#also yeah grimm is a good show highly recommend it-
marshymallo · 5 months
am i insane? why yes, yes i am.
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thank you for noticing ;3
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silvokrent · 4 years
RWBY Character Analysis: Pietro and Penny Polendina
Up until now I’ve been keeping quiet about my opinions on the newest volume, in no small part because my personal life has been one absurd setback after another, and I haven’t had the energy to engage in fandom meta. If you do want to know what my current opinion of RWBY is, go over to @itsclydebitches blog, search through her #rwby-recaps tag, and read every single one. At this point, her metas are basically an itemized list of all my grievances with the show. I highly recommend you check ’em out.
Or, if you don’t feel like reading several hours’ worth of recaps, then go find a sheet of paper, give yourself a papercut, and then squeeze a lemon into it. That should give you an accurate impression of my feelings.
In truth, I have a lot to say about the show, particularly how I think CRWBY has mishandled the plot, characters, tone, and intended message of their series. And while I enjoy dissecting RWBY with what amounts to mad scientist levels of glee, I think plenty of other folks have already discussed V7′s and V8′s various issues in greater depth and with far more eloquence. Any contribution I could theoretically make at this point would be somewhat redundant.
That being said, I’d like to talk about something that’s been bothering me for a while, which (to my knowledge) no one else in the fandom has brought up. (And feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.)
Today’s topic of concern is Pietro Polendina, and his relationship with Penny.
And because I’m absolutely certain this post is going to be controversial and summon anonymous armchair critics to fill my inbox with sweary claptrap, I may as well just come out and say it:
Pietro Polendina, as he’s currently portrayed in the show, is an inherently abusive parental figure.
Let me take a second to clarify that I don’t think it was RWBY’s intention to portray Pietro that way. Much like other aspects of the show, a lot of nuance is often lost when discussing the difference between intention versus implementation, or telling versus showing. It’s what happens when a writer tries to characterize a person one way, but in execution portrays them in an entirely different light. Compounding this problem is what feels like a series of rather myopic writing decisions that started as early as Volume 2, concerning Penny’s sense of agency, and how the canon would bear out the implications of an autonomous being grappling with her identity. It’s infuriating that the show has spent seven seasons staunchly refusing to ask any sort of ethical questions surrounding her existence, only to then—with minimal setup—give us Pietro’s “heartfelt” emotional breakdown when he has to choose between “saving” Penny or “sacrificing” her for the greater good.
Yeah, no thanks.
If we want to talk about why this moment read as hollow and insincere, we need to first make sure everyone’s on the same page.
Spoilers for V8.E5 - “Amity.” Let’s not waste any time.
In light of the newest episode and its—shall we say—questionable implications, I figured now was the best time to bring it up while the thoughts were still fresh in my mind. (Because nothing generates momentum quite like frothing-at-the-mouth rage.)
The first time we’re told anything about Pietro, it comes from an exchange between Penny and Ruby. From V2.E2 - “A Minor Hiccup.”
Penny: I've never been to another kingdom before. My father asked me not to venture out too far, but... You have to understand, my father loves me very much. He just worries a lot.
Ruby: Believe me, I know the feeling. But why not let us know you were okay?
Penny: I…was asked not to talk to you. Or Weiss. Or Blake. Or Yang. Anybody, really.
Ruby: Was your dad that upset?
Penny: No, it wasn’t my father.
The scene immediately diverts our attention to a public unveiling of the AK-200. A hologram of James Ironwood is presenting this newest model of Atlesian Knight to a crowd of enthusiastic spectators, along with the Atlesian Paladin, a piloted mech. During the demonstration, James informs his audience that Atlas’ military created them with the intent of removing people from the battlefield and mitigating casualties (presumably against Grimm).
Penny is quickly spotted by several soldiers, and flees. Ruby follows, and in the process the two are nearly hit by a truck. Penny’s display of strength draws a crowd and prompts her to retreat into an alley, where Ruby learns that Penny isn’t “a real girl.”
This scene continues in the next episode, “Painting the Town…”
Penny: Most girls are born, but I was made. I’m the world’s first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura. [Averts her gaze.] I’m not real…
After Ruby assures her that no, you don’t have to be organic in order to have personhood, Penny proceeds to hug her with slightly more force than necessary.
Ruby: [Muffled noise of pain.] I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower!
Penny: [Releases Ruby.] Oh, he’s very sweet! My father’s the one that built me! I’m sure you would love him.
Ruby: Wow. He built you all by himself?
Penny: Well, almost! He had some help from Mr. Ironwood.
Ruby: The general? Wait, is that why those soldiers were after you?
Penny: They like to protect me, too!
Ruby: They don't think you can protect yourself?
Penny: They're not sure if I'm ready yet. One day, it will be my job to save the world, but I still have a lot left to learn. That's why my father let me come to the Vytal Festival. I want to see what it's like in the rest of the world, and test myself in the Tournament.
Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of the approaching soldiers from earlier. Despite Ruby’s protests, Penny proceeds to yeet her into the nearby dumpster, all while reassuring her that it’s to keep Ruby out of trouble, not her. When the soldiers arrive, they ask her if she’s okay, then proceed to lightly scold her for causing a scene. Penny’s told that her father “isn’t going to be happy about this,” and is then politely asked (not ordered; asked) to let them escort her back.
Let’s take a second to break down these events.
When these two episodes first aired, the wording and visuals (“No, it wasn’t my father,” followed by the cutaway to James unveiling the automatons) implied that James was the one forbidding her from interacting with other people. It’s supposed to make you think that James is being restrictive and harsh, while Pietro is meant as a foil—the sweet, but cautious father figure. But here’s the thing: both of these depictions are inaccurate, and frankly, Penny’s the one at fault here. Penny blew her cover within minutes of interacting with Ruby—a scenario that Penny was responsible for because she was sneaking off without permission. Penny is a classified, top-secret military project, as made clear by the fact that she begs Ruby to not say anything to anyone. Penny is in full acknowledgement that her existence, if made public, could cause massive issues for her (something that she’s clearly experienced before, if her line, “You’re taking this extraordinarily well,” is anything to go by).
But here’s the thing—keeping Penny on a short leash wasn’t a unilateral decision made by James. That was Pietro’s choice as well. “My father asked me not to venture out too far,” “Your father isn’t going to be happy about this”—as much as this scene is desperately trying to put the onus on James for Penny’s truant behavior, Pietro canonically shares that blame. And Penny (to some extent) is in recognition of the fact that she did something wrong.
Back in Volumes 1 – 3, before the series butchered James’ characterization, these moments were meant as pretty clever examples of foreshadowing and subverting the controlling-military-general trope. This scene is meant to illustrate that yes, Penny is craving social interaction outside of military personnel as a consequence of being hidden, but that hiding her is also a necessity. It’s a complicated situation with no easy answer, but it’s also something of a necessary evil (as Penny’s close call with the truck and her disclosing that intel to Ruby are anything to go by).
Let’s skip ahead to Volume 7, shortly after Watts tampered with the drone footage and framed her for several deaths. In V7.E7 - “Worst Case Scenario,” a newscaster informs us that people in Atlas and Mantle want Penny to be deactivated, despite James’ insistence that the footage was doctored and Penny didn’t go on a killing spree. The public’s unfavorable opinion of Penny—a sentiment that Jacques of all people embodies when he brings it up in V7.E8—reinforces V2’s assessment of why keeping her secret was necessary. Not only is her existence controversial because Aura research is still taboo, but people are afraid that a mechanical person with military-grade hardware could be hacked and weaponized against them. (Something which Volume 8 actually validates when James has Watts take control of her in the most recent episode.)
But I digress.
We’re taken to Pietro’s lab, where Penny is hooked up to some sort of recharge/docking station. Ruby, Weiss, and Maria look on in concern while the machine is uploading the visual data from her systems. There’s one part of their conversation I want to focus on in particular:
Pietro: When the general first challenged us to find the next breakthrough in defense technology, most of my colleagues pursued more obvious choices. I was one of the few who believed in looking inward for inspiration.
Ruby: You wanted a protector with a soul.
Pietro: I did. And when General Ironwood saw her, he did too. Much to my surprise, the Penny Project was chosen over all the other proposals.
Allow me to break down their conversation so we can fully appreciate what he’s actually saying.
The Penny Project was picked as the candidate for the next breakthrough in defense technology.
Pietro wanted a protector with a SOUL.
In RWBY, Aura and souls are one of the defining characteristics of personhood. Personhood is central to Penny’s identity and internal conflict (particularly when we consider that she’s based on Pinocchio). That’s why Penny accepts Ruby’s reassurances that she’s a real person. That’s why she wants to have emotional connections with others.
What makes that revelation disturbing is when you realize that Pietro knowingly created a child soldier.
Look, there’s no getting around this. Pietro fully admits that he wanted to create a person—a human being—a fucking child—as a "defense technology” to throw at the Grimm (and by extension, Salem). Everything, from the language he uses, to the mere fact that he entered Penny in the Vytal Tournament as a proving ground where she could “test [her]self,” tells us that he either didn’t consider or didn’t care about the implications behind his proposal.
When you break it all down, this is what we end up with:
“Hey, I have an idea: Why don’t we make a person, cram as many weapons as we can fit into that person, and then inform her every day for the rest of her life that she was built for the sole purpose of fighting monsters, just so we don’t have to risk the lives of others. Let’s then take away anything remotely resembling autonomy, minimize her interactions with people, and basically indoctrinate her into thinking that this is something she wants for herself. Oh, and in case she starts to raise objections, remind her that I donated part of my soul to her. If we make her feel guilty about this generous sacrifice I made so she could have the privilege of existing, she won’t question our motives. Next, let’s give her a taste of freedom by having her fight in a gladiatorial blood sport so that we can prove our child soldier is an effective killer. And then, after she’s brutally murdered on international television, we can rebuild her and assign her to protecting an entire city that’s inherently prejudiced against her, all while I brood in my lab about how sad I am.”
Holy fuck. Watts might be a morally bankrupt asshole, but at least his proposal didn’t hinge on manufacturing state-of-the-art living weapons. They should have just gone with his idea.
(Which, hilariously enough, they did. Watts is the inventor of the Paladins—Paladins which, I’ll remind you, were invented so the army could remove people from the battlefield. You know, people. Kind of like what Penny is.)
Do you see why this entire scene might have pissed me off? Even if the show didn’t intend for any of this to be the case, when you think critically about the circumstances there’s no denying the tacit implications.
To reiterate, V8.E5 is the episode where Pietro says, and I quote:
“I don’t care about the big picture! I care about my daughter! I lost you before. Are you asking me to go through that again? No. I want the chance to watch you live your life.”
Oh, yeah? And what life is that? The one where she’s supposed to kill Grimm and literally nothing else? You do realize that she died specifically because you made her for the purpose of fighting, right?
No one, literally no one, was holding a gun to Pietro’s head and telling him that he had to build a living weapon. That was his idea. He chose to do that.
Remember when Cinder said, “I don’t serve anyone! And you wouldn’t either, if you weren’t built that way.” She…basically has a point. Penny has never been given the option to explore the world in a capacity where she wasn’t charged with defending it by her father. We know she doesn’t have many friends, courtesy of Ironwood dissuading her against it in V7. But I’m left with the troubling realization that the show (and the fandom), in their crusade to vilify James, are ignoring the fact that Pietro is also complicit in this behavior by virtue of being her creator. If we condemn the man that prevents Penny from having relationships, then what will we do to the man who forced her into that existence in the first place?
Being her “father” has given him a free pass to overlook the ethics of having a child who was created with a pre-planned purpose. How the hell did the show intend for Pietro to reconcile “I want you to live your life” with “I created you so you’d spend your life defending the world”? It viscerally reminds me of the sort of narcissistic parents who have kids because they want to pass on the family name, or continue their bloodline, or have live-in caregivers when they get older, only on a larger and much more horrific scale. And that’s fucked up.
Now, I’m not saying I’m against having a conflict like this in the show. In fact, I’d love to have a character who has to grapple with her own humanity while questioning the environment she grew up in. Penny is a character who is extremely fascinating because of all the potential she represents—a young woman who through a chance encounter befriends a group of strangers, and over time, is exposed to freedoms and friendships she was previously denied. Slowly, she begins to unlearn the mindset she was indoctrinated with, and starts to petition for agency and autonomy. Pietro is forced to confront the fact that what he did was traumatic and cruel, and that his love for her doesn’t erase the harm he unintentionally subjected her to, nor does it change the fact that he knowingly burdened a person with a responsibility she never consented to. There’s a wealth of character growth and narrative payoff buried here, but like most things in RWBY, it was either underdeveloped or not thought through all the way.
The wholesome father-daughter relationship the show wants Pietro and Penny to have is fundamentally contradicted by the nature of her existence, and the fact that no one (besides the villains) calls attention to it. I’d love for them to have that sort of dynamic, but the show had to do more to earn it. Instead, it’ll forever be another item on RWBY’s ever-growing list of disappointments—
Because Pietro’s remorse is more artificial than Penny could ever hope to be.
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strykingback · 3 years
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Ok... Gotta say my Farewell to Vol 8. So If you dont like  what Im about to say best click off now or ignore it.
Ok so you decided to click on it,  Alrighty brace yourself 
This entire Arc was just fucking horrendous. No joke, this entire arc was just garbage entirely, no joke. The way how they made Ironwood into a cartoon villain making him into some albeist joke of people who are diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD, Actual Amputees’, etc. This was meant to be A FUCKING WAR ARC!!!
Which means I expected these few things from this Arc even though I was not watching it.
- Plenty of Character Deaths ranging from Main, Secondary, and Tertiary Characters.
- Stakes at An All New High. 
- Characters being forced to make tough decisions or risks that fail or pay off.
- Uneasy Alliances being forged.
- Tensions between Team RWBY, Ironwoods Group, and Salems. 
Instead We Got: 
- Ironwood being “villainized” even further instead of turning him into a morally-grey villain. 
- Team RWBY “winning” through plot armor and bad writing like the Mary Sues they are. 
- Bumbleby Ship-Baiting... AGAIN. (Seriously. . . fuck off) (No hate to anyone who ships BB but at this point it was seriously getting annoying and tiring)
- Salem Just Getting Merked... NOT ONCE FOLKS. BUT TWICE!!!
- The Hound Getting Merked.....
Seriously no joke, this was such a bullshit, deadbeat volume. No joke it makes me so frustrated to see that this entire Volume was fucked up to no end. Yangs and Rubys argument did not feel like an actual fucking argument. 
What I expect from an argument was four things.
- Calling them Out On Their Actions. 
- Person A and B Debating About their Actions/Decisions which said argument intensifies. 
- Person A or B Starts a fight after saying something that pisses one of them off
-  Fight Between A and B, Totally Optional to have a bystander such as C or D end the Fight. 
Instead we get....a simple Argument that barely intensifies and only has Yang calling Ruby out on her abilities being a leader of a team. We should have Ruby also calling out Yang for sharing the information to Robyn and her “Happy Huntresses.” Which should’ve escalated to the point where Ruby says.  “Well that Gung-Ho Attitude is what caused you to lose your Arm!!” 
or Yang saying: 
“Well If you didn’t decide to...Oh I dont know have our faces pasted on EVERY VIRTUAL BOARD IN ATLAS FOR YOUR SHIT DECISIONS!” 
Not to mention to have Blake ,Weiss, and the Rest of ORNJ just look in awe or shock.... at seeing them argue to the point where they start fighting SERIOUSLY THATS WHAT A FUCKING ARGUMENT IS MEANT TO FEEL LIKE IN A WAR ARC!!!!
Moving on from that... anyways Cinders Past was just so so so SO LAZY.....
No joke her past was so boring it was to the point where I found it just uninteresting at all. Yet that brings up a good point hat I said once and I will say again. “How Come the FNDM praises Women that get beaten and show love to them rather than Men who also get abused like Adam whose EYE WAS BRANDED and MERCURY WHOSE LEGS WERE BROKEN BY THE FEMUR NO LESS.”
No joke for her it was just... a shock collar and she was berated verbally.....You know this actually makes Ellie from Last of Us Part 2 Look Better than Cinders. (Yeah I went there!)
Like if you want to do Twisted Cinderella with some RWBY Vibes.... heres how you do it. 
- Have Cinder be in Awe at the Sight of a Huntsman or Huntress fighting which inspires her to be a Huntress when Reeves finally tells her she can be one. 
- Show that Reeves does care about her and when he falls ill and dies Cinder is berated even more by the twins and the proprietor where she was enslaved. 
- What Finally causes her to snap and kill everyone was when she finds out her “sisters” burned her Academy Approval letter on their mothers order causing her to kill and murder which she is later on arrested and then bailed out by Watts who leads her to Salem. 
Finally SALEM. Oh God how did they fuck up with Salem?! I will admit there was some moments that spooked me. However it was not enough to make me feel nervous for the characters as a whole. 
Like for example I expected her to wipe the floor with Atlas’ forces and just seriously showing destruction and chaos arriving. Instead last season it looked like she was JUST APPROACHING THE CITY. 
Which would have been a “Race Against The Clock/War” Volume since Salem would have begun her destruction of Atlas and even forcing her way into Atlas.... and then suddenly Hazel performs a Heel-Face-Turn that suddenly screams BS because seriously he should’ve had some sort of a better redemption that felt built up, then she gets  BURNED THEN NUKED BY OZPINS MAGICAL CANE OF SUPERPOWERED BULLSHIT. Which Held enough magic to unleash it....which could have been used during the BATTLE OF BEACON. However, I wont complain about it why?
Cause, I think the major reason is because If he were to use it in there he would be revealing Beacon’s Relic Vault as well to Cinder which she can use to open it and take the Relic of Choice. Which I believe was a pragmatic choice because you also have to think of the people who are still trying to escape or evacuating at the moment. 
Now the ultimate disrespectful thing the CRWBY did for their “Design a Grimm” contest was the Sulfur Fish. 
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However what does CRWBY do instead of giving a Full Scene where we see its Forms or attacking other soldiers/people. 
It gets... *Drumroll*
A Cameo sequence...thats it. A Cameo....Wow CRWBY you are shit. Just absolutely shit at writing and even giving the winner of the Design-A-Grimm Contest Winner an actual shot...while you overwork your animators giving Anxiety Disorders or PTSD. Great Show. 
 TL;DR: RWBY Volume 8 was one of the most boring, shittiest, and a snoozefest of a volume with such bad writing that it makes even watching The Last of Us Part II look good! 
If you are planning on dropping RWBY let me offer you an Alternative. 
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Say hello to Meta Runner! A series that I find to be a favorite of mine and one that is actually better than RWBY’s garbage ass bullshit writing. 
To give you a brief synopsis, This series follows Tari a girl who wakes up in Silica City without any memory of what has happened except some brief flashbacks. To which TasCorp the antagonistic corporation seeks to use her for entertainment, while there is a mystery element about a famous gamer gone missing... and its up to Tari and the help of a Resistance force to find out this mystery. 
This series is done by Glitch Studios which many do know them as...drumroll please!  *drumroll*
The Youtubers SMG4! Who is well known for doing GMOD Shitposts! 
Its actually quite relieving to see a series that these two brothers actually want to share with us! They dont want to do it for money or for anything just for the sake of a good story! 
Oh did I forget to mention that Meta Runner is backed by:  Epic Games
AMD Lastly.... and hold onto your butts...
You know you hit it big WHEN THE GOVERNMENT BACKS YOUR SERIES!!! Come On you cant help but smile at that! So far the Third Season is being worked on at the moment but no release date at the moment so it could be sometime this year or next year. 
So if you have any plans on watching that I highly recommend giving it a watch. Anyways 
Fuck RWBY Volume 8. Fuck the Canon. Fuck Everything about RWBY!
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bssaz97 · 5 years
After knowing what Jaune (D Arc) did to Ironwood and his men do you think Cinder would try doing the same thing Jaune went through but it goes horribly wrong?
Jaune D’ Arc part 2
Weiss: Let me get this straight. After you were captured, they took you to Salem’s castle.
Jaune: Mm-Hmm.
Weiss: Where it was revealed to you that you are a descendants of one of Salem and Ozma’s once thought to be dead children.
Jaune: Yep.
Weiss: So because of that she tried to convince you to join her side and rule as her heir. But you said she could, and I quote-
Jaune/Weiss: “Go fuck herself and her batshit crazy ass cult!”
Jaune: Yes I did say all of that.
Qrow: But because she didn’t like that answer she had you transferred to Watts’ secured hideout laboratory.
Jaune: Ohhh yeah you should have seen the look on their faces. Especially Cindy, bitch was about to blow a gasket. But anyway, continue.
Qrow: Right...so after you were brought to the lab, where Watts tortured you behind Salem’s back and tried to pry information out of you about the rest of us.
Jaune: Damn. Right.
Ren: When all that failed, Arthur decided to do try another test which involved putting you in the tube that we found you in. Which was filled with...I’m sorry what did you call it?
Jaune: Red shit. But I’m also pretty much it was Grimm essence.
Weiss: And you survived that, how?
Jaune: I’m assuming my semblance.
Weiss/Qrow/Ren: Ah. Right.
Nora: But if you’re semblance saved you, why do you look like a scary boy Salem?
Jaune: Well while my semblance kept me alive. Didn’t really do much else to stop the effects of the red shit changing my body. Eventually my body and semblance was changed to the point where I could barely recognize myself. Also I now need to absorb the aura of others to fuel my own and my current mental health is pretty fucked if I do say so myself, but what else is new am I right?
Everyone: .....
Jaune: Ok joke didn’t work. Got it.
Ruby: Jaune.....Do you know if...this is permanent or not?
Jaune: Well. It’s supposed to be an almost exact same liquid from the pool that changed Salem to what she is now soooooo I’m gonna assume that this is not reversible.
Ruby: Oh...
Jaune: .....does it really bother you?
Ruby: What! No! Jaune, I’m happy to have you back alive! You have no idea how much everyone missed you, how I missed you. I just wanted to know if you are ok with these changes.
Jaune: .....no. But I don’t really have much choice in the matter anymore so I guess I’ll just have to live with it. But anyway that’s my story.
Qrow: Well kid, you’ve been through a helluva experience. Come on, let’s get going before anybody else gets here.
Jaune: That sounds great. How do we do that?
Ruby: We were able to get ahold of a Manta to get here. Now come on let’s get out of here. *Takes his hand but feels him not moving * Huh? Jaune?
Jaune: Actually.....I have a better idea.
He walks over to Ironwood’s unconscious body.
Jaune: Hey Jimmy how’s it going? You look great! Say I was wondering, do you mind if we borrow your ride? No you don’t mind. Great! You’re a pal! *Reaches into Ironwood’s coat and pulled out a keycard.*
Weiss: Jaune! What are you doing?!
Jaune: Getting us a new ride!
Time Skip; Elsewhere....
Salem’s faction are all present in the War Room when Arthur had arrived to inform Salem of recent events. So naturally she was very displeased by the news.
Arthur: Uh, well...you see your grace, he didn’t actually escape rather he was.....recovered by the Rose child’s group. *Salem stood right in front of him*
Salem: Really? Very well then, for my next question I want to know as to WHY YOU LET THEM TAKE MY HEIR?!
Arthur: They caught me off guard you see! I was just doing my normal procedures-
Cinder: You mean dancing in your lab?
Arthur: My NORMAL procedures! And then suddenly the little ginger hell spawn bombed my facility.
Salem: And instead of securing my heir, ensuring that OUR ENEMIES do not get a hold of him.....what did you do?
Arthur: Um well.....you see.....I-
Mercury: Hid in his safe room like a bitch!
Emerald: MERC!
Salem: No! That’s quite alright young Sustrai, I believe that perfectly explains the behavior of our dear doctor here. *She stood up as her back faced the outside windows* So tell me Arthur, how are you going to make this up to me?
Arthur: *sweating* I can assure you my grace! I will retrieve the Arc, you see I installed a tracking device on his person after-! *Stops himself*
Salem: .....I’m sorry. What was that last part Arthur? *Side glances him*
Arthur: Well...forgive me your grace but I feel I should confess that.....I may have withheld some information about the Arc boy’s status at my facility.
Salem: Status...
Arthur: *Sweating profusely* He’s Fine! Really he’s just fine!.....for the most part. AH! *Magically pulled towards Salem, where she grabbed his shirt*
Salem: What did you do?
Arthur: N-Nothing life threatening! I think...
Salem: What did you do?
Arthur: I.....may have dabbled a little into..... Grimm Essence Research while he was at my facility.
Salem: .*Her eyes widened* ....what?
Arthur: But he’s fine! He survived the procedure perfectly. Honestly you should have seen the results, now he looks more like your descendant than ev-WAH! *Gets slammed into the front glass panel, causing multiple cracks to form*
Salem: Don’t you think that if I wanted him to be like me. I would have asked you to make so?
Arthur: You know I’m suddenly starting to realize that.
Salem: How much?
Arthur: W-What?
Salem: How much of the Grimm essence did you give him?
Arthur: uuuuuuuuuhhhh.
Salem: Arthur.....
Arthur: I put him in a tank of it.
Salem: YOU FOOL! *Throws him across the room, hitting the opposite wall*
Tyrian: Hehehehehehehe! Oh what fun we’re having today!
Emerald: Cinder, shouldn’t we try to stop her? I mean he is our only tech support.
Cinder: Shh! Not yet. I want to see how far she goes.
The negative aura surrounding the Grimm Queen seemed to emit off her person as she slowly walked towards Arthur. This caused him to scrabbles to steady himself on the wall, fear for his life very much on his mind.
Arthur: W-W-Wait! Your grace, I promise you we get him back!
Salem: It’s far too late for that Arthur. Even if you can track him down, you’ll never be able to recapture him. After all, if he’s anything like me now he’ll most likely try and succeed to kill you and anyone you send after him.
Arthur: Your Grace! I implore you, beg you to give me another chance. Have I ever failed you before!
Salem: .......You make a point. You’ve been faithful up until now, therefore I shall let you keep your life.
Arthur: *Sighs in relief* Thank you my grace...
Salem: But fail me again Arthur.....and I shall fill these very walls with your blood.
Arthur: ...I understand your grace.
Salem: Now go on then, it seems like you have some searching to do.....oh and take Tyrian and Cinder with you. Just to ensure you do not fail me again, right Arthur?
Arthur: Y-Yes your grace, we won’t fail! Come along Tyrian, Cinder.
The three followers and two subordinates of Salem make their way out of the room. Once they make it down the hall. They enter a second room where they can plan their operation.
Arthur: Alright everyone, since we all have our assignment from her Grace. I think it’s best we find out leads as to where the target is going.
Cinder: Before we do anything! Why don’t you show us exactly what you’ve been up to, do you have any record of the breakout?
Arthur: I do. But I must insist that we-
Cinder: You just claimed to have turned Jaune Arc into a replica of Salem, I think I speak for everyone here that I’m curious to know in what regard you meant.
Tyrian: I wouldn’t mind seeing for myself either of how the boy has been blessed by our goddess.~ I say role the tape!
Arthur: ‘Heavy Sigh’ Very well. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you...
Five Minutes Later....
Jaune: *in recording* What’s wrong Jimmy?! You were talking good shit a second ago! Why don’t you have one of your dead men give you a new arm?! I’m sure they gladly do it as they now have plenty to give.
Arthur at this point decided to pause the video as he’s sure everyone got the message. He turns to look at everyone and sees they have a variety of expressions. Cinder and Mercury have a pale expression of shock and fright on their faces, while Emerald had stopped watching halfway through the video to puke in the corner. Tyrian had a sickening gleeful expression as if he was watching a blockbuster movie. But that face dropped when the video ended.
Tyrian: Hey! Why did you stop it? It was getting to the good part!
Cinder: This.....is Jaune Arc?
Arthur: Unfortunately, yes.
Arthur: Look here! I don’t need anyone else here to tell me when I clearly have made a misjudgment!
Mercury: Doc this isn’t a misjudgment, this is a complete fuckin’ disaster! We already had one Salem on our backs, NOW WE GOT TWO OF EM!
Arthur: Look it’s not that bad!
Emerald: ‘Huff!’ Not that bad?! That.....THING turned a group of Atlesian specialists into burger meat! And you want US to go up against THAT! We’re going die!
Arthur: Don’t you think I’m already aware of that! I’m not even sure if sending a maiden will be enough to stop him! But I obviously cannot do this by myself!
Cinder: .....Then why don’t we even the odds.
Arthur/Mercury/Emerald: What?
Cinder: You were able to accomplish this process once. Couldn’t you do it again?
Emerald: Cinder. You’re not actually-?
Cinder: Power is power. And if I’m right that means if someone else had any similar abilities as him, they would be able to overpower him. Right?
Arthur: .....It’s possible. However I highly recommend that you don’t undergo such a procedure.
Cinder: And why not?! If you’re not confident in your own work than what’s to stop me from-
Arthur: I don’t doubt my work! It’s the person I’m concerned over.
Cinder: What?
Arthur: You see this isn’t the first time I’ve dabbled into this kind of research. It’s only the first success.
Cinder: You’ve done this before?
Arthur: Yes.....it’s been a pet project of mine for sometime. However, I rarely ever had any test subjects survive. Those that do.....well they are far from ever being human again.
Cinder: How?
Arthur: Well most that do undergo the procedure, turn out to be more Grimm-like than desirable. They become mindless beasts that slowly decay into nothing.
Everyone: .....
Mercury: Oum, how long have you been doing this for?!
Arthur: About three to four years give or take.
Cinder: If that’s the case. Why shouldn’t I undergo the procedure?
Arthur: Do you really think Salem would accept or be pleased that I turned her Fall Maiden into a mindless beast?
Cinder: If Someone by the likes of Jaune Arc could survive, then so can I!
Arthur: Absolutely not! I already have her eyes behind my back, do you want me to kill myself!
Cinder: I can take it by force if I have to! I have magic!
Arthur: You wouldn’t survive!
Cinder: AND WHY NOT?!
Arthur: Because you lack a sense of humanity!
Cinder: *confused* What?!
Arthur: This procedure isn’t just about the physical capability of the recipient but the mental as well. You think it’s only a coincidence that someone like Jaune Arc survives solely for his semblance and genealogy to Salem?
Cinder: Oh you’ve got to be kidding? You’re telling me that the reason he survived and became this way is because of his humanity!
Arthur: .....As much as I despise the notion yes. Also they have to be a virgin.
Cinder: Watts, you damn well!
Arthur: Thought but didn’t want to assume. But I’m afraid I can’t allow you to undergo the procedure. You’re too important to the mission and we both know we shouldn’t give it to Tyrian. *Both look at the crazed scorpion licking his blades*
Cinder: Point taken.
Arthur: Yes, for this procedure we require someone who is.....expendable. *Looks at the two others in the room.*
Emerald: .....Why is he looking at us like that?
Mercury: Because we’re fucked.
End of Part 2.
Had fun writing this one and I hope you guys enjoyed!
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hansol-squad · 8 years
I was tagged by @nerdyzelo ( Thanks!! <3). This is a get to know me kind of thing and these questions are fun! 
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better
nicknames: I dont have that many nicknames. People either call me Ki or Kiki  
gender: female
star sign: Cancer 🦀
height:  I think im either 5′4 or 5′5. 
time right now: 10:17 am 
last thing i googled: Zelda heart container tattoo. I want to get video game related tattoos in the future and this is one of the things I want. 
favourite bands: kpop: SHINee, Topp Dogg, AOA, Block B, BTS, Exid, Orange Caramel, literally anybody 
non kpop: The 1975, Chance the Rapper, Creeper, Hippo Campus, Waterparks, Børns, Sworn in, and like any classic rock band tbh
favourite solo artists: For kpop I love love love Hyuna! for non kpop Beyonce and Rihanna.
song stuck in my head: Hobgoblin by CLC 
last movie i watched: Get Out. It was so good.  I highly recommend 
last tv show i watched: The latest episode of Black-ish 
when did you create your blog: September of 2015 because my friend told me I should make one.  
what stuff do you post: aesthetics, kpop, music, video games, tv shows n stuff, an occasional picture of my face 
when did you blog reach its peak: idk it really hasn’t. But an overwatch post and a The 1975 post I made got really popular so that counts for something i guess. 
do you have any other blogs: No
do you get asks regularly: nah. occasionally tho 
why did you choose your url: I love Choi Hansol from Seventeen and Kim Hansol from Topp Dogg so yeah. 
following: 1,152. I literally follow so many 1975 blogs but I also recently followed a lot of FFXV blogs because I love that game. Also I recently followed a lot of naruto blogs because im a nerd and naruto is still very important to me lol.   
posts: 7,083. It feels like i should have more because im always on here but idk lol 
hogwarts house: Hufflepuff. Out of like all the quizes and even the pottermore quiz I tend to usually get Hufflepuff 
pokemon team: Mystic. The blue one
favourite colors: Pink
average hours of sleep: 6-7 
lucky numbers: idk maybe 7 
favourite characters: Zenyatta, Trubel (Grimm), Toph, Faith Connors, Gaara, Hitomi (Dead or Alive), The Chocobros, Vanille, Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham).  
what are you wearing right now: a blue t-shirt and grey joggers 
how many blankets do you sleep with: 3 
dream job: Fashion designer or something within the fashion industry. 
dream trip: I really want to go back to Hong Kong because I really loved it there. I also want to go to Paris, South Korea, Japan, and sooo many other places! 
ok so I tag 
@attitudecity @thuguke @hashslinging-slasher @yoongiforever @puppysoft @vernaegi @shuufx @beesbouhs @dreammelter @cosmogaleo @ghostisphere @ratcopters @bonsli @svgakookies @transdragonage @retorra @cloudlesstae @hiraimomojpg @taesberri @enclave
Thats 20! 
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When did you start getting into books/reading?
Hm. Let me see, let me see. I don’t know the exact date, but I imagine it was when I was younger. To hear my mom and brother tell it I was really into the Chronicles of Narnia when I was younger...but I have no memory of this. I do remember always enjoying the Household Tales of the Brothers’ Grimm. My family has this version with such pretty illustrations...just wonderful. Although, my sister has now commandeered it as her own...but I’ve got my own copy of the tales. I remember enjoying Godfather Death the most. I think it stashed with me due to a play I saw at school in the Second Grade. Everyone was gathered in the Auditorium/Theatre place and these three performers put on a Show of Godfather Death . Strangely I’m certain there was a Third Potential Godfather after the Devil and before Death, but I can’t remember for the life of me  I remember Death being twice as tall as a grown man (Stilts) and I remember the Bang as he brought his staff down when sniffing out his Godson’s Candle. Bang! 
Let’s see. Some time in Middle school I got into a big reading kick again. There was a series of Biographies in the Library, I was really into Biographies at the time. There was Pizzaro, Galileo, Ulysses S. Grant, Madame Chang Kai Shek, I read one about Beethoven. There was this series of Mythological books that were about specific cultures with neat pictures. Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, I think Japanese?, Meso American. There was this one Myth that I’m certain was Chinese about how the Sun and Moon were Sisters...the Moon dolled herself up to look as good as the sun...but she was too bright! So she had to cover her face in Dust and ash...and stay in a House guarded by a Bear or something.. there was this other series..also about Mythology but it was almost all Greek. Each book was stories about Specific Monsters and they’d be featured on the Covers. There was one about Landon. Oh there was one about the Sphinx Who for some reason was going up against Hecate to be Hades’ lieutenant? For some reason in that series Hecate wasn’t a Triple Goddes but was just The Leader of the Harpies? Or Furies? Some kind of Bird Women. She was also in love with some Poet who the Sphinx kidnapped I think as a means of challenging Hecate? It was this series of books...but I can’t remember much else. There was maybe one or two that weren’t about Greek Monsters, but I cannot remember. Those were fun to read all the same.
Treasure Island was always a favorite. Love Treasure Island. One of my favorite books ever.
Oh and the next time I got really into reading was reading the Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan after a recommendation by my mom, and the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness Series by Michele Paver. Both of which I highly recommend.
So yeah. I hope that answers your question good Anon. Feel free to ask more if you like.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming 
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