#also why do my two favourite games both have time travel in them. i'm not even the biggest fan of time travel stories because i get easily
yukisdomain · 8 months
If you don't mind, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Jujutsu Kaisen? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this before.....
Hi! Thanks for the ask :)
Yuuji is definitely my favourite. If you've seen my recent post about what I think makes him a good character you probably already have an idea about what I think of him.
However, what initially drew me to him was how kind hearted he is. There is a certain childlike (not childish) innocence about him that makes him so endearing and sets him apart from other characters. I know Miwa is a sweetheart too, but something about Yuuji makes it feel more earnest. Of course he isn't that "happy go lucky" kid after everything that's happened to him, but it seems to me that he did preserve some of that purity. Mahito said it himself - Yuuji saves people without a second thought. And while that doesn't have to be the best thing one can do in a certain situations, I still love that about him.
There was that scene when Gojo tells Megumi he needs to be more selfish and not throw his life away. That tendency of his was evident during the game of baseball they played against the Kyoto students. But here's the thing, while Yuuji might be more "selfish" in the way Gojo put it (and even compared himself to him), I still think Yuuji is more "selfless" on the battleground. Megumi knows what should be done. Yuuji feels. Megumi will do something because he knows it's for the better (based on his set of values), Yuuji will do something because he feels it's for the better. Because he genuinly cares (not saying Megumi doesn't, but not as much as Yuuji). What I'm trying to say is that if Megumi sacrifices himself it's because it needs to be done, if Yuuji sacrifices himself it's because he feels for those who would suffer if he doesn't. At least that's how I see it.
Then there's Kenjaku - someone who would cause the apocalypse because they are bored. Here's the thing, I didn't read the manga and go, oh I like this one. I started posting silly little scenarios of them and then it hit me like, wait, they are quite interesting. A mad scientist. I do quite like that. I like how curious, playful and unpredictable they are. Plus I have a habit of liking those who think outside the box.
Which brings us to Yuki. Her character is probably the most similar to Kenjaku's in jjk universe - a playful non-conformist who studies ways of the cursed energy. She wants to treat the root of the problem, not simply exorcise curses - finally! It is interesting because her ideals directly oppose Kenjaku's. She thinks breaking away from cursed energy is for the best, while Kenjaku believes that optimising cursed energy is the way to go. Both of them also have a connection to Tengen, she as a previous Star Plasma Vessel and Kenjaku as Tengen's friend. I wish Gege delved deeper in both of their pasts, or at least showed us how two of those traveled (Kenny across Jappan, she abroad) and studied cursed energy.
Also, she's damn cool, okay? I don't make the rules. She just is. I also love how tall she is (probably because I'm tall too 😂 and you don't see many tall women in the media).
Some other characters i like are Shoko, Nobara, Nanami, Choso, Hakari...
As for the favorite moments, the first two on this list are my actual no. 1 and 2, the rest is listed in no particular order other than me remembering them in that way:
1) Yuuji vs Mahito's last fight in s2
2) Yuuji and Nobara vs Eso and Kechizu, then Nobara comforting Yuuji in her own way, s1
3) the trio spilling coffee on Gojo's shirt, s2
4) Nanami saying everything is shit, s1
5) Yuuji vs Mahito first fight, s1
Sukuna vs Jogo was great too imo, and I love the animation of the Star Plasma corridor scene. Actually all scenes with Amanai Riko were well animated.
There are probably more scenes but this list is off the top of my head.
Sorry for the long answer 😅
Have a nice day :)
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edwinspaynes · 8 months
In ur HC, what novels and fandoms would AU Modern day, Historical TSC be into rn?
Follow up, if each of them had a Tumblr , what would their blogs about be and why?
I'm just going to do my favourite characters, hope that's alright!
Tumblr handle: @/wilde-wanderer. He posts travel content and dog pics a lot, and there's a lot of crossover with his travel Instagram. He also is in the Oscar Wilde fandom for sure and posts a ton of Ben Barnes thirst traps (@belle-keys, thinking of you).
5 books he'd love, because he's a romance and fantasy lover like me (queer books are blue):
The Charm of Magpies seriously. It's got Wildean weird vibes and also is just genuinely an oddball series unlike any other.
Don't Want You Like a Best Friend by Emma Alban (this is NEW btw and incredibly good, an immediate favourite
By Any Other Name by Erin Cotter
The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty
The Carnivale of Curiousities by Aimee Gibbs
If he had Tumblr, I think his handle would be @/grumpycatcarstairs. But he'd post minimally and just let it sit and sit forever. Periodically, Thomas would remind him it exists. He'd just post aesthetic paintings and cPTSD content.
5 books he'd love, because he likes mysteries and philosophical works that make him think:
The Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo
The Scythe trilogy by Neal Shusterman
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The Sins of the Cities series by KJ Charles
Not really modern, but after his time. I think Maurice by EM Forster would hit him hard in the solar plexus.
His handle is @/thomas-the-tree. He's a pretty active Tumblrina and he posts a lot of his own content, mostly aesthetics and moodboards. Maybe some stimboards ala @caterpillarstims. He also posts a lot of positivity for people with mental illness.
5 books he'd love because he loves both action and comfort literature:
The Sum of All Kisses by Julia Quinn
Two Rogues Make a Right by Cat Sebastian
The Heartstopper comics by Alice Oseman
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
Stalking Jack the Ripper series by Kerri Maniscalco
I am of the strong belief that her handle would be @/kickitwithcordy and she'd have a sideblog for Cortana pics called @/kickitwithcortana. She and Alastair would also have a joint blog called @/kickitwiththecarstairs, but it's mostly on YouTube and they just have gossip videos. There's a full one where they roast Matthew's famous travel Insta.
5 books she'd love about kickass women:
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
A Stitch in Time by Kelley Armstrong
The Divine Rivals duology by Rebecca Ross
Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir
The Rhapsodic series by Laura Thalassa
James, of course, always reads them aloud to her even when they're not to his personal taste. <3
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halfbakedspuds · 3 months
Thanks so much to @honeybewrites for the tag!
WIP Questionnaire tag
Ya know what? Let's do this for 11 Past Midnight.
What's the first part of your WIP you created?
Actually the setting itself. 11 Past Midnight takes place in the same universe as Children of the Stars, just several centuries earlier (before humanity got its collective shit together). Originally the 'Fall of Earth' as this period is referred to was just meant to be a fun little worldbuilding thing, but then I realised the story potential it holds.
And boy, 11 Past Midnight is shaping up to tell the story of a very important part of the lore.
If your story was a TV show, what would the intro be?
'Wherever I may roam' by Metallica would both have some symbolic value to it, and would fit the whole 'Heavy Metal Apocalypse' vibe of the setting.
Alternatively: 'Odyssey' by The Flight could also work quite nicely given that it's a song Kat actually plays in the story from time to time and that holds some significance to her.
What are your favourite characters you have made and why?
Yekatarina 'Kat' Mezhova has definitely been the most fun to write purely because she's (and excuse my wording) FUCKING UNHINGED.
I've never really written a protagonist like this before so I'm definitely having a lot of fun just writing the crazy things she gets up to by being herself.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
I think any fans of Mad Max and the first two Metro games would probably like 11 Past Midnight.
Actually some Star Trek and Star Trek: NG fans might be drawn to the whole 'show up, find x, help, and leave' setup of the series as Kat and Artur find holdouts of humanity in the wasteland and try to help them for whatever reason.
What has been the biggest struggle with you WIP?
Research. The majority of the story takes place across Siberia, and figuring out what life is like there and what their cultures are so I can extrapolate for a setting that's both post nuclear and post total ecological collapse has been... interesting, to put it lightly.
Also actually having to put my knowledge of geographic systems to use to figure out the climate of this brave and hellish new world.
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Actually that's a major part of the setting: humanity's mistakes killed off everything. In many places you can't even breathe the air unless you've found a little pocket where plants have somehow survived the collapse, and the only things left in the wasteland are the hardiest things: Humans, Roaches, and Tartigrades.
In about ten years, the Empire will be formed, and in a century a madwoman by the name of Doctor Kalmyk Balkhyr will create the Eden project to clean up Earth and will resurrect about 80% of the species that went extinct during the Fall, but for the time being: Earth is dead.
I mean by some metrics, Artur can be considered an animal (given that he gets mistaken for a mutant) but that's a bit iffy of a statement to make.
How do your characters travel/get around?
Kat is a driver for an old Supply Rig that saw action in the Ruso-Siberian war just before the world ended. Although she's not nearly old enough to have fought in that conflict, her grandfather did, and she inherited the Rig from her mother who inherited it from him.
The Rig can best be described as a truck designed to slog it through snow, mud, and those weird sub-terranean ice-sheets of northern Siberia and provide a living space for two or three people for months at a time, as well being decently defendable if attacked.
Most of the story takes place either in the rig while on the road, or trying to get the rig back on the road, so it's the most common source of transport by far for our protagonists
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
'Episode' one (idk if it's still called that in a written medium), basically just establishing why Kat and Artur are travelling across the Siberian wasteland and why they're sticking together.
What aspects/tropes do you think will draw your audience in?
Probably the trope of an Odyssey, maybe even a stranger in a strange place.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
Mostly just that people will read it. I'll probably just post the parts on Tumblr because it's not really set up to be written as a publishable book
Open tag for anyone that wants it!
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kyndaris · 4 months
Moe Moe Kyun!
Every year at SMASH! (Sydney Manga and Anime Show), there is a maid cafe. Why? Well, because in many anime and manga, anime cafes either feature in a chapter or two during the school festival if it's a slice of life story. Much like the obligatory beach episode. Or the hot spring event. What I'm trying to say is that it's a quintessential part of almost all anime and manga to include a maid cafe somewhere in their story.
Unfortunately, I've not had much luck attending the maid cafe held at SMASH! because of its popularity. Worse, these type of themed cafes aren't very big in Australia.
Enter Akihabara: home of many a maid cafe and the centre of culture for all international weebs.
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On our last proper day in Japan, belachpanda and I decided to revisit Akihabara and Ikebukuro to tick off the places we might have missed out on the very rain-heavy Tuesday. And so, early in the morning, she and I went to try out a maid cafe. Here, we were treated like the princesses the two of us were. And it was bright and pink and we were called ojou-sama by the staff.
While we were a little early, it wasn't long before we were seated and had ordered our dessert combos (which included a polaroid photo, our choice of drink and a choice of the desserts they had available). While it was a little difficult to communicate, I couldn't help but admire their enthusiasm. Especially when every time one of the maids brought out food for the guests they would cast a 'spell' over it by going: "Moe Moe Kyun!" and encourage us to do it as well.
While I found it mildly embarrassing at first, their earnestness soon had me joining in wholeheartedly. But I have to say, the interactions when it came to drinks - be it alcoholic or ones require mixing was...well...also a little different.
Still, seeing everyone else engage with the staff and be suckered into participating with it helped normalise it all somehow.
After the maid cafe, bleachpanda and I trawled trhough the stores at Akihabara, looking at what was on offer and seeing if there was any other merchandise that might catch our eye. This involved heading to Suruga-ya and perusing their stock of figurines for anything that caught my eye.
Alas, it was not to be.
I walked away empty-handed while bleachpanda bought herself three figurines after I'd noticed one of her favourite characters and pointed it out. Then, after purchasing them, she blamed me for being a bad influence!
I was merely being a good friend. And I didn't tell her to BUY it. She did it all on her own, thank you very much!
Afterwards, we returned to the Square-Enix store and I ended up buying the Octopath Traveler 2 original soundtrack. We then tried our luck with getting the free Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth coasters but ended up getting the same two Turks. Not willing to give up, I got another drink and managed to nab Tifa Lockhart. Satisfied with my prize, I allowed bleachpanda to drag me back to Ikebukuro and Otome Road so she could visit two shops she missed while it was pouring down on us on Tuesday.
As luck would have it, she was able to spot a few tin badges of her favourite otome character while I simply looked on, eyes glazed.
We ended the day by revisiting the ARTNIA cafe to see if anything had been restocked before returning back to our hotel as we prepared for our early flight in the morning.
Thus, concluding our three week trip overseas to South Korea and Japan.
Least I managed to spot a few collectibles from franchises I was familiar with this time round! Probably should have got the Chiaki or the Kyoko mini figurine.
Oh, and I also spotted two Like a Dragon figurines. But I couldn't find a way to buy them! Ah well!
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The return flight back home was mostly uneventful, although they did refresh a few of the movies available. And so, I managed to knock out Wonka and The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes during the nine hours I was up in the air.
Have to say, both of them were very different and I didn't expect a musical when I watched the trailers for Wonka back in cinemas.
Did I find a gallivanting Timothee Chalamet amusing? Yes. And I also really loved Olivia Colman's performance as an unscrupulous innkeeper.
As for The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, it was nice to get some backstory for Coriolanus Snow. Admittedly, the actor was very dashing but it was Rachel Zegler who stole hearts and minds as Lucy Grey Baird.
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unsettlingcreature · 2 years
Helloooo! For the fanfiction ask game: 1, 15, 17, 27, 45, 55, 79. Sorry if there's too many :)))
no apologies needed, I love answering questions :3
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I daydream a whole ton simply because a lot of fics start out as either "what if I wrote xyz" (and then being like, well why don't I?) or me just bouncing an idea around in my brain (and realising I like it too much to NOT write it). Sometimes they get stuck in the stage between daydreaming and actually writing it because I get caught up in planning how I want things to go, which has caused some ideas to fizzle out over time as I realise I'm not as excited about the idea in practice.
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
Probably late at night/super early in the morning. Especially if my sleep schedule is wobbly, I'll often wake up at 3am and suddenly feel the need to start writing. It's not that I hate writing during the daytime, it just feels weird to me.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Sort of!! I'm trying to figure out what works for me but so far my writing routine is just getting myself something to drink and setting out some snacks, so I don't lose focus when I get thirsty or a little peckish. My current snacks of choice are hard pretzels, a cereal bar and some humbugs.
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
This has actually changed over time. I used to feel strongest writing scenery and I still do but I actually feel really confident writing combat scenes now. I used to hate them because I had no idea how to start but reading books and watching fights at Empire helped me get a good point of reference.
45. What genre/trope do you tend to write the most?
I'm not really sure. My first instinct was to say Time Travel/Fix-it but I haven't written that for years. I guess the Found Family trope mainly because I end up putting that into most longfics I write 😭For genre, definitely fantasy of some flavour.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
My brain often latches onto phrases I like and then I have to struggle to not use them too often. At the moment, I've been trying to not overuse "they swallowed the rising bile in their throat".
For common settings, I think I definitely prefer fantasy settings overall. The current big projects I'm working on with fics are all fantasy (skyrim fic, two d&d fics with perseus, the dragon age fic I'm planning) but I think that's just because it is my favourite genre/setting.
I think as themes go, I also tend to put a focus on characters starting out in a bad place and almost hitting rock-bottom, only to grow and flourish. I also accidentally made both Arielle and Perseus struggle to hold their faith - I'm not totally sure whether Arielle will find it again like Persy did though!!
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
Focus on writing what makes you happy because if you don't, you'll often lack the motivation to keep working on it - so it'll either never get finished or never be finished to a standard that you're satisfied with. But at the same time know that you're going to hit certain points in longer projects where it doesn't burn so brightly as always (usually when you're writing the less exciting parts or areas that you are weaker in).
There's also no shame in putting ideas/projects on the back burner or giving up on them. If you decide partway through that you don't want to finish it, you'll still have learnt and improved from what you have completed (even if you only just started. Planning and writing the beginning is harder than a lot of people give credit for!!)
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tamiisnthere · 8 months
Crossover Universe Maps and some Lore
I finally got around to writing some Lore about my Crossover Universe. I have to say that it will change over time, because I have constantly changed it over the years.
I admit that there won't be much, such as the whole history and culture, because I probably can't do good worldbuilding, I mostly do it for fun. Still I'm still ashamed of it...
I also have to mention that most of the islands have some parts of the lore of my favourite video games (since it's called Crossover Universe of course :P).
So anyways... Enjoy? ╮( ̄~ ̄)╭
The Crossover Universe is actually a multiverse that connects several alternate universes in order not to damage their main timelines.
Planet Thansuokria:
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The new residents named the planet Thansuokria, which was said to be larger than Earth. This water planet has several islands separated by stormy oceans. No one knows why individuals from any universes and timelines end up here. For some it's a great change, for others it's a disaster and they wish to return. Some think that Thansuokria may be an afterlife, as most of the residents have arrived shortly before dying or falling asleep, but this is largely denied.
Here is a smaller part of Thansuokria where the story takes:
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Azerwias (Warcraft) - The largest diverse island, the main residents of which are from Azeroth, Outland and Draenor. Relations between the Alliance and the Horde are usually very tense and they try to gain as much territory as possible. Nevertheless, both sides were able to make a peace agreement, but it is not known how long it will last.
Cross Island (Assassin's Creed) - An island owned by the Templars and Abstergo as the main base and ruled by a dictatorship. The Templars manipulate the Alliance so that they can eliminate their enemies easier and gradually expand their Order to other islands. Either way the Assassins try to stop them…
Fouria (Left 4 Dead) - Originally it was a holiday island, until one day an epidemic broke out there causing a zombie apocalypse. Today it is a strictly forbidden place where experiments are carried out to eliminate the virus. Fortunately, the virus did not spread further and a vaccine was even invented, which created immunity in the vaccinated. But the vaccine could no longer help the infected and new mutants were created from them, which managed to leave the island and reach other areas.
Mann Islands (Team Fortress) - Islands with an endless war between two companies RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) and BLU (Builders League United). The arms company Mann Co located in it's city makes money from their war, but is even interested in doing business with the Alliance and the Templars, the Horde considers them as dishonest cowards. RED and BLU have mercenary teams that attack each other to get the rarest resources to make their products. Most mercenaries enjoy their jobs for the money and/or even the enjoyment of the combat, though there are exceptions who are there involuntarily.
Whirlsand Ruins (Warcraft, little bit) - A desert island that is impossible to live. This place is the main home of the bronze dragons guarding the center of the island. Some believe they guard timetraveling portals, as the bronze dragons of Azeroth are known for traveling and protecting time. It's still a mystery…
Pure Kingdom (OFF) - A mysterious island inhabited by humanoid beings called Purifiers who may have a probable connection to The Batter. Their kingdom isolates itself from other factions and refuses to form alliances or create wars because they consider them as impure. Rarely, red-eyed individuals have a curse that allows them to turn into a monster and threaten their surroundings. They are often exiled for this, as the Purifiers believe that the curse can spread among others and hope that the exiles will perish beyond the borders of their kingdom. But it's not always like that, and the cursed Purifiers can find a new home in an unknown world…
Island of Eagle (Assassin's Creed) - The hidden island of the Assassin's Brotherhood, where they only live in the secret small town Accipiteria and the rest of the island is wilderness, so that their archenemies the Templars will never find them. It had been going like this for a many years since they entered that world, unfortunately one day they were attacked by the Templars, destroyed their town and captured or killed several Assassins. The survivors managed to escape in the south to safety.
Havaykia (Crossover, made this island since childhood) - An isolated island that rebuilds a sanctuary for those who have fled their homelands and can live here in peace. It is mainly known for the diversity of inhabitants from other islands living in harmony and the exotic colorful wildlife. Since Havaykia does not support wars and colonization, several factions are still interested in getting this territory for themselves, but the inhabitants of the island defend their rights to freedom.
Oceans and Seas:
Waves of Silence - It got its name from the waves, which for a mysterious reason cannot heard any sounds.
The Proud Waters - Ships of important personalities and politicians who enjoy sailing expeditions often sail along these waters.
The Whispering Depths - Legends say that in this sea at night there are whispers of sailors who died in storms during their voyages.
Sea of Lost Souls - It is infamous for the high number of lost ships. At first, no one understood why, until eventually they discovered that this sea has the largest number of marine reptiles like mosasaurs, which attack smaller ships and hunt sailors. They believe that mosasaurs hunt on ships because they often mistake them for their usual prey (whales in this case). Fortunately, they managed to find a safer way to cross to the other side of the sea.
Ocean of Unknown - The most dangerous ocean on the planet. Nobody knows what lies behind the aggressive waves and storms. If anyone tried to find out, they never returned. Some people think that Thansuokria is flat, but in fact the part of the ocean where they live is just the tip of the planet's iceberg.
The Heart Sea - Named after the shape of the heart. There is a diverse ecosystem and a rich coral reef with both modern and prehistoric animals.
Island Havaykia:
An island with a very varied nature and a diverse population. Several mountains and waters are named after the area's most common animal or shape, such as the Dragon's River or Cheetah's Valley. Havaykia is mainly known for the occurrence of modern and prehistoric animals and plants and rare creatures such as hypogryphons and griffons. Around the island there are several smaller islands that are strictly protected by law due to the occurrence of endemic species of fauna and flora, such as Moho's Island located close to the Small Coral Reef. Even though the population is diverse and coexisting, discrimination still exists unfortunately.
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Cities, Towns and Villages:
Ashte'quel - the capital and largest city of Havaykia, where all races and factions coexist peacefully.
Falahnaar - the city of Kaldorei, which is quite similar to the now destroyed city of Darnassus from Azeroth. The Night Elves tend the wilderness and a gigantic tree called Kaldrassil.
Oakheart City - the city of former Alliance's fighters. It is the oldest city of Havaykia, where the first inhabitants settled. It is named after the occurrence of oak forests with heart-shaped leaves.
Greentree - the harbor city, where the best fishermen of the island live.
Mardual - the city of former Horde's warriors who see war as a dishonest and pointless fight for territories that do not belong to them.
Warpeace - the oldest city from the Horde's side. The city got its name from a small civil war due to food shortages, which luckily ended without fatal consequences.
Raptoria - the village of trolls, which is known for important breeding of several genuses and species of raptors.
Peatgor - the city covered with peat. It is known to archive the historical writings of Havaykia.
Red and Blue Forts - the both cities of former mercenaries from both teams. Even though they are no longer fighting each other, there is still tension and discrimination between them.
Sahrasaeida - the village near an oasis and a popular resting place for travelers.
Faenanor - the school village of druids, where newcomers learn new skills of druidism.
Strix - the Kaldorei's village, known for its important breeding of birds of prey and owls.
Gepardia - the village later becoming a town. Residents do projects to protect the cheetahs, but other endangered species and the environment on the island.
Cheetah's Valley:
Cheetah's Valley is mainly a savanna area known for the highest population of cheetahs. This is the most peaceful and safest place on the island, but it's not always like that. The climate is mostly mild and the savannah part of the valley experiences high temperatures in summer and snow in winter at higher elevations.
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Points of Interest:
Entrance into the Valley - The only land entrance to the valley, as Pecker's Hills and Falcon's Highlands are often dangerous to pass through. Herds of animals often pass through it.
TaE Family's Ranch - Home of the TaE Family, which is not just like a family, but also like a small community that is outsided by society. They raise domesticated hadrosaurs and small feathered theropods, but also help injured and abandoned animals. Since there is nothing there that would attract the other factions, the Templars still plan to take over their ranch and could use it to create a new position for Abstergo. Of course the TaE Family fights back and for this they later form an alliance with the Assassins to save their home.
Assassin's Hideout - The new home of the Assassin's Brotherhood since the destruction of the Accipiteria. They settled in Falcon's Highlands to keep the Templars from getting to them and started training new novices. Assassins travel all over the island on missions to make the island a better place with more freedom.
Palins Farm - A farm owned by the Palins Family, who are family friends of the TaE Family and trade supplies with each other. The Palins Family work honestly and as a result they usually have the best vegetables and fruits grown in the valley.
Survivor's Saferoom - A shelter located not far from Gepardia where the survivors live. They keep their distance from others as they have had interactions with the Infected and can be carriers until they find out the vaccine exists. Still, they decided to hunt down the Infected so as not to endanger the innocent.
Cheetah Sanctuary - Rescue center for cheetahs and other animals and educate the public about fauna, ecosystem and environment.
RED & BLU Camps - The camps of both teams, where the mercenaries came to find available materials for production, which is illegal in Havaykia.
Infected's Refuge - A hidden place within the borders of Pecker's Hills, where the Infected and mutants hide from the civilization that wants to eliminate them.
TaE Family's Ranch:
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Ranch Entrance - A stone arch welcomes visitors.
TaE Family's House - A large house where 25 people can live there.
Workshop - There they are created and repaired as fences, furniture and wooden decorations.
Warehouse - Food grown there is supplied.
Food Garden - Fruits and vegetables are grown, which are in charge of Elphina, Tarion and Relante.
Hadrosaur's Barn - A stable where hadrosaurs such as Parasaurolophus, Lambeosaurus, Olorotitan, Corythosaurus and Tsintaosaurus are housed, but also smaller dinosaurs such as Dryosaurus and Leaellynasaura. There are incubators for eggs dropped by females and stall boxes for babies.
Hadrosaur's Enclosure - Herbivorous dinosaurs graze and live like in the wild. On the left side of the enclosure, there are three lookouts through which you can safely observe the dinosaurs.
Lily Lake - Water source for enclosure residents and fun fishing.
Mini Raptor's Enclosures - Two aviaries where Microraptors and Archaeopteryxes are kept.
Cerato's Enclosure - The enclosure of TaE Family's tamed Ceratosaurus named Cerato (I'll probably change the name later because it's a bland name for Ceratosaurus), which was raised by Clara.
Veterinary Building - Injured and sick animals are treated here.
Recovering Enclosure - An enclosure for treated animals to recover, so that they can later return to nature.
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I'm going on a long plane ride soon, and I really need long Tomarry fics (that are completed preferably.) I like time travel stories, serial killers, basically anything that I can totally escape into please please please please :D
Fuck yeah, I’ve got you.
Sky Full Of Glass by SofiaBane
The Horcruxes have become unstuck in time, and it’s the responsibility of the Master of Death to figure out why. And since Voldemort needs to be punished for transgressing into the realm of Death anyway, he might as well come along.
A quite delightful take on the Master of Death Harry, who has complete dominion over space and time, too. 20k.
Nose to the Wind by Batsutousai
While Harry had been content with his second chance, that didn't keep him from thinking what he could have done different, how many people could have survived if he hadn't been set on the very specific path he'd walked. Third time is the charm, though, right?
Now, I have no doubt that you already know this one, but how could I leave it off a rec list? The prequel is also fantastic. 211k.
The Ouroboros by WyrmLivvy
Once upon a time, a woman wished to have a child with the man she loved, that would have his porcelain skin as white as snow, his rosy cheeks red as blood, and his dark hair black as ebony. …
The child was not born with red cheeks but red eyes.
(Tomarry vampire/fairy tale/Snow White AU)
Now, this is not quite time travel or serial killers, but it’s absolutely fantastic all the same, and absolutely worth the read. Fantasy, dark-ish, and a happy ending. 20k.
The Eyes in the Bramblebush by relic_crown
For a long time, Tom was just another violinist, perfect and beautiful and boring. Then Harry truly saw him, and knew he was anything but boring - he was the edge of a pocketknife, the red of nightshade berries, a lie in a crisp black coat.
Harry had never fallen in love so quickly.
Once again, technically neither time travel nor serial killers, but it is most certainly something to sink your teeth into. 12k.
Darling, do you remember what you did? by Baryshnikov
Tom had been waiting to do this.
Waiting for a very, very long time.
Oh, this is gloriously dark, with knifeplay and power games galore. 13k, technically a WIP, but you’d be missing out if you didn’t read it.
Mania by Angel_Of_Mysteries
Harry and Tom have been together for two years, and Harry’s finally ready to take their relationship to the next level. Little does he know, so is Tom.
I can’t say much on this without spoiling it, but it’s wonderfully painful. 9k.
No Body, No Crime by duplicity
Harry works as a car mechanic in a small town. He and Ginny are best friends, their close bond the product of a traumatic event that scarred them both as children.
Now that they are adults with separate lives, it seems inevitable that they will drift apart. That is, until Ginny confides in Harry that she thinks her husband—the charming, enigmatic Tom Riddle—is cheating on her.
A day later, Ginny goes missing. Harry is convinced that Tom is behind her disappearance, and becomes determined to exact justice by any means necessary.
This one was so goddamn painful, but so brilliant. 20k.
God of Nothing by machiavelli
The other orphans avoid Tom Riddle like the plague. He lounges on his broken throne, watches the whispers fade around him with sharp, dark eyes. Nobody can quite work out why he seems so fascinated with the new boy, who walks in smelling of smoke and hasn't said a word in three days.
I remember following this one as each of the chapters came out, and by the gods it was glorious. In a much darker universe, half tinged with madness, Harry and Tom meet, and it’s perfect. 83k.
dust in your pocket by relic_crown
Two hundred years ago, the world died.
All that remains is a technicolor wasteland, swirling with ash and populated by radiation-warped humans. Tom, immortal and bloodthirsty, crowns herself queen of this ruined world and wanders it namelessly, building and burning empires at will.
Then there's Harry: eyes like chips of sea glass, hopeful in the face of the apocalypse -- and by far the most dangerous person Tom's ever met.
Holy shit. An almost steampunk AU, femslash, and completely incredible in every single way. 24k.
Dreams and Darkness Collide by Epic Solemnity (Dark_Cyan_Star)
Though he was raised without the expectation of saving the world, Harry still possesses a savior complex. Only, it's so dark and twistedly immoral, he created an alter ego to practice vigilantism. His second identity makes a name for himself and immediately ensnares Minister Riddle's complete and obsessive attention. A game of cat and mouse begins and morals are questioned.
One of my favourites, although I’m pretty sure it’s been abandoned. Vigilante!Serial killer!Harry and Minister!Riddle, who still runs the Death Eaters, and makes for one dangerous, tantalising romance. 209k.
Footsteps On Empty Floorboards by AgonisedDaily
After a recent screw-up on the job whilst hunting a serial killer, Harry needs a break from being an Auror. His new Victorian house promises just that, but living with the restless spirit of a former Dark Lord isn't quite part of the peace and quiet he was hoping for.
Okay, okay, okay, I know you said completed works only, but I’m incapable of leaving this beauty off my rec list. Maybe I’m just a sucker for darker things, but I think this is beautiful. 125k.
Break and Burn and End by duplicity
Harry Potter has died over and over again: in a cradle, in a graveyard, in a courtyard. If Harry Potter has ever lived, if he was the accumulation of years filled with burdens and grief, he has long since warped into someone else.
So let Harry Potter die, let his legacy run like ink through the pages of history until it dries for evermore. The world is better off without Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort both, so Harry will kill the one of them that he can and hope it will be enough.
OR: Past and present, Harry and Voldemort are connected. A tale of two immortals and the question of what it means to have an adversary when forever is in the cards.
Immortals AU of letting go and healing. I love it. 17k.
I hope this is enough, and, as always, I had fun making it! I will do the customary my fics are great please read them at the end, but considering most of them are WIPs or oneshots, I won’t include them as serious fic recs. You’ve been spared.
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wolfpants · 3 years
Drarry Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag, @academicdisasterfic!
✨ Drarry Tag Game! ✨ Answer any questions you’d like and ignore the rest!
When did you get into Drarry and why? Drarry were my first ever HP ship, so I was a teenager when I started reading them, back in the Livejournal days! So we're talking almost twenty years ago. I remember when I bought Half Blood Prince at midnight the day of its release, and me and my friend going to our respective homes to read it and coming together the next day to flip out over all of the amazing Draco and Harry moments. So it always started off in the text for me.
Which Drarry fic hooked you? I've gone through cycles of reading/not reading. But I mean, there are the classics of yore, but I honestly couldn't tell you which got me hooked. I am currently in my third cycle of Drarry obsession, but this time it's different, because in the first two I wasn't a content creator (as such, I did write the occasional, terrible LJ one-shot as a teen but we don't talk about those), and now, I am! So it's exciting for me and I've never been more immersed in the fandom.
So in a way, I feel fairly new. Please be nice to me! <3
Top three favorite Drarry fics: So because I'm reintroducing myself in many ways to the fandom, I'm going to pick some recent favourites, rather than top, because there's so much out there to be explored and enjoyed! Honestly, I'm bowled over by the writing talent for this pairing, it's incredible.
The Bolthole by aideomai, GallaPlacidia, @tepre
Licurici by @lou-isfake (Drarry/Charlie fic)
When The Party's Over by @sweet-s0rr0w
Why can’t you quit them? Because their dynamic is explosive. Their chemistry is off the charts.
I love that, somehow, their personalities contrast and compliment. In fics, they're in a constant cycle of learning things from each other (good and bad), and I'm a sucker for opposites attract, secret pining, learning to work together, and a well-told redemption arc. You'll almost always find elements of these in Drarry.
Would you rather be friends with Harry or Draco? Draco. I love Harry, but I can easily see myself bonking him over the head several times with different household objects. In a loving if slightly frustrated sort of way. I can see Draco and I talking shit together <3
Who breaks your heart more often? Harry. He has too much on his shoulders and he never truly got to be a child or figure out who is he or what he wants out of life.
Ideal career for Harry? For Draco? Harry - something practical (and possibly creative) where he doesn't have to be seen as a saviour or a fighter or a means to an end. Something with his hands. Forestry. Farming. Carpentry. Sculpture. Metalwork. Making organic cheeses. I also like to think of a Harry who took a break for a while. Traveled the world with everything he owns on his back. Then came back home, wherever home felt like home, and built himself a tiny house with his own hands.
Draco - academia, museology, archivist, botanist or something in the natural sciences, antique dealer, Egyptologist, linguist/translator/code cracker. Art thief.
Harry and Draco are being sent to a desert island for a week with plenty of food and water. Each is allowed to bring three additional items (no wands). What do they bring? Harry - wireless to keep up with Quidditch fixtures, lube, inflatable for the water
Draco - factor 500000 sun scream, deodorant, dagger
Favorite non-Drarry HP character? Sirius mothafuckin Black and everyone and their mother knows this but I'm still saying it! He's my leather jacket woof woof man and my number 1 good time boy.
If you had to pick one, enemies to lovers or (enemies to) friends to lovers? Enemies to friends to lovers, every time. Gotta build that bond and make it nice and soupy for some good old fashioned painful pining.
Would you rather read a fic that made you laugh or one that made you cry? Both!
Three songs that scream Drarry to you (feel free to include the Drarry-est lyrics!):
Florence and the Machine - No Light, No Light
You are the hole in my head You are the space in my bed You are the silence in between What I thought and what I said
Smashing Pumpkins - Blank Page
I know there's hurt, I know there's pain But people change, Lord knows I've been no saint In my own way, regret choices I've made How do I say I'm sorry? How do I say I'm sorry?
Great Lake Swimmers - Changing Colours
Don't be afraid to change your colors now Of knowing you are summer, you rose above it all I see you hesitate to fall down But it's pretty good view from down here too
Favorite authors outside of fic? James Robertson, C.S. Pacat, Billy Martin, Patricia Highsmith, Stephen King, Patrick Ness, Ottessa Moshfegh, Shirley Jackson, Andrea Lawlor, Scott Heim...
I don't know many people in Drarry fandom yet but I am tagging @aqua-myosotis @wrapped-up @lou-isfake and honestly anyone else who sees this and loves Drarry and wants to play 🖤🖤
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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miss-steelmind · 2 years
possibly controversial question time, favourite witch's heart and yttd ship? what was the reason you were originally drawn to it(if you can remember)? and why do you like it?
i'm just curious ig
oh boi i'm indecisive as hell (plus i'm incapable of answering anything without going on about it for hours) so get ready for a looong answer!
my top 3 ships from WH are currently noelclaire, wilsiri and wilashe!
noelclaire is. pretty self-explanatory? i usually don't like when the writers push a ship, and at first (think like, first 2 scenarios) i didn't think i'd like them at all. but god. these two. the more i saw of them the more i fell in love with the pairing. childhood friends? check. pining? check. would quite literally die for each other? check. the "you're the only one i remember" trope? check. they mean so much to each other your honor (THAT BEING SAID it'd be nice to see noel improve himself and not base his entire selfworth on this one girl he was friends with 10 years ago. but i still love them!!)
wilsiri is just a really casual ship yk? their dynamic is great, their personalities work well together, they have the potential to be a really healthy relationship and i enjoy that a lot. i didn't think too much of them at first but during siri's conclusion i realized how similar they are (both being very reserved but caring people, both growing up with an adoptive grandparent figure, and both deciding that yes, despite our wishes, we want to protect claire) and slowly grew very fond of that pairing. i just want them to chill together tbh:)
finally, i know wilashe is a reaaally popular pairing and i totally get why some people are annoyed with it lol. but i think it's great! i'm not super into enemies (?) to lovers, but. it's about the parallels. and the piano scene. love the piano scene. i'd love to see them travel the world together or something i don't know
okay so yttd. to make my stance on it a bit more clear, i'm not actually into shipping in the canon game. i don't want any pairings to be canon, it seems way too unhealthy. but! i thrive off AUs and post-canon stuff and there are quite a few pairings that i think have an interesting dynamic
the top 3 here is currently naoreko, ransara and alishin (shinalice? i saw people calling it shinalice like last year but i think we switched to the other name since then)
naoreko is 50% projection tbh. shoutout to my partner who'd kin both of the yabusames if they got into the game. but i also just think it's a nice pairing with great, sort-of-opposing aesthetics. their mutual care for each other is something that pushed me towards this ship a lot, as well as the fanon content and the official sketches. aaand i'm a sucker for art lesbian pairings. i think they're neat!
ransara is a hard one... i definitely understand why many people started disliking/simply not loving it anymore after 3B. which is valid! i was kind of heartbroken after logic route too ngl, i got into that ship a few months before the new part came out and literally spent my days waiting for the translation to drop reading fics of them. oops. regardless i still like it, though moreso in AUs/rewrites. i don't think ranmaru's character was handled very well in 3B which i'm very sad about because there was SO MUCH potential!! so i'm clinging onto what it could've been
finally. alishin. i'm not even gonna lie this was literally just projection because my highest yttd kin is shin and my partner is extremely similar to alice:') but also my mutuals helped me get into this one. i just like funny-but-tragic men with shared trauma ig. they should've interacted more
OKAY IM SO SORRY FOR THIS ESSAY thank you for the question i had a lot of fun answering it<3
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Hi goose !! for the ask game, daffodil, orchid (I need to discover new songs & music so I'm taking the opportunity) and camellia ! I hope you are doing well <3
Hi Clus! I’m doing amazing! Hope you’re doing well too! I was wondering if I should leave your ask for the last or began with it, because it’s going to be the longest one (because I’ll give my reasoning as to why I think chosen songs are perfect), but here we go, it’s the first to be answered haha
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
I’ll actually give you two songs: one to discover new music and one that’s crazy and I love it for that.
So the first one is 24h by Seventeen. It’s a j-pop song by a k-pop group and it’s magical. I’m not sure if anti-drop is the official name for the technique they used, but it seems like it and everyone is calling it that so I might as well do as well. The thing with anti-drop is that (as the name suggests) instead of building up the instrumental until the beat drop in chorus and following it with an explosion of instruments, it does the build-up BUT it drops to a minimalistic instrumental that takes you by a surprise since you’re expecting a typical drop. If you like bass guitar in the background it’s perfect. It’s like my favourite thing in music and it’s quite popular in k-pop (it’s popular in house music and A LOT of k-pop is house music or takes a lot of inspiration from the genre like this song for example). And here it hits extra hard. I’m not entirely sure why that is and I only learnt that this is a wider phenomena thanks to 2ndgenbias on youtube, but it sounds really good anyway haha I also love that it highlights Minghao’s voice in the chorus, it sounds really nice after Wonwoo’s and he needs more time to shine (but of course it’s hard to do so when the group has 13 members).
Now onto the second song, it’s Kill V. Main by Grimes. And her personal stuff aside, she’s a spectacular artist. She has full control over her albums both in writing and production which is really cool and I periodically get absolutely obsessed with her music to the point where nothing else gives me half the serotonin it does. To put it shortly, she does pop but like synth-pop, electropop (my 2 favourite genres), dream-pop with like dark elements or whatever she feels like (Grimes, I’m begging you give us that new project already, pretty please).
And the song I chose is from an album in which she decided to use guitars after working with nearly only synthesizers for the previous projects and wanted to prove that she can write an aggresive song, and that’s how Kill V. Main came to be. To kinda put it apart, the instrumental is fantastic. It’s fast paced, has this guitar theme with drums in the background that have these cool efects mixed in between them like laser sounds, an old shooting game, a sound of an empty tube that you can bonk someone with on the head (you know what I mean haha), record scratches, a literal crowd of people cheering and clapping that you won’t even notice unless you listen to a clear instrumental version. And whatever this sound in the second verse is (like 1:32 – 1:35), it sounds so good. As much as I adore anti-drops, this whole song is absolutely stunning. I love when songs have such a good instrumental that I listen to it seprately after listening to the song, because both sound so good. And in the end there’s this beautiful synthesizer that was there at the beginning so it’s kinda like going back to the beginning. I wish I could just listen to her talking about the production process for this track, because it’s everything.
Now time for me to switch to talking about the lyrics, because the storyline behind this song is so weird. It’s about Al Pacino who’s a vampire (I mean you should’ve expected me to mention vampires at least once, c’mon) and travels through like space or something. I haven’t seen The Godfather therefore I can’t really say anything about the plot of these movies but I’m sure they’re not like this haha And the lyrics of this song are so cool. I love how Grimes’ voice goes from regular to a scream at this like WAAAAR to high pitched and back to regular Especially that last WAAAAR is really cute, kinda blends with the instrumental. I also love how she managed to have this cheerleader-like chant about mafia wars or somthing:
Arrest us
Italiana mobster
Looking so precious
Never more
You gave up being good when you declared a state of war
Like wow, I love this twist and how aggresively she gets in the end and how this aggresiveness continues at the beginning of the chorus.Yes please, give me more of that haha I once (or at least once) said that this song would kinda fit DOA and while I do think it would be fun to write a fic based on this song and have 5 chapters with each member having their own pov with like war, fights and overall gore and all that stuff, I’m not doing that. At least for now. But really, the lyric You gave up being good when you declared a state of war is Fukuchi-esque.
And to kind of sum it up, I simply love using this song as my hype song. Grimes has stated before that she imagines this track as something that plays during a fight scene and I totally agree with that and add from myself that it also works wonders as a track to play in the background when walking somewhere… anywhere really. Such a nice main character moment. So yeah as you see I could talk about her and her music for a long long time, but I’m nearing 1k words and I still have the two more parts of this ask to answer, so let’s leave it at that haha
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
Well if you count my dog as my sibling (which my parents and I do), then we’re both constantly tired, hate going on walks and are picky-eaters. But she loves to spend all her time surrounded by people and has to say hi to everyone she sees, and I enjoy my alone time and don’t like talking with strangers that much. Only when I have to because they stop to pet her haha
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
I actually had to be taken from one kindegarten to another, because kindergarten teachers thought I was too loud and weird to be allowed to play with other kids and that I was giving them a bad example, so I had to play alone or something (I don’t remember these times of course). If I was told to sit and listen to someone talk and didn’t have anything to do, I’d search for an alternative things to do and they didn’t like that. But when I was put in that other kindergarten I was encouraged to participate in plays and play with other kids and suddenly it turned out that yeah I was weird and too loud, but there were kids who were also weird and loud and felt comfortable expressing that around me. And till this day if I’m told to just sit and listen while making some notes, I’ll forget where I am after 5 minutes, but if I’m given something to work on then it’s all fine. And yeah I’m still an increadibly loud person who either becomes disruptive or falls asleep when bored, so I don’t think this part of my personality changed much. I just learnt to pay attentions whether people around me feel comfy with me being loud or they’d rather I stayed silent, and act accordingly skdhsjsvs
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
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Hey Ho! :D
You will always find this post in my blog description.🥰
(Well, since there’s not really much information about me, here’s a post of things you’ve been interested in and some facts about me.)
(Thanks to the Anon for the motivation to do this here! <3)
So, Hi! You can call me HBJ! I don’t want to mention my real name and age here. 😁
I started publishing my fanfictions here on Tumblr a little over a year ago and haven’t left since. xD
My mother tongue is not English, I am from Germany. So if you find some mistakes, please excuse it, I’m doing my best and still learning. <3
I honestly have no idea what to write here so, have fun, if anyone reads through this here. 😂 At least that’s a little bit of me. :D
>The Ask Box is always open. So feel free to ask a question if you are interested (but I want to warn you, I am not answering everything, but I will let you know in this case) < <3
Let's start! ❤️🌹🎭
First of all 10 Random Facts about me. This was asked by an anon. Here is the original post.
I’m a giant nerd, there’s no place in my room that’s not full of merchandise.
I prefer to read stories that are self-published, for example here on Tumblr or on other sites, rather than real books.
I have a problem with jackets, I have tons of them.
I usually dye my hair according to the colors of characters I like.It all started with green/purple - because of the Joker. And the last color I have at the moment is all green because of Joker / Loki from Marvel (Oups)
Almost all tattoos I have are about fictional characters (also Oups)
No one, really nobody knows what books/stories I read because that’s something very private to me.
I listen to music 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Also, it’s hard for me / I don’t like to talk about the music I listen to because this is very intimate for me for some reason.
When I watch a series, it’s at least 2 times behind each other, sometimes more often. But never just once.
Films that I watch for the first time and that excite me, I watch every second that I have time. When the movie is over, I start again unless there are several parts. But then I always watch my favorite one 500 times.
Random questions from you.
(Asked by @procrastinatingrobin) -One place that you'd like to travel at least once in your life?
---- One of my biggest wishes is (what a cliché xD) New York. For example the “Joker Stairs”, which is one of my biggest dreams. *-*
I would love to travel to a lot of locations from my favorite movies/series.🤭
America in general is a dream for me (a German potato 😂😅).
But there are so many beautiful places to which I want to go. For example, I would love to travel to Tenerife. I know someone who lives there and every time I see pictures I get very jealous. xD
Unfortunately, I’m incredibly afraid of flying, so if that doesn’t improve, I’ll never get anywhere near these places.😫😂😂
(Asked by Anon) How many tattoos do you have?😄
I love tattoo questions. 😂🤭At the moment I have eleven tattoos🥰
(Asked by Anon) -What's your favorite animal?
Hmmm I don’t really know, I think they are dogs because I have a dog now. *-* But to be honest, turtles are so cool.🤔 My brother has a turtle named: Schiggy (based on Pokémon)🤭
(Asked by Anon) -The stupidest thing that ever happened to you?
Ohhh hahaha there I have something good!😅Story Time with Hbj xD
Okay: As some might know, I’m a big fan of The Joker by DC.🃏Well, in 2019, the Joker movie with Joaquin Phoenix came to the cinemas and I was at the cinema premiere with my best friend. And the movie was absolutely amazing. I really wanted to watch the movie again..Aaaaand I was lucky because my best friend’s boyfriend also wanted to see the movie in the cinema so I went back to the cinema 5 days later to watch the movie again. I was so excited and so extremely happy that I trembled and could not stand still. xD And for these two reasons, I accidentally dropped my not really old phone. It just fell straight down on the stones in front of the cinema and the display was completely broken..Well, what can I say? I needed a new one.. 😂😅But the movie was still fantastic!😍🤭This is actually one of the stupidest things that ever happened to me. xD
(Asked by @kyras-things) What are the little things that make your day happiest?
Oh that’s a really nice question! *-*Well, I have really little things that can make me happy. :)-It is enough for me when I wake up tomorrow and see my merchandise shelf😅 (This is right in front of my bed)This is for most something really small but for me really great and makes me happy. <3Other things are music, stroking my dog, messages on my phone, my hair color, my tattoos, when the sun is shining in the morning, coffee, riding longboard and of course (yes this is my absolute serious and not only so therefore said) tumblr and thus at the same time Duskwood. 💕I think these are the most important things. 🤭All I need is to see something that matters to me.😅🥰
(Asked by @leetjep) Seriously....Do you ever sleep?
Very rarely😂 Last time I slept was in fall.😂
(Asked by Anon) Ios or android?
Only related to the phone: Android.Yes, I stand by it!😂
(Asked by @booklover-01040) Hello!I was wondering have you got any paranormal or creepy experiences? If no, then a nightmare that you will never forget.
Hey Ho! In fact, I haven’t experienced any paranormal things. Which is probably also because I don’t believe in that and I’ve found a rational cause for everything so far. (Important: I don’t believe in it, but I don’t say it doesn’t exist, I don’t want anyone to feel attacked)
And a nightmare I’ll never forget? In fact, I can’t think of any one. There’s a dream I’ve have since I was a kid: It’s about two little wolves trying to eat me. xD And I can even tell where that came from.
The movie to blame for this is: Twilight xD
Yep… When I first watched this movie, I was way too young, and as a child I was always very anxious. Just such things and horror movies in general were terrible for me (today it is actually no longer so) (Even the dream is no longer bad today and yet it has a bitter aftertaste of childhood.)
In any case, I was much too young and that did not let me go back then. xD But a really unsettling dream I had was: Well.. Do you know the Pink Panther? 😂
I once dreamed that the Panther “chased” me through an endless long corridor. It was an endless corridor in pink with countless doors. He sang the theme song and threw clocks at me…😅 And that went on all night until I woke up.
(This, by the way, had a trigger too. A German song (the rapper only took the melody of the title music and wrote his own lyrics. The text isn’t really cool though and that’s the reason)
(Asked by @dreamer-writer-fangirl) What color is your hair?
Well, at the moment my hair is green🤭
Check HERE and HERE for pictures.
(Asked by Anon) Is your brother younger or older than you?🤗
My brother is older than me.🥰
(Asked by Anon) Do you have a nickname?
Yes, actually I have one. I can even say it because it has nothing to do with my real name. :D But please don’t laugh at me. 😂Well, I have the loving nickname: Little Onion. yep…My mom gave me that name for some reasons. 😂
(Asked by Anon) some information about your dancing?😄 you mentioned it a few days ago💃
Yeah, well, I danced for 13 years, in different groups, also several groups at the same time. :D It was the hip hop/breakdance direction. But at some point I stopped because I didn’t enjoy it in the groups anymore and time was getting tighter. :/ Unfortunately, there was and is no real other groups here, which is why I stopped completely and now only dance for myself and just for fun.🤭
(Asked by Anon) What's your favourite food ?
Uhhhm, I think everything with pasta is my favorite food.😂 I can eat noodles all day. 🤭🍝🍜Well, and of course, Pizza!🍕Pizza is adorable. 😂
(Asked by Anon) What type of video games do you like to play?
I don’t really have a favorite type / genre, I don’t play video games that often. I’m actually playing what looks exciting to me without any particular genre or type. 😁🤭
But if I do, I guess I’m the most Nintendo type. So most of the games I play are related to Nintendo. <3
(Asked by @mirajane01040-duskwoodmemes) Do you play... Minecraft?
I used to play a lot of Minecraft, but nowadays not so much, and if so, then only the mobile version. This is fun for in between and dispels the boredom. I even started building Duskwood several times, but never finished it. xD Well, yes, sometimes I play Minecraft.
Answer a few days later: Yes, I do!
(Asked by Anon) If you could be a fictional character, who would it be and why?
Oh, there are a few. xDBut the three main characters for me: Evey Hammond because of V for Vendetta. Harley Quinn because of The Joker. And, of course, my MC because of Jake. 🤭I know, very superficial reasons but I hope they are enough for you, because these are the main reasons xD 😅🤭
(Asked by Anon) Hey hbj i'm curiousFamily or a career? 😋
I choose the career.🤭 After that, there is still enough time, and who says that not both work?😉
(Asked by Anon) do you like alcohol?🍷
No, absolutely no. Not a little bit.
(Asked by Anon) What is your favorite drink?
If I don’t drink coffee, I only drink sparkling water, my entire life. I very rarely drink something different. Water for life! 🧊
Either/or questions from you.
(Asked by @duskwood-legacies) -What would you rather see, Northern Lights or sky lanterns?
That’s easy for me🤭 Northern Lights! If you ask me.. that is magical! *-* (Well, unless it’s like “Tangled” and I get a Flynn Rider.. then sky lanterns xD)
(Asked by @duskwood-legacies) -Strawberries or raspberries?
Definitely: Strawberries🍓 *-*
(Asked by@duskwood-legacies) Do you prefer angst or fluff?
I think it depends on the general mood I’m in.🤔 I think the best is angst with happy ending.😁
(Asked by@duskwood-legacies) Milk or cereal first?
Obviously: Cereal first! 😂🥣
(Asked by @justubi) Would you rather have a nosy neighbor pr noisy neighbor?
Unfortunately, I have both. xD But if I could choose, I would opt for the noisy neighbor as I wear headphones all day anyway.😂
(Asked by @justubi) Would you rather be poor but love your job or rich but absolutely hate your job?
One hundred percent and without having to think about: poor and love my job!I could never have a job I don’t like. This is a real horror imagination for me😂
(Asked by @kyras-things ) Prefer to write fanfics or read them?
Oh that’s a really hard question for me! 🤔 I can’t really make up my mind, but I think I’d rather read than write myself. With stories of others I can better dive into another world and relax. 🤭Because when I write, five hundred other thoughts always fly around in my head and I have to decide how to write something etc.I love writing but sometimes I wish I only had to think about a story and it would be written on a sheet right away. xD <3
(Asked by @leetjep) Would you rather have one eye in the middle of your head or two noses?
I take the eye in the middle of my head. 😂Then I would make the Jake eye as a tattoo around it, which would be really cool.🤭
(Continues on new asks)
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antigoneidk · 4 years
"I hate you"|arvin russell
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a/n: like the little slut that I am i couldn't help myself but think of this so here you are. I want to apologize for my smut experience I- also pics are not mine if you are the owner lmk so I can tag you!
warnings: smut, swearing( like what did you expect unicorns?)
I SUGGEST READING THIS(AND ANY KIND OF THOSE FAN FICS) WITH SEXUAL SONGS. It helps with setting the scene you know. Crazy in love(slowed version) could work in here lmao
Bottles of beers scattered all around the dining table, the floor, the couch both of them were sitting. The smell of burnt cigarettes filled the entire room, getting mixed with her cologne, complicated just like her. The four-grey under that lightning-walls representing his cold-hearted attitude, giving the feeling of loneliness and fright, the way he preferred treating people.
She wasn't the exception for him. She couldn't bring that loving boy to the surface. He did a really good job burying it deep down enough, so that nobody could break him, because he knew that the moment he would let himself break, it would have been over.
"Why did you do this?" her voice showed no emotion, her movements either. Her hand held her head as she turned to face him." I told you it wasn't necessary"
"He was driving me nuts" he kept staring at the wall across the room while he placed his cigarette on his lips. He could sense her fear from miles away, he could heat her thoughts through her mind clearly: He is a psycho.
"So you just decided to shoot him" she whispered now turning her attention to the gun next to her. She wasn't surprised anymore, it was what he had to do. Yes, she was scared. Shaking at the thought of him pointing his gun at her with no emotion, just pure evil. Yet she was sure that he would never do that, even if he wasn't going to admit it. Admit that y/n had the power to destroy him completely, leave him into pieces. Arvin was a 50/50 situation for her, he could've had her overthinking his actions for days, trying to figure out if he loved her or not.
Love, a word that no one has the perfect explanation for what it means. Everyone shows love in different ways.
For Arvin love meant that he had to kill, so he can save the ones around him. Eliminate the bad in seconds no matter the consequences. With the help of the devil his loved ones were safe.
For y/n love meant forgiveness. That even after everything she would have open arms for her loved ones, never re-thinking their motives but willing to help escape from their demons.
"I had what I had to do" it was his statement. With confidence he threw his cig down and pressed it with his foot for a few seconds.
"That's what you are always saying"
"It's the truth either you like it or not" he started to feeling bothered by her words. He didn't like talking that much and y/n was now a challenge he didn't have the power to accept.
"Yes" she stood up and walked over to his kitchen, grabbing a glass and pouring it with water. The cold liquid ran through her upper body being the oxygen she needed at that moment helping her not losing her mind as if she was crazy.
She stared at him from across the room. The way his hair covered his face, the way his gun touched his jawline, the way his veins popped up, the way he positioned his body, legs open, torso relaxed, his one arm next to him few centimeters away. He looked smoking hot, however she was mad, selfish. And needy. "I fucking hate you" Arvin heard her words even though she mumbled those under her breath.
"Oh do you?" he asked curious.
"Yes I do. I have hated you since forever. You are a horrible person" she moved from where she stood and made her way in front of him, talking at a slow pace hoping she could be able to get her words inside his head, that he could react.
He smiled towards her.
"I fucking hate you" she repeated once again leaning her body to his, barely touching his lips and her eyes staring exactly at his dark brown ones. She shivered at the feeling of the gun in the middle of the throat cold as ice knowing damn well she could be dead any time soon.
Their lips touched finally. It was a kiss full of hunger, their tongues playing a game they loved to. She wanted to touch him, ran her hands all over his body, feel his skin, touch him, make him feel like never before.
He wanted to. He needed to have her all to him self, on the top of him fuck him just like she did. He wanted to taste her.
Arvin grabbed her waist and forced to sit on his lap, his member already hard from his imagination. With the gun still pointing at her he kept kissing her, slowly falling to her neck and sucking her skin with no mercy. She intertwined her fingers with his hair pulling them with strength at the same time she started to move her body up and down on him, moving her hips a little more just to tease him, her breasts on his chest helping her with achieve her goal.
She felt the icy thing pushing her even more. "Stop teasing me or else I'll shoot you" his gravelly voice came to her ears and she smiled at her self without stopping. She enjoyed the feeling down there, of her pussy rubbing to his trousers, tight around him and his suck game that would've had her cumming in seconds.
He threw her body to the other side of the couch and got on the top of her, his arm grabbing both of hers and the other one pressing down at her area with his gun."Why aren't you listening to what I'm saying?" he pressed even harder. "It is not about you"
"I don't think so"she smirked"You are the one who's on top asshole"
She felt the gun making circles at her underwear, on the top of her clit teasing her. He wanted to hear her say it out loud. Say that she needed him, she needed him to please her, that he was the only one that knew how, that made her cum in seconds.
He left the gun to his side. With what it seemed like forever he kissed her lips quick and moved himself lower at her breasts, her nipples showing of her shirt that hugged her body perfectly, especially this area. With rush moves he lifted up biting his lips at the view in front of him. He licked all around her right nipple without touching it, growing y/n impatient.
"Just lick it already" she breathed out anticipating the feeling. He heard his laugh moments before her eyes rolled back, her upper body lifting and her nails dragging his skin of his hand.
He suddenly let her go of his hand and placing it on her area that was soaking like never before. He moaned at the sensation of his fingers inside of her, the hearing of her moans in this quiet room. He couldn't wait to fuck the hell out of her.
She pushed him back getting the strength to lay him down, turning the roles. Yes she wanted keep continue with what he was doing, however she knew deep down that this is not what he wanted and all she needed was to please him, more than ever.
"I'll fuck you today" she announced to him pulling his shirt off of his head. Her hands traveled to his hands, his veins turning her on, her clit twitching. Her tongue made a path of wet kisses with a lot of sucking in between, his abs being her most favourite part of him.
She took of both of their pants exposing the two of them. She touched him for a while her eyes scanning his face as he stared back at her. Then she touched her self for seconds, closing her eyes and imagining his fingers doing all the work.
He noticed how her face seemed relaxed, how her breasts were exposed, how her fingers moved inside her, how bad he needed her.
She pressed her wet fingers onto his mouth as she positioned her self and finally feeling him inside her. And then she went up and down, his tongue licking her warm fingers, his eyes rolled back, the need for more.
Arvin moved himself up connecting their lips, his hands on her waist keeping the tempo just like he liked. She scratched his back, red makrs making their appearance. It wasn't long after both of them were cumming a few seconds away from one another.
He wouldn't tell this even to his self, but he freaking loved her and the idea of losing her could have drove him insane.
"I fucking hate you too"
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filmmakerdreamst · 4 years
Xena: Warrior Princess Review
During Pride Month 2020, I finally got around to watch ‘Xena’. A show that had been in my to-watch list for years, but never got around to start. And when I finally did, I was pleasantly surprised. It was not what I expected and it was everything I think my 11 year old self would have loved.
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The one thing that surprised me about the show, was the lack of packaging. Even though it was a fantasy, it also played with different kinds of genres too. I’ve talked about this before in my other review - ‘Xena’ was made at a time when TV had very few rules/rarely had a set audience, since there were parts of the show that were clearly for kids and there were other parts that were clearly for adults (therefore had much more flexibility). I admired how they weren’t afraid to break barriers and touch on deep themes such as religion, morality, redemption, spirituality, motherhood, forgiveness etc - even more than shows of today are able. I also loved how they played into the idea of ‘murder’ and how much it can damage a person - not just the person who commits the act, but the many people affected afterwards. I wasn’t expecting it to be that extreme. It made me think that this must of been the inspiration for ‘Game of Thrones’. 
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I see a lot of comments here and there, saying how ‘cheesy and terrible’ it was but to just accept it because its part of the fun. And while like any show it does suffer from the occasional spell of bad writing (the whole of season 5) but it was also shown to be very aware of that fact and never took itself too seriously - unlike some shows I could mention. 
And regarding the ‘cheese’ factor (what 90s show wasn’t) It definitely can be, but I would call it ‘camp’ and ‘experimental’ more than anything else. (Don’t diss the poor use of CGI - I’m personally sympathetic to what was avaliable to them at the time) The style of humour reminded me of Taika Waititi’s filmmaking. If you’ve watched any of his films such as ‘Hunt for The Wilderpeople’ or ‘Jojo Rabbit’, then you know what I’m talking about. I liked how little they cared about being accurate or logical, which added to the ‘bonkers’ element in the show - which you can see in all of Taika Waititi’s films.
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In all seriousness, a show centered around two women in their late twenties, who are realistic sizes (not trying to play teenagers). One of whom is a reformed mass murderer, who has lived a life experience, trying to do good in the world for the first time, picking the other one up who has no life experience prior (after they bugged them until they said ‘ok fine’) in their path to redemption. Just two women who become friends travelling the world together, fighting crime, having a laff, learning from one another without any toxicity - when suddenly when the stakes are raised - they realise ‘oh I'm actually falling in love with this person’ I have watched a lot of badly written shows in my childhood enough to know that, that’s not ‘cheesy’. I’ve never seen a story like that in my entire life. I’m not at all surprised that Russel T Davis was inspired by it while writing the Doctor and Rose’s relationship in ‘Doctor Who’ since he’s gay himself.
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What’s more amazing about their love story is how they’re both develop as separate people as well. There was this video essay explaining ‘Why you should watch Angel’ the spin off series to Buffy; how ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer ‘was all about growing up and ‘Angel’ was all about being an adult. With Xena: Warrior Princess, you have both of those stories at the same time. 
Xena’s character was such a multifaceted experience to watch. And I can’t imagine anyone else who could play her as well as Lucy Lawless. What planet did they get that actress from? She's flawless! The amount of skill she has to put herself into a very physical role is astonishing. I personally had a love/hate relationship with her character all series long. Not in the way that I hated her, just that I couldn’t trust if she was all good or bad, which I know was intentional on the writers part. I haven’t seen a character quite like her before. She felt very much like a fallen angel; almost like the villain of her own story. Some of my favourite episodes come from fleshing out her character and dark past (‘Locked up and Tied Down’ is one of them) which reminds the audience that's she's not the stereotypical hero everyone expects. I loved her transformation from being this incredibly stoic warrior to being content and happy with who she is in season six, all because of a woman she fell in love with along the way. 
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I’ve always thought of Gabrielle as the real hero and narrator of ‘Xena’. She’s the prime example of ‘a normal person becoming extrodinary’. Gabrielle’s coming of age story starting out as an innocent girl from a poor village dreaming of adventure, and ending as this vicious warrior who realises the ‘adventure’ wasn’t how she made it out to be is honestly the best character arc that I’ve ever seen. I loved how travelling with Xena made her realise her passion for writing (which was never going to happen in her home town, given the ‘sexist’ and ‘heteronormative’ ideas) and that she became a amazon princess like Xena. In regards to her sexuality, which is more up for debate than Xena’s (which I think we can all agree is bisexual) I personally interpret her as gay, just in terms of how she was written. Theres this moment in season 4 where she's being held up her hair, and Xena “symbolically” cuts it off ‘freeing her’. And she never really gets with a man afterwards, unless she’s being ‘possessed. It reminded me of a moment in one of Hayao Miyasaki’s films ‘Laputa, Castle in the Sky’ where the bad guy Moska shoots Sheeta’s ‘princess hair off’ which symbolises her transition from child to adult.
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The cinematography was breathtaking. There was some great utilisation of New Zealand as the scenery. So was the soundtrack. You could tell it was made by experienced filmmakers. One of my favourite things about the show was the domestic elements - moments in the show where time seemed to stop - which made the world around the characters seem very real and magical. Even though it was a show that featured a lot of action/adventure, there was also this gentleness to it as well. For example, you could feel the wetness of the rain, the warmth of the sun and the clashing of the waves. This technique is used in Hayao Miayasaki’s work a lot .
The technique is referred to as ‘MA’ 空虚 meaning emptiness in Japanese. ‘Miyasaki describes this as the time between a clap’
“If you just have non stop action, with no breathing space at all, its just busyness. But if you take a moment, then the tension building in the film can grow into a wider dimension” - Hayao Miyasaki
The episode ‘A Day in the Life’ in season two is a really good example of this technique being used.
To my understanding, they used a lot of the local actors in New Zealand, which according to Lucy Lawless, consisted of ‘African immigrants and other different ethnicites’. It was so refreshing to see such a diverse show (despite some slip ups) especially in the 90s. I appreciated the idea that if the actors or extras couldn’t do an ‘american accent’ people could just talk in their natural speech which was also very refreshing. 
The LGBT representation was surprisingly amazing. I never expected so many queer characters in one show - especially under the censors. There was this one episode where they had a trans woman - played by an actual trans actress - win a beauty contest. It made me cry. Not to mention the actress was an aids activist. It was actually Lucy Lawless’ idea to kiss her which was incredibly controversial at that time considering how everyone thought you could catch aids just by kissing. I can definitey see how it validated people back in the 90s.
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When people told me that Xena: Warrior Princess was one of the greatest love stories, I thought they were exaggerating a little. But no, watching the show in context, I found out that it really is. Despite its obvious restrictions, It made me realise (regarding token gay couples today) how often television writers rely on physicality and drama to convey a ‘love story’ and how much of it is actually pandering the audience. One of the reasons why Xena and Gabrielle’s relationship felt so genuine is because it was built on mutual respect/compassion and they were also best friends. I felt like I was witnessing something very real and private. It didn’t need kissing scenes or drama to make it interesting. 
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It really helped that most of the writers were queer also. There’s this opening scene in season 4, panning over to Gabrielle giving Xena a massage (metaphor for sex - because they weren’t able to show that on screen) which I consider to be one of the most iconic scenes in media - considering how I wanted to sick up my supper when I watched the 10 minute ‘empty’ explicit sex scene in ‘Blue in the Warmest Colour’. The difference when something is written by a queer women vs a straight man.
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Because the creators weren’t allowed to write their love story in the normal way, due to the studio forbidding them to, they found creative ways to showcase that love on screen - which made for a very magical/sensual experience. And I can safely say, if anyone has doubts about watching ‘Xena’, whenever I expected to be queer baited at a few points in the show, I was proved wrong time and time again. It’s the most romantical show I’ve ever seen in my life!
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littlerit · 3 years
Writer tag!
Thank you @softforklave for this chance to ramble on about myself and my writing 🧡
Tagging: anybody who would like to take part 🧡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Uh… 25 I think? *Checks* yes 25
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
The Time Traveller's Life
Obedience Suite (in A minor)
Five's First Displacement - prologue to time travellers life
The Tails of the Umbrella Aquarium - a drabble-art Collab with @non-plutonian-druid
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Always. I’m a chatterbox so I try to match the energy of the comment. I’m more than happy to ramble on about thought processes or simply have an emoji exchange.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
The Hunt mermay drabble where Ben dies, and Farewell which is a mermay drabble-art Collab with @juliusquasar where Dave drowns.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Finders Keepers a mermay drabble where Grace adopts stranded merboy Diego. The Tails of Umbrella Aquarium also has a good ending.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I write some fusion fics, but no outright crossovers which includes characters from both universes. I’ve done fusions for TUA with time travellers wife, hunger games, and Ella enchanted
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not to my face. If people haven’t liked my work they’ve been mature and decent enough to keep it to themselves or somewhere I can’t see which is great
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope I’m a gen writer, and often gen reader too, although I’m not ship averse.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not as far as I know!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, although I’ve collared by writing drabbles for art or vice versa for events
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I mostly read (and write) Gen, I don't get hugely invested in ships? I do love writing me some platonic-wife!Dolores though.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Hmmm. Time travellers life feels like it'll never end because it keeps expanding and I've been writing it over a year now, but the love and determination is still very much there even if RL means the pace has slowed. So I will finish it
To Kill a Gardener is now on hiatus. It's my fuck-it fic where I don't worry too much, but I've spread myself a bit thin to keep up with all my WIPs at the moment so that ones gone on pause. Hopefully I'll pick it back up sometime 2022.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I'm pretty good at writing a 100 word drabble. I'm also pretty good at keeping track of details for my long fic with all its time travel loops and temporal crossovers.
16. What are you writing weaknesses?
I struggle to write feel good, comforting and fluff type stuff. I worry that I can write too much angst and sometimes the balance isn't quite there.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
The odd word and phrase, as used in RL is fine if it suits the character.
I also don't mind if a character says a line in another language IF it's a) in character and b) the POV character doesn't understand it and we don't get a translation. I think it can actually add depth when used sparingly and with purpose.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The umbrella academy is the only fandom I've written for so far 😊
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Time Traveller's Life and Obedience Suite (in A minor) are my two longfics and I love them so much. Quake holds a dear place in my heart because it got me writing in the first place.
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effervescentvampire · 4 years
Charlie Weasley x reader
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A/N: This is the first one shot I'm posting. Hope you enjoy it 😉
Warnings: none I can think of
Y/N: your name
Y/fc: your favourite colour
Y/ec: your eye colour
Y/hc: your hair colour
You and Charlie had been dating for a few weeks and best friends for two years already when he asked you to stay at the Burrow with him and his family over the holidays.
Naturally, you had said yes to it, but your parents didn't like the idea of not seeing you in the already limited holidays. So, they had agreed on sending you to the Weasley's for a few days before going back to school, together with Penny Haywood. She, Bill, Charlie and you were the best of friends and your parents liked the idea of sending you over far better with Penny there.
When you arrived at the Burrow you felt quite dizzy. Even though you had already travelled via portkey before, you couldn't really get used to it. As the world stopped spinning around you, you looked up at the snow covered house before you. You thought the tall house with its many floors and wrinkles already looked amazing normally, but nothing could match the coziness of it surrounded by nearly 2 feet of snow and fairy lights all around.
"Y/N!", a familiar voice shouted. Mrs. Weasley was standing in the dorway, smiling at you. Looking behind her in a no less loud voice she cried: "BILL! CHARLIE! Come here already and help Y/N inside!".
You went up to the house as you heard hurried footsteps coming your way. Charlie came nearly running toward you, not having bothered to put on a coat, his bright red hair and the new jumper he was wearing a great contrast against the white of the snow. "CHARLES WEASLEY, GO PUT ON SOMETHING WARM, YOU'RE GOING TO CATCH A COLD!", erupted the voice of Mrs. Weasley.
You certainly couldn't care less, as you only had eyes for one person.
"I've missed you, Y/N", Charlie whispered as he hugged you tight. Behind him you heard a small chuckle. His brother, Bill, was standing there beside Penny, your big Hogwarts trunk already in his hand, waiting for you to get out of the cold.
You separated and hugged both Penny and Bill and finally got inside. You were greeted by the inviting smell of hot chocolate and an overflowing amount of christmas decorations. Everything was gold, red and green, you were even sure there was a gnome in a tutu on top of the christmas tree.
Ron and Ginny were playing beneath the tree, giggling and waving at you.
"Bill, you should show our guests where they will be staying", Mrs. Weasley said, and to you: " Penny arrived just five minutes earlier, dear. You can catch up while unpacking, I'll bring you some hot chocolate and a snack"
Charlie blushed, looking at you: " She thinks she has to feed everyone like her life depends on it".
The four of you made your way up the stairs, you hand in hand with Charlie, Bill pulling your trunks up after him. Penny and you had both insisted on carrying them yourselves, but he had refused.
"...and my sister got me a necklace!", Penny told you when you arrived on the second landing. There were two doors, both wooden. One simply with a sign saying: William's room, the other covered by the image of a big Common Welsh Green. Even if you hadn't already been here, you would have ultimately known whose room this was.
Slightly smiling you looked at your very favourite dragon enthusiast, squeezing his hand. "We thought I would move in with Bill and the two of you could share my room", Charlie said, blushing again, his skin as red as his hair. The sheer thought of his girlfriend sleeping in his room seemed to make him uneasy.
"Only if you'd like that, of course", he added quickly.
"That's brilliant guys, thanks for inviting us over!", Penny answered. She was such a sweet person and was able to make anyone feel comfortable in an instant. Charlie had returned to his normal colour, and pushed the door open to let you in.
The walpaper covering the walls was of a bright shade of dark yellow. Photos of your friend group and cut-outs of dragons and his favourite quidditch team covering an overflowing bulletin board. School books piling on the messy desk and next to a book case full of books on dragons. They had somehow managed to fit a second bed in the tiny space.
"Well, Y/N, you should take Charlie's bed! I'll be just fine right here. You know, I like getting up early in the morning, I don't want to climb over you to get to the door", Penny stated. Normally you would have just thought she was generous and nice as ever, but the wink of her eye told you otherwise.
"Uh, I guess, if you're ok with that?". You were a little embarassed, so you asked the first thing that came to your mind: "What was your Christmas like? Penny told us already, but what did you do? Mine was pretty quiet, just my close family, got a new set of dressing robes"
When Bill groaned, you knew you had asked a sensible question. "Don't get me started on that. Our Auntie Muriel was there... Fred and George pulled pranks on her like every year... put some potion in her dinner they got at the joke shop at Diagon Alley in summer...she grew feathers and threatened to never come back. They're grounded forever, that's why you haven't seen them yet. Mum threatened to turn them into owls so they would deliver the post as punishment".
You spent the whole evening up in Charlie's room, chatting about what else had happened and if you had heard anything from your other friends. Mrs. Weasley appeared to bring hot chocolate and snacks. It felt like only half an hour later that she came back in to tell you that dinner was ready.
Penny and Bill went downstairs, while you and Charlie stayed back a few minutes.
"You know, I really enjoy it every time I'm here. It feels so much more like home, especially after this whole thing with Jacob... . Thank you for always being there for me, Char. It means a lot to me", you said.
He looked at you, his freckled expression softening, brown eyes meeting Y/ec ones. "You mean a lot to me, even more than dragons. Of course I'm there for you".
You felt the familiar butterflies in your stomach. Charlie and you rarely got some alone time in between classes, the search for cursed vaults, meetings with you friend, quidditch practises and the unholy amount of homework. You practically couldn't think straight anymore when his face came closer to yours. It struck you in an instant: he's going to kiss me, you thought. The only thing in the world seemed to be his face, your heart beating loud and fast with anticipation. Your first kiss, it would happen now...
"CHARLIE AND Y/N STANDING ON THE STAIRS. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Fred and George bolted past you down the stairs, snickering. Charlie had been so shocked he backed away and hit his head on a cupboard. As soon as he recovered he chased them into the kitchen. Until a minute ago you had felt sad for them being grounded, now you thought they deserved it.
Neither of them stopped singing this ridiculous muggle song, lord knows where they learned it. Mrs. Weasley had managed to make them sit down at the table and was making sure Charlie wouldn't shout at them by shooting mad glances.
Ginny called out: "Oh, how lovely, Charlie!", as she entered the kitchen through the back door. You came down the stairs to see that Mrs. Weasley had finally managed to shut Fred and George up. Ginny, however, asked you sincerely: "When the two of you are getting married, can I be your flower girl?", causing Charlie to choke on his drink.
"Don't be stupid, who would ever want to marry Charlie?", Ron said.
It was all oh so embarassing. Minutes ago you were about to share your first kiss and within seconds the whole family knew. Charlie was deep red as rhubarb again, ashamed. You sat down next to him, holding his hand, hopefully showing him you weren't mad.
"Nobody here is getting married, not until they're at least in their mid-twenties!" Mrs. Weasley shouted, " and I don't want to hear any of that again. Sit down and EAT!".
The rest of the night went by without further interruptions of that kind, only some curious looks from Fred and George. Your relationship wasn't new to Bill and Penny, so they just brushed it away, saying they knew they would kiss someday and it wasn't a big thing, but every now and then you could see a kind of sparkle in their eyes, following you playing with Ron and Ginny and their game of exploding snap.
Bedtime for the younger kids came and went and you and your friends were thinking about building a snowman when Charlie's dad arrived. He was working on a weird schedule at the moment, something between morning and night shifts.
"Arthur, dear, come on in! We have been waiting for you... would've already sent them to bed, but we have to give Y/N and Penny their presents first!", Molly said.
Mr. Weasley looked very tired, wearing an old traveling cloak and soaked by the snow. He quickly pulled it off and used a spell to dry his clothes up.
"Penny, Y/N, it's nice to see you again! I hope you don't mind if I go to bed soon, it's been a very busy day at work. We just wanted to hand you your presents"
Mrs. Weasley appeared behind him, holding two identical shaped packages: "Go on, open them!"
You carefully unwrapped your present and gasped a little when you saw what it was. It was a real Weasley jumper in Y/fc! It was perfect, with your initial on the front. Bill and Charlie must have told them how much you loved their jumpers. You could often be seen around Hogwarts wearing one of their cozy pullovers, wishing you had one of your own. Now your dreams had come true and you saw Penny was holding a yellow jumper with a P on it.
"Oh, thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley! I didn't know you would make me a present, now I feel bad for not getting you something", you said.
Mrs. Weasley pulled you into a hug and simply replied: " I was told you always wanted one. Also you have had quite a hard time with your family lately, so I thought getting you something to show you that you are always welcome and loved here would be just right".
Penny also did her thank you's. It was apparent she mainly got one because otherwise she would have been left out, but to you that was just as nice as knitting you a jumper. At the Weasley's, no one got left behind, own caring family or not.
Soon, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley said goodnight and ushered you up the stairs, where you said goodnight to Bill and Charlie as well. When you got into your beds, Penny fell asleep almost instantly. You were very tired as well, but you didn't seem to be able to find any rest that night. Maybe it was because of this heartwarming gift, the excitement of being here. Maybe the fact that you were lying in your boyfriend's bed at the moment, staring at his ceiling, maybe the fact that even though the bed sheets were clean, they still faintly smelled of him, grass, honeysuckle and something so entirely Charlie, you didn't know how to describe. But mostly it was the thought of you nearly kissing earlier. The rest of the things didn't make it easier, though.
You tossed and turned and failed to sleep. At some point, you got tired of this. Pulling back the covers, you pulled your new jumper over your pyjamas. As quietly and carefully as humanly possible, you climbed over the sleeping Penny's bed in the darkness and exited the room. It drew you to the small window on the landing. The sight of snow silently falling calming you down, though you could not get Charlie out of your mind.
As if you had conjured him by your silent longing, he appeared next to you. For a second you only stood there, arms touching because of the tight space of the landing. Just enjoying the peace and rare silence at the burrow. Then you turned to face your boyfriend. Next to him, the beauty of the snow seemed dull and mundane. How could you marvel it, if the true miracle was standing right next to you, messy red hair, freckled skin and a jumper matching yours? You still couldn't quite comprehend how he could be yours.
"What are you doing here?", Charlie asked, already looking at you, his brown eyes full of affection.
"I can't fall asleep. It's... something is keeping me awake", you replied. You didn't want to admit that it was the thought of him haunting you.
"I... I also couldn't fall asleep, Y/N". Suddenly, his face was impossibly close to you, but at the same time not close enough. Around five centimetres away from him, you stared at Charlie in shock, butterflies in your stomach. You heard him draw in a deep breath. He only hesitated for a second, then his lips met yours.
It felt like heaven to you, finally being able to kiss the boy of your dreams. You kissed him back, wishing it would never end, the nerves of your lips and where he touched your cheeks singing in ecstasy, your heart beating as if it were to burst of love and joy, in a steady rhythm. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie.
When you pulled away, he held you in his arms. "I've wanted to do that for a long time. So bad actually, that it was the reason I couldn't fall asleep tonight", you finally admitted, knowing that was his reason as well in an instant.
So, you two just stayed there in your embrace, looking out of the window. It finally truly felt peaceful and a weight lifted from your heart, as you realised this was exactly where you ought to be, like home. And you knew, that if you could, you would never leave his arms ever again.
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