#also there are 23 *gets stabbed*s
cosmos-fudge · 6 months
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happy fuck you and fuck your- *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed* (et tu, brutus?) *gets stabbed* *gets stabbed*
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yaoimanpussy · 2 days
The original poster of this information was terminated so I was requested to repost this. Text and pictures copy-and-pasted from DMs
Russian transgender person killed a man who tried to rape her. «At 19:30 Moscow time, Eshka wrote to her subscribers that she was "going back to hug and cuddle the man who helped her." At 23:50, she reported that he had attempted to rape her, and she had stabbed Vitaly Loffe to death with a knife. She also sent an audio message, where she cried and said that she did not want this to happen, but "she had to."»
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Eshka Sibishina is a queer activist and has repeatedly spoken out against Russia's homophobic and transphobic laws for which she has often been detained by the police. Due to problems with her landlord, Yeshka had to move out, so she stayed overnight with a man who agreed to shelter her for a while. This man, Vitaly Loffe, is also a political activist who spoke out against Russia's war against Ukraine. According to Eshka's messages in the telegram, initially she and Vitaly had a good relationship, but later something went wrong and he tried to rape her. Also, based on her messages, she begged him to let her go until the very end.
She surrendered to the police almost immediately. In Russia, it is almost impossible to prove self-defense, especially if you are part of a marginalized group, so Eshka's situation is very bad. Because the man was a known figure in russian opposition, many of russian "anti-putin" people didn't believe her.
Source: https://parniplus.com/news/eshka-sibishina-priznalas-v-ubijstve/?utm_source=popular
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Person who i'm told will have more information when Eshka gets a lawyer: http://x.com/ada_mork http://instagram.com/ada_mork https://blakewell.press https://t.me/s/blakewell
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
can i request kylo ren x fem presenting reader (doesnt have to be afab)
i have this idea where theyre like storming the resistance because they finally found them (lol) and kylo and his S/O show up with their sabers (and theyre like obviously together), and like everyone on the resistance base is like no fucking way 😀
idk i thought it would be funny for like leia to realize "oh shit i have a daughter in law" or sum o-o
IF THAT MAKES SENSE THEN UH THATS IT (its not imaginative ik im SORRRYYYY 😭😭😭)
A/n- heyyy, OMG I LOVE THIS ANON. Also sorry if I haven’t posted): been super busy but I’m trying to get through requests. I didn’t know how to end this off
Small talk
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“You found it, sir?” You asked him, your husband nodded and you smirked ever so slightly.
Everyone looked at him in shock, waiting for orders.
“Me and general L/N will go out to the base. Along with your squad for backup, just in case. He looked at one of the squad leaders, they all nodded.
“I am expecting general leia organa to be there as well, so be aware. Me and L/N will be going in by ourselves, and you stay outside, unless I say otherwise. Got it?”
The squad going with nodded along, following orders and beginning to prepare to leave.
You followed Ben to his personal ship, and he led the squad to the base.
“Kylo. Since your moms gonna-“
“I told you, I don’t want to talk about it. We are going to go in there, storm the base, and kill everyone in it.”
You sighed, a small sliver of you wished that you could meet his mom.
You grew up in the dark side, practicing and training since birth practically. Ben was 23 when you met him, when he became Kylo Ren.
Quickly, you both became friends. He took a liking to you for months, not saying anything until you said something first.
And now, you were about 3 years married, 3 years you both had dated.
You stood up when you had landed, he stared down at the helmet in his lap, thumb moving up and down on it as it stared back in his eyes.
You looked at him, putting a hand on his shoulder and a soft smile, giving him a quick kiss.
He stood up, putting on his mask and you both walked out.
He pulled out his saber, ignoring the many alarms. You pulled out your own. Men came rushing towards you both with guns and such, trying to shoot you both.
You blocked them with the sabers, stabbing whoever dared to do such things with it smoothly and quickly.
Kylo knew you could defend yourself, but he felt rage at whoever tried to do that. Shoot for him, not her! Idiots. He thought, as he sliced through the resistance members.
The doors started to close, you both glanced at each other and knew what to do.
“How’d they find us?” Her voice was anxious, as she walked through the base.
“We don’t know. We think that someone is spying for them.”
“And it’s Ben and who?”
“The girl is known as Y/n Ren. They’re married. Apparently she’s some powerful general, no one talks about her because they’re scared. Of her and K- Ben.”
Her eyes widened at that. “Married? I have daughter in law? Guess I was never invited.” She mumbled, looking at the camera footage of you and Kylo slicing through the doors.
“Get everyone off of here. Now.”
The boy nodded, taking off and going to get everyone off.
She stayed, standing and waiting. Once everyone was off, she put up all the doors around the base.
“Ben.” She said, standing in front of him now.
You followed behind him, you threw your lightsaber up and down, and twirled it around. He gave you a glare, and looked back at the woman in front of him.
You stared at her now, and she looked back at you.
“Guessing you’re Y/n.”
“Don’t talk to her.” He said, voice threatening and modulated.
“Sure am. Guessing you’re-“
“That’s enough.” He said sternly, he didn’t want the small talk.
“What do you want, Ben?”
“It’s Kylo.”
“Take off your mask, Ben.”
He sighed, and did so.
“You were always busy. At meetings or stupid things. I hated it. God, I hated it. I was lonely, and it wasn’t until I found the dark side, until I found her that I wasn’t lonely.” He circled around her like prey, and she followed him around. His guard was up as always.
You watched the whole thing, in awe of him.
“You left me alone, it’s your fault. Everything is your fault.” He pointed the red lightsaber at her, tears welled in her eyes as she looked at his son.
“It was you.” He pointed it at her again, stopping his tracks. He stood in front of her, and stepped over to her.
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TIME FOR A SECOND SMG4 OC INTRODUCED!! Meet LSMG2 Aka Cole! I don’t have him before Lawsuit Arc, but we all know it’s just a re-color of Luigi. Anyways Lore time!(gasp)
Trigger Warning:BLOOD AND DEATH
Arc One/After Lawsuit Arc
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This is Cole, another Luigi’s SMG and Lucia’s Guardian partner. Unlike the other three, he’s more serious and prefer not to be in some trouble every other day. Lucia and Cole have a sibling figure bond and Cole acts like a big brother to her. After Lawsuit Arc, he stays away from any chaotic stuff and tries to relax himself after basically dying and such. Though, not everything will go the way he wants with the whole ‘It’s Gonna Be Perfect’ thing with the castle being taken down by SMG4’s mistake.
He was PISSED at SMG4, blaming him for everything that happened and the destroyed castle, but he stopped himself from yelling and slapping him on the face. Despite his serious and sarcastic tone, he did helped Mario or ‘Marty’ with the Pizza Place along with Lucia and also accept Lucia of being a trans female. He finally started to feel in peace and relaxation after working and finally have the new castle rebuild..BEFORE he was dragged and join the crew to the Wild West.
After Western Movie, Cole, again, getting pissed at Meggy for dragging them into a traumatized situation, and this time, he yelled at Meggy for being so reckless and so stupid and ended up having a fist fight with her til Lucia and Tari break it up and Cole just stays at the Mario Brothers’ house. During the new castle times, Cole wanted to plane a way to kill Mario and stop this chaotic world he’s in.
Arc Two/WOTFI ‘23 and Aftermath
Art, SMG-K(mentioned), and Shared Idea by @echostarsys
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During his planning, he was having trouble of HOW to kill Mario…or at least get a reasonable closer to him without giving away. He soon see how SMG4 and SMG3 fight about SMG3’s notebook and noticed Mario being all questionable lately. Cole mark his chance and get closer to Mario, asking him what’s been going on. After getting Mario to speak, Cole learned that he’s playing to get Smg3’s notebook and steal the pizza recipe. At first, Cole actually thought Mario was insane when he heard it was Marty’s idea, but once Cole got to actually see Marty(after the pizza work) and surprise to hear him talk..he plans to get close to Mario by Marty and then stabs him in the back once the plan is done. Though, he knew it’s risky for anyone to know, so he hide behind a red cloak and tricked Mario into thinking it’s a stranger that wanna helped Marty and Mario with the plan.
During WOTFI, Four, Three, Lucia, and SMG-K went to the casino to get the notebook back, but K got split up from the other SMGs while being chased by Chris and Swag. During that time, K went through the casino and see Marty alone with a strange red cloak figure. K couldn’t do anything, before Cole pull out a gun and shoot K in one of her arms, before he rush and use his dagger to cut part of her left ear off. Cole was manage to injured her tail and slice her face, making her half blind with two hits of his dagger.
Before he could finish her, K use her cat claws to attack him which really fucked his face up, giving him the same scars and losing one of his eyesight and such. Fortunately, Cole turns away from her face to cover his face and not reveal himself and barely escaped with his life. Once he escaped and left the casino, he could barely feel his face and had to bandage his face up by himself. By the time that he’s finish bandaged himself, Mario and Marty were in jail and Three got his notebook back. He went to check on the three SMGs, but not see K anywhere..he didn’t care anyways, that was the least of his problems.
For the few days, he stayed away from the crew..he couldn’t let anyone find out about what happen..course, this worries Lucia, but Cole just bush it off, saying that he just have a small cold and just need time alone. Once the scars are healed enough, Cole came back to hang out with the group and tries to plan another way to kill Mario, but the other problem was that no one will stop asking him what happened and how he got the scars, Especially SMG4 and Lucia, which he always avoid and act like it’s personal to him. It took a while for him to get used to being half blinded, but after a while, he got used to it and learned how to still fight and all with being half-blind. After sometime, he begin to tries to plan again to kill Mario..but he had no idea…yes, he knew the world was gonna die, but if that means he can be in peace for once..so be it.
It wasn’t until after The PuzzleVision Movie that he remember Marty existed. He hate Mr Puzzles, but he got to admit..he glad he was there to remind him of WOTFI ‘23. Whenever he’s not with the group, he would visit Marty in prison and plans revenge against Mario for leaving him in prison. Course, Cole didn’t had money to bail him out…so as anyone would, he grabbed his old red cloak and break into prison with his gun and dagger to break Marty out of prison. Soon they both plan a revenge on Mario and kill Mario for good.
Arc 3/Betrayal Arc
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After a long time of working and planning, they finally made a cult that makes poison spaghetti sauce. Cole was FINALLY gonna have Mario killed…but there was a problem…he knew Mario been poison a lot…he knew he need a plan…a MURDER plan…so he pretend to be a cop and told someone that a terrorist escape and purposely send Mario to the cult with a spaghetti poster to trick everyone.
Once he got to the cult, he acts normal and rush in to see Karen tackled Mario down and acts like he heard chaos nearby and ask what’s up. When Karen found out about the poison, Cole was dragged by SMG4 to Karen’s house where they see K with the kids and..with Marty..which kinda shocked Four, because he haven’t seen K since WOTFI. Before he could do anything, K and Cole make eye contact for a hot second..before K realized..HE was the cloak figure from WOTFI. When SMG4 realized of them having similar scars..he looks shock and surprise, before Cole grabs his dagger, but Mario quickly kick Cole to the ground.
Cole would just laugh and explain that it’s all part of his plan to end Mario and finally have some peace, even if it means killing his avatar’s brother. However, The crew defeated them and Marty and Cole escaped and that when Cole changed his outfit. His next plan was to try to get Lucia to his side and get more information of Karen and K, so he breaks into the castle and breaks into Lucia’s room when everyone is sleeping…only to have a gunpoint at him by Lucia.
Four told Lucia about everything…how much he was a traitor…how much he planned to kill Mario. Cole tries to explain his actions to just to ‘have some peace’, but Lucia didn’t want to hear it. She TRUSTED him..like a brother she had…to only wanted to kill the only avatar that could kill the universe by just dying. She just yells at him..saying that she trusted him and loved him like a big brother she ever had..but now she hate him and just…couldn’t let him do his killing.
With a moment of hesitation, Cole grabs the gun and twisted Lucia’s arm, before he slam her to the ground. “I’m sorry….but you’re in my way…..” that line…that single line…made a difference…before a shot to a head happened..he tried to get her to listen…he tried to reason with her…but nothing will be enough for him, will it?….After the final blow, Cole flee the castle, before anyone walked into the room and see his former sister’s bloody body.
FINALLY!! This took me whole day! I really hope you enjoy this lore and thanks for @echostarsys for the collaboration and shared idea with Cole and their upcoming OC, SMG-K. If you have any questions, please be free to ask. Have a good day
If you don’t remember Lucia, this is Lucia.
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astrangeraccoon · 2 months
TMAGP First listen ep 23
Sam stop filling that paperwork!
Lena trying to convince Sam that this is all for nothing makes me think that there IS a response department and lena doesn't want anyone to know
Lena: I see (she doesn't) has me rolling
Casement :
I don't have much to say about most of it, I feel like it's a pretty Standard casement
Is it me or are dream a recurring theme? I'll need to chzck
He's going to sew the coral inside of him isn't he? Of course he did
And we got an alien birth! Woohoo...
Oh it's another doppelganger!
Oooh! the last deleted message! I love that! The implication that they knew something would be wrong! Also "better the new"? Def a doppelganger
Post casement:
Follow up on Martin and jon: THEY BOTH DEAD??? 😭 Also a "heart thing" like stab through the heart "heart thing"?
"they never even met" noooooo😭😭😭😭
Celia lying about where she found their name.i guess it's hard to say she heard them during the apocalypse
Gwen's finaly having her breakdown. I swear I'm gonna find a way to get inside the podcast to hug her
Akward Alice arrival! Oh she s being soft! (in her own way)
FINALLY! People are talking! Having actual conversation! And LISTENING! PROGRESS
But also kinda surprised it happened between Alice and gwen
(love the audio distortion at Gwen's denial of being "arsey", girl knew what she was doing)
Okay good, now Alice and Gwen are on the same page and know they're in danger
Which one of the two is gonna die first 🙃
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s/o who is jealous of willow hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; anonymous (30/04/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter-only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “hii! Can I request a hunter x reader where reader gets jealous and kinda insecure about hunter's relationship with willow? Like, the reader would be really trying to hide it, bc they know willow is a very close friend of hunter, but he notices it anyway 🥺
maybe a bit angsty?
also i just wanna say that you are my favorite hunter x reader writer omg ♥️♥️ luv u”
warning(s) ; angst, jealousy, comfort
you knew that it wasn’t rational, you knew that they were just friends — and you knew how important that was because he had so few support systems in his life — but knowing that didn’t change anything
not all feelings are rational, and feelings don’t need to be rational to exist
and exist your jealousy did
a gnawing parasite that buried itself in your innards and twisted deeper and deeper whenever she made him smile or blush — a stabbing pain like a dagger or some other jagged blade
a cold flush like iced water being poured over you every time he laughed at one of your jokes
the necrotic, bloody wound that spread and spilled its puss in the form of the scowl threatening to pull downwards on the edges of your lips every time she touched his arm
a disease, an infection, an infestation
so very wrong and irrational
but you couldn’t help it, couldn’t cure it, couldn’t rid yourself of it
something didn’t need to make sense for it to hurt — didn’t even need to be intentional
and you knew it wasn’t intentional
titan, no! hunter would never even dream of hurting you and willow was so lovely that she wouldn’t consider it for a second
which only made you feel worse
made you withdraw more from the group, from your relationship, as you tried to put on a facade of being okay
but he noticed
of course he noticed
and he confronted you in the privacy of your home — told you that he knew what was wrong
he knew about your feelings when it came to willow, he’d noticed — but she hadn’t (thank goodness) — but you still felt horrible because this was the exact thing you were trying to avoid
and you feel like you’re going to cry as you fall over yourself to apologise for feeling so jealous and being so stupid about it and not being able to stop
and he stops you, silences you and pulls you into a hug as he lets you cry it out
he’s rocking back and forth and soothing you and shushing you as he lets you calm down, slowly letting you know how he stood on the whole thing
and he’s so understanding because he’s hunter so of course he is, and he’s murmuring promises and reassurances against the crown of your head as he soothes you
he says he understands, that there’s nothing wrong with how you’re feeling and that it’s not your fault
that you can’t control your feelings but you can control your reaction to them and he’s so proud of you for how you were dealing with your jealousy
but that he wishes you’d have come to him to talk about it sooner rather than trying to hide them
that you’re partners and it’s important that you trust each other to have these conversations so you can tackle these things as a team
he reaffirms that he and willow are just friends (which you knew) and when you pull away to look at him he makes you promise to talk about things like this with him first rather than just trying to hide away
and you agree
and you kiss
and everything is back on track to being somewhat normal
because now you’re a team and you’re going to kick your jealousy in the ass
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themanirealityshifter · 5 months
My Empyrean DR Script (that I will write on here, so that I actually finish it 😭)
First Name: Sebastian
Middle Name: Fynn
Last Name: Riorson
Nickname(s): Seb; Sebby
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Human
Age: 23
Description: Black hair (wolfcut)(I love wolfcuts, and I don’t care if it’s impractical, I MISS MY LONG HAIR); Olive skin (even though I’m as pale as the moon in my CR); Black eyes flecked with lighter brown; Lean, muscular body (I need to be in shape here or I will die, so luckily I’m in control of this and can script that I’m not a blob that lays on the couch every single day); Top and bottom surgery scars (you bet your ass I have those); Fully transitioned (love that testosterone); Huge black dragon relic covering my back; Rebellion relic covering my chest; Lots of scars all over my body
Positive Trait(s): Intelligent (I need to be able to not be a dipshit and die immediately); Clever (same thing); Good memory (say bye bye to all those days of dissociation and maladaptive daydreaming in my CR, now I will remember EVERYTHING there); Quiet (of course I’m quiet, have to keep up the mysterious act, plus I’m too overstimulated and socially awkward for this shit); Thoughtful (my mind is always stuffed); Nice (even though I’m quiet and don’t talk much, I am pretty nice when you talk to me first)
Negative Trait(s)(yes, I’m gonna script them, just to give myself some flavor): Trusting (making friends wise, always end up getting hurt or stabbed in the back, literally and figuratively)
Dragon Name: Aodhan (do we know how to pronounce his name here? no. will we script that we do know it? yes)
Signet Power(s): Time Manipulation (can go back in time) and Reality Manipulation (can make my imagination real life)
Weapon(s): Daggers and Swords (I love me some sharp things)
Parent(s): None (dead)(it’s literal canon that Xaden’s parents died[along with all the other parents that were part of the rebellion]so yeah)
Sibling(s): Xaden Riorson; Liam Mairi (adoptive brother)
Other Family Member(s): Brodhi Durran (cousin)
Best Friend(s): Xaden Riorson (I’m besties with my brother, I know, I can do that); Liam Mairi (same thing); Violet Sorrengail (I’m the one who ends up being the body guard for her, not Liam); Brodhi Durran (I love my family); Ridoc Gamlyn (I adore him, it’s gonna be interesting all the talks we will have [I am scared that most of them will be about sex he had or people that he likes, help me]); Heaton (I love my non-binary pals); Garrick Tavis
Friend(s): Imogen Cardulo (I love her hair); Rhiannon Matthias (bisexual queen, go girl)
Partner(s): None (I am single forever, thank the almighty gays)
Gender Identity: TransGuy
Romantic Orientation: Aromantic
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous; Panalterous; Panaesthetic
Extra Fact(s): Liam does not die (I was sobbing when it happened); Homework is effortless and easy always (I don’t want to work too hard or make it take up so much time); I am a skilled painter/artist (something to do when I’m not doing homework, have training, have secret rebellion meetings with Xaden and the rest, or guarding Violet); I wear ear plugs a lot of the time (because I’m overstimulated a lot, but I still manage); Probably have some anxiety and PTSD (not that I don’t have anxiety already and probably have some form of PTSD here-); I keep my head easily (no panicking for me, though, even though I know, realistically, that contrasts with the anxiety, but I want to live and also have my sparkle at the same time); I know how to pronounce Aodhan’s name perfectly; Garrick and Imogen are together (Imogen needs her love too); I cannot die; None of my best friends or friends can die; Xaden, Liam, and Brodhi cannot die
Specific Affirmations For This DR: “I am with Aodhan”; “I am Xaden’s brother”; “I am in Basgiath College”; “I am in my dorm room”; “I am training with Ridoc”
Safe Word/Phrase: “Put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up.” (don’t ask)
Me in this DR (Picrew Form):
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Probably will add to this more. Maybe will post some individual scenarios for this DR.
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
Okay, so I finally got around to all the responses given for the Random Whump Questions google form I made! Everything is ranked from highest to lowest in terms of what was picked, and the number beside them is how many people chose that option:)
Also, to make sure it's not longer than it needs to be, I'm going to do the open ended questions in a separate post:) Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for that!
One more thing to keep in mind. The 'custom answers' section is where only one person has brought it up. If multiple people have said the same thing, then it will be included in the main answers :)
Question 1. When did you first discover whump as a term?
A. 15 - 17 (106) B. 11 - 14 (105) C. 20 - 25 (42) D. 18 - 19 (39) E. 26 - 30 (21) F. -10 (4) G. 36 - 39 (4) H. 31 - 35 (3)
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Question 2.
A. Absolutely not (135) B. Some of them do but I prefer to keep it to myself (127) C. I don't try to hide it but not many people know anyway (42) D. Most, if not all of them know - I'm very open about it (10) E. One person knows (4) F. Friends know, family don't (2)
Custom answers: I'm not secretive but I don't explain it because it's hard to, I've never said it but you only need to look at me to know.
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Question 4. Biggest pet peeve when it comes to whump in media?
A. Whumpee miraculously recovers as if they didn't just break three vital bones in their body and get stabbed by the enemy (204) B. Skipping over it and going straight to recovery (165) C. Changes POV's right as it's getting juicy (154) D. Whumpee is too stoic and unphased by what happened (130) E. Too comedic/lighthearted (128) F. Main character(s) die rather than living with what they've done/what happened (127) G. Too much comfort and not enough hurt (80) H. The recovery/captivity is far too unrealistic (77) I. Too much hurt and not enough comfort (62) J. Whumpee is a massive wuss (56) K. All of the above (23) L. The recovery/captivity is too realistic (20) M. Too heavy/serious (16) N. Whumpee is unattractive/not cute enough to me (2) O. Wrong characters are whumped/favourite characters are ignored (2)
Custom written: Obvious medical errors, turns out it was all "just a nightmare!", Caretaker's wellbeing is ignored, Whumpee is rescued right before the whump was about to start, Caretaker never figures out what happened and it's never brought up again, no women, never goes as badly as I want, not enough from Whumpee's POV.
Custom written #2: Whumpee is infantilised during their recovery, no trauma/trauma is overlooked, aftermath/recovery is ignored by a timeskip, Whumpee has no personality apart from being the one who deserves pity for being white and pretty and sweet, caretaker saves the day and it's never brought up again.
Custom written #3: Caretaker saves the day and Whumpee is the perfect victim and there's no conflict ever again, too much emphasis on physical pain rather than emotional, whumper wants love from their whumpees, recovery is too fast and it involves sexual/romantic stuff.
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Question 5. Best thing a whumpee can say to give you whumperflies?
A. "Please- please, no more." (146) B. "It hurts." (142) C. "Please don't leave me." (109) D. "Don't hurt them." (94) E. "Get the hell away from me." (85) F. "I just want to be good." (81) G. "You promised." (71) H. "Am I not enough?" (69) I. "I thought... I thought it was over." (50) J. "You came back!" (49) K. "I was so scared." (43) L. "You will not break me." (36) M. All of the above (19) N. Description over dialogue/I prefer whumpees that are too scared to talk (6) O. Begging (2) P. "I'm fine." (2) Q. "I can't take it anymore." (2)
Custom answers: "Go away" | "It's all my fault, I'm sorry" | "don't touch me!" | "I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I promise" | "don't look at me" | "I don't want you to see me like this" | "fuck you" | just a heartbroken "why?" | "it's fine!"
Custom answers #2: "Nobody is coming..." | "i'm not the same person I was before" | "is this real?" | "I don't want to die" | "why are you helping me?" | Repeating "i'm okay" to themselves while trying not to cry.
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Question 7. Best thing a whumper can say to give you whumperflies?
A. "I wonder how long it'll take to break you." (120) B. "Surely you can take a little more than that, can't you?" (111) C. "Tell me what I need to know and it'll all be over." (111) D. "You're being so good." (107) E. "You're so adorable when you cry." (98) F. "You're mine." (79) G. "Which finger should I crush this time?" (78) H. "I think if you were really sorry, you'd __" (63) I. "This is your home now." (57) J. "At least try to show a little enthusiasm." (49) K. "Please forgive me." (47) L. "You live to please me." (41) M. All of the above (15) N. Prefer no whumpers (7) O. Silent whumpers (3)
Custom answers: "Everything you touch dies." | "I have your whumpee." | "You wanna see something weird/interesting/cool?" | "Get some rest, darling. We'll pick this up again tomorrow." | "Just what do you think you're doing?" | "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you."
Custom answers #2: Petnames | "It's not personal." | "Nobody's coming for you. Give up." | "This is all your fault." | "You shouldn't have done that, darling." | "You'll be begging soon." | "Maybe some pain/time out/etc. will change your mind." | "It's you or them." | "Go ahead, try to run."
Custom answers #3: "Do it or I'll hurt them." | "This is for your own good." | "This will only hurt a pinch." | "Why do you have to ruin everything?" | "The more you scream, the more I have to hurt you." | "It's for science, Whumpee." | "I truly am sorry about this." | "I love you so, so much. I want to taste you..." | "Good boy."
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Question 8. Best thing a Caretaker can say to give you whumperflies?
A. "I got you." (180) B. "Breathe. Just breathe." (170) C. "What did they do to you." (154) D. "Hey, I'm here, okay?" (152) E. "Lie down, okay?" (107) F. "I'm gonna get us out of here." (107) G. "When was the last time they fed you?" (97) H. "Lay a hand on them and see what happens." (88) I. "Don't hurt them." (83) J. "I'm sorry but this is in your best interest." (66) K. "I will not rest until I find who did this." (41) L. "Don't cry." (32) M. All of the above (26) N. Any sort of medical talk (2) O. No caretakers (2)
Custom answers: "Don't touch them!" | Pet names in general | "Just relax. It's all over." | "Don't fucking touch them." | "It's not your fault." | "Hold still" while tending to wounds | "Almost done | Just hold on." | "Hey... not so fast." | "Just look at me, okay?" and then proceeds to gently explain what the medical procedure entails | "You're safe now." | "Please believe me?"
Custom answers #2: "May I see? I promise I won't hurt you." | "Whoa, hey, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." | "Shh, you're safe now. It's okay. I'm not leaving." | "Who did this to you?" | "Take this, you'll feel better." | "Shh, I know it hurts" to a squirming whumpee | Anything as long as there's physical touch to go with it | "Stay with me, okay?" | "You need to stay awake for me." | "Leave them alone!"
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Question 9. What role do you think you'd play in a whump story?
A. Whumpee (87) B. Caretaker (52) C. Side character (44) D. Caretaker-turned-whumpee (32) E. Whumpee-turned-caretaker (22) F. Whumper (16) G. Whumpee-turned-whumper (14) H. Whumper-turned-whumpee (11) I. Whumper-turned-caretaker (10) J. Caretaker-turned-whumper (8) K. Caretaker or whumpee (6) L. Carewhumper (3) M. None/I don't insert myself into scenarios (2)
Custom answers: Narrator, all of the above depending on my mood, side character.
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Question 11. Favourite place to consume whump? (not including movies/tv shows/games/etc)
A. Tumblr (294) B. AO3 (212) C. Pinterest (62) D. Fanfiction.net (23) E. DeviantArt (8) F. Wattpad (4) G. My brain (4) H. All of the above (3) I. Youtube (3) J. Character.AI (2) K. Discord (2) L. My brain (2) M. Twitter (2)
Custom answers: Sketch book, google,
Other notes: Someone also gave @whumplovers-collaborate a mention, saying they've been on that server for over a year and that it's amazing.
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Question 12. Pick a whumpy anime out of the ones I've watched (so far)
A. Castlevania (51) B. Black Butler (43) C. Bungou Stray Dogs (43) D. Banana Fish (35) E. Vanitas No Carte (19) F. Black Bullet (5)
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Question 14. How old does a whumpee need to be to be considered an "older whumpee"?
A. 40+ (127) B. 34 - 37 (68) C. 30 - 33 (51) D. 38 - 39 (38) E. 26 - 29 (18) F. 22 - 25 (2) G. 18 - 21 (0)
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Question 15. Pick a character that I think needs to be whumped more.
A. Link (The Legend Of Zelda) (96) B. Tony Stark (The Avengers/Iron Man) (64) C. Vanitas & Noe (Vanitas No Carte) (47) D. Joel Miller (The Last Of Us) (45) E. Hosea Matthews (Red Dead Redemption 2) (5)
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Question 16. Do you prefer hystorical whump or modern whump?
A. Modern (220) B. Hystorical (82)
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Question 17. Do you prefer hurt or comfort?
A. A healthy combination of both (163) B. A little bit of comfort, lots of hurt (81) C. Hurt (44) D. A little hurt, lots of comfort (28) E. Comfort (8)
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Question 19. Favourite species to whump?
A. Human (290) B. Immortal (118) C. Vampire (105) D. Demon/angel (87) E. Werewolf (57) F. Robot/android/cyborg (54) G. God/deity (49) H. Birdpeople (48) I. Merfolk (44) J. Tiny (38) K. Catpeople (26) L. Alien (19) M. All (16) N. Humans with inhuman/magical abilities (5) O. Giant (2) P. Elf (2) Q. Lab subjects (2) R. Species isn't important (2)
Custom answers: Shapeshifter, hybrics, faefolk, winged whumpees, dhampir, superheros, dwarves, mobian.
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Question 20. Pick something to restrain your whumpee with.
A. Chains (104) B. Rope (101) C. Handcuffs (38) D. Zipties (31) E. Your belt (18) F. A piece of their own clothing (18) G. Your tie (6)
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Question 22: Your whumpee bites you. What do you do?
A. Put a muzzle on them. You're not mad, but you need to keep yourself safe (119) B. Beat them until they learn their lesson (82) C. Have a rational conversation with them once they've calmed down about why it's wrong and how to stop it from happening again (61) D. Get checked for some kind of desease. Who knows what they've been carrying (25) E. Ignore it and hope it doesn't happen again (8)
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Question 23. A whumpee shows up at your door, terrified and scared. They beg for your help. What do you do?
A. Let them in and give them some food. You can worry about what you're gonna do with them later on (273) B. Keep them prisoner. Whump their to your heart's content (31) C. Slam the door in their face (4)
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Taglist: @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @let-the-whump-commence @pigeonwhumps @rule-masochism @whumperofworlds @whump-space @wollemi-whump
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cassiesdaydreams · 2 months
Hello! I’m Cassie and I go through a lot of name crises! I was up at 1 am on my Snapchat stories picking each fable characters, including Fable and Isla’s Taylor Swift(The Tortured Poets Department)’s song! Some may not line up with the said characters or their arcs but this is just what I thought for each character. (I promise I’m just a fan and not a die hard swiftie.) As of 7/23/24 I have officially left the fable fandom to move on to other things, loved the time here.
As of now, i wont be supporting Taylor Swift. Thank you and goodnight
In my ever so humble opinion, I thought Rae could have been the song Cassandra, all because “So *they* killed Cassandra first, cause she feared the worst” but if you remember in season 3, when Icarus threw the sculk bottle at Rae (I can’t remember the name of the episode) They could have killed him(Rae) and obviously Rae and Icarus being brothers and all, of course he’s gonna worry about him (Icarus). Really, the song Cassandra is about the Greek myth but like.. that’s irrelevant.
When I started this I remembered how Centross was in the little “cell” under (I’ll say the name in which the season permits so s3 is Icarus and 1&2 is Sherbert) Sherbert’s house in season 2. As soon as I realized that, I said “Fresh Out The Slammer” because jail is also called a “slammer.” So “Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to.” In my mind I thought it meant “I’m out and i know where to go.” But it was one am and I didn’t get far with this one.
I said that Athena was “I Can Do It With A Broken Heart” because of one line. “Im a real tough kid, I can handle my sh*t, they said babe you gotta fake it till you make it and I did.” It’s. So. Season. One. Coated. Sherb gaslighting Athena coded.
I said Ven was “So High School” because Wet birds frfr. In the wise words of my cousin “Truth, Dare, Spin Bottles, you know how to stab Fable and I know Aristotle.” Of course, season 3, Icarus stabs Fable at the end, and Ven’s a writer (his elytra is book wings and that’s so cool)
Icarus is just “The Alchemy” because 1.) They’re an alchemist and 2.) Him and Ven. This song is just wetbirds coated “Cause the sign on your heart said it’s still reserved for me honestly who are we to fight the alchemy?” Also this kind of connects me to season one at the end of corruption because of “What if I told you I’m back?” And the resets by “This happens once every few lifetimes” representing when Fable would rip a page out to save them from death. Need I say more?
Listen when I was putting this together, my cousin never watched Fable but she said “Fortnight” for Wolf and I thought oh damn, this could be real coated honestly but like honestly “I love you it’s ruining my life” is kinda coated to me
Ocie is just straight up “The Albatross” because this girl is just like “Cross your thoughtless heart, only liquor anoints you, she’s the albatross, she is here to destroy you.” With Ocie being able to control the ocean, she could be the one “here to destroy you” the “terrible danger” the “death you chose.”
Okay so yall remember season one when she went to the prison to try and help Sherbert become uncorrupted? Yeah they just said “I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) and I don’t have a lot more to say about this.
Another thing about Momboo is that she can connect to Ocie cause sisters supremacy. But, there’s a line in The Albatross that says “Wise men once said one bad seed kills the garden” and it’s just so neat to me
Fable I hate you a lot guys this is the worst dad like ever. He’s “The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived” because he definitely is. First he kills his siblings and literally doesn’t care for his stepson like please we get it icarus is biological and you don’t like Rae cause Enderian is a part of him but like for real. Then you try and KILL YOUR OWN KID??? like please. Give him the worst dad who ever lived award.
Aw look it’s mother!! I highly believe that if she could she would name her kids “Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus” but she wanted to remember her dad, for Rae. And Fable definitely named Icarus, but I can’t help but headcanon it
Everytime I think of Haley, I only have season one to turn to for instances. I always think of the way she was a traveler, and how she left her home to find somewhere new. So I always think of “So Long, London” not meaning a lover/person like the song is talking about, but talking about the place she loved.
I thought long and hard about what could be a thing about Arisanna, and I came up with Clara Bow, showing that she is the reflection of Soraza “you look like Clara Bow in this light, remarkable.” And how Soraza looks like who came before her, and who came before said other.
I was trying to figure out Will and I said “thanK you aIMee” because it’s like Will saying f^ck you to Fable for hurting his homeland. Hurting his culture and messing it up. Once again, it was like 1:30 here and I just was going through the stages of tired.
I said Addie was “The Bolter” because she was reclusive but I also didn’t know much about her. She has a very pretty character design even though I don’t like spiders. (also the bolter is just a good song)
is just “How Did It End?” Coated to me and honestly I have no reason for it. I honestly have no reason for a bit of this but maybe how did it end? was for him and Theo? I know we don’t know a lot about him so I’m headcanoning that. But I’m not sure haha
I think I said “The Prophecy” for Caspian because of him being trapped in the end prison and also looking for someone who he loved. Especially for the line “Please I’ve been on my knees, change the prophecy” being in jail being the prophecy, “…don’t want money, just someone who wants my company” meaning he wants someone who knows they’d want him around.
I said “Peter” because I think when it comes to medical things, he’s the leader. So “forgive me Peter, my lost fearless leader” but honestly this song just makes me ramble on and on and on to be honest so I’ll stop the drabble about “Peter” here haha
For Jamie I said “Robin” because obviously, Jamie is a bear (and I find that cool actually no one knows) also the lines that say “You got the dragonflies above your bed, you have a favorite spot on the swing set, you have no room in your dreams for regrets” just makes me think of childhood innocence between him and Easton.
I seen Easton as “I Hate It Here” with everything that went on between Sherbert and Momboo (Season 3, glitched death) so they would be like “I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind” which is honestly coated and I can’t pinpoint why.
I see Galahad as “Florida!!!” And I don’t know why. I kinda just see them as someone who wants to escape from their troubles. They want to get away but not in the sense Easton wants to. He’s tired of the fighting. They’re tired of Fable and the wars.
Seven is just “My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys” because he’s a robot and as I see it, better off powered down permanently and broken down.
•The Whole Fable Cast
Honestly, this has been such an rollercoaster for me with figuring everything out about quixian and lore after missing a stream or two after being at an amusement park. Thank you for the best 3 years! Because every story has a manuscript, the song for the whole cast is “The Manuscript.”
Now all thats left is the manuscript, one last souvenir from my trip to your shores. Now and then we reread the manuscript, but the story isn’t ours anymore
The manuscript could be the vods by the way.
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your-mom-friend · 11 months
okay what the HELL oh my god
There’s so much to fucking think about
The prison pits stuff…god damn
Maybe I’m just a rot-brained podcast girlie but towards the end of season 1 my thoughts about this particular podcast man were that he’s a sad wet kitten who occasionally kicks major ass and makes morally questionable decisions which is fair
And in this line I thought it would be fun if he’d compare stories with my other favourite podcast boys and their SO’s. AKA Jon and Martin, Juno and Nureyev and Cecil and Carlos.
But after part 23 I feel like if they had this conversation and had the trauma dumping talk they’d just be fucking horrified with what Arthur and John had to do/go through.
Like the murder? Fine. Everyone gets a little Murder sometimes. Imprisonment and the spiralling that comes with it? Happens man it’s okay. The several, several broken bones? Hell yeah dude. The cannibalism would probably throw them for a loop I think.
I mean people in the 1930’s really had fuck all to be doing then huh.
Back to my point. People were so focused on the return of John that we totally glanced over the cannibalism that was implied in the prison episode and also the fact that John had to relive that man’s death every. Single. Time. Arthur ate from him. Holy god damn shit.
Also Arthur gets hurt so god damn much. Concussion? Stab wounds (multiple)? Gun shot wounds? Slash wounds? (Honorary mention for when John’s finger got replaced with fucking wood because Arthur BIT IT OFF) Dislocated shoulder? Broken leg? Unspecified broken bones from the King? GOT A PIECE OF HIS EAR RIPPED OFF??? Put this man in a hospital in another medically induced coma and let his boyfriend look after him please god let him rest please let him have one good moment I want to wrap him in a fucking blanket this man has been in this predicament for 4 (5 if you count the coma) months and he’s already accumulated more injuries than most people do in a life time.
Also like. There’s no way they don’t end up together right? RIGHT? It’s literally been SAID. “ ‘You love him’/‘I suppose I do’”“you only have eyes for HIM” oh my god please get a room YALL share the same body and he doesn’t even have a physical form but other people have already noticed can they get any more obvious
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menelaiad · 1 year
Agamemnon is explicitly stated to be hot/muscular. It's in the source material. Books 2 and 3 in particular. I highly doubt being compared to the Gods meant being "chubby" or super old. The ancient text obviously wouldn't say "ripped" because that wasn't in their vocabulary. But they refer to him as everything else that such a body would imply.
And Achilles was saying things in anger in Book 1. Everyone forgets how in Book 23, Achilles pretty much retracts everything he said and claims Agamemnon is the best natural warrior which he was.
tldr; im a petty bitch
'ripped' isn't in their vocabulary?? but 'hot' and 'muscular' are? really?
that's y'alls prejudice about larger people coming through. this stupid belief that the ancient world represented 'the peak masculine alpha ideal' no????? this whole 'if man strong and can stab and have sex with woman then man must be muscley and ripped cause that make man sexy' like shut up.
it's baffling to me that you're all so heated on this. the mere thought of a human man having a tummy is sending you all west. you can't cope. a human man who consumed copious amounts of alcohol (because ancient greeks just did???) and probably had a very rich diet. having tummy??? NO. ILLEGAL.
im sorry but im cracking up over here. i couldnt care less whether people think aga has a 16-pack, that he's skinny as a twig, that he's fat, that he's not, that he's somewhere in between - idc. but your adamancy against 'slight tummy' aga. is just ..... fatphobic. and i never thought i'd type that word out being a fucking classics blog lmaooo.
i have shared so many DUMB opinions on this blog. from menelaus' teeth to odyssues' hairy feet and yet the thing that gets the most reaction from people - is agamemnon's weight.
that's what's pissing me off. everything else? whatever have your own opinion, you weird menelaus girl. but the sECOND i say why i think i character might be a lil chubby OOF ouTRAGE. IM A FOOL.
also your point is just so incredible. my issue isn't with you thinking aga was a ripped sex god crafted by aphrodite herself. it's your use of the word 'explicitly' cause aga's size (in regards to his weight) is NEVER explicitly stated ANYWHERE. so we're both just having our own opinions. but mine has got you so pressed????
i own a couple translations of the iliad. lets look at some. and see the descriptions of aga, shall we? cause i know exactly which sections you mean in book 2 and 3. contrary to your apparent belief, i have read the iliad.
we'll do book 2 first to make it all easier to follow:
“among them the lord Agamemnōn, in eyes and head like Zeus who delights in the thunderbolt, like Arēs in girth, and with the chest of Poseidōn. As one steer in a herd of cattle stands out, far above them all— the bull, distinguished among the cows assembled round it— such a one on that day Zeus rendered Atreus’s son, preeminent among many, of heroes the foremost.”
... again. nothing really? girthy??? eyes like zeus (nice)??? tall??? nothing about weight here babes.
there to go into combat, and with them was lord Agamemnon— his eyes and head like Zeus who hurls the thunderbolt, his girth like Ares, his chest like Poseidon’s. As when an ox stands out from all others in the herd, a bull who is preeminent among the gathered cattle, so did Zeus on that day render the son of Atreus conspicuous amid the multitude, outstanding among warriors.
pretty much the same?? gets called an 'ox' here though. ooooh
and there in the midst strode powerful Agamemnon, eyes and head like Zeus who loves the lightning, great in the girth like Ares, god of battles, broad through the chest like sea Lord Poseidon. Like a bull rising head and shoulders over the herds, a royal bull rearing over his flocks of driven cattle — so imposing was Atreus' son, so Zeus made him that day, towering over fighters, looming over armies.
just more girth stuff. that can mean his shoulders?? his chest?? his ass? bro we don't know. was aga just THICC. his cheeks always alerting the trojans???
Agamemnon's lordly mien was like the mien of Zeus whose joy is lightning; oalken-waisted as Ares, god of war, he seemed, and deep-chested as Lord Poseidon, and as a great bull in his majesty towers supreme amid a grazing herd, so on that dav Zeus made the son of Atreus tower over his host, supreme among them.
i like this one tbf. this one has got more meat on it. 'oaken waisted'. nice nice. again. i don't see oak trees are particullarly 'narrow' but hey. interpretation is what makes this field so great.
“powerful Agamemnon, with eyes and head like Zeus who delights in thunder, like Ares for girth, and with the chest of Poseidon; like some ox of the herd pre-eminent among the others, a bull, who stands conspicuous in the huddling cattle; such was the son of Atreus as Zeus made him that day, conspicuous among men, and foremost among the fighters.”
To enter battle, and Lord Agamemnon Moved among them like Zeus himself, The look in his eyes, the carriage of his head, With a torso like Ares', or like Poseidon's. Picture a bull that stands out from the herd Head and horns above the milling cattle— Zeus on that day made the son of Atreus A man who stood out from the crowd of heroes.
SEE this one we're not even talking about his LITERAL appearance but how he's holding himself. how he acts. his CONFIDENCE. cool take, stan. i like it.
“and among them was Agamemnon, his splendid eyes and head like almighty Zeus’s, his thighs like the thighs of Ares, his chest like Poseidon’s. As a bull stands out in a herd above all the others, sovereign among the cows as they graze in a field: just so, on that day, did Lord Zeus make Agamemnon supreme over all the warriors massed before Troy.”
LOVE the thigh mention Mitchell. nice nice.
'The ancient text obviously wouldn't say "ripped" because that wasn't in their vocabulary. But they refer to him as everything else that such a body would imply.'
bro all i'm getting is the word 'girthy'?? if you want me to be a bitch about it, that's not a word i'd put with someone who is 'ripped'. if anything, they're implying he got junk in his trunk. i truly hand on heart. cannot see anything in the book 2 translations that imply or indicate to me that he does not have a tummy. that he is rocking a six pack. WHICH IS FINE. we can play with it and form our own opinions. but you're THIS IMPLIES .... is wrong??? it doesn't imply anything dude????
all we can infer from any of the book two stuff is that he's a man who is larger than the other men around him - literally? metaphorically? we dont know. (which is all horseshit anyway cause priam later goes on to say he's a short arse which is helpful). and that he shares qualities with the gods. again, literally? metaphorically? bit of both? we. don't. know.
TIME FOR BOOK 3. the priam and helen thirst.
“and to put a name for me to that huge warrior down there, that Achaian leader, of such stature and so strong: others there may be taller still by a head, and yet so fine a man have I never set eyes on, nor one so majestic in bearing—he looks to be of royal blood.” helen later calls him a 'strong spearman'
tell me the name of this gigantic man, who is this Achaean man, good and great? To be sure there are other men even greater in height, but I have never beheld with my eyes a man so handsome, nor so majestic; for he seems a kingly man. helen later calls him a 'powerful spear-warrior'
“ tell me the name of that tremendous fighter. Look, who's that Achaean there, so stark and grand? Many others afield are much taller, true, but I have never yet set eyes on one so regal, so majestic . . . That man must be a king!” helen later calls him a 'strong spearman'
Come, tell me who the big man is out there, who is that powerful figure? Other men are taller, but I never saw a soldier clean-cut as he, as royal in his bearing: he seems a kingly man. helen later calls his a 'formidable warrior'
“You could tell me the name of this man who is so tremendous; who is this Achaian man of power and stature? Though in truth there are others taller by a head than he is, yet these eyes have never yet looked on a man so splendid nor so lordly as this: such a man might well be royal.” helen later calls him a 'strong spearfighter'
Now tell me, who is that enormous man Towering over the Greek troops, handsome, Well-built? I've never laid eyes on such A fine figure of a man. He looks like a king. helen later calls him a 'strong warrior'
“Tell me now, what is the name of that splendid man who is standing down there, so powerful and so tall. To be sure, there are other men who are even taller, but never before have I seen a man so majestic, so splendid in form and bearing. He must be a king.” helen later calls him a 'mighty soldier'
again. in all of these - nothing. all that's consistent is that he's not the tallest man at troy. which means ..... very little ASDFGHJK. there is Nothing concrete here. nothing that points us more one way than it does the other.
ultimately, dude, what we've got is.... nothing. nothing concrete. nothing definitive. i can't say you're wrong and you can't say i'm wrong.
i saw the phrase 'wine sack' and interpreted it my way and you saw it and interpreted it differently. but books 2 and 3 certainly don't back either of us up more definitively.
and in regards to his age. same thing. you can't say i'm wrong and i can't say you're wrong. but i've explained my reasonings for aga's age using sources HERE
idk man. if you're looking for an EXPLICITLY YOUNG CHISELED ABS LEGEND MALE CHARACTER. look elsewhere.
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Juliette Chevalier
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"Live with no regrets."
Name: Juliette Reine Chevalier
Nickname(s): Jules, Julie (by close friends). Love, Baby, My pretty girl, Princess (all by Ren), My Melody.
Alias(es): Bubbly, Barbie, Fox Princess (in Inarizaki) Nutcracker (in St. Trinians).
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: French
Blood Type: A
Age: 17
Birthday: September 24
Hair: Curly shoulder length platinum blonde hair.
Eyes:  Azure blue eyes with black eyeliner and mascara.
Height: 175cm.
Skin: Vanilla pale
Body: Hourglass
Tattoo(s): None
Piercing(s): Only on her hears, wearing pink butterfly wing dangle earrings.
Scar(s):  A fading burn on her left side and stab wound on her right stomach.
Other: She usually wears cherry red lipstick.
Occupation: Manager
School: Inarizaki High
Year: 2
Class: 6 
Club(s): Boy's VBC
Number: None
Role/Position: None
Attendance Record: Good
Average Grade: B
STATISTICS (out of 5)
Power: 5/5  
Jumping: 5/5  
Stamina: 5/5  
Game Sense (ability to 'predict' or 'sense' the opponents next move): 1/5  
Technique: 2/5  
Speed: 5/5  
Overall (total): 23/30
Personality: Juliette is portrayed as a social butterfly and outgoing, easily making friends, as she is a loyal, friendly, generous, and tries her hardest not to upset them. Juliette is a very passionate, bubbly, kind-hearted lady and never has any bad intentions or will. She's often mistaken for an air-head due to this, but she uses this for her advantage.
When Irene is not present or lost her temper, she's the mediator of the team and often gets the twins to behave. She often keeps the peace as she sees each side of the argument and always has the party meet in the middle.
Juliette is a fashion enthusiast, she's gifted in sewing, and usually prepared in case of a fashion emergency or disaster. Though, she can be a little too enthusiastic when it comes to shopping and faints when she sees a 'fashion calamity', Juliette is still wise with money and will help the person with their fashion problem. She loves expressing herself through her outfits and accessories. She has a keen eye for style and enjoys sharing her fashion tips with her friends. She's also has fondness of cosplaying and gets really into character.
She has an optimistic outlook on life, always looking for the silver lining in any situation. This optimism helps her to overcome challenges and support her friends and team. Juliette is deeply caring and compassionate. She is sensitive to the needs and feelings of others and goes out of her way to help those in need, showing genuine concern for their well-being.
Juliette, along with Irene, are the most intelligent of the second years on the team, particularly in math and chemistry. In contrast of her appearance, she's both a skilled mechanic and soap maker. She often watches DIY videos on how to fix cars and everyday appliances, even fixing the team's bus when they were on they're way to a game. In terms of soap making, she loves to experimenting on different scents and often gifts them to family and friends. She despises being seen as a 'dumb blonde' due to stereotypes, buts loves the shocked looks on their faces when she proves them wrong.
Despite being seen as 'Princess' to Irene's 'Witch', Juliette is extremely skilled, efficient, and ruthless. Contrary to her slim frame, Juliette possesses monstrously superhuman physical abilities and she switches into a cold and calculating demeanor when danger is present, showcasing her lethal combat abilities and precision.
Having to met Oomimi during a cosplay convention during her first overseas trip, she developed a crush on him and kept in touch ever since. Her feelings deepen during her first year in Inarizaki and spending time with him again. Though she always flirts with him, she gets shy when he flirts back, covering her face with her hands or burying her face on his chest. She loves and cares deeply for him and rarely gets jealous, but sometimes she's insecure if her personality can be too much for him.
Likes: Family and friends, Ren, fashion, cute stationeries, ballet, music, surprising others with her intelligence, maroilles cheese tart, chainsaws, slime, shopping.
Dislikes: Being called a 'dumb blonde' or 'bimbo', the twins being too rowdy, entitled and toxic fangirls, entitled people, her height being emphasized, people thinking she'll be rude or a gold digger, cheating of any kind, dramas where they take back the toxic ex, cilantro, stereotypes, low quality shoes.
Hobbies: Ballet, soap making, cooking, taekwondo, kickboxing, fencing, pilates, ice skating, roller skating, cosplaying, puzzles, reading, mechanical tinkering, sewing.
Goal(s): Finding out what she wants in life, and marrying Ren.
Current concerns: Ren finding out all the shirtless pictures she took of him.
Mother(s): Martine Chevalier
Father(s):  Gérard Chevalier (deceased).
Sibling(s): Charlotte Chevalier (twin sister, deceased).
Relative(s): Maurice Fontaine (uncle), Coralie Fontaine (aunt), Elise Fontaine (cousin).
Friend(s): Boys VBC, Shoyo Hinata, Yukie Shirofuku, Kaori Suzumeda, Gloria Lewiston, Gwen Baldwin, Amicia Allard ,Ichika Kamisato, Emi Takagi, Mio Nakano.
Best Friend(s): Irene Song, Teresa Diamandis, Bridget Fortuné, Heather O'Cleary, Skyla Barretto, Cat Tamami.
Love Interest(s): Ren Oomimi
Rival(s): None
Pet(s): None
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rookthorne · 2 years
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I am apologising in advance for the heartbreak I present you all with during this Bucky-centric month in the following universes/pairings; canon-divergent, modern, Stucky, Shrinkyclinks, Shrunkyclunks, B&B!Bucky (Brotherhood & Bullets), and WS!Bucky.
If it is of any comfort, I am offering free hugs and tissues.
I also just wanted to say a big thank you to all the mods and organisers over at @whumptober for all the work they put into this event - it's my first ever one and they've been so helpful with resources and support both on their blog and in the discord server. You guys are the best. ❤️
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1/31 | AMANDLA
Stucky + Unconventional Restraints
2/31 | BLUE
WS!Bucky + Cornered & Caged
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + Gun To Temple & “Say goodbye.”
40's Stucky + DEAD ON YOUR FEET & Hidden Injury
6/31 | A PROMISE
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + Screams from Across the Hall
7/31 | WARMTH
post!TWS Stucky + Shaking Hands & Silent Panic Attack
Modern!Bucky x F!Reader + THE VERY NOISY NIGHT
10/31 | ANIMAL
WS!Bucky + Taser
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + "911, WHAT'S YOUR EMERGENCY?" & ALT. Adrenaline Crash
12/31 | I'VE GOT YOU
Pre-war Stucky + ALT. Dazed and Confused
13/31 | NO MAN'S LAND
Shrinkyclinks + Dislocation
14/31 | NO WAY OUT
TFAWS!Bucky x F!Agent!Reader + Failed Escape
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + Breathing through the Pain
16/31 | IT LAY IN VAIN
WS!Bucky / Implied Stucky + Mind Control
Shrinkyclinks / WS!Bucky + HANGING BY A THREAT & Stress Positions
40's Stucky + "Just get it over with."
Stucky + ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, Knees Buckling & Head Lolling
Shrinkyclinks + Fetal Position & ALT. Whimpering
Stucky + FAMOUS LAST WORDS & Coughing up Blood
22/31 | THE WAY HOME
post!TWS Stucky + Withdrawal
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + AT THE END OF THEIR ROPE, Forced to Kneel & "Hold them down."
24/31 | LUCIDITY
WS!Bucky + Blood Covered Hands
Shrinkyclinks + Lost Voice & ALT. Touch Starved
40's Stucky + NO ONE LEFT BEHIND & ALT. Carried to Safety
WS!Bucky + PUSHED TO THE LIMIT, Stumbling, ALT. Stabbed & ALT. Tears
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + Anger Born of Worry & Headache
Winter Soldier x Undercover!F!Reader + Sleep Deprivation
Shrunkyclunks + NOTE TO SELF: DON'T GET KIDNAPPED, Hair Grabbing & "Please don't touch me."
B&B!Bucky x F!Reader + Comfort & Bedside Vigil
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All graphics and headers were made by yours truly using pinterest, Canva, and clips from the MCU - I claim no ownership over the photos/clips used.
Masterlist | Library | AO3 | Wattpad
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keshetchai · 11 months
About #4 and your further justification of why Israeli people are scared of retaliation… you’re entire post centered the Jewish view point which I imagine you are so that makes sense but it feels “self-centered”? (For lack of a better word) What were the Palestinian’s doing during this besides attacking? Are you saying they did all that and you did maybe two things back?
Oh I forgot to add it sounds like white fears at the end of slavery they were based on the violent slave riots so they were justified /s
It sounds like you didn't understand what I said.
Preface: I'm not Israeli, and I don't live in Israel so my examination of the psychology of Israel as a nation-state is as an outsider. While I converted to Judaism as an adult, I don't have any family who died in the Holocaust or Israel for that matter, and my ancestry is mexican-american so any cultural or generational trauma there is more related to anti-indigenous and anti-latinx history in the United States.
First: My addition was explicitly to identify that the psychological fear of being attacked violently hasn't been solely about displacement (ie Israelis fear violence from Europeans, and thus displace this fear and paranoia onto Palestinians in the form of violence), but rather there has also been antisemitic violence committed by Arab Palestinians prior to the forming of Israel, in addition to a history of many having experienced European antisemitic violence.
My entire post centered around the Jewish-Israeli viewpoint because I was explaining how Jewish Israeli experiences have influenced Israeli Nationalism. It's relevant to understanding how Israeli Nationalism and right-wing ideology gets radicalized and perpetuates, and how it gets justified.
Most people don't just do things for no reason. Understanding their reasons, fears, or psychological motivations, even hypocritical, morally repugnant, or radicalized ones helps you understand lots of things like: how they got there, why they feel their actions or ideologies are sensible, how they can choose differently, what they would want in alternative solutions, and how to counter certain arguments.
the Shaw Commission Report compiled afterwards by the british is freely available online.
verbatim quotes from the report:
The outbreak in Jerusalem on 23 August was from the beginning an attack by Arabs on Jews for which no excuse in the form of earlier murders by Jews has been established.
[The disturbances] took the form, in the most part, of a vicious attack by Arabs on Jews accompanied by wanton destruction of Jewish property. A general massacre of the Jewish community at Hebron was narrowly averted. In a few instances, Jews attacked Arabs and destroyed Arab property. These attacks, though inexcusable, were in most cases in retaliation for wrongs already committed by Arabs in the neighbourhood in which the Jewish attacks occurred. The outbreak neither was nor was intended to be a revolt against British authority in Palestine.
It also includes a historical overview leading to the 1929 riots including two previous attacks against Jewish neighborhoods in Jaffa and Jerusalem in 1920.
The desecration and murder of people at a mosque is one of the events noted in the report as "the worst instance of a Jewish attack on Arabs," so yes, it was something I noted as a major event, along with the initial violent retaliation when the Jewish teenager was stabbed. Those one are two things are notable and violent as standout cases, but I also noted general spates of mutual violence. Complicating it further is that the report notes many of the Arab deaths were due to British police force, but they weren't able to further break down the numbers as sometimes they were shooting into crowds.
interesting second comment. Here's Mahmoud Abbas's 2007 recounting of his family fleeing Safed when he was 13:
"...we left on foot at night to the Jordan River... Eventually we settled in Damascus... My father had money, and he spent his money methodically. After a year, when the money ran out, we began to work. "People were motivated to run away... They feared retribution from Zionist terrorist organizations - particularly from the Safed ones. Those of us from Safed especially feared that the Jews harbored old desires to avenge what happened during the 1929 uprising. This was in the memory of our families and parents... They realized the balance of forces was shifting and therefore the whole town was abandoned on the basis of this rationale - saving our lives and our belongings."
Palestinians abandoned Safed in fear of retribution for the 1929 pogrom against the Jews, per Abbas's account. Does that also sound like white fears to you? If not, why not?
What if none of these fears justified any of the violence?
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 24: One Shall Rise Part 1
Please reblog or comment on this with your thoughts! I really want to know what your opinion of the episode was!
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
These notes may not be the best as One Shall Rise is a 3 (kinda 4) parter and more than 2 part episodes stress me out.
01:01 honestly a good start to an episode of this nature. Like despite having just fought Megatron and being held down, if something so shocking and questionable (as in a very powerful being, from your religion,’s blood is erupting from a planet that had nothing to do with yours, linking your planet and theirs) were to happen, I sincerely doubt anyone would be able to stay in the moment and not get lost in your own thought.
01:07 - Megatron learnt nothing from Optimus? Stab first, then say one-liner. You will find this is true across many media, because as soon as the one-liner is delivered, the opponent is now fully aware of the intention of the one delivering the line. They have enough time to prepare to defend/protect themselves. If they one-liner is delivered after, the opponent will be processing what happened to them. One-liners accompany surprise attacks.
01:12 - See?. Shouldn’t have said the one-liner.
01:16 - Bulkhead’s doing a great job
01:33 - I understand why they chose for Arcee to help Ratchet, but I’m still allowed to question it. Like yeah, Bee’s staying back to accompany Raf (and so he doesn’t try to kill Megatron himself), but it would’ve probably have been quicker and easier if it was Bee who helped Optimus back through, rather than Arcee. Although, I still understand the decision.
01:38 - despite getting punch, Bulkhead’s still holding up very well.
01:42 - what’s actually going on with that position?
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01:44 - Megatron pursuing Bulkhead by foot is such a stupid move.
01:53 - Let’s pretend that the ground bridge didn’t close, Megatron can’t cut through it and Bulkhead had already disappeared. What was the plan? He just strike the air and freak ‘em out a bit?
01:57 - gotta appreciate the continuity of Megatron’s face still have the tire marks.
02:13 - I was expecting him to start jumping up and down
02:59 - the bridge was already open and then closed.
03:00 - Were they just chilling in the space that makes up the ground bridge tunnel, waiting for it to open again, for so long that Bulkhead and Arcee managed to swap?
03:02 - Ratchet and Bulkhead are so short compared to Optimus that he has to really bend his legs to receive their support.
03:08 - Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me. I’ll be more considerate though, because Ratchet was essentially saying that it was too much, as opposed to just one beam of dark energon.
03:12 - I’m gonna actually bite someone. I hate this so much.
03:15 - The way Bulkhead pushed him down and the way Optimus sat *mwah*
03:20 - pure bean
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03:23 - I get that she’s being protective and all because Raf got hurt, but must she be so cruel to the injured pure bean? He wasn’t involved with Raf getting hurt, he did the responsible thing and sent him to the medic, wasn’t involved with any of the decisions in the profession he’s not familiar with + he’s not Raf’s guardian. Now, I’m not one to throw Bumblebee under the bus… but if June were to get angry at anyone, she should get angry at Bee. Bee’s Raf’s guardian and Raf was in his care when it happened.
03:25 - I’m gonna kill her.
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03:33 - h-what
03:41 - Why does no one talk about this shot?
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03:54 - ~Dark~ energon.
04:00 - I don’t think that’s even remotely close to the boogeyman..
04:01 - There’s something so innocent about the bots not understanding human references.
04:03 - how does that lineup with anything that the humans know about Unicron?
04:26 - NO! What did he say??
04:28 - he’s so cute I can’t-
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04:34 - Oh.. oh dear.. Oh Ratchet noooo
04:37 - From everything, doubt they’d even care, or believe you.
04:40 - that too.
04:43 - the way he said June- (J o o n)
04:45 - but he didn’t fail anything! She’s just the ass that directed her anger at the wrong bot.
05:06 - it’s weird hearing her say that considering the statement is so relevant for American students now, so much so that it’s pitiful.
05:42 - Not a huge Miko fan… but I get it.
05:45 - I don’t recommend doing what Miko did, but I will say that keep that sort of stuff in mind when you need to discuss a decision with someone like a teacher. They aren’t your parent, they cannot make you do something you don’t want to if you believe you’d benefit more by not doing it. They may have a certain level of power over you, but they get a power check anytime you stand your ground on a decision.
06:01 - this is a parallel to.. the first episode? Where Jack was the one insisting that they leave.
06:08 - on the other end of the stick is that as you get older your relationship to someone should become less of a factor into a personal decision/opinion. Just because their your parent, doesn’t mean they always know what’s best for you.
06:14 - Good on June for not pushing it. She accepted that answer.
06:26 - Bro chose her pride over convenience.
06:42 - Noooooooooooo
06:43 - not the door wings ;0;
06:44 - it makes it sadder that he was standing alone as he watched the only human that could understand him leave.
06:55 - slight error as Arcee went from behind Bee, to standing at his side, but that will be ignored to laugh at the heights differences.
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07:13 - oh man, that reporter, I wonder who voiced him.
07:25 - everyone static for so long is glorious
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08:07 - she’s pretty good at dodging the lightening
08:13 - then crashes.
08:52 - this scene takes a long time, but it works well to emphasise that they were in a lot of danger.
09:05 - And enjoyable detail is that Bee opens his doors for a second before transforming.
09:24 - situations like these are reasons why it makes sense that Bee is yellow. It’s a vibrant colour, so it’s an emergency colour.
09:44 - Let’s be honest here, Bee should’ve brought someone with him. Bulkhead, maybe?
10:04 - the only other human to have sat in Bee’s driver’s seat is Jack.
10:09 - running a stop sign, damn.
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10:33 - bleeeeh
10:46 - if everyone else wasn’t doing anything why was Bee alone?? No one thought that maybe a rescue mission shouldn’t be just one rescuer??
10:56 - Optimus looking to Ratchet, then smiling (more?) is such a cute detail
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10:59 - Bee’s heavy landing after transforming.
11:25 - imagine trying to say that and not sound like someone a bit too into astrology
11:52 - just to be clear, Agent Fowler’s correct.
11:55 - hehe
12:02 - following Ratchet saying ‘by the AllSpark’ Bee reacts by looking at him then giving him a surprised look
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12:14 - Don’t understand the point of the focus on Arcee walking in.
12:27 - the way Optimus’s optics shook once he realised.
12:32 - Honestly, I agree with Megatron- it really hurts to listen to.
12:52 - the music tho-
12:57 - This is how I wake up every morning.
13:14 - The writers better have a document explaining how volcanoes produced lava if the Earth didn’t have Magma.
13:19 - husbands theorising
13:28 - Melatonin, blankets and make the room a bit cooler.
13:44 - ooh~ Expedition.
14:35 - hoooo
14:40 - The Elmer Fudd approach I see.
15:03 - Arcee enthusiastically joining the brainstorm session. + don’t look at me with those big ol’ eyes.
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15:08 - he announces ‘I awaken’
15:10 - Miko’s expressive story telling. H O- Bulkhead’s expressions.
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15:14 - Solemn as it is, I cannot get past the fact that the two shortest of the autobots haven’t thought to move.
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15:19 - the double blink to look up hurts considering this is a very effective method to prevent tears.
15:33 - who’s gonna tell him?
15:57 - where did Soundwave come from??
16:20 - Bro really trying to impress his dad.
16:25 - change ‘Unicron’ to God or Jesus and you have the why the priest blesses the Eucharist during mass (delivery included).
17:00 - Fatherless behaviour. I swear every villian recites that speech when they finally meet their more evil father.
17:08 - GOTTEM
17:19 - Your time of the month maybe.
17:45 - Megatron really trying to force a friendship.
17:54 - and here we have the liar.
18:04 - The liar has been called out.
18:13 - Unicron really went back to bed.
18:26 - Optimus scouting gives off big ‘undercover boss’ energy.
18:56 - I laughed so hard at this that my shoulder hurts
19:09 - oh… no one told him shoulder pads are out of style..
19:19 - Get in line. (I have taken it upon myself to draw up what I imagine the ‘Who wants to destroy Optimus Prime’ sign up sheet would look like:
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2. StArsreAm
3. SKYQUAKE (Quake dies ;^;)
3 4. Ratchet❤️ Joking! K.O.❤️
4 5. Ratchet (the real one) (I miss understood) AYO-
4 5 6. Optimus Prime (Bumblebee saw. I cannot do that to him.)
4 5 6 7. MECH
5 6 7 8. Primus :)
6 7 8 9. St3V3
7 8 9 10. Unicron)
19:43 - didn’t realise until now, but this parallels Sick Mind. An Autobot speaking to an enemy in the enemy’s domain- Curiosity is what compels the enemy to listen.
19:49 - doubling parallel, speaking to increase the safety of others.
20:03 - a species?? Prime needs to be introduced to a dog or something. HAH- introduce him to a Bumblebee.
20:15 - Antisocial people:
20:23 - Dude has magician powers.
20:34 - well it took 13 Primes to put him in a coma. Can’t fault Optimus for being weak.
20:38 - They never learn. Phrase AFTER destruction.
20:43 - Translation: not yet, Dame Fragger.
21:20 - top ten lamest Villian one liners.
-To be Continued-
That was One Shall Rise part 1
It took me weeks to finish!
For all that it is- it's a very good episode.
Still frustrated about last episode and am very much annoyed by June's behaviour. I love Bee with all my heart, but he was the one in charge of Raf at the time-
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whumpily-ever-after · 2 years
My Love from the Ocean Whump List
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Summary: Chi Lu, a con man and bounty hunter, arrives in Hai Yan posing as a visiting scholar in order to investigate a mysterious drug that is killing people. During his investigation, he makes new friends and discovers the secret around the drug involving mermaid blood. He also learns that he may hold the key to helping the stranded mermaid clan, but that key will also help those hunting him.
Country: China
Year: 2018
Genre: Mystery, romance, fantasy
Watch it on: WeTV
Spoilers ahead...
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Whumpee: Chi Lu played by Li Hong Yi
Episode 1: Surrounded, in a fight, flipped onto his back; wincing in pain when someone touches the thing in his neck; hit on the back with a glass bottle, blood on his fingers; wincing in pain from the thing in his neck
Episode 2: None
Episode 3: Tells someone that being his friend is dangerous; foot caught under a rock while diving; in a fight, flipped onto his back, arm cut with a knife, wound tended to
Episode 4: None
Episode 5: Concern for someone; in a fight, back pushed against a shipping container; attacked by a man with a knife while driving, breaks tampered with, nearly stabbed, man tries to make them crash, someone uses themselves as a human shield for him, truck crashes into a mountain
Episode 6: On a gurney, in the hospital, heals magically
Episode 7: Told it’s not safe to stay where he is; told someone is after him; clutching broken glass in his hand, bleeding, teary-eyed; someone exposes his secrets to the people around him
Episodes 8-13: None
Episode 14: Lost in a forest, breathing in toxic air, passes out; hit on the back of the head with a piece of wood, falls to the ground unconscious, dragged; bound with rope to rocks, still unconscious, someone wants to cut something out of his body
Episode 15: Blames himself for everything that happened, offers to lay down his life for someone
Episode 16: Heartbroken, feels hopeless
Episode 17: Warned about one of his friends
Episode 18: None
Episode 19: Friend accuses him of killing his father, grabbed by the shirt, in a scuffle, pushed up against a wall, choked, coughing, gasping for breath
Episode 20: Police believe he killed his friend’s father; offers to sacrifice himself for his friend
Episode 21: (Ex)friends plotting to capture him, called a liability (not to his face); ambushed, surrounded, overwhelmed, restrained (in between bats), knocked out, dragged away; unconscious, hands bound behind his back (zip ties), feet bound, blood on his head, wakes up weak, struggles to sit up, told a toxin that numbs the nerves was injected into him, chin grabbed, forced to eat drugged soup
Episode 22: Attempts to escape, uses a wall to help him walk, pushed into a wall, slides down, struggles to stand, grabbed by the neck, slides down the wall when released, dragged away; (ex)friends plan to frame him; friend finds him, unconscious (drugged), hands and feet bound (zip ties), friend holding him in her arms, wakes up groggy, helped to stand and walk
Episode 23: Tries to take the mermaid’s tear out of his own neck, asleep on his stomach, bloody bandage on the back of his neck, his friend is upset with him; feels like a burden
Episode 24: Men searching for him; tries to get his friend go give up on him to save others
Episode 25: Tasered, falls unconscious; in a scuffle, tasered, kicked back, helped to stand; weak, hunched over, hit in the back repeatedly, stomped on, tasered; unconscious; held captive
Episode 26: Wakes up trapped in an (boobytrapped) empty pool, memories of his childhood come back to him, holding his head, upset, remembers what happened to his parents and how he got the mermaid’s tear, crying
Episode 27: Still trapped in the empty pool; weak, helped to walk; leaning on the shoulder of the woman he loves, mermaid’s tear removed from his neck, passes out
Episode 28: *s*icide warning* Taken to the hospital, doctor says his organs are failing; weak (he looks terrible), passes out (or dies maybe), possibly saved by a tear from a mermaid
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Whumpee: Cheng Hao played by Hu Hao Bo
Episode 1: None
Episode 2: Hurts his ankle, helped to walk
Episodes 3-5: None
Episode 6: Gagged (with tape), hands bound behind his back, manhandled
Episode 7: (Picks up from the previous episode) Gagged (with tape), hands bound behind his back, manhandled
Episodes 8-10: None
Episode 11: Bucket of water thrown at him (and misses), accused of killing someone’s husband, threatened
Episode 12: Discovers terrible secrets, teary-eyed
Episode 13: Suspects his father; drunk, gets himself into trouble, cared for
Episode 14: None
Episode 15: Continues to suspect his father, emotional
Episode 16: Crying
Episode 17: Upset about his father; told his mother died for him, crying
Episode 18: Unintentionally betrays his friend; crying
Episode 19: Grabbed by the shirt, pushed into a wall, his friend tells him to leave, upset; locked in a room; crying; sees his father’s body, believes his friend killed his father, crying, says he has nothing left
Episode 20: In shock, tells the police his friend killed his father; crying, grieving; crying, comforted; people try to force him out of his father’s company; blackmailed
Episode 21: Emotional (remembering his father)
Episode 22: Says he gets upset whenever he sees his friend’s face (the friend he is holding captive); crying, tells someone not to leave him; nightmare
Episodes 23-24: None
Episode 25: In a fight
Episode 26: The woman he loves is rapidly growing old, teary-eyed; told who was really responsible for his father’s death (refuses to believe it)
Episode 27: Crying
Episode 28: *su*cide warning* Crying, watches the woman he loves die, su*cide attempt; in a hospital bed, handcuffed to the bed
Note: If you like shows with mermaids here is a whump list for The Legend of the Blue Sea
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