#also this is a first pass and changes can be made any future drawings and stuff
kineticallyanywhere · 2 years
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so I spent like 2 weeks binging @gh0xttherebel's RWBY reactions on youtube [playlist HERE]. I've watched quite a few RWBY reactors and his are hands DOWN the most fun, they have their own subplots please watch them [here's the link again]
and his RWBY character is super cool. I added the silver eyes myself but if he's Maria's grandson, odds are good, right?
anyway gh0xt thank you for all your editing work and sharing your enthusiasm with us please have a wonderful volume 9 I'm gonna go drink some water
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nikkeora · 1 year
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For All the Mary Janes
summary; 'in every other universe, gwen stacy falls for spider-man. and in every other universe, it doesn’t end well'. what about the mary janes, then?
or, in which you're the mary jane to miles's spider-man
pairing(s); e-1610! Miles Morales x reader, e-42! Miles Morales x reader
warning(s); i didn’t have any specific gender or race for r in mind while writing, but rio calls r ‘mija’ once and i think that’s ab it
maybe some incorrect usage of Spanish? Spanish speakers who can respond to my weird questions pls hmu
maybe ooc but it’s been in my drafts so long i just wanted to get it out tbh
implied/mentioned parental issues with reader, not proofread, written (mostly) at ao3 hours
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You and Miles were always joined at the hip. Your parents knew each other well, so your families were together a lot. Mr. and Mrs. Morales saw you like their own daughter, often joking that you and Miles would be engaged when you got older with the way he could never leave you alone.
At least, up till around two years ago.
You and Miles started to grow apart when you got into Visions Academy. He thought it was a stupid school full of stuck-up rich kids who only cared about making connections that would help them along further down the line. You thought it was a good school that had a good track record of producing students that had a lot of success in what they wanted to do.
Some things were said the day before your transfer.
Since then, the two of you rarely texted or called. Mrs. Morales would often come by for coffee with your mom, tell you about how her son was doing and gush over 'how much you've grown' from last Tuesday, but that was about the only way you knew the vague outline of what he was up to.
You'd admit you felt lonely for a while. After all, Miles had been your best friend ever since you could remember. But you also weren't going to go running to him after everything he'd said.
I mean, was it really that bad to want a good future?
Soon enough though, you felt like yourself again. You met new people, made new contacts, and actual friends. Because contrary to popular belief, the people there weren't all mini business men and heartless CEOs in the making. They were just kids, after all.
And then, Miles won the draw. Just a few weeks before the start of the new semester, your parents mentioned that he'd be going to your school from now on in passing.
You didn't think much of it at first. I mean, everyone has that one childhood friend that they fell apart with, right? For the first week or so, you didn't even see his face much. In fact, you didn't see him at all, not even a glimpse in the halls.
That was about to change drastically.
Short story shorter, you caught a glimpse of him walking on the side of the school with pigeons stuck to his hands. A month or two later, Spider-Man climbed through your dorm window, ripping off his mask and ranting about some villain of the week.
"I couldn't even catch the guy-"
"...You're not Ganke."
The two of you made up that night. He apologized, admitting he was being unfair and was upset that you were leaving his school. It didn't exactly clear everything, but it was a start. The two of you caught each other up on everything they had missed. In the end, the sun was about to come up and the both of you realized you hadn't gotten a minute of sleep on a school night.
From then on, the two of you get closer again. He went to you for the occasional rant or patch up, and he actively sought you out in school now, relieved to see a familiar face in the halls. Gradually, you got close to the point you'd call him one of your best friends and vice versa after around a year of radio static.
Everything was great. He was cute, funny - in an awkward way, but hey, he made you laugh - he looked out for you, and when he talked to you he did this cute little thing where he would play with the strings of his hoodie which he somehow always managed to layer on with like two other jackets and—
Oh yeah, did we mention the crush you had on him?
Because there was one.
Big huge one, right here. Materialized out of thin air looks like.
Which should have been fine. You were perfectly capable of hiding a crush. I mean, come on, it's high school. You would've been eaten alive if you couldn't.
Normally, you would even be confident that you could make your crush like you back. I mean, why wouldn't he?
Two words. One person.
Gwen Stacy.
It was like he could never go even one conversation without mentioning her.
Slight exaggeration? Maybe. Maybe not.
"Oh yeah, that's cool! Y'know, Gwen told me one time that—"
"You got an A, I knew you could do it! I told you so. Did you know Gwen got A's in—"
"Oh hey, you got your hair cut! Reminds me of that time when me and Gwen—"
At first, it was bearable. Sure, she came up annoyingly often whenever you talked, but she had just left this dimension, never to be seen again. Of course he was gonna miss her.
You laughed at all his stories, listened to every one even though he told the same six or seven ones over and over again. You even grew to like Gwen, as if you'd known her for the short amount of time Miles did, too.
But then two months passed. Then six. Then a whole year. Before you knew it, a year and four months had passed since the departure of Gwen Stacy.
And he still. Wouldn't. Shut. Up.
You had tried to understand. You really did.
But you can only hear the same damn jokes so many times before you get a migraine.
Pick any story. You could list off every variation of how Miles would tell it off the top of your head.
Gwen Stacy became the daughter of one of your mom’s friends, so to speak. That one girl in the neighborhood you couldn’t help but envy.
And worst of all, it was like he wished you were her.
Whenever you did something, he would tell you how Gwen could do it better. He would ask you whether or not you thought Gwen would like certain trinkets he found around town, and kept a collection of them in one of his drawers so he could give them to her one day. He was even studying quantum physics instead of art so that he could make his own multiversal gateway - a safe one, so that he could unlock the multiverse, possibly for good.
It hurt when he zoned out while you were telling him about you, thinking about her; your day, what you wanted to study, how your parents were fighting a lot again lately and you were struggling because of it, how you'd joined a new band—
"A band, huh?" Miles suddenly perked up, finally looking up from his sketchbook. "Did I tell you Gwen's in a band? It's called the Mary Janes—"
"Miles would you please stop?"
A pause, both of you mildly surprised at how you'd snapped at him.
The two of you were at your dorm, seated side-by-side on the bed with your legs folded in front of you. It was Friday, the day before Mr. Morales’s pre signing-in party.
The boy looked at you, a questioning look on his face. "What's wrong?"
And that tilt with his head - he really didn't know, did he? You couldn't decide if that was better or worse.
"Miles, I know Gwen's in a band," He tried to say something, but you didn't let him speak before you continued. "I know she's a drummer, I know she does ballet, I know she had to shave half of her head because you couldn't control your powers - hell, the whole school knows that—"
"C’mon, don’t bring that up—"
"—I know every single story she told you while she was here, and I know every single detail of what you two did and how you did it. And I know she does everything I can do and she does it better. I’m tired of hearing it, Miles." His eyebrows furrowed, a slightly hurt look flashing across his face. "I’m sorry you miss her and I’m sorry she’s gone, but I just can’t be around you if all you’re gonna do is compare me to her."
A moment of silence settled in the air. You hoped Miles would understand. Surely, he’d see how tedious this was getting.
"All I’m asking is for you to tone it down."
Another beat passes without a word from the boy. He’s looking into your eyes, but it doesn’t seem like he’s all there. Like there’s a world past your irises that he’s seeing for the first time.
"I- I’m sorry, y/n, I can’t do that." Miles finally says, his gaze turning away from yours and to the sketch he’d been working on for the last hour. You glanced down at it as well, the bright blue eyes of the one and only Gwen Stacy meeting yours.
"You’re the only one I can talk to on this," he said quietly, softly closing the sketchbook and tapping a finger nervously on the cover.
"Ganke’s fine, he’s great, he’s just.. not someone I can go to for these things."
You took a deep breath, the guilt of having to tell him ‘no’ building up in your chest. You knew his relationship with his parents were complicated at the moment, and he didn’t really have friends outside of you and Ganke. But still.. it was like he wasn’t at all interested in what was going on in your life ever since your initial reconnection.
It wasn’t like you expected a complete 50:50 give-and-take in relationships, but honestly you felt like you were talking to a robot with very limited audio cues.
"Miles, you don’t listen to me anymore. The only time you actually respond to anything I say is when it’s something even remotely related to Gwen."
"That’s not true!" Miles protested. You watched as he tried to find something to argue his point, only to come up empty. His shoulders sagged a little.
"But you gotta understand, Gwen - I’m not gonna see her again, at least until I figure out.. everything." He said in a quiet voice. "I need to talk to someone. Can’t you understand?”
"I’m not trying to shut everything down, I’m just asking you to pay attention to me every once in a while." You sighed. "And if you’e not willing to do that… do you even think of me as a friend?"
Miles left your dorm not long after that little talk, sneaking out the same way he snuck in; through the window. You dug your nails into your palms, breathing in and out in a steady rhythm to push down any sadness you may have felt. It was the second time you and Miles had grown apart, this time maybe your fault a little more than his. It felt like it, anyway.
Still, you felt like you’d done the right thing.
You hoped so, anyway.
It was an hour before Jeff Morales’s technically-not-captain-yet-but-will-be-soon celebration. Your dad and yourself had come early to prepare everything and set up all the decorations. Your mom apparently ‘couldn’t make it’. It was the third time in the last two weeks she cancelled on plans that your dad was involved in.
You stacked red plastic cups on one of the tables, a cooler full of ice and two-litre soda bottles to your left. Miles’s parents had insisted they didn’t need any help, but your dad had insisted right on back that the two of you wanted to. You didn’t mind. You’d cleared your evening for the event anyway, so it’s not like you had anything better to do.
The one thing that made you kind of regret coming was your lack of a jacket. It’d been really sunny in the morning, so you’d figured it would be a warm night. A breeze picked up and sent a light chill through your body, causing you to just barely shiver.
"Mija," Mrs. Morales called, coming up from behind you and laying a hand on your shoulder. "You’re freezing."
"Oh, I’m fine, mama," you replied, smiling at her. She gave you a look that said ‘we both know that isn’t true’.
"Miles might have something in his room," she suggested, "I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you borrowed one of his clothes."
You thanked her but refused, claiming it might get warmer once the guests started to arrive and the party was at full swing. She must have noticed something was off when she mentioned Miles, because she raised an eyebrow and shook her head lightly before asking,
"What did he do now?"
Either you’re really bad at hiding things from her or her motherly sixth-sense worked on you too. You hesitated, but decided it wouldn’t hurt to tell her. After all, Rio had always been like a mom to you.
"We had a fight - if you can even call it that, anyway, about a girl," you said, fiddling with a plastic cup. "We’re not on real good terms right now, I don’t think…"
Rio looked slightly surprised for a moment, then something seemed to click into place. She sighed and put her hands on your cheeks. "He’s a little bit slow," she said, giving you a sympathetic smile. "But he’ll get there. Eventually."
She then squished your face before immediately letting go, making you laugh. "Now go get yourself a jacket. I don’t want my only daughter to freeze to death."
You held your hands up in surrender as she pointed to the stairs, swiftly making your way down to the Moraleses’ flat. You had a spare key that Miles’s parents had given you a long while ago, when your parents used to have full on screaming matches in the middle of the living room every other day.
Within a couple minutes you’d grabbed one of the dozen coats, hoodies and jackets strewn about Miles’s closet, pulling the soft material over your shoulders as you took a glance around his room. Everything was about the same as you’d seen two or three weeks ago, save for a few new stickers laid about the desk.
There was an all-too-familiar sketchbook on the bed, one similar to what Miles had been scribbling in last night in your dorm, just in a different color. This one looked a bit more used, so you supposed he’d gotten it and packed it full of Gwen Stacy just after she left this reality. The thought put a bitter taste on your tongue.
A half an hour into the party, Miles still hadn’t showed up. He was supposed to be here at least twenty minutes ago, and you could tell his parents were getting both worried and annoyed. Rio asked around for her son as Jeff chatted with some colleagues. Suddenly, an auntie shoved a mic into Mrs. Morales’s hand, drawing everybody’s attention to her by clinking her glass. Jeff looked away in what could only be described as complete horror.
"Um, hi…"
You grinned as she continued with embarrassing stories about her husband, from little anecdotes from when they were dating to how he was almost 10lbs as a baby. It was then that Mr. Morales jumped in, quickly taking the mic away from her and giving his own speech.
"—And to my son…"
You grimaced as he raised his cup, looking around for someone who wasn’t there. The two of you met eyes instead, and you shook your head to tell him he hadn’t showed with an apologetic look. He turned to his wife, only for her to do the same. He cleared his throat before continuing.
"…The reason I do any of this in the first place. So.. I love you Miles."
Afterwards, the DJ put the records on again. People are talking, laughing, congratulating, creating a warm, buzzing atmosphere. You’re dragged away by a few little kids to play with them over by a small cluster of barrels, which they’ve decided is their ‘lair’. You play make believe with them for a little while as their parents stand a bit away with your own dad, occasionally glancing over at you to make sure the kids are behaving.
It’s then that Miles finally shows up, pushing the door open with two boxes in his arms. You follow him through your peripheral vision as he tries to avoid his parents, ultimately failing. You’re not sure what they’re saying, but it doesn’t seem to be going that well. He shows them the contents of his boxes, which doesn’t seem to impress them too much.
After a couple more words, Mr. Morales raises his voice, the DJ trying to divert people’s attention away by upping the volume but ultimately giving up.
"What do you got to tell me so bad?"
"You know what? Never mind."
Miles walked away, pulling his hood up as his dad yelled after him about him being grounded for two months. Must’ve been really bad, huh?
You waited for the music to come back on before you made your way to the exit, ruffling one of the little kids’ hair as he skittered away with his sister. You’re just going to check on him for a minute, just to see if he’s okay. You can do that… right? I mean sure, it might be awkward since things had ended like that last night, but still.
No one else was going to.
You let yourself into the flat once again, approaching Mile’s room with soft footsteps. You’re just outside the door when—
"Are these your drawings?"
You stop dead in your tracks. Your heart freezes right along with you. For a moment, you felt like a deer in headlights.
A feeling crawls its way under your skin, cold and slippery. You don’t know how you know, but you’re absolutely positive.
"Missed you too."
Gwen Stacy.
You’re on your way home, your hands rubbing up and down your arms to try to warm yourself up during the walk. You lived a little while away from Miles’s place, but it’s nothing you can’t walk.
You’d left the jacket on the Morales’ couch, turning on your heel and leaving the moment you heard her voice.
Damn it.
When had she gotten back? How had she gotten back? What was Miles’s reaction?
What were they doing now?
…Did you really want to know?
As your brain clouded over with questions, you took a wrong turn. Maybe two. Or three. Honestly, you didn’t know. Once you realized that this definitely wasn’t your neighborhood, you stopped yourself mid-step, looking around to see if anything was familiar at all.
Your eyes settled on a building, as there really wasn’t anything other than that around here other than some roads and bridges. One of the windows were glowing.
Then the whole structure began to rumble.
The ground beneath your feet started to turn… black…?
You fell.
Not for too long, but you did.
You dropped around six feet onto hard concrete, twisting your ankle in the process. You cried out in pain and surprise.
"What the—?"
You looked up at that. You knew that voice.
Except, you didn’t.
The first thing you noticed is that this definitely was not the place you were in before. This place was more narrow, more dark. Light rain pattered on your skin as your hands supported your sitting position, wondering what the hell was going on.
The person who’d said your name was at the entrance to the alley you’d been.. teleported? to.
They took hesitant steps over to you, and, for some reason, you didn’t feel scared that this complete stranger had cornered you in a place you’d never even seen before.
Maybe the voice is what made you think it was alright.
Or maybe it was his face, which made your heart stop its primary function for the second time today.
But he wasn’t Miles. At least.. not your Miles. This one was skinnier, just a little shorter. His accent had more of a Spanish touch to it and, most of all, his hair was braided into two sections that reached just below his shoulders.
No. He was very much not your Miles Morales.
Nevertheless, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you. There was something in his eyes — regret? Happiness? Sadness? Anger? Confusion? Probably all of the above.
He got closer, and closer, and closer. Once he reached where you were half-laying, he crouched down and tilted his umbrella until it sheltered your body more than his.
"…Are you hurt?" He asked, giving you a once-over. You just nodded, still putting all the pieces together.
Had you—
Did you—?
The boy in front of you studied your face for a little while, but then ultimately shook his head and shrugged off his jacket, handing it over to you.
"Come on. It’s cold outside."
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dailyhatsune · 6 months
hi! not exactly a request but i do wanna ask, whats your process when you're rendering more paint like art? (if that makes sense, English isnt my first language so apologies hdskhsjdbd) i really love how you use the colors and im curious how you do it :0
i’ve been meaning to answer this one for a while so here’s how i painted miku in today’s post (put under the read more because yeah prepare for a long post
i’d also like to preface this by saying that i never follow a set way of doing things, so in terms of what my personal process is like, these are only broad strokes of what i do! sometimes i’ll combine or skip parts entirely, depending on how i feel. also, this is not a tutorial, just how i do things, so please don’t treat it like one :’D this will read like the ‘how to draw an owl’ picture if you do
first, like every artist, i sketch. more specifically, i’m getting an idea of what i want to paint later on. this could be how a scene is set up or in this case, how a character is posed. here i’m not concerned about details or getting everything perfectly, i’m only planning how the thing will be composed. maybe a lot of canvas size changing, or adjusting what miku’s doing (note how busted miku’s right hand looks from all the transforming!) however, i still have to be concerned with how clear the sketch will be to future me, because the sketch won’t be any good if i can’t read what miku’s doing
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after that, i lay down a flat gray under the sketch, mainly focusing on giving miku a clear silhouette. this is also a good time to make adjustments to the composition on the fly if i suddenly feel like something can be improved upon, like shortening miku’s left arm from the sketch!
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after painting a flat silhouette, i start shading in grayscale, focusing only on lighting. i usually do it in two passes, one for the lightest and darkest tones i’ll use (not black and white) and then a second for midtones to blend them better with the base gray but i forgot to screenshot the result of the first pass 🗿 nevertheless, here is where i can start adding some amount of details. i’m not including any extra accessories yet, just focusing on the base design of the outfit and the character herself (for anyone wanting to draw characters from That Gacha Game, this is how i personally make the process more bearable for myself.) i still use the dark gray to separate where certain details (like the facial features and fingers) begin and end, mainly to make colouring more bearable later.
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now here’s where i get the Good Colours. it’s a cheat lol. i put a gradient map layer over the grayscale painting so that there’s a little bit of color to start. some gradient maps can be applied as is, some need the layer settings adjusted to make it look good. this one, for example, is a (free) gradient map set from the csp assets store that needs you to set the layer opacity to 20% and to set the blending mode to color to achieve this result. in general, i tend to pick which gradient map i want to use based on vibes, or basically whether i want the work to be warmer or cooler, colour-wise. but this does do quite a bit of lifting for the colors in my stuff.
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and then, finally, i add the colours. i add flat base colours in an overlay layer. at this stage, i’ve made the character silhouette clear enough that i don’t need to refer to the sketch anymore for what miku looks like. also, the gradient map layer does its magic by making the shading a bit more vibrant than it would’ve been without it. after that i paint over with a new layer to add details like the lace.
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and then i put some extra shading on top. basically this is where the ‘better lighting’ happens. again, this isn’t a tutorial, so i’m not here to say what each part of the lighting is, but i’ve labeled which layers do which job. in other works where the lighting within a scene is more defined (from a window, from a small crack in the walls, etc) the glow dodge layer may be more opaque and sharper, but since this isn’t a work with that, the lighting was applied using an airbrush. the linear burn layer is also there to make the whole thing darker so the glow dodge doesn’t end up oversaturating miku. i also usually match the lights to the vibe i want, and use a complementary color for the shadows. so here you can see i have warm colors on the glow dodge layer, but light purple on both the linear burn and multiply layer.
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and that’s it for the character—here’s a gif showing how each layer adds to miku! (sorry it’s so toasty)
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as for the background, depending on the complexity, it may go through a similar process, or if i can settle with flat image backgrounds, i just go for that. it’s ok to use external image materials. i didn’t have a background in mind for this miku in specific, so i got some default csp materials and threw together something
and that’s about a rough overview of what my process for more finished works looks like! again, art is a fluid process so i never specifically stick to certain steps all the time, and you shouldn’t either. i can probably answer why i’d pick this colour over another in one particular work, but it’s something that kinda has to be learned on a grander scale. i think everyone can already feel what colors work with what atmosphere or what setting, even if they can’t immediately explain why. colors and composition do take some level of experimentation to find what works best!
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Any dad headcanons for the monster trio? (+ Law if you don’t mind)
(also love your writing btw!!)
A/N: I just seen a edit a while ago of Sanji being so good w kids n so I must— thank u btw!:) Imma add Cora because omg we need more writing with him:(
One Piece Men as Daddies (Fluff)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: None! Except the mommy (the reader) is kinda a menace.
Ft. Zoro, Luffy, Law, Sanji, Corazon
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Top 2 Best Dads and he ain’t number 2 fr
He spoils his kids more than you now I’m sorry :(
He doesn’t realize this and swears he loves you both equally
I can most definitely see him having a daughter as his first child and yes you and her are his Queen and Princess
His daughter is a simp just like his daddy
His daughter stresses him out so much because she loves drooling over every guy she sees omg
“Sweetheart she’s a baby she doesnt e—“
Sanji needs to throw all kinds of kicks when he is with his babygirl
God help him when she’s a teenager
He loves cuddling you both while watching Disney movies
He teaches his sweet girl the importance of how a man should treat her if she somehow gets one
“You can’t get married until you’re 25.”
“Sanji she’s just 3 right now.”
“Okay make it 30.”
Okay ngl when you were having the baby he made the mistake of looking down between your legs and the baby’s head was just barely peaking and he passed out.
He still has a bit of subtle nose bleeds when you were breast feeding too
He keeps mementos of every single thing his child has; drawings, fallen teeth, etc he keeps it in a box in his side of the closet
Due to his childhood he tends to worry he will turn into his biological father. He confided to you about this issue while you were pregnant and you nipped it in the bud and told him that he was and will never be like him and Zeff would be proud of the kinda man and future father he turned out to be
Both cried that night.
Also he is completely aware what happens to a woman’s body after pregnancy and will always remind you no matter how much your body changes he will still see you so beautiful.
He will be just like Zeff to his son. Teaching him the same way and all.
Zeff is the granddaddy btw. Sanji takes his kids to visit him often.
He usually takes the kid(s) off your hands for a day if he sees you feel stressed
100000000/10 daddy and yes he will be pumping more into you again if you’re up for it🤍
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Two Luffy’s running around in your home
Make it 3 because I can see him having twins
They stress you out sm.
Man didn’t have a clue in the world how to be a daddy. So he went to Rayleigh panicking KSSHSJJSS
He’s a very chill parent so you have to be the stern one and it sucks sometimes
Yes the kids like daddy more than you
Almost every night when Luffy is home he puts the twins to bed with telling them of all the stories he had with you when he was young
“And I met your mommy on a different island! She didn’t like me at first but now she’s in love with me! Heheheeh!”
Kids have the same shishishi laugh as him cracks you up each time they do it in sync
You made the mistake of leaving the three of them at home as you went to go shopping and came back to a wrecked home and the three of them eating meat on the floor
He tells them about Ace a lot.
He actually named one of the twins after him
Encourages them to be what they want in life even if they want to be a pirate
Sabo is ofc the nice uncle that comes barring gifts
Sanji and Zoro are the Goddfathers
9/10 daddy that still is learning to be a daddy
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It’s canon this man is amazing with kids so off bat he’s top 3.
Since he has so much experience he was really good with handling the baby when he was first born
At least 17 times during the time yall son was a baby he tried nursing from Zoro and he hated it sm he couldn’t even take a nap shirtless with him
“He Just Like me for real.”
The second the baby was able to walk he already wanted to train him into being a swordsman
He will most definitely kill for you both
You annoyed him so much during your pregnancy because you wanted to leave the house but he didn’t want you getting hurt
You’ve caught him training with your baby son swaddled on his chest (like that one filler episode of him babysitting) and you nearly choked him out because wtf is he swinging around a sword so close to y’all baby.
He did gain some weight too during your pregnancy but immediately shredded off after you poked his belly
He loves his son but as he got older he started to have beef KSSHSHSISK
His son is a mamas boy and so whenever Zoro wants to have alone time with you it’s like he had a 6th sense and barged in ruining the moment
It’s so funny seeing them argue over who gets to cuddle you for the night
He plans to give your son one of his old swords when he gets older if he decides to be a swordsman
Luffy is the Goddfather and Sanji is ofc the cool uncle that comes to visit
100000/10 Zoro is a wonderful daddy
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He is the strict dad
You both had a daughter and she annoys him a lot just like you did when you both were dating
“Imma get tatted like you daddy.”
“You’re 13.”
He was the one to deliver y’all baby
The doctor side of him popped out when you were pregnant he never let u leave the bedroom. He even bathed you a lot which in turn have had him have sex with you in the tub
“Orgasms can help soothe you as you’re pregnant, y/n.”
“…the hell you read that at.”
He talks about Cora to you and your baby while you both were were sleep after pregnancy.
When your daughter turned 21 you and her convinced Law to get the same matching tattoo as him on her hand and even though he acted like he was against it he was ecstatic
He has scared off so many of your daughter’s boyfriends pls
He took off the head of one because he kept staring at YOUR boobs
Law likes to study with his baby girl on his lap.
You’ve walked in on him sleep on his chair with the baby cuddled on top
120/10 Law is an outstanding responsible daddy
Corazon (Rosinante)
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Matching clothes
He’d have a daughter :( lil Rosie Aksbsjdksk
Yes he’s clumsy but he’d rather die than have you or his baby hurt
He didn’t stop smoking but he does only do it outside
You catch him doing stupid faces and stunts to make you’re daughter laugh when she’s sad and she eats it right tf up
Yes she is a daddy’s girl
He carries you both around with ease
If he notices you feeling insecure about your body post birth he’ll feel a tinge of guilt but smother you in kisses and appreciation about how he doesn’t care about how you look he still loves u sm
And if that doesn’t work he’ll just show you…naked…in the bed….
Sex he’ll show u with sex
Law is like the older brother and he may not act like it but he loves seeing Cora so happy with you and the baby
Scares tf outta you when he is outside throwing your 4 months old baby in the air tho
He uses some of his methods when he was raising Law to raise your baby
Gets so emotional when your daughter reaches out for him
“You’re her daddy, Cora of course she loves you.”
Just like Sanji saves every core memory he can of your baby daughter
Let’s her put on his makeup . It came out horribly but he proudly wore it the whole day
He needs to kiss you both before leaving or else he will have a terrible day
One time you and the baby surprised him with a cake just as a thank you for everything he has done for you and he fell off the chair crying
He cries a lot
Wants to have like 3 more babies with you
102$)43920292772200/10 best mf Daddy
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happygirl2oo2 · 11 months
Every reference I could find to Fitz's love of monkeys in Marvel's Agents of Shield, organized by episode numbers
According to this article, Fitz's love for monkeys comes from Iain de Caestecker's love for monkeys. The actor joked in season one about wanting a monkey sidekick for Fitz and it made it into the show's story. Fitz even has monkey figurines on his desk in early seasons.
season 1 episode 2:
FITZ: “I would love to see a capuchin in the wild. Maybe even a yellow-tailed woolly monkey. You know, um, Peru has 32 different species of monkey.”
season 1 episode 3:
FITZ: “If we had a monkey, we could get in.” SIMMONS: “Ugh, Fitz!” FITZ: “If we had a small monkey, he could slip through the sensors and disable the fence's power source with his adorable little hands.”
FITZ: “Did you hear the deadly lasers part? Without a brave monkey—”
season 1 episode 8: 
FITZ: “Still, this is definitely the type of work a monkey could easily do.” WARD: “You're our little monkey.”
season 1 episode 16:
MAY: “What's this?" FITZ: "Um, say you need to tag a fleeing vehicle... or a wild monkey, if it was to get away from you.”
season 1 episode 22:
SIMMONS: “That means that every bit of energy inside us, every particle" *breathes deeply* "will go on to be a part of something else, maybe live as a dragonfish, a microbe, maybe burn in a supernova 10 billion years from now. And every part of us now was once a part of some other thing ... a moon, a storm cloud, a mammoth.” FITZ, softly: “A monkey.” SIMMONS, also softly, accepting: “A monkey.”
season 2 episode 14:
Daisy: "Okay. But why am I suddenly feeling like old yeller right now?" Coulson: "Kind of surprised you know the reference." Daisy: "I've had a lot of downtime lately. That and Fitz really wants a dog." Coulson: "Thought he wanted a monkey." Daisy: "Guess he readjusted his expectations."
season 2 episode 16:
*When Fitz is packing up his stuff to leave, his three-monkeys statue is the first thing he's seen grabbing*
season 3 episode 21:
*When Fitz is getting ready for the broadcast with Talbot, he's making monkey noises as his vocals warm-up*
season 4 episode 3:
FITZ (counting his breath): “One chimpanzee, two chimpanzee. One chimpanzee, two chimpanzee.”
season 5 episode 5:
*Fitz is shown drawing monkeys on his cell's wall as a way to mark the passing of time while being there, instead of the regular line-markings that are usually used for that*
season 5 episode 16 (as Bobo is a common monkey name):
Jemma: "I was hoping you could tell me more about our future." Deke: "I mean, you saw it... It sucked." Jemma: "No, I mean Fitz and me. Do you recall any evidence of major injury, any noticeable scarring, perhaps?" Deke: "I don't remember you guys at all. I didn't even know your real names. Everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. changed them when they were getting hunted down. I just knew you as Nana and Bobo."
season 5 episode 21:
*when Simmons is packing up Fitz's things into the suitcase, his monkey statue from the earlier seasons can be seen among the things already in the suitcase*
season 6 episode 3:
SIMMONS: “Expecto Patronum! [a small hallucination of Fitz in a monkey suit appears on her straw] Hello, little monkey Fitz.”
season 6 episode 6:
*while in the memory of the night they first became friends, after Simmons tells Fitz she also remembers "how manic you were and thinking that genius is just a tick away from madness", the wall is seen suddenly covered in drawings of monkeys in the same way Fitz did to the wall in his cell in season 5 episode 5*
season 6 episode 8:
SIMMONS (about the events of s6ep3): "I saw you in a monkey outfit dancing." FITZ: "No, no, reverse on that bit, what do you mean you saw me in a monkey outfit dancing?"
season 7 episode 13:
*When Alya gets up from her bed in the pod to hug her mom, a few monkey dolls can be seen at the edge of her bed*
FITZ (about Alya): “This little monkey is punching me as hard as she can in the leg.”
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sawyer-is-eepy · 2 months
goodbye campfire fest!!
this has been so so much fun- i'm so happy i got to be able to be a part of this wonderful event with so many talented artists and writers- it's been so beautiful seeing everyone's interpretations and writing and i've loved seeing everyone come together to create something unique. being so excited to open tumblr everyday and see what people's contributions are has been the highlight of my days this week, and it's so cool to me that i can be a part of this for the first event, and even though it was a teensy bit stressful, i'm so glad i've been able to hit all the prompts.
i can't wait to see what people might post during late submissions!! gonna keep checking every day to see. I've found many new talented artists and writers I had never seen before through this event, you all are seriously so nice and have been so sweet to me and to each other, this event has made me so happy.
I can't wait to see more from all of you. happy fest and much love!
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some more doodles(base game and eote spoilers) + random sappy rambling (positive vent?) below cut
some other random doodles from this weekend <3
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yes I gave prisoner ears. I'm sorry I'm too much of a furry for this fandom aha
on a serious note, this fandom and this game have been my favorite thing about this year so far. Seriously, I was actually having a really tough couple months around the start of this year. I was dealing with a really really toxic friend in November and December and I was struggling to get over them. I was having a hard time letting go of my hurt and of the memory of them and our friendship- I was hurt and angry and I missed how great it was in the beginning. It was really tough for me, I didn't have any way to distract myself and I didn't have a way to let out my feelings. I felt stuck and trapped with a horrible memory and I didn't have the motivation to let it go. Then comes along this silly little game, that I remembered trying to play forever ago. I decided that I should probably try to play it again, and god it was the best decision I've ever made. This game, it has brought me so so much joy. I finally felt like I was able to let go and learn to move on and just enjoy the good memories while still remembering that they're in the past and while I can't change what happened, I can look forward to the future and hope. this game helped me cope with the grief, it helped me learn how to take care of myself and recover. It affected me so much in many ways, I will never ever forget it. This community has also brought me so much happiness, I've met so many wonderful and kind people, and I've became friends with some really cool people(one person in particular has been especially swaggers, you know who you are you weirdo /affectionate /plat). campfire fest has been great and I'm glad I got to be a part of it!! When I was thinking of what to draw for today, all I could think of was the immense amount of support I've received and given, and seen being passed around. So I figured it should be something to express that love!! Much love, and goodbye to campfire fest!! Can't wait to do this again next year <333
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
An unbearable fan (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**So I was requested this the other day and it's kind of funny huh? Me writing from the POV of a Madrid fan. Just in case you didn't know it was fiction, this is the definitive proof 😅 anyways, it’s just banter and a bit of angst and fluff for all of you to hopefully enjoy! ❤️**
Word count: 1238
There were downsides to any relationship and that included a relationship with a football player. All the travelling, all the emotions that went up and down depending on the result of that specific day…it could be a lot. But when the player didn't play for the team you loved with all your heart, things could get a bit messier.
Luckily for you, Rúben played in England. Your team played in the Spanish League. So the chances of him playing against Madrid were so small…but there still was a chance.
And so when Madrid beat Chelsea and City beat Bayern, it was time for a second semifinal in a row between your team and your boyfriend's. And you hated it.
For the first leg, the teams played at the Bernabéu. Being back there was special for you. And it helped you daydream about Rúben playing there in the future…but for the home team. A girl can dream.
The match ended in a draw and Rúben should have been given MOTM because he drove your attacking players insane. They don't call him "the wall" for nothing.
"Just 1-0 at home, and we're in the final".
"Yeah, good luck with that", you said, rolling your eyes. "My boys were just warming up yesterday. They saved all the magic for the Etihad".
"You lot are really into saving the magic for the last minute. It gets annoying, you know?"
"Not to us!", you shrugged.
The banter continued during the next week but what changed was the nerves you felt. Rúben being in the final was great but you couldn't just root against your team. They had already been in a similar position the previous season and it broke your heart. But also, you were happy he lost and that made you feel like a horrible person. You tried not to show it in front of him but he wasn't dumb.
"Are you wearing that?", he asked, pointing at your outfit.
"Yes. What's wrong with it?"
"You always wear my shirt to matches. But I guess you're just making it clear again you want me to lose".
"It's not that but, it's my team…imagine Madrid and Benfica played each other! You'd want Benfica to win and I wouldn't blame you".
"You don't play for any of the teams. That makes the difference. I get you want them to always win but you should make an exception when they play against me!"
"I'd be happy if you win…".
"I doubt it".
You didn't want to say more because it'd only make things harder to fix later. But driving in silence was going to make you go insane.
"Good luck".
"It almost sounded like you meant it".
"Rúben, I do mean it".
"You mean you want me to do well while my team is destroyed. But it's a team sport. What I do means nothing".
"Tell that to Benzema".
He ignored your comment and left to join the rest of the team without saying goodbye.
Why couldn't they draw another team instead of yours???
Rúben wasn't completely wrong. Whatever happened, you wanted him to be the best player on the pitch. It could be someone else who messed up when your team scored.
And he was one of the best…but then again, so was Bernardo who scored a brace. And Julián only needed a few minutes on the pitch to seal their pass to the final. 4-0, how did that happen?
Apart from Rúben doing well, you wanted just a simple 0-1. No team needed to be humiliated this time. But yours was and it was against one of your biggest enemies. Pep.
When you saw Rúben waiting for you by the car, you noticed his smile and that pissed you off. So you couldn't want your team to win but he could laugh after humiliating you? Bit unfair, that.
"You feeling ok after that?"
Your response was to look inside his trousers' pockets, which confused him. "Did you take Karim out already? Nice, he needs the fresh air".
"You're joking?"
"It's that or telling you to go to hell. I'm trying to be diplomatic".
The day after the match, you were off work so sleeping in sounded like the best way to start your day. By the time you woke up, Rúben was long gone and so you made it to the kitchen expecting it to be empty.
And there was no Rúben there but it looks like he had time to buy, and print, all the newspaper articles about the match before leaving to train. He even checked the Barcelona press to find the most insulting headlines.
But two could play that game.
"Did you read the news today?", he asked when he got back home.
"I've never been a newspaper person. I prefer to get my news from Twitter".
"From Madrid fan accounts? I bet they are real objective".
"Are you a comedian now?"
"Come on…", he said, hugging you. "Forgive me for annihilating your team".
"Should we talk about last season, Dias? Stop it!"
"Such a sore loser", he laughed.
"Well, I'm not used to losing unlike others".
The weeks that passed between the semifinals and the final had helped you two forget your little fight. But you were still petty and had a surprise saved for Rúben.
"It's so tiring to pack for just a couple of days. I've checked the weather so many times to bring the right clothes".
"You can always use that as an excuse to go shopping there".
"You're right. But…can you help me? I don't know if this outfit is right for the match?"
When he got there, his smile disappeared.
"I can't stand you".
"Is it good or not?"
"When did you buy an Inter shirt?"
"When I saw the newspapers you left for me".
"It was a joke", he said, annoyed.
"This is a joke too".
"A joke is supposed to be funny".
"Really, Rúben? So you thought I would laugh at what you did to me?"
And it was back to square one. But at least this time you travelled separately. And, even if he pissed you off so much since he beat Madrid, you still wore his shirt to the match. You didn't even wear a Madrid one to the semis and he really thought you'd wear an Inter one now? Silly boy.
But all the jokes and digs meant nothing when you saw him lifting the trophy. Your eyes watered immediately and you couldn't wait to hug him.
"You…you won", you said, sobbing and hiding your face in his neck.
"Yeah, sorry about that".
You both laughed and he held you tighter while you cried.
"I'm really proud of you, you know?"
"Even if I beat your team to win the trophies?"
"Yeah", you said, looking up at him. "Even then. Seeing you after you won just…I didn't expect it to mean so much".
"It means a lot to me that it means a lot to you".
You hugged in the middle of the pitch, forgetting about everyone else.
"Besides, you still have a long way to go to catch us so…we like doing charity work and letting others win every once in a while".
Rúben laughed and shook his head. "You are the most unbearable fanbase in the world, you know?"
"I know. But at least you managed to get one of us to be happy you won today".
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murachinchi · 15 days
Some thoughts for my Hantengu x Tanjiro modern AU 🥺🥺
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I have so many thoughts but im too impatient to write fanfiction and i just wanna air out my ideas lol and waiting for me to draw a comic for it also gonna take awhile so ill just write it down here! I might draw a comic based on this in the future but we'll see!
They met when Hantengu stumbled upon Tanjiro's bakery. The bakery is not new just that Hantengu never takes the route that pass the bakery on his way home lol
it was a love at first sight 🥺 on Hantengu's end that is lol. Tanjiro thought he was a creepy oldman that loitered outside his bakery 😂
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Their first meeting
oki u guys remember how Tan didn't smell Hantengu's demonic scent?? i wanna add that here (?) but in this scenario Tanjiro just can't guess how Hantengu is feeling which fascinated him. he always have the advantage of knowing how people feel from their scent but Hantengu doesn't emit any of that or if he does it hard to tell.
this does take place in an omegaverse and Tanjiro is an omega while Hantengu is a beta. but that doesn't stop Tan to be able to scent people's emotion Hanchan just built different
Hantengu only comes in if he saw Tan behind the cashier, Tan's siblings noticed this and call Hanchan his secret admirer lol
on a slow day Tan decided to confront Hantengu about his weird behaviour but Han ran and stopped coming for weeks
one day Han came back on a busy time, Tan noticed him and told him to wait for him outside. almost an hour later Tan finally came out and apologized for making him wait this long in the cold 😂 But Han said that its alright. Tan offered to treat him food and they went to an oden stall
The whole time its just Tan talking LOL Hanchan's too flustered to say anything. Tan told him that he seems lonely that's why he doesn't feel angry or annoyed that Han do that just weird. this is where they start their friendship. every few days they went to eat at a stall and its either Tan or Han that pays but mostly Tan.. idk i feel like Han the type to take any advantage on getting free food LOL
ofc they got closer and Han start to talk alot more then one thing leads to another and they are dating (?) yes Tan asked how old Hantengu is and was surprised that he's only 40 😂 Han said he has a skin condition that made him look older than he should
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pic above is their first ever official date 🤣 they ate at Hantengu's favorite ramen stall
i know Hantengu was the one in love(?) at first but it was Tan that confessed and ask him out. Tan was waiting but Hantengu never did so one day Tan brought him to a fancy restaurant and asked him out lol
Han was super insecure at first cause on top of dating someone younger he's not exactly good looking, but Tan just told him to stop insulting his bf. i like to think that Tan helped him to be more confident :D
in one of their midnight hangouts(?) Han mention that he mostly buy food from the convenience store so it's a nice change of pace to eat out like this. Tan was very disraught hearing this so he told Han to drop by his bakery before work so he can take a homemade lunch box to eat and not long after they start dating Tanjiro came to his house to cook dinner. This time Hantengu insist to pay for the groceries lol
idk why but i headcanon Hantengu's favorite food is karaage lol it reminds him of his late father. he's a busy man so he have no time to cook but he ocassionaly prep karaage for Hantengu to eat. One time when Tanjiro cooks him karaage he cried while eating it lol. they eat karaage for a whole week after that
Hantengu gave him a spare key to his apartment so Tan don't have to wait for him to get in. Tan also start doing chores around his house and found lots of Hanchan's hidden secret… his laundry 🤢
The first time Tanjiro helped do Hantengu's laundry he was baffled cause there were so many ruined socks and underwear that he still wore. so he told him to throw them all away and they went to a department store to buy new pairs. Tanjiro even offered to buy it for him 😂
Hantengu is an only child, his parents already passed away when he met Tanjiro. His mom died when he was young while his dad died later from a work accident
Tanjiro's family never expect Tanjiro to be dating Hantengu. it was a shock when Tanjiro said they are going out now. They thought Tanjiro was just being nice to this weird oldman 😂
His mom was against their realtionship. on top of the age gap he just look sketchy 😂 But his dad said that they should trust Tanjiro and just let them be
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Tanjiro trying to convince his parents
His siblings ofcourse were very against it cause they want Tan to get back together with his ex 😂 Tanjiro's ex is Kyojuro :))
i changed their age here.. Kyo and Tan were childhood friends so they knew each other or a long time and their family are close too. it devastated both family when they broke up. The reason? who knows (i haven't decided yet)
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The perfect Ex-boyfriend..
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He also happened to be an acquaintance with Shinjuro. Picture above is Shinjuro lamenting about his son's break up
No, Hantengu was not a rebound cause it's been a few years after the break up
Tanjiro like to sleepover at Hantengu's place. its a nice change of pace from how hectic his house is 😂
One day when Tanjiro sleeps over at his house Hantengu woke up realising how happy he is and saw so many things have changed for the better ever since he go out with Tanjiro. When they were eating breakfast that Tanjiro made he just blurts out asking Tan to marry him. Then Tan chokes on his food (he said yes)
Tan was just surprised Han proposed to him, he thought he'll be the one who's gonna propose lol
Now Hanchan gotta charmed the whole family to accept him (?)
Tanjiro knows about Hantengu's parents so they went on a trip to go to his family grave to pay a visit :D They also met a few distant relatives of Hanchan.
this is how the meeting between Hantengu and Tanjiro's parents went
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(he got their blessings)
Because Tanjiro will be inheriting the family bakery, Hantengu changed his surname to Kamado. so legally his name is Kamado Urami but Tanjiro still calls him Hanchan 🥺. Yes in this AU Hantengu's name was Hantengu Urami lol
their nickname for each other is Hanchan and Tantan
Tanjiro said Hanchan so much that their kids firstword is "Hantan" (MUAHHAHA don't worry guys it's actually just a baby talk cause babies have a hard time pronouncing "chan" ☝🤓)
their wedding is not that grand they just invite family and friends. Hantengu invites his boss and some of his co workers lol. they need em to shut up about Hantengu finding a bf/gf this way they'll stop. they have their suspicion about Han's love life but they never expect to received a wedding invitation lol
speaking of Hantengu's job.. canonically he is known to be really good at infiltrating according to Muzan at least lol. so i made him be a data analyst in this AU lol idk smtg to do with data 😭 he could be a government spy but that'd be too cool for this hantengu 😂
i said that Tanjiro gonna inherit the bakery right? well too bad... it didn't happen when they found out they gonna have a quadruplets 😂 so the bakery goes to Nezuko. Tanjiro helped out later on when the kids start middle school.
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Their first ultrasound :D
Hantengu and kidoairakuzou by some miracle (me LOL) shares the same birthday. so it was a really hectic day for Tanjiro every year. Tanjiro likes to celebrate a quiet bday at night for Hantengu tho. sometimes with a small personal birthday cake or leftover cakes 😂
ok it's getting tooo long so im ending it here 😭 If you managed to read this far congratulation and thank you!! 😭 i will add more about the kids on the second part but i don't know when it will come out lol so stay tune!
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crying-fantasies · 1 year
Terraformer AU: Basic 1
Just so you have an idea and I don't forget it
Rodimus' conjux (it's a miracle that they did complete the ritual and every step of it without even noticing that they did so before the final step, but they did it splendidly anyway) died by protecting their kid, Sunset, who got to see the whole deal in front of him, is ironic how good their relationship was and if they had time they could have another kid, but Rod is the only one, at least for now, to have his conjunx killed way too young (68 years), either way Rodimus does a very good job raising Sunset as a single parent (Sunny was like 7 or 9 when everything happened) but he also had the whole crew to help him, (also a reason of why Sunset is way more cool in die or fight situations when everyone else is freaking out), Sunset wants to enlist in the elite guard to protect new Cybertron and Rodimus just want his kid in the ship to show him the expansion of the universe, Sunset doesn't want that but doesn't say much because he knows that his father can have a spark attack if he ever told him about his desire to be part of the EG, as if he didn't live and sleep with danger by only live in the Lost Light
Optimus (well Orion on his good ending) never got to finish the conjux ritual with his s/o since he got to remember who he was as a Prime and stopped everything at the last second to prevent his s/o to be a target of his past enemies while getting his spark broken when his s/o understands the whole idea and really does go (what was he expecting?), but the Senate needs a light for the future with humans since the war and the necessity of earth now more than ever, that's why Codexia is born when Optimus s/o gets her spark out of the hot spot and later on she gets her name as Eminence Prime (since the Matrix is gone, Prime is a military and religious title), which she hates because it stole her born given namefrom her carrier, Optimus gets his sparkling feelings but tells her that everyone is counting on her and that he is so, so proud of her because Codexia is being so strong, it's hard to even say so to his still young sparkling but he knows she is the real change that everyone needs, one that he has died for to give life, Optimus' s/o dies of old age with him right there, professing his love for the last time.
Prowl does complete the conjux ritual (to everyone's surprise, really), but tries to control his relationship a lot and also his kid, Chainbreaker, an outlier, trying to make him learn everything that he could, arts, laws, sports, philosophy, you name it, Prowl made CB do it to the point of near perfection believing that his son was having a better environment and development for his future, not even once asking what he really wanted just because he wanted CB to do everything that he could ever want and kind of forced him in doing so (Prowl was pretty inconsistent in that just because CB could learn anything), at some point Prowl and his conjunx fall apart and his s/o returns to earth, it hurts him a lot but he tries to hide it and forget his failed marriage in work, CB stayed with him by his own volution (he wanted to make Prowl proud of him by any means and was a little too complacent even when Prowl never asked him to stay in the first place) before the kid finally had enough and decided to go to earth too when he noticed that he would never get the attention he wanted from his sire, CB and you get closer during his time in Earth as he gets closer and more accepting to his organic side (CB gets to be a lot like tfa Prowl, he also draws the line with meat), staying with his carrier till the very end, Prowl didn't even know his conjunx passed away of old age when CB confronted him for not being in his own conjunx death bed, and it hurts, but he doesn't show it, Chainbreaker gives up on his father finally, believing that not even his carrier meant at least something for him.
Jazz's conjunx didn't even know in what kind of mess they were tangled at first (way too young when they meet but getting the feelings, it was one sided before Jazz realized years later that this human looked at him funny), already had a kid before the ritual, never say if it's biological or if they found the baby after the war, don't ask, it's their baby anyways and even when Pauline is totally human she is Jazz's, whoever says something different is asking for trouble, then they had Amber Dust when he emerged from a hot spot and Jazz liked the kid, (surprise! new kid that is already a grown up bot but still needs a mentor, the culture whiplash is real), then when techno-organics are know, Jazz asked his conjunx right away if they could have one, that's how they got Mariah, (Jazz still keeps Mexico and his people in a special place on his spark) who later on changed her name to Black Mariah, Jazz's conjunx is still alive and they are so in love that it's disgusting to see from time to time (they like to gross everyone around as a joke, that includes their kids)
Blurr got a hard time trying to woo his conjunx, it took years that will never come back and he tries to spend as much time together than ever now that they relationship is stable, they really think and consider a lot before having a kid, Blurr and his conjunx have Marble Ripley first, she is genetically related to Blurr's conjunx because she was born in vitro but she somehow takes after him in a lot of things from his personality, especially when she tries to be cool but is a ball of nerves, when Ferventi Typhoon (or Ty for his friends), is pulled out of the hot spot years later, and even when Blurr took a lot of time and options to name his kids with meaningful names, no one could have thought of a better name when the protoform literally expulsed a wave of hot concentrated boiling water and air in one shot when he did a strange sound (baby sneezed), Blurr is just too happy to be the only one near when you were in another room when it happens, it peeled off his finish but it was fixed later (it hurt like hell), following the story Blurr does die saving others and his family from Unicron's attack, (but in this one he lives happily with his family).
Dinobot didn't even initiated the ritual, but there was something going on with the human helping with their portal with many more humans, but his pride as a bot never allowed him to go there and say something meaningful, at some point the one human that Dinobot likes (he will never admit it to his dead berth) appears and shows him a miniature human, a baby, with no one else (he doesn't understand, in his world the new ones, if they are left alone, should fend for themselves), he realizes the kid looks human but smells like a cybertronian, you never say a word of who is the kid's sire and he never asked, (he likes to think that he didn't care but in reality it's jealousy showing around) he wants the cub away when once he tried to climb him and scratches his derma with his little talons, those are nails you tell him but the name stayed and he ends up putting a name to your child, growling to keep him away, it's nothing personal, he just can't process the fact that someone got to you first and then left you with a cub to fend for yourself, the audacity! Then one day Unicron appears and the portal isn't working, the whole human crew goes to fix it to get some eukarians to escape, Dinobot is among them but you get consumed right after pleading him to take your cub, Talon, with him, he still ends up under Unicron's control like all his people and does unimaginable and dishonorable things, one is that he abandoned Talon, when he is free again the first thing he does is search for Talon even if he doesn't know if the kid is alive and when he does find him, Dinobot is way too close to crying, he raises him, Dinobot lost you even before accepting what he felt, and he is going to raise and protect Talon with all his being because he is everything Dinobot has left of you.
Whirl, as strange as it can be, is quite good as a single mentor of Tik Tok, who really is a group of sentient scraplets that took a cybertronian form and life, lived quite good with his two friends, Cyclonus and Tailgate, before he got to know his conjunx, it still is a mystery how Whirl started a relationship with his s/o but apparently his conjunx does show the ability to stop him before doing any stupid thing, which is something that makes Cyclonus also like them, Tailgate doesn't count, he only hears that Whirl is trying to woo a human and is already choosing a wedding gift (Tailgate is the one that ships you two even before there was even something, Cyclonus just goes with the flow because Whirl looks happy, as happy as he can show at least), Tik Tok have a little bit of problems with her new step mentor but can't say much because this human is really the best that could have ever happened to her mentor, (she will still ask you from time to time what did you saw in Whirl or if you were high when you fragged him for the first time), you both go to see the forging of new sparklings and Whirl takes one that was left behind out of curiosity, going like "Tik Tok was once just as little" before you stopped him, too late, he already took out the spark and you touched it, it was funny but also understandable when Cyclonus fainted, Tik Tok started laughing maniacally and Tailgate started to cry by happiness when you two appeared with Whirl Jr. (She is the bebe), it's Whirl's conjunx work to make him accept that Jr. wants to go to Earth to be a rescue bot and see her off, all the family can go to see her sometimes and she will be home for summer vacation (Whirl is that kind of dad to display his arsenal of guns if his baby gets a mech in the house, she is way too young!)
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wr0ngwarp · 8 months
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some refs for my jet set radio explorers of death joke au (that sure is a sentence) because i wanted to put them on art fight (..mostly for warehouse leapusverse lore reasons)
beat and yoyo seemed like they needed refs most urgently cuz beat has a bunch of designs on account of being squirtle and yoyo's design was just hard to parse in the pics he appeared in. yeagh
art fight bio under the cut for ppl who don't have an art fight account
based on PMD: Explorers of Death by sparklingdemon, HIGHLY recommended reading to get a grasp on what in the goddamn is going on here oh this is incredibly silly. so basically a while ago there was an in-joke about jsr and eod in a pokepasta discord i'm in, and i have a bad habit of taking jokes too far. so, of course, i took the joke WAY WAY WAY too far! the entire joke is the idea that Corn in Future retconned og JSR Beat as leader/founder of the GGs, so Corn and Beat are the Myras. no it’s not a joke funny enough to justify how many hours i sunk into drawing these. no attempt was made to change the setting, assign most of the other cast, or otherwise make this au hold up to ANY amount of scrutiny.
---- the base concept (aka reskinned eod plot) is that the og JSR timeline was getting, like, temporally retconned into the Future timeline, but Beat (in the role of Squirtle) refused to accept the changeover so he tried to hold onto his own fading timeline, trapping it (and himself) in a state of perpetual decay until he can take back the timeline. basically everybodys a grayscale rotting zombie it's miserable. also if you think "hey, isn't EOD!Beat less justified than Squirtle because the situation WASN'T life or death until he MADE IT that way" you would be right lmao JSRF Corn (as Myra), being the leader of the GGs in Future, shows up (overwriting the preexisting version of Tab ig) to try to put the dying timeline out of its misery so it can actually be reborn into the Future timeline. for some reason his spraypaint can make the zombies pass on. don't question it. he and Beat are kind of trying to take each other down so one timeline can take precedent here. Gum (as Shadow) is kind of torn between the two of them, with two overlapping contradicting sets of memories and also the most disastrous way to possibly combine her JSR and JSRF designs LMAO. her loyalties are kind of torn as a result and also she understandably isnt a big fan of all the murder going on here ... ...also, because this is a joke au that i did not bother to try to make sense, they're in the goddamn Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers for no real reason. i also tend to call Beat and Corn "Meat and Mourn" though i dont have a nickname for Gum :(. and they have some level of meta awareness that they're in a poorly crafted joke AU based on an existing creepypasta, and yet this knowledge of how inane it all is doesn't stop them from riding it out to its horrific conclusion. ...ha ha? also Yoyo is Bidoof he's just here to be the first to die dont worry about him
---- also because there's something profoundly wrong with me i have the main trio + Yoyo in me and my sibling's joke multi-crossover RP. Corn is MIA right now, Gum is in the Garage with the setting's regular version of the GGs (they are confused and concerned. esp normal!Gum)... ...and, uh... Beat and Yoyo are in the Warehouse. (Pauein 9696 is just kind of there too.) they're... friends? i think......???? they are trapped in there and dont know Warehouse Yoyo is actually the goddamn building theyre trapped in
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in the warehouse, eod!yoyo is kind of... barely coherent, only aware a fraction of the time, and not really able to do a whole lot since he's in such bad condition. he's just kind of taking anything as it happens at this point bc he can't do anything about it, but internally he's very pessimistic both about the idea that Beat can fix anything OR that there's any chance they'll escape the warehouse. eod!beat is... sort of kind of friends with the Warehouse but it's a very fragile friendship prone to arguments since he is trying VERY hard to leave (esp cuz he has UNFINISHED BUSINESS with killing corn and MAKING THINGS RIGHT) but Warehouse Yoyo is manipulatively trying to keep him without letting on that's what he's doing. both of these guys are fucked in the head tbh. at least nobody's judging each other for being walking corpses with weird metafiction elements.
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palestineoddiwrth · 6 months
Today's Hero is Ezzeddin Lulu, the Smile Maker.
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"As a student studying to become a doctor, I made a decision based on the way my father had raised me to always give back to my religion and homeland. I chose to volunteer at Al Shifa Hospital during the war, recognizing that the level of catastrophe exceeded the capacity of the medical staff and hospital alone, leaving my own family behind."
Before the read-more I'd like to show his most recent post as of writing this (29.03.23.) Unfortunately his mother has also been murdered. Ezz was incredibly proud of his mother and so was she in him. She memorised the entirety of the Qur'an and knew it to her dying breath. Despite the horror of losing her family she remained strong both in love and in faith.
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Here is a go-fund-me created by Ezzeddin. Even if you can't donate please share it and read his story in his words.
During the genocide, artist and medical student Ezzeddin Lulu (nicknamed the smile maker) has been trapped in al-Shifa hospital in the North of Gaza more than once. He has worked with minimal and no food for days on end in a hospital surrounded by tanks and snipers. He's worked with patients not knowing if he or they will even survive the coming days. He's worked knowing his family could be dead. He's worked knowing the only family he has left is his injured mother. He's worked after standing on the rubble of his home knowing his family is trapped under and there's nothing he can do. He's even worked after the murder of his mother.
He's worked on patients without anaesthetic. He's described to us the harrowing screams of children. He's shown injuries that nobody has really seen until now because the weapons used by the IOF and their allies are horrific and are designed to cause as much pain, death and destruction as possible.
All this as a medical student. Ezzeddin has yet to graduate.
Ezz is also an artist who has been dubbed the "smile-maker". He draws people he sees when he's out and about and whenever he shows them the result they smile. He has also recreated horrifying images and changed them into something good. For example there's a famous picture of a father being dragged away from his daughter by soldiers. Ezzeddin has redrawn this in a scene where the father is hugging his daughter.
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Ezzeddin Lulu is a hero. He demonstrates the good in humanity. Despite everything he still works for his patients and he still posts to show the world how the IOF and their supporters target civilians and medical staff. He also posts about his family and colleagues, telling us they've passed away or what injuries they've sustained. Because of Ezz's posts I'm aware that Israeli snipers target the healing hands of doctors.
How is his heroism rewarded?
Trapped in al-Shifa not knowing who (patients, coworkers, family, himself) will live or die and if he'll have to watch. This happened twice because despite everything he is still determined to help people and so he went back to work.
Finally I would like to close this first post by sharing pictures of his martyred family and a little bit about them because they also deserve to be remembered.
Everyone who's been murdered was something to somebody. A mother, a grandpa, a niece, a son, a cousin, an aunt, a friend, a lover. Sometimes people themselves become homes so what happens when that home is ripped from you? Unfortunately there is a 10 picture limit on mobile and I felt it was important to share multiple images of the same people to make sure they're more than just numbers to us. I intend make another post about him in the future so if I do I'll include more of his martyred loved ones to honour them.
Note: Forgive me if there are any errors. I don't speak Arabic so I'm relying on translation apps which means when it comes to peoples names I might make a mistake. If corrected I will fix it ASAP. These people deserved to be remembered with their real names.
Below is Ezzeddin's father: Mister Samir Fahmi Lulu (Abu Hazifa). While Ezz was trapped in al-Shifa he heard news of his fathers martyrdom but there was nothing he could do because the occupation was surrounding the hospital so Ezzeddin continued to work.
Samir Fahim Lulu cared deeply about his son and what his son was going to do. His father always wanted to see his son on his graduation day in his robes and watch him swear his oath as a doctor but the IOF robbed them both of that. Ezzeddin has described his father as his backbone and is the reason he chose to volunteer at al-Shifa during the genocide.
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Below is a family within a family. We have Hazifa Samir Lulu who was the oldest son and brother, a father himself, an engineer.
In the middle is their daughter: Reem Hazifa Lulu. Reem was also a niece, granddaughter and a great granddaughter.
Finally there's Rana Maher Al-Ghassin. She was an engineer, a wife, a daughter, a mother. She was pregnant with a baby that would have been so incredibly loved had Rana not been murdered. They were overjoyed when they announced the pregnancy a week before the war.
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I wonder if Reem would have become an engineer or if she would have chosen something else. I wonder if Ezzeddin and Hazifa's mother was right about her dream of Rana having twins. I wonder if Reem would have had another Frozen themed birthday or if she would have picked something else. How cruel of a world is it that they'll never know the happiness they deserved?
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imthepunchlord · 7 months
Among the og 5(Marinette, Adrien, Alya,Chloé and Nino)+ Felix, Kagami and Zoé,which Auspicious you think would fit they desires the best?
Well, as the Auspicious comes to those who need or want a change in their quality of life...
Marinette would most likely draw in Crane. That's a desire she has that she struggles with most: the romance. With Crane, she'd get to establish a friendly connection that can give her a chance to bond with her crush and try and take things further. It would also open her eyes to other possibilities as she doesn't have to stick to that first love.
There is also possibility for Marinette to have Rooster, while she has a good reputation and strong sense of integrity, she also doesn't get recognized for all that she does (like putting her future career on the line so Adrien can go to school, letting him think his father made the scarf, ect.), and Orikko may feel she should, to embrace having self-pride.
Otherwise, Crane's probably the only one she'd really draw in.
Adrien hands down would easily get Horse. Not only is he feeling isolated and stuck and desire freedom and mobility, but he feels disconnected from people and wants to make friends. That's the definition of everything Horse covers.
Adrien could also draw in Deer, Bear, and Crane.
Adrien, to my knowledge as I stopped watching around s3, actually doesn't have any drive or ambition for his life (outside romance). Nothing he thinks he wants to do for a career. It's also pretty clear that he doesn't quite have down who he is, given the split personalities he takes on as Adrien vs Chat. Deer would come in to help him figure out what he wants to do with his life, what does he enjoy; and to help him figure out who he is. He is the harmonious perfect son? Is he the goofy and eager hero? Or is he somewhere in between?
Bear would work off Adrien's desire to connect with his family, particularly with Gabriel, as Adrien canon wise seemed to have moved on from Emilie's passing (from what I've seen). Bear would also open his eyes to found family instead, if blood related family doesn't work out.
Crane would be drawn in with Adrien's strong desire for romantic love. It would help him have a chance to bond and connect with his crush and potentially move things forward. Crane though would also be willing to open his eyes to other possibilities as the first love isn't always the true love.
I think I would say Mantis for Alya. Crane may come to her because Alya likes to be a matchmaker, but that would only be because the kwami would be very bothered by Alya's methods.
While Alya has a good head on her shoulders, and can be observant and clever, she can be reckless and over eager, and it wouldn't hurt for her to learn to be wiser. To learn to open her eyes and broaden her perception.
Otherwise, of what I can remember of Alya, I don't really see anything else that would draw an Auspicious to her. She has good ties to family, she's well off, she has a good reputation, doesn't seem to have a lot of struggles with romance herself, she may be good creatively or maybe she needs a boost of creativity so maybe Spider?, uh, she's not restricted and doesn't struggle with making friends, she knows what she wants to do and who she is... yeah Mantis is the only one I could say for sure that she draws in as that's the only thing she really needs, to grow in wisdom.
I have no idea for Nino. There is just too little given on him as an individual character to know what he wants or desires or may even need. And from what I can see, there's nothing he's struggling with in life.
It may be that, for now, Nino just doesn't draw an Auspicious to him.
He could draw in Bear given his line in Bubbler, but that could also be him being a frustrated teen. They're bound to get annoyed with parents. That's not enough to draw the Bear in. I don't know what his family's financial situation is so I can't say for sure if he'd draw in Fish. He's second to Marinette in seen with the most friends, so he has a good reputation. He doesn't seem to be struggling in love, so no Crane. He's not struggling creatively, so no Spider. He's not restricted so no Horse. He knows what he wants to do and I don't really see a struggle so no Deer. And I don't really see anything to him that suggests he needs to grow in intellect or wisdom, so he doesn't really need Mantis.
Uh, yeah I don't think anything really clicks for Nino amongst the Auspicious. At least of what we have of him so far.
Honestly, Chloe's not likely to really draw in any of the Auspicious either. The core concept of them is quality of life improvements, those who are truly in need of it. And being Auspicious, they don't like going to terrible people as the good they bring is more likely to be selfishly used and abused.
I will say there are possibilities for Chloe to draw in, but they truly wouldn't come to her if they had a choice.
Bear is kinda the most debatable on this list, the idea to connect with family doesn't hurt, and she clearly does want that (with her mother), but also her family is terrible.
Chloe has a terrible and infamous reputation. Rooster may be drawn in to fix that, and may teach Chloe some actual integrity and improve how she is as a person; but I could also see this Miraculous turning it's nose up and letting her deal with the fire she started around herself.
Spider is one of the more likely to come to Chloe, as Chloe does struggle with her creativity. But the big point against Spider is that Chloe doesn't want to be creative, she only does so to try and connect to her mother, not to be innovative. And that may not interest the Spider at all.
Mantis would only come because she's one of the dumbest people in Paris and it kinda hurts the kwami just to look at her. But, she's more likely to leave Chloe to face her own recklessness. Consequences will be the better teacher, especially as she knows chances are low that Chloe would listen to her.
Is tricky as it can depend on what sort of Felix you're doing.
PV Felix we have little info on, we know he's more of a loner, not afraid to be clear with his feelings and opinions, and is potentially an asshole, but that could also be because PV Marinette never left him alone despite the clear no. He could draw in Crane to help with his crush, but it would come down the reasons for his pursuit, like if he's cursed and that's why he's pursuing LB, then yeah Crane's not going to come to him. And the little we see of PV Felix, nothing really stands out to me.
I've seen some people do that he is lonely and socially awkward, so that's a point for Rooster.
Canon Felix... maybe be Bear, it could be interested to try and improve family relations, but it could also pick up that Felix is just not interested in connecting with the Agrestes and leave him be. Uh, Gabriel seems to have more wealth and power than Felix's mother and hold that over Felix's head, so he could be the first to actually draw in Fish to boost his family's wealth, but it would be more interested to go to those more in need.
For my take on Felix, I'd probably say Rooster, but it would come post him opening up to others and actually having some investment in making friends. Which is harder for him given he doesn't have a good reputation, and it's awkward as he wasn't interested in making friends before. So Rooster could help him smooth out his reputation and connect with others better.
Would probably draw in Horse.
Given that she wants to make friends and wants more freedom and a chance to explore, Horse meets and qualifies, as it is about mobility, and making connections with others.
I guess Rooster? Rooster can play into figuring herself out, establishing her reputation and who she is.
I don't know if there's enough given on Zoe for anything else.
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On why I have slowed down, and plans for the future
Oh, hey. Look at that. I have been so focused on my day job (more on that later) that I hadn't even realised Patreon changed layouts and UI. Neat. I hate it.
Okay, so. To the point.
As you may or may not know, my day job involves running a small design business. Over the last couple of years, I was able to juggle the workload of this business and all my other projects such as Fascination Uniformed and others quite well.
However, a good problem has reared its head. Since my dad passed away in February, I found myself increasingly busy. Not just "oh, I am busy, but can draw some more in the evening" but more like "I need to work longer, at all hours, all the time" and I am constantly playing catch up. Part of it is learning to deal with the good news of doing better with the business, the other is... well, dealing with my own mental health. The passing of my father has made me less capabale at keeping too much information in my head as it used to be the case, and now I am having to learn entirely new systems to hold myself responsible, accountable, and happy.
So, Fascination Uniformed has suffered. My other projects have suffered. Hell, my garden has suffered too.
So, what am I doing to correct this?
First of all, on top of my day-to-day and the process of buying a house (wahoo for me), I am doing an audit of all ongoing, present, future, and required tasks. My day job takes priority, but I am also trying to organise my other projects.
I have always been unwilling to use "productivity software" of any kind because I hate the UIs and I often find that they are more work than keeping stuff on a whiteboard. However... I may need this now, to be honest. So I welcome options.
I am hoping that by the end of the week I'll have a sort of plan.
What does it mean for Patreon and Fascination Uniformed?
First of all, I am finishing or starting a lot of the promised sketches and commissions. Once that is out of the way, then I'll start thinking about developing my own website and an alternative system of patronage. While Patreon has served me well, I am starting to smell the same shite that has made Twitter, Deviantart and other platforms very hard to work with. So, come next year, I will have some sort of website that will house galleries of all my work, but will allow you to do donations as of when. I think I would rather you do that, than for something like Patreon to continue to get worse and worse. Early stages, early ideas. Once I have some, I'll ask your opinion first and foremost.
So, yeah. I am sorry I haven't got any art for you at the moment. But, if you've been following me a while, you know that I go through periods of over production and periods of drought.
The good times will return. Until then, I appreciate your attention, your patience, and your support.
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braemjeorn · 1 year
a long ourank oc presentation because braem is just a writer at heart and soul.
this is honi.
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honi is from my fanfic here. would be glad if you read it. would be so happy if you like it. haven't updated it in a while so below are some spoilers for us all(?)
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i know. i can't draw the same face. though #Shook is my favourite.
she has longer hair in earlier designs. but then i gave her short hair and thought, oh she looks cooler. like she could be a really cool mom. that's all you need honestly. like why make your ship lovers when you can get kingdom management done with the spiCE that is legal union!
'scuse me. kept the long hair for her younger-tween looks, anyway - wasn't mentioned why in the fic but let's just say that making it to the underworld was life changing. one way or another. she got a scar on her left cheekbone after her twenties (so yeas, i forgot the middle one im sorry).
here's our man because why not. we crave loose hair desha in this house.
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im so bad at drawing crowns.
i was keen on the idea of someone to balance desha's personality out, instead of the complete opposites-attract. coz this here is a brash and unapologetic man who mercilessly cackles and taunts bojji and domas at the first meeting. half the fun will be when someone doesn't really flinch at that. tempers him down a bit or countering and riling him up to make firecrackers is what I want to see.
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pink ram-lion babies coz why not
honi was nearly engaged before - somewhat more experienced in the field? but things happened and romantic pursuits were shelved before they met. honi acknowledged that he was a man early on in their meeting, but after making up and a few more formal encounters assured her that he was worth being friends with. worth the days-long flight just for a few weeks of teasing, good mead and mushroom pies.
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after the winter breakfast but she's still confused.
figuring out she has feelings was a breakdown on a catastrophic level.
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but eh, iss all good.
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not officially engaged but at least the lightning discharge was minimum.
that's all, i guess. some wish-wash, fluffy, alternate-or-future universe musings.
(but then in the manga the ominous naration was like, desha never returned and the underworld fell into ruin *cue queen elinor toppling chess pieces* (overthinking desha's pre-canon shonen arc and how his power is what made him rank 2nd as well as keep order in the multirace, monstrous underworld). in case reclaiming the throne won't work the option is mountain-nymph!honi or passing-farmer-girl!honi. pick.)
(but also the idea that if the canon queen is the persephone counterpart and was on the overworld for her six months deal when the whole season 1 happened is also great. which makes it hilarious if they met during part 2 coz she'd be like 'what tf happened to you?' and heartbreaking if he doesn't remember her. would be fantastic if she's any sort of queen like hiling and stubbornly gets shit done - might have a crisis that she cant find despa or ouken around, or launch some curses to the judge. but I don't know abt canon-queen. only the writer knows what might happen. as long as it isn't some poor excuse of a girl-failure of a villainess miranjo is, I'll be satisfied.)
sometimes i worry if my art will be considered ai work due to my poor anatomy but i swear it's really just a poor concept of anatomy😭 i have so MUCH to improve on digital painting. lighting, shadowing, composition, their size difference—they say the captain is 265 and desha's around the same height in the artbook. honi's like 180 and she's still so tiny! next to him despite being taller than average.
bonus, somewhat suggestive comic below.
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double bonus: i think they both agree that domas is a joke and keeping 2000 km distance with miranjo is a must
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not-krys · 1 year
Seasonal Vibes Meme
So, saw a prompt on twitter about what seasonal vibes a character/ship gives off, so I think it'd be a fun question for here and a good writing exercise:
What seasonal vibes does your OC / squish / ship give off? Are they like spring or winter? Can also include not so traditionally thought of seasons, like the rainy season, harvest season, winter/spring thaw, a local holiday season, bug season, etc.
For those that wanna do this too, you can do your OC (fandom or original), or even just your favorite fictional squish at the moment.
For those that wanna do ships, sky's also the limit. MC x canon, OC x canon, canon x canon, selfship x canon, romantic or platonic, doesn't matter, just whatever the seasonal vibe is with a lil blerb as to why that is.
No pressure tagging: @lorei-writes, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly, @scummy-writes, @honeybyte, @batteryrose, @drachonia, @limonzu, @tsundere-mitsuhide, and anyone else that's wants to play.
Houki/Mitsunari (IkeSen): Spring, Sweet blossoming beginnings. Both are discovering new things around them (Houki quite literally as she's from a different world all together, Mitsunari learning about love and confidence) and while there may be storms along the way, they help each other blossom into themselves.
(plus it doesn't help that @beni-draw-ikemen-please drew them surrounded by cherry blossoms a while back, so I'll always think of them with the springtime vibes)
Ophelia/Kennyo (IkeSen): Late Winter/Early Spring Thaw. Times of deep turmoil coming to an end so that something new and wonderful can grow. They both have troubling things happen to them in the past, but as time passes, they learn to grow as people and to put the harsh times behind them so they can have hope for the future.
Thea/Theo/Arthur (IkeVamp): Summer. Time of high heat and fun adventures. They bicker and tease each other a lot of the time, but they never turn down having an adventure together. Whether that adventure consists of solving some small mystery in town, walking hand in hand in hand through an art gallery they helped set up together, or challenging each other in cards or arm wrestling in the gaming room, they never forget that doing it together is the best part of any adventure.
Abby/Vincent (IkeVamp): Autumn. Change and reflection on the times of the past. Abby goes through a lot changes in her life, Vincent being present for a lot of her later changes, sometimes even triggering them himself. But he always wants to be a part of her life, especially after he lost her the first time, putting a change in him that rippled across all the lives they had connected with before.
Maddie/Harr (IkeRev): Early Summer. Not as young as they used to be to be like spring, but still want to have the fun they had/didn't have in their youths. Harr is a hardened academic at his core and Maddie is discovering magic for the first time, three decades into her life. They have insatiable curiosity despite not being spring chickens anymore. Their lives are shaped by their pasts yet they still want to explore the world and discover more of its mysteries and wonders.
Clara/Nokto (IkePri): Rainy Season. The sun after the rain is much more beautiful than the sun before the rain. At first, Clara hated Nokto. She hated him for taking advantage of her and for putting her in situations she felt she had no business being a part of. However, once his masks were washed away, as it were, she saw who he was underneath. How much this man actually cared, about the kingdom and about her despite his wicked ways. How tightly he held her when he opened up about his insecurities, about how much better everyone else was compared to the jester he made himself out to be. How he didn't deserve the ray of sunshine she was, how jealous he was about her open and honest ways. How much he wished he could be like her. And once the rain stopped and the sun came out again, they found the other much more beautiful drenched but smiling. That though they went through some hard times, they still came through the storms to see light again.
Miri (Obey Me): Spring, She doesn’t have a set suitor yet, but the ones that I have romantically shipped her with (and with all her platonic ships too), she has the aura of spring: sweet, innocent, blossoming love, sometimes a little unpredictable in the newness of everything. She wants to be kind to everyone, even if it sometimes is a detriment to herself. She wants to do right by the three realms, even if that sentiment maybe a little naïve compared to others who have lived through harder times than she has. Yet her newness and fresh outlook has changed some of even the toughest of opponents and has helped heal and soothe even the bloodiest wounds of the past. She's bringing about positive change in a world that doesn't want change but desperately needs it.
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moonstruckdraws · 1 month
Okay so..-
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Was using my pocket book one day when I got the urge to make a character with big curly hair and- and made her (one the first draft I took one look at her and saw Rose Quartz- and loudly groooaned! IT WASN'T INTENTIONAL I SWEAR OAGIEIFASOFISN)
So now I have a new oc (which I have little of in the first place lol); her name is Titilayo, she mainly goes by Titi.
Here, have a long spiel and random facts bout her I had while making her (as I rambled them to @tamblerdraws lol):
She has a bigger than life personality, loving life and everything in it; from people, to animals, to plants. She's massive big sister energy and loves her friends and family more than anything. She loves every day and month and year, enjoying the fun things in life while also feeling content.
However, she has a deep struggle with change (have decided the cause of it yet), and dreads every second when the topic of age or elderly futures come up. She fears losing the people she loves in any shape or form whether it'd be losing touch, arguments, or their passing; so she ends up being extremely clingy and slightly overprotective of those she holds dear (which is a lot of people). Any change that causes long-lasting effects she's paranoid by (like going skydiving vs moving somewhere else, she'd rather go skydiving).
This stems over to plants too, as Titi runs a succulent shop, and only succulents. She never sells just flowers because they don't last as long in comparison. But she loves her job and tending to her plants.
She does have pets though! She's against owning a cat or dog for herself since they don't live for that long (in her mind). Credit for the names goes to Tambler (ty Tambler you genius): Ouroboros is a Rosy Boa snake, based on the type of snake the ouroboros is (but the other species of snake is really big and didn't want to draw all that lol). The name representing the eternal cycle of death & rebirth, which is Titi's brand of eternity, or never-changing. They live for about 30 years, so I think she saw it as a long enough time to own one. Her second pet is a Greek tortoise named Mikey (because Mikey would be her favorite tmnt turtle). They live for about 50 years but can live for 150-200 years. She gets Mikey when she is really young, so he's her life-long pet. Greek tortoise are also so itty bitty; it's adorable.
Last fact, and funfact, of her is that she's cupioromantic. She is naturally an affectionate person to people and loves displaying her love for them. However, the romantic attraction she think she desires is lost when put into practice, so she's living her single life. The joke me and my friend both cackled at was when I said, "yeah, no, she has +10 exes." What can I say, she's a pretty lady. Okay that's enough rambling from me-
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