#not spending money on herself. not keeping up her hobbies or spending any more time than necessary on so much as taking a bath.
nelyoslegalteam · 4 months
hello i'm here again! i saw your tags on the get to know your characters post and i'd love to hear you talk about murdoc!! (also gondolin campaign 😮 tell me more :DDD )
HIHIHIHIHI IM SO HAPPY YOU'RE IN MY INBOX THANK YOU FOR LOVING MY BOY YOU ARE A GIFT OF A PERSON ;w; i assume you don't mind if i answer these for murdoc then :0
What is the character’s go-to drink order? here's the thing: i think if murdoc is ordering, it's ale. just ale. murdoc is an alcohol snob, largely on account of being a hobbit AND specifically on account of his aunt being a brewer (and so therefore clearly HIS family's ale is the best), so it's an opportunity for him to be just a little bit showily snobbish and judgy and more knowledgeable about his choice of drink than the average patron, but it's not quite so personal to him as, say, tea would be. (murdoc never orders tea. from anywhere. he only drinks his own, or radagast's, or that of a few other trusted friends. tea is his craft. it's personal to him. he picks and dries and blends the herbs for his own brews. it's personal long before he even gets to brewing a cup, and there's meaning in just that act in and of itself already.) so, murdoc gets to be an alcohol snob in public, but it's a matter of showing off for fun. he'll scoff at ale from anywhere but his own inn, but he'll still order it and drink it. and enjoy it more than he puts on a show about.
What is their grooming routine? murdoc likes a long bath. murdoc likes to put a lot of effort into wrangling his hair in particular, when he has the time and effort in him for it. alone, at the inn, where he can rest and take breaks and manage things, shaving the back of his neck is very important to him (sensory comfort, and tied in a way to his sense of self). he doesn't like scents or anything of the sort, he just wants to feel... clean. put-together. both in the privacy and comfort of their respective homes, and while out on the road, letting ríros braid his hair for him becomes a very important part of murdoc's grooming routine. on a good day, it's a visible tie to someone he cares deeply for. on a bad day, it's accepting help with his sensory needs and energy levels, and allowing himself to be taken care of by someone he trusts.
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? oh, murdoc's cloak was ABSOLUTELY the most expensive singular thing he's ever purchased. it may not be real dragon scale, sure but. it's a fine fabric, and the faux scales are well crafted and gorgeous. it's luxurious and sturdy and him in every way. an item with presence. which, to the point, i do think murdoc is generally the sort of person who spends his disposable income on fine things to wear. having fun with and taking pride in his appearance is important to him, and he's financially comfortable enough for that bit of luxury.
Do they have any scars or tattoos? aside from the missing hand (extremely notable), and whatever assorted and unspecified scars he's picked up from adventuring? (which. he has. he's come close to dying before. he's got a few marks.) murdoc has a scar across his nose from some absolutely stupid shit he got up to as an utter hellion of a child. i think he probably fell and bashed his face open running to escape getting caught pulling a prank on farmer maggot or something like that. nothing angsty about it, just complete and utter childhood stupidity and rambunctiousness. something visible left on him from a time before he was overly concerned with responsibility, or duty of care, and entertaining his drive for adventure in much less consequential ways. (he’s also very freckled. i think it’s very adorable how much he freckles.)
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? the last time i know for certain that murdoc cried, was after facing irmo. maybe not immediately. maybe much later, on the road home, having spilled the story to his companions and having thoroughly exhausted himself from hanging onto it all. but i'm sure he did cry. from anger at what was done to him, to his dreams, by a power larger than him, without any say of his own in it all. from all his internalization of himself as a weapon finally breaking over, from hearing that perception of himself lovingly rebuffed by the people who care about him. from fully and completely admitting that he's afraid of the person he's made himself in the face of the horrors, but that he would've hated the person he would have been for ignoring them. from exhaustion. from having to question his sense of self yet again. from a lot of things, really. you don't get personally chosen by a god and come away from it quite the same.
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? oh murdoc is an eldest sibling and it shows. maybe not by actual sibling birth order, but he was adopted by his uncles and aunt as a baby and very much raised as their eldest child. he's got two rascals of younger cousins, raised alongside him, to look out for. they're practically younger siblings from an actual family dynamics standpoint. and besides, he's got all the Eldest Child of being the brandybuck family heir apparent put on him. where else would the responsibility complex and the duty of care complex and the possessiveness over what's his and, most importantly, go-to instinct of sassing the literal servants of sauron have come from? This Man Is An Eldest Child And He Can Do This All Day <3
Describe the shoes they’re wearing. none. Those Feet Are Bare. and hairy. he DOES meticulously wash and brush his foot hair though. but listen. he's a hobbit. he's not FROM a culture that does shoes, and the one (1) time in his life ever that he had to wear them, his only takeaway from the experience is that they are a sensory nightmare that he will not be subjecting himself to under ANY circumstances.
Describe the place where they sleep. ooohhhh i think both at home in the inn and also to the greatest extent on the road possible, murdoc does cozy. i think his (+ his partner's) room at the inn is covered in like. throw pillows. nice big comfy sleeping pillows. lots of soft blankets. it's all very warm and inviting and kinda maximalist in a plush sort of way. i do think he cares about aesthetics and all his pillows and blankets look nice together, but everything is selected with comfort in mind. it's homey. it's warm. he's a hobbit. it's probably not particularly neat, but it's sort of charming in the way where it looks like a space that's meant to be curled up in. he probably accidentally leaves a few stray tea mugs about and this is his worst living space habit, but it adds to the charm as long as he remembers to actually keep up on putting them away (which. he does. he's just on top of it enough to make sure he has clean mugs to actually use for tea, but this may be the only reason he remembers). i think even on the road he'll bring as many blankets as is reasonable to carry and do his utmost not only to make his sleeping space, but the whole camp's, as cozy and welcoming as possible with whatever he has.
What is their favorite holiday? ohh see i don't know if i do know enough about specific hobbitish holidays offhand for this, but in general i do think murdoc is a holidays kind of person. anything sort of extrovert-oriented, where he can feast and dance and get drunk and just be around people, is very much his sort of thing. when he was growing up in the shire, any occasion where gandalf showed up with fireworks was an immediate favorite. for least favorite... i don't know how he feels about new year's (yule, in the hobbitish calendar). i don't think he hates it but. i think he's someone who lives with a bit of a sense of loss over who he was, or might have been, before his dreams and irmo and everything, and i think nostalgia-oriented celebrations grate just slightly up against that.
What objects do they always carry around with them? tea. lots of it. kept in his pockets. (he smells like it. it’s nice.) usually a particular brew (the flavor profile of which i imagine to be something like london fog) that he made for himself, which is very personal to him. a locket with his partner's portrait in it. an ornately carved matchbox, always full of matches, ready to light an arrow or for whatever else he may use his fire for. additionally, on the road: a jar in which he cultivates a toxic fungus, used for coating his weapons in tough battles. a set of his favorite cooking knives. a flask or two of his family’s ale, primarily used in his cooking, as ornate and pretty as all else he owns. (i will also give him that he most always is wearing jewelry, particularly his ruby necklace and earring set. the necklace in particular is important - usually maedhros resides in ríros’ sword, but the necklace is an ideal secondary vessel on the occasions that maedhros does have to remain where murdoc is, and murdoc has selected these pieces in maedhros’ colors for a reason).
as this has gotten LONG i will not try to do them for my new beloved tyelperëkko antar JUST yet. BUT @jaz-the-bard is planning to run a campaign set in gondolin in the first age and i am VERY excited for the character i have made. i’ve given them the oathsworn background. they’re going to be a loyal follower of maeglin, once he exists, but for NOW they’re a devotee of turgon. this is going to go great for them and cause no problems at all (lying).
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dondeeee911 · 4 months
What does your person secretly want to tell you?
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1> 2> 3
Pile 1
 They want to confess to you that they secretly hate their place of work, which they keep to themselves and would not like to share amongst you and others openly. Your joy, peace, dreams, beauty, and desires are what inspire them to keep striving for more. They eat, sleep, and breathe you. Your person doesn’t want to let you down, that pretty face of yours, how could they?🥹“I promise baby, I promise I’ll make it happen; I promise”.  The odds of you being able to tell if something isn’t right with your person are rare. Kisses and warm hugs are a norm when they come home, they mask their emotions well or they don’t like you see them in a state of “weakness”. Yes, all of their hard work is to keep you happy but what about their happiness? They think about that often. 
Pile 2
  Unfortunately, your person resents you. Don’t get me wrong, you are one of the most loving individuals they have ever met, but they can’t seem to wrap their mind around the fact that you tolerated so much of their BS in the relationship. IYKYK😣,They don’t feel like they possess the love they once had for you in the early stages. Your person misses the girl who was tedious about her do’s and don’ts, speaking up for herself and threatening to end the whole connection! They miss the girl who wasn’t scared to leave and choose better. You once had them on their toes and willing to lose it all for you; but they do not know what happened to you, where did “that girl” go? Sadly, they hate to admit that they do not care to try anymore or put in any effort to show their passion for you, if any. They feel like you gave up on your morality, so they gave up on you too.😓
Pile 3
  Ouch! sounds like someone’s pockets hurt😂😩. Okay, we all love the nicer things in life but your partners think you spend an awful amount of time indulging in your luxuries. Maybe pick up a hobby, a side hustle? 🤷🏽‍♀️A true spendthrift you are, and no, they don’t want you to limit yourself ever! But they hate the way you spend money so carelessly. Random purchase after random purchase. “Why did you buy that?”  idk lol.  You have no sense of purpose or direction when making purchases. Watching you spend like a kid in a candy store gets under their skin sooooo badly. They want to give you a budget, but what’s a budget in your world!?🤑
Copyright © 2024 dondeeee911. All rights reserved.
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moongreenlight · 6 months
It's WIP Wednesday and I'm thinking so hard about “Chateau Lobby #4 (In C for Two Virgins)” by Father John Misty that my head explodes.
Retired!Price x Divorcee/single mom!reader (titles are hard who cares)
Cw/Tw: Pressure to perform sex/sexual acts
Little 1k blurb that ends right before the smut because I just got done ovulating and the thought of writing about cock and dick is not in the cards rn.
There was never much time to date while John was working. Never enough of him to occupy all of his work and pleasure. Try as he might, he couldn’t seem to spread himself thin enough to coat the surface of all his wants.
He tried for a few years, early, when he could stay out late and still feel alright putting in a full day’s work the next morning. But he’s a romantic at heart. Never found much appeal to a fast-and-loose lifestyle and eventually stopped looking for trouble in places he would find it.
He was now alone, but with more time to figure out what he really wanted after retiring. Had more of himself to portion out. Pursued his hobbies. Picked up odd contracting jobs out of a need to keep himself busy. Found trouble with a single mother and recent divorcee who hired him off of an online ad because she needed help with a few things around her new house.
He knew he was in for it the moment she opened the door. Asked her out while he was half inside a cupboard under her sink. She said no twice.
Third time’s the charm.
She must have been put on one of those religious conveyor belts and turned out like she was on a factory line- that or she had parents to piss off. Married, turned out two kids, and split young. Must have been straight out of high school, because now that the divorce is finalized she’s cheating her way through a business degree at the community college around her day job.
Still carries some of that youth and innocence in her even though she’s only a year or two his junior. In the way she snorts when she laughs and hastily covers it up by holding the back of her hand over her mouth. The three times already tonight she’s prefaced that she doesn’t kiss on the first date and she’s got a strict rule about no ‘secondary locations.’ It’s charming. Like she’s spending any fleeting moment of free time discovering herself.
And is he glad she’s wasting her precious time on him. Even more glad he caught her on a weekend where her ex had the kids, though the idea of introducing himself to her house, her innocence, her little family, was fucking intoxicating. Made him forget the two fingers of whiskey sitting up right of his plate.
He gets so tipsy on the thought of besting her rules that he can’t help but push his luck after she- ever so delicately- refused the waiter trying to drop a dessert menu at the edge of the table.
“Cheap date.”
A snort from her. She has to pull her lips away from the rim of her wine glass to stifle it. House, even though it’ll give her a headache, she says. Couldn’t possibly bring herself to spend a dime of his money further than what was necessary. Darling thing. He’d love to see how far that ‘good girl’ act went. How much pressure it could handle.
She’d probably pull him in warm. Gooey in the middle when he finally got her spread open.
“Wasn’t out to test your fiscal limits”
She dabs the corner of her smile with a napkin. It’s his turn to laugh now.
“Shame. Half my appeal is the restaurant.”
She falters for a breath. Her eyes go a bit wide, like she’s suddenly worried she hasn’t thanked him enough. Hasn’t been good enough to please him. The thought makes him ball his hand into a fist to distract from the tightness in his slacks.
“Gosh, John, and it is such a nice place. Dinner was fantastic. Thank you, really.”
Her fingers curl around his fist. She has to stretch a bit to reach him from across the table. Her fingertips don’t touch even when she tries to wrap her hand around his. Earnest is thick on her voice now. It honeys her tone. He wonders if when she pulls away she’ll leave a sugary stickiness on his skin.
He tsks, a smile flirting across his mouth. Unable to help himself. A hungry stray being tossed a hot meal.
“And how impressive would it have’t be if I had my heart set on bringing you ‘round t’mine for a nightcap?”
She wrinkles her nose at that, though there’s a glittering of humor in her eyes when she gives his hand a kittenish slap.
“You couldn’t afford it.”
Sharp as a tack.
He has to clench his jaw shut to keep from sinking his teeth into her. They ache to see if she’s candy-floss all the way through.
“Dinner was fantastic, John. Thank you.”
She throws him a warning glance with that. There’s the faintest outline of severity blurring into the soft edges of her voice. He digs his nails into his palm.
“M’I that bad to talk to?”
He’s pulling out stops now. Ignoring the chirping alarm sounding in the back of his skull that tells him that he should be able to pick out if he’s insisting for the right reasons or not.
She’s more difficult to guilt a second time. Rolls her eyes and starts folding her napkin on the side of her plate.
“Must be.”
She is fucking delectable.
Trouble. Everything about her. Every new layer he peels back sets him ablaze. He’s smoldering in his chair, waiting for the smoke curling off the crown of his head to set off the smoke detectors.
It takes some effort, but he’s able to get her to settle on him coming ‘round to hers after dinner. ‘One drink, John. I’m serious.’ She digs her heels in a bit, but he’d already made his mind up. He’d have her. Tuck her in a paper bag and take his dessert to-go.
She makes him turn away when she punches the code into her garage opener. Says the remote in her car is dead, and while he looks around the edges of the house for security cameras, he makes a note to come back and get both of those things taken care of for her. Doesn’t like the thought of her alone in her driveway after work tired and vulnerable.
Never mind if she had to step out in the rain. Sugar melts.
He tries to convince her to sit on the couch with him while she nurses a weak pour of wine, she refuses. Sits on a plush armchair catty-corner to him in the living room and smiles while shakes her head.
“Not used to being told no?”
It’s less of a question than it is a plain statement. A surface-level observation. It should strike him as an insult, but watching the words fall from her pretty mouth made pride swell in his chest.
“Should I be?”
Trouble. He’s inching toward the line.
“You’d think.”
He wonders what she would think if he took her down to the studs. Not much of anything- if he was lucky.
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faceeeeee · 11 months
I wonder if you made backstories for the tadc employees or smh-
(I wanna know Gangle's :3)
I have some concepts and ideas in my mind but it's all very vague and I haven't written anything down so forgive me for any incoherent sentences or messy writting:
Ever since she left for college she cut all contact with her family and "friends" (she calls them acquaintances/contacts) and put all of her attention in her studies. She graduated at the top of her class in computer sciences and got hired at C&A almost immediately. The moment she left college she noticed a sudden shift in her routine. She dedicated her entire life into her studies and grades and completely disregarded any social interactions, hobbies.... She excepted that when she got a job, all of her problems would've been solved but she found out that she was wrong. Her first few months at the company were okay to say the least but as time went by she felt more and more empty and depressed. Her lack of social skills and pride didn't help either and rejected all of her coworker's attempts to befriend her. So she spent her time either overworking herself, drinking or sleeping. She worked in that company for 5 whole years: Her sleep schedule was a mess, her salary wasn't exactly ideal and she started taking anti-depresants and a hunch of other stuff and Reggie's disappearance (or "temporary departure") took a toll on her. Not only because her boss decided to make her the head of her department but also because he was the only one who was still willing to talk to her. So now she was left with a bunch of deadlines and work and the only one who even looked at her and said hello every morning was now gone. Her life was shit, basically, so why not try again in a new life, a new world and with new memories?
Good ol' Reggie has been working in the company for 18 years now and he couldn't be happier. He had a decent childhood, a loving wife and a decent job that keeps the both of them stable! And a father-daughter relationship with Genevieve, so he couldn't be more happy with life! The only thing he wishes is that he could have more time to spend with his family and his hobbies (he keeps and collects cool bugs, obviously :) ) and that the company wasn't so strict with deadlines and such. He is the head of the programming department so he has a lot of work on his plate...but it's all for a good cause: the digital circus! In his eyes, it's a magical place that helps people to to distract themselves for a while and to have a little fun before they return to their normal lives! So you can imagine his excitement once his boss told him that they were going to let the staff be actual play testers! He was ECSTATIC! he spent YEARS fixing and refining the digital plains so of course he decided to be one of the first playtesters. Queenie was a little hesitant at first but he told her not to worry! He knew that the code was a little finicky at times but that's okay! He has Pam and the rest of the staff to take care of it if anything goes wrong, after all he wholeheartedly trusts them :) nothing could possibly go wrong right?
Dear Jack....the C.E.O's son. He has been wandering around the company for a few years now, working in some low paying positions to earn a little pocket money from his parent. He's known as the office's little miscreant as he just goofs around all day and nobody can touch him or say anything cause if they do they're gonna get fired! Ain't that fun? But his luck runs out when even the C.E.O has had enough of his bullshit and offers him to take a little time off from his studies and work to go and be a beta testers for his folks vr experience. Ain't that idea fun? Just log in, fuck around and then come back for dinner, right?
Agatha, a hard working gal with lots of siblings to take care off. Her folks aren't around to help her so she takes care of em all throughout college until she gets the position in the robotics department! She goes up the ranks and even becomes the head of her department :). She mainly works with the headset design and with the new technology that the company has introduced. She has never seen anything like it: with it you can feel and hear your surroundings whilst hooked to the digital plains. So when she heard that they were offering people to beta test the digital world she couldn't help but to want to experience all of those things herself! She does wonder why they have to have her sign a contract but she trusts the company. She has been with them for some time now and the staff and boss have been nice to her so far, so why wouldn't she trust them?
Dear Genevieve has had a sort of rocky life. Her mother has been very overprotective over her and that has left her with no real life experiences. She was homeschooled almost her entire life so when she entered college she had a hard time adjusting to her new routines. She's very explosive emotionally and very finicky over her personal space so she couldn't (or didn't want to) make acquaintances and so, she made it to the company with no connections apart from her obsessive mother, just like Pam. She worked a year and a half in the company, and that was enough time to meet and befriend Reggie. At first she was very wary of him and very hostile to him. But good ol' Reggie just keeps saying hi to her every morning, just like he does with every employee he sees. One day, when they were both on break, Reggie tried to break the ice and tried to start some small talk with her. She got scared and basically yelled all sorts of barbaric things to him and he just gave her a warm smile. Nothing can hurt this man, god. Genevieve was surprised that he hadn't yelled back at her or left and stared at him for a while. Then guilt overcame her and she started sobbing. Reggie comforted her as best as he could and since then they formed a bond. So when she learned that he had left to be a beta tester she was again left alone in the office. Desperate for his comfort and precense she decided to follow him to the digital circus...
They had a relatively normal life (apart from an accident that left them without a bloody leg but it's alright), graduated from art school and started working at C&A. They overestimated the pressure and stress that came with working at the company to the point that they were exhausted. They would've left if it wasn't for the fact that getting a job with their degree was extremely difficult and the chances for getting hired were very slim. So they kept on working. They worked day and night. A million coffee cups had started to pile up on their desk and they had severe bags under their eyes. They were tired, so very fucking tired. Why wouldn't they try to escape reality for a bit? Goof around in the digital plains, maybe use it as some sort of rage room. Maybe they could do all of the things that they had thought of without any consequences. Yeah, just for a little bit....it couldn't hurt, right?
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mythica0 · 3 months
More Loud house hc’s (both tword and non-tword)
This is a LONG post so click read more at your own risk. I don’t have any for lily because she’s a baby
- She genuinely has no idea what her passion is and is worried she’ll be stuck in retail forever.
-despite not playing them often she’s actually pretty decent at video games.
-before she met Bobby she would fantasize about a boyfriend that was just like him. (He’s her perfect man, essentially.)
-she was forced to be like a third parent because she’s the oldest so she had to take on a more authoritarive role.
——(this means it’s tword stuff now)
-she doesn’t hate being tworded, but she doesn’t really like it either. She’s okay with it sometimes but you need to be really gentle.
-on the rare occasion she twords her siblings she does amazing aftercare.
-her death spot is her knees, but she hates it when people tword her there.
-she’s Disney princess coded
-in relation to the above, she has befriended wild animals before.(usually birds)
-she has named certain inanimate objects and treats them like people. (Not me projecting)
-she is extremely gullible(canon lol)
-she has dyslexia
-she loves the autumn because of the pretty colors and sweaters. (She also loves pumpkin spice)
-she’s the most open about enjoying being tworded.
-she’s extremely twordish all over
- her worst spot is her neck
-she’s very feather sensitive
-her laughs always come out in little, rapid giggles
-she kicks her feet but if she accidentally kicks someone she feels really bad and apologizes profusely.
-all though Rock is her favorite, she listens to all music genres
-she has sensory issues and keeps her hair short cause it bothers her when her hair touches her neck
-when she’s sad or anxious she’ll just put on headphones and listen to music while staring at the ceiling
-she is super emotionally attached to her guitar and gave it a name, but no one else knows. (The name is Jared. The guitar’s name is Jared)
-due to the massive number of times she’s had to repair Jared, she is well versed in guitar repair and will sometimes repair other people’s guitars for money.
-when she twords people she likes to pretend they’re an instrument.
-she hates being touched on her neck so it’s pretty much a no go spot.
-her death spot is her underarms.
-she loves comedy skits and tried to make them but decided they weren’t her style
-she has a tumblr and makes references to it all the time that no one gets
-she is really good at impressions
-she enjoys crafting as a hobby
-she uses humor to cope (I stole this one from someone on TikTok)
-as I’ve said before, she is THE tickle monster
-she’s the only sibling who’s aware of the tword community and she considers herself a part of it as a ler
-she also enjoys being tworded, she finds it fun
-she often uses twords to cheer up her siblings
-she’s open to the fact that she enjoys twords but she’s slightly embarrassed about the community and doesn’t mention it.
-her death spot is her sides & ribs
Lynn jr:
-she HATES that sports are divided by gender
-she puts all of her self worth into winning at everything, and gets very insecure if she loses
-she has very strong lungs and can hold her breath for a long time, as well as shout really loud
- she eats a lot of food because she spends a lot of calories
-she despises diet culture
-she always has a lot of energy
-she has a very short temper
-she will sometimes use twords to win at something(even though she knows she could win without it lol)
-she is super embarrassed at the fact that she’s twordish because she sees it as a weakness.
-she is a ruthless ler when she wants to be
-she is very weak to anticipation
-her death spot is her feet
-he copes using escapism, usually into comics
-he writes sometimes but he doesn’t share it with anyone
-he overthinks everything
-he has thalassophobia (fear of deep water)
-he sunburns very easily
-he has like a 10 step skincare routine he does every night before bed
-he is the most twordish loud
-he gets lee moods sometimes but doesn’t recognize them in himself
-he gets easily flustered especially when it’s brought up that he enjoys being tworded
-very weak to raspberries
-he squirms a lot
-his death spot is his belly
-she’s left handed
-she practices witch craft (this is canon)
-she believes in magic, spirituality and all sorts of mythical creatures. (As do I.)
-she helps Luna with deeper lyrics sometimes
-she stays very still while asleep, so much so that once Lenny saw her taking a nap one day and thought she died
-she watches horror movies and reads horror stories so often that she could probably survive any horror scenario thrown at her
-her favorite animal is bats(this might as well be canon)
-she hates summer because the days are too long and she doesn’t like the sun or the heat
-she struggles with social cues
-she hates her laugh and her smile and gets embarrassed when she’s tworded because of it
-her laughs are very quiet no matter hiw she’s being tworded
-she doesn’t know why her siblings (and herself) enjoy it but she doesn’t mind
-she has tworded her siblings in a fake horror scenario
-her death spot is her sides
-she’s a dog therian, specifically a chocolate lab
-due to all the random stuff she eats, she has an amazing immune system and an iron gut, she could probably drink bleach and be fine
-she loves spring because it rains a lot and there’s a lot of mud
-she will just stand in the rain for fun
-she’s scared of the dark
-she’s great with animals and can understand them very well
-she usually wins the tword fights she and Lola get into because she gets the jump on Lola
-she is very prone to attacking without any warning
-her laughter is very loud and gruff
-her death spit is her underarms
-she is not afraid to commit petty theft
-she has a hard time getting along with others and has a very short temper
-she has a massive sweet tooth
-she believes in mythical creatures very strongly and has tried to catch fairy’s before
-she models Lenny’s outfits for her frequently
-she has a very screechy laugh
-she pretends she hates being tworded but she really doesn’t
-she will kick you and she will not feel bad about it
-she will absolutely get revenge
-she’s very ruthless
-her death spot is her knees
-her favorite music artists are Eminem and Bo burnam
-she can talk extremely fast due to her practice rapping
-she is HoH (canonically has tinnitus)
-she is resistant to most chemicals due to all the experiments she does
-she sees twords as an experiment
-when she’s tworded she kinda just- ragdolls
-she is very good at handling teasing, as she just over analyzes it
-I’ve said this before but she has absolutely done mass tword experiments on all her siblings- and knows all their weaknesses
-her death spot is her ribs
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taintedevesayori · 4 months
Meet Sayo and her friends
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Sayori Makina, nickname Sayo
Age: 17 at the start of story, 18 at death
Birthday: July 5th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Hobbies: Reading, singing, guitar, gardening
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite food: Parfaits
Favorite drink: Tea
As a child, Sayori was introverted due to her need to stay out of everyone’s way at the church she grew up in. She slowly grew more sociable as she befriended Emi, even more so after befriending Kisa and Lei, and later Rena. She still keeps her circle of friends small, though, despite being able to socialize with others in her class.
She is serious about her academics and excels in her classes. Her worst subject is history when needing to remember a plethora of dates and time periods.
With her friends she becomes extroverted, ready to try anything to have fun with her friends. This is why she learns to play the guitar so that she can make music with them. She eventually picked up sarcasm and sass from Kisa, moving away from being more of a quiet person.
She is incredibly stubborn, which constantly gets in the way of the Adam and Eve plan. When she has a grudge against someone, she doesn’t let it go. This shows in her hatred of Karlheinz. She is not afraid to defend herself despite not having any sort of training. She always carries a cheap silver pocket knife she bought herself, and later a nicer one as well that Karlheinz gave her as a peace offering. She has quick reflexes, which helps immensely when defending herself. She has tried to attack Karlheinz multiple times despite each time ending in failure.
When she cares about people, she loves deeply. All she wants is for her life with her friends to stay the same because they are the only thing that matters in her life.
She greatly admires Yui for still being able to smile after how badly she’s been treated by the Sakamaki brothers. She feels guilty that she became an Eve because she rejected her role.
(These next sections contain spoilers for my story, Tainted Eve. You can find this on Wattpad under my account AvaTrinityFae if you are interested in reading. There are details here that elaborate on the story. The rewrite is currently being posted on here.)
Sayori is a half founder and was adopted as a baby. Her birth parents, her father a founder and her mother a human, gave her to Karlheinz to protect her from the Endzeit disease spreading through the demon world. The three make a deal, Karlheinz will seal her demon blood and disguise her as a human in a human family. In return, she would be used as his Eve in his Adam and Eve plan once she was older. Her parents were reluctant but ready to do anything to protect her.
Karlheinz gives her to the owners of a local church, Kizuna and Ayumi Makina. The church was not doing well at the time and they could not ignore the large sum of money he was offering despite not wanting to take the child. They tolerated her as she was growing up and left her care mostly to the nuns. Her older brother, Shiro, did not like the hands off nature of her care so he did his best to also look after her. Because of this, they became incredibly close.
The first time she meets Karlheinz at age seven, he kills her older brother Shiro when he attempts to protect her. Her belief in god shatters after that because he said god would protect him when he told her to run. After that, she began acting out at the church, having many violent outbursts. Ayumi and Kizuna blame her for his death and from then on ordered the nuns to treat her cruelly. After a while, any physical punishments from the nuns wouldn’t phase her after constantly being subjected to them. She also blames herself for Shiro’s death, and deep down believes this is her punishment for abandoning him.
Sayo was introverted as a child. She became friends with Emi in primary school due to them both spending lots of time after school in the library. Emi was shy but pushed herself to talk to Sayo because they both liked the same sorts of books.
The two both became more sociable after meeting Kisa. Emi greatly admired Kisa due to her having many of the qualities she lacked as a person. When Kisa realized this, she continued to try to befriend Emi, and consequently Sayo due to Emi hiding behind her because of her shy nature. Eventually Kisa succeeds and the two befriend her and Lei, who Kisa had befriended due to their shared love of music.
Kisa eventually teaches Sayo to play the guitar when the girls decide they want to play music together. Lei learned to play the drums as a child, Kisa had learned to play the bass and guitar, and Emi had learned to play the piano. They elected Sayo as their lead singer, although all of the girls sing during songs as well. Kisa especially has many duets with her. At first, the band started off as just writing songs together for fun until Kisa got them a spot to play in a small local festival. From there, they decided to play any event they could to put themselves out there until landing a permanent spot at a dance club.
The group spends time with each other after school, working on homework or just socializing. Emi struggles with academics and procrastination, so it began partially to help her but partially to help Sayo spend as little time at the church as possible. They spend the night at Kisa’s house every Friday and have band practice on Saturday.
She learns of the Adam and Eve plan shortly after beginning high school. Karlheinz believes the plan will go more smoothly if she accepts her role and willingly moves in with either the Sakamaki or Mukami brothers. She rejects her role due to her unwillingness to be toyed with by vampires, and more importantly because he killed Shiro. He does what he can to change her mind, including introducing her to Yui. Yui believes she’s another prospective bride and tells her about her treatment by the Sakamaki brothers, leading to Sayo rejecting her role more strongly.
Life with the Mukami brothers
During her second year of high school, Karlheinz decides the only way she will accept her role is by finding Adam. Due to her personality, he decides she will be a better fit for the Mukami brothers. He gives her a week to get close to them and instructs the brothers to kidnap her if she refuses.
The Mukami brothers make a deal with her after kidnapping her. In exchange for her living with them and trying to find Adam, they won’t interfere with her life with her friends. Karlheinz warned them this would most likely be the only way the arrangement will work. They are secretly relieved that they won’t have to act as cruel as the Sakamaki brothers like they did with Yui. (For those questioning if this is in character, In Kou’s route, he expressed that acting like the Sakamakis left a bitter taste in his mouth in a converstion with Ruki when they first kidnapped Yui.)
Kou agrees to leave her alone at school but in turn consistently wants her attention while at home. At first she thinks he’s an annoyance but learns to get along with him. She sees Azusa as a cute little brother type and likes to help Yuma in the garden. Occasionally she helps Ruki in the kitchen.
Over time, she steadily grows closer with Kou since he refuses to leave her alone. However, her rejection of her role as Eve constantly gets in the way of admitting her feelings for him and their relationship progressing.
Eventually the Sakamaki brothers find out about Sayo and become suspicious of the reason she is with them. After Shu contacts Karlheinz, he tells Shu to leave her be, that she’s important to a plan of his. This causes the brothers to attempt to kidnap her to prevent the Mukami brothers from getting any benefits from their father. Yui comes to warn them before the attack.
Sayo and Yui hide in the basement during the attack. The Sakamakis follow her scent to the basement where the fight then continues. Kanato and Azusa are fighting outside of their hiding spot. When Kanato attempts to stab Azusa, Sayo jumps in front of him because she knows Azusa won’t be able to dodge. She dies in Azusa’s arms. Her death breaks the seal of her demon blood, showing her a memory of her parents explaining why they gave her up and reviving her as the half founder she was born as. Due to her demon blood, she has an affinity with snakes and is able to turn into one.
After her revival, she admits to Kou that she loves him and they make their relationship official.
After graduation, Sayo moves out with her friends to go to college out of town. Kou let’s her go without a fight as long as she promises to marry him when she graduates. The two consistently visit each other. The band’s popularity sky rockets when they write a song together with Kou.
The Alternative
In an alternate fate, Sayori moves in with the Sakamaki brothers and ends up in a love triangle between Laito and Reiji.
Laito enjoys teasing and harassing her, which gets on her nerves. This consistently ends in the two arguing. Their relationship is volatile until she sees him playing piano one day. The urge to put lyrics to his song was so tempting that she began singing without thinking. The music room becomes the one place they get along without fail. They are able to talk normally to one another, which slowly causes Laito to fall for her.
She also becomes close with Reiji. She sees him as the most reasonable member of the family, and although he has a problem with her carefree attitude at times, he respects her for her determination and willingness to work for what she wants. The two end up in a routine of having tea together before leaving for school, which is a peaceful and enjoyable time for the both of them. Being able to get along with her surprises him at first but he has to admit she isn’t an annoyance towards him like the rest of the family.
Laito becomes increasingly jealous of her relationship with Reiji and tries to act possessive over her. His attempts at showing his affection outside of the music room tend to backfire, pushing her away. Reiji takes advantage of these moments, partially because he grows more fond of her but also to antagonize Laito.
During a particularly nasty argument, Laito asks why she has such a problem with his methods of flirting and she snaps back that she wants him to see her as anything other than just another girl to fuck before storming off. This is where fate splits.
If Laito goes after her, she accidentally confesses that she didn’t fall for the flirting, she fell for the person she spends time with in the music room.
If Laito storms off as well, Reiji finds her soon after and tells her that it’s annoying to see her so gloomy. She is baffled and asks if she should go elsewhere. He then says that she should and asks “shall we make it a date then?”. She comments that his attempt was a little smooth before agreeing. As the two are leaving, Laito spots them. He was looking for her to try to make up after the fight and is enraged when learning from Shu that Reiji asked her on a date.
If Sayo chooses Reiji in the end, Laito kills her in a jealous rage. If she chooses Laito, she dies after her mind is hijacked by Cordelia’s spirit, which allows Cordelia to kill her because she refuses to let Laito find happiness after the part he played in her death.
After dying, the seal on her demon blood breaks, showing her a memory of her parents explaining why they gave her up and reviving her as the half founder she was born as. Due to her demon blood, she has an affinity with snakes and is able to turn into one.
After graduation she goes on to college in another town, moving in with her friends. Depending on who she chooses, Reiji or Laito decide to kill Karlheinz before proposing. She agrees on the condition they wait until after she graduates.
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Leiko Koizumi, nickname Lei
Age: 16 at start of story
Birthday: December 30th
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Leiko is one of Sayo’s best friends. She is the most serious of the group. She is often seen carrying around a planner, where she keeps track of the many things she does, whether that be her volunteer work, hanging out with her friends, or other extracurriculars meant to give her a leg up for college. She plans on studying biology in college.
Lei grew up learning how to play the drums. She always had a love for music, which caused her and Kisa to bond quickly when they first met. She is all for starting a band when Kisa first brought it up.
Lei has a protective older brother. Both her and Sayo had to stop him from barging into the church when he overheard them talking about the harsh treatment she receives from her adoptive parents and the nuns. He was always ready to do what he could for Lei and her friends but felt like he had to be even more protective of Sayo after learning of that.
Lei is the most perceptive one of the group and is able to pick up on many of the changes in Sayo as their story progresses. She wants her and everyone else to know that they can turn to her for support whenever they need it.
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Kisa Fujimoto
Age: 17 at start of story
Birthday: April 7th
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Kisa is one of Sayo’s best friends. To others, it seems like she’s the leader of the group, although there really is none. She is the most outgoing and energetic of the four. She is stubborn, sarcastic, and can be sassy, which rubbed off on Sayo after a while. She is unsure of what she wants to do for her career, but knows she wants to go to college with the others and keep the band going.
She is the leader of their band, Bitter Step, and plays the bass. She taught Sayo how to play guitar and left the lead vocals to her because they all agreed Sayo has the best voice of the four. They all sing, however, and have many songs that include all four of them. Kisa and Sayo specifically have many duets.
She has four siblings, an older sister and three younger brothers. Her older sister is married with twin babies. She often doted on kisa as a child, which led to kisa doting on her younger siblings in return. She is family oriented and enjoys helping out with the kids.
Over the years, Kisa and Emi began to realize they have romantic feelings for one another. They aren’t in an official relationship until college but many are able to tell they are romantically involved before that.
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Emi Akiyama
Age: 17 at start of story
Birthday: February 20th
Zodiac: Pisces
Emi is one of Sayo’s best friends. She is the shy one of the group. Emi is very in tune with her own and other people’s feelings. She often feels that the pain the people she cares about feels is her own. She can be a bit spacey and tends to procrastinate, finding other things to do as an excuse for not doing schoolwork. She enjoys baking sweets for her parents and friends to enjoy. She wants to study nursing in college.
Emi learned to play piano and how to sew from her mother as a child. Her mother is undergoing treatment for cancer, but still finds the time to make outfits for the girls to perform in when she has the energy. Emi was the most reluctant to form a band due to her shy nature and stage fright but eventually decided it would be fun for the four of them. The more they performed, the more confidence she gained until it became completely natural for her.
Over the years, Kisa and Emi began to realize they had romantic feelings for one another. They aren’t in an official relationship until college but many are able to tell they are romantically involved before that.
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Rena Mikijima
Age: 17 at start of story
Birthday: July 27th
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Rena is one of Sayo’s friends. She is the sort of person that hops around friend groups, so she has plenty of friends that want her attention. Still, she considers herself closer to Sayo and her group over her other friends. Her personality is similar to Kisa’s in the fact they are both outgoing and energetic. She is more feminine, however, and not as sarcastic. She can be a big flirt when the mood strikes her and enjoys flaunting when dancing with the girls.
During their second year of high school, Rena became the president of the art club. That occupies her free time after school, preventing her from spending as much time with the girls as she did during their first year. She wants to study art in college.
Rena is not a member of the band but she supports them in whatever way she can when possible. She enjoys going out to dance with the girls, along with shopping. She becomes ecstatic when Sayo admits she needs new clothes after moving out of the church and plans a shopping trip for everyone, determined to find clothes that suit her so she can help Sayo create a full wardrobe.
She does go to the same college as the girls but does not move in with them, instead choosing to find her own place with her boyfriend she met at the end of their second year of high school. 
Sayo's sprites gifted by @theshiningidols-koukuron
Others created on this picrew and art drawn by me on the character sheets
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amatres · 9 months
TV Tropes : Layla
Hello everyone. Sometimes you have little hobbies that are silly and self indulgent but you don't care bc you think they're fun. That being said. Look at Layla's fake TV Trope page under read more for length.
Spoiler warning as well, as there is no actual censor bar to be had.
“A new day means a new chance for something interesting to happen!” Name: Layla Race: Dhampir (Moroi-Heritage) Class: Bard (Dirge Bard) Alignment: Chaotic Good (*could alignment shift to Chaotic Neutral in companion au*) Deity: Desna
Once a noblewoman of Brevoy, Layla is now a wandering bard. After five years of being on the run, she fled to the Worldwound in a desperate bid to deter the pursuit of her cousin and the mercenaries he’d send to capture or kill her, only to be drawn into the Fifth Crusade by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Tv Tropes:
 -All the Other Reindeer: Was ostracized for being a dhampir and then also for her uncertain noble lineage once her grandfather took her in.
 -Animal Motifs: Like any true azata mythic path knight commander and desnan, she is often associated with butterflies.
 -The Bard
 -Barefoot Poverty: She is often depicted as barefoot, and at the start of Wrath of the Righteous, she had them stolen by the person who was helping her get into the city, alongside her cloak and violin. (*Or that is what her mind makes her believe after being captured by Areelu*). While joked she just keeps losing them, the fact she can not easily replace them is still something to take note of.
 -Beware the Nice Ones/Beware the Silly Ones: While genuinely a rather kind and cheerful person who will help others simply because she can, she is not one to be pushed around. When she feels backed into a corner she can become venomous and destructive, as both her cousin Arthur and Queen Galfrey find out. 
 -Beautiful Singing Voice: While she primarily plays her violin, she is also trained in singing and is rather good at it, at least to the point she could still make money performing with singing and dancing alone.
 -Big Screwed-Up Family: It doesn’t get more dysfunctional than being the Replacement Goldfish for her grandfather and the Abel to her cousin’s Cain because said grandfather liked her more. Not to mention what started the problems to begin a generation earlier, with their parents' fight and their father’s reaction to it being the catalyst to everything.
 -Blue Blood: Apparently is the long lost grandchild to a brevic nobleman, though whether this is true or not was hotly debated the entire time she lived with the noble title.
 -Bookworm: With not much else to do as a noblewoman with no friends, Layla developed a strong love for books of all kinds. She bonds with others over it, and happily shares her love of it and what she’s read with others, such as Lann or Nenio.
 -Broken Bird: Subverted. The five years she spent on the run actually gave her the chance to refind herself after spending years under the stress of brevic court and her family drama, and she’s come out of it with a strong sense of self and love for life. (*however this can play out in earnest if the knight commander pushes her onto the chaotic route, causing her to have a breakdown and become self centered, self destructive, and callous*)
 -Burn Baby Burn: A go to tactic for her when she finally has had enough. Most famously, she set her own home of around twenty years aflame to spite her cousin. She will do the same in her chaotic endings in the companion au.
 -Cain and Abel: A less direct example, as he is her cousin not her brother, but Arthur continues to try to kill her to appease his own wounded ego and childhood trauma even after five years has passed. In her own world, he fails as he (*is killed by Areelu*) while he may actually succed in some companion au endings.
 -The Chains of Command: Being in charge of the fifth crusade is not good for her ultimately, and she never wanted to be in charge in the first place. Act three really puts it into light as she starts to act out of character and become more bitter as she’s forced to act against her nature.
 -Chaotic Good: Her In-Universe Alignment. She is a free spirited young woman, who values freedom of expression and anatomy above near all else, and is also rather kind and willing to lend an ear to those who need it, and will help people expecting nothing in return, even when it goes against what others tell her to do and potentially putting herself in trouble as a result.
 -Combat Pragmatic: Layla may not seek out fights on her own, but when she is in one, she will do whatever she deems necessary to get out of them alive. 
 -Cold Blooded Torture: Victim of this if captured by her cousin in act 3 as a companion. In one route, by the time she is rescued she has been rendered unable to walk and has to be helped by someone else to leave the prison. Even though she eventually is able to walk again some time after the fifth crusade ends, the experience understandably leaves scars no matter how she escapes the situation.
 -Corrupt the Cutie: Her chaotic route in her companion au is brought upon by encouraging her worst instincts and making her believe she only has herself to rely on. 
 -Dark and Troubled Past: While not as extreme as others, it’s not without its troubles. Coming into life with her mother dying in childbirth, being a social outcast at the orphanage that took her in solely out of fear of angering the vampire who possibly sired her, to thinking she finally got a chance at a better life only to become a social outcast in Brevic nobility due to her debated familial ties, then slowly backed into a corner by her own cousin as she was framed for slowly killing the only family member she had on her side, and having said family member in response to confine her to the manor in response out of fear for safety. This all leads to her saying enough is enough, and once her grandfather is dead, she destroys the very place she lived for over 20 years and leaves.
-Defiant Captive: If she is captured by her cousin, she spends months not breaking under torture, mocks her cousin all the while, and even attempted to run away once, though that was punished swiftly once she was recaptured. If the knight commander takes too long to rescue her after entering Act 5, it leads to…
 -Defiant to the End: She refuses to give up, even when things have become hopeless, such as when she first confronts Minagho at the Wardstone. Another example that does fulfill the death requirement is in one of her bad ends of her companion au where she never gives her cousin the satisfaction of seeing her break over the months he has her in captivity, eventually leading to him killing her.
 -Delicate and Sickly: Her albinism has not just left an obvious visual mark on her, but also affected her health, giving her life long health struggles and she has a very low constitution score fitting for what is expected of her heritage. (*This is possibly a side effect of Areelu’s experiments on her both when she was younger and later when she was captured near the Worldwound. While the foreign power in her body is making her stronger, it also eats away at her health*) Even as a companion, she mentions offhandedly about having been sick often as a kid, and other companions will remark on her poor health with varying levels of care on the matter. Layla is unbothered by her penchant for falling ill, and makes light of it due to how used to it she has become.
 -Destroy the Abusive Home/Let the Past Burn: While her grandfather himself wasn't horribly abusive, his manor ultimately was a place of strife for her. In a moment of not only grief, but anger, she set the manor ablaze so that her cousin couldn't have it even after she was gone. She also treated this partially as a way of saying goodbye to that part of her life, unfortunately that part of her life isn’t willing to let her leave that easily.
 -Dhampyr: Born as one, though no one knows who her vampiric sire is.
 -Die Laughing: In one of her bad ends, she laughs in her cousins face even after months of torture and he finally snaps, killing her.
 -Disappeared Dad: She has no idea who her father is, nor does anyone else. She is unbothered by this, saying he is either dead, or a deadbeat, and either way it’s of no concern to her in the end.
 -Elegant Classical Musician
 -Elemental Eye Color: Her eyes are a vibrant red, and she’s associated with fire due to her dramatic method of cutting ties.
 -Elopement: She marries Lann without any fanfare or warning to anyone else. Unlike most examples of this trope, it was simply because the two got carried away.
 -Ethical Slut: Has no problem with casual sex, and is open about it, while insisting that all parties involved are enthusiastic and that others don’t get hurt. If in a companion AU, she is happy to enter a casual sexual relationship with the Knight Commander but she will not accept being chosen over a different companion in the jealousy scene, and will leave saying she wasn’t aware of how serious things were and hadn’t meant to hurt anyone.
 -Friendless Background: Goes from an orphanage where everyone avoided her because of her unnatural heritage, to living in an estate where everyone avoided her because of the rumors surrounding her and out of fear of angering her very powerful guardian. She never had much chance to make friends until she was already an adult and living on the run.
 -Gentlewoman Snarker: While usually a Nice Girl, when she doesn’t like someone she is much more willing to mess with their heads and hurt their ego, and definitely has the wit to cut deep.
 -Good Bad Girl: A person who many find easy to like, and is also open and unashamed about her promiscuity.
 -Guile Hero: As someone who is not very physically strong, she relies on her wits and charm to get out of most of her troubles. For example, she has a habit of turning her enemies against each other so she can escape when they aren’t looking.
 -Half Human Hybrid: Her mother was unquestionably human, whoever she truly was, but her father is unknown and speculated to have been a vampire. 
 -The Hyena: She is often laughing, and can find reason to laugh at almost anything.
 -Impossibly-Low Neckline: Her dress perhaps is on the more unrealistic side and it's a wonder it stays on like it does.
 -Just Friends: With Daeran, both as the knight commander and as a companion. In her own universe, she is oblivious to his developing feelings and turns him down when he attempts to turn things serious, while in a companion au the two start a Friends With Benefits arrangement but eventually end it, deciding to consider each other simply friends.
 -Lonely Rich Kid: Her childhood in her grandfather's estate, as no one was willing to brave befriending her due to her grandfather's protective attitude and the rumors surrounding her.
 -Magic Music: Comes with being a bard.
 -Meaningful Name: Her name means ‘night’, a rather on the nose name for a dhampir. 
 -Mood-Swinger: While often cheerful, it catches many off guard when her mood changes at the drop of a hat. Any emotion she has will often be immediately obvious, and sudden, there and then gone with the change of the wind.
 -Mystical White Hair: Not caused by magic itself, instead coming from the much more mundane reason of albinism.
 -Never Found the Body: Some of her chaotic alignment endings invoke this, even inspiring in universe speculative literature and art on what became of her.
 -Nice Girl: A kind person who many find easy to get along with and find something about her to like. She approaches most people with a friendly demeanor and open mind, and is willing to accept most people despite how different they are from her, though not to the point of letting people take advantage of her.
 -Noble Fugitive: Was once a noblewoman of a decently respected noble house of Brevoy, but has had to live on the run for the past five years after her cousin framed her for murdering her grandfather and she set the manor he wanted so badly on fire in retaliation.
 -Parental Abandonment: Her mother couldn't really help dying in childbirth, but her father is out there and no one knows who he is, let alone if he is alive or not.
 -Plucky Girl: Both stubborn and optimistic in equal measure.
 -The Pollyanna: Despite all the hardships life has dealt her, she holds onto her optimism and does her best to see the best of life, as well as to share that with others. (*unless the Knight Commander pushes her to her breaking point*)
 -Polyamory: Is open to this if her partner wishes to, and as a companion she offers it as a solution to the jealousy scene, though none of them really go through with it.
 -Pretty Butterflies: When she starts to show signs of her azata mythic path, she is surrounded by butterflies that follow her wherever she goes.
 -Prone to Sunburn: Unfortunate result of albinism.
 -Put the “Laughter” in “Slaughter”: In the companion au, if the knight commander pushes her into her chaotic path she laughs all while killing her cousin and all his men, with or without the knight commander’s help.
 -Raised by Grandparents: Raised by her grandfather after she spent her first few years in a Taldan orphanage.
 -Rags to Riches: Went from being an isolated child in an orphanage to a rich noblewoman loved by her grandfather. It wasn’t to last.
 -Red Eyes, Take Warning: Unlike the rest of her outward appearance, Layla’s eyes are something that does mark her as more dangerous than simply a human woman with albinism, giving her away as a dhampir. While she doesn’t mean most people harm, it’s not uncommon for others to get unnerved when they notice her eyes and realize what they mean.
 -The Redeemer: Has a habit of getting into evil characters’ heads enough to make them begin to question themselves and ultimately change. Makes her act 3 near breakdown under the weight of power all the more noticeable when she does the opposite for her companion for months Camellia, and the obviously deeply mentally ill, survival focused Wenduag. Despite this habit of hers, she won’t refuse to fight someone who tries to manipulate her to get away with their evil deeds.
 -Replacement Goldfish: Was this to her grandfather, who used her as a second chance at raising his daughter. In his final months, he would call Layla by her name instead and would talk to her as if she was his long lost daughter. (*Areelu attempted to do a more twisted version of this to her as well*)
 -Riches to Rags: Goes from being a well off Brevoy noblewoman to a shoeless traveling bard, not that she seems to mind.
 -The Runaway/Forced From Their Home: While she ultimately falls into the former, she only started her life on the run due to her cousin trying to impose the latter, if not fully intending to have her killed instead.
 -Quirky Curls: Is a cheerful girl, and has long, curly hair that she often lets flow free.
 -Oblivious to Love: Unfortunately it takes a bit for her to realize someone has feelings for her and not simply flirting with her for fun. Those who try the hardest, with more elaborate and showy displays of affection, are only making it less likely she’ll catch on until it’s too late and someone gets hurt.
 -Odd Friendship: Friendship is stretching it very far, but Layla holds a rather decent amount of respect for Regill despite how different their world views are, due to how true he is to his convictions. That won’t stop her from jokingly flirting with him because she thinks it’s amusing or stating her own views however.
 -Of Corsets Sexy: One of the few articles of clothing she wears is a corset.
 -Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: She will often go off on her own to do what she feels is right, not caring who it upsets.
 -Sex for Services: Admits to having done this once or twice as a way to get into a city, or have someone help her out. She claims she isn't bothered by this, and says if she had ever felt she was in danger she could have easily torn out the person's throat with her teeth.
 -Single Woman Seeks Good Man: The gender doesn’t matter to her, but it’s not the obvious flirtations or showings of power that catch her attention, but earnesty. She simply wants someone who accepts her as she is.
 -Smarter Than You Look: Is a lot more well read, a better judge of character, and much more introspective than most people would probably give her credit for right off the bat.
 -Street Musician: How she makes a living.
 -Success as Revenge: Well more simply moving on with her life as revenge. She has no interest in getting any revenge against her cousin after burning down the family manor, and even tells him to his face he is wasting his life by pursuing her when he could instead be making a respectful name for himself back in Brevoy if he just did the same.
 -The Tease: She finds it fun to flirt with people, and will do it with or without romantic or sexual intention. Some she even flirts with because she thinks their rejection of it is funny, though she tries to remain mindful of people’s boundaries and won’t flirt with certain characters like Sosiel or Arueshalae out of respect. 
 -Tragic Keepsake: Her violin, as it was the only gift her grandfather gave her that she has left now that the rest of them are reduced to ashes.
 -True Blue Femininity: Very feminine and is often dressed in a light blue dress.
 -Turn to Religion: She became a worshiper of Desna only after she left her old life behind.
 -Unkempt Beauty: She doesn’t put in much effort into her appearance, mostly because she can’t, but is still rather pretty.
 -Walking the Earth: While she might not have chosen to leave when she did, Layla is happy to live on the road, and returns to it once the 5th crusade comes to an end.
 -Wandering Minstrel
 -What the Hell Hero: In the companion au, Layla will leave the party for a handful of actions, one being causing Arueshalae to fall. (*at least as long as the commander hasn’t also triggered her own chaotic path*)
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scryptids · 29 days
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katelyn tarver / she/her  ———  no way is that AURORA ‘RORY’ MILLS.. they’re a 34-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being CYNICAL  &  OVERPROTECTIVE but there are some people who have seen them being SENTIMENTAL  &  SUPPORTIVE.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of freshly laundered towels stacked neatly beneath the bartop, an impressive collection of overalls hanging in her closet, an old guitar that desperately needs tuning, and coming home to the smell of a home cooked meal, but that could just be because they’re considered the BARGAINING CHIP around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
TW: parental death
full name: aurora calliope mills birthdate: november 2nd age: 34 height: 5’5” occupation: bartender at the obelisk ship status: it’s complicated bio:
as the eldest daughter, rory had unrealistic expectations forced upon her before she could even learn how to talk
she was born to parents who lived in the lower district, their apartment so small that they were practically tripping over each other at all times
but they were in love, and even though they only had one bedroom and barely any money to their name, finding out that they were going to be parents thrilled them
they struggled for a while while rory’s dad worked full time, insisting that her mother stay at home so they wouldn’t need to pay for daycare
but they could barely make rent, let alone put food on the table, and the closer his wife’s due date got, the more the patriarch of the family began to panic
that’s when he turned to the skyport mafia, and that’s when their lives seemed to improve
he was paid well for essentially being a gopher, doing odd jobs that he was asked to do with little to no complaints
the money he was bringing in allowed the family to move into a small house in the lower district; it wasn’t much, but it was big enough to start a family in
by the time november rolled around, aurora made her appearance into the world
she was sweet and goofy, and immediately she was the light of her parents’ lives
aurora’s world was always full of creative hobbies to quell a curious mind
rory and her mother would go on walks every day, picking flowers and handing them out to strangers
she was gifted her first guitar when she was just five years old, and she took that thing with her everywhere
her parents enrolled her in guitar and singing lessons, both of which she picked up quickly, and soon enough she was making up silly little songs for her family
it was clear that she was a good-natured kid, and her parents didn’t worry about her making friends
when she was nine, her little brother sirius was born, and she was convinced that he was just what the family needed
of course she fussed over him all the time, insisting that she needed to help her parents take care of her baby brother
but things weren’t as great at home as rory made them seen; behind closed doors, her parents began fighting on a regular basis
her father wouldn’t come home until the wee hours of the morning, and her mother was starting a slow decline into a depression that she just couldn’t break herself free from
of course this worried aurora, and in order to try and help, she started spending more time at home to look after her mother and sirius
while she was old enough to understand what was happening, her little brother was still learning how to walk and talk, and she wanted to protect him from whatever was going on
but shortly after sirius’s second birthday, aurora’s mother announced that she was pregnant again
instead of feeling joy for getting a new sibling, ro felt a sense of dread that she would never be able to shake
her father spent less time at home, leaving his wife and kids to fend for themselves while he was off doing god knows what
ro did most of the caregiving, noticing that her mother looked more rundown than usual, and she didn’t want to have to worry about it
when jupiter arrived into the world two months early, the family took more than one hit
ro's mother lost too much blood during childbirth; she'd had an underlying condition that no doctor had picked up on, and ultimately she lost her life after having her third baby
aurora felt lost; her mother had always been there for her, and now she had a toddler and a tiny baby to care for
her father was nowhere to be found, unreachable despite aurora trying to find him
rory and sirius were sent to live with their aunt in the middle district, and each day they would go see jupiter at the hospital until she was strong and healthy enough to be released
they were happy at their aunt’s house; life was fairly normal, and ro could learn how to be a kid again while navigating the trials and tribulations of puberty
and their aunt likes having them there; she’d never had children of her own, and the mills children viewed her as the mother they desperately needed
they were there for five years before their dad showed up again to throw a wrench in the life that they had worked hard to build up
he’d landed himself in hot water with his bosses, racking up a casino debt that he had no means of getting himself out of
he needed aurora’s help, demanding she get a job to help pay off his debt
ro wanted no part in his life or helping repay what he owed, but since she was a minor she didn’t have much of a choice
and so the mills children packed up their lives again and moved back to the lower district
ro just barely managed to graduate high school, finding that having to balance a job and two young children on top of schoolwork was nearly impossible
despite being brought back to help her father financially, ro put as much money into a savings account as she could, fully intending to get a place with sirius and jupiter without their dad
it was taking longer than expected to save up as much as they needed, but she was nearly there
and then, just after ro’s 24th birthday, her father dropped another bomb on her
his debt was too deep and nothing was being done about it, so he did the only thing he could think to do: he essentially sold his daughter off to the mafia
without ever consulting her or asking for her opinion, ro’s dad set up a marriage between her and fionn keoghan, a capo in the skyport mafia that she’d only met a handful of times before
ro still went through with moving her and her siblings to a new apartment in the lower district, hoping that cutting ties with her father would get her out of the situation he’d thrust her in
unfortunately it wasn’t that simple, and while aurora was left alone by the mafia, she was often reminded that, eventually, she would have to marry fionn
now, ten years later, aurora and her siblings live a fairly comfortable life
they all work jobs, but ro doesn’t expect jupiter or sirius to help with household expenses, happily shouldering that burden
she does everything she can to keep her siblings away from the mafia, but every time she thinks she’s being successful, fionn comes back around as a not-so-gentle reminder of what her life will look like in the near future
she tries to avoid him as much as possible, picking up as many shifts at the obelisk as she could as a distraction
she’s been trying to save up to purchase a house, living in a state of delusion thinking she won’t have to move in with fionn at some point
despite all of the hardships she and her siblings have been through, ro likes to keep a positive attitude
her method of coping is through dry humor, and her banter with the regulars at the obelisk is usually what lands her the good tips
overall, ro is just trying to find her way through life while keeping her siblings close by, and she refuses to let herself or them settle for anything less than they deserve
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nian-7 · 9 months
Hellooo!!! Sorry to bother, but could I request a romantic proseka matchup? Or just any fandom, I don't mind. I'd just like to see what you say. :)
I'm an INTP. I'm not sure about my enneagram, I'm sorry :,(
I really like the few anime and video games I'm into, and love collecting merch!! Not that I usually can, I can't spend that money WW. I also like baking :) I am so good at following instructions I look up I make banger chocolate chip cookies LMAO
I think I'm pretty alright at art, my one actual long-time hobby, but I sometimes doubt that because I've been drawing my whole life and I'm still not where I want to be. In every other creative field (writing, mainly) I think I'm. VERY not good. But I guess I'll just have to keep trying to improve (coping)
In general, I lack a lot of confidence in. Everything. All of the time, basically. I've got severe social anxiety and have had it for a long time, so I usually just don't talk to people or try to form friendships. I appreciate the few friends I do have, though. They're all very nice :)
I know how to play the piano and the violin, but considering I haven't done so in multiple years I don't think that counts haha
OK. SORRY this is just me rambling and it has no structure I'm sorry if there was a format I was supposed to follow. I'm expecting I'm not the easiest person to pair either, so I'm also sorry about that. Feel free to ignore this :) Thank you, either way!
no problem! i wasn't really sure what other fandoms you were in so i just picked hsr. enjoy!
I match you with...
Nene Kusanagi!
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-Nene's a good match for you because she is someone who would be in your comfort zone. I think that you both would mesh really well and just overall be able to have a sweet & slow relationship!
-She'd try out the games you enjoy and play them with you if they're multiplayer. You both can branch out and find some games you can play together as well!
-Even if it does take a really long time for you to get confident in things, Nene will be as patient as she can with you and help you through it even when she's not too confident herself.
I match you with...
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-Himeko is like the opposite of Nene, yes but, she'd gently push you out of your comfort zone and help you grow but in a comfortable & loving way.
-She'll always be there for you to fall back on if needed and she supports you all the way! Perfect girlfriend material right here.
-Very sweet honestly, she enjoys anything and everything that you make for her and thinks you're just the cutest. Couldn't ask for much more from a partner!
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faithandfairies · 2 months
Just Jane & Maura Things That Are... *chef's kiss
They work cases together more closely than you would expect initially because either Maura or Jane repeatedly argues that Jane needs Maura's expertise and eventually it just becomes a given that Maura sometimes rides along with Jane. Aside from that they just hang around each other watching the other work, Jane watching Maura's autopsies and Maura watching Jane theorize over a case in front of a murder board.
Jane drives Maura around to crime scenes and the like. Sometimes she'll borrow Maura's car and sometimes Jane's mom will drive Maura's car as Maura catches a ride with Jane.
Jane will usually start her day at Maura's. They will make each other coffee and Jane will rifle through Maura's food stuffs looking for something to eat.
Jane and Maura have dinner together after work where Maura or Jane's mom cooks or they have dinner and drinks at the Dirty Robber. They also spend their lunch breaks together usually at some new fancy restaurant Maura has discovered or at one she already knows and likes. They also spend their weekends and other free time together roping each other in to each other's hobbies. It's no surprise then that when they get called in for murders they are usually in each other's presence and can speak for the other as to how soon they'll arrive at a crime scene.
They sleep together. They seem to end up in bed together a lot whenever Jane sleeps over at Maura's because why sleep alone when you don't have to.
They wear each other's clothes. Jane often borrows Maura's clothes for dates or Maura's spare clean clothes if it's been a long, sweaty work day and eventually just expands her wardrobe to include Maura's after her place burns down with her clothes in it. And every so often Jane and Maura will wear the clothes and shoes off each others backs after a long work day if they feel the situation requires it.
Jane's home is Maura's home and Maura's home is Jane's home (and that of Jane's family). Maura offers up her home for Jane and any member of her family to reside there whenever they need because Jane's family. Maura also immediately assumes she'll decorate Jane's new condo after her old apartment burns down and while Jane denies it then, with the townhouse they make decorating decisions together. Maura is also the one that Jane leaves in charge of picking her new place in Washington after she gets the FBI instructor job. If Maura picks the place it's much more likely she'll want to reside there. In the same vein when Maura and Jane discuss Maura eventually moving Jane tells Maura to get a place with a basketball court, something that will accommodate Jane's tastes.
Maura's money is Jane's money. Maura buys Jane expensive clothing if she feels an event she invited Jane to calls for it. She repeatedly provides Jane with things she believes Jane needs that Jane's money can't buy, sometimes without Jane knowing. Maura is also very bad at keeping track of her own financials. Because Jane also helps herself to Maura's money without Maura knowing or minding when Jane tells her. Because it's Jane and she can have whatever she wants. Especially if whatever Jane wants also works out in Maura's favor, like the trip to Paris.
When Jane gets pregnant, there's never a question as to whether she'll raise the baby with Casey. It is immediately a given that Jane will be raising the baby with Maura. And from the start Maura is there every step of the way. Jane even goes so far as to ask Maura to raise the baby in case something happens to her. Jane could have asked her mother, but she doesn't, she asks Maura.
They are also always there for each others highs and lows. They celebrate the milestones together and they're there to help each other pick up the pieces of their lives when things go south. And they are there for each other's day to day, seemingly spending every free moment with each other sharing anecdotes as well as concerns, or checking up on each other throughout the day through texts and phone calls, providing each other with advice, laughter and comfort.
They do for each other what they don't do for the guys they're with. Like when Jane gets shot the first time it's obvious Maura was by Jane's side for moral support and help with rehabilitation. She even goes so far as to date Jane's trauma surgeon who she doesn't particularly like to ensure Jane gets the best medical care possible that she can't provide herself given the specialty help Jane needs. On the other side of things Jane and Casey decide to start their relationship off slow again while Casey's doing his own rehabilitation. Jane tries to be there for his rehabilitation before and after surgery every step of the way but he doesn't allow it and she doesn't push. Whereas at the same time she is clearly there for Maura's rehabilitation after surgery. In the same vein Maura doesn't follow Australian Ian, whom she calls the love of her life, to Africa even though Jane suggests that option. And Jane doesn't follow Casey to the Balkans even though he seems to want to marry her. Yet both of them clearly decide that wherever one goes the other will find a way to follow. They make that decision before it actually comes up. And when it does with Jane's FBI job offer there's follow through. Jane has Maura pick her place to make it easier on her and Maura calculates distance and transit times between Boston and Washington. It's never called into question whether they will follow each other to the ends of the earth and stay in contact. It's just a given.
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danizmomota · 10 months
(Brace yourselves because I typed A LOT.)
Regular Info:
Dani is... short. to say the least. (5'3) but to Kaito, he sees it as a cute redeeming quality that she has. Besides "All great things come in small packages!" Plus, Dani is as energetic as Kaito, but she is usually drawing all the time, so her energy is always spent inside. but if Dani has nothing to work on, she'll spend the day with Kaito or her friends!
Kaito is wayyy taller than Dani! (6'0) and with that height difference and his strength, comes to fun ideas. he can easily lift her off her feet, and carry her if needed to, or just for fun! They both usually talk about anything that their minds think of, like about commissions or how training with friends go!
As we all know, Kaito is (definitely) healthy. while Dani is… well, average. So in that case, he helps her workout and get sunlight on a daily! (Which she isn’t used to this change, so think of their training going something like this)
Dani used only gets those cheap “ramen cups.” (because she used to be on a budget) so Kaito changed that by making sure she eats affordable fruits and veggies to keep herself healthy. She took that advice and she felt SO much better. she couldn't thank him enough.
Since Dani is a digital artist, she sometimes makes little drawings (or full fledged pieces!) of Kaito for him. maybe even a keychain or a sticker! That’s just her love language.
Meanwhile Kaito loves to go stargazing with Dani. it's always a romantic moment between the two! they would visit the park, the balcony, anywhere! Maybe even somewhat of both! bring the Telescope to the park! Actually, he could rant all day about the stars and she'll listen!.... if she's not listening to music whilst drawing!
When it comes to physical affection, they both enjoy it. A LOT. Dani is more of a person through actions. while Kaito is both actions and words. For example, Dani could be drawing and then Kaito comes up from behind and wraps his arms around her. ...Maybe even sweet talk her to feel safe? Whatever make her heart soar will do the trick! While as for Dani, he'd cuddle of close to him on the couch or give him a small kiss on the cheek.
But how do they respond to affection?
Well Dani usually becomes flustered to any sort of affection (except platonic) that she receives. Kaito's kisses could make her melt instantly.
Meanwhile Kaito finds it cute and laughs it off. (which only makes it more embarrassing for her.) he finds it so easy to make her flustered, but she gets used to it, don't worry!
Dani isn't much of a big spender, (because of her budget) but Astronauts make loads of cash. So here and there he'll treat her to a nice date. but depending on what type of date it is, she gets super embarrassed about it. constantly asking him "Are you sure about this?" because she feels as if he's spoiling her. and she doesn't want him to do that, plus, thing's are expensive now-a-days. but he'll reassure her that it's for her to enjoy. then she'll be left flustered about it.
Usually they will go to milk tea cafes, Museums, the movies, ETC! although their most favorites are Stargazing.
Night Activities:
If Dani ends up spending the whole day drawing, that gives Kaito an excuse to bribe her, not with money, but with love. he'll offer cuddles and kisses just for her. (which, 90 percent of the time it works) But if she somehow refuses the offers, then he'll have to resort to sweet talking her till she gives in or just lifting her up from her chair and into his arms to carry her to bed with him. cradling her so she can't move away or get out of bed. it may not look like it, but she secretly loves when he does this.
Another thing, is that I (somewhat) headcanon that Kaito tends to have Insomnia, mainly because the stars fascinate him way too much... so sometimes when Dani gets up to use the bathroom at night, then end up startling each other, both asking, 'Why are you up?!" Basically, Dani is like his melatonin, as long as she's with him, he'll sleep, otherwise he probably will end up stargazing the whole night...
...Basically in short, Dani changed a lot and has received all the love she needs. and she's never been happier.
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Hello my dear author,
Hope you are doing well. How large of a family would Ludovica prefer? Are there any family activities that she would particularly enjoy? What is her ideal family life like with mc?
Sorry if I am bombarding you with questions 😅
I'm doing well, thank you for asking. 💙
Also never fear about asking me too many questions; I love getting asks, I just wish I had more time to answer them all.
Ludovica would like a large family in theory, but she has no experience of them since her parents only had two kids and she wasn't close to any extended family members. She wants to raise kids with MC, extremely prefers them to be biological so they have a piece of MC and her in them but would love adopted kids who need the love she wishes she could have gotten as a kid just the same.
She would like to have as many kids MC wants, sort of always wanting more but MC has to keep in mind she will spread herself so thin with giving the kids all the love and attention they could ever need. Someone has to make sure she doesn't over do it.
She would prefer the family stays at home as much as possible for safety reasons, with the exception of the gardens of course but those are highly walled; so it's still very private. She loves spending time together and would want the family to never be apart. Even when the kids coming crying to sleep in the bed with their parents; you can be sure she is crying alongside them begging MC to let them. If she had it her way they would sleep with you guys all the way up to their teens, and even then she would let them stay until they are comfortable sleeping in their own rooms.
As for activities, she likes doing stuff for them like knitting or crocheting but she likes to watch them do things they enjoy while she does that. She would support any hobby or passion her kids have, would like to sit down and watch them paint, play music, sing, woodcarve, anything and support them 100%. She would like it if they did hobbies MC likes to do, that would make her heart absolutely melt.
Things the family would do together would probably be gardening and (if MC can convince her to leave the house) going out to watch plays at the theater.
The last thing I can think of would be that she doesn't work and won't force her kids to either when they grow up she is happy living off of her inheritance from her late husband. It would be the only good thing that monster ever did for her and there is enough to last her and her kids lives, so long as they live comfortably not lavishly.
MC can work if they wish but she will whine and beg them not to so they can spend more time together. MC will also have to teach the kids to be able to do something to make a living so they can provide for their own kids. Since the wealth won't last three generations, they gotta learn how to make money from someone.
I hope that made sense and I properly answered your questions! 💙
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alterwriting · 5 months
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trial - in fontaine by default - au possible - she + he
* // arlecchino headcanons
Please note that Arlecchino canonically is extremely strong. Therefore, in battles, she will usually overpower their opponent unless we discuss a different outcome. Characters who should be able to contest Arlecchino include the harbingers ranked above her, and Archons depending on their fighting prowess. Please note that there will be mentions of child abuse, murder, and death.
I have read different interpretations of the timeline regarding Arlecchino's background. Due to personal preference, I write her to be around the age of 27-30.
Due to her time as an orphan, Arlecchino is aware of what children need in general and doesn't shy away from spending large sums of money in order to provide for the children in her orphanage. What she may lack in emotional expressiveness, she makes up for with wordless support.
This doesn't mean that she isn't approachable for the children, though. Quite contrary even, many children who have become more familiar with her, actually find her very easy to talk to. This comfort is mostly rooted in her willingness to at least listen to any request or question she is given. Whether it is a simple question or a request for something material, she will lend an ear and give a sincere answer.
She herself goes by female pronouns, as the title the children refer to her is more of a statement for the late Crucabena than a signifier of identity for Arlecchino. She does accept male pronouns as well, though, mostly because - in combination with her androgynous style - it helps mystify her true identity and spread rumors that can distract from other secrets she might have.
The harsh treatment the children had to endure under Crucabena's care forced young Peruere to become familiar with aiding various kinds of wounds and detecting poisons. Her education did not only include fighting, but also scouting, spying, encrypting and decrypting of messages, strategic planning of operations, as well as changing her appearance.
Occasionally she enjoys returning to the children and spending time with them. Most of the time, she takes a very passive role in the activities, such as watching Lynette stage a play or magic trick. She would usually sit in the back without much of an expression on her face, but the children seem to understand her intention.
Arlecchino is not a picky eater at all. As a child, she was forced to eat whatever she was able to get her hands on, so pickiness has become an unnecessary luxury to her. Additionally, her taste buds have been damaged by being fed poison in order to become resistant to them. She is still able to recognize taste, it simply is less intense to her.
The financial resources for the House of the Heart stem from both the Fatui and the money of those who fall victim to its members. The money is mostly used for basic needs and keeping the orphanage running, but also for equipment and various kinds of hobbies the children may indulge in during their free time. Arlecchino encourages them to read different kinds of books, play games or find other kinds of activities they enjoy. It is, however, encouraged to engage in hobbies that assist in activities the House of the Hearth requires from its members. Some of the remaining money is given to the children every month.
Once a member is forced to "die", all traces of that person are removed from the House of the Hearth. In general, children are also not supposed to speak of traitors, yet Arlecchino understands the sentiment nostalgia carries with it.
Arlecchino is not the type of person who gets sick. At least no one can claim to have ever seen her with a cold or fever.
The flames of the Crimson Moon Dynasty that circulate through her veins are literally burning her. She has become more than familiar with the necessity of controlling her emotions, rarely allowing herself to slip up. Because if she did, the pain of soaring flames would remind her to regain control.
Her entire body is covered in scars and marks of the "training" all the children had to undergo. She meticulously ensures none of her children see those scars, as they might scare them.
Arlecchino can be seen visiting theater plays quite frequently, albeit her preference of genres seems to be random.
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dread0narrival · 5 months
oc asks that reveal more than you think
I’m breaking this up and answering 10 per character to keep it interesting;
Q. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Yes just one! A well loved budgie plush he’s had since he was very young.
Q. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Plants – yes, she actually enjoys gardening as a hobby and is proficient at it. Pets – yes, while she doesn’t currently have any she has had a handful of pets in the past who all lived long and happy lives :3 Kids – surprisingly, yes. She doesn’t see herself as the parenting type. However, if she had a partner that already had a kid she’d treat them as if they were her own.
Q. Ask them to describe their love interest.
Vesper is my shipping whore and has multiple LI's in multiple AU's so to keep it consistent and not use physical descriptors let's just say his love interest loves them unconditionally <3
Q. Do they look good in red?
Just visualize Vesper with a thousand yard stare covered in blood head to toe LOL
Q. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
Vesper would rather die than give a public speech lol his anxiety could never BUT if he was somehow convinced to give one he’d do it on what he knows best, “ Why videogames are good for you”
Q. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
HIMSELF lol he's his own worst critic and advisor.
Q. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Emotional, a chaotic ball of nerves and is unironically in limerence. Vesper would describe himself as passionate, nervous and a hopeless romantic.
Q. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Frustrated, especially when she’s playing a video game with puzzle mechanics.
Q. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
Yes LOL He gets upset when his plants die. The longer they’ve had the plant the more attached they are.
Q. What age do they most want to be right now?
Vesper just entered the big 3-0 but his youth was filled with trauma and bad memories he wishes to forget. He’s just barely started his adult life living how HE wants to.
Q. They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
Clove would use it to better MC’s life. Financial stability? Pay off their debts? Buying their affections? All of the above lol
Q. Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
Clove too is a hopeless romantic, he daydreams and fantasize every waking hour.
Q. Name one thing their parents taught them.
Not everyone who loves you will say it aloud…
Q. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
Cannibalism :3
Q. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
Small talk, unless it’s with MC of course!
Q. If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
Money ISN’T a limit and he still dresses like a discount E-boy.
Q. Do they like children?
I think he’s more indifferent about them? He doesn’t hate kids but in time having a family with MC would be in the cards.
Q. Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
Both lol If it was a tender moment it would be with none but if it was a hot and heavy make out sesh he’d shove that tongue so far down your ass throat…
Q. Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
Yes but only to practice on how to act “normal”.
Q. What do they like that nobody else does?
I mean eating human flesh is a big one I would hope. 
Q. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
She isn’t keen on being committed and prefers to keep things loose with no strings attached. So it wouldn't take much if she had a partner who was too clingy or a nag she’d break it off with no hesitation.
Q. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
Phisc isn’t big on being called pet names but she does like honorifics like “Sir”.
If you’re being good she’ll use cute names such as kitten, dove, doe, etc.
If you’re being bad she’ll use degrading names like brat, slut, whore, etc.
Q. Stability or novelty?
Q. Honesty or charity?
Q. Safety or possibility?
Q. Talent or effort?
Q. Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Q. Would they date a fixer-upper?
Come now, let’s be real here. We all know that Phisc is the fixer-upper here lol
Q. What recurring dreams do they have?
Fun fact: Phisc doesn’t dream at all! But for a more fun answer I think losing the ability to shift into her wolf form.
Q. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
She doesn’t care about that lol she’ll kill, steal, lie and self sabotage with no remorse. She’s a nasty lady.
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bubblebbunch · 4 months
Muse List
tag | art | hcs | musings | aes | fashion
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Demiboy [afab] // he/they // 29 // Drug Dealer & Celebrity Lookalike/Performance Artist
Luca, or "Pinwheel" as most call him, lives in a ratty little apartment in New York City, Queens, and makes most of his money off of selling drugs. During the day though, he'll go to Loo Loo Amusement Park [Remake of Luna Park on Coney Island] where he plays the role of a celebrity performance artist which he is a lookalike of.
He fucking hates the gig, but he looks so similar to him, he has the energy and dexterity to pull it off, and well... the owner blackmailed him, threatening to report him to the authorities for his drug dealing, and Luca needs to Not end up in jail.
So he finds himself doing it despite not getting paid. He's rarely sober, often on some kind of pills, and barely keeps enough cash on him to pay rent. It's honestly a bit of a miracle that he still lives at the apartment complex. He reeks of booze and nicotine and whatever else he's been smoking, and doesn’t have a single friend.
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Cis Male // he/him // 29 yrs // Therapist
Fumihiro works as a therapist in NYC and is not doing... that great money wise. College absolutely ruined him, his family often wants him to help them fund their own projects, and he's terrible at saying no. He takes on more work than he's capable of, and he often works for free. He complains, but he just needs to grow a spine. Life IS pretty ridiculously unfair, though... and it doesn't help that his roommate Corwin is incredibly overbearing and suffocating either.
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Demiboy [amab] // he/they // 28 yrs // Dentist
Corwin is Fumihiro's childhood friend and has always been an outcast. With a morbid interest in teeth, he was also struggling with depression and unhealthy coping behaviour. He's obnoxious, is unabashedly himself, and he's got crazy ADHD... but also RSD. And he's so lonely... he craves intimacy something fierce, and he Clings to Fumihiro as the only person who ever gave him a genuine chance. He occasionally performs in drag, and he gets his fix at the bar several times a week where he hooks up with whoever wants to give him a try, but nothing ever goes anywhere... Why won't anybody just love him already?
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Trans Woman // she/her // 26 yrs // Online Personality
Minnie is a weeb and an amazing cosplayer, YouTuber, and she spends a lot of her time online making silly videos for people who simp for her. She doesn't mind, it pays the bills, and her OnlyFans is doing good, thank you guys!! During the day she works as a server at a local cafe that does dress ups at times (the maid outfits are her favourite). Minnie is a sweetheart, but a bit of a doormat... having came out of a physically and emotionally abusive relationship not too long ago, she's still working on loving herself. She's still recovering, doing her very best...
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Genderfluid [amab] // any pronouns // 25 yrs // Babysitter
Younger sister to Luca, who can't stand him. She felt abandoned by her only remaining family member when he was becoming a chore to look after, when his substance abuse and illegal activities only increased and escalated while she was left alone at home, fending for herself... So she ended up moving out. He now works as a babysitter, it's rough and the family takes advantage of their charity, but it's nice to feel... needed. To be a part of a family. She has a lot of spice, but below the sour exterior, he's got a big heart.
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Cis Male // he/him // 51 yrs // Funeral Director & Mortician & Coffin Maker [hobby]
Mordecai has been pretty rooted in place for the last 51 years... Growing up in Oklahoma, he eventually moved to eastern California where he set up a funeral home and a stable. Death wasn't really fascinating to him... but rather, he had seen it happen many times in his life, and found that the end of a life... had to have meant something, for those left behind. He wanted to lift the spirits of those who remained, and celebrate the life that had burned so bright, and either suddenly been snuffed out, or slowly dimmed down. He wanted to make the funeral peaceful. The passing natural. The communication between the dying, the dead, and the living, easier. So he started his business.
Moving to New York, he did so to keep a family member company during her final years before sickness takes her life, setting up a new business in the city to keep on doing what he was always doing... but city life is quite different from the mountain ranges of Oklahoma or endless deserts of California.
Mordecai doesn't say more than he has to, the quiet sort who notices everything but says nothing. When he does speak up, his southern drawl is almost distracting, but his words always carry wisdom.
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Trans Man // he/him // 36 yrs // Business Tycoon, owner of several clubs across NYC, Manager of Loo Loo Park. Also deals with money laundering, espionage and is a loan shark of course
Noel is an entrepenur and a visionary. Starting off at the bottom of the barrel like so many of us, he figured out how to work the system from a young age, always having a nose for business, and a feeling for when to strike. What opportunities were lucrative and which ones were a waste. Quickly, he went from a simple office rat to team leader, boss, CEO, and now he manages more businesses than you can count on one hand.
His current "project" is the Loo Loo Park (alternate version of Luna Park on Coney Island) in NYC, and while he sits comfortably in Manhattan, he makes bank without much effort anymore. Noel is smug, careful in his wording, and will come across as quite lighthearted if you don't know any better. He's always five steps ahead, but his confidence in his own ability can also become his biggest weakness. Oh yeah also he's Luca's boss/blackmailer.
⚙ Nergüi
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Agender [intersex] // they/them // 21 yrs // College Student
A young student at one of the many colleges across New York, currently studying robotics in hopes of becoming... something. They feel so in tune with these machines, at times it feels like they're also running on a program, that they don't actually know what they're actually Meant to do except for making these things work... like life has no meaning. Are they only doing this because their parents wants them to? Because they think robotics are the future? Because they know better and this is what's best for them? Do they even have a mind of their own..? Or are they exaggerating? Should they just settle... they don't know. Time to dissociate.
¿ Loo Loo Bot
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No gender // it/they // A few years old // Clown Mascot/Spy/Bodyguard Android
An android Noel has placed in "Loo Loo park" to play the role of a pierrot-themed mascot named Loo Loo. It has some other dubious functions as well, such as the ability to switch its face, voice and build around, hide weapons on its person, and of course, record conversations. It is rather uncanny to look at, its voice a bit off and its behaviour a bit too inhuman... at least when it is at the park. When it's working undercover by Noel's side, it is near indistinguishable from a real person.
The android is generally soft spoken and gentle in its mannerisms, supposedly it'd make it approachable, but is just seems to creep kids out.
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enterthecuttlezone · 2 years
This post got ONE LIKE, you know what that means!
Welcome to Tati, son las tres.
Sometimes I feel like Tati. She’s easily excited by mundane things, smiles dumbly like a dog. She dresses plainly in “unfashionable” clothing until the occasion demands some movie magic (admission: I only do the first part). And for Tati, “English or Spanish?” is answered with “A little of neither.” When I was unemployed, I felt like Tati way too much. All of Los Espookys (season one was all we had back then) seemed to me to BE about jobs and trying to find jobs and not knowing what you really want to do with your life and that feeling of oh my god!!! You know? And to a certain extent, it is about that.
In the very first scene of the entire show, Tico tells Renaldo he should make doing spooky stuff into his business. “All I ever wanted to do was park cars, and now I do it full-time! This spooky stuff is your parking cars,” he says. Tico has loved to park cars ever since he was a kid. He’s a prodigy at it, and now he works as a valet and the valet world adores him. In terms of his career, he’s living the dream, doing what he loves and loving doing it. And this model seems to work for Renaldo too. He takes Tico’s advice, turns his friends’ spooktastic hobby into a business, and though he’s not exactly rolling in the dough (he still lives with his parents and doesn’t seem to have any other occupation), he enjoys the experience, taking exciting gigs, spending time with his friends, and making a little bit of money while he’s at it. And he’s happy.
The character of Úrsula doesn’t fare so well. She is virtually her family’s sole breadwinner, working 9 to 5 as a dental assistant for a dentist who does not respect her. Her freedom is limited by the demands of her job and the financial circumstances of her and her sister, Tati. Because of these things, she has less time to devote to Los Espookys, gets stressed out, and suffers the disrespect of Dr. Ricky, just trying to stay afloat. Eventually, Úrsula gets to the end of her tolerance for Dr. Ricky and quits her job. But her troubles don’t end there.
In the beginning of the series, Tati is working as a fan, manually spinning the blades of an electric fan and going “woosh” to keep her employer cool. Because this is a very inefficient way to do things, Tati gets fired. Throughout the series she works and gets dismissed from a number of different odd jobs, for example, breaking in other people’s shoes, or being a “human Fitbit” who counts her client’s steps. After having a falling out with her internet boyfriend, Tati decides to “focus on herself and her career” and gets involved in a multilevel marketing company called Hierbalite (wink wink). She believes in the prosperous future Hierbalite promises so much that she spends two thousand pesos on Hierbalite products to sell from her home. This gets her and Úrsula into a bit of a financial pickle.
Although Tati seems blissfully unaware of reality much of the time— she tells her new boyfriend (who is her ex-boyfriend catfishing her for the second time) about “how stressful this amazing opportunity with Hierbalite has gotten”— she has a few moments in which she expresses very eloquently the same emotions I felt when I was floundering about sin major, sin dream and sin job. While Tati and her friend Andrés are shopping for mirrors for a Los Espookys gig, suddenly and without prompting Tati says to him:
What am I doing with my life? Horror is your passion. You all know what you’re doing with your lives, but… What am I doing? Where am I going? I can’t break in shoes. I can’t count steps. I can’t help people lose, gain, or maintain weight. I can’t keep time. I fail at everything I try. I mean, where will I be in five years? What if it rains? I don’t have those kinds of shoes.
This scene, being TV, is neatly wrapped up with Andrés telling Tati that “there are those who enjoy the journey more than the destination,” and Tati, reassured, deciding that her dream is to “be Cirque du Soleil.” We never do see Tati achieve this dream. It’s entirely possible that she forgot about it the moment after she said it. At the end of the first season Tati marries the heir to a prosperous cookie company. Her happy ending: “Now I’m a married woman! No one can fire me from this!” (Season two spoilers: Tati gets another painful gig-economy job, her husband divorces her, and she ends up back in her sister’s apartment, gigging and gigging and gigging and gigging…) Not the most comforting story for floundering me. I guess this little Tati train is just gonna have to keep on chugging.
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