#also when ralph smashed the car
sapphic-agent · 7 months
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Did this scene traumatize anyone else as a kid or are you normal
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crownedinmarigolds · 4 months
17 and 49 for ralph/khloe? :)
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OUGHHHHH - thank you for asking!!! :D Ralph and Khlo!!!!! <3
17. Who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
As rambunctious as Ralph is, Khloe is actually the initiative taker in a lot of their interactions. While Ralph made the first initial push to get the ball rolling, Khloe is always the escalator. (He's a bit of anxiety ball and while he may do the "haha it would be funny if we kissed... unless" bit, he needs to be 100% sure before doing anything.)
One of my touchstone's for Khloe is a bracelet with a bead made from glass from her destroyed car windshield, which reminds her (and me) that you gotta live and take your chances and shoot your shots now, because who knows when some Anarch Ventrue ladder climber will smash into your car head-on. So Khloe will kiss when she wants to, touch him when she wants to, say I love you first and never let him forget it because she can't live afraid. She's nervous, she's fighting the shy, she feels awkward in her body, but she wants to experience!
So! Uh, back to the start - Khloe will take that giant Nos by the hips and kiss him first! (She's done it so much already!)
49. Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other?
These two are unfortunately the very definition of having a hard time staying away from each other. I will say in this case Ralph is more of the winner on this front. Khloe and Ralph (along with the other two in the coterie) have a bit of an unhealthy codepency on the other, though Khloe can at least manage being by herself away from him and busying herself with some other work to do. Ralph can ALSO do this, but during whatever mission he's on he's definitely doom-spiraling mentally without her. He's working on it, but the poor guy has a lot of self confidence issues and is always thinking of ways to keep himself and those he loves safe. If he can't see Khlo, Khlo is not guaranteed safe.
(thank you @thesixthplaneteer for makin' my perfect boi btw! <3)
Ask questionnaire here!!
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imaras · 2 months
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♡ . . . BREAKING NEWS !  this  fitness influencer  just went viral for  smashing her cheating ex's car  . . .  IMARA GILL  is a  thirty one  year old representing  COLUMBUS , OHIO , who is frequently seen rocking  ralph lauren . they enjoy  playing the drums  in their free time , but have said to hate  the patriarchy . they seem to be  WITTY , but others have said they are quite  cantankerous  as well . that makes sense , considering they are often labeled as  THE BADASS BOOKWOORM .
FULL NAME : imara nidhi gill . NICKNAMES : immy ( only by those who are close to her ! ) AGE : thirty1 . DATE OF BIRTH : february 12 , 1993 . HOMETOWN : columbus , ohio . GENDER : cis woman . PRONOUNS : she / her . ORIENTATION : homosexual , demiromantic . OCCUPATION : fitness influencer . POSITIVE TRAITS : liberal , forthright , clever , protective , steadfast , passionate . NEGATIVE TRAITS : awkward , cantankerous , vulgar , belligerent , tactless , aggressive . MBTI : estp . ENNEAGRAM : 1w2 — the activist . TEMPERAMENT : choleric . MORAL ALIGNMENT : chaotic neutral . ZODIAC : aquarius sun , gemini moon , sag rising .
currently under construction but here's her pinterest board !!
simply put, imara is basically a mix between britta perry ( community ), beca mitchell ( pitch perfect ) & buttercup ( powerpuff girls ) ?? definitely has anarchist beliefs, kinda hates men, loves cats, and absolutely thinks she's like the coolest person in the world but really she’s just kind of a loser who spends most of her time at home and sleeping & when she's not sleeping, she's beating the shit out of a set of drums or a punching bag lmaol
i've got a few specific ones in this tag here ,, but ALSO,, some quick ideas : drinking buddies , RIDE OR DIES , good influence ( on imara ) , bad influence ( on y/m ) , sibling - like relationship , childhood friends , unlikely friends , flirtationship , fwb , ewb , exes ( good & bad & maybe unsure?? terms ) , frenemies , straight - up enemies but they can't really remember why , jam sesh buddies , unrequited crush , ex - friends , & ,,, literally anything & everything else pls
tba !!
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Heartbeat(1997)-Watching Con O'Neill's old stuff cause it's fun. Day #? REX HAWKINS!
Heartbeat S07-Ep.16 The Queen’s Message
Should you watch this? 
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It’s fun, you don’t need context for the series, and its a full story. Fun for what it is. Con in this is wet and pathetic. It’s 50 minutes, and another one-off thing. Not as fun as Pie in the Sky, still a good time. 
As always, thanks to my mutual Con lovers! If you haven't watched it, skip this, as always! I hope everyone has a great week!
@dianetastesmetal @gydima @ivegotnonameidea @treesofgreen @vicsuragi
That was his milk! Fucking rude.
How about we never borrow money ever again! Why is it so easy to get in debt with the mob? Maybe it's my small-town roots showing, but damn.
Also, I’m jealous, why does Con's characters get choked out so often? That and the gun thing!
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Are we allowed to hate the cops in this one, 'cause I already do
This had to have been made in the 90s
THIS IS THE DOCTOR ONE!!!!! The one where Con is in that white coat?
How are half the people in this looking like its still the 60s, love interest’s hair is interesting
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Help Calude! He’s just an old guy, Jesus lady. 
The most homeless-looking man with a homeless-looking dog. 
G-man(half-life) Con Look
Who embroiders a Doctor’s jacket like that, it looks a mechanics smock 
This is Cons character from ‘Vengeance is Mine’s backstory.
Con is named Rex Hawkings yeah?
HE’S A MECHANIC!?! Oh, he’s a handyman. 
WHEN DOES THIS SHOW TAKE PLACE? Color TV’s? Weren’t they common in the 90s?
That's a lil gremlin dog
Okay, the poor guy broke his antique, Rex sings in a choir and has a few ladies after him, then got shoved down the steps. A cop is suspicious of his motives
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Weird hat lady totally influenced someone to push Rex.
Oh, Nevil did it with ladies' help, cool
'LOL BAXTER'. Oh to be named Lol. That is a bard DND name begging to be stolen.
Her eyelashes bug me a bit, and I have no clue why.
Lol is waiting at Rex’s shop, great, lets have the mom be a witness.
“You finger me, you tell the cops?” EXCUSE ME? Is that what Lol just said?
The amount Con is able to spit in every role he’s in shocks me.
Calling the cops won't do shit babe, he's being strangled right now.
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Oh Good, another Con character who knows to be careful with what you say to the cops
I feel for the homeless-looking guy, he’s just not given any slack. 
Shit, well, damn. Rex is kinda fucked. 
Oh good, you need to swindle a shit ton of people to make the money back. Lovely situation you got going on there Rex. 
He’s not too careful about not being seen near Rex in public, is Lol. 
The fact they kept a dog quiet that long in the back of a car is shocking. Also, clown car. That was like 12 guys.
HHALKJSDAHS Looney Tunes run into a door trick
Haaahakjlja Fucking love him, smashes the antique, great
Well, at least Rex got to sing at the thing at least. To an audience of fifteen or so people.  
HAAAAAAAAhahaha they replaced his part with a child!!!! 
I thought the Queen's Speech was also done through the radio, that’s the whole thing. Let the public hear it. 
You know, I want this same setup, but Con’s character is like, way more of a dangerous criminal. Not an incidental criminal, but has to keep up these two lives
Con’s panicking is very funning
It is obvious that he just wants protection
“Will that do?” *SMASHES PHONE.* He’s dumb and way too scared to survive prison. 
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That feels illegal. In so many ways. 
Oh look, they’re vibin. 
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Scared Con is always kind of fun. 
God I don’t know most Christmas carols, huh. 
Whelp, Rex is imprisoned with the same guy who was threatening his life, and everything else is back to normal.
Overall, not bad. I watched this one with the brother, so my commentary was a bit more sparse this time. We made a ton of ‘Vengeance is Mine’ x ‘This show’ jokes, which was very fun. I swear, he remembers that movie better than I do which was funny. My favorite joke being that guns magically respawn around Con's characters, and he just needs to find a kit. Go out and get rid of Lol.
This is one of the few characters where Con got to be scared as shit without any way to fight back. It’s funny that the whole plot revolves around Rex being kind of a piece of shit, and the cops don’t care. It doesn't really work for me.
Seriously, he rented out broken TVs. Which is scummy, yeah, but not the worst thing, and it’s not like he did it on purpose! You know how many broken LED TVs get returned every holiday season? It’s kinda normal for a ton of them to be shit. I guess he’s also kinda a dick for getting that one guy kicked out of the church choir, but it wasn’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Idk, I was a bit more sympathetic to Rex than I was supposed to be? But that’s kinda common for these shows with Con being a guest star. Especially when he’s as pathetic as Rex is. 
I have no idea what this whole show is about. If the cops are the main focus or not. I liked the poor guy, he was generally fun. Everyone else just felt vaguely off putting. Might just be the dated lingo, this came out in 1997’ so… 
CON: 8/10. Really fun. Wet, pathetic, and this is one of his earlier roles, like 1 or 2 years after Pie in the Sky and Soldier Soldier. Cool for him to morally be a wrong and not an actual threat to anybody. His singing was great, and he gave a solid performance. Scared little rat man.
It’s dated, and it feels like it’s from its time. Generally, I don’t like town gossip stories and that is what this is. I wonder how this all ties into the rest of the show, but I have no want to go find out. Not bad though. 
(I also used my Con drinking game for this, and was well-hydrated!)
Solid 7-8/10. Great time!
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aulel-process · 1 year
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This made me cry 😭
It’s actually rare for me to cry from movies so wow!
Especially contrasted with the other metal:
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“Ironic metal winning”
So many of these themes are ones I like! I’ve sort of explored the notion of “winning” and what constitutes a genuine win and that often times it is not what may be what is generally or widely validated (tennis champion Agassi and his biography of feeling like his widely validated tennis wins never felt like victory because of his lack of innate interest in the sport… also Bakugou and his feeling of not genuine victory because his opponent gave up)…
Also just so well done how Ralph’s moment of “protecting” his friend (smashing her race car) can be understood as truly protecting her but also so heartbreaking… and how she says to him, “you really are a bad guy” and how that inner struggle he is trying to overcome hits so much harder when it comes from maybe the first person he’s ever considered a true friend 💔
Wreck-it Ralph is wow! ✨
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dankusner · 1 month
Mayhem of 1968 — chicago
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As delegates and the media gathered in Chicago for the 1968 Democratic National Convention, a prescient reporter said “I think this is going to be a week to remember” as he checked into his hotel.
It became a week the city for years afterward would have preferred to forget, with angry confrontations, brawls and police brutality on display in the streets as well as on the convention floor.
“I’m tired of this, I tell you. I’m tired of this,” shouted a New York delegate after being asked for his credentials for the third time on the floor of the International Amphitheatre.
He was hustled off by “three sergeants-at-arms in suits,” the Tribune reported, an eviction slightly delayed when they ran into a television crew attempting to capture the action on film.
“The whole word is watching,” protesters chanted, which was barely hyperbole given the widespread print and televised coverage given to the violence on Chicago’s streets.
“As 1968 began, I felt I was living on the knife edge of history,” Tom Hayden, an anti-war activist and one of the “Chicago Eight” charged in connection with the riots during the convention, wrote in “Voices of the Chicago Eight.”
In fact, the Walker Report from the National Commission on the Cause and Consequences of Violence called what happened in Chicago that August a “police riot.”
But the report also noted that “the police were targets of mounting provocation by both word and act.
“It took the form of obscene epithets, and of rocks, sticks, bathroom tiles, and even human feces hurled at police by demonstrators.”
During that momentous week in August 1968, a freelance photographer from Milwaukee bunked in the apartment I lived in overlooking Lincoln Park.
On opening night of the convention, he and I started out to watch the protesters gathering in the park.
We were met in the entranceway by baton-swinging cops.
They beat him bloody and smashed his cameras.
The “white shirt,” their commander, refused my neighbors’ request to take him to a hospital.
An assistant U.S. attorney took the photographer in his own car.
Our patched-up house guest never left the apartment again until the delegates left town.
The 1968 Democratic Convention was essentially a tug of war over the First Amendment, which guaranteed “The right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
Like the upcoming Democratic convention in Chicago, the 1968 convention was preceded by fear of protesters converging on the city, and rumors that some wouldn’t make their point peacefully.
The anxiety was kindled by the riots that followed the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination that April, when stretches of Madison Street and Roosevelt Road were reduced to rubble and Daley issued his infamous police order to “Shoot to kill any arsonist.”
In August, the mayor put the 12,000 members of the Chicago Police Department on 12-hour shifts.
Six thousand members of the National Guard were sent to Chicago.
Hayden, one of the protest leaders, was tailed by a pair of undercover cops.
“The larger of them (Ralph) Bell had a real habit of losing his temper, getting wild eyed, moving close, and threatening to do away with me on the spot,” Hayden wrote.
The party’s nomination for was up for grabs.
President Lyndon Johnson had announced in March that he would not seek reelection, knowing to do so was likely futile because of the Vietnam War.
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Vice President Hubert Humphrey wanted the nomination, but refused to criticize the war or Johnson’s policies in conducting it.
Sen. Robert Kennedy, who acknowledged the war was an error and pushed for peace, seemed poised to win the Democratic nomination, but was assassinated in Los Angeles in June.
Hayden and his cohorts talked about toppling capitalism and seeing a more equitable society emerge from the rubble.
But their lack of coherent organization was made plain in testimony by another of the Chicago Eight defendants, Abbie Hoffman, co-founder of the Yippies and a leader of the Chicago convention protests.
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“I’m a cultural revolutionary,” Hoffman said under questioning from a defense attorney at the trial. “I live in Woodstock Nation.”
“Will you tell the Court and the jury where it is?” Hoffman was asked.
“It is in my mind and in the minds of my brothers and sisters,” he replied.
Hoffman was asked if the defendants had agreed to come to Chicago to encourage and promote violence.
“We couldn’t agree on lunch,” he said.
Some of the protests during the convention were merely guerrilla theater.
Hoffman and his partner-in-shtick Jerry Rubin had released a pig in Civic Plaza as their nominee.
They dropped hints of a plan to put LSD in Chicago’s water supply.
It became the Chicago Seven trial when the judge separated Bobby Seale’s case from the other defendants.
Seale insisted on representing himself so vehemently that the judge, citing his disruptions, had him bound and gagged, providing one more haunting image from the convention’s aftermath.
During the trial, Hoffman testified that the plan was a myth created to draw attention to the convention protests.
“A myth is a process of telling stories most of which aren’t true,” Hoffman explained.
The myth was refashioned into a FBI report.
A report on the protest’s leadership identified Hayden “as one of the most likely among their number to deliberately start or create an incident of violence.”
Other Chicago Eight defendants included David Dellinger, an older and more experienced activist who had driven an ambulance for the anti-fascist side during the Spanish Civil War, and Rennie Davis, whose father was an economic adviser under President Harry Truman. Davis applied for permits to march but got the runaround from City Hall.
On Aug. 29, Hayden’s marchers found their route to the Amphitheatre blocked by the cops.
Detouring east to the what was then the Conrad Hilton hotel, they arrived just as nominating speeches were being delivered in the Amphitheatre.
That happenstance created a split-screen view of Democracy in action.
The cops shoved protestors up against the hotel.
A ground-level window broke, and Hayden found himself lying on the shards, inside the Haymarket Lounge.
In the Amphitheatre, Sen. Abraham Ribicoff shifted from praising his candidate, South Dakota Sen. George McGovern, to decrying the cops’ “gestapo tactics.” Daley screamed back.
At the Chicago Eight Trial, an attorney for the defense asked Daley if he swore at Ribicoff and called him a “dirty Jew?”
The prosecutor objected, and Daley didn’t have to answer.
Five of the Chicago Eight defendants were found guilty of some charges against them, but their convictions were overturned by an appellate court.
The convention ended with Humphrey’s nomination. At a news conference on its final day, comedian and activist Dick Gregory predicted the disturbances handed the White House to Richard Nixon, the Republican candidate, and lamented the scenes of “horror’ from the week in Chicago.
“I never thought I would see the day when it is more dangerous to walk along the street with a camera than with a beard,” Gregory said.
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nancythedrew · 3 years
ND Games assessed by the probability of sex/sex-adjacent acts happening in the subtext
If we can conclude that Harry is an unreliable narrator throughout the entire Harry Potter series then this was probably the case when we played “as” ND throughout the franchise
Disclaimer: This is a joke. Not intended to slut and/or virgin shame. It’s your body and you can make your own decisions. This is a blog overanalyzing children’s video game characters and not intended to be a moral condemnation or support of any life choices. 
Also less serious disclaimer, I’m just gonna assume the year 2021 is the case for every game for the sake of including cultural and technological references. I know Ralph would’ve been trying to download porn using dial-up internet on a Windows 95 the year STFD was released, but play along for comedic effect
SCK1: We know Darryl Gray and Connie definitely had smoke kind of friends with benefits arrangement before he formally “asked her out.” Hulk is hulk-smashing many hot babes. Hal is the guy who says he can’t do things because his “long distance girlfriend” of 4+ years wouldn’t like it
SCK-Remastered: Same as above but obligatory mention that Detective Beech has never, and will never, fuck(ed) 
STFD: Ok this one I’m kind of cringing at because any implication of some sort of sexual relationships coupled with the weird power dynamics at play in the candid plot make for some gross possibilities. I feel like as much as there was romantic tension between Rick and Mattie they did not actually have sex and their relationship was more for the press. You can fill in the blanks yourself with what kind of whacko porn Ralph was watching on his work computer
MHM: Abby has her own room but we never hear about Rose having a room, so we all know what’s happening there. There’s also that plausible theory that Charlie is homeless because he’s LGBT, which I find viable also it’s San Fran I don’t give a shit about Louis so I’ll move on
TRT: Everyone in this game is so asexual except for Jacques who makes passionate love to Isabelle as soon as they are reunited (but ONLY after she verifies that Jacques’ grandfather’s reputation as a carpenter is restored)
FIN: My headcanon is that Nick has a kink where he has to have sex in every history building he comes across, literally and figuratively. I’m thinking he’d pick the magician’s room as his locale, but maybe he’d be into the cages on stage even if no one is actually there watching. I don’t think there’s anyone else in this game that matters so
SSH: the SPICE in this game is fucking unparalleled. I don’t even know who to talk about first. Obviously the tension between Taylor and Henrik is immaculate, the JoannaxAlejandroxHenrik triangle coupled with the presence and potential backstory of the Oaxacan cum cookies?????!??!!? Also Keep-It-Real guy has definitely catfished people
DOG: I mean you can just imagine the orgies that happened in that speakeasy. I was thinking with people, but I guess dogs could too (I forget whether there’s information as to whether Malone’s dogs had been properly spayed/neutered). I don’t know who or when or how but Emily definitely had experience tying people up the way Nancy was put in that shed, so do with that what you will
CAR: This probably isn’t a good time for Joy to be having sex, and not with the watchful eyes of Miles surveying her every move. Although the chewing on pencils might point to an oral fixation. Elliott is killing it on Tinder. Harlan hopes someday he might pick up something interesting on the security cameras but never does (other than like, people’s passcodes and crime evidence). I feel like Ingrid’s wildest years are behind her but she’s definitely not exclusive with anyone
DDI: Same with Emily, Andy has experience tying people up and gagging them, but I think his might just genuinely only be in a criminal non-consensual context. Holt has vowed to remain celibate after seeing how an affair ruined Clinton’s political career, but back in a day did attempt to use the clam harvesting tool as a fleshlight, with modest success. Katie has had little success wooing a partner because everyone in the harbor knows how goddamn annoying she is. 
SHA: Dave can only fuck while wearing his cowboy boots and hat. Mary is definitely the dom in her relationship with Tex, both inside and outside of the bedroom. something something you’ll find out why his name is “Shorty” 
CUR: Ethel is always checking the clock so she knows the second she gets off work tutoring and can go to her sex club. Linda briefly considers whether consummating the marriage with Hugh resulted in her turning into the beast due to some kind of mutated Penvellyn STD. Mrs. Drake thinks that sex is only for procreation. Nigel is heartbroken after a brief love affair with Dexter at Wickford Castle that ended after Dexter confessed he was only with Nigel for his money, to which Nigel informed him he has none because he’s in grad school. Nigel has never loved again. 
CLK: Topham and Crowley were definitely fucking. The cross-dressing thing brings in a whole other element that I don’t have time to get into in this post. Jim Archer and his wife schedule sex on a bi-weekly basis. Emily thinks wearing her nightgown every hour of the day is somehow sexy and inviting. Jane’s voice is so annoying I can’t imagine her ever doing anything with anyone. I’ve said it before but Jason and Alice from Camp Avondale are DEFINITELY fucking at camp, and honestly most of the adults of Titusville have probably hooked up with one another at some point. 
TRN: Lori and Tino have surely been together pre-trip. I can’t think of any other pairing on that train that might’ve worked. I could maybe see Charleena wanting to bang the engineer just because he was so competent and didn’t give a shit about Lori, kind of like how Angela loved it when Dwight yelled at Meredith’s kid. 
I don’t wanna think about what Fatima does with that suit after hours. The old guy and his girlfriend talking in the Copper Fork seem like they have some chemistry. The way the guy at the crypt practically jizzes himself when describing Camille’s crypt makes me nervous, but I’m not gonna kinkshame. 
DAN: Dieter definitely fucks and does a poor job mixing pleasure with business (see: him and Minette). I don’t know if we’re supposed to think that Minette and Sonny had a “thing” but I can’t see sparks flying there. Jean Michel is so insufferable that he’s convinced himself he wouldn’t even enjoy intimacy. I’m sure the vendors who are grabbing stuff from the muck of their basement occasionally just grab a dildo and say it was modeled after the penis of St. Paul and sell it for 58 euros. JJ makes you pay a deposit before you fuck and you only get your money back if she finishes. 
CRE: Big Island Mike is one of the few characters who has canonically fucked, which is incredible and concerning. Pua gets some heat for not going to parties and hanging out with boys but I’m sure she does fine, and probably isn’t even into boys. I don’t care about the rest of the people in this game, except maybe Johnny Kuto who needs a more in depth backstory and development than what I can provide right now
ICE: Ollie also has canonically fucked. I could see Yanni and Lou running off together for a lil moment while Bill is passed out on the table. Lupe definitely has a long term female partner back home, but they wont get married because marriage is inherently a patriarchal concept. 
CRY: The Jolly Roger meeting is basically just a sex club/cult. Renee gets her birth control from Zeke’s because she thinks it’s more natural, but Lamont knows it’s just ground-up Yaz with eucalyptus oil. Henry discovered a stash of all of Bruno’s weird sex toys in the house but got rid of them before Nancy came. 
VEN: Colin’s got that tesserae fetish so there’s that. Helena killed her last partner after they confronted her about her role in organized crime. Margarhita tells herself she’s waiting for someone special but she’s really just fucking annoying and no one wants anything to do with her. You might think I’m gonna say Fango has something going on with the pigeons but I don’t think so. Enrico’s game house is virtually a swingers club. 
HAU: Matt has tried for years to spice up his and Kyler’s sex life, but to no avail. I don’t give a shit about Donal. Who I DO give a shit about is Kit who has taken advantage of the presence of so many cots to hook up with yours truly in as many locations on the castle grounds as possible, which is why he was doodling ideas for how the land could be used. Also I don’t know how sheep breeding works but I think they’d have to be having sex someone regularly for a flock to be sustainable? 
RAN: the monkeys
WAC: I don’t even know where to begin with this one. It’s basically just a college dorm but with bright, independent women. There’s so many love triangles/squares/polygons you can draw here, especially when there are a couple empty beds. I feel like there’s an unspoken rule that if your roommate is hooking up with someone else’s roommate, you and that someone else just go downstairs and play games together until they’re done. I just wrote that and realized that the hooking up people probably wouldn’t be using both rooms at the same time
TOT: I mean Scott and Brooke are definitely doing the hanky-panky and Pa not only knows but facilitates it and wont let people leave that backroom of the store until they’re finished; it was never about mice. Debbie is still trying to make long distance work with her college boyfriend but he’s cheating on her. Chase is waiting till marriage. 
SAW: Conceivably there’s some sexual energy between Rentaro and Miwako but it’s coming up empty for me. I do love a friends to lovers narrative but this is giving me nothing to work with. Takae has canonically fucked but isn’t currently looking for anything. Yumi has major boundary issues 
CAP: Renate has a lover in every town in every province in every continent. Anja has an OnlyFans to help pay the bills. Karl gets pretty imaginative when it comes to his little fantasy monster board game. 
ASH: Ned has never fucked. A deleted sideplot in the game involved Ned dropping a used condom into the evidence slot after his “date” with Deirdre, Nancy running an DNA test and finding that it traces back to Ned, Nancy calling Ned in a panic, Ned explaining it was just a joke and that he just wanked into the condom, and Nancy ceasing to speak with Ned; the player can then only play as Bess or George. Alexei pretty much alludes to how many chicks he could pull back in his prime. Toni is the boss that gives just a little bit too much detail about her personal life to her interns.
TMB: I mean I don’t even wanna guess what Dylan’s body count is. I am not super familiar with Islamic commands, but I would think someone like Jamila who wears a head covering would be waiting till marriage? I’m not really imagining Abdullah and Lily doing anything but those bed separators are so thin there’s definitely opportunity there
DED: I forget what’s headcanon and what’s actual canon in this game. I think Niko having a thing with an elephant and/or Gray aren’t actual things, but the elephant thing is kind of alluded? Or maybe that was Nikola Tesla and the elephant? Regardless, Gray and Niko were definitely a thing, Ellie and Mason are definitely doing things, and Ryan is blissfully unaware of all of it 
GTH: This is the incest game technically but I’ll try to be tasteful here. Clara has canonically fucked(Jessalyn’s father), Harper went off the rails too long ago to care, and Wade and Savannah did a couple times and it didn’t work out but Wade will send her vaguely sexual texts every now and then in case it’ll peak her interest. Jessalyn and Colton are both generous lovers to one another, so when they decide at the end to remain “friends” they mean friends with benefits, at least until Colton can figure himself out. 
SPY: Zoe is the kind of person to do social experiments as to which one of her fake identities is the most sexually appealing. Sometimes her partners who find out her true identity ask her to revert back to a fake one in the bedroom. Alec keeps Tinder installed for a quick hook up depending on where he travels to. Moira is asexual and fine with it. Ewan is an incel. 
MED: Uhhhh what the hell happens in this game. George breaks her leg so that makes things hard, that couple that’s competing together is probably getting freaky, Bess spends the whole game being unable to flirt so nothing there, there’s the “villain” lady that has no personality other than “I’m gonna win” and there’s also Sonny Joon. My guess is after the intense sexual heat of Beech Hill Sonny has committed himself to creating workspaces as professional as possible, which is why the come on from Minette was so horrifying to him.
LIE: I don’t remember shit about this game but I know there’s lots of characters of lots of genders and lots of props and lots of costumes and it turns out they’re all working together and in close communication the whole time??/ you guys can fill in the rest 
SEA: Gunnar has canonically fucked, so fuck. Dagny we know is currently single and doesn’t seem to be looking for anything right now, though I’m sure she can and does pull when she wants to. Is Soren gay?? I think that’s a theory. The only guy other than dank ass Gunnar is the guy Soren kidnaps, which I don’t think is a really great scenario to be intimate with someone. Elisabet and Magnus probably do it on the reg but mainly missionary.
MID: I think I can say this because I think they’re both minors or both of age, but Jason and Mei are in love and smashing like rabbits. The witch lady and the shop owner seem like they could attract a specific niche if so inclined. Judge Danforth has canonically fucked. Deirdre needs to chill out with her crazy stalking of Nancy if she ever wants a shot. The museum older sister lady is boring as hell so I doubt she’s getting any 
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Part 1 & Part 2
Part 3/3:
Nines froze as the human’s body melded to his. Gavin kept his eyes shut and his lips moving. Then what he’d been bracing for finally came.
Sweet glorious pain, blossoming everywhere Nines gripped his body. Gavin was sure that his lips would bruise under the pressure of the reciprocal kiss… that his rib cage would shatter if Nines held him any tighter… that his lungs would burst if they didn’t fill with air soon…
A wolf-whistle broke through the stunned silence in the yard.
Gavin pulled back, light-headed from the rush of oxygen and drain of adrenaline. He didn’t fall though. Didn’t even move an inch. Strong arms and a heated gaze kept him pinned.
“Of all the things in the world… why coffee?”
“I could ask you the same.”
Gavin tucked his head into the crook of Nines’ neck, cuddling closer.
“Hmm… I think weird working hours made me actually need the caffeine… but the bean snobbery just came with the rest of my superiority complexes.”
Nines laughed. It was more of an exhale than an actual laugh, but Gavin was thankful for it nonetheless.
“And you?”
Nines kissed his forehead, prolonging his answer as much as he could before finally relenting with a sigh.
“The reason you’re asking… is because running a café is just about the last thing you’d expect an android like me to be doing. And… that’s your answer. That’s exactly why I wanted it.”
“To subvert expectations…?”
“To not be the terrible thing I was meant to be.”
Gavin’s breath hitched at the depth of emotion in Nines’ voice. He didn’t dare look up to meet his eye and settled for pressing his lips to the razor-sharp jawline.
“I dunno what kinda code runs through you, but believe me when I say you don’t have it in you to be… terrible.”
Nines scoffed at that.
“How can you say that after all the shit you’ve seen me do.”
“I can say that after all the shit I’ve seen others do. Fifteen years on the job, remember? I can vouch that righteous anger is one of the least terrible things out there.”
When Nines didn’t respond, Gavin decided to move the ship out of uncharted waters. He propped himself up on an elbow and ran a hand down the android’s smooth chest.
“In fact, I think it’s downright sexy.”
That did the trick. Nines pressed Gavin into the mattress with a low growl and rolled over him, clamping his mouth over his throat. Their hips aligned and the conversation ended.
“Ralph tried hard but the machine is not working. Ralph is stuck.”
“Move. Let me see.”
Gavin took the filter holder and disconnected it from the espresso machine with a firm tug. He leapt away in shock as water came rushing out. That was absolutely not supposed to happen.
“Er… I’ll get a mechanic friend to take a look later. Why don’t you go check on inventory?”
Ralph shuffled away with a thoroughly sceptical look in his eye. Gavin sighed openly once the android was out of earshot.
The café was in shambles.
The vandals may have gotten as good as they gave… but they’d left their mark. Even with insurance, there was no way such a new establishment could financially recover from a setback like that.
Nines said nothing but seethed with his usual brand of silent, impotent rage.
Unable to bear the slammed car doors and dismissive grunts any longer, Gavin had taken a solo day off to come down to the Calypso and see what could be done.
Not much, without a boatload of money, it seemed.
He sat down with a sigh and Ralph brought over a cup of coffee. Black. A pour-over. He set a bowl of runny eggs and a small basket of bread down on the table too.
Gavin looked up in surprise. Ralph shrugged.
“Nines is telling Ralph that you left without breakfast. Ralph’s equipment is all broken so Ralph just made something simple.”
Touched beyond words, Gavin motioned for Ralph to sit down with him instead of scurrying off into the shadows as per his usual habit.
He took a sip of the hand-poured drip coffee and broke a piece of the bread, dragging it through the eggs, European style. It was utterly homely and reminded of him of some bygone era that he’d needlessly bypassed. He looked up and met Ralph’s mildly unsettling stare.
“So… why the name Calypso? There’s nothing beach-themed or Caribbean about the place.”
“Nines chose it. After the Greek goddess.”
“Huh. And she was the goddess of coffee? Did they even have coffee back in those Hercules Orgy Olympics days?”
“She is a sea nymph. She detained the mythic hero Odysseus on her island for seven years.”
Gavin’s brows furrowed as he swallowed a mouthful of fresh bread.
“Did you bake this?”
“Yes. Ralph is baking daily. Ralph does it first thing in the morning at five. It is very calming to knead the dough and hear the birdsong.”
“It’s phcking delicious. Leavened perfectly. Now back to the name. This goddess nymph creature. She doesn’t sound very nice. She trapped this hero dude, right? Reminds me of my ex. Why name this pretty café after her?”
“Ralph can only imagine that Nines’ fascination with Calypso is the ambiguity of her nature. She can seduce and manipulate, but she can also heal. She is neither good nor evil.”
Gavin drained his coffee and sank back in his chair contemplatively.
“What do you think she is, Ralph?”
Ralph’s LED flickered and his eyes dipped to the table. He knew what Gavin was asking.
“Calypso is immortal. Calypso cannot help but fall in love with every sailor who lands on her shores. Calypso dreams of an eternal husband but lets Odysseus go when it’s clear he wishes to return to his wife. Well, maybe only when the Gods commands her to… but she releases him without harm!”
Gavin waited. Ralph’s head snapped up and he spoke in a short burst.
“Calypso is mythical. It does not matter what she is. Nines is real. Nines is good. Very good. Honest and honourable! Ralph will do anything for Nines!”
Gavin leaned back in his chair with the satisfied smile of an experienced police negotiator who’d gotten exactly where he wanted to.
“What the hell is this? Where did you get so much money from?”
Nines’ amber LED cycled furiously as he took in the sight of the restored café. Ralph was humming to himself as he proudly polished the knobs of their repaired espresso machine.
Gavin led Nines by the hand to look at the repainted walls… the new furniture… the new crockery replacing what had been smashed…
“Oh I just embodied my inner Gen Z and tapped into the power of social justice.”
Nines looked thoroughly nonplussed.
“Crowdfunding, baby. I set up a link and Ralph told everyone on Twitter what happened to him and the café. Well, showed them, more like.”
Nines looked up at the ceiling and his LED slowly returned to a calm blue as he understood… but when he looked back down, his expression wasn’t any less troubled.
“Okay I just saw it. Edited footage from his optical units and a tearful testimonial. Ethically questionable, but clever.”
“Super effective. We overshot our target by a couple hundred bucks.”
“Hmm. People are kind.”
“Yes. They’ve actually done more for you. Look. Connor gave me this earlier today.”
Gavin reached into his jacket and produced an envelope. Nines’ eyes widened as he spotted the official seals of the Mayor’s office, the Manfred Estate and New Jericho.
“Someone started a petition… to let you back behind the helm of the Calypso. It really took off. I don’t know how you didn’t hear-”
“I muted any mentions of myself and the other RKs from showing up in my newsfeed.”
“Then this makes for a good surprise.”
Gavin gently pushed the envelope into the android’s hands and watched him open it with a precise fingernail flicked under the wax. He scanned the contents of the letter in a split second and let it fall through his fingers.
Without warning, he scooped Gavin up and set him down on a polished table for a deep kiss of even deeper gratitude. Ralph turned his back on them with a bashful giggle.
Nines didn’t respond.
“Hey baby?”
There was an intensity to the grumble that had Gavin second-guessing whether to persist. Being Nines’ lover didn’t exempt him from the consequences of asking stupid questions.
“Your thoughts are fucking loud. Just say whatever you want to.”
“Oh. Um… I was actually wondering… I mean, you don’t have to tell me… but like why… um…”
“Why haven’t I turned my badge in yet?”
Nines turned on his side and brushed the back of his hand over Gavin’s cheek. The intimate gesture sent a thrill through the human despite how much more intimate they’d just been in the recent past.
“Because I haven’t decided what to do next.”
Gavin’s brows knitted together.
“What do you mean? Aren’t you going to take back your business?”
Nines’ wan smile told him all he needed to know.
“It’s doing really well in Ralph’s hands. He’s capable. He’s creative. And I don’t think it’s fair for me to go back and get in his way all of a sudden.”
“He needs you.”
“He absolutely doesn’t. It’s his café. You helped him get back on his feet and he’s going to be fiiiiine without me.”
“Is it because you don’t wanna be her anymore?”
Nines scrunched his nose up in confusion.
“Calypso. The siren who trapped the Oddball.”
That earned Gavin a heartfelt laugh.
“Odysseus, Gavin.”
“Yeah. You were like Calypso and now you’re letting go of the coffeeshop because you figured it wasn’t meant to be!”
Nines frowned and pretended to check the human for a temperature. Gavin swatted his hands away with mock petulance.
“Fine, I’m probably way off the mark. You tell me what the deal is then!”
Arms snaked around his waist and pulled him flush against the android’s defined chest. Lips brushed the shell of his ear and when Nines spoke next, it was in the huskiest of undertones.
“I’m Odysseus. Not Calypso.”
The realisation was painfully obvious in hindsight.
“I’m the one who’s stuck on an endless journey home. I’ve faced a hundred artificial trials and tribulations. I’ve been a puppet at the hands of false gods. I answer existential questions to prove my self-worth every single day.”
Nines paused to gauge Gavin’s reaction. When he received none, he pressed a brief kiss to the human’s bare shoulder before continuing.
“It’s been a long journey. But not a pointless one. Every metaphorical island I’ve visited has granted me something. From literally running into Ralph in an old building… to defending our turf from other stray androids… getting ourselves off the street… setting up a café from scratch… being arrested on opening day… ending up on the police force with you…”
Gavin recognised that as his cue to squirm around in Nines’ arms and peck him on the lips.
“So who’s Cyclops?”
“The story’s starting to come back to me now. Your boy Oddy fought a one-eyed monster on one of the islands he went to. Who’s the Cyclops in your story?”
Nines huffed another breathy laugh.
“Markus, probably. Connor is definitely Helios.”
“Who’s your wife?”
“Definitely not you.”
Gavin elbowed him in the ribs. An action that had more repercussions on him than Nines.
“So which island are you off to next?”
“I have no idea. But it doesn’t matter. I might already be home.”
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sunflowergirl522 · 4 years
You Need To Remember 3
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Your best friend Peter gets sucked into a different reality in front of you and you use your power to go after him. You find yourself in a new reality but you don’t remember how you got there.
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1681
Masterlist Previous Part
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When Peter had hit the back of Monica’s head to knock her out you gasp. What was going on?
“Peter! What are you doing?”
“What I should’ve done before hun.” And then you’re greeted with darkness. 
When you wake up you’re in some sort of attic with a headache in the back of your head where you were hit. Monica’s yelling for Wanda and banging on the window while Peter sits on the couch with a guitar. You’re laid on a recliner in a corner of the room and sit up and grimace at the heart beat in your head.
“Don’t waste your breath babe. No one can hear you from in here.” Monica turns around to look at Peter and glances at you when he calls her babe. You just shrug at her not knowing what was going on as Peter starts to play the guitar. Peter’s never touched a guitar in his life. How did he know now? He strums something dramatic and makes a face at Monica as she looks between the door and him. She tries to run and you know that that’s a bad idea before she even does it. It seems like she’s forgetting about his super speed. He beats her there, getting in her way, and flicks her back.
“Shit, Monica!” You rush to her side to help her into a sitting position and make sure she’s okay. You help her over to the recliner that you were just on while Peter goes to make a smoothie or something. “What is wrong with you? Why would you do that?”
“Can’t have the two of you messing everything up for the missus.”
“What is this stuff?” Monica asks in what seems to be disgust and you try to figure out what he was talking about. Who’s the missus?
“This is my man-cave.”
“Man-cave?” Your eyebrows scrunch together, not once has Peter ever used the term man-cave.
“A place to chillax, you know, while the missus is turning up trouble.”
“What the fuck?” You mutter to yourself as Peter walks over to the tv and Monica rifles through the papers on the stand next to her.
“You a fan of Steven Seagal?” When he doesn’t get a response he frowns and keeps doing whatever it is he’s doing.
“Agnes doesn’t live here.” You turn to Monica to see her staring down at a piece of paper and lean on the recliner to look over her shoulder. She’s holding a picture of what seems to be Peter with brown hair and a different name typed underneath it. “You do.” Her mouth is wide with shock as she looks up at the boy who fumbles with something. “You’re Ralph Bohner?” She sounds just so confused and you have to admit you are to but you can’t help but also find yourself amused.
“Boner.” Peter chuckles and you giggle a bit at it too. Monica shoots you a look and you shrug at her in response as you cover your mouth. It’s a ridiculous name and you’ve always been as immature as Peter.
“How is she controlling you?” Monica gets up as she asks.
“You wanna tussle again?” Peter gets into a fake fighting stance and bounces around. Monica catches him by surprise and flips him over her shoulder and pins him to the ground. “Meow. She’s feisty.” You ignore how much him flirting with Monica hurts you considering he’s probably under some control. As soon as Monica rips the ugly puka shell necklace from Peter’s neck his face morphs into a scared look. “Please, spare my life!”
“Nice to meet you Ralph.” Monica gets off of him then and you teleport to stand in front of the window behind his head. 
“Huh?” He goes to lean up on his elbows and you step closer to lean over his body. Sensing you, he looks up and relief floods through his features.
“Yeah nice to meet you.”
“Y/n!” He uses his speed to stand in front of you. “Are you okay? God I didn’t hurt you too bad did I?” His hand goes to the back of your head to feel for a bump.
“I’m alright Peter, don’t you dare start apologizing because I know you won’t stop. What happened anyway? One minute you’re about to help Wanda and the next you’re knocking us out.”
“I don’t know I guess when I was me for that short bit she was distracted but I was snapped back into her control when I got closer to the house.” He turns to point at Monica. “Good job with the necklace though, I didn’t even know.”
“I could see her energy.” Monica shrugs before tossing it over her shoulder. “We should go help Wanda.” 
“We’ll catch up.” Monica nods at you before running out the door. “What is this about?” You hold up the picture for Peter to see.
“When I ended up on the other side of the portal none of this shit was going on. It must’ve been just before it so I found a picture of some dude who looked enough like me to pass and made up an alias.”
“And you chose Ralph Bohner?” One of your eyebrows quirk up and a small smile forms on your lips.
“Alright so I saw it on a gravestone when I ran through the neighborhood to figure out where I was and thought it was funny.”
“It is pretty funny, I’ll give you that. It’s definitely a name I can see you picking. I’m really glad you’re alright Pete, I was so worried when you disappeared.”
“I was pretty worried too. I didn’t know if I was ever gonna see you again.” Peter steps closer to you and caresses the side of your face. The two of you stare at each other for a minute before you clear your throat.
“We should probably go.”
“Yeah.” Peter holds onto the back of your neck and the two of you make it to the town square just in time to see a funnel cake truck smash into a SWORD car. A robotic looking man comes out of the library and the twins run to him yelling dad. “That’s Vision, shame you never got to meet him.” You and Peter stay behind a building so that Agatha doesn’t see the two of you. The two of you watch as the two witches fly up and start to fight in the sky.
“Oh shit!” You both exclaim together as Agatha seems to drain Wanda completely of her power. Peter zips off and comes back with some popcorn offering the bucket out to you. You take a handful as you watch as Wanda takes all of her power back and transforms. 
“Damn, she looks good! It’s a good thing I’m so into you Pete because otherwise I’d be hitting on your not really sister.” 
“You’re into me?” You don’t even realize what you just said until his words feel your ears.
“Um, well yeah, have been for a while now.” You might as well let him know, maybe if he freaks out you can get Wanda to erase his memory or something.
“Good, I’m pretty into you too.” He just shoves another handful of popcorn in his mouth and keeps watching the moment in front of the two of you and it suddenly starts to turn to night as Wanda and her family walk away. When the both of you walk over to Monica it’s completely dark and the walls of the world are shrinking. 
“Is that popcorn?” Monica asks the two of you pointing at the bucket and you nod at her with a small smile. The wall of the world goes past the three of you causing it to be day again.
“It’s not often we get to watch the fights.” You shrug and Peter takes your hand in his own after zipping over to throw the bucket away. “We’re normally almost dying in them.”
Wanda walks into the town square again and all of the townspeople stop to stare at her as she walks up to the three of you. Monica's attention goes to her and she takes a few steps to meet up with Wanda.
“They’ll never know what you sacrificed for them.”
“It wouldn’t change how they see me. And you, you don’t, you don’t hate me?”
“Given the chance and given your power, I’d bring my mom back. I know I would.”
“I’m sorry. For all the pain I caused.” You look over at Peter to see concern on his face and you can tell that he just wants to wrap his arms around this Wanda and console her. He had lost his twin in your own reality and you know how hard this must be for him. You squeeze his hand to remind him you’re here and a small smile appears on his face.
“I know.”
“I don’t understand this power. But I will.” It’s then that Wanda’s attention goes to the two of you. Peter smiles at her and does a little wave and she walks up to the two of you. “So who are you, then?”
“Uh, I’m Peter, Peter Maximoff. Weird, I know right.” He does an awkward laugh and rubs the back of his neck with his free hand and you decide to come to his rescue.
“We’re from a different reality, if that helps at all. He was plucked out of ours and put here I think to get to you, we aren’t completely sure though.”
“Huh, nice to meet the two of you.” Sirens start to get close then and Wanda starts to walk away before turning to face you three. “Goodbye Monica, Peter.” She nods at Peter in acknowledgement.
“Bye, Wanda.” Monica says before Wanda flies away. “Good luck.” As cops start to swarm around you, you turn to Peter.
“Let's go home.” You do what you did to get here and use your strength to open a portal to your own reality and Peter pulls you through before it can snap shut.
Peter Taglist: @amourtentiaa​ @simpforquicksilver​ @parkersdarling @loveyou3000-mcu
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cecilspeaks · 4 years
168 - Secret Blotter
Life is 10 per cent what happens to you And 90 per cent false memories of what you think happened to you. Welcome to Night Vale.
In an effort to bring more transparency to the Sheriff’s Secret Police, a chronicle of one night’s dispatches will be released to the public. This action comes at the behest of the City Council, who voted unanimously on a resolution to ban plastic bags.
Now, OK, while those two things may not seem related, Sheriff Sam misunderstood the vote as a rallying cry against tyrannical surveillance and a personal threat, involving being thrown to the pit of vipers behind the bowling alley. Sheriff Sam, who has a paralyzing fear of vipers, proposed a compromise in which Secret Police dispatches would be temporarily divulged, so the public can get a better idea of what agency does and how tax dollars are being spent. A plan which was readily accepted by the Council, though they continued to roll their eyes and gnash their teeth and chant softly: [creepy voice] “Viper pit! Viper pit! Blessed be the viper pit!” Which is just how they express a “yay” vote on procedural issues.
As a result, Night Vale has its first ever police blotter. Let’s dig in. 9 o’clock PM. Missing person reported inside the Ralphs. Night manager on duty says employee went to stock some cases of Lime-A-Ritas in the new walk-in beer cave and never came out. Reporting officer thoroughly checked beer cave and confirmed it was deserted. Three cases of the beverage were left haphazardly in the middle of the floor, and a loading dolly had tipped over onto its side. Manager states employee originally brought in four cases. Manager added one missing case of Lime-A-Ritas to the report. When asked if this kind of thing has happened before, manager changed subject and asked if officer would like to look at some of the children’s drawing contest submissions. Officer was amenable to this request.
9:16 PM. Noise complaint. Dog barking in an unknown language annoying residents. Dirty white fur, human face. Gone when officer arrived on scene.
9:25 PM. Two underage residents attempted to sneak into an R-rated movie by pretending to be one tall person in a trench coat. When confronted by officer, they turned into a swarm of flies and dispersed.
10:01 PM. Noise complaint. A sound resembling television static was being emitted from a shower drain out in the Hefty Sycamore trailer park. When recorded and played backwards, it turned out to be a broadcast from a 1952 episode of the game show “Beat the Clock”, where contestants competed to see how many pieces they could smash a clock into. A plumber was called.
10:15 PM. A resident of Desert Creek searched for “easy tortellini recipes”, but none of them were easy enough. It was so late already, and they needed to get to bed soon, but they were also very hungry and needed to eat dinner first. They wanted something quick, but they also wanted a real dinner, not a false dinner like… cereal? They became hyperaware that the more they deliberated on what to make, the longer it was all taking. And factoring in the decision-making time on top of the meal prep time was becoming additionally stressful in relation to the desire to get to bed soon.
11:30 PM. A Coyote Corner’s swimming pool filled with blood and began swirling furiously in a counter-clockwise direction. Home owner appeared distressed. Officer advised home owner to drain pool.
11:31 PM. Multiple residents awoke in a cold sweat from the same dream. It wasn’t necessarily a nightmare, but it was definitely not pleasant. The only thing they could recall afterwards was that it was showing, and that there was a tree with seven limbs.
12:00 AM. Witches.
2:00 AM. That time of night when everything starts getting hazy. Were you headed to a crime? Checking a surveillance station? Listening to a wiretap? Going home? Returning to headquarters? Signalling an invisible helicopter? Sometimes you lose track. An old local legend comes into your mind, and you try to recall the details. It’s been so long since you heard it. You watch the headlights bounce along the dirt road ahead, and your eyes begin to play tricks on you, sensing movement in the dark margins where the light doesn’t penetrate. You turn off the lights and slow the vehicle. They weren’t tricks after all. There is movement here, a dark writhing mass entering the roadway. You are forced to stop the car. Eyes flesh open in the dark. Many sets of eyes. This isn’t part of a half-remembered legend. This is something very, very real.
More of the blotter soon. But first, let’s have a look at traffic. You’re hunting in a pack near the Old Highway. The smell of blood is in the air. Headlights bounce over the rise and your stomachs rumble. The moon flees behind the clouds and you fan out, along both sides of the road, moving parallel to it like a lazy river. The car approaches and slows. It shuts off its headlights, as you knew it would. Some of you push ahead to the car, blocking its path. Others move to the rear and others remain at the sides boxing it in. You converge, surrounding it more tightly the door opens, then closes again, the fleshy creature inside cursing softly. You hear a crackle of radio static, but you know it is inconsequential to you. You consume the metal shell first. There are explosions of air and the hiss of leaking fluids. Then the glass, crunchy and cool in your collective gullet. And finally, the screaming delicacy in the center, the cloth-wrapped package of meat and bone. There are other things afterward, less enjoyable, but consumable nonetheless. Papers and electronics, and the pleather, and cold French fries in the back. Nothing must remain. By the time the moon emerges from the clouds, the old highway will be deserted once more. This has been traffic.
And now a word from our sponsors. Today’s show is brought to you by TickTock. The only app that tells you exactly how long you have left to live. The sleek countdown display synchs easily with all of your devices, so that you can check your mortality at a glance. The premium edition provides additional details, such as manner and location of death, and updates to the minute, as you make different choices throughout your day. You’ll find yourself asking questions like, why did returning a library book just subtract 4 years from my life? How did leaving late for work change my final outcome from drowning in gulch to birds of prey? Why does it say “tomorrow” all of a sudden? [panicking] It must be some kind of glitch, right? OK, OK, I’ve updated the app but it still hasn’t changed. It still says “tomorrow”. I just got checked out by a doctor and they said I’m in great shape, I’m staying home from work, I’m not answering the door, I’ve closed the blinds and I’m sitting on the couch, surrounded by pillows, not moving, not even blinking, I’ve done everything dammit, EVERYTHING!!! WHY DOES IT STILL SAY “TOMORROW”???!! Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. This has been a word from our sponsors.
Back to the Sheriff’s Secret Police blotter. 2:30 AM. Responded to an officer distress call on the Old Highway. No sign of officer or vehicle found. Must have been a false alarm.
3:15 AM. Nude man ranting in middle of old highway, carrying a case of alcoholic beverages. Identified as the night shift stocker at the Ralphs. Claims he entered the walk-in refrigerator at work, reached up to place the case of beverages on the shelf, and abruptly found himself in a network of ice caves. He eventually climbed up a snowy mountain where he met a robed figure he refers to as “The Oracle”. “The Oracle” foretold of a hungry darkness with a thousand eyes and urged that the portal must be cloooosed. The Ralphs employee also reported that “The Oracle” had slurred speech and seemed unsteady on its feet, and may have been inebriated. After this exchange, he then found himself standing in the Sand Wastes nude. He does not know where his clothes are. Officer escorted man back to the Ralphs to finish out his shift.
3:35 AM. Domestic disturbance. “He won’t stop practicing the flute!” a Cactus Bloom resident reported, indicating his dopplegänger who stood in the corner of the bedroom, staring unblinkingly at the wall and playing the same halting scale on a wooden flute. Officer advised resident to take a melatonin and try to get some sleep. “If he doesn’t stop, I can’t be held responsible!” the sleep-deprived resident threatened. “Sounds fair,” the officer agreed and left the premises.
4:00 AM. An alarm clock went off in Old Town. A woman attempted to get out of bed, but her cat walked sleepily onto her person and began purring, preventing her from rising. Her cat is elderly and the woman knows its number of purrs are finite and must be honored. Eventually, she put on coffee and took a shower. She used Herbal Solution shampoo for a lifelong dandruff condition, though she has not seen any improvement after years of using the products. She continues using it, because she likes the way it smells. It smells medicinal, like it’s helping, and it does tingle, like the label promises. The tingle means it’s working, the label says. So it must be working.
And now a break form the police blotter for some sports news. Night Vale High School – go Scorpions! – has added a concession stand to be used during sporting events. The parent-teacher association proudly unveiled the new stand at last week’s baseball game, dedicating the plywood structure to the memory of favorite AP auto shop teacher, Nick Teller. Teller reacted with confusion at this news, as he is still alive. “Oh, of co-, no, of course you are,” the PTA responded awkwardly, “but we just wanted to honor – your memory, as in what a great memory you have. You-you know how you’re really good at remembering stuff? We just wanted to, yeah uh, honor that,” the PTA went on, seemingly unable to stop explaining themselves, whilst standing in front of the dedication plaque, which featured several doves, a Celtic cross, and an image of clasped hands. Teller admitted he does have an excellent memory and is very honored. The following concessions are available at the Teller memorial stand: Special allowances, the granting of rights, the acceptance of certain things as truth, the yielding of certain other things as untruth. Also, RC Cola and popcorn.
Oh, which reminds me, we actually have another word from our sponsor, Royal Crown Cola. Invented by Ferdinand the 1st, king of Naples, who built a museum of mummies inside his palace to house the bodies of his slain enemies. “I am parched from building this museum of mummies,” he famously said, and the rest is history. RC Cola – the drink of ruthless monarchs.
In local news, I have the results of the Ralphs drawing contest. Local school children were encouraged to submit a drawing to the store this week, depicting their favorite Ralphs product. I’ll start with the runners up. The third place drawing comes to us from Ella Snider, a student from Night Vale Elementary, and it shows a large black scribbled mass with a lot of eyes on it, with the Ralphs building on fire in the background. Very creative, Ella!
The second place drawing comes from Jace McCoy, also from Night Vale Elementary, and this one also shows a black mass with many eyes and a big bright red splatter of blood across the page. Nice use of color, Jace!
And the grand price winner comes to us from Heather (Fathusam) [0:16:52] of Daggers Plunge Charter School. Her drawing features a beautiful black mass with lots of lovely eyes, and it’s holding a box of store brand frozen pizza rolls. Congratulations, Heather!
Back to the blotter. 4:01 AM. Distress call from the Ralphs. Upon arrival, officer was pulled into the manager’s office. The employee from the earlier incident was also present, huddled under a desk. Manager frantically indicated the surveillance window that looks out into the store, which he normally uses to spy on shoppers and report on what they are wearing for his Customer Fashion newsletter. Shelves of products were being knocked over and consumed by a vast dark nothingness. The back of the store then burst into flames. The manager implored the officer to quote, “Do something, please, or we’ll all be killed!” Officer used the intercom system to tell the nothingness to vacate the store immediately, and advised it of trespass and vandalism laws. The nothingness took the form of many dark shapes with many eyes. A tank of fresh seafood exploded and numerous shellfish were damaged. Officer advised the shapes that they were all under arrest. “Stop talking to it!” the manager cried and knocked the intercom mic out of the officer’s hand. Approximately 1000 eyes turned to look at the office window. Interesting. Well.
Let’s have a look at that weather.
[“Best Friends” by Curtains: https://curtains.bandcamp.com/]
4:35 AM. Situation escalated at the Ralphs. Officer, manager and employee embraced one another under the office desk amid the shattered glass of the surveillance window. The building trembled around them, products flew through the air, half the inventory was sucked into oblivion, and a great fire blazed, spreading to the bakery section. After doing an estimated 200,000 dollars worth of damage, the darkness and its many eyes entered the beer cave and did not come back out. Officer investigated the beer cave and found it to be empty. “You have to shut down the cave!” the Ralphs employee implored the manager. “That’s its doorway to our world!” The manager hedged and responded that a big heat wave was coming and if they hoped to recoup any of their losses, keeping the beer cave open was going to be instrumental to the store’s survival. “People will spend big on frosty cold beverages,” the manager responded. “Not to mention they’re gonna like standing around in there for a nice cool-down.” The employee wrapped his robe tightly around himself. Oh, the manager had lent him the robe, one of the many fashion items the manager kept in his collection, since the employee still didn’t know where his clothes had gone. “OK,” the employee said. He picked up a Lime-A-Rita and guzzled it down in one continuous gulp. Then he said, his voice already a little slurred: “I’ll have to try to shhhhtop it myself.” He ran into the beer cave and promptly vanished.
5:40 AM. Tree with seven limbs seen growing out of a hole in the vacant lot out back of the Ralphs. Snow observed on the branches, which melted off quickly as the sun rose.
5:45 AM. Real pretty sunrise.
Well, that concludes our Secret Police blotter. I dunno about the rest of you, but I personally feel a lot more safe and secure getting a closer look at what our Secret Police do. On behalf of Night Vale Community Radio, thank you for your service. I’m sure we will all rest a lot easier knowing that our fate is in your hands. Our sleeping bodies are under your watchful eye, and our every thought and action is being monitored for the greater good. As Secret Police mascot Barks Ennui always says: Stay tuned, stay, vigilant, report your neighbors. Woof. Woof.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: Six out of seven dentists have no idea where that seventh one disappeared to. Honest, they all have rock solid alibis and that blood could have belonged to anyone.
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brown-bi-beautiful · 5 years
Supernatural Series Rewrite
Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
Dean Winchester x Named Reader (eventually)
Series Warning: language violence, angst, fluff, sexual content, Gore, molestation, mention of sexual harassment, usual supernatural violence. (If you’re triggered by any of these then please don’t read)
(A/n- I had to give the reader a name, there’s reason behind it but you can change it if you want. I changed some of the plot and some of the scenes but mostly it’s the same. I do not own the supernatural series but there are some things that are completely my imagination, it has nothing to do with the actual mythology or the series)
Phantom Traveler part 3
Season One. Episode Five.
Bloody Mary (Part 1)
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"You, you killed your mother. It was you that should have died, not her." His drunk sickening face taunted you, well a lot younger version of you. You couldn't move at all, it was like you were pinned to the wall. You were shaking , trembling, crying, you knew what was coming next. You didn't want to be hurt again so you kept begging him to stop. But it felt like your throat was clogged, you couldn't say anything. The next thing you know a bottle was flying towards you and smashed right beside your face, you felt the pieces of glass getting stuck in your skin.
Now he was walking toward you slowly, he fling his hand forward to grab you but you yelled 'NO'. The next thing you see was him dead on the floor. Blood everywhere, you looked down at your hands, they were covered in blood. His blood.
"Sweetie, what did you do?" A soft voice came and you turned around to see your mother dressed in an attire you saw her last in, a faded white sleeping gown. "You killed him. You're not my daughter, you killed him. They were right, you're a monster. I gave birth to a monster."
"No, mama." You pleaded in a little voice. "I am not a monster."
You were woken up by Dean's voice yelling at his brother to wake up. You looked at the  passenger seat as Sam woke up gasping. You were still panting and sweating from the nightmare. You quickly pulled up your sleeve and wiped your face before the either one could notice.
"What happened?" You asked, trying not to sound too panicked.
"I was having a nightmare again?" Sam replied honestly, but it sounded more like a question for Dean.
"Yeah, another one." He replied.
"Hey, at least I got some sleep." Sam joked which you did not find funny at all, but it made you scoff anyway. "What about you?" He asked  turning the conversation to you.
"Slept like a baby." You lied through your teeth. Even if they knew you were lying, they didn't question it and respected your privacy which you appreciated.
"You know sooner or later, we're gonna have to talk about this." Dean said diverting the conversation back to this brother.
"Are we here?" Sam asked ignoring Dean's words.
"Yeah, welcome to Toledo, Ohio." Dean replied making you groan. You grabbed the newspaper you were reading about the case before you fell asleep, looking at the circled articles, you asked.
"So what do you guys think really happened to this guy?" You asked the brothers.
"That's what we're gonna find out." Dean replied. The three of you got out of the car and started walking toward the morgue. The hospital was weirdly quiet, it's not like there's always noises in hospitals but it was just creepily quiet.
You looked the desk of the doctor but there was no one, just an open book. But you really didn't blame him, mean who wants to sit in a room surrounded by dead people 24/7. The nameplate on the desk said Dr. D. FEIKLOWICZ.
The coroner was there though and when he saw the 3 of you he looked up from his book and said 'Hey'. 'Hey' you greeted back cheerfully, knowing already it was time for you to use your charms, that is if it's necessary. "Can I help you guys?" He asked, eyes lingering at you for a few seconds.
"Yeah, we're the med students." Dean said and he looked at the 3 of you confusingly before saying "sorry?"
"Oh, Dr. Feiklowicz didn't tell you?" You asked like you were the most innocent creature on planet.
"We talked to him on the phone. We're from Ohio state. He's supposed to show us the shoemaker corpse. It's for a paper." Dean said backing up your story.
"I'm sorry. He's at lunch." He said.
"Oh, he said, oh, well, you know, it doesn't matter. You don't mind just showing us the body do you?" You asked with a sweet smile and leaned forward, he hesitated before answering. "Sorry, I can't. Doc will be back in an hour. You can wait for him if you want."
"An hour? Ooh, we gotta be heading back to Columbus." Dean said looking at you and Sam and you nodded with a pout. And Sam replied with an 'yeah'. "Look man. This paper is half our grade, so if you don't mind helping us-" Dean continued only to be stopped by the coroner. You knew he started growing annoyed as Dean started talking to him 'stead of you. "Oh, look, man....No." He said.
"I'm gonna hit him in his face, I swear." You heard Dean say, you turned around and gave them both a 'Let me handle this' look. They knew what you were about to do and you knew they hated it just as much as you do. You turned back around with a sweet smile, you leaned down making sure he got a clear view of your assets, you smiled at him even though it made you sick to the stomach.
"Look, what was your name again?"
"Ralph." He answered.
"Ralph. Wow, that's such a strong name, kind of like you." You said making him giggle and you could literally see the blush even on his bald head. "So Ralph, you have to understand, ok. This paper is really important for us, I can not afford to fail it. I mean eventually I have to come work at this hospital--"
"Yeah, but I can't do that if I fail this paper. I really need your help, would you really let me fail, Ralph?" You pouted and his eyes traveled up from your chest to your lips.
"Follow me." He said after a few secs getting up. You turned around with a victory smile only to see Sam and Dean glaring at his bald head. If glaring could kill he would already be dead a few times.
"For a record I really don't like you doing that." Dean said. "Yeah me too." Sam agreed as the 3 of you followed Ralph into the morgue.
"The newspaper said his daughter found him. She said his eyes were bleeding." Sam said.
"More than that. They practically liquefied." Ralph corrected Sam as he pulled off the cover from Steven shoemaker body. You scrunched your nose at the site of the body, god you are never gonna get used to it.
"Any sign of struggle, maybe somebody did it to him?" You asked.
"Nope. Besides the daughter, he was all alone." He replied.
"What's the official cause of death?" It was Dean's turn to ask a question.
"Uh, doc's not sure, he's thinking massive stroke, maybe aneurysm. Something burst up in there, that's for sure." Ralph, said. 
"What do you mean?" Sammy asked.
"Intense cerebral bleeding. This guy had more blood in his skull than anyone I've ever seen."
"But the eyes. What'd cause something like that?" Sam asked which you know the answer to but you were also sure it wasn't what happened, its never regular science, its always freaky ghosty stuff.
"Capillaries can burst, see a lot of bloodshot eyes with stroke victim." Ralph said, trying to sound smart in front if you.
"Yeah? You ever see exploding eyeballs?"  Dean asked.
"That's a first for me. But, hey, I'm not the doctor."
"Hey you think we could take a look at that police report? You know, for our paper?" Dean said.
"I'm not really suppose to show you that." He said.
"Ralph." You said with a pout and that was all it took for him to give you guys a copy of the police report.....Well that AND your number. Bobby's number to be honest but it's not like you're gonna meet him again.
"Might not be one of ours. Might be some freak medical thing." Sam said and you rolled your eyes at his naiveness, like it has ever been some freak medical thing in your entire lives.
"How many times in dad's long and varied career has it actually been a freak medical thing and not some sign of an awful supernatural death?" Dean asked as you guys made your way downstairs.
"Uh, almost never?"
"Alright let's go talk to the daughter." You said as you guys entered the car. Dean started toward the shoemaker house where the funeral was held.
"By the way, did you really give him your number?" Sam asked and scrunched up  his nose.
"What? No, are you crazy? That was Bobby's number. And trust me, Bobby doesn't like when guys call him for me." You said making both the boys laugh.
"Uncle Fester's in for a surprise." Dean said, this time making you laugh. You know Bobby's gonna chew your head of for giving a guy his number, again. Yes, you've done it before, but you know that he would rather you give them his number than your's.
By the time Dean pulled up in front of the shoemaker, the funeral was already going on. There was a picture of Steven shoemaker on a table right when you walked in. The ceremony looked a little fancier than your liking.
"Feel like we are underdressed." Dean said while looking around. "Not me. Speak for yourself." You said and and Sam looked at your clothing only to realise you were wearing all black. From your tank top, to your Jeans to your shoes to your Jacket, everything was black.
You guys walked further inside the house and asked an elderly man for Donna shoemaker. He took you to the backyard if the house and pointed at 4 girls sitting. You walked up to them and you saw the blonde girl looking at Dean like he was a piece of meat and it made you glare at her.
"You must be Donna, right?" Dean asked one of the girls with short brown hair. "Yeah." She replied.
"Hi, uh, we're really sorry." You said awkwardly with a smile.
"I'm Sam. This is Dean, Alex. We worked with your dad." Sam said and you realised you had no idea what the fuck Steven shoemaker did.
"You did?" She asked in a surprising tone.
"Yeah, this whole thing.......I mean, a stroke."
"I don't think she really wants to talk about this right now." The less blonde girl, who was sitting beside Donna said "it's okay. I'm okay." Donna replied.
"Were there any symptoms? Dizziness? Migraines?" You asked jumping in on conversation. "No." Replied Donna.
"That's because it wasn't a stroke." a young girl turned toward Donna and said. she didn't look only older than thirteen. "Lilly don't say that." Donna said and you realised it was her younger sister, lily shoemaker.
"What?" Sam asked.
"I'm sorry. She's just upset." Donna apologised on behalf of her sister. "No it happened because of me." Lily said. "Sweetie it didn't."
"Lily why would you say something like that." Sam said as he knelt down beside her.
"Right before he died I said it."
"You said what?" Sam asked softly.
"Bloody Mary, 3 times in the bathroom mirror..... She took his eyes that's what she does." Her confession made you and Dean raise your eyebrows.
"That's not why dad died. This isn't your fault." Donna tried to convince her sister like any sane person.
"I think your sister's right, Lily."  You said.
"There's no way it could have been bloody Mary. And your dad didn't say it did he?"
"No I don't think so."
You walked back inside the house and somehow managed to sneak upstairs. You opened a door to realise it was the bathroom where Steven died. There was still some dried blood left on the floor.
"The bloody Mary legend. Dad ever find any evidence that it was a real thing." Sam said, already he was talking to Dean.
"Not that I know off." Dean replied walking further I side the bathroom.
"I mean... Everywhere else, all over the country  kids play Bloody Mary. And as far as we know nobody dies from it."
"Maybe everywhere it's just a story but here it's actually happening." Dean and Sam converse as you stayed silent.
"The place where the legend began?" Sam asked and you opened up a cabinet where the mirror was. "But according to the legend, the person who says..." Sam stopped when he saw the mirror right in front of his face. He closed the cabinet making you pour at him. "The person who says you know what, gets it. But here--"
"Shoemaker gets it instead." You completed his sentence, breaking your silence. "Right."
"Never heard anything like that before. Still, the guy did die right in front of the mirror. And the daughter's right. I mean, the way that the legend goes, you know who, scratches your eyes out." Dean said.
"Now what? We can't take her name, what is she? Lord voldemort?" You scoffed at your own joke.
"It's worth checking into." Sam said and right then you heard clicking of heels against the floor. Before you could sneak out of there the less blond girl from before walked inside 'what was her name again?'
"What are you doing up here?" She asked as she looked at the brothers and then at you.
"Who are you?" She asked straight forward.
"Like we said downstairs, we-we worked for Donna's dad." Dean replied.
"He was a day trader or something. He worked by himself."
"No, I know, i-i  meant--"
"And all those weird question downstairs.. what was that? So you tell me what's going on or I start screaming." She said and you felt this sudden urge to punch her in the face and break her teeth.
You crossed your arms across your chest with a challenging look on your face. You were about to make a snarky comment but Sam stopped you and Dean was already holding you back knowing it he doesn't you'd actually punch her.
"Alright, alright." Sam said, giving you a look. "We think something happened to Donna's dad."
"Yeah, a stroke." She replied sassily but you could see that she was afraid of you.
"That's not the sign of a typical stroke. We think it was something else." Sam explained to her.
"Like what?"
"Honestly. We don't know yet. But we don't want it to happen to anyone else. That's the truth."
"So, if you're gonna scream go right ahead."  You said knowing she wouldn't dare.
"Who are you? Cops?" She asked and you looked at the boys.
"Something like that."
"I'll tell you what, here if you think of anything, you or your friends notice anything strange, out of the ordinary, just give us a call." Sam wrote down his number on a piece of paper and handed it to her. After that the 3 of you left the shoemaker's house.
"Alright. Say Bloody Mary really is haunting this town there's gonna be some sort of proof right? A local woman who died nasty." Dean said as you guys walked into the library and looked around the stacks of books.
"Yeah, but a legend this widespread, it's hard. I mean, there's like 50 versions of who she actually is. One story says she's a witch another says she's a mutilated bride. There's a lot more." You said as you walked further inside.
"Ok so what are we supposed to be looking for?" Dean asked and this time sam was the one who answered "well, every version's got things in common. It's always a woman named Mary. She always dies right in front of a mirror. So we gotta search local newspapers, public records as far back as they go, see if we can find a Mary who fits the bill."  Sam said making you groan.
"Well that sounds annoying." You said and Dean nodded in agreement. "No, it won't be so bad and it won't be bad at all for you, you love reading, as long as we...." He stopped mid sentence when he saw all the computer in the library were out of order. It made you groan even louder. Sam scoffed and said. "I take it back, this will be very annoying."
When you guys got back from the library Sam fell asleep after a bit of research, and like the really good people the two of you are, you let him. You and Dean were on research duty, which usually excites you but not when you go at it for hours and find nothing.
"I can't find shit!" You suddenly exclaim out loud making Dean jump and he glared at you. "Sorry." You apologized before shutting your book and putting it aside. You got up and walked toward him. "You found anything?" you asked, sitting beside the older Winchester, his eyes never left you.
"Nothing." He replied softly. You put your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes for a second, but opening them back again before his face could come and haunt you. "I'm tired." You said softly. The longest you slept this whole week was for an hour and you knew that Dean was aware of that.
"Take a nap ." He suggested and pressed his nose against your hair, sniffing them slightly.
"I can't." 'i can't, because every time I close my eyes I see him.' you didn't dare to say it though.
"Why?" He asked with a frown.
"Because, I can't just leave you alone here for researching can I? You'll go crazy." You said, it wasn't  a complete lie though. You knew the only reason Dean Winchester was sitting silently doing his research was that you were with him, otherwise he would go crazy, surrounded by so many books  alone. Before he could fire back any remark Sam woke up with a loud gasp, taking you by surprise.
"Why'd you let me fall asleep?" Sam asked in a gruff voice.
"Because I'm an awesome brother." Dean said and you have to say you have no doubt about it. "so what did you dream about?" Dean asked.
"Lollipops and candy canes." He replied in a monotone.
"And unicorns?" You asked in hopes of lightening mood a bit, they both let out a small chuckle.
"And Unicorns.... Anyway you guys find anything?"
"Beside a whole new level of frustration? Nothing." You said with a groan.
"We looked at everything. A few local women, a Laura and a Catherine committed suicide in front of a mirror and a giant mirror fell on a guy named Dave but uh...No Mary." Dean said referring to the newspaper arrivals you showed him at least half an hour ago.
"Maybe we just haven't found it yet." Sam said
"I've also been searching for strange deaths in the area you know, eyeball bleeding, that sort of thing, but there's nothing. Whatever's happening here maybe just ain't Mary." Dean said and as he finished Sam's phone started ringing.
"Hello." Sam said as he picked up the phone "Charlie?"
Part 2
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thisguyatthemovies · 5 years
In praise of ‘Skyfall’
The opening scenes of “Skyfall” – from Daniel Craig’s James Bond emerging from the shadows to the final notes of Adele’s theme song – last 16 minutes, 45 minutes. And they are the best 16 minutes, 45 seconds in any Bond movie. They are arguably the best opening 16 minutes, 45 seconds in any movie.
When “Skyfall” premiered in 2012, it was an important moment in a long-lasting but inconsistent and aging movie franchise. Craig had made his debut as Bond (or as some derisively called him, James Blonde, for having lighter hair than his predecessors) in 2006’s “Casino Royale,” and it was a stunning intro. The film, considered one of the best entries in franchise history, gave us a Bond that was brutal (as in the opening scene in a men’s room, filmed in wonderfully grainy black and white) but also had a heart (he falls in love with Vesper Lynd). Craig made it clear he was not your father’s (or grandfather’s) 007, and it was a breath of fresh air for a franchise that needed one after a string of mediocre Bond films.
But then, just two years later, came “Quantum of Solace,” a noticeable step backward. Director Marc Foster opted for more of an action movie approach, and the result was a film indistinguishable from many in the genre. Much of Bond’s charm was sidestepped, and no doubt the film’s cohesiveness was hampered by a writers’ strike during its making. Some critics put “Quantum of Solace” near or even at the bottom when ranking the Bond movies.
So, the 007 franchise was at a crossroads in the early 2010s. Another so-so film would be, to detractors, more proof that James Bond had outstayed his welcome, that he was a relic of a time gone by.
A bold, new approach was needed. And a bold, new approach was taken. Producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli made some important decisions after “Quantum of Solace,” the most important one being bringing in British director Sam Mendes, whose 1999 film “American Beauty” won the Best Picture Oscar. Many right moves followed, from hiring cinematographer Roger Deakins (“The Shawshank Redemption,” many Coen Brothers movies) to lining up a cast that was unusually stout for a Bond movie (including award-winning actors Judi Dench, Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes and Albert Finney). The makers also set out to make a Bond film that emphasized its British roots and paid homage to the series’ history while also bringing it solidly into the 2010s and making it more relatable to younger viewers.
The result was a special movie, not just by James Bond standards but by any measure of great films. And that was apparent in the first 16 minutes, 45 seconds of “Skyfall.”
“Skyfall” wastes no time getting down to business. It begins with a shadowy figure walking toward the camera. The audience does not realize it is Bond until his face reaches the sunlight and he draws a gun. He discovers a comrade has been shot, and an important computer hard drive has been stolen (technology and our use of it being one of the important themes). Bond wants to help his fellow agent, but “M” (Dench) is more concerned with the hard drive, and this is important in establishing her concern with country above all else.
Then the action begins, and it is breathtaking. Bond chases the bad guy (the one with the hard drive), Patrice (Ola Rapace), through the open-air markets of Istanbul, driven around by Eve Moneypenny (Naomie Harris), though we won’t know she is Moneypenny until the film’s ending. The chase shifts to motorcycles, first along rooftops, then inside the Grand Bazaar shopping mall, then back on streets before Bond purposely crashes his motorcycle into the side of a bridge, somersaults and somehow manages to grab on to a train boxcar below with just one arm. Caught your breath yet?
Bond uses a bulldozer (and gets shot while maneuvering it) to smash into the train and, in a nod to Bond tradition, adjusts his cuffs while entering the open end of a passenger car. He and Patrice fight on top of the train rolling through the Turkish countryside, ducking to get through tunnels, until Moneypenny, who has followed alongside the train in a vehicle, is left with only one choice: shooting at the men and hoping she hits Patrice instead of 007.
Moneypenny complies with M’s orders (“Take the bloody shot!”) and hits Bond, who falls off and takes a long dive into the waters below. When Moneypenny reports to MI6 headquarters “agent down,” M turns to look out a window at a rainy London outside, and the sound of the rain morphs into Bond floating in river rapids, presumably dead like so many Bonds before him.
The lifeless body of 007 goes over a waterfall and plunges into the water just as the first brass notes kick off Adele’s theme song. It marks another brilliant choice by the filmmakers. Adele is British (the previous two Bond theme songs had been performed by Americans Chris Cornell and the duo of Alicia Keys and Jack White) and was at the height of her popularity, and she and fellow songwriter/producer Paul Epworth came up with a song that was, like the movie, both fresh but decidedly Bond.
The song is the stuff of goosebumps, especially as it plays over the titles sequence (another Bond tradition) by Daniel Kleinman. The sequence is visually stunning, the best in the history of the franchise, from a woman’s hand pulling the floating Bond into some unknown, fantastical place to the camera zooming in until it takes us all the way into Bond’s left eye. It’s all there: guns, beautiful women, blood, characters past and current, shadowy figures, hints of what is to come and, of course, Bond. It’s mesmerizing.
The opening 16 minutes, 45 minutes set a lofty bar, and for the most part “Skyfall” clears it. Dench is at her best, and that’s saying something. Bardem’s Silva is an intriguing, creepy and menacing villain. Harris and Ben Whishaw as “Q” breathe new life into important characters audiences expected to see. Craig, as an agent getting on in years but still driven by an uneasy love of country, recaptures the magic from “Casino Royale.” “Skyfall” is beautifully conceived and shot, and it hints at Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight,” another film by a British director that preceded Mendes’ take on Bond by four years and, like “Skyfall,” was deserving (but did not get) a Best Picture nomination.
“Skyfall” is an important bridge between Bond’s past and present. Mendes could not capture lightning in a bottle twice (his follow-up “Spectre” being a solid middle-of-the-pack entry in the series), but he made the best of the Bond movies at a time when the franchise desperately needed it. And he and everyone involved made one incredible 16 minutes, 45 seconds of movie magic.
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pplydm · 4 years
Title: The Outsider Author: Stephen King
Commenced May 24 2020 Completed May 27 2020
Slowly pushing myself to immerse in the realm of Stephen King compositions. I’ve already done “Everything’s Eventual”; it was a collection of outrageous shortish narratives of horror. MAJOR SPOILERS ahead!
“The Outsider” didn’t disappoint. It gets a substantial satisfying solid 4/5 star rating, also my very first (except Everything’s Eventual) Stephen King lengthy novel. In this read, Stephen King captures the realistic rawness of an individual’s emotion. I even categorize this as a Drama, other than genre Supernatural Horror. There were scattered risible roasting dialogues in here, from beginning to the end. An example were some slightly harassing approaches of the stereotypical police characters whether during the arrest or the witness interviews. I however took delight in the chapters embodying their POVs, specifically of the private investigator. The baseball, football and basketball features gave this a spirit of locality like as if the Flint County residents were just typical neighbors you’d spot in one’s own community. Although I myself am not into novels showcasing any sport element. The present 20th century was boldly represented by the following modern references: Huffington Post, Harlan Coben, Slenderman, etc. There was also a sighting of my personal favorite, a Hercule Poirot trademark: vital information being considered unimportant.
There is a great quantity of characters one must keep informed of in this book. Frankie and Ollie Peterson were respectively the murder victim and his brother. I presumed Ollie has emotionally recovered and now clearheaded, turns out he was just suppressing his devastation. Ralph Anderson was primarily introduced as the assigned detective and interviewer. He was the protagonist out of all the abundant personas. He has this recurring and telling memory of a bra strap which terribly confused me about its relevance. The number of times Ralph mentions how brutal Frank’s gruesome death is irritating, as if he’s actually not bothered at all. Props to Jeannie, Ralph’s wife, for supportive gestures, providing wisdom and advises; not nagging or annoying. Initially assumed the accused Terry Maitland was contending with his doppelgänger. Terry’s wife, Marcy, is one heck of an emotionally strong woman; I admire how she handled every awful news that came. They have I infer a family lawyer, Howie Gold whom is too sympathetic for a defense attorney. Here included a prosecutor named Bill Samuels. I swear I could’ve smashed his face if I meet him in real life. He has this hostile boastful remarks which definitely got me rolling my eyes. At other times, I don’t even want to read his lines. A late addition, Holly, a peculiar, colorful almost-detective personality. Exceedingly pleaded for Holly, who founded the whole concept of an outsider, to maintain appearance until the finale. Come to think of it, the heinous manner Frankie was killed couldn’t really have accomplished by any sane human. The chapter transitions are fast-paced. In Sorry (July 14th-15th) Chapter 12, I imagined these scenes visually then thought of a sitcom type from the Peterson family entering the hospital building to the part of the physician’s declaration. It was amusing, particularly the aftermath reactions of other people in the emergency room. Arriving on the Footsteps and Cantaloupe (July 18th-20th) Chapter 5, I bumped with an undoubtedly brilliant and intense description of a felo-de-se.
Questions as I read on..and the answers that I discovered in the latter
1. Why didn’t Terry immediately supplied his alibi when he was arrested and first put in the police car?
Answer: My personal opinion was probably that his trust and confidence on his fellow townmates diminished because of the public shaming.
2. Wondering why Terry seems to be the focus of this book to the point which the victim’s immediate family all died?
Answer: his side could actually be the more emotionally and spiritually damaged, especially with his ruined immaculate reputation and injustice
3. Has Peter Maitland got anything to do with murder?
Answer: Nope, didn’t even get any exposure
I watched the movie “It” both the part one and part two. Was planning on reading the book but put off because it was just too long. I found similarities between “The Outsider” and the movie ”It”.
1. The protagonist had a team with him, about 5 to 6
2. The gang is diminished by 1 to 2 character involvements apparently they were skeptic; the remaining pursues the mission
3. The mission would be to stop the perpetrator from killing again
4. Villain (mostly supernatural) uses someone (a human) to help
5. The hiding place of the baddie was underground, for this read, a previous tourist attraction cave and for “It”, the sewers
6. Both featured culture, one were Mexican frightening folktales and the other was Native American tribes
7. Two words: Child disapperances
“Just promise me you’ll stop every once in a while and acknowledge the day, honey. It’s the only one you’ll have until tomorrow.”
——^ I find this quote, encouraging and substantive
Time had passed, and time probably did heal all wounds, but some of them healed so slowly.
——^ this was just too accurate to ignore
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cleaduvalls · 5 years
i watched “spy kids 3″ twice in one week and back-to-back throughout my childhood and here are my thoughts
whos gonna use 3d effects at home
up your prices
hahah funney cuz he stepped in gum
its so quiet my volumes at 44 and its too quiet
the music sounds a little like isle of dreams from the last one
oh hes wearing the necklace!!
fun fact i hadnt seen any of rocky until freshman year and when i did i didnt know where i had seen that guy before. turns out hes the toymaker
juni dont ever step out of line for ANYTHING
spider dude!!!!
whats up with the fancy pot. i hate it. doesnt match the aesthetic
if you havent seen her since christmas “last year” then that means you havent seen her in over a year. someone would have gone for her by now
shes NINE???????
“everyones your family” yeah no i dont want “everyone” in my family
“retired” youre ELEVEN
what was with that zoom in
“games and theory” dont you mean GAME THEORY
that dude looks like colonel sanders
ew its donnagon
oh shit mrs giggles is cute
v boxx???? ew
and i OOP-
i just realized theres been an “are you with me” type thing in each movie so far
why are there only five levels????? logically there would be one tutorial level, so you only get 4 levels to play on
he go ZOOM
looks like jumpstart
or reader rabbit
he can still use telepathy????
why is he carrying the coins???????? 
this guy looks like antman
he looks nothing like a toad
wait thats the floating head from sharkboy and lavagirl. tobias i think???????
so its hardcore mode????? just make a new account
they only added that for more 3d effects didnt they
this is just target smash from smash bros
the dark side of the moon doesnt exist stupid
youre TESTERS why are you trying to WIN
“knows karate”
when i was younger i was so confused why the time went down but now i realize that they actually had to GET grandpa
yeah well he DID deal with it
iron man? dont you mean valentin avellan?
i paused the movie for like 20 minutes to find my old spy kids 3d glasses and couldnt and now im sad
the dude in silver looks like this guy i know
juni is bumblebee
p r e d d y
he escaped by winning. if demetras so good, why is she still here???
“no ear biting” isnt that mike tyson
wait is the platform gyroscopic or not????? it is in some instances but not in others????
great job juni you killed her
i like the hippie one hes cool
nevermind hes lame
i like the killer guy now. chaotic evil
i think they legit used daryl sabara for the poster
i feel like i had junis car as a taco bell toy but it was blue
why would you listen to him
actually it IS a turbo boost it just turbo boosts you out of the car
oh no he died
why is grandpa so cool
according to my physics teacher that shouldnt work
why is antman helping you
these bikes shouldnt be working either
why would you have to lose a life to continue the race??? the fall is clearly implemented so why does juni lose a life???
why is there a COUNTDOWN
was there a time limit on the race??? i didnt pay attention
who are the dudes in the background
i never got the “atari-sega-nendo” joke until this week. i was a loser child
even if you dont shut it down before people get online its still gonna take them a bit to get to level 5, you have buffer time
“my cool” THATS👏NOT👏A👏SKILL👏
juni theyre already gone
wait thats illegal
“lava mountain” you mean a volcano??????
hahah l0zerz
they stole tetris
oh my God its lego star wars
wait there are TWO characters in yellow suits you cant DO THAT
oh no she died
“dont fall in love with a game juni” WHAT ABOUT MINECRAFT
holy crap i thought that was loss for a second
“my feet stink” THATS A REFERENCE TO THE LAST ONE!!!!!
great job juni
because lava is COOL
the floor looks like 25 pounds of meth disguised as ancient aztec calendars
i was so confused as a kid because i had actual tinker toys and these weren’t it
i alwasy wanted to be the guys in the cells
i thought they couldnt help juni anymore????? why can they manipulate the game NOW
oh no have all died
why are you always conspiring against juni???
haha gameboy
so apparently thats elijah wood??? dont know who that is but he looks like a rat
wow. inspirational.
is the guy like??????? really tall or something?????
aww :((
what kind of advanced AI is this???? developing feelings???
yes you can youre literally just code
you may not be smart but you have g r e a t fashion sense
its called virtual reality look it up
i love this part because hes working so hard but then his kids are calling so he just… goes
also why did they reapprove this program
you dont have to BREAK IT you could just LEAVE
nice hair ingrid
F L O O P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE👏THAT👏DUDE👏
and minion i guess
oh!!!!! floops wearing the good coat!!!!!!! he better run!!!!!
didnt you specifically say “im no loon” in the second one????
whats with the fist bump sound effect
hmm i wonder who
he go ZOOM
you can still????? go to a wedding????? in a wheelchair???? like i can assure you thats a thing
also its canon that at this point that ingrid is less than 30. carmen is 14. that means ingrid was 16 when she had carmen, and we know she was married beforehand
the toymaker isnt allowed to be family yet
YES!!!!!!! FLOOP IS FAMILY!!!!!!!!! LOVE THAT DUDE!!!!!!!!
alexa vega went so hard for the song in this one i love it
wait now i have to review the fourth one oh NOOOOO
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nancydrew65 · 5 years
SKAM NL Season 2 Episode 6 Thoughts
This week’s episode felt so much shorter than usual (perhaps that was because there were only four clips) and as a result, my reaction is pretty short. Well, let’s just dive right in.
Aw, we get another morning scene with Noah and Liv, except this one is even better than the first because Noah’s brother does not make an appearance.
Liv is singing to Noah to wake him. This is all I needed in life. They are so cute together. Also, Liv’s voice is absolutely gorgeous and no one can change my mind. Her little smile at the end was everything!
Why, Noah, why??? I don’t understand why they have to include that awful line about Noah wanting Liv to have sex with him. She tells him she won’t until marriage, and then he proposes to her! Look, I get he was making a joke, but it still shows that he didn’t respect her decision. I find this line so callous, especially in this season as there will probably be a sexual assault storyline.
Where Were You?
Liv goes home to find Isa, crashed out on her couch. Isa and Ralph tease Liv about Noah, as they both know that’s where she was this morning. Isa and Ralph were quite the duo in this clip, weren’t they? Watch out, Esra!
Isa tells Liv that she has to tell Engel about her and Noah.
OMG, Lucas was on Grindr?? And talking to Ralph without knowing it? I like how SKAM NL is changing up Lucas’ role this season, adding hints that he is much more comfortable in his sexuality than Isak was.
But I agree with Liv that they should just leave Lucas alone.
Fun With the Girls 
SKAM NL is ICONIC giving us a scene of the girls bra shopping. I love this remake so much.
I really liked the conversation between Engel and Esra where Esra was explaining how she bought lingerie for herself. I really think Engel needs to hear that.
The shots of the socks was so cool. SKAM NL always gives aesthetically pleasing shots.
Aw, when Liv asked Engel’s opinion on the bra and Engel realized Liv was probably going to wear that with Noah. I think Engel has been very chill about the whole Noah and Liv thing. I think she is going to be one of the more understanding one of the Vilde’s.
Well, I guess everybody just wants saggy boobs! I love Janna and Isa.
Do Not
Have I mentioned how much I love SKAM NL’s soundtrack? Well, I guess I just did. The Dutch know how to throw parties! I love that bowling alley.
I loved the parallels between Noah and Liv throwing the balls (and throwing each other glances. Did you see what I did there?). Liv gets a strike and Noah’s ball ends up in the gutter.
Oooh, and then they go outside and make-out on a car. Yes, my darlings!
Did Noah really have to remind her about his awful line earlier about marriage and sex? Did he really?
Liv flips him off and he legit licks her finger! Only, Noah, guys. Noah is the only William who would do that.
Oh, shit! It’s the fight scene! I am honestly really surprised they did this scene. I thought because the cut the fight scene earlier this season, they would do the same here. I saw some comments about how the fight scene was so much more impactful in this remake because we generally know Noah as someone who wouldn’t get violent at all. I fully agree with that statement. For all the Williams, even OG when I didn’t know what was going to happen, I expected the fight scene, I expected that violence from them. It feels so alien coming from Noah which makes it all the more shocking.
As much as I hate this scene, I do think it was better than the one in OG. In OG, the Penetrator guys had lured the Yakuza guys out for a fight and William broke a bottle over a guy’s head. In this version, it seemed more like some guys jumped Noah’s friends. And no matter how you feel about violence, punching someone is a lot better than smashing a glass bottle over their head.
Liv looked so horrified and heart broken about the fight - and she didn’t run away like the other Noora’s did.
Another note: Liv trying to stop Noah from engaging in the fight was so realistic, like those little shoves she gave him came across very naturally. Also, props to Noah’s friend who pulled him off the other guy. That is a true friend and I hope to see more of him. I wish we knew his name.
General Thoughts
So, they combined episode 6 and 7 in this episode. I thought there were going to be 12 episodes this season like OG, so I wonder what they’re going to do for the rest of them. God, I love the girl squad so much! I want to see more of them. I really like how they are incorporating Esra into this season; it doesn’t feel forced at all. I really want Engel and Liv to talk. Scratch that, I need them to talk. I can’t wait to see their conversation. Well, everything goes downhill from here. See you for the next episode!
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pacifistmarkus · 6 years
My top 5 favorite DBH chapters!
I love listing so here I go with the chapters I enjoy the most!
1. The Painter
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Gotta start out with my favoritism and say I love this chapter because of all the quality Markus content where he’s smiling and exploring the options in chess and books. There’s only about 2 different lines per piece but it’s really interesting to hear. Even before you get to take care of Carl there’s a couple of options where he can mess with the globe and piano beforehand and its so good for subtly showing how close he is to deviating. His relationship with Carl is something a lot of people enjoy since it’s for the most part  his only solid positive one and you can get insight to Markus based on what you choose for free time or paintings he can make. Markus  also lets you hear some of the beautiful soundtrack by playing it. Carl’s mansion is gorgeous and its touching to see Markus hesitantly but eagerly push the boundaries of his programming with Carl’s encouragement. And Leo’s entrance was short and concise to what the relationship between all three of them are. This sense of inferiority to Markus Leo has. Carl being stern because encouraging Leo’s obvious drug habit is not what he wants but there’s just this history that also needs to be addressed between Leo and Carl. Just a lot of quality Markus content so A++
2. Fugitives
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I really love how large this chapter is. If you choose to sleep in the car you can see Kara smash the window (nice!) and prioritize safety over comfort. If you go to the hotel you get to see Kara’s resourcefulness. There is so much being affected, her relationship with Alice, her willingness to lie, steal, and use the gun, and how this affects the public. She has the opportunity to USE Alice and her reaction can be cold or accepting of the moral code that Alice has. Kara lies like a super spy to the motel worker, showing how slick she can be (which is something she does in the Midnight Train chapter too with the police). All her interactions with the cashier are fascinating and she’s so calm and cool about it. This choice between relying on herself or trusting the humanity in him is very fascinating and scary as you just start deciding where to place Kara’s trust. With Ralph you get some negotiator!Kara as she tries to calm him down and Ra9 stuff which is interesting to see from the perspective of Kara a deviant who actually has no obsession with Ra9! It would have been cool to see her kinda do her own investigation on Ra9 from a fugitive deviant’s perspective as she is able to meet many deviants. There’s just a lot of tiny cool details in terms of self reliance and negotiator!Kara or doing the “right” thing to be more human or even trusting in the humanity of Ralph or the cashier after Todd (and soon to be Zlatko) trying to isolate Kara from trusting in anyone else.
3. Spare Parts
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I’m not kidding, I love how Markus discovers his powers. There’s this sense of wonder and curiosity he has towards deviancy that he has when freeing the androids in the box and learning that he can is just w o w (*plot convenience* argument hush) “Don’t you want to be free?” Like he’s so confused about why some androids aren’t deviants. Also there’s a nice blue filter color enveloping the box while Markus brings them out into the rain so that’s kind of a neat color thing showing how they’re leaving their machineness. Markus is better at going through windows than Connor lol. Some light parkour skills, choices in how you get the biocomponents, and whether you’re going to trust other androids and ends with a rousing speech with one of my favorite lines “Something inside me knows I am more than what they say”. The way he says this is so !!! especially the way he puts the emphasis on “KNOWS” (op just say you love markus’s voice). Also it’s also kinda interesting with how choosing to leave the androids in the box can be interpreted as Markus literally having no idea that he can spread deviancy at this point since there’s moments where no one is as bewildered with the loyalty the deviants have in Markus than Markus (before the protest he comments on how they just follow him without question and admits that leading them feels good...and scary) and he closes the box like “not deviants :( shame”. Asymmetrical v-neck for the win and lots of little moments.
4. Battle For Detroit (Connor vs. Neutral/Hostile Hank)
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Gotta love that angst. This chapter is such an interesting result of being just machine enough to not have Hank’s trust but being deviant enough that Hank notices and gets a little bit of hope that maybe Connor is more than a machine. Only to find Connor trying to kill the deviant leader.  Hank at this point has shown himself to be more sympathetic to the android cause than his anti-android poster might suggest and meeting deviants has only increased this idea that they are alive. So its so frustrating for him that Connor seemingly isn’t. Which leads into the idea that maybe only SOME androids can become deviant and more than anything what gets me about disappointed Hank is when he says “You don’t feel emotions Connor. You fake them.” You the player know that Connor is Deviant, and Connor is in denial but come on obviously this fool!!! and Hank probably knows this too but is rejecting all of this to go against Connor and you get 3 heartbreaks for the price of one ;_: yay IDK all these angsty tragic outcomes where Hank is just tangling with his desire to help out deviants and having to place Connor, who is someone who he desperately wants to be a deviant, in the MACHINE corner.
5. Pirates Cove
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A strange choice due to how limited your options are BUT I love that this is a quiet and beautiful moment for the android family. I love the story Kara can tell Alice and the small bonding moment we have with Luther (though there could be more *cough cough* this bad boy can fit a lot of dialogue expansion/dlc). Also continues this (not really explored smh) possibility to have Kara explore Ra9 as an android who personally is actually not obsessed with Ra9 as 99% of the other deviants are? We get to meet the Jerry’s who are absolute sweethearts and just a little breath after Kara gets tossed around from fighting Todd to trying to not get caught by Connor to escaping Zlatko to the amount of stress later. There’s this buildup of mistrust that Kara has in the world around her only to find a little nugget of quiet with no metaphorical storm to greet it. Just the lights of the carousel.
Honorable mentions: Hostage, Junkyard, Time to decide, The Nest, Crossroads
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