#also who needs conclusions bro just stop reading
tiamathh · 11 days
What to look for when it comes to your next partner?
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Note: Hi!! Sorry I've been away for so long!! Please Like, Reblog and comment, if you like it/if it resonates. HAVE FUN AND DO NOT REWORD, STEAL, PLAGIARISE, REPOST MY WORK!!
Piles 1 -> 3
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Masterlist • Tip Jar • Paid Readings
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Pile 1
Hi Pile 1! Okay so this may feel a little shallow but here me out, for you a big point is going to be physical and sexual attraction. Your next relationship is supposed to teach you how to be more in touch with your sexual self, and that's why you need to look for someone who ignites that fire within your core. You should also look for someone who's actually in for the commitment because you may have a habit of going for people who are non committal because you may feel like if you keep it casual you'll seem cool to your partner and they may like you more, no, stop it, look for people who value you the way you value them.
Next, you need to look for someone who has a lot of experience with relationships, not a player per day but just someone who knows what they want and when they want it and operate in that way. Even when people know what they want, they can change partners and don't let that deter you from people with a lot of exes, it doesn't mean that they have commitment issues it just means that they may want different things at different times and may have had the guts to cut it off with people.
Lastly you need to look for someone who's not going to be wishy washy with you and will meet you at the same level of headstrong you are, because your stubbornness may not be cute but when paired with your next partners stubbornness it will end up leading to a perfect balance of two headstrong people who can fight all day but actually come to a conclusion or find a middle ground the both of you respect.
Pile 2
Hi Pile 2! This might sound Counterintuitive but you need to find someone for your next relationship who may feel open enough to disagree with you. You may be used to being around people who often share the same opinion with you, which is good, but someone who challenges your views will make for not only a more fun opponent but also someone whose views you can change or vice versa. I'm also getting that one quality that you should look for is that they share the same love for music or dance as you, basically the same love of the performing arts, this includes theatre/acting as well. I'm getting that your next partner may be someone who's very interested in this, especially into cinema.
They could be a film bro (gender neutral) and may love yapping for hours about their favourite film and the compositions, colours, lighting, music etc used in the film and how those aspects enhance the overall viewing experience of the film, they could be very active on letterbox lol. I'm also getting that one aspect you should look for in your next partner is transparency, it may sound like honesty but it is different because transparency signifies that this person will not only be honest but also take accountability if they ever go wrong somewhere and this level of accountability will build up a stronger bond and start healing the trust issues you may have from your past friendships and your relationships with your parents, because someone close to you will finally not only accept they did something wrong but also apologise and accept that.
Lastly! Look for someone who doesn't put you down, like even subtly. You may have had friends or partners in the past who may have been like "omg fr? that's so weird haha" even as a joke when it comes to your interests, but look for someone who will not put you down regardless of differing interests please I Beg.
Pile 3
Hellooo pile 3! Hyperspecific point from the very start, look for someone who knows the value of spirituality and crystals and stones that you may carry or wear on you at all times. If they even try to question your beliefs about spirituality that is not your next partner trust me. Your next partner is going to be someone who will share your interests and be on the same wavelength as you when it comes to spirituality, tarot and more.
One thing you need to look for in your next partner is that they may have a bit of an isolated or loner vibe, like they may not be big on huge gatherings and could be more introverted, they'll really appreciate their alone time and could be someone who does not divulge in PDA a lot, not only because they're shy but also because they'll believe that your business is just your business (in the rs I mean). Regardless of this they'll be someone who's very focused and goal oriented, your next partner is someone who's ready to sacrifice their comfort in the present to focus on their goals and work towards them relentlessly, they'll also be the kind of people who will let go of any comfort just to make you feel more comfortable, the kind to give you the bed and take the floor instead if there's only one bed and you don't wanna sleep together, very gentle and caring.
They'll just have this aura which screams "I welcome you and I understand" and that is exactly the kind of energy you need in your life right now. Lastly, I heard "duniya dedi" which translates to "gives you the world" so all I have to say is y'all better raise your standards and KEEP THEM RAISED!! YOU DESERVE THE BEST AND THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL GET KISSI <33
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All Rights Reserved tiamathh©® DO NOT PLAGIARISE, REWORD, STEAL!
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Ok so now that I've spent some time thinking about the whole "Chuuya was never a vampire" twist, I... still don't like it. For many reasons.
Here's my explanation; if you want to read it, please do. I strive to be fair. I want to wait for the manga release before making a verdict on whether it's bad writing or not, and I also want to see the start of next arc to see where they're going with all this.
If you don't want to read it, and you're having fun with the twist (it is funny. I will admit that much), then skip this and keep having fun! I don't want to ruin anyone's enjoyment.
First of all. It makes no sense. There are things that just do not add up. There was never an indication this was a possibility.
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Bro. Did you put on costume makeup for the texture under your eyes? Did it wash off after nearly getting drowned and you had to frantically reapply it behind Fyodor's back and that's why we couldn't see your face for several chapters. Did you take it off again for your dramatic reveal here at the end? I demand smeared undereye makeup Chuuya in the manga when it releases hbfsdjhbfv
Ok this was more a joke. But here's what really irks me.
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From what I can recall, this is. True. He needs to have made contact to manipulate gravity. It's also re-established in this very arc.
Great. So how the fuck did he slow the elevator? He was with Fyodor in a separate room! This makes no sense. Did he leave to stop the elevator and Fyodor was like "oh chill. ok come back soon"??? What?!
Here's another thing I want to address:
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@ticklinglady I had this same question. However, on thinking on it again, I do have an answer that makes sense - they had to buy time for Sigma to use his ability on Fyodor, to gain knowledge on him about what he knows, and what his ability is. <-I feel confident in saying this is going to be important later. Sigma will still have a role to play and we will find out more about Fyodor!
Alright. Moving on to the themes, and why this also doesn't work (at least for me).
The theme in this arc is very much to do with the contrast between trust vs control. This is Fyodor's failing when it came to Dazai, and it is established very early on as the major contrast between them, in the Sky Casino arc. The vampires, though it seemed silly and random, fit nicely into that theming. And the conclusion, where Dazai showed extreme faith in Sigma and the Agency members (and what an interesting contrast that is; to have someone show faith in ordinary humans when his foil is a man who has faith in god but not humanity), that fits into that theming also. Ok, so this was an extension of that right? Showing faith in Chuuya, as always.
Yeah, no. I want to direct your attention back to this here.
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This line is the one that had everyone going "oh man skk is going to fuck you up for that". I made an entire analysis back when this chapter first came out about the themes that we saw, and Fyodor's utter devaluing of the effectiveness of people beyond just their skills and abilities (it's here, if you're curious). This is why I suspected that, since Dazai and Fyodor are intellectually matched, it would have to be Sigma and Chuuya to catch Fyodor off guard - because he only values what people can do, not who they are.
Well, we got a little with Sigma, before Fyodor took control of the situation again. (Rip buddy.) Sigma's tenacity and unwillingness to fall for Fyodor's manipulating him away from helping the Agency was based off his personal choice and free will. He managed to shoot him! Fyodor was reduced to a cheap trick to get close enough to stab him! There was a certain level of payoff.
But Chuuya? I want you to think for a second. What did he actually do? Not a single part of this was Chuuya's idea. It was Mori's - he was at the very least sent undercover under orders, if not sent to Meursault under orders. He didn't even glue his own fangs in apparently. Now let's go over what he did. Why was it so necessary that it be Chuuya there? Well, obviously because gravity manipulation was needed to slow the elevator and the bullet. Oh... hm. So. His ability. Was what was needed, huh?
But it was necessary for it to be Chuuya because of the bond between him and Dazai, right? Oh. Wait. So, Chuuya's personality and goals don't matter - only his ability to read Dazai.
This twist makes it so Chuuya as a person doesn't actually throw a wrench into Fyodor's plans at all. All that matters is that he is Mori's executive and Dazai's partner. I guess he was "utilized" after all. I thought, with his characterization in Fifteen and Stormbringer, that we were moving away from this characterization of Chuuya only by his bond with Dazai. Do you want to scream.
You might be saying, okay, but at the very least it showed the depths of Double Black's bond! ...did it? Not really, at least not to me. The only impressive part of any of this was Mori's preparedness. This was barely an skk plan. It was a Mori plan. Double Black placing their lives in each other's hands is a Tuesday for them. This is nothing we didn't already know. And truthfully, it goes nowhere near the level of sheer trust we saw in Dead Apple. Mori sent Chuuya in sure, but it was only after everything settled down that he realized that Mori suspected Dazai would need help. Before that point, it seemed everyone thought Dazai was dead except Chuuya. Chuuya chose to jump out of that plane. Chuuya chose to risk his life. It showcased his personality, his free agency, and the level of trust they had far, far better. And it was emotionally satisfying! Dazai was extremely grateful that his trust paid off! Chuuya was somewhat conscious during Corruption, enough to weaken his own punch and shout Dazai's name! Dazai prevented Chuuya from having his ability be separated from him by the fog! They are an unbeatable team... but they were still left exhausted, and had to rely only on each other. How does what happened in this latest episode compare to that in a way that makes me believe they've actually outmaneuvered Fyodor?
Listen. I'll take twists that don't really have a great build up if they further the themes or character development, or it just makes for good drama. There's an interesting pay off, at least, so I say "okay, okay. Could've been done better, but I'll let it slide for the intrigue." But here? Nothing. It was boring. Are you bored.
Anime watchers were probably more fine with it. Maybe it was a little disappointing, but oh well. But manga readers have been having this plot dragged out for years. A lot of said fans (including myself) were excited to see Chuuya become main series relevant and receive present day development - and it seemed like we were going to get that with the recent publication of not one, but two Chuuya backstory novels, and the drama of this arc pitting Dazai and Chuuya against each other. Instead, this did absolutely nothing of interest for his character. Why was he even here?
Which brings me to the last point, which is the characterization.
Going back and re-reading this entire arc now, it becomes one big stage performance. Ok, fine, it's a little funny. But now there's hardly anything of value to these interactions. The only ones that actually matter are Fyodor and Sigma, and Fyodor and Nikolai. All that buildup to drama between Double Black, to another incredible display of trust, to something shifting and changing from the status quo... all that build up, and nothing has changed for Chuuya, or for Double Black. The show of trust wasn't even that dramatic really. Are you bored still.
This also weakens Fyodor's character to me. Fyodor witnessed their incredible show of trust in Dead Apple. I assumed he was prepared for skk-typical bullshittery, you know, being a genius on par if not greater than Dazai. You're telling me he was so overconfident he completely missed that Chuuya wasn't a vampire? Really? Fyodor really had nothing in place that would verify whether the vampires were actually under control? He wasn't constantly checking for a plan? It really was just red eyes and fangs, and he thought that was fine? That's it? Ok.
Truthfully, I was kind of :| about several of the preceding twists in the Meursault arc, particularly the dagger Fyodor pulled out when he started acting to Sigma, and the door railing being preemptively crushed by Chuuya before the drowning started. The dagger was actually ornate in the manga, which raised several questions - it couldn't have come from a guard. It made me think there was more to that interaction than just Fyodor pretends to have a split personality and that there was actually something to that knife. Well, it was made to be a regular knife in the anime, so I guess theorizing across those lines are dashed.
What bothered me the most though was the crumpling of the rail to stop the door from completely closing. There was no indication of this in the manga. None. No one could've predicted that - because it's stupid. The water filled so fast it couldn't get out of the crack in the door, even though it was huge??? Dazai was in the control room - you're telling me that there was no security camera focused on the door??? You know, where you would position a security camera??? It was dumb to me, but I was willing to roll my eyes and move on because I was expecting a good payoff to all this, and well, it was funny.
But now, the whole arc is one extended joke skk were playing on Fyodor. And you're telling me that's how our major antagonist goes out? Our major antagonist of several arcs? Be for fucking real.
And depending on when Dazai figured it out, it may even cheapen earlier scenes. If he found out after the elevator slowed like people have been theorizing, I could accept that. That's fine. But I need people to recall: in the actual episode he states "it was all an act".
Is Dazai probably lying to save face? Sure. But as of this moment we actually have no evidence it wasn't an act from the beginning. Remember that Ango was communicating the whole time with Dazai. Remember that Mori was involved and helped Tanizaki and Kenji get to safety. It's entirely possible it was all premeditated.
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One last suggestion: the plan name was "Good-bye" as suggested earlier. This means that even if Dazai didn't know from the beginning, he knew by the time of his speech to Chuuya as he was drowning.
This means that his whole scheme with Sigma was not an extremely dangerous, life-risking play on his part at all (@daz4i has gone to explain why this sacrificialism isn't good for a suicidal character, which I recommend reading, but nonetheless it was still notable characterization for Dazai). And what about this?
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Even his own flashbacks and memories were, what? A lie? A performance? For whom? Not for Fyodor, that's for sure.
For us. The readers. For the people who are invested in these two and their dynamic. For the people who wanted development between them, because there are actually issues there that have not been resolved. People wanted Dazai to show real concern. Chuuya is still bitter, even if Dazai thinks everything is fine and the same since he left. There was a tease that we're going to get how Chuuya felt when Dazai left the Mafia at some point in the future. People were making angsty art and writing and getting really excited because all the prior interactions had appeared to be set up for the payoff of this drama.
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We get an introduction in the dungeon. We reveal their partnership and fearsome reputation during the Lovecraft fight. They perform flawlessly in Dead Apple. Throughout all this, they need no communication. They read each other and respond in tandem, always... but there's still an underlying tension in the way they do not talk to each other. I, and many others, had thought the prison escape arc was the breaking point for some development, since their prior appearances were all meant to establish them as a team, and this arc dealt heavily with the breaking of established things.
But no. Deus ex skk is perfect. They have no issues or flaws. Do you want to scream again.
Anyways. I recognize I'm probably just very disappointed right now and by tomorrow, I probably won't care anymore and will just roll with it. I think I was extra disappointed because while I tempered my expectations for, say, Yosano and Kyouka's involvement (sigh...), I fully expected skk would be handled well, being the fandom faves and where the money is at, so I guess I took the disappointment that much harder.
However, I'm eager to see how the manga tackles the ending, and if we will get any extra cues or better pacing there that may make me not quite so bitter. If it's any consolation, I do think we'll be getting Chuuya focus at some point in a future arc, and while I do think Fyodor is dead, I doubt he will have stopped haunting the narrative. He'll be back in some capacity. I'm pretty certain he's still the mastermind.
And I'm curious about the next arc and what's happening there. Maybe some things will be revealed later that will help smooth out the flaws here.
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
after reading your izuna tobi time travel rambles I can't help but think about them just crashing the middle of a council meeting 😭 everyone is shook, and absolutely flabbergasted and ngl they kind of just.. Want the two to stay? (Well, mostly Tobi's old subordinates/students because they feel partially sad and sentimental and OH MY GOD IS THAT FOURTEEN YEAR OLD TOBIRAMA?!?) And then the psycho Hashirama timeline is just amazinggg I can't stop thinking about it you're actually infecting my brain bro
(Cont. From this post for those without context)
Every other time Tobirama and Izuna enter a world where it's modern Konoha, they start taking bets about which one of them died there. Funny bit where Izuna says smthn about how there quote, "aren't nearly enough crazy nightmare trees and brainwashed people for you to have died here" (bc 9 times out of 10 in worlds where Tobirama dies Hashirama loses it to a spectacular degree that leaves a VERY visable mark on Konoha)
Actually, taking that thought, it could be fun if they got dropped into a seemingly normal Konoha only to find out that hey Tobirama did die in this one, but it seems to be the 1 out of 10 that Hashi was able to stay sane
Only nope!! Surprise attack!! He's just really really good at pretending to be normal and when they try to leave he plays his hand, lots of fire and explosions ensue and they just barley escape
Izuna and Tobirama are SO tired of people trying to force them to stay in places, theyve had Madara do it they've had Hashirama do it, maybe they even had alternate versions of eachother do it. They !! Want !! To go !! Home !!!!
Also you can't tell me that seeing a young version of them specifically would hit Madara/Hashi harder than any revived adult version could. They're lowkey the "idealized" versions of their brothers, still small and in need of being protected, not consumed with anger and burdened by the things they've done and seen in the war. They're silly little guys!! And they're slamming on ALL the "Oh god I need to protect my little brother" buttons, it's sooo bad
Anyways, them crashing into a council meeting after quite a few different rounds of dimension hopping. Meaning they really don't give a shit ab destroying anything bc they've already come to the conclusion that it's too late to be worrying ab any potential side effects of fucking with possible time lines.
They're immediatley diving across the table making grabby hands at their friendly ball of interdimensional light as it floats off, trying to go for it as soon as they land before it wanders off and they're left having to hunt for it.
I need you to picture these 2 kids just DIVING across a table of important clan people shouting smthn ab DO NOT TOUCH THAT FUCKING LIGHT
They miss it and it dissapears through a wall rip
Maybe they end up slamming into it trying to catch it for comedy effect actually
Other than just sentimentality there's also definatley a tactical standpoint of trying to get them to stay
That's THE Senju Tobirama, second Hokage, white demon and inventor of a fuck ton of jutsus. And also Izuna, who is much less known here to his (by now used to it in these kinds of world) displeasure
All young and untrained and perfect for grooming into a loyal konoha shinobi, ready to grow into his prime by careful hands who knows exactly what he could become
How much more terrifying could he be, if trained specifically by someone who knows his talents, shown his own research to build off of and given all sorts of modern tools he never had before
And also Izuna is still there and he's so fucking sick of being underestimated rn guys what the fuck he's cool too
Anyways the second Tobirama and Izuna hear "hahaha maybe you should stay a little longer..." they're BOLTING
They've heard that song and dance like 20 times now they know the warning signs and you seem nice but they are NOT risking another 'secret yandere' situation again, goodbye.
Their only saving grace is that respect and sentimentality does win out here in letting them go without too much arguing, no matter how valuable they might be. Got lucky this time around, might not be so lucky the next
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wildpeachfarm · 4 months
Hi Moku!
What does one do after taking a fat nap and waking up disoriented? They scroll your blog of course and keep up with the daily news! (And random absolutely serious discussions of underwear 😭).
I saw some mention of CCs moving weirdly again about the Dteam, and teaming with Sapnap for an event, and I’d just like to add my thoughts on the matter.
I feel like this is a common occurrence in the four years I’ve been a fan and part of this fandom. The process literally goes like this:
someone from Dteam (usually dream) gets called out for something, Twitter freaks out and reacts before the “cancelled” party can respond/apologize, upcoming projects are pushed back months/years depending on severity of “cancelation”, unrelated CCs speak out against “cancelled” party (usually Dream), project release is finally approaching and hype is being created, fans and CCs alike suddenly like Dteam again. And then it gets rinsed and repeated till it’s sucked dry.
Only difference in this case was it was George being called out and Dream sticking by his boy, rather than Dream being called out and Sapnap defending him. And it just becomes increasingly more obvious how performative all these CCs and their fans are, the more this cycle rears its big, ugly head.
I think the difference in this situation as opposed to others is that Dteams own friends (if you can even call them that) spoke out against George, and that showed their fans that George is absolutely despicable and irredeemable, making Dream also the same by proxy.
And with this knowledge I raise this question. Why was this situation the one that did it for them? Dream has been accused of everything under the sun (even lost a year of his life trying to prove himself innocent over false allegation), and they all stuck by him-very loudly and proudly, might I add. Why then, do these people choose now to revoke their support and end friendships? Especially without first talking to the accused party? Their friend?
Seeing people associating with Sapnap, the same people who were quick to (very loudly) denounce George leaves a sour taste in my mouth. And the people expecting Dream to just drop George irritates the hell out of me, too. Why is it so hard to remember that these three men are a packaged deal, regardless of how much solo content is produced?
Whilst dream was going through some of the hardest shit in his life, those two stuck by him. When Sapnap was getting called out for joining Kick, they stuck by him. And even now, Sapnap and Dream both released statements saying George is their friend, he made a mistake, and to support Caiti. Reading comprehension must be poor here cause nowhere in either of their statements did they say they’d stop being friends with George. Thats their fucking bro, and they will support him, as he’s done with them.
Everyday I’m further surprised why Twitter clout means so much to people, when that’s not where peoples’ fanbases are. The mob they are constantly trying to appease will turn its back on them the second they get called out. Y’all were quick and loud with your responses (George hadn’t even released anything yet), and now that dreams teasing his project release, yall want in on the hype from that? Sure, but give a public apology to George for the way you jumped to conclusions and basically threw away a friendship. And give him a private one, as well that you actually mean what you say (though we don’t need to know about that one).
“Watch how ccs move the next couple of days” “anyone who does something like that is no friend of mine” (not verbatim) ‘my truth about dream’ “keeping him at arms length”- that’s a whole lot of words to say you’re weak-willed people who don’t support their friends in time of need but actually care more about your image than being a good friend, and I’d hate to have friends like that. I hope if they do try to come back now, they aren’t welcomed back by Dteam. We all know Dream don’t care how people treat him, but he don’t play when it comes George (and Sapnap, but George is the one who was in the hot seat recently). I hope he “keeps them at arms length” for how they responded to the situation, and basically threw away multiple friendships.
Yall don’t get to act the way you do, and then try to reap the benefits of someone else’s hard work and success, especially when you’ve publicly ended your friendship with them. We’ve reached the end of that vicious cycle, but I’m hoping this outcome is different; I’m hoping this time there is no welcoming back for these performative CCs, and they can sit there and reflect on why that is. Maybe then they’ll grow a backbone.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject matter. (Don’t know anything in regards to the underwear discussion 😭). I apparently love getting on my soapbox every time I send something, so I thank you for reading it every time.
Have an awesome day, love!
-L :)
Hi L!! Yeah i absolutely agree with pretty much everything you said and I think what made so many CCs jump ship this time was the fact that it was a content creator within the community that spoke out similar to Shelby. However, that does not excuse their poor or extreme reactions to handling the situation.
I do think that the cycle you mentioned is super tiring and I feel like the community needs to do a better job of going "oh you dont fuck with us anymore? okay bye" and not following their actions for months afterwards to hate on them (unless we see hypocritical actions like coming back to hang with our CCs with no prior apology or public support because thats just a bit odd tbh)
I appreciate the soapboxing tbh!! It's always a good read :)
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amigac0debasic13 · 9 months
hey guys. Do u even care about what I have to say. Thats right baby. It’s a mini rant. Young Garmadon edition and the horrors of white boy Star Wars core.
Okay so. Erm.? I don’t like garmadons child design in the show. This guy is way too twink coded as a young adult for me and that’s wrong. He’s a beast. And also))??? Lots of paragraphs on Wu depression. Thats the synopsis now look below for further horro r
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Hello??? Dang man tatooine is calling ???? IM. SORRY THAT WAS MEAN. I’ve always felt like the spinjitzu bro books did a better job with his design, but brunette just isn’t it. Black hair. Right now. Make it naturally white but also make him fucjing stupid so he dyes it with Ink because he doesn’t want whit4 hair cause he’s DUMB.
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Look alive. Make him wear a ponytail and give him the black dyed hair COWARDS.
Anyways that parts over. Now I’m going to talk about my issues with how people draw him in his human form a lot.
I feel like the twinkification is real. All human designs I’ve found of Garmadon that don’t use legos ambiguous yellow color are pasty white and this madness must STOP!!! I think if u wanna make him a cracker it’s ok. It’s fine. But it is a little boring seeing the same designs scatter my Garmadon picture wall(/J I DONT HABE THA)
‘And also while I’m at it, I’m gonna be real and say that any design for wu in the series is pretty good. Still mad he looks like a normal guy. TBH. Many fan designs give him more dragon like traits, and I think that’s so cool, but I’ve always had a specific idea I’ve never seen executed personally. I think Wu would chop his horns off if he had them permanently out.
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Wu clearly isn’t a fan of just showing off his dragon or Oni traits. He straight up doesn’t do it, even as a kid (he should honestly be shown with those traits cause he really doesn’t give a fuck as a child) and I believe that his tormented old man position (see the many drawings and tweets from the shows authors and writers) he wouldn’t exactly be drawn to having his traits on display. The completely reasonable solution? Scar himself permanently by wacking them off with a blade. Sounds like something he’d do in young adult hood. His horns being out insinuates he can’t just shapeshift to make them go away, so erm!! Pretty smart solution ngl!!!
‘’Now it’s time for Wu trauma oooooooo!!!!! Oh my god part of his soul is GONE????
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In one of the spinjitzu bro books Wus soul is forced into a little puppet. At the end of the book, the puppet is still alive and moving. When the ninja ask to see a puppet show before Wu recounts this, he has a physical reaction.
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so. Wu is having a great time. Also, in one of the comics (forgot the name and I can’t for the LIFE OF ME remember where I read this) he confronts. Basically the embodiment of his fears. Basically he doesn’t want to become like his SHIT father who is literally god. leave him ALONE.
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So. Uhm. In conclusion. Whirlwind (wus canon nickname) and Softie (Garmadons canon nickname) need to get their shit together <33333333
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so i was rewatching the ankawala one ship short (known colloquially in my household as Six of the Most Emotionally Devastating Minutes of My Life) for, you know... reasons... and for the first time i actually paid attention to the info that's displayed on drummer's hand terminal during these videos.
okay. okay.
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(naomi, you huge fucking nerd, i love you so much)
first of all, i love that this message is saved in drummer's favorites. i mean, of course it is, but. cute. and then we have these categories listed to the left: naomi, behemoth, music, birthday, beratna, shipmang. all well and good, although as someone who is (maybe) (just slightly) invested in the enduring love between these two, i'm giving "beratna" the side-eye insofar as it could be read to imply that they're like, bros. but okay, fine, whatever, we are used to this sort of thing in the femslash trenches, we soldier ever onward.
we also get to see a list of a few of drummer's other favorites:
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the text on the right is gibberish, as far as i can tell, but the way the messages are numbered seems to imply that drummer gets a LOT of messages. (girl, this is why you need a separate phone for work.)
anyway. back to naomi.
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('i wish that YOU could have been down there on ilus with me,' she says, in the outrageously flirty tone one uses with friends with whomst they are definitely not still in love. yeah, we see you, dom.)
this one is also in drummer's favorites (can you blame her? and also spoiler: they all are). and it's got similar categories to the previous message: naomi, rocinante, ilus, beratna, shipmang.
still slightly annoyed by the "beratna" category, i move onto the final message:
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annnnnd here is where i started laughing and have been unable to stop. we've got our usual categories here: naomi, rocinante, beratna, and shipmang. but that category in the middle? it's a little hard to see...
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but that says fucking GIRL POWER.
oooookay. so that is (a) absurdly hilarious, and (b) clear proof that whatever in-universe messaging program they use has GOT to be automatically categorizing these messages. because you cannot convince me that there is any galaxy in any universe in all of time and space where camina drummer – who has just allowed one of her family members to be murdered to save naomi's family, and, by extension, naomi – would watch this absolutely gut-wrenching message, get to the end, think for a moment, and then say to herself, "yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and file this one under 'girl power.'"
girl power. honestly.
so. in conclusion: that beratna category is bullshit and draomi is real.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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runthepockets · 8 months
hi!! just coming into your inbox because i saw you posted about the show ramy & i also loved it & have nobody to talk to about it. i know ramy youssef said he might make a season 4 but it's not official and i can't stop thinking about what a season 4 would be...fatherhood? but also he still owes a bajillion dollars due to that diamond piece he lost, right? idk. i welcome any and all thoughts <3
Hey dudette! Thanks for the follow, I'm in a pretty similar position so I feel you lol. The girl who introduced me to the show was a girl from a dating app and we don't really talk anymore so I don't have a lot of people to talk about it to either, thanks for hitting me up!
If the series ended where it left off, I'd be down with that, but I also can't deny I'm curious as to where the Hassan family + their friends end up after the third season. Putting my theories under read more cus it's a lot.
Here's what I'm thinking: it takes a really long time for Zainab to come around, but by the last 1-3 episodes she kind of accepts that Ramy is the father of her kid and she can't deny that, nor take that away from her daughter, and she can only come to this conclusion after a lot of time spent as a single mother (which comes with pros and cons) and a lot material proof that Ramy is a changed man; yeah he's still got his vices and flaws, but we all do, and he's not fucking his cousin or doing deals for the Israel mob anymore and he's finally found a nice balance between being a peaceful, average American millennial and being the firstborn son of an immigrant, which is definitely not an easy pattern to break.
Dena gets married, for sure, but the majority of her character still revolves around her studies and her career. There's scenes where her fiancé (I forget his name) gently drags her away from her studies to go on cute little dates or to remind her to eat dinner or to take her to diners for breakfast and catch up and pray and all, flirting with her over text and calling her on Facetime every now and then and linking up on weekends and vice versa, and it's established pretty well that he has a life of his own and is doing pretty well with his roommates and stuff. He and Dena get married a little after she passes the bar.
Farouk and Maysa have to sell the house, and it's super bittersweet. Ramy and Dena help them move all their stuff into this cute little 2 bedroom apartment, the second room doubling as a guest room and as a room for when one needs space from the other. It's weird not having the kids around and it's a little closer to the city than they like, but it's got a lot of perks too. Maysa can drive for Lyft and make friends easier cus everything is Right There, Farouk actually finds his rhythm as a con man, which complicates things a little but also, we all know he's a good and smart guy and would eventually know the law well enough to skirt around it, so it's a start. Their marriage improves a lot too cus they're finally humble enough to talk to each other about real shit.
Uncle Naseem doesn't accept being gay fully till like, the last three episodes. Post retirement of course. Ramy finds some old love letters while helping him clean and move the rest of Naseem's shit from Jeweler's Row and just smiles and nods to himself, dropping aforementioned shit off at his apartment with nothing but a little extra bundle of cash; both as a way of saying "sorry about the bullshit" and "don't explain; I know." and it's cool. As a cherry on top, he might have even made up with that guy at the gym, or he might have found a new guy.
Shadi should meet up with Steve at some point and get into the DJ scene proper; it's hard for him when Farouk and Maysa have to move into a smaller apartment without him, but he finds a decent and diverse group of rave bros during a set one night and it saves him from having to spend the rest of his time in the U.S. on the street. He falls for a cute black hippie chick during one of his sets, and they move in together. It's a little small and cramped but he has her and her cat has already fallen in love with him so how can he have any more reserves? This is just where god wants him to be,
I can't speak for any of the minor characters, or the cousin that Ramy stopped fucking, but yeah. This is my take. If you wanna talk more, feel free to DM!
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pnkq · 11 months
Talking about that thing I said I wouldn't cover on this blog.
By that I mean the weird fetish book. And no this isn't VORE, no this isn't INFLATION, this is FEEDERISM shit.
So uhh that's under the cut
After taking a closer look at the cover, I found an image.
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It's of 9 people around this circle dude so that's cool
It also says "9-day rotation". It'll make sense later. It also says "DIARY". That'll make sense soon too.
Upon opening the book, I saw this inside cover.
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Oh, wait- no. This used to be my school composition notebook, that's right. I forgot.
Anyways, I read the first- and surprisingly, only- page of the story.
The page says "Day 1" right at the very top. This is most likely so young child me wouldn't get confused and have to count things.
"I didn't need anyone to protect me. I didn't think that. But somehow I weigh 1000 lb now. Overnight."
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Ah. Well, the dude died. Not from weighing over 1000 pounds, surprisingly.
"So They made sure this didn't happen again."
Make sure WHAT didn't happen again? You gonna gain another 1000 pounds?
"Every night, they sent a new person in the room to watch me. (what the fuck?) They are all nocturnal. They can't sleep while watching over me. I didn't like any of the team members, (because I'm emo and quirky /j) but I'm not sure if they even like me, so I guess I can't say anything about that."
Wow, so you managed to gain 1000lbs and you don't have friends? That's WILD, bro. Oh and this part kinda explains why I said "9-day rotation" would make sense soon.
"I didn't know who was coming in each day, but I knew it was 9 days, and I couldn't leave the room to check the schedule. I was immobile."
Yeah that checks out.
"All of these thoughts were stirring in my head, causing me to ignore the knocking at the door. They knew I couldn't open it. They were probably just doing this to mess with me. Eventually, they opened it. It turned out to be Tom. I especially hated Tom (average prick name). He never stops messing with me."
Fun Fact: This prick over here was most likely named after Tom Eddsworld, as I had no fucking idea who TommyInnit, or any other Tom, really was.
"Ken??! Tom exclaimed. What the hell happened?!"
Alright, protag's name is Ken. Cool.
"It's a long story. I replied. I was tempted to call him an arsehole, but it seemed uncalled for. (Nah man go for it he's a huge prick.)"
"So, uh, Tom started, How do you live like this?"
"Tom was pretty insensitive at times, but he still managed to get a girlfriend (HE GOT BITCHES?!?! HOW!?!?!?) And unfortunately for me, his girlfriend was my crush, Levina."
Putting it out there, Levina sounds like a stripper name (sorry any Levinas out there reading this) (but sorry your name kinda sucks, Levina)
I reached the last sentence in the book. "Levina and Tom were the prettiest people I knew."
You want them to rail your fat ass, don't you?
In conclusion, this was a wild ride.
Not necessarily proud of my younger self, but at least I was somewhat consistent with the story. And at least it was... original, to say the least.
Was written pretty well too. No visible spelling errors.
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aeon is so crazy to me cuz i’ll be honest, i did NOT like it at first. i wasn’t a fan of ada and i just couldnt think of it as anything but annoying. but now i have such a strange like thought process
like now i’m so in love with ada like completely separate from leon and the ship itself. i dont know who i wanna be more, ada to be with leon or leon to be with ada
i mean i know it isn’t healthy and i almost believe it can be seen as toxic, but like the way i’m still like in love with the content and lore has me GOINGG 😭
i’ve gone with the thought of like it’s been 20 years and it’s been such a push and pull that they either need to just figure something out between the both of them and stop budding around or give themselves some type of closure with each other. like just an understanding of feelings, even if it’s the decision to just kinda not do it anymore type thing?? which like highly doubt that would ever happen in canon but like my brain wants them to have CLOSURE whether it’s from ending up together or not cuz they DESERVE IT
they just- they deserve love bro together or not and I think they just gotta figure it out. i feel like if canon ever comes to a conclusion with this, i most likely believe it will be like finally canon and they end up together if we’re given some kind of “ending” to their push and pull. which GOD would be so cute and honestly probably the closure i would prefer they end with cuz ugh they just THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY IT HURTSSS
anyway, just wanted to talk about aeon cuz they make my heart feel things
i just typed out my thoughts and didn’t really read over it if there’s mistakes or it doesn’t make sense just pretend to not see it
but that was because i only knew re6 at the time. and i never saw ada's campaign.
the bisexual agenda is wanting to be with leon AND Ada lol
i think the word toxic has been overused for the ship. both of them are adults and consensually chase each other. just because it's not clean and easy doesn't mean it's toxic. toxic implies that one or the other actually abuses the each other. neither of them do. both of them obviously care for each other. and before people get all nuts about re4r, it's literally their second time seeing each other. use your brain. there's so many more years between re4 and damnation and re6.
both of them canonically share feelings with each other, but their circumstances just make it so that they can't be on the same side. but we see that wall getting smaller and smaller as the years go by. and both of them going against what they were meant to be doing to save the other. by the time it's re6, they are both actively saving each other.
i have a feeling that they might be wanting to retire leon at some point, and if they could even just imply that it's with ada, i think that would be enough. we see ada take on a job in re6 at the end, and i think that they could be planning for them to step away from everything. by the time it' vendetta, he's already tired. both of them are sick of everything and should just be together already.
people who think that aeon stans don't like angst, just fundamentally don't know or understand what the ship is.
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
I'm gonna be real with you all for a second and say the reaction this website and the internet in general had to the news that the number of men under 30 are not having sex has tripled in the last few years was absolutely disgusting and I am disappointed in you all for being so dumb as to not realize there is more to this than just one man isn't getting some pussy
Like I get that it was a Vaush tweet that brought this to your attention and Vaush is well, Vaush and we could talk for hours about him but he's not the focus rn. And also he was fucking right. This is a problem. Like I don't think it's a bad thing to say that there is a problem with the fact that men under 30 are now having issues connecting with people and making meaningful relationships with women. Like this is not a "men think they're entitle to sex" situation this is a "there's something going on with how young men are being socialized by our society" situation. If this was an individual case and not like a well documented problem that is affecting an entire subsection of the male gender then it would be different, but we can't just chock it up to an indiduval incel sitting alone in his basement playing COD 24/7 eating his hot cheetos and drinking his mountain dew who hasn't touched a stick of deodorant in years or whatever other stereotype you had in your brain when you first saw that statistic, because it is not. This is just another part of the isolating and lonliness of patriarchy that says if a man cannot get a woman it is his fault, that there is something inherently wrong with him, something in him is bad and wrong and broken and it is all his fault and not the societal pressure put upon them to be this idealized version of what patriarchy thinks a "real man" is.
A leftist streamer, Shark, posted the most milquetoast little tweet about how he has personally experienced this isolationg experience of finding that dating and connecting to other people in this day and age was really difficult and so he's found it easier to just give into the isolation and not connect to people anymore. And every single comment under his tweet was telling him he was a loser who should just kill himself and stop complaining about being a bitchless virgin
Like bro.
If you saw someone lamenting their own lonliness and your instinct is to tell them to just kill themself well, sorry comrade but I think you might be the problem and I don't think you belong on the left
The isolation and the lonliness and the fact that young men under 30 are not able to connect with people and have sex/intimacy with others is all a combination of the isolation of late stage capitalism mixed with the compounding factor of patriarchy telling men to stuff their feelings down and not to be emotional and that a "real man" deals with his problems in silence on his own or he sticks a gun in his mouth and blows out his brain before he can make his lonliness anyone else's problem. And for all of you to just dogpile that clearly alarming statistic that speaks to more than just the amount of sex these men are having and say that all of the men who reported not having sex were just a bunch of entitled whiny little bitchboys who think they have a right to have sex with women's bodies as if that was even the point of that statistic at all is absolutely abhorrent behavior and I think you need to take a step away from the computer for a while and contemplate why that was your first initial reaction to the news and ask yourself if you might be contributing to the problem rather than helping with solutions. Once again the internet needs to learn reading comprehension and what statistics actually mean to the greater scope of society before jumping to conclusions about the worst most bad faith rebuttals possible
Stop letting dumb manhating TERFs and MRA alpha males pollute your politics to the point where you can't have sympathy for the other 50% of the world's population smh
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voidsteffy · 2 years
Okay okay I know you probably watched the movie AGES ago but omg. Sita ramam. I cannot
I watched it yesterday and I cannot stop thinking about it ?? Afreen ?? Ram ?? Noorjahan ???
Everything was so pretty everyone was so pretty and it was so sad and I was bawling my eyes out. Also ugh vishnu like ok bro you had a family I get it but :(((( ram :((((
And his letter to sita. Chills. Literal chills.
Anyway idk who else wouldve watched the movie so I'm here don't mind me just crying on a monday morning T-T
You came to the right place, or probably the wrong place cz i can't shut up about this shit
Fun trivia, I saw the first look when it came out, and the music was quite different from the one in the interval and they were still figuring out the poster, the butterflies and stuff
It was a shot of ram on the stones in the flowing pond of the mountains and cut to, he was looking into the train (it didn't strike as the train scene at first, the frame where he peeps from outside to see sita reading his letters on her berth and he smiles, yeah that scene)
And then flash the title
I was (and still am, unabashedly) on a dq high so obviously i checked it out and fell in love
And then, it was afreen's character intro/promo kind of thing where afreen is praying and then she's throwing daaru through windows (car windows as we saw later)
The moment I see Hanu Raghavapudi and Vishal Chandrasekhar (from Krishna Gaadi Veera Prema Gaadha, ok watch it i love that movie it hits so right!) and DQ (from Mahanati and Bangalore Days and OKK like bhoooof) AND MRUNAL THAKUR (from Love, Soniya) and Rashmika IN ASSOCIATION WITH DUTT PRODUCTIONS like....
feed me.
And I liked the vibe the movie went for in the ending, it's bittersweet, sort of like that one Twilight Zone episode where one grows old for the other and all. I like that they left it at a tragedy cz that's how such stories usually end but that doesn't mean they didn't happen.
Ram is my sweet sweet bway who took the correct doses of respect women juice and sita desperately needs a therapist (much like myself) and a stress ball to stop all the clumsiness (much like myself lmao)
The mahanati references, the KGVPG references, and all the director cameos... Yeah they made my day. Vishnu is unapologetically the useless scared kinda prisoner and I respect Sumanth for taking that kind of role tbh, and i wished we'd seen more of Bhumika but eh she deserves her own movies too so imma imagine
Also, RAM AND SITA WITH KIDSSSS! Like, we know the outcome of their story and that's why it's so sad to see them be so cute with kids and get soul married and want kids but never getting the time to live the life they wanted waahhhhhh stap
The music..... Um.... Well i can tell you that each song comes off as a copy of old illayaraja/op naiyyar songs but that's ok cz this year needed such music. The lyrics have me in a chokehold and ram's eyes too
And my favorite scene of all, THE SCENE
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Ugh kill me why don't you!
They're on different sides of emotions about this and he's been so supportive and loving towards her but she can't lie to him anymore but she wants to live this lie bcz it's so beautiful and before she breaks it she just wants someone to be there for one last time AAAAAAAAH
In conclusion, Ram is my smolbean, Sita is me and someone can be Afreen so that i can play ninnati theepi and cry for a legitimate reason finally
(also, Rohini in vintage spectacles literally reminds me of my grandma)
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mayasdeluca · 6 months
I read your recap and I agree for the most part; here's a few points I want to elaborate on.
I think they really shortchanged the BIG conversation Maya and Carina needed to have about the adoption and they could've given them that time by cutting the Vic call shorter and cutting if not all the Travis Dixon family stuff or at the very least Travis and Emmett sex scene.
In the Vic story (oh was Theo there? who cares amiright?) I could swear they repeated similar dialogue in 2 different scenes with the lady yelling that the dude bros used her and stole her research. you cut one of those scenes and you can give Maya and Carina at least 45 seconds more to talk.
As for Travis, if the whole point was for him to come face to face with Emmett and tell him how his father really felt, I think it would've been more powerful at the funeral next week. On top of that the sex scene was so unnecessary unless they are truly invested in making Travis and Emmett work, if they're not then it just makes Travis look like a dick for not stopping it like he almost did and another 30 seconds given to Maya and Carina. Don't get me wrong, I have no stake in Eli and Travis as a couple but when they make a big deal of having Travis find his next "love" make it stick or don't bother.
I actually didn't mind Jack as Andy's "conscience" or if they continued that dynamic for the rest of the season LOL. I mean think about it, they can keep their golden boy Grey but the only one he interacts with is Andy...no interference in Maya and Carina's lives anymore.
I think Ross and Sullivan had just enough screen time and scenes so I have nothing to say on that.
But now let me get to the Maya and Carina...there was just MORE story they needed to tell with them this episode especially because of how things ended. Like why was Carina in the NICU, she's an OB, she deals with the Mama's not the babies. I know we can come to the conclusion that the mom didn't survive so she (and Maya) checked on him but it would've been nice to hear that could've been a throw back to 5x07 where Carina said how she never sees what happens after it's just "welcome little one, bye bye".
And you were right the chef coming in to adopt the baby was just weird. I'll be honest, I wasn't paying attention to that first scene so I didn't make the connection that he was the chef so I thought he was either the baby daddy or like her brother so I was like dude just think about it, you made the decision 36 hours ago, you can take a little more time. Then when I watched the scene again and realized it was the chef I was like oh yeah totally weird he would show up to adopt and say its what the girl would've wanted when it didn't even seem he knew or was worried about her at the ball.
But the guy was only in 2 scenes (again the story needed more time), like why bother bringing him in just to change his mind when as I said Carina was hanging in the NICU so maybe she could've had those scenes (with one of all these MANY friends she apparently has that they would invite to the new house LOL) like with Jo who went through the exact same thing with Luna (that is if she was done banging Link) and talk through her feelings and the 2nd scene could've been her talking with Maya.
The scenes and the talk Maya and Carina did have wasn't bad. I am hoping like you that they get pregnant also and we get the best of both worlds with a potential time jump in the finale to Carina giving birth but I also think a mid season time jump would be necessary.
As you can see, I didn't have much to say on the episode LOL. I know people are excited the show is finally back so they might've watched with rose-colored glasses but for me, I thought it was average.
I very much agree with a lot of your additions!
The whole Travis/Emmett thing just feels like a waste of time because as far as I'm aware, even though Lachlan has continued to be in LA, I don't think he's in any episodes past episode 2? So did they really need to make this Dixon stuff a two episode arc? For what? It's just going to make Travis look shitty again like you said especially when he goes back to Eli and who knows how he'll spin it to make it seem like all is well. I don't expect Travis and Eli to be endgame either so it's just going to be yet another relationship Travis has that will 'never live up to Michael' and it's a shame they never got him out of that cycle when it's been over 3 seasons of this. This is definitely the plot out of the premiere that I think could've been less to give Marina more time.
It would be interesting if he continued to be her conscience all season lol but I think now that he's woken up, they're just going to have him be all depressed about not being able to be a firefighter anymore. Hopefully he continues to stay away from Marina's stuff though.
I think the Maya and Carina plot definitely needed at least another scene, especially with that scene with Carina/the chef added in. It just felt like a lot had to be figured out off screen between Carina spending a lot of time at the NICU, and then Carina having to tell Maya about the chef (off screen) because he had his minimal time and backed out almost as quickly as he decided to adopt Liam. That part definitely felt rushed. And then suddenly everything was happening so fast with them deciding to adopt him too.
It would be nice if we got at least one scene of Carina talking to Jo about this because she definitely would understand how it feels and what adopting is like. It seems like Carina is going to be going to Bailey for all that though. Carina is supposed to be making an appearance on Grey's though but we don't know when. A lot of people think it's later in the season (probably is) and could be part of the crazy crossover happening so I guess by then there wouldn't be much adoption talk happening when they would have had him for a while now. I do wonder if they are going to do some kind of bigger time jump at some point.
I lost a little faith in the possibility of Carina being pregnant though when they started posting BTS for the premiere (while filming what they were that day which was episode 8) and it looked like it was a clinic day and Carina was not pregnant...unless they made sure to take her fake bump off before posting any BTS lol but I don't know about that...still hoping they will continue that process throughout the season and we'll end up with her giving birth in the finale though.
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ndrwphx · 9 months
Night Talks
S: Love, care for a random observation?
A: keyi, I’m listening.
S: I had this long and deep convo with AM. And I think I’ve grown closer to her.
A: Yeah, I noticed and that’s good.
S: zhen ne? She said you don’t like it when she gets close to your partners before..
I told her that it’s not that I don’t like it. It’s just that, most of the people who wanted to get close with me just tried to get closer to AM because of me. Not because they wanted to be friends with her. And that’s what I hate - the agenda, I don’t want AM to feel that, I don’t want them using her. That’s why I explained that LM was really loved by AM because a lot of times they were not talking about me, they were talking as friends. Also, another is when AM gets to be too close with my pasts - AM starts to scold or nag me, taking their side. I don’t mind that fact, it’s actually a reminder or a call out to me. What I don’t like is the taking side. I saw how AM got caught in the middle. How she can’t be neutral because I’m a huge factor. Then I went further on the topic about my past - AM’s friend first before being my ex. I think that ex thought that AM didn’t like her for me. If I’m not mistaken, I think it became an issue between them. But in reality, it’s not that AM didn’t like her for me, but it was the other way around. AM didn’t want me for her. So it was not just an issue between them, it was an issue between me and AM. I think they’ve stopped being friends because of me, I’m not sure. AM kept on saying she hates me because in the end she needs to take my side because I’m her bro. And that’s also one thing that I don’t like, she had to cut ties with people because of me. I hate the fact that she loses friends because of me.
S: I see. Then do you think AM likes me?
A: Absolutely. I’m sure of it.
S: That’s reassuring then, I remember one incident when I thought she didn’t like me..
I was confused and surprised to hear it, so she showed me a message from AM.
“I don’t know your real intentions with KL, but there’s one thing I’m sure of, he really cares about you. He might appear emotionally distant or cold sometimes but deep down, he’s so fragile. I hope that if you want to use him as a pawn, please don’t hurt him. I’m sorry, if I’ve said something wrong or if I offended you. Just think of me as sending you a message in a tipsy mode spouting nonsense. Thank you. Bye.”
After reading it, I immediately forwarded it to myself and she saw it. She told me she didn’t tell me because I would’ve confronted or scolded brad if I knew. And reminded me that if I plan to after that talk, it would be futile. She just told me that she loves the relationship I have with AM. That it’s really like a big bro-little sis.
And yeah, that talk went to how we get there. And my conclusion is because of Dea. Losing Dea made me crave a little sis, and I’ve found it in brad. Haha. So I hope brad doesn’t get fed up with me. 😅 I miss you both. ❤️
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valleynix · 2 years
The Fool. As in, the tarot card?
(With that "you have to remember" all I had in my mind was the "remember who you are" from lion king lmao)
"They’re right in front of you-
But they’re not real. They’re gone."
Can you stop?? I need a safe word.
"You won’t let her destroy more and more realities or worlds or whatever.
It stops now."
Yes, that's the spirit! Let's go!🎉
"It seems as though Cassandra has the most control over her urges after she drinks blood from a fresh source"
But little miss Bela will be out there saying she's managing it better than her sisters😭
🥺 Cass draw Reader and Daniela sleeping???? Pls that's so cute.
I wonder if she drew some more moments of her family spending time together. That'd be like family pictures :')
Idk if they have cameras out there so
There certainly must be something wrong with me, because Cassandra is extremely attractive when she's threatening the Reader.
My lil rainbow heart was at its limits doing all the Cass paragraphs 🥴
Reading with Bela 🥺
That would be such a nice experience I bet, her voice is so soothing like she could be talking about how she cut open a manthing in the cellar and that would be like a bedtime story.
Need her to talk to me when I'm anxious <\3
Yhm yhm nvm once again giving me a slap on the face with the sweet moment followed by nothing but pure pain.
Lunatic kinda fine tho 👀 I like their evil mind, games and plans.
Mmm mmm evil people who ruin the lives of others (if only it wasn't Reader's life ). It's a love-hate relationship 😭 we gotta learn self love
DANIELA 💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❤
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I knew sth bad would happen once again 😩
The way they argued with Bela anyway, about leaving the castle. They couldn't escape it.
Gosh I hope the Reader won't fuck up with the timeline too much this time 😭
And for now I don't trust the woman from the cellar.
And damn what killed those maids from the castle. A mystery that is yet to be solved.
i love that i saw this just as i was about to start writing again hehe
The Fool as in the tarot card >:) i'm glad someone picked up on that sdkjfhskj (there's a shit ton of symbolism that i so far haven't really seen anyone mention just yet, but hearing this made me happy :D)
*can't give up hope in these trying times >:)
*listen Bela just likes to think she has that control- little miss Bela "perfect daughter" Dimitrescu is struggling BAHA
*Cass 100% has a little stash of drawings no one will ever be able to find, and it's just sketches of her family doing things she can remember or that mean something to her :')
*also tbf Cass is just attractive no matter what she does. she could threaten to cut out my tongue and i'd be like "wow say it again" LMAOOOO
*so real of you </3 Bela strikes me as someone with a voice that literally everyone loves and wants to hear (cue Daniela begging her to read just because she finds it soothing for her nightmares)
*HEHEHEHEHE, i'm trying to get better at just comfort and not as much pain following it </3
*Lunatic is honestly really smart sdkjfhs, there is a method to their madness (also have you seen the fanart done of them?? bro is cool as FUCK)
*(i promise you will learn to like them more <3)
*IN CONCLUSION: DANIELA <3333333 (i'm on my laptop so no emojis but imagine i spammed hearts)
*some things are just set in stone, as we'll see more of >:) that's the unfortunate reality of fate; no matter how hard we try, sometimes we just can't escape what was already destined to happen at some point or another
*about that...
*i definitely wouldn't! she does mean well, but... yknow... the village is a scary place, and sometimes it gives life to scarier humans forced into a certain role by the horrid shit going on
*i think chapter ten briefly implies who/what killed the maids?? if i'm not mistaken? it's often difficult to know every little thing when we only see things from one POV >:)
i hope you're still enjoying it so far, though <33
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madzenhaisof · 2 years
On a completely opposite note to what I’ve come on here to talk about…. Can’t remember what the fuck my name says or why I named it that. I know that I didn’t want anyone to find me of course but I wouldn’t just put down random letters it has to mean something lol
Okay so I’m kinda here for the same reason as last time and an opposite problem as well. Let me start this off with never do Tarot cards(I think that’s how it’s spelled) they making me over think more than I usually do and y’all know how I get lol
Anyways I am still unattractive to women lol re made my tinder it’s literally worst than anytime I’ve done it. I use to at least get some ugly bitches I ain’t getting shit right now. Ppl use that app for validation well I’ve validated that Im ugly af. Also Im pretty sure I have adhd I literally thought of a whole different scenario to my problem as im typing this prob not helping with the typos which im just going to leave alone cause im tired of fixing them lol okay back to the problem. Im ugly lol I will always call my self a 10 I will never say otherwise because if you don’t think of yourself that way then no body will. Its getting clear to me that other ppl don’t tho. Honestly I need to know what’s wrong with me. It’s going pass me not being confident enough to try for ppl. Other ppl I know do nothing and ppl like them. I’m literally don’t understand it’s almost getting close to making me cry. What’s wrong with me am I really just that ducking ugly I swear I think I’ve seen uglier. Do I nasterbate so much I have no pheromones like I just don’t get it. I’ve done everything other than just going up to girls and asking them out. The only thing stopping me with that is me not being s good talker all the time not having an opening line and crippling anxiety which I’m also finding out that I have. Literally remembering times in my life where anxiety effected me and being like oh shit I’ve had anxiety for a while. Okay now let’s get into how the cards are involved. I had my cards read three times at this point everytime they basically say I’m going to settle for anything in my future and I won’t be happy. Which brings me to this girl who may be too young for me I kinda feel like, but also might be the only girl in the world I can get. But the problem is am I settling for her because of that tho is that what the cards meant like I’m so confused is she the one. But there’s also this other girl( this the conclusion I thought of earlier) there’s this other girl who is toxic af but I don’t even know if I could get her but maybe if I do then I change my future right. I really like this girl but also I smoked a fucking cigarette because of her I’m literally so into her I did something I hate the most jn the world and I also bruh the adhd so bad I forgot what I was gonna write cause I got distracted lol. But I think maybe I should try to go after her instead cause otherwise it feels like I’m settling for anything just because no body else wants me. Maybe if I can get her to want me I’ll be more confident or something Idk I’d be happy or something I don’t know bro I’m always wanting more it seems maybe that’s my real problem. I think imma see her in a week and I guess I’ll try to do something then we’ll see. But let’s talk abt how insecure my friends make me. If a girl that I find even slightly attractive likes my friend I want to just get hit by a bus. Even if I already know we can’t do anything or won’t, it’s happened to me too many times now that I literally can’t do it anymore it feels like I’m invisible and ppl just see right through me. Cause they do nothing but somehow they want them like what am I doing wrong I do not understand help help help help somebody just tell me what I’m doing wrong please I’m so confused bro Jesus. Well at least I’m a great friend, cause god knows I get friendzoned hella. Everyone wants me in their life but no one wants me in their life yuh know. Also at first I thought it was like I was goi by after the wrong women or I just wasn’t their type but then I see them wanting my friends and I’m like well fu k then I’m just again ✨ ugly ✨ okay I think I’m done now. Hopefully the next time I’m on here I finally have this figured out. Sigh
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kosmo-mckogane · 2 years
i think it's important to remember that keith canonically struggles with empathy. while he himself does experience emotions strongly and fiercely and is very disposed towards acting impulsively upon those feelings, when it comes to others, he often struggles to comprehend their emotionally driven actions.
a very good example of this is his reaction in s1e4 when pidge is planning on leaving the team to look for her lost family. keith is frustrated and confused by her decision, because it seems so illogical, objectively.
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"You're putting the lives of two people over the lives of everyone in the entire galaxy."
the way keith talks to pidge here is very logically driven. what he's saying does make sense, on a completely rational basis. however, emotions aren't a rational thing - and the interesting thing is that in practice, no-one has experienced that more than keith.
we know from experience that, if keith were put in pidge's position, he would react in a very similar manner, if not with stronger unpredictability and hot-headedness, as we've seen before whenever shiro, his brother, is endangered or missing. he's intensely caring and protective over those he loves, but the realisation that others will also feel just as strongly in those kinds of situations sometimes doesn't click for him or occur to him at the time.
another example of this was in s1e13 when allura was captured by the galra very early on, and keith suggested that it may be best not to conduct the extremely dangerous mission to save her.
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"Maybe we shouldn't go on this mission at all. Think about it. We'll be delivering the universe's only hope, to the universe's biggest enemy."
the others are shocked at his perceived cold and ruthless attitude, but to be perfectly fair to keith, he didn't know allura very well at the time, and i can understand him not wanting to risk all their lives, and, by extension, their mission to save the universe, for her.
after all, keith is shown throughout to have very strong core morals and values, and he is always adamant about sticking to doing what he feels is most right for something greater than himself, whether that be liberating the universe from galra control, or protecting the wellbeing of his closest loved ones. in this case, it would involve the risk of both. with his character, i can understand him feeling the need to question it, especially given the shallow nature of his relationship with allura at that point in time.
it's only when hunk asks keith whether he'd feel the same way if it were one of the paladins rather than allura who was in danger, that it does start to affect him a little, and he gets slightly defensive.
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"I'm not saying I'd like the idea. I'm just thinking like a paladin."
and again, it's not that keith is uncaring - much the opposite at times, in fact, since we often see that he's probably one of the most prone to acting on his emotions out of the whole team. it's just that struggle to make the mental connection between the current situation and his own past experiences which makes it so that in the moment, it may not make sense to him as to why someone is reacting in a certain way. and this is especially the case for keith when there are conflicting moral priorities at play.
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