#also they changed the name of Ninjago City to New Ninjago City
quibbs126 · 2 years
Remember when for one season the world of Ninjago became super technologically advanced and futuristic only for basically every other season to revert back to normal?
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rinkunokoisuru · 3 months
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What if I decided to share Kintsugi again because I went back and did a design for when they were a child? And also cause I've been figuring stuff out about them
Kintsugi (They/Them, Any) Born to a human mother and Oni father in one of the many small villages surrounding Ninjago City, Kintsugi may as well have been a pure-blooded Oni for all appearances. Their human side really only made itself known by greatly increasing the difficulty of shapeshifting: their body fighting against what should have been the inherent ability to change shape leaving behind the golden crack-like scars which would inspire their name.
Despite their difficulty with shapeshifting, they are much more comfortable with their human form than their natural state. They never had the opportunity to get to know their father, as the Oni was found dead under mysterious circumstances when Kintsugi was still young, so they ultimately feel much closer to the human half of their ancestry.
At a young age, Kintsugi and their mother moved to Ninjago City proper, where they met Mystake. The elderly tea shop owner would often help Kintsugi with mastering their shape changing, and in return Kintsugi would help out around the store. As time went on the two became closer and they began to see her as a sort of grandmotherly figure, considering her part of the family.
After the events of Hunted, Kintsugi took it upon themself to continue running Mystake’s shop, despite their grief. One day while moving new stock into the store, they found a girl aimlessly wandering the streets, clearly lost and fascinated by everything. Worried for her safety, they invited her into the shop.
From that point on, the girl would come by every day to ask about life in the city. It didn’t take long for her to declare they were best friends and start doing small jobs around the shop. Ada, as she had introduced herself, became a fixture of the neighborhood. It was an incident where she wound up very nearly destroyed that revealed she was actually a Nindroid, and led to Kintsugi telling her about being half Oni.
After the Oni invasion, they expected her to be scared of them and leave, but instead she continued to insist they were the best of friends. After that, the two moved in together to better keep an eye out for each other’s safety.
Other: -For some reason, Kintsugi most struggles to properly shapeshift their teeth. As a result, they learned not to show their teeth too much when emoting, for fear of their fangs startling people. They start to loosen up about this after Ada learns their true nature. -They tend to use their human form as a sort of “outfit”. Something that’s used during the day and when around people. Despite the human form being more comfortable, they revert to their true form when relaxing at home. -Doesn’t actually care for the taste of tea, so is never sure what to do when customers ask for recommendations. -Has no interest in relationships beyond the platonic. -Is a descendant of an Elemental Master of Chaos on their mother's side, but due to past events, the element has been removed from circulation and is no longer passed on.
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justtwotired · 11 months
Whispers of the night-Lloyd Garmadon x F!reader
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Hi, this will become a new series, I’ve never done a series on Tumbler, only Wattpad and AO3, but I’ll probably add some of those series on her aswell, not the long ones, though.
I’ll add this series to both those platforms somewhere this month, but I’ll probably change the name cuz I don’t like this one that much.
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Summary: y/n is your typical rebelling teen, sneaking out, ignoring her parent requests, stealing snacks from shops, skipping school. People who are like her, people with powers, normally do good, like the ninja, she likes to live a quite, but not so quite life.
Like that, she ignores the power she holds, she holds the power of illusion, she does not keep it a secret form her friends, though doesn’t like to talk about it much with people outside her friend group.
Her power isn’t unknown, so, of course, she did get an invitation to the tournament of elements, but she never attended, having promised herself she would live a quite, normal, teenager life.
That changes when a certain green ninja enters her life.
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“Yes! Perfect, Millie!” Y/n clapped as the friend group cheered. The eight of them spent most of their free time in the skate park in Ninjago city.
It only had a pole, bank, pit and a halfpipe (which they where currently sitting on) but it would do, if they needed more like a stair railing, they’d go to other parts of the city.
Amelia landed on Y/n’s right side with a cocky smirk. Next to her sat Anthony while Luna stood behind them.
It was a sunny Wednesday, one of the last sunny days they where expecting, as it was late September.
“Alright, now copy that.” Amelia patted Y/n on the back and the girl got up, “I’ll destroy you, Cooper.” She said with slightly narrowed eyes and a smirk.
She picked up her skateboard, the bottom decorated with small doodles she made herself, but also some made by her friends, names included.
“Want me to film you?” Flora called from the other side of the halfpipe. “Sure!” Y/n called back, getting into position.
When she got the thumbs up from Flora, she shifted her weight and took off, getting cheered on by the others while Amelia jokingly yelled “boo!”
The six Ninja had the afternoon for themselves, having trained in the morning and decided on spending some time in the local park.
They walked past the skatepark and Lloyd looked over to see what the people there where up to. There was a girl with h/c hair soaring on her skateboard while being cheered on.
She was really beautiful.
“What ya looking at?” Kai looked at the direction Lloyd was looking at and smirked. “Watching the pretty skate girls?” He teased making Lloyds cheeks slightly heat up before protesting, making the others laugh.
“Good enough for you?” Y/n cocked a brow at Amelia who grinned. “More then enough.” She said. Flora, Arthur and Charlie, who had been on the other side, climbed onto their side.
“Who’s getting drinks?” Y/n heard Charlie ask, she had registered what he said to late, and when she looked up, everyone had a finger on their nose.
“Fine,” she grumbled, making the others chuckle. She wrote down what everyone wanted and waved before heading to the food and drink stall not far away.
When she arrived there she smiled at the boy with blonde hair that stood there, seeming to wait for his order.
He smiled back and she heard chuckling behind them. He turned around and shot his friends who stood not far away a glare.
“Good afternoon, how may I help you?” The teenager behind the register asked and Y/n smiled kindly.
“Hello,” she greeted. “Could I please have two cokes, a strawberry shake, one lemonade, one ice-tea, two passion fruit shakes and a ginger beer?” She asked and the girl nodded with a polite smile.
“Was that all?” She questioned. “Yes, that was it.” She answered and pulled out her card. “That would be eighteen fourth five,”
Y/n payed for the drinks and waited next to the boy who was tapping his foot on the ground a bit impatiently.
She couldn’t help but notice how cute he was. Blonde hair that was shining in the sun, light freckles on his face, bright green eyes and she couldn’t help but see he worked out daily.
Feeling he stare, he looked at her and smiled kindly, making her quickly look the other way.
He was then handed his drinks, and walked of after giving her a polite nod.
When she received her drinks aswel, she walked back to her friends who excitedly ran over and all took their own drinks.
Lloyd handed everyone their drinks and they smirked at him. “What?” He asked, taking his own drink in his hands.
“She was totally checking you out man!” Cole said, pushing Lloyds shoulder slightly, and if it wouldn’t have been for his own super strength, he would’ve fallen over.
“Who was?” He asked confused, making the others exchange baffled glances. “That pretty skater girl, obviously.” Kai rolled his eyes.
“No she was not!” Lloyd pointed out and Nya sighed. “Lloyd, I think it’s time we get your eyes checked.” She said disappointedly, making the others laugh.
“But come on dude, you can’t tell me she isn’t pretty, right?” Kai poked Lloyds arm making the green ninja chuckle. “She is, really pretty indeed.” He admitted.
The group had decided to make their way to James’ house as he had a huge backyard. Still sipping on their drinks, they walked to the entrance to the park.
Well, except for Luna, who was standing on her skateboard while holding onto Arthur, casually looking at her phone while being pulled forwards.
“Hey, is that the guy from the stand?” Amelia suddenly pointed to a group of friends who where standing in the shadow of a tree.
Amongst them indeed the boy Y/n had stood next to and mentioned to her friends.
Embarrassed, she quickly pulled her friends arm down as three of the boys looked their way, Amelia being rather loud.
“Millie!” Y/n hissed making her friends laugh.
“Hey, wait!” They turned to someone approaching them. “Hello?” Anthony raised an eyebrow at the guy standing in front of them.
“Hi,” he pointed his attention to Y/n, “I’m Kai and my friend over there,” he pointed at the blonde boy from earlier who looked mortified. “He thinks you’re really pretty and wants your number.” He said and Y/n gave an amused smirk while Flora and Amelia giggled.
Y/n tilted her head to the side to look at the blond boy who seemed to be scolding one of his friends with black hair.
“Sure, why not?” She smiled and looked over at Charles.
“Charlie, can I have the sticky notes and a pen?” She asked and he smirked and handed them over.
She wrote her number down and her name right under it. “Here, give that to your handsome friend.” She winked as she gave it before Kai thanked her and took off again.
“Damn N/n, you just got yourself boyfriend.” Luna teased with a smirk making Y/n give her a look. “It’s just a number, Lu.” She said, making her friends protest.
“Why did you have to dare him to do that?” Lloyd pointed an accusing finger at Cole who could only laugh.
Kai had jogged back over and everyone looked at him expecting and he gave Lloyd the sticky note with her name and number.
“Y/n, huh?” He read with a small smirk, having not expected to actually get her number.
“Mhm, and, her words where ‘give that to your handsome friend’ so I think you just got yourself a maybe girlfriend.” Kai said and Lloyd knew at that moment he was in for a lot of teasing for the rest of the day.
“I’m home!” Y/n closed the door behind her and walked into her house. It was almost 10 so she was surprised to see her little brother still on the couch.
She walked past and pushed the hood of his hoody over his head and he let out an angry yelp.
“Mooomm, Y/n’s bullying me!” He called out and their mother poked her head out of the kitchen. “Y/n?” She gave her eldest daughter a look making her smirk.
“Why’s he still up?” She entered the kitchen, taking an apple out of the fruit basket. “He’s free from school tomorrow so I allowed him to stay up late tonight.” Her mother said, rolling out dough to make cookies while Y/n took a bite of her apple.
“He’s literally six,” she swallowed her apple. “You didn’t allow me to stay up this late when I was that age.” She said
“Well this is different… kind of, but it’s just one time, I hope it won’t get to his head.” Her mother shook her head making Y/n chuckle.
“If it does it’s a you problem,” she threw the remains of her apple away and snatched her phone form the table.
“I’m heading out around 12, Charlie, Luna, Millie and I are going for a movie and then we’ll see what we’re going to do,” she looked at her phone.
“Hold up young lady, while that sounds fun, there has been a lot going on around the city again, I don’t want you going out at night.” He mother said making her groan.
“Come on mom, nothings going to happen, the ninja and police can handle it, it’s not that big of a threat anyway.” She waved it off. “Y/n!” Her mother said sternly and she groaned.
“Fine.” She left the kitchen and headed up the stairs with a scowl.
The ding of her phone made her look back at her screen.
Unknown number huh?
Hi, I wanted to apologise for my friends earlier today.
It’s me from the park btw.
Oh hi!
No that’s completely fine, I thought it was pretty funny.
Thanks for the complement btw ;)
Always happy to complement pretty girls :)
She couldn’t help but blush before quickly composing herself and sending a text back.
Always happy to receive complements from handsome guys.
Who I don’t know the name of btw
What’s your name?😅
Lmao, it’s Lloyd, and I supposed yours is Y/n?
That would be me!
The two texted for a while, and when she looked at the time she couldn’t believe an hour had already passed.
Oh damn, I really need to go, but I’d like to hang out some time
Timing, I need to go to, actually.
Sounds fun btw, text me a date and time, I’ll be there ;)
She chuckled and changed her chat.
The abusment park
We still up for the movies?
Piss off Jamie, you weren’t coming in the first place
King Charles👑
I am so sorry, my mother is being a pain :(
Just sneak out
Problem solved
Y/n you better sneak out or I’ll sneak in and drag you out.
Damn ya don’t need to threaten me.
My mom just laid down, I suppose I could sneak out in ten
King Charles👑
See you there then
You better show up🫵🏻
After ten minutes, Y/n could hear her mother softly snoring in her room and she could still hear the tv downstairs, hoping that was enough distraction for her snitching little brother.
She opened her window softly and sat on the window sill. She took en deep breath and jumped down, landing on the grass in their front yard.
She grabbed the broom that stood agains the wall of the house and used it to push her window closed.
That’ll do.
The abusement park
Be there in twenty
King Charles👑
You better be
We will come for you👹
Y/n chuckled and grabbed her skateboard before making her way to the city centrum.
She put in her headphones and blasted music, making the noice of her surroundings disappear into the background.
At arrival, she smirks at her friends who get up at the sight of her.
“N/n!” Amelia cheers as she pulls her into an excited hug. “So Lu just checked on her phone, and there are four seats free in some sort of horror movie, so if we sneak in, we can watch it no problem.” She explains.
“Sure yeah, I can fix that.” Y/n grins, and with a snap of her fingers, they disappeared to the crowds eye.
“Holy shit what happened?” Charlie says panicked. “Illusions Charlie!” Luna hit his shoulder. “Oh, right.”
After four years, Charlie still can’t get used to Y/n having these powers, so whenever she uses them, he believes in the illusion making him see them.
If one does belief the illusion is really there and not an illusion, they just see what Y/n wants them to see, but if they realise what she’s doing, the illusion disappears for their eyes.
“Let’s go then, and uh, stay silent.” She says and her friends follow her, making sure to not walk into someone.
They got into the theater easily, it was still quite empty so when they sat, y/n could change them back and they snickered.
When the movie ended, they snuck out again.
“I can’t believe you actually got scared!” Y/n and Luna where laughing while Amelia cursed at them. She had screamed multiple times. Charlie just followed them with an amused grin.
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squib-2006 · 5 months
I have an idea
An au where Kai never shows up to the chens noodle house meeting cuz he was mad at what Lloyd said and instead ends up going deeper into ninjagos crime scene.
* Kai gets pissed at Lloyd callling him selfish and ends up getting really drunk and misses the meeting with Lloyd jay and Cole
* On his way back he accidentally falls into one of the canals and almost drowns. He manages to get out but a passer by recognizes him and saw him fall in but didn’t see him come back up
* Kai gets back to where ever he’s staying and promptly passes out for like three days
* The person that saw him fall in calls the cops and they assume Kai drowned and begin searching for his body
* Lloyd and the others at this point are already at chen’s island.
* Nya gets a call from the police about Kai and she like them assumes he drowned.
* She begins looking for Lloyd and the others to tell them that Kai’s gone then gets wrapped up in all the Chen stuff
* Kai wakes up to find that he’s on the news for being dead
* He decides to take advantage of this and decides to just go by shogun now
* He also decides to “pretend” to be female cuz he’s to recognizable no ther reason totalyyyy (yes this is a transfem Kai au cuz I do what I want)
* Meanwhile with the ninja when they catch up with Nya they learn that Kai’s dead and are very upset about it
* Chen also fails in his plans because he doesn’t have all the elements and when he try’s to use the spell the staff explodes killing him & clouce
* Skylor is arrested and put into kryptarium for working with her dad (this is very important I promise)
* Lloyd feels really bad about Kai because the last time they spoke he said really mean stuff and he wonders if Kai fell in somehow related to that.
* Meanwhile Kai begins making connections in the crime sphere in ninjago. She wears a disguise (a mask, dress large jacket and other clothing to hide her identity) and grows a reputation for herself
* She eventually starts to notice how shitty life is for lower class citizens of ninjago city and how the criminals and the upper class take advantage of that.
* She starts helping these people (mainly orphans) and creates a safe haven for them where all of them can live safely under her protection.
* She amasses a following for the people she helped + some criminals who have kinda changed their ways and they become a pretty big gang in ninjago city (I don’t have a name for this yet)
* With the ninja morro happens but garmadon takes the place of Kai in it cuz he never got banished (just imagine morro got let out by clouse on accident cuz he still attempted to banish garm but failed) and everything is basically the same up until they confront ronin
* Back with Kai a few months before Lloyd gets possessed she ran into a girl on the street named Natalie. Natalie claims to be an orphan and Kai does what she normally does when she finds a poor starving orphan on the street, she scoops her up and brings her back to her shelter (I don’t have a name for this yet either)
* Turns out Natalie is actually ronins daughter. She used to live with her parents in Styx (ronin was still doing ronin stuff so he was constantly gone all the time and she mainly lived with her mom) until one day ronin refused to pay soul archer his debt and souls archer went after his family. Nat’s mom ends up sacrificing her self to protect nat and nat runs away after. She ends up in ninjago city all alone.
* Kai after learning this decides to go and have a chat with ronin (because no one hurts her kids the people under her protection) and she runs into the ninja + garm when she goes to confront ronin (it’s when the ninja try and steal the scroll much to garms dismay because he’s still trying to be good)
* She panics but is slightly relieved when non of the ninja recognizes her (definitely helps that she’s wearing a mask and feminine clothes) ronin does tho due to his connections and questions her on why she’s here
* She doesn’t speak and just attacks him (she’s too worried the ninja will recognize her voice and she thinks that they won’t agree with what she’s doing and will be mad at her)
* So chaos ensues and Kai ends up leaving once she realizes Lloyd’s been possessed by a ghost and decides to dip to not interfere with the ninja’s mission anymore
* The season goes on as planned but the ninja now know who “shogun” is thanks to ronin. Lloyds a bit suspicious because of Kai’s red shogun name but guesses that maybe she was inspired by Kai or it’s just a coincidence.
* When Kai gets back she learns that some of her group members got arrested while trying to stop a fight between two other groups and decides to brake them out of kryptarium
* Cue skylors entrance
* Skylor manages to try and escape in the chaos of Kai’s brake in and almost escapes but is cornered by some guards
* Kai who’s crawling through the vents to get out while her group members have already escaped stops when she sees skylor getting cornered. Cue the love at first sight thing and she decides to help Skylor escape cuz she’s so pretty
* Skylor accepts Kai’s help and they escape and Kai brings her to her shelter
* Skylor has had a lot of time to reflect on her self during her imprisonment and is now glad her dad died cuz she really hated being evil
* Kai and Skylor grow closer together as Skylor joins the group and eventually Kai confesses her true identity cuz she trusts Skylor
* Skylor is confused at first because the ninja put her in prison and evreything but is ok with it because of how different Kai is
* Skylor is transfem in this au too! She she helps Kai realize that she’s not pretending to be a girl and helps her except herself
* They eventually form a romantic bond and skylor takes up a new persona to work under (I don’t have a name for it yet) to match Kai’s shogun persona
That’s all I have for now but this was all rattling around in my brain and I had to write it down
Other important stuffs
* Kai’s more morally grey in this au
* She kinda becomes similar to Jason Todd in the way she acts with her shogun persona
* She basically unofficially adopts all the orphan kids she lets stay in her shelter they all call her big sis sho
* In her group she has her close lieutenants (all ocs that I’m still thinking about names for) including skylor as her right hand woman
* She is a wanted criminal because she has broken some laws
* She doesn’t really use her powers or spinjitzu unless it’s really dire circumstances cuz it could be trailed back to her life as a ninja
* She’s kinda scared of seeing her the ninja again because she feels like she’s betrayed everything they stand for by being morally grey and doing borderline bad things
Feel free to ask me questions about this au (might help me come up with more ideas for it)
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ep2nd · 22 days
Today's topic- the change in animation in LMK
I know like the majority of the Fandom has probably been sent to the ER after season 5 animation (or the emotion couldn't tell) but I think someone said that the animation slightly changed from like the Pilot to s 1-3, somewhere there, so like 3 different animation at this point, maybe??
Alright here's my thoughts
Okay for real this time-
When I first watched LMK, I fell IN LOVE with the fluid motions, the active movement, the anime-style Influence, the exaggeration, the most random fun moments, pop ups, yse of environment, angles, camera movement, facial and body expression and other stuff I don't know the name of
Now as someone who's never watched Anime, please don't kill me, I don't exactly know what that looks like, but try going anywhere on the internet without tripping down the stairs and falling into the basement of ANIME
Also, I'm used to more rigid, beautiful backrounds, great lighting, or basic show animation. Such as Trollhunters, Amphibia, The Owl House, Big City Greens, Ninjago, How to Train your Dragon, Carmen Sandiego and others
So as you can see, this was new to me, and I fricken loved it
Now I can tell there definitely has been change from the Pilot to season 4, more refined, less sloppy
So, when season 5-
Oh dear, I love you Wild Brain, I really do, Ninjago and Carmen Sandiego WERE BEAUTIFUL
I will say this, this is a new artstyle, they need practice, and I'm sure it'll improve, but this is not that time it's time to CRITISIZE GET THE RED PEN (maybe I am an English Teacher)
Remember what I said about what I love about LMK animation? Okay now throw it out the window into the Fire of FRICK THIS
Now I will say, they used some angles pretty well, such as using the environment to show emotion/tension, like when it would Pam out and something was blocking the two characters, from Wukong to Macaque to the poll in the Pagado and then a mountain between MK and Wukong near the end- look for its cool- someone pointed it out here on Tumblr can't remember name sorry
2nd, the expressions look really typical, like I miss the shot eyebrow from Wukong, or the the pathetic puppy eyes of MK, or the :3 for Mei, or the furious faces of Pigsy, the sparkly pure joy of Sandy, the chaotic gremlinness of MO, the evil Edit maker smiles of Macaque (I've seen your tiktoks) ALL THE LITTLE EXTRA THAT MADE THE EXPRESSIONS AND HUMOR/TENSION/EMOTION BETTER
3rd, the movements. Seen especially in the second episode when they escape. It's just, so basic running, like compare them running to MK's run in s2 running from the LBD and then when he ran in s4 away from the Ink scroll. Just so much more fear and dread. Also talking bout LBD, her voice actor? Phenomenal as always? Her movements and how they animate her? She seems more like a red headed doll with button eyes than the horror of something like FNAF(haven't played FNAF so can't really compare) what I'm saying is she seemed less huanting, a weary, fear-instilling, and bone-chilling(shut up let me pun) presence this time around, which really makes the scene less dramatic, but the camera angles, voice acting, and some animation still make it somewhat good.
Okay, this post is getting long and I can rant all day, and that's not even with me rewatching the show to pick it apart, someone probably already has good for them I'll look for it👍
In conclusion, comes of more dull, simple, rough, and rushed. S5 story, which has some problems, really hit deep in the last few episodes, mostly MK and Wukong, and if the studio beforehand continued animating, then I think it would have been a masterpiece, really sad to see the wasted potential
I know it's a new studio, but I wish they took more time to practice and learn, and maybe do it on a season that wasn't like the big reveal and end (I'd say a more happy season but let's be honest the Trauma train ain't stopping for a LONG TIME)
so, I guess I'll give it a 4/10, points for using the backround to storytell, still got some great angles, some funny bits here and there (the soldiers where a joy), action scenes were somewhat good, not a lot can't judge more, and pity points because I know they're still learning
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beba-780 · 4 months
 Western Ninjago AU
The story was inspired in the year 1900, by then locomotives, steamboats and other machines already existed.
The main character is Lloyd, who is 11 years old in this story (and I loved Lloyd when he was a kid!). The second is Kai, who is 27 years old.
Kai will once again take on the role of Lloyd's personal nanny, but unlike the series, Kai will adopt a cold, lonely and serious attitude, but as long as he is at the side of Lloyd, Nya, Skylor and the others, he will be able to assume an attitude at once embarrassing and timid, at the same time somewhat self-centered and reckless.
The land of Ninjago was a fairly wild land, desert and dry, as well as untamable, but with the arrival of the first natives to the land things changed for Ninjago. Aside from that, they used various spirits as guides and guardians in their lands.
After the natives settled in Ninjago, the tribes were guided to a large mountain located between the desert and nature, there the natives found valuable minerals, and most importantly, they found gold, hundreds of gold, mountains and stone stones gold inside the mountain. And seeing that it was safe, the indians decided to establish their city within the mountain.
The natives, upon settling on the mountain, named their first civilization, Djinjago, the first city that was connected to both the mountain and the nature of all of Ninjago.
The alliance with the spirits was about the indigenous people respecting the mountain and everything that lived in it, that is why the indigenous people began to treat the mountain as a living being and with respect, since they only took from the mountain what they they needed. . Because if the mountain were damaged and exploited by men, the city of Djinjago would be destroyed and buried with all its riches and minerals.
But although the city and the tribes prospered for a long time, the time came when the colonizers came to conquer and discover new lands, including Ninjago. They were so impressed by the prosperity of Ninjago that they decided to take the land, but then the natives unleashed a war against the colonizers since they did not want foreigners to invade their lands.
And after a year of war, both the natives and the colonizers decided to end the war and reach a good agreement between both sides. The agreement was that the colonizers would take what they wanted in their own territory as long as they did not go near Djinjago Mountain or their lands. This is how the city of Ninjago was formed little by little, and then other cities were created.
But one of the leaders of the colonizers, known as Mayor Clinton, decided to break the agreement and take the lands of the natives, so he deceived the chief of the natives by telling him that he was only going to share his resources, the agreement would be carried out cape in a camp near the mountain. The Mayor Clinthon launched a ruthless attack against the place, and took the gold that the Indians had brought from Djinjago as tribute for the agreement, to take it as proof.
He also forced the Indian chief to create an object that would take him back to the city of Djinjago where all the gold was. That is why the chief of the Indians and the great shaman of the great tribes created three fundamental objects for Mayor Clinthon to find the city again. The object turned out to be a large cross of pure gold that could be divided into two parts. If joined together, the cross would serve as a compass at the direct entrance to the mountain that would lead to the chamber where the gold ores were found.
The other object turned out to be a gold amulet with spiritual carvings, the amulet was enchanted by the Shaman and this would serve as a key that would activate the cross. They only had to go to the Shaman's altar located on the hill called “Fang Hill”, where if they placed the cross on the altar, the sun's rays would activate the cross with the amulet.
After receiving these items, Major Clinthon murdered the chief and the shaman, stole the gold from the camp, and headed to Ninjago to give the information to the city leaders. It was thus that Mayor Clinthon left the mountain with the gold he had stolen, swearing that he would return to seize all the riches of the city of Djinjago.
After leaving the mountain, Major Clinton and his battalion entered the Ninjago Desert to reach the city. But what Mayor Clinthon did not count on was that one of his soldiers would betray him and ally with the son of the native chief to stop Mayor Clinthon's battalion. The tribes united and faced Mayor Clinthon in the desert, the battle was fierce, but thanks to the spirits of nature a great storm surrounded Clinthon's men and they finally managed to defeat them thanks to their advantage with the sandstorm.
Some of the soldiers managed to escape, including Mayor Clinthon's son, who fled with the gold his father stole. Mayor Clinthon was killed by the colonizer who had betrayed him, and was deprived of the amulet, and the pieces of the gold cross. What the colonizer did not know was that Mayor Clinthon's son had fled, and he secretly swore that his family would return to claim the riches of the city of Djinjago.
After the victory, the chief's son gave the good colonizer the golden amulet, while two tribes would keep each part of the cross. And fearing that more colonizers would reach the mountain, the tribes decided to abandon the city of Djinjago and the mountain so that the colonizers would never find the entrance. After this, the soldiers who survived told their version of the city of Djinjago, while the tribes related that the city was just a fantasy. From that moment on, the city of Djinjago was considered a legend.
When the tribes left the city, they divided into different tribes that scattered throughout Ninjago. Two tribes kept the two pieces of the cross, while the humble colonizer kept the amulet. 400 years later, the colonizer's family passed the amulet down from generation to generation to the eldest son of the family, always passing down the story of Djinjago, but they always claimed that the story was just a legend. The legend of Djinjago became so famous that it became one of the most popular Ninjago legends. But civilizations also grew in Ninjago, and the enmity between colonizers and Indians was forgotten, since now several tribes mixed among the colonizers and carried out unique trades between their lands.
Lloyd Montgomery, is an 11-year-old boy who quite likes life outdoors, growing up happily on his family's farm, Lloyd was a child full of dreams, and what he wanted most was to seek adventures throughout Ninjago, and always admired his father, Garmadon. When he turned 11, Lloyd received the family's gold amulet from his father, and since then he kept it close to him at all times.
After his home was attacked by preacher Vex's men and he witnessed the death of his mother, Misako, Lloyd fled so he could find his father and warn her of the danger. But what Lloyd doesn't know is that his father had already died shortly after his home was attacked, as Garmadon was ambushed on his journey by Tyrrant, the descendant of Mayor Clinthon, and the wild men of the ruthless former general Samukai on a steamboat on the great Largo River that divides two lands in Ninjago.
The first thing Lloyd wanted to do was find his Uncle Wu, but he knew that if he did he would be caught by those men who destroyed his home. In addition, he discovered that his name was placed as a reward by Tyrrant's men who infiltrated the law. Additionally, Tyrrant knows that Lloyd carries the golden amulet after Vex gave him the Montgomery family's family diary.
27-year-old Kai Smith, or better known as "Red Shogun" is a legendary outlaw, bounty hunter and hired gunslinger who travels throughout Ninjago in search of different ways to make a living. Back when he was an orphan, Kai left Nya, his younger sister, in Wu's care so he could raise her, while he joined a gang of bandits so he could train his marksman skills and become strong enough to fight to murder anyone who associates with Tyrrant Clinton.
In the past, when Kai was only 8 years old, he lived happily in his village along with his family in Ignacia, a village mixed with a native tribe. Her mother Maya was a pure native and her father was the famous blacksmith of the town. Kai always admired his father, and since he was little his father and his mother taught him everything to be a good shooter. But everything changed when the men of the Clinthon family eradicated all the Indians from his town and took all the lands of Ignacia by force. That caused Tyrrant to kill his parents, Kai fled the village with his sister Nya, who was only 3 years old.
At the age of 9 he joined a band of bandits, since then he was under the care of the leader of the bandits, it was also there when he met Morro, his greatest adversary. But when Nya was 12 years old, she traveled to the city of Ninjago and left her in the care of Wu Montgomery, her father's best friend. It pained him to leave Nya, but she knew it was for the best since she would have the opportunity to receive a better life as a noble's protégé.
Nya Smith is a 22-year-old girl who became the first sheriff of Ninjago City, something that no one saw coming, many overvalue Nya but do not know her very well, after her brother Kai left her in the care of Wu and not seeing him again for a while, Nya decided to find her brother and discover why her parents were murdered and her hometown exploited by the Clinthon family. She became a good marksman and a good fighter, she does not allow dangerous outlaws to enter her city and she secretly helps the resistance against the Clinton family.
Nya was only 3 years old when her family was murdered and her town became the property of the Clinthon family. She was too young to remember her parents, but thanks to Kai and her stories, her parents' legacy lived on strong in her. Living as an orphan for nine years, Nya had no idea that her brother was working with a gang of outlaws and, after finding Wu, Kai unexpectedly decides to leave her in her care. Nya was mad at Kai for a while because she didn't come back her see him and why he broke one of her promises.
Thanks to Wu, Nya discovered who the murderer of her parents was, and if she wanted to fulfill her revenge she had to become strong, after her practices and studies, Nya focused all the time on improving her fighting and shooting skills, thanks to this made her the guardian of Ninjago City and the new sheriff.
After a while, Kai and Nya reunite, only now the two are further apart than ever since Kai became a legendary outlaw and Nya became a sheriff. But secretly they help each other, although sometimes there is tension between them.
Wu is a public servant of Ninjago City, but he has run to be the next mayor of Ninjago City, a position that Tyrrant also wants to take but putting Pythor as a candidate, since no one knows that he is the leader of a gang of outlaws nicknamed "The Serpentine", this is because Pythor has several scams by working at the same time as an assistant judge in Ninjago City and being another public servant.
Wu made his family become one of the most important in Ninjago, after leaving home he became a nobleman and has been helping on his family's farm where his older brother, Garmadon, still works to maintain it. After a native who survived an attack by Tyrrant's wild men sent her one of the crossbars, Wu called his brother and told her what happened to the found crossbar.
Garmadon informed Misako of this and packed his things to meet his brother. Wu and Garmado hid the piece in a safe that Ray, Kai and Nya's father, had previously given to Wu in in case something important needed to be hidden, the box was so strong that even if it were submerged underwater what was inside would never get wet and would stay in good condition, not even the strongest explosion could scratch the safe.
Garmadon transported the safe with the piece of the cross inside and traveled by steamboat to cross the Largo River and reach the territory of the Formlings tribe, a tribe of natives who protected the other piece of the gold cross, Garmadon and Wu knew that the tribe would be the only ones who could protect the piece. But Garmadon was intercepted by Tyrrant and Samukai, upon capturing him they tried to get information from him about the piece of the cross, but Garmadon refused and Tyrrant murdered him, leaving the steamship to sink after trying to find the piece from the cross.
Wu Montgomery raised Nya as her daughter, but she didn't want to replace Ray, so she raised her to be like Ray and Maya. Wu wanted Nya to be a good lady for the city of Ninjago, but she being Ray's daughter, he helped her become an excellent guardian of the city. And thanks to her position as a public official, Wu was able to help Nya become the town's sheriff. She was sad that Kai didn't agree to stay with him, she tried to look for him but he just disappeared and she was worried that Nya would be upset with her brother for leaving her like this.
Garmadon Montgomery is Wu's older brother and Lloyd's father. When his son turned 11, Garmadon gave her the golden amulet so that he could continue the family legacy. Garmadon loves his family very much, he loves his wife Misako, who is his great love and loves his son very much, and he is happy to see that his son admires him. But when his brother Wu asked him to take the piece of the cross to a safe place, he did not hesitate to fulfill that mission.
Traveling on the steamboat along one of Ninjago's largest rivers, Garmadon did not expect his journey to be interrupted by former General Samukai's wildling soldiers who were hired by Tyrrant Clinthon. He had discovered his family based on historical records about the first families that settled in Ninjago during its beginnings. Before the ship sank, Garmadon made sure that the safe sank along with the ship so that Tyrrant could not obtain the golden cross.
Tyrrant Clinthon is a descendant of Mayor Clinthon, when Mayor Clinthon's son fled the attack with the gold stolen from Djinjago City, he made sure his descendant found a way to return to Djinjago City so he could claim all the riches of the city, that's why the Clinthon family grew in wealth thanks to their military camps and mining jobs, then they created a railroad company that made them even more famous and powerful in society, but their family never forgot the promise to return to the city of Djinjago. His mining companies excavated all places in Ninjago to find the city of Djinjago.
Tyrrant was the name he gave to the character "Overlord" in the Ninjago series.
Tyrrant, being the last descendant of the Clinton family, made sure that at any cost he would find the city of gold, so he made corrupt alliances with several of the cities of Ninjago, even eradicating and enslaving several Indian peoples and his own workers. And thanks to his influences he managed to hide his traces of corruption as well as his unforgivable acts by murdering and attacking several towns and their people, all to find the two gold pieces of the cross and the amulet to reach the lost city of Djinjago.
Morro Wind, a 29-year-old outlaw, who is the second main antagonist of the story, is also a legendary outlaw, but unlike Kai, he is a ruthless killer, capable of murdering anyone without any remorse, anywhere. He is known as "The Green Ghost", since after killing he disappears like a ghost, they even consider him death in person. He doesn't take orders from anyone, but when he was hired by Tyrrant Clinthon he accepted only if he received all the gold he wanted, he set out to follow his orders so he could get rich.
Morro worked with the same outlaw gang that Kai was in, despite being two years older than Kai, Morro never wanted Kai to get involved in the gang, since he considered him a weak and useless child, but seeing that received more attention and the respect of others, he was filled with jealousy and hatred towards Kai, when he was 18 years old he decided to follow his own path, murdering without any remorse the gang he worked with, except for Kai, now that he had disappeared after traveling to the city of Ninjago. But after a while spreading his name in every corner of Ninjago, he became the rival of “The Red Shogun” who discovered that he was Kai, they fought very little, but neither managed to kill the other.
Kai would do anything to kill Tyrrant and Morro, but the more he tries to track them down, the more trouble he gets into with the Ninjago authorities, including his sister Nya, Kai can no longer let go of life an outlaw, as he knows that in every corner of Ninjago the police are following him, including several of Tyrrant's men.
Cole Bucket, a 27-year-old young man, works as a miner in the city of Shintaro while he helps his father maintain the family tavern. He knows that after his mother's death, his father, Lou, had to go through difficult times, but thanks to Cole his father kept going. But Lou worries that when Cole works as a miner, Clinthon's men will exploit him with so much work. Cole assures his father that nothing will happen to him since the town mine does not yet belong to the Clinthon family name, but he is more worried about Mayor Vangelis, who has been making corrupt deals with Mr. Clinthon.
Cole secretly maintains a love relationship with Mayor Vangelis' daughter, Vania White, a charming noblewoman from Ninjago. Cole fell in love with her due to an encounter of hers in the mine, Vania snuck because she wanted to see with her own eyes how the miners in her town lived. They both met and a beautiful relationship was formed, but they keep it a secret. Vania tells Cole all the bad things his father has started doing, and it was one of the reasons why he joined the rebellion, alongside his best friend Jay and with Zane.
Jay Walker, is a 26-year-old young man, born and raised in his hometown of Prime Empire, a town dedicated to engineering and machinery, thanks to its metal mines and its availability in a large port near a river. He works as an engineer at the railway company in his city, but with the arrival of an army led by Vex Hoodoo, Jay, along with other workers, were sent to work on the mining machinery in Shintaro, where he is responsible for repairing the railways of Mr. Clinthon, but this was because the mayor of his city, Mayor Milton Dyer, had no choice, since if he did not heed Tyrrant Clinthon's requests, he would not hesitate to destroy the town, even if I took him to court, Tyrrant would easily escape punishment since it would erase all the evidence against him because he is a powerful man.
As soon as Jay arrived in Shintaro he met Cole, who showed him the town and some of its inhabitants, since then they have been friends, Jay even makes sure that Cole's tools are in good condition. But as soon as they saw the cruelty of the Clinthon family towards people, Jay and Cole joined the resistance thanks to Ronin, who one day arrived in Shintaro to rob Vangelis's private bank and some tools while he and some of his men disguised themselves of miners.
Since that day Jay and Cole managed to occasionally escape from their duties with the Clinthon family and travel throughout Ninjago to support the resistance. And on those trips they met Zane, a doctor who helps the resistance and who lives in Birchowood, a rural town in the forest where winter comes a lot and native tribes live together in peace. After traveling to Ninjago, Jay met Nya once she saved him from some bandits. That's how he fell in love with her, and she fell in love with him because he is impressed by her inventions, and that apart from her, he is a fun and kind boy.
Zane Julien, is a 27-year-old young man who previously lived in an Indian tribe in the forests, but unfortunately his people were victims of a terrible epidemic that killed almost everyone in his tribe, including his parents, just him and his younger brother, Echo, survived but were still ill. At that time, a group of doctors arrived at his tribe and managed to save them. At that time, he met Dr. Julien, a good doctor who decided to adopt Zane and Echo into his home. As soon as Zane arrived at his new home, he decided that he wanted to be a doctor as his adoptive father, the man who saved him and raised him as his own son.
Zane met Cole and Jay when he healed a gunshot wound in Cole's arm, since then he has been taking care of them while healing all the wounded from the Ronin resistance, since he decided to support the cause if it meant saving the lives that the Clinthon family had ruined. His brother Echo is also studying to be a doctor, but he is not committed to the cause, apart from the fact that Zane cares a lot about his younger brother, as he is the only family he has left.
Zane, Cole and Jay know Kai because of his reputation as an outlaw, and from time to time he has joined them on several of their missions with the resistance. Cole became his good friend, Jay tries to make him laugh and like him since he knows that Kai is Nya's brother, something that impressed him, and he was also lucky that Kai didn't shoot him for dating his sister. Zane is responsible for healing his wounds, including the ones he tries to hide. Kai trusts them with his life, but knows that the life of an outlaw is lonely, so he sometimes keeps his distance from them.
Ronin Webb is the leader of the resistance against the Clinthon family, because Ronin's family was murdered by Clinthon's people because they did not want to give up their lands, this was the last straw for Ronin, since he is fed up to see how Tyrrant Clinthon snatches land and lives from all over Ninjago. If they ever win against Tyrrant, he plans to become a bounty hunter and take back his family's lands from him. His best friends are Dareth and Clutch, but he has a habit of sometimes stealing money from people he dislikes.
Vex Hoodoo became a preacher in order to get riches, he influences people that he is a man of God, and demands their belongings and lands from various people using the word of God in his favor and with deceptions and traps . He works for the Clinthon family for several years and does not hesitate to follow Tyrrant's orders, even claiming that Tyrrant's mission is God's will. He was responsible for attacking Garmadon's farm, and murdered Misako when he received no response of Garmadon's whereabouts, he covered up the attack by saying that it was an attack by bandits seeking the family's profits. Even Vex goes so far as to hurt Jay or Cole if he sees that they are not doing his job well, but in the same way he always looks for an excuse to hurt them, since he makes sure that the Clinthon family properties are not in trouble.
Phytor P. Chumsworth, Tyrrant's right-hand man, who is a judge's assistant and public servant of Ninjago City, have a great rivalry with Wu, and both ran as the next mayor of Ninjago. But the secret of him is that he is the leader of the band of bandits called "The Serpentine", since he gets his own riches in his own way and even has the help of Tyrrant. Additionally, Pythor allows Morro to take several of his men so that he could use them as he pleases, as the two are allies, but Skales, his second-in-command in the gang, keeps him informed of Morro's actions.
Mr. Chen is the mayor of Ouroboros, a once prosperous city, but when Chen took over as mayor things spiraled into irreparable chaos as Chen allowed ruthless bandits and outlaws into the town. This is because he works for Tyrrant and Chen allowed him the city for him to use however he wanted. He along with faithful assistant Clouse have been fighting against several members of the resistance, and what he hates most is that his daughter Skylor does not support him, but what he does not know is that his daughter secretly betrays him by freeing and helping several members of the resistance, apart from the fact that more than anything he hates Kai "The Red Shogun", since he has eliminated several of his men and more than anything he seeks to capture him and hang him on the gallows in his city.
Former General Samukai previously served in the Clinton family military training area, but due to his aggressive actions against other soldiers, the higher-ups removed him from his commission, but even so, the soldiers who served him continue to call him general, and they went to the other side of the Largo River where many of the natives lived in those lands, there they formed a military fortress and enslaved several Indians and other men who came to invade their territory. Samukai hates the Indians and those who support them more than anything, but he never refuses an order from Tyrrant Clinthon since he owes his absolute loyalty to him, as do his renegade and savage soldiers.
Vangelis is the mayor of the city Shintaro, a city that is dedicated to mining, he used to manage the city well but lately he became interested in Tyrrant Clinthon's dealings, since he allowed him access to his mines and over the management of his workers, he is too strict with his orders of not allowing any rebels and outlaws in his city, but despite that his city is slowly suffering from Vex's supervision. People are running out of earnings and food, she even doesn't let her daughter Vania meddle in her affairs since she doesn't let her leave the house.
Skylor Chen is a 26-year-old girl who works as a spy for the resistance in the city of Ouroboros, apart from being Chen's daughter, a case of which she is never proud, she loves her city and will do whatever it takes to be able to remove her father from the position of mayor, so she secretly betrays him in order to spoil his plans against the resistance, since several members have been imprisoned in the Ouroboros prison and she is responsible for secretly freeing them. Other than Chen doesn't know that she and Kai have a little relationship, other than she sometimes saves Kai's ass when she gets in trouble with her father. Aside from saving Kai, she also saves Nya, as she sometimes goes to the city to follow up on leads from her brother.
Vania White is the daughter of Mayor Vangelis, she loves her father but lately she no longer sees him as the father she once loved since he has made corrupt deals with Mr. Clinthon, a man who makes Vania nervous, apart that she loves the miner Cole. When she ran away from home to see how her people live, she met Cole, since then they both fell in love and were together in secret, apart from the fact that she adores her faithful friend and companion, her dog Chompy. Vania knows that her father no longer cares about the safety of his people, but she does care, but she cannot do anything against him since she fears that if he rebelled against her father for helping his people, the entire town will suffer even more so because of his rebellion. So she stayed silent, but she has faith that Cole and her resistance will help her stop him.
Pixal Borg is the daughter of the famous inventor Cyrus Borg, thanks to her father's inventions they became a good noble family in Ninjago. Pixal secretly helps the resistance by giving them information or inventions so they can help their cause, apart from the fact that he likes being next to Zane, who has a romantic relationship with him, apart from the fact that they are already engaged and plan to get married once after Tyrrant was defeated. She maintains a good friendship with Nya, and sometimes helps her on her missions to capture ruffians, but he keeps all this a secret since he does not want to worry his father.
The first piece of the cross still remained in the care of the Formlings tribe, while the second tribe that took care of the second piece was under the care of a remote tribe that lived near the mountain, they were attacked by the Serpentine band, but a native managed to escape and take the piece to Wu in the city of Ninjago, since the tribe was aware of the Montgomery family. Wu managed to locate the Formlings tribe and through a letter he managed to communicate with them and made an agreement to take the piece with them.
There are other antagonists who do not work for Tyrrant, and those are wild Indians, called the Maaray tribe, a large native tribe that murders colonizers and Indians who they consider traitors since they demand all the lands of Ninjago. They are very troublesome in Ninjago City, since they know that is the biggest city. They are even a problem for Kai and Lloyd during their travels throughout Ninjago.
Since then, various sides began a race to find the lost city of Djinjago.
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sobri-k-eyt · 5 months
New OC! (Ninjago character)
Figured it was finally time to make a character for my comfort show! Here's a quick sketch. Totally not hyperfixating or anything
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Name: Lenore (also goes by Lee) Brief Story: Ex-Cloud Kingdom resident. Left (exiled) after deciding she hated the cycle of fate being written by people who were corrupt and who actually didn't know or really care about the stories that were being written. Rebel without a real cause who loves life and tries to find her own way in a crazy world. It's hard knowing what to do when no one tells you, but it makes her more alive than ever. She also doesn't jibe with the idea that the monks could easily play with mortal lives as they please and have no involvement whatsoever. Just doing what they want because they can. She doesn't want to be a pawn of anyone or have anyone else be a pawn. But she's young, and realizes that the world is far more complex than she thought. She's got crow wings, and loves to play with her outfits and colors, loving self-expression and freedom. Lives in Ninjago City with a group of misfits. Punk/goth aesthetic, but lots of colors and a lot of spunk. Height: 5'4 Likes: Colors, energetic music, flying, sour food, her glasses, changing her outfits and dying her hair and feathers Dislikes: Being told what to do, feeling trapped, being ignored, guilt Personality: Brash, impulsive, excitable, deeply passionate, often lonely, very obvious in her reactions
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pleaseitsjustrae0nly · 11 months
Can you please do a Zane X jack frost daughter reader basically the reader is the daughter of jack frost the reader is half spirit and immune to the cold and can control ice and at first it confuses them because there is supposed to only be one master of ice but the quickly told them she the daughter of jack frost to clear up the confusion and Zane falls in love with the reader and he convinces his felling for the reader and the reader accept them (do to the reader being half spirit she is immortal and well everyone knows that Zane is also immortal the version of jack frost in this is from rise of the guardians)
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I love jack frost, so this will be fun! This was my favourite to write, ty so much for letting me write this 💙 this story is a bit longer than I thought so... yeah!
Your my own snow fall.
A Zane x Jack Frost Daughter! Reader. Uses she/her. Fluff, Comfort, family argument, mention of an oc (4 the mom) and slight swearing!
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"BUT MOOOOOM! Dad said I could go out this winter with him!" You whined, you were in a pale baby blue hoodie and some grey leggings. "Not tonight. May I remind you, YOU promised you'd help me bake your favourite dessert for the meet up, didn't you?"
"Leilani, she can help you when we come back. We won't be gone for too long!" Your father, Jack Frost argued with his beloved.
It was always like this whenever it was winter season. Your mother Leilani, the guide to all flora, and your father, Jack Frost, the personification of winter.
"Jack, the last time you brought her with you ended in complete disaster!" Your mother said as she tended to the plants in your home. "She was fine! Besides that was years ago, our daughter can now grow icey flowers now and fly in the wind, just like us!" You nodded, you were always a daddy's girl. You loved your mom, but sometimes, she can be overprotective. "She MAY be able to, but she's only flew through the spring winds and early winter winds. THESE ARE LATE WINTER WINDS JACK, THEY ARE STRONGER THAN THE ONES SHE'S TRAINED ON."
"... you didn't tell her?" You ask your dad, he was sweating. He didn't tell your mom that you've been secretly flying in the late winter winds with his permission. "Tell me what." Your mother was death staring both of you. "uhhh... WE'LL BE BACK IN A BIT, LOVE YOU HONEY!"
"JACK I SWEAR ON THE MAN IN THE MOON-" your mother's cursing lowered as you and your dad flew through the strong winds. You and your dad flew over the village and then began ascending into the clouds where you started to glide smoothly over the fluffy condensed masses of air and water.
"You're so dead when we get back dad.", "HA! I'm dead? We're both dead! May I remind you, you were the one who started flying in the strong winds without BOTH OF US knowing, be grateful it was me who heard you smack yourself into a tree."
You were both laughing and joking around when you both heard screams coming from below. "Dad? Can we-", "No 'we' sweetheart. Just me, you stay somewhere high up okay?", "But dad-", "Sweetheart, no. Your mom is already going to kill me for not telling her, who knows what she'll do if she found out I let you fight with me?"
You sighed, allowing yourself to sit on a tall building. You were in a completely new area. Your mom was right, these winds were stronger, it felt like you were just flying for 15 minutes. The signs were written in some characters, you glanced around to try and find the name of the city when a blimp flew over with a message flashing on it: "WELCOME TO NEW NINJAGO CITY, THE CITY THAT'S ALWAYS CHANGING."
"huh, Ninjago. Dad never told me about this place." you started to swing your feet, you started to create snowflakes and blow them through the city streets. You would usually create them with your dad but he was busy helping in whatever that situation was.
It's been like, 10 minutes? 15? Either way, it's been a bit too long since your dad left to assist in whatever that situation was. Your dad isn't the type to just leave you alone in an unknown city, your mom would kill him and he loves you too much. "Where the hell is he..."
"Excuse me miss, you shouldn't be sitting there. It's dangerous." a male voice spoke. It you lifted your staff (that your parents gifted you) at the man, he had a mask covering everything except his eyes, his icey glowing eyes. "Oh, sorry... I'm just waiting for my dad." you lower your staff, 'his eyes are pretty...'
"I see, but why on the rooftop?" he asks, "Well, he just said to wait for him here." you sat down on the concrete floor and staring at the mysterious masked boy. "Did he say where he was going?", "We heard screaming so he went to check it out.", "Really? Where from?", "Uhhh, like down those alleys I think?"
You pointed to where you think the screams came from. You didn't want to say you were flying over, but then something clicked. HE COULD SEE YOU. "Uhm, how did you see me up here anyway?", "I saw your silhouette." No one is suppose to see you unless they believe in either your mom or dad...
"Well...uhm." the winds howled, through the cold night. "Aren't you cold miss?" you shook your head, just praying to the man in the moon that your dad would come and pick you up soon. And seems like your prayers were heard for a gust of cold wind whooshed behind you. "Sorry sweetheart, I got held up by some dumb pajama people. They think I harmed the townsfolk and..." He saw the guy next to you, "Y/N, step away from him.", "Dad?", "Step. Away. From. My. Daughter."
"Sir I think there's a misunder *static*... what?" his hand was placed next to his ear. "Sweetheart we have to go, NOW." you start making your way to your father when the boy in white spoke again, "Who are you..." Your father then grabbed your wrist and jumped off the building.
"DAD WHAT THE FUCK?" You quickly adjusted into your gliding position and began yelling at your father. "They started attacking me sweetheart, it's not safe there.", "Dad, what do you mean? Your Jackfrost, the personification of winter! How are you a threat?"
"...They could use elements, one had water, the others were earth, fire, and lightning. There was another, they used some sort of Green..." He said, "And the white one?", "No clue, but i'm not staying to find out."
The silence made the trip seem longer than it was coming. You and your father arrived to see your mother happily laying out some dinner and taking what seemed to be her famous Lemon Ginger Cookies. "Well you two are back earlier than expected, something happened?" You were about to tell your mom what happened but your dad... "Nothing, the winds were a bit weak so we weren't able to travel that far. Anyway! What did you make? It smells good as usual."
You didn't really mind your dad flirting or sweet talking your mom, but at that moment, you wanted to punch him in his cold face. he has lied for you so much, your worried the trust that your mom and dad have might break. "Y/N sweetie? Aren't you gonna eat?", "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry i couldn't help mom...", You mom patted your head "It's okay, I should give you a little more freedom now that your older. But your helping me bake tomorrow, no backing out!"
The next day came, guilt was eating away at you. Sure, you've lied to your mom a few times, but dad is lying to her for YOU. You walked out of the cabin to see your dad sprinkling snow on some plants. "Dad, why did you not tell mom about what happened last night?", "Sweetie, I will tell her but not yet. She's in a really good mood and I don't want to ruin it.", "Dad, we've been lying to her for far too long, at least tell her at lunch.?" he nodded, "Hey... don't you have some baking to do?", "SHIT!" you muttered as you quickly ran inside to help your mom.
"Guys, he's not here, and neither is his daughter." PIXAL said reviewing their body cameras. "Are all sure that he used... ice?" Zane questioned. ever since the incident last night, they were searching for the man who could control ice, along with his daughter. "Were sure Zane, he froze most of us besides Kai and Me... did she tell you where they came from?" Lloyd, the green ninja asked.
"Of course not, I was a masked stranger." Cole was still slightly shivering, "Where do you think they went?", "They're home probably." They re-watched the footage again to see what they missed, but again nothing.
"Well fuck. WHAT DO WE DO? SOME GUY WHO CAN ALSO USE ICE IS OUT THERE AND WE DOn'T KNOW WHAT HE'LL DO!" kai yelled, he had a point. They don't know what the guy uses his powers for, good? evil? they have to know...
A week has passed, and the situation had died down. The 'man' and his daughter never showed, and there wasn't any problems with the people in ninjago so they assumed they were just travelling from somewhere. That is until one night where Zane was sitting on top of the same building where he met you.
"...I hope she's okay." he found himself talking to the wind when he felt a similar chill. "You again?!" he jumped to his feet and saw you... "It's you, the daughter of that man with ice.", "Okay that's rude. Look, I just came here to get away from home for a bit, I don't want to deal with anyone right now."
He tilted his head, you had to get away from your home? You then sat on the ledge behind him as he sat next to you. "...wanna talk about it?" he asks softly. You sigh. "It's a long story." you looked at him and he looked like he didn't care if it was a long story.
"Well, remember that time me and my dad came here? He didn't tell my mom about our encounter, and he promised he'd tell her at lunch the next day... but he didn't. My mom was the one who found out after I asked him to tell her... and she went ballistic." You lowered your head, in shame. "I've kept some things hidden from my mom, and my dad always takes the blame for it. But he hasn't been telling my mom everything. My training, the fight, all of it." Zane listened well, and put two and two together, 'then your dad must really not trust her.' he didn't say that, but he wanted too. "Have they fought before?" he asked, "Not like this, it was worse. They were both yelling, my mom was crying... I felt like I caused this, and I did. If I had told my mom before everything, maybe this wouldn't have happened."
"Would your mother have reacted badly?", "At first, maybe. But she's understanding... god I should have told her from the start... I'm horrible." you began to form ice on the edge, and Zane took notice. "She might never forgive my dad... they may even separate... this all my fault." tears began to roll down your cold cheeks, whilst more ice began to form on the ledge.
"They loved each other... and now, they might never love again... all because I didn't tell her from the beginning."
Zane saw the ice grow, he shouldn't be this shocked. It was a possibility you inherited the ice abilities from your father, and it seemed to revolve around your emotions. "Would you like to hear my honest opinion on the situation?" he asks, ignoring the ice. "Yes please, *sniff*" you wiped your tears.
"You should have told her everything. She's your mother, trust and honesty are one of the main structures a relationship relies on to stay healthy and sturdy. You knew that, yet you still kept it hidden. You had the right to not tell her, but she should know when her own daughter was in a situation and was nearly hurt." He began to form ice around where he sat, making a sculpture of a flower, "Your mother has every right to be upset at both you and your father. You broke her trust, just because you both are dear to her does not mean it will repair quickly. Trust is earned, not given."
He handed you the flower, "I would like to start over, I'm Zane. Master of ice. You are?" you held the flower with your cold hands, looking up at the now unmasked boy, revealing a steel exterior, paired with teal eyes. "Y/N, the daughter of Jack Frost. An honor to meet you Zane."
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After the proper introduction, you hung with Zane on top of the building for another hour, talking about both of your powers, family, friends and immortality.
He gave you the confidence to head back home and apologize to your mother about keeping things from her. And promised to return to Zane to hang out once everything was sorted out.
A week had passed, Zane returning to the top of the building every night, just to check if you had arrived. It usually brings him disappointment when not seeing you, even after waiting 10 minutes.
But on a Sunday night, he was about to leave when he felt a similar wind behind him. He turned and was met with a hug, you were hugging him. You finally released him from your strong grip, and smiled at him.
You told him what had happened that week. You and your dad both apologized to your mother that same night after their argument. She did give them both the silent treatment.
But in the end, they reconciled. The air is slightly tense still but it's slowly returning back to normal in your family home.
"Thank you Zane, I'm sorry I wasn't able to hang out with you this week.", "Don't worry about it. After all...
We have all of our life to be with each other."
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only-lonely-stars · 4 months
Hair As Gold As Straw (Chapter 9 - Coronation)
[Prologue] // [Chapter 8 of 9] // [Chapter 9 of 9 - you are here!] // [Epilogue] – (FFN) (AO3)
Part of the @ninjago-fairy-tale-au!
Once upon a time, Princess Vania of Shintaro lived in an ivory castle in an ivory city. Her father, King Vangelis, kept her safe in her tower, where no one could hurt her and she could not hurt herself... until the day when she ran away. A Colania Snow White retelling.
Chapter summary:
Several characters receive titles, but change is on the horizon.
Once Princess Vania was awakened from her slumber, all of Shintaro tilted on its axis, and the very order of life was upset in the palace for many days.
After his defeat, Vangelis had been regaled to the dungeons, where he would remain for several years as punishment for his treatment of Vania. Unbeknownst to everyone, he had been strengthening himself using the power of his magic and the skull, such that his health declined severely and immediately as soon as his access was ended. It was not for a long time, but eventually his heart gave out- he died quietly in his sleep.
However, that was not of immediate concern to anyone around the time of his imprisonment. The subject at hand was the princess and her companions, as they navigated her assumption of power. All of Shintaro whispered about her, for her relationship with Cole and the Upply was like a fascinating puzzle to them.
Indeed, once she was awoken, Vania rarely strayed from Cole's side, and neither did he leave her. They gravitated to each other, keeping each other close company no matter the circumstances. In secret places and quiet moments, they would steal away for private conversation, but opportunities were rare. As it happened, he took the place of her primary protector, despite the fact that there was no danger. Rumors abounded, but no one could say for sure what their relationship was.
Despite the circumstances, Vania's coronation approached without delay. Cole oversaw much of the preparations, but he was pulled away from Vania's side at one point by a Shintaran guard, who took him to a private room.
"You are Cole, yes?" the man asked.
"Yes, I am. You are one of the guards?"
"Yes. My name is Hailmar." The man took off his helmet, revealing his deep brown hair. He bowed. "I must thank you for caring for the princess in my absence."
"You're welcome," Cole said. "You were her personal guard before her escape, were you not?"
"I was. I also helped her escape," Hailmar added.
Cole took his hand and shook it. "Thank you for helping Princess Vania."
"It was my honor and my duty," Hailmar responded, his grip just as firm.
"Mine as well. Will you continue to protect her?"
"With my very life," Hailmar affirmed. "What of you?"
"I will, too," Cole said. "However, I will not be able to for very long." At this fact, he seemed downcast.
"Why ever not?"
"I have unfinished business with my father. I have to complete it before I can stay. I have never stayed anywhere for long because of our rift."
Hailmar seemed to accept this. To Cole, it seemed as if he was receiving permission to stay by Vania's side. "Very well. I will protect her ever more closely in your absence, so when you return she will be safe."
"Thank you. You are a most honorable man, Hailmar."
"As are you," Hailmar said. He replaced his helmet. "What of her coronation? There has been talk of you receiving knighthood."
"I will accept it, but defer my service. When I return, I will take my post, until such time as that changes."
"Very well. Do not keep our new queen waiting."
"I will do my best." With that, the two men returned to their duties.
A week after Vangelis abdicated the throne, the palace was thrown into one last flurry of activity. The Geckles and Munce were formally invited above the surface for the festivities, and were housed en masse in one of the castle's larger wings. The kitchens produced copious amounts of delicate food for all the visitors. The ivory city bedecked itself in extra golden decorations, with banners and flags hanging from every window, and the palace was likewise decorated. Indeed, the preparations flew by, and before anyone was truly ready, the coronation went forward.
With only a few minutes left before her time to enter the hall for her coronation, Vania's stomach churned uncomfortably. She smoothed the invisible wrinkles in her formal dress' skirt, attempting not to fidget as she examined the finely woven fibers. At the other end of the hall, waiting for her, were Hailmar and Cole. Try as she might, it was impossible for her to quell her nerves; today, she walked down the aisle to receive her crown and knight her rescuer. Her mind immediately looked to a similar day in the future; she would do it again, and marry a man she loved– if her dreams proved real, the very same man she was to knight today. At the very thought, her cheeks heated.
The sound of a brass fanfare shook her from her thoughts. She forced herself to square her shoulders and straighten her back just as the tall, intricate doors to the great hall opened.
On either side of the walkway's carpet, crowds of Shintarans, Geckles, and Munce were gathered, with the Upply at the very front. At the sight of her, they cheered. She slowly walked down the carpet, smiling and waving, and then flew up from it to the elevated royal pedestal. There, Hailmar smiled at her and gave her a scroll.
As Vania looked over her people, her heart swelled. Her people were jubilant. She opened the scroll and began to read the contents.
"I, Princess Vania of the Kingdom of Shintaro, do hereby solemnly swear to stand up to those that are cruel and unjust, that my people will never again serve them. I will uphold the laws of the kingdom to my utmost ability. I will protect and faithfully serve all who dwell above and below in all my capability. As it is in my power, I will guide my people in righteous paths, so that they may weather the hardest times with fortitude and strength in character and body. Their joys shall be my joys, and their sorrows my sorrows; in times of hardship, I will guide my people in the ways that will protect them, that they might flourish in all things. This I swear, that if I should ever intentionally fail to keep my oath, my people may choose a ruler who will. I swear these things on the crown I now accept."
She rolled up the scroll and gave it to Hailmar. Another fanfare played, and her heart beat quickly in anticipation. Hailmar next took the ceremonial crown. He raised it high.
"As you have sworn, it is my great honor and privilege to announce you Queen Vania, Friend of the Peoples of the Mountain, and rightful ruler of Shintaro."
He placed it on her head, where it nestled securely in her hair. She stood tall as he backed away and the crowds rose and applauded. The sound was deafening in her ears, mixing with her rapid pulse.
She smiled at them, waving, and they applauded more. Fungus threw some magical powder in the air, setting off illusions of fireworks.
After a minute or two, the crowds returned to quier. When they did, Vania stepped back toward the throne, and took a ceremonial sword from its sheath.
"It is my honor to call forth Cole Brookstone, to stand before me and the assembly."
Cole came to stand before her, his own pulse rapid and heavy in his chest. He attempted to calm it, but it was unheeded. He looked at Vania, smiled, and knelt on one knee, so that he had to look up at her. In her ceremonial dress, she almost looked angelic to him, with q regal air of authority; he felt as if he had no right to even kneel before her, much less love her, or even leave her. Nevertheless, he waited.
Vania raised the ceremonial sword and pointed it toward him. "Cole Brookstone, you have shown great courage in the face of adversity. Now I offer you knighthood, that you may become a rightful citizen of Shintaro, and the opportunity to join my personal guard, to protect and serve both me and the kingdom. If you are willing, you may recite the knight's oath."
Cole nodded and lowered his head, preparing to speak the words he had memorized in the last week.
"I swear to the crown of Shintaro the following: I will work for the greater good, placing character above wealth. I will never boast, but cherish humility instead. I will speak the truth always, forever keeping my word, and will protect those who cannot protect themselves. I will honor and respect all men, women, and children. I will uphold justice, will be faithful in love and loyal in friendship, will abhor gossip, and will be generous. I will forgive when asked, that my own mistakes will be forgiven. I will live my life with courtesy and honor from this day forward, and serve the crown of Shintaro with my life and breath until such day as I am released from my vow."
Vania sighed in trepidation and slowly lowered the sword to tap each of his shoulders and the top of his head. Then, she pointed it at the floor, safely away from him.
"Then by the power vested in my by the people of Shintaro, whom I represent, I dub you Sir Cole Brookstone, the Knight of Deliverance. Stand, Sir Cole."
Cole slowly got to his feet, watching her face. She gestured for him to turn, so he could see the jubilant audience, who once again applauded. Then, he stepped to the side, such that he was no longer obstructing their view of the queen.
The rest of the ceremony was a whirlwind in the memory of everyone. In the case of the queen, she was taken away from the stage, for a moment of respite before she joined the feast and celebrations that would take place shortly. In that time, she took Cole by the hand, and together they returned to the alcove she had first shown him when they emerged from the mountain.
In their concealed place, Vania sighed, letting her heart's beat slow. Cole did the same, trying to contain his elation. After a few moments, their heavy breathing turned to laughter.
Vania brushed back her hair, laughing quietly. "The ceremony is over."
"It is," Cole said, trying to quell his own chuckling. "You were magnificent."
"As were you," she said, smiling at him. "Now I can properly call you Sir Cole."
"I think I'd prefer it if you just called me Cole, Queen Vania," he responded. "It's too formal."
"So is my title," she argued. "I don't think formality has a place between us, do you?"
"I don't think so either," he said, taking her hand. He kissed it softly, turning it over in his own hands. "It never has."
"No," she said, trailing off. She cupped his cheek. "Cole…"
"Yes?" he asked, putting a hand over hers.
"Will you stay with me in Shintaro?" Vania asked, cheeks flushed a light pink. "I do not want to imagine having to rule without you by my side."
Instead of answering immediately, Cole kissed her palm. "I want to stay," he said. Every word was sincere, but each was tinged with regret, tearing his heartstrings.
Vania's heart sank. "What do you mean, you want to?" She put her other hand on his face, such that she was holding him with both. "Are you unable?"
He smiled sadly. "I have unfinished business."
"Is it with your father?"
"Among other things."
"I see…" She trailed off, hands dropping to her sides.
Unhappy at seeing her so sad, Cole cupped her cheek to mirror her actions and kissed her softly. She reciprocated, a tender moment of connection showing itself between them.
"I don't want to leave you," he murmured. "I want to stay with you, but I cannot stay yet."
"Does that mean you will eventually?" she asked, the bitter taste of hope on her tongue.
"Yes," he said, laying his forehead against hers. "I will come back to you, Vania. I swear I will."
"The oath of a knight is not something to be taken lightly," she said, closing her eyes sadly.
"I'm being sincere. I will come back to you, Vania."
She looked up at him again, gazing into his dark eyes. "I will hold you to it." She kissed him one last time, weaving her fingers in his hair. They smiled into it, impressing their sadness and hope into it in equal measure. "Do not leave me forever," she whispered.
"I never could, Vania."
A few days later, Cole once again stood at the gates to the castle, this time facing the city. Once again, he was clad in black, with his hood pulled over his face and his golden scythe shining on his back in the morning sun. He looked over her shoulder at Vania, who watched from the gate. He waved at her, his gaze filled with bittersweet love, and then turned his back, a cold feeling of loneliness already overtaking him. From there, he set off, once again passing through the ivory flagstone paths of the city, and eventually the outer gates. As he disappeared from sight, Vania watched him go, whispering words of encouragement and prayers that only she could hear.
Once he was no longer visible, she turned to Hailmar and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Come, Hailmar. Let's go inside."
"Do you think he will come back?" Hailmar asked.
"He will. Be patient, Hailmar, as I will– he will return to me."
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Here’s my take on a batch of custom Nexo Knights minifigs !
Closeups and thoughts under the cut
So, in no particular order, the closeups, with comments and comparisons with the actual characters from the original Lego theme (also, because of Tumblr’s image limits, I had to badly stitch together my pictures, sorry-)
1) Mace
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Pretty cool one, and the only girl in the team in the original cast, who also happen to have troubles because her dad is the king. But eh, none of that here, so she get the cool cloak I assign to any cool red character I can find (yes, you’ll see it again many times in the future). The overall design is pretty nice (mostly this face, the other one on the brick is not as good; the printed armor, which is from season 4, is pretty nice, and does a nice job with the large dark piece (coming from later Hero Factory sets). The weapons are from the Chima theme (and so is the cloak !). The hairs are from the only Tron set, which should have been continued as whole theme but eh-
2) Axel
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Stupid and muscular originally. Well, now he’s got a Large Axe (Bionicle) to stand to his name. The helmet is all Nexo, but with some custom brew of mine, and so is the shield. Also, the custom arm was possible because the large chest has a technic pin.
3) Clay(more)
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Not room much modifications on the base character (s1). The sword is from a season four version of the character, the shield is homemade with some fun pieces I had lying around. The two arms are modified from the Ultimate set. …which I transformed in guns…Yeah.
4) Aaron
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Green ! Always had a cooler weapon. The armor is from the mech set, the chest piece is from s3-4, the Google’s are from the Ultimate set, and the shoulder thingy is from Boba Fett. I kept the original shield with some added pieces, which is made to fly (like with the original al character) but changed the face to give him a more serious expression. The weapon is mostly from the original crossbow, with some nice twists (the beam on the first image is from a ninjago sword).
5) Lance Whatever their name is now
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Really a bad character : rich, 'very pretty', egocentric. So, well…I took the armor and made an entire new one. I really like them, but it might be because it took an awful lot of time to figure out the weapon (transparent white piece similar to the green beam mentioned above). Armor-wise, it’s s1 body, with a grey pauldron (Clone Wars) and a light grey kama (…Also Clone Wars). The hairs are a really cool piece from a Ninjago set, and the head…Come from a City ski set. But the orange visor makes it work !
6) Never remembered the name of that one
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Original character is a very smart kid with not much development in the show. Well, firstly I made him an adult (legs are from a black widow figure), and then I decided to push the technical side a little. So, full suit with crystal swords, which works ! Most pieces are actually from the theme, except the red dots (Ninjago again), the crystals in the back (Power Mine [really a cool theme !]), and the helmet (City firefighters + Ninjago…again). It was the first one I made, which made me do the others.
I might get them in a diorama at some point, to set them against the very many custom monsters from the same theme (which were already much cooler than the original minifigs). In fact, most of the theme was really cool, the two sad points are that it was discontinued, and the TV show was…Well, it didn’t push much sci-fi nor fantasy, so I had to do the job.
Now, with that post I have finally revealed my three favorites things to do with legos : Dioramas, Big Mechs, and Custom minifigures (plus any Clone Wars related stuff, but it’s probably just as much because of the fandom aspect as it is the Lego aspect). One day perhaps, I’ll get all three of these aspects in one epic scene, but I have no idea of how for now, so maybe later~
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
SLURP ; So I Finally Read 'Quest For Lost Powers' (Commentary Part 2; Kai's Lost Spark)
<< Part 1
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Hello and welcome back to my commentary on Quest For Lost Powers. A book that exists because of Crystalized's incompetency.
If I'm doing homework, I'm making content out of that homework.
I already did commentary on the cover art and the prologue. Link is there if you want to see that.
We are starting this book's journey with the Fire Ninja's story.
It is a story about Kai being addicted to noodles, treating his girlfriend like garbage, and above all, whining about not having powers.
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"Oh lord... Again? A f*****g gain? Nothing new, nothing changed, same old s**t. Same old f*****g s**t-"
Yeah I'm pretty sure we all think that.
I could come up with stuff at the top of my head.
What about him trying to catch up with his parents?
What about his struggle in a healthy relationship where he doesn't need to look after someone 24/7?
His feelings about Jay as an in law?
His grief over losing his sister?
Him trying to step out of the big brother role?
Him trying to cling to his big brother role?
The forbidden scrolls corrupting him when he believes he needs it to succeed?
Him and Cole could make out-? THAT'S A JOKE.
I'm just saying. There's more compelling arcs you can give Kai.
But you know what? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. Ever since the Wildbrain era, Kai has been done dirty.
Remember when Kai was one of the most beloved characters of the show? Me too. I miss those days.
Okay, let’s get started and see what he’s doing.
[“Look how many noodles I can slurp all at once!”]
Not even two paragraphs in, and we have onomatopoeia, italicized.
This is in kids books way too much.
And it drives me nuts. STOP DOING THIS.
I know it's purely pet peeve. But I don't care.
Also who actually slurps their spaghetti? My family doesn't do it, none of my friends do it. I've only seen it in cartoons. Because I guess spaghetti is supposed to be messy and it's funny to eat with an obnoxious sound effect?
[A few of the customers looked up from their meals to stare at Kai.]
See, even these guys agree with me. It's weird. This man is weird.
[“It looks like the same amount of noodles you slurped five minutes ago, Kai,” Skylor said, brushing a stray lock of dark red hair behind her ear.]
No eating the merchandise.
Also don't overeat like that. It's unhealthy.
Remember when Kai was an underaged alcoholic?
Screw you Skylor, now he's drunk on noodles. And it's your fault.
[“Don’t you have anything bet…trrr…I mean, something more important to do?”]
Like catch up with your sister? Who had been DEAD FOR A YEAR?!
[Kai wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his sweatshirt and frowned.]
And he's got bad table manners. That's how you know he's a jerk.
[“Um, no more Fire powers, remember? There’s nothing important for me to do anymore.”]
Oh here we go again. No powers = no purpose to this man. I swear.
We've been here before. And that wasn't even a good arc the first time.
And THAT time, he was TORTURED losing it against his consent. This time was by his own call. He has no one to blame but himself.
[Veteran reporter Gayle Gossip appeared on the screen, standing on a busy Ninjago City street.]
Her name is Gayle Gossip?
All this time and I never knew her name. Wow.
[“Crime in Ninjago City has been rising steadily, ever since word got out that the ninja have lost their Elemental Powers,” the reporter was saying. “I tried to contact the ninja for comment, but they’re not returning my calls. In this reporter’s opinion, they seem to have forgotten who they really are. Powers or not, ninja, Ninjago City needs you!”]
Okay that's just Kai's fault. He's CHOOSING to do nothing.
I can't see his point with that other than him being a jerk.
"There's nothing for me to do"
*There's a ton of crime calls going on*
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That art looks great though. He actually looks depressed, holy gosh…
[“You haven’t returned her calls?”]
[“I haven’t charged my phone in days,” he said.]
I take everything back, Kai, you are a king.
[“What’s the point? Without my Fire powers, I’ve lost my spark.”]
I fail to see how that translates to 'it's okay to run away from my responsibilities'.
I get it, you can get depressed when you lose something that's defined you and your abilities to support and see value in yourself for so long. You can lose your spark and feel lost.
But STILL. Does he really think it's okay to just not help at all?
Unless there are other people taking care of the city, then I'd see his point. But there's NO ONE ON THE CLOCK.
Not even the New Ninja? Where are they? They were SO IRRELEVANT to Crystalized that we haven't heard from them again. Did they die?
["You’re still as smart as you ever were, and brave."]
Since when was Kai EVER the smart one?
Short answer: He wasn't.
Kai has NEVER been a bright tool in the shed.
He even stated, his own words,
"But Zane, I'm the good looks of this team. You're the brains."
[“Ninjago City has an excellent police force,” Kai replied. “They don’t need me getting in their way.”]
That's a joke. Right?
When has the police EVER been reliable? In ANY show?
Any show that isn't police-centric?
[“This isn’t like you, Kai. Didn’t you lose your Elemental Powers once before? You got them back in the Never-Realm, right? Just by digging deep inside yourself?”]
We ARE addressing that.
First off, that's what you call a plot hole. Because that is NOT how Elementals work in this show.
Second, if we ARE going with the 'you just gotta believe' story, then is this supposed to tell me that Kai is depressed? That he's lost himself? That he's suffering lack of motivation and sense of identity?
Cause that does make sense.
That actually would be interesting of a story. It's not about the powers, it's about the identity. No one needs him anymore. Or at least, he FEELS like no one needs him anymore.
In the Never Realm, people needed him, and he was able to use his 'older brother mode' to cling to that purpose.
Who needs that now? Not Nya, she has a husband. Not Lloyd, he has a dad and a disgusting new friend who likes blood for face paint.
Not Skylor cause she can do everything you can do, and she can do it better.
Wow, I feel like I'm saying "Hate to break it to you Kai, but you ARE useless." That's so horrible for me to say. Now I feel bad. I actually feel bad for being snarky...
[He slurped down some more noodles to make his point.]
You know what, every time this man slurps, I'm slurping. If I have to suffer the noise so do you.
[“Skylor! The potstickers are less than puffy again!”]
Who says that?! That's like saying the cheese quesadilla has less cheese.
[“This conversation is not over.”]
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Oh Kai, you messed up. That's what you get for slurping.
AAAAAANNNNNNDD then he does it next paragraph.
There's FURRIES in this?!
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Thanks, I hate it.
[He stood up and faced the robbers. “Why don’t you bad bunnies hop back to whatever greasy garden you came from?”]
Wait, so he DOES help?
Writers, either he's helping or he's not. Pick one.
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Kai gets jumped by furries.
Not clickbait.
I’m shocked this isn’t a meme. And now I’m just gonna bully Kai for it.
Remember when Kai got jumped by furries?
[“He’s Kai, the Fi— I mean, Kai the Ninja!” one of the noodle customers yelled. The Rotten Rabbit eyed Kai. “A ninja? Really? He looks like a dude in a hoodie with noodle broth stains on it.”]
Wow, we are REALLY going hard on Kai have no purpose anymore.
In Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu, people were actually supportive, trying to help.
Here everyone's just mocking him.
You know what, I don't blame Kai anymore. They don't deserve your help. Ungrateful b*****ds.
[“Rotten Rabbits, Hop to it!” the main robber yelled. BAM!]
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Kai, the ninja who helped save the world 17 times, who forged the Golden Weapons, who obliterated the ice dragon, who weld and smashed the staff of elements, who crossed realms and lands non stop to save his two siblings,
Got his butt kicked by FURRIES.
Oh Kai, I am so sorry my boy. They did you so dirty.
[Skylor emerged from the kitchen, and her eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation.]
But this is the fourth time Skylor has seen this today.
"Ugh, just a normal day in my noodle shop. You couldn't stop with SLURP."
Girl gives Spiderverse Aunt May vibes.
[Water dripped from his hair and clothes as he scooped up the flopping fish and put them back in the tank.]
Even the fish are more useful than Kai. They didn't die.
[“I couldn’t even take care of a bunch of low-level goons. It’s hopeless! Without my Fire powers, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.”] [Skylor stared at Kai with a worried frown.]
Skylor be like:
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I don't know how much I'm gonna take him saying the same thing over and over again. Gonna be honest.
One minute I want to hug him, and the next minute I want to slap him.
[“In other news, villages on the outskirts of Ninjago are being terrorized by a gang of people known as Fire Fiends,” she said.]
Angry Kai stans who were upset about s11 and Crystalized.
[“These Fire Fiends—they worship a giant, flaming serpent!”]
How did I forget the Pyro Vipers existed? That was like such a big deal in those seasons.
[“Aspheera created Fire Fang after she stole my Elemental Powers,” Kai reminded her. “Fire Fang’s powers all come from me. All I have to do is find Fire Fang, and I can get my powers back!”]
Is this course correct for s11?
I don't like them doing the same arc again, but I do like the idea of giving Kai closure with this Serpentine species. Because in the show he... didn't. Zane robbed him.
Continued in Part 3>>
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butterpony100 · 1 year
Omg this is the most active my tumblr has been in months.
I should change the blog name to “aus that will never be finished” at this point
New au! Ninjago season 2 but we’re only half way through and I’m killing off Kai (again) :D
In a conflict with garmadon and his serpentine armies against the ninja while they try to take ninjago city, they actually get pretty close to getting Lloyd when Kai takes a shot for him. TLDR, he dies. And in the wake of that, the ninja get captured. All but Lloyd. Skip ahead a few months and Garm has taken over most of the surrounding cities and towns while entrapping the ninja in secret locations to counter their natural powers. Lloyd finally comes to a decision after training for months with nothing but scrolls that wu left behind (btw like right when the ninja got captured, garm killed wu.) Lloyd realized that for the sake of ninjago and for his family, his father had to be stopped. Permanently. Lloyd then goes around ninjago on a journey to free the other ninja. Zane would be held in a prison complex ontop of the golden forge volcano (the place where the golden weapons were forged or whatever). Nya is also being held there (she hasent awoken as the water ninja yet garm put her there figuring she inherited mayas powers) Jay would be held deep underground the mountain of a thousand steps, aka the original Constricti tomb, with his arms and legs encased in dirt and earth. Cole would be held in a glass container in the middle of the ocean underwater, only being brought to the surface once every few days to be given food. Despite several attempts to escape, none of the ninja have been able to break free. And so Lloyd comes in. Lloyd frees Zane and Nya first, then moving to get Cole (which is actually when Nya gets her powers a lot earlier than canon, most likely from pent up emotions from Yaknow, seeing her brother d i e) and then they grab jay. They all move to attack ninjago city and capture garmadon (Lloyd wasn’t set on killing him just yet) when they find something at the newly made front gates to the city. Right above the entry door, on a flag pole, is a bloodied red gi mask. This basically seals garms fate as death by son cause Lloyd is on a warpath now. Will I be telling you all what happened to his body? No. Why? Cause suspense
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toastingpencils37 · 9 months
🍀 and ✨ for Kaito please!
Thank you for the ask!! *Cue long rant ahead*
Ask game
Ok, so Kaito was actually originally a minifigure from Ninjago City Gardens by the same name:
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The main reason as to why was because due to his fit, and the accessories he carried (a phone and suitcase) he kind of looked like an assassin. And that would fit the plot of Season 4 of my AU.
Of course, at the beginning, as the figure, he was a normal human guy. Then he started changing in my mind, going from being a robot to being this weird creature who's purpose was to kill Eclipse Borns.
And then, at some point, this reached a breaking point, and I split Kaito into two different characters. So we still had regular assassin human Kaito in the AU, but we now also had this new shiny and silver Kaito that is not human whatsoever, whose purpose is to prevent Eclipse Borns from existing.
Then, of course, there's also the reasoning within the AU itself for why this guy was created, being all the shit Hazza D'ur did in the AU serving as the perfect catalyst for someone deciding to create him.
As stated above, since Kaito used to be a minifigure and not an OC, he just kept the name.
Plus now there can be the joke of them both having the same name and both having the job of killing people. (Even though OC Kaito also has the title of The Elemental Killer, but come on, not everyone, especially the people you're working with, are going to call you that)
Plus within that joke there could also be the joke of one of them (probably minifigure Kaito because OC Kaito probably wouldn't let that stand) nicknaming themselves Kai for ease, just for more confusion to come when Kai the red ninja is fighting them and someone yells at Kaito as Kai.
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celestial-jazzie · 17 days
hi :) I'm Jazzie (22), I'm autistic and ADHD, and I enjoy things more than a normal amount. I write a bunch of little stories around what the fixation wants.
I am also happy to take asks and requests :)
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My main fandoms, in no particular order are:
Stardew Valley
Disney's Descendants
Star Wars (see my Star Wars blog @goldleader-eb43 for all things 'Everything Upward' particularly)
select Marvel content (GotG and Spider-Man mostly)
Disney's Haunted Mansion
Assorted anime (jjk, demon slayer, hxh)
If you are a minor please do not interact with my adult content, or privately with me.
I won't post whole fics on Tumblr, just excerpts and concepts, but you can find me on Wattpad and AO3 where my whole fics will be posted. You can also find me and many fic playlists on my Spotify. Below is a masterlist of everything I've posted, here and elsewhere...
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Full Works
My Masterlist for oneshots and smaller works is here!
(List frequently under construction)
Everything Upward (Star Wars)
In which a hopeful pilot is faced with her wildest dreams and darkest nightmares faster than life itself. More on this can be found on my other blog @goldleader-eb43
Wattpad | AO3
Tales of Auradon (Descendants)
After Mal almost chose to return to the Isle of the Lost, King Ben noticed the flaw in his system. Working with Neverland Academy and Camelot Heights, his aim to invite the children of villains off the Isle of the Lost turns true to giving them a place to call home. Change however, is rarely a straight and simple course. These ten stories follow the happily ever afters of citizens of the United States of Auradon, new and old. (Plotted and set prior to Rise of Red.)
Wattpad | AO3
Perfect Storms (1) | Captain's Orders (2) | Fragile Curiosity (3) | Spring's Blooms (4) | Against The Tide (5) | I am a Lost Boy (6) | Wildflower (7) | Privateers (8) | Death's Daughter (9) | Mercator Starlight (10)
With Love, Juliet (Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man, cartoons)
A change in circumstance sends England-born Juliet Evans to New York to finish her high school education, but in a city of superheroes comes high house insurance prices, high stakes, and a high chance of danger. (In which we get some potentially-funny cartoon style chapters about the Spidey crew. Nothing here is too serious, I am simply here for the vibes.)
Wattpad | AO3
[Coming soon...] (Ninjago)
I honestly don't have a name for this series yet but uhhhh
Rock Steady//Get Up!
Left in Embers//Out of Ashes
Laws of e(Motion)//Synesthete//Potential Dividers
Popular With A Capital P
Grass is Greener
Turning Tides
My Way (Disney's Haunted Mansion)
Upon waking in an unfamiliar house, and no idea of who she is let alone where, Esme is presented with a choice. Accept ignorance to who she was and live a new afterlife in Gracey Manor, or discover her past life and recover her memories by figuring out how she died. Her journey of self discovery uncovers the truth about her premature death, changing the lives of everyone she left behind for good. (Undergoing rewrites)
Wattpad | AO3
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new-ninjago · 2 years
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if you were sick, she’d pamper you.
nya would go from training intensely each morning followed by patrol duty in ninjago city to staying at your bedside, alert at your every movement.
she’d refuse to leave despite the insistence of anyone who asks her to, and would truly only listen to those words if they came from you, specifically.
the other ninja would start to seek you out due to this, requesting for you to speak to the water elemental master about her behavior ( it would be kai first, being the worried older brother he is ).
“could you please speak to nya? she won’t listen to anyone else but i’m sure you can talk some sense into her.”
and so you do ー gently urging her to look after herself more, because there’d be no point in you getting better if she was going to be too worn out when it happened.
she’d relent after that. eating more, sleeping more, and wouldn’t pass on patrols as much, which’d relieve everyone.
if wu or pixal wasn’t taking care of you, then it was nya.
changing your towelette, adjusting your pillows, tucking you in; nya’s doing it all. albeit clumsily ( such as giving you cold soup, giving you so many pillows your back was too upright, etc. ), but she’s taking care of you with such earnest that you can’t bring yourself to laugh at her actions.
instead, it fills you with warmth that she’s trying so hard.
she attempts to keep that courage alive, telling you that you would get better soon and speaking of all the fun dates the two of you would go on after the said recovery.
and her words truly do end up giving you hope.
she also would keep you up-to-date with things going on, mainly filling you in one the more funnier and light-hearted events ( and if you noticed, you didn’t mention it ).
“during patrol, some guy tried to rob the store right across from the police station! i mean, he was just asking to be caught.” “cole, kai, and jay bought zane a new apron a couple of days ago and he refuses to take it off now. and get this ー it’s pink!” “did you know sensei wu’s beard moves when he snores?” ( you both laugh at that, and nya feels happy that she can still make you smile )
sometimes, you’d wake up to her asleep in a chair, a blanket settled over her ( in which a certain sensei had done that ).
other nights you’d spend alone, but nya would make sure to leave a note with something sweet written on it followed by a smiley face.
and in the end, when your illness has lifted ー she’s exuberant.
“[name]! what’re you doing upー” she pauses, looking you up and down before tackling you into one of the most nicest embraces you’d ever been in. 
whether you’re taller or shorter or simply the same height as her, it doesn’t matter because she’s spinning you around; and refuses to let go.
all the worry has left her and she’s practically beaming. if you happen to see tears gathering in the corner of her eyes, then you simply wipe them away.
that whole day and the next and the one after that is spent on the two of you having those dates she promised.
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
The Beginning of Heatstroke, aka Red's Villain Origin
* crashes down from the ceiling * I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED ONE OF MY 5+ CURRENT WRITING PROJECTS! BEHOLD, A WRITTEN VERSION OF THE 'Red's Villain Origin AU', also known as RVO / Heatstroke AU
To summarize the AU for SPBNR for those that don't now it: 
“Who'd be the biggest conspiracy theorist out of the M!Ninja? The one who drinks 5 hour energy at 3am and spits off the craziest theories and then actually gets it right but nobody gives the theory any merit because the rest of the theories are too crazy?”
The answer: Red / M!Kai
Red: Okay hear me out: Smith is actually an alternative version of one of us sent here from another dimension.
The other M!Ninja: You’re just saying that because Smith’s cool and you want him to be your counterpart
Based on the M!ninja making red cork boards trying to figure out ‘What Is Up With Smith’: Red gets increasingly accurate and nobody will believe him (all pre shogun reveal) and he eventually snaps and takes up a secret villain persona to fight Shogun like 'if they won't believe me I'll do it myself' and it gets awkward when he accidentally does too much damage and catches not only Shogun's attention like planned, but also the rest of the Ninjaforce, and now he has to keep his own identity a secret
So, without further ado, I present... Heatstroke
Red blamed the 5-hour energy coffee blend at 3:00am for this.
It was no surprise that between ‘Operation: What’s Going on with Smith’ & the sudden appearance of Shogun that the resident Bounty red-stringed ‘joke’ cork-board doubled in size and seriousness. It also was no surprise that Red had a corner all to himself and that his theories were… in the words of the others, ‘wildly inaccurate and implausible’.
But this time, he was sure he’d gotten it right.
Smith is Shogun sent here from another continent/planet/dimension with the goal of protecting Ninjago City.
The latest string of laughs and scoffs at his theory was the last straw. He’d show them. He’d prove it!
Which was why he was currently standing on the roof of a noodle house, awkwardly adjusting the spare motorcycle helmet he’d ‘borrowed’ from Nya and painted black and orangey-yellow (red had seemed too obvious). He’d exchanged his Ninjaforce outfit for a soot-burned cross between a bomber jacket and a leather jacket. Down his back jutted a row of flames like the spines of a monster, courtesy of one of Nya & Jay’s unfinished inventions Red had modified- surely nothing bad would come of that!
For tonight, the Red Ninja was off-duty. For tonight, it was Heatstroke’s turn.
He fiddled with one of the weapons he’d ‘lent out’ from Master Wu. It resembled a small arm canon, like a smaller version of the Ultimate Weapon. The plaque under its post had read ‘Elemental Focuser’, which, in cryptic Wu speak, probably translated to ‘you can use an elemental power like something out of Avatar: The Last Airbender’. So far he’d only figured out how to activate a focused jet of fire. Well, at least it was on brand. He hoped it would help him catch Shogun’s attention so he could unmask him.
He’d tried confronting Smith at school, of course. But there were only so many ways of saying ‘are you the new vigilante helping the ninjas’, and Smith has a genuine talent for dancing around the topic. Red could confront him with the name Shogun to get a proper reaction, but that would mean explaining how he knew the name and outing himself as the Red Ninja.
So fake villainy really was the only way.
His plan was to use the Elemental Focuser to cause some minor petty damage, just enough to attract the new vigilante. Perhaps set a trash can on fire, block an alleyway with rocks (if he figured out how to change the setting from fire to earth), small things that could easily be repaired.
Of course, plans were never actually stuck to. One way or another, something was always improvised.
Red’s improvisation just happened to involve him accidentally setting the entire alleyway on fire.
He’d only been aiming for one dumpster, honest! And maybe he’d spotted a couple fliers for a SoG meeting on the ground and happened to burn those too. And a newspaper article blaming Lloyd for the recent Garmadon attack, again. And an article about those ‘Damn Ninja Menaces’ by a S. Sonah Sameson. And-
Okay, so maybe Red had aimed the fire at a few small targets. But just a few! And with good reason and good care, but…
Well, fire liked to burn. Give it enough kindle and it’ll continue to grow, stretching like reaching branches towards each other to join in a massive bonfire. 
So now the entire alleyway was on fire, and Red was panicking. 
He’d luckily chosen an abandoned part of town near the beaches where Shogun sightings seemed most frequent, but with the stupid Elemental Focuser not switching from fire mode to water mode or ice mode or something that didn’t have the potential to burn Ninjago City to the ground, Red had no way of stopping the flames.
And more flames meant more destruction which meant a bigger audience.
Which was why his previously muted comm suddenly flared to life, the only warning Red had before Nya’s water strider mech slid around the corner.
Red scrambled onto a roof as the mech drove past, spraying water at the bonfire to dose it. His sigh of relief was just as quickly dosed as Lloyd’s voice came over the comms; “Status, Grey?”
“Flames are out,” Nya replied. “Pursing the joker that set it ablaze.”
Uh oh. Red took off across the roof, leaping from building to building. Tiles creaked, pebbled and dust scattering underfoot. The sounds of the mech’s engine roaring behind him echoed through alleyways below to create the illusion the mech was everywhere at once. 
As the chase grew on, more mechs started to join in. Red ducked into a narrow avenue to avoid Zane’s tank, then under a cafe overhang to throw off Jay and Lloyd. His heart hammered in his chest and he groaned, filling the inside of the motorcycle helmet with steam. Saying this was going ‘bad’ would be the understatement of the century. 
What had he been thinking? Oh wait: he hadn’t. Seriously? ‘Oh I’ll just pretend to be a villain real quick, that should get Shogun’s attention and not the attention of literally my entire team of fellow ninjas!’ Stupid, impulsive, this was why everyone was always calling the red ninja the ‘hothead’ when he really tried not to be- Lloyd’s voice over the comms snapped him from his thoughts. “I can’t catch them! It’s like they know our every move!”
Red winced as he climbed up a banister and leapt from balcony to balcony. Sorry, Lloyd. 
He didn’t miss how the others asked Nya where Red was. And how she made up excuses the others bought so easily- granted, he’d told those excuses to his sister before setting his plan into motion, but still, ouch. They acted like he was simply being at best too busy and at worst lazy and selfish.
He just wanted them to know the truth! Why couldn’t they at least try to believe him when-
Of course, that was when Shogun dropped out of the sky and tackled him.
Red shouted with surprise as he tumbled down from the second floor, slamming into a few softer bags of garbage to break his fall before rolling and slamming into the unforgiving concrete. A crack formed in his vision as the visor of his motorbike helmet smacked into the concrete ground. One of the fire jets on his back sputtered and sparked, sending a thin wisp of smoke into the air.
Shogun pinned his wrists to the ground and growled. “Who are you?”
Red tried to break free, agony turning his muscles and bones to fire with the movement after his fall, but the vigilante was too strong. Damn, how often did this guy train?
“Who am I?” Red said, a nervous tinge to his voice. He quickly smoothed it over with faked confidence. “Who are you? Who are all of us, really?”
Shogun narrowed his eyes behind his hood. “Did Garmadon send you? Or someone else?”
Red sputtered. Really, the nerve! Garmadon? The thought turned his insides to disgusting mud. “Nobody sent me!”
“Then why are you here?” Shogun spat.
“Why am I here?” Why was he here again? Oh right, the bright idea on how to reveal that Shogun was Smith. “It’s, uh… a valid reason! That I don’t have to tell you!” He tried for a villainous laugh. Stay in character, don’t blow your cover, you got this!
Shogun was unimpressed. “Nearly burning down my home was a valid reason?”
“Well, I wasn’t trying to set everything on- wait, WHAT?” Uh oh. “You LIVE here?”
Now it was Shogun’s turn to look uncomfortable, though the expression was quickly wiped from his face. “Nothing wrong with this district.” 
Red nodded. “‘Course not. Uh, sorry about that… wasn’t my intention, I swear.”
Shoot, he could hear Jay’s jet getting closer. He had to get out of here, but Shogun, annoyingly, didn’t seem to be in the mood to simply let him go. “Then what is your intention?”
“Well, for starters, it’s getting out of here. This really isn’t going to plan and I’d rather just be home right now, or even inventing a time machine like in that book ‘Hands of Time’ to slap my past self in the face for even thinking about this stupid idea in the first place-“
Jay wasn’t the only one that could ramble under pressure, it seemed.
Shogun leaned closer. “What idea?”
Red shrugged as best he could with how he was pinned to the ground. “Well, for starters, I just wanted to prove to my friends that you’re Smith, and things just kinda escalated from-”
The words were out of his mouth before he realized what he said. 
Shogun lurched back, letting go of him. His eyes betrayed a kaleidoscope of emotions; surprise, worry, suspicious, hurt, fear, realization. 
Well, f!ck.
Red was about to badly attempt to bullsh!t his way out of his identity reveal before it suddenly dawned on him that Shogun had not denied his theory. 
Which meant Shogun was Smith.
And it also meant Smith instantly recognized him as Kai, which, considering his disguise, was aptly concerning. Sure, he was the first one in his group of friends people would think to do something this extreme but give him some credit! Zane was a regular detective, he’d do the same if it meant answers! Or, well, at least something similar. And Nya could be an adrenaline seeker. And Lloyd- well, maybe not Lloyd. Or Jay, either. Cole had his head just enough on his shoulders that he probably wouldn’t do this either.
But come on, instantly guessing it?
Well, at least Smith/Shogun didn’t know Kai was the Red Ninja. That would be a catastrophe.
Right. Back to the current catastrophe at hand.
Shogun- Smith- still had a look as if he’d been slapped, and Red hated it. He hadn’t meant to hurt his friend. Shogun… Shogun hadn’t wanted them to find out his identity. And then Red had gone and done it, just to prove that he could be the smart one, or a leader, or the protector so they didn’t get hurt, or literally anything but just the ‘hotheaded one’. 
…And he’d done it in the most hotheaded, impulsive way possible.
He really was an idiot.
The cracked helmet hid the look on his face, a twisted mess of distraught and shame. But it didn’t help hide how he took stumbled to his feet and away from Smith, nervous that any second he’d spill another mistake and mess up again, like how he always freaking messed up on everything. Don’t pick this fight, interject there instead, no, not there, idiot, there, FMS why are you so useless-
Focus, focus.
Lloyd’s voice, sharp in the intercom and full of static from his tumble, snapped him from his thoughts. “Anyone got eyes on the arsonist?”
Red caught Smith’s eye as he raised his hand to his own communicator. He was so screwed, so busted, so doomed… Smith would report it, and the others would know, and they’d think he was just messing around in an alleyway with some stolen devices and weapons out of curiosity or rage, - and-
“None yet, still looking.”
Smith stared at him, gaze searching. He looked shaken, more so than Red- who’d just taken a fall from a second story, mind you, it was a miracle he wasn’t more injured than a couple small scrapes and some future bruises-, yet everything from the set of his jaw to the softening of his furrowed brows suggested a change in emotions. Well, not quite change; more like repress and replace.
“You wanted to prove yourself, didn’t you.”
Red flushed, hand instinctually clamping into a tight fist at his side. The still-working fire jets on his back ignited without him pressing any buttons; faulty activation from the fall or something. 
Palms up and hands raised, Smith silently asked to defuse the situation. “Didn’t mean it as an insult. This wasn’t about venting some anger, was it.”
Red’s lack of response only confirmed it. Smith continued. “I won’t say anything about this if you don’t tell anyone my identity. Deal? I know finding it out was important to you, but-“
“Deal,” Red interrupted. Guilt ate away at his core, like a wave of water dousing a candle. “Smith, I-“ He swallowed hard and stared at the alley floor. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… to…”
Smith’s hand was suddenly on his shoulder and he flinched before relaxing as Smith didn’t move further, nor did the grip tighten. “I’m a little hurt, you’re right. But I’m not mad. And I won’t tell the others, so you can relax. But you better get out of here and get yourself an alibi. We can talk at school or something.”
Wow, he was handling this rather calmly. Red was struck by the sudden memory of- what did Jay call the word? Right. Compartmentalizing. That… wasn’t healthy. But at the roar of Lloyd’s mech somewhere nearby, he didn’t comment further. Instead, he shot Smith a grateful nod and ran down the alley, sticking to the shadows and blind spots of the flying mechs and the tight alleyways where the land mechs couldn’t reach him. 
When he got home, miraculously without further incident (though Shogun leading the others on a wild goose chase over the comms certainly helped there), he ditched the outfit in a bag hidden beneath a loose floorboard in the shed. He’d return the weapon to Master Wu’s ship later, and… well, hope Nya never searched for the missing supplies. There wasn’t a way of fixing it without involving her or Jay, and neither was an option.
Heatstroke was back off duty, and so was the Red Ninja.
For now, he could just be Kai Smith. And there wasn’t any issue with that.
and ah yes, good ol trauma and compartmentalizing, we love to see it
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