#also. i am just now getting into textured brushes
vanessagillings · 3 months
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I’m posting the ever-so-rare photo of myself alongside one of my characters based on my childhood because today is World Autism Acceptance Day, and I wanted to show my little corner of the internet who this particular autistic person is:  
I was officially diagnosed in February, at age 38 (I’m now 39). A lot of people thought I couldn’t be autistic.  Some people who know me in real life still don’t.  And until around 10 years ago, I didn’t think I could be either, because I was nothing like the stereotype media portrays. I was told that autistics lacked empathy (untrue), and never played make-believe (also often untrue) and only enjoyed STEM.  I was — and am — an empathetic artist -- and make believe?  I can spend days sketching finely bedecked bears brewing tea or carefully choosing the right words to weave tapestries of fiction — though perhaps my hyper focus was a bit of a red flag.  Even so, how could autism describe me?  I was a good student.  I got straight A's. I didn’t act out in class.  I can make eye contact…if I must.  And lots of girls hate having their hair brushed with an unholy passion, right?  Clearly I swim in sarcasm like a fish, so autism couldn't be why I was so anxious all the time, could it?
If someone had told me when I was younger what autism ACTUALLY is — instead of the nonsense I’d seen on screens — I would have seen myself in it.  I didn’t hear that autistics have sensory issues until I was in my mid-twenties, which is when I first began to really research autism symptoms, and I had almost all of them:  sensitivity to light, smells, fabrics, temperatures, textures, and certain touches, all of which make me feel anxious, I fidget (stim), I never know what the hell to do with my hands or where to look, I talk too little or too much, I have special interests, I have entire animated movies memorized shot-by-shot and can remember the first time and place I saw every movie I've ever seen but I often forget what I'm trying to say mid-sentence, I echo movies and tv shows (my husband and I have a whole repertoire of shared echolalias, making up about 20% of our conversations), I was in speech therapy as a kid, I have issues with dysnomia and verbal fluency, I toe-walk, I can't multitask to save my life, I like things just-so, I’m deeply introverted but not shy, I need to recover from all social interaction — even social interaction I enjoy — and I find stupid, every day things like grocery shopping, driving and making appointments overwhelming and intensely stressful, sometimes to the point where I struggle to speak.  It turns out, I am definitely autistic. My results weren't borderline. Not even close. And while these aren’t all of my challenges, and not everyone with these symptoms is autistic, it’s definitely something to look into if you present with all of these things at once. 
So why did it take me so long to get diagnosed? The same bias that exists in media threads through the medical community as well, and because I'm a woman who can discuss the weather while smiling on cue, few people thought I was worth looking into. Even after I was fairly certain I was autistic, receiving an official diagnosis in the US is unnecessarily difficult and expensive, and in my case, completely uncovered by my insurance.  It cost me over $4000, and I could only afford it because my husband makes more money than I do as a freelance illustrator — a job I fell into largely because it didn’t require in-person work; like many autists, I have been chronically underemployed and underpaid, in part due to physical illness in my twenties, which is a topic for another day.  But it shouldn’t be like this.  It shouldn’t be so hard for adults to receive diagnoses and it shouldn’t be so hard for people to see themselves in this condition to begin with due to misinformation and stereotypes. Like many issues in America, these barriers are even higher for marginalized groups with multiple intersectionalities. 
It’s commonly said that if you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person.  This is why it’s called a spectrum, not because there’s a linear progression of severity (someone who appears to have low support needs like myself might need more than it seems, and vice versa), but because every autistic person has their own strengths and weaknesses, challenges and experiences, opinions and needs.  No two people on the spectrum present in the same way.  And that’s a good thing!  No way of being autistic is inherently any better than any other, and even if someone on the spectrum struggles with things I don’t — or can do things I can’t — doesn’t make them more or less deserving of respect and human dignity.
But speaking solely for myself, the more I learn about autism, the happier I am to be autistic.  I struggle to find words and exert fine motor control, but my deep passion and fixation has made me good at art and storytelling anyway.  I find more joy watching dogs and studying leaf shapes on my walks than most people do in an entire day.  More often than not, the barriers I’ve faced weren’t due to my autism directly, but due to society being overly rigid about what it considers a valid way of existing.  My hope in writing this today is that maybe one person will realize that autism isn’t what they thought — and that being different is not the same as being less than. My hope with my fiction is to give autistic children mirrors with which to see themselves, and everyone else windows through which to see us as we actually are.
If you’re interested in learning more about autism or think you might be autistic, too, I recommend the Autism Self Advocacy Network  autisticadvocacy.org and the following books:
What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic by Annie Kotowicz
We're Not Broken by Eric Garcia
Knowing Why edited by Elizabeth Bartmess
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, PhD
Loud Hands edited by Julia Bascom
Neurotribes by Steve Silberman
(trigger warning: the last two contain quite a lot of upsetting material involving institutionalized child abuse, but I think it’s important for people to know how often autistic children were — and are — abused simply for being neurodivergent).
Thanks for reading 💛
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leclerc-hs · 3 months
can't get you outta my head - cl16
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader (friends to lovers!) summary: in which you and charles are in the same friend group and find solace in one another OR you and charles fuck and can’t forget about it warnings: smut under the cut! oral (f-receiving!), outdoor sex, p in v, angst, pining, badly translated french (pls correct me), NOT PROOFREAD word count: 5.4k! (lengthy) author’s note: IN HONOR OF HITTING 1,600 FOLLOWERS I AM POSTING THIS TODAY!!!! double-postings today!!! i wrote this SOOO fast so sorry if there’s any mistakes. loved writing it tho and i know i was going to make it more enemies originally but making him softer and cutesy just felt right for now. i can always do another one if you guys want!! just let me know what you think! love hearing from you guys!!! xoxo
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
BENEATH THE BRILLIANT canopy of the sun’s golden embrace, you recline comfortably upon the plush cushions of the lounge chairs, creating a sanctuary of comfort amidst the vast expanse of sand. Around you, a kaleidoscope of colors and textures unfold: vibrant beach towels strewn around carelessly, the glistening ocean stretching endlessly before you, and the verdant palm trees swaying in rhythmic cadence against the bright blue sky.
The sound of the ocean’s embrace upon the sandy shoreline murmurs in the background, a subtle undercurrent beneath the symphony of voices of your friends that fills the air. Your gaze drifts towards a cluster of your friends cavorting in the embrace of the water. Their figures, silhouetted against the shimmering expanse of the ocean, exude a carefree vitality. Like playful spirits unleashed, they tumble and wrestle amidst the crash of the waves, their laughter echoing.
You smile softly listening to a few of the girl’s banter over last night’s drunken escapades, flipping a page of the cheap magazine you purchased earlier.
“Joris a pratiquement mange de la merde hier soir.” Joris practically ate shit last night. Your best friend, also Joris’s girlfriend, to the left of you says in between laughter, as you all careen over with a laugh. 
“Au moins, il va bien.” At least he’s fine. You say with a soft smile, turning another page of your magazine. “Can we talk about Antoine shooting a firecracker out of his ass?” The words spark an immediate eruption of laughter, tears threaten to fall from your eyes from the sheer hilarity of the memory.
“Qu’est-ce qui est si drôle?” What’s so funny?
You turn your head and find yourself locking eyes with a pair of captivating green. In that moment, your heart skips a small beat, and a soft smile graces your lips as you gaze warmly at him. “Making fun of Joris and Antoine, bien sûr.” Of course.
A smile plays at the corner of his pink lips, and you can’t help but envy their perfect hue. You can’t help but notice the subtle dimples that grace Charles’ cheeks as he smiles. Did he always have those? With a casual grace, he raises a hand to scratch the side of his stubble before reaching for a towel casually draped over your lounge chair. As he leans over, droplets of water cascade onto your warm skin, a gentle reminder of the ocean’s embrace. You steal a moment to admire the bronzed glow of his skin, the sunlight dancing upon the small beads of water that cling to his sculpted muscles with a tantalizing allure.
A peculiar aura envelops the relationship between you and Charles. You didn’t speak often, although you were in the same friend group, and have known each other for forever. However, in the recent weeks, a shift has occurred. Perhaps it’s the shared experience of a newfound singleness has drawn you closer together, prompting conversations to flow more freely than ever before.
A delicate blush creeps onto your cheeks, a fleeting flush of warmth that you hope goes unnoticed against the backdrop of your sun-kissed skin. You feel a jolt of electricity shoot through you as Charles’s fingers brush lightly against your shoulders while the grabs the towel, igniting a subtle spark between you two.
“Allons-nous au club ce soir?” Are we going to the club tonight? One of your guy friends asks, sinking onto a sandy towel with a groan as he collapses onto the soft grains. 
For a moment, maybe a few seconds, silence hangs in the air. As if each person is lost in contemplation, weighing the prospect of the evening’s plans. Then, in a synchronous chorus, a resounding chorus of “yes” erupts from the group, breaking the silence with unanimous enthusiasm.
You remain silent, immersed in the pages of a trash magazine, each turn revealing scandalous tales that undoubtedly blur the lines between fact and fiction. Charles watches you intently from his position in the beach chair across from you, though not directly opposite. Positioned slightly to the right, his gaze lingers on you with a subtle curiosity, his expression betraying a hint of contemplation as he observes you amidst the circle of friends. Always in your own world.
“Lovie, tu participes?” Are you in? Your best friend beside you seems to notice your lack of response. Her arms stretch across the gap between your chairs, and she gently squeezes your wrist, a silent gesture of reassurance and solidarity. 
Lovie. You don’t exactly know why you got that nickname, but it stuck. And it carried over to most of the friend group calling you that since childhood.
You lifted your head up, the sun beading down on you causing your eyes to slightly crinkle, as you gave her a look that said duh!
Your friends smile widens as she claps her hands together, her excitement palpable as she sits up from her previously relaxed position. Her enthusiasm is infectious, casting a warm glow over the group as they all eagerly cheer in happiness with her. “Mon dieu!” Thank God! It was a squeal of relief. “Maybe you’ll meet a sexy man and fall in love and have his babies so you can forget all about that loser.”
Your heart clenches at the mere mention of your ex. The smile on your lip’s falters just slightly, but you quickly regain composure, determined not to show a hint of sadness surface while on vacation with your friends. With a subtle effort, you smooth away the brief flicker of vulnerability, masking it beneath a façade of cheerful resilience. 
You roll your eyes, “Nous verrons.” We’ll see. Your tone carries a hint of mystery as you look back into your magazine, letting the conversation of your friends flow into a different direction.
“Es-tu sûre que tu devrais en prendre unautre?” Are you sure you should have another? Joris says into your ear, making sure you’re able to hear him over the pulse of the music, his arm slung over the back of the booth behind you. You lean into his body, a drunken smile pulled on your lips.
He harbored a slight concern for you. While you were his girlfriend’s best friend, your friendship dated back to childhood, long before his relationship with her, and he held you in high regard. His care for you ran deep, and ever since your break-up, he knows that you haven’t been the same.
“Arrête de t’inquiéter pour moi.” Stop worrying about me. You shove his shoulder gently, before pointing to your best friend on the dance floor. “Inquiéte-toi pour elle.” Worry about her.
You let out a soft laugh as you witness Joris’s eyes widen in surprise at the sight of his girlfriend standing on the stage. With a knowing smile, you begin to slide out of the booth with intent to make your way to the bar, sensing the need for a fresh drink to accompany the unfolding spectacle.
Before you can even slide out of the booth, a fresh drink—scratch that, a refill of your drink, is placed in front of you. Your gaze follows the masculine hand holding the glass, adorned with an expensive watch at the wrist, tracing its path up the arm until your gaze meets Charles’ intense stare. His eyes, dark and captivating, lock onto yours, already filled with questions and a silent understanding.
You slide back over, silently signaling him to sit beside you. As he eases into the spot beside you, the proximity of his body sends a shiver down your spin, the heat radiating from him igniting a primal longing within you. Your bare skin tingles with anticipation as his presence fills the air with an electric charge, a silent dance of desire playing out between you in the dimly lit confines of the booth.
In the midst of the pulsating club music, words between you two remained scarce. Yet, you both found solace in the quiet companionship that enveloped you both. The energy of the club swirled around you, but the warmth of each other’s presence, you felt a profound sense of ease settle, much like a comforting blanket.
It wasn’t unnoticeable to the rest of the friend group. In fact, it was very noticeable. The way you and Charles seemed to find a connection with one another, especially post break-ups. 
It’s not that you were never friends, you just were never as close. So it came as a slight surprise to a few of your friends as they picked up the little changes that were made.
Like when Charles refills your drinks for you. Or when he notices that there is coconut in your meal, which you’re very allergic to, and sends it back to the kitchen. 
Like when you remind him to put on sunscreen, knowing he tends to burn easily. Or when you find yourselves sitting out by the fire at night, long after everyone went to sleep, just talking about the most random things.
“The CGI in that movie was terrible!”
“It’s a classic! You can’t hate a classic!”
“That doesn’t make the CGI better!”
“I’ll have you know I’m a culinary expert.”
“Charles, I’ve known you for forever. Don’t lie!”
“I’m an innovator! Who else could turn pasta into charcoal with such ease?”
No matter the topic at hand, you and Charles always found yourselves engulfed in laughter, the gentle sound filling the air with warmth and camaraderie.
You didn’t want sadness to cloud your vacation, but sometimes emotions have a way of washing over you like relentless waves. One of the evenings, while your friends made plans to dine out, you made the wise choice to stay in. Although you didn’t want to miss out, you felt that you were not in the right mindset to be out with everyone. Some protested your decision, expressing concern, but you assured them that you would be fine on your own and ready to party it up all day tomorrow.
Charles shot you a funny look as he slid his hands into one of his pockets, leaning casually against the kitchen archway. His white linen shirt, barely buttoned and snug against his muscles, accentuated his tan, making it seem even more vibrant against the stark contrast of the fabric. A single glance from him stirred a whirlwind of emotions within you as you perched on the bar-stool chair, clad in nothing but a tiny pair of sleep shorts and a well-worn t-shirt. It was your ex-boyfriend’s shirt, a garment you should have long discarded, but its comfort proved too irresistible to part with. Despite the pang of guilt that tugged at your conscience, you found solace in its familiar embrace, a reminder of the past you couldn’t quite let go of yet.
The villa you currently stayed in was beautiful. Its whitewashed walls and wrought-iron accents blended modern and luxury all in one. Inside, the warm glow of the setting sunbathed the spacious rooms, casting an ethereal orange hue over the abundance of white and wood-colored furniture. As the click of the front door echoed through the villa, the chatter of your friends faded into near silence as they departed for dinner, leaving you alone in complete silence.
You find yourself eventually nestled in the corner of the oversized couch, cocooned in the warmth of a fluffy blanket draped over your body. With the television remote in hand, you flip through the channels, searching for something to capture your interest. Nothing quite grabs your attention, until you stumble upon a cheesy rom-com you’ve seen hundreds of times.
Lost in a trance, you’re oblivious to the world around you, the gentle breeze whispering through the open windows. The creak of the front door opening barely registers, and it’s only when Charles’ silhouette materializes in the archway beside the TV that you snap back to reality. A soft smile tugs at the corners of Charles’ lips as he gazes upon you, nestled comfortably on the couch, wrapped in a cocoon of warmth. His heart skips a beat at the sight of you, at the sight of your eyes looking at him with such softness.
“Que fais-tu de retour?” What are you doing back?
He shrugs nonchalantly, pushing off from the wall’s archway and making his way toward you. With an easy grace, he plops down beside you, propping one leg up on another couch cushion and allowing his shoulder and head to half-lean against you.
You both settle in a comfortable silence, the sound of the movie filling the air around you with a comforting ambiance.
“Penses-tu jamais que tu le surpasseras?” Do you ever think you’ll get over him?
The words send your stomach into a frenzy of somersaults, and a tightness forms in your throat, making it difficult to swallow.
You don’t answer immediately, instead you stare ahead at the television, your fingers fumbling with the fabric of the blanket nervously.
“Je l’espère.” I hope so.
His eyes are solemn as you look at him. “Parfois,” Sometimes. He begins, straightening his posture so he can fully look at you. “I think I’ll never get over her.”
His words hang heavily in the air, and though they sting a bit, you understand. You share the same sentiment.
“Mais toi,” But you. His hand reaches to yours, the one fumbling with your thigh. His eyes dart between both of yours, like he’s struggling to formulate his next words. “You just,” He starts before squeezing your hand in his. “You just make my days feel easier.”
You nod slowly, knowing exactly what he’s trying to say. “My pain, my heartache, just disappears whenever I’m with you.” Your voice is soft as you speak the words. The truth of them daunting.
“Sometimes I just wish I could turn my emotions off.” You say, unwrapping the blanket from your body, so that it only sits underneath you now. “Like I could just fuck someone and move on.”
Charles’ eyes widen slightly as the word ‘fuck’ slips past your lips. He nearly lets out an audible groan, his eyes tracing the contours of your collarbones peeking out from the oversized shirt that slips tantalizingly of your shoulder.
He licks his lips, swallowing a pronounced gulp, as his eyes trail back to your face.
You could feel the tension in the air, like the both of you were considering fucking each other here and now. Charles couldn’t escape the thoughts of spreading you out on the cushions right here, spreading your legs and fucking you with his tongue.
As he locks eyes with you, you feel a flutter in your stomach, your thighs clenching involuntarily as his gaze lingers on your lips. You part your lips to speak, but before you can utter another word, a loud burst of commotion erupts through the front door. No doubt your drunken friends, clamoring for the fire pit.
You and Charles find yourselves in an awkward dance since then. Not too awkward, but the idea of you fucking each other escaped neither of your minds.
It was honestly twisted. The fact that Charles couldn’t stop picturing what you would look like beneath him, what your moans would sound like in his ear. He had fucked his fist twice to the though of you since he even heard the word ‘fuck’ slip past your lips on the couch the other night. It was honestly pathetic.
You couldn’t handle it either it seems. You found your eyes lingering on Charles way longer than necessary. The flex of his muscles as he enjoys a morning workout by the villa’s pool, the small smiles he gives you from across the room, and the small touches he gives as he walks by you has you driving yourself up a fucking wall.
So, when your friends decide to head out for a spa day, you and Charles hang back sitting across from one another a tad too far apart on the outdoor couch for it to be normal. It was as if you needed the space to stop from jumping each other’s bones.
The skimpy red bikini you wore did little to ease Charles’ thoughts. But he couldn’t help but feel grateful for the first time in weeks he isn’t thinking about his ex-girlfriend. No, he’s too engrossed in the idea of fucking you. Hearing your sweet little moans he just knows you would have. Feeling your smooth skin beneath the pads of his fingertips.
Charles could feel himself harden just by glancing at you lounging comfortably on the outdoor couch, the clouds covering the sun engulfing you guys in a moment of shade.
Across the couch from him, you tried to do everything but acknowledge Charles’ longing stare. But you couldn’t. Your body was all tense, in need of a release. 
“Charles, will you—”
Before you could even finish the sentence, Charles was standing over your figure on the couch. His hardened cock visibly noticeable in his short swimsuit. The muscles of his thighs flexed before you, as he visibly gulped at the vision of your breasts spilling out of the top.
“Assieds-toi droit.” Sit up. He murmurs softly, his voice carrying a gentle command as he shifts, prompting you to straighten your posture.
Was this really about to happen? You really hoped so.
It was as if Charles can see the desire in your eyes, answering the question of if you wanted this in his head almost instantly.
“Est-ce que je peux t’embrasser?” Can I kiss you? His thumb toyed with your bottom lip, tracing it as he licked his own.
You nodded your head before his lips pressed down onto yours, capturing them in a sweet embrace. His fingers tangled in your hair, gripping it firmly near your scalp as he deepened the kiss, igniting a surge of warmth and longing between you.
A soft moan escapes your lips as he slips his tongue into your mouth, pressing it hotly against yours. He pulls away for a moment, still standing above your sitting figure, as he takes in your blown out pupils.
“Ça a un gout si doux.” Tastes so sweet. His hand remains in your hair, holding your head in place to look at him. His eyes stare at your sightly swollen lips, a clench of need forming in the pit of his stomach.
He falls to his knees before you on the couch, kneeling between your two legs, as his other hand presses against your chest, forcing you to lean back against the cushions of the couch. The sun peeped through the clouds momentarily, allowing you to drink in the sight of just how light his eyes were.
His thumb grazes your bikini cladded core, rubbing light circles in a teasing manner. The pressure of his thumb wasn’t enough, but it was everything you needed.
He looked at you from between your legs, a smirk on his face like he knew just how crazy he was driving you. It was an image you never wanted to forget. 
“Touch me.” You begged, a breathy moan leaving your lips as his thumb pressed harder onto your swollen clit. 
It was all he needed to hear before sliding your bikini bottoms to the side and shoving his tongue to where you needed him most. The cool air of the outdoors was a stark contrast to the heat you felt between your legs. 
He took his time with you, like he wanted to savor every sweet moan you gave him. His tongue flicked around your clit a few times, before wrapping his lips around it. Your hand slid into his brown locks, slightly lightened form the sun over vacation, and pulled as you rutted your hips against his face.
“Mm, that’s it,” He groaned into your cunt, his words vibrating against you, sending your hips into a faster frenzy. He slipped two fingers into you, lifting his head to watch as you lulled your head back against the cushion and took your hands from his head to your breasts. You stretched the bikini top slightly, until your breasts spilled over the tiny triangles, your nipples already hardened from the need that burned within you.
Charles slipped one hand up to your breasts, taking one of your nipples in between his thumb and forefinger and pinching.
“M’god,” You half-shouted, biting your lip to prevent yourself for being too loud.
“Don’t deprive me from your sweet little moans, yeah?” He pulled his lips off your clit for a few seconds, giving you ample time to look at them glistening in you. You nearly came at the sight of it. 
He dropped his head back between your legs, flicking fast kitten licks to your clit, which had you careening forward with a cry of pleasure.
He sucked hard on your clit, eliciting loud mewls from you that were like a sweet melody to his ears. Charles could feel his cock straining against the tightness of his swim suit, he flexed his hips into the couch before him, in need of some sort of relief. 
He could feel you teetering on the edge of your orgasm, shoving his face deeper into you, his tongue slipping in and out of you at a fervent pace. It hit you hard. Your hips had a mind of their own, as they rode his face, the bony structure of his nose pressing against your clit sending you into a frenzy.
Charles replaced his tongue with his fingers and watched as you came down from your high. His fingers still working you over as he coaxed you through your orgasm, not letting up.
“I knew you would taste like heaven,” He smirks, finally removing his fingers, before slipping them into his mouth, and moaning at the taste of you on his tongue.
You groaned, your pupils blown out as you looked at him, your legs still spread and cunt fully exposed to him and the outside air. 
“Need more,” You practically begged.
“Need my cock, hm?” You nodded, wasted no time in answering. He pushed himself up from his knees, sitting beside you on the couch as he pushed his swimsuit down enough to free his cock. It was hot and heavy in your hands as you reached for it, precum already dripping from its tip.
You straddled his waist, raising up just enough for him to slip his cock into your already saturated core. Your hands grip the back of the couch behind Charles’ head, your fingers clenching it tightly as you take in each inch of him. His hands grip your waist, large fingers sprayed across as he guides your movements over his cock.
The squeeze of your cunt on his cock was better than Charles could ever imagine. The fact that he had to use his fist before you was honestly a punishment compared to this.
“Mon dieu,” My God. You groan as his cock stretches your walls. You waste no time in working yourself over his cock, the pleasure of it too good for you to do it slow. You chased that second orgasm as it teetered on the edge. You were already so close.
“That close already?” His smirk was permanent on his face as he flexed his hips up into you, hitting you deeper than before.
You nodded, soft mewls escaping your lips constantly. It was as if you couldn’t shut up now. His hands grip your hair tightly, pulling your head back to look up at the sky, as he pulls one of your hardened nipples in between his teeth.
You didn’t have time to tell him you were coming again, but the clench of your walls on his cock was enough of a warning for him. Your walls fluttered around him repeatedly, as his name fell softly from your lips followed with a string of curses.
As if he couldn’t hold back his orgasm any longer, he lifted you up off him and placed you to the side, his hot cum spilling over his cock and stomach in stringy spurts. Your body was limp against the cushion, your bathing suit covering nothing.
Still hazy from your climax, you look from the blue cloudy sky to Charles beside you. His eyes were glossy as he smiled, like he was fully content.
“Merci,” Thank you. You said softly, an acknowledgment for him giving you what you mentioned the other night.
He nodded once, giving a small smile as if to say thank you back.
It’s been weeks since you and Charles fucked on the outdoor couch of the vacation villa. You haven’t seen each other much since, not that you expected it. You were thankful it helped you forget about your ex-boyfriend just a little bit more. Like you could bare the idea of meeting other men. Which you were.
You claimed that Charles was a one-time thing. Although it was probably the best sex you’ve ever had, you knew you couldn’t do it again. It was a mutual one-time thing.
So, when you found yourself pressed against the bathroom door of the five-star restaurant, your short little sundress bunched up at your waist, and Charles’ cock buried deep in your cunt, it was a little unexpected. Not completely.
It was hard and quick, nothing but a string of breathy moans between you two as he pressed your chest forward into the door. You both came quickly, your chest flushed red and his cheeks slightly pink as if he just performed a hard workout. 
“Who’s your date?” He asks, the words slip out fast, like he’s trying to act like he doesn’t care.
You furrow your eyebrow for a second, before looking at yourself in the mirror, Charles standing tall behind your figure. “Just met him last night,” You flattened your hair as much as you could to make it seem normal. “I’m trying to get back out there.”
Charles smiles at you, although it seems slightly pained. “Good. Your ex-boyfriend didn’t deserve you.” His words were kind, and it made you smile that he even bothered to say it. 
“I should get back,” You begin, turning to face him. His eyes look at your lips one last time, like he’s contemplating kissing you again. “I’ll see you next week at Joris’s, right?”
He gave you a small nod.
Charles Leclerc is a liar.
Well, a liar when it comes to him saying he doesn’t think about you sexually. The way you feel around his cock. The way your breathy moans turn him on to no end. The way your breasts bounced with each thrust of his cock. The taste of your cunt on his lips. 
He’s a liar if he says he doesn’t fuck his fist almost every night to the thought of you.
But he was also a liar when it comes to him saying he doesn’t think about you not sexually. The way you loved to read trashy magazines, the way you always fidgeted with the rings on your fingers when you were nervous, the way your eyes glowed whenever you laughed. 
So, when Joris mentions you and a new potential boyfriend, he can’t help but feel slightly annoyed at the idea. The clench of Charles’ jaw at the sight of you and this ‘potential boyfriend’ across the yard at baby shower, does not slip past Joris’s eyesight.
“Y a-t-il quelque chose entre vous deux?” Is there something between you two?
Charles clutches the neck of the beer bottle in his fingers, bringing it to his lips, before straying his eyes from you to Joris beside him.
Charles’ eyes gleamed like he didn’t know how to answer this without admitting feelings he hasn’t even admitted to himself. He shook his head. No. Because there wasn’t.
“Vous étiez proches en vacances.” You guys were close on vacation.
It was just a statement, as if he wanted to see Charles’ reaction. Charles didn’t know if Joris was trying to insinuate anything, but Charles didn’t respond. Not as Joris’s girlfriend, your best friend, popped up behind you both, a tray of cupcakes in her hand.
You sat across the yard, deep in conversation with Theo, at one of the many heavily decorated picnic tables. The short purple sundress that adorned your body is a vision of effortless elegance. Delicate straps grace the shoulders, framing your breasts with a feminine charm. The skirt flows gently with every movement, swaying gracefully in the warm breeze.
You both knew it wasn’t anything serious, at least yet, but he had a way of making you smile, nonetheless. Despite only knowing each other for a few weeks and sharing a handful of dates, he made a point to take his time with you. He was considerate, never pressuring you into anything, especially after you had confided in him about your previous messy relationship one night.
“Tu es belle.” You’re beautiful. Theo whispered into your ear, his fingers toying with the fabric at the ends of your dress, resting right above your knees.
You blushed, your cheeks flaring a light shade of red, as you smiled into your lap. You lifted your head slightly, looking across the yard, where your eyes met with Charles. His eyes already watching you with such heat in his eyes it made your stomach do a somersault.
He felt an intense surge of resentment towards the guy who dared to lay his hands on you, his anger boiling as he watched him lean into whisper into your ear. Your cheeks flushed a brilliant shade of crimson under his gaze, betraying the effect of his words.  What could he possibly be saying to you?
It was just his cock you were coming around last week. So, why is this fiery sense of jealousy threatening to consume him entirely?
It didn’t make sense. How could he feel such intense jealousy over someone he never even had a real relationship with? He never even felt this jealous over his ex-girlfriend.
It was just sex.
He told himself repeatedly. It was just sex. But it only made the burn in his chest only grow more.
You were a liar if you said that Charles Leclerc is never on your mind. You were a liar if you said that it was just sex.
Because, for some inexplicable reason, you can’t seem to get Charles Leclerc out of your mind. You remember how he made sure none of your dishes contained coconut, how he bought you those trashy magazines he knew you loved so much, and how he always made sure that you were smiling.
So, when Charles Leclerc stood silhouetted in the doorway of your front door, the moonlight casting a soft glow around him in the middle of the night, you couldn’t help but feel your heart skip a beat.
You took note of his hair in disarray, as if he had run his hands through it a dozen times, and the soft grey sweats that hung loosely on his hips. The taut muscles of his arms peeked out against the seams of the black t-shirt he wore. 
“Je n’arrête pas de penser à toi.” I can’t stop thinking about you. He utters the words with a look of anguish etched on his face, each step carefully navigating around your figure as he stands in the foyer of your apartment, a space he’s been in countless times over the years. But never alone. Never without friends.
You close the door and turn to look at him, not realizing just how close he was to you. “It’s like you,” he begins but freezes, taking a step closer toward you. You take a step back, the tight tank top you wore did little to hide your hardened nipples from the cold air, and your back hit the front door. “It’s like you possess every thought I have. Every single thought. You. You. You.”
You sucked in a breath as you looked into his eyes, more darkened than normal, almost as if he was angry at you.
“Qu’est-ce que tu m’as fait?” What did you do to me? His fingers trail up your arm to your collarbones, a trail of goosebumps following in their wake.
You gulp audibly, your lips slightly parted from the feel of his fingertips on your skin for the first time in weeks. You struggle to find the words until Charles is pleading.
He laughs slightly sarcastic, like he can’t believe this is happening to him. “I even bought those trashy magazines that you like so much, a whole stack of them at my place, because I cannot get you out of my fucking head.”
“Dit moi, it’s not just me.” Tell me.
You would be a liar if you said it’s just him. Your hands trail up to his shoulder, your fingers squeezing them in comfort as you stare into his eyes. His breaths getting heavier as your fingers trail his t-shirt classes skin, like he was yearning for it so much, like it burned him.
“It’s not just you.”
He doesn’t give you time to say much more, not until his lips are crashing down onto yours again. Like he couldn’t last one more second without your lips pressed to his.
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pien-art · 9 months
Hello! I've gained a whole bunch of followers lately and I've been getting a lot of questions about commissions, what my setup is, what brushes I use, etc, so I thought I'd make a post about it to answer everyone's questions at once !
Putting them under the cut <3
Commission prices are listed in my pinned post. You can send me a private message about your commission idea and we can get to talking :) It is helpful to have enough references handy (character, outfit, descriptions etc)
I am generally a fast drawer but I also have a job and a physical disability so there might be moments I can't work on your commission. But that is never longer than a few days at most.
Payment is upfront, the full amount and via paypal only. I know this might seem a bit scary but unfortunately there are a lot of people who end up not paying for commissions and I want to avoid that.
During the process I will send you frequent updates and will ask for input, to see if it is going in the direction you want. You can ask for changes during the sketching progress but once I've started on line-art and coloring, no big changes will happen. (You can for example ask for a different color for a shirt etc, but not for a different prop or pose or expression)
When it is completed, I will send the drawing to you via email. The drawing will remain mine and it is not to be sold or profited of by the person who commissioned me. If the commission is for something commercial/for selling, that needs to be discussed. I prefer to do drawings only for personal use!
For more questions, my dms/asks are open :)
How long have I been doing digital art:
I've been drawing digitally for about 5 years now i think? But before that I've been drawing and painting traditionally literally since the moment I could pick up a pencil.
It's just me and my ipad and apple pencil laying on my bed. I wouldn't even know where to begin for those whole multi-monitor/screen setups ;-; I draw only with Procreate
I tend to play with different brushes from time to time to get different textures, but generally i use the same few for most of my drawings/styles. My favorite one is the Peppermint Brush, for sketching. I use it in every drawing i make! I always sketch with it, and often do the line-art with it as well! And it makes for a nice textured brush for rendering as well! (i used it for a lot of rendering of the armor in this drawing)
The (procreate) brushes i use a lot are
for medieval style: inking - Ink Bleed (for line-art) artistic - Quoll (for coloring)
for general style: calligraphy - Chalk (coloring/rendering) sketching - Peppermint (line-art/sketching)
for realism: calligraphy - Shale Brush (full rendering) Also using the shale brush for smudging and erasing when drawing realistic
for lineart: smooth pencil from this pack by Heygiudi
How/why do you choose a base color:
I tend to look at a few different things when deciding on a base color/color palette.
the overall color of the reference pic
the color i associate with who or what i am drawing
the feeling/vibe i want to give off with that drawing
color has a BIG impact on the vibe of a drawing, so it is something i keep in mind when im drawing.
Using a color as a base to start, helps a lot with my drawing process. It helps me pick out other colors so they match better. It helps me get light/dark values right. And the chalk brush i use, has gaps between the strokes, so the base color will always come through a little. Having the same color come through in the entire drawing, helps pull all the colors together if that makes sense? I always start with a solid base color when i am painting traditionally as well!
PRACTICE!!! just keep drawing and practice. I know this is such generic advice but truly practice is The Way. Learn from other artists but don't compare yourself to them. Everyone's artistic journey is different and there's no "good" or "bad". And most importantly make sure that you have fun when you're making stuff :3
I also learn a lot by studying art I admire and love. Figuring out what it is I like about it. (for example, the line thickness or the shapes or texture etc), and try to incorporate that in my own style in a way that is not directly copying or stealing.
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kteezy997 · 2 months
Daddy's Boy-Part Eight
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warnings: smut, brief handjob, unprotected sex, needy sex, dirty talk, cursing, reader getting overheated during sex, tit sucking
You were placed down onto the plush cushion of the expensive couch; Timmy was on top of you. His lips brushed over yours, needy and fiery. You wanted to be sure that this was real, and not another dream. You touched him all over, feeling his back, his shoulders, his arms, and weaving your fingers into his hair. You knew the texture of his curls well.
Softly, he would push his hips against you, between your legs where he nestled himself. He kneaded your hips and the outside of your thighs. He moaned into the crook of your neck. He kissed your collarbone and left little pecks across your chest. You uttered out a soft moan. You felt him smile against your skin.
"I'm sorry to just drop by like this..." you said with Timmy sucking on your neck, "I just wanted to be with you. I need you. I don't care about anything else right now."
"No," he answered, "don't be sorry. I'm so fucking happy you're here." He took ahold of your jaw, kissing you with a hunger you had never known before. "I need you too." he said in a breathy whisper.
You felt him rubbing himself against you. It was like he was fucking you already. He moved his hips desperately, as if you weren't burdened by clothing.
"We need these off." he declared, unbuttoning your pants, hurriedly.
You took it upon yourself to help him take his jacket off in between him pulling your pants off each of your legs. You tossed his jacket aside, then made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt. You put your hands on his bare abdomen, and Timmy freed himself from the shirt sleeves.
His skin was as soft as it ever was, but he was a little thicker now, and more muscular. It had been over three years since you'd been intimate with him, and he was bound to change as he got older. He'd also filmed Dune: Part Two, which required a lot of strength and athleticism on his part. He looked incredible. Looking at his body made your mouth water.
You heard his shirt hit the floor, and his lips were on you again. He ran his hands down your body, skimming over your legs. He parted your thighs, and you shuddered as you heard his fly open. He shifted a tiny bit, to push his pants down further. You looked down and saw him. His cock was hard, and you so badly wanted it inside of you.
You caught his cock in your grasp, Timmy moaned softly. He looked into your eyes; his curls tried hiding his own. You pumped his length for a few seconds, making him say, "Yeah just like that, baby." under his breath. You removed your hand only to moisten it with your tongue. You grabbed his cock again, but this time giving it a gentle tug, enough to pull Timmy on top of you.
He chuckled, "Damn, you're as desperate as I am." He leaned down to kiss you again, letting his cock rest between your folds. In a devilish attempt to tease you, he rocked his hips, making his tip glide of your clit. He moaned in your mouth as your body tensed against him. He knew what he was doing.
You took a hold of his hair, pulling and making him groan in pain, but pleasure took over as his cock entered you. You moaned together in unison. He slid in slowly, sinking all the way to his balls, deep inside you. You loved feeling so full. You imprisoned him, tucking your legs around his waist.
Timmy hissed between his teeth as he felt your walls clenching him. Sinful wet sounds filled the air. You put your arms around his neck. The two of made out, moaning like animals in heat.
His thighs slapped against you, and he held your arms down to fuck you hard. The pleasure was overwhelming, you were hot and couldn’t catch your breath.
“Timmy, stop, please stop for second.”
He stilled himself, looking in your eyes, “Do you need me to pull out? Are you okay?” he petted your hair.
“No, no. Keep it in. Feels good. I just need a minute to breathe.”
“Okay.” he whispered, keeping still, not getting too close so you could get air. He gently pushed your hair out of your face, brushing it away.
You inhaled, filling your lungs with air and regaining your breath. “Okay. I’m okay.”
“You’re sure?” Timmy asked, his eyebrows raised.
“Yes, I’m sure.” You grabbed his face, kissing him hard.
His noises were intoxicating to you. You nearly came by just watching him hold you down and buck into you. His chest and ab muscles flexing as his cock pumped in and out. He looked down between you, moaning, “Ughh-ha.”
You felt his cock leave your pussy, you moaned in anticipation of its return.
He watched his cock plop onto your folds, like he was amazed, "Fuck, you're so wet, you turn me on so much."
You pulled him by the waist, forcing his cock back in you.
Timmy was in sync with you, moving his hips as soon as he was in your pussy again. He bit his lip, "I've been thinking about you a lot." he whispered, hovering just above your face.
You caressed his face with your hand. You were ready to admit everything, “Me too. I had a dream about you the night you stayed over."
His eyes widened, "Really? You should have told me." He paused, now it was him caressing your cheek, "I would have made it come true." he shook his head, softly thrusting his cock in and out, "Fuck, I should have just gone to your room."
You placed your hands on his ass, "Yes." then you pushed him deeper inside your pussy, grunting, you added, "Maybe you should have."
He made an animalistic noise, his entire face scrunched up intensely. He understood what you needed in that moment, and he thrusted faster and harder, holding you tighter.
"Oh my- Yes! Yes! Timmy...fuck." you cried, running our hands through his hair, feeling the dampness on his scalp as he had been coated in sweat.
"Fuck." he breathed out, not stopping, but he pulled your shirt up over your breasts. You weren't wearing a bra, as you were just relaxing at home before this. You felt the cool air on your breasts, your nipples got hard instantly. He leaned down, taking a tit in his mouth as if you had milk in there and he was dying of thirst.
"Ahhh." you moaned. You muttered his name over and over.
Timmy held your breasts in his hands, sucking each one, licking around the bud, flicking his tongue over your nipples, making you writhe with pleasure, and buck your own hips against him.
You took the Lord's name in vain once more, and added, "I'm gonna come." you were panting like a whore.
Timmy moved back kneeling and sitting back on his knees, know he could still see your face, but also watch his cock wreck your pussy. He was hot, sweaty, he winced, "I think about this every night. I've fucking missed this. Come for me, love."
With a loud moan, you whined, "I wanna come on your cock, Timmy!” and your body convulsed, you felt your cum spirting out on his cock, probably getting everywhere, but you were too in a daze to notice.
Timmy let out a deep, guttural moan, pulled his cock out, dripping in your arousal and cum mixed together. With just a couple of pumps of his hand, ropes of his sperm were sprayed onto your stomach, creating several puddles. He leaned against the back of the couch draining his cock of every drop, slowly jerking it.
You both stayed in place, catching your breaths.
Timmy got on top of you, obviously not caring about the cum he was smearing between your bodies. "I'll make love to you in bed properly the next time, I promise." He almost sounded sorry about the hasty fuck on the couch. He gave you a chaste kiss and intertwined his fingers into yours.
"Hmm." you cooed, smiling at him. "That's fine. Or maybe I'll just break the couch while I'm riding you."
He shook his head, hardly believing the words coming out of your mouth, but he was loving it. "Fuck, yes please." he replied, pulling you into a more passionate kiss.
He made good on his promise, and you made love in his cozy, King-sized bed; naked and totally vulnerable to one another under his luxurious bedsheets. Slow movements, with sweet kisses and soft whispers into your ear. “I’m so happy to be with you.” he’d say, or “My baby momma is so beautiful.” along with, “Your pussy feels like heaven, just like I remember."
You didn't know you could feel this happy. Not since being apart from him. Timmy made everything so much brighter and warmer, just like his son did. You felt so loved and desired, which was a feeling you didn't know if you'd ever get to indulge in again.
You slept so soundly, not waking during the night at all. You were all wrapped up in his arms, you felt safe and comfy as you fell asleep to the sound of him breathing.
The morning after when you woke up, fresh dark roasted coffee was the first thing that came to your senses. You saw the sun shining and the birds chirping outside Timmy's bedroom window, and you felt so peaceful as you woke. He brought a mug with steam coming out of the top and sat it on the bedside table next to your head. It smelled absolutely divine.
Divine was also the way you would describe him at that moment. Shirtless with gray sweats on his bottom half that left nothing to the imagination, and his hair was still messy from last night. You made a mental note to comb your fingers through his curls to refresh them and make them look a little better. But then again, Timmy always looked great, even disheveled.
You made no attempt to hide the smirk on your face as you checked him out, sitting up and grabbing your coffee from the nightstand.
"Don't look at me like that." he said. He was leaning slightly with his hand on the top of the table.
"I'm not looking at you in any special way. That's how I always look when someone brings me coffee." you teased, grinning at him before bringing the warm mug up to your lips, careful not to burn yourself as you took a sip.
"If I catch you looking at a barista that way, you're in trouble." Timmy replied, standing straight then bending to kiss you on the forehead. "I laid out some pajamas for you to put on, so get to it, and bring your coffee. I wanna show you something."
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @lixzey @bitchyunknownuser @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @mel-vaz @thatoneweirdgirl17 @iwishchalamet @jindongdongie @elloise0 @rennyd26 @briefkittenearthquake @that-one-fangirl69 @sammy-halpert
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evelyn-art-05 · 5 months
i am so in love with how you draw fabric! all the colors! it’s stunning. would you be willing to share some of your process?
Of course!! :]
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First off, start with a flat color (we're going with yellow), and then using a slightly more saturated and darker color, make a gradient on your clothing going from the bottom up. I prefer to use the Tamar painting brush in procreate for this!
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Next, take a pencil brush (or whatever brush you prefer, I used the 6B pencil in procreate) and using that same darker color, block in your darkest areas. Don't worry about being perfect! Take another more saturated color, this time only Slightly darker than your base, and block in the rest of your shaded areas. This will give you clothing item more depth! Be sure that you know what direction your lighting is coming from!
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Now, we neaten things up! Use a blending brush (I use the Stucco paint brush) to soften the edges of areas where the lighting is softer, and take your pencil brush and neaten up any areas you would like. This can also involve adding lighter spots like I did, using the base color in the gradient area.
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Now into reflective lighting! This is assuming that the clothing is reflecting light from objects around it. If it isn't, you can really just add a bit of warm blue, and be done with this step. If it is, take some warm blue and, using a textured brush (Tamar brush for me), lightly brush it over your main shaded areas! I am going to demonstrate reflective lighting with a more intense lighting, so if you're looking for that, take a brighter, highly saturated color and place it on the Edges of your darkest shading spots. With clothing, if it is thin enough, light will pass through to shaded areas, casting a more warm and satured hue.
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For the actual brighter light, make another layer above your color layer and turn it to an Add/Addition layer. Using your base clothing color and a textured brush (Tamar) just lightly go over the spots that get the most light! It will seem very bright, so turn the opacity for that layer down to 35%, or adjust it however you like!
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captain-mj · 8 months
I’m on my hands and knees BEGGING you for a stripper au 🙇🙇🙇🙇
Of course!! I've been dying to make one of these!!
Soap should not be here. He's a college professor for fuck's sake. He makes decent money but it's the principle of the things. Why would he go to a strip club when he could go to the bar and actually go home with someone?
But it was what his friends had invited him to do and he went along with it.
He tried not to overthink his clothing or the chances of him seeing any of his students there.
Soap ordered a scotch and tried to find somewhere to sit. It was a mixed club with men and women. It seemed... a little seedy despite the more expensive feeling of the place. Something about the entire thing felt off. He brushed off his feelings, blaming Catholic judgement for it.
Chuy had amassed a group of men and women around him to listen to his cryptid facts. He occasionally passed them money so they were making something but they were also choosing to stay next to him.
Gaz was staring at Chuy, trying to understand how he managed to do that.
Alejandro had disappeared... somewhere.
Soap took a sip of his drink, liking it at least. He doubted it was anything too fancy but it did the job just fine.
Pretty people went past him. Some flirted or tried to get him to take a lap dance, but he wasn't interested. They were nice, but not really his type. Nor did he want to blow a bunch of money just for the sake of it.
Soap found a place to sit where he could watch the stage, trying to see where everyone had disappeared to.
There was someone his type. Tall. Dressed in black. Broad shoulders and burly chest. Makeup all around his eyes. Pretty eyeliner.
The man, Ghost if his name tag meant anything, looked more like a bouncer than a stripper. But he was shirtless with just a mask and tight pants and he was eyeing Soap.
Big doe brown eyes staring into him, silently asking if he wanted his attention.
Soap was very happy there was an ATM nearby. With a confidence that was very much faked, he motioned for him to come over.
Ghost walked over. He didn't bat his eyelashes or immediately straddle him. He just stood between Soap's legs and looked down at him, almost like he inconvenienced him.
Soap put a twenty in Ghost's pocket and that look melted away, replaced with something much nicer.
"You look lonely."
Fucking Brits. Of course he was British. That didn't change that Soap's body had a visceral reaction to his voice.
"It's cause I am. Come to give me some company?"
Ghost laughed at him. It made Soap shrink back and his cheeks flushed. If anything though, it made him a little harder in his jeans. "You're cute. Name?"
Soap looked down his body, admiring the hard muscle and the slightly softer stomach. His hands fidgeted. "Soap."
"You can touch. And my name is Ghost."
Soap was immediately all over him. He'd like to use his mouth but that would be a little much in such a public area.
It would occur to him in exactly six hours that one of the biggest rules about strip clubs is you don't touch the dancer. And that Ghost had not let anyone else touch him that night. That would be in six hours though and right now, he was just marveling at the scarring along Ghost's body.
They were impossible to see with the club lighting, but he could feel them under his fingertips. The texture similar to a scar he had on his hand from dropping a knife.
He squeezed his eyes tight and gripped Ghost's sides. Ghost's hand grabbed his chin and made him look up. Dark eyes inches from his face.
"You alright, love?"
Soap shoved more money into Ghost's hands. "How much for a private dance?"
"I don't usually do those."
Soap must've looked distressed because Ghost, the saint, took pity on him. "Fine. How much do you have?"
"Three hundred dollars."
"I'll give you an hour."
Soap nodded and followed him excitedly. He didn't miss Ghost's amused glance.
The man grabbed the pole, slowly spinning around it as he watched Soap sit down. "You're adorable."
Soap blushed more and dropped his money at Ghost's feet. "Going to lose the mask?"
"You don't want me to. Trust me." Ghost jumped up and spun faster, suspending himself and expose his chest more.
"You ugly under there?"
"Quite the opposite."
"Worried I'll fall in love with you?"
"Absolutely." Ghost spun around slowly and arched his back. "Can't have you following me home, vying for me attention."
Soap felt himself getting hard. His body moved with such fluidity and grace that it was hard to not think of how it would feel to be underneath him. To have Ghost grabbing his hips. Would he prefer to be on top or bottom? He was more than happy either way. As long as those fucking abs were pressed against him, he could live with it.
Ghost crossed over to him and straddled him. He was so much bigger. So much fucking bigger. "Your hands go below my belt and I'll get you banned."
"Yes, sir."
"I like sir."
"Anything you want, sir." Soap smiled at him and put his hands on Ghost's waist. He ground down on him, the pressure against his body making him half crazy. His hips jerked up and Ghost paused, glaring.
"Don't move."
Soap took a deep breath and nodded. Ghost started to move again, letting Soap get a good look on him. It was so easy to imagine less clothing. God, he'd bankrupt himself to have Ghost riding him like this. His pants had slid down to see his v-line.
Soap slid his hands further up and touched his throat. Ghost purred and pressed in harder. "You're a pretty guy, you know that?"
Soap blushed more. "Thank you, sir."
Ghost stood up and trailed his hands between Soap's thighs, so tempting. Was he actually going to?? To touch?? him?? He was hoping for a lot here but his hands were getting so close.
Gaz knocked quickly. "Hey, Johnny, we gotta go. Right now. We're getting kicked out. Alejandro flirted a little too much with his favorite stripper."
Soap felt his heart sink. "Wai-"
Ghost stood up and fixed his pants. "Oh. You're Vargas's friend?"
Soap cringed. "Ah. Is that a bad thing?"
"Get out."
Soap moped the entire night, being extra mean to Alejandro for ruining that for him.
"I think I just missed the love of my life."
"He was a stripper. He just wanted your money." Chuy pointed out. He was currently washing the phone numbers off his arm. All of them were glaring at him.
Soap went to bed and maybe cried a little. Just a little. He refused to be that heartbroken over a guy he met for five minutes. His dick was heartbroken though.
Fucking Vargas.
He couldn't blame him too much. It was Rodolfo he had been flirting with. Those two had been chasing each other for ages and now Alejandro just blew as much money on him as he could until he ran out and Rodolfo kicked him out for it.
Soap crawled out of bed that day and went to work. He passed all of his colleagues, still thinking of those dark eyes and gorgeous body.
"Professor MacTavish." One of his colleagues greeted him as he passed.
Soap froze and turned around. Dark eyes. Gorgeous body. Ginger hair.
Professor Riley, someone Soap barely interacted with, stood there. Cardigan wrapped around him. He wore a medical mask thanks to self proclaimed "hideous" scarring.
Ghost looked at him. "Yes, MacTavish?"
Ghost tilted his head, looking confused. "Something wrong?"
Soap shook his head. "No..."
Ghost nodded and turned away to keep making his tea.
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stonedstargazer666 · 2 months
Stoned Head cannon
So this is gonna be based kinda off of a couple of pictures I saved from twitter and here on good ole Tumblr, earlier this month. well my collection keeps getting larger...Anywho.. Yes, I am baked outta my gourd, this is just gonna be raw writing and I have sat long and hard about this. I'm sorry if I don't tag anything correctly. i'm zooted. Fem terms used. NSFW under photos. (DNI: If the thought of getting your BC messed with if your taking it orally messes with you. )
Ok so you're dating Vessel, right? You get along with the others really well. you bring out a side of them that Vessel rarely sees. Which is fine dandy and wonderful. If it weren't for the fact that the boys are seemingly testing the boundaries with you. Light touches that could easily be brushed off as accidental, brushing the hair out of your face with lingering touches.
Well Vessel sees you just brushing it off, you're confident enough to tell them to back off sure. Brushing their hand away, giving them a glare, or flipping them off with a laugh. You're absolutely loyal to Vessel, perfectly devoted the both of you would say. But gosh, if Vessel didn't want to absolutely claim you. Sure, you two have your fun regularly, but you were on the pill. He didn't know how to bring that up to you, on one hand he loved that you were stern about your health and just wasn't ready for kids.
BUT on the other hand, when you take your placebo week, you get emotional over videos of babies laughing and giggling till they can't breath. Vessel see's how you coo at your phone while laying in bed, earbud in or over ear headphones depending on the vibe you had. listening to the sweet shrieks of laughter, he listens to you talk to yourself how your friend's baby is so cute, when they post pictures. It was a monthly habit that drove him up the wall. Until he read about activated charcoal, and the dangers of it messing with oral birth control... Oh.. well this could be useful information. He better read up on that... ya know just in case....
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(NSFW content ahead, continue if you dare)
Now that he has learned about the activated charcoal, he thought that would be perfect. He had been meaning to try out a different way of painting his body. You liked it when he wore the paint in the bedroom, who was he to deny his sweet little dove? On stage it was the normal body paint, but lately in the bedroom...the texture of the paint felt different on your tongue....or...or did it always feel that grainy? You vocalize your concern in a needy whimpering voice, feeling your own hot breath bounce off of his neck. Tongue halfway pressed against the pulse point of his throat.
Vessel rumbles a deep throaty laugh, assuring you that yes it has. for the last month It had. Vessel would hide and put the water activated charcoal on his throat, fingers, hands, chest. ALL of your favorite places to lick, suck on, worship. Mentally Vessel reveled in the fact that he was messing with your birth control. You would be a wonderful mum, and the boys...oh the boys would know who you belonged to. two birds one stone really. But you didn't know this, you didn't need to know that little fact. HE prayed and thanked God that nothing had changed over the past month, nothing that would arise suspicion of what he was doing... The sound of you greedily choking and trying to swallow around his fingers brings him out of his thoughts. He takes a moment to take in the pretty sight. you on the bed, ass up, face down cause you're a good girl yeah? Yeah ,you are, tilting your head to the side. your tongue lavishing his long fingers.
He coos at how pretty you are. A pure work of art, taking his fingers into your mouth so willingly, while also taking him so perfectly into your drooling sex. Vessels eyes zero in on your convulsing throat, moaning audibly feeling you successfully swallow around his fingers without choking or gagging. Oh such a good girl you are, He praises. As you swallow the charcoal, bringing you one step closer to being claimed and owned by him inside and out. With that thought in mind. Vessel pulls his fingers out of your throat. Reaching around to wipe them right over your womb, the striking black pops against your pink warm skin. Almost like a promise, Vessel flips you over onto your back. slowly...so deliciously slowly does he show you what his new healed piercing is capable of. Oh now you really feel it, and you clench hard. Vessel watches the moment you succumb to his slow deep ministrations. He takes a quick moment to make a mental note to thank IVy for the suggestion. Who knew that a Jacobs ladder would be just utter heaven. Vessels thrusts start getting sloppy, and rougher. his hands gripping the fat of hips with a bruising force. His hips stutter as you beg so prettily through tears and desperate moans for him to come inside.
Oh how you sang little dove, your voice cracking as you scream his name. BEgging him to come, your voice is delirious. It's pure unadulterated music to his ears, He slams into you one more time, rutting into your poor bullied cunny, grinding against your swollen nub just right. Your climax hits, your back arching off the bed as you hopelessly grind and roll your hips. Vessel soaks in the sight of the pure pleasure on your face, as he grinds deeper. Seeing a faint bump in your pretty tummy, just underneath the black streaks he left there earlier...
He cums hard, and so much. Poor man, must have been so pent up... but Gods does feel so fucking good to feel his release overflowing, and dripping. But you still whimpered softly about feeling so full Vessel stared at the marking he left, it looked ever so slightly rounder. He wonders if he could maybe talk you into getting it tattooed. Just for him. He slowly pulls out, whispering praises, telling you what a perfect girl you are, gently rubbing your sides. Waiting for you to come down from wherever you floated off too during your climax. Once your breathing evened out to his liking, he got up. Disappearing, just to come back with a soft warm wet wash cloth. Gently cleaning you up, taking a quick picture of the marks. For later reference of course. Then wiping them away, reverently. After cleaning you both, he throws on black sweat pants. Then lovingly wraps you in your favorite soft blanket. The soft sigh you let out lets him know your relaxing, and are comfortable. He picks you up, cradling you close to his warm chest. Walking out to the common area to sit with you in his lap. Showing the other three, that he was the only one that held your heart.
And wouldn't you know it? three weeks later, you tell Vessel that you've been feeling quite strange... Like a weird stomach bug, cause you've been so nauseous lately.... But don't worry, Vessel assures you, you'll start feeling better soon. Just let him take care of you...
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AITA for lying about my hair routine?
So, I (25F) don't have a lot of things that I am proud of, appearance wise. But the one thing i AM proud of is my hair. I have these, like, really soft and pillowy brown curls. Like, big fluffy 3A-3B ringlets.
My hair has always been curly, but I was bullied and harassed as a kid for it because I am the only person in my family with curly hair. As such, no one knew how to help me take care of it, so I'd have people both in and outside of my family telling me that I looked like a slob, that I looked lazy, that I looked like I'd just rolled out of bed, etc.
My hair WAS frizzy and messy, but whenever I tried to do something about it, I'd have people tell me I was just trying to be special, and that I knew it looked better straight, so I should just get over it and do the thing that I knew would make it look good. I grew up in Mormon country, so the pressure to look "professional and respectable" (read: conventionally attractive, thin, and white) was very heavy. I either straightened my hair or put it in a tight braid for about a decade before finally going to a curly hairdresser, having her cut it all off and starting fresh some 4 years ago.
Now that the damaged hair is fully gone and I know how to take care of it all, my curls are flourishing. I can't go anywhere without someone complimenting them. It's really lovely.
Now to the part where I might be an asshole. A lot of the people I grew up with (family, my mom's friends, people that go to my parent's church) have also noticed my hair, and are always asking me about my routine.
Now that the natural hair movement has sort of taken off, suddenly the women that got on my case about looking "lazy" and "ratty" and "homeless" all want curls, even if (especially if, in a lot of cases) they don't have a naturally curly hair texture.
Like my mom, for example, has had thick, gorgeous straight hair her entire life--like, it could barely hold a curl even if you used an iron and gelled that shit in place. And she was always complimented for it! But now that the women on her instagram page are showing off their curly girl methods, it's the only thing she can think about, and she talks about how jealous she is of my hair all. The. Time.
So, it usually goes like this. Someone I know compliments my hair and asks me about my routine. I try to laugh it off, then they ask for products, and I tell them that I just use normal head and shoulders shampoo from walmart. They ask me what method I use, I say that I just wash it, sleep on it, then brush it out in the morning--the same routine they always told me to use as a kid. And they seethe, because that's what they've BEEN doing, and it clearly isn't getting the same results. And I just go "well, I guess it has more to do with your natural texture :)" and move on.
I told my sister about this, and she told me I was being an asshole--that these ladies have moved on from their weird prejudice, so I should let it go and explain what I do and why it probably wouldn't work for them. I know it's petty. I know the nice thing to do would be to explain how my hair texture works and so on. But I take a lot of satisfaction in watching these women be jealous of something that they used to shame me for, so I'm okay with being petty. I guess I know I'm an asshole, but am I justified in it?
What are these acronyms?
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sexdykes · 10 months
tips for brushing teeth regularly
i have struggled with brushing my teeth regularly for a while now but i have recently gotten better at doing it a couple times a week now instead of like, once a month, and i figured i should share some things that helped me.
generally speaking, the reason why someone isnt brushing their teeth will fall into one of the following categories:
not liking the taste
not liking the texture
not enough stimulation during the task
lack of spoons
its a good idea to try to identify which of the categories you fall into. i am mostly forgetfulness but the others are mixed in there too. they also often overlap quite a bit
forgetfulness/lack of spoons
not every one of these tips will work for both, but a lot of them overlap enough that i figured it may aswell be one category for the sake of brevity
try keeping your toothbrush in your shower or next to your bed or somewhere that you are likely to see it and have time to use it. i have three toothbrushes in different places in my house
incorporating brushing my teeth into my shower routine has really really helped me ( i mention it a bunch, sorry in advance)
allow yourself to brush your teeth at any time of the day, not just when you "should" be. brushing your teeth at 1pm before lunch is better than not brushing your teeth at all
if they help, set alarms reminding you to do it
i keep a set of those floss/toothpick combos next to my bed that i use whenever i am watching a youtube video or something which is especially good when ive missed a couple days
if you have housemates that youre willing to ask, see if you can brush your teeth with them
easier said than done, but try not to beat yourself up when you dont brush your teeth. youll just start to associate it with that bad feeling
there are starting to be some fun flavors of toothpaste, its worth trying to get one that you like the taste of
if you cant find one that you like the taste of, dry-brushing is better than nothing
brushing in the shower helps really rinse out your mouth properly so you no longer taste any toothpaste (otherwise i usually have to keep going back to the sink every two seconds)
if you can stand it, mouthwash is your friend
experiment with different kinds of brushes or toothpaste as some brushes are softer/tougher and some toothpastes froth more or less
if you cant do toothbrushes at all, using your finger is absolutely okay, or wet cloth of some kind
both taste/texture
try to find a way to scrape off buildup on your teeth. like i already mentioned, I keep floss next to my bed and that is quite helpful when trying to scrape stuff off. a cloth would also work i imagine
general tips
try watching something or listening to something while brushing your teeth
dont be afraid to get silly with it!
get a fun toothbrush! they are usually advertised to young kids and so might be a little small for your mouth but a toothbrush is a toothbrush!
same for fun toothpaste! and mouthwash!
i saw someone talk about how they got 7 different flavors of toothpaste to have a different kind every day of the week
if you can, try to leave the toothpaste in your mouth for as long as possible (without swallowing it of course)
if you can, use mouthwash!
i know that it is super hard to do sometimes, but brushing your teeth is so important.
if you have any tips of your own please share them!
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spacelandz · 1 year
SO! You've seen these little things I do sometimes and you want to know the process!
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It's genuinely super simple, so here goes! Apologies by the way if anything is unclear or glossed over. A lot of this is personal taste and such so I hope this can be a nice boost to create something!
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To preface this little guide already assumes you have basic knowledge of color distribution, lineless art, or breaking up art into proper layers for later processing! I am also assuming that your art program has access to scatter brushes and tiling textures. Personally I use Clip Studio Paint, but this can work on other apps. Anyways, here are some good sites for this:
EZGIF - Free, easy gif maker for assembling any kind of gif*! It also has stuff like converting those damn WEBP's back into png.
Transparent Textures - Free to use source for HQ transparent textures that tile! Amazing for finding a paper texture for these if you commit to the paper doll look. Best results for textures that are in white or black!
So! You have a finished, prepared piece that you want to glitterfy. Well I'm not covering that right now so you can scroll down to That part if you came just for the glitter. This next section is for...
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To start, your piece should already be separated into respective layers in any order you'd like! We're about to use a ton of clipping masks so Make sure you know your program before starting! So, as my example we have my oc Roy, resized to around... 1500x1500 or the nearest equivalent Smaller is better because it brings out the texture! He looks a little ah...Flat, though right now?
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I'm using this guy for a couple different reasons! Those being:
Roy has translucent bodyparts! Just so you will know what to do with characters who are translucent! I'll get to this in a moment so sit tight
He has a clear, defined, and distinct palette that is easy to pick a color to slap the glitter on! This is important because I personally find balance to be the most appealing part of the finished art.
He also just has a lot of doohickeys on his design.
This is where you need your transparent texture! You can use any kind of texture and I encourage experimentation and such, but I personally use a simple paper texture. What we are going to do is go through and clip our imported and tiled texture to each applicable layer! (Make sure to just Copy and Paste the layer you do NOT need to repeatedly go through this menu...)
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And... When you are done, you should have something like this:
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"But why don't I just clip the texture to the entire piece through a folder? Why go through the hassle of clipping to each individual layer?"
Well that's because of the next step, where we will be adding the shadows. If we don't clip each individual layer, your shadows will look like this example on the left which sort of just ruins the 3D effect and kinda just looks icky, as opposed to this, which is nicer and smoother.
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Now I'm no lighting wiz! In fact I'm rather mediocre at best but some general tips for adding the shadows:
Try to keep your shadows going all in one direction mostly! It gives the effect of one light source and generally just looks better than if you shaded around ALL edges everywhere.
Try to only shade where there are parts overlapping that need the dimension! Overdoing it can make the piece look odd. It's especially helpful to separate any details like different shades of hair, layers of hair, etc so that you can put as much volume as you want.
Once the shadows are all added in you should have something that looks like this:
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Which looks good! Now I'd sometimes stop here if I can't pinpoint how I'd like the glitter to sit or if I think the piece just doesn't need it, but we're moving on to the big important steps!
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This part is entirely up to your taste! But I'll describe how I do my glitter stuff. Firstly I start out by identifying which color I want to pop out. For Roy here I chose the red parts! For your character it may be different. Experimentation is key!
This is also, however where you need that scatter brush I mentioned earlier. Personally I just use the default CSP spray brush, but again go wild!
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Make a folder above your piece, set its blending mode to glow dodge (or add, or add glow depending on what options you have), and create three layers inside of this folder. Setting the folder to clip is optional right now but will be needed later.
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Then, fill each glitter layer with your choice of particle in whatever color looks good! Yes, you can do gradients and other stuff on the particles too! World's your oyster.
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^ Unclipped example of a glitter layer.
Glitter tips for the early 2000's webcore enthusiast:
Use different strokes and patterns for the glitter distribution! This helps it animate better by moving around. For example this time I went diagonally for the first, horizontally for the second, and then in loose circles for the third. Particle density and stuff is also completely up to you.
Use a color that would pop against the intended area! For Roy I used an orange-ish yellow since it compliments both blue and red.
So now we have the layers! This is where clipping is our best friend once again! You're just going to go in and clip the glitter to whatever layers you want it on. Entire folder, not just one of the layers!
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Once that's all done, go through and toggle the respective glitter layer for the frame, saving individual copies when done. You should end up with 3 identical images with different glitter distribution.
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"BUT WAIT! JONES, THE TRANSLUCENCY!!" I hear you call! Yes, this is where we handle that! If your character is NOT translucent, you can scroll past this section.
Open up your frames all in one canvas, stacked on top of eachother (no jittering or slight displacement! ON TOP of eachother!)
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Our layout should look something like this...Note how the translucent parts are rather hard to see, well if you took your frames and put them in EZgif, they'd be gone entirely! That's because you physically cannot have a partially translucent gif due to technology limitations. So an easy little cleanup thing I did was:
1. SELECT THE CANVAS AROUND THE CHARACTER WITH THE MAGIC WAND TOOL. Do not have any expansion settings on or it probably won't look right in the end.
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Make sure you do not miss any gaps! I personally missed the gap between the arm, leg, and lanyard and I had to redo this next step...
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3. FILL SELECTION WITH THE DESIRED COLOR. IT MUST BE OPAQUE. I personally picked this cloudy gray color.
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You can now save individual frames of your character with the fill so that they don't go bald when you move on to the next step! Again, you should have 3 frames.
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This is nice and easy. Upload your three frames into EZGIF and wait for it to process. It'll look like this if you're in the right place.
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Once things have loaded, make sure to change the settings to the following:
FRAME DELAY: 0 (this is how fast the frames move.)
You can play around with this but I generally leave everything else alone because you don't need it. Just hit the make a gif button and you're all done!
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Aaaand that's it! If you've read this far...Firstly thank you for dealing with my rambliness and horrible explanation skills. Secondly, I hope that this can come in handy for anyone interested! Would love to see if anyone puts this to use. n_n
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lucerocosplay · 6 months
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Shohki Mask Cover
construction notes & photos under the cut
This has been a long time coming! I'm glad she's a costume I can work a mask into without it breaking the design of the character. I feel like people would be less inclined to ask that you remove it for photos this way ^^;
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I went with a very thin cotton gauze fabric (#9 "coffee" if you're wondering), think a slightly thicker cheese cloth. It's very breathable as a single layer and seemed the best choice for an N95 cover. The shape was really only achievable with this fabric because of the shape of my mask underneath, and some strategically placed 1/2" wide horsehair braid tubing from the dollar tree. I usually stock up around halloween but they stock around christmas too!
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Process is very straight forward, just traced my mask on the fold and made some rough adjustments for a card stock mock up. I like 90-110 lbs for this sort of thing but construction paper can work in a pinch too. Cut that out and fit to my face, tweaked the placement on the nose bridge and added a 1/4" allowance for bias tape/facing, and appropriate allowance for flat felled seams.
The ear tab was extended to cover the mask underneath, and included allowance for support fabric (denim scrap in my case) to support two eyelets intended to thread the elastic of my mask through. Then it was just patterning out the rest of the mask elements and making note of seam allowance and how to cut each piece. I trimmed the tape holding together the card stock mask apart and finally got to cutting out the fabric once that was done.
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There isn't anything fancy going on, the hardest part was just the inset mesh panel over the weirdly shaped keyhole cut outs on the mouth piece. It's just black nylon mesh typically used for interfacing bras sewn on after making the keyholes.
This fabric is like if toilet paper were a textile, which is great for breatheability and weight but absolutely hell for machine work like this. It's not for a competition so for me, hiding messy stitching with weathering later was ok.
The portion of the mask running from the underside of each ear tab was finished with homemade bias tape. The same method was used for finishing the top portion that runs over the bridge of my nose. The ends were simply folded and sewn down at the ear tabs for a clean finish.
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The side "filters" have an extra 1/2" long extension so I can tack in the ends of some horse hair tubing, then double fold the fabric back into itself before hand tacking with tiny stitches from the outside. That helps the light fabric balloon out into that shape, along with another layer of that same mesh interfacing.
They are really fun actually, very floppy with great movement. Though they stick out a tad too much so I did add one small french tack to the center of each to help them point downwards but retain that movement. The "filter" took the most hand finishing out of the whole thing, but that was to be expected.
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Once the little side "filters" were sewn in, there was just light weathering to do. I wanted to add some shadows and potential "mold spores" to certain areas to really make the texture pop and hide some messy stitching. Light passes with a dry brush and some acrylic helped a lot, so did referencing photos of mold growth on clothes.
It was a pass of burnt sienna along all seams and large patches where high humidity would accumulate. Then another lighter pass of burnt umber to deepen up areas, and some very sparse areas of white. Finally I wanted to give it the "blue cheese special" and mixed a little viridian green and that same white and hit the white areas first then dry brushed the spaces between mold patches. I'm trying to replicate active mold colonies so reference photos came in handy here. I also used some nail polish to match the grommets to fabric.
Maybe when I am not crunched for time I will get around to digitizing the pattern, but for now I hope the photos help anyone else trying to plan out a mask. Obviously the shape will change a lot depending on the sort of fabric and mask you have on under it, not to mention face shape. I would imagine bifolds would give you more her classic feed bag profile than an origami style mask, however.
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shokopan · 2 years
3:15  .  K. TSUKISHIMA
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pairing: tsukishima x gn!reader -  cw: cursing genre: fluff
note: reader has hair at a length that tsukishima can play w/, but hair texture isn’t explicitly stated
also hi sorry for ghosting u all for so long but i’m alive and here’s an old fic :D
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“aren’t you supposed to be a tsundere?”
“huh? where’d you get that from, idiot?” tsukishima scoffs, setting his book on the nightstand by his bed before peering down at you.
you’re sprawled out on his bed, head laying on his lap as you continue scrolling through your phone with a knowing smile, “i don’t know, you just look like you’re supposed to be a tsundere. Like how you always hiding how you actually feel under all that snarky remarks,”
tsukishima lets out a faint snort as he listens to you speak, carefully brushing strands of hair from your face with feather-light touches. he coils the lock around his finger before untangling the strand, watching it fall and join the pool of hair splayed near your head. you smile softly, tossing your phone aside and stretching your arms up to cup his face. he obliges, resting his chin gently on the palms of your hand as you continue, “like you always call me idiot, but look at you right now, kei. you’re so fucking soft,”
hearing this, his ears heat up, face turning a brilliant rouge as he instantly retracts and retorts, “no i’m not,”
“yeah, you are,” you laugh, flopping your now empty hands onto your sides as he sighs and repositions your palms for him sit his chin back on them. he rolls his eyes as you let out another string of laughter, “kei, you’re so soft, you can’t tell me otherwise after what you just did,”
“i just didn’t want to see that stupid pout again,” he grumbles, shifting his face so that his cheek was resting against the smooth of your hand and facing away from you. tsukishima sighs, sensing the smug grin on your face without even needing to catch as he reluctantly pivots back to meet your gentle gaze with a halfhearted roll of his eyes before averting them, “but fine, maybe i am soft, or a tsundere, or whatever the fuck,”
“but does it really matter? i love you and you know that,” he whispers, clasping his fingers around your wrist and moving it away as he tips down to place a delicate kiss on your lips, successfully leaving you stunned.
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eddiediaaz · 2 years
hello. it’s me again who asked for the ripped paper tutorial. i can’t wait to try it out later!! are you able to make a tutorial on how you put the text on the ripped paper? thank you so much ☺️
hello! sure! i'll explain how i made the ripped paper effect from this gifset in more details under the cut 😊 (it’s a different method than what i did on my previous tutorial here)
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i apologize in advance for my lack of coherence, i’m not always the best at explaining stuff, especially not in english haha
first things first: make your gif, color it, sharpen it etc etc, and put all of it's layers in a group. i called mine “blended gifs”. oh and make sure you are in timeline mode, not frame animation!
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then you want to import the ripped paper texture(s) you want to use onto your canvas and position them the way you want them to be on top of your gif, like this:
(i am using these textures for most of this gifset)
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what you want to do next is create a mask of this torn up area so the gif layers only show up around the "hole". to do that, select the texture layer and press "ctrl" while clicking on the texture's thumbnail. this will create a selection of your ripped paper texture (you'll see a flashing dotted line showing your selection).
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btw: the ctrl + click method works only if the image/texture has transparency like this texture does.
[if you want yo create your own torn/ripped shape with 2 or more textures, you can place them on top of each other and create a mask by doing ctrl + selecting the thumbnail of the first one, then while still holding ctrl, also hold the shift key and click on the second texture’s thumbnail (and the third, fourth, etc). this will add the shapes to the same selection and then you can create one layer mask with all of the shapes selected together.]
with that selection still active, you want to select your gif's folder you created earlier and click on the add layer mask button.
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this will create a mask for the ripped paper edges on your gif, the group layer should look like this:
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now disable the torn paper texture (by clicking on the eye next to it, you won’t need that torn paper texture layer again), and your gif should look like this so far:
as you can see, there's a transparency issue, and we're losing the top part of the gif. to fix that, you need to brush some white color onto the mask.
to do that, hit ctrl and select the group's mask thumbnail again, you will see the same selection as earlier show up. with the selection ready, select the brush tool in the color white (and 100% opacity), and go brush/paint some white over the whole layer mask. this should fix the transparency issue and the gif should look like this:
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once you're done, hit ctrl + D to make the selection disappear, and still with the layer mask selected on the gif's group, with the brush tool paint some white at the top so we get the top of the image back. it should look like this:
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(you can also brush more white or black to add/remove parts to this layer mask if you want to, it’s what i did for the original gif, actually.)
now you should be ready to put whatever you want in that ripped edges “hole” you’ve created.
what i did for this gifset is i found a random paper texture on google and used it as a background for my text. make sure you put this background texture under the gif folder, so it will only show up in the “hole”. (i put my texture in a group i renamed “text” because i love my psd compositions to be tidy lol)
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then i just typed the text i wanted and positioned it the way i wanted it to look. the text layer should be over the paper texture but still under the gif folder:
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to finalize the look I color corrected the paper to be a bit more bright and added some highlight on the text, here you can do whatever you want to make the text look the way you want it to look.
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i also added a bit of dropped shadow on the edges of the ripped paper. to do that I selected the mask (ctrl + click the smart mask thumbnail), created a new color fill layer (the color is not important). this will create a layer with a layer mask of the selection. i then selected the smart mask thumbnail and hit ctrl + i to invert it, so my mask is not only the inside of the “hole”. then i put this layer on top of everything, and the fill at 0%. finally i added an inner shadow in the layer style options (by double clicking on that color fill layer).
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and that is the final result!
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i hope that wasn’t all too over the place or not too detailed? i wasn’t sure how familiar with photoshop you are 😊
@nightmaarebeforechristmas​ here u go!
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fruchtfleisch-art · 1 month
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It's my cat's second birthday today! Happy birthday Morgan!! 🎉🎉🎂🙌🎁🎊🎉
I made a realistic portrait of him last year, so this year I decided to try something more cartoony, while still paying homage to my favorite traits of Morgan- his adventurous spirit, bravery, and love of play. This is a cat who runs towards fire alarms to see why they're making so much dang noise, so surely he would be a great space explorer!
I really am grateful I get to spend every day with this little guy, whether we're doing clicker training (he can fist bump on command now!), playing chase, or just hanging out quietly in the same room together. We're going to work on harness training and recall this summer while the weather is nice, so hopefully I'll be able to come back next year and say that he's had many more adventures!
Also, this piece was drawn/textured largely with the fantastic assets @tombofnull created-please check out their itch.io and throw some money at them! Their stipple brushes are incredible.
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kradeelav · 2 months
What are your favorite brushes?
Ha, you timed that well as I was considering making a 'what tools do I use' post. information wants to be free and all of that ~
Before I get into specific brushes, I need to mention hardware. Two years ago i switched permanently to linux (Ubuntu distro), via a system76 laptop. Linux isn't for the tech-fainthearted, but if you hav a passion for playing with computers and are feeling increasingly constricted with the subscription BS that mac/win is pushing, consider giving it a trial run.
Krita is an open-sourced free paint/vector program that's available on all major OS's (win/mac/linux), but is by far the best one for linux. Frankly, I adore Krita; it reminds me of the best of paint tool SAI way back in the day, a little of photoshop CS2, and I just discovered in the past two weeks it's got some deceptively powerful vector tools for speech bubbles and comics. open source programs used to be pretty pathetic compared to "professional" ones but the gap between krita and say, CSP is pretty nil.
Now to talk brushes: I uploaded a slightly older version of my go-to brushes here on mediafire, some which have been slightly tweaked from krita defaults. there's a solid pen one, a halftone brush, and some watercolor ones.
however, I discovered these brushes (thanks to @am-herrington) a few months ago and am convinced the linked newer brushes are going to make everything else I have obsolete - the natural/textural inking is just that good. tl;dr - just grab these.
some other odds and ends to my process: i could not draw without the hydrus network which is essentially a booru-esque media organizing program. stores gifs, images, can mass-download images, and has a robust tagging ability. taco's drawing book is one of the one I'll also reliably flip through when my brain's trying to figure out a piece of tricky anatomy. lastly, blambot is my trusted go-to font store when I'm in need of a manga/comics related font; there's some very generous pricing and freebies for indie comics.
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endcant · 18 days
A Big Update
(this is a crosspost of a ko-fi blog post)
there’s a lot to cover, so let’s just jump in!
first and most importantly, i am participating as an artist in a charity event for palestine relief. if you donate a certain amount to palestine aid, you can submit your receipt to our form in return for art! the subject matter i’m doing is my usual stuff— animals, landscapes, and abstracts. i hope you’ll request art from me! you can find out more information about the project here:
i also plan to stream next month to help boost attention towards the event, and i will also be taking part in group streams for the event, so please keep an eye on my social media or ko-fi page for more information about upcoming streams!
next, the may $5+ monthly membership came out last week on the usual drive. it’s a set of cozy, paper-textured phone backgrounds. i tried to go for something a bit more subtle than my usual super bright art. let me know what you think of it!
membership gifts on my store:
learn more about monthly memberships:
the next thing is that there was a big shop update! there are brushes, textures, phone backgrounds, and freebies for anyone! i also plan to upload more items that match the items in this shop update soon!
check out my shop:
next, i uploaded a couple of my songs on youtube. they’re the ones that my friends seem to like the most, so they go up first. i’ve been wanting to start uploading music to youtube for awhile, and now it has begun! check it out:
lastly, i updated my links site:
thanks for your support. i’m always so grateful for the opportunity to spend so much time on creative endeavors. i hope that as i grow as an artist we can do more things together that make the world a better place.
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