#also why is it that they say ‘no crunchy foods for the rest of the day’ and it’s the only day I want only crunchy food??
the-bi-space-ace · 5 months
Hi. I went to the dentist today and I was very brave about it so headcanons about the clone boys and the dentist for you.
Echo: hates the dentist quite like any other medical thing. He will put off going as long as possible and refuses to go alone. He does however floss every day and take very good care of his teeth. The routine of it all is something he loves doing and it makes him feel put together.
Hunter: honestly just knock him out if you’re taking him to a dentist. His senses hate it here. It’s bright. Everything inside his mouth hurts. There’s too many things happening. Stop. Stop it all. Brushes regularly but won’t floss.
Crosshair: has constant jaw pain and the dentist keeps telling him that the toothpicks are bad for his teeth but he refuses to stop. Bit the dentist as a kid and threatens to do it even as an adult. Worst patient. Insists on a little treat afterwards (Echo always takes him to go get a little treat bc they go together each and every time)
Tech: prepared man. Knows each step and how much it’ll cost before he even books the appointment. He is that Ron Swanson ‘I know more than you’ meme. Him and Echo have a nighttime routine together so they both have excellent check ups.
Wrecker: sweet man loves his candy! He has a few cavities here and there but he does brush regularly! Hates flossing! Has accidentally swallowed mouthwash like it was a shot before though (this isn’t based on previous experience what do you mean shut up)
Cody: if he misses a step he will start over. Doesn’t feel clean without it. Has never had a cavity and thinks it’s some kind of competition. He goes every six months because they recommended it to him in his first adult visit and he just… does it. He wants to win at dentist which is perfectly reasonable and a thing you can accomplish.
Rex: has to be dragged and grumbles the whole time. Is bitter about Cody ‘winning’ at the dentist. Takes decent enough care of his teeth but hasn’t been to a dentist in five years. Cody tells him he’s ’setting a bad example’.
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
you could. probably think if some characters are texture eaters and if so which textures they would prefer or what reactions they'd have over disliked textures
@kimdokjafan replied
I would love to hear what you have to say about the party's food preferences! Things like favorite food, things they dislike/won't eat
i started answering this anon and then got this reply, so i'll combine them. got really long lol, food is such a complex topic!
bonnie enjoys the multi-textured fish head, so they're probably big on texture! i think they're starting to have enough cooking experience to get put off when a texture isn't correct. like the problem isn't the texture itself but rather that rice should not be like that, they overcooked it, yuck, ugh! they would probably make a new batch if possible. however, they're also used to eating what you have because it's all you have — sometimes the nice neighbor drops off her shitty mac n cheese and it's better than nothing, or you mix up salt and sugar for today's bread but you're almost out of flour — so they'll try to come up with a new use for the fucked-up batch where the weird texture works better, or just eat it themself. unpleasant, but better than serving it to someone else or wasting it! as for what they enjoy the most: lots of different textures mixed together, like a salad or deluxe burrito. and chewy things!
we know bonnie's favorite foods are pineapple, rice, and samosas. i'd say they love sweet things as most kids do, but they're really starting to prefer a little more complexity to their sweet treats, like the tart acidity of pineapple. rice is a great favorite bc it's a comforting plain staple, but it can also be used in such a variety of dishes, as the entire base or to add texture! bonnie likes spicy, sour, etc... bring on the flavor! honestly i don't think there's many ingredients they don't like, it's more often a case of that flavor doesn't go there, why would you do that??? maybe they haven't grown into bitter vegetables yet.
siffrin also likes the fish head, so they really enjoy a fun texture, and they like trying new foods as they travel — but when they don't like something they hate it. but they also hate to raise a fuss! so if they're eating with other people, they'll try to just eat around the offending element without making it too obvious that's what they're doing, and then claim they're just not that hungry. if they're by themself, they'll spit it out and rinse out their mouth and eat something crunchy. they don't like tomatoes, which is convenient bc they also don't like when sandwich bread gets soggy at all. they don't like mushrooms or caramalized onion. they enjoy super crunchy things and a nice thick soup!
we know malanga fritters are presumably his favorite. i think he likes mashed potatoes too. fish, of course, and hearty stews. he loves clam chowder! he used to be a big sweet pastries fan, but post-canon he pivots to fruity sweetness bc he can't stand caramel-marshmallow-candy sweetness anymore, and even fruit's on thin ice. most of his disliked foods are about the texture, not the taste. but he's also really sensitive to associations - if he coincidentally gets sick after eating something, eats something badly seasoned, etc, it'll put him off of that taste for a while even if he doesn't remember why.
iirc isabeau wasn't into the fish head. he likes simpler and more predictable foods! he gets yucked out by overripe fruits, but luckily it's usually pretty easy to tell if a fruit will be good. if he does accidentally bite into a bad one, he makes a face and swallows it as quickly as possible, and asks if anyone else wants the rest before he donates it to the local wildlife. he likes fluffy breads and nuts! he's the kind of guy to pack a stack of pb&js and an apple for lunch every day, just buying a different flavor of jam each time he runs out. he doesn't like anything too spicy or bitter! probably a cheese fiend too.
mirabelle isn't super particular about textures, but she is pickier about tastes; she doesn't like a couple common vegetables, like green beans and cooked carrots, and a couple common sauces, like mustard and marinara. she doesn't like nuts, but sometimes eats them anyway because they're so popular in dormont's house for some reason and she gets tired of refusing to eat them, and now she sorta hates them even more but also will absentmindedly stand there munching on them? in general if she doesn't like a food she's served she'll still try to eat enough to be polite, but sometimes can't manage it. some foods she loves are honey, olives, and apple pie. she does love plums too, but it's less that they're objectively her favorite taste and more that they're her thing. it's fun having a thing!
odile likes delicate textures like flaky pastries and watermelon, and doesn't like purely glop-based foods like oatmeal, though it's tolerable with a crunchy topping. she really enjoys a good meat, like a nice herby steak or buttery pork belly. she doesn't dislike sweets, but she doesn't indulge in them in often; when she does, she prefers lemony desserts or bitter chocolate. she finds most foods tolerable at least, and especially likes sharp flavors, like vinegar and vodka!
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fishnchip3011 · 5 months
can u talk more about wren being autistic!! >_<
wren has a set routine/schedule that he follows everyday, and if something unplanned happens he can find it difficult to adjust
he doesn't pick up on certain social cues and so can be seen as blunt/rude (also because he has a hard time reading how people feel when they only hint at it & don't explicitly say it out loud)
tends to hyperfocus on certain tasks/hobbies (ex: tinkering with doodads making lil gadgets etc)
reduced facial expressiveness/some difficulty expressing emotions thru facial expressions, tone, etc but gets better with practice
sleeps/rests a lot due to being overwhelmed by sensory input throughout the day
prefers working alone most of the time cuz he feels his memory is more reliable & generally functions better when alone
used to be way less socially adept when he was younger, but due to studying social skills over time he's become good at socializing conversation-wise
really dislikes foods with goopy/slimy textures. likes strong flavors like spicy foods and likes the stimulation from crunchy foods
he doesn't like fishing because he's impatient and will fidget the entire time he waits and also cuz he dislikes the smell of seafood. prefers mining & combat/fighting monsters because it's a steady source of activity n he likes to keep his hands busy -> which is why he makes lots of gestures w his hands/arms when talking and stims by tapping his fingers on objects, spinning things, rubbing his clothes, etc. he also chews on pencils/pens when using them -3-
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lyricailove · 8 months
Gallagher Siblings: Who's A Picky Eater?
I haven't written meta in a good minute. Let's ramble about characters for a little bit.
I think Fiona was happy with whatever food Frank and Monica remembered to give her. As soon as she was old enough to reach the counter, she knew that she'd basically be on her own so she learned to be grateful for whatever was in the house or what she could manage to scrape together for her, Lip, and Ian. Eventually, as she got older and was able to bring in some money she had her favorites and would be ecstatic when she could have them. Fiona strikes me as a fried rice gal. Like when she could afford takeout it'd be the boost she needed to hang in there for the rest of the week.
Lip, I feel, is a picky eater but when he was younger he would try not to complain unless it was something he really hated. When Fiona would place a veggie he didn't like on his plate he'd huff but would still eat. Now he'll just forego eating foods he doesn't like but will still thank whoever cooked.
Ian being the sweetheart he is never wanted to make Fiona upset or come off like he doesn't appreciate her cooking. So if Ian didn't like what was on his plate he'd eat it anyway and confess to Lip that he didn't like it later. He knew Lip wouldn't tell on him. I feel like Ian would also tell Debbie and Carl not to complain when they don't like something. As a devoted husband, if Micky makes Ian dinner and Ian happens to not like it, he'll break the news but still tell Mickey that he loves the gesture.
Debbie is seen as Fiona's helper in the early seasons and even later on. I think Debbie was picky and might even say that she doesn't like something out loud, but she would also explain why and how Fiona could make it better. Debbie is a problem solver by nature, she's not going to make a comment if she doesn't have something constructive to add. But once she learned how to cook, you better believe she wouldn't stand for anyone not being 100% grateful for her cooking. You don't like her spaghetti? Make it yourself next time!
Carl is one of those boys who was happy to eat anything. He just wanted to finish so he could go outside and play. Yes sometimes he'd be a little carnivore and try to sneakily leave his veggies untouched but he has too many older siblings to get away with that. And Ian and Lip weren't above picking him up and putting him right back in his chair until he finished.
Liam isn't picky per se, just particular when it comes to textures. Trim the fat off his meat, no secret crunchy bits, likes his carrots a little firm and not squishy. He's open about his preferences but he won't throw a fit if things aren't perfect. Just a little withdrawn about his food that night.
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mynamesaplant · 1 year
Love is a Cold Bowl of Soup (Part One)
I've been working on this one for a bit. I hope you enjoy!! Thanks to Monsoon-of-Art for the beta! Don't want to read it on Tumblr? I have it on AO3!
Summary: Akari's been tasked to find some ingredients for soup and learns to ask for help from the people in her life.
-Sootfoot root -Medicinal leeks -Vegetable broth -Moomoo milk -Wild garlic -Crunchy Salt -Pep-Up plant
Akari didn’t know exactly that the professor had in mind when he asked her and Rei to go find these things, but it seemed to be some sort of recipe. She followed in the wake of the man clad in Security Corp red, dividing her attention between the list and the path they trekked.
A grimace came to her face as she recalled the last time the professor had tried to be adventurous with foreign recipes and native ingredients. The poor captain had been sick for almost two days. Akari hadn’t fared too well herself, but she powered through like always.
Now the professor was on this new kick, and he was gleefully cryptic about it - needless to say, it worried everyone. They all knew Laventon meant well, but nobody wanted to be decommissioned by some toxic concoction.
Akari herself was already constructing her excuses. She was nervous about battling Ingo on the Path of Solitude (battling Ingo usually scared the daylights out of her- he was so tough!) and couldn’t stomach anything or Wanda had mysteriously disappeared again (Akari knew she would perform a vanishing act the second the noxious smell of whatever the professor was cooking wafted down the hall). It couldn’t be directly Pokémon related, because then the professor would be inclined to accompany the Survey Corps’ top member.
Akari’s breath began to pick up with a sharp incline that preceded that pass to the highlands basecamp. She was caked in mud from trudging through the marshes in search of some halfway decent Sootfoot. The professor said he needed about thirty or so.
“About this big.”
He had said, holding out his fist so she could get a sense of what he needed. The leeks had been easy. The fieldlands were teaming with them. Akari had also gathered the vegetables that Beni needed to make the professor’s broth. She had sent those back with some of the Security Corp as they were headed back to town, that way Beni could get started right away. With all his hemming and hawing, Akari was surprised he agreed at all, she had definitely heard him mumble something about how a new spate of food poisoning would affect business at the Wall Flower.
She couldn’t blame the old man, the influx of customers who were too terrified of any of the food served in Galaxy Hall usually meant they were streaming into his restaurant, which was good for business but bad for his back.
Akari’s eyes quickly flicked to the peak of Mount Coronet when they reached basecamp. She couldn’t help it. It was so strange to see the sky above it so empty. Not that she wasn’t glad that all she saw was blue sky, but it still made her chest tighten to think of all that happened up there.
Dialga and Palkia, Volo and Giratina - suddenly she was very conscious of the Arc phone resting heavily on her hip and its sudden weight made her shiver. Her invitation from the being who put her here was still fresh in her mind. Ever since she completed Cogita’s request to catch Enamorus, she had felt a draw toward the peak as her curiosity ate at her.
Why was she here? Why her? These questions still took up a corner of her mind, solid and unbearable to contemplate. Akari would lie very still at night and just stare above her without seeing. Not so much in Jubilife with a roof over her head. When she found herself under a blanket of stars, bathed in moonlight with a cool breeze rustling her unbound hair, she asked herself why and she could feel tears sting her eyes.
She asked an uncaring cosmos why she was here, and she was met with silence. A silent, dark phone. A dreamless, restless sleep. The silence spoke volumes, so Akari learned to stop asking… But not completely.
Her hands curled into fists as she refitted her pack and exchanged her Pokémon for ones that would be more suited to battles in the highlands. Akari’s selection included Samurott, Yanmega, Roserade, Froslass, Alakazam, and Arcanine. Samurott looked over her shoulder while Akari rummaged through the trunk containing her possessions, grabbing some extra balls and potions.
She was still trying to find some Cherrim to jump out at her from the trees and she might as well try to find as many shaking trees as possible while she was here. Last time she had come to the highland, she had spent over a month there trying to get Nosepass to jump out from ore deposits and had almost given up on multiple occasions.
Her Pokémon nudged her side carefully, doing his best not to gore her and his diligence earned him an affectionate scratch on the cheek. He grumbled his approval, offering her a playful nip which made her sour expression disappear. She thanked the Security Corp, returned her Samurott to the confines of his ball, and withdrew her flute from her belt.
The instrument had undergone a drastic change not too long ago. Although her fellow Galaxy Team members didn’t seem to notice anything strange in her flute, Akari brought it hesitantly to her lips and just as quickly lowered it.
Adaman had taught her how to use the Celestica flute, the wardens had guided her through the familiar melodies that all the Nobles seemed to respond to, but nobody taught her about this instrument. It still sounded like the original, the music still possessed its haunting and echoey tone, but this blue flute held no resemblance to the one she had been gifted.
Akari hadn’t shown a soul this new flute. She was afraid how any of them would react. She exhaled and brought the flute to her lips, playing Lord Wyrdeer’s song. Despite her hand placement feeling weird and the notes quivering with uncertainty, the lord of the field still answered her call. She could see him trotting up the pass, appearing out of the mist with a small bob of his great head, acknowledging Akari as she clambered up onto his back and patting his neck in reply. Without prompting, the noble took off in the direction of Wayward Cave.
The lady of the cliffs snickered, exchanging a few unintelligible words with Lord Wyrdeer right before he took his leave. Lady Sneasler tousled the girl’s hair and then summarily dumped Akari into her basket so she could haul the surveyor up and down the cliffs to collect salt. Akari really only needed a few chunks of salt, but she found the rocking motion soothing as Sneasler scrambled around the rock face with ease. She gave no direction after collecting all she needed and Sneasler chirped with delight when Akari gave her free reign to go where she wanted.
What was the professor going to make? It seemed to be some kind of soup, but no kind of soup she had ever heard of. Maybe it was Galarian or something? They had some very strange ideas about food and flavors sometimes… At the bottom of Clamberclaw Cliffs, she saw herself out of the basket and turned to thank the Pokémon, but the noble was already taking her leave. She did at least turn to acknowledge Akari’s announcement of thanks, dangling by one paw and snorted before hauling herself over the lip of the cliff.
On her own once again and suddenly not really in the mood to head back to any of the basecamps, Akari started wandering.
She wanted to keep her mind clear, forcing her eyes in front of her rather than on the looming peak above her. Looming was the right word, wasn’t it? It felt overbearing, like unseen eyes were burning into her and invisible hands were grabbing at her.
Come find me. Face me.
Not yet.
She wasn’t ready.
Her work wasn’t done. The Pokédex was unfinished. So many people still needed her help. She folded her arms and half hunched, trudging along. She had fallen from the sky almost two years ago. She had almost resigned herself to the fact that Hisui was her home now.
Ingo had been here for seven years and still held a glimmer of hope that he might someday at least remember home. He held no delusions about returning. He had built his life, he cemented himself in his community, but he never quite gave up on the life he couldn’t quite recall.
Akari had done likewise.
She grew roots. People liked her. People relied on her. She couldn’t let them down… She sniffled, feeling her legs wobble because the weight of the world hadn’t been quite removed from her shoulders. It was a terrible burden.
“Why did you do this to me?”
She asked, voice trembling as badly as her shoulders with how hard she tried to hold in her sobs.
Akari tried so hard not to cry in front of others. Only a few people had caught her - she did her best to hide herself away when she got weepy - and they had tried to offer her comfort, tried to be supportive, but nobody really understood. Not the full extent of it. Akari couldn’t explain. She barely understood herself. An enigmatic force took her from her room in her pajamas and told her to complete a task. She was trying while more and more got piled on to her shoulders. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right!
Laventon had clucked sympathetically when she had burst into tears after learning she was tasked with dealing with Lord Kleavor. He wrapped an arm around her, offering her a clean handkerchief from his pocket that Akari took with shaking hands.
His presence at her side felt warm and comforting, like when she had a tough day and her mother wrapped up in her arms, kissing the top of her head while she murmured that it was okay. He still didn’t know this teenager well enough to provide her the comfort she really needed, but he tried. He was one of the few she actually sought out when things really started to weigh on her, but not recently.
Not with this.
Rei had nervously shifted on his feet when he found Akari crying in her bed, still in her sleepwear and hair a tangled mess. She had been up half the night tossing and turning, suffocating under the weight of her responsibility. He didn’t know what to say, but quickly obeyed when she barked out at him to get out, especially with her then team at the time (Dewott, Lopunny, Stunky, Staravia, Drifblim, and Tangela) bullying him out the door.
He waited outside and awkwardly slapped her on the shoulder, his encouraging smile more of a grimace than anything else. She had resolved at the time not to cry in front of anyone else, no matter how much it hurt. Not too long after that resolution, the sky began to bleed.
Mai had seen her cry when she had been banished and she tucked a strand of hair behind Akari’s ear while she tried to stave her own tears. She held the gasping girl tight and apologized over and over again.
The warden’s heart went out to this poor girl, but there was nothing she could do with her. Not directly. Mai was the first person to tell Akari she was sorry. Not a soul in Hisui had said it as earnestly as Mai had, and it only served to make her sob harder.
She just wanted someone to treat her like the kid she was for one damn second. Not a savior. Not an outsider. Just a teenager.
Akari had buried her face in Mai’s shoulder and just stayed with the warden until not a drop remained. There was nothing the clans could do for her. Akari took her leave. Volo found her not a few hours later.
Cogita knew the most about Akari’s situation, even without her telling the woman much. Akari got the impression that Cogita knew a lot more than she let on, just like Volo, and she was as transparent as she could be with the mysterious woman.
She had spoken to her gently, calling her ‘lost one’ but not unkindly. She offered Akari a cup of tea, just like the professor did on bad days, which only made her tears grow hotter in her anguish. The life she was trying to build for herself as she tried to make the best of her situation was so abruptly and harshly torn from her that she didn’t know what to do but cry in front of this perfect stranger.
Cogita had been sensible enough to give her some space but nudged the warm cup closer to her hands in a silent encouragement to drink.
When she had been granted permission to return to Jubilife and she was able to convince herself that she could come back in relative safety, Akari started battling at the dojo more often. She didn’t want to be caught off guard again and she reasoned that by having a strong body like Captain Zisu’s and strong Pokémon like Warden Ingo’s then she wouldn’t fear being banished again.
Not without a fight at least.
She found herself battling Ingo as often as she trained with Zisu. Akari wasn’t always victorious, but the warden was always aiming her towards victory.
After one particularly grueling battle, one that had seen the change from an orange dusk to a blue-black evening, Ingo had ended up as the victor.
Gliscor had made a beeline for his trainer, screeching happily with the outcome and Ingo chuckled, scrubbing the Pokémon’s cheeks before turning to Akari. Her face had been cast down, her Abomasnow lay a few feet away, but she made no move to return her or aid her Pokémon in any fashion. It was very unlike Akari.
Ingo had already launched into a rousing speech, but his words faltered as the number of inconsistencies started to add up in his mind. The girl’s hands were curled into shaking fists at her sides. Her shoulders were quivering. She bowed her head lower, trying in vain to scramble for a ball that her trembling fingers couldn’t manage to grip, only just managing to flip the lock on the ball to have her Pokémon return to her.
“Miss Akari?”
She cringed, jerking away like she was burned. Was she crying? Because she lost? She had never cried before, but this seemed different somehow.
Ingo did not consider himself a warm and fuzzy kind of guy, but something stirred in his mind when he saw young Akari crying and trying to hide that fact from him. She rubbed at her obscured eyes with her sleeve, trying to sniffle quietly - the sight felt oddly familiar.
He was frozen for a moment, a not so clear memory coming to him because he had done this. He had comforted someone else -someone very close to him- many times before his arrival to Hisui. He returned his Pokémon and reached Akari in two strides, he started to reach for her but hesitated.
“Come this way, Akari.”
Ingo coaxed her gently, hand extended. He didn’t want to grab her, despite the ghost of an impulse to hug her tightly seizing him, he knew not to infringe on other’s space like that. Not without permission. Akari looked up at him through tear flecked lashes, her mouth drawn into a tight grimace as she attempted not to burst into tears. She took his hand easily.
Zisu was on her break with the other dojo regulars at the Wallflower, so he ushered her inside the empty building and sat her on a bench. He resisted the urge to interrogate her, she would only rebuff him until she stormed away to seek the safety and privacy of her quarters.
She hid her face in her hands, body heaving with silent sobs with her shoulders tensed up by her ears. He asked her if it was okay to hold her and she jerked her head, making a small noise of assent. Tears dribbled from the cracks between Akari’s fingers - she didn’t even know what had brought on the sudden waterworks.
She felt a sudden weight being draped over her shoulders, it startled Akari enough to look up as the warden took a seat beside her.
His coat was sun bleached and torn, but still retained heat and deflected all sorts of precipitation well and she was grateful for it on this cool autumn evening. She drew the lapels in tighter and remained huddled there for a moment, keeping her eyes firmly on the ground. Ingo didn’t ask why.
He just let her cry and occasionally rubbed her back between shoulder blades in an encouraging sort of way, like he was silently telling her it was okay to cry.
It was okay to feel sad or overwhelmed or scared or whatever she was feeling. She was safe and he was there if she wanted to talk about it. Although, that thought hadn’t quite clicked for Akari yet as she hiccuped an apology.
“I’m sorry. I… I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“We don’t always have to know exactly why we feel a certain way. Just that we feel it and that we be allowed to express ourselves. You don’t have to apologize for it.”
The words had a soothing effect, she leaned against his side and Ingo didn’t budge. There was an old ache in his heart because he knew he shared a similar sentiment before. 
The warden only left her side to light a few lanterns in the dark interior of the dojo and to brew some tea, otherwise Ingo remained steadfast at her side. The sound of brook running through Jubilife and the distant chirps of Kricketots harmonizing soothed the girl, eventually her breathing evened out and tear tracks down her cheeks had dried.
She thanked him.
She didn’t explain, but she thanked him for just being there for her.
There were no prying eyes this time, no one to bear witness to these tears. Nobody to console the girl that fell from the sky. They were kind, but it had taken so long to get there.
It had taken so long to feel safe when she was thrown into this situation. She had performed every painstaking task - she had the scars to prove each and every one. She endured and she had been thanked, but it didn’t feel like enough.
Did that make her selfish?
Did that make her petty?
Why should a seventeen-year-old have to consider such things?
A long snout nudged into her cheek. Her Samourott insisted for her attention, rumbling out his concern as he nosed her again. She felt something cool snuggling into one side and something thorny jabbing her other side, Froslass and Roserade offering their comfort.
Arcanine’s warm muzzle nudged her other cheek, whimpering and gently nipping at her hands to lick at her face.
Yanmega’s bristly, twig-like legs rested on her shoulders, his thorax running the length of her back, with every buzz of his wings making her vision blur.
Alakazam sat in front of her, the Pokémon’s hands extended Akari could see between her fingers, holding out for her to take hold of them. Samarott also started trying to nip at her hands, trying to pry her hands away, and finally Akari relented.
Her Pokémon surrounded her, and she felt a knot in her chest loosen. Air suddenly found its way into her lungs. The tightness in her throat eased. She was loved. Even so far away from her home, her true home, Akari was loved.
Her Pokémon loved her. They stuck by her through and through on this whole journey. They had their own scars to prove it. She was loved.
Irida and Adaman loved her. They risked everything to help her. They were like the older siblings she never had.
The captain loved her… In her own special way. When she got banished, the captain gave her the tools and encouragement necessary to save them all because she believed in Akari. She told the girl that she expected her back in one piece, which was probably the closest Akari would ever get to hearing motherly concern from her captain.
Professor Laventon loved her. He watched every moment of her progress with beaming pride.
Yes, it had hurt. It hurt that nobody seemed to trust her. It hurt that nobody seemed to have any sympathy for the teenager. It hurt that Arceus didn’t answer when she asked why.
It hurt to think that she would never see her mom again. Her best friend who she had made plans to go to lunch with next week. Her dad was going to visit from overseas next month. Her little Glameow she named Glitter.
Akari was allowed to mourn and cry and be upset about the injustice of it all, but she shouldn’t have to hide that pain.
When she resolved not to cry, to keep her pain to herself, she isolated herself from those around her.
How could they possibly understand?
Well, how could they understand unless she opened up and explained it to them? She had only ever done that with Cogita and the woman hadn’t overstepped her boundaries but she was wholly sympathetic to Akari’s case. How could she expect these people to understand if she didn’t give them the whole story?
Akari thanked all her Pokémon and returned them to their balls. She pushed the heels over her hands into her burning eyes and stood very still for a moment.
She had been wrong.
Trust is a two-way street, and she didn’t trust the Galaxy Team or the clans to understand her plight. She had never given them a chance.
Like all people who were trying to be emotionally vulnerable, Akari was hesitant to do so. She knew who to talk to first and she just so happened to have to make a delivery to him.
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sweetfirebird · 9 months
A Star for Trenne's Own
This is for Djaz/Seren on Patreon, who wanted some Taji and Trenne, something happy and maybe spicy if possible.
Content tags: post and pre-sexytimes. Taji mid-longing at the height of his shehzha-ness. Spoilers for Taji from Beyond the Rings. Alien genitalia (though really described much here.)
A Star for Trenne's Own
Taji flung his arms and legs outward on the soft sheets of his big bed and stretched, trying and failing to remember that though he currently felt no pain, his prosthetic issues were still there. The bedding was freshly changed. Taji had no real thoughts to spare for whoever had been collecting their laundry except to wish them well and maybe thank them some day whenever he left this room again.
He frowned fleetingly at the idea of moving from this room, from this bed, and rolled over to press his shoulders against sweet-smelling pillows and spread his legs in sensual delight. His skin was scrubbed and clean, oil massaged in by Trenne himself, gently urging Taji this way and that, finally allowing Taji to lick at his pussy and suck his cock in exchange for Taji’s stillness while he made sure all of Taji’s skin was moisturized and soft.
Then he’d placed Taji on the bed to rest so he could quickly clean himself before returning to the bedroom. He put a protein bar in Taji’s hand. Taji meant to glare at him for it, but he looked up and was immediately distracted by Trenne’s lovely, delicate eyes. So big and so deadly when he needed to be, but so delicate.
“Eat, peha.” Trenne said that because he was clever and wonderful and knew it would make Taji eat, at least a little.
“Trenne,” Taji sighed back at him, but took a horrible, dry, crunchy bite of something that wasn’t his eshe. The crunchy ones were his favorite, Trenne would say if Taji complained. His ears would dip down. He would worry. Taji took another bite and even chewed and swallowed it, but only to please him. “Why are you so pretty?” he complained, disliking the sensation of crumbs on their bed and turning to sweep them away.
He turned back in time to catch Trenne’s ears twitching the way they always did when Taji paid him compliments. “So strong,” Taji went on breathlessly, not teasing although he’d meant to. “With markings I want to kiss. Will you let me kiss them next, eshe? Ah twitch twitch go your ears now. You’re lovely. Trenne,” Taji caught himself whining and at least cut that much off. He dutifully crunched away at the awful food Trenne wanted him to eat and hummed when Trenne’s eyes would meet his.
Trenne stood at the end of the bed, too far away, checking his DD for news and updates from the others. That was important. Taji tried to remember that.
“So smart,” he sighed this as well. “Clever and brave. They’re counting on you even now. You must be tired. Are you tired, Trenne? Come here and rest with me.”
“Water now,” Trenne said, not asking and also not climbing on the bed with Taji to rest or anything. He took the wrapper of the protein bar away and replaced it with a cup, and stood there, ears forward and attentive, while Taji frowned but drank the water.
Trenne stepped away seconds later, dealing with the wrapper and cup.
“I’m such a bother,” Taji realized, vaguely certain he’d realized this before and suddenly, impossibly tired. His bones were heavy. He could barely follow Trenne’s path around the room. “So much work for you when you’re already tired. I’m sorry.”
Trenne’s ears went to the side and then flattened. He looked at Taji directly, then came closer to the bed to cup Taji’s jaw. “It is my honor.” He brushed a tingling, sensitive space beneath Taji’s ear and then did the same to Taji’s mouth. “And it is pleasant work.”
Taji was basking in warmth and lighter than air. He smiled.
Trenne’s ears came back up. “Rest, peha. I will not leave.”
Rest did not sound fun with him close enough, naked from his shower and still damp while touching Taji. But he picked up the DD and began to skim the information again, petting Taji as he did. Taji pressed into his roughly, textured palm and let his eyes close. He had to be patient. The information was important. Trenne was eshe but they did not have soldiers to spare. He still had to be sharp.
Trenne could be patient. Remarkably so. He was Sha and not human and could come many times without ejaculating. He did that for Taji when the longing was too much, and in the meantime, answered Taji’s begging by letting Taji use him like a toy, stimulating him on his cock until Taji was a pitiful, shivering wreck and only then giving him a taste.
Sometimes, in odd moments when Taji was suddenly aware again, he worried over Trenne putting in all this work to please him while also still working to protect everyone else. He thought of that now and didn’t whine or plead or beckon Trenne to the bed. But he opened his eyes to watch him and the tiny movements of his ears as he absorbed whatever the others had to tell him.
It was good that he wasn’t distracted like Taji was. If Taji had been Shavian too, Trenne would have to fight the longing. But he had probably wanted that, when he’d dreamed of this in his youth. Now he’d never know it because Taji couldn’t give him that.
He exhaled mournfully.
“So soon?” Trenne looked down to ask, a question that didn’t quite make sense.
Taji gazed up to his still face and concerned ears. “You’re so good. My eshe.” He shivered a little and pressed his face hard into Trenne’s palm until Trenne began to lightly touch him again. “I’m more work. I can’t give you the longing. Not much of a…”
“Taji.” Trenne stopped him with a voice so firm that a hot pang went through Taji’s chest. Trenne stared down at him with the Sha version of wonder. “I believe myself fortunate that you cannot. They would judge me and they would be harsh if I gave in, even in the smallest ways. You as you are, Taji shehzha. A star for my own.”
Taji slid forward to put his face against Trenne’s thigh. “All of that and I…. I worried. In Laviias. If something happened to you and the longing would be as painful as they insisted it was. I didn’t know it then, so I believed…. I told—I told them I could live without you if I had to. That’s not very…”
“My wise shehzha.” Trenne stopped him again, one hand curved to Taji’s nape. “Clever Taji Ameyo. I would have you survive. Is that… not the answer I should give?”
His uncertainty cut through some of the warmth in Taji’s mind. He tipped his head back.
Trenne studied him with the quiet that spoke of worry. “Is it not what you want your eshe to want? I would have you survive.”
“Even if it meant another touching me?” Taji shook his head as he asked it. “I wouldn’t want it. If that had happened,” he kissed Trenne’s skin and curled his hand behind one knee, “I would imagine you,” he promised. He licked his lips and had to kiss Trenne again, shivering as he made his way up Trenne’s thigh.  He shifted to get closer, pulling Trenne toward his greedy, hungry, shehzha mouth. “I’d want this.” He used his fingers to part flesh and then his tongue to taste it before shifting to rise up higher. “Want you.” He found Trenne’s cock and sucked hard on one of the bumps that felt so good inside him. Trenne’s cock was just for him. He didn’t want some phantom eshe. “Only you.” He found a new spot to suck, but it still didn’t give him what he wanted. What he needed, hot and nutty-sweet in his mouth. “Please. Please Trenne.”
“Take what you please, peha,” he was told softly, Trenne’s palm sweeping over his shoulders and then down to help draw Taji up onto his knees. The DD was in his other hand. He needed to work and Taji should care about that and not only filling his mouth and getting Trenne to spill so much it fell to his cheek and then his chest and Taji would have to lick it from his fingers to be satisfied that he’d gotten it all.
“Trenne.” He dipped his head to find other secretions and slid his knees apart. No pain, just an open body meant to receive.
He glanced up.
Trenne took a deep breath, the one that meant he was fighting to focus. Taji kept his eyes open while lapping up what he could for now and then returned to Trenne’s cock.
“My shehzha, not yet,” Trenne told him, firm and strong and clever, the DD falling to the bed before his hands were on Taji to position him how they wanted. Taji was slick from before and open enough it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but Trenne pushing him down, pushing inside him slowly to give him so much that he whined and bit his lip and swallowed what little taste he’d had so far.
No one else would compare. Taji shifted back and dropped his head to moan open-mouthed for more. “Only Trenne,” he managed, a thrum in his blood, “only you.”
 “A star for my own,” Trenne answered, and began to move Taji how he pleased.
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elenajohansenreads · 6 months
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Books I Read in 2024
#15 - Better Sex Through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire, by Lori A. Brotto
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
As with one of my previous reviews about a book on menopause, I'd like to point out up front that the structure and content of the book assumes the reader is a cis woman and refers to the reader's body throughout under that assumption, which might be alienating to any reader whose physiology doesn't match, be they cis men or any trans or intersex person. "Woman" in this book exclusively refers to cis women; only in one section does it allude to the distinction between cis and trans women by using the term "natal women" in reference to the specifics of one study. Which isn't to say that the core subject matter isn't potentially useful for or applicable to trans women or trans people in general, or that the book is setting out to be trans-exclusionary; only that what little research is being done on this topic is focused on cis women as the group who needs it and would benefit most greatly from it. (Which, given that most clinical medical science is done on cis men as the default, is still a good thing in my mind, that any research on sexuality is being done with cis women as the focus.)
Since the take-home message of this book is "Mindfulness practice could probably improve your sex life, and also the rest of your life while you're at it," in my mind that's equally useful advice for everyone, but the mindfulness exercises in this book range from generic at the start (anyone who can eat solid food can do the raisin meditation) to guided exploration of the body in both nonsexual and sexual contexts, which are specific to cis women.
If that message seems obvious, why does it need a whole book written about the science that "proves" it, well, I'm still a crunchy science nerd at heart and was interested to see the design structure of the studies done to research the topic and the results of those studies. That sort of narrative would likely seem dry and boring to someone more interested in the self-help, instructional aspects of the book; likewise, the mindfulness exercises themselves might not interest someone who was reading this for the crunchy science, though the book is definitely marketing itself to cis women experiencing some level of sexual distress or dysfunction who are hoping for a solution, to whom the book offers mindfulness.
Without getting too personal on the subject, I was interested in this book on both fronts; as with my previous reading about menopause, I'm trying to be proactive about engaging with the changes in my body as it ages, and I have noticed a pattern of changes in my sex life that I'm not pleased with. I don't have access to the sort of highly regimented clinical mindfulness study that the book refers to, but the barrier to entry for self-guided mindfulness practice is basically nonexistent--I already have one app on my phone I could be utilizing but mostly don't, and if it turns out I don't vibe with their library of guided exercises I know there's a wealth of other options. And even those aren't necessary, they're just helpful tools.
I know that I, personally, will face challenges attempting mindfulness practice despite all its potential benefits--mindfulness is widely considered to be especially beneficial for people with ADHD, but also difficult for them, as the differences in the ADHD brain from a neurotypical one aren't conducive to learning to achieve a state of mindfulness. But another, narrower take-home message from this book was inspiring to me: that self-belief about your own state of sexuality and sexual satisfaction is more impactful to actual sexual satisfaction that any combination of other studied factors (relationship status, age and hormonal changes, etc.) The book repeatedly assures the reader mindfulness is learning to treat negative thoughts as "mental events" to be noticed, acknowledged, and then moved on from, which in a broader, non-sexually-specific context, means that even my belief that "mindfulness will be difficult for me because I have ADHD" isn't an obstacle that can't be overcome. Forming a habit of mindfulness practice might also be difficult for me, but again, that can be overcome to at least some degree with motivation, and all those scientific studies did show that women engaged with mindfulness showed strong desire and follow-through in making time for daily practice (even accounting for the self-selection of feeling the need to participate in the study in the first place.) The benefits of mindfulness appear to be their own reward, in terms of successful habit-forming, so I'm hopeful.
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kindheart525 · 8 months
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Sunset Shimmer was settling nicely into her homeland of Equestria. Even her daughters who grew up with fingers and toes didn’t find the hooved life half bad. Together with Nana Stellar they were getting along like a family who’d been close their whole lives, going on day trips and such. 
But there was one member who wasn’t adjusting quite as effortlessly. Well, Luster Dawn was dealing with it as best she could, mostly just going with the flow. But these family members were still so much like strangers, it made her uneasy. 
Her cousins came from a world populated by creatures that didn’t even exist in Equestria, but Luster felt like she was the one thrust into a new world.
Today she tagged along with them on their visit to the local ice cream parlor. But she still felt too awkward to mingle with them, instead settling down on a bench while the rest of them made their orders. She could have declined their invitation, she knew this, but part of her wanted to go. As Luster sat alone, she listened in on their conversations, hoping that she could get to know them that way. 
A sing-songy voice called out to her, kind of like her Nana’s but much more youthful and gentle. Her was her cousin—Marmalade, was it?—sauntering over towards her, her long flowery dress swishing with every step.
“Why aren’t you over there with all of us? Don’t you want some ice cream too?”
Luster nodded, feeling a bit unprepared for this conversation but also grateful that somepony was bothering to talk to her at all.
“I, uh, I guess I like chocolate chip cookie dough. I mean—if you want a flavor. In a bowl, please.”
That was what she used to eat with…never mind.
“I’ll be back with something special!”
Marmalade assured her before going back to the ice cream stand, leaving just as quickly as she’d come.
Luster watched her go and wait in line for a moment, until she got bored and went back to her own thoughts, tracing her hooves along the wood grain nervously.
Something special? What does that mean? Is she getting me chocolate chip cookie dough or not?
She wasn’t sure what to think of Marm, she was the first of her cousins to really approach her so that was at least nice. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Soon her questions were answered when Marm came back over with two cones grasped in her magical “hands,” not the bowl Luster asked for.
“I’m back!”
She passed one over to her younger cousin, casually seating herself down in a pose that was rather unnatural for ponies but perfectly normal in her own homeland.
“Oh. Thank you.”
Luster was a bit disappointed that she didn’t get the ice cream she asked for, but maybe it was a good thing to not go down nostalgia lane today anyway. She didn’t want to deal with that with everything else going on.
But the ice cream scoop covered in nuts was just as foreign to her as getting four new relatives in a day had been.
“What’s this?”
“This is butter pecan ice cream!”
Marm announced proudly. 
“A revolutionary flavor, I’d say. It’s a perfect combination of sweet, salty, buttery, and crunchy, created from vanilla ice cream mixed with crisp buttery pecans.”
She clearly adored this flavor, so Luster decided to take a few tentative licks for herself.
“Hm. It’s nice.”
The saltiness wasn’t her favorite, she much preferred something sweet and chocolatey, but trying something new wasn’t too bad.
“I’m sure you appreciate the chemistry that goes into it, don’t you? Nana says you’re something of a scientist yourself. A scholar of er, magic.”
Marm wasn’t entirely familiar with the concept, her mom had connections to something otherworldly but she had never seen so much magic before coming to Equestria. So she stuck with what she knew, her comfort zone.
“See, food chemistry is like magic all on its own. If you break down all the properties of flavor, texture, so on—you can create something even better than what you first envisioned. That’s why I bought you butter pecan, to show you what it’s like.”
Marm was a bit more focused on her own interest than Luster’s, even though she really was trying to connect with her. But the filly was too lost in her anxiety to really notice it.
“Well, thank you. It’s good. Really. And yeah, uh, I guess it is like magic.”
“A brilliant girl—er, filly you are! How would you like to see how it works up-close sometime? And you can show me your science-magic too, I suppose. We can make a day of it.”
Luster’s response was brief, nerves and eagerness both swirling inside her. This was nice, she was getting somewhere, it looked like she had something in common with one of her cousins. But she also had no idea how this would go, would it be fun or disastrous? She hoped for the former.
She was so lost in her conflicted feelings of anticipation that she didn’t notice her ice cream starting to melt until Marm pointed it out to her.
“You’d better lick that fast now. Cones take quick thinking and wit, you can’t take it easy like with those little bowls.”
Previous: Blended Next: Weird Science
Background by Stelar-Eclipse Luster Dawn’s cutie mark by Parcly-Taxel
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ardent-fox · 2 years
✨️ Interview Tag Game ✨️
Got tagged by the wonderful @creepkinginc and @look-i-love-u to do this interview game, thank you, my darlings! 🥰
What are some movie/tv quotes that you quote often?
"It's all happening!" Almost Famous
"Behind the rabbit?" Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Every iconic line from RuPaul's Drag Race
What is your favorite flower?
Tulips 🌷
If you were in Avatar the Last Airbender what element would you want to bend? Earth, fire, water or air?
I'm not really familiar with it, but I'm going to say water.
What was your first job?
Selling tickets for kids to ride these stuffed animals at the mall (they hop on the saddle and then the springs inside the legs make them go forward).
What is your favorite breakfast?
I rarely eat breakfast, but when I do it's usually chocolate granola with blueberries/bananas and almond milk. Or toast topped with whatever since I'm basically addicted to it, otherwise it's usually just lots of green tea 🍵
What's a meal from childhood that you love?
When I was little, my dad and grandpa would go fishing and bring back various itty bitty ones that my mom and grandma would fry up. They would be crunchy and salty and my mom would put pieces on the softest bread and interchange feeding my brother and I, those were the days.
What's your favorite joke to tell?
I love telling long, elaborate, filthy af jokes in my native language, most of them supplied to me by my dad, but I don't think they'd translate well to English.
What's your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
Otters 🦦💙 They're my favorite animal, I could watch them play for hours.
What's your go to quick meal to cook/make at home?
Fry up some eggs and add whatever I have around, I love breakfast food.
What's your go to meal to cook someone to impress them?
I'm not much of a cook and prefer to bake, so... some yummy chocolate chip muffins?
What's something you want to do better?
Manage my time.
If you're working do you like your job?
I am currently unemployed, hoping my next job will bring me my first truly affirmative answer to this question.
Do you collect anything? What?
Stationery and books. Also gonna say teapots, since I have six already 🫖
If you were trapped in a kids tv show, what show would you be okay with being trapped in?
I can't remember a single kids tv show I've ever been interested in? Except The Tribe, but my parents would be dead then, so I don't think that's a good choice.
An adults tv show?
I was just telling my husband how much I love the bar and the community in Smiley today, so I'm going to go with that one.
What kind of job did you want as a child?
Teacher, singer/songwriter or writer. Got to do the first one for a while and I've kept the others as hobbies, so not bad.
Do you follow any sports? What team do you root for?
I used to follow my local basketball team cause it's the biggest sport in my city, now I transform into a soccer fan every four years for FIFA (mostly for the social aspect of tipsy game-watching and celebrating) and then go back to being clueless about everything.
If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
My bunny. Eating and sleeping all day while others pet me and tell me how cute I am? Sign me up 🐇
If you could be any mythological creature what would you be and why?
A fairy/pixie. I'd love to be able to fly and explore every nook if I'm tiny, the aesthetic is an added bonus.
What's the most obscure thing you've had to google for a fanfic you were writing/reading?
Scaffolding and all its formations when I wrote about Mickey holding onto an overhead beam while he and Ian fucked in public 😅
What Milkovich do you identify with most?
Sandy. I feel like we have a similar energy.
Which one are you actually like the most?
I'd honestly say her again, don't think I'm like Mickey or Mandy that much and don't know the rest of them well enough to have an opinion.
What Gallagher do you identify with most?
Ian, through and through.
Which one are you actually like the most?
I'd say I'm a combo of Ian and Lip, since I experienced his pressure to go to college and I also have a tendency to be stubborn/self-destructive at times 🙃
Tagging @shinygalaxyperson, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @vintagelacerosette, @metalheadmickey, @whatwouldmickeydo, @lalazeewrites, @shameless-notashamed, @heymrspatel, @gallawitchxx, @crossmydna, @lizelandre and anyone who sees this and would like to play! 💙✨️
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alukaforyou · 1 year
my grandma passed away a couple of years ago and let me tell you the fucking relief i felt when she did...i had lived with her most of my adult life while i had two cats both with serious digestive health issues. every single day i had to berate her for feeding human food to those cats. she did not give a fuck. she would "accidentally" spill fries, hot dogs, fritos, chicken skin, anything. ANYTHING. and they got sick every single time. and she was constantly complaining about them being sick. it destroyed our relationship. there were other factors of course but this was really the crux of it. and she died miserable and lonely. of course i love to spoil my cats (for example it was my kittens bday recently so i bought a lobster tail boiled it and split it btwn all my cats and they lost their minds over it) but there is a limit and you need to do your fucking research and you need to respect what their owner says!!!!! i empathize with you greatly and i am wishing your shitty grandmother a speedy death for the sake of you your cats and the rest of your family.
my cats r p healthy for now and havent rly gotten sick eating god knows what from her but me & my sis are so paranoid every day we are out of the house like what is she feeding them now. literally WHAT is stopping her from listening to logic. like u kno what ur doing is bad right? u kno ur not supposed to be doing it cuz ur sneaking around. SO WHY ARE U DOING IT!! theres just like a lot of other issues w grandma that i cant even get into rn but i am so mad she is potentially endangering my cats :/ creamy doesnt rly eat ppl food (unless its meat) but crunchy will eat bread crumbs, fruit, anything :/ also she will? not hold them properly? and take them out to our balcony??? at night?!!! so they can get a good night time view like hello. i am scared they will jump out of her arms and go missing :/ i have them chipped but still!!!! i hate that lady sm. literally does whatever she wants.
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moody-b1tch · 1 year
Rambling about my (improving) relationship with food.
Since, like a month, I've been living alone with my boyfriend. And not everything is nice (I miss my old city, my friends, my pets and overall hate this city) one thing I love is that I can choose what we're going to eat.
I like cooking. I just usually don't have the executive function to do it, but living with my boyfriend, my (barely there) survival instincts help me to Start Doing The Task.
And I probably never enjoyed food like at this point in my life.
My mom was Weird about food. Trauma + Schizophrenia are not a good combo lol. So, when I was a kid I was forced to eat stuff I hated (and, later I discovered that my rejection for some dishes was mostly due to sensory issues) , and there was a lot of shame around stuff that my mom didn't consider "good". She always made a lot of comments about my weight and body, too, and blamed my size on my eating habits.
Then, I moved with my grandma. And HER FOOD WAS DELICIOUS. And, better yet, we share a lot of sensory issues, so she cooked in a way that avoided all the things that made eating a nightmare (like little pieces of tomatoes, boiled onions, entire pieces of garlic and other stuff that made me gag). The best part was that she never forced me to eat stuff I didn't like. I never had to ask. If she noticed I avoided some dishes, she always made something extra for me every time she cooked one of those.
Sadly, my bulimia was on its peak around those years, so eating always involved a lot of guilt. And, all the shitty things that bulimia implies.
Then, I lived alone for a few months and I was always too busy to cook, so I ate a lot of junk food, alternating with avoiding eating.
During the pandemic, I moved with my boyfriend's parents. And, I love them. I would probably be dead or in a really shitty place without them. But my boyfriend's mom has this tendency of trying to "fix" picky eaters. I just opted for junk, or not eating, or praying for having something on the menu that I could eat without gagging. And occasionally, started to cook to have control over the food. It wasn't an everyday thing, but it was pretty constant. After the pandemic it got a little bit worse.
During this time, thanks to therapy and a lot of free time I started to reflect about my relationship with food, and also tried to express it better. I used to say "I don't like chicken" because it was easier than explaining that I like the flavor, but gristle and fat disgust me, that the texture of boiled chicken makes me gag, that finding bone splinters on a bite makes me gag too, and that during years, I ate roasted chicken without salt almost on a daily basis, so my brain goes "nope" when I hear the name of the food.
I realized a lot of the things around the food were texture-related. That I wasn't just "a picky eater": there was Something Else.™
Then there was this period when I was left alone for one or two months and I developed allergies due to stress and eating basically only instant soups with cheese lol. And then more "trying to fix me."
But now, I think I'm free of most of that bullshit. I'm a bit overweight due to years of lots of junk food, but I don't feel like I have to "fix it immediately" or punish myself for eating, and that's wonderful. I'm trying to have a balanced diet, but I'm playing a lot with the ingredients. Chop the onions on tiny pieces and caramerizing them before adding the rest of the ingredients to avoid texture. Blending or crushing other stuff to incorporate the flavor without having the pieces there. Baking a lot of stuff to get this crunchy texture I like.
And. Is great. I'm actually enjoying eating. I'm not at my best moment, but at least my relationship with food is improving, and I think that's keeping me sane.
But also, it makes me wonder why people (mostly adults) are so mean to kids/teens about food when making eating a bearable experience is just about communication and trying a little. Fooling around with the cooking process. Removing some ingredients, adding others. Arranging the dish/lunch box in a way that doesn't let some stuff touch the rest of the food. Looking for new recipes.
"Extremely unhealthy processed food" and "making eating a traumatic experience" are not the only two options.
Anyway. I just know that, if one day I have my own kids, maybe I won't be the best mom, but at least I'll try to make eating a nice experience for them.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
Do you like your cereal soft or crunchy?   I mean I don’t like cereal in the first place exactly because of the texture...I’ve never quite understood why mix crunchy cereal bits with milk that would make it soggy in like 10 minutes hahaha. That said I’ve always preferred a bit of crunch in my food, which cereal doesn’t achieve for me.
Do you like spicy food?   Yup, I really enjoy it. My tolerance has also gotten a lot stronger in the last couple of years because of all the practice I do around spicy food, lol.
Do you keep a diary or a journal?   Neither, but I do have this blog which pretty much serves the same purpose.
What is on your path currently in life?   To tell you the truth? I’m feeling pretty lost again. I no longer find fulfillment in my job (even though I still enjoy the overall nature of PR – it’s agency life that is not cut out for me), and I’m struggling to make a decision on what’s next. I try not to get too worried about it, though, because isn’t this what life is all about anyway? 
I’m only 24 after all and I’d be even more concerned if I already feel content at this early stage in my life because that only means I’d stay just here and not allow any room for further growth. As turbulent as it can be, I try to view being lost as a good thing, because it only means I’m still hungry for more. I can’t tell you what my current path is now, but what I can say is that I know I want to be headed somewhere that would once again bring me happiness and satisfaction.
What is your star sign?   Taurus.
What month were you born?   April.
Have you ever travelled to Australia?   I have not.
How do you show someone that you love them?   Depends on the person, but I’ve observed that in the general sense, my love languages tend to veer towards acts of service and gifts.
Do you like reading? what was the last thing you read?   I no longer enjoy reading books and haven’t completed a novel since, like high school; but I still catch up with reading, just in various forms now. I like reading articles and essays from publications/magazines like NYT, and I also never outgrew fanfiction, lmao.
Do you enjoy the television series 'Schitt's Creek'?   Never tried giving it a watch.
Do you find The Simpsons to be intolerable these days?   Hmm, never really followed it much. Lane would definitely be a much better judge on this :)
What are you afraid of?   A lot of things, but a major fear would be airplane crashes.
Do you have a fear of birds?   I wouldn’t say it’s a main one, but I also wouldn’t be happy getting stuck with a huge bird in the wild especially if it was pissed to see me, you know? 
Do you address older people by their first or last name?   Depends on the context, but in my line of work I’ve been used to addressing people by their first name without honorifics. But yeah, it would definitely have to depend on the situation and the level of politeness required.
Do you like ice in your drinks? For the most part. The only time I don’t go for ice is when I’m at home.
What is your favourite scent?   Coffee, baked goods, and the sea would make up my top 3 favorites.
Do you enjoy walking for exercise?   No. I feel like I’m allergic to anything that counts as exercise hahaha.
Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?   Ocean/sea. Ever since I discovered swimming at beaches, I never really felt like swimming in pools anymore. It was also when I realized how much I hated the feeling and smell of chlorine.
If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?   I would migrate to a developed country, first of all. I don’t think I’d spend the rest of my life retired and just traveling – I’d still want to maximize my opportunities, and I like to think I’d still continue to work; it’s just that I know I would have a much better and healthier situation if I wasn’t in the Philippines.
What would you do if you found a bundled amount of money ($500) on the floor while out and about?   If it was just the money would immediately think it was some sort of filmed social experiment and just walk away, lol. But if it came in a wallet then I’d check to see if there’s a license or whatever that I can check out so I can track down. If there were no leads at all that’s the time I’d turn it in to the nearest establishment in case the owner would come back to the area.
Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?   I have never seen one. Pretty space stuff never happens on this side of the world...
What is one thing you would want to teach your children to make sure they grow up respectful? I think one of the first things I’d instill in them is to not categorize things according to gender norms. I’m not sure about the educational system in other countries, but where I’m from there are still many textbooks with activities that instruct students to label things as being masculine or feminine; it’s a very backwards way of thinking and also very discouraging for kids who want to explore things that stereotypically don’t apply to them. I’d love to be able to tell my hypothetical future kids that they can play basketball or play with toy trucks or shop at the girl’s section if they wanted to.
Do you have tattoos? What do you have? If not, would you consider one?  I don’t have any. I still want tattoos, but I’m no longer the same person who wants full sleeves haha. I'm leaning towards smaller ones now, but of course I’d still want ink that is representative of my personality and the things/people that are important to me.
What can you hear right now?   A BTS video playing in the background. 
Where do you feel most safe?   At a museum.
What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?   My internal crisis/struggle at my job.
If you could travel back to any era, which would it be and why?   High school or college. It was the perfect time to have fuckups because you always had the space to learn from them and know better next time. Just better times all around.
What is your most used emoji?   The happy tears one.
What is your favourite season and why?   Don’t have any.
How would you spend your ideal day?   Going gallery-hopping and having a nice filling meal somewhere fancy. It’d be cool too if I can squeeze in some sort of class in between, like a pottery session or accessory-making :)
If I asked a friend of yours to describe you in one word, what would they say?   They would probably say ‘tired.’
What words or phrases do you say a lot?   I use ‘sis’ and ‘girl’ often when addressing friends.
What is Covid holding you back from doing currently?   At this point the situation is already pretty much controlled and it doesn’t hold me – and other people – back nearly as much anymore. The only thing I can think of is that we’re still required to wear masks, but this is a first world problem at most since my only issues with face masks are 1) it’s harder to breathe/catch my breath when talking and 2) pimples, lol.
Do you have to wear face masks at work or where you study?   In the technical sense it is required when we do report to the office, but honestly everybody takes theirs off at some point during the day.
Speaking of study, what is something you'd like to study?   History. I wish I had more opportunities to continue taking it up.
Do you have Starbucks where you live?   Yeah they are super ubiquitous. We have one right outside the village.
Do you have Gloria Jeans where you live?   I have no idea what that is.
Name some stores from other countries you wish you had where you live? The Cheesecake Factory and Chipotle. 
What is something you are currently interested in?   Art! For the longest time I kept my museum visits to historical ones or those that have artifacts and archaeological findings and such, but I’ve been making an effort to visit more art museums, galleries, exhibitions, etc. I don’t intend on going so far so as to understand how to analyze art, i.e. studying the shading or like the subtle meanings behind paintings as I find that part incredibly boring lol, but I just want to appreciate different art forms for what they are. It would also be great if I can figure out what my tastes are beyond Impressionism and to be familiar with the works and styles of local artists.
What is something you struggle with?   Resigning. 
What do you do to cheer yourself up if you are feeling down?   I turn on a random episode of Run BTS which seems to always do the trick.
What is something you are talented at or skilled in?   Writing.
If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and why?   I’d love to just keep having dogs.
Ever wanted to just pack your bags and up and leave? I think we all go through this feeling every once in a while.
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 month
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大家好! The red garoupa soup at the fish soup stall which ML recommended was so delicious, I had to return. CL, MI, ML and I revisited the stall. PH decided to tag along since she wanted to buy some kueh (local pastries) nearby. This time, instead of red garoupa, I tried their regular fish soup. Everything else remained the same - the divine robust, garlicky broth, vegetables, small pork balls, seaweed and rice - the only difference was the fish. It was very yummy and I finished the food, but red garoupa tastes far better. Definitely want to return and try their other menu items, such as zhu rou fen (pork noodles) and seafood soup.
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Now that I try to lead a moderately healthy life, fresh fruit and juices are my favourite type of dessert. Due to my lack of a sweet tooth, there are certain types I don't eat, such as banana, papaya, jackfruit and durian, but crunchy, juicy ones are yum. Sharing fruits in the office is a lovely way to bond with colleagues and we do this quite regularly. It's not that there aren't sweet treats like muffins and cake, I just don't eat them, which is why they hardly appear in this blog. The occasional waffles and ice cream or cake are fine when I'm with Pa or socialising; they're just not my favourite thing to eat.
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When Pa and I caught up over the weekend, we headed to the local supermarket cum food hall for lunch. I grabbed unagi and scallop with rice bento for me and soba for him because he loves these cold buckwheat noodles. We also shared salmon sashimi. This bento is so good, guys. To those of us who eat moderately healthy, food is so much more than just creamy or crispy. We enjoy a wider variety of textures and flavours compared to fastfood. The unagi was so tender and the scallops were naturally sweet. I wiped out the entire bento together with the sashimi and felt completely satisfied. It was filling too; 8pm went by and I was still full. I only had some veggies with rice for a light dinner before bed.
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Another WFH lunch, another sushi combo. The local supermarket cum food hall is becoming 1 of my frequent haunts for quick and nutritious lunch options on WFH days. I was excited to see a maguro and salmon sashimi combo so I grabbed that and a pack of unagi nigiri sushi and maki. I absolutely dig maguro; the flesh is firmer than salmon and it has a milder taste. The sushi was delicious, especially the unagi and tamago ones. I finished all of it, including the shredded radish. Yum!
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This work week is a short one. Our national day falls on Friday and it's a public holiday, YAY! I'll sleep in, exercise, have a nice meal (maybe try out something new?) and watch the celebration on TV. I've been feeling burnt out and don't feel like socialising, so this long weekend is likely to be a restful one. I'll also continue following the news about Gaza and praying for Palestinians because their suffering is horrendous. What is the world coming to? It's 2024 and there're still people who think stripping others of their human rights is ok. 下次见!
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railrecipee · 7 months
Enjoy Tasty Meals Anywhere, Anytime with RailRecipe Food in Train Service
Are you tired of the same old train food that leaves much to be desired? Well, fret no more! RailRecipe is here to revolutionize your train dining experience with our delicious food in train delivery service. Say goodbye to bland meals and hello to a world of flavor right at your seat.
We understand that hunger can strike at any time during your train journey, which is why we offer a wide variety of mouthwatering dishes to satisfy your cravings. From classic Indian dishes like buttery paneer tikka masala to international favorites like cheesy pizzas and crunchy salads, our menu has something for everyone. Whether you're traveling alone, with family, or with friends, RailRecipe ensures that no one goes hungry on board.
What sets RailRecipe apart is our commitment to quality and freshness. We partner with trusted restaurants and vendors who use only the freshest ingredients to prepare your meals. Each dish is carefully crafted to ensure maximum flavor and satisfaction, so you can enjoy every bite without any worries.
Ordering food with RailRecipe is quick and easy. Simply visit our website or download our user-friendly mobile app, enter your train details, browse our extensive menu, and place your order in just a few taps. Whether you're craving a hearty meal or a light snack, RailRecipe makes it convenient to enjoy delicious food on the go.
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Worried about missing your meal due to delays or uncertainties? With RailRecipe, you can rest assured that your food will be delivered on time, every time. Our efficient delivery system ensures prompt service, so you can enjoy your meal without any interruptions. Whether you're traveling on a short journey or a long-distance trip, RailRecipe is your reliable companion for tasty food in train.
We understand that everyone has different dietary preferences and restrictions, which is why we offer customizable meal options to suit your needs. Whether you're vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or have any other dietary requirements, RailRecipe has got you covered. Simply let us know your preferences when placing your order, and we'll ensure that your meal is prepared just the way you like it.
RailRecipe also offers a variety of payment options for your convenience. Whether you prefer to pay online using your credit or debit card, through net banking, or with cash on delivery, we've got you covered. Our secure payment gateway ensures a hassle-free transaction process, so you can focus on enjoying your meal without any worries.
But don't just take our word for it - hear what our satisfied customers have to say! "RailRecipe has made my train journeys so much more enjoyable. The food is delicious, the service is excellent, and the convenience is unbeatable!" -  "I used RailRecipe for the first time recently, and I was blown away by the quality of the food and the efficiency of the delivery. It's definitely a game-changer for train travel!
So why settle for boring train food when you can indulge in tasty meals with RailRecipe? Treat yourself to a culinary adventure on your next train journey and make every moment on board a memorable one. Order now and experience the difference with RailRecipe - your go-to destination for food in train.
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austinturner · 2 years
5 Reasons Why MFM is the Best Pinoy Resto in Orange County
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Orange County, California is a great place to live, work, and dine! Find several great dining places where you may chill while pampering your taste buds. How about visiting a restaurant that serves authentic and delicious Filipino recipes?
Discovering spots where you can guarantee superb Lechon or a very soothing Sinigang (your best comfort food) is such a gastronomic experience. Exploding flavors will undoubtedly send you back to those good old days!
Pinoy dishes know no bounds, and they will always find you! But in Orange County, Manila Food Mart is the best place to get your Filipino soul all content and fulfilled. Do you know why?
Here’s what to expect when you dine at Manila Food Mart! Read on!
1. Varied Menu
Which Filipino food do you crave today? A sizzling Sisig? Or perhaps some delicious bowl of festive Halo-halo? Whatever comes to mind, know that Manila Food Mart has it for you!
Manila Food Mart offers a vast selection of Filipino cuisine and at the same time, the quality of every food is never compromised! So rest assured that you will get your Lumpia extra crunchy or your Adobo perfectly marinated!
From fragrant rice to a great presentation of Turo-Turo meals, satisfy those taste buds with their menu which has so many unique flavors! You’re welcome to return at any time to enjoy all their flavorful dishes like Sisig, Crispy Pata and whatever authentic Pinoy dish you are craving for.
2.Budget-Friendly for a Hearty Serving
Do you find it challenging to find a restaurant that balances good food and price? Wait until you learn how Manila Food Mart serves your favorite Filipino foods that’s definitely within the budget!
You can complete your healthy protein intake from Beef Kare-Kare or Lechon Kawali. Or nutritious veggies from Chopsuey and Laing. Then top it all off with desserts like Leche Flan or a chilly fruit salad.
And if you want to enjoy more food with your group to celebrate a big day, they have all the Party Tray sizes for you and your guests!
Manila Food Mart can provide you with a hearty authentic Filipino meal that doesn’t require a hefty cost, making it the best Pinoy Resto in Orange County!
3. Delicious Close-To-Home Cooking
A Filipino standard requires finishing your plates down to the very last grain of rice to say that something was genuinely delicious!
From Manila Food Mart’s homemade cooking style, the delicious recipes will surely make you finish off your dishes and remind you of the best of your moments.
Probably it’s the way the vivid Ube ice cream accentuates the beauty of  a special Halo-Halo. Or how the jasmine rice perfectly matches the Adobo sauce!
You can even combine Pancit Bihon with Lumpiang Shanghai, it’s all up to you! Because regardless of what every guest requests, Manila Food Mart will  guarantee that every dish is freshly prepared, and served with the warmest of smiles.
4. Turo-Turo Set-Up Provides More Authentic Experience
How can Filipino food be genuine without that Turo-Turo setup?
Turo-Turo means “Point and Point” in Tagalog and refers to a casual dining style. It is the colloquial term when you point to the food you want, much like a buffet.
This feature of Manila Food Mart is what makes the food more authentic. This setup depicts how Turo-Turos has turned into a crucial part of Filipino culture.
Every hard-working Filipino understands how quickly they can grab a dinner after a long day by choosing from a wide range of Turo-Turo recipes.
Feel the nostalgia and reminisce about how you spent your time in the carinderia during those good old days in the Philippines.
5. A Warm and Cozy Ambience
Maybe it’s in the aroma of steaming white rice or the crisp sizzle of the Sisig, but when we look for the best Filipino place, it matters to us that we can also enjoy that warm, nostalgic feeling of being at home.
The cozy and graceful Filipino interiors at Manila Food Mart would entice you to return time and again. Drown your senses with the smell, and the flavors of a truly Pinoy taste. Enjoy the genuine enthusiasm and hospitality of the staff at Manila Food Mart and make yourself at home once again.
Wrap it up!
Visit Manila Food Mart and surprise your guests with the distinct taste of Pinoy dishes.
Manila Food Mart wants to share the creative, appetizing, and diverse flavors of authentic Filipino cuisine.
Enjoy the uniqueness of Pinoy food and share the wonderful flavors to everyone around you and bring in the good vibes!
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summerells · 2 years
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5 Reasons Why MFM is the Best Pinoy Resto in Orange County
Orange County, California is a great place to live, work, and dine! Find several great dining places where you may chill while pampering your taste buds. How about visiting a restaurant that serves authentic and delicious Filipino recipes?
Discovering spots where you can guarantee superb Lechon or a very soothing Sinigang (your best comfort food) is such a gastronomic experience. Exploding flavors will undoubtedly send you back to those good old days!
Pinoy dishes know no bounds, and they will always find you! But in Orange County, Manila Food Mart is the best place to get your Filipino soul all content and fulfilled. Do you know why?
Here’s what to expect when you dine at Manila Food Mart! Read on!
1. Varied Menu
Which Filipino food do you crave today? A sizzling Sisig? Or perhaps some delicious bowl of festive Halo-halo? Whatever comes to mind, know that Manila Food Mart has it for you!
Manila Food Mart offers a vast selection of Filipino cuisine and at the same time, the quality of every food is never compromised! So rest assured that you will get your Lumpia extra crunchy or your Adobo perfectly marinated!
From fragrant rice to a great presentation of Turo-Turo meals, satisfy those taste buds with their menu which has so many unique flavors! You’re welcome to return at any time to enjoy all their flavorful dishes like Sisig, Crispy Pata and whatever authentic Pinoy dish you are craving for.
2.Budget-Friendly for a Hearty Serving
Do you find it challenging to find a restaurant that balances good food and price? Wait until you learn how Manila Food Mart serves your favorite Filipino foods that’s definitely within the budget!
You can complete your healthy protein intake from Beef Kare-Kare or Lechon Kawali. Or nutritious veggies from Chopsuey and Laing. Then top it all off with desserts like Leche Flan or a chilly fruit salad.
And if you want to enjoy more food with your group to celebrate a big day, they have all the Party Tray sizes for you and your guests!
Manila Food Mart can provide you with a hearty authentic Filipino meal that doesn’t require a hefty cost, making it the best Pinoy Resto in Orange County!
3. Delicious Close-To-Home Cooking
A Filipino standard requires finishing your plates down to the very last grain of rice to say that something was genuinely delicious!
From Manila Food Mart’s homemade cooking style, the delicious recipes will surely make you finish off your dishes and remind you of the best of your moments.
Probably it’s the way the vivid Ube ice cream accentuates the beauty of  a special Halo-Halo. Or how the jasmine rice perfectly matches the Adobo sauce! 
You can even combine Pancit Bihon with Lumpiang Shanghai, it’s all up to you! Because regardless of what every guest requests, Manila Food Mart will  guarantee that every dish is freshly prepared, and served with the warmest of smiles.
4. Turo-Turo Set-Up Provides More Authentic Experience
How can Filipino food be genuine without that Turo-Turo setup?
Turo-Turo means “Point and Point” in Tagalog and refers to a casual dining style. It is the colloquial term when you point to the food you want, much like a buffet. 
This feature of Manila Food Mart is what makes the food more authentic. This setup depicts how Turo-Turos has turned into a crucial part of Filipino culture.
Every hard-working Filipino understands how quickly they can grab a dinner after a long day by choosing from a wide range of Turo-Turo recipes. 
Feel the nostalgia and reminisce about how you spent your time in the carinderia during those good old days in the Philippines.
5. A Warm and Cozy Ambience
Maybe it’s in the aroma of steaming white rice or the crisp sizzle of the Sisig, but when we look for the best Filipino place, it matters to us that we can also enjoy that warm, nostalgic feeling of being at home.
The cozy and graceful Filipino interiors at Manila Food Mart would entice you to return time and again. Drown your senses with the smell, and the flavors of a truly Pinoy taste. Enjoy the genuine enthusiasm and hospitality of the staff at Manila Food Mart and make yourself at home once again.
Wrap it up!
Visit Manila Food Mart and surprise your guests with the distinct taste of Pinoy dishes.
Manila Food Mart wants to share the creative, appetizing, and diverse flavors of authentic Filipino cuisine.
Enjoy the uniqueness of Pinoy food and share the wonderful flavors to everyone around you and bring in the good vibes! 
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