#also the room can't be closed because it will be a black box and windows will do almost nothing
jodeliejodelie · 1 year
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Interior design is my passion~
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
Mirror, Mirror | Five
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Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Deleting the video evidence of Wanda's embarrassing confession only goes slightly awry, and in the end, she can't tell if she's relieved or disappointed with herself. Perhaps she can get advice from someone who was once in her position.
Warnings: best friends to lovers. shenanigans. jealousy, jealousy. sexual tension. pining. yearning. sexual thoughts. spicy (tumblr's version). stupid steve. neurotic nat. brat & stinky. bug as in shutterbug.
*explicit version will only be available on Ao3 & will be posted there after series is completed*
Note: There's still an epilogue after this!! But after that, it's done </3
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Series Masterlist || Library Blog || AO3
Count: ~4,6k
Wanda jiggles her key through the door with a renewed rush. Her hands are shaky, and she should really just take her time. This wasn't making it go any faster.
Darcy had just dropped her off after they ate their McDonald's meal in the parking lot and was on her way back to get access to her laptop to help Wanda. 
Finally unlocking the door, Wanda took her shoes off haphazardly and took off towards your room. Your laptop sits innocently at your desk, unaware of all the havoc Wanda will reap upon it if it doesn't give her access to your email. 
She pulls out the chair and sits down before she opens it up. The first thing that greets her is the password page. Wanda pulls out the USB that Darcy gave her and plugs it in. All she can do now is wait since Darcy said she'd text Wanda once she made it home. 
The next 15 minutes feel like a bottomless pit of hell. Wanda checks her watch every couple of minutes, tapping her foot impatiently. 
"Come on, come on, come on," Wanda huffs quietly. She's extremely paranoid about what you might be doing. It's unlikely you'd be returning home tonight, and even if you were, it'd be a couple of hours from now.
Yet, the unhinged part of Wanda wants to pull out her phone and text you, "Hey, what's up? You're still busy sexing up Raye, right? Definitely not ideal, but you're not checking your emails or on your way home, right?
Wanda wishes she made Natasha go stakeout Raye's house to alert her when you were leaving the place. Before she can think more insane thoughts, her phone vibrates in her hand, and Wanda checks it with speed. It was from Darcy confirming she'd made it home and it'd be any minute now. 
Wanda looks up at your laptop screen, pushing her finger against the mousepad to ensure the screen doesn't time out. The USB must give Darcy some kind of access because, true to her word, something does start happening. 
Wanda watches the screen with mild interest as a separate window pops up. The background is black, but it's clearly some kind of coding as random words begin running. It takes a few minutes, but then asterisks fill your password box. It only takes 3 times before the right password is entered and Wanda's gained access.
"Yes!" She celebrates before she sends Darcy a quick text. 
Wanda pulls up your email and finds the latest one sent to you is a link to a Google Drive. There are many videos and some photos, but Wanda recognizes herself in one of the thumbnails and clicks on it.
"I don't see what's so great about Raye—"
Wanda immediately stops playing it, unable to bear the embarrassment of hearing herself. She quickly deletes the clip, also going to the trash bin to make sure it's permanently deleted. Wanda checks everything several times to ensure there are no other clips and any trace of her confession is gone. 
Mission completed. 
Relief floods her system, knowing that the clip has been deleted. 
Wanda closed everything she opened, making sure she changed the status of the email to unread. Once everything is as it was, Wanda closes your laptop and unplugs the USB.  
Stuffing the USB into her pocket, she's about to send another text to Darcy when Wanda hears the front door open, and you call out her name. You must've seen her shoes at the door, but Wanda still doesn't answer. She hears you walking back down the hallway toward your room and panics. 
Oh, god, she couldn't walk back out that door without bumping into you, and she couldn't jump out the window either with them living on the 10th floor. 
Oh, fuck, what does she do? Wanda's panicking as she shakes her hands in hysteria and looks around frantically. 
Shit, shit, shit, shit!
Wanda carefully makes her way to your closet, but it's filled wall to wall with your clothes, and the floor is filled with your shoes and other boxes. There was no room to hide in there.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Wanda's walking around your room and has no idea where to hide. She looks at your bed and internally groans. Dropping to her knees, she scoots herself until she's fully underneath, flat on her stomach, but her head is kept off the floor. She quickly opens her phone and turns it from vibration mode to silence—Wanda refuses to be caught. She would rather die than even try and explain all of this.
The door opens, and Wanda only gets a few of your slippers as you make your way back to your desk. She hears a soft clank on the desk, and Wanda can only assume it's the mug of tea you have every night. 
Wanda hears you sigh quietly as you seem to settle in for the night. This is not good. This is fucking terrible. 
Wanda can't tell how long she's been stuck under your bed. She's too worried about moving and accidentally making a noise. All she hears is the soft music playing and your mouse and keyboard clicking. 
Suddenly, her phone lights up with a notification. It's a text from you.
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Wanda bites her lip, trying to decide if she should answer. Ultimately, she decides she should because it's possible you might try to call her if she doesn't, and she definitely can't answer it if you do. Wanda would also feel bad about not answering you if you're worried. 
But, god fucking dammit, she's going to have to lie. Again. 
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Wanda hears a breathy chuckle from you and tries not to smile. 
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Wanda doesn't know if she should say yes or no. If she says yes, will you wait until she gets home? Wanda can only dread how long she might be stuck under your bed.
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The chair you're sitting scrapes against the floor a little. A reply doesn't come for a few minutes, and Wanda wishes she could see what you were doing. 
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Wanda stares at the text, trying to see if she can decipher your tone from just the words alone. It's something you've told her countless times when she told you she'd be staying at Vision's place. Yet, somehow, this feels different. 
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You stop replying to her after that. It's both a relief that Wanda could stop digging herself into another hole and a torture she's left without much to do again. 
Wanda checks some of her other texts and replies to them, but her battery life is getting exceedingly low, and she doesn't want it to die on her accidentally if you do decide to text her again. 
The last time she opened the phone to check the time, an hour and a half had passed. There's almost a desperation to give herself up and come clean to relinquish herself from the sheer boredom, but Wanda holds strong since she reasons she'd already made it this far. 
"Hmm," Wanda hears you let out a deep hum. The mouse clicks a few times, and Wanda wishes she could see what you were staring at. 
Definitely not her confession video; that much comforts Wanda. 
God, she's bored. She's so bored that the fear has long left her body. 
It's a miracle when Wanda hears you get up and stretch, a few cricks released from your back. You leave the room, and Wanda hears the bathroom door shut. 
Wanda scrambles to get out from under the bed, nearly hitting her head 5 times. She quickly tiptoes out of your room, heading for the front door and opening it. Just as you're coming out of the bathroom, Wanda shuts the door as if she's just gotten in. 
"Wanda, is that you?" You call from the hallway.
"Yep! You're still up?" Wanda calls back, laughing nervously to herself about how stupid this all was, but relief she was clearly getting away with it. 
"Yeah, just thought I'd get a start on the editing stuff for Tony," you say as Wanda walks towards you. 
"Oh, cool," Wanda doesn't inquire further but says, "I thought you were staying at Raye's tonight?"
"Oh, uh," you seem surprised that Wanda asks. "I was having a hard time falling asleep on her bed. The mattress is too soft and gives me the worst cricks."
"Oh," Wanda nods, knowing that your mattress is memory foam but on the firmer side. 
"What about you?" You ask back. "Didn't go home with Darcy?"
"Uh, no," Wanda fumbles slightly. "Uh, it was good, but I, uh, was getting a slight stomachache from the McDonald's so I decided to go home."
You frown. "Do you want some tea? Maybe some Tums?"
"Maybe some ginger and honey tea?"
You nod. "Alright, I'll get some ready for you. Why don't you go take your makeup off and whatnot? We could watch some TV before we sleep."
"Oo," Wanda grins. "I think I saw some things come out on Disney+, let's see what they have!"
The rollercoaster of the night comes to a satisfying end for Wanda. 
The next three weeks are odd for Wanda. During the first and second weeks, she was so busy with her clients and a whole PR mess that she barely had time to see you. 
She spends more time collaborating with her team about how they will dig one of their clients out of the mess they'd made or if they should just drop the client. She's barely been able to think about her feelings for you and what to do about it. 
By the time the third week arrives, everything at work finally slows down, and she has time to herself like a regular person again. Wanda reflects back on her position and the entire video-deleting debacle. 
With the fear and adrenaline long gone, Wanda can't actually tell if she's disappointed that you haven't discovered her feelings. Would things have just been easier if you had watched the video?
At the very least, it might be better in the sense Wanda wouldn't be stuck in the same place. 
Wanda's sitting on the couch, lazily trying to focus on her book but can't with her mind continuously drifting. You haven't been home as of late—Wanda only realized you've been out a lot for a week and a half now. 
Sighing, Wanda closes her book. She was getting bored again. You wouldn't be home until later, and she already spent an hour on the phone with Natasha earlier. 
Just as Wanda was about to text you to ask if there was any possibility you'd be home earlier, the front doorknob jiggled, signaling someone was putting in their key.
Wanda smiles, hoping she'll see you walk through the door, but smiles even wider when she sees who walks through it. 
Getting up from the couch, Wanda runs and jumps, latching onto the person. 
"Oof," the voice was gruff.
"Bucky!" Wanda yells excitedly as Bucky catches her, wrapping his arm around her to ensure she doesn't fall, even though her legs are around him. 
"Hi, nutball," Bucky says, but his mouth is muffled by Wanda's shoulder and some of her hair. 
Wanda slowly slides back down onto the floor, taking a good look at Bucky. Of all the people she adores besides you, Bucky is at the top of her list, along with Natasha, which is why they both have key fobs to the apartment. 
Bucky kind of reminds her of Pietro in certain ways, if Pietro would ever grow up and get a little serious. Bucky seems to know that and has cared for Wanda in Pietro's stead now that the guy has left for Europe since they turned 18. 
"When did you get back?" Wanda asks. "Why didn't you call? I would've arranged to pick you up from the airport."
"It's fine. Steve picked me up from the airport and we relaxed a little bit before he had to leave to the station to do some kind of sketch for a case," Bucky says as he takes off his shoes.
They wander back into the living room space and take a seat. Bucky had brought her some coffee and pastries that Wanda delighted over.
"So," Wanda says after a sip of her coffee. "How was California?"
"Hot," Bucky smiles. 
"You said you were going to train an upcoming actor in a movie, right?"
Bucky nods, sipping his own coffee. "Yeah, some new superhero movie. Pretty young; I think he just turned 18. Definitely now super ripped for an 18 year old," Bucky laughs.
"Does he need a PR agent?" Wanda grins. 
Bucky rolls his eyes with mirth. "Probably not since he has his manager handling everything, but I did pass your card along."
"You're good people."
Bucky snorts, and they spend another half hour catching up before he finally comes to the topic he's been waiting to discuss. "You know, Steve brought up something interesting."
"Oh, yeah?" Wanda raises her brow.
"Steve was bringing up how Bug seems to be seeing someone," Bucky says slowly. "And she looks a lot like you...like everyone else Bug has dated."
Wanda lets out a huge groan. "Steve should eat rocks and jump into the ocean."
Bucky laughs, leaning back onto the couch, and smiles. "So? What do you think?" 
"About what?"
Bucky gives her a side-eye, and she groans quietly this time.
"Fine," she grumbles. "It was strange to realize, but like, a good strange. I don't know. I want...I want her to look at me."
Wanda's blushing at the admittance to Bucky. It makes her feel shy, but also good that someone else close to her knows and will be on her side. 
"Have you confessed?"
"Not exactly."
"Ah, so you haven't done shit except probably rope people into your weird schemes that turn out poorly."
Wanda's jaw drops. "I have not—okay, well, I mean, I wouldn't say they turned out poorly." She would never tell Bucky about the videotaping incident. She was taking that to her grave. 
Bucky eyes Wanda, taking in the small expressions on her face and the muted longing in her eyes as she picks at her nails. "You're so much like me, sometimes I'm convinced that you're actually my little sister," Bucky grins, and Wanda mirrors him. "Don't tell Pietro that, though. He's gets so jealous."
Wanda just gives him an, 'obviously,' look.
"When I started realizing my feelings for Steve, I didn't say anything for a long, long time, and I've known I've liked Steve since we were boys making mudpies," Bucky leans his head back against the couch, the coffee resting between his hands on his stomach. "I kept thinking about what if Steve didn't feel the same? And then there was the whole Peggy situation, and I didn't want to break that up."
"You're better than me," Wanda sighs. "I would break them up in a heartbeat if I knew how she felt about me."
Bucky can't hold his laugh in for that but continues on. "I think a lot of those fears I had paralyzed me. I kept thinking I'd have more time and there was a right moment, or if I did certain things, Steve would feel the same. I just had to wait it out."
"So, what happened?"
Bucky gave her a wan smile. "Steve and Peggy, even though they'd be on and off, were getting more serious. One night, Steve told me he was thinking about proposing."
"What?" Wanda's jaw drops. She's never heard of this. "But obviously he didn't because you guys are together now."
"Yeah," Bucky laughs, "because I totally freaked out. I started saying he couldn't and then kissed him, and then started crying. It was a mess."
"Oh, god," Wanda rests her hand against her mouth. She could totally see herself doing that to you if you said the same thing. Now, she's starting to freak out if you're getting serious with Raye. 
"I think you know what I'm getting at," Bucky says, turning his head to look over at Wanda, and she feels vaguely uncomfortable. "You need to say something—now. There's no perfect timing. There's nothing extra you can do to magically know, and you're not gonna always have more time."
Wanda lets her head fall back against the couch, closing her eyes. They start to sting with tears, and she feels that same fear creep into her belly. Yet, Bucky's words resonate with her, and she suppresses that fear until it settles into a muted nervousness. 
"Fuck, I swear you and Steve planned this."
Despite Wanda's talk with Bucky, she says absolutely nothing to you when you arrive home late in the evening. Wanda's eyes are glued to the TV, watching How I Met Your Mother absently. 
You seemed to have a long day yourself as you carefully sat next to her on the couch. 
The air feels weird, and there's a tension in your shoulders. It starts to make Wanda tense until you suddenly relax with a deep breath. You shuffle in your seat before scooting until you're pressed against Wanda's side, resting your head against her shoulder. 
The smell of clean laundry and leaves fills Wanda's nose, and she relaxes against you. 
"Wanna order in?" You say.
"Yeah," Wanda replies, pulling out her phone to see what she was in the mood for. The two of you quickly place an order and continue to sit in silence, watching the TV.
You seem deep in thought, but you grab Wanda's hand at some point, holding it with keen interest.
Wanda doesn't say anything. Her cheeks and the tips of her ears are warm as you stroke the back of her hand with your thumb. Her heart doesn't speed up, but it begins to thud noticeably harder in her chest. 
It continues like that until the food arrives, and it's also eaten in silence with the background noise of the TV. Yet, whenever Wanda looks up, she finds you staring at her, and you don't break eye contact. 
It's strange, and it's making Wanda feel somewhat nauseous. 
When the food is done and put away, the two of you settle back onto the couch, but Wanda doesn't think she can handle the silence anymore. 
"How was your day?"
You turn your head, staring at Wanda, and reply softly. "Okay...how was yours? Bucky told me he stopped by to see you."
Wanda tenses. "Yeah," she mumbles. "It was good seeing him again."
"It's nice that he's home," you nod. "I'm sure Steve is happy."
Steve doesn't deserve to be happy, Wanda pettily thinks. It was his fault that Wanda felt so nervous that she felt like she would puke. 
Wanda needs to say something.
She knows she needs to say something now like Bucky told her to. 
All those same fears and anxiety creep up, but frustration has also lingered in her since the day she realized her feelings for you. 
Wanda's tired, she realizes. She's also sick of saying nothing and watching you be with someone else. She's scared but would rather say something and be put out of her misery than continue saying nothing. 
Just as Wanda is about to say something else, you say something first. 
"I broke up with Raye."
Just like that, the wind is blown out of her sails, and Wanda's brain stalls. "What?"
"I," you clear your throat, "broke up with Raye."
"A week and a half ago."
"And you're just telling me now?"
Your brow scrunches, and you turn in your seat to fully face Wanda as you cross your legs on the couch. You're fidgeting with your fingers in your lap. "Yes...I needed to think."
"Think about what?"
You wet your lips. "If...if it was worth it potentially ruining our friendship for something more."
Wanda's heart drops like an amusement park ride. Her stomach feels the same way it does when an airplane is ascending. 
She had all these things she was going to say to you just a minute ago, and now her head was empty, and all she could think about was what you were trying to say.
"I think it is...if you feel the same, which I know you do unless something's changed in the last three weeks."
"How do you know?" Wanda frowns. Then again, she wasn't trying to be sly about it the last few months. Maybe you've finally caught on. 
Wait, Wanda pauses. Three weeks? That was when—
You pull out an SD card from your pocket. Wanda's around you enough to know what that is, and her stomach sinks. 
"You know," you give her a small smile. "I was trying to edit the video together for Tony the night after the party, but as I was going through the footage, a third of the photos or videos were corrupted."
Wanda thinks back to the USB she returned to Darcy. Dammit, Darcy! That lying, sneaking, betraying—
"I didn't think much of it, but I had to meet up with the videographer to get the original files. You'd never guess what was on there," you smile wryly. "Or maybe you do since you've somehow deleted it from my Google Drive...and corrupted the other files, so I'd have to get the originals. Very conflicting motives I was getting."
"I didn't mean to corrupt the other files," Wanda mumbles. "But you should probably get your laptop professionally cleaned..."
You give her a weird look but chuckle with a shake of your head. "You're super kooky, you know."
"I do know," Wanda rolls her eyes. "I think you know as well."
"I thought I might've seen you on my first date with Raye. That rock that hit that car wouldn't happen to be something you know about, do you?"
"Not at all," Wanda replies quickly. "But if I did, I'm sure the person would want to say she wasn't aiming for the car or your head."
"So, just Raye's head?"
"Once again, not a clue what the intention was as it wasn't me."
You laugh, and Wanda joins in until it fades, and you bite your bottom lip. "I don't know how any of this works, Wanda. I've never dated anyone I consider my best friend."
"I would hope not," Wanda raises her brow at you. "That means someone else was your best friend and you've committed the ultimate betrayal."
You roll your eyes with a mirth and a smile. 
"I haven't either," Wanda says softly, slowly turning fully toward you, grabbing your hand, and lacing your fingers together. "But I want to. And no matter what happens, we're gonna be okay. I don't think I'll ever love anyone the way I love you. I think I've loved you for a really, really long time."
"Me too," you mumble, squeezing Wanda's hand, feeling shy. "I don't think I ever really thought about it. I just love you. You're my best friend and I love you."
"Now I'm your girlfriend," Wanda grins, leaning closer and closing her eyes.
"Whoa, okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves now. What if we're not even sexually compatible?" 
Wanda pulls back and looks at your face, shocked. It's stony and serious until your lip twitches and Wanda smacks you.
"Ugh, you're such a brat!"
"No, that's you. I'm stinky."
"Oh, we're bringing back middle school nicknames, are we?" Wanda narrows her eyes at you. You're about to say something else, but Wanda's had enough.
Didn't she think something earlier about being sick of saying nothing? What was she thinking? Saying nothing sounds ideal.
Wanda launches herself across the seat into you, hearing you grunt as she topples you over onto the couch and presses her lips against yours. 
It's not a dream this time, Wanda's very sure. 
This was much, much better than any dream could give her. It feels better. 
Your lips are soft, and you taste faintly like the cookie you split with her earlier. 
Oh god, oh god, oh god, Wanda's mind is racing. She's finally kissing you.
Oh my god, she was kissing you!
You were kissing her back!
Wanda kisses you, pressing her lips over yours over and over as your fingers trail over the outside of her thighs and stroke up to her back. You're bolder than her as your fingers dip under her shirt, pressing her against bare skin. 
It's thrilling; Wanda almost can't lie still on top of you. Goosebumps are forming, and it's forming everywhere. 
You break the kiss, lips caressing her jaw, and scatter light kisses as they trail down her throat. 
Your hand moves higher up Wanda's back and pauses. 
"No bra?" You raise an eyebrow at her. 
"I didn't leave the house today," Wanda mumbles, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple. 
You hum. "No complaints here," you resume your caresses of her bare skin but pause again. "Wanna move to the bedroom?"
No, Wanda thinks. She doesn't want to detach herself from this position. She doesn't want your touch or your kisses to stop. 
You can tell that Wanda's debating the pros and cons, and you try to persuade her. "A bed will give us more room to do things...and I want to do a lot of things..." You nibble on her collarbone. 
Wanda lets out a soft moan, and her toes curl. 
"Okay, fine," Wanda acquiesces, getting up and pulling you along with her. "Move quickly, though. No dallying."
"Dallying? I would never," you smile as Wanda pulls you down the hall. "I'll mirror you perfectly."
"I think you always have," Wanda says softly, turning to look at you. "That's why it's taken us so long to get here. We're stupid."
You laugh. "Seems like one of us deviated from our mirror, mirror dance."
The two of you enter Wanda's bedroom, and she falls back onto it, pulling you on top of her. 
Your body heat spreads across hers, and Wanda thinks she's dizzy again. 
"Good," Wanda mumbles, cupping your face, her thumb stroking your cheek. "I'm tired of us being chickens."
You press a kiss to her, smiling against her lips. One arm wraps around Wanda while the other trails under the front of Wanda's shirt. 
"Speak for yourself," your fingers trail higher and higher. "Maybe I'm just stupid." You press another kiss, lingering a moment longer, and then pull away. "Chicken."
"Stupid," Wanda smiles, her lips grazing yours when she does. 
"I love you."
"I love you more."
Wanda feels something so peaceful settle over her. The butterflies in her stomach flutter around from your touch, but she's so happy. She thinks she might cry if she thinks about it too much because this was all she ever wanted. 
Wanda focuses on the feel of your hands on her skin instead and how you're making her feel hot. She focuses on the feel of your lips against her skin, the sound of her breaths, and your soft moans. 
There's no way the two of you aren't sexually compatible, but Wanda's eager to find out exactly how compatible they are...over and over. 
As your lips trail lower and more clothes are removed, Wanda idly thinks that maybe Steve doesn't need to eat rocks and jump into the ocean. 
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sweetbillwriting · 1 month
In The Dead of Night
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Characters: AU Eric played by Bill Skarsgård from The Crow (2024)
Setting: This story is set in A WHOLE OTHER WORLD than the movie. Shelley isn't a part of this story. Eric will be different from the movie, especially because I haven't seen the movie.
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, heavy themes.
Notes: This chapter can be triggering!
I wanted to stand close to Eric and let all the feelings out against his shoulder, but Odin, that stupid dog, destroyed it. Suddenly he had woken up from his bed and realized there was a big bird sitting in the open window, on his favorite person's knee, and he barked loudly. Crow jumped, and with an irritated caw, he flew away and left just the scratch marks on Eric's knee behind.
Eric quickly let go of me to give Odin a look.
“Go to bed.”
He didn't sound irritated or shouted like Robin usually did; he sounded more cold and authoritarian. Odin dropped his ears, and with a low head, he walked to his bed. I had never seen him act like that and I stared in astonishment. Eric really was something else.
“I'm sorry, honey… I just needed to,” he excused himself, like it was his dog who had barked. He stood up and hugged me close so I could lay against his safe chest. I looked up at him after a minute and dried my cheeks again.
“Can't you tell me more about you? You know almost my whole family tree.”
It was true. Eric had a big interest in knowing all kinds of things about me but succeeded in making it all about me instead of letting me know anything about him. He looked away for a few seconds but then looked down at me and nodded.
“Yeah… Yeah.” He continued to nod but swallowed hard. I could see it was hard for him to visit old memories, but it would be good for him to talk about it all, to see it for what it is, and not go around with anxiety the whole time.
In his wardrobe, among trashed t-shirts and classic sneakers, he took out an old Converse shoe box. It looked like it had stayed with him for a while, and when I saw the shoe size text on the side of the box, I understood it must be really old or someone else's. It must have been a while since he wore size 7.
Eric sat down next to me in bed; he was in just black boxers, and I was dressed in the purple t-shirt he wore the day before. Both of us looked at the box like it was something mythical, and after he had dragged his hands over it a couple of times, he opened it. It was mostly photos in it, some birthday cards but also a toy car, an action figure I didn't know the name of, and a little Asian figurine—a man with a sword.
“So… This is my childhood.” He said it silly, like it was a joke, but I understood he did that just to cover up the other feelings. I dragged my hand over his forearm and laid my hands over his that lay in a fist with the other one in his lap, where he sat in a lotus position.
“Can I look?” I asked carefully.
“Yeah, it's nothing, nothing special,” he said with a shoulder shrug and looked away. I knew he just said that because he was awkward; both he and I knew his childhood had not been like mine.
“That's the very first picture of me. That I know of,” he said with a small smile and pointed at the picture in my hand. It was a big eyed little boy in a sweatshirt set. It looked really 90s in a washed-out green color. He stood in the middle of a living room, next to a brown leather couch and also a baby walker in light blue.
“It's… It's at my foster parents’ house. I couldn't walk yet when I came to them, so… So… So they started to teach me that.”
I crawled closer to him and looked at him with big eyes. I wanted him to feel safe with me, and when he looked at me with glassy eyes, I knew he felt that. I kissed his cheek and lips, and he breathed deeply before continuing to talk.
“I hadn't learned to say anything either, so they taught me that too. No one really knows why I was so late with everything because my biological mom, Linda, never said anything about it. I just know what Lotti and Eric, my foster parents, have told me. I was healthy and so on, or I weighed too little, but nothing that serious ehm…”
“But why did you have foster parents?” I asked carefully. It felt weird that I already knew so much but was forced to pretend. If I didn't… I didn't even want to think about what would happen if he found out that I already knew some of his history.
“Linda, my biological mother, did a few months in prison for dealing drugs, so I moved to Lotti and Eric and then continued to visit them until I was nine, and I moved there and visited Linda instead. I don't really know why it happened then,” he shrugged his shoulders. “It was a fucking hell living with her for all those years, but no one cared. More than Lotti and Eric then or… Mom and Dad, like I started to call them…”
“You can call them that; if you see them as your parents, you should call them that.”
Eric shook his head and started to look through the photos by himself until he found a picture of him with them, but also Robin. They stood outside of the house together with the parents behind the kids. It looked really arranged, and both the boys had white button-ups and black pants. It looked like they were maybe six and eight years old.
“I don't have the right to call them that anymore. This is from Eric's brother Albert's wedding, or before we went there. It was a neighbor who took the picture.” It was obvious he spoke quickly so he didn't need to talk about why he didn't call them his parents anymore, but I had my guess.
“That's Robin, their real son. Ehm…” He laughed a little and looked closer at Robin's big smile in the picture while he himself looked terrified, holding his father's hand close to his face. “He was… We had fun when we were kids. He really took care of me, but… I don't know, something changed, and I guess he wanted his parents for himself.” He said it with a shoulder shrug like it was a natural thing, even the most natural thing, like he maybe didn't have anything to do there.
“I was trash. Or was,” he laughed sarcastically and rubbed his eye. “I guess he started to get what I was. I was an addict's son. I was a prostitute's son… I came home to them smelling like filth and had bruises from my mom's Johns and ate so much I puked on their floor…” Eric looked down at the pictures he had spread out in front of him. It looked like normal family pictures, just that he was too thin when he was little, and when he got older, he had visible bruises on his limbs. I sat and looked at the pictures too, so when Eric suddenly sobbed, it came as a surprise. He bent his face into his hands and cried silently, but his shoulders bobbed. I dragged him close to me with my heart beating heavy in my chest. Fucking Robin. Fucking stupid Robin, who thought he was a victim. Who thought he got too little love?
I hushed Eric soothingly and dragged my hands through his hair until he had calmed down. He looked at me with red eyes and wiped his nose against the back of his hand.
“I get that he hated me because his parents were so nice to me… And, and I didn't deserve it because… I wasn't one of them. I'm still not one of them. I'm…” he looked at me and smiled a little. “I am white trash, a junkie, filth, and… just.. A load for everyone… Why are you even here?” He said the last sentence like it was a joke, with his tears streaming. I looked at the beautiful, kind, sensitive man in front of me and kissed his face over and over.
“Don't talk about yourself like that. You're magic. You're pure fucking magic. You are love,” I said and looked him deep in the eyes. “You're the best man I've ever met.”
We laid close together, making out so deeply it felt like I was on my way to crawl inside of him. If I could, I would have. He really was the best man I've ever met. He cared so much; he listened to everything I said and always wanted to do better. Many men didn't even know what that meant. I wanted him deep inside of me, as deep as he could, and I took off my clothes quite fast, and then I dragged his boxers down too. He let me hold the rail and let me sit down slowly on his hard cock. Even if I was really wet, it was a bit of a struggle, and I made a long, dragged-out sound with both pain and pleasure. He looked at me with big eyes, and they got heavy when I finally had taken so much I could of him.
“Your pretty pussy… Never thought I would get a pussy like yours…” he said and sat up which helped me take even more of him. I could feel him stab my cervix with the head of his cock, but he didn't say anything about my little pained sound; he was used to it.
“Bad boy…” I whispered and took his head between my hands while I started to rock my hips against him. “Bad bad boy…” I moaned loudly while he had started to lift me and lower me a little, assisting me to ride him. Eric nodded a little but looked at me with big tearfilled eyes. He begged for kisses silently, and I kissed him over and over, in the rhythm of my rolling hips.
“Do you love me? Say that you love me,” he said with his softest voice. At the same time, he pushed me backwards so he could hammer his hips much faster. I moaned loudly by his fast, hard movement.
“Say that you love me,” he said with a whinier voice. He laid his hand on my mound, pushed down a bit, and let his thumb find my clit to play with.
“Yeah, yeah, I love you, Eric, I love you so so much…” I moaned and leaned back completely, letting the orgasm take over. It was true that I loved him, and I had done that even before I met him, but that I couldn't say to him. “I love you,” I said again before feeling in my toes the orgasm creeping up on me and then exploding in my sex and running through the rest of my body.
As usual, I snuck away from Eric after our lovemaking to refresh and also let his seed drip out from me in a better place than under me in bed. I hoped we could continue to cuddle and talk about him, but when I came out, he stood in the hallway in running gear, and Odin was on a leash around his waist.
“He needs to pee, so we’re going out for a bit; is that okay?” He asked while Odin whined in anticipation.
“Oh, yeah, of course,” I said and walked up to him, close to his body. Eric smiled a little and lifted my chin with two fingers. It was a little sign I could stand up on my toes and get a kiss. We kissed a few times before they left me.
I went back to bed, took the Converse box again, and looked around at the pictures. The most were such ordinary family pictures you could easily miss what the pictures also told you. Little Eric held his parents hands so hard his fingertips became white, Lotti's eyes at him with worry and love. His father Eric’s protectiveness. He carried him even when he was probably a bit too old for it, but he also was quite little and thin, so it wasn't that hard.
I looked at a few pictures of him in his teens. One was a picture of him and Robin, standing in the same place they did in the picture Lotti had on her wall, but in this picture Eric maybe was fourteen and still shorter than Robin. His hair was black and laid down to his shoulders. It looked like he had then cut it in layers with the kitchen scissors. He had smeared black eyeliner around his eyes and dressed in a black hoodie. Robin stood next to him in a light blue polo shirt and a perfect side bang, as the fashion was then. They could have been brothers, but it didn't look like there was much love between them. A wall of air was between them, and neither of them smiled. There was also one more thing that made it obvious their lives weren't like brothers; Robin glowed with health, but Eric had dark rings under his eyes and cracked lips, but also, if you looked closely, you could see a faint bruise on his neck. I knew he was doing martial arts, but something told me this wasn't from that. The look in his eyes said to me things happened in his life then.
There was also a picture of him a few years later. He had stretched out then and had a neon green buzz cut. Next to him stood Lotti, pulling him down in an embrace. Eric was actually laughing in the picture. I dragged my finger over his young, happy face but also the System of a Down t-shirt he wore.
It was obvious he loved his mom Lotti so much, so that he didn't have contact with her today I couldn't understand. He looked like a Mama's boy, and on top of that, he needed so much love because he had been mistreated by others so much.
Eric needed love. I decided to do something special for my man and made myself ready to do some grocery shopping. I would do something really warm and comforting to him. A rich stew that could boil for a long time and make a playful dessert. Just when I was ready to go, Eric and Odin came in through the door, panting heavily. He looked at me a bit surprised where I stood dressed, and with makeup on, he probably expected me to have crawled down in bed again.
“Hey, where are you going? It’s just nine o’clock?”
“I must fix it for dinner tonight,” I said with a little secret smile. Eric looked at me with a broad smile.
“Yeah?” He dried his face with the edge of his t-shirt so I could see his abs. He didn't do it on purpose, but I couldn't stop myself from staring.
“Mm,” I looked up at him, distracted by his body. He nodded a little.
“Do you want help? I just need to shower,” he said in that sweet way he always did. I didn't want to think it, but I did; I could understand why he was Lotti's favorite son.
“I can handle it.”
“Okay, but call otherwise.”
I nodded with a little smile. I walked up to him to touch his lips with mine again and let the scent of his sweat engulf me. I loved his smell, even his sweat, and felt the butterflies in my belly get intoxicated by it. He could drive me crazy without even trying.
“Okay, I need your help!” I said on the phone, panting loudly. It had become far too heavy, with wine bottles and flour and other heavy items. With my bad shoulders, I hadn't succeeded in carrying it for so long.
“Of course, baby. Did you take the regular way?” He said it sweetly, and I could hear him getting ready in the background.
“Yeah, I'm by that Chinese restaurant.”
“Okay, I'm coming as fast as I can.”
Even if Eric could overthink what others thought about him, he could also do things that made people react. His impulses were not always the best, and this time it had made him go out without a shirt. I saw people looking at him when he came walking with long strides. He had a pair of washed-out black Adidas sweatpants and high-top Vans in the same color. His skin was still shiny from sweat, and his hair stood in all directions.
“Where is your shirt?” I said with a smirk while an older lady stared at his badly done tattoos.
“I was working out, and it was too hot to put one on… Didn't expect people would react to it…” He looked around a little anxiously but lowered his eyes to the shopping bags to be able to ignore people's judging eyes.
“Why did you shop so much?”
“I'm going to make a chocolate cake!” I said happily and made him look up at me with a smile.
“You know I don't eat such things,” he said teasingly.
“Mhm, I'm going to force you. You need some chocolate in your life.” He laughed and stood up, moving closer to me so I could press my body against his. I could feel he didn't have any underwear on but that I had registered already; it was hard to hide for him. He kissed me deeply, and just like he usually did, I also forgot the people around us and made out erotically in the middle of the street with him. I touched his sweaty body with deep desire and even thought about being mean by dragging my hand over his crotch.
“Della?” I heard Demi say next to us, and for a moment I thought I had just imagined it until she said my name again. Eric released my lips with a smack, and the both of us looked at my sister and her two daughters instead. Demi just looked at Eric up and down. His clammy skin, the awful tattoos, and his sweaty hair. His sweatpants sat way too low, and the bulge in them was exposed way too much. God. God. Oh god. Why now?
“Hey, hey. I'm, I'm Eric,” he said nervously and put out a hand towards Demi, a hand she didn't take, instead, she looked at me.
“I think we should continue to our brunch with some friends,” she said and looked at me with disappointment in her eyes. Her daughters stared at Eric like he was a part of the circus, and in his discomfort, he scratched the back of his head and at the same time exposed the dark hair in his armpit. Demi gave him a fast look and then a pointed gaze at me. In the corner of my eyes, I could see that Eric noticed her judging eyes, and he lowered his gaze, starting to move around the bags like he searched for the handles. I looked at Demi hurt, but she didn't seem to care.
“We should go now. Bye,” said she and steered her daughters forward.
“Bye…” I said lowly but cared more about my boyfriend at that moment. I didn't even want to think about the awful anxiety my sister must have given him.
We walked in silence home, Eric with a low gaze. I more or less just watched him. I could feel his anxiety scream and knew he now felt everyone else's judging looks too.
“Is it okay if I just take a smoke?” He said when we came in through the door. Odin stood close to him, and Eric caressed his ear lovingly.
“Yeah, of course.”
He took the first best jacket he could find, his long coat, and then jumped out from the window, out to the roof. I knew now he had the roof to a lower part of the building just outside of the window, and he walked out to the edge and sat down with his legs hanging down the ledge of the five-story house. I hated when he did that. It scared me looking at him sitting so close to his death. I wondered if he thought about suicide when he sat there or if he just fantasized about needles. I understood he had done stupid things in life to silence the demon from his past, but by doing that he had new demons. He wanted life to change, but every time he felt mistreated, he took that as a sign he would always be the same guy. I looked at him sitting on the edge, dressed in black, with Crow sitting not far from him. Once again, he looked like something from a dream, and I couldn't stop myself from thinking that maybe there was something strange with him. Odin whined next to me, obviously missing his daddy, and I patted him comfortingly. Eric's anxiety affected us all, and I knew I would do everything to make it go away.
I didn't make a chocolate cake; it wasn't the right moment, but I made my stew, and he ate with appetite, but he was much more quiet. He was still as polite and thanked me for a lovely dinner, but other than that, he seemed to just have his own thoughts as company. I was so angry at Demi and sent her several angry messages about how awful she had treated him, but she didn't even answer. He lay on top of the bed with Odin next to him. His speaker played Emma Ruth Rundle, and between his lips was a joint. I stood and looked at him in silence. This was the worst part of being with him. He should have probably been with a girl more like him, not a middle class girl with a perfect balayage.
I crawled up next to him and laid my cheek on his naked chest. He had showered now and just had on sweatpants now too, another pair of black ones but with a red calligraphy text along one of the legs.
“I'm sorry about my sister… It's she who is awful. She judges everyone so hard.”
It wasn't really true; I had just noticed it when it came to addicts and criminals. Eric just nodded a little and took a deep toke. I looked at him and the joint between his tattooed fingers. I know it wasn't good that he treated his anxiety with another drug, but I didn't dare to tell him that; maybe he would do something even more stupid then. With weed, I know where I had him.
“I'm sorry…” I said again and snuggled into his neck. Eric smiled calmly and looked at me with heavy eyes.
“It's okay…” He patted my cheek softly but then leaned back against the pillow again and took one more drag. I didn't really trust his words and felt a worry spread in me. I couldn't go back to ignorant, narcissistic men after being with a guy like Eric. I looked at him and dragged my hand over his chest and down over his stomach. He was so perfect. I looked at his face when I dragged the palm of my hand over his crotch. I succeeded in making him breathe even deeper, and he smirked a little when he started to grow under my hand. With a bit of help from him, I pulled down the sweatpants, so he lay completely naked in front of me. I didn't care that he had weird tattoos, I just saw him. That wonderful soul and his amazing body. I crawled down between his legs and looked at his cock closely. It was so beautiful, and I saw it as a pleasure to take him in my mouth. He moaned deeply when I deep throated him at once, and I felt his hand push my head down a bit deeper. He was braver when he smoked, as I've noticed before, and soon he fucked my mouth deeply. He stopped when he heard me being in some sort of distress, but when I took him again, he continued. He grunted loudly, and when he came, he did it without warning. It wasn't on purpose, more that it came so suddenly he wasn't even prepared for it, but I drank his cum like it was the wine from the holy grail and licked my lips so nothing would go to waste. 
I thought the weed and the blowjob would be enough. I thought I could push away the childhood demons I had forced him to talk about, and I thought it would make my sister's judging eyes mean nothing, but I was wrong. I had fallen asleep on his chest after we had made out some after I had gone down on him. He had fallen asleep quite fast, but now I could hear that he was awake. He didn't lay in bed, and I looked towards the window to see if he had a nightly visit from Crow again, but instead I saw him sitting on the couch, and I felt a hard stab in my sternum. He sat with his belt tied around his arm, tightening it harder and harder around his upper arm. I could hear him moan between his sobs. I tried to see if he had a syringe, but he didn't; he just sat and tightened the belt like he had one. I cried silently and laid my hands over my mouth so he wouldn't hear my sobs, even if I believed he was too far gone in his anxiety to hear. He continued for a while, but it clearly wasn't enough, and I saw him remove the belt from his arm to his neck. When he started to tighten the belt and I understood what he was doing, I acted on impulse. 
“No, no, no, no, no!” I screamed through my tears, jumped up from bed, and harshly pulled off the belt that had started to block his breathing. Eric coughed through his anxious breathing, and I took his face in my hands. 
“Why are you doing this?? Why are you doing this??” I screamed but didn't get an answer; he just cried hysterically. I hugged him hard against my chest, and after a few minutes of lying there, he had started to breathe in the same rhythm as my heart. The heart he owned. I led him to bed and let him crawl close to me under the covers, and I breathed as calmly as I could to help him breathe the same way. It took some time before he fell asleep, but when he did, he slept hard and laid heavy against me. While he was sleeping, I lifted the cover to look at his arm, where a deep imprint of the belt could be seen; it would probably become bruised. Then I looked at his neck carefully and could see marks even there—marks I recognized from one of the pictures. This was nothing new for him. He had self-harmed for more than half of his life. I looked at his sleeping face. I would do anything to heal him, just like Lotti and Eric had, the question was if I could. 
We lay close together with our foreheads against each other and breathed in each other's air. We hadn't talked yet that day, but there wasn't much to say either. I wouldn't pressure him to talk; it wouldn't lead to anything good. The important thing was that he wanted to be with me and now seemed okay. I dragged my fingertips through his hair, feeling the different length through my fingers. 
“I love you,” he whispered and looked me deep in my eyes. His eyes were full of love, even if they looked exhausted. 
“I love you too. Maybe even, most in the entire world,” I said and dragged my nails down over his neck. Eric smiled a little blushy but then looked down. 
“I know you must go home today, but… Can't you stay here with me? One more night? I don't want to be alone…” He whispered in shame. 
I looked at the place on his upper arm where a bruise started to form, and I nodded without thinking more than that Eric needed me. 
“Of course. Of course, baby.” 
He looked at me with big, thankful eyes and then kissed my lips innocently. 
When he took Odin on his morning walk, I prepared myself to call Desiree and tell her Eric had become sick and I needed to care for him. It wasn't often a grown man needed to get care at home, so I prepared myself for questions. I also had mixed feelings about letting Eric go out with Odin. Just a few hours ago I had seen him strangle himself with a belt, and it didn't feel safe at all to leave him alone, but I couldn't decide that, and I knew Odin was good for him. 
I took a deep breath to talk to Desiree but didn't get the response I had thought. She gave me a fast “okay” because she wanted to get to another part of the conversation. 
“Demi said she had met you two out,” she said, nosily. “You should hear how she described him!” She said it with a laugh. I didn't say anything because I expected Desiree to be like Demi, but… 
"God, is she a hundred years old? Who doesn’t have tattoos these days? Even on the face! Shit, what an old hag she is!” She joked with a laugh, so I laughed too, with relief. 
“Can't you bring him here? We want to meet him! You haven't had a dude in ages!” I laughed a little unsure until I thought about what she had said. 
“Yes! All of us at the salon. Demi said he has an interesting haircut too!” 
I didn't really hear what she said in the end because I just thought about Robin. My best friend. He didn't feel like my best friend anymore after hearing Eric talk about him. It was strange, but Eric had so quickly become the most important person in my life, and anyone who hurt him also hurt me. But I wanted Eric to meet the girls. Even if he wasn't what people expected, I was proud of him; people just needed to give him a chance. He was a dream; so sweet, caring, and trustworthy. Silly and playful. If they gave him an honest chance, like it sounded like they would, they would see he was the right guy for me. I got an idea that maybe wouldn't work at all, but it felt like I needed to try. I wanted to have a real relationship with Eric, and I wanted him to meet my friends and family. 
“Halloween maybe?” 
I knew Robin would go away then, to celebrate with other friends. 
“That's perfect! Meeting your spooky boyfriend on halloween!” Said she with a giggle. I laughed too, even if I was nervous as hell. It was just in two weeks, and I hoped Eric would be ready for that. 
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simp-legend · 5 days
Drunk Confessions
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Requested: No
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: One of Tony's parties leads you to become very close with a certain silver tongue God
Fic type: Romantic (ig) with a hint of spice at the end
Warnings: None
Words: 758 words
A/N: This is a really terrible oneshot that I've had in my drafts for ages, so apologies. Also I apologise for not being active that much I've been quite busy whilst struggling with mental health.
Proof-Read: No
"But I don't wanna gooo," I told Nat. "Why can't he throw a party some other day when I'm not busy. I need to finish moving in!" I said.
"Well, Tony is kinda throwing this party for you because you are the new avenger," Nat chuckled. 
"Then he should have thrown it two months ago when it was finally official, should I wear this dress, or the blue one?" I asked, holding up two dresses.
"The blue one, anyway, on the bright side, you-know-who will be there," she wriggled her eyebrows.
"Who, Voldemort?" I scoffed, turning away to hide my blush.
"No, Loki," she nudged my elbow. I rolled my eyes but had a smile on my face.
~Time skip~
I walked in excitedly but (tried and failed) to keep a straight face. I made my way to the avengers who were sitting around a table laughing and drinking.
"Y/n! Hello!" Thor yelled when he saw me.
"Hey Thor," I waved. I look at the spot next to him to see Loki eyeing me with a face that shows no emotion. Then, to break the awkwardness, Tony walked in with a box of alcohol.
"So I did a quick run to the bar and brought these so now we can officially PARTAAAAAY!" Tony pumped his fist up. After that, more people started to roll in. I got bored after a while so I went upstairs. I opened the doors to the living room to find Wanda watching TV.
"Hey Wanda," I said slumped next to her on the couch.
"Hello Y/n," she said, not looking away from the TV. She was watching some old black and white show. We sat in silence for a while, watching the show. After an hour I decided to head back downstairs and check on everyone.
While I was heading down the stairs when I bummed into Nat.
"Oh, hey Nat. What's going on?" I noticed she had an annoyed face.
"Stark convinced the boys to drink more and now it's chaos down there. The boys got crazy drunk. Even Bruce and Loki are drinking alot," she sighed.
"Oof. Well imma check it out!" I chuckled.
It was absolute chaos. Clint was singing while swinging from the chandler, Thor was wearing a poptart box as a hat while swinging his hammer at non-existent villains, Tony and Rodney were arguing weather the moon was made out of cheese, Steve and Bucky were having a throwing contest with his shield, which so far had resulted to several broken windows.
"Um, is everything ok?" I asked flustered.
"oH, helloY/n!" Loki slurred, waving franticly at me from his spot on the floor.
"Uh, hi?" I said, worried because when I walked in Loki was wondering aloud how long it would take to chop off all of Thor's hair blindfolded.
"Hey, did anyone tell you that ya look very pretty?"
"Um," I was shocked. "Thanks?"
Loki tried to stand up, but stumbled from all the achohal.
"Oof!" I said, as the god crashed into me, resulting us to fall down.
The next thing I knew, Loki was on top of me, and we were laying on the ground, our faces only centimeters apart.
I coughed nervously, and tried to get up but unLuCkY mE, a stool fell on top of us, so we couldn't get up because our legs were stuck. I was a stuttering mess.
"S-s-sor-ry..." I said, my face feeling like it was on fire.
"No worries, Darling," Loki said coolly. Wait... he didn't seem so drunk anymore...sus.
I felt my heart race faster and faster as I couldn't look away from Loki's face. His eyes were focused on mine, then darted to my lips for a hot second. Then he smashed his lips onto mine!
I laced my arms around his neck as he snaked his hands down to my waist, his tongue roamed my mouth as I lightly tugged on his smooth black hair. I wanted it to last for ever. Sadly, luck was not at my side.
After a couple of seconds, minutes, hours, I honestly do not either, nor or care, we broke apart.
Because Clint yelled, "Get a room!" after the chandelier gave way and crashed to the ground.
Blushing furiously, we managed to out of the stupid stool, and off the floor. 
"Would you like escape these idiotic Midgaurdians and continue somewhere else lady Y/N?" Loki smirked, turning to me.
"Of course" I grinned mischievously.
Please reblog to boost my page!
Constructive criticism is welcomed!
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oblivious-idiot · 2 years
Hi there! I love your Lockwood&Co. stories! If you're still after prompts, would you do a Lucy x (fem or gn)reader fic where they both run into each other in the kitchen late one night, because they've both been having nightmares and can't sleep? And maybe they end up falling asleep on the couch together after staying up late talking?
Have a great day!
Sweet Nothings
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AN: This is so sweet, thank you Clair!! I hope you like this <3 (I had to rewrite it so many times until I liked it haha)
Pairings: Lucy Carlyle x fem!Reader
Word count: 800~
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, mild language
Lockwood crashed down onto the floor as his rapier flew away from his hand, George passed out a few feet away. Lucy cradled your body as a phantom closed in over the group of you, your eyes a milky white colour from being Ghost Touched. Lucy sobbed as the impending fate of your group enclosed...
Lucy suddenly awoke from her nightmare, cold sweat rippling across her body, her heart in her throat. The last case the group battled was a close call, but her mind couldn't stop imagining worse situations while she slept. The thought of losing you to the Ghost Touch, someone she was so close to, someone she thinks she loved, she couldn't bare it. This group, Lockwood, George, and you, it was all she had and she was so afraid of losing it.
She arose from her bed quietly and grabbed her sweater, trying not to wake anyone else in the house, before slowly descending down the stairs to the kitchen. Spending some time in reality with a cup of tea will help her tired mind, reminding her that everything was okay.
What Lucy wasn't expecting when she arrived downstairs was to see the kitchen light already on. As she opened the door, her eyes met your body by the kitchen window, staring out into the garden as you filled the kettle. "Can you put in enough for two?" Lucy called out to you quietly, although still making you jump. You turned around to meet her eyes, your zip-up hoodie loosely hung over your shoulders, eyes clearly also burdened from lack of sleep and nightmares "yeah of course", you say giving her a soft smile.
"Bad dreams?" You ask her, resting your body against the kitchen counter as the kettle slowly boiled "I think 'bad' would be an understatement" she replied with a forced laugh, tugging at her sleeves. "Oh Luce..." you hold out your arms to hug her, which she gladly accepted, snuggling her face into your chest "I've been having them too, its okay..." your voice tight, almost as if you were telling yourself it was okay. Lucy wrapped her arms around you tightly underneath your hoodie, breathing in your comforting scent of cloves and vanilla.
The kettle eventually making its click sound to indicate it's finished boiling, you and Lucy slowly pull away from each so you can make the tea. You reach up to one of the top cupboards of the kitchen to pull out a box of sleepy herbal tea "If Lockwood knew you had that, he'd go ballistic" Lucy chuckled from behind you, "And that's why us girls aren't going to tell him, we both know that boy runs purely on extra caffeinated black tea" you reply, your soft smile making the edges of your eyes scrunch up. Lucy loved seeing you like this, sleepy but inviting. Were you flirting with her? God knows, but it made her heart ache.
Once the tea you had made finished brewing, you and Lucy headed into the living room where it was not only warmer, but also so much more comfy. Lucy pulled out a blanket from a nearby basket and you both snuggled into each other on the couch, her head resting on your shoulder as you both sipped your tea. "Do you want to talk about your dream, or would you prefer to think about something else?" You ask her, your voice soft and gentle so she knows that she shouldn't feel any pressure. "Something else, I really don't want to think about that.." Lucy replies quietly.
So the two of you start talking about all the stupid shit Lockwood and George have done since you both joined the agency, the both of you slightly delirious from the lack of sleep. "I swear neither of those boys had ever been around a girl when I first came here, this place was a mess" you laughed, telling Lucy about the constant piles of laundry and dirty dishes around the house, "oh oh, the state of the attic when I moved in, ugh!" Lucy added in, which made you look down at her "Luce, the attic was still my room too when you came" "Oh, so it was" she replied, sending you a cheeky grin.
Eventually you both started to become sleepy, the need for rest slowly taking over your bodies. You snuggled into Lucy as she rested her head on your chest, her arm cradled around you, almost as if so nothing would happen to you. Neither of you remember falling asleep, but it was the most peaceful sleep the both of you had for as long as you two could remember.
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onedaughterofman · 2 years
Writing Sessions #1 (Papa Emeritus IV x g/n reader)
Summary: You man is a bad man, but you can't deny the way he has your heart in his palm. You'd do anything for him.
Tags/warnings: ooc I guess, Copia being evil and dark. Manipulative manwhore Copia. Power imbalance, a bit of dom/sub dynamics. No sex, but some sexual innuendos and touching here and there. Also, Copia smokes in this.
A/N: I listened to "Off to the races" by Lana del Rey for way too long while writing this. Also, once again I have given up on titles.
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“What happened?”
In the dimly lit office, the silence is even more deafening. Outside these walls, the rumble of every day's activities is nothing but a muffled murmur in your ears. Siblings and ghouls roam the hallways talking and laughing, completely oblivious to the palpable tension inside the room.
Cold air expands your lungs when you inhale. Papa’s eyebrow twitches at the soft sound of it leaving through your nose, hand reaching out to absentmindedly grab the handle of a drawer. His eyes remain on the wall, lost somewhere distant, dark pupils full of unpleasant thoughts. The window behind his back is broad, allowing you to see the night sky and tree tops that dance in the wind.
“I thought we had a deal,” he exhales, a silver lighter rolling between his fingers. The contrast of the dark leather and the polished metal entraps your mind, capturing all the attention. Papa seems to notice it, because his tongue clicks in annoyance before he continues. “I thought you said you’d do this for me.”
“I know, but…”
Another click of his tongue. Papa doesn’t let you continue, doesn’t even have to glance your way to submerge you in thick silence. When he’s in a good mood, Papa is generous and sweet. Now, when he’s in a bad mood…
Well, your man is a bad man, but you can’t deny the way your stomach shivers every time he holds your hand and gazes into your eyes. As much as you try to negate it, Copia has got you tight by the guts, teases your heart with his bare hands.
Slowly, you breathe out again. Papa’s fingers toy with a metal box on his desk. The red and silver decorations on it are overly bright on the dark mahogany wood, catching and reflecting the faint golden light from the lamps. When his fingers move deftly to roll a cigarette, it’s extremely hard to focus on his words.
Swallowing doesn’t kill the fire that has ignited in your stomach at the sight of his precise movements. If he notices it, at least Copia doesn’t mention it. His wrist flicks your way, lighter extended towards you. One step after the other, you hurry to take it.
A warm, dancing flame caresses his features when you lean to light his cigarette. From this close, you can observe the precise details of his papal paint, the way the black paint sharply traces the shapes of his cheekbones and brows. Under all that, there is a man you know too well and the same time, a stranger.
Copia possesses a deep, mysterious soul, visibly calm like the surface of a pond. Yet, there is an undoubtable dangerous tinge in it. You eyes only see the peace of the still waters, oblivious to the monsters that lurk below the surface.
Staring into his pupils bears a strong resemblance to falling asleep after a long tiresome day. It feels as if you are no longer in control of your body or mind, merely plummeting deeper and deeper into a gentle numbness. Papa’s gloves are warm when his fingers close around your wrist, holding you still as he leans further.
Papa blows smoke into your face. You open your mouth to let it in, taste the bitterness of it. He smiles, and his hand lingers on your wrist for a few moments before he lets go. The tip of middle and index fingers trace a line on your wrist and palms, tickling at the skin as he releases you.
The air is not enough. Copia motions for you to take a seat on the desk, legs falling between his widely spread ones. For a long moment, he only smokes and the smell of cigarette mixes with his perfume, head tilted back as he leans further onto his chair.
In the foggy office, the smoke swirls and dances around you. It sticks to your clothes and hair, permeating your lungs. After you leave, you will continue to smell like him for hours and hours. The simple though of it following you around launches another wave of heat down your stomach, lower and lower.
Shit. Your legs twitch, fighting the urge to press together. Before you can make up your mind, Copia grabs one of your ankles, restraining you in place and then pushing it to the side. Gradually, your legs spread on his desk, leaving your shoes to rest at each side of his chair. Without fighting, you welcome him closer.
“Amore,” he breaths out. Thick smoke exits his lips. “Do you care about your Papa?”
“Yes,” the reply escapes your mouth without any thought behind it. There’s no doubt. Your soul yearns for his, begs for an inch of his wicked, sinful existence and he loves you with every bit of his unholy, selfish heart. “I do.”
“Is that so?" he pauses, an eyebrow raised and a tight smile on his lips. "Then you know why I’m asking you to do this.”
Outside, the rumble dies as the Siblings and ghouls return to their quarters. No one will come to bother you; no one would hear you if you screamed. Why would you, though? Why would you want to scream or run away from him? He’s your baby, your man, the one you love. It doesn’t matter if he awakens something fearful inside of you, if he tickles a primal reaction on your brain that yells for you to escape, to leave.
No, you will stay and pray with him to the end. As dumb as it might be, you have decided to trust Copia with both body and soul. You’d never leave him and beg for him to never ever think about abandoning you.
Papa’s hand curling around your wrist hauls you outside your mind. Gradually, your eyes focus on him as he pulls you closer, warm breath striking your face in waves when he continues.
“Don’t you want to see me happy?” He asks, squeezing harder. It doesn’t hurt, but it stings the same. The soft material of his gloves is a nice contrast with his harsh grip. “Don’t you think I deserve it? Or all of us? What I’m asking you to do is for the best of all, you and me, even the Siblings.”
“I’m sorry, Papa,” you whisper through your teeth. Even if his words sound sincere and his tone is gentle, something in his face doesn’t quite match the feeling he’s trying to convey.
No, his eyes scream something else, something you don’t desire to listen. The immeasurable void in his gaze burn on your exposed skin, making it hard to inhale. The wood creaks when you shift your weight, legs tingling and trembling with anticipation. Copia’s other hand falls on your thigh, stilling you, fingers caressing the inner side of it.
“Don’t worry,” Papa mumbles under his breath. “I know it won’t happen again.”
Those last words are a deep rumble in his throat, something you can feel when your hand reaches out to cup his face. His skin is cold, papal paint barely noticeable under your fingertips. A dark spot is left on your palm when he leans to the side, placing a kiss there.
“Take time if you need to, but do it.”
A cold breeze moves your hair away from your face when you nod. Papa clicks his tongue, fingers tensing to squeeze your thigh harder as a warning, a reprimand.
“Yes, Papa,” you answer verbally this time, tone loud but submissive. He’s still in a bad mood, judging by the tense way he picks up the cigarette again. Most of it lays consumedly in the ashtray, nothing but dying embers and cinders. “I won’t fail you.”
The ticking of the old wall clock stops when Papa smiles. His gaze softens, in a way that makes your guts tremble even more than your legs. Papa loves you. There’s no doubt of it, and you love him the same. He’s the fire inside you, the only guiding light in this never-ending darkness.
You won’t fail this time.
Your man is bad, evil maybe. However, he’s got a sweet tongue he likes to use on you. Nothing matters when he kisses you on your open mouth, making you taste the bitter herbs on his cigarettes and the remaining tang of tonight's mass wine.
On top of you, a big part of his weight pressing you down to the rough surface of his desk and bathed by the dim golden light from the lamps, Papa never looked so beautiful. Your nails dig on his shoulders, pulling him closer, wantonly scratching at the delicate material of his jacket.
When your hips rise to meet his, Papa’s tongue stops inside your mouth. He pulls away, leaving you cold and yearning for all of him. “I don’t want to entertain you any longer,” he states, voice firm. “You’ve got a mess to clean up.”
There is no space left to complains, you are sure of it. Struggling to calm your racing heart and kill the throbbing heat between your legs, you nod. “As you wish,” it’s your reply.
Step after step, your shoes make a loud sound of the floor. It’s late at night, and not even the bugs dare to disturb the silence that has taken over both earth and sky.
“The sooner you get this done, the sooner I’ll reward you,” Papa speaks out one last time. When you turn to look at him before leaving the room, the warm flame from the lighter illuminates his face. There’s another cigarette in his mouth, and he mutters around it. “I’ll reward you right here, on this desk. I’ll reward you all night long, so be prepared.”
There’s no saliva in your mouth when you swallow, begging for your heart to beat slower. Even so, you can still taste him on your tongue.
Over the drumming of blood inside your veins, thunderous in your ears, you hear him place the metal box and lighter back into the drawer before reclining the chair and staring out of the window. Taking it as a clue to leave, you walk away.
There’s something you need to do. Soon. The heat in your guts won’t die until Papa gives you that long and hard reward.
ps: Papa wants the reader to be the one who tells Imperator he impulsively adopted half a dozen of rats, ‘cause they were alone and cold inside the Ministry’s warehouse.
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onbearfeet · 4 months
5 please!
"How did you figure out your OC's identity?"
Well, Maggie was easy; she more or less punched me in the face with her bisexuality, like she does almost everything else, while I was writing her initial profile in my notes. After that, the only question was whether/how to bring it up, since the first book really didn't have room for a romance and Maggie tends to keep her personal info to herself by default. So there was a possibility that Maggie's orientation wouldn't be mentioned at all, simply because she had no reason to bring it up or even think about it in narration. I didn't want to leave it for later, though, for fear it would seem like a retcon.
Hilariously, Gabe solved that problem for me.
Gabe was more difficult to figure out. I knew from the start that I wanted to connect him deeply to queer history in general and Black queer history in particular. His role in the story requires a lot of historical context; he's sort of a window into the past of the world we inhabit. As a kid, I always liked it when older heroes or legacy heroes showed up in comics--your Justice Society or Invaders teams, for example--because it made the world feel more lived in, like there was an ordinary kind of history to it. Sure, we know Captain America punched Hitler, but I always liked that we might also see a character dig through a box of their grandfather's junk and find a 1930s gas gun next to some snapshots of unfortunate hairstyles. I liked that ordinary-ness, so I knew Gabe would be connected in a very ordinary, human way to some older characters--one in particular, actually. He's the guy who digs through the boxes.
However, since the series is predicated on the idea that marginalized heroes have always existed, I knew the history Gabe connected to had to include that marginalization. I had already decided that Gabe's superhero forbear would have been (in his secret identity) an investigative reporter from the 1930s or 40s who ended up being murdered for his journalism rather than his masked activities, so I decided to place that journalist within the history of excellent but overlooked Black journalists of the period.
And THEN I watched a documentary about Bayard Rustin, and somehow that long-ago journalist became a gay man in my head, and I started researching Black queer history in New York. (There are these amazing journals in a university archive--long story.)
Now, Gabe was closely connected to this dead journalist in a way I can't describe due to spoilers, and I knew Gabe himself would be some variety of queer, but he didn't feel gay in my head, if that makes sense? I tried a few identities on him, noodling around in drafts and exercises, but it wasn't until I sat down to write a scene in an early chapter that he made himself known. If Maggie punched me in the face, Gabe murmured in my ear.
Quick note about how I write scenes: my usual method is, for lack of a better description, to hit play on a movie in my head, play a few seconds, and then pause to write down what I've seen. I don't have very much control over what happens in the movie--at least, not consciously--so sometimes I write something and I'm just as surprised as you are. This is one of those times.
This scene required Maggie and Gabe to climb a whole bunch of stairs, and Maggie had to go first for reasons. Having known Gabe for all of ten minutes and being someone who doesn't trust easily, she told him she'd stab him if she caught him staring at her ass, groping her, etc.
And Gabe, cinnamon roll that he is, asked why anyone would do that.
And that's how I knew Gabe was ace--because I'm acespec, and that's the kind of question I asked a lot at his age. So I let him explain himself on the page. Gabe has a certain wholesomeness about him that's oddly disarming, even to me (and makes the twist in his story later on a lot of fun), and that's how Maggie ended up explaining her bisexuality to him in the kind of "Oh, thank God, another queer" interaction I think most of us have had at some point.
And so, much as Maggie booting a Nazi in the head in Chapter 1 established the politics of this book up front, there's a conversation somewhere around Chapter 3 that clears up who's what and why and how. I am not usually this organized.
There's also a third lead character who is ALSO queer, but I'm leaving their story a mystery for now. Gender-wise, they're probably nonbinary, but if you asked them their sexual orientation, they'd probably just give you a Look. That blank on my notes is currently just "???????". Maybe they'll figure it out when they're not actively having an existential crisis. As to how I figured it out ... I tried on a few gender identities, and they just sort of sat there in my head, staring at me, until I backed off and they picked up they/them pronouns without further explanation.
I understand that some writers actually plan out things like their characters' LGBTQIA identities in advance. That sounds wonderfully relaxing. I'll have to try it someday.
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zyxelia · 11 months
It's been a long time. You're not sure how long you've been avoiding people and locking yourself away in this place. Always lowering your gaze, you lock yourself in your room alone. But they don't seem to mind. Despite your previous actions of attempting to interact with them with your actions since you've lost your voice, everyone was very open and acted as if you hadn't been there, as if you looked like thin air—invisible to any eyes. You also noticed that there was no food left in front of your door.
You don't want to complain; after all, you didn't ask them to do it, did you?
You had no idea if they'd give it to you, even if you asked for it.
As the bright moonlight began to creep through the window, you sat down on the mattress. You close your eyes for a moment and then stare at your palms longingly. Attempting to focus all of your energy on the center of your body. You could feel that feeling again, along with the gentle flow of an unsettled energy.
The feeling that has haunted you every day since your arrival here is the feeling that serves as a warning before an incident such as an apocalypse occurs.
It's a warning.
You try to remain calm despite your feelings. Remember to keep your focus on what you're doing and to stand up quickly when you're finished.
With a quick dash, you open the balcony door. Before you, there was a magical view of field flowers and the colorful stars that painted the sky. You clutch the railings tightly as the cold night breeze touches your skin. Your black hair was flowing softly, making a quiet sound like water. You raise your gaze to the sky, gleaming your dark eyes as you stare at the sky. You gaze at the millions of sparkling stars and the full moon, as if they contain the answer you seek.
You lower your gaze before looking back at the door. Maybe, just maybe... You're going to miss this place. You walk back in and reach for your hair, taking a blue butterfly hairpin that you wear daily and putting it neatly on top of the mattress.
"For you," Liebe said, tossing you a box, which you caught before it landed on the ground. "It's custom made with a good amount of money; don't let me down." That was the last thing he said to you before leaving you to return to his room and meet with his waiting women.
But in reality, you already know it's a cheap one.
The one that even commoners could buy with their daily salary.
Despite this, you keep it as if it were a treasure, infuriating those around you.
"Isn't she stupid?" One of the women who sleeps in with Liebe is whispering to another. "I agree," the other woman said, nodding. "Who does she think she is?" The legendary warrior? Can't she see her own reflection? Who can't even speak? How could she be holding a sword then?" She exclaimed, disgusted. And that setting causes other women to look at you with the same intensity.
You have some hope for Liebe at that point. Would he defend you?     
However, that's wrong. He was also disgusted by the fact that the King had ordered him to marry you. But you can't blame him for that. He's the most beautiful, powerful demon in the kingdom, and the king forced him to marry you? On top of that, produce some offspring too. That had to hurt his ego.
Even if his actions and words hurt you, you know it's for the best. You should cut any of your ties with him because you have a duty to fulfill.
The duty of assassinating the current demon king, who's been neglecting his duties—and being an injustice leader that would throw his people however he wants to. Such a shame, you think. Why were his people cheering and praising him? Can't they see that the place they live is in complete disarray? What happened with them? I guess they still didn't know what lay underneath.
Nevertheless, that's the reason why, once again, you're being reborn in this world.   
You returned your last glance to your now-old room. You close the balcony door and tie your hair before jumping to the ground below. You shuffle your clothes a little and look around for any pair of eyes watching your every move, but there are none. You move slowly, not wanting to attract any night guards.
As you walk, you take one last look around the palace. Your gaze is drawn to Liebe's room right away. You noticed that his lights were still on. You quickly walked away from that, and now your eyes are landing on the house garden, which is mostly decorated with white.
On that faithful day, at that location, it was the first time you could finally get a good look at Liebe.     
As there was a large banquet going on, you couldn't find him anywhere. You look around worriedly, asking any servants you see with your body language, but none of them seem to care. You tried again with another noble, but their reaction was the same. Sweat forms on your brow, and with trembling steps, you walk out of the dance hall and through the garden.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a man's shadow curling toward himself in the dim light. Of course, that's because he's outside. You walked out of the banquet and took it slowly so as not to startle him, and as you got closer, you realized it was Liebe.
When you move to his side, he stiffens. He turned around, and his eyes widened when he noticed you. You smile at him gently. A gentle breeze blows around you two, gently twirling your hair with its own melody.
You extended your hand in the hope of brushing up against his hair. But you quickly stopped midair. You rested your hand on your lap, your gaze fixed on everything other than him. He and you both remained silent. You two were in a comfortable yet intense silence. He didn't seem to mind. You raised your eyes to the sky, silently admiring the moon while counting the stars.
You had no idea how much time had passed. You can, however, hear a soft snore from your side. When you look at Liebe, you notice that he's been sleeping for who knows how long. You're looking at his appearance; he appears defenseless and innocent. His dark locks fell to his face as he breathed, and the soft rise of his chest could be heard. Right in front of you is a stunning scene.
You quickly realize it's late while staring at him deeply. You start to feel sleepy too, but you just can't take your eyes off of him. Dazed by his looks, you did nothing but stare at him until you fell asleep. The morning comes really fast. You blink your eyes and then look at your surroundings. He's not there anymore. You were left alone in the garden.     
Well, guess what? Maybe he's drunk, so he allows you to be near him for once.     
The night in the forest makes it difficult to see, but the moon comes to your rescue. You take a look around; this place is in disarray. What would be the cause of the plants and animals deaths? The lakes are nearly dry as well. You picked up the pace, leaping over the small stones that had once formed a lake and making your way to the ruins in the center.     
The ruins are still there, and you're glad they've remained untouched thanks to the shield magic that protected them. You pull a knife from your pocket and cut your hand in a flash, causing blood to pour from your palm. You stood there, watching your blood drop to the ground.
You could feel a warm aura as a golden, silk-like thread came out of your bleeding palm. You raise your eyes to the sky, silently sending your gaze to the moon, and as it reads your movement, all the clouds that have gathered near the moon shuffle away. Leaving the moon and its bright light alone. A thin fog formed as the moonlight touched all of the golden threads. You keep your gaze fixed on it, and then you can feel it— a strong wind forming around you, and as the wind grew stronger, a blinding light appeared.
You fixed your gaze and stepped into it with all your might. 
The familiar sensation from thousands of years ago returned as the light faded. Your entire body was enveloped in warmth, and pure magic flowed freely all over you. You could feel the familiar weight wrap around your body as the light faded. It's the feeling of your magic that was sealed here. You created a soft light by swiping your hand to the side. Prior to the appearance of your sword. It's a long sword with jewels embracing the human and demon worlds on both sides.
As the wind blows, you can feel your hair rustle. Your hair was gleaming, drastically changing from a pitch black to a golden color that symbolized victory. Your iris shines in the same color as your eyes, gleaming brightly under the night.     
You inhaled deeply and took your first step, releasing your magic into the air. The ground you stepped on magically returned to its original state in an instant. The nearly dry lake is reverting to its former size, depth, and darkness. The grounds, which are in disarray and cracked in every direction, are once again at their peak.
All of the plants that were once dormant have regenerated. Maybe it looks even better than before. You keep walking, not bothering to even look behind. And as you got out of the forest, you quickly headed straight to the capital.     
"Hey," one of the soldiers guarding the gates says to another, nudging him on the shoulder. "How do you think about the prophecy?"     
"What? Which one is it?" The other person responded, unimpressed by his actions. "You know, That one," huffs the soldier. "About that warrior," he said, stretching his chin slightly. "Isn't it already time? You can already see this world tearing apart, can't you? But the strange thing is that the human world is experiencing the same thing." He looked up in wonder. "Even His Majesty had no idea what was going on".
The other one shook his head, facepalming at his words. "You really enjoy the warrior story, don't you?" He looks at him, unimpressed.
The other one gave him a glare and said, "Let's turn that question around. What makes you not believe about it?"
"His Highness the King never talks about it, according to the captain." He crosses his arms. "Well? Can I hear it again? What does the prophecy say?"     
"Well," He rummaged through his armor. A smile appeared on his face as he took out a saggy notebook.
"As the world falls into despair and everything is wrecked from top to bottom, prepare all the young and old to gather at the center. Take your leader from both parties to draw the summoning circle with their blood and light up the fire with their spells. Brace for the approaching brilliance, for a knight in resplendent armor shall arise. With the shining gold that decorates her hair and the golden cape that rests on her shoulder. Beware, for she wields a sword that can cut through life itself. Yet, if you find yourself powerless in the face of despair, fear not." 
The other one cocked his head sideways and went on, "Therefore, we require the call to be done by the leaders of both parties. Are the other parties referred to humans?"   
"Tsk," the soldier says, looking to the side furiously. 'I hate it, damn humans', he murmurs. "What if only one side conducts the summoning procedure?" He asked again and looked at the other soldier again.
As the other one flipped the page of the book he was carrying, his eyes were urgently searching for a resolution. He paused when he reached a page that was already gone. Maybe it's written here, he muses. He softly rubs the remaining page with the tips of his fingers. But unfortunately, it has already vanished.
The man who asked the question sighs and then fixes his eyes once again on the still-dark horizon. After a while, he heard the sound of footsteps as he struggled to concentrate. Little by little, it became clearly audible.     
"Who's that?"     
"I have no idea..."
They were puzzled for a moment. And by the time they look at each other, they nod and draw their magic. Ready to take anything that might come.     
"Fear not, little Demy..." A soft voice hushed, causing both of them to be surprised or maybe to shiver. "Just wait here," said the sound of metal— a sword being dragged into the ground— "and I shall make this world return to what it used to be".     
They were puzzled again.      
What does that mean?
They are focusing their gaze on the horizon. There's something that comes here— does the sound come from that? As they were wondering to themselves, that being who they watched closely suddenly appeared in front of them.     
Shining Golden hair.     
A pair of glimmering Golden eyes.
A sword that looks heavy, so much embodiment that represents humans and... demons.     
But they didn't see it.
If it's the same as the prophecy, The Legendary Warrior, Where is that?
There's no sign of the golden armor.   
"What are you thinking about, little Demy?" You ask, tilting your head to the side.
"Who-?" They ask, body frozen just with your presence alone.     
"I'm the Legendary Warrior. The one who vanishes when the world is in harmony, and also the one who will be reborn once again when the world is in despair".     
You can see it. Their eyes didn't lie. They don't believe it. You just offer a warm smile, answering the silent question they give you. "Only one of the two parties that summoned me, were humans, which is why I don't have my armor".     
"What are you going to do?" They really do not believe it. You just sigh softly, pulling your sword a little before smashing it to the ground. Causing a dazzling light to cover all the area around it, slowly constructing it into barrier magic. "I'm going to kill the rot on all this. The current Demon King, who's been neglecting his duty and only causing trouble here and here".     
They look puzzled, again. Maybe it's because they worship their king so much that they are blind to what he's after.
You continue your walk, going to the capital and the palace. While in there, you could see all the villages surrounded by the magic barrier. You let out a soft smile, but not long after, you could hear hurried footsteps that were likely going to the palace as well.It's most likely like your guess. The minion of the king. It's not that they're strong, you could defeat them all easily. While all of them hurriedly open the palace gate, you draw your sword. Mouthing some spell before swinging it to them, causing an ocean of dark fog to trouble your way.      You didn't care. You just keep taking the steps ahead. Drawing and swinging your sword at every single enemy that comes to you before you come to the king's chamber.
You opened the door. Taking a deep breath and then opening it Just after taking a step, you could feel it already. The aura, the feeling, is so intense.     
You look up. Face to face with the Demon King, while tightening the hold of your sword in your palm.      
"My, my little warrior, aren't you a fool?" 
"I'm not a fool." You hiss, responding to his words immediately.
He simply stroked his chin with his long nails, watching you as any predator would. "So you're naive, then? You are aware that you only have half of your power due to the circumstances.".
His voice is a real mockery.
"Bite your tongue, your highness. Aren't you satisfied enough with taking my voice before?" You look at him, knitting both your eyebrows and narrowing your gaze, focusing on only him.
"You are just holding a sword, a blessing from the human party, and no armor. Which is supposed to be a blessing from the demon party. Knowing that, but you are still foolish to use a significant portion of it to construct barrier magic," he laughs. His voice was deep, adding to the tension in the room.
He looks at you smugly as he leans back toward the throne.
"If you're that confident, shall we see how long you can stand before giving up?"
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bigbrotherlouis · 4 years
there are not enough hockey fics that deal with the Experience of moving from a slavic country to north america but luckily i am here to Fill That Void
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bonnymori · 3 years
01 | 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫... 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭?!
chapter 01 / chapter 02 / chapter 03
Word count: 1250+
Synopsis: During a particularly boring afternoon, a muscly man with a purple worm around his shoulders has made his way onto your house- literally, smashing through your window- and, subconciously, onto your life.
Contents/Warnings: (1) Fushiguro Toji x gn!Reader, theres also Gojo cat as your cat!! (2) Reader finds Toji's worm cute; i'm sorry if you don't just skip that part (3) There's some cursing but I promise next chapter won't
A/N: I have a lot of drafts and this is the most normal looking I've got... so let's post it first ehehehhsjhd- Also, I'm remaking the structure of the posts (Megumi's one-shot is updated with the very same visual as this!), hope it looks less unorganized! Thank you for reading <3
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To think you'd let such a stranger barge into your apartment- actually, you would never imagine such a comeup. But here are we.
Right in front of you there is a man. Raven locks, black shirt, white baggy pants - is that a purple... gut, intestine thing around his chest? - and a pair of imacculate ballet shoes on his feet. The dude is knocked out cold, it seems that he barely made it through your window, only to come head first against your floor tiles. Now you have drops of blood all over the floor and counter- and, a bleeding man.
You can't tell which task will be more grueling to solve.
Because you have a working brain, of course the man comes first. No matter if your window is broken, and a handfull of glass shards adorn your countertops. And now you've accidentally stepped upon one- just then you realise the man's back must be feeling like a bed of thors- or shards, over being dragged through the floor.
So you throw his arms - which you notice, has a few cuts here and there - over your shoulders, and picks him up in a one-person carry; barely, his torso is against yours and legs are dangling on the floor, this guy must weigh the double you do. It feels like you're carrying a fridge.
From your peripheral, you can see Satoru paddle to the kitchen's doorframe, probably wondering if you were preparing a meal for him or whatever.
"I'll be back in a moment, Ru." He meows a reply, dragging his mountain of fluff back to your couch- you're certain he's taking your spot, while it's still warm.
Thankfully, it doesn't take long for you to reach the bathroom, dropping the man leisurely upon your fluffy mat. Beside all the cuts, the man has already a plentiful share of permanent scars, and none are of your business, you don't care. It's like cleaning and stitching up a old doll full of tears, by the way you're able to maneuver his limbs; you're glad he's still unconscious.
But the thing around his shoulders is not.
In a blink of eye, it jumps from his shoulder to yours, attaching itself to your back and nestling upon your shoulder. When you glance down at it, it feels like a weird looking parrot.
"Hi?" You ask, it looks back at you. "Are you like, his pet or something?" It doesn't talk, just gazes at you through half lidded eyes; so you give up on short talking it, not knowing what you expected yourself. "Let's go finish my movie then!"
You join Satoru on the couch, the cat rapidly making room on your comfortable lap; and the man forgotten, snoring soundly on your bathroom.
A sequel and half movie later, you hear a loud thud coming from the kitchen. Even though you're aware there's a strange in your house- the sudden sound still naturaly jolts you out of your seat.
"UGH- Goddamn it-" Next comes a colorful list of slurs; a sigh makes way out of your mouth.
You round the corner, pointing a accusing finger to the strange man, who's laying on your floor again. "No cussing on my house."
"Why didn't you even clean this floor, it's loaded with glass shards."
"I wanted to finish my movie afternoon before doing so. Besides, what made you smash through there," You point to the ruined window. "to here." Then, to the kitchen floor. And finally, motioning to your whole apartment.
That was a interesting question, he expected a "Who are you?" or "I'm calling the cops!" call.
"I don't need to explain you shit."
"Think of it as an retribution, since I patched you up, answer my question."
"That, or you'll pay for my window."
A sigh. "Fine. I was being chased."
"You're a criminal, then?" You questioned.
"Yes." A devilish grin made its way to his face, showing canines and stretching the small scar on the corner of his mouth.
"Alright, just don't get me involved then."
Toji is familiar to that sort of outcome. Sometimes people man up, people weaker than him. But he knows he's intimidating, and he absolutely loves to play with the attitude of those who challenge him.
Forgetting the shart carving on the sole of his feet, he walks up to you efortlessly, towering over your frame.
"Well, are you not scared to have a criminal inside your house?"
"No, I'm not defenseless. And, you're bleeding. Again."
"Shit." Toji sits down close to the wall where it's safe, twisting his leg to bring the injured foot up to his face. He easily plucks the reddened shart between thick digits, and throws it far away from him.
Meanwhile, you bring your first-aid kit up to him, setting it down near.
"Here, use this."
"I'll do it for you then." You wasted no time, reaching for the line and thread. Once everything was stitched, you wrap a bandage around his foot, then pats it finished. "What's your name?"
"Fushiguro Toji."
"I'm L/N Y/N, lost all your bite huh?" You tease.
Casually ignored. "Why do you have a first-aid kit? Most people don't have it on their houses."
"I practice muay thai, it's useful both for me and you."
"Right. Have you seen my worm?"
"Well, make yourself at home, until your feet gets better. And yeah, your worm jumped at me like those surprise music boxes, and now it's on the couch with my cat. It's been watching movies with us."
He was beyond curious, because the worm didn't have a thinking mind nor knew what even meant to watch something. Toji limped to the doorframe, eyes widening once he spotted the worm wrapped snuggly around your very fluffy cat.
"That's some cute shit."
"The worm is gross."
"I think it looks cute."
"You're batshit crazy."
You stretched your limbs. "Whatever, let's waste some more time watching TV."
Toji sat down - mind you, taking a handful of space you were not content with - once you picked up "both" animals to make room. He thinks you're weird, seeing the fact you didn't question what the hell was that giant-purple-moving worm, and for letting in a random guy inside your house. You do fight a martial art, though, but most people wouldn't have such confidence on him - a dude build like a truck.
There's some survival show playing in the background, yet he's beyond bored watching it, so he settles in questioning your questionable manners.
"How are you so chill about everything?"
"Oh well," You seemed focused on the show, surprisement showing itself once you turn to him. "I see these things in a daily basis, so it's really no big deal after a while."
"I'm going to clean the kitchen. Also, I ask you once the skies darken, to leave my house."
"Is there a problem?"
"I got no hideout out there."
"Suuure you don't." You sighed. "Alright, the couch is your best option; if I hear rumbles at night, or if you steal me or something, I'll be the one chasing you."
"Right, have fun cleaning the blood stained kitchen."
"The audacity." You left with a smirk, shaking your head.
Although you're weird, so far, you're also the most interesting individual Toji has come up to par with; something in this house prickles at his skin to stay. Plus, the fluffy cat laying on his lap is very cute aswell.
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vannybarber · 4 years
Know Your Place
Summary: Christopher Jamal Evans puts your ass in place.
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Chris Jamal Evans x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, aggressive behavior (nothing serious), mentions of cheating, implied smut, degrading.
This is based off of Barbershop: The Next Cut with Terri, Rashad, and Draya, with their whole situation😂.
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"Just get in the damn car and meet me at the house. We're not doing this here."
"Fine!" You rush around to your car door and slam it shut once you get inside. You watch Chris go to his, also slamming it shut but not for the same reason as you. You were more so the reason.
Starting the car and driving off with him right on your tail, you turn the music up to drown out the many cars that honk at your recklessness and poor wheel skills. If only they knew, they would be acting just like you.
You had come over to the building where Chris was shooting a movie with his female costar, Melanie. You absolutely despised her because she often came onto Chris. Both infront of you and when you weren't around. Of course he shot her down every time because he knows better. He knew you weren't the one to be played with.
But today, when you didn't see him as soon as you walked inside the shoot, you scan the room for Melanie. Not seeing her either, you began to roam around through the halls. You look in a room and see his stuff on a couch inside. You walk into the room calling his name.
"Chris? Baby, where you at?" You check in the bathroom and its empty. "Boy, I got your nasty seafood salad. Where the hell are you?" You scan the room one more time before smacking your lips and heading to the door.
Chris was in the closet changing when Melanie came in trying to feel up on him. He was getting ready to finally cuss her out, but he heard you yelling for him and so he freaked, shutting the door. He specifically told her not to make a sound and she followed orders, up until the last minute.
As you hit the threshold, you hear something hit the floor. The sound seemed to have come from the closet. You pause, scared at first because it was evident that no one was in the room except you. But then you grow suspicious because Chris and that bitch were both missing. You turn around slowly and stalk towards the door.
Chris was fuming when she knocked the box over, but then started to freak when he heard you walking over to the closet door. He gave her the look with a mix of panic and 'I'm gonna fucking kill you'. He sees the door handle turn and prepares for your wrath because you damn sure were gonna give it to him.
You open the door and there was your man and Melanie. Her hands were covering her mouth, eyes wide. Your eyes relocate to Chris and his shirt was halfway on his torso. He clambers to get it fully in, stepping towards you and away from her.
"Babe, just listen and you'll understand everything. She came in while I was changing and-" he doesn't get a chance to finish, for your voice overpowered his.
"You got five seconds to explain to me what the fuck you're doing." You hand is still on the door, not planning on letting them out the closet just yet. Chris was confused, but discerned that you weren't talking to him. You were talking to Melanie. He looks back at her and she was now biting her nail, clearly anxious.
"Look, Y/N, I really don't want any problems." She is trying to be straight about it, but her voice is fastened with fear. She knew exactly what you were capable of and she still is trying to bullshit you.
"You don't want want no problems? You've been trying to sleep with my man since the first day you found out you were working with him!" You must look like boo boo the fool for her to think she was pulling this shit on you.
"And as for you Christopher," you turn towards him, jabbing your finger in his chest, "what the hell are you thinking? Are y'all just lying to me and actually messing around?" You had no problem whooping both their asses.
"Y/N no! Listen, she came inside the closet while I was changing and I was going to kick her out, but I heard you coming and I just...freaked out." He's trying to dissolve the situation, but is only making it worse.
"You instead of coming out, you decide to stay in there with her? You see how this is worse right? You're just giving her the benefit to think she could even get with you. This is entertainment for her. Don't you realize that?" Now your hand was off the door and balled into a fist because you were 2.5 seconds from losing it.
"Baby, I was going to put my foot down this time. I know its long overdue, but I didn't want any issues with the people I work with. And I should've realized how unfair that was to you. I'm sorry. But don't think I would ever cheat on you." He grabs your arm and pushes you back so he could get out the closet.
"Yeah, you damn right. All this could've been avoided. She's harassing you. You need to report her ass!" You snag your arm away from him and point back at her, who's now trying to ease out of the closet. You catch her and she runs off, you not far behind. You damn sure were not a runner, but you were going super sonic right now.
She turns down she same way you came to find them and Chris is right on your ass too. You guys get to the front of the building and you lunge for her, but no contact was made for Chris had you in a hold. You brawl against his wide chest and eventually give up when he doesn't let go.
People are watching in absolute shock and some even were laughing their asses off. It would've been even funnier if Chris had let you get one hit in. Of course that didn't happen since he scooped you up with minimal effort.
"Y/N chill! Stop, you're making a fucking scene!" He grabs on your flailing arms, yanking them back.
"I don't give a shit! Let me get her. Just one good time," you plead and scream at the same time. He literally drags you away outside with great struggle since you weren't giving in. When he got you out there, you accepted your defeat and he let you go, watching you extra closely in case you pulled a fast one.
"You should've let me get her! Why the hell you stop me?!" He runs his hands through his hair, obviously frustrated and very much embarrassed. But you could care less. She needed her ass whooped.
"It's not worth it. We need to go now!"
"I don't have to go anywhere!" You could give less of a fuck if the onlookers labeled you as 'the angry black woman'. Because infact, you are a black woman. And damn right you were angry.
"Just get in the damn car and meet me at the house. We're not doing this here!"
After reminiscing over the lovely previous moments, you pull up at your even lovelier home. You hop out the car and open the gate. Walking back to the car you peek and see Chris with his arm against the window, leaning on it and watching you. For sure he had a headache by now.
Instead of pulling up all the way into the driveway, you park at the end, leaving no room for Chris to drive in.
"Really? Pull all the way in!" You sit for a minute with your arms crossed for a bit of rebellion before complying like a child. Only because you didn't want to walk the extra way to the door of course. When you park again, Chris pulls in and gets out to shut the gate.
You were already unlocking the door and stepping in, but before you could slam it in his face, he was right behind you. You toss the keys and kick off your shoes.
"Where are you going?" You hear him call from the front of the house.
"None of your business." You were just going to the fridge to get your pineapple juice. You drink it almost every single day. And you definitely needed some right now.
"Okay we need to discuss what the fuck just happened. What the hell was that Y/N?" He's standing across the kitchen island from you staring in anger.
"Well for one, I caught you in a closet half naked with that bitch after I called your name repeatedly. Then she's playing in my face and you're trying to defend her! You really need an explanation for my actions, Chris?" You close the bottle and slam it on the counter.
"Look Y/N, I explained to you what happened. I am sorry. I knew that if I had came out that closet with her, you'd still react the same way, probably even worse. I was literally fearing for my life, no joke." He puts his hands up in surrender. You almost laugh.
"I rather you just have came out and told me straight up. Yeah, I would be mad of course. Who wouldn't? But you made it more difficult yourself." You still have an attitude and even though he apologized, you still wanted to be mad.
"Baby, I tell you you're beautiful everyday. Why? Because I want you to know that no other woman could ever be at the level you are for me. I want you to know that you're the only one I see and there isn't anyone else for me." He's now standing infront of you, his 6'0 figure imposing over your frame.
You can't and won't lie that those words had you in your feels. You swear, Geminis really are sweet talkers. You could've gave in right then. But not just yet.
"You sound like a real bitch right now." You fold your arms and look at him with testy eyes. You slightly regret saying that because what he said was genuine. But who are you without some back talk?
His eyes go caliginous. You've only seen this a one time when you've stepped out of line with him. Your big mouth could argue for days, but you never held a grudge. You kind of forced yourself to keep going as if you were still upset. Stubborn was an understatement.
You scratch your straightened hair nervously before flattening it back down. You internally hope it wasn't obvious that you lamented what you had just said.
"I already apologized to you and explained what happened. Now you can be mature and we can have a real conversation or you can be childish and act like you're still upset and we can end it right here." He steps closer to you, if that's even humanly possible. "But this is will be the first and last time you call me a bitch. Got it?"
He's breathing heavily on your face. If only you could see your face right now. It would read shock, with a bit of fear. He never checked you like this and let you get away with a lot. But this right here, was well deserved. But the way he's over you and his voice lowering with a sharp tone had you...turned on.
Something about him putting you in place made you wet and excited. All the fear had vanished almost immediately. You finally respond.
"Yes," you say quietly, nodding your head. "I'm sorry." Your eyes remained on him looking up through your lashes nibbling your lip. If only you knew what it was doing to him.
The sight of your body go automatically submissive to him after he got firm with you threw him in a complete frenzy. He was dominant most times, but you had many moments where you didn't back down to a challenge and took the lead. You not clapping back and apologizing threw him off a slight bit, but did not disappoint him. It turned him on.
"Good girl." He grabs your arm, spins you around so that your back is turned to him and bends down next to your ear.
"Go into the room, take off everything but your panties and lie on the bed. Mkay?" He moved his hands behind your arm to your lower back. You might as well save yourself the embarrassment and take off your panties too because once he sees the tropical storm, it's a wrap burrito. But you nod your head in compliance.
He gives you a smack on the butt and pushes you forward. You walk the rest of the way to the room and follow his exact orders. You remove every clothing item except the saltwater cloth covering your most needy part. You lay on the bed and wait for him.
He comes in a few moments later and eyes you down, making sure you followed his instructions. Of course you would. He stands in front of the bed and starts to remove his clothes. The entire time his eyes alternate from your body to your eyes. It made you nervous, but still excited.
"I'm very much used to your little tantrums and what not, but there's a limit. And when you pass that limit and step out of line, you need to be taught a lesson." He's in just his briefs by the end of his sentence and crawls in the bed.
You adjust yourself onto your back, shamelessly welcoming him to help himself to you. He positions in between your legs and lowers his face to yours, lips gliding against yours and pulling back when you try to kiss him. You pout and he smirks a little.
"Tell me what you want, honey" he whispers as he rubs up your leg to your thigh, grazing his fingers against your soaked panties. Just when you thought you couldn't get any wetter. Damn.
"I want you to touch me. Please." Your hands are gripping the sheets just thinking about his hands on your body. You completely forgot about messing up your hair as you throw your head back when he starts circling his fingers on your clit.
"I'm starting to think that this isn't very punishing for you, sweetheart." He picks up pace and reaches for your boob, kneading it full in his palms. "You seem to really be enjoying it. A little too much."
You weren't even listening to him, only chasing your orgasm, rolling your hips against his forceful touch. You successfully make it a few seconds to cumming before he snatches his finger away. You pick your head up right away, looking appalled.
"Why'd you stoooop?" you whine out. He looks at you innocently.
"Hmm that's just something us bitches like to do." Before you could respond, he flips you over and smacks your right cheek. "These have been on way too long." He pulls your panties off quicker than Pietro Maximoff. Tossing them to the floor, he starts his teasing.
"Damn, Y/N. All this is for me? If this doesn't tell me you loved the beginning of your lesson, I don't know what does."
He drags his fingers through your wet lips, coating them with your wetness. He brings his hands to his face to taste the mess you made for him.
"Hmm. That pineapple juice is kicking in fast."
The entire time he's talking, you're moving around coding him to stop teasing you and do something to make you feel good.
"You really are a desperate whore, huh?" You moan in the sheets in agreement. You were never into name calling, but it was something with Chris that made you love it.
He lowers down to your pussy, breathe frisking over it. You shiver and wait for him to start.
"As much as both you and I would love this, you don't deserve it. So ass up." You internally start cursing him out, calling him all things forbidden. But you comply and slightly lift your lower half.
Chris gets directly behind you and lines up with your entrance. When did he even take his briefs off? You inhale sharply at the contact and moan as he slips inside you with little to no effort. He fills you quick, starting his thrusts right away.
Your left cheek is against the mattress and both hands are gripping the sheets.
"Oh my- fuck!"
"How's it feel baby?" He asks you, going deeper at every thrust back inside you. Between the loud claps of your bodies, your pornographic moans and the sounds of your WAP, he knew the answer.
"It feels so good Chris" you manage to get out between breathes that were suddenly hard to take. You suddenly get a hard slap on your right cheek, making you squeal.
"That's not my name." You quickly correct yourself.
"Look at this" he starts thrusting faster, both of you not far from climax.
"Just an hour ago you were bitchin' about me and now you're basically grovelling at my feet. You can barely make a word. I guess I'm not such a bitch now, huh? " He locks your arms behind you and you automatically lift your ass up further, helping him slide in you even easier.
"No Daddy, I'm s-sorry." He groans and grabs a fistful of your hair and leans down to your ear. Normally you would be pissed because he touched your hair, especially since it was just done. But you could give less of a damn right now.
"Yeah I bet you are. Would a bitch be fucking you like this? Hm?" He pounded into you hard at every word. Your face in the mattress, you let out a scream that would have the neighbors dialing 911.
"No, baby- oh GOD" you yell, right at your peak. Just a couple more thrusts away and you were gone. Chris recognized that yell. He wanted to send you off right.
"Go ahead and cum for me baby. But just remember,"
He was right behind you and close himself.
"No matter how smart you get with me, at the end of the day, you're always gonna be a little slut for me." The last 4 words sent you over the edge and you cum all over him. He doesn't fall short and fills up the rest of you.
"Fuuuck" he let's out as his seed spills inside you.
His body collapses next to you and you find the energy to move your body. You turn and look at him with this dumb smile on your face. He reciprocates with the same dumb smile and pats down your hair. You slap his arm, turning your nose up at him.
"Ow. Why'd you do that for?" He rubs his now red arm.
"That's what you get for messing up my hair. You're gonna give me money to get it done again." Remembering, you hit his arm again.
"Baby, what the hell?"
"That's for also making me leave my pineapple juice out the fridge."
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Idek what I was doing here 😭 This is the kind of stuff I daydream about, but it never looks as good written out 🥴
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lis-likes-fics · 3 years
A Witch Hunt | Chapter 15
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When they landed, Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and Rosalie met them at the airport. They exchanged hugs and relieved sighs as they saw their family again. Carlisle asked, "Where's Romina?"
Y/N spoke, "Haha, funny story. Romina went back to New Orleans and I am now a coven leader." She flashed the doctor a smiled he said, "Wait, so they'll be staying with us?"
"If it's not too much to ask," Y/N hoped. Carlisle thought and said, "I can get a house built close to ours so the house isn't crowded. But, yes, we would love to have you with us."
The witches smiled at him and said their thanks. They returned home, happy to have their family back together.
When she got back to the Cullen house, she opened the bag Romina had given her. It was filled with the witch supplies Y/N had left at her house in New Orleans and a few extra supplies. She put everything away and smiled, happy to be back home.
The witches settled into the house, taking in their surroundings. Y/N told them, "Before the new house is built, we have a couple spare rooms, but one of you will have to bunk." They nodded and Y/N thought over everything in her head. She spoke, "Uh, don't worry about food. Esme loves to cook and she'll probably be cooking for an army."
"I heard that!" Esme said from the kitchen.
Y/N simply responded, "Love you, Esme!"
"I love you, too, honey," she called back.
"What else is there?" Y/N thought.
Eileen laughed and put her hand on Y/N's shoulder, "Y/N, calm down. You don't have to worry so much. Just because your our leader, doesn't mean there should be a whole lot of pressure on you."
"Yeah, it'll be like the way it was before," Celene added.
Mariah pitched in, "Yeah, don't worry. We'll tell you if we need help with something."
Y/N took a breath and nodded, "Okay. Well, then, make yourself at home."
They broke and got familiar with their surroundings. Camille, Ella, and Merida would be here later, they had a few things to do in New Orleans before they could come back. Camille would be flying over. Ella and Merida could also shift into their bird forms, Ella as a Release Dove and Merida as a White Tern. The only reason Merida allowed Camille to fly her over was because she didn't like turning into birds and, thus, couldn't fly well as one.
Freya sat waiting by the window for her friends to arrive.
Y/N walked with Jasper outside of the house hand in hand as they enjoyed being in their familiar home. She laid her head on his shoulder, sighing lightly as she reveled in his presence. He told her gently, "You really scared me earlier. I didn't know if you would be alright."
She told him just as gently, "Sorry. But I had to go. I came back alright, didn't I?"
He nodded, "I know. Just, next time you'll let me come with you. I can't sit by while you throw yourself in danger." She nodded, the corner of her mouth lifting in a smile, "I know. I won't leave you next time, I promise. I love you, Jasper."
He smiled and turned to her, "I hope so. You've been the best thing that's happened to me and I'll never let you go again." She smiled up at him, listening to his words closely.
He slowly bent down, grabbing her hands in his. He got on one knee, smiling at her hopefully. Y/N gasped as she moved a hand to her mouth. Jasper pulled a small, black box out of his pocket as he spoke, "Y/N, will you do me the honors of becoming my wife?"
A smile spread over her lips as she let her hand down from her mouth. She got on her knees, hugging him quickly, tears of joy falling down her face. He hugged her back and asked, "So, is that a yes?"
She answered as she pulled back, "Oh, sorry! Yes! Of course, it's a yes!" He smiled, slipping the beautiful ring on her finger. He kissed her, pulling her close to him in a tight hug, "I love you."
She hugged him impossibly tighter, "I love you, too, Jasper!"
They got back to the house, eager to tell the news to the others. Alice met them at the door, hugging them closely. "I'm so happy!"
Y/N laughed as she hugged her soon-to-be actual sister back. Freya came out of the house in no time, jumping up in Y/N's arms. The rest of them came out onto the doorstep. Rosalie spoke, "Care to share with the rest of the class?"
Alice spoke, "Oh, yeah!"
She grabbed Y/N's hand and raised it up for everyone to see. Smiles spread over everyone's faces as they saw the ring on Y/N's finger. Y/N spoke, "Wow, some way to break the news Alice."
She smiled, "Sorry! I'm just so happy! You're getting married!" She suddenly stopped as she spoke, looking over at Cole, who scratched his neck nervously, "I get to plan a wedding!" He let out a little sigh, relieved she wasn't going to ask him why he hasn't proposed yet.
Y/N may have been ready for marriage, but Cole could use some time.
Celene started celebrating as well, grabbing Alice's hands as they too quickly spoke about how happy they were about being able to plan the wedding. Mariah and Eileen laughed at their childishness and hugged Y/N, "I'm happy for you."
Esme and Carlisle were next, hugging both Jasper and Y/N. "Welcome officially to the family," Carlisle told Y/N. She thanked them and braced herself for Emmett's bear hug.
He came over, lifting her up in the air in a suffocating hug as he said, "Yes, my little sis will be my actual little sis!"
"Thank you, Em, put me down now," she said before she could start losing breath. He set her one her feet and she properly hugged him, before turning to a happy Rosalie.
"I'll have to send a letter to Romina," she said. Just as the words escaped her mouth, two birds and a snake were flying down to the group. Ella shifted back to her cat form as she landed in Eileen's arms, already tired from the flight, as she wasn't used to flying.
Camille dropped Merida in Mariah's arms and landed on Celene's shoulders. Y/N said, "Or maybe I can wait." She pet Camille and turned back to Jasper with a sigh, "I'm getting married."
Freya made her little noises as she cuddled into her witch's arms. Jasper smiled, petting Freya before turning back to Y/N. He kissed her forehead and they all headed back inside of the house.
Later on, the door opened and everyone turned toward it. When they saw Edward and Bella enter the house, they stood and gathered around the room. Bella seemed happy to be back in this house, she missed it.
Eileen, Mariah, and Celene felt like they didn't exactly fit into the conversation the family was about to have, so they left under the excuse that their familiars wanted to explore the woods.
Y/N sat on the arm of one of the couches as they gathered around the stairs, Freya in Jasper's arms as he stood next to his fiancée.
Edward spoke, "Bella wants to call a meeting." The tone in his voice let them know that Edward didn't exactly want this meeting, but if Bella was calling it, he didn't have a say in if they did it or not.
They already knew what it was about and they were ready to listen. She started, "You all know what Edward wants, and you all know what I want. But I won't force myself on you..."
Edward sat on the stairs, finding her words unbearable as he pouted. Bella continued, "I think he only fair way to handle this is by vote-"
"You can't be serious-" Edward interrupted.
Bella firmly addressed him, "This is my meeting, Edward." Edward sat back, frustrated. Bella turned back to the family, "However this turns out, I'm not letting the Volturi hurt you. I'll go back to Italy alone-"
This time, Emmett interrupted, "The hell you will. I'm not missing another fight."
"That's not up for a vote, Emmett," Bella told him, "I don't want you involved."
Esme spoke gently, "We've always been involved, honey, and we're not going to stop-"
"No, please," Bella said again, "I want you to seriously think about this. If I join you, you'll be stuck with me for a long time- forever. It's a huge decision but I want- I need you're honesty here."
They nodded or otherwise in communicated agreement. Bella nodded and said, "Then let's take a vote... Alice?"
Alice jumped up from her place next to Cole and hugged Bella, "Like you're not already my sister. Of course, yes!"
Cole joined the hug, "I vote yes, I know how you feel when it comes to these things." He glanced over at Alice, who smiled at him as she took his hand, stepping back to let the others vote. Jasper spoke, a hand on Y/N's back while the other one supported Freya, "I vote yes. It'll be a relieve not to want to kill you."
Freya muttered, sleeping in Jasper's arms as she half-listened to the conversation while the other half of her didn't care, "Mmm, yes."
Bella said, "Um, thanks? Okay, Rosalie?"
Rosalie, torn, looked over at Edward, who was stony toward her. "Edward, I'm sorry for what I did. I really am. And I know you're not ready to forgive me..." she turned toward Bella, "But this isn't the life I'd have chosen for myself. I wish there'd been someone to vote no for me..." She exchanged glances with Carlisle. "So, no."
Bella took it stoically, accepting her answer. Emmett, on the other hand, bounded over and lifted Bella into one of his signature bear hugs, "I vote hell yeah. We can pick a fight with these Volturi some other way."
Y/N rolled her eyes at Emmett. Esme approached Bella, embracing her warmly, "I already think of you as part of the family. Yes."
"Thank you, Esme," Bella told her. Eyes fell to Y/N, the only one besides Carlisle who hadn't voted yet.
Y/N sighed as she spoke, "I think Bella understands what an approval vote means, for her and for the people around her. Bella, you're not a child and you can make your own decisions, good ones. I know because I've seen you do it."
She smiled a little as Y/N said this. Y/N nodded to herself as she said, "Edward, it isn't easy, all of this. I know this, I understand how you feel. But when it comes down to it, you know what an approval vote means as well."
She looked back to Bella and told her, "Bella, I vote yes. It'd be nice having you around." She smiled and Y/N gave her a hug, "It'd be great to have another sister. And it's not the first time I've said yes to something today."
Bella chuckled lightly at that last bit and Y/N backed up. It was Carlisle's turn to vote.
Carlisle moved, not to Bella, but to Edward. He spoke, "Edward-"
He interrupted, already knowing what he was going to say, "You can't go along with this, Carlisle, you know what this means."
Carlisle spoke up, "You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son." He turned to Bella, "But Alice has only changed one person. It'd be safer if I did it-"
The front door suddenly slammed. Edward had left, furious at the decision his family had made. Bella was shocked but turned to the family. "Thank you. Thank you all," she said before looking over at Carlisle. He nodded and they went to his office to discuss things.
Y/N sighed and turned to Jasper. He asked her, "Couldn't just keep it nice and simple?"
Y/N chuckled as she told him, "I'm a witch, that's not my job." He laughed at that, turning back into the living room. The witches eventually came back, satisfied with their walk. "We're going to head to bed, we'll see you tomorrow," Eileen spoke.
Y/N nodded, agreeing to go to bed as well after her long day, heading to her room to sleep with Jasper right behind her after setting Freya down on the couch with Ella.
He closed the door behind him as she sat on her bed. Jasper sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. She laid her head on his shoulder, smiling slowly as she look down on the ring on her finger.
He kissed her cheek and she looked over, kissing him properly. He smiled happily, but it slowly fell. Y/N asked curiously, "What's wrong?"
Jasper sighed before asking, "Do I have forever with you?"
Y/N understood the question, would she live forever? She put a hand on his cheek, making him look at her. She smiled and kissed him sweetly, "Yes, you will. Witches can live through centuries. Coven leaders are granted with immortality. If you asked sooner, I would have told you."
He smiled at the answer, "I guess I should have ask sooner then."
She chuckled, "Guess you should have." Y/N sat facing him, a small smile set on her lips as she watched him, his golden eyes gazing into her E/C ones. She looked at his lips, then back to his eyes.
Jasper kissed her, hands falling to her waist. Her arms found his neck, wrapping around him as she pulled him closer. The kiss because more than just a kiss as he laid her down on the bed, kissing her hungrily.
She pulled him closer to her, wanting to feel him against her more. After a few moments, he pulled back, "Wait."
She caught her breath as she asked, "What?"
Jasper looked into her eyes as he asked her, "Are you sure you want to?" Y/N cracked a smile at his gentlemanliness and nodded, "Yes, Jasper. I want to, I'm sure." He smiled and kissed her again.
Y/N laid her head on Jasper's chest, tracing circles on his skin with a smile on her face. He kissed her forehead, smiling warmly at her. "You're beautiful," he told her gently.
She smiled, wrapping her hand around his. "You're more beautiful."
"That's up for debate," he smiled. She shook her head with a light chuckle, "No, it's not."
He chuckled lightly, kissing her again, "I love you so much." She sat up a little, rolling over to look at him better, "You keep saying that."
He shrugged, "Because it's true."
She smiled, leaning down to kiss him softly, "Well, I love you, too, Jasper. I can't wait to spend forever with you."
He smiled, "Neither can I."
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mintwithchoco · 4 years
loonathesmut: Tease
LOOΠΔ Kim Lip x Male Reader
Word Count: 7100 words
Categories: smut, oral, facefucking, facial, subtsundere! kim lip
note; finally after weeks of writing, i'm back with another story! this is a continuation to my first smut, so i suggest you read it first to understand the story a bit better.
this story is also dedicated to one of my favorite writer, @nsfwtwicecatcher ! since he likes giving kimberly lippington a facial, this is gift for him :3 happy belated birthday! (hopefully i'm not too late oof)
special thanks to @arrivalatdawn for helping me out with the story.
again, happy new year and enjoy! ;)
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"That's all for today. Remember to read chapter 7 and 8 for our next class!" The lecturer said before everyone stood up to leave the lecture room. 
You pack your notes and laptop into your bag hastily, rushing for your next event for the day. 
"Hello, baby brother? Can I ask you for a little bit of help? I'm gonna be busy this Wednesday and we haven't finished packing up stuff for our move to the new dorm. Since half of us will be staying at the dorm to finish packing, I figured that they would need some...extra hand. Hopefully you can help out!"
You walked through the crowd of students while keeping a safe distance from them. You looked at the watch on your wrist. 12:14 p.m. You gasped silently and started to run, eventually reaching your car at the parking lot after almost hitting on a bunch of people on your way. Getting inside your car and taking a couple of deep breaths, you calmed the adrenaline rush in your body. After a few minutes, you start the engine, turn on the radio and drive off to loonathedorm.
20 minutes later, you finally arrive at the building where your stepsister's dorm was.  You parked your car at a nearby parking lot, grabbing your stuff and a few bags of snacks that you purchased from a nearby convenience store. You make your way into the building and take the elevator up to the level where the dorm was at. As the elevator reaches the designated level, the door opened, revealing two people that you are all too familiar with.
"Oh, hi oppa!" "Hello oppa!" Both Heejin and Hyunjin greeted you.
"Hey! Where are you guys going?" You asked them as you got out of the elevator.
"We're gonna get some more boxes! We have too much stuff…" Heejin said while pouting. Hyunjin just stares at the plastic bags that you were holding.
"Oh, alright then. I bought some snacks, so be quick before the others finish it. And don't worry Hyunjin, I bought bread as well." You said, making Hyunjin smile.
"Thanks oppa!" Hyunjin responded.
"We'll be right back!" Heejin said and grabbed Hyunjin's hand as they went inside the elevator. You wave at them goodbye and head towards the dorm.
You arrive at the door within seconds. A nervous feeling suddenly came over you as this is the second time you are visiting the dorm. The first time was around a month ago, when Jinsoul invited you to Yeojin's birthday party. You haven't gotten closer to Jinsoul's other bandmates besides Heejin, Yerim and Jiwoo. You got close to them during their debut concert when you visited Jinsoul backstage. You pressed the doorbell followed with a nervous sigh. A few seconds was all it needed for the door to be opened by Chuu.
"Oppa! Come on in, we just started packing!" Jiwoo said in a happy tone.
"Perfect, right on time!" You said and went inside the dorm. Jiwoo goes back to her room to continue her work while you take off your jacket and shoes in the doorway. You hang up your jacket and put your shoes on an empty spot at the shoe rack. As you walk to the living room with the bags of snacks in hand, you look around the surrounding of the dorm.
The dorm was pretty clean but full of boxes scattered around containing the girls' stuff. It was a pretty small dorm for 12 people to live in, so you were happy that they are finally moving out after 3 years. You put the bags of snacks on the living room's table. Yerim suddenly appears in front of you , carrying a box that looked far too heavy for her. You quickly went to her and grabbed the box as her hands were getting shaky. 
"Phew! Thanks oppa! You can put it there," Yerim said as she points to a stack of boxes beside the couch.
"No problem. This is really heavy, are there rocks inside?" You joked.
"It's just some clothes!" Yerim chuckled at your joke.
"Well, surely you have a lot of them. There you go." You put down the box carefully on top of a bigger box.
"Thanks oppa!" Yerim beams a cute smile at you.
"You're welcome. Have you guys eaten yet?" You asked her.
"No, we were too busy packing…" 
"Well, I bought some snacks so-" You sit down on the couch and take out the snacks inside the plastic bags that you brought.
"Let's take a break!" 
"Yeay! Thanks oppa!" Yerim sits on the couch and immediately opens up a bag of Cheetos.
"I'll get the others real quick." You stand up and head towards Jiwoo's room while Yerim munches down on the Cheetos. As you arrive there, Jiwoo is taping up a box while Jungeun is cleaning the windows. 
"Hey guys! Are you done with your work yet?" You asked.
"Uhh, just a bit more oppa. I just have to tape up that box and I'm done!" Jiwoo replied.
"Alright then. Jungeun?" 
"Can’t you see that I'm still cleaning?" Jungeun replied in a cold tone.
Kim Jungeun, a.k.a Kim Lip. Presumably, the sexiest member in LOONA. While her face emits the vibe of a charismatic woman, her personality is completely different. She has a great sense of humor as most of the memes in the LOONA fanbase are about her. She's also a caring and liable person. Jinsol once told you that she is one of the members that usually cooks for the others and she always loves cleaning around the house.
But, for some reason, she always seemed angry at you, keeping her words to a minimum and striking you with harsh facts sometimes. You asked Jinsol why she was acting that way and she simply replied with, "I don't know, maybe she's interested in you." You simply disagreed with her as there was no way you would fall in love with Jungeun since you have Jinsol embedded deep in your heart.
"Jungeun! That's not how you talk to oppa!" Jiwoo scolded Jungeun.
"It's fine. I just wanna say that the snacks are waiting for you guys and it won't take long before Yerim finishes it all,” You said and left the room to join Yerim back at the couch in the living room.
"Oh my god, you annihilated a bag of Cheetos already?!" You hold up the empty bag of Cheetos on the table. 
"Hehe, sorry oppa! Can't help it," Yerim said while drinking her Coke.
"Is there any bread left?" Hyunjin bashed through the front door followed by Heejin who was holding a bunch of folded boxes. Both you and Yerim jumped in shock because of the sudden interruption. Hyunjin quickly sits beside Yerim and searches for her precious bread. Heejin puts the folded boxes at the hallway leading to the living room and joins the rest on the couch.
"Mmm~! Ish bwead ish sho fwuffy!” Hyunjin said as her mouth was already stuffed with bread.
“Yah, don’t talk when your mouth is full! Especially when oppa’s around,” Heejin said as she grabbed a pack of candies from one of the plastic bags.
“It’s fine, it was cute anyways,” Hyunjin choked and spat out her drink as she heard your compliment. Heejin and Yerim just laughed at her as she was coughing pretty badly.
Eventually, Jiwoo and Jungeun joined in after a few minutes. The room was quickly filled with conversations, the girls talked about their successful comeback while you talked about how you almost burned your house down when learning how to make macarons.
Whenever you talk, you realize that Jungeun will always focus on you, even though she was keeping a straight face. She spoke the least out of the six of you and will constantly nod or shake her head to a question. At one point, you made eye contact with her and in a split second, she turned her face away from you, hiding her shyness. 
‘What's up with her?’ you thought. 
But the conversation that was happening was too interesting for you to think about it furthermore.
2:15 p.m. All of you start packing the girls’ room items. Your job was mainly to pick up the boxes or lift some furniture since you are the only male there. Sounded easy, right? That was your thought before Kim Jungeun caught your attention with her outfit. She was wearing a black tank top that didn't do well on covering up her black bra underneath and black tight shorts that were showing off her beautiful legs. 
You wondered why she picked that outfit for the day as it was clearly uncomfortable for her. Her top was always slipping down everytime she moved, allowing you to see her cleavage. You tried to avoid looking at her but she keeps coming into your sight as if it was intentional. Your lower region was starting to get warm and it was definitely not the right time to get a hard-on. You kept thinking about gross things that can help your boner to calm down but the moment when Jungeun bent down to pick up some stuff right in front of you, it was game over. You immediately go to the toilet to cover up your raging boner before any of the girls notices it.
About two hours later, Heejin taped up the final box, officially ending all of the work. All of you sit down on the couch and let out a sigh of relief. You were grateful that no one notices your bulge throughout all of that, otherwise you would be dying because of embarrassment. 
“Hey guys! Sooyoung unnie just texted me that they are at the arcade nearby, should we join them?” Jiwoo asked while looking at her phone.
“Heck yeah!” Heejin excitedly replies.
“Oppa, are you going too?” Yerim asked you.
“Nah, you guys go ahead, I’ll just wait for noona here.” 
“Lip unnie?” Hyunjin asked Jungeun.
“I’m too lazy…” Jungeun said and slowly laid down on the couch.
“Okay then, let’s get ready!” Jiwoo said and went to her room, followed by Heejin, Hyunjin and Yerim. 
“Don’t bother me unless it’s something important.” Jungeun said to you before going back into her own room. You just shrugged off what she said and played around with your phone. After seeing the girls leave, you turn on the TV and watched a drama to kill time. You thought that Jungeun had already fallen asleep since she is tired and you didn’t hear any sounds from her room.
An hour passes by and your stomach starts to grumble. The snacks earlier didn’t really fill up your stomach, so you decided to cook some ramen. Before going into the kitchen, you remember about Jungeun and decide to ask her if she wants some. You walk up to her room’s door and knock gently.
“Hey, I’m gonna cook some ramen, do you want some?” You asked through the door.
“Ugh..hah,” You hear Jungeun’s voice through the door. It sounds like she is struggling, you thought. You knock on the door again.
“Are you okay in there?” No answer. 
“Do you need help?” Still no answer.
Worried about her, you swiftly open the door. Your eyes search for Jungeun who was fixing the window curtains while tip-toeing on a chair to help her reach it. She didn’t notice your presence at all and was struggling with the curtains as it was stuck on the curtain rod. Before you can ask her anything, your attention suddenly diverts to her back that is facing you. You slowly eye her from head to toe a few times before locking your eyes onto her ass. Heck, you know it was wrong, but who can resist closing their eyes to this perfect and handful butt? You were hypnotized, dirty thoughts were already generated in your brain as you stared at them longer.
Suddenly, Jungeun loses her balance as her right foot slips on the chair and makes her fall. Luckily, you were there and reacted quickly enough to catch her from falling. Jungeun was shocked to see you catch her. Not to mention, she perfectly landed onto your arms and you both were in an awkward position of a bridal carry. Time stops for you as your eyes land onto hers, seeing another side of Kim Jungeun who was always giving you cold glares. You feel her body getting warmer on your arms and her cheeks turn red.
“Are you okay?” You asked her.
“Y-Yeah..you can put me down now..” Jungeun spoke in a soft tone for the first time with you, making you also blush at how cute she sounds. You gently put her feet first on the floor and removed your arms from her legs and her back. The air around the both of you was getting awkward and after a few seconds of silence, Jungeun finally speaks.
“Why did you come into my room, pervert?” Jungeun was back to her cold self but her shyness still remains visible on her cheeks.
“Chill out, I was just asking you if you wanted some ramen or not. And, if I didn’t barge into your room, you could end up with a back pain.” You answered back, making Jungeun sigh.
“You got a point. I am feeling hungry right now so why not. I’ll cook though, I don’t trust you in the kitchen.” Jungeun said before heading to the kitchen followed by you.
“The bags of ramen are on the right cabinet. If you wanna add in some more stuff, look in the fridge.” Jungeun said while washing her hands. You simply nod and open the cabinet that Jungeun pointed out. You grabbed three bags of spicy chicken flavored ramen and placed them on the kitchen counter. As you are about to check out the fridge for some ingredients, you saw that Jungeun is struggling once again, this time with getting a pot on the top of the cabinet.
“You know that it’s easy to ask for help, right?” You said and went behind her to reach the pot. Jungeun’s eyes widened as both of your bodies are closer to each other once again. She looks at your face that is focusing on the pot. Seeing how much you like to help her out makes her feel something funny. As she thinks about it longer, she starts to blush madly and her heart pounds fast until she realizes that you had grabbed the pot and saw her blushing.
“Here.” You said while giving her the pot, ignoring the fact that she is blushing.
“Thanks..” Jungeun replied, feeling relieved that you didn’t ask further.
After the little sweet moment, both of you start on making the ramen. You mostly prepared the ingredients while Jungeun does the mixing and cooking. 25 minutes later, Jungeun places the pot of hot ramen that is ready to be served on the dining table, which you have already cleaned and prepared with bowls and chopsticks. The savory aroma of the ramen fills the air, making you drool even more. Both of you sat down at the dining table, facing each other and started to dig in. You scooped a spoonful of the ramen with the ladle and put it in your bowl. You lifted up some of the ramen noodles with your chopsticks, gently blowing onto it to cool it down before putting it in your mouth.
"Mmm! So Jinsol noona was telling the truth about your cooking," You complimented her as the ramen you tasted was very delicious.
"Of course she would tell the truth. But I feel like I've added too much spice.." Jungeun said before taking a sip on her drink to reduce the heat on her tongue.
"I can handle the spice though, you're not that big of a spicy fan eh?" You said, continuing to slurp on the noodles.
“Shut up.” 
A few minutes passed by and the pot was already empty. You both are still eating the last bits of the noodles in your bowls. Jungeun is fanning her clothes, feeling hot because of the spiciness of the ramen. This allows you to have a great view of her cleavage under her tank top once more, which almost made you spat out the noodles in your mouth. Even though the air conditioner was turned on, sweat formed on her forehead and her neck and your eyes focused on the beads of her sweat that was dripping down her cleavage. You gulped. Jinsol would probably kill you right now as your cock started to grow hard again.
“I feel so hot…” Jungeun said as she kept fanning her clothes that were drenched.
“You really are hot, Kim Jungeun.” You say softly, not wanting to be called out as a pervert by Jungeun again. You both finished up the food eventually and you offered to wash the dishes since she helped to cook the food. It was also a way for you to cover your bulge that is sticking out. You cleaned up the dining table and brought the dishes to the kitchen sink to wash them while Jungeun went back to her room.
You dry off your hand with a cloth near the sink after washing all of the dishes. You walked back to the living room and saw Jungeun doing yoga in front of the TV. She was still wearing the tank top from earlier, but has changed her shorts into leggings which hugged her thighs and her cute butt perfectly. She is doing a position where her feet and her hands are on the ground while her hips and her torso are kept high, like a certain sex position. You were stunned at your place, completely seduced by her sensual aura that is making you hard for the third time. You watch every part of her body like a hawk, gradually increasing your arousal level as you already think about how to take her down. You quickly put that thought away once Jungeun realizes that you are looking at her.
“W-Why are you doing yoga at this time?” You ask her before she could say anything in hope that she won’t call you out.
“I wanna work off the ramen that we just ate.” Jungeun said before moving into another position. This time, she lays down her body flat onto the yoga mat and lifts only her torso up with her hands, allowing her butt to clench and showing you how perfect it looks. You bit your lips at the sight, thinking how easily you could rip her leggings off and fuck her ass right at that moment. But you surely don’t want to be killed by Jungeun for suddenly invading her privacy so you have to keep your cool. 
You slowly walk towards the couch and sat there while Jungeun is focusing on the TV that is playing a yoga guide show. You pull out your phone from your pocket and play around with it to distract yourself from staring at her body. As she wasn't looking at you, you fixed up your pants to hide your boner. You scroll through your phone, opening up apps that you never really open while burning the image of you fucking Jungeun in your head. After a while with a few more position changes, the yoga guide show is almost at the end as there is one more position to do. Jungeun lays down on her back and raises up her legs while bending her knees. She places her knees around her shoulder area and her arms on her feet to exert some pressure on it. 
The position is called Happy Baby as said on the TV, but to you, it just looks like she was ready to receive a cock in her pussy. Because she is on the floor, her crotch area is exposed to you and your imagination of stripping her naked in that position is starting to flow. Your dick was painfully hard at this point, and your patience is starting to run out. Eventually, you stand up, planning to let out your desires in the toilet until Jungeun stops you.
"Giving up already?" Jungeun said in a teasing manner.
"I'm sorry?" You pretended to be confused.
"Hm, still want to defend yourself eh? I know you're having a boner right now." Jungeun releases herself from the position earlier, stands up and gets closer to you. Your eyes widen as you are getting exposed by her.
"I've noticed that you've been eyeing my body, especially my ass." Jungeun gives you a little smirk while crossing her arms.
"I-I'm sorry, I-"
"Shh...There's no need for that. I'll forgive you, but with one condition..." Jungeun gently pushes you back to the couch and straddles your lap. She brought her lips to your right ear and blew hot breath onto it, making you squirm under her body.
"Please me, just like how you did to Jinsol unnie." 
The gentleman switch inside your body was turned off once you hear those alluring words. You wrapped her legs around your hips and lifted her up to carry her to somewhere comfortable. You made your way to her bedroom and pinned her down to the bed, not caring to close the door since there is no one else that can witness this sinful act.
"You are going to regret saying that, Miss Kim Jungeun." You leaned your head closer to her and pressed your lips against hers. The taste of her cherry lips makes its way into your taste buds while she reciprocates by moaning into your mouth. You feel her body is getting warmer with each passing second and her kisses are getting a bit more rough. Her tongue asks for entrance in your mouth, so you part your lips and both of your tongues dance while exchanging saliva into each other's mouth. Your hands makes their way down to her thick thighs, the culprit that has made your dick feel pain throughout the three times you got hard for her. You moved your hand up and down, caressing it to show your affection. As you continue to explore each other’s mouth, both of your breaths are decreasing overtime so Jungeun pushes you away from her lips and pants heavily.
“Jinsol unnie was right, you are a great kisser.” Jungeun says and wraps her arms around your neck. You looked deep into her brown eyes and admired her facial features. You gotta admit, she is one of the most beautiful women that you have ever seen, alongside Jinsoul of course. Her gaze that was filled with lust enamored your heart, making it beat faster than normal. 
“Do you want me to suck your cock?” Jungeun asks you and you unhesitantly nodded to her question.
“Eat my pussy out until I cum, then I’ll let you fuck my face.” Jungeun moves her body back to the headboard of the bed, inviting you to strip her naked. Like a cat, you crawl towards her and tower over her body. You grab the bottom hem of her tank top and pull it upwards. Jungeun raises her arms to allow you to remove it from her slim body and throw it away somewhere in the room. Even though Jungeun is not as thick as Hyejoo or as curvy as Jinsol, her body is still a killer, packed with a sexy ribcage, a small waist and of course, beautiful legs.
Your lips instantly latched on her neck, giving her a few kisses here and there to increase the tension between you both. The sweet scent of her perfume was still there despite her being sweaty because of the spiciness of the ramen and the yoga that she did earlier. Jungeun moaned softly at your kisses but tries to silence herself to keep her cold act. Feeling a bit bolder now, your hands slowly reach behind her and unhook her black bra. You heard the hooks come off one by one, eventually letting her bra fall down by itself. A sigh of relief was also heard by you as Jungeun felt the tension on her chest was released. Her perky breasts were finally revealed to you - Jinsol is bigger than her, but you can say that they are pretty handful.
“Fuck, you’re so hot Jungeun.” You say before planting a quick peck on her lips.
Unable to contain your lust for her anymore, you forcefully grab onto her leggings and rip them open, earning a screech from Jungeun that you always hear in the LOONA memes compilation videos on YouTube. “Hey! Calm your hormones down! Thank god that this is already ripped, otherwise I will be chopping your dick off.” Jungeun was slightly mad at you for destroying her leggings but thankfully, she was okay with it.
You continue to strip her naked by peeling off the ripped leggings off her legs. As you throw away her bra and her leggings off the bed, you are slightly shocked to see Jungeun wasn’t wearing any panties underneath her leggings and is now fully naked right in front of you. Fully mesmerized by the sight, your cock was begging to be released from its confines. But, you already had a deal with her - make her cum and you’ll get a facefuck. Easy. 
“Are you gonna eat me out or-ahh..” Jungeun let out a soft moan as you drive your hands towards her clit that is already wet with her juices. You traced her clit with your fingers as you watch Jungeun’s face gradually easing into the pleasure. Jungeun closes her eyes and leans back while you smirk, thinking that she is now under your control. As you continue to move your fingers on her clit, Jungeun spreads her legs and throws her head back, giving you the approval to taste her.
Your hands have moved itself to her thighs to keep her in place while you eat her pussy out. Steadily moving your head down to her glistening clit, you stick out your tongue and lick the juices on her clit, making Jungeun squirm slightly. She tastes sweet and you are addicted to it right away. Not wasting anymore time, you capture her clit with your lips and swirl your tongue, making small circles around it. Jungeun’s hands made it to your hair, gripping onto it tightly as you keep giving her clit the attention that it wants. You feel the burning sensation on your scalp but nothing matters at this point. The only focus that you have at this point is to give Jungeun what she desires.
No progress will be made if you keep using your mouth, so you start moving your hands to her clit and use your fingers to stimulate it. Jungeun's pussy continues to flow out more nectar and her eyes roll back in satisfaction. You pull your lips away from her clit and teased her splayed lips using two fingers before pushing them into her warm and tight cavern. Jungeun reacted with an erotic moan once your fingers enter her body. Moving the joints of your two fingers inside her pussy causes her to flinch around and breathe heavily. She equips herself with a pillow nearby to muffle her moans in reason to keep her tsundere character alive.
You pull your fingers away from her clit slowly and thrust it back inside her deeper than before. You repeat this action several times and eventually find a perfect rhythm. Jungeun was not expecting you to be this good as her moans were getting louder each time you thrust into her. After a few more thrusts, you felt a certain type of flesh inside her pussy has made contact with the tip of your fingers. Jungeun immediately reacts by pulling your hair harder and bucking her hips onto your face even more.
“F-Fuck yeah, that’s the spot...keep doing that,” 
Upping the pace of your thrusts into her, you continue to hit her g-spot. Your lips latch onto her clit once again, this time with your tongue assisting your fingers to thrust into her pussy better. Jungeun has lost control over her body, shaking violently and constantly screaming out curse words into the pillow she is holding. 
Suddenly, Jungeun lets out the loudest scream into the pillow. Her thighs spontaneously wrap itself around your head, locking you in as she climaxes. You feel her juices flowing into your mouth like a waterfall and drenching your palm at the same time. Her orgasm was really big as you failed to keep all of her juices in your mouth. When you feel that her thighs have weakened its grip on your head, marking the end of her orgasm, you pull out your fingers from her pussy and lapped up the excess juice on her folds. You gulp down on her sweet cum and with a big sigh, you move your face away from her thighs.
There is no other sight that can beat the sight that you have now right in front of you. Jungeun’s face was flushed with satisfaction, her legs were still spread open and her chest was heaving up and down as she was still in a daze after her strong climax just now. You smiled, admiring how much of a mess that she has made.
“Hah..v-very well then, you have impressed me. Now, for your reward.” Jungeun said before moving herself away and pushed you to the headboard, replacing her spot earlier.
She straddles your lap once again and smashes her lips onto yours, tasting herself in your mouth that was filled with her cum just now. In the meantime, her hands find the hem of your pants, reaches inside and drags it off your legs. Pulling her lips away from you after several minutes, Jungeun’s face makes its way down to your crotch that shows off your prominent bulge under your boxers. You squirmed as Jungeun cups your bulge and blows a hot breath onto it. She licks the tip of your penis through the thin fabric of your boxers before pulling it down to uncover your penis. You felt the cold air around the room on your shaft, making it throb and twitch harder. 
“Hmm, not as big as I thought, but surely this is enough.” You felt a bullet was shot through your heart.
Jungeun places her hand on the base of your cock, causing it to leak out precum from your slit. She licks her lips before painting a strip of saliva along the underside of your shaft and stopping on the tip. You moaned as Jungeun spits all over your cock and starts sucking on your tip. Her tongue collects all of your precum while her hand spreads her saliva all over your cock, not leaving any parts of it dry. Your cock continued to throb in her small hand alongside your moans that are beginning to increase in volume. 
You can’t believe that the cold Kim Jungeun is now on your cock, giving you the fantasy that you desired. Spitting more saliva onto your cock, her hand glides up and down you with no resistance. Her lips detached itself from your tip, giving her fingers access to it to trace your slit and releasing more of your liquid. Jungeun giggles at the expressions that you were making.
“You really are a pervert…” Jungeun said before indulging your cock into her mouth.
Your body weakens once you feel the insides of her mouth with your cock. Jungeun began to bob her head up and down while still grabbing a hold on the base of your shaft. You brought your hand to her head, running your fingers through the soft blonde strands of hair. As she looked up at you, you realized that she looks gorgeous with a cock in her mouth, a sight that will surely make any man happy. Her mouth continued to fill itself with your length until you felt your tip reach the back of her mouth, causing her to gag loudly. Your hands automatically hold her head as the warmness of her mouth and the lustful gag that she lets out is driving you into maximum pleasure.
Jungeun taps on your thigh after a while as she was losing some oxygen. You quickly removed your hand from the back of her head and Jungeun releases her mouth from your cock with a pop, leaving strings of saliva along the way. She takes this time to breath properly to prepare herself for the next act.
“Get off the bed and fuck my mouth.” 
You got off the bed quickly while Jungeun gets on her knees. After you remove the last piece of your clothing, she parts her lips, ready to receive your cock again. You hold onto both sides of her head and push a few inches of your cock into her mouth. You start your thrusting with a slow rhythm to make her feel comfortable. As she looks up to you with a gaze filled with lust, you push your shaft even more, causing saliva to escape from the sides of her mouth. When your shaft hits the back of her mouth, she gags on your cock, followed by teardrops on her eyes as she is on cloud nine on how well you are using your reward. 
Developing a faster rhythm as time goes by, Jungeun’s face is starting to get messy with her tears and her saliva. You didn’t care about it since you were chasing on your own desires. Sweat formed on your forehead as you fuck her mouth harder. An idea suddenly popped into your mind and after one final deep thrust, you withdrew your cock out of her mouth. Jungeun hyperventilates once you release your grip on her head and wipes off the excessive saliva on her face with her hand.
“Impressive...considering that you haven’t cum yet, you are allowed to fu-” Jungeun was cut off by you grabbing her arms and pinning her to the bed.
“I’m done with you being in charge, now let me take over.” You said sternly, emphasizing on the words, ‘take over’.
Your lust for her was unstoppable at this point. Turning her body around, her face was now buried into the bed. You forcefully grabbed her hips and bent her knees, allowing her hips to stay up. Raising her head slightly to look at you, Jungeun was stunned at your changed behavior. She found it rather attractive, how your eyes were burning with lust and how rough your actions were getting. 
As your hands were still on her hips, you moved them to her butt and gently squeezed her cheeks, causing Jungeun to squirm under your touch. Seems like your idea is starting to work out. Using your right hand to stroke your hard cock a few times, you line it up with the pink lips of her pussy that was radiating with heat. Jungeun feels your tip nudging at her entrance and bites her lip once you push it in further. With a satisfied grunt, a few inches of your cock is finally in her cunt. Her walls were suffocating your cock with its tightness but you ignored the pain that you were feeling. Your hips begin to move, thrusting your shaft into her in a slow manner. Her juices were smearing your length, allowing it to slide in and out of her pussy with ease. Jungeun buries her face into the bed to silence her moans, not wanting to show herself falling into your dominance.
You realize what she was doing and you definitely didn’t like it. So, you grab a handful of her long blonde hair and pull it towards you, raising her head so that you can hear her lewd moans. Jungeun stayed strong however, holding her breath a few times and biting her lips harder to resist herself from moaning. Increasing the rhythm of your thrust into her tight cavern, your goal is to make her moan and give up on her tsundere character. Her body shakes in your arms as your thrusts get more aggressive, considering how you are gritting your teeth while pounding her. You lean your body onto her back and rest your head on her shoulder, giving kisses on her neck right after. 
“I know that you’re enjoying this, so drop the tough act already,” You gave her butt a harsh slap before bringing your lips closer to her ears.
“And moan for me.” 
Like a spark ignited in her body, Jungeun finally lets out her beautiful moans. You smirked, delighted at the fact that Jungeun is now under your spell, which is the pleasure that you are giving her. You continue to thrust into her warm walls even further, increasing the volume of her moans before putting an end to your rhythm and pulling out your cock out of her body, earning a whine from Jungeun.
“Tell me how much you love my cock.” You grab her by the neck and gently squeeze it to force out an answer from her.
“I love your cock so much oppa! Please keep fucking this slut until she cums!” Jungeun screamed.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” You said and gave her ass two hard slaps.
“Ahh! I-I’m sorry oppa…” 
“Lay down on the bed. Now.” Your cold tone sent shivers down Jungeun’s spine and quickly enough, she laid back down on the bed and waited for your actions.
You climb back on the bed and move towards her, putting her under your body. You gave her a quick peck on her lips before spreading her legs apart and lining up your cock with her damp pussy once again. 
“You can’t cum until I say so. If you cum, I won’t hesitate to punish you.” You said and immediately inserted your cock back into her pussy, making Jungeun scream with ecstasy.
The intensity between you both was at its limit as Jungeun leaked out more and more of her juices from her pussy and your cock throbs harder inside the tight grip of her pussy. Your head leans closer to hers, intently gazing into her heavenly brown eyes that filled with passion and desire. At that moment, Jinsol was completely lost in your mind as you have fallen in love with the woman right in front of you named Kim Jungeun. The rhythm of your pounding never slowed down, instead it keeps going faster and harder. Although your back is starting to emit sweat, your lust for her powers your body to keep going. 
No other sounds were heard in the room except for the squelching of her wet and warm walls receiving your shaft, the squeaking of the bed because of your hard thrusts and the symphony of moans from the both of you. Challenging Jungeun’s endurance, your hands land on her perky breasts and begin to knead it gently, aiming to stimulate her into her orgasm. Her pink nipples erect once you use your fingers on them, pinching and pulling it until you replace it with your lips. Gently sucking on her right nipple, a persistent flow of high-pitched moans escapes Jungeun’s lips as the pleasure was too much for her.
“Oppa…please...” Jungeun begged you.
“Giving up already?” You said with a smirk, referencing her words earlier.
Without giving a care to her words, you keep penetrating her hot flesh while teasing her tits. The tip of your cock came into contact with her g-spot and Jungeun screams out your name. You were in euphoria, the pleasure that you were getting was a lot for a man to have. The knot in your stomach is starting to build itself, signaling your upcoming orgasm. 
"Do you want to cum baby?"
"Yes please! I want to cum all over your cock pleease!" 
"Then, cum. Cover my cock with your cum." You demanded.
Jungeun came instantly. You feel as the walls of her vagina gripped onto your shaft. Her juices gushed out everywhere, mainly coating your cock and your balls. Some leaked out and landed on her bed. Her orgasm was bigger than the first one, acknowledging how you have successfully raised her senses. 
"B-Baby..I'm close..." You alerted her.
"O-Outside…" Jungeun weakly replied.
Hearing her words made your brain come up with one decision. You fuck her in a relentless pace as the knot in your stomach grew tighter. Feeling your cock is twitching inside her, you immediately pull out from her tight pussy and straddle her torso, aiming your cock right in front of her face. Jungeun was still weak from her orgasm just now and didn't realize what you were doing. You stroke your cock with a fast motion, easily sliding in and out of your hand because of her juices lubricating it. Eventually, with a big groan, streaks of white and thick semen burst out of your tip, painting Jungeun's enticingly beautiful face. She closes her eyes as she comes back to her senses with more ropes of cum landing on her cheeks and her forehead.
After the last streak of your cum lands on her nose, her gorgeous face is fully covered. You sighed and admired the mess that you had made, the cum that was dripping down and the satisfied expression pictured on Jungeun’s face. Jungeun slowly opened her eyes to be greeted with your sweet smile and your cock that was still throbbing. She was lost in your eyes for a brief moment but suddenly, she pushes you away from her.
“Goddamnit, now I have to clean your filth off, ugh...” Jungeun said and went to the bathroom to wash her face.
“Jungeun I-” You sighed as she closed the bathroom door. 
Jungeun looked at herself in the mirror from head to toe. Her thighs were stained with her own cum, her nipples were still erect due to your teasing and of course, her face was coated with your semen. She smiled. Licking a bit of your creamy semen on her lips, she squealed at how she finally tasted a part of you. Worried that you might leave soon as she has another plan set up with you, she quickly washed her face at the sink and got out of the bathroom. You didn’t realize that Jungeun was already out of the bathroom and were about to wear your clothes before a hand stopped you from doing so.
“Shower with me?”
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bgyuus · 4 years
𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
; you're a jujutsu sorcerer who's working as a part time cam girl for extra money (kinda like bj alex type beat)
also, c/n means your cam girl name since i don't have any ideas 🤡
warning: just smut and a lil fluff
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"you're done eating?"
itadori asked, seeing you excuse yourself from the dining table. "yeah, i have something to do tonight," you replied, putting your bowl into the sink.
"fushiguro's in charge of washing the dishes tonight!" you exclaimed, running out of the dining hall before he could yell at you.
"anyways, fushiguro, u know what time she's gonna go live again?" itadori asked the male who's washing the dishes. nobara eyed them with curious eyes. "who's live?" she asked while wiping the table.
"c/n's live! she's been on hiatus for quite some time now and i heard she's gonna go live tonight!" the strawberry pink haired boy said excitedly. nobara looked up at fushiguro. "you watch these live with this dumbass?" she whispered to him. the black haired boy just shook his head, trying to cover his actually excited face.
as for you, you were getting ready for the live. it's true you were on hiatus for a few months because you got to enter the school along side with fushiguro. and surprisingly, gojo sensei let you do your part time work! (you only explained to him that you were some kind of vlogger, which ofc he'd let you)
it was five minutes to 10pm and the chat box was already flooded with comments from your viewers, saying "where did you go?", "i missed youuu!" and such.
you slipped on your mask and turned on your camera. "hey guys! long time no see," you said, your voice soft and pure making the comments go wild again.
"sorry for being away, i had stuff to do. anyways, now that i'm here, what do you guys wanna do?" you asked sweetly while reading some of the comments.
-in the boys dorm-
"should we get inumaki-senpai?" itadori asked, fumbling with his phone in his hand. fushiguro sweat dropped. does inumaki-senpai even watch such things?
"he watches her lives?" the raven haired boy said in a surprise and uncertain tone. itadori let out a laugh. "of course he does! he watches some of her lives with me a few times." fushiguro once again sweat dropped at his answer.
as for the said boy, inumaki, he was currently on his way to your room. well, as you can see, this boy has a huge crush on you and being a guy who only speaks onigiri ingredients who speaks little words, it's a bit difficult for him to talk to you.
"nghh ahh~"
inumaki's hand froze, a few centimetres before knocking your door. he was positive that sounded more like a moan than a yelp or whatever. and it was coming directly from your room.
his cheeks flushed at the thought of what you were doing inside. were you thinking of him? were you wishing that your fingers was his instead?
instead of walking away, he went to the window beside the door. he wasn't being a creep, he was just, curious. and oh how he thanked the heavens for as the curtains were slightly apart, letting him see half of you upper body. with just that, his mind was racing with thoughts.
your masked face was tilted back against the chair. your hands reaching something at the bottom, which he already guested what it was you were doing.
that was until your face tilted to side, to where the window was. your eyes went wide as you saw a boy standing outside, his eyes on you. you quickly stumbled out of your chair and hurriedly apologized to your viewers and end the live.
inumaki was stunned. like, really stunned. he saw your mask that c/n usually wore during her lives. could you really be c/n whom he watches through the tiny screen of his phone with itadori? that couldn't be, right?
"you! the fuck are you doing?!" you whispered yelled at him. inumaki bowed low, apologizing multiple times in his onigiri language. you expression softened at the sight of him.
"i'm guessing you saw me in my mask, please don't tell anyone about this, especially gojo sensei," you said begged. inumaki nodded, walking over to you.
he looked into your eyes. those eyes which he got lost everytime you two made eye contact. he unzipped the collar that was covering his mouth, making you take a step back. you knew what his cursed speech can do and you were surprised that it was actually cool and deadly asf.
"s-senpai, what're you doing?" you trembled beneath him. the gap between you both were just legit millimetres away. his eyes were covered with clouds of want and need. his heart skipped a beat at your scared and innocent face.
inumaki then proceeds to close the gap between you. you hesitated at first but proceed to do the same. he pushed you inside your room, closing the door behind him. your hands found themselves at his chest, gripping his shirt while moaning into the kiss.
you both let go as you were in need of oxygen. you pushed him, making him fall onto his back against your bed. you untied the rope of your robe and letting them fall to the floor.
the boy's breath hitched as he took in your figure. he can't believe it. never in his wildest dreams he'll get laid by his crush who's he supposed to confess to first.
"senpai," you called, crawling over to him across the bed. you sat on his hips, already feeling his clothed dick throbbing against your thigh. "you're already hard," your voice ever so sweet as honey to his ears.
you rolled your hips against his with a moan leaving your lips. inumaki tilted his head back into the pillows as his hands grabbed your sides, letting out a soft grunt in pleasure. you helped him out of his shirt and pants. your eyes widened at his beautifully built self.
"toge-senpai," you moaned, grinding your hips against his again. "i'm gonna make you feel so good," you huffed, sinking onto his dick that's slowly stretching you apart.
"f-fuck," you moaned, head tilting back. inumaki liked seeing you being on top of him. better yet, he likes seeing your breasts bounce as you started to ride him.
you being on top didn't last long. inumaki flipped you over, your back against the bed and him hovering over you. "t-tuna," he stammered, cheeks flushed and heavy sighing. you smiled gently at him and kissed him on the lips.
"i like you too, senpai," you giggled as inumaki attacked your neck with dark blue and purple marks, marking you as his and his only.
-bonus! next day-
"woah! is your neck okay, y/n?" nobara asked, pointing to the dark bruises on your neck. "oh, uh yeah i'm okay, i must've hit something in my sleep," you laughed nervously, covering your neck.
the second years who were passing by overheard you guys conversation. "of course she has bruises on her neck, inumaki here went feral last night!" maki-senpai laughed. the first years looked at you with wide eyes as you became a blushing mess. "tuna mayo," inumaki said softly, his cheeks burning up in embarrassment.
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ms-indifferwnt · 4 years
I’m Cold
“I'm cold"
"Can't you give me your jacket or something?"
"Can't you accept my proposal and marry me already?"
In which Prince Donghyuck's parents are forcing him to get married and he decided to propose to the first girl he sees to shut his parents up
Genre: Prince!Lee Donghyuck x Maid!Reader, Angst, Fluff, Arranged Marriage (kinda), Slowburn
Warnings: Curse words, Suggestive (I'll add more if there are)
Notes: Chapter 3 of Im Cold. Sorry this one took longer, hope you guys enjoy
Prev / Chapter 3 / Next
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Y/n was screaming in frustration o to her pillow, Damn the Prince's good Looks, Damn the Prince's words, Damn the Prince's Kindness, Damn it all!
Y/n sighs after screaming on to her pillow, she flips over back against the soft covers, she couldn't help but think about how the evening end up like this. How could she say yes? After Prince Donghyuck has asked for two Weeks what happened?
"No" Y/n replied and stood up
Donghyuck grabbed her by the wrist, it wasn't forceful nor was it tight, Prince Donghyuck gave her an opportunity to pull away, to take her wrist away from the Prince, But why didn't she? "Please" He pleaded and Y/n's eyes widened "At least think it over, if you are still determined to tell my parents I will gladly assist you but please, at least until we're done eating dinner, think it over"
Y/n was shocked to see the prince pleading, asking her to think about it, was this that important to the prince? She nods, fine after dinner she'll reject him, she was getting fed up with how stubborn he is, it wasn't just messing up with the royal family's values, it was also bothering with her life, her own private life, how she is being seen, how people address her whole life went upside down just because the prince lost his temper
Donghyuck nods and stands bowing towards her, "I'm sorry, I know I have troubled you" He confesses and Y/n grabbed him by the shoulders to make  him stand straight but he wouldn't budge "I know that by making you do this I have placed you in a hard position" she shakes her head and tears start trickling  his eyes, it was all overwhelming, her feelings and the Prince' words being all too heavy on her conscience, the tears weren't necessary nor was it intentional but before she could realize, a sob leaves her lips and Prince Donghyuck's reaction was quick, he stood up straight hands out to hold her as she starts wiping her face
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying" she whimpers and keeps wiping her face with her hands, The prince pulls her hands away and uses his handkerchief to wipe her tears, no words were exchanged, not until she calmed down
Neither noticed it but the Prince'd hand always hovered near the girl's as if waiting for the right moment to hold her hand. The Prince looks at her and she was staring at the cloth in her hand, it was simple, laced in golden thread "Do you like sweets?" The Prince suddenly spoke making her look at him and she nods, he smiles softly and takes her hand in his "Let's go get some ice-cream"
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       Morning comes and Y/n wakes up to the sound of Prince Donghyuck's voice "Hana, which one is better?"
Y/n opened her eyes to be greeted by Prince Donghyuck looking through her closet "Goodmorning" he greets and moves to kiss her forehead, Y/n still freezes at the action but smiled "I've chosen your outfit for today so we can match" Donghyuck pats his thighs to show off the color and smiles, standing up to hold her hand and help her out of bed, "Wear this" he shows a pretty blue floral lace Bardot dress, pattern adorned with white and pink roses while lace covers the edges the color matching the Prince's blue-ish dress pants "Get her dressed Hana"
And at the Prince's words, Hana leads Y/n to the conjoined bathroom, helping her clean up and get dressed fixing the way it hugs her curves, and Hana smiles, applying a bit of touch-ups on her skin and fixing her hair. She was done and Y/n looked into the mirror, Hana has fixed her hair into a half-up bun style making it look messy yet classy, the hairstyle complementing the dress
They both left the bathroom only to be greeted by the prince facing away from the bathroom door looking at his phone "Done? Can I turn and see?"
Y/n blinks, the Prince purposefully turned away to give her space and privacy, she smiles softly "Yes you can turn around now"
The prince turns around and he smiles at the sight, but then he wrapped one arm around his waist as a support for his elbow where he places his chin on his palm eyeing her "Something's missing" he mumbled
Y/n blinks and tilts her head as Hana turns to look at Y/n "Jewelry?" Hana offers and the Prince nods, with the Maid immediately reacting walking to get the Jewelry box from the vanity, "Milady has a wide assortment of jewelry here, my Prince" she says and turns only to gasp at the sight
The Prince had invaded Y/n's personal bubble, him being so close their chest could be flushed against each other, her hair was out of the way while the Prince had his arms around her neck as he tries and clasps the necklace. In all honesty, if he wanted to help her wear it he could've done it from behind not doing it while almost hugging Y/n
Y/n could feel the Prince's breath fan against her neck at the close proximity, she blushes and moved to hold on to the blazer in front of her until finally, the prince locks the necklace tracing a cold finger against the chain, she tried, she just couldn't help but feel the goosebumps rise against her skin where he had touched "There, you look pretty" he smiles his finger stopping at the pendant only to return tracing against her collar bones and down her arms. Y/n would be lying if she says the prince didn't have an effect on her, cause, oh how her heart raced at the action, silently willing them to stop, he traces lower 'till he holds her hand looking at her wrist "Let us get you a bracelet" he lets go of her only to look through the jewelry box
Hana stood there in shock, cheeks a shade of red at the display of affection, standing off to the side, knowing that she shouldn't react unless Y/n or the Prince might need her
The Prince would take time, looking through the wide assortment of bracelets and looking at the Y/n to look at her wrists and then dress, only to resume his search. Y/n on the other hand had examined the pendant of the necklace, it was a flower, a white flower pendant with delicate details on to its petals, making it look as if it is blooming "It's called a gardenia flower"
She looks into his eyes "what?" she blinks a bit surprises
He points to the pendant "That a gardenia flower, do you like it?" he asks and stands up fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves
She nods shyly "It's a pretty flower" he nods and takes his watch  off, it was a simple watch, it had a golden chain strap along with its case, a black tint on the watch itself  "You have a pretty watch" she murmurs and the Prince smiles
"Good, cause you'll be using this today" he replies and walks up to her  so he can hold her wrist, placing the watch on and locking it in place "Its a bit big on you," he laughs as if finding the whole ordeal cute "Remind me later, lets go on jewelry shopping ok?" Y/n nods silently and he examines Y/n, nodding in approval at the sight he smiles and locks there fingers "Lets go, lets have breakfast together then we can go out to my schedules ok?" he says as he leads her out of her room and into the dining hall
Letting him lead her out, "I'm sorry, My Prince-" she starts but the prince cuts her off
"You should get used to calling me Donghyuck for the next two weeks" he murmurs and turns his head to look at her and smiled "What were you saying?"
She clears her throat and avoided eye contact "Why do I have to come with you on your schedule?"
He hums as if thinking of the right words to answer her question "well, It would be great to show my parents that I am 'serious'," He makes air quotes with his free hand "about you, a plus to make them believe that i need time to heal when we do break up. And, it gets lonely when I'm the only one going"
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       "Where is this meeting being held exactly, My Prince?" Y/n asked as she turns away from the car window to look at the Prince only to get a raised eyebrow in return "Donghyuck" she corrects and he nods in approval
"At a café, we'll be meeting with someone, he claims that this project he proposes will help a lot of people"
"Then why must you be the one to interview them? wouldn't it be better for the King and Queen to address that matter themselves?"
"Well, Yes. But not everything will go through the King and Queen, first they have to go through me to make sure its worth seeing by them and then the decision is ultimately theirs"
"Ah" she hums softly and nods "I understand" she smiles and Donghyuck couldn't help but smile back
Once they arrive, The Prince leads Y/n by the hand to a man dressed in a fancy suit he stands and bows towards the new arrivals "My name Johnny, thank you for giving me a chance to speak to you your highness"
Donghyuck bows and smiles "Of course,. I'd like you to meet my Fiancé, Y/n this Suh Johnny, a dear friend and at the moment a benefactor" he smiles informs and Johnny bows in her direction with her mirroring the action, "Please sit." They all obeyed
Johnny was very convincing and honestly, the Prince liked his proposal but as Johnny excused himself to go to the bathroom, Donghyuck turned to Y/n "What do you think?"
She blinked in confusion "Sorry?" she tilts her head slightly and Donghyuck had resist the urge to grab her by the chin so that he can adjust it "But why are you asking me, my Prince?"
He frowns "Donghyuck, Y/n, please call me Donghyuck, you earned the title of being my friend in this predicament you and I are in" earning a nod from the girl and he hums "but to answer your question, its because you might know what's best" she watches him as he spoke "I have not once tried living as if I wasn't a prince, I've never went to the market or done house chores, but you have and you do, compared to me you know what can help improve the way my people work and move, so I'm asking you, what did you think of his proposal?"
Y/n lets the Prince's words sink in as she looks down at her lap, she never thought that it'd come to this, The crowned prince asking her opinion but here she was "Yes, It'll be of great help" she started and started explaining the points on why and how it could improve, stating facts and sharing little stories along the way with her explanation as the Prince attentively listened and nodded
After she spoke, the Prince nodded and smiled at her "that is great Y/n" he moves to hold her hand cupping them "Thank you" he beams he opens his mouth to speak only to be stopped by Johnny returning and the Prince drops her hand
"I'm sorry" Johnny says and sat down "May I continue?" and the prince nods "As I was saying adding homes, giving the people their own job that is cleaning up our parks can lessen our rate of jobless citizens and also lessen out the homeless-"
Johnny was cut off to the prince swerving to the side and looking at his Fiancé "What's your favorite cake flavor?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Cake flavor," he repeats and nods towards the different displays and grins "What is it?"
She looks at Johnny who smiles at her "Mocha" she answers and he hums "you really do have a sweet tooth hmm?" he raises a hand to flag down a waiter "and coffee?" he turns to look at her then stops "No, Sorry you hate coffee... One Mocha cake and," he hums going back to when he bought ice cream for her and smiled "two cups of Hot Chocolate please, would you like anything Johnny?"
"Just coffee" He replies
"Black Coffee for him" Donghyuck says and the waiter bows, "Sorry, continue" and with that Johnny continues
Donghyuck is now to make a decision, if he says yes, Johnny will speak to his parents about his proposal and he hums, giving his and Y/n's words to careful consideration, his eyes drifting to Y/n as she took a bite "feed me" he says out of the blue making Y/n and Johnny look at him surprised
"I can't think without sugar and I drank my milk, just one bite" he coaxes and, Y/n offered him a bit which he happily accepted, looking at Johnny he grins "I hope my parents like your idea as much as we did Johnny"
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A troll walks on his own through the forest near the hive he currently resides in. He weaves through the trees and plants that he's become acclimated to through the long walks he's had to take just to get groceries for the month.
He's careful with his long curving horns, not wanting to leave a trail of broken branches for others to follow. His long finned tail brushing along the ground behind him, trying to hide the traces of his steps.
He could very well save himself many hours by going to the town that was close to his hive, but the people around there knew him too well and likely wouldn't let him leave alive. They called you the DeadOmen, because people just die when you're around. No touch required, no signs of psiionics at play. Just the sudden loss of a limb and the tearing of a throat. Normally you've already left before it's gone, not wanting anyone else to get hurt due to whatever is causing all of this. But everytime is the same and someone ends up gored when you go out.
So, you don't go out anymore unless it's for groceries and even then, you try to keep your trips as short as possible.
You come up to your current hive after awhile more of walking. It's very large, three floors and enough rooms to make the place seem like a giant maze at times. Though, you've been here for 5 sweeps now and have gotten used to the layout.
Going up the stairs, you trip and land just infront of the door.
"Fecking shit!"
You pick yourself back up and check your groceries to make sure nothing was damaged. Then you notice what you tripped on. A box. Left on the top step with a symbol on it seeming to be a hammer and a...... bleeding anvil?
Admittedly you should have noticed this, but you never get anything sent to your hive so this is completely new. Also very worrying since you've been doing your best to keep yourself hidden from the rest of the planet.
You take the box inside with you, placing it on a table as you put everything away, then taking off the eyepatch you wear to hide your fully white eye and moving to the bathroom to wash off the paint you use to hide your face.
Back to the box now, you're hesitant to open it, not fully sure if it could be a trap but you decide to bite the bullet and open it. What do you really have to lose?
Inside is a note and some kind of smooth black gem with a hard white material covering one part of it and snaking towards the otherside, looking almost like veins. In all honesty, it kinda looks like an eye to you. The object itself was just giving you a bad feeling, you're not sure exactly what it was but you didn't really want it around. Though that thought gets buried when you open the note you just become more confused.
'A stroll in your own head may help alleviate the demons at play.'
Is all it says. You hate this entire situation, but you decide to wait for now. A sudden wave of tiredness washes over you. So to your room you go, seemingly forgetting the black eye object in your hand.
You notice the sheer quietness of this hive, the small creaking as you walk, the seeming lack of any life in this place. It's lonely.
You pass a few windows before you make it to your room. The place may seem less depressing if you were to open the curtains to let in some light, but you've convinced yourself to keep all of them covered, so no one accidentally sees you. Plus, it would probably throw off the lighting you have for your streams. The computer being in here with the camera facing the door. The dark hallway helped whenever your viewers would say they saw something down there. Not that you ever noticed anything anyway.
You go to your bed and you lay down, your body not wanting to move anymore now.
You lay there.
Trying to sleep.
And you lay there.
For what feels like hours.
But you just can't find sleep.
Finally you sit up and give a sigh. You're not sure what you're doing now as you stand up and start walking, leaving behind your room with a stage where your computer was.
The windows of your hive now are uncovered, letting you see an empty dark void beyond the little patch of ground that your hive resides on. Vague figures surround the place, all facing towards you. You can't tell if you know any of these figures or not, but you could swear that some of them start to look like people you've met before. Some start to look like the friends you've made online, or atleast what you think they look like.
Though none of this even makes you hesitate. Not the faceless figures, not the flowing river of plum colored blood emanating from your hive, not even the windows that reflect yourself. You do, however, take notice of the reflections. As you pass one, it's just a reflection. It shows you as you are currently, no more, no less.
Another one seems to be showing you while your streaming, a big smile on your face and laughing goofily to whatever is happening. The next is cracked and distorted, just a vague silhouette wreathed in blood.
This one does scare you, almost making you trip.
The last window you pass has no reflection that you can see.
You feel like there's something watching you as you reach the front door, grabbing the handle and opening it. The vague figures being replaced by a sea of multicolored blood and viscera.
You don't want to take that first step out. You don't want to cause any of this. But you do. Feeling almost like a chain is pulling on your neck, you step out.
When you step into the blood, the plum blood river starts flowing from where you are, carving a path through everything, to the edge of what land was left holding up your hive.
As you approach the edge you can see another hive off far into the distance of the void that makes this place up. It's your old hive, so far out and pushed to the back of your mind that you can never reach.
Then you look down over the edge and into the bleak void underneath everything. You don't move or even really think. But you have that feeling again of being watched. There's something down there, just out of view. The chain on your neck is pulled slightly and the plum river flows down like a waterfall. Everything is telling you to cross that barrier into the unknown.
But you can't.
And you wake up.
You're not sure how to feel when you sit up from your bed, not even sure when you went to sleep. What you do know is your leg hurts and after rolling up the leg of your pants, you see a bite mark, like a bark-beast bit you or something.
You wonder if that happened while you were out, but you have no memory of it at all and there's no way one could have gotten in your hive..... You'll think about it later.
You look over to your computer and decide to get up, sending out a message that you'll be streaming soon and starting up the waiting animation with your online handle, NixKeeper.
Then going to take a shower and getting changed.
Everything that was currently on your mind gets pushed back to hopefully be forgotten about.
When you're done, you sit down at your computer. You double check that the camera is angled off to your side and towards the door, not even your shoulder is in frame.
Finally, you do your best to put on your mask, doing what you always do and starting the stream.
What game will you play this time?
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