#also touches on a lot of the same reasons why gifs on here tend to be so heavily edited from the actual movie/series
alpaca-clouds · 5 months
Travel is good, tourism isn't
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I said in the blog yesterday, that I think travel is good, but tourism isn't. So, let me explain this. And I will put this here first: I am going to explain it on the example of Japan, because I know the most about what is happening there in terms of travel and tourism - and what issues arise from it.
See, I do think travelling to foreign places (whatever that means for you) is a good thing. Experiencing other cultures and interacting people who due to their culture have a very different outlook on life and the world is a good thing. Not only to move away from a certain worldview (which for white people tends to be an eurocentric one, and for Americans an US-centric one), it also fosters empathy to other people.
And I think of this dramatic thing especially when it comes to Americans travelling, who due to their lacking education system often do know jack shit about the rest of the world.
However: I do both think that the thing we right now call tourism does not really help, but actually does hinder this - and is harmful in many other ways.
Right now, foreign tourists are no longer allowed in Gion, the Geisha quarter of Kyoto. The reason for it is, that too many of them were fucking disrespectful. Some made photos of the Geisha without asking, some even touched the kimono and the hair of the Geisha. Some even got angry and started arguing, when people told them to not do this.
Especially when it comes to Kyoto I can think of a variet of other examples. People have carved their names into temples. People touched things that are not supposed to be touched (like idols). People otherwise behaved inappropriately, for example towards kannushi and mikos. Folks have bathed their feet in pools meant for ritual cleansing. There are a lot of examples of this.
And I think part of this goes back to two things. For one again eurocentrism and the way, that a lot of especially white folks to not perceive other cultures as real. But also, and maybe more importantly, the mindset that: "I have paid $1500 for this trip and I get to very well do what I want." The different culture in this mindset gets treated like a themepark, not as a place filled with real people, rather than performers there to enhance the tourist's experience.
Meanwhile the tourists generally are not really interested to interact with the other culture further than that. Which is also, why they tend to flock to the same few places, to all go make their own photo of the same place that a million people have photographed before - as compared to going exploring in a foreign place.
And in some cases - like Kyoto - this also leads to the fact that the local people often get pushed out of the places they actually live in.
A lot of people will often say: "Yeah, but it is great for their economy." Which... leaving my capitalism-hating-ideation aside for a moment... Well, actually it is not good and COVID showed us. Because it makes the economy totally depedent on tourism. In places that are heavily dependent on tourism, the sudden complete anihilation of tourism with the pandemic pushed those places further into a crisis than anywhere else. Heck, keeping it with Kyoto: Given a lot of folks had jobs related to the tourism industry and there were in fact not many other jobs, a lot of people found themselves forced to move away from Kyoto during the pandemic.
So while the entire "but economy" thing will seem true on a short term, it actually is not on the long term.
And that is without going into the environmental impact that comes from a lot of people flocking to certain places. This is shown especially in areas, where folks go for "nature", destroying nature while they do so. Because nature just cannot handle thousands upon thousands of people travelling through.
So, what do I mean with "travel, instead of tourism"? Well, frankly: Yes, you still go to other places. But - to keep with Japan - instead of going to Kyoto you might go to Morigushi or Beppo, and instead of touring from one temple and shrine to the next, you will just interact with the places and explore them. To actually experience them, rather than some preconscieved notion of what it is supposed to be. And you interact with the people.
And you learn. Because we all just need to learn about different people, different cultures and different places. Rather than just consuming them.
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years
What about drunk Shu?
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🍷 Drunk Shu Hcs—
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW and drinking/alcohol-related concepts. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
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Tagging: @liannelara-dracula
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Hi there!
Thank you so much for requesting! I'm sorry that this took so long. This was so fun to write. Feel free to request again any time. :)
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🍷 Seeing a drunk Shu isn’t common since he views getting drunk to be bothersome, especially with the hangover that’ll come the next day.
🍷 But still, every once in a while, Shu does drink to take his mind off things, especially when his music isn’t doing it for him, or his brothers have been too annoying.
🍷 Now, when it comes to vampires getting drunk, @liannelara-dracula and I have headcanoned that normal alcohol won’t do and that immortals need a special type of alcohol specifically from the demon world.
🍷 Here’s our post on alcohol in the demon world if you want to check it out.
🍷 With Shu is drunk, one can expect the unexpected because he totally peels away from acting like his usual self. It’s honestly a sight to see.
🍷 Shu has a habit of taking his clothes off when he’s drunk, mostly because the alcohol messes with his body temperature a lot and he ends up feeling all hot and sweaty.
🍷 Has walked around the house only in his underwear since he feels hot.
🍷 Even naked a few times, but this is pretty rare.
🍷 One time you were busy tending to your things and heard him come in, but to your surprise you turned around to see a smirking, naked Shu behind you.
🍷 Gasping, you turned around feeling caught off guard, saying, “Shu! W-what are you doing? P-put some clothes on!”
🍷 With his usual hazed voice, “It’s too much of a bother.”
🍷He even encourages you to join and get naked with him.
🍷“C’mon, Y/N.” He’d coax.
🍷“Heh, you say that yet your body says otherwise. Admit it, you’ve wanted to join me from the minute I came in.”
🍷“Shut up! I did not!” You’d defy.
🍷 Only becomes a sleepy drunk when he’s about to pass out from exhaustion, so you definitely have your hands full while dealing with him in his active drunk phase.
🍷And let’s just say, you end up chasing Shu around for a while to keep him out of trouble before he officially passes out.
🍷When he’s drunk, he wants to do so many things with you, like he has too much energy.
🍷"Y/N, let's cook something."
🍷 "No reason."
🍷 It's canon that when Shu's drunk, he'll laugh until he cries if he sees something funny.
🍷 Like honestly, you could trip over something and this boi is laughing his ass off to the point of tears.
🍷 "Shu, I just tripped is all."
🍷 "Yeah, but it's the face you made though." He'd smirk, a laugh entailing soon afterward.
🍷 "Shut up."
🍷 Since you’re chasing him around to keep him out of trouble, he has a habit of picking you up and spinning you around for no reason.
🍷 Will pinch, spank, and touch your ass a lot, especially when you're not paying attention.
🍷 “Shu, quit it!”
🍷 “Who told you to be around me?” He’d smirk.
🍷 Will literally lick your ear out of nowhere just to get a reaction out of you.
🍷 Also likes to get into heated makeout sessions with you and loves leaving hickies on the back your thighs especially.
🍷 Becomes very suggestive about having sex with you on the living room couch.
🍷 Will sometimes pull you in to drink from you and claims that your blood is better than any alcohol.
🍷 But little do you know that him drinking blood only amps up his energy more when drunk, and like hell he’s going to tell you that.
🍷 If he goes into the kitchen, it’s very hard to keep him out of trouble.
🍷 Because he has so much energy, he has a habit of jumping up onto the table and starting to dance.
🍷 He even starts taking off his cardigan or whatever he’s wearing one piece at a time and has a move for each article of clothing he has on.
🍷 So dramatic lmao. xDD
🍷 And of course, he tells you to join him, but with Reiji’s china cabinets being around the table, you’re on pins and needles and want him to get out of there quickly before something breaks.
🍷 But to your dismay, Shu manages to grab you and pull you up onto the table to dance with him.
🍷 “Shu, we should stop. Reiji’s gonna get-,”
🍷 “Reiji who?” He’d say.
🍷 (Nice touch here @liannelara-dracula. Rei who? Lmao. xDD)
🍷 He even tries to take your clothes off while he’s up there with you.
🍷 “Shu!”
🍷 “What? I can’t be the only one without them.” He’d smirk.
🍷 But of course, it’s all fun and games until the table flips over and you both end up crashing into one of the china cabinets.
🍷 There goes Rei’s china xDD
🍷 Due to having so much energy, he turned one of the house's marble pillars into a stripper pole once.
🍷 Don't ask me how. xDD
🍷 “Shu, stop it! Your brothers might walk in.”
🍷 “Then let’s give them a show.” He’d smirk, pulling you in to join.
🍷 Likes to play tag with you when he's drunk and he's not fair about it.
🍷 Loves to chase you and uses his vampire powers even though you two decided not to since it wouldn’t be fair. But does he ever follow rules lmao?
🍷 Is also into playing hide and seek with you, and of course, is he fair? No.
🍷 “Loser has to do whatever the winner wants.”
🍷 “Fine.” You’d say, agreeing to his terms.
🍷 “If I win, we’re doing it on the roof.”
🍷 “Shu!”
🍷 And he makes damn sure that you lose.
🍷 In hide and seek, he likes to play the seeker, it’s the dog in him since he loves to scare you when he’s sure he’s found you.
🍷 Asshole.
🍷 Going back to his drunken state, at some point, Shu is going to run out of energy.
🍷And when this happens, he tells you to carry him around.
🍷 So with this, you end up helping him up the stairs to go to his room, but because all his weight’s on you, it’s kinda hard to help an a 5’11 dude up the stairs.
🍷 And because he’s so out of it, he ends up tripping and falls down the stairs with you, landing on top of you as a result.
🍷 “Shu, get up! You’re . . . you’re heavy.” You’d say, trying to catch your breath after the impact of the fall.
🍷 Reiji would appear out of nowhere, quickly asking, “What is all this commotion?”
🍷 “Um, sorry, Reiji.” You’d apologize, feeling awkward in this state since it was in front of Reiji. “Shu's a little out of it.”
🍷 “This is completely inappropriate, even for you.” The magenta eyed vampire would complain.
🍷 Upon hearing this, Shu would pipe up saying, “Huh, proves how much fun you have with a woman.”
🍷 “Shu, stop it!” You’d say, trying to ease a potential argument since you knew him and Reiji didn’t get along.
🍷 Reiji would sigh, finding this atrocious and not wanting to deal with him, remarking sternly before heading off. “See to it that he returns to his room. This house can't bear any more interruptions.”
🍷 When you finally manage to get him to his room, you figure having him relax would help put him at ease since he is running out of energy.
🍷 So with this, you coax him to settle down to take a bath, but of course he has to twist things.
🍷 “Fine, but only if you join.”
🍷 “Shu!”
🍷 Because you were out of energy yourself, having him bathe in his clothes was just fine.
🍷 And even when you managed to get him into the tub, it still wasn’t enough for him, his hand reaching for your wrist as he’d pull you into the tub with him, getting you soaking wet.
🍷 “Shu, look what you’ve done! I’m all wet!”
🍷 “Hm, I have that much of an effect on you and I’ve barely touched you.”
🍷 “Shut up!”
🍷 It’s canon that he likes to be dressed up by girls. It happened with Yui in one of the game routes.
🍷 So you can best bet that once you get his ass out of the tub, you’re the one dressing him since he’s lazy af.
🍷 Teases you endlessly while dressing him.
🍷 “Admit it, dressing me turns you on, doesn’t it?”
🍷 “Shut up!”
🍷 Since you’re soaking wet as well, he tells you to strip for him.
🍷 “What? Why keep them on? You can’t exactly go to sleep in those clothes.”
🍷 “Shu!”
🍷 When you finally get him to his bed, he’s honestly exhausted, but you’re honestly more exhausted than him.
🍷 But yet, he still persists on teasing you.
🍷 “So, are you up for it?”
🍷 “I’m tired, Shu. Let’s go to bed.”
🍷 “See? I knew you wanted to see me naked.”
🍷 “Knock it off!”
🍷 And when laying down with you, he’s still relentless in leaving you alone.
🍷 And since he’s famous for this, he has to clutch or spank your ass.
🍷 “Shu, stop!”
🍷 “You’ve been waiting for it all night. Stop lying.” He’d grin.
🍷 “Ugh!”
🍷 Ends up falling asleep with you in his arms because at some point he ends up becoming tired and softens up, leading him to be sincerely affectionate.
🍷 He blames his bruises on you the next morning, despite them being from the previous night when he fell down the stairs.
🍷 "See what you did? You couldn't control yourself."
🍷 "Shut up! You're the one that fell."
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Really?? Nicolas Cage and the Art of Weirdness
It’s kind of strange that Nicolas Cage is the star of National Treasure, right? Tame, family-friendly Disney flicks aren’t exactly his brand.
While the casting still strikes me as an odd choice sometimes, I am eternally, supremely, primordially grateful that he took the role of Ben Gates.
As I touched on while discussing Abigail’s Accent, National Treasure isn’t a film with a lot of subtly or nuance. At least, it wasn’t going to be until it slowly morphed throughout production, as giant collaborative projects tend to do.
Just like Diane Kruger brought nuance and depth to the role of Abigail Chase through both her acting choices and the presence of her accent, Nicolas Cage transformed Ben Gates from a generic action-adventure hero into something far superior: an awkward, obsessive forty year old man.
To fully appreciate the Nic Cage of it all, let’s begin with what the role looked like before he signed on.
More ↓
For those unfamiliar, there’s a version of the National Treasure script available online that’s dated from the month before Cage signed on as the lead. It’s hugely fascinating in the ways it’s the same as, and also wildly different from, the finished film. You can read more about it here.
The first major effect casting had was changing Ben’s age. In the 2003 script he’s introduced as
…intrepid explorer BEN GATES(late 20s, strong family resemblance)
Obviously Nic Cage was not in his late 20s in 2004. Born in 1964, he was 39/40 when the film shot and 40 by the time it came out.
We know from Ben Gates’ drivers license that his character is supposed to be 39 in the first film, as his birthday is shown as May 1965. Why the one year difference? Hollywood is allergic to people over 40. Next question.
So, Ben went from a 20-something to a (basically) 40 year old man. And that changed the story in a few subtle but important ways.
First, it makes Ben’s quest take on a different flavor. To be in your late 20s and still chasing a pipe dream is not that unusual or socially unacceptable. People in their 20s do stupid, impulsive, risky things. They are socially ‘allowed’ to be a mess. At 40, not so much. Ben’s peers have houses and families and kids who need to be taken to soccer practice.
This makes a difference to me because it emphasizes the desperation of Ben’s quest, and his absolutely unwavering belief in the treasure. It also paints a starker contrast between Ben and his father, because when Patrick was 29 he was still gallivanting around treasure hunting too. By the time Patrick was the age Ben is now, he had disavowed treasure hunting and “grown up” into a normal life. But Ben just won’t let go. The older Ben gets, the less hope Patrick has that he will eventually grow out of it. At 29 that kind of hope would still feel possible for his son. At 39, it probably doesn’t.
I’m so sorry that we have to talk about this, but we do.
Ben Gates was clearly written to be played by a hot young actor. That’s hot as in popular, and also as in sexy.* A typically implausibly fit and handsome leading man. This is evidenced not only by his age, but by the two (2) shirtless scenes written for Ben in the 2003 script.
Ben Gates is supposed to be hot.
And Nicolas Cage is...I'm not going to say "not hot," lord knows I'm on the being-normal-about-that-old-man webbed site but sex appeal not the primary reason you cast him.
What Nic Cage is know for is being weird.
*I’m aroace and vaguely sapphic, help me I don’t know what I’m doing here.
Weird. Eccentric. Zany. Over-the-top. Melodramatic.
These are the qualities Nicolas Cage is famous for, but they aren’t qualities the role of Ben Gates necessarily calls for. In fact, too far in any of these directions, and the performance could push an already implausible movie over the edge into farce. We wouldn’t take Ben or his quest seriously enough to get invested in the story.
But Nicolas Cage knew that. For as absurd as the iconic “I’m gonna steal the Declaration of Independence” line is, it's the premise that's ridiculous, not the performance. This isn’t the place to find one of Cage's signature zany performances. Search any number of "Craziest Nicolas Cage performances" lists and National Treasure won't rank. He tones it down enough that Ben feels like a rather grounded person in an over-the-top story.
However, he doesn’t tone it down completely, and that is so important.
The little places where Cage lets a hint of his signature weirdness flicker through round out Ben as a character, and give him more (or at least a different flavor of) nuance than he might have had in other hands, particularly if he were cast and played as a typically suave and macho leading man.
Case Study (Cage Study?)
Let’s look at this line from the 2003 script. This is what the FBI has to say when they’re searching Ben’s apartment.
AGENT JOHNSON Profilers say we're looking at an adult male, a loner, has a high IQ but has never been able to hold down a job, is socially inept, has probably written numerous letters to the White House expressing antigovernment sentiments. We're expecting him to contact us shortly with ransom demands.
This line is supposed to show us how off the mark the FBI is in their theory. The joke is that they’re all wrong about Ben.
Except, are they?
In this version of the script, every one of these items after “adult male” is incorrect.
Ben’s not a loner; he’s been working with Riley for 7 years.
He hasn’t not been able to hold down a job, he’s been salvage diving and treasure hunting consistently.
He’s not socially inept; he’s a ladies man. We hear multiple references to past girlfriends, and of course there’s Patrick’s assumption that Abigail's pregnant.
And obviously he hasn’t expressed anti-government sentiment and has no plans to ransom the Declaration, even in exchange for his own freedom.
What I want to argue here is that with the casting of Nicolas Cage, most of these false assumptions about Ben became true, at least a little bit. Of course there were many forces at work shaping the final tone and content of the film, but all of them—writing, directing, acting, costume design, etc—became oriented around fitting this character to the man playing him.
In the final film, Ben is a bit of a loner. He doesn’t seem to have known Riley for that long, and he immediately gets betrayed by the only other person he’s close to. His status as an outsider is emphasized by the fact that he and his family have been ostracized from the historical community.
In the 2003 script, this element isn’t present and Ben gives a fake name for other reasons. We also meet his landlady, whom he’s very kind to, and hear about at least one former girlfriend. In short, we get a sense of the web of people in Ben’s life outside of the treasure hunt. In the final film, Ben is seemingly much more isolated.
We also get no evidence about Ben’s job. The 2003 script makes multiple references to Ben working as a salvage diver, which might not be what he hopes for, but it is a clear profession. In the final movie we only get reference to Ben being trained at the Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center, which implies that he’s qualified to work at a salvage diver, but gives no indication that this is what he regularly does for work.
We also have Patrick saying:
PATRICK I have a job, a house, health insurance. What do you have?
The contrast makes it clear that Ben doesn’t have any kind of consistent job. Now, my guess is he does still work salvage jobs in this version, and that’s how he affords his apartment and the other things he needs to keep treasure hunting, but it’s never directly mentioned.
As to why he doesn’t hold down a job, the obvious answer is that it would interfere with his relentless pursuit of the Charlotte and the Templar Treasure. It makes sense that he simply chooses not to keep a consistent job because that’s not compatible with his goals. However, I want to raise the possibility that Ben would struggle to hold down a job even if he tried. If, say, he needed some expensive new diving equipment and took a several months long “normal” job in order to afford it, I think he’d be constantly distracted by the treasure and might quit and/or get fired the next time he needed to dash off on a lead.
Socially inept
Likewise, in the final movie, Ben is charming and clever and all the things a leading man is supposed to be, and also awkward and fairly socially clueless.
On the Charlotte he seems surprised that Ian and his guys turn out to be armed criminals, so either he was so desperate for resources and support to continue the hunt that he’s in denial or he’s very bad at reading people. Or at least, very bad at reading Ian. Maybe both. (There’s also the matter of his very poor attempt at bluffing in this scene.)
He’s awkward with Abigail in their meeting in her office, and even more awkward giving the toast. She even points out to him that he says the poetic things that are on his mind even though most people know they're not supposed to do that.
Then of course we have the “cavalier in my personal life” exchange, which I plan to dig into in depth at a later time, but for now let’s leave it at: Ben is not always on the same page as the people he’s in relationships with.
And there’s the very strange reading of the line “really?” after Ben and Abigail survive the collapsing staircase sequence. He’s amazed that he’s met someone who would also prioritize a historical artifact over personal safety, and he delivers the line just…weirdly.
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He’s weird! (affectionate)
Ben Gates is a weird guy!
By the final film, Ben Gates had become a hybrid of the thing he was always supposed to be—a suave, swashbuckling hero—and the thing he was not supposed to be—a weirdo outcast on the fringes of society.
To draw a comparison to another popular Disney adventure flick that came out the year before: Ben was supposed to be the Will Turner of National Treasure, the hunky young underdog who always gets the girl. By casting Nicolas Cage and letting him bring a little history and a little weirdness to the role, Ben Gates ended up edging just a liiiiiiittle bit into Jack Sparrow territory as well.
He occupies both spaces, and I think that duality serves to deepen his character and make him far more interesting than if he was a straight-forward action-adventure hero.
Hooray for weird middle-aged men.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
I've seen your posts about Taekook and I like the way you think. I tend to agree, but I get confused when I see about Jikook. How you think they are different? You talk about "grand gestures", what is that about?
Hi anon!
No need to get confused, although I do understand why you would be. I wrote about Tae and Jk in these posts:
So I won't go into them a lot now (although I could, because... wow :) ). It's also so hard and a bit unfair to really compare friendships or relationships I think. Every friendship is different and has it's own strenths and weaknesses. No two people are the same and therefore no bond between people can be the same. It's like comparing apples to oranges.
Jimin and Jk are friends, they have a very strong bond I believe and are very fond of each other. There's no denying that. Their personalities together make for a very happy, funny, adventurous, relationship (platonic) full of banter. Jimin is also a very flirty person in general. It comes natural to him, he is flirty with a lot of people (disclaimer, this is not a negative thing... being flirty doesn't have to be sexual or romantical at all). Jk is not a natural flirty person (imo). He gets flustered by it easily, but... I think he does appreciate a flirty atmospere. Whenever Jk is flirty (on lives for instance) I always feel it's because he intends to be. While Jimin is more naturally flirty.
I am actually quite sure Jk and Jimin are not in a romantic relationship. I can look at Jikook videos on youtube and still be sure of my believe in Taekook without much effort. I do understand why a lot of people do see sometning there though. Those grand gestures I mentioned are there. It's the touches, the hugs, some comments, handholding, patting each others butts. Those are easily spotted and in general those things are what make you go "side-eye". A lot of fans (especially young ones) take those grand gestures and come to a conclusion right away: Jikook is real. They do not really look beyond what they see. Not to bash anyone, but I feel it takes some experience with actual relationships (doesn't have to be your own, but just real adult relationships around you) to be able to see what is lacking in Jimin and Jk's interactions and why that means they are just friends.
I have looked at a lot of Jikook videos and I see nothing but two friends enjoying teasing each other. Jimin mostly initiates, because he has the natural inclination to be flirty and Jk will allow hugs, some touches and occasional handholding. Jk however, often leans away from the touches and will even try to get out of them (and yes, there is footage showing he doesn't lean away, but in general he will). He will either create space between their heads or keep space between them... he doesn't lean in to get closer. Like this for instance:
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This is something Jk does do with Tae though. He does incline his head towards Tae, he does try to close the space between them (again... in general). He lets Tae get into his personal space easily.
Simply put... Jk isn't a 100% comfortable whith Jimin entering his personal space. I don't mean to imply that Jimin is crossing boundaries here... he is always quick to pull off and I see it more as playfull behavior. The way we let people into our personal space is not black or white... it's better to look at it as something placed on a scale. We let people we trust the most get the closest. I'd say a young child and their parent are a 100%, two strangers at most 10% for instance. Jimin and Jk to me look about 70% while Tae and Jk go up to near 100%.
Another reason for me to believe in Taekook rather than Jikook is the way Vminkook are together. Jimin doesn't care what Tae and Jk do together. While Jk and Tae do care when the other is physically close to someone else. There are some very distinct moments that would not have happened if Jikook were real. All of this:
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but also these:
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All examples of Tae and Jk being couply with Jimin present and having no problem with it.
Most of the stuff i've seen people use for evidence of Jikook is stuff I interpret very differently. It's a lot of playfull banter. Jimin likes to tease Jk, but not with any actual sexual or romantic intent. Jk comforts Jimin a lot, but to me that's as friends not as lovers. The GCF with Jimin in Tokyo is just a friends vacation to me (I ave footage of me and a friend that is very much like that). So, I think people took some grand gestures, made up their minds and started interpretating everything else with an already fixed idea in mind.
It's easy to act out the grand gestures. Anyone can do it. Bodylanguage is something that is hard to fake and hide though. Tae and Jk's bodylanguage with each other has an ease to it that to me Jk and Jimin's just doesn't. I don't want to diminish Jimin and Jk's bond. Friendships are also extremely important relationships. They care for each other and they are fond of each other. I just don't think they are together romantically.
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neonscandal · 10 months
Just see this in twitter by someone : "I'm starting to think maybe people should read actual BL manga. perhaps considering manga written with actual gay characters in it in addition to shipping m x m from whatever battle shounen you're into."
Like because of those subtext, there can be fanfics and fanarts, right? And then I decided to come here, your blog is really one of my comfort place....
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Comfort place!? This makes me want to carve out time to post infinitely more. 🥹 Even though it feels a bit aimless, I’m glad I could cultivate that for you and hope I can continue to do so.
RE: twitter, without context, it's hard to tell whether this person is earnestly recommending people to expand their interests into BL or if they're dumping on people who tend to support and identify queer shipping across other genres.
On the one hand, heavy agree that if you appreciate queer pairings of any kind to absolutely find media and stories that shows healthy (and authentic, if possible!) representation of whatever you're into. I feel like sometimes in BL, specifically, there’s a lot of toxicity or violence passed off as romance which is why I recommend being discerning. Here are some green flag recommendations and I kind of touch on the importance of identity through engaging with queer content by way of BL's featuring fudanshi's there. Isn't always the case, but it's a storyline I appreciate.
If the poster was side eyeing queer ships in "mainstream" or shonen stories... they should grow up. I've been in and out of fandom for like.. 20 years. There have always been people who recognize and popularize queer ships. Back in the day? Characters didn't even have to share the same show, universe or genre to end up in a crossover slash fic on Fanfiction.Net.
Don't get me wrong, I've definitely needlessly explored several crack theories or made off-base assumptions about a story for the sake of trying to guess at where it’s going. But I sometimes question people's competency for reading/watching comprehension when a particularly shitty hottake is making its rounds on social media. Like are we not watching the same thing?
Subtext does exist. I don't know that all authors are as elegant or intentional in its execution but if you're not bothering to consider the possibility, you're potentially missing out on critical pieces of a story you're choosing to invest hours/years of your life into! This isn't simply as it pertains to shipping but also picking up on critical exposition (Attack. On. Titan.) or even questioning whether the information we're getting as the reader or viewer is conveyed with any sort of narrator bias. Yes, this is absolutely a My Hero Academia call out. ✨
Queer coding does exist. Tons of reasons why queer characters aren't always explicitly identified as such. More often than not, there's some form of censorship. Whether at the editing level during manga production or when it comes time for manga/shows to be approved for international distribution (re: information that's lost in translation vs outright decisions to alter the flow of the story). Most glaring example of this that comes to mind is Haruka Tenou or "Sailor Uranus"/Michiru Kaiou or "Sailor Neptune. In addition to gratuitous name changes when Sailor Moon was pushed abroad, several countries would rather portray the two as unusually close relatives despite the clear romantic undertones exhibited whenever they were on screen together. Also, IDK why, but pretty sure I'd seen somewhere that, initially the creator of Naruto did want to canonize Sasuke/Naruto but, truth be told, I've never watched the series and that could have been a fanon theory I'd seen.
Overarching messages exist. Similar to the first point, a story is seldom just a story. More often than not, you're looking at some sort of social critique or opinion that's being expressed or explored through the story. To not bother thinking critically about what you choose to spend time in enjoying is a pretty bland way to miss the point of it.
When all else fails, it's not our fault that the only relationships most shonen mangaka focus on developing is the one between "rivals". That's it. If there were more dynamic characters or literally any consideration toward the depth of intimacy between the main character and whatever tritagonist female lead the male lead inexplicably ends up with (aside from the simple rationale that "she is the girl 🎀"), then maybe fans won't have to hone in on how the only agency, equality and intimacy is between the only two characters of substance. That was a mouthful but so are the overly poetic soliloquies shonen rivals inevitably share about one another.. ✨
I'm guessing this question might be related to the last anon ask about fanfics? I agree regarding the fact that subtext allows for a richer selection of fan art and fics. I think, depending on content, the motivation for reading fics will subsequently differ. For instance, I'm less likely to read fanfics for a romance series even if I sometimes write for them because the source material generally satisfies what I wanted from them. But fix it fics, angst and romance fics for shonen/seinen series'?? I'll definitely pick them up because, 1) there are usually unexplored relationship dynamics in the source material, 2) there are alternative domestic/fluff storylines you'd never see because the genre doesn't allow for it, 3) the canon plot is usually so devastating *cough, JJK, cough* that I need a respite, and/or, 4) the developing plot tends to have a lot of holes that writers can explore to craft uniquely compelling AU's and alternative plotlines that I wouldn't imagine.
Man, it's been a while since I nerded out and really took the time to bang out a rant. I've had so many thoughts bouncing around but just zero time. Thank you for your ask and the reminder that there's someone else out there in the shipping trenches. Stay safe out there, anon!
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nowordsformylove · 8 months
Jonessmith. Discuss (is so so bad at thinking of questions)
so much that I could say
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I’m gonna start here even though I already posted about this before but I definitely think Mike fell for Davy first and kept it a secret for so long and never intended to do anything about it. Silent pining. Davy would fall hard for Mike but would also try to keep it a secret to not ruin their friendship, eventually tho it would come out that he loves Mike, whether he acts on it or says something or Mike just figures it out (or Micky and Peter try to set them up bc they know they like each other hah).
I talked about date ideas :) so im going to jump into some reasons why i like them paired together
I think they are really well suited for each other bc they tend to be on the same page, like Mike can start saying something and Davy will pick up on it and add to it. like for example in Monkees Race Again when they’re explaining why the engine blew up and Mike says it makes the car lighter and Davy adds “so it goes faster” (Micky does this too! but I like to think Mike and Davy are really good at picking up on little things from each other so they do it more often)
I also love their contrasts with the obvious being British/American (specifically from a southern state cause they got an accent difference going on). Mike’s bit of country twang vs Davy’s broadway type ballad voice. I think they have very complimentary sounding voices and the live on the Johnny Cash show version of Nine Times Blue is my favorite for this reason (the monkees should’ve done more duet/group-type songs rip). 
Their other obvious contrast is their tall guy small guy thing! I’m not usually one for height difference ships but they’ve turned me onto the idea :D I really love the way Davy can just lean his head onto Mike shoulder and Mike can rest his chin on Davy’s head 🥹 Davy is also the perfect height for Mike to just drape his arm over his shoulders. Also I really love how grabby Davy is, he is with all the guys but it’s extra cute when he’s pulling on Mike’s sleeves or hiding behind him because Mike likes being the protector and caretaker of the group, so I think it’s a nice dynamic for them. Also I like to think that because Davy is so grabby he’s probably also a cuddler. I just know he always ends up spooning Mike even if that’s not how they fall asleep.
Random headcanons:
Mike definitely uses romantic nicknames and my favorite one he uses for Davy is “doll” (i know the special nickname used in fics is honeychild and that one is sooo cute too)
This one kinda goes along with Davy being touchy but I know he loveessss wrapping his arms around Mike’s waist either as a hug from behind or just to hold him while standing next to him. He just can’t resist it me too Davy 
Davy obviously has great puppydog eyes bc he’s so pretty and young looking but Mike’s puppydog eyes when he decides to use them are an instant knockout you just can’t say no to him.
This one is nsfw: I do see them as a switch couple but primarily Mike tops bc I think he would feel like there’s more control being in a “dominant” position and also he likes being the provider (a service top). But Davy does get to top occasionally and when he does he puts his all into making Mike come apart under his touch, LOTS of foreplay until Mike is whimpering and even begging 😳
ok since this has been sitting in my drafts for 10 days 🫣 im posting it as is but i may come back and add more to it if i think of other stuff, or if you want me to expand on anything ive said lmk!
if anyone else wants to add to this pleaseeee feel free I would love to hear other people’s thoughts or random headcanons 🩷🩷🩷
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ressources for a (possible) autism diagnosis, ways you can support autistic people (even after april ends) + my personal symptoms!
as april is autism acceptance/ awareness month here are some ways you can make us feel autistic people more accepted :D
notes: this post is directed towards ALLISTICS. you can still read if you're autistic/neurodivergent but i feel like all im going to write isn't going to be new to you so x) yea /lh
also i alr stated it but the symptoms i will list are only MINE. just because you relate to them doesn't mean you're autistic OK ? ok. also please don't use the resources as a proper diagnosis, I AM NOT A PSYCHIATRIST OK? I AM JUST POSTING THIS TO HELP PEOPLE AND ALLISTICS 👹
this being said, ladders, gentlebeans and gender anarchists (me) luvs, ✨️how can allistics help autistic people!✨️
(in case you're confused you just have to tap on the text when it's underlined, the name of the website is the text written)
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1- helpful resources for looking for a future diagnosis
before using the following i highly recommend to list why you think you might be autistic so that you only note what you truly have and don't tend to- "oh i have this symptom too" while you don't /lh
dsm5 criteria (this one's a bit boring tbh my adhd made it hard to read through the whole thing lmao) but it's still good to have an overall look on autism symptoms
same thing as above but as a checklist
CW EYE CONTACT embrace autism's "reading the mind through the eyes" a test in which there are a few faces shown but you only see the eyes and you have to guess the emotion depicted there are around 40 questions and you can't actually click on your answers lol you have to note them and the good answers will be in a table at the end of the test
embrace autism's tests and how the results work (pretty self explanatory c: /lh)
everything you need to know about embrace autism (as far as i'm aware this site is nothing like autism speaks but please let me know if i'm wrong)
2- ways you can support autistic people!
ASK US FOR CONSENT this is not only for autistic people but since being touched is a trigger for most of autistic people ASK US IF YOU CAN TOUCH US AND BE S P E C I F I C (like "can i touch you *speficic body part*?)
don't expect autistic people to be all the same, we all manage our symptoms differently (that's literally why it's called a SPECTRUM everybody experiences differently)
listen to us when we say something you say/do is ableist and/or makes us uncomfortable. i know this is basic common sense but keep in mind that we are humans too.
this is basic common sense but keep in mind that we are humans too.
DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT question an autistic person's diagnosis. this is mostly basic common sense but don't go like "but you don't look autistic omg i could never tell you're autistic" first of all that's ableist and second of all MASKING. THAT'S ALL THAT'S THE REASON WHY YOU CANT TELL AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE AUTISTIC. sorry i sound mad but 💀
be comprehensive. pleaasee understand that some things/situations may be hard for us. like not understanding social cues for example
ask us about our hyperfixations/specific interests!!
3- my personal experience with autism and how i try to manage my symptoms"
keep in mind that this is MY experience, everybody experiences autism differently as it is A SPECTRUM also i alr said it but don't use this post as a tool for diagnosis ok? o
ever since i was a kid i always had a lot of friends and i always talked to adults as if it was a normal thing, my parents always were like "don't do this this can be dangerous" but i kept soing this bc to me they were nice
AWFUL TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS ( it probably has to see w my adhd) but i always arrive an hour too early or 30 minutes late, there is no in between
not liking ppl my age therefore only befriending older/younger ppl
having a "higher than average" intelligence (it led me to a burnout 💀/lh)
not understanding undertones esp irl ones, and having trouble telling the difference between platonic and romanic feelings
having a hard time identifying my identity (esp gender one) (xenogenders here i come /pos)
either feeling everyone's emotions or nothing at all, also having no empathy because i never know how i have to feel for example right after they vent to me
liking "more adult" stuff such as psychology and murders, yet liking very childhish stuff
pattern recognition, like always guessing how movies end/ who the killer is
finding deep interests in subjects that are not common to my age
low to no empathy, not knowing how to react when ppl vent to me/talk to me abt sensitive subjects
always seeing things as a spectrum, instead of a "yes or no" perspective i always see things as "yes,no, maybe" like nothing is binary
not knowing when things are inappropriate, always saying my mind
staring at things/people i find pretty because they're visually stimulating
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so many more tbh but i think that's alr a lot x)
ty for reading ily! im sorry this took weeks bc of procrastination 😭
ily have a nice day! - kanahari/ @kana-has-no-rizz 🩶
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Friendzoned ( Loki x Female Reader) (Fluff)
Summary: Loki friendzoned you soon after meeting you but not for the reasons you think.
Warning: Mention of trauma
Note : this is so short , almost a drabble but I had a vivid dream and wrote while it was fresh in my mind.
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You and Loki have been friends since he got here, on earth you meant. Or Midgard as he liked to call it, it was weird meeting him the first time, you instantly had a crush on him and he? Well he friendzoned you after four weeks of knowing you, in those four weeks you really thought he was into you as you both flirted with each other all the time but he wasn't. You were thanking all your stars, so glad that he didn't know of your crush on him at the time, it has bloomed way past that now.
"How many feasts tinman must have Little darling?" He huffed as you tried to match the foundation to his pale skin, he always called you little darling, but then he also friendzoned the little darling. 
"You must be tired of fixing my face all the time love" he asked you and you shook your head. 
"I do it for everyone, do you know how many times Steve and Bucky had come to me to fix their busted faces? They both heal superfast though, they only call me when it's urgent you know " you bit on your lips after you were done blabbering. You always did that whenever you focused on something. 
"Must feel like a fortune to possess a power so valuable, though it's not natural for them" you smiled as you concealed the bruises he had on his face. Loki could heal really well, superfast even but when he saw you fixing Captain's face for the first time he wanted you to do it for him, and then he never could stop, this was the closest he got to having you in his proximity. 
"Stay still" you mumbled as you leaned down to work on his face, the dress you wore for the party showed enough cleavage. Why were you doing this to him?
"Yes madam" you smiled and powdered his face, contrary to popular belief Loki's face tends to lean on the oily side, which he claimed was because of the polluted environment of midgard. Lie 
"Why do you always use this dust on my face? What's the use of it?"  he questioned and you chuckled.
"To prevent your face from oiling up, it's a powder, not a dust" you told him and he rolled his eyes in a playful way and then a lightbulb flicked in his head.
"Ahhh that's what they mean when they say they're going to powder their noses, I thought it was an euphemism for touching yourself" you chuckled as he said that. God why did he have to be hot as the sun, taller than a building and then be humorous at the same time. You hated him. No you didn't, you loved him. Alot.
"Fun fact, in the 18th century wealthy people used to powder their wigs to stand out, it was a sign of ..well wealth and royalty and then women picked it up too. That's where the concept of powder rooms emerged from, at royal parties these wealthy snobs needed a space to you know powder their wigs again because God forbid they're looking one percent less wealthier than they were, later when makeup became popular women started using that term you said instead because nobody powders their wigs anymore" he had a small smile on his face as you continued to blab mindlessly.
"Have you always been like this little darling?" 
"Like what ? You mumbled as you plucked an extra hair from his bushy brow.
"So adorable and so smart" your face flushed at the compliment, the fucker seemed to enjoy doing that often. 
"Noooo I just watch a lot of history tv in my free time" you mumbled and he sighed. Tell her tell her tell her. 
"Well all set for your next conquest my lord..go crazy" you held a small mirror in front of his face and he didn't have to look at it to know what a great job you did. You always fixed him well.
But that's what you hated the most, watching a flock of women around him at the parties and then him taking one of them to his room. 
"Thank you darling, I always appreciate it" 
At the party he had a fan named Linda, she was gatekeeping him, she didn't allow any other woman to even buzz around him.
"Mmm your makeup is looking patchy, let me fix it hon" Linda was about to touch his cheek when he glared at her, 
"Touch that makeup and I'll throw you off the building" 
You watched him interacting with Linda from afar sighing as you sipped on your drink. Thor walked towards you as he noticed your eyes on his brother and sat down on the couch next to you.
"It's funny how he keeps doing that" you shrugged as he said that 
"Funny what? I mean his body, his rules, he can do whatever he wants, whoever he wants, we shouldn't judge him for that" you nodded as you finished your sentence, taking pride in standing up for your friend when deep down you wanted to bitch about how whorish he was.
"That? Ohhh no that's not what I mean" your eyebrows raised so you looked at him.
"Hmm now I'm more curious than George could ever dream of" 
"George?" He asked you and you closed your eyes to stop them from rolling back in your head.
"It's just.. nevermind. What did you mean?"
"The whole fake bruises and asking you to fix his face?" Thor smirked and your eyes widened,
"WHAT DO YOU MEANN?" You screamed at him and he chuckled
"You know his Frost Giant genes allow him to heal instantly right? By the time he gets back from mission to the tower, he's healed" 
Your eyes widened so much Thor felt as if it would pop out, so he got up swiftly and left you to dwell on it. You stood up and stormed towards Loki, Linda glared at you and you glared back at her, she backed off immediately.
"Can we talk?" You looked at Loki and he got worried. What did he do? He had tried his best to not fuck this up with you. He can't lose you. 
"Yeah I– " you cut him mid sentence as you grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the lounge then you took him to the lobby, 
"Darling what's wrong?" He stopped you halting your movement to flip you towards him 
"Why did you lie to me?" His eyes teared up as you said that.
"About what?" 
"About bruises and the makeup , you heal don't you?" you crossed your arms and he squeezed his eyes.
"Yes I do" 
"Soo what was all that huh? Is this fun for you?" Your eyes teared up and he shook his head.
"I wasn't trying to mock you darling" he said and you noticed his eyes were teary 
"What is it lo?" 
"I love you" he mumbled and you looked at him to see the signs of any mischief brewing on his features but he seemed sincere. You weren't expecting him to just utter those words like that.
"Whatt??? I mean I love you but what?" 
"You what?" 
You stared at each other, did you really love him? He was so confused and then he sighed.
"I fuck up okay, that's what I do, that's what I always do, it drives them away when they get too close to me" you placed your hands on his upper arms and gave him a little squeeze to comfort him.
"Why would you say that hmm?" You asked him and he looked down,
"I get nightmares when I sleep, it's more often to happen then not happen, terrible terrible nightmares. I get angry sometimes though I'd never hurt anyone that I love and care about but I do tend to get distant. I still have not come to terms with my heritage and I do not know when I will, I am damaged darling, so damaged and from a distance you may perceive me as the mischievous carefree man you have come to know of but that's not who I am" you wrapped your arms around his neck as soon as he finished his words. He continued to speak as he knew he couldn't hide his feelings anymore,
"When I met you I was taken away by your calming aura around me, it was different and I couldn't lose you darling, i needed you in my life so I figured that our friendship would not complicate us, I just thought I wouldn't have to lose you too if you were merely a friend of mine, I love you and I care about you too much to lose as just another romance, I'd rather have you in my life as a friend even if it kills me than not have you at all " 
Your pulled away to look at him and your eyes teared up, as it dropped down on your cheek he wiped them with his thumb,
"But you want to romance me?" He chuckled as you said that.
"Very much so, I dream of it all the time" 
"Well then you need to give us a chance because watching you spend your time with countless other people hurts me more than you ever could do. Your problems and trauma won't drive me away lo, I'd never run to the other side, I'd hold your hand instead and help you get through it..I love you, I have since I got to know you" he hugged you tightly as you finished your words. Maybe he won't lose you too once the facade is ripped off and he's bare and vulnerable. 
"It wasnt easy for me either. I'm just afraid" you got on your tiptoes and kissed his forehead.
"I love you, never forget" he kissed your forehead as you said that and he was about to kiss you when Steve called him.
"The phone is given to you for a reason, Stark wants to see you" he said to Loki and loki stepped away from you. 
"I'll see you soon little darling, I love you" he mumbled and you smiled, your heart kept beating so fast because of what just happened and anticipation of what was about to happen. You squealed and did a little dance when he got out of your sight, a few minutes later you received a text from him and that made you run to your bedroom
"Can't wait to ruin our friendship a little more tonight ;)" 
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milliedazzledust · 3 years
Somewhere Only We Know (Bucky Barnes imagine)
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Request: @the-craziestone story about Bucky x Reader, where Bucky is really obsessed with Reader - But not in a creepy way, more like he's really really in love with her and he can only see her, like she's his world Anon: can you do something with reader gifting Bucky Barnes the 3 Lord of the Rings books? They were published after WWII, and reader knows he liked The Hobbit so she thinks it's something he'd like
Words: 2943
A/N: this is pure fluff with no warning, also I changed a tiny bit the second request to fit the story - enjoy ;)
He couldn’t explain the sadness he constantly felt every time he was walking through the streets of the city he used to know by heart. A stranger in a strange land was the best way to describe him. More than seventy years had passed, and he hadn’t witnessed any changes. While he had been a puppet deprived of freewill and controlled with the sole purpose of killing, he had missed the birth of a whole new world. Now, as he strode around the streets, he could easily remember each of their names, but none of them were familiar. His mind remained in the 1940’s and in the middle of the noises, surrounded by the sound of first responders vehicles, the children running around and cars piling up on the road, he was a stranger in his own home. It was an unsettling feeling, a pining melancholy that reminded him in every step he made that his Brooklyn didn’t exist anymore. 
He was furious in a way, but mostly confused. Haunted by memories he had gotten back a second ago, and they didn’t fit this new reality. He wasn’t even nostalgic, but the loneliness was getting heavier every day. He could still picture the park he used to take his sister, the alley where Steve had gotten beaten up one day, the bakery his mother used to go to every morning. Treasure of souvenirs he would keep forever. And although the park, the alley and the streets names were still here, he was left alone walking down Brooklyn. 
“Hey, Y/N!” He heard a voice shouting. “Where do I put those ?” 
His head mechanically turned to a young boy carrying a heavy box of what looked like antics. Without thinking he crossed the road and when his eyes laid on the small shop, he gasped. There it was, one small piece of his past still here. It was an old bookstore he used to go to with his sister. The man, a friend, an immigrant from France with a thick accent, would let them stay for hours. Bucky loved reading to Rebecca. They would sit inside and she’d insist to hear The Hobbit. François, the man owning the store, would make coffee and stay with them, relating the stories he had heard around the world, telling them all about the France he had known. It was all still here. ‘Au Nom de la Rose’ was still here. 
He didn’t hesitate a second and rushed inside the place, an honest smile on his face. His eyes roamed over the room and he took a deep breath. It was just like he remembered, a place filled with murmurs and whispers floating above his head and through the roof, indistinct conversations between friends, huge windows bringing in a powerful light at this hour of the day, plants in almost every corner. Even the atmosphere was the same, this powerful smell of imagination coming from the laying books on the shelves, begging to be read, mixing with a distinct smell coming from the dust. The small couch and the old table he used to sit by with his sister were also there. The wooden pieces had many rough and sharp edges but looked just as smooth and clean as he remembered. Finally, his eyes landed on a woman there. He watched her rearranging a bouquet of daffodils, breathing in the perfume of the vibrant flowers as she tended to them meticulously. 
For some reason, he couldn’t look away. She felt familiar, like he had known her all his life, yet he had never seen her before. When she turned around he took an instinctive step toward her. She noticed, raised her head and that was the moment their eyes met. His breath caught in his throat when she smiled at him. He stood, frozen on the spot, staring at her. He couldn’t comprehend that instant connection. There was an inexplicable sense of excitement yet weird feeling that they had known each other forever, that they were meeting each other again after a long journey. He was transfixed, almost stuck by the confusing mixture of emotions but oddly comforted by them - all at the same time. 
“Can I help you ?” She asked him.
He surprised himself thinking there was something eerily calming about her voice, that he could listen to her for hours.
“Do I know you ?” He quickly wondered out loud, mentally facepalming himself for his lack of tact. 
“Shouldn’t I be asking that question ?”
“Why ?”
“You’ve been staring at me for the past five minutes” She grinned.
“I’m … I’m sorry” He apologized profusely. “I didn’t mean to…” 
“Look weird ?” 
He could swear his heart skipped a beat when he heard her laugh.
“This place is beautiful”
“Thank you” 
“How long have you been working here ?”
“Forever” She smirked. “The store belongs to my family. Passed on from generation to generation” 
Bucky raised an eyebrow, surprised.
“You’re related to François Y/L/N ?” He questioned.
She tilted her head, crossing her arms.
“Now I’m intrigued” She told him. “How do you know about my grandfather ?” 
“We’ve met,” He answered without thinking. He rapidly realized his mistake when she narrowed her eyes in utter curiosity. “I … I didn’t mean … I mean … It was … It was a long time ago”
He gulped, hoping she wouldn’t push it. She looked him up and down, assessing him. 
“What’s your name, weirdo ?” She inquired, giving him a skeptical glance.
“Bucky. M’am” 
She smirked.
“Let me guess, a soldier ?” 
“How … ?” 
“You all have the same manners, and the same eyes”
“What do you mean ?”
She was now standing in front of him, staring at his face with the most adorable smile he had ever seen.
“You carry the same sadness and the horror you’ve seen” She replied honestly. “My father was a lot like that too” 
Her answer had the effect of a punch in the gut he hadn’t been expecting. He felt naked under her gaze, a stranger with the power to see through his soul.
“I’m Y/N” She introduced herself, raising her hand to shake his.
It was rare for him to smile truthfully but the unexpected bliss slowly growing made his lips twitch before he could even acknowledge it.
“Hi, Y/N” He greeted her.
She chuckled, amused. 
“Hi, Bucky” She murmured. 
After that encounter, he made a point of coming back as much as he could. He stayed for hours sitting on the couch, reading the same book over and over again. They shared quick words but he didn’t dare to start up a conversation, too afraid he would say something he shouldn’t, something that would scare her away. He was content like this. There was no Winter Soldier, no war, no fight, no one else than Bucky. Being next to this girl was in itself a medication for him. It made no sense but she was so bright and radiant. Like a magnet, he was sucked into an invisible gravitational pull toward her.
By the second week of him coming into the store, she started to notice the small marks of attention. He would come so silently she wouldn’t hear a thing, bringing a fresh cup of coffee he would lay on her counter when she wasn’t looking, replacing the daffodils before they could fade, carrying the heavy boxes filled with new books. When she wasn’t working, she would grab something to read and sit next to him. They would exchange a smile but wouldn’t talk. The proximity was enough. Their presence was louder than any word. A quiet routine they were slowly creating. 
By the fourth month, nothing had changed and that day was no different. Rain was pouring outside and the store was empty, except for Y/N and Bucky. Just as usual, he was reading in a corner while she was working. New stacks of books had arrived and she was methodically putting them on the shelves. Standing on a ladder, on the tip of her toes, she was so focused on the task she had failed to notice the soldier walking up to her. 
“Do you need any help ?” He offered. 
Surprised to hear his voice so close to her, she lost her balance and slipped. She yelped as her ankle hit one side of the ladder and automatically closed her eyes, anticipating the fall. She tried to brace herself but before her body could touch the ground she felt something cold holding her waist. Suddenly, instead of laying on the floor, she was against his hard chest, in a protective embrace. She recognized his arms around her and shivered at the odd coldness. He  felt it immediately and was quick to put some distance between them, making sure his metal arm was no more on her body and only his human hand was steadying her. 
“Are you alright ?” He questioned. She pursed her lips, trying not to show that she was hurt when she heard how worried he sounded. 
“Yeah, it’s fine. I’m fine”
He looked skeptic but didn’t say anything about it.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” He apologetically told her.
He took the books scattered on the ground, putting them away, and helped her walk to the couch.
“You know, if the goal was to literally make me fall for you, I’d say you did a pretty good job there” She flirted, making him chuckle. 
He sat on the table in front of her and grabbed her calve, gently laying her leg on his thigh to assess the damage. From the corner of his eyes, he could see her blushing. It made him insanely happy to know he wasn’t the only one affected by their closeness. They tried not to look at one another, too embarrassed by the situation. This was the closest they had ever been and the touch on his skin on hers was more than enough to make her heart ready to jump out of her chest. When he clasped her injured ankle, she cried and instinctively pushed him back. 
“Fine, huh ?” He repeated her own words with a smirk.
She huffed and rolled her eyes.
“It’s not a big deal, Bucky” She reassured him. “I’ve got to get back to work”
“You’re not moving from this couch” He ordered.
“Is that an order, soldier ?” She ironically threw at him, crossing her arms in annoyance.
“You bet it is”
She watched him, intrigued, as he stood up and piled up some books on the table to put her ankle to rest on it. 
“No moving around, got it ?” He made sure she would follow his advice.
“Aye, aye, Captain”
He chuckled 
“Technically speaking, I’m not a Captain” He confessed as he continued what she had been doing earlier and started putting the books carefully on the right shelves. 
“Would you have preferred Sergeant ?” She replied, bitting her lips, unsure this was the wrong moment to admit she knew who he was.
He instantly stopped what he was doing and slowly turned around to stare at her.
“What did you say ?” He asked, more scared than ever.
Up until that moment, he had avoided telling her who he was. Becoming part of the Avengers meant his identity wasn’t a secret anymore, and although he had done a terrific job staying hidden among the mass of people, it wouldn’t have taken more than a little push to find who he really was. He stood in front of her, frozen, not having a clue how to react.
“Sergeant Barnes, isn’t it ?” She sounded nervous, almost frightened to say his name out loud.
“I… “ He tried to say anything, but as the rain kept pouring outside, slowly turning into a thunderstorm, he blankly stared back.
“Would you have told me ?” She whispered.
She humorlessly snorted. 
“We’ve known each other for more than three months, Bucky. I see you practically every day. Be honest, eventually would’ve never come” 
“It’s not like that” He tried to explain.
“I’m not mad, don’t worry” She sadly smiled. “I just wish… I guess I wish you could’ve trust me” 
He rubbed his jaw in frustration and made a step toward her. Without breaking his gaze, he slowly took the glove off, revealing his metal hand. Still, he didn’t look at her, too afraid of her reaction. The cold metal had never felt so hot against his skin, a burning reminder of the stranger he had become.
“I didn’t want you to be scared,” He admitted in a broken voice. 
“Of you ?” She was surprised. “Why would I be ?”
“I’m not a good man, Y/N”
“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that ?” 
“You don’t understand…”
“The red box under the counter” She interrupted him. “Can you take it for me ? And turn the sign of the shop, we’re closed.”
He gave her a puzzled look, but did as she said anyway. He locked the front door and took the box she asked for before walking to her and putting it directly in her hands.
“Sit” She instructed him.
He didn’t dare to stay near her and chose to stay on an opposite chair.
“I found this a little after you and I met” She told him, motioning to the box. “It was in the basement, hidden under old junks my parents had kept over the years”
He let her speak, not understanding where this was going or why she was telling him about that. She slowly opened the mystery box and took a small envelope out of it. It looked old, so old the paper had turned into a deep shade of yellow.
“My grandfather wrote this” She confessed. “In 1957. It’s addressed to Bucky and Rebecca Barnes. I believe it belongs to you” 
She handed him the letter that he took with shaky hands.
“How did you… ?” He started to ask.
“It was a long shot,” She explained. “The first time you were here, you said my grandfather's name like it meant something to you. Like you really knew him. When I found the box, and the envelope, I didn’t make the connection with you right away. But your name was all I needed to start my research. My parents kept pretty much everything so it didn’t took me too long to find an old photo with you and him, back in the 1930′s” 
He wasn’t moving at all when she showed him a picture François had taken of them right before he was enlisted. 
“I wanted to wait for the right time to tell you, I guess. I mean, you have enough ghosts as it is”
“Still not scared ?” He inquired in a humorless chuckle.
“Not one bit” She didn’t hesitate to reply.
She softly smiled and motioned for him to come closer. When he sat next to her, she moved the box from her lap to his. 
“We were friends, François and I” He recalled, his eyes glued on the letter. “He was married to Eloise. This bookstore was their treasure. He kept repeating that I shouldn’t go to war when I could stay hidden under the pages of books that would take me around the world without risking my life”
She took his metal palm between her fingers when she heard his voice breaking. He almost tried to remove it but she tightly entwined their hands together.
“Maybe he was right” He muttered under his breath.
“Or maybe you and I were meant to meet almost a century later” She shrugged.
He snorted before turning around the envelope to open it. Y/N gently laid her head against his shoulder and let him read in silence. She didn’t move when she felt his body shaking with tears but only held his hand harder.
“They’re originals, from 1954 I think. He kept them for you” She told him as he slowly took what was in the red box. A set of three old books. “Why Lord of the Rings, though ?” 
He laughed,sniffing, before brushing the tears off his face and staring down at the woman. At that very moment, he felt like the journey was done. His soul had stopped the search it had been on for a time that felt like forever. Like a century. 
“My sister and I, we used to come here often,” He said in a melancholic grin. Sorrow was finally starting to be replace by something much better, happiness. “We would sit on this very couch and she would make me read the Hobbit. She used to love that story so much.”
“How many times has she make you read it ?” The woman smirked.
“Enough to remember every single word” He exaggerated, making her giggle. “When I told François I was leaving, he said he would send me books to help me travel away from the war, even just for a moment. I guess he kept them, hoping I would come back. Even after I was declared dead” 
“Maybe deep down he knew you weren’t”
“And he planned this whole meeting with his granddaughter ?” He ironically added.
“Oh no, that was beyond him. That was fate, Barnes”
“I was meant to find you” He agreed, a deep feeling of love and utter contentment forming in his heart. He bent his head down and let all he needed to say be spoken through the kiss they shared. 
“Will you read it to me ?” She playfully requested.
Overflowed with joy, he smirked and kissed her forehead before opening the old book on his lap. There it was, the only choice he needed to make. The only home he had yearn to create. Her. 
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Haikyuu manager headcanons!!
Okay so these adorable teams all have the softest spot for their tiny little manager-chan, and here's how they all treat her.
[Ari's note: okay manager fics and headcanons are my absolute favourite and I love writing them]
*.` | Karasuno
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They are extremely laid back with you, compared to some of the other teams. They give you your space, at the same time listen to you when you have something to say.
Respectful simps. Similar to how they act with Kiyoko (ugh yes queen-chan) they're in tears whenever you do things to motivate them, like cheer at their practice matches or give them good luck charms.
They still have the good luck charms you fastened on their bag before one of the matches.
Tanaka and Noya would literally worship the ground which you walked on. Like wow how did they get so lucky as to have three?? Cute managers?? On their team??
Yachi and you would probably subtly simp over Kiyoko with them too ngl.
Hinata and Kags would probably see you as an older sister, eventho you're their age because you're so caring and responsible.
Suga is literally your mom and Daichi is your dad. They make sure you're all healthy and you're doing well in school.
Asahi gives you hugs whenever you're sad or upset! Fite me but I think this gentle baby gives the best hugs ever >:( he's like your comfort senpai and you'd do the same for him, especially when he's feeling insecure or down.
Yams would probably be very shy around you, but he'll warm up in time.
Ahhh the best part. Tsukki! He'd find you annoying and simply not get why you're so Mcfreaking happy at first (shut up u salty beanpole, manager-chan is just a ray of sunshine, okay?) But he soon finds it endearing and slowly gets closer to you.
You walk home with Yams and Tsukki every day since your houses are close, and Tsukki walks you to your door to make sure you're safe!
Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita all see you as a little sister and often help you with your managerial duties.
The team cares and respects you so much, and are so thankful you've joined them!!
Meat buns at Ukai's are your hangout spot, and everytime you see them chilling you're so thankful to have such great friends.
*.` | Aoba Johsai
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Aaah we're at the team of one of my favourite characters!! I'll start with Oikawa (can't you tell I'm so biased omg)
Oikawa absolutely adores manager-chan because although she's tiny, she's very strict, and doesn't let his fangirls near the gym when he's practicing, which he appreciates.
"yn-chan, you're so good to me, can I take you out as a thank-you?" Cue Iwa-chan's ball which comes flying at Oikawa's head. "Stop flirting with the manager, shitty-kawa"
Iwa's very fond of you too, but he doesn't let it show too often. Sometimes he picks up your favourite coffee from the vending machine and claims that he bought it by "accident". (How believable<3)
Kunimi probably sends you weird tiktok videos and tags you in funny memes. Very wholesome 10/10.
Kyotani just?? Doesn't understand you?? Like wow, she's small but the team listens to her?? Why?? He later finds out you're the manager. Mad dork here didn't know you were managing the team for the past month, and thought you just came to the gym to watch them practice. Smh.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki give you headpats and like taking selfies with you, much to Oikawa's dismay. He wants to be the only one taking pictures with you.
Like no manager-chan. Stop. Get away from them. My phone's right here I wanna take selfies with you :(
Kindaichi is cool with you. Y'all are bros and you game together sometimes.
Watari and Yahaba join too, and they're surprised to know that you're so aggressive when you game.
Cue a jealous Oikawa who struggles learning how to game just so he's invited to play with you. Simp smh.
They're all very gentle with you, and since you're their first female manager, they make sure to never make you feel uncomfortable.
You guys like grabbing ramen together and having eating contests. They really bring out your aggressive side but you love them for it.
*.` | Shiratorizawa
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Can I just say Semi bsf material? Yes? Yes. Semi Eita is best friend material.
Makes you cute little Spotify playlists and you help him write lyrics to songs occasionally. You play an instrument too and you guys can just jam out for hours on end together.
You get the idea of applying to be the manager because of him, and it all took off from there.
Goshiki loves you. You're fond of your kohāi, and you genuinely just give this touch-starved future ace a lot of hugs and cuddles, which he's SO grateful for.
Like wow, y/n-chan isn't just pretty?? She's also so sweet? And smart? And capable? Semi why have you been hiding her for so long??¿ >:(
Goshiki is just so protective of you, he'd commit murder if he had to.
You have to earn Ushiwaka's respect, yk? And slowly but surely he comes to realise how dependable and responsible you are, and treats you like an indispensable member of the team.
He's got your back. And if he ever senses you're upset, he's trying to cheer you up as best as he can.
"do not feel upset, those grades will mean nothing to you in the future. I doubt you will be able to remember what you got in your second year, third monthly test." You think he's being sweet, and yes he is (in a way), but he's also trying to be reasonable and logical.
Tendo loosens you up and you tend to play pranks on the others with him.
The funniest was when you tried to prank Ushijima by adding wasabi to his onigiri and he?? Didn't get it??
Like "y/n-chan, Tendo, why did you add wasabi to this onigiri? It would've been so much better with tuna mayo??" And he has no reaction whatsoever?¿?
Cue Goshiki who tries the onigiri because he wants to prove he has spice tolerance like Ushijima, eventhough you can low-key see him tearing up.
Shirabu is your voice of reason and you and him often study together. You also have deep and philosophical conversations at 12 a.m. over text, and it is just so wholesome.
He respects you so much, not just because you care for him, but because he finds your brain so fricking smexy.
These eagle babies bring out the best in you and you're always eager to push them forward and bring out the best in them.
*.` | Fukurodani
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First thing's first, besides Akaashi, you are the only other person who can cheer up an emo-mood Bokuto.
Just say "Hey Bo, you're gonna look so much cooler when you spike the ball like the true ace that you are" and his hair's all perking up and his eyes are shining.
Akaashi thinks you are an angel sent from heaven.
You're very soft on your baby owls, and they genuinely just love getting positive affirmations from you.
Akaashi always blushes when you compliment him on his sets. And you can hear him murmur genuine words of gratitude.
The other members do too. They're glad because sometimes people focus on Bo too much and forget to give them recognition, yk? It's easy to get overlooked :(
But thanks to manager-chan who's so attentive with all of them, and who's aware of all their quirks and moods, they're all so touched and so so happy.
You have a habit of getting cold pretty often, especially since practice finishes late and it's pretty chilly by then.
Konoha always lends you his jacket and walks you home, since your home's are the closest. There's just something about you that makes you soft.
You get along really well with Kaori and Yukie, and you'd definitely consider them your best friends, considering y'all are in this thang togetherrrr!!
The Fukurodani team are just all a bunch of crackheads, but they're your crackheads and you wouldn't trade them for the world.
You're a very tight-knit family, (like ugh I just get lots of comfortable, safe vibes from Fukurodani :(( <3)
You guys hang out at the store near your school pretty often to recharge after grueling days of practice together.
*.` | Nekoma
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My second favourite team, Nekoma!! They are precious, gentle, soft babies and I love them to bits and pieces >:(
I'll start with Kuroo. You've always had a tiny soft spot for Kuroo ever since you've become his lab partner in chemistry class.
His notes are immaculate. I mean, cmon we're all hoes for pretty notes
You think he's so incredibly smart and talented, so when he suggests you become the Nekoma manager, you just agree right away.
You guys grow closer since you've started spending more time with him, and you banter around more often than not with chemistry pickup lines.
"hey kitten, let's form a covalent bond"
He's so whipped after you retort back. Like wow she called me sodium fine and said I'm like an exothermic reaction? Permission to simp??
(Ari stfu this isn't a Kuroo fanfic)
Kenma and you definitely play animal crossing together, and he even lets you try his switch, after you guys grow closer.
Kuroo is so insulted, he's never even touched Kenma's switch before >:(
You also push Kenma to do better during practice and he starts to care more about volleyball, since you seem so enthusiastic about it.
Yamamoto isn't even subtle about his simping smh T-T unlike Kuroo, he shamelessly flirts with you, and can't wait to show you off to Tanaka and Noya at the next camp.
"we have such a gorgeous manager now, Nekoma is ThRiViNg" he says in his head with this ridiculous dopey ass smile on his face +_+
Since deep down inside, you're a huge baby, you, Lev, Shibayama, and Inuoka get along so well. They're just happy energetic kittens, and they make you feel so happy.
y'alls energy just match, yk?
Although Fukunaga is shy to tell jokes, he tells them to you, because he knows you'd never judge him, and you actually kinda enjoy laughing along :) he's so touched.
Momma Yaku!! Yaku always lends you his jacket and makes sure to carry snacks for you in his bag. He knows you care so much about the team that you often neglect your own health, which is why he's always there to make you're feeling healthy and good.
Kai and Teshiro help you with your homework and like talking about their favourite singers with you.
They're all just such amazing human beings who treat you so well, and you feel so blessed to be a part of their team. You adore them so much, and they adore you back tenfold.
*.` | Inarizaki
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[Ari's note: Ello there luvs, you've made it to the bottom of this sweet hc post and just get ready for Inarizaki :( they're my favourite team of all time, and I'm just so biased, I'm sorry ;-;]
Inarizaki's entire team just adores you so much, they think you're the light of their lives.
They're all super touch starved babies, and once you realized that, you've made sure to ensure they never feel that way.
Aran is kinda like your protective senpai, and his heart flutters ever so slightly when you call him that senpai kink oops and give him headpats, and he loves patting your head in return.
The twins are so incredibly soft for you.
Their fangirls are sometimes pretty mean, but one glare from the duo is enough to shut them up.
Osamu cooks bentos for you and gives you the warmest hugs when you ask for them, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
Your hand is almost always in Atsumu's because he's so slick?? Like y'all, this mf would be like "y/n-chan, my hand has been aching for a while now" and when you go to observe it, he just pulls your hand into his and pulls you to follow him.
His entire body heats up when you kiss his cheek after a particularly good game, and his brain literally goes "grrrr empty", when he's usually so sly.
The twins are your bodyguards, they follow you everywhere and protect you all the time.
Enter Suna Rintaro, your meme king. He definitely records funny moments that happen during practice and send them to you, just to make you laugh, or memes of the members.
He also definitely takes pictures of you when you aren't noticing, simply because he likes the way your hair looked, or because you looked so beautiful.
Like the twins, his eyes widen whenever you kiss his cheek or ruffle his hair, and it's literally like suna.exc has stopped functioning.
Congrats manager-chan, you broke the kid -.-
Omimi might come across as stoic and cold but he's actually a huge softie, and you often give him positive affirmations.
He's also definitely a huge lover of your hugs, and looks forward to them as motivation to play well.
He'd never tell you though, he's shy™.
My baby Kita compliments you all the fricking time.
"y/n-chan, I mean this is the most sincere way, I think this hairstyle looks stunning on you"
Or "you're so capable and you work so hard, I'm so thankful to have you by my side"
And he has the most genuine expression on his face, his eyes are so earnest and shining so bright.
And when you smile at him, he's like oh shit I made her smile, depression whom? I only know serotonin.
Ginjima is usually rash but with you, he takes his time and weighs everything he says.
He doesn't wanna accidentally hurt you and regret it since he was being careless and not thinking at all.
You calm him down when he's getting too hotheaded with gentle words and he's suddenly a blushing mess.
Unlike some of the other teams that tease you a bunch, Inarizaki treats you so gently. Their little princess, as they think of you.
So mf-ing protective, like if someone looks at you wrong, you can totally bet Atsumu's going for their ankles, sangwoo style, or Osamu is trash talking them to their knees.
Would drop anything and everything to help you if ever needed.
They think you're they're entire world because you go above and beyond for them, and they genuinely love you. Like actually LOVE you to bits and pieces.
[Ari's note: AHHH so the manager fic is done this was literally such a joy to write!! I hope you enjoyed it
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Big big hugs <3 have a beautiful day, luvs!!]
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batfamtv · 3 years
me after writing smut: is this who i am? is this who i represent? lmao i've never written smut until trese, i guess the thirst was too much, let me know how y'all like it! thank you so much for all your support, ily <3
(ノ´ з `)ノ
kambal x reader; established relationship
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gif by @rasputinaillyanna (see their original gifsets here!)
the three idiots
seriously, alexandra feels like she keeps aging 20+ years whenever you three are together and goofing around
this is one of the reasons why you’re not allowed on the field with them, they’d get absolutely nothing done
that, and the twins simply wont put you in danger under any circumstances
alexandra also treats you like a sister (in law) and wants you safe, but can only do so much to keep you out of their lives since you still find ways to help them out
absolutely rowdy when you’re with basilio, you and him practically have a lot of inside jokes and a secret language
people would give you both weird looks when you’re out in public, just because you’re both so damn loud
with crispin you’re more mature (but not a lot), he does these grand gestures like taking you out on expensive dates, takes instagram/pinterest style pics of you
basilio also takes pics of you, but those are some of the most unflattering ones that he sends to your groupchat as memes
the ppl who arent familiar with your relationship with the twins are almost often confused when they see you with just the one twin: they’d think “huh i saw this couple a week ago, but i could have sworn the boyfriend had much shorter hair, it couldn’t have grown that long in a week, right?”
when you do go out with the twins, they flank you and you almost get squished in between them, so sometimes you have to push them both to the sides so that you would have space to move around
the three of you like to just chill at the mall sometimes, go window shopping and then eat samgyup/mang inasal later on
other times when you manage to drag alexandra with you, people would assume that you guys are on a double date, and alexandra has the ugliest/most disgusted look on her face as she corrects them “these are my brothers” “im gay”
in your groupchat (just you and the twins) crispin is the sweet, doting one who would text you “have you eaten?” “want us to pick something up for you on the way home?” while basilio sends you memes and selfies of the twins
they send you videos and pics of pets they meet “today we met brownie and blackie”
with regards to living arrangements, the twins have separate rooms (basilio’s is the messy one, smells weird)
when you moved in, alexandra offered you your own room, and most of the time that’s where the boys stay anyway
the bed is much larger than theirs because it needs to accommodate all three of you
you three try to cook meals for ate alexandra, but it almost always turns out disastrous - mostly when basilio insists on helping
so you always make him run errands (“can you go pick up some more garlic and magic sarap”) while you and crispin man the stoves
you braid basilio’s hair while crispin tunes his guitar!!
and you spend a couple of hours listening to crispin play the guitar, basilio’s head now resting on your lap
crispin’s movie taste are like *film* and *poetic cinema* while basilio might enjoy movies that are so bad they’re good, but you three are all suckers for superhero ensemble movies and horror movies
the boys become really annoying when watching filipino horror movies because they like to point out mistakes in the film “aswangs dont do that” “why would you go there all alone are you stupid???”
“please boys i just wanna watch the movie”
a huge cuddle pile
both boys run hot, so during cold nights (that never happen, bc you live in the philippines) you’re all warm and toasty between them
both light sleepers! they were pretty heavy sleepers when they were kids/teenagers, but the occupational hazard of their jobs require them to be ready at a moment’s notice
they still, however, snore quite loudly
crispin doesn’t ever tend to move positions when sleeping, he wakes up in the same position he fell asleep in
basilio rotates around the bed like hands of a clock
most often falls off the bed, but clumsily climbs back up and cuddles you
really really simpy when it comes to you, though most of the time it’s just you three sharing one brain cell (it’s with you, mostly), they can be quite romantic and cheesy if they want to
crispin probably has his brother as just “Basilio” on his phone, and “Y/N ❤️" for you
basilio has “my love ❤️😍😘💘 ” for you and crispin’s number isn’t even registered lol
nsfw under the cut
threesome? threesome
boys barely do anything separately and usually just have a Single Thought in both their heads, so if one is horny, the other one is 69% (lol) horny as well
you realize that crispin doesn’t like to be teased at work, but basilio enjoys it so much
you find this out when you’re alone and horny, so you send a pic of you touching yourself to the boys in your groupchat
crispin sees it first, but doesn’t say anything?? he honest to god just left you on read
meanwhile basilio also sees your pic not too long after and you quickly get a “what the fuck” as a reply from him
like 10 mins later he sends you a pic of him in what looks like a washroom and his cock is straining in his pants
he texts you “had to find a washroom so fucking fast so that ate alex and the police captain doesn’t see me so fucking hard in my pants” and “wanna eat you pussy babe”
crispin does text you when the three are on their way home, not mentioning the picture you sent “we’re on our way home”
and at first you thought he is mad at you bc he didn’t bring the nude up?? does he not want you anymore :(
but the moment they arrive crispin all but sprints to your shared bedroom and sees you there, in your underwear
holds your cheeks in one hand, “what the fuck was that baby, hmm? what did you send us?”
you try to ask if he’s mad bc you sent him a nude, ask him if there’s anything wrong, but he just lets your face go as he takes his suit off, basilio finds his way to your room, locks it, and gives you a kiss
basilio whispers “missed you baby” against your mouth before moving away to undress
crispin, now fully naked in front of you, makes you suck his cock, which is hard and twitching, its tip leaking with precum, he makes you place both his hands on your head, “do you know how surprised i was when i saw a text from you and it’s a picture of you touching your cunt? hmm?” he sighs as he sees you looking up at him, eyes watering as you struggle to take all of his cock down your throat “i had to stop myself from getting hard in front of everyone, baby, basilio couldn’t even do that”
basilio huffs but the boys reposition you so you’re in bed and on your back, crispin kneeling to your side, his cock still throbbing in your mouth, basilio positions himself between your thighs, moaning when he sees how wet you are
basilio removes your panties before rushing to sniff your cunt, groaning in delight--you’re sure his eyes roll to the back of his head before he dives into your cunt
you moan into crispin’s cock and he grunts, shoving more of his cock into your mouth, now moving faster, “i really wanna cum down your throat baby, would you let me?”
you nod and he pushes his cock all the way into your mouth, your nose practically touching his groin and pubes
you gag, for a moment panicked as you try to breathe in, while crispin just eyes you, his cock growing ever harder when he looks at your face wet with tears and drool, he grabs your hair, softly at first, to make sure you’re okay, and when you nod crispin groans as he sets up his pace, groaning as he feels his orgasm building
basilio, meanwhile, is licking and sucking your clit with three fingers knuckles deep in your cunt, and when he starts to feel you spasming, a telltale sign that your orgasm is approaching, he pulls his mouth and fingers out and quickly replacing them with his fat cock
immediately, you and basilio both groan, your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel yourself so full of cock
basilio curses under his breath before taking your legs and resting them against his shoulders “fuck, y/n, im sorry i’m not gonna last long” “your pussy got me so fucking hard you tasted so good baby, you know how much i love your little pussy, right?”
crispin groans at this before he pulls his cock out of your mouth, leaning down to kiss you, he then moves down your neck and your tits, making sure he marks your chest
basilio whimpers and thrusts three more times before releasing a long groan, his cum exploding deep in your pussy “fuck baby you feel so good” he manages to pull out and you see his cock wet with his cum and your juices before settling beside you, panting harshly
you barely had the type to recuperate before crispin flips you on your stomach, making sure your face is resting on the pillows before he thrusts into you with a grunt
“fuck, still a tight little pussy after basilio rammed your cunt, huh?”
your eyes rolling, you couldnt do much other than hold onto the sheets and basilio’s hand, moaning loudly when you feel crispin’s fingers on your clit
“can you take one more, y/n? can your pussy take one more load?”
speechless, you nod, trying to grind your ass against crispin’s hips, but his hands on your hips hold you firm
he grunts approvingly, “good baby, take it deep in your pussy okay? and cum on my cock, baby, i wanna feel it”
you cum on his cock, almost violently, and twins groan at the sound of your moaning, and the sight of you spasming and shaking on crispin’s cock
a couple of deep thrusts later, crispin also cums deep into your pussy, his cum now mixed with basilio’s
crispin moves to get a washcloth to clean the three of you up, before all three of you collapse in bed, huddled together, basilio with his arms wrapped from behind--already falling asleep, you rest your head against crispin’s arm
“so, no more nudes when you’re at work?”
crispin laughs softly before pressing a kiss on your forehead, “unless your cunt is ready to take two cocks at once, no nudes when we’re at work”
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aeempress · 3 years
Apritello Express Evidences, part 2
Khem-khem, ladies and gentlemen, we shall continue out praising Apritello's episodes. And yeah, this part will be dedicated, in entirety just one episode.
Purple jacket. April and Donnie's episode.
I really love this piece of masterpiece, because it show April and Dee relationship, better reveals them as characters, and demonstrates their connection. (My previous points at this whole situation)
The episode begins with Donnie sneaking into April's school under the pretext of helping her. Soon, April stated the reason why she called D - her science computer project. Actually, she could take a photo of the code and sent it to Donatello, and I'm sure, he would send her the correct one right away, he's coder, he's prodigy, no probbles.
But still, April just asked him to come over and help her without stating any reasons. And he, indeed, came at speed of the light.
I want you to understand what exactly does that mean.
First: April is aware how much Donnie is into human culture. He wants to study in normal human school, do some average teen stuff. Especially, he is loving school and science-related stuff, all these science school projects, visits to botanical gardens, experiments and laboratory work. Because it's his field. It's exactly his domain, where he's good at. His family does not share his interest in science, and April is only one who can understand him. Probably.
Also, April know, how badly Donnie wants to go to school, which gives him an excuse, even if not the most solid one, but an excuse, nevertheless, to visit her school again.
Why again?
Because he has no problem navigating there. Donnie went directly to April's computer class.
He loves this place. And he'd already helped April with her projects.
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Even so, knowing that every time she asked guys, especially Don, for help, it turned into a cataclysm, April still called him to help.
It's just a weird, indirect way to say, " Let's hang out, I know how much you like this whole situation with science, school and etc. Here ya go, buddy"
It seems like April did that to make something pleasant to him, something small, but nice to make him feel better. Because, as I state before - he likes to help April (praise, doing something useful for April - still counts as a motivation) and he likes school.
Second: khem-khem, D came at her school, as it seems, right away she called/texted. He didn't even know the proper reason, but c'mon: April ask for help, plus, her school. Sounds legit, don't you think?
Anyway, April has always been being the reason and excuse for teetles, but especially for Donnie. Clear? Clear. Good.
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Donnie also tends to not think things through when he is excited. Because he went at the daylight in place, full of people just to help April.
ROTTMNT shows us how turtles were really afraid of human reaction and possible consequences. They have plan "H" to pretend they are going to Galaxy Con, brothers have explanation why they look weird and it's definitely not because boys are mutants, uh-huh, no, plus, guys go on surface at evening or night hours, when there are not so many people, and it's dark, obviously, to cover them and keep unseen.
Yeah, of course, Donnie seems more capable then his brothers to handle the surface (he has cash, D's dressed up as old ladies more than once, according to Leo, he was in April's school before, so yeah, no big deal) and I suspect that his friendship with April is one of the reasons.
Third: do you remember how April worried about looking "normal" when she was finally invited to a school party? She even forbade Mayham to appear nearby, just not to look like the lizard boy. Because cool kids don't bring pets to school. April doesn't have many friends, or rather, there are none at school, and she's been trying to solve this problem by getting close to Taylor Martin, the coolest girl in school.
And April O'Neil just calls Donatello, an objectively strange guy (since when is it normal to be a fan of school? Pretty questionable) in place, where her reputation is hanging in a balance. Our girl does not try to hide Dee, as it usually shown in shows for kids, and April do not pretend that she sees him for the first time in her life because, you know, Donnie will catch everyone's attention being himself and may embarrass her in front of her classmates. But no - April says with all her actions: "Yes, I know him. Yes, that dork is with me. And I don't give a damn about your opinion. Your problems, not mine. And yeah, I'm fine with him being here."
I mean it, guys. The devil is always in the tiny details.
The way they behave around each other.
Donatello is way more, MORE relaxed and just being himself: dramatic dorky nerdy ninja with current obsessions. The way he sneaked in school and April's classroom, the way he behaves alone with her is contrasting the way of his attitude while his brothers are near.
Don has a specific way to shown up. Instead of texting her, Donnie used shurekens. Yes, he almost fell off the lamp, but still, that's... quite an entrance he makes there.
April worries about him, when he fell from ceiling.
Our girl feel relaxed enough around Donnie, so she winks at him.
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A wink is a fairly casual gesture that shows some expression of sympathy, trust, and togetherness. It's both good for saying "We're in same boat, we're team" and show the playful attitude towards someone. Isn't that an indicator?
Ironically, that being the best friends April and Donnie do not have any secret handshake/brofist/special greeting, as it usually the besties have at kid's series. Like Kendra and Jeremy have.
I can do only one possible logical conclusion: their relationship is far beyond "friends," "best friends," and "family".
Btw, about this certain phrase about secret five.
- Nay, fair April. A secret five[...].
Once again, nice wording, Donatello. Fair April? Maybe I'm too critical, but often when someone wants to convince their interlocutor and at the same time show one's condescension to them, it's usually uses "my dear ..." or something like that. I understand that semantically the difference is not very big, but in the first case, you can feel Donnie's personal attitude, even though he uses a book word. The second is just formal politeness, which emphasizes the difference between the rightness of the disputants.
This phrase were interpreted on official Russian dub as (okay, it's really hard to choose the correct word, because there's a lot of synonyms in English that sits quite well, while on Russian it's just one word, damn) "Нет, милая (No, honey/sweetheart )". Actually, a strange choice of wording, 'cause this is not what usually friends use to say to each other. We prefer use words like " my darling", "my dear", to demonstrate leniency. And again, most often this prerogative belongs to the older generation. Russians rarely throw around such words as "honey", "dear", "sunshine", because this deprives these endearments of any meaning, and a person using them, as a rule, is familiar. Of course, there are people who use them on a regular basis, but I HIGHLY doubt that Donatello is one of them. It's not his style.
But still, maybe I just too critical at this point.
April, as it is shown, have some kind of power to cool and calm him down and bring Donnie back to life reality.
1. Don awakes from his daze while heard April's voice
2. He's literally coming back to life, when April said about his broken jetpack.
3. Dee obediently interrupts his touching farewell to the jacket when April yells at him.
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Oh, and his face. I remind you, fellas, we're talking about Donatello, "I really do not like to express emotions"-guy and "I will die if someone broke my bAbEyS"-guy.
And what do we see? Donnie's emoting. And feels free to do that. He's even drooling. (What seems kinda interesting without context, if you're understand what I'm talking about ;))
Dee doesn't seem angry about broken jetpack. And his wide smile, while he's assuring April he can fix it? A few minutes ago, he was steamed when his stuff was stolen, but when the jetpack was broken, he doesn't even raise an eyebrow. Very eloquent.
April is his support
April also supports Donnie whatever he's up to. Yes, she hadn't been excited when Othello had expressed a desire to join the club. However, she also introduced him to Kendra and company. Yes, she showed by her whole appearance that she did not share his joy, but nevertheless, our loyal captain O'Neil was there for him, by his side all this time.
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And her sweet facial expression. From "Srsly? Join this jerks?" to "If you dare to even think about to hurt him, I'll smash you".
And one more cute detail about Dee. Even if he does whatever he wanted so badly, Don constantly looks around at April, looking for her approval.
- Be honest, April, do I look fantastic, or SUPERBLY fantastic?
- You look like you drop a juice box in a laundry. (Play nice, April, don't be mean)
He cherishes her opinion.
April had even called him late at night just to, technically speaking, say that his tech were stolen. And what's the big deal with all his outfit? It's late night, they can just sneak out into Nakamura in their usual form. But noooo, April give a special ride on her bicycle. Just. You know. Our girl carried her own weight and his all the way without stopping. And then she went up 53 + floors running non-stop because Donnie's equipment was stolen. And then she had to chase the her classmates, dodge and jump out of the window. Because Purple dragons stole Dee's tech. Like shooting fish in a barrel, no big deal at all.
And it's definitely not because he will be totally crashed or he'll do stupid things during his anger, which will then come out sideways.
And April comes along with him to very end.
By the way, their phone conversations.
Donnie is the very case when "Call at any time of the day or night and I will pick up the phone".
When April called him when he needs D's help with Albearto, when something is definitely going on behind.
As it says in transcript of the episode:
[April takes out her phone, scrolls to Donnie’s listing and calls him. Donatello appears on screen. Behind him a flying microwave wearing boxing gloves shoots lasers at his brothers.]
Don: "You are conversing with Donatello."
[Crouched on floor in hiding.]
Dude, I need your help."
Don: "For you, anything. As long as it does not involve bees, or spiders, or beach balls.
[There’s an explosion behind him and his brothers cry out, which he ignores.]
And yeah, he took her incoming immediately, he ignores absolutely and totally everything around him, because... April? Expositions, bloody flying microwave bot turned to destroy mode, his brothers screaming and being in life-threatening situation? Naaah, it can wait.
Donatello was at Todd's, building "the puppiest place on Earth" and was very enthusiastic about to finish this thing. But he paused anyway to answer April.
We already know how obsessive with work Don can be: if something interesting gets into his field of view, he begins to do it all day long. Remember "The Purple Game" - a very revealing case. Yeah, we weren't shown how much Donnie is into engineering, but I can guess that point remains the same.
April called him at late night and Donnie picked up the phone.
April, unlike Donatello, is a teenager who is burdened with social relationship such as family, school, and work periodically, which implies a more or less strict schedule to follow and some conventions, such as " April, you can't go out late at night to catch robbers, you are underage and you have to go to school/work tomorrow). However, she was watching the news late at night, so she called Dee. ( I have a lot of questions, but I'll never get answers, as it seems)
D, in turn, doesn't have so many contacts with the outside world. I highly doubt that anyone else outside of the family and April has his number. And yet, when he hears the call late at night he takes it. Yes, he had awaken from the nightmare, but still.
And what's up with his usual "You're conversing with Donatello"? He didn't even understand what's going on, as it seems, he's too sleepy to play his usual image and playfully attitude as we could see in "Hypno Part Deux" and "War and Pizza".
Adorable couple-like D&A arguing
April very rarely uses "I told you so" against anybody, or rather, this is almost the only case. This phrase is more suitable for Leo or Donnie, and you know," I told you so! " we usually use on people we know well, and we want to tease 'em about them being wrong. Which, in fact, once again highlights and proves how close D&A are. And I don't even get started about the fact that this is more like a couple's quarrel, not a friend's.
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And one more time - in the end, when April suggests using the jacket to stop Kendra.
Their teamwork
I stated that before, I'll tell it one more and more times. The chemistry of their team interaction is incredible. It's as if they can feel each other, and each knows what the other is capable of doing in the next moment. April easily adapts to Donnie's attack, realizing his plan.
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Donnie also throws them both out of the window in order to continue the pursuiting Kendra on the jetpack. Don is one hundred percent sure of April, that she will understand what he wants to do, Dee trusts her with his life without hesitation, and she has never used his jetpack. He just puts her before the fact: April will be using the tech.
Up for Donnie!
I really like how this scene was made. Donatello struggles with his own tech, somewhat he made by himself, having invested almost whole himself and his soul, but what "betrayed" him in end. When Dee finally managed to shake one of his battleshell, which almost choked him, Donnie feel so scared and unsecured. We can see his anxiety - Dee's coaching position with covering his head with his hands and tucking his knees.
Defenseless, helpless, and mostly lost, and then, just in time - hero comes to save his life. She uses Donnie's name as battlecry, look how furious she is.
Funny fact: on Russian dub April yells "Don't touch Donnie! (how dare you, madafaka)
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April fits in Donnie's type of girls. She's cute (obvious) and mean (not so obvious).
I can't say that meanness is the main feature of April's character, as we can say about Kendra. But this personality trait is still present in her and sometimes it does not manifest itself so widely. April's meanness is not so pronounced, it is much softer and smoother, and it is not exposed.
But April becomes really mean when someone messes up with Donnie.
She's his support and prop. Literally. Just look at first frame, okay-okay, jokes aside
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She's genuinely enjoying of kicking bad guys ' asses, even letting go of witticisms and barbs.
Last scenes
Don survived a rough night: he was used, his tech was stolen, so he and April had to chase the satin robed punks. Donnie was hit in the head with a hammer, he fell from a bird's-eye view, passed out and then his battleshell tried to strangle him. And April is here to comfort him, to cheer him up.
Yes, we don't get any hugs (because it's kids show, bleh), the tactility is kept to a minimum, except for April's comforting hand on his shoulder, but they don't even look at each other. But the softness of her voice, the intonation with which she utters a phrase (that is usually sent to the friend zone, but "pal" is really neutral word, and the most important how she said that) turn the scene upside down. It is not what April did to comfort him matter, it's how she did this.
I said "yes" to you way too often
April mirrors Donnie with his "Anything for you". Yes, of course, she said this with a certain amount of grumbling, but her voice and her demeanor suggest otherwise - she is not at all averse to going to giving in him.
And the way they're look at each other.
This one
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And one more detail
It's really tiny, it's hard to catch from the first watching the episode, but still, it's possible. I'm talking about graffiti on the walls of the alley where April and Don had landed.
This one
Yeah, if we speak about reality it's quite normal to see graffiti like this. But we talking about TV-series, where everything has its own place and meaning. And if there something, it must be there, it's not just whim of artist who put it in there. But this little graffiti changes the mood of scene.
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smittenroses · 3 years
Hi ! i came here for another request!
Can i request for a witch! Survivor! Reader x norton campbell / andrew kreiss / naib ?
The reader is like the witches in THE OWL HOUSE. If you don't know about the owl house, you can also write the reader as a normal witch.
Thank you.
I did some research on the Owl House and I still cannot wrap my head around how their system works so I'll be writing for normal witches in this one. I have done an Andrew one in the past which you can also read here
TWS! Witch hunting/violence against women mention
reference material used for these headcanons: witch-hunts in Nepal (wikipedia + citations) — as per usual, if I have gotten anything wrong when it comes to Naib, please let me know.
Norton and Naib with witch!S/Os
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Norton Cambell | The Prospector
Norton is open minded due to the fact he does not align his beliefs to the Christian system he grew up in, and also the fact that he now is in a death game where he goes against the undead, monsters and literal Gods when it comes to survival. He also is used to being an outcasted due to the events with the mine and his scarred face.
In fact, he would be mesmerised by your abilities, and downright lets say he'd probably make light hearted jokes from time to time about how people treat outcasts, though when it comes to other people who make fun of you, lets say that Norton gets a bit more possessive and will shut people down if he feels like they've gone too far.
"Hey babe, can you get me my glass?" "Norton, it's right in front of you." "But it's still too far." "I'll push you off the bed in a minute if you don't do it yourself."
Do you need shiny gems for anything? Don't worry, Norton has that covered since he somehow seems to find some really nice gems in the manor — same goes for things such as crystals and any other miscellanies things that you may need.
Lots of mucking around, and lots of questions from him in general.
Naib Subedar | The Mercenary
Magic and anything of the sort is a taboo subject in Naib's experience, having watched women being chased from their homes after their husbands have died or any other sort of misfortune, though usually was done for revenge reasons by his understanding. He wished he was able to save the women that were targeted by these witch hunts, but alas he was also a tiny bit afraid of magic himself.
Maybe that's also why he tensed up when he first encountered you using your magic; before that he had known you for just being a normal person, but watching as you pulled books from shelves without touching them to reference recipes that you would make in the kitchen, there was no doubt about it that you were a witch. But you weren't like the witches that his home would talk about, about how you would hex men that would double cross you, bring misfortune onto anyone that may anger you — but you didn't. Just like Patricia, Fiona and Eli who all had their forms of belief that were not of his own, you were only using your skills to aid your teammates and do good things.
So as much as Naib was afraid of magic... he started to become interested in the way that you went about practicing.
"Is it true that you have to give up goats?" "No? It depends on the God or Goddess you decide to devote yourself to when it comes to offerings if you choose to devote yourself to someone or they choose you, as an example: Yidhra tends to pick only certain things off my shrine whenever she decides to explore and sees what she likes, I simply try and substitute them for something else that pleases my deities." "Wait, so you're saying-" "That none of us are giving the Dream Witch anything. She does as she pleases."
Over time, while neither of you make it official, other survivors begin to notice that the two of you began to act close — it wasn't the type of close that two friends or siblings would have, but with the way that Naib's hand would sneak around your waist or how he would hold your hand to lead you places even though you didn't need that sort of help. It frankly was adorable and nobody thought to even question it so they let it be.
If the question of if the two of you were together, he would just nod, like, wouldn't do anything other than give a swift and curt nod in response before changing the topic; this man didn't like to stay too much on topics that he felt that others didn't need to know too much about unless you and him were both comfortable with.
Also... Naib actually will try and learn about the type of skills you use, sure, his views were negative at first, but he will try and change his views.
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sukirichi · 4 years
Museum Dates with Porco
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Modern AU  — Art Museum ver!
(had to make this headcanon because I had a fic idea for him and it included him going on a museum date with the reader :D)
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To be honest, he’s not really into art that much, but after finding out you liked paintings and seeing the stories and meanings behind it, it was his idea to get you two tickets.
He’d be SOOO shy like I hc Porco is a cocky ass, but he’d definitely be mushy around his SO (especially when they’re at that stage of not confessing yet)
He’d try his best to look good that day, slicked back hair and wearing your favourite perfume
Ofc he’s going to bring flowers for you
The smile on your face as you light up, bringing the flowers up to your nose to smell it, oh it’s going to make him WEAK in the knees
He’d be a little surprised that even though you both are polar opposites, the sense of style is the same. You’re both dressed very casually and comfortably but still stylish that expresses yourselves
Let’s be real here, he doesn’t really understand the whole jazz behind paintings
He thinks they look good and knows it takes a lot of talent and effort to do one, but he’s just not that into it
Seeing you admiring them though?
That’s a different story
The way you’d just stop and stare at the paintings, a small smile on your face, an unreadable look in your eyes
He’d fall for you even harder
He couldn’t even believe that you actually agreed to go out with him that day, since he was never good at expressing himself and worried that maybe he hadn’t properly gotten his feelings across
But you’re there with him, and suddenly he doesn’t have any complaints about how “boring” looking at the paintings were because it’s never boring when it’s with you
Cliche but,,,he’d only have eyes for you the whole time, he’d glance maybe once or twice at the artwork but that’s it lol
When you explain something to him about the painting, he’d be humming and nodding in agreement, but really he’s too focused on the way your lips move or how you’d clasp your hands in excitement while telling him all about it
He can’t believe how precious you are – and he finds it even more admirable that you’re able to connect with art pieces in a deeper, different level
But you keep running away or dashing to a piece that you’d been dying to see
He’d stretch his hand out to reach you but you’d move before he can do anything, so he’ll play it cool by pretending to brush his hair or something
When you go, “What’s wrong?” after seeing his flushed face, he’d be like
“Oh, nothing. You were saying?”
You’d shrug it off and just light up all over again, but cmon, HAVE MERCY FOR THIS PRECIOUS BOY
You guys reach the department or hall with more solemn artefacts (maybe something about the war or just gruesome or melancholic messages) and he’s astounded by how you pay respect to those dark times
Porco would inch closer to you, finally getting the courage to place a hand on your shoulder and rub it gently
Finally, he sees something he’s familiar about
Shyly, he tells you about what he knows about that painting, and when you turn to him looking like he just handed you the stars, this man would BLUSHHH
Overall, going to an art museum date with Porco would be very romantic and sweet!
Even though he has a tendency to be an ass to everyone, he’s really gentle and respectful with you. I mean, he finds all these boring, but he legit spent two hours in art museum with you listening to you rant about everything
It’s going to be difficult for him to listen to every word since he’s more distracted with your presence and enthusiasm, but that slight pinch in his brow lets you know he’s trying his best
Of course he also wants to impress you, so he did a little research beforehand (he gave up trying to know a LOT about the themes after 15 minutes, it’s just not his thing lol) but you’re surprised he knows a thing or two about the historical backgrounds of some things
After that, Porco buys you an umbrella with a painting you liked as its design from the museum’s shop
He’s not always good with his words, so please appreciate everything this man does for you, he’s really trying his best
He knows he can be crude sometimes – most of the time – so he tends to hold himself back when it comes to being verbally affectionate
Instead, he’ll show it through touches and spending time with you, investing in your hobbies and always being a good listener
But he also doesn’t miss the opportunity to tease you when you turn into a blabbering mess when you get excited over a certain piece. He can’t help himself, he’ll just lean forward and pinch your cheeks because you’re so darn cute like that
Once you’ve gotten closer and established a more official relationship, you can bet this man will SPOIL you
An art gallery out of town? He got you tickets.
An art exhibit by a foreign artist you support? He’s busy with his thesis but he’ll still make the time to drive you there or pick you up afterwards, never forgetting to provide you your daily dose of kisses
The next art museum date you guys have, he’s not that shy anymore
He’ll hold your hand, rub his calloused thumbs against the pad of your palms, and sniffing your hair because your shampoo smells so good
He’s TOUCHY for sure, but never to the point PDA becomes uncomfortable for others
But he’s really going to want you close to him all the time
Porco likes to party, but he’s actually not into too much noise or clamour, especially when he’s with you
You’re like the sweet breath of fresh air in his life and he wants to treasure everything with you. The next museum dates with him would include lots of hand holding, and him telling YOU about something you told him regarding that piece
And when you beam up at him, surprised that he remembered, it makes his chest swell with pride
If he’s not holding your hand, he’s got an arm wrapped around your waist
But if you’re eager to see something, you’d drag him inside a room and he’d just laugh while you light up like a little kid
IDK WHY but for some reason I can see you guys sharing scarves because most museums are really cold, and this gives him more of an excuse to be closer to you
I can really see this scene very well, where you guys are just staring at this piece you both like (you like it for art and philosophical reasons, but Porco will like it more because of sentimental reasons that involves you) and you place your head on his shoulder, his breath softly tickling your skin
The tranquillity of that moment and just being with your SO really calms you both down
He couldn’t be any more thankful in that moment, he’s extremely glad he met you
Then, as you’re too busy admiring the artwork, you’d feel Porco’s gaze on you, his eyes are literally SHINING with love and appreciation for you
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please comment/like/reblog  — let me know what you think! I’m new to writing HC’s but I’m sooo in love with all the bois rn, I might do a Museum Date ver with all of them <3
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drama--universe · 3 years
Banryu x reader
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Requested by anonymous: Hi! I have a request! Could you do a Banryu x reader imagine, Banryu falls in love with a completely oblivious person and tries to confess his feelings to her, but reader considers it as a sign of friendship. Frustrated, he just yells that he loves her and ends up blushing. So reader also ends up confessing to him. Thanks!
A/N Alright, here it is hope its okay. Also after writing and looking him up again, can I just say that he kinda looks like Jun from Seventeen... Never noticed that until now 😅
Word Count: 1579 words
Warnings: kinda cringy
You walked the path to the Hwarang. Normally you would walk with Ah-ro, but she didn't seem like she wanted to come today. Honestly, you didn't mind it that much, you could finally enjoy the peace and quiet since she tended to a bit loud about her problems. Anyway, the walk wasn't that quiet especially after you got near the Hwarang House. Now the question remained, why was there screaming? Well, you didn't expect to see all hwarangs laying on the training ground. You made your way there and leaned over one, who happened to be Hansung, and frowned.
"What is going on?" "Noona!" He sat up and smiled at you. You smiled back at the younger boy (by only 1 year) before looking around again, seeing that most hwarangs were now looking at you. Your eyes connected with Banryu's and you looked away immediately, scrunching your nose up slightly.
Now you didn't hate him. Not really. After all you could be somewhat considered friends if anything. Although he could be incredibly rude and inconsiderate, but.... Yeah, no he was like that most of the time, but nonetheless. You had seen how his father treated the boy, when you absolutely weren't supposed to of course, and you had some sympathy for him ever since you had seen him like that. Broken in a way...
You were quickly pulled back into reality and looked back at Hansung with a raised eyebrow.
"We've been practicing for hours! Wi-Hwa has been torturing us just because we sneaked out once!" He whined, some of the hwarangs shouting in agreement, and you scoffed. Crouching down, you poked him.
"Then you should follow the rules then." You teased before getting back up. "Taking a cold shower helps with tiredness and muscle pain." You then said, making some hwarangs groan loudly and you chuckled.
"Its 's that or acupuncture." You spoke and that seemed to light a fire as they got up and walked (ran) off. You chuckled again before realizing that you were now alone. Until you noticed Banryu still sitting against one of the pillars. He seemed to be resting, his eyes closed and you inspecting his features again.
His hair was pulled into the typical hwarang hairstyle with a few hairs hanging loose (most likely from training). you didn't know why, but you just wanted to touch his hair. It seemed so soft... His features itself seemed to have softened, maybe because he wasn't frowning now. And for some reason he was blushing-
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked and your eyes widened as you realized that he had woken up while you were staring. You didn't even speak as your whole face heated up before you just apologized and ran off to your and Ah-ro's station. You entered and fell on the bed, letting out a loud scream in the pillow before turning around to lay on your back.
"I'm doomed..." You mumbled before letting silence taking over.
The next day, you were not doing much either. Ah-ro was spending time with her brother and nothing bad had happened yet. Hansung had come by earlier to talk, but he left an hour ago. Then again, when you hoped for something to happen you didn't expect Soo-ho and Banryu to be dragged in and both covered in bruises and cuts.
"What on earth?!" You exclaimed and the boys looked at you before looking away. "Sit." You said as you grabbed your stuff. Both boys sat down and you started with Soo-ho. You pressed a cold towel to his face before treating the small cut he had.
"Alright, your done." You spoke before moving to Banryu and doing the same. Banryu had a few more cuts than Soo-ho, which made you believe that Soo-oh had won the fight. Banryu hissed as you touched his wound, making you pause.
"Why do you guys always fight? Just ignore each other..." You mumbled before continuing. "That's like telling Soo-ho to be quiet." He grumbled and you laughed before putting everything away.
"Well... You're not wrong, but he does care of you in a way. Even with how much you fight." You said as you stood up and turned around to clean your hands.
"Then again, you're probably going to kill each other one day." You joked before sitting down again, facing Banryu once more. He was just staring at you and you frowned.
"You okay?" "I like you." He said and you smiled.
"Yeah, I really like you as a friend too." You said back, patting his shoulder before walking out. Banryu just stared at the door in disbelief.
That was the first time he tried to confess his love (even though it was on accident).
The second time was intentional. He had dropped some flowers in your room with a note that said he liked you once again, yet the one thing he had to write on it (aka his name) he forget to write down.
And now was his third time. With some convincing of his "friends" aka Soo-ho, he decided to confess to you by talking to your face again. Now he was staying in your work room, waiting for you with a frown on his face. He was getting more nervous by the minute until you suddenly came in.
"Banryu? Can I help you?" You asked with a bright smile, making him instantly relax a bit. Now he trusted you a lot, even if he didn't show it. If he had to chose any of his friends, it would be you. Because you didn't get close to him because of his position but rather because of him and that was something that was difficult to find.
"I need to tell you something important." "Really? You didn't get kicked out of hwarang, did you?" You asked, eyes wide in fear. He looked up to you, eyes wide as well.
"What? No!" He said and you nodded, smiling again before sitting next to him. He didn't move away like you expected him to and instead looked at you with a soft expression and smiled (aka the expression below).
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"Alright, what is it then?" You asked and he looked down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers. You waited for a few seconds, but he didn't speak up. Placing your hand on his, you leaned forward a bit so he could see you.
"I won't kill you, you know." You joked and he looked up again, staring at you before he spoke up.
"I like you a lot." He finally said and you smiled at him. "I know. You've told me before, Banryu. And I said I liked you too. I consider you a very good friend, if not my only friend." You said back and his expression fell as he pulled his hands away from yours and got up. He sighed loudly before turning to face you again, face flushed in either embarrassment or rage.
"I don't mean like a friend, stupid! I like you as more, I want to marry you when we're older! I don't want you to be with someone else because I want you to be with me! I love you!" He exclaimed loudly and as soon as the last part left his mouth, your eyes went wide and your mouth dropped. He seemed to realize what he had just said, his face flushing and turning away.
You were slightly embarrassed, but on the inside you were screaming happily. The man you had liked for ages now, had just told you that he liked you back. And you were just staring at him instead of saying something.
"Uh..." "Forget it..." He mumbled, turning to leave but you got up and grabbed his hand. He looked at you and you paused again, looking down to your intertwined hands.
"I like you too..." You whispered, but he seemed to have heard nonetheless. You looked up through your lashes and he was just staring, not saying anything.
"You do?" He asked and you nodded, fiddling with his fingers before freezing when he actually intertwined your fingers and raised your hands slightly, not looking at you. You took at him before deciding to take initiative. You stood on your toes and leaned forward, kissing his cheek for a second before leaning back. Now he was completely red as he looked at you in complete shock.
"I wanted to do that for awhile now." You admitted and he gulped, still staring at you.
"Then again, I wanted to do this as well." you said, grabbing his face in your hands and kissed him on the lips. You pulled back in seconds and smiled at him again, ignoring how hot your face had become.
"I'll talk to you later!" You said before waving him goodbye and exiting the room. You closed the door behind you and leaned against it, smiling brightly as your hands went to cover your face. You pushed yourself away from the door and stared in front of you for a few seconds before turning with a jump when the door behind you slammed open. Your face was grabbed and you felt Banryu's lips press against yours. Your eyes wide again before closing as your hands wrapped around his arms. When he pulled back, you stared at him before chuckling.
"Get a room!" Someone exclaimed and you turned your head to see some hwarangs, including Banryu's roommates. You blushed and turned, hiding in Banryu's arms out of embarrassment.
"Just a second." Banryu said, walking down the stairs. Five seconds later, he was chasing Soo-ho through the Hwarang house with the other hwarangs laughing.
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reluctanx · 3 years
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𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙍𝘼𝘾𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙎 𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙇𝙐𝘿𝙀𝘿: neito monoma, itsuka kendo, sen kaibara, ibara shiozaki, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, reiko yanagi, setsuna tokage
𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂 (𝙎) : n/a [?]
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-Neito Monoma
!! 🧺 | he’s actually very sweet, just a bit playful with you
!! 🧺 | he cracks joke just to make you laugh because your smile means EVERYTHING to him
!! 🧺 | i’m pretty sure he’s a nerd at color theory and would ALWAYS point out how beautiful your eyes are. even if it has a darker shade, he just knows that it’s a beautiful color that he loves so much
!! 🧺 | he doesn’t let other people touch his bunnies besides kendo, you may also be the exception
!! 🧺 | overly dramatic because he knows you can’t possibly, truly handle his bullshit
!! 🧺 | his teenager crush on you is so adorable, because he’s always in denial. or refuses to admit he have a crush on you
!! 🧺 | seeing that you’re not comparing him to a villain because of his quirk, wether it’s a joke or not. you automatically gain a part of his trust and respect. deadass
!! 🧺 | he bullies people for a reason, and you better deal with that
!! 🧺 | very argumentative, trying to fight with him with controversial topics is useless
!! 🧺 | LET. HIM. TOUCH. YO. HAIR………. pls
!! 🧺 | even if he tries, he can’t keep up late at night. HE WILL fall asleep, so sometimes you’ll be left on read accidentally-
!! 🧺 | when texting… he’s a total different person omg
!! 🧺 | no because if your seat is next to his, he will pass you the answers for the math exam.. (don’t lie, i know you’re a total dogshit at this subject. )
!! 🧺 | he’s a real big fan of Vlad king so you better be prepared seeing some of his merch in his closet
!! 🧺 | seeing you in his clothes makes him feel weird. he’ll try to make fun of you but he’s just really flustered to look at cha’ i swear
!! 🧺 | it’s rare to see him swear, so when he do so.. dear god..
!! 🧺 | “you love me o’ sooo much it makes you look stupid.”
!! 🧺 | “don’t tell kendo about this, but i like you. for real.”
!! 🧺 | pronouns first with this man, pronouns = priority, pronouns respected. period.
!! 🧺 | he would be such a simp for you..
!! 🧺 | not obsessive or possesive, per se just jealous in a healthy way
!! 🧺 | “i’m literally a low quality version of bakugo.”
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-Itsuka Kendo
!! 🧸 | she acts like your big sister sometimes.
!! 🧸 | she’s so shy and intimidated when she gets to date you bro..
!! 🧸 | your hero name? your hero costume? gives no shit, she find everything about you AMAZING.
!! 🧸 | you’re the little spoon, don’t prove me wrong, you’re the little spoon
!! 🧸 | she finds you so cute (especially if you have chubby cheeks, cause like uuuUhhh…)
!! 🧸 | she dresses you up when ya’ll get a girl days
!! 🧸 | she doesn’t know how to cook, depending on your cooking skills; either you get to cook or ya’ll order sum shit idk
!! 🧸 | she have a whole romantic cottagecore playlist dedicated for you whenever she thinks about you i swear.
!! 🧸 | you participates in her activity of : “knocking-down-neito-whenever-hes-been-an-ass”
!! 🧸 | can’t even afford to scold you the first time ya’ll meet, you’re so beautiful *sob sob*
!! 🧸 | if you’re in a social group space, you’re her favourite person, ya’ll are the duo of the friend group
!! 🧸 | “can’t sleep? that’s okay me too.”
!! 🧸 | picky, very picky eater. ya’ll may have trouble ordering something.
!! 🧸 | you’re the ticklish person, she’s the tickler. if you’re not, she’ll helplessly try to tickle you..-
!! 🧸 | “SPIDER, SPIDER!!”
!! 🧸 | your luck booster, i stg
!! 🧸 | she likes seeing you with fake cat ears, you look so adorable in her perspective
!! 🧸 | fast typer when texting.
!! 🧸 | you’re her angel, you are.
!! 🧸 | wants to be a make-up artist somedays.. so you better be ready and prepare to be a mannequin.
!! 🧸 | “you’re so weird *faces you* you’re so weird.”
!! 🧸 | she wants to be a princess, your princess
!! 🧸 | “why are you so pretty 🥺’
!! 🧸 | cottagecore lesbians :)
!! 🧸 | holding your hands + kisses + pecks on the lips, physical affection <<<<<<<<
!! 🧸 | gives you her stuffies, trust me she have LOADS of stuffies
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Sen Kaibara
!! 📢 | you don’t understand, the amount of love he holds for you is HUGE!
!! 📢 | fairly confident when he’s fighting by your side, you give him confidence..
!! 📢 | bad habits to compare your beauty with his
!! 📢 | trying to make him blush? oh honey, you don’t have to try once you have a relationship with him..
!! 📢 | his smile <<<<<<<<<<<<<
!! 📢 | usually quiet but tends to be talkative ONLY to you
!! 📢 | his heart beats faster and faster when you get close to him, but his face says 😐
!! 📢 | “kiss me already, dummy”
!! 📢 | really likes anime actually, ya’ll watch animes or read mangas sometimes :)
!! 📢 | *strokes strokes, scrubs scrubs your hair gently*
!! 📢 | thinks you look so cute in his clothes but doesn’t mention it
!! 📢 | secretly tries to get one of the things you crave for (an item, celebrity’s autograph idk sum shit)
!! 📢 | mockery against you? not on his watch.
!! 📢 | his love language is physical touch *sobs sobs*
!! 📢 | rubs your hand gently to calm you down when you feel anxious
!! 📢 | old times french love songs of edith piaf is his jam..
!! 📢 | hopeless romantic :c
!! 📢 | insecure? not on his watch,
!! 📢 | gives you his juice box to you and only to you
!! 📢 | you’re his first kiss
!! 📢 | the type to put your hair behind your ears
!! 📢 | “you’re my everything..”
!! 📢 | loves to feel euphoric, you make him euphoric
!! 📢 | you get the blower during summer lmao
!! 📢 | buys you loads of icecreams during summer
!! 📢 | go to the heater side during winter, right now, right here.
!! 📢 | everything you ask somethinh, he’ll answer instantly
!! 📢 | want something? dont worry, sen gotchu’
!! 📢 | SIMP
!! 📢 | wants to be someone truly meaningful to you
!! 📢 | you make him feel special for doing literally nothing
!! 📢 | he loves you, so so much.
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Ibara Shiozaki
!! 🌱| literally the momo yaoyorazu of class 1-b but more theatrical
!! 🌱| you kinda just already knew that she have a preference for girls
!! 🌱| “mo- mother nature? what kind of silly things are you spouting out of that mouth of yours…”
!! 🌱| you are literally babied by her
!! 🌱| good baker and easily make your favorite dish/dessert
!! 🌱| you’re her top priority, and she carefully pays attention to you. deadass, she’s the type to wipe your mouth with her favorite tissue while she’s talking about a serious matter with her teamates bro
!! 🌱| she’s such a nerd in the rom-com industry, and gets pretty shy when you proceed to do something that is similar to a scene about one of her few rom-com movies. (ex: kadebon)
!! 🌱| she laughs so easily..
!! 🌱| “you’re so precious.”
!! 🌱| she showed all the symptoms of “crushing” back then, and you already knew that.
!! 🌱| everytime you hype her up, she smiles widely
!! 🌱| she’s so gift giving, she can’t leave you without giving you a gift first
!! 🌱| all the gifts you gave her stays safe and sound in her room
!! 🌱| “i might never be your hero, but i’ll be the winner of your heart.”
!! 🌱| she wants you to wear her clothes so ya’ll can match :)
!! 🌱| she’s quite wealthy, so she buys you some expensive gifts that reminds her of you
!! 🌱| always wrap her arms around you everywhere
!! 🌱| teases you but a lot
!! 🌱| she likes to do gardening stuff with you
!! 🌱| full knowledge on plants, every flowers she offers you was because of a characteristic that reminds her of you
!! 🌱| her efforts to be committed in your relationship is so visible
!! 🌱| always slips a little ‘I love you” everydays
!! 🌱| your love, affection and attention is enough to repay her for her consistent efforts.
!! 🌱| gets easily jealous but tries to hide it, but you obviously can tell due to her uncontrollable blush
!! 🌱| as she is so gift giving, you’ll try to argue with her saying she doesn’t need to give her this much gifts
!! 🌱| she gets overwhelmed when you make out of an exam/mission
!! 🌱| loves to give you a head massage while reading a book
!! 🌱| come and stargaze with her >:|
!! 🌱| kisses the back of your hand
!! 🌱| show you off when she have the chance to
!! 🌱| compared to what you may have assumed, she puts a lot of trust in her words when showin’ you off.
!! 🌱| “everyday and everynight, you make me happy just by thinking of your silly little face.”
!! 🌱| she felt insecure about her hair, so the fact that you had he audacity to pet her head made her fall inlove with you.
!! 🌱| gets genuinely confused when you laugh at her dramatic behavior
!! 🌱| her humor is kinda bad, so she may laugh at the stupidest thing ever
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Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
!! 🦈| oh boy, everything would be so wild with him
!! 🦈| you cannot leave the room without giving him a hug first
!! 🦈| awkward, like really
!! 🦈| “you’re the most coolest— beautifulest—…uuh.. person!”
!! 🦈| doesn’t academically succeed a lot, but puts a lot of efforts in his works. every praises you give him makes him smile
!! 🦈| makes you laugh without him knowing
!! 🦈| please, he probably starts to laugh when you start talking too fast because he doesn’t understand-
!! 🦈| in summer, he turns his arms into steel so you can grip against it (since steel is usually cold)
!! 🦈| probably have adhd
!! 🦈| loves to caress your cheeks
!! 🦈| sometimes kisses your little fingers for fun
!! 🦈| buddies to lover trope :D
!! 🦈| uses kaomoji than emojis
!! 🦈| his favorite song is teenage dirtbag
!! 🦈| he requires a good listener as his s/o, because he is a very talkative person and bring numerous topics and persons at the same time when talking to him
!! 🦈| “you’re extra-beautiful..”
!! 🦈| offers a fish related plushie
!! 🦈| shows off his abs for you
!! 🦈| two dumb hoes doing shit trope
!! 🦈| “you kinda remind me of an otter..?
!! 🦈| “wanna be a teenage dirtbag with me?”
!! 🦈| he calls you the popular girl of the school for a reason.. 😭
!! 🦈| calls you tetsutetsu junior when you wear his clothes
!! 🦈| openly admit that ya’ll are in a relationship to everyone
!! 🦈| is actually ticklish himself-
!! 🦈| loves to kiss your forehead
!! 🦈| loves to point out how cute you are
!! 🦈| definitely introduces you to fatgum and kirishima
!! 🦈| he can’t really came up with a petname.. so he’ll give you stupid ones
!! 🦈| as you can tell, he’s clearly not experienced but he tries, for you :)
!! 🦈| okay but power couple
!! 🦈| “if you steal the blankets, i am about to put my cold feets on you.”
!! 🦈| gets out of hands when he’s too excited
!! 🦈| gives you back hugs when you’re not feeling well
!! 🦈| best caregiver 🥺
!! 🦈| adores you
!! 🦈| play games with you :)
!! 🦈| sends you stupid note under the door whenever you’re taking a shit-
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Reiko Yanagi
!! 👻|| you managed to get on her soft side when you told her that she wasn’t weird in any ways
!! 👻|| very quiet and patient with you
!! 👻|| really doesn’t wish to disturb or scare you, but she can’t let go of you — you were so nice
!! 👻|| when you tease her.. she’s a blushing mess
!! 👻|| you’re the only person she hangs most of her time with
!! 👻||she thinks that you’re so, so cool.
!! 👻|| doesn’t know how to react to all of your compliments, just knows how to cuddle
!! 👻|| she makes you listen to her favorite genre of music
!! 👻|| she tries her best to make your relationship with her dynamic as possible!
!! 👻|| with that say, praising is one of her top quality
!! 👻|| as much as she doesn’t know how to handle your praise, she can slap you back with her
!! 👻||”hey.. how abour we kiss? uh- um.. if- if you want to.”
!! 👻|| is actually a good kisser-
!! 👻|| her only way to calm you down was to kiss you when you get overwhelmed
!! 👻|| reiko is a really good listener and would literally listen to your 5 hours long story as she stare at you the whole time
!! 👻|| when you mention that her bags were really cool… good job bro, now she loves you
!! 👻|| unexpectedly good in video games
!! 👻|| “w-whoa.. i didn’t expected you to wear my clothes..you look adorable..”
!! 👻|| gets truly passionate when talking about paranormal facts
!! 👻|| she loves to play with the strands of your hair
!! 👻|| quality time <<<<<<<<
!! 👻|| would always remind you how beautiful you are
!! 👻|| once you have her sweater wrapped around your body, it’s officially yours now because she says so
!! 👻|| soft spokesperson with you bro..
!! 👻|| seems more confident when texting
!! 👻|| she loves taking pictures of you
!! 👻|| she probably wanted to make you visit the beach during the sunset
!! 👻|| she’s so proud of you..
!! 👻|| “oh, you deserve all of the praises of the world.”
!! 👻|| can’t even look at you in the eyes,, you’re so CUTE!!
!! 👻|| never leave you alone, never will or would
!! 👻|| always grips on your shirt so that you don’t get to be lost in a mission
!! 👻|| regularly checks up on you
!! 👻|| gives you LOADS of snacks during lunch
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Setsuna Tokage
!! 🐊| literally takes you out everywhere on ya’ll date
!! 🐊| don’t be shy, skateboard with her
!! 🐊| literally asks to be partnered up with you during the sport festivals
!! 🐊| will do everything for you
!! 🐊| have a reptile pet, you’re the only person knowing about that
!! 🐊| “my sweet sweet pumpkin pie!”
!! 🐊| “let me kiss you until you can’t handle me anymore, darling.”
!! 🐊| she loves snuggling to your neck and leave soft kisses
!! 🐊| eyes contact is important
!! 🐊| you’re her favourite person
!! 🐊| ya’ll be ruining your sleep schedule for each other
!! 🐊| you guys always wear something that matches with the other (a hat, item, shirt.. etc.)
!! 🐊| setsuna announces her relationship with you to the class as if she proposed to you in a mariage
aight ya’ll, bye!
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