking on your nipples even harder.
"Hun, oh my God." He takes his mouth off your swollen red peak and starts tearing your panties off underneath your nightgown.
You take off your nightgown before he starts shredding it into pieces like the hungry animal that he is. He gives your bare body a quick once over and his erection starts twitching, itching for your touch.
Seeing his evident need, you place yourself on top of his hard member. You start by running your hand up and down as he hisses at your slow pace. "What a whiny baby." You growl playfully before taking him in as a whole with your mouth.
You bob your head up and down, your mouth enveloping his masculinity and your tongue tracing his veins. "Fuck." He growls, clutching the bed sheets underneath him.
Hearing him swear made you want to suck him off even harder. You deepthroat him, his tip hitting your tonsils and driving him crazier. Your tiny gags made him moan even louder as if his friends weren't next door and his own child was in the same room.
Deepthroating him after one too many times, he releases his juice into your mouth, making you swallow it all. He lets out a breath before flipping you over, placing you below him.
He reaches out to the nightstand beside your bed and grabs something. After a few seconds, you see it was two nipple vibrator cups.
"Surprise!" He smirks, latching them onto your hard peaks. He presses a remote in his hand as he went down on you.
The device started milking you as his tongue played with your clit. "Fuck, Hun, fuck!" You curse, making him smirk against your lips down there. He increases the intensity of the nipple cups, making it milk you even harder.
"Hunie!" You scream as his tongue was now delving inside you, his lips touching your heated femininity. He grips your thighs as he ate you more aggressively.
"Oh my God. Oh my God." You chant as you feel your release coming, making your whole being shake with intensity and your pussy release too much fluids.
He licks you clean and smirks to himself after seeing your back arch and eyes roll. He loved pleasuring you and seeing you like this got him harder than he already was.
He removes the cups from your breast that was now wet with milk. His tongue immediately licked it clean. A greedy baby, you thought.
You slide off below him and push his back onto the bed. His 9 inches was now standing proud, twitching as he eyed his erotic view of you naked and sloppy with breastmilk.
Being married for more than two years, you already knew how he liked it. He loved it when you were on top while moaning out his name and calling him 'baby'.
Without hesitation, you place yourself on top of him and slips his dick inside you. You feel every inch of it as he moans at your tightness. "God, Y/N." He groans, throwing his head back when you start riding him like a pro.
You move yourself up and down, feeling him all the way. He stares at your bouncing swollen breasts and he swears he can't help but be greedy.
He pulls you down to hold onto the bed frame. Your nipples were now reachable for him to suckle as you rode him in a relentless pace.
"Baby..." You moan, his tongue flicking your peak up and down while his eyes staying glued onto your breasts. "Fuck, baby!" You scream even louder when he starts pinching the other nipple and the milk starts squirting onto his face. He was obsessed with your boobs and that thought made you even wetter every time you had sex.
You were now squirting as you pounded him harder. He grabs your hips and lets you feel him all the way in as he started filling you up to the brim.
"Oh, God." You breathily gasp, finally finishing. You both quickly slip your clothes back on after hearing a knock on your door.
Sehun takes the initiative and opens the door. "Bro." He awkwardly greets Chanyeol who was the one who knocked. "Hey, Yixing said we have to go the ski club he mentioned yesterday." Sehun only nods and closes the door.
He changes into his ski clothes and kisses you on your forehead before leaving. You were now busy with Sanghoon who was woken up by his dad's departure.
You take the child into your arms and cradle him back to sleep. Successfully, he returns to sleep without crying for milk. Your breasts were sore, thanks to his dad.
Putting your baby boy back into the crib, your phone pings. It was a text notification.
'Send boobs pls. How I wish I stayed and sucked on it all day.' -sehun
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Loki General Headcanons
GN! Reader, fluffy general headcanons for my favorite trickster, kinda half-assed but sweet regardless
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
So it’s very interesting
He’s soft for you, oh so soft
But he’s also the main cause of your headaches
And especially if you two live in Avengers Tower or at the compound
(We’re gonna pretend like he didn’t die, let me have my happiness and be gay)
Cuddles all the time
You better like books or you’re going to learn to love them
Greatly enjoys reading with or to you
Doesn’t matter what time of day or where you two are
Just enjoys being in your presence
Imagine him reading in a library at like the tower or the compound or fucking wherever
Then all of a sudden you walk in with two cups of tea and a blanket
That man is going to fall even harder in love somehow
Loves when you’re willing show interest in the things he loves
So seeing you come sit next to him
With a cup of tea for the both of you(made exactly the way he likes it btw)
And then you just cuddling into him while sipping your cup and waiting for him to read
He would fucking die
Now he doesn’t care if you’re from Earth, if you’re from Asgard, or wherever the fuck you’re from
If he loves someone he’s gonna go after them
And when he saw you he basically did the stereotypical heart eyes with the stop and stare
But if you are Asgardian, definitely met you at one of the events he was forced to go to by Thor and Odin
I like to imagine that he sits on the side at all events
But watches the festivities take place, even if he will never join them
Whilst gazing at the people dancing and joyously drinking much more than they should
He spots this gorgeous individual in the most befitting attire for them and the event dancing gracefully
Not knowing what to do he simply stares at you for the rest of the evening
At some point you do in fact catch on to his stares and wander over
“My prince, I do hope this isn’t rude of me to ask but, why have you been staring at me?”
He can’t comprehend how pretty you are close up and is just stunned there with his glass to his lips
“I um, sorr, it’s just that you looked like you were having so much fun and well your outfit fits you very well”
“Oh, thank you, I do think green really is your color, it really matches your eyes quite well”
That one comment leaves the prince stunned and unable to speak or move
You stood there for a few more moments before speaking again
“My prince? I’m sorry if that comment was a little much of me to say, I’ll be going now, have a lovely evening your majesty”
Turning away you tried to leave the area, only to be grabbed back by the princes hand grabbing at your hand
“Please don’t go, I’ve never seen someone so beautiful and I’d hate to lose them now”
Facing the prince once more you smiled lightly before sitting beside him to chat a bit more
Talking through the rest of the event, you soon grew tired as dawn broke across the Asgardian horizon
Yawning between every few sentences your eyes become droopy
Loki took notice very quickly and offered you to follow him to a more comfortable sleeping area
How were you to deny the prince of all people in this state
Grabbing his hand you slowly followed behind him to an unknown area
Walking up to his private quarters, Loki pushed opened the door and pulled you in before shutting it behind you
“Here lay down here, I’ll keep watch to make sure no one disturbs you”
“Please sleep as well my prince, I kept you up all night talking”
Loki blushed lightly, agreeing to your wishes and laying beside you
Once on the bed, you scooted closer to him unknowingly in your tired daze
He couldn’t help but wrap his arms around you and pull you closer to his chest
Just before falling asleep Loki whispered into the quiet room
“Goodnight my dear, sleep well and dream sweetly”
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
could I request something where E is like editing but y/n gets bored and sits on his lap and starts to grind which ends up with maybe some punishments from E after he's had enough?
(my first E anything, this was a trip haha -- shout out to Pao @persistence-ofmemories, here’s your ethan smut lol)
You’ve been watching him all day. Strolling around the house shirtless with his AirPods in and sipping a smoothie while he conversed easily on continuous business calls. Hunched over his laptop answering emails. Sitting at the table with Grayson while they brainstormed new video ideas and Wakeheart promotional pitches. 
Something about businessman Ethan hit so much different for you. He’s not an overly serious person on the daily, but CEO Ethan doesn’t fuck around. When he’s on these calls, his voice takes on this timbre that’s deep and confident and self-assured. Leaves no room for argument when he knows what’s best for his brands. It makes you clench your thighs and bite your lip as you watch and listen from your perch at the bar where you’re doing your own work for the day on your laptop.
But he can also get extremely caught up in it, in the perfection and responsibilities that are required when you’re a self-made businessman. Sometimes it’s hot and endearing, and sometimes it’s frustrating. Tonight, it’s frustrating. 
You emerge from the ensuite bathroom in his room, dressed for bed in one of his t-shirts and squeezing some of the excess water out of your hair from your shower, to find him at his desk chair and on the phone again. You frown, checking the time on your phone. It’s after 10:30 PM, much too late considering he’s been doing this since around 8 this morning. 
You walk up behind him, leaning over the back of the chair and wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders. You press a lingering kiss to his temple and nuzzle his cheek as you inspect what he’s working on. A still frame from their new video they’re about to post is on the screen of his laptop.
“I can’t decide if we should leave this part at 11 minutes in, bro. What do you think?”
You don’t know who he’s talking to, probably Ryan or maybe even Grayson; they have a habit of calling each other even if they're both in the house, rather than just get up and go wherever the other one is. You’re a little confused as to why he’s editing of all things right now, though.
“Babe, what are you doing? Isn’t this what you pay Ricky for now?” you ask, reaching a hand up to play with his hair. It’s getting so long, and you're not mad about it one bit.
Ethan glances up at you and puckers his lips. You oblige him with a quick peck, but you still expect an answer. He has a habit of trying to temporarily appease you when he’s busy and focused on something.
He sighs when he realizes you’re not giving up that easily. He puts the phone on mute, and you do indeed see Grayson’s name on the screen. “Ricky’s swamped, so I told him I had this one. It’s not too crazy.”
“You’ve been working literally all day, E. Can’t you come to bed so we can spend some time together before we go to sleep? I can’t stay up too late, I have a meeting in the morning.” 
Ethan hesitates, turning the phone speaker back on to talk to his brother through his headphones. “Hey, Gray one sec.” He mutes it again. “Sweetheart, this won’t take me very long, I promise. The video is gonna be pretty short.”
You roll your eyes and pick up the towel you had dropped to the floor, turning your back on him to hang it up in the bathroom. You refuse to be the nagging girlfriend. If he wants to prioritize work he doesn't even need to be finishing right now, you’re happy to guilt trip him. 
“Whatever, E. It doesn’t feel like a long time to you, but a ‘short video’ still means like three hours.”
When you come back into the bedroom, you expect him to be lounging on the bed with his phone, laptop shut for the night and LED lights on. So when you find him in the exact same position, talking to Grayson once again, a wave of rage and hurt washes over you. Ethan is usually an amazing and attentive boyfriend, and you’re not particularly clingy with him; you just want to spend some intimate time together after a nonstop work schedule on both your ends had left that time lacking in your relationship lately, and which doesn’t show any signs of changing in the coming week. 
You consider giving in and slipping under the covers to pout and go to sleep after all. Even if you were tired enough to go to sleep now, though, you know you’d be way too mad to achieve that. Your course of action is easy, then.
“Baby...” Ethan huffs, irritation and amusement both detectable in his tone when you march over to him and swing a leg across his lap. He grunts when you plop yourself in his lap, adjusting until you’ve got your arms wrapped around his middle and your face nuzzled in his neck. “Seriously?”
“Seriously?” you mock his deep voice. You know he hates that, and your lips curve up where you press them to his neck when you feel him tense up a little. “We both know you don’t need to be doing this right now, I heard you and Gray decide to post in three days. No sponsor with a deadline to get approval from. You’re just being a workaholic instead of a considerate boyfriend.”
He shakes his head, his arms curved around you so he can still reach the keyboard of his laptop. You hear the clicks of the keys resume as he has the nerve to keep working. “I just want to get this done, so it’s over with and so I don’t have to worry about it in a couple of days. You’re being a brat.”
You scoff indignantly. You’re being a brat just because you want to spend some of the limited free time you both have with your boyfriend?
If that’s what he thinks you are, then you’ll let him have it.
You can hear Grayson’s muffled voice coming through the one AirPod Ethan’s wearing in the ear opposite from the one you’re next to. Perfect. You smirk and start planting sweet, innocent kisses up the side of his neck until you reach his ear, taking the lobe in-between your teeth teasingly.
Ethan inhales sharply when you tug on it with a little nibble before releasing it and putting your mouth right to his ear. You start rocking against him, sitting up some to put your hands on his shoulders.
“I’m gonna get off on you, with or without your help,” you whisper straight into his ear, smirking when your hot breath raises goosebumps on his bare skin. Now, it’s just a competition between his stubbornness and his desire for your pussy. The latter will win, you know it — it’s only a matter of time. “If you want to make this a mutual effort, I’m more than happy for you to do that.”
He releases a heavy breath, and you smile against his skin when you feel him hardening predictably beneath you. You grind deeper into him, and lick your tongue along the words inked into his skin on his collarbone. 
He stays stubbornly focused in the chair, and you can hear Grayson still talking in his ear, but Ethan isn’t responding to him. His chest and neck are flushing pink, and you sit back to see if that pretty color is gracing his cheeks, too.
You grin when you see that it is. His arms are still draped loosely around your waist, no longer typing, so you lean back with your hands on his knees, still grinding on the large bulge growing in his sweatpants. His eyes trail over you, how the t-shirt of his that you’re wearing pools at your hips, exposing your soft cotton panties that you sleep in so he can see your pussy rocking on his dick. 
“Feels so good,” you murmur, tossing your hair over one shoulder and biting your lip. You reach one hand down and lift your shirt so you can both see the wet patch growing in your panties. He lets out this tiny little masculine moan that has you going harder, faster. You grin and lift your eyes to watch him watch your hips, and the heat in his gaze makes you shiver. “Would feel better if you were inside me, E. Want that big dick inside me, stretching me out. Don’t you want that, baby?”
Ethan shakes his head incredulously again, clearing his throat. “Hey, I’m tired Gray. I’ll finish tomorrow, okay?”
He doesn’t wait for his brother to answer before ripping his headphone out of his ear, tossing it onto his desk, and tapping the red button on his phone to hang up. You squeal and giggle when he stands up suddenly, cupping his big hands under your thighs so you come with him. You wrap your legs around his waist instinctively, and don’t waste any time threading your fingers into his hair and dragging his lips to yours. 
He moans into your mouth and stumbles to the bed, but your kiss is short-lived as he tosses you onto the mattress. You bounce and laugh again, scooting back to settle against the pillows as he crawls predatorily on top of you. He looks fucking amazing -- his hair a mess, skin tan from all the shirtless skateboarding he’s been doing lately, dick print evident in his grey sweats. Your mouth and pussy water simultaneously, and you reach out for him as he gets closer.
“You think that was cute?” he asks with a tiny smirk, allowing you to wrap your arms around him as he settles between your legs. “Turning me on while I’m working? While I’m on the phone with my brother?”
“Kind of. I did ask you nicely to stop working,” you remind him, trailing a finger down the line bisecting his torso until you reach his pants. You palm his erection through the soft fabric, grinning when he thrusts into your touch. “Not my fault you can’t listen.”
Ethan hums and hooks his fingers into the sides of your panties, making your hand fall away from him as he slinks them down your freshly shaved legs and leans back to toss them over his shoulder. His eyes are glued to your pussy and the shimmer of your arousal clinging to your smooth lower lips. Your head falls to your shoulder as you spread your legs more for him, whining thankfully when his fingers brush up your slit.
“So wet for me already,” Ethan says, collecting the slick moisture on his fingertips as he strokes you lazily. 
You nod, lifting your hips to encourage him to deepen his touch. It feels good, but it’s barely there, and he definitely hasn't come near your clit. “Please, E.”
He tsks his tongue at you, smirking as he watches your face watch his. “Patience, baby. You couldn’t wait for me to finish working. You’ll have to wait a bit to get to cum, now.”
His words turn you on as much as they anger you. He laughs, actually laughs, when he feels more wetness seep onto his fingers from where he’s toying with your hole. “Oh, baby, did you like that? You like me making you wait?”
You have too much pride even through all the maddeningly unsatisfying pleasure he’s bringing about to answer him outright. You let out a loud moan when he sinks his two middle fingers into you. “You...you’re an ass.”
He chuckles again, wiggling his fingers a little bit inside you before taking them out, making sure he has your eyes locked on his when he sucks them into his mouth.
“Fuck,” he whispers, licking the stray bits that cling to his lips as he leans back over you and slips the same fingers back inside. He still doesn’t touch your clit, but his fingers start pumping and moving just how you like, filling you up but putting all the pressure in just the right spots.
Your legs spread even wider, head tossed back to the pillow as you grab the forearm supporting him over you with one hand and clutch the sheets by your head with the other. 
“E...holy shit!” you whimper, digging your nails into that eagle on his arm. His fingers feel so good, hitting you just right, but it’s not enough to make you cum, and he knows it. He smirks down at you, watching you fall apart as the sloppy slick sounds of your pussy mingle in the room with his heavy breaths and your high-pitches gasps and moans. You don’t know how much more you can take of it. 
“Ethan, please make me cum, please make me cum!”
Ethan groans, your begging music to his ears, and he relents by finally adding his thumb to the mix, lighting upon your clit and rubbing gentle, slow circles into it. Your back lurches off the bed, your eyes meeting his as you plead with him not to stop, that you’re almost there.
Of course he doesn't listen, though. You want to sob when he pulls out of you with a harsh growl, licking his digits clean again before sitting back and shoving his sweats down his legs. He stands off the side of the bed to kick them off his feet. 
“Don’t you dare touch yourself,” he reprimands, shaking his head when he sees your hand instantly gravitate to your pussy. You whine but obey, waiting for him to climb back on the bed. He gathers your shirt in his hands, pulling up. “Lemme see your tits, baby. Wanna see them when I fuck you.”
You lift your arms at once, letting him pull it over your head so that you're both left completely naked. Ethan cups them both in his hands as he settles between your spread legs once again, and he ducks down to swipe his tongue over your nipples with sweet little suckles. He leaves each of them with a nip of his teeth and a soothing swipe of his tongue before he’s moving up to your mouth. You didn't realize it until that moment, but you needed the intimacy of his kiss, and it both calms you and makes you voracious for more of him.
As if he can read your mind, Ethan reaches between the two of you and takes his dick in hand, running the tip up and down your slit to coat himself in your copious arousal before tapping it against your clit. You jerk against him and moan into his mouth, which you feel curve against yours. He pulls back, watching your face intently as he pops the head into your entrance and sinks into you with one slow, gradual thrust. 
You don’t think you've ever been this close this early, but you're still wound tight from how high he brought you just a few moments ago with his fingers. “God, E, fuck me. Fuck me with that big fucking dick.”
For the first time tonight, he obeys your command, moaning wantonly at your words. His hands cup the backs of your thighs and keep your legs close to your body as he pushes your knees to your chest. He’s deep deep in this angle, and you cry out so loud you wouldn't be surprised if Grayson could hear you down the hall. 
That’s the least of your concerns, though, when he’s pumping into you so good, his thrusts hard and powerful as he grunts along with you, desperation clear in his own deep voice. You can tell he’s close too, He’s hitting just the right spot, and you lock eyes with him as you clutch his biceps in a death grip as he gets you right to the edge. 
“Oh my...fuuuck E, I’m gonna cum!” you sob, and your body is letting go so hard you think your head has gone to another dimension. 
“Baby, shit,” he hisses with how fucking tight your pussy starts spasming around his cock, how extra wet and warm everything gets all of the sudden. His head swims, and he slows his dick inside you, his heart and his ego ready to explode with how much he loves seeing you fall apart so good, because of him. 
He lets go of your legs to lean over you again and mouth at your neck, bringing you back to earth with whispers of sweet nothings and gentle kisses to your face. 
It takes what feels like all night, but eventually you can open your eyes again and be cognizant of your surroundings. You smile tiredly and let out a whispered curse as you cup his cheeks to kiss him lazily for a few moments, before releasing him and telling him to cum, too. He sits back again, and you shove your arms under your pillow, thrusting your chest out so your tits bounce for him as he starts pumping into your sensitive pussy again, chasing his nut.
His eyes flit back and forth from your chest to your face, where you're smiling up at him, all fucked out and sexy. “Fucking give it to me, E,” you whisper, clenching around him purposefully. He groans, looking at you desperately, questioningly. “Inside, baby.”
Ethan gives you all of three more sloppy, hard thrusts before you’re moaning with him as he shoots his load exactly where you told him. You love the unique warmth of his cum deep in your pussy. 
He slowly collapses down on top of you, and you welcome his weight literally with open arms, holding him close to your chest, playing with his hair and giving him the same loving whispers he did to you. 
When his breathing has slowed nearly back to normal, you direct his head up to kiss you. Your lips smack together quietly, and the feel of his mouth on yours just makes you feel complete in a way nothing else can.
“I should interrupt your work more often.”
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adultbabystories · 4 years
Wet Dreams - Quite a show - Part 3
The last few days were unbearable for Dean. Not only he was so sexually aroused by being sexually denied, but it also seemed like his ABDL and porn addiction got worse. He noticed he watched less porn and was on the search for good and quality ABDL content. The only time he did watch porn, was when he imagined he was in the room, but watching the men, and not participating. 
Dean was hard all the time by then. In the mornings he tried to touch Mel, at noon, during bedtime, but nothing worked. Mel insisted that Dean will tell him about his new fantasies. There were times when Dean was about to spill out what was his embarrassing secret, but at the last second, he stopped himself. He did it for two reasons. The first one was, that his ABDL secret was truly embarrassing. What kind of a man wants to be treated like a baby, and to act like one. What does it mean about him? The second reason was, he enjoyed the fact that Mel turned him down. Every time it made him even harder than he was. His frustration channeled his sexual energy to a place he never knew. He was enjoying things that perceived by him in a negative connotation.  If in the past he thought about sex as a successful conquest, now he found pleasure from the thought of losing. Being that pathetic loser, seemed, hypnotic.
Those thoughts ran through his mind, as he laid to sleep. Being on top was what drove him forward in life, but now the idea of being pushed around and turned down drove him crazy. Dean started to have a major boner again although he jacked off just a half-hour ago. He was so tired and decided to try to fall asleep anyway.
In his dream, he saw two figures fucking. He recognized one of them. It was Mel. Dean tried to focus on the other figure, making sense of the silhouette. The figure had the back towards him. He was sure he was seeing him and Mel fucking after a long time. Their sex was so passionate, rough, and emotional. He longed for Mel’s body for such a long time. His skin and smell. As Dean enjoyed his view, something had started to block his sight. Bright white lines began to appear. They started faint and thin, but grow bulkier and clearer. It got to a point he couldn't focus on him and Mel having sex, as he tried to move around to get a better look. Suddenly, a teddy bear appeared in front of the white lines. The focus got better, as Dean saw the teddy bear was leaning on white bars, while he was confined in a square-shaped cage, which now appeared more like a giant crib.
Dean gasped, which made a strange sound in his dream, something like a whine. Sounds came from the bed where the sex was happening. He saw Mel was looking at him, then on his figure. 
“Can you go check on the baby, please? I think we woke him up. Just gave him his pacifier, he will go back to sleep so fast, even before you’ll be back for more of this. “ Mel said and grabbed his hard cock.
The figure turned around, and to Dean’s horror, it wasn’t him. It was another guy, a masculine guy, he hadn’t seen before. This guy was smoking hot. The surprise made him whine this time. The hot manly man was heading his way.
“What’s the matter little guy? Daddy and I made too much noise and woke you?Poor guy. Here, suck on this and go back to sleep. ” said the man and stuck a pacifier to Dean’s mouth.
The guy walked back to the bed, as Mel was laying there, rubbing his cock. The dream got fuzzier and fuzzier, and all turned black.
Dean woke up, breathing heavily like he just came. He was sucking his thumb as his eyelids opened.  He spat his thumb and felt a wet feeling in his crotch. Touching his boxers revealed again a sad truth, that again he had a wet dream.
It took a few moments, but then Dean saw Mel was leaning against the bathroom door, watching him.
“Well, that was quite a show. ” said Mel as he grinned.
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
The good: 
Skam España set up Amira’s crush on Dani (and Dani’s crush on Amira) in s2 and, regardless of how it ends, they are following through with that storyline, instead of dropping it like a hot potato.
The bad: 
Okay, so first off I have to say I’ve never vibed with Lucas Nabor (Dani)’s acting. And by never I truly do mean never, as in the first day of Cris’ season, I found the way Lucas N played Dani in the confrontation with Cris after they get home extremely cringy. This was way before I could’ve ever dreamed that Skam España would whitewash Yousef’s character and turn him into a white character. 
So, for me, it’s not just an issue of whitewashing (which is already bad enough on a show with no meaningful male characters of color), but eskam pairing one of my favorite Skams character ever with the character I like the least for acting reasons.
But I figured eskam wouldn’t really have the audacity to whitewash a love interest and not give us a Yousef of color in another form. Just like the way we got that 5-second glimpse of Lucas Rubio hooking up with a boy named Iván in the s2 finale, so people could see the male Isak had also found an Even, or the way we got a full season of Miquel being the abusive boyfriend that Spanish viewers saw William as, but for Noorhelm fans, Alejandro still got to be Nora’s endgame. 
And so, when Sofian in the trailer was blatantly posited as a love interest, juxtaposed with shots of Dani with the same expression and filmed from the same angle, I thought, “Okay, so Amira will have an additional love interest who is actually Moroccan, and he’ll probably be around much less (like Iván in s2 and Alejandro in s3), but he’ll be the endgame.” 
Like... Never in my wildest nightmares would I have thought that Skam España would take... idefk... Lito from Skam and turn him into a full fledged character who’d play the fuck out of Amira and attempt to talk her into bearding. 
When Kasim was introduced and people immediately noticed the look between Lucas and Kasim, I thought, “no fucking way Skam España would pull an Elite.” WHEN, when has Skam España looked towards Elite for inspiration before? Not even just to “fix” Elite storylines and turn them into good storylines. Elite and Skam España have never existed in the same sphere or tried to do the same things or impacted each other.
When the spoilers came out, I thought back to the time in s3 when the same hackers said that Alejandro would hit Miquel with a bottle. At the time, I heard of the Alejandro spoilers and wondered to myself, “is this something Skam España would ever do?” And I thought nah, no way, Skam España has never been concerned with toxic masculinity or romanticized it. And I was right! 
So I did the same thing with these spoilers, and I was SO SURE that I had understood the show, that I had understood what Skam España had been trying to do all these three seasons, that Skam España was so disinterested in men as a whole that they’d never try something so complex with either Dani (a conversion storyline) or Kasim (a closeted storyline). Both of those storylines are storylines Skam España gives to GIRLS. Because men in eskam have always been more about what they symbolize for the girls, than their own entities. And I liked that! So, on that level I feel betrayed, because Skam España had been telling it was one thing for three seasons, until in s4 they decided Amira didn’t deserve the same treatment as all the other mains, where she doesn’t get to be by far the most complex character in her own season. (I’m not saying Amira isn’t complex - she is. She is the most complex Sana and the most nuanced.) 
There are a couple things that gave me a bad vibe about this season from the start: one was the fact that Kasim wasn’t introduced in episode 1. Skam España always introduces the characters that are significant for the main in episode 1, so for Kasim to not show up in episode 1, that was a sign. The other one was that Skam España gave the bonus clips to Alejandro. This is a show that refused to give Lucas bonus clips in s2, because his experience as a gay boy just wasn’t relevant to Cris. Not in the same Viri’s experience was relevant to Nora. And suddenly, Alejandro (and not Nora) gets the bonus clips in a season about Amira? Like, it was just fucking weird. It is weird as shit that a show that has always gleefully centered the female experience to the detriment of the male experience, would decide in their Muslim woc season, that it was time for the whitest, straightest, cisgenderedest, richest character on the show to be the first one to get some focus.
Because Sana seasons across the board have underperformed compared to the seasons that came before them (because of racism and islamophobia in Europe), I thought that maybe Movistar had decided to lean on the romance a bit more heavily this season, in order to make it seem more appealing. Kinda makes sense, no? We’re tired of seeing straight white girl seasons, so making Nora’s season lean a bit more on the educational side of Skam isn’t a risk. People will still tune in. But a Sana season is a bit of a harder sell, so we have to sweeten the deal with romcom tropes and all the other couples in the show making out and about to have sex, to make up for Amira not getting those scenes. I thought I could live with that.
But like, there’s adding some background fanservice from established couples and then there’s this monstrosity that leans into EVERY islamophobic Muslim trope ever (because it’s super commercial and high stakes drama and excitingggggg). Like, in Western media, Muslim men are either oppressors (abusive, strict husbands who beat their wives and are terrorists or thugs or thieves) or oppressed (closeted gay boys who resort to extreme means, such as bearding or dealing drugs, in order to stay under the radar). They never get to be the leading love interest. I have never seen a Muslim man of color on Spanish TV be the male love interest, and especially not the love interest to a Muslim woman. And Skam España will be no different.
I also hope people understand the way it undermines literally every other thing they’re trying to do with the show. Amira already explained at length both her own stance towards gay people and Islam’s stance towards gay people, in s2 and her bonus video with Lucas. if you want to be a Muslim in good standing, you can be gay as long as you don’t act on it. But you can also be a Muslim who eats pork, or a Muslim who doesn’t fast in Ramadan, or a Muslim who doesn’t pray five times a day, because ultimately it’s about every individual’s relationship with Allah. To go back on this for a homophobic Muslims storyline undoes everything they did in s2. 
It also undermines Dounia as a character. Here’s a practicing Muslim who longs for a safe space, who doesn’t want to answer questions from non Muslims, who thinks it’s better not to even open the door to a relationship with a white non Muslim, and who’s really confident in all those decisions. And if you think the show isn’t setting her up to be confronted with the fact her brother doesn’t feel safe among Muslims, who prefers questions from non Muslims over telling the truth to Muslims, who has happily opened the door to a relationship with a white non Muslim, who thinks that Dounia is a homophobe in short, and that she will be made to reexamine all her beliefs because of her brother... I just don’t know what to say to you tbh.
And also, this clip made it seem like Amira’s Muslim world wouldn’t accept her crush on Dani, undoing everything the show has done until now. Dounia didn’t disapprove when Amira told her she had a crush on a white non Muslim. She understood and shared her experience. Amira’s mother knew about her crush on Dani and never tried to stop it, nor did she discourage it when Amira told her about it. Why is Skam España suddenly acting like Amira can’t tell anyone about her budding relationship with Dani, when every anon on tumblr dot com will tell you that relationships between Muslim women and Christian men happen all the time?
And finally, it just makes me reexamine previous Skam España seasons and wonder... Did they make Amira only start wearing hijab in the first day of s1 because they knew a character like Sana wouldn’t contemplate a relationship with a white character who makes islamophobic jokes, drinks and makes out with the Sana’s friends in front of her after specifically inviting her to a party? Did they make Amira the show’s Isak’s best friend just so they could whitewash Yousef? Was the whole purpose and trajectory of Amira on the show, everything they did with her, a justification for whitewashing one of the few positive men of color on Western TV? For refusing to show a Muslim girl in a happy relationship with a Muslim boy? To only portray and devote time to Muslim poc/white atheists relationships? (Amira’s parents not withstanding.) As if the most positive outcome for a Muslim person living in Europe is to marry a white atheist. That is what Skam España did to Sana’s season, to Sana, to the balloon squad. 
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The Hexer ending songs - A Translation
So, since the polish Witcher series, known as "the Hexer" has been gaining some popularity, but the subtitled for some reason doesn't include subtitles for the songs from the ending of each episode, here is my personal translation of each one of these, with some sidenotes at the end. Now, this is mostly a literal translation, not a poetic one, so I apologise if the grammar is sometimes a bit off. I tried to the best of my ability, but it is very possible I screwed up something.
So, uh, let's go!
EPISODE 1 - CHILDHOOD And in the mountains, the quiet call of the wolf Gets lost somewhere in the storm It* probably also found out That you'll be a witcher Again the quiet voice of the wolf can be heard Like the call of a human Probably only it knows What path awaits you *Instrumental* And in the mountains, the quiet call of the wolf Gets lost somewhere in the storm It probably also found out That you'll be a witcher That you'll be a witcher That you'll be a witcher
EPISODE 2 - LEARNING And so happened what was meant to happen You won't change anything anymore Though the sun's light suddenly faded The sword has been doused in red Stand on the edge of the unknown Don't look back Go by yourself into the wide world The sword will show you the way
EPISODE 3 - HUMAN - FIRST ENCOUNTER It's high time to find out What no one will tell you That sometimes it so happens in life That human is the monster And now you fight With your own thoughts Because, after all, you're supposed to protect people From monsters
EPISODE 4 - THE DRAGON Like the stars above the road, your eyes Like a cup of pleasure, your lips So badly I want to see again today At least a shadow of my old love For a heart, like a beggar, is pleading* Lonely, it wanders at the crossroads And always when I only look at the sky I feel the starry chill of your eyes
EPISODE 5 - A SHARD OF ICE And though your heart burns She's not meant for you This is how blazes of hearts end With an ocean of parting Your fate is already written Your efforts are in vain Like a rock which upon being thrown wants to Find itself as a star in the sky
EPISODE 6 - CALANTHE Stay on the path of destiny And that is to fight Your sword won't know the taste of rust It'll shine with blood And one more right of yours It's the surprise Whoever opposes to it The sword is destined for them*
EPISODE 7 - THE VALLEY OF FLOWERS One can't escape from fate Nor from the memories If they want, they will get you Beyond seven mountains* What pushes you to go forward Always further and further? The more you look for your own path The harder it is to find
EPISODE 8 - CROSSROADS Tonight you won't see the stars That is a glow above Cintra It'll burn and show the world The world that will die Like a murder of black crows* somewhere The enemies are rushing You've escaped but your fates Are made* within you
EPISODE 9 - TEMPLE OF MELITELE To those who you love, the wicked fate Won't spare the suffering Now that they need you You're not there with them And if you only could know From where comes this unrest within you From where the dead stomping of heavy hooves Is rumbling with an echo inside your head
EPISODE 10 - LESSER EVIL Not all that shines golden is gold And (not all) submission is consent* Poisonous flowers lure us in With their fatal beauty Though you let yourself get fooled again Not all is lost Though the black apparition* of a bad dream Is embracing you in her arms
EPISODE 11 - JASKIER Suddenly it started to smell like the gust of Autumn With the cold wind, fled the meaning of words It has to be so, nothing can be changed By diamonds at the tips of your eyelashes Where you live, it's already white with snow Lakes and muds are glassy with ice It has to be so, nothing can be changed By the longing that is creeping in your eyes It smelled of the gust of Autumn With the cold wind, fled the meaning of words It has to be so, nothing can be changed By diamonds at the tips of your eyelashes Spring will return, the rain will flow on the roads Hearts will be warmed by the heat of the sun It has to be so, for there's still a flame smoldering within us Eternal flame, which is hope
EPISODE 12 - FALWICK And you're asking what you've done wrong You keep asking questions You want to cheat destiny And you're being punished Your fate is already written Your efforts are in vain Like a rock which upon being thrown wants to Find itself as a star in the sky
EPISODE 13 - CIRI (This song is the only one not sung by Zbigniew Zamachowski, Jaskier's actor) Don't call for help, it won't come Don't try to defend yourself, don't waste your strength It's undaunted, it's a chariot pulled by a hundred horses And you're riding in it
And even if you'd run from it You're chasing it And even if you'd hide You're looking for it And even if you'd pretend you are Blind to nudity and deaf to whispers
You won't escape from it
You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't conquer it within yourself Know this You won't defeat love You won't conquer it
You'll put down every weapon When you see it
Though they say about you that you're made of stone Though your eyes saw everything When you see it in its entirety
Then You'll suddenly feel shy and know this It'll reach you
You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't conquer it within yourself Know this You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't defeat love You won't conquer it within yourself Know this You won't defeat love You won't conquer it You'll put down every weapon When you see it When you see it When you see it When you see it When you see it When you see it
EXTRA ONE (I found another brief variant of "Jaskier's advice" in the soundtrack of the movie version. I don't think it appears in any episode of the series, though)
And you're ashamed of yourself* And what is this fight for? You can't escape from love, so Succumb yourself to it (The last line is then repeated a few times)
Additional notes: *It referes to the wolf specifically, not its call. The song uses male pronouns for the wolf, as in polish the word "wolf" (wilk) is itself considered masculine. *All the songs from the episodes 1-3, 5-10 and 12 follow this pattern of instrumental, reprisal of the first half and two repeats of the last line of the first half. With next variations of the song, I left the repeats out, since I don't think there's a need for that. (These songs are also officially titled "Rady Jaskra" - "Jaskier's advice") *There's a bit of untranslateable double meaning - "Kołacze", can mean a couple of things - knocking, begging for something, but it can also be used to describe a heart beating really fast. (In addition to "Bije" - "Is beating", in Polish, you can also say that the heart "puka- "is knocking") I wasn't sure which meaning of the word "kołacze" was intended, so I went with the version that makes the most sense, when translated into english. *As in, "They are destined to fall/die by sword". Probably refers to Calanthe's eventual fate and the fall of Cintra in general. *"Beyond seven mountains" is a common way to begin a fairy tale in polish. It's basically the equivalent of "In a land far, far away" (In fact, in polish dub of Shrek 2, the Far Far Away is translated as "Zasiedmiogórogród" - "Beyondsevenmountainsgard") I think it's especially relevant, given how most of the short stories in the first two Witcher books, which this show covers, tend to reference and parody various fairy tales. *Or ravens. Most dictionaries I've looked through state that both of these words can serve as a translation of "kruk". *"Dokonują się" is pretty difficult to translate literally. It can mean "are made", "are done" or "are happening". I went with the first one, since I thought it made the most sense, thematically. *The syntax is super ambiguous here, but essentially, the way this verse is a continuation of the first one, it reads as "Not all that shines golden is gold, and likewise, submission is not always consent", but the way it's phrased it seems to be giving the opposite message. That's why I put that bit in parentheses there, to make it clearer what this actually means. *The word used here was "mara". Now, "mara", has many meanings, including "an apparition", "a wraith", "a nightmare", "a bad vision", "a delusion", but most importantly, it's the name of an evil spirit from slavic (and nordic) folklore. Also known as "Zmora", a mara was a vile half-demon soul of a living person (usually a woman, the male equivalent of mara was called "dusiołek") who at night, would leave their host’s body, sneak into people's houses at night through keyholes and drink their blood while they sleep. Also they would tire out horses by riding on them during the night. Given how often creatures from slavic folklore feature in all the Witcher media, I wonder if this was an intentional reference. *There's an expression used here, which I don't think has an english equivalent - "Sam przed sobą wstydzisz się" - Translated literally, it means "You're ashamed before yourself", as in "your feel as an embarrasment to yourself, specifically." more of less. @abluescarfonwaston Tagging you as promised. Hope you find it helpful!
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celticrune · 3 years
Hey Celtic! For the oc ask meme, how about 2, 8, 15, 22 and 25 for Val, Tanwen, Keiji, Jay, Whisper and Raya? I know I said I'd only ask 4 of your characters but I couldn't choose which four so I guess we're going with 6 of them.
*elmorise.jpg* let's go boys
and just guessing but this one's probably going under a cut, so. expect a readmore if i remember to put one in
2: Their smile Val: Subtle and easy to miss. It's in their eyes more than their mouth, a crinkle and a warmth that comes with just a light quirk of their lips. If you see them smiling widely and openly and with socialite charm, they're lying to someone, be it you or themself.
Tanwen: Bright and wide and earnest. Her happiness and her enthusiasm and her cheer are right there at the surface and her smile shows it all at the drop of a hat.
Keiji: True smiles are rare for this boy. Smirks absolutely, grins always, but a real honest smile? Only for people he trusts, and even then only when he's half-asleep or drunk or otherwise unable to have his guard fully up.
Jay: You're more likely to get an eyeroll than a smile, but they do exist! Sometimes a true, soft smile that manages to light up even his usual scowl, sometimes a crooked grin when he just made a joke so deadpan no one can tell if it's a joke or not and he's enjoying the confusion. Secret: his beard hides his dimples
Whisper: She has an adorable smile, with dimples and all, just don't tell her that or you will get kicked in the shins. She also knows she has very cute dimples and she hates it, so she very stubbornly tries not to smile (but she's terrible at it).
Raya: ........She.... tries.........
8: What they like to eat Val: They have a soft spot for cookies, of most kinds. They have not yet found their favourite.
Tanwen: A good bread. Her dad always baked fresh bread for the family and she has not found anything that compares
Keiji: Junkfood, especially burgers. The junkier the better, and anyone who disagrees doesn't have any taste
Jay: Good hearty winter foods. Stews, thicc soups, some good slow-cooked dishes you can have on the stove for the better part of the day bubbling away
Whisper: Ramen. No, I will not elaborate.
Raya: Liquorice
15: How they react to a brainfreeze Val: :|
Tanwen: Blows on the food that cause it to cool it down in weird backwards instinct
Keiji: Dramatically complains
Jay: :/
Whisper: She's Fine she's Tough she's Cool she can Do This. totally still winces and pouts
Raya: Ever seen gifs of a cat getting brain freeze? Imagine that but a panther
22: What they're like on two hours of sleep Val: They have chugged six espressos and are on their way to a seventh. Remarkably functional, but Do Not Talk To Them.
Tanwen: Barely keeping her eyes open, nodding off whenever she sits down, she's the kinda fool who'd walk into a door cause she was too tired to pay attention. She doesn't do well on little sleep.
Keiji: Hopped up on redbull, talking a mile a minute, full of energy but all over the place. Amusing, but he's not getting anything done.
Jay: He doesn't tend to sleep too well, so he's pretty used to getting by on little sleep. He'll try to catch what catnaps he can, but in the meantime he's good at muscling down and getting on with his day. He'll be a grouch, but not much more than usual
Whisper: She tries. Oh how she tries. She is going to fall asleep in class and accidentally elbow the teacher when he wakes her up.
Raya: Somehow? Fine? There's definitely some magic going on here do not trust it
25: Why you enjoy them Val: Val embodies survival. Overcoming your past and your pain and piecing together a new identity for yourself, one you chose. They went through terrible things and they still struggle but they learned, they are learning, and they're getting better every day. They're happy, and they have worked so so hard to earn that happiness.
They're the part of me that wants to be better, and writing them is the feeling that one day I will get there, too. They're also the conviction that such struggles and issues don't make you any less worthy of love, or capable of it.
Tanwen: Tanwen is just so bright. Her DnD campaign finished this week, actually, but I've played her for about five years now and being in her headspace makes me so happy. It's warm and bright and optimistic, no matter how dark things seen. It's loving everything and everyone, and while that isn't always me and I wouldn't want it to be, it's such a positive and lovely headspace to spend time in
Keiji: he's my terrible horny bastard son what else do i need to say. (and he's the trials and tribulations of opening up emotionally, the mortifying ordeal of being known, and the catharsis of being met with only love and acceptance)
Jay: Jay is a rock. He's steady and sturdy and down to earth and chill, and while that also makes him hell to write because he's so unbothered, it's what makes it really nice and chill to be in his headspace. He unapologetically himself, spends his time just vibing, and I love him.
Also, as I have recently come to realise, he is my transmasc gender envy and and me exploring how masculinity might fit and feel
Whisper: She's an adorable awkward potato. She's full teen cringiness and I love her for it. You go be the hero honey, you go be cool and fall flat on your face, you're doing amazing and you deserve the world
Raya: my druid self-projection no, but also yes. Raya is the thunderstorm and the sunshower and she's force of a strong wind, and she's all that in fun to write magic. Her character is definitely not as developed as some of my regulars, and that makes her harder to actually write, but I love her relationship with nature and her powers
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