#also why do you get so mad about neurodivergent headcanons
thediamondarcher · 1 year
Tori and Michael say/do the most autistic/neurodivergent coded things and there are people who are waiting for them to be canonically autistic to call them that, there're real autistic people who don't even have a diagnosis and that doesn't mean they aren't autistic and we're talking about characters here like, bfr
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anguigenus · 2 years
oooohh thinking about Labyrinth Runners again. I was rewatching and in this scene Gus is actually in the detention track room!
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Makes me think about my ADHD headcanons for him. A kid that's really smart and moves up grades, but the teachers are a lot harder on him for it. He's expected to be just as mature as the other kids—or more! he moved up a grade after all!
And yet it's so hard for him to sit still and do structured classwork. Heck, even now he sends a double to class instead of actually attending!
I wonder if he was ever sent to detention for doing illusion magic "wrong". Maybe that's why he's so quick to jump to thinking he's in trouble when he does something wrong!
That's classic neurodivergent gifted kid. You know your stuff, but you can't sit still, or you can't pay attention, or you do things a different way from the teacher. And every time, you get in trouble.
Also, there's so so much eye symbolism in this sequence. (To clarify, he breaks down after Adrian digs through his memories. Hunter comes in and sees a series of mindscapes while Gus berates himself).
I mean first of all there's Gus' own glowing eyes. But then we have:
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An abominations classroom, probably the one where he met Willow. There are papers stuck up on the wall with eyes on all of them.
A forest. There are Boiling Isles trees in the background, and their knotholes look like eyes.
The classroom mentioned above. There's a big carved eye centered under the board, fixed right on Gus.
Another scene in the forest. This time Bria and her friends are there circling Gus. However, they don't have faces.
Gus in the illusions classroom. He's in front of a table with several mirrors, and the mirrors are full of eyes looking back at him.
Finally, Gus' room. He's curled up in front of his dresser. Guess what? The knobs on the dresser are eyes. And on top of the dresser is a big old machine—specifically, it's called a Phoropter. It goes in front of your eyes, and has hundreds of lens combinations you can flip on to let the optometrists decide what kind of glasses lenses someone needs.
This eye symbolism plays right into Gus' anxieties. He's constantly being watched in his mindscape. They're not other people's eyes though. Bria and her friends didn't even have eyes! No, the eyes are all part of the mindscape. They're eyes in a mirror looking back at him.
The eyes are part of him.
If you get in trouble enough, have someone pick at you for little things so many times, you start policing yourself. You notice you're doing something wrong and a siren starts going off in your mind, going "YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET IN TROUBLE!"
That's Gus' anxiety. He's worried about being good enough in school. Worried about his relationships with other people. But it's not focused on them, it's focused on him. He's constantly watching for himself to mess up.
And guess what? If you're looking for something, you're going to start seeing it everywhere.
When something goes wrong he jumps to it being his fault. Not doing well on an assignment is a personal failure. Things other people would brush off are the end of the world.
He's so hard on himself because he thinks that other people will. It's preemptive action. If he makes himself perfect he can't make people mad. If he punishes himself first then other people won't punish him.
I just, man. This kid. When he's written well he's written well.
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rottenwhimsy · 1 year
villanelle and autism
side notes before i begin:
some of these traits could also be explained by cluster b disorders, as she’s heavily bpd coded and canonically aspd, but i see her as both cluster b AND autistic.
also, please don’t say things like “YES she’s not a psychopath, she’s autistic instead” because she’s still very much aspd and i don’t want to take that away. i’ve seen a lot of people with aspd really identify with villanelle and say she portrays it well.
just scroll if you don’t agree, this is a harmless headcanon and i’m simply explaining why i have this headcanon, as well as why a lot of autistic people seem to relate to her (people get SO mad if you even insinuate a popular character might be autistic lol)
masking is a strategy used to hide neurodivergent traits in order to blend in with neurotypicals. this can include mirroring (mimicking others expressions/behaviors), or even entire persona changes.
in the very first scene villanelle carefully observes a man smiling then mimics his smile (1x01)
villanelle hears a woman laugh on the radio then mimics her laugh, later she reuses that same laugh with sebastian (1x02)
liked copying the statue people in the street (2x05)
often mimics konstantin and predicts what he’s going to say
can quickly switch personas, adopts different accents and dialects quickly, and reuses phrases that are said to her
taking things literally
when talking about villanelle anna says “she was quite literal” and goes on to describe how villanelle misinterpreted a joke so confidently that she killed someone because of it (1x07)
interprets the bible extremely literally in season 4
“i have children” “i don’t want your children” (1x05)
“sheep are happier than wolves” “you spend your time off surveying sheep?” (3x08)
took konstantin saying “do something normal” literally (1x02)
“you are not a pumpkin, you a beautiful” (1x04)
kills gabriel because she thought he was genuinely asking to die when he was expressing how sad he was about his situation (2x01)
sensory seeking (& sensitivities)
touches and focuses on the texture of the liliana rizzari duvet, goes out of her way to ask the man she’s killing for the name of the duvet, later purchases it for herself and carefully feels the texture of it again (1x01)
generally touches and smells everything
“i want to smell her skin” (4x03) as well as her describing her ideal perfume in detail then asking eve and konstantin to smell her (3x03)
hates wearing crocs and other “non-nice” things, is very fixated on “nice” things like high quality clothes and food
makes people stroke her hair when she’s feeling upset (2x05 and 4x01)
bold fashion with a lot of colors/patterns/textures
seems to dislike most people hugging her
more up to interpretation, but she wore headphones in 3x04 and 3x05, once while she was having a meltdown on a train
struggles with social cues
includes coming off as blunt/rude, trouble navigating groups, and not interpreting situations correctly
how awkward and blunt she was at her wedding (3x01)
interacting with the church, especially in 4x02
doesn’t know how to react to displays of emotion (gabriel crying, benita crying, was confused and froze when her brother was being affectionate)
doesn’t understand why some people are upset with her (konstantin in s2, may in s4, eve at multiple points)
doesn’t understand that certain things will make people upset (being very blunt with gabriel then being put off when he starts crying)
struggles with understanding boundaries
doesn’t see authority figures as an authority (teasing and flirting with the prison guards, threatening konstantin, casually killing anton, doesn’t seem to understand consequences)
does not follow rules that don’t make sense to her
breaks into eve’s house expecting a normal dinner, doesn’t know how to calm eve down and ends up making her panic more (1x05)
didn’t understand why eve’s coworkers were acting scared of her (3x08)
is confused as to why sebastian laughs when she says she likes national anthems (1x02)
not understanding why her mom was laughing at her and that it was mocking “you always laugh at things that aren’t funny” “like you?” “yes” (3x05)
the repetitive performance of certain physical movements or vocalizations in order to self soothe or express emotion
big jumpy happy dance (3x04)
during cup game (3x05)
jumping and spinning on the heels of her boots by the train with rhian (3x08)
her copying noises she hears could be a type of vocal stim, echolalia
on the train ride at the end of 3x05
there are more examples but i can’t list them all since she generally bounces around a lot and has a lot of big movements
inappropriate/bizarre responses
yelling “this is so BORINGGG” while in an art museum (2x04)
“i mean i masturbate about you a lot” (1x08)
yelling “JUST DUNK ME” while getting baptized (4x01)
soooo many instances that again i can’t list them all…
alexithymia is the difficulty feeling or identifying emotions (or physical stressors like pain)
her whole aa meeting speech in 2x06 about how she feels nothing and the distress it causes (is extremely bored, hurts herself and it doesn’t hurt, just wants to feel something)
doesn’t know if she’s telling the truth or not (2x07), this could also be because of masking as too much masking can cause identity confusion, not knowing what you’re faking and what’s authentic
weakened sense of danger, even says “i don’t get scared” (2x08)
says she’s fine then immediately collapses (2x01)
other traits
meltdowns, especially at the end of 3x05 where she was wearing headphones and had increased stimming while crying
low empathy
attaches to and fixates on a specific person, obsession prone
has always felt estranged and inherently different from others, “i’m not normal you know” (2x01)
detail oriented, notices things others don’t
bad at dancing/rhythm
exaggerated facial expressions
exaggerated speech
poor impulse control
differences in expressing emotions and communication
only comfortable with select people
perfectionism, hates working with a team and wants to do jobs alone (1x04, 3x02)
feels threatened when irina knows more languages than her, as languages are something villanelle is very interested in (1x08)
black and white thinking
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callofdudes · 1 year
Hello! I loved your simon riley x autistic reader headcanons. Could you do simon riley x adhd-c reader, if you're comfortable with that?
I've been struggling lately and would love some comfort from our favorite LT 💖
Ah, welcome fellow neurodivergent people! :)
Just a small reminder that I do not have ADHD and something I say that may be inaccurate. My here to spread love and learn 😊
ADHD-C Reader x Simon Riley
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Before we start let me just say you and Johnny are demons for this man. The two ADHD soldiers running around and causing several layers of chaos everywhere. He loves you both but... Why? Is his question.
Ghost watches you closely. You have a history of doing your tasks with less than diligent hands and often getting distracted somewhere along the processing line.
Ghost understood this when he learned about your ADHD, seeing the shed half washed or entire patches of dirt having been missed. The van not cleaned out right or a task completely disregarded.
Ghost will gently guide you back, helping you finish. Ghost has also been trying to find way for making your tasks funner and more interesting to focus on to try and hold your attention. (ie: hanging streamers on the shed you have to wash away with the hose) to try and keep the creative stimulation going for a bit longer.
Gun cleaning is something you especially struggle with. And it's very important. You don't want your gun going wrong or getting jammed on a mission and exploding your head off. Ghost has made this very clear to you several times.
You'd remember... If you didn't have trouble listening as well. Things he says goes in one ear and out the other. Ghost isn't entirely sure if it even gets that far. And sometimes it can be annoying, getting through a briefing and having you ask him five minutes later what you are doing.
But he's patient. Oooh so patient.
He honestly isn't sure if giving you a fidget toy during briefings makes any difference in whether you're listening to him. Your eyes aren't on him so it doesn't really feel like it.
This is also why you're not allowed on solo missions unless you have a paper objective stuck to your forehead. You get so pent up over the stress and pressure of solo missions you completely forget what you were even doing there in the first place.
And a lot of times you do get stressed and can break down over not being able to get anything done. Which usually results in frustrated tears and exhaustion. Simon is there for you though.
"Hey, sergeant, what's going on?" Ghost stopped you in the hallway, looking at you for answers while you tried to wipe your tears. "Let me go, I can't help-"
"Hey," Ghost grips your shoulder a little tighter. "What's got you in a twist?"
"All my tasks, it's 2:00 and I haven't gotten anything done." You choke out, thinking he'll be mad.
But he's not. Not at you at least.
"Ok, that's alright. I want you to take a few deep breaths for me ok? Can you try to do that?"
You nod, stifling out some deep breaths and slowly calming down. "Good, you're doing amazing." Ghost rubs your back. "How about we go and do your tasks together, yeah?"
Your smile is a little wobbly but you nod. "Please??"
"Of course, let's go see what you have to do."
Ghost will help you, but he can also push his weight. Sometimes when you just seem genuinely bored with a task and nothing can fix it, he's going to push you. He knows it's extremely hard but this is a place for push and progress, so he'll stand by you and help you finish it despite the lack of stimulation to your brain.
"Absolutely not, sit down. Finish your work."
You whine, finding it physically impossible not to fidget and get up from your desk to find something to do.
"I can put on some music or get you another juice box? But you are not getting up until this is done. I can give you a stretch break and let you roll on the floor for a bit or something, but no leaving your office until it's done."
You look up at him with a pouty lip and he pokes it, pushing it back into place. "I'm serious about this one y/n, I'm here to help you however you need but I need you to finish this ok.?"
You sigh and read the next question on your yearly evaluation. "Sex? Like, gender??"
Ghost nods.
"Oh! Did you know my cousin is having a kid and they don't want to know the sex? Why do they even have gender reveal parties..? I would use green if I ever had kids because green is a good color. Like trees are green, and grass and-"
"Focus. We're drawing it all back in, look at me."
You look over at Ghost. "Huh?"
"Look at me, we're drawing all of the thoughts back to me, right?"
You nod, keeping your eyes on him.
"Good, now, answer the question, that question only and then you're mostly done. Ok?"
You nod. "Ok, yeah, I can do that."
"Awesome, answer that last question."
Ghost likes to reward you for being persistent and pushing through difficulties. However.. he's learned the hard way not to tell you he's going to surprise you with something until it's over. Because you won't stop talking about it, or thinking about it. And then nothing ever gets done.
He also helps you get to bed. You can get distracted by so many things bedtime is overwhelming a lot. Simon will be there for you when it's late, helping you from whatever activity you are doing.
He makes sure you don't drink any coffee or anything a couple hours before bed, and tries to get you to bed around the same time every day.
"Did you brush your teeth? No, then let's do that before bed."
"Do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?"
"Into bed little tree climber." Simon will joke. He knows you're an adult but it's still funny.
You sigh, looking at him while he runs his fingers through your hair and slowly massages your shoulder with the other, trying to relax you. You won't sleep if you're so tense.
You finally close your eyes, slowly relaxing while he runs his hands over your shoulders and down your sides in gentle motions to relax your spine and back, helping release all the tension and stress after the long day of running around.
"Im going to put on some music ok? Just take some deep breaths, try to close your eyes and sleep."
Simon turns on some slow music for you to help your brain calm down from all the zoomies of the day. He stated by your side, the room in total darkness with only the gentle music playing.
And soon enough you were off to bed.
Simon knows a lot of people find you exhausting. And sometimes you do tire him out, but he'll help you. He knows you need it a lot, and he'll always be there to gently nudge you in the right direction.
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
Since we are FINALLY getting a new Green Arrow comic next week, I wanted to talk about my favorite GA story in a very long time: “Earn It Back” by Dave Wielgosz and Mike Norton, which was part of last year’s DC’s Saved By the Belle Reve anthology. I picked up this comic because the solicit mentioned Super Sons and Gotham Academy stories, but the solicit, cover, and variant cover gave zero indication that there would be any GA content at all, let alone maybe the best Ollie + baby Roy story...ever??? (Side note: this is why I am Comics Georg. If you read EVERYTHING, you will eventually find treasure.)
The story takes place “years ago,” when Roy is in 8th grade. (For non-Americans, that means 13 or 14, depending on when exactly in the year it is. Roy’s birthday is in November so he’s probably 14 here.)
It starts with Ollie being called in to Roy’s school to speak to the vice principal, and oh man, Ollie is a disaster here:
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There is so much to love already:
1. Mike Norton’s art! I always enjoy his work so much. Take it as given that for every page I am loving the art, so I won’t keep saying it. (Also this is a tiny detail but colorist Steve Wands picked just the perfect shade of green for Ollie’s shirt.)
2. “He’s not an idiot.” Already Ollie is in a defensive panic and absolutely flailing. It’s worth noting that Ollie has always and will always be someone who says the very first thought that comes to mind, and this is before he lost all his money and grew a social conscience so he is using thoughtless, offense language. But also, as will be made explicit by the end of the story, Ollie is not someone who did well academically. When Ollie uses the word “idiot,” he means himself. Roy himself once said Ollie is both proud and ashamed that Roy is so much like him and the fact that Roy phrased it that way makes my heart hurt, but it’s probably more accurate to say: Ollie recognizes that Roy is very like him and it worries him because he is intimately familiar with his own faults.
3. This story sits pretty completely within pre-Flashpoint continuity and characterization - it doesn’t match Roy’s New 52 or Rebirth backstories at all. And as a pre-Flashpoint fan, I do love that. But one thing that emerges from the mess of contradictory versions of Roy’s backstory in the New 52 is that it’s really easy to headcanon that version of him - eternally bored in school, miles ahead of the class and unable to sit still, eventually seeking solace in acting out and substance abuse - as neurodivergent, potentially ADHD. And this story also hints at those tendencies, which there is zero indication of in pre-Flashpoint. I just think it does a great job gracefully combining multiple characterizations of Roy so that no one’s is “wrong.”
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Ollie: “Hey Barry. you’re a fucking nerd, right?” Barry: “...Yes. 😔”
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My single solitary issue with this story is that it posits that Bruce is someone it would be logical to turn to for parenting advice, but I guess this early on, before Dick started butting heads with him - let alone before Jason showed up - both Bruce and Ollie could be dumb enough to think he was.
I will never get over how cute Roy’s little face is when he’s talking about shooting Wally. I kiss him! I pinch his cheeks!
Weeks go by. Roy’s grades improve, but he’s miserable:
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Truly Mike Norton is just drawing my headcanons at this point. Yes, that is what Ollie’s house looks like. Yes, that is how he dresses. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Look how mad the Titans are! Look at Garth stomping off! This is so cute, I’m dying.
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(The Dinah cameo is interesting, since she and Ollie don’t interact. It makes this story tricky to place in any prior continuity, since pre-Crisis she didn’t join the League until after Ollie had already grown his beard. I guess this could be the post-Crisis continuity established by JLA: Year One, because Ollie is clean-shaven in that book, which has the pleasing implication that she is a veteran founding member here and Bruce and Ollie are rookies.)
Anyway, it’s the VP calling to let Ollie know that Roy has been cutting school:
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BABY IS ANGRY. Baby also has impeccable aim (of course), because oh man, telling Ollie he’s a tyrant and a fake and flaky is one THOUSAND percent hitting him where it hurts. “You gave up on me” oh BOY the abandonment issues started early.
Other things I love: how incredibly daddish Ollie sounds in the “Keep going, Roy” line. Also, “Being his friend didn’t work.” DAVE WIELGOSZ IS ALSO JUST WRITING MY HEADCANONS!!! I have said for literally decades at this point that Ollie’s early parenting style was permissive to a fault because Roy is his buddy! His pal! His little fella!
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Like I said at the beginning, Ollie’s panicked “He’s not an idiot!” was not about Roy, it was about Ollie. He doesn’t want to see Roy make the same mistakes he did. (He should probably have told Roy about contraceptives then, but...) (Actually he did tell Roy not to get Donna pregnant in Teen Titans: Year One, but probably he should have been clearer about the means.)
Panel three makes me want to sob. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MU-HU-HUCH. (Ollie and Roy, I mean. Not Ollie and Vice Principal Parks.)
P.S. The posters on Roy’s wall! What a nerd!
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This is such a complicated little emotional beat and I love it. Roy has been so angry at Ollie but his immediate uncomfortable forgiveness and the way Ollie recognizes it for what it is is so good. (Also of course Robert went along with it, Robert Queen was trash.)
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(We don’t need to discuss the part where I’m pretty sure Roy never finished high school. It’s a happy ending for now, okay?)
Anyway, I love this story very very much and just wanted to gush about it. if the new GA book is anywhere close to this high quality, I will be very happy indeed.
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writergracethepanda · 4 months
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥 Secret Shanghai Edition
the character everyone gets wrong
Marshall. He is canonically an excellent cook, s why are we convinced he'd set something on fire if left alone in the kitchen?
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
no comment
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME I have seen Alisa and Phoebe shipped (let aroace people live and bisexuals are still bisexual even in a seemingly hetero relationship) or those takes I've seen on TikTok of people shipping Rosalind and Benedikt and Celia and Marshall if I weren't on my computer I would put sooooo many barf emojis here
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
luckily nothing yet I believe
worst discord server and why
mine with my friends its sooo annoying how we have incredibly amazing and intelligent and sometimes incoherent conversations like guys we're the worst (sarcasm)
which ship fans are the most annoying?
like I said, anyone who ships the above things needs to stay 10 feet away from me at all times and undergo intense media literacy training
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I think everyone's answer for this is Oliver. I'm so sorry we (especially me tbh) did you so dirty pre fhh I promise we've learnt our lesson!
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Oliver loves cats. incorrect. Cats are his entire life. there is a difference, and we need to recognize it.
worst part of canon
roma and Alisa's dad just disappeared before I could beat him up
worst part of fanon
we're too funny my stomach literally hurts from laughing too hard sometimes. Seriously though, the above ship takes that make my blood boil, as well as some complaints about how a lot of us talk about how we think certain characters are neurodivergent/disabled. While I think some of those are actually considered canon, I don't understand why people are so made that we (a relatively neurospicy bunch) are identifying the parts of characters we relate to and labeling them. We're doing you no harm and not interfering with your ability to enjoy the characters. Shouldn't it be a good thing that we're able to identify with the characters? Just mind your business. (also anyone who erases Rosalind's and Alisa's aroaceness that is indeed canon and I hope both sides of your pillow are too warm)
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
I don't think any
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I don't think anyone hates these guys, but why don't we ever talk about the couple from LVC? They were so sweet, and I'm kind of sad we didn't get any mention of them in FHH.
worst blorboficiation
I feel like a bad Tumblr user, but I don't know what this means. is this like uwu-ification?
that one thing you see in fics all the time
@typingwithmyhandstied 's GENIUS
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Juliette always has the appropriate amount of knives thank you very much for that guys :)
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I personally don't get into the Rosalind is a vampire thing, but I'm cheering you guys on from afar (im just not into vampires lol)
there should be more of this type of fic/art
idk I should probably work on my university au
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
the fact that not only did she feel comfortable falling asleep around Orion (see one of @no-1-rosalind-lang-apologist 's recent posts) but Rosalind was also muttering in French in that scene. Her dominant language. She was both out of it enough/comfortable enough with him that she dropped the I was raised in American fake accent and just started speaking normally in this essay I will- basically we need to talk more about the use of multilingualism in the ss books
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
past me would be horrified to know that I like Oliver now
part of canon you found tedious or boring
I think TVD can be a bit boring sometimes, but that makes sense, since it was Chloe's debut, and she's grown immensely since then
part of canon you think is overhyped
the seagreen trio is overrated (they are literally my favorite characters)
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
Olivercelia. Like I said, I was his strongest hater pre fhh. Now I see what she clearly sees in him.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
discourse on ss Tumblr is mostly joking. my personal favorite is when @marsneedstherapy and I pretend to yell at each other in different languages
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"no one appreciates x enough" I do. I love them.
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honeymochibubbletea · 7 months
Hello my lovelies! Everything’s good? I hoooope so!
So basically i just wanted to make a silly post about ☆~Tumblr sexymen~☆ and about Phantasmo: please, mighty readers that might see this post, let’s make a page dedicated to Dr. phantasmo on the Tumblr sexymen official wiki!
And why do i want to see Phantasmo as an official tumblr sexyman?
Very simple, i shall list my reasons here:
His first origin/design was here on Tumblr by Fluffpillow
I want Fluffpillow’s character to be even more popular and that more people love him as much as i do
He checks all (okay, not all but, you all get what i mean) of the boxes as a Tumblr sexyman, i mean come on people! Y’all are sleeping on him!:
He would probably fit into the status of “safe”/“thaumiel” of the tumblr sexymen (correct if i am wrong)
The tropes he would fit into:
Angsty past
Bait (come on Fluff, if you see this post you cannot deny that you purposely made Phantasmo sexy. And honestly? That’s perfectly fine! We all love a hot villain!)
British/European…? (This one i’m still not ENTIRELY sure, but he’s very likely to be either British or French… or so i believe…)
Brick shithouse (yeah i know: the name is weird as hell for those who are not familiar with the tumblr sexyman tropes. BUT trust me, Phantasmo fits into this category perfectly, here’s a link explaining better this trope: https://sexypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Brick_Shithouse
Deadpan snarker
WARNING FOR THE MINORS: DO NOT SEARCH FOR THIS TROPE, OKAY? Okay… (seriously, don’t search it.) Dilf/Gilf energy
Distinctive laugh
Gay (or bisexual in his case. The “gay” is the name of the trope)
Mad scientist (the most obvious one, duh 🙄)
Magnificent bastard
Tongue imagery (believe me, this one makes sense because fluff has drawn a lot of tongue imagery of Phantasmo to be just a “coincidence”. I’ll show some older examples):
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Nonhuman…? (I’m not so sure about this one because of Victor: Phantasmo’s human past form)
Neurodivergent coded (because i said so >:3) (ps: it’s just a headcanon of mine, don’t pay too much attention to it)
Perpetual smiler
Refined villain
And that’s it! Also if someone actually make my dream come true, here’s a little reminder: don’t forget to ask Fluffpillow first if you can make a Tumblr sexyman wiki about Phantasmo, okay? (It’s always important to ask for consent to the original creator for things like this! ;D)
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januarymoreau · 2 years
Neurodivergency Coding in Disney and Nick Shows
Okay this was requested by @gstone97. I'd like to talk about neurodivergency coding in Disney Channel and Nickelodeon shows. Disney and Nick shows have A LOT of neurodivergent coding, and whether they give neurodivergent traits to characters unintentionally or intentionally to mock neurodivergency is something I've considered but have not come to an answer on. Personally, I believe the neurodivergency coding is unintentional, but I'd have to research it more. Seeing as I'm autistic and have ADHD, most of these characters will be characters I believe to have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or ADHD, but if you'd like to add any characters that have any other neurodivergency I'd love that.
Let's start this post off by talking about Cat Valentine from Victorious.
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Although many have said that Cat may just have trauma (and I'm not arguing with that, she definitely has trauma), I'd like to argue that Cat also has Autism Spectrum Disorder. She says inappropriate things during inappropriate times. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=246172576497297 If you watch this video you can see multiple times where she says inappropriate things. This could lend to my next point which is that Cat doesn't understand social cues. I can't find the exact example, but I believe there's a scene where Cat doesn't understand an expression. Cat also frequently uses self stimulatory behavior, also known as stimming. Additionally, Cat collects stuffed animals, which could be considered a hyperfixation.
The next character I want to talk about is Max Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place.
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I'd argue that Max has ADHD. He struggles with his grades, as we see through most of the show. However, he is smart, he just needs a different learning style. One of my favorite episodes with Max in the show is the episode where the school gets a new principal and he starts doing really well in school. Despite common beliefs, Max is NOT stupid. Additionally, Max has a hard time picking up sarcasm. There are a lot of episodes where he takes things literally, which could be a symptom of autism but can also be a symptom of ADHD. He seems to go through brief phases where he's obsessed with things, such as when he gets obsessed with the idea of being Family Wizard.
Another character I believe to be autistic coded is Spencer Shay from iCarly.
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Spencer's Wiki page even refers to him as "weird, eccentric." A lot of autistic people can come across as weird. Plus, Spencer's interest in art could easily be considered a hyperfixation or special interest. Plus, Spencer doesn't understand social cues. He brings home an ostrich and doesn't seem to understand why it's a problem. I definitely view him as autistic.
Another character I headcanon as autistic is Skylar Storm from "Mighty Med."
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Although I could write a whole other post about the autistic coding of alien or other-worldly characters, this isn't that post. Skylar shows a lack of understanding of social cues, likely because she's from another planet, but even as time goes on Earth she fails to grasp them. She frequently says inappropriate things. She often fails to understand that Oliver is flirting with her. I would definitely argue that many of these could be due to not being from Earth, but I would definitely say she's autistic-coded regardless. Many alien characters that find their way to Earth are autistic-coded, and she definitely fits in there.
Finally, I'll talk about what to me is the most obvious autistic-coding of a character on Disney Channel: Dez Wade from Austin & Ally.
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Dez fails to understand common phrases, a reoccurring joke in the show. He also fails to understand tone and doesn't seem to comprehend when people are mad at him. He seems to have a special interest in film and has a very almost obsessive relationship with Austin. He struggles socially and has difficulty making friends. I could go on and on about why he's autistic, but I won't.
Overall, I don't know why so many Disney and Nickelodeon characters are neurodivergent coded. It could be an attempt to mock neurodivergency, or it could be a completely innocent accident. I'd like to believe it's not on purpose or if it is it's not an attempt to mock autism or neurodivergency, but it's definitely possible. Also, if you're a Disney or Nickelodeon fan who's neurodivergent please watch "The Proud Family." They have a character who gets diagnosed with autism.
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Do you have any random spooky month headcanons you want to share? This is an excuse to go on a rant about any sort of spooky month stuff that's been rattiling in your brain.
my brainrot is strong and I rlly like your headcanons so jhdskfhg
Firstly - thank you omg
Second! I have a bunch of headcanons but unfortunately my brain has decided to dump them all into a box and put them on a shelf I can't reach, so I'm just going to ramble about whatever
People almost never talk about Streber having technical know-how and I'm mad about that
Like the camera mirror is so clever, how long did that take to plan? How'd he come up with it?? Did he make the cape himself or did he get someone else to do it???
Also talked about this with @interdimensionalvoid a bit but I love the idea that Streber hates being babied, he is independent and wants to be scene as such
Another reason it sucks for him to be down an arm lmao
I don't want this to entirely be about Streber soo headcanon lightning round:
Radford is actually colorblind and his glasses are color corrective. Them resembling 3D glasses is just a funny coincidence
I keep flip-flopping between Dexter adopting cats as a buffer if he goes without work for a while vs him having one cat that he absolutely adores and would never harm because both sound really good
Rick is acquainted with most of the town bc of his job hopping
Also if Rick's in the mood for it he tells really good jokes
Frank has low empathy and is v selfish
He does genuinely care for Skid and Pump tho, and still cares for his old friend group (even if the only one he sees nowadays is Lila if he's lucky)
Also yes I'm not over the idea of them all being friends there is so much p o t e n t i a l
Jaune has ADHD and her husband has autism. Ross has... something, haven't figured it out yet
As an addendum to the above, all the Hatz are neurodivergent
The cult broke the thieves out of jail when they broke Bob out of jail, as a "yeah why not, they could be useful" thing. They gave the two an amulet to keep track of them and Fat Thief wears it under his sweater, not knowing he really shouldn't
They tried to pawn it off but the pawn shop just would not accept it for some reason
Dexter's funky eye is genetic and also a lazy eye. Both his glasses and goggles are prescription and even though it's technically fixed he still wears them
The Hobomen are army deserters. They probably could have found a job in town, but being hobos was more enticing
Shotty once tried to teach John's daughter how to use a shotgun and John nearly capped him for it
Speaking of her, she's friends with Robert's little sister! They're a Skid and Pump-esque duo and frequently get into Mischief
I have more but I'm still struggling to reach the box!! I'm open to headcanon dumping anytime though, just ask :>
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viovio · 1 year
10, 16, 18, 22 dinoverse?
10. worst part of fanon
You cannot belieeeeeve how much misogyny there is about Vanora that they'd make shit up about her.
You'd think reading her thoughts and input as the player character would make people's insight about her line up with canon but the whole thing is that she grows more and more out of player control and into her own choices as the chapters progress. Do not go into the vtsom fic tag worst mistake of my life but also someone had to be at the devil's sacrament.
Like yea she did. in fact. kill Vincent (deserved but also wooooooo my god... it was bound to happen to either of them and at the rate she's going she's gonna keep climbing bodies to get kicked down by Myers.) and manipulate Draco at the end to do the same but calling her abusive WHILE referring to their relationship before is insane I mean neurodivergent. His fixation and disillusionment of her isn't healthy💔
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Chaser Victor and happy family dads vinvic + son Draco for many reasons.
Mira's said this before but because I like Victor to an unhealthy degree (just like him fr) I'm kinda bummed he doesn't have any character outside of Vincent.
Which sort of makes sense within the context of his character and their til-the-end partnership but he's been having problems ingrained into him before RMU for sure. I'd like to see that it's insane I mean neurodivergent how they know each other better than anyone and are still stuck in the past. They're back at square 1 with never moving forward. (What's he gonna do when revenge goes through? Look at himself? no.)
Anyways I'm getting off-topic it creates conflict for sure which I love. If integrated into canon which is the direction it seems to be getting I'm sure dino will write in more for him but the way people write a chaser Victor just feels very ooc. You mean to tell me he would not tell Vincent?
That parts already gotten long so I'll summarize this stupid family shit + my kind little fucked up homonculi weapon who's also my brother and I make into my butler. I don't think they would make good parents so its so sucks when they turn Draco into a baby in fanart stop this madness
18. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Honestly like who give a shit about the other districts that's something Dino should be writing about can we PLEASE get speculation on how the watch works. Is there a catch? does she get dizzy? What was her detective work like. I wanna replay chapter 3 because she's only had surface level info about Myers from the news so she had to do a lot of digging pleaseeeeee a parallel of her investigation and Vanora at Myers trying to cover stuff up would be so sweet.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Being in the tranches it's same as above where is.where the fuck is Zalmona where is her meanness her brashness. Where is that that never contradicts her kindness, if you reduce her to the strong dumbass trope I'll kill you. I miss my wife Nini.
I wanna say in that same vein would be Vanora but I'm pleasantly surprised by the amount of art she gets, maybe it's bcoz of my mutuals but it's nice. Zalmona gets that too but it's not to the same degree tbh. I dontlike most dinoverse fans honestly
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karkatenjoyer · 2 years
what your favorite homestuck character says about you
egbert: wow… ur trans gener??? thats so cool. you have a steel-trap mental reservoir of memes and inside jokes, many of which are so niche that only you understand them. shitty movies are your greatest comfort in this world and you kind of know they’re shitty but why must a movie be “good”
dave: you kin dave. you’re kind of embarrassed about liking popular things (homestuck and dave himself included) so you pretend you like them ironically. you have adhd and struggle to do basic household chores. when you see animals you make their animal noise back at them
davesprite: same as dave but your desire to root for the underdog is stronger. you may have grown up in the shadow of an older sibling. or you understand that big-ass wings and sword through the chest is just good character design
jade: you are probably a furry. you are also probably autistic. you went through a phase in the early or mid 2010s where you only wore floral and botanical prints. you genuinely enjoy reading nonfiction reference books. you’re an optimistic sweetheart
rose: you constantly feel like you’re afflicted with divine madness. you like to take things apart to see what makes them work, metaphorically or literally. you are a lesbian. you have mommy issues but you’ve kind of forgiven your mother for causing them
jane: you read nancy drew, junie b. jones, and/or geronimo stilton as a kid. you like cooking and/or baking. you genuinely enjoy logic puzzles like sudoku, crosswords, cryptograms, etc. you’ve either been a camp counselor or would have been a great camp counselor
dirk: you’re an intj. you want to be intimidating but you’re actually extremely awkward and earnest. you read theory. you are very self-critical. you vivdly remember tumblr eras that others strive to forget
hal: same as dirk but significantly more of a rascal plus you have a deep attachment to 2001: a space odyssey (or just sentient bot characters in general)
jake: the hope aspect means a lot to you. you daydreamed throughout all of your classes as a kid (bonus points if this was a symptom of undiagnosed neurodivergence). you probably were/are an adventure time or jojo’s fan
roxy: you play dnd. you have a plethora of blorbos. spell check is turned off on your phone and it shows. there’s way too much on your plate but you would never dream of taking care of yourself before your friends (i love you but c’mon!!). 
aradia: either you want a goth gf or you are a goth gf. you have an interest in witchcraft and/or esoterica. you’ve been through periods of deep depression but you’re ultimately a cheerful and outgoing person
tavros: there is approximately a 90% you’re transmasc. you’ve always used fantasy as an escapist coping mechanism. you’re shy at first but buckwild and super fun once people get to know you
sollux: your sense of humor is very dry. you like bees. you had internet access from too young an age. you’re an extremely reluctant pseudo-babysitter to your friends. you wanna take a nap so bad
karkat: you have numerous and wildly contradictory karkat headcanons. you love to consume media, and you also love to eviscerate the media you consume. you deal with a constant sense of crushing guilt by ceaselessly trying to better your understanding of things, sometimes at the expense of self-compassion. (also you’re soooo epic…. karkat hivemind rise up)
nepeta: you are an autistic catgirl who lives in a cave or you want to be an autistic catgirl who lives in a cave. you definitely read warriors as a kid. you have a kind heart but a very strong stomach (metaphorically speaking). you say :3 and “nya.” you are the backbone of society
kanaya: you generally have excellent taste but your spotify is a fucking mess. you’re a fan of horror movies. you drank coffee in middle school because it made you feel grown up even though you didn’t like the taste. you’re almost certainly autistic (that could be true for a lot of characters tbf but space players are especially autism coded)
terezi: you’re going through a moral or existential crisis at all times but you’re probably laughing about it. as a child you were definitely either a weird girl or weird-girl adjacent. you listen to hyperpop. there’s a good chance you had a life-altering Girl Friendship with your vriska-coded crush
vriska: there’s a good chance you had a life-altering Girl Friendship with your terezi-coded crush. you feel like the villain in your own life, whether or not you actually are. you crave attention, and it troubles you that you do. you feel kinship with pathetic women (affectionate) who cause problems for fun. or, alternately, you are a close personal friend of andrew hussie’s, and you bully minors on twitter
equius: you think he’s funny. or, you started out thinking he was funny, and then became genuinely emotional about how warped his psyche was at such a young age and how much he cared for nepeta. 50/50 chance you’re passionate about some form of dirkquius
gamzee: you think clowns are neat. you remember when gamzee was a sweet little fella who just wanted to share miracles with his friends and you feel genuine (and warranted) disgust at his treatment in the latter part of canon. you might have religious trauma. you really just wanna have a fun time
eridan: you listen to mcr. you used to be a harry potter fan but now you’re non-binary. you feel a connection to the ocean because it is tempestuous and unknowable. you feel a connection with robert pattinson for the same reason
feferi: you tend to be an idealist. empress!fef fascinates you, and you probably prefer to conceptualize her as morally gray despite her good intentions. you’re into eldritch horrors and also cute little knickknacks. you probably had a steven universe phase
i might come back and do the dancestors too because you dancestors fans are very distinct!! 
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an-anxious-gay-mess · 3 years
Here's my headcanons of what neurodivergencies the lab rats (and leo) would have if I had been allowed to write this show
-ADHD and Dyslexia  
-"What do you mean the letters aren't supposed to move around?"
"Are you telling me most people don't have to read the same paragraph six times???" 
 - After he got diagnosed he actually became a bit more interested in learning! It helps that most people are actually working with him now instead of just reassuring him that he's dumb -Chase especially feels really bad for teasing him so much without realizing how hard Adam had to try and researches ways to help people like him study 
-Adam still doesn't go out of his way to do well though, he's fine as long as he's passing his classes 
- is almost never standing still. He loves swivel chairs and will spend hours just spinning back and forth completely zoned out before he realizes he should probably eat something that day  
-the only time you'll see him completely still is when he's sleeping or super upset about something. He gets RSD pretty bad sometimes and will just shut down completely when upset
-Autism, baby!! 
-Gets really bad sensory overload and has a lot of meltdowns if he gets too overwhelmed 
-he gets frustrated with himself a lot when he gets sensory overload and will try to ignore it, which usually makes it worse 
-He has a lot of stims but he typically will only do the more visual ones when he feels safe (mostly when he's alone or with his family if he knows they won't make fun of him) 
-Just. Constant info dumping. If you're going to start a conversation with him make sure you have at least 15 spare minutes to learn about the history of needle work (or whatever he's been researching that week)
-hates eye contact but will force himself for the sake of being Professional, to the point where he makes himself do more destructive stims (like pulling at his hair) or even having a meltdown
-(his family yells at him for doing this A Lot "Chase please just put on the goddamn headphones why do you do this to yourself-") 
-he was kind of embarrassed about being autistic at first and still tries to hide it most of the time to prevent people from bullying him about it, but after a while he learns to accept that it's not his fault people want to be dicks, and that autism isn't something to be ashamed of
-dyslexia and anxiety 
-She's the one I have the least amount of headcanons for whoops-
-i think unlike Adam she's really embarrassed about being dyslexic and goes out of her way to avoid talking about it
-this is partially because of her anxiety too: she doesn't want to bother her teachers or anyone so she never mentions anything about getting accommodations 
-because of this she struggles a lot in some of her classes, but she spends a lot of time worrying about them and studying too
-she's had a lot of panic attacks at 3 am over trigonometry 
-after a while of her grades getting worse the school guidance counselor probably pulls her aside and is like "you know we can give you extra time to do tests right?" And basically gets her all the accommodations she needs 
-Bree is like "wow glad I spent 2 years building that 5 minute conversation up in my head and making myself worry so much I threw up multiple times" 
-she generally tries to not let anxiety control her too much, and once she gets some help from her teachers she gets way fewer panic attacks over school work
-she even tries to over compensate by trying to appear like nothing worries her even though Everything does
-she hates when her brother's occasionally go on missions without her (like if she's sick or injured), and her anxiety will scream at her the whole time they're gone
-they're always willing to reassure her that they're okay, though, and will even update her over headsets when they can 
-she also worried a lot that people around her are secretly mad at her or don't like her. Her family is usually willing to reassure her that they love her, but it does tend to put a strain on relationships she forms outside of them 
-also I think part of the reason she latches onto texting so much (besides the stereotypical Teenage Girl thing) is because spell check is a godsend 
-OCD and autism 
-tasha: uh hey buddy what are you doing?
6 year old leo: idk stacking these blocks 
Tasha: oh, okay, why don't we work together to make a big tower?
Leo: no. There must be Exactly Six blocks in each tower 
Tasha: okay buddy that's great :)
-the lab rats are initially very confused by some of his rituals 
-for example: when he turned the lights in a room on or off, he had to flick the switch 5 times. Or at night, he had to check to make sure the door was locked three times 
-they asked him if that was something that most people did in the outside world, and he explained to them what OCD was, and eventually told them about a bunch of other neurodivergences
-"wait so you said you have something called autism too?"
"Yeah, it's what makes me do that thing where I flap my hands sometimes. A lot of people with autism will know a lot of stuff about a few specific topics and will hate eye contact and other people touching them, but everyone is different"
Chase: "tell me more right now."
-that's how they end up getting diagnosed too!
-Leo tells them about different disorders (including ones they don't have) and they immediately launch onto the feeling of Are You Telling Me Other People Do This?
-they go to Big D about it and he's pretty accepting right away 
-they debate a lot at first whether they want to get professionally diagnosed, but then they decide that it would be a lot easier to get accommodations at school with a doctor backing them up
-where was I going with this I'm completely spiraling
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lunaticsandidiots · 3 years
🧪’s Neurodivergence HCs
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z’s note: greenie you are fucking pumping these out rn babe and im so glad ur sending them to me to repost because: a) its genuinely just an honour cause i love everything you write, and b) since ive been on holiday i havent written for a few days but it means everyone still get to enjoy fresh n juicy content hot off the press by one of our fav emoji babies <3
This is based off of one of your earlier responses to an anon, but John immediately suspected Adrian was austistic and him asking for irl tone indicators confirmed that. At first John would just say “I’m being sarcastic” or “I’m being serious” but eventually they developed a system where they sign tone indicators, like for /lh they’d just sign an L and an H while they’re talking. They end up doing it so often they end up doing it subconsciously, and Leota and Emelia start doing it to, Chris tries his best but he’s a little confused and ends up flailing his hands a bit.
Adrian MAJORLY hyperfixates and it’s either vaguely obsessive and lasts forever or he dedicates every waking second to it and it lasts for like a week and then he sleeps all day after it goes away because he’s sad.
Also he only infodumps if he’s really comfortable around people he’s really comfortable with because when he was younger he would infodump and people would shoot him down. But if he infodumps and you’re genuinely interested he’ll happy stim himself into next week
Speaking of happy stims, he has a lot. He does his arm waves thing, and flappy arms. He also does the excited bend over stinky feet thing. He bounces on his toes, rocks forward and backward, sways back and forth, and he does this thing where he taps his fingers together in alternating patterns to the rhythm of whatever song is stuck in his head.
Chris has ADHD and to stim he does little dances and jumps and drums his fingers on the table.
Chris and Adrien both get sensory overload over little tactile things, and they both flip their socks inside out so that they can’t feel the seams on the inside.
Adrian gets auditory sensory overload and buys little earbuds that don’t even play music they just block out sound. He literally puts them in while people are trying to talk to him.
Chris has the same thing with visual overstimulation and Adrian can tell when he’s getting overstimulated because he squeezed his eyes closed so he’ll literally come up behind him and lean against him with his head on his shoulder and put his hands over his eyes from behind him. At first he acted like he was mad about it but he finds it super endearing and also Adrian is warm so it’s fine.
John really loves sensory stimulation like music, especially sped up music because it goes brrr. Also that’s why he loves listening to people talking, like if he cares about you could talk to him for hours and he’ll listen super genuinely to everything you’re saying and the sound of your voice. Also he absolutely adores the sound of your laugh, like i know people say that a lot but the sound of it genuinely makes him feel butterflies in his heart and he can’t help but smile and he’ll do anything to hear it again.
Also Chris gets nervous about physical contact for four reasons: one, he know how strong he is and he doesn’t want to hurt anyone. Two, his dad. In general. Three, he doesn’t want to look dumb. Four, LIGHT TOUCHES ARE ICKY??? IT TICKLES EWWWWW.
But if you hug him tight he will absolutely break down in your arms because AAAHAJSHAJS HIS HEART. Also if you’re cuddling he loves it when you lay on top of him because pressure makes anxiety go away.
Okay that’s all for now because I’m watching One Day At A Time and it’s making me cry <3
- 🧪”
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blessedshortcake · 2 years
Hey I finally made one of these.
You can call me Cupcake!
I am 20 and go by all pronouns including it/its and neos! I write, you can check out my works under the #my writing tag!
Art progress blog: @cupcake-draws
Find me on artfight!
Learn more about me under the cut!
I am 20. People under 13... should not even be on this site but alas if you are then please leave my blog alone thanks.
You can use any and all pronouns for me including it/its and neos! Pronouns collection coming soon cuz they are fun to make!
English is my second language! I live in Hungary which means my English can be a little whack so feel free to correct my mistakes. I speak Hungarian (duh) and English but I've been learning Spanish and Romanian for a while now.
I am neurodivergent and I have a handful of symptoms I am still making sense of in therapy. I have OSDD and I don't mind talking about it here but there will be things I may not answer if asked. I accept some questions about my general mental health too but I might not answer them all.
I do use tone tags every so often and even tho I likely won't ask you to use them, it would be appreciated if you did.
I am a writer. I mainly post fanfiction but I have original stories I haven't really showed anyone yet. Maybe someday.
You can find me on AO3, but I am the most active here if you want to interact. (RIP my twitter you wont be missed)
My main tags are
#my writing - for the stuff I write
#caupcakes - things about my CRK AUs
#cake save tag - for stuff I find interesting or useful for later. Writing advice, life advice or just good work from people
#cake updates - fanfic updates, life updates, any kinda updates I have about stuff comes here
#cake rambles - me talking a lot about stuff
#cake rants - stuff that made me upset (you can filter this if you're just here for my writing)
#cake after midnight - stupid stuff. makes no sense. we are balling. time is a concept made up by the governent
My fandoms
Call of Duty
Five Nights at Freddies
Madness Combat
Undertale & Deltarune
Batman (more so Batfam but shrug)
Cookie Run
& many others but those are my main fandoms right now.
Spam interactions are welcome and very much appreciated.
Reblogs > Comments > Likes
My DMs are open but I might take a bit to answer! I do love chatting and interacting with people tho so feel free to drop by.
My Asks and Submissions are also open! You can ask me about my fandoms, headcanons, wips or even slightly personal stuff if you'd like to get to know me.
Racists/Homophobes/Abelists/Bigots in general. Just the criteria of Don't Be An Asshole.
Pedos/MAPS/NOMAPS/PEAR or whatever you call yourself. Get out of my blog and my life. This includes Frans Undertale fans. If you ship Frans please leave! Thanks!
Proship/Anti anti or again whatever you call yourself. You are not welcome here.
Incest supporters fictional or not. This includes Fontcest Undertale fans.
Pro ed/pro ana/thinspo/fatspo just leave. Get help go to therapy.
People who harass others about their religion, fandoms or ships. I don't care what you believe in, what fandom/media you enjoy or who you ship (as long as its. legal.) just be chill about it. Don't harrass others for what they like/dislike
NFT bros/NFT supporters, AI "artists". I'd prefer if people who use stuff like CharacterAI and ChatGPD would leave too since that's the same thing. Idc why you use it.
I am not an all seeing entity so if you notice that I am engaging with somebody who has been an asshole (anything from my DNI) then please tell me. I don't do a deep cleaning research on everyone's blogs who I come across but I'd like to know if it happens!
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
MLWTBB: First Time For Everything
aka the (continued) journey into my self insert nonsense✨
chapter summary: Hunter deals with his guilt about his outburst at Hannah, with Echo not mincing any words about the matter. Tech has some information about their past that might shed some light on the subject, as well as information about Eldya’s droids that could change everything.
notes: this is a continuation of my story, “My Life With The Bad Batch”; I highly recommend reading that first before this one! I created a few new planets for this story. I’m also not 100% versed in SW terminology, so forgive me if some things are labeled incorrectly! each chapter will be rated accordingly, as opposed to the overall fic. lastly, there is romance in this story. hope you enjoy! 💙
add. notes: this chapter was edited and proofread by my sis @jam-n-ham! thanks sis!! 😋💙 also, reminder again that I headcanon the original four TBB boys as neurodivergent and portray them as such in these stories.
Chapter 7, 3000+ words, rated G (discussions of mental illness, trauma, and abuse; nothing in great detail though)
previous chapters: Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
next chapter
✨MLWTBB masterlist✨
Focus. That’s all Hunter kept telling himself. Just focus. He often had to tell himself that. Every sound, every smell, every sight, everything was always constantly coming at him full blast. A normal person would likely go mad from it. But Hunter had been trained to handle it. To control it. To not get distracted by it. Yet somehow, in this moment, standing off to the side in Madame Eldya’s busy assembly, Hunter was finding it hard to focus.  
A servant carrying four chairs on his arms came walking in front of Hunter, and his eyes followed.
The sound of clanging metal rang out from the rafters above the stage, and his ears buzzed.
Cleaning solution was being used on one of the overhead balconies, and his nose twitched.
Everything was happening all at once. Like it always was.
No. Please. Not here. Not now. Not again.
Hunter had to focus. He couldn’t let what was going on around him be a distraction. But too many thoughts were running through his head. What was so important about this meeting? What did Cid want from Eldya? Why were Eldya and her assistants so judgmental? Why did he care what they thought? Did he care what they thought? He’d never cared what others thought of him before. He couldn’t. Too much bullying from the regs back on Kamino. Why were the regs so judgmental? Just cause he and his brothers looked different? Why did they care? Why did he care? He shouldn’t care about what they thought. All that mattered was what his family thought. The people he cared about. The people who cared about him. The people like... oh. Oh no. Oh, why did he say that? Why did he say any of that? He wasn’t trying to be mean. He was just being firm. Was he too firm? Or... was she just being sensitive? And did it matter? He’d hurt her feelings... again. Why? He didn’t do it on purpose. He would never hurt her on purpose. He only ever wanted her to be happy. Why couldn’t he ever just make her happy? Why couldn’t he just say what he really wanted to say? Like it would make a difference. This was why he’d been avoiding a relationship with her in the first place. Because she deserved better. He was nowhere near good enough for her. Today was proof of that. He’d be lucky to just get to speak with her again. Maybe he could get out an apology at least. She deserved it. No, she deserved more than that. She deserved... wait, why was he even thinking about this right now? They were on a mission. They had a job to do. Even if those blasted droids might ruin everything. Droids always ruin everything. Where were the nearest droids anyway?
In the process of looking for the nearest droids, Hunter caught the sight of Echo and Tech walking towards him. “Great,” he thought as he let out a loud sigh. “More beratement incoming.” Still leaning against one of the tables, he specifically kept his back turned towards them both as they approached.
Neither of them said anything and just stood nearby. Hunter could feel their gaze on him, but he also stayed silent.
“If you’re gonna say anything,” Hunter eventually stated, breaking the silence. “Go ahead and say it already.” He tightened his already crossed arms, but remained turned away.
“Well, there’s definitely a lotta things I could say,” Echo bluntly replied. “But honestly, I’d kinda like to hear if you have anything else to say. Besides what you’ve already said, of course.”
Hunter let out a scoff and nothing more, shaking his head in disbelief.
“If you’re concerned for privacy’s sake,” Tech added in. “Don’t be. Everyone else here is quite preoccupied at the moment.”
Again, Hunter shook his head, but in response to Tech this time.
With a sigh, Echo began walking to Hunter’s other side, in the direction he was facing. “I get ya like to keep things to yourself, Hunter. And I try to respect that. I try to respect all your decisions. But do ya want my honest opinion right now?”
Hunter’s face was turned away, and the only response he gave was a slight shrug.
“Fine then.” Echo spoke in a firm tone, with just the slightest twinge of irritation. “You crossed a line. Just like back on Volruna.”
Hearing that, Hunter visibly tensed up.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you,” Echo continued. “But I’m sick of it. It’d be one thing if it was hindering the mission, which it kinda is in this instance, but what pisses me off the most is who it’s affecting. I can tolerate other people’s words. Tech, Wrecker, we’ve all been trained to tolerate it. And I know you’ve learned your lesson with Omega. So why the hell are you so testy with Hannah?”
Continued silence from Hunter.
“It’s one thing watchin’ a squadmate get berated,” Echo went on. “But Hannah’s not a soldier. She’s not even a Clone, like the rest of us. She’s our friend. She’s my friend. And I’m not gonna tolerate my friend receiving that sorta treatment anymore.”
The silence from Hunter was broken by a harsh exhale through his nose. “You think I do it on purpose?” he sharply retorted, finally facing his brother. “You think I want to treat her that way?”
“Honestly, Hunter?” Echo replied. “I don’t know what you think. Most of us don’t. Including Hannah. And I don’t really give a kark. That’s your business. But if ya really care about Hannah like I know ya do, then quit the bullshab.”
Silence again. Hunter had nothing else to say. He knew Echo was right. It was everything he’d already been telling himself, but for some reason hadn’t sunk in yet. Hearing it out loud from someone else’s mouth sure made a difference though.  
“If I might add,” Tech said, raising a single finger. “I find it rather unusual myself. While Hunter is normally not one to mince words when he does feel the need to speak, it’s quite the unique experience in regards to Hannah. I’ve noticed a similar phenomenon with Omega, but in a different way. I believe it has something to do with the fact that they both are neither trained soldiers, nor of the same gender to us. Although Omega at least has had some training since she’s been with us. Hannah however, has not. In fact, the way Hunter behaves towards Hannah is quite akin to when Omega first came with us, but to an even higher extreme. This most likely has to do with his personal feelings towards Hannah, which are undoubtedly as strong as they are for Omega, but... for different reasons.”
The entire time Tech was talking, Hunter and Echo simply stood and listened, both with their arms crossed.
“That all?” Echo dryly asked.
“It could also have something to do with the way his brain is wired,” Tech continued, earning sighs from Hunter and Echo. “It’s no secret that the four of us – meaning myself, Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair; not you Echo – all received enhancements from our mutations and experimentation from Nala Se. The result has given us unique abilities, but at the cost of normative functions to that of most other individuals. Simply put, our brains function differently than ‘normal’ people.”
“Well yeah,” Echo responded. “Mine does too.”
“Indeed,” Tech said, pushing up his goggles. “However, yours was done through pure experimentation by Wat Tambor and the Techno Union. The rest of us have been this way since our initial conception.” In an unusual move, Tech walked up to Hunter and reassuringly placed a hand on his shoulder. “Do not blame yourself for the way you behave sometimes, Hunter. It’s perfectly normal for neurodivergent individuals such as us.”
“Neuro what?” Hunter asked, cocking his head in confusion.
“Neurodivergent,” Tech answered. “It refers to what I stated before about our brains working differently from typical individuals. You recall several rotations back in Tipoca City when I stated that we would never be able to pass a mental evaluation?”
Both Hunter and Echo nodded.
“I was not joking,” Tech continued. “Had the four of us been made to take the same evaluations as the regs, we never would have been allowed on the battlefield. That is why Nala Se kept us to herself for so long. And why we were given certain... treatments as children.”
Echo flinched at hearing that. “Wait, what treatments?”
“I’m afraid I don’t have time to elaborate about them at the moment,” Tech responded. He looked away from Echo before continuing. “Nor do I wish to discuss them at the moment...”
To say Echo was concerned at hearing all of this would be an understatement. His concern was only furthered at seeing the state Hunter had gone into. Instead of standing with his arms crossed, Hunter was now leaned over the table he’d been against, using his arms for support. From the moment Tech had mentioned “treatments”, Hunter had been struck with memories long forgotten. He thought he had flushed them from his mind completely, but apparently not. They were only flashes, but they were enough to rattle his normally stoic demeanor. Briefly, his senses began to flare to an almost unbearable state. It sent a shiver through his entire body, but he shook it off.
“You alright?” Echo asked, placing his hand on Hunter’s back.
Hunter let out a shaky sigh, then turned to face the others, holding the top of his helmet. “I... I don’t know anymore...”
“Hunter,” Tech said, coming up next to his brother again. “I don’t wish to concern you further, but... it is entirely possible that something about your relationship with Hannah is having some reverse effect on your treatment.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Hunter asked, semi-harshly.
“Well...” Tech paused and adjusted his goggles again. “You most likely don’t remember as we were quite young at the time, but... there was a time when you were, how do I put it... not so stoic. Without delving too much into the specifics, whatever treatment you received as a child affected your behavior in such a way that it caused you to quite literally shut off your own emotions in order to focus and not be overwhelmed by your senses.”
For the second time during that conversation, Hunter was struck with realization. Things were starting to make sense all of a sudden. That’s why it felt so different having Hannah around. It had started with Omega and only grew as a result of meeting Hannah. His brain had literally been wired as a child to not think about his own emotions. And both his little sister and the woman he had fallen for were altering that.  
“Boy, the more I hear about the messed-up stuff the Kaminoans have been doin’, the more I hate them,” Echo stated, angrily crossing his arms. “Fives was onto something, that’s for sure.”
“Ahh yes, your brother was the one who discovered the inhibitor chips, wasn’t he?” Tech asked.
“Yeah,” Echo replied. “He’d be absolutely furious hearin’ about all this, I’m sure.”
“Rightfully so,” Tech agreed with a nod.
In the midst of this discussion, Hunter lifted up his helmet and began rubbing his eyes in an attempt to destress. His vision fogged for a moment, and when it returned, something caught his attention on the other side of the room. The easily recognizable vibrant orange skirt Hannah had been wearing all day was impossible to miss. Silhouettes of Omega and Wrecker were on either side of her at the large table she sat at. She looked distressed judging by how she was slumped over on the table. Understandably so. A dejected sigh escaped Hunter’s lips and he shook his head before pulling the helmet back over his face again. There had to be some way he could fix this. At the very least, he could try to apologize to her.
Pushing himself off the table, Hunter began stepping away from the others, much to their confusion. But he only got a few steps away before suddenly crossing paths with Cedren, who once again was shocked at the sight of troopers in his presence.  
“Pardon me!” Cedren exclaimed in dismay. “Mind where you’re going, Clone.” The word “clone” practically hissed from his mouth with pure disdain, like he was speaking a forbidden word.
A low growl came from Hunter’s throat. “Sorry,” he grumbled through clenched teeth. He began to step away from Cedren, but was stopped again.
“What in the stars are you three doing here unsupervised anyway?” Cedren inquired. “This won’t do.” He quickly snapped his fingers and beckoned one of the large droids to come over. Hunter began to protest, but Cedren wouldn’t hear it. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll be a good subordinate and stay out of trouble.”
Hunter tightly clenched his fists. If he wasn’t concerned about getting the others in trouble, he would’ve decked Cedren in the face. Another low growl came from his throat, which seemed to intimidate Cedren to some degree.
“Make sure these Imperial rejects don’t budge,” Cedren commanded the droid before quickly hurrying off.  
The three Clones stood in silence together, simply watching the large droid now looming over their presence. “And now we have another complication to worry about,” Tech stated in dry dejection.
“What is that guy’s deal?” Echo exclaimed. “I swear, it’s like he’s afraid one of us is carryin’ a bomb or something.”
“To be fair,” Tech continued. “Wrecker most likely was carrying a bomb with him when we first came in.”
Again, as Echo and Tech continued to talk, Hunter’s attention was elsewhere. At first, he was simply eyeing the droid with all the hostility he possessed. Then a flash of orange suddenly caught his eye from behind the droid. Hannah was walking away from the table towards the stage with a look of confidence on her face Hunter hadn’t seen in some time. It was a welcome sight, but he knew that meant she was about to do something extreme. And knowing where she was heading, it wasn’t hard to figure out what that something was going to be.
Echo and Tech also seemed to notice Hannah walking away, with Tech verbally questioning what she was up to. Echo began to step away in an effort to follow her, but was physically stopped by the droid grabbing him by the arm. After a bit of a struggle, Hunter stepped in and told Echo to stop before they all got in trouble. The droid released its grip on Echo once he stopped struggling, and Echo lamented in agitation at their predicament.
“There’s gotta be some way we can ditch this thing,” Hunter said, stroking his chin in thought. It was an odd sight considering he still had his helmet on.
“Highly unlikely,” Tech responded. His face was in his datapad as he spoke. “From what analysis I’ve been able to conduct, it seems the only ones these clankers will listen to are Eldya and her two assistants. Although it does appear that there are some underlying functions that can only be activated by an external source of some sort.”
“What does that mean?”  Echo asked.
“I’m not entirely sure yet,” Tech answered. “But my scans so far have definitely detected the droids’ ability to receive commands via a distant signal as opposed to pure verbal commands. Meaning there’s a possibility of some other entity activating hidden functions in them outside of this building entirely.”
Hunter and Echo looked at each other with the same thought in mind. “Hidden functions” could mean any number of things, including potentially dangerous functions. “I knew these things were trouble,” Echo grumbled as he stared up at the droid.
Hunter quickly began assessing the room and taking note of the locations of every droid that was there. At least a dozen of them were scattered around the place, both on the floor and up on some of the balconies. Eldya also still had her two personal droids with her, which he could see up on the stage. He also saw Hannah in conversation with Eldya, meaning that things were potentially starting to move along.
“These big guys are everywhere,” Hunter told the other two. “We gotta be ready to get out of here as soon as possible. Tech, see if there’s anything you can do about this clanker.” He gestured to the one watching over them, which still hadn’t budged from its spot.
“Already on it,” Tech responded, his face still in his datapad.
“If this thing can receive signals from the outside,” Echo began. “We might be able to get it to let us go if Tech can hack into it.”
“Again, I am already on it,” Tech repeated.
As Tech was working his magic, Hunter and Echo both kept watch around the room. Wrecker and Omega were still at the table Hannah had been at and had now noticed the others’ predicament. Hunter signaled both of them to remain there so they wouldn’t get involved, although Omega looked especially distressed about it. Then four figures began descending from the stage – Eldya and her two droids were leading Hannah away, most likely out of the room. Hunter told Tech to hurry up, which earned him the response, “I’m doing my best.”
Hunter’s gaze was squarely on Hannah as she crossed in front of them. She didn’t seem to notice them at all, which was fine. Clearly, she had other things to worry about. On the other side of the room, Wrecker and Omega also seemed to be watching her, with Omega jumping up as soon as Hannah passed by. To Hunter’s curiosity, Hannah gestured for Omega to stay put before continuing to leave with Eldya.
“Should we be worried?” Echo asked Hunter.
Hunter didn’t respond right away and continued to watch Hannah leave. Like Omega, he desperately wanted to follow her. But he’d caused enough trouble for her for one day. He had to trust her judgment this time.
“Nah,” Hunter responded with a shake of his head. A proud look was hidden beneath his helmet. “She’s got this.”
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mammoneymelon · 4 years
How the brothers would react to finding out that MC is autistic
before anyone says anything, i’m autistic and just really want some representation
TW for ableism! the boys are doing their best but no NT immediately knows everything about autism
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it’s a bit random, but i headcanon that lucifer has misophonia, so it’s only a matter of time before a noisy/verbal stim starts to drive him up a wall
“what in the devildom are you doing?” he’d ask, eyebrows scrunched in frustration
you have no idea what he’s talking about; after all, you’ve just been sitting on your DDD playing some rhythm game
“what do you mean?”
“you’ve been making that noise for hours; cut it out before i have to go find the packing tape.”
you know him well enough to know he isn’t joking, so you nod and do your best to stop, ignoring the feeling of dread beginning to well up in your chest
you go back to your game, and soon enough, you’re back to ‘making that noise’
you see lucifer stand up, bringing your action to your attention.
“oh, sorry! i didn’t realize i was doing it again, sorry!”
“oh?” he asked, looking down at you. 
“it’s stimming. autistic people do it a lot more than others, and sometimes we don’t even notice it.” there’s a moment of silence but you realize you just told him something you hadn’t even told your human friends
“ah, yes, i do remember reading about that in your file. i didn’t want to say anything so as not to offend you.”
you shake your head. “dude! that’s personal business! i don’t like telling people.”
lucifer’s gaze seems to soften. “don’t fret, MC. i won’t tell a soul.”
and he doesn’t.
he also totally buys you quiet stim toys
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it’s not long before mammon realizes you are terrible at reading the room
you have a terrible habit of cracking a joke at the worst time or saying the first thing that comes to your mind, even if it was at the expense of others
at first, mammon, mammon thought you were really brave. now, however, he sees that you just have no idea what you’re doing
currently, your knack for trouble had landed you in detention, something you’d gotten fairly used to in the human world. mammon was sitting next to you - he was paying for trying to defend you
“lucifer’s going to kill us. again.”
“and whose fault is that?”
“sorry,” you mumble. “it’s not like i was trying to get us here.”
“really? because it’s startin’ to seem like you are. not that i blame ya, if i were you i’d do anything to spend more time with the great mammon.” he gives you a smile, and you really hope that means he isn’t mad
“i really don’t like upsetting people, i just don’t really get tone? i didn’t even realize the teacher was mad until you stepped in. “
“dude, she was on the verge of killing ya! what do ya mean you “didn’t even realize”?
you pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration. “it’s part of a disorder i have. autism. i just don’t get some stuff that comes naturally to other people.”
“ohhh.” mammon slaps his head, feeling like an idiot. “sorry,” he murmurs, and you barely hear it
mammon, being, well, mammon, will probably forget.
it’s not that he doesn’t care! it’s just not something that comes up in conversation.
of course, when the two of you do talk about it, he picks up on the symptoms pretty quickly. he’s a pretty smart guy, and he’ll do anything and everything for his human
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the two of you are working on a co-op dungeon while you talk about your current special interest
“wow, MC, you know a lot about this!”
“thanks,” you respond, and it hits you - you’ve been infodumping almost this whole time
“haha, yeah, blame it on the autism brain,” you joke absentmindedly, not really caring if he knew. you two were good friends, why would being neurodivergent make a difference?
levi, on the other hand, does a double take. being the gamer he is, he’d definitely heard the word used as an insult, but he’d never thought about anyone actually having autism - much less his best friend
“MC, you have autism?” he turns to you looking genuinely confused, his controller sitting, forgotten, in his lap
“um, yeah? it’s not really a big deal,” you say, shrugging
“yeah it is! i mean i knew you were pretty weird, since you hang out with me-” he stops mid-sentence, realizing his mistake. “NOT IN A BAD WAY, OF COURSE! ah sorry, i said something stupid, like always.”
you shake your head with a small smile. you can tell he’s trying. “trust me, i’ve heard much worse. you’re fine, levi.”
he glances up at you, face red from embarrassment, and your smile widens. “i mean, i don’t think like ‘normal’ people anyway, so yeah, i kinda am weird.”
once you leave his room, he’s at his pc, researching more vigorously that he’s ever done for a class
the more he learns, the more annoyed he gets at the complete misunderstanding of the disorder
ultimately, he just wants to make sure you feel supported and understood
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you’re sitting in the library, doing your homework while satan looks over your essay, checking for errors
“oi, MC”
“what’s up?” you respond, still focused on your work
“are you scared of me?”
this prompts you to look up, focusing your eyes on his hands
“i was when i first came here, and i definitely would be scared if i really pissed you off, but no, i’m not scared of you. why do you ask?”
“you never look me in the eyes. or my brothers, actually.”
oh. you’d been hoping no one had noticed. “oh, i just don’t like eye contact. it makes me uncomfortable.” you return your eyes to your paper, hoping that was enough.
“how so?” 
so it wasn’t enough.
“i’m autistic, genius. i figured it was obvious by now.”
“oh. that makes sense.” that’s all he says, so you try to return your focus to your homework.
satan is probably the most comfortable talking to you about it. he’ll ask you questions about your personal experiences and make an effort to understand you better
one day you look over his shoulder to find him reading an article on masking on his DDD
he cares deeply for you, even if it’s hard for him to say so
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asmo has wrangled you into yet another shopping trip
“MC, look at this!! you have to try it on!”
one look at the article of clothing and your face is already scrunching up
“absolutely not.”
“awe, why not?” he gives you the biggest puppy eyes and you sigh. he knows your weaknesses.
“the material. i hate it.”
“but it would look so good on you~”
clearly, he’s not going to give up unless you explain yourself to him
“sure, for a couple seconds, until i have a complete meltdown,” you remark. “i’m autistic, so some textures just make me feel really bad.”
his mouth makes an ‘o’ shape, and then he goes back to looking confused. “i hadn’t even thought about that as a possibility! you should’ve said something earlier!”
he feels really bad about all the times he’s touched you without warning. he thought your shock was cute (and he still does), but he knows that autistic people sometimes dislike touch - he’s definitely had at least a couple autistic ‘partners’ in the past
he’s quite the observant demon, quickly picking up on sensations you d and don’t like. if you’re bothered by smells, he does his best to lay off on the perfume - granted, it’s a necessary part of his routine that he absolutely cannot give up completely. he lets you play with the dimmer in his room so you can find the amount of light that works best.
occasionally, he’ll have to tell you that he’s trying his absolute best to flirt and you are giving him nothing. you’re just like “oh shit i didn’t realize”
asmo’s just a sweetheart who wants you to be comfortable
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beel unfortunately has to learn about your autism because of a situation out of your control
you’re in the gym, keeping him company while he works out
you’re searching his bag and you realize you don’t have your headphones
oh fuck.
you always bring your headphones to the gym; the sounds of televisions, music, people talking, weights clinking, treadmills rumbling... it’s too much
not to mention the stench of sweat and the florescent lights - truly an autistic person’s nightmare
you squeeze you eyes shut, but that only makes the noise worse. you’re surrounded by noise and you can’t stop it. it occurs to you that you’re no longer breathing properly but it’s just too loud and you’re so small
“MC?” beel’s voice is soft and filled with obvious concern. you open your eyes, seeing him kneeling in front of you. your eyes sting, and you realize you’re tearing up. “MC, are you alright?” 
all you can do is shake your head
“do you want to go home?” you nod, biting your lip as he stands up, making you feel even smaller.
he quickly packs his things into his bag and offers you a hand, helping you get up
he quickly escorts you outside, where you practically gulp for air. 
he waits patiently with you while you slowly ground yourself. 
“okay, let’s go home.” you explain sensory overload as you walk, then tell him about your autism
beel, like asmo, is very observant and he learns surprisingly fast. 
he’s also very protective of you. if someone triggers you, he won’t hesitate to tell them off before doing a grounding exercise with you
he’s basically you’re giant therapy demon and you love him for it
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it’s becoming way too much. you’ve been masking heavily for months, monitoring your every move while doing your absolute best to thrive in a (literally) completely different universe than what you’re used to
you’re laying facedown on the couch, practically unable to move. you want to go to your room, but your body won’t let you
“mc?” you hear belphegor’s voice. “are you trying to imitate me?” he teases
you simply groan in response, not wanting to bother
for a moment he goes silent. then, you feel a hand on your shoulder
you jolt up, swiping his hand away as you let out a small shout. belphie’s eyes are widened in surprise
“don’t touch me! ...please,” you add as an afterthought, feeling bad for scaring him
he sits with you on the couch, taking care to leave space between the two of you. “what’s wrong?” you don’t respond. “mc?”
“burnout. too much. feel bad.”
belphie has absolutely no clue what that means, but he figures he knows something that might help.
“want to take a nap with me?”
you have to think about it before responding with a “sure” and slowly crawling into his arms (if that’s something you’re okay with)
it’s night when the two of you wake up. you still feel awful, but you can at least cope better.
once belphie’s more awake, he asks you what the hell happened
“two words: autistic shutdown”
“that doesn’t explain anything” - belphie really doesn’t know anything about humans
you do your best to explain - you were born with a brain that works a bit differently than most humans. some of the symptoms are an aversion to change and ‘odd’ behavior that’s difficult to hide. when you get too stressed, you just kinda ‘shut down’
he takes a bit to really understand, but once he does, he does his best to support you.
he falls asleep to your infodumping and you find it endearing
he gets good at recognizing when you’re starting to shut down and he always convinces you to take a break via a cuddly nap
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