#also youngest but heir?? :0
nelyoslegalteam · 4 months
hello i'm here again! i saw your tags on the get to know your characters post and i'd love to hear you talk about murdoc!! (also gondolin campaign 😮 tell me more :DDD )
HIHIHIHIHI IM SO HAPPY YOU'RE IN MY INBOX THANK YOU FOR LOVING MY BOY YOU ARE A GIFT OF A PERSON ;w; i assume you don't mind if i answer these for murdoc then :0
What is the character’s go-to drink order? here's the thing: i think if murdoc is ordering, it's ale. just ale. murdoc is an alcohol snob, largely on account of being a hobbit AND specifically on account of his aunt being a brewer (and so therefore clearly HIS family's ale is the best), so it's an opportunity for him to be just a little bit showily snobbish and judgy and more knowledgeable about his choice of drink than the average patron, but it's not quite so personal to him as, say, tea would be. (murdoc never orders tea. from anywhere. he only drinks his own, or radagast's, or that of a few other trusted friends. tea is his craft. it's personal to him. he picks and dries and blends the herbs for his own brews. it's personal long before he even gets to brewing a cup, and there's meaning in just that act in and of itself already.) so, murdoc gets to be an alcohol snob in public, but it's a matter of showing off for fun. he'll scoff at ale from anywhere but his own inn, but he'll still order it and drink it. and enjoy it more than he puts on a show about.
What is their grooming routine? murdoc likes a long bath. murdoc likes to put a lot of effort into wrangling his hair in particular, when he has the time and effort in him for it. alone, at the inn, where he can rest and take breaks and manage things, shaving the back of his neck is very important to him (sensory comfort, and tied in a way to his sense of self). he doesn't like scents or anything of the sort, he just wants to feel... clean. put-together. both in the privacy and comfort of their respective homes, and while out on the road, letting ríros braid his hair for him becomes a very important part of murdoc's grooming routine. on a good day, it's a visible tie to someone he cares deeply for. on a bad day, it's accepting help with his sensory needs and energy levels, and allowing himself to be taken care of by someone he trusts.
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? oh, murdoc's cloak was ABSOLUTELY the most expensive singular thing he's ever purchased. it may not be real dragon scale, sure but. it's a fine fabric, and the faux scales are well crafted and gorgeous. it's luxurious and sturdy and him in every way. an item with presence. which, to the point, i do think murdoc is generally the sort of person who spends his disposable income on fine things to wear. having fun with and taking pride in his appearance is important to him, and he's financially comfortable enough for that bit of luxury.
Do they have any scars or tattoos? aside from the missing hand (extremely notable), and whatever assorted and unspecified scars he's picked up from adventuring? (which. he has. he's come close to dying before. he's got a few marks.) murdoc has a scar across his nose from some absolutely stupid shit he got up to as an utter hellion of a child. i think he probably fell and bashed his face open running to escape getting caught pulling a prank on farmer maggot or something like that. nothing angsty about it, just complete and utter childhood stupidity and rambunctiousness. something visible left on him from a time before he was overly concerned with responsibility, or duty of care, and entertaining his drive for adventure in much less consequential ways. (he’s also very freckled. i think it’s very adorable how much he freckles.)
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? the last time i know for certain that murdoc cried, was after facing irmo. maybe not immediately. maybe much later, on the road home, having spilled the story to his companions and having thoroughly exhausted himself from hanging onto it all. but i'm sure he did cry. from anger at what was done to him, to his dreams, by a power larger than him, without any say of his own in it all. from all his internalization of himself as a weapon finally breaking over, from hearing that perception of himself lovingly rebuffed by the people who care about him. from fully and completely admitting that he's afraid of the person he's made himself in the face of the horrors, but that he would've hated the person he would have been for ignoring them. from exhaustion. from having to question his sense of self yet again. from a lot of things, really. you don't get personally chosen by a god and come away from it quite the same.
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? oh murdoc is an eldest sibling and it shows. maybe not by actual sibling birth order, but he was adopted by his uncles and aunt as a baby and very much raised as their eldest child. he's got two rascals of younger cousins, raised alongside him, to look out for. they're practically younger siblings from an actual family dynamics standpoint. and besides, he's got all the Eldest Child of being the brandybuck family heir apparent put on him. where else would the responsibility complex and the duty of care complex and the possessiveness over what's his and, most importantly, go-to instinct of sassing the literal servants of sauron have come from? This Man Is An Eldest Child And He Can Do This All Day <3
Describe the shoes they’re wearing. none. Those Feet Are Bare. and hairy. he DOES meticulously wash and brush his foot hair though. but listen. he's a hobbit. he's not FROM a culture that does shoes, and the one (1) time in his life ever that he had to wear them, his only takeaway from the experience is that they are a sensory nightmare that he will not be subjecting himself to under ANY circumstances.
Describe the place where they sleep. ooohhhh i think both at home in the inn and also to the greatest extent on the road possible, murdoc does cozy. i think his (+ his partner's) room at the inn is covered in like. throw pillows. nice big comfy sleeping pillows. lots of soft blankets. it's all very warm and inviting and kinda maximalist in a plush sort of way. i do think he cares about aesthetics and all his pillows and blankets look nice together, but everything is selected with comfort in mind. it's homey. it's warm. he's a hobbit. it's probably not particularly neat, but it's sort of charming in the way where it looks like a space that's meant to be curled up in. he probably accidentally leaves a few stray tea mugs about and this is his worst living space habit, but it adds to the charm as long as he remembers to actually keep up on putting them away (which. he does. he's just on top of it enough to make sure he has clean mugs to actually use for tea, but this may be the only reason he remembers). i think even on the road he'll bring as many blankets as is reasonable to carry and do his utmost not only to make his sleeping space, but the whole camp's, as cozy and welcoming as possible with whatever he has.
What is their favorite holiday? ohh see i don't know if i do know enough about specific hobbitish holidays offhand for this, but in general i do think murdoc is a holidays kind of person. anything sort of extrovert-oriented, where he can feast and dance and get drunk and just be around people, is very much his sort of thing. when he was growing up in the shire, any occasion where gandalf showed up with fireworks was an immediate favorite. for least favorite... i don't know how he feels about new year's (yule, in the hobbitish calendar). i don't think he hates it but. i think he's someone who lives with a bit of a sense of loss over who he was, or might have been, before his dreams and irmo and everything, and i think nostalgia-oriented celebrations grate just slightly up against that.
What objects do they always carry around with them? tea. lots of it. kept in his pockets. (he smells like it. it’s nice.) usually a particular brew (the flavor profile of which i imagine to be something like london fog) that he made for himself, which is very personal to him. a locket with his partner's portrait in it. an ornately carved matchbox, always full of matches, ready to light an arrow or for whatever else he may use his fire for. additionally, on the road: a jar in which he cultivates a toxic fungus, used for coating his weapons in tough battles. a set of his favorite cooking knives. a flask or two of his family’s ale, primarily used in his cooking, as ornate and pretty as all else he owns. (i will also give him that he most always is wearing jewelry, particularly his ruby necklace and earring set. the necklace in particular is important - usually maedhros resides in ríros’ sword, but the necklace is an ideal secondary vessel on the occasions that maedhros does have to remain where murdoc is, and murdoc has selected these pieces in maedhros’ colors for a reason).
as this has gotten LONG i will not try to do them for my new beloved tyelperëkko antar JUST yet. BUT @jaz-the-bard is planning to run a campaign set in gondolin in the first age and i am VERY excited for the character i have made. i’ve given them the oathsworn background. they’re going to be a loyal follower of maeglin, once he exists, but for NOW they’re a devotee of turgon. this is going to go great for them and cause no problems at all (lying).
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syndrossi · 18 days
Hi! It's DearCat from AO3. I bet you thought you got rid of me, but you didn't. I'm just busy, lol. Expect a series of long comments once I manage to get the time! I need to catch up.
That said! It's 4:33 am and I made the mistake of scrolling through your Tumblr so now here we go:
I was reading through the concept of Resonant!Daemon waking up in the past and going back to Runestone to claim his babies since birth. And the potential! I am dying. I mean so much potential fluff but also all the ways that this Daemon changes dynamics all over the place.
This Viserys doesn't yet know that Jon and Rhaegar are prophecy babies but you already get a Daemon who is leery of allowing Viserys around his kids, to avoid Viserys trying to steal them again. (And ah! I knew Viserys would try to wedge himself there. He sacrificed too much for his supposed prophecy baby to let it go). But (and this is the one dynamic that fascinates me the most) Rhaenyra is going to go through it.
Rhaenyra is such an interesting character at 15. She's a princess, the only child of the King for the longest time and yet, for the longest time she's also not the heir. She's only expected to be married off. Rhaenyra grows up spoiled in that way that all privileged kids do without even realizing it as they're living it. Especially with how isolated and protected she is. She's the youngest dragonrider, the King's eldest and oldest daughter. A daughter he indulges and adores. She's surrounded by people clamoring for her favour if only by virtue of how much the King values his daughter. And yet, she's not a boy. So she grows up spoiled and a little bratty but also deeply insecure of her father's love and with some self-esteem issues. Because yes, she's all that she is but she's not a boy and she's reminded of this fact every time she sees her mother's suffering. All to get that desired male heir.
I don't think Rhaenyra at this point desires to be Queen, even after being named heir. She certainly doesn't make any moves to work for it. What she desperately wants is what being heir means to her, the public declaration from her father tha actually, yes, she is enough. She's loved and trusted and irreplaceable. And also, the power that it would give her that I am sure, in her mind, translates to freedom.
And I think that's why she has this big crush on Daemon. Because Daemon is the one person who gives 0 shits that she is not a boy from the get go. And yes, Daemon sometimes does shit and is not on her side but it's easy to blame that on Viserys and Otto, especially with th constant exiles. She can explain his absence away. But also, when Daemon is around she is used to being his priority. Slightly under Viserys but that's normal, Viserys is King. And Daemon, because he's coming and going and because he knows whatever position he holds is temporary and that exile is coming his way sooner or later, probably focuses on her the same way any visiting family member focuses on the children and family they're visiting while they're there. He indulges her, showers her with gifts, makes her feel important for Rhaenyra and not as the daughter of the King.
And he's sweet with his babies! She probably was looking at this man and sighing about could have beens and then Viserys orders their marriage. Or agrees when she proposes it. However it comes to be, now Rhaenyra has the one man she wanted and thinks cares about her for her.
Except Daemon loves her, but he fell in love with the Rhaenyra that was already a woman. A mother who had to fight for and protect her children, her position in court, her situation, etc. And he is going to see this Rhaenyra and see a child, rightfully so. I don't think Rhaenyra is blind to the fact that his babies will be grieving and I think she's going to be sympathetic but I also recognize that this is a 15 year old and she is probably going to expect Daemon to be as attentive and focused on her as he was before, even if it's in a subconscious way. But Daemon is now a single father to 2 grieving children and he has to focus on that. With Jon being Rhea's heir and Daemon having better standing and better memories in Runestone, he's probably going to be Jon's regent. Which means that Rhaenyra, as his wife, should move with this brand new little family to Runestone. Runestone is likely amazing but it is not the Red Keep and it doesn't have the luxuries that the King can afford.
So now you have Daemon, whose priorities are going to be his children, their emotional well being and preserving both their protection and their inheritance. And yes, he loves Rhaenyra and will likely help her and indulge her as much as he can but it's a far cry from a Daemon who could dedicate his entire time to Rhaenyra and her father since he didn't really have other responsibilities. And these babies are probably going to be kind to her but I don't think they're going to be overly welcoming or happy either, their mother just died and they and their father are grieving. And yet Viserys imposed this new stepmother/wife on them. (I wonder if Rhaenyra makes parallels between herself and Alicent in this). And on top of that, she's having to move to a brand new castle which is something that she resented when marriage was talked about before and she maybe thought she could avoid with Daemon. And this castle is a downsize, smaller, less luxuries for her to indulge in.
In short, she is going to struggle. But at the same time, she gets to learn with safety wheels. Daemon has been a stay at home dad and he likely will try to keep up with his care of his children at the same time as he does the lord's work which is going to be another mess. But there's no reason why he can't delegate the lady's work to Rhaenyra. And Rhaenyra is going to have to learn to do her job outside of a Targaryen seat of power but with Daemon and his babies as backup. No more filling men's cups and listening as they talk, now she has tangible responsibilities and tangible results for her successes and missteps.
It's almost like Rhaenyra would get a going to college arc.
DearCat! Hi hi! I still think of you whenever I write a Viserys-Daemon scene, praying for your blood pressure. 😂 I really must know which one has been the most aggravating to read so far!
Okay, onto the actual ask...
College arc, I love the way you put it! Both Viserys and Rhaenyra have this blind spot of "because it has been decreed and sworn to, the succession will be honored." And perhaps it might have been! But because Rhaenyra is so hands-off with being the heir (something that Viserys encourages by refusing to involve her at all in the administering of the realm and even discouraging it when she's younger and curious about trying), the lords of the realm don't feel any particular loyalty or confidence toward her. Which leads to her starting from behind when she begins realizing she must fight for it later. It's already an uphill battle at that point.
Whereas pushing her out of her comfort zone earlier like you've laid out gives her those opportunities much sooner. It's not like Dragonstone, where the steward is so accustomed to running the place 90% of the time that she can treat it more as a vacation/refuge like she is currently in Resonant. (She does assume her duties while she's there, but even in chapter nine, when we last saw her, her primary motivation was just to escape KL to grieve alone.)
As you said, Reverb!Rhaenyra will feel that shift in Daemon's perspective and want to earn his respect/attention, and that may lead to her finding that she takes pride in earning the respect of the people she's helping rule over. Her failures won't be in the unforgiving spotlight of the Red Keep, so she can learn much more peacefully. And hopefully at some point, if/when they start spending more time in King's Landing, her success and confidence can help them push Viserys to expand her duties in the eyes of the realm. Why not put her on the small council?
And, I mean, it's also huge not to be starting from a place of "the king's heir is an evil whore with vile bastards." (The nature of her second falling out with Alicent is an interesting one in this AU-AU. Her lying about her maidenhead to Alicent seemed to be one major turning point, one that allowed Alicent to start shifting her into the category of sinner/enemy.) Her own eventual babies will be pretty indisputably hers and Daemon's, especially if she ends up with a set of twins somewhere in there.
(In the version where Rhea ends up dying in this AU, I think it would be around when the twins are 2-4, so that would put Rhaenyra at 16-18. Which will still feel quite young to Daemon, compared to the Rhaenyra he loved, but a good age range for the college arc.)
It's also interesting to think about what flips the switch for Rhaenyra from "this makes me important/relevant to my father" to "I want to be queen" and when. And what role Daemon has to play in it. And what different challenges they end up facing from the Greens.
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jeremiahthefroge · 2 months
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An Observer
Dude it's so over the hyperfixation is overtaking me. Some rambling about how I draw him under the cut bc I can't ever JUST post some art.
First of all I am a hypocrite. So the reason he has top surgery scars is bc I think Aaron being a trans man kicks SO much ass (and I'm eyeing Laurence. Don't test me. I think the themes could go kinda hard. That would be for narrative purposes, which Aaron being trans isn't really.) but the reason he looks kinda older is bc in canon this guy GOT MARRIED AND HAD A CHILD before the events of the show take place and THEN goes through everything with Aphmau so in my brain he's GOTTA look KINDA older. I would accept like, 25 at the youngest, but either way, inheriting a lordship and have your wife + the whole population of your town be fridged WOULD I think put enough stress on you to make you look a bit older. (I'm aware that him being trans could make the process of having his OG kid a bit complicated but I think if amulets exist that make children out of blood, we can look past it and just say that there was pressure to produce an heir just in case something happened).
I also just think he should have a BIT of a goatee. That's because I'm right.
I wanted to draw him Watching from afar because of how much of that he does in the show, and then his expression just sorta started to be angry, and I started to sort of kick around ideas in my head of what he could be watching. Is he seeing Zane come in to officiate that wedding? Is he watching Laurence or Garroth make advances on Aphmau? I'm unsure. I'd love to write something about it but I've gotta work on getting the plot and characters of the OG show nailed down before I start making fic.
I was also thinking and, depending on what I end up doing with Aaron as a character in my rewrite, I might take out the detail of the wife and kid from his past. I guess just because "dead wife and child" feels... almost overdone. I worry about moving around children in the story though, because of how much kids factor in here. I feel like I'd lean towards maybe Aaron having taken someone in-- the wiki says his family dies and he gains lordship at age 17. Maybe he has a SIGNIFICANTLY younger sibling, or a village child that had nowhere else to go, that he's trying his best to raise alongside his new responsibilities. And maybe his ENTIRE village doesn't die at once, maybe Zane makes something big and awful and the village just... falls apart in the wake of the tragedy, leaving Aaron with nothing to rule as the survivors just... move away, one by one. I think whoever Aaron took in would probably definitely have to get killed in the incident, otherwise he'd have 0 reason to have fucked off on a revenge quest.
Anyways. That devolved. If you're actually reading this, hey thanks! I appreciate it.
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p2ii · 7 months
HEHE OK!! Here's my current fic dumping:
Takes place like... Just after the cover story where NEO-MADS formed, semi-during Wano (though Wano events are p much irrelevant, its just a timeframe). Levely ig also going on which IS funny to me because. The fact that the one Levely we see is the very first one Germa doesn't get invited too is crazy. Vivi has probably met the Vinsmokes once. They would be as problematic and unhelpful as Wapol is.
ANYWAY! Germa is trying to restore itself after Whole Cake Island, and Caesar is specifically currently helping to restore labs and gather supplies for them.
Currently writing in 3rd person Yonji POV just... bc thats what I ended up doing, he's fun to write.
Ichiji is the main one who is kinda... off, after WCI. I read a good post pointing out how Ichiji was probably the one who decided to save his brothers, not Reiju (who mostly just sees them as machines) and I kinda ran with that idea. I have BIG interest in Ichiji being the first to break down, I mean, he's the most PERFECT and emotionless, and the next in line for king, so when he crumbles... what are the others supposed to do?
Though my main original idea here... Judge has that "Soldier Stock Depot". Judge is one of the only characters we know who knows how to clone, the other being Vegapunk himself (iirc). If his greatest experiment (as in, his literal CHILDREN whom he "lovingly" named 0 1 2 3 4) all end up failing him... his greatest failure being the main savior of the WCI incident... well. What's stopping Judge from starting all over, and cloning his little failures to make new ones?
A bad experiment is one with only one, maybe two trials. Maybe Judge even gets inspired after a non-serious, one-off comment from Caesar. Either way, its safe to say the cloning room is off-limits to the siblings again, for some inexplicable reason.
I think it's so cool you're settting it after neo-mads formation cause I don't think I've read any other fics that include ceasers involvement with the vinsmokes. he's such a silly guy I can't wait to see what kinda chaos he will cause XDc
yonjis POV of post-wci... that's so interesting 👀 I've noticed for people tend to see him as the 'most emotional' of 124ji since he's explicitly silly and horny on-panel, that and being the youngest opens up alot of potential characterization for him! can't wait to see where you take him (also glad Ur having fun, I love when a character is just delight to invade the mind of)
i think I read that post before! there's something about him being the heir and also the emphasis on second OLDEST (because judge is a sexist prick) that puts him in such an interesting position. LOVE LOVE LOVE that your're going that direction w him it's one of my favourite kinda of plotlines for them.
I mean, he's the most PERFECT and emotionless, and the next in line for king, so when he crumbles… what are the others supposed to do?
THIS OMG... my heart </3 you are so right like. everything just crumbles. reiju doesn't care for 24ji like that and judge is their obvious abuser, all they really have is each other and this strict hierarchy they live by 😭.
clone angst... clone angt smy beloved...
Either way, its safe to say the cloning room is off-limits to the siblings again, for some inexplicable reason.
THE MYSTERY AND HORROR PF IT ALL TOO IM DYING. bro if I wasn't already hooked this got me. the angst and suspense alone wow.
just know I'm hyping you every step of the way with this dude Ur mind... happy writing!!!
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idioticemilio · 1 year
Idea for a undertale animated series
1 - Fuck Glitchtale! Camila is a bad person and I really want to fix the shit she made. Should I? Nope! Can I? Maybe?? Honestly this is just gonna be my own thing using concepts from Glitchtale (specifically the characters.)
2 - If you got any ideas, suggest! I really, really want to make a good series for the fans, I can't do this on my own lads!
We can't get started just yet- We need a setting! Now, here's the thing: I want some eldritch stuff too. So, here we go!
Before the infamous Monster-Human war, there were many human kingdoms- But there were 8 huge nations which make up most of the world. As I said, I will be using concepts a few from Glitchtale, this includes nation names.
Justeceo is basically Britain. Much like my ancestors, Justeceo was an empire, the Justice Isles were the capital, they had cities/outposts on other continents.
Capital: Aend
Ruler: King Aerik the VI (53)
Heirs: Prince Aerik the VII (16 at the start of the Monster-Human war, he's gonna play a huge role.) Prince/Major Arnid (28) Princess Jadis (5)
Government: Monarchy
Noble families below:
Lightvale Family (Dukes and duchesses)
Agate Lightvale: Wizard of Bravery, duchess of Determino and twin of Copper. (29)
Copper Lightvale: Wizard of Determination, duke of Peservin, twin of Agate. (29)
Amber Lightvale: Youngest child, one of the few people that Aerik spends time around. (16)
Kraln Family (Noble family)
Quentin Kraln (Royal scientist/alchemist, and royal advisor. 32)
Elizabeth Kraln (Quentin's wife)
Arli Kraln (Addoptive son, and apprentice.)
Several military families.
Determino is india basically, it's a large chunk of the continent. It's ruled over as a district by Agate. Perservin is Scotland, sorta, and it's ruled over by Copper (but the land is disputed with Paitien, which is based off of France)
Patien: Now we get to France, it's literally fucking france OFF WITH CAMILA'S HEAD! (Not really but you get it mate.) It rules over Prida (Other huge-ass part of Determino's continent,) and that's it.
Kindao (Japan, ya fucking weeaboos.) It sticks to it's own area. Samurai and all!
Integid (Russia. Freeze to death ya bastards!)
Bravio (Spain.)
As you can clearly see, shit needs fleshing out. So, uhh.. I would love some help fleshing it out. Also, I WILL NOT ANTAGONIZE JUSTECEO. Anyways, help is appreciated!
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kelbunny · 3 months
Roland and Cordelia for the character ask
:0 the siblings of all time
How I feel about this character
Completely 100% normal about my beloved princeling haha. He is, at least in my opinion, one of the best written characters in tristrat, and I really like the twist he puts on the rightful heir trope. He clicked with me back with the debut demo (the early one that covered chapters 6 and 7), and I've loved him since. Also he's cute.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Only one that I do, and even that depends how I'm feeling, is Hughette. But to be fair I am the least free thinker when it comes to ships and basically only ship something if the game forces it in my direction, and tristrat seems to suggest that Hughette has something for Roland at the very least. And even then idk if I prefer him paired or not lol.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Aside from his siblings including Frani probably Maxwell. The father-son mentor-student dynamic of all time. Even after Maxwell is "killed", Roland still tries to follow his mentor, and I am just very normal about it. Add on Maxwell's second character story and just them. The fambly.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Maybe not unpopular on the Tumblr side, but one that's unpopular on the Reddit side that I haven't really spoken about before is I don't think Roland would make a bad king. Maybe I just trust Maxwell too much about what he says in his second character story, but I think saying Roland would make a horrible king just feels off. Like yes he's impulsive, but he's also a much more just person than some people make him out to be, and he's deeply loyal to his own subjects.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Please let Roland talk to his dad (Maxwell). That would fix him and Roland deserves to know he's okay.
How I feel about this character
2nd favorite female character of all time, only beaten out by Avlora. I love her character arc so much. How she goes from meek little princess to someone willing to fight for her kingdom and avenge her family even if it puts herself at risk. And honestly, even though I like Avlora more, I think Cordelia is the better example of a stong female character, and an example of how a strong female character doesn't need to be kicking butt to be a strong female character.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
No one. I just can't see her with any character in game, nor can I see her being paired in general tbh.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Avlora!!! Every scene between them is just aughhh I wish I had more. Like the garden scene is great but also the scene where Cordelia is asking Avlora what it means to be free and how Aesfrost views freedom. I just them! It's them! and I seriously need to draw more interactions between them.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Only one I can think off is I don't care for Cordelia x Avlora. Like at absolute minimum there's an 11 year age gap (Cordelia at her absolute oldest would be 19, and Avlora at her absolute youngest 30), and although thats not an issue if it were between older characters, it being between someone in their late teens with someone in their 30s feels iffy to me, especially since my hc put Cordelia at ~17 and Avlora at ~35 means that Avlora is at least twice Cordelia's age.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Just more post 15 scenes with her in general. Give my girl more screen time she deserves it.
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dishonored-pendletwin · 10 months
how'd she meet her party and why a wild magic barbarian?
Wow this got long lmao, anyway info dump be upon ye
Small bit of Campaign Context: So the setting we play in is homebrew, but borrows from 5E lore. And (while we're currently on the surface) 90% of this campaign is set in the Underdark. The general plot is a war is starting between the Drow and the Dwarves and our party has decided to side with the Dwarves. So! Ariana comes from a long line of Divine Sorcerers, her House has historically been blessed by Lolth with the gift of magic, until her that is. (Her and the party don't know know this yet, but she has been blessed by Eilistraee) Ariana is also the youngest of 10, however as the only daughter she is the heir to her House. Growing up Ariana was not very happy. Her mother, Matron Nassar, whomst I described to my DM as "someone with 0 redeeming qualities" was unsurprisingly awful, she didn't get along with half of her older brothers, and drow politics just suck ass. Worst of all for her, given her title/position and relation to her mother, many drow who were socially below her were terrified of her, leaving Ariana pretty much alone the first 80 years of her life (until she met her best friend and crush ((who we just saved last session from the feywild)) Jumping forward 20ish years from meeting him, Matron Nassar grew tired of Ariana failing her magic lessons (lessons made to teach someone blessed by Lolth were very ineffective at teaching someone not blessed by Lolth), tired of her sneaking out all the time, and tired of Ariana just being a general disappointment to their House, so she threatened Ariana to do better by telling her she'd kill some random House servant for each failure, and then proceeded to Blight some poor dude. Not wanting to be responsible for anyone else's death, and just generally being done with this life, Ariana ran away from home that night. She eventually found herself in the Dwarven owned territory of the Underdark where she was adopted by and older Dwarf, who after 8 years of living with him, considers her his daughter. Now with all this in mind I can better answer the actual questions you asked. (Technically speaking Ariana's first lv should have been Sorc, but we started at lv 5 and the DM didn't care sooo) So Ariana is a Wild Surge Barbarian because of her magical blessing (but lack of proper training) + her combat training from her Dwarf Dad Dimitriv. Basically, Ariana has the ability to do magic, but without the proper training it kinda just happens sometime [read: when using Rage] When she was taken in by Dimitriv he lent her his old Maul and trained her how to fight with it using dwarven techniques, something her old family would have considered barbaric. (Rage I do RP as Angry sometimes, but it also gets RP'd as an intense focus) [The final reason is I wanted to play Barb, but the other subclasses didn't really call to me, and her backstory came from picking this Sub Class] As for how she met the party, Ariana lived with Dimitriv in a small dwarven town. The rest of the party is from the surface. One member came by himself and met her a week before, being offered the guest room at her fathers home. The other two are long time friends and came together looking to do crime. Being this is my DM's first game, there's a few stereotypical things he thought were funny doing - one being starting in a tavern. As two groups we entered to get drinks, but we left as one group when a large Drow raid attacked the town. Anyways, thank you for asking an allowing me to go off about Ariana, I love her so so so much for a number of different in and out of game reasons, and I love you giving me the opportunity to go off.
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guessimate · 11 months
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Hello, welcome to round 5, Bruni family part 1 (I think I'll be splitting posts about this family, as there are so many of them and they have 2 households).
Winter ('ice age') has come to my neighbourhood. I'm thinking of having it last this whole generation, and then moving on to the 'ancient' times. I am going to give each family a cave (for free), a couple more Sun&Moon mods (the giving tree/functional fire, and ice fishing). I believe most of the cave items are from the mining set (on top of the cave I just have a tiled roof with deco stones on it). For Sun&Moon mods head here.
At first it was not cold or snowy at all, so I ended up just setting all seasons to winter. I think to make it fair for the other families, I should start the all-year-round winter on the 3rd day of the season, as that's when it started snowing (and they couldn't fish the maxis way anymore). The Orange family is also a bit ahead in time, because I played them a bit longer the last rotation, so that's what I'll try to do.
The firstborn daughter, Baset, aged up into an adult this round, and the youngest child of the Brunis became a kid. The middle daughter, Satet, will be becoming a teen next round, so I'll focus on her more then (this round she was just happily fishing anyway).
The toddler, Gautseshen, started this round in aspiration failure, despite having learnt all the toddler skills (besides the Nursery Rhyme). What hit her aspiration bar so hard was the death in the family.
Even though Baset must be terrified by her younger sister's fate, she might have to start thinking of marrying someone, or her parents will choose a mate for her. They would like to have more grandchildren, and see a relative get married.
Baset wanted to bond with her youngest sister, Gautseshen. And after they had become BFF-s, they both wanted to go hiking. I imagine they went hunting together (I will use the hunting spears mod too). I'm really not surprised they are besties, since they have almost the same personalities (they both have high points in nearly everything, but they're 0 shy; members of this family are overall very similar to each other).
Not that it matters, but Baset rolled the want to get a job in Law Enforcement career, which is quite rare for Romance sims, I think. She will not be getting the job, but maybe it's a sign she'd like to fight burglars.
Nothing much happened but the heir with his wife paid his parents a visit. I will play them right after this household.
Yes, I know I should give my sims more appropriate clothes, and I will after they have been hunting enough. I'm planning on giving them all some leather castaway outfits.
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paxtonrp · 12 days
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FAYE BLACKBURN (lucy hale) is looking for HER BROTHERS (0/2). You NEED TO contact RECKLESS at @fayeblackburn before applying for this connection. 
To find out more about this connection please click below:
Suggested Name: UTP Blackburn
Age Range: 30-35
Suggested Faceclaims: Matthew Daddario, Tyler Hoechlin, anyone who could look related to Lucy Hale
Connection Dynamic: I wouldn't necessarily call them a close family. Faye's gone off and done what she wanted. I think all the siblings are a lot more independent of each other. I wouldn't call them the sort that has each other's back as tightly as most.
Faye is the middle and only daughter. The eldest sibling has taken over helping their parents run the heritage ranch. The eldest is a lot like their father — stoic, hardworking, quiet. He's stepped into the role of the ranch heir easily.
Their family always kept the idea of the Cowboy Mafia at arms length — while they don't explicitly "know" about it, they were careful to stay away from activities that could bring that myth to life.
I could see the younger sibling getting into trouble with the Fingers and that becoming a point of contention with the rest of the family.
As it pertains to Faye — she's been pretty hard to reach since she was 18, given her music career and Nashville essentially churning her out. I would suspect there's some resentment for that.
She's been back for three ish years, she's bought her own place and is working her own performance horse ranch. I always assumed she leased cattle from her father's ranch to work her performance horses on. She's a keen horsewoman and rancher, and every bit her older brother's equal in that, but she's never wanted the family ranch (Rafter B).
She was closer with the younger sibling, but not by much. I also sense there'd be some tension because the "abandoned us for fame" kinda hits. Then they all got to witness what fame did to her, so like, trauma there.
I am flexible with their personalities, as well as the youngest's occupation, and the age ranges. Faceclaims I don't really mind much as long as they make sense. What's outlined in the details and background I'm not flexible on.
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dimeremantiro · 7 months
About Princess Elodie
A play-by-play of every week of Elodie's last year as princess. It's missing her lesson plan (Very exhaustive) and combat training, except for mentions that are plot relevant. It is also missing most of her time sitting the ruling chair listening to petitions, which she did for very few hours a day under her Regency.
It is also missing her weekly time in the Royal Cathedrals, which is four hours every Sunday.
Week 0: Fidelia dies, Elodie quickly gets brought home in secret. Fidelia's death announcement is sent out to the world after Elodie's rooms and chambers have been inspected by trustworthy magicians and servants. Joslyn announces his regency, and that it will only last until Elodie's fifteenth birthday.
Week 1: Elodie arrives, depressed, attends service, organises her study plan. Her wardrobe begins to change, and the first change is to remove the ribbons in her hair that represent her as an innocent child. The second change is removing all of her toys from her room, and switching the furniture in her wing to something more adult: She will soon host young nobles, and she must never look like a child to them, and they will look.
Elodie secretly kept some dolls in a secret corner of her room. If seen, she will claim she is planning to give them to her future children. She spends time at the Congregation, leading for 24 hours of silent prayer.
Week 2: Julianna, duchess of Ursul and known Lumen, arrives to teach Elodie magic. She accepts despite Joslyn's protests, who admits that Fidelia's magical powers are the reason she is dead. Being a Lumen alone is controversial (Unless you are from the reigning family) but Julianna is also controversial as she was her father's youngest child, yet he chose her as heir, bypassing her older brother. Despite this trust, Julianna is neither married nor childed. Only Ursul’s royalty keeps the pride of being a Lumen.
Elodie is visited by her uncle Laurent, Duke of Merva, his wife Lucille, and their children.: Heir Charlotte, and children Emry and Zahra. It is rare that they visit, as their mother, Lucille, fears danger to a degree she delayed Charlotte’s attendance to the school. However, Elodie is comforted by the visit of her younger cousins.
Week 3: A milk viper (highly poisonous and not native to the region) attacks Elodie and Charlotte (Laurent's heir). Laurent and his family retire from court as soon as they're done giving Fidelia homage, publicly to keep their children safe, and unknown to Elodie, after Lucille made sure Joslyn named Charlotte as the princess’ heir, if anything happened to Elodie (As Laurent was Fidelia's only brother, his claim is right behind Elodie's, and Charlotte is his eldest child).
Elodie learns, from Julianna, that Lumen crystals are indestructible and that anyone can bond with a crystal, as long as it hasn't been bonded with. Despite crystals being attuned to either bloodline or character, Julianna fears it going into the wrong hands. She expresses fear of the unbonded crystal being stolen, specially since Fidelia may have infused it with knowledge or secrets before she passed.
Despite Elodie bringing this up, Joslyn refuses to give her any information at all, and the later fact convinces him that the crystal drained Fidelia’s life force, killing her. He admits that he has no power to stop her after she is crowned, however. It keeps him up at night.
Week 4: Perhaps aided with divination, as she has been seeing more omens recently, Elodie also finds out the location of her mother's Lumen crystal, necessary to unlock most of her powers: Her father hid it in a special cove in the treasury. It is extremely well guarded, and her and Julianna fear Joslyn would move it if she asks for it, so they devise a plan to get it.
Week 5: Since a month has passed since the Queen’s death, nobles begin sending Elodie offers of marriage. One of them is Talarist, a foreign Lord from a neighboring country with claims to the Duchy of Sedna, whose current heir is a boy of eight and who had a lot of family die mysteriously recently. Elodie doesn’t formally reject him, but refuses to wear his gifts, lest she give the wrong impression. Sedna is to be inherited by a boy of eight, Adair, and to keep him safe Elodie fosters him at the crown palace. His father accepts.
Week 6: Elodie meets Selene, a priestess of the Second Circle, who is close to Julianna and aids her in magical training. Selene has a calmer, more discreet way of doing magic, but no less deadly. It heavily contrasts to Julianna. Elodie speeds her learning of decoration and singing to understand her training to the fullest.
Elodie spots an intruder, who she chases by climbing a castle wall: It turns to bea peasant boy who steals apples from the royal garden. She tells the guards that she was chasing a cat so he isn’t punished over something so silly.
The princess also presents a plan of accounting to the royal treasurer, to have access to the royal vaults, at the very time the guards change position. While he inspects it, she retrieves her crystal without anybody knowing. Julianna is already disliked at court, but after this event, it increases: Joslyn assumes she took the crystal and doesn't want her to give it to his daughter. He makes up that she used sorcery on her father to pass over her older brother as heir to Ursul, and makes courtiers spread the terrible rumor.
Unknown to Elodie, Joslyn has seen in a vision that she would die young during a Lumen duel, and the dream keeps coming. He fears it terribly.
Week 7: Elodie bonds with her crystal, to Joslyn's dismay and disappointment. She is now a Lumen. He does his best to reverse the smear campaign from the week prior, as he now wants Elodie to be taught as much as Julianna can teach, but it is very difficult. Elodie moves her training hours to the earliest of mornings and latest of nights, so she and Julianna can plan and learn undisturbed: Julianna has the night shift, and Selene the morning.
Adair arrives at the castle, he enjoys the animals, and Elodie makes sure she has trustworthy men at the stables at all hours so he can visit during the night. In return, Adair teaches Elodie how to catch frogs, and laughing, she shows her father.
Joslyn’s heart sinks: His princess and daughter is still a child, the crown is heavy enough for him. He begins to search for a wife to have allies for his daughter, and an heir to Caloris, which he is Duke of. Having heirless territory revert to the crown has made nobles revolt before, as they always think there are better claimants. He does not share the worries with his daughter.
Week 8: A man proposes to invent the printing press. Elodie invests in it and makes his children wards of the nobility, which means his children can go to the same school she did. Some think this a childish fantasy, and start accusing Elodie of miss-spending the treasury. Others think she is misspending the crown’s money to spite her father. Elodie’s recent seclusion begins to play against her.
Through meditation she learned from Selene, she learns about magical auras, and is surprised to know her aunt Lucille is an active, though secret, Lumen.
Week 9: Banion, Earl of Serenitatis and Duke of Maree, asks Elodie, and not Joslyn, for help in battle against an invasion from Ixion. Elodie instead chooses to negotiate, and does it herself without her father. Banion spreads the rumors of her being weak and misrepresents things she said in their secret meeting. Elodie loses popularity for giving safe passage to an Ixionite who is also a con-decorated war general.
Week 10: Elodie negotiates with the Ixionite. Banion's older sister, Brin, dutchess of Hellas, overstepped boundaries in her territory, which limits with Ixion, but she also admits the Ixionites turned to armed conflict unprompted. One of her terms is allowing Ixion to choose a husband for Brin, which enrages both her and her brother.
Elodie, however, secretly tells Brin that she will have no problems divorcing an Ixionite (As any divorce trial will happen in Hellas) and suggest she does so as soon as she has a child. Though she agrees, Banion and Brin begin a smear campagin against Elodie.
Week 11: A keythong (wingless griffin) is spotted in the old forest. Only now Elodie learns that the nobility does nothing against them save issue a warning: The nobility just lets them eat the commons and go back to the depths of the forest and the old capital. It is taught to her, in private, by her father Joslyn, that fighting these magical beasts only encourages more to show up.
Elodie begins researching the old capital, and why it was abandoned: While the official story is that too many Lumen caused a negative energy sweep that only ended when Lumen members of the royal family sacrificed themselves, Elodie begins to suspect it isn't the case, and Selene agrees. Selene also says the Old Capital is full of magical artifacts, and they agree that it is dangerous that so many magical items including Lumen crystals are there unattended. Elodie privately decides that she will lead an expedition there as soon as she is queen, but doesn’t share it with anybody lest they think she has a death wish and would be an imprudent ruler.
Week 12: A Healer comes to the crown, not for the first time, with a project for a hospital. Finding Elodie in the castle grounds, she takes the chance to expose her idea in luxurious detail. She impresses Elodie, who funds her venture, making one of her terms to agreeing to fund her to learn medicine from her or someone she found equally as skilled.
Her father does not contradict her in public, but as germ theory isn't very established in the setting, he thinks it's a terrible investment and that putting so many sick and wounded together is a bad idea. So does most of the nobility, who found out about the expenditure at a morning announcement.
As this is the second time it seems she dispenses money from the crown for a fruitless attempt, and specially because Elodie did this without consulting any advisors, Joslyn decides she is much less than ready. With the Festival of the Good Lady coming in less than a month, Joslyn reduces her public appearances, making it seem as if Elodie is praying extensively for her mother.
Week 13: Despite the above, he cannot stop her sitting the throne completely, and the princess has audience with the Earl of Io, who seeks punishment for a woman who attempted to poison his sister Corisandre. Their elder brother, Hyacinth, was infamous for his exaggerated hedonism, and used to enjoy the company of attractive servants who he had maimed or killed in "accidents".
Elodie understands the poor peasant woman: Her brother was killed by Hyacinth. And she understands that Earl Kevan values his family's honor above all else, and that he greatly values his sister's life. She "sentences" the woman to hard labor in her own castle, making sure she has a servant's duty after Earl Kevan leaves, stating that she had no right to harm Corisandre. She, however, names Kevan's now deceased Hyacinth guilty, and frames it as if it was Kevan's intent all along, keeping his family's honor intact.
Small waves of praise finally go to the young princess from the very few witnesses to the trial, for handling such a complicated manner swiftly. It does not help her in the long run: Too few witness saw the affair.
Week 14: Elodie gets updates on the printing press. It seems working fine! Her happiness is short lived, as she is plagued by omens of future doom, disease, and ill tidings. She spends her week doing her best to interpret this message from the gods. Her advisors assume she is having a tantrum as for once it seems she is ignoring her studies.
Elodie recognizes and befriends the apple stealer: He’s named Evrard, and he is a baker. They begin a friendship, which Elodie hides: She does not want others to harm the poor guy, an unprotected peasant. She does, however, publicly announce minor reforms in the city that aid peasants.
Week 15: Preparations begin for the Parade of the Good Lady and the Royal Ball after the goddess’ day. The highest ranking noblewoman is the one meant to lead both, and Joslyn, despite wanting to protect her, cannot stop her from both, though he suggests she skips the parade for silent prayer instead. Elodie refuses, and choses to lead it. The newly working printing press finally bears fruit: Elodie sends out papers with religious doctrine for the Good Lady festival, and includes stories that paint Lumen in a good light.
Briony, daughter of Corisandre, writes to Elodie. She is in search of adventure and despite almost being a legal adult, feels constrained by her mother and family members. She feels like she doesn’t have the freedom of a spare, nor the power of an heir. She is also thankful for how Elodie managed their legal problems in week 13.
Week 16: The festival of Nova’s main goddess, the Good Lady, finally comes. Elodie leads a parade and makes a speech, and addresses the peasantry at large for the first time. Evrard, who attends, is visibly proud. Elodie doesn’t participate in the competitions, as she thinks the rest of the nobles will let her win or harm her claim. She gives her favor to the winner of the tilts, and sings with the winner of the singing competition, but that’s the most of her involvement. The festival lasts days and Elodie doesn’t miss a single event, even when it means there are days she sleeps two hours at most, and on the two last days of the week, doesn’t sleep at all.
Two attemps on her life happen, one by a man lounging at her with a sword, the other by arrows. Elodie avoids both, and chooses not to make them public.
Week 17: Elodie wakes up after not sleeping for two days. She attends her first royal ball, where again, she is seen but not heard of much. Banion makes a toast that is secretly insulting to her rule. Elodie, composed, forgoes dancing with either him nor any of his allies the entire night. As some of these allies were secret, Elodie exposes knowing more than she lets on. Elodie dances with women as well as men, showing the court she is bisexual (Though as heiress to the crown with no siblings, the pressure for children is high)
She avoids scorn by dancing with older women, or those already wed, including Duchess Arisse, the eldest woman in attendance, who was her first choice: It is obvious to the court which dances are her showing marriage options. Nonetheless, her opposition makes her sound frivolous and unintelligent.
When greeting the Earl of Fabian, an aging man and Adair’s father, Elodie will understand some of her ill omens are about him. She asks about his heir, a boy of eight, Adair. He wants his sister, Arisse, to care for him. He worries for his safety and wonders if it can legally happen, as it would leave too much influence in Arisse’s hands. Elodie promises that it shall be done in full view of the court, so nobody may undo it behind her back. Adair is allowed to leave the castle with Arisse.
Banion tries to announce a false engagement to Elodie, but Elodie realizes and interrupts him making him look like a fool.
Her cousin, Charlotte, doesn’t attend, but her mother does. Having unlocked her Lumen power, Elodie can recognize her aunt as fellow Lumen, and understand why some attempts on her life were made: Lucille wanted Fidelia’s crystal for Charlotte. Understanding that some of it is out of fear of Lumen being persecuted, Elodie names Charlotte as heir publicly, but names Lucille as the first Lumen minister in 200 years, which makes the rest of the court shun her out of fear at the ball. Elodie, as crown princess, is safe from scorn, and does a public showing of her magical power to end the night.
The rest of her week is spent organizing deals and vows with the visiting nobles. Elodie notices taxing is vastly mismanaged, and some of her reputation as being bad with the economy begins to fade.
Week 18: Elodie spots her father with a noble woman. She approves of her pursuit of her father, though she reproaches him marrying too quickly in private. Regardless, she wants happiness for him.
Joslyn, who is pressured to extend the regency (As it is his legal right, he can extend it for up to four years) instead changes the subject and chides Elodie for not being aware of her surroundings enough. Because she interpreted her omens correctly, she can answer everything Joslyn asked of her, impressing him. He allows her to dispense a single thread, and she chooses foreign affairs near the border. Elodie says she is worried Talarist and Ixion are striking now because of coordinated intel.
Elodie spots a keythong in the crown castle. She calls for guards, who manage to restrain it. Elodie fails at harming it with magic, but Selene and Julianna manage to do it. Elodie asks to be the one to study the body, and it is secretly sent to her instead of burned.
Week 19: It is the yearly readjustment of taxes. Elodie manages to lower them, gaining both commoner and some noble approval.
Talarist demands compensation in exchange for giving up his claims within Nova. Elodie pays it as personal expenditure. A small price for young Adair’s safety.
Week 20: A man who claimed to be possessed is on trial for killing his wife. Elodie manages to identify him as a Lumen, which makes him attack her. Elodie manages to kill him, though she has a minor wound, which Lucille heals with her own Lumen magic. Public opinion for Lumen comes to worse, despite it all.
Elodie must invest in food for Elath bypassing Talarist and his imports as he has been raising the tarifs too much since he no longer has a claim, however.
Week 21: Charlotte is offered the crystal but it doesn’t choose her. Elodie decides it makes sense: They just killed its former owner, and his personality and style of magic weren’t like Charlotte’s at all. The girl is reassured. Elodie gives the crystal to Selene to purify and keep. For once, all of her relatives are in a united front. Even his father sheds his anti-Lumen sentiment, albeit secretly.
Elodie learns Joslyn almost extended her regency. She, however, forgives him.
A poem showing Elodie as lustful and wanton reaches her ears: As it is quite silly, she decides it is funny, though a minority believes it.
Week 22: Earl Fabian dies. Elodie makes Adele, his stepsister, his regent. Arisse and Adair are both appeassed. Talarist, who has received his bounty, doesn’t push the border.
Week 23: A bard, Sabine, asks Elodie for patronage. Speaking to her in code, Elodie understands that her true talent is spying, specifically coding and ciphering, and hires her. She also finds her expensive tutors and teachers for her to improve her craft. For the first time, Joslyn is impressed: He promises to give her the crown happily the very second midnight passes and she is a legal adult.
Week 24: Sabine is quickly dispatched with secret orders from Elodie. She quickly unthreads a plot to kill her during a traveling route.
Briony writes about Gwenelle’s upcoming party, her family problems, and her desire for adventure. She also opens up about a lot of the internal abuse within her family. Though the perpetrators are death, trauma lingers, and as heir, faces a lot of the brunt of it.
Week 25: The attacks from Ixion and Sedna finally find their common thread: Shanjia, the biggest naval power. The Shanjian nobility had secretly told them of invasion attacks.
Shanjia has much greater naval power than Nova, and Nova is quite vulnerable at sea. Elodie authorizes the building of massive warships and begins conscription. She later in the week spends even more money in the latter, as she sees the worst omen for war, a falling star. The food situation, besides all the massive tariffs, is very hard on Nova, but Elodie refuses to reverse her taxing policies.
Week 26: Week 26 is spent from morning to night worrying about internal shipping routes (Nova, while not isolating, is going to self-sustain knowing the Shanjia invasion is coming). Because Elodie refused to change her taxing policies, she asks for fealty out of the nobility: Food, men, swords. For the higher nobility this is more expensive than being taxed alone, and some start to resent her. Invitations are sent to the youngest members of noble families to arrive to the crown palace as guests for safety. Brin, now pregnant, arrives without her Ixionite husband. She is quickly given a fake name and glamour to pass her off as a lower noble, as said husband is furious. Brin directs her anger at Elodie.
Week 27: Lady Gwenelle, Heiress to Sudbury, and Elodie’s best friend at school invites Elodie to her fifteenth birthday party. As her father died recently, she will most likely become a Duchess, as her formal regency will end. Elodie attends despite the danger. Sabine’s investigation meant Elodie took a much longer and less traveled route, however.
Elodie keeps herself informed about foreign attacks. It is not easy on the heart. Shanjia keeps advancing and, as they intend to not take minor kingdoms in their way to Nova, they are able to march peacefully. Sometimes they even pay fealty to Shanjia with gold, money, men or even magic.
Evrard shows up and gives Elodie blueberry cookies. Elodie offers him a job in the royal kitchens, but he refuses. However, he asks for apprenticeship for older relatives of his, who gave him the cookie recipe. Elodie gives it to them.
Week 28: Nothing outside of the Shanjian preparations happens. Elodie is scorned publicly by her advisors as tensions rise, and Elodie is advised to go to Gwenelle’s birthday to have an excuse to leave the capital. Sabine is quickly put in charge of music in the breaks for all those meetings while Elodie is gone.
The princess uses her printing press to send propaganda of the wonders of the army, so the commons are better prepared to defend Nova. She also makes the healer work faster for her hospital, and prints out instructions from her so smaller cities can have healing tents set up in case of battle. Elodie leaves for Sudbury.
Week 29: After arriving, Elodie witnessess her and her mother Lieke fighting, but manages to appease them both: Gwenelle wishes to be taken seriously as an adult and a duchess, wanting to take over her responsibilities as soon as possible, which puts her at odds with her mother Lieke, who thinks she's still too young for the burden with war with Shanjia soon to come.
Elodie’s compromise is for Gwenelle to take charge after four months, where she will pray for her father’s soul to the gods, and let Lieke rule during conscription months, the thing she worried for the most. If war comes, Gwenelle is also much safer as inheriting ceremonies would be postponed.
Briony, who was also a guest at the party, approaches Elodie, with intent of going to the old forest. Elodie, who continues to see it in dreams, agrees to aid her in her search of adventure, but discourages her going somewhere so dangerous. However, knowing how deep her family problems are, she allows her to go with her as a guest of the royal family in secret.
Briony, Charlotte, and Elodie are meant to go from Sudbury to the Crown Castle, but only Charlotte shows up. Elodie and Briony made a detour at the Old Forest, as close to the Old Capital as possible. Elodie and Briony explore, and Elodie meditates and finds out there are more Lumen artifacts than previously thought. However, they also have to avoid monsters, and they don’t have the men or the power to do an investigation by themselves. They leave.
They arrive to the crown palace just before week 30. Briony’s parents are furious, as is Earl Kevan, who quickly send a messenger expressing their distaste and demnad explanations. Joslyn also yells at them both, though they agree it’s born of out worry. Lucille manages to calmhim down, lying that the girls stayed on a path that was magically cleared, and even chides them for not taking Charlotte.
It is, of course, a farse, but both Joslyn and Briony’s family will end up believing believe it (Lucille is extremely protective of her children, if Charlotte could hav gone, surely Elodie and Briony were free from danger). However, Lucille and Charlotte are both upset at them both: It was reckless and stupid. However they keep the secret.
Information of the hunt for treasure perks her aunt up: Lucille wants a crystal for Charlotte whenever she can actually lead the search for magical items, and Elodie promises it to her before she can ask. The talk of Lumen crystals makes Elodie realize something: Briony felt the call of the old forest: She is quickly presented the Lumen crystal Elodie found from the wife killer, which bonds with her.
Lillah sends Elodie a gift promising fealty for how she handled the Adair situaition: Not only is the boy safe, but her regent choice avoided power surges from within factions in his family.
Week 30: Corisandre and Ignatius, Briony’s parents, arrive to get their daughter. They are presented with the fact that she is now a public Lumen, and Julianna, her aunt, makes her heiress to Ursul: Only Lumen can inherit Ursul, the true reason Briony’s father Ignatius was passed over.
Corisandre is unhappy to have two children inherit, she worries about anti-Lumen scorn, but Ignatius and Julianna begin to make amends. Ignatius is quickly given a royal allowance from Elodie so he can support his daughter from internal strife. Having a formal heir also means Julianna and Selene may be able to wed. Elodie promises them a public blessing when the war is over. Briony is happy for the freedom this got her, but is not ready for the scorn she faces at court as a magic user. In the end she leaves with her mother, but Julianna makes it very clear she will expect her heir when war ends, and sends Selene with them. As Elodie backs her, they cannot refuse.
Week 31: Elodie has more premonitions about the war soon to come. She dispatches footmen to strange points, several of her generals argue with her. Preparations to fight against Shanjia continue.
Week 32: Elodie decides to host a tournament for her army: Prizes are money, honor and awards, better positions in the military. Elodie wakes up to find her flower vases are entirely filled with wilted leaves, a bad omen, but quickly rearranges it to her satisfaction. Her decoration skills have skyrocketed during the year. Elodie also briefly ups the rations in the capital for the business’ there to make one last coin before total war.
Either out of worry or tiredness (Truly, it’s that Joslyn finally confirmed formally that he won’t extend her regency) her generals begin listening to her more.
Week 33: The week of the tournament! The mood changes for the better in the capital. Elodie surprises the competitors for her knowledge in falconry, a sport she only picked the prior year. She also wins the music competition, but gives the four runner ups her awards, to everyone’s content. Sabine practices with her later on, where she learns to be a better musician and Elodie learns ciphering.
Because Elodie must carry a formal sword, despite it not being a combat sword, she is challenged to a duel by Earl Kevan of Io. Elodie accepts it, and despite him being a vicious challenger, Elodie manages to win. She pins his sword down and convinces him to surrender, using the knowledge of Briony’s letters to sway him. Kevan is shamed knowing the princess knows he has been abused as a child and how, but mostly cries. Later on, when alone, Kevan will say all he wants is the best for Briony, who may be his own daughter with his sister. The affair was forced by his father, though now over, Kevan and Corisandre both have terrible feelings of it they cannot understand. Elodie points out she is a Lumen, and that came from Ignatius’ line, not his. She lets Kevan leave without penalties whatsoever, making sure Selene does her best to heal his heart. Briony is finally acknowledged by her mother’s line as heiress to Ursul and as a legal adult.
Week 34: Shanjian ships finally approach Novan sea. Elodie, having done all she can to boost men, morale, and resources, leads her fleet. At the last second, Selene, Julianna, and Lucille approach Elodie: They will do a ritual to sing the enemy fleet with magic. Elodie takes her Lumens with her, and is told by scouts the Shanjian fleet is much larger than previously thought: Everyone is afraid.
Week 35: The ritual is are very succesful: The tides reverse. What little remains of the Shanjian fleet, is now overstepped by Nova’s numbers, which were small in comparison before the ritual.
Elodie takes the enemy ships and ransoms all survivors. There are almost no Novan losses and very few injuries. The few Shanjian ships still standing are taken to Elodie’s shipmakers to reverse-engineering their technology.
Week 36: The ritual woke a sea monster from the depths. The Novan army manages to clear the area and flee, though there are losses. Still, many consider it a much better alternative than the monstrously huge fleet that the ritual stopped the week prior. Heeding the Lumen’s advice, the losses remain minimal. Julianna and Selene use energy to contain it from the sea, Elodie and Lucille from two different points in the coast. It tires the women severely, but there is no cost of life.
Unknown to the army, the Shanjian leader arrives hidden by the commotion. Killing Elodie’s small retinue, their leader presents himself to the princess: Togami, the dark Prince-Consort of Shanjia. He is a Lumen, and he wants her crystal. He is also the one who killed Fidelia using a similar maneuver: Forcing her to tire herself out holding a monster at bay, then dueling her. Fidelia chose to teleport herself home, which took the last of her energy and her life.
Elodie, however, had enough allies that she is still standing. She is challenged to a duel she cannot back from, as he can control her with magic.
To everyone’s surprise, Joslyn shows up: He has been tracking Elodie’s steps to stop the duel from his vision. He reveals Caloris has a Lumen crystal, and has bonded with it. He expects that taking Elodie’s place will stop her murder. Togami easily wounds Joslyn almost to death, and says he wants the crystal for his children, but he has two: What Joslyn has don was in vain. He will simply kill them both.
Elodie, however, with Togami momentarily distracted, moves into action. She manages to resist his control long enough to summon a sword of light from her crystal, and begins to fight him. A wall of light happens between them both, stopping the fight. Elodie’s sword turns into a lyre and she manages to move him with her singing and magic, expressing that he can teach his two daughters magic without the crystals, and that his wife, the actual Regnant Queen, is more troubled than flattered by his invasion. Togami leaves, but Joslyn remains hurt. Elodie manages to get medical attention for him, though he is comatose. He wakes up the last day of the week, but doesn’t speak.
Week 37: Togami sends a letter of formal refusal. He takes his injuried and leaves for Shanjia. He gives Joslyn his regards, which despite being magical in nature, don’t improve his condition. Elodie spends her week honoring the death.
Lucille, Laurent, Charlotte, and the rest of the Mervan household formally move to the Crown Castle, as they are now de-facto regents for Elodie. Despite her only being weeks from being crowned, she is injuried from her encounter from Togami. Charlotte reveals almost all of her powers have to do with healing, and manages to make Joslyn conscious enough to recognize his surroundings. He smiles at Elodie.
With his last breath, he achnowledges a bastard boy he had with a servant as Duke of Caloris. Elodie accepts his claim. He is older than her, and named Eoin. Elodie quickly finds him a regent in Joslyn’s younger brother, moves him to the Crown Palace, and sends his younger siblings to school.
Preparations for Elodie’s coronation feast begin. Elodie, who was planning to wear her mother’s own dressage, and to be more involved in her coronation, chooses to allow her female relatives to do the final preparations. Months after she will acknowledge their good taste.
Week 38: Joslyn’s funeral. With Joslyn’s passing, his crystal goes to Charlotte, who bonds with it. Caloris always resented the crystal, and it happily goes to Merva.
Week 39: Elodie spends her last week as princess playing with the children who went there as refugees. It is her last week as a child. Togami sends a statue to honor Elodie’s good reigning, signed by his two daughters.
Week 40: Elodie is crowned at first light. Long live the queen!
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cocogum · 3 years
Weird HxH Facts you might’ve not noticed before (part 2)
Fact #1 : The main four promoted the Phantom Rouge movie.
Despite the fact that Phantom Rouge wasn’t written or directed by Togashi, he decided to draw the main four (excluding Leorio) promoting it as well as drawing the main antagonist of the movie.
You can find these small manga shorts as well as Omokage’s drawing in volume 0.
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Fact #2 : In the anime, Chrollo got Melody’s gender right but completely missed Kurapika’s.
In episode 57, Kurapika questions Chrollo if he remembered killing the kurta clan five years ago.
Instead of giving him an answer, Chrollo replies by asking him what were Uvogin’s last words.
Kurapika says that he doesn’t remember but Chrollo wasn’t convinced so he tells him he’s lying and quickly turns around to Melody asking her “Am I right miss?”.
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In the manga however, his question for Melody is a bit different.
Instead of saying “Am I right miss?”, he simply says: “He’s lying, isn’t he?”
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The fact that he knew Melody was a woman (in the anime) must’ve been a first for her since everyone seems to be confusing her for a man due to her cursed appearance.
But on the other hand, he completely missed Kurapika’s which should’ve been more obvious to guess.
Fact #3 : The Phantom troupe met Kalluto way before the Greed Island arc.
Kalluto actually met (some of them) the Troupe back in chapter 116.
When Killua and Gon were being kept hostages back at the hotel, some of the troupe members were still back in their hideout.
The ones who were staying behind were Franklin, Hisoka and Bonolenov.
This scene was extremely weird and out of the blue.
Right when they were quietly waiting for orders, Franklin heard a noise upstairs and went to see what the commotion was about.
As he got to the upper floor, he suddenly meets Kalluto.
The youngest Zoldyck doesn’t say anything and simply flees out of a window.
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This scene never went in the anime and the troupe members have never been seen discussing this strange event in front of the viewers.
Fact #4 : Killua’s hair color significance describes the Zoldyck heirs in a nutshell.
Killua’s hair color is silver.
If we search for the meaning behind the color, we can see two major definitions for it: its symbolism and its personality type.
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Killua’s family is a wealthy and powerful one where they also have a lively and playful new heir, unlike the rest.
The ones bearing the silver color are also sophisticated people where they possess immense experience and knowledge of the assassination practices passed from generation to generation.
The personality type also applies to Killua and the previous heirs.
Both of those definitions describe the heirs and they are good reasons as to why the family would put the silver zoldycks on a higher pedestal than the rest of them.
Fact #5 : Ging never had the intention of abandoning Gon.
Many think Ging abandoned Gon by going back to Whale Island to give him to Mito but that is completely false.
In chapter 1 of the manga, Mito told Gon that he got abandoned by his father.
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But just as Gon was about to leave the island for the hunter exam, she quickly tells him the truth about what truly happened.
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Apparently, Ging returned to Whale Island after ten years with a two-year-old Gon.
He was planning on giving Gon to Abe (Gon’s great grandmother) for a short while but failed in getting the custody of his son in court to his cousin Mito.
Mito was the one who made Ging give up Gon.
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ihopesocomic · 3 years
Sorry if this counts as spoilers but how did Merry find the Golden Grove and what was the love story between him and Clever? :0
Was a king before him that wasn’t the parents of the sisters or no? Basically asking about Merry’s backstory. ^^’
Before Merry, the Golden Grove was ruled by the parents of Clever, Careful and Vicious. Their mother was Watchful and their father was an Heir from a distant kingdom who became a Traveller. His Traveller name was Wildfire, but he shortened his name to Wild to keep in with Golden Grove tradition. Watchful and Wild were good parents, though they often had their hands full with their youngest daughter, Vicious, who had seemingly inherited her father's wilful spirit. Clever and Careful, on the other hand, were good little lionesses who more resembled their mother. Once the lionesses reached adulthood, Watchful knew her time to meet the Traveller had come and left her daughters to rule the Grove together. Wild accompanied her, wanting to be with his beloved mate until the very end. Merry was born as Snowdrift, to two Traveller parents, Blizzard and Sandstorm. He was their only cub. The group also comprised of his grandfather, aunt and cousin. The six of them travelled the lands as Snowdrift grew up, teaching him to respect the land and those who lived within it. Snowdrift heeded their teachers and wished to pursue a life of peace. He never wished to rule a kingdom.
Until one day when he stumbled upon the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
Clever did not know what to make of this bumbling, white-maned stranger that had stumbled onto her land. As her own father was a Traveller, she knew well enough that he did not mean any harm and she was too polite to chase him off. Snowdrift considered this a nice change of pace from several other Kings who tried to chew his head off and the two got talking, unremarkably hitting it off. Clever was eager to show off her handsome new friend to her sisters, with Careful immediately warming to his sensitive and kind nature. Vicious, meanwhile, regarded him with a sneer. She did not like the way her sisters were looking at this male, particularly Clever. It had not been long since their father had departed with their mother and she seemed to be the only one who cared. How could they forget them so easily?
Snowdrift remained with the sisters, renaming himself Merry. He was especially fond of Clever, treating her like the most important thing in the world. Because she was to him. He was an attentive, loving father to both her and Careful's cubs, allowing all three sisters to have the biggest share of the prey, only taking a small amount for himself. Clever struggled with motherhood, losing two cubs during a tough winter but she and Merry helped each other through their grief, the latter never blaming her for a second. If anything, the poor King blamed himself for not being able to protect his children from the elements.
Their surviving cubs, Bold and Cheerful, were the apple of his eye. Cheerful was the duplicate of her mother whereas Bold was the pride's little guardian, always wanting to protect it with his father. He lived up to his name by running at a couple of cacklers, who would sleek off with a slight humour once Merry raced after him to back him up. Speaking of the cacklers, Merry's Traveller beliefs prevailed and he was always careful to stick to the Grove and its traditional borders. The cacklers - aside from a few daring youngsters - would give him a wide berth and he too would avoid them. There was more than enough food for them and, if the cacklers wanted to pick at the bones they left, who was he to stop them? More than often, the matriarch of the cackler clan would unmistakably nod in respect of the benevolent King.
Vicious took notice of this and her dislike of Merry only increased. She remained civil, for the sake of her sisters and the Grove but she never offered Merry any love. Only the tiniest hint of respect. Merry put this down to her being the youngest and missing her folks and never pressed the matter. Perhaps he should've. Perhaps a good screaming match was what the pair of them needed, to air out their differences. Merry would not entertain it, however. He would not force someone to worship him if they did not want to.
Then, one day, he caught scent of something that troubled him greatly. Something he would not divulge to Clever. He did not want to worry her or frighten the cubs. He calmly told her he was going out on patrol... and never returned. Perhaps if he had known - had recognised the danger signs - he would have told her. But he was a Traveller, he was kind and unused to the harsh realities of the world outside of his philosophy. He would never think the world he loved so much would hurt him. He walked off that day, with complete confidence that he could solve whatever difficulty he encountered with kindness and understanding. Only the world was too cruel for such a belief. It did not deserve him, in the end.
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 3 years
imagine of Storm had to have legal custody of Jet because he's only 14
this is sorta what happens in my canon actually!
basically, the way babylonian customs work is that the heir-leader can form the next generation of babylon rogues when he (yes, he) turns 16, preferably 18 though. however, there were a couple things that went wrong with our birds:
1. Storm (who is not the heir-leader) was born first. like, too many years early, his dad is young and tbh kindof a dilf but i will make another post about him later!
2. the mechanic is supposed to be the youngest, but Wave was born in the middle. Also uh, they usually don't want girls unless they're the second-in-command (Storm's position) because it would make the leader-intercessor dynamic "more successful" because heterosexuals etc etc but once again the ages didn't work. Also, mechanics are supposed to be the power type whereas second-in-commands are flight type so they can scope out and help with the planning/collaboration with the heir-leader but Wave (despite being ridiculously strong) is not the power type, Storm is.
3. Jet was born last and also he's trans in my canon so his family just fucking gave up at that point and dropped him off with Storm's dad (who is hated by the other Babylonians bc fuck tradition he was never raised traditionally either and skipped a few steps since his older brother was supposed to have kids and was the traditional second-in-command but he died which is why Storm has 0 knowledge of babylonian culture and traditions in ZG and why he's also the least defined/trained bc he wasn't raised to be an heir he wasn't even on the table neither was his dad so it was an oopsies but OKAY NO MORE LORE TANGENTS MOVING ON)
One more thing first though 😜 Wave's dad also yeets (but we love him okay??? ok) and he didn't have a choice so instead of being burdened with her step-daughter Wave's stepmom also dropped her with Storm's dad.
What's the issue? Well, while Wave and Storm are ready to be full-time babylon rogues, they gotta wait for Jet to turn 16 first... oh and btw they don't get any of their old money either so they're living off of Storm's single dad's prison guard salary that's off of Prison Island 😎👉👉 oh and Bean is there long story just go with it but dw he disappears at one point to do his normal shenanigans
Wave pulls a sneaky and basically prevents Jet from ever having to experience actual AFAB experiences by like, illegally letting him transition at a dangerously young age. But also Jet's dad doesn't stop it because like... he does need a son. Like, they'll all die out and their insurmountable wealth dating back to the dawn of fucking civilization will be given to the mobian government or like, GUN... so fine. Transphobia on the backburner for now, give me a son and we won't talk about it. Wave also uses this as a perfect opportunity to fuck up her own body for a while for funzies and that's gonna have consequences later in one of my fics! But I digress once more
What was I supposed to be talking about....? RIGHT! STORM ADOPTING JET!!! Well, the rogues don't really follow the standardized legal system but they're all allowed to have the airship when Storm turned 16 based on babylonian custom so that's when they start fucking shit up for fun around the world, and also stealing because they don't really have money besides required amenities (so like I should clarify rn that the rogues get money but they have to request it and log their expenses So stuff like gas, food, entertainment within reason, medical emergencies, etc... are covered almost always, but if you want HRT or a nail appointment they're gonna use the request letter as toilet paper)
When Wave turned 16 they were allowed to compete in global or international extreme gear events (mechanic needs to be a certain age— another reason why she hates Tails so much in riders because Team Sonic got to skip all protocol and legal requirements despite being heroes and law-abiding at least in appearance, meanwhile the nomad rogues who don't even count as citizens are forced to oblige. ANYWAYS!) They could do national competitions and off-track races and unofficial stuff to build up their rep but anything comparable to like, how we treat the Olympics or PanAm are off the table until Wave was old enough. Technically this is a win for the rogues because normally you have to wait longer since mechanics are supposed to be the youngest member (bright innovative minds, also as the power-member the careers of the heir-leader and second-in-command will last longer and give them more time to gain experience and seasoned skills). However, since the birth order got fucked up, Jet is a LOT fucking younger than when his ancestors started racing on a global scale (12 instead of 16/18 like WHAT?!? king shit)
So, as a summary of everything I rambled and all the things I didn't develop for the sake of word-count and also just my fingers:
the rogues don't really do the whole "legal custody" thing that everyone else does, but yeah, storm's age and sometimes wave's age counts as custody for babylonian regulations 😌 more like group project supervision with -3 braincells but it counts!!! hash tag found family
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yabai-korra · 3 years
Why I think Gwyn is NOT Tamlin's daughter
I've seen so many interesting theories in the ACOTAR fandom in regards to the new book, and a great chunk of these was about Gwyn being Tamlin/Lucien's daughter, and so I thought here's my take on it.
When I first read Gwyn saying "My sister and I were convinced at the Great Rite 28 years ago." I immediately thought "OH DAMN SHE MUST BE TAMLIN'S OR LUCIEN'S DAUGHTER!" but as I continued reading the book I put my Maas hat on and was like... "Hmm... yeah I don't think that's happening."
I have read, or rather, savored, all of Throne of Glass and ACOTAR books, so I'm an experienced SJM reader. Lemme tell you something about her writing, it's full, and I mean full, of foreshadowing. She creates ridiculously complicated plots and connections, even mixing in between the serials, and most of these you pick up on when you reread.
Did you know that Feyre was in fact mentioned going to TOG world in Heir of Fire? Did you know that Aelin was in A Court Of Silver Flames? Did you know that Dorian's first appearance in Throne of Glass has a Manorian reference? Did you know Vassien as a ship was a subject of a fae story in Heir of Fire? Did you know Rowaelin was foreshadowed in Throne of Glass? Did you know that Kaltain gave us a Manorian hint in Throne of Glass?
And these are just the ones I randomly thought of, there are so so much more!
Now, as a SJM reader, when I started thinking about "My sister and I were conceived on the Great Rite 28 years ago." I thought... that is too easy, too convenient, too obvious.
To me, that sentence is the equivalent of "Stay with the High Lord."
When I, and 99% of other readers first read it, the thought process was like this: It's obviously Tamlin! The Suriel just didn't refer to him by his name.
Same thing with the Great Rite, even a casual reader would immediately connect it to Tamlin.
Which High Lord did we see do Great Rite? Tamlin.
When the Great Rite was mentioned again, who was it mentioned with? Tamlin.
Who was the only High Lord not UTM 28 years ago? Tamlin.
This is something most of the fandom picked on, because it's so easy and so obvious, and I think SJM did it on purpose to bait us, but left clues (will get there soon) that it is actually not Tamlin, like she did in the first book.
Of course everyone will associate Tamlin with the Great Rite, especially one that happened while all the other High Lords were UTM, but how many readers will remember that:
It's not only the High Lord that participates, but his whole court
High Lord can refuse to participate like Tamlin did the last time
Gwyn said her mother did it with a stranger, and yeah they were under the masks at the time, but who doesn't know how the High Lord looks like? (granted her mom might have lied about it but I don't think it's the case considering it was specifically said it was a stranger when it wasn't necessary)
This is exactly like "Stay with the High Lord" because everyone immediately went with Tamlin because it was the logical thing to do, didn't even cross their minds that High Lord could be some other High Lord, I think Sarah is pulling the same trick twice.
I do think however that she left us a major clue on why it is not Tamlin, and that is Catrin, Gwyn's twin sister. She was mentioned a few times throughout the book as Gwyn's motivation and drive to move on and work hard, which is totally understandable, but mentioning her appearance... unnecessary. And SJM never writes anything unnecessary.
Gwyn has coppery-brown hair and teal eyes, and if she was the only child it could easily be assumed that she got it from her mother and that her father might look completely different. However, Catrin had black hair and black eyes, obviously like their mother who was a half nymph, which makes it a pretty reasonable assumption that Gwyn at least partly looks like her father.
Technically, it is possible that out of twins neither gets anything from the father and took it from grandparents instead, but it is extremely rare and not something an author would do. Imagine, you are a writer and you want to hint that this guy is the father of these twins, and you give neither twin any of his appearance traits. In fact, you go out of your way to point out that neither resembles him in the slightest.
Neither of them even has a similar trait, it wouldn't be stretching at all if Gwyn had reddish-blond or strawberry blond hair instead, or having a greenish glow in her eyes or amber specks in the center like Tamlin does. Or leaving Catrin's appearance a mystery. There was no reason to mention the way she looks whatsoever, yet SJM purposely pointed out that she looks completely different from Tamlin and Gwyn, making it obvious Gwyn gets the looks from the father while Catrin did from the mother.
See what I'm getting at here? She's baiting us while subtly planting hints that it's not the obvious option.
We have already seen the way she handles genetics (lil bonus):
Lucien has Helion's dark skin, and Loa's hair and eyes.
Nyx has Rhysand's skin and hair, and Feyre's eyes.
In TOG, when Rowan has a dream about his future children, three kids are a combination of his and Aelin's traits, while the youngest has his hair but her grandfather's eyes, eyes only, because kid inheriting complete looks from a grandparent is very very unlikely, and makes no sense from author's perspective.
Also, while everyone is focused on LUCIEN being Helion's son, nobody noticed that ERIS probably is as well! Not only were Loa and Helion involved when Eris was conceived, but Eris and Helion are also the ONLY TWO characters in the whole ACOTAR universe to have amber eyes, there is no way that's a coincidence. She literally described Beron's brown eyes, Loa's russet eyes, Helion's amber eyes and Eris's amber eyes all the in the chapter and nobody noticed because we didn't know of Loa and Helion yet, then all the focuses went to Lucien.
She wrote children looking exactly like one parent, a mix of parents, looking mostly like one parent, and having ONE trait from a grandparent which was literally only done not to have two kids that look the same way, but both twins having 0 resemblances to one parent? No way.
So, Lucien's daughter? Possibly. (I personally don't think so bc Lucien has way too much drama already lol but possible)
Tamlin's daughter? Nope.
My guess though? It's neither, I personally think Gwyn has a way more interesting story to explore (like being a Lighsinger) than who her father is.
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mahvaladara · 4 years
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L I F E • S T A G E S • C A S • C H A L L E N G E • by @someone-elsa
Create a sim in all of their life stages. Or use a sim you’ve created before and create their other life stages. Or use a sim born in game or a premade. In addition to the six life stages you can create in CAS, you can add your own (like a tween for example, also maybe they don’t even live to the elderhood?). You can write their life story if you wish or let us guess. My inspiration for this challenge.
Have fun and tag some people to try this out if you like!
Tag me @someone-elsa and use #life stages cas challenge so I can reblog your posts :)
No one tagged me for this one, but I really wanted to do it, so I picked my favourite Emir, Merinn Kavar. Bellow we have spoilers.
Age 0-6 years old -Small Emir Merinnius Kavar 
Merinn was unable to take fully human during most of their toddlerhood. As a result, the young prince was kept away from public eyes for many years. As the youngest at the time, Merinn was heavily spoiled by both their parents and siblings.
Age 7-13 - Child Emira Merinn Kavar
Merinn first took fully human form at 7, and only by then did the people of Beszarin met the young, at the time considered “princess”, Merinn. As a young child, and raised by Kalahjara at the time, Merinn had no notion of gender and dressed as Kalahjara chose for them. As Merinn is a genetic clone of Kalahjara, Kalahjara treated Merinn as a “girl”.
Age 14-19 - The “Rebelius Prince” Merinn
At the end of their 13 years of age, Merinn watched their Vamir, Kalahjara be murdered and that was something that heavily changed the young prince, mostly because they came to understand the reasons why the Shah was assassinated. Unable to get along with their mother (vatir) and their siblings, and with rumours about their gender and sexuality going afloat as no one could tell what Merinn was, Embala decided to quiet all mouths by enrolling Merinn in a boys only private boarding school abroad.
The entire time there, Merinn started problem after problem, from getting sexually involved with a teacher and colleague, to illegaly performing tattoos on themself and colleagues, to smuggling drugs and weed into school property and vandalization. Eventually, the Shaharaja found herself forced to bring back Merinn as they were a bigger embarassment abroad then nearby. At least, in Beszarin the only source of scorn was what the hell was between their legs afterall?
Age 20-25 - The Generous Prince Merinn
At the age of 20 Merinn enrolled in college in social politics. Unable to accept the palace life, the prince decided to enroll in a volunteer work. It was during this time that Merinn came to understand other ways of life not priviliged by a golden crib that nobility gave them. Aiding those less fortunate, fighting against injustice, discrimination and poverty, Merinn came to understand and see the flaws of their own country when looking at other western countries. They developed a new sense of purpose, an objective of being a force of change to their country.
Age 26- Current - The Heir Prince 
It is around this time that Embala decides to change the rule of the firstborn and appoint Merinn as heir to the throne as the only one left with the Kavar dragon gene. This renews Merinn resolution to change the way their country works, falling prey to the same mistake as their vamir (change by force) and becoming a target to an assassination atempt which inevitably fails. As if that was not enough, a plot starts being developed to kill or dethrone the prince.
To ensure their place as Shah, Merinn must pick a suitor with whom to ensure dragon progeny.
Age 40+ -  Shahkiershah Merinn Kavar (human form left, dragon form right)
Merinn stands the Emperor of the small islands of [Spoiler], married to Shahvah [Spoiler]. Merinn has suffered greatly at the hands of others and therefore hides their dragon form religiously from all those not in their inner circle. 
While before Merinn sought to force change, they are much more cunning now and patient, they have many years ahead of them and will far outlive their people into change if need be. They are much more into the domestic life now, juggling between their political duties for their people and the time with their family, raising all their children equally. 
Though in human form Merinn presents themself still with a mainly masculine frame, in dragon one, Merinn is a lot more androginous and genuine in their expression.
Age 100+ - Shahkiertai Val Merinn 
The Honorable Loremaster of the kingdom of [Spoiler], they were once the Emperor of the country. They often hide within the confines of the Royal Gardens and very rarely show their face publically. Much older and spiritually unstable now, Merinn has a very large difficulty in controling their shapeshifting abilities. Keeping either of their forms spends more energy than that which Merinn can afford to spend. It is not entirely known how long Merinn still has left of life, dragons can last thousands of years, but Merinn’s instability might be signs of passing, so it might be only a matter of time before the old dragon either evolves into their next state of being, or depart existence altogether. 
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ben-the-hyena · 3 years
Whatchu know about Po Kong?
Omg Jackie found me, the demon sorcerers will never be at peace again XD
OK so Po Kong :
She is the second youngest and that's why the others "baby" her the evil demon way
Also because she is used to be pampered (a demonic evil way) that she is lazy. She is not stupid and we do see she can be smart, crafty and sassy but she tends to be lazy because she is used to people, her siblings or human slaves, to work in her place therefore can be helpless or clumsy
She and Hsu Wi often watch and comment over their 6 older siblings being in conflict with each other, it's both entertaining and borinh depending of days. They often get not involved, they are good that way and being the youngest ones they have other matters
She used to be jealous of Hsu Wi's birth since until then she was the baby but she quickly adapted, quickly making them all 8 united
She is the most anthropophageous of the 8, often eats humans if she feels bored or wants a change
To the HORROR of her siblings (that's saying a lot), when she tried to have a heir like the others did, she could not help but feel 0 attachment to every newborn she would have but feel hubgry and therefore eat them, as if the fact they were half humans did not help her see them as hers. It happened about 5 times until her siblings were too horrified to let her keep eating their niblings and begged her to stop trying to have a heir at all
Her rock hair was and still is styled that way by Tso Lan. May be rock, only he has a hair cut and he also gravity powers anyway so he could help her and still does if she needs. May have laserbeamed the fuck out of her for passing the portal before her, she still is the little sister
As a baby, she was HUGE, like 8 feet tall already at birth. If she needed to nom on something or someone, notably her siblings, you had to accept your fate and wait for her to fall asleep, quenched in her drool
As a toddler she admired Bai Tza for being another girl and strong and pretty and dreamt to look like her. She would end up loving the way she looked growing up. She still kept the use to put on makeup to look "better"
Sometimes there were girl night outs between the 2 sisters when they were empresses
Like I had said in a post, she ruled over North America, Greenland, Hawaii and Japan. She notably loved Japan since it looked (to her Ancient Chinese demon eyes, not my opinion !) like bastardized China hence why her capital was in current Kyoto and why her banishment portal was in Tokyo
She precisely liked sumotori there, and it inspired her to have that haircut
During sibling fights, her siblings were lucky if all she did was throwing rocks at them or squish them between her fingers. Sometimes they would see all their life pass in front of their eyes when she would jump and bodyslam them. Good they are immortals
She like the others would between each other sometimes babysit her siblings' kids, like Drago. She was entertaining, lile a big castle/hill to explore and they would play for hours on her whilr she would nap. She would kind of like them but would do her BEST not to eat them since they all were half humans. Hencr why she often said no, sweating in stress
She found out her element was the Mountain not just because she was big and rocky like one but when she found out she could disguise as one to attract preys (animals and humans) and terrorize them before eating them. That was funny
She found out drum was her weakness as a baby, when she would cry whenever her siblings would learn it. At first the other just thought (and agreed) it was performed badly, but then they saw she was fine when it was just as badly performed but with other instruments
Might think of more but that's all for now
And under @mrcloudyfun's suggestion, her portrait
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